CAT 2013 Registration

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RegistrationandVoucherSalesOpenonNewDate EVouchersAvailableforFirstTime
Indore,India,28July 2013Indian Institutesof Management (IIM) announcethe registration ofthe Common Admission Test 2013 (CAT 2013). Prometric, trusted provider of marketleading test development and test delivery solutions, is IIMs partner in developing and delivering CAT 2013. The registration window will be open from 5 August through 26 September 2013. New this year, CAT candidatescanbuyvouchersonlinedirectlyfromIIMs,from5Augustto24September. Candidates can also purchase traditional vouchers for registration and scheduling from designated AxisBankbranchesfrom5Augustto24September.DetailsofthedesignatedAxisbankbranchescan be obtained from the website or This year 30 more AxisbankbrancheshavebeenaddedtoprovideCAT2013candidatesevengreaterconvenience. IIMs enable students with an opportunity to pursue their career options through a personally and professionallyenrichingexperience.DuringtheirIIMjourney,iftheydeveloptherightskillsetsandif they are able to put their best foot forward then there will be promising career choices. The CAT is their first step to achieving their goals,said Professor Rohit Kapoor, Common Admission Test (CAT) 2013 Convenor. New to this years CAT is the option to purchase vouchers electronically. Details about payment of fees online will be made available on CAT 2013 website from 5PM on Saturday, August 3, 2013. We hope this new point of purchase brings added conveniencetotheregistrationprocess. Similar to last years exam, the CAT 2013 will have two sections. The first section will focus on QuantitativeAbility&DataInterpretation;thesecondonVerbalAbility&LogicalReasoning.These two sections will be implemented sequentially with separate time limits. The examination will be for 140 minutes. Candidates will have 70 minutes to answer 30 questions within each section which will have an onscreen countdown timer. Once the time ends for the first section, they will move to the secondandwillbeunabletogoback. CAT2013aspirantscanregister andscheduleforCAT2013onthe or For support and assistance, candidates can call the tollfree candidate carenumber18004190080,MondaytoSaturday,9AMto6PMfrom5August.

CAT will be conducted over a period of 20 days from 16 October to 11 November 2013 in Prometrictestcentersacross40cities.Thisincreaseinlocations(upfrom36citieslastyear)provides candidates greater flexibility and convenience for choosing a suitable test day. For candidates who aredifferentlyabled,additionalsupportwillbeavailable. A 15minute tutorial will be provided before the start of the test, and candidates are advised to go throughitcarefullybeforestartingthemainexamination.Thetotaldurationwillbetwohoursand35 minutesincludingthetutorial.Apracticetesttoprovidecandidateswithafeelofthetimedsections, as well as navigation and functionality of the actual test will be made available on in the coming weeks. Candidates are advised to go through the practice testcarefullytofamiliarizethemselveswiththescreens,layoutandnavigation. TheIndianInstitutesofManagementandPrometricarepreparingformorestudentstoappearfor CAT2013.ThisyearsCATstudentswillhavegreateropportunityforadmissionintothe IIMs,ProfessorKapooradded.AcrossallIIMs,115seatshavebeenaddedforBSchooladmissions thisyear,atotalof3,335seats.ThenumberofwomenappearingforCAThasbeensteadily increasing,aswellfrom53,700in2010to56,000in2011.For2012,morethan60,800women appearedfortheCAT.Additionally,femaleaspirantsareachievingbettersuccessontheCAT,with 255womenscoringhigherthanthe99percentileonCAT2012. IIMgraduatescontinueyearafteryeartobeamongthemostvaluedprofessionalsenteringthe workforce,earningveryattractivecompensationpackagesofferedduringcampusplacementby globalcorporationsaswellaslargeIndiantransnationalcompanies,saidSoumitraRoy,Managing DirectorofPrometricIndia.Consulting,FinanceandSales/Marketingcareerscontinuetobeleading sectorsforrecruitment. IndianInstitutesofManagement The Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) were established by the Government of India, starting from the early 1960s as national school of excellence in Management Sciences. Over the years, the IIMs have evolved into global institutions that impart high quality management programmes that stress on innovation, ethical leadership, and cutting edge management research. The Economist labelled IIMs as the toughest bschool in the world to get into. Currently there are 13 IIMs named as IIMs Ahmedabad, Bangalore, Calcutta, Indore, Kashipur, Kozhikode, Lucknow, Raipur, Ranchi, Rohtak, Shillong, Tiruchirappalli and Udaipur. The entry to these national building institutes is realized through the Common Admission Test, popularly called CAT. It was, and continues to be, a source of pride for the faculty involved with its conception and delivery year after year, and is possibly the exam that accounts for the highest number of eyeballs and scrutiny of general public andmediaalike. Prometric Prometric Testing Private Limited (Prometric India) has partnered with the IIMs to deliver the CAT examination since 2009. The company has been recognized as the 2013 recipient of the Best Use of Technology in Testing and Assessments award from the Associated Chambers of Commerce and IndustryofIndia(ASSOCHAM).PrometricIndiaisawhollyownedsubsidiaryofPrometricInc.andhas been present in India since 1997. In 2012, Prometric India delivered over 618,000 exams, including 191,642 CAT exams on behalf of the IIMs. In 2012, Prometric surveyed 64,000 students participating in the CAT, and more than 92 per cent of respondents reported satisfaction with their testing experience,frompreexamregistrationtocomputerbasedtestfunctionality.Indiarepresentsacore part of Prometrics growth strategy, both as a regional operations location and as a market for its globallydistributedtestingservices. Formoreinformation,

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