AMS Classifications 2010
AMS Classifications 2010
AMS Classifications 2010
MSC2010 This document is a printed form the Final Public Version of MSC2010 produced jointly by the editorial stas of Mathematical Reviews (MR) and Zentralblatt f ur Mathematik (Zbl) in consultation with the mathematical community. The goals of this revision of the Mathematics Subject Classication (MSC) were set out in the announcement of it and call for comments by the Executive Editor of MR and the Chief Editor of Zbl in August 2006. This document results from the MSC revision process that has been going on since then. MSC2010 will be fully deployed from July 2010. The editors of MR and Zbl deploying this revision therefore ask for feedback on remaining errors to help in this work, which should be given, preferably, on the Web site at or, if the internet is not available, through e-mail to They are grateful for the many suggestions that were received previously which have much inuenced what we have. How to use the Mathematics Subject Classication [MSC] The main purpose of the classication of items in the mathematical literature using the Mathematics Subject Classication scheme is to help users nd the items of present or potential interest to them as readily as possiblein products derived from the Mathematical Reviews Database (MRDB), in Zentralblatt MATH (ZMATH), or anywhere else where this classication scheme is used. An item in the mathematical literature should be classied so as to attract the attention of all those possibly interested in it. The item may be something which falls squarely within one clear area of the MSC, or it may involve several areas. Ideally, the MSC codes attached to an item should represent the subjects to which the item contains a contribution. The classication should serve both those closely concerned with specic subject areas, and those familiar enough with subjects to apply their results and methods elsewhere, inside or outside of mathematics. It will be extremely useful for both users and classiers to familiarize themselves with the entire classication system and thus to become aware of all the classications of possible interest to them. Every item in the MRDB or ZMATH receives precisely one primary classication, which is simply the MSC code that describes its principal contribution. When an item contains several principal contributions to dierent areas, the primary classication should cover the most important among them. A paper or book may be assigned one or several secondary classication numbers to cover any remaining principal contributions, ancillary results, motivation or origin of the matters discussed, intended or potential eld of application, or other signicant aspects worthy of notice. The principal contribution is meant to be the one including the most important part of the work actually done in the item. For example, a paper whose main overall content is the solution of a problem in graph theory, which arose in computer science and whose solution is (perhaps) at present only of interest to computer scientists, would have a primary classication in 05C (Graph Theory) with one or more secondary classications in 68 (Computer Science); conversely, a paper whose overall content lies mainly in computer science should receive a primary classication in 68, even if it makes heavy use of graph theory and proves several new graph-theoretic results along the way. There are two types of cross-references given at the end of many of the entries in the MSC. The rst type is in braces: {For A, see X}; if this appears in section Y, it means that contributions described by A should usually be assigned the classication code X, not Y. The other type of cross-reference merely points out related classications; it is in brackets: [See also . . . ], [See mainly . . . ], etc., and the classication codes listed in the brackets may, but need not, be included in the classication codes of a paper, or they may be used in place of the classication where the cross-reference is given. The classier must judge which classication is the most appropriate for the paper at hand.
00XX 0001 0002 00Axx 00A05 00A06 00A07 00A08 00A09 00A15 00A17 00A20 00A22 00A30 00A35 00A65 00A66 00A67 00A69 00A71 00A72 00A73 00A79 00A99 00Bxx 00B05 00B10 00B15 00B20 00B25 00B30 00B50 00B55 00B60 00B99 01XX 0100 0101
GENERAL Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) General and miscellaneous specic topics General mathematics Mathematics for nonmathematicians (engineering, social sciences, etc.) Problem books Recreational mathematics [See also 97A20] Popularization of mathematics Bibliographies External book reviews Dictionaries and other general reference works Formularies Philosophy of mathematics [See also 03A05] Methodology of mathematics, didactics [See also 97Cxx, 97Dxx] Mathematics and music Mathematics and visual arts, visualization Mathematics and architecture General applied mathematics {For physics, see 00A79 and Sections 70 through 86} Theory of mathematical modeling General methods of simulation Dimensional analysis Physics (use more specic entries from Sections 70 through 86 when possible) Miscellaneous topics Conference proceedings and collections of papers Collections of abstracts of lectures Collections of articles of general interest Collections of articles of miscellaneous specic content Proceedings of conferences of general interest Proceedings of conferences of miscellaneous specic interest Festschriften Volumes of selected translations Miscellaneous volumes of translations Collections of reprinted articles [See also 01A75] None of the above, but in this section HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY [See also the classication number03 in the other sections] General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.)
0102 0106 0108 01Axx 01A05 01A07 01A10 01A12 01A13 01A15 01A16 01A17 01A20 01A25 01A27 01A29 01A30 01A32 01A35 01A40 01A45 01A50 01A55 01A60 01A61 01A65 01A67 01A70 01A72 01A73 01A74 01A75 01A80 01A85 01A90 01A99 03XX 0300 0301 0302 0303
Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Computational methods History of mathematics and mathematicians General histories, source books Ethnomathematics, general Paleolithic, Neolithic Indigenous cultures of the Americas Other indigenous cultures (non-European) Indigenous European cultures (pre-Greek, etc.) Egyptian Babylonian Greek, Roman China Japan Southeast Asia Islam (Medieval) India Medieval 15th and 16th centuries, Renaissance 17th century 18th century 19th century 20th century Twenty-rst century Contemporary Future prospectives Biographies, obituaries, personalia, bibliographies Schools of mathematics Universities Other institutions and academies Collected or selected works; reprintings or translations of classics [See also 00B60] Sociology (and profession) of mathematics Historiography Bibliographic studies Miscellaneous topics MATHEMATICAL LOGIC AND FOUNDATIONS General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01)
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
0304 0306 03Axx 03A05 03A10 03A99 03Bxx 03B05 03B10 03B15 03B20 03B22 03B25 03B30 03B35 03B40 03B42 03B44 03B45
03B48 03B50 03B52 03B53 03B55 03B60 03B62 03B65 03B70 03B80 03B99 03Cxx 03C05 03C07 03C10 03C13 03C15 03C20 03C25 03C30 03C35 03C40 03C45 03C48 03C50 03C52 03C55 03C57 03C60 03C62 03C64 03C65 03C68 03C70 03C75 03C80 03C85 03C90 03C95 03C98 03C99 03Dxx 03D03 03D05 03D10 03D15 03D20 03D25 03D28
Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Philosophical aspects of logic and foundations Philosophical and critical {For philosophy of mathematics, see also 00A30} Logic in the philosophy of science None of the above, but in this section General logic Classical propositional logic Classical rst-order logic Higher-order logic and type theory Subsystems of classical logic (including intuitionistic logic) Abstract deductive systems Decidability of theories and sets of sentences [See also 11U05, 12L05, 20F10] Foundations of classical theories (including reverse mathematics) [See also 03F35] Mechanization of proofs and logical operations [See also 68T15] Combinatory logic and lambda-calculus [See also 68N18] Logics of knowledge and belief (including belief change) Temporal logic Modal logic (including the logic of norms) {For knowledge and belief, see 03B42; for temporal logic, see 03B44; for provability logic, see also 03F45} Substructural logics (including relevance, entailment, linear logic, Lambek calculus, BCK and BCI logics) {For proof-theoretic aspects see 03F52} Probability and inductive logic [See also 60A05] Many-valued logic Fuzzy logic; logic of vagueness [See also 68T27, 68T37, 94D05] Paraconsistent logics Intermediate logics Other nonclassical logic Combined logics Logic of natural languages [See also 68T50, 91F20] Logic in computer science [See also 68XX] Other applications of logic None of the above, but in this section Model theory Equational classes, universal algebra [See also 08Axx, 08Bxx, 18C05] Basic properties of rst-order languages and structures Quantier elimination, model completeness and related topics Finite structures [See also 68Q15, 68Q19] Denumerable structures Ultraproducts and related constructions Model-theoretic forcing Other model constructions Categoricity and completeness of theories Interpolation, preservation, denability Classication theory, stability and related concepts [See also 03C48] Abstract elementary classes and related topics [See also 03C45] Models with special properties (saturated, rigid, etc.) Properties of classes of models Set-theoretic model theory Eective and recursion-theoretic model theory [See also 03D45] Model-theoretic algebra [See also 08C10, 12Lxx, 13L05] Models of arithmetic and set theory [See also 03Hxx] Model theory of ordered structures; o-minimality Models of other mathematical theories Other classical rst-order model theory Logic on admissible sets Other innitary logic Logic with extra quantiers and operators [See also 03B42, 03B44, 03B45, 03B48] Second- and higher-order model theory Nonclassical models (Boolean-valued, sheaf, etc.) Abstract model theory Applications of model theory [See also 03C60] None of the above, but in this section Computability and recursion theory Thue and Post systems, etc. Automata and formal grammars in connection with logical questions [See also 68Q45, 68Q70, 68R15] Turing machines and related notions [See also 68Q05] Complexity of computation (including implicit computational complexity) [See also 68Q15, 68Q17] Recursive functions and relations, subrecursive hierarchies Recursively (computably) enumerable sets and degrees Other Turing degree structures
03D30 03D32 03D35 03D40 03D45 03D50 03D55 03D60 03D65 03D70 03D75 03D78 03D80 03D99 03Exx 03E02 03E04 03E05 03E10 03E15 03E17 03E20 03E25 03E30 03E35 03E40 03E45 03E47 03E50 03E55 03E57 03E60 03E65 03E70 03E72 03E75 03E99 03Fxx 03F03 03F05 03F07 03F10 03F15 03F20 03F25 03F30 03F35 03F40 03F45 03F50 03F52 03F55 03F60 03F65 03F99 03Gxx 03G05 03G10 03G12 03G15 03G20 03G25 03G27 03G30 03G99 03Hxx 03H05 03H10 03H15 03H99
Other degrees and reducibilities Algorithmic randomness and dimension [See also 68Q30] Undecidability and degrees of sets of sentences Word problems, etc. [See also 06B25, 08A50, 20F10, 68R15] Theory of numerations, eectively presented structures [See also 03C57; for intuitionistic and similar approaches see 03F55] Recursive equivalence types of sets and structures, isols Hierarchies Computability and recursion theory on ordinals, admissible sets, etc. Higher-type and set recursion theory Inductive denability Abstract and axiomatic computability and recursion theory Computation over the reals {For constructive aspects, see 03F60} Applications of computability and recursion theory None of the above, but in this section Set theory Partition relations Ordered sets and their conalities; pcf theory Other combinatorial set theory Ordinal and cardinal numbers Descriptive set theory [See also 28A05, 54H05] Cardinal characteristics of the continuum Other classical set theory (including functions, relations, and set algebra) Axiom of choice and related propositions Axiomatics of classical set theory and its fragments Consistency and independence results Other aspects of forcing and Boolean-valued models Inner models, including constructibility, ordinal denability, and core models Other notions of set-theoretic denability Continuum hypothesis and Martins axiom [See also 03E57] Large cardinals Generic absoluteness and forcing axioms [See also 03E50] Determinacy principles Other hypotheses and axioms Nonclassical and second-order set theories Fuzzy set theory Applications of set theory None of the above, but in this section Proof theory and constructive mathematics Proof theory, general Cut-elimination and normal-form theorems Structure of proofs Functionals in proof theory Recursive ordinals and ordinal notations Complexity of proofs Relative consistency and interpretations First-order arithmetic and fragments Second- and higher-order arithmetic and fragments [See also 03B30] G odel numberings and issues of incompleteness Provability logics and related algebras (e.g., diagonalizable algebras) [See also 03B45, 03G25, 06E25] Metamathematics of constructive systems Linear logic and other substructural logics [See also 03B47] Intuitionistic mathematics Constructive and recursive analysis [See also 03B30, 03D45, 03D78, 26E40, 46S30, 47S30] Other constructive mathematics [See also 03D45] None of the above, but in this section Algebraic logic Boolean algebras [See also 06Exx] Lattices and related structures [See also 06Bxx] Quantum logic [See also 06C15, 81P10] Cylindric and polyadic algebras; relation algebras Lukasiewicz and Post algebras [See also 06D25, 06D30] Other algebras related to logic [See also 03F45, 06D20, 06E25, 06F35] Abstract algebraic logic Categorical logic, topoi [See also 18B25, 18C05, 18C10] None of the above, but in this section Nonstandard models [See also 03C62] Nonstandard models in mathematics [See also 26E35, 28E05, 30G06, 46S20, 47S20, 54J05] Other applications of nonstandard models (economics, physics, etc.) Nonstandard models of arithmetic [See also 11U10, 12L15, 13L05] None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
05XX 0500 0501 0502 0503 0504 0506 05Axx 05A05 05A10 05A15 05A16 05A17 05A18 05A19 05A20 05A30 05A40 05A99 05Bxx 05B05 05B07 05B10 05B15 05B20 05B25 05B30 05B35 05B40 05B45 05B50 05B99 05Cxx 05C05 05C07 05C10 05C12 05C15 05C17 05C20 05C21 05C22 05C25 05C30 05C31 05C35 05C38 05C40 05C42 05C45 05C50 05C51 05C55 05C57 05C60 05C62 05C63 05C65 05C69 05C70 05C72 05C75 05C76 05C78 05C80 05C81 05C82
COMBINATORICS {For nite elds, see 11Txx} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Enumerative combinatorics {For enumeration in graph theory, see 05C30} Permutations, words, matrices Factorials, binomial coecients, combinatorial functions [See also 11B65, 33Cxx] Exact enumeration problems, generating functions [See also 33Cxx, 33Dxx] Asymptotic enumeration Partitions of integers [See also 11P81, 11P82, 11P83] Partitions of sets Combinatorial identities, bijective combinatorics Combinatorial inequalities q -calculus and related topics [See also 33Dxx] Umbral calculus None of the above, but in this section Designs and congurations {For applications of design theory, see 94C30} Block designs [See also 51E05, 62K10] Triple systems Dierence sets (number-theoretic, group-theoretic, etc.) [See also 11B13] Orthogonal arrays, Latin squares, Room squares Matrices (incidence, Hadamard, etc.) Finite geometries [See also 51D20, 51Exx] Other designs, congurations [See also 51E30] Matroids, geometric lattices [See also 52B40, 90C27] Packing and covering [See also 11H31, 52C15, 52C17] Tessellation and tiling problems [See also 52C20, 52C22] Polyominoes None of the above, but in this section Graph theory {For applications of graphs, see 68R10, 81Q30, 81T15, 82B20, 82C20, 90C35, 92E10, 94C15} Trees Vertex degrees [See also 05E30] Planar graphs; geometric and topological aspects of graph theory [See also 57M15, 57M25] Distance in graphs Coloring of graphs and hypergraphs Perfect graphs Directed graphs (digraphs), tournaments Flows in graphs Signed and weighted graphs Graphs and abstract algebra (groups, rings, elds, etc.) [See also 20F65] Enumeration in graph theory Graph polynomials Extremal problems [See also 90C35] Paths and cycles [See also 90B10] Connectivity Density (toughness, etc.) Eulerian and Hamiltonian graphs Graphs and linear algebra (matrices, eigenvalues, etc.) Graph designs and isomomorphic decomposition [See also 05B30] Generalized Ramsey theory [See also 05D10] Games on graphs [See also 91A43, 91A46] Isomorphism problems (reconstruction conjecture, etc.) and homomorphisms (subgraph embedding, etc.) Graph representations (geometric and intersection representations, etc.) For graph drawing, see also 68R10 Innite graphs Hypergraphs Dominating sets, independent sets, cliques Factorization, matching, partitioning, covering and packing Fractional graph theory, fuzzy graph theory Structural characterization of families of graphs Graph operations (line graphs, products, etc.) Graph labelling (graceful graphs, bandwidth, etc.) Random graphs [See also 60B20] Random walks on graphs Small world graphs, complex networks [See also 90Bxx, 91D30]
05C83 05C85 05C90 05C99 05Dxx 05D05 05D10 05D15 05D40 05D99 05Exx 05E05 05E10 05E15 05E18 05E30 05E40 05E45 05E99 06XX 0600 0601 0602 0603 0604 0606 06Axx 06A05 06A06 06A07 06A11 06A12 06A15 06A75 06A99 06Bxx 06B05 06B10 06B15 06B20 06B23 06B25 06B30 06B35 06B75 06B99 06Cxx 06C05 06C10 06C15 06C20 06C99 06Dxx 06D05 06D10 06D15 06D20 06D22 06D25 06D30 06D35 06D50 06D72 06D75 06D99 06Exx 06E05 06E10 06E15 06E20
Graph minors Graph algorithms [See also 68R10, 68W05] Applications [See also 68R10, 81Q30, 81T15, 82B20, 82C20, 90C35, 92E10, 94C15] None of the above, but in this section Extremal combinatorics Extremal set theory Ramsey theory [See also 05C55] Transversal (matching) theory Probabilistic methods None of the above, but in this section Algebraic combinatorics Symmetric functions and generalizations Combinatorial aspects of representation theory [See also 20C30] Combinatorial aspects of groups and algebras [See also 14Nxx, 22E45, 33C80] Group actions on combinatorial structures Association schemes, strongly regular graphs Combinatorial aspects of commutative algebra Combinatorial aspects of simplicial complexes None of the above, but in this section ORDER, LATTICES, ORDERED ALGEBRAIC STRUCTURES [See also 18B35] General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Ordered sets Total order Partial order, general Combinatorics of partially ordered sets Algebraic aspects of posets Semilattices [See also 20M10; for topological semilattices see 22A26] Galois correspondences, closure operators Generalizations of ordered sets None of the above, but in this section Lattices [See also 03G10] Structure theory Ideals, congruence relations Representation theory Varieties of lattices Complete lattices, completions Free lattices, projective lattices, word problems [See also 03D40, 08A50, 20F10] Topological lattices, order topologies [See also 06F30, 22A26, 54F05, 54H12] Continuous lattices and posets, applications [See also 06B30, 06D10, 06F30, 18B35, 22A26, 68Q55] Generalizations of lattices None of the above, but in this section Modular lattices, complemented lattices Modular lattices, Desarguesian lattices Semimodular lattices, geometric lattices Complemented lattices, orthocomplemented lattices and posets [See also 03G12, 81P10] Complemented modular lattices, continuous geometries None of the above, but in this section Distributive lattices Structure and representation theory Complete distributivity Pseudocomplemented lattices Heyting algebras [See also 03G25] Frames, locales {For topological questions see 54XX} Post algebras [See also 03G20] De Morgan algebras, Lukasiewicz algebras [See also 03G20] MV-algebras Lattices and duality Fuzzy lattices (soft algebras) and related topics Other generalizations of distributive lattices None of the above, but in this section Boolean algebras (Boolean rings) [See also 03G05] Structure theory Chain conditions, complete algebras Stone spaces (Boolean spaces) and related structures Ring-theoretic properties [See also 16E50, 16G30]
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
06E25 06E30 06E75 06E99 06Fxx 06F05 06F07 06F10 06F15 06F20 06F25 06F30 06F35 06F99 08XX 0800 0801 0802 0803 0804 0806 08Axx 08A02 08A05 08A30 08A35 08A40 08A45 08A50 08A55 08A60 08A62 08A65 08A68 08A70 08A72 08A99 08Bxx 08B05 08B10 08B15 08B20 08B25 08B26 08B30 08B99 08Cxx 08C05 08C10 08C15 08C20 08C99 11XX 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1106 11Axx 11A05 11A07 11A15 11A25 11A41
Boolean algebras with additional operations (diagonalizable algebras, etc.) [See also 03G25, 03F45] Boolean functions [See also 94C10] Generalizations of Boolean algebras None of the above, but in this section Ordered structures Ordered semigroups and monoids [See also 20Mxx] Quantales Noether lattices Ordered groups [See also 20F60] Ordered abelian groups, Riesz groups, ordered linear spaces [See also 46A40] Ordered rings, algebras, modules {For ordered elds, see 12J15; see also 13J25, 16W80} Topological lattices, order topologies [See also 06B30, 22A26, 54F05, 54H12] BCK-algebras, BCI-algebras [See also 03G25] None of the above, but in this section GENERAL ALGEBRAIC SYSTEMS General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Algebraic structures [See also 03C05] Relational systems, laws of composition Structure theory Subalgebras, congruence relations Automorphisms, endomorphisms Operations, polynomials, primal algebras Equational compactness Word problems [See also 03D40, 06B25, 20F10, 68R15] Partial algebras Unary algebras Finitary algebras Innitary algebras Heterogeneous algebras Applications of universal algebra in computer science Fuzzy algebraic structures None of the above, but in this section Varieties [See also 03C05] Equational logic, Mal cev (Mal tsev) conditions Congruence modularity, congruence distributivity Lattices of varieties Free algebras Products, amalgamated products, and other kinds of limits and colimits [See also 18A30] Subdirect products and subdirect irreducibility Injectives, projectives None of the above, but in this section Other classes of algebras Categories of algebras [See also 18C05] Axiomatic model classes [See also 03Cxx, in particular 03C60] Quasivarieties Natural dualities for classes of algebras [See also 06E15, 18A40, 22A30] None of the above, but in this section NUMBER THEORY General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Elementary number theory {For analogues in number elds, see 11R04} Multiplicative structure; Euclidean algorithm; greatest common divisors Congruences; primitive roots; residue systems Power residues, reciprocity Arithmetic functions; related numbers; inversion formulas Primes
11A51 11A55 11A63 11A67 11A99 11Bxx 11B05 11B13 11B25 11B30 11B34 11B37 11B39 11B50 11B57 11B65 11B68 11B73 11B75 11B83 11B85 11B99 11Cxx 11C08 11C20 11C99 11Dxx 11D04 11D07 11D09 11D25 11D41 11D45 11D57 11D59 11D61 11D68 11D72 11D75 11D79 11D85 11D88 11D99 11Exx 11E04 11E08 11E10 11E12 11E16 11E20 11E25 11E39 11E41 11E45 11E57 11E70 11E72 11E76 11E81 11E88 11E95 11E99 11Fxx
Factorization; primality Continued fractions {For approximation results, see 11J70} [See also 11K50, 30B70, 40A15] Radix representation; digital problems {For metric results, see 11K16} Other representations None of the above, but in this section Sequences and sets Density, gaps, topology Additive bases, including sumsets [See also 05B10] Arithmetic progressions [See also 11N13] Arithmetic combinatorics; higher degree uniformity Representation functions Recurrences {For applications to special functions, see 33XX} Fibonacci and Lucas numbers and polynomials and generalizations Sequences (mod m) Farey sequences; the sequences 1k , 2k , Binomial coecients; factorials; q -identities [See also 05A10, 05A30] Bernoulli and Euler numbers and polynomials Bell and Stirling numbers Other combinatorial number theory Special sequences and polynomials Automata sequences None of the above, but in this section Polynomials and matrices Polynomials [See also 13F20] Matrices, determinants [See also 15B36] None of the above, but in this section Diophantine equations [See also 11Gxx, 14Gxx] Linear equations The Frobenius problem Quadratic and bilinear equations Cubic and quartic equations Higher degree equations; Fermats equation Counting solutions of Diophantine equations Multiplicative and norm form equations Thue-Mahler equations Exponential equations Rational numbers as sums of fractions Equations in many variables [See also 11P55] Diophantine inequalities [See also 11J25] Congruences in many variables Representation problems [See also 11P55] p-adic and power series elds None of the above, but in this section Forms and linear algebraic groups [See also 19Gxx] {For quadratic forms in linear algebra, see 15A63} Quadratic forms over general elds Quadratic forms over local rings and elds Forms over real elds Quadratic forms over global rings and elds General binary quadratic forms General ternary and quaternary quadratic forms; forms of more than two variables Sums of squares and representations by other particular quadratic forms Bilinear and Hermitian forms Class numbers of quadratic and Hermitian forms Analytic theory (Epstein zeta functions; relations with automorphic forms and functions) Classical groups [See also 14Lxx, 20Gxx] K -theory of quadratic and Hermitian forms Galois cohomology of linear algebraic groups [See also 20G10] Forms of degree higher than two Algebraic theory of quadratic forms; Witt groups and rings [See also 19G12, 19G24] Quadratic spaces; Cliord algebras [See also 15A63, 15A66] p-adic theory None of the above, but in this section Discontinuous groups and automorphic forms [See also 11R39, 11S37, 14Gxx, 14Kxx, 22E50, 22E55, 30F35, 32Nxx] {For relations with quadratic forms, see 11E45} Modular and automorphic functions Structure of modular groups and generalizations; arithmetic groups [See also 20H05, 20H10, 22E40] Holomorphic modular forms of integral weight Automorphic forms, one variable Dedekind eta function, Dedekind sums Relationship to Lie algebras and nite simple groups Relations with algebraic geometry and topology
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
11F46 11F50 11F52 11F55 11F60 11F66 11F67 11F68 11F70 11F72 11F75 11F80 11F85 11F99 11Gxx 11G05 11G07 11G09 11G10 11G15 11G16 11G18 11G20 11G25 11G30 11G32 11G35 11G40 11G42 11G45 11G50 11G55 11G99 11Hxx 11H06 11H16 11H31 11H46 11H50 11H55 11H56 11H60 11H71 11H99 11Jxx 11J04 11J06 11J13 11J17 11J20 11J25 11J54 11J61 11J68 11J70 11J71 11J72 11J81 11J82
Hecke-Petersson operators, dierential operators (one variable) Theta series; Weil representation; theta correspondences Fourier coecients of automorphic forms Modular correspondences, etc. Congruences for modular and p-adic modular forms [See also 14G20, 22E50] Forms of half-integer weight; nonholomorphic modular forms Automorphic forms on GL(2); Hilbert and Hilbert-Siegel modular groups and their modular and automorphic forms; Hilbert modular surfaces [See also 14J20] Siegel modular groups; Siegel and Hilbert-Siegel modular and automorphic forms Jacobi forms Modular forms associated to Drinfel d modules Other groups and their modular and automorphic forms (several variables) Hecke-Petersson operators, dierential operators (several variables) Langlands L-functions; one variable Dirichlet series and functional equations Special values of automorphic L-series, periods of modular forms, cohomology, modular symbols Dirichlet series in several complex variables associated to automorphic forms; Weyl group multiple Dirichlet series Representation-theoretic methods; automorphic representations over local and global elds Spectral theory; Selberg trace formula Cohomology of arithmetic groups Galois representations p-adic theory, local elds [See also 14G20, 22E50] None of the above, but in this section Arithmetic algebraic geometry (Diophantine geometry) [See also 11Dxx, 14Gxx, 14Kxx] Elliptic curves over global elds [See also 14H52] Elliptic curves over local elds [See also 14G20, 14H52] Drinfel d modules; higher-dimensional motives, etc. [See also 14L05] Abelian varieties of dimension > 1 [See also 14Kxx] Complex multiplication and moduli of abelian varieties [See also 14K22] Elliptic and modular units [See also 11R27] Arithmetic aspects of modular and Shimura varieties [See also 14G35] Curves over nite and local elds [See also 14H25] Varieties over nite and local elds [See also 14G15, 14G20] Curves of arbitrary genus or genus = 1 over global elds [See also 14H25] Dessins denfants, Bely theory Varieties over global elds [See also 14G25] L-functions of varieties over global elds; Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture [See also 14G10] Arithmetic mirror symmetry [See also 14J33] Geometric class eld theory [See also 11R37, 14C35, 19F05] Heights [See also 14G40, 37P30] Polylogarithms and relations with K -theory None of the above, but in this section Geometry of numbers {For applications in coding theory, see 94B75} Lattices and convex bodies [See also 11P21, 52C05, 52C07] Nonconvex bodies Lattice packing and covering [See also 05B40, 52C15, 52C17] Products of linear forms Minima of forms Quadratic forms (reduction theory, extreme forms, etc.) Automorphism groups of lattices Mean value and transfer theorems Relations with coding theory None of the above, but in this section Diophantine approximation, transcendental number theory [See also 11K60] Homogeneous approximation to one number Markov and Lagrange spectra and generalizations Simultaneous homogeneous approximation, linear forms Approximation by numbers from a xed eld Inhomogeneous linear forms Diophantine inequalities [See also 11D75] Small fractional parts of polynomials and generalizations Approximation in non-Archimedean valuations Approximation to algebraic numbers Continued fractions and generalizations [See also 11A55, 11K50] Distribution modulo one [See also 11K06] Irrationality; linear independence over a eld Transcendence (general theory) Measures of irrationality and of transcendence
11J83 11J85 11J86 11J87 11J89 11J91 11J93 11J95 11J97 11J99 11Kxx 11K06 11K16 11K31 11K36 11K38 11K41 11K45 11K50 11K55 11K60 11K65 11K70 11K99 11Lxx 11L03 11L05 11L07 11L10 11L15 11L20 11L26 11L40 11L99 11Mxx 11M06 11M20 11M26 11M32 11M35 11M36
11M38 11M41
11M45 11M50 11M55 11M99 11Nxx 11N05 11N13 11N25 11N30 11N32 11N35 11N36 11N37 11N45 11N56 11N60 11N64 11N69 11N75 11N80 11N99 11Pxx 11P05 11P21 11P32
Metric theory Algebraic independence; Gel fonds method Linear forms in logarithms; Bakers method Schmidt Subspace Theorem and applications Transcendence theory of elliptic and abelian functions Transcendence theory of other special functions Transcendence theory of Drinfel d and t-modules Results involving abelian varieties Analogues of methods in Nevanlinna theory (work of Vojta et al.) None of the above, but in this section Probabilistic theory: distribution modulo 1; metric theory of algorithms General theory of distribution modulo 1 [See also 11J71] Normal numbers, radix expansions, Pisot numbers, Salem numbers, good lattice points, etc. [See also 11A63] Special sequences Well-distributed sequences and other variations Irregularities of distribution, discrepancy [See also 11Nxx] Continuous, p-adic and abstract analogues Pseudo-random numbers; Monte Carlo methods Metric theory of continued fractions [See also 11A55, 11J70] Metric theory of other algorithms and expansions; measure and Hausdor dimension [See also 11N99, 28Dxx] Diophantine approximation [See also 11Jxx] Arithmetic functions [See also 11Nxx] Harmonic analysis and almost periodicity None of the above, but in this section Exponential sums and character sums {For nite elds, see 11Txx} Trigonometric and exponential sums, general Gauss and Kloosterman sums; generalizations Estimates on exponential sums Jacobsthal and Brewer sums; other complete character sums Weyl sums Sums over primes Sums over arbitrary intervals Estimates on character sums None of the above, but in this section Zeta and L-functions: analytic theory (s) and L(s, ) Real zeros of L(s, ); results on L(1, ) Nonreal zeros of (s) and L(s, ); Riemann and other hypotheses Multiple Dirichlet series and zeta functions and multizeta values Hurwitz and Lerch zeta functions Selberg zeta functions and regularized determinants; applications to spectral theory, Dirichlet series, Eisenstein series, etc. Explicit formulas Zeta and L-functions in characteristic p Other Dirichlet series and zeta functions {For local and global ground elds, see 11R42, 11R52, 11S40, 11S45; for algebro-geometric methods, see 14G10; see also 11E45, 11F66, 11F70, 11F72} Tauberian theorems [See also 40E05] Relations with random matrices Relations with noncommutative geometry None of the above, but in this section Multiplicative number theory Distribution of primes Primes in progressions [See also 11B25] Distribution of integers with specied multiplicative constraints Tur an theory [See also 30Bxx] Primes represented by polynomials; other multiplicative structure of polynomial values Sieves Applications of sieve methods Asymptotic results on arithmetic functions Asymptotic results on counting functions for algebraic and topological structures Rate of growth of arithmetic functions Distribution functions associated with additive and positive multiplicative functions Other results on the distribution of values or the characterization of arithmetic functions Distribution of integers in special residue classes Applications of automorphic functions and forms to multiplicative problems [See also 11Fxx] Generalized primes and integers None of the above, but in this section Additive number theory; partitions Warings problem and variants Lattice points in specied regions Goldbach-type theorems; other additive questions involving primes
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
11P55 11P70 11P81 11P82 11P83 11P84 11P99 11Rxx 11R04 11R06 11R09 11R11 11R16 11R18 11R20 11R21 11R23 11R27 11R29 11R32 11R33 11R34 11R37 11R39 11R42 11R44 11R45 11R47 11R52 11R54 11R56 11R58 11R60 11R65 11R70 11R80 11R99 11Sxx 11S05 11S15 11S20 11S23 11S25 11S31 11S37 11S40 11S45 11S70 11S80 11S82 11S85 11S90 11S99 11Txx 11T06 11T22 11T23 11T24 11T30 11T55 11T60 11T71 11T99 11Uxx 11U05 11U07 11U09 11U10 11U99
Applications of the Hardy-Littlewood method [See also 11D85] Inverse problems of additive number theory, including sumsets Elementary theory of partitions [See also 05A17] Analytic theory of partitions Partitions; congruences and congruential restrictions Partition identities; identities of Rogers-Ramanujan type None of the above, but in this section Algebraic number theory: global elds {For complex multiplication, see 11G15} Algebraic numbers; rings of algebraic integers PV-numbers and generalizations; other special algebraic numbers; Mahler measure Polynomials (irreducibility, etc.) Quadratic extensions Cubic and quartic extensions Cyclotomic extensions Other abelian and metabelian extensions Other number elds Iwasawa theory Units and factorization Class numbers, class groups, discriminants Galois theory Integral representations related to algebraic numbers; Galois module structure of rings of integers [See also 20C10] Galois cohomology [See also 12Gxx, 19A31] Class eld theory Langlands-Weil conjectures, nonabelian class eld theory [See also 11Fxx, 22E55] Zeta functions and L-functions of number elds [See also 11M41, 19F27] Distribution of prime ideals [See also 11N05] Density theorems Other analytic theory [See also 11Nxx] Quaternion and other division algebras: arithmetic, zeta functions Other algebras and orders, and their zeta and L-functions [See also 11S45, 16Hxx, 16Kxx] Ad` ele rings and groups Arithmetic theory of algebraic function elds [See also 14XX] Cyclotomic function elds (class groups, Bernoulli objects, etc.) Class groups and Picard groups of orders K -theory of global elds [See also 19Fxx] Totally real elds [See also 12J15] None of the above, but in this section Algebraic number theory: local and p-adic elds Polynomials Ramication and extension theory Galois theory Integral representations Galois cohomology [See also 12Gxx, 16H05] Class eld theory; p-adic formal groups [See also 14L05] Langlands-Weil conjectures, nonabelian class eld theory [See also 11Fxx, 22E50] Zeta functions and L-functions [See also 11M41, 19F27] Algebras and orders, and their zeta functions [See also 11R52, 11R54, 16Hxx, 16Kxx] K -theory of local elds [See also 19Fxx] Other analytic theory (analogues of beta and gamma functions, padic integration, etc.) Non-Archimedean dynamical systems [See mainly 37Pxx] Other nonanalytic theory Prehomogeneous vector spaces None of the above, but in this section Finite elds and commutative rings (number-theoretic aspects) Polynomials Cyclotomy Exponential sums Other character sums and Gauss sums Structure theory Arithmetic theory of polynomial rings over nite elds Finite upper half-planes Algebraic coding theory; cryptography None of the above, but in this section Connections with logic Decidability [See also 03B25] Ultraproducts [See also 03C20] Model theory [See also 03Cxx] Nonstandard arithmetic [See also 03H15] None of the above, but in this section
11Yxx 11Y05 11Y11 11Y16 11Y35 11Y40 11Y50 11Y55 11Y60 11Y65 11Y70 11Y99 11Zxx 11Z05 11Z99 12XX 1200 1201 1202 1203 1204 1206 12Dxx 12D05 12D10 12D15 12D99 12Exx 12E05 12E10 12E12 12E15 12E20 12E25 12E30 12E99 12Fxx 12F05 12F10 12F12 12F15 12F20 12F99 12Gxx 12G05 12G10 12G99 12Hxx 12H05 12H10 12H20 12H25 12H99 12Jxx 12J05 12J10 12J12 12J15 12J17 12J20 12J25 12J27 12J99 12Kxx 12K05 12K10 12K99 12Lxx 12L05 12L10 12L12 12L15 12L99
Computational number theory [See also 1104] Factorization Primality Algorithms; complexity [See also 68Q25] Analytic computations Algebraic number theory computations Computer solution of Diophantine equations Calculation of integer sequences Evaluation of constants Continued fraction calculations Values of arithmetic functions; tables None of the above, but in this section Miscellaneous applications of number theory Miscellaneous applications of number theory None of the above, but in this section FIELD THEORY AND POLYNOMIALS General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Real and complex elds Polynomials: factorization Polynomials: location of zeros (algebraic theorems) {For the analytic theory, see 26C10, 30C15} Fields related with sums of squares (formally real elds, Pythagorean elds, etc.) [See also 11Exx] None of the above, but in this section General eld theory Polynomials (irreducibility, etc.) Special polynomials Equations Skew elds, division rings [See also 11R52, 11R54, 11S45, 16Kxx] Finite elds (eld-theoretic aspects) Hilbertian elds; Hilberts irreducibility theorem Field arithmetic None of the above, but in this section Field extensions Algebraic extensions Separable extensions, Galois theory Inverse Galois theory Inseparable extensions Transcendental extensions None of the above, but in this section Homological methods (eld theory) Galois cohomology [See also 14F22, 16Hxx, 16K50] Cohomological dimension None of the above, but in this section Dierential and dierence algebra Dierential algebra [See also 13Nxx] Dierence algebra [See also 39Axx] Abstract dierential equations [See also 34Mxx] p-adic dierential equations [See also 11S80, 14G20] None of the above, but in this section Topological elds Normed elds Valued elds Formally p-adic elds Ordered elds Topological semields General valuation theory [See also 13A18] Non-Archimedean valued elds [See also 30G06, 32P05, 46S10, 47S10] Krasner-Tate algebras [See mainly 32P05; see also 46S10, 47S10] None of the above, but in this section Generalizations of elds Near-elds [See also 16Y30] Semields [See also 16Y60] None of the above, but in this section Connections with logic Decidability [See also 03B25] Ultraproducts [See also 03C20] Model theory [See also 03C60] Nonstandard arithmetic [See also 03H15] None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
12Yxx 12Y05 12Y99 13XX 1300 1301 1302 1303 1304 1306 13Axx 13A02 13A05 13A15 13A18 13A30 13A35 13A50 13A99 13Bxx 13B02 13B05 13B10 13B21 13B22 13B25 13B30 13B35 13B40 13B99 13Cxx 13C05 13C10 13C11 13C12 13C13 13C14 13C15 13C20 13C40 13C60 13C99 13Dxx 13D02 13D03 13D05 13D07 13D09 13D10 13D15 13D22 13D30 13D40 13D45 13D99 13Exx 13E05 13E10 13E15 13E99 13Fxx 13F05 13F07 13F10
Computational aspects of eld theory and polynomials Computational aspects of eld theory and polynomials None of the above, but in this section COMMUTATIVE ALGEBRA General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. General commutative ring theory Graded rings [See also 16W50] Divisibility; factorizations [See also 13F15] Ideals; multiplicative ideal theory Valuations and their generalizations [See also 12J20] Associated graded rings of ideals (Rees ring, form ring), analytic spread and related topics Characteristic p methods (Frobenius endomorphism) and reduction to characteristic p; tight closure [See also 13B22] Actions of groups on commutative rings; invariant theory [See also 14L24] None of the above, but in this section Ring extensions and related topics Extension theory Galois theory Morphisms Integral dependence; going up, going down Integral closure of rings and ideals [See also 13A35]; integrally closed rings, related rings (Japanese, etc.) Polynomials over commutative rings [See also 11C08, 11T06, 13F20, 13M10] Rings of fractions and localization [See also 16S85] Completion [See also 13J10] Etale and at extensions; Henselization; Artin approximation [See also 13J15, 14B12, 14B25] None of the above, but in this section Theory of modules and ideals Structure, classication theorems Projective and free modules and ideals [See also 19A13] Injective and at modules and ideals Torsion modules and ideals Other special types Cohen-Macaulay modules [See also 13H10] Dimension theory, depth, related rings (catenary, etc.) Class groups [See also 11R29] Linkage, complete intersections and determinantal ideals [See also 14M06, 14M10, 14M12] Module categories None of the above, but in this section Homological methods {For noncommutative rings, see 16Exx; for general categories, see 18Gxx} Syzygies, resolutions, complexes (Co)homology of commutative rings and algebras (e.g., Hochschild, Andr e-Quillen, cyclic, dihedral, etc.) Homological dimension Homological functors on modules (Tor, Ext, etc.) Derived categories Deformations and innitesimal methods [See also 14B10, 14B12, 14D15, 32Gxx] Grothendieck groups, K -theory [See also 14C35, 18F30, 19Axx, 19D50] Homological conjectures (intersection theorems) Torsion theory [See also 13C12, 18E40] Hilbert-Samuel and Hilbert-Kunz functions; Poincar e series Local cohomology [See also 14B15] None of the above, but in this section Chain conditions, niteness conditions Noetherian rings and modules Artinian rings and modules, nite-dimensional algebras Rings and modules of nite generation or presentation; number of generators None of the above, but in this section Arithmetic rings and other special rings Dedekind, Pr ufer, Krull and Mori rings and their generalizations Euclidean rings and generalizations Principal ideal rings
13F15 13F20 13F25 13F30 13F35 13F40 13F45 13F50 13F55 13F60 13F99 13Gxx 13G05 13G99 13Hxx 13H05 13H10 13H15 13H99 13Jxx 13J05 13J07 13J10 13J15 13J20 13J25 13J30 13J99 13Lxx 13L05 13L99 13Mxx 13M05 13M10 13M99 13Nxx 13N05 13N10 13N15 13N99 13Pxx 13P05 13P10 13P15 13P20 13P25 13P99 14XX 1400 1401 1402 1403 1404 1406 14Axx 14A05 14A10 14A15 14A20 14A22 14A25 14A99 14Bxx 14B05 14B07 14B10 14B12 14B15 14B20 14B25
Rings dened by factorization properties (e.g., atomic, factorial, halffactorial) [See also 13A05, 14M05] Polynomial rings and ideals; rings of integer-valued polynomials [See also 11C08, 13B25] Formal power series rings [See also 13J05] Valuation rings [See also 13A18] Witt vectors and related rings Excellent rings Seminormal rings Rings with straightening laws, Hodge algebras Stanley-Reisner face rings; simplicial complexes [See also 55U10] Cluster algebras None of the above, but in this section Integral domains Integral domains None of the above, but in this section Local rings and semilocal rings Regular local rings Special types (Cohen-Macaulay, Gorenstein, Buchsbaum, etc.) [See also 14M05] Multiplicity theory and related topics [See also 14C17] None of the above, but in this section Topological rings and modules [See also 16W60, 16W80] Power series rings [See also 13F25] Analytical algebras and rings [See also 32B05] Complete rings, completion [See also 13B35] Henselian rings [See also 13B40] Global topological rings Ordered rings [See also 06F25] Real algebra [See also 12D15, 14Pxx] None of the above, but in this section Applications of logic to commutative algebra [See also 03Cxx, 03Hxx] Applications of logic to commutative algebra [See also 03Cxx, 03Hxx] None of the above, but in this section Finite commutative rings {For number-theoretic aspects, see 11Txx} Structure Polynomials None of the above, but in this section Dierential algebra [See also 12H05, 14F10] Modules of dierentials Rings of dierential operators and their modules [See also 16S32, 32C38] Derivations None of the above, but in this section Computational aspects and applications [See also 14Qxx, 68W30] Polynomials, factorization [See also 12Y05] Gr obner bases; other bases for ideals and modules (e.g., Janet and border bases) Solving polynomial systems; resultants Computational homological algebra [See also 13Dxx] Applications of commutative algebra (e.g., to statistics, control theory, optimization, etc.) None of the above, but in this section ALGEBRAIC GEOMETRY General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Foundations Relevant commutative algebra [See also 13XX] Varieties and morphisms Schemes and morphisms Generalizations (algebraic spaces, stacks) Noncommutative algebraic geometry [See also 16S38] Elementary questions None of the above, but in this section Local theory Singularities [See also 14E15, 14H20, 14J17, 32Sxx, 58Kxx] Deformations of singularities [See also 14D15, 32S30] Innitesimal methods [See also 13D10] Local deformation theory, Artin approximation, etc. [See also 13B40, 13D10] Local cohomology [See also 13D45, 32C36] Formal neighborhoods Local structure of morphisms: etale, at, etc. [See also 13B40]
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
14B99 14Cxx 14C05 14C15 14C17 14C20 14C21 14C22 14C25 14C30 14C34 14C35 14C40 14C99 14Dxx 14D05 14D06 14D07 14D10 14D15 14D20 14D21
14D22 14D23 14D24 14D99 14Exx 14E05 14E07 14E08 14E15 14E16 14E18 14E20 14E22 14E25 14E30 14E99 14Fxx 14F05 14F10 14F17 14F18 14F20 14F22 14F25 14F30 14F35 14F40 14F42 14F43 14F45 14F99 14Gxx 14G05 14G10 14G15 14G17 14G20 14G22 14G25 14G27 14G32 14G35 14G40 14G50
None of the above, but in this section Cycles and subschemes Parametrization (Chow and Hilbert schemes) (Equivariant) Chow groups and rings; motives Intersection theory, characteristic classes, intersection multiplicities [See also 13H15] Divisors, linear systems, invertible sheaves Pencils, nets, webs [See also 53A60] Picard groups Algebraic cycles Transcendental methods, Hodge theory [See also 14D07, 32G20, 32J25, 32S35], Hodge conjecture Torelli problem [See also 32G20] Applications of methods of algebraic K -theory [See also 19Exx] Riemann-Roch theorems [See also 19E20, 19L10] None of the above, but in this section Families, brations Structure of families (Picard-Lefschetz, monodromy, etc.) Fibrations, degenerations Variation of Hodge structures [See also 32G20] Arithmetic ground elds (nite, local, global) Formal methods; deformations [See also 13D10, 14B07, 32Gxx] Algebraic moduli problems, moduli of vector bundles {For analytic moduli problems, see 32G13} Applications of vector bundles and moduli spaces in mathematical physics (twistor theory, instantons, quantum eld theory) [See also 32L25, 81Txx] Fine and coarse moduli spaces Stacks and moduli problems Geometric Langlands program: algebro-geometric aspects [See also 22E57] None of the above, but in this section Birational geometry Rational and birational maps Birational automorphisms, Cremona group and generalizations Rationality questions [See also 14M20] Global theory and resolution of singularities [See also 14B05, 32S20, 32S45] McKay correspondence Arcs and motivic integration Coverings [See also 14H30] Ramication problems [See also 11S15] Embeddings Minimal model program (Mori theory, extremal rays) None of the above, but in this section (Co)homology theory [See also 13Dxx] Sheaves, derived categories of sheaves and related constructions [See also 14H60, 14J60, 18F20, 32Lxx, 46M20] Dierentials and other special sheaves; D-modules; Bernstein-Sato ideals and polynomials [See also 13Nxx, 32C38] Vanishing theorems [See also 32L20] Multiplier ideals Etale and other Grothendieck topologies and (co)homologies Brauer groups of schemes [See also 12G05, 16K50] Classical real and complex (co)homology p-adic cohomology, crystalline cohomology Homotopy theory; fundamental groups [See also 14H30] de Rham cohomology [See also 14C30, 32C35, 32L10] Motivic cohomology; motivic homotopy theory [See also 19E15] Other algebro-geometric (co)homologies (e.g., intersection, equivariant, Lawson, Deligne (co)homologies) Topological properties None of the above, but in this section Arithmetic problems. Diophantine geometry [See also 11Dxx, 11Gxx] Rational points Zeta-functions and related questions [See also 11G40] (BirchSwinnerton-Dyer conjecture) Finite ground elds Positive characteristic ground elds Local ground elds Rigid analytic geometry Global ground elds Other nonalgebraically closed ground elds Universal pronite groups (relationship to moduli spaces, projective and moduli towers, Galois theory) Modular and Shimura varieties [See also 11F41, 11F46, 11G18] Arithmetic varieties and schemes; Arakelov theory; heights [See also 11G50, 37P30] Applications to coding theory and cryptography [See also 94A60, 94B27, 94B40]
14G99 14Hxx 14H05 14H10 14H15 14H20 14H25 14H30 14H37 14H40 14H42 14H45 14H50 14H51 14H52 14H55 14H57 14H60 14H70 14H81 14H99 14Jxx 14J10 14J15 14J17 14J20 14J25 14J26 14J27 14J28 14J29 14J30 14J32 14J33 14J35 14J40 14J45 14J50 14J60 14J70 14J80 14J81 14J99 14Kxx 14K02 14K05 14K10 14K12 14K15 14K20 14K22 14K25 14K30 14K99 14Lxx 14L05 14L10 14L15 14L17 14L24 14L30 14L35 14L40 14L99 14Mxx 14M05 14M06 14M07 14M10 14M12 14M15
None of the above, but in this section Curves Algebraic functions; function elds [See also 11R58] Families, moduli (algebraic) Families, moduli (analytic) [See also 30F10, 32G15] Singularities, local rings [See also 13Hxx, 14B05] Arithmetic ground elds [See also 11Dxx, 11G05, 14Gxx] Coverings, fundamental group [See also 14E20, 14F35] Automorphisms Jacobians, Prym varieties [See also 32G20] Theta functions; Schottky problem [See also 14K25, 32G20] Special curves and curves of low genus Plane and space curves Special divisors (gonality, Brill-Noether theory) Elliptic curves [See also 11G05, 11G07, 14Kxx] Riemann surfaces; Weierstrass points; gap sequences [See also 30Fxx] Dessins denfants theory {For arithmetic aspects, see 11G32} Vector bundles on curves and their moduli [See also 14D20, 14F05] Relationships with integrable systems Relationships with physics None of the above, but in this section Surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties {For analytic theory, see 32Jxx} Families, moduli, classication: algebraic theory Moduli, classication: analytic theory; relations with modular forms [See also 32G13] Singularities [See also 14B05, 14E15] Arithmetic ground elds [See also 11Dxx, 11G25, 11G35, 14Gxx] Special surfaces {For Hilbert modular surfaces, see 14G35} Rational and ruled surfaces Elliptic surfaces K 3 surfaces and Enriques surfaces Surfaces of general type 3-folds [See also 32Q25] Calabi-Yau manifolds Mirror symmetry [See also 11G42, 53D37] 4-folds n-folds (n > 4) Fano varieties Automorphisms of surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties Vector bundles on surfaces and higher-dimensional varieties, and their moduli [See also 14D20, 14F05, 32Lxx] Hypersurfaces Topology of surfaces (Donaldson polynomials, Seiberg-Witten invariants) Relationships with physics None of the above, but in this section Abelian varieties and schemes Isogeny Algebraic theory Algebraic moduli, classication [See also 11G15] Subvarieties Arithmetic ground elds [See also 11Dxx, 11Fxx, 11G10, 14Gxx] Analytic theory; abelian integrals and dierentials Complex multiplication [See also 11G15] Theta functions [See also 14H42] Picard schemes, higher Jacobians [See also 14H40, 32G20] None of the above, but in this section Algebraic groups {For linear algebraic groups, see 20Gxx; for Lie algebras, see 17B45} Formal groups, p-divisible groups [See also 55N22] Group varieties Group schemes Ane algebraic groups, hyperalgebra constructions [See also 17B45, 18D35] Geometric invariant theory [See also 13A50] Group actions on varieties or schemes (quotients) [See also 13A50, 14L24, 14M17] Classical groups (geometric aspects) [See also 20Gxx, 51N30] Other algebraic groups (geometric aspects) None of the above, but in this section Special varieties Varieties dened by ring conditions (factorial, Cohen-Macaulay, seminormal) [See also 13F15, 13F45, 13H10] Linkage [See also 13C40] Low codimension problems Complete intersections [See also 13C40] Determinantal varieties [See also 13C40] Grassmannians, Schubert varieties, ag manifolds [See also 32M10, 51M35]
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
14M17 14M20 14M22 14M25 14M27 14M30 14M99 14Nxx 14N05 14N10 14N15 14N20 14N25 14N30 14N35 14N99 14Pxx 14P05 14P10 14P15 14P20 14P25 14P99 14Qxx 14Q05 14Q10 14Q15 14Q20 14Q99 14Rxx 14R05 14R10 14R15 14R20 14R25 14R99 14Txx 14T05 14T99 15XX 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1506 15Axx 15A03 15A04 15A06 15A09 15A12 15A15 15A16 15A18 15A21 15A22 15A23 15A24 15A27 15A29 15A30 15A33 15A39 15A42 15A45 15A54 15A60 15A63 15A66 15A69
Homogeneous spaces and generalizations [See also 32M10, 53C30, 57T15] Rational and unirational varieties [See also 14E08] Rationally connected varieties Toric varieties, Newton polyhedra [See also 52B20] Compactications; symmetric and spherical varieties Supervarieties [See also 32C11, 58A50] None of the above, but in this section Projective and enumerative geometry [See also 51XX] Projective techniques [See also 51N35] Enumerative problems (combinatorial problems) Classical problems, Schubert calculus Congurations and arrangements of linear subspaces Varieties of low degree Adjunction problems Gromov-Witten invariants, quantum cohomology, Gopakumar-Vafa invariants, Donaldson-Thomas invariants [See also 53D45] None of the above, but in this section Real algebraic and real analytic geometry Real algebraic sets [See also 12D15, 13J30] Semialgebraic sets and related spaces Real analytic and semianalytic sets [See also 32B20, 32C05] Nash functions and manifolds [See also 32C07, 58A07] Topology of real algebraic varieties None of the above, but in this section Computational aspects in algebraic geometry [See also 12Y05, 13Pxx, 68W30] Curves Surfaces, hypersurfaces Higher-dimensional varieties Eectivity, complexity None of the above, but in this section Ane geometry Classication of ane varieties Ane spaces (automorphisms, embeddings, exotic structures, cancellation problem) Jacobian problem [See also 13F20] Group actions on ane varieties [See also 13A50, 14L30] Ane brations [See also 14D06] None of the above, but in this section Tropical geometry [See also 12K10, 14M25, 14N10, 52B20] Tropical geometry [See also 12K10, 14M25, 14N10, 52B20] None of the above, but in this section LINEAR AND MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA; MATRIX THEORY General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Basic linear algebra Vector spaces, linear dependence, rank Linear transformations, semilinear transformations Linear equations Matrix inversion, generalized inverses Conditioning of matrices [See also 65F35] Determinants, permanents, other special matrix functions [See also 19B10, 19B14] Matrix exponential and similar functions of matrices Eigenvalues, singular values, and eigenvectors Canonical forms, reductions, classication Matrix pencils [See also 47A56] Factorization of matrices Matrix equations and identities Commutativity Inverse problems Algebraic systems of matrices [See also 16S50, 20Gxx, 20Hxx] Matrices over special rings (quaternions, nite elds, etc.) Linear inequalities Inequalities involving eigenvalues and eigenvectors Miscellaneous inequalities involving matrices Matrices over function rings in one or more variables Norms of matrices, numerical range, applications of functional analysis to matrix theory [See also 65F35, 65J05] Quadratic and bilinear forms, inner products [See mainly 11Exx] Cliord algebras, spinors Multilinear algebra, tensor products
15A72 15A75 15A78 15A80 15A83 15A86 15A99 15Bxx 15B05 15B10 15B15 15B33 15B34 15B35 15B36 15B48 15B51 15B52 15B57 15B99 16XX 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1606 16Bxx 16B50 16B70 16B99 16Dxx 16D10 16D20 16D25 16D30 16D40 16D50 16D60 16D70 16D80 16D90 16D99 16Exx 16E05 16E10 16E20 16E30 16E35 16E40 16E45 16E50 16E60 16E65 16E99 16Gxx 16G10 16G20 16G30 16G50 16G60 16G70 16G99
Vector and tensor algebra, theory of invariants [See also 13A50, 14L24] Exterior algebra, Grassmann algebras Other algebras built from modules Max-plus and related algebras Matrix completion problems Linear preserver problems Miscellaneous topics Special matrices Toeplitz, Cauchy, and related matrices Orthogonal matrices Fuzzy matrices Matrices over special rings (quaternions, nite elds, etc.) Boolean and Hadamard matrices Sign pattern matrices Matrices of integers [See also 11C20] Positive matrices and their generalizations; cones of matrices Stochastic matrices Random matrices Hermitian, skew-Hermitian, and related matrices None of the above, but in this section ASSOCIATIVE RINGS AND ALGEBRAS {For the commutative case, see 13XX} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. General and miscellaneous Category-theoretic methods and results (except as in 16D90) [See also 18XX] Applications of logic [See also 03Cxx] None of the above, but in this section Modules, bimodules and ideals General module theory Bimodules Ideals Innite-dimensional simple rings (except as in 16Kxx) Free, projective, and at modules and ideals [See also 19A13] Injective modules, self-injective rings [See also 16L60] Simple and semisimple modules, primitive rings and ideals Structure and classication (except as in 16Gxx), direct sum decomposition, cancellation Other classes of modules and ideals [See also 16G50] Module categories [See also 16Gxx, 16S90]; module theory in a category-theoretic context; Morita equivalence and duality None of the above, but in this section Homological methods {For commutative rings, see 13Dxx; for general categories, see 18Gxx} Syzygies, resolutions, complexes Homological dimension Grothendieck groups, K -theory, etc. [See also 18F30, 19Axx, 19D50] Homological functors on modules (Tor, Ext, etc.) Derived categories (Co)homology of rings and algebras (e.g. Hochschild, cyclic, dihedral, etc.) Dierential graded algebras and applications von Neumann regular rings and generalizations Semihereditary and hereditary rings, free ideal rings, Sylvester rings, etc. Homological conditions on rings (generalizations of regular, Gorenstein, Cohen-Macaulay rings, etc.) None of the above, but in this section Representation theory of rings and algebras Representations of Artinian rings Representations of quivers and partially ordered sets Representations of orders, lattices, algebras over commutative rings [See also 16Hxx] Cohen-Macaulay modules Representation type (nite, tame, wild, etc.) Auslander-Reiten sequences (almost split sequences) and AuslanderReiten quivers None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
16Hxx 16H05 16H10 16H15 16H20 16H99 16Kxx 16K20 16K40 16K50 16K99 16Lxx 16L30 16L60 16L99 16Nxx 16N20 16N40 16N60 16N80 16N99 16Pxx 16P10 16P20 16P40 16P50 16P60 16P70 16P90 16P99 16Rxx 16R10 16R20 16R30 16R40 16R50 16R60 16R99 16Sxx 16S10 16S15 16S20 16S30 16S32 16S34 16S35 16S36 16S37 16S38 16S40 16S50 16S60 16S70 16S80 16S85 16S90 16S99 16Txx 16T05 16T10 16T15 16T20 16T25 16T30 16T99
Algebras and orders {For arithmetic aspects, see 11R52, 11R54, 11S45; for representation theory, see 16G30} Separable algebras (e.g., quaternion algebras, Azumaya algebras, etc.) Orders in separable algebras Commutative orders Lattices over orders None of the above, but in this section Division rings and semisimple Artin rings [See also 12E15, 15A30] Finite-dimensional {For crossed products, see 16S35} Innite-dimensional and general Brauer groups [See also 12G05, 14F22] None of the above, but in this section Local rings and generalizations Noncommutative local and semilocal rings, perfect rings Quasi-Frobenius rings [See also 16D50] None of the above, but in this section Radicals and radical properties of rings Jacobson radical, quasimultiplication Nil and nilpotent radicals, sets, ideals, rings Prime and semiprime rings [See also 16D60, 16U10] General radicals and rings {For radicals in module categories, see 16S90} None of the above, but in this section Chain conditions, growth conditions, and other forms of niteness Finite rings and nite-dimensional algebras {For semisimple, see 16K20; for commutative, see 11Txx, 13Mxx} Artinian rings and modules Noetherian rings and modules Localization and Noetherian rings [See also 16U20] Chain conditions on annihilators and summands: Goldie-type conditions [See also 16U20], Krull dimension Chain conditions on other classes of submodules, ideals, subrings, etc.; coherence Growth rate, Gelfand-Kirillov dimension None of the above, but in this section Rings with polynomial identity T -ideals, identities, varieties of rings and algebras Semiprime p.i. rings, rings embeddable in matrices over commutative rings Trace rings and invariant theory Identities other than those of matrices over commutative rings Other kinds of identities (generalized polynomial, rational, involution) Functional identities None of the above, but in this section Rings and algebras arising under various constructions Rings determined by universal properties (free algebras, coproducts, adjunction of inverses, etc.) Finite generation, nite presentability, normal forms (diamond lemma, term-rewriting) Centralizing and normalizing extensions Universal enveloping algebras of Lie algebras [See mainly 17B35] Rings of dierential operators [See also 13N10, 32C38] Group rings [See also 20C05, 20C07], Laurent polynomial rings Twisted and skew group rings, crossed products Ordinary and skew polynomial rings and semigroup rings [See also 20M25] Quadratic and Koszul algebras Rings arising from non-commutative algebraic geometry [See also 14A22] Smash products of general Hopf actions [See also 16T05] Endomorphism rings; matrix rings [See also 15XX] Rings of functions, subdirect products, sheaves of rings Extensions of rings by ideals Deformations of rings [See also 13D10, 14D15] Rings of fractions and localizations [See also 13B30] Torsion theories; radicals on module categories [See also 13D30, 18E40] {For radicals of rings, see 16Nxx} None of the above, but in this section Hopf algebras, quantum groups and related topics Hopf algebras and their applications [See also 16S40, 57T05] Bialgebras Coalgebras and comodules; corings Ring-theoretic aspects of quantum groups [See also 17B37, 20G42, 81R50] Yang-Baxter equations Connections with combinatorics None of the above, but in this section
16Uxx 16U10 16U20 16U30 16U60 16U70 16U80 16U99 16Wxx 16W10 16W20 16W22 16W25 16W50 16W55 16W60 16W70 16W80 16W99 16Yxx 16Y30 16Y60 16Y99 16Zxx 16Z05 16Z99 17XX 1700 1701 1702 1703 1704 1706 1708 17Axx 17A01 17A05 17A15 17A20 17A30 17A32 17A35 17A36 17A40 17A42 17A45 17A50 17A60 17A65 17A70 17A75 17A80 17A99 17Bxx 17B01 17B05 17B08 17B10 17B15 17B20 17B22 17B25 17B30 17B35 17B37 17B40 17B45 17B50 17B55 17B56 17B60 17B62
Conditions on elements Integral domains Ore rings, multiplicative sets, Ore localization Divisibility, noncommutative UFDs Units, groups of units Center, normalizer (invariant elements) Generalizations of commutativity None of the above, but in this section Rings and algebras with additional structure Rings with involution; Lie, Jordan and other nonassociative structures [See also 17B60, 17C50, 46Kxx] Automorphisms and endomorphisms Actions of groups and semigroups; invariant theory Derivations, actions of Lie algebras Graded rings and modules Super (or skew) structure [See also 17A70, 17Bxx, 17C70] {For exterior algebras, see 15A75; for Cliord algebras, see 11E88, 15A66} Valuations, completions, formal power series and related constructions [See also 13Jxx] Filtered rings; ltrational and graded techniques Topological and ordered rings and modules [See also 06F25, 13Jxx] None of the above, but in this section Generalizations {For nonassociative rings, see 17XX} Near-rings [See also 12K05] Semirings [See also 12K10] None of the above, but in this section Computational aspects of associative rings Computational aspects of associative rings [See also 68W30] None of the above, but in this section NONASSOCIATIVE RINGS AND ALGEBRAS General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Computational methods General nonassociative rings General theory Power-associative rings Noncommutative Jordan algebras Flexible algebras Algebras satisfying other identities Leibniz algebras Division algebras Automorphisms, derivations, other operators Ternary compositions Other n-ary compositions (n 3) Quadratic algebras (but not quadratic Jordan algebras) Free algebras Structure theory Radical theory Superalgebras Composition algebras Valued algebras None of the above, but in this section Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras {For Lie groups, see 22Exx} Identities, free Lie (super)algebras Structure theory Coadjoint orbits; nilpotent varieties Representations, algebraic theory (weights) Representations, analytic theory Simple, semisimple, reductive (super)algebras Root systems Exceptional (super)algebras Solvable, nilpotent (super)algebras Universal enveloping (super)algebras [See also 16S30] Quantum groups (quantized enveloping algebras) and related deformations [See also 16T20, 20G42, 81R50, 82B23] Automorphisms, derivations, other operators Lie algebras of linear algebraic groups [See also 14Lxx and 20Gxx] Modular Lie (super)algebras Homological methods in Lie (super)algebras Cohomology of Lie (super)algebras Lie (super)algebras associated with other structures (associative, Jordan, etc.) [See also 16W10, 17C40, 17C50] Lie bialgebras; Lie coalgebras
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
17B63 17B65 17B66 17B67 17B68 17B69 17B70 17B75 17B80 17B81 17B99 17Cxx 17C05 17C10 17C17 17C20 17C27 17C30 17C36 17C37 17C40 17C50 17C55 17C60 17C65 17C70 17C90 17C99 17Dxx 17D05 17D10 17D15 17D20 17D25 17D92 17D99 18XX
Poisson algebras Innite-dimensional Lie (super)algebras [See also 22E65] Lie algebras of vector elds and related (super) algebras Kac-Moody (super)algebras; extended ane Lie algebras; toroidal Lie algebras Virasoro and related algebras Vertex operators; vertex operator algebras and related structures Graded Lie (super)algebras Color Lie (super)algebras Applications to integrable systems Applications to physics None of the above, but in this section Jordan algebras (algebras, triples and pairs) Identities and free Jordan structures Structure theory Radicals Simple, semisimple algebras Idempotents, Peirce decompositions Associated groups, automorphisms Associated manifolds Associated geometries Exceptional Jordan structures Jordan structures associated with other structures [See also 16W10] Finite-dimensional structures Division algebras Jordan structures on Banach spaces and algebras [See also 46H70, 46L70] Super structures Applications to physics None of the above, but in this section Other nonassociative rings and algebras Alternative rings Mal cev (Mal tsev) rings and algebras Right alternative rings (, )-rings, including (1, 1)-rings Lie-admissible algebras Genetic algebras None of the above, but in this section CATEGORY THEORY; HOMOLOGICAL ALGEBRA {For commutative rings see 13Dxx, for associative rings 16Exx, for groups 20Jxx, for topological groups and related structures 57Txx; see also 55Nxx and 55Uxx for algebraic topology} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. General theory of categories and functors Denitions, generalizations Graphs, diagram schemes, precategories [See especially 20L05] Foundations, relations to logic and deductive systems [See also 03 XX] Epimorphisms, monomorphisms, special classes of morphisms, null morphisms Special properties of functors (faithful, full, etc.) Natural morphisms, dinatural morphisms Functor categories, comma categories Limits and colimits (products, sums, directed limits, pushouts, ber products, equalizers, kernels, ends and coends, etc.) Factorization of morphisms, substructures, quotient structures, congruences, amalgams Categories admitting limits (complete categories), functors preserving limits, completions Adjoint functors (universal constructions, reective subcategories, Kan extensions, etc.) None of the above, but in this section Special categories Category of sets, characterizations [See also 03XX] Category of relations, additive relations Embedding theorems, universal categories [See also 18E20] Categories of machines, automata, operative categories [See also 03D05, 68Qxx] Topoi [See also 03G30] Categories of topological spaces and continuous mappings [See also 54XX] Preorders, orders and lattices (viewed as categories) [See also 06XX]
18B40 18B99 18Cxx 18C05 18C10 18C15 18C20 18C30 18C35 18C50 18C99 18Dxx 18D05 18D10 18D15 18D20 18D25 18D30 18D35 18D50 18D99 18Exx 18E05 18E10 18E15 18E20 18E25 18E30 18E35 18E40 18E99 18Fxx 18F05 18F10 18F15 18F20 18F25 18F30 18F99 18Gxx 18G05 18G10 18G15 18G20 18G25 18G30 18G35 18G40 18G50 18G55 18G60 18G99 19XX 1900 1901 1902 1903 1904 1906 19Axx 19A13 19A15 19A22 19A31 19A49 19A99
1800 1801 1802 1803 1804 1806 18Axx 18A05 18A10 18A15 18A20 18A22 18A23 18A25 18A30 18A32 18A35 18A40 18A99 18Bxx 18B05 18B10 18B15 18B20 18B25 18B30 18B35
Groupoids, semigroupoids, semigroups, groups (viewed as categories) [See also 20Axx, 20L05, 20Mxx] None of the above, but in this section Categories and theories Equational categories [See also 03C05, 08C05] Theories (e.g. algebraic theories), structure, and semantics [See also 03G30] Triples (= standard construction, monad or triad), algebras for a triple, homology and derived functors for triples [See also 18Gxx] Algebras and Kleisli categories associated with monads Sketches and generalizations Accessible and locally presentable categories Categorical semantics of formal languages [See also 68Q55, 68Q65] None of the above, but in this section Categories with structure Double categories, 2-categories, bicategories and generalizations Monoidal categories (= multiplicative categories), symmetric monoidal categories, braided categories [See also 19D23] Closed categories (closed monoidal and Cartesian closed categories, etc.) Enriched categories (over closed or monoidal categories) Strong functors, strong adjunctions Fibered categories Structured objects in a category (group objects, etc.) Operads [See also 55P48] None of the above, but in this section Abelian categories Preadditive, additive categories Exact categories, abelian categories Grothendieck categories Embedding theorems [See also 18B15] Derived functors and satellites Derived categories, triangulated categories Localization of categories Torsion theories, radicals [See also 13D30, 16S90] None of the above, but in this section Categories and geometry Local categories and functors Grothendieck topologies [See also 14F20] Abstract manifolds and ber bundles [See also 55Rxx, 57Pxx] Presheaves and sheaves [See also 14F05, 32C35, 32L10, 54B40, 55N30] Algebraic K -theory and L-theory [See also 11Exx, 11R70, 11S70, 12 XX, 13D15, 14Cxx, 16E20, 19XX, 46L80, 57R65, 57R67] Grothendieck groups [See also 13D15, 16E20, 19Axx] None of the above, but in this section Homological algebra [See also 13Dxx, 16Exx, 20Jxx, 55Nxx, 55Uxx, 57Txx] Projectives and injectives [See also 13C10, 13C11, 16D40, 16D50] Resolutions; derived functors [See also 13D02, 16E05, 18E25] Ext and Tor, generalizations, K unneth formula [See also 55U25] Homological dimension [See also 13D05, 16E10] Relative homological algebra, projective classes Simplicial sets, simplicial objects (in a category) [See also 55U10] Chain complexes [See also 18E30, 55U15] Spectral sequences, hypercohomology [See also 55Txx] Nonabelian homological algebra Homotopical algebra Other (co)homology theories [See also 19D55, 46L80, 58J20, 58J22] None of the above, but in this section K -THEORY [See also 16E20, 18F25] General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Grothendieck groups and K0 [See also 13D15, 18F30] Stability for projective modules [See also 13C10] Ecient generation Frobenius induction, Burnside and representation rings K0 of group rings and orders K0 of other rings None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
19Bxx 19B10 19B14 19B28 19B37 19B99 19Cxx 19C09 19C20 19C30 19C40 19C99 19Dxx 19D06 19D10 19D23 19D25 19D35 19D45 19D50 19D55 19D99 19Exx 19E08 19E15 19E20 19E99 19Fxx 19F05 19F15 19F27 19F99 19Gxx 19G05 19G12 19G24 19G38 19G99 19Jxx 19J05 19J10 19J25 19J35 19J99 19Kxx 19K14 19K33 19K35 19K56 19K99 19Lxx 19L10 19L20 19L41 19L47 19L50 19L64 19L99 19Mxx 19M05 19M99 20XX 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2006 20Axx 20A05 20A10 20A15 20A99
Whitehead groups and K1 Stable range conditions Stability for linear groups K1 of group rings and orders [See also 57Q10] Congruence subgroup problems [See also 20H05] None of the above, but in this section Steinberg groups and K2 Central extensions and Schur multipliers Symbols, presentations and stability of K2 K2 and the Brauer group Excision for K2 None of the above, but in this section Higher algebraic K -theory Q- and plus-constructions Algebraic K -theory of spaces Symmetric monoidal categories [See also 18D10] Karoubi-Villamayor-Gersten K -theory Negative K -theory, NK and Nil Higher symbols, Milnor K -theory Computations of higher K -theory of rings [See also 13D15, 16E20] K -theory and homology; cyclic homology and cohomology [See also 18G60] None of the above, but in this section K -theory in geometry K -theory of schemes [See also 14C35] Algebraic cycles and motivic cohomology [See also 14C25, 14C35, 14F42] Relations with cohomology theories [See also 14Fxx] None of the above, but in this section K -theory in number theory [See also 11R70, 11S70] Generalized class eld theory [See also 11G45] Symbols and arithmetic [See also 11R37] Etale cohomology, higher regulators, zeta and L-functions [See also 11G40, 11R42, 11S40, 14F20, 14G10] None of the above, but in this section K -theory of forms [See also 11Exx] Stability for quadratic modules Witt groups of rings [See also 11E81] L-theory of group rings [See also 11E81] Hermitian K -theory, relations with K -theory of rings None of the above, but in this section Obstructions from topology Finiteness and other obstructions in K0 Whitehead (and related) torsion Surgery obstructions [See also 57R67] Obstructions to group actions None of the above, but in this section K -theory and operator algebras [See mainly 46L80, and also 46M20] K0 as an ordered group, traces EXT and K -homology [See also 55N22] Kasparov theory (KK -theory) [See also 58J22] Index theory [See also 58J20, 58J22] None of the above, but in this section Topological K -theory [See also 55N15, 55R50, 55S25] Riemann-Roch theorems, Chern characters J -homomorphism, Adams operations [See also 55Q50] Connective K -theory, cobordism [See also 55N22] Equivariant K -theory [See also 55N91, 55P91, 55Q91, 55R91, 55S91] Twisted K -theory; dierential K -theory Computations, geometric applications None of the above, but in this section Miscellaneous applications of K -theory Miscellaneous applications of K -theory None of the above, but in this section GROUP THEORY AND GENERALIZATIONS General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Foundations Axiomatics and elementary properties Metamathematical considerations {For word problems, see 20F10} Applications of logic to group theory None of the above, but in this section
20Bxx 20B05 20B07 20B10 20B15 20B20 20B22 20B25 20B27 20B30 20B35 20B40 20B99 20Cxx 20C05 20C07 20C08 20C10 20C11 20C12 20C15 20C20 20C25 20C30 20C32 20C33 20C34 20C35 20C40 20C99 20Dxx 20D05 20D06 20D08 20D10 20D15 20D20 20D25 20D30 20D35 20D40 20D45 20D60 20D99 20Exx 20E05 20E06 20E07 20E08 20E10 20E15 20E18 20E22 20E25 20E26 20E28 20E32 20E34 20E36 20E42 20E45 20E99 20Fxx 20F05 20F06 20F10
Permutation groups General theory for nite groups General theory for innite groups Characterization theorems Primitive groups Multiply transitive nite groups Multiply transitive innite groups Finite automorphism groups of algebraic, geometric, or combinatorial structures [See also 05Bxx, 12F10, 20G40, 20H30, 51XX] Innite automorphism groups [See also 12F10] Symmetric groups Subgroups of symmetric groups Computational methods None of the above, but in this section Representation theory of groups [See also 19A22 (for representation rings and Burnside rings)] Group rings of nite groups and their modules [See also 16S34] Group rings of innite groups and their modules [See also 16S34] Hecke algebras and their representations Integral representations of nite groups p-adic representations of nite groups Integral representations of innite groups Ordinary representations and characters Modular representations and characters Projective representations and multipliers Representations of nite symmetric groups Representations of innite symmetric groups Representations of nite groups of Lie type Representations of sporadic groups Applications of group representations to physics Computational methods None of the above, but in this section Abstract nite groups Finite simple groups and their classication Simple groups: alternating groups and groups of Lie type [See also 20Gxx] Simple groups: sporadic groups Solvable groups, theory of formations, Schunck classes, Fitting classes, -length, ranks [See also 20F17] Nilpotent groups, p-groups Sylow subgroups, Sylow properties, -groups, -structure Special subgroups (Frattini, Fitting, etc.) Series and lattices of subgroups Subnormal subgroups Products of subgroups Automorphisms Arithmetic and combinatorial problems None of the above, but in this section Structure and classication of innite or nite groups Free nonabelian groups Free products, free products with amalgamation, Higman-NeumannNeumann extensions, and generalizations Subgroup theorems; subgroup growth Groups acting on trees [See also 20F65] Quasivarieties and varieties of groups Chains and lattices of subgroups, subnormal subgroups [See also 20F22] Limits, pronite groups Extensions, wreath products, and other compositions [See also 20J05] Local properties Residual properties and generalizations; residually nite groups Maximal subgroups Simple groups [See also 20D05] General structure theorems Automorphisms of innite groups [For automorphisms of nite groups, see 20D45] Groups with a BN -pair; buildings [See also 51E24] Conjugacy classes None of the above, but in this section Special aspects of innite or nite groups Generators, relations, and presentations Cancellation theory; application of van Kampen diagrams [See also 57M05] Word problems, other decision problems, connections with logic and automata [See also 03B25, 03D05, 03D40, 06B25, 08A50, 20M05, 68Q70] Groups of nite Morley rank [See also 03C45, 03C60] Commutator calculus Derived series, central series, and generalizations Solvable groups, supersolvable groups [See also 20D10]
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
20F17 20F18 20F19 20F22 20F24 20F28 20F29 20F34 20F36 20F38 20F40 20F45 20F50 20F55 20F60 20F65 20F67 20F69 20F70 20F99 20Gxx
20G05 20G07 20G10 20G15 20G20 20G25 20G30 20G35 20G40 20G41 20G42 20G43 20G44 20G45 20G99 20Hxx 20H05 20H10 20H15 20H20 20H25 20H30 20H99 20Jxx 20J05 20J06 20J15 20J99 20Kxx 20K01 20K10 20K15 20K20 20K21 20K25 20K27 20K30 20K35 20K40 20K45 20K99 20Lxx
Formations of groups, Fitting classes [See also 20D10] Nilpotent groups [See also 20D15] Generalizations of solvable and nilpotent groups Other classes of groups dened by subgroup chains FC-groups and their generalizations Automorphism groups of groups [See also 20E36] Representations of groups as automorphism groups of algebraic systems Fundamental groups and their automorphisms [See also 57M05, 57Sxx] Braid groups; Artin groups Other groups related to topology or analysis Associated Lie structures Engel conditions Periodic groups; locally nite groups Reection and Coxeter groups [See also 22E40, 51F15] Ordered groups [See mainly 06F15] Geometric group theory [See also 05C25, 20E08, 57Mxx] Hyperbolic groups and nonpositively curved groups Asymptotic properties of groups Algebraic geometry over groups; equations over groups None of the above, but in this section Linear algebraic groups and related topics {For arithmetic theory, see 11E57, 11H56; for geometric theory, see 14Lxx, 22Exx; for other methods in representation theory, see 15A30, 22E45, 22E46, 22E47, 22E50, 22E55} Representation theory Structure theory Cohomology theory Linear algebraic groups over arbitrary elds Linear algebraic groups over the reals, the complexes, the quaternions Linear algebraic groups over local elds and their integers Linear algebraic groups over global elds and their integers Linear algebraic groups over ad` eles and other rings and schemes Linear algebraic groups over nite elds Exceptional groups Quantum groups (quantized function algebras) and their representations [See also 16T20, 17B37, 81R50] Schur and q -Schur algebras Kac-Moody groups Applications to physics None of the above, but in this section Other groups of matrices [See also 15A30] Unimodular groups, congruence subgroups [See also 11F06, 19B37, 22E40, 51F20] Fuchsian groups and their generalizations [See also 11F06, 22E40, 30F35, 32Nxx] Other geometric groups, including crystallographic groups [See also 51XX, especially 51F15, and 82D25] Other matrix groups over elds Other matrix groups over rings Other matrix groups over nite elds None of the above, but in this section Connections with homological algebra and category theory Homological methods in group theory Cohomology of groups Category of groups None of the above, but in this section Abelian groups Finite abelian groups [For sumsets, see 11B13 and 11P70] Torsion groups, primary groups and generalized primary groups Torsion-free groups, nite rank Torsion-free groups, innite rank Mixed groups Direct sums, direct products, etc. Subgroups Automorphisms, homomorphisms, endomorphisms, etc. Extensions Homological and categorical methods Topological methods [See also 22A05, 22B05] None of the above, but in this section Groupoids (i.e. small categories in which all morphisms are isomorphisms) {For sets with a single binary operation, see 20N02; for topological groupoids, see 22A22, 58H05} Groupoids (i.e. small categories in which all morphisms are isomorphisms) {For sets with a single binary operation, see 20N02; for topological groupoids, see 22A22, 58H05} None of the above, but in this section
20Mxx 20M05 20M07 20M10 20M11 20M12 20M13 20M14 20M15 20M17 20M18 20M19 20M20 20M25 20M30 20M32 20M35 20M50 20M99 20Nxx 20N02 20N05 20N10 20N15 20N20 20N25 20N99 20Pxx 20P05 20P99 22XX
Semigroups Free semigroups, generators and relations, word problems [See also 03D40, 08A50, 20F10] Varieties and pseudovarieties of semigroups General structure theory Radical theory Ideal theory Arithmetic theory of monoids Commutative semigroups Mappings of semigroups Regular semigroups Inverse semigroups Orthodox semigroups Semigroups of transformations, etc. [See also 47D03, 47H20, 54H15] Semigroup rings, multiplicative semigroups of rings [See also 16S36, 16Y60] Representation of semigroups; actions of semigroups on sets Algebraic monoids Semigroups in automata theory, linguistics, etc. [See also 03D05, 68Q70, 68T50] Connections of semigroups with homological algebra and category theory None of the above, but in this section Other generalizations of groups Sets with a single binary operation (groupoids) Loops, quasigroups [See also 05Bxx] Ternary systems (heaps, semiheaps, heapoids, etc.) n-ary systems (n 3) Hypergroups Fuzzy groups [See also 03E72] None of the above, but in this section Probabilistic methods in group theory [See also 60Bxx] Probabilistic methods in group theory [See also 60Bxx] None of the above, but in this section TOPOLOGICAL GROUPS, LIE GROUPS {For transformation groups, see 54H15, 57Sxx, 58XX. For abstract harmonic analysis, see 43XX} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Topological and dierentiable algebraic systems {For topological rings and elds, see 12Jxx, 13Jxx, 16W80} Structure of general topological groups Analysis on general topological groups Structure of topological semigroups Analysis on topological semigroups Topological groupoids (including dierentiable and Lie groupoids) [See also 58H05] Representations of general topological groups and semigroups Topological semilattices, lattices and applications [See also 06B30, 06B35, 06F30] Other topological algebraic systems and their representations None of the above, but in this section Locally compact abelian groups (LCA groups) General properties and structure of LCA groups Structure of group algebras of LCA groups None of the above, but in this section Compact groups Compact groups None of the above, but in this section Locally compact groups and their algebras General properties and structure of locally compact groups Unitary representations of locally compact groups Other representations of locally compact groups Group algebras of locally compact groups Representations of group algebras C -algebras and W -algebras in relation to group representations [See also 46Lxx] Induced representations Duality theorems Ergodic theory on groups [See also 28Dxx] Automorphism groups of locally compact groups None of the above, but in this section
2200 2201 2202 2203 2204 2206 22Axx 22A05 22A10 22A15 22A20 22A22 22A25 22A26 22A30 22A99 22Bxx 22B05 22B10 22B99 22Cxx 22C05 22C99 22Dxx 22D05 22D10 22D12 22D15 22D20 22D25 22D30 22D35 22D40 22D45 22D99
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
22Exx 22E05 22E10 22E15 22E20 22E25 22E27 22E30 22E35 22E40 22E41 22E43 22E45 22E46 22E47 22E50 22E55 22E57 22E60 22E65 22E66 22E67 22E70 22E99 22Fxx 22F05 22F10 22F30
22F50 22F99 26XX 2600 2601 2602 2603 2604 2606 26Axx 26A03 26A06 26A09 26A12 26A15
Lie groups {For the topology of Lie groups and homogeneous spaces, see 57Sxx, 57Txx; for analysis thereon, see 43A80, 43A85, 43A90} Local Lie groups [See also 34XX, 35XX, 58H05] General properties and structure of complex Lie groups [See also 32M05] General properties and structure of real Lie groups General properties and structure of other Lie groups Nilpotent and solvable Lie groups Representations of nilpotent and solvable Lie groups (special orbital integrals, non-type I representations, etc.) Analysis on real and complex Lie groups [See also 33C80, 43XX] Analysis on p-adic Lie groups Discrete subgroups of Lie groups [See also 20Hxx, 32Nxx] Continuous cohomology [See also 57R32, 57Txx, 58H10] Structure and representation of the Lorentz group Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over real elds: analytic methods {For the purely algebraic theory, see 20G05} Semisimple Lie groups and their representations Representations of Lie and real algebraic groups: algebraic methods (Verma modules, etc.) [See also 17B10] Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over local elds [See also 20G05] Representations of Lie and linear algebraic groups over global elds and ad` ele rings [See also 20G05] Geometric Langlands program: representation-theoretic aspects [See also 14D24] Lie algebras of Lie groups {For the algebraic theory of Lie algebras, see 17Bxx} Innite-dimensional Lie groups and their Lie algebras: general properties [See also 17B65, 58B25, 58H05] Analysis on and representations of innite-dimensional Lie groups Loop groups and related constructions, group-theoretic treatment [See also 58D05] Applications of Lie groups to physics; explicit representations [See also 81R05, 81R10] None of the above, but in this section Noncompact transformation groups General theory of group and pseudogroup actions {For topological properties of spaces with an action, see 57S20} Measurable group actions [See also 22D40, 28Dxx, 37Axx] Homogeneous spaces {For general actions on manifolds or preserving geometrical structures, see 57M60, 57Sxx; for discrete subgroups of Lie groups, see especially 22E40} Groups as automorphisms of other structures None of the above, but in this section REAL FUNCTIONS [See also 54C30] General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Functions of one variable Foundations: limits and generalizations, elementary topology of the line One-variable calculus Elementary functions Rate of growth of functions, orders of innity, slowly varying functions [See also 26A48] Continuity and related questions (modulus of continuity, semicontinuity, discontinuities, etc.) {For properties determined by Fourier coecients, see 42A16; for those determined by approximation properties, see 41A25, 41A27} Lipschitz (H older) classes Iteration [See also 37Bxx, 37Cxx, 37Exx, 39B12, 47H10, 54H25] Classication of real functions; Baire classication of sets and functions [See also 03E15, 28A05, 54C50, 54H05] Dierentiation (functions of one variable): general theory, generalized derivatives, mean-value theorems [See also 28A15] Nondierentiability (nondierentiable functions, points of nondierentiability), discontinuous derivatives Singular functions, Cantor functions, functions with other special properties Fractional derivatives and integrals Antidierentiation Denjoy and Perron integrals, other special integrals Integrals of Riemann, Stieltjes and Lebesgue type [See also 28XX]
26A45 26A46 26A48 26A51 26A99 26Bxx 26B05 26B10 26B12 26B15 26B20 26B25 26B30 26B35 26B40 26B99 26Cxx 26C05 26C10 26C15 26C99 26Dxx
26D05 26D07 26D10 26D15 26D20 26D99 26Exx 26E05 26E10 26E15 26E20 26E25 26E30 26E35 26E40 26E50 26E60 26E70 26E99 28XX 2800 2801 2802 2803 2804 2806 28Axx 28A05 28A10 28A12 28A15 28A20 28A25 28A33 28A35 28A50 28A51 28A60 28A75 28A78 28A80
Functions of bounded variation, generalizations Absolutely continuous functions Monotonic functions, generalizations Convexity, generalizations None of the above, but in this section Functions of several variables Continuity and dierentiation questions Implicit function theorems, Jacobians, transformations with several variables Calculus of vector functions Integration: length, area, volume [See also 28A75, 51M25] Integral formulas (Stokes, Gauss, Green, etc.) Convexity, generalizations Absolutely continuous functions, functions of bounded variation Special properties of functions of several variables, H older conditions, etc. Representation and superposition of functions None of the above, but in this section Polynomials, rational functions Polynomials: analytic properties, etc. [See also 12Dxx, 12Exx] Polynomials: location of zeros [See also 12D10, 30C15, 65H05] Rational functions [See also 14Pxx] None of the above, but in this section Inequalities {For maximal function inequalities, see 42B25; for functional inequalities, see 39B72; for probabilistic inequalities, see 60E15} Inequalities for trigonometric functions and polynomials Inequalities involving other types of functions Inequalities involving derivatives and dierential and integral operators Inequalities for sums, series and integrals Other analytical inequalities None of the above, but in this section Miscellaneous topics [See also 58Cxx] Real-analytic functions [See also 32B05, 32C05] C -functions, quasi-analytic functions [See also 58C25] Calculus of functions on innite-dimensional spaces [See also 46G05, 58Cxx] Calculus of functions taking values in innite-dimensional spaces [See also 46E40, 46G10, 58Cxx] Set-valued functions [See also 28B20, 49J53, 54C60] {For nonsmooth analysis, see 49J52, 58Cxx, 90Cxx} Non-Archimedean analysis [See also 12J25] Nonstandard analysis [See also 03H05, 28E05, 54J05] Constructive real analysis [See also 03F60] Fuzzy real analysis [See also 03E72, 28E10] Means [See also 47A64] Real analysis on time scales or measure chains {For dynamic equations on time scales or measure chains see 34N05} None of the above, but in this section MEASURE AND INTEGRATION {For analysis on manifolds, see 58XX} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Classical measure theory Classes of sets (Borel elds, -rings, etc.), measurable sets, Suslin sets, analytic sets [See also 03E15, 26A21, 54H05] Real- or complex-valued set functions Contents, measures, outer measures, capacities Abstract dierentiation theory, dierentiation of set functions [See also 26A24] Measurable and nonmeasurable functions, sequences of measurable functions, modes of convergence Integration with respect to measures and other set functions Spaces of measures, convergence of measures [See also 46E27, 60Bxx] Measures and integrals in product spaces Integration and disintegration of measures Lifting theory [See also 46G15] Measures on Boolean rings, measure algebras [See also 54H10] Length, area, volume, other geometric measure theory [See also 26B15, 49Q15] Hausdor and packing measures Fractals [See also 37Fxx]
26A16 26A18 26A21 26A24 26A27 26A30 26A33 26A36 26A39 26A42
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
28C99 28Dxx 28D05 28D10 28D15 28D20 28D99 28Exx 28E05 28E10 28E15 28E99 30XX 3000 3001 3002 3003 3004 3006 30Axx 30A05 30A10 30A99 30Bxx 30B10 30B20 30B30 30B40 30B50 30B60 30B70 30B99 30Cxx 30C10 30C15
None of the above, but in this section Set functions, measures and integrals with values in abstract spaces Vector-valued set functions, measures and integrals [See also 46G10] Group- or semigroup-valued set functions, measures and integrals Set functions, measures and integrals with values in ordered spaces Set-valued set functions and measures; integration of set-valued functions; measurable selections [See also 26E25, 54C60, 54C65, 91B14] None of the above, but in this section Set functions and measures on spaces with additional structure [See also 46G12, 58C35, 58D20] Integration theory via linear functionals (Radon measures, Daniell integrals, etc.), representing set functions and measures Set functions and measures on topological groups or semigroups, Haar measures, invariant measures [See also 22Axx, 43A05] Set functions and measures on topological spaces (regularity of measures, etc.) Set functions and measures and integrals in innite-dimensional spaces (Wiener measure, Gaussian measure, etc.) [See also 46G12, 58C35, 58D20, 60B11] None of the above, but in this section Measure-theoretic ergodic theory [See also 11K50, 11K55, 22D40, 37Axx, 47A35, 54H20, 60Fxx, 60G10] Measure-preserving transformations One-parameter continuous families of measure-preserving transformations General groups of measure-preserving transformations Entropy and other invariants None of the above, but in this section Miscellaneous topics in measure theory Nonstandard measure theory [See also 03H05, 26E35] Fuzzy measure theory [See also 03E72, 26E50, 94D05] Other connections with logic and set theory None of the above, but in this section FUNCTIONS OF A COMPLEX VARIABLE {For analysis on manifolds, see 58XX} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. General properties Monogenic properties of complex functions (including polygenic and areolar monogenic functions) Inequalities in the complex domain None of the above, but in this section Series expansions Power series (including lacunary series) Random power series Boundary behavior of power series, over-convergence Analytic continuation Dirichlet series and other series expansions, exponential series [See also 11M41, 42XX] Completeness problems, closure of a system of functions Continued fractions [See also 11A55, 40A15] None of the above, but in this section Geometric function theory Polynomials Zeros of polynomials, rational functions, and other analytic functions (e.g. zeros of functions with bounded Dirichlet integral) {For algebraic theory, see 12D10; for real methods, see 26C10} Conformal mappings of special domains Covering theorems in conformal mapping theory Numerical methods in conformal mapping theory [See also 65E05] General theory of conformal mappings Kernel functions and applications Special classes of univalent and multivalent functions (starlike, convex, bounded rotation, etc.) Coecient problems for univalent and multivalent functions General theory of univalent and multivalent functions Quasiconformal mappings in the plane Quasiconformal mappings in Rn , other generalizations Extremal problems for conformal and quasiconformal mappings, variational methods Extremal problems for conformal and quasiconformal mappings, other methods
30C80 30C85 30C99 30Dxx 30D05 30D10 30D15 30D20 30D30 30D35 30D40 30D45 30D60 30D99 30Exx 30E05 30E10 30E15 30E20 30E25 30E99 30Fxx 30F10 30F15 30F20 30F25 30F30 30F35 30F40 30F45 30F50 30F60 30F99 30Gxx 30G06 30G12 30G20 30G25 30G30 30G35 30G99 30Hxx 30H05 30H10 30H15 30H20 30H25 30H30 30H35 30H50 30H80 30H99 30Jxx 30J05 30J10 30J15 30J99 30Kxx 30K05 30K10 30K15 30K20 30K99 30Lxx 30L05 30L10 30L99
30C20 30C25 30C30 30C35 30C40 30C45 30C50 30C55 30C62 30C65 30C70 30C75
Maximum principle; Schwarzs lemma, Lindel of principle, analogues and generalizations; subordination Capacity and harmonic measure in the complex plane [See also 31A15] None of the above, but in this section Entire and meromorphic functions, and related topics Functional equations in the complex domain, iteration and composition of analytic functions [See also 34Mxx, 37Fxx, 39XX] Representations of entire functions by series and integrals Special classes of entire functions and growth estimates Entire functions, general theory Meromorphic functions, general theory Distribution of values, Nevanlinna theory Cluster sets, prime ends, boundary behavior Bloch functions, normal functions, normal families Quasi-analytic and other classes of functions None of the above, but in this section Miscellaneous topics of analysis in the complex domain Moment problems, interpolation problems Approximation in the complex domain Asymptotic representations in the complex domain Integration, integrals of Cauchy type, integral representations of analytic functions [See also 45Exx] Boundary value problems [See also 45Exx] None of the above, but in this section Riemann surfaces Compact Riemann surfaces and uniformization [See also 14H15, 32G15] Harmonic functions on Riemann surfaces Classication theory of Riemann surfaces Ideal boundary theory Dierentials on Riemann surfaces Fuchsian groups and automorphic functions [See also 11Fxx, 20H10, 22E40, 32Gxx, 32Nxx] Kleinian groups [See also 20H10] Conformal metrics (hyperbolic, Poincar e, distance functions) Klein surfaces Teichm uller theory [See also 32G15] None of the above, but in this section Generalized function theory Non-Archimedean function theory [See also 12J25]; nonstandard function theory [See also 03H05] Finely holomorphic functions and topological function theory Generalizations of Bers or Vekua type (pseudoanalytic, p-analytic, etc.) Discrete analytic functions Other generalizations of analytic functions (including abstract-valued functions) Functions of hypercomplex variables and generalized variables None of the above, but in this section Spaces and algebras of analytic functions Bounded analytic functions Hardy spaces Nevanlinna class and Smirnov class Bergman spaces, Fock spaces Besov spaces and Qp -spaces Bloch spaces BMO-spaces Algebras of analytic functions Corona theorems None of the above, but in this section Function theory on the disc Inner functions Blaschke products Singular inner functions None of the above, but in this section Universal holomorphic functions Universal Taylor series Universal Dirichlet series Bounded universal functions Compositional universality None of the above, but in this section Analysis on metric spaces Geometric embeddings of metric spaces Quasiconformal mappings in metric spaces None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
31XX 3100 3101 3102 3103 3104 3106 31Axx 31A05 31A10 31A15 31A20 31A25 31A30 31A35 31A99 31Bxx 31B05 31B10 31B15 31B20 31B25 31B30 31B35 31B99 31Cxx 31C05 31C10 31C12 31C15 31C20 31C25 31C35 31C40 31C45 31C99 31Dxx 31D05 31D99 31Exx 31E05 31E99 32XX 3200 3201 3202 3203 3204 3206 32Axx 32A05 32A07 32A10 32A12 32A15 32A17 32A18 32A19 32A20 32A22 32A25 32A26 32A27
POTENTIAL THEORY {For probabilistic potential theory, see 60J45} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Two-dimensional theory Harmonic, subharmonic, superharmonic functions Integral representations, integral operators, integral equations methods Potentials and capacity, harmonic measure, extremal length [See also 30C85] Boundary behavior (theorems of Fatou type, etc.) Boundary value and inverse problems Biharmonic, polyharmonic functions and equations, Poissons equation Connections with dierential equations None of the above, but in this section Higher-dimensional theory Harmonic, subharmonic, superharmonic functions Integral representations, integral operators, integral equations methods Potentials and capacities, extremal length Boundary value and inverse problems Boundary behavior Biharmonic and polyharmonic equations and functions Connections with dierential equations None of the above, but in this section Other generalizations Harmonic, subharmonic, superharmonic functions Pluriharmonic and plurisubharmonic functions [See also 32U05] Potential theory on Riemannian manifolds [See also 53C20; for Hodge theory, see 58A14] Potentials and capacities Discrete potential theory and numerical methods Dirichlet spaces Martin boundary theory [See also 60J50] Fine potential theory Other generalizations (nonlinear potential theory, etc.) None of the above, but in this section Axiomatic potential theory Axiomatic potential theory None of the above, but in this section Potential theory on metric spaces Potential theory on metric spaces None of the above, but in this section SEVERAL COMPLEX VARIABLES AND ANALYTIC SPACES {For innite-dimensional holomorphy, see 46G20, 58B12} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Holomorphic functions of several complex variables Power series, series of functions Special domains (Reinhardt, Hartogs, circular, tube) Holomorphic functions Multifunctions Entire functions Special families of functions Bloch functions, normal functions Normal families of functions, mappings Meromorphic functions Nevanlinna theory (local); growth estimates; other inequalities {For geometric theory, see 32H25, 32H30} Integral representations; canonical kernels (Szeg o, Bergman, etc.) Integral representations, constructed kernels (e.g. Cauchy, Fantappi` etype kernels) Local theory of residues [See also 32C30]
32A35 32A36 32A37 32A38 32A40 32A45 32A50 32A55 32A60 32A65 32A70 32A99 32Bxx 32B05 32B10 32B15 32B20 32B25 32B99 32Cxx 32C05 32C07 32C09 32C11 32C15 32C18 32C20 32C22 32C25 32C30 32C35 32C36 32C37 32C38 32C55 32C81 32C99 32Dxx 32D05 32D10 32D15 32D20 32D26 32D99 32Exx 32E05 32E10 32E20 32E30 32E35 32E40 32E99 32Fxx 32F10 32F17 32F18 32F27 32F32 32F45 32F99 32Gxx 32G05 32G07 32G08 32G10 32G13 32G15
Other generalizations of function theory of one complex variable (should also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 30) {For functions of several hypercomplex variables, see 30G35} H p -spaces, Nevanlinna spaces [See also 32M15, 42B30, 43A85, 46J15] Bergman spaces Other spaces of holomorphic functions (e.g. bounded mean oscillation (BMOA), vanishing mean oscillation (VMOA)) [See also 46Exx] Algebras of holomorphic functions [See also 30H05, 46J10, 46J15] Boundary behavior of holomorphic functions Hyperfunctions [See also 46F15] Harmonic analysis of several complex variables [See mainly 43XX] Singular integrals Zero sets of holomorphic functions Banach algebra techniques [See mainly 46Jxx] Functional analysis techniques [See mainly 46Exx] None of the above, but in this section Local analytic geometry [See also 13XX and 14XX] Analytic algebras and generalizations, preparation theorems Germs of analytic sets, local parametrization Analytic subsets of ane space Semi-analytic sets and subanalytic sets [See also 14P15] Triangulation and related questions None of the above, but in this section Analytic spaces Real-analytic manifolds, real-analytic spaces [See also 14Pxx, 58A07] Real-analytic sets, complex Nash functions [See also 14P15, 14P20] Embedding of real analytic manifolds Complex supergeometry [See also 14A22, 14M30, 58A50] Complex spaces Topology of analytic spaces Normal analytic spaces Embedding of analytic spaces Analytic subsets and submanifolds Integration on analytic sets and spaces, currents {For local theory, see 32A25 or 32A27} Analytic sheaves and cohomology groups [See also 14Fxx, 18F20, 55N30] Local cohomology of analytic spaces Duality theorems Sheaves of dierential operators and their modules, D-modules [See also 14F10, 16S32, 35A27, 58J15] The Levi problem in complex spaces; generalizations Applications to physics None of the above, but in this section Analytic continuation Domains of holomorphy Envelopes of holomorphy Continuation of analytic objects Removable singularities Riemann domains None of the above, but in this section Holomorphic convexity Holomorphically convex complex spaces, reduction theory Stein spaces, Stein manifolds Polynomial convexity Holomorphic and polynomial approximation, Runge pairs, interpolation Global boundary behavior of holomorphic functions The Levi problem None of the above, but in this section Geometric convexity q -convexity, q -concavity Other notions of convexity Finite-type conditions Topological consequences of geometric convexity Analytical consequences of geometric convexity (vanishing theorems, etc.) Invariant metrics and pseudodistances None of the above, but in this section Deformations of analytic structures Deformations of complex structures [See also 13D10, 16S80, 58H10, 58H15] Deformations of special (e.g. CR) structures Deformations of ber bundles Deformations of submanifolds and subspaces Analytic moduli problems {For algebraic moduli problems, see 14D20, 14D22, 14H10, 14J10} [See also 14H15, 14J15] Moduli of Riemann surfaces, Teichm uller theory [See also 14H15, 30Fxx]
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
32G20 32G34 32G81 32G99 32Hxx 32H02 32H04 32H12 32H25 32H30 32H35 32H40 32H50 32H99 32Jxx 32J05 32J10 32J15 32J17 32J18 32J25 32J27 32J81 32J99 32Kxx
32K05 32K07 32K15 32K99 32Lxx 32L05 32L10 32L15 32L20 32L25 32L81 32L99 32Mxx 32M05 32M10 32M12 32M15 32M17 32M25 32M99 32Nxx 32N05 32N10 32N15 32N99 32Pxx
32P05 32P99 32Qxx 32Q05 32Q10 32Q15 32Q20 32Q25 32Q26 32Q28 32Q30 32Q35 32Q40 32Q45
Period matrices, variation of Hodge structure; degenerations [See also 14D05, 14D07, 14K30] Moduli and deformations for ordinary dierential equations (e.g. Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equation) [See also 34Mxx] Applications to physics None of the above, but in this section Holomorphic mappings and correspondences Holomorphic mappings, (holomorphic) embeddings and related questions Meromorphic mappings Boundary uniqueness of mappings Picard-type theorems and generalizations {For function-theoretic properties, see 32A22} Value distribution theory in higher dimensions {For functiontheoretic properties, see 32A22} Proper mappings, niteness theorems Boundary regularity of mappings Iteration problems None of the above, but in this section Compact analytic spaces {For Riemann surfaces, see 14Hxx, 30Fxx; for algebraic theory, see 14Jxx} Compactication of analytic spaces Algebraic dependence theorems Compact surfaces Compact 3-folds Compact n-folds Transcendental methods of algebraic geometry [See also 14C30] Compact K ahler manifolds: generalizations, classication Applications to physics None of the above, but in this section Generalizations of analytic spaces (should also be assigned at least one other classication number from Section 32 describing the type of problem) Banach analytic spaces [See also 58Bxx] Formal and graded complex spaces [See also 58C50] Dierentiable functions on analytic spaces, dierentiable spaces [See also 58C25] None of the above, but in this section Holomorphic ber spaces [See also 55Rxx] Holomorphic bundles and generalizations Sheaves and cohomology of sections of holomorphic vector bundles, general results [See also 14F05, 18F20, 55N30] Bundle convexity [See also 32F10] Vanishing theorems Twistor theory, double brations [See also 53C28] Applications to physics None of the above, but in this section Complex spaces with a group of automorphisms Complex Lie groups, automorphism groups acting on complex spaces [See also 22E10] Homogeneous complex manifolds [See also 14M17, 57T15] Almost homogeneous manifolds and spaces [See also 14M17] Hermitian symmetric spaces, bounded symmetric domains, Jordan algebras [See also 22E10, 22E40, 53C35, 57T15] Automorphism groups of Cn and ane manifolds Complex vector elds None of the above, but in this section Automorphic functions [See also 11Fxx, 20H10, 22E40, 30F35] General theory of automorphic functions of several complex variables Automorphic forms Automorphic functions in symmetric domains None of the above, but in this section Non-Archimedean analysis (should also be assigned at least one other classication number from Section 32 describing the type of problem) Non-Archimedean analysis (should also be assigned at least one other classication number from Section 32 describing the type of problem) None of the above, but in this section Complex manifolds Negative curvature manifolds Positive curvature manifolds K ahler manifolds K ahler-Einstein manifolds [See also 53Cxx] Calabi-Yau theory [See also 14J30] Notions of stability Stein manifolds Uniformization Complex manifolds as subdomains of Euclidean space Embedding theorems Hyperbolic and Kobayashi hyperbolic manifolds
32Q55 32Q57 32Q60 32Q65 32Q99 32Sxx 32S05 32S10 32S15 32S20 32S22 32S25 32S30 32S35 32S40 32S45 32S50 32S55 32S60 32S65 32S70 32S99 32Txx 32T05 32T15 32T20 32T25 32T27 32T35 32T40 32T99 32Uxx 32U05 32U10 32U15 32U20 32U25 32U30 32U35 32U40 32U99 32Vxx 32V05 32V10 32V15 32V20 32V25 32V30 32V35 32V40 32V99 32Wxx 32W05 32W10 32W20 32W25 32W30 32W50 32W99 33XX
Topological aspects of complex manifolds Classication theorems Almost complex manifolds Pseudoholomorphic curves None of the above, but in this section Singularities [See also 58Kxx] Local singularities [See also 14J17] Invariants of analytic local rings Equisingularity (topological and analytic) [See also 14E15] Global theory of singularities; cohomological properties [See also 14E15] Relations with arrangements of hyperplanes [See also 52C35] Surface and hypersurface singularities [See also 14J17] Deformations of singularities; vanishing cycles [See also 14B07] Mixed Hodge theory of singular varieties [See also 14C30, 14D07] Monodromy; relations with dierential equations and D-modules Modications; resolution of singularities [See also 14E15] Topological aspects: Lefschetz theorems, topological classication, invariants Milnor bration; relations with knot theory [See also 57M25, 57Q45] Stratications; constructible sheaves; intersection cohomology [See also 58Kxx] Singularities of holomorphic vector elds and foliations Other operations on singularities None of the above, but in this section Pseudoconvex domains Domains of holomorphy Strongly pseudoconvex domains Worm domains Finite type domains Geometric and analytic invariants on weakly pseudoconvex boundaries Exhaustion functions Peak functions None of the above, but in this section Pluripotential theory Plurisubharmonic functions and generalizations [See also 31C10] Plurisubharmonic exhaustion functions General pluripotential theory Capacity theory and generalizations Lelong numbers Removable sets Pluricomplex Green functions Currents None of the above, but in this section CR manifolds CR structures, CR operators, and generalizations CR functions CR manifolds as boundaries of domains Analysis on CR manifolds Extension of functions and other analytic objects from CR manifolds Embeddings of CR manifolds Finite type conditions on CR manifolds Real submanifolds in complex manifolds None of the above, but in this section Dierential operators in several variables and -Neumann operators b and b -Neumann operators Complex Monge-Amp` ere operators Pseudodierential operators in several complex variables Heat kernels in several complex variables Other partial dierential equations of complex analysis None of the above, but in this section SPECIAL FUNCTIONS (33XX DEALS WITH THE PROPERTIES OF FUNCTIONS AS FUNCTIONS) {For orthogonal functions, see 42Cxx; for aspects of combinatorics see 05Axx; for number-theoretic aspects see 11XX; for representation theory see 22Exx} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc.
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
33Bxx 33B10 33B15 33B20 33B30 33B99 33Cxx 33C05 33C10 33C15 33C20 33C45
33C47 33C50 33C52 33C55 33C60 33C65 33C67 33C70 33C75 33C80 33C90 33C99 33Dxx 33D05 33D15 33D45 33D50 33D52 33D60 33D65 33D67 33D70 33D80 33D90 33D99 33Exx 33E05 33E10 33E12 33E15 33E17 33E20 33E30 33E50 33E99 33Fxx 33F05 33F10 33F99 34XX 3400 3401 3402 3403 3404 3406 34Axx 34A05 34A07 34A08 34A09 34A12
Elementary classical functions Exponential and trigonometric functions Gamma, beta and polygamma functions Incomplete beta and gamma functions (error functions, probability integral, Fresnel integrals) Higher logarithm functions None of the above, but in this section Hypergeometric functions Classical hypergeometric functions, 2 F1 Bessel and Airy functions, cylinder functions, 0 F1 Conuent hypergeometric functions, Whittaker functions, 1 F1 Generalized hypergeometric series, p Fq Orthogonal polynomials and functions of hypergeometric type (Jacobi, Laguerre, Hermite, Askey scheme, etc.) [See also 42C05 for general orthogonal polynomials and functions] Other special orthogonal polynomials and functions Orthogonal polynomials and functions in several variables expressible in terms of special functions in one variable Orthogonal polynomials and functions associated with root systems Spherical harmonics Hypergeometric integrals and functions dened by them (E , G, H and I functions) Appell, Horn and Lauricella functions Hypergeometric functions associated with root systems Other hypergeometric functions and integrals in several variables Elliptic integrals as hypergeometric functions Connections with groups and algebras, and related topics Applications None of the above, but in this section Basic hypergeometric functions q -gamma functions, q -beta functions and integrals Basic hypergeometric functions in one variable, r s Basic orthogonal polynomials and functions (Askey-Wilson polynomials, etc.) Orthogonal polynomials and functions in several variables expressible in terms of basic hypergeometric functions in one variable Basic orthogonal polynomials and functions associated with root systems (Macdonald polynomials, etc.) Basic hypergeometric integrals and functions dened by them Bibasic functions and multiple bases Basic hypergeometric functions associated with root systems Other basic hypergeometric functions and integrals in several variables Connections with quantum groups, Chevalley groups, p-adic groups, Hecke algebras, and related topics Applications None of the above, but in this section Other special functions Elliptic functions and integrals Lam e, Mathieu, and spheroidal wave functions Mittag-Leer functions and generalizations Other wave functions Painlev e-type functions Other functions dened by series and integrals Other functions coming from dierential, dierence and integral equations Special functions in characteristic p (gamma functions, etc.) None of the above, but in this section Computational aspects Numerical approximation and evaluation [See also 65D20] Symbolic computation (Gosper and Zeilberger algorithms, etc.) [See also 68W30] None of the above, but in this section ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. General theory Explicit solutions and reductions Fuzzy dierential equations Fractional dierential equations Implicit equations, dierential-algebraic equations [See also 65L80] Initial value problems, existence, uniqueness, continuous dependence and continuation of solutions
34A25 34A26 34A30 34A33 34A34 34A35 34A36 34A37 34A38 34A40 34A45 34A55 34A60 34A99 34Bxx 34B05 34B07 34B08 34B09 34B10 34B15 34B16 34B18 34B20 34B24 34B27 34B30 34B37 34B40 34B45 34B60 34B99 34Cxx 34C05 34C07
34C08 34C10 34C11 34C12 34C14 34C15 34C20 34C23 34C25 34C26 34C27 34C28 34C29 34C37 34C40 34C41 34C45 34C46 34C55 34C60 34C99 34Dxx 34D05 34D06 34D08 34D09 34D10 34D15 34D20 34D23 34D30 34D35 34D45 34D99
Analytical theory: series, transformations, transforms, operational calculus, etc. [See also 44XX] Geometric methods in dierential equations Linear equations and systems, general Lattice dierential equations Nonlinear equations and systems, general Dierential equations of innite order Discontinuous equations Dierential equations with impulses Hybrid systems Dierential inequalities [See also 26D20] Theoretical approximation of solutions {For numerical analysis, see 65Lxx} Inverse problems Dierential inclusions [See also 49J21, 49K21] None of the above, but in this section Boundary value problems {For ordinary dierential operators, see 34Lxx} Linear boundary value problems Linear boundary value problems with nonlinear dependence on the spectral parameter Parameter dependent boundary value problems Boundary eigenvalue problems Nonlocal and multipoint boundary value problems Nonlinear boundary value problems Singular nonlinear boundary value problems Positive solutions of nonlinear boundary value problems Weyl theory and its generalizations Sturm-Liouville theory [See also 34Lxx] Green functions Special equations (Mathieu, Hill, Bessel, etc.) Boundary value problems with impulses Boundary value problems on innite intervals Boundary value problems on graphs and networks Applications None of the above, but in this section Qualitative theory [See also 37XX] Location of integral curves, singular points, limit cycles Theory of limit cycles of polynomial and analytic vector elds (existence, uniqueness, bounds, Hilberts 16th problem and ramications) Connections with real algebraic geometry (fewnomials, desingularization, zeros of Abelian integrals, etc.) Oscillation theory, zeros, disconjugacy and comparison theory Growth, boundedness Monotone systems Symmetries, invariants Nonlinear oscillations, coupled oscillators Transformation and reduction of equations and systems, normal forms Bifurcation [See also 37Gxx] Periodic solutions Relaxation oscillations Almost and pseudo-almost periodic solutions Complex behavior, chaotic systems [See also 37Dxx] Averaging method Homoclinic and heteroclinic solutions Equations and systems on manifolds Equivalence, asymptotic equivalence Invariant manifolds Multifrequency systems Hysteresis Qualitative investigation and simulation of models None of the above, but in this section Stability theory [See also 37C75, 93Dxx] Asymptotic properties Synchronization Characteristic and Lyapunov exponents Dichotomy, trichotomy Perturbations Singular perturbations Stability Global stability Structural stability and analogous concepts [See also 37C20] Stability of manifolds of solutions Attractors [See also 37C70, 37D45] None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
34Exx 34E05 34E10 34E13 34E15 34E17 34E18 34E20 34E99 34Fxx 34F05 34F10 34F15 34F99 34Gxx 34G10 34G20 34G25 34G99 34Hxx 34H05 34H10 34H15 34H20 34H99 34Kxx 34K05 34K06 34K07 34K08 34K09 34K10 34K11 34K12 34K13 34K14 34K17 34K18 34K19 34K20 34K21 34K23 34K25 34K26 34K27 34K28 34K29 34K30 34K31 34K32 34K33 34K34 34K35 34K36 34K37 34K38 34K40 34K45 34K50 34K60 34K99 34Lxx 34L05 34L10 34L15 34L16 34L20 34L25 34L30 34L40 34L99
Asymptotic theory Asymptotic expansions Perturbations, asymptotics Multiple scale methods Singular perturbations, general theory Canard solutions Methods of nonstandard analysis Singular perturbations, turning point theory, WKB methods None of the above, but in this section Equations and systems with randomness [See also 34K50, 60H10, 93E03] Equations and systems with randomness [See also 34K50, 60H10, 93E03] Bifurcation Resonance phenomena None of the above, but in this section Dierential equations in abstract spaces [See also 34Lxx, 37Kxx, 47Dxx, 47Hxx, 47Jxx, 58D25] Linear equations [See also 47D06, 47D09] Nonlinear equations [See also 47Hxx, 47Jxx] Evolution inclusions None of the above, but in this section Control problems [See also 49J15, 49K15, 93C15] Control problems [See also 49J15, 49K15, 93C15] Chaos control Stabilization Bifurcation control None of the above, but in this section Functional-dierential and dierential-dierence equations [See also 37XX] General theory Linear functional-dierential equations Theoretical approximation of solutions Spectral theory of functional-dierential operators Functional-dierential inclusions Boundary value problems Oscillation theory Growth, boundedness, comparison of solutions Periodic solutions Almost and pseudo-periodic solutions Transformation and reduction of equations and systems, normal forms Bifurcation theory Invariant manifolds Stability theory Stationary solutions Complex (chaotic) behavior of solutions Asymptotic theory Singular perturbations Perturbations Numerical approximation of solutions Inverse problems Equations in abstract spaces [See also 34Gxx, 35R09, 35R10, 47Jxx] Lattice functional-dierential equations Implicit equations Averaging Hybrid systems Control problems [See also 49J21, 49K21, 93C23] Fuzzy functional-dierential equations Functional-dierential equations with fractional derivatives Functional-dierential inequalities Neutral equations Equations with impulses Stochastic functional-dierential equations [See also , 60Hxx] Qualitative investigation and simulation of models None of the above, but in this section Ordinary dierential operators [See also 47E05] General spectral theory Eigenfunctions, eigenfunction expansions, completeness of eigenfunctions Eigenvalues, estimation of eigenvalues, upper and lower bounds Numerical approximation of eigenvalues and of other parts of the spectrum Asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues, asymptotic theory of eigenfunctions Scattering theory, inverse scattering Nonlinear ordinary dierential operators Particular operators (Dirac, one-dimensional Schr odinger, etc.) None of the above, but in this section
34Mxx 34M03 34M05 34M10 34M15 34M25 34M30 34M35 34M40 34M45 34M50 34M55 34M56 34M60 34M99 34Nxx 34N05 34N99 35XX 3500 3501 3502 3503 3504 3506 35Axx 35A01 35A02 35A08 35A09 35A10 35A15 35A16 35A17 35A18 35A20 35A21 35A22 35A23 35A24 35A25 35A27 35A30 35A35 35A99 35Bxx 35B05 35B06 35B07 35B08 35B09 35B10 35B15 35B20 35B25 35B27 35B30 35B32 35B33 35B34 35B35 35B36 35B38 35B40 35B41
Dierential equations in the complex domain [See also 30Dxx, 32G34] Linear equations and systems Entire and meromorphic solutions Oscillation, growth of solutions Algebraic aspects (dierential-algebraic, hypertranscendence, grouptheoretical) Formal solutions, transform techniques Asymptotics, summation methods Singularities, monodromy, local behavior of solutions, normal forms Stokes phenomena and connection problems (linear and nonlinear) Dierential equations on complex manifolds Inverse problems (Riemann-Hilbert, inverse dierential Galois, etc.) Painlev e and other special equations; classication, hierarchies; Isomonodromic deformations Singular perturbation problems in the complex domain (complex WKB, turning points, steepest descent) [See also 34E20] None of the above, but in this section Dynamic equations on time scales or measure chains {For real analysis on time scales see 26E70} Dynamic equations on time scales or measure chains {For real analysis on time scales or measure chains, see 26E70} None of the above, but in this section PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. General topics Existence problems: global existence, local existence, non-existence Uniqueness problems: global uniqueness, local uniqueness, nonuniqueness Fundamental solutions Classical solutions Cauchy-Kovalevskaya theorems Variational methods Topological and monotonicity methods Parametrices Wave front sets Analytic methods, singularities Propagation of singularities Transform methods (e.g. integral transforms) Inequalities involving derivatives and dierential and integral operators, inequalities for integrals Methods of ordinary dierential equations Other special methods Microlocal methods; methods of sheaf theory and homological algebra in PDE [See also 32C38, 58J15] Geometric theory, characteristics, transformations [See also 58J70, 58J72] Theoretical approximation to solutions {For numerical analysis, see 65Mxx, 65Nxx} None of the above, but in this section Qualitative properties of solutions Oscillation, zeros of solutions, mean value theorems, etc. Symmetries, invariants, etc. Axially symmetric solutions Entire solutions Positive solutions Periodic solutions Almost and pseudo-almost periodic solutions Perturbations Singular perturbations Homogenization; equations in media with periodic structure [See also 74Qxx, 76M50] Dependence of solutions on initial and boundary data, parameters [See also 37Cxx] Bifurcation [See also 37Gxx, 37K50] Critical exponents Resonances Stability Pattern formation Critical points Asymptotic behavior of solutions Attractors
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
35B42 35B44 35B45 35B50 35B51 35B53 35B60 35B65 35B99 35Cxx 35C05 35C06 35C07 35C08 35C09 35C10 35C11 35C15 35C20 35C99 35Dxx 35D30 35D35 35D40 35D99 35Exx 35E05 35E10 35E15 35E20 35E99 35Fxx 35F05 35F10 35F15 35F16 35F20 35F21 35F25 35F30 35F31 35F35 35F40 35F45 35F46 35F50 35F55 35F60 35F61 35F99 35Gxx 35G05 35G10 35G15 35G16 35G20 35G25 35G30 35G31 35G35 35G40 35G45 35G46 35G50 35G55 35G60 35G61 35G99 35Hxx 35H10 35H20 35H30 35H99 35Jxx 35J05 35J08 35J10 35J15
Inertial manifolds Blow-up A priori estimates Maximum principles Comparison principles Liouville theorems, Phragm en-Lindel of theorems Continuation and prolongation of solutions [See also 58A15, 58A17, 58Hxx] Smoothness and regularity of solutions None of the above, but in this section Representations of solutions Solutions in closed form Self-similar solutions Traveling wave solutions Soliton solutions Trigonometric solutions Series solutions Polynomial solutions Integral representations of solutions Asymptotic expansions None of the above, but in this section Generalized solutions Weak solutions Strong solutions Viscosity solutions None of the above, but in this section Equations and systems with constant coecients [See also 35N05] Fundamental solutions Convexity properties Initial value problems General theory None of the above, but in this section General rst-order equations and systems Linear rst-order equations Initial value problems for linear rst-order equations Boundary value problems for linear rst-order equations Initial-boundary value problems for linear rst-order equations Nonlinear rst-order equations Hamilton-Jacobi equations Initial value problems for nonlinear rst-order equations Boundary value problems for nonlinear rst-order equations Initial-boundary value problems for nonlinear rst-order equations Linear rst-order systems Initial value problems for linear rst-order systems Boundary value problems for linear rst-order systems Initial-boundary value problems for linear rst-order systems Nonlinear rst-order systems Initial value problems for nonlinear rst-order systems Boundary value problems for nonlinear rst-order systems Initial-boundary value problems for nonlinear rst-order systems None of the above, but in this section General higher-order equations and systems Linear higher-order equations Initial value problems for linear higher-order equations Boundary value problems for linear higher-order equations Initial-boundary value problems for linear higher-order equations Nonlinear higher-order equations Initial value problems for nonlinear higher-order equations Boundary value problems for nonlinear higher-order equations Initial-boundary value problems for nonlinear higher-order equations Linear higher-order systems Initial value problems for linear higher-order systems Boundary value problems for linear higher-order systems Initial-boundary value problems for linear higher-order systems Nonlinear higher-order systems Initial value problems for nonlinear higher-order systems Boundary value problems for nonlinear higher-order systems Initial-boundary value problems for nonlinear higher-order systems None of the above, but in this section Close-to-elliptic equations and systems Hypoelliptic equations Subelliptic equations Quasi-elliptic equations None of the above, but in this section Elliptic equations and systems [See also 58J10, 58J20] Laplacian operator, reduced wave equation (Helmholtz equation), Poisson equation [See also 31Axx, 31Bxx] Greens functions Schr odinger operator [See also 35Pxx] Second-order elliptic equations
35J20 35J25 35J30 35J35 35J40 35J46 35J47 35J48 35J50 35J56 35J57 35J58 35J60 35J61 35J62 35J65 35J66 35J67 35J70 35J75 35J86 35J87 35J88 35J91 35J92 35J93 35J96 35J99 35Kxx 35K05 35K08 35K10 35K15 35K20 35K25 35K30 35K35 35K40 35K41 35K45 35K46 35K51 35K52 35K55 35K57 35K58 35K59 35K60 35K61 35K65 35K67 35K70 35K85 35K86 35K87 35K90 35K91 35K92 35K93 35K96 35K99 35Lxx 35L02 35L03 35L04 35L05 35L10 35L15 35L20 35L25 35L30
Variational methods for second-order elliptic equations Boundary value problems for second-order elliptic equations Higher-order elliptic equations [See also 31A30, 31B30] Variational methods for higher-order elliptic equations Boundary value problems for higher-order elliptic equations First-order elliptic systems Second-order elliptic systems Higher-order elliptic systems Variational methods for elliptic systems Boundary value problems for rst-order elliptic systems Boundary value problems for second-order elliptic systems Boundary value problems for higher-order elliptic systems Nonlinear elliptic equations Semilinear elliptic equations Quasilinear elliptic equations Nonlinear boundary value problems for linear elliptic equations Nonlinear boundary value problems for nonlinear elliptic equations Boundary values of solutions to elliptic equations Degenerate elliptic equations Singular elliptic equations Linear elliptic unilateral problems and linear elliptic variational inequalities [See also 35R35, 49J40] Nonlinear elliptic unilateral problems and nonlinear elliptic variational inequalities [See also 35R35, 49J40] Systems of elliptic variational inequalities [See also 35R35, 49J40] Semilinear elliptic equations with Laplacian, bi-Laplacian or polyLaplacian Quasilinear elliptic equations with p-Laplacian Quasilinear elliptic equations with mean curvature operator Elliptic Monge-Amp` ere equations None of the above, but in this section Parabolic equations and systems [See also 35Bxx, 35Dxx, 35R30, 35R35, 58J35] Heat equation Heat kernel Second-order parabolic equations Initial value problems for second-order parabolic equations Initial-boundary value problems for second-order parabolic equations Higher-order parabolic equations Initial value problems for higher-order parabolic equations Initial-boundary value problems for higher-order parabolic equations Second-order parabolic systems Higher-order parabolic systems Initial value problems for second-order parabolic systems Initial value problems for higher-order parabolic systems Initial-boundary value problems for second-order parabolic systems Initial-boundary value problems for higher-order parabolic systems Nonlinear parabolic equations Reaction-diusion equations Semilinear parabolic equations Quasilinear parabolic equations Nonlinear initial value problems for linear parabolic equations Nonlinear initial-boundary value problems for nonlinear parabolic equations Degenerate parabolic equations Singular parabolic equations Ultraparabolic equations, pseudoparabolic equations, etc. Linear parabolic unilateral problems and linear parabolic variational inequalities [See also 35R35, 49J40] Nonlinear parabolic unilateral problems and nonlinear parabolic variational inequalities [See also 35R35, 49J40] Systems of parabolic variational inequalities [See also 35R35, 49J40] Abstract parabolic equations Semilinear parabolic equations with Laplacian, bi-Laplacian or polyLaplacian Quasilinear parabolic equations with p-Laplacian Quasilinear parabolic equations with mean curvature operator Parabolic Monge-Amp` ere equations None of the above, but in this section Hyperbolic equations and systems [See also 58J45] First-order hyperbolic equations Initial value problems for rst-order hyperbolic equations Initial-boundary value problems for rst-order hyperbolic equations Wave equation Second-order hyperbolic equations Initial value problems for second-order hyperbolic equations Initial-boundary value problems for second-order hyperbolic equations Higher-order hyperbolic equations Initial value problems for higher-order hyperbolic equations
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
35L35 35L40 35L45 35L50 35L51 35L52 35L53 35L55 35L56 35L57 35L60 35L65 35L67 35L70 35L71 35L72 35L75 35L76 35L77 35L80 35L81 35L82 35L85 35L86 35L87 35L90 35L99 35Mxx 35M10 35M11 35M12 35M13 35M30 35M31 35M32 35M33 35M85 35M86 35M87 35M99 35Nxx 35N05 35N10 35N15 35N20 35N25 35N30 35N99 35Pxx 35P05 35P10 35P15 35P20 35P25 35P30 35P99 35Qxx 35Q05 35Q15 35Q20 35Q30 35Q31 35Q35 35Q40 35Q41 35Q51 35Q53 35Q55 35Q56 35Q60 35Q61
Initial-boundary value problems for higher-order hyperbolic equations First-order hyperbolic systems Initial value problems for rst-order hyperbolic systems Initial-boundary value problems for rst-order hyperbolic systems Second-order hyperbolic systems Initial value problems for second-order hyperbolic systems Initial-boundary value problems for second-order hyperbolic systems Higher-order hyperbolic systems Initial value problems for higher-order hyperbolic systems Initial-boundary value problems for higher-order hyperbolic systems Nonlinear rst-order hyperbolic equations Conservation laws Shocks and singularities [See also 58Kxx, 76L05] Nonlinear second-order hyperbolic equations Semilinear second-order hyperbolic equations Quasilinear second-order hyperbolic equations Nonlinear higher-order hyperbolic equations Semilinear higher-order hyperbolic equations Quasilinear higher-order hyperbolic equations Degenerate hyperbolic equations Singular hyperbolic equations Pseudohyperbolic equations Linear hyperbolic unilateral problems and linear hyperbolic variational inequalities [See also 35R35, 49J40] Nonlinear hyperbolic unilateral problems and nonlinear hyperbolic variational inequalities [See also 35R35, 49J40] Unilateral problems and variational inequalities for hyperbolic systems [See also 35R35, 49J40] Abstract hyperbolic equations None of the above, but in this section Equations and systems of special type (mixed, composite, etc.) Equations of mixed type Initial value problems for equations of mixed type Boundary value problems for equations of mixed type Initial-boundary value problems for equations of mixed type Systems of mixed type Initial value problems for systems of mixed type Boundary value problems for systems of mixed type Initial-boundary value problems for systems of mixed type Linear unilateral problems and variational inequalities of mixed type [See also 35R35, 49J40] Nonlinear unilateral problems and nonlinear variational inequalities of mixed type [See also 35R35, 49J40] Systems of variational inequalities of mixed type [See also 35R35, 49J40] None of the above, but in this section Overdetermined systems [See also 58Hxx, 58J10, 58J15] Overdetermined systems with constant coecients Overdetermined systems with variable coecients -Neumann problem and generalizations; formal complexes [See also 32W05, 32W10, 58J10] Overdetermined initial value problems Overdetermined boundary value problems Overdetermined initial-boundary value problems None of the above, but in this section Spectral theory and eigenvalue problems [See also 47Axx, 47Bxx, 47F05] General topics in linear spectral theory Completeness of eigenfunctions, eigenfunction expansions Estimation of eigenvalues, upper and lower bounds Asymptotic distribution of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions Scattering theory [See also 47A40] Nonlinear eigenvalue problems, nonlinear spectral theory None of the above, but in this section Equations of mathematical physics and other areas of application [See also 35J05, 35J10, 35K05, 35L05] Euler-Poisson-Darboux equations Riemann-Hilbert problems [See also 30E25, 31A25, 31B20] Boltzmann equations Navier-Stokes equations [See also 76D05, 76D07, 76N10] Euler equations [See also 76D05, 76D07, 76N10] PDEs in connection with uid mechanics PDEs in connection with quantum mechanics Time-dependent Schr odinger equations, Dirac equations Soliton-like equations [See also 37K40] KdV-like equations (Korteweg-de Vries) [See also 37K10] NLS-like equations (nonlinear Schr odinger) [See also 37K10] Ginzburg-Landau equations PDEs in connection with optics and electromagnetic theory Maxwell equations
35Q62 35Q68 35Q70 35Q74 35Q75 35Q76 35Q80 35Q82 35Q83 35Q84 35Q85 35Q86 35Q90 35Q91 35Q92 35Q93 35Q94 35Q99 35Rxx
35R01 35R02 35R03 35R05 35R06 35R09 35R10 35R11 35R12 35R13 35R15 35R20
35R25 35R30 35R35 35R37 35R45 35R50 35R60 35R70 35R99 35Sxx 35S05 35S10 35S11 35S15 35S30 35S35 35S50 35S99 37XX
PDEs in connection with statistics PDEs in connection with computer science PDEs in connection with mechanics of particles and systems PDEs in connection with mechanics of deformable solids PDEs in connection with relativity and gravitational theory Einstein equations PDEs in connection with classical thermodynamics and heat transfer PDEs in connection with statistical mechanics Vlasov-like equations Fokker-Planck equations PDEs in connection with astronomy and astrophysics PDEs in connection with geophysics PDEs in connection with mathematical programming PDEs in connection with game theory, economics, social and behavioral sciences PDEs in connection with biology and other natural sciences PDEs in connection with control and optimization PDEs in connection with information and communication None of the above, but in this section Miscellaneous topics {For equations on manifolds, see 58Jxx; for manifolds of solutions, see 58Bxx; for stochastic PDE, see also 60H15} Partial dierential equations on manifolds [See also 32Wxx, 53Cxx, 58Jxx] Partial dierential equations on graphs and networks (ramied or polygonal spaces) Partial dierential equations on Heisenberg groups, Lie groups, Carnot groups, etc. Partial dierential equations with discontinuous coecients or data Partial dierential equations with measure Integro-partial dierential equations [See also 45Kxx] Partial functional-dierential equations Fractional partial dierential equations Impulsive partial dierential equations Fuzzy partial dierential equations Partial dierential equations on innite-dimensional (e.g. function) spaces (= PDE in innitely many variables) [See also 46Gxx, 58D25] Partial operator-dierential equations (i.e., PDE on nitedimensional spaces for abstract space valued functions) [See also 34Gxx, 47A50, 47D03, 47D06, 47D09, 47H20, 47Jxx] Improperly posed problems Inverse problems Free boundary problems Moving boundary problems Partial dierential inequalities Partial dierential equations of innite order Partial dierential equations with randomness, stochastic partial dierential equations [See also 60H15] Partial dierential equations with multivalued right-hand sides None of the above, but in this section Pseudodierential operators and other generalizations of partial dierential operators [See also 47G30, 58J40] Pseudodierential operators Initial value problems for pseudodierential operators Initial-boundary value problems for pseudodierential operators Boundary value problems for pseudodierential operators Fourier integral operators Topological aspects: intersection cohomology, stratied sets, etc. [See also 32C38, 32S40, 32S60, 58J15] Paradierential operators None of the above, but in this section DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS AND ERGODIC THEORY [See also 26A18, 28Dxx, 34Cxx, 34Dxx, 35Bxx, 46Lxx, 58Jxx, 70XX] General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Ergodic theory [See also 28Dxx] Measure-preserving transformations One-parameter continuous families of measure-preserving transformations General groups of measure-preserving transformations [See mainly 22Fxx] Homogeneous ows [See also 22Fxx]
3700 3701 3702 3703 3704 3706 37Axx 37A05 37A10 37A15 37A17
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37A20 37A25 37A30 37A35 37A40 37A45 37A50 37A55 37A60 37A99 37Bxx 37B05 37B10 37B15 37B20 37B25 37B30 37B35 37B40 37B45 37B50 37B55 37B99 37Cxx 37C05 37C10 37C15 37C20 37C25 37C27 37C29 37C30 37C35 37C40 37C45 37C50 37C55 37C60 37C65 37C70 37C75 37C80 37C85 37C99 37Dxx 37D05 37D10 37D15 37D20 37D25 37D30 37D35 37D40 37D45 37D50 37D99 37Exx 37E05 37E10 37E15 37E20 37E25 37E30 37E35 37E40 37E45 37E99
Orbit equivalence, cocycles, ergodic equivalence relations Ergodicity, mixing, rates of mixing Ergodic theorems, spectral theory, Markov operators {For operator ergodic theory, see mainly 47A35} Entropy and other invariants, isomorphism, classication Nonsingular (and innite-measure preserving) transformations Relations with number theory and harmonic analysis [See also 11Kxx] Relations with probability theory and stochastic processes [See also 60Fxx and 60G10] Relations with the theory of C -algebras [See mainly 46L55] Dynamical systems in statistical mechanics [See also 82Cxx] None of the above, but in this section Topological dynamics [See also 54H20] Transformations and group actions with special properties (minimality, distality, proximality, etc.) Symbolic dynamics [See also 37Cxx, 37Dxx] Cellular automata [See also 68Q80] Notions of recurrence Lyapunov functions and stability; attractors, repellers Index theory, Morse-Conley indices Gradient-like and recurrent behavior; isolated (locally maximal) invariant sets Topological entropy Continua theory in dynamics Multi-dimensional shifts of nite type, tiling dynamics Nonautonomous dynamical systems None of the above, but in this section Smooth dynamical systems: general theory [See also 34Cxx, 34Dxx] Smooth mappings and dieomorphisms Vector elds, ows, ordinary dierential equations Topological and dierentiable equivalence, conjugacy, invariants, moduli, classication Generic properties, structural stability Fixed points, periodic points, xed-point index theory Periodic orbits of vector elds and ows Homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits Zeta functions, (Ruelle-Frobenius) transfer operators, and other functional analytic techniques in dynamical systems Orbit growth Smooth ergodic theory, invariant measures [See also 37Dxx] Dimension theory of dynamical systems Approximate trajectories (pseudotrajectories, shadowing, etc.) Periodic and quasiperiodic ows and dieomorphisms Nonautonomous smooth dynamical systems [See also 37B55] Monotone ows Attractors and repellers, topological structure Stability theory Symmetries, equivariant dynamical systems Dynamics of group actions other than Z and R, and foliations [See mainly 22Fxx, and also 57R30, 57Sxx] None of the above, but in this section Dynamical systems with hyperbolic behavior Hyperbolic orbits and sets Invariant manifold theory Morse-Smale systems Uniformly hyperbolic systems (expanding, Anosov, Axiom A, etc.) Nonuniformly hyperbolic systems (Lyapunov exponents, Pesin theory, etc.) Partially hyperbolic systems and dominated splittings Thermodynamic formalism, variational principles, equilibrium states Dynamical systems of geometric origin and hyperbolicity (geodesic and horocycle ows, etc.) Strange attractors, chaotic dynamics Hyperbolic systems with singularities (billiards, etc.) None of the above, but in this section Low-dimensional dynamical systems Maps of the interval (piecewise continuous, continuous, smooth) Maps of the circle Combinatorial dynamics (types of periodic orbits) Universality, renormalization [See also 37F25] Maps of trees and graphs Homeomorphisms and dieomorphisms of planes and surfaces Flows on surfaces Twist maps Rotation numbers and vectors None of the above, but in this section
37Fxx 37F05 37F10 37F15 37F20 37F25 37F30 37F35 37F40 37F45 37F50 37F75 37F99 37Gxx 37G05 37G10 37G15 37G20 37G25 37G30 37G35 37G40 37G99 37Hxx 37H05 37H10 37H15 37H20 37H99 37Jxx 37J05 37J10 37J15 37J20 37J25 37J30 37J35 37J40 37J45 37J50 37J55 37J60 37J99 37Kxx 37K05 37K10 37K15 37K20 37K25 37K30 37K35 37K40 37K45 37K50 37K55 37K60 37K65 37K99
Complex dynamical systems [See also 30D05, 32H50] Relations and correspondences Polynomials; rational maps; entire and meromorphic functions [See also 32A10, 32A20, 32H02, 32H04] Expanding maps; hyperbolicity; structural stability Combinatorics and topology Renormalization Quasiconformal methods and Teichm uller theory; Fuchsian and Kleinian groups as dynamical systems Conformal densities and Hausdor dimension Geometric limits Holomorphic families of dynamical systems; the Mandelbrot set; bifurcations Small divisors, rotation domains and linearization; Fatou and Julia sets Holomorphic foliations and vector elds [See also 32M25, 32S65, 34Mxx] None of the above, but in this section Local and nonlocal bifurcation theory [See also 34C23, 34K18] Normal forms Bifurcations of singular points Bifurcations of limit cycles and periodic orbits Hyperbolic singular points with homoclinic trajectories Bifurcations connected with nontransversal intersection Innite nonwandering sets arising in bifurcations Attractors and their bifurcations Symmetries, equivariant bifurcation theory None of the above, but in this section Random dynamical systems [See also 15B52, 34D08, 34F05, 47B80, 70L05, 82C05, 93Exx] Foundations, general theory of cocycles, algebraic ergodic theory [See also 37Axx] Generation, random and stochastic dierence and dierential equations [See also 34F05, 34K50, 60H10, 60H15] Multiplicative ergodic theory, Lyapunov exponents [See also 34D08, 37Axx, 37Cxx, 37Dxx] Bifurcation theory [See also 37Gxx] None of the above, but in this section Finite-dimensional Hamiltonian, Lagrangian, contact, and nonholonomic systems [See also 53Dxx, 70Fxx, 70Hxx] General theory, relations with symplectic geometry and topology Symplectic mappings, xed points Symmetries, invariants, invariant manifolds, momentum maps, reduction [See also 53D20] Bifurcation problems Stability problems Obstructions to integrability (nonintegrability criteria) Completely integrable systems, topological structure of phase space, integration methods Perturbations, normal forms, small divisors, KAM theory, Arnol d diusion Periodic, homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits; variational methods, degree-theoretic methods Action-minimizing orbits and measures Contact systems [See also 53D10] Nonholonomic dynamical systems [See also 70F25] None of the above, but in this section Innite-dimensional Hamiltonian systems [See also 35Axx, 35Qxx] Hamiltonian structures, symmetries, variational principles, conservation laws Completely integrable systems, integrability tests, bi-Hamiltonian structures, hierarchies (KdV, KP, Toda, etc.) Integration of completely integrable systems by inverse spectral and scattering methods Relations with algebraic geometry, complex analysis, special functions [See also 14H70] Relations with dierential geometry Relations with innite-dimensional Lie algebras and other algebraic structures Lie-B acklund and other transformations Soliton theory, asymptotic behavior of solutions Stability problems Bifurcation problems Perturbations, KAM for innite-dimensional systems Lattice dynamics [See also 37L60] Hamiltonian systems on groups of dieomorphisms and on manifolds of mappings and metrics None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
37Lxx 37L05 37L10 37L15 37L20 37L25 37L30 37L40 37L45 37L50 37L55 37L60 37L65 37L99 37Mxx 37M05 37M10 37M15 37M20 37M25 37M99 37Nxx 37N05 37N10
37N15 37N20 37N25 37N30 37N35 37N40 37N99 37Pxx 37P05 37P10 37P15 37P20 37P25 37P30 37P35 37P40 37P45 37P50 37P55 37P99 39XX 3900 3901 3902 3903 3904 3906 39Axx 39A05 39A06 39A10 39A12 39A13 39A14 39A20 39A21 39A22 39A23 39A24 39A28
Innite-dimensional dissipative dynamical systems [See also 35Bxx, 35Qxx] General theory, nonlinear semigroups, evolution equations Normal forms, center manifold theory, bifurcation theory Stability problems Symmetries Inertial manifolds and other invariant attracting sets Attractors and their dimensions, Lyapunov exponents Invariant measures Hyperbolicity; Lyapunov functions Noncompact semigroups; dispersive equations; perturbations of Hamiltonian systems Innite-dimensional random dynamical systems; stochastic equations [See also 35R60, 60H10, 60H15] Lattice dynamics [See also 37K60] Special approximation methods (nonlinear Galerkin, etc.) None of the above, but in this section Approximation methods and numerical treatment of dynamical systems [See also 65Pxx] Simulation Time series analysis Symplectic integrators Computational methods for bifurcation problems Computational methods for ergodic theory (approximation of invariant measures, computation of Lyapunov exponents, entropy) None of the above, but in this section Applications Dynamical systems in classical and celestial mechanics [See mainly 70Fxx, 70Hxx, 70Kxx] Dynamical systems in uid mechanics, oceanography and meteorology [See mainly 76XX, especially 76D05, 76F20, 86A05, 86A10] Dynamical systems in solid mechanics [See mainly 74Hxx] Dynamical systems in other branches of physics (quantum mechanics, general relativity, laser physics) Dynamical systems in biology [See mainly 92XX, but also 91XX] Dynamical systems in numerical analysis Dynamical systems in control Dynamical systems in optimization and economics None of the above, but in this section Arithmetic and non-Archimedean dynamical systems [See also 11S82, 37A45] Polynomial and rational maps Analytic and meromorphic maps Global ground elds Non-Archimedean local ground elds Finite ground elds Height functions; Green functions; invariant measures [See also 11G50, 14G40] Arithmetic properties of periodic points Non-Archimedean Fatou and Julia sets Families and moduli spaces Dynamical systems on Berkovich spaces Arithmetic dynamics on general algebraic varieties None of the above, but in this section DIFFERENCE AND FUNCTIONAL EQUATIONS General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Dierence equations {For dynamical systems, see 37XX; for dynamic equations on time scales, see 34N05} General theory Linear equations Dierence equations, additive Discrete version of topics in analysis Dierence equations, scaling (q -dierences) [See also 33Dxx] Partial dierence equations Multiplicative and other generalized dierence equations, e.g. of Lyness type Oscillation theory Growth, boundedness, comparison of solutions Periodic solutions Almost periodic solutions Bifurcation theory
39A30 39A33 39A45 39A50 39A60 39A70 39A99 39Bxx 39B05 39B12 39B22 39B32 39B42 39B52 39B55 39B62 39B72 39B82 39B99 40XX 4000 4001 4002 4003 4004 4006 40Axx 40A05 40A10 40A15 40A20 40A25 40A30 40A35 40A99 40Bxx 40B05 40B99 40Cxx 40C05 40C10 40C15 40C99 40Dxx 40D05 40D09 40D10 40D15 40D20 40D25 40D99 40Exx 40E05 40E10 40E15 40E20 40E99 40Fxx 40F05 40F99 40Gxx 40G05 40G10 40G15 40G99 40Hxx 40H05 40H99
Stability theory Complex (chaotic) behavior of solutions Equations in the complex domain Stochastic dierence equations Applications Dierence operators [See also 47B39] None of the above, but in this section Functional equations and inequalities [See also 30D05] General Iteration theory, iterative and composite equations [See also 26A18, 30D05, 37XX] Equations for real functions [See also 26A51, 26B25] Equations for complex functions [See also 30D05] Matrix and operator equations [See also 47Jxx] Equations for functions with more general domains and/or ranges Orthogonal additivity and other conditional equations Functional inequalities, including subadditivity, convexity, etc. [See also 26A51, 26B25, 26Dxx] Systems of functional equations and inequalities Stability, separation, extension, and related topics [See also 46A22] None of the above, but in this section SEQUENCES, SERIES, SUMMABILITY General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Convergence and divergence of innite limiting processes Convergence and divergence of series and sequences Convergence and divergence of integrals Convergence and divergence of continued fractions [See also 30B70] Convergence and divergence of innite products Approximation to limiting values (summation of series, etc.) {For the Euler-Maclaurin summation formula, see 65B15} Convergence and divergence of series and sequences of functions Ideal and statistical convergence [See also 40G15] None of the above, but in this section Multiple sequences and series Multiple sequences and series (should also be assigned at least one other classication number in this section) None of the above, but in this section General summability methods Matrix methods Integral methods Function-theoretic methods (including power series methods and semicontinuous methods) None of the above, but in this section Direct theorems on summability General theorems Structure of summability elds Tauberian constants and oscillation limits Convergence factors and summability factors Summability and bounded elds of methods Inclusion and equivalence theorems None of the above, but in this section Inversion theorems Tauberian theorems, general Growth estimates Lacunary inversion theorems Tauberian constants None of the above, but in this section Absolute and strong summability (should also be assigned at least one other classication number in Section 40) Absolute and strong summability (should also be assigned at least one other classication number in Section 40) None of the above, but in this section Special methods of summability Ces` aro, Euler, N orlund and Hausdor methods Abel, Borel and power series methods Summability methods using statistical convergence [See also 40A35] None of the above, but in this section Functional analytic methods in summability Functional analytic methods in summability None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
40Jxx 40J05
40J99 41XX
Summability in abstract structures [See also 43A55, 46A35, 46B15] Summability in abstract structures [See also 43A55, 46A35, 46B15] (should also be assigned at least one other classication number in this section) None of the above, but in this section APPROXIMATIONS AND EXPANSIONS {For all approximation theory in the complex domain, see 30E05 and 30E10; for all trigonometric approximation and interpolation, see 42A10 and 42A15; for numerical approximation, see 65Dxx} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Approximations and expansions {For all approximation theory in the complex domain, see 30E05 and 30E10; for all trigonometric approximation and interpolation, see 42A10 and 42A15; for numerical approximation, see 65Dxx} Interpolation [See also 42A15 and 65D05] Approximation by polynomials {For approximation by trigonometric polynomials, see 42A10} Spline approximation Inequalities in approximation (Bernstein, Jackson, Nikol ski -type inequalities) Approximation by rational functions Pad e approximation Rate of convergence, degree of approximation Inverse theorems Simultaneous approximation Approximation with constraints Approximation by other special function classes Approximation by operators (in particular, by integral operators) Approximation by positive operators Saturation Best constants Approximation by arbitrary linear expressions Approximation by arbitrary nonlinear expressions; widths and entropy Best approximation, Chebyshev systems Uniqueness of best approximation Approximate quadratures Series expansions (e.g. Taylor, Lidstone series, but not Fourier series) Asymptotic approximations, asymptotic expansions (steepest descent, etc.) [See also 30E15] Multidimensional problems (should also be assigned at least one other classication number in this section) Abstract approximation theory (approximation in normed linear spaces and other abstract spaces) Remainders in approximation formulas None of the above, but in this section HARMONIC ANALYSIS ON EUCLIDEAN SPACES General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Harmonic analysis in one variable Trigonometric polynomials, inequalities, extremal problems Trigonometric approximation Trigonometric interpolation Fourier coecients, Fourier series of functions with special properties, special Fourier series {For automorphic theory, see mainly 11F30} Convergence and absolute convergence of Fourier and trigonometric series Summability and absolute summability of Fourier and trigonometric series Trigonometric series of special types (positive coecients, monotonic coecients, etc.) Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms and other transforms of Fourier type Multipliers
42A50 42A55 42A61 42A63 42A65 42A70 42A75 42A82 42A85 42A99 42Bxx 42B05 42B08 42B10 42B15 42B20 42B25 42B30 42B35 42B37 42B99 42Cxx 42C05 42C10 42C15 42C20 42C25 42C30 42C40 42C99 43XX 4300 4301 4302 4303 4304 4306 43Axx 43A05 43A07 43A10 43A15 43A17 43A20 43A22 43A25 43A30 43A32 43A35 43A40 43A45 43A46 43A50 43A55 43A60
41A05 41A10 41A15 41A17 41A20 41A21 41A25 41A27 41A28 41A29 41A30 41A35 41A36 41A40 41A44 41A45 41A46 41A50 41A52 41A55 41A58 41A60 41A63 41A65 41A80 41A99 42XX 4200 4201 4202 4203 4204 4206 42Axx 42A05 42A10 42A15 42A16 42A20 42A24 42A32 42A38 42A45
Conjugate functions, conjugate series, singular integrals Lacunary series of trigonometric and other functions; Riesz products Probabilistic methods Uniqueness of trigonometric expansions, uniqueness of Fourier expansions, Riemann theory, localization Completeness of sets of functions Trigonometric moment problems Classical almost periodic functions, mean periodic functions [See also 43A60] Positive denite functions Convolution, factorization None of the above, but in this section Harmonic analysis in several variables {For automorphic theory, see mainly 11F30} Fourier series and coecients Summability Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms and other transforms of Fourier type Multipliers Singular and oscillatory integrals (Calder on-Zygmund, etc.) Maximal functions, Littlewood-Paley theory H p -spaces Function spaces arising in harmonic analysis Harmonic analysis and PDE [See also 35XX] None of the above, but in this section Nontrigonometric harmonic analysis Orthogonal functions and polynomials, general theory [See also 33C45, 33C50, 33D45] Fourier series in special orthogonal functions (Legendre polynomials, Walsh functions, etc.) General harmonic expansions, frames Other transformations of harmonic type Uniqueness and localization for orthogonal series Completeness of sets of functions Wavelets and other special systems None of the above, but in this section ABSTRACT HARMONIC ANALYSIS {For other analysis on topological and Lie groups, see 22Exx} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Abstract harmonic analysis {For other analysis on topological and Lie groups, see 22Exx} Measures on groups and semigroups, etc. Means on groups, semigroups, etc.; amenable groups Measure algebras on groups, semigroups, etc. Lp -spaces and other function spaces on groups, semigroups, etc. Analysis on ordered groups, H p -theory L1 -algebras on groups, semigroups, etc. Homomorphisms and multipliers of function spaces on groups, semigroups, etc. Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms on locally compact and other abelian groups Fourier and Fourier-Stieltjes transforms on nonabelian groups and on semigroups, etc. Other transforms and operators of Fourier type Positive denite functions on groups, semigroups, etc. Character groups and dual objects Spectral synthesis on groups, semigroups, etc. Special sets (thin sets, Kronecker sets, Helson sets, Ditkin sets, Sidon sets, etc.) Convergence of Fourier series and of inverse transforms Summability methods on groups, semigroups, etc. [See also 40J05] Almost periodic functions on groups and semigroups and their generalizations (recurrent functions, distal functions, etc.); almost automorphic functions Hypergroups Representations of groups, semigroups, etc. [See also 22A10, 22A20, 22Dxx, 22E45] Analysis on specic locally compact and other abelian groups [See also 11R56, 22B05] Analysis on specic compact groups Analysis on general compact groups Analysis on other specic Lie groups [See also 22Exx]
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
Analysis on homogeneous spaces Spherical functions [See also 22E45, 22E46, 33C55] Categorical methods [See also 46Mxx] None of the above, but in this section INTEGRAL TRANSFORMS, OPERATIONAL CALCULUS {For fractional derivatives and integrals, see 26A33. For Fourier transforms, see 42A38, 42B10. For integral transforms in distribution spaces, see 46F12. For numerical methods, see 65R10} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Integral transforms, operational calculus {For fractional derivatives and integrals, see 26A33. For Fourier transforms, see 42A38, 42B10. For integral transforms in distribution spaces, see 46F12. For numerical methods, see 65R10} General transforms [See also 42A38] Laplace transform Radon transform [See also 92C55] Special transforms (Legendre, Hilbert, etc.) Transforms of special functions Multiple transforms Convolution Calculus of Mikusi nski and other operational calculi Classical operational calculus Discrete operational calculus Moment problems None of the above, but in this section INTEGRAL EQUATIONS General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Linear integral equations Linear integral equations None of the above, but in this section Fredholm integral equations Fredholm integral equations None of the above, but in this section Eigenvalue problems [See also 34Lxx, 35Pxx, 45P05, 47A75] Eigenvalue problems [See also 34Lxx, 35Pxx, 45P05, 47A75] None of the above, but in this section Volterra integral equations [See also 34A12] Volterra integral equations [See also 34A12] None of the above, but in this section Singular integral equations [See also 30E20, 30E25, 44A15, 44A35] Integral equations with kernels of Cauchy type [See also 35J15] Integral equations of the convolution type (Abel, Picard, Toeplitz and Wiener-Hopf type) [See also 47B35] None of the above, but in this section Systems of linear integral equations Systems of nonsingular linear integral equations Dual, triple, etc., integral and series equations Systems of singular linear integral equations None of the above, but in this section Nonlinear integral equations [See also 47H30, 47Jxx] Singular nonlinear integral equations Other nonlinear integral equations Systems of nonlinear integral equations None of the above, but in this section Miscellaneous special kernels [See also 44A15] Miscellaneous special kernels [See also 44A15] None of the above, but in this section Integro-ordinary dierential equations [See also 34K05, 34K30, 47G20] Integro-ordinary dierential equations [See also 34K05, 34K30, 47G20] None of the above, but in this section
45Kxx 45K05 45K99 45Lxx 45L05 45L99 45Mxx 45M05 45M10 45M15 45M20 45M99 45Nxx 45N05 45N99 45Pxx 45P05 45P99 45Qxx 45Q05 45Q99 45Rxx 45R05 45R99 46XX 4600 4601 4602 4603 4604 4606 46Axx 46A03 46A04 46A08 46A11 46A13 46A16 46A17 46A19
44A05 44A10 44A12 44A15 44A20 44A30 44A35 44A40 44A45 44A55 44A60 44A99 45XX 4500 4501 4502 4503 4504 4506 45Axx 45A05 45A99 45Bxx 45B05 45B99 45Cxx 45C05 45C99 45Dxx 45D05 45D99 45Exx 45E05 45E10 45E99 45Fxx 45F05 45F10 45F15 45F99 45Gxx 45G05 45G10 45G15 45G99 45Hxx 45H05 45H99 45Jxx 45J05 45J99
Integro-partial dierential equations [See also 34K30, 35R09, 35R10, 47G20] Integro-partial dierential equations [See also 34K30, 35R09, 35R10, 47G20] None of the above, but in this section Theoretical approximation of solutions {For numerical analysis, see 65Rxx} Theoretical approximation of solutions {For numerical analysis, see 65Rxx} None of the above, but in this section Qualitative behavior Asymptotics Stability theory Periodic solutions Positive solutions None of the above, but in this section Abstract integral equations, integral equations in abstract spaces Abstract integral equations, integral equations in abstract spaces None of the above, but in this section Integral operators [See also 47B38, 47G10] Integral operators [See also 47B38, 47G10] None of the above, but in this section Inverse problems Inverse problems None of the above, but in this section Random integral equations [See also 60H20] Random integral equations [See also 60H20] None of the above, but in this section FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS {For manifolds modeled on topological linear spaces, see 57Nxx, 58Bxx} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Topological linear spaces and related structures {For function spaces, see 46Exx} General theory of locally convex spaces Locally convex Fr echet spaces and (DF)-spaces Barrelled spaces, bornological spaces Spaces determined by compactness or summability properties (nuclear spaces, Schwartz spaces, Montel spaces, etc.) Spaces dened by inductive or projective limits (LB, LF, etc.) [See also 46M40] Not locally convex spaces (metrizable topological linear spaces, locally bounded spaces, quasi-Banach spaces, etc.) Bornologies and related structures; Mackey convergence, etc. Other topological linear spaces (convergence spaces, ranked spaces, spaces with a metric taking values in an ordered structure more general than R, etc.) Duality theory Theorems of Hahn-Banach type; extension and lifting of functionals and operators [See also 46M10] Reexivity and semi-reexivity [See also 46B10] Open mapping and closed graph theorems; completeness (including B -, Br -completeness) Spaces of linear operators; topological tensor products; approximation properties [See also 46B28, 46M05, 47L05, 47L20] Summability and bases [See also 46B15] Ordered topological linear spaces, vector lattices [See also 06F20, 46B40, 46B42] Sequence spaces (including K othe sequence spaces) [See also 46B45] Compactness in topological linear spaces; angelic spaces, etc. Convex sets in topological linear spaces; Choquet theory [See also 52A07] Graded Fr echet spaces and tame operators Topological invariants ((DN), (), etc.) Saks spaces and their duals (strict topologies, mixed topologies, twonorm spaces, co-Saks spaces, etc.) Modular spaces None of the above, but in this section Normed linear spaces and Banach spaces; Banach lattices {For function spaces, see 46Exx} Isomorphic theory (including renorming) of Banach spaces Isometric theory of Banach spaces Asymptotic theory of Banach spaces [See also 52A23]
46A20 46A22 46A25 46A30 46A32 46A35 46A40 46A45 46A50 46A55 46A61 46A63 46A70 46A80 46A99 46Bxx 46B03 46B04 46B06
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
46B07 46B08 46B09 46B10 46B15 46B20 46B22 46B25 46B26 46B28 46B40 46B42 46B45 46B50 46B70 46B80 46B85
46B99 46Cxx 46C05 46C07 46C15 46C20 46C50 46C99 46Exx 46E05 46E10 46E15 46E20 46E22
46E35 46E39 46E40 46E50 46E99 46Fxx 46F05 46F10 46F12 46F15 46F20 46F25 46F30 46F99 46Gxx 46G05 46G10 46G12 46G15
Local theory of Banach spaces Ultraproduct techniques in Banach space theory [See also 46M07] Probabilistic methods in Banach space theory [See also 60Bxx] Duality and reexivity [See also 46A25] Summability and bases [See also 46A35] Geometry and structure of normed linear spaces Radon-Nikod ym, Kre n-Milman and related properties [See also 46G10] Classical Banach spaces in the general theory Nonseparable Banach spaces Spaces of operators; tensor products; approximation properties [See also 46A32, 46M05, 47L05, 47L20] Ordered normed spaces [See also 46A40, 46B42] Banach lattices [See also 46A40, 46B40] Banach sequence spaces [See also 46A45] Compactness in Banach (or normed) spaces Interpolation between normed linear spaces [See also 46M35] Nonlinear classication of Banach spaces; nonlinear quotients Embeddings of discrete metric spaces into Banach spaces; applications in topology and computer science [See also 05C12, 68Rxx] None of the above, but in this section Inner product spaces and their generalizations, Hilbert spaces {For function spaces, see 46Exx} Hilbert and pre-Hilbert spaces: geometry and topology (including spaces with semidenite inner product) Hilbert subspaces (= operator ranges); complementation (Aronszajn, de Branges, etc.) [See also 46B70, 46M35] Characterizations of Hilbert spaces Spaces with indenite inner product (Kre n spaces, Pontryagin spaces, etc.) [See also 47B50] Generalizations of inner products (semi-inner products, partial inner products, etc.) None of the above, but in this section Linear function spaces and their duals [See also 30H05, 32A38, 46F05] {For function algebras, see 46J10} Lattices of continuous, dierentiable or analytic functions Topological linear spaces of continuous, dierentiable or analytic functions Banach spaces of continuous, dierentiable or analytic functions Hilbert spaces of continuous, dierentiable or analytic functions Hilbert spaces with reproducing kernels (= [proper] functional Hilbert spaces, including de Branges-Rovnyak and other structured spaces) [See also 47B32] Rings and algebras of continuous, dierentiable or analytic functions {For Banach function algebras, see 46J10, 46J15} Spaces of measures [See also 28A33, 46Gxx] Spaces of measurable functions (Lp -spaces, Orlicz spaces, K othe function spaces, Lorentz spaces, rearrangement invariant spaces, ideal spaces, etc.) Sobolev spaces and other spaces of smooth functions, embedding theorems, trace theorems Sobolev (and similar kinds of) spaces of functions of discrete variables Spaces of vector- and operator-valued functions Spaces of dierentiable or holomorphic functions on innitedimensional spaces [See also 46G20, 46G25, 47H60] None of the above, but in this section Distributions, generalized functions, distribution spaces [See also 46T30] Topological linear spaces of test functions, distributions and ultradistributions [See also 46E10, 46E35] Operations with distributions Integral transforms in distribution spaces [See also 42XX, 44XX] Hyperfunctions, analytic functionals [See also 32A25, 32A45, 32C35, 58J15] Distributions and ultradistributions as boundary values of analytic functions [See also 30D40, 30E25, 32A40] Distributions on innite-dimensional spaces [See also 58C35] Generalized functions for nonlinear analysis (Rosinger, Colombeau, nonstandard, etc.) None of the above, but in this section Measures, integration, derivative, holomorphy (all involving innitedimensional spaces) [See also 28XX, 46Txx] Derivatives [See also 46T20, 58C20, 58C25] Vector-valued measures and integration [See also 28Bxx, 46B22] Measures and integration on abstract linear spaces [See also 28C20, 46T12] Functional analytic lifting theory [See also 28A51]
46H05 46H10 46H15 46H20 46H25 46H30 46H35 46H40 46H70 46H99 46Jxx 46J05 46J10 46J15 46J20 46J25 46J30 46J40 46J45 46J99 46Kxx 46K05 46K10 46K15 46K50 46K70 46K99 46Lxx 46L05 46L06 46L07 46L08 46L09 46L10 46L30 46L35 46L36 46L37 46L40 46L45 46L51 46L52 46L53 46L54 46L55 46L57 46L60 46L65 46L70 46L80 46L85 46L87 46L89 46L99 46Mxx 46M05 46M07 46M10 46M15 46M18
Innite-dimensional holomorphy [See also 32XX, 46E50, 46T25, 58B12, 58C10] (Spaces of) multilinear mappings, polynomials [See also 46E50, 46G20, 47H60] None of the above, but in this section Topological algebras, normed rings and algebras, Banach algebras {For group algebras, convolution algebras and measure algebras, see 43A10, 43A20} General theory of topological algebras Ideals and subalgebras Representations of topological algebras Structure, classication of topological algebras Normed modules and Banach modules, topological modules (if not placed in 13XX or 16XX) Functional calculus in topological algebras [See also 47A60] Topological algebras of operators [See mainly 47Lxx] Automatic continuity Nonassociative topological algebras [See also 46K70, 46L70] None of the above, but in this section Commutative Banach algebras and commutative topological algebras [See also 46E25] General theory of commutative topological algebras Banach algebras of continuous functions, function algebras [See also 46E25] Banach algebras of dierentiable or analytic functions, H p -spaces [See also 30H10, 32A35, 32A37, 32A38, 42B30] Ideals, maximal ideals, boundaries Representations of commutative topological algebras Subalgebras Structure, classication of commutative topological algebras Radical Banach algebras None of the above, but in this section Topological (rings and) algebras with an involution [See also 16W10] General theory of topological algebras with involution Representations of topological algebras with involution Hilbert algebras Nonselfadjoint (sub)algebras in algebras with involution Nonassociative topological algebras with an involution [See also 46H70, 46L70] None of the above, but in this section Selfadjoint operator algebras (C -algebras, von Neumann (W -) algebras, etc.) [See also 22D25, 47Lxx] General theory of C -algebras Tensor products of C -algebras Operator spaces and completely bounded maps [See also 47L25] C -modules Free products of C -algebras General theory of von Neumann algebras States Classications of C -algebras Classication of factors Subfactors and their classication Automorphisms Decomposition theory for C -algebras Noncommutative measure and integration Noncommutative function spaces Noncommutative probability and statistics Free probability and free operator algebras Noncommutative dynamical systems [See also 28Dxx, 37Kxx, 37Lxx, 54H20] Derivations, dissipations and positive semigroups in C -algebras Applications of selfadjoint operator algebras to physics [See also 46N50, 46N55, 47L90, 81T05, 82B10, 82C10] Quantizations, deformations Nonassociative selfadjoint operator algebras [See also 46H70, 46K70] K -theory and operator algebras (including cyclic theory) [See also 18F25, 19Kxx, 46M20, 55Rxx, 58J22] Noncommutative topology [See also 58B32, 58B34, 58J22] Noncommutative dierential geometry [See also 58B32, 58B34, 58J22] Other noncommutative mathematics based on C -algebra theory [See also 58B32, 58B34, 58J22] None of the above, but in this section Methods of category theory in functional analysis [See also 18XX] Tensor products [See also 46A32, 46B28, 47A80] Ultraproducts [See also 46B08, 46S20] Projective and injective objects [See also 46A22] Categories, functors {For K -theory, EXT, etc., see 19K33, 46L80, 46M18, 46M20} Homological methods (exact sequences, right inverses, lifting, etc.)
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
46M35 46M40 46M99 46Nxx 46N10 46N20 46N30 46N40 46N50 46N55 46N60 46N99 46Sxx 46S10 46S20 46S30 46S40 46S50 46S60 46S99 46Txx 46T05 46T10 46T12 46T20 46T25 46T30 46T99 47XX 4700 4701 4702 4703 4704 4706 47Axx 47A05 47A06 47A07 47A10 47A11 47A12 47A13 47A15 47A16 47A20 47A25 47A30 47A35 47A40 47A45 47A46 47A48 47A50 47A52 47A53 47A55 47A56 47A57 47A58 47A60
Methods of algebraic topology (cohomology, sheaf and bundle theory, etc.) [See also 14F05, 18Fxx, 19Kxx, 32Cxx, 32Lxx, 46L80, 46M15, 46M18, 55Rxx] Abstract interpolation of topological vector spaces [See also 46B70] Inductive and projective limits [See also 46A13] None of the above, but in this section Miscellaneous applications of functional analysis [See also 47Nxx] Applications in optimization, convex analysis, mathematical programming, economics Applications to dierential and integral equations Applications in probability theory and statistics Applications in numerical analysis [See also 65Jxx] Applications in quantum physics Applications in statistical physics Applications in biology and other sciences None of the above, but in this section Other (nonclassical) types of functional analysis [See also 47Sxx] Functional analysis over elds other than R or C or the quaternions; non-Archimedean functional analysis [See also 12J25, 32P05] Nonstandard functional analysis [See also 03H05] Constructive functional analysis [See also 03F60] Fuzzy functional analysis [See also 03E72] Functional analysis in probabilistic metric linear spaces Functional analysis on superspaces (supermanifolds) or graded spaces [See also 58A50 and 58C50] None of the above, but in this section Nonlinear functional analysis [See also 47Hxx, 47Jxx, 58Cxx, 58Dxx] Innite-dimensional manifolds [See also 53Axx, 57N20, 58Bxx, 58Dxx] Manifolds of mappings Measure (Gaussian, cylindrical, etc.) and integrals (Feynman, path, Fresnel, etc.) on manifolds [See also 28Cxx, 46G12, 60XX] Continuous and dierentiable maps [See also 46G05] Holomorphic maps [See also 46G20] Distributions and generalized functions on nonlinear spaces [See also 46Fxx] None of the above, but in this section OPERATOR THEORY General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. General theory of linear operators General (adjoints, conjugates, products, inverses, domains, ranges, etc.) Linear relations (multivalued linear operators) Forms (bilinear, sesquilinear, multilinear) Spectrum, resolvent Local spectral properties Numerical range, numerical radius Several-variable operator theory (spectral, Fredholm, etc.) Invariant subspaces [See also 47A46] Cyclic vectors, hypercyclic and chaotic operators Dilations, extensions, compressions Spectral sets Norms (inequalities, more than one norm, etc.) Ergodic theory [See also 28Dxx, 37Axx] Scattering theory [See also 34L25, 35P25, 37K15, 58J50, 81Uxx] Canonical models for contractions and nonselfadjoint operators Chains (nests) of projections or of invariant subspaces, integrals along chains, etc. Operator colligations (= nodes), vessels, linear systems, characteristic functions, realizations, etc. Equations and inequalities involving linear operators, with vector unknowns Ill-posed problems, regularization [See also 35R25, 47J06, 65F22, 65J20, 65L08, 65M30, 65R30] (Semi-) Fredholm operators; index theories [See also 58B15, 58J20] Perturbation theory [See also 47H14, 58J37, 70H09, 81Q15] Functions whose values are linear operators (operator and matrix valued functions, etc., including analytic and meromorphic ones) Operator methods in interpolation, moment and extension problems [See also 30E05, 42A70, 42A82, 44A60] Operator approximation theory Functional calculus
47A62 47A63 47A64 47A65 47A66 47A67 47A68 47A70 47A75 47A80 47A99 47Bxx 47B06 47B07 47B10 47B15 47B20 47B25 47B32
47B36 47B37 47B38 47B39 47B40 47B44 47B47 47B48 47B49 47B50 47B60 47B65 47B80 47B99 47Cxx 47C05 47C10 47C15 47C99 47Dxx 47D03 47D06 47D07 47D08 47D09 47D60 47D62 47D99 47Exx 47E05 47E99 47Fxx 47F05 47F99 47Gxx 47G10 47G20 47G30
Equations involving linear operators, with operator unknowns Operator inequalities Operator means, shorted operators, etc. Structure theory Quasitriangular and nonquasitriangular, quasidiagonal and nonquasidiagonal operators Representation theory Factorization theory (including Wiener-Hopf and spectral factorizations) (Generalized) eigenfunction expansions; rigged Hilbert spaces Eigenvalue problems [See also 47J10, 49R05] Tensor products of operators [See also 46M05] None of the above, but in this section Special classes of linear operators Riesz operators; eigenvalue distributions; approximation numbers, snumbers, Kolmogorov numbers, entropy numbers, etc. of operators Operators dened by compactness properties Operators belonging to operator ideals (nuclear, p-summing, in the Schatten-von Neumann classes, etc.) [See also 47L20] Hermitian and normal operators (spectral measures, functional calculus, etc.) Subnormal operators, hyponormal operators, etc. Symmetric and selfadjoint operators (unbounded) Operators in reproducing-kernel Hilbert spaces (including de Branges, de Branges-Rovnyak, and other structured spaces) [See also 46E22] Composition operators Kernel operators Toeplitz operators, Hankel operators, Wiener-Hopf operators [See also 45P05, 47G10 for other integral operators; see also 32A25, 32M15] Jacobi (tridiagonal) operators (matrices) and generalizations Operators on special spaces (weighted shifts, operators on sequence spaces, etc.) Operators on function spaces (general) Dierence operators [See also 39A70] Spectral operators, decomposable operators, well-bounded operators, etc. Accretive operators, dissipative operators, etc. Commutators, derivations, elementary operators, etc. Operators on Banach algebras Transformers, preservers (operators on spaces of operators) Operators on spaces with an indenite metric [See also 46C50] Operators on ordered spaces Positive operators and order-bounded operators Random operators [See also 47H40, 60H25] None of the above, but in this section Individual linear operators as elements of algebraic systems Operators in algebras Operators in -algebras Operators in C - or von Neumann algebras None of the above, but in this section Groups and semigroups of linear operators, their generalizations and applications Groups and semigroups of linear operators {For nonlinear operators, see 47H20; see also 20M20} One-parameter semigroups and linear evolution equations [See also 34G10, 34K30] Markov semigroups and applications to diusion processes {For Markov processes, see 60Jxx} Schr odinger and Feynman-Kac semigroups Operator sine and cosine functions and higher-order Cauchy problems [See also 34G10] C -semigroups, regularized semigroups Integrated semigroups None of the above, but in this section Ordinary dierential operators [See also 34Bxx, 34Lxx] Ordinary dierential operators [See also 34Bxx, 34Lxx] (should also be assigned at least one other classication number in section 47) None of the above, but in this section Partial dierential operators [See also 35Pxx, 58Jxx] Partial dierential operators [See also 35Pxx, 58Jxx] (should also be assigned at least one other classication number in section 47) None of the above, but in this section Integral, integro-dierential, and pseudodierential operators [See also 58Jxx] Integral operators [See also 45P05] Integro-dierential operators [See also 34K30, 35R09, 35R10, 45Jxx, 45Kxx] Pseudodierential operators [See also 35Sxx, 58Jxx]
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
47G40 47G99 47Hxx 47H04 47H05 47H06 47H07 47H08 47H09 47H10 47H11 47H14 47H20 47H25 47H30 47H40 47H60 47H99 47Jxx 47J05 47J06 47J07 47J10 47J15 47J20 47J22 47J25 47J30 47J35 47J40 47J99 47Lxx 47L05 47L07 47L10 47L15 47L20 47L22 47L25 47L30 47L35 47L40 47L45 47L50 47L55 47L60 47L65 47L70 47L75 47L80 47L90 47L99 47Nxx 47N10 47N20 47N30 47N40 47N50 47N60 47N70 47N99
Potential operators [See also 31XX] None of the above, but in this section Nonlinear operators and their properties {For global and geometric aspects, see 49J53, 58XX, especially 58Cxx} Set-valued operators [See also 28B20, 54C60, 58C06] Monotone operators and generalizations Accretive operators, dissipative operators, etc. Monotone and positive operators on ordered Banach spaces or other ordered topological vector spaces Measures of noncompactness and condensing mappings, K -set contractions, etc. Contraction-type mappings, nonexpansive mappings, A-proper mappings, etc. Fixed-point theorems [See also 37C25, 54H25, 55M20, 58C30] Degree theory [See also 55M25, 58C30] Perturbations of nonlinear operators [See also 47A55, 58J37, 70H09, 70K60, 81Q15] Semigroups of nonlinear operators [See also 37L05, 47J35, 54H15, 58D07] Nonlinear ergodic theorems [See also 28Dxx, 37Axx, 47A35] Particular nonlinear operators (superposition, Hammerstein, Nemytski , Uryson, etc.) [See also 45Gxx, 45P05] Random operators [See also 47B80, 60H25] Multilinear and polynomial operators [See also 46G25] None of the above, but in this section Equations and inequalities involving nonlinear operators [See also 46Txx] {For global and geometric aspects, see 58XX} Equations involving nonlinear operators (general) [See also 47H10, 47J25] Nonlinear ill-posed problems [See also 35R25, 47A52, 65F22, 65J20, 65L08, 65M30, 65R30] Abstract inverse mapping and implicit function theorems [See also 46T20 and 58C15] Nonlinear spectral theory, nonlinear eigenvalue problems [See also 49R05] Abstract bifurcation theory [See also 34C23, 37Gxx, 58E07, 58E09] Variational and other types of inequalities involving nonlinear operators (general) [See also 49J40] Variational and other types of inclusions [See also 34A60, 49J21, 49K21] Iterative procedures [See also 65J15] Variational methods [See also 58Exx] Nonlinear evolution equations [See also 34G20, 35K90, 35L90, 35Qxx, 35R20, 37Kxx, 37Lxx, 47H20, 58D25] Equations with hysteresis operators [See also 34C55, 74N30] None of the above, but in this section Linear spaces and algebras of operators [See also 46Lxx] Linear spaces of operators [See also 46A32 and 46B28] Convex sets and cones of operators [See also 46A55] Algebras of operators on Banach spaces and other topological linear spaces Operator algebras with symbol structure Operator ideals [See also 47B10] Ideals of polynomials and of multilinear mappings Operator spaces (= matricially normed spaces) [See also 46L07] Abstract operator algebras on Hilbert spaces Nest algebras, CSL algebras Limit algebras, subalgebras of C -algebras Dual algebras; weakly closed singly generated operator algebras Dual spaces of operator algebras Representations of (nonselfadjoint) operator algebras Algebras of unbounded operators; partial algebras of operators Crossed product algebras (analytic crossed products) Nonassociative nonselfadjoint operator algebras Other nonselfadjoint operator algebras Algebras of specic types of operators (Toeplitz, integral, pseudodierential, etc.) Applications of operator algebras to physics None of the above, but in this section Miscellaneous applications of operator theory [See also 46Nxx] Applications in optimization, convex analysis, mathematical programming, economics Applications to dierential and integral equations Applications in probability theory and statistics Applications in numerical analysis [See also 65Jxx] Applications in the physical sciences Applications in chemistry and life sciences Applications in systems theory, circuits, and control theory None of the above, but in this section
47Sxx 47S10 47S20 47S30 47S40 47S50 47S99 49XX 4900 4901 4902 4903 4904 4906 49Jxx 49J05 49J10 49J15 49J20 49J21 49J27 49J30 49J35 49J40 49J45 49J50 49J52 49J53 49J55 49J99 49Kxx 49K05 49K10 49K15 49K20 49K21 49K27 49K30 49K35 49K40 49K45 49K99 49Lxx 49L20 49L25 49L99 49Mxx 49M05 49M15 49M20 49M25 49M27 49M29 49M30 49M37 49M99 49Nxx 49N05 49N10 49N15 49N20 49N25 49N30 49N35 49N45 49N60 49N70 49N75 49N90 49N99
Other (nonclassical) types of operator theory [See also 46Sxx] Operator theory over elds other than R, C or the quaternions; nonArchimedean operator theory Nonstandard operator theory [See also 03H05] Constructive operator theory [See also 03F60] Fuzzy operator theory [See also 03E72] Operator theory in probabilistic metric linear spaces [See also 54E70] None of the above, but in this section CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS AND OPTIMAL CONTROL; OPTIMIZATION [See also 34H05, 34K35, 65Kxx, 90Cxx, 93XX] General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Existence theories Free problems in one independent variable Free problems in two or more independent variables Optimal control problems involving ordinary dierential equations Optimal control problems involving partial dierential equations Optimal control problems involving relations other than dierential equations Problems in abstract spaces [See also 90C48, 93C25] Optimal solutions belonging to restricted classes (Lipschitz controls, bang-bang controls, etc.) Minimax problems Variational methods including variational inequalities [See also 47J20] Methods involving semicontinuity and convergence; relaxation Fr echet and Gateaux dierentiability [See also 46G05, 58C20] Nonsmooth analysis [See also 46G05, 58C50, 90C56] Set-valued and variational analysis [See also 28B20, 47H04, 54C60, 58C06] Problems involving randomness [See also 93E20] None of the above, but in this section Optimality conditions Free problems in one independent variable Free problems in two or more independent variables Problems involving ordinary dierential equations Problems involving partial dierential equations Problems involving relations other than dierential equations Problems in abstract spaces [See also 90C48, 93C25] Optimal solutions belonging to restricted classes Minimax problems Sensitivity, stability, well-posedness [See also 90C31] Problems involving randomness [See also 93E20] None of the above, but in this section Hamilton-Jacobi theories, including dynamic programming Dynamic programming method Viscosity solutions None of the above, but in this section Numerical methods [See also 90Cxx, 65Kxx] Methods based on necessary conditions Newton-type methods Methods of relaxation type Discrete approximations Decomposition methods Methods involving duality Other methods Methods of nonlinear programming type [See also 90C30, 65Kxx] None of the above, but in this section Miscellaneous topics Linear optimal control problems [See also 93C05] Linear-quadratic problems Duality theory Periodic optimization Impulsive optimal control problems Problems with incomplete information [See also 93C41] Optimal feedback synthesis [See also 93B52] Inverse problems Regularity of solutions Dierential games Pursuit and evasion games Applications of optimal control and dierential games [See also 90C90, 93C95] None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
49R99 49Sxx 49S05 49S99 51XX 5100 5101 5102 5103 5104 5106 51Axx 51A05 51A10 51A15 51A20 51A25 51A30 51A35 51A40 51A45 51A50 51A99 51Bxx 51B05 51B10 51B15 51B20 51B25 51B99 51Cxx 51C05 51C99 51Dxx 51D05 51D10 51D15 51D20 51D25 51D30 51D99 51Exx 51E05 51E10 51E12 51E14 51E15 51E20 51E21 51E22 51E23 51E24 51E25 51E26 51E30 51E99 51Fxx 51F05 51F10 51F15 51F20 51F25 51F99
Manifolds [See also 58Exx] Minimal surfaces [See also 53A10, 58E12] Optimization of shapes other than minimal surfaces [See also 90C90] Sensitivity analysis Geometric measure and integration theory, integral and normal currents [See also 28A75, 32C30, 58A25, 58C35] Variational problems in a geometric measure-theoretic setting None of the above, but in this section Variational methods for eigenvalues of operators [See also 47A75] Variational methods for eigenvalues of operators [See also 47A75] (should also be assigned at least one other classication number in Section 49) None of the above, but in this section Variational principles of physics Variational principles of physics (should also be assigned at least one other classication number in section 49) None of the above, but in this section GEOMETRY {For algebraic geometry, see 14XX} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Linear incidence geometry General theory and projective geometries Homomorphism, automorphism and dualities Structures with parallelism Conguration theorems Algebraization [See also 12Kxx, 20N05] Desarguesian and Pappian geometries Non-Desarguesian ane and projective planes Translation planes and spreads Incidence structures imbeddable into projective geometries Polar geometry, symplectic spaces, orthogonal spaces None of the above, but in this section Nonlinear incidence geometry General theory M obius geometries Laguerre geometries Minkowski geometries Lie geometries None of the above, but in this section Ring geometry (Hjelmslev, Barbilian, etc.) Ring geometry (Hjelmslev, Barbilian, etc.) None of the above, but in this section Geometric closure systems Abstract (Maeda) geometries Abstract geometries with exchange axiom Abstract geometries with parallelism Combinatorial geometries [See also 05B25, 05B35] Lattices of subspaces [See also 05B35] Continuous geometries and related topics [See also 06Cxx] None of the above, but in this section Finite geometry and special incidence structures General block designs [See also 05B05] Steiner systems Generalized quadrangles, generalized polygons Finite partial geometries (general), nets, partial spreads Ane and projective planes Combinatorial structures in nite projective spaces [See also 05Bxx] Blocking sets, ovals, k -arcs Linear codes and caps in Galois spaces [See also 94B05] Spreads and packing problems Buildings and the geometry of diagrams Other nite nonlinear geometries Other nite linear geometries Other nite incidence structures [See also 05B30] None of the above, but in this section Metric geometry Absolute planes Absolute spaces Reection groups, reection geometries [See also 20H10, 20H15; for Coxeter groups, see 20F55] Congruence and orthogonality [See also 20H05] Orthogonal and unitary groups [See also 20H05] None of the above, but in this section
51Gxx 51G05 51G99 51Hxx 51H05 51H10 51H15 51H20 51H25 51H30 51H99 51Jxx 51J05 51J10 51J15 51J20 51J99 51Kxx 51K05 51K10 51K99 51Lxx 51L05 51L10 51L15 51L20 51L99 51Mxx 51M04 51M05 51M09 51M10 51M15 51M16 51M20 51M25 51M30 51M35
51M99 51Nxx 51N05 51N10 51N15 51N20 51N25 51N30 51N35 51N99 51Pxx 51P05 51P99 52XX 5200 5201 5202 5203 5204 5206 52Axx 52A01 52A05 52A07 52A10 52A15 52A20 52A21
Ordered geometries (ordered incidence structures, etc.) Ordered geometries (ordered incidence structures, etc.) None of the above, but in this section Topological geometry General theory Topological linear incidence structures Topological nonlinear incidence structures Topological geometries on manifolds [See also 57XX] Geometries with dierentiable structure [See also 53Cxx, 53C70] Geometries with algebraic manifold structure [See also 14XX] None of the above, but in this section Incidence groups General theory Projective incidence groups Kinematic spaces Representation by near-elds and near-algebras [See also 12K05, 16Y30] None of the above, but in this section Distance geometry General theory Synthetic dierential geometry None of the above, but in this section Geometric order structures [See also 53C75] Geometry of orders of nondierentiable curves Directly dierentiable curves n-vertex theorems via direct methods Geometry of orders of surfaces None of the above, but in this section Real and complex geometry Elementary problems in Euclidean geometries Euclidean geometries (general) and generalizations Elementary problems in hyperbolic and elliptic geometries Hyperbolic and elliptic geometries (general) and generalizations Geometric constructions Inequalities and extremum problems {For convex problems, see 52A40} Polyhedra and polytopes; regular gures, division of spaces [See also 51F15] Length, area and volume [See also 26B15] Line geometries and their generalizations [See also 53A25] Synthetic treatment of fundamental manifolds in projective geometries (Grassmannians, Veronesians and their generalizations) [See also 14M15] None of the above, but in this section Analytic and descriptive geometry Descriptive geometry [See also 65D17, 68U07] Ane analytic geometry Projective analytic geometry Euclidean analytic geometry Analytic geometry with other transformation groups Geometry of classical groups [See also 20Gxx, 14L35] Questions of classical algebraic geometry [See also 14Nxx] None of the above, but in this section Geometry and physics (should also be assigned at least one other classication number from Sections 7086) Geometry and physics (should also be assigned at least one other classication number from Sections 7086) None of the above, but in this section CONVEX AND DISCRETE GEOMETRY General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. General convexity Axiomatic and generalized convexity Convex sets without dimension restrictions Convex sets in topological vector spaces [See also 46A55] Convex sets in 2 dimensions (including convex curves) [See also 53A04] Convex sets in 3 dimensions (including convex surfaces) [See also 53A05, 53C45] Convex sets in n dimensions (including convex hypersurfaces) [See also 53A07, 53C45] Finite-dimensional Banach spaces (including special norms, zonoids, etc.) [See also 46Bxx]
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
52A22 52A23 52A27 52A30 52A35 52A37 52A38 52A39 52A40 52A41 52A55 52A99 52Bxx 52B05 52B10 52B11 52B12 52B15 52B20 52B22 52B35 52B40 52B45 52B55
52B60 52B70 52B99 52Cxx 52C05 52C07 52C10 52C15 52C17 52C20 52C22 52C23 52C25 52C26 52C30 52C35 52C40 52C45 52C99 53XX
Random convex sets and integral geometry [See also 53C65, 60D05] Asymptotic theory of convex bodies [See also 46B06] Approximation by convex sets Variants of convex sets (star-shaped, (m, n)-convex, etc.) Helly-type theorems and geometric transversal theory Other problems of combinatorial convexity Length, area, volume [See also 26B15, 28A75, 49Q20] Mixed volumes and related topics Inequalities and extremum problems Convex functions and convex programs [See also 26B25, 90C25] Spherical and hyperbolic convexity None of the above, but in this section Polytopes and polyhedra Combinatorial properties (number of faces, shortest paths, etc.) [See also 05Cxx] Three-dimensional polytopes n-dimensional polytopes Special polytopes (linear programming, centrally symmetric, etc.) Symmetry properties of polytopes Lattice polytopes (including relations with commutative algebra and algebraic geometry) [See also 06A11, 13F20, 13Hxx] Shellability Gale and other diagrams Matroids (realizations in the context of convex polytopes, convexity in combinatorial structures, etc.) [See also 05B35, 52Cxx] Dissections and valuations (Hilberts third problem, etc.) Computational aspects related to convexity {For computational geometry and algorithms, see 68Q25, 68U05; for numerical algorithms, see 65Yxx} [See also 68Uxx] Isoperimetric problems for polytopes Polyhedral manifolds None of the above, but in this section Discrete geometry Lattices and convex bodies in 2 dimensions [See also 11H06, 11H31, 11P21] Lattices and convex bodies in n dimensions [See also 11H06, 11H31, 11P21] Erd os problems and related topics of discrete geometry [See also 11Hxx] Packing and covering in 2 dimensions [See also 05B40, 11H31] Packing and covering in n dimensions [See also 05B40, 11H31] Tilings in 2 dimensions [See also 05B45, 51M20] Tilings in n dimensions [See also 05B45, 51M20] Quasicrystals, aperiodic tilings Rigidity and exibility of structures [See also 70B15] Circle packings and discrete conformal geometry Planar arrangements of lines and pseudolines Arrangements of points, ats, hyperplanes [See also 32S22] Oriented matroids Combinatorial complexity of geometric structures [See also 68U05] None of the above, but in this section DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY {For dierential topology, see 57Rxx. For foundational questions of dierentiable manifolds, see 58Axx} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Classical dierential geometry Curves in Euclidean space Surfaces in Euclidean space Higher-dimensional and -codimensional surfaces in Euclidean n-space Minimal surfaces, surfaces with prescribed mean curvature [See also 49Q05, 49Q10, 53C42] Ane dierential geometry Kinematics Projective dierential geometry Dierential line geometry Conformal dierential geometry Non-Euclidean dierential geometry Other special dierential geometries Vector and tensor analysis Dierential invariants (local theory), geometric objects Geometry of webs [See also 14C21, 20N05] None of the above, but in this section
53Bxx 53B05 53B10 53B15 53B20 53B21 53B25 53B30 53B35 53B40 53B50 53B99 53Cxx 53C05 53C07 53C08 53C10 53C12 53C15 53C17 53C20 53C21 53C22 53C23 53C24 53C25 53C26 53C27 53C28 53C29 53C30 53C35 53C38 53C40 53C42 53C43 53C44 53C45 53C50 53C55 53C56 53C60 53C65 53C70 53C75 53C80 53C99 53Dxx 53D05 53D10 53D12 53D15 53D17 53D18 53D20 53D22 53D25 53D30 53D35 53D37 53D40 53D42 53D45 53D50 53D55 53D99 53Zxx 53Z05 53Z99
5300 5301 5302 5303 5304 5306 53Axx 53A04 53A05 53A07 53A10 53A15 53A17 53A20 53A25 53A30 53A35 53A40 53A45 53A55 53A60 53A99
Local dierential geometry Linear and ane connections Projective connections Other connections Local Riemannian geometry Methods of Riemannian geometry Local submanifolds [See also 53C40] Lorentz metrics, indenite metrics Hermitian and K ahlerian structures [See also 32Cxx] Finsler spaces and generalizations (areal metrics) Applications to physics None of the above, but in this section Global dierential geometry [See also 51H25, 58XX; for related bundle theory, see 55Rxx, 57Rxx] Connections, general theory Special connections and metrics on vector bundles (Hermite-EinsteinYang-Mills) [See also 32Q20] Gerbes, dierential characters: dierential geometric aspects G-structures Foliations (dierential geometric aspects) [See also 57R30, 57R32] General geometric structures on manifolds (almost complex, almost product structures, etc.) Sub-Riemannian geometry Global Riemannian geometry, including pinching [See also 31C12, 58B20] Methods of Riemannian geometry, including PDE methods; curvature restrictions [See also 58J60] Geodesics [See also 58E10] Global geometric and topological methods (` a la Gromov); dierential geometric analysis on metric spaces Rigidity results Special Riemannian manifolds (Einstein, Sasakian, etc.) Hyper-K ahler and quaternionic K ahler geometry, special geometry Spin and Spinc geometry Twistor methods [See also 32L25] Issues of holonomy Homogeneous manifolds [See also 14M15, 14M17, 32M10, 57T15] Symmetric spaces [See also 32M15, 57T15] Calibrations and calibrated geometries Global submanifolds [See also 53B25] Immersions (minimal, prescribed curvature, tight, etc.) [See also 49Q05, 49Q10, 53A10, 57R40, 57R42] Dierential geometric aspects of harmonic maps [See also 58E20] Geometric evolution equations (mean curvature ow, Ricci ow, etc.) Global surface theory (convex surfaces ` a la A. D. Aleksandrov) Lorentz manifolds, manifolds with indenite metrics Hermitian and K ahlerian manifolds [See also 32Cxx] Other complex dierential geometry [See also 32Cxx] Finsler spaces and generalizations (areal metrics) [See also 58B20] Integral geometry [See also 52A22, 60D05]; dierential forms, currents, etc. [See mainly 58Axx] Direct methods (G-spaces of Busemann, etc.) Geometric orders, order geometry [See also 51Lxx] Applications to physics None of the above, but in this section Symplectic geometry, contact geometry [See also 37Jxx, 70Gxx, 70Hxx] Symplectic manifolds, general Contact manifolds, general Lagrangian submanifolds; Maslov index Almost contact and almost symplectic manifolds Poisson manifolds; Poisson groupoids and algebroids Generalized geometries (` a la Hitchin) Momentum maps; symplectic reduction Canonical transformations Geodesic ows Symplectic structures of moduli spaces Global theory of symplectic and contact manifolds [See also 57Rxx] Mirror symmetry, symplectic aspects; homological mirror symmetry; Fukaya category [See also 14J33] Floer homology and cohomology, symplectic aspects Symplectic eld theory; contact homology Gromov-Witten invariants, quantum cohomology, Frobenius manifolds [See also 14N35] Geometric quantization Deformation quantization, star products None of the above, but in this section Applications to physics Applications to physics None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
54XX 5400 5401 5402 5403 5404 5406 54Axx 54A05 54A10 54A15 54A20 54A25 54A35 54A40 54A99 54Bxx 54B05 54B10 54B15 54B17 54B20 54B30 54B35 54B40 54B99 54Cxx 54C05 54C08 54C10 54C15 54C20 54C25 54C30 54C35 54C40 54C45 54C50 54C55
54C56 54C60 54C65 54C70 54C99 54Dxx 54D05 54D10 54D15 54D20 54D25 54D30 54D35 54D40 54D45 54D50 54D55 54D60 54D65 54D70 54D80 54D99 54Exx 54E05 54E15 54E17 54E18 54E20 54E25 54E30
GENERAL TOPOLOGY {For the topology of manifolds of all dimensions, see 57Nxx} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Generalities Topological spaces and generalizations (closure spaces, etc.) Several topologies on one set (change of topology, comparison of topologies, lattices of topologies) Syntopogeneous structures Convergence in general topology (sequences, lters, limits, convergence spaces, etc.) Cardinality properties (cardinal functions and inequalities, discrete subsets) [See also 03Exx] {For ultralters, see 54D80} Consistency and independence results [See also 03E35] Fuzzy topology [See also 03E72] None of the above, but in this section Basic constructions Subspaces Product spaces Quotient spaces, decompositions Adjunction spaces and similar constructions Hyperspaces Categorical methods [See also 18B30] Spectra Presheaves and sheaves [See also 18F20] None of the above, but in this section Maps and general types of spaces dened by maps Continuous maps Weak and generalized continuity Special maps on topological spaces (open, closed, perfect, etc.) Retraction Extension of maps Embedding Real-valued functions [See also 26XX] Function spaces [See also 46Exx, 58D15] Algebraic properties of function spaces [See also 46J10] C - and C -embedding Special sets dened by functions [See also 26A21] Absolute neighborhood extensor, absolute extensor, absolute neighborhood retract (ANR), absolute retract spaces (general properties) [See also 55M15] Shape theory [See also 55P55, 57N25] Set-valued maps [See also 26E25, 28B20, 47H04, 58C06] Selections [See also 28B20] Entropy None of the above, but in this section Fairly general properties Connected and locally connected spaces (general aspects) Lower separation axioms (T0 T3 , etc.) Higher separation axioms (completely regular, normal, perfectly or collectionwise normal, etc.) Noncompact covering properties (paracompact, Lindel of, etc.) P -minimal and P -closed spaces Compactness Extensions of spaces (compactications, supercompactications, completions, etc.) Remainders Local compactness, -compactness k -spaces Sequential spaces Realcompactness and realcompactication Separability Base properties Special constructions of spaces (spaces of ultralters, etc.) None of the above, but in this section Spaces with richer structures Proximity structures and generalizations Uniform structures and generalizations Nearness spaces p-spaces, M -spaces, -spaces, etc. Stratiable spaces, cosmic spaces, etc. Semimetric spaces Moore spaces
54E35 54E40 54E45 54E50 54E52 54E55 54E70 54E99 54Fxx 54F05 54F15 54F35 54F45 54F50 54F55 54F65 54F99 54Gxx 54G05 54G10 54G12 54G15 54G20 54G99 54Hxx 54H05 54H10 54H11 54H12 54H13 54H15 54H20 54H25 54H99 54Jxx 54J05 54J99 55XX 5500 5501 5502 5503 5504 5506 55Mxx 55M05 55M10 55M15 55M20 55M25 55M30 55M35 55M99 55Nxx 55N05 55N07 55N10 55N15 55N20 55N22 55N25 55N30 55N32 55N33 55N34 55N35 55N40 55N45 55N91
Metric spaces, metrizability Special maps on metric spaces Compact (locally compact) metric spaces Complete metric spaces Baire category, Baire spaces Bitopologies Probabilistic metric spaces None of the above, but in this section Special properties Linearly ordered topological spaces, generalized ordered spaces, and partially ordered spaces [See also 06B30, 06F30] Continua and generalizations Higher-dimensional local connectedness [See also 55Mxx, 55Nxx] Dimension theory [See also 55M10] Spaces of dimension 1; curves, dendrites [See also 26A03] Unicoherence, multicoherence Topological characterizations of particular spaces None of the above, but in this section Peculiar spaces Extremally disconnected spaces, F -spaces, etc. P -spaces Scattered spaces Pathological spaces Counterexamples None of the above, but in this section Connections with other structures, applications Descriptive set theory (topological aspects of Borel, analytic, projective, etc. sets) [See also 03E15, 26A21, 28A05] Topological representations of algebraic systems [See also 22XX] Topological groups [See also 22A05] Topological lattices, etc. [See also 06B30, 06F30] Topological elds, rings, etc. [See also 12Jxx] {For algebraic aspects, see 13Jxx, 16W80} Transformation groups and semigroups [See also 20M20, 22XX, 57Sxx] Topological dynamics [See also 28Dxx, 37Bxx] Fixed-point and coincidence theorems [See also 47H10, 55M20] None of the above, but in this section Nonstandard topology [See also 03H05] Nonstandard topology [See also 03H05] None of the above, but in this section ALGEBRAIC TOPOLOGY General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Classical topics {For the topology of Euclidean spaces and manifolds, see 57Nxx} Duality Dimension theory [See also 54F45] Absolute neighborhood retracts [See also 54C55] Fixed points and coincidences [See also 54H25] Degree, winding number Ljusternik-Schnirelman (Lyusternik-Shnirel man) category of a space Finite groups of transformations (including Smith theory) [See also 57S17] None of the above, but in this section Homology and cohomology theories [See also 57Txx] Cech types Steenrod-Sitnikov homologies Singular theory K -theory [See also 19Lxx] {For algebraic K -theory, see 18F25, 19 XX} Generalized (extraordinary) homology and cohomology theories Bordism and cobordism theories, formal group laws [See also 14L05, 19L41, 57R75, 57R77, 57R85, 57R90] Homology with local coecients, equivariant cohomology Sheaf cohomology [See also 18F20, 32C35, 32L10] Orbifold cohomology Intersection homology and cohomology Elliptic cohomology Other homology theories Axioms for homology theory and uniqueness theorems Products and intersections Equivariant homology and cohomology [See also 19L47]
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
55N99 55Pxx 55P05 55P10 55P15 55P20 55P25 55P30 55P35 55P40 55P42 55P43 55P45 55P47 55P48 55P50 55P55 55P57 55P60 55P62 55P65 55P91 55P92 55P99 55Qxx 55Q05 55Q07 55Q10 55Q15 55Q20 55Q25 55Q35 55Q40 55Q45 55Q50 55Q51 55Q52 55Q55 55Q70 55Q91 55Q99 55Rxx 55R05 55R10 55R12 55R15 55R20 55R25 55R35 55R37 55R40 55R45 55R50 55R55 55R60 55R65 55R70 55R80 55R91 55R99 55Sxx 55S05 55S10 55S12 55S15 55S20 55S25 55S30 55S35 55S36 55S37 55S40 55S45 55S91 55S99
None of the above, but in this section Homotopy theory {For simple homotopy type, see 57Q10} Homotopy extension properties, cobrations Homotopy equivalences Classication of homotopy type Eilenberg-Mac Lane spaces Spanier-Whitehead duality Eckmann-Hilton duality Loop spaces Suspensions Stable homotopy theory, spectra Spectra with additional structure (E , A , ring spectra, etc.) H -spaces and duals Innite loop spaces Loop space machines, operads [See also 18D50] String topology Shape theory [See also 54C56, 55Q07] Proper homotopy theory Localization and completion Rational homotopy theory Homotopy functors Equivariant homotopy theory [See also 19L47] Relations between equivariant and nonequivariant homotopy theory None of the above, but in this section Homotopy groups Homotopy groups, general; sets of homotopy classes Shape groups Stable homotopy groups Whitehead products and generalizations Homotopy groups of wedges, joins, and simple spaces Hopf invariants Operations in homotopy groups Homotopy groups of spheres Stable homotopy of spheres J -morphism [See also 19L20] vn -periodicity Homotopy groups of special spaces Cohomotopy groups Homotopy groups of special types [See also 55N05, 55N07] Equivariant homotopy groups [See also 19L47] None of the above, but in this section Fiber spaces and bundles [See also 18F15, 32Lxx, 46M20, 57R20, 57R22, 57R25] Fiber spaces Fiber bundles Transfer Classication Spectral sequences and homology of ber spaces [See also 55Txx] Sphere bundles and vector bundles Classifying spaces of groups and H -spaces Maps between classifying spaces Homology of classifying spaces, characteristic classes [See also 57Txx, 57R20] Homology and homotopy of B O and B U; Bott periodicity Stable classes of vector space bundles, K -theory [See also 19Lxx] {For algebraic K -theory, see 18F25, 19XX} Fiberings with singularities Microbundles and block bundles [See also 57N55, 57Q50] Generalizations of ber spaces and bundles Fibrewise topology Discriminantal varieties, conguration spaces Equivariant ber spaces and bundles [See also 19L47] None of the above, but in this section Operations and obstructions Primary cohomology operations Steenrod algebra Dyer-Lashof operations Symmetric products, cyclic products Secondary and higher cohomology operations K -theory operations and generalized cohomology operations [See also 19D55, 19Lxx] Massey products Obstruction theory Extension and compression of mappings Classication of mappings Sectioning ber spaces and bundles Postnikov systems, k -invariants Equivariant operations and obstructions [See also 19L47] None of the above, but in this section
55Txx 55T05 55T10 55T15 55T20 55T25 55T99 55Uxx 55U05 55U10 55U15 55U20 55U25 55U30 55U35 55U40 55U99 57XX 5700 5701 5702 5703 5704 5706 57Mxx 57M05 57M07 57M10 57M12 57M15 57M20 57M25 57M27 57M30 57M35 57M40 57M50 57M60 57M99 57Nxx 57N05 57N10 57N12 57N13 57N15 57N16 57N17 57N20 57N25 57N30 57N35 57N37 57N40 57N45 57N50 57N55 57N60 57N65 57N70 57N75 57N80 57N99 57Pxx 57P05 57P10 57P99 57Qxx 57Q05 57Q10 57Q12 57Q15 57Q20 57Q25 57Q30
Spectral sequences [See also 18G40, 55R20] General Serre spectral sequences Adams spectral sequences Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequences [See also 57T35] Generalized cohomology None of the above, but in this section Applied homological algebra and category theory [See also 18Gxx] Abstract complexes Simplicial sets and complexes Chain complexes Universal coecient theorems, Bockstein operator Homology of a product, K unneth formula Duality Abstract and axiomatic homotopy theory Topological categories, foundations of homotopy theory None of the above, but in this section MANIFOLDS AND CELL COMPLEXES {For complex manifolds, see 32Qxx} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Low-dimensional topology Fundamental group, presentations, free dierential calculus Topological methods in group theory Covering spaces Special coverings, e.g. branched Relations with graph theory [See also 05Cxx] Two-dimensional complexes Knots and links in S 3 {For higher dimensions, see 57Q45} Invariants of knots and 3-manifolds Wild knots and surfaces, etc., wild embeddings Dehns lemma, sphere theorem, loop theorem, asphericity Characterizations of E 3 and S 3 (Poincar e conjecture) [See also 57N12] Geometric structures on low-dimensional manifolds Group actions in low dimensions None of the above, but in this section Topological manifolds Topology of E 2 , 2-manifolds Topology of general 3-manifolds [See also 57Mxx] Topology of E 3 and S 3 [See also 57M40] Topology of E 4 , 4-manifolds [See also 14Jxx, 32Jxx] Topology of E n , n-manifolds (4 < n < ) Geometric structures on manifolds [See also 57M50] Topology of topological vector spaces Topology of innite-dimensional manifolds [See also 58Bxx] Shapes [See also 54C56, 55P55, 55Q07] Engulng Embeddings and immersions Isotopy and pseudo-isotopy Neighborhoods of submanifolds Flatness and tameness S n1 E n , Schoenies problem Microbundles and block bundles [See also 55R60, 57Q50] Cellularity Algebraic topology of manifolds Cobordism and concordance General position and transversality Stratications None of the above, but in this section Generalized manifolds [See also 18F15] Local properties of generalized manifolds Poincar e duality spaces None of the above, but in this section PL-topology General topology of complexes Simple homotopy type, Whitehead torsion, Reidemeister-Franz torsion, etc. [See also 19B28] Wall niteness obstruction for CW-complexes Triangulating manifolds Cobordism Comparison of PL-structures: classication, Hauptvermutung Engulng
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
57Q35 57Q37 57Q40 57Q45 57Q50 57Q55 57Q60 57Q65 57Q91 57Q99 57Rxx 57R05 57R10 57R12 57R15 57R17 57R18 57R19 57R20 57R22 57R25 57R27 57R30 57R32 57R35 57R40 57R42 57R45 57R50 57R52 57R55 57R56 57R57 57R58 57R60 57R65 57R67 57R70 57R75 57R77 57R80 57R85 57R90 57R91 57R95 57R99 57Sxx 57S05 57S10 57S15 57S17 57S20 57S25 57S30 57S99 57Txx 57T05 57T10 57T15 57T20 57T25 57T30 57T35 57T99 58XX
Embeddings and immersions Isotopy Regular neighborhoods Knots and links (in high dimensions) {For the low-dimensional case, see 57M25} Microbundles and block bundles [See also 55R60, 57N55] Approximations Cobordism and concordance General position and transversality Equivariant PL-topology None of the above, but in this section Dierential topology {For foundational questions of dierentiable manifolds, see 58Axx; for innite-dimensional manifolds, see 58Bxx} Triangulating Smoothing Smooth approximations Specialized structures on manifolds (spin manifolds, framed manifolds, etc.) Symplectic and contact topology Topology and geometry of orbifolds Algebraic topology on manifolds Characteristic classes and numbers Topology of vector bundles and ber bundles [See also 55Rxx] Vector elds, frame elds Controllability of vector elds on C and real-analytic manifolds [See also 49Qxx, 37C10, 93B05] Foliations; geometric theory Classifying spaces for foliations; Gelfand-Fuks cohomology [See also 58H10] Dierentiable mappings Embeddings Immersions Singularities of dierentiable mappings Dieomorphisms Isotopy Dierentiable structures Topological quantum eld theories Applications of global analysis to structures on manifolds, Donaldson and Seiberg-Witten invariants [See also 58XX] Floer homology Homotopy spheres, Poincar e conjecture Surgery and handlebodies Surgery obstructions, Wall groups [See also 19J25] Critical points and critical submanifolds O- and SO-cobordism Complex cobordism (U- and SU-cobordism) [See also 55N22] h- and s-cobordism Equivariant cobordism Other types of cobordism [See also 55N22] Equivariant algebraic topology of manifolds Realizing cycles by submanifolds None of the above, but in this section Topological transformation groups [See also 20F34, 22XX, 37XX, 54H15, 58D05] Topological properties of groups of homeomorphisms or dieomorphisms Compact groups of homeomorphisms Compact Lie groups of dierentiable transformations Finite transformation groups Noncompact Lie groups of transformations Groups acting on specic manifolds Discontinuous groups of transformations None of the above, but in this section Homology and homotopy of topological groups and related structures Hopf algebras [See also 16T05] Homology and cohomology of Lie groups Homology and cohomology of homogeneous spaces of Lie groups Homotopy groups of topological groups and homogeneous spaces Homology and cohomology of H -spaces Bar and cobar constructions [See also 18G55, 55Uxx] Applications of Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequences [See also 55R20, 55T20] None of the above, but in this section GLOBAL ANALYSIS, ANALYSIS ON MANIFOLDS [See also 32Cxx, 32Fxx, 32Wxx, 46XX, 47Hxx, 53Cxx]{For geometric integration theory, see 49Q15} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles)
5803 5804 5806 58Axx 58A03 58A05 58A07 58A10 58A12 58A14 58A15 58A17 58A20 58A25 58A30 58A32 58A35 58A40 58A50 58A99 58Bxx 58B05 58B10 58B12 58B15 58B20 58B25 58B32 58B34 58B99 58Cxx 58C05 58C06 58C07 58C10 58C15 58C20 58C25 58C30 58C35 58C40 58C50 58C99 58Dxx 58D05 58D07 58D10 58D15 58D17 58D19 58D20 58D25 58D27 58D29 58D30 58D99 58Exx 58E05 58E07 58E09 58E10 58E11 58E12
Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. General theory of dierentiable manifolds [See also 32Cxx] Topos-theoretic approach to dierentiable manifolds Dierentiable manifolds, foundations Real-analytic and Nash manifolds [See also 14P20, 32C07] Dierential forms de Rham theory [See also 14Fxx] Hodge theory [See also 14C30, 14Fxx, 32J25, 32S35] Exterior dierential systems (Cartan theory) Pfaan systems Jets Currents [See also 32C30, 53C65] Vector distributions (subbundles of the tangent bundles) Natural bundles Stratied sets [See also 32S60] Dierential spaces Supermanifolds and graded manifolds [See also 14A22, 32C11] None of the above, but in this section Innite-dimensional manifolds Homotopy and topological questions Dierentiability questions Questions of holomorphy [See also 32XX, 46G20] Fredholm structures [See also 47A53] Riemannian, Finsler and other geometric structures [See also 53C20, 53C60] Group structures and generalizations on innite-dimensional manifolds [See also 22E65, 58D05] Geometry of quantum groups Noncommutative geometry (` a la Connes) None of the above, but in this section Calculus on manifolds; nonlinear operators [See also 46Txx, 47Hxx, 47Jxx] Real-valued functions Set valued and function-space valued mappings [See also 47H04, 54C60] Continuity properties of mappings Holomorphic maps [See also 32XX] Implicit function theorems; global Newton methods Dierentiation theory (Gateaux, Fr echet, etc.) [See also 26Exx, 46G05] Dierentiable maps Fixed point theorems on manifolds [See also 47H10] Integration on manifolds; measures on manifolds [See also 28Cxx] Spectral theory; eigenvalue problems [See also 47J10, 58E07] Analysis on supermanifolds or graded manifolds None of the above, but in this section Spaces and manifolds of mappings (including nonlinear versions of 46Exx) [See also 46Txx, 53Cxx] Groups of dieomorphisms and homeomorphisms as manifolds [See also 22E65, 57S05] Groups and semigroups of nonlinear operators [See also 17B65, 47H20] Spaces of imbeddings and immersions Manifolds of mappings [See also 46T10, 54C35] Manifolds of metrics (esp. Riemannian) Group actions and symmetry properties Measures (Gaussian, cylindrical, etc.) on manifolds of maps [See also 28Cxx, 46T12] Equations in function spaces; evolution equations [See also 34Gxx, 35K90, 35L90, 35R15, 37Lxx, 47Jxx] Moduli problems for dierential geometric structures Moduli problems for topological structures Applications (in quantum mechanics (Feynman path integrals), relativity, uid dynamics, etc.) None of the above, but in this section Variational problems in innite-dimensional spaces Abstract critical point theory (Morse theory, Ljusternik-Schnirelman (Lyusternik-Shnirel man) theory, etc.) Abstract bifurcation theory Group-invariant bifurcation theory Applications to the theory of geodesics (problems in one independent variable) Critical metrics Applications to minimal surfaces (problems in two independent variables) [See also 49Q05]
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
58E15 58E17 58E20 58E25 58E30 58E35 58E40 58E50 58E99 58Hxx 58H05 58H10 58H15 58H99 58Jxx 58J05 58J10 58J15 58J20 58J22 58J26 58J28 58J30 58J32 58J35 58J37 58J40 58J42 58J45 58J47 58J50 58J51 58J52 58J53 58J55 58J60 58J65 58J70 58J72 58J90 58J99 58Kxx 58K05 58K10 58K15 58K20 58K25 58K30 58K35 58K40 58K45 58K50 58K55 58K60 58K65 58K70 58K99 58Zxx 58Z05 58Z99 60XX
Application to extremal problems in several variables; Yang-Mills functionals [See also 81T13], etc. Pareto optimality, etc., applications to economics [See also 90C29] Harmonic maps [See also 53C43], etc. Applications to control theory [See also 49XX, 93XX] Variational principles Variational inequalities (global problems) Group actions Applications None of the above, but in this section Pseudogroups, dierentiable groupoids and general structures on manifolds Pseudogroups and dierentiable groupoids [See also 22A22, 22E65] Cohomology of classifying spaces for pseudogroup structures (Spencer, Gelfand-Fuks, etc.) [See also 57R32] Deformations of structures [See also 32Gxx, 58J10] None of the above, but in this section Partial dierential equations on manifolds; dierential operators [See also 32Wxx, 35XX, 53Cxx] Elliptic equations on manifolds, general theory [See also 35XX] Dierential complexes [See also 35Nxx]; elliptic complexes Relations with hyperfunctions Index theory and related xed point theorems [See also 19K56, 46L80] Exotic index theories [See also 19K56, 46L05, 46L10, 46L80, 46M20] Elliptic genera Eta-invariants, Chern-Simons invariants Spectral ows Boundary value problems on manifolds Heat and other parabolic equation methods Perturbations; asymptotics Pseudodierential and Fourier integral operators on manifolds [See also 35Sxx] Noncommutative global analysis, noncommutative residues Hyperbolic equations [See also 35Lxx] Propagation of singularities; initial value problems Spectral problems; spectral geometry; scattering theory [See also 35Pxx] Relations between spectral theory and ergodic theory, e.g. quantum unique ergodicity Determinants and determinant bundles, analytic torsion Isospectrality Bifurcation [See also 35B32] Relations with special manifold structures (Riemannian, Finsler, etc.) Diusion processes and stochastic analysis on manifolds [See also 35R60, 60H10, 60J60] Invariance and symmetry properties [See also 35A30] Correspondences and other transformation methods (e.g. LieB acklund) [See also 35A22] Applications None of the above, but in this section Theory of singularities and catastrophe theory [See also 32Sxx, 37 XX] Critical points of functions and mappings Monodromy Topological properties of mappings Algebraic and analytic properties of mappings Stability Global theory Catastrophe theory Classication; nite determinacy of map germs Singularities of vector elds, topological aspects Normal forms Asymptotic behavior Deformation of singularities Topological invariants Symmetries, equivariance None of the above, but in this section Applications to physics Applications to physics None of the above, but in this section PROBABILITY THEORY AND STOCHASTIC PROCESSES {For additional applications, see 11Kxx, 62XX, 90XX, 91XX, 92XX, 93XX, 94XX} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01)
6004 6006 6008 60Axx 60A05 60A10 60A86 60A99 60Bxx 60B05 60B10 60B11 60B12 60B15 60B20 60B99 60Cxx 60C05 60C99 60Dxx 60D05 60D99 60Exx 60E05 60E07 60E10 60E15 60E99 60Fxx 60F05 60F10 60F15 60F17 60F20 60F25 60F99 60Gxx 60G05 60G07 60G09 60G10 60G12 60G15 60G17 60G18 60G20 60G22 60G25 60G30 60G35 60G40 60G42 60G44 60G46 60G48 60G50 60G51 60G52 60G55 60G57 60G60 60G70 60G99 60Hxx 60H05 60H07 60H10 60H15 60H20 60H25 60H30
Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Computational methods (not classied at a more specic level) [See also 65C50] Foundations of probability theory Axioms; other general questions Probabilistic measure theory {For ergodic theory, see 28Dxx and 60Fxx} Fuzzy probability None of the above, but in this section Probability theory on algebraic and topological structures Probability measures on topological spaces Convergence of probability measures Probability theory on linear topological spaces [See also 28C20] Limit theorems for vector-valued random variables (innitedimensional case) Probability measures on groups or semigroups, Fourier transforms, factorization Random matrices (probabilistic aspects; for algebraic aspects see 15B52) None of the above, but in this section Combinatorial probability Combinatorial probability None of the above, but in this section Geometric probability and stochastic geometry [See also 52A22, 53C65] Geometric probability and stochastic geometry [See also 52A22, 53C65] None of the above, but in this section Distribution theory [See also 62Exx, 62Hxx] Distributions: general theory Innitely divisible distributions; stable distributions Characteristic functions; other transforms Inequalities; stochastic orderings None of the above, but in this section Limit theorems [See also 28Dxx, 60B12] Central limit and other weak theorems Large deviations Strong theorems Functional limit theorems; invariance principles Zero-one laws Lp -limit theorems None of the above, but in this section Stochastic processes Foundations of stochastic processes General theory of processes Exchangeability Stationary processes General second-order processes Gaussian processes Sample path properties Self-similar processes Generalized stochastic processes Fractional processes, including fractional Brownian motion Prediction theory [See also 62M20] Continuity and singularity of induced measures Signal detection and ltering [See also 62M20, 93E10, 93E11, 94Axx] Stopping times; optimal stopping problems; gambling theory [See also 62L15, 91A60] Martingales with discrete parameter Martingales with continuous parameter Martingales and classical analysis Generalizations of martingales Sums of independent random variables; random walks Processes with independent increments; L evy processes Stable processes Point processes Random measures Random elds Extreme value theory; extremal processes None of the above, but in this section Stochastic analysis [See also 58J65] Stochastic integrals Stochastic calculus of variations and the Malliavin calculus Stochastic ordinary dierential equations [See also 34F05] Stochastic partial dierential equations [See also 35R60] Stochastic integral equations Random operators and equations [See also 47B80] Applications of stochastic analysis (to PDE, etc.)
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
60J22 60J25 60J27 60J28 60J35 60J40 60J45 60J50 60J55 60J57 60J60 60J65 60J67 60J68 60J70 60J75 60J80 60J85 60J99 60Kxx 60K05 60K10 60K15 60K20 60K25 60K30 60K35 60K37 60K40 60K99 62XX 6200 6201 6202 6203 6204 6206 6207 6209 62Axx 62A01 62A86 62A99 62Bxx 62B05 62B10 62B15 62B86 62B99 62Cxx 62C05 62C07 62C10 62C12 62C15 62C20 62C25 62C86 62C99
Computational methods for stochastic equations [See also 65C30] White noise theory None of the above, but in this section Markov processes Discrete-time Markov processes on general state spaces Markov chains (discrete-time Markov processes on discrete state spaces) Applications of Markov chains and discrete-time Markov processes on general state spaces (social mobility, learning theory, industrial processes, etc.) [See also 90B30, 91D10, 91D35, 91E40] Computational methods in Markov chains [See also 65C40] Continuous-time Markov processes on general state spaces Continuous-time Markov processes on discrete state spaces Applications of continuous-time Markov processes on discrete state spaces Transition functions, generators and resolvents [See also 47D03, 47D07] Right processes Probabilistic potential theory [See also 31Cxx, 31D05] Boundary theory Local time and additive functionals Multiplicative functionals Diusion processes [See also 58J65] Brownian motion [See also 58J65] Stochastic (Schramm-)Loewner evolution (SLE) Superprocesses Applications of Brownian motions and diusion theory (population genetics, absorption problems, etc.) [See also 92Dxx] Jump processes Branching processes (Galton-Watson, birth-and-death, etc.) Applications of branching processes [See also 92Dxx] None of the above, but in this section Special processes Renewal theory Applications (reliability, demand theory, etc.) Markov renewal processes, semi-Markov processes Applications of Markov renewal processes (reliability, queueing networks, etc.) [See also 90Bxx] Queueing theory [See also 68M20, 90B22] Applications (congestion, allocation, storage, trac, etc.) [See also 90Bxx] Interacting random processes; statistical mechanics type models; percolation theory [See also 82B43, 82C43] Processes in random environments Other physical applications of random processes None of the above, but in this section STATISTICS General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Data analysis Graphical methods Foundational and philosophical topics Foundations and philosophical topics Fuzzy analysis in statistics None of the above, but in this section Suciency and information Sucient statistics and elds Information-theoretic topics [See also 94A17] Theory of statistical experiments Fuzziness, suciency, and information None of the above, but in this section Decision theory [See also 90B50, 91B06; for game theory, see 91A35] General considerations Complete class results Bayesian problems; characterization of Bayes procedures Empirical decision procedures; empirical Bayes procedures Admissibility Minimax procedures Compound decision problems Decision theory and fuzziness None of the above, but in this section
62Dxx 62D05 62D99 62Exx 62E10 62E15 62E17 62E20 62E86 62E99 62Fxx 62F03 62F05 62F07 62F10 62F12 62F15 62F25 62F30 62F35 62F40 62F86 62F99 62Gxx 62G05 62G07 62G08 62G09 62G10 62G15 62G20 62G30 62G32 62G35 62G86 62G99 62Hxx 62H05 62H10 62H11 62H12 62H15 62H17 62H20 62H25 62H30 62H35 62H86 62H99 62Jxx 62J02 62J05 62J07 62J10 62J12 62J15 62J20 62J86 62J99 62Kxx 62K05 62K10 62K15 62K20 62K25 62K86 62K99 62Lxx 62L05 62L10 62L12 62L15 62L20 62L86 62L99
Sampling theory, sample surveys Sampling theory, sample surveys None of the above, but in this section Distribution theory [See also 60Exx] Characterization and structure theory Exact distribution theory Approximations to distributions (nonasymptotic) Asymptotic distribution theory Fuzziness in connection with the topics on distributions in this section None of the above, but in this section Parametric inference Hypothesis testing Asymptotic properties of tests Ranking and selection Point estimation Asymptotic properties of estimators Bayesian inference Tolerance and condence regions Inference under constraints Robustness and adaptive procedures Bootstrap, jackknife and other resampling methods Parametric inference and fuzziness None of the above, but in this section Nonparametric inference Estimation Density estimation Nonparametric regression Resampling methods Hypothesis testing Tolerance and condence regions Asymptotic properties Order statistics; empirical distribution functions Statistics of extreme values; tail inference Robustness Nonparametric inference and fuzziness None of the above, but in this section Multivariate analysis [See also 60Exx] Characterization and structure theory Distribution of statistics Directional data; spatial statistics Estimation Hypothesis testing Contingency tables Measures of association (correlation, canonical correlation, etc.) Factor analysis and principal components; correspondence analysis Classication and discrimination; cluster analysis [See also 68T10, 91C20] Image analysis Multivariate analysis and fuzziness None of the above, but in this section Linear inference, regression General nonlinear regression Linear regression Ridge regression; shrinkage estimators Analysis of variance and covariance Generalized linear models Paired and multiple comparisons Diagnostics Fuzziness, and linear inference and regression None of the above, but in this section Design of experiments [See also 05Bxx] Optimal designs Block designs Factorial designs Response surface designs Robust parameter designs Fuzziness and design of experiments None of the above, but in this section Sequential methods Sequential design Sequential analysis Sequential estimation Optimal stopping [See also 60G40, 91A60] Stochastic approximation Fuzziness and sequential methods None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
62Mxx 62M02 62M05 62M07 62M09 62M10 62M15 62M20 62M30 62M40 62M45 62M86 62M99 62Nxx 62N01 62N02 62N03 62N05 62N86 62N99 62Pxx 62P05 62P10 62P12 62P15 62P20 62P25 62P30 62P35 62P99 62Qxx 62Q05 62Q99 65XX 6500 6501 6502 6503 6504 6505 6506 65Axx 65A05 65A99 65Bxx 65B05 65B10 65B15 65B99 65Cxx 65C05 65C10 65C20 65C30 65C35 65C40 65C50 65C60 65C99 65Dxx 65D05 65D07 65D10 65D15 65D17 65D18 65D19 65D20 65D25 65D30 65D32 65D99
Inference from stochastic processes Markov processes: hypothesis testing Markov processes: estimation Non-Markovian processes: hypothesis testing Non-Markovian processes: estimation Time series, auto-correlation, regression, etc. [See also 91B84] Spectral analysis Prediction [See also 60G25]; ltering [See also 60G35, 93E10, 93E11] Spatial processes Random elds; image analysis Neural nets and related approaches Inference from stochastic processes and fuzziness None of the above, but in this section Survival analysis and censored data Censored data models Estimation Testing Reliability and life testing [See also 90B25] Fuzziness, and survival analysis and censored data None of the above, but in this section Applications [See also 90XX, 91XX, 92XX] Applications to actuarial sciences and nancial mathematics Applications to biology and medical sciences Applications to environmental and related topics Applications to psychology Applications to economics [See also 91Bxx] Applications to social sciences Applications in engineering and industry Applications to physics None of the above, but in this section Statistical tables Statistical tables None of the above, but in this section NUMERICAL ANALYSIS General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Experimental papers Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Tables Tables None of the above, but in this section Acceleration of convergence Extrapolation to the limit, deferred corrections Summation of series Euler-Maclaurin formula None of the above, but in this section Probabilistic methods, simulation and stochastic dierential equations {For theoretical aspects, see 68U20 and 60H35} Monte Carlo methods Random number generation Models, numerical methods [See also 68U20] Stochastic dierential and integral equations Stochastic particle methods [See also 82C80] Computational Markov chains Other computational problems in probability Computational problems in statistics None of the above, but in this section Numerical approximation and computational geometry (primarily algorithms) {For theory, see 41XX and 68Uxx} Interpolation Splines Smoothing, curve tting Algorithms for functional approximation Computer aided design (modeling of curves and surfaces) [See also 68U07] Computer graphics, image analysis, and computational geometry [See also 51N05, 68U05] Computational issues in computer and robotic vision Computation of special functions, construction of tables [See also 33F05] Numerical dierentiation Numerical integration Quadrature and cubature formulas None of the above, but in this section
65Exx 65E05 65E99 65Fxx 65F05 65F08 65F10 65F15 65F18 65F20 65F22 65F25 65F30 65F35 65F40 65F50 65F60 65F99 65Gxx 65G20 65G30 65G40 65G50 65G99 65Hxx 65H04 65H05 65H10 65H17 65H20 65H99 65Jxx 65J05 65J08 65J10 65J15 65J20 65J22 65J99 65Kxx 65K05 65K10 65K15 65K99 65Lxx 65L03 65L04 65L05 65L06 65L07 65L08 65L09 65L10 65L11 65L12 65L15 65L20 65L50 65L60 65L70 65L80 65L99 65Mxx 65M06 65M08 65M12 65M15 65M20 65M22 65M25 65M30 65M32 65M38 65M50 65M55
Numerical methods in complex analysis (potential theory, etc.) {For numerical methods in conformal mapping, see also 30C30} Numerical methods in complex analysis (potential theory, etc.) {For numerical methods in conformal mapping, see also 30C30} None of the above, but in this section Numerical linear algebra Direct methods for linear systems and matrix inversion Preconditioners for iterative methods Iterative methods for linear systems [See also 65N22] Eigenvalues, eigenvectors Inverse eigenvalue problems Overdetermined systems, pseudoinverses Ill-posedness, regularization Orthogonalization Other matrix algorithms Matrix norms, conditioning, scaling [See also 15A12, 15A60] Determinants Sparse matrices Matrix exponential and similar matrix functions None of the above, but in this section Error analysis and interval analysis Algorithms with automatic result verication Interval and nite arithmetic General methods in interval analysis Roundo error None of the above, but in this section Nonlinear algebraic or transcendental equations Roots of polynomial equations Single equations Systems of equations Eigenvalues, eigenvectors [See also 47Hxx, 47Jxx, 58C40, 58E07, 90C30] Global methods, including homotopy approaches [See also 58C30, 90C30] None of the above, but in this section Numerical analysis in abstract spaces General theory Abstract evolution equations Equations with linear operators (do not use 65Fxx) Equations with nonlinear operators (do not use 65Hxx) Improperly posed problems; regularization Inverse problems None of the above, but in this section Mathematical programming, optimization and variational techniques Mathematical programming methods [See also 90Cxx] Optimization and variational techniques [See also 49Mxx, 93B40] Numerical methods for variational inequalities and related problems None of the above, but in this section Ordinary dierential equations Functional-dierential equations Sti equations Initial value problems Multistep, Runge-Kutta and extrapolation methods Numerical investigation of stability of solutions Improperly posed problems Inverse problems Boundary value problems Singularly perturbed problems Finite dierence methods Eigenvalue problems Stability and convergence of numerical methods Mesh generation and renement Finite elements, Rayleigh-Ritz, Galerkin and collocation methods Error bounds Methods for dierential-algebraic equations None of the above, but in this section Partial dierential equations, initial value and time-dependent initialboundary value problems Finite dierence methods Finite volume methods Stability and convergence of numerical methods Error bounds Method of lines Solution of discretized equations [See also 65Fxx, 65Hxx] Method of characteristics Improperly posed problems Inverse problems Boundary element methods Mesh generation and renement Multigrid methods; domain decomposition
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
65M60 65M70 65M75 65M80 65M85 65M99 65Nxx 65N06 65N08 65N12 65N15 65N20 65N21 65N22 65N25 65N30 65N35 65N38 65N40 65N45 65N50 65N55 65N75 65N80 65N85 65N99 65Pxx 65P10 65P20 65P30 65P40 65P99 65Qxx 65Q10 65Q20 65Q30 65Q99 65Rxx 65R10 65R20 65R30 65R32 65R99 65Sxx 65S05 65S99 65Txx 65T40 65T50 65T60 65T99 65Yxx 65Y04 65Y05 65Y10 65Y15 65Y20 65Y99 65Zxx 65Z05 65Z99 68XX
Finite elements, Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin methods, nite methods Spectral, collocation and related methods Probabilistic methods, particle methods, etc. Fundamental solutions, Greens function methods, etc. Fictitious domain methods None of the above, but in this section Partial dierential equations, boundary value problems Finite dierence methods Finite volume methods Stability and convergence of numerical methods Error bounds Ill-posed problems Inverse problems Solution of discretized equations [See also 65Fxx, 65Hxx] Eigenvalue problems Finite elements, Rayleigh-Ritz and Galerkin methods, nite methods Spectral, collocation and related methods Boundary element methods Method of lines Method of contraction of the boundary Mesh generation and renement Multigrid methods; domain decomposition Probabilistic methods, particle methods, etc. Fundamental solutions, Greens function methods, etc. Fictitious domain methods None of the above, but in this section Numerical problems in dynamical systems [See also 37Mxx] Hamiltonian systems including symplectic integrators Numerical chaos Bifurcation problems Nonlinear stabilities None of the above, but in this section Dierence and functional equations, recurrence relations Dierence equations Functional equations Recurrence relations None of the above, but in this section Integral equations, integral transforms Integral transforms Integral equations Improperly posed problems Inverse problems None of the above, but in this section Graphical methods Graphical methods None of the above, but in this section Numerical methods in Fourier analysis Trigonometric approximation and interpolation Discrete and fast Fourier transforms Wavelets None of the above, but in this section Computer aspects of numerical algorithms Algorithms for computer arithmetic, etc. [See also 68M07] Parallel computation Algorithms for specic classes of architectures Packaged methods Complexity and performance of numerical algorithms [See also 68Q25] None of the above, but in this section Applications to physics Applications to physics None of the above, but in this section COMPUTER SCIENCE {For papers involving machine computations and programs in a specic mathematical area, see Section04 in that area} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Computer system organization General Mathematical problems of computer architecture Network design and communication [See also 68R10, 90B18] Internet topics [See also 68U35] Network protocols
68M14 68M15 68M20 68M99 68Nxx 68N01 68N15 68N17 68N18 68N19 68N20 68N25 68N30 68N99 68Pxx 68P01 68P05 68P10 68P15 68P20 68P25 68P30 68P99 68Qxx 68Q01 68Q05 68Q10 68Q12 68Q15 68Q17 68Q19 68Q25 68Q30 68Q32 68Q42 68Q45 68Q55 68Q60 68Q65 68Q70 68Q80 68Q85 68Q87 68Q99 68Rxx 68R01 68R05 68R10 68R15 68R99 68Txx 68T01 68T05 68T10 68T15 68T20 68T27 68T30 68T35 68T37 68T40 68T42 68T45 68T50 68T99
6800 6801 6802 6803 6804 6806 68Mxx 68M01 68M07 68M10 68M11 68M12
Distributed systems Reliability, testing and fault tolerance [See also 94C12] Performance evaluation; queueing; scheduling [See also 60K25, 90Bxx] None of the above, but in this section Software General Programming languages Logic programming Functional programming and lambda calculus [See also 03B40] Other programming techniques (object-oriented, sequential, concurrent, automatic, etc.) Compilers and interpreters Operating systems Mathematical aspects of software engineering (specication, verication, metrics, requirements, etc.) None of the above, but in this section Theory of data General Data structures Searching and sorting Database theory Information storage and retrieval Data encryption [See also 94A60, 81P94] Coding and information theory (compaction, compression, models of communication, encoding schemes, etc.) [See also 94Axx] None of the above, but in this section Theory of computing General Models of computation (Turing machines, etc.) [See also 03D10, 68Q12, 81P68] Modes of computation (nondeterministic, parallel, interactive, probabilistic, etc.) [See also 68Q85] Quantum algorithms and complexity [See also 68Q05, 81P68] Complexity classes (hierarchies, relations among complexity classes, etc.) [See also 03D15, 68Q17, 68Q19] Computational diculty of problems (lower bounds, completeness, diculty of approximation, etc.) [See also 68Q15] Descriptive complexity and nite models [See also 03C13] Analysis of algorithms and problem complexity [See also 68W40] Algorithmic information theory (Kolmogorov complexity, etc.) [See also 03D32] Computational learning theory [See also 68T05] Grammars and rewriting systems Formal languages and automata [See also 03D05, 68Q70, 94A45] Semantics [See also 03B70, 06B35, 18C50] Specication and verication (program logics, model checking, etc.) [See also 03B70] Abstract data types; algebraic specication [See also 18C50] Algebraic theory of languages and automata [See also 18B20, 20M35] Cellular automata [See also 37B15] Models and methods for concurrent and distributed computing (process algebras, bisimulation, transition nets, etc.) Probability in computer science (algorithm analysis, random structures, phase transitions, etc.) [See also 68W20, 68W40] None of the above, but in this section Discrete mathematics in relation to computer science General Combinatorics Graph theory (including graph drawing) [See also 05Cxx, 90B10, 90B35, 90C35] Combinatorics on words None of the above, but in this section Articial intelligence General Learning and adaptive systems [See also 68Q32, 91E40] Pattern recognition, speech recognition {For cluster analysis, see 62H30} Theorem proving (deduction, resolution, etc.) [See also 03B35] Problem solving (heuristics, search strategies, etc.) Logic in articial intelligence Knowledge representation Languages and software systems (knowledge-based systems, expert systems, etc.) Reasoning under uncertainty Robotics [See also 93C85] Agent technology Machine vision and scene understanding Natural language processing [See also 03B65] None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
68Uxx 68U01 68U05 68U07 68U10 68U15 68U20 68U35 68U99 68Wxx 68W01 68W05 68W10 68W15 68W20 68W25 68W27 68W30 68W32 68W35 68W40 68W99 70XX
Computing methodologies and applications General Computer graphics; computational geometry [See also 65D18] Computer-aided design [See also 65D17] Image processing Text processing; mathematical typography Simulation [See also 65Cxx] Information systems (hypertext navigation, interfaces, decision support, etc.) [See also 68M11] None of the above, but in this section Algorithms {For numerical algorithms, see 65XX; for combinatorics and graph theory, see 05C85, 68Rxx} General Nonnumerical algorithms Parallel algorithms Distributed algorithms Randomized algorithms Approximation algorithms Online algorithms Symbolic computation and algebraic computation [See also 11Yxx, 12Y05, 13Pxx, 14Qxx, 16Z05, 1708, 33F10] Algorithms on strings VLSI algorithms Analysis of algorithms [See also 68Q25] None of the above, but in this section MECHANICS OF PARTICLES AND SYSTEMS {For relativistic mechanics, see 83A05 and 83C10; for statistical mechanics, see 82XX} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Experimental work Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Computational methods Axiomatics, foundations Axiomatics, foundations None of the above, but in this section Kinematics [See also 53A17] Kinematics of a particle Kinematics of a rigid body Mechanisms, robots [See also 68T40, 70Q05, 93C85] None of the above, but in this section Statics Statics None of the above, but in this section Dynamics of a rigid body and of multibody systems Motion of the gyroscope Free motion of a rigid body [See also 70M20] Motion of a rigid body with a xed point Motion of a rigid body in contact with a solid surface [See also 70F25] Perturbation methods for rigid body dynamics Integrable cases of motion Higher-dimensional generalizations Stability problems Dynamics of multibody systems Robot dynamics and control [See also 68T40, 70Q05, 93C85] None of the above, but in this section Dynamics of a system of particles, including celestial mechanics Two-body problems Three-body problems n-body problems Celestial mechanics Collisions in celestial mechanics, regularization Inverse problems Holonomic systems Nonholonomic systems Collision of rigid or pseudo-rigid bodies Problems with friction Innite particle systems None of the above, but in this section
70G55 70G60 70G65 70G70 70G75 70G99 70Hxx 70H03 70H05 70H06 70H07 70H08 70H09 70H11 70H12 70H14 70H15 70H20 70H25 70H30 70H33 70H40 70H45 70H50 70H99 70Jxx 70J10 70J25 70J30 70J35 70J40 70J50 70J99 70Kxx 70K05 70K20 70K25 70K28 70K30 70K40 70K42 70K43 70K44 70K45 70K50 70K55 70K60 70K65 70K70 70K75 70K99 70Lxx 70L05 70L99 70Mxx 70M20 70M99 70Pxx 70P05 70P99 70Qxx 70Q05 70Q99 70Sxx 70S05 70S10 70S15 70S20 70S99
7000 7001 7002 7003 7004 7005 7006 7008 70Axx 70A05 70A99 70Bxx 70B05 70B10 70B15 70B99 70Cxx 70C20 70C99 70Exx 70E05 70E15 70E17 70E18 70E20 70E40 70E45 70E50 70E55 70E60 70E99 70Fxx 70F05 70F07 70F10 70F15 70F16 70F17 70F20 70F25 70F35 70F40 70F45 70F99
General models, approaches, and methods [See also 37XX] Generalized coordinates; event, impulse-energy, conguration, state, or phase space Topological and dierential-topological methods Dierential-geometric methods (tensors, connections, symplectic, Poisson, contact, Riemannian, nonholonomic, etc.) [See also 53Cxx, 53Dxx, 58Axx] Algebraic geometry methods Dynamical systems methods Symmetries, Lie-group and Lie-algebra methods Functional-analytic methods Variational methods None of the above, but in this section Hamiltonian and Lagrangian mechanics [See also 37Jxx] Lagranges equations Hamiltons equations Completely integrable systems and methods of integration Nonintegrable systems Nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems, KAM theory Perturbation theories Adiabatic invariants Periodic and almost periodic solutions Stability problems Canonical and symplectic transformations Hamilton-Jacobi equations Hamiltons principle Other variational principles Symmetries and conservation laws, reverse symmetries, invariant manifolds and their bifurcations, reduction Relativistic dynamics Constrained dynamics, Diracs theory of constraints [See also 70F20, 70F25, 70Gxx] Higher-order theories None of the above, but in this section Linear vibration theory Modal analysis Stability Free motions Forced motions Parametric resonances Systems arising from the discretization of structural vibration problems None of the above, but in this section Nonlinear dynamics [See also 34Cxx, 37XX] Phase plane analysis, limit cycles Stability Free motions Parametric resonances Nonlinear resonances Forced motions Equilibria and periodic trajectories Quasi-periodic motions and invariant tori Homoclinic and heteroclinic trajectories Normal forms Bifurcations and instability Transition to stochasticity (chaotic behavior) [See also 37D45] General perturbation schemes Averaging of perturbations Systems with slow and fast motions Nonlinear modes None of the above, but in this section Random vibrations [See also 74H50] Random vibrations [See also 74H50] None of the above, but in this section Orbital mechanics Orbital mechanics None of the above, but in this section Variable mass, rockets Variable mass, rockets None of the above, but in this section Control of mechanical systems [See also 60Gxx, 60Jxx] Control of mechanical systems [See also 60Gxx, 60Jxx] None of the above, but in this section Classical eld theories [See also 37Kxx, 37Lxx, 78XX, 81Txx, 83 XX] Lagrangian formalism and Hamiltonian formalism Symmetries and conservation laws Yang-Mills and other gauge theories More general nonquantum eld theories None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
74XX 7400 7401 7402 7403 7404 7405 7406 74Axx 74A05 74A10 74A15 74A20 74A25 74A30 74A35 74A40 74A45 74A50 74A55 74A60 74A65 74A99 74Bxx 74B05 74B10 74B15 74B20 74B99 74Cxx 74C05 74C10 74C15 74C20 74C99 74Dxx
74D05 74D10 74D99 74Exx 74E05 74E10 74E15 74E20 74E25 74E30 74E35 74E40 74E99 74Fxx 74F05 74F10 74F15 74F20 74F25 74F99 74Gxx 74G05 74G10 74G15 74G20 74G25 74G30 74G35 74G40 74G45 74G50 74G55
MECHANICS OF DEFORMABLE SOLIDS General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Experimental work Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Generalities, axiomatics, foundations of continuum mechanics of solids Kinematics of deformation Stress Thermodynamics Theory of constitutive functions Molecular, statistical, and kinetic theories Nonsimple materials Polar materials Random materials and composite materials Theories of fracture and damage Structured surfaces and interfaces, coexistent phases Theories of friction (tribology) Micromechanical theories Reactive materials None of the above, but in this section Elastic materials Classical linear elasticity Linear elasticity with initial stresses Equations linearized about a deformed state (small deformations superposed on large) Nonlinear elasticity None of the above, but in this section Plastic materials, materials of stress-rate and internal-variable type Small-strain, rate-independent theories (including rigid-plastic and elasto-plastic materials) Small-strain, rate-dependent theories (including theories of viscoplasticity) Large-strain, rate-independent theories (including nonlinear plasticity) Large-strain, rate-dependent theories None of the above, but in this section Materials of strain-rate type and history type, other materials with memory (including elastic materials with viscous damping, various viscoelastic materials) Linear constitutive equations Nonlinear constitutive equations None of the above, but in this section Material properties given special treatment Inhomogeneity Anisotropy Crystalline structure Granularity Texture Composite and mixture properties Random structure Chemical structure None of the above, but in this section Coupling of solid mechanics with other eects Thermal eects Fluid-solid interactions (including aero- and hydro-elasticity, porosity, etc.) Electromagnetic eects Mixture eects Chemical and reactive eects None of the above, but in this section Equilibrium (steady-state) problems Explicit solutions Analytic approximation of solutions (perturbation methods, asymptotic methods, series, etc.) Numerical approximation of solutions Local existence of solutions (near a given solution) Global existence of solutions Uniqueness of solutions Multiplicity of solutions Regularity of solutions Bounds for solutions Saint-Venants principle Qualitative behavior of solutions
74G60 74G65 74G70 74G75 74G99 74Hxx 74H05 74H10 74H15 74H20 74H25 74H30 74H35 74H40 74H45 74H50 74H55 74H60 74H65 74H99 74Jxx 74J05 74J10 74J15 74J20 74J25 74J30 74J35 74J40 74J99 74Kxx 74K05 74K10 74K15 74K20 74K25 74K30 74K35 74K99 74Lxx 74L05 74L10 74L15 74L99 74Mxx 74M05 74M10 74M15 74M20 74M25 74M99 74Nxx 74N05 74N10 74N15 74N20 74N25 74N30 74N99 74Pxx 74P05 74P10 74P15 74P20 74P99 74Qxx 74Q05 74Q10 74Q15 74Q20 74Q99 74Rxx 74R05 74R10 74R15 74R20 74R99
Bifurcation and buckling Energy minimization Stress concentrations, singularities Inverse problems None of the above, but in this section Dynamical problems Explicit solutions Analytic approximation of solutions (perturbation methods, asymptotic methods, series, etc.) Numerical approximation of solutions Existence of solutions Uniqueness of solutions Regularity of solutions Singularities, blowup, stress concentrations Long-time behavior of solutions Vibrations Random vibrations Stability Dynamical bifurcation Chaotic behavior None of the above, but in this section Waves Linear waves Bulk waves Surface waves Wave scattering Inverse problems Nonlinear waves Solitary waves Shocks and related discontinuities None of the above, but in this section Thin bodies, structures Strings Rods (beams, columns, shafts, arches, rings, etc.) Membranes Plates Shells Junctions Thin lms None of the above, but in this section Special subelds of solid mechanics Geophysical solid mechanics [See also 86XX] Soil and rock mechanics Biomechanical solid mechanics [See also 92C10] None of the above, but in this section Special kinds of problems Control, switches and devices (smart materials) [See also 93Cxx] Friction Contact Impact Micromechanics None of the above, but in this section Phase transformations in solids [See also 74A50, 80Axx, 82B26, 82C26] Crystals Displacive transformations Analysis of microstructure Dynamics of phase boundaries Transformations involving diusion Problems involving hysteresis None of the above, but in this section Optimization [See also 49Qxx] Compliance or weight optimization Optimization of other properties Topological methods Geometrical methods None of the above, but in this section Homogenization, determination of eective properties Homogenization in equilibrium problems Homogenization and oscillations in dynamical problems Eective constitutive equations Bounds on eective properties None of the above, but in this section Fracture and damage Brittle damage Brittle fracture High-velocity fracture Anelastic fracture and damage None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
74Sxx 74S05 74S10 74S15 74S20 74S25 74S30 74S60 74S70 74S99 76XX 7600 7601 7602 7603 7604 7605 7606 76Axx 76A02 76A05 76A10 76A15 76A20 76A25 76A99 76Bxx 76B03 76B07 76B10 76B15 76B20 76B25 76B45 76B47 76B55 76B60 76B65 76B70 76B75 76B99 76Dxx 76D03 76D05 76D06 76D07 76D08 76D09 76D10 76D17 76D25 76D27 76D33 76D45 76D50 76D55 76D99 76Exx 76E05 76E06 76E07 76E09 76E15 76E17 76E19 76E20 76E25 76E30 76E99
Numerical methods [See also 65XX, 74G15, 74H15] Finite element methods Finite volume methods Boundary element methods Finite dierence methods Spectral and related methods Other numerical methods Stochastic methods Complex variable methods None of the above, but in this section FLUID MECHANICS {For general continuum mechanics, see 74Axx, or other parts of 74XX} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Experimental work Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Foundations, constitutive equations, rheology Foundations of uid mechanics Non-Newtonian uids Viscoelastic uids Liquid crystals [See also 82D30] Thin uid lms Superuids (classical aspects) None of the above, but in this section Incompressible inviscid uids Existence, uniqueness, and regularity theory [See also 35Q35] Free-surface potential ows Jets and cavities, cavitation, free-streamline theory, water-entry problems, airfoil and hydrofoil theory, sloshing Water waves, gravity waves; dispersion and scattering, nonlinear interaction [See also 35Q30] Ship waves Solitary waves [See also 35C11] Capillarity (surface tension) [See also 76D45] Vortex ows Internal waves Atmospheric waves [See also 86A10] Rossby waves [See also 86A05, 86A10] Stratication eects in inviscid uids Flow control and optimization [See also 49Q10, 93C20, 93C95] None of the above, but in this section Incompressible viscous uids Existence, uniqueness, and regularity theory [See also 35Q30] Navier-Stokes equations [See also 35Q30] Statistical solutions of Navier-Stokes and related equations [See also 60H30, 76M35] Stokes and related (Oseen, etc.) ows Lubrication theory Viscous-inviscid interaction Boundary-layer theory, separation and reattachment, higher-order eects Viscous vortex ows Wakes and jets Other free-boundary ows; Hele-Shaw ows Waves Capillarity (surface tension) [See also 76B45] Stratication eects in viscous uids Flow control and optimization [See also 49Q10, 93C20, 93C95] None of the above, but in this section Hydrodynamic stability Parallel shear ows Convection Rotation Stability and instability of nonparallel ows Absolute and convective instability and stability Interfacial stability and instability Compressibility eects Stability and instability of geophysical and astrophysical ows Stability and instability of magnetohydrodynamic and electrohydrodynamic ows Nonlinear eects None of the above, but in this section
76Fxx 76F02 76F05 76F06 76F10 76F20 76F25 76F30 76F35 76F40 76F45 76F50 76F55 76F60 76F65 76F70 76F99 76Gxx 76G25 76G99 76Hxx 76H05 76H99 76Jxx 76J20 76J99 76Kxx 76K05 76K99 76Lxx 76L05 76L99 76Mxx 76M10 76M12 76M15 76M20 76M22 76M23 76M25 76M27 76M28 76M30 76M35 76M40 76M45 76M50 76M55 76M60 76M99 76Nxx 76N10 76N15 76N17 76N20 76N25 76N99 76Pxx 76P05 76P99 76Qxx 76Q05 76Q99 76Rxx 76R05 76R10 76R50 76R99 76Sxx 76S05 76S99 76Txx 76T10 76T15 76T20 76T25 76T30
Turbulence [See also 37XX, 60Gxx, 60Jxx] Fundamentals Isotropic turbulence; homogeneous turbulence Transition to turbulence Shear ows Dynamical systems approach to turbulence [See also 37XX] Turbulent transport, mixing Renormalization and other eld-theoretical methods [See also 81T99] Convective turbulence [See also 76E15, 76Rxx] Turbulent boundary layers Stratication eects Compressibility eects Statistical turbulence modeling [See also 76M35] k - modeling Direct numerical and large eddy simulation of turbulence Control of turbulent ows None of the above, but in this section General aerodynamics and subsonic ows General aerodynamics and subsonic ows None of the above, but in this section Transonic ows Transonic ows None of the above, but in this section Supersonic ows Supersonic ows None of the above, but in this section Hypersonic ows Hypersonic ows None of the above, but in this section Shock waves and blast waves [See also 35L67] Shock waves and blast waves [See also 35L67] None of the above, but in this section Basic methods in uid mechanics [See also 65XX] Finite element methods Finite volume methods Boundary element methods Finite dierence methods Spectral methods Vortex methods Other numerical methods Visualization algorithms Particle methods and lattice-gas methods Variational methods Stochastic analysis Complex-variables methods Asymptotic methods, singular perturbations Homogenization Dimensional analysis and similarity Symmetry analysis, Lie group and algebra methods None of the above, but in this section Compressible uids and gas dynamics, general Existence, uniqueness, and regularity theory [See also 35L60, 35L65, 35Q30] Gas dynamics, general Viscous-inviscid interaction Boundary-layer theory Flow control and optimization None of the above, but in this section Rareed gas ows, Boltzmann equation [See also 82B40, 82C40, 82D05] Rareed gas ows, Boltzmann equation [See also 82B40, 82C40, 82D05] None of the above, but in this section Hydro- and aero-acoustics Hydro- and aero-acoustics None of the above, but in this section Diusion and convection Forced convection Free convection Diusion [See also 60J60] None of the above, but in this section Flows in porous media; ltration; seepage Flows in porous media; ltration; seepage None of the above, but in this section Two-phase and multiphase ows Liquid-gas two-phase ows, bubbly ows Dusty-gas two-phase ows Suspensions Granular ows [See also 74C99, 74E20] Three or more component ows
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
76T99 76Uxx 76U05 76U99 76Vxx 76V05 76V99 76Wxx 76W05 76W99 76Xxx 76X05 76X99 76Yxx 76Y05 76Y99 76Zxx 76Z05 76Z10 76Z99 78XX 7800 7801 7802 7803 7804 7805 7806 78Axx 78A02 78A05 78A10 78A15 78A20 78A25 78A30 78A35 78A37 78A40 78A45 78A46 78A48 78A50 78A55 78A57 78A60 78A70 78A97
None of the above, but in this section Rotating uids Rotating uids None of the above, but in this section Reaction eects in ows [See also 80A32] Reaction eects in ows [See also 80A32] None of the above, but in this section Magnetohydrodynamics and electrohydrodynamics Magnetohydrodynamics and electrohydrodynamics None of the above, but in this section Ionized gas ow in electromagnetic elds; plasmic ow [See also 82D10] Ionized gas ow in electromagnetic elds; plasmic ow [See also 82D10] None of the above, but in this section Quantum hydrodynamics and relativistic hydrodynamics [See also 82D50, 83C55, 85A30] Quantum hydrodynamics and relativistic hydrodynamics [See also 82D50, 83C55, 85A30] None of the above, but in this section Biological uid mechanics [See also 74F10, 74L15, 92Cxx] Physiological ows [See also 92C35] Biopropulsion in water and in air None of the above, but in this section OPTICS, ELECTROMAGNETIC THEORY {For quantum optics, see 81V80} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Experimental work Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. General Foundations Geometric optics Physical optics Electron optics Space charge waves Electromagnetic theory, general Electro- and magnetostatics Motion of charged particles Ion traps Waves and radiation Diraction, scattering [See also 34E20 for WKB methods] Inverse scattering problems Composite media; random media Antennas, wave-guides Technical applications Electrochemistry Lasers, masers, optical bistability, nonlinear optics [See also 81V80] Biological applications [See also 91D30, 92C30] Mathematically heuristic optics and electromagnetic theory (must also be assigned at least one other classication number in this section) Miscellaneous topics Basic methods Method of moments Finite element methods Finite volume methods, nite integration techniques Boundary element methods Multipole methods Finite dierence methods Spectral methods Other numerical methods Variational methods Monte Carlo methods Neural and heuristic methods Model reduction Asymptotic analysis Homogenization Optimization None of the above, but in this section
80XX 8000 8001 8002 8003 8004 8005 8006 80Axx 80A05 80A10 80A17 80A20 80A22 80A23 80A25 80A30 80A32 80A50 80A99 80Mxx 80M10 80M12 80M15 80M20 80M22 80M25 80M30 80M31 80M35 80M40 80M50 80M99 81XX 8100 8101 8102 8103 8104 8105 8106 8108 81Pxx 81P05 81P10 81P13 81P15 81P16 81P20 81P40 81P45 81P50 81P68 81P70 81P94 81P99 81Qxx 81Q05 81Q10 81Q12 81Q15 81Q20 81Q30 81Q35 81Q37 81Q40 81Q50
CLASSICAL THERMODYNAMICS, HEAT TRANSFER {For thermodynamics of solids, see 74A15} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Experimental work Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Thermodynamics and heat transfer Foundations Classical thermodynamics, including relativistic Thermodynamics of continua [See also 74A15] Heat and mass transfer, heat ow Stefan problems, phase changes, etc. [See also 74Nxx] Inverse problems Combustion Chemical kinetics [See also 76V05, 92C45, 92E20] Chemically reacting ows [See also 92C45, 92E20] Chemistry (general) [See mainly 92Exx] None of the above, but in this section Basic methods Finite element methods Finite volume methods Boundary element methods Finite dierence methods Spectral methods Other numerical methods Variational methods Monte Carlo methods Asymptotic analysis Homogenization Optimization None of the above, but in this section QUANTUM THEORY General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Experimental papers Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Computational methods Axiomatics, foundations, philosophy General and philosophical Logical foundations of quantum mechanics; quantum logic [See also 03G12, 06C15] Contextuality Quantum measurement theory Quantum state spaces, operational and probabilistic concepts Stochastic mechanics (including stochastic electrodynamics) Quantum coherence, entanglement, quantum correlations Quantum information, communication, networks [See also 94A15, 94A17] Quantum state estimation, approximate cloning Quantum computation [See also 68Q05, 68Q12] Quantum coding (general) Quantum cryptography [See also 94A60] None of the above, but in this section General mathematical topics and methods in quantum theory Closed and approximate solutions to the Schr odinger, Dirac, KleinGordon and other equations of quantum mechanics Selfadjoint operator theory in quantum theory, including spectral analysis Non-selfadjoint operator theory in quantum theory Perturbation theories for operators and dierential equations Semiclassical techniques, including WKB and Maslov methods Feynman integrals and graphs; applications of algebraic topology and algebraic geometry [See also 14D05, 32S40] Quantum mechanics on special spaces: manifolds, fractals, graphs, etc. Quantum dots, waveguides, ratchets, etc. Bethe-Salpeter and other integral equations Quantum chaos [See also 37Dxx]
78A99 78Mxx 78M05 78M10 78M12 78M15 78M16 78M20 78M22 78M25 78M30 78M31 78M32 78M34 78M35 78M40 78M50 78M99
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
81R12 81R15 81R20 81R25 81R30 81R40 81R50 81R60 81R99 81Sxx 81S05 81S10 81S20 81S22 81S25 81S30 81S40 81S99 81Txx 81T05 81T08 81T10 81T13 81T15 81T16 81T17 81T18 81T20 81T25 81T27 81T28 81T30 81T40 81T45 81T50 81T55 81T60 81T70 81T75 81T80 81T99 81Uxx 81U05 81U10 81U15 81U20 81U30 81U35 81U40 81U99 81Vxx 81V05 81V10 81V15 81V17 81V19 81V22 81V25 81V35 81V45 81V55 81V65
Supersymmetry and quantum mechanics Alternative quantum mechanics Dierential-geometric methods, including holonomy, Berry and Hannay phases, etc. Special quantum systems, such as solvable systems Quantum control None of the above, but in this section Groups and algebras in quantum theory Finite-dimensional groups and algebras motivated by physics and their representations [See also 20C35, 22E70] Innite-dimensional groups and algebras motivated by physics, including Virasoro, Kac-Moody, W -algebras and other current algebras and their representations [See also 17B65, 17B67, 22E65, 22E67, 22E70] Relations with integrable systems [See also 17Bxx, 37J35] Operator algebra methods [See also 46Lxx, 81T05] Covariant wave equations Spinor and twistor methods [See also 32L25] Coherent states [See also 22E45]; squeezed states [See also 81V80] Symmetry breaking Quantum groups and related algebraic methods [See also 16T20, 17B37] Noncommutative geometry None of the above, but in this section General quantum mechanics and problems of quantization Canonical quantization, commutation relations and statistics Geometry and quantization, symplectic methods [See also 53D50] Stochastic quantization Open systems, reduced dynamics, master equations, decoherence [See also 82C31] Quantum stochastic calculus Phase-space methods including Wigner distributions, etc. Path integrals [See also 58D30] None of the above, but in this section Quantum eld theory; related classical eld theories [See also 70Sxx] Axiomatic quantum eld theory; operator algebras Constructive quantum eld theory Model quantum eld theories Yang-Mills and other gauge theories [See also 53C07, 58E15] Perturbative methods of renormalization Nonperturbative methods of renormalization Renormalization group methods Feynman diagrams Quantum eld theory on curved space backgrounds Quantum eld theory on lattices Continuum limits Thermal quantum eld theory [See also 82B30] String and superstring theories; other extended objects (e.g., branes) [See also 83E30] Two-dimensional eld theories, conformal eld theories, etc. Topological eld theories [See also 57R56, 58Dxx] Anomalies Casimir eect Supersymmetric eld theories Quantization in eld theory; cohomological methods [See also 58D29] Noncommutative geometry methods [See also 46L85, 46L87, 58B34] Simulation and numerical modeling None of the above, but in this section Scattering theory [See also 34A55, 34L25, 34L40, 35P25, 47A40] 2-body potential scattering theory [See also 34E20 for WKB methods] n-body potential scattering theory Exactly and quasi-solvable systems S -matrix theory, etc. Dispersion theory, dispersion relations Inelastic and multichannel scattering Inverse scattering problems None of the above, but in this section Applications to specic physical systems Strong interaction, including quantum chromodynamics Electromagnetic interaction; quantum electrodynamics Weak interaction Gravitational interaction [See also 83Cxx and 83Exx] Other fundamental interactions Unied theories Other elementary particle theory Nuclear physics Atomic physics Molecular physics [See also 92E10] Quantum dots [See also 82D20]
81V70 81V80 81V99 82XX 8200 8201 8202 8203 8204 8205 8206 8208 82Bxx 82B03 82B05 82B10 82B20 82B21 82B23 82B24 82B26 82B27 82B28 82B30 82B31 82B35 82B40 82B41 82B43 82B44 82B80 82B99 82Cxx 82C03 82C05 82C10 82C20 82C21 82C22 82C23 82C24 82C26 82C27 82C28 82C31 82C32 82C35 82C40 82C41 82C43 82C44 82C70 82C80 82C99 82Dxx 82D05 82D10 82D15 82D20 82D25 82D30 82D35 82D37 82D40 82D45 82D50 82D55 82D60 82D75 82D77
Many-body theory; quantum Hall eect Quantum optics None of the above, but in this section STATISTICAL MECHANICS, STRUCTURE OF MATTER General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Experimental papers Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Computational methods Equilibrium statistical mechanics Foundations Classical equilibrium statistical mechanics (general) Quantum equilibrium statistical mechanics (general) Lattice systems (Ising, dimer, Potts, etc.) and systems on graphs Continuum models (systems of particles, etc.) Exactly solvable models; Bethe ansatz Interface problems; diusion-limited aggregation Phase transitions (general) Critical phenomena Renormalization group methods [See also 81T17] Statistical thermodynamics [See also 80XX] Stochastic methods Irreversible thermodynamics, including Onsager-Machlup theory [See also 92E20] Kinetic theory of gases Random walks, random surfaces, lattice animals, etc. [See also 60G50, 82C41] Percolation [See also 60K35] Disordered systems (random Ising models, random Schr odinger operators, etc.) Numerical methods (Monte Carlo, series resummation, etc.) [See also 65XX, 81T80] None of the above, but in this section Time-dependent statistical mechanics (dynamic and nonequilibrium) Foundations Classical dynamic and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics (general) Quantum dynamics and nonequilibrium statistical mechanics (general) Dynamic lattice systems (kinetic Ising, etc.) and systems on graphs Dynamic continuum models (systems of particles, etc.) Interacting particle systems [See also 60K35] Exactly solvable dynamic models [See also 37K60] Interface problems; diusion-limited aggregation Dynamic and nonequilibrium phase transitions (general) Dynamic critical phenomena Dynamic renormalization group methods [See also 81T17] Stochastic methods (Fokker-Planck, Langevin, etc.) [See also 60H10] Neural nets [See also 68T05, 91E40, 92B20] Irreversible thermodynamics, including Onsager-Machlup theory Kinetic theory of gases Dynamics of random walks, random surfaces, lattice animals, etc. [See also 60G50] Time-dependent percolation [See also 60K35] Dynamics of disordered systems (random Ising systems, etc.) Transport processes Numerical methods (Monte Carlo, series resummation, etc.) None of the above, but in this section Applications to specic types of physical systems Gases Plasmas Liquids Solids Crystals {For crystallographic group theory, see 20H15} Random media, disordered materials (including liquid crystals and spin glasses) Metals Semiconductors Magnetic materials Ferroelectrics Superuids Superconductors Polymers Nuclear reactor theory; neutron transport Quantum wave guides, quantum wires [See also 78A50]
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
82D80 82D99 83XX 8300 8301 8302 8303 8304 8305 8306 8308 83Axx 83A05 83A99 83Bxx 83B05 83B99 83Cxx 83C05 83C10 83C15 83C20 83C22 83C25 83C27 83C30 83C35 83C40 83C45 83C47 83C50 83C55 83C57 83C60 83C65 83C75 83C80 83C99 83Dxx 83D05 83D99 83Exx 83E05 83E15 83E30 83E50 83E99 83Fxx 83F05 83F99 85XX 8500 8501 8502 8503 8504 8505 8506 8508 85Axx 85A04 85A05 85A15 85A20 85A25 85A30 85A35
Nanostructures and nanoparticles None of the above, but in this section RELATIVITY AND GRAVITATIONAL THEORY General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Experimental work Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Computational methods Special relativity Special relativity None of the above, but in this section Observational and experimental questions Observational and experimental questions None of the above, but in this section General relativity Einsteins equations (general structure, canonical formalism, Cauchy problems) Equations of motion Exact solutions Classes of solutions; algebraically special solutions, metrics with symmetries Einstein-Maxwell equations Approximation procedures, weak elds Lattice gravity, Regge calculus and other discrete methods Asymptotic procedures (radiation, news functions, H -spaces, etc.) Gravitational waves Gravitational energy and conservation laws; groups of motions Quantization of the gravitational eld Methods of quantum eld theory [See also 81T20] Electromagnetic elds Macroscopic interaction of the gravitational eld with matter (hydrodynamics, etc.) Black holes Spinor and twistor methods; Newman-Penrose formalism Methods of noncommutative geometry [See also 58B34] Space-time singularities, cosmic censorship, etc. Analogues in lower dimensions None of the above, but in this section Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einsteins, including asymmetric eld theories Relativistic gravitational theories other than Einsteins, including asymmetric eld theories None of the above, but in this section Unied, higher-dimensional and super eld theories Geometrodynamics Kaluza-Klein and other higher-dimensional theories String and superstring theories [See also 81T30] Supergravity None of the above, but in this section Cosmology Cosmology None of the above, but in this section ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS {For celestial mechanics, see 70F15} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Experimental work Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Computational methods Astronomy and astrophysics {For celestial mechanics, see 70F15} General Galactic and stellar dynamics Galactic and stellar structure Planetary atmospheres Radiative transfer Hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic problems [See also 76Y05] Statistical astronomy
85A40 85A99 86XX 8600 8601 8602 8603 8604 8605 8606 8608 86Axx 86A04 86A05 86A10 86A15 86A17 86A20 86A22 86A25 86A30 86A32 86A40 86A60 86A99 90XX 9000 9001 9002 9003 9004 9006 9008 90Bxx 90B05 90B06 90B10 90B15 90B18 90B20 90B22 90B25 90B30 90B35 90B36 90B40 90B50 90B60 90B70 90B80 90B85 90B90 90B99 90Cxx 90C05 90C06 90C08 90C09 90C10 90C11 90C15 90C20 90C22 90C25 90C26 90C27 90C29 90C30
Cosmology {For relativistic cosmology, see 83F05} Miscellaneous topics GEOPHYSICS [See also 76U05, 76V05] General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Experimental work Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Computational methods Geophysics [See also 76U05, 76V05] General Hydrology, hydrography, oceanography [See also 76Bxx, 76E20, 76Q05, 76Rxx, 76U05] Meteorology and atmospheric physics [See also 76Bxx, 76E20, 76N15, 76Q05, 76Rxx, 76U05] Seismology Global dynamics, earthquake problems Potentials, prospecting Inverse problems [See also 35R30] Geo-electricity and geomagnetism [See also 76W05, 78A25] Geodesy, mapping problems Geostatistics Glaciology Geological problems Miscellaneous topics OPERATIONS RESEARCH, MATHEMATICAL PROGRAMMING General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Computational methods Operations research and management science Inventory, storage, reservoirs Transportation, logistics Network models, deterministic Network models, stochastic Communication networks [See also 68M10, 94A05] Trac problems Queues and service [See also 60K25, 68M20] Reliability, availability, maintenance, inspection [See also 60K10, 62N05] Production models Scheduling theory, deterministic [See also 68M20] Scheduling theory, stochastic [See also 68M20] Search theory Management decision making, including multiple objectives [See also 90C29, 90C31, 91A35, 91B06] Marketing, advertising [See also 91B60] Theory of organizations, manpower planning [See also 91D35] Discrete location and assignment [See also 90C10] Continuous location Case-oriented studies None of the above, but in this section Mathematical programming [See also 49Mxx, 65Kxx] Linear programming Large-scale problems Special problems of linear programming (transportation, multi-index, etc.) Boolean programming Integer programming Mixed integer programming Stochastic programming Quadratic programming Semidenite programming Convex programming Nonconvex programming, global optimization Combinatorial optimization Multi-objective and goal programming Nonlinear programming
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
90C31 90C32 90C33 90C34 90C35 90C39 90C40 90C46 90C47 90C48 90C49 90C51 90C52 90C53 90C55 90C56 90C57 90C59 90C60 90C70 90C90 90C99 91XX 9100 9101 9102 9103 9104 9106 9108 91Axx 91A05 91A06 91A10 91A12 91A13 91A15 91A18 91A20 91A22 91A23 91A24 91A25 91A26 91A28 91A30 91A35 91A40 91A43 91A44 91A46 91A50 91A55 91A60 91A65 91A70 91A80 91A90 91A99 91Bxx 91B02 91B06 91B08 91B10 91B12 91B14 91B15 91B16 91B18 91B24 91B25 91B26
Sensitivity, stability, parametric optimization Fractional programming Complementarity and equilibrium problems and variational inequalities (nite dimensions) Semi-innite programming Programming involving graphs or networks [See also 90C27] Dynamic programming [See also 49L20] Markov and semi-Markov decision processes Optimality conditions, duality [See also 49N15] Minimax problems [See also 49K35] Programming in abstract spaces Extreme-point and pivoting methods Interior-point methods Methods of reduced gradient type Methods of quasi-Newton type Methods of successive quadratic programming type Derivative-free methods and methods using generalized derivatives [See also 49J52] Polyhedral combinatorics, branch-and-bound, branch-and-cut Approximation methods and heuristics Abstract computational complexity for mathematical programming problems [See also 68Q25] Fuzzy programming Applications of mathematical programming None of the above, but in this section GAME THEORY, ECONOMICS, SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Computational methods Game theory 2-person games n-person games, n > 2 Noncooperative games Cooperative games Games with innitely many players Stochastic games Games in extensive form Multistage and repeated games Evolutionary games Dierential games [See also 49N70] Positional games (pursuit and evasion, etc.) [See also 49N75] Dynamic games Rationality, learning Signaling, communication Utility theory for games [See also 91B16] Decision theory for games [See also 62Cxx, 91B06, 90B50] Game-theoretic models Games involving graphs [See also 05C57] Games involving topology or set theory Combinatorial games Discrete-time games Games of timing Probabilistic games; gambling [See also 60G40] Hierarchical games Spaces of games Applications of game theory Experimental studies None of the above, but in this section Mathematical economics {For econometrics, see 62P20} Fundamental topics (basic mathematics, methodology; applicable to economics in general) Decision theory [See also 62Cxx, 90B50, 91A35] Individual preferences Group preferences Voting theory Social choice Welfare economics Utility theory Public goods Price theory and market structure Asset pricing models Market models (auctions, bargaining, bidding, selling, etc.)
91B30 91B32 91B38 91B40 91B42 91B44 91B50 91B51 91B52 91B54 91B55 91B60 91B62 91B64 91B66 91B68 91B69 91B70 91B72 91B74 91B76 91B80 91B82 91B84 91B99 91Cxx 91C05 91C15 91C20 91C99 91Dxx 91D10 91D20 91D25 91D30 91D35 91D99 91Exx 91E10 91E30 91E40 91E45 91E99 91Fxx 91F10 91F20 91F99 91Gxx 91G10 91G20 91G30 91G40 91G50 91G60 91G70 91G80 91G99 92XX 9200 9201 9202 9203 9204 9206 9208 92Bxx 92B05 92B10 92B15 92B20 92B25 92B99
Risk theory, insurance Resource and cost allocation Production theory, theory of the rm Labor market, contracts Consumer behavior, demand theory Informational economics General equilibrium theory Dynamic stochastic general equilibrium theory Special types of equilibria Special types of economies Economic dynamics Trade models Growth models Macro-economic models (monetary models, models of taxation) Multisectoral models Matching models Heterogeneous agent models Stochastic models Spatial models Models of real-world systems Environmental economics (natural resource models, harvesting, pollution, etc.) Applications of statistical and quantum mechanics to economics (econophysics) Statistical methods; economic indices and measures Economic time series analysis [See also 62M10] None of the above, but in this section Social and behavioral sciences: general topics {For statistics, see 62 XX} Measurement theory One- and multidimensional scaling Clustering [See also 62H30] None of the above, but in this section Mathematical sociology (including anthropology) Models of societies, social and urban evolution Mathematical geography and demography Spatial models [See also 91B72] Social networks Manpower systems [See also 91B40, 90B70] None of the above, but in this section Mathematical psychology Cognitive psychology Psychophysics and psychophysiology; perception Memory and learning [See also 68T05] Measurement and performance None of the above, but in this section Other social and behavioral sciences (mathematical treatment) History, political science Linguistics [See also 03B65, 68T50] None of the above, but in this section Mathematical nance Portfolio theory Derivative securities Interest rates (stochastic models) Credit risk Corporate nance Numerical methods (including Monte Carlo methods) Statistical methods, econometrics Financial applications of other theories (stochastic control, calculus of variations, PDE, SPDE, dynamical systems) None of the above, but in this section BIOLOGY AND OTHER NATURAL SCIENCES General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Computational methods Mathematical biology in general General biology and biomathematics Taxonomy, cladistics, statistics General biostatistics [See also 62P10] Neural networks, articial life and related topics [See also 68T05, 82C32, 94Cxx] Biological rhythms and synchronization None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
92Cxx 92C05 92C10 92C15 92C17 92C20 92C30 92C35 92C37 92C40 92C42 92C45 92C50 92C55 92C60 92C80 92C99 92Dxx 92D10 92D15 92D20 92D25 92D30 92D40 92D50 92D99 92Exx 92E10 92E20 92E99 92Fxx 92F05 92F99 93XX 9300 9301 9302 9303 9304 9306 93Axx 93A05 93A10 93A13 93A14 93A15 93A30 93A99 93Bxx 93B03 93B05 93B07 93B10 93B11 93B12 93B15 93B17 93B18 93B20 93B25 93B27 93B28 93B30 93B35 93B36 93B40 93B50 93B51 93B52 93B55 93B60 93B99
Physiological, cellular and medical topics Biophysics Biomechanics [See also 74L15] Developmental biology, pattern formation Cell movement (chemotaxis, etc.) Neural biology Physiology (general) Physiological ow [See also 76Z05] Cell biology Biochemistry, molecular biology Systems biology, networks Kinetics in biochemical problems (pharmacokinetics, enzyme kinetics, etc.) [See also 80A30] Medical applications (general) Biomedical imaging and signal processing [See also 44A12, 65R10, 94A08, 94A12] Medical epidemiology Plant biology None of the above, but in this section Genetics and population dynamics Genetics {For genetic algebras, see 17D92} Problems related to evolution Protein sequences, DNA sequences Population dynamics (general) Epidemiology Ecology Animal behavior None of the above, but in this section Chemistry {For biochemistry, see 92C40} Molecular structure (graph-theoretic methods, methods of dierential topology, etc.) Classical ows, reactions, etc. [See also 80A30, 80A32] None of the above, but in this section Other natural sciences (should also be assigned at least one other classication number in this section) Other natural sciences (should also be assigned at least one other classication number in section 92) None of the above, but in this section SYSTEMS THEORY; CONTROL {For optimal control, see 49XX} General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. General Axiomatic system theory General systems Hierarchical systems Decentralized systems Large scale systems Mathematical modeling (models of systems, model-matching, etc.) None of the above, but in this section Controllability, observability, and system structure Attainable sets Controllability Observability Canonical structure System structure simplication Variable structure systems Realizations from input-output data Transformations Linearizations Minimal systems representations Algebraic methods Geometric methods Operator-theoretic methods [See also 47A48, 47A57, 47B35, 47N70] System identication Sensitivity (robustness) H -control Computational methods Synthesis problems Design techniques (robust design, computer-aided design, etc.) Feedback control Pole and zero placement problems Eigenvalue problems None of the above, but in this section
93Cxx 93C05 93C10 93C15 93C20 93C23 93C25 93C30 93C35 93C40 93C41 93C42 93C55 93C57 93C62 93C65 93C70 93C73 93C80 93C83 93C85 93C95 93C99 93Dxx 93D05 93D09 93D10 93D15 93D20 93D21 93D25 93D30 93D99 93Exx 93E03 93E10 93E11 93E12 93E14 93E15 93E20 93E24 93E25 93E35 93E99 94XX 9400 9401 9402 9403 9404 9406 94Axx 94A05 94A08 94A11 94A12 94A13 94A14 94A15 94A17 94A20 94A24 94A29 94A34 94A40 94A45 94A50 94A55 94A60 94A62 94A99
Control systems Linear systems Nonlinear systems Systems governed by ordinary dierential equations [See also 34H05] Systems governed by partial dierential equations Systems governed by functional-dierential equations [See also 34K35] Systems in abstract spaces Systems governed by functional relations other than dierential equations (such as hybrid and switching systems) Multivariable systems Adaptive control Problems with incomplete information Fuzzy control systems Discrete-time systems Sampled-data systems Digital systems Discrete event systems Time-scale analysis and singular perturbations Perturbations Frequency-response methods Control problems involving computers (process control, etc.) Automated systems (robots, etc.) [See also 68T40, 70B15, 70Q05] Applications None of the above, but in this section Stability Lyapunov and other classical stabilities (Lagrange, Poisson, Lp , lp , etc.) Robust stability Popov-type stability of feedback systems Stabilization of systems by feedback Asymptotic stability Adaptive or robust stabilization Input-output approaches Scalar and vector Lyapunov functions None of the above, but in this section Stochastic systems and control Stochastic systems, general Estimation and detection [See also 60G35] Filtering [See also 60G35] System identication Data smoothing Stochastic stability Optimal stochastic control Least squares and related methods Other computational methods Stochastic learning and adaptive control None of the above, but in this section INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION, CIRCUITS General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. Communication, information Communication theory [See also 60G35, 90B18] Image processing (compression, reconstruction, etc.) [See also 68U10] Application of orthogonal and other special functions Signal theory (characterization, reconstruction, ltering, etc.) Detection theory Modulation and demodulation Information theory, general [See also 62B10, 81P94] Measures of information, entropy Sampling theory Coding theorems (Shannon theory) Source coding [See also 68P30] Rate-distortion theory Channel models (including quantum) Prex, length-variable, comma-free codes [See also 20M35, 68Q45] Theory of questionnaires Shift register sequences and sequences over nite alphabets Cryptography [See also 11T71, 14G50, 68P25, 81P94] Authentication and secret sharing [See also 81P94] None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
94Bxx 94B05 94B10 94B12 94B15 94B20 94B25 94B27 94B30 94B35 94B40 94B50 94B60 94B65 94B70 94B75 94B99 94Cxx 94C05 94C10 94C12 94C15 94C30 94C99 94Dxx 94D05 94D99 97XX 9700 9701 9702 9703 9704 9706 97Axx 97A10 97A20 97A30 97A40 97A50 97A70 97A80 97A99 97Bxx 97B10 97B20 97B30 97B40 97B50 97B60 97B70 97B99 97Cxx 97C10 97C20 97C30 97C40 97C50 97C60 97C70 97C99 97Dxx 97D10 97D20 97D30 97D40 97D50 97D60 97D70 97D80
Theory of error-correcting codes and error-detecting codes Linear codes, general Convolutional codes Combined modulation schemes (including trellis codes) Cyclic codes Burst-correcting codes Combinatorial codes Geometric methods (including applications of algebraic geometry) [See also 11T71, 14G50] Majority codes Decoding Arithmetic codes [See also 11T71, 14G50] Synchronization error-correcting codes Other types of codes Bounds on codes Error probability Applications of the theory of convex sets and geometry of numbers (covering radius, etc.) [See also 11H31, 11H71] None of the above, but in this section Circuits, networks Analytic circuit theory Switching theory, application of Boolean algebra; Boolean functions [See also 06E30] Fault detection; testing Applications of graph theory [See also 05Cxx, 68R10] Applications of design theory [See also 05Bxx] None of the above, but in this section Fuzzy sets and logic (in connection with questions of Section 94) [See also 03B52, 03E72, 28E10] Fuzzy sets and logic (in connection with questions of Section 94) [See also 03B52, 03E72, 28E10] None of the above, but in this section MATHEMATICS EDUCATION General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) Instructional exposition (textbooks, tutorial papers, etc.) Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) Historical (must also be assigned at least one classication number from Section 01) Explicit machine computation and programs (not the theory of computation or programming) Proceedings, conferences, collections, etc. General, mathematics and education Comprehensive works, reference books Recreational mathematics, games [See also 00A08] History of mathematics and mathematics education [See also 01XX] Mathematics and society Bibliographies [See also 0100] Theses and postdoctoral theses Popularization of mathematics None of the above, but in this section Educational policy and systems Educational research and planning General education Vocational education Higher education Teacher education {For research aspects, see 97C70} Adult and further education Syllabuses, educational standards None of the above, but in this section Psychology of mathematics education, research in mathematics education Comprehensive works Aective behavior Cognitive processes, learning theories Intelligence and aptitudes Language and verbal communities Sociological aspects of learning Teaching-learning processes None of the above, but in this section Education and instruction in mathematics Comprehensive works, comparative studies Philosophical and theoretical contributions (maths didactics) Objectives and goals Teaching methods and classroom techniques Teaching problem solving and heuristic strategies {For research aspects, see 97Cxx} Student assessment, achievement control and rating Learning diculties and student errors Teaching units and draft lessons
97D99 97Exx 97E10 97E20 97E30 97E40 97E50 97E60 97E99 97Fxx 97F10 97F20 97F30 97F40 97F50 97F60 97F70 97F80 97F90 97F99 97Gxx 97G10 97G20 97G30 97G40 97G50 97G60 97G70 97G80 97G99 97Hxx 97H10 97H20 97H30 97H40 97H50 97H60 97H99 97Ixx 97I10 97I20 97I30 97I40 97I50 97I60 97I70 97I80 97I99 97Kxx 97K10 97K20 97K30 97K40 97K50 97K60 97K70 97K80 97K99 97Mxx 97M10 97M20 97M30 97M40 97M50 97M60 97M70 97M80 97M99 97Nxx 97N10 97N20 97N30 97N40 97N50 97N60 97N70 97N80 97N99
None of the above, but in this section Foundations of mathematics Comprehensive works Philosophy and mathematics Logic Language of mathematics Reasoning and proving in the mathematics classroom Sets, relations, set theory None of the above, but in this section Arithmetic, number theory Comprehensive works Pre-numerical stage, concept of numbers Natural numbers Integers, rational numbers Real numbers, complex numbers Number theory Measures and units Ratio and proportion, percentages Real life mathematics, practical arithmetic None of the above, but in this section Geometry Comprehensive works Informal geometry Areas and volumes Plane and solid geometry Transformation geometry Plane and spherical trigonometry Analytic geometry. Vector algebra Descriptive geometry None of the above, but in this section Algebra Comprehensive works Elementary algebra Equations and inequalities Groups, rings, elds Ordered algebraic structures Linear algebra None of the above, but in this section Analysis Comprehensive works Mappings and functions Sequences and series Dierential calculus Integral calculus Functions of several variables Functional equations Complex analysis None of the above, but in this section Combinatorics, graph theory, probability theory, statistics Comprehensive works Combinatorics Graph theory Descriptive statistics Probability theory Distributions and stochastic processes Foundations and methodology of statistics Applied statistics None of the above, but in this section Mathematical modeling, applications of mathematics Modeling and interdisciplinarity Mathematics in vocational training and career education Financial and insurance mathematics Operations research, economics Physics, astronomy, technology, engineering Biology, chemistry, medicine Behavioral and social sciences Arts, music, language, architecture None of the above, but in this section Numerical mathematics Comprehensive works Rounding, estimation, theory of errors Numerical algebra Numerical analysis Interpolation and approximation Mathematical programming Discrete mathematics Mathematical software, computer programs None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]
97Pxx 97P10 97P20 97P30 97P40 97P50 97P60 97P70 97P99 97Qxx 97Q10 97Q20 97Q30 97Q40 97Q50 97Q60 97Q70 97Q80 97Q99 97Rxx 97R10 97R20 97R30 97R40 97R50 97R60 97R70 97R80 97R99 97Uxx 97U10 97U20 97U30 97U40 97U50 97U60 97U70 97U80 97U99
Computer science Comprehensive works Theory of computer science System software Programming languages Programming techniques Hardware Computer science and society None of the above, but in this section Computer science education Comprehensive works Aective aspects in teaching computer science Cognitive processes Sociological aspects Objectives Teaching methods and classroom techniques Student assessment Teaching units None of the above, but in this section Computer science applications Comprehensive works, collections of programs Applications in mathematics Applications in sciences Articial intelligence Data bases, information systems Computer graphics User programs, administrative applications Recreational computing None of the above, but in this section Educational material and media, educational technology Comprehensive works Textbooks. Textbook research Teachers manuals and planning aids Problem books. Competitions. Examinations Computer assisted instruction; e-learning Manipulative materials Technological tools, calculators Audiovisual media None of the above, but in this section
[Source Date: Monday 12 October 2009 21:56] [Licence: This text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike License: Additional terms may apply.]