Tips To Promote Social-Emotional Health Among Young Children
Tips To Promote Social-Emotional Health Among Young Children
Tips To Promote Social-Emotional Health Among Young Children
Integrate literacy promotion into practice. Talk with families about child care and school. Promote a 3-way partnership among the pediatrician, family, and caregivers. Help your patients and parents focus on the childs assets or strengths. Discuss the importance of a support system and appropriate coping strategies when parents feel tired, overwhelmed, or frustrated. If you see signs of depression in a parent, encourage interventions and support. Remind parents that they have to take care of themselves before they can take care of their child. Depression may impair the parents responsiveness to the child. Know what resources are available in your community so that you can refer families who need support. Make connections with mental health service providers and referral sources, and have information available in the office about mental health services.
A Final Thought:
As adults, one of the greatest things we can do for our children is to make them feel good about themselves and to equip them with a wide repertoire of positive coping strategies. They learn these strategies best when they see them modeled by the important adults in their lives.