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Link: Go Here To Download Linux/Win SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer , Config.

and install
SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (text/script/markup editor pad)
Quick Issues
NEW SOON v-20-06-2009
1st: In the not too distant future, i will be effecting a mildly better syntax colouring highlighter for both markup and
script. It will be able to colour both start and end lines effectively. The process to do that i have already developed but is
in another development version i have and as before i require to compile and test that in both Linux and Windows.
2nd: As i said before, i will also bolt into the "special edit board" part of the mechanism the site-blaster.js system uses
to process markup page content with some special mechanisms to allow ease of use in the code repeating system.
preview Image
1. There will be a special content separator token field placed under the incrementor token field for content-pick-up
separation by the nominated token. The token found written into that field must be unique among the text in the content
text file that will also be containing that nominated token.
2. (a) There will be a process screened mechanism of file button and filename field to nominate the content text file to
be used. The token must be placed after the text in the file as a separator between text content pieces.
(b) Also, the point at which to place content to be wrapped by repeated code is to be nominated on the board with the
token once only for where it must be placed among the repeated markup.
(c) The nominated content file must only contain text content separated by that nominated token at time of special
repeater edit board insert.
[As a note to myself: the last content block of text may or may not require the separator token after it by data length or
*There is a tiny catch, a screen size of at least 1024 x 768[ height is the signifigance ] is required.
**Any visible GUI problems can be sent to "subject: ERR-SUcommanderXer ,".
The application text editing has minor support for text encoding, and locale(for holding the components bound to english
schemes for much as the reason) schemes too.
***The code colourer is at early development stage and requires some prompting to operate sometimes. If you need to
recolour the code, because of the colourer stalling, tap the spacebar around five or six times after placing the cursor after a
****As always though, never use the command terminal unless you really understand a commands syntax and know how
to shut down the javaw.exe with CNTRL+ALT+DEL "task manager"(Windows 2000/XP/Vista).
With Linux be sure to open a terminal (e.g. Konsole) and get the PID numbers for before and after you start
SucommanderXer so you can identify a/the bad process, to operate the kill command upon, the right java.bin
process,particularly when there are multiple JVM instances operating(Linux OS's).
*****Don't forget that the "Find or Replace" system often requires re-stablising after use to prevent stickiness(it won't
actually lock up or jam the GUI but will potentially be a pest if you do not [usually bigger files of 90kb-text 20kb or more
coloured script]).
All you need to do is to clear / delete(make the field completely empty) all the text in the "left find field" and press "GO"
on the "find/replace" menu.
This can also apply to the line number painting, but usually you only need to scroll your mouse wheel to straighten it. At
most minimise the application then re-maximise it.
******A minor problem with strings is there is not much identifying processing for the colourer at this time, so always
escape internal apostrophes or double quotes.
/* =============================
e.g. */
file_separator = "\\" ; // escaped file separator in a string
full_file = path_base+file_separator+aFile;
/* Some other abnormalities can be corrected by swapping from " double quote to apostrophes.
============================= */
****** Another minor string colouring problem can be solved if the lines and text are brown completely for a number of
How). Go to the bottom brown line of the set of them and find the first pair of either apostrophes (single quotes) or double
quotes, particularly if they are simply a string declaration for a variable (note usually but not every instance it is a pair of
double quotes need to be changes to single quotes for the colourer).
On that line you may need to swap the quote set for it other set(double to single , or , single to double or a set of them
on that bottom line or line below it)
e.g. change
parts = "";
parts = '';
If there are other quotes on that line for other statement parts, they could require changing also.
14th Nov. 2008:
Small fix , it doesn't change the version 10-11-2008 , merely removes some excess constructed quantities of large buffers
back to the only ones required through(a quantity of code cleaning).
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
First: The syntax colourer and opening the one and only file at a time you can in the editor can be slow.
SUcommanderXer (SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta) is a scripting and basic markup coloured editor.
Like many other go-it-alone software editor or program constructions/developments it came to being because i have my
own ways of doing things and found nothing else supplying the alike of that i do or required.
One such reason it has come to be is the repeated coding in scripts such as if-elses and markup lists such as those
requiring alphabetic collation.
The SPedit board provides some of the beforementioned services to coding unlike most or any other editors or IDE's (i can't
say i've ever achieved seeing them all).
Finally it is pre-beta, so do not expect at any time for this to be a fantastic experience.You should simply be able to aquire
from using it, some of the functions it was designed to enhance in web and local shell editing.
This version will be the last garbage of an uncooked indigestive turbulence that has all the point of why its "pre beta". The
below picture is effectively similar of appearence (less complicated than the releaseable [not completed]) with the version
that will be v1-beta.
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
The application requires a Sun Microsystems Inc. JRE(Java Runtime Environment) of 1.4.2 or newer, other JRE's possibley
will operate the application but this is the Brand used for compile to byte-code binaries.
When installing from a zip file, the archiver application must be set to extract the files with the folder order the files had
been packed or the application will fail to be operable.
You can extract to any drive and folder you wish to place it in.
To use the Windows version .exe self extraction setup for NT2000,2000,XP,Vista you must have Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6
(Windows Script Host) installed in your computer first. Simply double click the .exe called SUcommanderXer-last-pre-
beta.exe and follow the instructions.
Starting the Application :]
[Windows] during setup with the .exe, the application should have successfully placed three icons on your desktop. Th icon
named "Start-SUcommanderXer" should be present and can be clicked/double-clicked to start the application.
If not and the folder containing all the files and its structure for the application are present then inside the folder
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" there is a .exe to double click called "START-SUcommanderXer.exe".
For the zip setup, after installing Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6 (Windows Script Host) if it is not present, you can double click
the file called "Install-Desktop-STARTER-Shortcut-SU.js" to place icons onto your desktop.
These setup scripts are set to run under the present user.
[Linux] You can only use the zip version to install the application in Linux. It will require the same as windows for a JRE
but does not have/use any helper install scripts.
If there are any real problems with triggering executable .sh shell scripts in your distro, be sure to set the
"" executable on your "properties"-file information tab/dialog to executable under your username.
While you should simply be able to click on the .sh "" , if that does not start then use the
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" folder window "tools" menu and select "execute shell command". A small dialog should
pop up and if you have selected the "" icon it will be in the one line text field as
'./'. Press the execute button on the dialog and SUcommanderXer should start.
1. Select the file with a single right-click on it.
2. Use "Tools" menu on the folders menu bar and press "Execute Shell Command" on its menu.
3. The File-browser Application(usually "Konqueror") pops a box to verify the action by the user pressing "OK" .
4. The output from the command should appear something like.....
21-10-2008 build (note: Again i state that at this stage that i do not know the exact result of using the Windows build
compiler so there could be differences in GUI rendering results).
[Mac] (note: I know less again about the result Mac OS will have upon it but it will probably not be dissimilar to Linux).
To start SUcommanderXer in Mac the only version i have used allows right clicking on the .class file and brings up a context
menu that will allow you to choose how to run it. Do not attempt to or execute any commands in SUcommanderXers'
command line console in Mac OS at this stage.
Neither am i sure of the actual results from using it in Mac OS , so do not use or install it if you are not prepared (more so
than the other OS's here) to require recovering from a crash if that occurs under your own responsibility and libility.
filetypes :]
A good contrasting of the service this editor gives against "windows notepad" is the operations that can be performed, In
effect you can edit XML and HTML based files or html files aside to "text or scripts", and with encoding(requirements).
redundant information: Recently i started with a 185kb text file to edit for a WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)
list i'm building. The list i opened in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and it required around 30-40 seconds to open. In
contrast to it i opened it in notepad and it went to the screen almost instantly, BUT, when i tried to do a replace edit to
remove excess spaces in notepad it lumbered away at a couple of hundred lines out of 2000 or so and began to crash the
computer because it was overloaded. I then tried in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and while the result was alike moving
around in space above the earth for speed it complied to every request finalising it in around thirty seconds until the file
was around 70kb of size and the interface and process speeded up.
[a note about the replace system, you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke
the finder. If you want to turn of a text .txt files find highlights, then you press GO with nothing in the find field ]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
is a web and "loacal shell language" scripting editor with some syntax colouring support. Aside to that are a special set of
editing functions and editing assistances to make coding easier. While the documentation (language reference) for a
scripting language should always be at ready and used, the reason for the lists system for functions and operators is part
of the scheme to make the editing easier and more efficient. So too(making editing easier) is the contents of the right
click popup menu(context menu). It contains required instant controls for any minor mistakes or corrections and changes in
text(to upper case, or , to lower case).
One final note: The folder the app resides in at present is called "SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" and was called
LixStarterMotor.class for Linux requires to be the correct version or you will need to cd into "engine" folder and execute
the "java Sutest3" command from the shell prompt. Always unzip the app "using folder structure setting" with your
archiving extractor application. You can put this editing application anywhere on your drive in its folder.
However you can down load and coppy the correct LixStarterMotor.class version for the folder here:
(July 18 2008 20:00 pm E.S.T.)
Recently the Tooljavascript.class has had some DOM and DHTML added for better .js file colouring and editing.
(July 19 [morning] 2008 0:00 pm E.S.T.)
A number of new additions have been placed into SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta,
When a file is "saved" or "save as" the syntax colour is triggered after testing the file type.
The configuration board has had two "lists" added, A locale "language" , and A locale "Country" to choose from, the catch is
the better match the settings you choose together. The default is set as country "US"[two capital letters always] and,
lanuage "eng"[three lower case letters (almost always)]. The lists can be hand filled in, but that is if you know what your
This occurred because i had no way of changing the editor language and the only machines i could access are in an Asian
locale by default and i could not make UTF-16 operate though the encoding and settings were all correct.
The following two URL's will give you a list of the values and some explanation how to set locale settings in configuration.
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
Finally, the floating "languages list"(programming) toolbar has had the buttons and field for finding in the list made
smaller so hopefully it fits now for LINUX.
Found more and suitable methods and properties for "Tooljavascript.class" . Tooljavascript(new-18-07-2008).zip is now
actually updated today (July 19) and contains better DOM javascript and xslt support.
Note: That this version apart to Linux will also operate in Windows and mac [re: shell script exec commands of (java -
classpath "" Sutest3) ]
re arranged the colouring a tiny piece, and put in a javaw Sytsem.exit[MS Windows] since it popped up again.
Click the image above for a larger screen shot.
Editor GUI controls :]
Some quick tips because of usability problems at EDITING at this stage.
1st. There is NO "undo/redo" system for the editor.
Some menus are not supplied to the text input parts at this time, but they can be used with knowing platform editing keys
For PC X86:
CNTRL + C keys together means "copy" selected text(data) to the system board.
CNTRL + A keys together means to "select all" text(data) inside the editor pane.
CNTRL + V keys together means to "paste" the previous copied text(data) to the editor pane from the cursor.
To make and extend a selection:
HOLD DOWN SHIFT + HOLD DOWN(Any of the arrow keys to extend the selection)
To select a complete line:
Triple click on the line using the left mouse button(alike double clicking)
For other OS platforms see your java and particularly OS documentation.
A good example of this(menus ... not supplied) is the two editable fields for "find" and "replace" to the right of the
"SUcommanderXer menu" on the window bar at the top. At some time when it reaches the priority of the writing i will add
the interface and events of javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
The SPedit board text inputs require the same also to use system editing memory and actions(note again there is no
"undo/redo" system).
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
All the usual controls required.
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Note: To use encoding schemes, if you change the encoding(or anything else in the config panel) you must restart the
The configuration Panel sets the editor bare requirements for use, no choice in syntax colouring scheme is given. Whether
the editor responds to the configuration settings is dependent if your machine has these(probably does) available
resources to decode/encode text types or if it has the font family resources. Sun Microsystems Java2 runtime environment
(JRE) (if up to date e.g. JRE 1.5.0 or 1.6.0 versions) does supply some of these encodings and some fonts, but there is no
gaurantee of any of those being present in your machine, So as before, use this at major risk(although these
beforementioned in this paragraph are minor or negligable risk).
"Default editor Input Char encoding" is for you to attempt to adjust the editor pane to the keyboards input if it has some
unuasual purpose as being a 16bit text input(e.g. special purpose machine).
for most purposes it should be iso-8859-1 or 2 , because any "en" locale and new 64 bit machines for ordinary users will
only require you to see ordinary text for most.
(More in section Editor settings configuration panel :] below)
Here is previously shown "Locale" information for the editor and files configuration for use:
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
The textareas and fields remain for much in english-"language" and US-"country" locale at this time.
(If possible as an international user) To use this editor for local text, The controls and textfields are not properly cross-
matched to the locale in the "configuration panel" settings. If it is possible to enter your "editor" and "save/open file" file
encodings into the configuration in english [e.g. UNICODE or UTF-16 or generic local file encoding] you should be able to
cause a stable use of the editor pane (text area) at least for text editing.
Editor Fonts :]
If you do not have some fonts i have found are ok for editing, you can download them and install them from these
locations. (These are the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Family)
DejaVu fonts 2.22 release
Editor settings configuration panel :]
This is the configuration panel most are directly for the editor, and "locale language" has been added recently.
"Default editor input Char encoding" is a field you will not need to change unless you specifically operate in both an
"internationalised" Java Runtime Environment(Internationalised JRE) and/or a Character scheme unusual inside the generic
written phonetical language "Locale" you use.
This was for most inserted for the editor pane and file reading system "to stabilise English Locale" and character
"encodings" when this application is used on a machine that does not use English as its default or uses an unusual
keyboard input character set as default or on rigid use/purpose policy.
To change to the type of file character set used by an individual file (for Saving/Opening) e.g. UTF-16 or IBM-850, change
the "Default Save File Character Encoding:"
find and replace text highlighting :]
The find and replace highlighting is "as is", The left text field with the word parse is for the word to "find". To replace, you
require to put a word in the text field to the immediate right and then select from the menu to "replace". When done, you
will find the menu has been set back to "find" automatically.
you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke the finder.
If you want to turn off a text .txt files "find highlights"(clear), then you press GO with nothing in the find field.
the FIND text field is the left field in the picture below with "parse" written in it. The right field is for the replace
Note: the text inputs have both been changed to editable drop down lists to store the session usage. Its dumped when
you close the editor.
I have updated the find/replace mechanism since i found the code had been bumped sometime during major internal
additions and refits of the source.
To use it now gives you that it should and a memory of the items found or swapped(replaced).
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
You can select the platform OS line feed to save in.
You cannot at this time open files using line feed type at this time.
One of three platform new line characters is auto detected on open but must "always" be specified "at saving the file" [Mac
\r , MS Windows \r\n , Linux/UNIX 2char \n ]
This section i want feedback about , to be sure the correct process is used to "encode and decode" with the correct
platform chars.
There are four languages for the editor here in this release.
Javascript [WSH X-BROWSER ASP]
Something like, and script alone only, [ .js .php .cgi .pl .sh .bsh .ksh .csh ]
The upper list is now the language function/subroutine list. The below list is the operator list. The operator list contains
Various languages symbols and some standard coding constructs for fast templating and laying down code.
Its a special "dragged out" floating tool frame.
The operator list (lower list) is used to trigger iterated (sequence repeated editor) SP editing BOARD insertions
(GO HERE TO SP Editing board)
"with" an "inserted text number" for "each iteration" of the sequence the tool commits after it is setup.
When using the lists, you must have the "list toolbar window" grey at the top not blue when you click the list to prevent
double entry of the list-item.
The way to do that is to find the item wanted first and be sure it is visible, then place the cursor where the item is to be
placed in the editor, that should result in the "list toolbar" blue strip becoming grey when the editor area has the cursor
Finally, click the item to insert, directly while the list toolbar window is grey.
The context menu for the editor(Sometimes called the right click menu).Essential test tools.
You can copy from the command output panel , but you cannot use the toupper or tolowercase whether they are there, nor
paste[these are not hooked into the comm panel properly only the editor panel ].
The "save" and "Save as" only apply to the file in the editor, not the command output board or its logging.
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
The middle white text field is a little odd to operate. It allows input of localised to the command, environment settings.Its
If you want to try it , look up Sun Microsystems Inc. Docs java.lang.Runtime "exec()" function carrying the overloading of
command , environment comma seperated list , and working directory [3 arguments].
I truly do not know what the result could be.
The rules for its use are as before. If you run a command that could take time, sit and wait for it to complete. If your not
sure of what that would do , do not attempt to run the command.
The command operates in the foreground at this time, so it will hog your machine until completion.
Simple command example (note: the middle text field is not explained in this document, it is for "command environment")
Standard type command with switches (note: to run executables in windows requires using the System32 as working
Query an executables arguments
Special : "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
New 3rd Nov 2008 {n8} "Tokenised" numeric insert p/loop iteration [insert the number anywhere the token word is placed
in the repeat code]
Simply be sure the token-word used in the lower green text field is not present in the code/text you are inserting except
for the purpose of swapping for the number.
Reasonably complete now, You can index increment numbers into code with an operator repeated sequence(The blue
number QUANTITY , The green number is the number start incrementing from) , or you can "iterate a list implicitly of its
quantity p/new line" inserting whatever is required to be repeated with each list line item by clicking the insert set button,
it should be good for string comparison if-elses and switches.(count from checkbox does not exist now).
To insert the repeting incrementing of a number as text,"do not press insert set" , press an "operator symbol" in the
operator languages list pretend/imagine the blue number is where the operator will be inserted each iteration until the
quantity[the blue numer] has been committed into the editing field. The green number will be the "first printed number" of
the iterations that you want the recursively wriiten numbers started from, it will also be placed directly left and beside the
inserted operator.
"count from" checkbox no longer exists, a method overloading is used in the code/binaries of SUcommanderXer to achieve
the same commission.
3a. 3b.
1.Setup of repeater HTML table datas for automatic numeric id and insertion SP edit board with twenty five iterations
nominated and start from zero.
2.Clicked double quote in the "Operator list" to trigger the incremented insertions.
3(a. and b.).Inserted repeated table data in the editor pane note the ids values.
The board now has an alpha numeric collation system for lists, the center Text area is used to extract and rearrange the
list items p/line. Notice the new buttons on lower left of the panel (02-08-08), there is also now list line end clearing of
white spaces. These two only operate with the center text area.
1. This is a repeated "if else" system(commonly called an "else if") being setup for the script by "list iteration insertion".
(note: there is an unseen space and " if" at the start of the characters in the left side B&W text area and the "true, used,
new-line to add setting" is to attach no new-line p/iteration).
2.SHOWN BELOW NEXT(image): After editing by the "list" inserter,(by pressing the "insert set" button).
Note: inserting by list does not use the green number text field. LINK: See new functions below
The other trigger is to use the blue and green number fields with the two outer Black and White multi-line textfields(only
[do not use the central for text]), then click "the operator symbols (lower list) list" while the "SP edit insert" panel is open.
3 NEW FEATURES 31-01-2009:
1. 2.
The above pair (1. AND 2.) are the gui controls to create files with some code base for XML , XHTML , HTML , TLD and
The filename will be "NEWBASEFILE" plus the standard extension. NOTE: Always close the window(fig 1.) after one use, if
you need to use it again you should close it then re-open it.
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
3. This next is the main feature upgrade. The "collated / list insert system" will now iterate over the sets(per line) and
place incremented numerics into each line capsule of list information using the @#Token#@ wherever found and its
starting number is written in the above field.
If you were to place 9 in the counter field and you had a list of five words each on their own line (as instructed above "list
insert") the last numbers printed with the tokens found in the "left" and "right" fields would be 13's and the first set would
contain 9's.
However, do not forget that with list insert you cannot nominate the number of times to increment the counter number and
repeat code, with list insert it is governed by the quantity to encapsulate in the list set.
NEW features SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta 20-06-2009
%CONTENT% token insert, What it does.
This system allows you to place the %CONTENT% token "in a text content file" (that will be use in "example: a markup
document)" (as many times as required No need for start of the file or end of file) containing content you want to split
then place between the HTML box tags, example "TD tags in an html table" , one after the other, but repeat the HTML
code(wrapper and encapsulte).
You place the %CONTENT% token in the text file(e.g. ".txt") where you want it to split the file into information chunks.
Example content file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
Example OUTPUT HTML file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
There is minor quantity of editing in the HTML page after using the "SPedit list insert" %CONTENT%, again "SPedit list
insert" was used to make the UL list and number it for the "==index=="( Along with some minor adjustments).
How to use the %CONTENT% token insert.
This feature requires the use of the "insert list" button. While the "operator triggered insert" with increment counter can do
this that would not be easy to manage until you get a good feel for this editor.
Obtain the token from the yellow and black field by focusing it and pressing the Cntrl+A key then press Cntrl+C together
to copy it. On either the left or right field in among the HTML tags to encapsulate content you place the %CONTENT%
token, only once.
Press Cntrl+V key to paste it.
If you want to add a list as far as that goes(one after the other line) you can but thats a limitation.
Finally, to trigger the file to be picked up as content, you must load it last thing-to-do with the load "content feed" button,
that doubles as a list file loader for loading the central one-line-only list field.
REMEMBER, there must be at least one char and one (return button) new line in the central field for insert list to operate.
The above picture coresponds to this zip file contents to download and try to see the result.
Simply select all of the contents of the appropriate file for the information and place it in the textarea associate the files
DOWNLOAD: EXAMPLE CONTENT FEED SETUP: SUcommanderXer-list-content-token-templte(20-06-2009).zip
It will for/with %$CONTENT$% token, start from zero "0" to swap @#Token#@ , and place the contents of "the first list
line" in correct order.
Example output HTML from the example zips' contents.
Link: Example
Link(Get it from Here): Requires a Sun Microsystems JRE VM 1.4.2 or newer to operate it
(2014) PDF HELPFILE (20-06-2009) SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (size: 1.25 MB (1,318,912 bytes))
NEW FUNCTIONS 20-06-2009 (download zip and exe)
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
Starting the Application :]
filetypes :]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
Editor GUI controls :]
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Editor Fonts :]
Editor settings configuration panel :]
find and replace text highlighting :]
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
FEATURE: Special "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
Page 1 / 14
Link: Go Here To Download Linux/Win SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer , Config. and install
SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (text/script/markup editor pad)
Quick Issues
NEW SOON v-20-06-2009
1st: In the not too distant future, i will be effecting a mildly better syntax colouring highlighter for both markup and
script. It will be able to colour both start and end lines effectively. The process to do that i have already developed but is
in another development version i have and as before i require to compile and test that in both Linux and Windows.
2nd: As i said before, i will also bolt into the "special edit board" part of the mechanism the site-blaster.js system uses
to process markup page content with some special mechanisms to allow ease of use in the code repeating system.
preview Image
1. There will be a special content separator token field placed under the incrementor token field for content-pick-up
separation by the nominated token. The token found written into that field must be unique among the text in the content
text file that will also be containing that nominated token.
2. (a) There will be a process screened mechanism of file button and filename field to nominate the content text file to
be used. The token must be placed after the text in the file as a separator between text content pieces.
(b) Also, the point at which to place content to be wrapped by repeated code is to be nominated on the board with the
token once only for where it must be placed among the repeated markup.
(c) The nominated content file must only contain text content separated by that nominated token at time of special
repeater edit board insert.
[As a note to myself: the last content block of text may or may not require the separator token after it by data length or
*There is a tiny catch, a screen size of at least 1024 x 768[ height is the signifigance ] is required.
**Any visible GUI problems can be sent to "subject: ERR-SUcommanderXer ,".
The application text editing has minor support for text encoding, and locale(for holding the components bound to english
schemes for much as the reason) schemes too.
***The code colourer is at early development stage and requires some prompting to operate sometimes. If you need to
recolour the code, because of the colourer stalling, tap the spacebar around five or six times after placing the cursor after a
****As always though, never use the command terminal unless you really understand a commands syntax and know how
to shut down the javaw.exe with CNTRL+ALT+DEL "task manager"(Windows 2000/XP/Vista).
With Linux be sure to open a terminal (e.g. Konsole) and get the PID numbers for before and after you start
SucommanderXer so you can identify a/the bad process, to operate the kill command upon, the right java.bin
process,particularly when there are multiple JVM instances operating(Linux OS's).
*****Don't forget that the "Find or Replace" system often requires re-stablising after use to prevent stickiness(it won't
actually lock up or jam the GUI but will potentially be a pest if you do not [usually bigger files of 90kb-text 20kb or more
coloured script]).
All you need to do is to clear / delete(make the field completely empty) all the text in the "left find field" and press "GO"
on the "find/replace" menu.
This can also apply to the line number painting, but usually you only need to scroll your mouse wheel to straighten it. At
most minimise the application then re-maximise it.
******A minor problem with strings is there is not much identifying processing for the colourer at this time, so always
escape internal apostrophes or double quotes.
/* =============================
e.g. */
file_separator = "\\" ; // escaped file separator in a string
full_file = path_base+file_separator+aFile;
/* Some other abnormalities can be corrected by swapping from " double quote to apostrophes.
============================= */
****** Another minor string colouring problem can be solved if the lines and text are brown completely for a number of
How). Go to the bottom brown line of the set of them and find the first pair of either apostrophes (single quotes) or double
quotes, particularly if they are simply a string declaration for a variable (note usually but not every instance it is a pair of
double quotes need to be changes to single quotes for the colourer).
On that line you may need to swap the quote set for it other set(double to single , or , single to double or a set of them
on that bottom line or line below it)
e.g. change
parts = "";
parts = '';
If there are other quotes on that line for other statement parts, they could require changing also.
14th Nov. 2008:
Small fix , it doesn't change the version 10-11-2008 , merely removes some excess constructed quantities of large buffers
back to the only ones required through(a quantity of code cleaning).
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
First: The syntax colourer and opening the one and only file at a time you can in the editor can be slow.
SUcommanderXer (SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta) is a scripting and basic markup coloured editor.
Like many other go-it-alone software editor or program constructions/developments it came to being because i have my
own ways of doing things and found nothing else supplying the alike of that i do or required.
One such reason it has come to be is the repeated coding in scripts such as if-elses and markup lists such as those
requiring alphabetic collation.
The SPedit board provides some of the beforementioned services to coding unlike most or any other editors or IDE's (i can't
say i've ever achieved seeing them all).
Finally it is pre-beta, so do not expect at any time for this to be a fantastic experience.You should simply be able to aquire
from using it, some of the functions it was designed to enhance in web and local shell editing.
This version will be the last garbage of an uncooked indigestive turbulence that has all the point of why its "pre beta". The
below picture is effectively similar of appearence (less complicated than the releaseable [not completed]) with the version
that will be v1-beta.
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
The application requires a Sun Microsystems Inc. JRE(Java Runtime Environment) of 1.4.2 or newer, other JRE's possibley
will operate the application but this is the Brand used for compile to byte-code binaries.
When installing from a zip file, the archiver application must be set to extract the files with the folder order the files had
been packed or the application will fail to be operable.
You can extract to any drive and folder you wish to place it in.
To use the Windows version .exe self extraction setup for NT2000,2000,XP,Vista you must have Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6
(Windows Script Host) installed in your computer first. Simply double click the .exe called SUcommanderXer-last-pre-
beta.exe and follow the instructions.
Starting the Application :]
[Windows] during setup with the .exe, the application should have successfully placed three icons on your desktop. Th icon
named "Start-SUcommanderXer" should be present and can be clicked/double-clicked to start the application.
If not and the folder containing all the files and its structure for the application are present then inside the folder
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" there is a .exe to double click called "START-SUcommanderXer.exe".
For the zip setup, after installing Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6 (Windows Script Host) if it is not present, you can double click
the file called "Install-Desktop-STARTER-Shortcut-SU.js" to place icons onto your desktop.
These setup scripts are set to run under the present user.
[Linux] You can only use the zip version to install the application in Linux. It will require the same as windows for a JRE
but does not have/use any helper install scripts.
If there are any real problems with triggering executable .sh shell scripts in your distro, be sure to set the
"" executable on your "properties"-file information tab/dialog to executable under your username.
While you should simply be able to click on the .sh "" , if that does not start then use the
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" folder window "tools" menu and select "execute shell command". A small dialog should
pop up and if you have selected the "" icon it will be in the one line text field as
'./'. Press the execute button on the dialog and SUcommanderXer should start.
1. Select the file with a single right-click on it.
2. Use "Tools" menu on the folders menu bar and press "Execute Shell Command" on its menu.
3. The File-browser Application(usually "Konqueror") pops a box to verify the action by the user pressing "OK" .
4. The output from the command should appear something like.....
21-10-2008 build (note: Again i state that at this stage that i do not know the exact result of using the Windows build
compiler so there could be differences in GUI rendering results).
[Mac] (note: I know less again about the result Mac OS will have upon it but it will probably not be dissimilar to Linux).
To start SUcommanderXer in Mac the only version i have used allows right clicking on the .class file and brings up a context
menu that will allow you to choose how to run it. Do not attempt to or execute any commands in SUcommanderXers'
command line console in Mac OS at this stage.
Neither am i sure of the actual results from using it in Mac OS , so do not use or install it if you are not prepared (more so
than the other OS's here) to require recovering from a crash if that occurs under your own responsibility and libility.
filetypes :]
A good contrasting of the service this editor gives against "windows notepad" is the operations that can be performed, In
effect you can edit XML and HTML based files or html files aside to "text or scripts", and with encoding(requirements).
redundant information: Recently i started with a 185kb text file to edit for a WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)
list i'm building. The list i opened in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and it required around 30-40 seconds to open. In
contrast to it i opened it in notepad and it went to the screen almost instantly, BUT, when i tried to do a replace edit to
remove excess spaces in notepad it lumbered away at a couple of hundred lines out of 2000 or so and began to crash the
computer because it was overloaded. I then tried in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and while the result was alike moving
around in space above the earth for speed it complied to every request finalising it in around thirty seconds until the file
was around 70kb of size and the interface and process speeded up.
[a note about the replace system, you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke
the finder. If you want to turn of a text .txt files find highlights, then you press GO with nothing in the find field ]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
is a web and "loacal shell language" scripting editor with some syntax colouring support. Aside to that are a special set of
editing functions and editing assistances to make coding easier. While the documentation (language reference) for a
scripting language should always be at ready and used, the reason for the lists system for functions and operators is part
of the scheme to make the editing easier and more efficient. So too(making editing easier) is the contents of the right
click popup menu(context menu). It contains required instant controls for any minor mistakes or corrections and changes in
text(to upper case, or , to lower case).
One final note: The folder the app resides in at present is called "SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" and was called
LixStarterMotor.class for Linux requires to be the correct version or you will need to cd into "engine" folder and execute
the "java Sutest3" command from the shell prompt. Always unzip the app "using folder structure setting" with your
archiving extractor application. You can put this editing application anywhere on your drive in its folder.
However you can down load and coppy the correct LixStarterMotor.class version for the folder here:
(July 18 2008 20:00 pm E.S.T.)
Recently the Tooljavascript.class has had some DOM and DHTML added for better .js file colouring and editing.
(July 19 [morning] 2008 0:00 pm E.S.T.)
A number of new additions have been placed into SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta,
When a file is "saved" or "save as" the syntax colour is triggered after testing the file type.
The configuration board has had two "lists" added, A locale "language" , and A locale "Country" to choose from, the catch is
the better match the settings you choose together. The default is set as country "US"[two capital letters always] and,
lanuage "eng"[three lower case letters (almost always)]. The lists can be hand filled in, but that is if you know what your
This occurred because i had no way of changing the editor language and the only machines i could access are in an Asian
locale by default and i could not make UTF-16 operate though the encoding and settings were all correct.
The following two URL's will give you a list of the values and some explanation how to set locale settings in configuration.
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
Finally, the floating "languages list"(programming) toolbar has had the buttons and field for finding in the list made
smaller so hopefully it fits now for LINUX.
Found more and suitable methods and properties for "Tooljavascript.class" . Tooljavascript(new-18-07-2008).zip is now
actually updated today (July 19) and contains better DOM javascript and xslt support.
Note: That this version apart to Linux will also operate in Windows and mac [re: shell script exec commands of (java -
classpath "" Sutest3) ]
re arranged the colouring a tiny piece, and put in a javaw Sytsem.exit[MS Windows] since it popped up again.
Click the image above for a larger screen shot.
Editor GUI controls :]
Some quick tips because of usability problems at EDITING at this stage.
1st. There is NO "undo/redo" system for the editor.
Some menus are not supplied to the text input parts at this time, but they can be used with knowing platform editing keys
For PC X86:
CNTRL + C keys together means "copy" selected text(data) to the system board.
CNTRL + A keys together means to "select all" text(data) inside the editor pane.
CNTRL + V keys together means to "paste" the previous copied text(data) to the editor pane from the cursor.
To make and extend a selection:
HOLD DOWN SHIFT + HOLD DOWN(Any of the arrow keys to extend the selection)
To select a complete line:
Triple click on the line using the left mouse button(alike double clicking)
For other OS platforms see your java and particularly OS documentation.
A good example of this(menus ... not supplied) is the two editable fields for "find" and "replace" to the right of the
"SUcommanderXer menu" on the window bar at the top. At some time when it reaches the priority of the writing i will add
the interface and events of javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
The SPedit board text inputs require the same also to use system editing memory and actions(note again there is no
"undo/redo" system).
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
All the usual controls required.
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Note: To use encoding schemes, if you change the encoding(or anything else in the config panel) you must restart the
The configuration Panel sets the editor bare requirements for use, no choice in syntax colouring scheme is given. Whether
the editor responds to the configuration settings is dependent if your machine has these(probably does) available
resources to decode/encode text types or if it has the font family resources. Sun Microsystems Java2 runtime environment
(JRE) (if up to date e.g. JRE 1.5.0 or 1.6.0 versions) does supply some of these encodings and some fonts, but there is no
gaurantee of any of those being present in your machine, So as before, use this at major risk(although these
beforementioned in this paragraph are minor or negligable risk).
"Default editor Input Char encoding" is for you to attempt to adjust the editor pane to the keyboards input if it has some
unuasual purpose as being a 16bit text input(e.g. special purpose machine).
for most purposes it should be iso-8859-1 or 2 , because any "en" locale and new 64 bit machines for ordinary users will
only require you to see ordinary text for most.
(More in section Editor settings configuration panel :] below)
Here is previously shown "Locale" information for the editor and files configuration for use:
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
The textareas and fields remain for much in english-"language" and US-"country" locale at this time.
(If possible as an international user) To use this editor for local text, The controls and textfields are not properly cross-
matched to the locale in the "configuration panel" settings. If it is possible to enter your "editor" and "save/open file" file
encodings into the configuration in english [e.g. UNICODE or UTF-16 or generic local file encoding] you should be able to
cause a stable use of the editor pane (text area) at least for text editing.
Editor Fonts :]
If you do not have some fonts i have found are ok for editing, you can download them and install them from these
locations. (These are the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Family)
DejaVu fonts 2.22 release
Editor settings configuration panel :]
This is the configuration panel most are directly for the editor, and "locale language" has been added recently.
"Default editor input Char encoding" is a field you will not need to change unless you specifically operate in both an
"internationalised" Java Runtime Environment(Internationalised JRE) and/or a Character scheme unusual inside the generic
written phonetical language "Locale" you use.
This was for most inserted for the editor pane and file reading system "to stabilise English Locale" and character
"encodings" when this application is used on a machine that does not use English as its default or uses an unusual
keyboard input character set as default or on rigid use/purpose policy.
To change to the type of file character set used by an individual file (for Saving/Opening) e.g. UTF-16 or IBM-850, change
the "Default Save File Character Encoding:"
find and replace text highlighting :]
The find and replace highlighting is "as is", The left text field with the word parse is for the word to "find". To replace, you
require to put a word in the text field to the immediate right and then select from the menu to "replace". When done, you
will find the menu has been set back to "find" automatically.
you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke the finder.
If you want to turn off a text .txt files "find highlights"(clear), then you press GO with nothing in the find field.
the FIND text field is the left field in the picture below with "parse" written in it. The right field is for the replace
Note: the text inputs have both been changed to editable drop down lists to store the session usage. Its dumped when
you close the editor.
I have updated the find/replace mechanism since i found the code had been bumped sometime during major internal
additions and refits of the source.
To use it now gives you that it should and a memory of the items found or swapped(replaced).
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
You can select the platform OS line feed to save in.
You cannot at this time open files using line feed type at this time.
One of three platform new line characters is auto detected on open but must "always" be specified "at saving the file" [Mac
\r , MS Windows \r\n , Linux/UNIX 2char \n ]
This section i want feedback about , to be sure the correct process is used to "encode and decode" with the correct
platform chars.
There are four languages for the editor here in this release.
Javascript [WSH X-BROWSER ASP]
Something like, and script alone only, [ .js .php .cgi .pl .sh .bsh .ksh .csh ]
The upper list is now the language function/subroutine list. The below list is the operator list. The operator list contains
Various languages symbols and some standard coding constructs for fast templating and laying down code.
Its a special "dragged out" floating tool frame.
The operator list (lower list) is used to trigger iterated (sequence repeated editor) SP editing BOARD insertions
(GO HERE TO SP Editing board)
"with" an "inserted text number" for "each iteration" of the sequence the tool commits after it is setup.
When using the lists, you must have the "list toolbar window" grey at the top not blue when you click the list to prevent
double entry of the list-item.
The way to do that is to find the item wanted first and be sure it is visible, then place the cursor where the item is to be
placed in the editor, that should result in the "list toolbar" blue strip becoming grey when the editor area has the cursor
Finally, click the item to insert, directly while the list toolbar window is grey.
The context menu for the editor(Sometimes called the right click menu).Essential test tools.
You can copy from the command output panel , but you cannot use the toupper or tolowercase whether they are there, nor
paste[these are not hooked into the comm panel properly only the editor panel ].
The "save" and "Save as" only apply to the file in the editor, not the command output board or its logging.
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
The middle white text field is a little odd to operate. It allows input of localised to the command, environment settings.Its
If you want to try it , look up Sun Microsystems Inc. Docs java.lang.Runtime "exec()" function carrying the overloading of
command , environment comma seperated list , and working directory [3 arguments].
I truly do not know what the result could be.
The rules for its use are as before. If you run a command that could take time, sit and wait for it to complete. If your not
sure of what that would do , do not attempt to run the command.
The command operates in the foreground at this time, so it will hog your machine until completion.
Simple command example (note: the middle text field is not explained in this document, it is for "command environment")
Standard type command with switches (note: to run executables in windows requires using the System32 as working
Query an executables arguments
Special : "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
New 3rd Nov 2008 {n8} "Tokenised" numeric insert p/loop iteration [insert the number anywhere the token word is placed
in the repeat code]
Simply be sure the token-word used in the lower green text field is not present in the code/text you are inserting except
for the purpose of swapping for the number.
Reasonably complete now, You can index increment numbers into code with an operator repeated sequence(The blue
number QUANTITY , The green number is the number start incrementing from) , or you can "iterate a list implicitly of its
quantity p/new line" inserting whatever is required to be repeated with each list line item by clicking the insert set button,
it should be good for string comparison if-elses and switches.(count from checkbox does not exist now).
To insert the repeting incrementing of a number as text,"do not press insert set" , press an "operator symbol" in the
operator languages list pretend/imagine the blue number is where the operator will be inserted each iteration until the
quantity[the blue numer] has been committed into the editing field. The green number will be the "first printed number" of
the iterations that you want the recursively wriiten numbers started from, it will also be placed directly left and beside the
inserted operator.
"count from" checkbox no longer exists, a method overloading is used in the code/binaries of SUcommanderXer to achieve
the same commission.
3a. 3b.
1.Setup of repeater HTML table datas for automatic numeric id and insertion SP edit board with twenty five iterations
nominated and start from zero.
2.Clicked double quote in the "Operator list" to trigger the incremented insertions.
3(a. and b.).Inserted repeated table data in the editor pane note the ids values.
The board now has an alpha numeric collation system for lists, the center Text area is used to extract and rearrange the
list items p/line. Notice the new buttons on lower left of the panel (02-08-08), there is also now list line end clearing of
white spaces. These two only operate with the center text area.
1. This is a repeated "if else" system(commonly called an "else if") being setup for the script by "list iteration insertion".
(note: there is an unseen space and " if" at the start of the characters in the left side B&W text area and the "true, used,
new-line to add setting" is to attach no new-line p/iteration).
2.SHOWN BELOW NEXT(image): After editing by the "list" inserter,(by pressing the "insert set" button).
Note: inserting by list does not use the green number text field. LINK: See new functions below
The other trigger is to use the blue and green number fields with the two outer Black and White multi-line textfields(only
[do not use the central for text]), then click "the operator symbols (lower list) list" while the "SP edit insert" panel is open.
3 NEW FEATURES 31-01-2009:
1. 2.
The above pair (1. AND 2.) are the gui controls to create files with some code base for XML , XHTML , HTML , TLD and
The filename will be "NEWBASEFILE" plus the standard extension. NOTE: Always close the window(fig 1.) after one use, if
you need to use it again you should close it then re-open it.
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
3. This next is the main feature upgrade. The "collated / list insert system" will now iterate over the sets(per line) and
place incremented numerics into each line capsule of list information using the @#Token#@ wherever found and its
starting number is written in the above field.
If you were to place 9 in the counter field and you had a list of five words each on their own line (as instructed above "list
insert") the last numbers printed with the tokens found in the "left" and "right" fields would be 13's and the first set would
contain 9's.
However, do not forget that with list insert you cannot nominate the number of times to increment the counter number and
repeat code, with list insert it is governed by the quantity to encapsulate in the list set.
NEW features SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta 20-06-2009
%CONTENT% token insert, What it does.
This system allows you to place the %CONTENT% token "in a text content file" (that will be use in "example: a markup
document)" (as many times as required No need for start of the file or end of file) containing content you want to split
then place between the HTML box tags, example "TD tags in an html table" , one after the other, but repeat the HTML
code(wrapper and encapsulte).
You place the %CONTENT% token in the text file(e.g. ".txt") where you want it to split the file into information chunks.
Example content file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
Example OUTPUT HTML file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
There is minor quantity of editing in the HTML page after using the "SPedit list insert" %CONTENT%, again "SPedit list
insert" was used to make the UL list and number it for the "==index=="( Along with some minor adjustments).
How to use the %CONTENT% token insert.
This feature requires the use of the "insert list" button. While the "operator triggered insert" with increment counter can do
this that would not be easy to manage until you get a good feel for this editor.
Obtain the token from the yellow and black field by focusing it and pressing the Cntrl+A key then press Cntrl+C together
to copy it. On either the left or right field in among the HTML tags to encapsulate content you place the %CONTENT%
token, only once.
Press Cntrl+V key to paste it.
If you want to add a list as far as that goes(one after the other line) you can but thats a limitation.
Finally, to trigger the file to be picked up as content, you must load it last thing-to-do with the load "content feed" button,
that doubles as a list file loader for loading the central one-line-only list field.
REMEMBER, there must be at least one char and one (return button) new line in the central field for insert list to operate.
The above picture coresponds to this zip file contents to download and try to see the result.
Simply select all of the contents of the appropriate file for the information and place it in the textarea associate the files
DOWNLOAD: EXAMPLE CONTENT FEED SETUP: SUcommanderXer-list-content-token-templte(20-06-2009).zip
It will for/with %$CONTENT$% token, start from zero "0" to swap @#Token#@ , and place the contents of "the first list
line" in correct order.
Example output HTML from the example zips' contents.
Link: Example
Link(Get it from Here): Requires a Sun Microsystems JRE VM 1.4.2 or newer to operate it
(2014) PDF HELPFILE (20-06-2009) SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (size: 1.25 MB (1,318,912 bytes))
NEW FUNCTIONS 20-06-2009 (download zip and exe)
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
Starting the Application :]
filetypes :]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
Editor GUI controls :]
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Editor Fonts :]
Editor settings configuration panel :]
find and replace text highlighting :]
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
FEATURE: Special "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
Page 2 / 14
Link: Go Here To Download Linux/Win SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer , Config. and install
SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (text/script/markup editor pad)
Quick Issues
NEW SOON v-20-06-2009
1st: In the not too distant future, i will be effecting a mildly better syntax colouring highlighter for both markup and
script. It will be able to colour both start and end lines effectively. The process to do that i have already developed but is
in another development version i have and as before i require to compile and test that in both Linux and Windows.
2nd: As i said before, i will also bolt into the "special edit board" part of the mechanism the site-blaster.js system uses
to process markup page content with some special mechanisms to allow ease of use in the code repeating system.
preview Image
1. There will be a special content separator token field placed under the incrementor token field for content-pick-up
separation by the nominated token. The token found written into that field must be unique among the text in the content
text file that will also be containing that nominated token.
2. (a) There will be a process screened mechanism of file button and filename field to nominate the content text file to
be used. The token must be placed after the text in the file as a separator between text content pieces.
(b) Also, the point at which to place content to be wrapped by repeated code is to be nominated on the board with the
token once only for where it must be placed among the repeated markup.
(c) The nominated content file must only contain text content separated by that nominated token at time of special
repeater edit board insert.
[As a note to myself: the last content block of text may or may not require the separator token after it by data length or
*There is a tiny catch, a screen size of at least 1024 x 768[ height is the signifigance ] is required.
**Any visible GUI problems can be sent to "subject: ERR-SUcommanderXer ,".
The application text editing has minor support for text encoding, and locale(for holding the components bound to english
schemes for much as the reason) schemes too.
***The code colourer is at early development stage and requires some prompting to operate sometimes. If you need to
recolour the code, because of the colourer stalling, tap the spacebar around five or six times after placing the cursor after a
****As always though, never use the command terminal unless you really understand a commands syntax and know how
to shut down the javaw.exe with CNTRL+ALT+DEL "task manager"(Windows 2000/XP/Vista).
With Linux be sure to open a terminal (e.g. Konsole) and get the PID numbers for before and after you start
SucommanderXer so you can identify a/the bad process, to operate the kill command upon, the right java.bin
process,particularly when there are multiple JVM instances operating(Linux OS's).
*****Don't forget that the "Find or Replace" system often requires re-stablising after use to prevent stickiness(it won't
actually lock up or jam the GUI but will potentially be a pest if you do not [usually bigger files of 90kb-text 20kb or more
coloured script]).
All you need to do is to clear / delete(make the field completely empty) all the text in the "left find field" and press "GO"
on the "find/replace" menu.
This can also apply to the line number painting, but usually you only need to scroll your mouse wheel to straighten it. At
most minimise the application then re-maximise it.
******A minor problem with strings is there is not much identifying processing for the colourer at this time, so always
escape internal apostrophes or double quotes.
/* =============================
e.g. */
file_separator = "\\" ; // escaped file separator in a string
full_file = path_base+file_separator+aFile;
/* Some other abnormalities can be corrected by swapping from " double quote to apostrophes.
============================= */
****** Another minor string colouring problem can be solved if the lines and text are brown completely for a number of
How). Go to the bottom brown line of the set of them and find the first pair of either apostrophes (single quotes) or double
quotes, particularly if they are simply a string declaration for a variable (note usually but not every instance it is a pair of
double quotes need to be changes to single quotes for the colourer).
On that line you may need to swap the quote set for it other set(double to single , or , single to double or a set of them
on that bottom line or line below it)
e.g. change
parts = "";
parts = '';
If there are other quotes on that line for other statement parts, they could require changing also.
14th Nov. 2008:
Small fix , it doesn't change the version 10-11-2008 , merely removes some excess constructed quantities of large buffers
back to the only ones required through(a quantity of code cleaning).
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
First: The syntax colourer and opening the one and only file at a time you can in the editor can be slow.
SUcommanderXer (SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta) is a scripting and basic markup coloured editor.
Like many other go-it-alone software editor or program constructions/developments it came to being because i have my
own ways of doing things and found nothing else supplying the alike of that i do or required.
One such reason it has come to be is the repeated coding in scripts such as if-elses and markup lists such as those
requiring alphabetic collation.
The SPedit board provides some of the beforementioned services to coding unlike most or any other editors or IDE's (i can't
say i've ever achieved seeing them all).
Finally it is pre-beta, so do not expect at any time for this to be a fantastic experience.You should simply be able to aquire
from using it, some of the functions it was designed to enhance in web and local shell editing.
This version will be the last garbage of an uncooked indigestive turbulence that has all the point of why its "pre beta". The
below picture is effectively similar of appearence (less complicated than the releaseable [not completed]) with the version
that will be v1-beta.
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
The application requires a Sun Microsystems Inc. JRE(Java Runtime Environment) of 1.4.2 or newer, other JRE's possibley
will operate the application but this is the Brand used for compile to byte-code binaries.
When installing from a zip file, the archiver application must be set to extract the files with the folder order the files had
been packed or the application will fail to be operable.
You can extract to any drive and folder you wish to place it in.
To use the Windows version .exe self extraction setup for NT2000,2000,XP,Vista you must have Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6
(Windows Script Host) installed in your computer first. Simply double click the .exe called SUcommanderXer-last-pre-
beta.exe and follow the instructions.
Starting the Application :]
[Windows] during setup with the .exe, the application should have successfully placed three icons on your desktop. Th icon
named "Start-SUcommanderXer" should be present and can be clicked/double-clicked to start the application.
If not and the folder containing all the files and its structure for the application are present then inside the folder
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" there is a .exe to double click called "START-SUcommanderXer.exe".
For the zip setup, after installing Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6 (Windows Script Host) if it is not present, you can double click
the file called "Install-Desktop-STARTER-Shortcut-SU.js" to place icons onto your desktop.
These setup scripts are set to run under the present user.
[Linux] You can only use the zip version to install the application in Linux. It will require the same as windows for a JRE
but does not have/use any helper install scripts.
If there are any real problems with triggering executable .sh shell scripts in your distro, be sure to set the
"" executable on your "properties"-file information tab/dialog to executable under your username.
While you should simply be able to click on the .sh "" , if that does not start then use the
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" folder window "tools" menu and select "execute shell command". A small dialog should
pop up and if you have selected the "" icon it will be in the one line text field as
'./'. Press the execute button on the dialog and SUcommanderXer should start.
1. Select the file with a single right-click on it.
2. Use "Tools" menu on the folders menu bar and press "Execute Shell Command" on its menu.
3. The File-browser Application(usually "Konqueror") pops a box to verify the action by the user pressing "OK" .
4. The output from the command should appear something like.....
21-10-2008 build (note: Again i state that at this stage that i do not know the exact result of using the Windows build
compiler so there could be differences in GUI rendering results).
[Mac] (note: I know less again about the result Mac OS will have upon it but it will probably not be dissimilar to Linux).
To start SUcommanderXer in Mac the only version i have used allows right clicking on the .class file and brings up a context
menu that will allow you to choose how to run it. Do not attempt to or execute any commands in SUcommanderXers'
command line console in Mac OS at this stage.
Neither am i sure of the actual results from using it in Mac OS , so do not use or install it if you are not prepared (more so
than the other OS's here) to require recovering from a crash if that occurs under your own responsibility and libility.
filetypes :]
A good contrasting of the service this editor gives against "windows notepad" is the operations that can be performed, In
effect you can edit XML and HTML based files or html files aside to "text or scripts", and with encoding(requirements).
redundant information: Recently i started with a 185kb text file to edit for a WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)
list i'm building. The list i opened in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and it required around 30-40 seconds to open. In
contrast to it i opened it in notepad and it went to the screen almost instantly, BUT, when i tried to do a replace edit to
remove excess spaces in notepad it lumbered away at a couple of hundred lines out of 2000 or so and began to crash the
computer because it was overloaded. I then tried in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and while the result was alike moving
around in space above the earth for speed it complied to every request finalising it in around thirty seconds until the file
was around 70kb of size and the interface and process speeded up.
[a note about the replace system, you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke
the finder. If you want to turn of a text .txt files find highlights, then you press GO with nothing in the find field ]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
is a web and "loacal shell language" scripting editor with some syntax colouring support. Aside to that are a special set of
editing functions and editing assistances to make coding easier. While the documentation (language reference) for a
scripting language should always be at ready and used, the reason for the lists system for functions and operators is part
of the scheme to make the editing easier and more efficient. So too(making editing easier) is the contents of the right
click popup menu(context menu). It contains required instant controls for any minor mistakes or corrections and changes in
text(to upper case, or , to lower case).
One final note: The folder the app resides in at present is called "SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" and was called
LixStarterMotor.class for Linux requires to be the correct version or you will need to cd into "engine" folder and execute
the "java Sutest3" command from the shell prompt. Always unzip the app "using folder structure setting" with your
archiving extractor application. You can put this editing application anywhere on your drive in its folder.
However you can down load and coppy the correct LixStarterMotor.class version for the folder here:
(July 18 2008 20:00 pm E.S.T.)
Recently the Tooljavascript.class has had some DOM and DHTML added for better .js file colouring and editing.
(July 19 [morning] 2008 0:00 pm E.S.T.)
A number of new additions have been placed into SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta,
When a file is "saved" or "save as" the syntax colour is triggered after testing the file type.
The configuration board has had two "lists" added, A locale "language" , and A locale "Country" to choose from, the catch is
the better match the settings you choose together. The default is set as country "US"[two capital letters always] and,
lanuage "eng"[three lower case letters (almost always)]. The lists can be hand filled in, but that is if you know what your
This occurred because i had no way of changing the editor language and the only machines i could access are in an Asian
locale by default and i could not make UTF-16 operate though the encoding and settings were all correct.
The following two URL's will give you a list of the values and some explanation how to set locale settings in configuration.
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
Finally, the floating "languages list"(programming) toolbar has had the buttons and field for finding in the list made
smaller so hopefully it fits now for LINUX.
Found more and suitable methods and properties for "Tooljavascript.class" . Tooljavascript(new-18-07-2008).zip is now
actually updated today (July 19) and contains better DOM javascript and xslt support.
Note: That this version apart to Linux will also operate in Windows and mac [re: shell script exec commands of (java -
classpath "" Sutest3) ]
re arranged the colouring a tiny piece, and put in a javaw Sytsem.exit[MS Windows] since it popped up again.
Click the image above for a larger screen shot.
Editor GUI controls :]
Some quick tips because of usability problems at EDITING at this stage.
1st. There is NO "undo/redo" system for the editor.
Some menus are not supplied to the text input parts at this time, but they can be used with knowing platform editing keys
For PC X86:
CNTRL + C keys together means "copy" selected text(data) to the system board.
CNTRL + A keys together means to "select all" text(data) inside the editor pane.
CNTRL + V keys together means to "paste" the previous copied text(data) to the editor pane from the cursor.
To make and extend a selection:
HOLD DOWN SHIFT + HOLD DOWN(Any of the arrow keys to extend the selection)
To select a complete line:
Triple click on the line using the left mouse button(alike double clicking)
For other OS platforms see your java and particularly OS documentation.
A good example of this(menus ... not supplied) is the two editable fields for "find" and "replace" to the right of the
"SUcommanderXer menu" on the window bar at the top. At some time when it reaches the priority of the writing i will add
the interface and events of javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
The SPedit board text inputs require the same also to use system editing memory and actions(note again there is no
"undo/redo" system).
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
All the usual controls required.
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Note: To use encoding schemes, if you change the encoding(or anything else in the config panel) you must restart the
The configuration Panel sets the editor bare requirements for use, no choice in syntax colouring scheme is given. Whether
the editor responds to the configuration settings is dependent if your machine has these(probably does) available
resources to decode/encode text types or if it has the font family resources. Sun Microsystems Java2 runtime environment
(JRE) (if up to date e.g. JRE 1.5.0 or 1.6.0 versions) does supply some of these encodings and some fonts, but there is no
gaurantee of any of those being present in your machine, So as before, use this at major risk(although these
beforementioned in this paragraph are minor or negligable risk).
"Default editor Input Char encoding" is for you to attempt to adjust the editor pane to the keyboards input if it has some
unuasual purpose as being a 16bit text input(e.g. special purpose machine).
for most purposes it should be iso-8859-1 or 2 , because any "en" locale and new 64 bit machines for ordinary users will
only require you to see ordinary text for most.
(More in section Editor settings configuration panel :] below)
Here is previously shown "Locale" information for the editor and files configuration for use:
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
The textareas and fields remain for much in english-"language" and US-"country" locale at this time.
(If possible as an international user) To use this editor for local text, The controls and textfields are not properly cross-
matched to the locale in the "configuration panel" settings. If it is possible to enter your "editor" and "save/open file" file
encodings into the configuration in english [e.g. UNICODE or UTF-16 or generic local file encoding] you should be able to
cause a stable use of the editor pane (text area) at least for text editing.
Editor Fonts :]
If you do not have some fonts i have found are ok for editing, you can download them and install them from these
locations. (These are the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Family)
DejaVu fonts 2.22 release
Editor settings configuration panel :]
This is the configuration panel most are directly for the editor, and "locale language" has been added recently.
"Default editor input Char encoding" is a field you will not need to change unless you specifically operate in both an
"internationalised" Java Runtime Environment(Internationalised JRE) and/or a Character scheme unusual inside the generic
written phonetical language "Locale" you use.
This was for most inserted for the editor pane and file reading system "to stabilise English Locale" and character
"encodings" when this application is used on a machine that does not use English as its default or uses an unusual
keyboard input character set as default or on rigid use/purpose policy.
To change to the type of file character set used by an individual file (for Saving/Opening) e.g. UTF-16 or IBM-850, change
the "Default Save File Character Encoding:"
find and replace text highlighting :]
The find and replace highlighting is "as is", The left text field with the word parse is for the word to "find". To replace, you
require to put a word in the text field to the immediate right and then select from the menu to "replace". When done, you
will find the menu has been set back to "find" automatically.
you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke the finder.
If you want to turn off a text .txt files "find highlights"(clear), then you press GO with nothing in the find field.
the FIND text field is the left field in the picture below with "parse" written in it. The right field is for the replace
Note: the text inputs have both been changed to editable drop down lists to store the session usage. Its dumped when
you close the editor.
I have updated the find/replace mechanism since i found the code had been bumped sometime during major internal
additions and refits of the source.
To use it now gives you that it should and a memory of the items found or swapped(replaced).
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
You can select the platform OS line feed to save in.
You cannot at this time open files using line feed type at this time.
One of three platform new line characters is auto detected on open but must "always" be specified "at saving the file" [Mac
\r , MS Windows \r\n , Linux/UNIX 2char \n ]
This section i want feedback about , to be sure the correct process is used to "encode and decode" with the correct
platform chars.
There are four languages for the editor here in this release.
Javascript [WSH X-BROWSER ASP]
Something like, and script alone only, [ .js .php .cgi .pl .sh .bsh .ksh .csh ]
The upper list is now the language function/subroutine list. The below list is the operator list. The operator list contains
Various languages symbols and some standard coding constructs for fast templating and laying down code.
Its a special "dragged out" floating tool frame.
The operator list (lower list) is used to trigger iterated (sequence repeated editor) SP editing BOARD insertions
(GO HERE TO SP Editing board)
"with" an "inserted text number" for "each iteration" of the sequence the tool commits after it is setup.
When using the lists, you must have the "list toolbar window" grey at the top not blue when you click the list to prevent
double entry of the list-item.
The way to do that is to find the item wanted first and be sure it is visible, then place the cursor where the item is to be
placed in the editor, that should result in the "list toolbar" blue strip becoming grey when the editor area has the cursor
Finally, click the item to insert, directly while the list toolbar window is grey.
The context menu for the editor(Sometimes called the right click menu).Essential test tools.
You can copy from the command output panel , but you cannot use the toupper or tolowercase whether they are there, nor
paste[these are not hooked into the comm panel properly only the editor panel ].
The "save" and "Save as" only apply to the file in the editor, not the command output board or its logging.
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
The middle white text field is a little odd to operate. It allows input of localised to the command, environment settings.Its
If you want to try it , look up Sun Microsystems Inc. Docs java.lang.Runtime "exec()" function carrying the overloading of
command , environment comma seperated list , and working directory [3 arguments].
I truly do not know what the result could be.
The rules for its use are as before. If you run a command that could take time, sit and wait for it to complete. If your not
sure of what that would do , do not attempt to run the command.
The command operates in the foreground at this time, so it will hog your machine until completion.
Simple command example (note: the middle text field is not explained in this document, it is for "command environment")
Standard type command with switches (note: to run executables in windows requires using the System32 as working
Query an executables arguments
Special : "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
New 3rd Nov 2008 {n8} "Tokenised" numeric insert p/loop iteration [insert the number anywhere the token word is placed
in the repeat code]
Simply be sure the token-word used in the lower green text field is not present in the code/text you are inserting except
for the purpose of swapping for the number.
Reasonably complete now, You can index increment numbers into code with an operator repeated sequence(The blue
number QUANTITY , The green number is the number start incrementing from) , or you can "iterate a list implicitly of its
quantity p/new line" inserting whatever is required to be repeated with each list line item by clicking the insert set button,
it should be good for string comparison if-elses and switches.(count from checkbox does not exist now).
To insert the repeting incrementing of a number as text,"do not press insert set" , press an "operator symbol" in the
operator languages list pretend/imagine the blue number is where the operator will be inserted each iteration until the
quantity[the blue numer] has been committed into the editing field. The green number will be the "first printed number" of
the iterations that you want the recursively wriiten numbers started from, it will also be placed directly left and beside the
inserted operator.
"count from" checkbox no longer exists, a method overloading is used in the code/binaries of SUcommanderXer to achieve
the same commission.
3a. 3b.
1.Setup of repeater HTML table datas for automatic numeric id and insertion SP edit board with twenty five iterations
nominated and start from zero.
2.Clicked double quote in the "Operator list" to trigger the incremented insertions.
3(a. and b.).Inserted repeated table data in the editor pane note the ids values.
The board now has an alpha numeric collation system for lists, the center Text area is used to extract and rearrange the
list items p/line. Notice the new buttons on lower left of the panel (02-08-08), there is also now list line end clearing of
white spaces. These two only operate with the center text area.
1. This is a repeated "if else" system(commonly called an "else if") being setup for the script by "list iteration insertion".
(note: there is an unseen space and " if" at the start of the characters in the left side B&W text area and the "true, used,
new-line to add setting" is to attach no new-line p/iteration).
2.SHOWN BELOW NEXT(image): After editing by the "list" inserter,(by pressing the "insert set" button).
Note: inserting by list does not use the green number text field. LINK: See new functions below
The other trigger is to use the blue and green number fields with the two outer Black and White multi-line textfields(only
[do not use the central for text]), then click "the operator symbols (lower list) list" while the "SP edit insert" panel is open.
3 NEW FEATURES 31-01-2009:
1. 2.
The above pair (1. AND 2.) are the gui controls to create files with some code base for XML , XHTML , HTML , TLD and
The filename will be "NEWBASEFILE" plus the standard extension. NOTE: Always close the window(fig 1.) after one use, if
you need to use it again you should close it then re-open it.
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
3. This next is the main feature upgrade. The "collated / list insert system" will now iterate over the sets(per line) and
place incremented numerics into each line capsule of list information using the @#Token#@ wherever found and its
starting number is written in the above field.
If you were to place 9 in the counter field and you had a list of five words each on their own line (as instructed above "list
insert") the last numbers printed with the tokens found in the "left" and "right" fields would be 13's and the first set would
contain 9's.
However, do not forget that with list insert you cannot nominate the number of times to increment the counter number and
repeat code, with list insert it is governed by the quantity to encapsulate in the list set.
NEW features SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta 20-06-2009
%CONTENT% token insert, What it does.
This system allows you to place the %CONTENT% token "in a text content file" (that will be use in "example: a markup
document)" (as many times as required No need for start of the file or end of file) containing content you want to split
then place between the HTML box tags, example "TD tags in an html table" , one after the other, but repeat the HTML
code(wrapper and encapsulte).
You place the %CONTENT% token in the text file(e.g. ".txt") where you want it to split the file into information chunks.
Example content file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
Example OUTPUT HTML file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
There is minor quantity of editing in the HTML page after using the "SPedit list insert" %CONTENT%, again "SPedit list
insert" was used to make the UL list and number it for the "==index=="( Along with some minor adjustments).
How to use the %CONTENT% token insert.
This feature requires the use of the "insert list" button. While the "operator triggered insert" with increment counter can do
this that would not be easy to manage until you get a good feel for this editor.
Obtain the token from the yellow and black field by focusing it and pressing the Cntrl+A key then press Cntrl+C together
to copy it. On either the left or right field in among the HTML tags to encapsulate content you place the %CONTENT%
token, only once.
Press Cntrl+V key to paste it.
If you want to add a list as far as that goes(one after the other line) you can but thats a limitation.
Finally, to trigger the file to be picked up as content, you must load it last thing-to-do with the load "content feed" button,
that doubles as a list file loader for loading the central one-line-only list field.
REMEMBER, there must be at least one char and one (return button) new line in the central field for insert list to operate.
The above picture coresponds to this zip file contents to download and try to see the result.
Simply select all of the contents of the appropriate file for the information and place it in the textarea associate the files
DOWNLOAD: EXAMPLE CONTENT FEED SETUP: SUcommanderXer-list-content-token-templte(20-06-2009).zip
It will for/with %$CONTENT$% token, start from zero "0" to swap @#Token#@ , and place the contents of "the first list
line" in correct order.
Example output HTML from the example zips' contents.
Link: Example
Link(Get it from Here): Requires a Sun Microsystems JRE VM 1.4.2 or newer to operate it
(2014) PDF HELPFILE (20-06-2009) SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (size: 1.25 MB (1,318,912 bytes))
NEW FUNCTIONS 20-06-2009 (download zip and exe)
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
Starting the Application :]
filetypes :]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
Editor GUI controls :]
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Editor Fonts :]
Editor settings configuration panel :]
find and replace text highlighting :]
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
FEATURE: Special "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
Page 3 / 14
Link: Go Here To Download Linux/Win SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer , Config. and install
SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (text/script/markup editor pad)
Quick Issues
NEW SOON v-20-06-2009
1st: In the not too distant future, i will be effecting a mildly better syntax colouring highlighter for both markup and
script. It will be able to colour both start and end lines effectively. The process to do that i have already developed but is
in another development version i have and as before i require to compile and test that in both Linux and Windows.
2nd: As i said before, i will also bolt into the "special edit board" part of the mechanism the site-blaster.js system uses
to process markup page content with some special mechanisms to allow ease of use in the code repeating system.
preview Image
1. There will be a special content separator token field placed under the incrementor token field for content-pick-up
separation by the nominated token. The token found written into that field must be unique among the text in the content
text file that will also be containing that nominated token.
2. (a) There will be a process screened mechanism of file button and filename field to nominate the content text file to
be used. The token must be placed after the text in the file as a separator between text content pieces.
(b) Also, the point at which to place content to be wrapped by repeated code is to be nominated on the board with the
token once only for where it must be placed among the repeated markup.
(c) The nominated content file must only contain text content separated by that nominated token at time of special
repeater edit board insert.
[As a note to myself: the last content block of text may or may not require the separator token after it by data length or
*There is a tiny catch, a screen size of at least 1024 x 768[ height is the signifigance ] is required.
**Any visible GUI problems can be sent to "subject: ERR-SUcommanderXer ,".
The application text editing has minor support for text encoding, and locale(for holding the components bound to english
schemes for much as the reason) schemes too.
***The code colourer is at early development stage and requires some prompting to operate sometimes. If you need to
recolour the code, because of the colourer stalling, tap the spacebar around five or six times after placing the cursor after a
****As always though, never use the command terminal unless you really understand a commands syntax and know how
to shut down the javaw.exe with CNTRL+ALT+DEL "task manager"(Windows 2000/XP/Vista).
With Linux be sure to open a terminal (e.g. Konsole) and get the PID numbers for before and after you start
SucommanderXer so you can identify a/the bad process, to operate the kill command upon, the right java.bin
process,particularly when there are multiple JVM instances operating(Linux OS's).
*****Don't forget that the "Find or Replace" system often requires re-stablising after use to prevent stickiness(it won't
actually lock up or jam the GUI but will potentially be a pest if you do not [usually bigger files of 90kb-text 20kb or more
coloured script]).
All you need to do is to clear / delete(make the field completely empty) all the text in the "left find field" and press "GO"
on the "find/replace" menu.
This can also apply to the line number painting, but usually you only need to scroll your mouse wheel to straighten it. At
most minimise the application then re-maximise it.
******A minor problem with strings is there is not much identifying processing for the colourer at this time, so always
escape internal apostrophes or double quotes.
/* =============================
e.g. */
file_separator = "\\" ; // escaped file separator in a string
full_file = path_base+file_separator+aFile;
/* Some other abnormalities can be corrected by swapping from " double quote to apostrophes.
============================= */
****** Another minor string colouring problem can be solved if the lines and text are brown completely for a number of
How). Go to the bottom brown line of the set of them and find the first pair of either apostrophes (single quotes) or double
quotes, particularly if they are simply a string declaration for a variable (note usually but not every instance it is a pair of
double quotes need to be changes to single quotes for the colourer).
On that line you may need to swap the quote set for it other set(double to single , or , single to double or a set of them
on that bottom line or line below it)
e.g. change
parts = "";
parts = '';
If there are other quotes on that line for other statement parts, they could require changing also.
14th Nov. 2008:
Small fix , it doesn't change the version 10-11-2008 , merely removes some excess constructed quantities of large buffers
back to the only ones required through(a quantity of code cleaning).
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
First: The syntax colourer and opening the one and only file at a time you can in the editor can be slow.
SUcommanderXer (SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta) is a scripting and basic markup coloured editor.
Like many other go-it-alone software editor or program constructions/developments it came to being because i have my
own ways of doing things and found nothing else supplying the alike of that i do or required.
One such reason it has come to be is the repeated coding in scripts such as if-elses and markup lists such as those
requiring alphabetic collation.
The SPedit board provides some of the beforementioned services to coding unlike most or any other editors or IDE's (i can't
say i've ever achieved seeing them all).
Finally it is pre-beta, so do not expect at any time for this to be a fantastic experience.You should simply be able to aquire
from using it, some of the functions it was designed to enhance in web and local shell editing.
This version will be the last garbage of an uncooked indigestive turbulence that has all the point of why its "pre beta". The
below picture is effectively similar of appearence (less complicated than the releaseable [not completed]) with the version
that will be v1-beta.
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
The application requires a Sun Microsystems Inc. JRE(Java Runtime Environment) of 1.4.2 or newer, other JRE's possibley
will operate the application but this is the Brand used for compile to byte-code binaries.
When installing from a zip file, the archiver application must be set to extract the files with the folder order the files had
been packed or the application will fail to be operable.
You can extract to any drive and folder you wish to place it in.
To use the Windows version .exe self extraction setup for NT2000,2000,XP,Vista you must have Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6
(Windows Script Host) installed in your computer first. Simply double click the .exe called SUcommanderXer-last-pre-
beta.exe and follow the instructions.
Starting the Application :]
[Windows] during setup with the .exe, the application should have successfully placed three icons on your desktop. Th icon
named "Start-SUcommanderXer" should be present and can be clicked/double-clicked to start the application.
If not and the folder containing all the files and its structure for the application are present then inside the folder
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" there is a .exe to double click called "START-SUcommanderXer.exe".
For the zip setup, after installing Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6 (Windows Script Host) if it is not present, you can double click
the file called "Install-Desktop-STARTER-Shortcut-SU.js" to place icons onto your desktop.
These setup scripts are set to run under the present user.
[Linux] You can only use the zip version to install the application in Linux. It will require the same as windows for a JRE
but does not have/use any helper install scripts.
If there are any real problems with triggering executable .sh shell scripts in your distro, be sure to set the
"" executable on your "properties"-file information tab/dialog to executable under your username.
While you should simply be able to click on the .sh "" , if that does not start then use the
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" folder window "tools" menu and select "execute shell command". A small dialog should
pop up and if you have selected the "" icon it will be in the one line text field as
'./'. Press the execute button on the dialog and SUcommanderXer should start.
1. Select the file with a single right-click on it.
2. Use "Tools" menu on the folders menu bar and press "Execute Shell Command" on its menu.
3. The File-browser Application(usually "Konqueror") pops a box to verify the action by the user pressing "OK" .
4. The output from the command should appear something like.....
21-10-2008 build (note: Again i state that at this stage that i do not know the exact result of using the Windows build
compiler so there could be differences in GUI rendering results).
[Mac] (note: I know less again about the result Mac OS will have upon it but it will probably not be dissimilar to Linux).
To start SUcommanderXer in Mac the only version i have used allows right clicking on the .class file and brings up a context
menu that will allow you to choose how to run it. Do not attempt to or execute any commands in SUcommanderXers'
command line console in Mac OS at this stage.
Neither am i sure of the actual results from using it in Mac OS , so do not use or install it if you are not prepared (more so
than the other OS's here) to require recovering from a crash if that occurs under your own responsibility and libility.
filetypes :]
A good contrasting of the service this editor gives against "windows notepad" is the operations that can be performed, In
effect you can edit XML and HTML based files or html files aside to "text or scripts", and with encoding(requirements).
redundant information: Recently i started with a 185kb text file to edit for a WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)
list i'm building. The list i opened in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and it required around 30-40 seconds to open. In
contrast to it i opened it in notepad and it went to the screen almost instantly, BUT, when i tried to do a replace edit to
remove excess spaces in notepad it lumbered away at a couple of hundred lines out of 2000 or so and began to crash the
computer because it was overloaded. I then tried in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and while the result was alike moving
around in space above the earth for speed it complied to every request finalising it in around thirty seconds until the file
was around 70kb of size and the interface and process speeded up.
[a note about the replace system, you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke
the finder. If you want to turn of a text .txt files find highlights, then you press GO with nothing in the find field ]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
is a web and "loacal shell language" scripting editor with some syntax colouring support. Aside to that are a special set of
editing functions and editing assistances to make coding easier. While the documentation (language reference) for a
scripting language should always be at ready and used, the reason for the lists system for functions and operators is part
of the scheme to make the editing easier and more efficient. So too(making editing easier) is the contents of the right
click popup menu(context menu). It contains required instant controls for any minor mistakes or corrections and changes in
text(to upper case, or , to lower case).
One final note: The folder the app resides in at present is called "SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" and was called
LixStarterMotor.class for Linux requires to be the correct version or you will need to cd into "engine" folder and execute
the "java Sutest3" command from the shell prompt. Always unzip the app "using folder structure setting" with your
archiving extractor application. You can put this editing application anywhere on your drive in its folder.
However you can down load and coppy the correct LixStarterMotor.class version for the folder here:
(July 18 2008 20:00 pm E.S.T.)
Recently the Tooljavascript.class has had some DOM and DHTML added for better .js file colouring and editing.
(July 19 [morning] 2008 0:00 pm E.S.T.)
A number of new additions have been placed into SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta,
When a file is "saved" or "save as" the syntax colour is triggered after testing the file type.
The configuration board has had two "lists" added, A locale "language" , and A locale "Country" to choose from, the catch is
the better match the settings you choose together. The default is set as country "US"[two capital letters always] and,
lanuage "eng"[three lower case letters (almost always)]. The lists can be hand filled in, but that is if you know what your
This occurred because i had no way of changing the editor language and the only machines i could access are in an Asian
locale by default and i could not make UTF-16 operate though the encoding and settings were all correct.
The following two URL's will give you a list of the values and some explanation how to set locale settings in configuration.
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
Finally, the floating "languages list"(programming) toolbar has had the buttons and field for finding in the list made
smaller so hopefully it fits now for LINUX.
Found more and suitable methods and properties for "Tooljavascript.class" . Tooljavascript(new-18-07-2008).zip is now
actually updated today (July 19) and contains better DOM javascript and xslt support.
Note: That this version apart to Linux will also operate in Windows and mac [re: shell script exec commands of (java -
classpath "" Sutest3) ]
re arranged the colouring a tiny piece, and put in a javaw Sytsem.exit[MS Windows] since it popped up again.
Click the image above for a larger screen shot.
Editor GUI controls :]
Some quick tips because of usability problems at EDITING at this stage.
1st. There is NO "undo/redo" system for the editor.
Some menus are not supplied to the text input parts at this time, but they can be used with knowing platform editing keys
For PC X86:
CNTRL + C keys together means "copy" selected text(data) to the system board.
CNTRL + A keys together means to "select all" text(data) inside the editor pane.
CNTRL + V keys together means to "paste" the previous copied text(data) to the editor pane from the cursor.
To make and extend a selection:
HOLD DOWN SHIFT + HOLD DOWN(Any of the arrow keys to extend the selection)
To select a complete line:
Triple click on the line using the left mouse button(alike double clicking)
For other OS platforms see your java and particularly OS documentation.
A good example of this(menus ... not supplied) is the two editable fields for "find" and "replace" to the right of the
"SUcommanderXer menu" on the window bar at the top. At some time when it reaches the priority of the writing i will add
the interface and events of javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
The SPedit board text inputs require the same also to use system editing memory and actions(note again there is no
"undo/redo" system).
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
All the usual controls required.
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Note: To use encoding schemes, if you change the encoding(or anything else in the config panel) you must restart the
The configuration Panel sets the editor bare requirements for use, no choice in syntax colouring scheme is given. Whether
the editor responds to the configuration settings is dependent if your machine has these(probably does) available
resources to decode/encode text types or if it has the font family resources. Sun Microsystems Java2 runtime environment
(JRE) (if up to date e.g. JRE 1.5.0 or 1.6.0 versions) does supply some of these encodings and some fonts, but there is no
gaurantee of any of those being present in your machine, So as before, use this at major risk(although these
beforementioned in this paragraph are minor or negligable risk).
"Default editor Input Char encoding" is for you to attempt to adjust the editor pane to the keyboards input if it has some
unuasual purpose as being a 16bit text input(e.g. special purpose machine).
for most purposes it should be iso-8859-1 or 2 , because any "en" locale and new 64 bit machines for ordinary users will
only require you to see ordinary text for most.
(More in section Editor settings configuration panel :] below)
Here is previously shown "Locale" information for the editor and files configuration for use:
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
The textareas and fields remain for much in english-"language" and US-"country" locale at this time.
(If possible as an international user) To use this editor for local text, The controls and textfields are not properly cross-
matched to the locale in the "configuration panel" settings. If it is possible to enter your "editor" and "save/open file" file
encodings into the configuration in english [e.g. UNICODE or UTF-16 or generic local file encoding] you should be able to
cause a stable use of the editor pane (text area) at least for text editing.
Editor Fonts :]
If you do not have some fonts i have found are ok for editing, you can download them and install them from these
locations. (These are the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Family)
DejaVu fonts 2.22 release
Editor settings configuration panel :]
This is the configuration panel most are directly for the editor, and "locale language" has been added recently.
"Default editor input Char encoding" is a field you will not need to change unless you specifically operate in both an
"internationalised" Java Runtime Environment(Internationalised JRE) and/or a Character scheme unusual inside the generic
written phonetical language "Locale" you use.
This was for most inserted for the editor pane and file reading system "to stabilise English Locale" and character
"encodings" when this application is used on a machine that does not use English as its default or uses an unusual
keyboard input character set as default or on rigid use/purpose policy.
To change to the type of file character set used by an individual file (for Saving/Opening) e.g. UTF-16 or IBM-850, change
the "Default Save File Character Encoding:"
find and replace text highlighting :]
The find and replace highlighting is "as is", The left text field with the word parse is for the word to "find". To replace, you
require to put a word in the text field to the immediate right and then select from the menu to "replace". When done, you
will find the menu has been set back to "find" automatically.
you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke the finder.
If you want to turn off a text .txt files "find highlights"(clear), then you press GO with nothing in the find field.
the FIND text field is the left field in the picture below with "parse" written in it. The right field is for the replace
Note: the text inputs have both been changed to editable drop down lists to store the session usage. Its dumped when
you close the editor.
I have updated the find/replace mechanism since i found the code had been bumped sometime during major internal
additions and refits of the source.
To use it now gives you that it should and a memory of the items found or swapped(replaced).
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
You can select the platform OS line feed to save in.
You cannot at this time open files using line feed type at this time.
One of three platform new line characters is auto detected on open but must "always" be specified "at saving the file" [Mac
\r , MS Windows \r\n , Linux/UNIX 2char \n ]
This section i want feedback about , to be sure the correct process is used to "encode and decode" with the correct
platform chars.
There are four languages for the editor here in this release.
Javascript [WSH X-BROWSER ASP]
Something like, and script alone only, [ .js .php .cgi .pl .sh .bsh .ksh .csh ]
The upper list is now the language function/subroutine list. The below list is the operator list. The operator list contains
Various languages symbols and some standard coding constructs for fast templating and laying down code.
Its a special "dragged out" floating tool frame.
The operator list (lower list) is used to trigger iterated (sequence repeated editor) SP editing BOARD insertions
(GO HERE TO SP Editing board)
"with" an "inserted text number" for "each iteration" of the sequence the tool commits after it is setup.
When using the lists, you must have the "list toolbar window" grey at the top not blue when you click the list to prevent
double entry of the list-item.
The way to do that is to find the item wanted first and be sure it is visible, then place the cursor where the item is to be
placed in the editor, that should result in the "list toolbar" blue strip becoming grey when the editor area has the cursor
Finally, click the item to insert, directly while the list toolbar window is grey.
The context menu for the editor(Sometimes called the right click menu).Essential test tools.
You can copy from the command output panel , but you cannot use the toupper or tolowercase whether they are there, nor
paste[these are not hooked into the comm panel properly only the editor panel ].
The "save" and "Save as" only apply to the file in the editor, not the command output board or its logging.
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
The middle white text field is a little odd to operate. It allows input of localised to the command, environment settings.Its
If you want to try it , look up Sun Microsystems Inc. Docs java.lang.Runtime "exec()" function carrying the overloading of
command , environment comma seperated list , and working directory [3 arguments].
I truly do not know what the result could be.
The rules for its use are as before. If you run a command that could take time, sit and wait for it to complete. If your not
sure of what that would do , do not attempt to run the command.
The command operates in the foreground at this time, so it will hog your machine until completion.
Simple command example (note: the middle text field is not explained in this document, it is for "command environment")
Standard type command with switches (note: to run executables in windows requires using the System32 as working
Query an executables arguments
Special : "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
New 3rd Nov 2008 {n8} "Tokenised" numeric insert p/loop iteration [insert the number anywhere the token word is placed
in the repeat code]
Simply be sure the token-word used in the lower green text field is not present in the code/text you are inserting except
for the purpose of swapping for the number.
Reasonably complete now, You can index increment numbers into code with an operator repeated sequence(The blue
number QUANTITY , The green number is the number start incrementing from) , or you can "iterate a list implicitly of its
quantity p/new line" inserting whatever is required to be repeated with each list line item by clicking the insert set button,
it should be good for string comparison if-elses and switches.(count from checkbox does not exist now).
To insert the repeting incrementing of a number as text,"do not press insert set" , press an "operator symbol" in the
operator languages list pretend/imagine the blue number is where the operator will be inserted each iteration until the
quantity[the blue numer] has been committed into the editing field. The green number will be the "first printed number" of
the iterations that you want the recursively wriiten numbers started from, it will also be placed directly left and beside the
inserted operator.
"count from" checkbox no longer exists, a method overloading is used in the code/binaries of SUcommanderXer to achieve
the same commission.
3a. 3b.
1.Setup of repeater HTML table datas for automatic numeric id and insertion SP edit board with twenty five iterations
nominated and start from zero.
2.Clicked double quote in the "Operator list" to trigger the incremented insertions.
3(a. and b.).Inserted repeated table data in the editor pane note the ids values.
The board now has an alpha numeric collation system for lists, the center Text area is used to extract and rearrange the
list items p/line. Notice the new buttons on lower left of the panel (02-08-08), there is also now list line end clearing of
white spaces. These two only operate with the center text area.
1. This is a repeated "if else" system(commonly called an "else if") being setup for the script by "list iteration insertion".
(note: there is an unseen space and " if" at the start of the characters in the left side B&W text area and the "true, used,
new-line to add setting" is to attach no new-line p/iteration).
2.SHOWN BELOW NEXT(image): After editing by the "list" inserter,(by pressing the "insert set" button).
Note: inserting by list does not use the green number text field. LINK: See new functions below
The other trigger is to use the blue and green number fields with the two outer Black and White multi-line textfields(only
[do not use the central for text]), then click "the operator symbols (lower list) list" while the "SP edit insert" panel is open.
3 NEW FEATURES 31-01-2009:
1. 2.
The above pair (1. AND 2.) are the gui controls to create files with some code base for XML , XHTML , HTML , TLD and
The filename will be "NEWBASEFILE" plus the standard extension. NOTE: Always close the window(fig 1.) after one use, if
you need to use it again you should close it then re-open it.
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
3. This next is the main feature upgrade. The "collated / list insert system" will now iterate over the sets(per line) and
place incremented numerics into each line capsule of list information using the @#Token#@ wherever found and its
starting number is written in the above field.
If you were to place 9 in the counter field and you had a list of five words each on their own line (as instructed above "list
insert") the last numbers printed with the tokens found in the "left" and "right" fields would be 13's and the first set would
contain 9's.
However, do not forget that with list insert you cannot nominate the number of times to increment the counter number and
repeat code, with list insert it is governed by the quantity to encapsulate in the list set.
NEW features SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta 20-06-2009
%CONTENT% token insert, What it does.
This system allows you to place the %CONTENT% token "in a text content file" (that will be use in "example: a markup
document)" (as many times as required No need for start of the file or end of file) containing content you want to split
then place between the HTML box tags, example "TD tags in an html table" , one after the other, but repeat the HTML
code(wrapper and encapsulte).
You place the %CONTENT% token in the text file(e.g. ".txt") where you want it to split the file into information chunks.
Example content file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
Example OUTPUT HTML file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
There is minor quantity of editing in the HTML page after using the "SPedit list insert" %CONTENT%, again "SPedit list
insert" was used to make the UL list and number it for the "==index=="( Along with some minor adjustments).
How to use the %CONTENT% token insert.
This feature requires the use of the "insert list" button. While the "operator triggered insert" with increment counter can do
this that would not be easy to manage until you get a good feel for this editor.
Obtain the token from the yellow and black field by focusing it and pressing the Cntrl+A key then press Cntrl+C together
to copy it. On either the left or right field in among the HTML tags to encapsulate content you place the %CONTENT%
token, only once.
Press Cntrl+V key to paste it.
If you want to add a list as far as that goes(one after the other line) you can but thats a limitation.
Finally, to trigger the file to be picked up as content, you must load it last thing-to-do with the load "content feed" button,
that doubles as a list file loader for loading the central one-line-only list field.
REMEMBER, there must be at least one char and one (return button) new line in the central field for insert list to operate.
The above picture coresponds to this zip file contents to download and try to see the result.
Simply select all of the contents of the appropriate file for the information and place it in the textarea associate the files
DOWNLOAD: EXAMPLE CONTENT FEED SETUP: SUcommanderXer-list-content-token-templte(20-06-2009).zip
It will for/with %$CONTENT$% token, start from zero "0" to swap @#Token#@ , and place the contents of "the first list
line" in correct order.
Example output HTML from the example zips' contents.
Link: Example
Link(Get it from Here): Requires a Sun Microsystems JRE VM 1.4.2 or newer to operate it
(2014) PDF HELPFILE (20-06-2009) SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (size: 1.25 MB (1,318,912 bytes))
NEW FUNCTIONS 20-06-2009 (download zip and exe)
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
Starting the Application :]
filetypes :]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
Editor GUI controls :]
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Editor Fonts :]
Editor settings configuration panel :]
find and replace text highlighting :]
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
FEATURE: Special "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
Page 4 / 14
Link: Go Here To Download Linux/Win SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer , Config. and install
SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (text/script/markup editor pad)
Quick Issues
NEW SOON v-20-06-2009
1st: In the not too distant future, i will be effecting a mildly better syntax colouring highlighter for both markup and
script. It will be able to colour both start and end lines effectively. The process to do that i have already developed but is
in another development version i have and as before i require to compile and test that in both Linux and Windows.
2nd: As i said before, i will also bolt into the "special edit board" part of the mechanism the site-blaster.js system uses
to process markup page content with some special mechanisms to allow ease of use in the code repeating system.
preview Image
1. There will be a special content separator token field placed under the incrementor token field for content-pick-up
separation by the nominated token. The token found written into that field must be unique among the text in the content
text file that will also be containing that nominated token.
2. (a) There will be a process screened mechanism of file button and filename field to nominate the content text file to
be used. The token must be placed after the text in the file as a separator between text content pieces.
(b) Also, the point at which to place content to be wrapped by repeated code is to be nominated on the board with the
token once only for where it must be placed among the repeated markup.
(c) The nominated content file must only contain text content separated by that nominated token at time of special
repeater edit board insert.
[As a note to myself: the last content block of text may or may not require the separator token after it by data length or
*There is a tiny catch, a screen size of at least 1024 x 768[ height is the signifigance ] is required.
**Any visible GUI problems can be sent to "subject: ERR-SUcommanderXer ,".
The application text editing has minor support for text encoding, and locale(for holding the components bound to english
schemes for much as the reason) schemes too.
***The code colourer is at early development stage and requires some prompting to operate sometimes. If you need to
recolour the code, because of the colourer stalling, tap the spacebar around five or six times after placing the cursor after a
****As always though, never use the command terminal unless you really understand a commands syntax and know how
to shut down the javaw.exe with CNTRL+ALT+DEL "task manager"(Windows 2000/XP/Vista).
With Linux be sure to open a terminal (e.g. Konsole) and get the PID numbers for before and after you start
SucommanderXer so you can identify a/the bad process, to operate the kill command upon, the right java.bin
process,particularly when there are multiple JVM instances operating(Linux OS's).
*****Don't forget that the "Find or Replace" system often requires re-stablising after use to prevent stickiness(it won't
actually lock up or jam the GUI but will potentially be a pest if you do not [usually bigger files of 90kb-text 20kb or more
coloured script]).
All you need to do is to clear / delete(make the field completely empty) all the text in the "left find field" and press "GO"
on the "find/replace" menu.
This can also apply to the line number painting, but usually you only need to scroll your mouse wheel to straighten it. At
most minimise the application then re-maximise it.
******A minor problem with strings is there is not much identifying processing for the colourer at this time, so always
escape internal apostrophes or double quotes.
/* =============================
e.g. */
file_separator = "\\" ; // escaped file separator in a string
full_file = path_base+file_separator+aFile;
/* Some other abnormalities can be corrected by swapping from " double quote to apostrophes.
============================= */
****** Another minor string colouring problem can be solved if the lines and text are brown completely for a number of
How). Go to the bottom brown line of the set of them and find the first pair of either apostrophes (single quotes) or double
quotes, particularly if they are simply a string declaration for a variable (note usually but not every instance it is a pair of
double quotes need to be changes to single quotes for the colourer).
On that line you may need to swap the quote set for it other set(double to single , or , single to double or a set of them
on that bottom line or line below it)
e.g. change
parts = "";
parts = '';
If there are other quotes on that line for other statement parts, they could require changing also.
14th Nov. 2008:
Small fix , it doesn't change the version 10-11-2008 , merely removes some excess constructed quantities of large buffers
back to the only ones required through(a quantity of code cleaning).
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
First: The syntax colourer and opening the one and only file at a time you can in the editor can be slow.
SUcommanderXer (SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta) is a scripting and basic markup coloured editor.
Like many other go-it-alone software editor or program constructions/developments it came to being because i have my
own ways of doing things and found nothing else supplying the alike of that i do or required.
One such reason it has come to be is the repeated coding in scripts such as if-elses and markup lists such as those
requiring alphabetic collation.
The SPedit board provides some of the beforementioned services to coding unlike most or any other editors or IDE's (i can't
say i've ever achieved seeing them all).
Finally it is pre-beta, so do not expect at any time for this to be a fantastic experience.You should simply be able to aquire
from using it, some of the functions it was designed to enhance in web and local shell editing.
This version will be the last garbage of an uncooked indigestive turbulence that has all the point of why its "pre beta". The
below picture is effectively similar of appearence (less complicated than the releaseable [not completed]) with the version
that will be v1-beta.
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
The application requires a Sun Microsystems Inc. JRE(Java Runtime Environment) of 1.4.2 or newer, other JRE's possibley
will operate the application but this is the Brand used for compile to byte-code binaries.
When installing from a zip file, the archiver application must be set to extract the files with the folder order the files had
been packed or the application will fail to be operable.
You can extract to any drive and folder you wish to place it in.
To use the Windows version .exe self extraction setup for NT2000,2000,XP,Vista you must have Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6
(Windows Script Host) installed in your computer first. Simply double click the .exe called SUcommanderXer-last-pre-
beta.exe and follow the instructions.
Starting the Application :]
[Windows] during setup with the .exe, the application should have successfully placed three icons on your desktop. Th icon
named "Start-SUcommanderXer" should be present and can be clicked/double-clicked to start the application.
If not and the folder containing all the files and its structure for the application are present then inside the folder
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" there is a .exe to double click called "START-SUcommanderXer.exe".
For the zip setup, after installing Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6 (Windows Script Host) if it is not present, you can double click
the file called "Install-Desktop-STARTER-Shortcut-SU.js" to place icons onto your desktop.
These setup scripts are set to run under the present user.
[Linux] You can only use the zip version to install the application in Linux. It will require the same as windows for a JRE
but does not have/use any helper install scripts.
If there are any real problems with triggering executable .sh shell scripts in your distro, be sure to set the
"" executable on your "properties"-file information tab/dialog to executable under your username.
While you should simply be able to click on the .sh "" , if that does not start then use the
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" folder window "tools" menu and select "execute shell command". A small dialog should
pop up and if you have selected the "" icon it will be in the one line text field as
'./'. Press the execute button on the dialog and SUcommanderXer should start.
1. Select the file with a single right-click on it.
2. Use "Tools" menu on the folders menu bar and press "Execute Shell Command" on its menu.
3. The File-browser Application(usually "Konqueror") pops a box to verify the action by the user pressing "OK" .
4. The output from the command should appear something like.....
21-10-2008 build (note: Again i state that at this stage that i do not know the exact result of using the Windows build
compiler so there could be differences in GUI rendering results).
[Mac] (note: I know less again about the result Mac OS will have upon it but it will probably not be dissimilar to Linux).
To start SUcommanderXer in Mac the only version i have used allows right clicking on the .class file and brings up a context
menu that will allow you to choose how to run it. Do not attempt to or execute any commands in SUcommanderXers'
command line console in Mac OS at this stage.
Neither am i sure of the actual results from using it in Mac OS , so do not use or install it if you are not prepared (more so
than the other OS's here) to require recovering from a crash if that occurs under your own responsibility and libility.
filetypes :]
A good contrasting of the service this editor gives against "windows notepad" is the operations that can be performed, In
effect you can edit XML and HTML based files or html files aside to "text or scripts", and with encoding(requirements).
redundant information: Recently i started with a 185kb text file to edit for a WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)
list i'm building. The list i opened in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and it required around 30-40 seconds to open. In
contrast to it i opened it in notepad and it went to the screen almost instantly, BUT, when i tried to do a replace edit to
remove excess spaces in notepad it lumbered away at a couple of hundred lines out of 2000 or so and began to crash the
computer because it was overloaded. I then tried in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and while the result was alike moving
around in space above the earth for speed it complied to every request finalising it in around thirty seconds until the file
was around 70kb of size and the interface and process speeded up.
[a note about the replace system, you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke
the finder. If you want to turn of a text .txt files find highlights, then you press GO with nothing in the find field ]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
is a web and "loacal shell language" scripting editor with some syntax colouring support. Aside to that are a special set of
editing functions and editing assistances to make coding easier. While the documentation (language reference) for a
scripting language should always be at ready and used, the reason for the lists system for functions and operators is part
of the scheme to make the editing easier and more efficient. So too(making editing easier) is the contents of the right
click popup menu(context menu). It contains required instant controls for any minor mistakes or corrections and changes in
text(to upper case, or , to lower case).
One final note: The folder the app resides in at present is called "SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" and was called
LixStarterMotor.class for Linux requires to be the correct version or you will need to cd into "engine" folder and execute
the "java Sutest3" command from the shell prompt. Always unzip the app "using folder structure setting" with your
archiving extractor application. You can put this editing application anywhere on your drive in its folder.
However you can down load and coppy the correct LixStarterMotor.class version for the folder here:
(July 18 2008 20:00 pm E.S.T.)
Recently the Tooljavascript.class has had some DOM and DHTML added for better .js file colouring and editing.
(July 19 [morning] 2008 0:00 pm E.S.T.)
A number of new additions have been placed into SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta,
When a file is "saved" or "save as" the syntax colour is triggered after testing the file type.
The configuration board has had two "lists" added, A locale "language" , and A locale "Country" to choose from, the catch is
the better match the settings you choose together. The default is set as country "US"[two capital letters always] and,
lanuage "eng"[three lower case letters (almost always)]. The lists can be hand filled in, but that is if you know what your
This occurred because i had no way of changing the editor language and the only machines i could access are in an Asian
locale by default and i could not make UTF-16 operate though the encoding and settings were all correct.
The following two URL's will give you a list of the values and some explanation how to set locale settings in configuration.
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
Finally, the floating "languages list"(programming) toolbar has had the buttons and field for finding in the list made
smaller so hopefully it fits now for LINUX.
Found more and suitable methods and properties for "Tooljavascript.class" . Tooljavascript(new-18-07-2008).zip is now
actually updated today (July 19) and contains better DOM javascript and xslt support.
Note: That this version apart to Linux will also operate in Windows and mac [re: shell script exec commands of (java -
classpath "" Sutest3) ]
re arranged the colouring a tiny piece, and put in a javaw Sytsem.exit[MS Windows] since it popped up again.
Click the image above for a larger screen shot.
Editor GUI controls :]
Some quick tips because of usability problems at EDITING at this stage.
1st. There is NO "undo/redo" system for the editor.
Some menus are not supplied to the text input parts at this time, but they can be used with knowing platform editing keys
For PC X86:
CNTRL + C keys together means "copy" selected text(data) to the system board.
CNTRL + A keys together means to "select all" text(data) inside the editor pane.
CNTRL + V keys together means to "paste" the previous copied text(data) to the editor pane from the cursor.
To make and extend a selection:
HOLD DOWN SHIFT + HOLD DOWN(Any of the arrow keys to extend the selection)
To select a complete line:
Triple click on the line using the left mouse button(alike double clicking)
For other OS platforms see your java and particularly OS documentation.
A good example of this(menus ... not supplied) is the two editable fields for "find" and "replace" to the right of the
"SUcommanderXer menu" on the window bar at the top. At some time when it reaches the priority of the writing i will add
the interface and events of javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
The SPedit board text inputs require the same also to use system editing memory and actions(note again there is no
"undo/redo" system).
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
All the usual controls required.
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Note: To use encoding schemes, if you change the encoding(or anything else in the config panel) you must restart the
The configuration Panel sets the editor bare requirements for use, no choice in syntax colouring scheme is given. Whether
the editor responds to the configuration settings is dependent if your machine has these(probably does) available
resources to decode/encode text types or if it has the font family resources. Sun Microsystems Java2 runtime environment
(JRE) (if up to date e.g. JRE 1.5.0 or 1.6.0 versions) does supply some of these encodings and some fonts, but there is no
gaurantee of any of those being present in your machine, So as before, use this at major risk(although these
beforementioned in this paragraph are minor or negligable risk).
"Default editor Input Char encoding" is for you to attempt to adjust the editor pane to the keyboards input if it has some
unuasual purpose as being a 16bit text input(e.g. special purpose machine).
for most purposes it should be iso-8859-1 or 2 , because any "en" locale and new 64 bit machines for ordinary users will
only require you to see ordinary text for most.
(More in section Editor settings configuration panel :] below)
Here is previously shown "Locale" information for the editor and files configuration for use:
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
The textareas and fields remain for much in english-"language" and US-"country" locale at this time.
(If possible as an international user) To use this editor for local text, The controls and textfields are not properly cross-
matched to the locale in the "configuration panel" settings. If it is possible to enter your "editor" and "save/open file" file
encodings into the configuration in english [e.g. UNICODE or UTF-16 or generic local file encoding] you should be able to
cause a stable use of the editor pane (text area) at least for text editing.
Editor Fonts :]
If you do not have some fonts i have found are ok for editing, you can download them and install them from these
locations. (These are the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Family)
DejaVu fonts 2.22 release
Editor settings configuration panel :]
This is the configuration panel most are directly for the editor, and "locale language" has been added recently.
"Default editor input Char encoding" is a field you will not need to change unless you specifically operate in both an
"internationalised" Java Runtime Environment(Internationalised JRE) and/or a Character scheme unusual inside the generic
written phonetical language "Locale" you use.
This was for most inserted for the editor pane and file reading system "to stabilise English Locale" and character
"encodings" when this application is used on a machine that does not use English as its default or uses an unusual
keyboard input character set as default or on rigid use/purpose policy.
To change to the type of file character set used by an individual file (for Saving/Opening) e.g. UTF-16 or IBM-850, change
the "Default Save File Character Encoding:"
find and replace text highlighting :]
The find and replace highlighting is "as is", The left text field with the word parse is for the word to "find". To replace, you
require to put a word in the text field to the immediate right and then select from the menu to "replace". When done, you
will find the menu has been set back to "find" automatically.
you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke the finder.
If you want to turn off a text .txt files "find highlights"(clear), then you press GO with nothing in the find field.
the FIND text field is the left field in the picture below with "parse" written in it. The right field is for the replace
Note: the text inputs have both been changed to editable drop down lists to store the session usage. Its dumped when
you close the editor.
I have updated the find/replace mechanism since i found the code had been bumped sometime during major internal
additions and refits of the source.
To use it now gives you that it should and a memory of the items found or swapped(replaced).
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
You can select the platform OS line feed to save in.
You cannot at this time open files using line feed type at this time.
One of three platform new line characters is auto detected on open but must "always" be specified "at saving the file" [Mac
\r , MS Windows \r\n , Linux/UNIX 2char \n ]
This section i want feedback about , to be sure the correct process is used to "encode and decode" with the correct
platform chars.
There are four languages for the editor here in this release.
Javascript [WSH X-BROWSER ASP]
Something like, and script alone only, [ .js .php .cgi .pl .sh .bsh .ksh .csh ]
The upper list is now the language function/subroutine list. The below list is the operator list. The operator list contains
Various languages symbols and some standard coding constructs for fast templating and laying down code.
Its a special "dragged out" floating tool frame.
The operator list (lower list) is used to trigger iterated (sequence repeated editor) SP editing BOARD insertions
(GO HERE TO SP Editing board)
"with" an "inserted text number" for "each iteration" of the sequence the tool commits after it is setup.
When using the lists, you must have the "list toolbar window" grey at the top not blue when you click the list to prevent
double entry of the list-item.
The way to do that is to find the item wanted first and be sure it is visible, then place the cursor where the item is to be
placed in the editor, that should result in the "list toolbar" blue strip becoming grey when the editor area has the cursor
Finally, click the item to insert, directly while the list toolbar window is grey.
The context menu for the editor(Sometimes called the right click menu).Essential test tools.
You can copy from the command output panel , but you cannot use the toupper or tolowercase whether they are there, nor
paste[these are not hooked into the comm panel properly only the editor panel ].
The "save" and "Save as" only apply to the file in the editor, not the command output board or its logging.
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
The middle white text field is a little odd to operate. It allows input of localised to the command, environment settings.Its
If you want to try it , look up Sun Microsystems Inc. Docs java.lang.Runtime "exec()" function carrying the overloading of
command , environment comma seperated list , and working directory [3 arguments].
I truly do not know what the result could be.
The rules for its use are as before. If you run a command that could take time, sit and wait for it to complete. If your not
sure of what that would do , do not attempt to run the command.
The command operates in the foreground at this time, so it will hog your machine until completion.
Simple command example (note: the middle text field is not explained in this document, it is for "command environment")
Standard type command with switches (note: to run executables in windows requires using the System32 as working
Query an executables arguments
Special : "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
New 3rd Nov 2008 {n8} "Tokenised" numeric insert p/loop iteration [insert the number anywhere the token word is placed
in the repeat code]
Simply be sure the token-word used in the lower green text field is not present in the code/text you are inserting except
for the purpose of swapping for the number.
Reasonably complete now, You can index increment numbers into code with an operator repeated sequence(The blue
number QUANTITY , The green number is the number start incrementing from) , or you can "iterate a list implicitly of its
quantity p/new line" inserting whatever is required to be repeated with each list line item by clicking the insert set button,
it should be good for string comparison if-elses and switches.(count from checkbox does not exist now).
To insert the repeting incrementing of a number as text,"do not press insert set" , press an "operator symbol" in the
operator languages list pretend/imagine the blue number is where the operator will be inserted each iteration until the
quantity[the blue numer] has been committed into the editing field. The green number will be the "first printed number" of
the iterations that you want the recursively wriiten numbers started from, it will also be placed directly left and beside the
inserted operator.
"count from" checkbox no longer exists, a method overloading is used in the code/binaries of SUcommanderXer to achieve
the same commission.
3a. 3b.
1.Setup of repeater HTML table datas for automatic numeric id and insertion SP edit board with twenty five iterations
nominated and start from zero.
2.Clicked double quote in the "Operator list" to trigger the incremented insertions.
3(a. and b.).Inserted repeated table data in the editor pane note the ids values.
The board now has an alpha numeric collation system for lists, the center Text area is used to extract and rearrange the
list items p/line. Notice the new buttons on lower left of the panel (02-08-08), there is also now list line end clearing of
white spaces. These two only operate with the center text area.
1. This is a repeated "if else" system(commonly called an "else if") being setup for the script by "list iteration insertion".
(note: there is an unseen space and " if" at the start of the characters in the left side B&W text area and the "true, used,
new-line to add setting" is to attach no new-line p/iteration).
2.SHOWN BELOW NEXT(image): After editing by the "list" inserter,(by pressing the "insert set" button).
Note: inserting by list does not use the green number text field. LINK: See new functions below
The other trigger is to use the blue and green number fields with the two outer Black and White multi-line textfields(only
[do not use the central for text]), then click "the operator symbols (lower list) list" while the "SP edit insert" panel is open.
3 NEW FEATURES 31-01-2009:
1. 2.
The above pair (1. AND 2.) are the gui controls to create files with some code base for XML , XHTML , HTML , TLD and
The filename will be "NEWBASEFILE" plus the standard extension. NOTE: Always close the window(fig 1.) after one use, if
you need to use it again you should close it then re-open it.
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
3. This next is the main feature upgrade. The "collated / list insert system" will now iterate over the sets(per line) and
place incremented numerics into each line capsule of list information using the @#Token#@ wherever found and its
starting number is written in the above field.
If you were to place 9 in the counter field and you had a list of five words each on their own line (as instructed above "list
insert") the last numbers printed with the tokens found in the "left" and "right" fields would be 13's and the first set would
contain 9's.
However, do not forget that with list insert you cannot nominate the number of times to increment the counter number and
repeat code, with list insert it is governed by the quantity to encapsulate in the list set.
NEW features SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta 20-06-2009
%CONTENT% token insert, What it does.
This system allows you to place the %CONTENT% token "in a text content file" (that will be use in "example: a markup
document)" (as many times as required No need for start of the file or end of file) containing content you want to split
then place between the HTML box tags, example "TD tags in an html table" , one after the other, but repeat the HTML
code(wrapper and encapsulte).
You place the %CONTENT% token in the text file(e.g. ".txt") where you want it to split the file into information chunks.
Example content file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
Example OUTPUT HTML file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
There is minor quantity of editing in the HTML page after using the "SPedit list insert" %CONTENT%, again "SPedit list
insert" was used to make the UL list and number it for the "==index=="( Along with some minor adjustments).
How to use the %CONTENT% token insert.
This feature requires the use of the "insert list" button. While the "operator triggered insert" with increment counter can do
this that would not be easy to manage until you get a good feel for this editor.
Obtain the token from the yellow and black field by focusing it and pressing the Cntrl+A key then press Cntrl+C together
to copy it. On either the left or right field in among the HTML tags to encapsulate content you place the %CONTENT%
token, only once.
Press Cntrl+V key to paste it.
If you want to add a list as far as that goes(one after the other line) you can but thats a limitation.
Finally, to trigger the file to be picked up as content, you must load it last thing-to-do with the load "content feed" button,
that doubles as a list file loader for loading the central one-line-only list field.
REMEMBER, there must be at least one char and one (return button) new line in the central field for insert list to operate.
The above picture coresponds to this zip file contents to download and try to see the result.
Simply select all of the contents of the appropriate file for the information and place it in the textarea associate the files
DOWNLOAD: EXAMPLE CONTENT FEED SETUP: SUcommanderXer-list-content-token-templte(20-06-2009).zip
It will for/with %$CONTENT$% token, start from zero "0" to swap @#Token#@ , and place the contents of "the first list
line" in correct order.
Example output HTML from the example zips' contents.
Link: Example
Link(Get it from Here): Requires a Sun Microsystems JRE VM 1.4.2 or newer to operate it
(2014) PDF HELPFILE (20-06-2009) SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (size: 1.25 MB (1,318,912 bytes))
NEW FUNCTIONS 20-06-2009 (download zip and exe)
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
Starting the Application :]
filetypes :]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
Editor GUI controls :]
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Editor Fonts :]
Editor settings configuration panel :]
find and replace text highlighting :]
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
FEATURE: Special "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
Page 5 / 14
Link: Go Here To Download Linux/Win SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer , Config. and install
SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (text/script/markup editor pad)
Quick Issues
NEW SOON v-20-06-2009
1st: In the not too distant future, i will be effecting a mildly better syntax colouring highlighter for both markup and
script. It will be able to colour both start and end lines effectively. The process to do that i have already developed but is
in another development version i have and as before i require to compile and test that in both Linux and Windows.
2nd: As i said before, i will also bolt into the "special edit board" part of the mechanism the site-blaster.js system uses
to process markup page content with some special mechanisms to allow ease of use in the code repeating system.
preview Image
1. There will be a special content separator token field placed under the incrementor token field for content-pick-up
separation by the nominated token. The token found written into that field must be unique among the text in the content
text file that will also be containing that nominated token.
2. (a) There will be a process screened mechanism of file button and filename field to nominate the content text file to
be used. The token must be placed after the text in the file as a separator between text content pieces.
(b) Also, the point at which to place content to be wrapped by repeated code is to be nominated on the board with the
token once only for where it must be placed among the repeated markup.
(c) The nominated content file must only contain text content separated by that nominated token at time of special
repeater edit board insert.
[As a note to myself: the last content block of text may or may not require the separator token after it by data length or
*There is a tiny catch, a screen size of at least 1024 x 768[ height is the signifigance ] is required.
**Any visible GUI problems can be sent to "subject: ERR-SUcommanderXer ,".
The application text editing has minor support for text encoding, and locale(for holding the components bound to english
schemes for much as the reason) schemes too.
***The code colourer is at early development stage and requires some prompting to operate sometimes. If you need to
recolour the code, because of the colourer stalling, tap the spacebar around five or six times after placing the cursor after a
****As always though, never use the command terminal unless you really understand a commands syntax and know how
to shut down the javaw.exe with CNTRL+ALT+DEL "task manager"(Windows 2000/XP/Vista).
With Linux be sure to open a terminal (e.g. Konsole) and get the PID numbers for before and after you start
SucommanderXer so you can identify a/the bad process, to operate the kill command upon, the right java.bin
process,particularly when there are multiple JVM instances operating(Linux OS's).
*****Don't forget that the "Find or Replace" system often requires re-stablising after use to prevent stickiness(it won't
actually lock up or jam the GUI but will potentially be a pest if you do not [usually bigger files of 90kb-text 20kb or more
coloured script]).
All you need to do is to clear / delete(make the field completely empty) all the text in the "left find field" and press "GO"
on the "find/replace" menu.
This can also apply to the line number painting, but usually you only need to scroll your mouse wheel to straighten it. At
most minimise the application then re-maximise it.
******A minor problem with strings is there is not much identifying processing for the colourer at this time, so always
escape internal apostrophes or double quotes.
/* =============================
e.g. */
file_separator = "\\" ; // escaped file separator in a string
full_file = path_base+file_separator+aFile;
/* Some other abnormalities can be corrected by swapping from " double quote to apostrophes.
============================= */
****** Another minor string colouring problem can be solved if the lines and text are brown completely for a number of
How). Go to the bottom brown line of the set of them and find the first pair of either apostrophes (single quotes) or double
quotes, particularly if they are simply a string declaration for a variable (note usually but not every instance it is a pair of
double quotes need to be changes to single quotes for the colourer).
On that line you may need to swap the quote set for it other set(double to single , or , single to double or a set of them
on that bottom line or line below it)
e.g. change
parts = "";
parts = '';
If there are other quotes on that line for other statement parts, they could require changing also.
14th Nov. 2008:
Small fix , it doesn't change the version 10-11-2008 , merely removes some excess constructed quantities of large buffers
back to the only ones required through(a quantity of code cleaning).
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
First: The syntax colourer and opening the one and only file at a time you can in the editor can be slow.
SUcommanderXer (SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta) is a scripting and basic markup coloured editor.
Like many other go-it-alone software editor or program constructions/developments it came to being because i have my
own ways of doing things and found nothing else supplying the alike of that i do or required.
One such reason it has come to be is the repeated coding in scripts such as if-elses and markup lists such as those
requiring alphabetic collation.
The SPedit board provides some of the beforementioned services to coding unlike most or any other editors or IDE's (i can't
say i've ever achieved seeing them all).
Finally it is pre-beta, so do not expect at any time for this to be a fantastic experience.You should simply be able to aquire
from using it, some of the functions it was designed to enhance in web and local shell editing.
This version will be the last garbage of an uncooked indigestive turbulence that has all the point of why its "pre beta". The
below picture is effectively similar of appearence (less complicated than the releaseable [not completed]) with the version
that will be v1-beta.
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
The application requires a Sun Microsystems Inc. JRE(Java Runtime Environment) of 1.4.2 or newer, other JRE's possibley
will operate the application but this is the Brand used for compile to byte-code binaries.
When installing from a zip file, the archiver application must be set to extract the files with the folder order the files had
been packed or the application will fail to be operable.
You can extract to any drive and folder you wish to place it in.
To use the Windows version .exe self extraction setup for NT2000,2000,XP,Vista you must have Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6
(Windows Script Host) installed in your computer first. Simply double click the .exe called SUcommanderXer-last-pre-
beta.exe and follow the instructions.
Starting the Application :]
[Windows] during setup with the .exe, the application should have successfully placed three icons on your desktop. Th icon
named "Start-SUcommanderXer" should be present and can be clicked/double-clicked to start the application.
If not and the folder containing all the files and its structure for the application are present then inside the folder
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" there is a .exe to double click called "START-SUcommanderXer.exe".
For the zip setup, after installing Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6 (Windows Script Host) if it is not present, you can double click
the file called "Install-Desktop-STARTER-Shortcut-SU.js" to place icons onto your desktop.
These setup scripts are set to run under the present user.
[Linux] You can only use the zip version to install the application in Linux. It will require the same as windows for a JRE
but does not have/use any helper install scripts.
If there are any real problems with triggering executable .sh shell scripts in your distro, be sure to set the
"" executable on your "properties"-file information tab/dialog to executable under your username.
While you should simply be able to click on the .sh "" , if that does not start then use the
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" folder window "tools" menu and select "execute shell command". A small dialog should
pop up and if you have selected the "" icon it will be in the one line text field as
'./'. Press the execute button on the dialog and SUcommanderXer should start.
1. Select the file with a single right-click on it.
2. Use "Tools" menu on the folders menu bar and press "Execute Shell Command" on its menu.
3. The File-browser Application(usually "Konqueror") pops a box to verify the action by the user pressing "OK" .
4. The output from the command should appear something like.....
21-10-2008 build (note: Again i state that at this stage that i do not know the exact result of using the Windows build
compiler so there could be differences in GUI rendering results).
[Mac] (note: I know less again about the result Mac OS will have upon it but it will probably not be dissimilar to Linux).
To start SUcommanderXer in Mac the only version i have used allows right clicking on the .class file and brings up a context
menu that will allow you to choose how to run it. Do not attempt to or execute any commands in SUcommanderXers'
command line console in Mac OS at this stage.
Neither am i sure of the actual results from using it in Mac OS , so do not use or install it if you are not prepared (more so
than the other OS's here) to require recovering from a crash if that occurs under your own responsibility and libility.
filetypes :]
A good contrasting of the service this editor gives against "windows notepad" is the operations that can be performed, In
effect you can edit XML and HTML based files or html files aside to "text or scripts", and with encoding(requirements).
redundant information: Recently i started with a 185kb text file to edit for a WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)
list i'm building. The list i opened in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and it required around 30-40 seconds to open. In
contrast to it i opened it in notepad and it went to the screen almost instantly, BUT, when i tried to do a replace edit to
remove excess spaces in notepad it lumbered away at a couple of hundred lines out of 2000 or so and began to crash the
computer because it was overloaded. I then tried in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and while the result was alike moving
around in space above the earth for speed it complied to every request finalising it in around thirty seconds until the file
was around 70kb of size and the interface and process speeded up.
[a note about the replace system, you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke
the finder. If you want to turn of a text .txt files find highlights, then you press GO with nothing in the find field ]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
is a web and "loacal shell language" scripting editor with some syntax colouring support. Aside to that are a special set of
editing functions and editing assistances to make coding easier. While the documentation (language reference) for a
scripting language should always be at ready and used, the reason for the lists system for functions and operators is part
of the scheme to make the editing easier and more efficient. So too(making editing easier) is the contents of the right
click popup menu(context menu). It contains required instant controls for any minor mistakes or corrections and changes in
text(to upper case, or , to lower case).
One final note: The folder the app resides in at present is called "SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" and was called
LixStarterMotor.class for Linux requires to be the correct version or you will need to cd into "engine" folder and execute
the "java Sutest3" command from the shell prompt. Always unzip the app "using folder structure setting" with your
archiving extractor application. You can put this editing application anywhere on your drive in its folder.
However you can down load and coppy the correct LixStarterMotor.class version for the folder here:
(July 18 2008 20:00 pm E.S.T.)
Recently the Tooljavascript.class has had some DOM and DHTML added for better .js file colouring and editing.
(July 19 [morning] 2008 0:00 pm E.S.T.)
A number of new additions have been placed into SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta,
When a file is "saved" or "save as" the syntax colour is triggered after testing the file type.
The configuration board has had two "lists" added, A locale "language" , and A locale "Country" to choose from, the catch is
the better match the settings you choose together. The default is set as country "US"[two capital letters always] and,
lanuage "eng"[three lower case letters (almost always)]. The lists can be hand filled in, but that is if you know what your
This occurred because i had no way of changing the editor language and the only machines i could access are in an Asian
locale by default and i could not make UTF-16 operate though the encoding and settings were all correct.
The following two URL's will give you a list of the values and some explanation how to set locale settings in configuration.
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
Finally, the floating "languages list"(programming) toolbar has had the buttons and field for finding in the list made
smaller so hopefully it fits now for LINUX.
Found more and suitable methods and properties for "Tooljavascript.class" . Tooljavascript(new-18-07-2008).zip is now
actually updated today (July 19) and contains better DOM javascript and xslt support.
Note: That this version apart to Linux will also operate in Windows and mac [re: shell script exec commands of (java -
classpath "" Sutest3) ]
re arranged the colouring a tiny piece, and put in a javaw Sytsem.exit[MS Windows] since it popped up again.
Click the image above for a larger screen shot.
Editor GUI controls :]
Some quick tips because of usability problems at EDITING at this stage.
1st. There is NO "undo/redo" system for the editor.
Some menus are not supplied to the text input parts at this time, but they can be used with knowing platform editing keys
For PC X86:
CNTRL + C keys together means "copy" selected text(data) to the system board.
CNTRL + A keys together means to "select all" text(data) inside the editor pane.
CNTRL + V keys together means to "paste" the previous copied text(data) to the editor pane from the cursor.
To make and extend a selection:
HOLD DOWN SHIFT + HOLD DOWN(Any of the arrow keys to extend the selection)
To select a complete line:
Triple click on the line using the left mouse button(alike double clicking)
For other OS platforms see your java and particularly OS documentation.
A good example of this(menus ... not supplied) is the two editable fields for "find" and "replace" to the right of the
"SUcommanderXer menu" on the window bar at the top. At some time when it reaches the priority of the writing i will add
the interface and events of javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
The SPedit board text inputs require the same also to use system editing memory and actions(note again there is no
"undo/redo" system).
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
All the usual controls required.
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Note: To use encoding schemes, if you change the encoding(or anything else in the config panel) you must restart the
The configuration Panel sets the editor bare requirements for use, no choice in syntax colouring scheme is given. Whether
the editor responds to the configuration settings is dependent if your machine has these(probably does) available
resources to decode/encode text types or if it has the font family resources. Sun Microsystems Java2 runtime environment
(JRE) (if up to date e.g. JRE 1.5.0 or 1.6.0 versions) does supply some of these encodings and some fonts, but there is no
gaurantee of any of those being present in your machine, So as before, use this at major risk(although these
beforementioned in this paragraph are minor or negligable risk).
"Default editor Input Char encoding" is for you to attempt to adjust the editor pane to the keyboards input if it has some
unuasual purpose as being a 16bit text input(e.g. special purpose machine).
for most purposes it should be iso-8859-1 or 2 , because any "en" locale and new 64 bit machines for ordinary users will
only require you to see ordinary text for most.
(More in section Editor settings configuration panel :] below)
Here is previously shown "Locale" information for the editor and files configuration for use:
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
The textareas and fields remain for much in english-"language" and US-"country" locale at this time.
(If possible as an international user) To use this editor for local text, The controls and textfields are not properly cross-
matched to the locale in the "configuration panel" settings. If it is possible to enter your "editor" and "save/open file" file
encodings into the configuration in english [e.g. UNICODE or UTF-16 or generic local file encoding] you should be able to
cause a stable use of the editor pane (text area) at least for text editing.
Editor Fonts :]
If you do not have some fonts i have found are ok for editing, you can download them and install them from these
locations. (These are the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Family)
DejaVu fonts 2.22 release
Editor settings configuration panel :]
This is the configuration panel most are directly for the editor, and "locale language" has been added recently.
"Default editor input Char encoding" is a field you will not need to change unless you specifically operate in both an
"internationalised" Java Runtime Environment(Internationalised JRE) and/or a Character scheme unusual inside the generic
written phonetical language "Locale" you use.
This was for most inserted for the editor pane and file reading system "to stabilise English Locale" and character
"encodings" when this application is used on a machine that does not use English as its default or uses an unusual
keyboard input character set as default or on rigid use/purpose policy.
To change to the type of file character set used by an individual file (for Saving/Opening) e.g. UTF-16 or IBM-850, change
the "Default Save File Character Encoding:"
find and replace text highlighting :]
The find and replace highlighting is "as is", The left text field with the word parse is for the word to "find". To replace, you
require to put a word in the text field to the immediate right and then select from the menu to "replace". When done, you
will find the menu has been set back to "find" automatically.
you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke the finder.
If you want to turn off a text .txt files "find highlights"(clear), then you press GO with nothing in the find field.
the FIND text field is the left field in the picture below with "parse" written in it. The right field is for the replace
Note: the text inputs have both been changed to editable drop down lists to store the session usage. Its dumped when
you close the editor.
I have updated the find/replace mechanism since i found the code had been bumped sometime during major internal
additions and refits of the source.
To use it now gives you that it should and a memory of the items found or swapped(replaced).
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
You can select the platform OS line feed to save in.
You cannot at this time open files using line feed type at this time.
One of three platform new line characters is auto detected on open but must "always" be specified "at saving the file" [Mac
\r , MS Windows \r\n , Linux/UNIX 2char \n ]
This section i want feedback about , to be sure the correct process is used to "encode and decode" with the correct
platform chars.
There are four languages for the editor here in this release.
Javascript [WSH X-BROWSER ASP]
Something like, and script alone only, [ .js .php .cgi .pl .sh .bsh .ksh .csh ]
The upper list is now the language function/subroutine list. The below list is the operator list. The operator list contains
Various languages symbols and some standard coding constructs for fast templating and laying down code.
Its a special "dragged out" floating tool frame.
The operator list (lower list) is used to trigger iterated (sequence repeated editor) SP editing BOARD insertions
(GO HERE TO SP Editing board)
"with" an "inserted text number" for "each iteration" of the sequence the tool commits after it is setup.
When using the lists, you must have the "list toolbar window" grey at the top not blue when you click the list to prevent
double entry of the list-item.
The way to do that is to find the item wanted first and be sure it is visible, then place the cursor where the item is to be
placed in the editor, that should result in the "list toolbar" blue strip becoming grey when the editor area has the cursor
Finally, click the item to insert, directly while the list toolbar window is grey.
The context menu for the editor(Sometimes called the right click menu).Essential test tools.
You can copy from the command output panel , but you cannot use the toupper or tolowercase whether they are there, nor
paste[these are not hooked into the comm panel properly only the editor panel ].
The "save" and "Save as" only apply to the file in the editor, not the command output board or its logging.
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
The middle white text field is a little odd to operate. It allows input of localised to the command, environment settings.Its
If you want to try it , look up Sun Microsystems Inc. Docs java.lang.Runtime "exec()" function carrying the overloading of
command , environment comma seperated list , and working directory [3 arguments].
I truly do not know what the result could be.
The rules for its use are as before. If you run a command that could take time, sit and wait for it to complete. If your not
sure of what that would do , do not attempt to run the command.
The command operates in the foreground at this time, so it will hog your machine until completion.
Simple command example (note: the middle text field is not explained in this document, it is for "command environment")
Standard type command with switches (note: to run executables in windows requires using the System32 as working
Query an executables arguments
Special : "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
New 3rd Nov 2008 {n8} "Tokenised" numeric insert p/loop iteration [insert the number anywhere the token word is placed
in the repeat code]
Simply be sure the token-word used in the lower green text field is not present in the code/text you are inserting except
for the purpose of swapping for the number.
Reasonably complete now, You can index increment numbers into code with an operator repeated sequence(The blue
number QUANTITY , The green number is the number start incrementing from) , or you can "iterate a list implicitly of its
quantity p/new line" inserting whatever is required to be repeated with each list line item by clicking the insert set button,
it should be good for string comparison if-elses and switches.(count from checkbox does not exist now).
To insert the repeting incrementing of a number as text,"do not press insert set" , press an "operator symbol" in the
operator languages list pretend/imagine the blue number is where the operator will be inserted each iteration until the
quantity[the blue numer] has been committed into the editing field. The green number will be the "first printed number" of
the iterations that you want the recursively wriiten numbers started from, it will also be placed directly left and beside the
inserted operator.
"count from" checkbox no longer exists, a method overloading is used in the code/binaries of SUcommanderXer to achieve
the same commission.
3a. 3b.
1.Setup of repeater HTML table datas for automatic numeric id and insertion SP edit board with twenty five iterations
nominated and start from zero.
2.Clicked double quote in the "Operator list" to trigger the incremented insertions.
3(a. and b.).Inserted repeated table data in the editor pane note the ids values.
The board now has an alpha numeric collation system for lists, the center Text area is used to extract and rearrange the
list items p/line. Notice the new buttons on lower left of the panel (02-08-08), there is also now list line end clearing of
white spaces. These two only operate with the center text area.
1. This is a repeated "if else" system(commonly called an "else if") being setup for the script by "list iteration insertion".
(note: there is an unseen space and " if" at the start of the characters in the left side B&W text area and the "true, used,
new-line to add setting" is to attach no new-line p/iteration).
2.SHOWN BELOW NEXT(image): After editing by the "list" inserter,(by pressing the "insert set" button).
Note: inserting by list does not use the green number text field. LINK: See new functions below
The other trigger is to use the blue and green number fields with the two outer Black and White multi-line textfields(only
[do not use the central for text]), then click "the operator symbols (lower list) list" while the "SP edit insert" panel is open.
3 NEW FEATURES 31-01-2009:
1. 2.
The above pair (1. AND 2.) are the gui controls to create files with some code base for XML , XHTML , HTML , TLD and
The filename will be "NEWBASEFILE" plus the standard extension. NOTE: Always close the window(fig 1.) after one use, if
you need to use it again you should close it then re-open it.
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
3. This next is the main feature upgrade. The "collated / list insert system" will now iterate over the sets(per line) and
place incremented numerics into each line capsule of list information using the @#Token#@ wherever found and its
starting number is written in the above field.
If you were to place 9 in the counter field and you had a list of five words each on their own line (as instructed above "list
insert") the last numbers printed with the tokens found in the "left" and "right" fields would be 13's and the first set would
contain 9's.
However, do not forget that with list insert you cannot nominate the number of times to increment the counter number and
repeat code, with list insert it is governed by the quantity to encapsulate in the list set.
NEW features SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta 20-06-2009
%CONTENT% token insert, What it does.
This system allows you to place the %CONTENT% token "in a text content file" (that will be use in "example: a markup
document)" (as many times as required No need for start of the file or end of file) containing content you want to split
then place between the HTML box tags, example "TD tags in an html table" , one after the other, but repeat the HTML
code(wrapper and encapsulte).
You place the %CONTENT% token in the text file(e.g. ".txt") where you want it to split the file into information chunks.
Example content file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
Example OUTPUT HTML file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
There is minor quantity of editing in the HTML page after using the "SPedit list insert" %CONTENT%, again "SPedit list
insert" was used to make the UL list and number it for the "==index=="( Along with some minor adjustments).
How to use the %CONTENT% token insert.
This feature requires the use of the "insert list" button. While the "operator triggered insert" with increment counter can do
this that would not be easy to manage until you get a good feel for this editor.
Obtain the token from the yellow and black field by focusing it and pressing the Cntrl+A key then press Cntrl+C together
to copy it. On either the left or right field in among the HTML tags to encapsulate content you place the %CONTENT%
token, only once.
Press Cntrl+V key to paste it.
If you want to add a list as far as that goes(one after the other line) you can but thats a limitation.
Finally, to trigger the file to be picked up as content, you must load it last thing-to-do with the load "content feed" button,
that doubles as a list file loader for loading the central one-line-only list field.
REMEMBER, there must be at least one char and one (return button) new line in the central field for insert list to operate.
The above picture coresponds to this zip file contents to download and try to see the result.
Simply select all of the contents of the appropriate file for the information and place it in the textarea associate the files
DOWNLOAD: EXAMPLE CONTENT FEED SETUP: SUcommanderXer-list-content-token-templte(20-06-2009).zip
It will for/with %$CONTENT$% token, start from zero "0" to swap @#Token#@ , and place the contents of "the first list
line" in correct order.
Example output HTML from the example zips' contents.
Link: Example
Link(Get it from Here): Requires a Sun Microsystems JRE VM 1.4.2 or newer to operate it
(2014) PDF HELPFILE (20-06-2009) SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (size: 1.25 MB (1,318,912 bytes))
NEW FUNCTIONS 20-06-2009 (download zip and exe)
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
Starting the Application :]
filetypes :]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
Editor GUI controls :]
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Editor Fonts :]
Editor settings configuration panel :]
find and replace text highlighting :]
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
FEATURE: Special "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
Page 6 / 14
Link: Go Here To Download Linux/Win SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer , Config. and install
SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (text/script/markup editor pad)
Quick Issues
NEW SOON v-20-06-2009
1st: In the not too distant future, i will be effecting a mildly better syntax colouring highlighter for both markup and
script. It will be able to colour both start and end lines effectively. The process to do that i have already developed but is
in another development version i have and as before i require to compile and test that in both Linux and Windows.
2nd: As i said before, i will also bolt into the "special edit board" part of the mechanism the site-blaster.js system uses
to process markup page content with some special mechanisms to allow ease of use in the code repeating system.
preview Image
1. There will be a special content separator token field placed under the incrementor token field for content-pick-up
separation by the nominated token. The token found written into that field must be unique among the text in the content
text file that will also be containing that nominated token.
2. (a) There will be a process screened mechanism of file button and filename field to nominate the content text file to
be used. The token must be placed after the text in the file as a separator between text content pieces.
(b) Also, the point at which to place content to be wrapped by repeated code is to be nominated on the board with the
token once only for where it must be placed among the repeated markup.
(c) The nominated content file must only contain text content separated by that nominated token at time of special
repeater edit board insert.
[As a note to myself: the last content block of text may or may not require the separator token after it by data length or
*There is a tiny catch, a screen size of at least 1024 x 768[ height is the signifigance ] is required.
**Any visible GUI problems can be sent to "subject: ERR-SUcommanderXer ,".
The application text editing has minor support for text encoding, and locale(for holding the components bound to english
schemes for much as the reason) schemes too.
***The code colourer is at early development stage and requires some prompting to operate sometimes. If you need to
recolour the code, because of the colourer stalling, tap the spacebar around five or six times after placing the cursor after a
****As always though, never use the command terminal unless you really understand a commands syntax and know how
to shut down the javaw.exe with CNTRL+ALT+DEL "task manager"(Windows 2000/XP/Vista).
With Linux be sure to open a terminal (e.g. Konsole) and get the PID numbers for before and after you start
SucommanderXer so you can identify a/the bad process, to operate the kill command upon, the right java.bin
process,particularly when there are multiple JVM instances operating(Linux OS's).
*****Don't forget that the "Find or Replace" system often requires re-stablising after use to prevent stickiness(it won't
actually lock up or jam the GUI but will potentially be a pest if you do not [usually bigger files of 90kb-text 20kb or more
coloured script]).
All you need to do is to clear / delete(make the field completely empty) all the text in the "left find field" and press "GO"
on the "find/replace" menu.
This can also apply to the line number painting, but usually you only need to scroll your mouse wheel to straighten it. At
most minimise the application then re-maximise it.
******A minor problem with strings is there is not much identifying processing for the colourer at this time, so always
escape internal apostrophes or double quotes.
/* =============================
e.g. */
file_separator = "\\" ; // escaped file separator in a string
full_file = path_base+file_separator+aFile;
/* Some other abnormalities can be corrected by swapping from " double quote to apostrophes.
============================= */
****** Another minor string colouring problem can be solved if the lines and text are brown completely for a number of
How). Go to the bottom brown line of the set of them and find the first pair of either apostrophes (single quotes) or double
quotes, particularly if they are simply a string declaration for a variable (note usually but not every instance it is a pair of
double quotes need to be changes to single quotes for the colourer).
On that line you may need to swap the quote set for it other set(double to single , or , single to double or a set of them
on that bottom line or line below it)
e.g. change
parts = "";
parts = '';
If there are other quotes on that line for other statement parts, they could require changing also.
14th Nov. 2008:
Small fix , it doesn't change the version 10-11-2008 , merely removes some excess constructed quantities of large buffers
back to the only ones required through(a quantity of code cleaning).
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
First: The syntax colourer and opening the one and only file at a time you can in the editor can be slow.
SUcommanderXer (SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta) is a scripting and basic markup coloured editor.
Like many other go-it-alone software editor or program constructions/developments it came to being because i have my
own ways of doing things and found nothing else supplying the alike of that i do or required.
One such reason it has come to be is the repeated coding in scripts such as if-elses and markup lists such as those
requiring alphabetic collation.
The SPedit board provides some of the beforementioned services to coding unlike most or any other editors or IDE's (i can't
say i've ever achieved seeing them all).
Finally it is pre-beta, so do not expect at any time for this to be a fantastic experience.You should simply be able to aquire
from using it, some of the functions it was designed to enhance in web and local shell editing.
This version will be the last garbage of an uncooked indigestive turbulence that has all the point of why its "pre beta". The
below picture is effectively similar of appearence (less complicated than the releaseable [not completed]) with the version
that will be v1-beta.
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
The application requires a Sun Microsystems Inc. JRE(Java Runtime Environment) of 1.4.2 or newer, other JRE's possibley
will operate the application but this is the Brand used for compile to byte-code binaries.
When installing from a zip file, the archiver application must be set to extract the files with the folder order the files had
been packed or the application will fail to be operable.
You can extract to any drive and folder you wish to place it in.
To use the Windows version .exe self extraction setup for NT2000,2000,XP,Vista you must have Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6
(Windows Script Host) installed in your computer first. Simply double click the .exe called SUcommanderXer-last-pre-
beta.exe and follow the instructions.
Starting the Application :]
[Windows] during setup with the .exe, the application should have successfully placed three icons on your desktop. Th icon
named "Start-SUcommanderXer" should be present and can be clicked/double-clicked to start the application.
If not and the folder containing all the files and its structure for the application are present then inside the folder
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" there is a .exe to double click called "START-SUcommanderXer.exe".
For the zip setup, after installing Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6 (Windows Script Host) if it is not present, you can double click
the file called "Install-Desktop-STARTER-Shortcut-SU.js" to place icons onto your desktop.
These setup scripts are set to run under the present user.
[Linux] You can only use the zip version to install the application in Linux. It will require the same as windows for a JRE
but does not have/use any helper install scripts.
If there are any real problems with triggering executable .sh shell scripts in your distro, be sure to set the
"" executable on your "properties"-file information tab/dialog to executable under your username.
While you should simply be able to click on the .sh "" , if that does not start then use the
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" folder window "tools" menu and select "execute shell command". A small dialog should
pop up and if you have selected the "" icon it will be in the one line text field as
'./'. Press the execute button on the dialog and SUcommanderXer should start.
1. Select the file with a single right-click on it.
2. Use "Tools" menu on the folders menu bar and press "Execute Shell Command" on its menu.
3. The File-browser Application(usually "Konqueror") pops a box to verify the action by the user pressing "OK" .
4. The output from the command should appear something like.....
21-10-2008 build (note: Again i state that at this stage that i do not know the exact result of using the Windows build
compiler so there could be differences in GUI rendering results).
[Mac] (note: I know less again about the result Mac OS will have upon it but it will probably not be dissimilar to Linux).
To start SUcommanderXer in Mac the only version i have used allows right clicking on the .class file and brings up a context
menu that will allow you to choose how to run it. Do not attempt to or execute any commands in SUcommanderXers'
command line console in Mac OS at this stage.
Neither am i sure of the actual results from using it in Mac OS , so do not use or install it if you are not prepared (more so
than the other OS's here) to require recovering from a crash if that occurs under your own responsibility and libility.
filetypes :]
A good contrasting of the service this editor gives against "windows notepad" is the operations that can be performed, In
effect you can edit XML and HTML based files or html files aside to "text or scripts", and with encoding(requirements).
redundant information: Recently i started with a 185kb text file to edit for a WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)
list i'm building. The list i opened in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and it required around 30-40 seconds to open. In
contrast to it i opened it in notepad and it went to the screen almost instantly, BUT, when i tried to do a replace edit to
remove excess spaces in notepad it lumbered away at a couple of hundred lines out of 2000 or so and began to crash the
computer because it was overloaded. I then tried in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and while the result was alike moving
around in space above the earth for speed it complied to every request finalising it in around thirty seconds until the file
was around 70kb of size and the interface and process speeded up.
[a note about the replace system, you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke
the finder. If you want to turn of a text .txt files find highlights, then you press GO with nothing in the find field ]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
is a web and "loacal shell language" scripting editor with some syntax colouring support. Aside to that are a special set of
editing functions and editing assistances to make coding easier. While the documentation (language reference) for a
scripting language should always be at ready and used, the reason for the lists system for functions and operators is part
of the scheme to make the editing easier and more efficient. So too(making editing easier) is the contents of the right
click popup menu(context menu). It contains required instant controls for any minor mistakes or corrections and changes in
text(to upper case, or , to lower case).
One final note: The folder the app resides in at present is called "SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" and was called
LixStarterMotor.class for Linux requires to be the correct version or you will need to cd into "engine" folder and execute
the "java Sutest3" command from the shell prompt. Always unzip the app "using folder structure setting" with your
archiving extractor application. You can put this editing application anywhere on your drive in its folder.
However you can down load and coppy the correct LixStarterMotor.class version for the folder here:
(July 18 2008 20:00 pm E.S.T.)
Recently the Tooljavascript.class has had some DOM and DHTML added for better .js file colouring and editing.
(July 19 [morning] 2008 0:00 pm E.S.T.)
A number of new additions have been placed into SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta,
When a file is "saved" or "save as" the syntax colour is triggered after testing the file type.
The configuration board has had two "lists" added, A locale "language" , and A locale "Country" to choose from, the catch is
the better match the settings you choose together. The default is set as country "US"[two capital letters always] and,
lanuage "eng"[three lower case letters (almost always)]. The lists can be hand filled in, but that is if you know what your
This occurred because i had no way of changing the editor language and the only machines i could access are in an Asian
locale by default and i could not make UTF-16 operate though the encoding and settings were all correct.
The following two URL's will give you a list of the values and some explanation how to set locale settings in configuration.
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
Finally, the floating "languages list"(programming) toolbar has had the buttons and field for finding in the list made
smaller so hopefully it fits now for LINUX.
Found more and suitable methods and properties for "Tooljavascript.class" . Tooljavascript(new-18-07-2008).zip is now
actually updated today (July 19) and contains better DOM javascript and xslt support.
Note: That this version apart to Linux will also operate in Windows and mac [re: shell script exec commands of (java -
classpath "" Sutest3) ]
re arranged the colouring a tiny piece, and put in a javaw Sytsem.exit[MS Windows] since it popped up again.
Click the image above for a larger screen shot.
Editor GUI controls :]
Some quick tips because of usability problems at EDITING at this stage.
1st. There is NO "undo/redo" system for the editor.
Some menus are not supplied to the text input parts at this time, but they can be used with knowing platform editing keys
For PC X86:
CNTRL + C keys together means "copy" selected text(data) to the system board.
CNTRL + A keys together means to "select all" text(data) inside the editor pane.
CNTRL + V keys together means to "paste" the previous copied text(data) to the editor pane from the cursor.
To make and extend a selection:
HOLD DOWN SHIFT + HOLD DOWN(Any of the arrow keys to extend the selection)
To select a complete line:
Triple click on the line using the left mouse button(alike double clicking)
For other OS platforms see your java and particularly OS documentation.
A good example of this(menus ... not supplied) is the two editable fields for "find" and "replace" to the right of the
"SUcommanderXer menu" on the window bar at the top. At some time when it reaches the priority of the writing i will add
the interface and events of javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
The SPedit board text inputs require the same also to use system editing memory and actions(note again there is no
"undo/redo" system).
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
All the usual controls required.
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Note: To use encoding schemes, if you change the encoding(or anything else in the config panel) you must restart the
The configuration Panel sets the editor bare requirements for use, no choice in syntax colouring scheme is given. Whether
the editor responds to the configuration settings is dependent if your machine has these(probably does) available
resources to decode/encode text types or if it has the font family resources. Sun Microsystems Java2 runtime environment
(JRE) (if up to date e.g. JRE 1.5.0 or 1.6.0 versions) does supply some of these encodings and some fonts, but there is no
gaurantee of any of those being present in your machine, So as before, use this at major risk(although these
beforementioned in this paragraph are minor or negligable risk).
"Default editor Input Char encoding" is for you to attempt to adjust the editor pane to the keyboards input if it has some
unuasual purpose as being a 16bit text input(e.g. special purpose machine).
for most purposes it should be iso-8859-1 or 2 , because any "en" locale and new 64 bit machines for ordinary users will
only require you to see ordinary text for most.
(More in section Editor settings configuration panel :] below)
Here is previously shown "Locale" information for the editor and files configuration for use:
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
The textareas and fields remain for much in english-"language" and US-"country" locale at this time.
(If possible as an international user) To use this editor for local text, The controls and textfields are not properly cross-
matched to the locale in the "configuration panel" settings. If it is possible to enter your "editor" and "save/open file" file
encodings into the configuration in english [e.g. UNICODE or UTF-16 or generic local file encoding] you should be able to
cause a stable use of the editor pane (text area) at least for text editing.
Editor Fonts :]
If you do not have some fonts i have found are ok for editing, you can download them and install them from these
locations. (These are the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Family)
DejaVu fonts 2.22 release
Editor settings configuration panel :]
This is the configuration panel most are directly for the editor, and "locale language" has been added recently.
"Default editor input Char encoding" is a field you will not need to change unless you specifically operate in both an
"internationalised" Java Runtime Environment(Internationalised JRE) and/or a Character scheme unusual inside the generic
written phonetical language "Locale" you use.
This was for most inserted for the editor pane and file reading system "to stabilise English Locale" and character
"encodings" when this application is used on a machine that does not use English as its default or uses an unusual
keyboard input character set as default or on rigid use/purpose policy.
To change to the type of file character set used by an individual file (for Saving/Opening) e.g. UTF-16 or IBM-850, change
the "Default Save File Character Encoding:"
find and replace text highlighting :]
The find and replace highlighting is "as is", The left text field with the word parse is for the word to "find". To replace, you
require to put a word in the text field to the immediate right and then select from the menu to "replace". When done, you
will find the menu has been set back to "find" automatically.
you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke the finder.
If you want to turn off a text .txt files "find highlights"(clear), then you press GO with nothing in the find field.
the FIND text field is the left field in the picture below with "parse" written in it. The right field is for the replace
Note: the text inputs have both been changed to editable drop down lists to store the session usage. Its dumped when
you close the editor.
I have updated the find/replace mechanism since i found the code had been bumped sometime during major internal
additions and refits of the source.
To use it now gives you that it should and a memory of the items found or swapped(replaced).
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
You can select the platform OS line feed to save in.
You cannot at this time open files using line feed type at this time.
One of three platform new line characters is auto detected on open but must "always" be specified "at saving the file" [Mac
\r , MS Windows \r\n , Linux/UNIX 2char \n ]
This section i want feedback about , to be sure the correct process is used to "encode and decode" with the correct
platform chars.
There are four languages for the editor here in this release.
Javascript [WSH X-BROWSER ASP]
Something like, and script alone only, [ .js .php .cgi .pl .sh .bsh .ksh .csh ]
The upper list is now the language function/subroutine list. The below list is the operator list. The operator list contains
Various languages symbols and some standard coding constructs for fast templating and laying down code.
Its a special "dragged out" floating tool frame.
The operator list (lower list) is used to trigger iterated (sequence repeated editor) SP editing BOARD insertions
(GO HERE TO SP Editing board)
"with" an "inserted text number" for "each iteration" of the sequence the tool commits after it is setup.
When using the lists, you must have the "list toolbar window" grey at the top not blue when you click the list to prevent
double entry of the list-item.
The way to do that is to find the item wanted first and be sure it is visible, then place the cursor where the item is to be
placed in the editor, that should result in the "list toolbar" blue strip becoming grey when the editor area has the cursor
Finally, click the item to insert, directly while the list toolbar window is grey.
The context menu for the editor(Sometimes called the right click menu).Essential test tools.
You can copy from the command output panel , but you cannot use the toupper or tolowercase whether they are there, nor
paste[these are not hooked into the comm panel properly only the editor panel ].
The "save" and "Save as" only apply to the file in the editor, not the command output board or its logging.
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
The middle white text field is a little odd to operate. It allows input of localised to the command, environment settings.Its
If you want to try it , look up Sun Microsystems Inc. Docs java.lang.Runtime "exec()" function carrying the overloading of
command , environment comma seperated list , and working directory [3 arguments].
I truly do not know what the result could be.
The rules for its use are as before. If you run a command that could take time, sit and wait for it to complete. If your not
sure of what that would do , do not attempt to run the command.
The command operates in the foreground at this time, so it will hog your machine until completion.
Simple command example (note: the middle text field is not explained in this document, it is for "command environment")
Standard type command with switches (note: to run executables in windows requires using the System32 as working
Query an executables arguments
Special : "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
New 3rd Nov 2008 {n8} "Tokenised" numeric insert p/loop iteration [insert the number anywhere the token word is placed
in the repeat code]
Simply be sure the token-word used in the lower green text field is not present in the code/text you are inserting except
for the purpose of swapping for the number.
Reasonably complete now, You can index increment numbers into code with an operator repeated sequence(The blue
number QUANTITY , The green number is the number start incrementing from) , or you can "iterate a list implicitly of its
quantity p/new line" inserting whatever is required to be repeated with each list line item by clicking the insert set button,
it should be good for string comparison if-elses and switches.(count from checkbox does not exist now).
To insert the repeting incrementing of a number as text,"do not press insert set" , press an "operator symbol" in the
operator languages list pretend/imagine the blue number is where the operator will be inserted each iteration until the
quantity[the blue numer] has been committed into the editing field. The green number will be the "first printed number" of
the iterations that you want the recursively wriiten numbers started from, it will also be placed directly left and beside the
inserted operator.
"count from" checkbox no longer exists, a method overloading is used in the code/binaries of SUcommanderXer to achieve
the same commission.
3a. 3b.
1.Setup of repeater HTML table datas for automatic numeric id and insertion SP edit board with twenty five iterations
nominated and start from zero.
2.Clicked double quote in the "Operator list" to trigger the incremented insertions.
3(a. and b.).Inserted repeated table data in the editor pane note the ids values.
The board now has an alpha numeric collation system for lists, the center Text area is used to extract and rearrange the
list items p/line. Notice the new buttons on lower left of the panel (02-08-08), there is also now list line end clearing of
white spaces. These two only operate with the center text area.
1. This is a repeated "if else" system(commonly called an "else if") being setup for the script by "list iteration insertion".
(note: there is an unseen space and " if" at the start of the characters in the left side B&W text area and the "true, used,
new-line to add setting" is to attach no new-line p/iteration).
2.SHOWN BELOW NEXT(image): After editing by the "list" inserter,(by pressing the "insert set" button).
Note: inserting by list does not use the green number text field. LINK: See new functions below
The other trigger is to use the blue and green number fields with the two outer Black and White multi-line textfields(only
[do not use the central for text]), then click "the operator symbols (lower list) list" while the "SP edit insert" panel is open.
3 NEW FEATURES 31-01-2009:
1. 2.
The above pair (1. AND 2.) are the gui controls to create files with some code base for XML , XHTML , HTML , TLD and
The filename will be "NEWBASEFILE" plus the standard extension. NOTE: Always close the window(fig 1.) after one use, if
you need to use it again you should close it then re-open it.
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
3. This next is the main feature upgrade. The "collated / list insert system" will now iterate over the sets(per line) and
place incremented numerics into each line capsule of list information using the @#Token#@ wherever found and its
starting number is written in the above field.
If you were to place 9 in the counter field and you had a list of five words each on their own line (as instructed above "list
insert") the last numbers printed with the tokens found in the "left" and "right" fields would be 13's and the first set would
contain 9's.
However, do not forget that with list insert you cannot nominate the number of times to increment the counter number and
repeat code, with list insert it is governed by the quantity to encapsulate in the list set.
NEW features SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta 20-06-2009
%CONTENT% token insert, What it does.
This system allows you to place the %CONTENT% token "in a text content file" (that will be use in "example: a markup
document)" (as many times as required No need for start of the file or end of file) containing content you want to split
then place between the HTML box tags, example "TD tags in an html table" , one after the other, but repeat the HTML
code(wrapper and encapsulte).
You place the %CONTENT% token in the text file(e.g. ".txt") where you want it to split the file into information chunks.
Example content file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
Example OUTPUT HTML file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
There is minor quantity of editing in the HTML page after using the "SPedit list insert" %CONTENT%, again "SPedit list
insert" was used to make the UL list and number it for the "==index=="( Along with some minor adjustments).
How to use the %CONTENT% token insert.
This feature requires the use of the "insert list" button. While the "operator triggered insert" with increment counter can do
this that would not be easy to manage until you get a good feel for this editor.
Obtain the token from the yellow and black field by focusing it and pressing the Cntrl+A key then press Cntrl+C together
to copy it. On either the left or right field in among the HTML tags to encapsulate content you place the %CONTENT%
token, only once.
Press Cntrl+V key to paste it.
If you want to add a list as far as that goes(one after the other line) you can but thats a limitation.
Finally, to trigger the file to be picked up as content, you must load it last thing-to-do with the load "content feed" button,
that doubles as a list file loader for loading the central one-line-only list field.
REMEMBER, there must be at least one char and one (return button) new line in the central field for insert list to operate.
The above picture coresponds to this zip file contents to download and try to see the result.
Simply select all of the contents of the appropriate file for the information and place it in the textarea associate the files
DOWNLOAD: EXAMPLE CONTENT FEED SETUP: SUcommanderXer-list-content-token-templte(20-06-2009).zip
It will for/with %$CONTENT$% token, start from zero "0" to swap @#Token#@ , and place the contents of "the first list
line" in correct order.
Example output HTML from the example zips' contents.
Link: Example
Link(Get it from Here): Requires a Sun Microsystems JRE VM 1.4.2 or newer to operate it
(2014) PDF HELPFILE (20-06-2009) SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (size: 1.25 MB (1,318,912 bytes))
NEW FUNCTIONS 20-06-2009 (download zip and exe)
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
Starting the Application :]
filetypes :]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
Editor GUI controls :]
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Editor Fonts :]
Editor settings configuration panel :]
find and replace text highlighting :]
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
FEATURE: Special "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
Page 7 / 14
Link: Go Here To Download Linux/Win SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer , Config. and install
SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (text/script/markup editor pad)
Quick Issues
NEW SOON v-20-06-2009
1st: In the not too distant future, i will be effecting a mildly better syntax colouring highlighter for both markup and
script. It will be able to colour both start and end lines effectively. The process to do that i have already developed but is
in another development version i have and as before i require to compile and test that in both Linux and Windows.
2nd: As i said before, i will also bolt into the "special edit board" part of the mechanism the site-blaster.js system uses
to process markup page content with some special mechanisms to allow ease of use in the code repeating system.
preview Image
1. There will be a special content separator token field placed under the incrementor token field for content-pick-up
separation by the nominated token. The token found written into that field must be unique among the text in the content
text file that will also be containing that nominated token.
2. (a) There will be a process screened mechanism of file button and filename field to nominate the content text file to
be used. The token must be placed after the text in the file as a separator between text content pieces.
(b) Also, the point at which to place content to be wrapped by repeated code is to be nominated on the board with the
token once only for where it must be placed among the repeated markup.
(c) The nominated content file must only contain text content separated by that nominated token at time of special
repeater edit board insert.
[As a note to myself: the last content block of text may or may not require the separator token after it by data length or
*There is a tiny catch, a screen size of at least 1024 x 768[ height is the signifigance ] is required.
**Any visible GUI problems can be sent to "subject: ERR-SUcommanderXer ,".
The application text editing has minor support for text encoding, and locale(for holding the components bound to english
schemes for much as the reason) schemes too.
***The code colourer is at early development stage and requires some prompting to operate sometimes. If you need to
recolour the code, because of the colourer stalling, tap the spacebar around five or six times after placing the cursor after a
****As always though, never use the command terminal unless you really understand a commands syntax and know how
to shut down the javaw.exe with CNTRL+ALT+DEL "task manager"(Windows 2000/XP/Vista).
With Linux be sure to open a terminal (e.g. Konsole) and get the PID numbers for before and after you start
SucommanderXer so you can identify a/the bad process, to operate the kill command upon, the right java.bin
process,particularly when there are multiple JVM instances operating(Linux OS's).
*****Don't forget that the "Find or Replace" system often requires re-stablising after use to prevent stickiness(it won't
actually lock up or jam the GUI but will potentially be a pest if you do not [usually bigger files of 90kb-text 20kb or more
coloured script]).
All you need to do is to clear / delete(make the field completely empty) all the text in the "left find field" and press "GO"
on the "find/replace" menu.
This can also apply to the line number painting, but usually you only need to scroll your mouse wheel to straighten it. At
most minimise the application then re-maximise it.
******A minor problem with strings is there is not much identifying processing for the colourer at this time, so always
escape internal apostrophes or double quotes.
/* =============================
e.g. */
file_separator = "\\" ; // escaped file separator in a string
full_file = path_base+file_separator+aFile;
/* Some other abnormalities can be corrected by swapping from " double quote to apostrophes.
============================= */
****** Another minor string colouring problem can be solved if the lines and text are brown completely for a number of
How). Go to the bottom brown line of the set of them and find the first pair of either apostrophes (single quotes) or double
quotes, particularly if they are simply a string declaration for a variable (note usually but not every instance it is a pair of
double quotes need to be changes to single quotes for the colourer).
On that line you may need to swap the quote set for it other set(double to single , or , single to double or a set of them
on that bottom line or line below it)
e.g. change
parts = "";
parts = '';
If there are other quotes on that line for other statement parts, they could require changing also.
14th Nov. 2008:
Small fix , it doesn't change the version 10-11-2008 , merely removes some excess constructed quantities of large buffers
back to the only ones required through(a quantity of code cleaning).
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
First: The syntax colourer and opening the one and only file at a time you can in the editor can be slow.
SUcommanderXer (SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta) is a scripting and basic markup coloured editor.
Like many other go-it-alone software editor or program constructions/developments it came to being because i have my
own ways of doing things and found nothing else supplying the alike of that i do or required.
One such reason it has come to be is the repeated coding in scripts such as if-elses and markup lists such as those
requiring alphabetic collation.
The SPedit board provides some of the beforementioned services to coding unlike most or any other editors or IDE's (i can't
say i've ever achieved seeing them all).
Finally it is pre-beta, so do not expect at any time for this to be a fantastic experience.You should simply be able to aquire
from using it, some of the functions it was designed to enhance in web and local shell editing.
This version will be the last garbage of an uncooked indigestive turbulence that has all the point of why its "pre beta". The
below picture is effectively similar of appearence (less complicated than the releaseable [not completed]) with the version
that will be v1-beta.
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
The application requires a Sun Microsystems Inc. JRE(Java Runtime Environment) of 1.4.2 or newer, other JRE's possibley
will operate the application but this is the Brand used for compile to byte-code binaries.
When installing from a zip file, the archiver application must be set to extract the files with the folder order the files had
been packed or the application will fail to be operable.
You can extract to any drive and folder you wish to place it in.
To use the Windows version .exe self extraction setup for NT2000,2000,XP,Vista you must have Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6
(Windows Script Host) installed in your computer first. Simply double click the .exe called SUcommanderXer-last-pre-
beta.exe and follow the instructions.
Starting the Application :]
[Windows] during setup with the .exe, the application should have successfully placed three icons on your desktop. Th icon
named "Start-SUcommanderXer" should be present and can be clicked/double-clicked to start the application.
If not and the folder containing all the files and its structure for the application are present then inside the folder
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" there is a .exe to double click called "START-SUcommanderXer.exe".
For the zip setup, after installing Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6 (Windows Script Host) if it is not present, you can double click
the file called "Install-Desktop-STARTER-Shortcut-SU.js" to place icons onto your desktop.
These setup scripts are set to run under the present user.
[Linux] You can only use the zip version to install the application in Linux. It will require the same as windows for a JRE
but does not have/use any helper install scripts.
If there are any real problems with triggering executable .sh shell scripts in your distro, be sure to set the
"" executable on your "properties"-file information tab/dialog to executable under your username.
While you should simply be able to click on the .sh "" , if that does not start then use the
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" folder window "tools" menu and select "execute shell command". A small dialog should
pop up and if you have selected the "" icon it will be in the one line text field as
'./'. Press the execute button on the dialog and SUcommanderXer should start.
1. Select the file with a single right-click on it.
2. Use "Tools" menu on the folders menu bar and press "Execute Shell Command" on its menu.
3. The File-browser Application(usually "Konqueror") pops a box to verify the action by the user pressing "OK" .
4. The output from the command should appear something like.....
21-10-2008 build (note: Again i state that at this stage that i do not know the exact result of using the Windows build
compiler so there could be differences in GUI rendering results).
[Mac] (note: I know less again about the result Mac OS will have upon it but it will probably not be dissimilar to Linux).
To start SUcommanderXer in Mac the only version i have used allows right clicking on the .class file and brings up a context
menu that will allow you to choose how to run it. Do not attempt to or execute any commands in SUcommanderXers'
command line console in Mac OS at this stage.
Neither am i sure of the actual results from using it in Mac OS , so do not use or install it if you are not prepared (more so
than the other OS's here) to require recovering from a crash if that occurs under your own responsibility and libility.
filetypes :]
A good contrasting of the service this editor gives against "windows notepad" is the operations that can be performed, In
effect you can edit XML and HTML based files or html files aside to "text or scripts", and with encoding(requirements).
redundant information: Recently i started with a 185kb text file to edit for a WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)
list i'm building. The list i opened in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and it required around 30-40 seconds to open. In
contrast to it i opened it in notepad and it went to the screen almost instantly, BUT, when i tried to do a replace edit to
remove excess spaces in notepad it lumbered away at a couple of hundred lines out of 2000 or so and began to crash the
computer because it was overloaded. I then tried in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and while the result was alike moving
around in space above the earth for speed it complied to every request finalising it in around thirty seconds until the file
was around 70kb of size and the interface and process speeded up.
[a note about the replace system, you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke
the finder. If you want to turn of a text .txt files find highlights, then you press GO with nothing in the find field ]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
is a web and "loacal shell language" scripting editor with some syntax colouring support. Aside to that are a special set of
editing functions and editing assistances to make coding easier. While the documentation (language reference) for a
scripting language should always be at ready and used, the reason for the lists system for functions and operators is part
of the scheme to make the editing easier and more efficient. So too(making editing easier) is the contents of the right
click popup menu(context menu). It contains required instant controls for any minor mistakes or corrections and changes in
text(to upper case, or , to lower case).
One final note: The folder the app resides in at present is called "SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" and was called
LixStarterMotor.class for Linux requires to be the correct version or you will need to cd into "engine" folder and execute
the "java Sutest3" command from the shell prompt. Always unzip the app "using folder structure setting" with your
archiving extractor application. You can put this editing application anywhere on your drive in its folder.
However you can down load and coppy the correct LixStarterMotor.class version for the folder here:
(July 18 2008 20:00 pm E.S.T.)
Recently the Tooljavascript.class has had some DOM and DHTML added for better .js file colouring and editing.
(July 19 [morning] 2008 0:00 pm E.S.T.)
A number of new additions have been placed into SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta,
When a file is "saved" or "save as" the syntax colour is triggered after testing the file type.
The configuration board has had two "lists" added, A locale "language" , and A locale "Country" to choose from, the catch is
the better match the settings you choose together. The default is set as country "US"[two capital letters always] and,
lanuage "eng"[three lower case letters (almost always)]. The lists can be hand filled in, but that is if you know what your
This occurred because i had no way of changing the editor language and the only machines i could access are in an Asian
locale by default and i could not make UTF-16 operate though the encoding and settings were all correct.
The following two URL's will give you a list of the values and some explanation how to set locale settings in configuration.
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
Finally, the floating "languages list"(programming) toolbar has had the buttons and field for finding in the list made
smaller so hopefully it fits now for LINUX.
Found more and suitable methods and properties for "Tooljavascript.class" . Tooljavascript(new-18-07-2008).zip is now
actually updated today (July 19) and contains better DOM javascript and xslt support.
Note: That this version apart to Linux will also operate in Windows and mac [re: shell script exec commands of (java -
classpath "" Sutest3) ]
re arranged the colouring a tiny piece, and put in a javaw Sytsem.exit[MS Windows] since it popped up again.
Click the image above for a larger screen shot.
Editor GUI controls :]
Some quick tips because of usability problems at EDITING at this stage.
1st. There is NO "undo/redo" system for the editor.
Some menus are not supplied to the text input parts at this time, but they can be used with knowing platform editing keys
For PC X86:
CNTRL + C keys together means "copy" selected text(data) to the system board.
CNTRL + A keys together means to "select all" text(data) inside the editor pane.
CNTRL + V keys together means to "paste" the previous copied text(data) to the editor pane from the cursor.
To make and extend a selection:
HOLD DOWN SHIFT + HOLD DOWN(Any of the arrow keys to extend the selection)
To select a complete line:
Triple click on the line using the left mouse button(alike double clicking)
For other OS platforms see your java and particularly OS documentation.
A good example of this(menus ... not supplied) is the two editable fields for "find" and "replace" to the right of the
"SUcommanderXer menu" on the window bar at the top. At some time when it reaches the priority of the writing i will add
the interface and events of javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
The SPedit board text inputs require the same also to use system editing memory and actions(note again there is no
"undo/redo" system).
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
All the usual controls required.
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Note: To use encoding schemes, if you change the encoding(or anything else in the config panel) you must restart the
The configuration Panel sets the editor bare requirements for use, no choice in syntax colouring scheme is given. Whether
the editor responds to the configuration settings is dependent if your machine has these(probably does) available
resources to decode/encode text types or if it has the font family resources. Sun Microsystems Java2 runtime environment
(JRE) (if up to date e.g. JRE 1.5.0 or 1.6.0 versions) does supply some of these encodings and some fonts, but there is no
gaurantee of any of those being present in your machine, So as before, use this at major risk(although these
beforementioned in this paragraph are minor or negligable risk).
"Default editor Input Char encoding" is for you to attempt to adjust the editor pane to the keyboards input if it has some
unuasual purpose as being a 16bit text input(e.g. special purpose machine).
for most purposes it should be iso-8859-1 or 2 , because any "en" locale and new 64 bit machines for ordinary users will
only require you to see ordinary text for most.
(More in section Editor settings configuration panel :] below)
Here is previously shown "Locale" information for the editor and files configuration for use:
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
The textareas and fields remain for much in english-"language" and US-"country" locale at this time.
(If possible as an international user) To use this editor for local text, The controls and textfields are not properly cross-
matched to the locale in the "configuration panel" settings. If it is possible to enter your "editor" and "save/open file" file
encodings into the configuration in english [e.g. UNICODE or UTF-16 or generic local file encoding] you should be able to
cause a stable use of the editor pane (text area) at least for text editing.
Editor Fonts :]
If you do not have some fonts i have found are ok for editing, you can download them and install them from these
locations. (These are the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Family)
DejaVu fonts 2.22 release
Editor settings configuration panel :]
This is the configuration panel most are directly for the editor, and "locale language" has been added recently.
"Default editor input Char encoding" is a field you will not need to change unless you specifically operate in both an
"internationalised" Java Runtime Environment(Internationalised JRE) and/or a Character scheme unusual inside the generic
written phonetical language "Locale" you use.
This was for most inserted for the editor pane and file reading system "to stabilise English Locale" and character
"encodings" when this application is used on a machine that does not use English as its default or uses an unusual
keyboard input character set as default or on rigid use/purpose policy.
To change to the type of file character set used by an individual file (for Saving/Opening) e.g. UTF-16 or IBM-850, change
the "Default Save File Character Encoding:"
find and replace text highlighting :]
The find and replace highlighting is "as is", The left text field with the word parse is for the word to "find". To replace, you
require to put a word in the text field to the immediate right and then select from the menu to "replace". When done, you
will find the menu has been set back to "find" automatically.
you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke the finder.
If you want to turn off a text .txt files "find highlights"(clear), then you press GO with nothing in the find field.
the FIND text field is the left field in the picture below with "parse" written in it. The right field is for the replace
Note: the text inputs have both been changed to editable drop down lists to store the session usage. Its dumped when
you close the editor.
I have updated the find/replace mechanism since i found the code had been bumped sometime during major internal
additions and refits of the source.
To use it now gives you that it should and a memory of the items found or swapped(replaced).
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
You can select the platform OS line feed to save in.
You cannot at this time open files using line feed type at this time.
One of three platform new line characters is auto detected on open but must "always" be specified "at saving the file" [Mac
\r , MS Windows \r\n , Linux/UNIX 2char \n ]
This section i want feedback about , to be sure the correct process is used to "encode and decode" with the correct
platform chars.
There are four languages for the editor here in this release.
Javascript [WSH X-BROWSER ASP]
Something like, and script alone only, [ .js .php .cgi .pl .sh .bsh .ksh .csh ]
The upper list is now the language function/subroutine list. The below list is the operator list. The operator list contains
Various languages symbols and some standard coding constructs for fast templating and laying down code.
Its a special "dragged out" floating tool frame.
The operator list (lower list) is used to trigger iterated (sequence repeated editor) SP editing BOARD insertions
(GO HERE TO SP Editing board)
"with" an "inserted text number" for "each iteration" of the sequence the tool commits after it is setup.
When using the lists, you must have the "list toolbar window" grey at the top not blue when you click the list to prevent
double entry of the list-item.
The way to do that is to find the item wanted first and be sure it is visible, then place the cursor where the item is to be
placed in the editor, that should result in the "list toolbar" blue strip becoming grey when the editor area has the cursor
Finally, click the item to insert, directly while the list toolbar window is grey.
The context menu for the editor(Sometimes called the right click menu).Essential test tools.
You can copy from the command output panel , but you cannot use the toupper or tolowercase whether they are there, nor
paste[these are not hooked into the comm panel properly only the editor panel ].
The "save" and "Save as" only apply to the file in the editor, not the command output board or its logging.
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
The middle white text field is a little odd to operate. It allows input of localised to the command, environment settings.Its
If you want to try it , look up Sun Microsystems Inc. Docs java.lang.Runtime "exec()" function carrying the overloading of
command , environment comma seperated list , and working directory [3 arguments].
I truly do not know what the result could be.
The rules for its use are as before. If you run a command that could take time, sit and wait for it to complete. If your not
sure of what that would do , do not attempt to run the command.
The command operates in the foreground at this time, so it will hog your machine until completion.
Simple command example (note: the middle text field is not explained in this document, it is for "command environment")
Standard type command with switches (note: to run executables in windows requires using the System32 as working
Query an executables arguments
Special : "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
New 3rd Nov 2008 {n8} "Tokenised" numeric insert p/loop iteration [insert the number anywhere the token word is placed
in the repeat code]
Simply be sure the token-word used in the lower green text field is not present in the code/text you are inserting except
for the purpose of swapping for the number.
Reasonably complete now, You can index increment numbers into code with an operator repeated sequence(The blue
number QUANTITY , The green number is the number start incrementing from) , or you can "iterate a list implicitly of its
quantity p/new line" inserting whatever is required to be repeated with each list line item by clicking the insert set button,
it should be good for string comparison if-elses and switches.(count from checkbox does not exist now).
To insert the repeting incrementing of a number as text,"do not press insert set" , press an "operator symbol" in the
operator languages list pretend/imagine the blue number is where the operator will be inserted each iteration until the
quantity[the blue numer] has been committed into the editing field. The green number will be the "first printed number" of
the iterations that you want the recursively wriiten numbers started from, it will also be placed directly left and beside the
inserted operator.
"count from" checkbox no longer exists, a method overloading is used in the code/binaries of SUcommanderXer to achieve
the same commission.
3a. 3b.
1.Setup of repeater HTML table datas for automatic numeric id and insertion SP edit board with twenty five iterations
nominated and start from zero.
2.Clicked double quote in the "Operator list" to trigger the incremented insertions.
3(a. and b.).Inserted repeated table data in the editor pane note the ids values.
The board now has an alpha numeric collation system for lists, the center Text area is used to extract and rearrange the
list items p/line. Notice the new buttons on lower left of the panel (02-08-08), there is also now list line end clearing of
white spaces. These two only operate with the center text area.
1. This is a repeated "if else" system(commonly called an "else if") being setup for the script by "list iteration insertion".
(note: there is an unseen space and " if" at the start of the characters in the left side B&W text area and the "true, used,
new-line to add setting" is to attach no new-line p/iteration).
2.SHOWN BELOW NEXT(image): After editing by the "list" inserter,(by pressing the "insert set" button).
Note: inserting by list does not use the green number text field. LINK: See new functions below
The other trigger is to use the blue and green number fields with the two outer Black and White multi-line textfields(only
[do not use the central for text]), then click "the operator symbols (lower list) list" while the "SP edit insert" panel is open.
3 NEW FEATURES 31-01-2009:
1. 2.
The above pair (1. AND 2.) are the gui controls to create files with some code base for XML , XHTML , HTML , TLD and
The filename will be "NEWBASEFILE" plus the standard extension. NOTE: Always close the window(fig 1.) after one use, if
you need to use it again you should close it then re-open it.
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
3. This next is the main feature upgrade. The "collated / list insert system" will now iterate over the sets(per line) and
place incremented numerics into each line capsule of list information using the @#Token#@ wherever found and its
starting number is written in the above field.
If you were to place 9 in the counter field and you had a list of five words each on their own line (as instructed above "list
insert") the last numbers printed with the tokens found in the "left" and "right" fields would be 13's and the first set would
contain 9's.
However, do not forget that with list insert you cannot nominate the number of times to increment the counter number and
repeat code, with list insert it is governed by the quantity to encapsulate in the list set.
NEW features SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta 20-06-2009
%CONTENT% token insert, What it does.
This system allows you to place the %CONTENT% token "in a text content file" (that will be use in "example: a markup
document)" (as many times as required No need for start of the file or end of file) containing content you want to split
then place between the HTML box tags, example "TD tags in an html table" , one after the other, but repeat the HTML
code(wrapper and encapsulte).
You place the %CONTENT% token in the text file(e.g. ".txt") where you want it to split the file into information chunks.
Example content file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
Example OUTPUT HTML file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
There is minor quantity of editing in the HTML page after using the "SPedit list insert" %CONTENT%, again "SPedit list
insert" was used to make the UL list and number it for the "==index=="( Along with some minor adjustments).
How to use the %CONTENT% token insert.
This feature requires the use of the "insert list" button. While the "operator triggered insert" with increment counter can do
this that would not be easy to manage until you get a good feel for this editor.
Obtain the token from the yellow and black field by focusing it and pressing the Cntrl+A key then press Cntrl+C together
to copy it. On either the left or right field in among the HTML tags to encapsulate content you place the %CONTENT%
token, only once.
Press Cntrl+V key to paste it.
If you want to add a list as far as that goes(one after the other line) you can but thats a limitation.
Finally, to trigger the file to be picked up as content, you must load it last thing-to-do with the load "content feed" button,
that doubles as a list file loader for loading the central one-line-only list field.
REMEMBER, there must be at least one char and one (return button) new line in the central field for insert list to operate.
The above picture coresponds to this zip file contents to download and try to see the result.
Simply select all of the contents of the appropriate file for the information and place it in the textarea associate the files
DOWNLOAD: EXAMPLE CONTENT FEED SETUP: SUcommanderXer-list-content-token-templte(20-06-2009).zip
It will for/with %$CONTENT$% token, start from zero "0" to swap @#Token#@ , and place the contents of "the first list
line" in correct order.
Example output HTML from the example zips' contents.
Link: Example
Link(Get it from Here): Requires a Sun Microsystems JRE VM 1.4.2 or newer to operate it
(2014) PDF HELPFILE (20-06-2009) SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (size: 1.25 MB (1,318,912 bytes))
NEW FUNCTIONS 20-06-2009 (download zip and exe)
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
Starting the Application :]
filetypes :]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
Editor GUI controls :]
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Editor Fonts :]
Editor settings configuration panel :]
find and replace text highlighting :]
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
FEATURE: Special "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
Page 8 / 14
Link: Go Here To Download Linux/Win SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer , Config. and install
SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (text/script/markup editor pad)
Quick Issues
NEW SOON v-20-06-2009
1st: In the not too distant future, i will be effecting a mildly better syntax colouring highlighter for both markup and
script. It will be able to colour both start and end lines effectively. The process to do that i have already developed but is
in another development version i have and as before i require to compile and test that in both Linux and Windows.
2nd: As i said before, i will also bolt into the "special edit board" part of the mechanism the site-blaster.js system uses
to process markup page content with some special mechanisms to allow ease of use in the code repeating system.
preview Image
1. There will be a special content separator token field placed under the incrementor token field for content-pick-up
separation by the nominated token. The token found written into that field must be unique among the text in the content
text file that will also be containing that nominated token.
2. (a) There will be a process screened mechanism of file button and filename field to nominate the content text file to
be used. The token must be placed after the text in the file as a separator between text content pieces.
(b) Also, the point at which to place content to be wrapped by repeated code is to be nominated on the board with the
token once only for where it must be placed among the repeated markup.
(c) The nominated content file must only contain text content separated by that nominated token at time of special
repeater edit board insert.
[As a note to myself: the last content block of text may or may not require the separator token after it by data length or
*There is a tiny catch, a screen size of at least 1024 x 768[ height is the signifigance ] is required.
**Any visible GUI problems can be sent to "subject: ERR-SUcommanderXer ,".
The application text editing has minor support for text encoding, and locale(for holding the components bound to english
schemes for much as the reason) schemes too.
***The code colourer is at early development stage and requires some prompting to operate sometimes. If you need to
recolour the code, because of the colourer stalling, tap the spacebar around five or six times after placing the cursor after a
****As always though, never use the command terminal unless you really understand a commands syntax and know how
to shut down the javaw.exe with CNTRL+ALT+DEL "task manager"(Windows 2000/XP/Vista).
With Linux be sure to open a terminal (e.g. Konsole) and get the PID numbers for before and after you start
SucommanderXer so you can identify a/the bad process, to operate the kill command upon, the right java.bin
process,particularly when there are multiple JVM instances operating(Linux OS's).
*****Don't forget that the "Find or Replace" system often requires re-stablising after use to prevent stickiness(it won't
actually lock up or jam the GUI but will potentially be a pest if you do not [usually bigger files of 90kb-text 20kb or more
coloured script]).
All you need to do is to clear / delete(make the field completely empty) all the text in the "left find field" and press "GO"
on the "find/replace" menu.
This can also apply to the line number painting, but usually you only need to scroll your mouse wheel to straighten it. At
most minimise the application then re-maximise it.
******A minor problem with strings is there is not much identifying processing for the colourer at this time, so always
escape internal apostrophes or double quotes.
/* =============================
e.g. */
file_separator = "\\" ; // escaped file separator in a string
full_file = path_base+file_separator+aFile;
/* Some other abnormalities can be corrected by swapping from " double quote to apostrophes.
============================= */
****** Another minor string colouring problem can be solved if the lines and text are brown completely for a number of
How). Go to the bottom brown line of the set of them and find the first pair of either apostrophes (single quotes) or double
quotes, particularly if they are simply a string declaration for a variable (note usually but not every instance it is a pair of
double quotes need to be changes to single quotes for the colourer).
On that line you may need to swap the quote set for it other set(double to single , or , single to double or a set of them
on that bottom line or line below it)
e.g. change
parts = "";
parts = '';
If there are other quotes on that line for other statement parts, they could require changing also.
14th Nov. 2008:
Small fix , it doesn't change the version 10-11-2008 , merely removes some excess constructed quantities of large buffers
back to the only ones required through(a quantity of code cleaning).
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
First: The syntax colourer and opening the one and only file at a time you can in the editor can be slow.
SUcommanderXer (SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta) is a scripting and basic markup coloured editor.
Like many other go-it-alone software editor or program constructions/developments it came to being because i have my
own ways of doing things and found nothing else supplying the alike of that i do or required.
One such reason it has come to be is the repeated coding in scripts such as if-elses and markup lists such as those
requiring alphabetic collation.
The SPedit board provides some of the beforementioned services to coding unlike most or any other editors or IDE's (i can't
say i've ever achieved seeing them all).
Finally it is pre-beta, so do not expect at any time for this to be a fantastic experience.You should simply be able to aquire
from using it, some of the functions it was designed to enhance in web and local shell editing.
This version will be the last garbage of an uncooked indigestive turbulence that has all the point of why its "pre beta". The
below picture is effectively similar of appearence (less complicated than the releaseable [not completed]) with the version
that will be v1-beta.
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
The application requires a Sun Microsystems Inc. JRE(Java Runtime Environment) of 1.4.2 or newer, other JRE's possibley
will operate the application but this is the Brand used for compile to byte-code binaries.
When installing from a zip file, the archiver application must be set to extract the files with the folder order the files had
been packed or the application will fail to be operable.
You can extract to any drive and folder you wish to place it in.
To use the Windows version .exe self extraction setup for NT2000,2000,XP,Vista you must have Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6
(Windows Script Host) installed in your computer first. Simply double click the .exe called SUcommanderXer-last-pre-
beta.exe and follow the instructions.
Starting the Application :]
[Windows] during setup with the .exe, the application should have successfully placed three icons on your desktop. Th icon
named "Start-SUcommanderXer" should be present and can be clicked/double-clicked to start the application.
If not and the folder containing all the files and its structure for the application are present then inside the folder
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" there is a .exe to double click called "START-SUcommanderXer.exe".
For the zip setup, after installing Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6 (Windows Script Host) if it is not present, you can double click
the file called "Install-Desktop-STARTER-Shortcut-SU.js" to place icons onto your desktop.
These setup scripts are set to run under the present user.
[Linux] You can only use the zip version to install the application in Linux. It will require the same as windows for a JRE
but does not have/use any helper install scripts.
If there are any real problems with triggering executable .sh shell scripts in your distro, be sure to set the
"" executable on your "properties"-file information tab/dialog to executable under your username.
While you should simply be able to click on the .sh "" , if that does not start then use the
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" folder window "tools" menu and select "execute shell command". A small dialog should
pop up and if you have selected the "" icon it will be in the one line text field as
'./'. Press the execute button on the dialog and SUcommanderXer should start.
1. Select the file with a single right-click on it.
2. Use "Tools" menu on the folders menu bar and press "Execute Shell Command" on its menu.
3. The File-browser Application(usually "Konqueror") pops a box to verify the action by the user pressing "OK" .
4. The output from the command should appear something like.....
21-10-2008 build (note: Again i state that at this stage that i do not know the exact result of using the Windows build
compiler so there could be differences in GUI rendering results).
[Mac] (note: I know less again about the result Mac OS will have upon it but it will probably not be dissimilar to Linux).
To start SUcommanderXer in Mac the only version i have used allows right clicking on the .class file and brings up a context
menu that will allow you to choose how to run it. Do not attempt to or execute any commands in SUcommanderXers'
command line console in Mac OS at this stage.
Neither am i sure of the actual results from using it in Mac OS , so do not use or install it if you are not prepared (more so
than the other OS's here) to require recovering from a crash if that occurs under your own responsibility and libility.
filetypes :]
A good contrasting of the service this editor gives against "windows notepad" is the operations that can be performed, In
effect you can edit XML and HTML based files or html files aside to "text or scripts", and with encoding(requirements).
redundant information: Recently i started with a 185kb text file to edit for a WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)
list i'm building. The list i opened in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and it required around 30-40 seconds to open. In
contrast to it i opened it in notepad and it went to the screen almost instantly, BUT, when i tried to do a replace edit to
remove excess spaces in notepad it lumbered away at a couple of hundred lines out of 2000 or so and began to crash the
computer because it was overloaded. I then tried in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and while the result was alike moving
around in space above the earth for speed it complied to every request finalising it in around thirty seconds until the file
was around 70kb of size and the interface and process speeded up.
[a note about the replace system, you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke
the finder. If you want to turn of a text .txt files find highlights, then you press GO with nothing in the find field ]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
is a web and "loacal shell language" scripting editor with some syntax colouring support. Aside to that are a special set of
editing functions and editing assistances to make coding easier. While the documentation (language reference) for a
scripting language should always be at ready and used, the reason for the lists system for functions and operators is part
of the scheme to make the editing easier and more efficient. So too(making editing easier) is the contents of the right
click popup menu(context menu). It contains required instant controls for any minor mistakes or corrections and changes in
text(to upper case, or , to lower case).
One final note: The folder the app resides in at present is called "SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" and was called
LixStarterMotor.class for Linux requires to be the correct version or you will need to cd into "engine" folder and execute
the "java Sutest3" command from the shell prompt. Always unzip the app "using folder structure setting" with your
archiving extractor application. You can put this editing application anywhere on your drive in its folder.
However you can down load and coppy the correct LixStarterMotor.class version for the folder here:
(July 18 2008 20:00 pm E.S.T.)
Recently the Tooljavascript.class has had some DOM and DHTML added for better .js file colouring and editing.
(July 19 [morning] 2008 0:00 pm E.S.T.)
A number of new additions have been placed into SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta,
When a file is "saved" or "save as" the syntax colour is triggered after testing the file type.
The configuration board has had two "lists" added, A locale "language" , and A locale "Country" to choose from, the catch is
the better match the settings you choose together. The default is set as country "US"[two capital letters always] and,
lanuage "eng"[three lower case letters (almost always)]. The lists can be hand filled in, but that is if you know what your
This occurred because i had no way of changing the editor language and the only machines i could access are in an Asian
locale by default and i could not make UTF-16 operate though the encoding and settings were all correct.
The following two URL's will give you a list of the values and some explanation how to set locale settings in configuration.
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
Finally, the floating "languages list"(programming) toolbar has had the buttons and field for finding in the list made
smaller so hopefully it fits now for LINUX.
Found more and suitable methods and properties for "Tooljavascript.class" . Tooljavascript(new-18-07-2008).zip is now
actually updated today (July 19) and contains better DOM javascript and xslt support.
Note: That this version apart to Linux will also operate in Windows and mac [re: shell script exec commands of (java -
classpath "" Sutest3) ]
re arranged the colouring a tiny piece, and put in a javaw Sytsem.exit[MS Windows] since it popped up again.
Click the image above for a larger screen shot.
Editor GUI controls :]
Some quick tips because of usability problems at EDITING at this stage.
1st. There is NO "undo/redo" system for the editor.
Some menus are not supplied to the text input parts at this time, but they can be used with knowing platform editing keys
For PC X86:
CNTRL + C keys together means "copy" selected text(data) to the system board.
CNTRL + A keys together means to "select all" text(data) inside the editor pane.
CNTRL + V keys together means to "paste" the previous copied text(data) to the editor pane from the cursor.
To make and extend a selection:
HOLD DOWN SHIFT + HOLD DOWN(Any of the arrow keys to extend the selection)
To select a complete line:
Triple click on the line using the left mouse button(alike double clicking)
For other OS platforms see your java and particularly OS documentation.
A good example of this(menus ... not supplied) is the two editable fields for "find" and "replace" to the right of the
"SUcommanderXer menu" on the window bar at the top. At some time when it reaches the priority of the writing i will add
the interface and events of javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
The SPedit board text inputs require the same also to use system editing memory and actions(note again there is no
"undo/redo" system).
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
All the usual controls required.
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Note: To use encoding schemes, if you change the encoding(or anything else in the config panel) you must restart the
The configuration Panel sets the editor bare requirements for use, no choice in syntax colouring scheme is given. Whether
the editor responds to the configuration settings is dependent if your machine has these(probably does) available
resources to decode/encode text types or if it has the font family resources. Sun Microsystems Java2 runtime environment
(JRE) (if up to date e.g. JRE 1.5.0 or 1.6.0 versions) does supply some of these encodings and some fonts, but there is no
gaurantee of any of those being present in your machine, So as before, use this at major risk(although these
beforementioned in this paragraph are minor or negligable risk).
"Default editor Input Char encoding" is for you to attempt to adjust the editor pane to the keyboards input if it has some
unuasual purpose as being a 16bit text input(e.g. special purpose machine).
for most purposes it should be iso-8859-1 or 2 , because any "en" locale and new 64 bit machines for ordinary users will
only require you to see ordinary text for most.
(More in section Editor settings configuration panel :] below)
Here is previously shown "Locale" information for the editor and files configuration for use:
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
The textareas and fields remain for much in english-"language" and US-"country" locale at this time.
(If possible as an international user) To use this editor for local text, The controls and textfields are not properly cross-
matched to the locale in the "configuration panel" settings. If it is possible to enter your "editor" and "save/open file" file
encodings into the configuration in english [e.g. UNICODE or UTF-16 or generic local file encoding] you should be able to
cause a stable use of the editor pane (text area) at least for text editing.
Editor Fonts :]
If you do not have some fonts i have found are ok for editing, you can download them and install them from these
locations. (These are the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Family)
DejaVu fonts 2.22 release
Editor settings configuration panel :]
This is the configuration panel most are directly for the editor, and "locale language" has been added recently.
"Default editor input Char encoding" is a field you will not need to change unless you specifically operate in both an
"internationalised" Java Runtime Environment(Internationalised JRE) and/or a Character scheme unusual inside the generic
written phonetical language "Locale" you use.
This was for most inserted for the editor pane and file reading system "to stabilise English Locale" and character
"encodings" when this application is used on a machine that does not use English as its default or uses an unusual
keyboard input character set as default or on rigid use/purpose policy.
To change to the type of file character set used by an individual file (for Saving/Opening) e.g. UTF-16 or IBM-850, change
the "Default Save File Character Encoding:"
find and replace text highlighting :]
The find and replace highlighting is "as is", The left text field with the word parse is for the word to "find". To replace, you
require to put a word in the text field to the immediate right and then select from the menu to "replace". When done, you
will find the menu has been set back to "find" automatically.
you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke the finder.
If you want to turn off a text .txt files "find highlights"(clear), then you press GO with nothing in the find field.
the FIND text field is the left field in the picture below with "parse" written in it. The right field is for the replace
Note: the text inputs have both been changed to editable drop down lists to store the session usage. Its dumped when
you close the editor.
I have updated the find/replace mechanism since i found the code had been bumped sometime during major internal
additions and refits of the source.
To use it now gives you that it should and a memory of the items found or swapped(replaced).
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
You can select the platform OS line feed to save in.
You cannot at this time open files using line feed type at this time.
One of three platform new line characters is auto detected on open but must "always" be specified "at saving the file" [Mac
\r , MS Windows \r\n , Linux/UNIX 2char \n ]
This section i want feedback about , to be sure the correct process is used to "encode and decode" with the correct
platform chars.
There are four languages for the editor here in this release.
Javascript [WSH X-BROWSER ASP]
Something like, and script alone only, [ .js .php .cgi .pl .sh .bsh .ksh .csh ]
The upper list is now the language function/subroutine list. The below list is the operator list. The operator list contains
Various languages symbols and some standard coding constructs for fast templating and laying down code.
Its a special "dragged out" floating tool frame.
The operator list (lower list) is used to trigger iterated (sequence repeated editor) SP editing BOARD insertions
(GO HERE TO SP Editing board)
"with" an "inserted text number" for "each iteration" of the sequence the tool commits after it is setup.
When using the lists, you must have the "list toolbar window" grey at the top not blue when you click the list to prevent
double entry of the list-item.
The way to do that is to find the item wanted first and be sure it is visible, then place the cursor where the item is to be
placed in the editor, that should result in the "list toolbar" blue strip becoming grey when the editor area has the cursor
Finally, click the item to insert, directly while the list toolbar window is grey.
The context menu for the editor(Sometimes called the right click menu).Essential test tools.
You can copy from the command output panel , but you cannot use the toupper or tolowercase whether they are there, nor
paste[these are not hooked into the comm panel properly only the editor panel ].
The "save" and "Save as" only apply to the file in the editor, not the command output board or its logging.
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
The middle white text field is a little odd to operate. It allows input of localised to the command, environment settings.Its
If you want to try it , look up Sun Microsystems Inc. Docs java.lang.Runtime "exec()" function carrying the overloading of
command , environment comma seperated list , and working directory [3 arguments].
I truly do not know what the result could be.
The rules for its use are as before. If you run a command that could take time, sit and wait for it to complete. If your not
sure of what that would do , do not attempt to run the command.
The command operates in the foreground at this time, so it will hog your machine until completion.
Simple command example (note: the middle text field is not explained in this document, it is for "command environment")
Standard type command with switches (note: to run executables in windows requires using the System32 as working
Query an executables arguments
Special : "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
New 3rd Nov 2008 {n8} "Tokenised" numeric insert p/loop iteration [insert the number anywhere the token word is placed
in the repeat code]
Simply be sure the token-word used in the lower green text field is not present in the code/text you are inserting except
for the purpose of swapping for the number.
Reasonably complete now, You can index increment numbers into code with an operator repeated sequence(The blue
number QUANTITY , The green number is the number start incrementing from) , or you can "iterate a list implicitly of its
quantity p/new line" inserting whatever is required to be repeated with each list line item by clicking the insert set button,
it should be good for string comparison if-elses and switches.(count from checkbox does not exist now).
To insert the repeting incrementing of a number as text,"do not press insert set" , press an "operator symbol" in the
operator languages list pretend/imagine the blue number is where the operator will be inserted each iteration until the
quantity[the blue numer] has been committed into the editing field. The green number will be the "first printed number" of
the iterations that you want the recursively wriiten numbers started from, it will also be placed directly left and beside the
inserted operator.
"count from" checkbox no longer exists, a method overloading is used in the code/binaries of SUcommanderXer to achieve
the same commission.
3a. 3b.
1.Setup of repeater HTML table datas for automatic numeric id and insertion SP edit board with twenty five iterations
nominated and start from zero.
2.Clicked double quote in the "Operator list" to trigger the incremented insertions.
3(a. and b.).Inserted repeated table data in the editor pane note the ids values.
The board now has an alpha numeric collation system for lists, the center Text area is used to extract and rearrange the
list items p/line. Notice the new buttons on lower left of the panel (02-08-08), there is also now list line end clearing of
white spaces. These two only operate with the center text area.
1. This is a repeated "if else" system(commonly called an "else if") being setup for the script by "list iteration insertion".
(note: there is an unseen space and " if" at the start of the characters in the left side B&W text area and the "true, used,
new-line to add setting" is to attach no new-line p/iteration).
2.SHOWN BELOW NEXT(image): After editing by the "list" inserter,(by pressing the "insert set" button).
Note: inserting by list does not use the green number text field. LINK: See new functions below
The other trigger is to use the blue and green number fields with the two outer Black and White multi-line textfields(only
[do not use the central for text]), then click "the operator symbols (lower list) list" while the "SP edit insert" panel is open.
3 NEW FEATURES 31-01-2009:
1. 2.
The above pair (1. AND 2.) are the gui controls to create files with some code base for XML , XHTML , HTML , TLD and
The filename will be "NEWBASEFILE" plus the standard extension. NOTE: Always close the window(fig 1.) after one use, if
you need to use it again you should close it then re-open it.
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
3. This next is the main feature upgrade. The "collated / list insert system" will now iterate over the sets(per line) and
place incremented numerics into each line capsule of list information using the @#Token#@ wherever found and its
starting number is written in the above field.
If you were to place 9 in the counter field and you had a list of five words each on their own line (as instructed above "list
insert") the last numbers printed with the tokens found in the "left" and "right" fields would be 13's and the first set would
contain 9's.
However, do not forget that with list insert you cannot nominate the number of times to increment the counter number and
repeat code, with list insert it is governed by the quantity to encapsulate in the list set.
NEW features SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta 20-06-2009
%CONTENT% token insert, What it does.
This system allows you to place the %CONTENT% token "in a text content file" (that will be use in "example: a markup
document)" (as many times as required No need for start of the file or end of file) containing content you want to split
then place between the HTML box tags, example "TD tags in an html table" , one after the other, but repeat the HTML
code(wrapper and encapsulte).
You place the %CONTENT% token in the text file(e.g. ".txt") where you want it to split the file into information chunks.
Example content file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
Example OUTPUT HTML file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
There is minor quantity of editing in the HTML page after using the "SPedit list insert" %CONTENT%, again "SPedit list
insert" was used to make the UL list and number it for the "==index=="( Along with some minor adjustments).
How to use the %CONTENT% token insert.
This feature requires the use of the "insert list" button. While the "operator triggered insert" with increment counter can do
this that would not be easy to manage until you get a good feel for this editor.
Obtain the token from the yellow and black field by focusing it and pressing the Cntrl+A key then press Cntrl+C together
to copy it. On either the left or right field in among the HTML tags to encapsulate content you place the %CONTENT%
token, only once.
Press Cntrl+V key to paste it.
If you want to add a list as far as that goes(one after the other line) you can but thats a limitation.
Finally, to trigger the file to be picked up as content, you must load it last thing-to-do with the load "content feed" button,
that doubles as a list file loader for loading the central one-line-only list field.
REMEMBER, there must be at least one char and one (return button) new line in the central field for insert list to operate.
The above picture coresponds to this zip file contents to download and try to see the result.
Simply select all of the contents of the appropriate file for the information and place it in the textarea associate the files
DOWNLOAD: EXAMPLE CONTENT FEED SETUP: SUcommanderXer-list-content-token-templte(20-06-2009).zip
It will for/with %$CONTENT$% token, start from zero "0" to swap @#Token#@ , and place the contents of "the first list
line" in correct order.
Example output HTML from the example zips' contents.
Link: Example
Link(Get it from Here): Requires a Sun Microsystems JRE VM 1.4.2 or newer to operate it
(2014) PDF HELPFILE (20-06-2009) SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (size: 1.25 MB (1,318,912 bytes))
NEW FUNCTIONS 20-06-2009 (download zip and exe)
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
Starting the Application :]
filetypes :]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
Editor GUI controls :]
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Editor Fonts :]
Editor settings configuration panel :]
find and replace text highlighting :]
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
FEATURE: Special "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
Page 9 / 14
Link: Go Here To Download Linux/Win SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer , Config. and install
SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (text/script/markup editor pad)
Quick Issues
NEW SOON v-20-06-2009
1st: In the not too distant future, i will be effecting a mildly better syntax colouring highlighter for both markup and
script. It will be able to colour both start and end lines effectively. The process to do that i have already developed but is
in another development version i have and as before i require to compile and test that in both Linux and Windows.
2nd: As i said before, i will also bolt into the "special edit board" part of the mechanism the site-blaster.js system uses
to process markup page content with some special mechanisms to allow ease of use in the code repeating system.
preview Image
1. There will be a special content separator token field placed under the incrementor token field for content-pick-up
separation by the nominated token. The token found written into that field must be unique among the text in the content
text file that will also be containing that nominated token.
2. (a) There will be a process screened mechanism of file button and filename field to nominate the content text file to
be used. The token must be placed after the text in the file as a separator between text content pieces.
(b) Also, the point at which to place content to be wrapped by repeated code is to be nominated on the board with the
token once only for where it must be placed among the repeated markup.
(c) The nominated content file must only contain text content separated by that nominated token at time of special
repeater edit board insert.
[As a note to myself: the last content block of text may or may not require the separator token after it by data length or
*There is a tiny catch, a screen size of at least 1024 x 768[ height is the signifigance ] is required.
**Any visible GUI problems can be sent to "subject: ERR-SUcommanderXer ,".
The application text editing has minor support for text encoding, and locale(for holding the components bound to english
schemes for much as the reason) schemes too.
***The code colourer is at early development stage and requires some prompting to operate sometimes. If you need to
recolour the code, because of the colourer stalling, tap the spacebar around five or six times after placing the cursor after a
****As always though, never use the command terminal unless you really understand a commands syntax and know how
to shut down the javaw.exe with CNTRL+ALT+DEL "task manager"(Windows 2000/XP/Vista).
With Linux be sure to open a terminal (e.g. Konsole) and get the PID numbers for before and after you start
SucommanderXer so you can identify a/the bad process, to operate the kill command upon, the right java.bin
process,particularly when there are multiple JVM instances operating(Linux OS's).
*****Don't forget that the "Find or Replace" system often requires re-stablising after use to prevent stickiness(it won't
actually lock up or jam the GUI but will potentially be a pest if you do not [usually bigger files of 90kb-text 20kb or more
coloured script]).
All you need to do is to clear / delete(make the field completely empty) all the text in the "left find field" and press "GO"
on the "find/replace" menu.
This can also apply to the line number painting, but usually you only need to scroll your mouse wheel to straighten it. At
most minimise the application then re-maximise it.
******A minor problem with strings is there is not much identifying processing for the colourer at this time, so always
escape internal apostrophes or double quotes.
/* =============================
e.g. */
file_separator = "\\" ; // escaped file separator in a string
full_file = path_base+file_separator+aFile;
/* Some other abnormalities can be corrected by swapping from " double quote to apostrophes.
============================= */
****** Another minor string colouring problem can be solved if the lines and text are brown completely for a number of
How). Go to the bottom brown line of the set of them and find the first pair of either apostrophes (single quotes) or double
quotes, particularly if they are simply a string declaration for a variable (note usually but not every instance it is a pair of
double quotes need to be changes to single quotes for the colourer).
On that line you may need to swap the quote set for it other set(double to single , or , single to double or a set of them
on that bottom line or line below it)
e.g. change
parts = "";
parts = '';
If there are other quotes on that line for other statement parts, they could require changing also.
14th Nov. 2008:
Small fix , it doesn't change the version 10-11-2008 , merely removes some excess constructed quantities of large buffers
back to the only ones required through(a quantity of code cleaning).
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
First: The syntax colourer and opening the one and only file at a time you can in the editor can be slow.
SUcommanderXer (SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta) is a scripting and basic markup coloured editor.
Like many other go-it-alone software editor or program constructions/developments it came to being because i have my
own ways of doing things and found nothing else supplying the alike of that i do or required.
One such reason it has come to be is the repeated coding in scripts such as if-elses and markup lists such as those
requiring alphabetic collation.
The SPedit board provides some of the beforementioned services to coding unlike most or any other editors or IDE's (i can't
say i've ever achieved seeing them all).
Finally it is pre-beta, so do not expect at any time for this to be a fantastic experience.You should simply be able to aquire
from using it, some of the functions it was designed to enhance in web and local shell editing.
This version will be the last garbage of an uncooked indigestive turbulence that has all the point of why its "pre beta". The
below picture is effectively similar of appearence (less complicated than the releaseable [not completed]) with the version
that will be v1-beta.
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
The application requires a Sun Microsystems Inc. JRE(Java Runtime Environment) of 1.4.2 or newer, other JRE's possibley
will operate the application but this is the Brand used for compile to byte-code binaries.
When installing from a zip file, the archiver application must be set to extract the files with the folder order the files had
been packed or the application will fail to be operable.
You can extract to any drive and folder you wish to place it in.
To use the Windows version .exe self extraction setup for NT2000,2000,XP,Vista you must have Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6
(Windows Script Host) installed in your computer first. Simply double click the .exe called SUcommanderXer-last-pre-
beta.exe and follow the instructions.
Starting the Application :]
[Windows] during setup with the .exe, the application should have successfully placed three icons on your desktop. Th icon
named "Start-SUcommanderXer" should be present and can be clicked/double-clicked to start the application.
If not and the folder containing all the files and its structure for the application are present then inside the folder
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" there is a .exe to double click called "START-SUcommanderXer.exe".
For the zip setup, after installing Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6 (Windows Script Host) if it is not present, you can double click
the file called "Install-Desktop-STARTER-Shortcut-SU.js" to place icons onto your desktop.
These setup scripts are set to run under the present user.
[Linux] You can only use the zip version to install the application in Linux. It will require the same as windows for a JRE
but does not have/use any helper install scripts.
If there are any real problems with triggering executable .sh shell scripts in your distro, be sure to set the
"" executable on your "properties"-file information tab/dialog to executable under your username.
While you should simply be able to click on the .sh "" , if that does not start then use the
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" folder window "tools" menu and select "execute shell command". A small dialog should
pop up and if you have selected the "" icon it will be in the one line text field as
'./'. Press the execute button on the dialog and SUcommanderXer should start.
1. Select the file with a single right-click on it.
2. Use "Tools" menu on the folders menu bar and press "Execute Shell Command" on its menu.
3. The File-browser Application(usually "Konqueror") pops a box to verify the action by the user pressing "OK" .
4. The output from the command should appear something like.....
21-10-2008 build (note: Again i state that at this stage that i do not know the exact result of using the Windows build
compiler so there could be differences in GUI rendering results).
[Mac] (note: I know less again about the result Mac OS will have upon it but it will probably not be dissimilar to Linux).
To start SUcommanderXer in Mac the only version i have used allows right clicking on the .class file and brings up a context
menu that will allow you to choose how to run it. Do not attempt to or execute any commands in SUcommanderXers'
command line console in Mac OS at this stage.
Neither am i sure of the actual results from using it in Mac OS , so do not use or install it if you are not prepared (more so
than the other OS's here) to require recovering from a crash if that occurs under your own responsibility and libility.
filetypes :]
A good contrasting of the service this editor gives against "windows notepad" is the operations that can be performed, In
effect you can edit XML and HTML based files or html files aside to "text or scripts", and with encoding(requirements).
redundant information: Recently i started with a 185kb text file to edit for a WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)
list i'm building. The list i opened in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and it required around 30-40 seconds to open. In
contrast to it i opened it in notepad and it went to the screen almost instantly, BUT, when i tried to do a replace edit to
remove excess spaces in notepad it lumbered away at a couple of hundred lines out of 2000 or so and began to crash the
computer because it was overloaded. I then tried in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and while the result was alike moving
around in space above the earth for speed it complied to every request finalising it in around thirty seconds until the file
was around 70kb of size and the interface and process speeded up.
[a note about the replace system, you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke
the finder. If you want to turn of a text .txt files find highlights, then you press GO with nothing in the find field ]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
is a web and "loacal shell language" scripting editor with some syntax colouring support. Aside to that are a special set of
editing functions and editing assistances to make coding easier. While the documentation (language reference) for a
scripting language should always be at ready and used, the reason for the lists system for functions and operators is part
of the scheme to make the editing easier and more efficient. So too(making editing easier) is the contents of the right
click popup menu(context menu). It contains required instant controls for any minor mistakes or corrections and changes in
text(to upper case, or , to lower case).
One final note: The folder the app resides in at present is called "SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" and was called
LixStarterMotor.class for Linux requires to be the correct version or you will need to cd into "engine" folder and execute
the "java Sutest3" command from the shell prompt. Always unzip the app "using folder structure setting" with your
archiving extractor application. You can put this editing application anywhere on your drive in its folder.
However you can down load and coppy the correct LixStarterMotor.class version for the folder here:
(July 18 2008 20:00 pm E.S.T.)
Recently the Tooljavascript.class has had some DOM and DHTML added for better .js file colouring and editing.
(July 19 [morning] 2008 0:00 pm E.S.T.)
A number of new additions have been placed into SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta,
When a file is "saved" or "save as" the syntax colour is triggered after testing the file type.
The configuration board has had two "lists" added, A locale "language" , and A locale "Country" to choose from, the catch is
the better match the settings you choose together. The default is set as country "US"[two capital letters always] and,
lanuage "eng"[three lower case letters (almost always)]. The lists can be hand filled in, but that is if you know what your
This occurred because i had no way of changing the editor language and the only machines i could access are in an Asian
locale by default and i could not make UTF-16 operate though the encoding and settings were all correct.
The following two URL's will give you a list of the values and some explanation how to set locale settings in configuration.
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
Finally, the floating "languages list"(programming) toolbar has had the buttons and field for finding in the list made
smaller so hopefully it fits now for LINUX.
Found more and suitable methods and properties for "Tooljavascript.class" . Tooljavascript(new-18-07-2008).zip is now
actually updated today (July 19) and contains better DOM javascript and xslt support.
Note: That this version apart to Linux will also operate in Windows and mac [re: shell script exec commands of (java -
classpath "" Sutest3) ]
re arranged the colouring a tiny piece, and put in a javaw Sytsem.exit[MS Windows] since it popped up again.
Click the image above for a larger screen shot.
Editor GUI controls :]
Some quick tips because of usability problems at EDITING at this stage.
1st. There is NO "undo/redo" system for the editor.
Some menus are not supplied to the text input parts at this time, but they can be used with knowing platform editing keys
For PC X86:
CNTRL + C keys together means "copy" selected text(data) to the system board.
CNTRL + A keys together means to "select all" text(data) inside the editor pane.
CNTRL + V keys together means to "paste" the previous copied text(data) to the editor pane from the cursor.
To make and extend a selection:
HOLD DOWN SHIFT + HOLD DOWN(Any of the arrow keys to extend the selection)
To select a complete line:
Triple click on the line using the left mouse button(alike double clicking)
For other OS platforms see your java and particularly OS documentation.
A good example of this(menus ... not supplied) is the two editable fields for "find" and "replace" to the right of the
"SUcommanderXer menu" on the window bar at the top. At some time when it reaches the priority of the writing i will add
the interface and events of javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
The SPedit board text inputs require the same also to use system editing memory and actions(note again there is no
"undo/redo" system).
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
All the usual controls required.
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Note: To use encoding schemes, if you change the encoding(or anything else in the config panel) you must restart the
The configuration Panel sets the editor bare requirements for use, no choice in syntax colouring scheme is given. Whether
the editor responds to the configuration settings is dependent if your machine has these(probably does) available
resources to decode/encode text types or if it has the font family resources. Sun Microsystems Java2 runtime environment
(JRE) (if up to date e.g. JRE 1.5.0 or 1.6.0 versions) does supply some of these encodings and some fonts, but there is no
gaurantee of any of those being present in your machine, So as before, use this at major risk(although these
beforementioned in this paragraph are minor or negligable risk).
"Default editor Input Char encoding" is for you to attempt to adjust the editor pane to the keyboards input if it has some
unuasual purpose as being a 16bit text input(e.g. special purpose machine).
for most purposes it should be iso-8859-1 or 2 , because any "en" locale and new 64 bit machines for ordinary users will
only require you to see ordinary text for most.
(More in section Editor settings configuration panel :] below)
Here is previously shown "Locale" information for the editor and files configuration for use:
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
The textareas and fields remain for much in english-"language" and US-"country" locale at this time.
(If possible as an international user) To use this editor for local text, The controls and textfields are not properly cross-
matched to the locale in the "configuration panel" settings. If it is possible to enter your "editor" and "save/open file" file
encodings into the configuration in english [e.g. UNICODE or UTF-16 or generic local file encoding] you should be able to
cause a stable use of the editor pane (text area) at least for text editing.
Editor Fonts :]
If you do not have some fonts i have found are ok for editing, you can download them and install them from these
locations. (These are the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Family)
DejaVu fonts 2.22 release
Editor settings configuration panel :]
This is the configuration panel most are directly for the editor, and "locale language" has been added recently.
"Default editor input Char encoding" is a field you will not need to change unless you specifically operate in both an
"internationalised" Java Runtime Environment(Internationalised JRE) and/or a Character scheme unusual inside the generic
written phonetical language "Locale" you use.
This was for most inserted for the editor pane and file reading system "to stabilise English Locale" and character
"encodings" when this application is used on a machine that does not use English as its default or uses an unusual
keyboard input character set as default or on rigid use/purpose policy.
To change to the type of file character set used by an individual file (for Saving/Opening) e.g. UTF-16 or IBM-850, change
the "Default Save File Character Encoding:"
find and replace text highlighting :]
The find and replace highlighting is "as is", The left text field with the word parse is for the word to "find". To replace, you
require to put a word in the text field to the immediate right and then select from the menu to "replace". When done, you
will find the menu has been set back to "find" automatically.
you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke the finder.
If you want to turn off a text .txt files "find highlights"(clear), then you press GO with nothing in the find field.
the FIND text field is the left field in the picture below with "parse" written in it. The right field is for the replace
Note: the text inputs have both been changed to editable drop down lists to store the session usage. Its dumped when
you close the editor.
I have updated the find/replace mechanism since i found the code had been bumped sometime during major internal
additions and refits of the source.
To use it now gives you that it should and a memory of the items found or swapped(replaced).
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
You can select the platform OS line feed to save in.
You cannot at this time open files using line feed type at this time.
One of three platform new line characters is auto detected on open but must "always" be specified "at saving the file" [Mac
\r , MS Windows \r\n , Linux/UNIX 2char \n ]
This section i want feedback about , to be sure the correct process is used to "encode and decode" with the correct
platform chars.
There are four languages for the editor here in this release.
Javascript [WSH X-BROWSER ASP]
Something like, and script alone only, [ .js .php .cgi .pl .sh .bsh .ksh .csh ]
The upper list is now the language function/subroutine list. The below list is the operator list. The operator list contains
Various languages symbols and some standard coding constructs for fast templating and laying down code.
Its a special "dragged out" floating tool frame.
The operator list (lower list) is used to trigger iterated (sequence repeated editor) SP editing BOARD insertions
(GO HERE TO SP Editing board)
"with" an "inserted text number" for "each iteration" of the sequence the tool commits after it is setup.
When using the lists, you must have the "list toolbar window" grey at the top not blue when you click the list to prevent
double entry of the list-item.
The way to do that is to find the item wanted first and be sure it is visible, then place the cursor where the item is to be
placed in the editor, that should result in the "list toolbar" blue strip becoming grey when the editor area has the cursor
Finally, click the item to insert, directly while the list toolbar window is grey.
The context menu for the editor(Sometimes called the right click menu).Essential test tools.
You can copy from the command output panel , but you cannot use the toupper or tolowercase whether they are there, nor
paste[these are not hooked into the comm panel properly only the editor panel ].
The "save" and "Save as" only apply to the file in the editor, not the command output board or its logging.
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
The middle white text field is a little odd to operate. It allows input of localised to the command, environment settings.Its
If you want to try it , look up Sun Microsystems Inc. Docs java.lang.Runtime "exec()" function carrying the overloading of
command , environment comma seperated list , and working directory [3 arguments].
I truly do not know what the result could be.
The rules for its use are as before. If you run a command that could take time, sit and wait for it to complete. If your not
sure of what that would do , do not attempt to run the command.
The command operates in the foreground at this time, so it will hog your machine until completion.
Simple command example (note: the middle text field is not explained in this document, it is for "command environment")
Standard type command with switches (note: to run executables in windows requires using the System32 as working
Query an executables arguments
Special : "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
New 3rd Nov 2008 {n8} "Tokenised" numeric insert p/loop iteration [insert the number anywhere the token word is placed
in the repeat code]
Simply be sure the token-word used in the lower green text field is not present in the code/text you are inserting except
for the purpose of swapping for the number.
Reasonably complete now, You can index increment numbers into code with an operator repeated sequence(The blue
number QUANTITY , The green number is the number start incrementing from) , or you can "iterate a list implicitly of its
quantity p/new line" inserting whatever is required to be repeated with each list line item by clicking the insert set button,
it should be good for string comparison if-elses and switches.(count from checkbox does not exist now).
To insert the repeting incrementing of a number as text,"do not press insert set" , press an "operator symbol" in the
operator languages list pretend/imagine the blue number is where the operator will be inserted each iteration until the
quantity[the blue numer] has been committed into the editing field. The green number will be the "first printed number" of
the iterations that you want the recursively wriiten numbers started from, it will also be placed directly left and beside the
inserted operator.
"count from" checkbox no longer exists, a method overloading is used in the code/binaries of SUcommanderXer to achieve
the same commission.
3a. 3b.
1.Setup of repeater HTML table datas for automatic numeric id and insertion SP edit board with twenty five iterations
nominated and start from zero.
2.Clicked double quote in the "Operator list" to trigger the incremented insertions.
3(a. and b.).Inserted repeated table data in the editor pane note the ids values.
The board now has an alpha numeric collation system for lists, the center Text area is used to extract and rearrange the
list items p/line. Notice the new buttons on lower left of the panel (02-08-08), there is also now list line end clearing of
white spaces. These two only operate with the center text area.
1. This is a repeated "if else" system(commonly called an "else if") being setup for the script by "list iteration insertion".
(note: there is an unseen space and " if" at the start of the characters in the left side B&W text area and the "true, used,
new-line to add setting" is to attach no new-line p/iteration).
2.SHOWN BELOW NEXT(image): After editing by the "list" inserter,(by pressing the "insert set" button).
Note: inserting by list does not use the green number text field. LINK: See new functions below
The other trigger is to use the blue and green number fields with the two outer Black and White multi-line textfields(only
[do not use the central for text]), then click "the operator symbols (lower list) list" while the "SP edit insert" panel is open.
3 NEW FEATURES 31-01-2009:
1. 2.
The above pair (1. AND 2.) are the gui controls to create files with some code base for XML , XHTML , HTML , TLD and
The filename will be "NEWBASEFILE" plus the standard extension. NOTE: Always close the window(fig 1.) after one use, if
you need to use it again you should close it then re-open it.
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
3. This next is the main feature upgrade. The "collated / list insert system" will now iterate over the sets(per line) and
place incremented numerics into each line capsule of list information using the @#Token#@ wherever found and its
starting number is written in the above field.
If you were to place 9 in the counter field and you had a list of five words each on their own line (as instructed above "list
insert") the last numbers printed with the tokens found in the "left" and "right" fields would be 13's and the first set would
contain 9's.
However, do not forget that with list insert you cannot nominate the number of times to increment the counter number and
repeat code, with list insert it is governed by the quantity to encapsulate in the list set.
NEW features SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta 20-06-2009
%CONTENT% token insert, What it does.
This system allows you to place the %CONTENT% token "in a text content file" (that will be use in "example: a markup
document)" (as many times as required No need for start of the file or end of file) containing content you want to split
then place between the HTML box tags, example "TD tags in an html table" , one after the other, but repeat the HTML
code(wrapper and encapsulte).
You place the %CONTENT% token in the text file(e.g. ".txt") where you want it to split the file into information chunks.
Example content file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
Example OUTPUT HTML file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
There is minor quantity of editing in the HTML page after using the "SPedit list insert" %CONTENT%, again "SPedit list
insert" was used to make the UL list and number it for the "==index=="( Along with some minor adjustments).
How to use the %CONTENT% token insert.
This feature requires the use of the "insert list" button. While the "operator triggered insert" with increment counter can do
this that would not be easy to manage until you get a good feel for this editor.
Obtain the token from the yellow and black field by focusing it and pressing the Cntrl+A key then press Cntrl+C together
to copy it. On either the left or right field in among the HTML tags to encapsulate content you place the %CONTENT%
token, only once.
Press Cntrl+V key to paste it.
If you want to add a list as far as that goes(one after the other line) you can but thats a limitation.
Finally, to trigger the file to be picked up as content, you must load it last thing-to-do with the load "content feed" button,
that doubles as a list file loader for loading the central one-line-only list field.
REMEMBER, there must be at least one char and one (return button) new line in the central field for insert list to operate.
The above picture coresponds to this zip file contents to download and try to see the result.
Simply select all of the contents of the appropriate file for the information and place it in the textarea associate the files
DOWNLOAD: EXAMPLE CONTENT FEED SETUP: SUcommanderXer-list-content-token-templte(20-06-2009).zip
It will for/with %$CONTENT$% token, start from zero "0" to swap @#Token#@ , and place the contents of "the first list
line" in correct order.
Example output HTML from the example zips' contents.
Link: Example
Link(Get it from Here): Requires a Sun Microsystems JRE VM 1.4.2 or newer to operate it
(2014) PDF HELPFILE (20-06-2009) SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (size: 1.25 MB (1,318,912 bytes))
NEW FUNCTIONS 20-06-2009 (download zip and exe)
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
Starting the Application :]
filetypes :]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
Editor GUI controls :]
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Editor Fonts :]
Editor settings configuration panel :]
find and replace text highlighting :]
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
FEATURE: Special "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
Page 10 / 14
Link: Go Here To Download Linux/Win SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer , Config. and install
SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (text/script/markup editor pad)
Quick Issues
NEW SOON v-20-06-2009
1st: In the not too distant future, i will be effecting a mildly better syntax colouring highlighter for both markup and
script. It will be able to colour both start and end lines effectively. The process to do that i have already developed but is
in another development version i have and as before i require to compile and test that in both Linux and Windows.
2nd: As i said before, i will also bolt into the "special edit board" part of the mechanism the site-blaster.js system uses
to process markup page content with some special mechanisms to allow ease of use in the code repeating system.
preview Image
1. There will be a special content separator token field placed under the incrementor token field for content-pick-up
separation by the nominated token. The token found written into that field must be unique among the text in the content
text file that will also be containing that nominated token.
2. (a) There will be a process screened mechanism of file button and filename field to nominate the content text file to
be used. The token must be placed after the text in the file as a separator between text content pieces.
(b) Also, the point at which to place content to be wrapped by repeated code is to be nominated on the board with the
token once only for where it must be placed among the repeated markup.
(c) The nominated content file must only contain text content separated by that nominated token at time of special
repeater edit board insert.
[As a note to myself: the last content block of text may or may not require the separator token after it by data length or
*There is a tiny catch, a screen size of at least 1024 x 768[ height is the signifigance ] is required.
**Any visible GUI problems can be sent to "subject: ERR-SUcommanderXer ,".
The application text editing has minor support for text encoding, and locale(for holding the components bound to english
schemes for much as the reason) schemes too.
***The code colourer is at early development stage and requires some prompting to operate sometimes. If you need to
recolour the code, because of the colourer stalling, tap the spacebar around five or six times after placing the cursor after a
****As always though, never use the command terminal unless you really understand a commands syntax and know how
to shut down the javaw.exe with CNTRL+ALT+DEL "task manager"(Windows 2000/XP/Vista).
With Linux be sure to open a terminal (e.g. Konsole) and get the PID numbers for before and after you start
SucommanderXer so you can identify a/the bad process, to operate the kill command upon, the right java.bin
process,particularly when there are multiple JVM instances operating(Linux OS's).
*****Don't forget that the "Find or Replace" system often requires re-stablising after use to prevent stickiness(it won't
actually lock up or jam the GUI but will potentially be a pest if you do not [usually bigger files of 90kb-text 20kb or more
coloured script]).
All you need to do is to clear / delete(make the field completely empty) all the text in the "left find field" and press "GO"
on the "find/replace" menu.
This can also apply to the line number painting, but usually you only need to scroll your mouse wheel to straighten it. At
most minimise the application then re-maximise it.
******A minor problem with strings is there is not much identifying processing for the colourer at this time, so always
escape internal apostrophes or double quotes.
/* =============================
e.g. */
file_separator = "\\" ; // escaped file separator in a string
full_file = path_base+file_separator+aFile;
/* Some other abnormalities can be corrected by swapping from " double quote to apostrophes.
============================= */
****** Another minor string colouring problem can be solved if the lines and text are brown completely for a number of
How). Go to the bottom brown line of the set of them and find the first pair of either apostrophes (single quotes) or double
quotes, particularly if they are simply a string declaration for a variable (note usually but not every instance it is a pair of
double quotes need to be changes to single quotes for the colourer).
On that line you may need to swap the quote set for it other set(double to single , or , single to double or a set of them
on that bottom line or line below it)
e.g. change
parts = "";
parts = '';
If there are other quotes on that line for other statement parts, they could require changing also.
14th Nov. 2008:
Small fix , it doesn't change the version 10-11-2008 , merely removes some excess constructed quantities of large buffers
back to the only ones required through(a quantity of code cleaning).
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
First: The syntax colourer and opening the one and only file at a time you can in the editor can be slow.
SUcommanderXer (SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta) is a scripting and basic markup coloured editor.
Like many other go-it-alone software editor or program constructions/developments it came to being because i have my
own ways of doing things and found nothing else supplying the alike of that i do or required.
One such reason it has come to be is the repeated coding in scripts such as if-elses and markup lists such as those
requiring alphabetic collation.
The SPedit board provides some of the beforementioned services to coding unlike most or any other editors or IDE's (i can't
say i've ever achieved seeing them all).
Finally it is pre-beta, so do not expect at any time for this to be a fantastic experience.You should simply be able to aquire
from using it, some of the functions it was designed to enhance in web and local shell editing.
This version will be the last garbage of an uncooked indigestive turbulence that has all the point of why its "pre beta". The
below picture is effectively similar of appearence (less complicated than the releaseable [not completed]) with the version
that will be v1-beta.
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
The application requires a Sun Microsystems Inc. JRE(Java Runtime Environment) of 1.4.2 or newer, other JRE's possibley
will operate the application but this is the Brand used for compile to byte-code binaries.
When installing from a zip file, the archiver application must be set to extract the files with the folder order the files had
been packed or the application will fail to be operable.
You can extract to any drive and folder you wish to place it in.
To use the Windows version .exe self extraction setup for NT2000,2000,XP,Vista you must have Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6
(Windows Script Host) installed in your computer first. Simply double click the .exe called SUcommanderXer-last-pre-
beta.exe and follow the instructions.
Starting the Application :]
[Windows] during setup with the .exe, the application should have successfully placed three icons on your desktop. Th icon
named "Start-SUcommanderXer" should be present and can be clicked/double-clicked to start the application.
If not and the folder containing all the files and its structure for the application are present then inside the folder
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" there is a .exe to double click called "START-SUcommanderXer.exe".
For the zip setup, after installing Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6 (Windows Script Host) if it is not present, you can double click
the file called "Install-Desktop-STARTER-Shortcut-SU.js" to place icons onto your desktop.
These setup scripts are set to run under the present user.
[Linux] You can only use the zip version to install the application in Linux. It will require the same as windows for a JRE
but does not have/use any helper install scripts.
If there are any real problems with triggering executable .sh shell scripts in your distro, be sure to set the
"" executable on your "properties"-file information tab/dialog to executable under your username.
While you should simply be able to click on the .sh "" , if that does not start then use the
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" folder window "tools" menu and select "execute shell command". A small dialog should
pop up and if you have selected the "" icon it will be in the one line text field as
'./'. Press the execute button on the dialog and SUcommanderXer should start.
1. Select the file with a single right-click on it.
2. Use "Tools" menu on the folders menu bar and press "Execute Shell Command" on its menu.
3. The File-browser Application(usually "Konqueror") pops a box to verify the action by the user pressing "OK" .
4. The output from the command should appear something like.....
21-10-2008 build (note: Again i state that at this stage that i do not know the exact result of using the Windows build
compiler so there could be differences in GUI rendering results).
[Mac] (note: I know less again about the result Mac OS will have upon it but it will probably not be dissimilar to Linux).
To start SUcommanderXer in Mac the only version i have used allows right clicking on the .class file and brings up a context
menu that will allow you to choose how to run it. Do not attempt to or execute any commands in SUcommanderXers'
command line console in Mac OS at this stage.
Neither am i sure of the actual results from using it in Mac OS , so do not use or install it if you are not prepared (more so
than the other OS's here) to require recovering from a crash if that occurs under your own responsibility and libility.
filetypes :]
A good contrasting of the service this editor gives against "windows notepad" is the operations that can be performed, In
effect you can edit XML and HTML based files or html files aside to "text or scripts", and with encoding(requirements).
redundant information: Recently i started with a 185kb text file to edit for a WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)
list i'm building. The list i opened in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and it required around 30-40 seconds to open. In
contrast to it i opened it in notepad and it went to the screen almost instantly, BUT, when i tried to do a replace edit to
remove excess spaces in notepad it lumbered away at a couple of hundred lines out of 2000 or so and began to crash the
computer because it was overloaded. I then tried in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and while the result was alike moving
around in space above the earth for speed it complied to every request finalising it in around thirty seconds until the file
was around 70kb of size and the interface and process speeded up.
[a note about the replace system, you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke
the finder. If you want to turn of a text .txt files find highlights, then you press GO with nothing in the find field ]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
is a web and "loacal shell language" scripting editor with some syntax colouring support. Aside to that are a special set of
editing functions and editing assistances to make coding easier. While the documentation (language reference) for a
scripting language should always be at ready and used, the reason for the lists system for functions and operators is part
of the scheme to make the editing easier and more efficient. So too(making editing easier) is the contents of the right
click popup menu(context menu). It contains required instant controls for any minor mistakes or corrections and changes in
text(to upper case, or , to lower case).
One final note: The folder the app resides in at present is called "SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" and was called
LixStarterMotor.class for Linux requires to be the correct version or you will need to cd into "engine" folder and execute
the "java Sutest3" command from the shell prompt. Always unzip the app "using folder structure setting" with your
archiving extractor application. You can put this editing application anywhere on your drive in its folder.
However you can down load and coppy the correct LixStarterMotor.class version for the folder here:
(July 18 2008 20:00 pm E.S.T.)
Recently the Tooljavascript.class has had some DOM and DHTML added for better .js file colouring and editing.
(July 19 [morning] 2008 0:00 pm E.S.T.)
A number of new additions have been placed into SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta,
When a file is "saved" or "save as" the syntax colour is triggered after testing the file type.
The configuration board has had two "lists" added, A locale "language" , and A locale "Country" to choose from, the catch is
the better match the settings you choose together. The default is set as country "US"[two capital letters always] and,
lanuage "eng"[three lower case letters (almost always)]. The lists can be hand filled in, but that is if you know what your
This occurred because i had no way of changing the editor language and the only machines i could access are in an Asian
locale by default and i could not make UTF-16 operate though the encoding and settings were all correct.
The following two URL's will give you a list of the values and some explanation how to set locale settings in configuration.
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
Finally, the floating "languages list"(programming) toolbar has had the buttons and field for finding in the list made
smaller so hopefully it fits now for LINUX.
Found more and suitable methods and properties for "Tooljavascript.class" . Tooljavascript(new-18-07-2008).zip is now
actually updated today (July 19) and contains better DOM javascript and xslt support.
Note: That this version apart to Linux will also operate in Windows and mac [re: shell script exec commands of (java -
classpath "" Sutest3) ]
re arranged the colouring a tiny piece, and put in a javaw Sytsem.exit[MS Windows] since it popped up again.
Click the image above for a larger screen shot.
Editor GUI controls :]
Some quick tips because of usability problems at EDITING at this stage.
1st. There is NO "undo/redo" system for the editor.
Some menus are not supplied to the text input parts at this time, but they can be used with knowing platform editing keys
For PC X86:
CNTRL + C keys together means "copy" selected text(data) to the system board.
CNTRL + A keys together means to "select all" text(data) inside the editor pane.
CNTRL + V keys together means to "paste" the previous copied text(data) to the editor pane from the cursor.
To make and extend a selection:
HOLD DOWN SHIFT + HOLD DOWN(Any of the arrow keys to extend the selection)
To select a complete line:
Triple click on the line using the left mouse button(alike double clicking)
For other OS platforms see your java and particularly OS documentation.
A good example of this(menus ... not supplied) is the two editable fields for "find" and "replace" to the right of the
"SUcommanderXer menu" on the window bar at the top. At some time when it reaches the priority of the writing i will add
the interface and events of javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
The SPedit board text inputs require the same also to use system editing memory and actions(note again there is no
"undo/redo" system).
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
All the usual controls required.
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Note: To use encoding schemes, if you change the encoding(or anything else in the config panel) you must restart the
The configuration Panel sets the editor bare requirements for use, no choice in syntax colouring scheme is given. Whether
the editor responds to the configuration settings is dependent if your machine has these(probably does) available
resources to decode/encode text types or if it has the font family resources. Sun Microsystems Java2 runtime environment
(JRE) (if up to date e.g. JRE 1.5.0 or 1.6.0 versions) does supply some of these encodings and some fonts, but there is no
gaurantee of any of those being present in your machine, So as before, use this at major risk(although these
beforementioned in this paragraph are minor or negligable risk).
"Default editor Input Char encoding" is for you to attempt to adjust the editor pane to the keyboards input if it has some
unuasual purpose as being a 16bit text input(e.g. special purpose machine).
for most purposes it should be iso-8859-1 or 2 , because any "en" locale and new 64 bit machines for ordinary users will
only require you to see ordinary text for most.
(More in section Editor settings configuration panel :] below)
Here is previously shown "Locale" information for the editor and files configuration for use:
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
The textareas and fields remain for much in english-"language" and US-"country" locale at this time.
(If possible as an international user) To use this editor for local text, The controls and textfields are not properly cross-
matched to the locale in the "configuration panel" settings. If it is possible to enter your "editor" and "save/open file" file
encodings into the configuration in english [e.g. UNICODE or UTF-16 or generic local file encoding] you should be able to
cause a stable use of the editor pane (text area) at least for text editing.
Editor Fonts :]
If you do not have some fonts i have found are ok for editing, you can download them and install them from these
locations. (These are the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Family)
DejaVu fonts 2.22 release
Editor settings configuration panel :]
This is the configuration panel most are directly for the editor, and "locale language" has been added recently.
"Default editor input Char encoding" is a field you will not need to change unless you specifically operate in both an
"internationalised" Java Runtime Environment(Internationalised JRE) and/or a Character scheme unusual inside the generic
written phonetical language "Locale" you use.
This was for most inserted for the editor pane and file reading system "to stabilise English Locale" and character
"encodings" when this application is used on a machine that does not use English as its default or uses an unusual
keyboard input character set as default or on rigid use/purpose policy.
To change to the type of file character set used by an individual file (for Saving/Opening) e.g. UTF-16 or IBM-850, change
the "Default Save File Character Encoding:"
find and replace text highlighting :]
The find and replace highlighting is "as is", The left text field with the word parse is for the word to "find". To replace, you
require to put a word in the text field to the immediate right and then select from the menu to "replace". When done, you
will find the menu has been set back to "find" automatically.
you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke the finder.
If you want to turn off a text .txt files "find highlights"(clear), then you press GO with nothing in the find field.
the FIND text field is the left field in the picture below with "parse" written in it. The right field is for the replace
Note: the text inputs have both been changed to editable drop down lists to store the session usage. Its dumped when
you close the editor.
I have updated the find/replace mechanism since i found the code had been bumped sometime during major internal
additions and refits of the source.
To use it now gives you that it should and a memory of the items found or swapped(replaced).
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
You can select the platform OS line feed to save in.
You cannot at this time open files using line feed type at this time.
One of three platform new line characters is auto detected on open but must "always" be specified "at saving the file" [Mac
\r , MS Windows \r\n , Linux/UNIX 2char \n ]
This section i want feedback about , to be sure the correct process is used to "encode and decode" with the correct
platform chars.
There are four languages for the editor here in this release.
Javascript [WSH X-BROWSER ASP]
Something like, and script alone only, [ .js .php .cgi .pl .sh .bsh .ksh .csh ]
The upper list is now the language function/subroutine list. The below list is the operator list. The operator list contains
Various languages symbols and some standard coding constructs for fast templating and laying down code.
Its a special "dragged out" floating tool frame.
The operator list (lower list) is used to trigger iterated (sequence repeated editor) SP editing BOARD insertions
(GO HERE TO SP Editing board)
"with" an "inserted text number" for "each iteration" of the sequence the tool commits after it is setup.
When using the lists, you must have the "list toolbar window" grey at the top not blue when you click the list to prevent
double entry of the list-item.
The way to do that is to find the item wanted first and be sure it is visible, then place the cursor where the item is to be
placed in the editor, that should result in the "list toolbar" blue strip becoming grey when the editor area has the cursor
Finally, click the item to insert, directly while the list toolbar window is grey.
The context menu for the editor(Sometimes called the right click menu).Essential test tools.
You can copy from the command output panel , but you cannot use the toupper or tolowercase whether they are there, nor
paste[these are not hooked into the comm panel properly only the editor panel ].
The "save" and "Save as" only apply to the file in the editor, not the command output board or its logging.
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
The middle white text field is a little odd to operate. It allows input of localised to the command, environment settings.Its
If you want to try it , look up Sun Microsystems Inc. Docs java.lang.Runtime "exec()" function carrying the overloading of
command , environment comma seperated list , and working directory [3 arguments].
I truly do not know what the result could be.
The rules for its use are as before. If you run a command that could take time, sit and wait for it to complete. If your not
sure of what that would do , do not attempt to run the command.
The command operates in the foreground at this time, so it will hog your machine until completion.
Simple command example (note: the middle text field is not explained in this document, it is for "command environment")
Standard type command with switches (note: to run executables in windows requires using the System32 as working
Query an executables arguments
Special : "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
New 3rd Nov 2008 {n8} "Tokenised" numeric insert p/loop iteration [insert the number anywhere the token word is placed
in the repeat code]
Simply be sure the token-word used in the lower green text field is not present in the code/text you are inserting except
for the purpose of swapping for the number.
Reasonably complete now, You can index increment numbers into code with an operator repeated sequence(The blue
number QUANTITY , The green number is the number start incrementing from) , or you can "iterate a list implicitly of its
quantity p/new line" inserting whatever is required to be repeated with each list line item by clicking the insert set button,
it should be good for string comparison if-elses and switches.(count from checkbox does not exist now).
To insert the repeting incrementing of a number as text,"do not press insert set" , press an "operator symbol" in the
operator languages list pretend/imagine the blue number is where the operator will be inserted each iteration until the
quantity[the blue numer] has been committed into the editing field. The green number will be the "first printed number" of
the iterations that you want the recursively wriiten numbers started from, it will also be placed directly left and beside the
inserted operator.
"count from" checkbox no longer exists, a method overloading is used in the code/binaries of SUcommanderXer to achieve
the same commission.
3a. 3b.
1.Setup of repeater HTML table datas for automatic numeric id and insertion SP edit board with twenty five iterations
nominated and start from zero.
2.Clicked double quote in the "Operator list" to trigger the incremented insertions.
3(a. and b.).Inserted repeated table data in the editor pane note the ids values.
The board now has an alpha numeric collation system for lists, the center Text area is used to extract and rearrange the
list items p/line. Notice the new buttons on lower left of the panel (02-08-08), there is also now list line end clearing of
white spaces. These two only operate with the center text area.
1. This is a repeated "if else" system(commonly called an "else if") being setup for the script by "list iteration insertion".
(note: there is an unseen space and " if" at the start of the characters in the left side B&W text area and the "true, used,
new-line to add setting" is to attach no new-line p/iteration).
2.SHOWN BELOW NEXT(image): After editing by the "list" inserter,(by pressing the "insert set" button).
Note: inserting by list does not use the green number text field. LINK: See new functions below
The other trigger is to use the blue and green number fields with the two outer Black and White multi-line textfields(only
[do not use the central for text]), then click "the operator symbols (lower list) list" while the "SP edit insert" panel is open.
3 NEW FEATURES 31-01-2009:
1. 2.
The above pair (1. AND 2.) are the gui controls to create files with some code base for XML , XHTML , HTML , TLD and
The filename will be "NEWBASEFILE" plus the standard extension. NOTE: Always close the window(fig 1.) after one use, if
you need to use it again you should close it then re-open it.
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
3. This next is the main feature upgrade. The "collated / list insert system" will now iterate over the sets(per line) and
place incremented numerics into each line capsule of list information using the @#Token#@ wherever found and its
starting number is written in the above field.
If you were to place 9 in the counter field and you had a list of five words each on their own line (as instructed above "list
insert") the last numbers printed with the tokens found in the "left" and "right" fields would be 13's and the first set would
contain 9's.
However, do not forget that with list insert you cannot nominate the number of times to increment the counter number and
repeat code, with list insert it is governed by the quantity to encapsulate in the list set.
NEW features SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta 20-06-2009
%CONTENT% token insert, What it does.
This system allows you to place the %CONTENT% token "in a text content file" (that will be use in "example: a markup
document)" (as many times as required No need for start of the file or end of file) containing content you want to split
then place between the HTML box tags, example "TD tags in an html table" , one after the other, but repeat the HTML
code(wrapper and encapsulte).
You place the %CONTENT% token in the text file(e.g. ".txt") where you want it to split the file into information chunks.
Example content file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
Example OUTPUT HTML file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
There is minor quantity of editing in the HTML page after using the "SPedit list insert" %CONTENT%, again "SPedit list
insert" was used to make the UL list and number it for the "==index=="( Along with some minor adjustments).
How to use the %CONTENT% token insert.
This feature requires the use of the "insert list" button. While the "operator triggered insert" with increment counter can do
this that would not be easy to manage until you get a good feel for this editor.
Obtain the token from the yellow and black field by focusing it and pressing the Cntrl+A key then press Cntrl+C together
to copy it. On either the left or right field in among the HTML tags to encapsulate content you place the %CONTENT%
token, only once.
Press Cntrl+V key to paste it.
If you want to add a list as far as that goes(one after the other line) you can but thats a limitation.
Finally, to trigger the file to be picked up as content, you must load it last thing-to-do with the load "content feed" button,
that doubles as a list file loader for loading the central one-line-only list field.
REMEMBER, there must be at least one char and one (return button) new line in the central field for insert list to operate.
The above picture coresponds to this zip file contents to download and try to see the result.
Simply select all of the contents of the appropriate file for the information and place it in the textarea associate the files
DOWNLOAD: EXAMPLE CONTENT FEED SETUP: SUcommanderXer-list-content-token-templte(20-06-2009).zip
It will for/with %$CONTENT$% token, start from zero "0" to swap @#Token#@ , and place the contents of "the first list
line" in correct order.
Example output HTML from the example zips' contents.
Link: Example
Link(Get it from Here): Requires a Sun Microsystems JRE VM 1.4.2 or newer to operate it
(2014) PDF HELPFILE (20-06-2009) SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (size: 1.25 MB (1,318,912 bytes))
NEW FUNCTIONS 20-06-2009 (download zip and exe)
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
Starting the Application :]
filetypes :]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
Editor GUI controls :]
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Editor Fonts :]
Editor settings configuration panel :]
find and replace text highlighting :]
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
FEATURE: Special "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
Page 11 / 14
Link: Go Here To Download Linux/Win SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer , Config. and install
SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (text/script/markup editor pad)
Quick Issues
NEW SOON v-20-06-2009
1st: In the not too distant future, i will be effecting a mildly better syntax colouring highlighter for both markup and
script. It will be able to colour both start and end lines effectively. The process to do that i have already developed but is
in another development version i have and as before i require to compile and test that in both Linux and Windows.
2nd: As i said before, i will also bolt into the "special edit board" part of the mechanism the site-blaster.js system uses
to process markup page content with some special mechanisms to allow ease of use in the code repeating system.
preview Image
1. There will be a special content separator token field placed under the incrementor token field for content-pick-up
separation by the nominated token. The token found written into that field must be unique among the text in the content
text file that will also be containing that nominated token.
2. (a) There will be a process screened mechanism of file button and filename field to nominate the content text file to
be used. The token must be placed after the text in the file as a separator between text content pieces.
(b) Also, the point at which to place content to be wrapped by repeated code is to be nominated on the board with the
token once only for where it must be placed among the repeated markup.
(c) The nominated content file must only contain text content separated by that nominated token at time of special
repeater edit board insert.
[As a note to myself: the last content block of text may or may not require the separator token after it by data length or
*There is a tiny catch, a screen size of at least 1024 x 768[ height is the signifigance ] is required.
**Any visible GUI problems can be sent to "subject: ERR-SUcommanderXer ,".
The application text editing has minor support for text encoding, and locale(for holding the components bound to english
schemes for much as the reason) schemes too.
***The code colourer is at early development stage and requires some prompting to operate sometimes. If you need to
recolour the code, because of the colourer stalling, tap the spacebar around five or six times after placing the cursor after a
****As always though, never use the command terminal unless you really understand a commands syntax and know how
to shut down the javaw.exe with CNTRL+ALT+DEL "task manager"(Windows 2000/XP/Vista).
With Linux be sure to open a terminal (e.g. Konsole) and get the PID numbers for before and after you start
SucommanderXer so you can identify a/the bad process, to operate the kill command upon, the right java.bin
process,particularly when there are multiple JVM instances operating(Linux OS's).
*****Don't forget that the "Find or Replace" system often requires re-stablising after use to prevent stickiness(it won't
actually lock up or jam the GUI but will potentially be a pest if you do not [usually bigger files of 90kb-text 20kb or more
coloured script]).
All you need to do is to clear / delete(make the field completely empty) all the text in the "left find field" and press "GO"
on the "find/replace" menu.
This can also apply to the line number painting, but usually you only need to scroll your mouse wheel to straighten it. At
most minimise the application then re-maximise it.
******A minor problem with strings is there is not much identifying processing for the colourer at this time, so always
escape internal apostrophes or double quotes.
/* =============================
e.g. */
file_separator = "\\" ; // escaped file separator in a string
full_file = path_base+file_separator+aFile;
/* Some other abnormalities can be corrected by swapping from " double quote to apostrophes.
============================= */
****** Another minor string colouring problem can be solved if the lines and text are brown completely for a number of
How). Go to the bottom brown line of the set of them and find the first pair of either apostrophes (single quotes) or double
quotes, particularly if they are simply a string declaration for a variable (note usually but not every instance it is a pair of
double quotes need to be changes to single quotes for the colourer).
On that line you may need to swap the quote set for it other set(double to single , or , single to double or a set of them
on that bottom line or line below it)
e.g. change
parts = "";
parts = '';
If there are other quotes on that line for other statement parts, they could require changing also.
14th Nov. 2008:
Small fix , it doesn't change the version 10-11-2008 , merely removes some excess constructed quantities of large buffers
back to the only ones required through(a quantity of code cleaning).
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
First: The syntax colourer and opening the one and only file at a time you can in the editor can be slow.
SUcommanderXer (SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta) is a scripting and basic markup coloured editor.
Like many other go-it-alone software editor or program constructions/developments it came to being because i have my
own ways of doing things and found nothing else supplying the alike of that i do or required.
One such reason it has come to be is the repeated coding in scripts such as if-elses and markup lists such as those
requiring alphabetic collation.
The SPedit board provides some of the beforementioned services to coding unlike most or any other editors or IDE's (i can't
say i've ever achieved seeing them all).
Finally it is pre-beta, so do not expect at any time for this to be a fantastic experience.You should simply be able to aquire
from using it, some of the functions it was designed to enhance in web and local shell editing.
This version will be the last garbage of an uncooked indigestive turbulence that has all the point of why its "pre beta". The
below picture is effectively similar of appearence (less complicated than the releaseable [not completed]) with the version
that will be v1-beta.
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
The application requires a Sun Microsystems Inc. JRE(Java Runtime Environment) of 1.4.2 or newer, other JRE's possibley
will operate the application but this is the Brand used for compile to byte-code binaries.
When installing from a zip file, the archiver application must be set to extract the files with the folder order the files had
been packed or the application will fail to be operable.
You can extract to any drive and folder you wish to place it in.
To use the Windows version .exe self extraction setup for NT2000,2000,XP,Vista you must have Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6
(Windows Script Host) installed in your computer first. Simply double click the .exe called SUcommanderXer-last-pre-
beta.exe and follow the instructions.
Starting the Application :]
[Windows] during setup with the .exe, the application should have successfully placed three icons on your desktop. Th icon
named "Start-SUcommanderXer" should be present and can be clicked/double-clicked to start the application.
If not and the folder containing all the files and its structure for the application are present then inside the folder
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" there is a .exe to double click called "START-SUcommanderXer.exe".
For the zip setup, after installing Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6 (Windows Script Host) if it is not present, you can double click
the file called "Install-Desktop-STARTER-Shortcut-SU.js" to place icons onto your desktop.
These setup scripts are set to run under the present user.
[Linux] You can only use the zip version to install the application in Linux. It will require the same as windows for a JRE
but does not have/use any helper install scripts.
If there are any real problems with triggering executable .sh shell scripts in your distro, be sure to set the
"" executable on your "properties"-file information tab/dialog to executable under your username.
While you should simply be able to click on the .sh "" , if that does not start then use the
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" folder window "tools" menu and select "execute shell command". A small dialog should
pop up and if you have selected the "" icon it will be in the one line text field as
'./'. Press the execute button on the dialog and SUcommanderXer should start.
1. Select the file with a single right-click on it.
2. Use "Tools" menu on the folders menu bar and press "Execute Shell Command" on its menu.
3. The File-browser Application(usually "Konqueror") pops a box to verify the action by the user pressing "OK" .
4. The output from the command should appear something like.....
21-10-2008 build (note: Again i state that at this stage that i do not know the exact result of using the Windows build
compiler so there could be differences in GUI rendering results).
[Mac] (note: I know less again about the result Mac OS will have upon it but it will probably not be dissimilar to Linux).
To start SUcommanderXer in Mac the only version i have used allows right clicking on the .class file and brings up a context
menu that will allow you to choose how to run it. Do not attempt to or execute any commands in SUcommanderXers'
command line console in Mac OS at this stage.
Neither am i sure of the actual results from using it in Mac OS , so do not use or install it if you are not prepared (more so
than the other OS's here) to require recovering from a crash if that occurs under your own responsibility and libility.
filetypes :]
A good contrasting of the service this editor gives against "windows notepad" is the operations that can be performed, In
effect you can edit XML and HTML based files or html files aside to "text or scripts", and with encoding(requirements).
redundant information: Recently i started with a 185kb text file to edit for a WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)
list i'm building. The list i opened in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and it required around 30-40 seconds to open. In
contrast to it i opened it in notepad and it went to the screen almost instantly, BUT, when i tried to do a replace edit to
remove excess spaces in notepad it lumbered away at a couple of hundred lines out of 2000 or so and began to crash the
computer because it was overloaded. I then tried in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and while the result was alike moving
around in space above the earth for speed it complied to every request finalising it in around thirty seconds until the file
was around 70kb of size and the interface and process speeded up.
[a note about the replace system, you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke
the finder. If you want to turn of a text .txt files find highlights, then you press GO with nothing in the find field ]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
is a web and "loacal shell language" scripting editor with some syntax colouring support. Aside to that are a special set of
editing functions and editing assistances to make coding easier. While the documentation (language reference) for a
scripting language should always be at ready and used, the reason for the lists system for functions and operators is part
of the scheme to make the editing easier and more efficient. So too(making editing easier) is the contents of the right
click popup menu(context menu). It contains required instant controls for any minor mistakes or corrections and changes in
text(to upper case, or , to lower case).
One final note: The folder the app resides in at present is called "SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" and was called
LixStarterMotor.class for Linux requires to be the correct version or you will need to cd into "engine" folder and execute
the "java Sutest3" command from the shell prompt. Always unzip the app "using folder structure setting" with your
archiving extractor application. You can put this editing application anywhere on your drive in its folder.
However you can down load and coppy the correct LixStarterMotor.class version for the folder here:
(July 18 2008 20:00 pm E.S.T.)
Recently the Tooljavascript.class has had some DOM and DHTML added for better .js file colouring and editing.
(July 19 [morning] 2008 0:00 pm E.S.T.)
A number of new additions have been placed into SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta,
When a file is "saved" or "save as" the syntax colour is triggered after testing the file type.
The configuration board has had two "lists" added, A locale "language" , and A locale "Country" to choose from, the catch is
the better match the settings you choose together. The default is set as country "US"[two capital letters always] and,
lanuage "eng"[three lower case letters (almost always)]. The lists can be hand filled in, but that is if you know what your
This occurred because i had no way of changing the editor language and the only machines i could access are in an Asian
locale by default and i could not make UTF-16 operate though the encoding and settings were all correct.
The following two URL's will give you a list of the values and some explanation how to set locale settings in configuration.
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
Finally, the floating "languages list"(programming) toolbar has had the buttons and field for finding in the list made
smaller so hopefully it fits now for LINUX.
Found more and suitable methods and properties for "Tooljavascript.class" . Tooljavascript(new-18-07-2008).zip is now
actually updated today (July 19) and contains better DOM javascript and xslt support.
Note: That this version apart to Linux will also operate in Windows and mac [re: shell script exec commands of (java -
classpath "" Sutest3) ]
re arranged the colouring a tiny piece, and put in a javaw Sytsem.exit[MS Windows] since it popped up again.
Click the image above for a larger screen shot.
Editor GUI controls :]
Some quick tips because of usability problems at EDITING at this stage.
1st. There is NO "undo/redo" system for the editor.
Some menus are not supplied to the text input parts at this time, but they can be used with knowing platform editing keys
For PC X86:
CNTRL + C keys together means "copy" selected text(data) to the system board.
CNTRL + A keys together means to "select all" text(data) inside the editor pane.
CNTRL + V keys together means to "paste" the previous copied text(data) to the editor pane from the cursor.
To make and extend a selection:
HOLD DOWN SHIFT + HOLD DOWN(Any of the arrow keys to extend the selection)
To select a complete line:
Triple click on the line using the left mouse button(alike double clicking)
For other OS platforms see your java and particularly OS documentation.
A good example of this(menus ... not supplied) is the two editable fields for "find" and "replace" to the right of the
"SUcommanderXer menu" on the window bar at the top. At some time when it reaches the priority of the writing i will add
the interface and events of javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
The SPedit board text inputs require the same also to use system editing memory and actions(note again there is no
"undo/redo" system).
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
All the usual controls required.
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Note: To use encoding schemes, if you change the encoding(or anything else in the config panel) you must restart the
The configuration Panel sets the editor bare requirements for use, no choice in syntax colouring scheme is given. Whether
the editor responds to the configuration settings is dependent if your machine has these(probably does) available
resources to decode/encode text types or if it has the font family resources. Sun Microsystems Java2 runtime environment
(JRE) (if up to date e.g. JRE 1.5.0 or 1.6.0 versions) does supply some of these encodings and some fonts, but there is no
gaurantee of any of those being present in your machine, So as before, use this at major risk(although these
beforementioned in this paragraph are minor or negligable risk).
"Default editor Input Char encoding" is for you to attempt to adjust the editor pane to the keyboards input if it has some
unuasual purpose as being a 16bit text input(e.g. special purpose machine).
for most purposes it should be iso-8859-1 or 2 , because any "en" locale and new 64 bit machines for ordinary users will
only require you to see ordinary text for most.
(More in section Editor settings configuration panel :] below)
Here is previously shown "Locale" information for the editor and files configuration for use:
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
The textareas and fields remain for much in english-"language" and US-"country" locale at this time.
(If possible as an international user) To use this editor for local text, The controls and textfields are not properly cross-
matched to the locale in the "configuration panel" settings. If it is possible to enter your "editor" and "save/open file" file
encodings into the configuration in english [e.g. UNICODE or UTF-16 or generic local file encoding] you should be able to
cause a stable use of the editor pane (text area) at least for text editing.
Editor Fonts :]
If you do not have some fonts i have found are ok for editing, you can download them and install them from these
locations. (These are the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Family)
DejaVu fonts 2.22 release
Editor settings configuration panel :]
This is the configuration panel most are directly for the editor, and "locale language" has been added recently.
"Default editor input Char encoding" is a field you will not need to change unless you specifically operate in both an
"internationalised" Java Runtime Environment(Internationalised JRE) and/or a Character scheme unusual inside the generic
written phonetical language "Locale" you use.
This was for most inserted for the editor pane and file reading system "to stabilise English Locale" and character
"encodings" when this application is used on a machine that does not use English as its default or uses an unusual
keyboard input character set as default or on rigid use/purpose policy.
To change to the type of file character set used by an individual file (for Saving/Opening) e.g. UTF-16 or IBM-850, change
the "Default Save File Character Encoding:"
find and replace text highlighting :]
The find and replace highlighting is "as is", The left text field with the word parse is for the word to "find". To replace, you
require to put a word in the text field to the immediate right and then select from the menu to "replace". When done, you
will find the menu has been set back to "find" automatically.
you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke the finder.
If you want to turn off a text .txt files "find highlights"(clear), then you press GO with nothing in the find field.
the FIND text field is the left field in the picture below with "parse" written in it. The right field is for the replace
Note: the text inputs have both been changed to editable drop down lists to store the session usage. Its dumped when
you close the editor.
I have updated the find/replace mechanism since i found the code had been bumped sometime during major internal
additions and refits of the source.
To use it now gives you that it should and a memory of the items found or swapped(replaced).
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
You can select the platform OS line feed to save in.
You cannot at this time open files using line feed type at this time.
One of three platform new line characters is auto detected on open but must "always" be specified "at saving the file" [Mac
\r , MS Windows \r\n , Linux/UNIX 2char \n ]
This section i want feedback about , to be sure the correct process is used to "encode and decode" with the correct
platform chars.
There are four languages for the editor here in this release.
Javascript [WSH X-BROWSER ASP]
Something like, and script alone only, [ .js .php .cgi .pl .sh .bsh .ksh .csh ]
The upper list is now the language function/subroutine list. The below list is the operator list. The operator list contains
Various languages symbols and some standard coding constructs for fast templating and laying down code.
Its a special "dragged out" floating tool frame.
The operator list (lower list) is used to trigger iterated (sequence repeated editor) SP editing BOARD insertions
(GO HERE TO SP Editing board)
"with" an "inserted text number" for "each iteration" of the sequence the tool commits after it is setup.
When using the lists, you must have the "list toolbar window" grey at the top not blue when you click the list to prevent
double entry of the list-item.
The way to do that is to find the item wanted first and be sure it is visible, then place the cursor where the item is to be
placed in the editor, that should result in the "list toolbar" blue strip becoming grey when the editor area has the cursor
Finally, click the item to insert, directly while the list toolbar window is grey.
The context menu for the editor(Sometimes called the right click menu).Essential test tools.
You can copy from the command output panel , but you cannot use the toupper or tolowercase whether they are there, nor
paste[these are not hooked into the comm panel properly only the editor panel ].
The "save" and "Save as" only apply to the file in the editor, not the command output board or its logging.
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
The middle white text field is a little odd to operate. It allows input of localised to the command, environment settings.Its
If you want to try it , look up Sun Microsystems Inc. Docs java.lang.Runtime "exec()" function carrying the overloading of
command , environment comma seperated list , and working directory [3 arguments].
I truly do not know what the result could be.
The rules for its use are as before. If you run a command that could take time, sit and wait for it to complete. If your not
sure of what that would do , do not attempt to run the command.
The command operates in the foreground at this time, so it will hog your machine until completion.
Simple command example (note: the middle text field is not explained in this document, it is for "command environment")
Standard type command with switches (note: to run executables in windows requires using the System32 as working
Query an executables arguments
Special : "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
New 3rd Nov 2008 {n8} "Tokenised" numeric insert p/loop iteration [insert the number anywhere the token word is placed
in the repeat code]
Simply be sure the token-word used in the lower green text field is not present in the code/text you are inserting except
for the purpose of swapping for the number.
Reasonably complete now, You can index increment numbers into code with an operator repeated sequence(The blue
number QUANTITY , The green number is the number start incrementing from) , or you can "iterate a list implicitly of its
quantity p/new line" inserting whatever is required to be repeated with each list line item by clicking the insert set button,
it should be good for string comparison if-elses and switches.(count from checkbox does not exist now).
To insert the repeting incrementing of a number as text,"do not press insert set" , press an "operator symbol" in the
operator languages list pretend/imagine the blue number is where the operator will be inserted each iteration until the
quantity[the blue numer] has been committed into the editing field. The green number will be the "first printed number" of
the iterations that you want the recursively wriiten numbers started from, it will also be placed directly left and beside the
inserted operator.
"count from" checkbox no longer exists, a method overloading is used in the code/binaries of SUcommanderXer to achieve
the same commission.
3a. 3b.
1.Setup of repeater HTML table datas for automatic numeric id and insertion SP edit board with twenty five iterations
nominated and start from zero.
2.Clicked double quote in the "Operator list" to trigger the incremented insertions.
3(a. and b.).Inserted repeated table data in the editor pane note the ids values.
The board now has an alpha numeric collation system for lists, the center Text area is used to extract and rearrange the
list items p/line. Notice the new buttons on lower left of the panel (02-08-08), there is also now list line end clearing of
white spaces. These two only operate with the center text area.
1. This is a repeated "if else" system(commonly called an "else if") being setup for the script by "list iteration insertion".
(note: there is an unseen space and " if" at the start of the characters in the left side B&W text area and the "true, used,
new-line to add setting" is to attach no new-line p/iteration).
2.SHOWN BELOW NEXT(image): After editing by the "list" inserter,(by pressing the "insert set" button).
Note: inserting by list does not use the green number text field. LINK: See new functions below
The other trigger is to use the blue and green number fields with the two outer Black and White multi-line textfields(only
[do not use the central for text]), then click "the operator symbols (lower list) list" while the "SP edit insert" panel is open.
3 NEW FEATURES 31-01-2009:
1. 2.
The above pair (1. AND 2.) are the gui controls to create files with some code base for XML , XHTML , HTML , TLD and
The filename will be "NEWBASEFILE" plus the standard extension. NOTE: Always close the window(fig 1.) after one use, if
you need to use it again you should close it then re-open it.
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
3. This next is the main feature upgrade. The "collated / list insert system" will now iterate over the sets(per line) and
place incremented numerics into each line capsule of list information using the @#Token#@ wherever found and its
starting number is written in the above field.
If you were to place 9 in the counter field and you had a list of five words each on their own line (as instructed above "list
insert") the last numbers printed with the tokens found in the "left" and "right" fields would be 13's and the first set would
contain 9's.
However, do not forget that with list insert you cannot nominate the number of times to increment the counter number and
repeat code, with list insert it is governed by the quantity to encapsulate in the list set.
NEW features SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta 20-06-2009
%CONTENT% token insert, What it does.
This system allows you to place the %CONTENT% token "in a text content file" (that will be use in "example: a markup
document)" (as many times as required No need for start of the file or end of file) containing content you want to split
then place between the HTML box tags, example "TD tags in an html table" , one after the other, but repeat the HTML
code(wrapper and encapsulte).
You place the %CONTENT% token in the text file(e.g. ".txt") where you want it to split the file into information chunks.
Example content file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
Example OUTPUT HTML file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
There is minor quantity of editing in the HTML page after using the "SPedit list insert" %CONTENT%, again "SPedit list
insert" was used to make the UL list and number it for the "==index=="( Along with some minor adjustments).
How to use the %CONTENT% token insert.
This feature requires the use of the "insert list" button. While the "operator triggered insert" with increment counter can do
this that would not be easy to manage until you get a good feel for this editor.
Obtain the token from the yellow and black field by focusing it and pressing the Cntrl+A key then press Cntrl+C together
to copy it. On either the left or right field in among the HTML tags to encapsulate content you place the %CONTENT%
token, only once.
Press Cntrl+V key to paste it.
If you want to add a list as far as that goes(one after the other line) you can but thats a limitation.
Finally, to trigger the file to be picked up as content, you must load it last thing-to-do with the load "content feed" button,
that doubles as a list file loader for loading the central one-line-only list field.
REMEMBER, there must be at least one char and one (return button) new line in the central field for insert list to operate.
The above picture coresponds to this zip file contents to download and try to see the result.
Simply select all of the contents of the appropriate file for the information and place it in the textarea associate the files
DOWNLOAD: EXAMPLE CONTENT FEED SETUP: SUcommanderXer-list-content-token-templte(20-06-2009).zip
It will for/with %$CONTENT$% token, start from zero "0" to swap @#Token#@ , and place the contents of "the first list
line" in correct order.
Example output HTML from the example zips' contents.
Link: Example
Link(Get it from Here): Requires a Sun Microsystems JRE VM 1.4.2 or newer to operate it
(2014) PDF HELPFILE (20-06-2009) SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (size: 1.25 MB (1,318,912 bytes))
NEW FUNCTIONS 20-06-2009 (download zip and exe)
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
Starting the Application :]
filetypes :]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
Editor GUI controls :]
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Editor Fonts :]
Editor settings configuration panel :]
find and replace text highlighting :]
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
FEATURE: Special "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
Page 12 / 14
Link: Go Here To Download Linux/Win SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer , Config. and install
SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (text/script/markup editor pad)
Quick Issues
NEW SOON v-20-06-2009
1st: In the not too distant future, i will be effecting a mildly better syntax colouring highlighter for both markup and
script. It will be able to colour both start and end lines effectively. The process to do that i have already developed but is
in another development version i have and as before i require to compile and test that in both Linux and Windows.
2nd: As i said before, i will also bolt into the "special edit board" part of the mechanism the site-blaster.js system uses
to process markup page content with some special mechanisms to allow ease of use in the code repeating system.
preview Image
1. There will be a special content separator token field placed under the incrementor token field for content-pick-up
separation by the nominated token. The token found written into that field must be unique among the text in the content
text file that will also be containing that nominated token.
2. (a) There will be a process screened mechanism of file button and filename field to nominate the content text file to
be used. The token must be placed after the text in the file as a separator between text content pieces.
(b) Also, the point at which to place content to be wrapped by repeated code is to be nominated on the board with the
token once only for where it must be placed among the repeated markup.
(c) The nominated content file must only contain text content separated by that nominated token at time of special
repeater edit board insert.
[As a note to myself: the last content block of text may or may not require the separator token after it by data length or
*There is a tiny catch, a screen size of at least 1024 x 768[ height is the signifigance ] is required.
**Any visible GUI problems can be sent to "subject: ERR-SUcommanderXer ,".
The application text editing has minor support for text encoding, and locale(for holding the components bound to english
schemes for much as the reason) schemes too.
***The code colourer is at early development stage and requires some prompting to operate sometimes. If you need to
recolour the code, because of the colourer stalling, tap the spacebar around five or six times after placing the cursor after a
****As always though, never use the command terminal unless you really understand a commands syntax and know how
to shut down the javaw.exe with CNTRL+ALT+DEL "task manager"(Windows 2000/XP/Vista).
With Linux be sure to open a terminal (e.g. Konsole) and get the PID numbers for before and after you start
SucommanderXer so you can identify a/the bad process, to operate the kill command upon, the right java.bin
process,particularly when there are multiple JVM instances operating(Linux OS's).
*****Don't forget that the "Find or Replace" system often requires re-stablising after use to prevent stickiness(it won't
actually lock up or jam the GUI but will potentially be a pest if you do not [usually bigger files of 90kb-text 20kb or more
coloured script]).
All you need to do is to clear / delete(make the field completely empty) all the text in the "left find field" and press "GO"
on the "find/replace" menu.
This can also apply to the line number painting, but usually you only need to scroll your mouse wheel to straighten it. At
most minimise the application then re-maximise it.
******A minor problem with strings is there is not much identifying processing for the colourer at this time, so always
escape internal apostrophes or double quotes.
/* =============================
e.g. */
file_separator = "\\" ; // escaped file separator in a string
full_file = path_base+file_separator+aFile;
/* Some other abnormalities can be corrected by swapping from " double quote to apostrophes.
============================= */
****** Another minor string colouring problem can be solved if the lines and text are brown completely for a number of
How). Go to the bottom brown line of the set of them and find the first pair of either apostrophes (single quotes) or double
quotes, particularly if they are simply a string declaration for a variable (note usually but not every instance it is a pair of
double quotes need to be changes to single quotes for the colourer).
On that line you may need to swap the quote set for it other set(double to single , or , single to double or a set of them
on that bottom line or line below it)
e.g. change
parts = "";
parts = '';
If there are other quotes on that line for other statement parts, they could require changing also.
14th Nov. 2008:
Small fix , it doesn't change the version 10-11-2008 , merely removes some excess constructed quantities of large buffers
back to the only ones required through(a quantity of code cleaning).
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
First: The syntax colourer and opening the one and only file at a time you can in the editor can be slow.
SUcommanderXer (SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta) is a scripting and basic markup coloured editor.
Like many other go-it-alone software editor or program constructions/developments it came to being because i have my
own ways of doing things and found nothing else supplying the alike of that i do or required.
One such reason it has come to be is the repeated coding in scripts such as if-elses and markup lists such as those
requiring alphabetic collation.
The SPedit board provides some of the beforementioned services to coding unlike most or any other editors or IDE's (i can't
say i've ever achieved seeing them all).
Finally it is pre-beta, so do not expect at any time for this to be a fantastic experience.You should simply be able to aquire
from using it, some of the functions it was designed to enhance in web and local shell editing.
This version will be the last garbage of an uncooked indigestive turbulence that has all the point of why its "pre beta". The
below picture is effectively similar of appearence (less complicated than the releaseable [not completed]) with the version
that will be v1-beta.
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
The application requires a Sun Microsystems Inc. JRE(Java Runtime Environment) of 1.4.2 or newer, other JRE's possibley
will operate the application but this is the Brand used for compile to byte-code binaries.
When installing from a zip file, the archiver application must be set to extract the files with the folder order the files had
been packed or the application will fail to be operable.
You can extract to any drive and folder you wish to place it in.
To use the Windows version .exe self extraction setup for NT2000,2000,XP,Vista you must have Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6
(Windows Script Host) installed in your computer first. Simply double click the .exe called SUcommanderXer-last-pre-
beta.exe and follow the instructions.
Starting the Application :]
[Windows] during setup with the .exe, the application should have successfully placed three icons on your desktop. Th icon
named "Start-SUcommanderXer" should be present and can be clicked/double-clicked to start the application.
If not and the folder containing all the files and its structure for the application are present then inside the folder
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" there is a .exe to double click called "START-SUcommanderXer.exe".
For the zip setup, after installing Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6 (Windows Script Host) if it is not present, you can double click
the file called "Install-Desktop-STARTER-Shortcut-SU.js" to place icons onto your desktop.
These setup scripts are set to run under the present user.
[Linux] You can only use the zip version to install the application in Linux. It will require the same as windows for a JRE
but does not have/use any helper install scripts.
If there are any real problems with triggering executable .sh shell scripts in your distro, be sure to set the
"" executable on your "properties"-file information tab/dialog to executable under your username.
While you should simply be able to click on the .sh "" , if that does not start then use the
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" folder window "tools" menu and select "execute shell command". A small dialog should
pop up and if you have selected the "" icon it will be in the one line text field as
'./'. Press the execute button on the dialog and SUcommanderXer should start.
1. Select the file with a single right-click on it.
2. Use "Tools" menu on the folders menu bar and press "Execute Shell Command" on its menu.
3. The File-browser Application(usually "Konqueror") pops a box to verify the action by the user pressing "OK" .
4. The output from the command should appear something like.....
21-10-2008 build (note: Again i state that at this stage that i do not know the exact result of using the Windows build
compiler so there could be differences in GUI rendering results).
[Mac] (note: I know less again about the result Mac OS will have upon it but it will probably not be dissimilar to Linux).
To start SUcommanderXer in Mac the only version i have used allows right clicking on the .class file and brings up a context
menu that will allow you to choose how to run it. Do not attempt to or execute any commands in SUcommanderXers'
command line console in Mac OS at this stage.
Neither am i sure of the actual results from using it in Mac OS , so do not use or install it if you are not prepared (more so
than the other OS's here) to require recovering from a crash if that occurs under your own responsibility and libility.
filetypes :]
A good contrasting of the service this editor gives against "windows notepad" is the operations that can be performed, In
effect you can edit XML and HTML based files or html files aside to "text or scripts", and with encoding(requirements).
redundant information: Recently i started with a 185kb text file to edit for a WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)
list i'm building. The list i opened in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and it required around 30-40 seconds to open. In
contrast to it i opened it in notepad and it went to the screen almost instantly, BUT, when i tried to do a replace edit to
remove excess spaces in notepad it lumbered away at a couple of hundred lines out of 2000 or so and began to crash the
computer because it was overloaded. I then tried in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and while the result was alike moving
around in space above the earth for speed it complied to every request finalising it in around thirty seconds until the file
was around 70kb of size and the interface and process speeded up.
[a note about the replace system, you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke
the finder. If you want to turn of a text .txt files find highlights, then you press GO with nothing in the find field ]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
is a web and "loacal shell language" scripting editor with some syntax colouring support. Aside to that are a special set of
editing functions and editing assistances to make coding easier. While the documentation (language reference) for a
scripting language should always be at ready and used, the reason for the lists system for functions and operators is part
of the scheme to make the editing easier and more efficient. So too(making editing easier) is the contents of the right
click popup menu(context menu). It contains required instant controls for any minor mistakes or corrections and changes in
text(to upper case, or , to lower case).
One final note: The folder the app resides in at present is called "SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" and was called
LixStarterMotor.class for Linux requires to be the correct version or you will need to cd into "engine" folder and execute
the "java Sutest3" command from the shell prompt. Always unzip the app "using folder structure setting" with your
archiving extractor application. You can put this editing application anywhere on your drive in its folder.
However you can down load and coppy the correct LixStarterMotor.class version for the folder here:
(July 18 2008 20:00 pm E.S.T.)
Recently the Tooljavascript.class has had some DOM and DHTML added for better .js file colouring and editing.
(July 19 [morning] 2008 0:00 pm E.S.T.)
A number of new additions have been placed into SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta,
When a file is "saved" or "save as" the syntax colour is triggered after testing the file type.
The configuration board has had two "lists" added, A locale "language" , and A locale "Country" to choose from, the catch is
the better match the settings you choose together. The default is set as country "US"[two capital letters always] and,
lanuage "eng"[three lower case letters (almost always)]. The lists can be hand filled in, but that is if you know what your
This occurred because i had no way of changing the editor language and the only machines i could access are in an Asian
locale by default and i could not make UTF-16 operate though the encoding and settings were all correct.
The following two URL's will give you a list of the values and some explanation how to set locale settings in configuration.
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
Finally, the floating "languages list"(programming) toolbar has had the buttons and field for finding in the list made
smaller so hopefully it fits now for LINUX.
Found more and suitable methods and properties for "Tooljavascript.class" . Tooljavascript(new-18-07-2008).zip is now
actually updated today (July 19) and contains better DOM javascript and xslt support.
Note: That this version apart to Linux will also operate in Windows and mac [re: shell script exec commands of (java -
classpath "" Sutest3) ]
re arranged the colouring a tiny piece, and put in a javaw Sytsem.exit[MS Windows] since it popped up again.
Click the image above for a larger screen shot.
Editor GUI controls :]
Some quick tips because of usability problems at EDITING at this stage.
1st. There is NO "undo/redo" system for the editor.
Some menus are not supplied to the text input parts at this time, but they can be used with knowing platform editing keys
For PC X86:
CNTRL + C keys together means "copy" selected text(data) to the system board.
CNTRL + A keys together means to "select all" text(data) inside the editor pane.
CNTRL + V keys together means to "paste" the previous copied text(data) to the editor pane from the cursor.
To make and extend a selection:
HOLD DOWN SHIFT + HOLD DOWN(Any of the arrow keys to extend the selection)
To select a complete line:
Triple click on the line using the left mouse button(alike double clicking)
For other OS platforms see your java and particularly OS documentation.
A good example of this(menus ... not supplied) is the two editable fields for "find" and "replace" to the right of the
"SUcommanderXer menu" on the window bar at the top. At some time when it reaches the priority of the writing i will add
the interface and events of javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
The SPedit board text inputs require the same also to use system editing memory and actions(note again there is no
"undo/redo" system).
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
All the usual controls required.
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Note: To use encoding schemes, if you change the encoding(or anything else in the config panel) you must restart the
The configuration Panel sets the editor bare requirements for use, no choice in syntax colouring scheme is given. Whether
the editor responds to the configuration settings is dependent if your machine has these(probably does) available
resources to decode/encode text types or if it has the font family resources. Sun Microsystems Java2 runtime environment
(JRE) (if up to date e.g. JRE 1.5.0 or 1.6.0 versions) does supply some of these encodings and some fonts, but there is no
gaurantee of any of those being present in your machine, So as before, use this at major risk(although these
beforementioned in this paragraph are minor or negligable risk).
"Default editor Input Char encoding" is for you to attempt to adjust the editor pane to the keyboards input if it has some
unuasual purpose as being a 16bit text input(e.g. special purpose machine).
for most purposes it should be iso-8859-1 or 2 , because any "en" locale and new 64 bit machines for ordinary users will
only require you to see ordinary text for most.
(More in section Editor settings configuration panel :] below)
Here is previously shown "Locale" information for the editor and files configuration for use:
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
The textareas and fields remain for much in english-"language" and US-"country" locale at this time.
(If possible as an international user) To use this editor for local text, The controls and textfields are not properly cross-
matched to the locale in the "configuration panel" settings. If it is possible to enter your "editor" and "save/open file" file
encodings into the configuration in english [e.g. UNICODE or UTF-16 or generic local file encoding] you should be able to
cause a stable use of the editor pane (text area) at least for text editing.
Editor Fonts :]
If you do not have some fonts i have found are ok for editing, you can download them and install them from these
locations. (These are the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Family)
DejaVu fonts 2.22 release
Editor settings configuration panel :]
This is the configuration panel most are directly for the editor, and "locale language" has been added recently.
"Default editor input Char encoding" is a field you will not need to change unless you specifically operate in both an
"internationalised" Java Runtime Environment(Internationalised JRE) and/or a Character scheme unusual inside the generic
written phonetical language "Locale" you use.
This was for most inserted for the editor pane and file reading system "to stabilise English Locale" and character
"encodings" when this application is used on a machine that does not use English as its default or uses an unusual
keyboard input character set as default or on rigid use/purpose policy.
To change to the type of file character set used by an individual file (for Saving/Opening) e.g. UTF-16 or IBM-850, change
the "Default Save File Character Encoding:"
find and replace text highlighting :]
The find and replace highlighting is "as is", The left text field with the word parse is for the word to "find". To replace, you
require to put a word in the text field to the immediate right and then select from the menu to "replace". When done, you
will find the menu has been set back to "find" automatically.
you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke the finder.
If you want to turn off a text .txt files "find highlights"(clear), then you press GO with nothing in the find field.
the FIND text field is the left field in the picture below with "parse" written in it. The right field is for the replace
Note: the text inputs have both been changed to editable drop down lists to store the session usage. Its dumped when
you close the editor.
I have updated the find/replace mechanism since i found the code had been bumped sometime during major internal
additions and refits of the source.
To use it now gives you that it should and a memory of the items found or swapped(replaced).
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
You can select the platform OS line feed to save in.
You cannot at this time open files using line feed type at this time.
One of three platform new line characters is auto detected on open but must "always" be specified "at saving the file" [Mac
\r , MS Windows \r\n , Linux/UNIX 2char \n ]
This section i want feedback about , to be sure the correct process is used to "encode and decode" with the correct
platform chars.
There are four languages for the editor here in this release.
Javascript [WSH X-BROWSER ASP]
Something like, and script alone only, [ .js .php .cgi .pl .sh .bsh .ksh .csh ]
The upper list is now the language function/subroutine list. The below list is the operator list. The operator list contains
Various languages symbols and some standard coding constructs for fast templating and laying down code.
Its a special "dragged out" floating tool frame.
The operator list (lower list) is used to trigger iterated (sequence repeated editor) SP editing BOARD insertions
(GO HERE TO SP Editing board)
"with" an "inserted text number" for "each iteration" of the sequence the tool commits after it is setup.
When using the lists, you must have the "list toolbar window" grey at the top not blue when you click the list to prevent
double entry of the list-item.
The way to do that is to find the item wanted first and be sure it is visible, then place the cursor where the item is to be
placed in the editor, that should result in the "list toolbar" blue strip becoming grey when the editor area has the cursor
Finally, click the item to insert, directly while the list toolbar window is grey.
The context menu for the editor(Sometimes called the right click menu).Essential test tools.
You can copy from the command output panel , but you cannot use the toupper or tolowercase whether they are there, nor
paste[these are not hooked into the comm panel properly only the editor panel ].
The "save" and "Save as" only apply to the file in the editor, not the command output board or its logging.
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
The middle white text field is a little odd to operate. It allows input of localised to the command, environment settings.Its
If you want to try it , look up Sun Microsystems Inc. Docs java.lang.Runtime "exec()" function carrying the overloading of
command , environment comma seperated list , and working directory [3 arguments].
I truly do not know what the result could be.
The rules for its use are as before. If you run a command that could take time, sit and wait for it to complete. If your not
sure of what that would do , do not attempt to run the command.
The command operates in the foreground at this time, so it will hog your machine until completion.
Simple command example (note: the middle text field is not explained in this document, it is for "command environment")
Standard type command with switches (note: to run executables in windows requires using the System32 as working
Query an executables arguments
Special : "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
New 3rd Nov 2008 {n8} "Tokenised" numeric insert p/loop iteration [insert the number anywhere the token word is placed
in the repeat code]
Simply be sure the token-word used in the lower green text field is not present in the code/text you are inserting except
for the purpose of swapping for the number.
Reasonably complete now, You can index increment numbers into code with an operator repeated sequence(The blue
number QUANTITY , The green number is the number start incrementing from) , or you can "iterate a list implicitly of its
quantity p/new line" inserting whatever is required to be repeated with each list line item by clicking the insert set button,
it should be good for string comparison if-elses and switches.(count from checkbox does not exist now).
To insert the repeting incrementing of a number as text,"do not press insert set" , press an "operator symbol" in the
operator languages list pretend/imagine the blue number is where the operator will be inserted each iteration until the
quantity[the blue numer] has been committed into the editing field. The green number will be the "first printed number" of
the iterations that you want the recursively wriiten numbers started from, it will also be placed directly left and beside the
inserted operator.
"count from" checkbox no longer exists, a method overloading is used in the code/binaries of SUcommanderXer to achieve
the same commission.
3a. 3b.
1.Setup of repeater HTML table datas for automatic numeric id and insertion SP edit board with twenty five iterations
nominated and start from zero.
2.Clicked double quote in the "Operator list" to trigger the incremented insertions.
3(a. and b.).Inserted repeated table data in the editor pane note the ids values.
The board now has an alpha numeric collation system for lists, the center Text area is used to extract and rearrange the
list items p/line. Notice the new buttons on lower left of the panel (02-08-08), there is also now list line end clearing of
white spaces. These two only operate with the center text area.
1. This is a repeated "if else" system(commonly called an "else if") being setup for the script by "list iteration insertion".
(note: there is an unseen space and " if" at the start of the characters in the left side B&W text area and the "true, used,
new-line to add setting" is to attach no new-line p/iteration).
2.SHOWN BELOW NEXT(image): After editing by the "list" inserter,(by pressing the "insert set" button).
Note: inserting by list does not use the green number text field. LINK: See new functions below
The other trigger is to use the blue and green number fields with the two outer Black and White multi-line textfields(only
[do not use the central for text]), then click "the operator symbols (lower list) list" while the "SP edit insert" panel is open.
3 NEW FEATURES 31-01-2009:
1. 2.
The above pair (1. AND 2.) are the gui controls to create files with some code base for XML , XHTML , HTML , TLD and
The filename will be "NEWBASEFILE" plus the standard extension. NOTE: Always close the window(fig 1.) after one use, if
you need to use it again you should close it then re-open it.
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
3. This next is the main feature upgrade. The "collated / list insert system" will now iterate over the sets(per line) and
place incremented numerics into each line capsule of list information using the @#Token#@ wherever found and its
starting number is written in the above field.
If you were to place 9 in the counter field and you had a list of five words each on their own line (as instructed above "list
insert") the last numbers printed with the tokens found in the "left" and "right" fields would be 13's and the first set would
contain 9's.
However, do not forget that with list insert you cannot nominate the number of times to increment the counter number and
repeat code, with list insert it is governed by the quantity to encapsulate in the list set.
NEW features SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta 20-06-2009
%CONTENT% token insert, What it does.
This system allows you to place the %CONTENT% token "in a text content file" (that will be use in "example: a markup
document)" (as many times as required No need for start of the file or end of file) containing content you want to split
then place between the HTML box tags, example "TD tags in an html table" , one after the other, but repeat the HTML
code(wrapper and encapsulte).
You place the %CONTENT% token in the text file(e.g. ".txt") where you want it to split the file into information chunks.
Example content file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
Example OUTPUT HTML file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
There is minor quantity of editing in the HTML page after using the "SPedit list insert" %CONTENT%, again "SPedit list
insert" was used to make the UL list and number it for the "==index=="( Along with some minor adjustments).
How to use the %CONTENT% token insert.
This feature requires the use of the "insert list" button. While the "operator triggered insert" with increment counter can do
this that would not be easy to manage until you get a good feel for this editor.
Obtain the token from the yellow and black field by focusing it and pressing the Cntrl+A key then press Cntrl+C together
to copy it. On either the left or right field in among the HTML tags to encapsulate content you place the %CONTENT%
token, only once.
Press Cntrl+V key to paste it.
If you want to add a list as far as that goes(one after the other line) you can but thats a limitation.
Finally, to trigger the file to be picked up as content, you must load it last thing-to-do with the load "content feed" button,
that doubles as a list file loader for loading the central one-line-only list field.
REMEMBER, there must be at least one char and one (return button) new line in the central field for insert list to operate.
The above picture coresponds to this zip file contents to download and try to see the result.
Simply select all of the contents of the appropriate file for the information and place it in the textarea associate the files
DOWNLOAD: EXAMPLE CONTENT FEED SETUP: SUcommanderXer-list-content-token-templte(20-06-2009).zip
It will for/with %$CONTENT$% token, start from zero "0" to swap @#Token#@ , and place the contents of "the first list
line" in correct order.
Example output HTML from the example zips' contents.
Link: Example
Link(Get it from Here): Requires a Sun Microsystems JRE VM 1.4.2 or newer to operate it
(2014) PDF HELPFILE (20-06-2009) SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (size: 1.25 MB (1,318,912 bytes))
NEW FUNCTIONS 20-06-2009 (download zip and exe)
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
Starting the Application :]
filetypes :]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
Editor GUI controls :]
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Editor Fonts :]
Editor settings configuration panel :]
find and replace text highlighting :]
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
FEATURE: Special "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
Page 13 / 14
Link: Go Here To Download Linux/Win SidewinderPhotoColourBalancer , Config. and install
SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (text/script/markup editor pad)
Quick Issues
NEW SOON v-20-06-2009
1st: In the not too distant future, i will be effecting a mildly better syntax colouring highlighter for both markup and
script. It will be able to colour both start and end lines effectively. The process to do that i have already developed but is
in another development version i have and as before i require to compile and test that in both Linux and Windows.
2nd: As i said before, i will also bolt into the "special edit board" part of the mechanism the site-blaster.js system uses
to process markup page content with some special mechanisms to allow ease of use in the code repeating system.
preview Image
1. There will be a special content separator token field placed under the incrementor token field for content-pick-up
separation by the nominated token. The token found written into that field must be unique among the text in the content
text file that will also be containing that nominated token.
2. (a) There will be a process screened mechanism of file button and filename field to nominate the content text file to
be used. The token must be placed after the text in the file as a separator between text content pieces.
(b) Also, the point at which to place content to be wrapped by repeated code is to be nominated on the board with the
token once only for where it must be placed among the repeated markup.
(c) The nominated content file must only contain text content separated by that nominated token at time of special
repeater edit board insert.
[As a note to myself: the last content block of text may or may not require the separator token after it by data length or
*There is a tiny catch, a screen size of at least 1024 x 768[ height is the signifigance ] is required.
**Any visible GUI problems can be sent to "subject: ERR-SUcommanderXer ,".
The application text editing has minor support for text encoding, and locale(for holding the components bound to english
schemes for much as the reason) schemes too.
***The code colourer is at early development stage and requires some prompting to operate sometimes. If you need to
recolour the code, because of the colourer stalling, tap the spacebar around five or six times after placing the cursor after a
****As always though, never use the command terminal unless you really understand a commands syntax and know how
to shut down the javaw.exe with CNTRL+ALT+DEL "task manager"(Windows 2000/XP/Vista).
With Linux be sure to open a terminal (e.g. Konsole) and get the PID numbers for before and after you start
SucommanderXer so you can identify a/the bad process, to operate the kill command upon, the right java.bin
process,particularly when there are multiple JVM instances operating(Linux OS's).
*****Don't forget that the "Find or Replace" system often requires re-stablising after use to prevent stickiness(it won't
actually lock up or jam the GUI but will potentially be a pest if you do not [usually bigger files of 90kb-text 20kb or more
coloured script]).
All you need to do is to clear / delete(make the field completely empty) all the text in the "left find field" and press "GO"
on the "find/replace" menu.
This can also apply to the line number painting, but usually you only need to scroll your mouse wheel to straighten it. At
most minimise the application then re-maximise it.
******A minor problem with strings is there is not much identifying processing for the colourer at this time, so always
escape internal apostrophes or double quotes.
/* =============================
e.g. */
file_separator = "\\" ; // escaped file separator in a string
full_file = path_base+file_separator+aFile;
/* Some other abnormalities can be corrected by swapping from " double quote to apostrophes.
============================= */
****** Another minor string colouring problem can be solved if the lines and text are brown completely for a number of
How). Go to the bottom brown line of the set of them and find the first pair of either apostrophes (single quotes) or double
quotes, particularly if they are simply a string declaration for a variable (note usually but not every instance it is a pair of
double quotes need to be changes to single quotes for the colourer).
On that line you may need to swap the quote set for it other set(double to single , or , single to double or a set of them
on that bottom line or line below it)
e.g. change
parts = "";
parts = '';
If there are other quotes on that line for other statement parts, they could require changing also.
14th Nov. 2008:
Small fix , it doesn't change the version 10-11-2008 , merely removes some excess constructed quantities of large buffers
back to the only ones required through(a quantity of code cleaning).
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
First: The syntax colourer and opening the one and only file at a time you can in the editor can be slow.
SUcommanderXer (SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta) is a scripting and basic markup coloured editor.
Like many other go-it-alone software editor or program constructions/developments it came to being because i have my
own ways of doing things and found nothing else supplying the alike of that i do or required.
One such reason it has come to be is the repeated coding in scripts such as if-elses and markup lists such as those
requiring alphabetic collation.
The SPedit board provides some of the beforementioned services to coding unlike most or any other editors or IDE's (i can't
say i've ever achieved seeing them all).
Finally it is pre-beta, so do not expect at any time for this to be a fantastic experience.You should simply be able to aquire
from using it, some of the functions it was designed to enhance in web and local shell editing.
This version will be the last garbage of an uncooked indigestive turbulence that has all the point of why its "pre beta". The
below picture is effectively similar of appearence (less complicated than the releaseable [not completed]) with the version
that will be v1-beta.
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
The application requires a Sun Microsystems Inc. JRE(Java Runtime Environment) of 1.4.2 or newer, other JRE's possibley
will operate the application but this is the Brand used for compile to byte-code binaries.
When installing from a zip file, the archiver application must be set to extract the files with the folder order the files had
been packed or the application will fail to be operable.
You can extract to any drive and folder you wish to place it in.
To use the Windows version .exe self extraction setup for NT2000,2000,XP,Vista you must have Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6
(Windows Script Host) installed in your computer first. Simply double click the .exe called SUcommanderXer-last-pre-
beta.exe and follow the instructions.
Starting the Application :]
[Windows] during setup with the .exe, the application should have successfully placed three icons on your desktop. Th icon
named "Start-SUcommanderXer" should be present and can be clicked/double-clicked to start the application.
If not and the folder containing all the files and its structure for the application are present then inside the folder
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" there is a .exe to double click called "START-SUcommanderXer.exe".
For the zip setup, after installing Microsoft Corp. WSH 5.6 (Windows Script Host) if it is not present, you can double click
the file called "Install-Desktop-STARTER-Shortcut-SU.js" to place icons onto your desktop.
These setup scripts are set to run under the present user.
[Linux] You can only use the zip version to install the application in Linux. It will require the same as windows for a JRE
but does not have/use any helper install scripts.
If there are any real problems with triggering executable .sh shell scripts in your distro, be sure to set the
"" executable on your "properties"-file information tab/dialog to executable under your username.
While you should simply be able to click on the .sh "" , if that does not start then use the
"SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" folder window "tools" menu and select "execute shell command". A small dialog should
pop up and if you have selected the "" icon it will be in the one line text field as
'./'. Press the execute button on the dialog and SUcommanderXer should start.
1. Select the file with a single right-click on it.
2. Use "Tools" menu on the folders menu bar and press "Execute Shell Command" on its menu.
3. The File-browser Application(usually "Konqueror") pops a box to verify the action by the user pressing "OK" .
4. The output from the command should appear something like.....
21-10-2008 build (note: Again i state that at this stage that i do not know the exact result of using the Windows build
compiler so there could be differences in GUI rendering results).
[Mac] (note: I know less again about the result Mac OS will have upon it but it will probably not be dissimilar to Linux).
To start SUcommanderXer in Mac the only version i have used allows right clicking on the .class file and brings up a context
menu that will allow you to choose how to run it. Do not attempt to or execute any commands in SUcommanderXers'
command line console in Mac OS at this stage.
Neither am i sure of the actual results from using it in Mac OS , so do not use or install it if you are not prepared (more so
than the other OS's here) to require recovering from a crash if that occurs under your own responsibility and libility.
filetypes :]
A good contrasting of the service this editor gives against "windows notepad" is the operations that can be performed, In
effect you can edit XML and HTML based files or html files aside to "text or scripts", and with encoding(requirements).
redundant information: Recently i started with a 185kb text file to edit for a WMI(Windows Management Instrumentation)
list i'm building. The list i opened in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and it required around 30-40 seconds to open. In
contrast to it i opened it in notepad and it went to the screen almost instantly, BUT, when i tried to do a replace edit to
remove excess spaces in notepad it lumbered away at a couple of hundred lines out of 2000 or so and began to crash the
computer because it was overloaded. I then tried in SUcommanderXer last pre beta and while the result was alike moving
around in space above the earth for speed it complied to every request finalising it in around thirty seconds until the file
was around 70kb of size and the interface and process speeded up.
[a note about the replace system, you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke
the finder. If you want to turn of a text .txt files find highlights, then you press GO with nothing in the find field ]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
is a web and "loacal shell language" scripting editor with some syntax colouring support. Aside to that are a special set of
editing functions and editing assistances to make coding easier. While the documentation (language reference) for a
scripting language should always be at ready and used, the reason for the lists system for functions and operators is part
of the scheme to make the editing easier and more efficient. So too(making editing easier) is the contents of the right
click popup menu(context menu). It contains required instant controls for any minor mistakes or corrections and changes in
text(to upper case, or , to lower case).
One final note: The folder the app resides in at present is called "SUcommanderXer-last-pre-beta" and was called
LixStarterMotor.class for Linux requires to be the correct version or you will need to cd into "engine" folder and execute
the "java Sutest3" command from the shell prompt. Always unzip the app "using folder structure setting" with your
archiving extractor application. You can put this editing application anywhere on your drive in its folder.
However you can down load and coppy the correct LixStarterMotor.class version for the folder here:
(July 18 2008 20:00 pm E.S.T.)
Recently the Tooljavascript.class has had some DOM and DHTML added for better .js file colouring and editing.
(July 19 [morning] 2008 0:00 pm E.S.T.)
A number of new additions have been placed into SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta,
When a file is "saved" or "save as" the syntax colour is triggered after testing the file type.
The configuration board has had two "lists" added, A locale "language" , and A locale "Country" to choose from, the catch is
the better match the settings you choose together. The default is set as country "US"[two capital letters always] and,
lanuage "eng"[three lower case letters (almost always)]. The lists can be hand filled in, but that is if you know what your
This occurred because i had no way of changing the editor language and the only machines i could access are in an Asian
locale by default and i could not make UTF-16 operate though the encoding and settings were all correct.
The following two URL's will give you a list of the values and some explanation how to set locale settings in configuration.
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
Finally, the floating "languages list"(programming) toolbar has had the buttons and field for finding in the list made
smaller so hopefully it fits now for LINUX.
Found more and suitable methods and properties for "Tooljavascript.class" . Tooljavascript(new-18-07-2008).zip is now
actually updated today (July 19) and contains better DOM javascript and xslt support.
Note: That this version apart to Linux will also operate in Windows and mac [re: shell script exec commands of (java -
classpath "" Sutest3) ]
re arranged the colouring a tiny piece, and put in a javaw Sytsem.exit[MS Windows] since it popped up again.
Click the image above for a larger screen shot.
Editor GUI controls :]
Some quick tips because of usability problems at EDITING at this stage.
1st. There is NO "undo/redo" system for the editor.
Some menus are not supplied to the text input parts at this time, but they can be used with knowing platform editing keys
For PC X86:
CNTRL + C keys together means "copy" selected text(data) to the system board.
CNTRL + A keys together means to "select all" text(data) inside the editor pane.
CNTRL + V keys together means to "paste" the previous copied text(data) to the editor pane from the cursor.
To make and extend a selection:
HOLD DOWN SHIFT + HOLD DOWN(Any of the arrow keys to extend the selection)
To select a complete line:
Triple click on the line using the left mouse button(alike double clicking)
For other OS platforms see your java and particularly OS documentation.
A good example of this(menus ... not supplied) is the two editable fields for "find" and "replace" to the right of the
"SUcommanderXer menu" on the window bar at the top. At some time when it reaches the priority of the writing i will add
the interface and events of javax.swing.event.PopupMenuListener
The SPedit board text inputs require the same also to use system editing memory and actions(note again there is no
"undo/redo" system).
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
All the usual controls required.
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Note: To use encoding schemes, if you change the encoding(or anything else in the config panel) you must restart the
The configuration Panel sets the editor bare requirements for use, no choice in syntax colouring scheme is given. Whether
the editor responds to the configuration settings is dependent if your machine has these(probably does) available
resources to decode/encode text types or if it has the font family resources. Sun Microsystems Java2 runtime environment
(JRE) (if up to date e.g. JRE 1.5.0 or 1.6.0 versions) does supply some of these encodings and some fonts, but there is no
gaurantee of any of those being present in your machine, So as before, use this at major risk(although these
beforementioned in this paragraph are minor or negligable risk).
"Default editor Input Char encoding" is for you to attempt to adjust the editor pane to the keyboards input if it has some
unuasual purpose as being a 16bit text input(e.g. special purpose machine).
for most purposes it should be iso-8859-1 or 2 , because any "en" locale and new 64 bit machines for ordinary users will
only require you to see ordinary text for most.
(More in section Editor settings configuration panel :] below)
Here is previously shown "Locale" information for the editor and files configuration for use:
x[NOT RECOMMENDED for use here, supplementary Java support under other schemes]
The textareas and fields remain for much in english-"language" and US-"country" locale at this time.
(If possible as an international user) To use this editor for local text, The controls and textfields are not properly cross-
matched to the locale in the "configuration panel" settings. If it is possible to enter your "editor" and "save/open file" file
encodings into the configuration in english [e.g. UNICODE or UTF-16 or generic local file encoding] you should be able to
cause a stable use of the editor pane (text area) at least for text editing.
Editor Fonts :]
If you do not have some fonts i have found are ok for editing, you can download them and install them from these
locations. (These are the Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Family)
DejaVu fonts 2.22 release
Editor settings configuration panel :]
This is the configuration panel most are directly for the editor, and "locale language" has been added recently.
"Default editor input Char encoding" is a field you will not need to change unless you specifically operate in both an
"internationalised" Java Runtime Environment(Internationalised JRE) and/or a Character scheme unusual inside the generic
written phonetical language "Locale" you use.
This was for most inserted for the editor pane and file reading system "to stabilise English Locale" and character
"encodings" when this application is used on a machine that does not use English as its default or uses an unusual
keyboard input character set as default or on rigid use/purpose policy.
To change to the type of file character set used by an individual file (for Saving/Opening) e.g. UTF-16 or IBM-850, change
the "Default Save File Character Encoding:"
find and replace text highlighting :]
The find and replace highlighting is "as is", The left text field with the word parse is for the word to "find". To replace, you
require to put a word in the text field to the immediate right and then select from the menu to "replace". When done, you
will find the menu has been set back to "find" automatically.
you must have at least one character in the replace input field or you will only invoke the finder.
If you want to turn off a text .txt files "find highlights"(clear), then you press GO with nothing in the find field.
the FIND text field is the left field in the picture below with "parse" written in it. The right field is for the replace
Note: the text inputs have both been changed to editable drop down lists to store the session usage. Its dumped when
you close the editor.
I have updated the find/replace mechanism since i found the code had been bumped sometime during major internal
additions and refits of the source.
To use it now gives you that it should and a memory of the items found or swapped(replaced).
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
You can select the platform OS line feed to save in.
You cannot at this time open files using line feed type at this time.
One of three platform new line characters is auto detected on open but must "always" be specified "at saving the file" [Mac
\r , MS Windows \r\n , Linux/UNIX 2char \n ]
This section i want feedback about , to be sure the correct process is used to "encode and decode" with the correct
platform chars.
There are four languages for the editor here in this release.
Javascript [WSH X-BROWSER ASP]
Something like, and script alone only, [ .js .php .cgi .pl .sh .bsh .ksh .csh ]
The upper list is now the language function/subroutine list. The below list is the operator list. The operator list contains
Various languages symbols and some standard coding constructs for fast templating and laying down code.
Its a special "dragged out" floating tool frame.
The operator list (lower list) is used to trigger iterated (sequence repeated editor) SP editing BOARD insertions
(GO HERE TO SP Editing board)
"with" an "inserted text number" for "each iteration" of the sequence the tool commits after it is setup.
When using the lists, you must have the "list toolbar window" grey at the top not blue when you click the list to prevent
double entry of the list-item.
The way to do that is to find the item wanted first and be sure it is visible, then place the cursor where the item is to be
placed in the editor, that should result in the "list toolbar" blue strip becoming grey when the editor area has the cursor
Finally, click the item to insert, directly while the list toolbar window is grey.
The context menu for the editor(Sometimes called the right click menu).Essential test tools.
You can copy from the command output panel , but you cannot use the toupper or tolowercase whether they are there, nor
paste[these are not hooked into the comm panel properly only the editor panel ].
The "save" and "Save as" only apply to the file in the editor, not the command output board or its logging.
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
The middle white text field is a little odd to operate. It allows input of localised to the command, environment settings.Its
If you want to try it , look up Sun Microsystems Inc. Docs java.lang.Runtime "exec()" function carrying the overloading of
command , environment comma seperated list , and working directory [3 arguments].
I truly do not know what the result could be.
The rules for its use are as before. If you run a command that could take time, sit and wait for it to complete. If your not
sure of what that would do , do not attempt to run the command.
The command operates in the foreground at this time, so it will hog your machine until completion.
Simple command example (note: the middle text field is not explained in this document, it is for "command environment")
Standard type command with switches (note: to run executables in windows requires using the System32 as working
Query an executables arguments
Special : "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
New 3rd Nov 2008 {n8} "Tokenised" numeric insert p/loop iteration [insert the number anywhere the token word is placed
in the repeat code]
Simply be sure the token-word used in the lower green text field is not present in the code/text you are inserting except
for the purpose of swapping for the number.
Reasonably complete now, You can index increment numbers into code with an operator repeated sequence(The blue
number QUANTITY , The green number is the number start incrementing from) , or you can "iterate a list implicitly of its
quantity p/new line" inserting whatever is required to be repeated with each list line item by clicking the insert set button,
it should be good for string comparison if-elses and switches.(count from checkbox does not exist now).
To insert the repeting incrementing of a number as text,"do not press insert set" , press an "operator symbol" in the
operator languages list pretend/imagine the blue number is where the operator will be inserted each iteration until the
quantity[the blue numer] has been committed into the editing field. The green number will be the "first printed number" of
the iterations that you want the recursively wriiten numbers started from, it will also be placed directly left and beside the
inserted operator.
"count from" checkbox no longer exists, a method overloading is used in the code/binaries of SUcommanderXer to achieve
the same commission.
3a. 3b.
1.Setup of repeater HTML table datas for automatic numeric id and insertion SP edit board with twenty five iterations
nominated and start from zero.
2.Clicked double quote in the "Operator list" to trigger the incremented insertions.
3(a. and b.).Inserted repeated table data in the editor pane note the ids values.
The board now has an alpha numeric collation system for lists, the center Text area is used to extract and rearrange the
list items p/line. Notice the new buttons on lower left of the panel (02-08-08), there is also now list line end clearing of
white spaces. These two only operate with the center text area.
1. This is a repeated "if else" system(commonly called an "else if") being setup for the script by "list iteration insertion".
(note: there is an unseen space and " if" at the start of the characters in the left side B&W text area and the "true, used,
new-line to add setting" is to attach no new-line p/iteration).
2.SHOWN BELOW NEXT(image): After editing by the "list" inserter,(by pressing the "insert set" button).
Note: inserting by list does not use the green number text field. LINK: See new functions below
The other trigger is to use the blue and green number fields with the two outer Black and White multi-line textfields(only
[do not use the central for text]), then click "the operator symbols (lower list) list" while the "SP edit insert" panel is open.
3 NEW FEATURES 31-01-2009:
1. 2.
The above pair (1. AND 2.) are the gui controls to create files with some code base for XML , XHTML , HTML , TLD and
The filename will be "NEWBASEFILE" plus the standard extension. NOTE: Always close the window(fig 1.) after one use, if
you need to use it again you should close it then re-open it.
LINK: Special Associate Link: Editor GUI controls :]
3. This next is the main feature upgrade. The "collated / list insert system" will now iterate over the sets(per line) and
place incremented numerics into each line capsule of list information using the @#Token#@ wherever found and its
starting number is written in the above field.
If you were to place 9 in the counter field and you had a list of five words each on their own line (as instructed above "list
insert") the last numbers printed with the tokens found in the "left" and "right" fields would be 13's and the first set would
contain 9's.
However, do not forget that with list insert you cannot nominate the number of times to increment the counter number and
repeat code, with list insert it is governed by the quantity to encapsulate in the list set.
NEW features SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta 20-06-2009
%CONTENT% token insert, What it does.
This system allows you to place the %CONTENT% token "in a text content file" (that will be use in "example: a markup
document)" (as many times as required No need for start of the file or end of file) containing content you want to split
then place between the HTML box tags, example "TD tags in an html table" , one after the other, but repeat the HTML
code(wrapper and encapsulte).
You place the %CONTENT% token in the text file(e.g. ".txt") where you want it to split the file into information chunks.
Example content file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
Example OUTPUT HTML file delimited by the %$CONTENT$% token
There is minor quantity of editing in the HTML page after using the "SPedit list insert" %CONTENT%, again "SPedit list
insert" was used to make the UL list and number it for the "==index=="( Along with some minor adjustments).
How to use the %CONTENT% token insert.
This feature requires the use of the "insert list" button. While the "operator triggered insert" with increment counter can do
this that would not be easy to manage until you get a good feel for this editor.
Obtain the token from the yellow and black field by focusing it and pressing the Cntrl+A key then press Cntrl+C together
to copy it. On either the left or right field in among the HTML tags to encapsulate content you place the %CONTENT%
token, only once.
Press Cntrl+V key to paste it.
If you want to add a list as far as that goes(one after the other line) you can but thats a limitation.
Finally, to trigger the file to be picked up as content, you must load it last thing-to-do with the load "content feed" button,
that doubles as a list file loader for loading the central one-line-only list field.
REMEMBER, there must be at least one char and one (return button) new line in the central field for insert list to operate.
The above picture coresponds to this zip file contents to download and try to see the result.
Simply select all of the contents of the appropriate file for the information and place it in the textarea associate the files
DOWNLOAD: EXAMPLE CONTENT FEED SETUP: SUcommanderXer-list-content-token-templte(20-06-2009).zip
It will for/with %$CONTENT$% token, start from zero "0" to swap @#Token#@ , and place the contents of "the first list
line" in correct order.
Example output HTML from the example zips' contents.
Link: Example
Link(Get it from Here): Requires a Sun Microsystems JRE VM 1.4.2 or newer to operate it
(2014) PDF HELPFILE (20-06-2009) SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (size: 1.25 MB (1,318,912 bytes))
NEW FUNCTIONS 20-06-2009 (download zip and exe)
ABOUT SUcommanderXer Last Pre Beta (before beta)
Installing SUcommanderXer - Setup :]
Starting the Application :]
filetypes :]
What it is (SUcommanderXer) :]
Editor GUI controls :]
SUcommanderXer Operating Parts
Editor Text Encoding Scemes :]
Editor Fonts :]
Editor settings configuration panel :]
find and replace text highlighting :]
Platform new line text (CRLF or line feed terminator) :]
Command Execution Window [Java2 Application command line or terminal] :]
FEATURE: Special "numeric and list" sequence repeater editing and, list collation, inserter board :]
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