Tabernacle of God
Tabernacle of God
Tabernacle of God
House of Worship.
It is written My House shall be called the House of Prayer but ye have made it a den of thieves Matt 21 vs. 13. The scripture makes us understand that Gods House of prayer is the meeting point between God and His people. This shall be a continual burnt offering throughout your generations at the tabernacle of the congregation before the Lord where I will meet you to speak there unto thee. And there I will meet with the children of Israel and the tabernacle shall be sanctified by my glory. And I will sanctify the tabernacle of the congregation and the altar. I will sanctify also Aaron and his sons to minister to me in the priests office. Exodus 29 vs. 42-44. Then a cloud covered the tent of the congregation and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. And Moses was not able to enter into the tent of the congregation, because the cloud abode therein and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. For the cloud of the Lord was upon the tabernacle by day and fire was upon it by night, in the sight of all the house of Israel, throughout all their journeys. Exodus 40 vs. 34-38. The Alter is the Seat of the Ark evidencing the presence of the Sovereign God of the Universe. The Ark contains the two tablets of the ten commandments, the rod of Aaron and specimen of the heavenly mana. The church is, therefore, not only to observe the ten commandments of God but also to teach and ensure that members live in them. 1 king 8, Deut. 10: 1-2. The House of worship is a place where intimate relationships and close connection with God are fueled. It provides the amazing escalator to ascend and descend the throne of Grace. Something amazing happens when we reach out to our Father in His House through prayer. We enter into Gods presence and can access His power, love, peace, and grace for our deliverance, answers to our problems and solutions to the intricacies of the hurting world. Prayer is a key spiritual discipline in the Christian life an awesome privilege. It opens the door for us to approach God and involve Him in our lives. C.C.C Hymn 5 received through the spirit of prophecy also categorically states that we would see Jesus Christ in His Holy church. Gods house of prayer is where you go with a prepared mind; a mind sanctified, circumcised and certified to meet with your Lord, to experience the Shekina glory of heaven; interact with the divine servants of Heaven; pour out of the abundance of your heart and expect to receive and experience that relief that can only possibly come from Him that is Almighty. Paul the Apostle re-emphasizes in 1st Tim 3 vs. 15. But if I tarry long, that thou mayest know how thou ought to behave thyself in the house of God, which is the church of the
Celestial Church of Christ - Voice Of Grace Parish. Tel: 609-771-9227. Website: http://
Living God, the pillar and ground of truth. The Church is a place of uncompromising righteousness, divine love, sincere peace amongst all members, and complete humility. Evidently the House of worship is a Mosaic Ancient Mt. Sinai to talk to God on; one to one. It is Mt. Tabor- to experience a complete transfiguration from the carnality of this world unto the realm of spirituality and anchorage on things of heaven. Conceptually, the House of Worship is a reflection of Moses and the Ten Commandments, Bethlehem and Golgotha, the manger and the Cross, the Death and the Resurrection, the Grace and the Redemption of mankind through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is the foundation of truth, the pillar of righteousness and gospel seat of the personhood, attributes, ways and judgment of the sovereign God of Heaven. It is a place of awesome holiness, reverence, and fear. Our God is a consuming fire: He must be worshipped in the beauty of holiness, and fear. Any House of Worship operating outside this concept is a den of thieves, a club House or a social ground of malady Jeremiah 7:4-12. It is, further, my conviction that the church or House of Worship as Gods representation or agency on earth is the best mechanism to help maintain strong moral values, strong family cohesion and successfully address environmental /community social and spiritual decadence. If the church is a failure in that regard, then society has no other place to look and find Gods solution at work. The line where the sky meets the earth is called the horizon. It is the farthest point of land or water that a person can see. Yet the universe extends beyond what the eye can behold. In a similar way, the churchs vision can be limited while Gods mandate is to bring the knowledge of God the Good news of the Messiah to every nation. He says in Mark 16:15 Go ye into the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. The House of Worship has a divine mandate to share the gospel with the neighborhood, the community, the township and other external and strategic environments through open air, print, and electronic outreaches. This is not an option. The body of Christ - Individuals within the House of worship are also Gods tabernacle. What? Know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God and ye are not your own 1st Co. 6 vs. 19. Every member of the House of Worship is under divine Commission, as profitable servant, to invest time, efforts, and acts of discipleship in gaining Souls for the kingdom of God. Anything short is unprofitable before the Lord. Unfortunately, a number of Houses of Worship are simply raising follower-ships labeled and tagged with the church or parish name rather than being equipped with sound doctrines, and an unwavering focus on things of heaven. Because of the carnal exposure and societal orientations embraced by some Houses of Worships, most of their members are only followers busy bodies, agents of pride, arrogance, hostility, hatred, bitterness, and all forms of immoralities. Such houses of worship are always operating in crisis and stagnation. Remember that all the seventy followers of our Lord Jesus Christ were lost; only the twelve disciples but one stayed to the end!!! John 6:63-70. Through sound doctrine, continual feasting on the Word, uncompromising righteousness, and disciplined/informed leadership let every house of worship endeavor to make discipleship of the members rather than follower-ship. A true Christian House of Worship must be Bible based effectively. Members must be encouraged to feast and live in the word of God rather than rituals of transitory effect. Worship must be in truth and spirit, and the Sanctuary of the Sovereign God of the Universe must be adorned with holiness and trembling. Psalm 96, 1 Peter1: 15-17
Celestial Church of Christ - Voice Of Grace Parish. Tel: 609-771-9227. Website: http://