CRI Unlocked
CRI Unlocked
CRI Unlocked
STUDY II STRATEGIES Introduction Level of Strategies Strategic Planning Stages in Strategic Planning Importance of Strategic Planning Features of Strategic Planning Strategic Planning and Long-Range Planning Strategic Management
This Study Paper is the property of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India. Permission of the Council of the Institute is essential for reproduction of any portion of the Paper.
(xii) Strategic Management Competitive Advantage and Core Competencies Formulation and Execution of Corporate Restructuring Strategies Methods for Implementation of Strategies Merger Acquisition Amalgamation Takeover Disinvestment Strategic Alliances Demerger Joint Venture Slump Sale Franchising SELF-TEST QUESTIONS STUDY III MERGERS AND AMALGAMATIONS Introduction Concept of Merger & Amalgamation Reasons for Merger and Amalgamation Underlying objectives in Mergers Categories of Mergers Methods of merger/amalgamation Preliminary steps in mergers Legal aspects of merger/amalgamation Filing of certified copy of courts order with ROC Application to Court under Section 391 for direction to hold meetings of shareholders/creditors Sanctioned arrangement binding on all concerned parties Disclosure of material facts is a pre-condition for Court order Scope of Section 391 Approvals in scheme of amalgamation Approval of Board of Directors Approval of Shareholders/Creditors Approval of the Stock Exchanges Approval of Financial Institutions Approval from land holders Approval of the High Courts
(xiii) Approval of Reserve Bank of India Approval of Central Government under MRTP Act Combination under the Competition Act, 2002 Procedural Aspects, including Documentation for merger/Amalgamation Authority to amalgamate, merger, absorb etc. Observing Memorandum of Association of Transferee Company Convening a Board Meeting Preparation of Valuation Report Preparation of Scheme of Amalgamation or Merger Approval of Scheme Application of High Court seeking direction to hold meetings Jurisdiction of High Court Obtaining order of the Court for holding class meeting(s) Notice by advertisement Information as to merger or amalgamation Holding meeting(s) as per Courts discretion Convening of General Meeting Report of the Result Petitions to Court for confirmation of Scheme Obtaining order of the Court sanctioning the Scheme Filing of Copy of Courts order with ROC Conditions precedent and subsequent to Courts order sanctioning Scheme of Arrangement Judicial Pronouncements and Important Factors Valuation of Shares in different situations - Judicial Pronouncements Conflicting Pronouncements Official Liquidators Report Issue of Shares, Allotment, Stock Exchange Formalities Amalgamation through BIFR under SICA, 1985 Amalgamation of Companies by an order of the Central Government (Section 396) Accounting Aspects of Merger and Amalgamation Financial Aspects of Merger/Amalgamation including valuation of shares Taxation Aspects of Mergers and Amalgamations Stamp Duty aspects of Mergers and Amalgamation Filing of various forms in the process of Merger/Amalgamation Amalgamation of Banking Companies Cross Border Mergers and Acquisitions Merger aspects under Competition Law
Procedure of Merger and Amalgamation related to Government Companies ANNEXURES I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. Activity Schedule for Planning a merger Time Schedule for Alteration of object clause Time Schedule for increase of Authorised Capital Preparation of Scheme of Amalgamation Practical Approach Notice convening meeting Statement under Section 393 of the Companies Act, 1956 Scheme of Amalgamation Form of Proxy
SELF-TEST QUESTIONS STUDY IV TAKE OVERS Meaning and Concept of Takeover Emergence of Concept of Takeover Objects of takeover Kinds of takeover Takeover Bids Type of takeover bids Consideration for Takeover LEGAL ASPECTS OF TAKEOVER Takeover of unlisted and closely held companies Checkpoints for takeover Transferor company TAKEOVER OF LISTED COMPANIES Listing Agreement Conditions for continued listing Requirements under Regulations Regulation 10-Acquistion of fifteen or more of the shares or Voting Rights of any company Regulation 11Consolidation of Holdings Regulation 12Acquisition of Control over a Company Other Regulatory Requirements Appointment of merchant Banker for making public announcement Timing of the public announcement of Offer Publication of announcement of offer
Submission of copy of public announcement to stock exchanges Submission of copy of public announcement to target company Deemed date of offer Contents of the public announcement of offer Advertising material not to contain misleading information Submission of letter of offer to Board (SEBI) and to shareholders Offer price Specified date Acquisition price under creeping acquisition Minimum size of an open offer Minimum price for creeping acquisition General obligation of the acquirer General obligations of the Board of Directors of the target company General obligations of the merchant banker Competitive bid Withdrawal of offer Competitive bid will no longer be a ground for withdrawal of offer Escrow account Payment of consideration Price at which an open offer can be made BAIL OUT TAKEOVERS Objective of Regulation Manner of acquisition of shares of financially weak company Manner of evaluation of bids Acceptance of one bid Persons acquiring shares to make an offer Person acquiring shares to make public announcement Financially weak company No competitive bid to be made Responsibility of Lead Institution Economic aspects of takeover Financial and accounting aspects of takeover Taxation aspects of takeover Stamp duty on takeover documents TAKEOVER OF SICK UNITS BY SFCs Rights of State Financial Corporations (SFCs) against defaulting Industrial concerns Section 29 Enforcement of claims by financial corporation Section 31 Powers of Banks and Financial Institutions under the SARFAESI Act, 2002
Remedies if borrower does not make payment Courts Power Suretys Liability to Creditors Defense Strategies to takeover bids Anti-takeover amendments Cross Border Takeovers ANNEXURES 1. Takeovers FAQs 2. SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997Disclosure Compliance ChartRegulations 7 and 8 SELF-TEST QUESTIONS STUDY V FUNDING OF MERGERS AND TAKEOVERS Introduction Financial Alternatives Process of funding Funding through various types of financial instruments Issue of Equity Shares Issue of Preference Shares Funding through Employees Stock Option Scheme SEBI Guidelines Funding through External Commercial Borrowings Funding through Indian Deposit Receipts Global Depository Receipt (GDR) American Depository Receipt (ADRs) Utilisation of proceeds of ADR/GDR issue for funding Mergers/Takeovers Funding through Financial Institutions and Banks Funding through Rehabilitation Finance Leveraged and Management buyouts SELF-TEST QUESTIONS STUDY VI VALUATION OF SHARES, BUSINESS AND BRANDS Introduction Need and Purpose Meanings of Valuer
Some of the provisions where valuation has been mentioned as a necessary requirement Shri Shardul Shroffs Expert Report on Valuers and Valuations, 2002 Factors influencing valuations Valuation of Private Companies Valuation of Listed Companies Valuation of Unlisted Companies Valuation Methods Detailed Study Dividend Discount Models Valuation of Securities in a Takeover Non Financial Considerations in Valuation Valuation of Brands Judicial Pronouncements on Valuation of Shares in Different Situations ANNEXURES 1. Guidelines for valuation of equity shares of companies and the business and net assets of branches 2. The Expert Group appointed by DCA (now, a ministry) 3. Valuation of Jyotika Exports A Case Study 4. Bases for issue price in case of amalgamation SELF-TEST QUESTIONS STUDY VII CORPORATE DEMERGERS AND REVERSE MERGERS Demerger Demerged company Resulting company Reconstruction Procedure to be followed for reconstruction Difference between Demerger and Reconstruction Legal Aspects of Demerger Splits/Divisions Modes of Demerger Demerger by agreement Demerger under scheme of arrangement Demerger and Voluntary Winding up Demerger or spin off: Importance of Appointed Date PROCEDURAL ASPECTS IN RESPECT OF DEMERGER Rules and Forms in respect of Scheme of Demerger
Steps to be taken for Demerger TAX ASPECTS OF DEMERGER Tax reliefs to demerged company Tax reliefs to the shareholders of the demerged company Tax reliefs to the resulting company Depreciation on assets transferred to resulting company Expenditure on acquisition of patent rights and copyrights Expenditure on know-how Expenditure for obtaining licence to operate telecommunication services (Section 35ABB) Amortization of certain preliminary expenses Expenses allowed as preliminary expenses Amortization of expenditure in case of demerger Deduction for expenditure on prospecting etc. of certain minerals Resulting company as successor in business Deduction in the case of business for prospecting etc. for mineral oil Computation of actual cost to resulting company of capital assets transferred Written down value of assets transferred to resulting company Carry forward and set off of loss and unabsorbed depreciation allowance Exemption from the provisions of Section 79 Deduction in respect of profits and gains from industrial undertakings engaged in infrastructure development etc. Deduction in respect of profits and gains from industrial undertakings other than infrastructure development undertaking Tax on income from bonds or Global Depository Receipts purchased in foreign currency or capital gains arising from their transfer Benefit of Depreciation Miscellaneous Issues INDIAN SCENARIO WITH RESPECT TO DEMERGER AND RECONSTRUCTION Reverse Merger Provisions relating to carry forward and set off of accumulated loss and unabsorbed depreciation allowance in amalgamation or demerger, etc. Concept of reverse merger in SICA ANNEXURES 1. Specimen of Form No.33, Summons for Directions to convene a meeting under Section 391 2. Specimen of Form No.34, Affidavit in support of Summons 3. Specimen of the courts order on summons for direction in Form No.35
4. Specimen of notice of the meeting of members/creditors in Form No.36 5. Specimen of proxy in Form No.37 6. Specimen of Form No.39 for result of the meeting(s) of members/creditors 7. Specimen of Form No.40, petition to court for sanctioning the scheme of compromise or arrangement SELF-TEST QUESTIONS STUDY VIII POST MERGER RE-ORGANISATION Introduction Factors in Post Merger Reorganisation Integration of businesses and operations Financial Accounting Taxation Aspects of Mergers and Amalgamations Post Merger Success and Valuation Human and Cultural Aspects Measuring Post-Merger Efficiency Measuring Key Indicators Operating Economies Financial Economies Growth and Diversification Managerial Effectiveness Merger and Acquisition Trends Conclusion SELF-TEST QUESTIONS STUDY IX FINANCIAL RESTRUCTURING Introduction Need for financial restructuring Reorganisation of Capital Reduction of Capital Buy-back of shares Rules and Regulations for Buy Back of Securities Authority and Quantum o Buy Back of Securities Available Sources for Buy Back o Securities Conditions to be fulfilled and obligations for Buy Back of Securities
Disputed Securities kept in Abeyance Restrictions on Buy Back of Securities in Certain Circumstances Declaration of Solvency Stamp duty on Buy Back Income Tax Aspects Procedure and Practice for Buy Back of Securities Buy Back Procedure for Listed Securities Buy Back Procedure for Private Limited and Unlisted Public Limited Companies ANNEXURES 1. Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-back of Securities) Regulations, 1998 2. Specimen of Special Resolution for Alteration of Articles of Association to provide for buy-back of securities 3. Specimen of special resolution for approving Buy-back of companys own securities 4. Private Limited Company and Unlisted Public Limited Company (Buy-back of Securities) Rules, 1999 SELF-TEST QUESTIONS STUDY X REVIVAL AND RESTRUCTURING OF SICK COMPANIES Introduction Problems of Sick Industrial Companies Need for Legislation Major Causes of Sickness of Industrial Companies Internal Causes External Causes Sickness Indicators Financial Indications Operating Indications Other indications Why revival should be undertaken? Tiwari Committees identification of causes of industrial sickness Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 Sick Industrial company Net worth Operating agency Criteria of sickness Inquiry into working of Sick Industrial CompaniesSection 16
Winding up of Sick Industrial CompanySection 20 Immunity from certain LitigationsSection 22 Bar against disposal of assetsSection 22A Revival of Sick companies Salient features of law on the anvil are as follows Reference to National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) Operating agency to inquire and report to Tribunal Appointment of Special Directors Continuing Operations during inquiry Preparation of proforma, accounts, lists, inventory etc. Power of Tribunal to call for periodic information Tribunal may give time to company to revive Preparation and sanction of Scheme Circulation of Scheme Modification by Tribunal Sanction of Scheme Transfer of Property or liability Review of Scheme at the instance of operating agency or otherwise Sanction is conclusive evidence Binding nature of sanctioned scheme Difficulty in operation Implementation of Scheme Conditional Implementation Distribution of sale proceeds Rehabilitation by giving financial assistance Winding up of sick industrial company Direction not to dispose off assets Comparative analysis Action under the Recovery of Debts due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 (RDB Act) in respect of Sick Industrial Companies Action under Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI Act) in respect of Sick Industrial Companies Cess on Companies Salient features of the Cess Scheme Sources & Application of Funds Appeals Appeal procedure Penalty SELF-TEST QUESTIONS
STUDY XI CASE STUDIES Case 1 Conversation between MD/CEO and Company Secretary Case 2 INTERNAL BUSINESS REORGANISATION Case Study 3: HLL - TOMCO MERGER Case Study 4: NICHOLAS PIRAMAL LIMITED TAKES OVER ROCHE PRODUCTS LTD. Case Study 5: TAKEOVER OF PROFIT EARNING COMPANY Case Study 6: KRONE COMMUNICATION LIMITEDCONDITIONAL EXEMPTION Case Study 7: REVERSE MERGER Case Study 8: REVERSE MERGER OF A SICK INDUSTRIAL UNDERTAKING Case Study 9: SPECIFIC ISSUES IN SPECIFIC CASES Case Study 10: ASCERTAINMENT OF BRAND VALUE Case Study 11: OVERSEAS ACQUISITION OF BRANDS AND TECHNOLOGY - TAX LIABILITY IN INDIA STUDY XII LEGAL DOCUMENTATION Introduction Applicable Provisions Under the Companies Act Under the Listing Agreement Under the Income Tax Act, 1916 Under the Indian Stamp Act Major and Minor Activities Draft Scheme of Arrangement Application to Dispense with General Meeting Draft Advertisement of General Meeting Draft Notice of Meeting of Equity Shareholders and Explanatory Statement (Specimen-II) Explanatory statement under Section 393 of the Companies Act, 1956 Notice to creditors regarding petition under Section 391 Company Secretary Notice convening meeting of unsecured creditor in the case of a scheme of compromise or arrangement (not being amalgamation) Admission Slip Form of Proxy Ballot Paper for Voting at a Meeting Convened under Section 391 Advertisement of Petition
Form No.5 Mergers and Acquisitions Draft Resolutions and Agreements for Miscellaneous Purposes Specimen outlines of the agreement for the purchase of shares in exchange for an issue of shares and/or loan Resolution of the Board of Directors of the acquiring company allotting the consideration shares Takeover Transferor Company Transferee Company Takeover Documents for Listed Companies Legal documents required for takeover under SEBI Regulations Documents for Inspection Irrevocable letter of undertaking from shareholders in target company to accept the offer made by the offeror company Draft Specimen Format of Offer Document Specimen agreement entered into between the acquirer and the management of the offeree company Specimen outline form of acceptance of offer Form No. 35, Notice to dissenting shareholders Resolutions in respect of Takeover by Offeror Company Specimen of Board Minutes of Offeror Company approving Press Announcement Specimen of Board Minutes of Offeror Company constituting a committee Specimen Board Minutes of Offeror approving issue of offer document Draft letter of authority from offeror company to its receiving bankers Specimen letter of responsibility Draft specimen power of attorney Disclosure in Terms of Regulation 7(3) Disclosure in Terms of Regulation 8(3) Format of Register to be maintained by Listed Companies under Regulation 8(4) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 Format of Public Announcement of the Offer Format for standard Letter of Offer Format of Post Offer Public Announcement Buy-Back of Securities Form No. 4A, Declaration of Solvency Format of the Report to be Submitted to SEBI in terms of Regulation 3(4) SELF-TEST QUESTIONS
STUDY XIII SECURITIZATION AND DEBT RECOVERY PART A SECURITIZATION ACT Introduction Apex court upheld Constitutional Validity of the Securitisation Act Definitions Important Provisions of the Act Miscellaneous Provisions The Securitisation Companies and Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines and Directions, 2003 Guidelines on Sale of Financial Assets to Securitisation Company (SC)/ Reconstruction Company (RC) (Created under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002) and Related Issues ANNEXURES 1. Identification particulars of the company 2. Statement of owned funds 3. Information about the chairman, managing director, directors and the chief executive officer of the company 4. Information about the sponsor/s of the company 5. Information about related parties SELF-TEST QUESTIONS STUDY XIII SECURITIZATION AND DEBT RECOVERY PART B DEBT RECOVERY Need and Object Establishment of Tribunal Composition of Tribunal Establishment of Appellate Tribunal Composition of Appellate Tribunal Procedure of Tribunals Appeal to the Appellate Tribunal Powers of the Tribunal and the Appellate Tribunal Right to Legal Representation and Presenting Officers Modes of Recovery of Debts Validity of Certificate and Amendment thereof
Stay of proceedings under certificate and amendment or withdrawal thereof Appeal against the order of Recovery Officer Effective non-legal remedies for improving the recovery management SELF-TEST QUESTIONS STUDY XIV WINDING UP Introduction Winding up and dissolution Modes of winding up Winding up by the court Voluntary winding up Members Voluntary winding up Creditors Voluntary winding up Distinction between members and creditors Voluntary winding up Committee of Inspection Meeting of the Company and Creditors Duties of Secretary in Voluntary winding up Winding up subject to the supervision of court Consequences of winding up Overriding Preferential Payments Preferential Payments Consequences as to Disposition of Property by the Company Disclaimer of Onerous Property Powers and duties of liquidators Conduct of winding up Report by the Official Liquidator Proceedings against delinquent officers Winding up of unregistered companies Role of the Secretary in winding up Outsourcing responsibilities to professionals Role of insolvency practitioners Corporate insolvency and process in United Kingdom and United States of America SELF-TEST QUESTIONS
(xxvi) STUDY XV CROSS-BORDER INSOLVENCY Corporate insolvency Development of UNCITRAL Model Law UNCITRAL Model Law Purpose of Model Law General provisions Definitions Types of foreign proceedings covered Access of foreign representatives and creditors to courts in state enacting model law Application by a foreign representative to commence a proceeding Protection of creditors and other interested persons Notification to foreign creditors of a proceeding Recognition of a foreign proceeding and relief Decision to recognize a foreign proceeding Subsequent information Effects of recognition of a foreign main proceeding Relief that may be granted upon recognition of a foreign proceeding Cooperation with foreign courts and foreign representatives Concurrent proceedings Effective insolvency and creditor rights systems - World Bank Principles The World Bank Principles A summary Reforms in insolvency laws Dr. J.J. Irani Expert Committee on Company Law Legislative response to the reform process Role of professionals in insolvency process ANNEXURE 1 The World Bank principles for effective insolvency and creditor rights systems SELF-TEST QUESTIONS TEST PAPERS/2010 Test Paper 1/2010 Test Paper 2/2010 Test Paper 3/2010 Test Paper 4/2010 Test Paper 5/2010 QUESTION PAPERS OF TWO PREVIOUS SESSIONS
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Corporate restructuring is one of the means employed to meet the challenges and problems that confront businesses. Section 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956, provide a legitimate tool to facilitate corporate restructuring in a variety of ways. This chapter is an introduction to corporate restructuring. After going through this chapter, you will be able to understand:
Meaning of Corporate Restructuring Historical Background Present, Global & National Scenario Need & Scope of Corporate restructuring Kinds of Restructuring Provisions under the Companies Act When courts do not sanction a Scheme Registration of the order of the Court Cost and other important factors Major judicial pronouncements
1. INTRODUCTION Corporate Restructuring is an expression that connotes a restructuring process undertaken by business enterprises for the purpose of bringing about a change for the better and to make the businesses competitive. The term signifies the restructuring undertaken by a company and company secretaries play a predominant role in devising, designing, executing and completing the restructuring process. This study is intended to give a basic idea about the meaning, background, objectives, scope, modes, law and practice in relation to any chosen restructuring programme. The study also discusses the global and national scenario in corporate restructuring today. 2. MEANING OF CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING Restructuring as per Oxford dictionary means, to give a new structure to, rebuild or rearrange". Corporate Restructuring thus implies rearranging the business for increased efficiency and profitability. The meaning of the term 'Corporate Restructuring' is quite wide and varied. Depending upon the requirements of a company, it is possible to restructure its business, financial and organizational transactions in different forms. Restructuring is a method of changing the organizational structure in order to achieve the strategic goals of the organization or to sharpen the focus on achieving them. The essentials of Corporate Restructuring are efficient and competitive business operations by increasing the market share, brand power and synergies.
(xxviii) Simply stated, Corporate Restructuring is a comprehensive process, by which a company can consolidate its business operations and strengthen its position for achieving its short-term and long-term corporate objectives - synergetic, dynamic and continuing as a competitive and successful entity. The expression Corporate Restructuring implies restructuring or reorganizing a company or its business (or one of its businesses) or its financial structure, in such a way as to make it operate more effectively. This is not a legal term and has no precise meaning nor can it be defined with precision. In the words of Justice Dhananjaya Y. Chandrachud, Corporate Restructuring is one of the means that can be employed to meet the challenges which confront business. Having understood the meaning of the expression Corporate Restructuring, it is necessary to re-iterate that a restructuring exercise is not undertaken only by business enterprises which are run in the form of a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956. The restructuring could be undertaken by any entity or business unit, whether it is run as a sole proprietorship or partnership or society or in any other form of organization. In this study we are primarily concerned with the scope and objectives of and law and practice relating to Corporate Restructuring. 3. HISTORICAL BACKGROUND In earlier years, India was a highly regulated economy. Though Government participation was overwhelming, the economy was controlled in a centralized way by Government participation and intervention. In other words, economy was closed as economic forces such as demand and supply were not allowed to have a full-fledged liberty to rule the market. There was no scope of realignments and everything was controlled. In such a scenario, the scope and mode of Corporate Restructuring was very limited due to restrictive government policies and rigid regulatory framework. These restrictions remained in vogue, practically, for over two decades. These, however, proved incompatible with the economic system in keeping pace with the global economic developments if the objective of faster economic growth were to be achieved. The Government had to review its entire policy framework and under the economic liberalization measures removed the above restrictions by omitting the relevant sections and provisions. Consequently, financially strong entrepreneurs made their presence felt as industrialists Ram Prasad Goenka, M.R. Chabria, Sudarshan Birla, Srichand Hinduja, Vijay Mallya and Dhirubhai Ambani who were instrumental in undertaking certain major Corporate Restructuring exercises. The real opening up of the economy started with the Industrial Policy, 1991 whereby 'continuity with change' was emphasized and main thrust was on relaxations in industrial licensing, foreign investments, transfer of foreign technology etc. For instance, amendments were made in MRTP Act, within all restrictive sections discouraging growth of industrial sector. With the economic liberalization, globalization and opening up of economies, the Indian corporate sector started restructuring to meet the opportunities and challenges of competition.
(xxix) 4. PRESENT SCENARIO Today, the economic and liberalization reforms, have transformed the business scenario all over the world. The most significant development has been the integration of national economy with 'market-oriented globalized economy'. The multilateral trade agenda and the World Trade Organization (WTO) have been facilitating easy and free flow of technology, capital and expertise across the globe. A restructuring wave is sweeping the corporate sector the world over, taking within its fold both big and small entities, comprising old economy businesses, conglomerates and new economy companies and even the infrastructure and service sector. From banking to oil exploration and telecommunication to power generation, petrochemicals to aviation, companies are coming together as never before. Not only this new industries like e-commerce and biotechnology have been exploding and old industries are being transformed. Mergers, amalgamations, acquisitions, consolidation and takeovers are the expressions that have become common to the corporate sector. By mergers and amalgamations, we mean a merger of two or more distinct entities. The merging entities might have similar or dissimilar activities. Mergers take place for various reasons and simple cost benefit analysis would tell whether the merger proposal is beneficial or not. In mergers new shares are usually issued. Payment of consideration by issue of shares of transferee company to the members of transferor companies is the usual method. Acquisitions refer to acquisition of ownership, control and management right over enterprises. Acquisitions take place by acquisition of voting shares. In acquisitions new shares do not come into existence. In consolidation, the promoter group attempts to garner more stake in order to strengthen their position and thereby achieve predominance. Never have the mergers and acquisitions been so popular, from all angles policy considerations, businessmens outlook and even consumers point of view. Courts too have taken empathic view towards mergers. The classic example is the remarks of Supreme Court in the HLL TOMCO merger case; where in the court had stated that in this era of hyper competitive capitalism and technological change, industrialists have realized that mergers/acquisitions are perhaps the best route to reach a size comparable to global companies so as to effectively compete with them. The harsh reality of globalisation has dawned that companies which cannot compete globally must sell out as an inevitable alternative. Today, conglomerates are being formed by combining businesses. Where synergies are not achieved, demergers do take place. Demergers connote division of business and such division could mean division of line of activity or division of undertaking or division of territories. Demergers might take place to facilitate family arrangements of promoters controlling an enterprise. They have also become the order of the day. With the increasing competition and the economy, heading towards globalisation, the corporate restructuring activities are expected to occur at a much larger scale than at any time in the past. Corporate Restructuring play a major role in enabling enterprises to achieve economies of scale, global competitiveness, right size, and a host of other benefits including reduction of cost of operations and administration. The process of restructuring through mergers and amalgamations has been a regular feature in the developed and free economy nations like Japan, USA and
(xxx) European countries with special reference to UK where hundreds of mergers take place every year. Mergers and takeovers of multinational corporate houses across the borders has become a normal phenomenon. Corporate restructuring being a matter of business convenience, the role of legislation, executive and judiciary is that of a facilitator for restructuring on healthy lines. The present stand of the Government is that monopoly is not necessarily bad provided market dominance is not abused. In this era of capitalism and technological advancements, industrialists have realized that mergers / acquisitions are perhaps the best route to reach a size comparable to global companies so as to effectively compete with them. The harsh reality of globalization has ultimately dawned and companies that cannot compete globally change hands. In this process realignments take place. 5. GLOBAL SCENARIO Globalization has given the consumer many choices. Simultaneously, technological advancements have made the rate of obsolescence very fast. Even established brands face challenges from products that offer value for money. In this international scenario, there is a heavy focus on quality, range, cost and reliability of products and services. Companies all over the world have been reshaping and repositioning themselves to meet the challenges and seize the opportunities thrown open by globalization. In turbulent times the strategy of any management would be to look at the strengths within in order to focus on core competencies. Such analysis will help identify the loss making units so that they can be sold. Managements might also look out for acquiring units, which could contribute to profit and growth of the group. The underlying objective is to achieve and sustain superior performance. In fact, most companies in the world are merging to achieve an economic size as a means of survival and growth in the competitive economy. There has been a substantial increase in quantum of funds flowing across nations in search of potential units for being taken over as part of the restructuring programme. UK has been the most important foreign investor in USA in recent years. There have been huge oil sector mergers, the biggest being Exxon-Mobile, BP-Amoco and Total-Pretrofina. The major marriages in the financial sector have included Traveller Citicorp, NationsbankBankamerica and Northwest Wells Fargo. The Great Western Financial H.F. Ahmanson merger created the largest thrift and savings institution in the US. A similar trend was witnessed in Europe too. In Europe much of the action the mergers between Zurich group and BATS insurance interests, and between Swedens Nordbankan and Finlands Merita, and the hostile offer from Italys General Finance AGF was in the financial sector. In telecommunications, the major deals have included Accr-Gateway, ArrowKeylink, Cisco WebEX Dell-SilverBack AT&T TCI; Bell Atlantic-GTE and SBCAmeritech. The acquisition of MCI by WorldCom also took place. The healthcare industry has also witnessed significant activity. The major deals have included Misys Healthcare All scripts, Muskegon Chronicle Hospital merger, ZenecaAstra, Hoechst-Rhone Poulenc and Sanofi-Synthelabo. Quite a few deals have even fallen through. This category includes American Home ProductsSmithKline Beecham, American Home ProductsMonsanto and Glaxo Wellcome-SmithKline Beecham. Health care information technology acquisition activity too picked up in
(xxxi) 2006 and has kept pace since. The Eastman Kodak Health Group acquisition by Toronto based Onex Corp has been a case in the point. Not untouched by the mergers and acquisition wave has been the audit business. Price Water House merged with Coopers and Lybrand. It is estimated that one-in-four US workers have been affected by the wave of mergers and acquisition activity. In the Japanese context, mergers and acquisitions are less relevant as they believe in alliances and joint ventures than mergers and acquisitions. Also, research has shown that Japanese are least preferred merger partners / acquirers mainly due to their incompatible language. Thus the global scenario has been changing very fast. The world is witnessing a make over. Economies are merging. Cross-country investments find interesting acceptance and consumers rule the roost. 6. NATIONAL SCENARIO In India, the concept has caught like wild fire with a merger or two being reported every second day and this time Indian Companies are out to make a global presence. The Jameshedpur based steel giant, Tata Steel won the two-month long battle for Corus Group against Anglo-Dutch Steelmaker Cia Sidemrgica National (CSN) by offering $12.2 billion for the 20 million-tonne high grade steelmaker to become the fifth largest in the world. Close on heels came another giant overseas acquisition with Hindalco, the flagship metal company of Aditya Birla Group buying Atlanta based Novelis Inc. for an enterprise value of $6 billion. With this transaction, Hindalco has become worlds largest aluminum rolling company and one of biggest producer of primary aluminum in Asia. During the last 2-3 years, India Inc. acquired several other foreign companies, viz., Arcelor (by Mittal Steel) Betapharm (by Dr. Reddys lab), Terapia (by Ranbaxy), Sabah Forest Industries (by BILT), Eight OClock Coffee (by Tata Tea) Hansen (by Suzlan Energy Ltd.), Ritz-Carlon Bostan (by Indian Hotels). The other major takeover making waves has been the acquisition of majority interest of Hutch Essar by Vodafone. Tatas pioneering acquisition of Corus coupled with Hindalcos acquisition of Novelis and other acquisitions, exemplify the arrival of Indian Inc. in the global arena. The event is path breaking and displays a level of confidence and values, which places Indian industry at an altogether new level. The going global is rapidly becoming Indian Companys mantra of choice. Indian companies are now looking forward to drive costs lower, innovate speedily, and increase their International presence. Companies are discovering that a global presence can help insulate them from the vagaries of domestic market and is one of the best ways to spread the risks. As mentioned earlier, Indian Corporate sector has witnessed several strategical acquisitions. Tata Steels acquisition of Corus Group, Mittal Steels acquisiton of Arcelor, Tata Motors acquisition of Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Company, Tata Steel acquisition of Singapores NatSteel, Reliances acquisition of Flag is the culmination of Indian Companies efforts to establish a presence outside India. Not only this, to expand their operations overseas, the Indian companies are acquiring their counterparts or are making efforts towards the end viz. the merger of Air India and Indian Airlines.
(xxxii) 7. NEED AND SCOPE OF CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING Corporate Restructuring is concerned with arranging the business activities of the corporate as a whole so as to achieve certain predetermined objectives at corporate level. Such objectives include the following: orderly redirection of the firm's activities; deploying surplus cash from one business to finance profitable growth in another; exploiting inter-dependence among present or prospective businesses within the corporate portfolio; risk reduction; and development of core competencies. When we say corporate level it may mean a single company engaged in single activity or an enterprise engaged in multi activities. It could also mean a group having many companies engaged in related or unrelated activities. When such enterprises consider an exercise for restructuring their activities they have to take a wholesome view of the entire activities so as to introduce a scheme of restructuring at all levels. However such a scheme could be introduced and implemented in a phased manner. Corporate Restructuring also aims at improving the competitive position of an individual business and maximizing it's contribution to corporate objectives. It also aims at exploiting the strategic assets accumulated by a business i.e. natural monopolies, goodwill, exclusivity through licensing etc. to enhance the competitive advantages. Thus restructuring would help bringing an edge over competitors. Competition drives technological development. Competition from within a country is different from cross-country competition. Innovations and inventions do not take place merely because human beings would like to be creative or simply because human beings tend to get bored with existing facilities. Innovations and inventions do happen out of necessity to meet the challenges of competition. Cost cutting and value addition are two mantras that get highlighted in a highly competitive world. Monies flow into the stream of production in order to be able to face competition and deliver the best possible goods at the convenience and affordability of the consumers. Global Competition drives people to think big and it makes them fit to face global challenges. In other words, global competition drives enterprises and entrepreneurs to become fit globally. Thus, competitive forces play an important role. In order to become a competitive force, Corporate Restructuring exercise could be taken up. Also, in order to drive competitive forces, Corporate Restructuring exercise could be taken up. The scope of Corporate Restructuring encompasses enhancing economy (cost reduction) and improving efficiency (profitability). When a company wants to grow or survive in a competitive environment, it needs to restructure itself and focus on its competitive advantage. The survival and growth of companies in this environment depends on their ability to pool all their resources and put them to optimum use. A larger company, resulting from merger of smaller ones, can achieve economies of scale. If the size is bigger, it enjoys a higher corporate status. The status allows it to leverage the same to its own advantage by being able to raise larger funds at lower
(xxxiii) costs. Reducing the cost of capital translates into profits. Availability of funds allows the enterprise to grow in all levels and thereby become more and more competitive. Before going into the need for corporate restructuring, you can take a look at the following simple illustrations: Assume ABC Limited has surplus funds but it is not able to consider any viable project. Whereas XYZ Limited has identified viable projects but has no money to fund the cost of the project. Assume the merger of both the said companies. A viable solution emerges resulting in mutual help and benefit and in a competitive environment, it offers more benefits than what meets your eyes. Take the case of a company secretary in practice. His income may not be as regular as would be the case of a company secretary in employment. Assume he marries a company secretary in employment. The merger will help them meet the requirements of practice and enable the practice to grow without getting affected by the irregularity in cash flow. Assume ABC Ltd is engaged in manufacture of injection moulding machines. Naturally it will serve the needs of consumers of such machines. It means the company is engaged in a capital goods activity and demand for its goods will vary from time to time and therefore it might not see a regular cash flow arising from its operations. Assume, there is another company in the same group engaged in manufacture of plastic moulded goods. It deploys the injection moulding machines for manufacturing the moulded goods. Its supplies are to the consumers and therefore it has a regular cash flow. If both of them merge, the resultant company could utilize the benefit of regular cash flow in its one unit and overcome the cash flow problem in the other. If the merger does not take place, one company would see its cash bells ringing on a daily basis while in other there will be defaults in servicing the banks and financial institutions, payment of wages, settlement of dues to creditors, defaults in meeting delivery schedule and in addition the human beings of such a company will undergo a lot of stress and strain affecting their health. Thus going by the above simple illustrations, one should be able to understand that Corporate Restructuring aims at different things at different times for different companies and the single common objective in every restructuring exercise is to eliminate the disadvantages and combine the advantages. The various needs for undertaking a Corporate Restructuring exercise are as follows: (i) to focus on core strengths, operational synergy and efficient allocation of managerial capabilities and infrastructure. (ii) consolidation and economies of scale by expansion and diversion to exploit extended domestic and global markets. (iii) revival and rehabilitation of a sick unit by adjusting losses of the sick unit with profits of a healthy company. (iv) acquiring constant supply of raw materials and access to scientific research and technological developments.
(xxxiv) (v) capital restructuring by appropriate mix of loan and equity funds to reduce the cost of servicing and improve return on capital employed. (vi) Improve corporate performance to bring it at par with competitors by adopting the radical changes brought out by information technology. 8. KINDS OF RESTRUCTURING Restructuring may be of the following kinds: Financial restructuring which deals with the restructuring of capital base and raising finance for new projects. This involves decisions relating to acquisitions, mergers, joint ventures and strategic alliances. Technological restructuring which involves, inter alia, alliances with other companies to exploit technological expertise. Market restructuring which involves decisions with respect to the product market segments, where the company plans to operate based on its core competencies. Organizational restructuring which involves establishing internal structures and procedures for improving the capability of the personnel in the organization to respond to changes. This kind of restructuring is required in order to facilitate and implement the above three kinds of restructuring. These changes need to have the cooperation of all levels of employees to ensure that the restructuring is successful. The most commonly applied tools of corporate restructuring are amalgamation, merger, demerger, slump sale, acquisition, joint venture, disinvestment, strategic alliances and franchises. 9. PROVISIONS UNDER THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 Chapter V containing Sections 390 to 396A of the Companies Act, 1956 is a complete code in itself. It provides for the law and procedure to be complied with by the companies for compromises, arrangements and reconstruction. Rules 67 to 87 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 lay down the court procedure for the approval of schemes. The terms amalgamation and merger are synonymous under the Act. Section 391 of the Companies Act, 1956 provides for all matters which the Company Court (hereinafter referred to as 'the Court') should consider and also the conditions under which it has to exercise its powers. Court for the purposes of Sections 391 to 394 of the Act would mean the High Court having jurisdiction over the registered office of the company. In every High Court, a judge will be designated as company judge who will hear, inter alia, petitions under these sections. Section 390 contains meaning of certain important expressions used in Sections 391 and 394 of the Act. The expression "company" means 'any company liable to be wound up under this Act'. As per Section 390(a) of the Act, "company" includes even an unregistered company under Section 582 of the Act. [Malayalam Plantation India Limited & Harrisons & Crossfields India Ltd. In Re. (1985) 2 Comp. LJ 409 (Ker.)]. It includes companies incorporated outside India, having business operations in India under
(xxxv) Section 591 of the Act. Simply stated, the words 'any company liable to be wound up' means a company to which the provisions relating to winding up apply. [Khandelwal Udyog Ltd. and Acme Manufacturing Limited In Re. (1977) 47 Comp. Cas. 503 (Bom.)]. Thus, the expression in Section 390(a) covers all companies registered under the provisions of Companies Act, 1956, and companies registered under Companies Acts which were in force before the coming into force of the Companies Act, 1956. It also includes all unregistered or other companies in respect of which winding up orders can be made by a court under the provisions of the Act. The words a company liable to be wound up does not mean that the winding up should have commenced or that there should be a state of affairs indicating that the company is liable to be wound up. It merely connotes that by virtue of enabling provisions under the Act, a company, even if it is not a company registered under the Act, would be wound up in accordance with the provisions of the Act relating to winding up. Thus, it is not necessary that the company should be in actual winding up i.e. the section can apply even to a company which is a going concern. [Bank of India Ltd. v. Ahmedabad Manufacturing & Calico Printing Co. Ltd., (1972) 42 Comp. Cases 211 (Bom.)]. The meaning of the expression 'arrangement' as given under Section 390(b) of the Act includes reorganization of share capital of the company by consolidation of shares of different classes or division into different classes of shares or both. 'Compromise' presupposes the existence of a dispute which it seeks to settle. Nothing like that is implied in the word 'arrangement' which has wider meaning than 'compromise'. An arrangement involves an exchange of one set of rights and liabilities for another. An arrangement, for example, could result in the exchange of shares of one class for shares of a different class. All modes of reorganizing the share capital, takeover of shares of one company by another including interference with preferential and other special rights attached to shares can form part of an arrangement proposed with members. [Re. General Motor Cars Co. (1973) 1 Ch. 377; Hindustan Commercial Bank Limited v. Hindustan General Electric Corporation AIR 1960 (Cal.) 637]. The Supreme Court said: "Generally, where only one company is involved in a change and the rights of the shareholders and creditors are varied, it amounts to reconstruction or reorganization or scheme of arrangement." [Saraswati Industrial Syndicate Limited v. CIT (1991) 70 Comp. Cas. 184 (SC)]. Section 391 of the Companies Act, 1956 is a boon to corporate restructuring. This section along with Section 394, has proved to be a major legislative blessing for corporate restructuring in a variety of ways, such as amalgamation (merger) of two or more companies, demerger, division or partition of a company into two or more companies, hiving off a unit, as well as a compromise with the members or creditors of a company or an arrangement with respect to the share capital, assets or liabilities of the company etc. Section 391(1) of the Companies Act, 1956 provides that where a compromise or arrangement is proposed between company and its creditors or any class of them or between company and its members or any class of them, the Court may on the application of the company or any creditor or member of the company or liquidator (where company is being wound up), order a meeting of creditors or class of creditors or members or class of members, as the case may be, to be called, held and conducted in such manner as it directs. From the above provision of law, it is clear that there could be a compromise or arrangement between a company on the one
(xxxvi) side and its creditors or any class of them on the other side. There could be an arrangement between a company and its members or any class of them. In such a scheme of compromise or arrangement, the creditors or members could be the interested parties. In the case of a company in winding up, the liquidator becomes the party entitled to present the scheme to the court. All or any one of the interested parties have to make an application to the court praying for sanctioning the scheme of compromise or arrangement. Pertinently, it has been held in several cases that Section 391 is a complete code or single window clearance system, and that the Court has been given wide powers under this section, to frame a scheme for the revival of a company. Being a complete code, the Court can, under this section, sanction a scheme containing all the alterations required in the structure of the company for the purpose of carrying out of the scheme. Section 391 contemplates a compromise or arrangement between a company and its creditors or any class of them, or its members or any class of them, and provides machinery whereby such a compromise or arrangement may be binding on dissentient persons by an order of the Court. [Oceanic Steam Navigation Co. In re. (1939) 9 Comp. Cas. 229 (Ch.D)]. When an application is made, the Court will naturally consider the merits of the scheme. The Court will also see whether all interested parties or whether all parties whose rights are likely to be affected have been put on notice about the scheme. In other words, Court gives an opportunity to all persons who are concerned or interested in the scheme. The Court may order a meeting of the creditors and / or the members. While ordering the convening of a meeting, the Court has the power to direct the manner in which the meeting should be conducted and how the proceedings and the result of the meeting should be reported. The Court has the discretion to sanction the scheme. You may note the use of the word 'may' in Subsection (1) of Section 391 of the Act. It clearly implies that the Court has the discretion to make or not to make the order. As already stated, even before convening a meeting, the Court should pay attention to the fairness of the proposed scheme because it would be no use putting before the meeting a scheme, which is not fair. The Court may also refuse a meeting to be called where the proposals contained therein are illegal, or in violation of provisions of the Act or incapable of modification. [Travancore National & Quilon Bank, In Re. (1939) 9 Comp. Cas. 14 (Mad.)]. Thus, the Court does not have to compulsorily call for a meeting, but in its discretion, dismiss the application at that stage itself [Sakamari Metals & Alloys Limited, In Re. (1981) 51 Com. Cas. 266 (Bom.)]. The Court is duty bound to ascertain the bona fides of the scheme and whether the scheme is prima facie feasible. The Court will not act merely as a rubber stamp while sanctioning a scheme. The Court must consider the application on merits. [N.A.P. Alagiri Raja & Company v. N. Guruswamy (1989) 65 Comp. Cas. 758 (Mad.)]. The Court should examine the nuts and bolts of the scheme and should not hesitate to reject the scheme or ask for additional material or even point to creditors, members, etc. of pitfalls in the scheme and the Court's role under Section 391(1) is equally useful, vital and pragmatic as under Section 391(2) [Sakamari Metals & Alloy Limited In Re. (1981) 51 Comp. Cas. 266 (Bom.)]. Where a large number of creditors
(xxxvii) opposed the scheme, it was obvious that there was no possibility of its being implemented [Krishnakumar Mills Co. Ltd. In Re. (1975) 45 Comp. Cas. 248 (Guj.)]. 10. WHEN COURTS DO NOT SANCTION A SCHEME? If a compromise or arrangement is not bona fide but intended to cover misdeeds of delinquent directors, the Court shall not sanction the scheme [Pioneer Dyeing House Limited v. Dr. Shanker Vishnu Marathe (1967) 2 Comp. LJ 16]. If the object of the scheme is to prevent investigation or there is failure in the management of affairs of the company or disregard of law or withholding of material information from the meeting or the scheme is against public policy, the Court will not sanction the scheme [J.S. Davar v. Dr. S.V. Marathe, AIR 1967 Bom. 456 (DB)]. If it can be shown that the petition is made mala fide and motivated primarily to defeat the claims of certain creditors who had obtained decrees against the company, there was inordinate delay in making the application for sanctioning the scheme and certain information was withheld from the Company Court, the petition for sanctioning the scheme though approved by the creditors and shareholders was rejected [Richa Jain v. Registrar of Companies (1990) 69 Comp. Cas. 248 (Raj.)]. Thus, the following salient aspects emerge in every proposal containing a scheme of compromise or arrangement: Any scheme of compromise, arrangement or reconstruction that falls within the provisions of Sections 391 to 394 of the Act should receive sanction from the Court in order to become effective and binding. The scheme of compromise or arrangement should be prepared as a written document. It should be presented to the Court. Court will direct the convening of meetings of creditors or a class of them. Court will direct the convening of meetings of members or a class of them. Court gives opportunity to all concerned. Under Section 391(1) of the Act, the Court gives directions with regard to conducting of meetings. The Court also fixes the time and place of such meeting, and appoint a chairman of the meeting. The Court fixes the quorum and lays down the procedure to be followed at the meeting, including voting by proxy; determines the value of creditors or members and the persons to whom notice is to be given. The Court also gives directions to the chairman to report to the Court the result of the meeting within a given period. Explanatory Statement Apart from the directions of the Court, the provisions of Section 393 of the Act, regarding furnishing of adequate information about the scheme to creditors and
(xxxviii) members, should also be complied with. Accordingly, with every notice calling the meeting, sent to the creditor or member, a statement should be included setting forth, the terms of compromise or arrangement as well as specifically stating any material interests of director(s) or, managing director(s) or manager of the company in whatsoever capacity, in the scheme and the effect of their interest as in contradiction to the interests of other persons. Also, where a notice calling the meeting is given by advertisement, there shall be included either the statement as aforesaid or notification of the place where and the manner in which, the creditors or members entitled to attend the meeting may obtain the copies of such statement. In case, the compromise or arrangement affects the rights of debenture holders, the statement shall accordingly give like information in such respect. Every such copy should be made available to the members or creditors entitled to attend the meeting, in the manner specified and free of charge. Where default is made in complying with any of the requirements of Section 393 of the Act, the company and every officer in default including liquidator of the company and debenture trustee is liable to punished in accordance with the provisions of the Act. At the meeting the scheme is to be passed with the support of majority in number and three-fourths in value of those present and voting. The creditors or members who are present at the meeting but remain neutral or abstain from voting, will not be counted in ascertaining the majority in number or value [Hindustan General Electric Corporation, In Re., AIR 1959, (Cal.) 679]. The Chairman appointed by Court to preside over the meeting has to file his report within 7 days of the conclusion of the meeting where the scheme was considered and voted upon by the creditors or members. Subsequently, the petitioner makes the application for confirmation of the scheme within 7 days of filing of the report of the chairman. The Court, while sanctioning the scheme, must be satisfied that there is full and fair disclosure of information by the petitioner about the state of affairs of the company and its latest financial position. The Court should also be satisfied that statutory majority are acting bona fide and the compromise or arrangement is such that an as may be reasonably approved. [Dorman Long & Co. Limited (1933) All ER Rep. 460]. Therefore the Court would like to be satisfied basically on three points: Firstly that the provisions of the statute have been complied with. Secondly, that the class was fairly represented by those who attended the meeting and that the statutory majority are acting bona fide and are not coercing the minority in order to promote interests adverse to those of the class, they purport to represent and; thirdly that the arrangement is such, as a man of business, would reasonably approve [Anglo Continental Supply Co., Re. (1922) 2 Ch. 723]. The scheme, if sanctioned by the Court, with or without modifications, if any, to make it operational, is binding on all the creditors including government, creditors and liquidator, contributories, all the members or classes thereof, as the case may be, and also on the company. It takes effect not from the date of sanction of the Court, but from the date it was arrived at. Powers of the Court to supervise the Implementation of the Scheme Section 392 of the Companies Act, 1956 confers the powers on the High Court sanctioning a compromise or arrangement in respect of a company, to supervise the
(xxxix) carrying out of a compromise or arrangement and give any directions or making modifications in the scheme, as it considers necessary, either at the time of sanctioning it or any time thereafter. Under this Section, the Court cannot issue directions which do not relate either to the sanctioned scheme itself or its working in relation to the company which the scheme seeks to reconstruct. [Mysore Electro Chemical Works Ltd. v. ITO, (1982) 52 Comp. Cases 32 (Ker.).] The Court has powers to give directions even to third parties to the compromise or arrangement provided such direction is necessary for the proper working of compromise or arrangement. Powers of the Court to Sanction Modification of the terms of a Scheme As regards the modification of a scheme, application thereof can be made by any person interested. 'Any person interested' should not be confined to creditor or liquidator of the company whereby any person who has obtained a transfer of shares in the company but has not yet been registered as a member is also to be included therein [K.K. Gupta v. K.P. Jain (1979) 49 Comp. Cases 342: AIR 1979 SC 734]. In Saroj G. Poddar (Smt.), in Re., (1996) 22 Corpt LA 200 at 216 (Bom.); T. Mathew v. Saroj Poddar (1996) 22 Corpt LA 200 at 216 (Bom.) the following main points emerged: (a) The scheme can be modified by the Court either at the time of or after its sanction. (b) Such modification can include the substitution of sponsorer of the scheme. (c) Modification of scheme or substitution of sponsor should be necessary for proper, efficient and smooth working of the scheme. (d) Modification can be made at the instance of any person who is interested in the affairs of the company and the court can also introduce modification suo motu. (e) The Court should examine the bona fides of the person applying to be substituted as a sponsor, his capability and his interest in the company. Powers of the Court to Order a winding up while considering a Scheme If the Court is satisfied that a compromise or arrangement sanctioned under Section 391 cannot be carried out satisfactorily with or without modifications, it may vide Section 392(2) of the Act, either on its own motion or on the application of any person interested in the affairs of the company, make an order for winding up which shall be deemed to be the same as under Section 433 of the Act. Powers of the Court to make Consequential Orders Where an application is made to the Court under Section 391 for the sanctioning of a compromise or arrangement proposed between a company and any such persons as mentioned therein, and the Court is satisfied that the scheme relates to the reconstruction or amalgamation of any two or more companies, it will make consequential orders as provided in Section 394 of the Act.
(xl) Need for Reports from Registrar of Companies In a scheme of compromise or arrangement, the Court is bound to seek a report of the Registrar of Companies representing the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) in order to ensure that the affairs of the company have not been conducted in a prejudicial manner. The Registrar of Companies makes a report to the Regional Director in the MCA. On receipt of the report of the Registrar of Companies, the Regional Director submits his report to the Court through the standing counsel of the Central Government in the form of an affidavit. Thus the Court receives the report of the government and only after considering the same, passes necessary orders sanctioning or rejecting the scheme. 11. REGISTRATION OF THE ORDER OF THE COURT AND OTHER POST SANCTION FORMALITIES Sub-Section (3) of Section 391 provides that the order of the Court becomes effective only after a certified copy thereof is filed with the Registrar of Companies in e-form 21. Thus, the order of the Court should be filed within 30 days of the date of the order with the Registrar of Companies having jurisdiction over the registered office of the company. The Registrar has to register the order and issue a certificate of registration of the same. Sub-Section (4) of Section 391 provides that a copy of every such order of the Court has to be attached to every copy of the Memorandum of Association of the Company. According to Sub-Section (5) of Section 391 if default is made in complying with Sub-section (4), the company, and every officer of the company who is in default, shall be punishable with fine. As per Sub-Section (6) of Section 391 the Court may, at any time after an application has been made, stay the commencement or continuation of any suit or proceedings against the company on such terms as it may think fit, until the application is finally disposed of. Sub-section (7) of Section 391 provides that an appeal from the order of the Court can be made to the higher Court so empowered. Rules 67 to 87 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 lay down the Court procedure for the approval of schemes of amalgamation, merger and demerger. Two companies can file a joint application for the approval of a Scheme to the same High Court, if the registered offices of the companies are in the same state. "A joint petition by transferor and transferee companies for seeking Court's approval to a scheme of compromise or arrangement under Section 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 is competent. Neither the Companies Act, 1956 nor the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 prohibit filing of a joint petition by two companies when the subject matter is the same and common question of fact and law would arise for decision" [W.A. Beardshell & Co. (P) Ltd. and Mettur Industries Ltd., Re. (1968) 38 Com. Cases 197 (Mad.)]. Section 396 of the Act empowers the Central Government to provide for amalgamation of companies in public interest. As such, the public sector undertakings have to seek the approval of the Ministry of Company Affairs for their
(xli) schemes of compromise, arrangement and reconstruction. Amalgamation or merger involving a 'sick industrial company' is governed by the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985. It is outside the purview of the Companies Act, 1956. 12. COST AND OTHER IMPORTANT FACTORS In every merger or amalgamation or demerger, as part of a corporate restructuring programme, there has to be a study of the cost of implementation of the scheme. Most of the schemes provide for transfer of assets and liabilities from one company to another. Whenever there is a transfer, there has to be a study of the taxes and duties payable thereon. In that perspective, every such scheme has to be considered from the point of view of the following cost elements: From the Income Tax Point of View: The liability to pay capital gains tax. The ability to carry forward the accumulated losses and unabsorbed depreciation of the transferor company to the transferee company. From Sales Tax Point of View: The liability to pay state and central sales taxes. From Stamp Duty Point of View: The liability to pay stamp duty on the assets conveyed from the transferor company to the transferee company. Other Factors: Besides the above, there are several other factors which have to be studied in depth. One such major factor would be the ability to utilize the licences, consents and permissions and other rights of the transferor company in or by the transferee company. It may include an industrial licence or a consent under the pollution control laws. These aspects have to be taken into account before finalising the scheme. 13. ACCOUNTING STANDARDS Compliance of Accounting Standards is a mandatory requirement under the Companies Act, 1956 by virtue of Section 211(3A). In India accounting for amalgamations is governed by Accounting Standard (AS-14) issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. It classifies amalgamations into two broad categories, amalgamation in the nature of merger and amalgamation in the nature of purchase. The first category covers those amalgamations where there is a genuine pooling i.e. not merely of the assets and liabilities of the amalgamating companies but also of the shareholders' interests and of the businesses of these companies. Such amalgamations are in the nature of 'merger'. The second category on the other hand covers those amalgamations which are in effect a mode by which one company acquires another company and as a
(xlii) consequence, the shareholders of the company which is acquired normally do not continue to have a proportionate share in the equity of the combined company; or the business of the company which is acquired is not intended to be continued. Such amalgamations are amalgamations in the nature of 'purchase'. Amalgamation in the nature of merger is an amalgamation, which satisfies all the following conditions: (i) All the assets and liabilities of the transferor company become, after amalgamation, the assets and liabilities of the transferee company. (ii) Shareholders holding not less than 90% of the face value of the equity shares of the transferor company (other than the equity shares already held therein, immediately before the amalgamation, by the transferee company or its subsidiaries or their nominees) become equity shareholders of the transferee company by virtue of the amalgamation. (iii) The consideration for the amalgamation receivable by those equity shareholders of the transferor company who agree to become equity shareholders of the transferee company is discharged by the transferee company wholly by the issue of equity shares in the transferee company, except that cash may be paid in respect of any fractional shares. (iv) The business of the transferor company is intended to be carried on, after the amalgamation, by the transferee company. (v) No adjustment is intended to be made to the book values of the assets and liabilities of the transferor company when they are incorporated in the financial statements of the transferee company except to ensure uniformity of accounting policies. Amalgamation in the nature of purchase is an amalgamation, which does not satisfy any one or more of the conditions specified in sub-paragraph above. 14. MAJOR JUDICIAL PRONOUNCEMENTS The following important judicial rulings throw light on the main issues of corporate restructuring in India. Commercial Wisdom Prevails. The Supreme Court in Miheer H. Mafatlal v. Mafatlal Industries Limited (1996) 4 Comp. LJ 124 (SC) has ruled that the Court in sanctioning any scheme of merger or amalgamation has no jurisdiction to act as a Court of appeal and sit in judgement over the informed view of the concerned parties to the compromise as the same would be in the realm of corporate and commercial wisdom of the concerned parties. The Court has neither the expertise nor the jurisdiction to develop deep into the commercial wisdom exercised by the creditors and members of the company who have ratified the scheme of merger by the requisite majority. Consequently, the company court's jurisdiction to that extent is peripheral and supervisory and not appellate. Justice S.B. Majumdar remarked: "While deciding the issue of amalgamation or merger, the company court acts like an umpire in a game of cricket
(xliii) who has to see that both the teams play their game according to the rules and do not overstep the limits. But subject to that, how best the game is to be played is left to the players and not to the umpire." The Supreme Court ruled that the company court could not, therefore, undertake the exercise of scrutinizing the scheme placed for its sanction with a view to finding out whether a better scheme could have been adopted by the parties. This exercise remains only for the parties and in the realm of commercial democracy permitting the activities of the concerned creditors and members of the company who in their best commercial and economic interest by majority agree to give green signal to such a compromise or arrangement. The Court also held that in the case of a scheme under Sections 391 and 394, the Court will see whether it is lawful, just and fair to the whole class of creditors or members who had approved it with the requisite majority vote including the dissenting minority which will be bound by it. In Re. Centex Petro-Chemical Ltd. (1994) 13 CLA 239 (Mad.) it was held that it is not the court's duty to launch an investigation into commercial merits or demerits of a scheme of amalgamation provided by shareholders when no lack of good faith was evident on the part of majority and provisions of the Act had been complied with. The Court cannot substitute its wisdom for the collective wisdom of shareholders when overwhelming majority has approved the scheme. Though it is the statutory duty of the Court to satisfy itself that amalgamation scheme will not be prejudicial not only to shareholders of company i.e. transferor and transferee companies but also to the public at large, but the Court cannot question commercial wisdom of shareholders, with their open eyes are accepting ratio of exchange of shares. [Operations Research (India) Ltd. In re. (2001) 101 Comp. Cas. 101 (Guj.): (1999) 34 CLA 146 (Guj.)]. Transfer of Assets In United Breweries Ltd. v. Commissioner of Excise [2002] 48 CLA 212 (Bom.) it was held that since in an amalgamation, the transferor company ceases to exist with effect from the date on which the amalgamation is made effective, the ownership of the assets held by the transferor company stands transferred to the transferee company on that day. Merely because the shareholders of the transferor and transferee companies are the same, it does not follow that there is no transfer when the assets of the transferor company pass to the transferee company on the transferor company's ceasing to exist as an independent entity. A Company is a juristic person entirely distinct from its shareholders who may change from time to time. In Re. New Vision Laser Centres (Rajkot) (P) Ltd. [2002] 48 CLA (Guj.) it was held that Sections 77 and 42 of the Companies Act, 1956 are not intended to be read with Sections 391, 392 or 394 at the time when a scheme of amalgamation is pending before the court for approval, after the shareholders and the creditors have approved it and affidavits have been filed to the effect that the affairs of the transferee company are not conducted in a manner prejudicial to the shareholders or to the public interest.
(xliv) In Electricals (P) Ltd. (1996) 22 CLA 274 (Guj.) it was held that there can be no objection to a private limited company having its assets revalued by an expert and then amalgamating with a public limited company within a few days after its incorporation. 15. BROAD PRINCIPLES In Re. Mcleod Russel (India) Ltd. (1997) 4 Comp. LJ 60 (Cal) the Calcutta High Court laid down the following principles: Sanction by Court cannot be withheld to a scheme of compromise or arrangement (Scheme), if: the scheme is not for evading law, nor manifestly unfair, nor seeks to defraud shareholders and creditors of merging companies. the companies are under common management, but engaged in dissimilar business. Even otherwise, the scheme may be for mutual benefit in reducing expenses, streamlining the administration and creating a larger financial base. the scheme is between wholly owned subsidiary of another Transferor Company, which is itself merging with Transferee Company; then question of consideration does not arise. the statutory majority under Section 391(2), i.e., members are not only present but also voting at the meeting, approves the scheme. there is reduction of share capital; Rule 85 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 has no application where the scheme involves transfer of entire assets and liabilities of transferor companies. In Feedback Reach Consultancy Pvt. Ltd. In re. (2003) CLC 489 (Bom.), the ruling held that there is no need to have in the memorandum a clause empowering a company to amalgamate with another company, and held: It is quite clear that the power under Sections 391 to 394 are not circumscribed or predicated on the applicant company possessing powers under its objects clause to amalgamate with any other company. 16. PROTECTION OF PUBLIC INTEREST AND THE INTERESTS OF WORKMEN In Re. Wyeth (India) Ltd. [(1998) 63 Comp. Cas. 233 (Bom.)] and In Re. Geoffrey Manner and Co. Ltd. it was held that in a scheme by two closely held companies, the workers of the transferor company are not bound to accept the transfer of their services to the transferee Company. In the event the workers of the transferor Company do not agree, suitable arrangements have to be made for them. Where the scheme has been sanctioned by the meetings of the shareholders of both the companies and they have accepted the share transfer ratio and the assets and liabilities position of the companies were satisfactory, it was held that there was no reason to refuse to sanction the scheme especially when the scheme would not affect the public at large. In Gujarat Nylons Ltd. v. Gujarat State Fertilizers Co. Ltd. (1992) 8 CLA 166 (Guj.) it was held that the workmen of the transferor company have no legal right to
(xlv) hold a meeting and express their opinion on the question of amalgamation. The scheme of amalgamation would not be assailable where employees of the transferorcompany are not compelled to serve the transferee-company. Sanction of the scheme of amalgamation would not come in the way of employees moving the proper forum for redressal of their grievances on pay and other conditions of their service. Where scheme of amalgamation does not appear to be unfair, contrary to public policy or in violation of public interest and rights and interests of shareholders, creditors and employees are not likely to be jeopardized, the same is to be sanctioned. [Debi Kay Sales (P) Ltd. v. Prapti Traders (P) Ltd. (2000) 23 SCL 172 (Del): 2000 CLC 757 (Del.)]. In Hindustan Lever Employees Union v. Hindustan Lever Ltd. (1994) 2 SCL 157 (SC) it was observed "Next it was argued on behalf of the employees of TOMCO that the scheme will adversely affect them. This argument is not understandable. The scheme has fully safeguarded the interest of the employees by providing that the terms and conditions of their service will be continuous and uninterrupted service and their service conditions will not be prejudicially affected by reason of the scheme. The grievance made, however, is that there is no job security of the workers, after the amalgamation of the two companies. It has been argued that there should have been a clause in the scheme ensuring that no retrenchment will be effected after the amalgamation of the two companies. There was no assurance on behalf of the TOMCO that the workers will never be retrenched. In fact, the performance of TOMCO over the last three years was alarming of the workers. It cannot be said that after the amalgamation they will be in a worse position than they were before the amalgamation. We do not find that the amalgamation has caused any prejudice to the workers of TOMCO. The stand of the employees of HLL is equally incomprehensible. It has been stated that if the TOMCO employees continue to enjoy the terms and conditions of their services as before, then two classes of employees will come into existence. Terms and conditions of HLL employees were much worse than that of TOMCO employees. If there are two sets of terms and conditions under the same company, then a case of discrimination will arise against the HLL employees. We do not find any substance in this contention. The TOMCO employees will continue to remain on the same terms and conditions as before. Because of this arrangement, it cannot be said that a prejudice has been caused to HLL employees. They will still be getting what they were getting earlier. TOMCO employees, who were working under better terms and conditions, will continue to enjoy their old service conditions under the new management. Fear has been expressed both by TOMCO employees as well as HLL employees that the result of the amalgamation would necessitate streamlining of the operations of the enlarged company and the workers will be prejudiced by it. No one can envisage what will happen in the long run. But on this hypothetical question the scheme cannot be rejected. As of now, it has not been shown how the workers are prejudiced by the scheme." In Inland Steam Navigation Workers Union v. Rivers Steam Navigation Co. Ltd. (1968) 38 Com. Cas. 99 it was observed Where the scheme did not touch the
(xlvi) salary of the workmen nor did the workmen have any claim for any particular sum of money for any particular workmen, the amount claimed by them under an agreement entered into between the company and the workmen did not make them creditors entitled to oppose the scheme. A worker of a company can be a creditor if dues to him have arisen and not been paid. He may be a creditor for provident fund, gratuity and other fund. He is not, however, a creditor as a worker. In Re. Hathisingh Manufacturing Co. Ltd. (1976) 46 Com. Cases 59 (Guj.) and Bhartiya Kamgar Sena v. Geoffrey Manners & Co. Ltd. (1992) 73 Com. Cases 122 (Bom.) it was held that the points to be considered, included not merely the interests of the shareholders and creditors but also the wider interests of the workmen and of the community. The scheme of merger normally provides that all permanent employees of the transferor company in service on the effective date will become the employees of the transferee company on such date with the benefit of continuity of service on the same terms and conditions, being not less favourable with the terms and conditions applicable to such employees of the transferor company. Services of all employees with the transferor company upto the effective date shall be taken into account for purposes of all retirement benefits for which they may be eligible. The transferee company further agrees that for the purpose of payment of any retrenchment compensation, such past services with the transferor company shall also be taken into account. 17. CONCLUSION The second-generation economic reforms in India have accelerated the trend of Corporate Restructuring. Indian companies are trying to build up global size operations. There is a move towards a phase where business activities will be guided by the maxim of 'survival of the fittest'. The underlying object of corporate restructuring is creation of efficient and competitive business operations by increasing the market share, brand power and operational synergy.
Corporate restructuring is an expression that connotes a restructuring process undertaken by business enterprises for the purpose of bringing about a change for the better and to make the business competitive. Restructuring may be financial restructuring, technological, market and organizational restructuring. The most commonly applied tools of corporate restructuring are amalgamation, merger, demerger, acquisition, joint venture, disinvestments etc. Chapter V of the Companies Act containing Sections 390 to 396A is a complete code in itself which provides for law and procedure to be complied with by the companies for compromises, arrangements and reconstruction. If a compromise or arrangement is not bona fide but is intended to cover mis deeds of delinquent directors, the Court shall not sanction the scheme. In accordance with sub-section (3) of Section 391, the order of the Court becomes effective only after a certified copy thereof is filed with the Registrar of Companies in e-form 21.
As a part of corporate restructuring programme, there should be a study of the cost of implementation of the scheme in every merger or amalgamation or demerger. Compliance of Accounting standards is mandatory requirement under the Companies Act, 1956 in accordance with Section 211(3A).
SELF-TEST QUESTIONS (These are meant for recapitulation only. Answers to these questions are not required to be submitted for evaluation). 1. What do you mean by Corporate Restructuring? 2. Briefly discuss the scope and mode of Corporate Restructuring. 3. The Companies Act, 1956 furnishes a comprehensive code in relation to Corporate Restructuring. Elucidate. 4. What is the difference between compromise and arrangement? 5. What points does a Court consider before sanctioning a scheme of restructuring? Can the scheme be modified after it has been so sanctioned? 6. Illustrate the emergence of Corporate Restructuring in the national perspective. 7. Explain with the help of case law, how the Commercial Wisdom prevails. 8. On-going corporate restructuring is a must for survival due to globalisation, liberalization and economic reforms. Discuss.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES This chapter gives the meaning of strategy as defined by various thinkers. It explains the various levels of strategies, strategic planning, various stages, features and importance of strategic planning. It also explains how long range planning is different from strategic planning. Further, the chapter talks about the formation and execution of corporate restructuring strategies. At the end of lesson, you should be able to understand:
Meaning and definition of strategy Levels of strategy Meaning of strategic planning Stages in strategic planning Importance and features of strategic planning Difference between strategic planning and long range planning Strategic management Concept of core competencies and competitive advantage Formation and execution of various corporate restructuring strategies viz.: Merger, Acquisition, Takeover, Amalgamation, Disinvestment, Demerger, Strategic Alliance, Joint Venture, Demerger, Franchising.
1. INTRODUCTION Dr. Kenichi Ohmae, popularly called Mr. Strategy and selected by The Economist as among the top five management gurus in the world, wrote in his book The Mind of The Strategist, that successful business strategies do not come from rigorous analysis but from a thought process which is basically creative and intuitive rather than rational. By intuitive, it means to come to the knowledge of ones mind involuntarily. Intuition, as per Cambridge International Dictionary of English, means an ability to understand or know something immediately without needing to think about it, learn it or discover it by using reason. In order to achieve that ability in corporate perspective, one needs inputs from various sources for a fairly longer period of time so that with experience those inputs get embedded into the mind and intuition directs him. The root of the word strategic is a Greek word, stratgos, which derives from two words: stratos (army) and ago (leading). Stratgos referred to a military commander during the age of Athenian Democracy. In the sense used in this text, strategic means, of great or vital importance within an integrated whole (Websters third New International Dictionary). This suggests that strategic matters may extend far down into the company, although they are probably concentrated at the top management level, that is, the level of the general for military matter, or the general manager for non military matters. A strategy is a plan or course of action which is of vital, pervasive or continuing importance to the organization as a whole. Strategy is 22
(xlix) essential for every organisation clear & effective strategies are necessary for success and the manager is responsible for determining and implementing strategies. The term strategies has been defined by J.L. Thompson as means to an end. The end concerns the purpose and objectives of the organisation. There is a broad strategy for the whole organisation and a competitive strategy for each activity. Functional strategies contribute directly to the competitive strategy. The word strategy is used to describe the direction that the organisation chooses to follow in order to fulfill its mission. Strategy is A flexible approach for achieving the desired results, with sustainable success. Strategy then is basically an approach, which should be flexible, should achieve the desired results and very important, that such a success in achieving results should be sustainable. Strategy is normally long-term or medium-term. It would be a tactic, if it is effective only for a very short-term. Strategy, hence is an action plan and also an approach to implement such an action plan. Strategies are used to make problems easier to understand and solve. Strategy is a tactical, flexible way of solving routine and non-routine problems, implementing the policy smoothly and launching every possible threat to the competition or to anybody who creates problems (so you have to have strategies to handle competitors, employees, vendors, dealers, government bureaucrats, etc.). Strategy is the very soul of any action and activity; which is also omni-present and therefore every executive and owner needs to be a strategist. Another famous strategy thinker, Henry Mintzberg has enunciated 5 Ps of strategy viz. (i) A Plan i.e. strategy is a consciously intended course of action which a firm chooses to follow after careful deliberations on the various options available to it. It is not the first alternative that came to the chief executives mind like a flash or a dream. (ii) A Ploy i.e. it is a specific manoeuvre which is intended to outwit an opponent or a competition. It is a trick, a device, a scheme or a deception to gain advantageous position before engaging into the combat of marketing warfare. (iii) A Pattern i.e. it is not one decision and one solitary action; it stands for a stream of decisions and actions to guide and tend the future course of the enterprise until it reaches its predetermined corporate objectives. (iv) A Position i.e. it is a means of locating the firm in an environment full of external factors, pulls and pushes. On most of such factors, an enterprise has little control and whatever influence it can exercise is constrained by its organisational capabilities. (v) A Perspective i.e. it is an ingrained way of perceiving the world around the organisation and its business operations. It is greatly influenced by the mindset of people who form the dominant interest group and are involved in taking decisions affecting the future course that the firm takes. The above may also be visualised as five uses of strategy. However, they are all linked together and each organisation must explore its own uses with respect to its
(l) business, internal competencies and external environments. With competition for markets and market share becoming more intense, responsibilities of managers increase. They must devise suitable strategies to gain an edge over its competitors at a reasonable cost. Strategy is nothing but a game plan of an enterprise to overcome the strategies of its competitors. 2. LEVELS OF STRATEGIES Strategies exist at several levels in any organisation ranging from the over all business (or group of business) to individuals working in it. Strategies can be visualised to operate at three different levels viz. Corporate level, divisional or business level and operational or functional level. (i) Corporate Level Strategy Corporate strategy is concerned with the overall purpose and scope of the business to meet stakeholder expectations. This is a crucial level since it is heavily influenced by investors in the business and acts to guide strategic decision-making throughout the business. Corporate strategy is often stated explicitly in a mission statement. Such strategies are known as grand, overall or root strategies. If these are to succeed, they have to take into account political, economical, technological environments and in accordance with the societal and national priorities without ignoring the organisational paradigm and dominant stakeholders expectations. The strategy is usually planned for a period of five years or more. In other words, where the scope of the strategy includes national and international developments and technological advancements, the strategy would be conceived for a minimum period of 5 years. (ii) Divisional/Business Level Strategy Strategies at divisional or business level are directly concerned with the future plans of the profit centres. Business unit strategy is concerned more with how a business competes successfully in a particular market. It concerns strategic decisions about choice of products, meeting needs of customers, gaining advantage over competitors, exploiting or creating new opportunities etc. In an enterprise, the functions are divisionalised. Strategies at divisional levels are sub-strategies. They emanate from grand strategies and they have to necessarily devolve from the grand strategies. They have to operate within the framework of the grand strategy. They have market orientation because sub-strategies deal with the current and future product lines and current and future markets including overseas businesses. (iii) Operational Strategy Sub-strategies that are undertaken at the operational or functional level target the departmental or functional aspects of the operations. Observational strategy is concerned with how each part of the business is organized to deliver the corporate and business-unit level strategic direction. Operational strategy therefore focuses on issues of resources, processes, people etc. Success of grand strategies is largely dependent upon the successful implementation of strategic decisions regarding activities at the operational level.
(li) A good strategy results in effective aligning of the organisation with its environment. A company needs to tune its vision continually to the requirements of a constantly changing business environment. Every company, influenced by the cause and effect of its environment, draws resources from the environment and provides value-added resources back to the environment. The effectiveness of the manner in which a company draws resources and delivers back to the environment depends on its strengths and weaknesses. Strategy is a major focus in the quest for higher revenues and profits, with companies pursuing novel ways to 'hatch' new products, expand existing businesses and create the markets of tomorrow. The global economic environment has been posing both threats and opportunities to companies. If a company's response were to be weak to the environment in which it is operating, the environment could pose a threat to the company. Therefore an enterprise should plan a strategy that affords protection to it from the environment in which it is operating. It is similar to an individual or an animal that plans to protect himself or itself from the environment in which it is living. This could be described as the basic self-defence mechanism that an organization ought to develop. When the going is steady, the organization cannot afford to adopt a laidback approach. It is necessary for every enterprise to plan its strategies in order to make use of the numerous opportunities that the environment around it offers. As such, strategic management is a continuous process of effectively synchronising the goals of an organization with the economic environment at a macro level, to understand its strengths and weaknesses and to be prepared to face the threats and equip itself to take advantage of the opportunities. 3. STRATEGIC PLANNING The environment in which business organizations operate today is becoming uncertain. In the emerging competitive global environment, an enterprise can neither have its way to prosperity nor afford to remain at a standstill if it would like to avoid stagnation; it must grow on, or be absorbed into a growing entity. Profitable growth constitutes one of the prime objectives of most of the business organisations. Different organisations may have to use different growth strategies depending on the nature of complexity of the field in which they are operating. The top management of the organisation ordinarily provides the strategic framework, policies based on the same with suitable directions. This will depend upon several factors, including the corporate objectives of the organisation. The strategic alternative, which an organisation pursues, is crucial to the success of the organisation and achievement of established goals. However, many times these are influenced by factors external to the organisation over which the management has limited control. Strategic planning is a management tool, used to help an organisation do a better job to assess and adjust the organisation's direction in response to a changing environment. Strategic planning is likely to be beneficial particularly in organizations when there is a long time lag between managerial decisions and results thereof. Strategic planning is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide as to what an organisation is, what it does, and why it does, with a focus on the future at the same time. Strategic planning enables management to improve the chances of making decisions which will stand the test of time, and revising the strategy on the basis of monitoring the progress of R&D and
(lii) the changes in product-market conditions. A strategic plan is visionary, conceptual and directory in nature. Though there is no prescribed single 'silver bullet' for corporate success, there is a continuous need for strategic planning. However, management must understand the holistic nature of strategy, and have the determination to adhere to it steadily and steadfastly by using strategic planning as a guide in times of uncertainty. In order to derive the maximum benefit of strategic planning, the companies must recognize that the methodology requires sustained commitment, an understanding of its complexity and the ability to harness its strategic opposites. Strategic planning can be represented as shown in following figure.
MISSION DETERMINATION Deciding what is intended to be accomplished (purpose) for whom (constituents) ORGANIZATION ASSESSMENT Determining internal competences (strengths and weaknesses)
Strategic planning happens in many stages. Strategy cannot be constant, though it could appear to be so in a given period of time. There has to be an inbuilt mechanism to take care of certain uncertain things and probabilities so that the strategy is able to withstand the forces of such unexpected developments and results. 4. STAGES IN STRATEGIC PLANNING In the strategic planning process, often there would be a 5 to 8 year planning. The job involves identification of the themes for such planning. There will be strategic implementation plan. There will be an analysis of all types of competitive forces and
(liii) factors. The organization could be divided into various small units based on divisions or functions and for each such sub-division or unit, there will be strategic specific plan. The strategy should include a mechanism to ensure that the divisions or units move only in the direction of the goals set for them. Strategy also includes planning for the required resources, budgeting and periodical review and correction programmes. Invariably a strategist plans for managing the risks also. 5. IMPORTANCE OF STRATEGIC PLANNING Why is planning so important and why must it be done in concert with a strategy? From a macro perspective, today business is done in global marketplace. Change is occurring at an unprecedented pace. Time and distance continue to become less and less relevant thanks in great part to the explosive growth of technology and the Internet. There was a time when strategic planning was done by the biggest companies, and those who lead change. Now it is a requirement to survive in market. Leaders of business must be looking ahead, anticipating change, and developing a strategy to proactively and successfully navigate through the turbulence created by change. At a micro view, strategic planning provides a company purpose and direction. How are you going to get somewhere if you dont know where you are going? Everyone in an organization needs to know what you sell or do, who your target customers are, and how you compete. A good strategy will balance revenue and productivity initiatives. Without strategic planning, businesses simply drift, and are always reacting to the pressures of the day. Companies that dont plan have exponentially higher rates of failure than those that plan and implement well. For many business owners and leaders, creating a vision, company values, and a strategic plan can be a daunting task for reasons like time, energy, commitment and lack of experience. It requires challenging the status quo, changing behaviours, implementing new procedures, hiring different people, and putting new systems in place in order to deliver on the strategy. Regardless of the size of a company, a strategic plan is the foundation on which all business activities can be connected and aligned. Here are some key ingredients to successful planning and implementation: 1. Creating Vision and Direction that is Simple and Clear a strategy may be fairly complicated at the highest level but the closer it gets to the front line and the marketplace, the simpler it has to be. 2. A Good Plan is well thought out, challenges assumptions, and is created with input from sources inside and outside the organisation. 3. Great Execution requires commitment from the very top. This commitment must be demonstrated through behaviour, investment, communication and accountability. The plan is a living document that must become part of the culture and updated to reflect changes in the environment. 4. Communicate continuously using different medium and in terms that connect individuals and their roles to the vision and success.
(liv) Benefits of strategic planning include: 1. Better Decisions Information communicated through vision and strategy allows people to make the best decisions (hiring and rewarding the right people, adopting and developing the right systems, making the right investments, etc.). 2. Increased Energy Resulting from rallying behind a cause, and elimination of conflict and confusion of priorities. 3. Increased Capacity Enables people to be focused on what is important and less concerned about what isnt. 4. Improved Customer Satisfaction A true test of value and leads to higher retention and growth. 5. Competitive Advantage Doing what you do better than others. 6. Better Solutions Uncovering the enormous intellectual and creative capacity of an organization that collectively works towards solutions rather than relying on select few. 7. Market Recognition Over time you can own a position and space in the marketplace. 8. Greatly enhances the chance of success! Strategic planning encourages managers to take a holistic view of both the business and its environment. The strength of strategic planning is its ability to harness a series of objectives, strategies, policies and actions that can work together. Managing a company strategically means thinking and accordingly taking suitable action on multiple fronts. Strategic planning provides the framework for all the major business decisions of an enterprise including decisions on business, products and markets, manufacturing facilities, investments and organisational structure. It works as the path finder to various business opportunities. It also serves as a corporate defence mechanism helping the firm avoid costly mistakes in product market choices or investments. Strategic planning has the ultimate burden of providing an organisation with certain core competencies and competitive advantages in its fight for survival and growth. It seeks to prepare the organisation to face the future. Its ultimate success lies in shaping the organisation to withstand turbulences or uncertainties. Thus the success of the efforts and activities of the enterprise depends heavily on the quality of strategic planning i.e. the vision, insight, experience, quality of judgement and the perfection of methods and measures. 6. FEATURES OF STRATEGIC PLANNING
(lv) The salient features of strategic planning are as under: 1. It involves participation of responsible persons at different levels, either directly or indirectly (shared ownership). 2. It is a key ingredient of effective management. 3. It prepares the firm not only to face the future but also to shape the future in its favour. 4. It is based on quality data 5. It draws from both intuition and logic. 6. It accepts accountability to the community. 8. It helps to avoid haphazardous response to environment. 9. It ensures optimum leveraging of firms resources at every opportunity. Strategic planning is not a substitute for the exercise of judgement by leadership. So the data analysis and decision-making tools of strategic planning do not make the organisation work they can only support the intuition, reasoning skills, and judgement that the personnel contribute to their organisation. 7. STRATEGIC PLANNING AND LONG-RANGE PLANNING Although these terms are frequently used interchangeably strategic planning and long-range planning differ in their emphasis on the concept of "assumed" environment. Long-range planning is generally considered to mean the development of a plan for accomplishing a goal or set of goals over a period of several years, with the assumption that current knowledge about future conditions is sufficiently reliable to ensure the plan's reliability over the duration of its implementation. On the other hand, strategic planning assumes that an organisation must be responsive to a dynamic, changing environment (as against the stable environment assumed for long-range planning). Strategic planning also emphasizes on the importance of taking decisions that will ensure the organisation's ability to respond to expected and unexpected changes in the environment. Once an organisation's mission has been affirmed and its critical issues identified, it is necessary to figure out the broad approaches to be taken (strategies), and the general and specific results to be sought (the goals and objectives). Strategies, goals, and objectives may come from individual inspiration, group discussion, formal decision-making techniques, or otherwise - but the bottom line is that, in the end, the management agrees on how to address the critical issues. In strategic planning, it is crucial to formally consider the manner in which an organisation will accomplish its goals. The solution to this encompasses formulation of a strategy. 8. STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT Strategy is a plan or course of action which is of vital, pervasive or continuing importance to the organisation as a whole. Whereas management is defined as the conducting or supervising of something (as a business) especially the executive function of planning, organising, directing, controlling and supervising any industrial
(lvi) or business project or activity with, responsibility for results. (Websters Third New International Dictionary). In light of this, strategic management can be defined as the formulation and implementation of plans and the carrying out of activities relating to matters which are of vital, pervasive or continuing importance to the total organisation. In other words, strategic management is the application of strategic thinking to the job of leading an organisation. Strategic management is a multi dimensional function. Planning or doing (formulation or implementation) relating to such matters is strategic management. Strategic Management has four basic doctrines: (i) matching business requirements with internal capabilities, (ii) having strategically balanced portfolio, (iii) achieving and sustaining competitiveness, and (iv) developing long-term internal and core competencies. Strategic planning is useful only if it supports strategic thinking and leads to strategic management. 9. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE AND CORE COMPETENCIES Companies should strive to develop unique resources in order to gain a lasting competitive advantage. Competitive advantage, whatever its source, can ultimately be attributed to the ownership of valuable resources that enable the company to perform activities efficiently at comparatively lower costs than its competitors. Superior performance will therefore be based on developing a competitively distinct set of resources and deploying them in a well-conceived strategy. Companies should abandon the areas of operations and dispense with activities where they do not possess a competitive advantage. Companies should concentrate to apply their resources in such direction where they would attain competitive strength so as to focus on improving productivity and increased efficiency. The concept of 'core competency' is central to the resource-based perspective on corporate strategy. The resource-based view of strategy is that sustainable competitive advantage arises out of a company's possessing some special skills, knowledge, resources or competencies that distinguishes it from its competitors. Core competency is a bundle of specific knowledges, skills, technologies, capabilities and organisation which enables it to create value in a market that other competitors cannot do in the short term. The resources could be, for example, manufacturing flexibility, responsiveness to market trend and reliable service. The main concept about core competencies was developed by C.K. Prahalad and G. Hamel in 1990. The idea is that, over time, companies may develop key areas of expertise, which are distinctive to that company and crucial to the company's longterm development. These areas of expertise may be in any area but are most likely to develop in the critical, central areas of the company where most value is added to its products. While in the case of a manufacturer this could be in the routine and processes at the heart of the production process, for a software company the key skills may be in the initial conceptualization process or alternatively in the high quality of code writing they have achieved. Core competencies are not fixed and codified but flexible and evolving over time
(lvii) and changing in response to changes in the companies environment. As the company evolves and adapts to new circumstances and opportunities, so its core competencies will also adapt and change. In this way the company will be able to make the most of its given resources and apply them to new opportunities. Prahalad and Hamel suggest three factors to help identify core competencies in a company. (i) core competence provides potential access to a wide variety of markets. (ii) core competence should make a significant contribution to the perceived customer benefits of the end product. (iii) core competence should be difficult for competitors to imitate. Companies can use their core competencies to expand into other markets and add to customer benefits. 10. FORMULATION AND EXECUTION OF CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING STRATEGIES One of the purpose of corporate restructuring is to have an optimum business portfolio, by deciding whether to retain, divest or diversify the business. Business portfolio restructuring can be done in a variety of ways like amalgamation, merger, demerger, slump sale, takeover, disinvestment, joint venture, foreign franchises, strategic alliances, etc. The ultimate choice of strategy by the organization would depend upon its growth objectives, attitude towards risk, the present nature of business and technology in use, resources at its command, its own internal strengths and weaknesses, Government policy, etc. 11. METHODS FOR IMPLEMENTATION OF STRATEGIES Amalgamation, mergers, demergers, takeovers, acquisitions, disinvestment, joint ventures, franchising and alliances are some of the methods through which strategies are implemented. Strategies that are planned for being enforced within an enterprise do not fall under the above methods. Mergers and acquisitions are external growth strategy which have been a regular feature of corporate enterprises in all developed countries. In amalgamation or merger, the strategy could be either equipping the company with additional revenue streams or improving size or market or segment or many more such things. Through demergers a strategist could achieve hiving off of potential business units for substantial cash or unviable units could be sold to concentrate on core competence. In technologically advanced product, there would be fast rate of obsolescence. In other words products would become outdated very soon. In such cases a strategist would like to acquire facilities on lease basis rather than spending more for owning the same. A good illustration would be the airline companies who lease aircraft so that advancements in technology do not affect them substantially. Merger A merger has been defined as 'the fusion or absorption of one thing or right into another'. A merger has also been defined as an arrangement whereby the assets of
(lviii) two (or more) companies become vested in, or under the control of one company (which may or may not be one of the original two companies), which has as its shareholders, all or substantially all, the shareholders of the two companies. In merger, one of the two existing companies merges its identity into another existing company or one of more existing companies may form a new company and merge their identities into the new company by transferring their business and undertakings including all other assets and liabilities to the new company (hereinafter referred to as the merged company). The shareholders of the company whose identity has been merged (i.e. merging company) get substantial shareholding in the merged company. They are allotted shares in the merged company in exchange for the shares held by them in the merging company according to the shares exchange ratio incorporated in the scheme of merger as approved by all or prescribed majority of the shareholders of the merging companies and the merged companies in their separate general meetings and sanctioned by the Court as per the agreed exchange ratio. Merger is an external strategy for growth of the organisation. Merger as a growth strategy is pretty old all over the world including India. Many business firms go in for merger instead of internal source of growth because of certain reasons. The benefits that occur to merging units include easy and quick entry, reduced competition and dependence, faster rate of growth, merits of diversification, availing tax concessions, benefits of synergy etc. Acquisition A corporate action in which a company buys most, if not all, of the target companys ownership stakes in order to assume control of the target firm. Acquisitions are often made as part of a companys growth strategy whereby it is more beneficial to take over an existing firms operations and position compared to expanding on its own. Amalgamation In amalgamation, two or more existing companies merge together or form a new company keeping in view their long term business interest. The transferor companies lose their existence and their shareholders become the shareholders of the new company. Thus, amalgamation is a legal process by which two or more companies are joined together to form a new entity or one or more companies are joined together to form a new entity or one or more companies are to be absorbed or blended with another and as a consequence the amalgamating company loses its existence and its shareholders become the shareholders of the new or amalgamated company. Both the existing companies may form a new company and amalgamate themselves with the new company. The shareholders of each amalgamating company become the shareholders in the amalgamated company. To give a simple example of amalgamation, we may say A Ltd. and B Ltd. form C Ltd. and merge their legal identities into C Ltd. It may be said in another way that A Ltd. + B Ltd. = C. Ltd. Therefore, the essence of amalgamation is to make an arrangement thereby uniting the undertakings of two or more companies so that they become vested in, or under the control of one company which may or may not be the original of the two or more of such uniting companies.
(lix) Take Over Takeover is a strategy of acquiring control over the management of another company - either directly by acquiring shares or indirectly by participating in the management. Takeover is a popular growth strategy and offer certain benefits. The objective is to consolidate and acquire major portion of the share of market economies of large scale, access to resourceful management, cheaper acquisition business etc. The regulatory framework of take over listed companies is governed by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997. Disinvestment Disinvestment is another strategic initiative from the point of view of public sector enterprises. The Disinvestment Policy of the Government of India in the area of privatizing the public sector undertakings refers to transfer of assets or service delivery from the government to the private sector. For this purpose, the rd Disinvestment Commission was established on 23 August 1996 as an independent non-statutory, advisory body to make its recommendations on the public sector enterprises referred to it. The concept of disinvestment takes different forms - from minimum government involvement to partnership with private sector where the government is the majority shareholder. The salient features of the procedure evolved by the Department of Disinvestment include (i) proposals in accordance with the prescribed policy to be placed before the Cabinet Committee on Disinvestment (CCD); (ii) selection of adviser after clearance of proposal; (iii) issue of advertisement in leading newspapers inviting Expression of Interest (EOI); (iv) short-listing of bidders on the basis of laid down criteria; (v) drafting of Share Purchase Agreement and Shareholders' Agreement; (vi) finalization of Share Purchase Agreement and Shareholders' Agreement after negotiations; (vii) Inter-Ministerial Group (IMG) meeting to approve the proposal and agreements, and (viii) evaluation by the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) of India after the transaction is completed. Unlike private enterprises where disinvestment or hiving off could take place quickly, any decision to disinvest would have its own political repercussions and therefore it has to be carefully planned keeping in mind a host of important factors including safety, security and integrity of the country. Strategic Alliances Any arrangement or agreement under which two or more parties co-operate in order to achieve certain commercial objectives while remaining independent organsations is called a strategic alliance. Thus, a strategic alliance is a partnership between firms whereby resources, capabilities and core competencies are combined to pursue mutual interests. The following are the features of strategic alliances: Strategic alliances are often motivated by considerations such as reduction in cost, technology sharing, product development, market access to capital. Strategic alliances facilitate a market entry strategy, which maximises the potential for high return while mitigating economic risks and other exposures.
(lx) Strategic alliance is gaining importance in infrastructure sectors, more particularly in areas of power, oil and gas. The basic idea is to pool resources and facilitate innovative ideas and techniques while implementing large projects, with the common objective of reduction of cost and time, and sharing the resultant benefits, in proportion to the contribution made by each party in achieving the targets. Strategy formulation is thus a sequential process which consists of strategic situation analysis and strategic choice analyses. Strategic situation analysis is self examination of the corporation's existing strategic posture, whereas strategic choice analysis is forward looking scenario building approach to the firm's future strategic posture. The strategic choice to be made by a firm will depend on its assessment of its competitive strengths and weaknesses and to match these against the opportunities and threats posed by the market forces. Demerger In demerger, the demerged company sells and transfers one or more of its undertakings to the resulting company for an agreed consideration. The resulting company issues its shares at the agreed exchange ratio to the shareholders of the demerged company. Demerger might take place for various reasons viz. a conglomerate company carrying out various activities might transfer one or more of it existing activities to a new company to give effect to rationalization or specialization in the manufacturing process; or such transfer might be of a less successful part of the undertaking to the newly formed company, or demerger may be result of the family owned properties of the company transferring to the new companies formed by the different family members to carry on their own different activities etc. Joint Venture Joint venture means an enterprise formed with participation in the ownership, control and management of a minimum of two parties. Mostly the parties hailing from different countries join in a venture to form a joint venture. Parties from abroad may join in India with Indian parties providing equity, technology and other resources to an enterprise created by them for their joint venture. Indian parties may go over to other countries as part of their strategy for setting up in a foreign country an enterprise by contributing equity, technology or other valuable resources for forming a company abroad. In joint ventures the parties have to keep in mind the countrys specific laws and regulations. Joint ventures imply the existence of a strategic business policy whereby a business enterprise is formed for profit in which two or more parties share responsibilities in an agreed manner, by providing risk capital, technology, patent/ trade mark/brand names and access to market. Joint ventures with multinational companies contribute to the expansion of production capacity, transfer of technology and penetration into the global market and obtain new technological knowledge. In joint ventures, assets are managed jointly. Skills and knowledge flow both ways. In a joint venture between foreign and domestic firm, the domestic firm provides labour and foreign firm provides technology. Joint venture has a relatively short life span (5-
(lxi) 7 years) and therefore do not represent a long term commitment. As a strategy joint ventures may offer several advantages. A number of studies have shown that the main purposes of joint ventures within the country were controlling, influencing or reducing competition and/or influencing suppliers. Generally, joint ventures between companies within a country may take place for one or more of the following reasons: It may enable new technology to be introduced more conveniently; High risks involved in new ventures may be reduced through joint ventures; Smaller firms joining hands may be able to compete with larger organizations. Firms in different countries may also find it beneficial to jointly establish a new enterprise. Slump Sale In a slump sale, a company sells or disposes of the whole or substantially the whole of its undertaking for a predetermined lump sum consideration. In a slump sale, an acquiring company may not be interested in buying the whole company, but only one of its divisions or a running undertaking on a going concern basis. The sale is made for a lump sum price, without values being assigned to the individual assets and liabilities transferred. The business to be hived-off is transferred from the transferor company to an existing or a new company. A "Business Transfer Agreement" (Agreement) is drafted containing the terms and conditions of transfer. The agreement provides for transfer by the seller company to the buyer company, its business as a going concern with all immovable and movable properties, at the agreed consideration, called "slump price". Franchising Franchising aims primarily at distributing goods and services that have a high reputation in the market and involves servicing the customers and end users. Franchisers support, train and to an extent control franchisees in selling goods and rendering services. The most popular form of franchising is the product distribution franchise. Franchising may be defined as a contract, either expressed or implied, written or oral, between two persons or parties by which franchisee is granted the right to engage in the business of offering, selling, distributing goods and services prescribed in substantial part by franchisor. In other words franchising is a business relationship in which the franchisor (the owner of the business providing the product or service) assigns to independent people (the franchisees) the right to market and distribute the franchisors goods or service, and to use the business name for a fixed period of time. Operation of franchisees business is substantially associated with franchisors trademark, service mark or logo or advertisement or commercial symbol. Franchisee pays directly or indirectly the fees to the franchiser. The franchising may cover the entire system or a specified territory or a specified retail outlet. Usually franchisers have standard agreements for all their franchisees because uniformity and conformity is considered very important.
Strategy has been defined as the very soul of any action and activity. Every executive and owner needs to be a strategist. The famous 5 Ps of strategy include a plan, a ploy, a pattern, a position and a perspective. The three levels of strategies are at corporate level, business level and operational level. Corporate strategy is concerned with overall purpose and is known as grand or root strategy. Business strategies devolve from grand strategies and are directly concerned with the future plans of the profit centres. Operational strategy targets the departmental or functional aspects of the operations. Strategic planning is a disciplined effort to produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what an organisation is, what it does, and why it does, with a focus on the future at the same time. In strategic planning, key ingredients include creating vision and direction, creating clear and simple plan, great execution and clearly communicating to individuals their roles. Strategic planning will leave the organisation with focus, accountability and more time for the important activities. The benefits of strategic planning include better decisions, increased energy, increased capacity, improved customer satisfaction, competitive advantage, better solution, market recognition etc. Long range planning means development of a plan for accomplishing a goal set over a period of several years, with the assumption that current knowledge about future conditions is sufficiently reliable to ensure the plans reliability over the duration of its implementation. Strategic management can be defined as formulation and implementation of plans and the carrying out of activities relating to matters which are of vital, pervasive or continuing importance to the total organisation. Various corporate restructuring strategies are mergers, acquisitions, takeovers, disinvestments, strategic alliances, demergers, joint ventures, slump sale, franchising etc. Merger is the fusion or absorption of one thing or right into another. In amalgamation, two or more existing companies merge together to form a new company keeping in view their long term interest. Takeover is a strategy of acquiring control over the management of another company. Disinvestment is strategic initiative from point of view of public sector enterprises. It refers to restructuring of enterprises which are not functioning profitably but which have a good base and are capable of being put to profitable use through meaningful and strategic alliance. Strategic alliance is any arrangement under which two or more parties co-operate in order to achieve certain commercial objectives. In demerger, the demerged company sells and transfers one or more of its undertakings to the resulting company for an agreed consideration. Joint venture means an enterprise formed with participation in the ownership, control and management of a minimum of two parties. In slump sale, a company sells or disposes of the whole or substantially the whole of its undertaking for a lump sum predetermined consideration.
Franchising is a business relationship in which the franchisor (the owner of the business providing the product or service) assigns to independent people (the franchisees) the right to market and distribute the franchisors goods or service, and to use the business name for a fixed period of time.
SELF-TEST QUESTIONS (These are meant for recapitulation only. Answers to these questions are not required to be submitted for evaluation). 1. What is strategic planning? Discuss its essential features. How does strategic planning help in strengthening business environment in a company? 2. A strategic plan is the foundation on which all business activities can be connected. Explain. 3. How does strategic planning differ from long-range planning? 4. Write short notes on: (i) Franchising (ii) Slump sales. 5. Describe the various benefits of strategic planning. 6. 'Core competencies are not fixed but flexible'. Explain.
Concept of mergers and amalgamations. Reasons for mergers and amalgamations and their objectives. Legal aspects of mergers and amalgamations. Procedural aspects of mergers and amalgamations. Latest judicial pronouncements including some conflicting pronouncements. Accounting aspects of mergers and amalgamations. Financial aspects of mergers and amalgamations. Human aspects of mergers and amalgamations. Taxation aspects of mergers and amalgamations. Stamp duty aspects of mergers and amalgamations. Filing of various forms in the process of merger/amalgamations. Amalgamations of banking companies. Cross border mergers. Merger aspects under competition law. Procedure relating to Government Companies.
1. INTRODUCTION A company may decide to accelerate its growth by developing into new business areas, which may or may not be connected with its traditional business areas, or by exploiting some competitive advantage that it may have. Once a company has decided to enter into a new business area, it has to explore various alternatives to achieve its aims. Basically, there can be three alternatives available to it: (i) the formation of a new company; (ii) the acquisition of an existing company; (iii) merger with an existing company. The decision as to which of these three options are to be accepted, will depend on the companys assessment of various factors including in particular: (i) the cost that it is prepared to incur;
(lxv) (ii) the likelihood of success that is expected; (iii) the degree of managerial control that it requires to retain. For a firm desiring immediate growth and quick returns, mergers can offer an attractive opportunity as they obviate the need to start from scratch and reduce the cost of entry into an existing business. However, this will need to be weighed against the fact that unless the shareholders of the transferor company (merging company) are paid the consideration in cash, part of the ownership of the existing business remains with the former owners. Merger with an existing company will, generally, have the same features as an acquisition of an existing company. However, identifying the right candidate for a merger or acquisition is an art, which requires sufficient care and calibre. Once an organization has identified the various strategic possibilities, it has to make a selection amongst them. There are several managerial factors which moderate the ultimate choice of strategy. This would depend upon its growth objectives, attitude towards risk, the present nature of business and technology in use, resources at its command, its own internal strengths and weaknesses, Government policy, etc. The changing economic environment is creating its own compulsions for consolidation of capacities. With growing competition and economic liberalization, the last two decades have witnessed a large number of corporate mergers. 2. CONCEPT OF MERGER AND AMALGAMATION A merger can be defined as the fusion or absorption of one company by another. It may also be understood as an arrangement, whereby the assets of two (or more) companies get transferred to, or come under the control of one company (which may or may not be one of the original two companies). In a merger one of the two existing companies merges its identity into another existing company or one or more existing companies may form a new company and merge their identities into a new company by transferring their businesses and undertakings including all assets and liabilities to the new company (hereinafter referred to as the merged company). The shareholders of the company or companies, whose identity/ies has/have been merged (hereinafter referred to as the merging company or companies, as the case may be) are then issued shares in the capital of the merged company. For the purpose of issue of shares in exchange for the shares held by the shareholders of the merging companies, the value of shares of merging companies, and the merged company is computed and thereafter the share exchange ratio is fixed as part and parcel of the scheme of merger. The scheme requires approval of the Board of Directors of the respective companies, approval of the shareholders of both the company exercised by means of a resolution with the prescribed majority and in addition the sanction of the respective high courts. Therefore, a merger may mean absorption of one company by another company, wherein one of the two existing companies loses its legal identity after transferring all its assets, liabilities and other properties to the other company as per a scheme of arrangement approved by all or the statutory majority of the shareholders of both the companies in their separate general meetings and sanctioned by the Court.
(lxvi) Amalgamation is an arrangement or reconstruction. Amalgamation is a legal process by which two or more companies are joined together to form a new entity or one or more companies are to be absorbed or blended with another and as a consequence the amalgamating company loses its existence and its shareholders become the shareholders of new company or the amalgamated company. Similar to merger the shareholders of amalgamating companies get shares of amalgamated company. All the approvals explained in the case of merger are required to be obtained in the case of amalgamations also. The shareholders of each amalgamating company become the shareholders in the amalgamated company. To give a simple example of amalgamation, we may say A Ltd. and B Ltd. form C Ltd. and merge their legal identities into C Ltd. It may be said in another way that A Ltd. + B Ltd. = C. Ltd. The word amalgamation or merger is not defined any where in the Companies Act, 1956. However Section 2(1B) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 defines amalgamation as follows: Amalgamation in relation to companies, means the merger of one or more companies with another company or the merger of two or more companies to form one company (the company or companies which so merge being referred to as amalgamating company or companies and the company with which they merge or which is formed as result of the merger, as the amalgamated company), in such a manner that (i) all the property of the amalgamating company or companies immediately before the amalgamation becomes the property of the amalgamated company by virtue of the amalgamation; (ii) all the liabilities of the amalgamating company or companies immediately before the amalgamation become the liabilities of the amalgamated company by virtue of the amalgamation; (iii) shareholders holding not less than three-fourth in value of the shares in the amalgamating company or companies (other than shares already held therein immediately before the amalgamation by or by a nominee for, the amalgamated company or it subsidiary) become shareholders of the amalgamated company by virtue of the amalgamation, otherwise than as a result of the acquisition of the property of one company by another company pursuant to the purchase of such property by the other company or as a result of the distribution of such property to the other company after the winding up of the first mentioned company. Thus, for a merger to qualify as an amalgamation for the purpose of the Income Tax Act, the above three conditions have to be satisfied. This definition is relevant inter alia for Sections 35(5), 35A(6), 35E(7), 41(4) Explanation 2, 43(1) Explanation 7, 43(6) Explanation 2, 43C, 47 (vi) & (vii), 49(1)(iii)(e), 49(2), 72A of Income Tax Act. Transfer of assets to the transferee company pursuant to a scheme of amalgamation is not a transfer and does not attract capital gains tax under Section 47(vi). Likewise, shares allotted to shareholders of the transferor company is not a transfer attracting capital gains tax under Section 47(vii).
(lxvii) Difference between Merger and Amalgamation The terms merger, amalgamation and consolidation are sometimes used interchangeably and denote the situation where two or more companies, keeping in view their long term business interests, combine into one economic entity to share risks and financial rewards. However, in strict sense, merger is commonly used for the fusion of two companies. Merger is normally a strategic vehicle to achieve expansion, diversification, entry into new markets, acquisition of desired resources, patents and technology. It also helps companies in choosing business partners with a view to advance long term corporate strategic plans. Mergers are also considered as a revival measure for industrial sickness. Amalgamation is an arrangement for bringing the assets of two companies under the control of one company, which may or may not be one of the original two companies. Amalgamation signifies the transfer of all or some part of the assets and liabilities of one or more existing business entities to another existing or new company. In an amalgamation by purchase, one companys assets and liabilities are taken over by another and a lump sum is paid by the latter to the former as consideration, which is within the purview of Sections 391 and 394 of the Act Re. SPS Pharma Ltd. (1997) 25 CLA 110 (AP). Thus, an amalgamation is an organic unification or amalgam of two or more legal entities or undertakings or a fusion of one with the other. There is no bar to more than two companies being amalgamated under one scheme Re. Patrakar Prakashan Pvt. Ltd. (1997) 33 (MP) 13 SCL. In simple terms: Companies Act, 1956 is the legislation that facilitates amalgamation of two or more companies. For the purpose of Companies Act, 1956 the terms Merger and Amalgamation are synonymous. Amalgamation is not defined in the Companies Act, 1956. Chapter V containing Sections 390-396A of the Companies Act contain provisions on compromise, arrangements and reconstructions. Amalgamation is an arrangement or reconstruction. Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 lay down procedure for carrying out amalgamation. The word amalgamation has no definite legal meaning. It contemplates a state of things under which two companies are so joined as to form a third entity, or one company is absorbed into and blended with another company. Right to amalgamate No company involved in amalgamation need be financially unsound or under winding-up though as per Section 390(a), for purposes of Section 391 company means any company liable to be wound up. But it does not debar amalgamation of
(lxviii) financially sound companies. [Bank of India Ltd. v. Ahmedabad Manufacturing & Calico Printing Co. Ltd. (1972) 42 Comp Cas 211 (Bom); Re. Rossell Inds. Ltd. (1995) 5 SCL 79 (Cal)]. Section 390(a) is applicable to a company incorporated outside India. If court has jurisdiction to wind up such a company on any of the grounds specified in the Act, court has jurisdiction to sanction scheme of amalgamation if a company incorporated outside India is a transferor-company. [Bombay Gas Co. Pvt. Ltd. v. Regional Director (1996) 21 CLA 269 (Bom.)]. There is no bar to a company amalgamating with a fifteen-day old company having no assets and business. [Re. Apco Industries Ltd. (1996) 86 Comp Cas 457 (Guj.)]. Amalgamation calls for compliance with both Sections 391 and 394. While Section 391 requires sanction of court for compromise or arrangement, Section 394 empowers the court to provide for the matters stated in that section to facilitate amalgamation. Amalgamation involving a sick industrial company as transferor or transfereecompany is outside the purview of Companies Act, 1956. It is governed by the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 (SICA). Amalgamation of a company licensed under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1956 with a commercial, trading or manufacturing company could be sanctioned under Section 391/394. [Re. Sir Mathurdas Vissanji Foundation (1992) 8 CLA (Bom); Re. Walvis Flour Mills Company P. Ltd. (1996) 23 CLA 104]. There is nothing in law to prevent a company carrying on business in shares from amalgamating with one engaged in transport. [Re EITA India Ltd. (1997) 24 CLA 37 (Cal)]. 3. REASONS FOR MERGER AND AMALGAMATION Mergers must form part of the business and corporate strategies aimed at creating sustainable competitive advantage for the firm. Mergers and amalgamations are strategic decisions leading to the maximisation of a companys growth. Mergers and amalgamations are usually intended to achieve any or some or all of the following purposes: (1) Synergistic operational advantages Coming together to produce a new or enhanced effect compared to separate effects. (2) Economies of scale (scale effect) Reduction in the average cost of production and hence in the unit costs when output is increased, to enable to offer products at more competitive prices and thus to capture a larger market share. (3) Reduction in production, administrative, selling, legal and professional expenses. (4) Benefits of integration Combining two or more companies under the same control for their mutual benefit by reducing competition, saving costs by reducing overheads, capturing a larger market share, pooling technical or financial resources, cooperating on research and development, etc.
(lxix) Integration may be horizontal (or lateral) or vertical and the latter may be backward integration or forward integration. (5) Optimum use of capacities and factors of production. (6) Tax advantages Carry forward and set off of losses of a loss-making amalgamating company against profits of a profit-making amalgamated company, e.g. Section 72A of the Income-Tax Act, 1961. (7) Financial constraints for expansion A company which has the capacity to expand but cannot do so due to financial constraints may opt for merging into another company which can provide funds for expansion. (8) Strengthening financial strength. (9) Diversification. (10) Advantage of brand-equity. (11) Loss of objectives with which several companies were set up as independent entities. (12) Survival. (13) Competitive advantage: The factors that give a company an advantage over its rivals. (14) Eliminating or weakening competition. (15) Revival of a weak or sick company. (16) Sustaining growth. (17) Accelerating companys market power and reducing the severity of competition. 4. UNDERLYING OBJECTIVES IN MERGERS Major objectives and their benefits are given below: Market Leadership The amalgamation can enhance value for shareholders of both companies through the amalgamated entitys access to greater number of market resources. With the addition to market share, a company can afford to control the price in a better manner with a consequent increase in profitability. The bargaining power of the firm vis-a-vis labour, suppliers and buyers is also enhanced. In the case of the amalgamation of Reliance Petroleum Limited with Reliance Industries Limited, the main consideration had been that the amalgamation will contribute towards strengthening Reliances existing market leadership in all its major products. It was foreseen that the amalgamated entity will be a major player in the energy and petrochemical sector, bringing together Reliances leading positions in different product categories.
(lxx) Improving Economies of Scale One of the most frequent reason given for mergers is to improve the economies of scale. Economies of scale arise when increase in volume of production leads to a reduction in cost of production per unit. They are generally associated with the manufacturing operations, so that the ratio of output to input improves with the volume of operations. Mergers and amalgamations help to expand the volume of production without a corresponding increase in fixed costs. Thus, the fixed costs are distributed over a large volume causing the unit cost of production to decline. Economies of scale may also be obtained from the optimum utilisation of management resources and systems of planning, budgeting, reporting and control. A combined firm with a large size can make the optimum use of the management resources and systems resulting in economies of scale. This gives the company a competitive advantage by gaining an ability to reduce the prices to increase market share, or earn higher profits while maintaining a price. Operating Economics Apart from economies of scale, a combination of two or more firms may result in reduction of costs due to operating economies. A combined firm may avoid overlapping of function and facilities. Various functions may be consolidated and duplicate channels may be eliminated by implementing an integrated planning and control system. The merger of Sundaram Clayton Ltd. (SCL) with TVS Suzuki Ltd. (TSL) was motivated by operating economies and by virtue of this, TSL became the second largest producer of two wheelers. TSL needed to increase its volume of production but also needed a large manufacturing base to reduce its production costs. Large amount of funds would have been required for creating additional production capacity. SCL was also required to upgrade its technology and increase its production. Both the firms plants were closely located offering various advantages, the most versatile being the capability to share common research and development facilities. Financial Benefits A merger or amalgamation is capable of offering various financial synergies and benefits such as eliminating financial constraints, deployment of surplus cash, enhancing debt capacity and lowering the costs of financing. Mergers and amalgamations enable external growth by exchange of shares releasing thereby, the financial constraint. Also, sometimes cash rich companies may not have enough internal opportunities to invest surplus cash. Their wealth may increase through an increase in the market value of their shares if surplus cash is used to acquire another company. A merger can bring stability of cash flows of the combined company, enhance the capacity of the new entity to service a larger amount of debt, allowing a higher interest tax shield thereby adding to the shareholders wealth. Also, in a merger since the probability of insolvency is reduced due to financial stability, the merged firm should be able to borrow at a lower rate of interest. Apart from this, a merged firm is able to realize economies of scale in floatation and transaction costs related to an issue of capital i.e. issue costs are saved when the merged firm makes a larger security issue.
(lxxi) Acquiring a New Product or Brand Name Acquiring a new product is different from acquiring a brand name. A company may be able to build a brand name for a particular line of business. In a related field, the company might think of introducing another product so that reputation and goodwill associated with a brand name of the company could be advantageously exploited. In this situation, the company would be either installing a manufacturing facility for the new product or looking for a good party in the market with a reasonable market share. If the company acquires its manufacturing facility, the company can save a lot of time and energy in creating a new industry. The combination of the ability of the company to takeover the manufacturing facility and build the said product with the companys brand name develops a great market for the company. On the one hand the company has bought a competitor because the party from whom the company had bought the unit would have given up the said line of business. Another advantage is that the company with its definite name and reputation and with plenty of money would be able to establish a strong presence for its new product and create a higher market share. At the same time there could be a case, where the company has a production facility but its market share for the said product is abysmally low. Inspite of its best efforts the product may not steal the hearts of customers or consumers. The company, for strategic reasons, may wish to acquire a brand name by buying out the entire market share of another party who may be having strong presence for the said product. This acquisition can happen in certain circumstances only. An aggressive player in the market will be always on the look out for such possibilities and cash on when opportunity strikes. Thus through amalgamation, it is possible to acquire either the entire production facility including human resources or a new brand for an existing product or range of products. In an acquisition of a facility the difficulties of getting the required know-how from reliable sources, installing and commissioning a plant and then launching the new product which may take a lot of time and result in heavy cost could be avoided. Amalgamation in such cases would make available ready-made facilities, which would provide a quicker entry for encashing the comparative advantage of the new product before new entrants make the market much more competitive and much less profitable. On the other hand, acquiring a leading brand positions the products of one company in a new level in the market. Amalgamation enables all these activities in simpler and cost effective manner, though there are other methods too. Diversifying the Portfolio Another reason for merger is to diversify the companys dependence on a number of segments of the economy. Diversification implies growth through the combination of firms in unrelated businesses. All businesses go through cycles and if the fortunes of a company were linked to only one or a few products then in the decline stage of their product life cycles, the company would find it difficult to sustain itself. The company therefore looks for either related or unrelated diversifications, and may decide to do so not internally by setting up new projects, but externally by merging with companies of the desired product profile. Such diversification helps to widen the growth opportunities for the company and smoothen the ups and downs of their life cycles.
(lxxii) Strategic integration Considering the complementary nature of the businesses of the concerned companies, in terms of their commercial strengths, geographic profiles and site integration, the amalgamated entity may be able to conduct operations in the most cost effective and efficient manner. The amalgamation can also enable optimal utilization of various infrastructural and manufacturing assets, including utilities and other site facilities. Synergies Synergy refers to a situation where the combined firm is more valuable than the sum of individual combining firms (2+2=5). The combination of operations can create a unique level of integration for the amalgamated entity spanning the entire value chain in the line of business. This will enable the amalgamated entity to achieve substantial savings in costs, significantly enhancing its earnings potential. Synergies can be expected to flow from more focused operational efforts, rationalization, standardization and simplification of business processes, productivity improvements, improved procurement, and the elimination of duplication. The main criteria for synergy lies in the ability of an organization to leverage in resources to deliver more than its optimum levels. By combining the strengths of two complementary organizations, not only one could achieve synergy but also eliminate the disadvantages each had. Consider the garment manufacturer acquiring a spinning mill. The garment manufacturer can assure himself of quality of cotton and the yarn that goes into the production of garments and expand your imagination by enabling him acquire processing facilities. Imagination, competitor watch, constant vigil, conservation of resources are the key drivers and amalgamations happen in this process only. One of the most important reason for mergers and amalgamations is to realize synergies; either through cheaper production bases as in case of Jindal Strips purchase of two units from Bethlehem in US, or by cost savings and pooling of resources in R&D marketing and distribution as in case of Astras $36 billion merger with Zeneca, Hoechst merger with Rhone Poulene or other pharma mergers. Taxation or Investment Incentives A company, which has incurred losses in the past, can carry forward such losses and offset them against future taxable profits and reduce tax liabilities. Such a company when merged with a company with large taxable profits would help to absorb the tax liability of the latter. A similar advantage exists when a company is modernizing or investing heavily in plant and machinery, which entitles it to substantial investment incentives, but has not much taxable profits to offset them with. Acquiring or merging such a company with a highly profitable company would help make full use of the investment incentives for the latter. Survey findings In the early seventies, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) published a Report of their Committee of Experts on Restrictive Business Practices, on Mergers and Competition Policy. The report listed
(lxxiii) twelve motives most often cited for mergers, which may be grouped together under the following categories: Category A. Economies of Scale 2 B. Market share 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Motives 1 Obtain Real Economies of Scale Acquire Capacity at Reduced Prices Increase market power Expand production without price reduction Build an empire Rationalize production Obtain Tax advantages Obtain monetary economies of scale Use complementary resources Gain promotional profits
C. Financial Synergy
D. Diversification of Risk
Limiting Competition It would be wrong to conclude that mergers limit or restrict competition from the consumers point of view. Competition is always enabled to do its part and competition is protected by well defined and administered law and administration of the same. In mergers business enterprises achieve what could be termed as a buy out of the competitions market shares or stake. The purpose of such acquisition could be to consolidate or to eliminate the competition posed by the acquired enterprise. It does not mean new competitive forces cannot emerge or survive. It is only natural for business enterprises and the people who drive such enterprises to look at opportunities for acquiring more and more market stake. Mergers therefore are tools in the hands of the entrepreneurial community to keep a watch on the competition and take appropriate action. 5. CATEGORIES OF MERGERS Mergers may be broadly classified as follows: (i) Cogeneric within same industries and taking place at the same level of economic activity exploration, production or manufacturing wholesale distribution or retail distribution to the ultimate consumer. (ii) Conglomerate between unrelated businesses. Cogeneric Mergers Cogeneric mergers are of two types: (a) Horizontal merger This class of merger is a merger between business competitors who are manufacturers or distributors of the same type of products or who render similar or same type of services for profit. It involves joining together of two or more companies
(lxxiv) which are producing essentially the same products or rendering same or similar services or their products and services directly competing in the market with each other. It is a combination of two or more firms in similar type of production/distribution line of business. Horizontal mergers result in a reduction in the number of competing companies in an industry, increase the scope for economies of scale and elimination of duplicate facilities. However, their main drawback, is that they promote monopolistic trend in the industrial sector as the number of firms in an industry is decreased and this may make it easier for the industry members to collude for monopoly profits. (b) Vertical merger Vertical mergers occur between firms which are complementary to each other, e.g. one of the companies is engaged in the manufacture of a particular product and the other is established and expert in the marketing of that product. In this merger the two companies merge and control the production and marketing of the same product. Vertical merger may take the form of forward or backward merger. When a company combines with the supplier of material, it is called a backward merger and where it combines with the customer, it is known as forward merger. A vertical merger may result into a smooth and efficient flow of production and distribution of a particular product and reduction in handling and inventory costs. It may also pose a risk of monopolistic trend in the industry. Conglomerate merger This type of merger involves coming together of two or more companies engaged in different industries and/or services. Their businesses or services, are neither horizontally nor vertically related to each other. They lack any commonality either in their end product, or in the rendering of any specific type of service to the society. This is the type of merger of companies which are neither competitors, nor complimentaries nor suppliers of a particular raw material nor consumers of a particular product or consumable. A conglomerate merger is one which is neither horizontal nor vertical. In this, the merging companies operate in unrelated markets having no functional economic relationship. Mergers may further be categorised as: Cash Merger A merger in which certain shareholders are required to accept cash for their shares while other shareholders receive shares in the continuing enterprise. Defacto Merger Defacto merger has been defined as a transaction that has the economic effect of a statutory merger but is cast in the form of an acquisition of assets. Down Stream Merger The merger of parent company into its subsidiary is called down stream merger.
(lxxv) Up stream Merger The merger of subsidiary company into its parent company is called an up stream merger. Short-form Merger A number of statutes provide special company rules for the merger of a subsidiary into its parent where the parent owns substantially all of the shares of the subsidiary. This is known as a short form merger. Short form mergers generally may be effected by adoption of a resolution of merger by the parent company, and mailing a copy of plan of merger to all shareholders of subsidiary and filing the executed documents with the prescribed authority under the statute. This type of merger is less expensive and time consuming than the normal type of merger. Triangular Merger Triangular merger means the amalgamation of two companies by which the disappearing company is merged into subsidiary of surviving company and shareholders of the disappearing company receive shares of the surviving company. Reverse Merger Reverse merger takes place when a healthy company amalgamates with a financially weak company. In the context of the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, there is no difference between regular merger and reverse merger. It is like any other amalgamation. [For a detailed analysis of the concept of reverse merger, refer to Gujarat High Court judgement in Bihari Mills Ltd. case (1985) 58 Comp Cas 61]. Reverse merger automatically makes the transferor-company entitled for the benefit of carry forward and set-off of loss and unabsorbed depreciation of the transferee-company. There is no need to comply with Section 72A of Income Tax Act, 1961. 6. METHODS OF MERGER/AMALGAMATION A merger or amalgamation may be effected by various methods; e.g., (i) merger under a scheme of compromise or arrangement; (ii) merger by purchase of shares of one company by another; (iii) merger in public interest under orders of the Central Government; (iv) merger through holding company; (v) merger for revival and rehabilitation. 7. PRELIMINARY STEPS IN MERGERS The process of screening and selecting the right companies for mergers and amalgamations should proceed in a systematic manner i.e. from general to the more specific. The process starts by identifying the general domains of potential industries
(lxxvi) to the specific selection of companies to be evaluated and approached for merger or acquisition. The process of screening is generally as follows: Identifying Industries First a set of industries is selected which meet the strategic conditions outlined by the company for the merger. This may be in terms of size. For instance, a company wanting to acquire a medium scale investment will leave out the large investment industries such as petrochemicals, shipbuilding, etc. Selecting Sectors A broad group of acceptable sectors are then identified. For each of these sectors, data with respect to the sales turnover and growth, return on investment (or sales), market shares, competition and asset turnover etc. is collected for the various companies. On the basis of this comparison, the more desirable sectors are chosen. Choosing Companies Potential companies are carefully looked at with respect to the competitive environment in which they operate. Specific attention is paid to the competitive strengths of these companies in their sectoral environment. Comparable sizes are favourable to the chances of success of the merger. Generally sales turnover and the asset level, which in turn determines the cost level of acquisition, characterize the size of companies. A common rule of thumb followed is to consider companies, which are 5 to 10 per cent in size of the bidding companies. However, it is not a hard and fast rule in the present global scenario as is evident from the recent acquisition of Corus Steel by Tata Steel. Corus was almost thrice the size of Tata Steel. Comparative Cost and Returns The next step is to consider the financial obligations associated with merger and amalgamation on the basis of which the potential companies are reduced further on the basis of their likely return. The companies are listed and compared with respect to their return on investments and the future expected returns are also developed on the basis of different market scenarios. The risks and uncertainties are incorporated to determine the possible variations in returns. Finally, the various companies are ranked on the basis of their position against each of the identified objectives. Short-listing Good Companies Generally a merger with another company is considered, if it will increase the overall economic value of the company. To achieve this, it is necessary to identify the companies, which have: High Market share Large Sales Volume Good Management Systems Diversified portfolio or its potential A return on Investment above a benchmark specified for acquisition.
(lxxvii) Assessing the Suitability The suitability is to be judged against three strategic criteria i.e. business fit, management and financial strength. Once the proposal fits into the strategic motive, then all relevant information will be collected relating to the other company like share price movements, earnings, dividend track record, market share, management, shareholding pattern, financial position, etc. A SWOT analysis of both the companies is carried out. It is necessary to consider not only the benefits that can be obtained but also the attendant risks. If the proposal is suitable from all angles, then the matter will be carried further. Appropriateness of Timing The amalgamating companies must carefully review if they can afford to spare their time for integrating the companies and whether in terms of business cycles etc., it is the right time to merge. Negotiation Stage This is where the importance of proper valuation is essential. After the consideration is decided, the payment terms and exchange ratio of shares between the companies will be decided. The exchange ratio is an important factor in the process of amalgamation. This has to be worked out by valuing the shares of both, transferor and transferee company as per norms and methods of valuation of shares. Valuation is usually carried out by commissioning a firm of experts. Company secretaries, chartered accountants, chartered engineers, chartered financial analysts, cost accountants, management consultants carry on practice as valuers of shares, business, goodwill and properties which include intellectual properties also. Approval of Proposal by Board of Directors Once the consideration of the deal and terms of payment are worked out, the proposal will then be put up for the Board of Directors approval. Approval of Shareholders As per the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, the shareholders of both the companies hold meeting under the directions of the respective high court(s) and consider the scheme of amalgamation. A separate meeting for both preference and equity shareholders is convened for this purpose. Approval of Creditors/Financial Institutions/Banks Approvals from the constituents for the scheme of merger are required to be sought for, as per the respective agreement/arrangement with each of them and their interest is considered in drawing up the scheme of merger. The regulator examines the request keeping in view the statutory, regulatory and other prudential requirements and the need for compliance with the various provisions of the statute and approves the same with or without conditions. For example, in the case of the application for merger of ICICI Ltd. with ICICI Bank Ltd. submitted to the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) for regulatory approvals, the Reserve Bank approved the merger subject to certain conditions.
(lxxviii) Approvals of Respective High Court(s) Approval of the respective high court(s) of both the companies confirming the scheme of amalgamation are required. The court issues orders for winding up of the amalgamating companies without dissolution on receipt of the reports from the official liquidator and the Regional Director that the affairs of the amalgamating companies have not been conducted in a manner prejudicial to the interests of its members or to public interest. Integration Stage The structural and cultural aspects of the two organizations, if carefully integrated in the new organization will lead to the successful merger and ensure that expected benefits of the merger are realized. 8. LEGAL ASPECTS OF MERGER/AMALGAMATION Companies Act, 1956 has provided for a set of provisions specially dealing with amalgamation of companies, to facilitate the transactions. The statutory provisions relating to Merger and Amalgamations are contained in Sections 390 to 396A of the Companies Act, 1956. While Section 390 interprets the expressions company, arrangement and explains unsecured creditors, as used under Sections 391 and 393, Section 391 lays down in detail the power to make compromise or arrangements with creditors and members. Under this section, a company can enter into a compromise or arrangement with its creditors or its members, or any class thereof without going into liquidation. Section 392 lays down the power of the High Court while Section 393 specifies the information as to compromises or arrangements that is to be sent with every notice calling the meetings of members and creditors. The provisions for facilitating reconstruction and amalgamation of companies are contained in Section 394. Section 395 prescribes the power and duty of the transferee company to acquires shares of shareholders dissenting from scheme or contract approved by majority. Powers of Central Government to provide for amalgamation of companies in national interest is laid down under Section 396. Section 396A specifies provisions for preservation of books and papers of amalgamated company. The salient features of Sections 391 and 394 are There should be a scheme of compromise or arrangement for restructuring or amalgamation. An application must be made to the court for direction to hold meetings of shareholders/creditors. However, as per clause 24(f) of the Listing Agreement, a copy of the scheme has to be filed with all the stock exchanges where the shares of the company are listed at least one month prior to it being submitted to the court.
The Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 has transferred to the National Company Law Tribunal the powers vested in the Court under Sections 391 to 396 of the Companies Act, 1956. However, the Amendment Act has not become effective as yet. Accordingly, relevant references to the High Court or Court will stand replaced with Tribunal after the relevant provisions of the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 are enforced. Likewise, all references to the Company (Court) Rules, 1959 will stand replaced by the rules/regulations that will be framed to enforce compromises and arrangements.
(lxxix) Court may order a meeting of shareholders/creditors. Meeting(s) of shareholders/creditors should be held as per courts order. Scheme of compromise or arrangement must be approved by 3/4th in value and majority in number of creditors, class of creditors, members, class of members. Another application must be made to the court (after the results of the meetings are submitted with the court) sanctioning the scheme of compromise or arrangement. An approved scheme duly sanctioned by court is binding on all the shareholders/creditors/company(ies). Courts order takes effect only after a certified copy of it has been filed with the Registrar of Companies. This filing date being called as the effective date. Copy of courts order should be annexed to every copy of memorandum of association of the company. Court may stay commencement or continuation of any suit or proceeding against the company after application has been moved in the court. Courts order is appealable in a superior court. Section 390 Section 390 interprets the expressions company, arrangement and explains unsecured creditors. Clause (a) provides that the expression company means any company liable to be wound up under the Companies Act, 1956. Clause (b) provides that the expression arrangement includes a reorganization of the share capital of the company by the consolidation of shares of different classes, or by the division of shares into shares of different classes or by both those methods. Clause (c) provides that unsecured creditors who may have filed suits or obtained decrees shall be deemed to be of the same class as other unsecured creditors. The above explanations apply only for the purposes of Sections 391 and 393 of the Act. Section 391 Section 391 lays down in detail the power to make compromise or arrangements with its creditors and members. Under this Section, a company can enter into a compromise or arrangement with its creditors or its members, or any class thereof without going into liquidation. The salient features of Section 391 are as follows: Sub-section (1) Where a company proposes a compromise or arrangement between it and its creditors or between it and its members or with any class of the creditors or any class of members, the company or the creditor or member may make an application to the court. On such application the court may order a meeting of the creditors or members or any class of them as the case may be and such meeting shall be called, held and conducted in such manner as the court may direct. In the case of a company which is being wound up, any such application should be made by the liquidator.
(lxxx) The key words and expressions under sub-section are creditors, court, class of creditors or members, a company which is being wound up, liquidator. When a company is ordered to be wound up, the liquidator is appointed and once winding up commences liquidator takes charge of the company in all respects and therefore it is he who could file any application of any compromise or arrangement in the case of a company which is being wound up. A company which is being wound up would mean a company in respect of which the court has passed the winding up order. Sub-section (2) Sub-section (2) provides that when the court directs the convening, holding and conducting of a meeting of creditors or members or a class of them, a particular majority of the creditors or members or a class of them should agree to the scheme of compromise or arrangement. As per the sub-section, the majority required is the majority in number representing three-fourths in value of the creditors or members or a class of them, as the case may be, present and voting in the meeting so convened either in person, or by proxy. After the said meeting agrees with such majority, if the scheme is sanctioned, by the court, it shall be binding upon the creditors or members or a class of them, as the case may be. As per the proviso under Sub-section (2), no order sanctioning any compromise or arrangement shall be made by the court unless it is satisfied that the applicant has made sufficient disclosure about the following particulars: All material facts relating to the company; Latest financial position of the company; Latest auditors report on the accounts of the company; Information about pendency of any investigation proceeding in relation to the company under Sections 235 to 251 and the like. Sub-section (3) The order made by the court under Sub-section (2) should be filed with the Registrar of Companies. If the order is not filed with the Registrar, it will not have any effect. The requirement under this section is limited to filing of the order of the court and it does not specify the need for the Registrar to register it. Sub-section (4) It is necessary to annex a copy of every such order to every copy of the Memorandum of company issued after the filing of the certified copy of the order. In the case of a company not having a memorandum the order aforesaid shall be annexed to every copy of the instrument constituting or defining the constitution of the company. Sub-section (5) Any default in complying with Sub-section (4) invites the penalty prescribed in this sub-section. As per the penal clause contained in this sub-section, the company and every officer of the company who is in default shall be punishable with fine which may extend to Rs.100/- for each copy of the Memorandum or other instrument in respect of which the order of the court has not been annexed. The penal clause under this sub-section is confined to any default under Sub-section (4). The section is
(lxxxi) silent in respect of contravention of any other statutory requirement. This does not mean contravention of other requirements can take place. It is necessary to note that if the requirements under Sub-sections (1) to (3) are not complied with or could not be obtained, the scheme itself will not be effective. Therefore, these requirements are very important and if there is any omission, default or deficiency, it would prove fatal to the scheme of compromise or arrangement. Sub-section (6) The court has powers to stay the commencement of or continuation of any suit or proceeding against the company on such terms as it thinks fit until the application is finally disposed of. Section 392 Sub-section (1) The court has the power to supervise the carrying out of the scheme. The court may give such directions or make such modifications to the scheme for the purpose of proper working of the scheme. Sub-section (2) The court has the power to order winding up of the company if it thinks that the scheme sanctioned cannot work satisfactorily. Section 393 Sub-section (1) Every notice of any meeting called as per orders of court under Section 391, should include an explanatory statement. The statement should set out the terms of compromise or arrangement and all material interests of the directors, managing director or manager of the company and effect of such interest on the scheme. It can also be given by way of an advertisement containing the above mentioned particulars. Sub-section (2) Such disclosure shall also be made, in the case of a scheme affecting debenture holders, about the interest of the debenture trustees. Sub-section (3) If the notice states that creditors or members can have copies of the scheme from the company, the company shall provide copies of the scheme of compromise or arrangement, to the creditor or member who applies for the same. Sub-section (4) This sub-section is a penal clause. In case of default in complying with the requirements of Section 393, the default is a punishable offence.
(lxxxii) Sub-section (5) Every director, managing director, manager or as the case may be, the debenture trustees, shall give all necessary information to the company failing which they shall be liable for the penal consequences stipulated in this sub-section. Section 394 It is only in Section 394 of the Act there is reference to reconstruction of any company or companies or amalgamation of any two or more companies. Sub-section (1) Where the scheme involves reconstruction of any company or companies or amalgamation of any two or more companies and vesting of the whole or substantially the whole of the properties or liabilities of any company concerned in the scheme (Transferor Company) to another company (Transferee company), the court may make provision for the following matters also: Transfer to the Transferee Company of the whole or any part of the undertaking, property or liabilities of any transferor company; The allotment or appropriation by the Transferee company of any shares, debentures to any person under the scheme. Continuation of proceedings by or against the Transferee Company of any legal matters pending by or against any Transferor Company. The dissolution, without winding up, of any Transferor Company. Provision to be made for any person who does not agree to the scheme. Such incidental, consequential and supplemental orders passed by the court as it may think fit so that the reconstruction or amalgamation could be fully and effectively carried out. As per the proviso under this sub-section, it is necessary to have the report from the Registrar of companies in case the scheme involves a company that is being wound up and the report of the liquidator, in case the scheme involves the dissolution of a company. These reports are mandatory in order to ensure that the affairs of the company in question have not been conducted in a manner prejudicial to the interests of its members or to public interest. Sub-section (2) The sub-section provides for the order of the Court and the vesting of the properties and liabilities of the transferor company to the transferee company. Sub-section (3) Under this sub-section, the time limit for filing the order of the Court for registration by the Registrar is 30 days after the making of the order. Sub-section (4) As per clause (a), the expression property has been defined to include property, rights and powers of every description and the expression liabilities includes duties
(lxxxiii) of every description. As per clause (b), Transferee Company does not include any company other than a company within the meaning of this Act but Transferor company includes any body corporate, whether a company within the meaning of this Act or not. Thus, the transferee company in a scheme of merger or amalgamation has to be necessarily a company within the meaning of the Act. Section 394A The court is supposed to give notice of every scheme under Section 391 or 394 to the Central Government and consider representation, if any by the said Government. Therefore, merger or amalgamation under a scheme of arrangement as provided under Sections 391-394 of the Act is the most convenient and most common method of a complete merger or amalgamation between the companies. There is active involvement of the Court and an amalgamation is complete only after the Court sanctions it under Section 394(2) and takes effect when such order of court is filed with the Registrar of Companies. In fact, Sections 391 to 394 of the Act read with Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 serve as a complete code in themselves in respect of provisions and procedures relating to sponsoring of the scheme, the approval thereof by the creditors and members, and the sanction thereof by the Court. Accordingly, amalgamation can be effected in any one of the following ways: (i) Transfer of undertaking by order of the High Court (Section 394 of the Companies Act, 1956) Under Section 394 of the Companies Act, the High Court may sanction a scheme of amalgamation proposed by two or more companies after it has been approved by a meeting of the members of the company convened under the orders of the court with majority in number of shareholders holding more than 75 percent of the shares who vote at the meeting, approve the scheme of amalgamation, and the companies make a petition to the High Court for approving the Scheme. The High Court serves a copy of petition on the Regional Director, Company Law Board and if they do not object to the amalgamation, the Court sanctions it. Once the Court sanctions the scheme, it is binding on all the members of the respective companies. (ii) Purchase of shares of one company by another company (Section 395 of the Companies Act, 1956) Under Section 395 of the Companies Act, 1956, the undertaking of one company can be takenover by another company by the purchase of shares. This section obviates the need to obtain the High Courts sanction. While purchasing shares, the company which acquires shares should comply with the requirements of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 and Section 372A of the Companies Act, 1956. This Section also provides the procedure for acquiring the shares of dissenting members. (iii) Amalgamation of Companies in National Interest (Section 396) Where the Central Government is satisfied that an amalgamation of two or more companies is essential in the public interest, then the Government may, by an
(lxxxiv) order notified in the Official Gazette, provide for the amalgamation of those companies into a single company. The amalgamated company shall have such constitution, property, powers, rights, interest and privileges as well as such liabilities, duties and obligations as may be specified in the Governments order. (iv) Amalgamation of Companies under Section 494 Amalgamation of two companies is also possible under Section 494 of the Companies Act, where the liquidator of a company transfers its assets and liabilities to another company. (v) Amalgamation for Revival and Rehabilitation The Board for Financial and Industrial Reconstruction (BIFR) can in exceptional cases order amalgamation for the revival and rehabilitation of a sick industrial company under the provisions of Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985. Condition with regard to amalgamation report from CLB or ROC The first proviso to Sub-section (1) of Section 394 of the Act lays down that no compromise or arrangement proposed for the purposes of, or in connection with a scheme for the amalgamation of a company, which is being wound up, with any other company or companies, shall be sanctioned by the court unless the court has received a report from the Company Law Board or the Registrar that the affairs of the company have not been conducted in a manner prejudicial to the interests of its members or to public interest; The second proviso lays down that no order for the dissolution, without winding up of any transferor company under clause (iv) of Sub-section (1) of Section 394 shall be made by the Court unless the Official Liquidator has, on scrutiny of the books and papers of the company, made a report to the Court that the affairs of the company have not been conducted in a manner prejudicial to the interests of its members or to public interest. Filing of certified copy of Courts order with ROC Sub-section (3) of Section 394 provides that within thirty days after the making of an order under this section, every company in relation to which the order is made shall cause a certified copy thereof to be filed with the Registrar of Companies for registration. If default is made in complying with this sub-section, the company, and every officer of the company who is in default, shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five hundred rupees. Moreover, according to Sub-section (3) of Section 391 the court order shall not have effect unless a certified copy of the order has been filed with the Registrar. Sub-section (4) of Section 391 also lays down that a copy of every such order shall be annexed to every copy of the memorandum of the company issued after the certified copy of the order has been filed as aforesaid, or in the case of a company not having a memorandum, to every copy so issued of the instrument constituting or defining the constitution of the company.
(lxxxv) Application to Court under Section 391 for direction to hold meetings of shareholders/creditors A compromise or arrangement is effected by and between two or more companies by entering into an arrangement, which comes within the purview of Section 391 of the Companies Act, 1956. Section 391(1) provides that where a compromise or arrangement is proposed (a) between a company and its creditors or any class of them; or (b) between a company and its members or any class of them; the Court may, on the application of the company or of any creditor or member of the company, or in the case of a company which is being wound up, of the liquidator, order a meeting of the creditors or class of creditors, or of the members or class of members, as the case may be, to be called, held and conducted in such manner as the Court directs. Sanctioned arrangement binding on all concerned parties According to Sub-section (2) of Section 391, if a majority in number representing three-fourths in value of the creditors, or class of creditors, or members, or class of members, as the case may be, present and voting, agree to any compromise or arrangement, the compromise or arrangement shall, if sanctioned by the court, be binding on all the creditors, or all the creditors of the class, all the members, or all the members of the class, as the case may be, and also on the company, or, in the case of company which is being wound up, on the liquidator and contributories of the company. Disclosure of material facts is a pre-condition for court order The sub-section mentioned under preceding paragraph further provides that the court shall pass an order sanctioning any compromise or arrangement only when it is satisfied that the company or any other person by whom an application has been made under Sub-section (1) has disclosed to the court, by affidavit or otherwise, all material facts relating to the company, such as the latest financial position of the company, the latest auditors report on the accounts of the company, the pendency of any investigation proceedings in relation to the company under Sections 235 to 251, and the like. Scope of Section 391 Section 391 deals with the rights of a company to enter into a compromise or arrangement (i) between itself and its creditors or any class of them; and (ii) between itself and its members or any class of them. The arrangement contemplated by the section includes a reorganisation of the share capital of a company by consolidation of its shares of different classes or by sub-division of its shares into shares of different classes or by both these methods. Once a compromise or arrangement comes within the ambit of the section, it may be sanctioned by the court, even if it involves certain acts for which a particular procedure is specified in other sections of the Act e.g., reduction of share capital of a company may form part of a compromise or arrangement and when the court sanctions the compromise or arrangement as a whole, reduction of share capital is
(lxxxvi) also sanctioned and the company is not required to follow the procedure laid down in Section 100 of the Act. The court can refuse to sanction a scheme of merger or amalgamation or reconstruction if it is satisfied that the scheme involves any fraud or illegality. Once the reduction of share capital of a company is a part of a compromise or arrangement, the requirements of the Companies Act as regards reduction of share capital are not applicable because the court is empowered to sanction reduction of share capital as a part of the compromise or arrangement. The section also applies to compromise or a management entered into by companies under winding up. Therefore, an arrangement under this section can take a company out of winding up. Once a compromise or arrangement under this section is approved by statutory majority, it binds the dissenting minority, the company and also the liquidator, if the company is in the process of winding up. 9. APPROVALS IN SCHEME OF AMALGAMATION The companies are required to obtain following approvals in respect of the scheme of amalgamation: (i) Approval of Board of Directors The first step in carrying out amalgamation is approval of scheme of amalgamation by the Board of both the companies. Board resolution should, besides approving the scheme, authorise a Director/Company Secretary/other officer to make application to court, to sign the application and other documents and to do everything necessary or expedient in connection therewith, including changes in the scheme. (ii) Approval of Shareholders/Creditors Members and creditors approval to the scheme of amalgamation is sine qua non for Courts sanction. Without that the Court cannot proceed. This approval is to be obtained at specially convened meetings held as per courts directions [Section 391(1)]. However, the court may dispense with meetings of members/creditors. Normally, creditors meetings are dispensed with subject to certain conditions. For instance, members meeting may be dispensed with if all the members individual consent is obtained. However, it is a discretionary power of the court for which a separate application must be made for courts order. The scheme of compromise or arrangement has to be approved as directed by the High Court, by the members of the company; or the members of each class, if the company has different classes of shares; and the creditors; or each class of creditors, if the company has different classes of creditors.
(lxxxvii) The approval of the members and creditors (or each class of them) has to be obtained at specially convened meetings as per High Court directions. [Section 391(1)]. An application seeking directions to call, hold and conduct meetings is made to the High Court, which has jurisdiction having regard to the location of the registered office of the company. A learned Judge of Bombay High Court in Kaveri Entertainment Ltd. in re., (2003) 117 Comp Cas 245 (Bom) expounded the procedure required to be followed by a company which seeks the courts sanction to a scheme of compromise or arrangement as: A company which desires to enter into any arrangement with its members and/or creditors first makes an application to the court under Sub-section (1) of Section 391 of the Act for directions for convening of the meeting or meetings of the members and/or creditors, as the case may be, for considering the proposed scheme of arrangement. The court, on receiving such an application, issues directions for convening of separate meetings of the members and/or creditors or different classes of members and/or creditors, as the case may be. In those meetings, the scheme of arrangement is required to be approved by majority in number representing 3/4th in value of the creditors or class of creditors or members or class of members as the case may be. After the scheme is approved by all concerned, a petition is presented to the court for sanctioning of the scheme of arrangement. If the court is satisfied that the scheme is just and fair and not prejudicial to the interest of the members/class of members or creditors/class of creditors, as the case may be, then the court may sanction it. A subsidiary company being a creditor cannot be included along with other unsecured creditors; their interest in supporting a scheme proposed by the holding company would not be the same as the interest of the other unsecured creditors [Hindustan Development Corporation Ltd. v. Shaw Wallace & Co. Ltd. (supra)]. Secured creditors should not be clubbed together with the unsecured creditors. Their interest would not be the same. Scheme to be approved by special majority The Scheme must be approved by a resolution passed with the special majority stipulated in Section 391(2), namely a majority in number representing three-fourths in value of the creditors, or class of creditors, or members, or class of members, as the case may be, present and voting either in person or, by proxy. Thus, 51% majority in number, and 75% in value present and voting at the meeting must approve the scheme. [Section 391(2)]. For example, if at the meeting 100 persons (members in person and proxies) are present, at least 51 of them must vote in favour the resolution and they must be holding at least 75% of the paid-up share capital carrying voting rights. In the case of creditors, those voting in favour must have the claim not less than 75% of the total amount of claim of all the creditors present and voting. The majority is dual, in number and in value. A simple majority of those voting is sufficient, whereas the three - fourths requirement relates to value. The three-fourths
(lxxxviii) value is to be computed with reference to paid-up capital held by members (or to total amount owed by company to creditors) present and voting at the meeting. [Re Maknam Investments Ltd. (1995) 6 SCL 93 Cal; Re Mafatlal Industries Ltd. (1995) 84 Comp Cas 230 (Guj)]. A full bench of the Punjab and Haryana High Court in Hind Lever Chemicals Limited and Another [2005] 58S CL 211(Punj. & Har.) held that In our view, the language of Section 391(2) of the Act is totally unambiguous and a plain reading of this provision clearly shows that the majority in number by which a compromise or arrangement is approved should represent three-fourth in value of the creditors/ shareholders who are 'present and voting' and not of the total value of the shareholders or creditors of the company. This is neither an ordinary resolution nor a special resolution within the purview of Section 189 of the Act. This is an extraordinary resolution. A copy of this resolution need not be filed with the Registrar of Companies under Section 192. Where a Scheme is not approved at a meeting, by the requisite majority, but is subsequently approved by individual affidavits, the court may sanction the Scheme as Section 391(2) is not mandatory but is merely directory and there should be substantial compliance thereof. [SM Holdings Finance Pvt Ltd. v. Mysore Machinery Mfrs Ltd. (1993) 78 Comp Cas 432 (Kar)]. In Kaveri Entertainment Ltd., in re. (2003) 17 Comp Cas 245 (Bom.): (2003) 45 SCL 294 (Bom): (2003) 57 CLA 127 (Bom), a learned Judge of the Bombay High Court expounded the requirement of Sub-section (2) as: Sub-section (2) of Section 391 of the Act requires that the resolution approving the scheme of arrangement should be passed by majority in number representing 3/4th in value of the creditors or class of creditors and/or members or class of members as the case may be. If the resolution granting approval to the scheme of arrangement is passed by more than 3/4th in value of the creditors but, is not carried by the majority in number of the creditors, the scheme would not be approved by the court. The majority in number of the creditors is provided in the section for safeguarding the interests of the large number of small creditors whose voice is often lost amongst small number of big creditors. The conditions of approval by majority in number and 3/4th in value of credit are cumulative. In determining whether a resolution has been passed by the requisite majority or not, the members remaining neutral or not participating in voting are to be ignored. This is because the section clearly provides that the votes of only the members present and voting either in person or, by proxy, are to be taken into account. Where in a meeting for the sanction of a scheme, holders of shares of the value of Rs. 6,42,700 were present but holders of shares of the value of Rs. 4,42,700 alone voted in favour of the resolution and the others remained neutral, voting neither in favour of, nor against, the resolution, it was held that there was a unanimous passing of the resolution and the requisite majority contemplated by Section 391(2) agreed to the scheme. [Hindustan General Electric Corporation Ltd., in re. (1959) 29 Comp Cas 46 (Cal)]. In Re: Kirloskar Electric Company Ltd., [2003] 116 Com Cas 413 (Kar): The Karnatka High Court held that the three-fourth majority required under Sub-section (2) of Section 391 of the Act was of the value represented by the members who were not only present but who had also voted. In fact, it went a step further to hold that the
(lxxxix) creditors who were present and had even voted but whose votes had been found to be invalid, could not be said to have voted because casting an invalid vote is no voting in the eyes of law. Thus, it was held that "the proper construction to be placed in calculating whether any resolution is approved or passed by a three-fourth majority present and voting necessarily mean the value of the valid votes and out of the same whether the resolution has been passed with three-fourth the majority" (iii) Approval of the Stock Exchanges As per Clause 24(f) of the Listing Agreement all the listed companies are required to file the scheme of merger or amalgamation with all the stock exchanges where it is listed at least one month prior to filing it with High Court and obtain its No Objection to scheme. Other stock exchange compliances which the listed companies are required to adhere to are given as below: Intimation as to the proposed amalgamation to the Stock Exchange should be given within 15 minutes after the Board meeting where the proposal is approved. [Cl. 22(d), 29, LA, BSE]. Amalgamation involves issue and allotment of shares of transferee company to shareholders of transferor company in exchange of shares held by them in transferor company as per share exchange ratio. This requires compliance with Section 81(1A) of Companies Act by transferee company. Three copies of notices, circulars, etc. issued/advertised concerning amalgamation is to be forwarded to the Stock Exchange. [Cl. 31(e), 29, LA, BSE]. Shareholders of transferor company are allotted transferee companys shares. Share certificates held by transferor companys shareholders are called back to be exchanged after fixing a record date in accordance with the Listing Agreement. Fresh share certificates may be issued after trading of the shares of Transferor company are cancelled. Shares of transferor company are delisted and shares of transferee company are listed. During intervening period, trading of shares at Stock Exchange may be suspended. The fact that shares of the transferor company will have to be delisted should not come in the way of sanctioning scheme of amalgamation. [Re Sumitra Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (1997) 25 CLA 142 (AP)]. If transferor company is a listed company but transferee company is not listed, then the latters shares allotted to the formers shareholders need not be listed; thus transferee company would become unlisted company. But if transferee company is listed, those shares will be listed on all exchanges where transferee companys shares are listed. However, stock exchanges on which transferor companys shares are listed, cannot compel to list the new shares allotted in pursuance of the amalgamation, if transferee companys shares are not listed on such exchange. Return of allotment in e-form 2 should be filed with ROC within 30 days of allotment.
(xc) SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Take-over) Regulations are inapplicable. (iv) Approval of Financial Institutions The approval of the Financial Institutions, trustees to the debenture holders and banks, investment corporations would be required if the Company has borrowed funds either as term loans, working capital requirements and/or have issued debentures to the public and have appointed any one of them as trustees to the debenture holders. (v) Approval from the Land Holders If the land on which the factory is situated is the lease-hold land and the terms of the lease deed so specifies, the approval from the lessor will be needed. (vi) Approval of the High Court Both companies (amalgamating as well as amalgamated) involved in a scheme of compromise or arrangement or reconstruction or amalgamation are required to seek approval of the respective High Courts for sanctioning the scheme. Every amalgamation, except those, which involve sick industrial companies, requires sanction of High Court which has jurisdiction over the State/area where the registered office of a company is situated. If transferor and transferee companies are under the jurisdiction of different High Courts, separate approvals are necessary. If both are under jurisdiction of one High Court, joint application may be made. [Mohan Exports Ltd. v. Tarun Overseas P. Ltd. (1994) 14 CLA 279 (Del) dissenting from Re Electro Carbonium P. Ltd. (1979) 49 Comp Cas 825 (Kar) wherein it was held that a joint application cannot be made]. Alternatively, where both the companies are situated in the same State and only one company moves the court under Section 391, the other company may be made a party to the petition (DCA Circular No.14 of 1973 dated 5th June, 1973). The notice of every application filed with the Court has to be given to the Central Government (Regional Director, having jurisdiction of the State concerned). After the hearing is over, the Court will pass an order sanctioning the Scheme of amalgamation, with such directions in regard to any matter and with such modifications in the Scheme as the Judge may think fit to make for the proper working of the Scheme. [Section 391(2); Rule 81, Companies (Court) Rules]. The court under Section 391-394 of the Act is also empowered to order the transfer of undertaking, property or liabilities either wholly or in part, allotment of shares or debentures and on other supplemental and incidental matters. (vii) Approval of Reserve Bank of India Where the scheme of amalgamation envisages issue of shares/cash option to Non-Resident Indians, the amalgamated company is required to obtain the permission of Reserve Bank of India. Position regarding issue of shares to NRIs
(xci) under a scheme of amalgamation under the Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident Outside India) Regulations, 2000 is as below: Regulation 7 of the above mentioned Regulations states as under: Issue and Acquisition of Shares after Merger or Demerger or Amalgamation of Indian Companies Where a scheme of merger or amalgamation of two or more Indian Companies or a reconstruction by way of demerger or otherwise of an Indian Company, has been approved by a Court in India, the transferee company or, as the case may be, the new company may issue shares to the shareholders of the transferor company resident outside India, subject to the following conditions, namely: (a) the percentage of shareholding of persons resident outside India in the transferee or new company does not exceed the percentage specified in the approval granted by the Central Government or the Reserve Bank, or specified in these Regulations: Provided that where the percentage is likely to exceed the percentage specified in the approval or the Regulations, the transferor company or the transferee or new company may, after obtaining an approval from the Central Government, apply to the RBI for its approval under these Regulations; (b) the transferor company or the transferee company or new company shall not engage in agriculture, plantation or real estate business or trading TDRs; and (c) the transferee or new company files a Report within 30 days with the RBI giving full details of the shares held by persons resident outside India by the transferor and the transferee or the new company, before and after the merger/amalgamation/reconstruction, and also furnishes a confirmation and all the terms and conditions stipulated in the scheme approved by the Court have been complied with. (viii) Approval of Central Government under MRTP Act The Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969 is on the verge of being phased out with the passing of the Competition Act, 2002. Substantial amendments were carried out to the MRTP Act in the year 1991 and pursuant to the said amendments, approval of Central Government under MRTP Act is no longer required. MRTP Commission has no jurisdiction for pre-scrutiny of amalgamation scheme on the ground of potential monopolistic or restrictive trade practices. If working of the company is found to be prejudicial to the public interest or relates to adoption of monopolistic or restrictive trade practices, Central Government or MRTP Commission will be entitled to act according to law. [Hindustan Lever Employees Union v. Hindustan Lever Ltd. (1995) 83 Comp Cas 30 (1994) 15 CLA 318 (SC)]. Under the Competition Act regulation of combinations as provided under Sections 5 and 6 of the Act would also be required to be complied by companies, if applicable, after the Act comes into force. (ix) Combination under the Competition Act, 2002
(xcii) The provisions relating to regulation of combination as provided under Sections 5 and 6 of the Competition Act, 2002 would also be required to be complied with by companies, if applicable, after the Act comes into force. 10. PROCEDURAL ASPECTS, INCLUDING DOCUMENTATION FOR MERGER/ AMALGAMATION The procedure commencing with an application for seeking directions of the Court for convening, holding and conducting meetings of creditors or class of creditors, members or class of members, as the case may be, to the stage of the courts order sanctioning the scheme of compromise or arrangement is contained in Sections 391 to 395 of the Companies Act, 1956 and rules 67 to 87 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959. The Rules also prescribe Forms for various purposes relating to compromise or arrangement: Authority to amalgamate, merge, absorb, etc. The memorandum of association of most of the companies contain provisions in their objects clause, authorising amalgamation, merger, absorption, take-over and other similar strategies of corporate restructuring. If the memorandum of a company does not have such a provision in its objects clause, the company should alter the objects clause, for which the company is required to hold a general meeting of its shareholders, pass a special resolution under Section 17 of the Companies Act, 1956 and file e-Form No. 23 along with a certified copy of the special resolution along with copy of explanatory statement under Section 173 and Memorandum of Association & Articles of Association and a copy of agreement with the concerned Registrar of Companies and the prescribed filing fee. The e-form should be digitally signed by Managing Director or Director or Manager or Secretary of the company duly authorized by the Board of Directors. The e-form should also be certified by chartered accountant or cost accountant or company secretary (in whole time practice) by digitally signing the e-form. Alteration should be registered by the Registrar of companies and only on such registration the alteration will become effective. No confirmation by the Company Law Board or by any outside agency is now required. The compromise or arrangement should be within the powers of the company and not ultra vires. If it is beyond the companys objects or power, the court will have no jurisdiction to sanction it. [Oceanic Steam Navigation Co., Re, (1939) Com Cases 229: (1938) 3 All ER 740 (Ch.D)] There are two different opinions expressed by various courts on a simple query that whether the court can sanction an amalgamation when the Memorandum of Association of the company does not contain powers to amalgamate. It has been held by certain courts that there is no necessity to have special power in the objects clause of the memorandum of association of a company for its amalgamation with another company as to amalgamate with another company, is a power of the company and not an object of the company. The Karnataka High Court in Hindhivac (P) Ltd. In re (CP No.15 and 16 of 2005), (206) 62 CC 58, the High Court had sanctioned the scheme of amalgamation taking note of the fact that the shareholders of both the companies had unanimously approved the scheme. The Court held that Section 17 is an aid to company seeking amalgamation, reconstruction etc. Therefore, there would be no impediment on the scheme of amalgamation even if there is no provision in the objects clause of Memorandum of Association as to amalgamate with another
(xciii) company. In Marybong & Kyel Tea Estates Ltd., Re (1977) 47 Com Cases 802, a previous decision in Hari Krishan Lohia v. Hoolungoree Tea Company, (1970) 40 Com Cases 458: AIR 1969 Cal 312 (DB) was followed and it was asserted that where there is a statutory provision dealing with the amalgamation of companies, no special power in the objects clause of memorandum of association of a company is necessary for its amalgamating with another company. It is submitted that to amalgamate with another company is a power of the company and not an object of the company. Amalgamation may be effected by order of the court under Sections 391 and 394. Also in PMP Auto Industries Ltd., S.S. Mirando Ltd. and Morarjee Goculdas Spg & Wig Co. Ltd., (1994) So Com Cases 289 (Bom) it has been held that not only is Section 391 a complete code (as is the view of various High Courts), it is intended to be in the nature of single window clearance system to ensure that the parties are not put to avoidable, unnecessary and cumbersome procedure of making repeated applications to the court for various other alterations or changes which might be needed effectively to implement the sanctioned scheme whose overall fairness and feasibility has been judged by the court under Section 394. The procedural aspects of mergers and amalgamations are summarised below: Observing Memorandum of Association of Transferee Company It has to be ensured that the objects of the Memorandum of Association of the transferee company cover the objects of the transferor company or companies. If not then it will be necessary to follow the procedure for amendment of objects by passing a special resolution at an Extraordinary General Meeting convened for this purpose. It has been held by various decisions of the courts that there is no necessity to have special power in the object clause of the Memorandum of Association of a company for its amalgamation with another company. It has been laid down that to amalgamate with another company is power of the company and not an object of the company. Since the amalgamation will involve issue of shares by the transferee company to the shareholders of the transferor companies, a general meeting convened for the purpose of the amendment of the Object Clause of Memorandum of Association of the transferee company to incorporate the object of the transferor company, should also cover resolutions relating to the increase of authorised capital, consequential changes in the Articles of Association and resolution under Section 81(1-A) of the Companies Act, 1956 authorising the Directors to issue shares of the shareholders of the transferor companies without offering them to the existing shareholders of the company. It is also a normal practice that alongwith the special resolution for amendment of the Object Clause, special resolution is also passed under Section 149(2-A) of the Companies Act, 1956 authorising the transferee company to commence the business of the transferor company or companies as soon as the amalgamation becomes effective. Convening a Board Meeting A Board Meeting is to be convened and held to consider and approve in principle, amalgamation and appoint an expert for valuation of shares to determine the share exchange ratio. Consequent upon finalisation of scheme of amalgamation, another Board Meeting is to be held to approve the scheme. Preparation of Valuation Report
(xciv) Simultaneously, Chartered Accountants are requested to prepare a Valuation Report and the swap ratio for consideration by the Boards of both the transferor and transferee companies and if necessary it may be prudent to obtain confirmation from merchant bankers on the valuation to be made by the Chartered Accountants. Preparation of scheme of amalgamation or merger All the companies, which are desirous of effecting amalgamation of or merger must interact through their companies auditors, legal advisors and practicing company secretary who should report the result of their interaction to their respective Board of directors. The Boards of the involved companies should discuss and determine details of the proposed scheme of amalgamation or merger and prepare a draft of the scheme of amalgamation or merger. If need be, they can obtain opinion of experts in the matter. The drafts of the scheme finally prepared by the Boards of both the companies should be exchanged and discussed in their respective Board meetings. After such meetings a final draft scheme will emerge. The scheme must define the effective date from which it shall take effect subject to the approval of the High Courts. Contents of Amalgamation Scheme Any model scheme of amalgamation should include the following: Transfer Date: This is usually the first day of the financial year preceding the financial year for which audited accounts are available with the companies. In other words, this is a cut-off date from which all the movable and immovable properties including all rights, powers, privileges of every kind, nature and description of the transferor-company shall be transferred or deemed to be transferred without any further act, deed or thing to the transferee company. Effective Date: This is the date on which the transfer and vesting of the undertaking of the transferor-company shall take effect i.e., all the requisite approvals would have been obtained. Arrangement with secured and unsecured creditors including debenture-holders. Arrangement with shareholders (equity and preference): This refers to the exchange ratio, which will have to be worked out based on the valuation of shares of the respective companies as per the audited accounts and accepted methods and valuation guidelines. Cancellation of share capital/reduction of share capital: This will be necessitated when the shares of the transferor-company(ies) are held by the transferee-company and/or its subsidiary(ies) or vice versa. Pending receipt of the requisite approvals to the amalgamation, the transferorcompany(ies) possesses the property to be transferred and to carry on the business for and on behalf and in trust for the transferee-company. The Scheme should suitably provide for: 1. Brief details of transferor and transferee companies. 2. Appointed date. 3. Main terms of transfer of assets and liabilities from transferor to transferee, with power to execute on behalf or for transferee, the deed/documents being
(xcv) given to transferee. 4. Effective date of the scheme. 5. Details of happenings and consequences of the scheme coming into effect on effective date. 6. The terms of carrying on the business activities by transferor between appointed date and effective date. 7. Details of share capital of transferor and transferee company. 8. Proposed share exchange ratio, conditions attached thereto, fractional certificates to be issued to transferee company, approvals and consent required etc. 9. Conditions about payment of dividend, ranking of equity shares, prorata dividend declaration and distribution. 10. Status of employees of transferor companies and various schemes or funds created for their benefit, from the effective date. 11. Agreement between transferor and transferee companies towards making applications/petitions under Sections 391 and 394 and other provisions to the respective High Courts. 12. Impact of various provisions covering income tax dues, contingencies and other accounting entries deserving attention. 13. Statement to bear costs, expenses etc. in connection with the scheme by transferee company. 14. Qualifications attached to the Scheme, requiring various approvals and sanctions etc. 15. Enhancement of borrowing limits of the transferee company upon the scheme coming into effect. 16. Surrender of shares by shareholder of transferor company for exchange into new share certificates. Approval of Scheme It would be necessary to convene a Board Meeting of both the transferor and transferee companies for approving the Scheme of Amalgamation, Explanatory Statement under Section 393 and the Valuation Report including the swap ratio. Notice has to be given to the regional Stock Exchanges and other Stock Exchanges where shares of the Company are listed under the listing requirements at least two days before the Board Meeting is proposed to be held for purpose of approving the Amalgamation. Within 15 minutes after the Board Meeting, the Regional Stock Exchange and all other Stock Exchanges are required to be given intimation of the decision of the Board as well the swap ratio before such information is given to the shareholders and the media. Pursuant to clause 24 of the listing agreement, all listed companies shall have to file scheme/petition proposed to be filed before any Court/Tribunal under Sections 391, 394 and 101 of Companies Act, 1956, with the stock exchange, for approval, at least a month before it is presented to the Court or Tribunal. Application to High Court seeking direction to hold meetings
(xcvi) Rule 67 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 lays down that an application under Section 391(1) of the Companies Act, 1956 for an order seeking direction for convening meeting(s) of creditors and/or members or any class of them shall be by way of Judges summons supported by an affidavit. A copy of the proposed scheme should be annexed to the affidavit as an exhibit thereto. The summons should be moved ex parte in Form No. 33 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959. The affidavit in support of the application should be in Form No. 34. Jurisdiction of High Court As explained earlier if the registered offices of both the companies are situated in the same State, a joint application or separate applications should be moved to the High Court having jurisdiction over the State in which registered offices of the companies are situated. However, if the registered offices of the companies involved are situated in different States, they should make separate applications to their respective High Courts. Accordingly, an application should be made to the concerned High Court under Section 391(1) of the Companies Act, 1956 in accordance with the provisions of rule 67 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959, for an order directing convening of meeting(s) of creditors and/or members or any class of them, by a Judges summons supported by an affidavit. Normally, an application under Section 391 of the Act is made by the company, but a creditor or a member may also make the application. Although a creditor or a member or a class of creditors or a class of members may move an application under Section 391(1) of the Act, yet, such an application may not be accepted by the court because the scheme of compromise or arrangement submitted to the court along with the application will not have the approval of the Board of directors of the company or of the company in general meeting. However, the court has the discretion to give such directions as it may deem proper. Where the company is not the applicant Rule 68 lays down that where the company is not the applicant, a copy of the summons and of the affidavit shall be served on the company, or, where the company is being wound up on the liquidator not less than 14 days before the date fixed for the hearing of the summons. Where an arrangement is proposed for the merger or for the amalgamation of two or more companies, the petition must pray for appropriate orders and directions under Section 394 of the Act for facilitating the reconstruction or amalgamation of the company or companies. Obtaining order of the court for holding class meeting(s) On receiving a petition the court may order meeting(s) of the members/creditors to be called, held and conducted in such manner as the court directs. Once the ordered meetings are duly convened, held and conducted and the scheme is approved by the prescribed majority in value of the members/creditors, the court is bound to sanction the scheme.
(xcvii) The court looks into the fairness of the scheme before ordering a meeting because it would be no use putting before the meeting, a scheme containing illegal proposals which are not capable of being implemented. At that stage, the court may refuse to pass order for the convening of the meeting. According to Rule 69 of the said Rules, upon hearing of the summons, or any adjourned hearing thereof, the judge shall, unless he thinks fit for any reasons to dismiss the summons, give directions as he may think necessary in respect of the following matters: (i) determining the members/creditors whose meeting or meetings have to be held for considering the proposed scheme of merger or amalgamation; (ii) fixing time and place for such meetings; (iii) appointing a chairman or chairmen for the meetings; (iv) fixing quorum and procedure to be followed at the meetings including voting by proxy; (v) determining the values of the members/creditors, whose meetings have to be held; (vi) notice to be given of the meetings and the advertisement of such notice; and (vii) the time within which the chairman of the meeting or chairmen of the meetings are to report to the Court the result of the meeting or meetings as the case may be. The order made on the summons shall be in Form No. 35 of the said rules, with such variations as may be necessary. Draft Notice, Explanatory statement under Section 393 of the Companies Act, 1956 and form of proxy are required to be filed and settled by the concerned High Court before they can be printed and dispatched to the shareholders. After obtaining the courts order containing directions to hold meeting(s) of members/creditors, the company should make arrangement for the issue of notice(s) of the meeting(s). The notice should be in Form No. 36 of the said Rules and must be sent by the person authorised by the court in this behalf. The person authorised may be the person appointed by the court as chairman of the meeting, or if the court so directs by the company or its liquidator if the company is in liquidation, or by any other person as the court may direct. The court usually appoints an advocate to be the chairman of such a meeting. Notice of the meeting should be sent under certificate of posting to the creditors/members of the company, at their last known addresses at least twenty-one clear days before the date fixed for the meeting. The notice must be accompanied by a copy of the scheme for the proposed compromise or arrangement and of the statement required to be furnished under Section 393 setting forth the terms of the proposed compromise or arrangement explaining its effects and an explanatory statement in terms of the provision of clause (a) of Sub-section (1) of Section 393 of the Companies Act. A form of proxy in Form No. 37, as prescribed in the said rules, is also required to be sent to the shareholders/creditors to enable them to attend the meeting by proxy, if they so desire.
(xcviii) Notice by advertisement Generally, the Court directs that the notice of meeting of the creditors and members or any class of them be given through newspapers advertisements also. Where the court has directed that the notice of the meetings should also be given by newspaper advertisements, such notices are required to be given in the prescribed Form No. 38 and published once in an English newspaper and once in the regional language of the state in which the registered office of the company is situated. The Court may also direct the notices of the meetings to be published in Official Gazette of the state. The notice of the advertisement will indicate that a copy of the notice is available free of charge to every member. It will also be made available within 24 hours of the requisition made by the creditor or shareholders. The notice must particularly disclose any material interest of the directors, managing director or manager whether as shareholders or creditors or otherwise and the effect on their interests on the compromise or arrangement, if, and in so far as, it is different from the effect on the like interests of other persons. Such information must also be included in the form of a statement in the notice convening the meeting, where such notice is given by a newspaper advertisement, or, if this is not practicable, such advertised notice must give notification of the place at and the manner in which creditors or members entitled to attend the meeting may obtain copies of such a statement. If debenture holders are affected, the statement must give like information as far as it affects the trustees for the debenture holders. Statements which have to be supplied to creditors and members as a result of press notification must be supplied by the company to those entitled, free of charge [Refer Section 393]. The Chairman appointed by the High Court has to file an affidavit atleast 7 days before the meeting confirming that the direction relating to issue of notices and the advertisement has been duly complied with, as required under Rule 76 of the said Rules. Information as to merger or amalgamation Section 393(1) of the Companies Act, 1956 lays down that where a meeting of creditors or members or any class of them is called under Section 391: (a) with every notice calling the meeting which is sent to a creditor or a member, there shall be sent also a statement setting forth the terms of the compromise or arrangement and explaining its effects and in particular, stating any material interests of the directors, managing director or manager of the company, whether in their capacity as such or as members or creditors of the company or otherwise and the effect on those interests, of the compromise or arrangement, if, and in sofar as, it is different from the effect on the like interests of other persons; and (b) in every notice calling the meeting which is given by advertisement, there shall be included either such a statement as aforesaid or a notification of the place at which and the manner in which creditors or members entitled to attend the meeting may obtain copies of such a statement as aforesaid. Sub-section (2) lays down that where the arrangement affects the rights of debenture holders of the company, the said statement should give the like information and explanation as respects the trustees of any deed for securing the issue of the debentures as it is required to give as respects the companies directors.
(xcix) According to Sub-section (3) of Section 393, where a notice given by advertisement includes a notification that copies of the statement setting forth the terms of the compromise or arrangement proposed and explaining its effect can be obtained by creditors or members entitled to attend the meeting, every creditor or member so entitled shall, on making an application in the manner indicated by the notice, be furnished by the company, free of charge, with a copy of the statement. Every director, managing director or manager of the Company and every trustee for debentureholders of the company, must give notice to the company of such matter relating to himself as may be necessary for the purposes of this section. A failure to do so is an offence punishable under Section 393(5). Holding meeting(s) as per Courts direction The meetings are to be held as per directions of the Court under the chairmanship of the person appointed by the Court for the purpose. Normally, the Court appoints a Chairman and alternate Chairman of each meeting. Convening of General Meeting At the General Meeting convened by the High Court, resolution will be passed approving the scheme of amalgamation with such modification as may be proposed and agreed to at the meeting. The Extraordinary General Meeting of the Company for the purpose of amendment of Object Clause (Section 17), commencement of new business [Section 149(2A)], consequent change in Articles (Section 31) and issue of shares [Section 81(1A)] can be convened on the same day either before or after conclusion of the meeting convened by the High Court for the purpose of approving the amalgamation. Following points of difference relating to the holding and conducting of the meeting convened by the High Court may be noted: (a) Proxies are counted for the purpose of quorum; (b) Proxies are allowed to speak; (c) The vote must be put on poll [Rule 77 of the Companies (Court) Rules]. In terms of Section 391, the resolution relating to the approval of amalgamation has to be approved by a majority of members representing three-fourths in value of the creditors or class of creditors or members or class of members as the case may be present and voting either in person or by proxy. The resolution will be passed only if both the criteria namely, majority in number and three fourth in value vote for the resolution. The minutes of the meeting should be finalised in consultation with the Chairman of the meeting and should be signed by him once it is finalised and approved. Copies of such minutes are required to be furnished to the Stock Exchange in terms of the listing requirements. Reporting of the Results The chairman of the meeting will submit a report of the meeting indicating the
(c) results to the concerned High Court in Form 39 of the Court Rules within 7 days of the conclusion of the meeting or such other time as fixed by the Court. The Report must state accurately (a) the number of creditors or class of creditors or the number of members or class of members, as the case may be, who were present at the meeting; (b) the number of creditors or class of creditors or the number of members or class of members, as the case may be, who voted at the meeting either in person or by proxy; (c) their individual values; and (d) the way they voted. Petition to court for confirmation of scheme When the proposed scheme of compromise or arrangement is agreed to, with or without modifications, as provided in Section 391(2) of the Act, a petition must be made to the court for confirmation of the scheme of compromise or arrangement. The petition must be made by the company and if the company is in liquidation, by the liquidator, within seven days of the filing of the report by the chairman. The petition is required to be made in Form No. 40 of the said rules. On hearing the petition the Court shall fix the date of hearing and shall direct that a notice of the hearing shall be published in the same newspapers in which the notice of the meeting was advertised or in such other papers as the court may direct, not less than 10 days before the date fixed for hearing. (Rule 80) The court also directs that notices of petition be sent to the concerned Regional Director, Registrar of Companies and the official liquidator. Obtaining order of the court sanctioning the scheme An order of the court on summons for directions should be obtained which will be in Form No. 41 (Refer Rule 69). Filing of copy of Courts order with ROC According to the provisions of Section 391(3) and Section 394(3) of the Companies Act, a certified copy of the order passed by the Court under both the subsections is required to be filed with the concerned Registrar of Companies. This is required to be filed with e-Form No. 21 as prescribed in the Companies (Central Governments) General Rules and Forms, 1956. Conditions precedent and subsequent to courts order sanctioning scheme of arrangement The court shall not sanction a scheme of arrangement for amalgamation, merger etc. of a company which is being wound up with any other company or companies unless it has received a report from the Company Law Board (Central Govt. acting through Regional Director) or the Registrar of Companies to the effect that the affairs of the company have not been conducted in a manner prejudicial to public interest. When an order has been passed by the court for dissolution of the transferor company, the transferor company is required to deliver to the Registrar a certified copy of the order for registration within thirty days and the order takes effect from the date on which it is so delivered.
(ci) Copies of the order of High Court are required to be affixed to all copies of Memorandum and Articles of Association of the transferee company issued after certified copy has been filed as aforesaid. The transferor company or companies will continue in existence till such time the court passes an order for dissolution without winding up, prior to which it must receive a report from the official liquidator to the effect that the affairs of the company have not been conducted in a manner prejudicial to the interest of the members or to public interest. The practice in India is that in certain High Courts the Order on amalgamation is passed only after the Report of the Official Liquidator is received, whereas in certain cases the order of dissolution is passed after which amalgamation is approved by the concerned High Court. The above sets out briefly the procedure relating to merger and amalgamation in India. It will be obvious from the foregoing that considerable amount of paper work and documents are required to be prepared during the course of the process of merger. Since the law requires approval of the shareholders both in majority in number and three-fourth in value, it has to be ensured that adequate number of shareholders, whether in person or by proxy attend the meeting so that the resolution can be passed by the requisite majority as mentioned above. Normally the time frame for such merger will depend on the opposition, if any, to the proposed merger from shareholders or creditors but in normal case it may take anything between six months to one year to complete the merger from the time the Board approves the scheme of amalgamation till the merger becomes effective on filing of the certified copies of the Courts Order. Activity Schedule for planning a merger is placed as Annexure I at the end of this study. Annexure II, III, IV and IX form part of Annexure I. Information required by the Advocates generally, Regional Director, Ministry of Corporate Affairs and Information furnished to Auditors appointed by Official Liquidator in connection with the Amalgamation is placed as Annexure V of study. 11. JUDICIAL PRONOUNCEMENTS AND IMPORTANT FACTORS Broad Principles evolved by Courts in Sanctioning the Scheme (a) The resolutions should be passed by the statutory majority in accordance with Section 391(2) of Companies Act, at a meeting(s) duly convened and held. The court should not usurp the right of the members or creditors; (b) Those who took part in the meetings are fair representative of the class and the meetings should not coerce the minority in order to promote the adverse interest of those of the class whom they purport to represent; (c) the scheme as a whole, having regard to the general conditions and background and object of the scheme, is a reasonable one ; it is not for court to interfere with the collective wisdom of the shareholders of the company. If the scheme as a whole is fair and reasonable, it is the duty of the court not to launch an investigation upon the commercial merits or demerits of the scheme which is the function of those who are interested in the arrangement; (d) There is no lack of good faith on the part of the majority; (e) The scheme is not contrary to public interest;
(cii) (f) The scheme should not be a device to evade law. In Miheer H Mafatlal v. Mafatlal Industries Ltd. (1996) 4 Comp. LJP. 124, The Supreme Court explained the contours of the court jurisdictions, as follows: (i) The sanctioning court has to see to it that all the requisite statutory procedures for supporting such a scheme have been complied with and that the requisite meetings as contemplated by Section 391(1)(a) of the Companies Act, 1956 have been held. (ii) That the scheme put up for sanction of the court is backed up by the requisite majority vote as required by Section 391(2) of the Act. (iii) That the concerned meetings of the creditors or members or any class of them had the relevant material to enable the voters to arrive at an informed decision for approving the scheme in question. That the majority decision of the concerned class of voters is just and fair to the class as a whole so as to legitimately bind even the dissenting members of that class. (iv) That all the necessary material indicated by the Section 393(1)(a) of the Act is placed before the voters at the concerned meetings as contemplated by Section 391(1) of the Act. (v) That all the requisite material contemplated by the proviso of Sub-section (2) of Section 391 of the Act is placed before the court by the concerned applicant seeking sanction for such a scheme and the court gets satisfied about the same. (vi) That the proposed scheme of compromise and arrangement is not found to be violative of any provision of law and is not contrary to public policy. For ascertaining the real purpose underlying the scheme with a view to be satisfied on this aspect, the court, if necessary, can pierce the veil of apparent corporate purpose underlying the scheme and can judiciously x-ray the same. (vii) That the Company Court has also to satisfy itself that members or class of members or creditors or class of creditors, as the case may be, were acting bona fide and in good faith and were not coercing the minority in order to promote any interest adverse to that of the latter comprising of the same class whom they purported to represent. (viii) That the scheme as a whole is also found to be just, fair and reasonable from the point of view of prudent men of business taking a commercial decision beneficial to the class represented by them for whom the scheme is meant. (ix) Once the aforesaid broad parameters about the requirements of a scheme for getting sanction of court are found to have been met, the court will have no further jurisdiction to sit in appeal over the commercial wisdom of the majority of the class of persons who with their open eyes have given their approval to the scheme even if in the view of the court, there could be a better scheme for the company and its members or creditors for whom the scheme is framed. The court cannot refuse to sanction such a scheme on that ground as it would otherwise amount to the court exercising appellate
(ciii) jurisdiction over the scheme rather than its supervisory jurisdiction. Judicial Interpretations of Mergers and Amalgamations Court will sanction the scheme if alteration of the memorandum is by reshuffling of the Objects Clause by shifting Other Objects to Main Objects, if transferee company has complied with provisions of Section 149(2A) [Re: Rangkala Investments Ltd. (1996) 1 Comp LJ 298 (Guj)]. There need not be unison or identity between objects of transferor company and transferee company. Companies carrying entirely dis-similar businesses can amalgamate. [Re: PMP Auto Inds Ltd. (1994) 80 Comp Cas 291 (Bom); Re: EITA India Ltd. (ibid); Re: Mcleod Russel (India) Ltd. (1997) 13 SCL 126(Cal)]. Scheme of amalgamation should provide that on amalgamation the main objects of the transferor company shall be deemed to be (additional) main objects of the transferee company. No need for compliance under Section 17 of the Companies Act [Vasant Investment Corporation Ltd. v. Official Liquidator (1981) 51 Comp Cas 20 (Bom)]. Sanction to scheme of amalgamation cannot be refused on the ground that the transferee company does not have sufficient authorised capital on the appointed date. If the scheme is sanctioned, the transferee company can thereafter increase its authorised capital to give effect to the scheme [Re: Mahavir Weaves Pvt. Ltd. (1985) 83 Comp. Cas 180]. The Supreme Court of India in Meghal Homes Private Limited v. Shreeniwas Girmikk Samiti and others (2007) 78 SCL 482 (SC) held that the company court could sanction a scheme even in the case of a company where an order of winding-up has been made and a liquidator has been appointed. The essential factors to be seen by the Court are whether the scheme is bonafide and whether there is a genuine attempt to revive the company and such attempt is in public interest. Where amalgamation involves reorganisation of capital by reduction thereof, the provisions of Sections 100 to 102 of Companies Act need to be complied with vide rule 85 of Companies (Court) Rules. However, it has been held that, if reduction of capital is a part of scheme of amalgamation, those provisions are substantially complied with when the scheme is approved by shareholders and court. Therefore, no separate compliance is necessary. [Re: Maneckchowk and Ahmedabad Mfg. Co. Ltd. (1970) 40 Comp Cas 819 (Guj); Re: Asian Investments Ltd. (1992) 73 Comp Cas 517 (Mad); Re: Novopan India Ltd. (1997) 88 Comp Cas 596 (AP)]. Post amalgamation events such as increase of capital or total number of members exceeding fifty (in case of a private company) cannot affect sanction of a scheme. [Re: Winfield Agro Services Pvt. Ltd. (1996) 3-Comp LJ 347 (AP)]. In view of its wide powers, court may approve a change in the name of the
(civ) transferee company as part of scheme of amalgamation. However, Mumbai High Court has held that change of name cannot be effected merely on amalgamation becoming effective; transferee company should independently comply with Section 21. [Re: Govind Rubber Ltd. (1995) 83 Comp Cas 556 (Bom)]. Change of name of transferee company, independent of amalgamation after approval of the scheme is not invalid; hence no change in appointed date needed. [Re: Hipolin Products Ltd. (1996) 2 Comp LJ 61 (Guj)]. The Bombay High Court has held in Sadanand S. Varde v. State of Maharashtra [(2001) 30 SCL 268 (Bom.)] that Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act constitutes a complete code on the subject of amalgamation. The court has no special jurisdiction under Article 226 of the Constitution to sit in appeal over an order made under Section 391 of the Companies Act, 1956 which has become final, binding and conclusive. Ministry of Industry need not be impleaded or heard, on the ground that its approval for the transfer of letter of intent to the transferee company is required. [Re: Ucal Fuel Systems Ltd. (supra)]. Also in PMP Auto Industries Ltd., S.S. Mirando Ltd. and Morarjee Goculdas Spg & Wvg Co. Ltd., (1994) 80 Comp Cases 289 (Bom) it has been held that not only is Section 391 a complete code (as is the view of various High Courts), it is intended to be in the nature of single window clearance system to ensure that the parties are not put to avoidable, unnecessary and cumbersome procedure of making repeated applications to the court for various other alterations or changes which might be needed effectively to implement the sanctioned scheme whose overall fairness and feasibility has been judged by the court under Section 394. There is a statutory power of amalgamation under the Act even if the objects of the company are construed as not specifically empowering companies to amalgamate [Aimco Pesticides Ltd. (2001) 103 Comp Cas 4163 (Bom)]. No special notice need be given to Income Tax Dept. to find out whether there is a motive of tax evasion in the proposed amalgamation; general public notice in newspapers is sufficient. [Re: Vinay Metal Printers Pvt. Ltd. (1996) 87 Comp Cas 266 (AP)]. The compromise or arrangement should be within the powers of the company and not ultra vires. If it is beyond the companys objects or power, the court will have no jurisdiction to sanction it. [Oceanic Steam Navigation Co., Re, (1939) Com Cases 229: (1938) 3 All ER 740 (Ch.D)] Approval of Central Government under MRTP Act is no longer required. MRTP Commission has no jurisdiction for pre-scrutiny of amalgamation scheme on the ground of potential monopolistic or restrictive trade practices. If working of the company is found to be prejudicial to the public interest or relates to adoption of monopolistic or restrictive trade practices, Central Government or MRTP Commission will be entitled to act according to law. [Hindustan Lever Employees Union v. Hindustan Lever Ltd. (1995) 83 Comp Cas 30 (1994) 15 CLA 318 (SC)]. It is not necessary that the parties to the amalgamation need be financially
(cv) unsound or under winding-up as per Section 390(a). For purposes of Section 391 company means any company liable to be wound up. But it does not debar amalgamation of financially sound companies. [Re: Rossell Inds Ltd. (1995) 6 SCL 79 Cal]. Section 390(a) is applicable to a company incorporated outside India. If court has jurisdiction to wind up such a company on any of the grounds specified in the Act, court has jurisdiction to sanction scheme of amalgamation if a company incorporated outside India is a transferor company. [Bombay Gas Co. Pvt. Ltd. v. Regional Director (1996) 21 CLA 269 (Bom)]. There is no bar to a company amalgamating with a fifteen-day old company having no assets and business. [Re: Apco Industries Ltd. (1996) 86 Comp Cas 457 (Guj)]. Amalgamation of a company licensed under Section 25 of the Companies Act with a commercial, trading or manufacturing company could be sanctioned under Section 391/394. [Re: Sir Mathurdas Vissanji Foundation (1992) 8 CLA 170 (Bom); Re: Walvis Flour Mills Company P. Ltd. (1996) 23 CLA 104]. There is nothing in law to prevent a company carrying on business in shares from amalgamating with one engaged in transport. [Re: EITA India Ltd. (1997) 24 CLA 37 (Cal)]. In Vishnu Chemicals (P) Limited, In re [2002] 35 SCL 459 (AP), the Andhra Pradesh High Court held that when a class of creditors does not agree to the proposed scheme of arrangement it is the duty of the court to examine whether the consent is unreasonably withheld or in the alternative if the sanction would prejudicially affect that set of creditors who have withheld their consent. A scheme is a document of an arrangement of settlement or agreement which can be interpreted on the personal perception of each group or members of group of creditors, so it will not be legal to say at the preliminary stage, before the scheme comes up for the courts consideration after examination by the creditors and members, to go into the details of allegations made against the company or any of the transactions into which it had entered with the scheme till the preliminary formalities are completed and the scheme comes up for detailed consideration in the court. Commerz Bank AG v. Arvind Mills Ltd. (2002) 49 CLA 392: (2002) CLC 1136: (2002) 39 SCL 9 (Guj). Where the written consent to the proposed scheme is granted by all the members and secured and unsecured creditors, separate meeting of members and secured and unsecured creditors can be dispensed with. Re Feedback Reach Consultancy Services (P) Ltd. (2003) 52 CLA 260: (2003) CLC 498: (2003) 42 SCL 82: (2003) 115 Comp Cas 897 (Del). In Milind Holdings (P) Ltd. & Darshan Holdings (P) Ltd. v. Mihir Engineers Ltd. (1996) 7 SCL 172 (Bom), it was held that the sanction of the court is necessary even where the petitioner company had no secured creditor and all unsecured creditors had accorded their approval to the proposed scheme along with the shareholders of both the companies and their official liquidator also did not raise any objections to the scheme
(cvi) As per section 391(2), any compromise or arrangement approved by a majority of creditors will be binding on all the creditors only if the said compromise or arrangement is sanctioned by the Court. Till the time sanction is not granted by the Court to the scheme of arrangement, it cannot be said that the scheme is binding on all creditors or that the creditors are not entitled to file the individual application. Smt. Promila v. DCM Financial Services Ltd. (2001) 45 CLA 292 (Del.) When the majority of the shareholders with their open eyes have given their approval to the scheme, even if in the view of the Court there would be a better scheme, for the company and its members, the Court cannot refuse to sanction such a scheme on that ground as it would otherwise amount to the Court exercising appellate jurisdiction over the scheme rather than its supervisory jurisdiction. Alembic Ltd. v. Dipak Kumar J. Shah (2003) 41 SCL 145: (2003) 52 CLA 272: (2002) 6 Comp LJ 513 (Guj). In National Organic Chemical Industries Limited v. Miheer H.Mafatlal [JT 2004 (5) SC 612] / [2004] XXXIV CS LW 83, the question before Supreme Court was whether the company court can decide the issue of shareholding of a member when the issue was pending before a civil court. The Supreme Court held that there was no statutory need for the company court to decide this issue and the findings of the company court of the title of the appellant over the shares or beyond the jurisdiction of the company and on that ground the Supreme Court set aside the said findings. The full bench of Punjab and Haryana High Court in Hind Lever Chemicals Limited In re [2004] 61 CLA 32 (P&H)/[2004] XXXIV CS LW 85, held that the words and phrases employed in Sub-section (2) of Section 391 clearly shows that the requirement of three-fourth majority relates to the value of shares/credit represented by the shareholders or creditors who are present and voting and not of the total value of shares or credit of the company. In TCI Industries Limited In re [2004] 118 Comp Cas 373 (AP), the scheme was approved by the majority of the shareholders. The ROC representing the Central Government raised on objection that the purpose of the scheme is to buy shares and as such the company ought to have followed the provisions of Section 77A. The court held that Section 77A is merely an enabling provision and the courts powers under Section 391 is not in any way affected. Similarly, the conditions for a buy back under Section 77A cannot be applied to a scheme under Sections 100 to 104 and Section 391. The two provisions operate in independent fields. In Larsen & Toubro Limited In re [2004] 60 CLA 335 (Bom) [2004] XXXIV CS LW 72 the Mumbai High Court held that a composite scheme could be made involving de-merger, of one of the undertakings of the transferor company, for the transfer of the demerged undertaking of a subsidiary company and for the reduction in the capital of the transferor-company. In Jaypee Cement Limited v. Jayprakash Industries Limited [2004] 2 Comp LJ 105 (All) / [2004] XXXIV CS LW 50 the Allahabad High Court held that the combining of the authorised share capital of the transferor company with that of the transferee company resulting in increase in the authorised share capital of the transferee company does not require the payment of registration fee or the stamp duty because there is no reason why the same fee should be paid again by the transferee company
(cvii) on the same authorised capital. In SEBI/Union of India v. Sterlite Industries (India) Limited [2002] 113 Comp Cas 273 (Bom), the division bench of the Bombay High Court held that the word arrangement is of a wider import and is not restricted to a compulsory purchase or acquisition of shares. There is no reason as to why a cancellation of shares and the consequent reduction of capital cannot be covered by Section 391 read with Section 100 merely because a shareholder is given an option to cancel or to retain his shares. In view of the foregoing discussion, the objection of the appellants based on Section 77A must be rejected. 12. VALUATION OF SHARES IN DIFFERENT SITUATIONS JUDICIAL PRONOUNCEMENTS Supreme Court in CWT v. Mahedeo Jalan In CWT v. Mahadeo Jalan (1972) 86 ITR 621 (SC) the Supreme Court observed: An examination of the various aspects of valuation of shares in a limited company would lead us to the following conclusion: (1) Where the shares in a public limited company are quoted on the stock exchange and there are dealings in them, the price prevailing on the valuation date is the value of the shares. (2) Where the shares are of a public limited company which are not quoted on a stock exchange or of a private limited company, then value is determined by reference to the dividends, if any, reflecting the profit earning capacity on a reasonable commercial basis. But, where they do not, then the amount of yield on that basis will determine the value of the shares. In other words, the profits which the company has been making and should be making will ordinarily determine the value. The dividend and earning method or yield method are not mutually exclusive; both should help in ascertaining the profit earning capacity as indicated above. If the results of the two methods differ, an intermediate figure may have to be computed by adjustment of unreasonable expenses and adopting a reasonable proportion of profits. (3) In the case of a private limited company also where the expenses are incurred out of all proportion to the commercial venture, they will be added back to the profits of the company in computing the yield. In such companies the restriction on share transfers will also be taken into consideration as earlier indicated in arriving at a valuation. (4) Where the dividend yield and earning method break down by reason of the companys inability to earn profits and declare dividends, and if the set back is temporary, then it is perhaps possible to take the estimate of the value of the shares before set back and discount it by a percentage corresponding to the proportionate fall in the price of quoted shares of companies which have suffered similar reverses. (5) Where the company is ripe for winding up, then the break-up value method
(cviii) determines what would be realised by that process. In setting out the above principles, we have not tried to lay down any hard and fast rule because ultimately the facts and circumstances of each case, the nature of the business, the prospects of profitability and such other considerations will have to be taken into account as applicable to the facts of each case. But, one thing is clear, the market value, unless in exceptional circumstances to which we have referred, cannot be determined on the hypothesis that because in a private limited company one holder can bring into liquidation, it should be valued as on liquidation, by the break-up method. The yield method is the generally applicable method while the break-up method is the one resorted to in exceptional circumstances or where the company is ripe for liquidation but nonetheless is one of the methods." Therefore, generally, in case of amalgamation, a combination of all or some of the well-accepted methods of valuation may be adopted for determining the exchange ratio of the shares of two companies. The valuation of company shares is a highly technical matter which requires considerable knowledge, experience and expertise in the job. A ratio based on valuation of shares of both the companies done by experts, approved by majority of the shareholders of both the companies and sanctioned by court is an ideal exchange ratio. Supreme Court in Miheer H. Mafatlal v. Mafatlal Industries Ltd. The law on the subject has been well settled by the Supreme Court in Miheer H. Mafatlal v. Mafatlal Industries Ltd. (1996) 4 Comp LJ 124 (SC) where it was held that once the exchange ratio of the shares of the transferee company to be allotted to the holders of shares in the transferor company has been worked out by a recognised firm of chartered accountants who are experts in the field of valuation, and if no mistake can be pointed out in the said valuation, it is not for the court to substitute its exchange ratio, especially when the same has been accepted without demur by the overwhelming majority of the shareholders of the two companies or to say that the shareholders in their collective wisdom should not have accepted the said exchange ratio on the ground that it will be detrimental to their interest. In Miheer H. Mafatlal v. Mafatlal Industries Ltd. The Supreme Court further emphasized the complicated nature of the valuation process when the value has to be assigned to the shares of the transferor company for the company. The Court observed, inter alia (page 835 of Comp. Cas). So many imponderables enter the exercise of valuation of shares. It must at once be stated that valuation of shares is a technical and complex problem which can be appropriately left to the consideration of experts in the field of accountancy. Supreme Court in Hindustan Lever Employees Union v. Hindustan Lever Ltd. In Hindustan Lever Employees Union v. Hindustan Lever Ltd., (1994) 4 Comp LJ 267 (SC) the Supreme Court held that it is not the part of the judicial process to examine entrepreneurial activities to point out flaws. The court is least equipped for such oversights, nor indeed is it a function of the judges in our constitutional scheme.
(cix) It cannot be said that the internal management, business activity or institutional operation of public bodies can be subjected to inspection by the court. To do so is incompetent and improper and, therefore, out of bounds. Nevertheless, the broad parameter of fairness in administration, bona fides in action and the fundamental rules of reasonable management of public business, if breached, will become justifiable. (The courts obligation is to satisfy that the valuation was in accordance with the law and the same was carried out by an independent body). The Supreme Court had explained that the nature of jurisdiction by the court, while considering the question of sanctioning a scheme of arrangement or compromise, is of sentinel nature and is not of appellate nature of examine the arithmetical accuracy of scheme approved by majority of shareholders. While considering the sanction of a scheme of merger, the court is not required to ascertain with mathematical accuracy the terms and target set out in the proposed scheme. What is required to be evaluated is general fairness of the scheme. The contention raised was that the High Court in exercise of the sentinel nature of jurisdiction in company matters is expected to act as a guardian of interest of the companies, the members and the public, complaint was made in the appeal that the High Court had failed to exercise its jurisdiction in that way but was swayed by considerations which were neither legal nor relevant. In making this contention with great vehemence, it was pointed out that exchange ratio was not correctly determined by placing before the court comparative figures of the assets of the two companies their market value, their holdings in the market, etc. Rejecting the plea the Supreme Court said: But what was lost sight of was that the jurisdiction of the court in sanctioning a scheme of merger is not to ascertain with mathematical accuracy if the determination satisfied the arithmetical test. A company court does not exercise an appellate jurisdiction. It exercises a jurisdiction founded on failures. It is not required to interfere only because the figure arrived at by the valuer was not as better as it would have been if another method would have been adopted. What is imperative is that such determination should not have been contrary to law and that it was not unfair for the shareholders of the company which was being merged. The courts obligation is to be satisfied that valuation was in accordance with law and it was carried out by an independent body. On the facts of the case the court found that the proposed scheme was approved by more than 99% of the shareholders and the grievance voiced by the objector was not shared by them. The objection was raised by the objector on the availability of same facts which were with other shareholders. The same explanatory statement at once was sent to the objector and on the basis of which he had taken inspection of all the relevant documents; the court took notice of the fact that the explanatory statement was approved by the Registrar as a relevant factor. The Supreme Court observed: In the facts of this case, considering the overwhelming manner in which the shareholders, the creditors, the debenture holders, the financial institutions who had 41% shares in TOMCO, have supported the scheme and have not complained about
(cx) any lack of notice or lack of understanding of what the scheme was about, we are of the view, it will not be right to hold that the explanatory statement was not proper or was lacking in material particulars. In the matter of Carron Tea Co. Ltd. Although the question of valuation of shares and fixation of exchange ratio is a matter of commercial judgement and the court should not sit in judgment over it, yet the court cannot abdicate its duty to scrutinise the scheme with vigilance. It is not expected of the court to act as a rubber stamp simply because the statutory majority has approved the scheme and there is no opposition to it. The court is not bound to treat the scheme as a fait accompli and to accord its sanction merely upon a casual look at it. It must still scrutinise the scheme to find out whether it is a reasonable arrangement which can, by reasonable people conversant with the subject, be regarded as beneficial to those who are likely to be affected by it. Where there is no opposition, the court is not required to go deeper. However, when there is opposition, the court not only will but must go into the question and if it is not satisfied about the fairness of the valuation, it would be justified in refusing to accord sanction to the scheme as was held by the court [Carron Tea Co. Ltd. (1966) 2 Comp LJ: 278 (Cal)]. In the matter of Bank of Baroda Ltd. v. Mahindra Ugine Steel Co. Ltd. The jurisdiction of the court in inquiring into the fairness of the exchange ratio cannot be ousted by vote of majority shareholders on the ground that valuation of shares is a matter of commercial judgement - [Bank of Baroda Ltd. v. Mahindra Ugine Steel Co. Ltd. (1976) 46 Comp Cas 227 (Guj.)] 1. The Group Company submitted the High Court Order for Adjudication under the Bombay Stamp Act, to the Collector of Stamps, Pune with details of lands and buildings owned by the Transferor Company. 2. The Collector thereafter adjudicated the necessary stamp duty 04, 612.00 at 7% on determining the true market value of the property at Rs. 2,43,51,600.00. The same was paid and the registered with the Sub-Registrar of Assurances where the buildings are located. Other Judicial Pronouncements on Valuation In New Savan Sugar and Gur Refining Co. Ltd. and Others, in re (2005) 6 CLC 1281, the Calcutta High Court held that generally, the Court would not interfere with the valuation and swaps ratio approved by all the shareholders. However, when it feels prima facie that valuation is without proper basis, it questions the valuation, or on the ground of not proper valuation can reject the scheme. In this case, the Court rejected the scheme of amalgamation not due to valuation but because it was not possible for the Honorable Court to come to the conclusion whether the scheme is in public interest. In Graceful Properties Ltd., and etc. in re-5 CLC 1573, the Allahabad High Court held that different methods of valuation could be adopted for valuing the shares of the respective companies. The Court further ruled that in the absence of fraud or as Rs. 17, immovable Order was lands and
(cxi) malafides, the mere fact that the determination of the exchange ratio of the shares of the two companies could be done by a slighter different method which might have given a different exchange ratio could not justify interference unless it was found to be unfair. A division bench of the Madras High Court in Re : Nods Worldwide Ltd. MANU/ TN/0455/2000 observed as follows : The valuation that has been proposed in the scheme is the value which is based upon an exercise carried out by persons having knowledge of the relevant methods of valuation, being professional Chartered Accountants. The methods adopted by them for arriving at the values have been setout in the report, relevant parts of which have already been extracted above. The opinion given by the valuers therefore, must in the absence of any other compelling circumstance, be accepted affording a reasonable and proper basis for the valuation of the shares and the number of shares in the capital of the transferee company to be allotted to the shareholders of the transferor company. 13. CONFLICTING PRONOUNCEMENTS There are two different opinions expressed by various courts as regard to question whether the Court can sanction an amalgamation when the Memorandum of Association of the company does not contain powers to amalgamate. It has been held by certain courts that there is no necessity to have special power in the objects clause of the memorandum of association of a company for its amalgamation with another company as to amalgamate with another company, is a power of the company and not an object of the company. In Marybong & Kyel Tea Estates Ltd., Re (1977) 47 Com Cases 802, a previous decision in Hari Krishan Lohia v. Hoolungoree Tea Company, (1970) 40 Com Cases 458: AIR 1969 Cal 312 (DB) was followed and it was asserted that where there is a statutory provision dealing with the amalgamation of companies, no special power in the objects clause of memorandum of association of a company is necessary for its amalgamating with another company. It is submitted that to amalgamate with another company is a power of the company and not an object of the company. Amalgamation may be effected by order of the court under Sections 391 and 394. Power of the court is not subject to any restrictions that the amalgamations etc must be within the object clause of both the companies. Do the Authorised Capital of Companies Merge in a Scheme of Amalgamation applicability of Sections 95 and 97 Section 97 of the Companies Act, 1956 (the Act) requires the company increasing its authorized capital to give notice of such increase of capital to the concerned ROC for recording the same in the records and to effectuate the necessary alterations in the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company. Again, when the authorized capital of a company is increased, registration fee under the Act has to be paid on such increase in accordance with Schedule X to the Act. In normal circumstances every company complies with the above requirements. However, in the event of merger since the court sanctions the merger scheme, the requirement of sending notice of increase of capital to ROC has been well settled that in a scheme of merger involving increase of capital there is no need to separately follow the procedure under Section 97 of the Act as the filing of the courts sanction order with ROC takes care of the same.
(cxii) With respect to paying additional registration fee on the increase of authorised capital High Courts of Bombay, Delhi, Allahabad and Madras consistently hold the view that no additional registration fee under the Act is payable. The Delhi High Court in the case of Hotline Hol Celdings P. Ltd., In Re. (2005) 127 Comp Cas 165 held as under: This contention is ill founded. In case of a merger like this where it is provided that the share capital of the transferor companies become the authorised capital of the transferee company, no such payment of fee to the Registrar of Companies or stamp duty to the State Government is payable. When there is a merger of subsidiary company and also there is clubbing of authorized share capital of the transferor and transferee company, there is no need to follow the provision of Section 94 and 97 of the Companies Act, 1956. The Company Court is duly empowered to sanction the same under Section 394. [Kemira Laboratories Ltd, In re (2007) 140 Comp Cas 817 (AP)]. The Bombay High Court in the case of YOU Telecom India Pvt. Ltd., In Re. (2008) 141 Comp Cas 43 held that no additional fee is payable upon the merger of the authorised capitals of the transferor and transferee companies. The Allahabad High Court in Jaypee Greens Ltd., In re [2006] 134 Comp Cas 542 (ALL) held that the whole purpose of Section 391 is to reconstitute the company without the company being required to make a number of applications which may be required in the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association for functioning as a reconstituted company under the scheme. The company therefore, not required to make a separate application under the Companies Act for alteration of its MOA to show the new share capital. Such alteration can be sanctioned under the scheme itself. It is found that combined authorised capital of the amalgamated company does not exceed the authorised capital of the two companies calling for any further fees or stamp duty to be paid. The Calcutta High Court in Areva T&D India Ltd., (2007) 138 Comp Cas 834 holds an opposite view. The Calcutta High Court had held that in merger of companies authorised capital of the transferor company does not merge with the authorised capital of the transferee company. This view is quite opposite to the view consistently taken by various other High Courts. The matter was argued before the Calcutta High Court in a totally different logic and premises. In this case totally a new line of argument was advanced by the company for not paying the registration fee under the Act on the increased authorised capital. It was contended by the company that the right to increase its paid up capital up to the limit of its authorised capital is a property and as such this property vests in the transferee company upon merger, and therefore no additional fee is required to be paid as already the transferor company had paid the fee on its authorised capital. The sum and substance of the argument was that the merger of authorised capitals is nothing but vesting/merging of properties on which appropriate fee has already been paid.
(cxiii) Rejecting the contention, the court held that upon merger the names of the transferor and transferee company do not merge; Memorandum and Articles of Association of the transferor company does not merge with the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the transferee company; the name, MoA and AoA of the transferor company are left behind with the corporate shell of the transferor company which is dissolved with out winding up. The Court turned its attention to Section 611 of the Act which prescribes fee for various purposes. It observed as under: Whether one sees the clubbing of the authorised capital of the transferor company and the transferee company as a merger of the notional capitals or whether one views it as an increase of the authorized capital of the transferee company by the amount of the authorized capital of the transferor company, it is only a question of form and of little practical consequence. But whether the authorised capital of the transferee company stands increased by merger of authorized capitals or de hors the merger of authorised capitals, there is an increase which will require fees for such increase to be paid. If the Central Government is right in seeking fees on the basis of the authorised or notional capital of a company, it is equally right in insisting that the transferee company must pay the additional fee for the consequential increase of its authorised capital following the sanction of a scheme of amalgamation. The sanction accords the transferee company the approval to increase its authorised capital, it does not afford in the luxury of enjoying the enhanced limit without tenderng the requisite fee. While the High Courts of Bombay, Delhi, Madras and Allahabad had not considered the question as to whether authorised capital could be a property so as to get merged with the authorised capital of the transferee company, the Calcutta High Court had considered the same. Since the assets and liabilities of the transferor company migrate to the transferee company and merge thereafter it is imperative to determine whether authorised capital either as an asset or liability, is capable of being merged with the authorised capital of the transferee company. In this vital aspect the judgement of the Calcutta High Court stands out from the rest of the judgements. Since different courts have taken a contrary view, this issue might reach the Supreme Court for final determination. Whether two or more companies may make a joint application? As already seen, in the normal case, every company involved in a scheme should make an application to the respective high court. In other words, the high court under the jurisdiction of which the registered office of the company falls should be the appropriate high court. If both the companies are under jurisdiction of the same High Court, joint application may be made. [Mohan Exports Ltd. v. Tarun Overseas P. Ltd. (1994) 14 CLA 279 (Del) dissenting from Re Electro Carbonium P. Ltd. (1979) 49 Comp. Cas 825 (Kar)] wherein it was held that a joint application cannot be made. In Chembra Orchard Produce Limited, In re 2004 120 Comp Cas 1, it was held
(cxiv) by the Karnataka High Court in the absence of any specific provisions in Section 391/394 prohibiting a joint application/petition for sanctioning reconstruction and amalgamation and as the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedures, 1908 (CPC)are made applicable to the proceedings under Section 391/394 and in view of the express provisions of Rule 1 of Order 1 of the CPC providing for filing of one application, a joint application petition by both the transferor and transferee companies would be maintainable under Section 391/394 of the Companies Act, 1956. In Nepura Motors Ltd., In re (2003) 45 SCL 143, reliance was placed on the case Re : Voltas International Limited, in which it was held that since the transferor company is 100 per cent subsidiary of the transferee company, there was no need to file a separate petition by the transferee company. Where the registered offices of two or more companies are not situated in the same State but the registered offices are situated in different States Anomaly may arise where the registered office of amalgamating companies are situated in different States. Generally respective High Courts are moved for appropriate orders under Sections 391 and 394 of the Act for sanction and approval of the scheme of amalgamation with or without modifications [Bank of Baroda Ltd. v. Mahindra Ugine Steel Co. Ltd. (1976) 46 Comp. Cas. 227 (Guj.)]. In this context the Gujarat High Court observed that if the registered offices of the transferor and transferee companies happen to be situated within the jurisdiction of two different High courts, the resultant situation in some cases might be embarassing especially in those cases in which the court in inviterm has to accord sanction to a scheme subject to the approval and sanction by another company and court. The Gujarat High Court in Mafatlal Industries Ltd., In re. (1995) 84 Comp. Cas. 230, observed that the Court which is first moved for according sanction to a scheme of amalgamation, will if it sanctions the scheme, make a judicial order which will be conditional upon the approval of the scheme by the shareholders and creditors, if any of the other company as well as upon the sanction of the scheme by the High Court within whose jurisdiction the registered office of the other company is situated. At the same time, the possibility of conflicting orders being passed by two courts with regard to the same scheme cannot be ruled out. One of the courts might sanction the scheme whereas the other might sanction it subject to certain modifications or it might altogether refuse to sanction. Such a situation would result in complete deadlock and the situation can presumably be remedied only by way of an appeal to the higher court. The Court further observed that even if both the amalgamating companies are required to initiate proceedings under Sections 391 and 394, would it not be conducive if the jurisdiction to sanction the scheme after following the prescribed procedure in relation to both the companies is exercised on a comprehensive view of the whole matter by one court along. Whether separate compliance under Section 21 to change the name is required? In You Telecom India (P) Ltd. v. You Broadband Networks India (P) Ltd., (2008)
(cxv) 82 CLA 201 The Bombay High Court rules that the objection of the Regional Director that the name of the transferee company is to be changed and, therefore, a separate compliance with Section 21 in respect of the filing of necessary forms with the Registrar of Companies is mandatory will not survive in view of the Law laid down in Vasant Investment Corporation Ltd. case and PMP Auto Industries Ltd., case. The furnishing of a notice to the Registrar of the scheme will in any case constitute substantial compliance with the provisions of Section 21. The objection in respect of the filing of the necessary forms with the Registrar of Companies is answered on the basis of the same principle. In Sherno Investment and Finance Limited v. Registrar of Companies (2006) 70 CLA 21 (Guj), the Gujarat High Court held that when the proposed scheme was approved on the basis of the resolution of the company, the same can be the basis for change of name also, together with the sanction passed by the High Court, while sanctioning the scheme under Section 394, mere reference to the order of the Court will be sufficient. It is not open to the Registrar of Companies to raise objection for change of name, which forms part of the scheme of amalgamation duly sanctioned by the High Court on the ground that separate procedure under Section 21 of the Act is not followed or is required to be followed. It is for the opponent Registrar of Companies to issue necessary certificate by implementing the order already passed by this Court. OTHER IMPORTANT MATTERS Jurisdiction for Foreign Companies In case of a foreign company, if one applies the principle of determining jurisdiction based on the place where registered office of the company is located, the above provisions would become inapplicable. In such a case, the Madras High Court in Travancore National & Quilon Bank [(1939) 9 Comp. Cases 14] has held that the court which would have jurisdiction for purpose of above provisions would be the court which has jurisdiction to wind up such a company. Further, it was also held that in respect of a foreign company, merely because foreign court has made an order for liquidation, the Indian court is not bound to follow it and that it would have to consider the just rights of the Indian creditors. When, it is possible to have separate liquidation orders for each office of the foreign country in different countries, the principle applies for considering scheme also. Courts Discretion in Sanctioning the Scheme The court, even if the scheme is approved by the requisite majority, should ensure that the scheme must be a fair and equitable one. Maneck Chowk and Ahmedabad Mfg. Co. Ltd. In re. (1970) 40 Comp. Cas. 819 (Guj.). Bank of Baroda Ltd. v. Mahindra Ugine Steel Co. Ltd. (1976) 46 Comp. Cas. 227 (Guj.). The court under Section 394A shall give notice of every application made to it under Section 391 or 394 to the Central Government and shall take into consideration the representations, if any, made to it by the Government before passing any order under any of these sections. However, the court is not bound to go by the opinion of the Central Government as to the matters of public interest rather it can form its independent opinion over the matter [In re. Sakamari Steel & Alloys Ltd. (1981) 51 Comp. Case 266 (Bom.)]. The powers and functions of the Central Government
(cxvi) under this section have been delegated to the Regional Directors who exercise the same, subject to the control of the Central Government. Protection of minority Interest Section 394(1) authorises the court to make provision for those who dissent from a scheme. Thus, the courts have to play a very vital role. It is not only a supervisory role but also a pragmatic role which requires the forming of an independent and informed judgement as regards the feasibility or proper working of the scheme and making suitable modifications in the scheme and issuing appropriate directions with that end in view [Mafatlal Industries Ltd. In re. (1995) 84 Comp. Cas. 230 (Guj.)]. Notice to Central Government Even though approval of Central Government is not required, notice is required to be given under Section 394A of the Act to the Regional Director (RD) having jurisdiction of the state concerned and RD report is normally to be submitted to the Court that they do not have any objection. Central Governments Role in Amalgamation Notice of every application made to the Court under Section 391 or 394 must be given to the Central Government and Court should take into consideration the representations, if any, made by the Government before passing any order under any of these Acts. [Section 394A] No notice need be given to the Central Government once again when Court proceeds to pass final order to dissolve the transferor company. [Vikram Organic P. Ltd. v. Airox Pigments Ltd. (1997) 25 CLA 157 (Cal)]. The Central Governments power under this section is delegated to Regional Directors of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The role played by Central Government is that of an impartial observer, who acts in public interest, but court would sanction the scheme if it is otherwise in the mutual interest of companies. [Re Ucal Fuel System Ltd. (1994) 3 Comp LJ 259 (Mad)] Determination of Cut off Date Amongst others, the foremost requirement is the determination of cut off date from which all properties, movable as well as immovable and rights attached thereto etc. are required to be transferred from amalgamating company to the amalgamated company. The date may be called transfer date or appointed date. The scheme becomes effective only after a certified copy of the order of the High Court is filed with the concerned office of the Registrar of Companies. The Supreme Court in Marshal Sons & Co. (India) Ltd. v. ITO (1977) 1 Comp. LJ P.1 observed that it is true that while sanctioning the scheme, it is open to the court to modify the said date. If the court so specifies a date, there is little doubt that such date would be the date of amalgamation/date of transfer. But where the court does not prescribe any specific date but merely sanctions the scheme presented to it, the date specified in the scheme is the transfer date. It cannot be otherwise.
(cxvii) Valuation of Shares and Fixing up of Share Exchange Ratio The Exchange Ratio, at which shareholders of amalgamating company will be offered shares in the amalgamated company, will have to be worked out based on the valuation of shares of the respective companies as per the accepted methods of valuation, guidelines and the audited accounts of the company. The value of each share of amalgamating company is fixed keeping in view the value of each share of amalgamating company to be allotted in exchange for the former shares. Share exchange ratio based on financial position of both Companies on a date later than appointed date is not objectionable since date of negotiations between two Companies cannot be ignored. [Re. Sumitra Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (1997) 25 CLA 142 (AP)]. When the shares in the capital of the amalgamating company are already held by the amalgamated company or its subsidiaries, the scheme must provide for the reduction of share capital to that extent and the manner in which the compensation for shares held in the amalgamating company shall be given. Whether the arrangement necessarily involves all Shareholders and/or Creditors and all classes thereof Section 391(1) places the word or at appropriate places and thus the compromise/arrangement may be in one or more of the following manner: (a) between a company and its creditors (b) between the company and any class of its creditors (c) between the company and its shareholders (d) between the company and any class of its shareholders. It is therefore, not necessary to take the approval of all classes of shareholders and/or creditors. Whether the Transferee Company is also required to Propose a Scheme In case of amalgamation the shareholders of transferor company are required to accept in substitution of their shares, the shares and/or other consideration provided by the transferee company and the creditors are required to substitute the transferee company as their debtor, it is clear that there is an arrangement with each of these classes. Therefore, the transferor company has to comply with the provisions of Sections 391-394 of the Companies Act. As far as transferee company is concerned, in general arrangements, it depends on the facts of the case. But amalgamation is considered as a special arrangement therefore it will also require to comply with the provisions of Section 391-394. It was also held in Electro Carbonium (P) Ltd., In re (1979) 49 Comp Cas 825 (Kar) that each of the companies have to make a separate application to court. Official Liquidators Report No order for the dissolution of a transferor company can be made by the court, unless the Official Liquidator has, on scrutiny of the books and papers of the company, made a report to the court that the affairs of the company have not been conducted in a manner prejudicial to the interests of its
(cxviii) members or to public interest. [Section 394(1) second proviso; for interpretation of the proviso, see Webbs Farm Mechanisation P Ltd. v. Official Liquidator (1966) 7 SCL 81 (Kar-FB)]. This proviso talks of dissolution, unlike the second proviso which talks of amalgamation. It says no compromise or arrangement. can be sanctioned. Hence, official liquidators report under the second proviso can be obtained after the order sanctioning amalgamation is passed. [Sugarcane Growers and Sakthi Sugars shareholders Association v. Sakthi Sugars Ltd. (1996) 2 Comp LJ 108 (Mad.)]. This report is required in respect of the transferor company which is dissolved without winding up and loses entity on amalgamation. Issue of Shares, Allotment, Stock Exchange Formalities Intimation as to the proposed amalgamation to the Stock Exchange should be given within fifteen minutes after the Board meeting where the proposal is approved. [Cl. 22(d), 29, LA, BSE]. As per Clause 24(f) listed companies are required to file the scheme with all the stock exchanges where it is listed at least 1 month prior to filing it with the High Courts and obtain its No Objection Certificate to the Scheme. Amalgamation involves issue and allotment of shares of transferee company to shareholders of transferor company in exchange of shares held by them in transferor company as per share exchange ratio. This requires compliance with Section 81(1A) of Companies Act by the transferee company. But no separate resolution under the said section is passed and since the shareholders approve the scheme with majority in number and th 3/4 in value, such requirement is incorporated in the scheme which the share-holders pass and hence Section 81(1A) is also passed. A clause on the following lines is inserted in the scheme: Approval to the Scheme by the shareholders of ABC Ltd. and by the Honble High Court shall be deemed to be due compliance of the provisions of Section 81(1A) and other relevant provisions of the Act for the issue and allotment of shares to the shareholders of XYZ Ltd. as provided in the Scheme. Intimation of the resolution passed at a general meeting approving the scheme of compromise or arrangement will be given to the stock exchange immediately after the meeting on the same day (Clauses 29 and 36 of LA). A copy of the report of the chairman prepared in Form No. 39 is also required to be filed with the stock exchange [Clause 31(c) of LA, BSE]. Copies of notices, circulars, etc. issued/advertised concerning amalgamation to be forwarded to the Stock Exchange. [Clause 31(e), 29, LA, BSE]. 14. AMALGAMATION THROUGH BIFR UNDER SICA, 1985
(cxix) Under the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985, (SICA) amalgamation is a method of rehabilitation of the business and undertaking of a sick industrial company. Section 18 of the Act contains the various matters that may be incorporated by the operating agency in any scheme proposed for rehabilitation of the sick industrial company for which a reference has been made to the BIFR. The sanction accorded by BIFR under Sub-section (4) shall be conclusive evidence that all the requirements of the scheme relating to the reconstruction or amalgamation, or any other measure specified therein have been complied with. The Supreme Court of India in State of Uttar Pradesh v. Uptron Employees CMDI (2006) 72 CLA 385 (SC) held that in respect of a sick industrial company even if it is a subsidiary of a Government company, there is no obligation cast upon the State Government to pay the wages due to workmen. The rights of workmen are governed by the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, where their claims are accorded priority. Also there is nothing in SICA, 1985 which authorities Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction to pass an interim order directing the State Government to pay wages due to the employees of the Sick Industrial Company. In Pasupathi Spinning & Weaving Mills Ltd. v. Industrial Finance Corporation of India and Others (2006) 134 Comp. Cas 600 (P&H). In this case, the petitioner company became sick company and was registered with BIFR operating agency was appointed and rehabilitation scheme was framed by the BIFR. Meanwhile, the company proposed a scheme of arrangement only with its lenders having first charge on its properties. The petitioner company sought directions from the High Court to hold the meeting of first charge holders. In Modern Syntax (India) Ltd., in re (2007) 76 SCL 157 (Raj). In this case the petitioner company made a reference to the BIFR under the provisions of 1985 Act due to significant losses suffered by it. During the pendency of the said reference, it prepared a scheme of comprise for rescheduling and restructuring its existing departments which was approved by the requisite majority of the creditors, representing more than 3/4th in value of total debts. The petitioner field the petition under Section 391(2) seeking sanction of the scheme. However, the petition was opposed by many banks, one of which was claiming Rs.1508 lakhs towards principal and interest, on various grounds, inter alia, that the proposed scheme involved exercise sacrifice and was oppressive to the minority secured creditors. The High Court dismissed the petition on two grounds: (i) The BIFR had declared the petitioner as a sick industrial company under Section 3(1)(o) of the 1985 Act and opined the operating agency to devise a scheme for rehabilitation of the company. The High Court in its decision, also quoted the judgement of the Supreme Court in JGEF Ltd. v. Chandra Developers (2005) 64 SCL 1. In the said case the apex court held that SICA, 1985 is a complete code in itself and being a later enactment, it would prevail over the Companies Act in case of any inconsistency in view of Section 32 of that Act. The High Court should not interfere where the matter of rehabilitation of sick company is pending before the BIFR under the 1985
(cxx) Act. (ii) Besides this the High Court also held that the proposed scheme was not just, fair and equitable to all the secured creditors. Under the options proposed in the scheme, there was a loss of 50 to 80% of the debts outstanding to the creditors. The High Court ruled that such a high sacrifice was oppressive to the objector and was unconscionable and unreasonable even from the point of view of a prudent man. Therefore, the High Court refused to sanction the scheme. In matter of Tata Motors Ltd. v. Pharmaceuticals Products of India Ltd. and Another (2008) 144 Comp. Case 178 (SC), it was held High Court cannot sanction scheme proposed under section 391/394 of the Act during the pendency of the revival scheme before BIFR under SICA. In terms of Section 26 of SICA, a company court did not have jurisdiction to entertain any application of a sick industrial company for merger under s.391 to 394 of the Companies Act 1956, while the matter was pending before the BIFR or the AAAIFR. The detailed provisions in this regard are contained in chapter 12 of this study. Reverse merger Reverse merger takes place when a healthy company merges into a financially weak company. However, in the context of the Companies Act, there is no distinction between a merger or a reverse merger because in either case one company merges with another company irrespective of the fact whether the merging or the amalgamating company is weaker or stronger. Reverse merger like any amalgamation or merger is carried out through the High Court route under the provisions of Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956. However, if one of the companies in this exercise is a sick industrial company, its merger or reverse merger has necessarily to be under SICA and must take place through BIFR. On the reverse merger of a sick industrial company becoming effective, the name of the sick industrial company may be changed to that of the healthy company and the transferee company becomes entitled to the benefit of carry forward and set off of the accumulated losses and unabsorbed depreciation of the transferor company. As such, in a reverse merger of a sick industrial company, the compliance under Section 72A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 is not required. The scheme relating to amalgamation has to be laid for approval in the general meeting of the shareholders of the company other than sick industrial company. In other words, in the case of reverse merger it is the company, other than sick industrial company, which loses its legal identity through merger and which has to obtain approval of its shareholder by special resolution to the proposed scheme of amalgamation before such scheme is sanctioned by BIFR [Proviso to Section 18(3)(b)]. 15. AMALGAMATION OF COMPANIES BY AN ORDER OF THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT (SECTION 396) Special Power of Central Government to Order Amalgamation
(cxxi) Section 396 of Companies Act, 1956 confers on the Central Government special power to order amalgamation of two or more companies into a single company, if the Government is satisfied that it is essential in the public interest that two or more companies should amalgamate. This power is unaffected by, and can be exercised, notwithstanding anything contained in Sections 394 and 395 but subject to the provisions of Section 396. But this exclusion is only in respect of Sections 394 and 395 (including Section 392), and not any other provision of the Act. However, in the case of amalgamation of two or more banking companies, the Central Government must consult the RBI before passing any order under Section 396 [Section 44A(7) of the Banking Regulation Act]. Manner in which Central Government should Exercise Power under Section 396 The power under Section 396 should be exercised by the Central Government only where the Government is satisfied that it is essential in the public interest that two or more companies should amalgamate. If the Government is so satisfied, it may pass an order providing for the amalgamation of those companies into a single company. The Central Government may exercise the power under Section 396 of its own motion without any application being received from the companies intending to amalgamate. There is no bar to the exercise of that power by the Government on such application. The order of the Central Government under this section may provide for such constitution: such property, powers, rights, interests, authorities and privileges; and such liabilities, duties, and obligations as may be specified in the order. The order passed by the Government must be published in the Official Gazette. The order aforesaid may also provide for the continuation by or against the transferee company or legal proceedings pending by or against any transferor company and may also contain such consequential, incidental and supplemental provisions as may, in the opinion of the Central Government, be necessary to give effect to the amalgamation. If the Government decides to order amalgamation of companies under this section, it must ensure that the following requirements are complied with in regard to the proposed order: (a) a copy of the proposed order has been sent in draft to each of the companies concerned; (b) the time for preferring an appeal under Sub-section (3A) has expired, or where any such appeal has been preferred, the appeal has been finally disposed off; and (c) the Central Government has considered, and made such modifications, if any, in the draft order as may seem to it desirable in the light of any suggestions and objections which may be received by it from any such company within
(cxxii) such period as the Central Government may fix in that behalf, not being less than two months from the date on which the copy aforesaid is received by that company, or from any class of shareholders therein, or from any creditors or any class of creditors thereof. [Section 396(4)]. Copies of every order made under this section shall, as soon as may be after it has been made, be laid before both Houses of Parliament. [Section 396(5)]. Interest and Rights of Members and Creditors Every member or creditor (including a debenture holder) of each of the companies before the amalgamation shall have, as nearly as may be, the same interest in or rights against the company resulting from the amalgamation as he had in the company of which he was originally a member or creditor. [Section 396(3)]. If the interest or rights of such member or creditor in or against the company resulting from the amalgamation are less than his interest in or rights against the original company, he shall be entitled to compensation which shall be assessed by such authority as may be prescribed. [Section 396(3)]. The prescribed authority for this purpose is Joint Director (Accounts), Ministry of Corporate Affairs [Rule 12A, Companies (Central Governments) General Rules and Forms, 1956]. The assessment of compensation shall be published in the Official Gazette. [Section 396(3)]. The compensation so assessed shall be paid to the member or creditor concerned by the company resulting from the amalgamation. [Section 396(3)]. Any person aggrieved by any assessment of compensation made by the prescribed authority under Sub-section (3) may, within thirty days from the date of publication of such assessment in the official Gazette, prefer an appeal to the *Company Law Board and thereupon the assessment of the Compensation shall be made by the Company Law Board. [Section 396(3A)] 16. ACCOUNTING ASPECTS OF MERGER AND AMALGAMATION Writing of books of account in mergers and amalgamations For the purpose of merger or amalgamation the amalgamating or the merging company is regarded as the seller and the amalgamated or the merged company is considered as the buyer. The books of account are prepared accordingly. Merger and amalgamation accounting is done on the traditional basis as in the case of the vendor and purchaser. The transferor is taken as vendor whose books of accounts are to be closed as the business goes into liquidation. The transferee or the acquirer assumes the status as purchaser in whose books of accounts the acquisition is recorded as purchase transaction. The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India has formulated Accounting
The power will vest with National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) after the commencement of the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002.
(cxxiii) Standard (AS) 14 for accounting and disclosure requirements of mergers and amalgamation. This said Accounting Standard became effective from April 1, 1995. For the purpose of accounting statement and related records, amalgamation means an amalgamation pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and other laws applicable to companies. Accounting Standard 14 is based on the International Accounting Standard 22, captioned Accounting for Business Combinations. The Accounting Standard 14 deals with the accounting requirements of amalgamations and mergers and treatment of all aspects of the amalgamation, e.g., valuation of goodwill, assets revaluation reserves etc. It does not deal with substantial acquisition of shares carrying controlling interest in the target company. In the case of acquisition, both the companies remain in existence whereas in the case of an amalgamation or a merger, the merging or the amalgamating company loses its independent legal identity. Therefore, there is a vital difference in the accounting standard and practices to be followed in the case of substantial acquisition of shares of one company by another company and in the case of an amalgamation or merger of companies. Types of Amalgamation Accounting Standard (AS)-14, recognizes two types of amalgamation: (i) amalgamation in the nature of merger. (ii) amalgamation in the nature of purchase. An amalgamation should be considered to be an amalgamation in the nature of merger when all the following conditions are satisfied: (i) All the assets and liabilities of the transferor company become, after amalgamation, the assets and liabilities of the transferee company. (ii) Shareholders holding not less than 90% of the face value of the equity shares of the transferor company (other than the equity shares already held therein, immediately before the amalgamation, by the transferee company or its subsidiaries or their nominees) become equity shareholders of the transferee company by virtue of the amalgamation. (iii) The consideration for the amalgamation receivable by those equity shareholders of the transferor company who agree to become equity shareholders of the transferee company is discharged by the transferee company wholly by the issue of equity shares in the transferee company, except that cash may be paid in respect of any fractional shares. (iv) The business of the transferor company is intended to be carried on, after the amalgamation, by the transferee company. (v) No adjustment is intended to be made to the book values of the assets and liabilities of the transferor company when they are incorporated in the financial statements of the transferee company except to ensure uniformity of accounting policies. An amalgamation should be considered to be an amalgamation in the nature of purchase, when any one or more of the conditions specified above is not satisfied. These amalgamations are in effect a mode by which one company acquires another
(cxxiv) company and hence, the equity shareholders of the combining entities do not continue to have a proportionate share in the equity of the combined entity or the business of the acquired company is not intended to be continued after amalgamation. Methods of Accounting for Amalgamation There are two main methods of accounting for amalgamations: (a) the pooling of interests method; and (b) the purchase method. The pooling of interest method is used in case of amalgamation in the nature of merger. The purchase method is used in accounting for amalgamations in the nature of purchase. The Pooling of Interest Method Since merger is a combination of two or more separate business, there is no reason to restate carrying amounts of assets and liabilities. Accordingly, only minimal changes are made in aggregating the individual financial statements of the amalgamating companies. In preparing the transferee companys financial statements, the assets, liabilities and reserves (whether capital or revenue or arising on revaluation) of the transferor company should be recorded at their existing carrying amounts and in the same form as at the date of the amalgamation. The balance of the Profit and Loss Account of the transferor company should be aggregated with the corresponding balance of the transferee company or transferred to the General Reserve, if any. If, at the time of the amalgamation, the transferor and the transferee company having conflicting accounting policies, a uniform set of accounting policies should be adopted following the amalgamation. The effects on the financial statements of any changes in accounting policies should be reported in accordance with Accounting Standard (AS-5), Net Profit or Loss for the Period Prior Period Items and Changes in Accounting Policies. The difference between the amount recorded as share capital issued (plus any additional consideration in the form of cash or other assets) and the amount of share capital of the transferor company should be adjusted in reserves. It has been clarified that the difference between the issued share capital of the transferee company and share capital of the transferor company should be treated as capital reserve. The reason given is that this difference is akin to share premium. Furthermore, reserve created on amalgamation is not available for the purpose of distribution to shareholders as dividend and/or bonus shares. It means that if consideration exceeds the share capital of the transferor company (or companies), the unadjusted amount is a capital loss and adjustment must be made, first of all in the capital reserves and in case capital reserves are insufficient, in the revenue reserves. However, if capital reserves and revenue reserves, are insufficient the unadjusted difference may be adjusted against revenue reserves by making addition thereto by appropriation from profit and loss account. There should not be direct debit to the profit and loss account. If there is insufficient balance in the profit and loss account also, the
(cxxv) difference should be reflected on the assets side of the balance sheet in a separate heading. The Purchase Method In preparing the transferee companys financial statements, the assets and liabilities of the transferor company should be incorporated at their existing carrying amounts or, alternatively, the consideration should be allocated to individual identifiable assets and liabilities on the basis of their fair values at the date of amalgamation. The reserves (whether capital or revenue or arising on revaluation) of the transferor company, other than the statutory reserves, should not be included in the financial statements of the transferee company except as in case of statutory reserve. Any excess of the amount of the consideration over the value of the net assets of transferor company acquired by the transferee company should be recognised in the transferee companys financial statements as goodwill arising on amalgamation. If the amount of the consideration is lower than the value of the net assets acquired, the difference should be treated as Capital Reserve. The goodwill arising on amalgamation should be amortised to income on a systematic basis over its useful life. The amortisation period should not exceed five years unless a somewhat longer period can be justified. The reserves of the transferor company, other than statutory should not be included in the financial statements of the transferee company. The statutory reserves refer to those reserves which are required to be maintained for legal compliance. The statute under which a statutory reserve is created may require the identity of such reserve to be maintained for a specified period. Where the requirements of the relevant statute for recording the statutory reserves in the books of the transferee company are complied with such statutory reserves of the transferor company should be recorded in the financial statements of the transferee company by crediting the relevant statutory reserve account. The corresponding debit should be given to a suitable account head (e.g., Amalgamation Adjustment Account) which should be disclosed as a part of miscellaneous expenditure or other similar category in the balance sheet. When the identify the statutory reserves is no longer required to be maintained, both the reserves and the aforesaid account should be reserved. Consideration for Amalgamation The consideration for amalgamation means the aggregate of the shares and other securities issued and the payment made in the form of cash or other assets by the transferee company to the shareholders of the transferor company. In determining the value of the consideration, assessment is made of the fair value of its various elements. The consideration for the amalgamation should include any non-cash element at fair value. The fair value may be determined by a number of methods. For example, in case of issue of securities, the value fixed by the statutory authorities may be taken
(cxxvi) to be the fair value. In case of other assets, the fair value may be determined by reference to the market value of the assets given up, and where the market value of the assets given up cannot be reliably assessed, such assets may be valued at their respective book values. While the scheme of amalgamation provides for an adjustment to the consideration contingent on one or more future events, the amount of the additional payment should be included in the consideration if payment is probable and a reasonable estimate of the amount can be made. In all other cases, the adjustment should be recognised as soon as the amount is determinable. Goodwill on Amalgamation Goodwill arising on amalgamation represents a payment made in anticipation of future income and it is appropriate to treat it as an asset to be amortised to income on a systematic basis over its useful life. Due to nature of goodwill, it is difficult to estimate its useful life, but estimation is done on a prudent basis. Accordingly, it should be appropriate to amortise goodwill over a period not exceeding five years unless a somewhat longer period can be justified. The following factors are to be taken into account in estimating the useful life of goodwill: (i) the forceable life of the business or industry; (ii) the effects of product obsolescence, changes in demand and other economic factors; (iii) the service life expectancies of key individuals or groups of employees; (iv) expected actions by competitors or potential competitors; (v) legal, regulatory or contractual provisions affecting the useful life. Reserves Where the treatment to be given to the reserves of the transferor company after its amalgamation is specified in scheme of amalgamation sanctioned under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 or any other statute, the same is to be followed. Disclosure Requirements (a) For amalgamations of every type, the following disclosures should be made in the first financial statements following the amalgamations: (i) names and general nature of business of the amalgamating companies; (ii) effective date of amalgamation for accounting purposes; (iii) the method of accounting used to reflect the amalgamation; and (iv) particulars of the scheme sanctioned under a statute. (b) In case of amalgamations accounted for under the pooling of interests method, the following additional disclosures are required to be made in the first financial statements following the amalgamation:
(cxxvii) (i) description and number of shares issued, together with the percentage of each companys equity shares exchanged to effect the amalgamation; (ii) the amount of any difference between the consideration and the value of net identifiable assets acquired, and the treatment thereof. (c) In case of amalgamations accounted for under the purchase method the following additional disclosures are required to be made in the first financial statements following the amalgamations: (i) consideration for the amalgamation and a consideration paid or contingently payable, and description of the
(ii) the amount of any difference between the consideration and the value of net identifiable assets required, and the treatment thereof including the period of amortization of any goodwill arising on amalgamation. Amalgamation after the Balance Sheet Date While an amalgamation is effected after the balance sheet date but before the issuance of the financial statements of either party to the amalgamation, disclosure should be made as per the provisions of AS-4, Contingencies and Events Occurring after the Balance Sheet Date, but the amalgamation should not be incorporated in that financial statements. In certain circumstances, the amalgamation may also provide additional information affecting the financial statements themselves, for instance, by allowing the going concern assumption to be maintained. 17. FINANCIAL ASPECTS VALUATION OF SHARES OF MERGER/AMALGAMATION INCLUDING
In any merger or amalgamation, financial aspects of the transaction are of prime importance. It denotes the benefits in terms of financial benefits, i.e., increase in productivity, improved profitability and enhanced dividend paying capacity of the merged or the amalgamated company, which the management of each company involved in this exercise would be able to derive. Each amalgamation or merger is aimed at the following financial aspects: (a) To pool the resources of all the companies involved in the exercise of amalgamation or merger so as to achieve economies of production, administrative, financial and marketing management. (b) To secure the required credit on terms from financial institutions, banks, suppliers, job workers etc. (c) To cut down cost of production, management, marketing etc. by effecting savings in all spheres with the combined strength of qualified and competent technical and other personnel. (d) To reinforce the united research and development activities for product development to ensure a permanent, dominant and profit making position in the industry. (e) To improve productivity and profitability in order to maintain a regular and steady dividend to the shareholders. (f) To concentrate on the core competence of the merged or the amalgamated
(cxxviii) company. (g) To consolidate the resource base and improve generation, mobilisation and utilisation of physical, financial, human, knowledge, information and other important tangible and intangible resources. Valuation of shares Valuation of shares of each company involved in amalgamation, merger or sharefor-share takeover is imperative. This is made on the basis of a number of relevant factors which affect the value of shares. Among the important factors on the basis whereof the shares of a company may be valued are (i) Net worth of the company. (ii) Earning capacity. (ii) Quoted price of the shares in the stock market. (iv) Profits made over a number of years. (v) Dividend paid on the shares over a number of years. (vi) Prospects of growth, enhanced earning per share, etc. Need and purpose of valuation of shares In mergers and amalgamations, valuation of shares of all the companies involved in the transaction is required to be done for determining the exchange ratio of shares for the purpose of issuing shares in the merged or the amalgamated company (transferee company) to the shareholders of the merging or the amalgamating company (transferor company) in lieu of their shareholdings in the transferor company. Factors influencing valuation The factors: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (vi) (vii) (viii) valuation of shares of a company is based, inter alia, on the following
Current stock market price of the shares. Profits earned and dividend paid over the years. Availability of reserves and future prospects of the company. Realisable value of the net assets of the company. Current and deferred liabilities for the company. Age and status of plant and machinery of the company. Net worth of the company. Record of efficiency, integrity and honesty of the Board of directors and other managerial personnel of the company. (ix) Quality of top and middle management of the company and their professional competence. (x) Record of performance of the company in financial terms.
Methods of valuation of shares Certain methods have come to be recognized for valuation of shares of a company, viz., (i) open market price; (ii) stock exchange quotation; (iii) net assets basis; (iv)
(cxxix) earning per share method; (v) yield or return method; (vi) net worth method; (vii) breakup value, etc. [For detailed understanding students may refer to Study VII]. Ideal valuation method The various methods of valuation of shares of a company as mentioned above have their individual merits and demerits. Therefore, it has been universally recognised that while valuing the shares of a company, it is advisable not to depend upon any single method but to resort to a combination of three well-recognised methods, viz., market value method, yield or return on investment method and net assets value method, for arriving at a fair and reasonable shares exchange ratio. While doing this, due weightage should be given to each method based on the companys performance and future prospects. Valuation by experts Valuation of shares of a company is a technical job and should preferably be done by financial experts without taking into account the figures given in the latest balance sheets of a company, because, more often than not, the corporate balance sheets disclose less and hide more. The valuation of shares of a company should be done keeping in view the above factors and with the best of judicious approach uninfluenced by extraneous factors. The productivity and profitability of the company, easy availability of raw materials and ready market for the end products of the company do affect the valuation of shares of the company. Valuation does not depend entirely an mathematical calculation. Certain intangible assets like goodwill, patent, trade mark or a licence under a patent or a trade mark, carry more value than some tangible assets, which must go into the valuation of the shares of a company. 18. TAXATION ASPECTS OF MERGERS AND AMALGAMATIONS This topic is covered in chapter VIII i.e. Post Merger Reorganisation of this study. 19. STAMP DUTY ASPECTS OF MERGERS AND AMALGAMATIONS The incidence of stamp duty is an important consideration in the planning of any merger. In fact, in some cases, the whole form in which the merger is sought to take place is selected taking into account the savings in stamp duty. The incidence of stamp duty, more particularly on transfer of immovable property is fairly high to merit serious consideration. The fact that, in India, stamp duty is substantially levied by the States has given considerable scope for savings in stamp duty. Stamp duty is levied on instruments. Section 3 of the Bombay Stamp Act 1958 specifies the following essentials for the levy of stamp duty: (1) There must be an instrument. (2) Such instrument is one of the instruments specified in Schedule I. (3) Such instrument must be executed. (4) Such instrument must have either (a) not having been previously executed by any person is executed in the
(cxxx) state or (b) having been executed outside the state, relates to any property situated in the State or any matter or thing done or be done in the state and is received in the state. What is an instrument? Section 2(14) of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899 includes every document by which any right or liability is, or purports to be created, transferred, limited, extended, extinguished or recorded. This means it is not necessary that the instrument should be liable to or chargeable with duty. The Schedule I to the Act may not provide any duty at all in respect of certain instruments. The important factor is that all instruments are not chargeable with duty. Thus if any document creates, transfers, limits, extends, extinguishes or records any right or liability, it would be construed as an instrument within the meaning of the Indian Stamp Act, 1899, though the instrument in question may not be liable to duty because it does not fall under the descriptions contained in Schedule I to the Stamp Act. The term instrument is defined in Section 2(1) of the Bombay Stamp Act, 1958 as follows: Instrument includes every document by which any right or liability is or purports to be created, transferred limited extended, extinguished or recorded but does not include a bill of exchange, cheque, promissory note, bill of lading, letter of credit, policy of insurance, transfer of shares, debentures, proxy and receipt. An award is an instrument within the meaning of the Stamp Act and the same is required to be stamped as was decided in the case Hindustan Steel Ltd. v. Dilip Construction Co. AIR 1969 SC 1238 (at page 1240). The scheme of amalgamation sanctioned by the court would be an instrument within the meaning of Section 2(1) where by the properties are transferred from the transferor company to the transferee company based on compromise arrived at between the two companies. The state legislature would have the jurisdiction to levy stamp duty under Entry 44, List II of the Seventh Schedule of the Constitution on the order of the court sanctioning scheme of amalgamation vide the case Hindustan Lever v. State of Maharashtra AIR 2004 at pp. 335, 339. This definition is an inclusive definition and any document which purports to transfer assets or liabilities considered as an instrument. Whether Order of Court is an instrument liable to Stamp Duty? It was earlier held that when transfer takes place by virtue of a court order to a scheme of amalgamation, stamp duty is leviable. By virtue of Section 2(g), the order of the Court ordering the transfer of assets and liabilities of the transferor Company to the transferee Company is deemed to be a conveyance. This definition of conveyance is given below: 2(g) Conveyance includes, (i) a conveyance on sale,
(cxxxi) (ii) every instrument, (iii) every decree or final order of any Civil Court, (iv) every order made by the High Court under Section 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 (I of 1956) in respect of amalgamation of companies; by which property, whether moveable or immovable, or any estate or interest in any property is transferred to, or vested in, any other person, inter vivos, and which is not otherwise specifically provided for by Schedule I; The amended definition of term conveyance under Section 2(g) of the Bombay Stamp Act, 1958 (amended in 1985) inter alia includes every order made by the High Court under Section 394 of the Companies Act,1956 in respect of amalgamation of Companies by which property, whether moveable or immovable, or any estate or interest in any property of transferor is transferred to, or vested in the transferee company. Transfer of the property of a partnership firm to a limited company on its conversion was held to be treated as a conveyance and, hence, chargeable to stamp duty, irrespective of the fact that the partners of the firm were the shareholders of the Company [In re The Kandoli Tea Company 13 Cal 43; Foster v. Commissioners, (1894) 1 QB 516]. The landmark decision of Bombay High Court in Li Taka Pharmaceuticals v. State of Maharashtra (1996) 8 SC 102 (Bom.) has serious implications for mergers covered not just by the Bombay Stamp Act, 1958 but also mergers covered by Acts of other States. The following are the major conclusions of the Honourable Court: (1) An amalgamation under an order of Court under Section 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 is an instrument under the Bombay Stamp Act. (2) States are well within their jurisdiction when they levy stamp duty on instrument of amalgamation. (3) Stamp duty would be levied not on the gross assets transferred but on the undertaking, when the transfer is on a going concern basis, i.e. on the assets less liabilities. The value for this purpose would thus be the value of shares allotted. This decision has been accepted in the Act and now stamp duty is leviable on the value of shares allotted plus other consideration paid. The Supreme Court has held in Hindustan Lever v. State of Maharashtra (2004) CLC 166: (2004) 1 Comp LJ 148 (SC), that the amalgamation scheme sanctioned by the court would be an Instrument, within the meaning of Section 2(i) of the Bombay Stamp Act, 1958, which transfers the properties from the transferor company to the transferee company and the State Legislature has the legislative competence to impose stamp duty on the order of amalgamation passed by a court. Further, it was held that the word inter vivos appearing in Section 5 of the Bombay Stamp Act, in the context of Section 394 of the Companies Act would include within its meaning a transfer between two juristic persons or a transfer in which a juristic person is one of the parties. In Gemini Silk Ltd. v. Gemini Overseas Ltd. (2003) 53 CLA 328 (Cal), the High Court has held that a court order sanctioning a scheme of reconstruction or amalgamation under Section 391/394 is covered by the definition of the words
(cxxxii) conveyance and instrument under the Stamp Act and was, therefore liable to stamp duty. The Registrar of Companies was accordingly directed by the High Court not to take on record any order sanctioning a scheme until the order has been duly stamped. A perusal of the above judgements would show that wherever the State Legislature, in relation to a matter within its jurisdiction, prescribes the payment of stamp duty in respect of certain instruments, all such instruments, on execution, will have to suffer stamp duty. The key element is whether the document in question is an instrument. If it is an instrument, is it chargeable to duty. Therefore, even in respect of transactions which involve funding of mergers and acquisitions or where the exposure is secured by assets acquired through a scheme of merger or demerger within the meaning of Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 or by a direct sale under Section 293 of the Act, it should be ensured that the applicable stamp duty has been paid. Usually the question whether an order of a High Court sanctioning the scheme of amalgamation or merger or demerger containing provisions for transfer of properties from one company to another company with vesting of properties under Sub-section (2) of Section 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 is an instrument chargeable with duty arises. The above judgements clarify the said point. Stamp Duty Payable on High Courts Order sanctioning Amalgamation 1. In amalgamation the undertakings comprising property, assets and liabilities, of one (or more) company (amalgamating or transferor company) are absorbed by and transferred company merges into or integrates with transferee company. The former loses its entity and is dissolved (without winding up). 2. The transfer and vesting of transferor companys property, assets, etc. into transferee company takes place by virtue of the High Courts order. [Section 394(2)]. Thus, the vesting of the property occurs on the strength of the order of the High Court sanctioning the scheme of amalgamation, without any further document or deed. Property includes every kind of property, rights and powers of every description. [Section 394(4)(d)]. 3. For the purpose of conveying to the transferee company the title to the immovable property of the transferor company, necessary registration in the lands records in the concerned office of the State in which the property is situated, will be done on the basis of the High Court order sanctioning the amalgamation. If any stamp duty is payable under the Stamp Act of the State in which the property is situated, it will be paid on the copy of the High Court. 4. An order of the High Court under Section 394 is founded and based on the compromise or arrangement between the two companies for transferring assets and liabilities of the transferor company to the transferee company and that order is an instrument as defined in Section 2(1) of the Bombay Stamp Act which included every document by which any right or liability is transferred [Li taka Pharmaceuticals Ltd. v. State of Maharashtra (1996) 22 CLA 154; AIR 1997 Bom 7].
(cxxxiii) 5. Thus, an order of the High Court sanctioning a scheme of amalgamation under Section 394 of the Companies Act is liable to stamp duty in those states where the state stamp law provides such stamp duty. In Hindustan Lever Ltd. v. State of Maharashtra (2003) 117 Comp. Case SC 758 the Supreme Court considered this issue. Tata Oil Mills Company Ltd. (TOMCO) was merged with the Hindustan Lever Ltd. (HLL). The State imposed stamp duty on the order sanctioning the scheme of merger. The demand was challenged by the company on two grounds that State Legislature is not competent to impose stamp duty on the order of amalgamation passed by a court and such order of the court is neither instrument nor document (transferring properties from transferor company to transferee company) liable to stamp duty. The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal of the company on following reasons: Transfer of property has been defined to mean an act by which a living person conveys property, in present or in future, to one or more living persons. Companies or associations or bodies of individuals, whether incorporated or not, have been included amongst living persons. It clearly brings out that a company can effect transfer of property. The word inter vivos in the context of Section 394 of the Companies Act would include, within its meaning, also a transfer between two juristic persons or a transfer to which a juristic person is one of the parties. The company would be a juristic person created artificially in the eyes of law capable of owning and transferring the property. The method of transfer is provided in law. One of the methods prescribed is dissolution of the transferee company along with all its assets and liabilities. Where any property passes by conveyance, the transaction is said to be inter vivos as distinguished from a case of succession or devise. The Supreme Court dismissed the appeal on following reasons. The State Legislature would have the jurisdiction to levy the stamp duty under entry 44 List III of the Seventh Schedule of the constitution and prescribes rate of stamp duty under entry 63, List II. It does not in any way impinge upon any entry in List I. Entry 44 of List III empowers the State Legislature to prescribe rates of stamp duty in respect of documents other than those specified in List I. By sanctioning a scheme of amalgamation, the property including the liabilities are transferred as provided in Section 394 of the Companies Act and on that transfer instrument stamp duty is levied. It, is therefore, cannot be said that the State Legislature has no jurisdiction to levy such duty. Under the scheme of amalgamation, the whole or any part of the undertaking, properties or liability of any company concerned in the scheme are to be transferred to the other company. The intended transfer is a voluntary act of the contracting parties. The transfer has all trappings of a sale. While exercising its power in sanctioning a scheme of arrangement, the court has to examine as to whether the provisions of the statute have been complied with. Once the court finds that the parameters set out in Section 394 of the Companies Act have been met then the court would have no further jurisdiction to sit in appeal over the commercial wisdom of the lass
(cxxxiv) of persons who with their eyes open give their approval, even if, in the view of the court a better scheme could have been framed. Two broad principles underlying a scheme of amalgamation are that the order passed by the court amalgamating the company is based on a compromise or arrangement arrived at between the parties; and that the jurisdiction of the company court while sanctioning the scheme is supervisory only. Both these principles indicate that there is no adjudication by the court on merits as such. The order of the court under sub-section (2) of Section 391 has to be presented before the Registrar of Companies within 30 days for registration and shall not have effect till a certified copy of the order has been filed with the Registrar and the Registrar of Companies certifies that the transferor company stands amalgamated with the transferee company along with all its assets and liabilities. Thus, the amalgamation scheme sanctioned by the court would be an instrument within the meaning of Section 2(i) of the Bombay Stamp Act, 1958. By the said instrument the properties are transferred from the transferor company to the transferee company, the basis of which is the compromise or arrangement arrived at between the two companies. A document creating or transferring a right is an instrument. An order effectuating the transfer is also a document. 6. The company will provide to the Collector of Stamps application for adjudication of the High Court order for determination of stamp duty payable; proof of the market value of equity shares of the transferor company (Stock Exchange quotation or a certificate from Stock Exchange) as on the appointed date; certificate from an approved valuer or valuation of the immovable property being transferred to the transferee company. 7. The Collector thereafter will adjudicate the order and determine stamp duty. 8. The stamp duty will be paid in the manner prescribed under the Stamp Rules. The duty-paid Order will be registered with the Sub-Registrar of Assurances where the lands and buildings are located. Stamp Duty on other Documents Usually, in a merger, several other documents, agreements, indemnity bonds, etc. are executed, depending on the facts of each case and requirements of the parties. Stamp duty would also be leviable as per the nature of the instrument and its contents. No stamp duty is payable on an order issued by the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR), sanctioning an amalgamation, apparently on the ground that such an order aims at rehabilitating business and undertaking of a sick industrial company. Stamp Duty Payable on a High Court Order sanctioning amalgamation under the Bombay Stamp Act An illustration
(cxxxv) The rate of duty is 10% of the aggregate of (a) the true market value of the shares issued or allotted in exchange or otherwise; and (b) the amount of consideration paid for such amalgamation. However, the amount of duty actually payable (subject to the above mentioned 10% limit) will be the maximum of the following: (a) an amount equal to 7% of the true market value of immovable property of the transferor company, located in Maharashtra the transferor company; or (b) an amount equal to 0.7% of (i) the aggregate of the market value of the shares issued or allotted by the transferee company in exchange or otherwise (to the shareholders of the transferor company); or (ii) the amount of consideration paid by the transferee company for such amalgamation. [Article 25(da) in Schedule I to the Bombay Stamp Act, which ever is higher. Computation of stamp duty in a case in one of the Kirloskar Group company, is given below: 1. The Group Company submitted the High Court Order for Adjudication under the Bombay Stamp Act, to the Collector of Stamps, Pune with details of lands and buildings owned by the Transferor Company. 2. The Collector thereafter adjudicated the necessary stamp duty as Rs.17,04,612.00 at 7% on determining the true market value of the immovable property at Rs. 2,43,51,600.00. The same was paid and the Order was registered with the Sub-Registrar of Assurances where the lands and buildings are located. States in which the Order of the High Court under Section 394 in respect of Amalgamation is subject to the Payment of Stamp Duty (a) Rajasthan (The Rajasthan Stamp Act, 1998, has repealed the Rajasthan Stamp Law (Adaption) Act, 1952 and as per the new Act stamp duty would be chargeable on the order of the High Court relating to the Scheme of Amalgamation under Section 394. (b) Maharashtra (c) Gujarat (d) Karnataka (e) Madhya Pradesh (f) West Bengal. Amalgamation between Holding and Subsidiary Companies Exemption from payment of Stamp Duty
(cxxxvi) The Central Government has exempted the payment of stamp duty on instrument evidencing transfer of property between companies limited by shares as defined in the Indian Companies Act, 1913, in a case: (i) where at least 90 per cent of the issued share capital of the transferee company is in the beneficial ownership of the transferor company, or (ii) where the transfer takes place between a parent company and a subsidiary company one of which is the beneficial owner of not less than 90 per cent of the issued share capital of the other, or (iii) where the transfer takes place between two subsidiary companies each of which not less than 90 per cent of the share capital is in the beneficial ownership of a common parent company: Provided that in each case a certificate is obtained by the parties from the officer appointed in this behalf by the local Government concerned that the conditions above prescribed are fulfilled. Therefore, if property is transferred by way of order of the High Court in respect of the Scheme of Arrangement/Amalgamation between companies which fulfill any of the above mentioned three conditions, then no stamp duty would be levied provided a certificate certifying the relation between companies is obtained from the officer appointed in this behalf by the local Government (generally this officer is the Registrar of Companies). However, stamp being a state subject, the above would only be applicable in those states where the State Government follows the above stated notification of the Central Government otherwise stamp duty would be applicable irrespective of the relations mentioned in the said notification. 20. FILING OF VARIOUS AMALGAMATION FORMS IN THE PROCESS OF MERGER/
The following forms, reports, returns etc. are required to be filed with the Registrar of Companies, SEBI and stock exchanges at various stages of the process of merger/amalgamation: 1. (a) when the objects clause of the memorandum of association of the transferee company is altered to provide for amalgamation/merger, for which special resolution under Section 17 of the Companies Act, 1956, is passed; (b) the companys authorised share capital is increased to enable the company to issue shares to the shareholders of the transferor company in exchange for the shares held by them in that company for which a special resolution under Section 31 of the Act for alteration of its articles is passed; (c) a special resolution under Section 81(1A) of the Act is passed to authorise the companys Board of directors to issue shares to the shareholders of the transferor company in exchange for the shares held by them in that company; and (d) a special resolution is passed under Section 149(2A) of the Act
(cxxxvii) authorising the transferee company to commence the business of the transferor company or companies as soon as the amalgamation/merger becomes effective; the company should file with ROC within thirty days of passing of the aforementioned special resolutions, e-Form No. 23. The following documents should be annexed to the said e-form: (i) certified true copies of all the special resolutions; (ii) certified true copy of the explanatory statement annexed to the notice for the general meeting at which the resolutions are passed, for registration of the resolution under Section 192 of the Act. This e-form should be digitally signed by Managing Director/Director/Manager or Secretary of the Company duly authorized by Board of Directors. This eform should also be certified by Company Secretary or Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant (in whole time practice) by digitally signing the e-form. When a special resolution is passed under Section 149(2A) of the Act, authorising the transferee company to commence the business of the transferor company or companies as soon as the amalgamation/merger becomes effective, the transferee company should also file with the Registrar of Companies, a duly verified declaration of compliance with the provisions of Section 149(2A) by one of the directors or the secretary or, where the company has not appointed a secretary, a secretary in whole-time practice in e-Form No. 20A. The original duly filled in and signed e-form 20A on stamp paper, of the value applicable in the State where declaration is executed, is also required to be sent to the concerned ROC office simultaneously, failing which the filing will not be considered and legal action will be taken. In compliance with the listing agreement, the transferee company is required to give notice to the stock exchanges where the securities of the company are listed, and to the Securities and exchange Board of India (SEBI), of the Board meeting called for the purpose of discussing and approving amalgamation. In compliance with the listing agreement, the transferee company is required to give intimation to the stock exchanges where the securities of the company are listed, of the decision of the Board approving amalgamation and also the swap ratio, before such information is given to the shareholders and the media. The transferee company is required to file with the Registrar of Companies, e-Form No. 21 along with a certified copy of the High Courts order on summons directing the convening and holding of meetings of equity shareholders/creditors including debentures holders etc. as required under Section 391(3) of the Companies Act. This e-form should be digitally signed by the Managing Director or Director or Manager or Secretary of the Company duly authorized by the Board of Directors. However, in case of foreign company, the e-form should be digitally signed by an authorized representative of the company duly authorized by the Board of Directors. The original certified copy of the Courts order is also required to be submitted at the concerned ROC office simultaneously of filing e-form 21, failing which the filing will not be considered and legal action will be taken.
(cxxxviii) 6. In compliance with the listing agreement, the transferee company is required to simultaneously furnish to the stock exchanges where the securities of the company are listed, copy of every notice, statement, pamphlet etc. sent to members of the company in respect of a general meeting in which the scheme of arrangement of merger/amalgamation is to be approved. 7. In compliance with the listing agreement, the transferee company is required to furnish to the stock exchanges where the securities of the company are listed, minutes of proceedings of the general meeting in which the scheme of arrangement of merger/amalgamation is approved. 8. To file with ROC within thirty days of passing of the special resolution, eForm No. 23. The following documents should be annexed to the said eform: (i) certified true copy of the special resolution approving the scheme of arrangement of merger/amalgamation; (ii) certified true copy of the explanatory statement annexed to the notice for the general meeting at which the resolution is passed, for registration of the resolution under Section 192 of the Act. This e-form should be digitally signed by Managing Director/ Director/Manager or Secretary of the Company duly authorized by Board of Directors. The e-form should also be certified by Company Secretary or Chartered Accountant or Cost Accountant (in whole time practice) by digitally signing the e-form. 9. The transferee company is required to file with the Central Government notice of every application made to the court under Section 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956. No notice need be given to the Central Government once again when the Court proceeds to pass final order to dissolve the transferor company. The Central Government has delegated its powers under the aforesaid sections to the Regional Director, Department of Company Affairs. 10. To file with the Registrar of Companies within thirty days of allotment of shares to the shareholders of the transferor company in lieu of the shares held by them in that company in accordance with the shares exchange ratio incorporated in the scheme of arrangement for merger/amalgamation, eForm No. 2 the return of allotment along with the prescribed filing fee as per requirements of Sections 75 of the Act. This e-form should be digitally signed by Managing Director or Director or Manager or Secretary of the Company duly authorised by the Board of Directors. The e-form should also be certified by Company Secretary or Chartered Accountant or Company Secretary (in whole time practice) by digitally signing the e-form. 21. AMALGAMATION OF BANKING COMPANIES Amalgamation of one banking company with another banking company is governed by the provisions of Banking Regulation Act, 1949. The provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 are not applicable in this case. According to Section 2(5) of the Companies Act, 1956 Banking company has the same meaning as in the Banking Companies Act, 1949. (now the Banking Regulation Act, 1949). Section 5(1)(c) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949
(cxxxix) defines a "banking company" as any company which transacts the business of banking in India. Section 44A of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 provides for the procedure for amalgamation of banking companies. The RBIs power under Section 44A shall not affect the power of the Central Government to provide for the amalgamation of two or more banking companies under Section 396 of the Companies Act, 1956. But, in such a case, the Central Government must consult the RBI before passing any order under Section 396. [Section 44A(7)]. The Bombay High Court in Industrial Enterprises and Finance Limited, in re 120 COM Cas 457 held that once the majority of shareholders had accorded their consent to a scheme of amalgamation, the Court had no jurisdiction to go into the merits of amalgamation. RBIs permission was not required for amalgamation of a non-banking financial company with a banking company. Approval of Scheme of Amalgamation To amalgamate one banking company with another banking company, a scheme of amalgamation must be placed in draft before the shareholders of each of the banking companies concerned separately, and approved by a resolution passed by a majority in number representing two-thirds in value of the shareholders of each of the said companies, present either in person or by proxy. [Section 44A(1)]. The approval of the shareholders must be secured at an extraordinary general meeting of each of the concerned companies, specially convened for the purpose of approving the scheme. In the first instance, the scheme shall be placed before the Board of Directors of each of the concerned companies. The Board will pass resolutions to (a) approve the scheme of amalgamation; (b) fix the time, date and place of the extraordinary general meeting; (c) authorise the Managing Director/Company Secretary/any director or officer of the company to issue notice of the meeting; (d) do such other acts, things and deeds as may be necessary or expedient to do for the purpose of securing approval of the shareholders or others to the scheme. Convening General Meeting Notice of every extraordinary general meeting as is referred to above must be given to every shareholder of each of the banking companies concerned in accordance with the relevant articles of association [Section 44A(2)]. The notice of the meeting must indicate the time, place and object of the meeting [Section 44A(2)]. The notice of the meeting must also be published at least once a week for three consecutive weeks in not less than two newspapers which circulate in the locality or localities where the registered offices of the banking companies concerned are situated, one of such newspapers being in a
(cxl) language commonly understood in the locality or localities [Section 44A(2)]. It is advisable to explain in a note the salient features of the scheme and also to enclose to the notice full scheme of amalgamation. Resolution for Approval of the Scheme The scheme of amalgamation must be approved by means of a resolution passed at the general meeting, by a majority in number representing two-third in value of the shareholders of each of the said companies, present either in person or by proxy at a meeting called for the purpose [Section 44A(1)]. Dissenting Shareholders Right to Claim Return of Capital Any shareholder, who has voted against the scheme of a amalgamation at the meeting or has given notice in writing at or prior to the meeting to the company concerned or to the presiding officer of the meeting that he dissents from the scheme of amalgamation, shall be entitled in the event of the scheme being sanctioned by the RBI, to claim from the banking company concerned, in respect of the shares held by him in that company, their value as determined by the RBI when sanctioning the scheme [Section 44A(3)]. The determination by the RBI regarding the value of the shares to be paid to the dissenting shareholders shall be final for all purposes [Section 44A(3)]. Approval by Reserve Bank of India If the scheme of amalgamation is approved by the requisite majority of shareholders in accordance with the provisions of this section, it shall be submitted to the RBI (Reserve Bank of India) for its sanction [Section 44A(4)]. The RBI may sanction a scheme by an order in writing [Section 44A(4)]. A scheme sanctioned by the RBI shall be binding on the banking companies concerned and also on all the shareholders thereof [Section 44A(4)]. An order sanctioning a Scheme of Amalgamation, passed by the RBI under Section 44A(4) shall be conclusive evidence that all the requirements of this section relating to amalgamation have been complied with [Section 44A(6C)]. A copy of the said order certified in writing by an officer of the RBI to be a true copy of such order and a copy of the scheme certified in the like manner to be a true copy thereof shall, in all legal proceedings (whether in appeal or otherwise) be admitted as evidence to the same extent as the original order and the original scheme [Section 44A(6C)]. Transfer of Property On the sanctioning of a scheme of amalgamation by the RBI, the property of the amalgamated banking company, i.e. the transferor company, shall, by virtue of the order of sanction, be transferred to and vest in the transferee company. No other or further document will be necessary for effecting the transfer and vesting of the property from the transferor company to the transferee company [Section 44A(6)]. Similarly, the liabilities of the transferor company shall, by virtue of the said order, be transferred to, and become the liabilities of the transferee company [Section 44A(6)].
(cxli) Dissolution of Transferor Company Where a scheme of amalgamation is sanctioned by the RBI, the RBI may, by a further order in writing, direct that on the date specified in the order, the amalgamated banking company i.e., the transferor company, shall stand dissolved [Section 44A(6A)]. A copy of the order directing dissolution of the amalgamated banking company shall be forwarded by the RBI to the office of the Registrar of companies at which it has been registered. On receipt of such order, the Registrar shall strike off the name of the company. [Section 44A(6B)] 22. CROSS BORDER MERGERS AND ACQUISITIONS There has been a substantial increase in the quantum of funds flowing across nations in search of takeover candidates. The UK has been the most important foreign investor in the USA in recent years, with British companies making large acquisitions. With the advent of the Single Market, the European Union now represents the largest single market in the world. European as well as Japanese and American companies have sought to increase their market presence by acquisitions. Many cross-border deals have been in the limelight. The biggest were those of Daimler Benz-Chrysler, BP-Amoco, Texas Utilities-Energy Group, Universal StudiosPolygram, Northern Telecom-Bay Networks and Deutsche Bank-Bankers Trust. Nearly 80 per cent of the transactions were settled in stock rather than through cash. The markets even witnessed merger between publishing groups Reed Elsevier and Wolters Kluwer and a hostile bid for U.K. building materials company Red Line from the French Cement group Lafarge. In telecommunications, the major deals include Accr-Gateway, Arrow-Keylink, Cisco WebEX Dell-SilverBack AT&T TCI; Bell Atlantic-GTEand SBC-Ameritech. The acquisition of MCI by WorldCom also took place. Low international oil prices promoted huge oil sector mergers like Exxon-Mobil, BP-Amoco and Total-Petrofina. The healthcare industry has also witnessed significant activity. The major deals include Misys Healthcare All scripts, Muskegon Chronicle Hospital merger, Zeneca-Astra, Hoechst-Rhone Poulenc and Sanofi-Synthelabo. Quite a few deals have even fallen through. This category includes American Home ProductsSmithKline Beecham, American Home Products-Monsanto and Glaxo WellcomeSmithKline Beecham. Health care information technology acquisition activity too picked up in 2006 and has kept pace since. The Eastman Kodak Health Group acquisition by Toronto based Onex Corporation has been a case in the point. Not untouched by the Mergers and Acquisition wave has been the audit business. Price Water House merged with Coopers and Lybrand. Euroland has also seen hectic merger and acquisition activity in the last couple of years, more for strategic reasons than operational due to the inherent strength of the eleven Euorpean Union (EU) countries, the Euro. The new currency is likely to lead to a wave of consolidation in the Eurozone as seen from the merger of Bankers Trust with Deutsche Bank and the consolidation attempts involving Society Generale, Paribas and Banque Nationale de Paril.
(cxlii) The going global is rapidly becoming Indian Companys mantra of choice. Indian companies are now looking forward to drive costs lower, innovate speedily, and increase their International presence. Companies are discovering that a global presence can help insulate them from the vagaries of domestic market and is one of the best ways to spread the risks. As mentioned earlier, Indian Corporate sector has witnessed several strategical acquisitions. Tata Steels acquisition of Corus Group, Mittal Steels acquisition of Arcelor, Tata Motors acquisition of Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Company, Tata Steel acquisition of Singapores NatSteel, Reliances acquisition of Flag is the culmination of Indian Companies efforts to establish a presence outside India. Not only this, to expand their operations overseas the Indian companies are acquiring their counterparts or are making efforts towards the end viz. the merger of Air India and Indian Airlines. Why Companies Merge? What are the key drivers of this unprecedented merger and amalgamation activity globally? There is no doubt about the extent of excess capacity in almost all industrial segments, across all regions. The excess capacity increases competition, erodes profits and reduces growth. Instinctively, companies adopt the easiest way to insulate themselves from competition induced pressures. As neither governments nor consumers allow companies to insulate themselves through cartels, they have been taking the M&A route to achieve earnings growth and competitiveness. M&A, which earlier used to be about conglomerates, is now about concentration. A variety of strategic imperatives has been driving companies towards mergers and acquisitions. They include globalisation, consolidation, product-differentiation and customer demands, vertical integration, deregulation, technology integration and refashioning, market expansion. Motivations behind Cross-border Acquisitions Briefly stating, companies go in for international acquisitions for a number of strategic or tactical reasons such as the following: Growth orientation: To escape small home market, to extend markets served, to achieve economy of scale. Access to inputs: To access raw materials to ensure consistent supply, to access technology, to access latest innovations, to access cheap and productive labour. Exploit unique advantages: To exploit the companys brands, reputation, design, production and management capabilities. Defensive: To diversify across products and markets to reduce earnings volatility, to reduce dependence on exports, to avoid home country political and economic instability, to compete with foreign competitors in their own territory, to circumvent protective trade barriers in the host country. Response to client needs: To provide home country clients with service for their overseas subsidiaries, e.g. banks and accountancy firms. Opportunism: To exploit temporary advantages, e.g. a favourable exchange rate making foreign acquisitions cheap.
(cxliii) Reasons for Failure While cross border mergers have become very popular, there are instances of failure too. While it is not possible to pin point any single reason, some of the reasons for unsuccessful mergers could be: 1. Insufficient investigation of the acquired company. 2. Corporation indigestion: To many companies acquired in too short a tie in diverse industries. 3. Too broad a diversification. 4. Overbid to acquire control of a company. 5. Faulty financial evaluation of M&A. Failure of Integration could result from the following reasons: Clash of management styles No plan for fit of personnel, plant and facilities Inadequate diligence by Incompatible marketing systems merger partners Lack of strategic rationale Inability to implement change Unrealistic expectations of Inability to manage targets synergies Conflicting corporate cultures Failure to move quickly to merge the two companies Major Concerns Economic Concerns: Cross-border mergers may not contribute to productive capacity during entry time, but simply transfer assets and ownership from domestic to foreign hands, which are generally accompanied by the reduction in production, R&D activities and employment. Also sometimes it reduces competition in domestic market and lead to monopoly of foreign acquirers. Social, political and cultural concerns: Since many cross-border mergers are infrastructure-related therefore they are directly linked to social and political opposition. So if the ownership of the national telecommunications or electricity or water provider is to switch to foreigners it may lead to great opposition. Also in the media and entertainment, cross-border mergers may threaten national culture or identity. Also if lots of enterprises are being acquired by foreigners if may be seen as loss of national sovereignty. Steps for Mergers to Succeed Partnering Criteria: Select an Equity partner on strength of character, integrity and philosophy. Understand how will they behave in the long run? People should be able to jointly solve problems instead of finding someone else to blame. Put substantial effort during the integration process. Plan for integration before doing the deal.
(cxliv) Work the details. Develop a clear communication plan throughout the entire process. Ensure human integration by understanding and analyzing difference in cultures. 23. MERGER ASPECTS UNDER COMPETITION LAW Regulation of Combinations Substantive provisions relating to regulation of combinations are contained in Section 5 and Section 6 of the Competition Act, 2002. Combination for the purposes of the Act has been defined under Section 5, whereas regulation of combinations is provided under Section 6. The violation of Section 6 pertaining to regulation of combinations shall occur when a combination as defined under Section 5 has the effect of causing appreciable adverse effect on competition in the relevant market in India. The combination in terms of Section 5 denotes that the acquisition of one or more enterprises by one or more persons or merger or amalgamation of enterprises shall be a combination of such enterprises and persons or enterprises, which are above the certain prescribed size in terms of assets or turnover. Section 5 provides certain size-related thresholds and only an acquisition, acquiring of control, merger, or amalgamation above these thresholds is covered by the definition of combination. Thus, combinations below the specified thresholds are beyond the jurisdiction of the Competition Commission insofar as regulation of combinations is concerned. Section 20(3) provides that these thresholds are subject to revision bi-annually by the Central Government so as to account inter alia for inflation and exchange rate fluctuations. Text of Section 5 and Section 6 of the Competition Act, 2002 is reproduced below: Combination 5. The acquisition of one or more enterprises by one or more persons or merger or amalgamation of enterprises shall be a combination of such enterprises and persons or enterprises, if (a) any acquisition where (i) the parties to the acquisition, being the acquirer and the enterprise, whose control, shares, voting rights or assets have been acquired or are being acquired jointly have, (A) either, in India, the assets of the value of more than rupees one thousand crores or turnover more than rupees three thousand crores; or (B) in India or outside India, in aggregate, the assets of the value of more than five hundred million US dollars including atleast rupees five
The Act is yet to be brought into force.
(cxlv) hundreds crores in India or turnover more than fifteen hundred million US dollars, included atleast rupees fifteen hundred crore in India; or (ii) the group, to which the enterprise whose control, shares, assets or voting rights have been acquired or are being acquired, would being after the acquisition, jointly have or would jointly have, (A) either in India, the assets of the value of more than rupees four thousand crores or turnover more than rupees twelve thousand crores; or (B) In India or outside India, in aggregate, the assets of the value of more than two billion US dollars including atleast rupees five hundred crores in India or turnover more than six billion US dollars including atleast rupees fifteen hundred crores in India; or (b) acquiring of control by a person over an enterprise when such person has already direct or indirect control over another enterprise engaged in production, distribution or trading of a similar or identical or substitutable goods or provision of a similar or identical or substitutable service, if (i) the enterprise over which control has been acquired along with the enterprise over which the acquirer already has direct or indirect control jointly have, (A) either in India, the assets of the value of more than rupees one thousand crores or turnover more than rupees three thousand crores; or (B) In India or outside India, in aggregate, the assets of the value of more than five hundred million US dollars including atleast rupees five hundred crores in India or turnover more than fifteen hundred million US dollars including atleast rupees fifteen hundred crore in India; or (ii) the group, to which enterprise whose control has been acquired, or is being acquired, would belong after the acquisition, jointly have or would jointly have, (A) either in India, the assets of the value of more than rupees four thousand crores or turnover more than rupees twelve thousand crores; or (B) in India or outside India, in aggregate, the assets of the value of more than two billion US dollars including atleast rupees five hundred crores in India or turnover more than six billion US dollars including atleast rupees fifteen hundred crores in India; or (C) any merger or amalgamation in which (i) the enterprise remaining after merger or the enterprise created as a result of the amalgamation, as the case may be, have, (A) either in India, the assets of the value of more than rupees one thousand crores or turnover more than rupees, three thousand crores; or
(cxlvi) (B) in India or outside India, in aggregate, the assets of the value of more than five hundred million US dollars including atleast rupees five hundred crores in India or turnover more than fifteen hundred million US dollars including atleast rupees fifteen hundred crores in India; or (ii) the group, to which the enterprise remaining after the merger or the enterprise created as a result of the amalgamation, would belong after the merger or the amalgamation, as the case may be, have or would have, (A) either in India, the assets of the value of more than rupees four-thousand crores or turnover more than rupees twelve thousand crores; or (B) in India or outside India, the assets of the value of more than two billion US dollars including atleast five hundred crores in India or turnover more than six billion US dollars including atleast rupees fifteen hundred crores in India. Explanation: For the purposes of this section, (a) control includes controlling the affairs or management by (i) one or more enterprises, either jointly or singly, over another enterprise or group; (ii) one or more groups, either jointly or singly, over another group or enterprise; (b) group means two or more enterprises which, directly or indirectly, are in a position to (i) exercise twenty-six per cent or more of the voting rights in the other enterprise; or (ii) appoint more than fifty percent, of the members of the board of directors in the other enterprise; or (iii) control the management or affairs of the other enterprise; (c) the value of assets shall be determined by taking the book value of the assets as shown, in the audited books of account of the enterprise, in the financial year immediately preceding the financial year in which the date of proposed merger falls, as reduced by any depreciation, and the value of assets shall include the brand value, value of goodwill, or value of copyright, patent, permitted use, collective mark, registered proprietor, registered trade mark, registered user, homonymous geographical indication, geographical indications, design or layout-design or similar other commercial rights, if any, referred to in Sub-section (5) of Section 3. Regulation of Combinations 6. (1) No person or enterprise shall enter into a combination which causes or is likely to cause an appreciable adverse effect on competition within the relevant market in India and such a combination shall be void. (2) Subject to the provisions contained in Sub-section (1), any person or
(cxlvii) enterprise, who or which proposes to enter into a combination, shall, give notice to the Commission, in the form as may be specified, and the fee which may be determined, by regulations, disclosing the details of the proposed combination, within thirty days of (a) approval of the proposal relating to merger or amalgamation, referred to in clause (c) of Section 5, by the board of directors of the enterprises concerned with such merger or amalgamation, as the case may be; (b) execution of any agreement or other document for acquisition referred to in clause (a) of Section 5 or acquiring of control referred to in clause (b) of that section. (2A) No combination shall come into effect until two hundred and ten days have passed from the day on which the notice has been given to the Commission under Sub-section (2) or the Commission has passed orders under Section 31, whichever is earlier. (3) The Commission shall, after receipt of notice under Sub-section (2), deal with such notice in accordance with the provisions contained in Sections 29, 30 and 31. (4) The provisions of this section shall not apply to share subscription or financing facility or any acquisition, by a public financial institution, foreign institutional investor, bank or venture capital fund, pursuant to any covenant of a loan agreement or investment agreement. (5) The public financial institution, foreign institutional investor, bank or venture capital fund, referred to in Sub-section (4) shall, within seven days from the date of the acquisition, file, in the form as may be specified by regulations, with the Commission the details of the acquisition including the details of control, the circumstances for exercise of such control and the consequences of default arising out of such loan agreement or investment agreement, as the case may be. Explanation: For the purposes of this section, the expression (a) foreign institutional investor has the same meaning as assigned to it in clause (a) of the Explanation to Section 115AD of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961); (b) venture capital fund has the same meaning as assigned to it in clause (b) of the Explanation to clause (23FB) of Section 10 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961). Determination of Turnover The definition of the term turnover, inter alia, is relevant and significant in determining whether the combination of combining entities exceeds the threshold limit of the turnover specified in Section 5 of the Act. In terms of Section 2(y) of the Competition Act, 2002, turnover includes value of sale of goods or services. Computation of Value of Assets Value of the assets for the purposes of regulation of combinations shall be determined on the basis of the book value of assets as shown, in the audited books of account of the enterprise, in the financial year immediately preceding the financial
(cxlviii) in which the date of proposed merger falls, after deducting there from any depreciation. The value of the assets shall also include the brand value, value of goodwill, or value of copyright, patent, permitted use, collective mark, registered proprietor, registered trade mark, registered user, geographical indications, design or layout design or similar other commercial rights, referred to in Section 3(5) of the Competition Act, 2002. Determination of Appreciable Adverse Effect on Competition by a Combination Section 6 of the Act provides that no person or enterprise shall enter into a combination which causes or is likely to cause an appreciable adverse effect on competition within the relevant market in India and if such a combination is formed, it shall be void. While inquiring as to whether a combination causes or is likely to cause an appreciable adverse effect on competition, Competition Commission shall in terms of Section 20(4) have due regard to all or any of the following factors, namely, (a) actual and potential level of competition through imports in the market; (b) extent of barriers to entry into the market; (c) level of combination in the market; (d) degree of countervailing power in the market; (e) likelihood that the combination would result in the parties to the combination being able to significantly and sustainably increase prices or profit margins; (f) extent of effective competition likely to sustain in a market; (g) extent to which substitutes are available or are likely to be available in the market; (h) market share, in the relevant market, of the persons or enterprise in a combination, individually and as a combination; (i) likelihood that the combination would result in the removal of a vigorous and effective competitor or competitors in the market; (j) nature and extent of vertical integration in the market; (k) possibility of a failing business; (l) nature and extent of innovation; (m) relative advantage, by way of the contribution to the economic development, by any combination having or likely to have appreciable adverse effect on competition; (n) whether the benefits of the combination outweigh the adverse impact of the combination, if any. Compulsory Notification of Combinations In terms of Section 6(2), any person or enterprise, who or which proposes to enter into any combination, is required to give a notice of forming a combination to the Commission, in the prescribed form, together with the fee prescribed under regulations within thirty days. However, such a combination has to be intimated only if it is above threshold limits discussed above.
(cxlix) Further, if the combinations is between persons or enterprises having operations in India or outside India, such compulsory intimation will be necessary only if the operations of the combined entity has assets of atleast Rs. 500 crores or turnover of atleast Rs. 1500 crores in India. Such intimation/notice should be submitted within thirty days of (a) approval of the proposal relating to merger or amalgamation, referred to in Section 5(c), by the board of directors of the enterprise concerned with such merger or amalgamation, as the case may be; (b) execution of any agreement or other document for acquisition referred to in Section 5(a) or acquiring of control referred to in Section 5(b) or once the intimation is received by the combination, it will do all that is necessary and give its ruling within maximum period of 210 days. In terms of Section 6(2A), combination shall not come into effect until 210 days have passed from the day on which notice has been given to the Commission about proposed combination or the Commission has passed orders on such combinations under Section 31 which involve: order approving the combination if Commission is of opinion that combination does not or is not likely to have an appreciable adverse effect on competition; order directing that combination shall not take effect if the Commission is of opinion that combination has or is likely to have an appreciable adverse effect on competition; order proposing appropriate modification to the combination, if Commission is of opinion that the combination has or is likely to have an appreciable adverse effect on competition but such adverse effect can be eliminated by suitable modification to such combination; order approving the combination with amendment submitted by parties in pursuance to modification proposed by the Commission. Non applicability of Section 6 In terms of Section 6(4), provisions relating to regulation of combinations shall not apply to share subscription or financing facility or any acquisition, by a public financial institution, foreign institutional investor, bank or venture capital fund, pursuant to any covenant of a loan agreement or investment agreement. However, in terms of Section 6(5), the public financial institution, foreign institutional investor, bank or venture capital fund, are required to file with the Competition Commission in prescribed form, details of the control, the circumstances for exercise of such control and the consequences of default arising out of loan agreement or investment agreement, within seven days from the date of such acquisition or entering into such agreement, as the case may be. Inquiry into Combination In terms of Section 20(1) of the Act, the Commission may, upon its own knowledge or information relating to (i) acquisition referred to in clause (a) of Section 5; or
(cl) (ii) acquisition of control referred to in clause (b) of Section 5; or (iii) merger or amalgamation referred to in clause (c) of Section 5, inquire into whether such a combination has caused or is likely to cause an appreciable adverse effect on competition in India. However, the Commission shall not initiate inquiry under Section 20(1) after the expiry of one year from the date on which such combination has taken effect. Filing of written objections by affected party In terms of Section 29(1A) the Commission may call for a report from the Director General once it has received the response from the parties to the show cause notice for investigation in respect of such combination and such report shall be submitted by the Director General within such time as the Commission may direct. Further Section 29(2) provides that Commission shall direct the parties to the said combination to publish details of the combination within ten working days of such direction, in such manner, as it thinks appropriate, for bringing the combination to the knowledge or information of the public and persons affected or likely to be affected by such combination. It is in this context, the Commission may invite any person or member of the public, affected or likely to be affected by the said combination, to file his written objections, if any, before the Commission within fifteen working days from the date on which the details of the combination were published. PENALTIES FOR VIOLATION OF PROVISIONS UNDER SECTION 6 In terms of Section 31 of the Competition Commission after consideration of the relevant facts and circumstances of the case under investigation, under Section 28 or 30 and after assessing the effect of any combination on the relevant market in India, may pass any of the following orders: (i) Where the Competition Commission comes to a conclusion that any combination does not, or is not likely to, have an appreciable adverse effect on the Competition in relevant market in India, it may, approve the Combination including a combination intimated by the parties under Section 6(2) of the Act. (ii) In case the Competition Commission is of the opinion that the combination has, or is likely to have an adverse affect on the competition, it shall direct that the combination shall not take effect. (iii) Where the Commission is of the opinion that adverse effect which has been caused or is likely to be caused on the competition can be eliminated by modifying such combination then it shall direct the parties to such combination to carry out necessary modifications to the combination. (iv) The parties accepting the proposed modification are required to carry out such modification within the period specified by the Competition Commission. (v) Where the parties accepted the modification, but fail to carry out such modification within the period specified by the Competition Commission,
(cli) such combination shall be deemed to have an appreciable adverse effect on the competition and shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the Act. (vi) The parties to the combination, who do not accept the modification made within thirty working days of modification proposed by the Competition Commission, may submit amendment to the modification proposed by the Commission. (vii) If the Commission agrees with the amendment submitted by the parties, it shall, by an order, approve the combination. (viii) If the Commission does not accept the amendment then, parties shall be allowed a further period of thirty working days for accepting the amendment proposed by the Commission. (ix) Where the parties to the combination fail to accept the modification within thirty working days, then it shall be deemed that the combination has an appreciable adverse effect on the Competition and will be dealt with in further period of accordance with the provisions of the Act. (x) Where the Commission directs under Section 31(2) that the combination shall not take effect or it has, or is likely to have an appreciable adversely effect, it may order that, (a) the acquisition referred to in Section 5(a); or (b) the acquisition of control referred to in clause (b) of Section 5; or (c) the merger or the amalgamation referred to in clause (c) of Section 5 shall not be given effect to by the parties. As per proviso the Commission may, if it considers appropriate, frame a scheme to implement its order in regard to the above matters under Section 31(10). Combination deemed to be approved A deeming provisions has been introduced by Section 31(11), providing that if the Commission does not, on expiry of the period of two hundred and ten days from the date of notice given to Commission under Section 6(2) pass an order or issue any direction in accordance with the provisions of Section 31(1) or Section 31(2) or Section 31(7), the combination shall be deemed to have been approved by the Commission. Calculation of 210 days In reckoning the period of two hundred and ten days, the period of thirty days specified in Section 31(6) and further period of thirty working days specified in Section 31(8) if granted by Commission, shall be excluded. [Explanation to Section 31(11)] Where extension of time is granted on the request of parties the period of ninety working days shall be reckoned after the deducting the extended time granted at the request of the parties from time actually taken. [Section 31(12)] Combination to be dealt by concerned authorities
(clii) Where the Commission has ordered that a combination is void, as it has an appreciable adverse effect on the competition, the acquisition or acquiring of control or merger or amalgamation referred to in Section 5, shall be dealt with by other concerned authorities under any law for the time being in force, as if such acquisition or acquiring of control or merger or amalgamation had not taken place and the parties to the combination shall be dealt with accordingly. [Section 31(3)] Penalties for Contravention of orders of Commission The Competition Act, 2002 empowers the Commission to impose prescribed penalties for contravention of orders of the Commission under Sections 27, 31, 42, 43A and 44. Further, if any person does not comply with the orders or directions issued under Section 42, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years or with fine which may extend to rupees twenty-five crore or with both as the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Delhi may deem fit. The Chief Metropolitan Magistrate, Delhi may pass such orders as it may deem fit on a complaint filed before it by the Commission for non-compliance of its orders. Penalty for failure to comply with directions of Commission and Director General The Competition Commission has been empowered under Section 43 to impose a penalty by way of fine which may extend to rupees one lakh for each day subject to a maximum of rupees one crore, as may be determined by the Commission for each day during which a person continues to fail to comply with a direction given by: (a) the Commission under sub-sections (2) and (4) of Section 36; or (b) the Director General while exercising powers referred to in sub-section (2) of Section 41. Penalty for non-furnishing of information on combination In terms of Section 43A of the Competition Act, 2002, if any person or enterprise who fails to give notice to the Commission under Sub-section (2) of Section 6 pertaining to compulsory notification of combinations above threshold limits specified under the Act, the Commission shall impose on such person or enterprise a penalty which may extend to one per cent of the total turnover or the assets, whichever is higher, of such a combination. Penalty for making false statement or omission to furnish material information In terms of Section 44 the Competition Commission has been empowered to impose a penalty by way of fine which shall not be less than 50 lacs but may extend to rupees one crore as may be determined by the Commission, if any person required to furnish any particulars, documents or any information (a) makes any statement or furnishes any document which he knows or has reason to believe to be false in any material particular; or
(cliii) (b) omits to state any material fact knowing it to be material; or (c) willfully alters, suppresses or destroys any document which is required to be furnishes as aforesaid. In addition to imposing this penalty, the Commission may also pass such other order as it deems fit. Compensation In terms of Section 53N Central Government or a State Government or a local authority or any enterprise or any person may make an application to Appellate Tribunal to adjudicate on claim for compensation that may arise from the findings of the Commission or the order of the Appellate Tribunal in an appeal against any findings of the Commission or under Section 42A relating to compensation in case of contravention of orders of Commission or under Section 53Q(2) relating to contravention of orders of Appellate Tribunal or delay in carrying out such orders of appellate tribunal. The Appellate Tribunal may pass an order for the recovery of compensation from any enterprise for any loss or damage shown to have been suffered, by the Central Government or a State Government or a local authority or any enterprise or any person as a result of any contravention of the provisions of Chapter II, having been committed by the enterprise. This power of the Appellate Tribunal to award compensation is without prejudice to any other provision of the Act. The Appellate Tribunal may after making an inquiry made into the allegations mentioned in the application pass an order directing the enterprise to make payment to the applicant, of the amount determined by it as realizable from the enterprise as compensation for the loss or damage caused to the applicant as a result of any contravention of the provisions of Chapter II having been committed by such enterprise. However, the Appellate Tribunal may obtain the recommendations of the Commission before passing an order of compensation. Derivative Action In terms of Section 53N(4) the appellate tribunal may permit a reference on an application by a person on behalf of numerous persons having the same interest, where loss or damage is caused to them. Such an application may be made on behalf of, or for the benefit of, the persons so interested. An application may be made for compensation before the Appellate Tribunal only after either the Commission or the Appellate Tribunal on appeal under clause (a) f sub-section (1) of Section 53A of the Act, has determined in a proceeding before it that violation of the provisions of the Act has taken place, or if provisions of Section 42A or sub-section (2) of Section 53Q of the Act are attracted. Compensation is to be awarded after an enquiry is made into the allegations mentioned in the application for compensation. However, the enquiry under Section 53N shall be for the purpose of determining the eligibility and quantum of
(cliv) compensation due to a person applying for the same, and not for examining afresh the findings of the Commission or the Appellate Tribunal on whether any violation of the Act has taken place. Interim Relief In terms of Section 33 the Competition Commission of India has been empowered to grant interim relief by order during the pendency of an inquiry into anticompetitive agreements. The Competition Commission may, by order grant a temporary injunction restraining any party from carrying on such acts until the conclusion of inquiry or until further orders without giving notice to the opposite party where the Commission deems it necessary, if it is satisfied that an act in contravention of Section 3(1) or of Section 4 or Section 6 has been committed and continues to be committed or that such act is about to be committed. 24. PROCEDURE FOR MERGER GOVERNMENT COMPANIES AND AMALGAMATION RELATED TO
1. Prepare the detailed scheme of amalgamation of two or more companies in public interest, each of which companies should be a Government company within the meaning of Section 617. 2. Ensure that the aforesaid scheme of amalgamation is prepared by both the two or more companies which are being amalgamated as per the said scheme. 3. Convene a Board Meeting of each of the two or more Government companies which are being amalgamated in public interest, by giving notice to all the directors of the respective companies as per Section 286. 4. Keep in mind that every officer of the company whose duty is to give notice of the Board Meeting as aforesaid and who fails to do so will be punishable with fine of Rs. 1000/-. [Section 286(2)]. This offence is compoundable by the Central Government under Section 621A. 5. In the aforesaid Board Meeting have the draft scheme of amalgamation approved and also have one of the directors authorised to make the application to the Central Government under Section 396. 6. Obtain no objection letter, from the concerned State Government to which the companies belong to, for having the amalgamation of those companies effected in public interest. 7. Convene a General Meeting of each of the companies which are being amalgamated by giving at least twenty-one days notice with relevant explanatory statement before the date of such meeting. [Section 171(1) read with Section 173(2)], and have the scheme of amalgamation as approved by the Board of Directors, approved by the members.
(clv) 8. Have an application made by each one of the two or more amalgamating Government companies in their respective letter heads, as there is not prescribed form, to the Central Government under Section 396 and address each of the applications to the Secretary, Department of Company Affairs, Shastri Bhavan, 5th Flood, A Wing, Dr. Rajendra Prasad Road, New Delhi110001 and attach the following documents: (1) Certified true copy of the scheme of amalgamation; (2) Certified true copies of the Board Resolution approving the scheme of amalgamation; and giving authority to one of the directors, to file the application; (3) Certified true copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company; (4) Certified true copies of the latest audited balance sheet and profit and loss account with Directors and Auditors Report for the last three financial years; (5) Certified true copy of the No Objection Letter from the concerned State Government. 9. After considering the applications from two or more amalgamating Government companies, the Central Government will send the draft of the order of amalgamation to the concerned companies. 10. After waiting for two months from the date of receipt of the draft order of amalgamation by the concerned companies, if there is no objection from any one of the them within that time, the Central Government will notify the order of amalgamation in the Official Gazette, in public interest. 11. The aforesaid order will provide for the amalgamation of those companies into a single company with such constitution, with property, powers, rights, interests, authorities and privileges and with such liabilities, duties and obligations as may be specified in the order. 12. Note that application for amalgamation of companies in national interest under Section 396 will be disposed of within 60 days. [Citizens Charter for the Department of Company Affairs Schedule 1 item No. 14 vide No. 5/25/ 99-CLV; Press Note No. 9/99, dated 9.8.1999].
(clvi) ANNEXURE I ACTIVITY SCHEDULE FOR PLANNING A MERGER Sl. (1) 1. Activity (2) Objects clause to be examined Action to be taken for completion of activity (3) Check the object clause of the transferor and transferee company with regard to the power of amalgamation. Check the object clause of the transferee company regarding power to carry on the business of the transferor company; if not, it is necessary to amend the Objects Clause (various activities in this are as per Annexure II). Check if authorised capital of the transferee company is sufficient; if not it is to be amended (various activities in this regard are as per Annexure III). 2. Preparation Scheme Amalgamation of of Ref. Annexure IV. Max. 30 days after the draft of scheme of amalgamation is complete preferably within a month of effective date. Time required for (4) Min. 4 months Max. 8 months
Notice, Agenda of the Board Meeting to be sent. Board Meeting to be held. Agenda for Board Meeting will include the following items: Effective date to be announced: Approval of the scheme of amalgamation Approval of Ratio
(clvii) (1) (2) (3) Directors/Officers to be empowered to make application to appropriate High Courts and to take necessary action. 4. Stock Exchange Immediately after the board meeting approving the scheme/ both exchange ratio, companies will have to inform the respective stock exchanges. The news may be released to the press for information and others. Financial institutions/trustees to Debentureholders, if any to be formally advised and their consent sought. It is to be done on the same day as the day of Board meeting. (4)
Press Release
Financial Institutions/ Banks/Trustees to Debentureholders, if any, to be formally advised their consent sought. Application High Court to the
At least 45 days before Board meeting at 3 above so that at the time of Board Meeting, formal approval is received. It normally takes 10 days after application for the matter to come up. During the month of June/Dec., Court vacation time to be borne in mind.
An application to the High Court concerned both to the transferor and transferee companies will have to be made under Companies (Court) Rules, 1959, for summons for direction to convene the meeting in Form No. 33 of he Companies (Court) Rules, 1959. Affidavit in support of summons will be in Form 34 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959. Appointing meeting. chairman of the
Fix quorum of the meeting. An order by judge in summons convening meeting of the members of the transferor and transferee companies to approve the scheme and for
(clviii) (1) (2) (3) approval. This will be in Form No. 35 of Companies (Court) Rules, 1959. If the transferee/ transferor company is a potentially sick company, the provisions of SICA to be borne in mind. If there are any calls in arrears of transferor company, the High Court direction to be sought specifically. In case of a merger of a potentially sick company with a healthy company, the possibility of reducing the share capital of the sick company to the extent of losses to be considered and procedure for reduction to be undertaken. This would have an effect on the EPS of the merged company. 8. Notices Ordinary Meeting. of Extra General Notices and Statements under Section 393 of the Act will have to be printed. It will be in Form No. 36 of Companies (Court) Rules, 1959. (For specimen, please refer Annexure VI). Take approval of the draft of notice from Registrar of High Court - period involved 5 days. Proxy Forms in Form No. 37 will have to be sent along with the notice. Hall for the meetings to be finalised. Max. 20 days. (4)
(clix) (1) (2) (3) Notices will be in Form No. 36 and will be sent to individual members in the name of the Chairman of the meeting concerned, as required by Rule 73. Notice should be accompanied with statement the specimen, please Annexure VII). (For refer (4)
a copy of the scheme (For specimen, please refer Annexure VIII). form of proxy specimen, please Annexure IX). (For refer
The Notice will be advertised in the newspapers in such manner as the court may direct not less than 21 clear days before the meeting. The advertisement will be in Form No. 38. 9. Meetings of Members The meetings will be held as scheduled. The management will answer the queries of the members, permitted by the Chair. The decision of the meeting will be ascertained by poll only (Rule 77). Approval is required of a majority in number of persons present and voting representing three-fourths in value of the members. Chairman of each meeting will within the time fixed by the Judge (or within 7 days of the meeting) submit a report in Form No. 39. Within 1 to 7 days of meeting. Within 30 days of Notice of meeting.
(clx) (1) 10. (2) Petition to Court (3) Where the scheme is approved by members, the companies will within 7 days of filing of the report by the Chairman present a petition to the Court for confirmation of the scheme. The petition will be in Form No. 40. A copy of the petition will be served on the Regional Director, Company Law Board and others as directed by the Court. 11. Directions Petition. on the The Court will fix a date for the hearing of the petition. The Court will also direct official liquidator to scrutinize the books of the transferor company and submit a report thereon in terms of Section 394 of the act. 12. Notice of the hearing Notice of the hearing will be advertised in the same papers as the Court may direct not less than 10 days before the date fixed for the hearing. The Official liquidator upon directions of the Court will be required to inspect the books of the transferor company and report that the affairs of the company have not been conducted in a manner prejudicial to the interest of its members or to public interest. The official liquidator may nominate a chartered accountant from his panel to conduct the inspection and report to him. He may direct that inspection should cover 35 years. The fees payable will also be fixed. Within 4 to 5 months of general meeting. (4)
Official Report.
(clxi) (1) (2) (3) The official liquidators representative will visit the companys office and particulars required will be furnished to him. On the basis of the reports of the representatives, the official liquidator will submit his report to the court. Thereupon the Court will order dissolution. 14. Hearing and Order. Any person interested including creditors and employees may appear before the Court and make submissions. The order of the Court may include such directions with regard to any matter and such modifications in the scheme as the Judge may think fit to make for the proper working of the Scheme. The order will direct that a certified copy of the same should be filed with the Registrar of companies within 14 days from the date of the order or such other time as may be fixed by the Court. The order will be in Form 41 with such variations as may be necessary. The order may include order for dissolution of the transferor company if the Official Liquidator has submitted the report. The Court may make any provision for any person who dissents from the scheme. The order will not have any effect till a certified copy is filed with the Registrar. Within 10 to 14 days from the date of Court order. (4)
(clxii) (1) 15. (2) Filing/Annexing (3) Within 30 days of the making of the order, a certified copy thereof will be filed with the Registrar of Companies. In computing the period of 30 days the time taken in obtaining certified copy has to be excluded. A copy of the Courts order will be annexed to every copy of the memorandum and articles of association of the transferee company. 16. FEMA Approval of Reserve Bank of India will be obtained for allotment of shares to nonresidents under FEMA. As soon as the scheme has become effective, particulars will be intimated through press and to the government authorities, banks, creditors, customers and others. Certified copy of the Court order will be given where necessary. ANNEXURE II (Please refer Point 1 of Annexure I) TIME SCHEDULE FOR ALTERATION OF OBJECTS CLAUSE
Sl. 1 Activity 2 Objects Clause Amendment Ist Month 3 Draft the proposed alteration with explanatory statement. Hold board meeting and decide the change of objects. Also decide the day, time, place and agenda for general To notice EGM 2nd Month 4 issue of 3rd Month 5 (1) To hold EGM and pass special resolution for proposed alteration (a) Inform SEs where listed about notice and proceedings at EGM. (2) To get general 4th Month 6 (1) e-Form 23 with ROC. (2) To wait for date of hearing Between 6 and 8 month 7 (1) To attend date of hearing. (2) To get order if petition allowed fully, partly or with modification. (3) To apply for a certified copy of Bench Order. (4) To get
Effective Date
meeting. Inform Stock Exchanges (SE) where listed about the decision of the Board after Board meeting. notice published in two newspapers and to write minutes and File e-Form 23 with ROC. (3) To prepare list of creditors as on a particular date. (4) To issue notice to creditors in Form 5. (5) To draft petition. (6) To get the petition with enclosures approved by Managing Director (M.D.) (7) To get the fair copy of petition typed. (8) To scrutinise petition and organise signature session with notary and to despatch. Memorandum reprinted to the extent of alteration okayed by CLB. (5) To file with ROC, CLB order in e-Form 21 and original certified copy of the CLB order is also required to be submitted at concerned ROC office simultaneously of filing e-form 21 along with reprinted Memorandum. (6) To followup with obtaining certification of registration comprising alteration
ANNEXURE III (Please refer Point 1 of Annexure I) TIME SCHEDULE FOR INCREASE OF AUTHORISED CAPITAL Activity Capital Clause Amend ment 1st Month (1) Consult Articles to see whether company is authorised to increase share capital. - If not Articles alter of 2nd Month Issue Notice for general meeting with explanatory statement 3rd Month (1) Hold AGM and pass ordinary/special resolution. (2) Forward to SEs where listed copy of notice and 4th Month (1) If special resolution is passed, file it with ROC within 30 days. (2) File the notice of increase with
(clxiv) Association (2) Call board meeting to decide about increase and to fix date, time, place and agenda for convening necessary meeting to pass order resolution Special if Resolution required by Articles) (3) Inform SEs where listed about Board decision. ANNEXURE IV (Please refer Point 2 of Annexure I) PREPARATION OF SCHEME OF AMALGAMATION The scheme of amalgamation to be prepared by the company should contain inter-alia the following information: 1. Definitions of transferor and transferee as well as the definition of the undertaking of the transferor company. 2. Authorised, issued and subscribed capital of transferor and transferee companies. 3. Basis of scheme should be explained briefly on the recommendation of valuation report, covering transfer of assets/liabilities, specified date, reduction or consolidation of capital, application to financial institutions as lead institution for permission, etc. 4. Change of name, object and accounting year. 5. Protection of employment. 6. Dividend position and prospects. 7. Management structure, indicating the number of directors of the transferee company and the transferor company. 8. Applications under Sections 391 and 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 to obtain approval from the High Court. proceedings meeting of ROC within 30 days. (3) Pay the necessary fees for authorised capital. (4) Make necessary changes in memorandum.
(clxv) 9. Expenses of amalgamation. 10. Conditions of the scheme to become effective and operative and the effective date of amalgamation. The basis of the scheme should be framed on the reports of valuers, auditors and chartered accountants of assets of both the merger partner companies. The underlying idea is to ensure that the scheme is just and equitable to the shareholders and employees of each of the amalgamating companies and to the public at large. It should be ensured that common yardstick is adopted for valuation of shares of each of the amalgamating company for fixing rate of exchange of shares on merger. ANNEXURE V PRACTICAL APPROACH A. Information Required by the Advocates Generally Cross holding of the Directors of the Transferee and Transferor Companies 1. Relationship between the directors of the transferee and transferor companies under the Companies Act, 1956. 2. Names of the officers of both the transferee and transferor companies who are to be authorised to sign the Application, Affidavit and Petition. (The companies concerned can authorise any one person to act on behalf of them, who may be from either of the companies). 3. Names of the English and regional language newspapers in which notices are to be published. 4. Names in preferential order as to the chairmen of the meetings of the transferee and transferor companies. (The chairman in this case need not be a director on the board of directors of the company concerned or even a member of the company). 5. List of creditors and their dues. List of individual cases to be given, as well as categorisation in various slabs. B. Information/Documents Required by the Regional Director, Department of Company Affairs, in Connection With Amalgamation 1. Balance sheets for last five years of the transferee company. 2. Balance sheets for last five years of the transferor company. 3. Two copies of the valuation report of the chartered accountants. 4. List of top fifty shareholders of the transferee company. 5. List of top fifty shareholders of the transferor company. 6. List of directors of the transferor company and their other directorships. 7. List of directors of the transferee company and their other directorships. 8. Number and percentage of NRI and foreign holding in the transferee and transferor companies. 9. Rights/Bonus/Debentures Issues made by the transferee and the transferor companies in the last five years. C. The Following Information is Required to be Furnished to the Auditors
(clxvi) Appointed by the Official Liquidator From the transferor company 1. Certified true copy of the scheme of amalgamation alongwith the petition. 2. Certified true copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company. 3. List of shareholders of the company with their shareholding. Any changes during the last five years to be indicated. 4. Accounts of the company made upto the appointed day of amalgamation. 5. Address of the registered office of the company. 6. Present authorised and paid-up share capital of the company. 7. Changes in the Board of directors during the last five years alongwith list of present Board of directors. 8. List of associated concern in which directors are interested. 9. List of various appeals pending under Income-tax, Sale Tax, Excise Duty, Custom Duty, FEMA, etc. 10. Details of loans and advances given to the associated concern/companies under the same management during the last five years. 11. Details of revaluation of assets. 12. Details of any allegations and/or complaints against the company. 13. Details of amount paid to the managing director, directors or any relative of the directors during the last five years. 14. Comparative statement of profit and loss account and balance sheet for the last five years. 15. Details of bad debts written off during the last five years. 16. List of all charges registered with the Registrar of Companies and the amount secured against the same. 17. Copy of the latest annual return filed with the Registrar of Companies alongwith Annexures. 18. Details of all the subsidiary companies as under: (a) Authorised and paid-up share capital of the company. (b) List of present shareholders alongwith details of changes in the shareholding patterns during the last five years. The following information of the transferee company is required by the auditor : 1. Names of the existing directors of the company. 2. List of common shareholders of the amalgamation with individual shareholding. companies involved in the
3. Authorised and paid up capital of the company. 4. Copy of latest audited balance sheet. The auditors may also require the following records of the transferor company for
(clxvii) examination : 1. Books of accounts and relevant records for the last five years. 2. Minutes book of Board and General Meetings. ANNEXURE VI (As per Point 8 of Annexure I) Notice Convening meeting of equity shareholder IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MUMBAI ORDINARY ORIGINAL CIVIL JURISDICTION COMPANY APPLICATION NO. 310 OF 2001 In the matter of Companies Act, 1956; AND In the matter of Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956. AND In the matter of A (India) Limited AND In the matter of Scheme of Amalgamation of L (India) Limited with A (India) Limited A (India) Limited, a company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, VII of 1913 and an existing company under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at Mumbai Pune Road, Pune Applicant NOTICE CONVENING MEETING To The Members holding Equity Shares of A (India) Limited TAKE NOTICE that by an Order made on the 27th day of June, 2007, the High Court of Judicature at Mumbai has directed that a Meeting of the Equity Shareholders of A (India) Limited, the Applicant Company be held at Taj Hotel, Pune-411 001, on Monday, the 30th day of July, 2007 at 4.00 p.m. for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving, with or without modification the arrangement embodied in the Scheme of Amalgamation proposed to be entered into between L (India) Limited, the Transferor Company and A (India) Limited, the Applicant Company. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that in pursuance of the said Order, a Meeting of the Equity Shareholders of the Applicant Company will be held at Taj Hotel, PUNE-411 001, on Monday, 30th day of July, 2007 at 4.00 p.m. when you are requested to attend. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that you may attend and vote at the said Meeting in person or by proxy, provided that the proxy in the prescribed from duly signed by you, is deposited at the Registered Office of the Applicant Company situate at Mumbai Pune Road, PUNE not later than forty-eight hours before the Meeting. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that Members entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting may, instead of attending and voting at the Meeting personally or through proxies, elect to vote by postal ballot in which case they may send their assent or
(clxviii) dissent in writing to the Company by postal ballot in the prescribed postal ballot form attached hereto. A self addressed postage prepaid envelope is also attached hereto for sending the complete postal ballot form. The Court has appointed Mr. Jai Raj and failing him Mr. Ashok Jain to be the Chairman of the said Meeting. A copy each of the Scheme of Amalgamation, Statement under Section 393 of the Companies Act, 1956 and a form of proxy is enclosed. Dated this 29th day of June 2002. Jai Raj Chairman appointed for the Meeting Registered Office: Mumbai Pune Road, PUNE NOTES: 1. The postal ballot form, duly completed and signed, should reach the Registered Office of the Company at Mumbai Pune Road, Pune on or before 8th August, 2007. 2. There shall be one Postal Ballot for every folio client ID Number irrespective of the number of joint holders thereunder. 3. The Postal Ballot shall not be exercised by a Proxy. 4. Shareholders of the Company may either vote at the Meeting or by Postal Ballot. If a vote is delivered by Postal Ballot and also cast at the General Meeting as above, by the same shareholder under the same Folio Number/Client ID Number on the Resolution placed before this Meeting, the later vote shall invalidate the earlier vote. 5. Postal Ballots received after 8th August 2007 shall not be considered and shall be rejected. 6. Incomplete, unsigned or incorrectly ticked Postal Ballot will be rejected. 7. Shareholders of the Company from whom either no Postal Ballot is received or who have not recorded their presence in person or through proxy at the General Meeting shall not be counted for the purposes of passage of this Resolution. 8. Chairmans decision on the validity of the Postal Ballots shall be final. ANNEXURE VII (Refer Point 8 of Annexure I) IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MUMBAI ORDINARY ORIGINAL CIVIL JURISDICTION COMPANY APPLICATION NO.____ OF 2005 In the matter of Companies Act, 1956; AND In the matter of Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956. AND
(clxix) In the matter of A (India) Limited AND In the matter of Scheme of Amalgamation of L (India) Limited with A (India) Limited A (India) Limited, a company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, VII of 1913 and an existing company under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at Mumbai Pune Road, Pune Applicant STATEMENT/EXPLANATORY STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 393 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 1. Pursuant to an Order dated 27th June, 2005 passed by the Honble High Court of Judicature at Mumbai in the Company Application referred to above, a Meeting of the Members holding equity shares of A (India) Limited, the Transferee-Applicant Company, has been convened for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving with or without modifications, the arrangement embodied in the Scheme of Amalgamation of L (India) Limited, the Transferor Company, with A (India) Limited, the Transferee-Applicant Company. A certified copy of the said Order is available for inspection at the Registered Office of the Transferee Company at Mumbai Pune Road, Pune between 11.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. on any working day except Saturday till 27th July, 2005. 2. In this Statement, the Applicant, A (India) Limited is hereinafter referred to as the Transferee Company and L (India) Limited is hereinafter referred to as the Transferor Company. 3. The Resolution to be submitted at the said Meeting will read as follows: RESOLVED that the arrangement as embodied in the Scheme of Amalgamation of L (India) Limited, the Transferor Company with A (India) Limited, the Transferee Company, placed before the Meeting and initialled by the Secretary of the Transferee Company for the purpose of identification, be and is hereby approved; RESOLVED FURTHER that the Board of Directors of the Transferee Company be and they are hereby authorised to do all such acts, deeds, matters and things as are considered requisite or necessary to effectively implement the said Scheme of Amalgamation and to accept such modifications and/or conditions, if any, which may be required and/or imposed by the Honble High Court of Judicature at Mumbai and/or by any other authority while sanctioning said Scheme of Amalgamation". 4. The Transferee Company was incorporated on 15 December, 1957 in the State of Maharashtra as a private limited company under the name V.T. Company Ltd. and commenced business shortly thereafter. In 1960 or there about the Transferee Company became a public limited company. With effect from 1st October, 1965, its name was changed to V.L. Limited. It acquired its present name on 12th May, 1987. The present authorised issued, subscribed and the paid up share capital of the Transferee Company is as under:
Authorised Share Capital Issued Share Capital Subscribed and paid up Share Capital
2,00,000.00 Equity Shares of Rs.10/each aggregating Rs.20,00,00,000/1,81,60,567 Equity Shares of Rs.10/each aggregating Rs.18,16,05,670/-. 1,81,60,483 Equity Shares of Rs.10/each fully paid aggregating Rs.18,16,04,830/-
5. The Transferor Company, L (India) Limited was incorporated on 6th May, 1992 in the State of Maharashtra under the Companies Act, 1956 (the Act). The registered office of the Transferor Company is situated at A Premises, Mumbai Pune Road, Pune. The present authorised, issued, subscribed and the paid up share capital of the Transferor Company is as under: Authorised Share Capital Issued and Subscribed Share Capital Paid up Share Capital 1,90,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/each aggregating Rs. 19,00,00,000/Rs.1,90,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/each aggregating Rs.19,00,00,000/1,90,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/aggregating each fully paid-up Rs.19,00,00,000/-
6. The Transferor Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Transferee Company. The entire issued, subscribed and paid-up equity share capital of the Transferor Company is held by the Transferee Company and five directors are the Transferee Companys nominee, each of whom hold one equity share of Rs.10/- each. 7. The Transferee Company is engaged in the business of manufacture and sale of industrial machinery. The Transferee Company offers core technologies in the areas of Centrifugal Separation, Heat Transfer and Fluid Handling. It also has expertise and experience in Process Equipment Fabrication and Complete Project handling. Project Engineering competence is special as it leverages the strength from the core technologies to offer turnkey solutions to its customers. The equipment and machinery manufactured by the Transferee Company are extensively used in Industries such as Power, Marine, Pharmaceutical, Biotechnology, Vegetable Oil Processing, Brewery, Industrial and Municipal waste handling, Pulp and Paper etc. 8. The Transferor Company commenced the business in Flow Equipment including an assortment of pumps, plug-cocks, valves etc. on 18th May, 1992 and has since been carrying on the business of manufacturer of a comprehensive range of flow equipment of stainless steel or other material including an assortment of pumps, valves, tank equipment, agitators and all types of components, spare parts etc. The Transferor Company has its factory at Gate Nos. 60 to 64, Sarole, Tal. Bhor, Dist. Pune. The business of the Transferor Company now forms a part of the Equipment division of the
(clxxi) Transferee Company. It has, therefore, become necessary to integrate the operations of the Transferor Company with that of the Transferee Company. The business of the Transferor Company and that of the Transferee Company have considerable synergy in many of their functions and this synergy can be best exploited when the operations of both the companies are integrated and are carried on within one organisation. Considering the market presence, asset structure and other financial considerations of the Transferee Company, it is necessary and desirable that the Transferor Company be merged with the transferee Company. 9. On considering the facts, circumstances and benefits, the Board of Directors of the Transferee Company and that of the Transferor Company approved the said Scheme of Amalgamation of the Transferor Company with the Transferee Company. A copy of the said Scheme of Amalgamation is enclosed. 10. The Board of Directors of the Transferee Company and that of the Transferor Company believe that the proposed Scheme of Amalgamation will result in the following benefits: (a) The proposed amalgamation will lead to the combined business of the Transferee Company and the Transferor Company being carried on more advantageously and economically and conveniently resulting in lower cost and better customer service. (b) The proposed amalgamation would result in increased opportunity to grow the business of the Transferor Company with a marked improvement in the utilisation of available resources. (c) The unified and combined organisation, besides enabling the Transferee Company to submit integrated business proposals thereby rendering its business more competitive, would also make for efficient marketing of the products of the Transferor Company. (d) The proposed amalgamation would provide synergistic linkages besides economies in costs by combining the business functions and the related activities and operations and thus contribute to the profitability of the Transferee Company. 11. The salient features of the said Scheme of Amalgamation of the Transferor Company with the Transferee Company are as follows:(a) With effect from the commencement of the 1st day of April, 2005 (hereinafter called the Appointed Date) the entire business and the whole of the Undertaking of the Transferor Company in terms of clause 1.6 of the Scheme of Amalgamation annexed hereto shall, without any further act or deed, be and the same shall stand transferred to and vested in or deemed to have been transferred to or vested in the Transferee Company pursuant to the provisions of Section 394 and other applicable provisions of the Act. PROVIDED ALWAYS that this Scheme shall not operate to enlarge the security for any loan, deposit or facility created by or available to the Transferor Company which shall vest in the Transferee Company by virtue of the amalgamation and the Transferee Company shall not be obliged to create any further or additional security therefore after the amalgamation has become
(clxxii) effective or otherwise. The transfer/vesting as aforesaid shall be subject to the existing charges/hypothecation over or in respect of the Assets or any part thereof of the Transferor Company. (b) It is expressly provided that in respect of such of the assets of the Undertaking as are moveable in nature or are otherwise capable of transfer by manual delivery or by endorsement and delivery, the same shall be so transferred by the Transferor Company, and shall become the property of the Transferee Company in pursuance of the provisions of Section 394 of the Act as an integral part of the Undertaking. (c) In respect of such of the assets other than those referred to in the preceding paragraph, they shall, without any further act, instrument or deed, be transferred to and vested in and/or be deemed to be transferred and vested in the Transferee Company pursuant to the provisions of Section 394 of the Act as an integral part of the Undertaking. (d) With effect from the Effective Date (as defined in para (r) below) and subject to any corrections and adjustments as may, in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Transferee Company be required, the reserves of the Transferor Company will be merged with those of the Transferee Company in the same form as they appeared in the financial statements of the Transferor Company. (e) Further, in case of any differences in accounting policy between the Companies, the impact of the same till the amalgamation will be quantified and adjusted in the Revenue Reserve(s) mentioned earlier to ensure that the financial statements of the Transferee Company reflect the financial position on the basis of consistent accounting policy. (f) With effect from the Appointed Date, all the liabilities shall, without any further act or deed, be and stand transferred, to the Transferee Company, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Act, so as to become as from the Appointed Date, the debts, liabilities, duties and obligations of the Transferee Company. (g) Subject to other provisions contained in the Scheme, all contracts, deeds, bonds, agreements and other instruments of whatever nature to which the Transferor Company is a party or to the benefit of which the Transferor Company may be eligible, and which are subsisting or having effect immediately before the Effective Date shall remain in full force and effect against or in favour of the Transferee Company. (h) If any suit, writ petition, appeal revision or other proceedings of whatever nature (hereinafter called the Proceedings) by or against the Transferor Company be pending, the same shall not abate, be discontinued or be in any way prejudicially affected by reason of the transfer of the Undertaking of the Transferor Company or of anything contained in the Scheme, but the Proceedings may be continued, prosecuted and enforced by or against the Transferee Company in the same manner and to the same extent as it would be or might have been continued, prosecuted and enforced by or against the Transferor Company.
(clxxiii) (i) All the permanent staff, workmen and other employees in the service of the Transferor Company immediately before the transfer of the Undertaking under the Scheme shall become the staff, workmen and employees of the Transferee Company on the basis that their service shall have been continuous and shall not have been interrupted by reason of the transfer of the Undertaking and the terms and conditions of service applicable to the said staff, workmen or employees after such transfer shall not in any way be less favourable to them than those applicable to them immediately before the transfer. (j) As far as Provident Fund, Gratuity Fund, Superannuation Fund or any other Special Fund created or existing for the benefit of the staff, workmen and other employees of the Transferor Company are concerned, upon the Scheme becoming effective, the Transferee Company shall stand substituted for the Transferor Company for all purposes whatsoever related to the administration or operation of such Funds or in relation to the obligation to make contributions to the said Funds in accordance with provisions of such Funds as per the terms provided in the respective Trust Deeds. It is the aim and intent that all the rights, duties, powers and obligations of the Transferor Company in relation to such Funds shall become those of the Transferee Company and all the rights, duties and benefits of the employees employed in different units of the Transferor Company under such Funds and Trusts shall be protected. (k) With effect from the Appointed Date and upto the Effective Date, the Transferor Company (i) shall carry on and be deemed to carry on all its business and activities and shall be deemed to have held and stood possessed of its properties and assets for and on account of and in trust for the Transferee Company and all the profits or incomes accruing to the Transferor Company or expenditure or losses arising or incurred by it shall, for all purposes, be treated and be deemed to be and accrue as the profits or incomes or expenditure or losses of the Transferee Company as the case may be. (ii) hereby undertakes to carry on its business until the Effective Date with reasonable diligence and business prudence and shall not alienate, charge, mortgage, encumber or otherwise deal with the said Undertaking or any part thereof except in the ordinary course of its business or pursuant to any pre-existing obligation undertaken by the Transferor Company prior to the Appointed Date. PROVIDED that the restrictions thereunder shall be applicable from the date of acceptance of the present Scheme by the respective Boards of Directors of the Transferor and the Transferee Companies even if the same be prior to the Appointed Date; (iii) shall not vary the terms and conditions of the employment of its employees except in the ordinary course of business; and (iv) shall not, without the written consent of the Transferee Company,
(clxxiv) undertake any new business. (l) Since the Transferor Company is wholly owned subsidiary of the Transferee Company, no separate consideration shall be paid by the Transferee Company to the shareholders of the Transferor Company and no shares shall be issued by the Transferee Company to any person in consideration of or consequent upon the amalgamation and the entire equity share capital of the Transferor Company shall be, extinguished. (m) The Transferor Company and the Transferee Company shall be entitled to declare and pay dividend, if any, to their respective shareholders prior to the Effective Date. (n) The Transferor Company and the Transferee Company hereto shall, with all reasonable despatch, make applications under Sections 391 and 394 of the said Act to the High Court of Judicature at Mumbai for sanctioning the Scheme and for dissolution of the Transferor Company without winding up. (o) The Transferor Company (by its Directors) and the Transferee Company (by its Directors) may assent to any modification or amendment to the Scheme or agree to any terms and/or conditions which the Courts and/or any other authorities under law may deem fit to direct or impose or which may otherwise be considered necessary or desirable for putting the Scheme into effect. (p) The Scheme is conditional on and subject to: (i) the approval to the Scheme by the requisite majority of the members of the Transferor Company and of the members and secured and unsecured creditors of the Transferee Company. (ii) the requisite resolution under the applicable provisions of the Act being passed by the Shareholders of the Transferee Company for any of the matters provided for or relating to the Scheme as may be necessary or desirable. (iii) the sanction of the High Court of Judicature at Mumbai under Sections 391 and 394 of the Act, in favour of the Transferor Company and the Transferee Company and to the necessary Order or Orders under Section 394 of the Act, being obtained. (iv) any other sanction or approval of the Appropriate Authorities concerned, as may be considered necessary and appropriate by the respective Board of Directors of the Transferor Company and the Transferee Company, being obtained and granted in respect of any of the matters for which such sanction or approval is required. (q) In the event of any of the said sanctions and approvals not being obtained and/or the Scheme not being sanctioned by the High Court and/or the Order or Orders not being passed as aforesaid on or before st 31 March, 2006 or within such further period or periods as may be agreed upon between the Transferor Company and the Transferee Company through their respective Board of Directors, the Scheme shall become null and void and each party shall bear and pay its respective
(clxxv) costs, charges and expenses for and/or in connection with the Scheme. (r) This Scheme, although operative from the Appointed Date shall take effect finally, upon and from the date on which any of the aforesaid sanctions or approvals or orders shall be last obtained which shall be the Effective Date for the purposes hereof. (s) The Transferor Company shall be dissolved without winding up, subject to an order to be made by the High Court of Judicature at Mumbai under Section 394 of the Companies Act, 1956. 12. The said Scheme of Amalgamation will not affect the Creditors of the Transferor Company as the Transferee Company will take over all the debts, liabilities, duties and obligations of the Transferor Company. 13. The copies of the latest audited accounts of both the Companies can be inspected at the Registered Office of the Transferee Company. 14. Mr. Rajiv Tandon and Mr. Satish Joshi, the Managing Director and DirectorFinance of the Transferee Company are also Directors of the Transferor Company. Upon the said Scheme of Amalgamation becoming effective, the Directors of the Transferor Company will cease to be its Directors. Hence, the said Scheme of Amalgamation of the Transferor Company with the Transferee Company will have no effect on the material interests of the Directors of the Transferee Company. 15. None of the Directors of the Transferee/Transferor Company have any material interest in the Scheme except to the extent of their shareholding in the Transferee/Transferor Company as set out hereinbelow: Names of the Directors of the Transferee Company Number of Equity shares of Rs.10/each fully paid-up in the Transferee Company 2 Nil 10571 Nil 7979 2900 200 Nil 2900 Nil Nil 200 1480 Number of equity shares of Rs.10/each fully paid up in the Transferor Company 3 Nil Nil Nil Nil 1* 1* Nil 1* Nil Nil 1* Nil
1 Mr. Jai Raj Mr. Ashok Jain Mr. Manoj Chatterjee Mr. Joseph Paul Mr. Rajiv Tandon Mr. Satish Jain Mr. Peter Brocha Mr. Rajiv Tandon Mr. Fredrick D Souza Mr. Huigh McGrath Mr. Satish Joshi Mr. G. Shah (Alternate Director to Mr. Fredrick D
(clxxvi) Souza) Mr. K. Rao (Alternate Director to Mr. Hugh McGrath) 116 1*
*As nominees of the Transferee Company 16. The said amalgamation will not adversely affect the material interests of the creditors of the Transferee Company. The Transferee Company is in a sound financial position and has sufficient funds as can be seen from the Audited Accounts of the Transferee Company as at 31st December, 2004. Under the said Scheme of Amalgamation, all the debts and liabilities of the Transferor Company will be taken over by the Transferee Company. 17. No investigation proceedings have been instituted and/or pending under Sections 235 to 251 of the Act, in respect of either Company. 18. The provisions of the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969 and the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 are not applicable to the Scheme. 19. This statement may also be treated as an Explanatory Statement under Section 173 of the Companies Act, 1956. Dated the 29th day of June, 2005. Jai Raj Chairman appointed for the Meeting The following documents will be open for inspection at the Registered Office of the Transferee Company between 11.00 a.m. and 1.00 p.m. on working day except Saturday till 27th July, 2005. 1. Memorandum and Articles of Association of A (India) Limited 2. Memorandum and Articles of Association of L (India) Limited 3. Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account of A (India) Limited for the year ended 31st December, 2004. 4. Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account of L (India) Limited for the year ended 31st December, 2004. 5. Certified copy of the Order dated 27th June, 2005 passed by the Honble High Court of Judicature at Mumbai in case of Application Nos.- of 2005 and No. of 2005. ANNEXURE VIII (Refer Point 8 of Annexure I) SCHEME OF AMALGAMATION OF L (INDIA) LIMITED WITH A (INDIA) LIMITED 1. DEFINITIONS In this Scheme, unless inconsistent with the subject or context, the following expressions shall have the following meanings:
(clxxvii) 1.1 The Transferor Company means L (India) Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, whose Registered Office is situated at premises, Mumbai-Pune Road, Pune. 1.2 The Transferee Company means A (India) Limited, a company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act VII of 1913, whose Registered Office is situated at Mumbai Pune Road, Pune. 1.3 The Act means the Companies Act, 1956, including any statutory modifications, re-enactments or amendments thereof. 1.4 The Appointed Date means 1st April, 2005 or such other date as the High Court at Mumbai may direct. 1.5 The Effective Date means the later of the dates on which certified copies of the Order(s) of the High Court at Mumbai vesting the assets property, liabilities, rights, duties, obligations and the like of the Transferor company in the Transferee Company are filed with the Registrar of Companies, Pune after obtaining the consents, approvals, permissions, resolutions, agreements, sanctions and orders necessary therefor. 1.6 Undertaking means (a) all the assets and properties of the Transferor Company as on the Appointed Date (hereinafter referred to as the Assets) (b) all the debts, liabilities, duties and obligations of the Transferor Company as on the Appointed Date (hereinafter referred to as the liabilities). (c) without prejudice to the generally of sub-clause (a) above, the Undertaking of the Transferor Company shall include all the Transferor Companys Reserves, movable and immovable properties, assets, including lease-hold rights, tenancy rights, industrial and other licenses, permits, authorisations, quota rights, trade marks, patents and other industrial and intellectual properties, import quotas, telephones, telex, facsimile and other communication facilities and equipments, rights and benefits of all agreements and all other interests, rights and powers of every kind, nature and description whatsoever privileges, liberties, easements, advantages, benefits and approvals of whatsoever nature and wheresoever situate, belonging to or in the ownership, power or possession of control of the Transferor Company. 1.7 The Scheme means this Scheme of Amalgamation in its present form submitted to the High Court of Judicature at Mumbai for sanction or with any modification(s) approved or imposed or directed by the said High Court at Mumbai. 2. SHARE CAPITAL 2.1 The Authorised Share Capital of the Transferor Company is Rs.19,00,00,000/- divided into 1,90,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each. The Issued, Subscribed and Paid up Share Capital is Rs.19,00,00,000/-, divided into 1,90,00,000 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each. 2.2 The Authorised Share Capital of the Transferee Company is
(clxxviii) Rs.20,00,00,000/- divided into 2,00,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each. The Issued Share Capital is Rs.18,16,05,670/- divided into 1,81,60,567 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each. The Subscribed and Paid up Share Capital is Rs.18,16,04,830/- divided into 1,81,60,483 Equity shares of Rs.10/- each. 3. TRANSFER OF UNDERTAKING 3.1 With effect from the Appointed Date, the entire business and the whole of the Undertaking of the Transferor Company shall, without any further act or deed, be and the same shall stand transferred to and vested in or deemed to have been transferred to or vested in the Transferee Company pursuant to the provisions of Section 394 and other applicable provisions of the Act PROVIDED ALWAYS that this Scheme shall not operate to enlarge the security for any loan, deposit or facility created by or available to the Transferor Company which shall vest in the Transferee Company by virtue of the amalgamation and the Transferee Company shall not be obliged to create any further or additional security therefor after the amalgamation has become effective or otherwise. The transfer/vesting as aforesaid shall be subject to the existing charges/hypothecation over or in respect of the Assets or any part thereof of the Transferor Company. 3.2 It is expressly provided that in respect of such of the assets of the Undertaking as are movable in nature or are otherwise capable of transfer by manual delivery or by endorsement and delivery, the same shall be so transferred by the Transferor Company, and shall become the property of the Transferee Company in pursuance of the provisions of Section 394 of the Act as an integral part of the Undertaking. 3.3 In respect of such of the assets other than those referred to in Sub-clause 3.2 above, they shall, without any further act, instrument or deed, be transferred to and vested in and/or be deemed to be transferred an vested in the Transferee Company pursuant to the provisions of Section 394 of the Act as an integral part of the Undertaking. 3.4 With effect from the Effective Date, and subject to any corrections and adjustments as may, in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Transferee Company be required, the reserves of the Transferor Company will be merged with those of the Transferee Company in the same form as they appeared in the financial statements of the Transferor Company. 3.5 Further, in case of any differences in accounting policy between the Companies, the impact of the same till the amalgamation, will be quantified and adjusted in the Revenue Reserve(s) mentioned earlier to ensure that the financial statements of the Transferee Company reflect the financial position on the basis of consistent accounting policy. 3.6 With effect from the Appointed Date, all the Liabilities shall, without any further act or deed, be and stand transferred, to the Transferee Company, pursuant to the applicable provisions of the Act, so as to become as from the Appointed Date, the debts, liabilities, duties and obligations of the Transferee Company. 4. CONTRACTS, DEEDS, BONDS AND OTHER INSTRUMENTS Subject to other provisions contained in the Scheme, all contracts, deeds, bonds,
(clxxix) agreements and other instruments of whatever nature to which the Transferor Company is a party or to the benefit of which the Transferor Company may be eligible, and which are subsisting or having effect immediately before the Effective Date shall remain in full force and effect against or in favour of the Transferee Company, as the case may be, and may be enforced as fully and as effectually as if, instead of the Transferor Company, the Transferee Company had been a party thereto or beneficiary thereto. 5. LEGAL PROCEEDINGS If any suit, writ petition, appeal, revision or other proceedings of whatever nature (hereinafter called the Proceedings) by or against the Transferor Company be pending, the same shall not abate, be discontinued or be in any way prejudicially affected by reason of the transfer of the Undertaking of the Transferor Company or of anything contained in the Scheme, but the Proceedings may be continued, prosecuted and enforced by or against the Transferee Company in the same manner and to the same extent as it would be or might have been continued, prosecuted and enforced by or against the Transferor Company as if the Scheme had not been made. On and from the Effective Date, the Transferee Company shall and may initiate any legal proceedings for and on behalf of the Transferor Company. 6. OPERATIVE DATE OF THE SCHEME The Scheme, although operative from the Appointed Date, shall become effective from the Effective Date. 7. TRANSFEROR COMPANYS STAFF, WORKMEN AND EMPLOYEES All the permanent staff, workmen and other employees in the service of the Transferor Company immediately before the transfer of the Undertaking under the Scheme shall become the staff, workmen and employees of the Transferee Company on the basis that: 7.1 Their service shall have been continuous and shall not have been interrupted by reason of the transfer of the Undertaking; 7.2 The terms and conditions of service applicable to the said staff, workmen or employees after such transfer shall not in any way be less favourable to them than those applicable to them immediately before the transfer; and 7.3 It is expressly provided that as far as Provident Fund, Gratuity Fund, Superannuation Fund or any other Special Fund created or existing for the benefit of the staff, workmen and other employees of the Transferor Company are concerned, upon the Scheme becoming effective, the Transferee Company shall stand substituted for the Transferor Company for all purposes whatsoever related to the administration or operation of such Funds or in relation to the obligation to make contributions to the said Funds in accordance with provisions of such Funds as per the terms provided in the respective Trust Deeds. It is the aim and intent that all the rights, duties, powers and obligations of the Transferor Company in relation to such Funds shall become those of the Transferee Company and all the rights, duties and benefits of the employees employed in different units of the Transferor Company under such Funds and Trusts shall be protected. It is clarified that
(clxxx) the services of the employees of the Transferor Company will also be treated as having been continuous for the purpose of the aforesaid Funds or provisions. 8. CONDUCT OF BUSINESS BY TRANSFEROR COMPANY TILL EFFECTIVE DATE With effect from the Appointed Date and upto the Effective Date, the Transferor Company 8.1 shall carry on and be deemed to carry on all its business and activities and shall be deemed to have held and stood possessed of its properties and assets for and on account of and in trust for the Transferee Company and all the profits or incomes accruing to the Transferor Company or expenditure or losses arising or incurred by it shall, for all purposes, be treated and be deemed to be and accrue as the profits or incomes or expenditure or losses of the Transferee Company s the case may be; 8.2 hereby undertakes to carry on its business until the Effective Date with reasonable diligence and business prudence and shall not alienate, charge, mortgage, encumber or otherwise deal with the said Undertaking or any part thereof except in the ordinary course of its business or pursuant to any preexisting obligation undertaken by the Transferor Company prior to the Appointed Date PROVIDED that the restrictions thereunder shall be applicable from the date of acceptance of the present scheme by the respective Boards of Directors of the Transferor and the Transferee Companies even if the same be prior to he Appointed Date; 8.3 shall not vary the terms and conditions of the employment of its employees except in the ordinary course of business; and 8.4 shall not, without the written consent of the Transferee Company, undertake any new business. 9. NO ISSUE OF EQUITY SHARES 9.1 Since the Transferor Company is a wholly owned subsidiary of the Transferee Company, no separate consideration shall be paid by the Transferee Company to the shareholders of the Transferor Company and no shares shall be issued by the Transferee Company to any person in consideration of or consequent upon the amalgamation and the entire equity share capital of the Transferor Company shall be extinguished. 10. DIVIDEND 10.1 The Transferor Company and the Transferee Company shall be entitled to declare and pay dividend, if any, to their respective shareholders prior to the Effective Date. 11. APPLICATION TO HIGH COURT 11.1 The Transferor Company and the Transferee Company hereto shall, with all reasonable despatch, make applications under Sections 391 and 394 of the said Act to the High Court of Judicature at Mumbai for sanctioning the Scheme and for dissolution of the Transferor Company without winding up.
(clxxxi) 12. MODIFICATIONS/AMENDMENTS TO THE SCHEME 12.1 The Transferor Company (by its Directors) and the Transferee Company (by its Directors) may assent to any modification or amendment to the Scheme or agree to any terms and/or conditions which the Courts and/or any other authorities under law may deem fit to direct or impose or which may otherwise be considered necessary or desirable for settling any question or doubt or difficulty that may arise for implementing and/or carrying out the Scheme and do all acts, deeds and things as may be necessary, desirable or expedient for putting the Scheme into effect. 12.2 For the purpose of giving effect to the Scheme or to any modification thereof, the Directors of the Transferee Company are hereby authorised to give such directions and/or to take such steps as may be necessary or desirable including any directions for settling any question or doubt or difficulty whatsoever that may arise. 13. DIRECTORS 13.1 Upon the Scheme finally coming into effect, the Directors of the Transferor Company shall cease to be the Directors of the Transferor Company. 14. SCHEME CONDITIONAL ON APPROVALS/SANCTIONS The Scheme is conditional on and subject to: 14.1 the approval to the Scheme by the requisite majorities of the members of the Transferor Company and of the members and secured and unsecured creditors of the Transferee Company. 14.2 the requisite resolution(s) under the applicable provisions of the Act being passed by the Shareholders of the Transferee Company for any of the matters provided for or relating to the Scheme as may be necessary or desirable. 14.3 the sanction of the High Court of Judicature at Mumbai under Sections 391 and 394 of the Act, in favour of the Transferor Company and the Transferee Company and to the necessary Order or Orders under Section 394 of the Act, being obtained. 14.4 Any other sanction or approval of the Appropriate Authorities concerned, as may be considered necessary and appropriate by the respective Board of Directors of the Transferor Company and the Transferee Company, being obtained and granted in respect of any of the matters for which such sanction or approval is required. 15. EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE SCHEME 15.1 This Scheme, although operative from the Appointed Date shall take effect finally upon and from the date on which any of the aforesaid sanctions or approvals or orders shall be last obtained which shall be the Effective Date for the purposes hereof. 16. EFFECT ON NON RECEIPT OF APPROVALS/SANCTIONS 16.1 In the event of any of the said sanctions and approvals not being obtained and/or the Scheme not being sanctioned by the High Court and/or the Order or Orders not being passed as aforesaid on or before 31st March, 2006 or
(clxxxii) within such further period or periods as may be agreed upon between the Transferor Company and the Transferee Company through their respective Board of Directors, the Scheme shall become null and void and each party shall bear and pay its respective costs, charges and expenses for and/or in connection with the Scheme. 17. EXPENSES CONNECTED WITH THE SCHEME 17.1 All costs, charges and expenses of the Transferor Company and the Transferee Company respectively in relation to or in connection with this Scheme shall be borne and paid by the Transferee Company. ANNEXURE IX (Refer Point 8 of Annexure I) IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MUMBAI ORDINARY ORIGINAL CIVIL JURISDICTION COMPANY APPLICATION OF 2005 In the matter of Companies Act, 1956; AND In the matter of Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956; AND In the matter of A(India) Limited; AND In the matter of Scheme of Amalgamation of L (INDIA) LIMITED WITH A (INDIA) LIMITED A (India) Limited, a company incorporated under the Indian Companies Act, VII of 1913 and an existing company under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at Mumbai Pune Road, Pune. Applicant FORM OF PROXY I/We.......... the undersigned, the Equity Shareholders of A (India) Limited, the Applicant Company, hereby appoint.......... of............. and failing him/her................ of.............. as my/our Proxy to act for me/us at the Extraordinary General Meeting of the Equity Shareholders of the Applicant Company to be held at Taj Hotel, PUNE-411 001 on Monday, the 30th July, 2005 at 4.00 p.m. for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving, with or without modifications, the arrangement embodied in the Scheme of Amalgamation proposed to be entered into between L (India) Limited and A (India) Limited, the Applicant Company and at such meeting and any adjournment/adjournments thereof, to vote, for me/us and in my/our name(s). ............ .......... (here, if for insert for if against insert against and in the latter case, strike out the words below after Scheme of Amalgamation) the said Scheme of Amalgamation either with or without
(clxxxiii) modifications as my/our proxy may approve. Dated this. of.....2005 Signature..... Folio No./I.D.No.: Address: NOTE: The Proxy must be deposited at the Registered Office of the Company at Mumbai-Pune Road, PUNE, not less than 48 hours before the time of the Meeting.
Affix Re.1.00 Revenue Stamp
A merger can be defined as the fusion or absorption of one company by another. In a merger, one of the two existing companies merges its identity into another existing company. Also, one or more existing companies may form a new company and merge their identities into a new company by transferring their assets and liabilities to the new company. Amalgamation is a legal process by which two or more companies are joined together to form a new entity. Merger and amalgamation have various advantages e.g. synergy, economies of scale, reduction in production and other expenses, tax advantages, competitive advantage etc. Amalgamation can be effected in various ways viz., transfer of undertaking by order of the High Court, purchase of shares of one company by another company, amalgamation of companies in national interest, amalgamation of companies under Section 494 of the Companies Act, where the liquidator of a company transfers its assets and liabilities to another company and amalgamation for revival and rehabilitation under the provisions of SICA, 1985. For mergers and amalgamations, the procedure as detailed in the chapter needs to be complied with. There are two main methods of accounting for amalgamation the pooling of interests method and the purchase method. They have been suitably illustrated under the chapter. Financial aspects of merger/amalgamation include valuation of shares and selection of ideal method for valuation. Human aspects of mergers and amalgamations have been nicely elucidated by way of two classic cases acquisition of Welcome group by Glaxo and HLL and Tomco merger. Taxation aspects of merger and acquisition especially come into play during the merger of a sick industrial company with another company in order to reap the benefits of the facility for carrying forward and setting off of accumulated losses and unabsorbed depreciation. Stamp duty is required to be paid on High Courts Order sanctioning amalgamation. Various e-forms are filed in the process of merger/amalgamation viz. e-form No. 23, 20A and 21. Amalgamation of Banking Companies have been briefly explained in the chapter.
Cross border mergers are the recent phenomenon today. Most of the cross border mergers are unsuccessful. Therefore, it is imperative that proper preparation and evaluation before merger takes place which includes market evaluation, operational evaluation and financial evaluations. The term combination is used for merger and amalgamation in the Competition Act. The combinations are regulated under the Act if the combining entities cross the threshold limit of assets and turnover and the Competition Commission is to be informed in this regard. Procedure of merger and amalgamation related to Government Companies has been explained in detail in the chapter.
SELF-TEST QUESTIONS (These are meant for recapitulation only. Answers to these questions are not required to be submitted for evaluation). 1. What do you mean by amalgamation? 2. What are the underlying objectives in merger? 3. Briefly explain the various categories of merger. 4. What are the procedural steps involved in a merger? 5. Enumerate the financial aspects of a merger. 6. Discuss the role of courts in approving a scheme of reconstruction or restructuring under Sections 391394 of the Companies Act, 1956 based on decided cases from the standpoint of shareholders and employees. 7. The provisions of Sections 391 and 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 constitute a complete code of the subject of amalgamation. Discuss the statement detailing the salient features of Sections 391 and 394 and explain the powers of the court in sanctioning a scheme of amalgamation in the light of the principles laid down by the Supreme Court in Mihir H. Mafatlal Industries Ltd. 8. ABC & Co (P) Ltd. and XYZ Ltd. have finalized a scheme of arrangement. The registered offices of both the companies are located in Delhi. A jointpetition is proposed to be filed before the High Court for sanction of the scheme. Give your brief opinion in the light of the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 whether such a joint-petition can be filed. 9. Discuss the law as laid down by the Supreme Court in Miheer H. Mafatlal v. Mafatlal Industries Ltd. with regard to the role of the court in sanctioning scheme of arrangement under Section 391 of the Companies Act, 1956. 10. Elucidate with the help of decided cases that Sections 391 and 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 is a complete code in itself.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Takeovers are increasingly gaining importance and significance in Indian as well as global scenario. Takeover of a company attracts compliance of company law provisions as well as the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997. This chapter covers the meaning, concept, modes, objects, procedural and other aspects of takeovers. After going through this chapter, you will be able to understand:
Meaning and concept of takeover Kinds of takeover Takeover bids Consideration of takeover Legal aspects of takeover Check points for transferor and transferee company Takeover of listed company SEBI Regulations Bailout takeover Economic aspects of takeover Financial and accounting aspects of takeover Taxation aspects of takeover Stamp duty on takeover documents Payment of consideration Takeover of sick units Defence Strategies to takeover Shark Repellants Cross Border Takeovers.
1. MEANING AND CONCEPT OF TAKEOVER Takeover implies acquisition of control of a company, which is already registered, through the purchase or exchange of shares. Takeovers usually take place when shares are acquired or purchased from the shareholders of a company at a specified price to the extent of at least controlling interest in order to gain control of that company. Takeover of management and control of a business enterprise could take place in different modes. The management of a company may be acquired by acquiring the majority stake in the share capital of a company. The acquisition could take place through different methods. A person may acquire the voting shares of a listed company. A company may acquire shares of an unlisted company through what is called the acquisition under Section 395 of the Companies Act, 1956. Where the shares of the company are closely held by a small number of persons, a takeover may be effected by agreement with the holders of those shares. However, where the shares of a company are widely held by the general public, it involves the process as set out in the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997. 159
(clxxxvii) Takeovers are taking place all over the world. Those companies whose shares are underquoted on the stock market are under a constant threat of takeover. In fact every company is vulnerable to a takeover threat. Takeover is a corporate device whereby one company acquires control over another company, usually by purchasing all or a majority of its shares. Ordinarily, a larger company takes over a smaller company. In a reverse takeover, a smaller company acquires control over a larger company. It must be noted that takeover of management is quite distinct from takeover of possession for the purpose of sale of establishment. In the former case, the underlying view is to rehabilitate the establishment by providing better management which is not so in the latter case. The takeover strategy has been conceived to improve corporate value, achieve better productivity and profitability by making optimum use of the available resources in the form of men, materials and machines. Emergence of concept of takeover Corporate Sector is an attractive medium for carrying on business as it offers a lot of benefits. Raising money from public has its own positive features and it helps setting up big projects. When promoters of a company desire to expand, they take a quick view of the industrial and business map. If they find there are opportunities, they will always yearn for capitalizing such opportunities. Compared to the efforts required, cost and time needed in setting up a new business, it would make sense to them to look at the possibilities of acquiring an existing entity. The idea could be compared to buying a pre-owned house. Sometimes the house may be very costly. But it will be available as a ready to occupy unit though the buyer would do some minor repair works to suit his taste and vastu requirements. Much similar would be the acquisition of an industrial unit or a business enterprise owned by a listed company though the size and adjustment requirements post acquisition would be huge. Thus, every company would be a takeover target whether it is economically a sound one or otherwise. While the possibility of takeover of a company through share acquisition is desirable for achieving certain strategic objectives, there has to be well defined regulations so that the interests of all concerned are not jeopardized by sudden takeover threats. In this perspective, if one were to analyse, it would be clear that there has to be a systematic approach enabling and leading the takeovers, while simultaneously providing adequate opportunity to the original promoters to protect/counter such moves. Thus, while the acquirer should adopt a disciplined method with proper disclosure of intentions so that not only the original promoters who are in command are protected but also the investors. It would be in the interests of all concerned that the takeover is carried out in a transparent manner. When adequate checks and balances are introduced and ensured, takeovers become a good tool. That is the reason why regulations have been put in place and these regulations require sufficient disclosures at every stage of acquisition. These regulations take so much care that they cover not only direct acquisition of the acquirer but also includes acquisitions through relatives and associates and group concerns. In India, the process of economic liberalisation and globalisation ushered in the early 1990s created a highly competitive business environment, which motivated many companies to restructure their corporate strategies. The restructuring process
(clxxxviii) led to an unprecedented rise in strategies like amalgamations, mergers including reverse mergers, demergers, takeovers, reverse takeovers and other strategic alliances. The concept of takeover picked up and in the meantime the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) also notified the Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover Regulations, which laid down a procedure to be followed by an acquirer for acquiring majority shares or controlling interest in another company. The takeover code is not meant to ensure proper management of the business of companies or to provide remedies in the event of mismanagement. Its main objective is to ensure equal opportunity to all shareholders and offer protection to them, in the event of substantial acquisition of shares and takeovers. Objects of takeover The objects of a takeover may inter alia be (i) To effect savings in overheads and other working expenses on the strength of combined resources; (ii) To achieve product development through acquiring firms with compatible products and technological/manufacturing competence, which can be sold to the acquirers existing marketing areas, dealers and end users; (iii) To diversify through acquiring companies with new product lines as well as new market areas, as one of the entry strategies to reduce some of the risks inherent in stepping out of the acquirers historical core competence; (iv) To improve productivity and profitability by joint efforts of technical and other personnel of both companies as a consequence of unified control; (v) To create shareholder value and wealth by optimum utilisation of the resources of both companies; (vi) To eliminate competition; (vii) To keep hostile takeover at bay; (viii) To achieve economy of numbers by mass production at economical costs; (ix) To secure advantage of vertical combination by having under one command and under one roof, all the stages or processes in the manufacture of the end product, which had earlier been available in two companies at different locations, thereby saving loading, unloading, transportation costs and other expenses and also by affecting saving of time and energy unnecessarily spent on excise formalities at different places and stages; (x) To secure substantial facilities as available to a large company compared to smaller companies for raising additional capital, increasing market potential, expanding consumer base, buying raw materials at economical rates and for having own combined and improved research and development activities for continuous improvement of the products, so as to ensure a permanent market share in the industry; (xi) To increase market share; (xii) To achieve market development by acquiring one or more companies in new geographical territories or segments, in which the activities of acquirer are absent or do not have a strong presence.
(clxxxix) 2. KINDS OF TAKEOVER Takeovers may be broadly classified into three kinds: (i) Friendly Takeover: Friendly takeover is with the consent of taken over company. In friendly takeover, there is an agreement between the management of two companies through negotiations and the takeover bid may be with the consent of majority or all shareholders of the target company. This kind of takeover is done through negotiations between two groups. Therefore, it is also called negotiated takeover. (ii) Hostile Takeover: When an acquirer company does not offer the target company the proposal to acquire its undertaking but silently and unilaterally pursues efforts to gain control against the wishes of existing management, such acts of acquirer are known as hostile takeover. Such takeovers are hostile on the management and are thus called hostile takeover. (iii) Bail Out Takeover: Takeover of a financially sick company by a profit earning company to bail out the former is known as bail out takeover. There are several advantages for a profit making company to takeover a sick company. The price would be very attractive as creditors, mostly banks and financial institutions having a charge on the industrial assets, would like to recover to the extent possible. Banks and other lending financial institutions would evaluate various options and if there is no other go except to sell the property, they will invite bids. Such a sale could take place in the form by transfer of shares. While identifying a party (acquirer), lenders do evaluate the bids received, the purchase price, the track record of the acquirer and the overall financial position of the acquirer. Thus a bail out takeover takes place with the approval of the Financial Institutions and banks. 3. TAKEOVER BIDS Takeover bid is an offer to the shareholders of a company, whose shares are not closely held, to buy their shares in the company at the offered price within the stipulated period of time. It is addressed to the shareholders with a view to acquiring sufficient number of shares to give the offeror company, voting control of the target company. A takeover bid is a technique, which is adopted by a company for taking over control of the management and affairs of another company by acquiring its controlling shares. Type of takeover bids A takeover bid may be a friendly takeover bid or a hostile takeover bid. Bids may be mandatory, partial or competitive bids. Mandatory Bid This type of bid has arisen due to regulatory requirement. The SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations 1997, require acquirers to make bids for acquisition of certain level of holdings subject to certain conditions. Regulations 10, 11 and 12 of the said Regulations contain necessary provisions. A takeover bid is required to be introduced through a public announcement through newspapers. Such requirements arise in the following cases:
(cxc) (a) for acquisition of 15% or more of the shares or voting rights; (b) for acquiring additional shares or voting rights to the extent of 5% of the voting rights in any financial year ending on 31st March if such person already holds not less than 15% but not more than 55% of the shares or voting rights in a company; (c) for acquiring shares or voting rights, along with persons acting in concert to exercise more than 55% but less than 75% of voting rights in a company. (d) for acquiring control over a company. Partial Bid Partial bid covers a bid made for acquiring part of the shares of a class of capital where the offeror intends to obtain effective control of the offeree through voting power. Such a bid is made for equity shares carrying voting rights. In other words, the offeror bids for the whole of issued shares of one class of capital in a company other than equity share capital carrying voting rights, partial bids come to the fore. Regulation 12 of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares) Regulations, 1997 qualifies partial bid in the form of acquiring control over the target company irrespective of whether or not there has been any acquisition of shares or voting rights in a company. For such acquisitions, it is necessary to make public announcement in accordance with the Regulations. Competitive Bid This type of a bid envisages the issue of a competitive bid so that when a bid is announced by a prospective acquirer, if any other person finds interest in acquiring the shares, such acquirer should offer a competitive bid. It can be made by any person within 21 days of public announcement of the offer made by the acquirer. Such bid shall be made through public announcement in pursuance of Regulation 25 of the SEBI Takeover Regulations 1997. Any competitive offer by an acquirer shall be for such number of shares which when taken together with shares held by him along with persons acting in concert with him shall be at least equal to the holding of the first bidder including the number of shares for which the present offer by the first bidder has been made. No person shall make a competitive bid for acquisition of shares of a financially weak company where once lead financial institution has evaluated the bid and accepted the bid of the acquirer who has made the public announcement in pursuance of Regulation 35 of SEBI Takeover Regulations, 1997. 4. CONSIDERATION FOR TAKEOVER Selection of the mode of payment of consideration for takeover should be made on the basis of information received about the target company and the means available with the acquirer. (1) Consideration in the form of cash: Cash could be paid in exchange for the shares acquired. Shares could be acquired through a bid made directly to the equity holders or through the stock market. The offeror company may also consider issuing new shares for enabling the acquirer to get controlling stake such that the acquirer is able to place its nominees on the Board of the target company to control the affairs of the company.
(cxci) (2) Consideration in the form of Shares: In this method, consideration is paid by issuing to the shareholders of the target company the shares of the acquirer company. In exchange for such shares the acquirer company will purchase the shares of the target company. Under this broad scheme, various courses of action are available: (a) Share-for-share takeover bid in which the offeror company in exchange for shares of offeree provides fully paid up shares on a stated basis. Apart from this, share-plus-cash or share-plus-loan stock, convertible or non-convertible, shares or loan stock with a cash option could be a mode of consideration. (b) Reverse bid wherein the offeree company makes share-for-share bid for the whole of the equity capital of the offeror company where the offeror company has a large capital base. This alternative is more suitable when the offeree company is listed, a growing concern and capable of acting as a better holding company by pursuing its policies etc. Also, this mode offers sufficient tax advantages. (c) Combinations of various modes may be resorted to, for discharging the consideration. For instance, acquisition by private deal of a block of shares from the existing Board of Directors or larger controlling interest shareholders of the offeree company or acquisition of all or part of the assets of the offeree company for shares of offeror company or reverse acquisition with offeree company etc. Thus, the decision about the proper mix of alternatives should be taken through expert advice, having considered the relative quoted market prices of shares of offeror and offeree, their dividend yield, gearing level, security cover, voting strength, net assets value, etc. (3) Acquisition through a new company: A new company may be formed by acquiring shares in target companies and the shares of the new company may be issued to the shareholders of both the target companies, in consideration for acquisition of share capital or undertakings in whole or in part. (4) Acquisition of Minority held shares of a company: The offeror, if already holds more than 50% of issued capital in the offeree company can plan to acquire the balance equity of the offeree subject to applicable legal compliances. 5. LEGAL ASPECTS OF TAKEOVER As stated earlier, the regulatory framework for controlling the takeover activities of a company consists of the Companies Act, 1956, Listing Agreement and SEBIs Takeover Code. As far as Companies Act is concerned, the provisions of Section 372A apply to the acquisition of shares through a Company. Also Section 395 of the Companies Act lays down legal requirements for purpose of take-over of an unlisted company through transfer of undertaking to another company. The takeover of a listed company is regulated by clause 40A and 40B of the Listing Agreement. These clauses in the Listing Agreement seek to regulate takeover activities independently and impose certain requirements of disclosure and transparency.
(cxcii) The Securities and Exchange Board of India had earlier issued SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1994 which were repealed by SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 issued on 20.2.1997. Takeover of Unlisted and Closely Held Companies The following legal requirements are to be satisfied for the purpose of takeover of an unlisted company, which is exempt from the provisions of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997. Transfer of undertaking to another company It is well known that Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 contains a complete code for mergers and amalgamations or arrangements or compromises. Section 395 of the Act on the other hand contains a compulsory acquisition mode for the transferee company to acquire the shares of minority shareholders of Transferor Company. Where the scheme has been approved by the holders of not less than nine tenth (90%) in value of the shares of the transferor company whose transfer is involved, the transferee company, may, give notice to any dissenting shareholders that transferee company desires to acquire their shares. The scheme shall be binding on all the shareholders of the transferor company (including dissenting shareholders), unless the Court Orders otherwise (i.e. that the scheme shall not be binding on all shareholders). Accordingly, the transferor company shall be entitled and bound to acquire these shares on the terms on which it acquires under the scheme (the binding provision). The advantage of going through the route contained in Section 395 of the Act is the facility for acquisition of minority stake. The transferee company shall give notice to the minority dissenting shareholders and express its desire to acquire their shares within 2 months of the expiry of the period of 4 months envisaged under Section 395 of the Act. When a Company intends to take over another Company through acquisition of 90% or more in value of the shares of that Company, the procedure laid down under Section 395 of the Act could be beneficially utilized. When one Company has been able to acquire more than 90% control in another Company, the shareholders holding the remaining control in the other Company are reduced to a miserable minority. They do not even command a 10% stake so as to make any meaningful utilization of the power. Such minority can not even call an extra-ordinary general meeting under Section 168 of the Act nor can they constitute a valid strength on the grounds of their proportion of issued capital for making an application to Company Law Board under Section 397 and 398 of the Act alleging acts of oppression and/or mismanagement. Hence the statute itself provides them a meaningful exit route. The advantage of going through the route is the facility for acquisition of minority stake. But even without going through this process, if an acquirer is confident of acquiring the entire control, there is no need to go through Section 395 of the Act. It is purely an option recognized by the statute.
(cxciii) The merit of this scheme is that without resort to tedious court procedures the takeover is affected. Only in cases where any dissentient shareholder or shareholders exist, the procedures prescribed by this section will have to be followed. It provides machinery for adequately safeguarding the rights of the dissentient shareholders also. Section 395 lays down two safeguard in respect of expropriation of private property (by compulsory acquisition of majority shares). First the scheme requires approval of a large majority of shareholders. Second the Courts discretion to prevent compulsory acquisition. A greater weightage given to the first would negate the other. Section 395 requires mandatory compliance of certain formalities including registration of a scheme or contract for acquisition of shares of Transferor Company. The scheme or contract between the Transferee Company and Transferor Company is solemnized with blessings of the Board of Directors of both the companies. The following are the important ingredients of the Section 395 route: The Company, which intends to acquire control over another Company by acquiring share, held by shareholders of that another Company is known under Section 395 of the Act as the Transferee Company. The Company whose shares are proposed to be acquired is called the Transferor Company. The Transferee Company and Transferor Company join together at the Board level and come out with a scheme or contract. Every offer or every circular containing the terms of the scheme shall be duly approved by the Board of Directors of the companies and every recommendation to the members of the transferor Company by its directors to accept such offer. It shall be accompanied by such information as provided under the said Act. Every offer shall contain a statement by or on behalf of the Transferee Company, disclosing the steps it has taken to ensure that necessary cash will be available. This condition shall apply if the terms of acquisition as per the scheme or the contract provide for payment of cash in lieu of the shares of the Transferor Company which are proposed to be acquired. Every circular containing or recommending acceptance of the offer made by the transferee Company shall be duly accompanied by e-Form No. 35A of the Companies (Central Govt.s) General Rules and Forms, 1956. They shall be filed with the Registrar for registration. Only after such registration can the Transferee Company arrange for circulation of the scheme or contract or the recommendatory letter, if any, of the directors of the transferor company to the shareholders of the Transferor Company. The Registrar may refuse to register any such circular, which does not contain the prescribed information, if such information is given in a manner likely to give a false impression. An appeal shall lie to the Court against an order of the Registrar refusing to register any such circular.
(cxciv) Any person issuing a circular containing any false statement or giving any false impression or containing any omission shall be punishable with fine, which may extend to five hundred rupees. After the scheme or contract and the recommendation of the Board of Directors of the transferor Company, if any, shall be circulated and approval th of not less than 9/10 in value of Transferor Company should be obtained within 4 months from the date of circulation. It is necessary that the Memorandum of Association of the transferee company should contain as one of the objects of the company, a provision to takeover the controlling shares in another company. If the memorandum does not have such a provision, the company must alter the objects clause in its memorandum, by convening an extra ordinary general meeting. The approval is not required to be necessarily obtained in a general meeting of the shareholders of the Transferor Company. Once approval is available, the Transferee Company becomes eligible for the right of compulsory acquisition of minority interest. The Transferee Company has to send notice to the shareholders who have not accepted the offer (i.e. dissenting shareholders) intimating them the need to surrender their shares. Once the acquisition of shares in value, not less than 90% has been registered in the books of the transferor Company, the transferor Company shall within one month of the date of such registration, inform the dissenting shareholders of the fact of such registration and of the receipt of the amount or other consideration representing the price payable to them by the transferee Company. The transferee Company having acquired shares in value not less than 90% is under an obligation to acquire the minority stake as stated aforesaid and hence it is required to transfer the amount or other consideration equal to the amount or other consideration required for acquiring the minority stake to the transferee Company. The amount or consideration required to be so transferred by the transferee Company to the transferor company, shall not in any way, less than the terms of acquisition offered under the scheme or contract. Any amount or other consideration received by the Transferor Company in the manner aforesaid shall be paid into a separate bank account. Any such sums and any other consideration so received shall be held by the transferor Company in trust for the several persons entitled to the shares in respect of which the said sums or other consideration were respectively received. Just like the marriage in human beings, there can be inter-caste corporate marriages meaning companies engaged in different activities could get married. Further an unlisted Company may choose a listed Company as its life partner signifying the marriage between a middle class person and a high-class person. Compliance of SEBI takeover code, Stock Exchange formalities have also to be borne in mind. After the takeover, the resulting entities will have the holding and subsidiary
(cxcv) relationship with the Transferor Company becoming a wholly owned subsidiary of the transferee Company. When a holding company wants to sell immovable properties to the other, or the vice versa or when the sale is between two subsidiaries of the same holding company, there are certain advantages. The Stamp Act as in force in many states such as the State of Tamilnadu exempts such sale from payment of stamp duty. The Income Tax Act exempts such transfer from the purview of the capital gains tax. But the concession under the Income Tax Act is available only if the holding and subsidiary is maintained for a minimum period of 8 years. The takeover achieved in the above process through this Section 395 of the Act will not fall within the meaning of amalgamation under the Income Tax Act and as such benefits of amalgamation provided under the said Act will not be available to the acquisition under consideration. The takeover in the above process will not enable carrying forward of unabsorbed depreciation and accumulated losses of the transferor Company in the transferee Company for the reason that the takeover does not result in the transferor Company losing its identity. 6. CHECKPOINTS FOR TAKEOVER Transferor Company The transferor company has to take care of the following points: 1. The offer of a company (Transferee Company) to acquire shares of a Transferor Company should be received from the transferee company. 2. It should have been approved by the Board of Directors at a duly convened and held meeting. If proviso to Sub-section (1) of Section 395 is attracted, the terms of offer should be same for all the holders of that class of shares, whose transfer is involved. 3. Offer received from the transferee company along with other documents, particulars etc. should have been circulated to the members of the company in e-Form No. 35A prescribed in the Companies (Central Governments) General Rules and Forms, 1956. [For e-form 35A, see Part B of the Company Secretarial Practice Study] 4. E-form No. 35A must be filed with the Registrar of companies before issuing to the members of the company. 5. The scheme or contract for transfer of shares of the company to the transferee company has been approved by the shareholders of not less than nine-tenths in value of the shares within the stipulated period of four months. If proviso to Sub-section (1) of Section 395 is attracted, the number of such approving shareholders should comprise not less than three-fourths in number of the holders of the shares proposed to be transferred. 6. Comply with any order of the court if any dissenting shareholder had approached the Court against the proposed transfer and if the Court had passed any order contrary to the proposed transfer. 7. If the transferee company wanted to acquire the shares held by dissenting shareholders, the transferor company has received from the transferee company a copy of the notice sent by the transferor company to the dissenting shareholders together with duly filled in and signed transfer instruments along with value of the shares sought to be transferred.
(cxcvi) 8. The transferee company should have been registered as holder of the transferred shares and the consideration received for the shares has been deposited in a separate bank account to be held in trust for the dissenting shareholders. Documents etc. involved in this process: 1. Offer of a scheme or contract from the transferee company. 2. Minutes of Board meeting containing consideration of the offer and its acceptance or rejection. 3. Notice calling general meeting. 4. e-form No. 35A circulated to the members. 5. Minutes of general meeting of the company containing approval of the offer by statutory majority in value and in numbers also, if required. 6. Court order if any. 7. Copy of e-form No. 21 which has been filed with the Registrar along with a copy of the Court Order. 8. Register of Members. 9. Notice sent by the transferee company to dissenting shareholders for acquiring their shares. 10. Duly filled in and executed instrument(s) of transfer of shares held by the dissenting shareholders. 11. Bank Pass Book or Statement of Account in respect of the amount deposited in the special bank account to be kept in trust for the dissenting shareholders. 12. Annual Report. Transferee Company The transferee company has to take care of the following points: 1. Offer made to the transferor company. 2. Copy of notice for the general meeting along with a copy of e-form No. 35A circulated by the transferor company to its members. 3. Intimation received from the transferor company in respect of approval of the offer by the requisite majority of the shareholders of that company. 4. Notice as prescribed in Section 395 of the Companies Act, 1956 given by the company to dissenting shareholders of the transferor company for the purpose of acquiring their shares. 5. If there is any Court order in favour of the dissenting shareholders of the transferor company, terms of the same has been complied with. 6. If Sub-section (2) is attracted, the company must ensure that the prescribed notice has been sent to those shareholders of the transferor company who have not assented to the transfer of the shares and that such shareholders have agreed to transfer their shares to the company. 7. To ensure that a copy of the notice has been sent to the dissenting shareholders of the transferor company and duly executed instrument(s) of
(cxcvii) transfer together with the value of the shares have been sent to the transferor company. Documents etc. involved in this process 1. Minutes of Board meeting containing consideration and approval of the offer sent to the transferor company. 2. Offer of a scheme or contract sent to the transferor company. 3. Notice to dissenting shareholders if any, of the transferor company. 4. Notice to the remaining shareholders of the transferor company, who have not assented to the proposed acquisition, if any. 5. e-form No. 35A received from the transferor company, which has been circulated to its members by that company. 6. Minutes of general meeting of the company containing approval of the shareholders to the offer of scheme or contract sent to the transferor company. 7. Court order, if any. 8. Copy of e-form No. 21 which has been filed with the Registrar along with a copy of the Court Order. 9. Register of Investments. 10. Duly filled in and executed instrument(s) of transfer for shares held by the dissenting shareholders. 11. Balance Sheets showing investments in the shares of the transferor company. 7. TAKEOVER OF LISTED COMPANIES Takeover of companies whose securities are listed on one or more recognized stock exchanges in India is regulated by the provisions of the Listing Agreements with various stock exchanges and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 (the Regulations). Frequently Asked Questions on takeovers are enclosed at Annexure 1. Therefore, before planning a takeover of a listed company, any acquirer should understand the compliance requirements under the Regulations and also the requirements under the Listing Agreement and the Companies Act. There could also be some compliance requirements under the Foreign Exchange Management Act if acquirer were a person resident outside India. Listing Agreement The reporting format for shareholding pattern It has been decided to revise the existing reporting format of shareholding pattern provided in Clause 35 of the Listing Agreement. The shareholding pattern will now be indicated under three categories, viz., "shares held by promoter and promoter group", "shares held by public" and "shares held by custodians and against which Depository Receipts have been issued,". Further, details such as number of shareholders,
(cxcviii) number and percentage of shares held, number of shares held in dematerialized form, shareholding as percentage of total number of shares, shares pledged otherwise encumbered etc. Conditions for continued listing Clauses 40A and 40B of the listing agreement were amended to bring them in consonance with the Regulations. These clauses are placed under the heading Conditions for Continued Listing. Clause 40A Minimum level of public shareholding (i) The company agrees to maintain on a continuous basis, public shareholding of at least 25% of the total number of issued shares of a class or kind, for every such class or kind of its shares which are listed. (ii) Where the company offers or has in the past offered a particular class or kind of its shares to the public to the extent of at least 10% of the issue size in terms of Rule 19(2)(b) of the Securities Contracts (Regulations) Rules, 1957, it agrees to maintain on a continuous basis, public shareholding of at least 10% of the total number of issued shares of such class or kind. (iii) Where the number of outstanding listed shares of any class or kind of the company are two crore or more and the market capitalization of such company in respect of shares of such class or kind is Rs. 1000 crore or more, it agrees to maintain on a continuous basis, public shareholding of at least 10% of the total number of issued shares of such class or kind. (iv) Where, as on May 1, 2006, the shares of a particular class or kind issued by the company are listed and the public shareholding in respect of shares of such class or kind is less than 25% or 10%, as the case may be, of the total number of issued shares of such class or kind, the company agrees to increase public shareholding in respect of shares of such class or kind to 25% or 10%, as the case may be, within such period as may be approved by the Specified Stock Exchange (SSE) but not exceeding two years from the said date. Provided that the SSE may, on an application made by the company and after satisfying itself about the adequacy of steps taken by the company to increase its public shareholding and genuineness of the reasons submitted by the company for not reaching the minimum level of public shareholding and after recording reasons in writing, extend the time for compliance with the requirement of minimum level of public shareholding by a further period not exceeding one year. (v) Where the public shareholding in a company in respect of shares of such class or kind is less than 25% or 10%, as the case may be, of the total number of issued shares of such class or kind, the company agrees not to dilute in any way its public shareholding, except for supervening extraordinary events, including, but not limited to events specified in subclause (vii) of Clause 40A, with the prior approval of the SSE. (vi) The company agrees not to make any allotment of its shares to its
(cxcix) promoters or entities belonging to its promoter group, except on account of supervening extraordinary events, including, but not limited to events specified in sub-clause (vii) of clause 40A, or make any offer to buyback its shares or buy its shares for the purpose of making sponsored issuance of depository receipts or take any other step, including issuance of depository receipts, if it results in reducing the public shareholding below the minimum level of 25% or 10%, as the case may be. (vii) Where the public shareholding in any class or kind of shares of a company falls below the minimum level of public shareholding on account of supervening extraordinary events, including, but not limited to (a) issuance or transfer of shares in compliance with directions of a regulatory or statutory authority or court or tribunal; (b) issuance or transfer of shares in compliance with the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997; (c) re-organization of capital by way of a scheme of arrangement; and (d) issuance or transfer of shares under a restructuring plan approved in compliance with the Corporate Debt Restructuring System laid down by the Reserve Bank of India, the SSE may, after examining and satisfying itself about the circumstances of the case and after recording reasons in writing, extend the time for compliance with the requirement of minimum level of public shareholding by a further period not exceeding one year. Provided that the SSE may, on an application made by the company and after satisfying itself about the adequacy of steps taken by the company to increase its public shareholding and genuineness of the reasons submitted by the company for not reaching the minimum level of public shareholding and after recording reasons in writing, extend the time for compliance with the requirement of minimum level of public shareholding by a further period not exceeding one year. (viii) The company agrees that in the event of sub-clauses (iv) or (vii) becoming applicable, it shall forthwith adopt any of the following methods to raise the public shareholding to the minimum level: (a) issuance of shares to public through prospectus; (b) offer for sale of shares held by promoters to public through prospectus; (c) sale of shares held by promoters through the secondary market; or (d) any other method which does not adversely affect the interest of minority shareholders. Provided that for the purpose of adopting methods specified at sub-clauses (c) and (d) above, the company agrees to take prior approval of the SSE which may impose such conditions as it deems fit. (ix) Where a company fails to comply with this clause, its shares shall be liable to be delisted in terms of the Delisting Guidelines/Regulations, if any,
(cc) prescribed by SEBI in this regard and the company shall be liable for penal actions under the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956 and the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992. (x) Nothing contained in sub-clauses (i) to (vii) shall apply to (a) a company in respect of which reference is or has been made to the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction under the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 or to the National Company Law Tribunal under Section 424A of the Companies Act, 1956 and such reference is pending or a company in respect of which any rehabilitation scheme is sanctioned by the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction or the National Company Law Tribunal pursuant thereto and is pending full implementation or any appeal is pending regarding such reference or scheme before the Appellate Authority for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction or National Company Law Appellate Tribunal; (b) a government company as defined under Section 617 of the Companies Act, 1956; or, (c) an infrastructure company as defined in clause 1.2.1(xv) of the SEBI (Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000. Explanation: For the purposes of this clause 1. The term market capitalization shall mean the average market capitalization for the previous financial year. The average shall be computed as the sum of daily market capitalization over one year, divided by the number of trading days. The market capitalization so arrived at shall be considered for the succeeding four quarters. 2. The term public shareholding shall exclude (a) shares held by promoters and promoter group; and (b) shares which are held by custodians and against which depository receipts are issued overseas. 3. The terms promoter and promoter group shall have the same meaning as is assigned to them under Explanation I, II and II to sub-clause (m) of clause of the SEBI (Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000. Provided that for the purposes of Clause 40A, clause (c) of the said Explanation I shall be read as under: the person or persons named in the prospectus as promoter(s) or the person or persons named as promoter(s) in the filings with the stock exchanges, whichever is later. 4. The terms prospectus and Qualified Institutional Buyers shall have the same meaning as is assigned to them under the SEBI (Disclosure and Investor Protection) guidelines, 2000.
(cci) 5. The term Specified Stock Exchange (SSE) shall mean (a) in cases where the company is listed in one stock exchange only, then that stock exchange; (b) in cases where the company is listed in one or more than one stock exchange having nation wide trading terminal and/or in one or more stock exchange not having nation wide trading terminal, then al such stock exchanges having nation wide trading terminals; and (c) in cases where the company is listed in more than one stock exchange and all such stock exchanges which was chosen as the Designated Stock Exchange by the company for the previous issue of its shares. Or the regional Stock Exchange, as may be applicable. Clause 40B Take Over Offer A company agrees that it is a condition for continued listing that whenever the take-over offer is made or there is any change in the control of the management of the company, the person who secures the control of the management of the company and the company whose shares have been acquired shall comply with the relevant provisions of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997. Under the above clause it could be seen that there is nothing except that for any purpose other than that for takeover or where the takeover results in change in the control of the management, the Regulations have to be complied with. 8. REQUIREMENTS UNDER REGULATIONS SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 are popularly known as Takeover Code. Basically these Regulations stipulate the need for certain disclosures to be made from time to time by those who acquire shares or voting rights of a listed company and also by those who are promoters or those who have control over the management of a listed company. The disclosures have to be understood in relation to each of the following questions: Who should disclose? When? What format? To whom? The purpose of these disclosure requirements is to give the company, the public and the stock exchanges the information as soon as may be possible of acquisitions not only by acquirers but also by persons who join the main acquirer to acquire and thereby strengthen the hands of the acquirer. Regulations 7 and 8 in Chapter II of the Regulations deal with the responsibility of acquirers and the company concerned to make disclosures at various stages. These requirements are as follows: Regulation 7: Acquisition of 5% or more shares or voting rights of a company
(ccii) Under Regulation 7(1), any acquirer who acquires shares or voting rights which (taken together with shares or voting rights, if any, held by him) would entitle him to more than five per cent or ten per cent or fourteen per cent or fifty four percent or seventy four percent shares or voting rights in a company, in any manner whatsoever, shall disclose at every stage the aggregate of his shareholding or voting rights in that company to the company and to the stock exchanges where shares of the target company are listed. According to Regulation 7(1A), any acquirer who has acquired shares or voting rights of a company under Regulation 11(1), shall disclose purchase or sale aggregating two per cent or more of the share capital of the target company, to the target company and the stock exchanges where the shares of the target company are listed. The disclosure is to be made within two days of such purchase or sale along with the aggregate shareholding after such acquisition or sale. The following are other connected requirements: The stock exchange concerned shall immediately display the information received from the acquirer on the trading screen, the notice board and also on its website. The disclosure required to be made in sub-regulation (1) and (1A) shall be made within two days of (a) the receipt of intimation of allotment of shares (b) the acquisition of shares or voting rights, as the case may be. Acquirer for the purpose of sub-regulations (1) and (1A) shall include a pledgee, other than a bank or a financial institution. Every company, whose shares are acquired in a manner, referred to above, shall disclose to all the stock exchanges on which the shares of the said company are listed, the aggregate number of shares held by each such person referred above, within seven days of receipt of aforesaid information. Regulation 8: Continual Disclosure This regulation is very important and applies to two categories of persons. A person, who holds more than fifteen per cent shares or voting rights in any company falls under the first category. He is required to make yearly disclosure to the company, within 21 days from the financial year ending 31st March, in respect of his holdings as on 31st March. The promoter or every person having control over a company falls under the second category. He shall give his disclosure twice i.e. within 21 days from the financial year ending 31st March as well as within 21 days from the record date of the company for the purposes of declaration of dividend. He shall disclose the number and percentage of shares or voting rights held by him and by persons acting in concert with him in that company, to the company. Every company, whose shares are listed on a stock exchange, shall likewise give its disclosure twice i.e. within 30 days from the financial year ending 31st March, as well as within 30 days from the record date of the company for the purposes of declaration of dividend. It shall make yearly disclosures to all the stock exchanges on which the shares of the company are listed. The disclosures shall be made, of the changes, if any, in respect of the holdings of the persons and also holdings of
(cciii) promoters or person(s) having control over the company. As per Regulation 8(4) every company, whose shares are listed on a stock exchange, is required to maintain a register in the specified format to record the specified information received by it from specified persons and promoters. A look at the format prescribed under this regulations would reveal that the format is meant for recording information disclosed by the respective persons in accordance with these regulations. The Secretarial Standard on Registers and Records (SS-4) issued by the Institute of Company Secretaries of India lays down standards in respect of maintenance, inspection and authentication of the register. Extracts of the Secretarial Standard on Registers & Records (SS-4). 29. REGISTER IN RESPECT OF SEBI (SUBSTANTIAL ACQUSITION OF SHARES AND TAKEOVER) REGULATIONS, 1997 29.1 Maintenance 29.1.1 Every listed company should maintain a register in the format prescribed by SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 1997. 29.1.2 The register should contain the following particulars: names of persons holding more than the specified percentage of voting rights or number of shares, names of the promoter and every person having control over a company and names of the persons acting in concert; number of shares/voting rights held by each of them and the total number and the percentage of the shares/voting rights held by them to the total paid-up capital of the target company. The register should also contain similar details in case of holding of more than 15% shares/voting rights. In case of acquisition or sale of shares/voting rights, the register should also contain details regarding the name of the acquirer and persons acting in concert with him; number and percentage of shares/voting rights acquired with respect to total paid-up capital of the target company; number of shares/voting rights sold; shares/ voting rights held by such persons before and after acquisition/sale; shares/voting rights acquired; mode of acquisition; date of acquisition or date of receipt of intimation of allotment, whichever is applicable; paid up capital or total voting capital of the target company before and after the acquisition. For this purpose, target company means a listed company whose shares or voting rights or control is directly or indirectly acquired or is being acquired. The register should be maintained folio-wise. 29.1.3 The register should be maintained at the registered office of the company. 29.2 Inspection 29.2.1 The register should be open for inspection during the business hours of the company, subject to such reasonable restrictions as the company may impose by its articles or in general meeting so that not less 2 hours in each working day of the company are allowed for inspection.
(cciv) 29.2.2 Members can inspect the register without payment of any fee. A member inspecting the register can make extracts from the register during the course of inspection. Any representative of a body corporate seeking to inspect the register should be duly authorized to do so by the Board of such body corporate. Where a representative of a body corporate inspects the register and if, in the continuing inspection, a different person comes to inspect, such person should also be authorized by the Board of the inspecting body corporate. 29.2.3 No person is entitled to copies of the register or any portion thereof. 29.3 Authentication 29.3.1 Entries in the register should be authenticated by the secretary of the company or by any other person authorized by the Board for the purpose, by appending his signature to each entry. 29.4 Preservation 29.4.1 The register should be preserved permanently and should be kept in the custody of the secretary of the company or any other person authorized by the Board for the purpose. Disclosure of pledged shares (1) A promoter or every person forming part of the promoter group of any Company shall, within seven working days of commencement of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers)(Amendment) Regulations, 2009, disclose details of shares of that company Pledged by him, if any, to that company.. (2) A promoter or every person forming part of the promoter group of any company shall, within 7 working days from the date of creation of pledge on shares of that company held by him, inform the details of such pledge of shares to that company. (3) A promoter or every person forming part of the promoter group of any company shall, within 7 working days from the date of invocation of pledge on Shares of that company pledged by him, inform the details of invocation of such Pledge to that company. ExplanationFor the purposes of sub-regulations (1), (2) and (3) the term promoter and promoter group shall have the same meaning as Assigned to them under Clause 40A of the Listing Agreement. (4) The company shall disclose the information received under sub-regulations (1), (2) and (3) to all the stock exchanges, on which the shares of company are listed, within 7 working days of the receipt thereof, if, during any quarter ending March, June, September and December of any year: (a) Aggregate number of pledged shares of a promoter or every person forming part of promoter group taken together with shares already pledged during that quarter by such promoter or persons exceeds 25000; or (b) Aggregate of total pledged shares of the promoter or every person forming
(ccv) part of promoter group along with the shares already pledged during that Quarter by such promoter or persons exceeds 1% of total shareholding or voting rights of the company, whichever is lower.] SCOPE OF CHAPTER III OF THE REGULATIONS As already seen there are certain disclosure requirements on the happening of certain events. Further there are also requirements for making a public announcement of the intention to acquire shares in certain circumstances. Basically these requirements could be called the requirements relating to or stipulating the public announcement as a mandatory requirement in such circumstances. However the Regulations also contain clauses granting exemptions from public announcement. A reference to Regulation 3 is necessary to ascertain the acquisitions that are exempt from compliance of requirements specified in Regulations 10, 11 and 12. Under Regulations 10, 11 and 12, the predominant requirement is the one relating to public announcement. The said regulations require acquirers to make a public announcement of their intention to acquire and when such regulations apply, public announcement should be made. Making public announcement calls for a lot of efforts and details of disclosures to be made and elaborate procedural aspects of such announcement have been discussed separately in this chapter. Suffice to say that the need for making public announcement does not arise to cases covered by Regulation 3 since to those cases nothing contained in Regulations 10, 11 and 12 of these regulations will apply. While these types of acquisitions may be exempt from the said regulations, it is necessary to bear in mind that certain conditions are attached to each category and only if conditions are fulfilled, exemptions could be availed, i.e. (a) allotment in pursuance of an application made to a public issue: Provided that if such an allotment is made pursuant to a firm allotment in the public issues, such allotment shall be exempt only if full disclosures are made in the prospectus about the identity of the acquirer who has agreed to acquire the shares, the purpose of acquisition, consequential changes in voting rights, shareholding pattern of the company and in the board of directors of the company, if any, and whether such allotment would result in change in control over the company; (b) allotment pursuant to an application made by the shareholder for rights issue, (i) to the extent of his entitlement; and (ii) up to the percentage specified in regulation 11: Provided that the limit mentioned in sub-clause (ii) will not apply to the acquisition by any person, presently in control of the company and who has in the rights letter of offer made disclosures that they intend to acquire additional shares beyond their entitlement, if the issue is undersubscribed: Provided further that this exemption shall not be available in case the acquisition of securities results in the change of control of management; (c) It is deleted. (d) allotment to the underwriters pursuant to any underwriting agreement;
(ccvi) (e) inter se transfer of shares amongst (i) group coming within the definition of group as defined in the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969 (54 of 1969) where persons constituting such group have been shown as group in the last published Annual Report of the target company; (ii) relative within the meaning of Section 6 of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956); (iii) (a) Qualifying: Indian promoters and foreign collaborators who are shareholders; (b) Qualifying promoters: Provided that the transferor(s) as well as the transferee(s) have been holding shares in the target company for a period of at least three years prior to the proposed acquisition. Explanation: For the purpose of the exemption under sub-clause (iii) the term qualifying promoter means (i) any person who is directly or indirectly in control of the company; or (ii) any person named as promoter in any document for offer of securities to the public or existing shareholders or in the shareholding pattern disclosed by the company under the provisions of the Listing Agreement, whichever is later; and includes, (a) where the qualifying promoter is an individual, (1) a relative of the qualifying promoter within the meaning of Section 6 of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956); (2) any firm or company, directly or indirectly, controlled by the qualifying promoter or a relative of the qualifying promoter or a firm or Hindu undivided family in which the qualifying promoter or his relative is a partner or a coparcener or a combination thereof: Provided that, in case of a partnership firm, the share of the qualifying promoter or his relative, as the case may be, in such firm should not be less than fifty per cent (50%); (b) where the qualifying promoter is a body corporate, (1) a subsidiary or holding company of that body; or (2) any firm or company, directly or indirectly, controlled by the qualifying promoter of that body corporate or by his relative or a firm or Hindu undivided family in which the qualifying promoter or his relative is a partner or coparcener or a combination thereof: Provided that, in case of a partnership firm, the share of such
(ccvii) qualifying promoter or his relative, as the case may be, in such firm should not be less than fifty per cent (50%); (iv) the acquirer and persons acting in concert with him, where such transfer of shares takes place three years after the date of closure of the public offer made by them under these regulations. Explanation: (1) the exemption under sub-clauses (iii) and (iv) shall not be available if inter se transfer of shares is at a price exceeding 25% of the price as determined in terms of sub-regulations (4) and (5) of regulation 20. (2) The benefit of availing exemption under this clause, from applicability of the regulations for increasing shareholding or inter se transfer of shareholding shall be subject to such transferor(s) and transferee(s) having complied with Regulation 6 to Regulation 8; (f) acquisition of shares in the ordinary course of business by, (i) a registered stock-broker of a stock exchange on behalf of clients; (ii) a registered market maker of a stock exchange in respect of shares for which he is the market maker, during the course of market making; (iii) by Public Financial Institutions in their own account; (iv) by banks and public financial institutions as pledgers; (v) the International Finance Corporation, Asian Development Bank, International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Commonwealth Development Corporation and such other international financial institutions; (vi) a merchant banker or a promoter of the target company pursuant to a scheme of safety net under the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000 in excess of limit specified in sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 11; (ff) acquisition of shares by a person in exchange of shares received under a public offer made under these regulations; (g) acquisition of shares by way of transmission on succession or inheritance; (h) acquisition of shares by Government companies within the meaning of Section 617 of the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), and statutory corporations: Provided that this exemption shall not be applicable if a Government company acquires shares or voting rights or control of a listed Public Sector Undertaking through the competitive bidding process of the Central Government or the State Government as the case may be, for the purpose of disinvestments; (i) transfer of shares from State level financial institutions, including their subsidiaries, to co-promoter(s) of the company or their successors or assignee(s) or an acquirer who has substituted an erstwhile promoter pursuant to an agreement between such financial institution and such co-
(ccviii) promoter(s); (ia) transfer of shares from venture capital funds or foreign venture capital investors registered with the Board to promoters of a venture capital undertaking or venture capital undertaking pursuant to an agreement between such venture capital fund or foreign venture capital investors with such promoters or venture capital undertaking; (j) pursuant to a scheme: (i) framed under Section 18 of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 (1 of 1986); (ii) of arrangement or reconstruction including amalgamation or merger or demerger under any law or regulation, Indian or foreign; (ja) change in control by takeover of management of the borrower target company by the secured creditor or by restoration of management to the said target company by the said secured creditor in terms of the Securitization and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (54 of 2002); (k) acquisition of shares in companies whose shares are not listed on any stock exchange. Explanation: The exemption under clause (k) above shall not be applicable if by virtue of acquisition of change of control of any unlisted company, whether in Indian or abroad, the acquirer acquires shares or voting rights or control over a listed company; (ka) acquisition of shares in terms of guidelines or regulations regarding delisting of securities specified or framed by the Board; (l) other cases as may be exempted from the applicability of Chapter III by the board under Regulation 4. (1A) For the removal of doubt, it is clarified that nothing contained in subregulation (1) shall affect the applicability of the listing requirements. (2) Nothing contained in Chapter II of the regulations shall apply to the acquisition of Global Depository Receipts or American Depository Receipts so long as they are not converted into shares carrying voting rights. Other Conditions Governing the Exemptions In respect of acquisitions under clauses (e), (h) and (i) of sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 3, the stock exchanges where the shares of the company are listed shall, for information of the public, be notified of the details of the proposed transactions at least 4 working days in advance of the date of the proposed acquisition, in case of acquisition exceeding 5% of the voting share capital of the company. In respect of acquisitions under clauses (a), (b), (e) and (i) of sub-regulation (1), the acquirer shall, within 21 days of the date of acquisition, submit a report along with supporting documents to the Board giving all details in
(ccix) respect of acquisitions which (taken together with shares or voting rights, if any, held by him or by persons acting in concert with him) would entitle such person to exercise 15% or more of the voting rights in a company. Explanation - For the purposes of sub-regulations (3) and (4), the relevant date in case of securities which are convertible into shares shall be the date of conversion of such securities. The acquirer shall, along with the report referred to under sub-regulation (4), pay the requisite fee to the Board, either by a bankers cheque or demand draft in favour of the Securities and Exchange Board of India, payable at Mumbai. Regulations 10, 11 and 12 do not apply to the acquisition of Global Depository Receipts or the American Depository Receipts so long as they are not converted into shares carrying voting rights. Regulation 29A. Relaxation from the strict compliance of provisions of Chapter III in certain cases SEBI may, on an application made by a target company, relax any or more of the provisions of this Chapter, subject to such conditions as it may deem fit, if it is satisfied that (a) The Central Government or State Government or any other regulatory authority has removed the board of directors of the target company and has appointed other persons to hold office as directors thereof under any law for the time being in force for orderly conduct of the affairs of the target company; (b) Such directors have devised a plan which provides for transparent, open, and competitive process for continued operation of the target company in the interest of all stakeholders in the target company and such plan does not further the interests of any particular acquirer; (c) The conditions and requirements of the competitive process are reasonable and fair; (d) The process provides for details including the time when the public offer would be made, completed and the manner in which the change in control would be effected; (e) The provisions of this Chapter are likely to act as impediment to implementation of the plan of the target company and relaxation from one or more of such provisions is in public interest, the interest of investors and the securities market. Regulation 10 - Acquisition of fifteen or more of the shares or Voting Rights of any Company. In accordance with Regulation 10, no acquirer is authorized to acquire shares or voting rights which (taken together with shares or voting rights, if any, held by him or by persons acting in concert with him), entitle such acquirer to exercise fifteen percent or more of the voting rights in a company without making a public announcement to acquire shares of such company in accordance with the Regulations.
(ccx) Regulation 11 - Consolidation of Holdings (1) No acquirer who, together with persons acting in concert with him, has acquired, in accordance with the provisions of law, 15 per cent or more but less than fifty five per cent (55%) of the shares or voting rights in a company, shall acquire, either by himself or through or with persons acting in concert with him, additional shares or voting rights entitling him to exercise more than 5% of the voting rights, with post acquisition shareholding or voting rights not exceeding fifty five per cent, in any financial year ending on 31st March unless such acquirer makes a public announcement to acquire shares in accordance with the regulations. (2) No acquirer, who together with persons acting in concert with him holds, fiftyfive per cent (55%) or more but less than seventy-five per cent (75%) of the shares or voting rights in a target company, shall acquire either by himself or through or with persons acting in concert with him any additional shares entitling him to exercise voting rights or voting rights therein, unless he makes a public announcement to acquire shares in accordance with these Regulations: Provided that in a case where the target company had obtained listing of its shares by making an offer of at least ten per cent (10%) of issue size to the public in terms of clause (b) of sub-rule (2) of rule 19 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957, or in terms of any relaxation granted from strict enforcement of the said rule, this sub-regulation shall apply as if for the words and figures seventy-five per cent (75%), the words and figures ninety per cent (90%) were substituted.] Provided further that such acquirer may, notwithstanding the acquisition made under regulation 10 or sub-regulation (1) of regulation 11, without making a public announcement under these Regulations, acquire, either by himself or through or with persons acting in concert with him, additional shares or voting rights entitling him upto five per cent. (5%) voting rights in the target company subject to the following:(i) the acquisition is made through open market purchase in normal segment on the stock exchange but not through bulk deal/block deal/negotiated deal/ preferential allotment; or the increase in the shareholding or voting rights of the acquirer is pursuant to a buy back of shares by the target company; (ii) the post acquisition shareholding of the acquirer together with persons acting in concert with him shall not increase beyond seventy five per cent.(75%).] (2A) Where an acquirer who (together with persons acting in concert with him) holds fifty-five per cent (55%) or more but less than seventy-five per cent (75%) of the shares or voting rights in a target company, is desirous of consolidating his holding while ensuring that the public shareholding in the target company does not fall below the minimum level permitted by the Listing Agreement, he may do so by making a public announcement in accordance with these regulations : Provided that in a case where the target company had obtained listing of its shares by making an offer of at least ten per cent (10%) of issue size to the public in terms of clause (b) of sub-rule (2) of rule 19 of the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Rules, 1957, or in terms of any relaxation granted from strict enforcement of the said rule, this sub-regulation shall apply as if for the words and figures seventy-five per cent (75%), the words and figures ninety per cent (90%) were substituted.
(ccxi) (3) Notwithstanding anything contained in regulations 10, 11 and 12, in case of disinvestment of a Public Sector Undertaking, an acquirer who together with persons acting in concert with him, has made a public announcement, shall not be required to make another public announcement at the subsequent stage of further acquisition of shares or voting rights or control of the Public Sector Undertaking provided: (i) both the acquirer and the seller are the same at all the stages of acquisition, and (ii) disclosures regarding all the stages of acquisition, if any, are made in the letter of offer issued in terms of regulation 18 and in the first public announcement. Explanation.For the purposes of regulation 10 and regulation 11, acquisition shall mean and include, (a) direct acquisition in a listed company to which the regulations apply; (b) indirect acquisition by virtue of acquisition of companies, whether listed or unlisted, whether in India or abroad. Regulation 12 - Acquisition of Control over a Company If an acquirer wants to acquire control over the management of a target company he cannot do so without making a public announcement to acquire shares and without complying with the Regulations. This restriction will not apply if the acquirer acquires such control through a special resolution duly passed by the shareholders of the company in a general meeting. Such a resolution should be passed through the postal ballot method. A look at the Regulations 10, 11 and 12 clearly brings out the circumstances when a public announcement is necessary. A company secretary, whether in employment or practice could play major role by advising the management or acquirer or promoter or persons having or intending to have control over the management of a company in any takeover or to ward off a takeover threat or to give a counter offer to a takeover. Other Regulatory Requirements Regulations 13 to 29 contain several important procedural matters in relation to making a public announcement. The following are the regulatory requirements contained in Regulations 13 to 29: Appointment of merchant banker. Timing of the public announcement of offer Public announcement of offer Contents of the public announcement of offer Brochures, advertising material etc. Submission of letter of offer to the board Specified date Offer price Acquisition price under creeping acquisition Minimum number of shares to be acquired
(ccxii) Offer conditional upon level of acceptance General obligations of the acquirer General obligations of the board of directors of the target company General obligations of the merchant banker Competitive bid Upward revision of offer Withdrawal of offer Provision of escrow Payment of consideration Appointment of merchant banker for making public announcement Before making any public announcement of offer (referred to above), the acquirer is required to appoint merchant banker in Category I holding a certificate of registration granted by the Board, who is not an associate of or group of the acquirer or the target company. (Regulation 13) Timing of the public announcement of offer The public announcement, referred to above, is required to be made by the merchant banker not later than four working days of entering into an agreement for acquisition of shares or voting rights or deciding to acquire shares or voting rights exceeding the respective percentage specified therein. However in case of disinvestment of a Public Sector Undertaking, the public announcement is required to be made by the merchant banker not later than four working days of the acquirer executing the Share Purchase Agreement or Shareholders Agreement with the Central Government or the State Government, as the case may be, for the acquisition of shares or voting rights exceeding the percentage of shareholding referred to in Regulation 10 or 11 or the transfer of control over a target Public Sector Undertaking. Further, in case of an acquirer acquiring securities (including GDRs and/or ADRs) which when taken together with the voting rights, held by him or persons acting in concert with him, would entitle him to voting rights exceeding the percentage specified in Regulation 10 or 11, the public announcement referred to above shall be made not later than four working days before the acquisition of voting rights upon conversion or exercise of option, as the case may be. Public announcement for acquisition of control referred to in Regulation 12 shall be made not later than 4 working days after any such change/changes are decided to be made, so as to enable the acquirer to acquire control over the target company. In case of indirect acquisition or change in control, a public announcement shall be made by the acquirer within three months of consummation of such acquisition or change in control or restructuring of the parent or the company holding shares of or control over the target company in India. (Regulation 14) Publication of announcement of offer The public announcement is required to be made in all editions of one English national daily with wide circulation, one Hindi national daily with wide circulation and a regional language daily with wide circulation at the place where the registered office of the target company is situated and at the place of the stock exchange where the shares of the target company are most frequently traded. [Regulation 15(1)]
(ccxiii) Simultaneously with the publication of the public announcement in the newspaper, a copy of the public announcement should be submitted to the Board (SEBI), through the merchant banker. [Regulation 15(2)(i)] Submission of copy of public announcement to stock exchanges A copy of the public announcement shall also be sent to all the stock exchanges on which the shares of the company are listed for being notified on the notice board. [Regulation 15(2)(ii)] Submission of copy of public announcement to target company A copy of the public announcement shall also be sent to the target company at its registered office for being placed before the Board of Directors of the company. [Regulation 15(2)(iii)] Deemed date of offer The offer under these regulations shall be deemed to have been made on the date of publication of the public announcement in any of the newspapers as mentioned above. Contents of the public announcement of offer Regulation 16 identifies the items which must be spelt out in the public announcement of offer. Accordingly the public announcement should contain the following particulars namely: (i) the paid-up share capital of the target company, the number of fully paid-up and partly paid-up shares; (ii) the total number and percentage of shares proposed to be acquired from the public, subject to a specified minimum in Sub-Regulation 21; (iii) the minimum offer price for each fully paid-up or partly paid-up share; (iv) mode of payment of consideration; (v) the identity of the acquirer(s) and in case the acquirer is a company or companies, the identity of the promoters and/or the persons having control over such company(ies) and the group, if any, to which the company(ies) belong(s); (vi) the existing holding, if any, of the acquirer in the shares of the target company, including holdings of persons acting in concert with him; (via) the existing shareholding if any of the Merchant Banker in the target company; (vii) the salient features of the agreement, if any, such as the date, the name of the seller, the price at which the shares are being acquired, the manner of payment of the consideration and the number and percentage of shares in respect of which the acquirer has entered into the agreement to acquire the shares and the consideration, monetary or otherwise, for the acquisition of control over the target company, as the case may be; (viii) the highest and the average price paid by the acquirer or persons acting in concert with him for acquisition, if any, of shares of the target company
(ccxiv) made by him during the twelve-month period prior to the date of public announcement; (ix) object and purpose of the acquisition of the shares and future plans, if any, of the acquirer for the target company, including disclosures whether the acquirer proposes to dispose of or otherwise encumber any assets of the target company in the succeeding two years except in the ordinary course of business of the target company. Provided that where the future plans are set out, public announcement shall also set out how the acquirers propose to implement such future plans. Provided further that acquirer shall not sell dispose of or otherwise encumber any substantial asset of target company except with prior approval of the shareholders. (ixa) an undertaking that the acquirer shall not sell, dispose of or otherwise encumber any substantial asset of the target company except with the prior approval of the shareholders; (x) the specified date as mentioned in Regulation 19; (xi) the date by which individual letters of offer would be posted to each of the shareholders; (xii) the date of opening and closure of the offer and the manner in which and the date by which the acceptance or rejection of the offer would be communicated to the shareholders; (xiii) the date by which the payment of consideration would be made for the shares in respect of which the offer has been accepted; (xiv) disclosure to the effect that firm arrangement for the financial resources required to implement the offer is already in place, including details regarding the sources of the funds whether domestic i.e., from banks, financial institutions or otherwise or foreign i.e., from Non-resident Indians or otherwise; (xv) provision for acceptance of the offer by person(s) who own the shares but are not the registered holders of such shares; (xvi) statutory approvals, if any, required to be obtained for the purpose of acquiring the shares under the Companies Act, 1956, the Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Act, 1969, the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 and/or any other applicable laws; (xvii) approvals of banks or financial institutions required, if any; (xviii) whether the offer is subject to a minimum level of acceptance from the shareholders; and (xix) such other information as is essential for the shareholders to make an informed decision in regard to the offer. Advertising material not to contain misleading information The public announcement or any other advertisement, circular, brochure, publicity material or letter of offer should not contain any misleading information. (Regulation 17) Submission of letter of offer to Board (SEBI) and to shareholders The acquirer, through its merchant banker is required to file draft letter of offer
(ccxv) with SEBI within fourteen days of making the public announcement, and despatch the letter of offer to the shareholders not earlier than 21 days from its submission to Board. However, if within 21 days of submission of letter of offer, Board (SEBI) specifies any changes in the letter of offer, the merchant banker and the acquirer shall incorporate them before despatch of letter of offer to the shareholders. Further if the disclosures in the draft letter of offer are inadequate or Board (SEBI) has received any complaint or has initiated any enquiry or investigation in respect of the public offer, Board (SEBI) may call for revised letter of offer with or without rescheduling the date of opening or closing of the offer and may offer its comments to the revised letter of offer within seven working days of filling of such revised letter of offer. (Regulation 18) Offer Price The offer to acquire shares, as above, must be made at a price not lower than the price determined under Sub-regulation (4) and (5) and offer price shall be payable (a) in cash; or (b) by issue, exchange and/or transfer of shares (other than preference shares) of acquirer company, if the person seeking to acquire shares is a listed body corporate; (c) by issue exchange and/or transfer of secured instruments of the acquirer company with a minimum of A grade rating from a credit rating agency registered with Board (SEBI); (d) a combination of clauses (a), (b) or (c) provided that where the payment has been made in cash to any class of shareholders for acquiring their shares during the immediately preceding twelve months from the date of public announcement, the letter of offer shall provide an option to the shareholders to accept payment either in cash or in exchange of shares or other secured instruments. Provided further the mode of payment of consideration may be altered in case of revision in offer price or size subject to the condition that the amount to be paid in cash is not reduced. If the offer price consists of consideration payable in the form of securities issuance of which so require shareholders approval it shall be obtained by acquirer within 21 days of closure of offer. However in case the requisite approval is not obtained, the acquirer shall pay the entire consideration in cash. The offer price shall be the highest of: (a) the negotiated price under the agreement referred to in Regulation 14(1); (b) price paid by the acquirer or persons acting in concert with him for acquisition, if any, during the 26 week period prior to the date of public announcement (including by way of allotment in a public or rights issue or preferential issue); (c) the average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the shares of the target company as quoted on the stock exchange where the shares of the company are most frequently traded during the 26 weeks or the average of the daily high and low of the closing prices of the shares as quoted on the
(ccxvi) stock exchange where the shares of the company are most frequently traded during the 2 weeks preceding the date of public announcement, whichever is higher. In case of disinvestment of a Public Sector Undertaking, the relevant date, for the calculation of the average of the weekly or daily high and low of the closing prices of the shares of the Public Sector Undertaking as quoted on the stock exchange where its shares are most frequently traded, shall be the date preceding the date when the Central or State Government opens the financial bid. Where the shares of the target company are infrequently traded, the offer price shall be determined by the acquirer and merchant banker after considering the negotiated price as under Regulation 14(1), highest price paid by acquirer(s) or persons acting in concert with him for acquisition, including by way of allotment. (Public or rights or preferential issue) during the 26 week prior to the date of public announcement and other parameters like EPS, Return on Networth etc. However the Board (SEBI) may require valuation of such infrequently traded shares by an independent merchant banker (other than the manager to offer) or an independent Chartered Accountant of minimum ten years standing or a public financial institutions. For the purpose of these Regulations, shares shall be deemed to be infrequently traded, if on the stock exchange the annualized trading turnover in that share during the preceding six calendar months prior to the month in which public announcement is made is less than five per cent (by number of shares) of listed shares. The weighted average number of shares during the said six months period may also be taken. In case of shares, which have been listed within six months preceding the public announcement, trading turnover may be annualized with reference to actual number of days for which the shares have been listed. In case of disinvestment of public sector undertaking (PSU), the shares of such an undertaking shall be deemed to be infrequently traded, if on the stock exchange, the annualised trading turnover in the shares during the preceding six months prior to the month in which the Central or State Government, as the case may be opens the financial bid, is less than five per cent (by number) of the listed shares. Also, the weighted average number of shares listed during the six months may be taken. However, where the shares of PSU in question for disinvestment, are infrequently traded, the minimum offer price shall be the price paid by the successful bidder to the Central/State Government, arrived at after the process of competitive bidding of Central/State Government. Where the acquirer has acquired shares in the open market or through negotiation or otherwise after the public announcement, at a price higher than the offer price stated in the letter of offer, then the highest price paid for such acquisition shall be payable for all acceptances received under the offer. Specified date Regulation 19 provides that the public announcement shall mention a date as the specified date for determining the names of shareholders to whom the letter of offer should be sent. This day shall not be later than the 30th day from date of announcement.
(ccxvii) However, no such acquisition shall be made by acquirer during the last such working days prior to closure of offer. Payment made to the persons other than the target company in respect of noncompete agreement in excess of twenty-five per cent of offer price, arrived at according to the Regulations shall be added to the offer price. The offer price for paid up shares shall be added to the offer price. The offer price for partly paid up shares shall be calculated as the difference between the offer price and the amount due towards calls-in-arrears or calls remaining unpaid, with interest, if any. When the offer is subject to a minimum level of acceptance, the acquirer may subject to other provisions, indicate a lower price for the minimum acceptance upto 20% should the offer not receive full acceptance. Acquisition price under creeping acquisition An acquirer who seeks to acquire further shares under Regulation 11(1) shall not acquire such shares during the period of 6 months from the date of closure of public offer at a price higher than offer price. This shall not be applicable where acquisition is made through stock exchanges. The letter of offer should contain the basis on which the price has been determined. What should be the minimum size of an Open Offer? Regulation 21 of the Regulations provides certain conditions relating to an open offer. Open offer is nothing but the offer made through a public announcement. A public announcement implies making an announcement to the public through newspaper advertisement about the intention to acquire a certain percentage of shares of an identified company at a specified price. As per Regulation 21, the open offer should be for a minimum of 20% of the voting capital of the company. However the size need not be so, in case the acquisition through open offer is relatable to subregulation (2) of Regulation 11 where the acquisition would pertain to consolidating ones holding beyond the level of 55% but below 75%. In such cases, the size should be such that the mandatory minimum level of public holding should not be reduced. What should be the Minimum Price for creeping acquisition? As per Regulation 21A of the Regulations, a person who has made a public offer, and who seeks to make a creeping acquisition, should ensure that during a period of 6 months from the date of closure of the public offer, the price at which creeping acquisition is proposed to be made is not less than the offer price. However such a restriction does not apply to acquisition through stock exchanges. Acquiring through stock exchanges would mean acquiring from the market. When a person acquires shares through market, he is at liberty to acquire as market determines the acquisition price. If the creeping acquisition is through market, it would imply not only that it takes place at market price but also that it gives equal opportunity to every seller in the market. That is why this regulation has not applied the price restriction to market acquisitions. General obligations of the acquirer Regulation 22 lays down the following general obligations of the acquirer: The acquirer must make public offer only when he is able to implement the offer. The acquirer must send draft letter of offer, within 14 days of the public
(ccxviii) announcement, to the target company at its registered office address for being placed before its Board of Directors. The acquirer must send draft letter of offer, within 14 days of the public announcement, to all the stock exchanges where the shares of the company are listed. The acquirer must ensure despatch of letter of offer to all the shareholders of the target company, whose names appear in the register of members of the company on the specified date so as to reach them within 45 days of the public announcement. Where the public announcement is made pursuant to an agreement to acquire shares or control over the target company, the acquirer should send the letter of offer only to those shareholders who are not parties to the agreement. The acquirer must also ensure despatch of letter of offer to the custodians of Global Depository Receipts or American Depository Receipts to enable such persons to participate in the open offer, if they are entitled to do so. The acquirer must also ensure despatch of letter of offer to warrant holders and convertible debenture holders, where the period of exercise of option or conversion falls within the offer period. The acquirer must ensure that the date of opening of the offer is not later than the 55th day from the date of public announcement. The acquirer should also ensure that the offer remains open for a period of 30 days. The shareholder shall have the option to withdraw acceptance tendered by him up to three working days prior to the date of closure of offer. If the acquirer is a company, the announcement of offer and all publicity material issued to shareholders must state that the directors accept the responsibility for the information contained therein. If any director desires to exempt himself from the responsibility for the information in such document, he should issue a statement to that effect with reasons. During the offer period, the acquirer or persons acting in concert with him should not get himself appointed on the Board of Directors of the target company. In case of acquisition of shares or voting rights or control of Public Sector Undertaking under Regulation 14(1), provision of Regulation of 23(8) shall apply. Also, where the acquirer, other than acquirer who has made offer conditional upon level of acceptance (Regulation 21A), after assuming full acceptances, has deposited in the escrow account, hundred percent of consideration if it was payable in cash, and in the form of securities where consideration was payable by way of issue, exchange or transfer of securities or combination thereof, he may be entitled to be appointed on the Board of the target company after a period of twenty one days from the date of public announcement. The acquirer shall acquire shares to the extent of the specified minimum percentage, where the offer is made conditional upon minimum level of acceptances. The acquirer shall not acquire, during the offer period, any shares in the target company, except by way of fresh issue of shares. For non-fulfilment of obligations, the acquirer is liable for penalty of forfeiture of
(ccxix) entire escrow amount. If any person representing or having interest in acquirer is already a director on the Board of a target company or is insider as in SEBI (Insider Trading) Regulations 1992 he shall not participate in any matter(s) relating to the offer including any preparatory steps leading to the offer. On or before the date of issue of announcement, the acquirer should open an escrow account. The acquirer should ensure firm financial arrangement for fulfilling the obligations under the public offer and this should be disclosed in the public announcement. In the event of withdrawal of offer, the acquirer should not make any offer for acquisition of shares of the target company for a period of six months from the date of public announcement of withdrawal of offer. In the event of non-fulfilment of obligations, the acquirer should not make any offer for acquisition of shares of any listed company for a period of twelve months from the date of closure of offer. If the acquirer in pursuance to an agreement acquired shares which along with his existing holding, if any increases his shareholding beyond 15%, then such an agreement for sale of shares shall contain a clause to the effect that in case of non-compliance of any provisions of this regulation, the agreement for such sale shall not be acted upon by the seller or acquirer. Where the acquirer or persons acting in concert with him has acquired any shares in terms of sub-regulation (4) of Regulation 20 at a price equal to or less or more than offer price, he shall disclose the number, percentage, price and mode of acquisition of such shares to the stock exchange where shares of target company are listed which shall disseminate it to public and to the merchant banker within 24 hours of such acquisition. Where the acquirer has not stated his intention to dispose of or otherwise encumber any assets of the target company except in the ordinary course of business of the target company, the acquirer, where he has acquired control over the target company shall be debarred from disposing of or otherwise encumbering the assets of the target company for a period of two years from the date of closure of the public offer. General obligation under Regulation 22 are directory in nature The High Court of Andhra Pradesh in the case of M.V. Subramanyam v. Union of India (2001) 33 SCL-III (A.P.) considered the open offer made by Damanis and counter offer made by British American Tobacco P/c UK (BAT group) for acquisition of 20 percent of equity share capital of VST. In this case, the petitioners sought a writ of mandamus directing SEBI to conduct investigation into statutory violations and thereby deny permission to the two acquirers to proceed with public offer. It was held that Regulation 22 dealing with general obligations of acquirer was only directory in nature and there was no merit in contention that non-adherence to time schedule would invalidate letter of offer. It was further stated that the petitioners having failed to establish prejudice caused to shareholders in extending letters of offers or allowing acquirers to acquire would result in unforeseen circumstances, jeopardizing industrial growth or interest of shareholders, petitioners were disentitled to seek mandamus
(ccxx) from court. The acquirer and the persons acting in concert with him are jointly and severally responsible for fulfilment of obligations under the regulations. General obligations of the Board of Directors of the target company Regulation 23 lays down the following general obligations of the target company: Unless the shareholders approval is obtained after the date of the public announcement of offer, the Board of Directors of the target company shall not, during the offer period: (a) sell, transfer, encumber or otherwise dispose of or enter into an agreement for sale, transfer, encumbrance or for disposal of assets otherwise, not being sale or disposal of assets in the ordinary course of business of the company, or its subsidiaries; or (b) issue or allot any unissued securities carrying voting rights during the offer period; or (c) enter into any material contracts. However, restriction on issue of securities under clause (b) above shall not affect the right of the target company to allot shares with carrying voting rights on conversion of debentures already issued or upon exercise of option against warrants, as per pre-determined terms of conversion/exercise of option and the issue or allotment of shares (public or rights) whereof the offer document has already been filed with Registrar of Companies or Stock Exchanges, as the case may be. The target company shall furnish to the acquirer, within seven days of the request, or the specified date whichever is later, a list of shareholders/warrant holders/convertible debenture holders, who are eligible for participation in the offer, containing names, addresses, shareholding and folio number and of the persons whose applications for registration of transfer of shares are pending with the company. Once the public announcement has been made, the Board of Directors of the target company shall not: (a) appoint as additional director or fill in any casual vacancy on the Board of Directors, by any person(s) representing or having interest in the acquirer, till the date of certification by the merchant banker. However, upon the closure of the offer and the full amount of consideration payable to the shareholders being deposited in the special account, changes as would give the acquirer representation on the Board or control over the company, can be made by the target company. (b) allow any person or persons representing or having any interest in the acquirer, if he is already a director on the Board of the target company before the date of the public announcement to participate in any matter related to the offer, including any preparatory steps leading thereto. The Board of Directors of the target company may, if they so desire, send their unbiased comments and recommendations on the offer to the shareholders. Keeping
(ccxxi) in mind the fiduciary responsibility of the directors to the shareholders and for the purpose seek the opinion of an independent merchant banker or a committee of independent directors. However, for any misstatement or for concealment of material information, the directors are liable for action in terms of the regulations. The Board of Directors of the target company shall facilitate the acquirer in the verification of securities tendered for acceptance. Sub-regulation (8) of Regulation 22 provides certain exemptions available in case of sale of shares of a public sector undertaking by Central Government or State Government, subject to certain conditions. Upon fulfilment of all obligations by the acquirer as certified by the merchant banker, the Board of Directors of the target company should transfer the securities acquired by the acquirer and, or allow such changes in the Board of Directors as would give the acquirer representation on the Board or control over the company. General obligations of the merchant banker Regulation 24 lays down the following general obligations of the merchant banker: Before the public announcement of offer is made, the merchant banker should ensure that: (a) the acquirer is able to implement the offer; (b) the provision relating to Escrow Account has been made; (c) firm arrangement for funds and money for payment to fulfil the obligations are in place; (d) the public announcement of offer is made in terms of the regulations; (e) his shareholding if any in the target company is disclosed in the public announcements and the letter of offer. The merchant banker shall furnish to Board (SEBI), a due diligence certificate along with the draft letter of offer and ensure filing with SEBI, the draft public announcement and the letter of offer. The merchant banker shall ensure despatch of the draft public announcement and the letter of offer to the target company and to all the stock exchanges on which the shares of the target company are listed. The merchant banker shall ensure that the contents of public announcement and letter of offer are true, fair and adequate and based on reliable sources and ensure that the Regulations and any other applicable laws or rules have been complied with. The merchant banker shall not deal in the shares of the target company during the period commencing from the date of his appointment in terms of regulation 13 till the expiry of the fifteen days from the date of closure of the offer. Upon fulfilment of all obligations by the acquirer, the merchant banker shall cause the bank with whom the escrow amount has been deposited to release the balance of the Escrow Amount. The merchant banker shall send a final report to SEBI within 45 days from the closure of the offer. This regulation ensures discipline and exercise of due diligence on the part of the merchant bankers, who play a key role in public offer.
(ccxxii) Competitive bid A bid by any person, other than the acquirer who has made the first public announcement, shall be deemed to be a competitive bid and he shall, within 21 days of the public announcement of the first offer, make a public announcement of his offer for acquisition of the shares of the same target company. In other words, any bid for the shares of the same target company and addressed to the same body of shareholders is considered as competitive bid notwithstanding the variation in the numbers of shares to be acquired or the price to be offered for acquisition. No public announcement for a competitive bid shall be made after 21 days from the date of public announcement of the first offer. Further no public announcement for a competitive bid shall be made after an Acquirer has already made the public announcement under the proviso to subregulation (1) of regulation 14 pursuant to entering into a Share Purchase or Shareholders Agreement with the Central Government or the State Government as the case may be, for acquisition of shares or voting rights or control of a Public Sector Undertaking. No public announcement for a competitive bid shall be made after an acquirer has already made the public announcement pursuant to relaxation granted by the Board in terms of regulation 29A. Any competitive bid shall be for such number of shares which, when taken together with the shares held by him along with persons acting in concert, shall be at least equal to holding of the first bidder including the number of shares for which the first public announcement has been made. Upon the public announcement of a competitive bid or bids, the acquirer who had made the public announcement of the earlier offer shall have the option to make an announcement revising the offer. However if no such announcement is made within fourteen days of the announcement of the competitive bid, the earlier offer(s) on the original terms shall continue to be valid and binding on the acquirer(s), who had made the offer(s) except that the date of closing of the offer shall stand extended to the date of the closure of the public offer under the last subsisting competitive bid. The acquirers who have made the public announcement of offer including public announcement of competitive bid shall have the option to make upward revision in his offer, in respect of the price and the number of shares to be acquired, at any time upto seven working days prior to the date of closure of the offer. Any such upward revision shall be made only upon the acquirer: (a) making a public announcement in respect of such changes or amendments in all the newspapers in which the original public announcement was made; (b) simultaneously with the issue of public announcement referred in clause (a) informing SEBI, all the stock exchanges on which the shares of the company are listed, and the target company at its registered office; and (c) increasing the value of the Escrow Account. The date of closure of original bid as also the date of closure of all subsequent competitive bids shall be the date of closure of public offer under the last subsisting competitive bid.
(ccxxiii) Withdrawal of offer As per Regulation 27, no public offer, once made, shall be withdrawn except when: (a) the statutory approval(s) required have been refused; (b) the sole acquirer, being a natural person, has died; and (c) there are such circumstances which in the opinion of SEBI merits withdrawal. Competitive bids will no longer be a ground for withdrawal of offer In the event of withdrawal of the offer under any of the above circumstances the acquirer or the merchant banker shall: (a) make a public announcement in the same newspapers in which the public announcement of offer was published indicating reasons for withdrawal of the offer; and (b) simultaneously with the issue of such public announcement, inform (i) the Board, (ii) all the stock exchanges on which the shares of the company are listed; and (iii) the target company at its registered office. Escrow Account Regulation 28 requires the acquirer to open an escrow account as a security for performance of his obligations in terms of the public offer. The amount will be refunded or used for timely fulfilment of the obligations and forfeited if offer is not completed. This is a strong deterrent against frivolous takeover offers and secures interest of the public shareholders. The value of escrow amount shall be 25% upto Rs.100 crores and 10% above Rs.100 crores, of the consideration payable under the public offer. In case the acquirer has made the offer subject to a minimum level of acceptance and he does not want to acquire minimum of 20% then he has to provide 50% of the consideration payable under the offer in cash in escrow account. The acquirer has the option of keeping differential pricing and if he so opts, he shall deposit in the escrow account, amount calculated with reference to highest price offered. In the event of upward revision of the offer, the acquirer is supposed to enhance the escrow value upto 10% of consideration payable upon such revision. The acquirer can exercise the option of tendering bank guarantee or approved securities in escrow account instead of cash. Bank guarantee has to be executed by acquirer in favour of merchant banker and has to be valid atleast for a period commencing from the date of public announcement until 20 days after closure of the offer. Similarly, approved securities with appropriate margins are to be deposited with the merchant banker with the authority to realize the value of such escrow account, by sale or otherwise and if any deficit occurs, the merchant banker shall be liable to make good such deficit. If the acquirer deposits cash with a scheduled bank, acquirer has to authorize the bank to act on any instructions given by merchant banker in respect of said account. Merchant Banker is also prohibited from returning the bank guarantee or securities until all the obligations under the offer have been completed by the acquirer. In case, the acquirer offers bank guarantee or approved securities in the escrow account, he shall deposit with a bank atleast 1% of total consideration payable. SEBI has been empowered to forfeit the escrow account, either in full or in
(ccxxiv) part in the event of non-fulfilment of obligations by the acquirer. Payment of consideration For amount of consideration payable in cash, the acquirer should, within 7 days from the closure of the offer, open a special account with a SEBI-registered banker to an issue and deposit therein, such sum as would, together with 90% of the amount lying in the Escrow Account, if any, make up the entire sum due and payable to the shareholders as consideration for acceptances received and accepted in terms of Regulations and for this purpose, transfer the funds from the Escrow Account. In respect of consideration payable by way of exchange of securities, the acquirer should ensure that the securities are actually issued and despatched to the shareholders. What should be the price at which an open offer can be made? The acquisition under Regulations 10, 11 and 12 should be at the offer price determined under sub-regulation (4) or (5) of Regulation 20. Under Sub-Regulation (4) of Regulation 20, it is stated that the offer price shall be the highest of (a) the negotiated price under the agreement referred to in sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 14; (b) price paid by the acquirer or persons acting in concert with him for acquisition, if any, including by way of allotment in a public or rights or preferential issue during the twenty six week period prior to the date of public announcement, whichever is higher; (c) the average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the shares of the target company as quoted on the stock exchange where the shares of the company are most frequently traded during the twenty six weeks or the average of the daily high and low of the prices of the shares as quoted on the stock exchange where the shares of the company are most frequently traded during the two weeks preceding the date of public announcement, whichever is higher. Under sub-regulation (5) of Regulation 20, where the shares of the target company are infrequently traded, the offer price shall be determined by the acquirer and the merchant banker taking into account the following factors: (a) the negotiated price under the agreement referred to in sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 14; (b) the highest price paid by the acquirer or persons acting in concert with him for acquisitions, if any, including by way of allotment in a public or rights or preferential issue during the twenty six week period prior to the date of public announcement; (c) other parameters including return on networth, book value of the shares of the target company, earning per share, price earning multiple vis-a-vis the industry average: 9. BAIL OUT TAKEOVERS Regulation 30 of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 states that the provisions of Chapter IV of the Regulations is
(ccxxv) applicable to a substantial acquisition of shares in a financially weak company not being a sick industrial company, in pursuance to a scheme of rehabilitation approved by a public financial institution or a scheduled bank (hereinafter referred to as lead institution). The lead institution is responsible for ensuring compliance with the provisions of Chapter IV. Financially weak company in this context means a company which has at the end of the previous financial year accumulated losses resulting in erosion of over 50% but below 100% of its net worth (total of the paid-up capital and free reserves) as at the beginning of the previous financial year. In a bail out takeover, the lead institution, which is a public financial institution or a bank, appraises the financially weak company, which is not a sick industrial company, taking into account its financial viability, its requirement of funds for revival and draws up a rehabilitation package on the principle of protection of interests of minority shareholders, good management, effective revival and transparency. To facilitate the takeover of `financially weak company, the lead institution can invite offers for acquisition of the shares of the said company from atleast three parties. The lead institution evaluate the bids received with respect to the purchase price or exchange of shares, track record, financial resources and reputation of the management of the person acquiring shares. The offers are listed in the order of preference and after consultation with existing management. The scheme should also specifically provide the details of any change in management. The scheme may provide for acquisition of shares in the financially weak company as: (a) an outright purchase of shares, or (b) exchange of shares, or (c) a combination of both. However, the scheme may ensure that after the proposed acquisition the erstwhile promoters do not own any shares in case such acquisition is made by the new promoters pursuant to such scheme. In other words, if the acquisition of shares is by new promoters then the old promoters have to give up their shareholding in the financially weak company in its entirely. Objective of Regulation The basic objective of this regulation is to protect the interest of minority shareholders for which the responsibility rests upon the lead institutions which shall take into consideration while drawing up rehabilitation programme or package the principles of good management, effective revival and transparency. Lead institutions/ banks shall provide in the rehabilitation scheme the details of changes it seeks to make in the management and the payment of consideration whether outright purchase or shares or exchange of shares or a combination of both. Manner of acquisition of shares of financially weak company Before giving effect to any scheme of rehabilitation the lead institution is required to invite offers for acquisition of shares from at least three parties. After receipt of the offers, the lead institution shall select one party having regard to the managerial competence, adequacy of financial resources and technical capability of the person acquiring shares to rehabilitate the financially weak company.
(ccxxvi) The lead institution shall provide necessary information to any person, intending to make an offer to acquire shares, about the financially weak company, particularly regarding its present management, technology, range of products manufactured, shareholding pattern, financial holding and performance and assets and liabilities of the company for five years from the date of offer and also the minimum financial and other commitments expected of the person acquiring shares. (Regulation 31) Manner of evaluation of bids The lead institution shall evaluate the bids received in terms of purchase price or exchange of shares, track record, financial resources, reputation of the management of the person acquiring shares and ensure fairness and transparency in the process. Acceptance of one bid After evaluating the offers, the lead institution has to list them in order of preference, and in consultation with the persons concerned with the affairs of the management of the company, accept one of the bids. (Regulation 32) Persons acquiring shares to make an offer The person identified by the lead institution shall, on receipt of a communication in this behalf from the lead institution, make a formal offer to acquire shares from promoters etc. of the company, financial institutions and also other shareholders of a company, financial institutions and also other shareholders of a mutually determined price. The lead institution may also offer the shares held by it in the target company, as part of the package for its rehabilitation. (Regulation 33) Person acquiring shares to make public announcement Financially Weak Company The person acquiring shares is required to make a public announcement of his intention to acquire shares from the other shareholders of the company. The public announcement shall contain relevant details about the offer including the information about the identity and background of the person acquiring shares, number and percentage of shares proposed to be acquired, offer price, the specified date, the date of opening of the offer and the period for which the offer shall be kept open and such other particulars as may be required by SEBI. The offer letter should be forwarded to each shareholder, other than the promoters or persons in charge of the management of the company and the financial institutions. If the offer results in the public shareholding being reduced to 10% or less of the voting capital of the company, the acquirer should either: (a) within three months from the date of closure of the public offer, make an offer to buy out the outstanding shares remaining with the shareholders at the same offer price, which may have the effect of delisting the target company; or (b) undertake to disinvest through an offer for sale or by a fresh issue of capital to the public which shall open within 6 months from the date of closure of public offer, such number of shares so as to satisfy the listing requirements. The letter of offer shall clearly specify the option available to the acquirer. In order to compute the percentage as specified above, the voting rights as at the
(ccxxvii) expiration of thirty days after the closure of public offer shall be reckoned. The acquirer shall while accepting the offer from the shareholders other than promoters or persons in charge, offer to acquire from the individual shareholder, his entire shareholdings if such holding is upto hundred shares of face value of rupees ten or ten shares of the face value of rupees hundred each. No competitive bid to be made No person shall make a competitive bid for acquisition of shares of the financially weak company once the lead institution has evaluated the bids and accepted the bid of the acquirer who has made the public announcement of offer for acquisition of shares of the company. Responsibility of Lead Institution Where proposal for acquisition of shares of a financially weak company is made by a state level public financial institution, the provisions of the regulations relating to rehabilitation scheme prepared by a public financial institution, shall apply. However, in such a case the Industrial Development Bank of India shall be the agency for ensuring compliance of the regulations in this respect. 10. ECONOMIC ASPECTS OF TAKEOVER As discussed earlier in this chapter, in a takeover, the management of the acquirer may maintain the legal identify of both the companies and operate them under the direction of separate Boards of Directors (having common directors) or the management may decide that both the companies should merge or amalgamate in a new company or one may amalgamate or merge with the other so that there is only one company, either the new company or the merged or the amalgamated company functioning under a unified command of one Board of Directors. In either case, the object of a successful takeover should be the overall economic betterment of the shareholders, the management, staff and all other employees, suppliers of raw materials and other consumables, personnel engaged in the marketing network, the ultimate consumer, the public at large and the Government. By virtue of better management of the business and affairs of the company, with the active and dedicated association of qualified and experienced technical, managerial, financial and marketing personnel, the value of the shares should increase, employees feel assured of timely payment of their salaries and other dues, suppliers get timely payments for their supplies, end products of the company are freely available, Government dues are paid on time and the company contributes to the society in which it operates and the areas whereof it serves. Socially conscious management of such a unified company is supposed to look after the surroundings and the environment of the place where it works. Besides being beneficial to the concerned companies, takeovers are also beneficial to the economy in the following manner: (i) Disciplining the capital market: Takeovers help in disciplining the market as inefficient and errant companies get taken over due to their low book value and share prices. This process also helps in discovering the potential of the acquired companies, if any. (ii) Consolidation of Efforts and Capacities: In the yesteryears, Government authorities had issued licences to units with capacities much below the minimum economic size. Due to increased competition in markets, many of these are either incurring losses or earning marginal profits. Also, in the light
(ccxxviii) of stringent control standards and emergence of multinationals, small units have realized the importance of conservation of resources and reduction of costs. However due to lack of proper infrastructure and sufficient capacity they are unable to implement their schemes efficiently. In such circumstances, takeovers can be an effective mode of consolidating splintered capacities to reach the minimum economic size. This will be resulted into not only revival of sick units but also prevention of sickness. Consolidation of capacities enables the industries to gain competitive strength in domestic as well as international markets. (iii) Concentrating on core competencies: Due to the restrictive licensing policies followed by the Government, in the past, large companies were not allowed to grow and diversify easily. Rigorous provisions of MRTP posed serious obstacles. The companies were required to diversify into totally unrelated areas. However, due to recent developments like liberalisation and increasing pressure of competition, they are realising the need to focus on core competition, for which mergers and takeovers offer green pastures. This is because these strategies enable the companies to rationalise their portfolios, enhance entity value and increase leveraging capability. The unified command of the company in a takeover transaction should ensure creation of more wealth through optimum competence, improved productivity and higher profitability. All initiatives to enhance productivity, performance and market capitalisation should be supported. Thus, the takeover strategy has been conceived to improve general economic well-being of all those who are, directly or indirectly, connected with the corporate sector. It is adopted to increase the corporate value, achieve better productivity and profitability by making optimum use of the available resources in the form of men, materials and machines. 11. FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING ASPECTS OF TAKEOVER Accounting considerations are vital in planning a takeover. While many such transactions are based upon industrial or other operation considerations, others depend upon the financial impact of transactions on the financial position of the parties. In a takeover, if the acquirer is an individual, he has to write in his personal books of account the amounts invested in the shares of the company, whose majority shares or control has been taken over by him. This investment in the shares of the target company shall be reflected in his personal Return of Income at the end of the financial year. Where the acquirer is a company, on the registration of the acquired shares in the register of members of the target company, the acquirer company will become the holding company and the target company will become its subsidiary company by virtue of its holding more than half in nominal value of its equity share capital, as per provisions of Section 4 of the Companies Act, 1956. Holding companys books of account The books of account of the holding company will be accordingly written as under: If consideration for the acquired shares has been paid in cash only, the Cash
(ccxxix) Account will be credited and the Investments Account will be debited. If only fully paid shares have been allotted by the acquiring company to the shareholders of the target company, whose shares have been acquired, in exchange for their shares, then the Share Capital Account will be credited and the Investments Account will be debited. If the consideration has been paid partly in cash and partly in the form of fully paid shares, then for the cash portion, Cash Account will be credited and the Investments Account will be debited and for the fully paid shares portion, Share Capital Account will be credited and the Investments Account will be debited. Besides, the books of account, the acquiring or the holding company shall also maintain a Register of Investments in accordance with the provisions of Section 372A(5) of the Companies Act, 1956. Subsidiary companies books of account There will be no accounting entry in the books of account of the target company or the subsidiary company. However, in the register of members of the subsidiary company, the transfer of shares of the shareholders, whose shares have been acquired by the holding company, shall be registered as soon as the relevant instruments of transfer along with the relevant share certificates have been received and the registration of their transfer. The share certificates shall be sent to the holding company after making due endorsement of the transfer under the authentication of the authorised signatory of the subsidiary company. CULTURAL ISSUES ON MERGERS, ACQUISTIONS AND TAKE OVERS Accenture and the Economist Intelligence Unit in the first half of 2006, surveyed senior executives in North America, Europe and Asia on their mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activities and their experience in integrating companies. Similar survey was also administered to 156 executives based in India during the fourth quarter of 2006. Of the total respondents in India, 40% were senior-level. About 64% were from companies that had global annual revenues of US$100m or more and 36% had revenues of US$1bn or more. 45% executive mainly played roles in strategy and business development and 42% in general management. Their companies were from a wide range of industries, including financial services (25%), IT and technology (21%) and professional services (13%). Following are the key findings of the survey on human and cultural factors. Human and Cultural Factors Accenture Survey points out that for integrating a cross border company, 43%, respondents found addressing cultural issues as critical. The real challenge, after an acquisition is, therefore, the integration of the two companies. That is why the integration should be given a focused attention. There should be a focus on aligning the acquired companys processes through the business excellence model. Human Factor
(ccxxx) Studies on post-acquisition performance have primarily been a centre of interest of researchers in strategy, economics and finance. The identified factors of performance variations have usually ranged from the industry match (complementary of assets, similarities of markets and products, synergies in production, strategic orientation, etc.), pricing policy, financing and size of the operation and type of the transaction, bidding conditions, etc. By contrast to quantitative measurements from finance and economics, the research, which has focused on the organizational and human side of M&As, has mostly dealt with identifying factors that might have played a role in the integration process of the merging entities and led to successful outcomes. Despite the absence of a direct causal correlation, several dimensions have been identified as having an important impact on M&A performance, these include psychological, cultural and managerial factors, knowing that the human factor covers at the same time employees and managers of the companies. Psychological Factors A large part of the existing research has looked at the psychological effects of M&A on employees. Scholars have pointed out that strong impact that the operations could have on employees, in particular the resulting increase in stress and anxiety due to changes in work practices and tasks, managerial routines, colleagues environment, the hierarchy, etc. Further, merger and acquisitions often introduce an environment of uncertainty among employees about job losses and future career development. It has been pointed out that stress and insecurity may lead to employee resistance to change, absenteeism and lack of commitment to work and the organisation. Employee resistance prevents the building up of a well functioning organisation and constructive cooperative environment. Lock of work commitments have a negative impact on individual and organizational performance measured in terms of productivity, quality, and service. Moreover, a relationship between organizational and financial performance has also been identified which may have consequences for the market value of company. On the other hand, it has been argued that satisfied employees are presumed to work harder, better, and longer with higher productivity records. Even though a direct relationship between job satisfaction and corporate performance remains to be established with certainty, it appears that lower job satisfaction is a cause of higher absenteeism, which, in turn is shown to have a negative influence on organizational performance. Cultural factors Cultural differences look like playing both ways. Although distant cultural environments make the integration process harder, the lack of culture-fit or cultural compatibility has often been used to explain M&A failure. Cultural differences have also been considered a source of lower commitment to work, making co-operation more difficult, particularly from employees of the acquired company. In this regard, scholars have largely given account of the lack of co-operation momentum stemming from a we versus them attitude, resulting in hostility among employees. It is, therefore, no surprise that strong cultural differences are usually associated with a negative impact on M&A performance, since the integration process is less easy and deals with higher employee resistance, communication problems, and lower interest in co-operation. Noticeably, cultural clashes are likely to be more prominent
(ccxxxi) in cross-national than domestic acquisitions, since such mergers bring together not only two companies that have different organizational cultures but also organizational cultures rooted in national diversity. The scholars have identified building up of a common culture as essential for the success of merger and acquisitions. Researchers have found that high levels of employees social identification with the organizations identity results in increased work effort, higher performance, reduced staff turnover and more frequent involvement in positive organizational citizenship. 12. TAXATION ASPECTS OF TAKEOVER Taxation aspect is not involved in a takeover at the time of acquisition of shares by the holding company in the company which becomes its subsidiary company by virtue of acquisition of majority of shares. However, if and when the holding company sells the shares, the sale would involve the payment of Capital Gains Tax (short-term or long-term) under the Incometax Act, 1961 depending on the period for which the shares are held by the holding company. 13. STAMP DUTY ON TAKEOVER DOCUMENTS In a takeover the dutiable document is the Instruments of Transfer executed by and between the transferors of the shares and the transferee of the shares in the form prescribed in the Companies (Central Governments) General Rules and Forms, 1956. The duty on the Instruments of Transfer is paid in the form of Share Transfer Stamps. These are affixed and cancelled on each Instrument of Transfer at the rate of 0.50 P. per one hundred rupees or a fraction thereof of the sale value of the shares. No stamp duty is payable in case of transfer of shares through Depository. 14. TAKEOVER OF SICK UNITS BY SFCs State Financial Corporations play a major role in industrial development. They identify the potential and assist promoters to set up industrial units. They have rerefinancing arrangement with all India financial institutions. The State Financial Corporations enjoy certain special powers so that they are able to recover the bad debts in a very effective manner without being saddled with a host of procedural matters. After the advent of the SARFAESI Act, the powers of State Financial Corporations have lost their glory because banks and financial institutions including Housing Finance Companies enjoy the enormous powers conferred upon them by the said Act. The Supreme Court in Haryana Financial Corporation and another v. Jagadamba Oil Mills and another [2002] 110 Comp Cas 20 (SC) observed that the Central Industrial Financial Corporation was originally set up under the Industrial Financial Corporation Act, 1948, with a view to provide medium and long term credit to industrial undertakings which fall outside the normal activity of commercial banks. Several State Governments desired to set up in the States similar Corporations with a view to supplement the work of the Industrial Financial Corporation. The intention was that the State Financial Corporations shall confine to the medium and small industrial units and as far as possible to such cases which are outside the scope of the Industrial Financial Corporation. The Corporation as an instrumentality of the State deals with public money, there can be no doubt that the approach has to be public oriented. It can operate effectively if there is regular realization of the instalments. While the Corporation is expected to act fairly in the matter of disbursement of loans, there is corresponding duty cast upon the borrowers to repay the installments in time, unless prevented by insurmountable difficulties. Regular
(ccxxxii) payment is the rule and non-payment due to extenuating circumstances is the exception. If repayments are not received as per the scheduled timeframe, it will disturb the equilibrium of the financial arrangements of the Corporations. They do not have at their disposal unlimited funds. They have to cater to the needs of the intended borrowers with the available finance. Non-payment of the instalment by a defaulter may stand in the way of a deserving borrower getting financial assistance. The State Financial Corporations Act was enacted with a view to promote industrialisation of the States by encouraging small and medium industries by giving financial assistance in the shape of loans and advances, repayable within a period not exceeding 20 years from the date of loan. It is agreed that the Corporation is not like an ordinary money-lender or a bank which lends money. It is a lender with a purpose the purpose being promoting the small and medium industries. At the same time, it is necessary to keep certain basic facts in view. The relationship between the Corporation and the borrower is that of creditor and debtor. The Corporation is not supposed to give loans once and go out of business. It has also to recover them so that it can give fresh loans to others. The Corporation no doubt has to act within four corners of the Act and in furtherance of the object underlying the Act. But this factor cannot be carried to the extent of obligating the Corporation to revive and resurrect every sick industry irrespective of the cost involved. Promoting industrialisation at the cost of public funds does not serve the public interest; it merely amounts to transferring public money to private account. The fairness required of the Corporation cannot be carried to the extent of disabling it from recovering what is due to it. While not insisting upon the borrower to honour the commitments undertaken by him, the Corporation alone cannot be shackled hand and foot in the name of fairness. Fairness is not a one-way street, more particularly in matters like the present one. The above narration of facts shows that the respondents have no intention of repaying any part of the debt. They are merely putting forward one or other ploy to keep the Corporation at bay. Approaching the courts through successive writ petitions is a part of this game. They borrow money from the Government or other financial Corporations. They too have to pay interest thereon. Indeed, in a matter between the Corporation and its debtor, a writ court has no say except in two situations: (1) there is a statutory violation on the part of the Corporation, or (2) where the Corporation acts unfairly, i.e., unreasonably. Rights of State Financial Corporations (SFCs) against defaulting industrial concerns Section 29 SFCs, in case of default by assisted units, have the right to take over the management or possession or both of the industrial concerns, as well as the right to transfer by way of lease or sale and realise the property pledged, mortgaged, hypothecated or assigned to the Financial Corporation. When any SFC, in exercise of powers under sub-section (1), transfers any property, such transfer vests in the transferee all rights in or to the property transferred as if the owner of the property had made the transfer. Further SFCs have the same rights and powers with respect to goods manufactured or produced wholly or partly from goods forming part of the security held by it as it had with respect to the original goods. Where the Financial Corporation has taken any action against an industrial concern under the provisions of sub-section (1), the Financial Corporation shall be deemed to be the owner of such concern, for the purposes of suits by or against the concern, and shall sue and be sued in the name of the concern.
(ccxxxiii) Enforcement of Claims by Financial Corporation Section 31 In the case of defaulting industrial concerns, without prejudice to the provisions of Section 29 of this Act and of Section 69 of the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, any officer of the Financial Corporation, generally or specially authorised by the board in this behalf, may apply to the District Judge within the limits of whose jurisdiction the industrial concern carries on the whole or a substantial part of its business for one or more of the following reliefs: (a) for an order for the sale of the property pledged, mortgaged, hypothecated or assigned to the Financial Corporation as security for the loan or advance; or (aa) for enforcing the liability of any surety; or (b) for transferring the management of the industrial concern to the Financial Corporation; or (c) for an ad interim injunction restraining the industrial concern from transferring to removing its machinery or plant or equipment from the premises of the industrial concern without the permission for the board, where such removal is apprehended. Recovery of Loans Thus the SFCs Act, inter alia, contains Sections 29 and 31 which enable the state financial corporations to recover their loans, advances and interest accruing thereupon. In the event of any default in repayment of a loan or its instalments or any advance or breach of the loan agreement, the financial corporation has two remedies available to it against the defaulting industrial concern, one under Section 29 and another under Section 31 of the Act. It is for the management of the financial corporation to proceed against the defaulting unit under either of the two sections. The defaulting concern cannot interfere with the discretion of the financial corporation in this respect. The expression without prejudice to the provisions of Section 29 of the Act used in Section 31 of the Act makes it abundantly clear that the legislature left it to the discretion of the concerned financial corporation to pursue remedy under either of the sections for recovery of its dues from any defaulting industrial concern. Powers of Banks and Financial Institutions under the SARFAESI Act, 2002 The Statement of Objects and Reasons for the enactment of Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of the Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI Act) states that the financial sector has been one of the key drivers in Indias efforts to achieve success in rapidly developing its economy. While banking industry in India is progressively complying with the international prudential norms and accounting practices, there are certain areas in which the banking and financial sector do not have a level playing field as compared to other participants in the financial markets in the world. There is no legal provision for facilitating securitisation of financial assets of banks and financial institutions. Further, unlike international banks, the banks and financial institutions in India do not have power to take possession of securities and sell them. Our existing legal framework relating to commercial transactions has not kept pace with the changing commercial practices and financial sector reforms. This has resulted in slow pace of recovery of defaulting loans and mounting levels of non-performing assets of banks and financial institutions.
(ccxxxiv) The most attractive feature of the Act is the power of a bank / financial institution to enforce its security interest without the intervention of any civil court or debts recovery tribunal. This feature is in harmony with the recommendations of the various high level committees and it fulfils the long felt need to revamp the modus operandi adopted for recovery of debts. Another redeeming feature of the whole scheme is the ability of eligible lenders to manage the industrial units. If thought fit, for the purpose of managing industrial units, lenders have the freedom to deploy their agents. It is a different issue that it will be difficult for lenders to take up the role of industrialists. However, it is necessary to note that the ability of an industrialist is not necessary for managing industrial assets. Because an industrialist creates an industrial undertaking and after it is taken over, he no longer continues as an industrialist for the said asset. He manages the same. This aspect of the whole issue is possible with the help of hand picked professionals who are capable of taking over, running and operating the industrial unit or units. Thus under the SARFAESI Act, banks and financial institutions enjoy enormous powers to enforce their security interest. Security interest is nothing but the properties offered to them by borrowers in order to secure the loans/facilities granted by the banks and financial institutions. Under Section 2(1)(zf) of the SARFAESI Act, Security Interest means: right, title and interest of any kind whatsoever upon property; created in favour of any secured creditor; includes any mortgage, charge, hypothecation, assignment other than those specified in Section 31. Enforcement of Security Interest is what makes the SARFAESI Act a powerful weapon in the hands of banks and financial institutions. Though there is no need for any worry merely on account of a default, willful defaulters should have reasons to be anxious, as they would be the prime target of the banks and financial institutions under the SARFAESI Act. Under this section, each expression connotes a meaning that is very significant. Expressions such as secured creditor, secured debt, borrower, security agreement and security interest should be understood in the context of the meaning assigned to such expressions under the SARFAESI Act. For taking action under the SARFAESI Act, the account in respect of which such an action is contemplated by the banks and financial institutions, the account of the Borrower should have become a non-performing asset. In other words, such debt should have been classified by the secured creditor as a NPA. An account should be construed as NPA if it meets the criteria for such asset classification as per the RBI Master Circular No. DBOD BP. BC. 10 / 21.04.048 / 2004-05 dated July 17, 2004 which provides prudential norms for income recognition and asset classification and provisions pertaining to advances. With effect from March 31, 2004, a non-performing asset (NPA) shall be a loan or an advance where (i) interest and/or instalment of principal remain overdue for a period of more than 90 days in respect of a term loan, (ii) the account remains out of order, in respect of an Overdraft/Cash Credit (OD/CC),
(ccxxxv) (iii) the bill remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days in the case of bills purchased and discounted, (iv) interest and/or instalment of principal remains overdue for two harvest seasons but for a period not exceeding two half years in the case of an advance granted for agricultural purposes. (v) any amount to be received remains overdue for a period of more than 90 days in respect of other accounts. Remedies if borrower does not make payment The remedies that are available to the secured creditor on non-payment by the borrower under Section 13(4) of the SARFAESI Act are: To take possession of secured assets of the borrower including the right to transfer by way of lease, assignment or sale for realizing the secured asset. To take over the management of the secured assets including the right of possession and disposal as stated above. To appoint any person to manage the secured assets. To require any person who owes monies to the borrower who had acquired secured assets from the borrower by issuing a notice in writing directing him to pay to the secured creditor all such monies as are sufficient to pay the secured debt. Broadly, under Sub-section (4), the secured creditor has power to take all secured assets under his control, custody, possession and management. For the purpose of realizing the amounts due, the secured creditor has the right to dispose of the secured assets by sale or lease or assignment. The powers of secured creditors under this section are statutory powers. Thus notwithstanding anything contained in the Transfer of Property Act, 1882, the secured creditor could enforce his security. Further the secured creditor has the power to direct all those who owe money to the borrower to make payment so that the secured debt is realized. Courts power Courts exercise judicial powers only to see that the law is respected and obeyed. There is no such abstract concept of generosity or charity to be imparted while exercising judicial powers. Courts cannot be generous at the cost of public institutions. Public money is meant to be recycled to all the needy entrepreneurs Orissa State Financial Corporation v. Hotel Jogendra (1996) 86 Comp Cas 722 (SC). Workmens interests It has been held by the Punjab and Haryana High Court in Mahabir Parshad Sharma and others v. Collector, Rewari and others (1996) Comp Cas 113 that the workers of the debtor company have no right to a hearing in the proceedings initiated under Section 29 of the SFCA. The employees and the shareholders of the defaulting industrial company cannot claim any interest in the assets of the company. They cannot claim the benefit of promissory estoppel against the Financial Corporation in order to stop proceedings for the sale of the companys properties mortgaged by it as security for the repayment
(ccxxxvi) of the loan and interest thereupon in terms of the loan agreement by and between the company and the Financial Corporation Joseph v. Kerala Financial Corporation (1991) Comp Cas 464 (Ker.). Suretys liability to creditor It is a well settled law that a surety is liable to the creditor irrespective of the remedy which the creditor may have against the principal debtor and the creditor may proceed against the surety without exhausting his remedies against the principal debtor. However, Section 128 of the Contract Act permits the surety to execute surety bond incorporating a different provision therein. Sub-section (2) of Section 31 of SFCA enjoins upon the Financial Corporation to state the extent of the liability of the industrial concern in the application to be made to the District Judge under Sub-section (1) of Section 31. Since the liability of the surety is co-extensive, the same shall, in the absence of anything contrary in the surety bond, be the liability of the surety also. In a case where there is any provision confining the liability of the surety, the extent of the liability to be shown in application shall be such as is in conformity with the surety bond. When no cause is shown by the surety on being served with the show cause notice, the order which will be passed by the District Judge under Sub-section (4A) of Section 32 of the Act would be for the enforcement against the surety of that liability which is stated in the application. Where, however, cause has been shown by the surety, the extent of his liability shall be determined as contemplated in Sub-section (6) of Section 32 and it is the liability so determined which shall be enforced under clause (da) of Sub-section (7) of Section 32. The extent of the liability will necessarily have to be in the very nature of things in terms of monetary value even though it may not be possible to call it a decree in the strict sense as defined in Section 2(2) of the Code of Civil Procedure Maharashtra State Financial Corporation v. Jaycee Drugs and Pharmaceuticals P. Ltd. (1991) Comp Cas 360 (SC). 16. DEFENSE STRATEGIES TO TAKEOVER BIDS A hostile tender offer made directly to a target companys shareholders, with or without previous overtures to the management, has become an increasingly frequent means of initiating a corporate combination. As a result, there has been considerable interest in devising defense strategies by actual and potential targets. Defenses can take the form of fortifying one self, i.e., to make the company less attractive to takeover bids or more difficult to take over and thus discourage any offers being made. These include, inter alia, asset and ownership restructuring, antitakeover constitutional amendments, adoption of poison pill rights plans, and so forth. Defensive actions are also resorted to in the event of perceived threat to the company, ranging from early intelligence that a raider or any acquirer has been accumulating the companys stock to an open tender offer. Adjustments in asset and ownership structures may also be made even after a hostile takeover bid has been announced. Factors Determining Vulnerability of Companies to Takeover Bids
(ccxxxvii) The enquiry into such strategies is best initiated by an analysis of factors, which determine the vulnerability of companies to takeover bids. It is possible to identify such characteristics that make a company a desirable candidate for a takeover from the acquirers point of view. Thus, the factors which make a company vulnerable are: Low stock price with relation to the replacement cost of assets or their potential earning power; A highly liquid balance sheet with large amounts of excess cash, a valuable securities portfolio, and significantly unused debt capacity; Good cash flow in relation to current stock prices; Subsidiaries and properties which could be sold off without significantly impairing cash flow; and Relatively small stockholdings under the control of an incumbent management. A combination of these factors can simultaneously make a company an attractive proposition or investment opportunity and facilitate its financing. The companys assets may act as collateral for an acquirers borrowings, and the targets cash flows from operations and divestitures can be used to repay the loans. Financial Defensive Measures Adjustments in Asset and Ownership Structure Firstly, consideration has to be given to steps, which involve defensive restructuring that create barriers specific to the bidder. These include purchase of assets that may cause legal problems, purchase of controlling shares of the bidder itself, sale to the third party of assets which made the target attractive to the bidder, and issuance of new securities with special provisions conflicting with aspects of the takeover attempt. A second common theme is to create a consolidated vote block allied with target management. Thus, securities were issued through private placements to parties friendly or in business alliance with management or to the management itself. Moreover, another method can be to repurchase publicly held shares to increase an already sizable management-allied block in place. A third common theme is the dilution of the bidders vote percentage through issuance of new equity claims. However, this option in India is strictly regulated vide Section 81A and Regulation 23 of the Takeover Code, 1997. A hostile bidder in these circumstances usually fails in the bid if the bidder has resource constraints in increasing its interest proportionately. The Crown Jewel Strategy The central theme in such a strategy is the divestiture of major operating unit most coveted by the bidder-commonly known as the crown jewel strategy. Consequently, the hostile bidder is deprived of the primary intention behind the takeover bid. A variation of the crown jewel strategy is the more radical scorched earth approach. Vide this novel strategy, the target sells off not only the crown jewel but also properties to diminish its worth. Such a radical step may however be, self-
(ccxxxviii ) destructive and unwise in the companys interest. However, the practice in India is not so flexible. The Companies Act, 1956 has laid down certain restrictions on the power of the Board. Vide Section 293(1), the Board cannot sell the whole or substantially the whole of its undertakings without obtaining the permission of the company in a general meeting. However, the SEBI (Substantial Acquisitions and Takeover) Regulations, 1997 vide Regulation 23 prescribes general obligations for the Board of Directors of the target company. Under the said regulation, it will be difficult for any target company to sell, transfer, encumber or otherwise dispose of or enter into an agreement to sell, transfer, encumber or for dispose of assets once the predator has made a public announcement. Thus, the above defense can only be used before the predator/bidder makes the public announcement of its intention to takeover the target company. The Packman Defence This strategy, although unusual, is called the packman strategy. Under this strategy, the target company attempts to purchase the shares of the raider company. This is usually the scenario if the raider company is smaller than the target company and the target company has a substantial cash flow or liquidable asset. Targeted Share Repurchase or Buyback This strategy is really one in which the target management uses up a part of the assets of the company on the one hand to increase its holding and on the other it disposes of some of the assets that make the target company unattractive to the raider. The strategy therefore involves a creative use of buyback of shares to reinforce its control and detract a prospective raider. But buyback the world over is used when the excess money with the company neither gives it adequate returns on reinvestment in production or capital nor does it allow the company to redistribute it to shareholders without negative spin offs. An example that demonstrates this contention is the distribution of high dividends in a particular year if not followed in the next sends the share prices spiraling down. Also the offer once made cannot be withdrawn unlike a public offer under the Takeover Regulations. This means that if the raider withdraws its public offer it would imply that the target company would still have to go through with the buyback. This is an expensive proposition if the only motivation to go for the buyback was to dissuade the raider. Golden Parachutes Golden parachutes refer to the separation clauses of an employment contract that compensate managers who lose their jobs under a change-of-management scenario. The provision usually calls for a lump-sum payment or payment over a specified period at full and partial rates of normal compensation. The provisions which would govern a golden parachute employment contract in India would be Sections 318-320 of the Companies Act, 1956 which govern the provisions compensation for loss of office. Thus, a perusal of the said provisions would show that payments as compensation for the loss of office is allowed to be made only to the managing director, a director holding an office of manager or a whole time director. Therefore, golden parachute contracts with the entire senior management, as is the practice in the U.S., is of no consequence in India. Moreover, payment of
(ccxxxix) compensation is expressly disallowed if in the case of a director resigning as a consequence of reconstruction of the company, or its amalgamation with any other corporate bodies. Furthermore, there exists a maximum limit as to the quantum of the compensation, subject to the exclusionary categories, to the total of the remuneration the director would have earned for the unexpired residue of term of office, or three years, whichever is less. 16. ANTI-TAKEOVER AMENDMENTS OR SHARK REPELLANTS An increasingly used defense mechanism is anti-takeover amendments to the companys constitution or articles of association, popularly called shark repellants. Thus, as with all amendments of the charter/articles of association of a company, the anti-takover amendments have to be voted on and approved by the shareholders. The practice consists of the companies changing the articles, regulations, bye-laws etc. to be less attractive to the corporate bidder. Anti takeover amendments generally impose new conditions on the transfer of managerial control of the firm through a merger, tender offer, or by replacement of the Board of Directors. In India every company has the clear power to alter its articles of association by a special resolution as provided under Section 31 of the Companies Act. The altered articles will bind the members just in the same way as did the original articles. But that will not give the altered articles a retrospective effect. The power of alteration of the articles as conferred by Section 31 is almost absolute. It is subject only to two restrictions. In the first place, the alteration must not be in contravention of the provisions of the Act, i.e. should not be an attempt to do something that the Act forbids. Secondly, the power of alteration is subject to the conditions contained in the memorandum of association i.e. alter only the articles of the company as relate to the management of the company but not the very nature and constitution of the company. Also the alteration should not constitute a fraud on the minority. Types of Anti-Takeover Amendments There are four major types of anti-takeover amendments. Supermajority Amendments These amendments require shareholder approval by at least two thirds vote and sometimes as much as 90% of the voting power of outstanding capital stock for all transactions involving change of control. In most existing cases, however, the supermajority agreements have a board-out clause which provides the board with the power to determine when and if the supermajority provisions will be in effect. Pure or inflexible supermajority provisions would seriously limit the managements scope of options and flexibility in takeover negotiations. Fair-Price Amendments These are supermajority provisions with a board out clause and an additional clause waiving the supermajority requirement if a fair-price is paid for the purchase of all the shares. The fair price is normally defined as the highest priced paid by the bidder during a specified period. Thus, fair-price amendments defend against two-tier tender offers that are not approved by the targets board. Classified Boards
(ccxl) Another major type of anti-takeover amendments provides for a staggered, or classified, Board of Directors to delay effective transfer and control in a takeover. The much touted management rationale in proposing a classified board is to ensure continuity of policy and experience. In the United States, the legal position of such classified or staggered boards is quite flexible. An ideal example is when a ninemember board may be divided into 3 classes, with only three members standing for election to a three year term each, such being the modalities of the retirement by rotation. Thus, a new majority shareholder would have to wait for at least two annual general meetings to gain control of the Board of Directors. In the Indian company law regime, the scope for such amendments is highly restricted. Section 255 of the Companies Act, 1956 is designed to eradicate the mischief caused by perpetual managements. At an AGM only one-third of the directors of the company, whose offices are determinable by retirement, will retire. Therefore putting the example in the Indian context, in case of 9 directors, 3 can be made permanent directors by amending the articles i.e. one-third can be given permanent appointment, under Section 255. Thus the acquirer would have to wait for atleast three annual general meetings before he gains control of the board. But this is subject to Section 284, which provides that the company may by an ordinary resolution, remove a director before the expiration of his period of office. Thus any provision in the articles of the company or any agreement between a director and a company by which the director is rendered irremovable from office by an ordinary resolution would be void, being contrary to the Act. Therefore, to ensure domination of the board of the target management, there needs to be strength to defeat an ordinary resolution. Authorization of Preferred Stock Vide such provisions, the Board of Directors is authorized to create a new class of securities with special voting rights. This security, typically preferred stock, may be issued to a friendly party in a control contest. Thus, this device is a defense against hostile takeover bids, although historically it was used to provide the Board of Directors with flexibility in financing under changing economic conditions. Refusal to Register Transfer of Shares Refusal by the Board of Directors to register a transfer is an important strategy to avert a takeover. Poison Pill Defenses A controversial but popular defense mechanism against hostile takeover bids is the creation of securities called poison pills. These pills provide their holders with special rights exercisable only after a period of time following the occurrence of a triggering event such as a tender offer for the control or the accumulation of a specified percentage of target shares. These rights take several forms but all are difficult and costly to acquire control of the issuer, or the target firm. Poison pills are generally adopted by the Board of Directors without shareholder approval. Usually the rights provided by the poison pill can be altered quickly by the board or redeemed by the company anytime after they become exercisable following the occurrence of the triggering event. These provisions force the acquirer to negotiate directly with the target companys board and allow some takeover bids to go through. Proponents of the poison pill argue that poison pills do not prohibit all takeovers but enhance the
(ccxli) ability of the Board of Directors to bargain for a fair price. Legal Issues Concerning Poison Pill Devices The legality of poison pills has been questioned in courts of law because they alter the relationships among the principals (shareholders) without their approval by vote. In most poison pills, the agents (Board of Directors) adopt rights plans which treat shareholders of the same class unequally in situation involving corporate control. Thus poison pills have been vulnerable to court review especially in the United States. Corporate restructuring through the M&A route is here to stay. The defenses mentioned above are only enumerative of the fast evolving corporate practice in this regard. This kind of corporate synergy requires that the legal paradigm so adjust itself, that it is in a position to optimize the benefits that accrue from such restructuring. Takeovers and mergers, though not new for Indian situation were at back seat for quite a long time due to several legal restrictions. The introduction of Foreign Exchange Regulation Act (FERA) in 1974, sparked the wave of takeovers & mergers and number of companies changed hands. Globalization of the Indian economy started changing the landscape of the Indian industry. Following economic reforms, there was a discernible trend among promoters and established corporate groups towards consolidation of market share and diversification into new areas, in a limited way through acquisition of companies, but in a more pronounced manner through mergers and amalgamations. Perhaps the biggest facilitators for Indian businessmen were the most flexible norms and terms announced by the Indian government, which had announced that the companies with a proven track would be allowed to make acquisitions abroad in non-related areas as well as their major fields. In addition, the government removed the $100 million cap on foreign investment by Indian companies and raised it to the net worth of the companies. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI), also stipulated that the local companies could raised external commercial borrowings for overseas direct investments in their joint ventures and wholly owned subsidiaries, including mergers and acquisitions overseas. As a direct result of such liberal regulations, Indian companies, including branches of multinational, became more adventurous in their business forays. 17. CROSS BORDERS TAKEOVERS Cross Border Takeover is a much sort after term in recent years. Competitiveness among the domestic firms forces many businesses to go global. There are various factors which motivate firms to go for global takeovers. Apart from personal glory, global takeovers are often driven by market consolidation, expansion or corporate diversification motives. Also, financial, accounting and tax related matters inspire such takeovers. The firms engaged in Cross borders takeovers can be of three types: First, firm incorporated in one country listed in different countries including
(ccxlii) its own e.g. ARCELOR. Second, firm incorporated in one country listed exclusively in a foreign country e.g. TELVENT. And lastly, firms incorporated in one country listed in more than one foreign country e.g. EADS. Expansion and diversification are one of the primary reasons to cross the border as the domestic markets usually do not provide the desired growth opportunities. One has to look outside its boundaries and play out in the global arena to seek new opportunities and scale new heights. Such companies have already improved profitability through better cost management and diversification at the national field. Another main reason for cross border takeovers is to attain monopoly. Acquirer company is always on the look out for companies which are financially vulnerable but have untapped resources or intellectual capital that can be exploited by the purchaser. Globalization has certainly helped in the recent spurt in cross border takeovers. The key feature of globalization is that it integrates world economies together. Many nations have opened their economies and made laws and regulations that attract new companies to come into the country. What are the legal implications to a cross border merger and takeover? International law prescribes that in a cross-border merger, the target firm becomes a national of the country of the acquirer. Among other effects, the change in nationality implies a change in investor protection, because the law that is applicable to the newly merged firm changes as well. More generally, the newly created firm shares features of the corporate governance systems of the two merging firms. Therefore, Cross-border mergers provide a natural experiment to analyse the effects of changes-both improvements and deteriorations, in corporate governance on firm value. There are various benefits of cross border takeovers. Firstly, they provide newer and better technology. It also provides employment opportunities as the firm is bigger than before and more employees are to be inducted in the merged company. It generally enhances the market capitalization of the combined entity. Global takeovers are complex processes. Despite some harmonized rules, taxation issues are mainly dealt within national rules, and are not always fully clear or exhaustive to ascertain the tax impact of a cross-border merger or acquisition. This uncertainty on tax arrangements sometimes require seeking of special agreements or arrangements from the tax authorities on an ad hoc basis, whereas in the case of a domestic deal the process is much more deterministic. Gross-border takeover bids are complex transactions that may involve the handling of a significant number of legal entities, listed or not, and which are often governed by local rules (company law, market regulations, self regulations, etc.). Not only a foreign bidder might be hindered by a potential lack of information, but also some legal complexities might appear in the merger process resulting in a deadlock, even though the bid would be friendly. This legal uncertainty may result in a significant execution risk and act as a major hurdle to cross-border
(ccxliii) consolidation. There are various challenges to cross border takeovers. Global takeovers may result into a skyrocketing share prices because merger and acquisition have a substantial effect on the whole economy. Management also faces a big challenge as there is explosion of new services, new products, new industries and new markets and new technological innovations as well. But the biggest challenge to a cross border merger and takeover are the cultural issues. According to KPMG study, 83% of all the mergers and acquisitions failed to produce any benefit for the shareholders and over half actually destroyed value. Interviews of over 100 senior executives involved in these 700 deals over a two year period revealed that the overwhelming cause of failure is the people and the cultural differences. So, the cultural issues are to be aptly dealt with. It is expected that the cross borders takeovers will increase in the near future. The companies will have to keep in mind that global takeovers are not only business proposals but also a corporate bonding for which both the entities have to sit and arrive at a meaningful and deep understanding of all the issues as mentioned above. It will also help them to get meaningful solutions. There has been a substantial increase in the quantum of funds flowing across nations in search of takeover candidates. The UK has been the most important foreign investor in the USA in recent years, with British companies making large acquisitions. With the advent of the Single Market, the European Union now represents the largest single market in the world. European as well as Japanese and American companies have sought to increase their market presence by acquisitions. Many cross-border deals have been in the limelight. The biggest were those of Daimler Benz-Chrysler, BP-Amoco, Texas Utilities-Energy Group, Universal StudiosPolygram, Northern Telecom-Bay Networks and Deutsche Bank-Bankers Trust. Nearly 80 per cent of the transactions were settled in stock rather than through cash. The going global is rapidly becoming Indian Companys mantra of choice. Indian companies are now looking forward to drive costs lower, innovate speedily, and increase their International presence. Companies are discovering that a global presence can help insulate them from the vagaries of domestic market and is one of the best ways to spread the risks. Indian Corporate sector has witnessed several strategical acquisitions. Tata Motors acquisition of Daewoo Commercial Vehicle Company, Tata Steel acquisition of Singapores NatSteel, Reliances acquisition of Flag is the culmination of Indian Companys efforts to establish a presence outside India.
(ccxliv) Note: The answers given here are general in nature. The questions and the answers have been structured to enable the readers to gain a broad understanding of (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997. For exact details the reader is advised to refer to the copy of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 which are available on the website of SEBI. Readers may also note that these answers do not aim to explain the Regulations in force, since answers to questions involving particular case/fact/pattern may depend upon administrative decisions and Court orders, if any, in respect of the same. 1. What is meant by Takeovers & Substantial acquisition of shares? When an acquirer takes over the control of the target company, it is termed as Takeover. When an acquirer acquires substantial quantity of shares or voting rights of the Target Company, it results into substantial acquisition of shares. The term Substantial which is used in this context has been clarified subsequently. 2. What is a Target company? A Target company is a listed company i.e. whose shares are listed on any stock exchange and whose shares or voting rights are acquired/being acquired or whose control is taken over/being taken over by an acquirer. 3. Who is an Acquirer? An Acquirer means (includes persons acting in concert (PAC) with him) any individual/company/any other legal entity which intends to acquire or acquires substantial quantity of shares or voting rights of target company or acquires or agrees to acquire control over the target company. 4. What is meant by the term Persons Acting in Concert (PACs)? PACs are individual(s)/company(ies)/any other legal entity(ies) who are acting together for a common objective or for a purpose of substantial acquisition of shares or voting rights or gaining control over the target company pursuant to an agreement or understanding whether formal or informal. Acting in concert would imply cooperation, co-ordination for acquisition of voting rights or control. This co-operation/ co-ordinated approach may either be direct or indirect. The concept of PAC assumes significance in the context of substantial acquisition of shares since it is possible for an acquirer to acquire shares or voting rights in a company in concert with any other person in such a manner that the acquisition made by them may remain individually below the threshold limit but may collectively exceed the threshold limit. Unless the contrary is established certain entities are deemed to be persons acting in concert like companies with its holding company or subsidiary company, mutual funds with its sponsor/trustee/Asset management company, etc. 5. How substantial quantity of shares or voting rights is defined? The SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 has defined substantial quantity of shares or voting rights distinctly for two different
(ccxlv) purposes: I. Threshold of disclosure to be made by acquirer(s): (1) 5% and more shares or voting rights: A person who, along with PAC, if any, (collectively referred to as Acquirer hereinafter) acquires shares or voting rights (which when taken together with his existing holding) would entitle him to more than 5% or 10% or 14% shares or voting rights of target company, is required to disclose at every stage the aggregate of his shareholding to the target company and the Stock Exchanges within 2 days of acquisition or receipt of intimation of allotment of shares. (2) Any person who holds more than 15% but less than 55% shares or voting rights of target company, and who purchases or sells shares aggregating to 2% or more shall within 2 days disclose such purchase/sale along with the aggregate of his shareholding to the target company and the Stock Exchanges. (3) Any person who holds more than 15% shares or voting rights of target company and a promoter and person having control over the target company, shall within 21 days from the financial year ending March 31 as well as the record date fixed for the purpose of dividend declaration, disclose every year his aggregate shareholding to the target company. (4) The Target company, in turn, is required to inform all the stock exchanges where the shares of target company are listed, every year within 30 days from the financial year ending March 31 as well as the record date fixed for the purpose of dividend declaration. II. Trigger point for making an open offer by an acquirer (1) 15% shares or voting rights: An acquirer who intends to acquire shares which alongwith his existing shareholding would entitle him to exercise 15% or more voting rights, can acquire such additional shares only after making a public announcement (PA) to acquire atleast additional 20% of the voting capital of target company from the shareholders through an open offer. (2) Creeping acquisition limit: An acquirer who holds 15% or more but less than 55% of shares or voting rights of a target company, can acquire such additional shares as would entitle him to exercise more than 5% of the voting rights in any financial year ending March 31 only after making a public announcement to acquire atleast additional 20% shares of target company from the shareholders through an open offer. (3) Consolidation of holding: An acquirer who holds 55% or more but less than 75% shares or voting rights of a target company, can acquire further shares or voting rights only after making a public announcement to acquire atleast additional 20% shares of target company from the shareholders through an open offer. 6. How is control defined?
(ccxlvi) Control includes the right to appoint directly or indirectly or by virtue of agreements or in any other manner majority of directors on the Board of the target company or to control management or policy decisions affecting the target company. However, in case there are two or more persons in control over the target company the cesser of any one of such persons from such control shall not be deemed to be a change in control of management nor shall any change in the nature and quantum of control amongst them constitute change in control of management provided this transfer is done in terms of Regulation 3(1)(e). Also if consequent upon change in control of the target company in accordance with Regulation 3, the control acquired is equal to or less than the control exercised by person(s) prior to such acquisition of control, such control shall not be deemed to be a change in control. 7. What is a Public Announcement (PA)? A public announcement is an announcement made in the newspapers by the acquirer primarily disclosing his intention to acquire shares of the target company from existing shareholders by means of an open offer. 8. What are the disclosures required to be made under Public Announcement? The disclosures in the announcement include the offer price, number of shares to be acquired from the public, identity of acquirer, purpose of acquisition, future plans of acquirer, if any, regarding the target company, change in control over the target company, if any, the procedure to be followed by acquirer in accepting the shares tendered by the shareholders and the period within which all the formalities pertaining to the offer would be completed. 9. What is the objective of Public Announcement? The Public Announcement is made to ensure that the shareholders of the target company are aware of an exit opportunity available to them. 10. Can Acquirer make an offer for less than 20% of shares? No, the acquirer cannot make an offer for less than 20% of shares. The acquirer has to make an offer for a minimum of 20% (less only in specified cases). 11. Who is required to make a Public Announcement and when is the Public Announcement required to be made? The Acquirer is required to appoint a Merchant Banker (MB) registered with SEBI before making a PA. PA is required to be made through the said MB. The acquirer is required to make the PA within four working days of the entering into an agreement to acquire shares or deciding to acquire shares/voting rights of target company or after any such change or changes as would result in change in control over the target company. In case of indirect acquisition or change in control, the PA shall be made by the acquirer within three months of consummation of such acquisition or change in control or restructuring of the parent or the company holding shares of or control over the target company in India. The offer price in such cases shall be determined with reference to the date of the public announcement for the parent company and the date of the public announcement for acquisition of shares of the target company, whichever is higher, in accordance with the parameters mentioned in the Takeover
(ccxlvii) Regulations. 12. Whether appointment of Merchant Banker for the offer process is mandatory? Yes 13. What documents are to be filed with SEBI after making P.A. and when are these documents to be filed? A hard and soft copy of the PA are required to be submitted to SEBI simultaneously with the publication of the same in the newspapers. A draft letter of offer is required to be filed with SEBI within 14 days from the date of Public Announcement alongwith a filing fee of Rs. 50,000/- per letter of offer (payable by Bankers Cheque/Demand Draft). A due diligence certificate as well as registered details as per SEBI circular No. RMB (G-1) series dated June 26, 1997 are also required to be filed alongwith the draft letter of offer. 14. Does SEBI approve the draft letter of offer? Filing of draft Letter of Offer with SEBI should not in any way be deemed or construed that the same has been cleared, vetted or approved by SEBI. The Letter of Offer is submitted to SEBI for a limited purpose of overseeing whether the disclosures contained therein are generally adequate and are in conformity with the Takeover Regulations. The requirement is to facilitate the shareholders to take an informed decision with regard to the Offer. SEBI does not take any responsibility either for the truthfulness or correctness of for any statement, for financial soundness of Acquirer, or of Persons Acting in Concert, or of Target Company, whose shares are proposed to be acquired or for the correctness of the statements made or opinions expressed in the Letter of Offer. It should be understood that while Acquirer is primarily responsible for the correctness, adequacy and disclosure of all relevant information in this Letter of Offer, the Manager to the Offer (a Merchant Banker) is expected to exercise due diligence to ensure that the Acquirer duly discharges its responsibility adequately. 15. What is a letter of offer? A letter of offer is a document addressed to the shareholders of the target company containing disclosures of the acquirer/PACs, target company, their financials, justification of the offer price, the offer price, number of shares to be acquired from the public, purpose of acquisition, future plans of acquirer, if any, regarding the target company, change in control over the target company, if any, the procedure to be followed by acquirer in accepting the shares tendered by the shareholders and the period within which all the formalities pertaining to the offer would be completed. 16. What happens once SEBI gives comments on the draft letter of offer? The MB will incorporate in the letter of offer the comments made by SEBI and then send within 45 days from the date of PA the letter of offer alongwith the blank acceptance form, to all the shareholders whose names appear in the register of the company on the Specified Date. The offer remains open for 20 days. The shareholders are required to send their Share certificate(s)/related documents to registrar or Merchant banker as specified in PA and letter of offer. The acquirer is
(ccxlviii) required to pay consideration to all those shareholders whose shares are accepted under the offer, within 15 days from the closure of offer. In their own interest, the shareholders are advised to send such documents under registered post. Further, the shareholders may also note that under no circumstances such documents should be send to the acquirer. 17. How is the price determined in an open offer? SEBI does not approve the offer price. The acquirer/Merchant Banker is required to ensure that all the relevant parameters are taken in to consideration while determining the offer price and that justification for the same is disclosed in the letter of offer. The relevant parameters are: (a) negotiated price under the agreement which triggered the open offer. (b) price paid by the acquirer or persons acting in concert with him for acquisition, if any, including by way of allotment in a public or rights or preferential issue during the twenty six week period prior to the date of public announcement, whichever is higher; (c) the average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the shares of the target company as quoted on the stock exchange where the shares of the company are most frequently traded during the twenty six weeks or the average of the daily high and low prices of the shares as quoted on the stock exchange where the shares of the company are most frequently traded during the two weeks preceding the date of public announcement, whichever is higher. In case the shares of Target Company are not frequently traded then instead of point (c) above, parameters based on the fundamentals of the company such as return on networth of the company, book value per share, EPS etc. are required to be considered and disclosed. In case of non-compete agreement for payment to any person other than the target company, if the payment is more than 25% of the offer price arrived in terms of the Regulations, the same has to be factored into the offer price. 18. What are the criteria for determining whether the shares of the Target Company are frequently or infrequently traded? The shares of the target company will be deemed to be infrequently traded if the annualized trading turnover in that share during the preceeding 6 calendar months prior to the month in which the PA is made is less than 5% (by number of shares) of the listed shares. If the said turnover is 5% or more, it will be deemed to be frequently traded. 19. Are only those shareholders whose names appear in the register of target company on a specified date, eligible to tender their shares in the open offer? No. Any shareholder who holds the shares on or before the date of closure of the offer is eligible to participate in the offer.
(ccxlix) 20. What is a competitive bid? Competitive bid is an offer made by a person, other than the acquirer who has made the first public announcement. 21. What happens if there is a competitive offer and a person had availed the first offer at a lower price? Can the person switch his acceptance to a better offer? Yes, switching of acceptances between different offers is possible. The shareholder has the option to withdraw acceptance tendered by him upto three working days prior to the date of closure of the offer. To enable the shareholders to be in a better position to decide as to which of the subsisting offers is better and also not to cause last minute decisions/confusions, the offer price and size are effectively frozen for the last 7 working days prior to the closing date of the offers. Shareholders may wait till the commencement of the period to be aware of upward revisions in the offer price and size of the offers, if any. 22. Can an acquirer withdraw the offer once made? No, the offer once made can not be withdrawn except in the following circumstances: Statutory approval(s) required have been refused; The sole acquirer being a natural person has died; Such circumstances as in the opinion of the Board merits withdrawal. 23. How can a person avail the offer if he/she has not received the letter of offer? The Public Announcement contains procedure for such cases i.e. where the shareholders do not receive the letter of offer or do not receive the letter of offer in time. The shareholders are usually advised to send their consent to Registrar to offer, if any or to MB on plain paper stating the name, address, number of shares held, Distinctive Folio No., Number of shares offered and bank details alongwith the documents mentioned in the Public Announcement, before closure of the offer. The public announcement and the letter of offer along with the form of acceptance is available on the SEBI website at 24. Is there any compensation to a shareholder for delayed receipt of payment under the offer? Acquirers are required to complete the payment of consideration to shareholders who have accepted the offer within 15 days from the date of closure of the offer. In case the delay in payment is on account of non receipt of statutory approvals and if the same is not due to willful default or neglect on part of the acquirer, the acquirers would be liable to pay interest to the shareholders for the delayed period in accordance with Regulations. If the delay in payment of consideration is not due to the above reasons, it would be treated as a violation of the Regulations and therefore, also liable for other action in terms of the Regulations. 25. Is the acquirer required to accept all the shares under the open offer?
(ccl) No, if the shares received by the acquirer are more than the shares agreed to be acquired by him, the acceptance would be on proportionate basis. 26. What are the safeguards incorporated in the takeover process so as to ensure that shareholders get their payments under the offer/receive back their share certificates? Before making the Public Announcement, the acquirer has to open an escrow account in the form of cash deposited with a scheduled commercial bank or bank guarantee in favour of the Merchant Banker or deposit of acceptable securities with appropriate margin with the Merchant Banker. The Merchant Banker is also required to confirm that firm financial arrangements are in place for fulfilling the offer obligations. In case, the acquirer fails to make the payment, MB has a right to forfeit the escrow account and distribute the proceeds in the following way: (a) 1/3 of amount to target company (b) 1/3 to regional SEs, for credit to investor protection fund etc. (c) 1/3 to be distributed on pro rata basis among the shareholders who have accepted the offer. The Merchant Banker is required to ensure that the rejected documents which are kept in the custody of the Registrar/Merchant Banker are sent back to the shareholder through Registered Post. Besides forfeiture of escrow account, SEBI can initiate separate action against the acquirer which may include prosecution/barring the acquirer from entering the capital market for a specified period etc. 27. Whether all types of acquisitions of shares or voting rights over and above the limits specified in the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997, necessarily require acquirer to make a public announcement followed up by an open offer? No. Certain type of acquisitions as stipulated under Regulation 3 of Chapter I of the Regulations, are specifically exempted from the open offer process subject to the acquirer complying with the requirements/conditions, as may be applicable, for such acquisitions. Such exemptions include acquisitions arising out of firm allotment in public issues, rights issues, inter-se transfer amongst group companies, relatives, promoters, acquirer and PACs, Indian promoters and foreign collaborators and transfer of shares from state level Financial Institutions to co-promoters of company pursuant to the agreement etc. 28. Which are those acquisitions/transactions where reporting to SEBI is mandatory? Reporting is mandatory under Regulation 3(4) in respect of acquisitions arising out of firm allotment in public issues, rights issues, inter-se transfer amongst group companies, relatives, promoters, acquirer and PACs, Indian promoters and foreign collaborators and transfer of shares from state level Financial Institutions to copromoters of company pursuant to the agreement. 29. What is the time frame to submit such report and procedure fee thereof?
(ccli) The report is required to be submitted to SEBI within 21 days from the date of acquisition/allotment alongwith a fee of Rs. 10,000/- per report. 30. Is there any prescribed form of application for various reports/documents mentioned above? Yes, SEBI has specified the format, which is available on the SEBI website at 31. What information is required to be furnished to Stock Exchanges in compliance of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 and when is it required to be furnished? For transactions, which entail reporting requirements, details of the proposed acquisition need to be filed with SEs where shares of target company are listed, atleast four working days before the date of actual acquisition/allotment. A person who, alongwith PAC, if any, (collectively referred to as Acquirer hereinafter) acquires shares or voting rights (which when taken together with his existing holding) would entitle him to more than 5% or 10% or 14% shares or voting rights of target company, is required to disclose at every stage the aggregate of his shareholding to the target company and the Stock Exchanges within 2 days of acquisition or receipt of intimation of allotment of shares. Any person who holds more than 15% but less than 55% shares or voting rights of target company, and who purchases or sells shares aggregating to 2% or more shall within 2 days disclose such purchase/sale along with the aggregate of his shareholding to the target company and the Stock Exchanges. Further, annual disclosures have to be given regarding holding of promoters, persons in control and persons holding more than 15% shares or voting rights of the Target company. Further, a copy of the Public Announcement to acquire shares from public is to be given to the Stock Exchanges simultaneously with the publication in the newspapers. Subsequently, upward revisions in offer, withdrawal of offer has also to be intimated to the Stock Exchanges simultaneously. 32. What happens if the acquirer/target company/Merchant Banker violates the provisions of the Regulations? The Regulations have laid down the general obligations of acquirer, target company and the Merchant Banker. For failure to carry out these obligations as well as for failure/non compliance of other provisions of the Regulations, penalties have been provided for non compliance. These penalties include: (a) forfeiture of the escrow account, (b) directing the person concerned to sell the shares acquired in violation of the regulations, (c) directing the person concerned not to further deal in securities, (d) levy monetary penalties,
(cclii) (e) initiate prosecution proceedings, (f) directing appointment of a merchant banker for the purpose of causing disinvestments of shares acquired in breach of Regulations 10, 11 or 12; (g) directing transfer of any proceeds or securities to the Investors Protection Fund of a recognized stock exchange; (h) directing the target company or depository to cancel the shares where an acquisition of shares pursuant to an allotment is in breach of Regulations 10, 11 or 12; (i) directing the target company or the depository not to give effect to transfer or further freeze the transfer of any such shares and not to permit the acquirer or any nominee or any proxy of the acquirer to exercise any voting or other rights attached to such shares acquired in violation of Regulations 10, 11 or 12; (j) debarring any person concerned from accessing the capital market or dealing in securities for such period as may be determined by the Board; (k) directing the person concerned to make public offer to the shareholders of the target company to acquire such number of shares at such offer price as determined by the Board; (l) directing disinvestments of such shares as are in excess of the percentage of the shareholding or voting rights specified for disclosure requirement under the Regulations 6, 7 or 8; (m) directing the person concerned not to dispose of assets of the target company contrary to the undertaking given in the letter of offer; (n) directing the person concerned, who has failed to make a public offer or delayed the making of a public offer in terms of these Regulations, to the shareholders, whose shares have been accepted in the public offer made after the delay, the consideration amount along with interest at the rate not less than the applicable rate of interest payable by banks on fixed deposits. Further, the Board of Directors of the target company would also be liable for action in terms of the Regulations and the SEBI Act for failure to carry out their obligations specified in the Regulations. 33. What is the penalty for non-disclosure of acquisition of shares & takeover? Section 15H of the SEBI Act, 1992 provides penalty for non-disclosure of acquisition of shares and takeover. According to this section, if any person, who is required under the SEBI Act or any rules or regulations made thereunder fails to: (i) disclose the aggregate of his shareholding in the body corporate before he acquires any shares of that body corporate; or (ii) make a public announcement to acquire shares at a minimum price; (iii) make a public offer by sending letter of offer to the shareholders of the
(ccliii) concerned company; or (iv) make payment of consideration to the shareholders who sold their shares pursuant to letter of offer. he shall be liable to a penalty of twenty-five crore rupees or three times the amount of profits made out of such failure, whichever is higher. Action can also be initiated for suspension, cancellation of certificate of registration against an intermediary such as the Merchant Banker to the offer. 34. Are mergers and amalgamations of companies also covered under the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997? No, only takeovers and substantial acquisition of shares of a listed company fall within purview of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997. Mergers and Amalgamations are outside the purview of SEBI as they are a subject matter of the Companies Act, 1956. 35. What is the Takeover Panel? An acquirer who proposes to acquire shares through a mode which is not specifically covered under Regulation 3 may seek exemption from the applicability of the provisions of the offer process by making an application. SEBI has constituted a panel consisting of independent persons to examine such applications which is called the Takeover Panel. The present composition of the Takeover Panel is as follows: Sebi Takeover Panel Members (With effect from November 02, 2007) Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 Name of member Shri K Kannan Shri C R Mehta Shri P N Shah Shri R S Loona Details Former Chairman, Bank of Baroda Former Member, Company Law Board Chartered Accountant. Former Executive Director , SEBI
36. What is the procedure for making an application to the Takeover Panel for seeking exemption? The acquirer shall make an application in the standard format specified by SEBI giving all the relevant details of the proposed acquisition along with a fee of Rs.25,000/-. The standard format is available on the SEBI website 37. How does SEBI process such application? SEBI forwards the application to the Takeover Panel within 4-5 days of its receipt. The Takeover Panel would make a recommendation on the application
(ccliv) to SEBI within 15 days of receipt of the application from SEBI. SEBI, after affording reasonable opportunity to the concerned parties, wherever necessary, would pass a reasoned order on the application within 30 days thereof and publish the same. 38. Are there any specific provisions for disinvestments of government shareholding in listed Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) To facilitate acquisition of shares or voting rights or control by strategic partner from the Central Government in a listed PSU and to harmonise the process of disinvestments and investor protection. The said amendments include the following: Transfer of shares and control to the strategic partner/acquirer even before completing the open offer formalities in terms of the regulations; The date of entering into the share purchase agreement would be the reference date for making the public announcement. The date on which the Central Government opens the financial bids would be the reference date for classifying the shares of the company as frequently or infrequently traded and for determination of the offer price. Non-applicability of requirement of second offer for subsequent stage of acquisition subject to certain conditions Prohibition from making a competitive bid. It may be noted that these amendments were made only for the purpose of PSU disinvestments and are not available to other acquisitions. 39. Where can an investor get more information related to the SEBI Takeover Regulations? The Bhagwati Committee report, the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 and subsequent amendments, public announcements and letter of offer are available at SEBIs webside For any other information regarding Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers, you may address your query to SEBI, Division of Corporate Restructuring at SEBI Bhavan, Plot No.C4-A, G Block, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (E), Mumbai 400 051. ANNEXURE 2 SEBI (SUBSTANTIAL ACQUISITION OF SHARES AND TAKEOVERS) REGULATIONS, 1997 Disclosure Compliance Chart Regulations 7 and 8 Compliance of Regulation 7(1): Questions and Regulations Who Regulation 7(1) Any acquirer, who holds more than 5% or 10 % or 14% or
(cclv) 54% or 74% of shares or voting rights in any manner whatsoever together with shares or voting rights already entitled by him. What Aggregate of shareholdings or voting rights taken together with shares or voting rights already held by entitles to more than 5% or 10 % or 14% or 54% or 74% in any manner whatsoever. At every stage within 2 days of the receipt of intimation of allotment of shares or the acquisition of shares or voting rights. To the company and to the Stock Exchanges where the shares of the company are listed. In the form prescribed.
Whom How
Compliance of Regulation 7(1A) Questions and Regulations Who Regulation 7(1A) Any acquirer, who has acquired shares or voting rights of a company under Regulation 11(1) and the purchase or sale aggregates to 2% or more of the share capital of the target company Purchase or Sale aggregating 2% or more of the share capital of the target company along with the aggregate shareholding after such acquisition or sale. Within 2 days of such purchase or sale. To the company and to the Stock Exchanges where the shares of the company are listed. In the form prescribed.
Compliance of Regulation 7(3): Questions and Regulations Who What When Regulation 7(3) Company Aggregate number of shares held by each of such persons referred in Regulation 7(1) and 7(1A). Within 7 days of receipt of information under Regulation 7(1) and 7(1A).
SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of shares and takeovers) Regulations, 1997 Compliance of Regulation 8(1): Questions and Regulations Who What When Whom How Remark Compliance of Regulation 8(2): Questions and Regulations Who What When Regulation 8 (2) A promoter or every person having control over a company and also by persons acting in concert with them. The number and percentage of shares or voting rights held by them and also by persons acting in concert with them. Within 21 days from the end of the financial year ending 31 March as well as the record date of the company for the purpose of declaration of dividend. To the Company. In the format prescribed.
Regulation 8(1) Every person including a person mentioned in Reg.6, who holds more than 15 % shares or voting rights. His holdings as on 31 March. Yearly disclosures within 21 days from the end of the financial st year ending 31 March. To the Company. In prescribed Format
Whom How
Compliance of Regulation 8(3): Questions and Regulations Who What Regulation 8 (3) Company The changes, if any, in respect of the holdings of the persons referred in Regulation 8(1) and also holdings of promoters or st persons having control over the company as on 31 March. Within 30 days from the end of the financial year ending 31 March as well as the record date of the company for the
(cclvii) purpose of declaration of dividend. Whom How To all the stock exchanges where the shares of the company are listed. In Prescribed format
Takeover is a corporate device whereby one company acquires control over another company, usually by purchasing all or a majority of its shares. Takeovers may be classified as friendly takeover, hostile takeover and bail out takeover. Takeover bids may be mandatory, partial or competitive bids. Consideration for takeover could be in the form of cash or in the form of shares. When a company intends to take over another company through acquisition of 90% or more in value of the shares of that company, the procedure laid down under Section 395 of the Act could be beneficially utilised. Transferor and transferee companies are required to take care of the check points as specified in the chapter. Takeover of companies whose securities are listed or one or more stock exchanges is regulated by the provisions of listed agreements and SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulation, 1997. Financial, accounting, taxation and legal aspects are vital in planning a takeover and hence covered in detail in the chapter. An increasingly used defense mechanism is anti takeover amendments, which is called Shark Repellants.
SELF-TEST QUESTIONS (These are meant for recapitulation only. Answers to these questions are not required to be submitted for evaluation). 1. What do you mean by the term Takeover? What are the objectives which takeover seeks to achieve? 2. Explain the meaning of and different types of takeover bids. 3. Can unlisted companies affect takeovers? If so, how? 4. SEBI has formulated a comprehensive code for takeover of listed companies Do you agree? 5. What are the general obligations of Acquirer and Merchant Banker as under SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997? 6. Enumerate the economic aspects of a takeover. 7. What does the term offer price and persons acting in concert mean under SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997? 8. What does the term Bail out Takeover imply? Discuss the legal aspects and
(cclviii) implications.
(cclix) STUDY V
1. INTRODUCTION Growth is essential for sustaining the viability, dynamism and value enhancing capability of a company. A company can expand and/or diversify its markets internally or externally. If it cannot grow internally due to lack of physical and managerial resources, it can grow externally by mergers and acquisitions of companies engaged in same or similar industry or service sector in a convenient and inexpensive manner. However, mergers and acquisitions involve cost and can be an expensive mode if the company pays an excessive price for shares in company proposed to be merged with itself. It should be borne in mind that benefits should exceed the cost of acquisition in fact. It is necessary that price may be carefully determined and negotiated so that merger enhances the value of shareholders. While valuing the cost of acquisition, it is necessary to bear in mind the fact that the entire cost of acquisition should be treated as capital cost while revenues arising out of the acquisition will only be generated over a period of time. The pay back period will vary depending upon the entity or activity acquired and the market position at the time of acquisition and in post acquisition period. The benefits of a merger can be defined as the difference between (i) the total present value of the merged firms; and (ii) the sum of their values if they do not merge. Example: Benefit of merger = V = VAB VA VB where, V = present value; A&B are two firms willing to continue to form a new company called C. 233
(cclx) In other words, combined value of the merged companies should be more than the value obtained by a mere addition of the present values of each individual companies. In other words, 2 + 2, in a merger, should not be 4. It should be more to make merger a gainful preposition. Cost may be defined as the difference between the amount paid for the acquired firm and the amount it is worth as a separate entity. If Bs owners receive cash for their shares then: Cost = Cash VB. If the merger is financed by cash, attempt should be made so that Benefit Cost = V (Cash VB) > O. If there is no merger, aggregate value of their shares is VA for firm A. If merger goes through, their position is VB Cash. Net gain is given by: Net gain = VB Cash VA. = V + VA + VB Cash VA V (Cash VB) Cost however will depend on how a merger is funded or financed. If it is funded by borrowing loans, the interest paid will have to be added to cost. 2. FINANCIAL ALTERNATIVES Financing of mergers and takeovers involve payment of consideration money to the acquire shares for acquiring the undertaking or assets or controlling power of the shareholders as per valuation done and exchange ratio between shares of acquiring and merging company arrived at. Payment of consideration by the acquirer company to the acquiree company amounts to be the investment which is done on commercial basis with an aim to optimize return and to keep the cost of investment minimum. Care should be taken to select an optimum mix of the available modes of payment of purchase consideration such that the financial package chosen suits the financial structures of both the acquirer and acquiree companies, and also provide a desirable gearing level thereby proving economical to the acquirer. The cost of capital or investment shall differ as per different financial packages selected. Selection of financial package shall depend upon many factors as mentioned below: (i) It should suit to the financial structures of both the acquirer and the acquiree companies. (ii) It should provide a desirable gearing level which may suit to the financial structure of the acquirer. (iii) The package should be found acceptable by the vendors. (iv) The package should also prove economical to the acquirer. Financial Package The acquirer can select a suitable financial package to make payment of consideration to acquiree from the following alternatives: (i) Payment of cash or by issue of securities. (ii) Financial package of loans etc. involving financial institutions and banks.
(cclxi) (iii) Rehabilitation finance. (iv) Management buyouts. 3. PROCESS OF FUNDING Mergers and takeovers may be funded by a company (i) out of its own funds, comprising increase in paid up equity and preference share capital, for which shareholders are issued equity and preference shares or (ii) out of borrowed funds, which may be raised by issuing various financial instruments. (iii) A company may borrow funds through the issue of debentures, bonds, deposits from its directors, their relatives, business associates, shareholders and from public in the form of fixed deposits, (iv) external commercial borrowings, issue of securities, loans from Central or State financial institutions, banks, (v) rehabilitation finance provided to sick industrial companies under the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, etc. Form of payment may be selected out of any of the modes available such as (a) cash payment, (b) issue of equity shares, (c) mix of equity and cash, (d) debt or loan stock, (e) preference shares, convertible securities, junk bonds etc. Well-managed companies make sufficient profits and retain them in the form of free reserves, and as and when their Board of Director propose any form of restructuring, it is financed from reserves, i.e. internal accruals. Where available funds are inadequate, the acquirer may resort any one or more of the options available for the purpose of raising the required resources. The most prominent routes are the borrowing and issue of securities. The required funds could be raised from banks and financial institutions or from public by issue of debentures or by issue of shares depending upon the quantum and urgency of their requirements. Generally a cash rich company use their surplus funds for taking over the control of other companies, often in the same line of business, to widen their product range and to increase market share. FUNDING THROUGH VARIOUS TYPES OF FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS A. FUNDING THROUGH EQUITY SHARES Equity share capital can be considered as the permanent capital of a company. Equity needs no servicing as a company is not required to pay to its equity shareholders any fixed amount return in the form of interest which would be the case if the company were to borrow issue of bonds or other debt instruments. In issue of shares, the commitment will be to declare dividends consistently if profits permit. Raising moneys from the public by issue of shares to them is a time consuming and costly exercise. The process of issuing equity shares or bonds/debentures by the company takes a lot of time. It would require several things to be in place and several rounds of discussion would take place between the directors, and key promoters having the controlling stake, between the Board of Directors and consultants, analysts, experts, company secretaries, chartered accountants and lawyers. Moreover it requires several legal compliances. Therefore planning an acquisition by raising funds through a public issue may be complicated and a long drawn process. One cannot think of raising
(cclxii) moneys through public issue without identifying the company to be acquired. B. PREFERENTIAL ALLOTMENT Private placement in the form of a preferential allotment of shares is possible and such issues could be organized in a much easier way rather than an issue of shares to public. C. MERGER The most common method of acquisition is a merger where the transferee company issues shares to the shareholders of transferor company. A merger need no deployment of additional funds, either from internal accruals or from outside agencies like banks, financial institutions etc. The additional equity which is issued to the shareholders of the merging companies needs no servicing. When the company makes adequate profits and the Board of Directors, in their discretion, recommend the declaration of dividend, the shareholders get dividend on their shareholdings. At times, acquirers shareholders are also interested in obtaining payments in equity shares rather than cash due to tax liability immediately devolving upon them in the eventuality of receipt of cash consideration, whereas in case of equity, capital gains tax is deferred till the time of realization of sale proceeds of shares in cash. The disadvantage to the shareholders of the merged company is the resultant temporary dilution in earnings per shares (EPS) and depressing of share price due to the issuance of additional shares. In the normal life of a company, equity capital is costlier than the borrowed capital, because interest on borrowed capital is a charge on the profits of the company whereas dividend on equity shares is paid out of the net profits of the company. D. FUNDING THROUGH PREFERENCE SHARES Another source of funding a merger or a takeover may be through the issue of preference shares, but unlike equity capital, issue of preference share capital as purchase consideration to shareholder of merging company involves the payment of fixed preference dividend (like interest on debentures or bonds or) at a fixed rate. Therefore, before deciding to raise funds for this purpose, by issue of preference shares, the Board of directors of a company has to make sure that the merged company or the target company would be able to yield sufficient profits for covering discharging the additional liability in respect of payment of preference dividend. Burden of preference dividend A company funding its merger or takeover proposal through the issue of preference shares is required to pay dividend to such shareholders as per the agreed terms. While raising funds through this mode, the management of the company has to take into consideration the preference dividend burden, which the profits of the company should be able to service. E. FUNDING THROUGH OPTIONS OR SECURITIES WITH DIFFERENTIAL RIGHTS
(cclxiii) Companies can restructure its capital through derivatives and options as a means of raising corporate funds. Indian companies are allowed to issue derivatives or options as well as shares and quasi-equity instruments with differential rights as to dividend and/or voting. Companies may also issue non-voting shares or shares with differential voting rights to the shareholders of transferor company. Such issue gives the companies an additional source of fund without interest cost and without an obligation to repay, as these are other forms of equity capital. The promoters of companies may be interested in this form of consideration as it does not impose any obligation and there is no loss of control in the case of non-voting shares. F. FUNDING THROUGH SWAPS OR STOCK TO STOCK MERGERS In stock swap mergers, or stock-for-stock mergers, the holders of the target companys stock receive shares of the acquiring companys stock. The majority of mergers during the past few years have been stock-for-stock deals. A merger arbitrage specialist will sell the acquiring companys stock short, and will purchase a long position in the target company, using the same ratio as that of the proposed transaction. (If the purchasing firm is offering a half share of its stock for every share of the target company, then the merger arbitrageur will sell half as many shares of the purchasing firm as he or she buys of the target company.) By going long and short in this ratio, the manager ensures that the number of shares for which the long position will be swapped is equal to the number of shares sold short. When the deal is completed, the manager will cover the short and collect the spread that has been locked in. As with all mergers, stock swap mergers may involve event risk. In addition to the normal event risks, stock swap mergers involve risks associated with fluctuations in the stock prices of the two companies. The terms of the deal involve an exchange of shares and are predicted on the prices of the two companies stock at the time of the announcement, drastic changes in the shares prices of one or both of the companies can cause the entire deal to be re-evaluated. Merger arbitrageurs derive returns from stock swap mergers when the spread or potential return justifies the perceived risk of the deals failing. G. FUNDING THROUGH EMPLOYEES STOCK OPTION SCHEME This option may be used along with other options. The share capital that may be raised through a Scheme of Employees Stock Option can only be a fraction of the entire issue. Hence no company can imagine of funding any scheme of merger or takeover entirely through this route. Merits and demerits of funding of merger or takeover through the equity issue have already been discussed earlier under the heading Funding through equity issue. Employees stock option scheme is a voluntary scheme on the part of a company to encourage its employees to have a higher participation in the company. Stock option is the right (but not an obligation) granted to an employee in pursuance of a scheme, to apply for the shares of the company at a pre-determined price. Suitable percentage of reservation can be made by a company for its employees or for the
(cclxiv) employees of the promoter company or by the promoter company for employees of its subsidiaries, as the need may arise. Equitable distribution of shares among the employees will contribute to the smooth working of the scheme. Only bona-fide employees of the company are eligible for shares under scheme The offer of shares to the employees on preferential basis has been misused by some companies by allotting shares to non-employees or in the joint names of employees and non-employees. The companies are therefore, advised to ensure that the shares reserved under the employees quota be allotted only to the bona fide employees, subject to the SEBI guidelines issued in this regard and the shares remaining unsubscribed by the employees may be offered to the general public through prospectus in terms of the issue, if any [Press release dated 30.1.1996]. The option granted to any employee is not transferable to any person. SEBI (Employee Stock Option Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999 The Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has issued the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999, which are applicable to companies whose shares are listed on any recognised stock exchange in India. As per the guidelines, no employee stock option scheme (ESOS) shall be offered unless the company constitutes a compensation committee for administration and superintendence of the ESOS. The Compensation Committee has to be a committee of the Board of Directors consisting of a majority of independent directors. The lock in period and rights of the option holder are as specified in the guidelines. The Board of Directors have to inter alia, disclose either in the Directors Report or in the annexure to the Directors Report, the details of the ESOS, as specified in the regulations. As a safeguard, the regulations provide that no ESOS can be offered to the employee of a company unless the shareholders of the company approve ESOS by passing a special resolution in a general meeting. Issue of Sweat Equity Shares A company whose shares are listed on a recognised stock exchange can also issue sweat equity shares in accordance with the provisions of Section 79A of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Issue of Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2002. H. FUNDING THROUGH EXTERNAL COMMERCIAL BORROWINGS (ECBs) UNDER SECTION 6 OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE MANAGEMENT ACT, 1999 (FEMA)
(cclxv) External Commercial Borrowings (ECB) are regulated by the ECB Guidelines issued by the External Commercial Borrowing Division, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India as modified from time to time. External Commercial Borrowings (ECB), being capital account transactions within the meaning of the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 (FEMA). They are governed by Section 6 of FEMA. ECB refers to commercial loans in the form of bank loans, buyers credit, suppliers credit, securitised instruments such as Floating Rate Notes and Fixed Rate Bonds, etc., availed from non resident lenders with minimum average maturity of 3 years. ECB can be accessed under two routes, viz., (i) automatic route; and (ii) approval route. ECB under the automatic route is permitted for investment in the real sector, industrial sector including small and medium enterprises and especially infrastructure sector. The term infrastructure has been defined as: (i) power; (ii) telecommunication, railways; (iii) road including bridges; (iv) ports, seaport & airport; (v) industrial parks; (vi) urban infrastructure (water supply, sanitation and sewerage projects). Automatic route implies the ECB will not require approval of Reserve Bank of India or the Government of India. Corporates (Companies registered under the Companies Act) except financial intermediaries (such as banks, financial institutions (FIs), housing finance companies and NBFCs) are eligible for accessing ECB under the automatic route. Individuals, trusts, and non-profit organizations are not eligible to raise ECB. ECB can be accessed only for investment (such as import of capital goods, new projects, modernization/expansion of production units) in real sector industrial sector including small and medium enterprises (SME) and infrastructure sector in India. Limitations of ECB Route (a) Accessing ECB is not permitted under both the automatic route and the approval route for on-lending or investment in capital market or acquiring company (or a part thereof) in India by a corporate. (b) Utilisation of ECB proceeds is also not permitted in real estate. The term real estate excludes development of integrated township. (c) End uses of ECBs for working capital, general corporate purpose and repayment of existing rupee loans are also not permitted. ECBs are permitted by the Government as a source of finance for Indian corporates for expansion of existing capacity as well as for fresh investment. Utilisation of ECB proceeds is permitted in the first stage; acquisition of shares in the disinvestments process and also in the mandatory second stage; offer to the
(cclxvi) public under the Governments disinvestments programme of PSU shares. I. INDIAN DEPOSIT RECEIPTS Deposit receipts represent equity shares. In the Indian context, shares are issued in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Guidelines and Regulations of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). An Indian company may be promoted by foreign nationals or foreign bodies corporate or both. In such a case, the Indian company even though promoted by a foreign individual and/or entity could issue shares to the Indian public in accordance with the applicable legal provisions in India viz., the said Act, Guidelines and Regulations. However a company incorporated say, in a particular state in the United States of America, cannot issue shares in the Indian market. Such companies could only issue deposit receipts which will be known as Indian Deposit Receipts. These receipts will represent certain number of shares issued by the said foreign company in their country in the name of a depository in India which in turn issues the deposit receipts which are tradable. Similar to such an issue, an Indian company cannot directly issue shares or other securities in America or in a country in Europe except through the mechanism of depository receipts. A Depository Receipt is a negotiable certificate that usually represents a companys publicly traded equity or debt. Depository Receipts are created when a broker purchases the companys shares on the home stock market and delivers those shares to the Depositorys local custodian bank, who then instructs the depository bank, to issue Depository Receipts. J. GLOBAL DEPOSITORY RECEIPTS (GDRs) A GDR is a dollar denominated instrument tradeable on a stock exchange in Europe or U.S.A. The concept of GDR, original to the developed countries, now has gained popularity even in developing countries like India. They were originally designed as instruments to enable investors in USA to trade in securities that were not listed in the Stock Exchanges in USA. The major benefit that accrues to an investor from GDR is the collection of issue proceeds in foreign currency which may be utilized for meeting foreign exchange component of project cost, repayment of foreign currency loans, meeting commitments overseas and similar purposes. The other benefits accruing to an investor from GDR issue are firstly, that investor does not have to bear any exchange risk as a GDR is denominated in US dollar with equity shares comprised in each GDR denominated in Rupees. Secondly, investor reserves the right to exercise his option to convert the GDR and hold the equity shares instead. It facilitates raising of funds of market related prices of minimum cost as compared to a domestic issue and permits raising of further equity on a future date for funding of projects like expansion or diversification through mergers and takeovers etc. It also helps to expand investor base with multiple risk preferences, improves marketability of the issue, and enhances prestige of the company and credibility with international investors.
(cclxvii) K. AMERICAN DEPOSITORY RECEIPTS (ADRs) An ADR is a certificate that represents a non-US companys publicly traded shares or debt. ADRs trade freely like any other US security as they are priced and quoted in US dollars. They can be traded on either an exchange or over the counter market and settle according to US standards. ADRs can also trade in markets outside US and can be used to raise capital in US or in markets outside US. ADR is a tradeable instrument, equivalent to a fixed number of shares, which is floated on overseas markets. ADR issues can be made at four levels depending on the preference of the company. The norms for each level differ and is based on the specific criteria to be satisfied by the issuer. The features of ADRs are as follows: 1. This instrument permits the foreign investor to access non-US market for investment thereby insulating him from exchange risk, as an ADR is denominated in dollars and dividends are also paid in dollars. 2. ADRs are listed on the New York Stock Exchange or Over the Counter Exchange in the USA. ADRs attract a much wider investor base than the GDRs, since pensions funds and individual investors are permitted to invest in them. 3. The size of the ADR issue can be expanded or contracted according to demand as depository banks can issue or withdraw corresponding shares in the local market. GDR is a one time issue and can be contracted in size only if investors decide to redeem. 4. ADR issue is more expensive than a GDR issue. 5. ADR issue requires drawing up the accounting statements in accordance with the stringent requirements of the Securities and Exchange Commission and US GAAP. Limitation on utilisation of proceeds of ADR/GDR issue for funding Mergers/ Takeovers Any money that is raised from a foreign source whether in the form of equity or debt, whether as a foreign direct investment or by way of an external commercial borrowings, compliance of the provisions of Foreign Exchange Management Act is essential. These are capital account transactions and therefore they have to accordingly understood. Specifically in respect of moneys raised through issue of ADRs/GDRs, there are certain restrictions with regard to end use of funds so raised. The following are to be incurred within one year from the date of Issue of GDR: 1. Financing capital goods imports. 2. Financing domestic purchase/installation of plant, equipment and buildings. 3. Prepayment or scheduled repayment of earlier external commercial borrowing. 4. Making investments abroad where these have been approved by competent authorities. Companies would be required to submit quarterly statements of utilisation of funds duly certified by their auditors. The issuer companies would be required mandatorily to retain the Euro issue proceeds abroad to be repatriated as and when expenditure for the approved end uses (including 15% earmarked for general
(cclxviii) corporate restructuring purposes) are incurred. ADRs and GDRs are identical from a legal, operational, technical and administrative standpoint. L. FUNDING THROUGH FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND BANKS Funding of a merger or takeover with the help of loans from financial institutions, banks etc, has its own merits and demerits. Takeover of a company could be achieved in several ways and while deciding the takeover of a going concern, there are matters such as the capital gains tax, stamp duty on immovable properties and the facility for carrying forward of accumulated losses. With parameters playing a critical role, the takeover should be organized in such a way that best suits the facts and circumstances of the specific case and also it should meet the immediate needs and objectives of the management. While discussing modes of acquisition, certainly there would be a planning for organizing the necessary funding for the acquisition. If borrowings from domestic banks and financial institutions have been identified as the inevitable choice, all the financial and managerial information must be placed before the banks and financial institutions for the purpose of getting the necessary resources. The advantage of funding is that the period of such funds is definite which is fixed at the time of taking such loans. Therefore, the Board of the company is assured about continued availability of such funds for the pre-determined period. On the negative side, the interest burden on such loans, is quite high which must be kept in mind by the Board while deciding to use borrowed funds from financial institution. Such funding should be thought of and resorted to only when the Board is sure that the merged company or the target company will, give adequate returns i.e., timely payment of periodical interest on such loans and re-payment of the loans at the end of the term for which such loans have been taken. However, in the developed markets, funding of merger or takeover is not a critical issue. There are various sources of finance available to an acquirer. In the Indian market, it was not easy to obtain takeover finance from financial institutions and banks because they are not forthcoming to finance securities business. Takeover involves greater risk. There is no other organised sector to provide finance for takeover by a company. Justice P.N. Bhagwati Committee on takeovers in its report of May 2002 has recommended that Banks/Financial Institutions are to be encouraged to consider financial takeovers. There are two aspects in it. (i) The first one relates to cost of acquiring ownership over the assets. If it is a going concern, the shares of the company could be purchased. In that process, the acquired entity might become a wholly owned subsidiary. Funding the acquisition would mean the funds required for paying up the consideration payable to the sellers of those shares. This will be worked on the basis of the net worth of the acquired entity. In addition to the said cost, there might be a huge requirement for funding the operations, modernization, upgradation, installing balancing equipments, removal of bottlenecks and a host of other requirements. Hence the borrowings would be required for meeting such cost also.
(cclxix) The acquisition may also require a rehabilitation or restructuring scheme implying a meeting with existing secured creditors and major unsecured creditors. As a whole, borrowing would be a major exercise involving a lot of study of the actual financial support needed. Care must be taken to ensure that the existing revenue streams are not affected due to the proposed acquisition. The combined net worth, combined financial projections and revenue streams might also be needed for persuading the banks and financial institutions to pick up a stake in the acquisition. M. FUNDING THROUGH REHABILITATION FINANCE Sick industries get arranged marriage through BIFR with healthy units with financial package to the acquirer from the financial institutions and banks having financial stakes in the acquiree company to ensure rehabilitation and recovery of dues from the acquirer. BIFR has been arranging such takeover from time to time in which creditor financial institutions and banks have been providing consortium financial packages in promoting mergers. Merger or takeover may be provided for in a scheme of rehabilitation under the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985. The Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 provides for reference to the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) of a sick industrial company. Once a reference is made, BIFR will cause an enquiry, appoint an operating agency for determination of measures necessary for rehabilitation of the sick company, direct the preparation of a rehabilitation scheme, which may provide, inter alia, for (i) rehabilitation finance for the sick company; (ii) merger of the sick company with a healthy company or merger of a healthy company with the sick company; (iii) takeover of the sick company by a healthy company; (iv) such other preventive, ameliorative and remedial measures as may be appropriate. The scheme is prepared by the operating agency, and after the same is sanctioned becomes operative and binding on all the concerned parties including the sick company and other companies amalgamating, merging, the amalgamated or the merged companies. N. FUNDING THROUGH LEVERAGED AND MANAGEMENT BUYOUTS There are various options available for the revival of a sick company. One is buyout of such a company by its employees. This option has distinct advantages over Government intervention and other conventional remedies. Buyout by employees provides a strong incentive to the employees in the form of personal stake in the company. The employees become the owners of the company by virtue of the shares that are issued and allotted to them. Moreover, continuity of job is the greatest motivating force which keeps them on their toes to ensure that the buyout succeeds. Such a buyout saves mass unemployment and unrest among the working class. Relations between the workers management and the employees are expected to be cordial without any break, strike or other such disturbing developments. Hence
(cclxx) chances of success are more. However, such a buyout can be successful only if necessary financial support is extended by the Government or the financial institutions and banks. Definition of Management Buyout (MBO) A Management Buyout (MBO) is simply a transaction through which the incumbent management buys out all or most of the other shareholders. The management may take on partners, it may borrow funds or it can organize the entire restructuring on its own. A MBO begins with arrangement/raising of finance. Thereafter, an offer to purchase all or nearly all of the shares of a company not presently held by the management has to be made which may necessitate a public offer and even delisting. Consequent upon this, restructuring may be affected and once targets have been achieved, the company can go public again. Case Law on Leveraged Buyout In Navnit R. Kamani v. R.R. Kamani, two schemes of rehabilitation came before the BIFR for consideration and approval. One of the schemes was presented by a shareholder holding 24% shares in the company and the other scheme was submitted by the workmens union of the company. When the two schemes were viewed in juxta-position, there was no doubt that the scheme presented by the applicant shareholder appeared in a rather poor light. The BIFR sanctioned the scheme which was presented by the workers union because, in the opinion of the BIFR, that scheme was more suited for the revival of the company. The matter went to the Supreme Court. Turning to the merits of the scheme presented by the workers and sanctioned by BIFR, it was considered to be feasible and economically viable by experts. It envisaged the management by a Board of directors consisting of fully qualified experts and representatives of banks, Government and employees. The scheme had the full backing of the nationalised banks and the encouragement from the Central and State Governments which had made commitments for granting tax concessions. The backing and the concessions were forthcoming essentially because it was a scheme framed by the employees who themselves were making tremendous wage-sacrifice and trying to salvage the company which has been almost wrecked by others. The above decision of the Supreme Court brought about a significant change in workers attitude towards their own role in the revival and rehabilitation of sick industrial companies, a change from collective bargainers to collective performers. In the case before the Supreme Court, the facts were quite favourable for the workers of the company. Though the workers can, through collective effort, achieve the objective of reviving sick industrial units, their own stakes being no less, yet they need all the help and encouragement from the Government, financial institutions and banks for sustained efforts for revival and rehabilitation. Change in attitude of workers unions in such an endeavour is all the more important.
Mode of payment for mergers and acquisition to be selected from an optimum mix of available modes of payment of consideration.
Selection of financial package depend on many considerations such as: to suit the financial structure of acquirer and acquiree, to provide a desirable gearing level, to be acceptable to vendors. Further it should prove economic to acquirer. Funding through preference share capital, unlike equity share capital, involves the payment of fixed preference dividend like interest on debentures or bonds or a fixed rate of dividend. Funding through shares with differential voting rights gives the companies an additional source of fund without interest cost and without an obligation to repay, as these are other form of equity capital. Funding can also be done through swaps and employees stock option scheme. The share capital that may be raised through the scheme of employees stock option can only be a fraction of the entire issue. External commercial borrowings are permitted by the Government as a source of finance for Indian corporates for expansion of existing capacity as well as for fresh investment. The other modes of funding are through financial institutions and banks, rehabilitation finance and management and leveraged buy outs. All these have got its own merits and demerits.
SELF-TEST QUESTIONS (These are meant for recapitulation only. Answers to these questions are not required to be submitted for evaluation). 1. Financing of mergers and acquisitions is a crucial exercise requiring utmost care. Elaborate. 2. Discuss funding through Rehabilitation Finance as a source of finance for mergers/takeovers. 3. External commercial borrowings offer a route for funding the restructuring. Elaborate the statement in the light of applicable guidelines. What are limitations in using funds rated through ECB Route. 4. Explain in brief the meaning of Leveraged and Management Buyouts and list steps involved in concluding merger of company by this mode.
Need and purpose of valuation Meaning of valuer Provisions where valuation has been maintained as a necessary requirement MCA Report on valuers and valuation Factors influencing valuation Valuation motives Valuation of private, listed and unlisted companies Valuation methods Valuation by team of experts Dividend discount models Valuation of brands Non financial consideration in valuation Judicial pronouncements.
1. INTRODUCTION Valuation is an exercise to assess the worth of an enterprise or a property. In a merger or amalgamation or demerger or acquisition, valuation is certainly needed. It is essential to fix the value of the shares to be exchanged in a merger or the consideration payable for an acquisition. As per Section 82 of the Companies Act, 1956, the shares or debentures or other interest of any member in a company shall be movable property. A share carries with itself a bundle of rights such as the right to elect directors, the right to vote on resolutions in general meetings of a the company, the right to share in the surplus, if
(cclxxiii) any, on liquidation etc. 2. NEED AND PURPOSE There are a number of situations in which a business or a share or any other property may be required to be valued. Valuation is essential for (i) strategic partnerships, (ii) mergers or acquisitions of shares of a company and / or acquisition of a business. (iii) Valuation is also necessary for introducing employee stock option plans (ESOPs) and joint ventures. From the perspective of a valuer, a business owner, or an interested party, a valuation provides a useful base to establish a price for the property or the business or to help determine ways and means of enhancing the value of his firm or enterprise. The main objective in carrying out a valuation is conclude a transaction in a reasonable manner without any room for any doubt or controversy about the value obtained by any party to the transaction. Acquisition of Business or Investment in the Equity of an enterprise could be understand by the following two illustrations in this regard. Illustration (a) A Party who enters into a transaction with another for acquiring a business would like to acquire a business as a going concern for the purpose of continuing to carry the same business, he might compute the valuation of the target company on a going concern basis. On the other hand if the intention of the acquirer is to acquire any property such as land, rights, or brands, the valuation would be closely connected to the market price for such property or linked to the possible future revenue generation likely to arise from such acquisition. In every such transaction, therefore the predominant objective in carrying out a valuation is to put parties to a transaction in a comfortable position so that no one feels aggrieved. The following are some of the usual circumstances when valuation of shares or enterprise becomes essential: 1. When issuing shares to public either through an initial public offer or by offer for sale of shares of promoters or for further issue of shares to public. 2. When promoters want to invite strategic investors or for pricing a first issue or a further issue, whether a preferential allotment or rights issue. 3. In making investment in a joint venture by subscription or acquisition of shares or other securities convertible into shares. 4. For making an open offer for acquisition of shares. 5. When company intends to introduce a buy back or delisting of share. 6. If the scheme of merger or demerger involve issue of shares. In Schemes involving Mergers/Demergers, share valuation is resorted to in order to determine the consideration for the purpose of issue of shares or any other consideration to shareholders of transferor or demerged companies. 7. On Directions of Company Law Board or any other Tribunal or Authority or Arbitration Tribunals directs. 8. For determining fair price for effecting sale or transfer of shares as per Articles of Association of the Company.
(cclxxiv) 9. As required by the agreements between two parties. 10. For purposes of arriving of Value of Shares for purposes o assessments under the Wealth Tax Act. 11. To determine purchase price of a block of shares, which may or may not give the holder thereof a controlling interest in the company. 12. To value the interest of dissenting shareholders under a scheme of Amalgamation merger or reconstruction. 13. Conversion of Debt Instruments into Shares. 14. Advancing a loan against the security of shares of the company by the Bank/Financial Institution. 15. As required by provisions of law such the Companies Act, 1956 or Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999 or Income Tax Act, 1961 or the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 [the Takeover Code] or SEBI (Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme) Guidelines, 1999 or SEBI (Buy Back of Securities) Regulations, 1998 or Delisting Guidelines. Valuation/Acquisition Motives An important aspect in the merger/amalgamation/takeover activity is the valuation aspect. The method of valuation of business, however, depends to a grant extent on the acquisition motives. The acquisition activity is usually guided by strategic behavioural motives. The reasons could be (a) either purely financial (taxation, assetstripping, financial restructuring involving an attempt to augment the resources base and portfolio-investment) or (b) business related (expansion or diversification). The (c) behavioural reasons have more to do with the personnel ambitions or objectives (desire to grow big) of the top management. The expansion and diversification objectives are achievable either by building capacities on ones own or by buying the existing capacities. (d0 a make (build) or buy decision of capital nature. The decision criteria in such a situation would be the present value of the differential cash flows. These differential cash flows would, therefore, be the limit on the premium which the acquirer would be willing to pay. On the other hand, if the acquisition is motivated by financial considerations (specifically taxation and assetstripping), the expected financial gains would form the limit on the premium, over and above the price of physical assets in the company. The cash flow from operations may not be the main consideration in such situations. Similarly, a merger with financial restructuring as its objective will have to be valued mainly in terms of financial gains. It would, however, not be easy to determine the level of financial gains because the financial gains would be a function of the use of which these resources are put. The acquisitions are not really the market driven transactions, a set of nonfinancial considerations will also affect the price. The price could be affected by the motives of other bidders. The value of a target gets affected not only by the motive of the acquirer, but also by the target companys own objectives. This study aims to cover in detail only valuation of shares. 3. MEANING OF VALUER
(cclxxv) As per Regulation 2(r) of the SEBI (Issue of Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2002, valuer means a Chartered Accountant or a Merchant Banker appointed to determine the value of the intellectual property rights or other value addition. The same definition has been utilized for the valuation requirements under the SEBI (Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000. As per the said sweat equity regulations, valuation of intellectual property rights or of the know-how provided or other value shall be carried out by a merchant banker. The merchant banker may consult such experts and valuers, as he may deem fit having regard to the nature of the industry and the nature of the property or other value addition. The merchant banker shall obtain a certificate from an independent Chartered Accountant that the valuation of the intellectual property or other value addition is in accordance with the relevant accounting standards. 4. SOME OF THE PROVISIONS WHERE VALUATION HAS BEEN MENTIONED AS A NECESSARY REQUIREMENT A. Guidelines for Valuation of Equity Shares of Companies and the Business and Net Assets of Branches. The Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, vide File No.S.11(21) CCI (11) 90 dated 13/7/1990 issued certain operating guidelines for valuation of equity shares of companies. They are usually referred to as the valuation guidelines. As per the said guidelines, the objective of the valuation process is to make a best reasonable judgment of the value of the equity shares of a company or that of a business and assets and such a valuation is known as fair value. These guidelines form the basis for valuation of shares of private and public companies. There are basically three methods of valuation: (i) Net Asset Value (NAV); (ii) Profit Earning Capacity Value (PECV); and (iii) Market Value (MV) in the case of listed shares. Please refer to Annexure 1 for the text of the said valuation guidelines issued by Ministry on Finance on 13 July, 1990. (i) Asset based method of NAV Under this method, a business is valued on the basis of its net assets i.e. total assets less liabilities and preferred claims and by dividing the remainder by the number of equity shares outstanding on a particular date. A look at the said guidelines reveal that the net asset value, as at the latest audited balance sheet date, will be calculated starting from the total assets of the company deducting therefrom all debts, dues, borrowings and liabilities including current and contingent liabilities and preference capital, if any. In other words, it should represent the true net worth of the business after providing for all outside present and potential liabilities. In the case of companies, the net asset value as calculated from the asset side of the balance sheet will be cross checked with equity share capital plus free reserves and profit and loss account surplus minus the contingent liabilities. While considering the value of the shares of a company under the above method, it is necessary to note that the valuation of assets could also be done based on (a) Book values, (b) Net replacement values, or (c) Net realizable values. While
(cclxxvi) sellers would like to ensure that the assets, particularly immovable properties are properly valued so as to reflect the present market value of such properties, buyers have to be cautious to note that the mere presence of high value properties do not mean anything, as immovable properties do not contribute anything to generate revenue streams. That is because, whatever be the value of such properties, in a going concern, such properties do not change the profit earning capacity of the company. Consider the case of sick textile mills in Mumbai. Most of them are closed for long. The immovable properties, particularly the land of such companies can fetch phenomenal price as those properties are in the heart of todays Mumbai. This method is rarely used for valuing a going concern, as it does not consider the future earning capacity of the business. (ii) Earnings based method Under this method, a reasonable estimate of the average future maintainable operating profits is made by taking (a) past earnings, and (b) the trend and the future plans of the company as a base. This, after deducting preferred rights, if any, is capitalized at an appropriate rate to arrive at the value of the equity shares of the company. As per the said guidelines, the profit earning capacity value will be calculated by capitalizing the average of the after tax profits at the following rates: (i) 15% in the case of manufacturing companies; (ii) 20% in the case of trading companies; (iii) 17.5% in the case of intermediate companies, i.e, companies whose turnover from trading activity is more than 40%, but less than 60% of their total turnover. The guidelines clearly state that the crux of estimating the profit earning capacity value lies in the assessment of the future maintainable earnings of the business. While the past trends in profits and profitability would serve as a guide, it should not be overlooked that the valuation is for the future and that the future maintainable stream of earnings that is greater of significance in the process of valuation. All relevant factors that have a bearing on the future maintainable earnings of the business must, therefore, be given due consideration. (iii) Market value method The guidelines clearly state that question of market value acting as a guiding factor for valuation will obviously arise only in those cases where the shares being valued are listed on the stock exchange. Under this method, the average market prices of quoted shares for a certain length of time is taken as the value. B. Pricing of Shares for an issue of shares on rights basis or to public Chapter III of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000 clearly provide that the issuer companies are at liberty to price their shares freely which means it is a matter of managerial decision. C. Pricing of Shares in a preferential allotment under SEBI (Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000
(cclxxvii) Chapter XIII of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000 clearly provides that the issue of shares on a preferential basis can be made at a price not less than the higher of the following: (i) The average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the related shares quoted on the stock exchange during the six months preceding the relevant date; OR (ii) The average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the related shares quoted on a stock exchange during the two weeks preceding the relevant date. Where the equity shares of a company have been listed on a stock exchange for a period of less than six months as on the relevant date, the issue of shares on preferential basis can be made at a price not less than the higher of the following ( The price at which shares were issued by the company in its IPO or the value per share arrived at a scheme of arrangement under Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956, pursuant to which the shares of the company were listed, as the case may be; OR The average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the related shares quoted on the stock exchange during the period shares have been listed preceding the relevant date. OR The average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the related shares quoted on a stock exchange during the two weeks preceding the relevant date. Provided that on completing a period of six months of being listed on a stock exchange, the company shall recompute the price of the shares in accordance with the provisions mentioned above and if the price at which shares were allotted on a preferential basis under clause was lower than the price so recomputed, the difference shall be paid by the allottees to the company. Explanation: (a) relevant date means the date thirty days prior to the date on which the meeting of general body of shareholders is held, in terms of Section 81(1A) of the Companies Act, 1956 to consider the proposed issue (provided however that in respect of shares issued on preferential basis pursuant to a scheme approved under the Corporate Debt Restructuring framework of Reserve Bank of India, the date of approval of the Corporate Debt Restructuring package shall be the relevant date). (b) stock exchange means any of the recognized stock exchanges in which the shares are listed and in which the highest trading volume in respect of the shares of the company has been recorded during the preceding six months prior to the relevant date. D. Pricing of shares arising out of warrants, etc. issued on preferential basis
(cclxxviii) (a) Where warrants are issued on a preferential basis with an option to apply for and be allotted shares, the issuer company shall determine the price of the resultant shares in accordance with clause above. (b) The relevant date for the above purpose may, at the option of the issuer be either the one referred in explanation (a) to clause above or a date 30 days prior to the date on which the holder of the warrants becomes entitled to apply for the said shares. The resolution to be passed in terms of Section 81(1A) shall clearly specify the relevant date on the basis of which price of the resultant shares shall be calculated (a) An amount equivalent to atleast ten percent of the price fixed as stated above shall become payable for the warrants on the date of their allotment. (b) The amount referred to in sub-clause (a), shall be adjusted against the price payable subsequently for acquiring the shares by exercising an option for the purpose. (c) The amount referred to in sub-clause (a) shall be forfeited if the option to acquire shares is not exercised. E. Pricing of shares on conversion of debentures (PCDs/FCDs) Where PCDs/FCDs/other convertible instruments, are issued on a preferential basis, providing for the issuer to allot shares at a future date, the issuer shall determine the price at which the shares could be allotted in the same manner as specified for pricing of shares allotted in lieu of warrants as indicated above. The explanatory statement to the notice for the general meeting in terms of Section 173 of the Companies Act, 1956 shall contain: (i) the object/s of the issue through preferential offer, (ii) intention of promoters/directors/key management persons to subscribe to the offer, (iii) shareholding pattern before and after the offer, (iv) proposed time within which the allotment shall be complete, (v) the identity of the proposed allottees and the percentage of post preferential issue capital that may be held by them, (vi) in case of a preferential allotment to which clause (dicussed at previous page) is applicable requirements specified in proviso * to said clause and proviso mentioned after sub-clause (e) of clause 13.3.1. A listed company shall not make any preferential issue of equity shares, Fully Convertible Debentures, Partly Convertible Debentures or any other instrument which may be converted into or exchanged with equity shares at a latter date if the same is not in compliance with the conditions for continuous listing.
* Where any amount payable by the allottee of shares is not paid till the expiry lock-in-period as per provisions lock-in in respect of the shares issued to such allottee shall continue till the time company receives such amount from such allottee.
(cclxxix) A listed company shall not make any preferential allotment of equity shares, FCDs, PCDs or any other financial instrument which may be converted into or exchanged with equity shares at a later date unless it has obtained the Permanent Account Number of the proposed allottees. Moreover the issuer companies intending to make a preferential allotment of shares to promoters, their relatives, associates and related entities, for consideration other than cash, valuation of the assets in consideration for which the shares are proposed to be issued shall be done by an independent qualified valuer and the valuation report shall be submitted to the exchanges on which shares of the issuer company are listed. F. Valuation for the purpose of Issue of Sweat Equity Shares Under the SEBI (Issue of Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2002, the price of sweat equity shares shall not be less than the higher of the following: (a) The average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the related equity shares during last six months preceding the relevant date; or (b) The average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the related equity shares during the two weeks preceding the relevant date. "Relevant date" for this purpose means the date which is thirty days prior to the date on which the meeting of the General Body of the shareholders is convened, in terms of clause (a) of Sub-section (1) of Section 79A of the Companies Act. 1. If the shares are listed on more than one stock exchange, but quoted only on one stock exchange on the given date, then the price on that stock exchange shall be considered. 2. If the share price is quoted on more than one stock exchange, then the stock exchange where there is highest trading volume during that date shall be considered. 3. If shares are not quoted on the given date, then the share price on the next trading day shall be considered. As per the sweat equity regulations, the intellectual property or the value addition in respect of which the company intends to issue the sweat equity should also be valued in accordance with the valuation requirements contained in the said regulations. G. Valuation of Shares under the Takeover Code As per the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997, for the purposes of calculating the offer price, Regulation 20 of the said regulations, provide that the offer price shall be the highest of (a) the negotiated price under the agreement referred to in sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 14; (b) price paid by the acquirer or persons acting in concert with him for acquisition, if any, including by way of allotment in a public or rights or preferential issue during the twenty six weeks period prior to the date of public announcement, whichever is higher;
(cclxxx) (c) the average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the shares of the target company as quoted on the stock exchange where the shares of the company are most frequently traded during the twenty six weeks or the average of the daily high and low of the prices of the shares as quoted on the stock exchange where the shares of the company are most frequently traded during the two weeks preceding the date of public announcement, whichever is higher. Provided that the requirement of average of the daily high and low of the closing prices of the shares as quoted on the stock exchange where the shares of the company are most frequently traded during the two weeks preceding the date of public announcement, shall not be applicable in case of disinvestment of a public sector undertaking. In case of disinvestment of a Public Sector Undertaking, the relevant date for the calculation of the average of the weekly prices of the shares of the Public Sector Undertaking, as quoted on the stock exchange where its shares are most frequently traded, shall be the date preceding the date when the Central Government or the State Government opens the financial bid. Where the shares of the target company are infrequently traded, the offer price shall be determined by the acquirer and the merchant banker taking into account the following factors: (a) the negotiated price under the agreement referred to in sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 14; (b) the highest price paid by the acquirer or persons acting in concert with him for acquisitions, if any, including by way of allotment in a public or rights or preferential issue during the twenty six weeks period prior to the date of public announcement; (c) other parameters including return on networth, book value of the shares of the target company, earning per share, price earning multiple vis-a-vis the industry average: Provided that where considered necessary, the Board may require valuation of such infrequently traded shares by an independent merchant banker (other than the manager to the offer) or an independent chartered accountant of minimum ten years standing or a public financial institution. H. Valuation of Stock Options under the SEBI (ESOP) Guidelines, 1999 Under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Employee Stock Option Scheme and Employee Stock Purchase Scheme), Guidelines, 1999, it has been stated that the fair value of a stock option is the price that shall be calculated for that option in an arms length transaction between a willing buyer and a willing seller. The fair value shall be estimated using an option-pricing model (for example, the BlackScholes * or a binomial model) that takes into account as of the grant date the
* This formula is nothing but a mathematical formula suggested for being used to value the cost of issue of employee stock options. The said formula considers factors such as the volatility of returns on the underlying securities, the risk-free interest rate, the expected dividend rate, the relationship of the option
(cclxxxi) exercise price and expected life of the option, the current price in the market of the underlying stock and its expected volatility, expected dividends on the stock, and the risk-free interest rate for the expected term of the option. I. Valuation of Shares under the SEBI (Delisting of Securities) Guidelines, 2003 Under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Delisting of Securities) Guidelines, 2003, the offer price shall have a floor price, which will be the average of 26 weeks traded price quoted on the stock exchange where the shares of the company are most frequently traded preceding 26 weeks from the date of the public announcement and without any ceiling of maximum price. In the case of infrequently traded securities, the offer price shall be as per regulation 20(5) of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of shares and Takeover) Regulations, 1997. J. Valuation of Shares under the Unlisted Public Companies (Preferential Allotment) Rules, 2003 Under the Unlisted Public Companies (Preferential Allotment) Rules, 2003, where the warrants are issued on a preferential basis with an option to apply for and get the shares allotted, the issuing company shall determine beforehand the price of the resultant shares. K. Valuation of Shares under the Sweat Equity Unlisted Companies (Issue of Shares) Rules, 2003 Under the Unlisted Companies (Issue of Sweat Equity Shares) Rules, 2003, the price of sweat equity shares to be issued to employees and directors shall be at a fair price calculated by an independent valuer. The valuation of the intellectual property or of the know-how provided or other value addition to consideration at which sweat equity capital is issued, shall be carried out by a valuer. The valuer should consult such experts, as he may deem fit, having regard to the nature of the industry and the nature of the property or the value addition. The valuer should submit a valuation report to the company giving justification for the valuation. A copy of the valuation report of the valuer should be sent to the shareholders with the notice of the general meeting; L. Valuation of Shares Pricing Guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident Outside India) Regulation, 2000 Transfer of shares between non residents and residents are subject to pricing guidelines of the Reserve Bank of India under the Foreign Exchange Management (Transfer or Issue of Security by a Person Resident outside India) Regulations, 2000. 1. Transfer by Resident to Non-resident (i.e. to incorporated non-resident entity other than erstwhile OCB, foreign national, NRI, FII). Price of shares transferred by way of sale by resident to a non-resident shall not be less than (a) the ruling market price, in case, the shares are listed on stock exchange,
price to the price of the underlying securities and the expected option life. This is scientific method deployed for arriving at the actual compensation cost.
(cclxxxii) (b) fair valuation of shares done by a Chartered Accountant as per the guidelines issued by the erstwhile Controller of Capital Issues, in case of unlisted shares. These are the same valuation guidelines given in Annexure 1. The price per share arrived at should be certified by a Chartered Accountant. 2. Transfer by Non-resident (i.e. by incorporated non-resident entity, erstwhile OCB, foreign national, NRI, FII) to Resident. Sale of shares by a non-resident to resident shall be in accordance with Regulation 10B(2) of Notification No. FEMA 20/2000-RB dated May 3, 2000 which are as below: (a) Where the shares of an Indian company are traded on stock exchange (i) The sale is at the prevailing market price on stock exchange and is effected through a merchant banker registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India or through a stock broker registered with the stock exchange; (ii) if the transfer is other than that referred to in clause (i), the price shall be arrived at by taking the average quotations (average of daily high and low) for one week preceding the date of application with 5 percent variation. Where, however, the shares are being sold by the foreign collaborator or the foreign promoter of the Indian company to the existing promoters in India with the objective of passing management control in favour of the resident promoters the proposal for sale will be considered at a price which may be higher by upto a ceiling of 25 percent over the price arrived at as above, (b) Where the shares of an Indian company are not listed on stock exchange or are thinly traded (i) if the consideration payable for the transfer does not exceed Rs.20 lakh per seller per company, at a price mutually agreed to between the seller and the buyer, based on any valuation methodology currently in vogue, on submission of a certificate from the statutory auditors of the Indian company whose shares are proposed to be transferred, regarding the valuation of the shares, and (ii) if the amount of consideration payable for the transfer exceeds Rs.20 lakh per seller per company, at a price arrived at, at the seller's option, in any of the following manner, namely: (A) a price based on earning per share (EPS linked to the Price Earning (P/E) multiple ,or a price based on the Net Asset Value (NAV) linked to book value multiple, whichever is higher, or (B) the prevailing market price in small lots as may be laid down by the Reserve Bank so that the entire shareholding is sold in not less than five trading days through screen based trading system or (C) where the shares are not listed on any stock exchange, at a price which is lower of the two independent valuations of share, one by statutory auditors of the company and the other by a Chartered Accountant or by a Merchant Banker in Category 1 registered with Securities and Exchange Board of India.
(cclxxxiii) Explanation (i) A share is considered as thinly traded if the annualized trading turnover in that share, on main stock exchanges in India, during the six calendar months preceding the month in which application is made, is less than 2 percent (by number of shares) of the listed stock. (ii) For the purpose of arriving at Net Asset Value per share, the miscellaneous expenses carried forward, accumulated losses, total outside liabilities, revaluation reserves and capital reserves (except subsidy received in cash) shall be reduced from value of the total assets and the net figure so arrived at shall be divided by the number of equity shares issued and paid up. Alternatively, intangible assets shall be reduced form the equity capital and reserves (excluding revaluation reserves) and the figure so arrived at shall be divided by the number of equity shares issued and paid up. The NAV so calculated shall be used in conjunction with the average BV multiple of Bombay Stock Exchange National Index during the calendar month immediately preceding the month in which application is made and BV multiple shall be discounted by 40 per cent. (iii) For computing the price based on Earning Per Share, the earning per share as per the latest balance sheet of the company shall be used in conjunction with the average Price Earning Multiple of Bombay Stock Exchange National Index for the calendar month preceding the month in which application is made and Price Earning shall be discounted by 40 per cent. Valuation for Slump Sale (Sale of business as a going concern) under Income Tax Act As the subject under discussion pertains to valuation of business for acquisitions and other such transactions, it would be necessary to apply appropriate mode of valuation so that the parties to a transaction are able to assess the likely tax impact from such transaction. One of frequently considered method of sale of business as a going concern is what is known under the Income Tax Act as Slump Sale. A direct sale of business, assets and liabilities entirely from one person (the Seller) to another (the Acquirer) on a lock, stock and barrel basis can be described as a Slump Sale within the meaning of Section 50B of the Income Tax Act. Section 50B of the Income Tax Act is a special provision for computation of capital gains arising to a seller in a slump sale. In a Slump Sale, the consideration for the transaction should be fixed up for the whole deal without assigning values for individual assets or identifying the extent of individual liability. If the sale consideration exceeds the net worth of the business being transferred (as on the date of transfer), then the Seller would suffer capital gains tax on such transfer to the extent of such excess. Net worth for the purposes of computing capital gains shall be the aggregate of the total assets of the Undertaking/Business under acquisition after deducting the value of liabilities of that Undertaking/Business as appearing in the books of accounts of the Seller. The Explanation 1 given under Section 50B of the Income Tax Act, 1961 reads as under: Explanation 1:
(cclxxxiv) For the purposes of this section, net worth shall be the aggregate value of total assets of the undertaking or division as reduced by the value of liabilities of such undertaking or division as appearing in its books of account: Provided that any change in the value of assets on account of revaluation of assets shall be ignored for the purposes of computing the net worth. Explanation 2: For computing the net worth, the aggregate value of total assets shall be (a) in the case of depreciable assets, the written down value of the block of assets determined in accordance with the provisions contained in sub-item (C) of item (i) of sub-clause (c) of clause (6) of Section 43; and (b) in the case of other assets, the book value of such assets. A bare look at the above provisions reveals as follows: (i) these are special provisions for computing capital gains chargeable to tax in case of slump sale and, therefore, would prevail over the general provisions in case of any conflict; (ii) net worth of the undertaking transferred shall be deemed to be the cost of acquisition and cost of improvement for the purpose of Sections 48 and 49, and (iii) net worth shall be computed in accordance with the provisions of Explanations 1 and 2. In the matter of Fosters Australia Limited, A.A.R. No. 736 of 2006, the Authority for Advance Rulings (AAR) under the Income Tax Act considered the question whether the applicant is justified in contending the tax should be computed based on the consideration as per the independent valuation obtained by the applicant. The AAR observed that it is the case of the applicant that it has obtained an independent valuation report relating to trademarks and Fosters brand intellectual property as on 30th April, 2006 and the Applicant contended that the Income Tax Department should rely upon the independent valuation obtained by the applicant. In the said case, the AAR held in Para 15.2 that that independent valuation report can certainly be relied upon by the applicant. It is for the concerned Income-tax Authority to examine whether it represents true and correct value and apply such relevant factors that have material bearing on quantification of the consideration related to the taxable items. Thus for the purpose of determining the consideration for any transaction, a valuation is absolutely necessary. Where parties to a transaction arrive a valuation in a reasonable manner by adopting recognized modes of valuation, the Income Tax Department may accept such valuation and proceed to assess the capital gains arising on that basis if such valuation represents true and correct value. Valuation helps determination of tax liability arising from a transaction. 5. SHRI SHARDUL SHROFFS EXPERT GROUP REPORT ON VALUERS AND VALUATIONS, 2002 The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (the Department of Company Affairs) constituted an Expert Group in October 2002 under the chairmanship of Shri Shardul
(cclxxxv) S Shroff, for recommending valuation guidelines in the context of corporate assets (such as businesses comprised within a company) and shares. The expert group recommended that the valuation principles shall apply to the following companies: (i) all listed companies; (ii) all unlisted public companies accepting public deposits and having a networth (i.e. paid-up capital and free reserves) in excess of Rs. 25 crores or a turnover in excess of Rs. 150 crores; (iii) all unlisted public companies not falling in (ii) above and all private companies having a networth in excess of Rs. 100 crores or a turnover in excess of Rs. 500 crores; and (iv) all companies under the Control of the companies described in (i), (ii) or (iii) above and including but not limited to the Group companies of the same and which have a networth (comprising paid-up capital and free reserves) in excess of Rs. 5 crores or a turnover in excess of Rs. 30 crores; The Expert Group said that `Value means different things to different people and also that Value means different things in different contexts. Value of a particular business or asset may also be different for different parties depending upon strategic intent, synergies or for other reasons. Value must be clearly distinguished from price and businesses may justifiably undertake to consummate a transaction at a price which does not fall within an assessed fair value range. The Expert Group recognized and admitted that on valuations or valuation range / band suggested by valuers, the prerogative to decide upon a specific price is finally with the management and the Board of Directors of the Company. The valuation is only a tool to aid management in decision-making. Valuations need to be just and equitable in order to protect stakeholder interests. However, a valuation conclusion requires the exercise of expert judgement on a range of issues examined and is not merely a matter of applying a mathematical formula to given data. The expert group was in favour of engaging independent valuers. It recommended certain qualifications and qualifying exams for being registered as valuers. As per the recommendations of the expert group, the following are the transactions for which independent valuation by the Registered Valuer(s) is mandatory: (a) All schemes of Compromise and Arrangement under Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, with an exemption to: (i) Scheme of Compromise and Arrangement of a wholly owned subsidiary of a company with itself and vice versa; and (ii) Compromise with creditors not amounting to either a business combination or a spin-off; (b) Sale of a business including investment business and disposal of a Controlling interest over an undertaking or a company through disposal of shares, an undertaking or a substantial part thereof including a slump sale/itemised sale under Section 293(i)(a) of the Companies Act; (c) All equity and equity linked investments where shareholder approval is required under Section 372(A) of the Companies Act; (d) Purchases, combinations and restructuring entailing acquisition of business,
(cclxxxvi) undertaking or substantial part of an undertaking, equity and preference capital, and outstanding debt and liabilities, where Related Parties are involved; (e) Recapitalisation of companies including but not limited to situations where the companys proposed capital reduction by buy-back or petitioning the Court under Section 100 of the Companies Act. (f) Preferential allotments made to Related Parties and Persons controlling the company under Section 81(1A) under the Companies Act, 1956. As per the recommendations of the expert group, in respect of Purchases, combinations and restructurings not covered above and which entail acquisition of business, an undertaking or substantial part of an undertaking, equity and preference capital, and outstanding debt and liabilities, where the investment exceeds 15% of networth of the acquirer; or the investment exceeds 25% of equity of the acquiree, provided overall consideration exceeds Rs.10 crores, an independent valuation may be desirable. [The expert group has also given a suggestion that valuation reports should include certain matters. They are given in Annexure 2 at the end of this study] 6. FACTORS INFLUENCING VALUATION Many factors have to be assessed to determine fair valuation for an industry, a sector, or a company. The key to valuation is finding a common ground between all of the companies for the purpose of a fair evaluation. Determining the value of a business is a complicated and intricate process. Valuing a business requires the determination of its future earnings potential, the risks inherent in those future earnings, Strictly speaking, a companys fair market value is the price at which the business would change hands between a willing buyer and a willing seller when neither are under any compulsion to buy or sell, and both parties have knowledge of relevant facts. The question that then arises is How do buyers and sellers arrive at this value? Arriving at the transaction price requires that a value be placed on the company for sale. The process of arriving at this value should include a detailed, comprehensive analysis which takes into account a range of factors including the past, present, and most importantly, the future earnings and prospects of the company, an analysis of its mix of physical and intangible assets, and the general economic and industry conditions. The other salient factors include: (1) The stock exchange price of the shares of the two companies before the commencement of negotiations or the announcement of the bid. (2) Dividends paid on the shares. (3) Relative growth prospects of the two companies. (4) In case of equity shares, the relative gearing of the shares of the two companies. (gearing means ratio of the amount of Issued preference share capital and
(cclxxxvii ) debenture stock to the amount of issued ordinary share capital.) (5) Net assets of the two companies. (6) Voting strength in the merged (amalgamated) enterprise of the shareholders of the two companies. (7) Past history of the prices of shares of the two companies. Also the following key principles should be kept in mind: (1) There is no method of valuation which is absolutely correct. Hence a combination of all or some may be adopted. (2) If possible, the seller should evaluate his company before contacting potential buyers. In fact, it would be wiser for companies to evaluate their business on regular basis to keep themselves aware of its standing in the corresponding industry. (3) Go for a third party valuation if desirable to avoid overvaluation of the company which is a common tendency on the sellers part. (4) Merger and amalgamation deals can take a number of months to complete during which time valuations can fluctuate substantially. Hence provisions must be made to protect against such swings. 7. VALUATION OF PRIVATE COMPANIES While the principles of valuation of private companies are the same as for public companies, an important difference is that for private company targets we do not have the benchmark valuation provided by the stock market. And also that a public company is often widely researched by investment analysts, information about the private target may be sparse. Forecasting the future cash flows is thus a more difficult exercise. Offsetting this disadvantage is the fact that private company bids are almost always friendly, with easier access to the targets management information. 8. VALUATION OF LISTED COMPANIES Shares of listed companies, which are traded, are quoted on the stock exchange and are freely available. These shares can be sold or bought at the stock exchanges. The market price of the shares reflects their value. However, there cannot be complete reliance on the market value of shares because of two short comings viz. firstly, at times, correct information about a company is not available to the investors, and, secondly, due to insider trading, there are distortions, which are reflected in the market price of shares. 9. VALUATION OF UNLISTED COMPANIES The P/E ratio cannot be calculated in the case of unlisted companies, as the market price of the shares is not available. Hence, a representative P/E ratio of a group of comparable quoted companies can be taken after suitable adjustments. Generally, for private limited companies or small companies, which are not quoted and are closely held, a discount is applied for valuation to the prevalent P/E ratio of comparable listed company. The other factors to be taken into consideration while following earning approach
(cclxxxvii i) to valuation of an unlisted company are: 1. Company analysis shareholding pattern, voting powers, rights and obligations of shareholders in addition to other data. 2. Industry analysis whether it is high or low growth industry, nature of industry and influence on it of seasonal, volatile or cyclical business fluctuations, major competitors and their market share, etc. 10. VALUATION METHODS DETAILED STUDY I. Valuation based on assets This valuation method is based on the simple assumption that adding the value of all the assets of the company and subtracting the liabilities, leaving a net asset valuation, can best determine the value of a business. However, for the purposes of the amalgamation the amount of the consideration for the acquisition of a business may be arrived at either by valuing its individual assets and goodwill or by valuing the business as a whole by reference to its earning capacity. If this method is employed, the fixed assets of all the amalgamating companies should preferably be valued by the same professional valuer on a going concern basis. The term going concern means that a business is being operated at not less than normal or reasonable profit and valuer will assume that the business is earning reasonable profits when appraising the assets. If it is found when all the assets of the business, both fixed and current, have been valued that the profits represent more than a fair commercial return upon the capital employed in the business as shown by such valuation the capitalised value of the excess (or super profits) will be the value of the goodwill, which must be added to the values of the other assets in arriving at the consideration to be paid for the business. This method may be summarized thus: The procedure of arriving at the value of a share employed in the equity method is simply to estimate what the assets less liabilities are worth, that is, the net assets lying for a probable loss or possible profit on book value, the balance being available for shareholders included in the liabilities may be debentures, debenture interest, expenses outstanding and possible preference dividends if the articles of association stipulate for payment of shares in winding up. However, although a balance sheet usually gives an accurate indication of shortterm assets and liabilities, this is not the case of long-term ones as they may be hidden by techniques such as off balance sheet financing. Moreover, a balance sheet is a historical record of previous expenditure and existing liabilities. As a valuation is a forward looking exercise, acquisition purchase prices generally do not bear any relation to published balance sheet. Nevertheless a companys net book value is still taken into account as net book values have a tendency to become minimum prices and the greater the proportion of purchase price is represented by tangible assets, the less risky its acquisition is perceived to be. Valuation of a listed and quoted company has to be done on a different footing as compared to an unlisted company. The real value of the assets may or may not reflect the market price of the shares; however, in unlisted companies, only the information relating to the profitability of the company as reflected in the accounts is available and there is no indication of the market price. Using existing public companies as a benchmark to value similar private companies is a viable valuation methodology. The comparable public company method involves selecting a group of publicly
(cclxxxix) traded companies that, on average, are representative of the company that is to be valued. Each comparable companys financial or operating data (like revenues, EBITDA or book value) is compared to each companys total market capitalization to obtain a valuation multiple. An average of these multiples is then applied to derive the companys value. An asset-based valuation can be further separated into four approaches: 1. Book value The tangible book value of a company is obtained from the balance sheet by taking the adjusted historical cost of the companys assets and subtracting the liabilities; intangible assets (like goodwill) are excluded in the calculation. Statutes like the Gift Tax Act, Wealth Tax Act, etc., have in fact adopted book value method for valuation of unquoted equity shares for companies other than an investment company. Book value of assets does help the valuer in determining the useful employment of such assets and their state of efficiency. In turn, this leads the valuer to the determination of rehabilitation requirements with reference to current replacement values. In all cases of valuation on assets basis, except book value basis, it is important to arrive at current replacement and realization value. It is more so in case of assets like patents, trademarks, know-how, etc. which may posses value, substantially more or less than those shown in the books. Using book value does not provide a true indication of a companys value, nor does it take into account the cash flow that can be generated by the companys assets. 2. Replacement cost Replacement cost reflects the expenditures required to replicate the operations of the company. Estimating replacement cost is essentially a make or buy decision. 3. Appraised value The difference between the appraised value of assets, and the appraised value of liabilities is the net appraised value of the firm. This approach is most commonly used in a liquidation analysis because it reflects the divestiture of the underlying assets rather than the ongoing operations of the firm. 4. Excess earnings In order to obtain a value of the business using the excess earnings method, a premium is added to the appraised value of net assets. This premium is calculated by comparing the earnings of a business before a sale and the earnings after the sale, with the difference referred to as excess earnings. In this approach, it is assumed that the business is run more efficiently after a sale; the total amount of excess earnings is capitalized (e.g., the difference in earnings is divided by some expected rate of return) and this result is then added to the appraised value of net assets to derive the value of the business.
(ccxc) II. Open market valuation Open market value refers to a price of the assets of the company which could be fetched or realized by negotiating sale provided there is a willing seller, property is freely exposed to market, sale could materialize within a reasonable period, orders will remain static throughout this period and without interruption from any purchaser giving an extraordinarily higher bid. Each asset of the company is normally valued on the basis of liquidation as resale item rather than on a going-concern basis. The assets of the company, which are not subject to regular sale, could be assessed on depreciated or replacement cost. Besides, intangible assets like goodwill are also assessed as per normal practices and recognized conventions. III. Valuation based on earnings The normal purpose of the contemplated purchase is to provide for the buyer the annuity for his outlay. He will expect yearly income, return great or small, stable or fluctuating but nevertheless some return which is commensurate with the price paid therefore. Valuation based on earnings based on the rate of return on capital employed is a more modern method being adopted. From the last earnings declared by a company, items such as tax, preference dividend, if any, are deducted and net earnings are taken. An alternate to this method is the use of the price-earning (P/E) ratio instead of the rate of return. The P/E ratio of a listed company can be calculated by dividing the current price of the share by earning per share (EPS). Therefore, the reciprocal of P/E ratio is called earnings - price ratio or earning yield. Thus P/E =
Where P is the current price of the shares The share price can thus be determined as P = EPS x P/E ratio [Case studies on valuation are given in Annexure 3 and Annexure 4] IV. Merger negotiations: Significance of P/E ratio and EPS analysis In practice, investors attach a lot of importance to the earnings per share (EPS) and the price-earnings (P/E) ratio. The product of EPS and P/E ratio is the market price per share. Exchange Ratio The current market values of the acquiring and the acquired firms may be taken as the basis for exchange of shares. The share exchange ratio (SER) is given as follows:
Share price of the acquired firm Share price of the acquiring firm SER = Pb Pa
(ccxci) The exchange ratio in terms of the market value of shares will keep the position of the shareholders in value terms unchanged after the merger since their proportionate wealth would remain at the pre-merger level. There is no incentive for the shareholders of the acquired firm, and they would require a premium to be paid by the acquiring company. Could the acquiring company pay a premium and be better off in terms of the additional value of its shareholders? In the absence of net economic gain, the shareholders of the acquiring company would become worse-off unless the price-earnings ratio of the acquiring company remains the same as before the merger. For the shareholders of the acquiring firm to be better off after the merger without any net economic gain either the price-earnings ratio will have to increase sufficiently higher or the share exchange ratio is low, the price-earnings ratio remaining the same. Let us consider the example in Illustration given below: Illustration. Enterprise is considering the acquisition of Enterprise. The following are the financial data of two companies: Shyama Enterprise Profit after tax (Rs.) Number of shares EPS (Rs.) Market value per share (Rs.) Price earnings ratio (times) Total market capitalization (Rs.) 80,000 20,000 4 120 30 1,20,000 Rama Enterprise 16,000 8,000 2 30 15 1,20,000
Shyama Enterprise is thinking of acquiring Rama Enterprises through exchange of shares in proportion of the market value per share. If the price-earnings ratio is expected to be (a) pre-merger P/E ratio of Rama i.e. 7.5 (b) pre-merger P/E ratio of Shyama i.e. 15, (c) weighted average of pre-merger P/E ratio of Shyama and Rama i.e. 13.75, what would be the impact on the wealth of shareholders after merger? Solution: Since the basis of exchange of shares is the market value per share of the acquiring (Shyama Enterprise) and the acquired (Rama Enterprises) firms, then Shyama would offer 0.25 of its shares to the shareholders of Rama:
30 Pb = = 0.25 120 Pa
In terms of the market value per share of the combined firm after the merger, the position of Ramas shareholders would remain the same; that is, their per share value would be: 120 .25 = Rs. 30. The total number of shares offered by Shyama (the acquiring firm) to Ramas (the acquired firm) shareholders would be: No. of shares exchanged = SER Pre-merger number of shares of the acquired firm. = (Pb/Pa) Nb = 0.25 8000 = 2,000
(ccxcii) and the total number of shares after the merger would be: Nb + (SER) Nm = 20,000 + 2,000 = 22,000. The combined earnings (PAT) after the merger would be: Rs. 80,000 + Rs. 16,000 = 96,000 and EPS after the merger would be: Post-merger combined EPS =
Post merger combined PAT Post merger combined shares P A T a +P A T b Na + (S E R )Nb 80,000 + 16,000 20,000 + (0.25) 8,000
The earnings per share of Shyama (the acquiring firm) increased from Rs.4 to Rs.4.36, but for Ramas (the acquired firm) shareholders it declined from Rs. 2 to Rs.4.36 x .25 = Rs.1.09. Given the earnings per share after the merger, the post-merger market value per share would depend on the price-earnings ratio of the combined firm. How would P/E ratio affect the wealth of shareholders of the individual companies after the merger? The shareholders of both the acquiring and the acquired firms neither gain nor lose in value terms if post-merger P/E ratio is merely a weighted average of premerger P/E ratios of the individual firms. The post-merger weighted P/E ratio is calculated as follows: Post-merger weighted P/E ratio: (Pre-merger P/E ratio of the acquiring firm) x (Acquiring firms pre-merger earnings + Post-merger combined earnings) + (Pre-merger P/E ratio of the acquired firm) x (Acquired firms pre-merger earnings Post merger combined earnings). P/Ew = (P/Ea) (PATa/PATc) + (P/Eb) x (PATb/PATc) Using Equation in our example we obtain: (30) x (80,000/96,000) + (15) (16,000/96,000) = 25 + 2.5 = 27.5 The acquiring company would lose in value if post-merger P/E ratio is less than the weighted P/E ratio. Any P/E ratio above the weighted P/E ratio would benefit both the acquiring as well as the acquired firms in value terms. An acquiring firm would always be able to improve its earnings per share after the merger whenever it acquires a company with a P/E ratio lower than its own P/E ratio. The higher EPS need not necessarily increase the share price. It is the quality of EPS rather than the quantity which would influence the price. An acquiring firm would lose in value if its post-merger P/E ratio is less than the weighted P/E ratio. Shyama Enterprise would lose Rs.27.30 value per share if P/E ratio after merger was 15. Any P/E ratio above the weighted P/E ratio would benefit
(ccxciii) both the acquiring as well as the acquired firm in value terms. When the post-merger P/E ratio is 30, Shyama gains Rs.5.40 value per share and Rama Rs.1.35. Why does Shyama Enterprises EPS increase after merger? Because it has a current P/E ratio of 30, and it is required to exchange a lower P/E ratio, i.e. P/E exchanged = SER Pa EPSb =
0.25 120 = 15 2
Shyama Enterprises EPS after merger would be exactly equal to its pre-merger EPS if P/E ratio paid is equal to its pre-merger P/E ratio of 30. In that case, given Ramas EPS of Rs.2, the price paid would be Rs.60 or a share exchange ratio of .5. Thus Shyama Enterprise would issue .5 x 8,000 = 4,000 shares to Rama Enterprise. The acquiring firms EPS after merger would be: Rs.96,000/24,000 = Rs.4. It may be noticed that at this P/E ratio, Shyamas shareholders would have the same EPS as before the merger: .5 x Rs.4 = Rs.2. It can be shown that if the acquiring firm takes over another firm by exchanging a P/E ratio higher than its P/E ratio, its EPS will fall and that of the acquired firm would increase after the merger. The limitation of this methods is that it is based on past performance whereas for a fair valuation, a reliable estimate of future earnings is necessary. In view of this, discounted cash flow (DCF) is often a preferred tool to value businesses. What sets this approach apart from other approaches is that it is based on projected, future operating results rather than on historical operating results. As a result, companies can be valued based on their future cash flows, which may be somewhat different from historical results. V. Discounted cash flows Discounted cash flow analysis consists of projecting future cash flows, deriving a discount rate and applying this discount rate to the future cash flows and terminal value. This detailed analysis depends on accurate financial projections and discount rate assumptions. The resulting company valuation is the sum of discounted future cash flows and the discounted terminal value. The first step in conducting a discounted cash flow analysis is to project future operating cash flows over projected holding periods. These projections are generally done before debt (but after taxes) to obtain an accurate indication of future free cash flow, without making any assumptions about the companys leverage. The future free cash flow is the cash left over after operating the business and investing in necessary property, plant and equipment, but before servicing debt or paying out any cash to owners. The second step in the discounted cash flow analysis is to develop a discount rate. The discount rate is also referred to as the Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) and is best thought of as a percentage, which represents the return, expected by an owner of the company commensurate with the risk associated with the investment.
(ccxciv) Thus, a company with little in the way of a demonstrated track record, would receive a higher discount rate than a company with a long history of growth and profitability and more obvious future prospects. Discount rates are generally calculated by deriving the companys cost of equity capital and the companys aftertax cost of debt. These financing costs are weighted and result in a WACC percentage, or discount rate. The cost of equity capital is generally determined using the capital asset pricing model (CAPM), which is based on three inputs: 1. the risk free rate (the expected return on long term government bonds). 2. the beta, which is a measure of the relative riskiness of the company and 3. the equity risk premium (the expected rate of return on common stocks in the long run) The derived discount rate is applied to the projected future cash flows to determine the present value of the future cash flows. The next step involves calculating a terminal, or residual value. A terminal value calculation combines assumptions used to derive future projections and the discount rate to obtain a current value for a companys long-term future cash flows. The assumption underlying this step is that a company is a going concern and that its value is embedded in its ability to generate value not just today, but also in the future. A terminal value is calculated by determining the cash flow in the period beyond the last projected period. This predicted future cash flow is then capitalized by a percentage (represented by the companys discount rate less the predicted long term growth rate) and this capitalized figure is then discounted back to the present using the discount rate. Together with an analysis of the companys operating history, business, industry and competitive environment, the results from one or more of these valuation methodologies are combined to form the basis of a comprehensive business valuation. To be accurate, this comprehensive business valuation should take into account all aspects of the companys business, including factors which may be difficult to value and that do not show up on financial statements. VI. Valuation based on super profits This approach is based on the concept of the company as a going concern. The value of the net tangible assets is taken into consideration and it is assumed that the business, if sold, will in addition to the net asset value, fetch a premium. The super profits are calculated as the difference between maintainable future profits and the return on net assets. In examining the recent profit and loss accounts of the target, the acquirer must carefully consider the accounting policies underlying those accounts. Particular attention must be paid to areas such as deferred tax provision, treatment of extraordinary items, interest capitalisation, depreciation and amortisation, pension fund contribution and foreign currency translation policies. Where necessary, adjustments for the targets reported profits must be made, so as to bring those policies into line with the acquirers policies. For example, the acquirer may write off all R&D expenditure, whereas the target might have capitalised the development expenditure, thus overstating the reported profits.
(ccxcv) The Value can be calculated using the following formula: V = T + Pc rT Where T = value of net tangible assets P = maintainable future profits r = normal return expected on assets c = rate at which super profits are capitalized. VII. Discounted cash flow valuation method Discounted cash flow valuation is based upon expected future cash flows and discount rates. This approach is easiest to use for assets and firms whose cash flows are currently positive and can be estimated with some reliability for future periods. Discounted cash flow valuation, relates the value of an asset to the present value of expected future cash flows on that asset. In this approach, the cash flows are discounted at a risk-adjusted discount rate to arrive at an estimate of value. The discount rate will be a function of the riskiness of the estimated cash flows, with lower rates for safe projects and higher rate for riskier assets. This approach has its foundation in the present value concept, where the value of any asset is the present value of the expected future cash flows on it. Essentially, DCF looks at an acquisition as a pure financial investment. The buyer will estimate future cash flows and discount these into present values. Why is future cash flow discounted? The reason is that a rupee in future is at risk of being worth less than a rupee now. There are some business based real risks like acquired company loosing a contract, or new competitor entering the market or an adverse regulation passed by government, which necessitated discounting of cash flows. The discounted cash flow (DCF) model is applied in the following steps: 1. Estimate the future cash flows of the target based on the assumption for its post-acquisition management by the bidder over the forecast horizon. 2. Estimate the terminal value of the target at forecast horizon. 3. Estimate the cost of capital appropriate for the target. 4. Discount the estimated cash flows to give a value of the target. 5. Add other cash inflows from sources such as asset disposals or business divestments. 6. Subtract debt and other expenses, such as tax on gains from disposals and divestments, and acquisition costs, to give a value for the equity of the target. 7. Compare the estimated equity value for the target with its pre-acquisition stand-alone value to determine the added value from the acquisition. 8. Decide how much of this added value should be given away to target shareholders as control premium.
(ccxcvi) In preparation for the forecast of target cash flows under the bidders management, the historic cash flow statements of the target must be examined. Target cash flows are generally forecast for the next five to ten years. In general, the longer the forecast horizon, the less accurate the forecast. Whatever the forecast horizon, the terminal value of the target at the end of that period based on free cash flows thereafter also needs to be forecast. Often this terminal value is based on the assumption of perpetual free cash flows based on the same level of operations as in the last year of the forecast period. The level perpetual cash flows are then capitalised at the cost of capital to yield the terminal value. The cost of capital is the weighted average cost of capital (WACC), estimated from the targets pre-acquisition costs of equity and debt. WACC = K E/V + (1 T ) K D/V + K P/V Where K K K E D P T
c e d p e c d p
= cost of equity; = cost of debt; = cost of preference shares; = market value of equity; = market value of dept; = market value of preference shares; = corporation tax rate; = E +D + P, the value of the firm.
Determining the purchase price The value of target free cash flows to the bidder is:
TVa =
Vt (1+ WACC)t
= target value after the acquisition; = free cash flow of target in period t; = terminal value of target at t.
From the total value, the debt and preferred stock of the target must be subtracted to yield the target equity value to the bidder. The actual purchase consideration paid to the target shareholders must fall short of this value if the bidder shareholders are to receive any gains from the acquisition. Table. Valuation of Target equity using forecast free cash flows (m)
2002 Sales Operating profit -Corporation tax 162.00 6.48 2.14 2003 174.96 7.00 2.31 2004 188.96 7.56 2.49 2005 204.07 8.16 2.69 2006 220.40 8.82 2.91 2007 220.40 8.82 2.91
-Additional fixed assets -Additional working capital Free cash flow (FCF) 2.04 0.48 1.82 2.20 0.52 1.97 2.38 0.56 2.13 2.57 0.60 2.30 2.78 0.65 2.48 0.00 0.00 5.91 39.67 3.00 6.00 1.00 2.00 9.00 38.67
Corporate value of Target = Present value of FCF + Divestment of associate + Sale of Target head office + After-tax refund of pension fund surplus Redundancy costs Long-term loans Value of Target equity to Bidder
VIII. Valuation by team of experts Valuation is an important aspect in merger and acquisition and it should be done by a team of experts keeping into consideration the basic objectives of acquisition. Team should comprise of financial experts, accounting specialists technical and legal experts who should look into aspects, of valuation from different angles. Accounting expert has to foresee the impact of the events of merger on profit and loss account and balance sheet through projection for next 5 years and economic forecast. Using the accounting data he must calculate performance ratios, financial capacity analysis, budget accounting and management accounting and read the impact on stock values, etc. besides, installing accounting and depreciation policy, treatment of tangible and intangible assets, doubtful debts, loans, interests, maturities, etc. Technician has its own role in valuation to look into the life and obsolescence of depreciated assets and replacements and adjustments in technical process, etc. and form independent opinion on workability of plant and machinery and other assets. Legal experts advice is also needed on matters of compliance of legal formalities in implementing acquisition, tax aspects, review of corporate laws as applicable, legal procedure in acquisition strategy, laws affecting transfer of stocks and assets, regulatory laws, labour laws preparing drafts of documents to be executed or entered into between different parties, etc. Nevertheless, the experts must take following into consideration for determining exchange ratio. A. Market Price of Shares If the offeree and offeror are both listed companies, the stock exchange prices of the shares of both the companies should be taken into consideration which existed before commencement of negotiations or announcement of the takeover bid to avoid distortions in the market price which are likely to be created by interested parties in pushing up the price of the shares of the offeror to get better deal and vice versa. B. Dividend Payout Ratio (DPR) The dividend paid in immediate past by the two companies is important as the shareholders want continuity of dividend income. In case offeree company was not paying dividend or its DPR was lower than the offerors, then its shareholders would opt for share exchange for the growth company by sacrificing the current dividend
(ccxcviii) income for prospects of future growth in income and capital appreciation. C. Price Earning Ratio (PER) Price earning ratios of both the offeror and offeree companies be compared to judge relative growth prospects. Company with lower PER show a record of low growth in earning per share which depresses market price of shares in comparison to high growth potential company. Future growth rate of combined company should also be calculated. D. Debt Equity Ratio Company with low gearing offers positive factor to investors for security and stability rather than growth potential with a geared company having capacity to expand equity base. E. Net Assets Value (NAV) Net assets value of the two companies be compared as the company with lower NAV has greater chances of being pushed into liquidation. Having taken all the above factors into consideration, the final exchange ratio may depend upon factors representing strength and weakness of the firm in the light of merger objectives including the following: Liquidity, strategic assets, management capabilities, tax loss carry overs, reproduction costs, investment values, market values (combined companies shares) book values, etc. Valuation by experts: effect It is well settled that the valuation of shares is a technical matter, requiring considerable skill and expertise. If the same has been worked out and arrived at by experts then the same should be accepted, more so, if the same has the approval of the shareholders. That is to say, where the valuation done by the companys auditors is approved by the majority of shareholders and is also confirmed by eminent experts, who are appointed by the court to examine the valuation so made, as fair, and the valuation is not shown to be patently unfair or unjust, it would be extremely difficult to hold that the valuation so made is unfair, and, then, the court shall have to be slow to set at naught the entire scheme of amalgamation. The court does not go into the matter of fixing of exchange ratio in great detail or to sit in appeal over the decision of the chartered accountant. If a chartered accountant of repute has given the exchange ratio as per valuation made by him and the same is accepted by the requisite majority of the shareholders, the court will only see whether there is any manifest unreasonableness or manifest fraud involved in the matter. So, the exchange ratio of shares in the case of scheme of amalgamation, when supported by an opinion of accounting, technicians & legal experts and approved by a very large number of shareholders concerned, is prima facie to be accepted as fair, unless proved otherwise by the objectors. It is also well established, that there are number of bases on which valuation or the offered exchange ratio, which ultimately is a matter of opinion, can be founded and final determination can be made by accepting one of amalgamation of various consideration. It is also well settled by the Supreme Court in Hindustan Lever Employees Union v. Hindustan Lever Ltd., that
(ccxcix) mathematical precision is not the criterion for adjudging the fair exchange ratio. Thus, now, the law has been well settled by the Supreme Court in Miheer H. transferee company to be allotted to the holders of the transferor company has been worked out by a recognised firm of chartered accountants who are experts in the field of valuation, and if no mistake can be pointed out in the said valuation, it is not for the court to substitute its exchange ratio, especially when the same has been accepted without demur by the overwhelming majority of the shareholders of the two companies or to say that the shareholders in their collective wisdom should not have accepted the said exchange ratio on the ground that it will be detrimental to their interest. It is not the part of the judicial process, said the Supreme Court in Hindustan Lever Employees Union v. Hindustan Lever Ltd., to examine entrepreneurial activities to ferret out flaws. The court is least equipped for such oversights, nor indeed is it a function of the judges in our constitutional scheme. It cannot be said that the internal management, business activity or institutional operation of public bodies, can be subjected to inspection by the court. To do so is incompetent and improper and, therefore, out of bounds. Where the determination of the market price has been entrusted to a reputed valuer, there no reason to doubt his competence unless mala fides are established against him. Allegations of mala fides are easy to make but difficult to substantiate. Unless the person who challenges the valuation satisfies the court that the valuation arrived at is grossly unfair, the court will not disturb the scheme of amalgamation which has been approved by the shareholders of two companies, who are, by and large well informed men of commercial world. It is difficult to set aside the valuation of experts in the absence of fraud or mala fides on the part of the experts. IX. Fair value of shares Valuation can be done on the basis of fair value also. However, resort to valuation by fair value is appropriate when market value of a company is independent of its profitability. The fair value of shares is arrived at after consideration of different modes of valuation and diverse factors. There is no mathematically accurate formula of valuation. An element of guesswork or arbitrariness is involved in valuation. The following four factors have to be kept in mind in the valuation of shares. These are: (1) Capital cover, (2) Yield, (3) Earning capacity, and (4) Marketability. For arriving at the fair value of share, three well-known methods are applied: (1) the manageable profit basis method (the earning per share method). (2) the net worth method or the break-up value method, and (3) the market value method. The fair value of a share is the average of the value of shares obtained by the net
(ccc) assets method and the one obtained by the yield method. This is, in fact not a valuation, but a compromise formula for bringing the parties to an agreement. The average of book value and yield-based value incorporates the advantages of both the methods and minimizes the demerits of both the methods. Hence, such average is called the fair value of share or sometimes also called the dual method of share valuation. The fair value of shares can be calculated by using the formula:
Valuation of equity shares must take note of special features, if any, in the company or in the particular transaction. These are briefly stated below: (a) Importance of the size of the block of shares: Valuation of the identical shares of a company may vary quite significantly at the same point of time on a consideration of the size of the block of shares under negotiation. The holder of 75% of the voting power in a company can always alter the provisions of the articles of association; a holder of voting power exceeding 50% and less than 75% can substantially influence the operations of the company even to alter the articles of association or comfortably pass a special resolution. A controlling interest therefore, carries a separate substantial value. (b) Restricted transferability: Along with principal consideration of yield and safety of capital, another important factor is easy exchangeability or liquidity. Holders of shares of unquoted public companies or of private companies do not enjoy easy marketability; therefore, such shares, however good, are discounted for lack of liquidity at rates, which may be determined on the basis of circumstances of each case. The discount may be either in the form of a reduction in the value otherwise determined or an increase in the normal rate of return. (c) Dividends and valuation: Generally, companies paying dividends at steady rates enjoy greater popularity and the prices of their shares are high while shares of companies with unstable dividends do not enjoy confidence of the investing public as to returns they expect to get and, consequently, they suffer in valuation. (d) Bonus and rights issue: Share values have been noticed to go up when bonus or rights issues are announced, since they indicate an immediate prospect of gain to the holder although in the ultimate analysis, it is doubtful whether really these can alter the valuation. Statutory valuation
(ccci) Valuation of shares may be necessary under the provisions of various enactments like the Wealth tax Act, Companies Act, Income-tax Act, etc. e.g. valuation is necessary under the Companies Act in the case of an amalgamation and under the Income-tax Act for the purposes of capital gains. Some of the other enactments have laid down rules for valuation of shares. The rules generally imply acceptance of open market price i.e. stock exchange price for quoted shares and asset based valuation for unquoted equity shares and average of yield and asset methods i.e. fair value, in valuing shares of investment companies. X. Free cash-flows (FCF) FCF is a financial tool mainly used in valuation of a business. It will be close to the profits after tax without taking into account depreciation. Depreciation is neither a source of money nor an application of the funds available at the disposal of a company. FCF of a company is determined by the after tax operating cash flow minus interest paid/payable duly taking into account the savings arising out of tax paid/ payable on interest and after providing for certain fixed commitments such as preference shares dividends, redemption commitments and investments in plant and machinery required to maintain cash flows. Please refer to Annexure 3 for a case study involving the acquisition of a firm as a going concern where valuation has been done on the basis of estimated free cash flows. 13. DIVIDEND DISCOUNT MODELS Dividends refer to that portion of a firms net earnings which are paid out to the shareholders. Since dividends are distributed out of the profits, the alternative to the payment of dividends is the retention of earnings/profits. The retained earnings constitute an easily accessible important source of financing the investment requirements of firms. There is, thus, a type of inverse relationship between retained earnings and cash dividends: larger retentions, lesser dividends; smaller retentions, larger dividends. Thus, the alternative uses of the net earnings-dividends and retained earningsare competitive and conflicting. There are, however, conflicting opinions regarding the impact of dividends on the valuation of a firm. According to one school of thought, dividends are irrelevant so that the amount of dividends paid has no effect on the valuation of a firm. On the other hand, certain theories consider the dividend decision as relevant to the value of the firm measured in terms of the market price of the shares. The purpose here is, therefore, to present a critical analysis of some important theories representing these two schools of thought with a view to illustrating the relationship between dividend policy and the valuation of a firm. The basic model for valuing equity is the dividend discount modelthe value of a stock is the present value of expected dividends on it. The General Model When investors buy stock, they generally expect to get two types of cash flows: dividends during the period they hold the stock and
(cccii) an expected price at the end of the holding period. Since this expected price is itself determined by future dividends, the value of a stock is the present value of dividends through infinity.
DPS t r)t
t= 1 (1+
where DPSt = expected dividends per share r = required rate of return on stock t = time The rationale for the model lies in the present value concept i.e. the value of any asset is the present value of expected future cash flows, discounted at a rate appropriate to the riskiness of the cash flows being discounted. There are two basic inputs to the model. I. Expected dividends To obtain the expected dividends, we make assumptions about expected future growth rates in earnings and payout ratios. II. The required rate of return on equity The required rate of return on a stock is determined by its riskiness, measured differently in different models. The model is flexible enough to allow for time-varying discount rates, where the time variation is because of expected changes in interest rates or risk across time. Versions of the Model Since projections of dividends cannot be made through infinity, several versions of the dividend discount model have been developed based upon different assumptions about future growth. Dividend Growth Valuation Model (Gordon Growth Model) The dividends of most companies are expected to grow and evaluation of share values based on dividend growth is often used in valuation of shares. The Gordon growth model relates the value of a stock to its expected dividends in the next time period, the required rate of return on the stock, and the expected growth rate in dividends. Value of the stock =
D P S 1 rg
where DPS1 = expected dividends one year from now r = required rate of return for equity investors g = growth rate in dividends forever
(ccciii) The Gordon growth model can be used to value a firm that is in steady state with dividends growing at a rate that is expected to stay stable in the long term. Thus, though the models requirement is for the expected growth rate in dividends, analysts are able to substitute the expected growth rate in earnings and get precisely the same result, if the firm is truly in steady state. Assumptions Gordon growth model using dividend capitalization is based on the following assumptions: I. retained earnings represent the only source of financing, II. rate of return is constant, III. cost of capital remains constant and is greater than growth rate, IV. the company has perpetual life. The implications of the model is that when the rate of return is greater than the discount rate, the price per share increases as the dividend ratio decreases and if the return is less than discount rate it is vice versa. The price per share remains unchanged where the rate of return and discount rate are equal. Walters Valuation Model Prof. Walters theory was that in the long run the share prices reflect only the present value of expected dividends. Retentions influence stock price only through their effect on future dividends. Prof. Walter has formulated this and used the dividend to optimize the wealth of an equity shareholder. His formula in determination of expected market price of a share is given below:
Ra (E D) D + R c P= R c
P D E Ra Rc = Market price of the equity share = Dividend per share = Earnings per share = Internal rate if return on the investment = Cost of capital.
If Ra is greater than 1, lower dividend will maximize the value per share and vice versa. Assumptions Walters model is based on the following assumptions: I. all earnings are either distributed as dividends or invested internally immediately, II. all financing is done through retained earnings and external sources of funds
(ccciv) like debt or new equity capital are not used, III. with additional investment undertaken, the firms business risk does not change, implying that the firms internal rate of return and its cost of capital are constant, IV. the firms are a going concern with an infinite life. In the long run, the relationship between the rate of return on retained earnings or return on investment and the rate of market expectation is important to the investors. Thus, I. in a company where the rate expected by investors is higher than market capitalization rate, shareholders would accept low dividends, and II. in a company where return on investment is lower than market capitalization rate, shareholders would prefer higher dividend so that they can utilize the funds so obtained elsewhere in more profitable opportunities. Thus, according to this model, the investment policy of a firm cannot be separated from its dividend policy and both are inter-related. The choice of an appropriate dividend policy affects the value of an enterprise. Retentions influence the share price only through their effect on further dividend. Modigliani and Miller Irrelevance Theory Modigliani and Miller were of the opinion that its basic earnings power and its risk class determine the value of the firm. Hence, the firm value depends on its asset investment policy rather than on how earnings are split between dividends and retained earnings. According to them, a firms dividend policy has no effect on the value of its assets. If the rate of dividend declared by a company is less, its retained earnings will increase and so also the net worth and vice versa. Assumptions I. there are no stock floatation or transaction costs, II. dividend policy has no effect on the firms cost of equity, III. the firms capital investment policy is independent of its dividend policy, IV. investors and managers have the same set of information (symmetric information) regarding future opportunities. Modigliani and Miller demonstrated, under a particular set of assumptions, that if a firm pays higher dividends, then it must sell more stocks to new investors, and that the share of the value of the company given up to new investors is exactly equal to the dividends paid out. The value of the firm was not determined by the amount of dividends paid, but rather by the earning power of the projects in which the firm invested its money. According to Modigliani and Miller Model the market price of a share after dividend declared is calculated by applying the following formula:
P0 =
P1 + D1 1+ K c
(cccv) where P0 = the prevailing market price of a share, K c = the cost of Equity Capital, D1 = dividend to be received at the end of period one, P1 = market price of a share at the end of period one, Dividend Yield method The shareholders in a company are entitled to receive dividends as and when declared. Since investors in company get their return in the form of a dividend the amount of dividend paid out gives some indication of how valuable the shares will be to the potential buyer. If dividend is one of the key factors determining how valuable shares are it is possible to look at the relationship between level of dividend and price in other companies and base a price on what dividend is normally paid. This concept can be represented as a formula for any individual company compared to an accepted average for similar businesses. Dividend per share = Total dividend declared Number of shares Value per share =
Value of business = Value per share x Total number of shares The same result can be obtained using figures for the business as whole rather than per share if information is available in that form. Total value of business =
Combination of all or some of the methods of valuation may be adopted It is thus well settled law that the combination of three well known methods of valuation of shares, namely, yield method, net asset value method and market value method to arrive at the share exchange ratio giving due weightage to each method based on the companys performance, operating losses and future maintainable profits is a fair method to arrive at the average value of the share and that the fact that at the relevant time the book value of the share of one company was higher than that of another is not material. The following principles have emerged from the judicial decisions [see Shahibag Enterprises (P) Ltd. Re. (1976) 46 Comp.Cas 642 (GUJ)] in the matter of approach to different methods of valuation, namely (1) The assessment value must be based mainly upon the income yield, but with some regard to the assets backing in special cases. (2) Assets backing is of more importance in the case of a majority shareholding than in a minority shareholding, and is more useful in investment companies
(cccvi) than in trading companies as a check on value determined from earning capacity. (3) Earning capacity or maintainable profits are not synonymous with the yield or return, which is the balance remaining therefrom after providing a reasonable reserve. 14. VALUATION OF SECURITIES IN A TAKEOVER A takeover, like any other contract of purchase and sale, involves the striking of a bargain between the buyer and the shareholders of the seller in regard to the price. With a range between the maximum price which the buyer is prepared to pay and the minimum price which a sufficient number of the shareholders of the seller are prepared to accept, the price actually paid will depend on such factors as (a) the eagerness of the buyer to buy and whether there are competing bidders; (b) the eagerness of the shareholders of the seller to sell and, in case of a share for share offer, the willingness of the shareholders of the seller to become the shareholders of the buyer; (c) the skill, judgement and timing of the buyers campaign, including the persuasivenss with which the buyers case is expressed in the offer documents and other circulars to shareholders, (d) the willingness of the buyer to structure the offer in the light of the particular financial and tax considerations of the shareholders of the seller; (e) if the directors of the seller resist the bid, the skill, judgement and timing of the defensive campaign and degree of support, they receive from their merchant bankers, associates and other financial institutions; (f) whether the directors of the seller hold a large block of effectively controlled shares or the shares are widely dispersed; (g) fortuitous factors, such as the behaviors during the offer period of the stock exchange in general, economic developments, and sometimes even political events which affect investment sentiment. The decision as to what price the transferee company should be prepared to pay to acquire the transferor company should be determined by precisely the same financial analysis as the decision whether the transferee company should erect a new factory or purchase a large item of plant. Thus the motivation for buying and selling companies varies considerably, but it is important that both parties understand what they want from one another. First, what is the buyer looking for? It could be: An opportunity to grow faster, with a ready-made market share. To eliminate a competitor by buying it out. Better integration horizontal or vertical. Diversification with minimum cost and immediate profit. To improve dividend yield, earnings or book value. To forestall the companys own takeover by a third party To enjoy the prospect of turning around a sick company. On the other hand, why are companies available for sale? Some of the reasons are: Declining sales or earnings.
(cccvii) An uncertain future. Owner wants to slow down or retire with no successor. Desire to maximise growth under the umbrella of a larger company. To raise cash for a more promising line of business. Lack of adequate financial and management skills. To concentrate time and effort on what it can do best. The stages that have to be gone through in order to conclude a deal, either directly or through an intermediary, include: Search and exchange of information about each other. Preliminary investigation followed by serious negotiation. Contract development and closing the deal. In the case of a share-for-share takeover (including cases where the consideration consists of loan stock convertible into or with subscription rights for equity capital of transferee company) the value of transferee companys existing operations should be ideally valued on the same basis, so as to determine the maximum number of shares that the transferee company should be prepared to offer. 15. NON-FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS IN VALUATION Howsoever sophisticated the financial techniques applied to evaluate the worth of a business, and however accurate the assumption, it is more than likely that intangible (and perhaps irrational) factors will ultimately determine the amount the purchaser is prepared to pay. While it is arguable that any acquisition should be justifiable in a financial context, the motives for an acquisition may often be purely defensive, for example, to make the combined company less attractive to acquisition by a third party, to prevent an outsider getting a toe-hold in the industry, to prevent a competitor from acquiring the same business, or to diversify out of a manifestly declining industry. In such circumstances the financial benefits of the acquisition are much more difficult to quantify. Worse still, the motives may simply involve empirebuilding or personal aggrandisement on the part of the directors or owners of the acquiring company. The foreign currency acquisition makes the valuation a still more complex and difficult exercise. It is suggested that the acquisition in another country may be evaluated in that countrys currency. In addition, the cost of capital estimate for discounting should also be from the target companys country only. The reason for using the acquirers cost of capital in the targets country is that the product pricing decisions in the acquired company will have to be based on the local market conditions. 16. VALUATION OF BRANDS Blacks Dictionary defines it as a word, mark, symbol, design, term, or a combination of these, both visual and oral, used for the purpose of identification of some product or service. It is the hallmark of a shrewd businessman to commence his business with a
(cccviii) roadmap of his plans. In the course of his business, he applies a unique mark or symbol or word to his goods. When his customer base increases, his goods acquire reasonable reputation and his customers begin identifying his goods by the unique mark or symbol or word he had so adopted, his goods earn the reputation of being branded goods. What applies to goods applies to services also. When brands take charge of consumers minds, the name of its proprietor takes the backseat. There lies the power of brands. Functions of Brands
Brands indicate the origin of goods Brands connect the consumers mind to the manufacturer or service provider Brands make the job of the consumers very easy and consumers are choosy! Same manufacturer may use different brands to differentiate goods of same description having different quality and value Brands enable premium pricing
Consumer believe that branded goods and services offer them a particular quality or other value proposition
The Importance of Brand valuation Think for a moment as to how much investment one has to make by means of money and others resources to adopt, develop and popularize a brand or a mark during the course of his business. Brands/marks are a class of assets like human resource, knowledge etc. They create a value premium for the goods and services. Therefore, without the brand/mark, the goods/services may be address less. In order to market it or use this asset wisely valuing the same is essential. But remember, valuing a brand is a very difficult task. There is no prescribed manner to value a brand. But all knows that brands connect markets with products and thereby they create value. Brands do not command any value unless they are able bring cash flows to the Company that has adopted the same. With incremental cash flows increasing, value of brand increases proportionately. Brands have to be constantly associated with good quality goods and services; they require proper show casing and servicing and
(cccix) they should remain active in appropriate markets. Protect the Value of the Brand In order to sustain the valuation of the brand, there must a constant attempt from the Company on the following aspects: To secure registration of the Brand in all relevant classes. To secure registration of the Brand in all countries where there are opportunities to sell Branded Products of the Company. To set up a surveillance team within the Marketing Department of the Company so as to ensure that there is no dilution to the value of the Brand. To ensure that attempts to use fake brands that are similar or deceptively similar are challenged with full force so as to spread the message that the Company is conscious of the value of its brand and it will be aggressive in taking steps not only to put an end to such illegal, dishonest and unauthorized use but also to punish such users and claim exemplary damages from those who had passed off their goods to people and those who are found to be guilty of infringement. To ensure that there is always a budget allocation for promoting the brand and the Company should devise a continuous process for being present in the existing markets and prospective markets. To ensure that there is a conspicuous distinction in the description of the brand when it is used to sell premium products as opposed to use of the same brand for selling goods to the masses. To ensure that the extent of growth in the value of the brand very year is always higher than the depreciation or dent that existing or new competition may cause. To adopt a proper policy with regard to slogans and catchy phrases so that the Company does not knowingly cause any infringement of the industrial and intellectual property rights of any other person in any country or territory. To adopt a proper policy with regard to statements made in advertisements carrying the brand in order to ensure that those statements are not mere attractive words and they would stand the test of the market. To adopt a proper policy to augment IP profile of the Company and constantly update and upgrade the same. For the purpose of valuation of brands, it may be necessary to make a through enquiry into the policies and business of the company to the extent they relate to brands. For such enquiry, the following questionnaire may prove to be helpful: Sl. No. 1. 2. Query What are the brands requiring valuation? Please mention all its variants and styles also. What is the date of adoption of each brand?
(cccx) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Does the company use the brand owned by any third party? What are goods or products that are sold under those brands? For how long they have been in use? Whether the use of brands has been continuous? Whether use of any brand has been stopped? Whether the brands of the company have been registered under the Trademarks Act, 1999? Whether there has been any opposition to registration of the any of the Brands of your company? What are the Brands/Trademarks which have not yet been registered though necessary applications have been filed already with the Registrar of Trademarks? Whether the artistic works contained in the brands of the company have been registered under the Copyrights Act,1957? Whether your company has adopted any slogan or catchy phrase to highlight the policy of your company or its branded goods? What is the turnover of the company from goods sold under brand? (Brand-wise data from three financial years (04-05, 05-06, 06-07) may be provided) Whether the company has a website of its own? Give details. Whether the company has dealer/agent network? How does the company take its products to its ultimate customers? Has the company any brand adoption policy? Please furnish a copy of the policy. Has the company granted may permission to any party for brand use? Please provide a copy of Licence agreement if any. Has the company a marketing division of its own? Has there been any advertisement about the brands? Please furnish complete details regarding advertisements in the print media/electronic media? Whether there have been any radio commercial programmes of your companys brands? Is there been any use of the brand in any country other than India? What are the most prominent states in India where the branded goods of the company sell significantly?
(cccxi) 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Can you give product wise turnover for three financial years (04-05, 0506, 06-07)? Can you furnish state wise turnover for three financial years (04-05, 0506, 06-07)? Can you furnish names of the States where the products of the Company are not sold at all? Can you furnish details of those products, which though manufactured by the company are sold without applying any brand? Can you furnish details of those goods that are sold by your company as branded goods even though they are simultaneously sold without applying those brands? Is there any product that the company gets manufactured through any other party (such as a sub-contractor) who puts the brand of the company upon those goods and delivers to the company? What is the budget of the company for its advertisement and publicity for three financial years (04-05, 05-06, 06-07)? How much of the same could be related to brand promotion? Who are the major competitors of your companys goods? What are their brands? How those brands are superior or inferior to your companys brands? What is the total market in India for the goods of your company? Please give details in value terms and in quantity terms if possible. What would the approximate market share of your company? Has the market share improved after introducing branded goods? In your opinion would the price of branded goods sold is higher than the price of same goods sold without brands? (You may consider a market place where two traders are selling the same or similar goods, your company selling those goods as branded goods and the other trader selling his goods without any brand). Do you think because of Brands the goods of your company have been commanding higher (premium) valuation? Do you think your company has not reached out to customers adequately in respect of any territory? Could you please provide financial projections for the next three financial years (07-08, 08-09, 09-10)? Has there been any raid or criminal action against sale of spurious goods similar to your goods upon which the Brands of your company or any brand deceptively similar to the Brands of your company have been used?
(cccxii) 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. Has your company ever given any warning or caution notice about Brands of your company? Has your company at any time opposed the registration of any brand or trademarks of any other person? Has your company issued any legal notice to any party against misuse of any Brands of your company? Has there been any suit against any party for passing off or infringement of any of the Brands of your company? Has there been any legal notice or legal action against your company alleging copying or misuse of brands of others? Has there been any valuation of any of the Brands of your company at any time before this?
VALUATION APPROACH Basically in an enterprise, physical resources are of the following two types: Machinery, that work with applied force; Men who work. Both the above assets are capable of being organized provided the two vital inputs are present; viz., money and knowledge. Brands belong to a different species. While physical resources could be created easily if augmenting financial resources is not a problem, same is not the case of brands. That is why there is always a premium price for buying branded goods rather than the business or plants and equipments. In the case of Brands, the ability of the Company to leverage the same to bring revenues in other territories and markets is of paramount importance. As already seen, the value of an enterprise could be estimated on a goingconcern basis by computing the earning capacity. Net Asset Value method may not be ideal in the cases enterprises with depreciating assets unless the enterprise in question is asset intensive. For instance, in the case of company engaged in real estate sector, the lands in the hands of the company on ownership basis could be a stock in trade and they may be highly valuable. However, in the case of Brands, which form the lifeline of the Company, there has to be a different approach. According to an Article that appeared in the Hindu Business Line (of Mr. G. Ramachandran, a financial analyst and Mr. R. Vijay Shankar, Director of SSN School of Management and Computer Applications) the hands that hold a brand will determine how much value will be created. Therefore, a brands value is inestimable. There are no commodity-like, normative valuation methods. Brands will defy any attempts aimed at valuing them. That is what makes brands mystical. They will trample upon the egos of those that are mechanistically minded. Mr. David Haigh, Chief Executive, Brand Finance, and Mr. M. Unni Krishnan, Country Manager, Brand Finance, are of the view that traditional measures of financial performance do not
(cccxiii) reveal fully the value of brands (Praxis, Business Lines Journal on Management, May 2005). Mr. Haigh and Mr. Krishnan bemoan the fact that earnings per share (EPS) and dividend yield look back rather than forward. Cost Approach for valuation of Brands may not help. The cost incurred in the initial years would not have been very high as all resources should have been used up for setting up manufacturing facility and sales force to give customers high quality Products for value and to ensure that customers are happy. In the case of a premium brand, a company may be incurring expenditure in order to capitalize the position and expand the territories and to ward off competition. Therefore for every rupee incurred by the Company on an established brand, returns would be manifold. This enables the Company to introduce the brand for new products and new markets. In order to retain the ability of the Brand to reach an expanded customer base, it is essential that the company have adequate physical resources and a favourable industrial outlook. Thus depending upon the facts and circumstances of each case, suitable method of valuation of the brands should be adopted. In the case of a premium brand, the price of the products that are sold under the premium brand may command a premium price as compared to any other similar product that is sold under an ordinary brand or without any brand. The price differential between the goods carrying premium brand and other similar goods would show the extent of premium the branded goods command. Taking the said premium as an indicator, it is possible to evaluate the value of the brand using the usual cash flow model of valuation. Students should refer to the section on case studies to see a case of typical brand valuation. 17. JUDICIAL PRONOUNCEMENTS ON VALUATION OF SHARES IN DIFFERENT SITUATIONS Supreme Court in CWT v. Mahadeo Jalan (1972) 86 ITR 621 (SC) observed: An examination of the various aspects of valuation of shares in a limited company would lead us to the following conclusion: (1) Where the shares in a public limited company are quoted on the stock exchange and there are dealings in them, the price prevailing on the valuation date is the value of the shares. (2) Where the shares are of a public limited company which are not quoted on a stock exchange or of a private limited company, then value is determined by reference to the dividends, if any, reflecting the profit earning capacity on a reasonable commercial basis. But, where they do not, then the amount of yield on that basis will determine the value of the shares. In other words, the profits which the company has been making and should be marking will ordinarily determine the value. The dividend and earning method or yield method are not mutually exclusive; both should help in ascertaining the profit earning capacity as indicated above. If the results of the two methods differ, an intermediate figure may have to be computed by adjustment of unreasonable expenses and adopting a reasonable proportion of profits. (3) In the case of a private limited company also where the expenses are incurred out of all proportion to the commercial venture, they will be added back to the profits of the company in computing the yield. In such companies
(cccxiv) the restriction on share transfers will also be taken into consideration as earlier indicated in arriving at a valuation. (4) Where the dividend yield and earning method break down by reason of the companys inability to earn profits and declare dividends, if the set back is temporary, then it is perhaps possible to take the estimate of the value of the shares before set back and discount it by a percentage corresponding to the proportionate fall in the price of quoted shares of companies which have suffered similar reverses. (5) Where the company is ripe for winding up, then the break-up value method determines what would be realised by that process. In setting out the above principles, we have not tried to lay down any hard and fast rule because ultimately the facts and circumstances of each case, the nature of the business, the prospects of profitability and such other considerations will have to be taken into account as will be applicable to the facts of each case. But, one thing is clear, the market value, unless in exceptional circumstances to which we have referred, cannot be determined on the hypothesis that because in a private limited company one holder can bring into liquidation, it should be valued as on liquidation, by the break-up method. The yield method is the generally applicable method while the break-up method is the one resorted to in exceptional circumstances or where the company is ripe for liquidation but nonetheless is one of the methods. Therefore, generally, in case of amalgamation, a combination of all or some of the well-accepted methods of valuation may be adopted for determining the exchange ratio of the shares of two companies. The valuation of company shares is a highly technical matter which requires considerable knowledge, experience and expertise in the job. A ratio based on valuation of shares of both the companies done by experts, approved by majority of the shareholders of both the companies and sanctioned by court is an ideal exchange ratio. Supreme Court in Miheer H.Mafatlal v. Mafatlal Industries Ltd. The law on the subject has been well settled by the Supreme Court in Miheer H. Mafatlal v. Mafatlal Industries Ltd. (1996) 4 Comp LJ 124 (SC) where it was held that once the exchange ratio of the shares of the transferee company to be allotted to the holders of shares in the transferor company has been worked out by a recognized firm of chartered accountants who are experts in the field of valuation, and if no mistake can be pointed out in the said valuation, it is not for the court to substitute its exchange ratio, especially when the same has been accepted without demur by the overwhelming majority of the shareholders of the two companies or to say that the shareholders in their collective wisdom should not have accepted the said exchange ratio of the ground that it will be detrimental to their interest. Supreme Court in Hindustan Lever Employees Union v. Hindustan Lever Ltd. In Hindustan Lever Employees Union v. Hindustan Lever Ltd., (1994) 4 Comp LJ 267(SC) the Supreme Court held that the courts obligation is to satisfy that the valuation was in accordance with law and the same was carried out by an
(cccxv) independent body. The Supreme Court had explained that the nature of jurisdiction by the court, while considering the question of sanctioning a scheme of arrangement or compromise, is of sentinel nature and is not of appellate nature to examine the arithmetical accuracy of scheme approved by majority of shareholders. While considering the sanction of a scheme of merger, the court is not required to ascertain with mathematical accuracy the terms and targets set out in the proposed scheme. What is required to be evaluated is general fairness of the scheme. In the matter of Carron Tea Co. Ltd.: Although the question of valuation of shares and fixation of exchange ratio is a matter of commercial judgment and the court should not sit in judgment over it, yet the court cannot abdicate its duty to scrutinise the scheme with vigilance. It is not expected of the court to act as a rubber stamp simply because the statutory majority has approved the scheme and there is no opposition to it. The court is not bound to treat the scheme as a fait accompli and to accord its sanction merely upon a casual look at it. It must still scrutinise the scheme to find out whether it is a reasonable arrangement which can, by reasonable people conversant with the subject, be regarded as beneficial to those who are likely to be affected by it. Where there is no opposition, the court is not required to go deeper. However, when there is opposition, the court not only will, but must go into the question and if it is not satisfied about the fairness of the valuation, it would be justified in refusing to accord sanction to the scheme as was held by the court in Carron Tea Co. Ltd. (1966) 2 Comp LJ: 278 (Cal). Bank of Baroda Ltd. v. Mahindra Ugine Steel Co. Ltd. In the matter of Bank of Baroda Ltd. v. Mahindra Ugine Steel Co. Ltd.: The jurisdiction of the court in inquiring into the fairness of the exchange ratio cannot be ousted by vote of majority shareholders on the ground that valuation of shares is a matter of commercial judgment Bank of Baroda Ltd. v. Mahindra Ugine Steel Co. Ltd. (1976) 46 Comp Cas 227 (Guj). F.No. II(21)CC(11) 90 dt. 13.7.99 ANNEXURE 1 Ministry of Finance Deptt. of Economic Affairs Guidelines for valuation of equity shares of companies and the business and net assets of branches 1 PART I 1. These are operating guidelines for valuation of equity shares of companies. Briefly, they will be referred to as Valuation Guidelines. 2. These are purely administrative instructions for internal official use and are, therefore, not to be quoted, cited or published as the official guidelines of the government. 3. They will be effective from the date of their issue and will be applicable to all pending and future cases arising for consideration in the Department of
1 Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, F.No. 11(21) CCI(11)/90 dated 13.7.1990.
(cccxvi) Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance. 4. Specially, these guidelines will be applicable to the valuation of: (a) Equity shares of companies, private and public limited; (b) Indian business/net assets of the sterling tea companies; and (c) Indian business/net assets of the branches of foreign companies. PART II Principles and method of valuation 5. The objective of the valuation process is to make a reasonable judgement of the value of the equity share of a company or of the business and net assets of a branch in cases arising for valuation under the Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, 1973 and the Capital Issues (Control) Act, 1947 The best reasonable judgment of the value will be referred to as the Fair Value (FV) and it will be arrived at on the basis of the following in the manner described in the subsequent paragraphs: (1) Net Asset Value (NAV). (2) Profit Earning Capacity Value (PECV). (3) Market value (MV), in the case of listed shares. 6.1 Net Asset value (NAV) The Net Asset Value, as at the latest audited balance sheet date, will be calculated starting from the total assets of the company or of the branch and deducting therefrom all debts, dues, borrowings and liabilities including current and likely contingent liabilities and preference capital, if any. In other words, it should represent the true net worth of the business after providing for all outside present and potential liabilities. In the case of companies, the Net Asset Value as calculated from the assets side of the balance sheet in the above manner will be cross checked with equity share capital plus free reserves and surplus, less the likely contingent liabilities. 6.2 In calculating the Net Asset Value, the following points shall particularly be kept in view: (i) If a new bonus issue or a fresh issue of equity capital is proposed it shall be taken into account. The face value of the fresh issue of equity capital will be added to the existing net worth as at the latest balance sheet date and the resulting net worth will be divided by the enlarged equity capital base, including the fresh issue as well as new bonus issue. (ii) Intangible assets like goodwill, patents, trademarks, copyright, etc. will not be taken into account in calculating the assets. (iii) Revaluation of fixed assets, if any, will ordinarily not be taken into account. But if the revaluation had taken place long ago, say nearly 15 years ago, it may not be reasonable to deduct it from the total assets. (iv) Any reserve which has not been created out of genuine profits or out of cash will not be taken into account, e.g. amalgamation reserve or reserve created by changing the method of depreciation or reserve created by revaluation of fixed assets, etc.
(cccxvii) (v) Provision for gratuity based on actuarial valuation, but net of taxes, as well as provision for any other terminal benefits due to the employees will be provided for and deducted as liabilities. (vi) Liabilities like arrears of preference dividend, unclaimed dividends, dividends not provided for separately but proposed to be paid out of reserves, miscellaneous expenditure to the extent not written off, debt balance on profit and loss account, arrears of depreciation, etc. will be provided for and deducted from the total assets, so also, adequate provision will be made for bad and doubtful debts. (vii) In the case of contingent liabilities, a judgement must be made of the liabilities that are likely to impair the net worth of the company and it should be provided for on the liabilities side. In order to do so, the clarifications necessary may be obtained from the company and their auditors. (viii) In the matter of provision for depreciation, the following approach will be adopted: (a) If the company has consistently been following the straightline method of depreciation, the depreciation as provided for in the accounts may be accepted in calculating the Net Asset Value and it is not necessary to reckon depreciation according to the written down value method as claimed by the company for income-tax purposes. (b) If, however, within the preceding 5 years, the company has switched over from written down value method to straightline method, then the provision for depreciation will be reckoned according to the written down value method as if the company has not made the switch over. For this purpose, the company should be asked to furnish the necessary information especially the depreciation claimed for income-tax purposes. Where, however, a company follows right from the beginning the straightline method for depreciation of new fixed assets, although it might be following the written down value method of valuation for the older assets, the depreciation as provided for in the accounts of the company will be accepted both for the old and new assets because this cannot be regarded as a switch over in the method of depreciation. The criterion for determining whether there has been a switch over or not is thus whether there has been a change in the method of depreciation in respect of the same fixed assets within the preceding five years. (c) In the case of valuation of branches, the provision for depreciation will always be reckoned according to the written down value method. If the accounts are based on the straightline method, then the company must be asked to furnish the depreciation provision according to the written down value method 6.3 The calculation of the Net Assets Value will be recorded, with the necessary details, in the proforma shown in Annexure 1. 7.1 Profit Earning Capacity Value (PECV) The Profit Earning Capacity Value will be calculated by capitalising the average of the after tax profits at the following rates: (i) 15% in the case of manufacturing companies.
(cccxviii) (ii) 20% in the case of trading companies. (iii) 17% in the case of intermediate companies that is to say, companies whose turnover from trading activity is more than 40% but less than 60% of their total turnover. 7.2 While ordinarily, the capitalisation rate for a manufacturing company will be 15%, there may be exceptional cases where the capitalisation rate may have to be liberalised in order to ensure fair and equitable valuation. Such cases, where discretion may need to be exercised, are illustrated below: (i) Where, in the case of a listed share, the average of the Net Asset value and the Profit Earning Capacity Value based on 15% capitalisation rate is less than the average market price by a substantial margin, say by over 20%. In such cases, the company would usually have the following characteristics, viz. a track record of high and consistent dividend payments and bonus issues, established position as market leader in its field, a good reputation for the quality and integrity of its management etc., and these would be reflected in the market price of the share. (ii) Where a company has a high profitability rate as revealed by the percentage of the after tax profits to the equity capital of the company. (iii) Where a company has diversified its activities and is a multi unit company, as a result of which it would be in a position to sustain its overall profits even if any one part of its operations runs into difficulties. In such cases, the capitalisation rate of 15% could be liberalised suitably upto maximum of 12% with a view to arriving at a fair and equitable valuation. Needless to emphasise, this discretion should be exercised with great care and caution after taking into account all relevant factors. 7.3 The crux of estimating the Profit Earning Capacity Value lies in the assessment of the future maintainable earnings of the business. While the past trends in profits and profitability would serve as a guide, it should not be overlooked that the valuation is for the future and that it is the future maintainable stream of earnings that is of greater significance in the process of valuation. All relevant factors that have a bearing on the future maintainable earnings of the business must, therefore, be given due consideration. 7.4 The provision for taxation, the method of computation of the average profits and the treatment of the profitability of the fresh issue of capital, if any, are of particular importance in the calculation of the future maintainable earnings. These are dealt with in the following paragraphs: 7.5 Provision for taxation For computation of profits after tax, provision for taxation will be assumed on the following basis: (a) Widely held public limited companiesProvision for taxation will be assumed at the current statutory rate under the Income-tax Act. If, however, the actual tax liability as shown in the audited accounts of the company is more than the current statutory rate, then the actuals will be assumed subject to a maximum statutory limit of income-tax plus surtax on companies under the Income-tax Act. The expression actual tax liability will mean the
(cccxix) average of the tax liability (in percentage points) for the preceding three years or the actual tax liability in the latest accounting year, whichever is higher. (b) Tea companiesProvision for taxation will be assumed at 70% in consideration of the fact that on 40% of their profits, they have to pay central income-tax, while on the remaining 60% of the profits, they have to pay the state agricultural income-tax, and that in addition, they may have to pay surtax also. (c) BranchesFor branches converting themselves into public or private limited companies, provision for taxation will be assumed at 70% although as branches, they may be paying tax at the rate of 73.5%. (d) Private limited companies and closely held public companiesIn the case of private limited companies, which propose to continue as private limited companies, provision for taxation will be the actual liability shown in the accounts of the company, subject to a minimum of the current statutory rate. If, however, the private limited company is being converted into a public limited company, the actuals will be restricted to a maximum of 70%. This position will hold good for closely held public limited companies also (i.e. public limited companies not listed nor proposed to be listed on the stock exchange). 7.6 Method of computation of average profits Keeping in view that the objective is to arrive at a true and realistic estimate of the future maintainable earnings of the business, the following approach will be adopted in computing the average profits: (1) It should broadly be checked that the profits shown in the audited accounts of the company are true profits and that there has been no attempt at window dressing of the accounts to inflate the profits. In particular, it is important to exclude non-recurring miscellaneous income of an abnormal nature or magnitude, writing back of provision etc. (2) Ordinarily, the averaging of profits will be done for the latest three years for which audited accounts are available. But in appropriate cases, e.g. where the capital base of the company and/or the fresh issue is of a sizeable order or where the profits show erratic variation or where the premium involved is substantial or where the industry concerned is subject to cyclical trends, e.g. tea industry, it would be advisable to take into account the profits of the latest five years in order to arrive at a fair and realistic, estimate of the future maintainable earnings. (3) If the year to year variation in the profits of the last three years can be considered to be normal (a thumb rule for determining which could be that the annual variation does not exceed about 20% and the maximum does not vary by more than 50% from the minimum) the average may be calculated on the basis of a simple arithmetical average. But if the profits are rising consistently from year to year at a steady ratio and there are reasons to believe that the rising trend will be maintained, the average may be calculated on a weighted basis giving a weightage of 3 for the latest year, 2 for the middle year and 1 for the farthest year. In such cases, it will be
(cccxx) pertinent to look into the accounts of the preceding two years also to check that the rising trend in profits is stable. Conversely, if the profits are declining consistently from year to year, it would be advisable to assume the profits of only the latest year because any average simple or weighted will give a higher figure than the profits of the latest year, and it will not be rational to assume a higher profit in a situation of consistently declining profits. Here also, it would be advisable to look into the accounts of the last five years to take a judgement on the trend in profits. (4) If a business has sustained losses in all the three years or even in the latest two years, the profit earning capacity value will have to be regarded as nil, because it would not then be realistic to assume that the business would earn profits in the near future. But if the business has sustained a loss in only one of the three years (the latest year could also be the odd year of loss) and there are reasons to believe that the loss in that year was a freak loss and does not represent the true earning potential of the business, it would be open to exclude the freak year and work out an average based on the working results of the remaining four of the latest five years. If, however, that average turns out to be more than the profits of the latest year, then it would be advisable to assume, as a measure of abundant caution, the profits of the latest year. It will be evident form the above that in the assessment of the future maintainable earnings, the exercise of discretion and judgment cannot altogether be avoided and that all facts and circumstances must be given the consideration before a view is taken. 7.7 Treatment of the profitability of the fresh issue of capital In deciding upon the profitability of the additional capital being raised, the following factors must be looked into: (a) The purpose for which the capital is being raised; whether it is to finance a definite new or expansion project for which the company holds a letter of intent or an industrial licence. (b) Whether the expansion or the new project is on the ground and tangible progress has been made in implementing the project. (c) The forecast of future profits and profitability of the project. 7.8 Where the fresh issue of capital is for the purpose of financing and expansion or new project and there are reasons to believe that the project would maintain the profitability of the business, it could be assumed that the fresh capital would contribute to the profits upto maximum of 50% of the existing rate of profitability; in other words the maximum will be calculated as under:
1 2
(cccxxi) stock exchange, it would not be advisable to assume that the fresh capital will contribute to the profitability of the business in any tangible manner in the near future. In such cases, while the fresh issue of capital will be taken into account, no additional profits will be assured. 7.9 The calculation of profit earning capacity value will be recorded with the necessary details in the proforma shown in Annexure II. 8.1 Market value The question of market value acting as a guiding factor for valuation will obviously arise only in those cases where the shares being valued are listed on the stock exchange. In such cases, the market value will be taken cognisance of in the following manner: (1) The average market price will be determined taking into account the stock market quotations in the preceding three years (after making appropriate adjustments for bonus issues and dividend payments) as under: (a) The high and low of the preceding two years; and (b) The high and low of each month in the preceding 12 months. (2) The average market price will be kept in the background as a relevant factor while setting the fair value (FV) unless there are reasons to believe that the market price is vitiated by speculative transactions or manipulative practices. (3) The reasonableness of the fair value will be checked against the average market price on the following lines: (a) if the average of the net asset value and the profit earning capacity value on 15% capitalisation rate is less than the average market price by about 20% only, then the average will be regarded the fair value (FV). (b) if, however, the average of the net asset value and the profit earning capacity value is less than the average market price by a substantial margin, say by over 20%, then the profit earning capacity value may be reworked by liberalising suitably the capitalisation rate of 15% in the following manner: If the average market price is more than 20% to 50% of the fair value, the capitalisation rate will be 12%. If the average market price is more than 50% to 75% of the fair value, the capitalisation rate will be 10%. If the average market price is more than 75% and above of the fair value, the cpaitalisation rate will be 8%. The fair value will be determined on the basis of the average of the net asset value and the reworked profit earning capacity value. Thus, while the market value will not be a direct input, in valuation, it will be recognised and made use of in the aforesaid manner while determining the fair value of a listed share. 8.2 The details of the market price and the calculation of the average market
(cccxxii) price will be recorded in the proforma shown in Annexure III. 9.1 Fair value (FV) As indicated in para 5 above, the final valuation based on best reasonable judgment will be called the fair value (FV). 9.2 In the case of companies, the average of the net asset value and the profit earning capacity value based on the 15% capitalisation rate will be the starting point for determining the fair value. The following principles will be kept in view in arriving at the fair value: (1) In the case of a listed share, if the average of the net asset value and the profit earning capacity value on 15% capitalisation rate is less than the average market price by about 20% only, then the average will be regarded as the fair value. (2) If, however, the average of the net asset value and the profit earning capacity value is less than the average market price by a substantial margin, i.e. by over 20%, then the profit earning capacity value may be reworked by liberalising suitably the capitalisation rate of 15% upto a maximum of 8%. The fair value will be determined on the basis of the net asset value and the reworked profit earning capacity value. (3) As a matter of prudence, it may be desirable to deduct at least one years dividend per share from the average of the net asset and profit earning capacity values to arrive at the fair value. A cushion of this order may be required as a safeguard against future uncertainties. (4) Where the profit earning capacity value is nil or negligible, the fair value should be limited to half of the net asset value. If, however, the net assets comprise mostly of liquid assets like cash and bank balances or easily realisable bank debts, the fair value may be fixed upto two-thirds of the net asset value or upto the actual cash and bank balances, if the latter is even higher. The rationale to the proposition is that if the business chooses to liquidate itself, it is likely to realise at least this value. (5) If the share is neither listed nor proposed to be listed, the average of NAV and PECV should be discounted by at least 1:15% to take account of the restricted mobility of the share. 9.3 In the case of sterling tea companies and branches, the fair value will be determined on the basis of the principles outlined in paras 10 and 11 below. 10.1 Valuation of sterling tea companies The financial valuation (as distinguished from the physical valuation done by the tea board) of the Indian business of sterling tea companies in the context of their Indianisation under FERA, will be done on the basis of the following principles: (a) The net asset value (NAV) will be calculated in the usual manner after deducting all contingent liabilities as well as the UK assets and liabilities. In particular, the profits remittable to the parent company upto the date of valuation shall be deducted, as they are to be regarded as debts due to the parent company. Any revaluation of fixed assets will also be deducted from the total assets as explained in para 6.2 (iii) above, unless the revaluation
(cccxxiii) has taken place long ago. It should, however, be kept in view that the exclusion of revaluation does not lead to untenable results or to erratic valuation as between companies with similar assets. (b) Care should be taken to ensure that all income tax liabilities are deducted from the assets before arriving at the NAV. For this purpose, the income-tax department should be consulted to ascertain the income-tax dues receivable from the sterling companies. (c) The profit earning capacity value (PECA) will be calculated by taking the average of the pre-tax profits of the five years from 1972-76 deducting 70% for tax provision and capitalising the after-tax profits to arrive at by 15%. (d) if the net asset value (NAV) is less than the profit earning capacity value (PECV), then the NAV will be taken as the fair value of the Indian business. But if the NAV is more than the PECV then the average of the two will be taken as the fair value. This is to ensure that the NAV is backed by adequate profit potential and that the valuation does not in any event exceed the NAV. 10.2 The final valuation will be determined on the basis of the tea boards report and the comments of the Ministry of Commerce thereon, after taking into consideration all relevant factors. 11. Valuation of branches The valuation of branches of foreign companies in the context of their Indianisation under FERA * will be done on the basis of the following principles: (1) Each case will be considered on its own merits because the method of Indianisation may differ from case to case depending on its circumstances. (2) If the Indian company proposes to take over only the business of the foreign branch together with specified assets and liabilities with the foreign branch, it need not be objected to, unless there are reasons to justify a contrary view. (3) As far as possible the income-tax liability of the branch may be left to be discharged by the branch itself and the Indian company may not be saddled with this liability. This may require the branch being left with sufficient assets, e.g., the remittances to be made on account of past profits and head office liabilities, cash and bank balances out of the current assets, etc. (4) Where the foreign branch is allowed to continue with a portion of the assets and liabilities, it is only for the purpose of its winding-up after recovering the assets and discharging the liabilities. But it will not be permitted to carry on any manufacturing, trading or commercial activity. If at the time of its winding-up, the assets exceed the liabilities, the surplus will be repatriated by it with the approval of the Reserve Bank. (5) As regards valuation it may be done on the basis of the book value of the fixed assets plus the current assets less the current and contingent liabilities being actually taken over by the Indian company subject to the condition that it is backed by profit earning potential. For this purpose, the profit earning capacity value (PECV) will be calculated on the basis of the average
* FERA has since been repealed and FEMA has come into force w.e.f. 1st June, 2000.
(cccxxiv) pre-tax profits of the last three years, tax provisions at 70% and capitalisation at 15%. If the PECV is less than the net asset value mentioned above, then the valuation will be done on the basis of the average of the two values. In other words, the valuation should not in any event exceed the net assets value of the assets being taken over by the Indian company, and should not involve any payment directly or indirectly for intangible assets like goodwill, etc. (6) As a general proposition it would be better to exclude the unremitted profits and head office liabilities due to the parent company as if they are debts due to it, rather than to include them in the consideration payable by the Indian company. Each case will, however, have to be considered on its own merits because there could be cases where a suitable capital base for the Indian company and foreign share in that capital base upto the level permitted by FERA would be dependent on the unremitted profits and head office liabilities forming a part of the total consideration. 12. Valuation on the basis of willing buyer willing seller concept While, as a general rule, the concept of willing buyerwilling seller is not acceptable for various reasons, the price agreed to between the parties can be accepted in the following two categories of cases: I. Small value cases If the total consideration involved does not exceed Rs. 5 lakhs and the shares being transferred do not constitute more than 10% of the total equity shareholding of the company, the transaction may be approved if the price agreed to between the parties does not exceed(i) the ruling market price, if it is a listed share, (ii) the price as certified by the auditors of the company if it is not a listed share. To guard against the possibility of splitting the shares into small value transactions, only one such transaction in the same shares should ordinarily be allowed in a period of one year. II. Cases where the fair value is close to the price agreed to between the parties If the fair value as determined according to these guidelines is less than the price agreed to between the parties by a very small margin only, say by about 10% only, it would be preferable not to disturb the price that the parties to the transaction have negotiated and settled amongst themselves. General 13. It is important to stress the fact that however elaborate and detailed the guidelines may be, the process of valuation cannot possibly be reduced to uniform and inflexible arithmetical exercise. In the ultimate analysis, valuation will have to be tempered by the exercise of judicious discretion and judgement taking into account all relevant factors. There will always be several factors, e.g., quality and integrity of the management, present and prospective competition, yield on comparable securities
(cccxxv) and market sentiment, etc. which are not evident from the face of the balance sheets but which will strongly influence the worth of a share. Similarly, the accounts might be window dressed with a view to presenting a brighter picture of the companys working results. The guidelines are intended to provide the basic framework for valuation and to minimise the element of subjective consideration. While they should be applied fairly and consistently in all cases, they should not be regarded as eliminating the exercise of discretion and judgement needed to arrive at a fair and equitable valuation. 14. It would be useful to compare the basis of the valuation according to these guidelines with that of the companys auditors. On the one hand, this will help reduce errors in calculation as well as a better understanding of the facts of the case, and on the other, this will enable us to explain the basis of our valuation to the company concerned. Annexure I Name of the company__________________________________________________ According to the audited balance sheet as at________________________________ Net Asset Value (NAV) Rs. lakhs Total assets: Deduct all liabilities 1. Preference capital 2. Secured and unsecured borrowings 3. Current liabilities 4. Contingent liabilities 5. 6. 7. 8. Net worth: Add: (1) Fresh capital issue (Face value) Total Net Worth Number of shares, including fresh and bonus issues Net asset value (NAV) per share Net asset value (NAV) according to the companys auditors. Annexure II Profit Earning Capacity Value (PECV) Year 1. 2. Profit before tax Profits after tax Dividend declared Shareholders funds (1) Equity capital (2) Free Reserves Total Deduct contingent liabilities 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Rs. lakhs
(cccxxvi) 3. 4. 5. Average profits before tax (On the basis of simple or weighted average as the case may be): Deduct Provision for taxation at ________% :__________________ Average profits after tax :__________________ Deduct: Preference dividend Net profit after tax Add: Contribution to profits by fresh issue, if any :__________________ Total profits after tax Number of equity shares, including fresh and bonus issues Earnings per share (EPS) Profit earning capacity value (PECV) at 15% capitalisation rate (i.e. by multiplying EPS by __) PECV according to the companys auditors Annexure III Average Market Price High 1. Year 2. Year 3. Latest year 4. Month-wise 1. 2. 3. (for preceding 12 months) Average market price on the above basis _______ ANNEXURE 2 The Expert Group appointed by the Department of Company Affairs (now, a Ministry of Corporate Affairs) recommended that the following matters should compulsorily be covered in the summarized Valuation Report, in a clear, unambiguous and non-misleading manner, consistent with the need to maintain confidentiality. Background Information Purpose of Valuation and Appointing Authority Low Remarks :__________________ :__________________
:__________________ :__________________
(cccxxvii) Identity of the valuer and any other experts involved in the valuation Disclosure of valuer Interest/Conflict, if any Date of Appointment, Valuation Date and Date of Report Sources of Information Procedures adopted in carrying out the Valuation Valuation Methodology Major Factors influencing the Valuation Conclusion Caveats, Limitations and Disclaimers. The valuation report should briefly cover the following background Information: Brief particulars of company or business which is the valuation subject Proposed Transaction Key historical financials Capital structure of the company, if relevant, and any changes as a result of the proposed transaction Shareholding pattern, any significant changes (Promoters/FIs), and any changes as a result of the transaction (Note a table of before and after shareholding patterns ought to be disclosed) High/low/average market volumes/price for last six months, where applicable Related party issues with respect to the transaction. ANNEXURE 3 VALUATION OF JYOTIKA EXPORTS A CASE STUDY The following is the balance sheet of M/s.Jyotika Exports, which being valued by an acquirer. JYOTIKA Exports Balance Sheet As At Liabilities CAPITAL: Partner 1 Partner 2 Partner 3 Partner 4 Partner 5 Partner 6 Total Capital SECURED LOANS: SBI - Packing Credit/CC SBI FBP UTI Bank FBP 28/2/08 (Rs) 31/3/09 (Rs)
(cccxxviii ) CURRENT LIABILITIES: Trade Creditors Suppliers Trade Creditors DGFT Creditors - Group Concerns: JYOTIKA Industries Ltd. JYOTIKA India ALS Mills TDS/Provision for Tax Total Liabilities 9,990,139 5,553,363 7,265,386 20,351 409,655 270,548 88,741,013 Capital & Profits As At 31/12/07 Capital 13.21 19.44 19.05 0.19 0.55 0.55 52.99 JYOTIKA Exports Balance Sheet As At Assets FIXED ASSETS (WDV): Machinery Computer Car Two Wheelers 334,338 4,486 726,731 24,251 1,089,806 330,420 4,486 726,731 24,251 1,085,888 28/2/08 (Rs) 28/2/09 (Rs) Profits 14.75 (5.43) 4.57 142.77 126.94 135.00 418.60 Total 27.96 14.01 23.62 142.96 127.49 135.55 471.59 9,382,597 4,394,868 7,493,450
1,594,088 95,356,682
INVESTMENTS: CURRENT ASSETS: Closing Stock Receivables Exports Receivables - Exports (DEPB) Receivables - Group concerns: JYOTIKA Foundation JIL J Texpro 13,250,000 1,279,180 2,075,280 13,250,000 6,009,490 28,563,311 25,923,297 5,553,363 28,217,843 26,503,609 4,394,868
(cccxxix) JYOTIKA Finance & Leasing JYOTIKA Clothing Padmam Impex ALS Mills Cash on hand Cash at Bank: SBI EEFC SBI Commercial SBI Current CSB Current LVB Current UTI- Current Deposits: SBI FD EB Deposit Sales Tax Deposit Excise Duty Receivable Drawback Receivable Cenvat Receivable Total Assets 73,047 47,335 9,966 9,418 30,097 73,047 1,715 9,966 9,335 7,098 61,330 187,658 7,850 3,000 4,681,960 543,521 37,605 95,356,682 9,716,790 719 2,491 383,364 9,767,005 2,491 490,196 11,207
The following are the cash flow estimates obtained from the profit and loss account of the firm: JYOTIKA Exports Cash Flow Estimates (Rs lacs)
Sl No [1] Year Turn-0ver [4] 1,677 2,500 2,750 3,025 3,328 3,660 4,026 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 4.0% 100.00 110.00 121.00 133.10 146.41 161.05 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 65.66 72.36 79.73 87.84 96.75 106.56 24.69 7.50 8.25 9.08 9.98 10.98 40.97 64.86 71.48 78.76 86.77 95.58 PBIDT Amount [6] Dep. After Tax C/Flow 67% [8] NWC 3% [9] Cash Flows
% of T/O [5]
1 2 3 4 5 6
The following are the free cash flows generated from the above estimates: Free Cash Flow Estimates (Rs lacs)
Sl No [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6
Free Cash Flows [6] 38.97 62.86 69.48 76.76 84.77 93.58
The following are the assumptions: 1 Turnover for 2007-08 has been estimated at Rs 2,500 lacs in view of new markets available on account of quota removal; 2 Growth in turnover from 2008-09 onwards has been assumed at 10% per annum; 3 Profit before interest, depreciation and tax (PBIDT) has been estimated at 4% of turnover, In line with past trends; 4 Tax rate has been assumed at 33%; 5 The Net Working Capital (NWC) which is promoters' contribution in financing current assets, has been estimated at 3% of incremental turnover, based on past trends; 6 Investment in Plant & Machinery for any year has been taken as equal to the depreciation for that year; 7 The projections have been made for the period upto 2013-14. From 2014-15 onwards, a constant growth in cash flow (@2%) has been assumed; 8 The capitalization rate (rate of return that is available in the market place on investments that are expected to produce a similar income stream) has been assumed as 15%. The following is the report submitted by a firm of independent valuers: To The Managing Partner, M/s.Jyotika Exports, Tiruchengode We thank you for engaging our firm for valuation of your partnership firm which is proposed to be acquired by a flag ship company which is also one of the entities of your group. Our report is as under: INTRODUCTION: JYOTIKA Exports was set up as a partnership firm in 1992 by the promoters of
(cccxxxi) the JYOTIKA group of entities, for tapping the export market for its range of cotton and synthetic textile products. The firm commenced operations during the year 1994. Within a short period, the firm established a significant presence in various countries for its products, which are exported under the brand name JYOTIKA. In the initial stages, the firm had a limited product range and was exporting to a few countries. Over the last 10 years, the firm has widened its product range, entered newer territories and has increased its customer base. The following table gives the list of the products and the countries to which they are exported: Sl No 1 2 3 4 5 Product Casuals Home furnishings Water repellant, fire retardant & other industrial textiles. Surgical towels Terry towels Countries UAE Sri Lanka Europe & UK USA Saudi Arabia
The turnover of the firm in the first year of operations was around Rs 1.25 crore. This has increased to Rs 16.77 crore during the financial year 2007-08, registering a compounded annual growth in excess of 25%. The firm has been recognized as an Export House by the Govt. of India. VALUATION OF THE FIRM: As part of the consolidation exercise being implemented by the Promoters, the firm is to be acquired by JYOTIKA Industries Ltd. This involves determination of the acquisition price. Determination of the price based purely on book values may not bring out the following strengths of the firm: Widening product range; Growing list of countries; Growing list of buyers in various countries; Brand name; Export House status. Hence, it becomes necessary to rely on other methods of valuation that will adequately capture the above strengths. We have adopted the Free Cash Flow Method of valuation for this purpose. Under this method, cash flows available to a firm after: (a) Meeting commitments towards interest and tax payments;
(cccxxxii) (b) Investment in working capital; (c) Repayment of long-term debt, if any, and (d) Investment in plant & machinery required to maintain the cash flows, are estimated. The cash flows are then discounted using an appropriate capitalization rate (rate of return that is available in the market place on investments that are expected to produce a similar income stream) to arrive at the value of the business. The value of the firm based on the free cash flows method comes to Rs 571 lacs. We may round it off as Rs 600 lacs and adopt this as the acquisition price. Place: Date: For ABC Consultants (P) Ltd. Executive Director ANNEXURE 4 SPECIMEN BASIS FOR ISSUE PRICE IN CASE OF AMALGAMATION 1 NDTV The Issue Price will be determined by the Company in consultation with the BRLM on the basis of assessment of market demand for the offered equity shares by way of Book Building. Qualitative Factors Factors external to the Company According to the FICCI KPMG report, the estimated growth of the Indian television broadcasting industry is: Cable and satellite households will grow to approximately 64 million by 2008; Advertising revenues of the Indian television broadcasting industry to grow to Rs. 55,000 million by 2008; Subscription revenues of the Indian television broadcasting industry to grow to Rs. 72,000 million by 2008; The overall revenue of television broadcasting to register compounded annual growth rate of approximately 24% from Rs. 48,000 million in 2002 to Rs. 139,000 million by the end of 2008; and News viewership has significantly increased in the last few years and offers an attractive platform for advertisers factors such as its high absolute reach, SEC profile of viewership, focused male audience and audience involvement. Factors internal to the Company Our channels, NDTV 24x7 and NDTV India are currently the #1 and #2 channels in the English and Hindi news genres, respectively, in terms of reach as well as channel share;
1 Source: Capital Market, Volume XVIII/26 March 1-14, 2004.
(cccxxxiii ) We have a loyal, high quality management and editorial team, that includes several renowned journalists; We have strengths in key areas such as speedy news collection, effective news presentation, channel distribution and advertising sales, which we believe are critical success factors in the Indian news broadcasting industry; and We intend to leverage our competitive strengths to build on our leadership position in the English news genre and become the leading broadcaster in the Hindi news genre. Quantitative Factors 1. Earning per Equity Share (EPS) of face value of Rs. 10 Year Year ended March 31, 2001 Year ended March 31, 2002 Year ended March 31, 2003 Weighted Average Pre-Split (Rs.10) EPS(Rs.) 12.81 13.77 12.36 12.91 Weight 1 2 3 Post-Split (Rs.4) EPS(Rs.) 5.13 5.51 4.94 5.16 Weight 1 2 3
Weighted Average Earnings Per Share (EPS) for Equity Share with face value of Rs.4 is Rs.5.16. The EPS for Equity Share with face value of Rs.4, for the nine month period ended December 31, 2003, was a negative of Rs.10.01. 2. Price/Earning Ratio (P/E)* in relation to Issue Price of Rs. [] a. Based on financial 2003 EPS under Indian GAAP of Rs.4.94 (post-split) - [] x * would be calculated after discovery of price through Book-building. 3. Return on Net Worth (RONW) Year Year ended March 31, 2001 Year ended March 31, 2002 Year ended March 31, 2003 Weighted Average RONW(%) 23.04 21.55 17.34 19.69 Weight 1 2 3
The RONW for the nine month period ended December 31, 2003, was negative 36.85%. 4. Minimum Return on Total Net Worth after Issue needed to maintain pre-issue EPS of Rs.____ is [] % 5. Net Asset Value (NAV) (as per Indian GAAP)
(cccxxxiv ) As at March 31, 2003 (pre-split) : Rs.71.29 As at March 31, 2003 (post-split) : Rs.28.52 (a) After Issue - [] (b) Issue Price - [] The sanction of the scheme of amalgamation of NDTV World Limited with NDTV is pending before the High Court of Delhi and has already received the shareholders and unsecured creditors approval. A goodwill of Rs.778.72 million has arisen on consolidation of the accounts of NDTV World Limited with NDTV as at December 31, 2003. This goodwill shall be adjusted against the combined reserves of NDTV and NTDV World, on approval of the scheme by the High Court of Delhi. On account of this amalgamation adjustment, that will arise on approval of the scheme by the High Court of Delhi, our networth and Book Value per share as on December 31, 2003 will decrease from Rs.1,285.71 million to Rs.1098.29 million and from Rs.27.16 per share of Rs.4 each to Rs.23.50 per share of Rs.4 each, respectively. The Issue Price of Rs. [] has been determined on the basis of the demand from investors through the Book Building process and is justified based on the above accounting ratios. 6. Comparison with other listed companies TV Today Network Limited is the only other listed company, which is engaged in news broadcasting. Hence, the comparison is made with TV Today Network Limited only. Parameters New Delhi Television Limited Year ended March 31, 2003 Nine months period ended December 31, 2003 4.00 (10.01) 27.16 36.85 [] TV Today Network Limited* Year ended March 31, 2003 Nine months period ended December 31, 2003 (UA) 5.0 4.7 (not annualized) NA NA 31.9x
There are number of situations in which a business or a share or any other property may be repaired to be valued. Valuation is an exercise to assess the worth of an enterprise or a property.
(cccxxxv )
According to valuation guidelines issued by Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs, there are three methods of valuation namely net asset value, Profit Earning Capacity value and Market value. Chapter XIII of SEBI (Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000 provide the pricing in case of preferential allotment of shares. SEBI (Issue of Sweat Equity) Regulations, 2007 provides for price for the purpose of Sweat Equity Shares. SEBI takeover regulations provide for pricing of shares for the purpose of takeover of company. SEBI (Employee Stock Option Scheme) Guidelines, 1999 provide for the pricing method where these guidelines are attracted. Likewise, SEBI delisting guidelines; Unlisted Public Companies (Preferential Allotment) Rules, 2003; Sweat Equity Rules, 2003; FEMC Transfer or Issue of Security by a person Resident Outside India) Regulation, 2000 provide for pricing of shares. MCA has also recommended the valuation principles in its report. Many factors have to be assessed to determine fair valuation for an industry, a sector or a company. In practice, investors attach a lot of importance to the earnings per shares and the price earning ratio. The product of EPS & P/E ratio is market price per share. Valuation is an important aspect in merger and acquisition and it should be done by a team of experts keeping into consideration the basic objectives of acquisition. Supreme Court has also held some principles for valuation of shares in some judicial pronouncements.
SELF-TEST QUESTIONS (These are meant for recapitulation only. Answers to these questions are not required to be submitted for evaluation). 1. What do you mean by valuation of shares? Briefly explain the need of valuation. 2. Narrate briefly the various methods of valuation of shares of a company. 3. What is the relevance of Price Earning Ratio in the valuation of a firm? 4. Describe two theories describing importance of dividend policy in valuation. 5. How the Brands of a Company are Valued? 6. Describe the principals laid down by Supreme Court in case of Miheer Mafat Lal v. Mafatlal Industries Ltd. LJ 124 (SC). 7. Write short notes on any two of following: (i) Functions of Brands (ii) Net Assets Value
(cccxxxvi ) (iii) Market Value for Listed Companies (iv) Recommendations of Shardul Shroff Expert Committee 2002 set up by Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
Meaning of demerger, demerged and resulting company Difference between demerger and reconstruction Legal aspects of demerger Spin off and split off Modes of demerger Importance of appointed date Procedural aspects Taxation aspects Reverse merger
1. DEMERGER In the era of globalization, corporate all over the world are moving towards consolidation and redefining core competencies to survive and achieve their objectives. The corporate sector in India is also resorting to various mechanism of corporate restructuring to improve efficiency. Over the last few years, different modes of corporate restructuring such as stock splits, capital restructuring, mergers and acquisitions etc. have been adopted by companies in India. Companies have to downsize or contract their operations in certain circumstances such as when a division of the company is performing poorly or simply because it no longer fits into the companys plans or to give effect to rationalisation or specialisation in the manufacturing process. This may also be necessary to undo a previous merger or acquisition which proved unsuccessful. This type of restructuring can take various forms such as demerger or spin off, split off, etc. Large entities sometimes hinder entrepreneurial initiative, sideline core activities, reduce accountability and promote investment in non-core activities. There is an increasing realisation among companies that demerger may allow them to strengthen their core competence and realise the true value of their business. Demerger is often used to describe division or separation of different undertakings of a business, functioning hitherto under a common corporate umbrella. The Companies Act, 1956 does not contain the concept of de-merger as such, but it does indirectly recognize it in: (a) Section 391/394 (as a scheme of compromise, arrangement or reconstruction) and, 311
(cccxxxvi ii) (b) Section 293(1)(a) (sale, lease or otherwise dispose of (i) the whole of the undertaking of the company; or (ii) substantially the whole of the undertaking of the company; or (iii) if the company owns more than one undertaking, of the whole, or substantially the whole, of any such undertaking). A scheme of demerger, is in effect a corporate partition of a company into two undertakings, thereby retaining one undertaking with it and by transferring the other undertaking to the resulting company. It is a scheme of business reorganization, Justice N.V. Balasubramaniam J in Lucas TVS Ltd. in Re. CP No. 588 and 589 of 2000 (Mad-Unreported). Such a split or division may take place for various reasons e.g. a conglomerate company carrying out various activities might transfer one or more of its existing activities to a new company for carrying out rationalisation or embarking specialisation in the manufacturing process. Also, such a transfer might be of a less successful part of the undertaking to a newly formed company. The new company and transferee, need not be the subsidiaries of the parent company which has affected/undergone such split or division. The term Demerger has not been defined in the Companies Act, 1956. However, it has been defined in Sub-section (19AA) of Section 2 of the Income-tax Act, 1961. According to the said Sub-section, demerger in relation to companies, means transfer, pursuant to a scheme of arrangement under Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956, by a demerged company of its one or more undertakings to any resulting company in such a manner that (i) all the property of the undertaking being transferred by the demerged company, immediately before the demerger, becomes the property of the resulting company by virtue of the demerger; (ii) all the liabilities relatable to the undertaking, being transferred by the demerged company, immediately before the demerger, become the liabilities of resulting company by virtue of the demerger; (iii) the property and the liabilities of the undertaking or undertakings being transferred by the demerged company are transferred at values appearing in its books of account immediately before the demerger; (iv) the resulting company issues, in consideration of the demerger, its shares to the shareholders of the demerged company on a proportionate basis; (v) the shareholders holding not less than three fourths in value of the shares in the demerged company (other than shares already held therein immediately before the demerger or by a nominee for, the resulting company or, its subsidiary) become shareholders of the resulting company or companies by virtue of the demerger, otherwise than as a result of the acquisition of the property or assets of the demerged company or any undertaking thereof by the resulting company; (vi) the transfer of the undertaking is on a going concern basis;
(cccxxxix ) (vii) the demerger is in accordance with the conditions, if any, notified under Subsection (5) of Section 72A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 by the Central Government in this behalf. Explanation 1For the purposes of this clause, undertaking shall include any part of an undertaking, or a unit or division of an undertaking or a business activity taken as a whole, but does not include individual assets or liabilities or any combination thereof not constituting a business activity. Explanation 2For the purposes of this clause, the liabilities referred to in subclause (ii), shall include: (a) the liabilities which arise out of the activities or operations of the undertaking; (b) the specific loans or borrowings (including debentures) raised, incurred and utilised solely for the activities or operations of the undertaking; and (c) in cases, other than those referred to in clause (a) or clause (b), so much of the amounts of general or multipurpose borrowings, if any, of the demerged company as stand in the same proportion which the value of the assets transferred in a demerger bears to the total value of the assets of such demerged company immediately before the demerger. Explanation 3For determining the value of the property referred to in sub-clause (iii), any change in the value of assets consequent to their revaluation shall be ignored. Explanation 4For the purposes of this clause, the splitting up or the reconstruction of any authority or a body constituted or established under a Central, State or Provincial Act, or a local authority or a public sector company, into separate authorities or bodies or local authorities or companies, as the case may be, shall be deemed to be a demerger if such split up or reconstruction fulfills such conditions as may be notified in the Official Gazette, by the Central Government. From the above, the following points emerge about demergers: 1. Demerger is essentially a scheme of arrangement under Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 requiring approval by: (i) majority of shareholders holding shares representing three-fourths in value in meeting convened for the purpose; and (ii) sanction of High Court. 2. Demerger involves transfer of one or more undertakings. 3. The transfer of undertakings is by the demerged company, which is otherwise known as transferor company. The company to which the undertaking is transferred is known as resulting company which is otherwise known as transferee company. Demerged company According to Sub-section (19AAA) of Section 2 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, demerged company means the company whose undertaking is transferred, pursuant to a demerger, to a resulting company.
(cccxl) Resulting company According to Sub-section (41A) of Section 2 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 resulting company means one or more companies (including a wholly owned subsidiary thereof) to which the undertaking of the demerged company is transferred in a demerger and, the resulting company in consideration of such transfer of undertaking, issues shares to the shareholders of the demerged company and includes any authority or body or local authority or public sector company or a company established, constituted or formed as a result of demerger. The definition of resulting company has clearly brought out three important requirements while establishing its relationship with demerging company. They are 1. Consideration for transfer of undertaking would be by issue of shares only by resulting company. 2. Such condsideration would be paid only to the shareholders of demerged company. 3. Resulting company can also be a subsidiary company of a demerged company. 2. RECONSTRUCTION The expression reconstruction has been used in Section 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 alongwith the term amalgamation. It has however not been defined therein. The term reconstruction usually meant the transfer of an undertaking or business of a company to one or more other companies, specially formed for the purpose. The old company goes into liquidation and its shareholders, instead of being repaid their capital are issued and allotted equivalent shares in the new company. Consequently, the same shareholders carry on almost the same undertaking or enterprise in the name of a new company. Halsburys Laws of England defines reconstruction thus: While an undertaking being carried on by a company is in substance transferred, not to an outsider, but to another company consisting substantially of the same shareholders with a view to its being continued by the transferee company, there is a reconstruction. It is also reconstruction, where, after the transfer of a part of the companys undertaking, the stockholders in the new company comprise a majority in number, but less than half in value of the shareholders in the original company. Thus reconstruction involves the winding up of an existing company and the transfer of its assets and liabilities to a new company formed for the purpose of taking over the business and undertaking of the existing company. Shareholders in the existing company become shareholders in the new company. The business, undertaking and shareholders of the new company are substantially the same as those of the old company. The new company may have a different capital structure from that of the old one, or have different objects, or be incorporated in a different country, but an essential feature of a reconstruction is that the new companys membership is substantially the same as that of the old company. A company may, if its memorandum of association permits, carry out
(cccxli) reconstruction following the procedure laid down in Section 494 of the Companies Act, 1956 by incorporating a new company specifically for that purpose. This is a well recognised method of reorganisation and restructuring of a company. Where the shareholders of a company approve of such a method of reconstruction or reorganisation of a company, it cannot be said that the directors of the company were actuated by any sinister motive in doing so. United Bank of India Ltd. v. United India Credit & Development Co. Ltd. (1977) 47 Comp. Cas. 689 (Cal.) The Supreme Court in Textile Machinery Corporation Ltd. v. CIT (1977) 107 ITR 195 (SC) held that reconstruction of business involves the idea of substantially the same persons carrying on substantially the same business. There, it was explained, in the context of the expression reconstruction of business already in existence, as used in Section 15C of the then Indian Income-tax Act, 1922, corresponding to Section 80J of the Income-tax Act, 1961, that a new activity launched by an assessee by establishing a new plant and machinery by investing substantial funds may produce some commodities of the old business or it may produce some other distinct marketable products or even commodities which may feed the old business. These products may be reconsumed by the assessee in his old business or may be sold in the open market. Such an undertaking cannot be said to have been formed by the reconstruction of the old business and denied the benefit of Section 15C merely because it goes to expand the existing business of the assessee in some directions. Simply stating, a company is reconstructed when a new company is formed, and the existing company is dissolved after the business, assets and liabilities of the dissolved company are taken over by the new company under a scheme of arrangement, between the existing company and the new company (known as the reconstructed company), duly approved by all or a majority of the shareholders of both the companies and sanctioned by the court. The reconstructed company will have substantially the same shareholders and pay the purchase price of the assets and properties of the dissolved company to the shareholders of the dissolved company by issue of its own equity shares at the agreed exchange ratio as per the approved scheme of arrangement. Procedure to be followed for reconstruction The company should ensure that its Memorandum of Association contains a clause authorising reconstruction. For the purpose of reconstruction, the company should form another company for transferring its own undertaking, assets and liabilities. The Board of directors of the company should hold a meeting after due notice to: (a) discuss and decide on reconstruction; (b) majority of the directors of the company should make a declaration of solvency under Section 488 of the Act, which should be verified by an affidavit. It should be made to the effect that they have made a full inquiry into the affairs of the company, and that, having done so, they have formed the opinion that the company has no debts, or that it will be able to pay its debts in full within such period not exceeding three years from the commencement of the winding up as may be specified in the declaration.
(cccxlii) The declaration should be made within five weeks immediately preceding the date of the passing of the resolution for winding up of the company under Section 484 of the Act and should be delivered to the Registrar of Companies for registration before that date. The declaration should be accompanied by a copy of the report of the auditors of the company on the profit and loss account of the company for the period commencing from the date upto which the last such account was prepared and ending with the latest practicable date immediately before the making of the declaration and the balance sheet of the company made out as on the last mentioned date and also embody a statement of the companys assets and liabilities as at that date. (c) approve notice for calling a general meeting of the company for passing a special resolution under Section 484(2) of the Companies Act: (i) for voluntary winding up of the company; (ii) for appointment of a liquidator under Section 490 and fixing his remuneration. (iii) for conferring on the liquidator either a general authority to receive, by way of compensation or part compensation for the transfer or sale, shares, policies, or other like interests in the transferee company, for distribution among the members of the transferor company; or enter into any other arrangement whereby the members of the transferor company, may, in lieu of receiving cash, shares, policies or other like interests or in addition thereto, participate in the profits of, or receive any other benefit from the transferee company; and (d) authorise the company secretary to issue notice for the meeting. Simultaneously send copy of the notice to the stock exchanges where the shares of the company are listed. Hold the general meeting of the shareholders of the company and pass resolution as contained in the notice. File e-Form No. 23 by attaching a copy of the special resolution passed, with the Registrar of Companies along with the prescribed filing fee. Give notice of appointment of the liquidator to the Registrar within ten days of the appointment [Section 493]. The company should, within fourteen days of the passing of the resolution for voluntary winding up, give notice of the resolution by advertisement in the Official Gazette, and also in some newspaper circulating in the district where the registered office of the company is situated [Section 485]. As per the general authority of the shareholders given by special resolution of the transferor company, the liquidator will transfer the assets etc. of the transferor company to the transferee company and the transferee company shall allot its shares to the shareholders of the transferor company according to the scheme of reconstruction.
(cccxliii) 3. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN DEMERGER AND RECONSTRUCTION As discussed above, demerger means transfer, pursuant to a scheme of arrangement under Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956, by the demerged company of its one or more undertakings to a new company formed for the purpose, known as the resulting company, in such a manner that all the property of the undertaking, being transferred by the demerged company becomes the property of the resulting company by virtue of the demerger; all the liabilities relatable to the undertaking, being transferred by the demerged company become the liabilities of the resulting company by virtue of the demerger; the property and the liabilities of the undertaking or undertakings being transferred by the demerged company are transferred at values appearing in its books of account immediately before the demerger. In the case of reconstruction, a new company (hereinafter referred to as transferee company) is formed, the existing company (hereinafter referred to as transferor company) is dissolved by passing a special resolution for members voluntary winding up and authorising the liquidator to transfer the undertaking, business, assets and liabilities of the transferor company to the transferee company. The transferee company pays the consideration by issue and allotment of its shares to the shareholders of the transferor company in accordance with the pre-determined share exchange ratio. In this process, the old company is liquidated and is reconstructed in the form of a new company with substantially the same shareholders, same undertaking and business. The difference between the two terms comes to the light only when a scheme of arrangement is made for sanction by the court. Demerger forms part of a scheme of compromise or arrangement within the ambit of Sections 391 to 394A of the Companies Act, 1956. In addition, demergers which envisage the reduction of share capital, will attract other provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, including Sections 100 to 104. The company will have to pass a special resolution for reduction of its share capital, which is subject to confirmation by the Court as per Section 101 of the Companies Act, 1956. The articles of association of the company should have a provision permitting reduction of share capital and its memorandum of association should provide for demerger, split, etc. Section 390(b) of the Companies Act, 1956 interprets arrangement appearing in Sections 391 or 393 as including division of shares into shares of different classes. The expression reconstruction on the other hand has been used in Section 394 of the Companies Act along with the term amalgamation. One of the methods of achieving a demerger is through a scheme of reconstruction. A demerger represents a milestone and is not the final step in the process of corporate restructuring. After the demerger, companies can pursue their separate strategies to enhance shareholder value and further streamline their respective portfolios. 4. LEGAL ASPECTS OF DEMERGER Demerger, in relation to companies, means the transfer, pursuant to a scheme of arrangement under Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956, by a demerged company of its one or more undertakings to any resulting company in the manner
(cccxliv) specified in Section 2(19AA) of the Income Tax Act. The provisions of Section 395 of the Companies Act, 1956 are available to protect the interest of shareholders dissenting from the scheme approved by the majority. Section 2(42C) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 had introduced a concept of slump sale. Slump sale, means the transfer of one or more undertakings as a result of sale for a lump sum consideration without values being assigned to the individual assets and liabilities in such sale. Therefore, demerger cannot be accomplished with slump sales since such a sale is only for sale of undertaking. The demerger should be in accordance with the conditions, if any, notified under Sub-section (5) of Section 72A of the Income Tax Act by the Central Government in this behalf. Demerger which envisages the reduction of share capital will attract the provisions of Sections 100 to 104 of the Companies Act. If the original company which is split into several companies after division is wound up voluntarily, the provisions of Sections 484 to 498 of the Companies Act have to be followed. 5. SOMETIMES DEMERGER TAKES THE SHAPE OF (a) Spin-off is a kind of demerger when an existing parent company distributes on a pro rata basis all the shares it owns in a controlled subsidiary to its own shareholders by which it gains effect to making two of the one company or corporation. There is no money transaction, subsidiarys assets are not revalued, transaction is treated as stock dividend and tax free exchange. Both the companies exist and carry on business. It does not alter ownership proportion in any company. (b) Split-off is a process of reorganizing a corporate structure whereby the capital stock of a division or subsidiary of a corporation or of a newly affiliated company is transferred to the stakeholders of the parent corporation in exchange for part of the stock of the latter, or (c) Split-up is a process of re-organizing a corporate structure where by all the capital stock and assets are exchanged for those of two or more newly established companies, resulting in the liquidation of the parent corporation. Splits/Divisions Demerger, division, split or spin off may take place when a new company is formed for the purpose, inter alia, of taking over the residual division of one or more of existing companies, on the same being spun off in pursuance of a joint venture agreement between the existing company and another company and a scheme of arrangement is formulated in furtherance of such joint venture agreement. In a split-off, some of the shareholders in the parent company are given shares in a division of the parent company, (usually a subsidiary) which is split-off in exchange for their shares in the parent company. It alters ownership proportions in both companies. Part of subsidiaries equity shares could also be sold of to public. Split-off can also be used as one mode to defend against hostile takeovers. Companies may choose to split off divisions to make it less attractive to takeover bidders. Defensive split-offs are however, a drastic takeover defence. The most recent example is the plan of the management of Larsen & Toubro (L&T) to split off its cement division to make it difficult for Grasim Industries to take it over.
(cccxlv) Section 27 of the MRTP Act, 1969 also vests powers in the Central Government, on the recommendation of the MRTP Commission to direct the division of any trade of the undertaking or of the undertaking or inter-connected undertakings. Such an order may provide for all such matters as may be necessary to give effect to the division of any trade of the undertaking, or of the undertaking or inter-connected undertakings, including: (a) the transfer or vesting of property, rights, liabilities or obligations; (b) the adjustment of contracts either by the discharge or reduction of any liability or obligation or otherwise; (c) the creation, allotment, surrender or cancellation of any shares, stock or securities; (d) the payment of compensation; (e) the formation or winding up of an undertaking or the amendment of the memorandum and articles of association or any other instruments regulating the business of any undertaking; (f) the extent to which and the circumstances in which provisions of the order affecting an undertaking may be altered by the undertaking and the registration thereof; (g) the continuation, with such changes as may be necessary, of parties to any legal proceeding. The Competition Act, 2002 which has been passed by the Parliament but is yet to come into force, repeals the MRTP Act, 1969. Section 27 of the Competition Act, 2002 provides that where after inquiry, the competition commission finds that any agreement or action of an enterprise is in a dominant position, is in contravention of Section 3 or Section 4, it may, inter alia, pass an order, recommending to the Central Government, the division of the enterprise enjoying dominant position. The Central Government, on such recommendation may direct the division of the enterprise enjoying dominant position to ensure that such enterprise does not abuse its dominant position. Such an order may provide for all or any of the matters enumerated above. 6. MODES OF DEMERGER Demergers may be affected partially or completely. When a part/division/ department of a company is separated and transferred to one or more companies formed with the same shareholders allotted shares in new company in the same proportion as held by them in the demerged company, partial demerger occurs. Complete demerger occurs when the whole of the business/undertaking of the existing company is transferred to one or more new company/ies formed for this purpose and the demerged company is dissolved by passing special resolution for voluntary winding up and the shareholders of the dissolved company are issued and allotted shares in the new company/ies as per the sanctioned share exchange ratio. Partial Demerger In the case of a partial demerger, the existing company also continues to maintain its separate legal identity and the new company being a separate legal identity, carries on the separated or spun off business and undertaking of the existing company.
(cccxlvi) Complete Demerger In the case of a complete demerger, the existing company is voluntarily wound up and its entire business, undertaking etc. are transferred to one or more new companies. There are three ways of demerger: Demerger by agreement between promoters, or Demerger under the scheme of arrangement with approval by the court under Section 391. Demerger under voluntary winding up. The promoters of the company can enter into an agreement for division of the company and in that case the company is wound up after division. The assets are distributed after paying off the liabilities. Similarly, a company which has been split into several companies after division of demerger could be wound up voluntarily pursuant to the provisions of Sections 484 to 498 of the Companies Act, 1956. Demerger by agreement A demerger may be effected by agreement whereunder the demerged company spins off its specific undertaking to a resulting company, formed with another name in such a manner that (i) all the property of the undertaking, being transferred by the demerged company, immediately before the demerger, becomes the property of the resulting company by virtue of the demerger; (ii) all the liabilities relatable to the said undertaking, being transferred by the demerged company, immediately before the demerger, become the liabilities of resulting company by virtue of the demerger; (iii) the resulting company issues, in consideration of the demerger, its shares to the shareholders of the demerged company on a proportionate basis; Demerger under scheme of arrangement A company on the basis of the powers in its memorandum of association can carry out a demerger by a division or split of its undertaking, in the same manner as it can accomplish an amalgamation, through a scheme of arrangement as per the procedure laid down in chapter V of the Companies Act, 1956 relating to compromise, arrangement and reconstruction. Demerger and Voluntary Winding up A company, which has split into several companies after division can be wound up voluntarily pursuant to Section 484 to 498 of the Companies Act, 1956. Section 494 of the Companies Act provides that where a company (referred to as the transferor company) is proposed to be or is in the course of being wound up voluntarily; and the whole or any part of its business or property is proposed to be transferred or sold to another company (referred to as the transferee company); the liquidator of the transferor company may, with the sanction of a special resolution of
(cccxlvii) that company conferring on the liquidator either a general authority or an authority in respect of any particular arrangement, receive, by way of compensation or part compensation for the transfer or sale, shares, policies, or other like interests in the transferee company, for distribution among the members of the transferor company; or enter into any other arrangement whereby the members of the transferor company, may, in lieu of receiving cash, shares, policies or other like interests or in addition thereto, participate in the profits of or receive any other benefit from the transferee company. The sale or arrangement in pursuance of this section is binding on the members of the transferor company. 7. DEMERGER OR SPIN OFF: IMPORTANCE OF APPOINTED DATE Appointed date means the date for identification of assets and liabilities of existing company for transfer to new company. The appointed date has been taken for identification and quantification of the assets and liabilities of the existing company and new company consequent upon proposed spin off. This identification is done on the basis of the audited balance sheet of the existing company for the financial year. In the case of HCL Ltd., In re and HCL Hewlett-Packard Ltd., In re, the Central Government had raised the objection in approving of the scheme of arrangement for spin-off the companys division with new company that the appointed date under the scheme for transfer of division was falling prior to incorporation of new company. The court over ruled the objection by distinguishing the appointed date from effective date. This appointed date is relevant for fixation of the share valuation/share exchange rate which the company would offer to the existing shareholders after bifurcation and spinning off of the divisions. All the assets are sought to be transferred to the new company as were on the appointed date. The appointed date is to be distinguished from the effective date, which was the date on which all consents and approvals required under the scheme were to be obtained and transfer effected. Hence, objection that the appointed date under the scheme is falling prior to incorporation of new company is not sustainable, and the scheme approved. 8. PROCEDURAL ASPECTS IN RESPECT OF DEMERGER Scheme must be within companys powers The court cannot sanction a scheme of compromise or arrangement which is beyond the powers of the company as defined in its Memorandum of Association. In such an event, the company should first take steps for alteration of the relevant clauses in its Memorandum and thereafter propose a scheme of compromise or arrangement and make an application for the courts sanction. Res judicata Where a proposed scheme of compromise or arrangement has already been rejected by the court and the same persons propose another scheme which is substantially the same as the earlier one, the general principle of res judicata applies to bar the second scheme.
(cccxlviii) Rules and Forms in respect of Scheme of Demerger The procedure for convening, holding and conducting class meetings for affecting demerger, is laid down in rules 67 to 87 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959. The Rules also set out the following forms for various purposes: Form No. 33 Form No. 34 Form No. 35 Form No. 36 Form No. 37 Form No. 38 Form No. 39 Summons for directions to convene a class meeting under Section 391 Rule 67. Affidavit in support of summons Rule 67. Order on summons for directions Rule 69. Notice convening meeting Rule 73. Form of proxy Rule 73. Advertisement of Notice convening meeting of creditors/ shareholders etc. Rule 74. Report by Chairman of the meeting Rule 78.
Form No. 40 Petition to sanction the scheme of compromise or arrangement Rule 79. Form No. 41 Order on petition Rule 81
Steps to be taken for Demerger 1. Preparation of scheme of demerger (i) Prepare a scheme of demerger in consultation with all interested parties and have the same approved in principle by the Board of Directors of the company at a meeting. (ii) Appoint an expert for valuing the shares to determine the share exchange ratio. (iii) Engage an advocate for the preparation of scheme and for appearing subsequently before the High Court. (iv) In case of listed companies, the stock exchanges where the shares are listed should be intimated. 2. Application to court for direction to hold meetings of members/creditors Both the companies should make an application under Section 391(1) of the Companies Act, 1956 to respective High Courts for an order to convene and hold meeting(s) of members/creditors or any class of them, by a Judges summons supported by an affidavit. A copy of the proposed scheme of demerger should be annexed to the affidavit as an exhibit thereto. The summons should be moved ex parte. The summons should be in Form No. 33 and the affidavit in support thereof in Form No. 34 [Rule 67 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959]. Save as provided in Rule 68, the summons shall be moved ex-parte. When the company is not the applicant, a copy of summons and of affidavit shall be served on the company or where it is being wound up, on its liquidator, not less than 14 days
(cccxlix) before the date fixed for hearing the summons. Application is to be filed to the High Court, where the Registered Office is situated, for directions to convene a meeting along with the following documents: 1. Judges Summons [Form No. 33] under order XIV. 2. An affidavit in support of summons in Form No. 34 of Companies (Court) Rules, 1959. 3. Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company. 4. Latest Audited Balance Sheet. 5. List of Shareholders and Creditors (Optional) Scheme. 6. Extract of Board Resolution approving the scheme. 7. Draft notice of meeting, explanatory statement, proxy under Section 393 of Act. (Above documents are to be prepared separately for both transferor and transferee companies and any Director may be authorized to sign the applications). (For specimen of Form No. 33, application for order on Judges summons to convene meetings of members/creditors, please see Annexure 1 at the end of this study lesson). (For specimen of Form No. 34, affidavit in support of application for order on Judges summons to convene meeting(s) of members/creditors, please see Annexure 2 at the end of this study lesson). Normally, an application under Section 391 of the Act is made by the company, but a creditor or member may also make the application. Although a creditor or a member may move an application under Section 391(1) of the Act, yet, such an application may not be accepted by court because the scheme of arrangement submitted to the court along with the application will not have the approval of the Board of directors of the company or of the company in general meeting. However, the court has the discretion to give whatever directions that it may deem proper. Before an application under Section 391 of the Act is made by a company, as a matter of common procedure, the Chairman of the Board of directors of the company which is proposed to be reconstructed by demerger should send a circular letter to the members of the company explaining details of the scheme of reconstruction and the reasons which have prompted the Board to propose reconstruction. The circular letter should specify how the scheme would affect the shareholdings of the members. Copies of the circular should also be sent to the stock exchanges, where the shares of the company or companies are listed. The petition must pray for appropriate orders and directions under Section 394 of the Act for facilitating the reconstruction (by demerger) of the company. 3. Obtaining courts order for holding meetings of members/creditors On receiving a petition the court may order meeting(s) of the members/creditors of the company, to be called, held and conducted in a prescribed manner. Once the ordered meeting(s) is/are duly convened, held and conducted and the scheme is
(cccl) approved by the prescribed majority in value of the creditors or number of members, as the case may be, the court is bound to sanction the scheme. The court shall look into the fairness of the scheme before ordering meeting(s) because it would be no use putting before the meeting(s), a scheme containing proposals which are not capable of being implemented. At that stage, the court may refuse to pass an order for the convening of the meeting(s). The court must also ensure that the circular about the details of the scheme which is sent to the members and creditors should give a fair picture of the proposed scheme. Upon the hearing of the summons, or any adjourned hearing thereof, the judge shall, unless he thinks fit for any reason to dismiss the summons, give directions as he may think necessary in respect of the following matters: (i) determining the class or classes of creditors and/or members whose meeting or meetings have to be held for considering the proposed scheme of demerger; (ii) fixing the time and place for such meeting or meetings; (iii) appointing a Chairman or Chairmen for the meeting or meetings to be held, as the case may be; (iv) fixing the quorum and procedure to be followed at the meeting or meetings, including voting by proxy; (v) determining the values of the creditors and/or the members, or the creditors or members of any class, as the case may be whose meetings have to be held; (vi) notice to be given of the meeting or meetings and the advertisement of such notice; and (vii) the time within which the Chairman of the meeting or Chairmen of the meetings should report to the Court the result of the meeting or meetings, as the case may be; and such other matters as the Court may deem necessary. The order made on the summons should be in Form No. 35 of the Court Rules, with such variations as may be necessary. Within 3 days of orders being received by the Companies from the Court, the companies are required to get the draft explanatory statement, notice of meeting, draft resolutions, proxy forms, publication also translated in regional language in Form No. 38 vouched by Registry of High Court. (For specimen of courts order made on the summons in Form No. 35, please see Annexure 3 at the end of this study lesson). An application under Sub-section (6) of Section 391 for stay of commencement or continuation of any suit or proceeding against the company may be moved by a Judges summons ex-parte, provided where a petition for winding up or that under Section 397 or 398 is pending, notice of application shall be given to petitioner where a stay order has been made. Any person aggrieved by such order may apply to the court by a Judges summons to vacate or vary such order.
(cccli) 4. Notice of the meetings of members/creditors After obtaining the courts order containing directions to hold the meeting(s) of the creditors/members of company, the company should make arrangement for the issue of notice of the meeting(s) to them. The notice of such meeting(s) should be sent individually in Form No. 36 of the said rules and must be sent by the person authorised by the court in this behalf, who may be the Chairman appointed by the court for the meeting, or if the court so directs, by the company or by any other person as the court may direct. The notice should be sent by post under certificate of posting to their last known address at least twenty-one clear days before the date fixed for the meeting. The notice must be accompanied by a copy of the scheme for the proposed demerger and of the statement required to be furnished under Section 393 setting forth the terms of the proposed compromise or arrangement explaining its effects, and a form of proxy in Form No. 37 of the said rules. According to Rule 70 voting by proxies shall be permitted provided a proxy in the prescribed form duly signed by the person entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is filed with the company at its registered office not later than 48 hours before the meeting. Also Rules 227 to 229 relating to proxies apply to proxies lodged under this rule. (For notice of the meeting of members/creditors in Form No. 36, please see Annexure 4 at the end of this study lesson). (For Specimen of proxy in Form No. 37, see Annexure 5 at the end of this study lesson). The notice must particularly disclose any material interest of the directors, managing director or manager whether as shareholders or creditors or otherwise and the effect on their interests of the compromise or arrangement, if, and in so far as, it is different from the effect on the like interests of other persons. Such information must also be included in the form of a statement in the notice convening the meeting, where such notice is given by advertisement, or, if this is not practicable, such advertised notice must give notification, of the place at and the manner in which creditors or members entitled to attend the meeting may obtain copies of such a statement. If debenture holders are affected, the statement referred to must give like information as far as it affects the trustees for the debenture holders. Statements which have to be supplied to creditors and members as a result of press notification must be supplied by the company to those entitled, free of charge. (Section 393) The notice of the meeting shall be advertised in such newspapers and in such manner as the Judge may direct, not less than 21 clear days from the date fixed for the meeting. Advertisement shall be in Form No. 38. Every creditor or member entitled to attend the meeting shall be furnished by the company, free of charge and within 24 hours of a requisition being made for the same, with a copy of the proposed compromise or arrangement together with a copy of the statement required to be furnished, unless the same had already been furnished to such member/creditor. According to Rule 76, the Chairman appointed for the meeting or other person directed to issue the advertisement and the notices of the meeting shall file an affidavit not less than seven days before the date fixed for the holding of the meeting or first of the meetings, showing that the directions regarding the issue of notices and
(ccclii) the advertisement have been duly complied with. Along with the affidavit, the paper publications, one in English and another in vernacular daily and proof of certificate of posting are to be filed one week before the date of meeting. 5. Holding meeting(s) of members/creditors Pursuant to the directions, the meeting(s) should be held. The chairman of the meeting, or where there are separate meetings, the chairman of each meeting, shall report the result thereof to the court. The report shall state accurately the number of creditors or class of creditors or the number of members or class of members, as the case may be, who were present and who voted at the meeting either in person or by proxy, their individual values and the way they voted. 6. Reporting the result of the meeting by the Chairman to the court The result of the meeting must be decided only by taking poll and by separately counting the votes in favour and against the resolution. The chairman of the meeting should within the time fixed by the court or where no time has been fixed, within seven days after the conclusion of the meeting, report the result of the meeting in the prescribed Form 39 to the Court. (Rule 78) (For specimen of Form No. 39 for result of the meeting(s) of members/creditors, please see Annexure 6 at the end of this study lesson). 7. Petition to the court for sanctioning the scheme of demerger When the scheme of demerger has been approved by the required majority of shareholders/creditors, i.e. majority in number representing three-fourths in value of the creditors, or class of creditors, or members or class of members, as the case may be, present and voting either in person, or, where proxies are allowed, by proxy, at the meeting, a petition must be made to the court for sanctioning the scheme of demerger. The petition must be made by the company. The petition is required to be made in Form No. 40 of the said rules. The following documents are necessary for enabling the High Court to sanction the scheme: (Rule 79) (a) Company Petition (Form No. 40 with Court Fee). (b) An affidavit verifying petition in Form No. 3. (c) Scheme. (d) Memorandum and Articles of Association. (e) Audited Accounts. (f) Independent professional valuers report. (g) Copy of the Chairmans Report in Form No. 35. (h) Six copies of Form No. 5 being the advertisement of petition and Form No. 6 being the notice of petition to be issued to Regional Director, Department of Company Affairs and Registrar of Companies. The Court shall fix a date for the hearing of the petition, and notice of hearing shall be advertised in the same papers in which notice of the meeting was advertised,
(cccliii) or in such other papers, as the court may direct not less than 10 days before the date fixed for hearing. (For specimen of Form No. 40, petition to court for sanctioning the scheme of demerger, please see Annexure 7 at the end of this study lesson). 8. Obtaining order of the court sanctioning the scheme Obtain an order of the court sanctioning the scheme of demerger. Where the Court sanctions the compromise or arrangement, the order shall include such directions in regard to any matter and such modifications as the Judge may think fit. The order shall direct that a certified copy of the same shall be filed with the Registrar of Companies within 14 days from the date of the order or such other time as may be fixed by the Court. (Rule 81) 9. Courts order on petition sanctioning the scheme of demerger Section 394 of the Act provides that where the application is made to the court under Section 391 for the sanctioning of a scheme proposed between a company and its shareholders and it is shown to the court: (a) that the demerger has been proposed for the purposes of, or in connection with, a scheme for the reconstruction of the company; and (b) that under the scheme the whole or any part of the undertaking, property or liabilities of any company (the transferor company) concerned in the scheme is to be transferred to another company (the transferee company), the court may either by the order sanctioning the scheme of demerger or by a subsequent order, make provision for all or any of the following matters: (i) The transfer to the transferee company of the whole or any part of the undertaking and of the property or liabilities of the transferor company. (ii) The allotment or appropriation by the transferee company of any shares, debentures, policies, or other like interests in that company to be allotted or appropriated by the company to or for any person. (iii) The continuation by or against the transferee company of any legal proceedings pending by or against any transferor company. (iv) Such incidental, consequential and supplemental matters as are necessary to secure that the demerger shall be fully and effectively carried out. However, no order sanctioning any compromise or arrangement shall be made by the court unless the court is satisfied that the company or any other person by whom an application has been made has disclosed to the court, by affidavit or otherwise, all material facts relating to the company, such as the latest financial position of the company, the latest auditors report on the accounts of the company, the pendency of any investigation proceedings in relation to the company under Sections 235 to 251 and the like. The order made by the court will have effect only after a certified copy has been filed with the Registrar of Companies in e-form 21 and will be binding on all the
(cccliv) creditors/members, or all the creditors/members of the class, as the case may be and also on the company or, in the case of a company which is being wound up, on the liquidator and contributories of the company. 9. TAX ASPECTS OF DEMERGERS The concept of demerger of companies under the income-tax law was introduced by The Finance Act, 1999 with effect from assessment year 2000-01. The amendments were introduced so as to enable the Corporate Bodies to ensure that (a) Demergers should be tax neutral and should not attract any additional liability to tax. (b) In demergers, tax benefits and concessions available to any undertaking should be available to the said undertaking on its transfer to the resulting company. (c) Tax benefits to such business reorganisations should be limited to the transfer of business as a going concern and not to the transfer of specific assets which would amount to the sale of assets and not a business reorganisation. (d) The accumulated losses in a demerger should be allowed to be carried forward by the resulting company if these are directly relatable to the undertaking proposed to be transferred. However, if it is not possible to relate these to the undertaking, such losses and depreciation should be apportioned between the demerged company and the resulting company in a reasonable manner. The benefits available for demergers have been extended to authorities or Board set up by the Central or State Governments. The Income Tax Act, 1961 provides for the following tax reliefs to the demerged company, the shareholders of the demerged company, who are issued and allotted shares in the resulting company in the exchange for the shares held by them in the demerged company and the resulting company which emerges as a result of a demerger. Tax reliefs to demerged company (i) Capital gains tax not attracted According to Section 47(vib) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, where there is a transfer of any capital asset in a demerger by the demerged company to the resulting company, such transfer will not be regarded as a transfer for the purpose of capital gains provided the resulting company is an Indian company. (ii) Tax relief to a foreign demerged company According to Section 47(vic) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, where a foreign company holds any shares in an Indian Company and transfers the same during the
(ccclv) course of a demerger to the resulting foreign company, such transaction will not be regarded as a transfer for the purpose of capital gains under Section 45, if the following conditions are satisfied: (a) the shareholders holding not less than three-fourths in value of the shares of the demerged foreign company continue to remain shareholders of the resulting foreign company; and (b) such transfer does not attract tax on capital gains in the country in which the demerged foreign company is incorporated. However, the provisions of Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 will not apply in the case of demergers referred to in this clause. As per Section 47(vi d), any transfer or issue of shares by resulting company in a scheme of demerger to the shareholders of the demerged company is not regarded as if the transfer or issue is made in consideration of demerger of the undertaking. (iii) Tax reliefs to the shareholders of the demerged company Consequent to the demerger, the existing shareholders of the demerged company will hold shares in the resulting company. In case the shareholder transfers these shares subsequent to the demerger, the cost of such shares will be calculated as under: The cost of acquisition of shares in the resulting company will be the amount which bears to the cost of acquisition of shares held by the assessee in the demerged company in the same proportion as the net book value of the assets transferred in a demerger bears to the net worth of the demerged company immediately before such demerger. In other words, Cost of acquisition of Cost of acquisition of shares Net book value of assets shares in resulting = held by assessee in the transferred in a demerger company demerged company Net worth of the demerged company immediately before demerger. According to Section 49(2D), the cost of acquisition of the original shares held by the shareholder in the demerged company will be deemed to have been reduced by the amount as so arrived as above. For this purpose, net worth has been defined to mean the aggregate of the paid up share capital and general reserves as appearing in the books of account of the demerged company immediately before the demerger. In determining the period for which any capital asset is held by the assessee, Section 2(42A)(g) provides that in the case of a capital asset, being a share or shares in an Indian company, which becomes the property of the assessee in consideration of a demerger, there shall be included the period for which the share or shares held in the demerged company were held by the assessee.
(ccclvi) Tax reliefs to the resulting company The resulting company is eligible for tax reliefs if: (a) the demerger satisfies all the conditions laid down in Section 2(19AA) of the Income-tax Act, 1961; and (b) the resulting company is an Indian company. The reliefs which are available to a resulting company pursuant to a scheme of demerger have been discussed in detail in the subsequent paragraphs. Depreciation on assets transferred to resulting company Section 32(1) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, provides that in respect of depreciation of: (i) buildings, machinery, plant or furniture being tangible assets; (ii) know-how, patents, copyrights, trade marks, licences, franchises or any other business or commercial rights of similar nature, being intangible assets acquired on or after the 1st day of April, 1998; owned wholly or partly, by the assessee and used for the purposes of the business or profession, the following deductions shall be allowed: (i) in the case of assets of an undertaking engaged in generation or generation and distribution of power, such percentages on the actual cost thereof to the assessee as may be prescribed; (ii) in the case of any block of assets, such percentage on the written down value thereof as may be prescribed. The fifth proviso to clause (ii) of Section 32(1) of the the Income Tax Act, 1961, lays down that the aggregate deduction, in respect of depreciation of buildings, machinery, plant or furniture, being tangible assets or know-how, patents, copyrights, trade marks, licences, franchises or any other business or commercial rights of similar nature, being intangible assets allowable to the demerged company and the resulting company in the case of demerger, shall not exceed in any previous year the deduction calculated at the prescribed rates as if the demerger had not taken place, and such deduction shall be apportioned between the demerged company and the resulting company, in the ratio of the number of days for which the assets were used by them. Expenditure on acquisition of patent rights and copyrights According to Sub-section (7) of Section 35A of the Income-tax Act, 1961, where in a scheme of demerger, the demerged company sells or otherwise transfers the rights to the resulting company, being an Indian company: (i) the provisions of Sub-sections (3) and (4) of Section 35A shall not apply in the case of the demerged company; and (ii) the provisions of this section shall, as far as may be apply to the resulting company as they would have applied to the demerged company, if the latter had not sold or otherwise transferred the rights.
(ccclvii) Sub-section (3) lays down that where the rights either come to an end without being subsequently revived or are sold in their entirety and the proceeds of the sale, so far as they consist of capital sums, are less than the cost of acquisition thereof remaining unallowed, a deduction equal to such cost remaining unallowed, or, as the case may be, such cost remaining unallowed as reduced by the proceeds of the sale, shall be allowed in respect of the previous year in which the rights come to an end, or, as the case may be, are sold. Sub-section (4) lays down that where the whole or any part of the rights is sold and the proceeds of the sale, (so far as they consist of capital sums), exceed the amount of the cost of acquisition thereof remaining unallowed, so much of the excess as does not exceed the difference between the cost of acquisition of the rights and the amount of such cost remaining unallowed shall be chargeable to income-tax as income of the business of the previous year in which the whole or any part of the rights is sold. Explanation to this sub-section provides that where the whole or any part of the rights is sold in a previous year in which the business is no longer in existence, the provisions of this sub-section shall apply as if the business is in existence in the previous year. However, if such expenditure is incurred by the demerged company after 31.03.98, deduction under Section 35A is not allowed, as such expenditure will be eligible for depreciation. Expenditure on know-how As per Sub-section (3) of Section 35AB of the Income-tax Act, 1961, where there is a transfer of an undertaking under a scheme of demerger and the demerged company is entitled to a deduction under Section 35AB, then, the resulting company is entitled to claim deduction under this section in respect of such undertaking to the same extent and in respect of the residual period as it would have been allowable to the demerged company, had such demerger not taken place. Expenditure for obtaining licence to operate telecommunication services (Section 35ABB) As per Section 35ABB(1) of the Income-tax Act, 1961, in respect of any capital expenditure incurred by the assessee for acquiring any right to operate telecommunication services either before the commencement of business to operate telecommunication service or thereafter any time during any previous year and for which payment has actually been made to obtain a licence, a deduction will be allowed in equal installments over the period for which licence remains in force, subject to following conditions given in the section. Fee is paid before the commencement of business deduction is allowed for the previous years beginning with the previous year in which business commenced. Fee is paid after the commencement of business deduction shall be allowed for the previous year beginning with the previous year in which the license fee is actually paid. Sub-section (2) of Section 35ABB provides that where the licence is transferred and the proceeds of the transfer, so far as they consist of capital sums, are less than
(ccclviii) the expenditure incurred remaining unallowed, a deduction equal to such expenditure remaining unallowed, as reduced by the proceeds of the transfer, shall be allowed in respect of the previous year in which the licence is transferred. Sub-section (3) provides that where the whole or any part of the licence is transferred and the proceeds of the transfer, so far as they consist of capital sums, exceed the amount of the expenditure incurred remaining unallowed, so much of the excess as does not exceed the difference between the expenditure incurred to obtain the licence and the amount of such expenditure remaining unallowed shall be chargeable to income-tax as profits and gains of the business in the previous year in which the licence has been transferred. Sub-section (4) lays down that where the whole or any part of the licence is transferred and the proceeds of the transfer, so far as they consist of capital sums, are not less than the amount of the expenditure incurred remaining unallowed, no deduction for such expenditure shall be allowed under Sub-section (1) in respect of the previous year in which the licence is transferred or in respect of any subsequent previous year or years. According to Sub-section (7) of Section 35ABB of the Income-tax Act, 1961, where, in a scheme of demerger, the demerged company sells or otherwise transfers the licence to the resulting company (being an Indian company) (i) the provisions of Sub-sections (2), (3) and (4) will not apply in the case of the demerged company; and (ii) the provisions of Section 35ABB shall, as far as may be, apply to the resulting company as they would have applied to the demerged company if the latter had not transferred the licence. Amortisation of certain preliminary expenses Sub-section (5A) of Section 35D of the Income-tax Act, 1961, provides that where the undertaking of an Indian company which is entitled to the deduction under Sub-section (1) is transferred, before the expiry of the period specified in Sub-section (1), to another company in a scheme of demerger (i) no deduction shall be admissible under Sub-section (1) in the case of the demerged company for the previous year in which the demerger takes place; and (ii) the provisions of this section shall, as far as may be, apply to the resulting company, as they would have applied to the demerged company, if the demerger had not taken place. Sub-section (1) provides that where an assessee, being an Indian company or a person (other than a company) who is resident in India, incurs, after the 31st day of March, 1970, any expenditure specified in Sub-section (2), (i) before the commencement of his business, or (ii) after the commencement of his business, in connection with the extension of his industrial undertaking or in connection with his setting up a new industrial unit,
(ccclix) the assessee shall, in accordance with and subject to the provisions of this section, be allowed a deduction of an amount equal to one-tenth of such expenditure for each of the ten successive previous years beginning with the previous year in which the business commences or, as the case may be, the previous year in which the extension of the industrial undertaking is completed or the new industrial unit commences production or operation. Thus, where the undertaking of an Indian company which is entitled to deduction of preliminary expenses is transferred before the expiry of ten/five years, as the case may be, to another company, in a scheme of demerger, the preliminary expenses of such undertaking which are not yet written off will be allowed as a deduction to the resulting company in the same manner as would have been allowed to the demerged company. The demerged company will not be entitled to the deduction thereafter. Expenses allowed as preliminary expenses Sub-section (2) of Section 35D of the Income-tax Act, 1961, lays down that the expenditure referred to in Sub-section (1) shall be the expenditure specified in any one or more of the following clauses, namely: Expenditure in connection with (a) (i) preparation of feasibility report; (ii) preparation of project report; (iii) conducting market survey or any other survey necessary for the business of the assessee; (iv) engineering services relating to the business of the assessee; subject to the conditions prescribed in the proviso. (b) legal charges for drafting any agreement between the assessee and any other person for any purpose relating to the setting up or conduct of the business of the assessee; (c) where the assessee is a company, also expenditure (i) by way of legal charges for drafting the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the company; (ii) on printing of the Memorandum and Articles of Association; (iii) by way of fees for registering the company under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956; (iv) in connection with the issue, for public subscription, of shares in or debentures of the company, being underwriting commission, brokerage and charges for drafting, typing, printing and advertisement of the prospectus; (d) such other items of expenditure, not being expenditure eligible for any allowance or deduction under any other provision of this Act, as may be prescribed. As per Sub-section (3) where the aggregate amount of the expenditure referred to in Sub-section (2) (as shown above) exceeds an amount calculated at 2%. (a) of the cost of project; or
(ccclx) (b) where the assessee is an Indian company, at the option of the company of the capital employed of the company. The excess shall be ignored for the purpose of computing allowable deduction. However, where the aggregate amount of expenditure referred to above, is incurred after 31st March 1988, the provisions shall have effect as if for the words two and one-half percent, the words five per cent had been substituted. Amortisation of expenditure in case of demerger Section 35DD(1) of the Income-tax Act, 1961 provides that where an assessee, being an Indian company, incurs any expenditure on or after the 1st day of April, 1999, wholly and exclusively for the purposes of demerger of an undertaking, the assessee will be allowed a deduction of an amount equal to one-fifth of such expenditure for each of the five successive previous years beginning with the previous year in which the demerger takes place. According to Sub-section (2), no deduction will however, be allowed in respect of such expenditure under any other provisions of the Income Tax Act. Deduction for expenditure on prospecting etc. of certain minerals Sub-section (7A) of Section 35E of the Income-tax Act, 1961, provides that where the undertaking of an Indian company which is entitled to the deduction under Subsection (1) is transferred, before the expiry of the period of ten years specified in Subsection (1), to another Indian company in a scheme of demerger (i) no deduction shall be admissible under Sub-section (1) in the case of the demerged company for the previous year in which the demerger takes place; and (ii) the provisions of this section shall, as far as may be, apply to the resulting company, as they would have applied to the demerged company, if the demerger had not taken place. Sub-section (1) provides that where an assessee, being an Indian company, is engaged in any operations relating to prospecting for, or extraction or production of, any mineral and incurs after the 31st day of March, 1970, any expenditure specified in Sub-section (2), the assessee shall, in accordance with and subject to the provisions of this section, be allowed for each one of the relevant previous years a deduction of an amount equal to one-tenth of the amount of such expenditure. Sub-section (2) lays down that the expenditure referred to in Sub-section (1) incurred by the assessee after the date specified in that sub-section at any time during the year of commercial production and any one or more of the four years immediately preceding that year, wholly and exclusively on any operations relating to prospecting for any mineral or group of associated minerals specified in Part A or Part B, respectively, of the Seventh Schedule or on the development of a mine or other natural deposit of any such mineral or group of associated minerals. Thus, where the undertaking of an Indian company which is entitled to deduction on account of prospecting of minerals, is transferred before the expiry of the period of ten years to another company in a scheme of demerger, such expenditure of prospecting, etc. which is not yet written off is allowed as a deduction to the resulting
(ccclxi) company in the same manner as would have been allowed to the demerged company. The demerged company will not be entitled to the deduction thereafter. Resulting company as successor in business Clause (iv) of Explanation 2 to Sub-section (1) of Section 41 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 inserted by the Finance Act, 1999, with effect from 1st April, 2000, clarifies that where there has been a demerger, the resulting company is successor in business for the purpose of Sub-section (1) of Section 41. According to Section 41(1), where an allowance or deduction has been made in the assessment for any year in respect of loss, expenditure or trading liability incurred by successor in business and he has obtained, whether in cash or in any manner whatsoever (a) any amount in respect of which loss or expenditure was incurred by the predecessor; or (b) some benefit in respect of trading liability by way of remission or cessation thereof, the amount obtained by successor in business or the value of benefit occurring to him, shall be deemed to be income under the head profits and gains from business or profession of the successor of that previous year. Deduction in the case of business for prospecting etc. for mineral oil The proviso to Sub-section (2) of Section 42 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 substituted by the Finance Act, 1999, with effect from 1st April, 2000, provides that where in a scheme of demerger, the demerged company sells or otherwise transfers the business to the resulting company (being an Indian company), the provisions of Sub-section (2) with respect to deductions in the case of business for prospecting etc., for mineral oil (i) shall not apply in the case of the demerged company; and (ii) shall, as far as may be, apply to the resulting company as they would have applied to the demerged company if the latter had not transferred the business or interest in the business. Computation of actual cost to resulting company of capital assets transferred Explanation 7A to Sub-section (1) of Section 43 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, inserted by the Finance Act, 1999, with effect from 1st April, 2000, lays down that where, in a demerger, any capital asset is transferred by the demerged company to the resulting company and the resulting company is an Indian company, the actual cost of the transferred capital asset to the resulting company shall be taken to be the same as it would have been if the demerged company had continued to hold the capital asset for the purpose of its own business; However, such actual cost shall not exceed the written down value of such capital asset in the hands of the demerged company. Written down value of assets transferred to resulting company Explanations 2A and 2B to clause (ii) of Sub-section (6) of Section 43 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, which have been inserted by the Finance Act, 1999, with effect
(ccclxii) from 1st April, 2000, lays down as follows: Explanation 2A: Where in any previous year, any asset forming part of a block of assets if transferred by a demerged company to the resulting company, then, notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), the written down value of the block of assets of the demerged company for the immediately preceding previous year shall be reduced by the written down value of the assets transferred to the resulting company pursuant to the demerger. Explanation 2B: Where in a previous year, any asset forming part of a block of assets is transferred by a demerged company to the resulting company, then, notwithstanding anything contained in clause (1), the written down value of the block of assets in the case of the resulting company shall be the written down value of the transferred assets as appearing in the books of account of the demerged company immediately before the demerger. Carry forward and set off of loss and unabsorbed depreciation allowance The provisions relating to carrying forward and set off of accumulated loss and unabsorbed/depreciation allowance as provided under Section 72A are as under: Sub-section (4) lays down that notwithstanding anything contained in any other provisions of the Act, in the case of a demerger, the accumulated loss and the allowance for unabsorbed depreciation of the demerged company shall (a) where such loss or unabsorbed depreciation is directly relatable to the undertakings transferred to the resulting company, be allowed to be carried forward and set off in the hands of the resulting company; (b) where such loss or unabsorbed depreciation is not directly relatable to the undertakings transferred to the resulting company, be apportioned between the demerged company and the resulting company in the same proportion in which the assets of the undertakings have been retained by the demerged company and transferred to the resulting company, and be allowed to be carried forward and set off in the hands of the demerged company or the resulting company, as the case may be. Sub-section (5) lays down that the Central Government may, for the purpose of this Act, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify such conditions as it considers necessary to ensure that the demerger is for genuine business purposes. Sub-section (7) lays down that for the purposes of this section (a) accumulated loss means so much of the loss of the demerged company under the head Profits and gains of business or profession (not being loss sustained in a speculation business) which such demerged company would have been entitled to carry forward and set off under the provisions of Section 72 if the demerger had not taken place; Industrial undertaking means any undertaking which is engaged in: (i) the manufacture or processing of goods; or (ii) the manufacture of computer software; or
(ccclxiii) (iii) the business of generation or distribution of electricity or any other form of power; or (iiia) the business of providing telecommunication services, whether basic or cellular, including radio paging, domestic satellite service, network of trunking, broadband network and internet services; or (iv) mining; or (v) the construction of ships, aircrafts or rail systems. (b) unabsorbed depreciation means so much of the allowance for depreciation of the demerged company which remains to be allowed and which would have been allowed to the demerged company under the provisions of this Act, if the demerger had not taken place. Exemption from the provisions of Section 79 Sections 79 of the Income-tax Act, 1961 deals with the carry forward and set off of losses in case of certain companies. It provides that in case of a company, not being a company in which public are substantially interested, where a change in shareholding has taken place in a previous year, then no loss incurred in any year prior to the previous years shall be carried forward and set off against the income of the previous year unless on the last day of that previous year and on the last day of the previous year in which the loss was incurred, the shares of the company carrying not less than 51% of the voting power were beneficially held by the same persons. The second proviso to clause (a) of Section 79 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, inserted by the Finance Act, 1999, with effect from 1st April, 2000, lays down that nothing contained in Section 79 relating to carry forward and set off of losses in case of certain companies, shall apply to any change in the shareholding of an Indian company which is a subsidiary of a foreign company, as a result of demerger of a foreign company subject to the condition that fifty-one per cent shareholders of the demerged foreign company continue to be the shareholders of the resulting foreign company. Deduction in respect of profits and gains from industrial undertakings engaged in infrastructure development etc. The deduction under Section 80-IA is available to an assessee whose gross total income includes any profits and gains by Computation of Income for Deduction: For the purpose of computing the deduction at the specified percentage for the assessment year immediately succeeding the initial assessment year and any subsequent assessment year, the profits and gains will be computed as if such business were the only source of income of the assessee in all the assessment years for which the deduction at the specified percentage under this section is available. It means if the loss or any allowance (e.g., depreciation allowance) of such business is set-off against any other income in an earlier assessment year to find out the income of the current year for deduction under this section the loss so set-off shall be deducted from the current years income and on the balance so arrived, the deduction shall be computed.
(ccclxiv) Where goods held for the purpose of eligible business are transferred to any other business of the assessee, or vice-versa, such transfer is required to be done at the market value of such goods. If such goods are not transferred at market value on the date of transfer, then the profits and gains of such eligible business shall be recomputed as if transfer has been made at the market value of such goods, as on that date. If in the opinion of the Assessing Officer, such recomputation presents exceptional difficulties, the Assessing Officer may compute such profits and gains on such reasonable basis as he may deem fit. Market value here means the price that such goods would ordinarily fetch on sale in the open market. Where deduction to an industrial undertaking or an enterprise for profit and gains is allowed under this section for any assessment year, deduction to that extent shall not be allowed under any other provision of Chapter VIA under the heading deductions in respect of certain incomes. The deduction shall not exceed the profit and gains of such eligible business of industrial undertaking or enterprise. If the profit shown for the eligible business under this section, appears to the assessing officer as more than the ordinary profits which might be expected to arise in such eligible business, owing to some close connection with a person with whom business transactions are so arranged to yield higher profit, the assessing officer may take the amount of profits as may be reasonably derived therefrom. Where any undertaking of an Indian company which is entitled to deduction under this section is transferred, before the expiry of the period of tax holiday, to another Indian company in a scheme of amalgamation or demerger, then the deduction will be available as follows: (i) No deduction shall be admissible under this section to the amalgamating company/demerged company for the previous year in which amalgamation/ demerger takes place. (ii) The amalgamated company or resulting company will be entitled to claim deduction under this section for the unexpired period of tax holiday (including for the previous year in which the amalgamation/demerger takes place). The provisions of the section shall, as far as may be, apply to the amalgamated or resulting company as they would have applied to the amalgamating or demerged company as if the amalgamation or demerger had not taken place. Provided that in a case where an undertaking develops an industrial park on or after the 1st day of April, 1999 or a special economic zone on or after the 1st day of April, 2001 and transfers the operation and maintenance of such industrial park or such special economic zone, as the case may be, to another undertaking (hereafter in this section referred to as the transferee undertaking), the deduction under Subsection (1) shall be allowed to such transferee undertaking for the remaining period in the ten consecutive assessment years as if the operation and maintenance were not so transferred to the transferee undertaking.
(ccclxv) The provisions contained in this section shall not apply to any special economic notified on or after the 1st day of April, 2005 in accordance with the scheme referred to in sub-clause (iii) of clause (c) of Sub-section (4). According to Sub-section (12) of Section 80 IA of the Income-tax Act, 1961, where any undertaking of an Indian company which is entitled to the deduction under this section is transferred, before the expiry of the period specified in this section, to another Indian company in a scheme of demerger: (a) no deduction shall be admissible under this section to the demerged company for the previous year in which the demerger takes place; and (b) the provisions of this section shall, as far as may be, apply to the resulting company as they would have applied to the demerged company if the demerger had not taken place. From the assessment year (A.Y.) 2009-10, Section 12A has been inserted, whereby sub-section (12) shall apply to any enterprise or undertaking which is transferred in a scheme of amalgamation or demerger on or after 1.4.2007. Deduction in respect of profits and gains from industrial undertakings other than infrastructure development undertakings The deduction under Section 80-IB is available to an assessee whose gross total income includes any profits and gains derived from the business of an industrial undertaking situated in industrially backward state, including ship, a hotel, multiplex theatres convention centres, scientific and industrial, research and development, commercial production and rejoining of mineral oil, developing and building housing projects. According to Sub-section (12) of Section 80 IB of the Income-tax Act, 1961, where any undertaking of an Indian company which is entitled to the deduction under this section is transferred, before the expiry of the period specified in this section, to another Indian company in a scheme of demerger (a) no deduction shall be admissible under this section to the demerged company for the previous year in which the demerger takes place; and (b) the provisions of this section shall, as far as may be, apply to the resulting company as they would have applied to the demerged company if the demerger had not taken place. Tax on income from bonds or Global Depository Receipts purchased in foreign currency or capital gains arising from their transfer According to Sub-section (5) of Section 115AC of the Income-tax Act, 1961, where the assessee acquired Global Depository Receipts or bonds in a resulting company by virtue of his holding Global Depository Receipts or bonds in the demerged company, in accordance with the provisions of Sub-section (1), the provisions of the said subsection shall apply to such Global Depository Receipts or bonds. Sub-section (1) of the Section 115AC lays down that where the total income of an assessee, being a non-resident, includes (a) income by way of interest on bonds of an Indian company issued in accordance with such scheme as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify in this behalf, or on bonds of a
(ccclxvi) public sector company sold by the Government and purchased by him in foreign currency or (b) income by way of dividends, other than dividends referred to in Section 115O, on Global Depository Receipts issued in accordance with such scheme as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify in this behalf against the initial issue of shares of an Indian company and purchased by him in foreign currency through an approved intermediary or issued against the shares of a public sector company, sold by the Government and purchased by him in foreign currency through an approved intermediary or issued or re-issued in accordance with such scheme as the Central Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify in this behalf, against the existing shares of an Indian company purchased by him in foreign currency through an approved intermediary. (c) income by way of long-term capital gains arising from the transfer of bonds or, as the case may be Global Depository Receipts. The income-tax payable shall be the aggregate of (i) the amount of income-tax calculated on the income by way of interest or dividends other than dividends referred to in Section 115-O, as the case may be, in respect of bonds or Global Depository Receipts, if any, included in the total income, at the rate of ten per cent; (ii) the amount of income-tax calculated on the income by way of long-term capital gains, if any, at the rate of ten per cent; and (iii) the amount of income-tax with which the non-resident would have been chargeable had his total income been reduced by the amount of income referred to in clauses (a), (b) & (c). Benefit of Depreciation The fifth proviso to Sub-section (1) of Section 32 provides that benefit of depreciation on tangible and intangible assets available to the demerged company and the resulting company shall not exceed in the aggregate the amount of depreciation that would have been available if such a demerger had not taken place and such deduction shall be apportioned between the demerged company and the resulting company in the ratio of the number of days for which the assets were used by them. Miscellaneous Issues In respect of bad debts written off by the resulting company with respect to debts incurred by the demerged company, deduction will be allowed under Section 36(1)(vii). It was held in CIT v. T. Veerabhadra Rao, K. Koteshwar Rao & Co. (1985) 155 ITR 152 (SC) that the bad debts is a business relief and not a personal relief and the successor will be entitled to deduction. In terms of Section 41(4) which provides for taxing any sum recovered from a debtor which was earlier allowed as a bad debt, the resulting company may not be taxed if the debts that were written off by the demerged company are recovered by the resulting company. This is so because of the absence of any provision to tax the
(ccclxvii) successor of business in case of recovery of bad debts. 10. INDIAN SCENARIO WITH RESPECT TO DEMERGER AND RECONSTRUCTION The law relating to reconstruction through demerger or division or spin off or split is the same as it is with respect to reconstruction through amalgamation, merger, absorption, etc. Almost eighty per cent of the private sector companies in the country are family managed companies, where the heads of the family promote the companies by their ability, expertise, knowledge, experience and dedication. In some of these large groups, family partitions have taken place, the large companies have been split and the management has been handed over to the family members. Another type of split that has taken place is the hiving off or unrelated subsidiary activities of a company to specialise in a particular process or product line. Thus, ITC Ltd. divested its hotel divisions by incorporating a separate company. Also, demerger has been through restructuring of existing companies. Thus, the Tata group transferred their investments in TOMCO (Tata Oil Mills Co. Ltd.) under a scheme of arrangement with Hindustan Lever Ltd. The objective was to concentrate on their core competencies and exit from the consumer products such as soap, oil, etc. 11. REVERSE MERGER It must be understood at the outset that amalgamation and merger are corporate restructuring methods. Both the terms are synonymous. The procedure to be adopted for both is the same and the consequences of both are also the same. For achieving amalgamation as well as merger, an existing company (which is referred to as the amalgamating or merging or transferor company), under a scheme of amalgamation or merger, loses its own legal identity and is dissolved without being wound up and its assets, properties and liabilities are transferred to another existing company (which is referred to as the amalgamated or merged or transferee company). Generally, a loss making or less profit earning company merges with a company with track record, to obtain the benefits of economies of scale of production, marketing network, etc. This situation arises when the sick companys survival becomes more important for strategic reasons and to conserve the interest of community. In a reverse merger, a healthy company merges with a financially weak company. The main reason for this type of reverse merger is the tax savings under the Income-Tax Act, 1961. Section 72A ensures the tax relief, which becomes attractive for such reverse mergers, since the healthy and profitable company can take advantage of the carry forward losses/of the other company. The healthy units loses its name and surviving sick company retains its name. In the context of the Companies Act, 1956 there is no difference between a merger and a reverse merger. It is like any amalgamation. A reverse merger is carried out through the High Court route. However, where one of the merging companies is a sick industrial company in terms of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985, such merger has necessarily to be through the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR). On the reverse merger becoming effective, the name and objects of the sick company (merged company) may be changed to that of the healthy company.
(ccclxviii) To save the Government from social costs in terms of loss of production and employment and to relieve the Government of the uneconomical burden of taking over and running sick industrial units, Section 72A was introduced in Income Tax Act, 1961. Provisions relating to carry forward and set off of accumulated loss and unabsorbed depreciation allowance in amalgamation or demerger, etc. Section 72A of Income Tax Act, 1961 is meant to facilitate rejuvenation of sick industrial undertaking by merging with healthier industrial companies possessing incentives of tax savings, to benefit the general public through continued productivity, increased avenues for employment and revenue generation. The provisions of Section 72A relating to reverse merger are given hereunder. (1) Where there has been an amalgamation of a company owning an industrial undertaking or a ship or a hotel with another company or an amalgamation of a banking company referred to in clause (c) of Section 5 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949) with a specified bank, then, notwithstanding anything contained in any other provision of this Act, the accumulated loss and the unabsorbed depreciation of the amalgamating company shall be deemed to be the loss or, as the case may be, allowance for depreciation of the amalgamated company for the previous year in which the amalgamation was reflected, and other provisions of this Act relating to set off and carry forward of loss and allowance for depreciation shall apply accordingly. W.e.f. 1.4.2008 (A.Y. 2009-10): (1) Where there has been an amalgamation of (a) a company owning an industrial undertaking or a ship or a hotel with another company; or (b) a banking company referred to in clause (c) of Section 5 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 (10 of 1949) with a specified bank; or (c) one or more public sector company or companies engaged in the business of operation of aircraft with one or more public sector company or companies engaged in similar business, then, notwithstanding anything contained in any other provision of this Act, the accumulated loss and the unabsorbed depreciation of the amalgamating company shall be deemed to be the loss or, as the case may be, allowance for unabsorbed depreciation of the amalgamated company for the previous year in which the amalgamation was effected, and other provisions of this Act relating to set off and carry forward of loss and allowance for depreciation shall apply accordingly. (2) Notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (1), the accumulated loss shall not be set off or carried forward and the unabsorbed depreciation shall not be allowed in the assessment of the amalgamated company unless (a) the amalgamating company (i) has been engaged in the business, in which the accumulated loss occurred or depreciation remains unabsorbed, for three or more years;
(ccclxix) (ii) has held continuously as on the date of the amalgamation at least threefourths of the book value of fixed assets held by it two years prior to the date of amalgamation; (b) the amalgamated company (i) holds continuously for a minimum period of five years from the date of amalgamation at least three-fourths of the book value of fixed assets of the amalgamating company acquired in a scheme of amalgamation; (ii) continues the business of the amalgamating company for a minimum period of five years from the date of amalgamation; (iii) fulfils such other conditions as may be prescribed to ensure the revival of the business of the amalgamating company or to ensure that the amalgamation is for genuine business purpose. (3) In a case where any of the conditions laid down in Sub-section (2) are not complied with, the set off of loss or allowance of depreciation made in any previous year in the hands of the amalgamated company shall be deemed to be the income of the amalgamated company chargeable to tax for the year in which such conditions are not complied with. (4) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other provisions of this Act, in the case of a demerger, the accumulated loss and the allowance for unabsorbed depreciation of the demerged company shall (a) where such loss or unabsorbed depreciation is directly relatable to the undertakings transferred to the resulting company, be allowed to be carried forward and set off in the hands of the resulting company; (b) where such loss or unabsorbed depreciation is not directly relatable to the undertakings transferred to the resulting company, be apportioned between the demerged company and the resulting company in the same proportion in which the assets of the undertakings have been retained by the demerged company and transferred to the resulting company, and be allowed to be carried forward and set off in the hands of the demerged company or the resulting company, as the case may be. (5) The Central Government may, for the purposes of this Act, by notification in the Official Gazette, specify such conditions as it considers necessary to ensure that the demerger is for genuine business purposes. (6) Where there has been reorganization of business, whereby, a firm is succeeded by a company fulfilling the conditions laid down in clause (xiii) of Section 47 or a proprietary concern is succeeded by a company fulfilling the conditions laid down in clause (xiv) of Section 47, then, notwithstanding anything contained in any other provision of this Act, the accumulated loss and the unabsorbed depreciation of the predecessor firm or the proprietary concern, as the case may be, shall be deemed to be the loss or allowance for depreciation of the successor company for the purpose of previous year in which business reorganization was effected and other provisions of this Act relating to set off and carry forward of loss and allowance for depreciation shall apply accordingly: Provided that if any of the conditions laid down in the proviso to clause (xiii) or the proviso to clause (xiv) to Section 47 are not complied with, the set off of loss or
(ccclxx) allowance of depreciation made in any previous year in the hands of the successor company, shall be deemed to be the income of the company chargeable to tax in the year in which such conditions are not complied with. (7) For the purposes of this section, (a) accumulated loss means so much of the loss of the predecessor firm or the proprietary concern or the amalgamating company or the demerged company, as the case may be, under the head Profits and gains of business or profession (not being a loss sustained in a speculation business) which such predecessor firm or the proprietary concern or amalgamating company or demerged company, would have been entitled to carry forward and set off under the provisions of Section 72 if the reorganization of business or amalgamation or demerger had not taken place; (aa) industrial undertaking means any undertaking which is engaged in (i) the manufacture or processing of goods; or (ii) the manufacture of computer software; or (iii) the business of generation or distribution of electricity or any other form of power; or (iiia) the business of providing telecommunication services, whether basic or cellular, including radio paging, domestic satellite service, network of trunking, broadband network and internet services; or (iv) mining; or (v) the construction of ships, aircrafts or rail systems; (b) unabsorbed depreciation means so much of the allowance for depreciation of the predecessor firm or the proprietary concern or the amalgamating company or the demerged company, as the case may be, which remains to be allowed and which would have been allowed to the predecessor firm or the proprietary concern or amalgamating company or demerged company, as the case may be, under the provisions of this Act, if the reorganization of business or amalgamation or demerger had not taken place; (c) specified bank means the State Bank of India constituted under the State Bank of India Act, 1955 (23 of 1955) or a subsidiary bank as defined in the State Bank of India (Subsidiary Banks) Act, 1959 (38 of 1959) or a corresponding new bank constituted under Section 3 of the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1970 (5 of 1970) or under Section 3 of the Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings) Act, 1980 (40 of 1980). In the discussion that follows, reverse merger means reverse amalgamation and vice versa. SICA used the term amalgamation, which means merger also. Salient features of reverse mergers under Section 72A 1. Amalgamation should be between the companies and none of them should be a firm of partners or sole-proprietor. In other words, partnership firm or soleproprietary concerns cannot get the benefit of tax relief under Section 72A merger. 2. The companies entering into amalgamation should be engaged in either
(ccclxxi) industrial activity or shipping business or hotel with another company or banking business under Section 5(c) of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 or Public Sector Companies engaged in the business of operation of aircraft. In other words, the tax relief under Section 72A would not be made available to companies engaged in trading activities or services. 3. After amalgamation, the sick or financially unviable company shall survive and the other income generating company shall extinct. In other words, essential condition to be fulfilled is that the acquiring company will be able to revive or rehabilitate having consumed the healthy company. 4. One of the merger partner should be financially unviable and have accumulated losses to qualify for the merger and the other merger partner should be profit earning so that tax relief to the maximum extent could be had. In other words, the company which is financially unviable should be technically sound and feasible, commercially and economically viable but financially weak because of financial stringency or lack of financial resources or its liabilities have exceeded its assets and is on the brink of insolvency. The second requisite qualification associated with financial unviability is the accumulation of losses for past few years. 5. Amalgamation should be in the public interest i.e. it should not be against public policy, should not defeat the basic tenets of law, and must safeguard the interest of employees, consumers, customers, creditors and shareholders apart from the promoters of the company through the revival of the company. 6. The merger should result into the following benefits to the amalgamated (acquired/target) company i.e. (a) carry forward of accumulated business losses of the amalgamating company; (b) carry forward of unabsorbed depreciation of the amalgamating company and (c) accumulated loss would be allowed to be carried forward and set of for eight subsequent years under Section 72A of the Income-tax Act, from the A.Y. 2009-10, the accumulated loss or the case may be, allowance for unabsorbed depreciation of amalgamating company shall be deemed to be the loss or as the case may be, allowance for unabsorbed depreciation of the amalgamated company for the previous year in which the amalgamation was effected and other provisions of the Income Tax Act relating to set off and carry forward of loss and allowance for depreciation. 7. Accumulated loss should arise from Profits and Gains from business or profession and not be loss under the head Capital Gains or Speculation. 8. For qualifying carry forward loss, the provisions of Section 72 should not have been contravened. 9. Similarly for carry forward of unabsorbed depreciation the conditions of Section 32 should not have been violated. 10. Specified Authority has to be satisfied of the eligibility of the company for the relief under Section 72 of the Income-tax Act. It is only on the recommendation of the specified authority that Central Government may allow the relief. 11. The company should make an application to the specified authority for requisite recommendation of the case to the Central Government for granting or allowing the relief.
(ccclxxii) 12. Procedure for merger or amalgamation to be followed in such cases is the same as discussed above. Specified Authority makes recommendation after taking into consideration the courts direction on scheme of amalgamation. Concept of reverse merger in SICA Section 18 of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 (SICA) provides for the preparation and sanction of schemes of rehabilitation of sick industrial companies, which are registered with the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR). Sub-section (1) of Section 18 lays down that where an order is made under Section 17(3) in relation to any sick industrial company, the operating agency specified in the order shall prepare, as expeditiously as possible and ordinarily within ninety days from the date of such order, a scheme with respect to such company providing for specified measures. One of the measures, which is mentioned in clause (c) to Sub-section (1) of Section 18 reads as: The amalgamation of (i) the sick industrial company with any other company, or (ii) any other company with the sick industrial company (hereinafter in this section, in the case of sub-clause (i), the other company, and in the case of sub-clause (ii), the sick industrial company, referred to as transferee company). The concept is that while ordinarily a sick and economically weak company seeks the support and strength of a healthy and fit company by amalgamating itself with such a company. In a reverse merger, a healthy, strong and economically viable company amalgamates itself with a sick and economically weak company, thereby giving up its own identity to the sick company. Relevant extracts of certain other provisions, of the Act, which provide for amalgamation or merger or reverse merger are produced hereunder Section 18(2): The scheme may provide, inter alia, for the following: (i) Alteration of the memorandum or articles of association of the sick industrial company or the transferee company for the purpose of altering the capital structure thereof, or for such other purposes as may be necessary to give effect to the reconstruction or amalgamation. (ii) Any other terms and conditions for the reconstruction or amalgamation of the sick industrial company. (iii) Such incidental, consequential and supplemental matters as may be necessary to secure that the reconstruction or amalgamation or other measures mentioned in the scheme are fully and effectively carried out. Section 18(3)(a): The scheme prepared by the operating agency shall be examined by the BIFR and copies of the scheme with modifications, if any, made by BIFR, shall be sent to
(ccclxxiii) the sick industrial company, the operating agency and in case of amalgamation, also to any other company concerned and the BIFR shall also publish or caused to be published the draft scheme in brief in such daily newspapers as the BIFR may consider necessary for suggestions and objections if any, within the specified period. With the above amendments, for a reverse merger of a sick industrial company, the compliance under Section 72A of the Income tax Act, 1961 is not required. Similarly, once the reverse merger is approved by the BIFR, the procedures outlined in Sections 391 or 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 are not required to be followed. The BIFR can thus make distinctive provisions in a scheme of rehabilitation of a sick company through reverse merger. [The Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1965 (1 of 1986) is proposed to be repealed by virtue of Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Repeal Bill, 2001]. ANNEXURE 1 Specimen of Form No. 33 Summons for Directions to convene a meeting under Section 391 FORM NO. 33 (See Rule 67) In the High Court at............. [(or) In the District Court of.............] Original Jurisdiction In the matter of the Companies Act, 1956 AND In the matter of ABC Ltd. Company Application No........of 200... ...Applicant(s) Summons for Directions to Convene a Meeting under Section 391 Let all parties concerned attend the Judge in Chambers on....... day, the ........ day of........200..., at ..........oclock in the .......... noon on the hearing of an application of the above-named company (or of the applicant(s) above -named) for an order that a meeting (or separate meetings) be held at ........ of (here enter the creditors or class of creditors, e.g. debenture-holders, other secured creditors, unsecured creditors, etc. or the members or class of members, e.g. preference shareholders, equity shareholders, etc. of which class or classes, the meetings have to be held) of the above company, for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, approving, with or without modification, a scheme of compromise or arrangement proposed to be made between the company and the said (here mention the creditors or class of creditors or members, or the class of members) of the said company; And that directions may be given as to the method of convening, holding and conducting the said meeting(s) and as to the notices and advertisements to be issued.
(ccclxxiv) And that a chairman (or chairmen) may be appointed of the said meeting(s), who shall report the result thereof to the court. Advocate for the applicant(s) The affidavit of......will be used in support of the summons. Note: Where the company is not the applicant, the summons should be served on the company, or, where it is being wound up, on its liquidator. ANNEXURE 2 Specimen of Form No. 34, Affidavit in support of Summons FORM NO. 34 Under the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 (See Rule 67) In the High Court at........ [(or) In the District Court of.............] Original jurisdiction In the matter of the Companies Act, 1956 AND In the matter of ABC Ltd. Company Application No....... of 200.... ...Applicant(s) Affidavit in Support of Summons I,........of etc., solemnly affirm and say as follows: 1. I am the managing director/secretary/./director of the said company, (or an auditor of the said company, authorised by the directors to make this affidavit/or liquidator of the said company in liquidation). (Where the application is not by the company or its liquidator, but by a member or creditor the above paragraph should be suitably altered). 2. The company was incorporated on ....19.. The document now produced and shown to me is a printed copy of the memorandum and articles of association of the said company, and also contains copies of all the special resolutions which have been passed and are now in force. 3. The registered office of the company is situated at... 4. The capital of the company is Rs.....divided into..... (here set out the classes of shares issued and the amounts paid up on each share). 5. The objects of the company are set out in the memorandum of association annexed hereto. They are briefly (here set out the main objects in brief). 6. The company commenced the business of......(e.g..., manufacture of auto parts etc.) and has been carrying on the same, since..... Registrar
(ccclxxv) 7. (Here set out in separate paragraphs the circumstances that have necessitated the proposed compromise or arrangement, the objects sought to be achieved by it, the terms of the compromise or arrangement, and the effect, if any, of the compromise or arrangement, on the material interests of the directors, managing director, or the manager of the company and where the compromise or arrangement affects the interests of the debenture holders, its effect on the material interests of the trustees for the debenture holders. A copy of the proposed compromise or arrangement should be marked as an exhibit and annexed to the affidavit). 8. (Here set out the class of creditors or members with whom the compromise or arrangement is to be made; where the arrangement is between the company and its members, it should be stated whether any creditors or class of creditors are likely to be affected by it.) 9. It may be necessary that a meeting (or meetings) of the creditors or members (if the meeting is only to be of a class of creditors or a class of members, it should be so stated), should be called to consider and approve the proposed compromise or arrangement. 10. It is suggested that the meeting (or meetings) may be held at the premises of the registered office of the company or at such other place as may be determined by the court, and on such date(s) and at such time(s) as this court may direct; and that a chairman may be appointed for the meeting (or for each of the meetings) to be held. 11. It is suggested that notice of the proposed compromise or arrangement and of the meeting may be published once in (here set out the newspapers) and in such other manner as the court may direct. 12. It is prayed that necessary directions may be given as to the issue and publication of notices and the convening, holding and conducting of the meeting(s) proposed above. Solemnly affirmed, etc. Sd/- A.B. Before me Sd/Commissioner for Oaths ANNEXURE 3 Specimen of the courts order on Summons for direction in Form No. 35 FORM NO. 35 Under the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 (See Rule 69) In the High Court.... [(or) In the District Court of.............] Original jurisdiction
(ccclxxvi) In the matter of the Companies Act, 1956 and In the matter of ABC Ltd. Company Application No..of 200. ...Applicant(s) Before the Honble Mr. Justice Dated. Order on Summons for Directions Upon the application of the abovenamed company* [or, the applicant(s) above named] by summons dated the..... day of..... 200... upon hearing Shri........... advocate for the company [Or (where the company is not the applicant) upon hearing the advocate for the applicant(s) and the advocate of the company] and upon reading the affidavit of..... filed the...... day of....... 200... and the exhibits therein referred to (Exhibit...... being a copy of the proposed compromise or arrangement). IT IS ORDERED That a meeting (or, separate meetings as hereinafter set out) of (here set out the class or classes of creditors and/or members of whom the meeting or meetings have to be held), of the above company shall be convened and held at..... on..... day, of......200... at........ oclock on the..... noon for the purpose of considering and if thought fit, approving, with or without modifications, the compromise or arrangement proposed to be made between the said company and (here set out the class or classes of creditors or members, as the case may be) of the said company. (Note: If separate meetings of different classes of creditors and/or members are to be held, state the date, time and place of each of such meetings as fixed by the judge, in separate paragraphs). That at least 21 clear days before the day appointed for the meeting (or the first of the meetings), an advertisement convening the same and stating that copies of the said compromise or arrangement and of the statement required to be furnished pursuant to Section 393 and forms of proxy can be obtained free of charge at the registered office of the company or at the office of its advocate, be inserted once in the.... Gazette and once in each of (here set out the newspaper or newspapers). That, in addition, at least 21 clear days before the meeting (or the first of the meetings) to be held at aforesaid, a notice convening the said meeting at the place and time aforesaid, together with a copy of the said compromise or arrangement, a copy of the statement required to be sent under Section 393, and the prescribed form of proxy, shall be sent by pre-paid letter post under certificate of posting addressed to each of (here mention the class or classes of creditors or members whose meeting or meetings are to be held) at their respective registered or last known addresses. That the advocate for the company abovenamed do, within three days of this date file in court the form of the advertisement, the notice and the statement to accompany the notice and the same shall be settled by the Registrar of this Court. That Shri..... and failing him Shri..... shall be the chairman of the meeting to be
(ccclxxvii ) held on....... as aforesaid. That the chairman appointed for the meeting do issue the advertisement and send out the notices of the meeting(s) referred to above. That the quorum for the said meeting(s) shall be...... That voting by proxy be permitted, provided that a proxy in the prescribed form duly signed by the person entitled to attend and vote at the meeting, is filed with the company at its registered office at..... not later than 48 hours before the meeting. That the value of each member or creditor shall be in accordance with the books of the company and, where the entries in the books are disputed, the chairman shall determine the value for purpose of the meeting. And it is further ordered that the chairman do report to this court the result of the said meeting within..... days of the conclusion of the meeting, and the said report shall be verified by his affidavit. Dated this..... day of.....200 (By the court) Registrar
*Where the application is by a liquidator of the company substitute the words liquidator of the above company in liquidation for the word company wherever necessary. Note: Where separate meetings are to be held the provisions should be repeated in respect of each such meetings. Note: Where the court directs the company or its liquidator or any other person to issue the advertisement and notices, suitable alteration should be made. ANNEXURE 4 Specimen of notice of the meeting of members/creditors in Form No. 36 FORM NO. 36 (See Rule 73) In the High Court at.... Original jurisdiction In the matter of the Companies Act, 1956 AND In the matter of an application under Sections 391 (1), 393 and 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 AND In the matter of ABC Ltd..... Company Application No..... of 200.. ...Applicant(s) Notice convening meeting
(ccclxxvii i) To .. .. Take notice that by an order made on....(day), the..... day of.....200.., the Honble High Court at ....has directed that a meeting of (here mention the class of creditors or members of whom the meeting is to be held) of the company be held at...... on the....(day), of.....(month), 200..., at..... oclock for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, approving with or without modifications), the compromise or arrangement proposed to be made between the said company and (here mention the class of creditors or members with whom the compromise or arrangement is to be made) of the company. Take further notice that in pursuance of the said order, a meeting of (here mention the class of creditors or members of whom the meeting is to be held) of the company will be held at on.... day, the..... day of.... 200.., when you are requested to attend. Take further notice that you may attend and vote at the said meeting in person or by proxy, provided that a proxy in the prescribed form, duly signed by you is deposited at the registered office of the company at.... not later than 48 hours before the meeting. The court has appointed Shri ....... and failing him Shri..... to be the chairman of the said meeting. A copy each of the compromise or arrangement, the statement under Section 393 and a form of proxy is enclosed. Dated this... day of..... 200.... Chairman appointed for the meeting (or as the case may be) [Note: All alterations made in the form of the proxy should be initialled] ANNEXURE 5 Specimen of proxy in Form No. 37 FORM NO. 37 (See Rule 73) In the High Court at.... [(or) In the District Court of.............] Original jurisdiction In the matter of the Companies Act, 1956 AND In the matter of an application under Sections 391(1), 393 and 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 AND
(ccclxxix) In the matter of ABC Ltd..... Company Application No...... of 200... ...Applicant(s) Form of Proxy I, the undersigned (an unsecured creditor), of the above company hereby appoint C.D. of etc., and failing him X.Y. of etc., as my proxy, to act for me at the meeting of (unsecured creditors) to be held at....., on the..... day of..... 200... at...... oclock in the .....noon, for the purpose of considering and if thought fit, approving, with or without modification, a compromise proposed to be made between the said company and its [unsecured creditors] and at such meeting and any adjournment thereof, to vote, for me and in my name..... (here, if for, insert for; if against, insert against and in the latter case, strike out the words below after compromise or arrangement) the said compromise or arrangement either with or without modification as my proxy may approve. (Strike out what is not necessary) Dated this.... day of.....200.... Signature: Address: ANNEXURE 6 Specimen of Form No. 39 for result of the meeting(s) of members/creditors FORM NO. 39 (See Rule 78) In the High Court at ...... Original jurisdiction In the matter of the Companies Act, 1956 AND In the matter of an application under Section 391(1), 393 and 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 AND In the matter of ABC Ltd...... ......Applicant(s)
Company Application No...... of 200... Report by Chairman I, E.F., the person appointed by this Honble Court to act as chairman of the meeting of (the debenture holders or first debenture holders or second debenture holders or unsecured creditors or secured creditors or preference shareholders or equity shareholders) of the above-named company, summoned by notice served
(ccclxxx) individually upon them and by advertisement dated the..... day of.... 200...., and held on the..... day of..... 200.... at...... do hereby report to this Honble court as follows: 1. The said meeting was attended either personally or by proxy by (here state the number of creditors or the class of creditors or the number of members or the class of members, as the case may be, who attended the meeting) of the said company entitled together to..... (here mention the total value of the debts, or debentures, where the meeting was of creditors, and the total number and value of the shares, where the meeting was of members, of those who attended the meeting). 2. The compromise or arrangement was read out and explained by me to the meeting and the question submitted to the said meeting was whether the (here state the class of creditors, or members as the case may be) of the said company approved of the compromise or arrangement submitted to the meeting and agreed thereto. 3. The said meeting was unanimously of the opinion that the compromise or arrangement should be approved* and agreed to/or the result of the voting upon the said question was as follows: The undermetioned (here mention the class of creditors or members who attended the meeting) voted in favour of the proposed compromise or arrangement being adopted and carried into effect: Name of creditor (or member) 1. 2. 3. 4. etc. The undermentioned (here mention the class of creditors or members who attended the meeting) voted against the proposed compromise or arrangement being adopted and carried into effect: Name of creditor (or member) 1. 2. 3. 4. etc. Dated of....200... Sd/- EF Chairman Address Value of debts (or No. of preference or equity shares held) Number of votes Address Value of debts (or No. of preference or equity shares held) Number of votes
*If the compromise or arrangement was approved with modifications, it should be so stated and the
modifications made should be set out, and also the particulars of the voting on the modifications.
ANNEXURE 7 Specimen of Form No. 40, petition to court for sanctioning the scheme of compromise or arrangement FORM NO. 40 Under the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 (See Rule 79) In the High Court at...... [(or) In the District Court of.............] Original jurisdiction In the matter of the Companies Act, 1956 AND In the matter of ABC Ltd. Company Petition No.. of 200 connected with Company Application No..... of 200... ABC Ltd. (in liquidation, by its liquidator) ...... Petitioner Petition to sanction compromise or arrangement. The petition of ABC Ltd. the petitioner abovenamed is as follows: 1. The object of this petition is to obtain sanction of the court to a compromise or arrangement whereby (here set out the nature of the compromise or arrangement). 2. The company was incorporated under the..... Act....... with a nominal capital of Rs...... divided into...... shares of Rs...... each, of which.......shares were issued and Rs...... was paid up on each share issued. 3. The objects for which the company was formed are as set forth in the companys memorandum of association. They are in brief: (Set out the principal objects). 4. (Here set out the nature of the business carried on by the company its financial position and the circumstances that necessitated the compromise or arrangement and the benefits sought to be achieved by the compromise or arrangement and its effect). 5. The compromise or arrangement was in the following terms: (Here set out the terms of the compromise or arrangement). 6. By an order made in the above matter on.....200..., the petitioner was directed to convene a meeting of (here set out the class of creditors or members of whom the meeting was to be held) of the company for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving, with or without modifications, the said compromise or arrangement, and the said order directed that CD or failing him EF should act as Chairman of the said meeting and should report the result thereof to this court. 7. Notice of the meeting was sent individually to the (here mention the class of creditors or members to whom the notice was sent) as required by the order together with a copy of the compromise or arrangement and of the statement required by
(ccclxxxii ) Section 393 and a form of proxy. The notice of the meeting was also advertised as directed by the said order in (here set out the newspapers) 8. On the....200... a meeting of (here mention the class of creditors or members whose meeting was convened) of the company duly convened in accordance with the said order, was held at..... and the said EF acted as the chairman of the meeting. 9. The said EF has reported the result of the meeting to this Honble Court. 10. The said meeting was attended by (here set out the number of class of creditors of members, as the case may be, who attended the meeting either in person or by proxy), and the total value of their (here mention debts, debentures or shares, as the case may be), is Rs......(in the case of shares, the total number and value of the shares should be mentioned). The said compromise or arrangement was read and explained by the said EF to the meeting and it was resolved unanimously (or by a majority of..... votes against.... votes) as follows:(Here set out text of the resolution passed) 11. The sanctioning of the compromise or arrangement will be for the benefit of the company. 12. Notice of this petition need not be served on any person. The petitioner, therefore, prays: (1) That the said compromise or arrangement be sanctioned by the court so as to be binding on all the________ (here set out the class of creditors or members of the company on whom the compromise or arrangement is to be binding of the said company and on the said company. (2) Or such other order may be made in the premises as the court shall deem fit. Petitioner Verification, etc. [Note: The affidavit, in support should verify the petition and prove any matters not proved in any prior affidavit, such as advertisement, holding of meetings, posting of notices, copies of compromise or arrangement and proxies, etc., and should exhibit the report of the chairman and verify the same]. Note: If the company is being wound up, say so. Note: If any modifications were made in the compromise or arrangement at the meeting, they should be set out in a separate paragraph.
Companies have to downsize or contract their operation in certain circumstances such as when a division of the company is performing poorly or simply because it no longer fits into the companys plans or to give effect to rationalization. Demerger is defined as division or separation of different undertakings of a business functioning hitherto under a common umbrella.
(ccclxxxii i)
Demerger may take the shape of spin off, split off or split up. Demerger may be partial or complete. Demerger may be by agreement between promoters or under scheme of arrangement with approval by the court under section 391 or under voluntary winding up. Chapter covers in detail the procedure for demerger of a company. There are various tax incentives to demerged company, to shareholders of demerged company and to resulting company. In a reverse merger, a healthy company merges with a financially weak company. The chapter provides for salient features of reverse merger and the provisions of Section 72A of Income-tax Act,1961.
SELF-TEST QUESTIONS (These are meant for recapitulation only. Answers to these questions are not required to be submitted for evaluation). Define the term Demerger. Bring out its relevance as a tool of restructuring. What do you mean by demerged company and resulting company? Is demerger different from reconstruction in concept? If so, how? X Ltd. and Y Ltd. propose to effectuate a scheme of demerger. Assuming any of them as a loss making company, enumerate the steps to be taken in this respect. 5. Explain in brief the tax reliefs emerging in demerger to: (a) Shareholders; (b) Demerged company; (c) Resulting company. 6. What is the difference in treatment of capital gains on demerger in respect of a capital asset: (i) When the resulting company is an Indian company? (ii) When the resulting company is a foreign company? 1. 2. 3. 4.
Factors in Post Merger Reorganization. Integration of business and operation. Financial Accounting Taxation Aspects Post Merger Success and Valuation. Human and Cultural Aspects in mergers and acquisitions. Measuring Post-Merger Efficiency. Merger and Acquisition trends.
1. INTRODUCTION Mergers, amalgamations, acquisitions, takeovers or any other kind of business combinations are undertaken for the purpose of expansion or growth of a business. The fundamental economic rationale for a merger is that the value of the merged entity is expected to be greater than the sum of the independent values of the merging entities. However, there is more to such transactions than joining two legal entities or creating a new one. A merger can join two cultures, two sets of procedures and protocols, two sets of policies and change the employment environment and prospects of several hundreds of employees, who have been the bed rock of past successes and the key to future value. Timely integration of systems, applications and data provide the corporate information needed to achieve the post-merger objectives. The relevance of Post-merger organisation and integration cannot be overstated. Continuous appraisal and improvement are the basic elements in the success of a merger or an acquisition. Due to the complexity of numerous activities and occurrence of many unanticipated events, it is quite possible that the process gets off the track and results are not realized. In fact the main reason, why so many mergers either fail or fall short of expectations is a lack of adequate efforts to integrate the purchased company into the buyers existing operations. It should be realised that once the deal is put through, the real work has only begun. Often, the buying company underestimates as to how long it will take to get the two companies to act as one. Therefore, where importance is placed on whether it is a good idea to purchase a company and figure out the right price, it is equally essential to understand the target company with an eye to post-merger efforts. 358
(ccclxxxv ) Post-merger reorganisation is a wide term which encompasses the reorganisation of each and every aspect of the companys functional areas to achieve the objectives planned and aimed at. The parameters of post merger reorganisation are to be established by the management team of every amalgamating company differently depending upon its requirements, objectives of merger and management corporate policy. 2. FACTORS IN POST MERGER REORGANISATION 1. Gain or Loss to Stakeholders In mergers and acquisitions it largely depends upon the terms and conditions of the merger and the track record of the transferee or acquirer company. Based on the cardinal principle, every buyer, in other words transferee or acquirer has to pay more than the book value of the transferor or target company. However, the terms and conditions of the transaction depend upon their present operations and past historical records. Some instances of the effect of acquisitions to small shareholders worth mentioning are as under: 1. On the announcement of merger of ICICI Ltd. with ICICI Bank, share prices jumped from Rs. 47.70 and Rs. 77.00 on 25.9.2001 to Rs. 56.10 and Rs. 98.00 on 24.10.2001 respectively. 2. AV Birla group acquired 14.5% shares of Larsen & Toubro Ltd. (L&T) from Reliance Industries Ltd. at Rs. 309 per share. For increasing the stake up to 34.5% the Birla groups open offer at Rs. 190 per share is under protest by the Investors Grievances Forum and the Financial Institutions (FIs). The L&T script surged to close at Rs. 189 from Rs. 172 on 16.10.2002. FIs collectively hold over 36% shares in L&T. They demanded Rs. 340 per share. The open offer has been stayed and was under review by the SEBI on 18.10.2002. National Association of Small Investors (NASI) said that a section of Grasim shareholders will approach the Supreme Court asking the company to increase the offer price for acquisition of L&T to Rs. 350/- per share. As such, the small shareholders of L&T will be provided with an exit opportunity at a price higher than the ruling market price. 3. AV Birla group open offer for 25.5% shares in Indian Aluminium Ltd. (Indal) at Rs. 120/- per share opened on 14.10.2002 did not receive favourable response in view of Sterlites offer at Rs. 221/- per share made in 1998 against which the shareholders tendered their shares. There is a good chance for upward revision in the offer price or a strategic deal between Sterlite and AV Birla group. It may also be beneficial to the small shareholders. 4. The takeover by Mr. Arun Bajoria for Bombay Dyeing provided a golden opportunity to the small shareholders to exit at Rs. 110/- per share against the market price ruling between Rs. 60-75 per share. 5. The takeover bid by Mr. Abhishek Dalmia for the Gesco Corporation resulted in upward revision in offer price to Rs. 45/- after acquiring 45% shares at Rs. 27/- per share. The Dalmias sold their entire 10.5% stake at Rs. 54 per share to Sheth Mahiaha combine.
(ccclxxxv i) 6. The takeover bids for Ahmedabad Electricity Company (AEC) by Gujarat Torrent group and the Bombay Dyeing resulted in increasing the offer price from Rs. 65/- per share to Rs. 132/- per share and at this price Gujarat Torrent Group acquired AEC; undoubtedly, the small shareholders were benefited prior to acquisition of AEC. 7. Similarly, the takeover bid of Mr. Arun Bajoria for Ballarpur Industries resulted in a surge of the scrip price from around Rs. 50/- to Rs. 68/- when it was made public. From the above it is evidently clear that such acquisition attempts cause an increase in share price, which benefits the share holders of the target company. For the post acquisition or merger achievements, reorganisational efforts of the acquirer or merged company are very important. Improving the acquisition integration process is one of the most compelling challenge facing businesses today. The results are dependent on the actions suggested by the consultants and merchant bankers and the actions taken by the finance executives, operational heads, HRD head and legal advisors. 2. Implementation of Objectives We have so far discussed various objectives, motives, reasons and purposes which are to be achieved and accomplished by implementing them after completion of merger, amalgamation or acquisition. Much of the senior managements attention must be focused on developing a post-transaction strategy and integration plan that will generate the revenue enhancements and cost savings that initially prompted the merger or acquisition. After merger or acquisition, the resources of two or more companies should be put together for producing better results through savings in operating costs because of combined management of production, marketing, purchasing, resources etc. These economies are known as synergistic operative economies. Synergy is also possible in the areas of Research and Development function of the combined company for optimum utilization of technological development, which could not be taken up by the separate companies for want of resources. A key challenge in mergers and acquisitions is their effective implementation as there are chances that mergers and acquisitions may fail because of slow integration. The key is to formulate in advance integration plans that can effectively accomplish the goals of the M&A processes. Since time is money and competitors do not stand still, integration must not only be done well but also done expeditiously. To implement the objectives of mergers or acquisitions, there are various factors, which are required to be reorganized in the post merged or acquired company. Such factors can be grouped in the followed heads: (i) Legal Requirements Fulfilment of legal requirements in post-merger reorganisation of any amalgamating company becomes essential for an effective and successful venture. The quantum of such obligations will depend upon the size of company, debt structure and profile of its creditors, compliances under the corporate laws, controlling regulations, distribution channels and dealers network, suppliers relations, labour etc.
(ccclxxxv ii) In all or in some of these cases legal documentation would be involved. If foreign collaborators are involved, their existing agreements would need a mandatory documentation to protect their interests if their terms and conditions so require. Secured debenture holders and unsecured creditors would also seek legal protection to their rights with new or changed management of the amalgamating company. Regulatory bodies like the RBI, Stock Exchanges, the SEBI, etc. would also ensure adherence to their respective guidelines, regulations or directives. In this way, the legal counsel of the amalgamating company or its consultant would have to ensure that the company meets its legal obligations in all related and requisite areas. Issuing shares and other securities to the shareholders of the transferor company and preservation of the books and papers of that company are also the functions required to be carried out after merger. (ii) Combination of operations The amalgamating company has to consolidate the operations of the transferor companys operations with its own. This covers not only the production process, adoption of new technology and engineering requirements in the production process but also covers the entire technical aspects like technical know-how, project engineering, plant layout, schedule of implementation, product designs, plant and equipment, manpower requirements, work schedule, pollution control measures, etc. in the process leading to the final product. Integrating two different technological systems for complex business entities while continuing to run the business can be a massive challenge. It requires proper planning for phased transitions, extensive preparation and intensive testing. It is necessary to define workable implementation plans as to what needs to be integrated, when it should happen and how it can be done successfully. (iii) Top Management Changes The takeover or merger of one company with another affects the senior managerial personnel. A cohesive team is required both at the board level as well as at senior executive level. The reorganisation would involve induction of the directors of the transferor company on the Board of the amalgamating company, or induction of reputed and influential persons from outside who have expertise in directing and policy planning to broad base the Board for public image as well as smooth functioning of the company. Selection of directors, finalising their term of holding the office as directors, managerial compensation and other payments or reimbursements of expenses etc. are issues to be sorted out. At the senior executive level also, changes are required particularly in respect of compensation depending upon the terms and conditions of merger, amalgamation or takeover and to adjust in suitable positions the top executives of the amalgamated company to create a congenial environment and cohesive group leadership within the organisation. Understanding different cultures and where and how to integrate them properly is vital to the success of an acquisition or a merger. Important factors to be taken note of would include the mechanism of corporate control particularly encompassing delegation of power and power of control, responsibility towards accounting, management information system, to and fro communication channels, interdivisional and intra-divisional harmony and achieving optimum results through changes and motivation.
(ccclxxxv iii) (iv) Management of financial resources Takeover, merger, amalgamation or demergers facilitate the attainment of the main objectives of achieving growth of the companys operations. Growth is dependent upon the expansion, modernization or renovation or restructuring. Generally, the management plans in advance about the financial resources which would be available to the company to finance its post-merger plans. Such preplanning is based on certain assumptions which might change post-merger depending upon the volatility of a variety of factors involved. Therefore, it is important to revamp the financial resources of the company to ensure optimum utilisation of the financial resources available and the liquidity requirements. Better debtors realisation is also important as it improves financial resources and reduces finance costs. Even in those cases where merger is arranged by the BIFR for revival of a sick unit, the scheme would spell out the financing plans, terms of loans from financial institutions and banks, promoters contribution, etc. but sometimes on happening of certain uncontrollable events these financing plans have got to be verified, reviewed and changed depending upon the change in pre-planned technology adaptation, acceptance or deletion of foreign collaboration or participation, eliminating borrowings from institutions by going public for raising equity and vice-versa etc. (v) Financial Restructuring Financial restructuring becomes essential in post merger reorganisation. Financial restructuring is characterised by liquidity crisis, abnormal balance sheets and negative equity. The clean-up must happen fast. Replacement of costlier fundings by cheaper borrowings on a long and short term basis as per requirement is one of the several ways and means of financial restructuring for a company. This being an important aspect concerns most of the top management, creditors, bankers, shareholders, regulatory bodies like stock exchange, SEBI as well as the government where provisions of corporate laws are attracted and their permissions or approvals for planned changes are required. Generally, financial restructuring is done as per the scheme of arrangement, merger or amalgamation approved by the shareholders and creditors but in those cases where takeover or acquisition of an undertaking is made by one company of the other through acquiring financial stake by way of acquisition of shares, e.g. IPCL by RIL, reorganisation of financial structure would be a postmerger event which might compel the company to change its capital base, revalue its assets and reallocate reserves. Decisions have to be made regarding raising owners funds or resorting to borrowed funds as per debt bearing capacity of the company or going in for leasing options. These steps are taken in consultation with the financial consultant and auditors of the company. (vi) Rationalisation of Labour Cost Post merger reorganisation needs rationalisation of labour cost as it forms the primary factor of prime cost of any product and service. The combined labour force available to the transferee company is to be reviewed in accordance with the requirements of the combined operational functions. With technological upgradation, reduction in labour costs through providing on the job training, motivation, and labour cut by way of voluntary retirement schemes or otherwise forms part of post merger function. This will help in better productivity and higher return on capital employed.
(ccclxxxi x) The judgement of the Supreme Court of India announced on 30 August, 2002 on the petition of Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) has cleared a major hurdle to several Public Sector Undertakings (PSUs) which were not employing contract labour due to the fear of having to absorb them in regular jobs. The five judges Bench has relaxed contract labour laws for PSUs by quashing a 1976 notification and held that there will not be automatic absorption of contract labour. (vii) Production and marketing management With regard to the size of the company and its operational scale, its product mix should be adjusted during post-merger period. Management has to choose from various alternatives like adding or dropping out products. Decisions are taken on the basis of feasibility studies done by experts covering technoeconomic aspect, costbenefit analysis of production process, identification of market, customers and their preferences, fixing price of product with targeted mark-up, required rate of return and competitive strength. Decisions are generally taken on the recommendations covering economic analysis based on incremental reasoning, fine-perspective, opportunity cost, etc. Another aspect closely related to production is to improve productivity and cost-reduction without affecting product quality. This demands attention to the following aspects: 1. Efficiency of management 2. Degree of technological adaptation 3. Size of plant 4. Rate of output and utilisation of existing capacity of fixed assets 5. Productivity and quality of input factors including manpower and material management. The important economic tools which are used for cost reduction includes the following: (1) Short-run and long-run cost analysis techniques. (2) Break-even chart is also a tool which is used for adjusting fixed and variable cost to profit volume for desired cost reductions. (3) Inventory analysis. (4) Linear programming, a recent technique, used in cost reduction by taking into consideration the opportunity cost factor. (5) Reviewing input materials in view of substitutes made available and other options. (6) Technological improvements. To tone up production, it is also necessary that available resources are properly allocated for prudent and planned programme for utilisation of scarce and limited resources available to an enterprise so as to direct the production process to result into optimal production and operational efficiency. Resource allocation can be accomplished by a company using the following techniques: (a) Production function analysis with one or two or more variables; (b) Input output analysis; (c) Linear programming when there are more than two variables in the
(cccxc) production activity; (d) Examining the available options, substitutes and alternative processes. Revamping of marketing strategy becomes essential, which is accomplished on the basis of market surveys, and recommendation of marketing experts. Marketing surveys may cover both established as well as new products. Pricing policy also deserves attention for gaining competitive strength in the different market segments. Reorganisation of marketing network and rationalisation of marketing strategy is equally important. (viii) Corporate planning and control Corporate planning to a large extent is governed by the corporate policy. The managements attitude and promoters inclinations are amply reflected in the expressions directed towards achievement of corporate goals. Corporate policy prescribes guidelines that govern the decision making process and regulates the implementation of the decisions. Corporate planning is to be done in consonance with the corporate policy which might prescribe the broader frame within which activity is to be restricted, minimum returns to be obtained, optimal utilisation of financial, human and material resources is to be made, delegation and de-centralisation of authority is effected, corporate plan made and implemented, and plans and policies formulated prior to the merger or acquisition reviewed. Other factors to be considered may, inter alia, include the existing and prospective market segments, the product and production activity and the nature of demand. All these factors indicate the future of the concern and the commitments to be fulfilled. The company planning is associated with the management control so that deviations in the planned targets and achievements are recorded and their causes are traced out for remedial measures. In other words, control, as an activity of management, involves comparison of performance with predetermined standards, ascertaining causes for deviations and prescribing corrective action to reinforce the planned programme. In each area of corporate activities whether it is personnel management, material management, real estate management or financial management, planning is associated with control. Control techniques which are used by the corporate units would require changes from traditional to modern control techniques. The traditional control techniques include (1) Budgeting control; (2) Standard costing; (3) Financial ratios; (4) Internal audit, whereas the modern control techniques are: (1) Performance budgeting; (2) Zero Base Budgeting; (3) Programme Planning & Budgeting System (PPBS); (4) Programme Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and (5) Critical Path Method (CPM). All these techniques are now computer based for which softwares are easily available. Review of the control techniques could be better done if responsibility centres are defined. In an organisation there may be four responsibility centres viz. Revenue centres, expense centres, profit centres and investment centres. In revenue centres, the output is measured in monetary terms. These centres relate to marketing activities and sales budget focuses main attention on control systems. In expenses
(cccxci) centres, inputs are measured in monetary and quality terms. Profit centres which measure both input and output in terms of expenses and revenue respectively, are created when manufacturing and marketing is done by the same organisation. These decisions about management structure, key roles, reporting relationships, restructuring, etc. should be made, announced and implemented as soon as possible after the deal is signed. Creeping changes, uncertainty and anxiety that last for months are debilitating and start to drain value from an acquisition. It would be relevant to mention some of the leading common mistakes, made by the corporates, leading to pitfalls in mergers and acquisition: 1. Ego problems on both sides buyer and seller rear up very frequently and resulting clashes make bad situations worse. Trying to have two chiefs is a formula for disaster. 2. Attempt to hasten the integration between both the parties raises the likelihood of making serious errors. Sudden and radical changes such as relocating the companys entire production operations should be carefully considered before implementation. 3. Many buyers assert their ownership by moving quickly to convert the acquired company. This does not always work in the right direction. 4. A cautious approach should be applied to competitor end runs. While the company is focussed on integration, it furnishes an ideal time for competitors to make a run on the market. 5. Unless the acquired business is in the exact same field, different dynamics might apply. 6. One of the most common and damaging mistakes is to lay off crucial employees from the acquired company. This is a very complicated, delicate matter and even the seller might not have an accurate idea as job titles can be misleading. 3. INTEGRATION OF BUSINESSES AND OPERATIONS Recognizing the importance of mergers in the success of a company, it is important to discuss some critical aspects that should be taken into account in the integration stage of a M&A deal: Focus on people and their incentives: Innovation is not a mechanical process but depends on key employees and the incentive structure to which they are subject. These, which are perhaps the most important assets of the firm, are nonetheless not automatically part of the deal but need to be co-opted into it. Just maintaining the R&D budget will not necessarily do the trick. Subtle changes in the vision, leadership or organization of the newly-formed firm can have important effects on how potential innovators perceive the relevant costs and benefits. Integrate selectively: It may make sense to integrate the distribution operations of two employees.
(cccxcii) It hardly makes sense to integrate their creative units. Competition has to be maintained in the areas where innovation is more important and intense. The areas where the processes are more standardized and less human capital-intensive are in general more amenable to integration. Do not delay decisions and communicate clearly the new rules: As any other economic activity, the efforts put into innovation critically depend on the expected rewards. Delaying or ineffectively communicating the new rules of the game unnecessarily brings additional uncertainty into the process. Highly mobile human capital may well not be very patient. Suppressing competition with coordination and control may not be a win-win proposition after all. Constant innovation and adaptation is critical for the long-term survival of an organization. Without competition- the fear to fall behind there is not much rationale for constant re-invention. This fact must be taken into account in the way that the various parts of the new organization are integrated. 4. FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING This aspect has been discussed in detailed in Chapter 3 of this study. 5. TAXATION ASPECTS OF MERGERS AND AMALGAMATIONS Meaning of Amalgamation The word amalgamation or merger is not defined anywhere in the Companies Act, 1956. However Section 2(1B) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 defines amalgamation as follows: Amalgamation in relation to companies, means the merger of one or more companies with another company or the merger of two or more companies to form one company (the company or companies which so merge being referred to as amalgamating company or companies and the company with which they merge or which is formed as result of the merger, as the amalgamated company), in such a manner that (i) all the property of the amalgamating company or companies immediately before the amalgamation becomes the property of the amalgamated company by virtue of the amalgamation; (ii) all the liabilities of the amalgamating company or companies immediately before the amalgamation become the liabilities of the amalgamated company by virtue of the amalgamation; (iii) shareholders holding not less than three-fourth in value of the shares in the amalgamating company or companies (other than shares already held therein immediately before the amalgamation by or by a nominee for, the amalgamated company or it subsidiary) become shareholders of the amalgamated company by virtue of the amalgamation, otherwise than as a result of the acquisition of the property of one company by another company pursuant to the purchase of such property by the other company or as a result of the distribution of such property to the other company after the winding up of the first mentioned company.
(cccxciii) Thus, for a merger to qualify as an amalgamation for the purpose of the Income Tax Act, the above three conditions have to be satisfied. CARRY FORWARD AND SET UNABSORBED DEPRECIATION Section 72A of the Income Tax Act The Income Tax Act is referred when considering a proposal involving the merger of a sick industrial company with another company in order to reap the benefits of, inter alia, the facility for carrying forward and setting off of accumulated losses and unabsorbed depreciation. Industrial undertaking as given in Section 72A of the IT Act, means any undertaking, which is engaged in: (a) the manufacture or processing of goods; or (b) manufacture of computer software; or (c) the business of generation or distribution of electricity or any other form of power; or (d) the business of providing telecommunication services, whether basic or cellular, including radio paging, domestic satellite service, network of trunking, broad branding network and internet services; or (e) mining; or (f) the construction of ships, aircrafts or rail systems. In the case of any scheme under this Act, an amalgamation of a sick industrial company with another company, the provisions of Section 72A of the Income-Tax Act, 1961, shall, subject to the modification that the power of the Central Government under that section may be exercised by the BIFR without any recommendation by the specified authority referred to in that section, apply in relation to such amalgamation as they apply in relation to the amalgamation of a company owning an industrial undertaking with another company. Under Section 72A, a special provision is made which relaxes the provision relating to carrying forward and set off of accumulated business loss and unabsorbed depreciation allowance in certain cases of amalgamation. Where there has been an amalgamation of a company owning an industrial undertaking or a ship or a hotel with another company, or an amalgamation of a banking company referred to in clause (c) of Section 5 of the Banking Regulations Act, 1949 (10 of 1949) with a specified bank; or one or more public sector company or companies engaged in the business of operation of aircraft with one or more public sector company or companies engaged in similar business, then, notwithstanding anything contained in any other provision of this Act, the accumulated loss and the unabsorbed depreciation of the amalgamating company shall be deemed to be the loss or; as the case may be, allowance for depreciation of the amalgamated company for the previous year in which the amalgamation was effected, and other provisions of this Act relating to set-off and carry forward of loss and allowance for depreciation shall apply accordingly. Section 72A provides that the Central Government shall make the aforesaid declaration only if the following conditions are satisfied: OFF OF ACCUMULATED LOSS AND
(cccxciv) (i) The amalgamating company was not, immediately before such amalgamation, financially viable by reason of its liabilities, losses and other relevant factors. (ii) The amalgamation was in the public interest. (iii) Such other conditions as the Central Government may notify to ensure that the benefit under Section 72A is restricted to amalgamation which could facilitate the rehabilitation or revival of the business of the amalgamating company. The Central Government has issued guidelines for approval of amalgamations under Section 72A of the Income-Tax Act, 1961. Under Section 72A, a special provision is made which relaxes the provisions relating to carrying forward and set off of accumulated business loss and unabsorbed depreciation allowance in certain cases of amalgamation. Where there has been an amalgamation of a company owning an industrial undertaking or a ship with another company, then, notwithstanding anything contained in any other provision of the Act, the accumulated loss and the unabsorbed depreciation of the amalgamating company shall be deemed to be the loss or, as the case may be, allowance for depreciation of the amalgamated company for the previous year in which the amalgamation was effected, and other provisions of this Act relating to set-off and carry forward of loss and allowance for depreciation shall apply accordingly. It is to be noted that as unabsorbed losses of the amalgamating company are deemed to be the losses for the previous year in which the amalgamation was effected, the amalgamated company will have right to carry forward the loss for a period of eight assessment years immediately succeeding the assessment year relevant to the previous year in which the amalgamation was effected. However, the above relaxations shall not be allowed in the assessment of the amalgamated company unless the amalgamated company (i) holds continuously for a minimum period of five years from the date of amalgamation at least three-fourths in the book value of fixed assets of amalgamating company acquired in a scheme of amalgamation. (ii) continues the business of the amalgamating company for a minimum period of five years from the date of amalgamation. (iii) fulfills such other conditions as may be prescribed to ensure the revival of the business of the amalgamating company or to ensure that the amalgamation is for genuine business purpose. It further provides that in case where any of the above conditions are not complied with, the set off of loss or allowance of depreciation made in any previous year in the hands of the amalgamated company shall be deemed to be the income of amalgamated company chargeable to tax for the year in which such conditions are not complied with. For the purposes of these provisions accumulated loss means so much of the loss of the amalgamating company under the head Profits and gains of business or
(cccxcv) profession (not being a loss sustained in a speculation business) which amalgamating company would have been entitled to carry forward and set off under these provisions if the amalgamation had not taken place. Similarly, unabsorbed depreciation means so much of the allowance for depreciation of the amalgamating company which remains to be allowed and which would have been allowed to the amalgamating company under the provisions of this Act, if the amalgamation had not taken place. Capital Gains Tax Capital gains tax is leviable if there arises capital gain due to transfer of capital assets. The word transfer under Section 2(47) of the Act includes the sale, exchange or relinquishment of the asset or the extinguishment of any right therein or the compulsory acquisition there of under any law. Under Section 47(vi) and (vii), transfer does not include any transfer in a scheme of amalgamation of a capital asset by the amalgamating company to the amalgamated company if the latter is an Indian company. From the assessment year 1993-94 any transfer of shares in an Indian company held by a foreign company to another foreign company in pursuance of a scheme of amalgamation between the two foreign companies will not be regarded as transfer for the purpose of levying tax on capital gains. This provision will apply only if at least twenty five percent of the shareholders of the amalgamating foreign company continue to remain shareholders of the amalgamated foreign company and such transfer does not attract tax on capital gains in the country in which the amalgamating company is incorporated. Further, the term transfer also does not include any transfer by a shareholder in a scheme of amalgamation of a capital asset being a share or shares held by him in the amalgamating company if the transfer is made in consideration of the allotment to him of any share or shares in the amalgamated company and the amalgamated company is an Indian company. Even in the absence of Section 47(vii) of the Act, a shareholder is not liable to pay any capital gains tax since an amalgamation does not include exchange or relinquishment of the assets. Amalgamation does not involve an exchange or relinquishment of shares by amalgamating company as held in CIT v. Rasik Lal Manek Lal (1975)95 ITR 656). However, no benefit will be available under Section 47 (vii) if the shareholders of amalgamating company are allotted something more than share in the amalgamated company viz. Bonds or debentures (CIT v. Gautam Sarabhai Trust (1988) 173 ITR 216 (Guj.). Amortisation of Preliminary Expenses The benefit of amortisation of preliminary expenses under Section 35D are ordinarily available only to the assessee who incurred the expenditure. However, the benefit will not be lost in case of the undertaking of an Indian company which is entitled to amortisation is transferred to another Indian company in a scheme of amalgamation within 10 years/5 years period of amortisation. In that event the deduction in respect of previous year in which the amalgamation takes place and the following previous year within the 10 years/5 years period will be allowed to the amalgamated company and not to the amalgamating company. Capital Expenditure on Scientific Research
(cccxcvi) In the case of an amalgamation, if the amalgamating company transfers to the amalgamated company, which is an Indian company, any asset representing capital expenditure on scientific research, provisions of Section 35 would apply to the amalgamated company as they would have applied to amalgamating company if the latter had not transferred the asset. Expenditure on Acquisition of Patent Right or Copyright Where the assessee has purchased patent right or copyrights he is entitled to a deduction under Section 35A for a period of 14 years in equal instalments. The amalgamated company gets the right to claim the unexpired instalments as a deduction from its total income. The deduction under this section is however available for expenditure incurred st before 1 April, 1998 only. Expenditure on Amalgamation Section 35DD provides that where an assessee being an Indian company incurs st any expenditure, on or after the 1 day of April, 1999, wholly and exclusively for the purposes of amalgamation, the assessee shall be allowed a deduction of an amount equal to one-fifth of such expenditure for each of the five successive previous years beginning with the previous year in which the amalgamation takes place. Expenditure on Know-how Section 35AB(3) of the Income-Tax Act provides that where there is a transfer of an undertaking under a scheme of amalgamation and the amalgamating company is entitled to a deduction for expenditure incurred in acquiring know-how, then the amalgamated company shall be entitled to claim deduction under this section in respect of such undertaking to the same extent and in respect of the residual period as it would have been allowable to the amalgamating company, had such amalgamation not taken place. The deduction under this section is however available for any lump sum consideration paid in any previous year relevant to the assessment year commencing on or before 1.4.98. Expenditure for obtaining Licence to Operate Telecommunication Services (Section 35ABB) The provisions of the Section 35ABB of the Income Tax Act relating to deduction of expenditure, incurred for obtaining licence to operate telecommunication services shall, as far as may be, apply to the amalgamated company as they would have applied to the amalgamating company if the latter had not transferred the licence. TAX ASPECTS ON SLUMP SALE Section 293 of the Companies Act empowers the Board of Directors of a company, after obtaining the consent of the company in general meeting to sell lease or otherwise dispose off the whole or substantially the whole of the undertaking(s) of a company. The transaction in this case, is normally of either of the following type:
(cccxcvii) (a) Sale of a running concern. (b) Sale of a concern which is being wound up. Sale of a Running Concern This type of sale as a going concern provides for the continuation of the running of the undertaking without any interruption. But there is always a problem of fixing a value in the case of a running concern for all tangible and intangible assets including fixing a value for the infrastructure and other environmental facilities available. In view of all this, the seller normally fixes a lump sum price called slump price. The noun slump means a gross amount, a lump. Similarly, slump sum means a lump sum [Chambers Twentieth Century Dictionary, 1983 Edn., p 1220). A slump sale transaction would, therefore, mean a sale or a transaction which has a lump sum price for consideration. Sale in the Course of Winding up On the other hand a sale in the course of winding up, is nothing but a realisation sale aimed at collecting the maximum price for distributing to the creditors and the balance to the contributories (the shareholders). By the very nature of the transaction, this is a piece meal sale and not a slump sale. In this case, there will be liability to tax as per the provisions of the Income-Tax Act. Slump sale as defined under Section 2(42C) of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 means the transfer of one or more undertaking as a result of the sale for a lump sum consideration without values being assigned to the individual assets and liabilities in such sales. In other words, it is a sale where the assessee transfers one or more undertaking as a whole including all the assets and liabilities as a going concern. The consideration is fixed for the whole undertaking and received by the transferor. It is not fixed for each of the asset of the undertaking. The assessee may also transfer a division instead of the undertaking as a whole by way of such sale. Thus it may be noted that the undertaking as a whole or the division transferred shall be a capital asset. Normally, any sale of a capital asset will give rise to a capital receipt and any profit derived may give rise to capital gains in certain cases. This is true in the case of sale of an undertaking also. In Doughty v. Commissioner of Taxes, the Privy Council laid down the following principles: The sale of a whole concern engaged in production process. e.g. dairy farming or sheep rearing, does not give rise to a revenue profit. The same might be said of a manufacturing business which is sold with the lease holds and plant, even if there are added to the sale piece goods in stock and even if these piece goods form a very substantial part of the aggregate sold. Where, however, business consists entirely in buying and selling, it is difficult to distinguish for income tax purpose between an ordinary and realisation sale, the object in either case being to dispose of the goods at a profit. The fact that the stock is sold out in one sale does not render the profit obtained any different in kind from the profit obtained by a series of gradual and smaller sales. In the case of such a realisation sale, if there is an item which can be traced as representing the stock-in-trade, though it is in conjunction with the sale of the whole concern and a transfer of all the assets for a single unapportioned
(cccxcviii ) consideration, there cannot be said to be any revenue profit realised on the sale of the stock-in-trade which is sold with all the other assets, although the business of the concern may consist entirely in buying and selling. The Supreme Court, based on the above decision held in the following two cases that the price received on the sale of industrial undertaking is a capital receipt. CIT v. West Coast Chemicals and Industries Ltd. 46 ITR 135 Where a slump price is paid and no portion is attributable to the stock-in-trade, it may not be possible to say that there is a profit other than what results from the appreciation of capital. The essence of the matter, however, is not that an extra amount has been gained by the selling out or the exchange but whether it can fairly be said that there was trading from which alone profit can arise in business. CIT v. Mugneeran Bangur and Co. 57 ITR 299 In the case of a concern carrying on the business of buying land, developing it and then selling it, it is easy to distinguish a realisation sale from an ordinary sale, and it is very difficult to attribute part of the slump price to the cost of land sold in the realisation sale. The mere fact that in the schedule the price of land was stated does not lead to the conclusion that part of the slump price is necessarily attributable to the land sold. The same view was also reiterated by the Gujarat High Court in the following cases: 1. Sarabhai M. Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. v. P.M. Mittal, Competent Authority 126 ITR 1. 2. Artex Manufacturing Co. v. CIT 131 ITR 559. At the same time, the Gujarat High Court also recognised that when an undertaking as a whole is sold as a going concern there will be liability under the head Capital Gains. In 126 ITR 1 the Gujarat High Court stated as follows: It is well settled that business is property and the undertaking of a business is a capital assets of the owner of the undertaking. When an undertaking as a whole is transferred as a going concern together with its goodwill and all other assets, what is sold is not the individual itemised property but what is sold is the capital asset consisting of the business of the undertaking and any tax that can be attracted to such a transaction for a slump price at book value would be merely capital gains tax and nothing else but capital gains tax. Plant or machinery or any fixture or furniture is not being sold as such. What is sold is the business of undertaking for a slump price. If the capital assets, namely, the business of the undertaking, has a greater value than its original cost of acquisition, then, capital gains may be attracted in the ordinary case of a sale of an undertaking. The Bombay High court also recognised that there will be a capital gains tax when a sale of business as a whole occurs (Refer Killic Nixon and Co. v. CIT 49 ITR 244). Transfer of shares by shareholders of amalgamated company The term transfer has been defined in Section 2(47) of the Income-Tax Act, 1961. The given definition is not exhaustive but inclusive. It hints at sale, exchange, relinquishment of an asset, extinguishment of any right therein, compulsory acquisition thereof etc. Therefore, other modes of transfer as are understood in
(cccxcix) particular contexts or in their ordinary sense are also liable to capital gain subject to the other conditions regarding taxability under the head Capital gains. However, Section 47 of the Income-Tax Act, 1961 contains a large number of transactions which are not regarded as transfer for the purpose of taxability under the head Capital gains. Sub-section (vii) of Section 47 specifically exempts from taxability of any transfer by a shareholder, in a scheme of amalgamation, of a capital asset being a share or shares held by him in the amalgamating company, if (a) the transfer is made in consideration of the allotment to him of any share or shares in the amalgamated company, and (b) the amalgamated company is an Indian company. No exchange or relinquishment involved It has been held in CIT v. Rasiklal Maneklal (HUF) (1989) 177 ITR 198 (SC) that in the event of amalgamation of companies, transfer of shares by the shareholders of the amalgamating company and allotment of shares in their names by the amalgamated company does not involve exchange or relinquishment. Guidelines for amalgamation under SICA The Central Government has issued guidelines for approval of amalgamations under Section 72A of the Income-Tax Act, 1961. The same are briefly discussed below: 1. Considerations of determining financial non-viability (i) Losses incurred during each of the three years preceding amalgamation. (ii) Accumulated losses on the date of amalgamation as compared to the paidup capital and reserves and surpluses. (iii) Repayment of term loan and interest thereon during three years preceding amalgamation. (iv) Status of cash credit and excess drawings, if any, during three years preceding amalgamation. (v) Extent and nature of liabilities in relation to the value and composition of assets on the date of amalgamation. (vi) Projected future profits in case of undertakings which have commenced production during five years preceding amalgamation. 2. Public interest While taking a view on public interest to be served by amalgamation, the following should be considered: (i) Amalgamation in the context of industrial policy in general, and in particular, policy for industry to which the sick unit belongs. (ii) Basic viability of the sick unit.
(cd) (iii) Need for tax benefit for revival of the sick unit. (iv) How effectively the resources generated through tax benefit under Section 72 A of the Income-Tax Act, as supplemented by other resources that may be required, are made available by the amalgamated company for revival of the business of the amalgamating companys undertaking. (v) How quickly and effectively the undertaking of the amalgamating company is proposed to be revived. (vi) Nature of the product manufactured by the sick unit. (vii) Employment given by the sick unit. (viii) Location of the sick unit. (ix) Consequences of closure of the sick unit on the industry, ancillary linkages, if any, employment in the region and creditors. 3. Identifying the causes of sickness The amalgamated company should identify the real causes of non-viability of the amalgamating companys undertaking and formulate a satisfactory programme for the rehabilitation and revival of the business of the undertaking, taking into account, inter alia, protection of the interests of the worker employed by the amalgamating company. The revival and rehabilitation scheme should effectively deal with each of the causes of sickness. Moreover, the amalgamated company should have necessary managerial and financial resources to execute the rehabilitation and revival scheme. 4. Rehabilitation in the existing product-lines. Rehabilitation should normally be without any modification of business and as per the existing product-line and industrial licence held by the amalgamating company or with such diversification, or backward or forward product integration, as will not require a new industrial licence. Diversification to unconnected fields may be considered only in special cases where BIFR is satisfied that there is no reasonable scope for revival of the undertaking with its present product-line and that such diversification shall be necessary for restoration of financial viability of the undertaking provided the amalgamating company has already obtained industrial licence for production of such new items, or industrial licence is not required for manufacture of such items. 5. Identification of resources Revival and rehabilitation scheme should clearly identify the resources monetary, managerial technical or marketing along with the following details: (i) Additional fixed assets formation for renovation, modernisation, replacement or expansion of plant and machinery. (ii) Margin money for provision of adequate working capital taking into account the projects, production and sales turnover of the undertaking. (iii) Repayment of all such loans and liabilities which had become due for
(cdi) payment on the date of amalgamation but had been defaulted, including statutory dues. 6. POST MERGER SUCCESS AND VALUATION Every merger is not successful. The factors which are required to measure the success of any merger are briefly discussed below. 1. The earning performance of the merged company can be measured by return on total assets and return on net worth. It has been found that the probability of success or failure in economic benefits was very high among concentric mergers. Simple vertical and horizontal mergers were found successful whereas the performance of concentric mergers was in between these two extremes i.e. failure and success. 2. Whether the merged company yields larger net profit than before, or a higher return on total funds employed or the merged company is able to sustain the increase in earnings. 3. The capitalisation of the merged company determines its success or failure. Similarly, dividend rate and payouts also determines its success or failure. 4. Whether merged company is creating a larger business organisation which survives and provides a basis for growth. 5. Comparison of the performance of the merged company with the performance of similar sized company in the same business in respect of (I) Sales, (ii) assets, (iii) net profit, (iv) earning per share and (v) market price of share. In general, growth in profit, dividend payouts, companys history, increase in size provides base for future growth and are also the factors which help in determining the success or failure of a merged company. 6. Fair market value is one of the valuation criteria for measuring the success of post merger company. Fair market value is understood as the value in the hands between a willing buyer and willing seller, each having reasonable knowledge of all pertinent facts and neither being under pressure or compulsion to buy or sell. Such valuation is generally made in pre merger cases. 7. In valuing the whole enterprise, one must seek financial data of comparable companies in order to determine ratios that can be used to give an indication of the company position. The data is analyzed to estimate reasonable future earnings for the subject company. The following information must be made available and analyzed for postmerger valuation: (i) All year-end balance sheets and income statements, preferably audited, for a period of five years and the remaining period upto the valuation date.
(cdii) (ii) All accounting control information relating to the inventory, sales, cost, and profit contribution by product line or other segment; property cost and depreciation records; executives and managerial compensation; and corporate structure. (iii) All records of patents, trademarks, contracts, or other agreements. (iv) A history of the company, including all subsidiaries. Analysis of these items provides data upon which forecasts of earnings, cash flow, etc. can be made. 8. Gains to shareholders have so far been measured in terms of increase or decrease in share prices of the merged company. However, share prices are influenced by many factors other than the performance results of a company. Hence, this cannot be taken in isolation as a single factor to measure the success or failure of a merged company. 9. In some mergers there is not only increase in the size of the merged or amalgamated company in regard to capital base and market segments but also in its sources and resources which enable it to optimize its end earnings. 10. In addition to the above factors, a more specific consideration is required to be given to factors like improved debtors realisation, reduction in nonperforming assets, improvement due to economies of large scale production and application of superior management in sources and resources available relating to finance, labour and materials. 7. HUMAN AND CULTURAL ASPECTS The merger is a period of great uncertainty for the employees of the merging organizations. The uncertainty relates to job security and status within the company leading to fear and hence low morale among the employees. It is natural for employees to fear the loss of their revenue or change in their status within the company after a merger since many of these employees literally invest their whole lives in their jobs. Hence the possibility of a change in their position is likely to be viewed with fear and resentment. The possibility of a change in compensation and benefits also creates a feeling of insecurity and unease. The influx of new employees into the organisation can create a sense of invasion at times and ultimately leads to resentment. Further, the general chaos which follows any merger results in disorientation amongst employees due to ill defined role and responsibilities. This further leads to frustrations resulting into poor performance and low productivity since strategic and financial advantage is generally a motive for any merger. Top executives very often fail to give attention to the human aspects of mergers by neglecting to manage the partnership in human terms. By failing to give attention to the problems faced by their employees, they fail to fully develop their companies collaborative advantage. In such cases what is normally forgotten is the centrality of cultural integration. The issues of cultural integration and the issues of human behaviour need to be addressed simultaneously if not well before the issues of financial and legal integration are considered. Implementation of structural nature may be financially and legally successful. But if cultural issues are ignored, the success may only be transient. Culture of an organisation means the sum total of things the people do and
(cdiii) the things the people do not do. Behavioral patterns get set because of the culture. These patterns create mental blocks for the people in the organization. Pre-merger survey and summarization of varying cultures of different companies merging, needs to be carried out. People belonging to the each defined culture need to be acquainted with other cultures of other merging companies. They need to be mentally prepared to adopt the good points of other cultures and shed the blockades of their own cultures. Such an open approach will make the fusion of cultures and ethos easy and effective. The successful merger demands that strategic planners are sensitive to the human issues of the organizations. For the purpose, following checks have to be made constantly to ensure that: sensitive areas of the company are pinpointed and personnel in these sections carefully monitored; serious efforts are made to retain key people; a replacement policy is ready to cope with inevitable personnel loss; records are kept of everyone who leaves, when, why and to where; employees are informed of what is going on, even bad news is systematically delivered. Uncertainty is more dangerous than the clear, logical presentation of unpleasant facts; training department is fully geared to provide short, medium and long term training strategy for both production and managerial staff; likely union reaction be assessed in advance; estimate cost of redundancy payments, early pensions and the like assets; comprehensive policies and procedures be maintained up for employee related issues such as office procedures, new reporting, compensation, recruitment and selection, performance, termination, disciplinary action etc.; new policies to be clearly communicated to the employees specially employees at the level of managers, supervisors and line manager to be briefed about the new responsibilities of those reporting to them; family gatherings and picnics be organized for the employees and their families of merging companies during the transition period to allow them to get off their inhibitions and breed familiarity. The classic examples of effective human resource management is the acquisition of Wellcome group by Glaxo. Wellcome and Glaxo were profoundly different companies, both structurally as well as culturally. Wellcome was more of an academic culture and Glaxo more of a commercial, business driven culture. Everything was different between the companies, from finance to information technology, the structure of sales representatives to legal side. Less diplomatic Glaxo staff saw Wellcome as an overcentralised organisation with employees who were unrealistic in their expectations for the businesss financial success. Academia-like penny-pinching officials had saddled Wellcome with out-of-date information technology. Wellcome staff, in contrast, saw Glaxo as overly commercial mercenaries assaulting their worthy enterprise and driven by cash. They argued, in its enthusiasm
(cdiv) for the latest high-tech research gadgetry the Glaxo officials refused to study tropical diseases where sufferers could not afford western prices. To try to combat such sentiments, management declared that both old companies were history and decreed that a new company was to be built in its place. But, the most difficult aspect of merger was to lay off staff both on account of closing down of certain manufacturing units as well as to cut down on excess costs. To overcome the difficulties, management offered a very lucrative package. The solution was expensive but unavoidable, given that Glaxo management was trying not to give the impression that it was steamrolling Wellcome. In France, the company established an organisation called Competence Plus, comprising employees who had been made redundant. They were guaranteed up to 15 months on full salary and given training courses on everything from networking to new skills. They were also the first to be interviewed for any vacancies that arose within the new group during that period. Employees hired by other companies for trial periods had their salaries paid by Glaxo-Wellcome. For those who remained, there were improvements too. Glaxo staff worked a 39-hour week, whereas Wellcome did 37 hours. Now Glaxo-Wellcome people work 37 hours. We were concerned not to make mistakes in the social sphere, said Mangeot, the Chairman of GlaxoWellcome, France. In Hindustan Lever Ltd. (HLL) and Tomco merger case, HLL had been known for its result oriented, systems driven work environment, where a strong emphasis is placed on performance. Accordingly, it always has/had and strives for a team of high performing and high profile executives, carefully selected from the best management institutes. Discussing product profitability and target achievement is the only language that its managers understand. The work culture is very demanding and only the best survive. In fact, about 100 managers at that time for Unilever group companies had quit their jobs, as they were unable to cope with the demanding work culture. It was felt that the more difficult part would be the management of the two very different work cultures and ethos, after the merger. In TOMCO the employee productivity was only 60% of HLL. It was opined that HLL would have to rationalize TOMCOs work force. HLL itself had launched a voluntary retirement package, in order to get rid of about 500 workers, however only a few resigned. However TOMCO employees had been assured that their employment conditions were to be protected and service conditions would be honoured. All the employees of TOMCO were to be absorbed as HLL employees. It is probably not an exaggeration to assert that most cross-border deals run into difficulties because of failures in the integration process. What is acquisition integration? First and foremost, it is the process of realizing the strategic benefits of a merger. In other words, it is everything merging companies must do to achieve synergies and position the new firm for growth. It requires effective interaction and coordination between merging firms to realize the strategic potential of the deal at the same time that it necessitates special attention to human resource concerns. Stated in this way, it is a tall order, and indeed seems absolutely critical to M&A success. Differences among management and workers can sometimes spiral into broader
(cdv) community and political problems. Such was the case in the 1988 acquisition of Rowntree, headquartered in York, England by Nestle, the Swiss foods giant. Concerns about the future of Rowntree workers, facilities, and even the town of York itself created an uproar in the UK, involving Members of Parliament, political parties, and the Archbishop of York. In the end, Nestle was forced to make several concessions to public opinion in its integration of Rowntree, including retaining York facilities and making certain guarantees with respect to the job security o Rowntree workers. 8. MEASURING POST-MERGER EFFICIENCY The criterion to judge a successful merger differs in different conditions. Different factors may be considered for making value judgements such as growth in profit, dividend, companys history, increase in size, base for growth etc. Several studies suggest different parameters to assess the success of mergers: (i) Successful merger creates a larger industrial organization than before, and provides a basis for growth [Edith Perirose]. (ii) In Arthur Dewings study, three criteria were considered viz. (a) merger should give a larger net profit than before (b) merger should provide a higher return on total funds (c) there should be a sustained increase in earnings. (iii) Earnings on capitalization and dividend records determine the success of merger [Shaw L.]. During the studies in late 1960s, two types of efficiency improvements were expected to result from mergers: (1) improvements due to economies of large scale production (2) application of superior management skills to a larger organisation. Some other researches in the seventies and eighties, measure efficiency based on stock market measures, labour productivity or total factor productivity etc. These improvements pointed towards market dominance, but for gauging efficiency, resultant profitability was accepted as a benchmark. In order to ensure progress, a conscious and concerted effort to keep track of several key elements is required, alongwith answers to the following questions: 1. What impact is the integration (merger/acquisition) having on key indicators of business performance? Whether synergies which were hypothesized during the valuation are being realized? 2. Are the activities and milestones developed with the integration process on target? 3. What are the major issues emerging during the integration, requiring considerable attention? 4. What important facts have emerged during the merger or acquisition that can be used to improve subsequent mergers or acquisition? Measuring Key Indicators The main purpose of a merger or acquisition is to deliver the expected financial results namely earnings and cash flow. However, there are certain other measures that serve as key indicators and they also need to be measured. The indicators may be grouped as:
(cdvi) (i) Financial outcomes. (ii) Component measures of these outcomes namely revenues, costs, net working capital and capital investments. (iii) Organisational indicators such as customers, employees and operations. All the areas being integrated and both the acquirer and target, or in a merger, both partners, should be brought within the ambit of continuous appraisal. Also, the appraisal should be based on benchmarks to ensure that merger or acquisition are yielding the financial and strategic objective so intended and are not resulting in value leakage. There are broadly four possible reasons for business growth and expansion which is to be achieved by the merged company. These are (1) Operating economies, (2) Financial economies, (3) Growth and diversification, and (4) Managerial effectiveness. These are explained in detail below: 1. Operating Economies Whenever two or more firms combine, certain economies are likely to be realised as a result of larger volume of operations resulting in economies of scale. These economies may arise due to better utilisation of production capacities, distribution network, engineering services, research and development facilities and so on. The operating economies (economies of scale) would be the maximum in the case of horizontal mergers where intensive utilisation of production capacities will result in benefits for the merged firm. On the other hand, in the case of vertical mergers, the benefits would accrue from better co-ordination of facilities, both backward and forward, reduction in inventory levels and higher market power of the combined firms. Operating economies in the form of reduction or elimination of certain overhead expenses may also arise even in the case of conglomerate mergers. The net result of realising economies of scale would be a decrease in the cost of production. But if the scale of operations or size of the merged firm becomes too large and unwieldy, then diseconomies of scale may also arise and the unit cost of production would show a rising trend. 2. Financial Economies Merger of two or more firms brings about the following financial advantages for the merged firm: (a) Relief under the Income Tax Act Under Section 72A of the Income Tax Act, 1961 carry forward and setting off of accumulated losses and unabsorbed depreciation of the amalgamating company is allowed against the future profits of the amalgamated company in order to encourage revival of sick units. (b) Higher Debt Capacity The merged firm would enjoy higher debt capacity because the combination of two or more firms provide greater stability to the earnings level. This is an important consideration for the lenders since the possibility of default in repayment of loan and interest is reduced to a great extent. A higher debt capacity if utilised, would mean
(cdvii) greater tax advantage for the merged firm leading to higher value of the firm. (c) Reduction in Floatation Costs Whenever the merged firm raises funds from the market through public issue of shares or debentures, it can reduce the floatation costs as compared to the similar amount being raised independently by the merging firms. Such reduction in the floatation costs represents a real benefit to the merged firm. Apart from the above, earnings and cash flows are primary financial outcomes that need to be tracked since valuation are built on them. Particular attention should be given to the components of these measures, namely, revenue, costs, investments and net working capital. The extent to which these components show progress will determine whether value is being created or not. 3. Growth and Diversification As stated earlier, merger/amalgamation of two or more firms has been used as a dominant business strategy to seek rapid growth and diversification. The merger improves the competitive position of the merged firm as it can command an increased market share. It also offers a special advantage because it enables the merged firm to leap several stages in the process of expansion. In a saturated market, simultaneous expansion and replacement through merger/takeover is more desirable than creating additional capacities through expansion. A merger proposal has a very high growth appeal, and its desirability should always be judged in the ultimate analysis in terms of its contribution to the market price of the shares of the merged firm. The merged firm can also seek reduction in the risk levels through diversification of the business operations. The extent to which risk is reduced, however, depends on the correlation between the earning of the merging (combining) firms. A negative correlation between the combining firms is less risky whereas a positive correlation is more risky. The business firm may pursue the objective of diversification with maximum advantage under the following circumstances: (1) If a firm is saddled with problems which can lead to bankruptcy or jeopardise its very existence, then its merger with another firm can save it from such undesirable consequences. Indian industrial sector is faced with the problems of the creation of splintered capacities. As a result, many firms with minimum economic size, such as manufacturers of light commercial vehicles, mini steel plants, mini paper plants, mini dry cell battery plants, mini sponge iron plants, mini cement plants, etc. were created. Many of these units have either closed down or are incurring substantial losses. A few of them, though earning profits today, may fall sick in future due to the increasing competition. In such a situation mergers and takeovers can bring about consolidation of capacities, lead to the revival of sick units and also prevent the occurrence of sickness. (2) If the shares of one of the combining firms are not traded at the stock exchange then creative diversification would be the only feasible route to reduce the level of risk for the investment in these firms. 4. Managerial Effectiveness
(cdviii) It has been pointed out by various studies that incompetency of management has been the most important reason for firms becoming sick. If a sick firm is merged with another well managed company, it will lead to better co-ordination of human resources of both the companies. Managerial effectiveness can also bring substantial gains to the merging firms if two well managed firms combine together to take advantage of valuable human resources. Customer Reactions It is necessary to ensure that customers are not adversely affected during a merger or acquisition as losing either profitable customers or a percentage of their business may have a negative impact on earnings and cash flows, especially if the customer represents a large percentage of companys revenues and profits. Several indicators may be deployed such as customer satisfaction, retention, acquisition, market share etc. Keeping track of market value and sales volume of each segment is also useful. Often during mergers and acquisitions competitors attempt to disrupt the relationship between an acquirer and its customers. This implies that a company needs to do more than just maintain customer relationships. It has to make an extra effort to ensure that its business does not erode. Employee Reactions Employees are capable of having an impact on productivity and customer satisfaction, especially in service business. Employee assessments made at multiple times and with relevant measures may allow better changes to take place. It should be analysed whether employees understand the expected contribution to be made to new organization; the view of employees towards various aspects of organisation and leadership; commitment to the newly formed organization; performance and productivity expected etc. Motives as per survey of US firms According to a survey of US manufacturing firms, the following motives for mergers and amalgamations were identified: A desire to utilize competition or to achieve monopoly profits; A desire to harness unutilized market power; A response to shrinking opportunities for growth and/or profit in ones own industry due to shrinking demand or excessive competition; A desire to diversify to reduce risk of business; A desire to achieve a large enough size to realise economies of scale of production and/or distribution; A desire to overcome critical drawbacks in ones own company by acquiring the necessary complementary resources, patents or factors of production; A desire to achieve sufficient size to have efficient access to capital markets or inexpensive advertising; A desire to utilize more resources or personnel controlled by the firm, with particular applicability to managerial skill; A desire to displace an existing management; A desire to utilize tax advantages otherwise not available;
(cdix) A desire to reap the promotional or speculative gains contingent upon new security issues, or changed price earning ratios; A desire of managers to create an image of themselves as aggressive managers; A desire of managers to manage an ever-growing set of subordinates. Apart from the above, in the present complex business environment, two more factors have assumed importance viz. Customer reactions and employee reactions. 9. MERGER AND ACQUISITION TRENDS Identification of economic or financial motives is not very difficult. When they exist they are usually stated in the annual reports and merger schemes/documents of the companies during the period of merger. They are widely quoted in newspapers. However, there is no objective guideline to measure psychological or motivational factors of the mergers. The past couple of years have seen a spate of mergers and acquisitions by Indian Companies. Following are the few companies which have undertaken mergers and acquisitions to grow in size by adding manpower and to facilitate expansion and to gain new customers. The Polaris-OrbiTech merger saw a spurt in the merged entitys revenues from $60 million to $125 million. The merger also added 1,400 employees to Polaris, taking the total employee strength to 4,000. The Polaris-OrbiTech merger helped in combining skill sets of both companies, which in turn led to growth and expansion of the merged entity. While Polaris Software was looking for a specialized product suite, OrbiTech was looking forward to efficient marketing and service support for its products. Post-merger, Polaris got the Orbi suite framework and combined it with its service expertise to win more customers. After the merger, Polaris has become a large, specialized company in the banking, financial services and insurance (BFSI) space, offering solutions, products and transactions services. Polaris has had some recent post-merger wins, including ABN-AMRO Bank, Kuwait Commercial Bank and Deutsche Leasing. Wipro acquired GE Medical Systems Information Technology (India) to leverage its specialization in the health science domain. The intellectual property that Wipro acquired from the medical systems software company provided it with a platform to expand its offerings in the Indian and the Asia-Pacific healthcare IT market. Similarly, when Wipro acquired the global energy practice of American Management System and the R&D divisions of Ericsson, it acquired skilled professionals and a strong customer base in the areas of energy consultancy and telecom R&D. Bangalore-based Mascot Systems acquisition of US-based eJiva and Hyderabad-based Aqua Regia enhanced the companys value proposition and made it globally competitive. With the acquisition of eJiva and Aqua Regia, the total employee strength of Mascot Systems increased from 1,700 to 2,000. Likewise Bangalore-based Mascot Systems was benefited by the technical expertise of eJiva and Aqua Regia, the two companies it recently acquired. The acquisition also helped Mascot to extend its offerings through a portfolio of complementary services, technologies and skills.
(cdx) Polaris Software had six major customer wins after it acquired the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) of OrbiTechs Orbi suite framework of banking solutions. vMoksha also saw a rise in the number of its customers due to acquisitions as it expanded considerably in the US market and leveraged on the existing customer base. Mphasis also added new customers in the Japanese and Chinese markets after the acquisition of Navion. An Array of Latest Acquisitions In the year of 2006, Indian companies announced 125 foreign acquisitions with a value nearly 10 billion. That is roughly eight time that it did in year 2000. However, in year 2007 first 5 months itself has crossed $ 15 billion (Thanks to a $12billion TataCorus deal) and there are big acquisitions in pipeline. The sign of things to come! In 2006, largest proportion of outbound deals (Indian companies acquiring international companies) occurred in Europe (50% of deal value), followed by North America (24% of deal value). The IT sector saw the lions share of outbound M&A deals, with 23% of the total number of international acquisitions, followed by pharmaceuticals/ healthcare/biotech (14%). As for deal value, telecommunications led the way with a 33.6% share of deal value, followed by energy (14%), IT (8%) and steel (6.5%). One of the major U.S. acquisition took place last year, when GHCL, based in the state of Gujarat, India, acquired Dan River, a Danville, Va.-based maker of home textiles for $93 million ($17 million in cash and the assumption of $76 million in debt). Also making major moves in 2006 were members of the Tata Group, a major Mumbai-based conglomerate with interests in, among other things, manufacturing, transportation, software and hotels. In June, Tata Coffee paid $220 million to buy Eight OClock Coffee, a venerable U.S. brand. In August, Tata Tea paid $677 million for a 30% stake in Glaceau, a maker of vitamin water. It is now safe to say that Indian companies are now firmly setting up themselves in global marketplace. Recent Mergers & Acquisitions (Global) Company Polaris Merged with/Acquired Merged with OrbiTech Reason/Benefits Acquired IPR of OrbiTechs range of Orbi Banking product suite. Helped in combining skill sets of both companies which in term led to growth and expansion of the merged entity. Aimed at expanding in the BPO space, the acquisition gave Wipro an opportunity to run a profitable BPO business. It acquired skilled professionals and a strong customer base in the area of energy consultancy. It acquired specialised expertise and people in telecom R&D. It acquired IP from the medical systems company, which in turn gave it a
Acquired Spectramind
Acquired global energy practice of American Management Systems Acquired the R&D divisions of Ericsson GE Medical Systems (India)
Wipro Wipro
(cdxi) platform to expand its offerings in the Indian and Asia Pacific healthcare IT market. vMoksha Challenger Systems & X media Primarily aimed at expanding its customer base. The company also leveraged on the expertise of the companies in the BFSI space. Expanded its presence in the Japanese and the Chinese markets. It also plans to use it as a redundancy centre for its Indian operations. Expanded in size and leveraged on technical expertise of the acquired companies. Acquisitions have helped the company in offering multiple services and expanding its customer base considerably. In a giant leap, Tata Steel's acquisition of the Anglo-Dutch steel major Corus has vaulted the former to the fifth position from 56th in global steel production capacity. The acquisition of Dan River enables GHCL to enter into existing marketing arrangements to the tune of $250 million and the US-based company will be used primarily as a marketing arm. EOC provides a sizable entry platform and an established brand to Tata Coffee in the US$ 21 billion (Rs 97,000 crore) US coffee market.
Mascot Systems
Tata Steel
Acquired Corus
Tata Coffee
Mergers & Acquisitions (India) In India, what motivates the interested parties to consummate merger between two or more companies has been stated in annual reports, merger schemes and/or media. Motives of some companies as stated in the merger documents or the media are stated hereunder for specific reference. 1. The move of J.K. Industries Ltd. (JK Tyre) for merging its subsidiary Vikrant Tyres Ltd. with itself seems to be a fall out of Apollo Tyres Ltd. (ATL) decision to acquire the tyre making facilities of Modi Rubber Ltd. (MRL) which would add around Rs. 600-800 crores to the top line of ATL from Rs. 1700 crore making it countrys target tyre company ahead of MRF Ltd. Simultaneously, the JK Tyre also hived off its Sugar and Pharmaceuticals divisions to concentrate better on its core business of manufacturing and marketing tyres.
(cdxii) 2. After the failure in taking over of Indian Aluminium Ltd. in 1998 Sterlite group has acquired Bharat Aluminium Company Ltd. (Balco), the Chhattisgarh based aluminium Company from the Government over howls of protests and today, it seems as if it has managed to turn an explosive situation into a winwin thing for the MP State government, shareholders and perhaps, employees, as well. The group has also acquired Hindustan Zinc Ltd. and its ownership has been privatised smoothly. 3. The merger of Reliance Petroleum Ltd. (RPL) with Reliance Industries Ltd. (RIL) from 19.9.2002 has created Indias first private sector Fortune 500 st company. The merger is effective from 1 April, 2001. The Board of Directors of the merged RIL at its meeting held on 30.9.2002, while st approving annual audited accounts for the year ended 31 March 2002, recommended dividend of 47.5% on the increased capital of Rs. 1396 crores i.e. Rs. 4.75 per share which amounts to a lower dividend in comparison with the dividend paid for the year 2000-2001 to the RPLs shareholders marginally by Rs. 0.75 per share, as the swap ratio of 1 share of RIL for 11 shares of RPL. The objective of this merger as disclosed by the company is of attaining allround leadership in industry peer group in terms of assets, revenue, production volume, market share and maximisation of total shareholder returns. This merger has created RIL, the largest private sector company by turnover of Rs. 57,127 crores and net profit of Rs. 3,243 crore for the year 2001-02. 4. For the last over five decades Hindustan Lever Ltd. (HLL) operating in India has become a role model not just for FMCG companies but the entire Indian Corporate Sector. Through disinvestment it has acquired Modern Food Industries (India) Ltd. for Rs. 149.4 crores. In mid 80s, Lipton and Brooke Bond were merged with HLL. TOMCO and Lakme were acquired from Tata group. The merger of International Best Food Ltd. and Aviance Ltd. in 2001 with HLL was with the object of achieving greater synergy, elimination inter se business overlapping, preventing industrial sickness, and economies in costsbenefits of combined financial, managerial, technical, distribution and marketing expertise. However, it is unfortunate to note from the point of view of the minority shareholders, that the share prices of Brooke Bond, Lipton, Ponds, Tomco and HLL valued separately as five different companies would probably be higher than the current share price of HLL. 5. Having identified the pharmaceutical sector Mr. Ajay G. Piramal had dispensed with the textile business and acquired Nicholas Laboratories Ltd. in 1988. Consequently, Nicholas Piramal India Ltd. (NPIL) was incorporated on 30th November, 1988. In 1995 it acquired Bulk Drug division of Sumitra Pharmaceuticals & Chemicals Ltd. The objective was optimum utilisation of the manufacturing facilities, enhancing profitability and becoming a leading health care company in India. In 1997, Boehringer Mannhein India Ltd. and Piramal Healthcare Ltd. were merged with it for achieving synergistic linkage, profitability and growth in business. In 2001, Rhone-Poulene (India) Ltd., NPIL Fininvest Ltd., Super Pharma Ltd. were merged with it with the same objective of optimum utilisation of the manufacturing, technological and marketing expertise, distribution networks, manpower and other resources.
(cdxiii) In 1988, NPIL was then ranked 48 in the industry. Within 14 years it has been ranked as 4th in the Industry. The acquisition led strategy coupled with joint ventures and alliances has registered manifold growth of the company. Its share price has also improved from around Rs. 100/- in 1995 to Rs. 250/- in 2002 inspite of the fact that the year was passing through a bearish phase. 6. In 1989, Usha Alloys & Steels Ltd. (UASL) was merged with Usha Martin Industries Ltd. (UMIL) with the objective of stable profitability, preventing sickness, achieving economies of scale, reduction of overhead reforms and efficient utilisation of the resources etc. Post merger results were however, not encouraging. 7. In 1989, Tata Fertilisers Ltd. (TFL) was merged with Tata Chemicals Ltd. (TCL) with the objective of unhindered flow of financial, technological and managerial resources for completion of the TFLs project utilisation, of the proven expertise and greatly enhanced financial, technical and managerial potential of TCL. Post merger results proved satisfactory. In 1990-91 and 1995-96 bonus issues were made in the ratio of 1 for 2 and 3 for 5 respectively. The company has been paying dividend continuously on the increased capital at higher rate. 8. Many companies were merged with J.K. Corp Limited (formerly Straw Products Ltd.) such as M.P. Industries Ltd. (Drycell Battery Project), Dena Bank Ltd. (excluding banking business), Orissa Synthetics Ltd. and it has now hived off its principal Paper undertaking to Central Pulp Mills Ltd. a group company for restructuring of its debts due to Institutions and banks. Its Drycell Plant was closed and Synthetics plant was disposed off to Reliance Industries Ltd. Post merger results however have not been encouraging. 9. In mid 70s Ankur Chemicals Ltd. was merged with J.K. Business Machines Ltd. (now Hifazat Chemicals Ltd.). The merged company has been notified as a sick undertaking and its plant was taken over by Gujarat Industrial Investment Corporation which has also been appointed as the Operating Agency (OA) by the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR). Post merger results are unfavourable to the merged company and its stake holders. 10. In 2001, Ciba CKD Biochem Ltd. (CCBL) merged with its promoter company Novartis India Ltd. (NIL) with the objective of business broad base, economies of scale, strategic importance of anti-TB business and preventing sickness. 11. In June 2002, the Benares State Bank was integrated with Bank of Baroda and in March 2003, Punjab National Bank took over Nedungadi Bank. These too, like the recent GTB-OBC amalgamation were driven by crises. 12. In 2004, the Global Trust Bank (GTB) was merged with the Oriental Bank of Commerce (OBC) with the vision of instant geographical advantage with the takeover. With the amalgamation, OBC, a north India-based bank, gains not just in terms of geographical network of 103 branches, 265 ATMs and 8.3 lakhs
(cdxiv) customer base in southern and western India. It also gains GTBs technological infrastructure and focus area. Clearly, it was a sinking GTB that strengthened OBC. While OBC has been a public sector bank, GTB a technology - savvy private bank. For OBC, visibly, the positive was an effortless network in the south. It also gained approximately Rs. 300 crore worth of fixed assets of GTB. Its deposit base of Rs. 35,673.5 crore increased by Rs. 6,920.9 crore. On the flip side, GTBs non-performing assets of Rs. 9,000 crore were adjusted against OBCs assets. However, the GTB shareholders had to face loss with not even an assurance for any compensation from the amalgamation of GTB with the OBC. 13. In 2005, IDBI Bank Ltd. was merged with Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI). The IDBI bank-IDBI merger though not driven by a crisis, is technically a bailout for IDBI with the Rs. 9,000 crore-government assistance to facilitate a clean up of its balance sheet. 14. On January 31, 2007, India based Tata Steel Limited (Tata Steel) acquired the Anglo Dutch steel company, Corus Group Plc (Corus) for US$ 13.70 billion. The merged entity, Tata-Corus, employed 84,000 people across 45 countries in the world. It had the capacity to produce 27 million tons of steel per annum, making it the fifth largest steel producer in the world as of early 2007. Many analysts and industry experts felt that the acquisition deal was rather expensive for Tata Steel and this move would overvalue the steel industry world over. There were many likely synergies between Tata Steel, the lowest-cost producer of steel in the world, and Corus, a large player with a significant presence in value-added steel segment and a strong distribution network in Europe. Among the benefits to Tata Steel was the fact that it would be able to supply semi-finished steel to Corus for finishing at its plants, which were located closer to the high-value markets. Though the potential benefits of the Corus deal were widely appreciated, some analysts had doubts about the outcome and effects on Tata Steel's performance. They pointed out that Corus' EBITDA (earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization) at 8 percent was much lower than that of Tata Steel which was at 30 percent in the financial year 2006-07. Before the acquisition, the major market for Tata Steel was India. The Indian market accounted for sixty nine percent of the company's total sales. Almost half of Corus' production of steel was sold in Europe (excluding UK). The UK consumed twenty nine percent of its production. After the acquisition, the European market (including UK) would consume 59 percent of the merged entity's total production. 15. British telecom giant Vodafone has bagged the 67% Hutch Telecom International (HTIL) stake in Hutch-Essar at an enterprise value of $19.3 billion (approx Rs 86,000 crore) which comes to $794 per share.
(cdxv) Hutch's migration to the Vodafone brand marks the completion of UK-based Vodafone's acquisition of Hong Kong-based Hutchison Telecommunication Ltd's Indian assets in May 2007. The company was in July 2007 renamed Vodafone Essar. India is the world's fastest-growing major mobile phone market, and the acquisition is expected to help offset slowing growth in Vodafone's core European operations. The acquisition is expected to give a tough competition to other leading brands in India as well. Thus, core competence seems to be the operative word. At times, players who have undertaken M&A do face serious liquidity and resource crunch, and all grand plans shelved in the desperate struggle for survival. Corporate mergers are like bush fires. Therefore, post merger integration becomes very important. 10. CONCLUSION Successfully integrating two or more organizations after a merger requires many things, but above all, it requires strong effective leadership, a plan, and a commitment to ongoing evaluation and adaptation. It must be ensured that both the integration process and the programmatic work of the organization continue to move forward in tandem. An integration plan is also essential. Leaders with experience in integrating two or more organizations emphasise the need for a plan than almost any other factor for success in integration. It was concluded in a series of interviews conducted with leaders who had been through a merger that a integration plan was a key factor for success. Lastly, an organization and its leadership must be proactive in evaluating progress throughout the integration process. Its desired outcomes and outcome targets must be regularly revisited and progress against them must be measured. A thoughtful leader will be responsive to such ongoing evaluation, and adapt both the integration plan and the organizations course of action accordingly. A successful integration moulds not only the various tehcnical aspects of the businesses but also the different cultures. The best way to do so is to get people working together quickly to solve business problems and accomplish results that could not have been achieved before. Thus, the aspect of post-merger reorganisation is not exhaustive and the parameters of the same would have to be established by the management of the companies, depending upon the organisational requirements, corporate policies and plans and the objectives of the merger etc. sought to be met.
Post-merger reorganization is a wide term which encompasses the reorganization of each and every aspect of the companys functional areas to achieve the objectives planned and aimed at. There are certain parameters to measure post merger efficiency. Some of them are - successful merger creates a larger organization than before, net profit is more, there is sustained increase in earnings, continuous dividend distribution etc.
There are broadly four possible reasons for business growth and expansion which is to be achieved by the merged company. These are (1) Operating economies, (2) Financial economies, (3) Growth and diversification, and (4) Managerial effectiveness. There is a spurt of mergers and acquisitions in the last two to three years as is evident from the recent acquisition of Anglo Dutch steel company Corus by India based Tata Steel. Other recent examples are suitably discussed under the chapter. To implement the objectives of mergers or acquisitions, some factors are required to be considered for post merger integration legal requirements, combination of operations, top management changes, management of financial resources, rationalization of labour cost, production and marketing management and corporate planning and control. Human and cultural integration is central to the success of any merger. Fair market value is one of the valuation criteria for measuring the success of post merger company. In valuing the whole enterprise, one must seek financial data of comparable companies in order to determine ratios that can be used to give an indication of the companys position. The earning performance of the merged company can be measured by return on total assets and return on net worth. In general, growth in profit, dividend payouts, companys history and increase in size provides the base for future growth and are also the factors which help in determining the success or failure of a merged company.
SELF-TEST QUESTIONS (These are meant for recapitulation only. Answers to these questions are not required to be submitted for evaluation). 1. Enumerate the main objectives which companies seek to attain, from mergers. 2. What are the factors to be kept in mind for a post merger reorganisation? 3. How can post merger efficiency be measured? Enumerate the main parameters involved. 4. Briefly explain the factors relevant for post-merger evaluation and analyse its success.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Financial restructuring of a company involves a rearrangement of its financial structure so as to make the companys finances more balanced. Both, an undercapitalized and an over-capitalised company may restructure their capital by taking certain corrective steps. If a company is over capitalized, one of the methods for its restructuring is to buy back of its own shares. The buy back of shares of unlisted companies is guided by Private Ltd. Company and Unlisted Public Ltd. Company (Buy back of Securities) Rules, 1999. For listed companies, SEBI (Buy back of Securities) Regulations, 1998 are required to be complied with. This chapter covers in detail the procedure for buy back of shares. After going through this chapter, you will be able to understand:
Need for financial restructuring Reorganisation of capital Reduction of share capital Buyback of shares concept and objects Provisions of buy back under Companies Act, 1956 SEBI (Buy back of Securities) Regulations, 1998 Private Limited Company and Unlisted Public Limited Company (Buy back of Securities) Rules, 1999.
1. INTRODUCTION Companies have access to a range of sources from which they finance business. These funds are called capital. The sources of capital can be divided into two categories; internally generated funds and funds provided by third parties. Whichever form of capital is used, it will fall into one of the two categories debt or equity. Determination of the proportion of own funds and borrowed funds Internally generated funds are an important component of a companys capital structure but it would be unusual for a company to grow at a fast pace only through internal generation of funds. The deficit between the funds which a company requires to fund its growth and the funds which are generated internally, is funded by provision of capital from third parties. Cost of various types of capital Equity capital is the permanent capital of the company, which does not require any servicing in the form of interest. However, the return to the equity capital is in the form of dividend paid to the equity shareholders out of the profits earned by the company. The ideal capital structure would be to raise money through the issue of equity capital. Debt is essentially an obligation, the terms of which are, inter alia, the repayment 391
(cdxviii) of the principal sum within a specific time together with periodic interest payments. Perhaps the easiest form of capital for a company to raise is, a loan from a bank. This form of loan capital may be comparatively expensive than equity. However, as regards servicing of capital there are advantages of issuing debt instruments. Dividend is not a deductible expense when calculating a companys taxable profit; it is on the contrary an appropriation of profits. On the other hand, interest paid by a company on debt finance is an allowable expense when calculating a companys tax, thereby reducing its taxable profit. Broadly speaking, the financial structure of a company comprises its (i) paid up equity and preference share capital; (ii) various reserves; (iii) all borrowings in the form of (a) long-term loans from financial institutions; (b) working capital from banks including loans through commercial papers; (c) debentures; (d) bonds; (e) credits from suppliers; (f) trade deposits; (g) public deposits; (h) deposits/loans from directors, their relatives and business associates; (i) deposits from shareholders; (j) Global Depository Receipts, American Depository Receipts and Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds; (k) funds raised through any other loan instrument. A company may require any one or more of the above keeping in view its financial requirements at a particular point of time. A dynamic Board should constantly review the financial structure of the company and effect financial restructuring and reorganisation whenever the need arises. 2. NEED FOR FINANCIAL RESTRUCTURING A company is required to balance between its debt and equity in its capital structure and the funding of the resulting deficit. The targets a company sets in striking this balance are influenced by business conditions, which seldom remain constant. When, during the life time of a company, any of the following situations arise, the Board of Directors of a company is compelled to think and decide on the companys restructuring: (i) necessity for injecting more working capital to meet the market demand for the companys products or services; (ii) when the company is unable to meet its current commitments; (iii) when the company is unable to obtain further credit from suppliers of raw materials, consumable stores, bought-out components etc. and from other
(cdxix) parties like those doing job work for the company. (iv) when the company is unable to utilise its full production capacity for lack of liquid funds. Financial restructuring of a company involves rearrangement of its financial structure so as to make the companys finances more balanced. Restructuring of under-capitalized Company An under-capitalized company may restructure its capital by taking one or more of the following corrective steps: (i) injecting more capital whenever required either by resorting to rights issue/preferential issue or additional public issue. (ii) resorting to additional borrowings from financial institutions, banks, other companies etc. (iii) issuing debentures, bonds, etc. or (iv) inviting and accepting fixed deposits from directors, their relatives, business associates and public. Restructuring of over-capitalized company If a company is over-capitalized, its capital also requires restructuring by taking following corrective measures: (i) Buy-back of own shares. (ii) Paying back surplus share capital to shareholders. (iii) Repaying loans to financial institutions, banks, etc. (iv) Repaying fixed deposits to public, etc. (v) Redeeming its debentures, bonds, etc. 3. REORGANISATION OF CAPITAL In accordance with Section 390(b), the expression arrangement includes a reorganisation of the share capital of the Company by the consolidation of shares of different classes or by division of shares of one class into shares of different classes or by both these methods. Accordingly, as per Section 390(b), the reorganization of share capital of a company may take place (1) by the consolidation of shares of different classes, or (2) by the division of shares of one class into shares of different classes, or (3) by both these methods [Section 390(b)]. Besides, a company may reorganize its capital in different ways, such as (a) reduction of paid-up share capital; (b) conversion of one type of shares into another; (c) conversion of shares into debentures or other securities. But these are only illustrations, there may be other ways. Besides, a company may modify all or any of
(cdxx) the rights attached to the shares of any class. The reorganization of share capital of a company may be proposed (a) between a company and its creditors or any class of them; or (b) between a company and its members or any class of them. In such a case, the Company Law Board 1 may, on the application of the company or of any creditor or member of the company, order a meeting of the creditors, or of the members, as the case may be. The meeting is to be called, held and conducted in such manner as the Company Law Board directs. A majority of 3/4th in value of the creditors or members present and voting either in person or by proxy at the meeting should agree to the reorganization of share capital. The reorganization should also be sanctioned by the Company Law Board. If these conditions are satisfied, the reorganization is binding on all the creditors or all the members, and also on the company or, in the case of a company which is being wound up, on the liquidator and contributories of the company. The order of the Company Law Board has no effect until a certified copy of the order in e-form 21 has been filed with the Registrar (Section 391). 4. REDUCTION OF SHARE CAPITAL Reduction of capital means reduction of issued, subscribed and paid-up capital of the company. Section 100 provides for the reduction of share capital, if the articles of the company so authorise. If there is no such clause in the articles, these must be altered by a special resolution giving the company the power to reduce its capital. The need for reduction of capital may arise in various circumstances for example trading losses, heavy capital expenses and assets of reduced or doubtful value. As a result, the original capital may either have become lost or a company may find that it has more resources than it can profitably employ. In either case, the need may arise to adjust the relation between capital and assets [Indian National Press (Indore) Ltd., In re. (1989) 66 Com Cases 387, 392 (MP)]. The mode of reduction, as laid down in Section 100 of the Companies Act, is as follows: A company limited by shares or a company limited by guarantee and having a share capital may, if authorised by its articles, by special resolution, and subject to its confirmation by the Court on petition, reduce its share capital in any way and in particular: (a) by reducing or extinguishing the liability of members in respect of uncalled or unpaid capital e.g., where the shares are of Rs. 100 each with Rs. 75 paidup, reduce them to Rs. 75 fully paid-up shares and thus relieve the shareholders from liability on the uncalled capital of Rs. 25 per share; (b) by paying off or returning paid-up capital not wanted for the purposes of the company, e.g., where the shares are fully paid-up, reduce them to Rs. 75 each and pay back, Rs. 25 per share;
1 Substituted by NCLT by the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002, but not yet brought into force.
(cdxxi) (c) by paying off the paid-up capital on the conditions that it may be called up again so that the liability is not extinguished; (d) by following a combination of any of the preceding methods; (e) by writing off or canceling the capital which has been lost or is under represented by the available assets e.g. a share of Rs. 100 fully paid-up is represented by Rs. 75 worth of assets. In such a situation reality can be reintroduced by writing off Rs. 25 per share. This is the most common method of reduction of capital. The assets side of the balance sheet may include useless assets which are cancelled. On the other side i.e. on the liability side share capital is reduced. There is no limitation on the power of the Court to confirm the reduction except that it must first be satisfied that all the creditors entitled to object to the reduction have either consented or been paid or secured [British and American Trustee and Finance Corpn. v. Couper, (1894) AC 399, 403: (1991-4) All ER Rep 667]. When exercising its discretion, the Court must ensure that the reduction is fair and equitable. In short, the Court shall consider the following, while sanctioning the reduction: (i) The interests of creditors are safeguarded; (ii) The interests of shareholders are considered; and (iii) Lastly, the public interest is taken care of. Reduction of share capital without sanction of the Court The following are cases which amount to reduction of share capital but where no confirmation by the Court is necessary: (a) Surrender of shares Surrender of shares means the surrender of shares already issued to the company by the registered holder of shares. Where shares are surrendered to the company, whether by way of settlement of a dispute or for any other reason, it will have the same effect as a transfer in favour of the company and amount to a reduction of capital. But if, under any arrangement, such shares, instead of being surrendered to the company, are transferred to a nominee of the company then there will be no reduction of capital [Collector of Moradabad v. Equity Insurance Co. Ltd., (1948) 18 Com Cases 309: AIR 1948 Oudh 197]. Surrender may be accepted by the company under the same circumstances where forfeiture is justified. It has the effect of releasing the shareholder whose surrender is accepted for further liability on shares. The Companies Act contains no provision for surrender of shares. Thus surrender of shares is valid only when Articles of Association provide for the same and: (i) where forfeiture of such shares is justified; or (ii) when shares are surrendered in exchange for new shares of same nominal value. Both forfeiture and surrender lead to termination of membership. However, in the case of forfeiture, it is at the initiative of company and in the case of
(cdxxii) surrender it is at the initiative of member or shareholder. (b) Forfeiture of shares A company may if authorised by its articles, forfeit shares for non-payment of calls and the same will not require confirmation of the Court. Where power is given in the articles, it must be exercised strictly in accordance with the regulations regarding notice, procedure and manner stated therein, otherwise the forfeiture will be void. Forfeiture will be effected by means of Board resolution. The power of forfeiture must be exercised bona fide and in the interest of the company. (c) Diminution of capital Where the company cancels shares which have not been taken or agreed to be taken by any person [Section 94(1)(3)]. (d) Redemption of redeemable preference shares. (e) Purchase of shares of a member by the company under Section 402. (f) Buy-back of its own shares under Section 77A. Reduction of capital when company is defunct The Registrar of Companies has been empowered under Section 560 to strike off the name of a company from its register on the ground of non-working company. Therefore, where the company has ceased to trade, and Registrar exercises his power under Section 560 a reduction of capital cannot be prevented. [Great Universal Stores Ltd., Re. (1960) 1 All ER 252: (1960)]. Reduction of capital of unlimited company An unlimited company to which Section 100 does not apply, can reduce its capital in any manner that its Memorandum and Articles of Association allow. It is not governed by Sections 94 and 100 of the Act. Equal Reduction of Shares of One Class Where there is only one class of shares, prima facie, the same percentage should be paid off or cancelled or reduced in respect of each share, but where different amounts are paid-up on shares of the same class, the reduction can be effected by equalizing the amount so paid-up. [Marwari Stores Ltd. v. Gouri Shanker Goenka (1936) 6 Com Cases 285]. The same principle is to be followed where there are different classes of shares. It is, however, not necessary that extinguishment of shares in all cases should necessarily result in reduction of share capital. Accordingly, where reduction is not involved, Section 100 would not be attracted. [Asian Investment Ltd. Re. (1992) 73 Com Cases 517, 523 (Mad)]. Qualification shares of directors [Section 270] Where the directors are required to hold qualification shares, care must be taken to ensure that the effect of a reduction does not disqualify any director. Creditors Right to Object to Reduction
(cdxxiii) After passing the special resolution for the reduction of capital, the company is required to apply to the Court by way of petition for the confirmation of the resolution under Section 101. Where the proposed reduction of share capital involves either (i) diminution of liability in respect of unpaid share capital, or (ii) the payment to any shareholder of any paid-up share capital, or (iii) in any other case, if the Court so directs, the following provisions shall have effect: The creditors having a debt or claim admissible in winding up are entitled to object. To enable them to do so, the Court will settle a list of creditors entitled to object. If any creditor objects, then either his consent to the proposed reduction should be obtained or he should be paid off or his payment be secured. The Court, in deciding whether or not to confirm the reduction will take into consideration the minority shareholders and creditors. A Company might decide to return a part of its capital when its paid-up share capital is in excess of its needs. It is not simply handed over to shareholders in proportion to their holdings. Their class rights will be considered with the Court treating the reduction as though it was analogous to liquidation. Therefore, the preference shareholders who have priority to return of capital in liquidation will be the first to have their share capital returned to them in a share capital reduction, even if they prefer to remain members of the company. Confirmation and Registration Section 102 of the Act states that if the Court is satisfied that either the creditors entitled to object have consented to the reduction, or that their debts have been determined, discharged, paid or secured, it may confirm the reduction. The Court may also direct that the words and reduced be added to the companys name for a specified period, and that the company must publish the reasons for the reduction and the causes which led to it, with a view to giving proper information to the public. Section 103 states that the Courts order confirming the reduction together with the minutes giving the details of the companys share capital, as altered, should be delivered to the Registrar who will register them. The reduction takes effect only on registration of the order and minutes, and not before. The Registrar will then issue a certificate of registration which will be a conclusive evidence that the requirements of the Act have been complied with and that the share capital is now as set out in the minutes. The Memorandum has to be altered accordingly. Conclusiveness of certificate for reduction of capital Where the Registrar had issued his certificate confirming the reduction, the same was held to be conclusive although it was discovered later that the company had no authority under its articles to reduce capital [Re Walkar & Smith Ltd., (1903) 88 LT 792 (Ch D)]. Similarly, in a case where the special resolution for reduction was an invalid one, but the company had gone through with the reduction, the reduction was not allowed to be upset [Ladiess Dress Assn. v. Pulbrook, (1900) 2 QB 376]. Diminution of share capital is not a reduction of capital In the following cases, the diminution of share capital is not to be treated as reduction of the capital:
(cdxxiv) (i) Where the company cancels shares which have not been taken or agreed to be taken by any person [Section 94(1)(e)]; (ii) Where redeemable preference shares are redeemed in accordance with the provisions of Section 80; (iii) Where any shares are forfeited for non-payment of calls and such forfeiture amounts to reduction of capital; (iv) Where the company buys-back its own shares under Section 77A of the Act. In all these cases, the procedure for reduction of capital as laid down in Section 100 is not attracted. Liability of Members in respect of Reduced Share Capital On the reduction of share capital, the extent of the liability of any past or present member or any call or contribution shall not exceed the difference between the amount already paid on the share, or the reduced amount, if any, which is deemed to have been paid thereon by the member, and the amount of the shares fixed by the scheme of the reduction. If, however any creditor entitled to object to the reduction of share capital is not entered in the list of creditors by reason of his ignorance of the proceedings for reduction and, after the reduction the company is unable to pay his debt or claim, then: (a) every member at the time of registration of the Courts order for reduction is liable to contribute for the payment of the debt or claim, an amount not exceeding the amount which he would have contributed on the day before registration of the order and minutes; and (b) if the company is wound up, the Court on the application by the creditor and on proof of his ignorance, may settle a list of contributories and make and enforce calls and orders on the contributories, settled on the list, as if they were ordinary contributories in a winding up. It is further provided that, if any officer of the company knowingly conceals the name of any creditor entitled to object to the reduction; or knowingly misrepresents the name or amount of the debt or claim of any creditor; or abets or is privy to any such concealment or misrepresentation as aforesaid, he shall be liable to be punishable with imprisonment upto one year, or with fine or with both (Section 105). 5. BUY-BACK OF SHARES Not only statute, but also common law, has upheld the sanctity of a companys capital. In 1887, in Trevor v. Whitworth (1887) 12 App Cas 409, it was held that a company limited by shares may not purchase its own shares as this would amount to an unauthorized reduction of capital. The rationale for this decision is plain, namely, that the creditors of the company make decisions on its credit-worthiness on several grounds, but an important ground is the amount of its share capital. If the courts had not established at an early stage that capital was sacrosanct and could not be returned to shareholders at their whim, then share capital would not have been protected. Without this protection, creditors could find shareholders depleting share capital, with creditors left to carry all the business risks. In India, the rule in Trevor v. Whitworth was enshrined in Section 77 of the
(cdxxv) Companies Act, 1956 which prohibited a company from buying or cancelling its own shares, unless it complied with the provisions and followed the procedure for reduction of share capital under Sections 100 to 104 of the Companies Act, 1956 which involved confirmation by the Court. However, Section 77A of the Companies Act, 1956 which was inserted in the Companies Act, 1956 by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 1999 with retrospective effect from 31.10.1998 is an exception to the prohibition under Section 77 and Section 100. Section 77A allows companies to buy-back their own shares as well as other specified securities. Concept of Buy-Back of Shares The concept of buy-back is a recent one so far as India is concerned. The Companies Amendment Act, 1999 introduced the concept of buy-back of shares. Buy-back of shares means the purchase by the company of its own shares. Buyback of equity shares is an important mode of capital restructuring. It is a corporate financial strategy which involves capital restructuring and is prevalent globally with the underlying objectives of increasing earnings per share, averting hostile takeovers, improving returns to the stakeholders and realigning the capital structure. In India, while buy-back of securities is not permitted as a treasury option under which the securities may be reissued later, a company can resort to buy-back to reduce the number of shares issued and return surplus cash to the shareholders. Objectives of Buy-Back Good corporate governance calls for maximizing the shareholder value. When a company has surplus funds for which it does not have good avenues for deployment assuring an average return on capital employed and earnings per share, the companys financial structure requires balancing. The reasons for buy-back may be one or more of the following: (i) to improve earnings per share; (ii) to improve return on capital, return on net worth and to enhance the longterm shareholder value; (iii) to provide an additional exit route to shareholders when shares are under valued or are thinly traded; (iv) to enhance consolidation of stake in the company; (v) to prevent unwelcome takeover bids; (vi) to return surplus cash to shareholders; (vii) to achieve optimum capital structure; (viii) to support share price during periods of sluggish market conditions; (ix) to service the equity more efficiently. The decision to buy-back is also influenced by various other factors relating to the company, such as growth opportunities, capital structure, sourcing of funds, cost
(cdxxvi) of capital and optimum allocation of funds generated. Powers of CLB/Court Prior to the enactment of the Companies (Amendment) Act, 1999, no company limited by shares and no company limited by guarantee and having a share capital could buy its own securities unless the consequent reduction of capital was effected and sanctioned pursuant to the provisions of Sections 100 to 104 or of Section 402 of the Act.
The Company Law Board (CLB), pursuant to the provisions of Section 402 of the Act, may order a company to purchase the shares or any interest of its members in the company on an application made by members under Section 397 or 398 of the Act to remedy oppression and mismanagement. The reduction of share capital as a consequence of such an order is not affected by nor will it be governed by the provisions of the Act relating to buy-back of securities.
The provisions of the Act relating to buy-back of securities are also not applicable to the extent of the sanction of a High Court to any scheme of compromise or arrangement pursuant to Sections 391 to 394 of the Act. In the case of Union of India v. Sterlite Industries (India) Ltd. (2003)-(113)-Comp Cas 0273, (Bom), the Court observed that the non obstante clause in Section 77A, namely Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act means that notwithstanding the provisions of Section 77 and Sections 100 to 104, the company can buy-back its shares subject to compliance with the conditions mentioned in Section 77A without approaching the Court under Sections 100 to 104 or Section 391.Therefore, Section 77A is an enabling provision and the Courts powers under Sections 100 to 104 and Sections 391 are not in any way curtailed or affected. The provisions of Section 77A are applicable only to buy-back of securities under Section 77A and the conditions applicable to Sections 100 to 104 and Section 391 cannot be imported into or made applicable to buy-back of securities under Section 77A. Similarly, the conditions for buy-back of securities under Section 77A cannot be applied to a scheme under Sections 100 to 104 and Section 391, as the two operate in independent fields. In the case of Himachal Telematics Ltd. v. Himachal Futuristic Communications Ltd. (1996) 86 Comp Cas 325 (Del) a scheme of amalgamation was to be undertaken. However, the transferee company had a subsidiary which was holding shares of the transferor company. An objection was raised that the sanction of the scheme of amalgamation would result in the buying back by the transferee company of shares of its subsidiary and would thereby violate the provisions of Sections 42 and 77 of the Act. Dealing with the argument regarding violation of Section 77, it was held that no violation would result as a consequence of sanctioning the scheme of amalgamation as the transferee company was not buying any of its own shares. In Gurmit Singh v. Polymer Papers Ltd. (2003) 45 SCL 251 (CLB N. Delhi), petitions were filed under Sections 397 and 398 which empower the CLB to make such order as it deems fit with a view to put an end to the matters against which complaints were raised. Section 402 specifically empowers the CLB to order
(cdxxvii) purchase of the shares or interest of any member of the company by other members or by the company and consequent reduction in the share capital. The issue considered in this case was whether this power of CLB is subject to compliance with the provisions of Section 77A in view of its non obstante clause. It was observed that the object of Section 77A is to put some checks and balances when a company, on its own, desires to buy-back its own shares and as such Section 77A has no application in a case where the CLB exercises its powers under Section 402. The contention that no court can bypass the provisions of Section 77A would only mean that the provisions of those sections empowering the Court to pass an order on a company to purchase its own shares would be nugatory. When the Legislature had intended that the CLB should have the power to order purchase of its own shares by a company with the purpose of putting an end to the matters complained of, it would never have intended that such a power was subject to the provisions of other sections. Thus, the powers of the CLB to pass an order directing a company to purchase its own shares in terms of Section 402 are not curtailed by the provisions of Section 77A. Moreover, Section 402 empowers the CLB to direct purchase of shares of a member not only by the company but even by other members. It was also held that even assuming that Section 77A is a bar to give a direction to a company to purchase its shares, directions can be given to other members to purchase the shares of any member as long as the direction is with a view to put an end to the matters against which complaints were raised. The ultimate aim in such a direction is to safeguard the interest of the company and its members. 6. RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR BUY-BACK OF SECURITIES Under Section 77A of the Companies Act, 1956 any company limited by shares or a company limited by guarantee and having a share capital can buy-back its own securities, whether it is a private, public, listed or unlisted company. The buy-back in respect of shares or other specified securities which are not listed on any recognised stock exchange must be in accordance with the guidelines as may be prescribed [Section 77A(2)(g)]. The guidelines prescribed in this behalf are Private Limited Company and Unlisted Public Limited Company (Buy-back of Securities) Rules, 1999. The procedure to be followed for buy-back of securities by listed companies is contained in Sections 77A, 77AA and 77B of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-back of Securities) Regulations, 1998, (referred to as the Regulations hereinafter). 7. AUTHORITY AND QUANTUM OF BUY-BACK OF SECURITIES Authority in the Articles Buy-back of securities should be authorised by the Articles of Association of the company. [Section 77A(2)(a)]. In case the Articles do not contain such a provision, they should be amended appropriately authorizing the buy-back of securities. Such an amendment should be made either at a meeting preceding the meeting wherein the resolution for buy-back is to be passed or at the same meeting wherein the resolution for buy-back is to be passed but the resolution for amendment of Articles
(cdxxviii) should precede the resolution for buy-back of securities. Board resolution and quantum of buy-back By passing a resolution, the Board can authorize the buy-back of securities not exceeding 10% of the total paid-up equity capital and free reserves of the company. [Proviso to Section 77A(2)]. The aforesaid limit is to be applied not to the number of securities to be bought back but to the amount required for buy-back of such securities. The resolution authorizing buy-back should be passed at a meeting of the Board [Section 292(1)(aa)]. Such a resolution should not be passed by circulation or at a meeting of a committee of the Board. However, the methodology, mode of buy-back and other procedural requirements for buy-back may be delegated by the Board. Shareholders resolution and quantum of buy-back By passing a special resolution, the shareholders can authorize the buy-back of securities not exceeding 25% of the total paid-up capital and free reserves of the company in that financial year. [Section 77A(2)(b) and (c)]. Paid-up capital includes both equity and preference share capital. Whereas unlisted companies should obtain shareholders approval by passing the special resolution only at a duly convened general meeting, listed companies should obtain such approval by postal ballot. The notice containing the special resolution proposed to be passed should be accompanied by an explanatory statement stating: (a) all material facts, fully and completely disclosed; (b) the necessity for buy-back; (c) the class of security intended to be purchased under the buy-back; (d) the amount to be invested under buy-back; and (e) the time limit for completion of buy-back [Section 77A(3)]. The detailed requirements in this regard, as laid down in the Regulations and Rules respectively for listed and unlisted companies, are explained later. Maximum quantum of buy-back A company cannot buy-back more than 25% of its total paid-up capital and free reserves. [Section 77A(2)(c)]. The aforesaid limit is to be applied not to the number of securities to be bought back but to the amount required for buy-back of such securities. Buy-back of equity shares in any financial year should not exceed 25% of the total paid-up equity capital of the company. [Proviso to Section 77A(2)(c)]. A company may buy-back its entire (i.e. 100%) securities other than equity shares, viz. preference shares and any other securities as may be notified by the Central Government from time to time, in a financial year, subject to the overall limit of 25% of the total paid-up capital and free reserves of the company.
(cdxxix) Given below are illustrations of the quantum that the Board/shareholders can buy-back in certain situations: Illustration A: The capital structure of a company consists of: (a) 10,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid-up. (b) Free reserves Rs. 7,50,00,000. The Board can authorise buy-back upto 10% of the total paid-up equity share capital and free reserves, i.e.10% of Rs. [1,00,00,000 + 7,50,00,000] = Rs. 85,00,000 However, buy-back of equity shares in a financial year cannot exceed 25% of the paid-up equity capital in that year and hence the Board cannot authorize buy-back of equity shares in excess of 25% of Rs.1, 00,00,000 = Rs. 25,00,000. Shareholders can approve buy-back upto 25% of paid-up capital and free reserves, i.e. 25% of Rs. [1,00,00,000 + 7,50,00,000] = Rs. 2,12,50,000, but this is subject to the overall limit of 25% of Rs. 1,00,00,000 = Rs. 25,00,000. Illustration B: The capital structure of a company consists of: (a) 10,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid-up. (b) 10,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each on which Rs. 5 is paid-up. (c) Free reserves Rs. 7,50,00,000. The total paid-up equity share capital of the company is Rs. [1,00,00,000 + 50,00,000] = Rs.1,50,00,000. The Board can, within the overall limits, buy-back upto 10% of the total paid-up equity share capital and free reserves, i.e. 10% of Rs. [1,50,00,000 + 7,50,00,000]= Rs. 90,00,000. The shareholders can approve buy-back upto 25% of paid-up capital and free reserves, i.e.25% of Rs. [1,50,00,000 + 7,50,00,000] = Rs. 2,25,00,000. However, the buy-back in the present case cannot exceed 25% of paid-up equity capital i.e. 25% of Rs. [1,00,00,000 + 50,00,000] = Rs. 37,50,000. Illustration C: The capital structure of a company consists of: (a) 10,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each fully paid-up. (b) 10,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each on which Rs. 5 is paid-up. (c) 10,00,000 equity shares of Rs.10 each fully paid-up with differential rights as to voting. (d) 1,00,000 preference shares of Rs. 100 each fully paid-up. (e) Free reserves Rs. 7,50,00,000.
(cdxxx) The total paid-up equity share capital of the company is Rs. [1,00,00,000 + 50,00,000 + 1,00,00,000] = Rs. 2,50,00,000. The Board can draw upto 10% of the total paid-up equity share capital and free reserves, i.e. 10% of Rs. [2,50,00,000 + 7,50,00,000] = Rs. 1,00,00,000. The shareholders can approve buy-back upto 25% of paid-up capital and free reserves, i.e. 25% of Rs.[2,50,00,000 +1,00,00,000 + 7,50,00,000] = Rs.2,75,00,000. However, the buy-back of equity shares should be limited to 25% of the total paid-up equity capital of Rs.2,50,00,000 = Rs. 62,50,000. In both the cases of approval by the Board or the shareholders, the buy-back of preference shares can be done upto 100% i.e. 1,00,000 preference shares of Rs. 100 each as it is within the overall limit of Rs. 1,00,00,000 or Rs. 2,75,00,000 respectively. Further offer of buy-back Once the buy-back has been made with the authorization of the Board and not that of the shareholders, no further offer for buy-back of any securities can be made without the consent of shareholders accorded by a special resolution within 365 days reckoned from the date of the offer. [Second Proviso to Section 77A(2)]. However, the shareholders can make further offer within a period of 365 days, provided the aggregate of authorisation does not exceed the quantum specified in 1.3 and 1.4 above. Illustration D: Where an earlier offer up to 8% of the total paid-up equity capital and free reserves was made with the approval of the Board, no further offer can be made without the approval of shareholders within a period of 365 days reckoned from the date of offer, inspite of the fact that the Board is entitled to buy-back upto 10% of paid-up equity capital and free reserves but had drawn upon only 8% thereof. 8. AVAILABLE SOURCES FOR BUY-BACK OF SECURITIES Sources of buy-back According to Section 77A(1) of the Companies Act, 1956 a company may purchase its own shares or other specified securities (hereinafter referred to as buyback) out of: (i) its free reserves; or (ii) the securities premium account; or (iii) the proceeds of any shares or other specified securities. However, no buy-back of any kind of shares or other specified securities can be made out of the proceeds of an earlier issue of the same kind of shares or same kind of other specified securities. Thus, the company must have at the time of buy-back, sufficient balance in any one or more of these accounts to accommodate the total value of the buy-back.
(cdxxxi) Free reserves and securities premium account While the surplus in the profit and loss account can be used for buy-back of securities, in case the profit and loss account shows a debit balance, such debit balance should first be deducted from free reserves. Capital redemption reserve, revaluation reserve, investment allowance reserve, profit on re-issue of forfeited shares, profits earned prior to incorporation of the company and any other specific reserve are not available for distribution as dividend and hence do not form part of free reserves for the purpose of buy-back. Even though Section 77A(1) provides that a company may buy-back its securities out of securities premium account, Sub-section (2) of Section 78 does not mention buy-back of securities as one of the purposes for which the balance in the securities premium account may be utilised. However, by virtue of the non obstante clause in Section 77A, namely Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act., Section 77A prevails over Section 78. Therefore, the securities premium account can be utilized for buy-back of securities. Illustration E: The following reserves appear in the balance sheet of XYZ Limited. (a) Capital Redemption Reserve. (b) Debenture Redemption Reserve. (c) Dividend Equalization Reserve. (d) Foreign Currency Fluctuation Reserve. (e) General Reserve. (f) Securities Premium Account. (g) Statutory Reserve. (h) Investment Fluctuation Reserve. Of the above, for the purpose of buy-back of securities, only the following are considered as free reserves: (i) Dividend Equalization Reserve. (ii) Foreign Currency Fluctuation Reserve (if not in the nature of provision). (iii) General Reserve. (iv) Securities Premium Account. (v) Investment Fluctuation Reserve. Proceeds of issue Buy-back may be made out of the proceeds of an issue of securities other than the same kind of securities as are proposed to be bought back. The proceeds of an earlier issue of one kind of securities may be used for the purpose of buy-back of any other kind of securities. The proceeds of an issue of preference shares may be used to buy-back equity shares and the proceeds of an issue of equity shares may be used to buy-back preference shares.
(cdxxxii) However, the proceeds of issue of preference shares carrying differential rights as to dividend, voting etc. cannot be utilized inter se for the purpose of buy-back. For instance, the proceeds of issue of 10% preference shares cannot be utilized for buyback of 8% preference shares, as these are of the same kind, though of different classes of shares. There should be no direct nexus between the proceeds of an issue and buy-back of securities of a company. For instance, if equity shares had been issued by a company in 1994 and the funds raised therefrom were deposited in a bank account, buy-back of equity shares by the company in 2003 will be permissible from the funds in that account, if there is evidence to prove that, over the years, the aforesaid bank account has functioned as common pool for deposit of all the funds raised and no direct nexus can be established between the proceeds of the issue in 1994 and the buy-back in 2003. Borrowings from banks/financial institutions Where a company has borrowed any money from banks/ financial institutions for any purpose, it should not utilize such money for buy-back of securities. [Rule 8(e)]. Further, if any approval is required to be obtained from banks/financial institutions, such approval should be obtained before passing the Board resolution for buy-back of securities. 9. CONDITIONS TO BE FULFILLED AND OBLIGATIONS FOR BUY-BACK OF SECURITIES Only fully paid-up securities qualify for buy-back. [Section 77A (2)(e)]. If some securityholders have not made the payment of calls or any sums due on the securities, it would not disentitle the company from buy-back. However, the securities on which the call money remains in arrears cannot be bought back. Fully paid-up securities, even if quoted below par on the stock exchanges, qualify for buy-back. If a security has been issued at a discount, the payment of the total amount due thereon should be considered as a sufficient qualification for its buyback. After buy-back, the company should have a debt-equity ratio not exceeding 2:1, i.e. all secured and unsecured debts of the company should not be more than twice the aggregate of its capital and free reserves. However, the Central Government has the power to prescribe a higher debt-equity ratio for a class or classes of companies. [Section 77A(2)(d)]. For the purpose of computing debt-equity ratio, debt includes: (i) long-term loans/deposits (repayable after 12 months) including interest bearing unsecured loans from government; (ii) debentures including convertible debentures (except the part of debentures which are compulsorily convertible into equity), until they are converted, irrespective of the maturity period; (iii) deferred payments; redeemable preference shares due for redemption between 1 to 3 years.
(cdxxxiii) Equity includes: (i) paid-up equity share capital; (ii) redeemable preference shares due for redemption after 3 years; (iii) share premium; (iv) free reserves less accumulated losses, arrears of unabsorbed depreciation, all items of assets which are of intangible nature or expenditure not written off; (v) Government subsidies. Where buy-back of shares is made out of free reserves, the company should transfer to the capital redemption reserve account referred to in clause (d) of the proviso to Sub-section (1) of Section 80, a sum equal to the nominal value of the shares so bought back and the details of such transfer should be disclosed in the balance sheet. [Section 77AA]. In any other case, the company is not required to transfer to the capital redemption reserve account a sum equal to the nominal value of the shares so bought back. Such transfer to capital redemption reserve account will also not be required when buy-back is of securities other than shares. No further issue of the same kind of securities should be made within a period of 6 months from the date of completion of buy-back of securities. [Section 77A(8)]. The date of further issue of securities, for this purpose, means the date of the resolution passed by the Board or shareholders, as the case may be. Hence, an issue of preference shares may be made by a company within a period of 6 months from the date of completion of buy-back of equity shares and vice versa. However, further issue of the same kind of securities is allowed by way of bonus issue or in discharge of subsisting obligations such as conversion of warrants, stock option schemes, sweat equity or conversion of preference shares or debentures into equity shares. [Section 77A(8)]. An issue of shares in pursuance of a scheme of amalgamation, being by virtue of a court order, is permissible. However, no buy-back of securities should be undertaken while a petition for amalgamation is pending. No issue of any security including bonus shares should be made till the closure of offer of buy-back. [Regulation 19(1)(b) & Rule 8(1)(b)]. A company should not make any announcement in respect of buy-back of securities from the date of approval by the Board of any scheme of compromise or arrangement pursuant to the provisions of the Act, upto the date of filing of the court order with the Registrar. [Regulation 19(2)]. No offer of buy-back of securities should be made if such offer would result in reducing the non-promoter holding below the limit of public shareholding specified under the SEBI (Disclosure and Investor Protection) Guidelines, 2000 as applicable at the time of initial listing. [Clause 40A (iii) of Listing Agreement of Mumbai Stock Exchange]. Convertible debentures can be bought back before the date of their
(cdxxxiv) conversion but such a purchase would amount to the company purchasing its own shares and all the provisions relating to buy-back shall become applicable. Promoters or persons acting in concert should not deal in the securities of the company while the buy-back offer is open. [Regulation 19(1)(e)]. 10. DISPUTED SECURITIES KEPT IN ABEYANCE Securities which are under dispute and have been kept in abeyance under Section 206A, or in respect of which transfer or transmission has not been effected, are not available for buy-back. Before undertaking any buy-back, the company should ensure that no transfer deed is pending for registration. 11. RESTRICTIONS ON BUY-BACK OF SECURITIES IN CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES A company should not buy-back its securities if default subsists in repayment of deposits or interest payable thereon, or in redemption of debentures or preference shares or repayment of any term loan or interest payable thereon to any financial institution or bank. [Section 77B(1)(c)]. Deposits for this purpose include deposits under Section 58A read with Rule 2(b) of the Companies (Acceptance of Deposits) Rules, 1975. Buy-back should not be made if a company has defaulted in relation to preparation and filing of its annual return. [Section 77B(2)]. However, such a company may buy-back its securities after the default has been rectified. Buy-back should not be made in the event of any default in relation to payment of dividend to any equity or preference shareholder. [Section 77B(2)]. Where a dividend has been declared by a company but has not been paid in accordance with the provisions of the Act, the company may buy-back its securities only after payment of dividend and interest thereon as per the provisions of the Act. Buy-back should not be made in the event of default in preparation of the annual accounts. [Section 77B(2)]. Where the report of the statutory auditors of the company contains a qualification that annual accounts are not prepared as per the accounting standards or otherwise are not in accordance with the provisions of Section 211, the company cannot proceed to buy-back its securities. However, compounding of the aforementioned defaults or subsequent curing of the default may qualify as an enabling provision for buy-back. Buy-back should not be made by a company: (i) through any subsidiary company including its own subsidiary companies; (ii) through any investment company or group of investment companies. [Section 77B(1)(a) and (b)].
(cdxxxv) 12. DECLARATION OF SOLVENCY As per section 77A(6) where the Board or the shareholders of a listed company pass a resolution to buy-back shares, the company should, before making such buyback, file with the Registrar and SEBI a declaration of solvency in the prescribed form. A private company and a public company whose shares are not listed on a stock exchange should file the declaration of solvency with the Registrar in the prescribed form. 13. STAMP DUTY ON BUY-BACK Transfer of shares attracts stamp duty vide Schedule I, entry 62 to the Indian Stamp Act, 1899. For completion of transfer of shares, a company is required to register the shares in the name of the transferee. In the case of buy-back, the shares bought back have to be statutorily extinguished within 7 days from the last date of completion of buy-back. Hence, no registration of such shares takes place in the name of the company. The names of the members/holders of the shares have to be struck off from the register of members if the entire holding is bought back. Therefore, buy-back cannot be considered as transfer and stamp duty would not be payable in a case where buy-back of shares takes place in physical form even if the shares are accompanied by an application form for transfer of shares in favour of the company. Further, buy-back of shares will not be construed as release falling under Article 55 of the Indian Stamp Act attracting stamp duty. Shares received by the company for buy-back in electronic mode do not attract stamp duty in terms of the provisions contained in the Depositories Act, 1996. 14. INCOME TAX ASPECTS Section 46A has been inserted in the Income Tax Act, 1961 with effect from the assessment year 2000-01. The said section provides that any consideration received by a securityholder from any company on buy back shall be chargeable to tax on the difference between the cost of acquisition and the value of consideration received by the securityholder as capital gains. The computation of capital gains shall be in accordance with the provisions of Section 48 of the Income Tax Act, 1961. In respect of Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs), as per the provisions of Section 196D(2) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 no deduction of tax at source shall be made before remitting the consideration for equity shares tendered under the offer by FIIs as defined under Section 115AD of the Income Tax Act, 1961. NRIs, OCBs and other non-resident shareholders (excluding FIIs) will be required to submit a No Objection Certificate (NOC) or tax clearance certificate obtained from the Income Tax authorities under the Income Tax Act. In case the aforesaid NOC or tax clearance certificate is not submitted, the company should deduct tax at the maximum marginal rate as may be applicable to the category of shareholders on the entire consideration amount payable to such shareholders. 15. PROCEDURE AND PRACTICE FOR BUY-BACK OF SECURITIES Under Section 77A of the Companies Act, 1956 any company limited by shares
(cdxxxvi) or a company limited by guarantee and having a share capital can buy-back its own securities, whether it is a private, public, listed or unlisted company. The buy-back in respect of shares or other specified securities which are not listed on any recognised stock exchange must be in accordance with the guidelines as may be prescribed [Section 77A(2)(g)]. The guidelines prescribed in this behalf are Private Limited Company and Unlisted Public Limited Company (Buy-Back of Securities) Rules, 1999. 15.1 BUY-BACK PROCEDURE FOR LISTED SECURITIES The procedure to be followed for buy-back of securities by listed companies is contained in Sections 77A, 77AA and 77B of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-back of Securities) Regulations, 1998, (referred to as the Regulations hereinafter) and is detailed below: (i) Amendment of Articles As per Section 77A(2) of the Companies Act, 1956, a buy-back must be authorised by the articles of association of the company. It is, therefore, necessary for a company proposing to resort to a buy-back to make sure that such an authority exists in its articles. If the articles do not contain such a provision, the company must follow the procedure laid down in Section 31 of the Companies Act, 1956 for altering its articles to incorporate such a provision by passing a special resolution and filing a certified true copy of the same alongwith Form No. 23, with the concerned Registrar of Companies, for registration as required by Section 192 of the Act. (See Annexure 2) (ii) Approval of Shareholders In terms of Sub-section (2)(b) of Section 77A, a buy-back must be approved by a special resolution. However, a special resolution at a general meeting is not necessary where buy-back is or less than ten per cent of the total paid-up equity capital and free reserves of the company and such buy-back has been authorised by the Board of Directors of the company by means of a resolution passed at its meeting and not by way of a resolution of board of directors passed by circulation. (See Annexure 3) In case of a listed company, the approval of shareholders should be taken only by way of postal ballot [Section 192A]. Sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 5 of the Regulations, lays down that for the purposes of passing a special resolution under Sub-section (2) of Section 77A of the Companies Act, 1956 the explanatory statement to be annexed to the notice for the general meeting pursuant to Section 173 of the Companies Act shall contain disclosures as specified in Schedule I to the Regulations. (See Schedule 1 of Annexure 1). (Also see Annexure to the notice at the end of study lesson). Sub-regulation (2) provides that a copy of the resolution passed at the general meeting under Sub-section (2) of Section 77A of the Companies Act, 1956 shall be filed with Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and the stock exchanges where the shares or other specified securities of the company are listed, within seven days from the date of passing of the resolution. Regulation 5A of the Regulations, provides the following conditions subject to which a company may buy back its
(cdxxxvii ) shares or other specified securities when authorised by a Board resolution pursuant to proviso to Section 77(A)(2)(b) of Companies Act: (a) before making a public announcement under Regulation 8(1), a public notice shall be given in atleast one English national daily, one Hindi national daily and a regional language daily, all with wide circulation at the place where the registered office of the company is situated. (b) the public notice shall be given within 2 days of the passing of the resolution by the Board of Directors. (c) the public notice shall contain the disclosures as specified in Schedule I of the Regulations. Also, a copy of the resolution, passed by the Board of Directors at its meeting, authorising buy back of its shares or other specified securities, shall be filed with the SEBI and the stock exchanges where the shares or other specified securities of the company are listed, within two days of the date of passing a special resolution. All the shares or other specified securities for buy-back must be fully paid-up [Section 77A(2)(e)]. (iii) Special Resolution and Explanatory statement to be annexed Where buy-back of securities needs the approval of the company at a general meeting by special resolution, Sub-section (3) of Section 77A provides that the notice of the meeting at which the special resolution authorising the buy-back is proposed to be passed should be accompanied by an explanatory statement stating: (a) a full and complete disclosure of all material facts; (b) necessity for the buy-back; (c) class of security intended to be purchased under the buy-back; (d) amount to be invested under the buy-back; and (e) time limit for completion of the buy-back. Exceptional importance has been given to the explanatory statement in the SEBI Buy-back Regulations because maximum disclosures can be made through it. According to Regulation 7 of the Regulations, the explanatory statement annexed to the notice under Section 173 of the Companies Act, should contain the following additional disclosures: (iv) Explanatory statement An explanatory statement containing full and complete disclosure of all the material facts and the disclosures prescribed in Schedule I of the Regulations should be annexed to the notice where the buy-back is pursuant to shareholders approval. The explanatory statement should include the following [Regulation 5(1)]: (i) the date of the Board meeting at which the proposal for buy-back was approved by the Board; (ii) an indication that the shareholders at the general meeting may authorise the Board to adopt at the appropriate time one of the methods referred to in subregulation (1) of Regulation 4;
(cdxxxviii ) (iii) the maximum amount required under the buy-back and the sources of funds from which the buy-back would be financed; (iv) the basis of arriving at the buy-back price; (v) the number of securities that the company proposes to buy-back; (vi) (a) the aggregate shareholding of the promoter and of the directors of the promoter company, where the promoter is a company, and of persons who are in control of the company as on the date of the notice convening the general meeting or the meeting of the Board; (b) the aggregate number of equity shares purchased or sold by persons including persons mentioned in (a) above during a period of 6 months preceding the date of the Board meeting at which the buy-back was approved till the date of notice convening the general meeting; (c) the maximum and minimum price at which purchases and sales referred to in (b) above were made along with the relevant dates; (vii) intention of the promoters and persons in control of the company to tender their specified securities for buy-back indicating the number of specified securities, details of acquisition, with dates and price; If the promoters and persons in control of the company do not intend to tender their securities for buy-back, it is desirable that the reasons thereof are given in the explanatory statement. (viii) a confirmation that there are no defaults subsisting in repayment of deposits, redemption of debentures or preference shares or repayment of term loans to any financial institution or bank; (ix) a confirmation that the Board has made a full enquiry into the affairs and prospects of the company and that it has formed the opinion: (a) that immediately following the date on which the general meeting or the meeting of the Board is convened there will be no grounds on which the company could be found unable to pay its debts; (b) as regards its prospects for the year immediately following that date that, having regard to the intentions with respect to the management of the companys business during that year and to the amount and character of the financial resources which will in the view of the Board be available to the company during that year, the company will be able to meet its liabilities as and when they fall due and will not be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from that date; and (c) in forming their opinion for the above purposes, the directors have taken into account the liabilities as if the company were being wound up under the provisions of the Act (including prospective and contingent liabilities). (x) a report addressed to the Board by the companys auditors stating that: (i) they have inquired into the companys state of affairs; (ii) the amount of the permissible capital payment for the securities in question is in their view properly determined; and
(cdxxxix) (iii) the Board has formed the opinion as specified in clause (x) on reasonable grounds and that the company will not, having regard to its state of affairs, be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from that date. (v) Nomination of compliance officer The company should nominate a compliance officer for ensuring compliance of the provisions of the Act, the Regulations, listing agreement and any other applicable laws relating to buy-back of securities and to redress the grievances of the investors. [Regulation 19(3)]. For this purpose, a Board resolution should be passed and Form 1AA and Form 1AB of the Companies (Central Governments) General Rules and Forms, 1956 should be filed with the Registrar by the person designated as compliance officer. Specimens of Form 1AA and Form 1AB are given at Annexures VII and VIII. The name, telephone no., fax no. and e-mail ID of the compliance officer should be given in the public announcement and letter of offer. (vi) Investor service centre The company should have at least one investor service center. It is desirable that such centers are opened in all such cities where the securityholders holding 10% or more of voting rights reside. [Regulation 19(3)]. (vii) Appointment of merchant banker The company should appoint a merchant banker registered with SEBI, for buyback of securities through any of the modes specified. Such appointment should be made before the public announcement for buy-back of securities. (viii) Time limit for completion of buy-back Every buy-back must be completed within twelve months from the date of passing of the special resolution or the resolution of the Board of Directors (i.e. in case of buy-back is or less than ten per cent of the total paid-up equity capital and free reserves of the company), as the case may be. [Section 77A(4)]. (ix) Methods of buy-back According to Sub-section (5) of Section 77A, a buy-back may be made: (a) from the existing security-holders on a proportionate basis; or (b) from the open market; or (c) from odd lots, that is to say, where the lot of securities of a public company, whose shares are listed on a recognised stock exchange, is smaller than such market lot, as may be specified by the stock exchange; or (d) by purchasing the securities issued to employees of the company pursuant to a scheme of stock option or sweat equity. According to Regulation 4 of the Regulations, a company may buy back its own shares or other specified securities by any one of the following methods:
(cdxl) (a) from the existing security-holders on a proportionate basis through the tender offer; (b) from the open market through: (i) book-building process, (ii) stock exchange (c) from odd-lot holders. (ix)(a) Buy-back from existing security-holders through tender offer According to Regulation 6 of the Regulations, a company may buy back its securities from its existing security-holders on a proportionate basis in accordance with the provisions of the Regulations. Public announcementFiling of offer documents specified Sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 8 of the regulations, provides that the company which has been authorised by a special resolution or a resolution passed by board at their meeting, should before the buy-back of securities make a public announcement in at least one English national daily, one Hindi national daily and a regional language daily all with wide circulation at the place where the registered office of the company is situated, containing all the material information as specified in Schedule II to the Regulations. (See Schedule II of Annexure 1) Sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 8 provides that the public announcement should specify a date, which would be the specified date for the purpose of determining the names of the security-holders to whom the letter of offer is required to be sent. The specified date should not later than 30 days from the date of public announcement [Sub-regulation (3) of Regulation 8]. Filing of offer documents with SEBI Sub-regulation (4) of Regulation 8 provides that the company shall, within seven working days of the public announcement, file with SEBI, a draft letter of offer containing disclosures as specified in Schedule-III to the regulations, through a merchant banker who is not associated with the company. (See Schedule III of Annexure 1) The draft letter of offer should be accompanied by the fees specified in Schedule IV to the regulations [Sub-regulation (5) of Regulation 8]. (See Schedule IV of Annexure 1) Despatch of letter of offer to shareholders The letter of offer should be despatched to the shareholders not earlier than twenty-one days from its submission to SEBI under Sub-regulation (4) [Subregulation (6) of Regulation 8]; If within twenty-one days from the date of submission of the draft letter of offer, SEBI specifies any modification in the draft letter of offer, the merchant banker and the company are required to carry out such modifications before the letter of offer is despatched to the shareholders. Offer procedure
(cdxli) Regulation 9 of the SEBI Regulations lays down the following procedure for making of the offer for buy-back of shares: 1. The offer for buy-back must remain open to the members for a period of not less than fifteen days and not exceeding thirty days. 2. The date of the opening of the offer must not be earlier than seven days or later than thirty days after the specified date. 3. The letter of offer must be sent to the security-holders so as to reach there before the opening of the offer. 4. If the number of securities offered by the security-holders is more than the total number of securities to be bought back by the company, the acceptances per security-holder should be equal to the acceptances tendered by the security-holders divided by the total acceptances received and multiplied by the total number of securities to be bought back. The acceptance per security holder can be decided by applying the following formula:
AS =
AS = Acceptance per security holder ATS = Acceptance tendered by the security-holders TA = Total acceptances received NSB = Number of securities to be bought back 5. The company is required to complete the verification of the offers received, within fifteen days of the closure of the offer and the securities lodged will be deemed to be accepted unless a communication of rejection is made within fifteen days from the closure of the offer. Escrow account Regulation 10 of the SEBI Regulations provides that1. the company should as and by way of security for performance of its obligations under the Regulations, on or before the opening of the offer, deposit in an escrow account the sum as specified in Sub-regulation (2). 2. the escrow amount is payable in the following manner: (i) if the consideration payable does not exceed Rs.100 crores25 per cent of the consideration payable; (ii) if the consideration payable exceeds Rs.100 crores25 per cent upto Rs.100 crores and 10 per cent thereafter; 3. the escrow account referred to above shall consist of: (a) cash deposited with a scheduled commercial bank, or (b) bank guarantee in favour of the merchant banker, or (c) deposit of acceptable securities with appropriate margin, with the merchant banker, or
(cdxlii) (d) a combination of (a), (b) and (c) above; 4. where the escrow account consists of deposit with a scheduled commercial bank, the company while opening the account, should empower the merchant banker to instruct the bank to issue a bankers cheque or demand draft for the amount lying to the credit of the escrow account, as provided in the Regulations; 5. where the escrow account consists of bank guarantee, such bank guarantee shall be in favour of the merchant banker and valid until thirty days after the closure of the offer; 6. where the escrow account consists of securities, the company should empower the merchant banker to realise the value of such escrow account by sale or otherwise. If there is any deficit on realisation of the value of the securities, the merchant banker shall be liable to make good any such deficit; 7. in case the escrow account consists of bank guarantee or approved securities, these shall not be returned by the merchant banker till the completion of all obligations under the Regulations; 8. where the escrow account consists of bank guarantee or deposit of approved securities, the company is also required to deposit with the bank in cash, a sum of at least one per cent of the total consideration payable, as and by way of security for fulfilment of the obligations under the Regulations by the company; 9. on payment of consideration to all the security-holders who have accepted the offer and after completion of all the formalities of buy-back, the amount, guarantee and securities in the escrow, if any, should be released to the company; 10. SEBI, in the interest of the security-holders, may, in case of non-fulfillment of obligations under the Regulations by the company forfeit the escrow account either in full or in part; 11. the amount so forfeited may be distributed pro rata amongst the securityholders who accepted the offer and the balance, if any, shall be utilised for investor protection. Payment to the Security holders Regulation 11 of the Regulations lays down that 1. The company should immediately after the date of closure of the offer, open a special account with a SEBI registered banker to an issue and deposit therein, such sum as would, together with the amount lying in the escrow account make up the entire sum due and payable as consideration for the buy-back and for this purpose, may transfer the funds from the escrow account. 2. Within seven days of the time specified in regulation 9(5), the company should either make the payment of consideration in cash to those security-holders whose offer has been accepted or return the security
(cdxliii) certificates to the security-holders. Payment by installments is thus not permissible. Extinguishing of bought-back securities Sub-section (7) of Section 77A of the Companies Act lays down that where a company buys back its own securities, it should, within seven days of the last date of completion of the buy-back, extinguish and physically destroy the securities so bought back. Regulation 12 of the SEBI Regulations provides that 1. The company should extinguish and physically destroy the security certificates so bought back, in the presence of a Registrar or the Merchant Banker, and the Statutory Auditor within seven days from the date of acceptance of the securities. 2. If the securities offered for buy-back are already dematerialized, then they should be extinguished and destroyed in the manner specified under the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 1996 and the bye-laws made thereunder. 3. The company is required to furnish a certificate to SEBI fully verified by: (a) the registrar and whenever there is no registrar through the merchant banker; (b) two whole-time directors including the managing director; (c) the statutory auditor of the company; and (d) certifying compliance as specified in Sub-regulation (I), within seven days of the extinguishment and destruction of the certificates. 4. The particulars of the security certificates extinguished and destroyed under Sub-regulation (1) should be furnished to the stock exchanges where the securities of the company are listed, within seven days of extinguishment and destruction of the certificates. Register of bought-back securities The company is required to maintain a record of security certificates which have been cancelled and destroyed, as prescribed in Sub-section (9) of Section 77A of the Companies Act. According to the said section, where a company buys-back its securities, it shall maintain a register of securities so bought, the consideration paid for the securities bought back, the date of cancellation of securities, the date of extinguishment and physically destroying of securities and such other particulars, as may be prescribed under Rule 5C and Form No. 4B of General Rules and Forms. Odd lot buy-back The above provisions pertaining to buy-back from existing security-holders are also applicable to odd lot securities. (ix)(b) Buy-back from Open Market Regulation 14 of the Regulations lays down that a buy-back of shares from the open market may be in any one of the following methods:
(cdxliv) (i) Through stock exchange. (ii) Book-building process. (b) (i) Buy-back through the stock exchange Regulation 15 of the Regulations provides that a company should buy-back its specified securities through the stock exchange as provided hereunder: (a) the special resolution as under Regulation 5 and 5A should specify the maximum price at which the buy-back will be made; (b) the buy-back of securities should not be from the promoters or persons in control of the company; (c) the company should appoint a merchant banker and make a public announcement as referred to in Regulation 8 at least seven days prior to the commencement of buy back; (d) a copy of the public announcement which should contain disclosures regarding details of the brokers and stock exchanges through which the buyback would be made must be filed with SEBI within two days of the announcement along with the fees as specified in Schedule IV to the Regulations; (e) the buy-back should be made only on stock exchanges having Nationwide Trading Terminal facility and only through the order matching mechanism except all or none order matching system; (f) the company and the merchant banker should give information to the stock exchange on a daily basis regarding the securities bought-back and the same should be published in a national daily; (g) the identity of the company as a purchaser would appear on the electronic screen when the order is placed. Extinguishment of Certificates Regulation 16 lays down that the provisions of Regulation 12 pertaining to extinguishment of certificates will be applicable mutatis mutandis and the company shall complete the verification of acceptances within fifteen days of the pay-out. (b) (ii) Buy-back through book-building A company can buy-back its securities through the book-building process as provided hereunder: 1. (a) The special regulation as in Regulation 5 or 5A, should specify the maximum price at which the buy-back will be made. (b) The company should appoint a merchant banker. (c) A public announcement as referred to in Regulation 8 shall be made at least seven days prior to the commencement of the buy-back. (d) Subject to the provisions of Sub-clauses (i) and (ii), the provisions of Regulation 10 regarding escrow account are applicable: (i) The deposit in the escrow account should be made before the date of the public announcement.
(cdxlv) (ii) The amount to be deposited in the escrow account should be determined with reference to the maximum price as specified in the public announcement containing detailed methodology of the bookbuilding process, manner of acceptance, format of acceptance to be sent by the security-holders pursuant to public announcement and details of bidding centres. (e) A copy of the public announcement must be filed with SEBI within two days of the announcement along with the fees as specified in Schedule IV to the Regulations. The Public announcement shall also contain the detailed methodology of the book building process, the manner of acceptance, the format of acceptance to be sent by the security holders pursuant to the public announcement and the details of bidding centres. (f) The book-building process should be made through an electronically linked transparent facility. (g) The number of bidding centres should not be less than thirty and there should be at least one electronically linked computer terminal at all the bidding centres. (h) The offer for buy-back should be kept open to the security-holders for a period of not less than fifteen days and not exceeding thirty days. (i) The merchant banker and the company should determine the buy-back price based on the acceptances received and the final buy-back price, which should be the highest price accepted should be paid to all holders whose securities have been accepted for the buy-back. 2. The provisions of Regulation 9(5) pertaining to verification of acceptances and the provisions of Regulation 11 pertaining to opening of special account and payment of consideration are applicable mutatis mutandis. Extinguishment of certificates The provisions of Regulation 12 pertaining to extinguishment of certificates are applicable mutatis mutandis. (x) Declaration of solvency to be filed with SEBI In the case of buy-back of listed securities, before making a buy-back, the company must file with the Registrar of Companies and SEBI, a declaration of solvency in the prescribed form and verified by an affidavit to the effect that the Board has made a full inquiry into the affairs of the company and as a result has formed an opinion that the company is capable of meeting its liabilities and will not be rendered insolvent within a period of one year of the date of declaration adopted by the Board, and signed by at least two directors of the company, one of whom should be the managing director, if any. Regulation 8(7) lays down that the company shall file along with the draft letter of offer, the declaration of solvency in the prescribed form and in a manner prescribed in Section 77A(6) of the Companies Act, 1956. Section 77A(8) of the Companies Act, 1956 provides that where a company completes a buy-back, it shall not make a further issue of same kind of shares or
(cdxlvi) other specified securities including allotment of further shares under Section 81(1)(a) or other specified securities within a period of six months except by way of bonus issue or in the discharge of subsisting obligations such as conversion of warrants, stock option schemes, sweat equity or conversion of preference shares or debentures into equity shares. (xi) Filing of return of boughtback securities with Registrar After completion of buy-back, the company should, within thirty days of its completion, file with the Registrar and SEBI, a return containing the prescribed particulars relating to the buy-back [Section 77A(10)]. (xii) Punishment for default Section 77A(11) of the Act provides that if a company default in complying with the provisions of this section or any rules or regulations made thereunder, the company or any officer of the company who is in default shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine which may extend to fifty thousand rupees, or with both. (xiii) Transfer of certain sums to capital redemption reserve account Where a company purchases its shares out of free reserves, a sum equal to the nominal value of the shares so purchased should be transferred to the capital redemption reserve account of the company and details of such transfer shall be disclosed in the balance sheet (Section 77AA). (xiv) Obligations of the company According to Regulation 19 of the Regulations, 1. The company shall ensure that: (a) the letter of offer, the public announcement of the offer or any other advertisement, circular, brochure, publicity material contains true, factual and material information and does not contain any misleading information and must state that the directors of the company accept the responsibility for the information contained in such documents; (b) the company shall not issue any specified securities including by way of bonus till the date of closure of the offer is made under these Regulations; (c) the company shall pay consideration only by cash; (d) the company shall not withdraw the offer to buy-back after the draft letter of offer is filed with the SEBI or public announcement of the offer to buyback is made; (e) the promoter or the person shall not deal in the specified securities of the company in the stock exchange during the period the buy-back offer is open. 2. No public announcement of buy-back shall be made during the pendency of
(cdxlvii) any scheme of amalgamation or compromise or arrangement pursuant to the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. Compliance officer and investors service centres The company should nominate a compliance officer and investors service centre for compliance with the buy-back regulations and to redress the grievances of the investors [Sub-regulation (3)]. Particulars of extinguished and destroyed certificates The particulars of the said security certificates extinguished and destroyed should be furnished by the company to the stock exchanges where the securities of the company are listed, within seven days of extinguishment and destruction of the certificates [Sub-regulation (4)]. Locked-in securities not to be bought-back The company should not buy-back the locked-in securities and non-transferable securities till the pendency of the lock-in or till the securities become transferable [Sub-regulation (5)]. Publication of post-buy-back advertisement According to Sub-regulation (7), the company should issue, within two days of the completion of buy-back, a public advertisement in a national daily, inter alia, disclosing the following: (i) number of securities bought; (ii) price at which the securities were bought; (iii) total amount invested in the buy-back; (iv) details of the security-holders from whom securities exceeding one per cent of the total securities were bought-back; and (v) the consequent changes in the capital structure and the shareholding pattern after and before the buy-back. (xv) Communication with Authorities A ready referencer in respect of communication with various authorities in a buyback is given below: 1. Registrar of Companies (ROC) (a) File Form No. 23 within 30 days from the date of passing of the special resolution; (b) File declaration of solvency before the buy-back; (c) File return of securities bought back within 30 days of the completion of buy-back. 2. Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) (a) File a copy of the special resolution within 7 days from the date of
(cdxlviii) passing of the resolution; (b) File a copy of the public announcement within two days of the announcement; (c) File the draft letter of offer, within seven working days of the public announcement, where the securities are to be bought back from the existing security-holders; (d) File declaration of solvency before the buy-back; (e) File certificate of compliance regarding extinguishment and physical destruction of securities bought back within seven days; (f) File return of securities bought back within 30 days of the completion of buy-back. 3. Stock Exchange (where securities of the company are listed) (a) Intimate about the Board meeting of the company convened to decide the scheme of buy-back; (b) Inform the decision taken at the Board meeting in regard to the buyback; (c) File a copy of the special resolution within seven days from the date of passing of the resolution; (d) Furnish particulars of the security certificates extinguished and destroyed within seven days of the extinguishment and destruction of the certificates. (xvi) Obligations of the merchant banker Regulation 20 provides that the merchant banker should ensure that: (a) the company is able to implement the offer; (b) the provision relating to escrow account has been made; (c) firm arrangements for monies for payment to fulfil the obligations under the offer are in place; (d) the public announcement of buy-back is made and the letter of offer has been filed in terms of the Regulations; (e) the merchant banker should furnish to SEBI, a due diligence certificate which should accompany the draft letter of offer; (f) the merchant banker should ensure that the contents of the public announcement of offer as well as the letter of offer are true, fair and adequate and quoting the source wherever necessary. (g) the merchant banker should ensure compliance of Section 77A and Section 77B of the Companies Act, and any other applicable laws or rules in this regard; (h) upon fulfilment of all obligations by the company under the Regulations, the
(cdxlix) merchant banker should inform the bank with whom the escrow or special amount has been deposited to release the balance amount to the company and send a final report to SEBI in the specified form, within 15 days from the date of closure of the buy-back offer. (xvii) Action against market intermediaries Regulation 21 of the Regulations provides that SEBI may, on failure of the merchant banker to comply with the obligations or failing to observe due diligence, initiate action against the merchant banker in terms of the SEBI (Merchant Bankers) Regulations, 1992. SEBI may, on the failure of a Registrar or a broker to comply with the provisions of these Regulations or failing to observe due diligence, initiate action against the Registrar or the broker in terms of the Regulations applicable to such intermediaries. (xviii) SEBIs power to order investigation Regulation 22 empowers SEBI to suo-moto or upon information received by it, cause an investigation to be made in respect of the conduct and affairs of any person associated with the process of buy-back, by appointing an officer of SEBI; The investigations may be made for the following purposes, namely: (a) to ascertain whether there are any circumstances which would render any person guilty of having contravened any of these Regulations or any directions issued thereunder; (b) to investigate into any complaint of any contravention of the Regulation, received from any investor, intermediary or any other person. An order passed under Sub-regulation (1) is sufficient authority for the Investigating Officer to undertake the investigation and on production of an authenticated copy of the order, the person concerned is bound to carry out the duty imposed on him under these Regulations. (xix) Duty to produce records, etc. Regulation 23 lays down that 1. It is the duty of every person in respect of whom an investigation has been ordered to produce before the Investigating Officer such books, accounts and other documents in his custody or control and furnish him with such statements and information as he may require for the purposes of the investigation. 2. Such person shall (a) extend to the Investigating Officer reasonable facilities for examining any books, accounts and other documents in his custody or control, kept in any form, reasonably required for the purposes of the investigation; (b) to provide such Investigating Officer copies of such books, accounts and records which, in the opinion of the Investigating Officer, are relevant to the investigation or, as the case may be, allow him to take out computer printouts thereof;
(cdl) (c) to provide the required assistance and co-operation in connection with the investigation and to furnish information relevant to such investigation as may be sought by such officer. 3. The Investigating Officer for the purpose of investigation, has the full powers: (a) of summoning and enforcing the attendance of persons; (b) to examine orally and to record on oath the statement of the persons concerned, any director, partner, member or employee of such person. (xx) Submission of Report The Investigating Officer shall, on completion of his investigation, after taking into account all relevant facts and circumstances, submit a report to the Board and on receipt of the report, the Board may initiate such action as it may be empowered to do in the interests of investors and the securities market. (Regulation 24) (xxi) SEBIs power to issue directions Regulation 25 lays down that 1. SEBI may in the interest of the securities market and without prejudice to its right to initiate action including criminal prosecution under Section 24 of the SEBI Act give such directions as it deems fit including: (a) directing the person concerned not to further deal in securities in any particular manner; (b) prohibiting the person concerned from cancelling any of the securities bought back in violation of the Companies Act; (c) directing the person concerned to sell or divest the securities acquired in violation of the provisions of these regulations or any other law or regulations; (d) taking action against intermediaries registered with SEBI in accordance with the regulations applicable to them; (e) prohibiting the persons concerned, its directors, partners, members, employees and associates of such persons from accessing the securities market; (f) disgorgement of any ill-gotten gains or profit or avoidance of loss; (g) restraining the company from making a further offer for buy-back. 2. In case any person is guilty of insider trading or market manipulation, the person concerned shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of SEBI (Prohibition of Insider Trading) Regulations 1992 and SEBI (Provision of Fraudulent and Unfair Trade Practices relating to Securities Market) Regulations, 1995. (xxii) SEBIs power to remove difficulties Regulation 26 provides that in order to remove any difficulties in the interpretation or application of the provisions of these Regulations, SEBI has the power to issue
(cdli) directions through guidance notes or circulars. However, any direction issued by SEBI in a specific case relating to interpretation or application of any provision of these Regulations can be done only after affording a reasonable opportunity to the concerned parties and after recording reasons for the direction. 15.2 BUY-BACK PROCEDURE FOR PRIVATE LIMITED & UNLISTED PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANIES The procedure to be adopted for buy-back of securities by private limited companies and by unlisted public limited companies is laid down in Sections 77A, 77AA and 77B of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Private Limited Company and Unlisted Public Limited Company (Buy-back of Securities) Rules, 1999 [hereinafter referred to as the Rules] issued by the Central Government (DCA). The procedure is detailed below: (i) Buying-back According to Rule 3, an unlisted company can buy-back its shares from the existing shareholders on a proportionate basis through private offers or by purchasing the securities issued to employees of the company pursuant to a scheme of stock option or sweat equity. The process of buy-back of shares begins with the approval of the Board of Directors of the Company. The Board will pass the necessary resolutions approving the proposal for buy-back. (ii) Contents of explanatory statement When buy-back is subsequently to be approved by a special resolution passed in a general meeting of the company, the notice of the general meeting at which the special resolution is proposed to be passed should be accompanied by an explanatory statement. In terms of Rule 4, for passing the required special resolution under Section 77A(2), the explanatory statement to be annexed to the notice for the general meeting pursuant to Section 173 of the Companies Act should, inter alia, contain the following disclosures: (See Schedule I of Annexure 4) (i) the date of the Board meeting at which the proposal for buy-back was approved by the Board; (ii) the necessity for the buy-back; (iii) the class of security intended to be bought-back; (iv) the method to be adopted for the buy-back; (v) the maximum amount required for the buy-back and the sources of funds to finance it; (vi) the basis of arriving at the buy-back price; (vii) the number of securities proposed to be bought-back; (viii) time limit for completion of buy-back; (ix) (a) the aggregate shareholding of the promoter and the directors of promoters, where the promoter is a company and of persons who are in control of the company as on the date of the notice convening the general meeting;
(cdlii) (b) aggregate number of equity shares purchased or sold by persons including persons mentioned in (a) above during the period of six months preceding the date of the Board meeting at which the buy-back was approved till the date of notice convening the general meeting; (c) the maximum and minimum price at which purchases and sales referred to in (b) above were made along with the relevant dates; (x) intention of the promoters and persons in control of the company to tender shares for buy-back indicating the number of shares, details of acquisition with dates and price; (xi) a confirmation that there are no defaults subsisting in the repayment of deposits, redemption of debentures or preference shares or repayment of term loans to any financial institution or bank; (xii) a confirmation that the Board of Directors has made a full enquiry into the affairs and prospects of the company and that they have formed the opinion: (a) that immediately following the date on which the general meeting is convened there will be no grounds on which the company could be found unable to pay its debts; (b) as regards its prospects for the year immediately following that date that, having regard to their intentions with respect to the management of the companys business during that year and to the amount and character of the financial resources which in their view will be available to the company during that year, the company will be able to meet its liabilities as and when they fall due and will not be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from that date; and (c) in forming their opinion for the above purposes, the directors should take into account the liabilities as if the company were being wound up under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (including prospective and contingent liabilities). (xiii) a report addressed to the Board of Directors by the companys auditors stating that: (a) they have inquired into the companys state of affairs; (b) the amount of the permissible capital payment for the securities in question is in their view properly determined; and (c) the Board of Directors have formed the opinion as specified in clause (xii) on reasonable grounds and that the company will not, having regard to its state of affairs, be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from that date. (xiv) the price at which the buy-back of shares will be made; (xv) if the promoters intend to offer their shares(a) the quantum of shares proposed to be tendered; and (b) the details of their transactions and their holdings for the last six months prior to the passing of the special resolution for buy-back including information of number of shares acquired, the price and the date of the acquisition. (iii) Filing of letter of offer with Registrar
(cdliii) Rule 5 lays down that before buy-back, the company should file with the concerned Registrar of Companies a draft letter of offer containing the prescribed particulars as specified in Schedule II of the Rules (please see Annexure 4). The company should also file alongwith the letter of offer, a declaration of solvency in Form No. 4A prescribed under the Companies (Central Governments) General Rules and Forms, 1956 and in accordance with the provisions of Section 77A(6) of the Companies Act, 1956. (See Schedule II of Annexure 4) (iv) Offer Procedure According to the Rule 6, the letter of offer should be despatched immediately after filing with the Registrar of Companies but not later than 21 days from such filing. The offer should remain open to the members for a period of not less than fifteen days and not exceeding thirty days from the date of despatch of the letter of offer. In case the number of shares offered by the shareholders is more than the total number of shares to be bought back by the company, the acceptance per shareholder should be on proportionate basis. The company should complete the verification of the offers received within 15 days of the closure of the offer and the shares lodged will be deemed to be accepted unless a communication of rejection is made within 21 days from the closure of the offer. (v) Payment to shareholders Rule 7 provides that the company should immediately after the date of closure of the offer open a special bank account and deposit therein, such sum, as would make up the entire sum due and payable as consideration for the buy-back in terms of the Rules. The company should within 7 days of the specified period make the payment of consideration in cash or bank draft/pay order to those shareholders whose offer has been accepted or return the share certificates to the shareholders forthwith. (vi) General obligations of the company According to Rule 8, following are the general obligations of the company: (a) The letter of offer should contain true, factual and material information and not contain any misleading information and must state that the directors of the company accept the responsibility for the information contained in such documents. (b) The company should not issue any shares including by way of bonus till the date of closure of the offer under these rules. (c) The company should confirm in its offer the opening of a separate bank account testifying the availability of funds earmarked for this purpose and
(cdliv) pay the consideration only by way of cash or Bank draft/pay order. (d) The company should not withdraw the offer to buy-back after the draft letter of offer is filed with the Registrar of Companies. (e) The company should not utilise any money borrowed from Banks/Financial institutions for the purpose of buying back its shares. (vii) Return to be filed with Registrar After completion of the buy-back, the company should file with the Registrar of Companies, a return in the prescribed Form specified in Annexure A of the Rules [Rule 9]. (viii) Extinguishment of certificates Rule 10 lays down that the company should extinguish and physically destroy the share certificates so bought back in the presence of a company secretary in wholetime practice within seven days from the date of acceptance of the shares. The company should furnish a certificate to the Registrar of Companies duly verified by (a) two whole-time directors including the managing director and (b) company secretary in whole-time practice, certifying compliance of these rules including those specified in sub-rule (1) above within seven days of the extinguishment and destruction of the certificates. The company should maintain a record of share certificates which have been cancelled and destroyed within seven days of the buy-back of the shares. (ix) Register of shares The company should maintain a register of shares bought back by it, which should be in the prescribed format specified in Annexure B of the Rules [Rule 11]. ANNEXURE 1 SCHEDULES UNDER SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE BOARD OF INDIA (BUY-BACK OF SECURITIES) REGULATIONS, 1998 SCHEDULE I [Under Regulation 5(1) and Regulation 5A(1)(C)] CONTENTS OF EXPLANATORY STATEMENT The Explanatory Statement to the notice for special resolution for buy-back shall, inter alia, contain the following: (i) the date of the Board meeting at which the proposal for buy-back was approved by the Board of Directors of the company; (ii) the necessity for the buy-back; (iii) the company may specify in the explanatory statement to the notice that the shareholders at the general meeting may authorise the Board of Directors of
(cdlv) the company to adopt one of the methods referred in Sub-regulation (1) of Regulation 4 at the appropriate time the maximum amount required under the buy-back and the sources of funds from which the buy-back would be financed; the basis of arriving at the buy-back price; the number of securities that the company proposes to buy-back; the aggregate shareholding of the promoter and of the directors of the promoters, where the promoter is a company and of persons who are in control of the company as on the date of the notice convening the general meeting or the meeting of the Board of Directors; (a) aggregate number of equity securities purchased or sold by persons including persons mentioned in (a) above during the period of six months preceding the date of the Board meeting at which the buy-back was approved from date till the date of notice convening the general meeting; (b) the maximum and minimum price at which purchases and sales referred to in (b) above were made along with the relevant dates; intention of the promoters and persons in control of the company to tender securities for buy-back indicating the number of securities, details of acquisition with dates and price; a confirmation that there are no defaults subsisting in repayment of deposits, redemption of debentures or preference securities or repayment of term loans to any financial institutions or banks; a confirmation that the Board of Directors has made a full enquiry into the affairs and prospects of the company and that they have formed the opinion (a) that immediately following the date on which the general meeting or the meeting of Board of Directors is convened there will be no grounds on which the company could be found unable to pay its debts; (b) as regards its prospects for the year immediately following that date that, having regard to their intentions with respect to the management of the companys business during that year and to the amount and character of the financial resources which will in their view be available to the company during that year, the company will be able to meet its liabilities as and when they fall due and will not be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from that date; and (c) in forming their opinion for the above purposes, the directors shall take into account the liabilities as if the company were being wound up under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (including prospective and contingent liabilities). a report addressed to the Board of Directors by the companys auditors stating that (a) they have inquired into the companys state of affairs; (b) the amount of the permissible capital payment for the securities in question is in their view properly determined; and
(cdlvi) (c) the Board of Directors have formed the opinion as specified in clause (x) on reasonable grounds and that the company will not, having regard to its state of affairs, be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from that date. SCHEDULE II [Under Regulation 8(1)] CONTENTS OF THE PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT The public announcement shall, inter alia, contain the following: 1. Details of the offer including the total number and percentage of the total paid up capital and free reserves proposed to be bought-back and price. 2. The proposed time table from opening of the offer till the extinguishment of the certificates. 3. The specified date. 4. Authority for the offer of buy-back. 5. A full and complete disclosure of all material facts including the contents of the explanatory statement annexed to the notice for the general meeting at which the special resolution approving the buy-back was passed or the contents of public notice issued after the passing of the resolution by the Board of Directors authorising the buy-back. 6. The necessity for the buy-back. 7. The process and methodology to be adopted for the buy-back. 8. The maximum amount to be invested under the buy-back. 9. The minimum and the maximum number of securities that the company proposes to buy-back, sources of funds from which the buy-back would be made and the cost of financing the buy-back. 10. Brief information about the company. 11. Audited financial information for the last three years and the lead manager shall ensure that the particulars (audited statement and un-audited statement) contained therein shall not be more than six months old from the date of the public announcement together with financial ratios as may be specified by the Board. 12. Details of escrow account opened and the amount deposited therein. 13. Listing details and stock market data: (a) High, low and average market prices of the securities of the company proposed to be bought-back, during the preceding three years; (b) monthly high and low prices for the six months preceding the date of the public announcement; (c) the number of securities traded on the days when the high and low prices were recorded on the relevant stock exchanges during the period stated in (a) and (b) above; (d) the stock market data referred to above shall be shown separately for periods marked by a change in capital structure, with such period commencing from the date the concerned stock exchange recognises
(cdlvii) the change in the capital structure (e.g. when the securities have become ex-rights or ex-bonus); (e) the market price immediately after the date of the resolution of the Board of Directors approving the buy-back; and (f) the volume of securities traded in each month during the six months preceding the date of the public announcement. Along with high, low and average prices of securities of the company, details relating to volume of business transacted should also be stated for respective periods. Present capital structure (including the number of fully paid and partly paid securities) and shareholding pattern. The capital structure including details of outstanding convertible instruments, if any, post buy-back. The aggregate shareholding of the promoter group and of the directors of the promoters, where the promoter is a company and of persons who are in control of the company. The aggregate number of equity securities purchased or sold by persons mentioned in clause 17 above during the period of twelve months preceding the date of the public announcement; the maximum and minimum price at which purchases and sales referred to above were made along with the relevant dates. Management discussion and analysis on the likely impact of buy-back on the companys earnings, public holdings, holdings of NRIs/FIIs etc., promoters holding and any change in management structure. The details of statutory approvals obtained. Collection and bidding centres. Name of compliance officer and details of investors service centres. Such other disclosures as may be specified by the Board from time to time by way of guidelines. The public announcement should be dated and signed by the Board of Directors of the company. SCHEDULE III [Under Regulation 8(4)] DISCLOSURES TO BE MADE IN THE LETTER OF OFFER The letter of offer shall, inter-alia, contain the following: 1. Disclaimer clause as may be prescribed by the Board. 2. Details of the offer including the total number and percentage of the total paid up capital and free reserves proposed to be bought-back and price. 3. The proposed time table from opening of the offer till the extinguishment of the certificates. 4. The specified date. 5. Authority for the offer of buy-back. 6. A full and complete disclosure of all material facts including the contents of the explanatory statement annexed to the notice for the general meeting at
(cdlviii) which the special resolution approving the buy-back was passed contents of public notice issued after the passing of the resolution by the Board of Directors authorising the buy-back. The necessity for the buy-back. The process to be adopted for the buy-back. The maximum amount to be invested under the buy-back. The minimum and the maximum number of securities that the company proposes to buy-back, sources of funds from which the buy-back would be made and the cost of financing the buy back. Brief information about the company. Audited financial information for the last three years and the lead manager shall ensure that the particulars (audited statement and un-audited statement) contained therein shall not be more than six months old from the date of the offer document together with financial ratios as may be specified by the Board. Details of escrow account opened and the amount deposited therein. Listing details and stock market data: (a) High, low and average market prices of the securities of the company proposed to be bought-back, during the preceding three years; (b) monthly high and low prices for the six months preceding the date of filing the draft letter of offer with the Board which shall be updated till the date of the letter of offer; (c) the number of securities traded on the days when the high and low prices were recorded on the relevant stock exchanges during the period stated at (a) and (b) above. (d) the stock market data referred to above shall be shown separately for periods marked by a change in capital structure, with such period commencing from the date the concerned stock exchange recognises the change in the capital structure (e.g. when the securities have become ex-rights or ex-bonus); (e) the market price immediately after the date on which the resolution of the Board of Directors approving the buy-back; and (f) the volume of securities traded in each month during the six months preceding the date of the offer document. Along with high, low and average prices of securities of the company, details relating to volume of business transacted should also be stated for respective periods. Present capital structure (including the number of fully paid and partly paid securities) and shareholding pattern.
7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12.
13. 14.
16. The capital structure including details of outstanding convertible instruments, if any, post buy-back. 17. The aggregate shareholding of the promoter group and of the directors of the promoters, where the promoter is a company and of persons who are in control of the company. 18. The aggregate number of equity securities purchased or sold by persons
(cdlix) mentioned in clause 17 above during the period of twelve months preceding the date of the public announcement and from the date of public announcement to the date of the letter of offer; the maximum and minimum price at which purchases and sales referred to above were made along with the relevant dates. 19. Management discussion and analysis on the likely impact of buy-back on the companys earnings, public holdings, holdings of NRIs/FIIs etc., promoters holdings and any change in management structure. 20. The details of statutory approvals obtained. 21. Collection and bidding centres. 22. Name of Compliance Officer and details of investors service centres. 23.1 A declaration to be signed by at least two whole-time directors that there are no defaults subsisting in repayment of deposits, redemption of debentures or preference securities or repayment of any term loans to any financial institutions or banks. 23.2 A declaration to be signed by at least two whole-time directors, one of whom shall be the managing director stating that the Board of Directors has made a full enquiry into the affairs and prospects of the company and that they have formed the opinion: (a) as regards its prospects for the year immediately following the date of the letter of offer that, having regard to their intentions with respect to the management of the companys business during that year and to the amount and character of the financial resources which will, in their view, be available to the company during that year, the company will be able to meet its liabilities and will not be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from that date; (b) in forming their opinion for the above purposes, the directors shall take into account the liabilities as if the company were being wound up under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (including prospective and contingent liabilities). 24. The declaration must in addition have annexed to it a report addressed to the directors by the companys auditors stating that: (i) they have inquired into the companys state of affairs; and (ii) the amount of permissible capital payment for the securities in question is in their view properly determined; and they are not aware of anything to indicate that the opinion expressed by the directors in the declaration as to any of the matters mentioned in the declaration is unreasonable in all the circumstances. 25. Such other disclosures as may be specified by the Board from time to time by way of guidelines. 26. The offer document should be dated and signed by the Board of Directors of the company by its manager or secretary, if any, and by not less than two directors of the company one of whom shall be a managing director where
(cdlx) there is one. SCHEDULE IV REGULATIONS 8, 15(e), 17(e) FEES (1) Every merchant banker shall while submitting the offer document or a copy of the public announcement to the Board, pay fees as set out below:Offer size Less than or equal to 10 crore rupees. More than 10 crore rupees, but less than or equal to 1000 crore rupees More than 1000 crore rupees, but less than or equal to 5000 crore rupees More than 5000 crore rupees 1 lakh rupees 0.125% of the offer size 125 lakh rupees plus 0.03125 % of the issue size in excess of 1000 crore rupees. A flat charge of 3 crore rupees Fee (Rs.)
(2) Fees referred to in clause (1) above shall be paid in the following manner: (a) The fees shall be paid along with the draft of the offer document or public announcement submitted to the Board; (b) The fees shall be payable by a draft in favour of Securities & Exchange Board of India at Mumbai. ANNEXURE 2 SPECIMEN OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION FOR ALTERATION OF ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION FOR INCLUDING AN ARTICLE AUTHORISING BUY-BACK OF SECURITIES Special resolution RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 31 of the Companies Act, 1956, the articles of association of the company be and are hereby altered in the following manner: After article No. 15, the following be inserted as article 15A: Article 15A. Buy-back of securities. 1. The company may any time, in accordance with the provisions of Sections 77A, 77AA and 77B and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956 or the corresponding provisions of the Rules, Regulations and Guidelines prescribed by the Government of India, the Securities and Exchange Board of India or any other authority, for the time being in force, buy back its own securities. ANNEXURE 3 SPECIMEN OF SPECIAL RESOLUTION FOR APPROVING BUY-BACK OF COMPANYS OWN SECURITIES To consider and if thought fit, to pass, with or without modifications, the following
(cdlxi) Resolution as a Special Resolution: RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Article___ of the Articles of Association of the company and in accordance with the provisions of Section 77A, 77B and all other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956 (the Act) and the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-back of securities) Regulations, 1998 (The Buy back Regulations) (including any statutory modification(s) or re-enactment of the said Act or the Buy-back Regulations, for the time being in force) and also subject to the approvals, permission and sanctions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) and/or other authorities, institutions or bodies (the appropriate authorities) as may be necessary and subject to such conditions and modifications as may be prescribed or imposed by them while granting such approvals, permission and sanctions, the consent of the company be and is hereby accorded to the Board of Directors of the company (hereinafter referred to as the Board which term shall be deemed to include any committee which the Board may constitute to exercise its powers, including the powers conferred by this resolution) to buy-back from the shareholders of the company, the fully paid-up equity shares of the company of the face value of Rs.10 each, upto a limit of 25% of the total existing share capital of the company at a price not exceeding Rs.160 per equity share; RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby authorised to implement the buy-back within a period of twelve months from the date hereof (or such extended period as may be permitted under the Act or the Buy-back Regulations or by the appropriate authorities) by one or more of the following methods: (a) from the existing shareholders on a proportionate basis through a tender offer; or (b) from the open market either through the book building process or through purchases in the stock exchanges; or any other method as may be prescribed by the Act and/or the Buy-back Regulations; RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby authorised to invest a sum not exceeding 25% of the paid-up capital and free reserves of the company as at 31st March, 2001 towards the said buy-back and that the funds required for the said buy-back be drawn out of the share premium account and other free reserves of the company as provided under the Act; RESOLVED FURTHER THAT within the limits of 25% of the paid-up capital and free reserves and the price of Rs.160 per equity share stipulated as aforesaid, the Board be and is hereby authorised to determine the amount to be utilised towards the buy-back including the number of equity shares to be bought back and the specific price of buy-back as also the method(s) to be employed for the buy-back and the time frame therefore; RESOLVED FURTHER THAT nothing contained hereinabove shall confer any right on the part of any shareholder to offer and/or any obligation on the part of the company or the Board to buy-back, any shares, and/or impair any power of the
(cdlxii) company or the Board to terminate any process in relation to buy-back, if so permissible by law; RESOLVED FURTHER THAT a buy-back of shares or global depository receipts from non-resident shareholders, shareholders of foreign nationality, etc., shall be subject to such further approvals as may be required including approvals from the Reserve Bank of India under the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999; RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board be and is hereby authorised to do all such acts, deeds, matters and things as may, in its absolute discretion, deem necessary, expedient, usual or proper with regard to the implementation of the buyback including: (a) the appointment of Merchant Banker, Brokers, Solicitors, Registrars, Advertisement Agency, Compliance Officer, Investors Service Centres and other Advisors, Consultants or Representatives; (b) the making of all applications to the appropriate authorities for their requisite approvals; (c) the initiating of all necessary action for preparation and issue of Public Announcement; (d) the filing of Public Announcement with the SEBI/Stock Exchange(s), and also the certificates for Declaration of Solvency and for extinguishment and physical destruction of share certificates in respect of shares bought back and all other documents required to be filed in the above connection; and (e) the settling of all such questions or difficulties whatsoever which may arise in connection with the buy-back so as to take all such steps and decisions in this regard." ANNEXURE TO THE NOTICE Explanatory Statement as required by Section 173 of the Companies Act, 1956 (the Act). The following Explanatory Statement relating to the above item sets out all material facts as required under Section 173 of the Act. Item No. 1 The company has, during the current financial year, entered into agreements for sale of two of its major undertakings namely the... Division located at...., Maharashtra and the...Division located at..., Madhya Pradesh. These sales are expected to reduce the companys net fixed assets to less than half of their present book value. Consequently, some reduction in the share capital of the company, by way of buyback of equity shares has become appropriate. Further, while the company has ambitious growth plans for the future, there will be less emphasis on capital intensive manufacturing activities and therefore, it is likely that the company will have surplus funds, at least in the near future. The company, therefore, proposes to use a part of its surplus funds to buy-back its own equity shares. The buy-back will be carried out at a price, which will provide a reasonable exit opportunity for those shareholders who so desire, without adversely affecting the prospects of the companys future so as to also safeguard the interest of the continuing shareholders.
(cdlxiii) Accordingly, the Board of Directors of the company at its meeting held on January 15, 2002 has approved the proposal to buy-back the fully paid up equity shares of Rs.10/- each of the company (hereinafter referred to as the buy-back) in accordance with the provisions contained in Article of the Articles of Association of the company and also subject to the provisions of Section 77A, 77B and all other applicable provisions of the Act, and the Buy-back Regulations. The buy-back is proposed to be implemented by the company by one or more of the following methods: (a) from the existing shareholders on a proportionate basis through a tender offer, or (b) from the open market either through the book building process or through purchases in stock exchanges, or any other method as may be prescribed by the Act and/or the buy-back Regulations; There will be no negotiated deals, spot transactions, or any private arrangements, in the implementation of the buy-back. The equity shares of the company are proposed to be bought back at a maximum price of Rs.160 per equity share in terms of this present resolution. This has been arrived at after considering factors such as the book value, the market value of the shares on the stock exchanges and the possible impact of the buy-back on the earnings per share of the company. The proposed maximum price, while providing an option to the shareholders to sell their shares at a premium over the current market price, would also ensure that the growth of the company is not impaired and that the value of the shares after the buy-back for the continuing shareholders is preserved. The aggregate paid-up capital and free reserves of the Company as at 31st March, 2001 is Rs.747.78 crores and under the provisions of the Act, the funds deployed on buy-back shall be less than 25% of the paid-up capital and free reserves of the company. Accordingly, the maximum amount allowed to be utilised in the present buy-back is Rs.186.94 crores. Further, under the Act, the number of equity shares bought back shall not exceed 25% of the total paid-up capital of the Company i.e. 7,50,90,936 equity shares of Rs.10 each aggregating Rs.75.09 crores and accordingly the maximum number of equity shares bought back shall be not more than 1,87,72,734 equity shares. The proposed resolution seeks to authorise the Board of Directors of the Company, including a Committee of Directors constituted specifically for that purpose (hereinafter referred to as the Board) to determine the price and the number of equity shares to be bought back by the company within the limits as aforesaid. The funds required for the buy-back will be drawn out of the share premium account and other free reserves of the company. The companys liquidity position would also permit the buy-back in view of the surplus generated by the sale of the..... and..... divisions of the company as set out earlier. As required under the Act, the ratio of the debt owed by the company would not be more than twice the share capital and free reserves after the buy-back. The aggregate shareholding of the promoters and of the directors of the promoters, where the promoter is a company, and of the persons who are in control
(cdlxiv) of the company (collectively referred to hereinafter as the Promoters) as on the date hereof is 1,71,16,759 equity shares constituting 22.80% of the issued share capital of the Company. Save and except the acquisition of 1,00,000 equity shares of the company on dates as given below, no shares were either purchased or sold by the promoters during the period of six months preceding the date of the Board meeting approving the buy-back and from that date to the date hereof. Date of purchase 18.10.2001 19.10.2001 20.10.2001 No. of shares purchased 50,000 43,479 6,521 1,00,000 It is the intention of the Promoters, not to tender their shares to the company for buy-back. As per the provisions of the Act, the Special Resolution passed by the shareholders approving the buy-back will be valid for a maximum period of twelve months from the date of passing of the said Special Resolution. The Board will determine the time frame for buy-back within this validity period. As per provisions of the Act, the shares bought back by the company will be compulsorily cancelled and will not be held for reissuing at a later date. In terms of the provisions of Section 77A(8) of the Act, the company will not be allowed to issue fresh equity shares within the period of six months after the completion of the buyback except by way of bonus shares or shares issued in the discharge of subsisting obligations such as conversion of warrants, stock option schemes, sweat equity or conversion of preference shares or debentures into equity shares. The company confirms that there are no defaults subsisting in the repayment of deposits redemption of debentures or preference shares or repayment of term loans to any financial institutions or banks. The Board of the Company confirms that it has made the necessary and full inquiry into the affairs and prospects of the company and has formed the opinion that: (a) immediately following the date on which the general meeting is convened, there will be no grounds on which the company could be found unable to pay its debts; (b) as regards its prospects for the year immediately following the date of the general meeting, having regard to their intentions with respect to the management of the companys business during that year and to the amount and character of the financial resources which will, in the view of the Board, be available to the company during that year, the company will be able to meet its liabilities as and when they fall due and will not be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from the date of this general meeting; Purchase price per share (Rs.) 101.65 100.95 96.85
(cdlxv) and (c) in forming its opinion for the above purposes, the Board has taken into account the liabilities including prospective and contingent liabilities as if the company were being wound up under the provisions of the Act. The text of the Report dated January 15, 2002 received from.... the Statutory Auditors of the company addressed to the Board of Directors of the company is reproduced below: In connection with the proposal of....Limited (the company") to buy-back its equity shares and in pursuance of the provisions of Section 77A and 77B of the Companies Act, 1956 and the SEBI (Buy-back of Securities) Regulations, 1998, based on representation made by the company and on the basis of the information and explanations given to us, which to the best of our knowledge and belief were under the circumstances considered necessary, we confirm as under: (i) We have inquired into the state of affairs of the company; (ii) The amount of Rs.186.94 crores being the maximum permissible capital payment towards buy-back of equity shares (including premium) is 25% of the total paid-up capital and free reserves of the company, which has been properly determined in accordance with Section 77A(2)(c) of the Companies Act, 1956; (iii) The Board of Directors in their meeting held on January 15, 2002 have formed their opinion, as specified in clause (x) of Schedule I to the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-back of Securities) Regulations, 1998, on reasonable grounds and that the company will not, having regard to its state of affairs, be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from the date of the Extraordinary General Meeting of the members of the company proposed to be held on February 15, 2002; and (iv) Nothing contained in this Report should be construed to be a representation as to the future". All the material documents referred to in the Explanatory Statement such as the Memorandum and Articles of Association, relevant Board Resolutions for buy-back of shares and the Auditors Report on their enquiry into the state of affairs of the company will be made available for inspection by shareholders at the Registered Office of the company at....between 11.00 A.M. to 1.00 P.M. on all working days up to the date of Extraordinary General Meeting. As the proposal for buy-back will be in the interest of the company, the Directors recommend the passing of the Special Resolution as set out in the Notice. None of the Directors is in anyway concerned or interested either directly or indirectly in the aforesaid resolution except that to the extent they hold any shares in the company. The value of their shareholding will stand affected by the buy-back just as in the case of any other shareholder of the company. ANNEXURE 4 SCHEDULES UNDER PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY AND UNLISTED PUBLIC
(cdlxvi) LIMITED COMPANY (BUY-BACK OF SECURITIES) RULES, 1999 SCHEDULE I [See Rule 4] Contents of explanatory statement The explanatory statement to the notice for special resolution for buy-back shall, inter alia, contain the following: (i) the date of the Board meeting at which the proposal for buy-back was approved by the Board of Directors of the company; (ii) the necessity for the buy-back; (iii) the class of security intended to be purchased under the buy-back; (iv) the method to be adopted for the buy-back; (v) the maximum amount required under the buy-back and the sources of funds from which the buy-back would be financed; (vi) the basis of arriving at the buy-back price; (vii) the number of securities that the company proposes to buy-back; (viii) the time limit for the completion of buy-back; (ix) (a) the aggregate shareholding of the promoter and of the directors of the promoters, where the promoter is a company and of persons who are in control of the company as on the date of the notice convening the general meeting; (b) aggregate number of equity shares purchased or sold by persons including persons mentioned in (a) above during the period of six months preceding the date of the Board meeting at which the buy-back was approved from date till the date of notice convening the general meeting; (c) the maximum and minimum price at which purchases and sales referred to in (b) above were made along with the relevant dates; (x) intention of the promoters and persons in control of the company to tender shares for buy-back indicating the number of shares, details of acquisition with dates and price; (xi) a confirmation that there are no defaults subsisting in repayment of deposits, redemption of debentures or preference shares or repayment of term loans to any financial institutions or banks; (xii) a confirmation that the Board of Directors has made a full enquiry into the affairs and prospects of the company and that they have formed the opinion: (a) that immediately following the date on which the general meeting is convened there will be no grounds on which the company could be found unable to pay its debts;
(cdlxvii) (b) as regards its prospects for the year immediately following that date that, having regard to their intentions with respect to the management of the companys business during that year and to the amount and character of the financial resources which will in their view be available to the company during that year, the company will be able to meet its liabilities as and when they fall due and will not be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from that date; and (c) in forming their opinion for the above purposes, the directors shall take into account the liabilities as if the company were being wound up under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (including prospective and contingent liabilities). (xiii) a report addressed to the Board of Directors by the companys auditors stating that: (a) they have inquired into the companys state of affairs; (b) the amount of the permissible capital payment for the securities in question is in their view properly determined; and (c) the Board of Directors have formed the opinion as specified in clause (x) on reasonable grounds and that the company will not, having regard to its state of affairs, be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from that date. (xiv) the price at which the buy-back of shares shall be made; (xv) if the promoters intend to offer their shares (a) the quantum of shares proposed to be tendered; and (b) the details of their transactions and their holdings for the last six months prior to the passing of the special resolution for buy-back including information of number of shares acquired, the price and the date of the acquisition. SCHEDULE II [See Rule 5] Disclosures to be made in the letter of offer The letter of offer shall, inter-alia, contain the following: (i) details of the offer including the total number and percentage of the total paid up capital and free reserves proposed to be bought-back and price; (ii) the proposed time table from opening of the offer till the extinguishment of the certificates; (iii) authority for the offer of buy-back; (iv) a full and complete disclosure of all material facts including the contents of the explanatory statement annexed to the notice for the general meeting at which the special resolution approving the buy-back was passed; (v) the necessity for the buy-back;
(cdlxviii) (vi) the process to be adopted for the buy-back; (vii) the minimum and the maximum number of securities that the company proposes to buy-back; sources of funds from which the buy-back would be made and the cost of financing the buy-back; (viii) brief information about the company; (ix) audited financial information for the last three years and the company and its directors shall ensure that the particulars (audited statement and un-audited statement) contained therein shall not be more than six months old from the date of the offer document together with financial ratios as may be specified by the Central Government; (x) present capital structure (including the number of fully paid and partly paid securities) and shareholding pattern; (xi) the capital structure including details of outstanding convertible instruments, if any, post buy-back; (xii) the aggregate shareholding of the promoter group and of the directors of the promoters, where the promoter is a company and of persons who are in control of the company; (xiii) the aggregate number of equity shares purchased or sold by persons mentioned in clause (xii) above during the period of twelve months preceding the date of the offer; the maximum and minimum price at which purchases and sales referred to above were made along with the relevant date; (xiv) management discussion and analysis on the likely impact of buy-back on the companys earnings, public holdings, holdings of non-resident Indians/ foreign institutional investors, etc., promoters holdings and any change in management structure; (xv) the details of statutory approvals obtained; (xvi) (1) A declaration to be signed by at least two whole-time directors that there are no defaults subsisting in repayment of deposit, redemption of debentures or preference shares or repayment of any term loans to any financial institutions or bank; (2) a declaration to be signed by at least two whole time directors, one of whom shall be the managing director stating that the Board of Directors has made a full enquiry into the affairs and prospects of the company and that they have formed the opinion: (a) as regards its prospects for the year immediately following the date of the letter of offer that, having regard to their intentions with respect to the management of the companys business during the year and to the amount and character of the financial resources which will in their view be available to the company during that year, the company will be able to meet its liabilities and will not be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from that date; (b) in forming their opinion for the above purposes, the directors shall take into account the liabilities as if the company were being wound up under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (including prospective and contingent liabilities);
(cdlxix) (xvii) the declaration must in addition have annexed to it a report addressed to the directors by the companys auditors stating that: 1. they have inquired into the companys state of affairs; and 2. the amount of permissible capital payment for the securities in question is in their view properly determined; and 3. they are not aware of anything to indicate that the opinion expressed by the directors in the declaration as to any of the matters mentioned in the declaration is unreasonable in all the circumstances; (xviii) such other disclosures as may be specified by the Central Government from time to time by way of guidelines; (xix) the offer document should be dated and signed by the Board of Directors of the company; and (xx) the letter of offer will contain pre and post buy-back debt ratios. ANNEXURE A [See Rule 9] COMPANIES ACT, 1956 (Pursuant to Section 77A(10] Return of buy-back of securities Name of the company Address of registered office Registrar of Companies Registration number Income-tax PAN Details of capital as on .......... Details of capital (2) Equity Preference Redeemable preference Employees stock option Sweat equity Others Total Free reserves (as defined in clause (b) of Explanation to Section 372A) as on..... Securities premium account as on.... Proceeds of any shares or other specified securities as on.... Debts as on..... A. Secured B. Unsecured Authorised capital (3) Subscribed capital (4) Paid up capital (5)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
S.No. (1) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 7. 8. 9.
(cdlxx) C. Total Date of members special resolution authorising buy-back of securities Amount of buy-back authorised Date upto which buy-back authorised to be completed Date on which earlier buy-back was authorised Date on which the earlier buy-back was completed Debt equity ratio allowed for the company Details of Government approval for debt equity ratio higher than 2:1 Whether there is any default inA. Repayment of deposit B. Repayment of interest payable on A above C. Repayment of debentures D. Repayment of preference shares E. Payment of divided to shareholders F. Repayment of term loans to any financial institution/bank G. Repayment of interest on F above 18. Whether there is any default in complying withA. Section 159 (Annual return) B. Section 207 (payment of dividend) C. Section 211 (balance sheet/profit and loss account) 19. Description of securities bought-back by the company: 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Sl. Folio No./ No. Certificate No. of security bought back .... Date of buy-back (1) (2) No. of Securities bought back Category to which they belong (pref./ Equity/ employees stock option/ sweat, etc.) (4) Name of the last holder of security
Cumulative Date of Remarks total of cancelcol (9) lation of security (11) (12)
from the existing security-holders on a proportionate basis from the open market
(cdlxxi) c d e 20. Date of 21. Date of from odd-lots of listed securities from employees stock option from sweat equity extinguishment of securities physical destruction of securities ......................................... Signature ......................................... Name ......................................... Designation Company Seal ANNEXURE B [See Rule 11] COMPANIES ACT, 1956 [Pursuant to Section 77A(9)] REGISTER OF BUY-BACK OF SECURITIES 1. 2. 3. 4. Date of members special resolution authorising buy-back of securities : Amount of buy-back authorised : Date upto which buy-back authorised to be completed : Description of securities bought-back by the company : No. of Securities bought back Category to which they belong (pref./ Equity/ employees stock option/ sweat, etc.) (4) Name of the last holder of security Reference to entry in members register
Place:.............. Date:............
Sl. Folio No./ No. Certificate No. of security bought back .... Date of buy-back (1) (2)
Cumulative Date of Remarks total of cancelcol (9) lation of security (11) (12)
(cdlxxii) b c d e from from from from the open market odd-lots of listed securities employees stock option sweat equity
5. Date of extinguishment of securities 6. Date of physical destruction of securities Place:.............. Date:............ ......................................... Signature ......................................... Name ......................................... Designation Company Seal
Financial restructuring of a company involves a rearrangement of its financial structure to make the companys finances more balanced. A company may reorganize its capital in different ways, such as reduction of paid up share capital; conversion of one type of shares into another; conversion of shares into debentures or other securities. Section 100 of the Companies Act deals with reduction of capital which means reduction of issued, subscribed and paid up capital of the company. Section 77A of the Companies Act is an exception to the prohibition under Section 77 as it allows companies to buy-back their own shares as well as other specified securities, subject to the conditions specified therein. Under Section 77A, any company limited by shares or company Ltd. by guarantee and having a share capital can buy-back its own securities, whether it is a private, public, listed or unlisted company. The buy back of securities of listed companies are guided by SEBI (Buy-back of Securities) Regulations, 1998. The buy-back in respect of securities which are not listed on any recognized stock exchange must be in accordance with Private Limited Company and Unlisted Public Limited Company (Buy-back of Securities) Rules,1999.
SELF-TEST QUESTIONS (These are meant for recapitulation only. Answers to these questions are not required to be submitted for evaluation). 1. Briefly explain the need of financial restructuring and highlight reasons in the context of over capitalised and under capitalised companies. 2. What do you mean by buy-back of shares or specified securities as under the Companies Act, 1956. Explain the relevant provisions. 3. What are the different alternatives available to a public company for buyback?
(cdlxxiii) 4. Enumerate the provisions relating to Escrow account and offer procedure as under SEBI (Buy-back of Securities) Regulations, 1998. 5. Can private and unlisted public companies, buy-back their securities, if so, how?
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Certain degree of industrial sickness is an inevitable factor of industrialization process of any country. The factors contributing to such sickness can be identified as controllable and non controllable factors. Being a company secretary, if one knows the controllable factors and other provisions for revival of a sick company well in advance, then the sickness can be controlled to a great extent. Thus, there is an absolute need for awareness of such provisions and specially the terms like sick companies, BIFR etc. After going through this chapter, you will be able to understand:
Problems of sick industrial companies Major causes of sickness of industrial companies Sickness indicators Causes identified by Tiwari Committee Provisions of Sick Industrial Companies Act, 1985 Revival of sick companies Companies (Amendment) Act, 2002
1. INTRODUCTION Corporate Sector, by implication, exhibits exuberance. Enterprising implies activity. Sickness affects activity. Sickness denotes lack of life and if a loss making entity is permitted to continue to make losses, it will be a drain of valuable economic resources. Whether the directors are responsible for the same or whether the sickness is due to any other factor beyond the control of the management of the company is a different question altogether. The harsh reality is absence of profitable economic activity indicating accumulation of losses. Any business enterprise might become sick due to various factors. When an industrial enterprise becomes sick, it assumes different proportions. The main impact would be felt by the large number of workers whose lives will be thrown out of gear if the company or the said sick industrial unit were to be closed. In addition, there would be other economic issues and therefore it is necessary to make all attempts to revive the company rather than close it. While primarily, being a commercial enterprise, it is the responsibility of the Board of Directors of a company to make all necessary attempts to revive the fortunes of the company, it would not be proper if regulatory environment does not facilitate revival and rehabilitation. Problems of Sick Industrial Companies Prior to the globalisation and liberalization of Indian economy, it was observed that most of the companies owning industrial undertakings were facing numerous problems and becoming virtually sick. This drove them to the brink of closure, resulting in serious repercussions, both economic and social. 449
(cdlxxv) The incidence and magnitude of ill effects of sickness and the resultant closure of industrial companies such as loss of production, loss of employment, loss of revenue to the Central and State Governments and locking up of investible funds of banks and financial institutions, was a matter of serious concern to the Government. It was recognized that in order to fully utilize the productive industrial assets, to afford maximum protection of employment and optimize the use of the funds of banks and financial institutions, it would be imperative to revive and rehabilitate the potentially viable sick industrial companies as quickly as possible. However, the multiplicity and complexity of laws and agencies present made the adoption of a co-ordinated approach in dealing with sick industrial companies, difficult. It was realized that the measures, till then adopted by the government, viz. nationalization or takeover of management, had not been able to achieve the desired results. Both these measures needed periodic and constant financial and other support. Inspite of all the possible investments and support, many sick industrial undertakings, did not show any symptoms of viability. A large number of undertakings did not become healthy inspite of their management being continued with the Government or a Government nominated agency for several years as huge sums of money were required to meet their past liabilities of unpaid wages, taxes, duties etc. and for working capital. Hence, even the sick industrial undertakings whose managements were taken over, were forced to be wound up. Need for legislation Prevention is better than cure. Going by this adage, it was held prudent that timely and advance measures should be taken either by legislation or by administrative orders and machinery, to keep a strict vigil on the symptoms of corporate sickness with particular reference to such companies as are prone to any kind of corporate sickness, so that preventive and remedial measures can be taken before a company goes sick. A need was therefore felt, to enact in public interest, a legislation to provide for timely detection of sickness in industrial companies and for expeditious determination by a body of experts of the preventive, ameliorative, remedial and other measures that would need to be adopted with respect to such companies and for enforcement of the measures considered appropriate. It was in this background that the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 was enacted, which provided for the establishment of the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) and also its appellate authority, Appellate Authority for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (AAIFR). The legislation was predominantly remedial and ameliorative, in so far as it empowered the quasi judicial body, the BIFR to take appropriate measures for revival and rehabilitation of potentially viable sick companies and for liquidation of non-viable companies and was regulatory only to a certain extent. The latter aspect was reflected in the provisions of the Act providing for obligation of sick industrial companies and potentially sick industrial companies, to make references to the Board and treating any non-compliance as a punishable offence. The major constraint of the Act was that it was applicable only to sick industrial companies keeping away other companies which are in trading, service or other activities. The Act was modified in 1991 to include within its purview the Government companies by Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Amendment Act, 1991
(cdlxxvi) which came into force w.e.f. 28.12.91. However, the overall experience was not satisfactory and hence these provisions were proposed to be merged in Companies Act, 1956, vide Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002. Accordingly, powers of BIFR (Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction) were to be exercised by NCLT (National Company Law Tribunal) to be constituted under Section 10FB of Companies Act, 1956 and appeal against order of NCLT could be referred to NCLAT (National Company Law Appellate Tribunal) to be constituted under Section 10FR of Companies Act, 1956. Students may note that though amendments in Companies Act have been passed by Parliament, SICA has not yet been repealed and Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 has not been brought into force. Till SICA is repealed, the sick companies (including government companies) will continue to be under BIFR. Also, Part VI A, consisting of Section 424A to 424L, inserted by the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 has not yet been made effective. Before studying the legal provisions in detail, let us first analyse the causes of industrial sickness. 2. MAJOR CAUSES OF SICKNESS OF INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES Inability of the management of the company to keep a constant vigil over competitive forces; Inability of the management to focus on continued viability of the industrial unit; Inability of the management to introduce dynamic changes to suit the developments taking place in the industry; Lack of serious efforts to combat sickness at the initial stage and thereafter to take efforts to revive the company; Lack of adequate and quality manpower; Lack of funds required for meeting replenishment and much needed modernization and upgradation programmes; Technological obsolescence; Sweeping changes across the industry; Political and economical factors; Change in Consumer behaviour; Lack of Timely Government Support; Belligerent workforce and unions; Family disputes between major shareholders groups; Mismanagement by Directors; Diversion and Misapplication of Funds; Disproportionate Investment in unproductive Fixed Assets; Reckless investments in other businesses. Thus, the health of an industrial company depends upon various factors, which include, inter alia, the quality of its Board of Directors, efficiency in performing its duties and functions, effectiveness of its managerial staff, caliber of skilled, semiskilled and unskilled work force, timely availability of adequate funds, raw materials,
(cdlxxvii) stores, packing material, tools and other consumables, ready market for semifinished and finished products of the company, cordial industrial relations, effective public relations, conducive Government policies and other related factors. Whenever an industrial company faces problems with regard to any one or more of the above factors, which could not be resolved by the management, the company starts showing symptoms of sickness. The major reasons for industrial sickness could be categorized into two parts as given below: (A) Internal Causes (B) External Causes (A) Internal Causes Internal Causes are those that are within the control of the management of an industrial company and therefore attempt could be made by the management to rectify them at the earliest. They relate to the functioning of the company and they could be conveniently grouped into three broad headings: (1) Project Related (2) Human Resource Related (3) Performance Related 1. Project Related Causes: (a) Under-estimation of the project cost (b) Non-availability or inadequate availability of critical information having a vital bearing on the project (c) Delayed project implementation and resultant cost escalation 2. Human Resource Related Causes: (a) Poor quality of management: (i) Excessive conservatism (ii) Excessive complacence (iii) Poor functional controls (iv) Excessive centralization (v) Weak Board (vi) Authoritarianism (vii) Weak watchdog functions (viii) Lack of management depth (ix) One-man Rule (b) (c) (d) (e) (x) Bureaucratic, unplanned and inappropriate management Excessive Commitment to Policies which worked well at one time but are no longer appropriate. Poor financial/marketing/management control. Management succession problems. Poor inter-personal and inter-departmental coordination, dimensions,
(cdlxxviii) interdepartmental coordination, dissensions, inter-departmental squabbles, wrong organizational policies etc. (f) Poor industrial relations including existence of pampered labour. 3. Performance Related: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) Faulty choice of product/technology Under utilization of plant, machinery and other available resources Inadequacy of working capital Diversion of funds Inadequate market forecast and sales planning
(B) External Causes These relate to the environmental and other factors which are not within the control of the given industry or given unit as such. They include the following causes: Non-co operative Government policies /price control schemes etc. Recession/adverse economic conditions Powerful competitors in the market Non-availability/shortage of inputs Regional phenomenon including local environmental factors Industry-wise phenomenon Technological advancements Frequent and long power cuts Delayed financial assistance Inability to adjust or accommodate in changed environment is one of the major causes of sickness for any undertaking. Once a company becomes sick, until and unless the sickness is arrested at such stage, it creates a spiral affect and as a consequence, revival of such unit becomes difficult. The management of such undertaking has a big role to play and the organization should not wait till the sickness is reported as per law; rather the control mechanism should be in-built and pro-active. 3. SICKNESS INDICATORS As long as a company is able to meet all its current and long term commitments as and when they become due, it may be known as a going concern. The concept of going concern is a very important one and directors of a company are supposed to declare at the end of each financial year through their report to the members whether the company is a going concern or not. Any serious impairment to the status of a company as a going concern should be brought to knowledge of the members. Both the report of the auditors under Section 227 of the Companies Act, 1956 and the report of the directors under Section 217 of the Act would reveal the status of the company. As per the text of the Auditing and Assurance Standard (AAS) 16, the following are the important indications of the circumstances, which may be required to exist when the going concern status of an entity is affected:
(cdlxxix) (i) Financial Indications Negative net worth or negative working capital. Fixed term borrowings approaching maturity without realistic prospects of renewal or repayment or excessive reliance on short-term borrowings to finance long-term assets. Adverse key financial losses. Substantial operating losses. Substantial negative cash flows from operations. Arrears or discontinuance of dividends. Inability to pay creditors on due dates. Difficulty in complying with the terms of loan agreements. Change from credit to cash on delivery transactions with suppliers. Inability to obtain financing for essential new product development or other essential investments. Entering into a scheme of arrangement with creditors for reduction of liability. (ii) Operating Indications Loss of key management (i.e., managerial personnel) without replacement. Loss of a major market, franchise, license or principal supplier. Labour difficulties or shortages of important supplies. (iii) Other Indications Non-compliance with capital or other statutory requirements. Pending legal proceedings against the entity that may, if successful, result in judgement that could not be met. Changes in legislation or government policy. Sickness of the entity under any statutory definition. Why revival should be undertaken? The Gujarat High Court in Navjivan Trading Finance Private Limited, In re [1978] 48 Comp Cas 402 while considering a petition for winding up of a company on the ground that it was unable to pay its debts held that winding up of a company would result in (1) closing down of a unit which produces some goods or provides some services; (2) it would throw out of employment numerous persons and result in grave hardship to the members of families of such employees; (3) loss of revenue to the State by way of collection that the State could hope to make on account of customs or excise duties, sales tax, income-tax etc.; (4) scarcity of goods and in diminishing of employment opportunities. While rejecting the petition for the winding up of the company, the Court
(cdlxxx) emphasized the fact that winding up would be a heavy blow if the company could be resurrected through a scheme of arrangement. Therefore, all attempts must be made to revive the fortunes of the company rather than declaring it as a sick industrial company and letting the same to be wound up. Winding up of an industrial company would be imminent if there is complete erosion of its net worth. Insolvency of a person takes away his right to contract. Similarly, if a company becomes insolvent with its assets being insufficient to meet its liabilities, the company should not be permitted to carry on its business or contract further liabilities. In such circumstances, a company is as much an insolvent as a natural person. However, with heavy investment in fixed assets and with so many workmen on the brink of losing their means of livelihood, the economic system and social system will suffer, if an industrial company is allowed to be wound up. If an elephant falls, it takes some time to get up. The legislature takes care of such larger issues in public interest before permitting such a company to be wound up. The Tiwari Committee under the chairmanship of Shri T. Tiwari in 1983 identified the following causes of industrial sickness: A. Internal Causes 1. Planning (a) Technical feasibility Inadequate technical know-how Locational disadvantage Out dated production process (b) Economic viability High cost of inputs High Break-even point Uneconomic size of project Underestimation of financial requirements Unduly large investments in fixed assets Overestimation of demand. 2. Implementation (a) Cost overruns resulting from delays in getting licences/sanctions. (b) Inadequate mobilisation of finance. 3. Production (a) Production management Inappropriate product-mix Poor quality control Poor capacity utilisation High cost of production Poor inventory management Inadequate maintenance
(cdlxxxi) Lack of timely and adequate modernization. (b) Labour management Excessively high wage structure Inefficient handling of labour problems Excessive manpower Poor labour productivity Poor labour relations. (c) Marketing management Dependence on a single customer/single product Poor sales realization Defective pricing policy Booking of large orders at fixed prices in inflationary markets Weak market organisation Lack of market feedback and market research. (d) Financial management Poor resource management Faulty costing Too-liberal dividend policy General financial indiscipline Deficiency of funds Siphoning away of funds Overtrading Unfavourable gearing or keeping an adverse debt-equity ratio. (e) Administrative management Over centralization Lack of professionalism Lack of feedback to management (management information system) Lack of adequate controls Lack of timely diversification Excessive expenditure on R&D Divided loyalities (where the same management has interest in more than one enterprise); cases may occur where promoters of limited companies who also own private ownership firms tend to look after the interest of the latter, often at the cost of the former Dissension within the management Incompetent management Dishonest management. B. External Causes
(cdlxxxii) 1. Infrastructural bottlenecks Non-availability/irregular supply of critical raw materials or other inputs Chronic power shortage Transport bottlenecks. 2. Financial bottlenecks Non-availability of adequate finance 3. Government controls, policies, etc. Government price controls Fiscal duties Abrupt changes in Government policies Procedural delays on the part of the financial/licensing/other controlling or regulating authorities (banks, RBI, financial institutions, Government departments, licensing authorities, Monopolies and Restrictive Trade Practices Board). 4. Market constraints Market saturation Revolutionary technological advances causing product obsolescence. 5. Extraneous factors Natural calamities Political situation (domestic as well as international) War Sympathetic strike Multiplicity of labour unions. [Source: The Law of Sick Industrial Companies (Law, Practice and Procedure); Second Edition S.A. Naik] 4. SICK INDUSTRIAL COMPANIES (SPECIAL PROVISIONS) ACT, 1985 [SICA] The preamble of SICA reads as follows: The Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 (SICA) is an act which makes in public interest, special provisions, with a view to securing timely detection of sick and potentially sick companies owning industrial undertakings, speedy determination by a Board of experts of the preventive, ameliorative, remedial and other measures which need to be taken with respect to such companies and expeditious enforcement of measures so determined and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. Principal objectives of SICA SICA was enacted with the following principal objectives:
(cdlxxxiii) (1) To evaluate the techno-economic viability of sick industrial companies with a view either to rehabilitate them, if the public interest so demanded and their rehabilitation was possible, or to close them down, if continuing them would be impossible. (2) To stop continued drain of public and private resources for the overall economy of the country. (3) To protect employment as far as practicable. Supreme court in Namit R Kamani v. R.R. Kamani (1988) 4 SCC 387 (1989) 2 Comp LJ 391/AIR 1989 SC 9/(1989) 66 Comp Cas 132(SC) had explained the object of SICA as (a) affording maximum protection to employment (b) optimising the use of funds and available production assets (c) realising amounts due to banks, institutions, creditors and (d) providing efficient authority consisting of experts for expeditious determination of measures to avoid time consuming procedures. The Statement of Objects and Reasons for enacting the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985, (SICA) stated that in order to fully utilise the productive industrial assets, to afford maximum protection of employment and optimise the use of the funds of the banks and financial institutions, it would be imperative to revive and rehabilitate the potentially viable, sick industrial companies as quickly as possible. It also stated that it would be also equally imperative to salvage any productive assets and realise the amounts due to the banks and financial institutions, to the extent possible, from the non-viable sick industrial companies. As per the preamble, SICA is An Act to make in the public interest, special provisions with a view to securing the timely detection of sick and potentially sick companies owning industrial undertakings, the speedy determination by a Board of experts of the preventive, ameliorative, remedial and other measures which need to be taken with respect to such companies and the expeditious enforcement of the measures so determined and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. Though it was conceived very well, SICA, failed as it could not be successfully implemented. Section 32 of SICA gave overriding provisions to the Act, whereby BIFR could pass orders even if they were against provisions of other laws. Also, rehabilitation of sick companies was with BIFR; while winding up was with High Court. Therefore, when BIFR passed an order recommending winding up, the matter went to High Court and the whole process had to be started again thereby delaying the matter. The overall experience under SICA was not satisfactory and hence these provisions are now merged in Companies Act, 1956, vide Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002. Accordingly, powers of BIFR (Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction) will now be exercised by NCLT (National Company Law Tribunal) to be constituted under Section 10FB of Companies Act, 1956 and appeal against order of NCLT may be referred to NCLAT (National Company Law Appellate Tribunal) to be constituted under Section 10FR of Companies Act, 1956. Students may once again note that though amendments in Companies Act have been passed by Parliament, SICA has not yet been repealed. Till SICA is repealed, the sick companies (including government companies) will continue to be under BIFR. Part VIA, consisting of Sections 424A to 424L, have been inserted by the
(cdlxxxiv ) Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 to deal with sick industrial companies. However, this part VI has not yet been made effective. Sick industrial company According to Section 3(1)(o) of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985, sick industrial company means an industrial company (being a company registered for not less than five years), which has at the end of any financial year accumulated losses equal to or exceeding its entire net worth. Explanation: For the removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that an industrial company existing immediately before the commencement of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Amendment Act, 1993 registered for not less than five years and having at the end of any financial year accumulated losses equal to or exceeding its entire net worth, shall be deemed to be a sick industrial company. Net worth Net worth means the sum total of the paid-up capital and free reserves. For this purpose, free reserves means all reserves credited out of the profits and share premium account but does not include reserves credited out of re-valuation of assets, write back of depreciation provisions and amalgamation. Operating agency Operating agency means any public financial institution, State level institution, scheduled bank or any other person as may be specified by general or special order as its agency by the Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR). Criteria of sickness According to the Act, the sickness of a company was related to the age of the company, i.e., the date of its registration as per the certificate of incorporation issued by the Registrar of Companies and not the date on which the company was granted the certificate of commencement of business. Also, the date of actual commencement of its activities, i.e., commercial production or rendering services in which the company was engaged was not considered relevant. The practical effect of this condition was that even if a company had eroded its entire net worth, but the prescribed period of five years from registration had not been completed, the BIFR was precluded from taking cognizance of the sickness of the company. There had been many instances when the BIFR had to refuse registration of companies on this ground. This was a matter of grave concern because in capital intensive industries where the incidence of depreciation was quite high in the initial years, it was quite possible for a company to completely erode its net worth in less than five years. This was the reason most of the cases referred to BIFR involved almost dead companies, which had either ceased to be operative long ago or were on the verge of closure. In such situations, the problem of rehabilitating such critically-sick industrial companies became all the more difficult.
(cdlxxxv) It was felt that a sick company should be able to seek registration with the BIFR as and when the sickness sets in irrespective of the fact that it has not completed the prescribed period of five years from its registration. Before going into the provisions of the law on the anvil, one needs to understand the provisions of SICA as these are presently applicable. Reference to the Board Under Section 15 of the Act, where an industrial company has become sick, the Board of Directors of the company shall, within 60 days from the date of finalization of duly audited accounts of the company for the financial year at the end of which the company has become sick, make a reference to the Board (BIFR) for determination of measures to be adopted with respect to the company. Interestingly, if the Board of Directors had sufficient reason even before such finalization to form opinion that the company had become a sick unit after the Board of Directors shall, within 60 days after it has formed such opinion, make a reference to the Board for determination of measures which shall be adopted in respect of the company. Further, the Central Government or Reserve Bank or State Government or a public financial institution or a State level institution or a scheduled bank may provide sufficient reason that any industrial company has become sick industrial company, may make a reference to the Board for determination of measures which shall be adopted in respect of the company. However, the State Government can make a reference in respect of any industrial undertaking which are situated in such state only. Similarly, a public financial institution or state level institution or a scheduled bank can make a reference only if it has provided any financial assistance or some obligation rendered by it or undertaking by it in respect of the referred company. The finalization of the accounts for the above purpose imply that the date on which the accounts have been approved by the members at the Annual General Meeting of the Company is in accordance to the Companies Act. Once a company is determined to be referred to BIFR, it needs to file a formal application as specified in BIFR Regulations, 1987 as amended from time to time. Inquiry into Working of Sick Industrial Companies Section 16 The salient features of the inquiry into the status of sick industrial companies contained in Section 16 of SICA are as follows: BIFR, upon receipt of a reference with respect to such company under Section 15; or upon information received with respect to such company or upon its own knowledge as to the financial condition of the company, may make such inquiry as it may deem fit for determining whether the industrial company has become a sick industrial company.
(cdlxxxvi ) BIFR may require, by order, any operating agency to enquire into and make a report and complete its inquiry as expeditiously as possible. Endeavour should be made to complete the inquiry within sixty days from the commencement of the inquiry. As per the explanation given under this section, an inquiry shall be deemed to have commenced upon the receipt by BIFR of any reference or information or upon its own knowledge reduced to writing by BIFR. BIFR has powers to appoint one or more persons to be a special director or special directors of the company if it deems it necessary to make an inquiry or to cause an inquiry as mentioned above to be made into any industrial company. BIFR may issue necessary directions to special directors for proper discharge of duties. The appointment of a special director referred to in Sub-section (4) shall be valid and effective notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in the Companies Act, 1956, or in any other law for the time being in force or in the memorandum and articles of association or any other instrument relating to the industrial company. Any provision regarding share qualification, age limit, number of directorships, removal from office of directors and such like conditions contained in any such law or instrument aforesaid, shall not apply to any special director appointed by BIFR. The special director will hold office only during the pleasure of BIFR. He does not incur any obligation or liability by reason only of his being a director or for anything done or omitted to be done in good faith in the discharge of his duties as a director or anything in relation thereto. He is not liable to retirement by rotation and shall not be taken into account for computing the number of directors liable to such retirement. He is not liable to be prosecuted under any law for anything done or omitted to be done in good faith in the discharge of his duties in relation to the sick industrial company. Powers of Board to make suitable order on the completion of inquiry Section 17 If, after making an inquiry under Section 16, the Board is satisfied that a company has become a sick industrial company, the Board shall, after considering all the relevant facts and circumstances of the case, decides, whether it is practicable for the company to make its net worth exceed the accumulated losses within a reasonable time. If the Board decides that it is practicable for a sick industrial company to make its net worth exceed the accumulated losses within a reasonable time, the Board, shall, by order in writing, give time to the company to make its net worth exceed the
(cdlxxxvii ) accumulated losses. What is reasonable time depends on the facts and circumstances of each case. A period of 7 to 10 years, within which the company should be able to wipe off its accumulated losses is normally regarded by the Board as a reasonable time. This is also the time within which under a sanctioned scheme of the Board, the sick industrial company can be expected to have been revived or rehabilitated. If the Board decides under Sub-section (1) that it is not practicable for a sick industrial company to make its net worth exceed the accumulated losses within a reasonable time by order in writing, directs any operating agency specified in the order to prepare, a scheme for revival/rehabilitation of sick industrial company. The operating agency would normally be a public financial institution notified as such by the Board through a general or special order. Preparation and sanction of scheme for revival Section 18 If the Board appoints an operating agency under Section 17(3) of the Act, then the operating agency is required to prepare and submit a schedule in respect of the referred company by providing any or more of the following measures: (a) The financial reconstruction of the sick industrial company; (b) The proper management of the sick industrial company by change in, or takeover of, the management of the sick industrial company; (c) The amalgamation of (i) the sick industrial company with any other company, or (d) (d) (e) (f) (ii) any other company with the sick industrial company. the sale or lease of a part or whole of any industrial undertaking of the sick industrial company; (a) the rationalisation of managerial personnel, supervisory staff and workmen in accordance with law; such other preventive, ameliorative and remedial measures as may be appropriate; such incidental, consequential or supplemental measures as may be necessary or expedient in connection with or for the purposes of the measures specified in clauses (a) to (e).
The Board may finalise the scheme after considering the views and suggestions of the company, the operating agency and the public by publishing the draft scheme in the newspaper and thereafter formally sanction the same which is referred to as the sanctioned scheme. Winding up of Sick Industrial Company Section 20 The salient features of Section 20 of SICA are as follows: After making necessary inquiry under Section 16 and after giving an opportunity to all concerned parties, if BIFR is of the opinion that the sick
(cdlxxxvii i) industrial company is not likely to make its net worth exceed the accumulated losses within a reasonable time and it is not likely to become viable in future and as such it is just and equitable to wind up the company, BIFR may record and forward its opinion to the concerned High Court. The High Court shall, on the basis of the opinion of the Board, order winding up of the sick industrial company and may proceed and cause to proceed with the winding up of the sick industrial company in accordance with the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. In Re. Anmol Diary Ltd. (2002) 5 Comp LJ 43 (Tuj.) it was held by the High Court that the opinion of BIFR should be given due weightage but it is not binding on the High Court and High Court can go into the correctness of the opinion so submitted by the BIFR. The High Court independently decides as to whether it should proceed with the winding-up of sick industrial company. Once an order of winding up is made by the High Court under Section 20(2) of Sick Industrial Companies Act (SICA), acting on the opinion of BIFR under Section 20(1), the control and jurisdiction over the company, its affairs and assets passes over to the High Court and BIFR ceases to have any power to pass any orders or give any directions as held by division bench of High Court in BPL Ltd., Bangalore v. Inter Modal Transport Technology Systems (Karnataka) Ltd., Bangalore (in liquidation) & others (2001) (3) Kar LJ 622 (DB). For the purpose of winding up, the High Court may, with the consent of the operating agency, appoint any officer of the operating agency, as the liquidator and such officer, if appointed shall be deemed to be, and have all the powers of, the official liquidator under the Companies Act, 1956. When BIFR recommends the winding up of a sick industrial company pursuant to Section 20(1) of the SICA, 1985 and forwards its opinion to the connected High Court, the High Court is bound to order the winding up of the company on the basis of the opinion of BIFR. Once BIFR forwards its opinion to the connected High Court, the role of BIFR comes to an end in respect of the said sick industrial company. As per Sub-section (4) of Section 20, the BIFR has the power to direct the sale of assets of the sick industrial company in such manner as it may deem fit. The power of BIFR under sub-section is exercisable notwithstanding anything contained in Sub-section (2) or (3) of Section 20. The Supreme Court in V.R. Ramaraju v. Union of India & others [1997] 89 Comp Cas 609 (SC) in relation to Section 20(2) of SICA held that the High Court in deciding the question of winding up of the company has to take into account the opinion of BIFR forwarded to it and is not to abdicate its own function of determining the question of winding up. Adding clarity to the end of jurisdiction of BIFR and beginning of jurisdiction of High Court, the Division Bench of the Karnataka High Court in BPL
(cdlxxxix ) Limited, Bangalore v. Inter Modal Transport Technology Systems (Karnataka) Limited, Bangalore (in liquidation) & others [2001] (3) Kar LJ 622 (DB); ILR 2001 Kar 5373 (DB) held that the scheme of SICA as contained in Sections 22, 22A, 20 and 32 of that makes it clear that from the date of commencement of an inquiry in regard to any reference received under Section 15, till passing of an order of winding up by the High Court under Section 20(2) of SICA, BIFR retains absolute control over the affairs of the company and can either prevent any sale or permit any sale and the sick industrial company is entirely governed by the provisions of SICA. On the other hand, once an order of winding up is made by the High Court under Section 20(2) of SICA, acting on the opinion of BIFR under Section 20(1), the control and jurisdiction over the company, its affairs and assets passes over to the High Court and BIFR ceases to have any power to pass any orders or give any directions. The division bench further held that the company court does not sit in appeal over the orders of BIFR nor exercise power under Articles 226 and 227 of the Constitution. In the BPL Limiteds case cited above, the court held that the sale of assets of a company by a secured creditor as per directions of BIFR, prior to the date of winding up order, is not void for want of leave of the court and there is no question of obtaining any leave or permission of this court. In National Organic Chemical Industries Limited and Ors. v. N.O.C.I.L. Employees Union 2005 (126) Companies Cases 922, Sharp Industries Limited (2006) 131 Company Cases, 535 (Bom.) and in Pharmaceutical Products of India Ltd. in re (2006) 131 Company Cases 747, the Bombay High Court have held that during pendency of a reference before BIFR, a scheme under Section 319 could be sanctioned. However in Ashok Organic Industries Ltd v. ARCIL, [2008] 114 Comp Cas 144 (Bom.), the Bombay High Court had set aside all the above decisions and held that once the Industrial Company makes a reference under Section 15 of the SICA, the Company Court would have no jurisdiction for sanctioning the scheme of arrangement of compromise with its creditors and shareholders and neither will it have jurisdiction to take cognisance of such an application during the pendency of the reference. The High Court has no jurisdiction to sanction a scheme of arrangement presented by a sick company when the revival scheme of the company was pending before the AAIFR. [Tata Motors Ltd. v. Pharmaceutical Products of India Ltd. & Anr. (2008 ) 144 Comp Cas 178 (SC)]. Immunity from Certain Litigations Section 22 One of the most important provisions of SICA is Section 22. In certain circumstances, no proceedings for the winding up of the industrial company or for execution, distress or the like against any of the properties of the industrial company or for the appointment of a receiver in respect thereof and no suit for the recovery money or for the enforcement of any security against the industrial company or of any guarantee in respect of any loans or advance granted to the industrial company shall lie or be proceeded with further, except with the consent of BIFR or, as the case may
(cdxc) be, the Appellate Authority. The protection under Section 22 of SICA is a superior protection as it operates notwithstanding anything contained in the Companies Act, 1956, or any other law or the memorandum and articles of association of the industrial company or any other instrument having effect under the said Act or other law. The above protection is available in respect of an industrial company when an inquiry under Section 16 is pending in relation to the said industrial company or when any scheme referred to under Section 17 is under preparation or consideration or a sanctioned scheme is under implementation or where an appeal under Section 25 relating to an industrial company is pending. Where the management of the sick industrial company is taken over or changed in pursuance of any scheme sanctioned under Section 18, notwithstanding anything contained in the Companies Act, 1956, or any other law or in the memorandum and articles of association of such company or any instrument having effect under the said Act or other law (a) it shall not be lawful for the shareholders of such company or any other person to nominate or appoint any person to be a director of the company; (b) no resolution passed at any meeting of the shareholders of such company shall be given effect to unless approved by BIFR. BIFR may by order declare with respect to the sick industrial company concerned that the operation of all or any of the contracts, assurances of property, agreements, settlements, awards, standing orders or other instruments in force, applicable to the sick industrial company in question shall remain suspended or that all or any of the rights, privileges, obligations, and liabilities accruing or arising thereunder before the said date, shall remain suspended or shall be enforceable with such adaptations and in such manner as may be specified by BIFR. Provided that such declaration shall not be made for a period exceeding two years which may be extended by one year at a time so, however, that the total period shall not exceed seven years in the aggregate. Any such declaration is valid and is protected notwithstanding anything contained in the Companies Act, 1956, or any other law or agreement or instrument or any decree or order of a court, Tribunal, officer or other authority or of any submission, settlement or standing order. Accordingly, any remedy for the enforcement of any right, privilege, obligation and liability suspended or modified by such declaration, and all proceedings relating thereto pending before any court, Tribunal, officer or other authority shall remain stayed or be continued subject to such declaration. On the declaration ceasing to have effect (i) any right, privilege, obligation or liability so remaining suspended or modified, shall become revived and enforceable as if the declaration had never been made; and (ii) any proceeding so remaining stayed shall be proceeded with, subject to the provisions of any law which may then be in force, from the stage which had been reached when the proceedings became stayed. Obviously from a perusal of the language contained in Section 22(1) of SICA, it is clear that Section 22 does not grant any immunity against criminal proceedings against the company or its directors. The apex court Maharashtra Tubes Limited v. State Industrial and Investment Corporation of Maharashtra Limited [1993] 78 Comp Cas 803 (SC) held that the idea underlying Section 22(1) of SICA is that every such action (against the company or its
(cdxci) guarantors for recovery of money or enforcement of security) should be frozen unless expressly permitted by the specified authority until the investigation for the revival of the industrial undertaking is finally determined. The apex court in Patheja Bros. Forgings and Stamping v. ICICI Limited AIR 2000 CLC 1492: (2000) 4 Comp LJ 9 (SC) held that the words Section 22 are clear and unambiguous and that they provide that no suit for the enforcement of a guarantee in respect of any loan or advance granted to the concerned industrial company will lie or can be proceeded with without the consent of BIFR or the appellate authority. When the words of a legislation are clear, the court must give effect to them as they stand and cannot demur on the ground that the legislature must have intended otherwise. The apex court clearly held that any suit for enforcement of the guarantee in respect of loans granted to a sick industrial company cannot be proceeded with unless consent as required under Section 22 of SICA is obtained. Direction against disposal of assets Section 22A In the interest of the sick industrial company or creditors or shareholders or in the public interest, Section 22A of SICA empowers BIFR to order not to dispose off any assets of the company in the interest of creditors, shareholder or in public interest. Such order can be passed (a) during the period of preparation or consideration of the scheme under Section 18; and (b) during the period beginning with the recording of opinion by the board for winding up of the company under Sub-section (1) of Section 20 and upto commencement of the proceedings relating to the winding up before the concerned High Court. 5. REVIVAL OF SICK COMPANIES LAW ON THE ANVIL, THE COMPANIES (SECOND AMENDMENT) ACT, 2002* * Part VIA of the Companies Act, 1956 introduced by the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 contains provisions for revival and rehabilitation (R&R Scheme) of sick industrial companies. This Part of the Act contains 12 Sections, viz, Sections 424A to 424L. This Part appears to have been rightly placed immediately before Part VII of the Act that relates to Winding Up. Thus, if it is possible, there could be a time bound attempt for revival and rehabilitation. If the efforts for revival and rehabilitation fail, Part VII will take care. A peep into the provisions of the Act would reveal that there is no trace of Section 22 of SICA. The absence of a provision similar to Section 22 of SICA will go a long way as a progressive legislative step in preventing abuse of process of law. The Amendment Act has done away with a provision, which has more often been misused. Laying down a time schedule is another feature of the new legislation. Salient Features of the law on the anvil are as follows Section 2(29A) of the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 contains a definition to the expression Net worth. As per the definition, the net worth of a company will be determined as per formula given below: [1+2+3] [4+5+6+7+8+9]
* These provisions are not in force at present. Their enforcement is yet to be notified by the Government.
(cdxcii) Paid up Capital (1) Free Reserves (2) Share Premium Account (3) Revaluation Reserves (4) Accumulated Losses (5) Unabsorbed Depreciation (6) Expenses not written off (7) Depreciation write back (8) Provisions (9) As per Section 2(46AA) of the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 Sick Industrial Company means an industrial company, which has (i) the accumulated losses in any financial year equal to 50% or more of its average net worth during 4 years immediately preceding such financial years; or (ii) failed to repay its debts within any three consecutive quarters on demand made in writing for its repayment by a creditor or creditors of such company. One of the laudable changes in the definition is the need for averaging the net worth in a period of 4 years preceding the financial year in which the question has arisen. In SICA, the requirement was to ascertain at the end of a Financial Year, the extent of erosion of net worth. The averaging concept has been introduced after enough application of mind and a company cannot any longer book every possible thing at the end of a Financial Year and declare, as a bolt from the blue, sickness and expect the creditors to wait and watch. Managements of companies earlier, managed to keep aside the pressing creditors in this process. This opportunity has now been clipped. The erosion should have been to the extent of 50% or more of the net worth of the company and the erosion is calculated with reference to the average net worth in a period of 4 consecutive years. Catch them young seems to be the concept introduced by the amendments to the Act. Another laudable achievement of this amendment in so far as this definition is concerned is that it has included another criterion for determination of sickness. The new definition contains two parts. The first part refers to the actual financial position as per books. If books were to be perceived to be real, the first part is real. But the second part assumes sickness if the company fails to repay its debts within any three consecutive quarters, on demand made in writing for its repayment by a creditor or creditors of such company. This should be considered to be the real indicator of sickness because the failure to repay debts contracted by the company would endanger the status of a company as a going concern. There will be only growing concern among creditors. Section 2(31AA) of the Companies (Second Amendment Act, 2002 defines the expression Operating Agency. Operating Agency means any group of experts consisting of persons having special knowledge of business or industry in which the sick industrial company is engaged and includes public financial institution, state level institution, scheduled bank or any other person as may be specified as the operating agency by the Tribunal.
(cdxciii) The scope of the expression has undergone growth. It is possible to think of experts group emerging as turnaround consultants. Probably, the Tribunal will empanel private professional firms who have with them experts in every field. Such firms can also outsource the expertise of men experienced in the industry in which the sick industrial company is engaged. Rating of professional agencies having special expertise as turnaround consultants would help the Tribunal to empanel such agencies and select one or more of them. Reference to National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) (i) By Companys Board Section 424A of the Companies Act, 1956 lays down that where an industrial company becomes sick industrial company for the purpose of the Act, the Board of Directors should, within a period of 180 days from the date on which the Board of Directors of the company come to know, of the relevant facts giving rise to cause of such reference or within 60 days of final adoption of accounts, whichever is earlier, make a reference to NCLT constituted under Sub-section (1) of Section 10FB of the Companies Act, 1956 for determination of measures which may be adopted with respect to such company. The Board of Directors of such company shall prepare a scheme of its revival and rehabilitation and submit the same to the Tribunal along with application containing such particulars as may be prescribed. However, Sub-section (1) of Section 424A shall not apply to a Government Company. The application shall be accompanied by a certificate from an Auditor from a Panel of Auditors prepared by Tribunal indicating (a) the reasons of the net worth of such company being fifty per cent or less than fifty percent; or (b) the default in repayment of its debt making such company a sick industrial company, as the case may be. Thus, the certificate is to be given only by Auditor who is on a panel approved by Tribunal. (ii) By Central/State Government/RBI/Public Financial Institution/State level Institution/Scheduled bank Central/State Government/RBI/Public Financial Institution/State level Institution/ Scheduled bank may if it has sufficient reasons to believe that any industrial company has become a sick industrial company for the purpose of the Act, may make a reference in respect of such company to the Tribunal for determination of the measures which may be adopted with respect to such company. However, State Government may make such reference only if all or any of the industrial undertaking belonging to such company are situated in such state. A public financial institution or a state level institution or a scheduled bank may make a reference only if it has, by reason of any financial assistance or obligation
(cdxciv) rendered by it or undertakings by it, with respect to such company, an interest in such company. The reference as aforesaid shall be within such period as prescribed above in case of reference made by companys Board. Inquiry into working of sick industrial companies: Upon the receipt of a reference under Section 424A of the Act with respect to a sick industrial company or upon information received with respect to such company or upon its own knowledge as to the financial condition of the company, the Tribunal may make such inquiry as it may deem fit for determining whether any industrial company has become a sick industrial company. Operating agency to inquire and report to Tribunal Operating Agency means any group of experts consisting of persons having special knowledge of business or industry in which the sick industrial company is engaged and includes public financial institution, state level institution, scheduled bank or any other person as may be specified as the Operating Agency by the Tribunal [Section 2(31A)]. State level institution means any of the following institutions namely: (a) State Financial Corporations established under Section 3 or Section 3A and institutions notified under Section 46 of the State Financial Corporation Act, 1951 (63 of 1951) (b) the State Industrial Development Corporations registered under this Act. [Section 2(46AB)]. The functions of operating agency include: (a) Conduct of inquiry on reference received, as per Section 424 B(2); (b) Preparation of a scheme of rehabilitation as per Section 424C(3) and 424D(1); (c) Apply to Tribunal for review of its order under Section 424C(4)(b); (d) Recommend to the Tribunal, on the various steps to be taken to implement the scheme and remove the difficulties therein under Section 424D(14); (e) Implementation of rehabilitation scheme, ordered by Tribunal [Section 424D(15)]; (f) Appointment as liquidator in case of winding up of industrial company [Section 424G(2)]; (g) Preparation of detailed inventory and lists of any industrial company ordered by Tribunal [Section 424H]. An inquiry shall be deemed to have commenced upon the receipt by the Tribunal of any reference or information or upon its own knowledge reduced to writing by the Tribunal. According to Section 424B, the Tribunal may, if it deems necessary or expedient so to do for the expeditious disposal of an inquiry under Sub-section (1), require by order any operating agency to inquire into the scheme for revival and make a report with respect to such matters as may be specified in the order. The operating agency shall complete its inquiry as expeditiously as possible and submit its report to the Tribunal within twenty one days from the date of such order.
(cdxcv) However, the Tribunal may extend the said period to forty days for reasons to be recorded in writing for such extension. The Tribunal shall conclude its inquiry as expeditiously as possible and pass final orders in the proceedings within sixty days from the commencement of the inquiry. Provided that the Tribunal may extend the said period to ninety days for reasons to be recorded in writing for such extension. Appointment of Special Director(s) If the Tribunal deems it fit to make an inquiry or to cause an inquiry to be made into any industrial company by an operating agency, it may appoint one or more persons who possess knowledge, experience and expertise in management and control of the affairs of any other company to be a special director (or special directors) on the board of such industrial company on such terms and conditions as may be prescribed for safeguarding its financial and other interests, or in the public interest [Section 424B(5)]. The special director(s) appointed under Section 424B(5) shall submit a report to the Tribunal within sixty days from the date of his/their appointment about the state of affairs of the company in respect of which reference has been made. Such special director or directors shall have all the powers of a director of a company under this Act, necessary for discharge of his or their duties. The Tribunal may issue such directions to special directors appointed as it may deem necessary or expedient for proper discharge of his/their duties [Section 424B(7)]. The appointment of a special director shall be valid and effective notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any other provision of this Act or in any other law for the time being in force or in the memorandum and articles of association or any other instrument relating to the industrial company. Any provisions regarding share qualification, age limit, number of directorships, removal from office of directors and such like conditions contained in any such law or instrument as aforesaid, shall not apply to any special director or directors appointed by the Tribunal. Any special director appointed, shall (a) hold office during the pleasure of the Tribunal and may be removed or substituted by any person by order of the Tribunal; (b) not incur any obligation or liability by reason only of his being a director or for anything done or omitted to be done in good faith in the discharge of his duties as a director or anything in relation thereto; (c) not be liable to retirement by rotation and shall not be taken into account for computing the number of directors liable to such retirement; (d) not be liable to be prosecuted under any law for anything done or omitted to be done in good faith in the discharge of his duties in relation to the sick industrial company. Continuing operations during inquiry An application may be made to Tribunal, during the continuation of inquiry for (a) agreeing to an arrangement for continuing operations of the sick company or (b) suggesting a scheme of financial reconstruction of the sick industrial company. Such application may be made by (a) company (b) Central government (c) State
(cdxcvi) government (d) Bank (e) Financial institution, (f) any authority providing or intending to provide any financial assistance to the company. On receipt of such application, Tribunal may pass such orders as it may deem fit, within 60 days (Section 424F). Preparation of proforma, accounts, lists, inventory etc. According to Section 424H the Tribunal may, if the circumstances so require and for proper discharge of its functions, require an operating agency to prepare the following (a) a complete inventory of all assets and liabilities of any nature, all books of account, registers, maps, plans, records, documents of title or ownership of property and other documents relating thereto. (b) List of shareholders, list of secured and unsecured creditors (showing each category seperately). (c) Valuation report in respect of shares and assets so as to arrive at the reserve price for the sale of a part or whole of undertaking or for fixing lease rent or fixing share exchange ratio. (d) Estimate of reserve price, lease rent or share exchange ratio. (e) Proforma accounts if upto date audited accounts are not available. This provision, is similar to Section 21 in SICA. Power of Tribunal to call for periodic information On receipt of reference under Section 424A, the Tribunal may call for any periodic information from the company regarding the steps taken by the company to make its networth exceed the accumulated losses or to make repayment of its debt, as the case may be and the company shall furnish such information. [Section 424J] This provision is similar, to Section 23 B of SICA. Also, the Tribunal may on receipt of a reference under Section 424A(1) pass an order as to whether a company in respect of which a reference has been made has become a sick industrial company and such order shall be final [Section 424A(5)]. The Tribunal can accept or reject the reference at that stage itself, on prima facie basis i.e. order can be passed without making an inquiry. No such order is required, if reference is made by Bank/FI/ Government. Completion of inquiry After the inquiry is complete, the Tribunal is required to decide whether it is possible for the company to revive within a reasonable time i.e. whether it can make its net worth exceed the accumulated losses or make repayment of debts to the creditors within a reasonable time. The Tribunal may come to any of the following conclusions: (a) the Company can revive on its own given a particular period of time. (b) Company will not be able to revive on its own and some measures are required (a scheme will have to be formulated). (c) if scheme requires any financial assistance to be sought, consent of concerned Bank/Fls to be obtained. (d) if revival is not at all possible, winding up needs to be passed under Section 424G(1). The various alternatives are discussed hereunder: Tribunal may give time to company to revive
(cdxcvii) If the Tribunal decides after an inquiry that it is practicable for a sick industrial company to make its net worth exceed the accumulated losses or pay its debt within a reasonable time, the Tribunal shall, by order in writing and subject to such restrictions or conditions as may be specified in the order, give such time to company as it may deem fit, to make its net worth exceed the accumulated losses or make repayment of the debts. [Section 424C(2)]. Thus, if the Tribunal decides that the company shall be able to revive on its own, it will pass such orders as it may deem expedient, giving reasonable time to the company and making it subject to such restrictions and conditions as required. If any of the restrictions or conditions specified in such an order are not complied with, by the company concerned, or if the company fails to revive in pursuance of the said order, Tribunal may review such order on a reference in that behalf from any agency or on its own motion and pass a fresh order in respect of such company. Preparation and sanction of Scheme If on the other hand, the Tribunal decides that it is not practicable for the sick industrial company to make its net worth exceed the accumulated losses or make the repayment of its debts within a reasonable time and that it is necessary or expedient in the public interest to adopt all or any of the measures specified in Section 424D in relation to the said company, it may, as soon as may be, by order in writing, direct any operating agency specified in the order to prepare, having regard to such guidelines as may be specified in the order, a scheme providing for such measures in relation to such company. [Section 424C(3)] If the operating agency specified in an order makes a submission in that behalf, the Tribunal may review such order and modify the order in such manner as it may deem appropriate. Where an order is made under Sub-section (3) of Section 424C in relation to any sick industrial company, the operating agency specified in the order shall prepare as expeditiously as possible and ordinarily with in a period of sixty days from the date of such order, having regard to the guidelines framed by the Reserve Bank of India in this behalf, a scheme with respect to such company providing for any one or more of the following measures, namely (a) the financial reconstruction of such industrial company; (b) the proper management of such industrial company by change in, or take over of, the management of such industrial company; (c) the amalgamation of (i) such industrial company with any other company ; or (ii) any other company with such industrial company (referred to as transferee company); (d) the sale or lease of a part or whole of any industrial undertaking of such industrial company; (e) the rationalisation of managerial personal, supervisory staff and workmen in accordance with law; (f) such other preventive, ameliorative and remedial measures as may be
(cdxcviii) appropriate; (g) repayment of debt; (h) such incidental, consequential or supplemental measures as may be necessary or expedient in connection with or for the purposes of the measures specified in clauses (a) to (g); Provided that the Tribunal may extend the said period of sixty days to ninety days for reasons to be recorded in writing for such extension. [Section 424D(1)]. The scheme may provide for any one or more of the following, namely: (a) the constitution, name and registered office, the capital, assets, powers, rights, interests, authorities and privileges, duties and obligations of the sick industrial company or, as the case may be, of the transferee company; (b) the transfer to the transferee company of the business, properties, assets and liabilities of the sick industrial company on such terms and conditions as may be specified in the scheme; (c) any change in the Board of directors, or the appointment of a new Board of directors, of the sick industrial company and the authority by whom, the manner in which and the other terms and conditions on which, such change or appointment shall be made and in the case of appointment of a new Board of directors or of any director, the period for which such appointment shall be made; (d) the alteration of the memorandum or articles of association of the sick industrial company or, as the case may be, of the transferee company for the purpose of altering the capital structure thereof, or for such other purposes as may be necessary to give effect to the reconstruction or amalgamation; (e) the continuation by or against the sick industrial company or, as the case may be, the transferee company of any action or other legal proceeding pending against the sick industrial company immediately before the date of the order made under Sub-section (3) of Section 424C; (f) the reduction of the interest or rights which the shareholders have in the sick industrial company to such extent as the Tribunal considers necessary in the interests of the reconstruction, revival or rehabilitation or repayment of debts of such sick industrial company or for the maintenance of the business of such industrial company; (g) the allotment to the shareholders of the sick industrial company, of shares in such company or, as the case may be, in the transferee company and where any shareholder claims payment in cash and not allotment of shares or where it is not possible to allot shares to any shareholder, the payment of cash to those shareholders in full satisfaction of their claims (i) in respect of their interest in shares in the sick industrial company before its reconstruction or amalgamation; or (ii) where such interest has been reduced under clause (f) in respect of their interest in shares as so reduced;
(cdxcix) (h) any other terms and conditions for the reconstruction or amalgamation of the sick industrial company; (i) sale of the industrial undertaking of the sick industrial company free from all encumbrances and all liabilities of the company or other such encumbrances and liabilities as may be specified, to any person, including a co-operative society formed by the employees of such undertaking and fixing of reserve price for such sale; (j) lease of the industrial undertaking of the sick industrial company to any person, including a co-operative society formed by the employees of such undertaking; (k) method of sale of assets of the industrial undertaking of the sick industrial company such as by public auction or by inviting lenders or in any other manner as may be specified and for the manner of publicity therefor; (l) issue of the shares in the sick industrial company at the face value or at the intrinsic value which may be at discount value or such other value as may be specified to any industrial company or any person including the executives and employees of such sick industrial company; (m) such incidental, consequential and supplemental matters as may be necessary to secure that the reconstruction or amalgamation or other measures mentioned in the scheme are fully and effectively carried out. Circulation of Scheme The scheme prepared by the operating agency shall be examined by the Tribunal. A copy of the scheme with modification, if any, made by the Tribunal shall be sent, in draft, to the sick industrial company and the operating agency and in the case of amalgamation, also to any other company concerned. The Tribunal may publish or cause to be published the draft scheme in brief in such daily newspapers as it may consider necessary, for suggestions and objections, if any, within a specified time. The complete draft scheme shall be kept at the place where registered office of the company is situated or at such place as mentioned in the advertisement. [Section 424D(3)] Modification by Tribunal The Tribunal may make such modifications, if any, in the draft scheme as it may consider necessary in the light of the suggestions and objections received from the sick industrial company and the operating agency and also from the transferee company and any other company concerned in the amalgamation and from any shareholder or any creditors or employees of such companies. However, where the scheme relates to amalgamation, the said scheme shall be laid before the company other than the sick industrial company in the general meeting for the approval of the scheme by its shareholders. No such scheme shall be proceeded with unless it has been approved, with or without modification, by a special resolution passed by the shareholders of the transferee company. If the scheme requires financial assistance or reliefs to sick industrial company, the scheme cannot be sanctioned unless approved by Government/FIs/Bank etc in the manner set out in Section 424E.
(d) Sanction of Scheme The scheme may be sanctioned, within sixty days by the Tribunal and shall come into force on such date as the Tribunal may specify in this behalf: The Tribunal may extend the said period of sixty days to ninety days for reasons to be recorded in writing for such extension. The Tribunal may specify different dates for different provisions of scheme [Section 424D(4)]. Transfer of property or liability According to Sub-section (7) of Section 424D, where a sanctioned scheme provides for the transfer of any property or liability of the sick industrial company in favour of any other company or person or where such scheme provides for the transfer of any property or liability of any other company or person in favour of the sick industrial company, then, by virtue of, and to the extent provided in, the scheme, on and from the date of coming into operation of the sanctioned scheme or any provision thereof, the property shall be transferred to, and vest in, and the liability shall become the liability of, such other company or person or, as the case may be, the sick industrial company. Review of Scheme at the instance of operating agency or otherwise Any scheme sanctioned by Tribunal may be reviewed or modified. The Tribunal may, on the recommendations of the operating agency or otherwise, review any sanctioned scheme and make such modifications as it may deem fit. It may by order in writing, direct any operating agency specified in the order, having regard to such guidelines including those framed by the Reserve Bank of India in this behalf, in order to prepare a fresh scheme providing for such measures as the operating agency may consider necessary. [Section 424D(5)] When a fresh scheme is prepared, the provisions of Sub-sections (3) and (4) of Section 424D, as outlined above, shall apply in relation thereto as they apply to in relation to a scheme prepared under Sub-section (1). Sanction is conclusive evidence The sanction accorded by the Tribunal shall be conclusive evidence that all the requirements of this scheme relating to the reconstruction or amalgamation, or any other measure specified therein have been complied with. A copy of the sanctioned scheme certified in writing by an officer of the Tribunal to be a true copy thereof, shall be admitted as evidence in all legal proceedings (whether in appeal of otherwise). A copy of the sanctioned scheme shall be filed with the Registrar within the prescribed time by the company in respect of which such scheme relates. Binding nature of sanctioned Scheme Section 424D(10) provides that on and from the date of the coming into operation of the sanctioned scheme or any provision thereof, the scheme or such provision shall be binding on the sick industrial company and the transferee company or, as the case may be, the other company and also on the shareholders, creditors and
(di) guarantors and employees of the said companies. The creditors of a sick industrial company may also prepare a scheme for revival or rehabilitation of such sick industrial company and submit the same to the Tribunal for its sanction. No scheme shall be submitted by the creditors to the Tribunal unless such scheme has been approved by at least three-fourth in value of creditors of the sick industrial company. All the provisions relating to the preparation of scheme by the operating agency and sanction of such scheme by the Tribunal shall as far as may be, apply to the scheme referred herein. Such scheme if sanctioned by the Tribunal shall be binding on all the creditors and on others concerned. Difficulty in operation If any difficulty arises in implementing the sanctioned scheme, the Tribunal may, on the recommendation of the operating agency or otherwise, by order, modify or, do anything, not inconsistent with such provisions, which appears to it to be necessary or expedient for the purpose of removing the difficulty. 6. IMPLEMENTATION OF SCHEME Conditional implementation Sub-section (15) of Section 424D of the Act provides that the Tribunal may, if it deems necessary or expedient so to do, by order in writing, direct any operating agency specified in the order, to implement a sanctioned scheme with such terms and conditions and in relation to the sick industrial company as may be specified in the order. Distribution of sale proceeds Where the whole of the undertaking of the sick industrial company is sold under a sanctioned scheme, the Tribunal may distribute the sale proceeds to the parties entitled thereto in accordance with the provisions of Section 529A and other provisions of this Act. The Tribunal may also monitor periodically the implementation of the sanctioned scheme. Rehabilitation by giving financial assistance Schemes prepared by operating agency/creditors may involve proposals like induction of fresh finance, reduction in interest rate, waiver of past liabilities etc. from Government/Banks/Fls etc. Section 424E formulates detailed provisions for rehabilitation of sick industrial company by giving financial assistance and provides that where the scheme relates to preventive, ameliorative, remedial and other measures with respect to the sick industrial company, the scheme may provide for
(dii) financial assistance by way of loans, advances or guarantees or reliefs or concessions or sacrifices from the Central Government, a State Government, any scheduled bank or other bank, a public financial institution or State level institution or any institution or other authority to the sick industrial company. Every such scheme shall be circulated to every person required by the scheme to provide financial assistance for his consent within a period of sixty days from the date of such circulation or within such further period, not exceeding sixty days, as may be allowed by the Tribunal and if no consent is received within such period or further period, it shall be deemed that consent has been given. Where in respect of any scheme the consent as aforesaid is given by every person required by the scheme to provide financial assistance, the Tribunal may, as soon as may be, sanction the scheme and on and from the date of such sanction the scheme shall be binding on all concerned. On the sanction of the scheme, the financial institutions and the banks required to provide financial assistance, shall designate by mutual agreement a financial institution and a bank from amongst themselves which shall be responsible to disburse financial assistance by way of loans or advances or guarantees or reliefs or concessions or sacrifices agreed to be provided or granted under the scheme on behalf of all financial institutions and banks concerned. The financial institution and the bank designated shall forthwith proceed to release the financial assistance to the sick industrial company in fulfilment of the requirement in this regard. Where in respect of any scheme, consent is not given by any person required by the scheme to provide financial assistance, the Tribunal may adopt such other measures including the winding up of the sick industrial company, as it may deem fit. Winding up of sick industrial company Where the Tribunal, after making inquiry under Section 424B and after consideration of all the relevant facts and circumstances and after giving an opportunity of being heard to all concerned parties, is of the opinion that the sick industrial company is not likely to make its net worth exceed the accumulated losses within a reasonable time while meeting all its financial obligations and that the company as a result thereof is not likely to become viable in future and that it is just and equitable that the company should be wound up, it may record its findings and order winding up of the company. Under SICA, the BIFR could only recommend winding up, while Tribunal can now order winding up. For the purpose of winding up of the sick industrial company, the Tribunal may appoint any officer of the operating agency, if the operating agency gives its consent, as the liquidator of such industrial company and the officer so appointed shall for the purpose of the winding up of such sick industrial company, be deemed to be, and have all the powers of, the official liquidator under this Act. Even if official liquidator has been appointed, the Tribunal may cause to be sold the assets of the sick industrial company in such manner as it may deem fit and pass
(diii) orders for distribution in accordance with the provisions of Section 529A, and other provisions of this Act. Without prejudice to the other provisions contained in this Act, the winding up of a company shall, as far as may be, concluded within one year from the date of the order made under Sub-section (1). Direction not to dispose off assets According to Section 424I, the Tribunal may, if it is of the opinion, that any direction is necessary in the interest of the sick industrial company or creditors or shareholders or in the public interest, by order, direct such company not to dispose off, except with the prior approval of the Tribunal, any of its assets during the period of inquiry under Section 424B or during the period of preparation or consideration of the scheme under Section 424C. 7. COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS There are some major variations between the provisions under SICA and those incorporated in Companies Act, 1956. Some of them are: According to Section 22(1) of SICA, when an inquiry was pending or scheme was under preparation or implementation or where an appeal with AAIFR was pending, legal proceedings were to be suspended thereby providing protection to sick industrial company against suit for recovery of money execution against property of company or winding up proceedings. However this protection is not available under Companies Act. Hence, recovery proceedings and suits against such companies can continue even if the matter is pending with NCLT. Winding up proceedings however may be kept pending as they are with the same Tribunal. The provisions of SICA were overriding i.e. prevailed over all other laws, except FEMA and Urban Land Ceiling Act. However, according to new provisions, if a scheme is approved by NCLT, formalities and procedures as required under Companies Act and other laws have to be completed. The company now has to prepare the scheme for revival of sick company, submit the same while making reference to Tribunal (NCLT) and the application should be accompanied with a certificate by auditor from approved panel. A cess is required to be paid by all companies which will be used towards Rehabilitation and Revival Fund to be utilised for the benefit of sick industrial companies and be at the disposal of Tribunal. Government companies can make a reference only if Central/State Government gives specific approval. Action under the Recovery of Debts due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 (RDB Act) in respect of Sick Industrial Companies In view of the bar contained in Section 22 of SICA, which is a special legislation, banks and financial institutions cannot initiate action under the RDB Act for recovery of moneys due from a sick industrial company or from any guarantor of the loans
(div) granted to such a company. A reference should be made to Sub-section (2) of Section 34 of the RDB Act. The said sub-section provides that the RDB Act operates in addition to and not in derogation of anything contained in SICA. If RDB Act is taken as superceding Section 22 of SICA, it would amount to derogation of SICA and therefore the bar contained in Section 22 prevents banks from filing any suit for recovery of money or for enforcement of security against the sick industrial company or the guarantors of the monies due from the sick industrial company. Action under Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI Act) in respect of Sick Industrial Companies The SARFAESI Act amended Section 15 of SICA. As per the amendment, which came into effect from 21/06/2002, when a reference by a sick industrial company is pending before the BIFR, it shall abate if secured creditors representing not less than 75% in value of the amount outstanding against financial assistance provided to the sick industrial company, have taken measures under Section 13(4) of the SARFAESI Act. The above position applies to the situation where a reference is pending before the BIFR. Similarly, when a securitisation company or a reconstruction company has acquired the financial assets of a sick industrial company in pursuance of Section 5(1) of SARFAESI Act, no reference shall be made to BIFR. 8. CESS ON COMPANIES The 2002 Amendment Act introduced a scheme for rehabilitation through a fiscal measure by levy of cess on all companies. Sections 441A to 441G of the Act deal with matters connected with the levy of the said cess and constitution of a Fund called the Rehabilitation and Revival Fund. The aim of the Act is to utilize the moneys so collected for rehabilitation of sick industrial companies. SALIENT FEATURES OF THE CESS SCHEME The scheme is covered by Sections 441A to 441G of the Act. The scheme involves levy and collection of a cess. The cess is meant for rehabilitation or revival or protection of assets of the sick industrial company. The cess shall be payable by all companies. The levy of cess may be at the rate of not less than 0.005 percent and not more than 0.1 percent on the value of annual turnover or annual gross receipt, whichever is more as the Central Government may, from time to time, specify by notification in the Official Gazette. The cess is payable within 3 months of the expiry of the close of every financial year. At the time of making payment of the cess, every company will be required to furnish to the Central Government and the Tribunal details of its turnover and gross receipts. The Central Government will prescribe a form in which such details will have to be furnished.
(dv) The Central Government will prescribe rules for levy and collection of the cess. The rules may prescribe for certification of the correctness of the particulars liable to be furnished in the said form. The proceeds of the cess levied and collected under section 442A shall first be credited to the Consolidated Fund of India. The Central Government may, out of monies collected by the levy of the cess, pay to the Tribunal, from time to time, (after deducting the cost of collection), such sums of money as it may think fit for being utilised for the purposes of the Fund. Such payment requires approval of Parliament as it involves withdrawing funds from the Consolidated Fund of India. For the purposes of rehabilitation or revival or protection of assets of sick industrial companies, a Rehabilitation and Revival Fund will be formed. For the purposes of rehabilitation or revival or protection of assets of sick industrial companies, the Central Government or the Tribunal has powers to seek such statistical and other information in such form and within such period as may be prescribed. The Central Government or the Tribunal may seek such information from any company. Sources and Application of Rehabilitation and Revival Fund Sources [Section 441C] All amounts paid by companies as the cess. Any amount given as grants by the Central Government for the purposes of this Fund; Any amount given to the Fund from any other source; Any income from investment of the amount in the Fund; Amount refunded by the company under Section 441G, after the sick company is revived. Application (Section 441D) making interim payment of workmens dues pending the revival or rehabilitation of the sick industrial company; or payment of workmens dues to the workmen, referred to in Sub-section (3) of Section 529, of sick industrial company; or protection of assets of sick industrial company; or revival or rehabilitation of sick industrial company. 9. APPEALS National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT) According to Section 2(1B) of the Companies Act, 1956 Appellate Tribunal means the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal constituted under Sub-section
(dvi) (1) of Section 10FR. Constitution of Appellate Tribunal Section 10FR of the Act lays down that the Central Government shall, by notification in the Official Gazette, constitute with effect from such date as may be specified therein, an Appellate Tribunal to be called the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal consisting of a Chairperson and not more than two Members, to be appointed by that Government, for hearing appeals against the orders of the Tribunal under this Act. The Chairperson of the Appellate Tribunal shall be a person who has been, a Judge of the Supreme Court or the Chief Justice of a High Court. A Member of the Appellate Tribunal shall be a person of ability, integrity and standing having special knowledge of, and professional experience of not less than twenty-five years in, science, technology, economics, banking, industry, law, matters relating to labour, industrial finance, industrial management, industrial reconstruction, administration, investment, accountancy, marketing or any other matter, the special knowledge of, or professional experience in which, would be in the opinion of the Central Government useful to the Appellate Tribunal. Appeal Procedure Section 10FQ of the Companies Act, 1956 provides that any person aggrieved by an order or decision of the Tribunal may prefer an appeal to the Appellate Tribunal. No appeal shall lie to the Appellate Tribunal from an order or decision made by the Tribunal with the consent of parties. Every such appeal shall be filed within a period of forty- five days from the date on which a copy of the order or decision made by the Tribunal is received by the appellant and it shall be in such form and accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed. However, the Appellate Tribunal may entertain an appeal after the expiry of the said period of forty-five days from the date aforesaid if it is satisfied that the appellant was prevented by sufficient cause from not filing the appeal in time. On receipt of an appeal preferred, the Appellate Tribunal shall, after giving parties to the appeal, an opportunity of being heard, pass such orders thereon as it thinks fit, confirming, modifying or setting aside the order appealed against. The Appellate Tribunal shall send a copy of every order made by it to the Tribunal and parties to the appeal. The appeal filed before the Appellate Tribunal shall be dealt with by it as expeditiously as possible and endeavour shall be made by it to dispose off the appeal finally within six months from the date of the receipt of the appeal. 10. PENALTY
(dvii) According to Section 424L of Companies Act, 1956, whoever violates provisions of this Part (Part VI) or any scheme, or any order of the Tribunal or the Appellate Tribunal or makes a false statement or gives false evidence to the Tribunal or the Appellate Tribunal, and attempts to tamper the records of reference or appeal filed under this Act, shall be punishable with simple imprisonment for a term which may extend to three years or shall be liable to fine not exceeding ten lakh rupees. No court shall take cognizance of any offence except on a complaint in writing of an officer of the Tribunal or the Appellate Tribunal or any officer of the Central Government authorised by it or any officer of an operating agency as may be authorised in this behalf by the Tribunal or the Appellate Tribunal, as the case may be.
The chapter deals with major causes of sickness of industrial companies in detail. Tiwari Committee identified the causes of the industrial sickness. SICA was enacted to evaluate the viability of sick industrial companies with a view to rehabilitate them and to protect the interest of employees as far as practicable. Once a company becomes sick, a reference is made to BIFR for determination of measures to be adopted with respect to company. Enquiry under Section 16 into working of sick industrial company is made. After being satisfied of sickness and if there is a scope to make the networth exceed the accumulated losses, it appoints an operating agency for preparation of scheme for revival under Section 18. Otherwise an opinion of Board is forwarded to High Court for winding up. Section 22, one of the important provisions of SICA, provides for immunity from certain litigations. The chapter, then, deals with the law on the anvil for revival of Sick Companies viz. Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002, the date of whose enforcement is yet to be notified.
SELF-TEST QUESTIONS (These are meant for recapitulation only. Answers to these questions are not required to be submitted for evaluation). 1. Briefly explain the salient features of Section 16 of SICA regarding inquiry into working of sick industrial companies. 2. Enumerate the External Causes of sickness of industrial companies? 3. SICA was conceived well but it failed. Elucidate. 4. National Company Law Tribunal, when constituted, shall be vested with substantial powers for revival of sick units. Do you agree? 5. Write short notes on (a) Operating Agency (b) Immunity to Sick Company (Section 22 of SICA). (c) Reference to the Board (Section 15 of SICA).
LEARNING OBJECTIVES The purpose of this study lesson is to focus on the case studies so as to illustrate and analyse the historical factors, situations leading to mergers, takeovers or amalgamations, strategies involved and assess the restructuring benefits to the companies involved; including the reverse merger processes, so as to enable the students to understand, the practical aspects of corporate restructuring. Names and ancillary information in some case studies have been changed.
CASE I Preface: The following conversation is a reproduction of the recorded version between the managing director/CEO of a company and a company secretary in practice (CSP). Students can experience a literal walk through of how discussions proceed and what are the usual issues that arise in such discussions and what is the role of a CSP in such matters. The Setting: An unlisted company, a textile major having a turnover of about 200 Cr. has identified a textile-processing unit (TP Unit) for capacity expansion. The TP Unit has been closed for some time. It belongs to a company, which is at present engaged in manufacturing cotton yarn and fabrics. DAY 1 CEO: Good morning sir! How are you? CSP: Good morning sir. I am fine. Welcome. How are you? CEO: I am fine and I was on a business visit to Europe and I came only a week back to Coimbatore. CSP: Sir, would you like to have tea or coffee? CEO: I will have a little tea without milk. We need your advice urgently. We are on an expansion mode. We have identified a textile-processing unit (TP Unit) for capacity expansion. The unit has not been operational for long and its present owners do not want to run the same. They are looking out for sale of the unit. For us it means more than the land, buildings and plant and machinery. See, they have consent of the pollution control board for operating the unit with water drawal facility from the river Siruvani. They have all licences and permits for running a processing unit and their effluent treatment plant has been maintained well. You know, nowadays, it is very difficult to establish a new unit with so much capacity and you know how difficult it would be to obtain environmental and pollution control consents and water drawal facility. CSP: //silently listens// 484
(dx) CEO: We know about this unit for long as we are in the same business. But we came to know that it is up for sale only through a paper advertisement. We just showed our interest and they called us. We have already discussed the commercial aspects and we have even fixed the consideration. Now we need to discuss the modalities. We want to acquire the unit without much cost and in the quickest possible time. CSP: There are many ways of completing the acquisition. You may acquire the unit lock, stock and barrel. This may be straightforward transaction. This may entail payment of a huge stamp duty. Why not we organize the deal as a demerger? CEO: Will not demerger be a long drawn process with a lot of time and high court sanction? CSP: Going by our experience and barring unexpected delays, sanction for a well designed and presented scheme could be accomplished within a period of 3 to 6 months. I dont think there will be any issues from the creditors side of both the companies. CEO: Why dont you consider any other method? CSP: Can I ask you one question? Are there any accumulated losses in the said unit that you would like to use as a tax shield after you start operations in the said unit? CEO: There is no such requirement. We want to acquire the unit without any incidence of stamp duty. CSP: Then there is one more way. Do the present owners agree to sell the unit to a new company, which shall be incorporated as a wholly owned subsidiary (WOS) of their company? CEO: What is the use of such transfer? CSP: When they transfer the textile processing unit to their WOS, the conveyance will not suffer stamp duty because in Tamilnadu transfer of immovable properties between holding and its subsidiary or vice versa or between two subsidiaries of the same holding company is exempt from stamp duty. CEO: Then how will the company become ours? CSP: After such sale to subsidiary, shares in the capital of the subsidiary should be acquired by you or your nominees. It is simple. In the books of the subsidiary the value of the assets will be shown as money due to holding company. With acquisition of the shares in the capital of the subsidiary and settling the said dues of the subsidiary to the holding company, you will be having absolute control over the unit without any third party interest at all. However you have to make sure that all licences, consents and permits could be transferred to the subsidiary so that you can get what you want! But how about workers? Are you taking any of them? CEO: No. There is no worker in the said unit. They have already settled the dues of the workers and there is no statutory or any other liability. CSP: Then the job becomes easier. Then you may go through the subsidiary route. There is however, one hindrance. What about liability to capital gains tax? Are they ready to bear the same?
(dxi) CEO: I feel if they are liable they wont mind paying the taxes! I shall discuss with them and call you again. Kindly give us priority until the transaction is over. CSP: Thank you. Please check if the licences and permits could be transferred to the subsidiary and dont take the shares until the subsidiary gets the licences and permits transferred in its name. CEO: Thank you. I will take your leave. DAY 2 CEO: Good evening, how are you? CSP: Good evening. When did you reach? I was late by an hour due to another meeting at a nearby place. CEO: It is ok. We didnt check with you before reaching. Shall we start our meeting? Do you want a few minutes rest? CSP: No, no; we can start. CEO: Please meet Ms. Shilpa, my company secretary. She has been told to coordinate with all the people until completion of the takeover. CSP: Hi, how are you? Very glad to see you. CEO: They have expressed their inability to adopt the de-merger route. CSP: Why? CEO: They want the money immediately. CSP: That makes the job easier. You know for a demerger, under the Income Tax Act, there are certain pre-conditions. The most important consideration for the demerger shall be the issue of shares by the resultant company to the shareholders constituting 75% of the capital of the demerged company. So, if you subscribe for the shares of the existing company, in view of the huge cost of acquisition, you will certainly be holding more than 75% of the capital of the demerged company. They get their money immediately. The scheme could be drawn up in such a way that the consideration will be by issue of shares to 75% of the shareholders in value and for the remaining shareholders, the scheme may provide payment by cash. In this process, there will be no stamp duty, no capital gains tax to the seller, immediate payment to the seller and therefore there need not be any worry for any body. CEO: Yaah; it seems to be a good idea! But they wont agree for this proposal even in their dreams. How would they agree to issue shares to us in the first place and that too upto 75% of the capital. CSP: Let them issue preference shares. They need not give voting rights to you. Moreover it is only for a short period of time. Once the scheme is sanctioned, there wont be any problem. Moreover the Income Tax Act does not talk about equity shares only. The scheme itself could provide that preference shareholders could get equity shares of the resultant company and the equity shareholders of the demerged company could get cash from the resultant company. In this process naturally there will be a demerger with transfer of control to you.
(dxii) CEO: But what do you think would be the problem in the takeover through the subsidiary route? CSP: There could be two problems. Section 47 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 provides that a transfer of a capital asset between a holding company and its subsidiary will not be treated as a transfer at all. Consequently, there will not be any incidence of capital gains tax upon the transferor. However, Section 47A carefully provides that such exemption will be withdrawn if the relationship between the companies change within a period of 8 years. This means it is necessary that holding and subsidiary companies maintain their relationship as such for a minimum period of 8 years from the date of transfer. CEO: What is the effect of such transfer, as we are going to buy all the shares of the subsidiary immediately after they are able to get all licences and permits in the name of the subsidiary. CSP: Yes. In that case they will suffer capital gain tax, which you already mentioned that they may not object. CEO: Ok. What is the benefit to us? CSP: You will save stamp duty. However, I am not aware whether the pollution control board will agree to transfer the licences and permits. Moreover, like the Income Tax Department demanding payment of capital gains tax, if the registration department were to demand the stamp duty which you did not pay as it was a transfer between two parties which was exempt, what will you do. From the enquiries I had made, the Inspector General of the Registration Department says that there are chances for a demand being slapped upon the buyer for the stamp duty. CEO: In a demerger wont these problems arise? CSP: Yes. It could be structured practically to meet the objectives of both the seller and the buyer. CEO: Ok. I shall come back to you, Thank you for all the inputs. DAY 3 CEO: Hello, How are you? I am sorry that I am frequently disturbing you. CSP: That is ok sir. Any development sir? CEO: Certainly. They do not seem to agree for the demerger scheme for one more valid reason. CSP: What do they say? CEO: They said ok for everything. I said that I have to give the money in advance and I cannot wait until the court orders demerger as I will lose a lot of money unless I am permitted to take charge of the unit. So, I wanted them to consider handing over possession of the unit to me pending sanction by the court. But they were very adamant and they dont want to stay in the company even for a minute after it is sold. Because they feel if a third party like our company were to run the show and any untoward incident happens, it would affect the directors of their company personally
(dxiii) as the legal ownership of company will not pass on to us until demerger is through. You know pollution control laws are severe and if we run the unit and something happens, they will be caught. Hence, I have agreed to takeover through the subsidiary route. Can you please examine and send me the formalities? Shilpa: Sir, Dont you think we are taking some risk by purchasing the shares immediately after transferring the unit to the subsidiary company? CSP: Yes. That was one of the points we had observed. However as your MD had already checked with the relevant authorities and as there is no notification of the State Government that exemption from duty will be withdrawn, there should not be any problem. CEO: If any such thing arises, we will face it as they arise. CSP: In my opinion, whether you acquire it through the subsidiary route or demerger route, there has to be a due diligence audit of all legal, managerial and financial affairs. CEO: How much time will you take to complete the process. CSP: I can send my requirements through mail. Shilpa: Please mark a copy to my ID also so that I will be able to follow up with you. CSP: Ok. Thank you. DAY 4 Shilpa: Hello Sir, How are you? CSP: Yes, madam, I am fine, How are you? Where is your MD? Shilpa: He has not come today. He asked me to inform you that they have already formed a subsidiary company and they have sent today by fax a draft balance sheet of the subsidiary to show how it would appear after transfer of the unit to the subsidiary. They have shown like this as on 01/12/2007: Balance Sheet of the Subsidiary company as on 01/12/2007 LIABILITIES Share capital Current Liability: Amount due to Holding company Plant and Machinery Good Will Cash TOTAL 12.05 TOTAL 3.00 5.85 0.05 12.05 In Cr. 0.05 12.00 ASSETS Land Buildings In Cr. 1.15 2.00
CSP: Oh, from where does the Goodwill come from? You said their unit was closed
(dxiv) for some time? Shilpa: Sir, what is the problem, if we takeover with goodwill? CSP: Madam, where is the goodwill? Why should you agree for something that you do not need even if it exists? Shilpa: How would they mention the values of the assets in the balance sheet of the subsidiary? CSP: Whatever is the actual value for each block of asset, let them mention the same. Shilpa: How does it matter for them? CSP: If they show a substantial portion of the sale consideration against depreciable asset, the sale price so shown will reduce the WDV of the block of assets even though some of the assets forming part of the block alone are sold. They may even suffer short-term capital gains tax at 30%. However, assets such as land or goodwill, which are not depreciated, will be taxed as long-term assets. The rate of tax is 20%. They may save 10% if they show the maximum amount in the form of goodwill or land that are not depreciable assets. Shilpa: I shall check with them and come back to you. DAY 5 CSP: Welcome Sir CEO: Good morning; CSP: Hope you could achieve some progress. CEO: Can you please explain why they are trying to transfer the land at very high price rather than the buildings and plant machinery? CSP: Sir, as you may be aware, under the Income Tax Act, if some assets belonging to a block of assets are disposed of, the entire sale consideration reduces the WDV value of the block. Depreciation will be claimed only for the balance value WDV in that block. In this process if the sale value of certain assets is more than the WDV appearing in the books for that block, there will be a negative figure and to that extent the excess will be taxed as short-term capital gains. To illustrate, if the plant and machinery belong to a block of WDV is Rs. 13 Cr. and if the plant and machinery of the Textile Processing unit whose WDV is Rs. 6 Cr. were to be sold to Rs. 6 Cr., the entire sale value will be deducted from the WDV resulting in the WDV of remaining assets falling to Rs. 7 Cr. In this process, the entire sale consideration does not attract any tax at all. Whereas if the sale value of plant and machinery were to be Rs. 8 Cr. the excess of sale value over WDV of the assets sold in that block will be Rs. 2 Cr. and that will be reduce the WDV of the remaining assets in the block. In this process, the seller loses the depreciation benefit once and for all even though he has not sold all the assets in the block. In other words, while assets are remaining under the block, depreciation benefit in future years for the available machinery cannot be availed unless he creates new assets in the block. Therefore the seller is not inclined to adjust the sale value against the WDV of the existing assets.
(dxv) Shilpa: Can you please illustrate? CSP: The Assets side of Balance Sheet of the Subsidiary company as on 01/12/2007 (showing values of assets of Textile Processing unit only): TABLE 1 Assets Land In Cr. (WDV) 00.15 In Cr. (Sale Value) 1.15 Effect This is not a depreciable asset. Hence the difference of Rs.1 Cr will be taxed as a long term capital gain and seller will lose 20% of Rs.1 Cr. This is a depreciable asset. If the total value of buildings in the block is Rs.4 Cr. the entire sale price of Rs.1.2 Cr. will be deducted from the block and consequently there will be no tax liability. The WDV of the block reduces and therefore the depreciation and resultant tax savings will be available for the seller only on the remaining value. This is a depreciable asset. If the total value of machinery in the block is Rs.12 Cr. the entire sale price of Rs.3.80 Cr. will be deducted from the block and consequently there will be no tax liability. The WDV of the block reduces and therefore the depreciation and resultant tax savings will be available for the seller only on the remaining value. As this is a new asset, in the hands of the seller it will be treated as a self generated asset for which the cost of acquisition is zero. Hence the entire sale value will be treated as long-term capital gain and taxed at 20%.
Good Will
CSP: Sir, you said you dont want any goodwill and you are not inclined to buying any imaginary goodwill even though it helps the seller making some tax savings. CEO: Yes. You are right. We want to buy only the assets and we dont need any goodwill. We told them the same in no uncertain terms. However they have asked us to consider a higher value for land leaving the buildings and plant and machinery at
(dxvi) their WDV. Shilpa: How that helps, sir? CSP: As I have already told you, sale price obtained by them for land will mean a tax liability at the rate of 20% only. Moreover tax will be levied only on the difference between the sale price and indexed cost of acquisition of land. While taxing long term capital gains, there is the benefit of indexation of cost of acquisition. In other words, the Income Tax Act provides a facility to bring the value of old properties to a reasonable current level and thereafter the difference between the sale price and the indexed cost of acquisition should be found out. To illustrate, if the cost of acquisition as per books were to be Rs.0.15 Cr. and if it had been acquired in the year 1993-94, and if the sale takes place in 2005-2006, the sale price should be multiplied by an indexation factor. The indexation factor should be obtained by dividing the index for 2005-2006 divided by the index for 1993-94. The index for 2005-2006 is 497 and the index 1993-94 is 244. This means the indexation factor is about 2 (approx). Thus the indexed cost of acquisition of the land under sale will be Rs.0.30 Cr. and if the land were to be sold for Rs.7 Cr., the profit on sale being Rs.6.7 Cr. will suffer a tax at the rate of 20%. If the total consideration is arranged in such a way that while the price for plant and machinery and buildings are close to their respective WDVs and the price for land is shown to be a higher figure they stand to gain by paying a tax of 20% only as a long term capital gains and they wont lose depreciation benefit for the retained or remaining assets. That is the reason why the seller insists upon a higher value allocation for goodwill or if it is not acceptable a high value for the land. Their argument seems to be that when you have agreed to pay a total consideration of Rs.12 Cr. why not allocate the same in a manner that would help them save taxes. The less tax they pay, the more money they retain! CEO: You are correct. We dont want to agree for goodwill because we do not want to acquire the same even if there is one. We also do not agree to a high value being allocated to land, as it would become a benchmark price (Guideline Value) for the Government to levy duty at that price for lands in that locality. Shilpa: Why not we agree for the same as we are not going to pay any stamp duty at all as it is going to be a takeover through the subsidiary route where what we buy will be the shares of the subsidiary? CEO: No no. We should cause increase in benchmark price. Tomorrow even if we want to buy a piece of land in that area we will pay a higher stamp duty. It will be merely an artificial jacking up of the value of land. Even the banks wont take that value while considering land as a security for our borrowings. We dont want to agree to anything that appears to be highly unreasonable. CSP: Why not look at the following balance sheet? Balance Sheet of the Subsidiary company as on 01/12/2007 LIABILITIES In Cr. ASSETS In Cr.
(dxvii) Share capital Current Liability: Amount due to Holding company Plant and Machinery Good Will TOTAL 12.00 6.00 1.00 12.00 0.05 11.95 20 acres of Land at Rs.10 Lakhs per acre Buildings 2.00 3.00
There could be some balance between what are they thinking and what we aim at. When you say the guideline value for land is at Rs.115 Lakhs, it could be fixed at Rs.200 Lakhs as a business deal because of its locational advantage. The buildings could be taken at Rs.300 Lakhs considering the pollution control related works and the effluent treatment plant related concrete structures and tanks. You may agree for valuing the machinery at Rs.600 Lakhs and a nominal goodwill of Rs.100 Lakhs. You may attribute the goodwill to pollution control consents and water drawal facilities. In this process there will be 20% tax for the value of land and goodwill and there will be no tax for the value of machinery and buildings if the total WDV permits the same. They may lose some depreciation benefit. Let us see the fixed assets schedule in their latest balance sheet. Balance Sheet of the Holding Company as on 31/03/2007 (before sale of textile processing unit) LIABILITIES In Cr. Assets Assets to be retained (In Cr.) 0.18 3.02 7.28 0.56 0.00 1200.00 Assets to be sold (In Cr.) 00.15 00.98 03.72 Nil 0.00 00.15 Total (In Cr.) 0.33 4.00 11.00 0.67 0.00 16.00
Land Buildings
CSP: A look at the above balance sheet clearly shows the following points: The company has no goodwill as an asset reflected in its balance sheet. The goodwill, if any, can only be treated as self-generated one. The cost of self-generated goodwill will only be zero. The WDV of buildings other than the buildings to be sold is Rs.3.72 Cr. Against this amount, if the buildings of the textile processing unit alone are sold for any value less than Rs.4 Cr., the company is not going to pay any tax. However the company
(dxviii) will lose its depreciation benefits on even the retained buildings for years to come and as a result pay tax at 30% on business profits without any reduction in the tax, which they would have otherwise obtained if depreciation benefit had not been lost. If the buildings are sold for Rs.4 Cr., the difference between the sale price (Rs.4 Cr) and the WDV of those buildings (Rs.0.98 Cr.) being Rs.3.02 Cr. they will suffer a notional tax liability arising out of loss of depreciation benefit. On the other hand if the value assigned for the building sold is shown at a value close to the WDV, no such tax is liable to be even notionally lost. The actual loss arising out of such sale should be computed in a different manner. To find the WDV applicable for the next year, take the opening WDV of the block. Add the actual cost of acquisitions during the year and deduct the sale price of the assets sold in the year which are part of the said block. Thus the sale price of assets sold will reduce the opening WDV of the block. In other words, if the WDV of buildings forming part of assets sold is 0.98 Cr. and the sale price of such buildings is Rs.4 Cr., the difference between them being a sum of Rs.3.02 Cr. would reduce the WDV of the block. This means the WDV of the retained or remaining buildings which was originally Rs.3.02 Cr. (see the balance sheet above) stands reduced to zero because the sale consideration was more by Rs.3.02 Cr. than the WDV of the buildings sold. What is the effect of this reduction to seller? As the resultant figure is not negative, the seller does not suffer any capital gains tax. However as the WDV of the retained or remaining buildings is zero, the seller can no longer claim any depreciation. In other words, the seller would have been claiming depreciation on the buildings with WDV of Rs.3.02 Cr. for many years to come at the applicable rate, if the sale consideration of the buildings under sale had not been so much. What is the effect of losing the depreciation benefit? The seller to that extent pays more tax in the years to come. To illustrate if the depreciation benefit he would have otherwise been eligible were Rs.30 Lakhs in the first year after sale, the seller would have made a tax savings of about Rs.9 Lakhs. This will go on forever. Thus what the seller probably loses is not only the capital gains tax on some assets but also loses the long term tax shelter arising out of reduction of WDV of the retained or remaining assets of each block. To compute the notional loss arising out of this, one has to compute the present value of loss of tax shelter for a certain number of years and thereafter take the present value as the present loss. Thus transaction cost to the seller should be deemed to be the capital gains tax and the notional loss arising out of loss of depreciation benefit. I can make it easy for you to understand the extent of loss in the following manner. Look at this computation. Loss of Tax Shelter - Building Year Op WDV Notional Loss (in Rs. lakhs) 1 2 3 272 245 302 272 245 30 27 24 272 245 220 10 9 8 9 7 6 Dep 10.0% Cl WDV Tax 33.7% PV @ 12.0%
(dxix) 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 220 198 178 160 144 130 117 220 198 178 160 144 130 117 22 20 18 16 14 13 12 198 178 160 144 130 117 105 7 7 6 5 5 4 4 5 4 3 2 2 2 1
Thus about Rs.41 Lakhs is the notional loss arising out proposal for sale buildings at that price. This figure will however change if you apply a different discount rate to ascertain the present value. Instead of 12%, if you apply 15%, the loss on this account would be of Rs.39 Lakhs only. Similar will be the case for plant and machinery. That is why the seller would like you to agree for a higher value for the land or consider allocating a figure for goodwill, in which case they will pay long term capital gains tax only. CEO: I see. CSP: Why not they make a slump sale? This will result in payment of capital gains tax at 20% on the difference between the sale consideration and the net worth of the undertaking sold. In a slump sale, the networth of the undertaking sold should be computed in a particular manner. At the same time, slump sale will not deprive them of the benefit of depreciation available for the retained or remaining assets in the block. Moreover as a buyer you may also benefit from organizing the values of depreciable assets in such a way that you gain more. I am not explaining much about slump sale. You can consider slump sale only if the entire undertaking is sold, i.e. all assets and liabilities of the unit. CEO: Thank you sir, for explaining the depth of the game in a laymans language. I shall discuss with them or organize a joint meeting with them so that in one sitting we will be able to finalize. CEO: Ok, we shall talk to them and come back. In the meantime could you please tell us what other things we should be taking care of. CSP: We need to enter into a memorandum of understanding (MoU). We have to carry out a Legal Due Diligence (LDD); Financial and Managerial Due Diligence may not be required as you are acquiring the unit through a subsidiary only. Shilpa: Sir, can you please tell us which important items we should take care of in the MoU? CEO: Sorry. Please excuse me. I have to go for a discussion. Shall I proceed? Madam, you may please discuss and come back with all details. CSP: Ok. The MoU should, in my opinion contain the following aspects: The Boards of Directors of Holding Company (HCO) and WOS should declare
(dxx) that they are transferring / acquiring the assets of the textile processing unit (TP Unit) for being taken over by another party through share transfer. If the HCO is a public company, there should also be necessary company resolution with adequate explanatory statement. H.Co. should declare that it has the approval of shareholders and all its creditors. H.Co. should give its list of shareholders, creditors and composition of board of directors as part of the MoU. H.Co. should give a list of shareholders and composition of board of directors of WOS as part of the MoU. H.Co. should declare who is authorised on its behalf for signing transfer of shares. There should be clear description of the industrial undertaking, constituting the entire Immovable and Movable properties of the TP Unit in a Schedule that are being sold by H.Co. to WOS with WOS fully, completely capable of enjoying and for its absolute possession and ownership and further declare that WOS has all the right to sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of the said properties in such a manner as its Board of Directors may deem fit. H.Co. should declare that it has no sales tax liability on account of the transfer of assets to WOS. H.Co. should hand over to the Board of Directors of WOS all the title deeds, licences, consents, approvals, invoices, files, books, papers, records, returns and all other documents relating to the TP unit in respect of the properties sold to WOS. The consideration for sale of the TP Unit to WOS, how WOS should settle the said sum should be clearly stated. H.Co. should declare that it has duly paid and discharged all taxes, duties, rates, rents and other outgoings payable to the Municipal, Panchayat, Revenue, Electricity and other authorities levied in respect of the said properties. H.Co. should declare that there are no proceedings or injunction or restraint order or garnishee or stay in respect of the said properties. H.Co. should give a list of all the title deeds, records and documents pertaining to the said properties. WOS should declare that it has complied with all laws, rules and regulations as known to its Board of Directors as applicable until this day. WOS should declare that it has no workforce, temporary or permanent in its employment and there are no statutory or contractual dues. You should make it clear that you want to acquire the shares of the WOS only to gain ownership and control of management of the TP Unit of WOS. You should obtain necessary approval of your Board. H.Co. should deliver the transfer forms and share certificates. You may make a mention of the same in the MoU. H.Co. should acknowledge the receipt of consideration for transfer of shares.
(dxxi) H.Co. should acknowledge the receipt of payment settling the amount payable by WOS to HCO. H.Co., the outgoing shareholder of WOS should undertake to indemnify, save and keep harmless your company against all direct and indirect losses, liabilities, damages, costs and expenses that may arise in future as a result of any encumbrance or defect in title to the immovable or movable property or due to any attachment, garnishee or any other claim and against all consequences arising from all the declarations and assurances made. WOS shall declare the approval of its Board of Directors for the share transfer and hand over a certified copy of the minutes of the board meeting duly signed by all the directors of WOS. WOS shall handover the share certificates, statutory records and registers, title deeds, keys and other things to your company. The MoU shall state about appointment of directors of your side and resignation of directors of their side from the Board of WOS. Shilpa: Sir, can you please tell us what are important items we should take care in the LDD? CSP: Ok. The overview of the scope of LDD Company Law covering the following: Scrutiny of Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association of the Company. Scrutiny of all documents and returns as per records available at the company. Scrutiny of all documents and returns as per records available at the Office of the Registrar of Companies. A study of the shareholding pattern. A study of the composition of Board of Directors of the Company. Scrutiny of issue and transfer of shares and issue of share certificates. Scrutiny of all statutory registers. Scrutiny of fixed deposits. A study of the extent of compliance of all the provisions of Companies Act and the rules and regulations therein. Real estate and movable property covering the following: Scrutiny and investigation of title to all immovable properties held by the company on ownership/lease basis. A study of details of buildings and other superstructures thereon.
(dxxii) A study of the encumbrances on the immovable properties. A study of the extent of compliance of all legal provisions relating to the holding of immovable properties. A study of title to movable properties and charges thereon. A study of the present status of disputes, if any, pertaining to movable and immovable properties. Details of Insurance covering the following: Scrutiny of all insurance policies, present status, claims and disputes. To check the extent of compliance of terms and conditions of lending institutions as regards insurance coverage for properties financed by / charged in favour of such institutions. Labour and personnel covering the following: A study of the details of officers and workers, both permanent and casuals, pay and perquisites, human resources policy and service contracts. Compliance of labour law requirements. Scrutiny of settlements and agreements. A study of the details of trade union activities and labour disputes. Licences and permissions covering; Scrutiny of all licences and permissions. Intellectual properties covering the following: Scrutiny of title to patents, trade marks and other intellectual properties. A study of the present status of various applications made for registration of trade marks, patents, and other immovable properties. A study of details regarding technology transferred, licences granted / obtained pertaining to intellectual properties. Contracts / Agreements covering the following: Scrutiny of all contracts and arrangements. Scrutiny of all contracts and arrangements with interested parties. Scrutiny of all loan documents. Scrutiny of joint venture documents, if any. Scrutiny of all commercial contracts. Litigations: Scrutiny of all litigations and proceedings, by or against those companies. Off Balance Sheet items. Shilpa: Ok sir, thank you so much. So kind of you. CSP: Thank you madam. DAY 6
(dxxiii) CEO: Hello Sir, how are you? CSP: I am fine; what is the news? CEO: They have agreed for a slump sale and they have already formed the subsidiary company. They are transferring the properties to the subsidiary. When can you commence the due diligence and what will be the schedule? CSP: We require all the documents. On the other day, I have already informed your company secretary regarding all the necessary requirements. If they give the papers, we shall take it up on priority basis. We may need two weeks to complete the task and give our report. CEO: You may please draft the MoU or agreement and give us before commencing the due diligence. I have to send a copy to them. CSP: Ok. Just give me a couple of days. CEO: Ok. Please send your bill. CSP: Thank you sir. CASE II INTERNAL BUSINESS REORGANISATION Objective: Consolidation of all operations of the Shil Group of Companies presently carried on by different entities within the group. Shil Group of companies is engaged in the manufacture of speciality textile garments. They export garments to different countries. They have a strong presence in the domestic market also. Shil Group is promoted by the leading industrialist Mr.Chandran and it is run by him and two of his daughters. Over a period of thirty years, Shil Group has interest in textiles, granites, medical, health care and also in basic and management education. They post a combined turnover of about 250 Cr. of which Rs.100 Cr comes from textiles. They are interested in consolidating their business and going for an initial public offer. They are attempting to augment necessary human resources, identify wastes, install management information systems, carry out proper tax planning, understand their inherent strengths and draw a road map for the consolidating and expanding groups textile activity in the context of the opening up of the economy and removal of the quota regime. They have a very strong brand and they plan to come out with a brand promotion campaign in some of the countries where they see huge potential. In short, they want to consolidate, corporatize all their activities, professionalise and take off in a big way. They have asked a company secretary in practice to look at their companies, firms and concerns engaged in textile business so as to give them a suitable option and provide all related services as a package. The following are the companies, firms and concerns of the group engaged in textile activity:
(dxxiv) 1. Shil Industries Limited, a closely held public company. 2. M/s.Shil Processors, a partnership firm. 3. M/s.Shil Exports, a proprietorship concern where one of the daughters is the proprietor. 4. M/s.Shil Sizing Mills, a proprietorship concern of which the founder promoter is the proprietor. Their latest balance sheet and profit and loss account are as follows: Shil Industries Limited Balance Sheet As At Liabilities 31/3/08 (Prov.) (Rs lacs) 102.02 4.08 104.82
SHARE CAPITAL: Paid up share capital Share application money RESERVES & SURPLUS: SECURED LOANS: SBI CC UNSECURED LOANS: From Directors CURRENT LIABILITIES: Trade Creditors Creditors for expenses/Others Advances - Group Concerns PROVISIONS: Tax Payable Total Liabilities Shil Industries Limited Balance Sheet As At Assets
(dxxv) FIXED ASSETS: Gross Block Less: Depreciation Closing WDV INVESTMENTS: CURRENT ASSETS: Closing Stock Receivables - Domestic Cash on hand & at Bank Deposits with Bank Deposits Advances to staff/Others Sister concern dues Claims Receivable Advance IT MISC. EXPENDITURE: Preliminary Exp. Total Assets Shil Processors Balance Sheet As At Liabilities
CURRENT LIABILITIES: Loan Creditors (Current A/c) Trade Creditors Creditors for expenses/Others Creditors - Group Concerns PROVISIONS: Tax Payable Total Liabilities Shil Processors Balance Sheet As At Assets
FIXED ASSETS: Gross Block Less: Depreciation Closing WDV INVESTMENTS: CURRENT ASSETS: Closing Stock Receivables - Domestic Receivables - Group Concerns Cash on hand & at Bank Deposits (with Bank/Others) Cenvat/Other receivables Advance for Machinery Total Assets Shil Exports Balance Sheet As At Liabilities Capital SECURED LOANS:
(dxxvii) SBI - Packing Credit / CC SBI FBP UTI Bank FBP CURRENT LIABILITIES: Trade Creditors Suppliers Trade Creditors DGFT 26,533,211 10,012,138
9,382,597 4,394,868
Creditors Group Concerns: Shil Industries Ltd Shil Distributors Shil Sizing Mills TDS/Provision for Tax Total Liabilities Shil Exports Balance Sheet As At Assets FIXED ASSETS (WDV): Machinery Computer Car Two Wheelers
7,493,450 20,351
1,594,088 95,356,682
INVESTMENTS: CURRENT ASSETS: Closing Stock Receivables Exports Receivables - Exports (DEPB) Receivables Group concerns: Meere Foundation Shil Industries Limited Shil Processors Meera Finance & Leasing Meera Trading
(dxxviii) Meera Impex Shil Sizing Mills Cash on hand Cash at Bank: SBI EEFC SBI Commercial SBI CSB LVB UTI Deposits: SBI FD EB Deposit Sales Tax Deposit Excise Duty Receivable Drawback Receivable Cenvat Receivable Total Assets Shil Sizing Mills Balance Sheet As At Liabilities 2,491 490,196 11,207
73,047 1,715 9,966 9,335 7,098 61,330 187,658 7,850 3,000 4,681,960 543,521 37,605 95,356,682
1,500,000 1,545,000
CURRENT LIABILITIES: Trade Creditors Sales Tax payable Creditors - Group Concerns Meera Trading Meera Finance & Leasing Shil Industries Ltd Shil Processors
1,744,458 30,299
(dxxix) Total Liabilities Shil Sizing Mills Balance Sheet As At Assets FIXED ASSETS (WDV): Machinery Computer Car Two Wheelers 7,536,603
INVESTMENTS: CURRENT ASSETS: Closing Stock Receivables Domestic Receivables - GR. Concerns: Shil Exports Meera India Loans with Ass.concerns: Meera Foundation Cash on hand Cash at Bank UTI BANK LTD- C/A LVB CSB Deposits EB G-Tex EMD Advances to staff/Others Total Assets They have given the following information: Shil Industries Limited (SIL) seems to be their flagship company. Shil Exports does a lot of exports and enjoys export house status.
726,698 3,143,592
409,655 79,215
(dxxx) Shil Sizing Mills was the very first business unit started by them. Shil Processors is a very valuable unit. It has highly valued immovable properties in its name. The company also has immovable properties. Other concerns own lands in the personal names of the proprietors and for business purpose such concerns have taken the lands on lease basis only. How to go about it? A perusal of the above clearly brings out the need for organizing all their related activities under one roof. If the Partnership firm is registered under Part IX of the Companies Act, by virtue of Section 575 of the Companies Act, the assets will get automatically vested in the company so formed. Therefore we may do as follows: SIL the public company could remain as the ultimate company. The partnership firm M/s.Shil Processors could be registered under Part IX of the Companies Act. SIL could take over other proprietorship concerns. After registering the firm as a Part IX company, it could be merged with SIL. Nature and Scope of the Initial Work General Consultancy until a programme / plan of action is finalized. SIL to takeover of business of Shil Exports and Shil Sizing Mills in accordance with Section 47(xiv) of the Income Tax Act or otherwise. Registration/conversion of Shil Processors into a company under Part IX of the Companies Act, 1956 and in accordance with Section 47(xiii) of the Income Tax Act or otherwise. Merger of companies within the group for creating the ultimate single entity. Valuation of Shares Appearance before High Court Appearance before the Registrar of Companies Appearance before the Regional Director Appearance before the Company Law Board Appearance before the Registrar of Firms Other related miscellaneous, ancillary and incidental jobs 1. Detailed Analysis of the jobs involved Shil Processors Registration of the firm under Part IX involves the following jobs: Job involved at the Registrar of Firms (RoF): Obtaining Form A from the RoF to check the latest entries made in the Register
(dxxxi) of Firms. Scrutinizing all the partnership deed, supplemental partnership deeds entered into between the partners of the firm till date. To file and record at the RoF necessary changes as per the said deeds, if any, with respect to change in address of the firm, admission / retirement of partners, change in address of partners, change of name, yearly renewals etc. Determining the share capital of the Firm and accordingly dividing the contribution of each partner so that it shall form the basis for the number of shares to be subscribed by the partners as members of the company to be registered. Drafting a Supplementary Deed of Partnership to make the firm an existing joint stock company to enable registration as a company and filing the particulars thereof with RoF. Change the name of the Firm, if necessary, to suit the name with which the company should be incorporated and File Form V with the RoF for the said change. Obtaining Form A from RoF duly incorporating all the above changes. Jobs involved at the Registrar of Companies (RoC): Making an application to RoC for checking whether the name with which the company should be incorporated is available or not and collect the name availability letter. Preparing the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the proposed company. Preparing the necessary Forms (Form Nos. 37, 39, 41, 1, 18, 32) and all connected papers, for filing at RoC. Filing all the papers with RoC. Carrying out corrections if any as may be directed by RoC. Obtaining the certificate of registration of the company. 2. Detailed analysis of Jobs involved in conversion of proprietorship concerns into company or takeover of those concerns by a company. Takeover of other concerns involves fixing up their business value. SIL could be the acquirer. Acquiring them would be subject to provisions of the Income Tax law, particularly Section 47(xiv) of the Income Tax Act. One of the most important benefits of such an acquisition from the tax point of view will be, that the transfer will not suffer from any capital gains tax and it will not be a transfer for that purpose. However, the conditions contained in the said clause should be complied with. One of the important condition is that the proprietor should hold at least 50% of the post conversion capital of the company. Acquisition agreements should be executed and the purchase consideration could be settled by issue of shares of the acquirer. As such, the shares of SIL have to be valued.
(dxxxii) The following are the important items to be covered by the acquisition agreement: I. GENERAL COVENANTS Refer the relevant Clause of the Memorandum of Association (MoA) of SIL (i.e. Shil Industries Limited) to check whether it empowers SIL to acquire any business, activity, of the nature carried on by SE and to carry on the entire activity at present handled by SE (Shil Exports). Refer the resolution passed by the shareholders of SIL and the resolution passed by the Board of Directors of SIL. Refer the resolution of the Partners of SE. SE declarations to include that with effect from the date of acquisition, all that constitutes the entire business and undertaking of SE with all its assets, properties, status, rights, contracts, liabilities, obligations, benefits, concessions, incentives, whether already granted or to be granted, whether already availed or otherwise, whether already SE has become entitled or will become entitled, all its human and other resources, losses, if any and all other things constituting the present business of the SE, including all residuary and other rights in totality shall become those of SIL. Determine the cost of acquisition and settlement of the same. Provide suitable clause relating to all those who have been employed by SE. The partners of SE stipulate that the cost of acquisition shall be the present value of the business of SE and that the acquisition cost should be settled by SIL by issue of SILs shares to the partners of SE. Declare that the partners of SE agree that the shares could be issued to them in the proportion in which they are holding their capital in SE subject to valuation by experts in business valuation. II. STATUTORY CONDITIONS GOVERNING THE ACQUISITION Both the parties to agree that the acquisition has been organized to convert the firm into company for corporatisation and shall therefore be in accordance with and subject to the conditions laid down by Section 47(xiii) of the Income Tax Act. III. CONSIDERATION AND SETTLEMENT OF CONSIDERATION The only consideration for the acquisition is issue of shares of SIL. Describe the same and determine the date of allotment. IV. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES OF SHIL EXPORTS HEREBY ACQUIRED BY SIL Give a detailed schedule of all assets and liabilities of SE acquired by SIL under this agreement. V. HANDING OVER BY SE AND ACKNOWLEDGMENT BY SIL SE shall handovers to SIL, all that constitutes its business, all its assets and liabilities, all its books and papers, bank account statements, pass books, incentive schemes and records relating thereto, workers and staff details and books, vouchers, bills, invoices, orders, receipts, records and documents and accounts of every
(dxxxiii) description and SIL shall acknowledge the receipt for the same. VI. REPRESENTATIONS AND WARRANTIES BY PARTNERS OF SE SE partners may represent and warranty to SIL that they have disclosed all information and particulars and handed over all books, records, papers and accounts to SIL AND whatever they have represented are true to the best of their knowledge and they declare that all that the books of SE show are true, valid and enforceable. VII. INDEMNITY BY PARTNERS OF SE SE partners may agree and indemnify, SIL jointly and severally, should SIL suffer any losses or liabilities due to any matter or thing or account arising out of the business hitherto carried on by SE until immediately before this acquisition. VIII. DISPUTE AND RESOLUTION Both the parties agree that disputes if any between them shall be settled only through an arbitrator appointed as per the provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996. 3. Detailed analysis of Valuation of Business The next step is to value the two companies. SIL is one company and SHIL Processors will be the other, after it is registered. These are the two companies that will eventually merge. Moreover Shil Exports and Shil Sizing Mills have to be valued as SIL should acquire those two concerns and based on the valuation of those two concerns and the valuation of shares of SIL, the proprietors of Shil Exports and Shil Sizing Mills will get shares of SIL. Let us see the valuation process. VALUATION METHODS IN VOGUE: Basically, the methods of valuation adopted for valuing a business (or shares) can be categorized under 3 broad heads: (a) Earnings based method: Under this method, a reasonable estimate of the average future maintainable operating profits is made by taking (a) past earnings and (b) the trend and the future plans of the company as a base. This, after deducting preferred rights, if any, is capitalized at an appropriate rate to arrive at the value of the equity shares of the company. (b) Asset based method: Under this method, a business is valued on the basis of its net assets i.e. total assets less liabilities and preferred claims and by dividing the remainder by the number of equity shares outstanding on a particular date. The valuation of assets can be done based on (a) Book values, (b) Net replacement values or (c) Net realizable values. This method is rarely used for valuing a going concern, as it does not consider the future earning capacity of the business.
(dxxxiv) (c) Market value method: Under this method, the average market prices of quoted shares for a certain length of time is taken as the value. A. VALUATION OF EQUITY SHARES OF SHIL INDUSTRIES LTD INTRODUCTION: Shil Industries Ltd (SIL) was formed in the year 1990 for manufacture of textile products for the consumer market. The products of the company - made from cotton, synthetics and blends - include the following: Dhoties; Blouse materials; Shirting; Suiting; Terry towels; Lungies and School Uniforms. Shil brand is very popular. SIL is managed by its Managing Director, under the guidance of the Board of Directors consisting of family members of the Promoter Group. The company has a team of qualified and experienced executives in charge of various functions. The Shil group has a significant presence in various textile related activities such as sizing, weaving, processing and speciality finishing. The group is also exporting its products to various countries. SHIL plans to bring all related activities under a single fold so as to achieve: Economies of scale and Reasonable size of operations that will improve the stature of the company. While a direct acquisition involves the determination of the purchase consideration, an acquisition through merger of one company with another involves determination of: Share-price of the companies involved and Share exchange ratio. METHOD ADOPTED: Adopt the (a) earnings based method and (b) to a limited extent the asset-based method as we have gone by the book values. Market value method is not applicable to this case, as the shares are not listed. VALUATION BASED ON NET ASSETS & PAST EARNINGS:
(dxxxv) The valuation has been done based on the guidelines on share valuation prescribed by the Ministry of Finance, Dept. of Economic Affairs. The guidelines talk about valuation of shares based on (a) Net Assets of an enterprise and (b) its profit earning capacity. We have arrived at the value of the shares of SIL based on the above two methods. These are presented below. (The figures have been based on the audited accounts for the years 2005-06 and 2006-07 and provisional accounts for the year 2007-08 with adjustments where required).
Method Net Asset Value Profit Earning Capacity Value Average of above Discounted value to take care of limited mobility of shares. (Discounted by a factor of 1.15)
JUSTIFICATION FOR CONSIDERING FUTURE EARNINGS: The basis adopted by us for the calculation of Profit Earning Capacity Value (one of the methods discussed above) is the average of the past earnings. However, as mentioned by us earlier, intrinsic value of an equity share is a function of the future maintainable operating earnings of the firm. Our decision to consider the future earnings of SIL is based on the following reasoning: SIL had a marketing division of its own till the financial year 2005-06 when, for strategic reasons, it was hived off as a separate entity. The true profitability of SIL can be determined only after considering the profitability of the marketing division st also. As this division is to be merged with the company with effect from 1 April 2008, we have adopted the projected earnings of SIL for 2008-09 (including the marketing division) as the basis for arriving at the share value. Computation Shil Industries Ltd Net Asset Value (NAV) Method Particulars As at 31/3/08 (Provi.) Share Capital Rs lacs 102.02 As at 31/3/09 (Estimate) 102.02
(dxxxvi) Free Reserves Less: Miscellaneous Expenditure Contingent Liabilities Net Asset Value No. of Shares Value per share Profit Earning Capacity Valuation (PECV) Method Particulars Average PBT (last 3 yrs) Provision for tax Average PAT Less: Pref. Dividend Net Profits After Tax No. of equity shares EPS PECV (@15% capitalization) Summary of Valuation Particulars Value under NAV Method Value under PECV Method Average of the above values Discounted value (to account for limited mobility) VALUATION BASED ON FUTURE EARNINGS: 1.15 31/3/08 20.27 5.02 12.65 11.00 31/3/09 23.56 21.89 22.72 19.76 2005-06 to 2007-08 Rs lacs Rs lacs Rs lacs Rs lacs Rs lacs Nos. Rs Rs 12.96 5.28 7.68 0.00 7.68 1,020,200 0.75 5.02 2008-09 (Estimate) 50.00 16.50 33.50 0.00 33.50 1,020,200 3.28 21.89 Rs lacs Rs lacs Rs lacs Nos Rs 206.84 1,020,200 20.27 240.34 1,020,200 23.56 0.00 0.00 Rs lacs 104.82 206.84 138.32 240.34
(dxxxvii) Based on discussions with the companys Top Management, we have arrived at the anticipated turnover, the profit after tax and the EPS of SIL for the financial year 2008-09. This is presented below: Details Turnover (Net) PBT (2% of T/O) Tax (33% of PBT) PAT No. of Shares EPS UoM Rs lacs Rs lacs Rs lacs Rs lacs Nos. Rs 2008-09 (Estimate) 2,500.00 50.00 16.50 33.50 10,20,200 3.28
The revised valuation based on the NAV and PECV Methods, after taking into account the estimates for the financial year 2008-09, is given below: Method Share Value (Rs) Net Asset Value Profit Earning Capacity Value Average of above Discounted value to take care of limited mobility of shares. (Discounted by a factor of 1.15) CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION: The share value comes to Rs. 19.76 per share. Rounding it off, we arrive at a share value of Rs. 20/- per share. However, as valuation is inherently uncertain and not precise, it would be nave to put great faith in a single point value estimate. Practical wisdom calls for defining an intrinsic value range around the single point value estimate. Where an intrinsic value of Rs. 20/- has been arrived at, it may be more sensible to talk of an intrinsic value range of say Rs. 18/- to Rs. 23/-. What we are trying to convey is that while our single point value estimate is Rs. 20/-, we are aware that there may be bias in our estimate. In view of this, we feel that the value range is between Rs. 18/- to Rs. 23/-. B. VALUATION OF EQUITY SHARES OF SHIL PROCESSORS Similarly as has been done for Shil Industries, the valuation has to be done for Shil Processors. However determination of the price, based purely on book values, 23.56 21.89 22.72 19.76
(dxxxviii) may not bring out the following strengths of the firm: Entire gamut of textile processing operations under one roof; Special fabric finishes like stain guard dhotis, water repellant fabric etc mentioned above; State-of-the-art Quality Control Laboratory to ensure consistency in quality; Sophisticated Effluent Treatment Plant together with RO Plant, to ensure a recovery of almost 75% of the water used for processing; Major expansion to process wider width fabric; 2-year old Windmill of 1.25 MW capacity with an assured generation of 38,00,000 units per annum, meeting close to 85% of the requirement of the Unit. Hence, it becomes necessary to rely on other methods of valuation that will adequately capture the above strengths. We have adopted the Free Cash Flow Method of valuation for this purpose. Under this method, cash flows available to a firm after meeting commitments towards interest and tax payments; Investment in working capital; Repayment of long-term debt and Investment in plant & machinery required to maintain the cash flows, are estimated. The cash flows are then discounted using an appropriate capitalization rate (rate of return that is available in the market place on investments that are expected to produce a similar income stream) to arrive at the value of the business. The computation of free cash flows together with the assumptions is as follows: M/s Shil Processors Cash Flow Estimates (Rs lacs)
Sl No Year T/Over PBIDT % of T/O Amount Dep. After Tax C/Flow 67% [1] 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 2008-09 2009-10 2010-11 [2] 1,742 3,000 3,225 3,467 3,727 4,006 4,307 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 20.0% 600.00 645.00 693.38 745.38 801.28 861.38 [3] [4] [5] 117.26 204.17 191.15 179.75 169.79 161.06 153.43 265.21 304.08 344.13 385.65 428.95 474.33 67.38 63.08 59.32 56.03 53.15 50.63 62.90 11.25 12.09 13.00 13.98 15.02 269.69 355.91 391.35 428.68 468.12 509.93 [6] Dep. X Tax 33% [7] 5% [8] [9] NWC CF
8 9 2011-12 2012-13 onwards 4,630 4,977 20.0% 20.0% 925.98 995.43 134.25 117.47 530.46 588.23 44.30 38.76 16.15 17.36 558.61 609.64
Assumptions: 1. Turnover for 2008-09 has been estimated at Rs 3,000 lacs, taking into account the additional turnover on account of expansion; 2. Growth in turnover from 2009-10 onwards has been assumed at 7.5% per annum; 3. Profit before interest, depreciation and tax (PBIDT) has been estimated at 20% of turnover on the following basis: PBIDT on existing turnover of Rs 1,750 lacs PBIDT on additional turnover of Rs 1,250 lacs PBIDT on total turnover of Rs 3,000 lacs 12% 30% 20%
4. Tax rate has been assumed at 33%; 5. The Net Working Capital (NWC) which is promoters' contribution in financing current assets, has been estimated at 5% of incremental turnover, based on past trends. 6. Investment in Plant & Machinery for any year has been assumed at Rs 100 lacs p/a. 7. The projections have been made for the period upto 2014-15 (last year of repayment of the T/L). From 2015-16 onwards, a constant growth in cash flow (@2.5%) has been assumed; 8. The capitalization rate (rate of return that is available in the market place on investments that are expected to produce a similar income stream) has been
(dxl) assumed as 15%. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The value of the firm based on the free cash flows method comes to Rs 2,036 lacs. We may round it off as Rs 2,000 lacs (Rupees twenty crore) and adopt this as the value of equity shares for determination of the exchange ratio. C. VALUATION OF SHIL EXPORTS Similar method has to be adopted for valuation of Shil Exports. In this case also determination of the price based purely on book values may not bring out the following strengths of the firm: Widening product range; Growing list of countries; Growing list of buyers in various countries; Brand name; Export House status. Hence, it becomes necessary to rely on other methods of valuation that will adequately capture the above strengths. We have adopted the Free Cash Flow Method of valuation for this purpose. This should be computed in a similar manner as has been done for Shil Processors. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION The value of M/s.Shil Exports based on the free cash flows method comes to Rs. 571 lacs. We may round it off as Rs. 600 lacs and adopt this as the acquisition price. VALUATION OF SHIL SIZING MILLS As this unit is very small, it may be taken at book values. It will not make much difference. 4. Prepare the scheme of merger and carry it out. Merger process will involve the usual court sanction. 5. Install the MIS. Note: The above case study presents the entire picture with a combination of companies, firms and concerns, typically and ubiquitously seen across our country. Students should also understand how firms are actually valued though valuation would change from person to person and from occasion to occasion. Moreover valuation can never be exactly determined. At the end of the day, it is the price at which market is prepared to buy. Where there is internal reorganization such as the one in the above case, valuation will be mostly based on the industrial outlook as the promoters are looking at the option of a public issue soon after the reorganization. Even before a full-fledged public issue, they may consider a private placement to strategic investors. As a whole, the above case brings out (i) takeover of proprietorship concerns and the tax and valuation issues in such acquisition; (ii) registration of firms into companies under Part IX and at the same time
(dxli) compliance of tax laws and doing such registration without the incidence of stamp duty and capital gains tax and (iii) merger of the companies and (iv) valuation of shares and business. Case Study 3: HLL - TOMCO MERGER (30th June 1993 Rationale for Arrangement) Industry Scenario (1989 1992) The soap and detergents industry in India today has matured into an amalgam of market niches with fast changing consumer loyalties. It has always been a business requiring massive advertising expenditure. The per capita consumption of soaps and detergents in India was very low and with increase in population, spread of education and rising levels of income and consumption, the soaps and detergents industry was poised for a major breakthrough. The major raw material for detergents, linear alkyl benzene, had to be imported on a large scale due to inadequate availability within the country. HINDUSTAN LEVER LIMITED The Company Hindustan Lever, (HLL) the largest player, was poised to transform itself into an almost invincible colossus, with the acquisition of one-time arch rival, TOMCO. The TOMCO acquisition was a strategic move for Lever, as it came close on the heels of the much-publicised strategic alliance between Levers global adversary, Proctor & Gamble with Godrej. Organization Culture HLL had been known for its result oriented, systems driven work environment, where a strong emphasis is placed on performance. Accordingly, it always has/had and strives for a team of high performing and high profile executives, carefully selected from the best management institutes. Discussing product profitability and target achievement is the only language that its managers understand. The work culture is very demanding and only the best survive. In fact, about 100 managers at that time from Unilever group companies had quit their jobs, as they were unable to cope with the demanding work culture. HLLs size had earlier proved to be its weakness, and accordingly, changes in the organisation structure were necessary to enable it to respond to a rapidly changing market place. One of the recommendations of the management committees had been the reduction in the levels of HLLs managerial hierarchy from 9 to 5. In two years time the levels were reduced to 7 and a new infotech system was introduced which would facilitate exchange of information and help to increase the speed of response. In order to stem the tide of the managerial exodus, HLL hiked the entry level remuneration for management trainees by nearly 40%, still the remuneration was lower than that of the competitors. On the industrial relations front, 1988 was an eye opener as the HLL management declared a lock-out at Sewri, its largest production unit, and the factory was opened a year later, only when the workers signed on the dotted line giving an assurance for an increase in productivity in return for salary increases. Inspite of closure for one year, the challenges of market-place were met. Table 1 gives detailed financial information and equity share data for four years from 1989-1992 for HLL.
(dxlii) TABLE 1 HINDUSTAN LEVER LIMITED Balance Sheet (Rs. in crore) For the year ended 31st December I. Sources of Funds 1. Shareholders Funds: (a) Equity Share Capital (b) Reserves and Surplus 2. Loan Funds: (a) Secured Loans (b) Unsecured Loans 93.32 135.20 228.52 60.61 67.58 128.19 356.71 93.32 162.06 255.38 80.00 79.07 159.07 414.45 139.99 151.11 291.10 77.31 87.43 164.74 455.84 139.99 193.31 333.30 93.32 106.95 200.27 533.57 1989 1990 1991 1992
II. Application of Funds 1. Fixed Assets (a) Net Block (b) Capital WIP 2. Investments 3. Current Assets (b) Inventories (c) Sundry Debtors (d) Cash and Bank Balances (e) Other Current Assets (d) Loans and Advances
144.04 35.15 8.52 356.11 49.94 5.29 0.00 75.48 486.82 231.52 28.56 260.08 226.74 414.45
160.77 32.76 7.60 419.62 82.27 31.58 0.02 76.05 609.54 309.45 45.38 354.83 254.71 455.84
176.14 46.60 12.24 486.23 84.29 27.18 0.04 96.82 694.56 357.08 38.89 395.97 298.59 533.57
301.45 42.39 10.29 0.01 71.93 426.07 Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions (a) Current Liabilities 213.42 (b) Provisions 27.20 240.62 Net Current Assets 185.45 356.71
HINDUSTAN LEVER LIMITED Profit and Loss Account (Rs. in crore) For the year ended 31st December Income Sales 1193.21 Other Income Expenditure 1989 1427.39 2.97 1196.18 1990 1775.29 5.99 1433.38 1991 2073.91 7.19 1782.48 1992
24.96 2098.87
(dxliii) Raw Material Cost Staff Expenditure Other Expenses Depreciation Interest Profit Before Tax Taxation 34.64 Profit After Tax Dividend Rate % Earnings per Share (EPS) Return on Capital Employed Market Price High Low Average TOMCO - The Company TOMCO, a one time major jewel in the Tata crown, was on the brink of becoming a BIFR case. The 74 year old manufacturer of oil based soaps and synthetic detergents had a token presence in edible oils, vanaspati and animal feeds. Over the years it had never emerged as a market leader and always trailed behind HLL, despite certain intrinsic strengths and a strong infrastructure. The company had 7 lakh urban and rural outlets and 2,500 stock lists spread all over the country. It had a market presence in almost every segment of the soaps and detergents market. In the premium segment of toilet soaps, it had Moti, which was competing with Liril of HLL and Cinthol of Godrej. In the popular segment, it had Hamam and Jai, which were pitted against Lux and Rexona of HLL. In the economy segment, its OK bar soap had proved to be no competition for the formidable Lifebuoy of HLL. In laundry soaps TOMCO was the largest producer with its 501 bar, which was in direct competition with Sunlight of HLL and Ghavi of Godrej. In the detergents bar market TOMCOs Dubble trailed behind HLLs Rin and in the lower end of this segment, TOMCO had positioned Super 501, in competition with Wheel of HLL and Nirma. In the detergents powder segment, TOMCOs Tej had proved to be no competition for HLLs Surf. In the low priced segment of the detergent powders market TOMCOs OK detergent powder was far behind Nirma and Wheel of HLL. It was only in the detergent powders for washing machines, that TOMCO had a leading presence with its Revel and Revel plus. TOMCO had indigenously developed a detergent concentrate, to compete with Procter and Gambles Ariel and HLLs Surf Ultra. TOMCO had also launched a shampoo Raindrop, and a tooth paste - Effermint. TOMCOs financial performance over the period March 1986 to March 1990 had been impressive, with an increase in turnover from Rs. 237 crores to Rs. 335 crores, an increase of 41%. The spectacular performance in 1990 could be attributed to a growth in rural markets as well as a Rs. 28 crores export order for detergents to USSR. A tighter control on input costs had also contributed towards better financial performance. However, after 1990, the profit margins were eroded due to increase in prices of soap making oils and fats. In fact in 1991 alone, the prices of oil rose by Rs. 698.14 50.50 324.95 15.47 17.51 1106.57 89.61 44.89 54.97 35.00 5.89 25.85 113.50 69.00 91.25 816.54 70.98 399.56 17.25 18.31 1322.64 110.74 57.50 65.85 42.00 7.06 28.31 172.50 101.00 136.75 902.05 62.79 640.12 19.19 20.63 1644.78 137.70 67.50 80.20 38.50 5.73 29.67 195.00 131.25 163.13 1076.33 64.47 740.30 19.60 32.19 1932.89 165.98 98.48 42.00 7.03 0.57 500.00 161.25 330.63
(dxliv) 3500 per tonne, accounting for 63 per cent of the raw material cost. With the break up of USSR the companys exports suffered a serious setback, and forex earnings dropped from Rs. 29 crores in 1989-90 to Rs. 8 crores in 1990-91. Although the company achieved a turnover of Rs. 387.22 crores for 1990-91, a rise of 14% over the previous year, its pretax profit dipped by 11% to Rs. 6.55 crores. The high cost of raw materials and an increasing wage bill, coupled with stiff competition further eroded profit margins, in 1992. Currently the company was losing heavily and facing a severe cash crunch resulting in further deterioration of profits. Table 2 gives financial information and shareholding pattern for TOMCO. TABLE 2 TATA OIL MILLS COMPANY LIMITED Balance Sheet (Rs. in crore) For the year ended 31st December I. Sources of Funds 1. Shareholders Funds: (a) Equity Share Capital (b) Preference Share Capital (c) Reserves and Surplus 2. Loan Funds: (a) Secured Loans (b) Unsecured Loans Total II. Application of Funds 1. Fixed Assets (a) Net Block (b) Capital WIP 2. Investments 3. Current Assets (a) Inventories (b) Sundry Debtors (c) Cash and Bank Balances (d) Loans and Advances 14.50 13.23 3.00 23.93 6.07 3.23 63.70 40.61 1.78 21.19 127.28 41.47 3.22 44.69 82.59 30.87 3.83 16.01 60.53 59.71 4.76 40.54 165.54 57.57 4.93 62.50 103.04 30.00 2.57 13.43 69.81 101.81 6.72 72.13 250.47 94.41 4.38 98.79 151.68 1989 1990 1991 1992
45.65 44.49 2.10 14.63 106.87 Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions: (a) Sundry Creditors 24.06 (b) Other Current Liabilities 18.64 42.70 Net Current Assets 64.17
FERA has been repealed and FEMA has come into existence with effect from 1.6.2000.
(dxlv) Misc. Assets Not Written Off Total TATA OIL MILLS COMPANY LIMITED Profit and Loss Account (Rs. in crore) For the year ended 31st December Income Sales Other Income Expenditure Material Cost Staff Expenses Other Expenses Depreciation Interest Profit Before Tax Taxation 0.58 Profit After Tax Dividend Rate % Earnings per Share (EPS) Return on Capital Employed Market Price High Low Average Shareholding Pattern as on 26.8.93 Directors Public Corporate Bodies Financial Institutions/Banks Foreign Holding 1989 282.15 3.58 285.73 171.21 25.50 77.43 2.20 9.45 285.79 0.06 2.07 0.64 15.00 0.79 9.90 85.00 52.50 68.75 % 0.05 35.75 23.17 40.83 0.20 100.00 1990 335.26 3.60 338.86 223.08 26.91 67.12 3.19 10.97 331.27 7.59 1.86 5.52 20.00 6.81 17.06 340.00 70.00 205.00 1991 382.80 4.41 387.21 220.34 31.82 112.41 3.18 12.91 380.66 6.55 0.00 4.69 20.00 4.82 14.91 100.00 60.00 80.00 1992 428.40 6.43 434.83 256.03 37.78 129.11 3.64 20.64 447.20 12.37 12.37 12.50 5.75 2.01 260.00 46.00 153.00 0.00 94.90 0.00 115.82 0.62 154.37 1.46 199.14
Tapping the synergies TOMCO was a good buy for HLL on two very important considerations complementary brands and manufacturing locations. Although HLL had a presence in practically every segment of the soap market, it did not have an ethnic brand. TOMCO had 7 manufacturing facilities, and it was comparatively stronger in the South with two facilities at Tatapuram, Kerala. It was proposed that the spread of manufacturing facilities would enable the combined entity to substantially reduce the
(dxlvi) transportation cost and more importantly would facilitate the rapid introduction of new products. The distribution network of over 3000 stockists would be practically doubled with the merger. Also, it was felt that HLLs technological edge could help reduce TOMCOs costs by about 30%. HLL, with the acquisition of TOMCO, planned to have 75% share of the toilet soaps market in volume terms. This could make entry of any competing unit into the industry very costly - even a company like Procter & Gamble had already made a loss of Rs. 7 crores in entering the premium segment of the detergents markets with its Ariel. Thus, although HLL stood to benefit tremendously from the ethnic brands and access to supplementary manufacturing capacities, the real advantage was seen to be in the future stream of profits that were beneath the gross mismanagement of TOMCO. At the time in question, TOMCO was an extremely viable company with an operating profit of Rs. 22 crores in 1991-92. The high interest cost had eroded the profits, as large amounts of funds were blocked in outstanding debtors, inventories, and loans and advances. The 5500 strong workforce managed to produce only 1 lakh tonnes of soaps and detergents, while HLL produced 7 lakh tonnes with 7000 employees. It was envisaged that HLL would use its cash profits of about Rs. 120 crores for the year 1992, to pay off TOMCOs huge loans. As on 31.3.1992 the TOMCO had a total loan of Rs. 180 crores and contingent liabilities of Rs. 30 crores, which had resulted in tremendous interest costs. TOMCOs interest cost were about 4.5% of sales, while HLL stood at 1.5%. It was also expected that the HLL-like efficiency would be put into practice and TOMCOs working capital of Rs.151 crores would be trimmed. On an average, TOMCOs receivables were approximately 3 months, compared to HLLs 5-10 days. Incompatibilities and Problems It was felt that the most difficult part would be the management of the two different work cultures and ethos, after the merger. In TOMCO the employee productivity was only 60% of HLL. It was opined that HLL would have to rationalise TOMCOs work force. HLL itself had launched a voluntary retirement package, in order to get rid of about 500 workers, however only a few resigned. Mr. S.M. Datta had however assured TOMCO employees that their employment conditions were to be protected and service conditions would be honoured. All the employees of TOMCO were to be absorbed as HLL employees. The difference in the productivity levels of TOMCO and HLL employees had been conceded as a point of imbalance. However, even within HLL, there were differences in productivity, with the Bombay factory productivity levels being lower than that in other locations. Further, Mr. S.M. Dutta felt that the productivity level in TOMCO could be raised to that of HLL only in 3 years. Scheme of amalgamation Considering the advantages and incompatibilities as stated above, on 30th June 1993, 99.97% of the share holders in value terms, of TOMCO and HLL approved the scheme of amalgamation, at an EGM, wherein two shares of HLL were to be allotted for every 15 shares of TOMCO. The approval of the Bombay High Court was proposed to be sought. In addition, it was decided that Unilever will get a preferential allotment of 347,84,29 shares at a premium of Rs. 95 to increase its share holding to 51%.
(dxlvii) Case Study 4: NICHOLAS PIRAMAL LIMITED TAKES OVER ROCHE PRODUCTS LTD. ROCHE PRODUCTS LTD. Roche Products Ltd. was one of the major manufacturers of Vitamin A products and had strengths in the manufacture of bulk drugs, fine chemicals, diagnostics and nonprescription drugs. Its product range also covered various anti-depressant drugs for psycholeptics and psychoanaleptics. Its well-known brand names are Bactrim, Valium and Becozyme. The company was jointly promoted by F. Hoffmann La Roche and Voltas Ltd. in 1958, with the parent company holding 89% of the share capital and Voltas 11%. In August 1984, in compliance with FERA Regulations the parent company diluted its equity stake to 74%, by making a public issue of shares. In its 35 years of operations, the companys lacklustre financial performance could be attributed to the rising cost of raw materials, high labour and rigid price controls on the companys products. The company had 1100 employees on its rolls, of which only 200 were in the field. Its large staff coupled with a high salary structure had increased the overheads, resulting in extremely low margins compared to industry norms. The immediate steps that were required to improve profitability were expansion and improvement of distribution facilities, increasing the capacity of bulk drug plant and enhancing the productivity levels of its work force. The introduction of new products, which were outside the control of DPCO, was an area of prime importance. NICHOLAS PIRAMAL LIMITED In 1987, Ajay Piramal bought out Aspro - Nicholas plc of U.K. and since then the company created pharmaceutical history by achieving substantial improvements in growth and profitability, despite the constraints of price control. In 1991, it was independently rated as the fourth fastest growing company in the industry. The Nicholas Groups performance was a success story, as evidenced by an impressive increase in the turnover from Rs.18 crores in 1988 to Rs.103 crores in 1993. The growth of Nicholas Labs prior to Piramals takeover was extremely slow (please see Annexure I given at the end of this case study). The company had strengths in the manufacture of formulations like antacids, cardio-vascular drugs and anti-ulcerants. It had also set up a sophisticated formulation plant, at a cost of Rs.12 crore. It had a combined field force of 650 employees, one of the largest in the pharmaceutical industry, which acts as crucial factor for success in any industry. Although, Nicholas Piramal had emerged as a fast growing, profitable company its growth plans were stymied as it no longer had access to new products from its foreign ex-parent. It is worth mentioning in this regard that Nicholas Piramal had been
FERA has been repealed and FEMA has come into existence with effect from 1.6.2000.
(dxlviii) allowed to use the brand names Aspro and Cleartone which were held by Roches parent company, in an earlier arrangement. Therefore, the company was on the look out for a possible acquisition in the same industry. It was felt that, there should be realisable synergies in the operations of the target company, and the products should be complementary. Accordingly, since the company had strengths in formulations, its management wanted to increase its presence in bulk drugs. The company was also planning to enter the over-the-counter drugs and skincare market. Roche Products Ltd. Rationale for disinvestment The parent company F. Hoffmann La Roche had decided to disinvest its equity stake of 74% in Roche Products Ltd. Although the company was the major manufacturer of Vitamin A, the parent company had lost interest in this company due to low profit margins. In the last 17 years not a single new product was introduced and no formal growth plans were made, having an adverse impact on the companys financial performance. The other motivation for the foreign company divesting its equity stake had been the termination of the distribution agreement with Voltas Ltd. making it necessary for the company to set up its own distribution facilities, involving substantial expenditure. F. Hoffman La Roche constituted a negotiating team consisting of two representatives from the parent company and 3-4 from Roche Products Ltd. Nicholas Piramal Ltd. had expressed keen interest in buying over the controlling shares in RPL. Nicholas Piramal Ltd. Rationale for takeover Some of the competitors entered into strategic alliances and tie-ups with multinational companies to gain access to new products. After considerable analysis, Roche Products was identified as one of the possible targets, as the parent company had decided to disinvest. Roche filled in well in the strategy for growth as there were realisable synergies in the operations of both the companies and the products were complementary. The company had strengths in distribution which complemented Roches strength in R&D, as it was a multinational company. ANNEXURE 1 NICHOLAS PIRAMAL LIMITED Balance Sheet (Rs. in crore) For the year ended 31st March I. Sources of Funds 1. Shareholders Funds: (a) Equity Share Capital (b) Reserves and Surplus 2. Loan Funds: (a) Secured Loans (b) Unsecured Loans 1.46 6.05 7.51 0.57 1.19 1.76 1.46 7.77 9.23 4.98 1.05 6.03 3.11 20.22 23.33 26.25 1.42 27.67 6.23 23.50 29.73 37.21 8.36 45.57 8.11 39.28 47.39 50.62 5.38 56.00 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993
(dxlix) Total II. Application of Funds 1. Fixed Assets (a) Net Block (b) Capital WIP 2. Investments 3. Current Assets (a) Inventories (b) Sundry Debtors (c) Cash and Bank Balances (d) Other Current Assets (e) Loans and Advances 5.54 0.01 1.42 6.88 0.03 0.74 6.20 2.67 0.79 0.00 3.53 13.19 5.08 0.50 5.58 7.61 0.00 15.26 28.46 1.01 4.93 12.12 7.59 1.39 0.00 7.87 28.97 7.53 5.00 12.53 16.44 0.16 51.00 48.59 1.03 0.98 15.65 10.18 23.46 0.00 10.96 60.25 7.24 28.49 35.73 24.52 0.18 75.30 54.69 7.15 0.97 20.86 14.88 1.94 0.00 16.87 54.55 5.76 8.37 14.13 40.42 0.16 103.39 9.27 15.26 51.00 75.30 103.39
3.05 1.99 0.53 0.00 2.25 7.82 Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions: (a) Sundry Creditors 5.23 (b) Other Current Liabilities 0.34 5.57 Net Current Assets 2.25 Misc. Assets Not Written Off 0.05 Total 9.27
NICHOLAS PIRAMAL LIMITED Profit and Loss Account (Rs. in crore) For the year ended 31st March Income Sales Other Income Expenditure Material Consumed Staff Expenditure Other Expenses Depreciation Interest 1989 19.06 0.65 19.71 8.87 2.93 5.48 0.27 0.23 17.78 1.93 1.29 1.44 24.00 13.15 31.07 1990 28.88 0.79 29.67 13.81 4.37 6.76 0.84 0.34 26.12 3.55 0.34 2.26 30.00 15.48 25.49 1991 58.04 1.81 59.85 12.72 6.44 29.89 2.02 1.99 53.06 6.79 0.90 6.45 35.00 20.74 17.22 1992 77.94 4.37 82.31 20.78 7.67 39.10 2.74 3.56 73.85 8.46 1.65 7.56 20.00 12.13 15.96 1993 103.46 4.50 107.96 26.93 9.90 49.61 4.32 5.45 96.21 11.75 10.10 25.00 12.45 16.64
Profit Before Tax Taxation 0.49 Profit After Tax Dividend Rate % Earnings per Share (EPS) Return on Capital Employed Market Price
(dl) High Low Average Financial Highlights (Rs. in crore) Year ended 30th June Sales and Other Income Profit before tax Profit before tax Fixed Assets Share Capital Reserves Earnings per Share (EPS) Book Value per Share Rs. Dividend Rate 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 132.50 70.00 101.25 210.00 130.00 170.00 350.00 100.00 225.00 500.00 210.00 355.00 310.00 155.00 232.50
1157.00 1440.00 1880.00 1607.00 1755.00 67.00 70.00 105.00 38.00 58.00 27.00 31.00 52.00 20.00 26.00 129.00 148.00 182.00 178.00 445.00 146.00 146.00 146.00 146.00 146.00 131.00 139.00 192.00 191.00 459.00 18.93 19.47 23.13 23.02 41.33 1.86 2.13 3.58 1.40 1.75 15.00 16.00 18.00 15.00 18.00
For revaluation reserves in 1987 of 268.69 lakhs. ANNEXURE 2 ROCHE PRODUCTS LIMITED Balance Sheet (Rs. in crore) For the year ended I. Sources of Funds 1. Shareholders Funds: (a) Equity Share Capital (b) Reserves and Surplus 2. Loan Funds: (a) Secured Loans (b) Unsecured Loans Total II. Application of Funds 1. Fixed Assets (a) Net Block (b) Capital WIP 2. Investments 3. Current Assets 7.80 0.14 1.40 8.43 0.61 0.06 9.24 0.07 0.06 8.22 0.16 0.06 7.88 0.35 0.06 4.81 6.23 11.04 5.46 0.78 6.24 17.28 4.81 6.13 10.94 8.05 0.03 8.08 19.02 4.81 6.22 11.03 12.41 0.02 12.43 23.46 4.81 6.17 10.98 11.65 0.72 12.37 23.35 4.81 7.25 12.06 13.80 1.02 14.82 26.88 31/12/88 13/3/90 31/3/91 31/3/92 31/3/93
(dli) (a) (b) (c) (d) 8.06 5.48 0.24 1.33 15.11 Less: Current Liabilities and Provisions: (a) Sundry Creditors 5.59 (b) Other Current Liabilities 1.58 7.17 Net Current Assets 7.94 Total 17.28 Inventories Sundry Debtors Cash and Bank Balances Loans and Advances 10.50 4.71 0.06 2.14 17.41 6.43 1.06 7.49 9.92 19.02 10.55 6.06 0.44 3.10 20.15 5.38 0.68 6.06 14.09 23.46 10.97 9.12 0.24 4.14 24.47 8.20 1.36 9.56 14.91 23.35 15.93 11.23 0.21 3.64 31.01 10.26 2.36 12.62 18.39 26.88
ROCHE PRODUCTS LIMITED Profit and Loss Account (Rs. in crore) For the year ended Income Sales Other Income Expenditure Material Consumed Staff Expenditure Other Expenses Depreciation Interest (Rounded off) Profit Before Tax Taxation 0.93 Profit After Tax Dividend Rate % Earnings per Share (EPS) Return on Capital Employed Market Price High Low Average Shareholding Pattern as on 05.8.93 % Foreign Holding (Roche) Public Financial Institutions/Banks Others 31/12/88 43.11 0.58 43.69 24.68 8.46 6.07 0.87 1.11 41.19 2.50 0.63 1.57 15.00 3.26 20.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 13/3/90 31/3/91 31/3/92 31/3/93 56.93 0.76 57.69 34.28 12.25 6.65 1.11 1.40 55.69 2.00 0.22 1.37 15.00 2.28 14.30 90.00 55.00 72.50 49.37 0.43 49.80 28.16 10.86 7.91 1.03 1.32 49.28 0.52 0.36 0.30 5.00 0.62 7.84 110.00 55.00 82.50 58.08 0.45 58.53 35.41 11.57 8.11 1.08 1.81 57.98 0.55 2.1 0.19 5.00 0.40 10.11 180.00 60.00 120.00 71.1 0.6 71.7 43.1 13.3 8.0 1.0 2.4 68.0 3.7 1.5 10.0 3.2 22.9 200.0 64.0 132.0
(dlii) NOTE: Students are advised to refer to the balance sheets of the merged entities to see if the financial performance considerably improved after the merger. Students may also undertake a project where they study the merger / takeover thoroughly and discuss with the officers concerned to understand how the merger scheme had actually brought the results that were originally expected from such merger. Case Study 5: TAKEOVER OF PROFIT EARNING COMPANY Hindustan Lever Limited (HLL) had in the last ten years used the takeover route to expand the base of the Company. Average sales growth in the last ten years had been 29.5 per cent, driven partly by successful acquisitions like Kwality, Dollops, TOMCO, Brooke Bond and Lakme. Sans the mergers, HLL would have maintained an average of 18 per cent year-to-year growth per annum. Net profit had grown at a compounded rate of 37 per cent during the same period. HLL acquired TOMCO in early nineties and at the same time acquired 20 per cent shareholding of Indian Perfumes Limited (IPL), a Company closely associated with operations of TOMCO and engaged in the aroma chemical business. TOMCO was merged with HLL in 1994 and IPL became HLLs subsidiary as TOMCO was holding approx. 32.5 per cent in IPL. Subsequently HLL acquired shares of IPL from other Tata companies to take its holding in IPL to 73 per cent. Also as a result of amalgamation with TOMCO, HLL acquired the 21.8 per cent stake in Vashisti Detergents Ltd. (VDL) and subsequently acquired 11 per cent stake of other promoter in VDL. In 1993, HLL acquired shares of Brooke Bond India Limited and with amalgamation of Brooke Bond with Lipton India Limited in 1994, got its holding in Lipton converted to Brooke Bond Shares. Subsequently, Ponds and Brooke Bond Lipton India, both subsidiaries of Unilever, got merged with HLL. Facts Takeover of Lakme brands, sales and distribution network was through a complex deal for environmental and fiscal reasons. The sale was done in two stages: Stage I - In January 1995, the Lakme trademark, technology and related intellectual property was transferred to a 100 per cent subsidiary of Lakme Ltd. Lakme Brands Ltd. The transfer consideration was determined at Rs. 78 crore. Lakme Brand Ltd.s capitalization was represented by equity capital of Rs. 3.25 crore subscribed by Lakme and optionally fully convertible debentures of Rs. 75 crore subscribed to by Hindustan Lever. At the same time, a new joint venture company Lakme Lever Limited was formed, wherein Hindustan Lever and Lakme both held 50 per cent of the 21 lakh equity shares each. Sales and marketing infrastructure in India as well as abroad owned by Lakme was transferred to the joint venture for a consideration of Rs. 32.39 crore. This included payment for goodwill, net current assets and relevant fixed assets. Also, Hindustan Lever paid Rs. 30 crore (Rs. 25 crore to Lakme Ltd. and Rs. 50 lac to Lakmes wholly owned subsidiary Lakme Exports Ltd.) for non-compete agreement. For Lakme, entry of Unilever group and other MNCs in the field was imminent, which would have led to heightened competition and decline in margins. Therefore, an alliance with an established MNC was a mutually beneficial arrangement. Further, technological/marketing inputs from Unilever group would give an edge over the competitors and allow the joint venture selling company to cash upon its distribution
(dliii) network. However, HLLs traditional distribution network, although one of the largest, was not tuned to market cosmetic products which are primarily sold through specialised shops/boutiques. So tie up with Lakme enabled the company to leverage on the Lakme distribution channels also. Stage II - In 1998, Lakme Limited divested its 50 per cent stake in Lakme Lever Ltd. to HLL for a consideration of Rs. 90.5 crore. The entire stake of Lakme Ltd. in its wholly owned subsidiary Lakme Brands Ltd. was also acquired by HLL. Lakmes manufacturing facility at Deonar was taken over for Rs. 24 crore. The manufacturing plant at Kandla owned by Lakme Exports, the 100 per cent subsidiary of Lakme Ltd. was taken over by HLL for a consideration of Rs. 5.71 crore. Statistics The table given below displays the total consideration involved in the sale of Lakme Lever stake, manufacturing facility and brand by Lakme Ltd. Consideration paid for Stake in Lakme Lever Ltd. Deonar manufacturing facility Kandla manufacturing facility (from Lakme Export) Trade mark, Designs, Brands, Copyrights (from Lakme Brands Ltd.) R&D infrastructure (from Lakme Brands Ltd.) Total Benefits Occurring Lakme Limited utilized part of the proceeds to redeem the Rs.75 crore Optionally Convertible Debentures subscribed to by HLL in Lakme Brands Ltd. in 1996. Lakme, sans its cosmetics business then ventured into the retailing business, utilizing the funds garnered for acquisition of a Department Store Littlewoods. The entire cosmetic business under the Lakme brand is now owned and managed by HLL. Case Study 6: KRONE COMMUNICATION LIMITEDCONDITIONAL EXEMPTION Krone Communications Ltd., M/s. GenTek Inc., USA (the acquirer company) entered into a re-construction and restructuring agreement with Jenoptik AG, through its subsidiary, for the acquisition of its entire shareholding in Krone AG which holds 51% of the issued, subscribed and paid up equity capital of Krone Communications Limited (target company). Pursuant to this, it made an application dated July 22, 1999 to the SEBI seeking exemption from the applicability of the provisions of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 (the Regulations) for the said acquisition. The Board forwarded the application to the Takeover Panel which vide its report dated August 5, 1999 rejected the application on the ground that in the process of the acquisition of Krone AG, the control over the target company would be shifted in favour of the acquirer company through the holding company i.e. Krone AG and that Regulation 12 would be applicable. During the course of the personal hearing held on September 6, 1999, the acquirer brought to the notice of the Board certain additional facts. It was stated that the purpose of Rs.(crore) 90.5 24.03 5.71 110.05 .27 230.56
(dliv) acquisition of Krone AG is not to secure the control of the target company and that it would not lead to an indirect acquisition of the target company by the acquirer. Also it contended that the said acquisition would not bring about any change in the shareholding of the target company and that the controlling stake of Krone AG in the target company i.e. 51% would not alter pursuant to the said acquisition. It was stated that they believed that the acquisition would not result in a change in management or a reconstitution of the Board of Directors of the target company. Therefore the Board referred the case back to the Panel for reconsideration of the case based on the new facts. On consideration of the same as well as the undertaking given by the acquirers that the acquirers were willing to abide with the conditional exemption granted by SEBI to the effect that the shareholders of the target company ratify the change in control by an appropriate resolution passed at the meeting of its shareholders. The Takeover Panel vide its report dated January 20, 2000 recommended the grant of exemption as sought by the acquirers subject to the shareholders of the target company passing a special resolution at the meeting of the shareholders permitting voting through postal ballot thereat, ratifying the change in control. Also a further condition was imposed that the notice of such a meeting to the shareholders of the target company should accompany an envelope for postal ballot with pre-paid postage stamps affixed. SEBI also noted that the acquisition of the target company was merely an unintended consequence of the global restructuring of Krone AG, and that the controlling stake of the acquirer company would not alter Krone AG pursuant to such acquisition. It was also noted that the acquisition would not constitute an indirect acquisition in terms of the Regulations and that adequate intimation of the acquisition was given to all the shareholders of the target company. On the basis of the same as well as after considering the recommendations of the Panel, SEBI, granted exemption to the acquirers from the applicability of the provisions of the Regulations for the proposed acquisition subject to the ratification by the shareholders of the target company as recommended by the Panel vide its report dated January 20, 2000. Case Study 7: REVERSE MERGER Wherever a profit making company merges with a loss making company, the amalgamated company would be entitled to carry forward and set off the accumulated loss and unabsorbed depreciation allowance. In such a case it is the loss and unabsorbed depreciation of the same company which is being carried forward. Whereas, in a case where a loss making unit is merged in a profit making unit the profit making unit would seek to carry forward the loss and unabsorbed depreciation not of its own but of another company. An amalgamated company is not entitled to carry forward the accumulated loss and unabsorbed depreciation allowance of the amalgamating company. Case: ABC Ltd., a company engaged in manufacture of textiles, had faced marketing constraints and stiff competition from imported material at cheaper prices. Financial status ABC Ltd. had suffered huge losses since commissioning, amounting to Rs.1342 lacs as at 31.12.92 (book loss) against paid up capital of Rs. 534 lacs. I.T. losses of
(dlv) Rs. 2248 lacs. Its term liabilities amounted to Rs.1722 lacs including defaults of interest payments (Rs. 632 lacs) on account of cash losses. Payments to suppliers (Rs. 334 lacs) remained unpaid due to liquidity constraints. Case for amalgamation Prospects for the companys products appeared reasonably good. Revival of the unit was possible provided financial help was forthcoming immediately. Borrowing from outside was impossible on account of financial difficulties. XYZ Limited, a healthy unit was found willing for amalgamation with ABC Ltd. A revival plan for ABC Ltd., was contemplated to which financial institutions and banks had agreed to a package of reliefs and concessions by way of interest concession, funding of interest and rescheduling of term loan repayment. Incentives The following incentives were available under the statutes: (1) The incentive for the healthy unit to take over the assets and liabilities of ABC Ltd. was the tax benefit under Section 72A of Income-tax Act. The total tax benefit to XYZ Ltd. amounted to Rs.1298 lacs. Since XYZ Ltd. was incurring huge tax liability on its profits, the amalgamation resulted into immediate improvement in its liquidity on account of ABC Ltd.s losses. (2) One of the products of XYZ Ltd. was used as raw material for the products of ABC Ltd. Besides assured supplies, the amalgamation gave an advantage of savings in cost of raw material to ABC Ltd. because after amalgamation the raw material could be given at transfer cost. Approval under Section 72A The Specified Authority under Section 72A of the Income-tax Act approved the tax benefits of Rs. 1298 lacs on the basis of the revival plan for ABC Ltd. as prepared by XYZ Ltd.. The revival plan comprised of: (Rs. Lacs) Revival Investment: Capital Expenditure Repayment of Loans and Interest Payment to Creditors Working capital Sources of Financing: Tax benefits XYZ Ltd.s contribution Cash generation of ABC 1298 435 756 2489 809 1464 176 40 2489
(dlvi) (1) ABC Ltd. had suffered in the past on account of uncertainty of supply of raw material. It therefore created storage capacity of about 4 weeks supplies to do away with fluctuations in the supply of raw material. (2) XYZ Ltd. assessed the needs of capital expenditure required for improving the working of ABCL, which were mainly on account of balancing of capacities, modification and replacements of existing equipment, etc. Exchange ratio The exchange ratio of shares was worked out as under: 1. ABC Ltd. had negative net worth as on the amalgamation date. But, since amalgamation envisaged tax benefits to XYZ Ltd. on account of accumulated losses of ABC Ltd. the quantum of tax benefit was added to the net worth of ABC Ltd. to get a positive net worth. 2. Past earnings basis was not considered on account of losses of ABC Ltd. 3. Market price of shares was given due weightage. Combined Balance Sheet as on 1.1.93 XYZ Ltd. Liabilities Share capital Reserves and surplus Secured loans Unsecured loans Total Assets Fixed Assets-Gross Less: Depreciation Net Block Add: Work-in-progress Investments Current Assets, loans and advances Less: Current liabilities and provisions Add: Preliminary expenses Total Projected profitability - ABC Ltd. 1992 1. Sales 2. Profit before Interest and 692 1993 968 1994 1150 1995 1329 1996 1538 1997 1706 16256 9420 6836 58 6894 6894 10009 19157 4900 14257 1598 352 1246 1246 1246 440 1686 517 33 1202 17854 9772 8082 58 8410 8140 10449 20843 5417 33 15459 1600 9385 896 2376 1457 93 (896) 1794 184 1202 1693 8516 2690 2560 15459 ABC Ltd. TOTAL
(dlvii) Depreciation 3. Interest 4. Depreciation 5. Profit Benefits from the Merger Operations of ABC Ltd. improved on account of the following: 1. XYZ Ltd., pending amalgamation approval, took over the management of ABC Ltd. in 1992. 2. XYZ Ltd. negotiated price concession for raw materials supplied by one of the large scale public sector organizations to ABC Ltd. and supplied by it to ABC Ltd. 3. XYZ Ltd. negotiated a package of reliefs and concessions with the financial institutions, which resulted in savings of interest charges. Case Study 8: REVERSE MERGER OF A SICK INDUSTRIAL UNDERTAKING In April 1994, Kirana Bazar Ltd. (KBL) took over the management control of XYZ Ltd. (XYZ Ltd.), a Delhi based company having its Works at Nasik. XYZ Ltd. became a sick industrial company as on March 31, 1994 and went to the BIFR in June 1994. ICICI which was appointed as the Operating Agency, invited bids for the revival of XYZ Ltd. KBL made a bid although XYZ Ltd. which was already under its control. KBLs bid was accepted and confirmed by BIFR. Main objective in the takeover was to make use of XYZ Ltd.s engine plant for KBLs large engine activity. The takeover added to KBLs assets, two plants located at Nasik on MIDC leased land of 80,000 sq. mtrs. A scheme for revival of XYZ Ltd. through reverse merger of KBL with XYZ Ltd. was submitted to BIFR and was sanctioned by it in February 1996. Accordingly, KBL merged in XYZ Ltd. and XYZ Ltd.s name stood changed to KBL on March 1, 1996, which was the effective date of the amalgamation, though the appointed date was April 1, 1994. AGM of the merged company for 1994-95, was held in April 1996 and consolidated accounts for the year ended March 31, 1995 were adopted thereat. The delay of 7 months in holding AGM was condoned by BIFR*. The cost of XYZ Ltd. revival package was Rs. 2234 lakhs comprising; institutional dues Rs. 590 lakhs, bank dues Rs. 75 lakhs, debentures Rs. 60 lakhs, other liabilities Rs. 99 lakhs, working capital Rs. 800 lakhs, capital expenditure Rs. 610 lakhs. KBLs contribution was Rs.1574 lakhs (including Rs. 460 lakhs tax savings), besides bank borrowing Rs. 90 lakhs and issue of shares to ICICI Rs. 570 lakhs. (154) 232 112 (498) 164 185 157 (178) 242 182 179 (119) 303 177 200 (74) 391 172 221 (2) 444 153 242 49
(dlviii) The tax benefit was in the nature of carry forward and set-off of XYZ Ltd.s accumulated losses. This merger did not affect in any way KBL shareholders. XYZ Ltd. capital of Rs.218 lakhs reduced by 95% to Rs.11 lakhs and KBL shares were exchanged for XYZ Ltd. shares in the merged company in the ratio 1 for 20. The merger thus benefitted XYZ Ltd. shareholders by not losing the entire capital. XYZ Ltd. shareholders were paid 5% dividend for 94-95 and full dividend for 95-96. 56% of the XYZ Ltd.s capital held by its holding company were transferred at the agreed price of Rs.75 lakhs (to 3 of KBL associate companies) which subsequently got shares in the merged company. Financial institutions dues of Rs.590 lakhs and bank dues of Rs.75 lakhs were paid off. Under VRS, retired employees of XYZ Ltd. were paid Rs.16 lakhs. The institutions sacrificed Rs.286 lakhs consisting of Rs.128 lakhs as 50% simple interest and Rs.158 lakhs penal interest. XYZ Ltd. debenture interest for 3 years and first two redemptions aggregating to Rs.120 lakhs were paid. The scheme provided for certain matters without going through formalities under Companies Act which BIFR* approved in exercise of its power under Section 32 of SICA. These matters were: Change of name of transferee company from XYZ Ltd. to KBL. Memorandum of Association (MOA) and Articles of Association (AOA) of transferor company to become MOA and AOA of transferee company. Board of transferee company to be automatically dissolved and directors of transferor company to become directors of transferee company. Auditors of transferee company automatically ceasing to hold office and auditors of transferor company to become auditors of transferee company. Managing Director and Executive Director of transferor company to continue as such in transferee company without reappointment and without break. Authorised capital of transferee company to stand increased from Rs.5 crore to Rs.27 crores. Transferee company to allot to shareholders of transferor company shares in transferee company. Share certificates of transferor company not to be called back and replaced by new certificates. ICICI to be issued 475,000 equity shares in the transferee company without complying with Section 81(1A) and SEBI Guidelines on preferential issue. Benefits of Merger
(dlix) Stamp duty on transfer of property and share certificates under Bombay Stamp Act saved. Premium payable to MIDC saved. Only transfer fee paid. XYZ Ltd. revival resulted into both the plants being operative direct employment to more than 300 people working, which is the highest number ever in the history of XYZ Ltd. Case Study 9 SPECIFIC ISSUES IN SPECIFIC CASES: A. Whether any person other than the shareholders and creditors have right to intervene in the proceedings concerning scheme of arrangement / reconstruction? Mumbai High Court ruled that a person who is neither a shareholder nor a creditor of the company has no right to appear in the proceeding under Section 391/ 394. The court held that the basic principle underlying in the provisions under Section 394 is that the scheme has the approval of the prescribed majority of the companys shareholders and creditors should not also be unfair, contrary to public policy, unconscionable or against law. Once the court finds that the parameters set out in Section 394 have been met, the court would have no further jurisdiction to sit in appeal over the commercial wisdom of the class of persons who with their eyes open have given their approval even if, in the view of the court a better scheme could have been adopted. The anxiety of the court should be that the scheme is approved by all classes and that the company is permitted to continue its corporate existence [Shree Niwas Girni Kamagar Kruti Samiti v. Ranganath Basudev Somani (2005) 68 CLA 351 (Bom)]. B. Can shareholders seek an amendment to the swap ratio in a scheme of merger? The Mumbai High Court held that the swap ratio forms integral part of a scheme of amalgamation and the procedural provisions embodied in the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 give effect to this basic purpose and object. The exchange ratio is a matter of expert determination. Since it constitutes the foundation of the scheme of amalgamation any amendment to it will nullify that basis. Hence the chairman of the meeting is justified in ruling that any amendment to the swap ratio that was proposed at the meeting by a member was not in order.[Dinesh Veajlal Lakhani v. Parke Davis (India) Ltd. [2005] 66 CLA 91 (Bom)]. Case 10 ASCERTAINMENT OF BRAND VALUE I. DESCRIPTION OF THE FACTS OF CASE SHRAKE BOARDS LIMITED (Company/Shrake), a Company incorporated on 20/12/1991 under the Companies Act, 1956 having its Registered Office at Shrake, Pasighat, Arunachal Pradesh. Mr. M.A.SURESH promoted the company and with the support of his team of directors, he has created a formidable enterprise. The Company has been growing from strength to strength. During the course of its business, the word marks SHRAWOOD, SHRADOOR, SHRABOARD and SHRAPLY were adopted as the Brands for selling the goods of the Company.
(dlx) Further SHRA is the corporate logo of the Company and YOURS HAPPILY is the corporate slogan of the Company and NANOGHAT is a brand newly adopted by the Company. SHRAWOOD, SHRADOOR, SHRABOARD and SHRAPLY are the Brands in which the Goods of the Company are sold throughout India. As the registered office of the Company is situated in a place known as Shrake, the corporate name of the Company and the brands of the Company have taken a part of the name of the said place. II. GOODS The Company manufactures plywood items, finger joint boards, doors, block boards, MDF and other wood products. SHRAKE has a range of products that as a result of which SHRAKE is a one-stop shop. SHRAKE deals with all products related interior infrastructure. SHRAKE imports products such as MDF, particleboards and other wood products and sells them in India. III. ANALYSIS OF THE REACH and POPULARITY OF THE BRANDS SHRAWOOD, SHRADOOR, SHRABOARD and SHRAPLY are the four mainstay brands of the Company. These Brands are also widely advertised. The goods of the Company enjoy a very good reputation in the market and the growth potential offered by the Brands of the Company is phenomenal. The Company does not sell any product in India without applying the said brands. SHRAWOOD records the highest turnover in terms of value, SHRADOOR comes next to it, followed by SHRA and fourth in the list is SHRAPLY and fifth in the list is SHRABOARD. The Company sells its Goods almost in all the States in India through a wellconnected network of branches and authorized dealers. IV. COMPETITIORS and MARKET SHARE SHRAPLY is a brand that sells plywood items. The total market share for plywood items in India is estimated to be around Rs.1500 Crores. It can be seen that in the year 2006-2007 the turnover of the Company arising from SHRAPLY is Rs.2,68,25,556/-. This shows that the market share of the Company in plywood items is 0.18% of the total estimated market share in India for plywood items. SHRAWOOD is a brand that sells Finger Joint Boards. The total market share for Finger Joint Boards in India is estimated to be around Rs.60 Crores. It can be seen that in the year 2006-2007 the turnover of the Company arising from SHRAWOOD is Rs.6,29,82,979/-. This shows that the market share of the Company in Finger Joint Boards is more than 10%. SHRADOOR is a brand that sells Doors. The total market share for Doors in India is estimated to be around Rs.750 Crores. It can be seen that in the year 2006-2007 the turnover of the Company arising from SHRADOOR is Rs.5,11,16,929/-. This shows that the market share of the Company in Doors is slightly more than 1% of the total market for doors in India. SHRABOARD is a brand that sells Block Board, MDF and Particle Boards. The
(dlxi) total market share for Block Board, MDF & P Board in India is estimated to be around Rs.800 Crores. It can be seen that in the year 2006-2007 the turnover of the Company arising from SHRABOARD is Rs.390,71,326/-. This shows that the market share of the Company in Block Board, MDF & P Board is 0.5% of the total estimated market share in India for Block Board, MDF & P Board. A perusal of the above statistics given by the Company clearly establishes that the Company has a long way to go in creating and establishing networks across the country. In the Finger Joint Board segment, INDIA WOOD, RUBCO, ATI are the major competitors of the Company. In the Doors segment, KUTTYs, STANDARD and COBRA are the major competitors of the Company. In Plywood and Block Board segment, GREENPLY, WIP, AK PLY and CENTURYPLY are the major competitors of the Company. V. BRAND-WISE TURNOVER Chart showing the Brand Wise turnover for the Financial Years 04 05, 05 06 & 06 07
2005-2006 2004-2005
VI. FINANCIAL DATA (Rs. in Lakhs) [Minimum Details have only been given; a close study of the entire financial data is needed to complete the valuation] Sl. No. Particulars 2007-08 Actuals Turnover 2,036.80 2008-09 Projected 2,240.48 2009-10 Projected 2,464.53
(dlxii) Profit After Tax VII. BRAND PROMOTION BUDGET In the three financial years, 2004-05, 2005-06 and 2006-07, the Company had incurred a total expenditure of about Rs. 46,74,183/- indicating the wide publicity, the Company had given to promoting the Brands and thereby augmenting the sales of its Goods. The Company is planning to integrate all its operations and commence a major publicity campaign so as to improve its market share. The Company is also planning to introduce certain eco friendly and innovative products in the near future. VIII. PROSPECTS OF WOOD PRODUCTS INDUSTRY VIS--VIS THE COMPANY The Company has acquired very high capacity for high speed cutting, treating, polishing and processing of wood and wooden materials and products. The infrastructure facility with the Company is excellent and it could easily expand its capacity. It is certainly a leader in this segment. It has acquired capabilities to invite foreign direct investment for enhancing its capacities. Coinciding with capacity integration of its facilities and capacity augmentation, the Company has rightly commenced an exercise for promoting its brands and is all set to expand its market share easily as it has a strong foundation. IX. TASK This Company is going to be merged with another company. A proper valuation of the brands will help the Company determine the consideration. Further for the acquirer company, it is possible to account the value of brands in its books by accounting the merger in the nature of purchase as per AS-14 and thereby improve its net worth significantly. Carry out a valuation of the brands of the Company. VALUATION METHODOLOGY Valuation of Brands is a difficult task as it involves not only analysis of financial data of the company that owns the brands but also it depends on a study of various related factors including facts such as the market share enjoyed by the goods, the premium commanded by the company for its goods that could be properly attributed to the popularity of brands, the position of competing brands, the level protection available to the brands and so many other critical factors. Therefore it is necessary to adopt a cautious approach. The following are the major steps: 1. Input Collection relating to facts such as nature of brands, extent of use, value of expenditure incurred to promote the brands, market situation, financial data, sales arising from or attributable to each brand, premium price, level of profits, and other important factors. 2. Study of trademarks law, classification of goods, registration requirements and advantages of registration. 3. Study actual registration status in India and abroad. 4. Based on the facts, determine the category of brands. 44.03 112.02 123.23
(dlxiii) 5. Determine the valuation methods 6. Consider and plot required financial data. 7. Apply the appropriate valuation methodology. 8. Determine the Value of the Brands 9. Adjust them with chosen critical factors to bring fairness to the valuation. 10. Give Report recommending the value to be adopted. 11. Add all workings and analytical charts to add value and maintain transparency. I. BRAND DATA SHEET In order obtain first hand actual information from the company a questionnaire should be administered and all information furnished by the company should be duly audited by subjecting the data to a validation and authentication process. II. LEGAL POSITION IN BRIEF The Trademarks Act, 1999 is the relevant law relating to Trademarks which include brands, logos, slogans, catchy phrases also. This law came into force w.e.f 15/09/2003. The Trademarks Rules, 2002 contain the relevant Rules. Art works contained in any brand or logo could be registered as a copy right under the Copyrights Act, 1957. For the purpose of registration and protection, goods and services are classified broadly into 34 classes of Goods and 8 classes of Services. Goods falling under classes 19 and 20 are the relevant classes for the registration of the Brands relating to products of the company. Class 19 of Schedule IV to the Trademarks Act, 1999 covers building materials (non-metallic), non-metallic rigid pipes for building; asphalt, pitch and bitumen; non-metallic transportable buildings; monument, not of metal. Class 20 of Schedule IV to the Trademarks Act, 1999 covers furniture, mirrors, picture frames; goods (not included in other cases) of wood, cork, reed, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-ofpearl, meerschaum and substitutes for all these materials, or of plastics. As per the extant law, registration of a trademark is not mandatory. However registered marks get better statutory rights than unregistered marks. When there is an unauthorized use or adoption of similar or deceptively similar marks, a proprietor of a registered mark could commence a legal action against the infringement whereas an unregistered mark should settle for a passing off action only under the common law. However well known marks even if they are unregistered can be said to be having better rights than those of registered marks. While an unregistered mark in user could seek better protection in a class of goods against a registered unused mark in the same class, a well-known mark could take on (challenge) marks registered or unregistered across classes. A brand can be said to be a well known brand if it has reached the minds of people very well in a particular territory. A well-known brand could enable the proprietor to use the same for making inroads into other territories easily cashing on
(dlxiv) the reputation already created. Again it is for the same reason the Trademarks Act, 1999 contains stringent provisions for recording assignment of trademarks without good will. Because goodwill is something that is submerged in the Brand and people cannot segregate the brand and its goodwill easily unless the brand is to be used by any person other than its proprietor for goods of different class. Once a brand acquisition is complete, the acquirer would be able to use the same for his goods retaining the customer base intact. III. STATUS OF REGISTRATION OF THE BRANDS IN INDIA Carry out a detailed audit and ascertain the status of registration in India of the several brands used by the Company covered in this report duly taking into account the provisions of the Trademarks Act, 1999 and the classification of goods as per Schedule IV to the Trademarks Act, 1999. For this purpose, it is necessary go through the file containing the Trademarks correspondence, copies of applications, representations and affidavits filed by the company with the Trademarks Registry (TMR), examination reports received by TMR, Advertisement published by TMR in Trademarks Journal, Certificates of Registration issued by the TMR, Renewal of Registration, Change in proprietors, assignments, user licences, and other necessary details. The Audit Report may be in the form shown as Annexure 1. IV. STATUS OF REGISTRATION OF THE BRANDS IN OTHER COUNTRIES Study whether the company has applied for registration of any of its several brands in any country or territory other than India. Find out if the Company has used in the course of trade and in actual commerce any of its brands in any other country or territory other than India. V. CATEGORY OF BRANDS Carry out a detailed study of the nature and category of brands, If brands are arbitrary and fanciful, meaning they do not mean or suggest anything except their goods, brands may command additional weights in valuation. In this case, it is understood as follows: The Brands of the Company such as SHRAWOOD, SHRADOOR, SHRABOARD and SHRAPLY are partly descriptive of the goods and therefore they cannot be considered as Brands capable of inherently distinguishing their goods. However over a period of time, as they have been used in the course of trade by the Company, they are able to distinguish the goods of the Company from similar goods of competitors of the Company. YOURS HAPPILY, NANOGHAT and SHRA are Brands which are unique in nature and they are arbitrary or fanciful words though the Brand YOURS HAPPILY could be considered as referring to one of the attributes of the Goods sold under the said Brand. The Brands comprised in this report are arbitrary or fanciful. While SHRA could be considered as an invented word as it does not communicate anything to the common man, the addition of the words such as WOOD, DOOR and BOARD makes the Brands suggestive of what goods are sold under these brands. However in view of their actual, continuous, extensive and long use in the market, the Brands have
(dlxv) come to stay and they command a distinct reputation in the market for the goods that are sold in those Brands. Resultantly the Brands have the essential attributes for claiming registration and in fact some of them have been registered also. In the process, there may not be any challenge to the validity of registration of the registered trademarks. As such the Brands do not suffer from the threat of being attacked on the following grounds: That there has been no actual use of those brands; That they lack inherent distinctiveness. Thus all these Brands enjoy the ability to initiate the common law remedy against passing off and the registered ones enjoy the statutory protection against infringement of those Brands. In view of the 10% market share enjoyed by SHRAWOOD, the Brand could be said be a well-known mark. VI. VALUATION METHODS Basically in an enterprise, physical resources are of the following two types: Machinery, that work with applied force; Men who work. Both the above assets are capable of being organized provided the two vital inputs are present; viz., money and knowledge. Brands belong to a different species. While physical resources could be created easily if augmenting financial resources is not a problem, same is not the case of brands. That is why there is always a premium price for buying brands rather than the business or plants and equipments. In the case of Brands, the ability of the Company to leverage the same to bring revenues in other territories and markets is of paramount importance. Normally the value of an enterprise could be estimated on a going-concern basis by computing the earnings capacity. Net Asset Value method may not be ideal in the cases enterprises with depreciating assets unless the enterprise in question is asset intensive. For instance, in the case of company engaged in real estate sector, the lands in the hands of the company on ownership basis could be a stock in trade and they may be highly valuable. However in the case of Brands, which form the lifeline of the Company, there has to be a different approach. Cost Approach for valuation of Brands may not help. The cost incurred in the last three financial years are not very high as all resources have been used up for establishing a good facility over a period of time in order to give customers high quality Products for value and to ensure that customers are happy. A look at the competitive forces and the predominance of the Brands of the Company would show that the Brands of the Company are premium brands. In the next phase, the
(dlxvi) Company would incur expenditure in order to capitalize the position and expand the territories and to ward off competition. States in the West and South are the markets where the Company sees a greater potential. For every rupee incurred by the Company on an established brand, returns would be manifold. This enables the Company to introduce its branded products in the new markets very easily as entry barriers could be easily overcome. Considering the above background, it is advisable to approach the Brand Valuation on the basis of Premium Price Method. The commitment of the Company to maintain stringent quality gives us confidence in adopting a Premium Price Method for valuing the Brand. VII. FINANCIAL INFORMATION CONSIDERED FOR VALUATION Consider the actual profitability figures for the financial year 2006-07, provisional figures for 2007-08 and the projected figures for the financial years 2008-09 (current financial year) and 2009-10. A study of competitive brands and the price at which similar goods (in terms of category, mass, quality, finish) that are sold in outlets without carrying any brands would show that branding has helped the company to command a 10% premium in pricing and therefore 10% of the post tax adjusted profits could be taken as the profits obtained by the company as a result of the value addition contributed by its Brands. VIII. VALUE OF THE BRANDS BASED ON CASH GENERATION FROM OPERATIONS Based on the facts, enquiries, information furnished by the Company and the workings attached, we hereby report as follows: Sl. No. Brands Average of the Values of the Brands obtained at the end of the three Financial Years 2007-08 (Actual), 2008-09 (Projected) and 2009-10 (Projected) (Rs. in Lakhs) 133.53 108.37 56.87 82.84 NOT ASCERTAINED NOT ASCERTAINED NOT ASCERTAINED
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
The valuation workings based on the above methods are attached as Annexure-2A. The Brand Wise Apportion of aggregate value is attached as Annexure-2B. IX. ADJUSTMENT OF BRAND VALUE FOR CRITICAL SUBJECTIVE FACTORS
(dlxvii) In order to neutralize arbitrariness if any and to counteract against assumptions, we have measured certain important parameters of each of the Brands. These parameters have assigned weights. We have studied and measured the proper weights that could be awarded to the Brands of the Company considering factual situation. The overall valuation of each brand will be subject to a multiplication factor obtained by number of weights obtained by each brand as a proportion of total allocated weights. These factors are analyzed for each of those critical factors and weights are ascertained and accordingly applied. Those critical parameters and the allocated weights and obtained weights are given in Annexure-2C. OUR RECOMMENDATION: The present value of each of the Brands for the three financial years 2007-08, 2008-09 and 2009-10 have been computed on the basis of cash generation arising from profits after duly writing back the depreciation and taking into consideration the cash needed from internal accruals for meeting incremental asset creation to maintain the cash flow and also the increase in net working capital needs. The workings are enclosed. As could be seen, on an average of the values of the brands for the three chosen years the value of the brand basket used by SHRAKE works out to be Rs. 565.40 Lakhs. However when adjusted for subjective factual parameters using the critical factor analysis test, the aggregate value of the brands comes to Rs. 446.18 Lakhs. THEREFORE, while the acceptable valuation could be anywhere between Rs. 446.18 Lakhs to Rs. 565.40 Lakhs, in our opinion, the AGGREGATE VALUE of the BRANDS as at 31/03/2008 is Rs.446.18 Lakhs. Slogans have not been independently valued as they are parasites of the brands and by themselves they do not sell goods. Place : .. Date : 23/08/2008 MANAGING PARTNER ANNEXURE 1 Audit Report ascertaining the status of registration of various marks of the Company Sl. No Name of the Brand Goods & Class in respect of which the Brand is actually and continuously used Furniture and all parts thereof falling under class 20 Date/Year of Usage of the Brand Status of Registration for XYZ & Co.,
Registered on 16/10/2006
(dlxviii) from the Company 2. SHRADOOR Wooden doors, plywood doors, all kinds of building materials falling under class 19 1996 As per the TM application No.XXXXX dated 14/03/2006 14/03/2006 As per the report from the Company 3. SHRA Plywood, block board, furniture and all articles made of wood falling under class 20 1996 As per the TM application No.XXXXX dated 01/04/2002 01/04/2002 As per the report from the Company 4. SHRAPLY Materials for use in buildings and construction and parts of and fittings for buildings and structures falling under class 19. Furniture, parts thereof and fittings thereof falling under class 20. 5. SHRAPLY with TREE logo around it, the name of the company Materials for use in buildings and construction and parts of and fittings for buildings and structures falling under class 19. Furniture, parts thereof and fittings thereof falling under class 20. 6. SHRABOARD Furniture and parts thereof falling under Date is not mentioned in the Additional representation not available 18/04/1990 As per the report from the Company Registered on 31/03/2005 Additional representation not available 18/04/1990 As per the report from the Company Registered on 15/02/1995 Registered on 15/02/1995 Pending registration. Examination report has been issued. Pending registration
Registered on 31/03/2005
Registered 24/05/2007
(dlxix) class 20 TM application 20/02/2002 As per the report from the Company 7. YOURS HAPPILY Advertising material, signboards, brochures, leaflets, hoardings, artworks, all kinds of stationery, paper and paper articles, cardboard and cardboard articles, printed matter, newspapers and periodicals, books, book-binding material, photographs, stationery adhesive materials (stationery), artists materials, paint brushes, typewriters and office requisites (other than furniture), instructional and teaching material (other than apparatus), playing cards (printers) type and clichs (stereotype) falling under class 16 Plywood, block board, flush door, panel board, (finger joined), marine plywood and building materials falling under class 19. Furniture mirror, picture frames, articles (not 1996 As per the TM application 24/06/2003 As per the report from the Company As per the application status taken from the IPR website, the mark has been REGISTERED. But the information / certificate is not available in the physical file.
14th August 2007 as per the TM application No. XXXXX dated 06/09/2007 06/09/2007 As per the report from the Company
Pending registration
(dlxx) included in other classes) of wood, cork reeds, cane, wicker, horn, bone, ivory, whalebone, shell, amber, mother-of-pearl, meerschaum, celluloid, and substitutes for all these materials, chemically treated rubber wood falling under class 20 ANNEXURE 2A Valuation of the brands based on cash generation from operations Valuation of Brand - Current Year 07-08 and Next Year 08-09 Sl. Particulars No.
Turnover Profit After Tax Depreciation Capital Expenditure Increase in NWC Cash Flow Economic Cash Flow Valuation formula: Where CF (t+1) / (rg) CF = Economic cash flow at year (t+1); r= Expected rate of return g = growth in cash flow
Projected 2,464.53 123.23 33.63 15.69 11.20 183.74 27.56
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10
We make the following assumptions: Cash Flow at (t+1) = "r" = "g" = Fair Market Value (FMV) of the Brand in Lakhs =
Basic Assumption: For the purpose of computation of value of the Brands, it is assumed as though the company sells all its goods in a single brand.
Amount in Lakhs
Turnover from each of the brand year wise Name of the Branded Goods SHRAPLY SHRAWOOD SHRA DOOR SHRA BOARD 2006 -07 26825556 62982979 51116927 39071326 17999678 8 2007 - 08 30355179 71270082 57842732 44212209 2008 - 09 33390697 78397090 63627005 48633430 22404822 1 2009 - 10 36729767 86236799 69989705 53496773 24645304 3
Total Turnover
Allocation of the Brand Value for each of the branded product is made on the basis sales of goods under each brand to total turnover in the financial year 200607 after excluding other income
ANNEXURE 2C Critical parameters, Allocated Weights and Weights obtained by each brand
Critical Factor The brand is an imaginary, arbitrary, fanciful or invented word The brand not being an imaginary, arbitrary, fanciful or invented word has the capacity to distinguish its goods from similar goods of others The brand has been in use for more than 5 continuous years, for every 5 years Application for Registration of the Brand has been made in relevant classes, for every class of goods or services Available user proof is satisfactory and the claim of the company as per application for registration is satisfactory The brand has become a well known mark, for every such mark The brand boasting a reasonable market share, for every 5% of the total market share in India for the Goods
Allocated Weights 5
38 0.95
28 0.70
35 0.88
23.5 0.59
Case 11 OVERSEAS ACQUISITION OF BRANDS AND TECHNOLOGY - TAX LIABILITY IN INDIA Recently on May 9, 2008 of the AAR in an application filed by Fosters Australia Limited (the Applicant) handed down a landmark decision. The details of the interesting case (the portion of the decision as regards transfer of license relating to brewing technology has not been covered in this report) are as follows: By a Sale and Purchase Agreement, (SP Agreement) Fosters Australia Limited the Applicant which is the legal and beneficial owner of the trademarks agreed to sell the trademarks and the Fosters Brand Intellectual Property and to licence the Fosters Brewing Intellectual Property to the purchaser, SAB Miller (A&A2) Limited, UK (vide clauses 3.1 and 6.5 of the S&P Agreement). The total consideration was a consolidated sum of 120 million US dollars subject to certain working capital adjustments. The purchaser nominated SKOL Breweries, an Indian Company to receive the intellectual properties. The Applicant executed a Deed of Assignment with SKOL on th 12 September, 2006 at Melbourne, in Australia. Thereby the Applicant (assignor) assigned and conveyed all its right, title and interest in the trademarks, all intellectual property rights relating to the Fosters brand in India in favour of the assignee free from all encumbrances. In the circumstances, the question that arose before AAR was whether the income arising from Assignment of Trademarks is taxable in India. It is necessary to note that under Sub-section (1) of Section 9 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 which states that all income accruing or arising, whether directly or indirectly, through or from any business connection in India, or through or from any property in India, or from any asset or source of income in India or through the transfer of capital asset situate in India shall be deemed to accrue or arise in India. Originally under Brand Licencing Agreement (BL Agreement) dated 13.10.1997 four trademarks including Fosters F. logo alongwith the Fosters brands were permitted to be used by Fosters India. It is recited in the Agreement that CUB Ltd. (previous name of applicant-Company) is the owner of certain trademarks in the Indian territory comprising or including the word Fosters. In July 1993, Fosters F. logo was registered in India. In course of time, some other Fosters trademarks were also registered in India. Immediately before the impugned assignment, the BL Agreement was terminated. By the said S & P Agreement and the Deed of Assignment, the trademarks came to be vested in the said SKOL Breweries, India. The Applicant contended that with the termination of the BL Agreement, the situs of the trademarks got shifted to Australia. The deed of assignment was executed
(dlxxiv) outside India. Therefore the transfer of capital asset would be beyond the reach of Indian Income-tax Act. The AAR observed that the contention that the BL Agreement was terminated on account of execution of SP Agreement and the Deed of Assignment, and that the trademark and brand intellectual property got restored to and vested back with the Applicant in Australia and therefore their situs got shifted to Australia has no factual or legal basis. The AAR observed that the very contention presupposes that the trademarks were situate in India. The predominant component of trademark and brand is goodwill associated with them. In concrete terms, that goodwill cannot be said to have perished in India and shifted its location, lock, stock and barrel at the very moment at which the events of completion and assignment took place in Australia. Accordingly the AAR held that the Intellectual property in the form of Fosters trade-marks and brand which were an integral part of the business of Fosters India that was being carried on with the licence granted by the applicant company together with the goodwill they generated by reason of such user, can be said to be situated in India within the meaning of the Explanation to Section 9(1). The AAR held that at best, their location in Australia is only notional or fictional. The fact that the trademarks and names originated in Australia and initially registered there does not make material difference.
The study has dealt with various case studies which throw light on the latest trends of mergers, takeovers, amalgamations etc. Each case study is itself an experience. These experiences should be used rationally by the readers for the benefit of their corporates and to face practical difficulties in the process of Corporate Restructuring.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES The importance of legal documentation in the corporate world cannot be overstated. Capital one wrong provision may defeat the very purpose of the document. Mergers and takeovers in a company involve a number of legal documents. This chapter covers specimen of various documents involved in the process of mergers and takeovers.
A. INTRODUCTION In this study an outline of procedural aspects of mergers and takeovers has been given along with specimen of various documents required for the purpose. The procedure for convening and holding of general meetings for approval of scheme of compromise or arrangement under Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act is laid down in Rules 67 to 87 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959. With regard to mergers, draft schemes and notices could be read from Study 3 and with regard to demergers, students may find a detailed write up in Study 7. However, the scope of this study is to give: Mergers/Amalgamation 1. A brief reference to the procedural aspects of applicable provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 and the Income Tax Act, 1961 in the regard to mergers. 2. A list of the major and minor activities of mergers. 3. Specimen application to dispense with general meeting. 4. A specimen scheme of merger. 5. A specimen of the advertisement to be published in newspapers with regard to convening of a general meeting. 6. A specimen of the notice and explanatory statement. 7. A specimen of admission slip. 8. A specimen of proxy form. 9. A specimen of the advertisement of the petition to be published in newspapers. 10. A specimen of the resolutions of the Board of Directors. 11. Irrevocable letter of undertaking from shareholders in target company to accept offer made by offeror company. 12. Specimen format for offer document. 13. Specimen agreement entered into between the acquirer and the management of the offeree company. 14. Specimen form of acceptance of offer.
(dlxxvi) 15. Notice to dissenting shareholder. 16. Resolution in respect of takeover by offeror company. 17. Specimen of board minutes of offeror company approving press announcement. 551 18. Draft board minutes. 19. Draft letter of authority from offeror company to its receiving bankers. 20. Draft power of attorney. 21. Disclosure in terms of Regulation 8(3). 22. Format of register to be maintained by listed companies under Regulation 8(4) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997. 23. Format of public announcement. 24. Format for standard letter of offer. 25. Format for post offer public announcement. B. MERGERS & AMALGAMATION APPLICABLE PROVISIONS As most of the provisions have already been explained only an outline of the procedural aspects has been given. Under the Companies Act Section 391/394 Presenting an application/petition to the appropriate High Court. Section 393 Providing an explanatory statement about the various aspects of mergers. The Court Rules Mainly to understand the formalities and formats. Under the Listing Agreement Under Clause 24(f) of the Listing Agreement, where the scheme of merger or demerger involves a listed company, it is necessary to send a copy of the scheme to the stock exchanges where the shares of the said company are listed to obtain their No Objection Certificate (NOC). Generally stock exchanges raise several queries and on being satisfied that the scheme does not violate any laws concerning securities such as the takeover code or the Disclosure and Investor Protection Guidelines, Stock Exchanges accord their approval. Where the shares are listed on BSE or NSE, other Stock Exchanges wait for the approval by BSE or NSE before granting their approval. Under the Income Tax Act, 1961 A scheme of amalgamation is not a transfer at all for the purpose of the Income Tax Act, 1961. However, when a scheme of merger or demerger involves the merger of a loss making company or a hiving off of a loss making division, it is necessary to check the relevant provisions of the Income Tax Act and the Rules for the purpose of ensuring, inter alia, the availability of the benefit of carrying forward the accumulated losses and setting of such losses against the profits of the Transferor Company.
(dlxxvii) Important aspects of Income Tax Act have already been dealt with in Study 3 and Study 7. Students are instructed to refer them. Under the Indian Stamp Act It is necessary to refer to the Stamp Act to check the stamp duty payable on transfer of undertaking through a merger or demerger. MAJOR AND MINOR ACTIVITIES MAJOR ACTIVITIES Sl. No. 1. 2. Description of Activity Board meeting to decide about the need for merger and for fixing the transfer date. Appointment of experts for valuation of shares and fixation of share exchange ratio; Appointment of experts/consultants for drafting the scheme. Board meeting to approve the valuation and share exchange ratio fixed by the experts and the scheme of merger. Filing a copy of the scheme with stock exchanges and obtaining their NOC. Filing an application to High Court for obtaining order of the court for convening a general meeting. Obtaining order of High Court Advertisement of general meeting and despatch of notice of general meeting General Meeting Filing of Chairmans report and affidavit with High Court Filing of a petition for sanction of scheme of amalgamation with the High Court Advertisement of the petition Obtaining the Sanction of the High Court Registration of the order of the High Court Application for appointment of auditor for scrutiny of books of post merger defunct transferor company Report of auditor Order of High Court for dissolution without winding up Registration of the order
MINOR ACTIVITIES 1. Scrutiny of Memorandum of both the companies with regard to power to amalgamate and the power of Transferee Company to carry on the activities of Transferor Company. 2. Preparation of a notice of Board Meeting to approve the merger proposal and to determine related issues. 3. Preparation of detailed notes on agenda with relevant statutory and other general references.
(dlxxviii) 4. Despatch of notice of Board meeting and agenda papers. 5. Preparation of Press release, if thought fit. 6. Preparation of minutes of Board Meeting. 7. Preparation of application and affidavit to High Court. 8. Fixing up date, time and venue for the general meeting. 9. Preparation of text of advertisement. 10. Selection of newspapers. 11. Preparation of Notice of General Meeting and Explanatory Statement under Section 393 of the Act. 12. Despatch of Notice and explanatory statement to Members. 13. Appointment of scrutineers, if necessary. 14. Preparation of minutes of general meeting. 15. Preparation of chairmans report and affidavit. 16. Preparation of Petition. 17. Preparation of draft advertisement. 18. Selection of News Papers. 19. Filing of Book of documents with the Registrar of Companies for his report to Regional Director. 20. Filing of Affidavit of Regional Director with his NOC for the sanction of the scheme. 21. Follow up with OL for appointment of auditor, dissolution without winding up. Notes: No meeting of creditors will be normally ordered. It is better to secure the approval or NOC of secured creditors. SPECIMEN SCHEME OF ARRANGEMENT SCHEME OF ARRANGEMENT OF ABC LIMITED WITH XYZ LIMITED 1. Definitions In this Scheme, unless inconsistent with the subject or context 1.1 "Transferor Company" means ABC LIMITED, a Company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having its Registered Office at _______________. 1.2 "Transferee Company" means XYZ LIMITED a Company incorporated on under the Companies Act, 1956 having its Registered Office at ________________. 1.3 The Act" means the Companies Act, 1956. 1.4 "The Appointed Date" means ________ (in words).
(dlxxix) 1.5 "The Effective Date" means the last of the dates on which certified copies of the order(s) of the _____ High Court sanctioning the Scheme are filed with the Registrar of Companies, Tamilnadu. 1.6 Undertaking shall mean (a) the entire business, all the assets, rights, licenses, and properties of the Transferor Company as on the Appointed Date. (b) all the debts, liabilities, duties and obligations of whatsoever kind of the Transferor Company as on the Appointed Date including liabilities for payment of gratuity, superannuation benefits, provident fund and compensation in the event of retrenchment and the liabilities as st appearing in its Provisional Balance Sheet as on 31 March ______. Provided that to the extent that there are any loans, outstandings or balances due from the Transferor Company to the Transferee Company or vice versa, the obligations in respect thereof shall come to an end and corresponding effect shall be given in the books of accounts and records of the Transferee Company. (c) without prejudice to the generality of the sub-clause (a) above, the undertaking of the Transferor Company shall include all the movable and immovable properties, assets, both tangible and intangible including, land, buildings, furniture and fixtures, computers, vehicles, gensets, inventories, reserves, lease-hold rights, tenancy rights, industrial and other licenses, permits, authorizations, quotas, trademarks, goodwill, patents, letters of intent, investment in shares and other investments, raw materials, stock in trade, work-in-progress, finished goods, plant, machinery and equipment, tools and implements, goods in transit, advances of all kinds, deposits, book debts, outstanding monies, recoverable claims, agreements, arrangements and other industrial and intellectual property rights, easements, advantages, benefits and approvals, rights and benefits of all agreements, and other interests, including without any limitation, privileges, liberties, rights and powers of all kinds, nature and description whatsoever in any manner owned by, in relation to or connected with the Transferor Company. 1.7 "The Scheme" means this Scheme of Amalgamation in its present form or with any modifications approved or imposed or directed by the High Court at_____ or by the shareholders in general meeting. 2. Share capital 2.1 The Authorized Share Capital of the Transferor Company as per Balance Sheet is Rs._________/- divided into _______ Equity Shares of Rs.10/each and _______ ___% cumulative convertible preference shares of Rs.___/- each. The Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up Capital of the Transferor Company is Rs.________/- divided into _______ Equity Shares of Rs.___/- each which includes ______ equity shares of Rs.__/- each amounting to Rs.____/- allotted against consideration otherwise than cash. 2.2 The Authorized Share Capital of the Transferee Company as per Balance Sheet is Rs._________/- divided into _______ Equity Shares of Rs.10/each and _______ ___% cumulative convertible preference shares of Rs.___/- each. The Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up Capital of the
(dlxxx) Transferee Company is Rs.________/- divided into _______ Equity Shares of Rs.___/- each which includes ______ equity shares of Rs.__/- each amounting to Rs.____/- allotted against consideration otherwise than cash. [In case the particulars mentioned as per latest audited balance sheet have undergone changes, due to allotment/transfer of shares/mere increase in capital/ consolidation/split, make a mention of such developments and enclose proof of documents.] 3. Transfer of undertaking With effect from the Appointed Date, the entire Undertaking of the Transferor Company shall, without any further act, deed or order be transferred to and vested in or deemed to have been transferred to or vested in the Transferee Company in accordance with and pursuant to Section 394 of the Act. 4. Contracts, deeds, bonds and other instruments Subject to other provisions contained in this Scheme, all contracts, deeds, bonds, agreements, instruments and writings and benefits of whatsoever nature to which the Transferor Company is a party subsisting or having effect immediately before the Effective Date and subject to such changes and variations in the terms, conditions and provisions thereof as may be mutually agreed to between the Transferee Company and other parties thereto shall remain in full force and effect against or in favour of the Transferee Company, as the case may be, and may be enforced by and/or against the Transferee Company as fully and effectively as if the Transferee Company was party thereto instead of Transferor Company. Provided contracts if any between the Transferor and the Transferee Companies shall stand cancelled and amounts if any due by the Transferor Company to the Transferee Company or vice versa shall stand cancelled. 5. Position as to charges The transfer/vesting of the Undertaking as provided above shall be subject to existing charges/hypothecation/mortgage (if any as may be subsisting) over or in respect of the said assets or any part thereof, including the encumbrances. Provided however, that any reference to the assets of the Transferor Company which it has offered or agreed to be offered as security for any financial assistance or obligations, to any of the creditors of the Transferor Company, shall be construed as reference only to the assets pertaining to the Undertaking of the Transferor Company, as is vested in the Transferee Company by virtue of the aforesaid clause, to the end and intent that such security, mortgage and charge shall not extend or be deemed to extend, to any of the assets or to any of the other units or divisions of the Transferee Company. 6. Accounting policy 6.1 With effect from the Appointed Date, and subject to any adjustments, modifications as may, in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Transferee Company be required, the reserves of the Transferor Company will be merged with those of the Transferee Company in the same form as they appeared in the financial statements of the Transferor Company with the identity of the reserves of the Transferor Company preserved at the
(dlxxxi) hands of the Transferee Company. 6.2 The difference between the face value for which shares have been issued by the Transferee Company to the members of Transferor Company in accordance with this scheme and the amount of share capital of the Transferor Company shall be accounted as Capital Reserves of the Transferee Company. 6.3 In case of any differences in the accounting policy between the Companies, the impact of the same will be quantified and adjusted in the revenue reserves to ensure that the financial statements of the Transferee Company reflect the financial position on the basis of consistent accounting policy. 7. Legal proceedings If any suit, writ petition, appeal, revision or other proceedings of whatever nature (hereinafter called the Proceedings) by or against the Transferor Company be pending as on the Effective Date, the same shall not abate, be discontinued or be in any way prejudicially affected by reason of the transfer of the undertaking of the Transferor Company or of anything contained in the Scheme, but the Proceedings may be continued, prosecuted and enforced by or against the Transferee Company in the same manner and to the same extent as it would or might have been continued, prosecuted and enforced by or against the Transferor Company as if the Scheme had not been made. 8. Operative date of the scheme The Scheme, shall be operative from the Appointed Date. 9. Transferor companys staff, workmen and employees All the staff, workmen and other employees in the service of the Transferor Company immediately before the transfer of the Undertaking under the Scheme shall become the staff, workmen and employees of the Transferee Company as on the Effective Date upon their respective existing conditions of service on the basis that: 9.1 Their service shall have been continuous and shall not have been interrupted by reason of the transfer of the Undertaking; 9.2 The terms and conditions of service applicable to the said staff, workmen or employees after such transfer shall not in any way be less favourable to them than those applicable to them immediately before the transfer; and 9.3 It is expressly provided that as far as Provident Fund, Gratuity Fund, Superannuation Fund or any other Special Fund created or existing for the benefit of the staff, workmen and other employees of the Transferor Company are concerned, upon the Scheme becoming effective, the Transferee Company shall stand substituted for the Transferor Company for all purposes whatsoever related to the administration or operation of such Funds or in relation to the obligation to make contributions to the said Funds in accordance with the applicable provisions subject to which such Funds are in force. It is the aim and intent that all the rights, duties, powers and obligations of the Transferor Company in relation to such Funds shall become those of the Transferee Company and all the rights, duties and
(dlxxxii) benefits of the employees employed in different units of the Transferor Company under such Funds shall be protected. It is clarified that the services of the employees of the Transferor Company will also be treated as having been continuous for the purpose of the aforesaid Funds or provisions. 10. Conduct of business by transferor company till effective date With effect from the Appointed Date and upto the Effective Date: 10.1 The Transferor Company shall carry on and shall be deemed to carry on all its activities for and on account of and in trust for the Transferee Company. 10.2 All income or profit accruing to the Transferor Company and all expenses or losses incurred by it shall for all purposes be treated as income, profits, expenses and losses as the case may be of the Transferee Company. 10.3 The Transferor Company shall not, without the concurrence of the Board of Directors of the Transferee Company, alienate, charge, encumber or otherwise deal with the said undertaking or any part thereof except in the ordinary course of business. 10.4 The Transferor Company shall not without the written prior consent of the Transferee Company: (i) undertake any new business; (ii) declare any dividend; (iii) issue any new shares by way of rights, bonus or otherwise. 11. Issue of shares by the transferee company 11.1 Upon the Scheme becoming finally effective, in consideration of the transfer and vesting of the Undertaking of the Transferor Company in the Transferee Company in terms of this Scheme, the Transferee Company shall subject to the provisions of this Scheme and without any further application or action or deed, issue at par and allot __ Equity Share of Rs.__/- (Rupees ____ Only) credited as fully paid in the Capital of Transferee Company to the shareholders of the Transferor Company whose names are found in the Registrar of Members of Transferor Company on the effective date for every ____ Equity Shares of the Face Value of Rs.___/- each fully paid up. 11.2 If necessary, the Transferee Company shall before allotment of Equity shares in terms of the Scheme, increase its Authorised Share Capital by the creation of at least such number of Equity Shares of Rs.___/- each as may be necessary to satisfy its obligations under the provisions of the Scheme. 11.3 The Equity Shares to be allotted as aforesaid, shall rank for dividend, voting and all other rights pari passu with the existing equity shares of the Transferee Company provided they shall not qualify for dividend declared in respect of the period prior to their allotment. 11.4 The Shareholders shall surrender to the Transferee Company their share certificates in the Transferor Company for cancellation thereof and for fresh issue by Transferee Company as per the said exchange ratio. In case of default by the shareholders of the Transferor Company to surrender their
(dlxxxiii) shares as aforesaid, upon issue and allotment of new shares by the Transferee Company to the Shareholders of Transferor Company, the share certificates in relation to the shares held by them in the Transferor Company shall be deemed to have been cancelled. 11.5 For the purposes as aforesaid, the Transferee Company shall, if and to the extent required, apply in and obtain the requisite consent or approval of the Reserve Bank of India and other Appropriate Authorities concerned, for the issue and allotment by the Transferee Company to the respective members of the Transferor Company of the Equity Shares of the Transferee Company in the ratio aforesaid. 12. Applications to High Court On this Scheme being approved by the respective Boards of the Transferor Company and the Transferee Company, the two companies will, with reasonable despatch, apply to the High Court of______ for sanctioning the Scheme, with modification, if any, and for dissolution of the Transferor Company without winding up. 13. Modifications/amendments to the scheme 13.1 The Transferor Company (by its Directors) and the Transferee Company (by its Directors) may agree to any modification or amendment to the Scheme or agree to any terms and/or conditions which the Court and/or any other authorities under law may deem fit to direct or impose or which may otherwise be considered necessary or desirable for settling any question or doubt or difficulty that may arise for implementing and/or carrying out the Scheme and do all acts, deeds and things as may be necessary, desirable or expedient for putting the Scheme into effect. 13.2 The Board of Directors of Transferor Company and Transferee Company are hereby authorised to do all acts, deeds and things to give such directions and/or to take such steps as may be necessary or desirable for the purpose of giving effect to this Scheme or to any modification thereof, including any directions for settling any question or doubt or difficulty whatsoever that may arise in relation to the Scheme. 14. Dissolution of transferor company without winding-up Upon this Scheme being sanctioned by the High Court under Section 394 of the Act and on its becoming effective, the Transferor Company shall be dissolved without winding up with effect from the Appointed Date, or such other date as may be fixed by the High Court. 15. Scheme conditional on approvals / sanctions This Scheme is conditional upon and subject to: 15.1 the approval of the shareholders of both the Transferor and Transferee Company by requisite majority and the sanction of the Court being accorded to the Scheme. 15.2 the requisite resolution(s) under the applicable provisions of the said Act being passed by the shareholders of the Transferee Company for any of the matters provided for or relating to the Scheme including approval to the
(dlxxxiv) issue and allotment of Equity Shares in the Transferee Company to the members of the Transferor Company, as may be necessary or desirable. 15.3 the sanction of the High Court of Judicature at _____ under Section 391 and 394 of the said Act, in favour of the Transferor Company and the Transferee Company and to the necessary Order or Orders under Section 394 of the said Act, being obtained. 16. Effect of non-receipt of approvals / sanctions In the event of any of the said sanctions and approvals not being obtained and/or the Scheme not being sanctioned by the High Court and/or the Order or Orders not being passed as aforesaid on or before the ______ or within such further period or periods as may be agreed upon between the Transferor Company and the Transferee Company through their respective Boards of Directors, the Scheme shall become null and void and each party shall bear and pay its respective costs, charges and expenses for and/or in connection with the Scheme of Amalgamation. 17. Expenses connected with the scheme All costs, charges and expenses of the Transferor Company and the Transferee Company respectively in relation to or in connection with this Scheme and of carrying out and completing the terms and provisions of this Scheme and/or incidental to the completion of amalgamation of the said Undertaking of the Transferor Company in pursuance of this Scheme shall be borne and paid solely by the Transferee Company. For _________ Limited ___________________ Director C. DOCUMENTATION FOR MERGER-DEMERGER The following are the documents that are required in the process of merger/amalgamation as per the prescribed formats: Summons in Form No. 33 prescribed in the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959, for High Courts directions to convene general meetings of shareholders/ class of shareholders/creditors/debenture holders, under Section 391 [Rule 67 of the Companies (Court) Rules]. Affidavit in Form No. 34 in support of the summons [Rule 67]. Notice in Form No. 36 prescribed in the Companies (Court) Rules, for convening general meetings of share-holders/class of shareholders/ debenture holders/creditors, etc. on a direction of the High Court under Section 391 of the companies Act [Rule 73]; Form of proxy in Form No. 37 prescribed in the Companies (Court) Rules, to be issued to the shareholders etc. for voting through proxy at the general meeting, if allowed by the Articles of Association of the company [Rule 73]; Advertisement of notice of meeting in Form No. 38 [Rule 74]; Report of the result of the meeting in Form No. 39 prescribed in the
(dlxxxv) Companies (Court) Rules, to the High Court, by chairman of the general meeting called on the direction of the High Court [Rule 78]. Form No. 23, along with which the certified true copies of the resolutions passed at the general meeting of shareholders are filed with the concerned Registrar of Companies for registration under Section 192 of the Companies Act. Petition to High Court in Form No. 40 prescribed in the Companies (Court) Rules, under Section 394 of the Companies Act, to confirm the scheme of merger/demerger. [Rule 79] Form No. 21 prescribed in the Companies (Central Governments) General Rules & Forms, 1956, for giving notice to the concerned Registrar of Companies, of the order of the High Court directing the holding of general meeting of the shareholders of the company, on the companys application under section 391 of the Companies Act, 1956. SPECIMEN APPLICATION TO DISPENSE WITH GENERAL MEETING IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT __________ (ORIGINAL JURISDICTION) C.A. NO.________ of 201_ _ _ In the matter of Companies Act (1 of 1956) And In the matter of Scheme of Amalgamation of ________ Limited with __________ Limited. Applicant / Transferee Company Affidavit filed on behalf of the Applicant I, ___________, son of Mr.________, Hindu, aged about __ years, residing at_________________, do hereby solemnly affirm and sincerely state as follows: 1. I am the Managing Director of ___________- Limited (hereinafter referred to as the Applicant / Transferee Company). I am duly authorised by a resolution of the Board of Directors of the Applicant Company passed on _____________ to file this Affidavit on behalf of the Applicant Company. I am well aware of the facts of the case. 2. I state that ________ Limited (the Transferee Company) was incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 on the _____ as a private limited company under the name and style of _________ Private Limited. Subsequently the Transferee Company became a public limited company on _________. The Registered office of the Transferee Company is situated at ______________. 3. The Authorized Share Capital of the Transferee Company as per the Balance Sheet as at _________ is Rs.__________/- divided into
(dlxxxvi) __________ Equity Shares of Rs.__/- each. The Issued, Subscribed and Paid-up Capital of the Transferee Company is Rs.__________/- divided into ___________ Equity Shares of Rs.___/- each. The Transferee company is engaged in the business of _____________. The Applicant Company has ____ shareholders as on date. 4. The main objects of the Transferee Company are set out in the Memorandum of Association annexed hereto. They are briefly: (i) (ii) 5. The financial year of the Transferee Company ends on the 31 day of March every year. A true copy of the audited accounts of the Transferee Company st for the year ending 31 March 2001 is filed herewith. 6. I state that the ___________ Private Limited (Transferor Company) was incorporated on the __________ as a private limited company under the name and style of __________ Private Limited. The Transferor Company became a public company on ___________ and its name was changed to _________ Limited on __________. The Registered office of the Transferor Company is situated at _______________. 7. The Authorized Share Capital of the Transferor Company as per the Balance Sheet as at __________ is Rs.________/- divided into _________ Equity Shares of Rs.__/- each and _________ __% cumulative convertible preference shares of Rs.___/- each. The issued, subscribed and paid-up capital of the Transferor Company is Rs.___________/- divided into ____________ Equity Shares of Rs.___/- each and __________ Redeemable Preference Shares of Rs.____/- each. The Transferor Company is presently engaged in the business of ______________. 8. I state that the Board of Directors of the Transferor Company and the Transferee Company have at their respective meeting held on the __________ considered and approved a Scheme of Amalgamation of __________ Limited, the Transferor Company with ___________ Limited (the Transferee Company). A copy of the said scheme of Amalgamation is attached. 9. I state that the Transferor and Transferee are primarily engaged in the similar type of business viz. the business of _____________. The members of the Transferee Company and their relatives hold more than __% of the capital of the Transferor Company. The proposed scheme of amalgamation is expected to synergise the operations of Transferor and Transferee Companies, which would result in increased efficiency, better utilisation of the pooled administrative, managerial and financial position by one large company as compared with two companies. The merger of both the companies would improve the performance of the combined entity and the further integration of activities of both the companies, would also result in_______________ which could be leveraged for raising additional capital for securing trade on more favourable terms. Further the proposed scheme of Amalgamation will result in reduction of overheads, administrative and
(dlxxxvii) operational costs and avoid duplication of expenditure by both Companies. The proposed amalgamation will enable a pooling of the financial, production, manufacture and distribution of resources of both the Companies to their best advantages. The integration of production, management and staff of both the Companies will produce a strong and versatile organisation and lead to increased efficiency. 10. The Salient features of the Scheme are as under: [Only broad heading have been given here. These may be explained in brief, by the company concerned.] 1. "The Appointed Date" 2. Transfer of Undertaking 3. Legal Proceedings 4. Operative Date Of The Scheme 5. Transferor Companys Staff, Workmen and Employees 6. Issue of Shares by the Transferee Company 7. Applications to High Court 8. Dissolution of Transferor Company Without Winding-Up 11. I state that the transferor and transferee companies are doing well. The Transferor Company had made pre-tax profits of Rs.___ Crores during 201_-201_. The Transferee Company had made pretax profits of Rs.___ st Crores during 201_-201__. Its reserves and surplus as on 31 March 201__ were Rs.____ Crores. I state that the assets of the Transferor Company as well as the Transferee Company are more than adequate to meet their respective liabilities. 12. I further state that the Transferee Company will be in a position to discharge all the binding obligations of the Transferor Company and no prejudice will be caused to any creditor to the Transferor Company and Transferee Company. A list of sundry creditors (other than secured creditors) as at 31/03/201__ of the Transferee Company is annexed herewith. A list of its secured creditors as at 31/03/201__ of the Transferee Company is annexed. The Transferee Company has sent letters to the secured creditors informing them about the proposed merger. A copy of the said letter is also enclosed. 13. I state that no investigation proceedings are pending against the Transferor Company and the Transferee Company under sections 235 to 251 or any other provisions of the Companies Act, 1956. The Transferee Company and Transferor Company are not registered under the provisions of MRTP Act, 1969. 14. I state that the Applicant Company has ___ equity shareholders only. There are no outside shareholders involved in the Transferee Company. All the ___ equity shareholders of the Company have approved the Scheme of Amalgamation and have filed affidavits to this effect. The affidavits are filed herewith.
(dlxxxviii) 15. I respectfully submit that under these circumstances it may not be necessary to convene a meeting of the shareholders since the conclusion of such meeting is already foregone. The convening of the meeting of the shareholders, advertisement and issue of notices thereof will involve disproportionate expenditure of money and time. I respectfully submit that it is in the interests of the Applicant Company concerned and in the interests of its shareholders as well that the needless expenditure could be avoided, especially since one of the purposes of the amalgamation itself is to avoid duplication of expenditure by the Company. 16. It is therefore just and necessary that this Honble Court may be pleased to dispense with the convening and holding of the meeting of the equity shareholders of the Transferee Company and pass such further orders as this Honble Court may deem fit and proper in the circumstances of the case and thus render justice. Solemnly affirmed at __________ this the name in my presence. Form No. 38 SPECIMEN ADVERTISEMENT OF CONVENING OF GENERAL MEETING IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT _________ (ORIGINAL JURISDICTION) Company Application No.____ of 201__ In the matter of Section 391 of the Companies Act, 1956 And In the matter of Scheme of Amalgamation of_______ Ltd. with______ Ltd. _________________Ltd., a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at__________________ ___________Applicant Notice convening Meeting of Equity Shareholders (Specimen-I) Notice is hereby given that by an order dated the _______ day of _________ 200--, the Court has directed a meeting to be held of the equity shareholders of the Applicant Company for the purpose of considering, and if thought fit, approving, with or without modification, the Scheme of Amalgamation proposed to be made between the Applicant Company and __________ Limited. [Only broad headings have been given here. These may be given here in brief, by the company concerned.] In pursuance of the said order and as directed therein, further notice is hereby given that a meeting of the equity shareholders of the said company will be held at__________ on ____ (enter the day) the ______ day (enter the date) of ____ 201_ day of ________ and signed his
(dlxxxix) (enter the year) at ______ (enter the time) at which time and place the said equity shareholders are requested to attend. Copies of the Scheme of Amalgamation and of the Statement under Section 393 of the Companies Act, 1956 can be had free of charge at the Registered Office of the Company at __________ (enter the address), or at the office of its advocates M/s.______________ (enter the name(s) of the advocate) at ________________ (enter the address of the advocates). Persons entitled to attend and vote at the meeting may vote in person or by proxy, provided that all proxies in the prescribed form are deposited at the Registered Office of the company at __________ (enter the address) not later than 48 hours before the meeting. The quorum for the meeting shall be ____ (check the Articles and write accordingly) members present in person or by proxy. Forms of proxy can be held at the Registered Office of the company. The Court has appointed Mr.___________, Managing Director of the company as the Chairman of the meeting. The above mentioned Scheme of Amalgamation, if approved by the meeting, will be subject to the subsequent approval of the Court. Dated at_______ this___ day of______, 201-Sd/_____________(enter the name), Chairman appointed for the meeting. SPECIMEN NOTICE OF MEETING OF EQUITY EXPLANATORY STATEMENT (SPECIMEN-II) Form No. 36 IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT _________ (ORIGINAL JURISDICTION) Company Application No.____ of 201__ In the matter of Companies Act, 1956 And In the matter of Scheme of Amalgamation of______ Ltd. with ______ Ltd. _________________Co. Ltd., an existing company under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its registered office at__________________ ___________Applicant Notice Convening Meeting To Equity shareholders, TAKE NOTICE that by an order made on ___ day of ________ 201_, the Court has directed that a meeting of the equity shareholders of the company be held at SHAREHOLDERS AND
(dxc) ____________ on ___day the ____ day of _____ 201_ at ____ AM/PM for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving, with or without modification, the Scheme of Amalgamation proposed to be made between the Applicant Company and _________ Limited. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that in pursuance of the said order, a meeting of the equity shareholders of the Applicant Company will be held at ______________ on ____day the ____ day of _____ 201__ at ____ AM when you are requested to attend. TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that you may attend and vote at the said meeting in person or by proxy, provided that a proxy in the prescribed form, duly signed by you, is deposited at the registered office of the company at ____________ not later than 48 hours before the meeting. The quorum for the meeting shall be 5 members present in person or by proxy. The Court has appointed Mr.___________, Managing Director of the Applicant Company to be the Chairman of the said meeting. A copy each of the Scheme of Amalgamation, the statement under Section 393 of the Companies Act, 1956 and a form of proxy and attendance slip are enclosed. Dated at _________ this ____ 201_. Sd/_____________, Chairman appointed for the meeting. Note: All alterations made in the form of Proxy should be initialed. EXPLANATORY STATEMENT UNDER SECTION 393 OF THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT _________ (ORIGINAL JURISDICTION) Company Application No.____ of 201__ In the matter of Sections 391 to 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 And In the matter of Scheme of Amalgamation of_______ Ltd. with______ Ltd. ____________Ltd. Applicant Company 1. The Scheme The Scheme of Amalgamation (hereinafter called the Scheme or this Scheme as the context may admit) provides for the amalgamation of your company the _________ Limited, incorporated under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956,
(dxci) on ________, with its registered office at __________ (herein referred as your company and in the Scheme as the Transferor Company) with _____ Limited, a company incorporated under the provisions of Companies Act, 1956 having its registered office at ____________ (hereinafter called the Transferee Company) pursuant to the relevant provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 (hereinafter called the said Act). 2. Approval of Board of Directors The Board of Directors of your company approved the said scheme of amalgamation on __________ and the Board of Directors of the Transferee Company had approved the scheme on __________. 3. Salient Features of the Scheme (a) As per the said scheme, the scheme shall operate from the _______, known as the Appointed Date. However the Scheme will be effective only after the dates on which certified copies of the order(s) of the High Court of Judicature at Madras sanctioning the Scheme are registered by the Registrar of Companies, Tamilnadu and the last of the said dates is known as "The Effective Date". (b) When the Scheme becomes effective, the scheme provides for transfer and vesting of the entire undertaking of your company with the Transferee Company (Clause 3) and for continuation of contracts, etc, executed by your company (Clause 4) and also continuation of legal proceedings by or against your company (Clause 6). The employees of your company will become the employees of the Transferee Company (Clause 8). Until the effective date, your company will be carrying on its business in trust for the Transferee Company (Clause 9). (c) The Transferee Company will issue equity shares of Rs.10/- each credited as fully paid up to all the members of your company who remain as members on a record date which will be fixed by the Transferee Company after the effective date. The ratio for such issue of shares is 1:3 (Clause 10) as per details furnished in the paragraph given hereunder with the title Exchange Ratio. (d) Clause 13 of the Scheme provides for dissolution of your company without winding up. 4. Objectives and Benefits of the Scheme (a) Both companies are primarily engaged in the business of manufacture________. The Transferor Company ___________ to the Transferee Company. The Transferee Company transfers electric power generated from its windmill to your company. (b) The Scheme permits the companies to take advantage of the natural synergy in their operations. This would result in increased efficiency, better utilization of the pooled administrative, managerial and financial position by one large company as compared with two companies. (c) The merger of both the companies would improve the performance of the combined entity and there is further scope for integration of activities of both the companies. Such integration would also result in creation of a big firm in
(dxcii) the ______ industry, which could be leveraged for raising additional capital for securing trade on more favourable terms. (d) Further the scheme will result in reduction of overheads, administrative and operational costs and avoid duplication of expenditure by both companies. The scheme will enable pooling of the financial, production, manufacture and distribution of resources of both the companies to their best advantages. The integration of production, management and staff of both the companies will produce a strong and versatile organisation and leading to increased efficiency. 5. Valuation of Shares of both the Companies and Exchange Ratio The valuation of shares of both the companies have been carried out by_______________ Private Limited, who are experts in the relevant field and as per their recommendation, the Board of Directors of both the companies have approved an exchange ratio 1:3 meaning issue of 1 (one) equity share of Rs.10/- each of the Transferee Company, credited as fully paid up in the capital of the Transferee Company for every 3 (three) fully paid up equity shares of Rs.10/- each of your company held by those members of your company who hold such shares as per the Register of Members of your company on a record date to be fixed by the Transferee Company after the Effective Date. The Transferee Company will issue one redeemable preference share of Rs.10/- each of the Transferee Company credited as fully paid up in the capital of the Transferee Company for 1 (one) redeemable preference share of Rs.100/- each of your company held by preference shareholders of your company on such record date. 6. Memorandum of Disclosure of Interest In the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Applicant company, the scheme of amalgamation is in the interest of the Applicant company and neither the rights and interests of the Applicant company nor the rights and interests of its members and creditors are likely to be prejudicially affected in any manner whatsoever by the proposed scheme of amalgamation. 7. No Objection of Secured Creditors Separate letters have been sent to secured creditors of both the companies for their approval of the scheme and most of them have given their in-principle oral sanction to the scheme as the scheme offers benefits of consolidation. 8. Further Statutory Formalities The scheme is subject to consent to be accorded by members of both the companies. The members of the Transferee Company being only___________ (__________ in words_________) in number have given their consent in the form of affidavits. The Honble High Court of Judicature at__________ has directed the holding this Meeting of your company as per agenda and information given in the notice of the meeting for securing your consent. Further the scheme is subject to sanction by the Honble _______High Court and registration with Registrar of Companies. Dated at __________ this _____ 201_.
(dxciii) Enclosed a copy of the scheme of amalgamation. Sd/_________, Chairman appointed for the meeting. SPECIMEN NOTICE SECTION 391 TO CREDITORS REGARDING PETITION UNDER
IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT MUMBAI Ordinary Civil Jurisdiction Company Petition No.__________ of___________ Company Application No.__________ of___________ In the matter of Sections 391 and 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 And In the matter of Scheme of Amalgamation between A Limited and B Limited A Limited a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, having its registered office at__________ _______Petitioner Notice to Creditors PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that a Petition under Sections 391 and 394 of the Companies Act, 1956, for sanction of the Scheme of Amalgamation of the Petitioner Company with B Limited presented by the Petitioner Company on the_________, was admitted on the____________ day of__________, _________, and that the said Petition is fixed for hearing before the Learned Judge taking company matters on_________ day the_________ day of_______, _______at _____A.M./P.M. By the said Order dated__________, the Honble Court has directed notice of hearing of the Petition to be given to you as a Creditor of the Petitioner Company having a Claim against us for Rs.___________ If you desire to support or oppose the said Petition at the hearing, you should give notice thereof in writing to us or to our Advocates, ________, having their office at_________, not later than four days before the date fixed for hearing of the Petition and appear on the aforesaid date either in person or by an Advocate entitled to practice in this Honble Court. If you are desirous of opposing the said Petition, a copy of your affidavit should be presented with your notice. A copy of the Petition will be furnished by our Advocates to you on payment of the prescribed charges for the same. Dated this________ Yours faithfully, For___________ Limited
(dxciv) __________________ Director SPECIMEN NOTICE CONVENING MEETING OF UNSECURED CREDITORS IN THE CASE OF A SCHEME OF COMPROMISE OR ARRANGEMENT (NOT BEING AMALGAMATION) In the High Court of Judicature At Bombay Ordinary Original Civil Jurisdiction Company Application No.__________ of___________ In the matter of Section 391 of the Companies Act, 1956 (Act 1 of 1956) And In the matter of____________ Private Limited And In the matter of Scheme of Compromise/Arrangement between _________Private Limited and its Unsecured Creditors. ________Private Limited, a company incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956 and having its Registered Office at____________. ________Applicant Notice Convening Meeting of Unsecured Creditors To, Unsecured Creditors of the Applicant Company Take notice that by an order made on the _____ day of________ 201__ the Honble High Court of Judicature at________ has directed that a meeting of the Unsecured Creditors of the Applicant Company be held at______ 201___ on_____, the_____ day of_______ 201___ at_____ p.m. for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit approving, with or without modifications, the compromise/arrangement proposed to be made between the said Applicant Company and its Unsecured Creditors. Take further notice that in pursuance of the said order a meeting of the Shareholders of the Company will be held at_________ on_____, the_____ day of_______ 201___ at_____ a.m. when you are requested to attend. Take further notice that you may attend and vote at the said meeting in person or by proxy, provided that a proxy in the prescribed form, duly signed by you, is deposited at the Registered Office of the Company at___________, not later than 48 hours before the meeting.
(dxcv) This Court has appointed_________ and failing him, Mr.________ to be the Chairman of the said meeting. A copy each of the Scheme of compromise/Arrangement, the statement under Section 393 and a form of proxy is enclosed. Dated this_____ day of_______ 201___. Sd/__________ Chairman appointed for the meeting Note: All alterations made in the form of proxy should be initiated. SPECIMEN ADMISSION SLIP IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT__________ (ORIGINAL JURISDICTION) C.A. No.____ of 2003 In the matter of Companies Act (Act 1 of 1956) And In the matter of Scheme of Amalgamation of X Limited with Y Limited. ________Applicant Please complete the Admission Slip and hand it over at the entrance of the Meeting Hall. Full name of member attending____________ Name of Proxy____________ (To be filled in if Proxy Form has been duly deposited with the Company) I hereby record my presence at the Meeting of the Company held on _____ ____ 201__ pursuant to the Order dated ___________ of the Honble High Court of Judicature at________. REG. FOLIO NO. NO. OF SHARES NAME OF THE SHAREHOLDER (IN BLOCK LETTERS) SIGNATURE OF THE SHAREHOLDER OR PROXY ------------------------------------------------- Cut here -------------------------------------------------Form No. 37 FORM OF PROXY IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE AT_______ (ORIGINAL JURISDICTION)
(dxcvi) C.A. No.____ of 2003 In the matter of Sections 391(1) & 393 of the Companies Act (Act 1 of 1956) And In the matter of Scheme of Amalgamation of X Limited with Y Limited. __________________________ Applicant / Transferor Company I ____________________ the undersigned as equity shareholder of the above company hereby appoint ___________________ of ______________ and failing him ________________ of __________, as my proxy, to act for me at the meeting of the equity shareholders to be held at ___________ on _____ the ____ day of ____ 201__ at ____ AM/PM for the purpose of considering and, if thought fit, approving, with or without modification, the Scheme of Amalgamation proposed to be made between the Applicant Company and __________ Limited and at such meeting and any adjournment thereof, to vote, for me and in my name _______ [Here, if for insert for, if against insert against and in the later case, strike out the words below the word Amalgamation] the said Scheme of Amalgamation either with or without modification as my proxy may approve. Dated at ____________ this ______ day of ___________ 201_.
Revenue Stamp
Notes: (1) Please affix appropriate stamp before putting signature. (2) The proxy must be deposited at the Registered Office of____________Ltd. not less than 48 hrs. before the time for holding the meeting. SPECIMEN BALLOT PAPER FOR VOTING AT A MEETING CONVENED UNDER SECTION 391 A Limited Registered Offce:____________ Meeting of the Shareholders on _________ day, ________, at ____ a.m. Ballot Paper Item: Amalgamation of A Limited and B Limited Notes: 1. A member present in person or by proxy, is entitled to vote. 2. Please fill in all correct details before casting vote/s. 3. One share carries one vote only.
Full name of shareholder (Beginning with first name) Ledger Folio Number Name of Proxy/Corporate Representative
: : :
IN THE HIGH COURT OF JUDICATURE OF ________ (ORIGINAL JURISDICTION) C.P.No.___ of 201__ (Connected with C.A. No.___ of 201_) In the matter of Companies Act (Act 1 of 1956) And In the matter of Scheme of Amalgamation of ______ Limited with ____ Limited _________________________ Petitioner/Transferor Company. ____________Limited Rep. By its Managing Director, Mr._____________ FORM No.5 NOTICE OF PETITION A petition under Sections 391 and 394 of the Companies Act, 1956 for sanctioning the Scheme of Amalgamation of the Petitioner Company with ________ Limited was presented by the Petitioner Company on the _________ and the said petition is fixed for hearing before the Company Judge on _______. Any person desirous of supporting or opposing the said petition should send to the Petitioners advocates, notice of his intention, signed by him or his advocate with his name and address, so as to reach the Petitioners advocates not later than 2 days before the date fixed for the hearing of the petition. Where he seeks to oppose the petition, the grounds of opposition or a copy of the affidavit shall be furnished with such notice. A copy of the petition will be furnished by the undersigned to any person requiring the same on payment of the prescribed charges for the same.
(dxcviii) Dated at ________ this the ____ day of ___ 201__. _____________________ _____________________ (Advocates for Petitioner) _____________ (Address) _____________________. Specimens of some of the above forms are given hereunder specimen important resolutions and outlines for agreement are given hereunder. Mergers and Acquisitions Specimen Resolutions and Agreements for Miscellaneous Purposes BOARD RESOLUTIONS I. Approval of merger of ABC Limited with XYZ Limited: The Chairman informed the Board that ABC Ltd. company (enter the name of the company) and XYZ Ltd. company is in the business of manufacturing _________, which is similar to the objects of our company and are group companies. He further added that in order to integrate and synergise the operations of the company it is necessary to merge the said company with our company. The Chairman also brought to the notice of the directors the following important observations: The inter company transactions between ABC Ltd. and XYZ Ltd. companies for___________ (enter the advantages) and other provisions for transport, IT and allied services would get obviated. The combined turnover of the merged entity would be of the order of Rs._____ crores. The merged entitys workforce would stand at around_________ (no. of employees) on direct employment. The merged entitys paid up capital would be above Rs.____ crores. The fixed assets of the merged entity would be around Rs.____ crores. The merged entity would own the trademarks__________ (enter the trademarks name), which are at present owned by the company. The merged entity will get better ranking in national level in terms of size and profits. The strength of the combined entity will give better opportunities for leverage. The Chairman also brought to the notice of the Board the fact that major shareholdings of both the companies are more or less in the same group. As regards statutory and other formalities, the Chairman said that the merger would require compliance of the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and the Income Tax Act, 1961. Merger would also require the sanction of______ High Court. The Board resolved as follows:
(dxcix) WHEREAS ABC Ltd. (enter this co.s name) was incorporated on__________ and registered as a company under the Companies Act, 1956 WHEREAS XYZ Ltd. (enter the other co.s name) was incorporated on________ and registered as a company under the Companies Act, 1956 WHEREAS the main objects of ABC Ltd. is among others to carry on all activities related to______ (enter the description of the main business), which are consistent with the main objects of XYZ Ltd WHEREAS the major shareholdings of ABC Ltd. and XYZ Ltd. are more or less with the same group WHEREAS the merger of ABC Ltd. and XYZ Ltd. would improve the performance of the combined entity and reduce administrative and operational costs in view of the further scope for integration of activities of both ABC Ltd. and XYZ Ltd. and would also result in creation of a big firm in the_______ industry. BOARD RESOLVED THAT Approval of the Board of Directors of the Company be and is hereby granted for the merger of ABC Ltd. with XYZ Ltd. in accordance with the provisions of Section 391 read with Section 394 of the Companies Act, 1956. The merger shall take effect from __________. M/s.___________, Company Secretaries, be and are hereby appointed the consultants for handling the proposed merger and all the related matters arising there from and they are further authorised to prepare the draft scheme of merger, appoint advocates, representatives and other persons as they may deem fit and to do all acts, deeds and things for giving effect to merger of ABC Ltd. with XYZ Ltd. Approval of the Board of Directors be and is hereby accorded for the appointment of M/s.___________ to act as experts to carry out valuation of shares of ABC Ltd. and XYZ Ltd. and fix the exchange ratio. Approval of the Board of Directors be and is hereby accorded for the appointment of Mr.________, Advocates, ________ for representing the company before the Honble ____ High Court, inter alia, for obtaining the sanction of the said High Court and for connected matters until dissolution of the transferor company. Mr.________, Managing Director and Mr._______, Director & Company Secretary be and are hereby severally authorised to carry out the requirements for the merger, including but not limited to the following activities: Signing of the scheme of merger. Making application and affidavit to the High Court for convening meetings of members. Issue of notices of meetings of directors and general meeting of members of the company. Filing reports.
(dc) Publication of statutory advertisements. Fixing professional fees and charges. Appointing advocates, consultants and other professionals; and Such other acts, deeds and things as may from time to time be required for the purpose of giving effect to the merger of ABC Ltd. with XYZ Ltd. Appointment of Share Valuers for the said merger: RESOLVED THAT the approval of the Board of Directors accorded for the appointment of M/s.________________, _____________ to act as the Share Valuers of the Company to calculate the exchange ratio for shares to be issued by the transferee company to the shareholders of the transferor company which forms the consideration for the shareholders of the transferor company, and that they shall furnish the report to the Board on the same. Appointment of consultants, advocates and advisers for handling merger matters: The Chairman informed the Board that it also necessary to appoint an expert for consultancy matters in the proposed merger. He further stated that a scheme of arrangement and other related documents should be presented before the High Court for the proposed merger. The Chairman added that M/s.______ & Co., Company Secretaries, being a reputed firm, having experience in company law, legal and restructuring matters could be appointed the consultants of the company for the assisting the company in handling the proposed merger. The Board had a detailed discussion and passed the following resolution: RESOLVED THAT M/s.__________, Company Secretaries, be and are hereby appointed as the consultants for handling the proposed merger and all the related matters arising therefrom and they are further authorised to appoint advocates, representatives and other persons as they may deem fit and to do all acts, deeds and things in the proposed merger of the company. Resolution of Board of acquiring company for increase of capital RESOLVED THAT with a view to the acquisition of [part of] the undertaking of (target company) [being the part known as the (specify) manufacturing division] the capital of the company be increased to Rs by the creation of (number) [preference] shares of (amount) each [and (number) ordinary shares of (amount) each]. II. Specimen outlines of the agreement for the purchase of shares in exchange for an issue of shares and/or loan THIS AGREEMENT is made the.. day of Between: (1) (name of company) whose registered office is at (address) (the Purchaser) and (2) the persons whose respective names and addresses are set out in the Schedule column 1 (the Target Shareholders). NOW IT IS AGREED as follows:
(dci) 1. Definitions In this agreement: 1.1 the Target Company means (name of company) whose registered office is at (address). 1.2 the Target Shares means all the issued (specify class) shares of (amount) each in the Target Company. 1.3 the Consideration Shares means the (specify class) shares of (amount) each in the Purchaser set out in the Schedule column 3. 2. Recital The Target Shareholders are the registered holders of the Target Shares in the proportions set out in the Schedule column 2. 3. Sale and purchase The Target Shareholders and the Purchaser agree for the sale by the Target Shareholders and the purchase by the Purchaser of the Target Shares in consideration of the issue and allotment by the Purchaser of the Consideration Shares to the Target Shareholders. 4. Completion 4.1 The sale and purchase shall be completed at the office of (specify) on (date). 4.2 On completion: 4.2.1 the Target Shareholders will deliver to the Purchaser duly executed transfers of the Target Shares together with the share certificates for the Target Shares. 4.2.2 the Purchaser will issue and allot the Consideration Shares to the Target Shareholders. 5. General 5.1 The Target Shareholders and the Purchaser shall procure that such resolutions of the Target Company and of the Purchaser and of their respective boards of directors shall be passed and shall make or do or procure to be made or done such other deeds, acts or things as may be necessary or appropriate to implement the terms of this agreement. 5.2 The Target Shareholders waive any rights of pre-emption in respect of the target shares contained in the articles of association of the Target Company. Schedule Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Names and addresses of Number of Target Shares Number of Consideration shareholders Shares (specify) (specify) (specify) [signature of (or on behalf of) the parties] III. Resolution of the Board of Directors of the acquiring company allotting the
(dcii) consideration shares RESOLVED THAT pursuant to an agreement (the Agreement) for the acquisition of the undertaking of (target company) dated (date) and made between (1) the Company and (2) the persons whose names and addresses appear in the Schedule to the Agreement (the Target Shareholders) (number) fully paid up ordinary shares of (amount) each and (number) fully paid up preference shares of (amount) each in the capital of the Company be allotted to each of the Target Shareholders as specified below as consideration for the acquisition and that the company secretary be directed to register the Target Shareholders as the respective holders of such shares, to prepare and issue to the Target Shareholders duly executed share certificates in the respective names of the Target Shareholders in respect of such shares and to file a copy of the Agreement together with a notice of such allotment in the prescribed form with ROC: Names and addresses of Target Shareholders Number of Equity Shareholders Number of Preference Shareholders
D. TAKEOVERS A takeover may be defined as a corporate strategy whereby an individual or a group of individuals or a company acquires control over the management of a company by acquiring majority of its shares. Simply stated, a takeover is acquisition of shares in a company carrying voting rights with a view to gaining control over the management of the company. Transferor company Documents involved Offer of a scheme or contract from the transferee company. Irrevocable letter of underwriting from shareholders in transferor company to accept the offer made by the transferee company. Form of acceptance of offer. Agreement between the acquiring company and shareholders holding majority of the shares. (Specimen agreement) Notice of Board meeting Minutes of Board meeting. Notice for general meeting. e-Form No. 35A (to be circulated to members). Minutes of the general meeting. Court order, if any. Register of Share Transfers. Register of Members Notice sent by the transferee company to dissenting shareholders, of acquiring their shares, in Form No. 35. Duly filled in and executed instrument(s) of transfer for shares held by the dissenting shareholders.
(dciii) Bank Pass Book or Statement of Account in respect of the amount deposited in the special bank account to be kept in trust for the dissenting shareholders. Annual Return. The other documents that are involved are: (a) Balance Sheet as at the date of the take-over supported by an affidavit from all the directors. (b) Indemnity bond from outgoing directors. (c) Resolutions passed by the Company for (i) transfer of shares (ii) appointment of new directors (iii) acceptance of resignation of directors (outgoing) and (iv) change in signatories (d) Execution of special power of attorney to be granted by the transferor of shares, if the shares are to be transferred after the expiry of a certain period. Transferee company Documents involved Offer of a scheme or contract to the transferor company. Notice of Board meeting. Agreement between the acquiring company and shareholders holding majority of the shares of the transferor company. Minutes of Board meeting. Notice for general meeting. Minutes of the general meeting. Court order, if any. Notice to dissenting shareholders of the transferor company for acquiring their shares, in Form No. 35. Duly filled in and executed instrument(s) of transfer for shares held by the dissenting shareholders. Register of Investments. Letter of Authority to its receiving bankers. Letter of responsibility from a director of the company. Power of attorney from director in favour of other directors. E. TAKEOVER DOCUMENTS FOR LISTED COMPANIES Takeover of companies whose securities are listed on one or more recognised stock exchanges in India is regulated by the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956, Listing Agreements signed with various stock exchanges and the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997. Legal documents required for takeover under SEBI Regulations
(dciv) (1) Disclosure to all the stock exchanges of the aggregate number of shares held by any person, which would entitle him to more than five per cent or ten per cent or fourteen per cent or 54% or 74% shares or voting rights in the company. (2) Yearly disclosures to all the stock exchanges of the changes, if any, in respect of the holdings of the persons referred to in regulation 8(1) and also holdings of promoters or person(s) having control over the company as on 31st March. (3) Register to record the specified information received by the company under Regulations 6(3), 7(1) and 8(2). (4) Public announcement (a) to acquire shares or voting rights entitling an acquirer to exercise fifteen per cent or more of the voting rights in a company. (b) for consolidation of holdings. (c) for acquiring control over a company. (5) Contract with the SEBI-registered merchant banker for the purpose of takeover. (6) Share Purchase Agreement in the case of disinvestment of a Public Sector Undertaking, with the Central government or the State government. (7) Shareholders Agreement in the case of disinvestment of a Public Sector Undertaking. (8) Public announcement communications, for submission of copy thereof to SEBI through merchant banker, to stock exchanges and target company directly. (9) (a) Letter of offer to SEBI and to shareholders. (b) Form of Acceptance-cum-Acknowledgement (10) Post offer Public announcement (for specimen, please see Annexure XXIII at the end of this study material) (11) Offer to buy out in the case of a bail out takeover. (12) Disinvestment through an offer for sale in the case of a bail out takeover. Documents for Inspection Some of the material documents in connection with the takeover available for inspection by the public include: 1. Certificate of incorporation, Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Acquirer, in case Acquirer is a company; 2. A Chartered Accountants certificate certifying the net worth of Acquirer(s) in case Acquirer in an individual; 3. A Chartered Accountants certificate certifying the adequacy of financial resources with acquirers to fulfil the open offer obligations; 4. Audited annual reports of the Acquirer and Target company for the last three years; 5. A letter from the Bank confirming the amount kept in the escrow account and a lien in favour of MB; 6. A copy of the agreement, if any, which triggered the open offer;
(dcv) 7. A published copy of Public announcement; 8. A copy of the letter from SEBI in terms of proviso to Regulation 18(2); 9. When Escrow Account consists of approved securities, details of securities such as name, quantity, face value, paid up value, market price on the date of creation of escrow etc.; 10. A copy of the agreement entered into with Depository participant for opening a special depository account for the purpose of the offer; 11. A copy of the non-compete agreement, if any; 12. Any other relevant document(s). I. SPECIMEN IRREVOCABLE LETTER OF UNDERTAKING FROM SHAREHOLDERS IN TARGET COMPANY TO ACCEPT THE OFFER MADE BY THE OFFEROR COMPANY Dated:
(date) From: (name of shareholder) To: (name of offeror) (the Offeror) or offerors Bank [(name of bank) (the Bank)] Dear Sirs
Sub: Proposed offer for all the issued share capital of (name of company) (the Company) I refer to the proposal under which it is intended that the Bank will make an offer (the Offer) on behalf of the Offeror to acquire the entire or % of the issued equity/preference (class of shares for which the offer is made) of the above Company on the terms and subject to the conditions set out in the attached draft press announcement (the Press Announcement), together with such additional terms and conditions as may be required to comply with the requirements of the (name) Stock Exchange and the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations [SEBI Regulations]: 1. In connection with the Offer I irrevocably and unconditionally covenant and undertake with the Offeror [and as a separate covenant and undertaking with the Bank] as follows: (1) to accept (or procure acceptance of) the Offer in respect of: (i) the shares in the capital of the Company details of which are more particularly set out in the schedule below; (ii) any other shares in the Company of which I may after the date of this undertaking become beneficial owner; and (iii) any other shares in the Company attributable to or deriving from the shares referred to in paragraph (i) and (ii) above (together called the Shares) by delivering (or procuring delivery) to the Bank, so as to be received not later than the first business day [7] days after despatch of the formal document containing the Offer (the Offer Document) (or in respect of any of the Shares allotted or of which I
(dcvi) became the beneficial owner after such date the date of allotment or the date on which I became the beneficial owner of the same) forms of acceptance of the Offer duly completed in accordance with their terms together with the share certificate(s) or other document(s) of title in respect of the Shares which would at that time enable the acceptance to be counted towards fulfilling an acceptance condition in accordance with SEBI Regulations. (2) unless and until the Offer lapses or is withdrawn: (i) notwithstanding the provisions of the SEBI Regulations or of any terms of the Offer regarding withdrawal, not to withdraw the acceptance(s) referred to in paragraph 1(1) above; (ii) except pursuant to my acceptance of the Offer, not to sell, transfer or otherwise dispose of, charge, incumber or grant any option or other right over the Shares or any of them or any interest in the Shares; (iii) not to accept (conditionally or unconditionally) any other offer in respect of the Shares (by whatever means such offer is implemented); (iv) not to purchase any shares in the Company; (v) so far as not inconsistent with my duties or obligations as a director under general law, the SEBI Regulations of otherwise not to initiate any approach for the purpose of securing a competitive offer for any or all of the issued share capital of the Company; (vi) not to exercise the voting rights attached to the Shares in any manner which is likely to be prejudicial to the Offer or its outcome and, in particular but without limitation, to exercise (or procure the exercise of) the voting rights attaching to the Shares in favour of the (insert details of resolutions to be passed at forthcoming general meeting); (vii) so far as not inconsistent with any duties or obligations as a director under general law, the SEBI Insider Trading Regulations and SEBI Takeover Regulations or otherwise not to procure or enter into any agreement or arrangement with any person(s), whether conditionally or unconditionally, to do all or any of the acts referred to hereinabove. (3) to procure that any announcement made by or on behalf of me prior to the release by the Bank of the Press Announcement shall not, without the Banks consent, contain any express or implied reference to the Company or the Offeror unless required by law, the SEBI Regulations or the Stock Exchange. (4) to supply or procure the supply of, to the extent and I am able, to the Bank for inclusion in the offer document (the Offer Document) all information required to be included in it by the SEBI Regulations or Securities Contracts (Regulations) Act, 1956, SCRA Rules, 1956, the Rules and Regulations of Stock Exchange, the Companies Act, 1956 (as amended) or the SEBI Act, 1992 (as amended).
(dcvii) (5) being a director of the Company, so far as not inconsistent with my duties or obligations as a director under general law, the Code or otherwise: (i) to use my best endeavours to procure that the directors of the Company recommend acceptance of the offer to the shareholders of the Company; (ii) not to take any step to impede, prevent or delay the Offer becoming unconditional; (iii) from the date of this Undertaking to the date the Offer closes, lapses or is withdrawn, not to take any action or deliberately fail to take any action which to my knowledge might reasonably amount to or be reasonably expected to cause a breach of any condition set out in [the Appendix to] the Press Announcement; (iv) to use my reasonable endeavours to procure that the directors of the Company and the Company provides all necessary information and facilities to the Offeror and its professional advisers to enable the Offer to be made in accordance with the requirements of the Stock Exchange and the SEBI Regulations; (v) to use my reasonable endeavours to procure that, save to the extent the Offeror otherwise agrees in writing, pending the Offer becoming unconditional in all respects or lapsing or being withdrawn: (a) (so far as I am able to ensure by the exercise of my voting and other powers in relation to the Company) the business of the Company will be carried on in the ordinary and normal course and no amendment will be made to the Companys memorandum and articles of association; (b) (so far as I am able to ensure by the exercise of my voting and other powers in relation to the Company) no alteration will be made to the authorised or issued share capital of the Company or any member of the Companys Group and no options or rights shall be granted in respect of such capital (for the purposes of this sub-paragraph the Companys Group shall mean the Company and all and any subsidiaries of the Company, subsidiary having the meaning given to it under Section 4 of the Companies Act, 1956); (c) no amendments to their existing service agreements or arrangements of any nature whatever will be made by the Company with its directors or employees; (d) no dividend will be distributed or bonus will be declared, paid or made in respect of the profits or capital of the Company; and (e) no disposal of the business or any property or assets of a material amount of the Company to any person or third party will be made and no interest in the nature of a mortgage or charge on such business, property or assets will be made or effected. 2. I further covenant and undertake with the Offeror and as a separate
(dcviii) covenant and undertaking with the Bank: (i) that the Shares will be transferred pursuant to the Offer free from all liens, charged and incumbrances and with all rights attached to the Shares, including rights to all dividends declared, made or paid after the date of this Undertaking (other than as provided by the terms of the Offer); (ii) that I have full power and authority to give this covenant and undertaking in respect of all the Shares and am entitled to accept the Offer and execute any document recording acceptance of the Offer in respect of all the Shares; (iii) that I am not acting in concert with any person for the purposes of SEBI Takeover Regulations (disregarding for this purpose any person giving an irrevocable undertaking to accept the Offer or any director of the Company); (iv) that the obligations and provisions set out in this undertaking apply equally to the persons from whom I am to procure acceptance of the Offer pursuant to paragraph 1(1)(i) above and I shall procure the observance by such persons of the terms of this undertaking as if they were each specifically a party to it. I acknowledge and agree that particulars of this undertaking will be contained in the Press Announcement and the Offer Document and that this undertaking will be available for inspection during the period for which the Offer remains open for acceptance. I warrant and represent to the Offeror and as a separate warranty and representation to the Bank that: (i) as far as I am aware all statements of fact contained in the Press Announcement relating to the Company and the directors of the Company are true and accurate in all material respects and are not misleading and that all expressions of opinion, expectation and intention contained in the Press Announcement on the part of the directors of the Company are made on reasonable grounds and are honestly held and fairly based; (ii) I am the beneficial owner of the Shares and the Shares comprise of all the shares in the Company beneficially owned by me or members of my immediate family whose interests would be notifiable to the Company under the Companies Act, 1956. I recognise and acknowledge that if I should fail to accept or procure the acceptance of the Offer in accordance with my obligations in this undertaking or should otherwise be in breach of any of those obligations, damages in the form of a liquidated sum would not be adequate remedy and that an order for specific performance would be the only adequate remedy for such failure or breach. I irrevocably appoint (any director of the Bank) to be my attorney in my name or otherwise and on my behalf [subject to my being in breach of my obligations under paragraph 1(1) above] to accept the Offer and execute any form or forms of acceptance and/or transfer relating to the Offer in respect of the Shares.
(dcix) 7. The provisions of this undertaking shall (save where the context otherwise requires) not be extinguished or affected by completion of the sale and purchase of the Shares. 8. This undertaking shall be binding upon and enure for the benefit of my respective executors, administrators, heirs and successors. 9. My obligations under this undertaking will lapse if the Press Announcement is not issued within (4) days from the date of this undertaking 10. In this undertaking reference to the Offer shall include any revised offer which is at least as favourable as the Offer. 11. In relation to any of the Shares which are not in my beneficial ownership or registered in my name my obligations under this undertaking shall be read as being to procure that the obligations contained in this undertaking are complied with by the person(s) in whose name the Shares are registered. 12. Time is to be of the essence as regards any time, date or period mentioned in this undertaking or as extended by mutual agreement. 13. The covenants and undertakings contained in this undertaking and each part of them shall each be deemed to be, in respect of each of the same, entire, separate, severable and separately enforceable in the widest sense so that each covenant and undertaking and each part of them shall be deemed to be a separate covenant and undertaking notwithstanding the fact that it appears in the same paragraph, sub-paragraph or sentence as any other covenant and undertaking or is imposed by the introduction of a word or phrase conjunctively with or disjunctively from or alternatively to other words or phrases. 14. This undertaking shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of India and I irrevocably agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of Indian courts. In Witness, etc. SCHEDULE The Shares Beneficial owner Registered holder Class and number (of Shares) (insert details) (insert details) (insert details) [signatures (or common seals) of shareholder] (signatures of witnesses) Guidance Notes 1. The offer may be a partial offer for some only of the issued share capital. 2. The shareholder may insist on the inclusion of circumstances under which the undertaking will not be binding, e.g. if a higher offer is made. 3. The words in square brackets will be appropriate if the shareholder is also a director but not otherwise. 4. e.g. resolutions to appoint the offerors nominees to the target board of directors.
(dcx) 5. The words in square brackets will be appropriate if the shareholder is also a director but not otherwise. 6. The whole of clause 1(5) may be appropriate if the shareholder is also a director but will generally not be appropriate otherwise. 7. If Bank is authorised for that purpose. 8. Ibid 9. The words in square brackets will be appropriate if the shareholder is also a director but not otherwise. 10. If inappropriate, the words in square brackets should be omitted. II. FORMAT OF OFFER DOCUMENT Broadly the offer document should contain the following information: 1. Warning Statement i.e. If you are in doubt about this offer, you should consult a SEBI Registered Merchant Banker (or similar wording). 2. Definitions. 3. Index. 4. Letter from offerors merchant bank or other authorised person setting out the terms of the offer, the financial effects of acceptance and the procedure for acceptance. 5. Letter from chairman of target company. 6. Details of conditions and further terms of the offer as required by the SEBI Takeover Regulations. 7. Financial details and other information of the offeror required under the SEBI Regulations and the Stock Exchange Listing Requirements for example directors names, summary of accounts and accounting policies. 8. Financial and other information on the target required by the SEBI Regulations and the Stock Exchange Listing Requirements. 9. Information on any non-cash consideration. 10. General information, for example, directors responsibility statement, disclosure of directors interests and dealings, material contracts and other information required by the SEBI Regulations. Format of standard letter of offer is given elsewhere in this study lesson. III. SPECIMEN AGREEMENT ENTERED INTO BETWEEN THE ACQUIRER AND THE MANAGEMENT OF THE OFFEREE COMPANY
This Agreement entered at . on this .. day of .., . between .(hereinafter referred to as the acquirer) and (hereinafter referred to as the sellers i.e. the holders of controlling interest in the offeree Company). WHEREAS the acquirer is desirous of acquiring the substantial shares and takeover management of (the offeree Company);
(dcxi) AND WHEREAS the sellers holding .. Equity shares aggregating to % of the total paid up equity share capital of the offeree Company are desirous of selling their total paid up equity capital in the offeree company. Now, therefore, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: 1. The sellers agree to sell to the acquirer . Equity Shares of the Offeree Company namely . having its Registered Office at .. at a price of Rs. . per equity share aggregating to Rs. .. 2. On execution of transfer deeds for the transfer of .. equity shares of the offeree Company, the acquirer shall pay to the sellers the said consideration by cheque/demand draft. 3. The sellers agree to abide by their obligations as contained in SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 1997, as amended from time-to-time. 4. At the Board Meeting of the offeree Company at which the representatives of the acquirer will be co-opted, the following Directors of the sellers will vacate their positions as Directors by way of resignation, 5. The acquirer has represented and the sellers believe that the acquirer has adequate financial resources to acquire shares from the remaining shareholders as per the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997. 6. It is clearly understood between the parties that it will be the sole responsibility of the acquirer to comply with the provisions of the applicable laws and obtain necessary approvals wherever required. 7. It is also understood between parties that the sellers will co-operate with the acquirer in furnishing any information required for the purpose of takeover. 8. It is agreed between the parties that in case the desired level of acceptance is not received, the acquirer shall not acquire any shares under the agreement and shall rescind the offer. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this agreement on the date and year first hereinabove written. For Acquirer IN THE PRESENCE OF .. . For Sellers IN THE PRESENCE OF .
(dcxii) IV. SPECIMEN OUTLINE FORM OF ACCEPTANCE OF OFFER This document is important and requires your immediate attention. It should be read in conjunction with the accompanying offer document dated (date) (the Offer Document). If you are in any doubt as to the action you should take, you are advised to consult an adviser authorised pursuant to the SEBI Act, 1992 and Regulations made thereunder. The definitions set out in the Offer Document have the same meanings in this document. If you have sold all your shares in (name of target company), please send this Form of Acceptance and the accompanying documents and reply-paid envelope to the purchaser or to the stock-broker, bank or other agent through whom the sale was effected, for transmission to the purchaser. Form of Acceptance Offer By (name of bank) on behalf of (name of offeror company) for (name of target company) ACTION TO BE TAKEN TO ACCEPT THE OFFER Please read pages.. and of this Form of Acceptance and complete and sign page. AND THEN Send the completed Form of Acceptance [accompanied by your (target company) share certificate(s) and/or other document(s) of title] by post or by hand to (name and address of receiving bank) in either case so as to arrive as soon as possible and in any event not later than ___p.m. on (first closing date). [A reply-paid envelope is enclosed for your convenience.] If your share certificate(s) and/or other document(s) of title is/are not readily available or is/are lost, the completed Form of Acceptance should nevertheless be delivered as stated above and the document(s) of title forwarded as soon as possible after that delivery. If having decided on what action you wish to take, you have questions as to how to complete this Form of Acceptance, please contact (Insert name and address and telephone number of receiving bankers). V. FORM NO. 35
(dcxiii) Notice to dissenting shareholders Registration No. of Transferee Company... No. if any, of Transferor Company.......... THE COMPANIES ACT, 1956 [Pursuant to Section 395] ......Limited/Private Limited (hereinafter called the transferor company) Notice by.....Limited/Private Limited (hereinafter called the transferee company) To.. Whereas on the.... day of. 200 the transferee company made an offer to all the holders of... shares in the transferor company (state shortly the nature of the offer).; and Whereas up to the. day of. 200.. being a date within four months of the date of the making thereof such offer as approved by the holders of not 4 less than nine-tenths in value of the said shares, other than shares already held at the date of the offer by or by a nominee for the transferee company or its subsidiary. Now, therefore, the transferee company in pursuance of the provisions of Section 395(1) of the Companies Act, 1956 hereby gives you notice that it desires to acquire 4 the. shares held by you in the transferor company. And further take notice that unless, upon application made to the Court by you the said. on or before the. day of. 200.. being one month from the date of this notice, the court thinks fit to order otherwise, the transferor company will be entitled and bound to acquire the. shares held by you in the transferor company on the terms of the above-mentioned offer, approved by the approving.. shareholders in the said company. Signature for Designation Dated this. Day of. 200. Note: 1. Name of transferor company. 2. Name of transferee company. 3. Name(s) and address(es) of dissenting shareholder(s). 4. If the offer is limited to a certain class or classes of shareholders, state description of that class or those classes.
(dcxiv) 5. State whether Director, Managing Director, Manager or Secretary. VI. RESOLUTIONS IN RESPECT OF TAKEOVER BY OFFEROR COMPANY Offer by Offeror Company RESOLVED THAT an offer be made, to the persons who are the members of. Ltd. as on.., for acquisition of equity shares of Rs. 10/- each representing a.% of the total issued capital of the..Ltd. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT above said offer shall remain open till at a price of Rs. . each payable by cheque/DD. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT shares be accepted even if such shares in aggregate are less than the limit mentioned above and in case shares offered exceed the limit, the company shall have an option to accept or reject the same in consultation with the concerned authorities and offer will be accepted according to the order in which they are received and full shareholding of the members accepting the offer be acquired subject to abovementioned limit. Appointment of Merchant Banker RESOLVED THAT M/s . being Category-I Merchant Banker be and is hereby appointed as Merchant Banker for aforesaid public offer, on the terms and conditions as contained in the draft letter of appointment placed before the meeting duly initialed by the Chairman for the purpose of identification, for making the public announcement of the takeover offer in the newspapers, forward the same to the Securities and Exchange Board of India, Stock Exchange(s) and to the target company and to draft the Letter of Offer to be sent to the shareholders of , target company in accordance with the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 1997. Opening of Escrow Account RESOLVED THAT an Escrow Account be opened with . Bank and deposited in the said account. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT M/s, Merchant Banker, be and is hereby authorised to operate the above said account and the Bank be and is hereby authorised to act on the instructions given by M/s ., Merchant Banker, in relation to operation of bank account. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Mr. , Director of the company, be and is hereby authorised to collect and communicate the same to.Bank, the names and specimen signatures of the person authorised by M/s. .., Merchant Banker, to operate the above said bank account. General Meeting Resolution u/s 372A of the Companies Act, 1956 RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 372A and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956, Board of Directors of the company be and is hereby authorised to invest, by purchase of. equity shares of Rs. 10/- each of...Ltd. at a premium of Rs each notwithstanding the fact that
(dcxv) proposed purchase of. equity shares together with the equity shares already bought by the company exceeds 60% of the paid-up share capital and free reserves of the company. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Board of Directors of the company be and is hereby authorised to do all the needful in this regard. Board Meeting Resolution u/s 372A of the Companies Act, 1956 RESOLVED THAT pursuant to Section 372A, other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956, and authorization given by the members of the company at their meeting held on , unanimous consent of the Board of Directors be and is hereby given to invest upto . % equity shares of .. Ltd. at a price of Rs. each. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Mr. and Mr. . Directors of the company, be and are hereby severally authorised to do all the needful in this regard. Further Issue of Capital u/s 81(1A) of the Companies Act, 1956 Board Resolution for issue of Securities to the Offeree Company RESOLVED THAT subject to approval of shareholders, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 80, 81 and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956, the Articles of Association of the company and subject to the regulations/rules/guidelines issued by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (hereinafter referred to as the SEBI), Listing Agreements entered into by the company with the recognized Stock Exchanges in India where the equity shares/securities of the company are listed, Foreign Investment Promotion Board (hereinafter also referred to as FIPB), Secretariat of Industrial Assistance (hereinafter referred to as SIA), Government of India, Reserve Bank of India (hereinafter referred to as the RBI) and such approvals, permissions, sanctions and consents as may be necessary and required under applicable laws, rules, regulations, agreements and contracts on such terms, conditions, alterations, modifications, corrections, changes and variations, if any, that may be stipulated or imposed or prescribed under such approvals, permissions, sanctions and consents, which may be agreed to and accepted by the Board of Directors (which terms shall include any duly constituted and authorised committee thereof) of the company, consent and authority of the company be and is hereby accorded to the Board to create, offer, issue and allot, in one or more parts or in full or in one or more trenches, such number of equity shares and/or convertible debentures and/or non-convertible debentures and/or bonds and/or optionally convertible debenture and/or preference share and/or any other securities with or without detachable, freely tradable warrants or warrants with restrictions, with a right to acquire and be allotted equity shares on a future date and/or naked warrants and/or through Global Depository Receipts with underlying equity shares (hereinafter also referred to as GDRs) and/or American Depository Receipts with underlying equity shares (hereinafter also referred to as ADRs) (hereinafter collectively referred to as the securities of aggregate value not exceeding Rs and/or equivalent US dollars and /or any other equivalent currency, for cash on such terms and conditions and to such persons as the Board may deem fit, proper and appropriate including the existing members on rights entitlement basis, with a right of renunciation to the directors, promoters, their friends, relatives, associates, employees, Indian resident public, Non-resident Indians
(dcxvi) (hereinafter also referred to as NRI), Overseas Corporate Body/Bodies (hereinafter also referred to as OCB), development financial institutions (including state level multilateral, unilateral, development financial institutions), scheduled commercial banks, foreign/private banks, mutual funds, Foreign Institutional Investors, foreign nationals/corporate, venture capital funds whether registered in India or not or to the exclusion of any one or more of such persons by way of a public issue, including by means of book building method or otherwise and/or private placement basis/firm allotment basis/preferential allotment basis and/or any other method. VII. SPECIMEN OF BOARD MINUTES OF OFFEROR COMPANY APPROVING PRESS ANNOUNCEMENT PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE .LIMITED HELD AT A.M. ON. DATE.. AT.(ADDRESS). Directors Present: In attendance: Chairman Mr. .. was unanimously elected the chairman of the meeting. Leave of Absence Leave of absence was granted to Mr. . and Mr. due to their preoccupation elsewhere. Minutes Minutes of the last Board Meeting held on were approved and they were signed by the chairman of this meeting. Noting of proposed terms for offer The Chairman informed the Board that elaborate discussions had taken place with .. Limited (name of target company) in connection with offer to be made by ..(name of Bank) on the behalf of the company for entire issued share capital of Limited (name of target company). Thereafter, a draft offer document containing the terms and conditions for the offer was placed before the Board and the following resolution was passed: RESOLVED THAT terms of the offer as contained in draft offer document, a copy of which is placed before the Board and initialed by the Chairman for the purpose of identification, be and is hereby approved. Noting of other documents The Board took the note of the following documents, the copies of which were placed before the Board and initialed by the Chairman for the purpose of identification: (a) a draft press announcement setting out the major terms and conditions of the offer. (b) irrevocable undertakings executed by (specify the names).
(dcxvii) (c) letter from (name of lawyers) confidential guidance. (d) letter confirming availability of financing for the offer. Information by the Chairman regarding offer The Chairman informed the Board that a letter had been received by the company from the (name of the Bank) stating that the bank had considered the terms and conditions of the offer and it its view, offer was fair and reasonable. The Board took note of the same. The Chairman further informed that as per the requirements of the SEBI Regulations/listing agreement, the directors are required to be satisfied that company has sufficient resources available to satisfy full acceptance of offer and the financial position of the company should be carefully considered by the directors. After due discussion, the directors were of the opinion that the company had sufficient financial resources to meet fully, the funds requirement of offer. Approval to announcement The Chairman further informed that as per SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 1997 as amended from time to time, the announcement was required to be treated with same standard of care as if it were a prospectus. He further informed that it had been reported by all the directors that they had received a copy of the announcement and found all the terms and conditions in order. After due discussion it was: RESOLVED THAT confirmation of Board be and is hereby given that (i) all the statement of facts contained in the Announcement in relation to the company and its business and its directors are true and accurate in all material respects. (ii) All expressions, opinions, intentions or expectations in relation to the company were bona fide held and made out of a proper consideration of all material facts. (iii) There were no other facts which should have been known to the company and its directors, and were not disclosed, and which would make any statements in the announcements, misleading. (iv) Having taken all appropriate professional advice, the board of directors considered that they had complied with the requirements of the Stock Exchange and SEBI Regulations. (v) All necessary enquire, confirmations and verifications in relation to all facts stated, information given, statement made by all opinions expressed in the Announcement had been made, accordingly it was resolved [subject to receiving written confirmation from the directors of (name of target company) that they would recommend the offer to their shareholders] that the announcement be approved and that the bank be authorized to issue the announcement on (specify the date) RESOLVED FURTHER THAT Mr. .be and is hereby authorised to dispatch a copy of announcement as approved by the board.
(dcxviii) Vote of thanks There being no other business, meeting was concluded with a vote of thanks to the chair. Chairman Place: Date: VIII. SPECIMEN OF BOARD MINUTES CONSTITUTING A COMMITTEE OF OFFEROR COMPANY
PROCEEDINGS OF THE MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE LIMITED HELD AT A.M. ON. (DATE).. AT.(ADDRESS). Directors Present: 1. 2. 3. 4. In attendance: Chairman Mr. .was unanimously elected the Chairman of the meeting. Leave of Absence Leave of absence was granted to Mr. . and Mr. due to their pre-occupation elsewhere. Minutes Minutes of the last Board Meeting held on were approved and they were signed by the chairman of this meeting. Constitution of Committee The Chairman informed the Board that elaborate discussion had taken place with Limited (name of the target company) in connection with offer to be made by (name of Bank) on the behalf of the company for entire issued share capital of . Limited (name of the target company). He further appraised the need for constituting a committee of the Board to deal with the matters arising in relation to the offer. The board discussed the matter and thereafter, it was; RESOLVED THAT a committee of the Board of the Directors consisting (i) Mr. (ii) Mr. . and (iii) Mr. .. be and is hereby constituted to do or cause to be done all acts and things as such committee may deem necessary or desirable in order to carry out and effect fully the offer. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT aforesaid committee shall, inter alia, have the powers: to provide all necessary information required by (name of financial advisers) in relation to the contents of the offer document and all other relevant documents relating to the offer and to consider any revision or extension of the terms of the offer in consultation with (name of financial advisers);
(dcxix) to approve alterations to documents relating to the offer; to consider and approve the formal offer document to shareholders and all further documents, advertisements or announcements which it might consider desirable to send to shareholders of the company or otherwise or to release publicly in connection with the offer or any revision of it; to authorize it to be stated in any document, advertisement or announcement that might be issued, released or published in connection with the offer or any revision of it, that all directors of the company accept responsibility of the statements made in it; to do all necessary acts, deeds and things in relation to above said matters. Vote of Thanks There being no other business, the meeting concluded with a vote of thanks. Date: Place: CHAIRMAN
IX. SPECIMEN BOARD MINUTES OF OFFEROR APPROVING ISSUE OF OFFER DOCUMENT (Name of offeror Company) MINUTES of meeting of the Board of Directors of the above company held at (address) on (date) at (time) PRESENT: (names) LEAVE Of ABSENCE: (names) IN ATTENDANCE: (names) 1. Quorum The chairman declared that a quorum was present. 2. Leave for absence The chairman reported that apologies had been received from [name(s) of absent directors] for [his or their] absence. However it was reported to the meeting that [he or they] [was or were] aware of the subject-matter of the meeting and had discussed this matter with the directors present on (date of previous meeting) and had signed a responsibility letter and a power of attorney in the form set out in paragraph 4 below. 3. Business of the meeting It was noted that the principal purpose of the meeting was to approve the documents proposed to be entered into and/or despatched in connection with the offer (the Offer) proposed to be made by (name of bank) (the Bank) on behalf of the Company for the entire issued share capital of (name of target company) on the basis of (insert details of offer).
(dcxx) 4. Documents There were produced and tabled to the meeting the following documents: 4.1 a final draft of the offer document to be despatched to shareholders of (name of target company) by the Bank on behalf of the Company on (date) incorporating manuscript amendments and setting out the terms of the Offer and incorporating, inter alia, a letter from (name of chairman of target company) and a letter from the Bank including the terms of the Offer (the Offer Document); 4.2 the final proof of form of acceptance referred to in the Offer Document (the Form of Acceptance); 4.3 individual responsibility letters each signed by one of the directors of the Company confirming, inter alia, that they accept responsibility for the information contained in the Offer Document (the Responsibility Letters); 4.4 powers of attorney executed by each of the directors authorising any other director to approve and execute all documents and to do all acts and things necessary or desirable to implement the offer as attorney for the appointor (the Powers of Attorney); 4.5 letters from the Bank, from (name of targets financial adviser) and from (names of targets solicitors and accountants) consenting to the publication of the Offer Document and the inclusion in the Offer Document of their names (the Consent Letter); 4.6 letter from the auditors of the Company in relation to the indebtedness of the Company; 4.7 a schedule of estimated expenses to be incurred by the Company and (name of target company) in connection with the Offer as stated in the Offer Document; 4.8 a letter from (name of auditors) relating to the Companys working capital requirements; 4.9 a letter from (name of stock-brokers to the Company) confirming the middle market quotations of the (class of shares in the Company) referred to in the Offer Document; 4.10 verification notes produced by (name of solicitors) verifying the factual information set out in the Offer Document (the Verification Notes); 4.11 in respect of each Director not present at the meeting a copy of the latest proof of the Offer Document initialled by him; 4.12 draft press announcement to be issued by the Company (the Press Announcement). 5. Consideration of documents 5.1 It was noted that each of the documents referred to in paragraph 4 had already been discussed informally by the board. 5.2 It was further noted that the Press Announcement and the Offer Document were required by the SEBI Regulations, to be treated with the same standard of care as if it were a prospectus within the meaning of the Companies Act, 1956 and the information given must be adequately and fairly presented. In addition, it was noted that the Directors were required to
(dcxxi) accept personal responsibility for the contents of the Press Announcement and the Offer Document and in this regard the terms of the Responsibility Letters were carefully noted. The terms of the Powers of Attorney were also noted. 6. The Offer Document 6.1 It was reported that all the directors of the Company had received a copy of each of the Offer Document, the Form of Acceptance and the Press Announcement and had not raised any objection to their terms or contents. 6.2 The directors carefully considered: 6.2.1 the terms of the Announcement; 6.2.2 the contents of the Offer Document as a whole and in particular the Responsibility Statement set out in Appendix (number) which stated: the directors of (name of offeror company) accept responsibility for information contained in this document [apart from that relating to (name of target company), the directors of (name of target company) and their immediate families]. To the best of the knowledge and belief of the directors of (name of offeror company) (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case) such information is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information; and 6.2.3 the remaining documents referred to in paragraph 4 above. The directors confirmed that in relation to the Press Announcement and the Offer Document on behalf of each of the directors of the Company: all statements of facts contained in those documents in relation to the Company and its business and its directors are true and accurate in all material respects; all expressions, opinions, intentions or expectations in relation to the Company are bona fide held and made out of proper consideration of all material facts; there are no other facts known or which on reasonable enquiry should be known to the Company and its directors which are not disclosed, the existence of which would make any statements in such documents misleading; each directors interests and those of his family in the share capital of the Company were correct and further details of dealing of such persons during the preceding 12 months were fully disclosed; having taken all appropriate professional advice, the board considered that the said documents complied with the requirements of the Stock Exchange and with the Code.
6.3 Detailed verification of the Offer Document was undertaken and the Verification Notes were carefully considered and replies were given to the questions set out there. 6.4 All necessary enquiries, confirmations and verifications of all facts stated or information given, statements made by and opinions expressed in the Offer
(dcxxii) Document and the Press Announcement having been made, it was resolved that: 6.4.1 having considered all opinions relating to the Company contained in the Offer Document the directors of the Company accept responsibility in the manner set out in such document; the Offer Document, the Acceptance Form and the Press Announcement be approved; the Bank be authorised to make the Offer and the Offer Document be despatched on (date of despatch) to the persons referred to in it together with the Form of Acceptance referred to as enclosed with it.
6.4.2 6.4.3
Display Documents
It was noted that certain documents would be put on display and these were to be retained in the office of (name of solicitors) 8. Close There being no further business, the meeting was concluded. (Signature) Chairman Guidance Notes 1. All the directors of the company should attend this meeting, if at all possible. 2. These are usually financial or legal advisors. X. SPECIMEN LETTER OF AUTHORITY FROM OFFEROR COMPANY TO ITS RECEIVING BANKERS [On companys letterhead] (name and address of receiving banker) Dated: (date) Dear Sirs, Sub: Offer to acquire [the whole or part] of the issued share capital of (name of target company) We refer to the offer by (name of bank) (the Offering Bank) on behalf of (offeror company) (the Offer) for [the whole or part] of the issued share capital of (name of target company), details of which are set out in the press release and offer document attached to this letter. We confirm that you are appointed on the terms and conditions set out below to act as receiving bankers to the Offer: 1. In your capacity as receiving bankers to the Offer, you are authorised, save as provided in this letter, and you agree: (1) to receive the forms of acceptance from acceptors of the Offer (the Acceptors) together with the documents of title required by the terms of
(dcxxiii) the Offer to be provided under the Offer and to notify us and the Offering Bank at our or their request as the case may be of the number of shares in (name of target company) at any time in respect of which valid acceptances of the Offer are received; (2) to issue at our request, or the request of the Offering Bank, any certificate which might be required to be issued by SEBI/Stock Exchanges or any other regulatory body; (3) If the offer becomes unconditional in all respects: (i) to issue to the Acceptors the cash consideration due to them under and subject to the terms of the Offer and in accordance with the authority contained in the relevant form(s) of acceptance. No consideration will be sent to Acceptors until the relevant share certificates and/or documents of title have been received; and (ii) to calculate the amount of stamp duty payable on the transfer to us of the (insert class of shares) shares acquired pursuant to the Offer; to complete as soon as possible all or any forms of transfer and/or document(s) necessary in order to register transfers of such shares to us and to deliver such documents as soon as possible together with valid form(s) of acceptance to the Registrars of (name of target company), together with the relevant share certificates and/or documents of title and receive from them the resultant share certificates for onward transmission to (name and address of company secretary); (4) if the Offer does not become unconditional to return share certificates and/or documents of title together with the appropriate form(s) of acceptance to the persons entitled to them; and (5) to comply in all respects with any requirements under the SEBI Takeover Regulations or any other relevant Act in force. 2. For your services we shall pay you a fee equal to Rs (amount) plus out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred. 3. Please confirm the acceptance of your appointment as receiving bankers to the Offer on the terms and conditions set out above by signing and returning the attached duplicate copy of this letter. Yours faithfully,
(signature on behalf of the offeror company) To: (offeror company) We accept our appointment as receiving bankers to the Offer on the terms and conditions set out above and agree with you to perform the obligations set out above. Signed:
(dcxxiv) Name: (insert details) Title: (insert details) For and on behalf of (name of receiving bankers) XI. SPECIMEN LETTER OF RESPONSIBILITY To: (name and address of financial adviser to issue) (name of offeror company) I, the undersigned, as a director of (offeror company) (the Company) authorise the issue or publication or release by or on behalf of the company of any approved document relating to or in connection with the transaction described in the schedule below (the Transaction) with the inclusion in such document of a declaration in the terms or to the effect that the Directors of the Company accept responsibility for the information contained in such document and that, to the best of the knowledge and belief of the Directors (who have taken all reasonable care to ensure that such is the case), such information contained in the document is in accordance with the facts and does not omit anything likely to affect the import of such information. I accept responsibility accordingly. I also confirm that I shall take all reasonable care to ensure that any statement in any approved document relating to my own interests is fair and accurate. I acknowledge and accept that it may be necessary for meetings of the Board of Directors of the company or any committee of the Board to be convened in connection with the transaction on shorter notice than is normally the case and that the business of such meetings may include consideration and approval of approved documents. I appreciate that I will be responsible for each such approved document whether or not I attend the meeting of the Board or the committee of the Board or otherwise participate in the decision which settles its final form. Without in any way limiting or qualifying my responsibility for approved documents once issued or published, this authority may be revoked, either generally or in relation to any specified documents, at any time by notice in writing and shall, so far as is not previously revoked, cease to have effect [6] months after the date of this letter. For the purposes of this letter approved document means any offer document, circular, application, form or any other document (including without limitation an advertisement or announcement) relating to, or connected with the Transaction which shall have been approved by resolution of the Board or by resolution of duly authorised committee of the Board or by any duly authorised Director or Directors on behalf of the Board and of which I shall not have expressed disapproval by notice in writing (including a telex or fax message) addressed to the secretary of the Company and handed to him or delivered to the registered office of the Company. SCHEDULE Description of the Transaction
(dcxxv) The making by (name of bank) on behalf of (name of offeror company) of an offer for [the whole] of the issued share capital of (name of target company) for a consideration of (amount) in cash for every (number and class of shares) in (name of target company) [with an alternative consideration of (details of alternative consideration)] (the Offer). [Further details of the Offer will be set out in an Offer Document to be despatched to shareholders of (target company) on or about (date of proposed despatch) together with all or any matters incidental to the Offer.]
(Signature) Director (date) XII. SPECIMEN POWER OF ATTORNEY BY THIS POWER OF ATTORNEY made the. day of I, the undersigned, a director of (name of offeror company) (the Company) appoint any other director of the Company as my true and lawful attorney to act for me and in my name, place and stead in approving, signing or initialling (as necessary) all deeds and documents and in doing all acts and things necessary or desirable to implement the offer to be made by (name of bank) on behalf of the Company for [the whole] of the issued share capital of (name of target company) (the Offer) referred to in the draft press announcement (a copy of which is attached to this deed) to include (but without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing) approving, signing, or initialling on my behalf any offer document, circular, application form, responsibility statement, proxy or announcement in connection with the Offer and all other matters incidental to the Offer, all in such form as may have been approved by resolution of the board of directors of the Company or by a duly authorised committee of the Company. And I ratify and confirm and agree to ratify and confirm all that my attorney may lawfully do or cause to be done by virtue of this Power of Attorney. This Power of Attorney shall become effective immediately and shall be irrevocable for a period of ____ months from the date of this Power of Attorney. In witness, etc. (Signature of director) (Signature of witness)
XIII. DISCLOSURE IN TERMS OF REGULATION 7(3) Format for disclosure of details of acquisition to Stock Exchanges by target company, in terms of Regulation 7(3) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 (Regulations) Name of the Target company
Date of reporting Names of the stock exchanges where the shares of the target company are listed Details of the acquisition/sale received in terms of Reg. 7(1) and 7(1A) Names of the acquirers/sellers and PACs with them Date of Acquisition/sale Date of receipt of intimation of allotment by acquirer/seller Mode of acquisition (e.g. open market/ public issue/rights issue/preferential allotment/inter se transfer etc.) Mode of sale (e.g. open market/MOU/off market etc.)
Particulars of acquisition/sale
Shares/Voting rights (VR) of the acquirer/seller before acquisition/ sale Shares/voting rights acquired/sold Shares/VR of the acquirer/seller after acquisition/sale
(b) (c)
Paid up capital/total voting capital of the target company before the said acquisition Paid up capital/total voting capital of the target company after the said acquisition Note: 1. The disclosure shall be made within 7 days of receipt of information u/r 7(1) & 7(1A). Signature of the Authorised Signatory Place: Date: XIV. DISCLOSURE IN TERMS OF REGULATION 8(3) Disclosure of details of share holding by target/reporting company to Stock Exchanges, in terms of Regulation 8(3) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997
(dcxxvii) Name of the company (Target/Reporting Company) Date of reporting Names of the stock exchanges where the shares of reporting/target company are listed Information about persons holding more than 15% shares or voting rights in terms of Reg. 8(1)
Names of persons holding more than 15% shares or voting rights Names Details of Share holding/Voting rights (in Number and %) of persons mentioned at (I) as informed u/r 8(1) to target company.
(A) Share/ VR
(B) % Share/ VR
(C) % Share/ VR
(F) % Share/ VR %
% Share/ VR
Sr. No.
Format for maintaining the information furnished to the Listed Company in accordance with Regulation 7(1)
Name of acquirer No. and % of shares or voting rights if any, held by acquirer prior to acquisition No. and % of shares or voting rights acquired by acquirer Date of acquisition/ date of receipt of intimation of allotment of shares stated at (D) to acquirer(s) No. and % of aggregate shares or voting rights held after acquisition stated at (D) Whether informed to company within 4 working days from (E) (Yes/No) Specify date Whether information sent to SEs within 7 days of receipt of information at (G). (Yes/No) Specify date No. of days (H)-G) If (I) >7 days, reason for delay
(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) (H) (I) (J)
Note: (i) If Acquirer(s) is a company, give name of its promoters and persons having control of that company. (ii) Percentage to be calculated with respect to total paid up capital/total voting rights of the target company.
Sr. No.
Format for maintaining the information furnished to the Listed Company in accordance with Regulations 8(1) & 8(2)
Name of (a) Promoter(s) or person(s) having control over the company (b) Person who holds more than 15% shares or voting rights in the company (c) Persons acting in concert with (a)/(b) above No. and % of shares or voting rights held by each person(s) under (B)(a)/ (B)(b) individually and collectively for persons acting in concert with him (C) Whether informed by (B) to company within 21 days from the status date (Yes/No) Whether information given to SEs by company within 30 days from the status dates (Yes/No) Specify date when information sent to SEs. (E) No. of days (E) - (status date) If (F) >30 days, reasons for delay
Note: (i) If Acquirer(s) is a company, give name of its promoters and persons having control of that company. (ii) Percentage to be calculated with respect to total paid up capital/total voting rights of the target company.
XVI. FORMAT OF PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE OFFER FORMAT OF PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT Public Announcement to the Shareholders of Target Company This Public Announcement is being issued by Manager to the Offer, on behalf of Acquirer(s) pursuant to Regulation 10, 11(1), 11(2) or 12 (as the case may be) and as required under the Securities And Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 [SEBI (SAST) Regulations, 1997] and subsequent amendments thereto. The offer
(dcxxix) 1. Name of acquirer and also Persons acting in concert with acquirer (PAC) for the purpose of the offer. 2. Details of the acquisition proposed to be made by way of MOU or market purchases before the Public Announcement viz. mode of acquisition, date in case of agreement/MOU, no. and percentage of shares (fully paid up/partly paid up shares) of target company proposed to be acquired, acquisition price for fully paid up shares/partly paid up shares, group to which seller belong to (i.e. whether promoter), mode of payment of consideration, whether offer is as a result of global acquisition resulting in indirect acquisition of the target company etc. 3. No. and percentage of shares proposed to be acquired from the existing shareholders through the open offer and the offer price for fully paid-up/partly paid-up shares. Minimum level of acceptance (no. and percentage of shares) a lower price for the minimum acceptance of 20%, if any, in case of conditional offer. 4. Indicate whether the shares of Target company are frequently or infrequently traded as per Regulations. Disclose the highest and the average price paid by the acquirer or PAC with him for said acquisition, if any of the shares of Target company acquired by him during the 12 months period prior to date of Public Announcement also justify the offer price in terms of regulations. 5. Disclose share holding, if any, of the acquirer/PAC in the Target company as on date of Public Announcement if the acquirers do not hold any shares, a statement to this effect shall be mentioned. 6. In case, it is a competitive bid, whether the same is as per sub regulation (1) & (3) of regulation 25 and state so by giving details of the original bid viz. name of Original bidder, No & percentage of shares proposed to be acquired by the Original bidder, the offer price, the dates and names of newspapers in which that Public Announcement appeared. Information about Acquirer(s) and Person acting in concert with him 1. Name, address of Acquirer and PAC 2. In case acquirer(s) is a company(ies), name of its promoters and/or persons having control over it as the case may be, and the group to which they belong to. 3. In case, acquirer is a company, disclose the latest financial data including ratios viz. return on networth, Book value, EPS, PE multiple only if listed (based on audited accounts). Also disclose whether it is a listed, if yes, disclose names of SEs where shares are listed. 4. In case acquirer is individual, his net worth as on a particular date, duly certified by a Chartered Accountant (membership no. and address of CA). 5. Relation, if any, between the acquirer and Person acting in concert with it. 6. Line of business and experience. Information about the Target Company 1. Name of the Target company, recent name changes, if any, date of
(dcxxx) incorporation, Address of registered office. 2. Total paid up capital of Target Company as on Public Announcement (Fully paid up and partly paid up shares separately). If there are no partly paid up shares, a specific statement to this effect shall be incorporated, if yes, disclose as to whether partly paid shares carry voting rights. 3. Line of business 4. Stock Exchanges where shares of Target Company are listed. 5. Brief Financials of Target Company for the latest year (based on audited accounts) Reasons for the Acquisition and offer and future plan about Target Company, if any. 1. Indicate the reason for the acquisition from the following options, as the case may be: (i) Consolidation of holdings (ii) Substantial acquisition of shares or voting rights without change in control or management. (iii) Substantial acquisition of shares or voting rights accompanied with change in control/management. (iv) Change in control or management without any substantial acquisition of shares or voting rights. (v) Rehabilitation of Target company. (vi) Global acquisition resulting in indirect acquisition. 2. State clearly the Object and purpose of acquisition and give disclosures about the acquirers intention regarding disposal of or otherwise encumbrance of any assets of Target Company in succeeding two years except in ordinary course of business of the target company. 3. If Acquirer has any future plan about Target company, the same shall be specified and also as to how acquirer proposed to implement such future plans. 4. Disclose that the acquirer shall not sell, dispose of or otherwise encumber any substantial asset of the target company except with the prior approval of the shareholders and furnish an undertaking to this effect: Statutory Approvals/other approvals required for the offer 1. State all the Statutory approvals which are required for the purpose of acquisition of shares under the offer and also the status of the applications made in that regard as on Public Announcement 2. Incorporate a specific statement that no other statutory approvals other than the one mentioned above are required for this purpose. 3. Disclose that in case of non receipt of statutory approvals within time, SEBI has a power to grant extension of time to acquirer for payment of consideration to shareholders subject to Acquirer agreeing to pay interest as directed by SEBI. [Regulation 22(12)]
(dcxxxi) 4. Indicate the approval, if any, required from FIs/Banks for the said offer. Option to the acquirer in terms of Regulation 21(3) Indicate clearly which of the options given in Regulation 21(3), shall be exercised by the acquirer in case the public shareholding falls to 10% or less, after the offer. In case, acquirer intends to exercise the delisting option provided in the Regulations, give all relevant disclosure as required under the guidelines specified by the Board in respect of delisitng of securities, as per the undertaking, to be furnished to SEBI by the acquirer, as per the format given in Annexure B of standard letter of offer. Financial Arrangements 1. Incorporate a statement that acquirer has adequate resources to meet the financial requirements of the offer in terms of reg. 16(xiv) and give details regarding the sources of the funds whether domestic i.e. from banks, FIs or Foreign i.e. from NRIs or otherwise. 2. Indicate the total fund requirement for the offer, details of the escrow account, amount deposited by way of cash, bank guarantee, securities as the case may be, tenure of the guarantee, name and address of the bank, details of securities etc. 3. Indicate that Merchant Banker (MB) has been duly authorised by acquirer to realize the value of escrow account in terms of regulations. 4. Incorporate a confirmation from the MB that the firm arrangements for funds and money for payment through verifiable Merchant Banker means are in place to fulfil the offer obligations. Other terms of the offer 1. In case, it is a conditional offer, state clearly the conditions mainly the minimum level of acceptance. Further in case 50% deposit has been made in escrow then indicate the implication of this on the offer. 2. State that Letter of offer shall be mailed to all shareholders (except the acquirers, the persons acting in concert with acquirers and parties to agreements, if applicable) whose name appear in register of Target Company as on specified date. 3. Indicate that all the shareholders (except the acquirers, the persons acting in concert with acquirers and parties to agreements, if applicable) who own the shares of Target Company anytime before the closure of the offer are eligible to participate in the offer. Specify the procedure for applying in the offer. For shareholders who will not receive the Letter of Offer, clearly specify the details to be given on plain paper and also the documents to be forwarded. In case the shares are in demat form, specify the details such as Depository Participant (DP) name, DP ID No, Beneficiary account No. etc. and also relevant instructions including that the shareholders should ensure to credit their shares in favour of depository account before the closure of the offer. 4. Shareholders attention may be invited to the fact that the letter of offer alongwith form of acceptance would also be available at SEBIs web site and downloading the form of acceptance from the
(dcxxxii) web site for applying in the offer is one of the alternatives available to them. 5. In case the Registrar to offer is not finalised at the time of Public Announcement, shareholders should be asked to send it to Manager to the offer. 6. Incorporate a statement that no indemnity is required from unregistered shareholders. 7. Incorporate specific details as to how basis of acceptance will be done and also state that rejected documents will be sent by Regd. post. 8. Give schedule of the activities pertaining to the offer as per table given below. Disclose the day along with the dates in the activity schedule i.e. January 1, 2002 (Tuesday). While complying with Regulation 22(4) and 22(5) ensure that the date of opening and closing of the offer do not fall on a Sunday or a holiday. Activity Specified date Letter of Offer to be posted to shareholders Date of opening of the offer Date of closing of the offer Last date for a competitive bid Last date for revising the offer price/number of shares Date of communicating rejection/acceptance and payment of consideration for applications accepted General 1. Disclose the following Shareholders who have accepted the offer by tendering the requisite documents, in terms of the Public announcement/ Letter of offer, can withdraw the same upto three working days prior to the date of the closure of the offer 2. Incorporate a statement that acquirer can revise the price upwards up to 7 working days prior to closure of the offer and revision, if any, in the offer price would appear in the same news papers where Public Announcement has appeared and same price would be paid to all shareholders who tender their shares in the offer. 3. Disclose the following in bold If there is competitive bid: (i) The public offers under all the subsisting bids shall close on the same date. (ii) As the offer price can not be revised during 7 working days prior to the closing date of the offers/bids, it would, therefore, be in the interest of shareholders to wait till the commencement of that period to know the final offer price of each bid and tender their acceptance accordingly" Day and Date
(dcxxxiii) 4. Any other details pertaining to the offer or acquisition prior to offer, which is considered relevant for the shareholders point of view. 5. Confirm and disclose as to whether or not any of the acquirers, sellers or the Target Company has been prohibited by SEBI from dealing in securities, in terms of direction issued u/s 11B of SEBI Act. 6. Incorporate a statement that Public Announcement would also be available on the SEBI web-site at http://www. 7. Name and address, telephone, e-mail address and contact person of Manager to the offer and Registrar to the offer, if any. 8. Incorporate a statement that Public Announcement is issued on behalf of acquirer(s) by the Manager to the offer. 9. Give name and address of acquirer and incorporate a responsibility statement by acquirer(s) i.e. Acquirer and PAC with him (Directors in case acquirer is a company) accept the responsibility for the information contained in the Public Announcement and also for the obligations of acquirers laid down in the SEBI [Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers] Regulations, 1997" and subsequent amendments made thereof. NOTE 1. The Merchant Bankers (MBs) are advised to incorporate the lay out and ensure that all the details mentioned herein are given in the Public Announcement of the offer made in accordance with Regulation 16 of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 and subsequent amendments thereof. However MB/acquirer is free to add any other disclosure(s) which is his opinion is material for shareholders provided such disclosure(s) is not presented in an incomplete, inaccurate or misleading manner. 2. MB should also mention names and dates of newspapers where the said Public announcement appeared, in the letter forwarding the Public announcement (PA) to SEBI. 3. It has been decided to put the public announcements made on or after 1st November, 2001 in terms of the Regulations and the subsequent corrigendum(s), if any, on the SEBI web-site to facilitate timely flow of information to the shareholders/investors. MBs are, therefore, advised to forward a soft copy of the said public announcements and subsequent corrigendum(s), if any, to SEBI in HTML format within 2 days of the same appearing in the newspapers along with the printed copy of the same. The soft copy shall be sent along with a duly filled in check list as per the format given in Annexure A. This checklist can also be used at the time of sending the soft copy of the Final letter of offer. Annexure A (To be submitted by outside agency while submitting the soft copy to SEBI) CHECKLIST FOR THE SUBMISSION OF SOFTCOPY OF INFORMATION TO BE PUBLISHED ON SEBI WEBSITE 1. Soft copy submitted by:
(dcxxxiv) 2. Content Title: 3. Whether the Documents are in HTML format? YES/NO 4. Whether the tabular data in the HTML format are in order? YES/NO/N.A. 5. Whether the Sr. Numbers of paragraph/points are in order and matches with the printed copy? YES/NO/N.A. 6. Whether the alignments of all paragraphs are in order? YES/NO 7. Whether all relevant image files, if any are available in the floppy? YES/NO/N.A. 8. Whether the contents of the HTML format and Hard copy of the document have been compared and found to be in order? YES/NO 9. Whether the letter of confirmation for the point no. 8 has been enclosed? YES/NO 10. Whether the spacing between lines and paragraphs is uniform? YES/NO 11. Remarks, if any: Prepared by: Date: (for office use only) FOR THE USE OF DIVISION/DEPARTMENT CONCERNED Date of receipt of floppy: Whether the contents of floppy are prima facie in Order: Yes/No Secretary Date: FOR THE USE OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS DIVISION Date of receipt of floppy: Whether the contents of floppy are prima facie in order: YES/NO Date on which the document is displayed on the SEBI web site: Secretary Division Chief Officer For the use of Department/Division concerned and ISD The contents on the net were verified and found to be prima facie in order. XVII. FORMAT FOR STANDARD LETTER OF OFFER FOR AN OPEN OFFER IN THE TERMS OF THE SEBI (SUBSTANTIAL ACQUISITION OF SHARES AND TAKEOVERS) REGULATIONS, 1997 AND Division Chief Officer RNI No: Verified by
(dcxxxv) SUBSEQUENT AMENDMENTS THEREOF General Instructions: 1. The purpose of this standard letter of offer for an open offer made in accordance with Chapter III of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 and subsequent amendments thereof is to provide the requisite information about the acquirer(s)/offer so as to enable the shareholders to make an informed decision of either contenting with the target company or to exit from the target company. Care shall be taken by the Merchant Banker (MB) to ensure that the Letter of Offer may not be technical in legal or financial jargons, but it shall be presented in simple, clear, concise and easily understandable language. 2. This standard Letter of Offer enumerates the minimum disclosure requirements to be contained in the Letter of Offer of an open offer. The MB/acquirer is free to add any other disclosure(s) which in his opinion is material for the shareholders, provided such disclosure(s) is not presented in an incomplete, inaccurate or misleading manner and is made in accordance with the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 and subsequent amendments thereof. 3. The standard Letter of Offer prescribes only the nature of the disclosures that should be contained under various heads in the Letter of Offer and is not intended to describe the language to be contained therein. 4. All the financial data shall be in terms of Rupees Lacs unless required otherwise (e.g. EPS). When financial data pertains to an overseas entity, the rupee equivalent shall be disclosed in terms of Rs. Lacs and the basis of conversion shall also be disclosed. (If so desired, such data may also be disclosed in terms of the monetary unit applicable for that overseas entity). 5. Unless otherwise specified 5.1 Reference to shares as defined in Regulations 2(1)(k) shall mean reference to fully paid up shares. 5.2 Information contained in Letter of Offer shall be as on the date of the Public Announcement (PA). 5.3 The Regulations shall mean SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 and subsequent amendments thereof. 5.4 The Merchant Banker to the Offer (MB) would mean the Merchant Banker appointed by the acquirer in terms of regulation 13. 5.5 The Registrar to the Offer, if appointed, would mean an entity registered with SEBI under SEBI (Registrar to Issue and Share Transfer Agents) Rules and Regulations, 1993. 6. All the requisite disclosures/statements in respect of the acquirer(s), persons who are acting in concert with the acquirer for the purpose of the offer (PACs) and persons who are deemed to be acting in concert with the acquirers for the purpose of the offer (PAs) shall be made in the Letter of Offer. 7. The Form of acceptance cum acknowledgement should be with a perforation.
(dcxxxvi) 8. The source from which data/information is obtained should be mentioned in the relevant pages of Letter Of Offer. 9. MB shall ensure the following; 9.1 The Specified Date shall not be later than 30th day from the PA date (Inclusive of PA date) 9.2 The Offer closing Date shall be the 30th day from the Offer Opening Date (inclusive of offer opening date). 9.3 The Date by which the acceptance/rejection of the offer would be intimated and the corresponding payment for the acquired shares and/or the share certificate(s) for the rejected shares will be dispatched, shall be within a period of 30 days from the offer closing date. 10. MB shall submit the Due Diligence Certificate in terms of Regulations to SEBI along with the draft Letter Of Offer as per the standardised format. Format of the Standard Letter of Offer: The sequence of presentation in Letter of Offer shall be as under: 1. Cover page 2. Disclaimer clause 3. Details of the offer 4. Background of the Acquirer(s) (including PACs, if any). 5. Option in terms of 21(3) 6. Background of the Target Company 7. Offer price and financial arrangements 8. Terms & Conditions of the offer 9. Procedure for acceptance and settlement of the offer. 10. Documents for inspection 11. Declaration by the Acquirer(s) (including PACs, if any). 1. COVER PAGES Cover pages shall be white with no patterns or pictures printed on it except emblems/logo, if any, of the acquirer company/MB/Registrar, if any. (A) Front outer cover page shall contain the following details: (i) On Top This Document is important and required your immediate attention. This Letter of offer is sent to you as a shareholder(s) of (name of the target company). If you require any clarifications about the action to be taken, you may consult your stock broker or investment consultant or MB/Registrar to the offer (the latter only if appointed). In case you have recently sold your shares in the Company, please hand over this Letter of Offer and the accompanying From of Acceptance cum acknowledgement and Transfer Deed to the Member of Stock Exchange through whom the said sale was effected."
(dcxxxvii ) (ii) In middle in a box 1. Name and address of the Acquirer(s) (including names of PACs, if any with him.) along with their telephone and fax numbers. 2. Name and address of the registered office of the Target Company along with its telephone and fax numbers. 3. Number and percentage of equity shares of Target Company proposed to be acquired by acquirer(s) through the open offer. Ensure that the percentage is calculated and disclosed w.r.t. total voting capital of the target company as at the expiration of 30 days after the closure of the offer in terms of Reg. 21(5). 4. Offer price per share in terms of rupees. Indicate separately the offer price for fully paid up equity shares as well as partly paid up equity shares, if any, of the Target Company. Disclose the mode of payment (i.e. cash, exchange of securities etc. in terms of regulation 20(2). Where the offer price is by way of exchange of securities etc., the disclosures should be made accordingly. 5. A statement that the offer is pursuant to SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 and subsequent amendments thereof. 6. If the offer is conditional, specify conditions viz minimum level of acceptance differential pricing, if any. 7. If the offer is a competitive bid, mention that the competitive offer is made pursuant to an open offer made by the original bidder (name) and that the competitive bid has been made as per sub-regulation (1) and (3) of Regulation 25. 8. Mention the statutory approval(s), if any, required to implement the offer and its current status. 9. Disclose the following Shareholders who have accepted the offer by tendering the requisite documents, in terms of the Public announcement/Letter of offer, can withdraw the same upto three working days prior to the date of the closure of the offer. 10. A statement that upward revision/withdrawal, if any, of the offer would be informed by way of P.A. in the same newspapers where the original P.A. has appeared. Indicate the last date for such revision (regulation 26). Also mention that the same price would be payable by the acquirer(s) for all the shares tendered anytime during the offer. 11. Disclose the following in bold A. If there is competitive bid: 1. The public offers under all the subsisting bids shall close on the same date. 2. As the offer price can not be revised during 7 working days prior to the closing date of the offers/bids, it would, therefore, be in the interest of shareholders to wait till the commencement of that period to know the final offer price of each bid and tender their acceptance accordingly"
(dcxxxviii ) B. If there is no competitive bid: A statement confirming that there was no competitive bid. 12. A statement that a copy of public announcement and Letter of Offer (including form of acceptance cum acknowledgement) is also available on SEBIs web-site ( (iii) At the bottom 1. The name of MB and address of the dealing office of MB along with its telephone, fax number and email address, contact person. 2. The name and address of the Registrar to the offer, if any along with its telephone, fax number and email address, contact person. 3. While complying with Regulation 22(4) and 22(5) ensure that the date of opening and closing of the offer do not fall on a Sunday or a holiday. Disclose the schedule of the activities as per the following table. Further also disclose the day along with the dates in the activity schedule i.e. January 1, 2002 (Tuesday). Activity Public Announcement (PA) Date Specified Date Last date for a competitive bid Date by which Letter of Offer will be despatched to the shareholders Offer opening Date Last date for revising the offer price/number of shares Last date for withdrawl by shareholders Offer closing Date Date by which the acceptance/rejection would be intimated and the corresponding payment for the acquired shares and/ or the share certificate for the rejected shares will be despatched. (Refer item 7.2(iii) B. Front inside cover page shall contain the following (i) Risk factors relating to transaction, the proposed offer and the probable risk involved in associating with the acquirer(s). (ii) On top An index as follows: Sr. No. 1. 2. Disclaimer clauses Details of the offer Subject Page No. Day and date
(dcxxxix) 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Background of the Acquirer(s) (including PACs if any). Disclosure in terms of Reg. 21(3) Background of the Target Company Offer Price and Financial arrangements Terms & conditions of the offer Procedure for acceptance and settlement of the offer. Documents for inspection Declaration by the Acquirer(s) (including PACs, if any)
(iii) At the Bottom Definitions of the specialized terms used in the Letter of Offer for easy understanding by the shareholders viz. Target company, Acquirers, PACs, Regulations, etc. No other terms should be used in the Letter Of Offer for entities defined as such in the Regulations. [e.g. the word offeror(s) should be not used to refer the term acquirer(s)]. 2. DISCLAIMER CLAUSE The following on the first page of Letter of Offer: It is to be distinctly understood that filing of draft letter of offer with SEBI should not in any way be deemed or construed that the same has been cleared, vetted or approved by SEBI. The draft letter of offer has been submitted to SEBI for a limited purpose of overseeing whether the disclosures contained therein are generally adequate and are in conformity with the regulations. This requirement is to facilitate the shareholders of (name of the target co.) to take an informed decision with regard to the offer. SEBI does not take any responsibility either for financial soundness of the acquirer(s), PACs or the company whose shares/control is proposed to be acquired or for the correctness of the statements made or opinions expressed in the letter of offer it should also be clearly understood that while acquirer(s) is primarily responsible for the correctness, adequacy and disclosure of all relevant information in this letter of offer, the merchant banker is expected to exercise due diligence to ensure that acquirer(s) duly discharges its responsibility adequately. In this behalf, and towards this purpose, the merchant banker (indicate name) has submitted a due diligence certificate dated..... to SEBI in accordance with the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations 1997 and subsequent amendment(s) thereof. the filing of the letter of offer does not, however, absolve the acquirer(s) from the requirement of obtaining such a statutory clearances as may be required for the purpose of the offer.. 3. DETAILS OF THE OFFER 3.1 Background of the offer 3.1.1 Mention the Regulation [10, 11(1), 11(2), 12, 25(1) & 30] in
(dcxl) accordance with which the offer is made i.e. mention whether the offer is made for substantial acquisition of shares or Consolidation of holdings and/or Change in Control or Competitive Bid or is towards Bail out Takeover. 3.1.2 Details of the proposed acquisition (substantial acquisition of shares/voting rights or change in control or both) which triggered the open offer such as name(s) of acquirer(s) and of PACs, their existing share holding in the Target company, whether it was a negotiated deal or open market purchase(s) or whether offer is as a result of global acquisition resulting in indirect acquisition of the target company, acquisition price per share (highest and average), number and percentage of shares acquired, etc. In case there is any agreement, mention important features of the agreement(s) including those pertaining to Regulation 22(16), acquisition price per share (highest and average as well as separately for fully paid and partly paid up), number and percentage of shares to be acquired under the agreement, name of the seller(s), complete addresses of sellers (including phone number/fax number etc.), names of parties to the agreement, date of agreement, manner of payment of consideration, proposed change in control, if any, Whether the proposed change in control is through an arrangement. Give salient features of the arrangement. Whether any of acquirer(s), sellers or the Target Company has been prohibited by SEBI from dealing in securities, in terms of direction issued u/s 11B of SEBI Act or under any of the regulations made under the SEBI Act. Proposed change, if any, in Board of Directors after the offer, mentioning names of the Directors representing acquirers. Mention names, dates and editions of the newspapers where the public announcement made in accordance with Regulation 15 appeared. Disclose the public announcement is also available on the Sebi website at Indicate the number and percentage of shares proposed to be acquired by the acquirers from the existing shareholders and the mode of payment of consideration, if it is in cash, then the offer price per share shall be mentioned, if by way of exchange of shares/secured instruments, then, inter-alia, the exchange ratio to be disclosed in terms of Regulation 20(9). In case, there are fully paid up and partly paid up shares, offer price for both shall be mentioned separately. Differential price, if any, in accordance with explanation (iii) to regulation 20(11). In case of competitive bids, the competitive bidder shall also
3.1.4 3.1.5
(dcxli) disclose the following details; 3.2.5.a The fact that his offer is competitive offer made pursuant to the open offer made by the original bidder. The competitive bid is as per subregulation (1) & (3) of regulation 25. 3.2.5.b Details of the original offer such as name of the original acquirer(s), name of the Merchant Banker, number and % of shares bid for, offer price, mode of payment, opening date. 3.2.5.c Any other relevant information 3.2.6 In case of the conditional offer, specify the following: 3.2.6.a Minimum level of acceptance (No. and % of shares) 3.2.6.b Differential price, if any, in accordance with Explanation (iv) to Regulation 20(11) 3.2.7 Disclose details of further acquisition(s), if any, by acquirer(s)/PACs after the date of P.A and upto the date of Letter of Offer viz., no. and % of shares acquired, mode and acquisition price etc. Details of competitive bids, if any. Disclose reasons of acquiring shares or control over the Target Company and/or consolidation of shareholding in target company. In case the acquirer and target company are in similar line of business/operations, disclose as to how the position of the acquirer would change in terms of market positioning capacity utilization etc.
4. BACKGROUND OF THE ACQUIRER (INCLUDING PACs, IF ANY) (In case, the open offer is for the change in control of the Target Company or is an offer where the offer price is payable in terms of exchange of securities, details under this heading shall be given as per Annexure A. In all other cases, the following details shall be furnished) 4.1 If acquirer(s) (including PACs) is a company 4.1.1 4.1.2 4.1.3 4.1.4 4.1.5 Name and address of the company(ies). The relationship, if any, existing between them Salient features of the agreement, if any, entered between them with regard to the offer/acquisition of shares. Brief history & major areas of operations. Identity of the promoters and/or persons having control over such companies and the group, if any, to which such companies belong to. Confirm and disclose as to whether the applicable provisions of chapter II of SEBI Takeover Regulations has been complied with by acquirer/PACs within the time specified in the Regulations. Delay or non-compliance with these provisions if any, may be disclosed in the
(dcxlii) letter of offer. Further the extent of compliance by the acquirers/ PACs with the applicable provisions of chapter II should be furnished under a separate annexure to SEBI along with the draft letter of offer as per the format at Annexure C of the standard letter of offer. 4.1.7 Names and residential addresses of Board of directors of acquirer(s). Confirm whether any of such director(s) is already on the Board of Directors of Target Company. If so, disclosures in terms of Regulation 22(9). Details of the experience, qualifications, date of appointment of the Board of Directors. Brief audited financial details for a period of last three years. The subsequent certified financial data should also be disclosed so that the financials are not older than six months from the P.A. date. (Amount Rs. in lacs) Profit & Loss Statement Income from operations Other Income Total Income Total Expenditure Profit Before Depreciation Interest and Tax Depreciation Interest Profit Before Tax Provision for Tax Profit After Tax Balance Sheet Statement Sources of funds Paid up share capital Reserves and Surplus (excluding revaluation reserves) Networth Secured loans Unsecured loans Total Year I Year II Year III Year I Year II Year III
4.1.8 4.1.9
Uses of funds Net fixed assets Investments Net current assets Total miscellaneous expenditure not written off Total Other Financial Data Dividend (%) Earning Per Share Return on Networth Book Value Per Share 4.1.10 Ensure that the unaudited financial results, if any disclosed, should be certified by statutory auditors. 4.1.11 Disclose the major contingent liabilities and the reasons for fall/rise in total income and PAT in the relevant years, if applicable. 4.1.12 Disclose the details of the earlier acquisitions, if any made in the target company including acquisition made through open offers. Change in shareholding pursuant to the said acquisition/offers and thereafter, if any. Further in this regard, disclose status of compliance with the applicable provisions of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations/other applicable Regulations under the SEBI Act, 1992 and other statutory requirements, as applicable. 4.1.13 Significant accounting policies of the acquirer. 4.1.14 In case of acquirer being a listed company, disclose: (a) The status of Corporate Governance and pending litigation matters, if any. (b) The name and other details of the Compliance Officer. (c) Give relevant details of any merger/demerger, spin off during last 3 years involving the acquirer. Change in name since incorporation/listing and dates thereof. (d) Shareholding pattern of the company as on date of PA. 4.2 If acquirer(s) (including PACs, if any) is an individual 4.2.1 Name(s), address(es) and phone numbers of each individual Year I Year II Year III
(dcxliv) 4.2.2 4.2.3 4.2.4 4.2.5 4.2.6 The relationship, if any, existing between them Salient features of the agreement, if any, entered between them with regard to the offer/acquisition of shares. Principal area of business and relevant experience Networth duly certified by a Chartered Accountant Confirm and disclose as to whether the applicable provisions of chapter II of SEBI Takeover Regulations has been complied with by acquirer/PACs within the time specified in the Regulations. Delay or non-compliance with these provisions if any, may be disclosed in the letter of offer. Further the extent of compliance by the acquirers/PACs with the applicable provisions of chapter II should be furnished under a separate annexure to SEBI along with the draft letter of offer as per the format at Annexure III of the standard letter of offer. Positions held on the Board of directors of any listed company (ies) Name(s) of the company where individual is a full time director. Disclose the details of the earlier acquisitions, if any made in the target company including acquisition made through open offers. Change in shareholding pursuant to the said acquisition/offers and thereafter, if any. Further in this regard, disclose status of compliance with the applicable provisions of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations/other applicable Regulations under the SEBI Act, 1992 and other statutory requirements, as applicable.
4.3 Disclosure in terms of Regulation 16(ix). 4.4 Future plans/strategies of the acquirer with regard to the target company. 5. OPTION IN TERMS OF REGULATION 21(3), IF APPLICABLE 5.1 If the public offer results in public shareholding being reduced to 10% or less of the voting capital of the company or if the public offer is in respect of a company which has public shareholding of less than 10% of the voting capital, disclose the option which the acquirer would exercise in terms of Regulation 21(3). In case, acquirer intends to exercise the delisting option provided in the Regulations, give all relevant disclosure as required under the guidelines specified by the Board in respect of delisting of securities. 6. BACKGROUND OF THE TARGET COMPANY 6.1 Address of Corporate and registered office with Phone No. 6.2 Brief history & main areas of operations. 6.3 Disclose the locations and other details of the manufacturing facilities of the target company. 6.4 Share capital structure of the target company Paid up Equity Shares of Target No. of shares/ % of shares/
(dcxlv) company Fully paid up equity shares Partly paid up equity shares Total paid up equity shares Total voting rights in Target company 6.5 Disclose (as per the table given below) as to how the current capital structure of the company has been built up since inception. In this regard, disclose status of compliance with the applicable provisions of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations/other applicable Regulations under the SEBI Act, 1992 and other statutory requirements, as applicable.
Date of allotmen t No. and % of shares issued Cumulativ e paid up capital Mode of allotment Identity of allottees (promoters/expromoters/others) Status of complianc e
voting rights
voting rights
6.6 Disclose the reasons of suspension of trading of the shares in any Stock Exchange(s), as applicable. What steps has been taken by the target company to resume/regularize the trading? 6.7 Disclose the detailed reasons of non-listing of some and/or all shares of the company at any Stock Exchange(s), as applicable. What steps has been taken by the company to regularize the listing? 6.8 Indicate whether there are any outstanding convertible instruments (warrants/ FCDs/PCDs) etc. and whether the same have been taken into account for calculating voting rights of target company and reasons therefor. In case there are partly paid up shares, disclose about status of their voting rights. 6.9 Confirm and disclose as to whether the applicable provisions of chapter II of SEBI Takeover Regulations has been complied with by target company as well as sellers, promoters and other major shareholders within the time specified in the Regulations. Delay or non-compliance with these provisions if any, may be disclosed. The extent of compliance by target company as well as sellers, promoters and other major shareholders with the applicable provisions of chapter II should be furnished under a separate annexure to SEBI along with the draft letter of offer as per the format at Annexure C and D of the standard letter of offer. In case of delay or non compliance disclose the complete address along with phone/fax nos. and individual holding a separate annexure while filing the draft letter of offer. 6.10 Indicate compliance status with the listing requirements and the penal actions, if any, taken by the Stock Exchanges. In the absence of any punitive action, make a specific statement to such effect.
(dcxlvi) 6.11 Present composition of the Board of Directors (BOD) as on the date of public announcement. Indicate the names of director(s), if any, representing the acquirer on the BOD of the Target Company and their dates of appointment. 6.12 Disclose details of the experience, qualifications, date of appointment of the Board of Directors. 6.13 Relevant details of any merger/demerger, spin off during last 3 years involving the target company. Change of name since listing and dates thereof. 6.14 Brief audited financial details for a period of last three years. The subsequent certified financial data should also be disclosed so that the financials are not older than six months from the P.A. date. (Amount Rs. in lacs) Profit & Loss Statement Income from operations Other Income Total Income Total Expenditure Profit Before Depreciation Interest and Tax Depreciation Interest Profit Before Tax Provision for Tax Profit After Tax Balance Sheet Statement Sources of funds Paid up share capital Reserves and Surplus revaluation reserves) Networth Secured loans Unsecured loans Total Uses of funds Net fixed assets (excluding Year I Year II Year III Year I Year II Year III
(dcxlvii) Investments Net current assets Total miscellaneous written off Total Other Financial Data Dividend (%) Earning Per Share Return on Networth Book Value Per Share 6.15 Ensure that the unaudited financial results, if any, disclosed, should be certified by statutory auditors. 6.16 Disclose the reason for fall/rise in total income and PAT in the relevant years, if applicable. 6.17 Pre and Post - Offer share holding pattern of the target company as per the following As on the date of letter of offer
Shareholders category Shareholding & voting rights prior to the agreement/ acquisition and offer. (A) No. (1) Promoter group (a) Parties to agreement, if any (b) Promoters other than (a) above Total 1(a+b) (2) Acquirers (a) Main Acquirer* (b) PACs* Total 2(a+b) (3) Parties to agreement other than (1)(a) & (2) @ % No. Shares/voting rights agreed to be acquired which triggered off the Regulations (B) % No. Shares/voting rights to be acquired in open offer (Assuming full acceptances) (C) % Share holding/voting rights after the acquisition and offer, i.e. (A)+(B)+(C)= (D) No. %
Year I
Year II
Year III
(4) Public (other than parties to agreement, acquirers & PACs) (a) FIs/MFs/FIIs/ Banks, SFIs (indicate names) (b) Others (indicate the total number of shareholders in Public category) Total (4)(a+b) Grand Total (1+2+3+4)
If more than one acquirer/PACs, details shall be given for each separately. @ Also include shares of target company, purchased by acquirers and PACs, if any, after the Public announcement till the date of letter of offer.
6.18 Disclose the details of the change in shareholding of the promoters as and when it happened in the target company. In this regard, disclose status of compliance with the applicable provisions of the SEBI (SAST) Regulations/ other applicable Regulations under the SEBI Act, 1992 and other statutory requirements, as applicable. 6.19 Disclose the status of Corporate Governance and pending litigation matters, if any. 6.20 Disclose the name and other details of the Compliance Officer. 7. OFFER PRICE AND FINANCIAL ARRANGEMENTS 7.1 Justification of Offer price 7.1.1 Names of all the Stock exchanges (SEs) where shares of the target company are listed and also where it is traded under permitted category. The annualized trading turnover during the preceding 6 calendar months prior to the month in which the P.A. is made in terms of number & % of total listed shares, in each stock exchange stated at (i) above, shall be given as under. [Accordingly, disclose as to on which of the Stock Exchanges the shares are frequently/ infrequently traded in terms of explanation(i) to regulation 20(5)]. Name of stock exchange(s) Total no. of shares traded during the 6 calendar months prior to the moth in Total No. of listed Shares Annualised Trading turnover (in terms of % to total listed shares)
(dcxlix) which PA was made SE 1 SE 2 SE 3 Note: Trading volume data should be taken from the respective SEs official quotations. 7.1.3 In respect of SEs where shares are not infrequently traded in terms of Regulations, ensure and disclose that minimum offer price is highest of all the following prices:
7.1.3.a. The negotiated price under the agreement referred to in clause (a) of sub-regulation (4) of regulation 20; 7.1.3.b. Highest price paid by the acquirer or persons acting in concert with him for acquisition, if any, including by way of allotment in a public or rights or preferential issue during the twenty six week period prior to the date of public announcement, referred to in clause (b) of subregulation (4) of regulation 20; 7.1.3.c. the average of the weekly high and low of the closing prices of the shares of the target company as quoted on the stock exchange where the shares of the company are most frequently traded during the twenty six weeks or the average of the daily high and low prices of the shares as quoted on the stock exchange where the shares of the company are most frequently traded during the two weeks preceding the date of public announcement, whichever is higher referred to in clause (c) of sub-regulation (4) of regulation 20. 7.1.4 Please note that for calculating average price as per Regulation 20(4)(c), the denominator should contain the number of weeks for which quotes are considered. The price and volume data should be disclosed in the following format: 26 weeks weekly high/low Week No. Week ending High (Rs.) Low (Rs.) Average (Rs.) Volume
2 weeks daily high/low Day No. Dates High (Rs.) Low (Rs.) Average Rs.) Volume
If the shares are infrequently traded on a particular Stock exchange, give required disclosures in accordance with each clause of Regulation 20(5). Ensure that calculations of parameters set out in
(dcl) 20(5)(c) are based on the latest audited data of the Target Company. If subsequent financial data is available for a period of 6 months or more, calculation in terms of Regulation 20(5)(c) based on such data shall also be disclosed. 7.1.6 In case of partly paid shares, the offer price shall be calculated as the difference between the offer price and the amount due towards calls-in-arrears or calls remaining unpaid together with interest, if any, payable on the amount called up but remaining unpaid. The offer price for indirect acquisition or control shall be determined with reference to the date of the public announcement for the parent company and the date of the public announcement for acquisition of shares of the target company, whichever is higher, in accordance with sub-regulation (4) or sub-regulation (5) of Regulation 20. Non Compete fee
7.1.8.a. In case of non-compete agreement for payment to any person other than the target company, disclose the names of the parties to the agreement, reasons for the agreement and the amount paid. 7.1.8.b. In case the payment is more than 25% of the offer price arrived in terms of Reg. 20(4), 20(5) or 20(6), disclose how the same has been factored into the offer price. 7.1.8.c. In the absence of any non-compete agreement, give a specific negative statement in this regard. 7.1.9 In terms of Reg.20(11) give a specific statement that the offer price is justified.
7.1.10. Also ensure and disclose that the offer price shall not be less than the highest price paid by the acquirers (including PACs) for any acquisition of shares of target company from the date of PA upto 7 working days prior to the closure of the offer. 7.2 Financial arrangements: 7.2.1 Disclose the total amount of funds required to make the payment of consideration for the shares tendered during the open offer (assuming full acceptances) and at the highest price, if the offer is subject to differential pricing. Disclosures about the amount deposited in escrow account in terms of Regulation 28(2). In case, the escrow account consists of cash deposit, disclose the name and address of the bank, where cash amount as required under Regulation 28(1) has been deposited. Also ensure and disclose that the MB has been empowered to operate the escrow account in accordance with the Regulations. In case the escrow account consists of a Bank guarantee, disclose the name and address of the bank. Also disclose that bank guarantee is valid at least for a period commencing from the date of PA until 30 days after the close of the offer. Also ensure that bank
7.2.2. 7.2.3
(dcli) guarantee is sought from a bank who is not associate of or group of the acquirer or target company. Disclose that the Bank Guarantee is in favour of Merchant Banker. 7.2.5 In case, the escrow account consists of a deposit of securities in terms of Regulation 28(4)(c), give the following details: (a) Disclose the name, quantity, face value, paid up value, market price on the date of creation of escrow account, the margin, etc. (b) Disclose whether they are free of lien/encumbrances. (c) Disclose whether they are carrying voting rights and if so, details about the suspension or freeze of voting rights, if any. (d) Disclose who is holding the securities and whether NOC has been obtained from the holder for depositing the same in the escrow account. (e) Disclose that Merchant Banker has been empowered by acquirer to realize the value of such escrow account by sale or otherwise. (f) Disclose that if there is any deficit on realisation of value of the securities, the Merchant Banker shall make good any such deficit in accordance with regulation 28(7). 7.2.6 In case the escrow account consists of a Bank guarantee or deposit of approved securities, disclose the name and address of bank where cash deposit of at least 1% of the total consideration payable, is made in accordance with Regulation 28(10). Ensure and disclose that the acquirer has adequate and firm financial resources to fulfil the obligations under the open offer. Disclosures regarding sources of funds should be made in terms of Regulation 16 (xiv). Disclose the date of certificate, name, complete address (including telephone, Fax number) and membership number of the Chartered Accountant certifying the adequacy of financial resources of acquirer for fulfiling all the obligations under the offer. Ensure and disclose that MB has satisfied himself about the ability of the acquirer to implement the offer in accordance with the Regulations.
7.2.10 In case the acquirer is a foreign body, disclose the details of the escrow account opened abroad, pending RBI permission for opening the same in India. Ensure and disclose that on receipt of RBI permission, the escrow account would be transferred in India. If amount kept therein is in foreign currency, disclose the equivalent amount in INR with rate of conversion as on the date of Letter of Offer. Also ensure and disclose that the minimum amount as stipulated in the Regulations would be maintained at all times irrespective of the fluctuations in the conversion rate.
(dclii) 8. TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THE OFFER 8.1 All the operational terms and conditions subject to which acquirer(s) would accept the offer should be disclosed. The conditions mentioned in the letter of offer should not be in violation of the provisions contained in the Regulations. 8.2 Locked in shares: Regarding acceptance of locked-in shares, whether acquired pursuant to the agreement or the offer, the same can be transferred to the acquirer subject to the continuation of the residual lock-in period in the hands of the acquirer. MB shall ensure that there shall be no discrimination in the acceptance of locked-in and non locked-in shares. 8.3 Eligibility for accepting the offer: disclose that the offer is made to all the remaining shareholders (except the acquirers, the persons acting in concert with acquirers and parties to agreements, if applicable) whose names appeared in the register of shareholders on (mention the specified date) and also to those persons (except the acquirers, the persons acting in concert with acquirers and parties to agreements, if applicable) who own the shares any time prior to the closure of the offer, but are not the registered shareholder(s). 8.4 Statutory approvals: Mention the nature of statutory approvals required for the offer. Disclose the current status of such approval. A statement that no approval other than those mentioned is required for the purpose of this offer shall be incorporated. 9. PROCEDURE FOR ACCEPTANCE AND SETTLEMENT 9.1 Procedure for accepting the offer by eligible persons shall be mentioned indicating 9.1.1 Name and Address of the entities (merchant banker/registrar) to whom the shares should be sent including name of the contact person, telephone no., fax no. and email address etc. Working days and timings Mode of delivery
Mention all the relevant documents viz. Form of Acceptance cum acknowledgement, Original share Certificate, valid transfer deed required to be tendered. Disclose that shares and other relevant documents should not be sent to the acquirer/PACs/Target Company.
9.2 Procedure for acceptance of the offer by unregistered shareholders, owners of shares who have sent them for transfer or those who did not receive the Letter of Offer 9.2.1 Procedure for said persons shall be specified. The option of applying on plain paper giving all relevant details and forwarding relevant documents along with it shall necessarily be given to such shareholders. Alternatively, such shareholders, if they so desire,
(dcliii) may apply on the form of acceptance cum acknowledgement obtained from the website ( It shall be noted that no indemnity is needed from the unregistered shareholders. 9.3 In terms of Regulation 21(6), disclose the relevant provisions pertaining to acceptance of shares when shares offered under the offer by the shareholders are more than the shares agreed to be acquired by the acquirer(s). 9.4 Disclosure in line with Sub-regulation (12) of Regulation (22) about extension of time of payment of consideration and payment of interest should be made. 9.5 Ensure and disclose that the unaccepted shares/documents shall be returned by Registered Post to the shareholders. 9.6 Ensure and disclose that the share certificates would be held in trust by the Manager to the offer/registrar to the offer, as the case may be, till the acquirer completes the offer obligations in terms of Regulations. 9.7 In case, the shares of Target company are dematerialised, MB should ensure to specify all the requisite procedural requirements in the Letter of Offer. 9.8 Specify categorically that the shareholders who are desirous of withdrawing their acceptances tendered in the offer can do so up to three working days prior to the date of closure of the offer, in terms of Regulation 22(5A). 9.9 Further specify that the withdrawal option can be exercised by submitting the document as per the instruction below, so as to reach the Manager to the offer on or before three working days prior to the date of closure of the offer. The withdrawal option can be exercised by submitting the form of withdrawal. The MB may devise a suitable form of withdrawal. 9.10 In case of non-receipt of the form of withdrawal, the withdrawal option can be exercised by making an application on plain paper along with the following details: (a) In case of physical shares: Name, address, distinctive numbers, folio Nos., number of shares tendered/withdrawn. (b) In case of dematerialized shares: Name, address, number of shares tendered/withdrawn, DP name, DP ID, beneficiary account No. and a photocopy of delivery instruction in off market mode or counterfoil of the delivery instruction in off market mode, duly acknowledged by the DP in favour of the Depository Escrow Account. 9.11 Disclose the marketable lot of the shares of the target company. 10. DOCUMENTS FOR INSPECTION 10.1 For inspection of material documents by public disclose the addresses of the place and timings. Such documents shall include: 10.1.1 10.1.2 Certificate of incorporation, Memorandum and Articles Association of the Acquirer, in case Acquirer is a company; of
A Chartered Accountants certificate certifying the net worth of Acquirer(s) in case Acquirer is a individual;
(dcliv) 10.1.3 10.1.4 10.1.5 10.1.6 10.1.7 10.1.8 10.1.9 A Chartered Accountants certificate certifying the adequacy of financial resources with acquirers to fulfil the open offer obligations. Audited annual reports of the Acquirer and Target company for the last three years. A letter from the Bank confirming the amount kept in the escrow account and a line in favour of MB. A copy of the agreement, if any, which triggered the open offer. A published copy of Public announcement. A copy of the letter from SEBI in terms of proviso to Regulation 18(2). When Escrow Account consists of approved securities, details of securities such as name, quantity, face value, paid up value, market price on the date of creation of escrow etc.
10.1.10 A copy of the agreement entered into with Depository participant for opening a special depository account for the purpose of the offer. 10.1.11 A copy of the non-compete agreement, if any. 10.1.12 Any other relevant document(s). 11. DECLARATION BY THE ACQUIRERS (INCLUDING PACs, IF ANY) 11.1 Statements in terms of Regulation 22(6) regarding the Acquirers responsibility for the information contained in the Letter of Offer. 11.2 A statement to the effect that each of the acquirers (including PAC, if any) would be severally and jointly responsible for ensuring compliance with the Regulations shall be incorporated in the Letter of Offer. 11.3 Letter of Offer shall be signed by the acquirer(s)/owner of Attorney holders on their behalf giving date and place. MB to ensure and disclose that person(s) signing the Letter of Offer duly and legally authorised by Acquirers (including PACs, if any). ANNEXURE A (Application in case open offer is for the change in control of the Target Company or is an offer where the offer price is payable in terms of exchange of securities) 4.1 If acquirer(s) (including PACs, if any) is a company 1. Name and address of the company(ies). 2. Relationship, if any, existing between them. 3. Salient features of the agreement, if any, entered between them with regard to the offer/acquisition of shares. 4. Brief history & major areas of operations. 5. Identity of the promoters and/or persons having control over such companies and the group, if any, to which such companies belong to. 6. Confirm and disclose as to whether the applicable provisions of chapter
(dclv) II of SEBI Takeover Regulations has been complied with by acquirer/PACs within the time specified in the Regulations. Delay or non-compliance with these provisions if any, may be disclosed in the letter of offer. Further the extent of compliance by the acquirers/PAC with the applicable provisions of chapter II should be furnished under a separate annexure to SEBI along with the draft letter of offer as per the format at Annexure III of the standard letter of offer. 7. Share holding pattern as under: Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. Shareholders Category Promoters FII/Mutual-Funds/FIs/Banks Public Total Paid Up Capital 8. Name and residential addresses of Board of directors of acquirer(s). Confirm whether any of such director(s) is already on the Board of Directors of Target Company. If so, disclosures in terms of Regulation 22(9). 9. Name of the stock exchanges where the shares of acquirer are listed/traded in the permitted category, if acquirer is a listed company. 10. Total Paid up capital, Face Value of shares and Market Price of shares. 11. Brief audited financial details indicated at 4.1.12 below shall also be disclosed after making the following adjustments in the audited financial statements wherever quantification is possible. (a) Adjustments/rectification for all incorrect accounting policies or failures to make provisions or other adjustments which resulted in audit qualifications; (b) Material amounts relating to adjustments for last three years shall be identified and adjusted in arriving at the profits of the years to which they relate; (c) Where there has been a change in accounting policy during the last three years, the profits or losses of those years shall be re-computed to reflect what the profits or losses or those years would have been if a uniform accounting policy was followed in each of these years. However, if an incorrect accounting policy is being followed, the recomputation of the financial statements would be in accordance with correct accounting policies; (d) Statement of profit or loss shall disclose both the profit or loss arrived at before considering extraordinary items and after considering the profit or loss from extraordinary items. (e) The statement of assets and liabilities shall be prepared after deducting the balance outstanding on revaluation reserve account from both fixed assets and reserves and the net worth arrived at after No. and Percentage of Shares held
(dclvi) such deductions. 12. Brief audited financial details shall be given for a period of last three years. The subsequent certified financial data should also be disclosed so that the financials are not older than six months from the P.A. date. (Amount Rs. in lacs) Profit & Loss Statement Income from operations Other Income Total Income Total Expenditure Profit Before Depreciation Interest and Tax Depreciation Interest Profit Before Tax Provision for Tax Profit After Tax Year I Year II Year III
Balance Sheet Statement Sources of funds Paid up share capital Reserves and Surplus revaluation reserves) Networth Secured loans Unsecured loans Total Uses of funds Net fixed assets Investments Net current assets Total miscellaneous expenditure not written off (excluding
Year I
Year II
Year III
Total Other Financial Data Dividend (%) Earning Per Share Return on Networth Book Value Per Share 13. The following information in respect of all the companies promoted by the acquirer (PACs, if any) for the last three years based on the audited statements (a) Name of Company, (b) Date of incorporation, (c) Nature of Business, (d) Equity capital, reserves (excluding revaluation reserve), (e) Total Income, (f) Profit After Tax (PAT), (g) Earnings Per Shares (EPS), (h) Net Asset Value (NAV), (i) Mention if any of the companies stated above is a Sick Industrial company. 4.2 If Acquirer(s) (including PAC, if any) is an individual, the following details shall be given: 1. Name and residential addresses of each individual(s); 2. Relationship, if any existing between them; 3. Salient features of the agreement, if any entered between them with regard to the offer/acquisition of shares; 4. Principal areas of business and relevant experience; 5. Net worth duly certified by a Chartered Accountant; 6. Confirm and disclose as to whether the applicable provisions of chapter II of SEBI Takeover Regulations has been complied with the acquirer/PACs within the time specified in the Regulations. Delay or non-compliance with these provisions if any, may be disclosed in the letter of offer. Further the extent of compliance by the acquirers/ PACs with the applicable provisions of chapter II should be furnished under a separate annexure to SEBI along with the draft letter of offer as per the format at Annexure C of the standard letter of offer; 7. Positions held on the Board of Directors of any listed company(ies); Year I Year II Year III
(dclviii) 8. Name of the company(ies) where individual is a full time director, Brief financial of those listed company(ies) where the individual along with the persons acting in concert with him, has a controlling stake; 9. The information stated at 4.1.13 above, in respect of all companies promoted by acquirer(s) (PACs, if any); 4.3 Disclosure in terms of Regulation 16(ix). 5. Option in terms of Regulation 21(3), if applicable 5.1 If the public offer results in public shareholding being reduced to 10% or less of the voting capital of the company or if the public offer is in respect of a company which has public shareholding of less than 10% of the voting capital, disclose the option which the acquirer would exercise in terms of Regulation 21(3). In case, acquirer intends to exercise the delisting option provided in the regulations, give all relevant disclosure as required under the guidelines specified by the Board in respect of delisting of securities. 6. Additional Disclosures in case where consideration is to be paid by the acquirer(s) in terms of exchange of instruments in terms of Regulation 20(2) 6.1 Nature of instruments of Acquirer company which are offered such as NCDs, FCDs, PCDs, Shares etc. 6.2 In case, the instruments are convertible into equity shares or have rights to subscribe for equity shares, give details such as exercise period, price & date of conversion, Pre and Post equity capital assuming full conversion etc. 6.3 In case consideration is paid by way of secured instruments, all the features of such instruments such as face value, interest rate, redemption period, redemption amount, details of security created, name of the debenture trustee, etc. 6.4 If the issue/allotment of instruments requires any approval from shareholders, whether the same has already been obtained/to be obtained, if yes disclose all the relevant details of the approval which shall include the amount of instruments issued/proposed to be issued, price of instruments, date when resolution passed/proposed to be passed, validity of the resolution etc. If the approval is yet to be obtained status its off. In case, the resolution in this regard is not approved by the shareholders, disclose as to how the acquirer proposes to fulfil the offer obligations. 6.5 Ensure and disclose the value of such instruments determined in terms of regulation 20(5). ANNEXURE B (Note: All disclosures in terms of guidelines for Delisting of Securities issued by SEBI.) ANNEXURE C STATUS OF COMPLIANCE WITH THE PROVISIONS OF CHAPTER II OF THE TAKEOVER REGULATIONS (as applicable)
(dclix) By the promoters/Sellers/major shareholders/Acquirers, separately (as may be applicable) Sl. No. Regulation/ Sub-regulation Due Date for compliance as mentioned in the regulation 3 20.04.1997 20.04.1997 21.04.1998 21.04.1998 21.04.1999 21.04.1999 21.04.2000 21.04.2000 21.04.2001 21.04.2001 21.04.2002 21.04.2002 Actual date of compliance Delay, if any (in no. of days) Col.4 - Col. 3 5 Remarks
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
2 6(1) 6(3) 8(1) 8(2) 8(1) 8(2) 8(1) 8(2) 8(1) 8(2) 8(1) 8(2) 7(1) & (2) 7(1A) & (2)
The data must be furnished separately for each of the 3 category of shareholders referred to above. ANNEXURE D By the target company Sl. No. Regulation/ Sub-regulation Due Date for compliance as mentioned in the regulation 3 20.05.1997 20.05.1997 30.04.1998 30.04.1999 30.04.2000 Actual date of compliance Delay, if any (in no. of days) Col.4 - Col. 3 5 Remarks
1 1 2 3 4 5
XVIII. SPECIMEN FORM (Please send this Form with enclosures to the Registrars to the Offer at their address given overleaf) FORM OF ACCEPTANCE-CUM-ACKNOWLEDGEMENT (All terms and expressions used herein shall have the same meaning as ascribed thereto in the Letter of Offer Folio No./DP ID/client ID Sr. No. No. of Shares held OFFER OPENS ON : June 5, 2002 CLOSES ON : July 4, 2002 Tel. No.: Fax No.: E-mail: To, XYZ (India) Ltd. C/o. ABC Consultants Ltd. 23, Mumbai Road Mumbai 400 034 Dear Sir/Madam, Sub: Open Offer for purchase upto 6,507,594 fully paid up Equity Shares of Rs.10/- each representing 49% of the paid up Equity Share capital and being the balance outstanding Equity Share Capital of XYZ (India) Ltd. at a price of Rs.110/per Share (Offer Price) payable in cash (The Offer) subject to terms and conditions mentioned hereinafter. I/We refer to the Letter of Offer dated May 23, 2002 for acquiring the Equity Shares held by me/us in XYZ (India) Ltd. I/We, the undersigned, have read the Letter of Offer and understood its contents including the terms and conditions as mentioned therein. SHARES HELD IN PHYSICAL FORM I/We, accept the Offer and enclose the original share certificate(s) and duly signed transfer deed(s) in respect of my/our shares as detailed below. Sr.No. Certificate No. Distinctive Nos. From To No. of Shares
Total number of equity shares Please attach an additional sheet of paper and authenticate the same if the above space is insufficient. SHARES HELD IN DEMAT FORM I/We, holding shares in demat form, accept the Offer and enclose photocopy of the Delivery Instructions duly acknowledged by DP in respect of my equity shares as detailed below. DP Name DP ID Client ID No. of Shares Name of Beneficiary
I/We have done an off market transaction for crediting the shares to the special depository account with Deutsche Bank AG, Mumbai in NSDL styled KCL-Escrow Account XYZ Open Offer whose particulars are: DP Name: LMN Bank, Mumbai DP ID Number: LM 101000 Client ID Number: 2479478
Shareholders having their beneficiary account with CDSL have to use interdepository slip for purpose of crediting their shares in favour of the special depository account with NSDL. Enclosures (Please tick as appropriate):
I/We confirm that the equity shares of XYZ (India) Ltd., which are being tendered herewith by me/us under the Offer, are free from liens, charges and encumbrances of any kind whatsoever. P.T.O. TEAR ALONG THIS LINE
(dclxii) Folio No./DP ID/Client ID Sr.No. Received from Mr./ Ms_________________________________ Address________________________________ Number of certificate(s) enclosed____________
Note: All future correspondence in connection with this Open Offer, if any, should be addressed to Registrars to the offer. I/We note and understand that the original share certificate(s) and valid share transfer deed will be held in trust for me/us by the Registrars to the Offer until the time the Acquirer pays the purchase consideration as mentioned in the Letter of Offer. I/We also note and understand that the Acquirer will pay the purchase consideration only after verification of the documents and signatures. I/We note and understand that the Shares would lie in the Special Depository Account until the time the Acquirer makes payment of purchase consideration as mentioned in the Letter of Offer. I/We authorise the Acquirer to accept the shares so offered which it may decide to accept in consultation with the Manager to the Offer and in terms of the Letter of Offer and I/we further authorise the Acquirer to return to me/us, equity share certificate(s) in respect of which the offer is not found valid/not accepted, specifying the reasons thereof. The Permanent Account No. (PAN/GIR No.) allotted under the Income Tax Act, 1961 is as under. 1st Shareholder PAN/GIR No. I/We authorise the Acquirer to send by registered post/speed post/UCP the draft/cheque, in settlement of the amount to the sole/first holder at the address mentioned above. Yours faithfully, Signed and Delivered; Full Name(s) of the Holders First/Sole Holder Joint Holder 1 Joint Holder 2 Joint Holder 3 Note: In case of joint holdings, all holders must sign. A Corporation must affix its Signature(s) 2nd Shareholder 3rd Shareholder
So as to avoid fraudulent encashment in transit, the shareholder(s) may provide details of bank account of the first/sole shareholder and the consideration cheque or demand draft will be drawn accordingly. Name of Bank___________________Branch_______________City____________ Account Number____________Savings/Current/Others (please specify)_______ INSTRUCTIONS 1. In the case of dematerialized shares, the shareholders are advised to ensure that their shares are credited in favour of the special depository account, before the closure of the Offer. The Form of Acceptance cum Acknowledgement of such demat shares not credited in favour of the special depository account, before the closure of the Offer will be rejected. 2. Shareholders should enclose the following: I. For Equity shares held in demat form: Beneficial owners should enclose Form of Acceptance cum Acknowledgement duly completed and signed in accordance with the instructions contained therein, as per the records of the Depository Participant (DP). Photocopy of the delivery instruction in Off-market mode or counterfoil of the delivery instruction in Off-market mode \, duly acknowledged by the DP. For each Delivery Instruction, the beneficial owner should submit separate Form of Acceptance. II. For Equity shares held in physical form: Registered Shareholders should enclose: Form of Acceptance cum Acknowledgement duly completed and signed in accordance with the instructions contained therein, by all shareholders whose names appear on the share certificates. Original Share Certificate(s). Valid Share Transfer form(s) duly signed as transferors by all registered shareholders (in case of joint holdings) in the same order and as per specimen signatures registered with RST and duly witnessed at the appropriate place. A blank Share transfer form is enclosed along with this Letter of Offer. For those shareholders who have not received the Share Transfer form. III. Unregistered owners should enclose Form of Acceptance cum Acknowledgement duly completed and signed in accordance with the instructions contained therein Original Share Certificate(s). Brokers contract note in original.
(dclxiv) Valid Share Transfer form(s). The details of buyer should be left blank failing which the same will be invalid under the Offer. The details as buyer will be filled by the upon verification of the Form of Acceptance and the same being found valid. All other requirements for valid transfer will be preconditions for valid acceptance. 3. The share certificate(s); share transfer form(s) and the Form of Acceptance should be sent only to the Registrar to the Offer and not to the Manager to the Offer or the Acquirer or the Persons Acting in Concert of Target Company. 4. Shareholders having their beneficiary account in CDSL have to use INTER DEPOSITORY DELIVERY INSTRUCTION SLIP for the purpose of crediting their shares in the favour of the special depository account with NSDL. 5. Non resident shareholders should enclose a copy of the permission received from RBI for the equity shares held by them in XYZ (India) Ltd. If the shares are held under General Permission of RBI, the non resident shareholder should state that the shares are held under General Permission and whether on repatriable basis or non repatriable basis. 6. Non resident shareholders should enclose No Objection Certificate/Tax Clearance certificate from the Income Tax Authorities under Income Tax Act, 1961, indicating the tax to be deducted by the Acquirer before remittance of consideration otherwise tax will be deducted at the marginal rate as may be applicable to the category of the shareholder on the consideration payable by the Acquirer. Monday to Friday: 11.00 am to 1.00 pm; 2.00 pm to 4.00 pm; Saturday: 10.00 am to 1.00 pm; The Centres will be closed on Sundays and any other Public Holidays Collection Centres: Address Contact Person Mode of Delivery Phone No. Fax No.
Applicants who cannot hand deliver their documents at the Collection Centres, may send their documents only by Registered Post, at their own risk, to the Registrars at ABC Consultants Limited, 23, Mumbai Road, Mumbai 400 034 so as to reach the Registrars on or before the close of the Offer.
(dclxv) TEAR ALONG THIS LINE All queries in this regard to be addressed to Registrar to the offer at the following address quoting your Reference Folio No./DPID/Client ID ABC Consultants Limited [Unit: XYZ (India) Ltd.] Mumbai Road, Mumbai 400 034 Tel: 010-221 2555/884 9241 Fax: 010-221 9426
Students may please note that all figures mentioned in this have been assumed.
XIX. FORMAT OF POST OFFER PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT 1. Name of the Target Company: 2. Name of Acquirer(s) including PACS: 3. Name of Manager to the offer: 4. Name of the Registrar to the offer, if any: 5. Offer Details (a) Date of opening of the offer: (b) Date of closure of the offer 6. Details of the acquisition S. No. 1 2 Offer price Share holding of acquirer (No. and %) before MOU/P.A. Shares acquired by way of MOU or market purchases (No. and %) Shares acquired in the open offer (No. and %) Size of the open offer (No. of shares multiplied by offer price per share) Shares acquired after P.A but before 7 working days prior to closure date, if any (No. and %) 6.1 Price of the shares acquired N.A. Item Proposed in the Offer document Actuals
4 5
(dclxvi) 6.2 No. of shares acquired 6.3 % of shares acquired 7 Post offer share holding of acquirer (No and %) (2+3+4+6) Pre & Post offer share holding of Public (No. and %) Pre offer Post offer Pre offer Post offer
7. Status of the escrow account, whether released or not. 8. Payment of interest, if any, to the shareholders along with the details thereof. 9. Status of investor complaints received, if any. Note: (i) Incorporate a statement that the Public Announcement is issued on behalf of acquirer(s) by the Manager to the offer. (ii) Give name and address of acquirer and incorporate a responsibility statement by acquirer(s) i.e. Acquirer and PAC with him (Directors in case acquirer is a company) accept joint and several responsibility for the information contained in the Public Announcement. (iii) The Merchant Bankers (MBs) are advised to incorporate the lay out and ensure that all the details mentioned herein are given in the Public Announcement. However MB/acquirer is free to add any other disclosure(s) which in his opinion is material for shareholders provided such disclosure(s) is not presented in an incomplete, inaccurate or misleading manner. (iv) MB should also mention the names and dates of Newspapers where the said Public announcement appeared, in the letter forwarding the Public announcement (PA) to SEBI. (v) It has been decided to put the public announcements made on or after 1st November, 2001 in terms of the Regulations and the subsequent corrigendum(s), if any, on the SEBI web-site to facilitate timely flow of information to the shareholders/investors. MBs are, therefore, advised to forward a soft copy of the said public announcements and subsequent corrigendum(s), if any, to SEBI in HTML format within 2 days of the same appearing in the newspapers along with the printed copy of the same. The soft copy shall be sent along with a duly filled in check list as per the format given in Annexure I to the format of public announcement of the offer. XX. BUY-BACK OF SECURITIES Section 77A of the Companies Act, 1956 allows a company to buy-back its own shares or other specified securities. Under Section 77A, any company limited or company limited by guarantee and having a share capital can buy-back its own
(dclxvii) securities, whether it is a private company, public company, listed company or unlisted company. In the case of listed companies, the buy-back of the shares or other specified securities should be in accordance wit the regulations made by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in this behalf. SEBI has framed the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Buy-back of Securities) Regulations, 1998 which are applicable to the buy-back of listed securities. The buy-back of securities by unlisted companies must be in accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the Government of India (Department of Company Affairs). The Central government has notified the Private Limited Company and Unlisted Public Company (Buy-back of Securities) Rules, 1999 in this regard. In both cases, the Articles of Association of the company must expressly authorise the buy-back of securities. The documents involved in a buy-back of securities are (a) Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company. (b) Resolution of the Board of Directors of the company approving the buy-back. (c) Special resolution by the shareholders of the company approving the buyback. (d) Declaration of solvency by the Board of Directors of the Company. [For a specimen of the declaration of solvency, which may be in Form No. 4A, prescribed under the Companies (Central governments) General Rules and Forms, 1956 please see Annexure XXV at the end of this study material]. (e) In the case of a buy-back of securities from the existing shareholders of the company, a public announcement. (f) Letter of offer to the security holders. (g) Register of securities bought back (h) Return on buy-back of securities. XXI. FORM NO. 4A Declaration of solvency (See Rule 5C) ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ _________________________________(Name) _________________________________(Designation)
Presented by
(dclxviii) do solemnly affirm and declare that we have formed the opinion that the company is capable of meeting its total liabilities and that the company will not be rendered insolvent within a period of one year from the date of making this declaration. We append a statement of companys assets and liabilities as at____________ being the latest date before making of this declaration (Annexure-I). We further declare that the companys audited annual accounts including the Balance Sheet have been filed upto date with the Registrar of Companies________ Signature___________________________ Name______________________________ Managing Director Signature___________________________ Name______________________________ Directors Signature___________________________ Name______________________________ Directors Verification And we make this solemn declaration believing the same to be true. We solemnly declare that we have made a full enquiry into the affairs of the company including assets and liabilities of this company and that having done so and having noted that the shareholders by a special resolution have approved the buyback of..... (......) (in words) number of shares/securities as per the provisions of section 77A of the Companies Act, 1956, as inserted by the Companies (Amendment) Ordinance, 1999. Verified this day of......, 20..... Signature___________________________ Name______________________________ Managing Director Signature___________________________ Name______________________________ Directors Signature___________________________ Name______________________________ Directors Solemnly affirmed and declared at_________ the________ day of _____ 201__ before me. Commissioner for Oaths and Notary Public or Justice of the Peace
Annexure A: Statement of Assets and Liabilities Statement as at__________________________________ 201___, showing assets at estimated realisable values and liabilities expected to rank. Name of the Company:___________________________________ Assets Book Value 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Balance at Bank Cash in hand Marketable Securities Bills Receivables Trade Debtors Loans and Advances Unpaid Calls Stock-in-trade Work in Progress viz. _________________ _________________ _________________ Freehold Property Leasehold Property Plant and Machinery Furniture, Fittings, utensils, etc. Patents, Trade Marks, etc. Investments other than Marketable Securities Other property viz. _________________ Total Estimated to realise
___________ ___________
_____________ _____________
Liabilities Estimated to rank for payment (to the nearest rupee) 1. Secured on specific assets viz; 2. Secured by floating charge(s), viz; 3. Estimated cost of liquidation and other expenses including interest accruing until payment of debts in full. 4. Unsecured creditors (amounts estimated to rank for payment)
(dclxx) (a) Trade accounts (b) Bills payable (c) Accrued expenses (d) Other liabilities _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ (e) Contingent liabilities _________________ _________________ _________________ _________________ Total Total estimated value of assets Total Liabilities Estimated surplus after paying debts in full Remarks __________________________
Signature___________________________ Name______________________________ Managing Director Signature___________________________ Name______________________________ Directors Signature___________________________ Name______________________________ Directors Place :_____________ Date :_____________ * The period to be filed in should not exceed 3 years. XXII. FORMAT OF THE REPORT TERMS OF REGULATION 3(4) TO BE SUBMITTED TO SEBI IN
1. Format of the captioned reports has been divided into two parts: Part I and Part II. 2. Part I enumerates the details which are common to all type of acquisitions whereas Part II enumerates the details which are specific to the acquisition. There are five forms in Part II (Form A, Form B, form C, Form D and Form E). 3. Both the Parts [Part I and Part II (i.e. the specific form)] are required to be filled up and submitted as a single report under Regulation 3(4) of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations,
(dclxxi) 1997 so as to reach SEBI within 21 days of the date of acquisition along with the fee as specified under Regulation 3(5) of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997. PART I General Details Sr.No. I II III Item Date of report Name and address of sender Whether sender is acquirer Factual Detail Comments, if any Not Applicable Not Applicable If no, whether the person is duly authorised by acquirer to act on his behalf in this regard (enclose copy of such authorisation)
Compliance of Reg. 3(4) and 3(5) (i) Whether report has been submitted to SEBI within 21 days from the date of acquisition-Reg. 3(4) (ii) Whether the report stated at (i) is accompanied with filing fees as required under rule 3(5) Target Company Details
Sr.No. I II
Factual Detail
Name of Stock Exchange(s) where shares of Target company are listed Opening and Closing price of shares as on date of acquisition (indicate name of stock exchange) Total paid-up capital in terms of Number of shares/ voting rights, In case, no quotation was available on that particular date, give the last quoted price available alongwith date.
Before acquisition of shares/voting rights under consideration After acquisition of shares/voting rights under consideration Acquirers Details
Please Note: Unless otherwise stated Acquirer along with persons acting in concert with him would be taken as acquirer hereinafter Sr.No. I Item Comments, if any
Name and Address of acquirer(s) (regarding persons acting in concert with the main acquirer, give only names of PAC) Identify the main acquirer and he must be authorized by other PAC to file a report with SEBI. Any further correspondence by SEBI regarding the acquisition will be done with the main Acquirer In case, the acquirer is a company, identify its promoters or persons having control over the said company and the group they belong to. Shareholding of acquirer in target company in terms of No. and % of shares of target company) (a) Before the acquisition under consideration (b) After the acquisition under consideration Mention of regulation [10, 11(1), 11(2) or 12] which would have been triggered off, had the report not filed under Regulation 3(4). Explain by giving pre and postacquisition holding of shares/voting rights/ control over the target company or by giving the % shares/voting rights acquired. Category of the Acquisition/Transaction Item Specify the sub-regulation/sub-clause under Regulations 3, to which the transaction falls. Comments, if any
Sr.No. 1.
PART II FORM A For transaction falling under regulation 3(1)(a) - allotment pursuant to an application made to a public issue Sr.No. Item Factual Comments on compliance of
(dclxxiii) information/ disclosure given I II III IV Date of allotment Acquisition price per share No. and percentage of shares of T.C. are acquired In case, the acquisition is by way of application made in public issue. 1. Indicate No. and % of shares applied for vis-a-vis No. and % of shares acquired In case, the acquisition is by way of firm allotment made in public issue 1. Indicate No. and % of shares acquired. 2. Indicate whether full disclosure about the following was given in the prospectus: (a) Identity of acquirer (b) Consequential changes: (i) in voting right (ii) in shareholding pattern (iii) in Board of Directors (c) Purpose of acquisition Regulatory requirements Write Complied with/not complied with if applicable. Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Comments as to how in your view, you have satisfied the provision of said regulation?
Reproduce the relevant portion from the prospectus against each disclosure.
Other requirements (a) A statement from acquirer, that information given in the report is true and correct. (b) The report shall be signed by the acquirer mentioning date and place. In case, there are more than one acquirer, then either all of them should sign or one person who has been duly authorised by others, should sign on behalf of others. Supporting Documents A copy of the prospectus with the relevant portion duly highlighted, should be
(dclxxiv) sent alongwith the report. FORM B For transaction falling under regulation 3(1)(b) - allotment in pursuant to an application made in right issue Sr.No. Item Factual information/ disclosure given Comments on compliance of Regulatory requirements Write Complied with/not complied with if applicable. I II III Date of allotment Acquisition price per share Details of rights issue(a) (b) (c) IV No. of shares issued Ratio Price per share Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable
Pre-issue holding of acquirer in target company (in terms of No. of shares and %) Extent of rights entitlement of acquirers (No. and %) (% w.r.t. No. of shares issued in rights issue) No. and % of shares acquired in rights issue Whether (vi) is to the extent of rights entitlement of acquirer specified at (v) above If (vii) is No. indicate No. and % of shares acquired over and above the rights entitlement Whether the No. and % shares mentioned at (VIII) is within the limits specified Yes/No Yes/No
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
(dclxxv) in Regulation II X In (ix) is No, disclose the following: Explain how the said acquirer is stated to be in control over the company. Reproduce the relevant disclosure from the letter of offer. Explain as to how you have satisfied the provisions contained in the Regulations.
Whether the said acquirer was in control over the company before rights issue. Whether the intention to acquire additional shares beyond their entitlement, if the issue is undersubscribed, was disclosed in the Letter of offer. Yes/No with reasons
Has there been any change in control of management of the company pursuant to this acquisition
Other requirements (a) A statement from Acquirer that information given in the reports is true and correct. (b) The report shall be signed by the acquirer mentioning date and place. In case, there are more than one acquirer, then either all of them should sign or one person who has been duly authorised by others, should sign on behalf of others. Supporting document: A copy of the Letter of Offer with the relevant portion highlighted, should be sent alongwith the report. FORM C For transaction falling under Regulation 3(1)(c) - preferential allotment in pursuant to a resolution passed under Section 81(1A) of the Companies Act, 1956 Sr.No. Item Factual information/disclos Comments on compliance of
(dclxxvi) ure given Regulatory requirements. Write Complied with/not complied with if applicable. Not Applicable
Date when Board resolution was passed for approving the preferential allotment Whether copy of the above Board resolution was sent to all SEs where shares of Target company are listed for being notified on the notice Board - Reg.3(1)(c)(i) Date when Shareholders meeting was held to pass a resolution under section 81(1A) of the Companies Act to approve the preferential allotment Pre-issue holding of acquirer in target company (in terms of No. of shares and %) Details of allotment: 1. preferential
Indicate date when it was submitted to SEs and confirm compliance of Reg.3(1)(c)(i) If the resolution was not passed/passed with modifications, please indicate so giving details of modifications, if any. Not applicable
Total No. and % of shares proposed to be allotted. No. and % of shares proposed to be allotted to acquirer Whether in accordance with SEBI preferential offer guidelines dated August 4, 1994. Indicate the disclosure given in the notice for the details asked for in terms of Reg. 3(1)(c)(ii).
Disclosures given in the notice sent to shareholders for the above meeting (Refer Annexure A) 1. Identity of the class of
(dclxxvii) proposed allottee(s) 2. 3. Identity of allottee(s) Price at allotment proposed. Purpose of reason for allotment which is and such
Consequential changes if any in (a) Board of Directors (b) Voting rights (c) Shareholding pattern
Whether such allotment would result in any change in control over the company
Whether SEBIs Preferential Offer Guidelines dated August 4, 1994 have been complied with Date of allotment** Whether information about the proposed acquisition was given to all SEs where the shares of target company are listed at least 4 working days in advance of the proposed acquisition - Reg. 3(3) Yes/No Date when it was submitted to SEs Confirm compliance of Reg. 3(3).
** Unless otherwise specified by the acquirer with relevant documents, the date when Board of target
company finally approves the allotment, will be taken as the date of acquisition.
Other requirements (a) A statement from Acquirer that information given in the reports is true and correct. (b) The report shall be signed by the acquirer mentioning date and place. In case, there are more than one acquirer, then either all of them should sign or one person who has been duly authorised by others, should sign on behalf of others. Supporting Document: A copy of the Notice of the General Meeting called for the purpose of the preferential allotment with the relevant portion highlighted, should be
(dclxxviii) sent along wit the report. FORM D For transactions falling under regulation 3(1)(e) - inter se transfer of shares Please write NOT APPLICABLE for the sub-clause which is not applicable in your case. Sr.No. Item Factual Comments on information/disclos compliance of ure given Regulatory requirements. Write Complied with/not complied with if applicable) I. II III Date of inter se transfer (acquisition) Acquisition price per share Specify the sub-clause of reg. 3(1)(e) to which the said transaction falls In case, the transaction belongs to sub-clause (i) 1. Give names transferors transferees; of and 3(1)(e)(i)/3(1)(e)(ii)/ 3(1)(iii)
Indicate by citing the relevant section MRTP Act, 1969 as to how transferor and transferee can be classified as group companies within the definition of group as defined in MRTP Act, 1969.
In case, the transaction belongs to sub-clause (ii) 1. Give names transferors transferees. of and
Indicate by citing the relevant sub-section of section 6, and also the relation, as to how the transferor and transferee can be classified as
(dclxxix) relatives within the meaning of section 6 of the Companies Act, 1956 VI In case, the transaction falls under sub-clause (iii)(a) and (b) 1. Explain as to how the transferor and transferee can be termed as promoters (cite relevant section of Regulation 2(h) of SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997. Name of the transferee(s) (Acquirers) and their shareholding/voting rights in Target company for the last three years as on 31st March each year in terms of No. and % of shares/voting rights of target company. Name of the transferor(s) and their shareholding/voting rights in Target company for the last three years as on 31st March each year in terms of No. and % of shares/voting rights of target company. Also furnish a statement confirming the following: the transferor(s) have been holding individually or collectively
(dclxxx) not less than 5% shares in target company for a period of atleast three years prior to the date of acquisition. (b) the transferee(s) have been holding individually or collectively not less than 5% shares in target company. For a period of at least three years prior to the date of acquisition. Yes/No Forward copies of the declaration filed and confirm compliance of applicable regulations of Chapter II.
Whether the transferee(s) have filed the declaration with the Target company in accordance with Chapter II of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 and whether the company has filed the same with all SEs where shares of the Target company are listed. Whether information about the proposed acquisition was given to all SEs where the shares of Target Company are listed atleast 4 working days in advance of the proposed acquisition - Reg. 3(3)
Indicate the date when information was given to SEs and confirmation regarding compliance of Regulation 3(3)
Other requirements A statement from Acquirer that information given in the reports is true and correct. The report shall be signed by the acquirer mentioning date and place. In case, there are more than one acquirer, then either all of them should sign or one person who has been duly authorised by others, should sign on behalf of others. Supporting Document: A copy of the declarations filed by acquirer with the Target Company and a letter
(dclxxxi) from Target Company that the said information has been filed with SEs within the stipulated time, i.e., Chapter II requirements are complied with, should be set along with the report. FORM E For transactions falling under regulation 3(1)(i) - Transfer of shares of target company from State level financial institutions (SLFIs) or its subsidiaries to copromoters of the target company. Sr.No. Item Factual information/disclos ure given Comments on compliance of Regulatory requirements. Write Complied with/not complied with if applicable. Not Applicable Not Applicable the
Date of Transfer Acquisition price per share (a) (b) Name of transferor(s)
Confirm whether it is State Level Financial Institution or its subsidiary. Reproduce the relevant portion from the agreement
If the transfer is pursuant to an agreement, mention (a) (b) date of agreement the
Whether acquirer is promoter or co-promoter as per definition given in Reg. 2(h) of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997. Cite the relevant section. Whether information about the proposed acquisition was given to all SEs where the shares of Target company are listed atleast 4 working days in advance of the proposed acquisition Yes/No Date when it was submitted to SEs and confirmation regarding compliance of Reg.3(3)
(dclxxxii) - Reg. 3(3) Other requirements A statement from Acquirer that information given in the report is true and correct. The report shall be signed by the acquirer mentioning date and place. In case, there are more than one acquirer, then either all of them should sign or one person who has been duly authorised by others, should sign on behalf of others. Supporting Document: A copy of the relevant portion of agreement duly highlighted, should be sent alongwith the report. Annexure A The disclosures which are required to be given in the notice of the General Meeting (called for the purpose of consideration of the preferential allotment) in accordance with Regulation 3(1)(c)(ii) of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997, shall be as per the following format: I. Allottee Details: (a) Name of the Allottee(s) and its relation, if any, with the existing promoters or persons in control over the Target Company (T.C.) Names of persons deemed to be acting in concert with the allottee (all referred as Acquirer hereinafter) who will be holding more than 5% in T.C. shall also be disclosed. In case, the allottee(s) is a company, identify its promoters or persons in control over the company and the group they belong to, if any. II Acquisition Details (a) No. and % of shares proposed to be allotted pursuant to special resolution passed under section 81(1A) - preferential allotment. (b) No. and % of shares proposed to be allotted to each of the allottee(s) mentioned at (i) above. Note: % to be calculated w.r.t. expanded capital (post acquisition capital). (c) Price at which allotment is proposed. Note: 1. The actual price shall be mentioned in the notice alongwith the statement that the same is in accordance with SEBI
(dclxxxiii) Preferential Offer Guidelines dated 4.8.94. 2. In case, an instrument convertible into shares (CIs) i.e. FCDs/PCDs/OFCDs/ warrants, etc., is proposed to be issued: (i) mention the price at which the CIs is issued, (ii) mention the price at which the CIs would be converted into equity shares. (iii) disclose features of the instrument (conversion period, conversion price, redemption period etc.) (iv) terms of payment. [In case, the issuer wants to fix the relevant date, 30 days prior to the date on which CI holder becomes entitled to apply for the said shares, this intention shall be disclosed clearly. In this regard, please refer to SEBI preferential offer guidelines dated 4.8.94] (d) Purpose of and reason of the said allotment. (e) Consequential changes, if any, in Board of Directors Note: A specific statement indicating the No. of directors out of the total No. of directors proposed to be inducted in Board of Directors (BOD) of Target Company (T.C.) after preferential allotment shall be given. In case no change in BOD is envisaged, a specific statement to that effect shall be incorporated. (f) Consequential changes, if any, in the shareholding pattern of the Target Company 1. Promoter group (a) Acquirer(s) (b) Others (c) Total for promoter group 2. Acquirer(s) 3. MFs/FIIs/FIs 4. Public Total paid-up equity capital of Target company
Pre-allotment in terms of shares No. % Post-allotment in terms of shares No. %
(dclxxxiv ) Notes: (a) Give shareholding under 1(a) or (2) as the case may be, for each acquirer having 5% or more in the post acquisition capital, separately. (b) In case, convertible instruments (CIs) are proposed to be allotted, the postacquisition capital shall take into account the post conversion capital (c) In case, there are any outstanding CIs besides the one which are proposed to be allotted, they shall also be taken into account for determining the postacquisition capital. (d) Acquirers holding should also take into account any outstanding CIs, in their name. (g) Consequential changes, if any, in voting rights 1. Promoter group (a) Acquirer(s) (b) Others (c) Total for promoter group 2. Acquirer(s) 3. MFs/FIIs/FIs 4. Public Note: A specific statement that voting rights would change in tandem with shareholding pattern shall be mentioned, if that is so. Otherwise a suitable categorical statement shall be made. (h) Whether the said allotment would result in change in control over the company. Note: A specific statement to this effect shall be mentioned. ADDITIONAL DOCUMENTS Apart form the documents referred to above under takeover, merger and demergers the other additional documents required for these are: 1. Notice to dissenting shareholders (already mentioned in Takeovers documents) 2. Notice for extraordinary general meeting to seek approval of shareholders to
(dclxxxv) acquire shares of another company. Notice for extraordinary general meeting to seek approval of shareholders to acquire shares of another company NOTICE is hereby given that an Extraordinary General Meeting of the members th of ABC Limited will be held at.. on Thursday, 10 January, 2002, at 10.00 A.M. to transact the following business. 1. To consider and, if thought fit, to pass, with or without modification/s, the following resolution as a ORDINARY RESOLUTION: RESOLVED THAT subject to the provisions of Section 372A and other applicable provisions, if any, of the Companies Act, 1956 and subject to the approval of Central Government, Securities and Exchange Board of India, Stock Exchange(s) and such other approvals as may be necessary, consent of the shareholders be and is hereby accorded to the Board of Directors for acquiring upto 29,00,000 fully paidup equity shares of Rs. 10 each of.., from Promoters of the company, at a price not exceeding Rs.. per share and upto additional 9,40,000 equity shares of Rs. 10 each from other shareholders, whose names appear in the Register of Members of.. on the record date, at a price to be determined as per statutory rules and regulations for the time being in force through a Letter of Offer. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board of Directors of the Company be and is hereby authorised to make investment of such lesser amount as may be sanctioned/ approved by the Central Government. RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board of Directors be and is hereby authorised to do all such acts, deeds and things as may be deemed expedient and necessary to give effect to this resolution. By Order of the Board Registered Office For ABC Ltd. Company Secretary New Delhi, 13 December, 2001 Notes: 1. The relative explanatory statement pursuant to Section 173(2) of the Companies Act, 1956, in respect of the business to be transacted at the Extraordinary General meeting is annexed hereto. 2. A member entitled to attend and vote at the above meeting is entitled to appoint a proxy to attend and vote instead of himself and the proxy need not be a member of the company. Explanatory Statement The Company is proposing to acquire upto 38,40,000 fully paid-up equity shares of Rs. 10 each of by following the provisions of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1977. However, as the proposed acquisition of shares will exceed of the subscribed capital of. it is necessary to obtain approval of the shareholders and Central Government as per the provisions of Section 372A of the Companies Act, 1956. Further, pursuant to the above acquisition
(dclxxxvi ) of shares, , will become a subsidiary. As.., is in the business of manufacturing and marketing of the Board of Directors of your Company are of the opinion that by acquiring the control over management and operations of. the Company can further strengthen its presence in the market. Your Directors therefore recommend the said resolution for your approval. None of the Directors of the Company is concerned or interested in the Resolutions. By Order of the Board For ABC Ltd. Registered Office New Delhi, 13 December, 2001 ABC Limited Registered Office: Proxy Form I/We of... being a member/members of the abovenamed Company hereby appoint ... of.. or failing him of ... as my/our proxy to vote for me/us on my/our behalf at the EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL th MEETING of the Company to be held at 10.00 a.m. on Friday, 11 January, 2002 and at any adjournment thereof. Revenue Stamp
Signed: Date: Note: Proxies must reach the Companys Registered Office not less than 48 hours before the meeting.
(dclxxxvii )
Chapter covers amongst others, the specimen of following documents involved in merger in a company Specimen scheme of arrangement Application to dispense with General Meeting Specimen Advertisement of convening of General Meeting Specimen notice to creditors regarding petition under Section 391 Specimen advertisement of petition Resolutions Further the lesson covers the documents involved in takeover by transferor company and transferee company. The legal documents required for takeover under SEBI Regulations, are also specified.
SELF-TEST QUESTIONS (These are meant for recapitulation only. Answers to these questions are not required to be submitted for evaluation). 1. List the major and minor activities involved in the process of merger of a company. 2. Draft suitable resolutions for the following: (a) Appointment of a Merchant Banker during takeover process of a company. (b) Opening an escrow account. 3. Write down the checklist for the submission of softcopy of information to be published on SEBI website. 4. List out the documents that are required in the process of mergers/ amalgamations.
1. INTRODUCTION When a borrower, who is under a liability to pay to secured creditor, makes any default in repayment of secured debt or any instalment thereof, the account of borrower is classified as non-performing asset (NPA). NPAs constitute a real economic cost to the nation because they reflect the application of scarce capital and credit funds to unproductive uses. The money locked up in NPAs are not available for productive use and to the extent that banks seek to make provisions for NPAs or write them off, it is a charge on their profits. High level of NPAs impact adversely on the financial strength of banks who in the present era of globalization, are required to conform to stringent International Standards. The public at large is also adversely affected because bank's main source of funds are deposits placed by public continued growth in NPA portfolio threatens the repayment capacity of the banks and erode the confidence reposed by them in the banks. 662
(dclxxxix ) The banks had to take recourse to the long legal route against the defaulting borrowers beginning from filling of claims in the courts. A lot of time was usually spent in getting decrees and execution thereof before the banks could make some recoveries. In the meantime the promoters could seek the protection of BIFR and could also dilute the securities available to banks. The Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRTs) set up by the Govt. also did not prove to be of much help as these get gradually overburdened by the huge volume of cases referred to them. All along, the banks were feeling greatly handicapped in the absence of any powers for seizure of assets charged to them. All these issues gave the passage for evolution of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 SRFAESI Act, 2002. SRFAESI Act, 2002, is a unique piece of legislation which has far reaching consequences. This Act is having the overriding power over the other legislation and it shall go in addition to and not in derogation of certain legislation. Statement of Objects and Reasons It is necessary at the outset, to reiterate the statement of objects and reasons for the Securitisation Act, which reads as under: The financial sector has been one of the key drivers in Indias efforts to achieve success in rapidly developing its economy. While the banking industry in India is progressively complying with the international prudential norms and accounting practices, there are certain areas in which the banking and financial sector do not have a level playing field as compared to other participants in the financial markets in the world. There is no legal provision for facilitating securitisation of financial assets of banks and financial institutions. Further, unlike international banks, the banks and financial institutions in India do not have power to take possession of securities and sell them. Our existing legal framework relating to commercial transactions has not kept pace with the changing commercial practices and financial sector reforms. This has resulted in slow pace of recovery of defaulting loans and mounting levels of nonperforming assets of banks and financial institutions. Narasimham Committee I and II and Andhyarujina Committee constituted by the Central Government for the purpose of examining banking sector reforms have considered the need for changes in the level system in respect of these areas. These Committees, inter alia, have suggested enactment of a new legislation for securitisation and empowering banks and financial institutions to take possession of the securities and do sell them without the intervention of the court. Acting on these suggestions. The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Ordinance, 2002 was promulgated on the 21st June, 2002 to regulate securitisation and reconstruction of financial assets and enforcement of security interest and for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto. The provisions of the Ordinance of liquidity, asset liability mismatches and improve recovery by exercising powers to take possession of securities, sell them and reduce non-performing assets by adopting measures for recovery or reconstruction. The Statement of Objects and Reasons, therefore, makes it clear that the main purpose of the Securitisation Act, is to enable and empower the secured creditors to take possession of their securities and to deal with them without the intervention of
(dcxc) the court and also alternatively to authorise any securitisation or reconstruction company to acquire financial assets of any bank or financial institution. The SRFAESI Act, 2002 has empowered the Banks and Financial Institutions with vast power to enforce the securities charged to them. The Banks can now issue notices to the defaulters to pay up the dues and if they fail to do so within 60 days of the date of the notice, the banks can take over the possession of assets like factory, land and building, plant and machinery etc. charged to them including the right to transfer by way of lease, assignment or sale and realize the secured assets. In case the borrower refuses peaceful handing over of the secured assets, the bank can also file an application before the relevant Magistrate for taking possession of assets. The Banks can also take over the management of business of the borrower. The bank in addition can appoint any person to manage the secured assets the possession of which has been taken over by the the bank. Banks can package and sell loans via "Securitisation" and the same can be traded in the market like bonds and shares. Scheme of the Act The Act was enacted to provide for Regulation of Securitisation and Reconstruction of financial assets and enforcement of security interest and matters connected there with and incidental thereto. Chapter I of the Act deals will definition of terms and expression. Chapter II deals with Regulatory aspects of business of Securitisation and Assets Reconstruction. Chapter III is a major touch stone of the Act. It authorised creditor to takeover the assets or the management of the borrower company. It provides creditor such potency that borrower in default appoints to be helpless provisions of Section 13(1) and (2) are important relevant in this regard. Chapter IV provides for establishment of a central registry with its own seal for purpose of registration of transactions of securitisation and reconstruction of financial assets and creation of security interest in this act. Registry shall have a central office and such other branch offices of central registry as it deems fit. Chapter V deals with offences and penalties for default and other consequences. Default may include non-compliance under provisions of Section 23, 24 and 25 of the Act. Chapter VI deals with some important provisions one such provision is contained in Section 31 with excludes certain cases from applicability of the provisions of the Act. Section 34 places bar on jurisdiction of Civil Courts in matters related to the Act. Section 41 has amended Cognate Acts like Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1951 (SCRA). Companies Act, 1956. Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1956.
The Securitisation Act, 2002 (the Act) was challenged in various courts on grounds that it was loaded heavily in favour of lenders, giving little chance to the borrowers to explain their views once recovery process is initiated under the legislation. Leading the charge against the said Act was Mardia Chemicals in its plea against notice served by ICICI Bank. The Government had, however, argued that the legislation would bring about a financial discipline and reduce the burden of Non Performing Assets (NPAs) of banks and institutions. In Mardia Chemicals Ltd. v. UOI [2004] 59 CLA 380 (SC), it was urged by the petitioner that (i) there was no occasion to enact such a draconian legislation to find a shortcut to realise non-performing assets (NPAs) without their ascertainment when there already existed the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 (Recovery of Debt Act) for doing so; (ii) no provision had been made to take into account lenders liability; (iii) that the mechanism for recovery under Section 13 does not provide for an adjudicatory forum of inter se disputes between lender and borrower; and (iv) that the appeal provisions were illusory because the appeal would be maintainable after possession of the property or management of the property was taken over or the property sold and the appeal is not entertainable unless 75 per cent of the amount claimed is deposited with the Debts Recovery Tribunal (DRT). The Honable Supreme Court held that though some of the provisions of the Act 2002 be a bit harsh for some of the borrowers but on those grounds the impugned provisions of the Act cannot be said to unconstitutional in the view of the fact that the objective of the Act is to achieve speedier recovery of the dues declared as NPAs and better availability of capital liquidity and resources to help in growth of economy of the country and welfare of the people in general which would sub-serve the public interest. The Supreme Court observed that the Act provides for a forum and remedies to the borrower to ventilate his grievances against the bank or financial institution, inter alia, with respect to the amount of the demand of the secured debt. After the notice is sent, the borrower may explain the reasons why the measures may or may not be taken under Sub-section (4) of Section 13. The creditor must apply its mind to the objections raised in reply to such notice. There must be meaningful consideration by the Court of the objections raised rather than to ritually reject them and to proceed to take drastic measures under Sub-section (4) of Section 13. The court held that such a procedure/mechanism was conducive to the principles of fairness and that such a procedure was also important from the point of view of the economy of the country and would serve the purpose in the growth of a healthy economy. It would serve as guidance to secured debtors in general in conducting their affairs. The court opined that the fairness doctrine, cannot be stretched too far, such communication is only for the purposes of the secured debtors knowledge and cannot give an occasion to the secured debtor to resort to any proceeding, which are not
(dcxcii) permissible under the provisions of the Act. Thus, a secured debtor is not allowed to challenge the reasons communicated or challenge the action likely to be taken by the secured creditor at that point of time unless his right to approach the DRT as provided under section 17 matures on any measure having been taken under Subsection (4) of Section 13. Moreover, another safeguard is also available to a secured borrower within the framework of the Act i.e. to approach the DRT under Section 17 though such a right accrues only after measures are taken under Sub-section (1) of Section 13. The Honble Supreme Court, however, found that the requirement of deposit of 75 per cent of the amount claimed before entertaining an appeal (petition) under Section 17 is an oppressive, onerous and arbitrary condition and against all the canons of reasonableness. Held this provision to be invalid and ordered that it was liable to be struck down. 3. DEFINITIONS Definitions of some of the important legal terms used in the Act are as under: "Appellate Tribunal" under Section 2(1)(a) means a Debts Recovery Appellate Tribunal established under Sub-section (1) of Section 8 of the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993; "asset reconstruction" under Section 2(1)(b) means acquisition by any securitisation company or reconstruction company of any right or interest of any bank or financial institution in any financial assistance for the purpose of realisation of such financial assistance; "bank" under Section 2(1)(c) means a banking company; or a corresponding new bank; or the State Bank of India; or a subsidiary bank; or such other bank which the Central Government may, by notification, specify for the purposes of this Act; "borrower" under Section 2(1)(f) means any person who has been granted financial assistance by any bank or financial institution or who has given any guarantee or created any mortgage or pledge as security for the financial assistance granted by any bank or financial institution and includes a person who becomes borrower of a securitisation company or reconstruction company consequent upon acquisition by it of any rights or interest of any bank or financial institution in relation to such financial assistance; "debt" shall have the meaning assigned to it in clause (g) of Section 2 of the Recovery of Debts due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 [Section 2(1)(ha)]; "default" under Section 2(1)(j) means non-payment of any principal debt or interest thereon or any other amount payable by a borrower to any secured creditor consequent upon which the account of such borrower is classified as non-performing asset in the books of account of the secured creditor in accordance with the directions or guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank of India; "financial asset" under Section 2(1)(I) means debt or receivables and includes (i) a claim to any debt or receivables or part thereof, whether secured or
(dcxciii) unsecured; or (ii) any debt or receivables secured by, mortgage of, or charge on, immovable property; or (iii) a mortgage, charge, hypothecation or pledge of movable property; or (iv) any right or interest in the security, whether full or part underlying such debt or receivables; or (v) any beneficial interest in property, whether movable or immovable, or in such debt, receivables, whether such interest is existing, future, accruing, conditional or contingent; or (vi) any financial assistance; "non-performing asset" under Section 2(1)(o) means an asset or account of a borrower, which has been classified by a bank or financial institution as sub-standard, doubtful or loss asset (a) in case such bank or financial institution is administered or regulated by an authority or body established, constituted or appointed by any law for the time being in force, in accordance with the directions or guidelines relating to assets classifications issued by such authority or body; (b) in any other case, in accordance with the directions or guidelines relating to assets classifications issued by the Reserve Bank; "obligor" under Section 2(1)(q) means a person liable to the originator, whether under a contract or otherwise, to pay a financial asset or to discharge any obligation in respect of a financial asset, whether existing, future, conditional or contingent and includes the borrower; originator" under Section 2(1)(r) means the owner of a financial asset which is acquired by a securitisation company or reconstruction company for the purpose of securitisation or asset reconstruction; "qualified institutional buyer" under Section 2(1)(u) means a financial institution, insurance company, bank, State financial corporation, State Industrial Development Corporation, trustee or securitisation company or reconstruction company which has been granted a certificate of registration under Sub-section (4) of Section 3 or any asset management company making investment on behalf of mutual fund" or a foreign institutional investor registered under the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 (15 of 1992) or regulations made thereunder, or any other body corporate as may be specified by the Board; "reconstruction company" under Section 2(1)(v) means a company formed and registered under the Companies Act, 1956 for the purpose of asset reconstruction; "securitisation" under Section 2(1)(z) means acquisition of financial assets by any securitisation company or reconstruction company from any originator, whether by raising of funds by such securitisation company or reconstruction company from qualified institutional buyers by issue of security receipts representing undivided interest in such financial assets or otherwise; "securitisation company" under Section 2(1)(za) means any company formed and registered under the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956) for the
(dcxciv) purpose of securitisation; "secured creditor" under Section 2(1)(zd) means any bank or financial institution or any consortium or group of banks or financial institutions and includes (i) debenture trustee appointed by any bank or financial institution or securitisation company or reconstruction company; or (ii) securitisation company or reconstruction company; or (iii) any other trustee holding securities on behalf of a bank or financial institution in whose favour security or interest is created for due repayment by any borrower or financial institution; "security receipt" under Section 2(1)(zg) means a receipt or other security, issued by a securitisation company or reconstruction company to any qualified institutional buyer pursuant to a scheme, evidencing the purchase or acquisition by the holder thereof, of an undivided right, title or interest in the financial asset involved in securitization. 4. IMPORTANT PROVISIONS OF THE ACT Non-Performing Assets [Section 2(1)(o)] "Non-Performing Asset" means an asset or account of a borrower, which has been classified by a bank or financial institution as sub-standard, doubtful or loss asset (a) in case such bank or financial institution is administered or regulated by an authority or body established, constituted or appointed by any law for the time being in force, in accordance with the directions or guidelines relating to assets classifications issued by such authority or body; (b) in any other case, in accordance with the directions or guidelines relating to assets classifications issued by the Reserve Bank. Classification of Non-Performing Assets Banks are required to classify non-performing assets further into the following three categories based on the period for which the asset has remained nonperforming and the realisability of the dues: (a) sub-standard assets, (b) doubtful assets, and (c) loss assets. In Srinivas Rice & Floor Mill v. Authorized Officer, State Bank of India, the AP High Court [2008] 81 SCL 66 (AP), held that there is no statutory format, express or by necessary implication, that require the Banks to follow a particular or formal procedure or require a formal declaration as a condition precedent to classification of debt as NPA. What section 13(2) r/w Section 2(1)(o) requires is a classification of a debt by a bank as NPA within the legislative guidelines spelt out in the definition of NPA. Asset Reconstruction Companies [ARC]: Meaning & Objective Reconstruction company means a company incorporated under provisions of Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 56) for purpose of assets reconstruction. The problem of non-performing loans created due to systematic banking crisis world over has become acute. Focused measures to help the banking systems to realise its NPAs has resulted into creation of specialised bodies called asset management companies which in India have been named asset reconstruction companies (ARCs). The buying of impaired assets from banks or financial
(dcxcv) institutions by ARCs will make their balance sheets cleaner and they will be able to use their time, energy and funds for development of their business. ARCs may be able to mix up their assets, both good and bad, in such a manner to make them saleable. The main objective of asset reconstruction company (ARC) is to act as agent for any bank or financial institution for the purpose of recovering their dues from the borrowers on payment of fees or charges, to act as manager of the borrowers asset taken over by banks, or financial institution, to act as the receiver of properties of any bank or financial institution and to carry on such ancillary or incidental business with the prior approval of Reserve Bank wherever necessary. If an ARC carries on any business other than the business of asset reconstruction or securitisation or the business mentioned above, it shall cease to carry on any such business within one year of doing such other business. Procedure for Registration (Section 3) Section 3 of the Securitisation Act provides for registration of securitisation or reconstruction companies. The procedure is as follows: 1. Every securitisation company or reconstruction company is required to make an application for registration to commence or carry on the business of securitisation or asset reconstruction, as the case may be to the Reserve Bank in such form and manner as it may by notification specify. 2. Securitisation company or reconstruction company (the company) cannot commence or carry on the business of securitisation or asset reconstruction without (a) obtaining a certificate of registration granted under this section; and (b) having the owned fund of not less than two crore rupees or such other amount not exceeding fifteen per cent of total financial assets acquired or to be acquired by the securitisation company or reconstruction company, as the Reserve Bank may, by notification, specify. The proviso to the Section 3 further provides that the Reserve Bank may, by notification, specify different amounts of owned fund for different class or classes of securitisation companies or reconstruction companies. For the securitisation companies or reconstruction companies already existing on the commencement of this Act. Yet another proviso further requires that such companies shall have to make an application for registration to the Reserve Bank before the expiry of six months from the commencement of securitisation or assets reconstruction business. Such Companies may continue to carry on the business of securitisation or asset reconstruction until a certificate of registration is granted to it or, as the case may be, rejection of application for registration is communicated to them. 3. The Reserve Bank may, for the purpose of considering the application is required to be satisfied, by an inspection of records or books of such securitisation company or reconstruction company, or otherwise, that the following conditions are fulfilled [Sub-section (3) of Section 3]: (a) that the securitisation company or reconstruction company has not
(dcxcvi) incurred losses in any of the three preceding financial years; (b) that such securitisation company or reconstruction, company has made adequate arrangements for realisation of the financial assets acquired for the purpose of securitisation or asset reconstruction and shall be able to pay periodical returns and redeem on respective due dates on the investments made in the company by the qualified institutional buyers or other persons; (c) that the directors of securitisation company or reconstruction company have adequate professional experience in matters related to finance, securitisation and reconstruction; (d) that the Board of directors of such securitisation company or reconstruction company does not consist of more than half of its total number of directors who are either nominees of any sponsor or associated in any manner with the sponsor or any of its subsidiaries; (e) that any of its directors has not been convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude; (f) that a sponsor, is not a holding company of the securitisation company or reconstruction company, as the case may be, or, does not otherwise hold any controlling interest in such securitisation company or reconstruction company; (g) that securitisation company or reconstruction company has complied with or is in a position to comply with prudential norms specified by the Reserve Bank. (h) that securitisation company or reconstruction company has complied with one or more conditions specified in the guidelines issued by the Reserve Bank for the said purpose." 4. The Reserve Bank may, after being satisfied that the conditions above are fulfilled, grant a certificate of registration to the securitisation company or the reconstruction company to commence or carry on business of securitisation or asset reconstruction, subject to such conditions, as it deems fit to impose. The conditions may vary from case to case. 5. The Reserve Bank may reject the application made, if it is satisfied that the conditions specified above are not fulfilled. However, before rejecting the application, the applicant shall be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard. The company whos application has been rejected is entitled to know the reasons for its rejection. Prior approval for substantial change Every securitisation company or reconstruction company, is required to obtain prior approval of the Reserve Bank for any substantial change in its management or change of location of its registered office or change in its name. The decision of the Reserve Bank, whether the change in management of a securitisation company or a
(dcxcvii) reconstruction company is a substantial change in its management or not, shall be final. The expression "substantial change in management" means the change in the management by way of transfer of shares or amalgamation or transfer of the business of the company. Cancellation of Certificate of Registration (Section 4) Reserve Bank has the power under Section 4 of the Securitisation Act to cancel the Certificate of Registration issued by it to any ARC, if it ceases to receive or hold any investment from qualified institutional buyer or ceases to carry on asset reconstruction business or it fails to comply with its directions. Before cancelling registration, Reserve Bank shall give an opportunity to such company on such terms as the Reserve Bank may specify for taking necessary steps to comply with such provisions or fulfilment of such conditions. Circumstances under which certificate may be cancelled are estimated in Section 4(1) of the Act. Appeal A securitisation company or reconstruction company aggrieved by the order of rejection or cancellation of certificate of registration may prefer an appeal, within a period of thirty days from the date on which such order of cancellation is communicated to it, to the Central Government: Provided that before rejecting an appeal such company shall be given a reasonable opportunity of being heard. A securitisation company or reconstruction company, which is holding investments of qualified institutional buyers and whose application for grant of certificate of registration has been rejected or certificate of registration has been cancelled shall, notwithstanding such rejection or cancellation, be deemed to be a securitisation company or reconstruction company until it repays the entire investments held by it (together with interest, if any) within such period as the Reserve Bank may direct. Traditional Process and Securitisation In the traditional lending process, a bank makes a loan, maintaining it as an asset on its balance sheet, collecting principal and interest, and monitoring whether there is any deterioration in borrower's creditworthiness. This requires a bank to hold assets (loans given) till maturity. The funds of the bank are blocked in these loans and to meet its growing fund requirement a bank has to raise additional funds from the market. Securitisation is a way of unlocking these blocked funds. Example of Securitisation Consider a bank, ABC Bank. The loans given out by this bank are its assets. Thus, the bank has a pool of these assets on its balance sheet and so the funds of the bank are locked up in these loans. The bank gives loans to its customers. The customers who have taken a loan from the ABC bank are known as obligors.
(dcxcviii) To free these blocked funds the assets are transferred by the originator (the person who holds the assets, ABC Bank in this case) to a special purpose vehicle (SPV). The SPV (any securitisation company or reconstruction company) is a separate entity formed exclusively for the facilitation of the securitisation process and providing funds to the originator. Once assets are securitised, these assets are removed from the bank's books and the money generated through securitisation can be used for other profitable uses, like for giving new loans. For an originator (ABC bank in the example), securitisation is an alternative to corporate debt or equity for meeting its funding requirements. As the securitised instruments can have a better credit rating than the company, the originator can get funds from new investors and additional funds from existing investors at a lower cost than debt. Meaning of Securitisation "Securitisation" means acquisition of financial assets by any securitisation company or reconstruction company from any originator, whether by raising of funds by such securitisation company or reconstruction company from qualified institutional buyers by issue of security receipts representing undivided interest in such financial assets or otherwise [Section 2(1)(z)]. "Securitisation company" means any company formed and registered under the Companies Act, 1956 for the purpose of securitization [Section 2(1)(za)]. Securitisation is the issuance of marketable securities backed not by the expected capacity to repay of a private corporation or public sector entity, but by the expected cash flows from specific assets. The following chart will illustrate this.
FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Borrower (Obligor) Securing assets Transferring Secured Assets Originator (Lender)
Simply stated, securitisation is a process by which the originators of assets like loans which are illiquid, are able to transfer such assets to a special purpose vehicle (SPV), which, in turn, issues tradable liquid securities to investors. These transactions can be structured with a wide variety of credit enhancement to make the deals attractive for investors. The most important, however, is the guarantees of credit quality.
(dcxcix) There are two motives for securitisation. One, the securitised assets go off the balance sheet of the originator and so the asset-base is pruned down to that extent, thereby reducing the regulatory capital requirements to support the assets. Second, the asset portfolio is liquidated, releasing cash, which in turn reduces the need for demand and time liabilities that are subject to statutory reserves. Acquisition of rights or interest in financial assets and effects of acquisition (Section 5) Section 5 of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (Securitisation Act), mandates that only banks and financial institutions can securitise their financial assets. If the bank or financial institution is a lender in relation to any financial assets acquired by the securitisation company or the reconstruction company, then on such acquisition, such securitisation company or reconstruction company shall be deemed to be the lender. All the rights of such bank or financial institution shall vest in such company in relation to such financial assets. All contracts, deeds, bonds, agreements, powers-of-attorney, grants of legal representation, permissions, approvals, consents or no-objections under any law or otherwise and other instruments which relate to the said financial asset and which are subsisting or having effect immediately before the acquisition of abovesaid financial asset shall be of as full force and effect against or in favour of the securitisation company or reconstruction company, as the case may be. Further, if there is any suit, appeal or other proceeding relating to the said financial asset which is pending by or against the bank or financial institution, save as provided in the third proviso to Sub-section (1) of Section 15 of the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 the same shall not abate, or be discontinued or be, in any way, prejudicially affected by reason of the acquisition of financial asset by the securitisation company or reconstruction company, as the case may be, but the suit, appeal or other proceeding may be continued, prosecuted and enforced by or against the securitisation company or reconstruction company, as the case may be. Measures for Asset reconstruction (Section 9) ARC can take the following measures for the purposes of asset reconstruction: Proper management of the business of the borrower, by change in, or take over of, the management of the business of the borrower. The sale or lease of a part or whole of the business of the borrower. Rescheduling of payment of debts payable by the borrower. Enforcement of security interest in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Settlement of dues payable by the borrower. Taking possession of secured assets in accordance with the provisions of the Act. Securitisation or Reconstruction Company may do the following functions also in accordance with Section 10 of the Act: (a) act as an agent for any bank or financial institution for the purpose of recovering their dues from the borrower on payment of such fees or charges
(dcc) as may be mutually agreed upon between the parties; (b) act as a manager referred to in clause (c) of Sub-section (4) of Section 13 on such fee as may be mutually agreed upon between the parties; (c) act as receiver if appointed by any court or Tribunal. Provided that no securitisation company or Reconstruction Company shall act as a manager if acting as such gives rise to any pecuniary liability. It is important to note here that securitisation company or reconstruction company which has been granted a certificate of registration cannot commence or carry on any business other than that of securitisation or asset reconstruction without prior approval of the Reserve Bank. Enforcement of Security interest by a Creditors (Section 13) Section 13 of the Securitisation Act provides for the enforcement of security interest by a secured creditor straight away without intervention of the court, on default in repayment of instalments, and non compliance with the notice of 60 days after the declaration of the loan as a non-performing asset. It must, however, be remembered that the classification of assets as non performing is not on the mere whims and fancies of the financial institutions. The Reserve Bank of India has a detailed policy providing guidelines or prudential norms in that regard. The Secured Creditor has been defined to mean any bank or financial institution or any consortium or group of banks or financial institutions and includes debenture trustee appointed by any bank or financial institution or securitisation company or reconstruction company or any other trustee holding securities on behalf of a bank or financial institution, in whose favour security interest is created for due repayment by any borrower of any financial assistance. The secured creditor has two options. It can either transfer the assets to a securitisation or reconstruction company or exercise the powers under the Act. Section 13(4) of the Act empowers the recourse to one more of the following measures, after giving proper notice, for the recovery of the secured debts, namely: Take possession of the secured assets of the borrower including the right to transfer by way of lease, assignment or sale for realizing the secured asset; Take over the management of the secured assets of the borrower including the right to transfer by way of lease, assignment or sale and realize the secured asset; Appoint any person (hereafter referred to as the manager), to manage the secured assets the possession of which has been taken over by the secured creditor; Require at any time by notice in writing, any person who has acquired any of the secured assets from the borrower and from whom any money is due or may become due to the borrower, to pay the secured creditor, so much of the money as is sufficient to pay the secured debt. In cases of joint financing under consortium or multiple lending arrangements if 75% of the secured creditors in the value agree to initiate recovery action the same is binding on all secured creditors.
(dcci) In case of a company under liquidation, the amount realized from the sale of the secured assets are to be distributed in accordance with the provisions of Section 529A of the Companies Act, 1956. If the company is being wound up after the commencement of this Act, the secured creditor of such company, who opts to realize its security instead of relinquishing its security and proving its debts under proviso to Sub-section (1) of Section 529 of the Companies Act, may retain the sale proceeds of its secured assets after depositing the workmens dues with the liquidator in accordance with the provisions of Section 529A of that Act. Where dues of the secured creditor are not fully satisfied with the sale proceeds of the secured assets, the secured creditor may file an application in the form and manner as may be prescribed to the Debts Recovery Tribunal having jurisdiction or a competent court, as the case may be, for recovery of the balance amount from the borrower. Secured creditor is entitled to proceed against the guarantors or sell the pledged assets without first taking any of the measures specified above in relation to the secured assets under this Act. Accounting aspects These companies should follow all the Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India as required under Sub-section (3A) of Section 211 of the Companies Act, 1956. They should also follow the guidelines and prudential norms/accounting standards issued by Reserve Bank from time to time. ARCs will be public financial institutions All the ARCs who have obtained certificate of registration from Reserve Bank to carry on the business of asset reconstruction, are public financial institution as defined under Section 4A of the Companies Act, 1956. This is a special status conferred by the Act on ARCs. The first proviso to Sub-section (3) of Section 67 permits a company to issue securities on a private placement basis to 50 persons only. However, this proviso does not apply to a public financial institution. Therefore, the ARC can invite any number of qualified institutional buyers to subscribe to its debentures, bonds, units, etc., issued for financing the acquisition of assets of the defaulting borrowers of any bank/financial institution. It has to create a debentures redemption reserve for the redemption of debentures and adequate amount should be credited to such reserve from out of its profits every year until such debentures are redeemed, as provided in Section 117C of the Companies Act, 1956. Assistance by Chief Metropolitan Magistrate or the District Magistrate (Section 14) Section 14 of the Securitisation Act provides for assistance for taking possession of secured asset from the Chief Metropolitan Magistrate or the District Magistrate. Manner and effect of takeover of Management (Section 15) Section 15 of the Securitisation Act provides for the manner and effect of takeover of management. When the management of business of a borrower is taken over by a secured creditor it can appoint as many persons as it thinks fit to be the directors, where the borrower is a company, or the administrators of the business of
(dccii) the borrower, in any other case. The secured creditor is required to publish a notice in a newspaper published in English language and in a newspaper published in an Indian language in circulation in the place where the principal office of the borrower is situated. On the publication of the notice all persons who were directors of the company or administrators of the business, as the case may be, are deemed to have vacated their office. It also has the effect of termination of all contracts entered into by the borrower with such directors or administrators. No compensation is payable to such a director or manager whose services are terminated. (Section 16) Where the management of the business of a borrower, being a company as defined in the Companies Act, 1956 (1 of 1956), is taken over by the secured creditor, then, notwithstanding anything contained in the said Act or in the memorandum or articles of association of such borrower: It shall not be lawful for the shareholders of such company or any other person to nominate or appoint any person to be director of the company; No resolution passed at any meeting of the shareholders of such company shall be given effect to unless approved by the secured creditor; No proceeding for the winding up of such company or for the appointment of a receiver in respect thereof shall lie in any court, except with the consent of the secured creditor; Where the management of the business of a borrower had been taken over by the secured creditor, the secured creditor shall, on realization of his debt in full, restore the management of the business of the borrower to him. Right to appeal (Section 17) Section 17 of the Securitisation Act provides that any borrower or any other person aggrieved by the action of the secured creditors can file an appeal to the concerned Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT). Such appeal can also be filed by any person aggrieved by the action of the secured creditor without being required to deposit any amount with the DRT. Such provisions will take care of any third party interest in the secured assets which need to be considered before sale of securities. Any person aggrieved by the order of DRT, may prefer an appeal to the Appellate Tribunal within thirty days from the date of receipt of the order of Debt Recovery Tribunal. Setting up of Central Registry (Section 20) Under Section 20 of the Securitisation Act, the Central Government is empowered to setup by notification a registry to known as Central Registry with its own seal for the purpose of registration of transactions of securitisation and reconstruction of financial assets and creation of security interest under this Act. The head office and the branches of the central registry shall be at such places as the Central Government may specify. The territorial limits with in which the registry can exercise its functions shall be specified by the Central Government. The Central Government will appoint a person called the Central Registrar who will exercise the
(dcciii) powers granted to the Central Registry. Also the Central Government shall appoint other officials who shall discharge their functions under the directions of the Central Registrar. Register of Securitisation, reconstruction and security interest transactions (Section 22) A register called the Central Register will be kept at the head office of the Central Registry for entering the particulars of the transactions relating to securitization and reconstruction of financial assets and creation of security interest under this Act. The Central Register may be maintained in electronic form in Floppies or Diskettes subject to such safe guards as may be prescribed. The Register will be kept under the control and management of the Central Registrar. Filing of Particulars (Section 23) The particulars of every transaction of securitization asset reconstruction or creation of security interest is required to be filed with the Central Registrar in the manner and on payment of such fee as may be prescribed within 30 days after the date of such transaction or creation of security by the securitisation/reconstruction company or secured creditor as the case may be. The Central Registrar shall have the power to allow extension of 30 days on payment of such additional fee not exceeding 10 times the amount of such fee. The particulars of any change in the terms and conditions or the extent or operation of the security interest registered under this chapter shall be sent to the Registrar by the securitisation/reconstruction company or secured creditor. Satisfaction of Security interest (Section 25) The Central Registrar shall be intimated of any satisfaction or payment of any security interest relating to the securitisation/reconstruction company or secured creditors and requiring registration under this Act within 30 days of such payment or satisfaction. On receiving the intimation, the Central Registrar shall order that memorandum of satisfaction should be entered in the Central Register. If the concerned borrower gives intimation to Central Registry for not recording the payment or satisfaction, the Central Registry will issue a notice to the securitisation/ reconstruction company or secured creditors calling upon it to show cause with in time not exceeding 14 days specified in such notice as to why payment or satisfaction should not be recorded. In case no cause is shown the Central Registrar shall order that a memorandum of satisfaction shall be entered in the Central Register. If cause is shown the Central Registrar shall record a note to that effect in the Central Register and shall inform the borrower that he has done so. Right to Inspect (Section 26) The Central Register maintained by the Central Registrar (both in electronic and non-electronic form) shall be open for inspection by any person during the business hours on payment of prescribed fee. Penalties (Section 27) If a default is made in filing the particulars of every transaction of any
(dcciv) securitisation or asset reconstruction or security interest created by a securitisation company or reconstruction company or secured creditor; or in sending the particulars of the modification or in giving intimation under Section 25, every company and every officer of the company or the secured creditor and every officer of the secured creditor who is in default shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five thousand rupees for every day during which the default continues. Penalties for non-compliance of direction of Reserve Bank (Section 28) If any securitisation company or reconstruction company fails to comply with any direction issued by the Reserve Bank under Section 12 or Section 12A, such company and every officer of the company who is in default, shall be punishable with fine which may extend to five lakh rupees and in the case of a continuing offence, with an additional fine which may extend to ten thousand rupees for every day during which the default continues. Offences (Section 29) Any person who contravenes the provisions of this Act or of any rules made thereunder shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, or with fine, or with both. 5. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS Non-Applicability in certain cases (Section 31) The provisions of this Act shall not apply to (a) a lien on any goods, money or security given by or under the Indian Contract Act, 1872 or the Sale of Goods Act, 1930 or any other law for the time being in force; (b) a pledge of movables within the meaning of Section 172 of the Indian Contract Act, 1872; (c) creation of any security in any aircraft as defined in clause (1) of Section 2 of the Aircraft Act, 1934; (d) creation of security interest in any vessel as defined in clause (55) of Section 3 of the Merchant Shipping Act, 1958; (e) any conditional sale, hire-purchase or lease or any other contract in which no security interest has been created; (f) any rights of unpaid seller under Section 47 of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930; (g) any properties not liable to attachment (excluding the properties specifically charged with the debt recoverable under this Act)] or sale under the first proviso to Sub-section (1) of Section 60 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908; (h) any security interest for securing repayment of any financial asset not exceeding one lakh rupees; (i) any security interest created in agricultural land; (j) any case in which the amount due is less than twenty per cent of the principal amount and interest thereon.
(dccv) Protection of action taken in good faith (Section 32) Suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings shall not lie against any secured creditor or any of his officers or manager exercising any of the rights of the secured creditor or borrower for anything done or omitted to be done in good faith under this Act. Offences by company (Section 33) Where an offence under this Act has been committed by a company, every person who at the time the offence was committed was in charge of, and was responsible to, the company, for the conduct of the business of the company, as well as the company, shall be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly: Provided that nothing contained in this sub-section shall render any such person liable to any punishment provided in this Act, if he proves that the offence was committed without his knowledge or that he had exercised all due diligence to prevent the commission of such offence. Therefore, as per this section, where an offence under this Act has been committed by a company and it is proved that the offence has been committed with the consent or connivance of, or is attributable to any neglect on the part of, any director, manager, secretary or other officer of the company, such director, manager, secretary or other officer shall also be deemed to be guilty of the offence and shall be liable to be proceeded against and punished accordingly. Limitation Act (Section 36) Limitation Act, 1963 is applicable to the claims made under this Act. Accordingly, no secured creditor shall be entitled to take all or any of the measures under Subsection (4) of Section 13, unless his claim in respect of the financial asset is made within the period of limitation prescribed under the Limitation Act, 1963. Applicability of other Acts The provisions of this Act shall have effect, notwithstanding anything inconsistent therewith contained in any other law for the time being in force or any instrument having effect by virtue of any such law (Section 35). In accordance with Section 37, the provisions of this Act or the rules made thereunder shall be in addition to and not in derogation of, the Companies Act, 1956, the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992, the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 or any other law for the time being in force. The combined affect of Sections 35 and 37 is that in cases of any conflict with these Acts or any other Act, then the SRFAESI Act, 2002 shall have the over riding effect over such Act or Acts. Therefore the provisions of the SRFAESI Act, 2002 have the binding power and cannot be put on hold because of conflict with any other legislation. Moreover as per the provisions of Section 34 of SRFAESI Act, 2002, no civil court shall have any jurisdiction to entertain any suit or proceeding in respect of any matter which a Debts Recovery Tribunal or the Appellate Tribunal is empowered by or under this Act (i.e. SRFAESI Act, 2002) to determine and no injunction shall be
(dccvi) granted by any court or any other authority in respect of any action taken or to be taken in pursuance of any power conferred by or under this Act or under the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993. Therefore it shall not be possible to get any injunction from any Court of Law. Moreover SRFAESI Act, 2002 has also amended following legislations: 1. The Companies Act, 1956: The definition of Public Financial Institution under Section 4A has been altered and it now includes securitisation company or reconstruction Company. 2. The Securities Contract (Regulation) Act, 1956: Section 2 has been amended to include the definition of Security Deposit as defined in 2 (kg.) of SRFAESI Act, 2002. 3. The Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 has been amended to the extent it provides that after the commencement of SRFAESI Act, 2002 and if the financial assets have been acquired by securitisation or reconstruction company, no reference shall be made to BIFR. Moreover, after the commencement of SRFAESI Act, 1956 and if the reference is pending, then the reference shall abate, if 75% of the Secured Creditors have taken measures to recover their Secured Debts. Rule making power Under Section 38, the Central Government has power to make rules by notification for carrying out the provisions of this Act. 6. THE SECURITISATION COMPANIES AND RECONSTRUCTION COMPANIES (RESERVE BANK) GUIDELINES AND DIRECTIONS, 2003 The Reserve Bank of India considered it necessary to issue the guidelines and directions to Securitisation Companies or Reconstruction Companies in the public interest and for the purpose of enabling the Reserve Bank to regulate the financial system to the advantage of the country and to prevent the affairs of any Securitisation Company or Reconstruction Company from being conducted in a manner detrimental to the interest of investors or in any manner prejudicial to the interest of such Securitisation Company or Reconstruction Company. Having considered it necessary, the Reserve Bank in exercise of the powers conferred by Sections 3, 9, 10 and 12 of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002, on April 23, 2003, has issued Guidelines to every Securitistion Company or Reconstruction Company namely the Securitisation Companies and Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines and Directions, 2003 relating to registration, owned fund, permissible business, operational structure for giving effect to the business of securitization and asset reconstruction, deployment of surplus fund, internal control system, prudential norms, disclosure requirement etc. acquisition of financial assets and matters related thereto. The provisions of these guidelines and directions shall apply to Securitisation Companies or Reconstruction Companies registered with the Reserve Bank of India under Section 3 of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002.
(dccvii) Further, the bank may, if it considers necessary for avoiding any hardship exempt all Securitisation Companies or Reconstruction Companies or a particular Securitisation Company or Reconstruction Company from all or any of the provisions of these guidelines and directions, subject to such conditions as the Bank may impose. Form of application for Certificate of Registration to commence/carry on the business of a Securitisation Company or Reconstruction Company, documents required to be annexed to the application form and the instructions to fill the form is given as Annexure A at the end of this study. Application form should be filled up strictly in accordance with the instructions. Every Securitisation Company or Reconstruction Company intending to issue Security Receipts is required to make disclosures as mentioned in the Annexure B at the end of this study. 7. GUIDELINES ON SALE OF FINANCIAL ASSETS TO SECURITISATION COMPANY (SC)/RECONSTRUCTION COMPANY (RC) (CREATED UNDER THE SECURITISATION AND RECONSTRUCTION OF FINANCIAL ASSETS AND ENFORCEMENT OF SECURITY INTEREST ACT, 2002) AND RELATED ISSUES The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002, provides, among others, sale of financial assets by banks/FIs to Securitisation Company/Reconstruction Company. Since the above Act has been enacted with a special emphasis on asset reconstruction activity, which mainly centers around impaired assets, the whole process of asset reconstruction and matters related thereto has to be initiated with due diligence and care warranting the existence of a set of clear instructions which shall be complied with by all banks/ FIs so that the process of asset reconstruction proceeds on smooth and sound lines. The need for some healthy and uniform guidelines had been further necessitated by the fact that there was no prior experience in this area. Accordingly, a set of guidelines to be followed by banks/FIs has been formulated. Scope of Guidelines These guidelines would be applicable to sale of following financial assets, by banks/FIs, for asset reconstruction/securitisation under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002: (i) A NPA, including a non-performing bond/debenture, and (ii) A Standard Asset where: (a) the asset is under consortium/multiple banking arrangements, (b) at least 75% by value of the asset is classified as non-performing asset in the books of other banks/FIs, and (c) at least 75% (by value) of the banks/FIs who are under the consortium/ multiple banking arrangements agree to the sale of the asset to SC/RC. The prudential guidelines have been grouped under the following headings:
(dccviii) (i) Financial assets which can be sold. (ii) Procedure for sale of banks/FIs financial assets to SC/RC, including valuation and pricing aspects. (iii) Prudential norms, in the following areas, for banks/FIs for sale of their financial assets to SC/RC and for investing in bonds/debentures/security receipts and any other securities offered by the SC/RC as compensation consequent upon sale of financial assets: (a) Provisioning/Valuation norms (b) Capital adequacy norms (c) Exposure norms (iv) Disclosure requirements
ANNEXURE A As prescribed under Schedule to The Securitisation Companies or Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines and Directions, 2003 FORM OF APPLICATION FOR CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION TO COMMENCE/CARRY ON THE BUSINESS OF A SECURITISATION COMPANY OR RECONSTRUCTION COMPANY (Vide Section 3 of The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002) By Registered Post AD/Hand Delivery Name of the company (in block letters) Address of registered office ___________________ To The Chief General Manager-in-Charge Department of Non-Banking Supervision, Second Floor Reserve Bank of India Central Office Centre No 1, World Trade Centre Mumbai 400 005 Dear Sir, Application for a Certificate of Registration to commence/carry on* the business of a Securitisation Company or Reconstruction Company We make this application in terms of Sub-section (2) of Section 3 of The
(dccix) Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 for issue of a Certificate of Registration. The required documents/ information as per the instructions are furnished. We are desirous of commencing/carrying on* the business of a Securitisation Company or Reconstruction Company. Hence, we hereby request you to kindly issue the necessary Certificate of Registration under Sub-section (1) of Section 3 of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 to enable our company to commence/carry on* the business of Securitisation Company or Reconstruction Company. We solemnly declare that to the best of our knowledge and belief, the information furnished in this application and the annexures hereto and statements enclosed are correct, complete and true. We are aware that if any of the information furnished herein is found to be incorrect/incomplete/untrue, the application for grant of Certification of Registration is liable to be rejected and the Certificate of Registration, if granted, is liable to be cancelled. Yours faithfully,
*Strike out whichever is not applicable. Annexure I IDENTIFICATION PARTICULARS OF THE COMPANY Part I 1. 2. 3. Name of the Company List of Directors Whether the company had changed its name earlier? [Please see item (10) of instructions] 4. Whether the company had changed its sponsors? If so, details of earlier sponsors. Date of incorporation Date of commencement of business : : : : Yes/No
5. 6.
: :
(dccx) 7. 8. State in which the company is registered Full Address of the Company (i) Registered Office................................................................. Phone No........................................ Fax.................................. email............................................... (ii) Corporate /Administrative * Office............................................. Phone No............................ Fax........................................ email.................................................. 9. 10. Status: (a) Public (b) Private Whether the company was transacting (a) the business of securitisation/asset reconstruction as on June 21, 2002 If yes, since when (date of commencement of such business) (b) any other business including the business of an NBFI. If yes, since when (date of commencement of such business) 11. Name/s of Statutory Auditor/s, if appointed address/es Phone No./ Fax 12. Name/s of all bankers address/es Phone No./ Fax 13. Whether the company or its related party(s) has/have committed any default in repayment of any loan, advance or any other credit facility availed from any bank/ any other financial institution including NBFCs. If yes, furnish full details, such as name and branch of lending institution, type of facility, period and quantum of default, etc. Whether the company/its related party/ has/have committed any default in repayment of redeemable debentures/ preference shares/deposits If yes, furnish full details of such defaults Whether any group company is NBFC If yes, whether it has applied for registration to RBI for grant of a certificate of registration : : : : : : : ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Yes/No : : : Yes/No : ---------------
: : : Yes/No Yes/No
Part II Shareholding pattern of sponsor/s (Please see item 9 of instructions) Sr. No. Name of sponsor & address No. of shares held Amoun t % to total paid up equity share capital of the Co. Whether holding controlling interest
Date: Place:
*Strike out whichever is not applicable. ANNEXURE II Part I STATEMENT OF OWNED FUND AS ON............... (Please seen item No.11 of the instructions) (Rs. in lakhs) Item (i) Paid-up Equity Capital (ii) Paid up preference capital to the extent compulsorily convertible into equity (iii) Free reserves (other than revaluation reserves) (a) General Reserves (b) Share Premium Reserve (c) Capital Reserves (representing retained surplus on sale of assets held in separate account) (d) Debentures Redemption Reserve Amount Rs.
(dccxii) (e) Capital Redemption Reserve (f) Credit Balance in P&L Account (g) Other free reserves (to be specified) (iv) Total of (i) to (iii) Less: (v) Accumulated balance of loss (vi) Deferred Revenue Expenditure (vii) Other Intangible Assets (viii) Under/Short provisioning in value of Investments [other than those covered under item (xi)] (ix) Under/Short provisioning against NPAs/bad & doubtful debts [other than those covered under Item (xi)] (x) Over recognition of income (xi) Book value of the shares acquired in Securitisation Company or Reconstruction Company and outstanding exposures with related parties as defined in the accounting standards and guidance note issued by the Institute of the Chartered Accountants of India All other deductions required on account of items qualified by the auditors in their report on the financial statements (xiii) Total (v to xii) (xiv) Owned fund (iv - xiii) (Signature of Authorised Official) Name: Designation: Company Seal:
We have examined the books of account and other records maintained by.................... Limited in respect of its owned fund as on................... and report that to the best of our knowledge and according to the information and explanations given to us and as shown by the records examined by us, the figures shown in the statement of owned fund are correct. Chartered Accountants/Statutory Auditors* Date: Place: *Certificate to be signed by statutory auditors, if appointed. Annexure III INFORMATION ABOUT THE CHAIRMAN, MANAGING DIRECTOR, DIRECTORS AND THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER OF THE COMPANY
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Nationality Age Business Address Residential Address Income Tax PAN No. Educational/professional qualifications Line of business or vocation Name/s of other companies in which the person has held the post of Chairman/Managing Director/Director/ Chief Executive Officer (i) Whether associated as Sponsor, Managing Director, Chairman or Director with any NBFC including a Residuary Non-Banking Company. (ii) If yes, the name/s of the company/ies (Separate sheet may be attached if necessary)
: : : : : : : :
(i) Whether prosecuted/convicted for an offence involving moral turpitude or for any economic offence either in the individual capacity or as a partner/ director of any firm/company (ii) If yes, particulars thereof
(i) Whether barred by SEBI in the past from becoming Director in any company (ii) If yes, particulars thereof
(i) Whether disqualified in the past to be director of a company under the Companies Act, 1956 (ii) If yes, particulars thereof
(dccxiv) 15. Experience in the field of finance, securitisation and asset reconstruction (details) (a separate sheet may be attached, if necessary) 16. Equity shareholding in the applicant company No. of shares Face Value Percentage of total paid-up equity share capital of the company Whether nominee of or associated with any of sponsor/s All Bank details: A/c Nos., all Bankers' names & addresses Whether committed any default in repayment of any loan, advance or any other credit facility availed from any bank/any other financial institution including NBFCs If yes, furnish full details, such as name and branch of lending institution, type of facility, period and quantum of default, etc. : : : Yes/No :
I solemnly declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information furnished in the statement above is correct, complete and truly stated. Signature of person furnishing information Name: Designation: Company Seal:
Date: Place:
I solemnly declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information furnished in the statement above is correct, complete and truly stated. (Signature of Authorised Official of the Company) Name: Designation: Company Seal:
(dccxv) Annexure IV INFORMATION ABOUT THE SPONSOR/S OF THE COMPANY 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Name Business Address Residential Address Income Tax PAN No. Line of business or vocation : : : : : : : Yes/No
Bank A/c. No., Banker's name & address Whether committed any default in repayment of any loan, advance or any other credit facility availed from any bank/any other financial institution including NBFCs. If yes, furnish full details, such as name and branch of lending institution, type of facility, period and quantum of default, etc. Whether the company/subsidiary/other companies in the same group has/have committed any default in repayment of redeemable debentures/preference shares/ deposits Whether object clause in its Memorandum and Articles of Association permits investment in Securitisation Company or Reconstruction Company Extent of investment in Reconstruction Company or Securitisation Company (i) No. of shares (ii) Face Value (iii) Percentage of total paid-up equity share capital of the company
Whether sponsor is holding company/or holding controlling interest in the proposed company
I solemnly declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information furnished in the statement above is correct, complete and truly stated. (Signature of Authorised Official) Name: Designation: Company Seal:
Date: Place:
(dccxvi) Annexure V INFORMATION ABOUT RELATED PARTIES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Name of related Party Full Address Line of business Status: (a) Individual Firm (b) Public Limited Company/Private Limited Co. Relationship with applicant company Details of Exposure Item Investment in capital shares, bonds/debentures Outstanding loans and advances Deposits Total I solemnly declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief the information furnished in the statement above is correct, complete and truly stated. (Signature of Authorised Official) Name: Designation: Company Seal: Amount (Rs. in lakh) : : : :
Date: Place:
DOCUMENTS REQUIRED TO BE ANNEXED TO THE APPLICATION FORM 1. Identification particulars of the company (Annexure I). 2. Statement of Owned Fund (Annexure II). 3. Information about the management (Annexure III). 4. Information about the sponsor/s (Annexure IV). 5. Information about related parities as defined in the Accounting Standards and Guidance Notes of ICAI. (Annexure V) 6. Certified copy of up-to-date Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company (evidencing therein that the company has been formed for the purpose of undertaking securitisation/asset reconstruction business only). 7. A Certified copy each of Certificate of Incorporation and Certificate of Commencement of Business (in case of Public Ltd. Companies). 8. A certified copy each of the Board of Directors Resolutions (i) specifically approving the submission of the application to Reserve Bank of India and its contents and names of authorised officials, (ii) stating that the company has not accepted any deposit (as defined in Section 45-I(bb) of the Reserve Bank of India Act, 1934)/deposit accepted will be repaid in terms of the
(dccxvii) contract and the company has not defaulted in repayment of deposits/ interest thereon so far, (iii) stating whether or not the directors of the company have adequate professional experience in matters related to finance, securitisation and reconstruction, (iv) stating that none of the directors are disqualified to be appointed as directors as per the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 and (v) stating that the company, if carrying on any other business other than the business of securitisation/asset reconstruction as defined in the Act on or before the date of application, will cease to carry on any such business by June 20, 2003, if the company is granted registration by RBI (carrying out the business of securitisation, which does not fall under the definition of Securitisation as in Section 2(I)(za) of the Act, will fall under 'other activity' ). A certified copy of Board of Directors Resolution and Auditor's Certificate (in original) to the effect that; (i) the company has not incurred losses in any of the three preceding financial years; (for existing companies only) (ii) the company has not engaged (for existing companies only)/will not engage in any business other than securitisation and asset reconstruction; (iii) any of the sponsors is not a holding company of the securitisation company or reconstruction company, or does not otherwise hold any controlling interest in such securitisation company or reconstruction company, (iv) the Board of Directors of the company does not consist of more than half of its total number of directors who are either nominees of any sponsor or associated in any manner with the sponsor or any of its subsidiaries; The Board of Directors should, by means of a report, state that the company has made adequate arrangements for realisation of the financial assets acquired for the purpose of securitisation/asset reconstruction and that it shall be able to service its obligations on respective due dates to the qualified institutional buyers or other persons. A copy each of the Profit and Loss account and audited Balance Sheet for the last 3 years or for such shorter period as are available (for companies already in existence). Business plan of company for the next three years giving details of its (a) thrust of business; (b) amount of Financial Assets proposed to be acquired; (c) market segment; (d) projection of investments and income; (e) statement of Financial Assets and Liabilities; and (f) organisational Structure
(dccxviii) (Application form should be filled up strictly in accordance with these instructions) GENERAL 1. Application should be made in this form only. Wherever space is insufficient, information may be furnished in separate sheet/s. 2. Application along with enclosures duly completed should be submitted in duplicate on or before March 20, 2003 (this date applies only to existing companies) to the Department of Non-Banking Supervision, Reserve Bank of India, Central Office, Centre I, 2nd floor, World Trade Centre, Mumbai 400 005. 3. A photocopy of the application together with enclosures/Annexures, as submitted may be kept with the company for its record. 4. Application should be signed by any of the following officials authorised by the Board of Directors in this behalf (viz., Chairman/Managing Director/Director/ Chief Executive Officer/ Company Secretary, hereinafter known as the Authorised Official). 5. Application should bear the company seal. 6. An acknowledgement for having submitted the application may be obtained from the RBI. 7. Statement of Owned Fund to be submitted as on date of the latest audited balance sheet. ANNEXURE I 8. 'Sponsor' as defined in terms of Section 2(1)(zh) of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002. 9. "Control" includes the right to appoint majority of the directors or to control the management or policy decisions exercisable by a person, directly or indirectly, including by virtue of his shareholding or management rights or shareholders' agreements or voting agreements or in any other manner. 10. In case the company has changed its name earlier, a list of all the earlier names of the company and date/s of change together with the names of Chief Executive Officer and Chairman at the time of change of name should be furnished. ANNEXURE II 11. The particulars/information to be furnished in Annexure-II of the application should be based on figures as disclosed in the latest audited balance sheet. However, in the case of a company incorporated on or after 21.6.2002, such particulars/information should be based on the balance sheet as on a date falling within not more than thirty days preceding the date of application. 12. Free reserve includes reserves shown in the balance sheet and created through an allocation out of profits but not being (a) a reserve created for repayment of any future liability or for depreciation on assets or for bad debts, or (b) a reserve created by revaluation of assets of the company. 13. "Related Party" means related parties as per the accounting standards and
(dccxix) guidance notes of issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India. 14. Under/Short provisioning in value of investments, against NPAs and overrecognition of income will be as identified by statutory auditors/internal auditors/RBI inspecting officer. 15. The contents of Annexure II should be certified by a Chartered Accountant. ANNEXURE III 16. The information about the sponsor, chairman, managing director, directors and the chief executive officer of the company must be certified by each individual, chairman, managing director, directors and the chief executive officer of the company and counter signed by the Authorised Official of the applicant company. 17. Separate form should be submitted in this format of each of such functionaries. ANNEXURE IV 18. Separate form should be submitted in respect of each of the sponsors. ANNEXURE V 19. Separate form should be submitted in respect of each of the related party. 20. The particulars/information should be based on figures as on date of last audited balance sheet as given in Annexure II. ANNEXURE B Disclosures as required to be made by every Securitisation Company or Reconstruction Company intending to issue Security Receipts are as under: (1) Disclosure in Offer Document A. Relating to the Issuer of Security Receipts (i) Name, place of Registered Office, date of incorporation, date of commencement of business of the Securitisation Company or Reconstruction Company; (ii) Particulars of sponsors, shareholders, and a brief profile of the Directors on the Board of the Securitisation Company or Reconstruction Company with their qualifications and experience; (iii) Summary of financial information of the company for the last three years or since commencement of business of the company, whichever is shorter; (iv) Details of Securitisation/Asset Reconstruction activities handled, if any, in the last three years or since commencement of business, whichever is shorter. B. Terms of Offer (i) Objects of offer; (ii) Description of the instrument giving particulars relating to its form, denomination, issue price, etc together with an averment that the transferability of security receipts is restricted to the qualified institutional
(dccxx) buyers; (iii) Arrangements made for management of assets and extent of management fee charged by Securitisation Company or Reconstruction Company; (iv) Interest rate/probable yield; (v) Terms of payment of principal/interest, date of maturity/redemption; (vi) Servicing and administration arrangement; (vii) Details of credit rating, if any, and a summary of the rationale for the rating; (viii) Description of assets being securitised; (ix) Geographical distribution of asset pool; (x) Residual maturity, interest rates, outstanding principal of the asset pool; (xi) Nature and value of underlying security, expected cash flows, their quantum and timing, credit enhancement measures; (xii) Policy for acquisition of assets and valuation methodology adopted; (xiii) Terms of acquisition of assets from banks /financial institutions; (xiv) Details of performance record with the originators; (xv) Terms of replacement of assets, if any, to the asset pool; (xvi) Statement of risk factors, particularly relating to future cash flows and steps taken to mitigate the same; (xvii) Arrangements, if any, for implementing asset reconstruction measures in case of default; (xviii) Duties of theTrustee; (xix) Specific asset reconstruction measures, if any, on which approvals will be sought from investors; (xx) Dispute Redressal Mechanism. (2) Disclosure on quarterly basis (i) Defaults, prepayments, losses, if any, during the quarter; (ii) Change in credit rating, if any; (iii) Change in profile of the assets by way of accretion to or realisation of assets from the existing pool; (iv) Collection summary for the current and previous quarter; (v) Any other material information, which has a bearing on the earning prospects affecting the qualified institutional buyers;
To reduce the level of non-performing assets and to empower the secured creditors, the SRFAESI Act, 2002 was evolved. The Supreme Court in Mardia Chemicals Ltd. v. UOI (2004) held that though some of the provisions of the Securitisation Act may be a bit harsh for some of the borrowers but on those grounds the impugned provisions of the Act cannot be said to be unconstitutional in the view of the fact that the objective of the Securitisation Act is to achieve speedier recovery of dues declared as NPAs to help in growth of economy of country and welfare of people in general. Definitions of some important terms used in the Act like asset reconstruction, non
performing asset, obligor, qualified institutional buyer are covered in the chapter.
Section 3 of the Act provides for registration of securitisation or reconstruction companies. Section 4 provides for cancellation of certificate of registration. Section 5 provides for acquisition of rights in financial assets by special purpose vehical i.e. securitisation or reconstruction company. Section 13 provides for enforcement of security interest by creditors. What measures an asset reconstruction company can take are given under Section 9 of the Act. Section 15 provides for manner and effect of takeover of management. Section 20 provides for setting up of central registry which will register transactions of securitisation and reconstruction of financial assets. The Reserve Bank has issued the Securitisation Companies and Reconstruction Companies (Reserve Bank) Guidelines and Directions, 2003 and Guidelines on sale of financial assets to securitisation/reconstruction company and related issues.
SELF-TEST QUESTIONS (These are meant for recapitulation only. Answers to these questions are not required to be submitted for evaluation). 1. Write short notes on the following: (a) Non-performing Assets (b) Assets reconstruction companies (c) Securitisation (d) Obligor 2. What measures are given to asset reconstruction company under the SRFAESI Act, 2002. 3. Comment on constitutional validity of SRFAESI Act, 2002 and refer to Supreme Court judgement including the ratio of the judgement of the Act. 4. Explain the term Central Registry. Write the provisions for setting up of Central Registry. 5. State the reasons for which Reserve Bank of India can cancel registration of Securitisation company.
Need and object of the Act Establishment of Tribunals Tribunals constituted as of now Establishment of appellate Tribunals Procedure of Tribunals Powers of Tribunal Recovery of debt determined by Tribunal Effective non-legal remedies for improving recovery management.
A. THE RECOVERY OF DEBTS DUE TO BANKS AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS ACT, 1993 1. NEED AND OBJECT The Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 (henceforth the Act) was passed by the Parliament of India to provide for the speedy adjudication of matters relating to recovery of debts due to banks and financial institutions. The Act provides a procedure that is distinct from the existing Code of Civil Procedure in order to ensure a speedy adjudication. The Act also provides for the setting up of a separate set of tribunals to hear such matters and these tribunals are termed as Debt Recovery Tribunals (DRTs). The provisions of the Act do not apply where the amount of debt due to any bank or financial institution or to a consortium of banks or financial institutions is less than ten lakh rupees or such other amount, being not less than one lakh rupees, as the Central Government may, by notification, specify. With a view to help financial institutions recover their bad debts quickly and efficiently, the Government of India has constituted thirty three Debt Recovery Tribunals and five Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunals all over the country. Each Debts Recovery Tribunal is presided over by a Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer is generally a judge of the rank of District and Sessions Judge. A 697
(dccxxiii) Presiding Officer of a Debts Recovery Tribunal is assisted by a number of officers of other ranks, but none of them need necessarily have a judicial background. Therefore, the Presiding Officer of a Debt Recovery Tribunal is the sole judicial authority to hear and pass any judicial order. Each Debts Recovery Tribunal has two Recovery Officers. The work amongst the Recovery Officers is allocated by the Presiding Officer. Though a Recovery Officer need not be a judicial Officer, but the orders passed by a Recovery Officer are judicial in nature, and are appealable before the Presiding Officer of the Tribunal. After the enactment of the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interests Act (SRFAESI Act) borrowers could become first applicants before the Debts Recovery Tribunals. Earlier only lenders could be applicants. The Debts Recovery Tribunals are fully empowered to pass comprehensive orders like in Civil Courts. The Tribunals can hear cross suits, counter claims and allow set offs. However, they cannot hear claims of damages or deficiency of services or breach of contract or criminal negligence on the part of the lenders. The Debts Recovery Tribunals can appoint Receivers, Commissioners, pass exparte orders, ad-interim orders, interim orders apart from powers to review its own decision and hear appeals against orders passed by the Recovery Officers of the Tribunals. The recording of evidence by Debts Recovery Tribunals is somewhat unique. All evidences are taken by way of an affidavit. Cross examination is allowed only on request by the defense, and that too if the Tribunal feels that such a cross examination is in the interest of justice. Frivolous cross examination may be denied. There are a number of other unique features in the proceedings before the Debts Recovery Tribunals all aimed at expediting the proceedings. As per Section 2(g) of the Act, Debt means any liability (inclusive of interest) which is claimed alleged as due from any person by a bank or a financial institution or by a consortium of banks or financial institutions during the course of any business activity undertaken by the bank or the financial institution or the consortium under any law for the time being in force, in cash or otherwise, whether secured or unsecured, or assigned or whether payable under a decree or order of any civil court or any arbitration award or otherwise or under a mortgagee and subsisting on, and legally recoverable on, the date of the application. Under Section 2(h) Financial institution means (i) a public financial institution within the meaning of Section 4A of the Companies Act, 1956; (ii) such other institution as the Central Government may, having regard to its business activity and the area of its operation in India, by notification, specify. 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF TRIBUNAL The Act provides that the Central Government shall by notification, establish one or more Tribunals, to be known as the Debts Recovery Tribunal, to exercise the jurisdiction, powers and authority conferred on such Tribunal by or under this Act.
(dccxxiv) The Central Government shall also specify in the notification the areas within which the Tribunal may exercise jurisdiction for entertaining and deciding the applications filed before it. The setting up of a Debt Recovery Tribunal is dependent upon the volume of cases. Higher the number of cases within a territorial area, more the Debt Recovery Tribunals would be set up. Some cities have more than one Debt Recovery Tribunal located therein. On the other hand, there are number of states that do not have Debt Recovery Tribunals. The details of the Tribunals constituted as of now Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunals (DRATs) DRAT Allahabad, DRAT Chennai, DRAT Delhi, DRAT Kolkata, DRAT Mumbai. Debt Recovery Tribunals DRT-I Ahmedabad, DRT-II Ahmedabad, DRT Allahabad, DRT Aurangabad, DRT Bangalore, DRT-I Chandigarh, DRT-II Chandigarh, DRT-1 Chennai, DRT-2 Chennai, DRT Coimbatore, DRT Cuttak, DRT Ernakulam, DRT Guwahati, DRT Hyderabad, DRT Jabalpur, DRT Jaipur, DRT-1 Kolkata, DRT-2 Kolkata, DRT-3 Kolkata, DRT Lucknow, DRT-1 Mumbai, DRT-2 Mumbai, DRT-3 Mumbai, DRT Nagpur, DRT-1 New Delhi, DRT-2 New Delhi, DRT-3 New Delhi, DRT Patna, DRT Pune, DRT Visakhapatnam, DRT Ranchi, DRT Madurai. Composition of Tribunal The Act provides that a Tribunal shall consist of one person only, to be called the Presiding Officer, to be appointed, by notification, by the Central Government. The Central Government may also authorise the Presiding Officer of one Tribunal to discharge also the functions of the Presiding Officer of another Tribunal. Any person who is, or who has been, or is qualified to be, a District Judge may be appointed as the Presiding Officer, who shall, hold office for a term of five years from the date on which he enters his office or until he attains the age of sixty-two years, whichever is earlier. The Central Government shall also appoint one or more Recovery Officers and such other officers and employees as the Government may think fit. The Recovery Officers and other officers and employees of a Tribunal shall discharge their functions under the general superintendence of the Presiding Officer. 3. ESTABLISHMENT OF APPELLATE TRIBUNAL The Central Government may establish one or more Appellate Tribunals, to be known as the Debts Recovery Appellate Tribunals, to exercise the jurisdiction, powers and authority conferred on such Tribunal by or under this Act. Composition of Appellate Tribunal An Appellate Tribunal shall consist of one person to be called as the Presiding Officer of the Appellate Tribunal. Any person, who is, or has been, or is qualified to be, a Judge of a High Court; or has been a member of the Indian Legal Service and has held a post in Grade I of that Service for at least three years; or has held office as
(dccxxv) the Presiding Officer of a Tribunal for at least three years, shall be qualified for appointment as the Presiding Officer of an Appellate Tribunal. The Presiding Officer of an Appellate Tribunal shall hold office for a term of five years from the date on which he enters his office or until he attains the age of sixtyfive years, whichever is earlier. 4. PROCEDURE OF TRIBUNALS Section 19 of the Act provides that where a Bank or a Financial Institution has to recover any debt from any person, it may make an application to the Tribunal within the local limits of whose jurisdiction the defendant, or each of the defendants where there are more than one, at the time of making the application, actually and voluntarily resides, or carries on business or personally works for gain; or any of the defendants, where there are more than one, at the time of making the application, actually and voluntarily resides, or carries on business, or personally works for gain; or the cause of action, wholly or in part, arises. Further, when a Bank or a financial institution, which has to recover its debt from any person, has filed an application to the Tribunal and against the same person and another bank or financial institution also has a claim to recover its debt, then, the later bank or financial institution may join the applicant bank or financial institution at any stage of the proceedings, before the final order is passed by making an application to that Tribunal. Every application has to be made in such form and be accompanied by such documents or other evidence and by such fee as may be prescribed. On receipt of application, the Tribunal shall issue summons requiring the defendant to show cause within thirty days of the service of summons as to why the relief prayed for should not be granted. The defendants shall, at or before the first hearing or within such time as the Tribunal may permit, present a written statement of his defence. Where the defendant claims to set-off against the applicants demand any ascertained sum of money legally recoverable by him from such applicant, the defendant may, at the first hearing of the application, but not afterwards unless permitted by the Tribunal, present a written statement containing the particulars of the debt sought to be set-off. The written statement shall have the same effect as a plaint in a cross suit so as to enable the Tribunal to pass a final order in respect of both the original claim and of the set off. The defendant in an application may, in addition to his right of pleading a set off, set up, by way of counter-claim against the claim of the applicant, any right or claim in respect of a cause of action accruing to the defendant against the applicant either before or after the filing of the application but before the defendant has delivered his defence or before the time limited for delivering his defence has expired, whether such counter-claim is in the nature of a claim for damages or not. Tribunal may, after giving the applicant and the defendant an opportunity of being heard, pass such orders on the application as it deems fit to meet the ends of justice. A counter-claim shall have the same effect as a cross-suit so as to enable the Tribunal to pass a final order on the same application, both on the original claim and on the counter-claim.
(dccxxvi) The applicant shall be at liberty to file a written statement in answer to the counterclaim of the defendant within such period as may be fixed by the Tribunal. Where a defendant sets up a counterclaim and the applicant contents that the claim thereby raised ought not be disposed of by way of a counter-claim but in an independent action, the applicant may, at any time before issues are settled in relation to the counter-claim, apply to the Tribunal for an order that such counterclaim may be excluded, and the Tribunal may, on hearing of such application, make such order as it thinks fit. The Tribunal may make an interim order (whether by way of injunction or stay or attachment) against the defendant to debar him from transferring, alienating or otherwise dealing with, or disposing of, any property and assets belonging to him without the prior permission of the Tribunal. The objective behind empowering the Tribunals for issuing such a wide variety of interim orders is to prevent unscrupulous persons from stripping the properties and/or encumbering them in such a manner so as to defeat the lenders attempt at recovering the amounts advanced by them. The Tribunals can get the property vacated, attach rents, appoint Commissioner to take inventory of the property and the stocks. The Tribunals can go ahead and attach Bank Accounts, seal lockers and much more. However, there are a number of judgements of the Supreme Court and the High Court which have laid down conditions which must be followed by the Tribunals before passing orders which have pernicious effects on current and running business establishments. Therefore, even though the Tribunals can pass orders of wide variety, they are slow and cautious while passing such orders. Generally, they would first listen to the defendants before the orders are passed. Where at any stage of the proceedings, the Tribunal is satisfied by affidavit or otherwise, that the defendant, with intent to obstruct or delay or frustrate the execution of any order for recovery of the debt that may be passed against him, (i) is about to dispose of the whole or any part of his property; or (ii) is about to remove the whole or any part of his property from the local limits of the jurisdiction of the Tribunal; or (iii) is likely to cause any damage or mischief to the property or effect its value by misuse or creating third party interest, the Tribunal may direct the defendant, within a time fixed by the Tribunal, either to furnish security, in such sum as may be specified in the order, or to appear and show cause why he should not furnish security. Where the defendant fails to show cause why he should not furnish security, or fails to furnish the security required, within the time fixed by the Tribunal, the Tribunal may order the attachment of the whole or such portion of the properties claimed by the applicant as the properties secured is his favour or otherwise owned by the defendant as appears sufficient to satisfy any certificate for the recovery of debt. The applicant shall, unless the Tribunal otherwise directs, specify the property
(dccxxvii ) required to be attached and estimate the value thereof. The Tribunal may also in the order direct the conditional attachment of the whole or any portion of the property. In case of disobedience of an order made by the Tribunal or breach of any of the terms on which the order was made, the Tribunal may order the properties of the person to be attached and may also order such person guilty of such disobedience or breach be detained in the civil prison for a term not exceeding three months, unless in the meantime the Tribunal directs his release. Where it appears to the Tribunal to be just and convenient, it may, by order (a) appoint a receiver of any property, whether before or after the grant of certificate for recovery of debt; (b) remove any person from the possession or custody of the property; (c) commit the same property to the possession, custody or management of the receiver; (d) confer upon the receiver all such powers, as to bringing and defending suits in the courts, or filing and defending applications before the Tribunal and for the realization, management, protection, preservation and improvement of the property, the collection of rents and profits thereof, the application and disposal of such rents and profits, and the execution of documents as the owner himself has, or such of those powers as the Tribunal thinks fit; and (e) appoint a Commissioner for preparation of an inventory of the properties of the defendant or for the sale thereof. Where the certificate of recovery is issued against a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956, the Tribunal may order the sale proceeds of the company to be distributed among its secured creditors in accordance with the provisions of Section 529A of the Companies Act, 1956 and to pay the surplus, if any, to the company. The Tribunal may, after giving the applicant and the defendant an opportunity of being heard, pass such interim or final order, including the order for payment of interest from date on or before which payment of the amount is found due upto the date of realization or actual payment, on the application as it thinks fit to meet the ends of justice. The Tribunal shall send a copy of every order passed by it to the applicant and the defendant. The Presiding Officer shall issue a certificate under his signature on the basis of the order of the Tribunal, to the Recovery Officer for recovery of the amount of debt specified in the certificate. Where the Tribunal, which has issued a certificate of recovery, is satisfied that the property is situated within the local limits of the jurisdiction of two or more Tribunals, it may send the copies of the certificate of recovery for execution to such other Tribunals where the property is situated. Provided that in case where the Tribunal to which the certificate of recovery is sent for execution finds that it has no jurisdiction to comply with the certificate of recovery, it shall return the same to the Tribunal which has issued it. The application made to the Tribunal shall be dealt with by it as expeditiously as possible and endeavour shall be made by it to dispose of the application finally within
(dccxxviii ) one hundred and eighty days from the date or receipt of the application. The Tribunal may make such orders and give such directions as may be necessary or expedient to give effect to its orders or to prevent abuse of its process or to secure the ends of justice. 5. APPEAL TO THE APPELLATE TRIBUNAL Section 20 of the Act provides that any person aggrieved by an order made, or deemed to have been made, by a Tribunal under this Act, may prefer an appeal to an Appellate Tribunal having jurisdiction in the matter. No appeal shall lie to the Appellate Tribunal from an order made by a Tribunal with the consent of the parties. Every appeal shall be filed within a period of forty-five days from the date on which a copy of the order made, or deemed to have been made, by the Tribunal is received by him and it shall be in such form and accompanied by such fee as may be prescribed. Provided that the Appellate Tribunal may entertain an appeal after the expiry of the said period of forty-five days if it is satisfied that there was sufficient cause for not filing it within that period. On receipt of an appeal, the Appellate Tribunal may, after giving the parties to the appeal, an opportunity of being heard, pass such orders thereon as it thinks fit, confirming, modifying or setting aside the order appealed against. The Appellate Tribunal shall send a copy of every order, made by it to the parties to the appeal and to the concerned Tribunal. The appeal filed before the Appellate Tribunal shall be dealt with by it as expeditiously as possible and endeavour shall be made by it to dispose of the appeal finally within six months from the date of receipt of the appeal. Deposit of amount of debt due, on filing appeal: Where an appeal is preferred by any person from whom the amount of debt is due to a Bank or a Financial Institution or a consortium of Banks or Financial Institutions, such appeal shall not be entertained by the Appellate Tribunal unless such person has deposited with the Appellate Tribunal seventy-five percent of the amount of debt so due from him as determined by the Tribunal. Provided that the Appellate Tribunal may, for reasons to be recorded in writing, waive or reduce the amount to be deposited. 6. POWERS OF THE TRIBUNAL AND THE APPELLATE TRIBUNAL The Tribunal and the Appellate Tribunal shall not be bound by the procedure laid down by the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, but shall be guided by the principles of natural justice. The proceedings before the Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal is governed by Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunal (Procedures) Rules, 1993. In addition, Section 22 of the Act permits the Tribunal and the Appellate Tribunal to regulate their own procedure including the places at which they shall have their sittings. The Tribunal and the Appellate Tribunal shall have, for the purposes of discharging their functions under this Act, the same powers as are vested in a civil court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, while trying a suit, in respect of the following matters, namely: (a) summoning and enforcing the attendance of any person and examining him on oath; (b) requiring the discovery and production of documents; (c) receiving evidence on affidavits;
(dccxxix) (d) (e) (f) (g) issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents; reviewing its decisions; dismissing an application for default or deciding it ex parte; setting aside any order of dismissal of any application for default or any order passed by it ex parte; (h) any other matter which may be prescribed. Any proceeding before the Tribunal or the Appellate Tribunal shall be deemed to be a judicial proceeding within the meaning of Sections 193 and 228, and for the purposes of Section 196, of the Indian Penal Code, 1860 and the Tribunal or the Appellate Tribunal shall be deemed to be a civil court for all the purposes of Section 195 and Chapter XXVI of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. 7. RIGHT TO LEGAL REPRESENTATION AND PRESENTING OFFICERS A Bank or a Financial Institution making an application to a Tribunal or an appeal to an Appellate Tribunal may authorise one or more legal practitioners or any of its officers to act as Presenting Officers and every person so authorised by it may present its case before the Tribunal or the Appellate Tribunal. The defendant may either appear in person or authorise one or more legal practitioners or any of his or its officers to present his or its case before the Tribunal or the Appellate Tribunal. Limitations The provisions of the Limitation Act, 1963, shall, as far as may be, apply to an application made to a Tribunal. 8. RECOVERY OF DEBT DETERMINED BY TRIBUNAL Modes of recovery of debts As per the provisions of Section 25, the Recovery Officer shall, on receipt of the copy of the certificate under sub-section (7) of Section 19, proceed to recover the amount of debt specified in the certificate by one or more of the following modes, namely: (a) attachment and sale of the movable or immovable property of the defendant; (b) arrest of the defendant and his detention in prison; (c) appointing a receiver for the management of the movable or immovable properties of the defendant. Validity of certificate and amendment thereof The defendant cannot dispute before the Recovery Officer the correctness of the amount specified in the certificate, and no objection to the certificate on any other ground, shall also be entertained by the Recovery Officer. However, the Presiding Officer shall have power to withdraw the certificate or correct any clerical or arithmetical mistake in the certificate by sending an intimation to the Recovery Officer. The Presiding Officer shall intimate to the Recovery Officer any order withdrawing or cancelling a certificate or any correction made by him.
(dccxxx) Stay of proceedings under certificate and amendment or withdrawal thereof Section 27 provides that notwithstanding that a certificate has been issued to the Recovery Officer for the recovery of any amount, the Presiding Officer may grant time for the payment of the amount, and thereupon the Recovery Officer shall stay the proceedings until the expiry of the time so granted. Where a certificate for the recovery of amount has been issued, the Presiding Officer shall keep the Recovery Officer informed of any amount paid or time granted for payment, subsequent to the issue of such certificate to the Recovery Officer. Where the order giving rise to a demand of amount for recovery of debt has been modified in appeal, and, as a consequence thereof the demand is reduced, the Presiding Officer shall stay the recovery of such part of the amount of the certificate as pertains to the said reduction for the period for which the appeal remains pending. Where a certificate for the recovery of debt has been received by the Recovery Officer and subsequently the amount of the outstanding demands is reduced or enhanced as a result of an appeal, the Presiding Officer shall, when the order which was the subject matter of such appeal has become final and conclusive, amend the certificate or withdraw it, as the case may be. Other modes of recovery Where a certificate has been issued to the Recovery Officer under sub-section (7) of Section 19, the Recovery Officer may, without prejudice to the modes of recovery specified in Section 25, recover the amount of debt by anyone or more of the modes provided under this section. If any amount is due from any person to the defendant, the Recovery Officer may require such person to deduct from the said amount, the amount of debt due from the defendant under this Act and such person shall comply with any such requisition and shall pay the sum so deducted to the credit of the Recovery Officer. Provided that nothing in this sub-section shall apply to any part of the amount exempt from attachment in execution of a decree of a civil court under Section 60 of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. The Recovery Officer may, at any time or from time to time, by notice in writing, require any person from whom money is due or may become due to the defendant or to any person who holds or may subsequently hold money for or on account of the defendant, to pay to the Recovery Officer either forthwith upon the money becoming due or being held or within the time specified in the notice (not being before the money becomes due or is held) so much of the money as is sufficient to pay the amount of debt due from the defendant or the whole of the money when it is equal to or less than that amount. A notice under this sub-section may be issued to any person who holds or may subsequently hold any money for or on account of the defendant jointly with any other person and for the purposes of this sub-section, the shares of the joint holders in such amount shall be presumed, until the contrary is proved, to be equal. A copy of the notice shall be forwarded to the defendant at his last address known to the Recovery Officer and in the case of a joint account to all the joint
(dccxxxi) holders at their last addresses known to the Recovery Officer. Save as otherwise provided in this sub-section, every person to whom a notice is issued under this sub-section shall be bound to comply with such notice, and, in particular, where any such notice is issued to a post office, bank, financial institution, or an insurer, it shall not be necessary for any pass book, deposit receipt, policy or any other document to be produced for the purpose of any entry, endorsement or the like to be made before the payment is made notwithstanding any rule, practice or requirement to the contrary. Any claim respecting any property in relation to which a notice under this subsection has been issued arising after the date of the notice shall be void as against any demand contained in the notice. Where a person to whom a notice under this sub-section is sent, objects to it by a statement on oath that the sum demanded or the part thereof is not due to the defendant or that he does not hold any money for or on account of the defendant, then, nothing contained in this sub-section shall be deemed to require such person to pay any such sum or part thereof, as the case may be, but if it is discovered that such statement was false in any material particular, such person shall be personally liable to the Recovery Officer to the extent of his own liability to the defendant on the date of the notice, or to the extent of the defendants liability for any sum due under this Act, whichever is less. The Recovery Officer may, at any time or from time to time, amend or revoke any notice under this sub-section or extend the time for making any payment in pursuance of such notice. This Recovery Officer shall grant a receipt for any amount paid in compliance with a notice issued under this sub-section, and the person so paying shall be fully discharged from his liability to the defendant, to the extent of the amount so paid. Any person discharging any liability to the defendant after the receipt of a notice under this sub-section shall be personally liable to the Recovery Officer to the extent of his own liability to the defendant so discharged or to the extent of the defendants liability for any debt due under this Act, whichever is less. If the person to whom a notice has been sent under this sub-section, fails to make payment in pursuance thereof to the Recovery Officer, he shall be deemed to be a defendant in default in respect of the amount specified in the notice and further proceedings may be taken against him for the realization of the amount as if it were a debt due from him, in the manner provided in Section 25, 26 and 27 and the notice shall have the same effect as an attachment of debt by the Recovery Officer in exercise of his powers under Section 25. The Recovery Officer may apply to the court in whose custody there is money belonging to the defendant for payment to him of the entire amount of such money, or if it is more than the amount of debt due, an amount sufficient to discharge the amount of debt so due. The Recovery Officer may, by order, at any stage of the execution of the certificate of recovery, require any person, and in case of a company, any of its officers against whom or which the certificate or recovery is issued, to declare on affidavit the particulars of his or its assets. The Recovery officer may recover any amount of debt due from the defendant by distraint and sale of his movable property
(dccxxxii ) in the manner laid down in the Third Schedule to the Income-Tax Act, 1961. 9. APPEAL AGAINST THE ORDER OF RECOVERY OFFICER Any person aggrieved by an order of the Recovery Officer made under this Act may, within thirty days from the date on which a copy of the order is issued to him, prefer an appeal to the Tribunal. On receipt of an appeal, the Tribunal may, after giving an opportunity to the appellant to be heard, and after making such inquiry as it deems fit, confirm, modify or set aside the order made by the Recovery Officer in exercise of his powers under Sections 25 to 28 (both inclusive). B. EFFECTIVE NON-LEGAL REMEDIES FOR IMPROVING THE RECOVERY MANAGEMENT Compromise as a Strategy Reduction of non-performing assets in banks can be achieved through a compromise strategy where the objective of the genuine borrower is to optimize his gain having suffered a loss in the Units working, and that of the banker to minimize his loss. The ultimate strike-point is possible only through negotiation. Compromise, as a bad-debt reduction strategy needs to be wielded deftly. When a compromise is arrived at, certain amount of sacrifice in the form of write off and/or waiver of uncharged interest would be inevitable. Some feel that in a compromise, if one can recover the book outstanding, it would be adequate because it would not entail a write-off but would only involve waiver of the uncharged interest component, which is after all notional. This is one extreme. While others feel that sacrificing a claim is more akin to sin and therefore, one has to stay hard and fast in negotiations. This is the other extreme. Compromise should be wielded as a strategy and not sold as a product. However, compromise can be marketed as a product prudently in cases where the asset back-up is questionable and prospects for recovery out of the borrowers own means are remote. Thus, it is necessary to determine the approach in the light of analysis of factors connected to each case. There are only two approaches relevant: (a) Recovering as much as possible by negotiation (or in other words recovery optimization) this is possible when the banker can negotiate from a position of strength, and (b) Clearing the problem loan in order to cleanse the portfolio this is essential when the banker does not negotiate from a position of strength. Lok Adalat The concept of Lok Adalat is of recent origin and is set up under the Legal Service Authorities Act, 1987 (39 of 1987). Where the borrower and the banker are not able to arrive at a compromise, bringing the case before the forum of Lok Adalat can be helpful. Experience has shown that in many cases, particularly where the amount is not large, Lok Adalat has been successful in bringing the borrower to terms by using some kind of social pressure. Compromise through Lok Adalats
(dccxxxiii ) The Reserve Bank has advised all scheduled commercial banks and all India financial institutions that they can take up the matter where outstandings are Rs. 10 lakhs and above with Lok Adalats organized by the Debt Recovery Tribunals/Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunals. The advice was issued to clarify the doubt raised by banks whether, in view of the limitation of ceiling of Rs. 5 lakhs for disposal by Lok Adalats, they should participate in the Lok Adalats convened by various DRTs/ DRATs for resolving cases involving Rs. 10 lakhs and above. Settlement of NPAs through Lok Adalats Lok Adalats are being organized at difference places under the auspices of local judiciary and voluntary organizations with the object of speedy disposal of disputes of different kinds. Banks claims against its borrowers are also being taken-up by such Lok Adalats. The Indian Banks Association (IBA) has considered the matter relating to participation by banks before Lok Adalats by which cases of banks are settled speedily and also saving legal charges. Lok Adalats do not have statutory status, as judgements rendered by them do not take the form of a court decree so as to make it binding on the parties. If either of the parties does not give consent for settlement of dispute through Lok Adalat, the Lok Adalat cannot settle the matter. Even after parties to a dispute have given their consent for submitting their case before Lok Adalat, the procedure followed is not like civil suits, which are tried by the ordinary civil court. Neither the Lok Adalat records any evidence, nor any arguments are heard for deciding intricate legal question. The presiding members of Lok Adalat, who are usually social workers, discuss the matter with both the parties without the help of their advocates and make efforts to bring the parties to an amicable settlement in the spirit of give and take. Thus, several dates of hearing are not fixed and attempt is made to bring round the parties to an agreeable solution at the some sitting. In this process, the social workers use their moral authority and pursuade the parties to settle the matter on the basis of a reasonable agreement. If a settlement is arrived at, terms thereof are recorded by the Presiding Officer of the Lok Adalat and signed by the parties. If there is no settlement, the matter is left unresolved. While a Lok Adalat can take up all such disputes for consideration, which have not yet reached any court, pending civil suits are also referred to Lok Adalats for decision. How settlements can be made legally binding As already discussed above, settlements arrived at Lok Adalats are not legally enforceable, by themselves. Therefore, where settlement has been arrived at, in a matter regarding which no civil suit is pending, the settlement has to be filed before a competent court of civil jurisdiction in the form of a plaint for obtaining a decree in terms of the settlement. On the other hand, where settlement has been arrived at in respect of a matter for which a civil suit is already pending, the settlement has to be filed in the form of a compromise and the court passes necessary decree in the civil suit itself. Thus, settlements arrived at before Lok Adalats can be made legally enforceable only by obtaining appropriate court decree. Exemption and refund of court fees
(dccxxxiv ) It is pertinent to note that several State governments have announced remissions in court fees where matters are settled through Lok Adalats. As such costs on court fees are saved to the benefit of the Bank, as well as the borrower. Precautions to be taken In settling claims of Banks before Lok Adalats following precautions should be taken: (a) Where there is a guarantor to the loan the liability of the guarantor should also be settled before the Lok Adalat and incorporated in the settlement and decree, co-extensive with the borrower. (b) Where there are securities in the nature of hypothecation/pledge/mortgage, recourse to the Bank, for selling such securities should also be incorporated in the settlement, and also in the consequential decrees to be obtained. (c) Decree in appropriate forms should be obtained immediately from civil court upon settlement of a claim from Lok Adalat. (d) Where the settlement/decree provides for payment of settled amount in instalments, a suitable default clause should also be incorporated in the settlement/decree to the effect that in default of payment of any two instalments, the entire liability will become due and payable forthwith in lump-sum. (e) In case of mortgage claims, the settlements should provide for passing of an outright final mortgage decree by the court surpassing the stage of preliminary decree. (f) Where the borrowers/guarantors commit default in making payment in accordance with the terms of the settlement/decree, immediate steps for execution of decree and realization of securities should be taken. (g) When settlements are arrived at in respect of cases pending before civil courts, refund of court fees paid on the plaint should be applied for, with the court in which the suit was filed. Validity of Debt Recovery Tribunal Act A three judge bench of Supreme Court has upheld the validity of the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993, which provides for establishment of DRTs for recovery of outstanding loans. The court allowed a batch of appeals from Union of India and several commercial banks against a judgement of the Delhi High Court striking down the Act as ultra vires the constitution. The court added that the special machinery of a tribunal under the Act for expeditious adjudication and recovery of debts due to banks and FIs squarely fall within the ambit of powers of the Parliament to legislate such a law. The DRTs were handicapped in view of the stay orders granted by several High Courts against the operation of the Act in their respective States. While upholding the validity of the Act, the Supreme Court has made it clear that No High Court shall entertain a petition under Article 226 and 227 of the Constitution, challenging the tribunals jurisdiction in this regard. The court also made it clear that it would be open to the parties to raise their contentions on the merits of their cases before the tribunals. It is only after the tribunals have dealt with such contentions, the High
(dccxxxv ) Courts can adjudicate in the matter. DRTs have also been asked by the Supreme Court to deal with the petitions of the banks expeditiously. DRTs Cross examination not needed Supreme Court ruled during March 2002 that it was not necessary for DRTs to always cross-examine a witness. Evidence could be taken by affidavits also on the pattern of High Courts and Supreme Court where the cases can be decided merely on the basis of documents and affidavits filed before them, ordinarily. The court observed that it is common knowledge that hardly any transaction with the bank would be oral and without proper documentation. In such an event, the need for oral examination of a witness would rarely arise. The Tribunal may at any time for sufficient reason, order that any particular fact be proved by affidavit, on such conditions, as the tribunal thinks reasonable. The Tribunal may at any time for sufficient reason, order that any particular fact be proved by affidavit, on such conditions, as the tribunal thinks reasonable. The Tribunal may at any time, for sufficient reason, order that the affidavit of any witness may be read at the hearing, on such conditions, as the tribunal thinks reasonable.
The Act was passed to provide for the speedy adjudication of matters relating to recovery of debts due to banks and financial institutions. As of now, there are twenty nine Debt Recovery Tribunals and five Debt Recovery Appellate Tribunals across the country constituted by the Government of India. Section 19 of the Act deals with the procedure for making application to the Tribunal. Section 20 of the Act deals with provisions for an appeal to an Appellate Tribunal having jurisdiction in the matter. The Tribunal and the Appellate Tribunal have the same powers as are vested in a Civil Court under the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908. The Recovery Officer may proceed to recover the amount of debt by any of the specified modes under Section 25 of the Act. Any person who is aggrieved by an order of Recovery Officer may prefer an appeal to the Tribunal.
SELF-TEST QUESTIONS (These are meant for recapitulation only. Answers to these questions are not required to be submitted for evaluation). 1. State the object behind establishment of Recovery of debts due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993. 2. State the Composition of Tribunal. 3. Explain the procedure for filing application to the tribunal under the Act. 4. What are the powers of Tribunal and Appellate Tribunal vested by the Act? 5. State various modes of recovery under the Act.
(dccxxxvi ) 6. State the effective non-legal remedies for improving the recovery management.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES Winding up of a company is a process of putting an end to the life of a company. Companies Act provides ways and modes for winding up of the company. This chapter covers in detail the process of winding of the company and there the consequences of winding up. After going through this chapter, you will be able to understand:
Meaning of winding up Winding up and dissolution Modes of winding up Winding up by the Court Voluntary winding up Winding up subject to supervision of court Consequences of winding up Powers and duties of liquidation Conduct of winding up Proceedings against delinquent officers Winding up of unregistered companies Outsourcing responsibilities to professionals Role of insolvency practitioners Corporate insolvency in UK and USA.
1. INTRODUCTION Corporate Collapse is inevitable in any economy particularly in market-oriented economy. It implies business failure of the company, which may occur due to inadequate capital, fraudulent business practices, management inexperience and incompetence, failure to respond to change, recession, obsolescence, excessive gearing etc. The Companies Act, 1956, provides various remedies to deal with such business failures such as arrangement, reconstruction, amalgamation, winding-up. Winding-up of a company is a process of putting an end to the life of a company. It is a proceeding by means of which a company is dissolved and in the course of such dissolution its assets are collected, its debts are paid off out of the assets of the company or from contributions by its members, if necessary. If any surplus is left, it is distributed among the members in accordance with their rights. In the words of Prof. L.C.B. Gower, Winding-up of a company is the process whereby its life is ended and its property administered for the benefit of its creditors and members. An
(dccxxxvi ii) administrator called liquidator is appointed and he takes control of the company, collects its debts and finally distributes any surplus among the members in accordance with their rights. Thus Winding-up is the process by which management of a companys affairs is taken out of its directors hands, its assets are realized by a liquidator and its debts are realized and liabilities are discharged out of proceeds of realization and any surplus of assets remaining is returned to its members or shareholders. At the end of the winding up the company will have no assets or liabilities and it will, therefore, be simply a formal step for it to be dissolved, that is, for its legal personality as a corporation to be brought to an end. The main purpose of winding up of a company is to realize the assets and pay the debts of the company expeditiously and fairly in accordance with the law. However, the purpose must not be exploited for the benefit or advantage of any class or person entitled to submit petition for winding up of a company. It may be noted that on winding up, the company does not cease to exist as such except when it is dissolved. The administrative machinery of the company gets changed as the administration is transferred in the hands of the liquidator. Even after commencement of the winding-up, the property and assets of the company belong to the company until dissolution takes place. On dissolution the company ceases to exist as a separate entity and becomes incapable of keeping property, suing or being sued. Thus in between the winding up and dissolution, the legal status of the company continues and it can be sued in the court of law. 2. COMPANY CANNOT BE ADJUDGED INSOLVENT The winding up of a company is not the same thing as the insolvency of a company, for the general rule in regard to winding up is that if the members of a company desire that the company should be dissolved or if it becomes insolvent or is otherwise unable to pay its debts, or if for any reason it seems desirable that it should cease to exist, it is wound up. It is obvious that a company may be wound up even when it is perfectly solvent, e.g. for purpose of reconstruction. Furthermore, a company can never be declared bankrupt although it is unable to pay its debts. It can only be wound up, of course, some provisions of insolvency laws are made applicable to companies in liquidation (See Sections 442, 446, 477, 528 to 531 and 534 to 537 of the Companies Act). Thus, we may put the proposition that in so far as inability to pay debts is concerned, a bankruptcy of an individual under the insolvency law is the same thing as a winding up of a company under the company law but a company can also be wound up for reasons other than mere inability to pay its debts. Following are some of the differences between the effects of insolvency of an individual or a firm and winding up of a company: 1. In the case of insolvency, the whole of the insolvents property is taken out of his hands and rests in the Court (under the Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920) or the Official Assignee (Under the Presidency towns Insolvency Act, 1909). In winding up, on the other hand, the property remains vested in the company, subject to its being administered for the purposes of winding up as the company retains its complete existence. Its legal death comes only when it is formally dissolved. 2. In insolvency, an insolvent individual can obtain his discharge and continue
(dccxxxix ) living and working free from the burden of his debts. A company in liquidation cannot obtain its discharge and continue free from the burden of its debts. The liquidator winds up its affairs and then terminates it through dissolution. 3. Although in the administration of the assets of an insolvent company the insolvency rules apply, they are, however, not identical with those of insolvency. For example, the reputed ownership clause of insolvency law has no application in the case of a company in liquidation. 4. In the case of an individual, the administration of his property by the Official Assignee or the Official Receiver occurs only if he is declared an insolvent by the Court. But the assumption of the directors powers by the liquidator, occurs even if the company is fully solvent. Liquidation or winding up, even of an solvent company can be proceeded with the aid of the court, as in voluntary winding up. 3. WINDING UP AND DISSOLUTION The terms Winding up and Dissolution are sometimes erroneously used to mean the same thing. But according to the Companies Act, 1956, the legal implications of these two terms are quite different and there are fundamental differences between them as regards the legal procedure involved. The main points of distinction are given below: 1. The entire procedure for bringing about a lawful end to the life of a company is divided into two stages winding up and dissolution. Winding up is the first stage in the process whereby assets are realised, liabilities are paid off and the surplus, if any, distributed among its members. Dissolution is the final stage whereby the existence of the company is withdrawn by the law. 2. The liquidator appointed by the company or the Court carries out the winding up proceedings but the order for dissolution can be passed by the Court only. 3. According to the Companies Act the liquidator can represent the company in the process of winding up. This can be done till the order of dissolution is passed by the Court. Once the Court passes dissolution orders the liquidator can no longer represent the company. 4. Creditors can prove their debts in the winding up but not on the dissolution of the company. 5. Winding up in all cases does not culminate in dissolution. Even after paying all the creditors there may still be a surplus; company may earn profits during the course of beneficial winding up; there may be a scheme of compromise with creditors while company is in winding up and in all such events the company will in all probability come out of winding up and hand over back to shareholders/old management. Dissolution is an act which puts an end to the life of the company. As such winding up is only a process while the dissolution puts an end to the existence of the company. Unless and until it has been set aside under Section 559 of the Act, it prevents any proceedings being taken against promoters, directors or officers of the company to recover money or property due or belonging to the company or to prove a debt due from the company. When the company is dissolved,
(dccxl) the statutory duty of the liquidator towards the creditors and contributories is gone, but if he has committed without complying with the requirements of the Act, he is liable to damages to the creditors. 4. MODES OF WINDING UP A company registered under the Companies Act, 1956 may be wound up in any of the following modes: 1. By the Court 1 i.e. compulsory winding up; 2. Voluntary winding up, which may be either: (a) Members voluntary winding up; or (b) Creditors voluntary winding up; 3. Winding up subject to the supervision of the Court. 2 Section 425 of the Companies Act, 1956 lays down the above two modes of winding up and provides that the provisions of the Act with respect to winding up shall apply, unless the contrary appears, to the winding up of a company in any of these two modes. In every winding up, a liquidator or liquidators is or are appointed to administer the property of the company and he or they must apply the assets of the company, first, in the payment of the creditors in their proper order, and then, in distributing the residue among the members according to their rights. 5. WINDING UP BY THE COURT
Important Note: The Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002, has transferred to the National Company Law Tribunal the powers vested in the Court under Sections 391 to 396 of the Companies Act, 1956. However, the Amendment Act has not become effective as yet. Accordingly, all references to the High Court or Court in this study will stand replaced with Tribunal after the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 is enforced. Likewise, all references to the Companies Court Rules will stand replaced by the rules/regulations that will be framed by the Tribunal. However, as on date, the existing provisions are applicable. Winding up by the Court or compulsory winding up is initiated by an application 1 by way of petition to the appropriate Court for a winding up order. A winding up petition has to be resorted to only when other means of healing an ailing company are of absolutely no avail. Remedies are provided by the statute on matters concerning the management and running of company. The extreme and irretrievable step of winding up must be resorted to only in very compelling circumstances. [Daulat Makanmal Luthrid v. Solatire Hotels (1993) 76 Comp. Cas. 215 (Bom. HCD)]. It is primarily the High Court which has the jurisdiction to wind up companies under Section 10 of the Companies Act, 1956 in relation to the place at which registered office of the company concerned is situated except to the extent to which jurisdiction has been conferred on any District or District Courts subordinate to the High Court. The Central Government may empower any District Court to exercise that jurisdiction,
1 Substituted by Tribunal by Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 w.e.f. a date yet to be notified. 2 Omitted by the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 w.e.f. a date yet to be notified.
(dccxli) presumably to reduce the burden of the High Court, only in respect of small companies with the paid-up capital of not more than one lakh of rupees and having their registered office within the District, with a view to achieving expeditious and efficient disposal of winding up proceedings. The Act, therefore, under Sections 435 to 438, 1 confers wide powers upon the High Court to regulate the conduct of such proceedings. Accordingly the High Court which is the winding up Court may direct a District Court to retain and continue winding up proceedings which should not really have been commenced in that Court (Section 437). It may also withdraw any winding up which is in progress in a District Court from that Court and proceed with the winding up itself, or transfer it to another District Court (Section 436), and with respect to all proceedings subsequent to its own order of winding up, direct them to be had in a District Court or with the consent of any other High Court, in such High Court or in a District Court subordinate to that High Court, whereupon the Court in respect of which such direction is given shall be deemed to be the Court with all powers and jurisdiction of the High Court under the Act (Section 435). Lastly, the High Court can pass orders under any of the foregoing sections at any time and at any stage, whether or not an application in that behalf is made by any of the parties to the proceedings (Section 438). There must be strong reasons to order winding up as it is a last resort to be adopted. Temporary difficulty cannot be ground for liquidating company when company is on path of revival. D. Ashokan v. S.T. Reddiar & Sons (2002) 40 SCL (Ker. HC DB). Grounds on which a Company may be Wound up by the Court A company under Section 433 may be wound up by the Court if (a) the company has passed a special resolution of its being wound up by the Court; or (b) default is made in delivering the statutory report to the Registrar or in holding the statutory meeting; or (c) it does not commence business within a year from its incorporation or suspends business for a whole year; or (d) the number of its members in the case of a public company is reduced below seven and in the case of a private company, below two; or (e) it is unable to pay its debts; or (f) the Court is of the opinion that it is just and equitable that it should be wound up; or (g) if the company has made a default filing with the Registrar its balance sheet and profit and loss account or annual return for any five consecutive financial years; or (h) if the company has acted against the interests of the sovereignty and integrity of India, the security of the state, friendly relations with foreign states, public order, decency or morality; or (i) If the tribunal is of opinion that the company should be wound up under the circumstances specified in Section 424G: Provided that the tribunal shall make an order for winding up of a company under clause (h) on application made by the Central Government or a State Government. (a) Special Resolution A company may be wound up for any cause whatever if it passes a special resolution to that effect. The Court is, however, not bound to order winding up simply because the company has so resolved. The power may not be exercised if the winding up is opposed to the public or companys interest. The power of the Court in
1 Sections 435 to 438 have been omitted by Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 w.e.f. a date yet to be notified.
(dccxlii) such a case is discretionary and should be exercised only where a bona fide case is made out. Winding up order on this ground is not a common feature because if such a large number of shareholders want the company to be wound up they would prefer the mode of voluntary winding up, which involves less time and is cheaper than winding up by order of the Court. It may be mentioned here that without the authority of the general meeting the directors are not entitled to present a winding up petition in the name of the company. But where the directors have presented such a petition, it is open to general meeting of shareholders to ratify their action. (b) Default in filing statutory report or holding statutory meeting A petition for winding up of a company on this ground can only be made either by the Registrar with the previous sanction of the Central Government or by a contributory on or after the expiration of 14 days after the last day on which the statutory meeting ought to have been held. The power of the Court is discretionary. Instead of making an order for winding up, the Court may direct that the statutory report shall be filed or a meeting should be held, as the nature of the default may be. The Court may order the costs to be paid by any persons who, in its opinion, are responsible for the default [Section 443(3)]. (c) Non-Commencement or Suspension of Business If a company does not commence its business within a year from its incorporation or has suspended business for a whole year, it may be ordered to be wound up. Here again the power of the Court is discretionary and will be exercised only when there is a fair indication that there is no intention to carry on business or where the delay has been sufficiently accounted for and there is no evidence or any probability of its commencing its business within a reasonable time. (See The Malabar Iron and Steel Works Ltd. v. The Registrar of Companies, AIR 1965 Ker. 35). Similarly, when the delay appears to be due to temporary or unavoidable causes, the Court will not order a winding up. In Re. Capital Fire Insurance Association, (1883) 24 Ch.D. 408. Also see Aluminium Corporation of India Ltd. v. Lakshmi Rattan Cotton Mills Co. Ltd. AIR 1970 All 452]. For instance, where, at the instance of the shareholders, a companys business was suspended due to recession, and a petition for winding up made by a shareholder after a year of suspension, was opposed by four-fifths in value of shareholders, the order for winding up was refused. In Re. Middlesborough Assembly Rooms Co., (1880) 14 Ch.D. 104]. Where a company ceases to operate in the field of its activities but becomes a holding company in relation to other companies which are engaged in pursuit of objects for which it was incorporated, such company cannot be said to have suspended its business for a whole year so as to justify an order for its winding up. In Re. Eastern Telegraph Co. Ltd., (1947) 2 All ER 104]. The suspension must be of entire business and not a part of it. Where a company having many businesses discontinues one of them, it cannot be said to have suspended its business [Paramjit Lal Badhwar v. Prem Spg. and Weaving Mills Ltd. (1983) Tax. L.R. 2506 (All)]. In Registrar of Companies v. Bihar Wire (1975) 45 Comp. Cas. 194 (P&HHC) it was held that mere fact that business has not been commenced within a year or has been suspended for a year or more is not a ground for a Court to order winding up of a company. It has to be found out whether the non-commencement or suspension of business is for good reason. The decisive question is whether there is
(dccxliii) reasonable hope of the company commencing or resuming business and doing it at profit and whether substratum of the company has disappeared. Another consideration is taking into account the wishes of majority of shareholders about continuing the business. Further, a company will not be wound up because it has ceased to carry on one of its several businesses unless that business is the main object of the company. In Re. Amalgamated Syndicate [(1897) 2 Ch. D. 600], nor can a company which has amalgamated with another company be wound up on the ground that it has ceased to carry on business as a separate company. If the company has made all possible efforts to proceed with business but due to unforeseen circumstances beyond its control, company could not proceed, company can not be ordered to be wound up under Section 433(c). [Bikkim Gopalakrishna Rao v. Seavally Resorts (2000) 27 SCL 242]. In Surendra Kumar Pareek v. Shree Guru Nanak Oils (P) Ltd. (1995) 82 Comp. Cases 642 (Raj.), the business of the company was suspended for over a year, the number of members was reduced to less than two, all directors but one were absconding and the assets were taken over by the lending institutions, the winding up was admitted despite objection from the lending institution that the winding up was being resorted to, to estable the remaining liability to the Institution. (d) Reduction of members below minimum If the number of members is reduced, in the case of a public company, below seven, and in case of a private company, below two, the company may be ordered to be wound up. The word member in clause (d) of Section 433 means actual members and does not include past members or representatives of the deceased members, or trustees or assignees of bankrupt members [See Bowling and Welbys Contract, (1895) I Ch.D. 663]. The Court usually in such a case does not order winding up, but leaves it to the company to go into voluntary liquidation. This ground for winding up is meant to enable a member to escape personal liability for the companys debts which he will incur under Section 45 of the Act. (e) Inability to pay debts Section 434 of the Companies Act lays down the specific circumstances when the company shall be deemed to be unable to pay its debts. These are: (i) If a creditor to whom the company owes more than Rs. 500/- then due, has served on the company a demand in writing for payment of the debt and the company has within three weeks thereafter, neglected to pay or secure or compound for it to the reasonable satisfaction of the Court. The debt must be really due and not under dispute. Where the object of the petition to wind up a company really is to bring pressure upon the company in order to make it pay the debt cheaply and expeditiously when the company desires to dispute the debt in the Civil Court, the petition was held to be abuse of the process of the Court and liable to be dismissed. [P. Satya Raju v. Guntur Cotton, Jute and Paper Mills AIR 1955 (Mad.) 199]. (ii) If an execution or other process has not been satisfied by the company. The decree or order contemplated by this clause is confined not to money decree
(dccxliv) only but is of a general nature. [Seethal Mills Ltd. v. N. Perumalswamy, (1980) 50 Comp. Cas. 422 Mad.]. (iii) If it is proved to the satisfaction of the Court that the company cannot pay its debts including the contingent and prospective liabilities, it may be ordered to be wound up. In this case, it is the commercial insolvency of the company which is important rather than the difference between the assets and liabilities. The company is liable to be wound up if it is unable to pay its current demands even though the assets, when realised, would exceed its liabilities or where its assets are locked up and it is running at a loss. The important aspect to be examined in this situation is whether in a commercial sense the company is in a position to pay its existing liabilities while it continues to carry on its business. A debt must be a definite sum of money payable immediately or at a future date. A contingent or conditional liability is not a debt unless the contingency or condition has already happened [Registrar of Companies v. Kavita Benefit Pvt. Ltd. (1978) 48 Comp. Cas. 231]. If the Court is satisfied that the company cannot pay its admitted or undisputed debts, it may order the company to be wound up, however small such debts may be. It is not necessary that demand should have been made or the execution levied. In Re. Globe Steel & Co. (7 Eq. 337), the company accepted a bill of exchange in part payment for goods bought. No demand had been made nor execution levied. This bill was dishonoured. It was held that it was sufficient proof of the companys inability to pay its debts. The Central Government is entitled to apply and obtain an order, for the compulsory winding up of a company if the company is unable to pay a large sum lawfully due to it as income-tax [Coimbatore Transport Co. Ltd. v. Governor General in Council (1948) 1 M.L.J. 407]. Where a debt is bona fide disputed by the company and the Court is satisfied with the companys defence, there is no neglect to pay and therefore a winding up order will not be made [Piara Singh (S) v. S.H.R. Properties Pvt. Ltd. (1993) 10 CLA 83]. Bona fide dispute implies the existence of a substantial ground for the dispute raised. In other words, where there is scope for honest differences of opinion and disputes in respect of the claim made, the Court will not entertain a winding up petition. [Bhabesh Chandra Guha Roy v. Bisserwarlal Sharma, 1973 Tax LR 2331 (Cal)]. The Court may however at its discretion direct the company to furnish security. While hearing a winding up petition, the court decides only whether the company is liable to be wound up or not. A winding up application can not be used for obtaining decision for recovery of debts due to any banks or financial institution. The Tribunals constituted under the Recovery of Debts due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993, does not have the jurisdiction to entertain an application for winding up of a company. Such an application can be made only under the Companies Act, 1956 [Andhra Steel Corpn. Ltd. v. Bank of Baroda (1996) 1 Comp. LJ 313]. A notice under Section 434 is a serious matter. If the notice is validly given, its effect would be to raise a presumption as to the inability of the company to pay the debt and as to its insolvency rendering it liable to be wound up by the Court. Such a notice must comply with the requirements of the statute. All that is required by a statute is that the notice must be in respect of an existing and presently payable debt exceeding Rs. 500/-. The notice will not be invalid merely because sum demanded is
(dccxlv) more than the sum actually due. In such a case the sum due remains included in the demand (Ofu Lynx Ltd. v. Simon Carves India Ltd., AIR 1970 Cal 418). The expression three weeks means three clear weeks from the date of the demand. The date on which the demand is made is excluded. [In Re. Lympane Investments Ltd., (1972) 2 All. E.R. 385]. As for the second proposition it is sufficient if the company has informed a judgment-creditor that it has no assets on which to levy execution or the payment was demanded from it by the petition or without any success. [In Re. Flag Staff Co. of Utah, (1875) R. 20 Eq. 268]. If company persistently fails to honour its commitment made at various stages to discharge its financial obligations, it has to held that it was unable to pay its debts and is therefore liable to be wound up. [Bharwan Bros. v. Motorola (India) Ltd. (2000) 25 SCL 517 (Guj HC)]. It is not the requirement of Section 434 that the creditor in his notice must mention that in the event of non-compliance, the creditor will apply for winding up. No form has been prescribed for the notice. [Color Coats v. Venkataramanas Hotels Ltd. AIR 1999 AP 16]. Notice is valid even in absence of stipulation of period of three weeks notice and expression winding up proceedings, if the notice specifically states that in the event of default in payment of debt due, appropriate legal proceedings will be taken. [J.G. Finance v. Hansaflon Plastochem (2001) 30 SCL 430]. (f) Just and Equitable If the Court is of opinion that it is just and equitable that the company should be wound up, it may be ordered to be wound up. In this case, the Court has wide powers and has a complete discretion to decide when it is just and equitable that the company should be wound up. The word just and equitable are not confined to matters ejusdem generis as the preceding clauses of the section, nor to proved cases of mala fides. They are general words which must not be reduced to the sum of particular instances, nor confined to circumstances affecting the petitioner in his capacity as shareholder. They enable the Court to subject the exercise of legal rights to equitable considerations through the words themselves, and not because the companys structure is in any way analogous to a partnership. [Ebrahimi v. Westbourne Galleries Ltd. & Others (1972) 2 W.L.R. 1289]. Lord Wilberforce observed in Ebrahimi v. B. Westbourne Galleries Ltd.: the tendency to create categories or headings is wrong: the general words of the subsection should remain general and not be reduced to the sum of particular instances. The discretion of the Court under this clause is very wide and the courts have exercised this discretion on a variety of grounds. Some of the cases by way of illustration are given here in which, the Court ordered winding up of the company under just and equitable clause to indicate the general categories: (i) Where the whole object of the company was fradulent [In Re. German Date Coffee Co., (1882) 20 Ch.D. 169]. (ii) Where the substratum of the company is gone. The substratum of a company is deemed to have gone where (a) the subject matter of the company is gone, or (b) the object for which it was formed has substantially failed, or (c) it is impossible to carry on the business of the company except at a loss, or (d) the existing and possible assets are insufficient to meet the existing liabilities of the company (Seth Mohan Lal v. Grain Chambers Ltd.,
(dccxlvi) AIR 1968 S.C. 772). (iii) Where the main object of the company for which it was incorporated has been completely achieved. (iv) Where there is a complete deadlock in the management of the company e.g., where two shareholders, who were also directors of private company, were not on speaking term [In Re. Yenidjye Tobacco (1916) 2 Ch. 426]. Fractions among shareholders is, however, not a sufficient ground. (v) Where the company is a bubble and has no business to carry on e.g. where the main business of the company has been taken over by the Government and there is no prospect of the company doing any other business mentioned in the objects clause of the Memorandum of Association. (vi) Where the company is insolvent and its business is being carried on for the benefit of the debenture holders. (vii) Where there has been mismanagement and misapplication of funds by the directors of private company [Lock v. John Blackwood Ltd., (1924) A.C. 73]. (viii) Where the petitioner was excluded from all participation in the business of a private company. (ix) If the company has committed default in making payment to various investors, allegations that directors have cheated several thousand investors, banks and FIs, company has not filed balance sheet for two years and no reply from company to advertisement under Rule 24, the company is liable to be wound up [ROC v. Country Informtech Services P. Ltd. (2002) 39 SCL 504 (All HC)]. The following are some of the cases in which winding up was not ordered under just and equitable clause: (i) Where the company was under a loss but there was a chance of its making profit and the majority of shareholders were against winding up. (ii) Where the directors in the exercise of their powers to do so, refused to register the executors of the deceased shareholder even when this caused hardship to the shareholders. (iii) Where there is honest difference between the petitioner, a director and the other directors and he has been outvoted. (iv) Where the business of the company was temporarily suspended owing to trade depression and was intended to be continued when conditions improved. (v) Where there was a deadlock in management of a public company. (vi) If the just and equitable ground does not exist at the time of hearing the petition though it might have existed at the time of presenting the petition. Who may Petition for the Winding up An application for the winding up of a company has to be made by way of petition to the Court. A petition may be presented under Section 439 by any of the following persons:
(dccxlvii) (a) the company; or (b) any creditor or creditors, including any contingent or prospective creditor or creditors; or (c) any contributory or contributories; or (d) all or any of the parties specified above in clauses (a), (b), (c) whether together or separately; or (e) the Registrar; or (f) any person authorised by the Central Government in the case falling under Section 243, i.e., following upon a report of inspectors; or
(g) in case falling under clause (h) of Section 433, by the Central Government or State Government.
The Official Liquidator or any of the persons mentioned above as being entitled to present a petition under Section 439, will have a right to present a winding-up petition when a company is already being wound up voluntarily or subject to the supervision of the Court, and such voluntary winding up cannot be continued with due regard to the interests of the creditors or contributories or both (Section 440). In Mumbai Labour Union v. Indo French Time Industries (2002) 38 SCL 924, it was held that a trade union can not file winding up petition for unpaid wages of workmen/employees. They are disentitled as other legitimate and efficacious remedy under labour laws is available. In such case, filing winding up petition is abuse of law. Petition by the Company The company may make a petition through its directors with the authority of a special resolution passed at a general meeting. It may also, apply to liquidator if it is being wound up voluntarily. The directors may, on their authority present a petition on behalf of the company. However, when the ground for winding up is that the company has passed special resolution, the petition must be presented by the company itself. Petition by Creditor A creditor or creditors (including any contingent or prospective creditor) may make petition, and the Court would make a winding up order on such petition if the creditor proves that the claims are undisputed debt and any of the contingencies stated in Section 433 (grounds of winding up) had arisen to justify the order. The expression creditors includes the assignee of debt, a decreeholder, a secured creditor, a debenture holder or the trustee for debenture holders. But a creditor whose debt is unliquidated cannot apply for winding up order. A contingent or prospective creditor can present petition on giving security for costs and showing that a prima facie case has arisen. A petition by a secured creditor for winding up may not be allowed by the Court where the security is ample and the petition is not supported by the other creditors. In Gramercy Emerging Market Fund v. Essar Steels (2002) 39 SCL 435 (Guj. HC). It was held that debentureholder can file application for winding up. However
1 Inserted by Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 w.e.f. a date yet to be notified.
(dccxlviii) trustee is a necessary party if there is no direct covenant between the company and debentureholder, but the covenant is between company and trustee. This principle is not applicable where there is a direct covenant between company and debentureholder. Moreover trustee can sue the company in its own right as a covenanting party. Although an unpaid creditor, as between himself and the company, is prima facie entitled to a winding up order, ex debito justitiae (i.e., as a matter of right), he is not so entitled as between himself and others creditors of the same class, for the Court may have regard to the wishes of creditors in all matters relating to the winding up, and may refuse to make a winding up order if a majority in value of the creditors oppose the petition. For instance, if a creditor to whom the company owes Rs. 10,000, petitions for winding up of the company and other creditors to whom the company owes Rs. 10 lakhs oppose the petition, the Court would obviously refuse to order winding up of the company (Ram Kumar v. Busar Oil and Rice Mills, AIR 1960 Cal. 764). The term creditor includes the Central Government or any State Government or municipal or local authority to whom any tax or other public charge is due. A foreign creditor and a guarantor who is a prospective creditor has a right to apply for winding up. In Padam Team Tea Co. Ltd. v. Darjeeling Commercial Co. Ltd., (1977) 47 Comp. Cas. 15, it was held that on the basis of an admission by the company of its indebtedness to a creditor, the creditor is entitled to petition for the winding up of the company, even if he has given full details of his petition as required under Section 434. Petition by Workers not maintainable Section 439 of the Companies Act, 1956 confers right upon certain persons to file a petition for winding up. The said section does not authorize the workers to make a winding up petition. Accordingly, the workers can not make a winding up petition. [National Textile Workers Union v. P.R. Ramakrishnan (1983) 53 Comp. Cas. 184]. Appeal by workers against winding up order maintainable There is nothing in the Act which prohibits workers from being heard in a winding up petition. Accordingly, the workers would be entitled to be heard though as interveners and not as parties. Further after the winding up order is made, the workers may appeal against it. But once the order becomes final, the workers shall not participate in any further proceedings [National Textile Workers Union v. P.R. Ramakrishnan (1983) 53 Comp. Cas. 184]. Contributorys Petition Section 428 of the Companies Act defines a contributory as every person liable to contribute to the assets of a company in the event of its being wound up, and includes holders of any shares which are fully paid-up and for the purposes of all proceedings for determining, and all proceedings prior to the final determination of, the persons who are deemed to be contributories, includes any person alleged to be a contributory. In terms of the provisions of this section, the holder of fully paid-up share is also a contributory though he has no further liability to contribute to the
(dccxlix) assets of the company in winding up. The holder of a fully paid-up shares is included in the list of contributories for distribution of the residuary assets of the company after satisfying the claims of the creditors. He is also entitled to file a winding up petition. While every member of a company becomes a contributory on the company going into liquidation, every contributory need not be a member. Besides, the members presently borne on the register, the past members of a company, who ceased to be members within one year of the commencement of the winding up, are also liable as contributories by virtue of Section 426. By virtue of Section 439(1)(c), a contributory has a statutory right to present a petition for the winding up of the company, which right cannot be excluded or limited by the articles, but is subject to certain conditions as laid down in the section [Subsection (4)]. Accordingly, a contributory is entitled to present a winding up petition in case where: (a) the number of members of the company is reduced below the statutory minimum of 7, in the case of a public company and below 2 in the case of private company; or (b) the shares in respect of which he is a contributory or some of them: (i) were originally allotted to him; or (ii) have been held by him and registered in his name for at least six months during the 18 months before the commencement of the winding up; or (iii) have devolved upon him through the death of a former holder. The object of making these provisions is to prevent a person buying a share or two in order to qualify himself as a contributory to wreck the company. In Re. Gattapardo Ltd. (1969) 2 All. ER 344, a transfer of shares had been executed, stamped and dated in June, 1967. The company did not register it until October, 1968. The shareholder presented a petition for the winding up of the company in December, 1968. It was held that the petition did not lie, as the petitioner shareholder did not hold her shares for six months as required by the Act. However, where the company has been ordered by the Court to allot shares and had failed to do so, the person in whose favour the order had been made was qualified to apply [In Re. Petent Steam Engines Co. (1878) 8 Ch.D. 464]. A petition for the winding up of a company can be presented by a contributory notwithstanding the fact that he may be holder of fully paid-up shares or the company may have no assets at all or may have no surplus assets at all or may have no surplus assets left for distribution amongst the shareholders after satisfaction of its liabilities towards creditors. A contributory is, thus, entitled to present a winding up petition even when the company is insolvent and is not in a position to satisfy even the creditors and the contributory have no tangible interest is as much as nothing is left back for distribution amongst the shareholders. It may be noted that an insolvent shareholder whose name still appears on the register of members as holder of the shares may present petition as a contributory at the instance of the Official Assignee or Receiver, but the Official Assignee or Receiver himself cannot petition as he is not a contributory. Again, a legal
(dccl) representative of a deceased shareholder can present petition for a winding up order. Petition by Registrar The Registrar may, with the previous sanction of the Central Government present a petition for winding up of a company but only on the following grounds, namely: (i) if default is made by the company in delivering the statutory report to him or in holding a statutory meeting. It may be reiterated that on this ground no one except the Registrar or a contributory can petition: (ii) if the company does not commence its business within one year from its incorporation or suspends its business for a whole year; (iii) if it appears to him either from the financial condition of the company as disclosed in the balance sheet or from the report of a special auditor or an inspector that the company is unable to pay its debts; (iv) where the Registrar is authorized by the Central Government under Section 243 to present a petition for winding up; (v) where the number of members of the company has fallen below the statutory minimum; i.e., below seven in case of public company and below two in case of private company. (vi) where it is just and equitable that the company be wound up. In all these cases the Registrar has to obtain previous sanction of the Central Government to the presentation of a petition. With regard to previous sanction, the Central Government will not grant it to the Registrar to present petition for the winding up of a company without first giving the company an opportunity to make its representation, if any. Petition by persons authorised by Central Government 1 By virtue of Section 243, if any report of an inspector appointed under Section 235 or 237 to investigate affairs of a company discloses: (i) that the business of the company is being conducted to defraud its creditors or members or any other person otherwise for a fraudulent or unlawful purpose or in a manner oppressive of any of its members or that the company was formed for any fraudulent or unlawful purposes or (ii) that the persons concerned in the formation of the company or management have been guilty of fraud, misfeasance or misconduct towards the company or towards any of its members; and it appears to the Central Government from such report that it is expedient so to do, then the Central Government may, unless the company or body corporate is already being wound up by the court, authorise any person (including the Registrar) to petition for the winding up of the company on the ground that it is just and equitable that the company should be wound up. Jurisdiction of Court for entertaining Winding up Petition
1 Powers are now delegated to Regional Directors.
(dccli) In terms of the provisions of Section 10 of the Companies Act, 1956, the jurisdiction for entertaining winding up petition vests either in the High Court having jurisdiction in relation to the place where the registered office of the company is situate or the District Court of the area subordinate to the High Court, in which the jurisdiction has been vested either by the Act or by the Central Government by notification in the Official Gazette. In GTC Industries Ltd. v. Parasrampuria Trading (1999) 34 CLA 380 (All HC), it was held that only High Court where the registered office is situated has jurisdiction in winding up, even if there was agreement between parties that dispute between parties will be resolved before High Court where registered office is not situated. Regardless of where agreement is executed, Company Court having jurisdiction over the place where the registered office is situated, will have the jurisdiction to entertain a petition for winding up. LKP Merchant Financing v. Arwin Liquid Gases (2001) 103 Comp. Cas. 211 (Guj.). For the purposes of jurisdiction to wind up companies, the expression Registered Office means the place which has longest been the registered office of the company during the six months immediately preceeding the presentation of the petition for winding up. In Kalpana Trading v. N.C.L. Industries Ltd. [(1996) 1 Comp. LJ 152], the Orissa High Court refused to entertain the petition for winding up as the Company had its place of Registered Office at Hyderabad. Procedure for Compulsory Winding up by the Court (i) A winding up of a company by the Court shall be deemed to commence at the time of the presentation of the petition for winding up [Section 441(2)]. (ii) As per rules of the High Court, every petition shall be advertised 14 days before the hearing, stating the date on which the petition was presented and names and addresses of petitioners. The petition has to be verified by an affidavit. The petition must contain the allegations and true facts together with the date of incorporation of the company, the situation of its registered office, the amounts of its paid-up capital a prayer that the company be wound up in the end. A copy of such petition must be served at the registered office of the company. (iii) An order for winding up a company shall operate in favour of all the creditors and of all the contributories of the company as if it had been made on the joint petition of a creditor and of a contributory (Section 447). (iv) At any time after the presentation of a winding up petition and before a winding up order had been made, the company or any creditor or contributory may apply to the High Court or supreme Court, in which the suit or proceeding is pending against the company in any other Court, such an application may be made to the Court having jurisdiction to wind up the company, to stay or restrain further proceeding in the suit or proceeding. The Court to which application is so made may stay or restrain the proceedings accordingly on such terms as it thinsk fit (Section 442): [See also Governor General-in Council v. Shiromani Sugar Mills, AIR (1946) FC 16]. (v) Two companies cannot be wound up by the same order. (vi) The persons to be heard at the time of hearing of the petition are the company, its creditors and contributories. As per a 3 to 2 majority view the Supreme
(dcclii) Court has decided [National Textile Workers Union v. P.R. Ramkrishnan, (1983) 53 Comp. Cas. 184 (S.C.)] that workers are also entitled to be heard as interveners and not as parties. (vii) In case several petitions are presented; they rank according to the date of presentation. (viii) On hearing the petition, the Court may either (a) dismiss it, with or without costs, or (b) adjourn the hearing conditionally or unconditionally, or (c) make any interim order that it thinks fit, or (d) make a compulsory order for winding up the company with or without costs, or any other order that it may deem fit [Section 443(1)]. (ix) Where the petition is presented on the ground that it is just and equitable that the company should be wound up, the Court may refuse to make an order of winding up if it is of opinion that some other remedy is available to the petitioners and that they are acting unreasonably in seeking to have the company wound up instead of pursuing that other remedy [Section 443(2)]. (x) Further, where the petition is presented on the ground of default in delivering the statutory report to the Registrar, or in holding the statutory meeting, the Court may instead of making a winding up order, direct that the statutory report may be delivered to the Registrar or that a meeting may be held, and order the cost to be paid by any persons who are responsible for the default [Section 443(3)]. (xi) 1[As soon as the Court makes an order for the winding up of a company, the court shall forthwith cause intimation thereof to be sent to the Official Liquidator and the Registrar. This is necessary so that Official Liquidator can take up the administration of the Company in winding up immediately [Section 444].] (xii) On the making of a winding up order, it is the duty of the petitioner in the winding up proceedings and of the company to file with the Registrar a certified copy of the order in e-form 21, within 30 days from the date of making of the order. The Registrar shall thereupon make a minute thereof in his books relating to the company and shall notify in the Official Gazette that such an order has been made. Such order shall be deemed to be the notice of discharge to the officers and employees of the company, except when the business of the company is continued. In computing the period of 30 days from the date of the making of a winding up order under this section, the time requisite for obtaining certified copy of the order shall be excluded [Section 445]. (xiii) When a winding up order has been made or the Official Liquidator has been appointed as Provisional Liquidator, no suit or other legal proceedings shall be commenced, or if pending at the date of the winding order, shall be proceeded with, against the company, except by leave of the Court and subject to such terms as the
1 Substituted by Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 w.e.f. a date yet to be notified as: Where the tribunal makes an order for the winding up of the company, the tribunal shall within a period not exceeding two weeks from the date of passing the order, cause intimation thereof to be sent to the official liquidator and the Registrar.
(dccliii) Court may impose [Section 446]. (xiv) As per Section 449 of the Companies Act, 1956, on the issue of the winding up order, the Official Liquidator becomes the liquidator of the company by virtue of his office. In Mafatbhai V. Shah v. Secretary (2000) 27 SCL 361, it was held that if Official Liquidator does not have adequate staff and is not in a position to look after properties of the company which are wound up under orders of the Court, he can get Receiver appointed with the leave of the Court. The Court can pass appropriate orders. (xv) The Court shall also settle the list of contributories, make calls and determine any other question arising in winding up on the application of the liquidator (Section 467). (xvi) Where the Court has made the order or appointed the Official Liquidator, the directors, secretary, manager or chief officer of the company shall make out and submit to the Official Liquidator, a statement as to the affairs of the company in the prescribed form, verified by an affidavit, containing the following particulars: (a) the assets of the company stating separately the balance in hand and at the bank and the negotiable securities, if any, held by the company; (b) its debts and liabilities; (c) the names, residences and occupations of its creditors, stating separately the amount of secured and unsecured debts; and in the case of secured debts particulars of securities, their values and their dates; (d) the debts due to the company and the names and addresses of the debtors and the amount likely to be realised thereupon [Section 454(1)]; (e) such further or other information as may be prescribed, or as the official liquidator may require. This statement has to be submitted within 21 days from the date of the appointment of provisional liquidator or if no such appointment is made, the date of winding up order. The Official Liquidator or the Court, for special reasons, may extend this time up to three months. The persons making the statement and affidavit are to be paid by the Official Liquidator or Provisional Liquidator out of the assets of the company, such costs and expenses incurred as the Official Liquidator may consider reasonable subject to an appeal to the Court. If any person without reasonable excuse makes a default in complying with any requirements of this section, he is liable to be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years or to a fine not exceeding Rs. 1,000 for every day during which the default continues. This is a criminal liability triable by the winding up Court, which is a High Court itself. For speedy administration of liquidation proceedings it is necessary that Official Liquidator should know all the assets and liabilities with necessary details at an early date. If directors and officers commit default, without reasonable excuse then they are criminally liable to severe punishment. In Official Liquidator v. P.R. Mehta (2000) 36 CLA 210, it was held that the prosecution has to prove that the person has failed to submit the statement without reasonable cause. If a person was not director on relevant date or if there was reasonable cause for non-filing for statement, liability under this provision would not
(dccliv) be there. In Indla Satya Raju v. Sramika Agro Farm (2002) 39 SCL 940, it was held that a person cannot be prosecuted and convicted order Section 454 merely for reason that he committed default in complying with any requirements of Section 454. In addition to establishing default, prosecution is also required to establish that the said person, without reasonable excuse, committed such fault. (xvii) After the receipt of the above statement the Official Liquidator prepares and submits a preliminary report to the winding up Court within six months or such extended period as may be allowed by the Court stating the amount of capital issued, subscribed and paid-up and the estimated amount of assets and liabilities of the company in liquidation giving separately, under the heading of assets, particulars of: 1. Cash and negotiable securities; 2. Debts due from contributories; 3. Debts due to the company and security, if any, available in respect thereof; 4. Moveable and immovable properties belonging to the company; and 5. Unpaid calls (Section 455). If the liquidator is of the opinion that a fraud has been played in relation to the company and if he thinks fit he may submit a further report to the Court in this regard [Section 455(2)]. This report of the Official Liquidator is absolutely privileged. The preliminary report of the Official Liquidator shall be heard by the judge in Chambers. The Judge can give such directions as he may consider necessary. On further report there can be a direction about the public examination of the directors (Section 478). (xviii) The Official Liquidator shall take into his custody or control all the property, effects an actionable claims to which the company is or appears to be entitled. For this purpose, he can take help of the Chief Presidency Magistrate or District Magistrate (Section 456). The Official Liquidator then acts as a custodian. His position is that of a receiver and an officer of the Court. The liquidator has to realise all the assets. For that he may institute various legal proceedings, sell the immovable and movable property and actionable claims of the company and distribute these assets (Section 457). For this purpose he has to invite claims from creditors, settle them and make payments to creditors as per their respective rights (Sections 528 to 530). A Liquidator is an agent employed for the purpose of winding up of the company. In some respects he is a trustee, but he is not a trustee for each individual creditor. His principal duties are to take possession of assets, to make out the requisite list of contributories and of creditors, to have disputed cases adjudicated upon, to realize the assets subject to the control of the Court in certain matters and to apply the proceeds in payment of the companys debts and liabilities in due course of administration and having done that, to divide the surplus amongst the contributories and to adjust their rights [Discount Bank of India Ltd. (in liquidation) v. Trilok Nath (1952) 54 Punj LR 335]. In Remu Pipes v. IFCI (2002) 35 SCL 358, it was held that ownership of assets of company in liquidation remains with the company but by a legal fiction the properties are taken to be vested in the Court. The Official Liquidator takes properties under his control and custody with the permission of Court and under its superintendence. The Official Liquidator is custodian of property and statutory trustee. Assets of company in
(dcclv) liquidation vest in Court and not in Official Liquidator. Official Liquidator can not sell property without sanction of Court. He has no absolute say in the matter of disposal of the companys property. While granting sanction, the Court can issue suitable directions as it may think fit and proper. (xix) When the affairs of a company have been completely wound up or when the Court is of the opinion that the liquidator cannot proceed with the winding up of a company for want of funds and assets or for any other reason whatsoever and it is just and reasonable in the circumstances of the case that an order of dissolution of the company should be made, the Court will make an order that the company be dissolved from the date of the order and the company shall be dissolved accordingly. The liquidator has to forward within 30 days from the date thereof a copy of the order to the Registrar who will register it and the company will then cease to exist but within two years of dissolution, the Court may, on the application of the liquidator or any other interested person, declare the dissolution to have been void (Sections 481 and 559). By virtue of Section 482, any order made by a Court for, or in the course of, winding up a company is enforceable at any place in India other than that over which such Court has jurisdiction, by the Court which would have jurisdiction if the registered office of the company had been situated at such place, and in the same manner in all respects as if the order had been made by that Court. The section may be illustrated by a decision of the Andhra Pradesh High Court in Tulasamma v. Subhadaya Publications Ltd., AIR 1969 AP 207 that the District Court in Andhra Pradesh has jurisdiction to execute the order of the Madras High Court calling upon a judgment-debtor to pay call money which was sent to the Andhra Pradesh High Court for enforcement. The expression in the course of winding up as used in the section is not limited to what happens after a winding up order is made. As was pointed out by Sir George Jessel, M.R. in [In Re. International Pulp and Paper Co. (1876) 3 Ch.D. 594], it would defeat the object of enabling the Court, once a winding up petition is presented, to see that the creditors of the company share rateably in the assets and that one particular creditor is not enabled to jump the gun by taking an enforcement proceeding to any part of the country. The words have accordingly been widely interpreted to mean that once a winding up petition has been presented, everything thereafter is in the course of winding up a company, although it does not necessarily follow that a winding up order will eventually be made [In Re. Dynamics Corporation of America, (1976) 2 All ER 669]. Appeals from Orders or Decisions in the Matter of Winding Up Section 483 of the Act provides that appeals from any order made, or decision given, in the matter of the winding up of a company by the Court shall lie to the same Court to which, in the same manner in which, and subject to the same conditions, under which, appeals lie from any order or decision of the Court in cases within its ordinary jurisdiction. Such order or decision, however, must be a judicial and not an administrative or a procedural one. An administrative order would be an order which is directed to the regulation or supervision of matters as distinguished from an order which decides the rights of parties or confers or refuses to confer rights to property which are the subject of adjudication before the Court. Thus, where the Court
(dcclvi) confirms the winding up sale after hearing the two contending parties and the order vitally affects the rights of such parties, the Court in making the order acts in a judicial way, and the order is a judicial way, and not a procedural or administrative one so as to be inherently incable of being brought up in appeal [Shankarlal v. Shankarlal, AIR 1965 SC 507]. On the same principle, an order refusing stay of the winding up proceedings is a judicial order in the matter of winding up and is appealable (Jagannath Gupta & Co. v. Mulchand Gupta, AIR 1969 Cal 363). The stay order made in this case was set aside by the Supreme Court. On the other hand, no appeal would lie against an order removing a liquidator since such order cannot be said to be an order determining or affecting any rights of the parties in the winding up (Gordhan Das v. Shilwate Deve, AIR 1963 All. 606). Similarly, an order dropping the misfeasance proceedings under Section 543 against some of the directors at an initial stage on the ground that there is no prima facie case against them directing them to continue against the other is not appealable since it cannot be said to decide finally the rights and liabilities even in respect of the former and the Court can reopen the inquiry in respect of them on the basis of fresh materials or otherwise according to law (D.C. Mehta v. Lakshmipat, AIR 1968 Pat. 280). The expression in the matter of the winding up of a company as used in the Section would include the case of an application made under Section 446 of the Act for leave to file a suit against the company, and the order made on such application would be appealable under the Section (Balkrishna Mahadeo Vertak v. Indian Associate Chemical Industries Ltd., 60 Bom. LR 30). The expression also includes an order directing advertisement of the winding up petition and an appeal would lie against such order (Western India Theatres Ltd. v. Ishwarbhai Somabhai Patel, AIR 1959 Bom. 386); [Golcha Investment (P) Ltd., v. S.C.Bafna, AIR 1970 SC 1850]. In the latter case, the Supreme Court further held that, by virtue of Rule 966-A in Chapter XII of the Bombay High Court Rules, such an appeal was entitled to be admitted as a matter of course and could not be summarily dismissed as was done by the High Court treating the order appealed against as interlocutory order. The second part of the section which refers to the manner in which and the conditions subject to which appeals may lie must be construed as merely regulating the procedure to be followed in the presentation of the appeal and of hearing them, the period of limitation within which the appeal is to be presented and the forum to which the appeal would lie, and not as restricting or impairing the substantial right of appeal which has been conferred by the opening words of the section. It must be noted, however, that though the rights of appeal under the section is a substantive right, since the procedure applicable to regular appeals under the Civil Procedure Code is applicable to the appeals under the section, the right to file a cross-appeal or a cross-objection to any such appeal is a matter of procedure as comprised in Order 41, Rule 22 of that Code. Consequently, the respondent to any such appeal is entitled to file a cross objection under that provision of the Code [The Central Provinces Syndicate (Private) Ltd. v. Sita Devi, AIR 1973 MP 134]. Dissolution of Company in Compulsory Liquidation Winding up of a company ultimately results in its dissolution and its corporate existence comes to an end. When the affairs of a company are completely wound up as a result of the Courts order for winding up, or when the Court is of opinion that the
(dcclvii) liquidator cannot proceed with the winding up for want of funds or assets or for any other reason whatsoever, and that it is just and reasonable in the circumstances of the case that an order for the dissolution of the company should be made, the Court makes an order that the company be dissolved from the date of the order, and the company is accordingly dissolved. A copy of this order has to be forwarded by the liquidator to the Registrar within 30 days in e-form 21 and the Registrar is required to make a minute of the dissolution of the company in his books relating to such company. In case of default, the liquidator is liable to be fined to the extent of Rs. 500 a day [Section 481]. In Rishabh Agro Industries Ltd. v. PNB Capital Services Ltd. (2000) AIR SCW, it was observed that winding up order passed under the Companies Act is not the culmination of proceedings pending before company Judge but is in effect the commencement of the process. The ultimate order to be passed in such a petition is the dissolution under Section 481. Courts Power to declare Dissolution Void The Court has also got the power to declare the dissolution of a company void in appropriate cases under Section 559 of the Act. Where a company has been dissolved as a result of the Courts order as aforesaid, or under Section 394 or otherwise, the Court, by that section, may at any time within two years of the date of dissolution, make an order, on the application of the liquidator or of any other person interested and upon such terms as it thinks fit, declaring the dissolution to have been void. The effect of an order under Section 559 is that it makes the dissolution void ab initio and all consequences resulting from the dissolution are avoided, including proceedings taken during the interval between the date of dissolution and the date of declaration of dissolution as void. [Morris v. Harris, 1927 AC 252]. The person who obtains the order avoiding the dissolution must file a certified copy thereof with the Registrar within thirty days or such further time as the Court may allow. In case of default, he will be punishable with fine to the extent of Rs. 500 for every day during which the default continues. Duties of the Secretary in respect of Compulsory Winding Up The duties of the Secretary in respect of compulsory winding up of the company may be enumerated as follows: (i) If the company itself makes the petition for compulsory winding up, the Secretary should help the directors in drawing up the petition. (ii) He should see that a copy of winding up order, when passed by the Court is filed with the Registrar within 30 days of the making of the order. (iii) He should help in preparation of the statement of affairs of the company in the precribed form for submission to the Official Liquidator. He should see that it is properly verified by an affidavit. (iv) He should give all necessary information to the Court, when called upon by it during the course of the winding up. (v) He should see that all documents, correspondence etc., issued by the
(dcclviii) company during the period of winding up contain a statement that the company is being wound up. 6. VOLUNTARY WINDING UP The companies are usually wound up voluntarily as it is an easier process of winding up. It is altogether different from a compulsory winding up. In voluntary winding up the company and its creditors are left to settle their affairs without going to a Court, although they may apply to the Court for directions or orders, as and when necessary. One or more liquidators are to be appointed by the company in general meeting for the purpose of winding up the affairs and distributing the assets of the company. The remuneration of the liquidators is also required to be fixed by the company in general meeting. Unless the remuneration as aforesaid is fixed the liquidators shall not take charge of his/their offices (Section 490). The circumstances in which a company may be wound up voluntarily are: (a) when the period fixed for the duration of the company as mentioned in its articles has expired; or (b) the event, on the happening of which the articles provide that the company is to be dissolved has occurred; and (c) the company passes a special resolution that the company be wound up voluntarily [Section 484 (1)]. Thus, a company may be wound up voluntarily on the expiry of the term fixed for duration of the company or on the occurance of the event as provided in its articles. In these two cases only an ordinary resolution may be passed in the general meeting of the company. Apart from these two cases, a company may be voluntarily wound up for any other reason as well for which a company has to pass a special resolution. A proper notice required for the respective meetings must be given to all the members and in the latter case the text of the special resolution to be passed together with the reason to wind up voluntarily must be mentioned therein. The resolution (whether ordinary or special), when passed, must be advertised within 14 days of the passing of the resolution in the Official Gazette and also in some newspaper circulating in the district where the registered office of the company is situated. A default in complying with the above requirements renders the company and every officer of the company, who is in default, liable to a penalty which may extend to five hundred rupees for every day during which the default continues. A liquidator of the company is deemed to an officer of the company for the purposes of the above requirements (Section 485). A voluntary winding up commences from the date of the passing of the resolution for voluntary winding up. This is so even when after passing a resolution for voluntary winding up, a petition is presented for winding up by the Court. The effect of the voluntary winding up is that the company ceases to carry on its business except so for as may be required for the beneficial winding up thereof. The corporate status and the powers of the company, however, continue until it is dissolved [Section 487]. Kinds of Voluntary Winding Up
(dcclix) Section 488(5) divides voluntary winding up into two kinds: (i) Members voluntary winding up; and (ii) Creditors voluntary winding up. Members Voluntary Winding Up When the company is solvent and is able to pay its liabilities in full, it need not consult the creditors or call their meeting. Its directors, or where they are more than two, the majority of its directors may, at a meeting of the Board, make a declaration of solvency verified by an affidavit stating that they have made full enquiry into the affairs of the company and that having done so they have formed an opinion that the company has no debts or that it will be able to pay its debts in full within such period not exceeding three years from the commencement of the winding up as may be specified in the declaration. In Shri Raja Mohan Manucha v. Lakshminath Saigal (1963) 33 Comp. Cas. 719, it was held that where the declaration of solvency is not made in accordance with the law, the resolution for winding up and all subsequent proceedings will be null and void. Such a declaration must be made within five weeks immediately preceding the date of the passing of the resolution for winding up the company and be delivered to the Registrar for registration before that date. The declaration must embody a statement of the companys assets and liabilities as at the latest practicable date before the making of the declaration. Any director making a declaration without having reasonable grounds for the aforesaid opinion, shall be punishable with imprisonment extending up to six months or with fine extending up to Rs. 50,000 or with both [Section 488]. A winding up in the case of which such a declaration has been made and delivered in accordance with Section 488 is referred to as a members voluntary winding up. A winding up in the case of which such a declaration has not been so made and delivered is referred to as a creditors voluntary winding up [Section 488(5)]. Specimen of Declaration of Solvency (under Section 488) We ............. of ................. of .............. being all the/majority of Directors of .................. Company Limited declare that we have made a full enquiry into the affairs of this company; and that having so done, we have formed the opinion that this company has no debt or will be able to pay its debts in full within a period, not exceeding three years from the commencement of the winding up. Signature of Directors 1. 2. 3. Sworn/solemnly affirmed by the above named directors of ..20..before me. .......Commissioner of Oaths. Procedure for Members Voluntary Winding Up (i) When declaration of solvency is made and filed with the Registrar in eform 62, the directors arrange to convene a meeting of the members of the company and pass
(dcclx) the necessary resolution of winding up (Section 484). (ii) The company shall appoint in general meeting one or more liquidators for the purpose of winding up the affairs and distributing the assets of the company and fix the remuneration to be paid. Any remuneration so fixed shall not be increased in any circumstances. The liquidators shall not take charge of his office unless the remuneration is fixed (Section 490). The resolution passed may be in the following form: Resolved that the company be wound up voluntarily and that Mr.____ and Mr.____ be and are hereby appointed liquidators of the company on Rs. 10,000 per month with all the powers under Section 457 for the purpose of such winding up and with power to each of them to act alone. (iii) On the appointment of liquidator, all the powers of the Board of directors, managing directors, or wholetime directors, and managers (if any) of the company cease except for the purpose of giving notice of the appointment of liquidator to the Registrar or so far as the company in general meeting or the liquidator may sanction their continuance (Section 491). (iv) If any vacancy occurs by death, resignation or otherwise in the office of any liquidator appointed by the company, the company in general meeting, subject to any arrangement with its creditors, can fill the vacancy. The general meeting for this purpose may be convened by the continuing liquidator or by any contributory and must be held in the manner provided by the article or in any manner prescribed by the Court (Section 492). (v) The company has to give notice to the Registrar relating to the appointment of liquidator or liquidators made by it under Section 490, of every vacancy occurring in the office of the liquidator, and of the name of the liquidator or liquidators appointed to fill every such vacancy under Section 492. The notice aforesaid shall be given by the company in within 10 days of the event to which it relates. In case of default, the company and every officer of the company (including every liquidator or continuing liquidator) who is in default, shall be punishable with fine extending up to Rs. 1,000 for every day till the default continues [Section 493]. The liquidator must also inform the Registrar of his appointment within thirty days thereof and publish the notice in the Official Gazette (Section 516). He is also required to file Form No. 152 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 with Registrar. He is also required to notify his appointment to the Income-tax Officer who is entitled to assess the income of the company. He must also comply with the other provisions of the Section 178 of the Income Tax Act. (vi) The liquidator (under members voluntary winding up) may transfer the whole or any part of the companys business or property to another company (called the transferee company) and receive, with the sanction of the special resolution of the transferor company by way of compensation for the transfer or sale, shares, policies or other like interests in the transferee company, for distribution among the members of the transferor company or may enter into any other arrangement whereby the members of the transferor company may in lieu of receiving cash, shares, policies, or other like interests participate in the profits or receive any benefit from the transferee company. Any sale or arrangement made by the liquidator shall be binding on the members of the transferor company [Section 494(1) and (2)].
(dcclxi) If any member of the transferor company, who did not vote in favour of the special resolution, objects to the arrangement entered into by the liquidator, he may express his dissent in writing addressed to the liquidator and leave it at the registered office of the company within seven days after the passing of the resolution and he may also require the liquidator either to abstain from carrying the resolution into effect or to purchase his interest at a price to be determined by arrangement or by arbitration. If the liquidator decides to purchase the dissenting members interest, the purchase money shall be paid before the company is dissolved [Section 494(3) and (4)]. (vii) In the event of the winding up continuing for more than one year, the liquidator is required to call general meeting of the company at the end of the first year from the commencement of the winding up, and at the end of the each succeeding year, or as soon thereafter as may be convenient within three months from the end of the year or such longer period as the Central Government 1 may allow, and must lay before the meeting an account of his acts and dealings and of the conduct of the winding up during the preceding year, together with a statement in the prescribed form containing the prescribed particulars with respect to the proceedings and position of liquidation. In case of default, the liquidator is liable to a fine not exceeding Rs. 1,000 (Section 496). (viii) As soon as the affairs of the company are fully wound up, the liquidator has to make an account of the winding up showing how the winding up has been conducted and the property of the company has been disposed of and is required to summon a general meeting of the company for the purpose of laying the account before it and giving any explanation thereof. The meeting must be called by giving a months notice specifying the time, place and object of the meeting and the notice must appear in the Official Gazette and also in some newspaper circulating in the district where the registered office of the company is situate. Within one week after the meeting, the liquidator must send to the Registrar and the Official Liquidator a copy of the account and shall make a return to each of them of the date and holding of the meeting. If a quorum is not present at this meeting, the liquidator shall make a return that the meeting was duly called but the quorum was not present [Section 497(1) to (4)]. (ix) The Registrar, on receiving account and the return shall forthwith register them. The Official Liquidator, on receiving the account and the return shall, as soon as may be, make and the liquidator and all officers, past or present, of the company shall give the official liquidator all reasonable facilities to make a scrutiny of books and papers of the company and if on such scrutiny the official liquidator makes a report to the Court that the affairs of the company have not been conducted in a manner prejudicial to the interest of its members or to public interest then from the date of submission of such report the company shall be deemed to be dissolved. The Official Liquidator scrutinise the accounts of pre-liquidation as well as of postliquidation period and for discharging this duty the Voluntary Liquidator and all past and present Officers of the company shall give to the Official Liquidator all reasonable facilities. If on such scrutiny the Official Liquidator makes a report to the Court that the
1 Powers are delegated to Regional Director.
(dcclxii) affairs of the company have been conducted in a manner prejudicial to the interest of its members or to public interest, the Court shall by order direct the Official Liquidator to make a further investigation of the affairs of the company and for that purpose shall invest him with all such powers as the Court may deem fit. On the receipt of the report of the Official Liquidator on such further investigation, the Court may either make an order that the company shall stand dissolved with effect from the date to be specified by the Court therein or make such other order as the circumstances of the case brought out in the report permit. If the liquidator fails to call a general meeting of the company, he is also liable to fine extending up to Rs. 5,000 [Section 497(5) to (7)]. Creditors Voluntary Winding Up As discussed earlier, where a declaration of solvency of the company is not made and delivered to the Registrar in a voluntary winding up it is a case of creditors voluntary winding up. The following provisions as contained in Sections 500 to 509 of the Companies Act, 1956 apply to a creditors voluntary winding up: (i) In this case the company must call a meeting of its creditors for the day or the day next following the day on which there is to be held the general meeting of the company at which the resolution for voluntary winding up is to be proposed and notices of the meeting of creditors be sent by post to the creditors simultaneously with the notices of the general meeting of the company. The notice of the meeting must also be advertised once atleast in the Official Gazette and once at least in two newspapers circulating in the district where the registered office or principal place of business of the company is situate [Section 500(1) and (2)]. (ii) The directors of the company shall prepare a full statement of the position of the companys affairs together with a list of the creditors of the company and an estimated amount of their claims to be laid before the meeting of the creditors to be held as aforesaid. They must also appoint one of their number to preside at the said meeting. It shall be the duty of the director appointed to preside at the meeting of the creditors to attend the meeting and preside thereat [Section 500(3) and (4)]. (iii) If the meeting of the company at which the resolution for voluntary winding up is to be proposed is adjourned owing to some reason and the resolution is passed at an adjourned meeting, any resolution passed at the meeting of the creditors held in pursuance of Sub-section (1) of Section 500 shall have effect as if it had been passed immediately after the passing of the resolution for winding up the company [Section 500(5)]. Default in complying with Section 500 will render the company, the directors and officers liable to a fine up to Rs. 10,000. (iv) Notice of any resolution passed at a creditors meeting must be given by the company to the Registrar within ten days of the passing thereof. In case of default, the company and every officer of the company who is in default is liable to a fine which may extend to Rs. 500 for every day till the default continues. For this purpose, a liquidator of the company shall be deemed to be an officer of the company [Section 501].
(dcclxiii) (v) The creditors and the company at their respective meetings mentioned in Section 500 may nominate a person to be liquidator, but the person nominated by the creditors shall become the liquidator subject to an application to the Court. If no person is nominated by the creditors, the person nominated by the company shall be liquidator. Further if no person is nominated by the company, the person nominated by the creditors shall be liquidator. (Section 502). (vi) The creditors may at the same or subsequent meeting appoint a Committee of Inspection consisting of not more than five members. If such a committee is appointed, the company may also at the same or any subsequent general meeting appoint such number of persons not exceeding five as they think fit to act as members of the committee. In any case, the creditors may resolve that all or any of the persons so appointed by the company ought not to be members of the committee of Inspection, whereupon the persons mentioned in the companys resolution shall not be qualified to act as members of the committee unless the Court otherwise directs. The Act provides that the powers and proceedings of such Committee of Inspection are the same as those of a Committee of Inspection appointed in a winding up by Court (compulsory winding up) and as provided in Section 465 (Section 503). (vii) The remuneration to be paid to the liquidator in creditors voluntary winding up is to be fixed either by the Committee of Inspection or by creditors. Where the remuneration is not so fixed, it shall be determined by the Court. Any remuneration fixed by the Committee or creditors cannot be increased in any circumstances whatsoever whether with or without the sanction of the Court (Section 504). (viii) On the appointment of a liquidator, all the powers of the Board of directors shall cease, except in so far as the Committee of Inspection, or if there is no such committee, the creditors in general meeting may sanction the continuance thereof (Section 505). (ix) If a vacancy in the office of Liquidator occurs by death, resignation or otherwise (other than a liquidator appointed by or by the direction of the Court) the creditors in general meeting may fill the vacancy. (Section 506) Provisions applicable to every type of voluntary winding up The provisions applicable to every type of voluntary winding up are comprehensively stated in Sections 511 to 521 of the Act and these apply to every type of voluntary winding up whether it be a members or a creditors winding up: (i) Distribution of Property of Company Subject to the provisions of the Act as to preferential payments, the assets of the company shall, on its winding up, be applied in satisfaction of its liabilities pari passu and subject to such application, shall unless the articles otherwise provide, be distributed among the members according to their rights and interests in the company (Section 511). (ii) Powers and Duties of Liquidators in Voluntary Winding Up (a) The liquidator of a company in a voluntary winding up may exercise the same powers as are exercised by an Official Liquidator in a compulsory winding up - some
(dcclxiv) with the sanction of a special resolution of the company or with sanction of the Court or the Committee of Inspection, and some without any such sanction. In the case of a members voluntary winding up, with the sanction of a special resolution of the company, and in the case of a creditors voluntary winding up, with the sanction of the Court or, the Committee of Inspection or, if there is no such committee, of a meeting of the creditors, exercise any of the following powers as specified in Sections 457(1)(a) to (d) (i) To institute or defend any suit, prosecution or other proceeding, civil or criminal, in the name and on behalf of the company. (ii) To carry on the business of the company so far as may be necessary for the beneficial winding up of the company. (iii) To sell the immovable and movable property and actionable claims of the company by public auction or private contract, with power to transfer the whole thereof to any person or body corporate, or to sell the same in parcels. (iv) To raise on the security of the asset of the company any money requisite. (b) The liquidator may, without sanction referred to in (a) above, exercise any of other powers. (c) He may exercise the power of the Court, under this Act, of settling a list of contributories and of making calls. (d) He may call general meeting of the company for the purpose of obtaining the sanction of the company by ordinary or special resolution, as the case may require or for any other purpose he may think fit. (e) The liquidator shall pay the debts of the company and shall adjust the rights of the contributories among themselves. (f) When several liquidators are appointed, one or more of them may exercise such powers as may be determined at the time of their appointment (Section 512). (iii) Body Corporate not to be appointed A body corporate is not qualified for appointment as liquidator of a company in a voluntary winding up. Any appointment made in contravention to the body corporate is void and every director, or manager of that body corporate shall be punishable with fine which may extend to Rs. 10,000* [Section 513]. (iv) Corrupt Inducement Affecting appointment as Liquidator Any person who gives, or agrees or offers to give, to any member or creditor of a company any gratification whatever with a view to securing his own appointment or nomination as the companys liquidator; or securing or preventing the appointment or nomination of some person other than himself, as the companys liquidator shall be punishable with fine which may extend to Rs. 10,000* 1(Section 514). The inducement must be by way of giving any gratification. Gratification means satisfaction of
* Increased vide Companies (Amendment) Act, 2000.
(dcclxv) appetite or desire. It is not always money given by way of bribe. It is anything which gives satisfaction to the recipient. State v. Pundlik Bhikaji Ahire, AIR 1959 Bom 543. (v) Power of Court to appoint and remove liquidator in voluntary winding up If from any cause whatever, there is no liquidator acting, the Court may appoint the official liquidator or any other person as a liquidator. The Court may, on cause shown, remove a liquidator and appoint the Official Liquidator or any other person as a liquidator in place of the removed liquidator. The Court may also appoint or remove a liquidator on the application made by the Registrar in this behalf. If the Official Liquidator is appointed as Liquidator under Section 502(2) or under Section 515, the remuneration to be paid to him shall be fixed by the Court and shall be credited to the Central Government [Section 515(4)]. (vi) Notice by Liquidator of his Appointment The liquidator shall, within 30 days after his appointment, publish in the Official Gazette, and deliver to the Registrar in e-form 62 for registration, a notice of his appointment in the form prescribed. He cannot escape the statutory liability by disputing the legality of his own appointment. Emperor v. Satish Ch. Ghose, ILR 39 ALL 412. In case of default, the liquidator is liable to punishment with fine up to Rs. 500 * per day till the default continues (Section 516). (vii) Arrangement when Binding on Company and Creditors Any arrangement entered into between a company about to be or in the course of being, wound up and its creditors shall, subject to the right of appeal under Section 517, be binding on the company and on the creditors if it is sanctioned by a special resolution of the company and acceded to by three-fourth in number and value of creditors. Any creditor or contributory may within three weeks from the completion of the arrangement; appeal to the Court against it and the Court may thereupon, as it thinks just, amend, vary, confirm or set aside the arrangement (Section 517). (viii) Public Examination of Directors etc. The Court may on application by a liquidator, contributory or creditor determine any question arising in the winding up of a company and order public examination of promoters, directors, etc. on a complaint of liquidator that in his opinion a fraud has been committed by any person in the promotion or formation of the company or by an officer of the Company in relation to Company since its formation. (Sections 518519). (ix) Cost of Voluntary Winding Up All costs, charges and expenses properly incurred in the winding up including the remuneration of the liquidator is, subject to the rights of secured creditors, payable out of the assets of the company in priority to all other claims (Section 520). It is only where the assets of a Company in voluntary liquidation are insufficient to discharge its liabilities, the question of priority of payment of costs, charges and
* Increased vide Companies (Amendment) Act, 2000.
(dcclxvi) expenses will arise. Costs and expenses of an investigation brought about by the liquidator which was not at all necessary were held to be not allowable. Tony Rowse NMC Ltd., Re, (1996) 2 BCLC 225 (CH D). Even if the Court has a discretion under the inherent jurisdiction to permit the liquidator to recover the costs of the proposed litigation from the assets of the company, the Court would not exercise that discretion since there was insufficient information before the Court to reach a proper decision. Floor Fourteen Ltd. Re, (2001) 2 BCLC 392 (CA); Levis v. IRC, (2001) 2 CCLC 392 (CA). Distinction between Members and Creditors Voluntary Winding Up The main differences between the two are as follows: 1. A members voluntary winding up results where, before convening the general meeting of the company at which the resolution of winding up is to be passed, the majority of the directors file with the Registrar a statutory declaration of solvency. A creditors voluntary winding up is one where no such declaration is filed. 2. In a members voluntary winding up, the creditors do not participate directly in the control of the liquidation, as the company is deemed to be solvent; but in a creditors voluntary winding up, the company is deemed to be insolvent and, therefore, the control of liquidation remains in the hands of the creditors. 3. There is no meeting of creditors in a members voluntary winding up and the liquidator appointed by the company acts in the liquidation of its affairs; whereas in a creditors voluntary winding up, meetings of creditors have to be called at the beginning and subsequently the liquidator is appointed by the creditors. 4. In a members voluntary winding up the liquidator can exercise some of his powers with the sanction of a special resolution of the company; but in a creditors voluntary winding up he can do so with the sanction of the Court or the Committee of Inspection or of a meeting of creditors. 5. In a winding up where the creditors are interested and the directors are not able to guarantee the companys solvency, the creditors are entitled to secure control of the winding up, so that their interests may be safeguarded. (Section 495) Committee of Inspection The creditors may appoint a Committee of Inspection consisting of not more than 5 persons; and in that event, the company may also appoint not more than 5 persons to be members of the committee, subject to the power of the creditors to disapprove any nominee of the company. On such disapproval, the nominees of the company shall not, unless otherwise directed by the Court, act as members of the committee. The Court may, however, give any directions to appoint other persons to act as members of the committee of inspection in place of the persons mentioned in the creditors resolution [Section 503]. The Committee of Inspection, or if there is no Committee of Inspection, the creditors, may fix the liquidators remuneration, or the Court may fix it, if no remuneration, is so fixed. The remuneration once fixed shall not be increased in any circumstances whatever, not even with the sanction of the Court. (Section 504). On the appointment of the liquidator the powers of the Board of directors come to an end except such powers as the Committee of Inspection or if there is no
(dcclxvii) committee the creditors in a general meeting may allow to continue. The procedure to be followed by the liquidator is just the same as in the case of members voluntary winding up, except that, in addition to the meetings of the members, the liquidator must also call the meetings of creditors. Meeting of the Company and the Creditors Section 508 of the Act requires the liquidator, in creditors winding up, to call a general meeting of the company and a meeting of the creditors at the end of the first year from the commencement of the winding up and at the end of each succeeding year or as soon thereafter as may be convenient, within three months from the end of the year or such longer period as the Central Government may allow. At this meeting he must lay accounts of his acts and dealings and of the conduct of winding up during the preceding year together with a statement in Form No. 153 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959, containing the prescribed particulars with respect to the proceedings in, and position of, the winding up. Final Meeting and Dissolution Section 509 provides that as soon as the affairs of the company in creditors winding up are fully wound up the liquidator shall make up an account of the winding up showing how the winding up has been conducted and the property of company has been disposed of. Thereafter he will call general meeting of the company and of the creditors for the purposes of laying the accounts before the meeting and giving explanations thereof as may be required. The procedure for calling the meeting, filing of the return with the Registrar and the Official Liquidator, making of the report to the Court by the Official Liquidator for dissolution of the Company etc., is the same as prescribed in the case of final meeting of a company in members voluntary liquidation. Powers of the Court to Intervene in Voluntary Winding Up In voluntary winding up it is left to the company, the contributories and the creditors to settle their affairs without intervention of the Court as far as possible. However, the Companies Act, 1956, contains certain provisions which provide a means of acces to the Court with a view to speed up the liquidation proceedings and to overcome the difficulties that may arise in the course of liquidation. The Court will intervene in the voluntary winding up whenever it is satisfied that such an intervention will be just and beneficial. In appropriate cases the Court can be approached for compulsory winding up (Section 440) or winding up being conducted under the supervision of the Court (Section 522). The Court is vested with the following powers in voluntary winding up: (i) To appoint the Official Liquidator or any other person as liquidator where no liquidator is acting [Section 515(1)]. (ii) To remove the liquidator and appoint the Official Liquidator or any other person as liquidator on justifiable cause being shown [Section 515(2)]. (iii) To determine the remunerations of liquidator when the Official Liquidator is appointed as a liquidator [Section 515(3)].
(dcclxviii) (iv) To amend, vary, confirm or set aside the arrangement entered into between a company and its creditors on an appeal being made by any creditor or contributory within 3 weeks of the completion of the arrangement (Section 517). (v) On an application of the Liquidator or contributory or creditor: (a) to determine any question arising in the winding up of a company [Section 518(1)(a)]; (b) to exercise, as respects the enforcing of calls, the staying of suits or other legal proceedings or any other matter, all or any of the powers which the Court might exercise if the company were being wound up by the Court [Section 518(1)(b)]. (vi) To set aside any attachment, distress or execution started against the estate or effects of the company after the commencement of the winding up on such terms as it thinks fit on an application made by the liquidator, creditor or contributory if the Court is satisfied that it is just and beneficial to do so [Section 518(3) and (4)]. (vii) To order public examination of any person connected with promotion or formation of a company or any officer connected with the affairs of the company in regard to matters of promotion or formation or conduct of the business of the company or as to his conduct or dealing as officer thereof. Such an examination can be ordered on a report of the liquidator where he is of the opinion that a fraud has been committed by the persons aforesaid in the formation or promotion of the company or in the conduct of its affairs [Section 519(1)]. Duties of the Secretary in case of Voluntary Winding Up Some of the important duties of the secretary are given below: (i) He should arrange for the calling of a Board meeting to fix the date, time, place and agenda of the general meeting of members where the resolution for winding up the company is to be passed and the creditors meeting to be held immediately thereafter. (ii) He should see that the Board meeting approves the draft resolution to be placed at the general meeting, as well as nominates a director to preside over the creditors meeting. (iii) He should help in preparing the statement of affairs of the company and the list of creditors to be placed at the creditors meeting. (iv) Notices of the general meeting of members and the creditors meeting should be issued by post simultaneously. He should also send these notices to be published in the Official Gazette as well as in two newspapers circulating in the district in which the registered office of the company is situated [Section 500]. (v) To see that the general meeting of members is duly held and a special resolution, for winding up the company and appointing a liquidator, is duly passed thereat [Section 502]. (vi) According to Sections 500, 502 and 504 of the Companies Act, he should see that the creditors meeting is duly held, the statement of affairs and creditors list is duly placed before the meeting and a resolution, approving the winding up appointing
(dcclxix) a liquidator and fixing his remuneration, is duly passed thereat. (vii) He should see that a statement of affairs of the company in Form No. 57 is duly verified by affidavit and submitted in duplicate to the liquidator within 21 days of the commencement of the winding up [Section 454]. (viii) He should intimate to the Income-tax Officer about the winding up of the company within 15 days. (ix) He should file the notice of the resolution passed at the creditors meeting with the Registrar within 10 days of passing of the resolution (Section 501). (x) He should file a copy of special resolution for winding up in e-Form No. 23 with the Registrar within 30 days of the passing of it (Section 192). (xi) He should get a copy of the resolution published in the Official Gazette and newspapers within 14 days of its passing (Section 485). (xii) All correspondence and documents issued by the company during the period of the winding up contain a statement that the company is being wound up. (xiii) He should assist the liquidator in every possible way and see that all books, papers and documents, as well as movable and immovable properties of the company are delivered to liquidator as and when directed, and to appear before the Court, if directed, and give evidence regarding the affairs of the company (Sections 519 and 538). 7. WINDING UP SUBJECT TO THE SUPERVISION OF COURT 1 When a company has by special or ordinary resolution resolved to wind up voluntarily, the Court may make an order that the voluntary winding up shall continue, but subject to such supervision of the Court and with such liberty for creditors, contributories or others to apply to the Court and generally on such terms and conditions, as the Court thinks just (Section 522). The application for such intervention of the Court is made by a creditor, contributory or the voluntary liquidator, when there are irregularities or frauds in the voluntary winding up. The Court may have regard to the wishes of creditors and contributories, while making such an order. A petition for the continuance of a voluntary winding up subject to the supervision of the Court shall, for the purpose of giving jurisdiction to the Court over suits and legal proceedings, be deemed to be a petition for winding up by the Court (Section 523). The object of the supervision order is to safeguard the interest of the company, shareholders and creditors. When an order is made for a winding up subject to supervision, the Court may, by that or any subsequent order, appoint an additional liquidator or liquidators. Generally, the old liquidator is permitted to continue by the Court if there is no complaint against him. The Court is also empowered to remove any liquidator so appointed or any liquidator continued by the removal or by death or resignation of the liquidator. The Court has also been empowered under the Companies (Amendment) Act, 1960 to appoint Official Liquidator as a Liquidator or to fill any vacancy caused by the removal, death or resignation of the previously
1 Omitted by Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 w.e.f. a date yet to be notified.
(dcclxx) appointed liquidator. The Court may also appoint or remove a liquidator on an application of the Registrar in this behalf (Section 524). Effect of Supervision Order (i) In supervisory winding up, the liquidator may, subject to any restrictions imposed by the Court, exercise all his powers, without the sanction or intervention of the Court, in the same manner as if the company were being wound up altogether voluntarily [Section 526(1)]. (ii) The effect of a petition for winding up subject to supervision is, that the Court Implications obtains jurisdiction over suits and legal proceedings as in the case of a petition for compulsory winding up [Section 526(2)]. (iii) The supervision order also confers full authority on the Court to make calls or to enforce calls made by the liquidators, and to exercise all other powers which it might have exercised if an order had been made for winding up the company altogether by the Court [Section 526(2)]. (iv) When an order has been made for winding up a company subject to supervision, and an order is afterwards made for winding up by the Court, the Court has power to appoint any person or persons who are then liquidators either provisionally or permanently, to be liquidator or liquidators in the winding up by the Court in addition to, and subject to the control of the Official Liquidator [Section 527]. (v) Since the supervision order has the same effect as an order for compulsory winding up, the company cannot be dissolved except by the order of the Court as in the case of compulsory winding up. Distinction between Voluntary Winding up and Winding up under the supervision of the Court The points of distinction between the two modes are summarised below, as brought out by Section 524 of the Act: 1. In pure voluntary winding up, the liquidator is appointed by the members in general meeting in the case of members voluntary winding up and by the creditors in the case of creditors voluntary winding up. In a voluntary winding up subject to supervision, the Court may appoint an additional liquidator, or liquidators who may be the Official Liquidator. The Court may remove the liquidator appointed by it or any liquidator continued under supervision order and fill any vacancy caused by such removal, death or resignations. 2. By virtue of Section 536, transfers of shares or any alteration in the status of the Members of the Company or any disposition of property (including actionable claim) of the company made after the commencement of winding up are void unless the Court orders otherwise in a winding up under the supervision of the Court. In a pure voluntary winding up such transfers can be agreed to by the voluntary liquidator. 3. Any attachment, distress or execution against the company after the commencement of winding up subject to supervision, without the leave of the Court, is void. The provisions of Section 527 does not apply to pure voluntary winding up.
(dcclxxi) 4. By virtue of Section 545, if it appears to the Court either in compulsory winding up or subject to Courts supervision, that any past or present officer, or any member, of the company has been guilty of any offence in relation to the company the Court may, either on the application of any person interested in the winding up or of its own motion direct the liquidator to prosecute the offender or to refer the matter to the Registrar. But in the case of a pure voluntary winding up, the liquidator only makes a report to the Court in this regard, as stated in Section 519. 5. For exercising certain powers conferred by Section 546, the liquidator has to get the sanction of the Court in a winding up subject to supervision whereas in a pure voluntary winding up the liquidator gets the sanction by special resolution passed in a general meeting of the company. Advantages of Supervision Order The practical advantage of a supervision order are as follows: 1. The supervision order operates automatically as a stay or suits and other proceedings against the company in the same way as the winding up order does in the case of a compulsory winding up. 2. The Court controls the appointment or removal of liquidators. This is an important advantage, because the Court is usually asked for a supervision order in cases where the contributories or creditors are not satisfied with the appointment or conduct of the voluntary liquidator. Accordingly, the Court is likely to exercise supervision effectively in the best interests of the creditors and contributories. 3. The Court may, and usually does, require the liquidator to file with the Registrar a quarterly report as to the progress made with the winding up. 4. The Court may, and will, issue such directions as it considers necessary to control the course of winding up, if the minority interests are at stake or if they have been coerced or overridden by a fraudulent or agressive majority. 5. No proceedings can be started or continued against the company without the leave of the Court. 6. The Court can make calls or enforce calls made by the liquidators. 7. The Court can exercise all other powers which it might have exercised if the order had been for the winding up of the company compulsorily. Commencement of Winding Up Section 441 of the Companies Act provides for the provisions relevant to commencement of winding up. The winding up of a company by the Court is deemed to commence at the time of the presentation of the petition for winding up. But where, before the presentation of the petition a resolution has been passed by the company, for voluntary winding up, the winding up shall be deemed to have commenced at the time of the passing of the resolution. Any proceedings taken in voluntary winding up will be deemed to have been validly taken unless the Court directs otherwise on account of fraud or mistake.
(dcclxxii) In all other cases, the winding up of a company must be deemed to have commended at the time of the presentation of the petiton for the winding up [Section 441]. Where an order is made by the Court on more than one petition the commencement of the winding up dates from the earliest petition. [See Kent v. Freehold Land Co., (1868) 3 Ch. App. 493]. It may be noted here that voluntary winding up shall be deemed to commence at the time when resolution for voluntary winding up is passed (Section 486). In Rishabh Agro Industries Ltd. v. PNB Capital Services Ltd. (2000) AIR SCW 1753, it was held that shall be deemed to commence clearly show the intention of legislature that although the winding up of a company does not in fact commence at the time of presentation itself, but it shall be presumed to commence from that stage. The word deemed used in Section 441 would thus mean suspended, considered, construed, thought, taken to be or presumed. 8. CONSEQUENCES OF WINDING UP The order of winding up by the Court is made when all the available remedies are exhausted to keep the company going. An administrator called the liquidator, takes control of the company, collects its assets, pays its debts and finally distributes any surplus among the members in accordance with their rights. Winding up commences not from the date of the order, but it shall be deemed to commence from the time of presentation of the petition [Section 441(2)]. But where, before the presentation of the petition, a resolution has been passed by the company for voluntary winding up, the winding up shall be deemed to have commenced at the time of the passing of the resolution [Section 441(1)]. The process of winding up has important consequences for different parties contributories, creditors, officers of the company and so on. Firstly, we shall deal with the consequences of winding up as to different parties and other aspects of the administration of company law subsequently. Consequences of Winding Up Order (i) Where the Court makes an order for winding up of a company the Court shall forthwith cause intimation thereof to be sent to the Official Liquidator and the Registrar (Section 444). (ii) On the making of a winding up order it shall be the duty of the petitioner in the winding up proceedings and of the company to file with the Registrar a certified copy of the order of the Court within 30 days from the date of making of the order [Section 445(1)]. (iii) The winding up order is deemed to be notice of discharge to the officers and employees of the company except when the business of the company is continued [Section 445(3)]. (iv) When a winding up order has been made, no suit or other legal proceeding shall be commenced against the company except with the leave of the Court [Section 446]. Suits pending at the date of winding up order shall not be further proceeded without the leave of the Court [Section 446].
(dcclxxiii) (v) An order for winding up shall operate in favour of all the creditors and of all the contributories of the company as if it had been made on the joint petition of a creditor and of a contributory [Section 447]. (vi) According to Section 536, any disposition of the property (including actionable claims) of the company, any transfer of shares in the company or alteration in the status of its members, made after the commencement of the winding up shall be void, unless the court otherwise orders. Thus, the court can direct that any such disposition of property or actionable claims or transfer of shares or alteration of status of members will be valid. But unless the Court so directs, such disposition, transfer or alteration will be void. (vii) Section 537 declares that any attachment and sale of the estate properties or effects of the company, after the commencement of the winding up will be void. In the case of winding up by the Court any attachment, distress or execution put in force, without leave of the Court against the estate or effects of the company after the commencement of the winding up will be void. Similarly any sale held, without leave of the Court, of any of the properties or effects of the company after the commencement of the winding up will be void. But with leave of the Court, attachment and sale of the properties of the company will be valid even if such attachment and sale are made after the commencement of the winding up of the company. Besides, this section does not apply to any proceedings for the recovery of any tax or impost or any dues payable to the Government. In Titan Industries v. Punwire Mobile Communications (2002) 40 SCL 117, it was held that Section 537 being a central legislation prevails over state law in case of conflict/overlapping and Registrar of Cooperative Societies cannot attach property of company under liquidation. (viii) It may be noted that winding up order does not bring the business of the company to an end. The corporate existence of the company continues through winding up till the company is dissolved. Thus, the company continues to have corporate personality during winding up till the company is dissolved. (ix) On a winding up order being made in respect of a company, the Official Liquidator, by virtue of his office, becomes the liquidator of company (Section 449). (x) On commencement of winding up, the limitation ceases to run in favour of the company. The period from the date of commencement of winding to up date of the making of the winding up order (both inclusive) and a period of one year from the date of winding up order is excluded for computing the period of limitation for any suit or application in the name and on behalf of the company, notwithstanding the provisions of the Limitation Act, 1963 or any other law for the time being in force. The suit or application must satisfy both the conditions, i.e., it must be in the name and on behalf of the company [Section 458(A)]. This relaxation and extension is only in favour of the company i.e. it is only in respect of suit or application in the name and on behalf of the company. It is not applicable to suits filed against the company. However, if the debt was time barred on date of winding up (i.e. when application for winding up was made) and was not enforceable, it does not get revived on filing of winding up application and passing of winding up order. [Karnataka Steel v. Kohinoor Rolling Shutters (2002) AIR SCW 4613].
(dcclxxiv ) (xi) Any fraudulent preference of companys creditors within six months before the commencement of winding up is invalid (Section 531). (xii) Any transfer of property, movable or immovable, or any delivery of goods, except in the ordinary course of business in favour of a person in good faith and for valuable consideration, made within one year before the commencement of winding up, shall be void against the liquidator (Section 531 A). (xiii) Similarly, any transfer or assignment by a company of all its property to trustees for the benefit of all its creditors shall be void (Section 532). (xiv) On the commencement of winding up any floating charge created within the preceding 12 months becomes invalid except as to any cash advanced at the time of or subsequent to the creation of the charge, together with interest on that amount at the rate of 5 per cent per annum or at such other rate as from time to time be notified by the Central Government in the Official gazette (Section 534). Consequences as to Shareholders described as Contributories A shareholder in a company limited by shares is liable to pay full amount on the shares held by him but nothing more. This liability of his continues after winding up, but then a shareholder or member is described by the Companies Act, 1956 as a Contributory, and the nature of his liability changes. Nature of Contributorys Liability According to Section 428, a Contributory means every person liable to contribute to the assets of a company in the event of its being wound up, and includes the holder of fully paid-up shares. In the case of a deceased member, his legal representatives will be liable in due course of administration to contribute to the assets of the company in discharge of his liability and will be contributories accordingly [Section 430]. Thus, in the case of a deceased member his legal representatives will be liable for the debts of the deceased contributory but their liabilities will be limited to the extent of the assets of the deceased coming in their hands [see Bayswater Trading Co. Ltd., (1970) I all ER 608]. If the legal representatives make default in paying the money demanded to be paid by them, proceedings may be taken for administering the estate left by the deceased contributory and compelling payment there out of the money due (Section 430). In the case of an insolvent member his assignees in insolvency represent him for all the purposes of the winding up as contributories and will be liable to the debts of the insolvent contributory out of the assets that have come into their hands (Section 431). If a contributory happens to be a body corporate which has been ordered to be wound up, the liquidator of the body corporate will be treated as contributory and may be called on to admit to proof against the assets of the body corporate or otherwise to allow to be paid out of its assets any money due from the body corporate in respect of its liability to contribute to the assets of the company (Section 432). But the term Contributory does not include ordinary debtor of the company. It, however, comprises present and past members of the company who are liable to the company in their capacity as members. A present member is one whose name appears on the register of members at the commencement of the winding up, and his name is put
(dcclxxv) on the list of contributories, known as A List. A past member is one who ceased to be a member of the company within a year before the commencement of winding up, and his name is put by the Liquidator on the list of contributories known as B List. With regard to liability, before winding up, the liability of a member is contractual obligation arising out of membership. But winding up creates a new liability and the liquidator can call upon him to pay the unpaid calls even if they had become time barred before liquidation. [In Re East Bengal Sugar Mills Ltd. I.L.R. (1940) 2 Cal. 175 (AIR 1941 Cal 143). The liability arises from the fact that his name appears on the register of members [Goenka v. Majumdar, (1958) 28 Comp. Cas. 536]. The members of a company in liquidation are liable in respect of unpaid calls even though the calls were made by the company before it went into liquidation and suit of the company for its realisation had become time barred. Thus, on the commencement of winding up, a new liability is cast on the members in respect of unpaid calls. The liquidator gets a fresh right to enforce the payment of unpaid calls. His rights are independence of the rights which the company had before winding up. [Pokhar Mal v. Flour and Oil Mills Co. Ltd. AIR (1934) Lah. 1015]. Section 429 expressly defines the liability of contributory, and states that the liability of a contributory shall create a debt accruing due from him at the time when his liability commenced, but payable at the time specified in the calls made on him for enforcing the liability (by the liquidator). This means that the liability of a member arises as soon as he makes a contract with the company under which he becomes a member and during winding up it is only contingent until a call is made by the liquidator. It has been held in numerous cases that after winding up the liability of a contributory is ex lege (legal) and not ex contract (contractual) and is the direct result of his being a member of the company with his name appearing on the register of members [Lakshmi Narasa Reddy v. O.L. Shree films Ltd., AIR (1951) Mad. 890]. As the liability of a contributory is legal and statutory because his name appears on the register of members, he will not be allowed to say that, although his name is on the register of members, he is not liable because the allotment of shares to him was void. The Court has power to rectify the register of members, if required (Section 467). Unless the Court orders the rectification of register of members, the liability of a contributory is absolute. [Mohd. Akbar v. Official Liquidator, AIR 1950 Bom. 386]. In Re. Whitehouse & Co., (1878) 9 ch. D. 595, Jessel M.R. said: After winding up the liability is a new liability: the contributory is to contribute, it is a new contribution; it is a liability to be enforced by the liquidator. Thus, the time will not run as against the liquidator as soon as the company goes into liquidation, for the liability to contribute does not arise unless and until a call is made by the liquidator (L.Gupta v. Vishnu Sarvate, AIR 1956 Nag. 204). In the absence of a proceeding for rectification of the register of members before winding up, the contributory has been held out of the public as a member of the company. Whatever may have been the rights and liabilities of the shareholders before the winding up, the position is altered by the happening of that event. His name appears on the register of members at the commencement of the winding up with his full knowledge and assent. On the winding up, his liability under Section 426 in respect of shares held by him is statutory and absolute and flows from the fact of
(dcclxxvi ) his being on the register of members in respect of those shares. Hence, his liability in respect of unpaid calls is absolute even though the calls were made by the company for their realisation had become barred by time under Article 112 of the Schedule to the Limitation Act, 1963. The estate of the deceased contributory is liable to the same extent as it would have been if he had been alive. The legal representatives of a deceased contributory are liable to contribute to the assets of the company in discharge of the liability. If a contributory becomes insolvent after the commencement of winding up, he becomes a stranger to the company, and his assignee in insolvency (Official Assignee or Official Receiver) represents him for all purposes and is deemed to be a contributory. List of Contributories On winding up a list called the list of contributories is prepared by the liquidator and settled by the Court in a compulsory winding up. In a voluntary winding up the list is both prepared as well as settled by the liquidator. The list consists of two parts, namely: (a) the list of present members, i.e. those whose names appear on the register of members at the commencement of winding up, called the A List, and (b) the list of past members, i.e. those who ceased to be members of the company within one year before the commencement of winding up, called the B List. Past members, therefore, include persons whose shares have been forfeited, surrendered or transferred within twelve months before the commencement of winding up, but not a person who has died. Extent of Liability By virtue of Section 426, in the event of the company being wound up every present and past member is liable to contribute to the assets of the company to an amount sufficient for payment of its debts and liabilities and the costs, charges and expenses of winding up, and for the adjustment to the rights of the contributories among themselves. Subject to the provisions of Section 427 and subject also to the following qualifications, namely: (a) a past member shall not be liable to contribute if he has ceased to be a member for one year or more before the commencement of the winding up; (b) a past member shall not be liable to contribute in respect of any debt or liability contracted by the company after he ceased to be a member; (c) a past member shall not be liable to contribute unless it appears to the court that the present members are unable to satisfy the contribution required to be made by them in pursuance of the Act; (d) In the case of a company limited by shares, the present and past members shall not be liable to contribute more than the unpaid amount, if any, in respect of his shares. (e) In the case of a company limited by guarantee, the present and the past members shall not be liable to contribute more than the amount, undertaken to be contributed by them in the event of the company being wound up;
(dcclxxvii ) (f) Any sum due to the present or past member by way of dividend, profits or otherwise shall not be deemed to be a debt payable by the company in case of competition between himself and the creditors but any such amount shall be taken into consideration for the purpose of final adjustment of the rights of the contributories among themselves. The relation of present and past members is one of primary and secondary liability, and they do not in any way, stand to each other in the relation of principal and surety. The liquidator cannot call upon the past members to contribute before the present ones. The measure of liability of A List contributory is the full amount unpaid on his shares. He is primarily liable and must be tried first. The liability of B List contributory is equated by the Act and arises only: (i) if it appears to the Court that the present members are unable to satisfy the contribution required to be made by them, within a reasonable time; (ii) the debt or liability was incurred while he was a member; and (iii) he had not ceased to be a member for one year or upward before the commencement of the winding up, i.e., to be liable he must have ceased to be a member within 12 months immediately before the commencement of the winding up. It is to be noted that B List can be resorted to only when the A List has been exhausted and part of the debts have been paid. Even when he resorts to B List, he can only claim from a B List member when the corresponding A List member has been unable to pay. Let us suppose that there is a debt of Rs. 50,000 contracted before six B List contributories had transferred their shares. There are many debts amounting to Rs. 50,000 in all contracted after all the B List members had transferred their shares. The total liability on shares of the six B List members is Rs. 10,000. In such case the liquidator can demand from them only Rs. 5,000, and he must apply this Rs. 5,000 pari passu towards all the debts. It is clear that if he has Rs. 5,000 to apply towards debts of Rs. 50,000 + Rs. 5,000 = Rs. 55,000, each creditor will receive oneeleventh (Rs. 55,000 : 5,000) of the amount which he is owned. The single B List creditor will, therefore, receive one-eleventh of Rs. 5,000, yet there is still a liability on the B List shares of Rs. 5,000. As per Section 427, in the winding up of a limited company, any director, or manager whether past or present, whose liability is unlimited (under the provisions of the Act) shall be liable to contribute to the assets of the company to an unlimited extent, over and above his ordinary liability to contribute as an ordinary member. There are three exceptions to the rule contained in Section 427 of the Companies Act, 1956 Firstly, past director or manager shall not be liable to make such further contribution if he has ceased to hold office for a year or more before the commencement of winding up. Secondly, past director or manager shall not be liable to make such further contribution in respect of any debt or liability of the company contracted after he ceased to hold office. Subject to the articles of the company, a director or manager shall not be liable to make such further contribution, unless the Court deems it necessary to require the contribution in order to satisfy the debts and liabilities of the company and the costs, charges and expenses of the winding up.
(dcclxxvii i) Enforcement of Liability of Contributory The liability of the contributories is enforced by means of calls. In the case of winding up by the Court the call is made by the liquidator with the sanction or order of the Court. In the case of a voluntary winding up, the call may be made by the liquidator without the sanction of the Court. Set Off A person, as observed earlier, who is both a contributory and a creditor of the company (in respect of dividends, profits or otherwise) cannot set off his debts against his liability for calls even if there is an express agreement to do so whether the call was made before or after winding up [Rameshwar Prasad v. Simla Banking & Industrial Co. etc. Ltd., (1955) 25 Comp. Cas. 475]. The principle underlying denial of right of set off is that where a person entitled to participate in a fund is also bound to make a contribution in aid of that fund, he cannot be allowed to participate until he has discharged his obligation [Re. Peruvian Railway Constructions Co. (1915) 2 Ch. 442]. When all the creditors have been paid in full, the debts due from the company to the contributory in respect of independent dealing or contracts may be set off against debts due to the company in the case of an unlimited company. Such an allowance may be made, in the case of a limited company, to any director or manager whose liability is unlimited. A creditor to whom money is due from the company, other than in his capacity as a member of the company, may claim set off against the money owed by him to the company. In Official Liquidator, High Court of Karnataka v. Smt. V. Lakshmi Kutty, (1981) - 51 Comp. Cas. 566 (SC), it has been held by the Supreme Court that Sections 529 and 530 of the Companies Act should be read together whenever any creditor seeks to prove his debt against the company in liquidation, the rule enacted in Section 46 of the Provincial Insolvency Act, 1920, should apply and only that amount which is found due from him at the foot of the account in respect of the mutual dealings should be recoverable from him and not that the amount due from the company in liquidation should rank in payment after the preferential claims prescribed under Section 530 have been paid. The set off is allowed where the dealings are mutual. In the case of chit fund transactions the subscribers can set off the debts owing to them by chit fund company against the debts due by them to the chit fund company. The cut off date for the purpose of set off is the date of commencement of the winding up. Therefore, any claim arising after the commencement of the winding up cannot be set off. Consequences as a Creditor A company, as observed earlier, cannot be adjudged an insolvent, although it may become insolvent in the sense that it is unable to pay its debts. As to the rights of the creditors in winding up, a distinction between solvent and insolvent companies has to be made. Where a solvent company is being wound up, all debts payable on a contingency, and all claims against the company, present or future, certain or contingent, are admissible to proof against the company, a just estimate being made as far as possible, of the value of such debts or claims as may be subject to any contingency or for some other reason do not bear a certain value (Section 528). No
(dcclxxix ) difficulty arises in the case of an insolvent company, as when the claims are proved they are paid off according to the availability of the assets. In the winding up of an insolvent company, the same rules shall prevail as in the case of insolvency law, in respect of: (i) debts provable, (ii) the valuation of annuities and future and contingent liabilities, and (iii) the respective rights of secured and unsecured creditors [Section 529]. Secured Creditors A secured creditor is defined in the Insolvency Act to mean a person who holds a mortgage, charge or lien on the companys property or any part of it as security for any debt due to him from the company. The effect of the provisions of Section 529 is that the secured creditor may either: (i) rely on the security and ignore the liquidation altogether; (ii) value his security and prove for the balance of his debt; or (iii) give up his security and prove for the whole amount as an unsecured creditor. The secured creditor can, on his option, stand wholly outside the winding up proceedings. He need not prove his debts out of that security with the leave of the winding up Court. If the security is insufficient to pay his debt fully, he may exhaust the security and prove for the deficiency in the winding up. Alternatively, he can assess the value of his security and prove for the balance. The liquidator can redeem the security from the secured creditors at the value assessed by him. With the amendment of Section 529 by the Companies (Amendment) Act, 1985 the law about realisation of dues by the secured creditors has now been amended w.e.f. 1st May, 1985. Now Section 529 has been amended by making wide amendments and also by inserting a new Section 529A. Henceforth the security of other secured creditors shall be deemed to be subject to a pari passu charge in favour of the workmen to the extent of their dues. The Official Liquidator has been given the duty of representing the workmen to enforce their charge over the property. The dues of the workmen are to be paid in full but if the assets are insufficient to meet them, then, in such a case the dues of the workmen shall abate in equal proportions alongwith the secured creditors. A secured creditor who realises his security is liable to reimburse the liquidator for all expenses incurred by the latter for the preservation of the security before the realisation. The secured creditor is liable to pay the whole of the expenses but if workmen are participating in the security, then such expenses should be apportioned between the secured creditors and workers in the proportion of the amount to be distributed to them. Secured creditors can apply for Winding Up A Secured Creditor can apply for winding up if the adequacy of security is open to grave doubt. Banaras Beads v. Shrishti Carriers (2000) 38 CLA 352. The secured creditor can file winding up petition. He is not required to relinquish his security at the time of filing a company petition for winding up. He can realize his security and prove for balance due to him. However, if the secured creditor seeks to prove whole of his
(dcclxxx) debt in winding up proceedings, he must relinquish his security for benefit of general body of creditors, before proving his debt. [Canfin Homes v. Lloyds Steel Industries Ltd. (2001) 32 SCL 283 (Bom. HC).] Position of State Financial Corporation Section 29 of State Financial Corporation Act empowers State Financial Corporation to take over management and/or possession of property of industrial concern. However once winding up order is issued, these powers can be exercised only with permission of Court. In A.P. State Financial Corporation v. Official Liquidator 2000 (5) Scale 486, it was held that the provisions of Section 529A of the Act prevails over provisions of Section 29 of SFC Act. Unsecured Creditors Unsecured creditors of an insolvent company are paid in the following order: (i) Over-riding preferential payments under Section 529A. (ii) Preferential payments under Section 530; (iii) Other debts pari passu. Order of Priority of Debts (a) Secured creditors subject to a pari passu charge in favour of the workmen to the extent of workmens portion therein; (b) Workmens dues; and debts due to secured creditors to the extent such debts rank under clause (c) of the proviso to Sub-section (1) of Section 529 pari passu with such dues; (c) Costs and charges of winding up. In a voluntary winding up this item is a priority automatically but in compulsory winding up, the court has, to give priority by order under Section 476; (d) Preferential debts Section 530; (e) Floating charges Section 530(5)(b); and (f) Unsecured creditors. If there is any surplus (as it may happen in the case of a solvent company), capital is returned to preference shareholders, and then equity shareholders are returned their capital, if assets are still available. If there is still some more surplus, it depends on the articles as to whether preference shares are participating or not. In the case of a solvent company, interest can be claimed subsequent to winding up order, if there is agreement to pay interest. Overriding Preferential Payments (Section 529A) According to Section 529A, notwithstanding anything contained in any other provision of this Act or any other law for the time being in force in the winding up of the company(a) workmens dues; (b) debts due to secured creditors to the extent such debts rank under clause (c) of the proviso to Sub-section (1) of Section 529 pari passu with such dues shall be paid in priority to all other debts. In the case of Allahabad Bank v. Canara Bank [2000 (101) Comp. Cas. 64 (SC)] the Supreme Court held that when the secured creditors stand outside the winding up
(dcclxxxi ) and realise their security on the assets of the company sold in pursuance of the order of Debt Recovery Tribunal, dues of workers, if any, are to be satisfied first before the sale proceeds are appropriated by the secured creditors. The impact is that Section 529A of the Companies Act has overriding effect on the provisions of Recovery debts due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993. Section 529(2) provides that the debts payable under clause (a) and clause (b) of Sub-section (1) shall be paid in full, unless the assets are insufficient to meet them, in which case they shall abate in equal proportions. The statutory charge under Section 529 acquires the status of pari passu charge for labour dues alongwith secured creditor. Preferential Payments Section 530 provides that in winding up subject to the provisions of Section 529A, the following debts shall be paid in priority to all other debts: (a) all revenues, taxes, cesses and rates due from the company to the Central or State Government or to a local authority. The amount should have become due and payable within twelve months before the date of commencement of winding up. The amount imposed and demanded as advance-tax under Section 207 of the Income-tax Act, 1961, is a tax within the meaning of this clause but any amount due to the Government in relation to commercial transactions does not enjoy preferential right, as it is not tax or cess. (b) all wages or salary company and due months before the payment must not workmen. of any employee in respect of services rendered to the for a period not exceeding four months within twelve relevant date. The amount to be paid as preferential exceed Rs. 20,000 in the case of each employee or
(c) all accrued holiday remuneration becoming payable to any employee or in the case of his death to any other person in his right on termination of his employment before or by the effect of the winding up order or resolution. (d) unless the company is being wound up voluntarily only for the purpose of reconstruction or of amalgamation with another company in respect of all contributions payable during 12 months next before the relevant date, by the company as the employer of any persons, under the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948, or any other law for the time being in force. (e) unless as in (d) above or unless workmens compensation insurance policy is taken, all sums due as compensation under the Workmens Compensation Act, 1923. (f) all sums due to any employee from a provident fund, a pension fund, a gratuity fund or any other fund for the welfare of the employees, maintained by the company. (g) the expenses of any investigation held under Section 235 or Section 237 in so far as they are payable by the company. Where any payment has been made to an employee of a company (i) on account of wages and salary, or (ii) to him or in case of his death, to any other person in his
(dcclxxxii ) right, on account of accrued holiday remuneration, out of money advanced by some person for that purpose, the person by whom the money was advanced, shall in a winding up, have a right of priority in respect of the money so advanced and paid-up to the amount by which the employee would have been entitled to priority. All the preferential debts rank equally among themselves and are to be paid in full unless the assets are insufficient, in which case they will abate in equal proportion. After retaining sufficient sum for costs charges and expenses of winding up, preferential debts must be paid forthwith so far as assets are sufficient to meet them. Proof of Debts Persons who claim to be creditors must prove their debts within the time fixed by the Court, or in voluntary winding up, by the liquidator. If a creditor does not prove within the time fixed, he may still prove. In a winding up by the Court, if a creditor fails to file his proof of debt within time then he should apply to the Court for relief, i.e., condonation of delay under rule 177 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959. The creditor may then be paid out of any assets remaining in the hands of the liquidator but he cannot upset any dividend which has already been paid. Even where no claim is made by a creditor, the liquidator must pay him after all the other creditors have been paid and assets available, provided he is satisfied that the debt is due to the creditor. But the liquidator must not pay a statute barred debt if the shareholders object. Consequences as to Disposition of Property by the Company The following safeguards have been provided by the Act with regard to antecedent and other transactions in relation to companys property: (a) Fraudulent Preference The insolvency rules as to fraudulent preference apply to companies. The object of the Act being a pari passu distribution, Section 531 provides that every transfer of property, movable or immovable, delivery of goods, payment, execution or other act relating to property made, taken or done by or against the company within six months before the commencement of its winding up shall be deemed, in the event of its being wound up, a fraudulent preference of its creditors and, therefore, invalid. It will amount to a fraudulent preference if it is shown that(i) the company was at the date of transfer unable to pay its debts as they became due; (ii) the transaction took place within six months of the presentation of the petition to the Court and in case of voluntary winding up, within six months from the date of the resolution for winding up; (iii) the dominant motive of the company, acting by its directors was to prefer one creditor to another; (iv) the transaction was made in favour of a creditor. There is no fraudulent preference when a debtors dominant intention is to benefit himself rather than to confer an advantage on his creditor. Thus where a company created a legal mortgage in favour of a bank in the hope that by keeping good faith with the bank it could get further advance from the bank which could be utilized to
(dcclxxxii i) revive the company, the mortgage was held not to be a fraudulent preference even though the mortgage was ceased after it was fairly clear that the company had become insolvent. [Re. F.L.E. Holdings Ltd. (1967) 3 ALL ER 353.] The essence of fraudulent preference is the giving of an improper benefit to a few creditors leading to inequality between them and the generality of the creditors. In order to establish fraudulent preference it is not enough only to show that the preference was to a particular creditor, it must also be proved that it was done with a view to giving him a favoured treatment. The dominant motive attending transfer has to be ascertained and if it is tainted with an element of dishonesty, the question of fraud arises. The probe into the debtors mind and an assessment of the various motives that animate his conduct is thus involved. There must be solid grounds for drawing an inference of dishonesty. Mere suspicion, however strong, is not sufficient. There is no fraudulent preference if the transfer is not voluntary. [Official Liquidator, Kerala High Court v. Victory Hire Purchasing Co. (P) Ltd., (1982) 52 Comp. Cas. 88 (Ker)]. (b) Avoidance of Voluntary Transfer Any voluntary transfer of property of any kind by a company, otherwise than in the ordinary course of business for valuable consideration, made within a period of one year before the commencement of winding up, shall be void against liquidator [Section 531A]. The purpose of the provision is to be preserve the assets of the Company and to enable the company to carry out transactions that might be for the benefit of those interested in the assets of the company. Sugar Properties (Derisley Wood) Ltd., 1988 BCLC 146 (Ch. D). (c) Transfer for benefit of all Creditors Any transfer or assignment by a company of all its property to trustees for the benefit of all its creditors is void [Section 532]. The words any transfer of all its property includes the transfer of an interest in all its property. Accordingly, a floating charge or a debenture upon the whole of a companys property for the benefit of all its creditors comes within this section. London Joint City and Midland Bank v. Dickinson (H.) 1922 WN 13. (d) Effect of Floating Charge According to Section 534, a floating charge on the undertaking or property of a company, created within twelve months before the commencement of the winding up, is void (except as to the amount of any cash paid to the company upon or after the creation of the charge and consideration thereof, together with 5 per cent per annum interest on such amount), unless the company was solvent immediately after the creation of the charge. The object is to prevent insolvent companies from creating any floating charges on their assets with a view to securing past liabilities. (e) Avoidance of Transfer of Shares in Voluntary Winding Up Section 536 provides that any transfer of shares in the company not being a
(dcclxxxi v) transfer made to or with the sanction of the liquidator and any alteration in the status of the members of the company made after the commencement of the winding up shall be void. In the case of winding up by, or subject to the supervision of the Court, any disposal of property (including actionable claims) of the company and any transfer of shares in the company or alteration in the status of its members made after the commencement of the winding up is void unless Court otherwise orders. (f) Avoidance of Attachment, Execution, etc. In terms of Section 537 of the Act, where the company is being wound up by or subject to the supervision of the Court, the following transactions are void: (a) any attachment, distress or execution put in force, without leave of the Court, against the estate or effects of the company after the commencement of the winding up; or (b) any sale held without leave of the Court, of any of the properties or effects of the company after such commencement; Any proceedings initiated in respect of any recovery of tax or in respect of any dues payable to the Government is not, however, affected by the above provisions. Disclaimer of Onerous Property Section 535 states that the liquidator may disclaim onerous properties belonging to the company. Following types of properties are regarded as onerous for purposes of this section: (a) land of any tenure, burdened with onerous covenants; or (b) shares or stock in companies; or (c) any other property which is unsaleable or is not readily saleable by reason of the fact that it requires the possessor to perform certain acts or pay a sum of money. (d) unprofitable contracts; or The liquidator may, with the leave of the Court, disclaim any such property. The Court will assist the liquidator to get rid of onerous and burdensome contracts whenever it is necessary to safeguard in full the interests of the body of creditors and the shareholders of the company. The right of disclaimer can be exercised in relation only to property which in effect has ceased to be an asset and has become a liability. The disclaimer should be made in writing signed by the liquidator within 12 months after the commencement of the winding up or such extended period as the Court may allow. If the liquidator does not come to know of the existence of an onerous property within one month of the commencement of the winding up, the period of 12 months begins from the date of his knowledge. The disclaimer shall operate to determine, as from the date of disclaimer, the rights, interests and liabilities of the company. It release the company and the property from liability. However, it does not affect the rights and liabilities of any other person in respect of the property. Any person injured by the operation of a disclaimer is deemed to be a creditor of the company to the amount of the compensation or damages payable in respect of the injury, and may accordingly prove the amount as
(dcclxxxv ) a debt in the winding up. The Court may, require notices to be given to persons interested in the property before granting the disclaimer. Where a person interested in the property has required the liquidator to decide whether he will or will not disclaim the property, the liquidator should, within 28 days, give notice to the applicant that he intends to apply to the Court for leave to disclaim. If he fails to do so, he shall not be entitled to disclaim the property and where the property is a contract which he has not disclaimed within the aforesaid time, he shall be deemed to have adopted it. Consequences as to Servants and Officers A winding up order operates as a notice of discharge to the employees and officers of the company, except when the business of the company is to be continued after winding up [Section 445(3)]. A voluntary winding up which involves a discontinuance of the business also operates as notice of discharge, and may also give rise to a claim for damages where there is an agreement for employment for a fixed time Fowler v. Commercial Trading Co. (1930)2 K.B.I. We have already seen that on the winding up of a company, the powers of directors, etc., cease. In a winding up by the Court, on an application of the Official Liquidator, the Court may summon and examine personally any person known or suspected to have in his possession any property, books, or papers of the company or to be indebted to company, or who can give any information as to the affairs of the company, and order him to deliver any property or books with him and papers relating to the company only persons who are individuals can be examined under this section (Section 477). The Court can also order public examination of any promoter, director or any officer of the company, if the Official Liquidator suspects that a fraud has been committed and informs the Court of the same (Section 478). Suits or Legal Proceedings Stayed on Winding Up It has already been observed that after winding up petition is presented, the Court may stay all proceedings against the company (Section 442). But once a winding up Order is passed no suit or legal proceedings against the company can continue or be freshly commenced except by leave of the winding up Court (Section 446). 9. POWERS AND DUTIES OF LIQUIDATORS Powers and duties of the Liquidators in Compulsory winding up of a Company Section 456 of the Act requires the liquidator to take into the custody or under the control, all the property, effects and actionable claims to which the company is or appears to be entitled. After this, all the property and effects of the company shall be deemed to be in the custody of the court as from the date of the order for the winding up of the company. Liquidator is not employer When Official Liquidator is merely directed to wind up the affairs of company in liquidation, he is not employer liable to make contribution of provident fund of ESIC contribution [Rohtas Industries Ltd. (In liquidation) - In re. (2000) 99 Comp. Cas. 503
(dcclxxxv i) (Pat HC)]. Section 457 confers on the liquidator in a winding up by the Court, certain specific powers necessary for the performance of his duties in relation to winding up. Under Sub-section (1) of Section 457, the liquidator has following powers with the sanction of the Court: (a) to institute or defend any suit, prosecution or other legal proceeding, civil or criminal, in the name and on behalf of the company; (b) to carry on the business of the company so far as may be necessary for the beneficial winding up of the company; (c) to sell the immovable and movable property and actionable claims of the company by public auction or private contract, with power, to transfer the whole thereof to any person or body corporate or the sell the same in parcels; (d) to raise on the security of the assets of the company any money requisite; (e) to do all such other things as may be necessary for winding up the affairs of the company and distributing its assets; As per Section 459, the liquidator may, with the sanction of Court, appoint an advocate, attorney or pleader entitled to appear before the Court to assist him in the performance of his duties. Under Section 546, the liquidator may exercise the following powers with the sanction of the Court in winding up by or under the supervision of the Court, and with the sanction of the special resolution of the company in voluntary winding up: (i) to pay any classes of creditors in full: (ii) to make any compromise or arrangement with creditors or persons claiming to be creditors or having or alleging themselves to have any claim, present or future, certain or contingent, ascertained or sounding only in damages, against the company or whereby the company may be rendered liable; or (iii) to compromise any call or liability to call, debt and liability capable of resulting in a debt, and any claim, present or future, certain or contingent, ascertained or sounding only in damages, subsisting or alleged to subsist between the company and a contributory or alleged contributory or other debtor or person apprehending liability to the company, and all questions in any way relating to or affecting the assets or liabilities or the winding up of the company, on such terms as may be agreed, and take any security for the discharge of any such call, debt, liability or claim, and give a complete discharge in respect thereof. The exercise of aforesaid powers by the liquidator in the case of voluntary winding up is subject to the control of the Court. Under Sub-section (2) of Section 457, the liquidator has following powers without obtaining any sanction of the Court: (a) to do all acts and to execute in the name and on behalf of the company and to execute all deeds, receipts and other documents and for that purpose to use, when necessary the companys seal; (b) to inspect the records and returns of the company on the files of the Registrar without payment of any fee;
(dcclxxxv ii) (c) to prove, rank and claim in the insolvency of any contributory for any balance against his estate and to receive dividends in the insolvency in respect of that balance as a separate debt due from the insolvent, and rateably with other separate creditors; (d) to draw, accept, make and endorse any negotiable instruments in the name and on behalf of the company in the course of its business; (e) to take out, in his official name, letters of administration to any deceased contributory and to do in his official name any other act necessary for obtaining payment of any money due from a contributory or his estate; (f) to appoint an agent to do any business which the liquidator is unable to do himself. (2A) 1 The liquidator shall (a) appoint security guards to protect the property of the company taken into his custody and to make out an inventory of the assets in consultation with secured creditors after giving them notice; (b) appoint, as the case may be, valuer, chartered surveyors or chartered accountant to assess the value of the companys assets within fifteen days after taking into custody of property, assets referred to in subclause (a) and effects or actionable claims subject to such terms and conditions as may be specified by the Tribunal; (c) give an advertisement, inviting bids for sale of the assets of the company, within fifteen days from the date of receiving valuation report from the valuer, chartered surveyors or chartered accountants referred to in clause (b), as the case may be. (2B) The liquidator shall, immediately after the order for winding up or appointing the liquidator as provisional liquidator is made, issue a notice requiring any of the persons mentioned in Sub-section (2) of Section 454, to submit and verify a statement of the affairs of the company and such notice shall be served by the liquidator. (2C) The liquidator may apply to the Tribunal for an order directing any person who, in his opinion, is competent to furnish a statement of the affairs under Sections 439A and 454 and such person shall for the said purpose be served a notice by the liquidator in the manner as may be prescribed. (2D) The liquidator may, from time to time, call any person for recording any statement for the purpose of investigating the affairs of the company which is being wound up and it shall be the duty of every such person to attend to the liquidator at such time and place as the liquidator may appoint and give the liquidator all information which he may require and answer all such questions relating to winding up of company as may be put to him by the liquidator. (2E) Every bidder shall, in response to the advertisement referred to in clause (c) of Sub-section (2A), deposit, his offer in the manner as may be prescribed, with liquidator or provisional liquidator, as the case may be, within forty-five days from the date of the advertisement and the liquidator or provisional liquidator shall permit
1 Inserted by the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 w.e.f. a date yet to be notified.
(dcclxxxv iii) inspection of property and assets in respect of which bids were invited: Provided that such bid may be withdrawn within three days before the last day of closing of the bid: Provided further that the inspection of property shall be open for not more than five days before closing of the bid. (2F) The advertisement inviting bids shall contain the following details, namely: (a) name, address of registered office of the company and its branch offices factories and plants and the place where assets of the company are kept and available for sale; (b) last date for submitting bids which shall not exceed ninety days from the date of advertisement; (c) time during which the premises of the company shall remain open for inspection; (d) the last date for withdrawing the bid; (e) financial guarantee which shall not be less than one-half of the value of the bid; (f) validity period of the bids; (g) place and date of opening of the bids in public; (h) reserve price and earnest money to be deposited along with the bid; (i) any other terms and conditions of sale which may be prescribed. (2G) The liquidator appointed shall (a) maintain a separate bank account for each company under his charge for depositing the sale proceeds of the assets and recovery of debts of each company; (b) maintain proper books of account in respect of all receipts and payments made by him in respect of each company and submit half yearly return of receipts and payments to the Tribunal. Although the liquidator is not required to obtain sanction of the Court before exercising any of the foregoing powers yet he is subject to the control of the Court, and any contributory or creditor may apply to the Court with respect to any exercise of any such powers. He should have regard to any directions which may be given by resolutions of creditors or contributories in their respective meetings, called by the liquidator. The liquidator may summon general meetings of creditors and contributories, whenever he thinks fit, to ascertain their wishes. He is bound to call such meetings at such times as the creditors or contributories may by resolutions direct or whenever requested in writing to do so by not less than 1/10th in value of creditors or contributories (Sections 458 and 460). The liquidator is required to present to the Court twice a year an account of his receipts and payments as liquidator. The Court gets the accounts audited; and the liquidator has to send a copy of the printed accounts to every creditor and contributory. A copy is also filed with the Registrar. The Central Government is conferred with the power to take cognizance of the
(dcclxxxi x) conduct of liquidators of companies which are being wound up by the Court. If it appears that a liquidator is not faithfully performing his duties or is not observing the requirements of the Act or if any complaint is made by a creditor or a contributory, the Central Government shall inquire into the matter and take necessary action (Section 463). Powers of the Liquidator in Voluntary Winding Up of a Company The powers of the liquidator in voluntary winding up are just the same as those of an Official Liquidator in a winding up by the Court. However, in cases where the Official Liquidator has to obtain the sanction of the Court before acting, the voluntary liquidator shall have to obtain the sanction of the company, and in case of creditors voluntary winding up, he shall have to obtain the sanction of the Court, or of the Committee of Inspection or, in its absence, of the creditors. However, for the convenience of the students, the powers of a voluntary liquidator are detailed below. Thus, the voluntary liquidator may exercise the following powers, in the case of a members voluntary winding up with the sanction of a special resolution of the company, and in the case of a creditors voluntary winding up, with the sanction of the Court or the Committee of Inspection or, if there is no Committee of Inspection, with the sanction of the creditors: (a) to institute or defend any suit, prosecution or other legal proceedings, civil or criminal, in the name and on behalf of the company; (b) to carry on the business of the company so far as may be necessary for the beneficial winding up of the company; (c) to sell immovable or movable property and actionable claims of the company; and (d) to raise on the security of the assets of the company any money requisite. The following powers can be exercised by voluntary liquidator without any sanction: (i) to do all acts and to execute, in the name and on behalf of the company all deeds, receipts and other documents, and for that purpose to use, when necessary, the companys seal. (ii) to inspect the records and returns of the company on the files of the Registrar without payment of any fee. (iii) to prove, rank and claim in the insolvency of any contributory. (iv) to draw, accept, make and endorse any bill of exchange, hundi or promissory note in the name and on behalf of the company. (v) to take out, in his official name, letters of administration to any deceased contributory, and to do in his official name any other act necessary for obtaining payment of any money due from a contributory or his estate. (vi) to appoint an agent to do any business which the liquidator is unable to do himself. (vii) to exercise the power of the Court of setting the list of contributories (which shall be prima facie evidence of the liability) of the persons named therein to be contributories. (viii) to exercise the power of the court of making calls.
(dccxc) (ix) to call general meetings of the company for the purpose of obtaining the sanction of the company by ordinary resolution or special resolution, as the case may require, or for any other purpose he may think fit. (x) to pay the debts of the company and adjust the rights of the contributories among themselves. Although the foregoing powers can be exercised by the voluntary liquidator without any sanction, they are, nevertheless, subject to the control of the Court inasmuch as any creditor or contributory may apply to the Court with respect to any exercise or proposed exercise of any of these powers. For example, a contributory, whose name has been settled on the list of contributories by the voluntary liquidator, may apply to the Court with the prayer that his name ought not to have been so settled on the list as he is not a member or had ceased to be a member more than 12 months before the commencement of winding up. Or a creditor may apply to the Court against the decision of the voluntary liquidator to admit his claim. When more than one liquidators are appointed, the manner and extent of their powers are determined at the time of their appointment by the authority appointing them. If the powers of the liquidators are not so determined on their appointment, then any of the aforesaid powers is exercisable only jointly by all or by not less than 2 of them. Duties and Functions of Voluntary Liquidator The function and duties of a voluntary liquidator may be summarised as follows: 1. To satisfy himself that the resolution for voluntary winding up was validly passed and that a copy of the resolution was duly filed with the Registrar. 2. To file with the Registrar a notice of his appointment. 3. To advertise in the Official Gazette and in a local newspaper asking the creditors to meet at a certain specified place and time within 21 days of his appointment, and also to send notice to each creditor. 4. To take possession of the companies assets and see that they are intact. 5. To call by advertisement for the claims of creditors by a certain specified date, and to admit the claims. 6. To prepare a list of debts and claims and send notices to contributories for the settlement of list of contributories. 7. To settle the list of contributories on the date fixed for the purpose. 8. To look into payment made during six months immediately preceding the winding up and satisfy himself that there has been no fraudulent preference. 9. To avoid voluntary transfers. 10. To disclaim onerous property. 11. To dispose of the assets of the company to the best advantage and collect so far as practicable all outstanding debts due to the company. 12. To apply the proceeds of realisation in the prescribed manner. 13. To make calls on unpaid shares, if necessary. 14. To file returns at the end of the first year and then every six months during
(dccxci) the continuation of the winding up. 15. To convene annual general meetings of the company and of creditors during liquidation and present the annual accounts thereat. 16. At the end of winding up, to call a general meeting and lay before it the account of the winding up. For this to make publication in the Official Gazette and in newspapers. 17. To file within one week of this meeting a return with the Registrar and the Official Liquidator. 18. To give information, papers, books and documents to the Official Liquidator for his scrutiny and submission of report to the Court. Status of Liquidator The liquidator in a winding up by the Court or under the supervision of the Court, is an officer of the Court, and as such is required to exercise a high degree of honesty and fairness towards the creditors and the members of the company. he is also the agent of the company and incurs no personal liability when he enters into any contracts as a liquidator. In a voluntary winding up, the liquidator is more rightly described as the agent of the company. He is not an officer of the Court. As a paid agent of the company he has statutory duties towards the creditors and contributories including the administration of the assets of the company. Both in a compulsory winding up and voluntary winding up, a liquidator as an agent of the company, must exercise a high degree of care and diligence in discharging his statutory duties. He may be liable in damage to a creditor or contributory for injury caused to him as a result of his breach of statutory duties. A liquidator is not a trustee. The property of the company is not vested in him. But he is in a fiduciary position in relation to any property of the company and is in the position of a trustee, or what is sometimes stated, he is a statutory trustee. Accordingly, if he pays an invalid claim, even without willful default, he is liable to misfeasance proceedings. He is not a trustee for individual creditors or contributories. 10. CONDUCT OF WINDING UP Conduct of Compulsory Winding Up of a Company - Winding Up Petition and Procedure A winding up petition is quite different from a plaint in an ordinary suit. The Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 contain the procedure for hearing of the winding up petitions. Rules 103 and 104 of Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 provide for affidavits in opposition and affidavits in reply. Though there is a fundamental procedural difference between these two kinds of actions, the Civil Procedure Code, 1908 empowers the Court to apply procedure provided in the Code in regard to suits in all proceedings in any Court of civil jurisdiction. Similar provisions have also been made in Rule 9 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959 which empowers the Court to invoke the inherent powers with regard to directions or passing such orders as it may deem necessary for the ends of justice or to prevent abuse of the process of the Court. Both these provisions may be utilised by the Court for expeditiously and effectively
(dccxcii) deciding winding up petitions; and no party in such cases can claim as a matter of right of the application of the provisions of the Code of Civil Procedure, 1908, Rules 6 and 7 of Order 11 of the Code can also be used to object interrogatories application. Grounds and particulars relating to winding up of a company must be set out in the petition itself and not in the affidavit in reply. The petitioner must confine himself to the grounds set out in the petition. Where an application is not in proper form, the Court may exclude the defect. The application for amendment of the petition for winding up of a company will be governed by Order 6, Rule 17, Code of Civil Procedure, for Section 141, the Code of Civil Procedure is made applicable to proceedings under the companies Act, 1956. Persons entitled to be Heard The persons entitled to be heard by the Court in a winding up petition are the company, the creditors, the contributories, the Registrar and the Central Government. The Court may, however, in its discretion hear any other person who may be interested in the winding up. Rule 34 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959, provides that any person who intends to appear at the hearing of the petition must give notice in Form No. 9 to the petitioner indicating the grounds of opposition, if he wishes to oppose the petition. The question whether the workmen of a company have a right to appear and contend the winding up petition came up for consideration by the Supreme Court in National Textiles Corporation Workers Union v. P.R. Rama Krishnan, (1983) (I) Comp. L.J. 1 (SC). In that case the court held that workers are entitled to appear at the hearing of the winding up petition whether to support or to oppose it so long as no winding up order is made by the Court. The workers have locus standi to appear and be heard before winding up order is made. Even where a winding up order is made and the workers are aggrieved by it, they would also be entitled to prefer an appeal contending that no winding up order should have been made. But when a winding up order is made and it has become final, the workers ordinarily would not have any right to participate in any proceedings in the course of winding up of the company. It was further held that since there was nothing in the Companies Act expressly prohibiting the workers from being heard in a winding up proceedings, the workers would be entitled to be heard as interveners. The Court observed that the law cannot stand still; it must change with the changing social concepts and values. Under Section 445(3), the winding up order has the effect of terminating the services of workers except where the business of the company is continued. The workers have, therefore, vital interest in the continuance or dissolution of the company. Powers of the Court on hearing Petition (Section 443) On hearing a petition for winding up of a company, the Court may: (a) dismiss it, with or without costs; or (b) adjourn the hearing conditionally or unconditionally; or (c) make any interim order that it thinks fit; or (d) make an order for the winding up of the company with or without costs or any other order as it thinks fit.
(dccxciii) Provided that the Tribunal shall not refuse to make a winding up order on the ground only that the assets of the company have been mortgaged to an account equal to or in excess of those assets, or that the company has no assets. Where the petition is presented on the ground that it is just and equitable that the company should be wound up, the Court may refuse to make an order of winding up, if it is of opinion that some other remedy is available to the petitioners and that they are acting unreasonably in seeking to have the company wound up instead of pursuing that other remedy. Where the petition is presented on the ground of default in delivering the statutory report to the Registrar or in holding the statutory meeting, the Court may:(a) instead of making a winding up order, direct that the statutory report shall be delivered or that a meeting shall be held; and (b) order the costs to be paid by any persons who, in the opinion of the Court, are responsible for the default. Before making the winding up order, the Court notifies all the creditors and contributories of the company intimating that a petition for winding up has been filed and would be heard by the Court on a specified day. The Court also invites all concerned to be present at the hearing. If the Court is of the opinion that the company should be wound up, it makes an order for winding up. By virtue of Section 449 on a winding up order being made in respect of the Company the Official Liquidator shall, by virtue of his office, become the liquidator of the company. As per Section 451(1), the liquidator, shall conduct the proceedings in winding up the company and perform such duties as may be imposed by Court. If Official Liquidator becomes liquidator, there shall be paid to the Central Government out of the assets of the company such fees as may be prescribed. Upon making the winding up order, the Court shall forthwith send intimation of the same to the Official Liquidator and the Registrar. A certified copy of the winding up order must be filed with the Registrar within thirty days from the date of the order. On receipt of the certified copy of the order, the Registrar shall record it in his books and notify in the Official Gazette that such an order has been made. The Court has enormous discretionary power to order or not to order winding up of a company. It has been held in Re. Suleka works Ltd. AIR 1965 Cal. 98 that the Court has also inherent power to prevent a petitioner from proceeding further with his petition when the Court is satisfied that the object of the petitioner is mischievous and malicious and the petition is based on reckless and frivolous charges of mismanagement, mis-application of funds and irregularities in the companys administration. The Court in the same case has further held Where the winding up petition is moved with the primary object of putting pressure on the company by threats of advertisement, the Court will stop or stay the winding up proceeding and the advertisement ought not to be allowed to be published. Stay of Proceedings against the Company The Court has powers to stay or restrain any proceedings against the company in respect of which the petition for winding up has been presented. Section 442 provides that at any time after the presentation of a petition for winding up and before winding up order has been made, the company, or any
(dccxciv) creditor or contributory, may: (a) where any suit or proceeding against the company is pending in the Supreme Court or in any High Court, apply to the Court in which the suit or proceeding is pending for stay of proceedings therein; and (b) where any suit or proceeding is pending against the company in another Court, apply to the Court having jurisdiction to wind up the company, to restrain further proceedings in the suit or proceedings; and the Court to which the application is made may stay or restrain the proceedings, on such terms as it thinks fit. Stay of Suits and Proceedings on Winding Up Section 446 of the Act provides that on the making of winding up order or on the appointment of Official Liquidator as provisional liquidator, no suit or legal proceedings shall be proceeded with, except with the leave of the Court. The Court may grant leave to commence or proceed with the pending suits or proceedings subject to such terms and conditions as it may impose. The Court has jurisdiction to grant such leave to proceed with a suit or other legal proceedings pending against a company in liquidation even if such leave had not been obtained earlier before the commencement of the proceedings. The Court which is winding up the company has jurisdiction to entertain or dispose of: (a) any suit or proceedings by or against the company; (b) any claim made by or against the company (including claims by or against any of its branches in India): (c) any application made under Section 391 by or in respect of the company. (d) any question of priorities or any other question whatsoever whether of law or fact which may relate to or arise in the course of winding up of the company. The Court has further powers to transfer to itself and dispose of any similar proceedings by or against the company pending in any other Court. These powers of the winding up Court do not, however, extend to any proceedings pending before the Supreme Court or the High Court. In Fakir Chand v. Tanvar Finance Pvt. Ltd.. (1981) 51 Comp. Cas. 60 (Del,), it was held that the Company Court has jurisdiction to determine whether the sale of companys property after the commencement of the winding up is in accordance with the provisions of the Act or not and in the latter case it has powers to set aside the sale. It was further held in this case that the order of the Executing Court is not binding upon the Company Court. Order passed by the Company Court is on the other hand binding on the Executing Court. Procedure after the Winding Up Order (1) For the purpose of winding up of companies by the Court, an Official Liquidator may be appointed either from a panel of professional firms of chartered accountants, advocates, company secretaries, costs and works accountants or firms having a combination of these professionals, which the Central Government shall
(dccxcv) constitute for the Tribunal, or may be a body corporate consisting of such professionals as may be approved by the Central Government from time to time, or may be a whole-time or a part-time officers appointed by the Central Government. Before appointing the Official Liquidator, the Tribunal may give due regard to the views or opinion of the secured creditors and workmen. Provided that before appointing the Official Liquidator, the Tribunal may give due regard to the views or Opinion of the secured creditors and workmen. (2) The terms and conditions for the appointment of Official Liquidators appointed by Tribunal shall be approved by the Tribunal and remuneration shall be subject to a maximum remuneration of five per cent of the value of debt record and realization of sale of assets. The terms and conditions of the Official Liquidator appointed from the Officers appointed by the Central Government shall be approved by the Central Government in accordance with the rules made by it in this behalf. (3) Where the Official Liquidator is an officer appointed by the Central Government under clause (c) of Sub-section (1), the Central Government may also appoint, if considered necessary, one or more Deputy Official Liquidators or Assistant Official Liquidators to assist the Official Liquidator in the discharge of his functions, and the terms and conditions for the appointment of such Official Liquidators and the remuneration payable to them shall also be in accordance with the rules made by the Central Government. (4) All references to the Official Liquidator in this Act shall be construed as reference to the Official Liquidator specified in Sub-section (1), or to the Deputy Official Liquidator or Assistant Official Liquidator referred to in Sub-section (3), as the case may be. (5) The amount of the remuneration payable shall (a) form part of the winding up order made by the Tribunal; (b) be treated as first charge on the realisation of the assets and be paid to the Official Liquidator or to the Central Government, as the case may be. (6) The Official Liquidator shall conduct proceedings in the winding up of a company and perform such duties in reference thereto as the Tribunal may specify in this behalf: Provided that the Tribunal may (a) transfer the work assigned from one Official Liquidator to another Official Liquidator for the reasons to be recorded in writing; (b) remove the Official Liquidator on sufficient cause being shown; (c) proceed against the Official Liquidator for professional misconduct. The Official Liquidator is required to conduct the proceedings in winding up of the company and perform such duties as the Court may impose. Statement of Affairs by Directors
(dccxcvi) Section 454 provides that within twenty-one days of the date of winding up order a statement as to the affairs of the company has to be submitted to the Official Liquidator. This time may be extended up to three months either by the Official Liquidator or by the Court. The statement has to be submitted and verified by a director, manager, secretary or other chief officer of the company or such other persons as the Official Liquidator may, subject to the direction of the Court, require. The statement should be verified by an affidavit by any of the aforementioned officers of the company and should contain the following particulars: (a) assets of the company, showing separately cash in hand and at the bank and negotiable securities if any held by the company; (b) its liabilities and debts; (c) names, residences and occupation of the companys creditors indicating the amount of secured or unsecured debts and in the case of secured debts, the particulars of the securities given, whether by the company or an officer thereof, their value and dates on which they were given; (d) the debts due to the company and the names, residences and occupation of the persons from whom they are due, and the amount likely to be realised on account thereof; and (e) such other information as may be required. As per Sub-section (5) of said section, if any person, without reasonable excuse, makes default in complying with any of the requirements of this Section, he shall be punishable with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years or with fine which may extend to one thousand rupees for every day during which the default continues or with both. In Official Liquidator v. P.R. Mehta (2000) 36 CLA 210, it was held that the prosecution has to prove that the person has failed to submit the statement without reasonable cause. If a person was not director on relevant date or if there was reasonable cause for non-filing for statement, liability under this provision would not be there. In Indla Satya Raju v. Sramika Agro Farm (2002) 39 SCL 940, it was held that a person cannot be prosecuted and convicted under Section 454(5) merely for reason that he committed default in complying with any requirements of Section 454. In addition to establishing default, prosecution is also required to establish that the said person, without reasonable excuse, committed such fault. Report by the Official Liquidator Section 455 provides that, in case where a winding up order is made, the Official Liquidator shall, as soon as practicable after receipt of the above mentioned statement of affairs submitted to him under Section 454 but not later than 6 months of the date of winding up order or such time as extended by the Court submit a preliminary report to the Court showing: (a) the amount of issued, subscribed and paid-up share capital and the estimated amount of assets and liabilities; (b) if the company has failed, the causes of the failure; and (c) whether, in his opinion, further inquiry is desirable as to any matter relating to the promotion, formation or failure of the company or the conduct of its business.
(dccxcvii ) If the Official Liquidator is of the view that there has been a fraud about formation of the company then he may submit a further report or reports. This can be the basis of public examination of the directors of the company under Section 478. Committee of Inspection (Sections 464 and 465) The Court may, at the time of making an order for the winding up or at any time thereafter, direct that there shall be appointed a Committee of Inspection to act with the liquidator. Where such a direction is given by the Court, the liquidator is required to convene, within two months from the date of direction, a meeting of the creditors for the purpose of determining who are to be members of the committee, the liquidator must call a meeting of the contributories within fourteen days from the date of creditors meeting, to consider the creditors meetings decision with respect to the membership of the Committee. Contributories may accept the decision of the creditors with or without modification or reject it. If the contributories at their meeting do not accept the creditors decision in its entirety, the liquidator shall apply to the Court for directions as to what the composition of the committee shall be and who shall be its members (Section 464). The committee of inspection shall consist of not more than twelve members, being creditors and contributories of the company or persons holding general or special power of attorney from creditors or contributories, in such proportion as may be agreed upon by the meetings of the creditors and contributories and in case of difference of opinion between the meetings, as may be determined by the Court [Section 465(1)]. The committee of inspection may inspect the accounts of the liquidator at all reasonable times [Section 465(2)]. The committee of inspection will meet at such times as it may from time to time appoint and the liquidator or any member of the committee may also call a meeting of the committee as and when he thinks necessary. The quorum for a meeting of the committee shall be one-third of the total number of the members or two whichever is higher. The committee may act by a majority of its members present at a meeting but shall not act unless a quorum is present. A member of the committee may resign by notice in writing signed by him and delivered to the liquidator. If a member is adjudged an insolvent or compounds or arranges with his creditors or is absent from five consecutive meetings of the committee without leave of those members who, together with himself, represent the creditors or contributories, his office shall become vacant. A member of the Committee of Inspection may be removed at a meeting of the creditors, if he represents creditors, or at a meeting of contributories if he represents contributories, by an ordinary resolution of which seven days notice has been given stating the object of the meeting. When any vacancy has occurred in the committee the liquidator shall call a meeting of the creditors or contributories, as the case may be, and the meeting may re-appoint the same person or appoint some other person to fill the vacancy. However, the liquidator may apply to the Court that in the circumstances of the case the vacancy need not be filled. The Court may make an order accordingly. General Powers of the Court The Court has the power to cause the assets of the company to be collected and
(dccxcviii ) applied in discharge of its liabilities. For this purpose, the Court will settle a list of contributories. The Court may, after ascertaining the adequacy of the companys assets, proceed to make calls on all or any of the contributories requiring them, within the extent of their liability, to pay any money which the Court considers necessary to satisfy the debts and liabilities of the company, and the expenses of winding up and for the adjustment of the rights of the contributories. Where the contributory owes money on calls on his shares and the company owes him some money, he cannot set off one against the other except: (1) in the case of unlimited company; (2) in the case of limited company with directors having un-limited liability in respect of such directors; (3) in the case of any company after the creditors are paid in full; He must first pay what is due by him on the shares and then claim payment of his debt along with other creditors. Where any contributory, trustee, receiver, banker, agent, officer or other employee of the company is in possession of any money, property, books or papers of the company, the Court may require him to deliver the same to the liquidator. The Court can also summon before it any officer of the company or person known or suspected to have in his possession any such property of the company, or any person whom the Court deems capable of giving information concerning the promotion, formation, trade, property or other affairs of the company. Such person may be examined on oath which is called private examination. The examination may be ordered by the Court ex-parte or on an application by the liquidator or any other person including a creditor or contributory. A person failing to respond to the order to appear before the Court may be caused to be apprehended and brought before the Court. The Court may require him to produce any books and papers in his custody relating to the company. It may be remembered that the auditor is also an officer of the company for this purpose. Dissolution of the Company in Winding Up by Court (Section 481) The Court may make an order for dissolution of a company in the following conditions: (a) when the affairs of the company have been completely wound up; or (b) when the Court is of the opinion that the liquidator cannot proceed with the winding up of a company for want of funds and assets or for any other reason and it is just and equitable in the circumstances of the case that an order of dissolution of the company should be made. Where an order in the above circumstances is made by the Court, the company will be dissolved from the date of the order of the Court. Within 30 days from the date of the order, the liquidator must send a copy of the order to the Registrar. On the dissolution, the corporate existence of the company comes to an end.
(dccxcix) After order of dissolution, the company has no legal existence. Thus no suit can lie by or against the company after order of dissolution. In Narendra Bahadur Tandon v. Shanker Lal AIR (1980) SC 575, it was held that after company is dissolved, liquidator can not represent company and execute a deed of sale. Once company is dissolved, it ceases to exist and official liquidator can not represent a non-existent company. The property of dissolved company vest in Government and not in the trustee. Hence shareholders or creditors of dissolved company cannot be regarded as heirs and successors. They cannot maintain any action for recovery of assets. The Court may at any time declare the dissolution void within two years from the date of dissolution on application by the liquidator of the company or by any other person who appears to the Court to be interested. Thereupon such proceedings may be taken as might have been taken if the company had not been dissolved (Section 559). 11. PROCEEDINGS AGAINST DELINQUENT OFFICERS Offences of Officers Section 538 stipulates the offences for which officers of a company in winding up are made liable to be punished with imprisonment or with fine or with both. For this purpose, officers include any person in accordance with whose directions or instructions the directors of the company have been accustomed to act. A past or present officer of the Company is liable to be punished with imprisonment up to five years or with fine or with both if within twelve months next before the winding up or any time thereafter, he: (i) obtains fraudulently or on false representation any property on credit for or on behalf of the company which the company does not subsequently pay for; or (ii) obtains on credit under false pretence that the company is carrying on its business, any property which the company does not subsequently pay for; or (iii) pawns, pledges or disposes of any property of the company which has been obtained on credit and has not been paid for unless such pawning, pledging or disposing is in the ordinary course of business of the company. The pawneee or pledgee or receiver of property who knows that the property pawned, pledged or disposed of was obtained on credit and has not been paid for is also punishable as per Section 538(2), with imprisonment up to three years or with fine or with both. Similarly, a past or present officer of the company is punishable with imprisonment up to two years or with fine or with both, if he (i) does not to the best of his knowledge and belief, fully or truly discover to the liquidator all property movable or immovable of the company and how and to whom and for what consideration and when the company disposed of any part thereof, except such part as has been disposed of in the ordinary course of business of the company;
(dccc) (ii) does not deliver up to liquidator or in the manner he directs, all movable or immovable property, books and papers of the company that are in his custody or control; (iii) within twelve months next before the commencement of the winding up or any time thereafter: (a) conceals or fraudulently removes any part of the companys property to the value of Rs. 100 or more; (b) conceals any debt to or from the company; (c) conceals, destroys, mutilates or falsifies any books or papers affecting or relating to the property of the company; (d) makes or is privy to the making of any false entry in books or papers affecting or relating to the property or affairs of the company; (e) fraudulently parts with, alters or makes any omission or is privy to the fraudulent parting with or altering or making of any omission in any books or papers affecting or relating to the property or affairs of the company; (iv) makes any material omission in any statement relating to the affairs of the company; (v) fails for a period of one month to inform the liquidator about any false debts having been proved within his knowledge; (vi) attempts to account for any part of the property of the company by fictitious losses or expenses within 12 months next before the commencement of the winding of the creditors of the company or any of them to an agreement with reference to the affairs of the company or to the winding up. No Court shall take cognizance of any offence against the Act, (other than an offence with respect to which proceedings are instituted under Section 545), which is alleged to have been committed by any officer of the company, except on the complaint in writing of the Registrar, or of a shareholder of the company, or of a person authorised by the Central Government or of a person authorised by SEBI. The burden of proof to establish the offence and bring the case within any one of the aforesaid clauses is on the prosecution. It is good defence to the accused to show that he had no intent to defraud or that he had no intent to conceal the true state of affairs of the company. Penalty for Falsification of Books According to Section 539, if with intent to defraud or deceive any person, any officer or contributory of a company in liquidation destroys, mutilates, alters, falsifies or secrets or is privy to any of these acts any books, papers or securities, or makes any fraudulent entry in any register, books of account or document belonging to the company, he shall be punished with imprisonment up to seven years and fine. Penalty for Frauds by Officers Section 540 states that if any person, being at the time of the commission of the alleged offence, an officer of a company which is subsequently ordered to be wound
(dccci) up by the Court or which passes a resolution for voluntary winding up has: (a) by false pretences or by means of any fraud induced any person to give credit to the company, or (b) with intent to defraud creditors of the company, made or caused to be made any gift or transfer of or charge on, or has caused or connived at the levying any execution against, the property of the company, or (c) with intent to defraud creditors of the company concealed or removed any part of the property of the company, since the date of any unsatisfied judgment or order of payment of money obtained against the company or within two months before that date, he shall be punishable with imprisonment up to two years and also with fine. Liability where proper accounts are not kept According to Section 541 where proper books of account were not kept by the company for a period of two years immediately preceding the commencement of the winding up or the period between the incorporation of the company and the commencement of winding up, whichever is shorter, every officer of the company, who is in default, is liable to punishment with imprisonment for a term which may extend to one year, unless he shows that he acted honestly and that in the circumstances in which the business of the company was carried on, the default was excusable. In the following cases it shall be deemed that proper books of account have not been kept, if there have not been kept: (a) such books or account as are necessary to exhibit and explain the transactions and financial position of the business of the company, including books containing entries made from day-to-day in sufficient detail of cash received and cash paid; and (b) where the business of the company has involved dealing in goods, statements of the annual stock takings and (except in the case of goods sold by way of ordinary retail trade) of all goods sold and purchased, showing the goods and the buyers and sellers thereof in sufficient details to enable those goods and those buyers and sellers to be identified. Fraudulent conduct of business Section 542 lays down that, if in the course of winding up of a company, it appears that any business of the company has been carried on, with intent to defraud creditors of the company, or any other person, or for any fraudulent purpose, the Court on the application of the liquidator or any creditor or contributory of the company may, if it thinks proper, declare that any persons who were knowingly parties to the carrying on the business in the manner aforesaid shall be personally responsible, without any limitation of liability, for all or any of the debts or other liabilities of the company as the Court may direct. Moreover, every person who is knowingly a party to be carrying on of the business in such a manner is liable to imprisonment up to two years, or fine up to Rs. 50,000 or both. The above penalties are in addition to any criminal liabilities in respect of any of the above matters.
(dcccii) The Court is also empowered to give such further directions as it thinks proper for the purpose of giving effect to that declaration. In particular, the Court may make provision for making the liability of any such person under the declaration a charge of any debt or obligation due from the company to him, or of any mortgage or charge on any interest in any mortgage or charge on any assets of the company held by or vested in him, or any person on his behalf or any person claiming as assignee from or through the person liable or any person acting on his behalf. The Court is also empowered to make such further orders, from time to time, as may be necessary for the purpose of enforcing any charge. The expression, assignee, for the above purposes, includes any person to whom or in whose favour, by the directions of the person liable, the debt, obligation, mortgage or charge was created, issued or transferred or the interest was created, but does not include an assignee for valuable consideration (nor including consideration by way of marriage) given in good faith and without notice of any of the matters on the grounds on which the declaration is made. Recovery of Damages from Delinquent Persons Section 543 of the Act confers powers on the Court to examine the conduct of any person who has taken part in the promotion or formation of the company or any past or present director, manager, liquidator or officer of the company, if in the course of winding up proceedings, it appears that such a person:(i) has misapplied or retained or become liable or accountable for any money or property of the company; or (ii) has been guilty of any misfeasance or breach of trust in relation to a company. The enquiry into the aforesaid matters can be conducted by the Court on an application made by the Official Liquidator, liquidator or any contributory or creditor within a period of five years from the date of the order of the winding up or of the first appointment of liquidator or of the mis-application, retention, misfeasance or breach of trust, whichever is longer. If as a result of the enquiry mentioned above, the person concerned is found guilty, the Court may compel him to repay or restore the money or the property or any part thereof or to contribute such sums to be assets of the company by way of compensation in respect of the mis-application, retention, misfeasance or breach of trust as the Court thinks fit. The aforesaid powers of the Court are available in all kinds of winding up including voluntary winding up. These powers can be exercised by the Court notwithstanding the fact that the matter is one for which the person concerned is criminally liable. Where the person proceeded against under Section 543 dies, the misfeasance proceedings can be continued against his heirs and legal representatives for the purpose of determining and declaring the loss of damage caused to the company. [Official Liquidator v. Parthasarthi Sinha, (1983) 53 Comp. Cas. 163 (SC)]. Where a declaration or an order under Section 542 or Section 543, as the case may be, is made in respect of any firm or body corporate, the Court has also the power to make a declaration or an order in respect of any person who was at the the relevant time a partner in that firm or a director of that body corporate.
(dccciii) In the matter of Ajay G Podar v. Official Liquidator of JS & WM & Ors. (2008) 85 CLA 398 (SC), Honble SC has held that section 543(2) of the Companies Act, 1956 deals with the limitation of applications/claims including misfeasance proceedings and prescribes five (5) years period of limitation from the date of the winding up order for filing an application under section 543 (1). However, section 458A of the Companies Act, 1956 provides for the concept of computation of the limitation period. Section 458A being a non obstante clause exclude the period starting from commencement of winding up proceedings till the date on which winding up order is passed and a period of one (1) year thereafter. In view of the above, misfeasance proceedings filed by the OL are well within limitation period. In L.K. Prabhu v. S.M. Ameerul Millath (2002) 40 SCL 385 (Ker HC), it was held that application under Section 543 (for damages for misapplication or misfeasance) is maintainable against Official Liquidator also, as liquidator includes Official Liquidator. Moreover he is Officer of the company as defined in Section 2(30), even if not specifically mentioned in the definition. However there should be prima facie case against him and there is substance in the allegations. If Official Liquidator has acted in good faith, he is entitled to protection under Section 635A. It has been held in Official Liquidator v. Ashok Kumar, (1976) 46 Comp. Cas. 575 (Pat), that a director who has not been duly elected and has taken his qualification shares shall be liable if he has acted as such. In other words, where a director continued to act de facto without being validly elected, he shall be liable for misfeasance. Examples of misfeasance are: (i) improper payment of dividends, e.g. out of capital; (ii) ultra vires investment; (iii) director selling his own property to the company without disclosure; (iv) allotting shares in breach of Section 69; (v) knowingly allotting shares to a minor. Prosecution of delinquent officers and members According to Section 545, if it appears to the Court in the course of a winding up or winding up subject to supervision of the Court, that any past or present officer or member of the company has been guilty of any offence in relation to the company, it may either on the application of any person interested in the winding up or of its own motion, direct the liquidator either himself to prosecute the offender or to refer the matter to the Registrar. In the course of voluntary winding up, if it appears to the liquidator that any officer, past or present, or any member of the company has been guilty of any offence in relation to the company, he shall forthwith report the matter to the Registrar. Where any such report is made to the Registrar, he may, if he thinks fit, refer the matter to the Central Government for further investigation. Where the Registrar finds that the case is not one in which the proceedings ought to be taken by him he shall inform the liquidator who may with the sanction of the Court, himself take proceedings against the offender. Where the liquidator does not make any report to the Registrar but an offence appears to the Court to have been committed, the Court may on the application of any person interested in the winding up or on its own motion direct the liquidator to make such report.
(dccciv) In the case of companies under voluntary winding up, if the liquidator finds that any past or present member or officer is guilty of an offence, he should make a reference to the Registrar and to furnish him such information as he may require. The Registrar has to be allowed access to all the books and papers in the custody and control of the liquidator which might be relevant to the matter in question. If the liquidator does not report, any person interested in the winding up may apply to the Court for an order or the Court may of its own motion direct the liquidator to make such a reference to the Registrar. On receipt of the report, if the Registrar is of the view that the case does not merit prosecution of the offender he will inform the liquidator accordingly. The liquidator may, however, himself prosecute the offender with the sanction of the Court. In cases where the Registrar considers that prosecution ought to be launched he shall refer the matter to the Central Government. Before making the reference he is required to give to the accused person an opportunity of being heard. The Central Government may after taking such legal advice, as it thinks fit, direct the Registrar to institute proceedings. Disposal of Books and Papers of the Company Section 550 provides for the manner in which the books and papers of the company and those of the liquidator are to be disposed of when the affairs of the company have been wound up and is about to be dissolved. It is provided that the books and papers of the company should be disposed of in the following manner. (a) in the case of winding up by or subject to the supervision of the Court, in such manner as may be directed by the Court; (b) in the case of members voluntary winding up in the manner as the company may, by special resolution, direct; (c) in the case of creditors voluntary winding up, in such manner as the Committee of Inspection or, if there is no such Committee, as the creditors of the company may direct. The company or liquidator or the person to whom custody of books and papers is entrusted is not responsible for producing the books and papers after the expiry of a period of five years from the date of dissolution. The Central Government may frame rules to prevent the destruction of the books and papers of the company which has been wound up and of its liquidator for such period as it may think proper but not exceeding five years. Rule 15 of the Companies (Central Governments) General Rules and Forms, 1956 provides that these books and papers shall not be destroyed for a period of five years. Any contributory or creditor or liquidator of the company, may make a representation of destroying these books and papers at a period earlier than five years. After considering as may be concerned with the matter, the Central Government may decide to reduce the period as may be considered proper or keep the period unaltered. An appeal against the directions of the Central Government can be made to the Court. Annual Statement Section 551 provides that if the winding up of the company is not concluded
(dcccv) within one year of the commencement, the liquidator shall file a statement in the prescribed form containing the prescribed particulars duly audited by the person qualified to act as auditor of the company with respect to proceedings and position of the liquidation. The statement is required to be filed in the Court where the company is being wound up by or subject to the supervision of the Court. A copy of the statement is required to be filed simultaneously with the Registrar. A copy is also required to be kept in the records of the company. Where the company is being wound up voluntarily, the statement is required to be filed with the Registrar. In case of Government company in liquidation, the liquidator shall forward a copy of the statement to the Central Government or State Government or to both as the case may be depending upon which Government is a member of the company. The filing of the statement is to be done within two months of the expiry of the period of one year and thereafter until the winding up is concluded at intervals of not more than one year or at such shorter intervals as may be prescribed. The statement to be filed with the Official Liquidator should be in Form No. 153 of the Companies (Court) Rules, 1959. Court to ascertain the wishes of Creditors and Shareholders Section 557 provides that in all matters relating to the winding up of the company, the Court may ascertain the wishes of the creditors or the contributories of the company. For this purpose, the Court may: (a) direct for calling, holding and conducting of the meeting of the creditors or contributories in such manner as it may think proper; (b) appoint a person to act as a Chairman of such meeting and to report the result thereof to the Court. While ascertaining the wishes of the creditors the Court shall have regard to the value of each creditors debt. In the case of contributories, the Court shall have regard to the number of votes which may be cast by each contributory. 12. WINDING UP OF UNREGISTERED COMPANIES Section 582 of the Act specifies unregistered companies, which may be wound up by the order of the Court under the provisions of Part X of the Act. By virtue of that section, an unregistered company does not include the following: (a) a railway company incorporated by any Act of Parliament or other Indian Law or any Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom; (b) a company registered under the Companies Act, 1956; or (c) a company registered under any previous companies law and not being a company the registered office whereof was in Burma, Aden or Pakistan immediately before the separation of that country from India. Except as aforesaid, any partnership, association or company consisting of more than seven members at the time when the petition for winding up the partnership, association or company, as the case may be, is presented before the Court, will be deemed to be an unregistered company and may be wound up by the order of the Court. It should be noted that if the number of members is not more than seven, the Court has no jurisdiction to wind up such a company. In Polaroid Industries v. Nav Nirman Co. (2001) 105 Comp. Cas. 188, it was held that an unregistered partnership is an unregistered company and winding up of such
(dcccvi) partnership is permissible under Section 583, if number of partners are more than seven. An unregistered company, which includes any partnership or association, is liable to be wound up like any company if it is hit by conditions prescribed in Section 433, but the prerequisite for such winding up is that it should be established that the partnership or association has more than seven members. Otherwise, petition for winding up is not maintainable. [Makhan Singh v. Raja Oil Mills (2000) 38 CLA 74]. In Smt. M.V. Parsvarthavardhana v. M.V. Ganesh Prasad (1999) 35 CLA 318 it was held that a partnership firm can be wound up even if there is arbitration clause. It was also held that even if partnership firm is dissolved, the partnership subsists for the purpose of winding up its business and adjusting the rights of partners inter-se. An illegal association formed in contravention of Section 11 of the Companies Act, 1956, is not an unregistered company as defined by Section 582 above, and cannot be wound up under Section 583" as was held in Raghubar Dayal v. The Sarafa Chamber, AIR 1954 All. 555 that the Court cannot entertain a petition for winding up of a company formed in contravention of the provisions of Section 4 (now Section 11) of the Act. An unregistered company not being company as defined in the Act cannot be wound up under Part VII of the Act which deals with winding up of companies. The legislature has, therefore, enacted special provisions in Part X to provide for the winding up of unregistered companies legitimately or lawfully formed. The circumstances in which an unregistered company may be wound up by the Court are following: (a) if the company is dissolved, or has ceased to carry on business, or is carrying on business only for the purpose of winding up its affairs; (b) if the company is unable to pay its debts; (c) if the Court is of the opinion that it is just and equitable that the company should be wound up. When unregistered company unable to pay its debts An unregistered company shall be deemed to be unable to pay its debts: (i) if a creditor, to whom the company owes more than Rs. 500 has served on the company a demand under his hand requiring the company to pay the sum so due, and the company has for three weeks after the service of demand, neglected to pay the sum or to secure or to compound for it to the satisfaction of the creditor; or (ii) if any other suit or other legal proceeding has been instituted against any member for any debt or demand due, or claimed to be due, from the company, or from him in his character as member, and notice in writing of the institution of the suit or other legal proceeding having been served on the company, the company has not, within ten days after service of the notice, paid, secured or compounded for the debt or demand or procured the suit or other legal proceeding to be stayed, or indemnified the defendant to his satisfaction against the suit or other legal proceeding; or (iii) if execution or other process issued on a decree of Court is returned unsatisfied; or (iv) if it is otherwise proved that the company is unable to pay its debts (Section
(dcccvii) 583). An unregistered company cannot be wound up either voluntarily or subject to the supervision of the Court. It can only be wound up by the Court. For the purpose of determining the jurisdiction of the Court in the matter of winding up, the State where the company has its principal place of business is deemed to be the State in which the registered office of the company is situated. If the principal place of business is situated in more than one State then the State in which the winding up proceedings are instituted is deemed to be the State in which the registered office of the company is situated. Winding up of Foreign Company as Unregistered Company Section 584 provides that where a company incorporated outside India (i.e. a foreign company) has been carrying on business in India, ceases to carry on business in India, it may be ordered to be wound up as an unregistered company, even though the company has been dissolved or ceases to exist by virtue of the laws of the country under which it was incorporated. Contributories in winding up of an unregistered company Where an unregistered company is being wound up, every person shall be deemed to be a contributory, who is liable to pay, or contribute to the payment of: (a) any debt or liability of the company; or (b) any sum for the adjustment of the rights of the members among themselves; or (c) the cost, charges and expenses of the winding up of the company. Every contributory shall be liable to contribute to the assets of the company, all sums due from him in respect of any liability to pay or contribute as aforesaid, and in the event of death or insolvency of any contributory the provisions of the Act with respect to legal representatives of deceased contributories or with respect to assignees of insolvent contributories shall apply (Section 585). As regards legal proceedings and stay of proceedings the same provisions as are applicable to a company will apply in the case of an unregistered company. If an unregistered company has no power to sue and be sued in a common name, or if the Court for any other reason considers it expedient, the Court may by winding up order or by any subsequent order, direct that all or any part of the property of all description shall vest in the Official liquidator by his official name. The liquidator may bring or defend in his official name, any suit or other legal proceedings relating to the property or necessary to be brought or defended for the purpose of effectually winding up the company and recovering its property (Section 588). All these provisions relating to the winding up of an unregistered company are in addition to other provisions/relating to winding up of companies by the Court. Role of the Secretary in Winding Up When an order for winding up of a company has been made or a provisional liquidator has been appointed or where a resolution for voluntary winding up has
(dcccviii) been passed, the secretary is required to make out and submit to the Official Liquidator or to provisional liquidator, or the liquidator, as the case may be, within 21 days from the date of appointment of the provisional liquidator or from the commencement of the winding up, a statement, verified by an affidavit, as to the affairs of the company. The statement is required to contain the following particulars, namely: (a) the assets of the company, stating separately: (i) the cash balance in hand and at the bank, if any, and (ii) the negotiable securities, if any, held by the company. (b) its debts and liabilities; (c) the names, residences and occupations of its creditors stating separately: (i) the amount of secured and unsecured debts, and (ii) in the case of secured debts, particulars of the securities given and whether they were given by the company or an officer thereof; (d) the debts due to the company, and (i) the names, residences and occupations of the persons from whom they are due, and (ii) the amount likely to be realised on account thereof; (e) such further statement as the Official Liquidator or liquidator may require [Section 454 read with Section 511A]. The secretary may make an application for dispensing with the requirements of law regarding the making of statement of affairs, showing the special circumstances which, in his opinion, render such a course desirable. The Court may, on such application, dispense with the requirement of making of statement of affairs. The Official Liquidator shall, as soon as possible after his appointment as the provisional liquidator, or after the winding up order, or in the case of a voluntary winding up, after the commencement of the winding up, shall serve a notice on the secretary or other persons who are officers or chief executive officers of the company calling upon them to submit and verify a statement of affairs within 21 days or within such extended time not exceeding three months [Sections 454(2) and 511(A)]. The Official Liquidator or the liquidator in a voluntary winding up may also require persons who had been secretaries of the company within one year before the commencement of the winding up order or before the date of appointment of the provisional liquidator to submit and verify a statement of affairs. The time limit of 21 days may be extended to three months by the Court, Official Liquidator or a liquidator, as the case may be. The statement of affairs is to be made in the prescribed form and the liquidator is required to give adequate facilities to the secretary to make the statement of affairs. The statement of affairs is to be verified by the secretary and the verified statement shall be submitted to the Official Liquidator or liquidator within twenty-one days of the extended time limit, as the case may be. The secretary may submit a bill for his actual expenses for the preparation and making of the statement of affairs. Such costs and expenses shall not be paid until the statement of affairs, verified by an affidavit, has been submitted to the Official
(dcccix) Liquidator or liquidator, as the case may be. The secretary is required to attend on the Official Liquidator or the liquidator if required so to do at such time and place as may be appointed by him. He is further required to answer all such questions as may be put to him by the Official Liquidator or the liquidator. The Official Liquidator or liquidator is required to maintain minutes of such interviews or the memorandum containing the substances of such interviews. Any default, without any reasonable excuse, in complying with the requirements of law of making a statement of affairs is a punishable offence and may be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to two years or a daily fine of rupees one hundred for every day during which the default continues, or with both. The offence is triable only by the winding up Court. After the statement of affairs has been made, the Official Liquidator is required to make a preliminary report to the Court not later than six months from the date of the winding up order or within such extended period as the Court may allow. Where the making of statement of affairs is dispensed with, such preliminary report shall be submitted as soon as practicable after the commencement of the winding up. A creditor or contributory has a right to inspect the statement of affairs and the preliminary report submitted by the Official Liquidator at all reasonable times and to obtain copies there of or extracts therefrom on payment of the prescribed charges. The Official Liquidator may also submit further report or reports: (a) stating the manner in which the company was promoted or formed and whether, in his opinion, any fraud has been committed by any person in its promotion or formation or by any officer of the company in relation to the company since the formation thereof; and (b) any other matter which in his opinion, it is desirable to bring to the notice of the Court. Such report shall set out the names of the persons by whom the fraud, in the opinion of the Official Liquidator or liquidator was committed and the facts on which such opinion is based. On a consideration of the report made by the Official Liquidator, or liquidator, the Court may direct the public examination of the promoters, directors or officers of the company (which will include secretaries) with a view to discovering the facts. The object of the public examination is to get information to enable the Court to determine what course is to be followed with reference to the winding up. After the public examination, the Court may, if it is of opinion that a fraud has been committed. (a) by any person in the promotion or formation of the company; or (b) by any officer of the company in relation to the company since its formation, direct the public examination of such person or officer. Where an order has been made for public examination of any person, the examination shall be held before the judge. The liquidator is to take part in the public examination and employ such legal assistance as may be sanctioned by the Court. Any creditor or contributory may also take part in the public examination and may
(dcccx) appear personally or through an advocate. The person who is examined publicly is to be examined on oath and is required to answer all such questions as the Court may allow to be put to him. A person who is ordered to be publicly examined is required to be furnished, at his own cost, with a copy of the liquidators report. He may, at his own cost, with a copy of the liquidators report. He may, at his own cost, engage a lawyer to defend his case. The notes of the public examination are to be taken down in writing and are required to be read over and signed by the person examined. After the public examination, the Court may start misfeasance proceedings against any officer of the company who is found to have misappropriated or misapplied or retained any money or property of the company or who has become liable or accountable for any money or property of the company or has been guilty of wrongful exercise of lawful authority or breach of trust in relation to the company. The misfeasance proceedings may be started within 5 years from the commencement of the winding up, mis-application, retainer, misfeasance or breach of trust, whichever is longer. As a result of the misfeasance proceedings any amount belonging to the company which is found to have been misappropriated, misapplied or retained or in respect of which any wrongful exercise of any lawful authority has been made or breach of trust has been committed, may be recovered from the concerned officer of the company. Every officer of the company who is found guilty is also liable to be prosecuted for negligence, default, breach of duty, misfeasance or breach of the trust. But every such offence is non-cognizable and no prosecution can be launched except when a complaint in writing has been made by the Registrar of Companies or a shareholder of the company or any person authorised by the Central Government. 13. OUTSOURCING RESPONSIBILITIES TO PROFESSIONALS The absence of involvement and participation of professionals possessing appropriate knowledge and skills can impact the quality and efficiency of the entire process. The National Company law tribunal has also been empowered to pass an order for winding up of a company by the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002. Therefore, Practising Company Secretaries may represent the winding up case in the tribunal. Hitherto, only government officers could act as Official Liquidators. Now professionals like Practising Company Secretary can act as Liquidator in case of winding up by the tribunal as well as voluntary winding up. The professional fees have been fixed at a maximum of 5% of value of assets realized. Legal Position At present Private Liquidator may be appointed only in case of Voluntary Winding Up either by Members or Creditors. After the commencement of the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 Private Liquidator may be appointed by Tribunal in cases of Winding up other than Voluntary Winding Up and National Company Law Tribunal authorized to appoint liquidator who may also be called as deputy or assistant liquidator from the panel of professionals in the cases of winding up.
(dcccxi) Responsibilities General Duties (a) To act in good faith and for proper purpose. (b) Not allow a conflict of interest and duty. (c) Be impartial. (d) To exercise a degree of care and skill. Specific Duties To call meetings of the Members/Creditors as per provisions of the Act Meetings are required to be held at specific intervals and happenings of certain events as provided in the Act. To give notices of appointment to all concerned authorities Notice of appointment shall be given to Income Tax, Sales Tax, Excise, Property Tax and other concerned authorities. It is expected that they shall expedite the assessment and crystallize the liability. To keep proper books of accounts & other books Maintenance of proper records is very important part of liquidators duty. He is required to submit half yearly report to the ROC in Form 153 and give report on liquidation proceedings. Maintenance of other books does help him in preparing the same. This report covers areas such as receipt and payment statement for the period, statement of status of assets, status of creditors, estimation of outstanding to be realized, causes for delay, if any, probable date of completion of winding up, statement of pending legal cases etc. To maintain all records of proceedings of liquidation It is expected to maintain various books as provided in the court rules. To secure control of the assets and papers Control of assets includes insurance of property and providing security to protect the assets. To realize assets and debts It seems to be very simple duty to realize assets and debts but practically most difficult part, buyers do talk about only defects in the assets. They try to buy the same at scrap value. Also debtors do not respond at all or claim that they had paid the dues. Even after getting ex-parte decree difficulties are faced in tracing the debtors and execution of decree by attachment. To ascertain liabilities and discharge them Here also liabilities of creditors can be fixed faster but liability of Tax authorities
(dcccxii) and workmen are most difficult to be fixed in time. One has to face trade union and their abnormal demands. To distribute surplus to the contributories Problem can be there in finalizing list of contributories even though list is provided. As the company is in existence all types of transactions do continue like Demat facility, transfer and transmission cases etc. To comply with all applicable laws and Court Rules for dissolution To name few - Company Law, Labour Laws, Income Tax, Sales Tax, Pollution Control, National Statistics, Provident Fund, ESI, Banking, Municipal Law, Depository Act, Securities Contract Act, SEBI, Listing Agreement, Specific law applicable to that industry. Authority Private liquidator has authority: (a) To institute or defend any suit or prosecution. (b) To carry on business necessary for beneficial winding up. (c) To sell immovable and movable assets. (d) To raise security on assets. (e) To do all necessary things for winding up the affairs. In case of voluntary winding up liquidator is entering the shoes of Board of Directors. Enjoying full authority to decide the matter but he has to discharge his responsibilities and comply with applicable provisions of various laws. Company remains live till the order of dissolution by the Tribunal and hence liquidator is required to submit all necessary returns in time. Consider the provisions of TDS, Capital Gain and finally sales tax set off. After the amendment Act in other cases of winding up liquidator will be under the supervision and control of Company Law Tribunal as at presently Official Liquidator is under the supervision and control of the court. Remuneration Most important aspect for any practitioner is reward for his efforts. One must be very cautious while fixing the remuneration because no one is having the authority to increase the same subsequently. As the Company remains live till dissolution liquidator is expected to follow the procedure as given in tax laws i.e. preparation of balance sheet and filing the same with Income Tax. Accounts of liquidator can be of different period but the Balance sheet must be as of 31st March. TDS deduction and filing of return is must. Sales Tax returns are required to be filed till the cancellation of sales tax number even though they are nil returns. Demat facility continues. Listing continues with the exchange though they do not allow trading of scrip. Nothing is automatic in Voluntary winding up including retrenchment of workers. Keeping in view the large role for professionals and experts in the insolvency
(dcccxiii) process, the Irani Committee has recommended the recognition of the concept of insolvency Practitioners in its report. If the recommendations of the Irani Committee including those extracted above meet the favour of policy makers, the Indian insolvency system will undergo a revolutionary change bringing it at par with the international benchmark. The professionals will get the opportunity to participate and perform various roles in the insolvency process. The professionals would be able to get appointed as liquidators, administrators, valuers, turnaround advisors, and supervisors besides performing the services such as representing and advising creditor committees, individual creditors and other stakeholders, investigator, inspector, auctioneer, trustees, security advisors, etc. 14. ROLE OF INSOLVENCY PRACTITIONERS Currently, the Indian law does not support effective participation of professionals and experts in the insolvency process. While government officials are appointed as liquidators under the Companies Act, 1956, banks and financial institutions act as operating agency under the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 to prepare revival and rehabilitation schemes. In fact, the Indian law does not provide the framework that recognizes the various services that can be provided through the professionals. There is no privatization of any part of insolvency process. Outsourcing is limited and disorganized. This has contributed to the inefficiency of the rehabilitation and liquidation process. Some progress was made with the passing of the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 (Second Amendment) which provides for appointment of liquidators from a panel of firms of Chartered Accountants, Cost & Work Accountants, Advocates, Company Secretaries or others, as may be prescribed. Engagement of experts (Insolvency Practitioners) in the insolvency process enhances the efficiency of the insolvency system. Insolvency laws adopt a number of different approaches to selection and appointment of an insolvency Practitioner. The UNCITRAL Guide identified four main selection processes in different country systems. The insolvency Practitioners can be selected from a number of different backgrounds such as from the ranks of the business community, from the employees of a specialized governmental agency or from a private panel of qualified persons like lawyers, accountants or other professionals. In some jurisdictions, the insolvency law provides that a particular public official titled the Official Trustee, the Official Receiver, the Official Assignee or in some other name automatically will be appointed to all insolvency cases or to certain types of insolvency cases. India follows this process under the Companies Act, 1956. In many countries, the insolvency Practitioners (IP) must be a natural person, but some countries do provide that a legal person may also be eligible for appointment, subject to certain requirements such as that the individuals to undertake the work on behalf of the legal person are appropriately qualified and that the legal person itself is subject to regulation. In many jurisdictions, it is the court that selects, appoints and supervises the insolvency Practitioners. The selection may be made from a list of appropriately qualified professionals at the discretion of the court. This is what is proposed by Second Amendment. In some jurisdictions it may be
(dcccxiv) made by reference to a roster or rotation system or by some other means, such as the recommendation of the creditors or the debtor. While ensuring fair and impartial distribution of cases, one possible disadvantage of a roster system is that it may not ensure the appointment of the person most qualified to conduct the particular case. In some jurisdictions, a separate office or institution which is charged with the general regulation of all insolvency Practitioners selects the insolvency Practitioners after the court directs it to do so. This approach may have the advantage of allowing the independent appointing authority to draw upon professionals that will have the expertise and knowledge to deal with the circumstances of a particular case, including the nature of the debtors business or other activities; the type of assets; the market in which the debtor operates or has operated; the special knowledge required to understand the debtors affairs; or some other special circumstance. The use of an independent appointing authority will depend upon the existence of an appropriate body or institution that has both the resources and infrastructure necessary to perform the required functions; otherwise it will require the establishment of an appropriate body or institution. Another approach allows creditors to play a role in recommending and selecting the insolvency Practitioners to be appointed, provided that the person meets the qualifications for serving in the specific case. The approaches that rely upon the independent appointing authority and the creditor committee may serve to avoid perceptions of bias and assist in reducing the supervisory burden placed upon the courts. A different approach permits the debtor to appoint the insolvency Practitioners in those cases where reorganization proceedings are commenced by the debtor. This approach allows discussions to take place between the debtor and other parties, such as secured creditors, before commencement of the proceedings to familiarise the prospective representative with the business and allows the debtor to select an insolvency Practitioner that it considers will best be able to conduct the reorganization. Concerns may be raised, however, as to the independence of the insolvency Practitioners. These may be addressed by permitting creditors, in appropriate circumstances, to replace an insolvency Practitioner appointed by the debtor. The Irani Committee proposes a process wherein empanelment will be done by an independent body and appointment to be made out of them by NCLT. It is therefore clear that it is essential to filter the feeder streams so that professionals possessing appropriate skills and knowledge can be appointed to provide the various services in the insolvency process. These professionals will be termed as insolvency Practitioners. Remuneration In addition to the reimbursement of the proper expenses incurred in the course of administration of the estate, the IP will be entitled to receive remuneration for its services. One of the main concerns that arise therefore is that of determination of remuneration of insolvency Practitioners. It is necessary that the remuneration is commensurate with the qualifications of the IP and the tasks it is required to perform,
(dcccxv) and achieve a balance between risk and reward in order to attract appropriately qualified professionals. UNCITRAL Guide examines the several methods adopted for calculating that remuneration. It notes that remuneration may be fixed by reference to an approved scale of fees set by a government agency or professional association; determined by the general body of creditors, the court or some other administrative body or tribunal in a particular case; based upon the time properly spent by the IP (and the various categories of person who are likely to work on the insolvency administration from office staff through to the principal appointee) on administration of the estate; or it could be based upon a percentage of the quantum of the assets of the estate which are realized or distributed or a combination of both (calculated at the end of the procedure when the assets have been sold and the value determined). A time-based method operates in some cases as an incentive to maximise the time spent on administration without necessarily achieving a proportional return of value to the estate. An advantage of the commission system, at least from the creditors perspective, is that at least some, if not a substantial proportion, of the assets recovered will be distributed to them. From the insolvency Practitioners point of view, however, it may be an uncertain method of calculation because the amount of work involved in an administration is not necessarily proportional to the value of assets available for distribution. It may also encourage an approach of maximum return for minimum cost and provides little incentive for undertaking functions which are not directly related to increasing returns to creditors, such as obligations to report to both the court and to creditors, and to assist regulatory authorities with investigations into the debtors affairs and possible misconduct. This method of calculation may also lead, in very large cases, to significantly large fees being paid out of the estate, which can deter both creditor and debtor applications. In some countries, the creditors play a role in fixing or approving the remuneration, having regard to factors such as the complexity of the case, the nature and degree of the responsibilities of the insolvency Practitioners and the effectiveness with which these have been discharged, as well as the value and nature of the assets of the estate. Unattractive fees face the risk of disincentavising the best talent from offering their services. The experts and best of the professionals expect appropriate fees for their services. High fees paid to insolvency Practitioners have been subject of criticism and debate. Clearly, there will be need to establish guidelines for remuneration. The United Kingdom took an initiative in this direction by issuing a Policy Statement in the year 2004 The Fixing and Approval of the Remuneration of Appointees (2004) setting out the courts approach to, and basis for, determining applications for remuneration. The Statement identifies eight guiding principles by which applications are to be considered by the court and should be considered by applicants in the preparation and presentation of their applications. These guiding principles are: Justification Benefit of the doubt (against the appointee)
(dcccxvi) Professional integrity Value of service rendered Fairness and reasonableness Proportionality Professional guidance Impracticality Inspiration and guidance can be drawn from the 2004 principles. Liability The standard of care to be employed by the insolvency Practitioners and its personal liability are important to the conduct of insolvency proceedings. Establishing a measure for the care, diligence and skill with which the insolvency Practitioner is to carry out its duties and functions requires that the difficult circumstances in which the insolvency Practitioners finds itself when fulfilling its duties are taken into account and balanced against payment of an appropriate level of remuneration and the need to attract qualified persons to act as insolvency Practitioners. A balance is also desirable between a standard that will ensure competent performance of the duties of the insolvency Practitioners and one that is so stringent it invites law suits against the insolvency Practitioners and raises the costs of its services. The insolvency law will also need to take into consideration the fact that the liability of the insolvency Practitioners may often involve the application of law outside of insolvency, or where the insolvency Practitioner is a member of a professional organization, the relevant professional standards of the organization. Under many legal systems, the insolvency Practitioner will be liable in a civil action for damages arising from its misfeasance or malfeasance, although different approaches are taken to setting the standard required. To some extent, the measure adopted will depend upon how the insolvency Practitioner is appointed and the nature of the appointment (e.g. a private practitioner as opposed to a government employee). One approach may be to require the insolvency Practitioner to observe a standard no more stringent than would be expected to apply to the debtor in undertaking its normal business activities in a state of solvency, that of a prudent person in that position. Some countries, however, may require a higher standard of prudence in such a case because the insolvency Practitioner is dealing with assets belonging to another person, not its own assets. A different formulation is one based upon an expectation that the insolvency Practitioner acts in good faith for proper purposes. A further approach may be based upon the standard of care required to determine negligence. One means of addressing the issue of liability for damages may be to require the insolvency Practitioner to post a bond or take out insurance to cover loss of assets of the estate or possible damages payable as a result of a breach of its duties. A number of insolvency laws require both payment of a bond and insurance where the bond will cover one kind of damage and the insurance another, while others require only insurance. In some cases the level of the bond required relates to the book value of the assets of the insolvency estate, in others both the value of the bond and the amount of insurance cover required are established in the rules of the relevant
(dcccxvii ) professional association or regulatory body, or even in the insolvency law. A further distinction between the two approaches may relate to the procedure for making a claim for damages and whether it is different for claiming against a bond or against insurance. Paying a bond or obtaining personal indemnity insurance however, may not be possible in all countries and other solutions will be needed. In designing the solution to this issue, a balance may be desirable between controlling the costs of the service provided by insolvency Practitioners and distributing the risks of the insolvency process among the participants, rather than placing it entirely upon the insolvency Practitioners on the basis of availability of personal indemnity insurance. Another issue may be the personal liability of the insolvency Practitioners for obligations incurred in the ordinary course of insolvency proceedings, particularly in reorganization, such as those relating to the ongoing operation of the business. The advantages of adopting an approach that makes the insolvency Practitioners personally liable would be that it creates certainty for suppliers to the debtor and may operate as a check to the incurring of debt. At the same time, however, it may also operate as a disincentive if the risk of personal liability far exceeds the fees that may be earned. One solution is to make only the assets of the estate liable, rather than the personal assets of the insolvency Practitioners. A further issue of liability relates to liability of the insolvency Practitioners for wrongful acts of the debtor depending upon the level of control the insolvency Practitioner exercises over the debtors activities. Under some laws the insolvency Practitioner may be made liable for the wrongful acts of the debtor during the period of its control, but it is not desirable that the insolvency Practitioner be liable for acts of the debtor, such as environmental damage, occurring prior to its appointment as insolvency Practitioner. Need for Regulatory framework The legislation and implementation of the framework will require further study, discussion and is expected to take time. There are a number of issues that require to be debated. It is therefore essential that initiatives are adopted by the policy makers and the professional bodies in the meantime which can create a suitable environment for smooth transition when a formal framework is created. The first initiative required is the setting up of an association of insolvency practitioners drawn from various feeder disciplines. The association should develop into a representative body which can enter into a dialogue with policy makers and debate the various issues to form a consensus on the regime that should be created for insolvency practice. 15. CORPORATE INSOLVENCY AND PROCESS IN UNITED KINGDOM AND UNITED STATES OF AMERICA International insolvency has over the years gained a prominence, excited much interest, aroused speculation in the fields of both academia and practice, that seems amply justified in the light of the often spectacular insolvencies on an international scale, particularly those which have affected institutions in the financial sector. Apart from this, the increasing cross border business ventures have made it necessary to be aware of the legislative framework with regard to corporate insolvency and latest developments in other countries. A brief discussion on law relating to corporate insolvency in United Kingdom and United States of America, is given hereunder: United Kingdom
(dcccxviii ) In United Kingdom the insolvency legislation is consolidated in the Insolvency Act, 1986. The insolvency proceedings governed by this Act falls under two categories namely: (i) Insolvency proceedings in respect of companies registered under the Companies Act, 1985 and unregistered companies; (ii) Insolvency proceedings in respect of individuals known as bankruptcy. The law relating to corporate insolvency encompasses receivership, administrative receivership, administration, liquidation. Receivership is a limited process where a person is appointed to administer specific property owned by a debtor company, on behalf of the person holding a fixed charge or mortgage over the property. Administrative receivership is a process similar to receivership but usually extending to all the assets owned by a debtor company and covered by a floating charge. A floating charge is said to hover over a debtor companys assets until some default is made in the terms, at which time it becomes fixed on the assets then in existence. Administration is a process to enable a company to reorganize its business under the control of an administrator and with the sanction of the court. Liquidation (also known as winding-up) is a process whereby an insolvency practitioner (the liquidator) is appointed for the purpose of collecting in and realising the assets of a company and distributing the amounts realised in order to satisfy, to the extent possible, its liabilities, and to distribute any surplus to its shareholders. Liquidation is governed by Part IV of the Insolvency Act, 1986. A company can be wound up compulsorily by the court or voluntarily by shareholders resolution. Compulsory Liquidation is governed by Sections 117-162 of the Insolvency Act. The court may make an order that a company be wound up on the presentation of a petition by the company, its directors or a creditor or shareholder on various grounds, including that the company is unable to pay its debts which includes a failure to meet a demand (in a prescribed form) for a debt of 750 or more. On the making of the order, the Official Receiver acts as liquidator but, where there are sufficient assets to meet the expense, meetings of creditors and shareholders may be called to appoint a licensed insolvency practitioner as liquidator. In the event that the meetings nominate different liquidators, the choice of the creditors prevails. The Official Receiver may also ask the Secretary of State to appoint a practitioner as liquidator. Voluntary liquidations fall into two categories and are governed by Sections 84116 of the Insolvency Act. Both are commenced by a resolution of the shareholders that the company be wound up and that a named licensed insolvency practitioner be appointed the liquidator. If the directors make a statutory declaration of solvency in accordance with Section 89 of the Insolvency Act within five weeks prior to the resolution, the liquidation will proceed as a members voluntary liquidation. Otherwise the process will be a creditors voluntary liquidation and a meeting of creditors must be held within 14 days of the members resolution. If the meeting of creditors nominates a practitioner other than the one nominated by the members as liquidator, the creditors choice will prevail. On the appointment of a liquidator in a creditors voluntary winding-up, all powers of the directors cease except so far as are preserved by the creditors committee or
(dcccxix) the creditors. If the shareholders do not appoint a liquidator, the powers of the directors are not exercisable except so far as are necessary to secure compliance to convene a meeting of creditors, the production of a statement of affairs and to protect the assets or dispose of perishable assets. In a voluntary liquidation, the company must cease to carry on its business except so far as is necessary for its beneficial winding-up. In a compulsory liquidation, the liquidator has no power to carry on the business, even to that extent, without the sanction of the court or (if appointed at the creditors meeting) the committee of creditors. In all liquidations, the claims of creditors cease to be enforceable against the company and the creditors financial entitlement is only to receive dividends by reference to claims admitted to proof, in accordance with the statutory order of payments. In a compulsory liquidation, disposals of the companys property between the petition and the order are avoided unless validated by the court and, in all liquidations, creditors cannot generally retain the benefit of incomplete attachments and executions or maintain or commence actions or proceedings against the company or its property. The main powers of a liquidator are set out in Sections 165-168 of the Insolvency Act and Schedule IV. These must be exercised solely for the purpose of the beneficial realisation of the companys assets and distribution of the proceeds. The powers are wide-ranging and sufficient for the purpose of a complete liquidation of the companys assets, although certain powers are exercisable only with the sanction of the court or the committee of creditors, the detail depending upon the type of liquidation. The liquidator also has powers of administrative nature allowing him to administer the procedure relating to proof of debt and to distribute dividends to creditors after meeting the expenses of the liquidation. In carrying out his functions, the liquidator has power to seek to enlarge the estate by taking action to avoid certain pre-liquidation transactions and, as office-holder, has certain duties and inquisitorial powers. White Paper on Competition and Insolvency The UK Government has published a White Paper on Insolvency, part of a package of wide-ranging reforms to competition and insolvency rules. The White Paper considers insolvency reform from two angles, the corporate and the personal. However, we are focusing on the Corporate Insolvency portion only. In respect of matters of corporate insolvency, the Government aims to create a fairer system for insolvency matters, one in which there is a duty of care to all creditors, who are all able to participate. The White Papers main proposals regarding corporate insolvency are as follows: To remove the right of the holder of a floating charge to appoint an administrative receiver; this will apply to all except recognised investment exchanges or clearing houses. To streamline the administration procedure so that it becomes a fully
(dcccxx) effective procedure under all circumstances. To abolish the issue of Crown preference in all cases of insolvency i.e., removing the right of the VAT and the taxman to take priority over ordinary creditors. However, this will not affect the rights of employees to be treated preferentially in respect to wages and holiday pay. As regards the streamlining of administration orders, the aims of this proposal are: to make the procedure more effective and accessible to give ordinary creditors a greater say in the insolvency process and its outcome, and not to make secured creditors who presently have the right of veto, feel at risk. These changes would be effected by enabling a floating charge holder i.e. a bank with a debenture to present a petition for administration in the event that the borrower had defaulted and that the debt owing was due. In cases of urgency a new interim procedure would allow petition without notice. The Court would be able to make an interim administration order with an interim administrator, who would then have to report back to the Court within 14 days. On receipt of the administrators report, the Court would be able to make either an administration or winding up order, or such other order as it deems appropriate. The paper has also added a new statutory purpose for which the order may be made: to enable to realisation of the security of a floating charge holder while taking into account the prospect of preserving all or part of the insolvent business. There are a number of significant changes being proposed to the present procedure: Secured creditors would lose their power of veto, although would still have to be given notice of such a petition. The present three-month period referred in Section 23 of the Insolvency Act, 1986 would be reduced to 28 days, subject to any leave of the Court to extend it. Consideration would be given to extending the criteria of eligibility, so that foreign companies would also be able to apply for protection by way of an administration order. Therefore, there are a number of changes currently afoot in insolvency practice and procedure. There is also a possibility of the Government altering the balance between limited company protection and personal liability of directors in order to encourage entrepreneurship. United States of America The US has a parallel system of insolvency or bankruptcy laws at Federal as well as States Level. Each state has laws governing the insolvency of a corporation or other legal persons, while the federal government has enacted the US Bankruptcy Code (the Bankruptcy Code), which is applicable to all states. Since the enactment of
(dcccxxi) the Bankruptcy Code, it is safe to observe that a majority of the insolvency cases, which are conducted under court supervision, take place under the Bankruptcy Code. In part, this is due to the few restrictions placed upon who may be a debtor. The Bankruptcy Code prohibits only the following persons from filing a petition for relief under the Bankruptcy Code, domestic or foreign insurance companies, banks, savings and loan associations, small business investment companies and similar federally insured institutions providing that these types of persons only may seek relief from their creditors using the laws of the State in which they are registered or incorporated. The Bankruptcy Code establishes mainly two types of bankruptcy cases liquidations or straight bankruptcy and reorganisations or rehabilitative cases. Under liquidation, a trustee is automatically appointed by the Office of the US Trustee and, subsequently, is either confirmed or replaced by vote of the creditors of the debtor. Under reorganisations the trustee has the duty of collecting and reducing to money property of the debtors estate, may be authorised to operate the debtors business, and is required to make a distribution to creditors, if sufficient funds exist. In case of liquidation, the debtor generally, will be discharged from all of its prebankruptcy filing debts and obligations. In reorganisation case, a trustee is not automatically appointed and the debtor remains in possession, operating its business and managing its affairs as it did prior to the bankruptcy filing. If a sufficient number of creditors or shareholders express an interest, statutory committees of unsecured creditors and/or shareholders may be appointed by the US Trustee. The purpose of these committees is to more efficiently represent creditors holding similar claims or shareholders holding similar equity interest and, in turn, to facilitate the negotiation and confirmation of a plan of reorganisation. With respect to the formation of a plan of reorganisation, the debtor possesses during the first 120 days of the bankruptcy case (and through any subsequent court ordered extension of this period), the exclusive right to file and confirm a numerous other significant events may take place in reorganisation case, including the acceptance or rejection of executory contracts, motions for relief from the automatic stay, post-petition financing orders and orders seeking the use of cash collateral, actions seeking the recovery of preferential transfers and fraudulent conveyances, and motions to sell assets. A plan of reorganisation may be confirmed by the bankruptcy court, subject to certain exceptions, when: creditors or equity holders of each particular class of claims or equity interests owning at least two-thirds in amount and one-half in number of the claims or interests in that class vote to accept the plan or when at least one impaired class votes in favour of the plan and the plan is fair and equitable with respect to the remaining classes.
There are fundamental differences between winding up and dissolution as regards the legal procedure is involved. A company may be wound up by the Court i.e. compulsory winding up; by voluntary winding up (members voluntary winding up or creditors voluntary
(dcccxxii )
winding up) or winding up subject to the supervision of the Court.
The process of winding up has important consequences for different parties like contributories, creditors, officers of the company. Section 457 confers on the liquidator in winding up by the Court, certain specific powers necessary for the performance of his duties in relation to winding up. Under Section 546, the liquidator may exercise certain powers with the sanction of the Court in winding up by or under the supervision of the Court, and with the sanction of the special resolution of the company in voluntary winding up. Section 538 stipulates the offences for which officers of a company in winding up are made liable to be punished with imprisonment or with fine or with both. Section 582 specifies unregistered companies which may be wound up by the order of the Court under the provisions of Part X of the Act. Professionals like Practising Company Secretary can act as liquidator in case of winding up by the tribunal as well as voluntary winding up.
SELF-TEST QUESTIONS (These are meant for recapitulation only. Answers to these questions are not required to be submitted for evaluation). 1. What are the various modes of winding up? 2. What is compulsory winding up? Who are entitled to make a petition to the Court? 3. Describe the duties and powers of liquidator appointed by the Court. 4. Discuss the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956 regarding appointment and removal of a liquidator appointed by the Court. 5. Write brief note on the liquidators right of disclaimer. 6. Define an unregistered company and point out how and when such a company can be wound up? 7. Write short notes on the following: (a) Committee of Inspection. (b) Public examination. (c) Dissolution of company. (d) Commencement of winding up. 8. A voluntary liquidator is more rightly described as an agent of the company. Discuss. 9. How is a Committee of Inspection in a compulsory winding up appointed? What are its functions? How is any vacancy in the Committee filled up? 10. What is a Statement of Affairs? State the contents that must be included therein. By whom and within what time limit should it be made? 11. Discuss in brief the role of a company secretary in winding up of a company.
(dcccxxiii ) STUDY XV
LEARNING OBJECTIVES The phenomenon of Insolvency is experienced in every civilized community. Crossborder insolvency is the expression frequently employed to designate those cases of insolvency where assets, or liabilities, of an insolvent debtor are located in two or more separate jurisdictions, or where the personal circumstances of the debtor are such as to render him or it simultaneously subject to the insolvency laws of more than one country. National insolvency laws are found ill equipped to deal with cases of cross border insolvency. A model law is designed to assist states to equip their insolvency laws, which is recommended to states for incorporation into their national laws. After going through this study, you will be able to learn:
Corporate Insolvency Development of UNCITRAL Model law Salient features of Model law World Bank Principles Summary of World Bank Principles Reforms in Insolvency laws Legislative response to the reform process Role of professionals in Insolvency process.
1. CORPORATE INSOLVENCY Company is a juridical person created under the Companies Act, 1956 (the Act) and for all practical purposes, the law views a company to be a natural person so as to enable it to hold properties in its name and to be liable for the debts it had incurred. Just as a natural person can become insolvent, a company can also become insolvent. A company is said to be insolvent when its liabilities exceed its assets which results in its inability to pay off the debts. In all cases of insolvency of a company, the question is not whether the company can pay all its debts presently due or payable in future and continue to function, but whether it is able to meet its current demands and whether its existing and probable assets would suffice to meet future demands. When a company becomes insolvent it is either wound up or revived. When a company is wound up, its assets are realized and liabilities are paid off from the realisation in the manner provided in the Act. Principles of insolvency laws as applicable to an individual are applied to an insolvent company by virtue of Section 529 of the Act. Cross border insolvency issues arise when a non-resident is either a debtor or contributory or creditor of the insolvent Indian company. The other instances include cases where the insolvent debtor has assets in more than one State or where some of the creditors of the debtor are not from the State, where the insolvency proceeding is taking place. 2. DEVELOPMENT OF UNCITRAL MODEL LAW 800
(dcccxxiv ) The increasing incidence of cross-border insolvencies reflects the continuing global expansion of trade and investment. However, national insolvency laws have by and large not kept pace with the trend, and they are often ill-equipped to deal with cases of a cross-border nature. This frequently results in inadequate and inharmonious legal approaches, which hamper the rescue of financially troubled businesses, are not conducive to a fair and efficient administration of cross-border insolvencies, impede the protection of the assets of the insolvent debtor against dissipation and hinder maximization of the value of those assets. Moreover, the absence of predictability in the handling of cross-border insolvency cases impedes capital flow and is a disincentive to cross-border investment. Fraud by insolvent debtors, in particular by concealing assets or transferring them to foreign jurisdictions, is an increasing problem, in terms of both its frequency and its magnitude. The modern, interconnected world makes such fraud easier to conceive and carry out. When the companies get into financial difficulties one of the challenges for the global economic community is how to make sure that the cross-border issues which arise in any resulting restructuring or liquidation can be dealt with in a coordinated and efficient manner. With this in mind the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law approved the text of the UNCITRAL Model law on Cross-Border Insolvency (the Model Law) in May 1997. The Model Law is designed to assist States to equip their insolvency laws with a modern, harmonized and fair framework to address more effectively instances of cross-border insolvency. The Model Law respects the differences among national procedural laws and does not attempt a substantive unification of insolvency law. It offers solutions that help in several significant ways, including : foreign assistance for an insolvency proceeding taking place in the enacting State; foreign representatives access to courts of the enacting State; recognition of foreign proceedings; cross-border cooperation; and coordination of concurrent proceedings. UNCITRAL had also came out with the Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law in 2004. The purpose of the Legislative Guide is to assist the establishment of an efficient and effective legal framework to address the financial difficulty of debtors. It is intended to be used as a reference by national authorities and legislative bodies when preparing new laws and regulations or reviewing the adequacy of existing laws and regulations. The advice provided in the Legislative Guide aims at achieving a balance between the need to address the debtors financial difficulty as quickly and efficiently as possible and the interests of the various parties directly concerned with that financial difficulty, principally creditors and other parties with a stake in the debtors business, as well as public policy concerns. The Legislative Guide addresses the issues central to an effective and efficient insolvency law and assists the reader to evaluate different approaches available and to choose the one most suitable in the national or local context. The Internet home page of UNCITRAL is 3. UNCITRAL MODEL LAW A model law is a legislative text that is recommended to countries for incorporation into their national law. Unlike an international convention, a model law does not require the country enacting it to notify the United Nations or other Nations that they have also enacted it.
(dcccxxv ) Purpose of Model Law The Preamble gives a succinct statement of the basic policy objectives of the Model Law. It is not intended to create substantive rights, but rather to give a general orientation for users of the Model Law and to assist in the interpretation of the Model Law. The purpose of the Model Law is to provide effective mechanisms for dealing with cases of cross-border insolvency so as to promote the objectives of: (a) Cooperation between the courts and other competent authorities of a State and foreign States involved in cases of cross-border insolvency; (b) Greater legal certainty for trade and investment; (c) Fair and efficient administration of cross-border insolvencies that protects the interests of all creditors and other interested persons, including the debtor; (d) Protection and maximization of the value of the debtors assets; and (e) Facilitation of the rescue of financially troubled businesses, thereby protecting investment and preserving employment. GENERAL PROVISIONS Scope of application (Article 1) According to Article 1 of the Model Law, it applies where: (a) Assistance is sought in the enacting State by a foreign court or a foreign representative in connection with a foreign proceeding; or (b) Assistance is sought in a foreign State in connection with a proceeding under the laws of the enacting State relating to insolvency; or (c) A foreign proceeding and a proceeding under the laws of the enacting State relating to insolvency in respect of the same debtor are taking place concurrently; or (d) Creditors or other interested persons in a foreign State have an interest in requesting the commencement of, or participating in, a proceeding under the laws of the enacting State relating to insolvency. It further says that the Model Law does not apply to a proceeding concerning any types of entities, such as banks or insurance companies, that are subject to a special insolvency regime in a State and that State wishes to exclude from the Law (the type of entity to be excluded may be designated). Banks or insurance companies are mentioned as examples of entities that the enacting State might decide to exclude from the scope of the Model Law. The reason for the exclusion would be that the insolvency of such entities gives rise to the particular need to protect vital interests of a large number of individuals, or that the insolvency of those entities usually requires particularly prompt and circumspect action (for instance to avoid massive withdrawals of deposits). For those reasons, the insolvency of such types of entities is in many States administered under a special regulatory regime. The enacting State might decide to exclude the insolvency of entities other than banks and insurance companies. Definitions (Article 2)
(dcccxxvi ) For the purposes of this Law: (a) "Foreign proceeding" means a collective judicial or administrative proceeding in a foreign State, including an interim proceeding, pursuant to a law relating to insolvency in which proceeding the assets and affairs of the debtor are subject to control or supervision by a foreign court, for the purpose of reorganization or liquidation; (b) "Foreign main proceeding" means a foreign proceeding taking place in the State where the debtor has the centre of its main interests; (c) "Foreign non-main proceeding" means a foreign proceeding, other than a foreign main proceeding, taking place in a State where the debtor has an establishment within the meaning of subparagraph (f) of this Article; (d) "Foreign representative" means a person or body, including one appointed on an interim basis, authorized in a foreign proceeding to administer the reorganization or the liquidation of the debtors assets or affairs or to act as a representative of the foreign proceeding; (e) "Foreign court" means a judicial or other authority competent to control or supervise a foreign proceeding; (f) "Establishment" means any place of operations where the debtor carries out a non-transitory economic activity with human means and goods or services. Meaning of State The word "State", as used in the preamble and throughout the Model Law, refers to the country that enacts the Law (the "enacting State"). The term should not be understood as referring, for example, to a state in a country with a federal system. Types of foreign proceedings covered To fall within the scope of the Model Law, a foreign insolvency proceeding needs to possess certain attributes. These include the basis in insolvency-related law of the originating State; involvement of creditors collectively; control or supervision of the assets and affairs of the debtor by a court or another official body; and reorganization or liquidation of the debtor as the purpose of the proceeding. Within those parameters, a variety of collective proceedings would be eligible for recognition, be they compulsory or voluntary, corporate or individual, winding-up or reorganization. It also includes those in which the debtor retains some measure of control over its assets, albeit under court supervision (e.g. suspension of payments, "debtor in possession"). An inclusive approach is used also as regards the possible types of debtors covered by the Model Law. Principle of supremacy of international obligations (Article 3) Article 3 provides that to the extent that the Model Law conflicts with an obligation of the state enacting the model law arising out of any treaty or other form of agreement to which it is a party with one or more other States, the requirements of the treaty or agreement prevail. Competent court or authority (Article 4)
(dcccxxvi i) The functions under the Model Law relating to recognition of foreign proceedings and cooperation with foreign courts shall be performed by the court, courts, authority or authorities as specified in the Model Law who are competent to perform those functions in the enacting State. ACCESS OF FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES AND CREDITORS TO COURTS IN STATE ENACTING MODEL LAW Right of direct access (Article 9) A foreign representative is entitled to apply directly to a court in the State enacting law. Article 9 is limited to expressing the principle of direct access by the foreign representative to courts of the enacting State, thus freeing the representative from having to meet formal requirements such as licences or consular action. Application by a foreign representative to commence a proceeding (Article 11) According to Article 11, a foreign representative is entitled to apply to commence a proceeding under the laws of the enacting State relating to insolvency, if the conditions for commencing such a proceeding are otherwise met. A foreign representative has this right without prior recognition of the foreign proceeding because the commencement of an insolvency proceeding might be crucial in cases of urgent need for preserving the assets of the debtor. The Model Law avoids the need to rely on cumbersome and time-consuming letters rogatory 1 or other forms of diplomatic or consular communications that might otherwise have to be used. This facilitates a coordinated, cooperative approach to cross-border insolvency and makes fast action possible. In addition to establishing the principle of direct court access for the foreign representative, the Model Law: (a) Establishes simplified proof requirements for seeking recognition and relief for foreign proceedings, which avoid time-consuming "legalization" requirements involving notarial or consular procedures (Article 15); (b) Provides that the foreign representative has procedural standing for commencing an insolvency proceeding in the enacting State (under the conditions applicable in the enacting State) and that the foreign representative may participate in an insolvency proceeding in the enacting State (Articles 11 and 12); (c) Confirms, subject to other requirements of the enacting State, access of foreign creditors to the courts of the enacting State for the purpose of commencing in the enacting State an insolvency proceeding or participating in such a proceeding (Article 13); (d) Gives the foreign representative the right to intervene in proceedings concerning individual actions in the enacting State affecting the debtor or its assets (Article 24); Provides that the mere fact of a petition for recognition in the enacting State does
1. Seeking information by one Court from another, especially foreign Court.
(dcccxxvi ii) not mean that the courts in that State have jurisdiction over all the assets and affairs of the debtor (Article 10). Upon recognition of a foreign proceeding, the foreign representative is entitled to participate in a proceeding regarding the debtor under the laws of the enacting State relating to insolvency (Article 12). Article 12 is limited to giving the foreign representative procedural standing (or "procedural legitimation") to make petitions, requests or submissions concerning issues such as protection, realization or distribution of assets of the debtor or cooperation with the foreign proceeding and does not vest the foreign representative with any specific powers or rights. Protection of creditors and other interested persons Foreign creditors have the same rights regarding the commencement of and participation in a proceeding under the laws of the enacting state relating to insolvency as creditors in the state. The Model Law contains following provisions to protect the interests of the creditors (in particular local creditors), the debtor and other affected persons: availability of temporary relief upon application for recognition of a foreign proceeding or upon recognition is subject to the discretion of the court; it is expressly stated that in granting such relief the court must be satisfied that the interests of the creditors and other interested persons, including the debtor, are adequately protected (Article 22, paragraph 1); the court may subject the relief it grants to conditions it considers appropriate; and the court may modify or terminate the relief granted, if so requested by a person affected thereby (Article 22, paragraphs 2 and 3). In addition to those specific provisions, the Model Law in a general way provides that the court may refuse to take an action governed by the Model Law if the action would be manifestly contrary to the public policy of the enacting State (Article 6). Notification to foreign creditors of a proceeding (Article 14) Article 14 of the Model Law provides that whenever under laws of the enacting State relating to insolvency, a notification is to be given to creditors, such notification shall also be given to the known creditors that do not have addresses in the State. The court may order that appropriate steps be taken with a view to notifying any creditor whose address is not yet known. The main purpose of notifying foreign creditors is to inform them of the commencement of the insolvency proceeding and of the time-limit to file their claims. Such notification shall be made to the foreign creditors individually, unless the court considers that, under the circumstances, some other form of notification would be more appropriate. No letters rogatory or other, similar formality is required. When a notification of commencement of a proceeding is to be given to foreign creditors, the notification shall: (a) Indicate a reasonable time period for filing claims and specify the place for
(dcccxxix ) their filing; (b) Indicate whether secured creditors need to file their secured claims; and (c) Contain any other information required to be included in such a notification to creditors pursuant to the law of this State and the orders of the court. RECOGNITION OF A FOREIGN PROCEEDING AND RELIEF Application for recognition of a foreign proceeding (Article 15) Article 15 defines the core procedural requirements for an application by a foreign representative for recognition. In incorporating the provision into national law, it is desirable not to encumber the process with additional requirements beyond these requirements. A foreign representative may apply to the court for recognition of the foreign proceeding in which the foreign representative has been appointed. An application for recognition shall be accompanied by: (a) A certified copy of the decision commencing the foreign proceeding and appointing the foreign representative; or (b) A certificate from the foreign court affirming the existence of the foreign proceeding and of the appointment of the foreign representative; or (c) In the absence of evidence referred to in subparagraphs (a) and (b), any other evidence acceptable to the court of the existence of the foreign proceeding and of the appointment of the foreign representative. An application for recognition shall also be accompanied by a statement identifying all foreign proceedings in respect of the debtor that are known to the foreign representative. The court may require a translation of documents supplied in support of the application for recognition into an official language of State. The Model Law presumes that documents submitted in support of the application for recognition need not be authenticated in any special way, in particular by legalization. According to Article 16, the court is entitled to presume that those documents are authentic whether or not they have been legalized. "Legalization" is a term often used for the formality by which a diplomatic or consular agent of the State in which the document is to be produced certifies the authenticity of the signature, the capacity in which the person signing the document has acted and, where appropriate, the identity of the seal or stamp on the document. In respect of the provision relaxing any requirement of legalization, the question may arise whether that is in conflict with the international obligations of the enacting State. Several States are parties to bilateral or multilateral treaties on mutual recognition and legalization of documents. According to Article 3 of the Model Law, if there is still a conflict between the Model Law and a treaty, the treaty will prevail. In order not to prevent recognition because of non-compliance with a mere technicality, the law allows evidence other than that specified; that provision, however, does not compromise the courts power to insist on the presentation of evidence acceptable to it. It further requires that an application for recognition must be accompanied by a statement identifying all foreign proceedings in respect of the debtor that are known to the foreign representative. That information is needed by the court not so much for
(dcccxxx ) the decision on recognition itself but for any decision granting relief in favour of the foreign proceeding. In order to tailor such relief appropriately and make sure that the relief is consistent with any other insolvency proceeding concerning the same debtor, the court needs to be aware of all foreign proceedings concerning the debtor that may be under way in third States. Decision to recognize a foreign proceeding (Article 17) Subject to Article 6, a foreign proceeding shall be recognized if: (a) The foreign proceeding is a proceeding within the meaning as defined under Article 2; (b) The foreign representative applying for recognition is a person or body within the meaning as defined under Article 2; (c) The application meets the requirements of Article 15; and (d) The application has been submitted to the court referred to in Article 4. The foreign proceeding shall be recognized as a foreign main proceeding if it is taking place in the State where the debtor has the centre of its main interests; or as a foreign non-main proceeding if the debtor has an establishment within the meaning of subparagraph (f) of Article 2 in the foreign State. The purpose of Article 17 is to indicate that, if recognition is not contrary to the public policy of the enacting State and if the application meets the abovesaid requirements, recognition will be granted as a matter of course. A decision to recognize a foreign proceeding would normally be subject to review or rescission, as any other court decision. Subsequent information (Article 18) The foreign representative shall inform the court immediately if from the time of filing the application for recognition of the foreign proceeding, there is: (a) Any substantial change in the status of the recognized foreign proceeding or the status of the foreign representatives appointment; and (b) Any other foreign proceeding regarding the same debtor that becomes known to the foreign representative. It is possible that, after the application for recognition or after recognition, changes may occur in the foreign proceeding that would have affected the decision on recognition or the relief granted on the basis of recognition. For example, the foreign proceeding may be terminated or transformed from a liquidation proceeding into a reorganization proceeding, or the terms of the appointment of the foreign representative may be modified or the appointment itself terminated. The technical modifications in the status of the proceedings or the terms of the appointment are frequent, but that only some of those modifications are such that they would affect the decision granting relief or the decision recognizing the proceeding; therefore, the provision only calls for information of "substantial" changes. Relief that may be granted upon application for recognition of a foreign proceeding (Article 19) According to Article 19, from the time of filing an application for recognition until
(dcccxxxi ) the application is decided upon, the court may, at the request of the foreign representative, where relief is urgently needed to protect the assets of the debtor or the interests of the creditors, grant relief of a provisional nature, including: (a) Staying execution against the debtors assets; (b) Entrusting the administration or realization of all or part of the debtors assets located in a State to the foreign representative or another person designated by the court, in order to protect and preserve the value of assets that, by their nature or because of other circumstances, are perishable, susceptible to devaluation or otherwise in jeopardy; (c) Any relief mentioned in Article 21. Relief available under Article 19 is provisional in the sense that, the relief terminates when the application for recognition is decided upon; however, the court is given the opportunity to extend the measure, as provided in Article 21. The court may refuse to grant relief under this Article if such relief would interfere with the administration of a foreign main proceeding. Effects of recognition of a foreign main proceeding (Article 20) Once foreign proceeding is recognized which is a foreign main proceeding, the following are the effects: (a) Commencement or continuation of individual actions or individual proceedings concerning the debtors assets, rights, obligations or liabilities is stayed; (b) Execution against the debtors assets is stayed; and (c) The right to transfer, encumber or otherwise dispose of any assets of the debtor is suspended. The effects provided by Article 20 are not discretionary in nature. These flow automatically from recognition of the foreign main proceeding. The automatic effects under Article 21 apply only to main proceedings. Relief that may be granted upon recognition of a foreign proceeding (Article 21) Upon recognition of a foreign proceeding, whether main or non-main, where necessary to protect the assets of the debtor or the interests of the creditors, the court may, at the request of the foreign representative, grant any appropriate relief, including: (a) Staying the commencement or continuation of individual actions or individual proceedings concerning the debtors assets, rights, obligations or liabilities, to the extent they have not been stayed under Article 20; (b) Staying execution against the debtors assets to the extent it has not been stayed under Article 20; (c) Suspending the right to transfer, encumber or otherwise dispose of any assets of the debtor to the extent this right has not been suspended under Article 20; (d) Providing for the examination of witnesses, the taking of evidence or the delivery of information concerning the debtors assets, affairs, rights, obligations or liabilities;
(dcccxxxi i) (e) Entrusting the administration or realization of all or part of the debtors assets located in this State to the foreign representative or another person designated by the court; (f) Extending relief granted under Article 19; (g) Granting any additional relief that may be available to a person or body administering a reorganization or liquidation under the law of the enacting State under the laws of that State. Upon recognition of a foreign proceeding, whether main or non-main, the court may, at the request of the foreign representative, entrust the distribution of all or part of the debtors assets located in the State enacting the Model Law to the foreign representative or another person designated by the court, provided that the court is satisfied that the interests of creditors are adequately protected. In granting relief under this Article to a representative of a foreign non-main proceeding, the court must be satisfied that the relief relates to assets that, under the law of the enacting State, should be administered in the foreign non-main proceeding or concerns information required in that proceeding. Protection of creditors and other interested persons (Article 22) The court may under Article 22, at the request of the foreign representative or a person affected by relief granted, or at its own motion, modify or terminate such relief. In granting or denying relief under Article 19 or 21, or in modifying or terminating relief, the court must be satisfied that the interests of the creditors and other interested persons, including the debtor, are adequately protected. The idea underlying Article 22 is that there should be a balance between relief that may be granted to the foreign representative and the interests of the persons that may be affected by such relief. Actions to avoid acts detrimental to creditors (Article 23) Under many national laws both individual creditors and insolvency administrators have a right to bring actions to avoid or otherwise render ineffective acts detrimental to creditors. Such a right, insofar as it pertains to individual creditors, is often not governed by insolvency law but by general provisions of law (such as the civil code); the right is not necessarily tied to the existence of an insolvency proceeding against the debtor so that the action may be instituted prior to the commencement of such a proceeding. The person having such a right is typically only an affected creditor and not another person such as the insolvency administrator. Furthermore, the conditions for these individual-creditor actions are different from the conditions applicable to similar actions that might be initiated by an insolvency administrator. The procedural standing conferred by Article 23 extends only to actions that are available to the local insolvency administrator in the context of an insolvency proceeding, and the Article does not equate the foreign representative with individual creditors who may have similar rights under a different set of conditions. Such actions of individual creditors fall outside the scope of Article 23. The Model Law expressly provides that a foreign representative has "standing" to initiate actions to avoid or otherwise render ineffective legal acts detrimental to
(dcccxxxi ii) creditors. The provision is drafted narrowly in that it does not create any substantive right regarding such actions and also does not provide any solution involving conflict of laws. The effect of the provision is that a foreign representative is not prevented from initiating such actions by the sole fact that the foreign representative is not the insolvency administrator appointed in the enacting State. Intervention by a foreign representative in proceedings (Article 24) Upon recognition of a foreign proceeding, the foreign representative may, provided the requirements of the law of the State are met, intervene in any proceedings in which the debtor is a party. The purpose of Article 24 is to avoid the denial of standing to the foreign representative to intervene in proceedings merely because the procedural legislation may not have contemplated the foreign representative among those having such standing. The Article applies to foreign representatives of both main and non-main proceedings. COOPERATION WITH FOREIGN COURTS AND FOREIGN REPRESENTATIVES Chapter IV (Articles 25-27), on cross-border cooperation, is a core element of the Model Law. Its objective is to enable courts and insolvency administrators from two or more countries to be efficient and achieve optimal results. Cooperation as described in the chapter is often the only realistic way, for example, to prevent dissipation of assets, to maximize the value of assets. Articles 25 and 26 not only authorize cross-border cooperation, they also mandate it by providing that the court and the insolvency administrator "shall cooperate to the maximum extent possible". The Articles are designed to overcome the widespread problem of national laws lacking rules providing a legal basis for cooperation by local courts with foreign courts in dealing with cross-border insolvencies. Enactment of such a legal basis would be particularly helpful in legal systems in which the discretion given to judges to operate outside areas of express statutory authorization is limited. However, even in jurisdictions in which there is a tradition of wider judicial latitude, enactment of a legislative framework for cooperation has proved to be useful. To the extent that cross-border judicial cooperation in the enacting State is based on the principle of comity among nations, the enactment of Articles 25-27 offers an opportunity for making that principle more concrete and adapted to the particular circumstances of cross-border insolvencies. The Articles in chapter IV leave certain decisions, in particular when and how to cooperate, to the courts and, subject to the supervision of the courts, to the insolvency administrators. For a court to cooperate with a foreign court or a foreign representative regarding a foreign proceeding, the Model Law does not require a previous formal decision to recognize that foreign proceeding. Cooperation and direct representatives (Article 25) communication between courts or foreign
The court is entitled to communicate directly with, or to request information or assistance directly from, foreign courts or foreign representatives. The ability of courts, with appropriate involvement of the parties, to communicate "directly" and to
(dcccxxxi v) request information and assistance "directly" from foreign courts or foreign representatives is intended to avoid the use of time-consuming procedures traditionally in use, such as letters rogatory. Cooperation and direct communication between a person or body administering a reorganization or liquidation under the law of the enacting State and foreign courts or foreign representatives (Article 26) Article 26 on international cooperation between persons who are appointed to administer assets of insolvent debtors reflects the important role that such persons can play in devising and implementing cooperative arrangements, within the parameters of their authority. The provision makes it clear that an insolvency administrator acts under the overall supervision of the competent court. The Model Law does not modify the rules already existing in the insolvency law of the enacting State on the supervisory functions of the court over the activities of the insolvency administrator. According to Article 27, Cooperation may be implemented by any appropriate means, including: (a) Appointment of a person or body to act at the direction of the court; (b) Communication of information by any means considered appropriate by the court; (c) Coordination of the administration and supervision of the debtors assets and affairs; (d) Approval or implementation by courts of agreements concerning the coordination of proceedings; (e) Coordination of concurrent proceedings regarding the same debtor; (f) The enacting State may wish to list additional forms or examples of cooperation. CONCURRENT PROCEEDINGS Commencement of a proceeding after recognition of a foreign main proceeding (Article 28) After recognition of a foreign main proceeding, a proceeding under the laws of the enacting State relating to insolvency may be commenced only if the debtor has assets in the state enacting the Model Law. The effects of that proceeding shall be restricted to the assets of the debtor that are located in such State and to the extent necessary to implement cooperation and coordination under Articles 25, 26 and 27 to other assets of the debtor that, under the law of such State, should be administered in that proceeding. Article 28, in conjunction with Article 29, provides that recognition of a foreign main proceeding will not prevent the commencement of a local insolvency proceeding concerning the same debtor as long as the debtor has assets in the State. Coordination of a proceeding (Article 29) Article 29 gives guidance to the court that deals with cases where the debtor is subject to a foreign proceeding and a local proceeding at the same time. Where a
(dcccxxx v) foreign proceeding and a proceeding under the laws of the enacting State relating to insolvency are taking place concurrently regarding the same debtor, the court shall seek cooperation and coordination under Articles 25, 26 and 27, and the following shall apply: (a) When the proceeding in the State (which has enacted model law) is taking place at the time the application for recognition of the foreign proceeding is filed, (i) Any relief granted under Article 19 or 21 must be consistent with the proceeding in such State; and (ii) If the foreign proceeding is recognized in such State as a foreign main proceeding, Article 20 does not apply; (b) When the proceeding in such State commences after recognition, or after the filing of the application for recognition, of the foreign proceeding, (i) Any relief in effect under Article 19 or 21 shall be reviewed by the court and shall be modified or terminated if inconsistent with the proceeding in this State; and (ii) If the foreign proceeding is a foreign main proceeding, the stay and suspension referred to in Article 20 shall be modified or terminated, if inconsistent with the proceeding in such State; (c) In granting, extending or modifying relief granted to a representative of a foreign non-main proceeding, the court must be satisfied that the relief relates to assets which, according to the law of the enacting State, should be administered in the foreign non-main proceeding or concerns information required in that proceeding. The salient principle embodied in Article 29 is that the commencement of a local proceeding does not prevent or terminate the recognition of a foreign proceeding. This principle is essential for achieving the objectives of the Model Law in that it allows the court in the enacting State in all circumstances to provide relief in favour of the foreign proceeding. Coordination of more than one foreign proceeding (Article 30) Article 30 deals with cases where the debtor is subject to insolvency proceedings in more than one foreign State and foreign representatives of more than one foreign proceeding seek recognition or relief in the enacting State. The provision applies whether or not an insolvency proceeding is pending in the enacting State. If, in addition to two or more foreign proceedings, there is a proceeding in the enacting State, the court will have to act pursuant to both Article 29 and Article 30. In respect of more than one foreign proceeding regarding the same debtor, the court shall seek cooperation and coordination under Articles 25, 26 and 27, and the following shall apply: (a) Any relief granted under Article 19 or 21 to a representative of a foreign nonmain proceeding after recognition of a foreign main proceeding must be consistent with the foreign main proceeding;
(dcccxxx vi) (b) If a foreign main proceeding is recognized after recognition, or after the filing of an application for recognition, of a foreign non-main proceeding, any relief in effect under Article 19 or 21 shall be reviewed by the court and shall be modified or terminated if inconsistent with the foreign main proceeding; (c) If, after recognition of a foreign non-main proceeding, another foreign nonmain proceeding is recognized, the court shall grant, modify or terminate relief for the purpose of facilitating coordination of the proceedings. The objective of Article 30 is similar to that of Article 29 in that the key issue in the case of concurrent proceedings is to promote cooperation, coordination and consistency of relief granted to different proceedings. Such consistency will be achieved by appropriate tailoring of relief to be granted or by modifying or terminating relief already granted. Unlike Article 29, which, as a matter of principle, gives primacy to the local proceeding, Article 30 gives preference to the foreign main proceeding if there is one. Rule of payment in concurrent proceedings (Article 32) Without prejudice to secured claims or rights in rem, a creditor who has received part payment in respect of its claim in a proceeding, pursuant to a law relating to insolvency, in a foreign State, may not receive a payment for the same claim in a proceeding under the laws of the enacting State relating to insolvency regarding the same debtor, so long as the payment to the other creditors of the same class is proportionately less than the payment the creditor has already received. The rule set forth in Article 32, also referred to as the hotchpotch rule, is a useful safeguard in a legal regime for coordination and cooperation in the administration of cross-border insolvency proceedings. It is intended to avoid situations in which a creditor might obtain more favourable treatment than the other creditors of the same class by obtaining payment of the same claim in insolvency proceedings in different jurisdictions. 4. EFFECTIVE INSOLVENCY AND CREDITOR RIGHTS SYSTEMS - WORLD BANK PRINCIPLES The World Bank Principles were originally developed in 2001 in response to a request from the international community in the wake of the financial crises in emerging markets in the late 90s. At the time, there were no internationally recognized benchmarks or standards to evaluate the effectiveness of domestic creditor rights and insolvency systems. The World Banks initiative began in 1999, with the constitution of an ad hoc committee of partner organizations, and with the assistance of leading international experts who participated in the World Banks Task Force and Working Groups. The Principles were vetted in a series of five regional conferences, involving officials and experts from some 75 countries, and drafts were placed on the World Banks website for public comment. The Banks Board of Directors approved the Principles in 2001 for use in connection with the joint IMFWorld Bank program to develop Reports on the Observance of Standards and Codes (ROSC), subject to reviewing the experience and updating the Principles as needed. From 2001 to 2004, the Principles were used to assess country systems under the ROSC and Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP) in some 24 countries
(dcccxxx vii) in all regions of the world. Assessments using the Principles have been instrumental to the Banks developmental and operational work, and in providing assistance to member countries. This has yielded a wealth of experience and enabled the Bank to test the sufficiency of the Principles as a flexible benchmark in a wide range of diverse country systems. In taking stock of that experience, the Bank has consulted a wide range of interested parties at the national and international level, including officials, civil society, business and financial sectors, investors, professional groups, and others. In 2003, the World Bank convened the Global Forum on Insolvency Risk Management (FIRM) to discuss the experience and lessons from the application of the Principles in the assessment program. The forum consisted of over 200 experts from 31 countries to discuss the lessons from the principles and to discuss further refinements to them. During 2003 and 2004, the Bank also convened three working group sessions of the Global Judges Forum, involving judges from approximately 70 countries, who have assisted the Bank in its review of the institutional framework principles and in developing more detailed recommendations for strengthening court practices for commercial enforcement and insolvency proceedings. Other regional fora have also provided a means for sharing experience and obtaining feedback in areas of the Principles, including the Forum on Asian Insolvency Reform (FAIR) from 2002-2004 (organized by OECD and co-sponsored with the Bank and the Asian Development Bank), and Forum on Insolvency in Latin America (FILA) in 2004 organised by the Bank. In the area of the insolvency law framework and creditor rights systems, staffs of the Bank maintained participation in the UNCITRAL working groups on insolvency law and security interests and liaised with UNCITRAL staff and experts to ensure consistency between the Banks Principles and the UNCITRAL Legislative Guide on Insolvency Law. The Bank has also benefited from an ongoing collaboration with the International Association of Insolvency Regulators (IAIR) to survey regulatory practices of IAIR member countries and develop recommendations for strengthening regulatory capacity and frameworks for insolvency systems. A similar collaboration with INSOL International has provided feedback and input in the area of director and officer liability and informal workout systems. Based on the experience gained from the use of the Principles, and following extensive consultations, the Principles have been thoroughly reviewed and updated. The revised Principles have benefited from wide consultation and, more importantly, from the practical experience of using them in the context of the Banks assessment and operational work. The World Bank Principles have been designed as a broad-spectrum assessment tool to assist countries in their efforts to evaluate and improve core aspects of their commercial law systems that are fundamental to a sound investment climate, and to promote commerce and economic growth. Efficient, reliable and transparent creditor rights and insolvency systems are of key importance for reallocation of productive resources in the corporate sector, for investor confidence and forward looking corporate restructuring. These systems also play a pivotal role in times of crisis to enable a country and stakeholders to promptly respond to and resolve matters of corporate financial distress on systemic scales.
(dcccxxx viii) The Principles emphasize contextual, integrated solutions and the policy choices involved in developing those solutions. The Principles highlight the relationship between the cost and flow of credit (including secured credit) and the laws and institutions that recognize and enforce credit agreements (Part A). The Principles also outline key features and policy choices relating to the legal framework for risk management and informal corporate workout systems (Part B), formal commercial insolvency law frameworks (Part C) and the implementation of these systems through sound institutional and regulatory frameworks (Part D). The principles have broader application beyond corporate insolvency regimes and creditor rights. The Principles are designed to be flexible in their application, and do not offer detailed prescriptions for national systems. The Principles embrace practices that have been widely recognized and accepted as good practices internationally. As legal systems and business and commerce are evolutionary in nature, so too are the Principles, and it is anticipated that these will continue to be reviewed going forward to take account of significant changes and developments. World Bank Principles are given of Annexure I. Its summary is given below: 5. THE WORLD BANK PRINCIPLES A SUMMARY A brief summary of the key elements of the World Bank Principles for effective insolvency and creditor rights systems is given below -: 1. Credit Environment Compatible credit and enforcement systems. A regularized system of credit should be supported by mechanisms that provide efficient, transparent and reliable methods for recovering debt, including seizure and sale of immovable and movable assets and sale or collection of intangible assets, such as debt owed to the debtor by third parties. An efficient system for enforcing debt claims is crucial to a functioning credit system, especially for unsecured credit. A creditors ability to take possession of a debtors property and to sell it to satisfy the debt is the simplest, most effective means of ensuring prompt payment. It is far more effective than the threat of an insolvency proceeding, which often requires a level of proof and a prospect of procedural delay that in all but extreme cases make it not credible to debtors as leverage for payment. Collateral systems. One of the pillars of a modern credit economy is the ability to own and freely transfer ownership interests in property, and to grant a security interest to credit providers with respect to such interests and rights as a means of gaining access to credit at more affordable prices. Secured transactions play an enormously important role in a well functioning market economy. Laws on secured credit mitigate lenders risks of default and thereby increase the flow of capital and facilitate low cost financing. Discrepancies and uncertainties in the legal framework governing security interests are the main reasons for high costs and unavailability of credit, especially in developing countries. The legal framework for secured lending addresses the fundamental features and elements for the creation, recognition and enforcement of security interests in all types of assetsmovable and immovable, tangible and intangible, including inventories, receivables, proceeds and future property, and on a global basis,
(dcccxxxi x) including both possessory and non-possessory interests. The law should encompass any or all of a debtors obligations to a creditor, present or future and between all types of persons. In addition, it should provide for effective notice and registration rules to be adapted to all types of property, and clear rules of priority on competing claims or interests in the same assets. For security rights and notice to third parties to be effective, they must be capable of being publicized at reasonable costs and easily accessible to stakeholders. A reliable, affordable, public registry system is therefore essential to promote optimal conditions for asset based lending. Where several registries exist, the registration system should be integrated to the maximum extent possible so that all notices recorded under the secured transactions legislation can be easily retrieved. Enforcement systems. A modern, credit-based economy requires predictable, transparent and affordable enforcement of both unsecured and secured credit claims by efficient mechanisms outside of insolvency, as well as a sound insolvency system. These systems must be designed to work in harmony. Commerce is a system of commercial relationships predicated on express or implied contractual agreements between an enterprise and a wide range of creditors and constituencies. Although commercial transactions have become increasingly complex as more sophisticated techniques are developed for pricing and managing risks, the basic rights governing these relationships and the procedures for enforcing these rights have not changed much. These rights enable parties to rely on contractual agreements, fostering confidence that fuels investment, lending and commerce. Conversely, uncertainty about the enforceability of contractual rights increases the cost of credit to compensate for the increased risk of nonperformance or, in severe cases, leads to credit tightening. Credit information systems. A modern credit-based economy requires access to complete, accurate and reliable information concerning borrowers payment histories. This process should take place in a legal environment that provides the framework for the creation and operation of effective credit information systems. Permissible uses of information from credit information systems should be clearly circumscribed, especially regarding information about individuals. Legal controls on the type of information collected and distributed by credit information systems may often be used to advance public policies, including anti-discrimination laws. Privacy concerns should be addressed through notice of the existence of such systems, notice of when information from such systems is used to make adverse decisions, and access by data subjects to stored credit information with the ability to dispute and have corrected inaccurate or incomplete information. An effective enforcement and supervision mechanism should be in place that provides efficient, inexpensive, transparent and predictable methods for resolving disputes concerning the operation of credit information systems along with proportionate sanctions which encourage compliance but that are not so stringent as to discourage operations of such systems. Informal corporate workouts. Corporate workouts should be supported by an environment that encourages participants to restore an enterprise to financial viability. Informal workouts are negotiated in the shadow of the law. Accordingly, the enabling environment must include clear laws and procedures that require disclosure of or access to timely and accurate financial information on the distressed enterprise;
(dcccxl) encourage lending to, investment in or recapitalization of viable distressed enterprises; support a broad range of restructuring activities, such as debt write-offs, reschedulings, restructurings and debt-equity conversions; and provide favorable or neutral tax treatment for restructurings. A countrys financial sector should promote an informal out-of-court process for dealing with cases of corporate financial difficulty in which banks and other financial institutions have a significant exposure especially in markets where enterprise insolvency is systemic. 2. Insolvency Law Systems Commercial insolvency. Though approaches vary, effective insolvency systems have a number of aims and objectives. Systems should aspire to: (i) integrate with a countrys broader legal and commercial systems; (ii) maximize the value of a firms assets and recoveries by creditors; (iii) provide for both efficient liquidation of nonviable businesses and those where liquidation is likely to produce a greater return to creditors and reorganization of viable businesses; (iv) strike a careful balance between liquidation and reorganization, allowing for easy conversion of proceedings from one proceeding to another; (v) provide for equitable treatment of similarly situated creditors, including similarly situated foreign and domestic creditors; (vi) provide for timely, efficient and impartial resolution of insolvencies; (vii) prevent the improper use of the insolvency system; (viii) prevent the premature dismemberment of a debtors assets by individual creditors seeking quick judgments; (ix) provide a transparent procedure that contains, and consistently applies, clear risk allocation rules and incentives for gathering and dispensing information; (x) recognize existing creditor rights and respect the priority of claims with a predictable and established process; and (xi) establish a framework for cross-border insolvencies, with recognition of foreign proceedings. Where an enterprise is not viable, the main thrust of the law should be swift and efficient liquidation to maximize recoveries for the benefit of creditors. Liquidations can include the preservation and sale of the business, as distinct from the legal entity. On the other hand, where an enterprise is viable, meaning it can be rehabilitated, its assets are often more valuable if retained in a rehabilitated business than if sold in a liquidation. The rescue of a business preserves jobs, provides creditors with a greater return based on higher going concern values of the enterprise, potentially produces a return for owners and obtains for the country the fruits of the rehabilitated enterprise. The rescue of a business should be promoted through formal and informal procedures. Rehabilitation should permit quick and easy access to the process, protect all those involved, permit the negotiation of a commercial plan, enable a majority of creditors in favor of a plan or other course of action to bind all other creditors (subject to appropriate protections) and provide for supervision to ensure that the process is not subject to abuse.
(dcccxli) 3. Implementation: Institutional and Regulatory Frameworks Strong institutions and regulations are crucial to an effective insolvency system. The institutional framework has three main elements: the institutions responsible for insolvency proceedings, the operational system through which cases and decisions are processed and the requirements needed to preserve the integrity of those institutionsrecognizing that the integrity of the insolvency system is the linchpin for its success. 4. Overarching considerations of sound investment climates Transparency, accountability and corporate governance. Minimum standards of transparency and corporate governance should be established to foster communication and cooperation. Disclosure of basic informationincluding financial statements, operating statistics and detailed cash flowsis recommended for sound risk assessment. Accounting and auditing standards should be compatible with international best practices so that creditors can assess credit risk and monitor a debtors financial viability. A predictable, reliable legal framework and judicial process are needed to implement reforms, ensure fair treatment of all parties and deter unacceptable practices. Corporate law and regulation should guide the conduct of the borrowers shareholders. A corporations board of directors should be responsible, accountable and independent of management, subject to best practices on corporate governance. The law should be imposed impartially and consistently. Creditor rights and insolvency systems interact with and are affected by these additional systems, and are most effective when good practices are adopted in other relevant parts of the legal system, especially the commercial law. Transparency and Corporate Governance. Transparency and good corporate governance are the cornerstones of a strong lending system and corporate sector. Transparency exists when information is assembled and made readily available to other parties and, when combined with the good behavior of corporate citizens, creates an informed and communicative environment conducive to greater cooperation among all parties. Transparency and corporate governance are especially important in emerging markets, which are more sensitive to volatility from external factors. Without transparency, there is a greater likelihood that loan pricing will not reflect underlying risks, leading to higher interest rates and other charges. Transparency and strong corporate governance are needed in both domestic and cross-border transactions and at all phases of investmentat the inception when making a loan, when managing exposure while the loan is outstanding, and especially once a borrowers financial difficulties become apparent and the lender is seeking to exit the loan. Transparency increases confidence in decision making and so encourages the use of out of- court restructuring options. Such options are preferable because they often provide higher returns to lenders than straight liquidation through the legal processand because they avoid the costs, complexities and uncertainties of the legal process. Predictability. Investment in emerging markets is discouraged by the lack of well defined and predictable risk allocation rules and by the inconsistent application of
(dcccxlii) written laws. Moreover, during systemic crises investors often demand uncertainty risk premiums too onerous to permit markets to clear. Some investors may avoid emerging markets entirely despite expected returns that far outweigh known risks. Rational lenders will demand risk premiums to compensate for systemic uncertainty in making, managing and collecting investments in emerging markets. The likelihood that creditors will have to rely on risk allocation rules increases as fundamental factors supporting investment deteriorate. That is because risk allocation rules set minimum standards that have considerable application in limiting downside uncertainty, but that usually do not enhance returns in non-distressed markets. During actual or perceived systemic crises, lenders tend to concentrate on reducing risk, and risk premiums soar. At these times the inability to predict downside risk can cripple markets. The effect can impinge on other risks in the country, causing lender reluctance even toward untroubled borrowers. 6. REFORMS IN INSOLVENCY LAWS World over, insolvency procedures help entrepreneurs close down unviable businesses and start up new ones. This ensures that the human and economic resources of a country are continuously rechannelised to efficient use thereby increasing the overall productivity of the economy. It is in this context, free entry and exit are sine qua non for attaining efficiency. Indian insolvency law is contained in the Companies Act, 1956 (1956 Act) under which winding up of companies is carried out and Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985 (SICA) which deals with revival and rehabilitation of sick companies. The two laws were enacted to cater to meet the expectations of industries thriving in a protectionist environment unexposed to competition in a closed economy. As India swiftly moves to the centre stage of world economy there has been a consistent effort by the policy makers to undertake comprehensive reforms in the laws and systems to bring them at par with international standards and incentivise the foreign investors to invest in the Indian economy. Justice Eradi Committee In the year 1999, the Government of India set up a High Level Committee headed by Justice V.B.Eradi, to examine and make recommendations with regard to the desirability of changes in existing law relating to winding up of companies so as to achieve more transparency and avoid delays in the final liquidation of the companies; the mechanism through which the management of companies will be conducted after the winding up order is issued and the authority which will supervise timely completion of proceedings; the rules of winding up and adjudication of insolvency of companies; the manner in which the assets of the companies are brought to sale and the proceeds are distributed efficiently; and a self-contained law on winding up of companies having regard to SICA, and the Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act, 1956, with a view to creating confidence in the minds of investors, creditors, labour and shareholders. The committee submitted its report to the Central Government in the year 2000. The Committee addressed and recommended the following key points: The Committee recognized after considering international practices that the law of insolvency should not only provide for quick disposal of assets but in
(dcccxliii) Indian economic scene, it should first look at the possibilities of rehabilitation and revival of companies. The Committee noted that there are three different agencies namely, (i) the High Courts, which have powers to order winding up of companies under the provisions of the Companies Act, 1956; (ii) the Company Law Board to exercise powers conferred on it by the Act or the powers of the Central Government delegated to it and (iii) Board for Industrial and Financial Reconstruction (BIFR) which deals with the references relating to rehabilitation and revival of companies. The committee revealed data of time taken to wind up a company it may run on an average upto 25 years; Eastern region being the worst. Position as on 31.3.1999 as indicated by Eradi Committee was as under: 0-5 years 5-10 Years 10-15 Years 15-20 Years 20-25 Years 25 Years and Above 66 293 78 36 473 Total
86 83 89 224 482
56 73 68 124 321
47 71 51 82 251
Committee further noted that the High Courts are not able to devote exclusive attention to winding up cases which is essential to conclude the winding up of companies quickly. The experiment with BIFR for speedy revival of companies has also not been encouraging. Committee recognized that there is a need for establishing a National Tribunal as a specialized agency to deal with matters relating to rehabilitation, revival and winding up of companies. With a view to avoiding multiplicity of fora, the National Tribunal should be conferred with jurisdiction and powers to deal with matters under Companies Act, 1956 presently exercised by the Company Law Board; jurisdiction, power and authority relating to winding up of companies vested with High Courts and power to consider rehabilitation and revival of companies presently vested in the BIFR. The Committee also recommended that the jurisdiction, power and authority relating to winding up of companies should be vested in a National Company Law Tribunal instead of the High Court as at present. The National Company Law Tribunal (a) should have the jurisdiction and power presently exercised by Company Law Board under the Companies Act, 1956; (b) should have the power to consider rehabilitation and revival of
(dcccxliv ) companies a mandate presently entrusted to BIFR/AAFIR under SICA; (c) should have the jurisdiction and power relating to winding up of companies presently vested in the High Courts. In view of above recommendations Article 323B of the Constitution should be amended to set up National Tribunal. SICA should be repealed and the Companies Act, 1956 be amended accordingly. (d) should be headed by a sitting judge or a former judge of a High Court and each of its Benches should consist of a judicial member and a technical member. (e) shall have such number of member as may be prescribed by the Central Government. The principal Bench of the Tribunal should be located at New Delhi and its Benches should be located at the principal seats of each High Court. The Central Government may set up more such Benches if so required. While passing the order for winding up of a company, the Tribunal shall have power to prescribe time limit for each step to be taken by the Liquidator in the course of winding up process. The Tribunal shall also have power to prescribe the time limits for compliance of each step by parties while considering the reference for revival of sick companies. (f) should be vested with the power to transfer all proceedings from one Private Liquidator to another "Private liquidator" or to the "Official Liqudiator", as the circumstances of case may require. The Tribunal shall have the power to direct the sale of business of the company as a going concern or at its discretion to sell its asset in a piece-meal manner. Tribunal may continue to have jurisdiction for winding up the companies on grounds stated in section 433 but following further grounds may be added therein, namely: a company has failed to file balance sheet and profit and loss accounts and/or annual returns for last three years on due dates; or any action of the company has or is likely to threaten the security or integrity of India. Share holder or the Central Government will be entitled to file the petition under on aforesaid grounds. There should be two distinct aspects of the liquidation: (i) sale of assets (ii) distribution of sale proceeds An all-out effort should be made by the Liquidator for sale of assets of the company promptly as in absence of the receipt of sale proceeds, timely distribution among the creditors. The pending references before BIFR/ AAIFR under SICA should abate in view of repeal of SICA recommendations by the Committee. However, the winding up proceedings pending in High Courts under Companies Act, 1956 shall stand transferred to National Tribunal for expeditious disposal of those cases. There is a need to encourage voluntary winding up of companies. To achieve this object, a provision may be made in the Companies Act, 1956 to provide a company having paid-up capital of Rs. 10 lac or more may submit
(dcccxlv) a petition for its winding up in the process Tribunal and companies with paidup capital below that amount must resort to voluntary winding up. Creditors may approach the Tribunal for winding up only if a company defaults in payment of undisputed debts exceeding Rs. 1,00,000 and in other cases of default, creditors voluntary Winding up should be resorted. The provisions regarding winding up subject for supervision of court may be deleted as such cases will be taken care of by procedure of compulsory winding up by Court. It should be obligatory for a company filing a winding up petition to submit the Statement of Affairs along with the petition for winding up. In cases where the company opposes winding up petition, it should file Statement of Affairs along with its counter affidavit/reply statement. The Statement of Affairs should be accompanied by latest addresses of directors/company secretary of company, a details of location of assets and their value and debtors and creditors list with complete addresses. This will ensure speedy winding up of the company. "A Fund for Revival and Rehabilitation" preservation and protection of companies may be created under the supervision and control of the Government. The Fund shall be maintained and operated by an officer authorised in that behalf of such Government. The winding up order passed by the Tribunal should be made available to the liquidator within a period not exceeding two weeks from the date of passing of the order. The directors and officers of the company should be responsible for ensuring that books of account are completed and got audited up to the date of winding up order and submitted to the Tribunal at the cost of company failing which such directors and officers should be subjected to monetary penalty as well as imprisonment. The present system of liquidator required to seek the courts directions, even for small matters relating to routine administrative decisions not only causes delay in winding up but also takes valuable time of the court. Therefore, the liquidator should not seek the sanction of the court except for important matters such as confirmation of sale of assets and distribution of proceeds realised. Appropriate legislative action must be taken to ensure that the claims of all employees of a company and its secured creditors are ranked "pari-passu". Specific provisions may be made in the Companies Act, 1956 that the liquidator may distribute interim dividend. There should be a two point criteria for determining the maintainability of the reference for revival and rehabilitation to the of a company to the Tribunal, namely, that the company has suffered 50% of erosion of its net worth or there is a debt default involving a sum of not less than Rs.1 lakh in respect of undisputed debts. The reference to the Tribunal for revival by a company should be voluntary. As already stated the jurisdiction of hearing references of revival and rehabilitation of companies will vest in the Tribunal and not BIFR as at present. An explicit provision need be made in the Companies Act giving a right to
(dcccxlvi ) the secured creditors to file proof of debt with the liquidator without surrendering his status as a secured creditor and get the dividend in accordance with the priority to which he is entitled. The committee further favoured the appointment of professionals as the Liquidators from a panel to be prepared by the Government. The repeal of SICA and the ameliorative, revival and reconstructionist procedures obtaining under it to be reintegrated in a suitably amended form in the structure of the Companies Act 1956. The committee considered the adoption of the UNCITRAL Model Law in the Companies Act itself to deal with all cases of "Cross-Border Insolvency". The Committee also considered that the principles enunciated under legal frame work of "Orderly and Effective Procedure" recommended by IMF be incorporated in the Companies Act. The Committee strongly recommended appointing Insolvency Professionals who are members of Institute of Chartered Accountant of India (ICAI), Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI), Institute of Cost and Work Accountants of India (ICWAI), Bar Councils or corporate managers who are well versed in Corporate management on lines of U.K. Insolvency Act. For this purpose Central Government may maintain a panel of persons who may act as professional Insolvency practitioners subject to their fulfilling of the qualification and experience as may be specified by rules.
DR. J.J. IRANI EXPERT COMMITTEE ON COMPANY LAW Dr. J.J. Irani Expert Committee on Company Law was set up by the Government to recommend a new company law as a part of the on-going legal and financial sector reform process in the country. Committee submitted its report to the Government of India on 31 May, 2005. The Committee proposed significant changes in the law to make the restructuring and liquidation process speedy, efficient and effective. Recommendations are directed at restoring the eroded confidence of key stakeholders in the insolvency system while balancing their interest. The Committee noted that a beginning towards reform was made with the enactment of Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002, which in addition to significant changes in the restructuring and liquidation provisions provided for the setting up of a new institutional structure in the form of the National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)/Tribunal and its Appellate Body, the National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT). The highlights of the report of the Committee regarding Restructuring and Liquidation are given below: Corporate insolvency to be addressed in company law. No need for a separate insolvency law. Law to strike a balance between rehabilitation and liquidation process. Rehabilitation and liquidation processes to be time bound. Setting up of institutional structure in the form of NCLT/NCALT for overseeing such processes.
(dcccxlvii ) Winding up to be resorted to only when revival is not feasible. Reasonable opportunity for rehabilitation of business before it is decided to be liquidated. Period of one year to be adequate for rehabilitation from commencement of process to sanction of plan. Time bound procedures which limit the possibility of appeals and thereby delays. Two years to be feasible for completion of liquidation. Insolvency process to apply to all corporate entities except banks, financial institutions and insurance companies. Insolvent company to replace the concept of sick industrial company Debtors and creditors to have fair access to insolvency system. Rather than net worth erosion principle, test for insolvency should be default in payment of matured debt on demand within a prescribed time [liquidity test]. Debtors seeking rehabilitation to approach the Tribunal only with a draft scheme. Creditors being at least 3/4th in value may also file rehabilitation scheme. If tribunal deems fit, liquidation proceedings may be converted into restructuring proceedings. Law to impose certain duties and prohibitions to apply to debtors and creditors on admission of rehabilitation application. Automatic prohibition on Debtors rights to transfer, sale or dispose off assets or parts of the business except to the extent necessary to operate the business, with the approval of the Tribunal. There should be a duty cast on companies to convene creditors and shareholders meeting in case of default in payments to creditors to consider suitable steps to protect interest of stakeholders, preserve assets and adopt necessary steps to contain insolvency. Tribunal be vested with the power to summarily dismiss the proceedings for not meeting commencement standards with cost/ sanction. Law to impose a prohibition on the unauthorized disposition of the Debtors assets and suspension of actions by creditors. Law to provide for treatment of unperformed contracts. Provisions to interfere with the contractual obligations, which are not fulfilled completely. Meeting of the secured creditors be convened by the debtors to consider a rehabilitation plan when the Company has failed to repay its due debt without waiting for creditors to act on default or filing of application for rehabilitation. Companies to convene a General Meeting without delay where losses in financial year are equal to 25% or more of its average net worth during last two financial years and there is a default in making payments to the
(dcccxlvii i) creditors. Role of operating agency envisaged under the existing law should be performed by independent Administrator or other qualified professionals. Qualified Administrator appointed by the Tribunal in consultation with the secured creditors with board authority to administer the estate in the interest of all stakeholders should replace management of the going concern. Creditors to actively participate and monitor the insolvency process. Appointment of professional experts and specialists by Creditor Committee to advise them on technical and legal issues. Separate Committee to represent other categories of creditors and unsecured creditors and stakeholders be formed with separate rules thereof. Provisions to Coordinate meetings of unsecured and secured creditors to be made. Mechanism to recognize and record claims of unsecured creditors in preparation of the rehabilitation plan. Panel of Administrators and Liquidators to be prepared and maintained by an independent body of professionals with appropriate experience and knowledge of insolvency practice. Tribunal to appoint Administrator and Liquidators out of the panel maintained by the independent body and Official Liquidators from panel of officials made available by the Government. Identification of the assets that constitute the insolvency estate including assets of debtor and third party owned assets wherever located and collection of assets forming part of insolvency estate by Administrator/ Liquidator be facilitated. Avoidance or cancellation of pre-bankruptcy fraudulent and preferential transactions. A flexible but transparent system for disposal of assets efficiently to be provided for. Sales free and clear of security interests, charges or other encumbrances be allowed subject to priority of interests in the proceeds from assets disposal. Provision for monitoring and effective implementation of the scheme/ plan to be made. Provision should also be made to amend the plan in the interest of rehabilitation terminate the plan and to liquidate the company. Discharge or for alternation of debts and claims that have been discharged or otherwise altered under the plan. National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) envisaged as the forum to address Insolvency issues to be constituted speedily. Provisions to be made for ready access to court records, court hearings, debtors, financial data and other public information. Tribunal should have clear authority and effective methods of enforcing its judgments. Encourage and recognize the concept of Insolvency Practitioners
(dcccxlix ) (Administrators, Liquidators, Turnaround Specialists, Valuers etc). CA, CS and Cost Accountancy disciplines can offer high quality professional for this purpose. Insolvency Fund may be set up to meet the costs of the insolvency process. Company under restructuring and liquidation to draw out of the Fund only in proportion of the contribution made by it to the Fund in the pre-restructuring and pre-liquidation period. Application of the Fund to the insolvency/ rehabilitation process be subject to the orders of the Tribunal. International considerations Insolvency law to provide for rules of jurisdiction, recognition of foreign judgments and co-operation amongst courts in different countries. Provisions to deal with issues concerning treaties and arrangements entered into with different countries be framed.
7. LEGISLATIVE RESPONSE TO THE REFORM PROCESS Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002, the objective of which provides to expedite the winding-up process of the companies, facilitating rehabilitation of sick companies and protection of workers interest, is a sound attempt towards creating a balance between reorganization and liquidation. The Second Amendment has introduced some significant improvements in the law. Some of major provisions made under the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 are briefly discussed below: National Company Law Tribunal The Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 provides for setting up of a National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT) and its Appellate Tribunal. The purpose of creation of the Tribunal is to avoid multiplicity of litigation before various courts or quasi-judicial bodies or forums regarding revival or rehabilitation or merger and amalgamation, and winding up of companies. NCLT will have The power to consider revival and rehabilitation of companies 2 a mandate presently entrusted to BIFR under SICA. The jurisdiction and power relating to winding up of companies presently vested in the High Court. The winding up proceeding pending in High Courts shall stand transferred to the Tribunal. The jurisdiction and power exercised by the Company Law Board under the 1956 Act. The Company Law Board will stand abolished. Revival and rehabilitation of sick industrial companies The Amendment Act has inserted a new Part VI-A in the Principal Act to provide for the revival and rehabilitation of sick industrial companies. Management of insolvency proceedings
2. A new Part VIA (Section 424A to 424L) has been incorporated by the Companies (Second
(dcccl) The Second Amendment provides for appointment of court appointed professionals as Liquidators who will be capable and competent of handling insolvency proceedings much more efficiently. Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Repeal Act, 2003 Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Repeal Act, 2003 proposed to repeal the said Act, SICA, 1985 and dissolution of BIFR. The establishment of National Company Law Tribunal under the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 and providing it with powers for expediting the winding up procedure is in a way transfer of power and functions of BIFR to the Tribunal. 8. ROLE OF PROFESSIONALS IN INSOLVENCY PROCESS Engagement/involvement/participation of experts (Insolvency Practitioners) possessing appropriate knowledge and skills in the insolvency process becomes necessary for the quality and efficiency of the insolvency system. At present, the Indian law does not support effective participation of professionals and experts in the insolvency process. A progress has been made with the passing of the Companies (Second Amendment) Act, 2002 which provides for appointment of liquidators from a panel of firms of Chartered Accountants, Cost & Work Accountants, Advocates, Company Secretaries or others, as may be prescribed. However, the provisions of the Second Amendment Act are yet to be notified. Dr. J J Irani Committee in its report recommended a larger role and participation of experts and professionals at various stages in the insolvency process. The selected extracts of the report are given below: 10.8 The law should require the provision of relevant information about the Debtor to be made available for effective consideration of the scheme. The law should enable obtaining by the Tribunal, independent comment and analysis of that information by experts. 14.3 While the law should permit use and disposal of assets in ordinary course of business, capacity for management of the affairs of the business by debtors should be put to test in consultation with secured creditors. Otherwise creditors should be provided rights of substitution of debtors. Assets should in either case be subjected to supervision or management by impartial, independent, effective and capable Administrator. This would enhance the confidence of the secured creditors in the process while preserving and protecting the assets. 14.4 Where circumstance justify such as failure to protect assets or deal with them in prejudicial manner, in the opinion of the Tribunal or majority creditors, full control of assets may be allowed to pass to administrator nominated by creditors through exercise of right of substitution. 14.5 In furtherance of achieving a fair, independent and balanced resolution of stakeholders interest, the role of Operating Agency envisaged under the existing law should be performed by on independent Administrator or such other qualified professional as may be prescribed. Currently banks and financial institutions are appointed as Operating Agency. Engagement of experts will also enhance the efficiency of process. The banks and financial
(dcccli) institutions should participate in the operation through committee of creditors. The management of the going concern should be replaced by a qualified Administrator appointed by the Tribunal in consultation with the secured creditors with board authority to administer the estate in the interest of all stake holders. An independent Administrator would be able to provide the best treatment to the assets and preserve its value and take other necessary decisions in the best interest of the business. The Law should enable appointment of professional experts and specialists by Creditor Committee to advise them on various technical and legal issues. A panel of Administrators and Liquidators should be prepared and maintained by an independent body out of professionals with appropriate experience and knowledge of insolvency practice. The panel should be of individual advocates, accountants, company secretaries, costs and works accountants and other experts rather than the firms so that the independence and accountability of individuals may be determined. The panel should be prepared in a fair and transparent manner. This would also ensure that appropriate professionals who are appointed on the strength of their knowledge and experience provide the service rather than the other partners or colleagues in their firms. The law should however provide power to the Tribunal to make exceptions to the rule and appoint firms. The Tribunal should appoint accountancy experts / professionals to ensure that true and fair picture of accounts of the debtor enterprise and financial assets is available. Independent experts may be appointed as valuers for valuation of assets of a business concern under liquidation.
16.3 18.1
Insolvency Practitioners Keeping in view the large role for professionals and experts in the insolvency process, the Irani Committee has recommended the recognition of the concept of Insolvency Practitioners in paragraph 25 of its report which reads as under: 25. Currently, the law does not support effective participation of professionals and experts in the Insolvency process. There is no shortage of quality professionals in India. Disciplines of chartered accountancy, company secretaryship, cost and works accountancy, law etc can act as feeder streams, providing high quality professionals for this new activity. In fact, private professionals can play a meaningful role in all aspects of process. Insolvency practice can also open up a new field of activity for service professionals while improving the quality of intervention at all levels during rehabilitation/winding up/liquidation proceedings. Law should encourage and recognize the concept of Insolvency Practitioners (Administrators, Liquidators, Turnaround Specialists, Valuers etc). Greater responsibility and authority should be given to Insolvency Practitioners under the supervision of the Tribunal to maximize resource use and application of skills. The Committee observed that incorporating the abovementioned recommendations will lead to a revolutionary change in the Indian insolvency System by bringing it at par with the international standards and provide opportunities to
(dccclii) professionals. The professionals will get opportunities to participate and perform various roles in the insolvency process. Besides performing the services such as representing and advising creditor committees, individual creditors and other stakeholders, investigator, inspector, auctioneer, trustees, security advisors, etc., the professionals would be able to get appointed as: Liquidators; Administrators; Valuers; Turnaround Advisors; and Supervisors. ANNEXURE I THE WORLD BANK PRINCIPLES FOR EFFECTIVE INSOLVENCY AND CREDITOR RIGHTS SYSTEMS PART A. LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR CREDITOR RIGHTS A1 Key Elements A modern credit-based economy should facilitate broad access to credit at affordable rates through the widest possible range of credit products (secured and unsecured) inspired by a complete, integrated and harmonized commercial law system designed to promote: reliable and affordable means for protecting credit and minimizing the risks of non-performance and default; reliable procedures that enable credit providers and investors to more effectively assess, manage and resolve default risks and to promptly respond to a state of financial distress of an enterprise borrower; affordable, transparent and reasonably predictable mechanisms to enforce unsecured and secured credit claims by means of individual action (e.g., enforcement and execution) or through collective action and proceedings (e.g., insolvency); a unified policy vision governing credit access, credit protection, credit risk management and recovery, and insolvency through laws and regulations that are compatible procedurally and substantively. Security (Immovable Property) One of the pillars of a modern credit economy is the ability to own and freely transfer ownership interests in land and land use rights, and to grant a security interest (such as a mortgage or charge) to credit providers with respect to such interests and rights as a means of gaining access to credit at more affordable prices. The typical hallmarks of a modern mortgage system include the following features: Clearly defined rules and procedures for granting, by agreement or operation of law, security interests (mortgages, charges, etc) in all types of interests in immovable assets; Security interests related to any or all of a debtors obligations to a creditor, present or future, and between all types of persons; Clear rules of ownership and priority governing competing claims or interests in the same assets, eliminating or reducing priorities over security interests as much as possible; Methods of notice, including a system of registry, which will sufficiently
(dcccliii) publicize the existence of security interests to creditors, purchasers, and the public generally at the lowest possible cost. Security (Movable Property) A modern credit economy should broadly support all manner of modern forms of lending and credit transactions and structures, with respect to utilizing movable assets as a means of providing credit protection to reduce the costs of credit. A mature secured transactions system enables parties to grant a security interest in movable property, with the primary features that include: Clearly defined rules and procedures to create, recognize, and enforce security interests over movable assets, arising by agreement or operation of law; Allowance of security interests in all types of movable assets, whether tangible or intangible (e.g., equipment, inventory, bank accounts, securities, accounts receivables, goods in transit; intellectual property, and their proceeds, offspring and mutations); including present, afteracquired or future assets (including goods to be manufactured or acquired); wherever located and on a global basis; and based on both possessory and non-possessory interests; Security interests related to any or all of a debtors obligations to a creditor, present or future, and between all types of persons; Methods of notice (including a system of registration) that will sufficiently publicize the existence of security interests to creditors, purchasers, and the public generally at the lowest possible cost; Clear rules of priority governing competing claims or interests in the same assets, eliminating or reducing priorities over security interests as much as possible. A4 Registry Systems There should be an efficient, transparent, and cost-effective registration system with regard to property rights and security interests in the borrowers immovable assets. There should be an efficient, transparent and costeffective means of providing notice of the possible existence of security interests in regard to the borrowers movable assets, with registration in most cases being the principal and strongly preferred method, with some exceptions. The registration system should be reasonably integrated, easily accessible and inexpensive with respect to recording requirements and searches of the registry, and should be secure. A4.1 Land and mortgage registries. Registries pertaining to land (or land use rights) and mortgages are typically established solely for recording of interests of this nature, although permanent fixtures and attachments to the land may be treated as being subject to recordation in the place of the underlying real property. Land and mortgage registries are typically established by jurisdiction, region or locale where the property is situated, and ideally should provide for integrated, computerized search features. A4.2 Charge registries. Registries pertaining to movable assets of enterprises should be integrated and established nationally with filings
(dcccliv) made on the basis of the enterprise or business name, ideally in a centralized, computerized registry situated in the jurisdiction or location where the enterprise or business entity has been incorporated or has its main place of registration. A4.3 Specialized registries. Special registries are beneficial in the case of certain kinds of assets, such as aircraft, vessels, vehicles, and certain types of intellectual property (e.g., trademarks, copyrights, etc.). A5 Commercial Enforcement Systems A5.1 Enforcement of unsecured debt. A functional credit system should be supported by mechanisms and procedures that provide for efficient, transparent, and reliable methods for satisfying creditors rights by means of court proceedings or non-judicial dispute resolution procedures. To the extent possible, a countrys legal system should provide for executive or abbreviated procedures for debt collection. A5.2 Enforcement of secured debt. Enforcement systems should provide efficient, cost-effective, transparent and reliable methods (including both non-judicial and judicial) for enforcing a security interest over assets. Enforcement proceedings should provide for prompt realization of the rights obtained in secured assets, designed to enable maximum recovery according to market-based asset values. PART B. RISK MANAGEMENT AND CORPORATE WORKOUT B1 Credit Information Systems A modern credit-based economy requires access to complete, accurate and reliable information concerning borrowers payment histories. Key features of a credit information system should address the following: B1.1 Legal framework. The legal environment should not impede and, ideally should provide the framework for, the creation and operation of effective credit information systems. Libel and similar laws have the potential of constraining good faith reporting by credit information systems. While the accuracy of information reported is an important value, credit information systems should be afforded legal protection sufficient to encourage their activities without eliminating incentives to maintain high levels of accuracy. B1.2 Operations. Permissible uses of information from credit information systems should be clearly circumscribed, especially regarding information about individuals. Measures should be employed to safeguard information contained in the credit information system. Incentives should exist to maintain the integrity of the database. The legal system should create incentives for credit information services to collect and maintain a broad range of information on a significant part of the population. B1.3 Public policy. Legal controls on the type of information collected and distributed by credit information systems can be used to advance public policies. Legal controls on the type of information collected and distributed by credit information systems may be used to combat certain types of societal discrimination, such as discrimination based on race, gender, national origin, marital status, political affiliation, or union membership.
(dccclv) There may be public policy reasons to restrict the ability of credit information services to report negative information beyond a certain period of time, e.g., five or seven years. B1.4 Privacy. Subjects of information in credit information systems should be made aware of the existence of such systems and, in particular, should be notified when information from such systems is used to make adverse decisions about them. Subjects of information in credit information systems should be able to access information maintained in the credit information service about them. Subjects of information in credit information systems should be able to dispute inaccurate or incomplete information and mechanisms should exist to have such disputes investigated and have errors corrected. B1.5 Enforcement/Supervision. One benefit of the establishment of a credit information system is to permit regulators to assess an institutions risk exposure, thus giving the institution the tools and incentives to do it itself. Enforcement systems should provide efficient, inexpensive, transparent and predictable methods for resolving disputes concerning the operation of credit information systems. Both non-judicial and judicial enforcement methods should be considered. Sanctions for violations of laws regulating credit information systems should be sufficiently stringent to encourage compliance but not so stringent as to discourage operations of such systems. B2 Director and Officer Accountability Laws governing director and officer liability for decisions detrimental to creditors made when an enterprise is in financial distress or insolvent should promote responsible corporate behavior while fostering reasonable risk taking. At a minimum, standards should hold management accountable for harm to creditors resulting from willful, reckless or grossly negligent conduct. B3 Enabling Legislative Framework Corporate workouts and restructurings should be supported by an enabling environment that encourages participants to engage in consensual arrangements designed to restore an enterprise to financial viability. An environment that enables debt and enterprise restructuring includes laws and procedures that: B3.1 Require disclosure of or ensure access to timely, reliable and accurate financial information on the distressed enterprise; B3.2 Encourage lending to, investment in or recapitalization of viable financially distressed enterprises; B3.3 Flexibly accommodate a broad range of restructuring activities, involving asset sales, discounted debt sales, debt write-offs, debt reschedulings, debt and enterprise restructurings, and exchange offerings (debt-to-debt and debt-to-equity exchanges); B3.4 Provide favorable or neutral tax treatment with respect to losses or write-offs that are necessary to achieve a debt restructuring based on the real market value of the assets subject to the transaction; B3.5 Address regulatory impediments that may affect enterprise
(dccclvi) reorganizations. B3.6 Give creditors reliable recourse to enforcement as outlined in Section A and to liquidation and/or reorganization proceedings as outlined in Section C of these Principles. B4 Informal Workout Procedures B4.1 An informal workout process may work better if it enables creditors and debtors to use informal techniques, such as voluntary negotiation or mediation or informal dispute resolution. While a reliable method for timely resolution of inter-creditor differences is important, the financial supervisor should play a facilitating role consistent with its regulatory duties as opposed to actively participating in the resolution of inter-creditor differences. B4.2 Where the informal procedure relies on a formal reorganization, the formal proceeding should be able to quickly process the informal, prenegotiated agreement. B4.3 In the context of a systemic crisis, or where levels of corporate insolvency have reached systemic levels, informal rules and procedures may need to be supplemented by interim framework enhancement measures to address the special needs and circumstances encountered with a view to encouraging restructuring. Such measures are typically of an interim nature designed to cover the crisis and resolution period, without undermining the conventional proceedings and systems. B5 Regulation of Workout and Risk Management Practices B5.1 A countrys financial sector (possibly with the informal endorsement and assistance of the central bank, finance ministry or bankers association) should promote the development of a code of conduct on a voluntary, consensual procedure for dealing with cases of corporate financial difficulty in which banks and other financial institutions have a significant exposure, especially in markets where corporate insolvency has reached systemic levels. B5.2 In addition, good risk management practices should be encouraged by regulators of financial institutions and supported by norms that facilitate effective internal procedures and practices that support prompt and efficient recovery and resolution of non-performing loans and distressed assets. PART C. LEGAL FRAMEWORK FOR INSOLVENCY C1 Key Objectives and Policies Though country approaches vary, effective insolvency systems should aim to: (i) Integrate with a countrys broader legal and commercial systems. (ii) Maximize the value of a firms assets and recoveries by creditors. (iii) Provide for both the efficient liquidation of nonviable businesses and those where liquidation is likely to produce a greater return to
(dccclvii) creditors, and the reorganization of viable businesses. (iv) Strike a careful balance between liquidation and reorganization, allowing for easy conversion of proceedings from one procedure to another. (v) Provide for equitable treatment of similarly situated creditors, including similarly situated foreign and domestic creditors. (vi) Provide for timely, efficient and impartial resolution of insolvencies. (vii) Prevent the improper use of the insolvency system. (viii) Prevent the premature dismemberment of a debtors assets by individual creditors seeking quick judgments. (ix) Provide a transparent procedure that contains, and consistently applies, clear risk allocation rules and incentives for gathering and dispensing information. (x) Recognize existing creditor rights and respect the priority of claims with a predictable and established process. (xi) Establish a framework for cross-border insolvencies, with recognition of foreign proceedings. C2 Due Process: Notification and Information Effectively protecting the rights of parties in interest in a proceeding requires that such parties have a right to be heard on and receive proper notice of matters that affect their rights, and that such parties be afforded access to information relevant to protecting their rights or interests and to efficiently resolving disputes. To achieve these objectives, the insolvency system should: C2.1 Afford timely and proper notice to interested parties in a proceeding concerning matters that affect their rights. In insolvency proceedings there should be procedures for appellate review that support timely, efficient and impartial resolution of disputed matters. As a general rule, appeals do not stay insolvency proceedings, although the court may have power to do so in specific cases. C2.2 Require the debtor to disclose relevant information pertaining to its business and financial affairs in detail sufficient to enable the court, creditors and affected parties to reasonably evaluate the prospects for reorganization. It should also provide for independent comment on and analysis of that information. Provision should be made for the possible examination of directors, officers and other persons with knowledge of the debtors financial position and business affairs, who may be compelled to give information to the court and insolvency representative and creditors committee. C2.3 Provide for the retention of professional experts to investigate, evaluate or develop information that is essential to key decision-making. Professional experts should act with integrity, impartiality and independence. Commencement C3 Eligibility
(dccclviii) The insolvency proceeding should apply to all enterprises or corporate entities, including state-owned enterprises. Exceptions should be limited, clearly defined, and should be dealt with through a separate law or through special provisions in the insolvency law. C4 Applicability and accessibility C4.1 Access to the system should be efficient and cost-effective. Both debtors and creditors should be entitled to apply for insolvency proceedings. C4.2 Commencement criteria and presumptions about insolvency should be clearly defined in the law. The preferred test to commence an insolvency proceeding should be the debtors inability to pay debts as they mature, although insolvency may also exist where the debtors liabilities exceed the value of its assets, provided that the value of assets and liabilities are measured on the basis of fair market values.5 C4.3 Debtors should have easy access to the insolvency system upon showing proof of basic criteria (insolvency or financial difficulty). C4.4 Where the application for commencement of a proceeding is made by a creditor, the debtor should be entitled to prompt notice of the application, an opportunity to defend against the application, and a prompt decision by the court on the commencement of the case or the dismissal of the creditors application. C5 Provisional Measures and Effects of Commencement C5.1 When an application has been filed, but before the court has rendered a decision, provisional relief or measures should be granted when necessary to protect the debtors assets and the interests of stakeholders, subject to affording appropriate notice to affected parties. C5.2 The commencement of insolvency proceedings should prohibit the unauthorized disposition of the debtors assets and suspend actions by creditors to enforce their rights or remedies against the debtor or the debtors assets. The injunctive relief (stay) should be as wide and all encompassing as possible, extending to an interest in assets used, occupied or in the possession of the debtor. C5.3 A stay of actions by secured creditors should be imposed in liquidation proceedings to enable higher recovery of assets by sale of the entire business or its productive units, and in reorganization proceedings where the collateral is needed for the reorganization. The stay should be of limited, specified duration, strike a proper balance between creditor protection and insolvency proceeding objectives, and provide for relief from the stay by application to the court based on clearly established grounds when the insolvency proceeding objectives or the protection of the secured creditors interests in its collateral are not achieved. Exceptions to the general rule on a stay of enforcement actions should be limited and clearly defined. Governance C6 Management C6.1 In liquidation proceedings, management should be replaced by an
(dccclix) insolvency representative with authority to administer the estate in the interest of creditors. Control of the estate should be surrendered immediately to the insolvency representative. In creditor-initiated filings, where circumstances warrant, an interim administrator with limited functions should be appointed to monitor the business to ensure that creditor interests are protected. C6.2 There are typically three preferred approaches in reorganization proceedings: (i) exclusive control of the proceeding is entrusted to an independent insolvency representative; or (ii) governance responsibilities remain invested in management; or (iii) supervision of management is undertaken by an impartial and independent insolvency representative or supervisor. Under the second and third approaches, complete administration power should be shifted to the insolvency representative if management proves incompetent, negligent or has engaged in fraud or other misbehavior. C7 Creditors and the Creditors' Committee C7.1 The role, rights and governance of creditors in proceedings should be clearly defined. Creditor interests should be safeguarded by appropriate means that enable creditors to effectively monitor and participate in insolvency proceedings to ensure fairness and integrity, including by creation of a creditors committee as a preferred mechanism, especially in cases involving numerous creditors. C7.2 Where a committee is established, its duties and functions, and the rules for the committees membership, quorum and voting, and the conduct of meetings should be specified by the law. It should be consulted on nonroutine matters in the case and have the ability to be heard on key decisions in the proceeding. The committee should have the right to request relevant and necessary information from the debtor. It should serve as a conduit for processing and distributing that information to other creditors and for organizing creditors to decide on critical issues. In reorganization proceedings, creditors should be entitled to participate in the selection of the insolvency representative. Administration C8 Collection, Preservation, Administration and Disposition of Assets C8.1 The insolvency estate should include all the debtors assets, including encumbered assets and assets obtained after the commencement of the case. Assets excluded from the insolvency estate should be strictly limited and clearly defined by the law. C8.2 After the commencement of the insolvency proceedings, the court or the insolvency representative should be allowed to take prompt measures to preserve and protect the insolvency estate and the debtors business. The system for administering the insolvency estate should be flexible and transparent and enable disposal of assets efficiently and at the maximum values reasonably attainable. Where necessary, the system should allow assets to be sold free and clear of security interests, charges or other encumbrances, subject to preserving the priority of interests in the proceeds
(dccclx) from the assets disposed. C8.3 The rights and interests of a third party owner of assets should be protected where its assets are used during the insolvency proceedings by the insolvency representative and/or the debtor in possession. C9 Stabilizing and Sustaining Business Operations. C9.1 The business should be permitted to operate in the ordinary course. Transactions that are not part of the debtors ordinary business activities should be subject to court review. C9.2 Subject to appropriate safeguards, the business should have access to commercially sound forms of financing, including on terms that afford a repayment priority under exceptional circumstances, to enable the debtor to meet its ongoing business needs. C10 Treatment of Contractual Obligations C10.1 To achieve the objectives of insolvency proceedings, the system should allow interference with the performance of contracts where both parties have not fully performed their obligations. Interference may imply continuation, rejection or assignment of contracts. C10.2 To gain the benefit of contracts that have value, the insolvency representative should have the option of performing and assuming the obligations under those contracts. Contract provisions that provide for termination of a contract upon either an application for commencement, or the commencement of insolvency proceedings, should be unenforceable subject to special exceptions C10.3 Where the contract constitutes a net burden to the estate, the insolvency representative should be entitled to reject or cancel the contract, subject to any consequences that may arise from rejection. C10.4 Exceptions to the general rule of contract treatment in insolvency proceedings should be limited, clearly defined and allowed only for compelling commercial, public or social interests, such as in the following cases: (i) upholding general setoff rights, subject to rules on avoidance; (ii) upholding automatic termination, netting and close out provisions contained in financial contracts; (iii) preventing continuation and assignment of contracts for irreplaceable and personal services where the law would not require acceptance of performance by another party; and (iv) establishing special rules for treating employment contracts and collective bargaining agreements. C11 Avoidable Transactions C11.1 After the commencement of an insolvency proceeding, transactions by the debtor that are not consistent with the debtors ordinary course of business or engaged in as part of an approved administration should be avoided (cancelled), with narrow exceptions protecting parties who lacked notice. C11.2 Certain transactions prior to the application for or the date of commencement of the insolvency proceeding should be avoidable (cancelable), including fraudulent and preferential transfers made when the enterprise was insolvent or that rendered the enterprise insolvent.
(dccclxi) C11.3 The suspect period, during which payments are presumed to be preferential and may be set aside, should be reasonably short in respect to general creditors to avoid disrupting normal commercial and credit relations, but may be longer in the case of gifts or where the person receiving the transfer is closely related to the debtor or its owners. Claims and Claims Resolution Procedures C12 Treatment of Stakeholder Rights and Priorities C12.1 The rights of creditors and priorities of claims established prior to insolvency proceeding under commercial or other applicable laws should be upheld in an insolvency proceeding to preserve the legitimate expectations of creditors and encourage greater predictability in commercial relationships. Deviations from this general rule should occur only where necessary to promote other compelling policies, such as the policy supporting reorganization or to maximize the insolvency estates value. Rules of priority should enable creditors to manage credit efficiently consistent with the following additional principles: C12.2 The priority of secured creditors in their collateral should be upheld and, absent the secured creditors consent, its interest in the collateral should not be subordinated to other priorities granted in the course of the insolvency proceeding. Distributions to secured creditors should be made as promptly as possible. C12.3 Following distributions to secured creditors from their collateral and payment of claims related to costs and expenses of administration, proceeds available for distribution should be distributed pari passu to the remaining general unsecured creditors, unless there are compelling reasons to justify giving priority status to a particular class of claims. Public interests generally should not be given precedence over private rights. The number of priority classes should be kept to a minimum. C12.4 Workers are a vital part of an enterprise, and careful consideration should be given to balancing the rights of employees with those of other creditors. C12.5 In liquidation, equity interests or the owners of the business are not entitled to a distribution of the proceeds of assets until the creditors have been fully repaid. The same rule should apply in reorganization, although limited exceptions may be made under carefully stated circumstances that respect rules of fairness that entitle equity interests to retain a stake in the enterprise. C13 Claims Resolution Procedures Procedures for notifying creditors and permitting them to file claims should be cost effective, efficient and timely. While there must be a rigorous system of examining claims to ensure validity and resolve disputes, the delays inherent in resolving disputed claims should not be permitted to delay insolvency proceedings. C14 Reorganization Proceedings C14.1 The system should promote quick and easy access to the proceeding, assure timely and efficient administration of the proceeding,
(dccclxii) afford sufficient protection for all those involved in the proceeding, provide a structure that encourages fair negotiation of a commercial plan, and provide for approval of the plan by an appropriate majority of creditors. Key features and principles of a modern reorganization proceeding include the following: C14.2 Plan Formulation and Consideration. A flexible approach for developing a plan consistent with fundamental requirements designed to promote fairness and prevent commercial abuse. C14.3 Plan Voting and Approval. For voting purposes, classes of creditors may be provided with voting rights weighted according to the amount of a creditors claim. Claims and voting rights of insiders should be subject to special scrutiny and treated in a manner that will ensure fairness. Plan approval should be based on clear criteria aimed at achieving fairness among similar creditors, recognition of relative priorities and majority acceptance, while offering opposing creditors or classes a dividend equal to or greater than they would likely receive in a liquidation proceeding. Where court confirmation is required, the court should normally defer to the decision of the creditors based on a majority vote. Failure to approve a plan within the stated time period, or any extended periods, is typically grounds for placing the debtor into a liquidation proceeding. C14.4 Plan Implementation and Amendment. Effective implementation of the plan should be independently supervised. A plan should be capable of amendment (by vote of the creditors) if it is in the interests of the creditors. Where a debtor fails or is incapable of implementing the plan, this should be grounds for terminating the plan and liquidating the insolvency estate. C14.5 Discharge and Binding Effects. The system should provide for plan effects to be binding with respect to forgiveness, cancellation or alteration of debts. The effect of approval of the plan by a majority vote should bind all creditors, including dissenting minorities. C14.6 Plan Revocation and Closure. Where approval of the plan has been procured by fraud, the plan should be reconsidered or set aside. Upon consummation and completion of the plan, provision should be made to swiftly close the proceedings and enable the enterprise to carry on its business under normal conditions and governance. International Considerations Insolvency proceedings may have international aspects, and a countrys legal system should establish clear rules pertaining to jurisdiction, recognition of foreign judgments, cooperation among courts in different countries and choice of law. Key factors to effective handling of crossborder matters typically include: (i) A clear and speedy process for obtaining recognition of foreign insolvency proceedings; (ii) Relief to be granted upon recognition of foreign insolvency proceedings; (iii) Foreign insolvency representatives to have access to courts and other relevant authorities; (iv) Courts and insolvency representatives to cooperate in international
(dccclxiii) insolvency proceedings; (v) Nondiscrimination between foreign and domestic creditors. PART D. IMPLEMENTATION: INSTITUTIONAL & REGULATORY FRAMEWORKS D1 Role of Courts D1.1 Independence, Impartiality and Effectiveness. The system should guarantee the independence of the judiciary. Judicial decisions should be impartial. Courts should act in a competent manner and effectively. D1.2 Role of Courts in Insolvency Proceedings. Insolvency proceedings should be overseen and impartially disposed of by an independent court and assigned, where practical, to judges with specialized insolvency expertise. Non-judicial institutions playing judicial roles in insolvency proceedings should be subject to the same principles and standards applied to the judiciary. D1.3 Jurisdiction of the Insolvency Court. The courts jurisdiction should be defined and clear with respect to insolvency proceedings and matters arising in the conduct of these proceedings. D1.4 Exercise of Judgment by the Court in Insolvency Proceedings. The court should have sufficient supervisory powers to efficiently render decisions in proceedings in line with the legislation without inappropriately assuming a governance or business administration role for the debtor, which would typically be assigned to the management or the insolvency representative. D1.5 Role of Courts in Commercial Enforcement Proceedings. The general court system must include components that effectively enforce the rights of both secured and unsecured creditors outside of insolvency proceedings. If possible, these components should be staffed by specialists in commercial matters. Alternatively, specialized administrative agencies with that expertise may be established. D2 Judicial Selection, Qualification, Training and Performance D2.1 Judicial Selection and Appointment. Adequate and objective criteria should govern the process for selection and appointment of judges. D2.2 Judicial Training. Judicial education and training should be provided to judges. D2.3 Judicial Performance. Procedures should be adopted to ensure the competence of the judiciary and efficiency in the performance of court proceedings. These procedures serve as a basis for evaluating court efficiency and for improving the administration of the process. D3 Court Organization The court should be organized so that all interested partiesincluding the attorneys, insolvency representative, debtor, creditors, public and media are dealt with fairly, timely, objectively and as part of an efficient, transparent system. Implicit in that structure are firm and recognized lines of
(dccclxiv ) authority, clear allocation of tasks and responsibilities, and orderly operations in the courtroom and case management D4 Transparency and Accountability An insolvency and creditor rights system should be based upon transparency and accountability. Rules should ensure ready access to relevant court records, court hearings, debtor and financial data and other public information. D5 Judicial Decision Making and Enforcement of Orders D5.1 Judicial Decision Making. Judicial decision making should encourage consensual resolution among parties where possible and otherwise undertake timely adjudication of issues with a view to reinforcing predictability in the system through consistent application of the law. D5.2 Enforcement of Orders. The court must have clear authority and effective methods of enforcing its judgments. D5.3 Creating a Body of Jurisprudence. A body of jurisprudence should be developed by means of consistent publication of important and novel judicial decisions, especially by higher courts, using publication methods that are conventional and electronic (where possible). D6 Integrity of the System D6.1 Integrity of the Court. The system should guarantee security of tenure and adequate remuneration of judges, and personal security for judicial officers and court buildings. Court operations and decisions should be based on firm rules and regulations to avoid corruption and undue influence. D6.2 Conflict of Interest and Bias. The court must be free of conflicts of interest, bias and lapses in judicial ethics, objectivity and impartiality. D6.3 Integrity of Participants. Persons involved in a proceeding must be subject to rules and court orders designed to prevent fraud, other illegal activity and abuse of the insolvency and creditor rights system. In addition, the court must be vested with appropriate powers to enforce its orders and address matters of improper or illegal activity by parties or persons appearing before the court with respect to court proceedings. D7 Role of Regulatory or Supervisory Bodies The bodies responsible representatives should: for regulating or supervising insolvency
Be independent of individual representatives; Set standards that reflect the requirements of the legislation and public expectations of fairness, impartiality, transparency and accountability; and, Have appropriate powers and resources to enable them to discharge their functions, duties and responsibilities effectively.
(dccclxv) D8 Competence and Integrity of Insolvency Representatives The system should ensure that: Criteria as to who may be an insolvency representative should be objective, clearly established and publicly available; Insolvency representatives be competent to undertake the work to which they are appointed and to exercise the powers given to them.
A company is said to be insolvent when its liabilities exceed its assets which results in its liability to pay off the debts. Cross border insolvency issues arise when a non-resident is either a debtor or contributory or creditor. Since National insolvency laws have by and large not kept pace with the trend, they are often ill equipped to deal with cases of cross border nature. It hampers the rescue of financially troubled business. It hampers the administration of cross border insolvencies. This gave the path for evolution of UNCITRAL Model law on Cross-Border Insolvency in 1997. UNICITRAL had also came out with the legislative guide on Insolvency Law in 2004. The study deals with each article of the UNCITRAL Model law covering its purpose, scope, the process, reliefs foreign courts, foreign proceedings etc. in a summarized and easy language. The study further discusses about World Bank Principles which have been designed as a broad-spectrum assessment tool to assist countries in their efforts to evaluate and improve core aspects of their commercial law systems that are fundamental to a sound investment climate and to promote commerce and economic growth. These principles emphasize contextual, integrated solutions and the policy choices involved in developing the solutions. The principles inter alia outline key features and policy choices relating to legal framework for risk management and informal corporate work out systems, formal commercial insolvency law frame works etc. The study discusses various suggestions by various committees on reforms in Insolvency law in India. Engagement and participation of experts possessing appropriate knowledge and skills in insolvency process becomes necessary for the quality and efficiency of the insolvency system. The suggestions as highlighted under J.J. Irani Committee report on role of professionals in Insolvency process is discussed in the study.
SELF-TEST QUESTIONS (These are meant for recapitulation only. Answers to these questions are not required to be submitted for evaluation). 1. Distinguish between Corporate Insolvency and Cross Border Insolvency. 2. Write short note on:
(dccclxvi ) (i) UNCITRAL Model Law (ii) Foreign proceedings (iii) State 3. Under UNCITRAL Model Law, what are the reliefs that may be granted upon recognition of a foreign proceeding under Article 21. 4. What are the world Bank Principles? Why and how these are designed?
TEST PAPERS This Test Paper set contains five test papers. Test Paper 1/2010, 2/2010, 3/2010, 4/2010 and 5/2010. The maximum time allowed to attempt each test paper is 3 hours. Students are advised to attempt atleast one Test Paper from Test Papers 3/2010, 4/2010 and 5/2010 i.e. either Test Paper 3/2010 or Test Paper 4/2010 or Test Paper 5/2010 and send the response sheet for evaluation to make him/her eligible for Coaching Completion Certificate. However, students may, if they so desire, are encouraged to send more response sheets including Test Paper 1/2010 and 2/2010 for evaluation. While writing answers, students should take care not to copy from the study material, text books or other publications. Instances of deliberate copying from any source, will be viewed very seriously.
Time and again, it is brought to our notice by the examiners evaluating response sheets that some students use unfair means in completing postal coaching by way of copying the answers of students who have successfully completed the postal coaching or from the suggested answers/study material supplied by the Institute. A few cases of impersonation by handwriting while answering the response sheets have also been brought to the Institutes notice. The Training and Educational Facilities Committee has viewed seriously such instances of using unfair means to complete postal coaching. The students are, therefore, strongly advised to write response sheets personally in their own handwriting without copying from any original source. It is also brought to the notice of all students that use of any malpractice in undergoing postal or oral coaching is a misconduct as provided in the explanation to Regulation 27 and accordingly the studentship registration of such students is liable to be cancelled or terminated. The text of regulation 27 is reproduced below for information : 27. Suspension and cancellation of examination results or registration In the event of any misconduct by a registered student or a candidate enrolled for any examination conducted by the Institute, the Council or the Committee concerned may suo motu or on receipt of a complaint, if it is satisfied that, the misconduct is proved after such investigation as it may deem necessary and after giving such student or candidate an opportunity to state his case, suspend or debar the person from appearing in any one or more examinations, cancel his examination result, or studentship registration, or debar him from future registration as a student, as the case may be. Explanation - Misconduct for the purpose of this regulation shall mean and include behaviour in a disorderly manner in relation to the Institute or in or near an Examination premises/centre, breach of any regulation, condition, guideline or direction laid down by the Institute, malpractices with regard to postal or oral tuition or resorting to or attempting to resort to unfair means in connection with the writing of any examination conducted by the Institute".
(c) 2. (a)
(b) 3. (a)
(ii) If the proposed merger takes place, what would be the new EPS for XYZ Ltd ? Assume that the merger takes place by exchange of equity shares and the exchange ratio is based on the current market price. (3 marks)
848T.P.-1/2010 (dccclxx)
(iii) Will you recommend the merger of both the companies? Justify your answer. (4 marks) 4. (a) Discuss the factors involved in post merger reorganization. (10 marks) (b) Corporate restructuring is carried out to meet certain predetermined objectives. Discuss. (6 marks) 5. (a) While in a scheme of amalgamation of PQ Ltd. objections were raised by the Regional Director in respect of sanction of scheme of amalgamation stating that (a) there was name change of the transferee company under provisions of section 21 of the Act in respect of filing of necessary forms with Registrar of Companies and (b) upon the sanction of the scheme the authorized capital of the company would automatically increase requiring payment of stamp duty and fees to Registrar of Companies. The company is directed to comply with sections 94 and 97 of the Act. Are the Regional Director objections correct? Comment citing recent case law. (6 marks) (b) Prepare a check list of activities and documents involved, for Transferor Company in the case of takeover. (10 marks) 6. Write short notes on any four of the following (a) Conglomerate merger (b) Creeping acquisition (c) Leveraged buy out (d) Continual disclosures (e) Reverse merger (4 marks each)
(dccclxxi ) TEST PAPER 2/2010 (Based on study lessons 9 to 15) Time allowed : 3 hours NOTE: Answer All Questions. 1. (a) Briefly discuss the role of Lok Adalats in disposing of cases relating to debt recovery? (6 marks) (b) Discuss the grounds on which a company may be wound up by the court. (10 marks) 2 (a) State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False: 1. Net Worth means the total paid up capital of the company under SICA Act 1985. 2. Any borrower or any aggrieved person can file an appeal to Debt Recovery Tribunal under Securitisation Act 2002. 3. Committee of Inspection appointed by creditors shall not have more than 5 persons as members of the committee. 4. The Board of Directors can authorize the buy back of securities not exceeding 25% of free reserves of the company. 5. Reduction in minimum number of members of a company may call for its winding up. (2 marks each) (b) Describe financial restructuring. Give an account of the steps that are taken in case of under-capitalisation and over-capitalisation? (6 marks) 3. (a) What are the modes of reduction of share capital without the sanction of the court? (6 marks) (b) ABC Ltd. is looking forward to restructure its capital by buying back its capital. Give a detailed note on conditions and obligations to be fulfilled by the company for this purpose. (10 marks) 4. (a) What is the procedural requirement for recognition of a foreign proceedings under UNCITRAL model laws? (8 marks) (b) Describe winding up of unregistered companies. (8 marks) Maximum marks : 100
5. (a) Draft a specimen agreement between the acquirer and the management of the target company. (8 marks) (b) Draft notice of Extra Ordinary General Meeting to seek approval of shareholders to acquire shares of another company: (8 marks)
6. Write short notes on any four of the following: (a) Committee of Inspection. (b) Foreign proceeding under UNCITRAL Model Laws. (c) Rehabilitation and revival fund. (d) Insolvency laws in United States of America. (e) Debt Recovery Tribunals and its composition. (4 marks each)
(dccclxxii i) TEST PAPER 3/2010 (Based on entire study lessons) Time allowed : 3 hours NOTE: Answer All Questions. 1. (a) During the process of winding up of a company what preferential payments are to be kept in mind? (8 marks) (b) What are the measures for the purpose of asset reconstruction by Assets Reconstruction Companies? (4 marks) (c) What is the role of Operating Agency in revival of sick industrial concern? (4 marks) (d) Briefly describe buy back of securities through the stock exchange. (4 marks) 2. (a) What do you understand by enforcement of security interest by the creditors under Securitisation Act? (8 marks) (b) What do you mean by strategic planning? Strategic Planning is the foundation on which business activities are connected. In this context discuss its features and benefits. (8 marks) 3. (a) State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False: (a) Transferee company can commence with the business of the transferor company without approval of members, as scheme have been approved under single window clearance system (b) In the process of winding up, payment of workmens dues is prior most. (c) Leveraged buyout and management buy out mean the same. (d) Reverse merger means foreign company is merged with Indian company for want of funds. (e) National company law tribunal is responsible for the implementation of debt recovery provisions. (2 marks each) (b) What do you understand by Fraudulent Preference? (6 marks) 4. (a) What is the mode of recovery of debts determined by the Debt recovery tribunal? (10 marks) (b) Discuss the power of court to sanction modification of scheme of restructuring. Citing the case laws. (6 marks) 5. (a) When can liquidator disclaim onerous property belonging to the company being wound up? (6 marks) (b) Discuss the provisions relating to Escrow account under SEBI EP-CRI 852T.P.-3/2010 (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 1997. (6 marks) (c) Income Tax Act, 1961 provides reliefs to the resulting company, in this context discuss the provisions relating to expenditure on acquisition of Maximum marks : 100
(dccclxxi v) patent rights and copyrights. (4 marks) 6. Write short notes on any four of the following: (a) Non- Performing Assets (b) National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (c) Mandatory Bid (d) Status of a liquidator in the process of winding up (e) Strategic management (4 marks each)
(dccclxxv ) TEST PAPER 4/2010 (Based on entire study lessons) Time allowed : 3 hours NOTE: Answer All Questions. 1. (a) Discuss the role of court in approving a scheme of restructuring under sections 391-394 of Companies Act 1956. (8 marks) (b) What all can a company do to protect the value of its brand?(5 marks) (c) List the various forms to be filed in the process of amalgamation/merger. (3 marks) (d) When can Special Directors be appointed under the Companies Act, 1956? (4 marks) 2. (a) Give a detailed account of bail out takeover under SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 1997. (10 marks) (b) What are the obligations of the company to be fulfilled for buying back of securities under SEBI (Buy-back of securities), Regulations 1998. (6 marks) 3. (a) State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False: 1. A special resolution is not necessary where buy back is less than ten per cent of total paid up equity capital and free reserves of the company. 2. A company can be declared as insolvent under the provisions of Companies Act 1956. 3. When the holding company sells off the shares acquired by virtue of acquisition of majority stake, it is covered for payment of tax under Income tax Act 1961. 4. Walter valuation model assumes that all earnings are distributed as dividends. 5. Section 4A of the Companies Act 1956, do not cover Asset Reconstruction Companies under any circumstance. (2 marks each) What do you mean by demerged Company and Resulting Company? (6 marks) Discuss the procedure followed by Debt Recovery Tribunal for recovery of any debt. (10 marks) When can the court intervene in voluntary winding up of a company? (6 marks) Draft a specimen of Declaration of insolvency covered under section 854T.P.-4/2010 488 of Companies Act, 1956. (4 marks) Discuss Discounted cash flow valuation method of Shares. (7 marks) Give a brief account of External Commercial Borrowing as the mode of funding the scheme of restructuring the companies. (5 marks) Maximum marks : 100
(dccclxxv i) 6. Write a short note on any four of the following: (a) Partial Bid (b) Jurisdiction of High Court for considering amalgamation and merger. (c) Difference between merger and amalgamation. (d) The Crown Jewel Strategy. (e) Persons Acting in concert (PACs) under SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeover) Regulations, 1997 (4 marks each)
(dccclxxv ii) TEST PAPER 5/2010 (Based on entire study lessons) Time allowed : 3 hours NOTE: Answer All Questions. 1. (a) Fill in the Blanks (a) The proceeds of cess levied and collected under section 441A shall first be credited to_____________________. (b) The order made by the court under section 391(2) should be filed with the Registrar of Companies within __________________. (c) The liquidator within ____ days after his appointment delivers a notice of his appointment to the Registrar in e-form ___. (d) In case of buy back the shares bought back have to be statutorily extinguished within ______ from the last date of completion of buy back. (e) The __________________ has been empowered under the Act to strike off the name of a company from its register on the ground of non working. (1 mark each) (b) State with reasons whether the following statements are True or False: (a) A body corporate is qualified for appointment as a liquidator of a company. (b) Winding up and dissolution mean the same thing under Companies Act, 1956. (c) The offer of takeover once made cannot be withdrawn. (d) Shark Repellant is an anti takeover defense tool. (e) Securitisation and reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 is constitutionally valid. (2 mark each) (c) What are the disclosure requirements to be followed by the amalgamating companies as per AS-14? (5 marks) 2. (a) The provisions of Companies Act are not applicable to the amalgamation of banking company. Give a detailed account of the related provisions and procedure? (10 marks) (b) When can Central Government exercise its powers to amalgamate two or more companies? (6 marks) 3. (a) ABC Ltd. obtained a loan of Rs. 85 lacs from XYZ Bank against the mortgage of its land and building. The company failed to pay installments, to which bank issued show cause notice to the company. The bank denied of having received any representation from company and attached the property of the director who stood guarantee. The company created third party interest in the property mortgaged and also shifted machinery and material without informing the bank. Whether the Maximum marks : 100
attachment by the bank is valid under Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002, Decide citing recent cases. (6 marks) (b) ABC ltd. became sick and made reference to BIFR, during the pendency of the reference it prepared a scheme of compromise which was approved by the majority creditors. The petition under section 391(2) was made for sanction of the scheme. The petition was opposed by many banks claiming towards principal and interest and claiming the scheme involved sacrifice and was oppressive to minority secured creditors. Whether the court should allow the petition? Decide citing recent cases. (6 marks) (c) ABC ltd. has no secured creditors and all its unsecured creditors had accorded consent to proposed scheme of compromise along with shareholders of both the companies. The company wants to know whether it is necessary to move to the court for sanction of the scheme under these circumstances also. Decide citing recent cases. (4 marks) 4. (a) Distinguish between: (a) Demerger and Reconstruction. (b) Split-off and split-up. (c) Friendly take over and hostile take over (d) Horizontal merger and vertical merger. (2 marks each) (b) Whether court orders, sanctioning the scheme of amalgamation, instrument is liable to stamp duty? (8 marks) 5. (a) As a company secretary of a company your management wants you to suggest different parameters to assess the success of mergers. Prepare a note in this context. (8 marks) (b) Under SEBI (Buy-back of Securities) Regulations, 1998 what are the obligations which a company needs to abide by? (8 marks) 6. Write short note on any four of the following: (a) Extinguishing of bought back securities (b) Poison Pill devices (c) American Depository Receipts (d) Contributories in winding up of an unregistered company. (4 mark each)
(dccclxxi x)
(dccclxxx ) (iv) The situation in which further offer of buy-back can be given by the company within a period of 365 days. (2 marks each) (b) State whether the following statements are correct or incorrect citing relevant provisions of the law : (i) the scheme of arrangement is to be passed at a meeting with the support of majority in number and three-fourths in value of those present and voting. The creditors or members who are present at the meeting but remain neutral or abstain from voting will be counted in ascertaining the majority in number or value. (ii) A person who is a transferee of certain shares (yet to be registered) can seek to modify a scheme of arrangement of the company concerned approved by the court. (iii) A private limited company can amalgamate with a public limited company within few days after its incorporation. (iv) Court has power to disapprove the scheme of arrangement on the grounds of mismanagement of affairs of the company and withholding of material information from the shareholders and creditors. (v) Court can modify the scheme of arrangement filed before it on its own. (vi) Section 394 does not cast an obligation on the court to satisfy the presence of public interest if the scheme is duly approved by the shareholders and creditors of the companies concerned. (2 marks each) (c) Though the terms diminution of share capital and reduction of capital look synonymous, but sometimes diminution of share capital does not amount to reduction of capital. Briefly explain the circumstances when such exercises do not fall within the purview of reduction of capital and procedure of reduction of capital under section 100 is not to be followed. (5 marks) 2. (a) Good Luck Ltd. (GCL), a listed company, holds 100% equity of C&S India Ltd. C&S India Ltd. holds 15% stake in C&S USA Ltd. as on 31st March, 2009. Due to poor performance of C&S USA Ltd., Board of directors of GCL and C&S USA Ltd. in their meeting held on 20th May, 2009 had approved merger of C&S USA Ltd. with GCL with effect from 1st April, 2009. The scheme of merger was filed with the Honble High Court of Delhi pursuant to sections 391-394. The Registrar of Companies has raised objections that sanction of the scheme of merger would result in the buying back by the GCL of shares of its subsidiary C&S USA Ltd. and would thereby violate the provisions of sections 42 and 77. Give your comments whether the objection raised by the Registrar of Companies is sustainable in the court of law. (5 marks) (b) Define corporate restructuring. What are the various kinds of restructuring ? (5 marks) (c) ABC Ltd. proposes to amalgamate with BCD Ltd. In this context, explain
(dccclxxx i) how to go about for convening the meeting of the creditors or class of creditors in terms of courts order. (5 marks) In Broad Vision Ltd., two acquirers made open offer for acquisition of 20% of its equity capital one made by Damanies and another by British-American Tobacco Plc. UK (BAT Group). In this case, the petitioners sought a writ of mandamus directing SEBI to conduct investigation into violations and particularly under regulation 22 dealing with obligations of acquirer, and thereby to deny permission to the abovementioned two acquirers to proceed with their public offer. Will the petitioner get the remedy as applied before the High Court of the State where the registered office of the target company is situated ? Support your answer with justification and case law(s). (7 marks) A takeover bid may either be friendly or hostile, it may also be mandatory, partial or competitive. Explain the three types of takeover bids with circumstances and purpose of such bids. (8 marks) According to the Companies Act, 1956, it is clearly understood that there is no difference between the terms merger and reverse merger, both are the cases of amalgamation. But in common business parlance, both are quite different. Why is the amalgamation of a particular nature called reverse merger and what are underlying circumstances and benefits for effecting a reverse merger ? Discuss. (7 marks) Registrar of Companies (ROC) while going through the technical scrutiny of the annual report of Gemini Ltd. for the financial year ended on March, 2008 had observed certain irregularities or non-compliance of Schedule VI of the Companies Act, 1956 related to disclosure of interest accrued and due on secured loans and asked information from the company under section 234. The Schedule 3 of the secured loan as given in the annual report of Gemini Ltd. as on 31st March, 2008 is as follows : Rupees in Crores Schedule 3 : Secured Loans Debentures : 10% Non-convertible debentures From banks and financial institutions : Working capital loans Foreign currency loans Rupee term loans As at 31-3-2008 As at 31-3-2007 9.00
3. (a)
4. (a)
241.00 243.00 5.00 15.00 517.00 581.00 827.00 784.00 ROC in its letter to Gemini Ltd. stated that as per the provisions of section 211 read with Schedule VI, Part 1 to the Companies Act, 1956, interest accrued and due on secured loans should be included under the appropriate sub-heads under the head secured loans. But it was observed that the company has not separately disclosed the interest accrued and due on the secured loan and thereby violated the provisions of section 211 read with Schedule VI to the Companies Act,
(dccclxxx ii) 1956. Explain. Gemini Ltd. in its reply to ROC has given following facts : As per provisions of section 211 every balance sheet of a company shall give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the company as at the end of the financial year and shall, subject to the provisions of this section, be in the form set out in Part 1 of the Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956 or as near thereto as circumstances admit. As far as not showing the interest accrued and due on secured loans under appropriate sub-head under the head secured loans, we would like to state that the same has been clubbed with secured loan under Schedule 3 of the annual report and we believe that the disclosure is as per the format set out in Part 1 of the Schedule VI or as near thereto and there is no violation of the provisions of section 211 read with Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956. ROC has not agreed with the above views of the Gemini Ltd. and issued show cause notice for violation of section 211 read with Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956. In its show cause notice ROC has stated that whereas during the course of technical scrutiny of the balance sheet as at 31st March, 2008, it has been observed that company has not separately disclosed the interest accrued and due on secured loans separately and as such the balance sheet is not drawn up in accordance with the requirements of provisions of section 211 read with Schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956. Whereas in view of the above observations, the provisions of section 211 read with schedule VI to the Companies Act, 1956 have been contravened and every officer of the company who is in default have rendered themselves liable to be prosecuted under section 211(7) read with section 209(6). Now in view of what is stated herein above, every officer in default of the company as the case may be are hereby called upon to show cause as to why legal action under section 211(7) read with section 209(6) should not be taken. ROC has served notice in terms of section 51 to the Managing Director, Executive Director (Finance) and the Company Secretary. You as the Vice-President and Company Secretary of the company, prepare a note for the Board on consequences of the situation and remedies, if any. (8 marks) 5. (a) In case of amalgamation, merger, arrangement, de-merger, etc., various courts have pronounced different opinions for valuation of shares of companies involved. In view of such pronouncements, state the principles for valuation with example of two cases. (Name of the case is not essential.) (7 marks) (b) Comment on the following in the light of judicial pronouncements : (i) Once the exchange ratio is determined by an independent expert in the field of valuation of securities and who has used his expertise to value the exchange ratio, then court has limited jurisdiction to substitute its exchange ratio. (4 marks)
(dccclxxx iii) (ii) In a scheme of arrangement by way of demerger one of the unsecured creditors took an objection that it will amount to transfer of technology and thereby the terms of supply agreement will be violated. Is the objection maintainable ? (4 marks) PARTB (Answer ANY TWO questions from this part.) 6. (a) What is meant by securitisation under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 (SARFAESI) ? What are the main motives of securitisation ? (5 marks) (b) The Government of India is of the opinion that the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002 would bring about a financial discipline and reduce burden of NPAs on banks and financial institutions. The ICICI Bank initiated action under this Act against Mardia Chemicals Ltd. and the later, aggrieved by the Act, challenged the same on the grounds that the Act was loaded heavily in favour of lenders, giving little chance to the borrower to explain their views, therefore is not constitutional and pleaded the following against Union of India : (i) There was no occasion to enact such a draconian legislation to find a short cut to realise NPAs without their ascertainment when there already existed the Recovery of Debts Due to Banks and Financial Institutions Act, 1993 (Recovery of Debts Act) for doing so; (ii) No provision had been made to take into account lenders liability; (iii) That the mechanism for recovery under section 13 of the SARFAESI Act, 2002 does not provide for an adjudicatory forum of inter se disputes between lender and borrower; and (iv) That the appeal provisions were illusory because the appeal would be maintainable after possession of the property or management of the property was taken over or the property sold and the appeal is not entertainable unless 75% of the amount claim is deposited with the Debt Recovery Tribunal (DRT). State whether the Mardia Chemicals Ltd. will succeed on the stands taken by them. Give reasons. (10 marks) 7. (a) There must be strong grounds for liquidating a company as it is the last resort to be adopted and mere allegations would not constitute just and equitable ground for winding-up of a company. Comment. (5 marks) (b) The Board of directors can refuse to file a petition for winding-up of a company on their own even though members have given authorisation for filing the petition by passing ordinary resolution. Comment. (5 marks) (c) What do you mean by Lok Adalat under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 and what is the purpose, scope and purview of the same ? What is the need of setting-up of Lok Adalats ? (5 marks)
(dccclxxx iv) 8. (a) It is cardinal principle of law that a person can be insolvent but a company cannot be adjudged insolvent. In the light of this statement, state the reasons why a company cant be adjudged insolvent but, it can be dissolved that too in case it is running in proper health and able to pay its obligation. Further, you are required to differentiate between the insolvency of an individual and winding-up of a company and their legal status during insolvency and winding-up process. (9 marks) (b) Write short notes on the following : (i) Cross boarder insolvency (ii) Meaning of State within the UNCITRAL Model Law (iii) Requirements and stipulations to become a merchant banker of an acquirer for making a takeover bid. (2 marks each)
(dccclxxx v)
Time allowed: 3 hours NOTE: Maximum marks: 100
All references to sections relate to the Companies Act, 1956 unless stated otherwise. PART A (Answer Question No.1 which is compulsory and any three of the rest from this part) 1. (a) It is widely believed that there are several reasons for business growth and expansion for a merged company. Explain at least three such reasons for business growth and expansion which may be achieved by a merged company. (9 marks) (b) A company is over-capitalised due to rights issue, bonus issue and allotment of shares to the shareholders of transferor companies. Its share prices have plunged due to floating shares and do not represent its fair value in the market. The management is now thinking to take some corrective measures. The company has sufficient liquid cash at its disposal. State briefly the corrective measures. (6 marks) (c) In a scheme of reconstruction, a company may, if its memorandum of association permits, carry out reconstruction following the procedure laid down under section 494, by incorporating a new company specifically for that purpose. In the given case, the new company bears features which are substantially the same as of the earlier company. But the shareholders of a transferor company objected to the scheme of reconstruction that the directors were actuated by sinister motive by doing so. Is the objection sustainable if the objecting shareholders fulfil the formalities of minimum percentage for doing so? State your answer with case law. (5 marks) (d) What is strategic planning? State its salient features. (5 marks) 2. (a) Can a lending bank file an appeal/revision application for modification of sanctioned scheme of amalgamation on the basis of the fact that there is a provision in the loan agreement executed between the company and the bank requiring prior approval of the bank before undertaking any steps for amalgamation or reconstruction? Explain. (4 marks) (b) Acquirer, target company and merchant banker are duty bound to comply with the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 both in letter and spirit. Explain, with relevant provisions of law, consequences in case of violation of provisions of the SEBI regulations. (4 marks) (c) State, with reasons in brief, whether the following statements are true or false: (i) Provisions of the Specific Relief Act, 1963 override the provisions of
(dccclxxx vi) sections 391 and 392. (ii) A scheme, apparently made to merge the profit making company with a loss making company and to take tax advantage, is a valid scheme. (iii) Amalgamation between two banking companies is governed solely by the Companies Act, 1956. (iv) The transferee company after effecting merger is able to charge to profit and loss account the expenditure incurred wholly and exclusively for the purposes of amalgamation. (v) Persons acting in concert (PAC) are individuals/company(ies)/any other legal entities who are acting together for an uncommon objective. (vi) Under the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997, it is a voluntary requirement to appoint a merchant banker for acquisition of shares. (vii) The shares of a target company are deemed as frequently traded for pricing purpose if the annualised trading turnover in those shares is more than 5% (by number of shares). (1 mark each) 3. (a) By analysing a balance sheet of Aadarsh Ltd., it was found that there are plethora of reserves in the balance sheet for the year ended 31st March, 2009, and the reserves are summarised below: (i) Investment fluctuation reserve (ii) Statutory reserve (iii) Securities premium account (iv) General reserve (v) Foreign currency fluctuation reserve (vi) Dividend equilisation reserve (vii) Dividend redemption reserve (preference shares) (viii) Capital, redemption reserve. Now, the Chairman of Aadarsh Ltd. asks you as a Company Secretary to know which of the above reserves can be utilised for the proposed buy-back of shares of the company. Advise. (4 marks) (b) A company wants to demerge its unrelated business to a newly formed company with a purpose of selling the demerged company. However, the company presented a scheme of arrangement/demerger before the court and fixed an appointed date before incorporation of the new company to which unrelated business will go. The Central Government raised objection that the appointed date (i.e., on which date all assets and liabilities will transfer to the demerged company) cannot be transferred before the incorporation of the resulting company. Is the objection of the Central Government sustainable? State your answer with case law. (4 marks)
(dccclxxx vii) (c) Regulation 22 of the SEBI (Substantial Acquisition of Shares and Takeovers) Regulations, 1997 puts certain obligations upon the acquirer. At the same time, the duty of SEBI is to issue directions only. An aggrieved person applied to the court for writ of mandamus to SEBI to conduct enquiry for irregularities committed by the acquirer. Will the petitioner succeed ? State with relevant case law. (4 marks) (d) State government has power to impose stamp duty on transfer of properties under the order of amalgamation. Briefly comment with case law. (3 marks) 4. (a) What are the safeguards incorporated in the takeover process so as to ensure that shareholders get their payments under the offer/receive back their share certificates? (4 marks) (b) Can the Central Government amalgamate two companies in the public interest? Explain with the relevant provisions of law and process. (4 marks) (c) What should be the minimum price for creeping acquisition? Explain with relevant provisions of law. (4 marks) (d) Can an acquirer withdraw the offer once made ? Give reasons. (3 marks) 5. (a) Describe any three of the following: (i) Cross border takeover (ii) Demerger by agreement (iii) Non-performing assets (iv) Accounting Standard-14. (3 marks each) (b) Distinguish between any two of the following: . (i) Reduction of capital and diminution of capital. (ii) Split-off and split-up, (iii) Mandatory bid and competitive bid. PART B 6. (a) (b) (c) 7. (a) (Answer ANY TWO questions from this part) A company is also a person in the eye of law and can be adjudged as insolvent. Comment. (5 marks) Is the Registrar of Companies capable of making a petition for windingup of a company ? If so, on what grounds? (5 marks) Explain the immunities provided to a sick industrial company under the Sick Industrial Companies (Special Provisions) Act, 1985. (5 marks) Briefly explain the mechanism for the enforcement of security interest by a secured creditor under the Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Act, 2002. (7 marks) Briefly describe the role of professionals in the insolvency process. (3 marks each)
(dccclxxx viii) (4 marks) (c) Briefly describe the insolvency or bankruptcy laws as applicable in United States of America. (4 marks) 8. (a) Though UNCITRAL Model Law is not a substantive law, yet it recommends protection to creditors and other interested persons. Briefly describe the protections provided under the UNCITRAL Model Law. (4 marks) (b) Main object ofasset reconstruction company (ARC) is to act as an agent for banks and financial institutions. Briefly explain with relevant provisions of law. (4 marks) (c) Can a company make winding-up petition? If so, what is the procedure of making petition for winding-up? (4 marks) (d) Define securitisation and explain its motives. (3 marks)