Rune Yoga Course
Rune Yoga Course
Rune Yoga Course
Armanen Runes
The Rune Yoga Course
Copyright 1985-1998 by Karl Hans Welz
All rights reserved. This course may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, transmitted, or
utilized in any form by any means,
electronic, photographic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information
storage and retrieval system,
without prior permission in writing by the author.
Published by Magitech Press P.O. Box 1298, Woodstock, GA 30188
Welcome to a most fascinating discipline that enables you to harnesses energies from the
realms of creation by means of utilizing SHAPES. The shapes which you are going to use are
based on the ancient Runes. They serve as triggers which give you access to energies of
Students and practitioners of Rune Yoga have the goal of achieving a balance of the physical,
emotional, and mental bodies, which is at the basis of perfect health; they use Rune Yoga as a
gateway to their chakras and to deep mystical experiences; and they learn the power to
project Light energy. Students of Rune Yoga are encouraged to practice in groups. Unlike in
conventional Yoga systems, where students practice individually, Rune Yoga knows of
practices that are based on group-interaction. In such interaction, each individual is assigned
a specific function within the group-position as a whole. Consequently, the group-position will
always be of a qualitatively (and most times also quantitatively) higher order than the mere
sum total of the energies which each individual would draw. This important characteristic
makes Rune Yoga an excellent tool to build groups for joint practice of Runic ceremonials.
To achieve the benefits of Rune Yoga, the student utilizes many different types of shapes.
Rune Yoga constitutes a unique combination of body- and hand positions (shapes of the
body), controlled breathing techniques (rhythmic shapes), Rune Mantras (shapes of sound),
focus on specific symbols or groups of symbols (Runic shapes, geometrical or graphic outlines
which may be visualized), a meditative awareness of realms within (a link between shapes
and worlds of experience), runic sound pitches (again shapes of sound) and ceremonial
settings. Ceremonial settings constitute a link between shapes and objective energies of the
realms of creation as well as to defined Higher Order Energy Complexes (HOEC's).
In this course, you will advance in Rune Yoga by means of practicical experience. Ideally you
should practice with a group. If you cannot practice with a group, it will be beneficial for you
to imagine that you practice within a group. In this case ayou can take various positions
within this group. This is not unlike playing with "invisible playmates", or thought forms.
Such practice will make it easier for you to practice with a real group whenever you have
such an opportunity. It will also enhance tremendously some of the effects of Rune Yoga over
what you would achieve when simply practicing with the consciousness of being an
individual. With practice, you will increasingly penetrate the intricacies of the discipline of
Rune Yoga, much of which is in creative realms beyond purely logical thinking. Therefore, I
will give only as much theoretical knowledge as is absolutely necessary.
Rune Yoga Lesson 1
You find the meanings of Runes in the Basic Rune Course.
In addition to the meanings of Runes that you find in the Basic Rune Course, there are
additional meanings, or functions, of Runes. These are meanings that are of key importance
for your practice of Rune Yoga. It will be good for you to memorize these meanings well:
FA is an ENERGIZING Rune. It is used to DRAW LIFE ENERGIES, and also to PROJECT them. It
relates to 'fire". Often perceived as warm to hot, and red or orange. Sometimes also "blue
UR is CALMING and HEALING. It gives STRENGTH, and it is used to accumulate life energies.
Often perceived warm, steady, green, growing.
OS is a function of ACCEPTING and receiving, focus of ODIC (or Orgone) ENERGIES.
RIT is ROTATING and DANCING. Ceremonial rhythms and structures.
KA is STRENGTH and POWER. Release of sexual energies. Projection of power. STRENGTH and
POWER. Release of sexual energies. Project ion of power.
HAGAL is BALANCING in all directions, crystallizing. "Taking care of the universe".
NOD is KARRMIC STRUCTURING. The lever to shift karma.
IS is function of the spine, i.e., the system of CHAKRAS as a whole. Emotional calmness
achieved as a result of calming down thoughts. ANTENNA TO DRAW energies.
AR is mental energy, RELEASING of the past and refraining, energy of the Sun.
SIG is SUDDEN EFFORT, or sudden impact. Lightning-like strike, Victory, Impact.
TYRis ACTION OF THE HIGHER SELF. Odin gets rid of illusions amid attachments.
BAR is sleep, withdrawal, deepest meditations, TOTAL CALMNESS, empty chaos from which
life sprouts eternally.
LAF is law of LIFE FUNCTIONING. Nature.
MAN is PHYSICAL STRENGTH energized by spirit, drawing from above, levitation (reaching
YR is DRAWING FROM THE ROOTS. Awareness of roots-eternal. (MAN and YR together form
the world crystal of HAGAL)
EH is balance of life streams. Balance of sexual energies. MALE - FEMALE BALANCE (EH and
Rune Yoga Lesson 1
NOD together form the world crystal of HAGAL)
GIBOR is the dance of life forces, dance of lives around the universal structure of HAGAL..
1. If you have already an altar for Runic practice, set up your Crystal Runes, or Rune Staves.
Light one candle. If you are at the beginning of Runic practice, keep the ceremonial setting
(see the third lesson for more details) as simple as possible, yet already present. Simply light
a candle as a focal point, and be aware that the candle represents Light. Symbolically it links
you with the realms of creation.
2. The group practices a short meditation, approximately 3 to 5 minutes. Students of Rune
Magic may establish their inner Rune Realm, and join all individual realms to one.
Say, with a ceremonial attitude:
"May the power of the Runes
Lead us to a greater understanding
Of the universe and ourselves.
May the power of the Runes
Further our path to Oneness
With the Universe.
4. Everybody standing in a circle, body position of MAN
5. Chant MAN 3 times.
6. Sit down, meditate a for a few minutes. Then share experiences, or, if you practice by
yourself, write in a diary.
You have just practiced Rune Yoga: A body position and the chanting of a mantra in a
ceremonial setting. Perhaps also the focus on the graphic shape of MAN. Some first-time
students may have felt a very strong energy flow. MAN is a good introduction in Runic
practice. ,This is so, because it tunes into spiritual realms. Next, let's draw energies to
energize ourselves: as individuals and as a group.
7. Again, everybody stand up, in a circle. All take the body position Of FA. The hands are
pointing toward the center of the circle.
First, chant FA three times, then breathe slowly while you are still aware of the chanting:
inhale four seconds,
hold your breath two seconds,
exhale four seconds,
again hold for two seconds.
As you inhale, feel the energies of FA flow through your palms into your body. Practice for
one to three minutes, then sit down and meditate. Share experiences. In this practice we
added another element to our practice. We practiced with the same Rune, but we added a
breathing rhythm, combined with a focus on the body, which is to be energized by FA.
Rune Yoga Lesson 1
8. Instead of FA practice with MAN the same way as above. Again, meditate and share
9. Everybody stands in a circle, and we form the body position of FA. We chant FA three times,
then we change into the breathing rhythm. This time, as we inhale, we draw FA into the body
through an imaginary gate in the area of the solar plexus.. As we exhale, we draw the
energies of FA from the Solar plexus and project it into the area of the third eye. In addition,
during inhalation and exhalation, we mentally chant FA.
KNOW that this process will continue as long as we stay in the position of FA. Then sit down
and meditate. In this practice we added the focus on specific areas of the body. In addition,
we started "training" our subconscious to continue a process of focusing (or magical action)
even when we are no longer consciously attached to this process. This way we can ensure
10. Practice MAN the same way.
11. Now, instead of standing in a circle, participants form the Rune FA. It may help to outline
FA on the floor (with a string). Four or more participants are needed for this exercise. If there
are less people, then we have to imagine others. Then, we proceed as in 7. Meditate and
share. Then swap positions in the Rune and compare experiences. Next, practice MAN the
same way.
12. To end the practice, we ground the energies. Grounding after practice is essential,
because it sends back any surplus energies. To ground, we stand in position of IS and we
visualize all energies drain through our bodies into the ground, in a similar way as water goes
down the drain. With this visualization in mind, we chant IS three times. It will be good to
practice the above exercises two to four times before you begin with the second lesson and
send your progress report to receive your third lesson. You may practice other body positions.
May the power of the Runes
Bring you in contact with the realms of spirit
and energize body, mind, and aura.
Rune Yoga Lesson 2
Rune Yoga Lesson II
Welcome to the second lesson of Rune Yoga.
In this lesson, you will learn more elements of Rune Yoga. Here we emphasize the use of
strengthening and healing energies. Again, much of your progress you will experience as you
1. If you have already an altar for Runic practice, set up your Crystal Runes, or Rune Staves,
and light one candle. If you are at the beginning of Runic practice, keep the ceremonial
setting simple, yet already present. Simply light a candle as a focal point, and be aware that
the candle represents Light.
2. The group practices a short meditation, approximately 3 to 5 minutes. Students of the
Basic Rune Course may establish their inner Rune Realm, and join all individual realms to one.
Say, with a ceremonial attitude:
May the power of the Runes
Lead us to a greater understanding
Of the universe and ourselves.
May the power of the Runes
Further our path to Oneness
With the Universe."
4. Everybody standing in a circle, body position of MAN
5. Chant MAN 3 times.
6. Sit aown, meditate a few minutes. Then share Experiences, or, if you practice by yourself,
write in a diary.
7. Again, everybody stand up, in a circle, and pose the body position of FA. Hands pointing
toward the center of the circle. First, chant FA three times, then breathe slowly while you are
still aware of the chanting: inhale four seconds, hold your breath two seconds, exhale four
seconds, again hold for two seconds. As you inhale, feel the energies of FA flow through your
palms into your body. Practice for one to three minutes, then sit down and meditate. Share
experiences. This practice of FA was performed to energize yourself, so you will be better
able to draw the healing energies of UR and to project them.
8. Now, we stand again in a circle, and we practice UR the same way as we practiced FA,
meditate and share experiences. UR gave us an experience that was very different from FA or
MAN. We filled ourselves with the energies of FA, UR, and MAN. This helps us to draw and
project those energies as we continue with the practice.
9. Now, we sit in a circle. We take the hand position of FA with our left hand, and chant FA
three times. Next, we begin with our breathing rhythm. While we inhale, we feel the energies
Rune Yoga Lesson 2
of FA flow through our left hand into our bodies, and we chant mentally FA. Meditate briefly
and share experiences.
10. We practice as in 9, but, when inhaling, we draw FA energies into the area of our solar
plexus, when exhaling, we project FA from our solar plexus into our right hand from where
we allow it to leave through the palm of the right hand or through the fingertips of the right
hand. Meditate and share.
11. Practice the same way as 10, but this time you point your palm - or the focussed
fingertips, toward the forehead of a partner, at the location of the third eye. Then, your
partner projects FA onto your forehead in the area of the third eye. Meditate and share.
Practice MAN the same way.
12. Practice with the handposition of UR, alternate both handpositions so you may find out
which one of the two positions suits you better. You may point UR toward other parts of the
body. Also, alternate hands, which one drawes and which one projects, and feel the
13. All participants form the position of the Rune UR. Draw energies of UR and project in the
center of the Rune, or into a specific area of the altar, or of the room. Next, project on one of
the participants.
14. Same practice as in 13, but this time everybody visualizes the healing energies of UR
projected on a person they know needs it. This projection is to be done mentally. Those
participants who do not know the person who is to benefit from Runic energies may project
their energies on one of the participants who knows the person and who then mentally
directs all energies, his own and those of others.
Warning: This should never be understood as a substitute for qualified medical care.
15. As an alternative, place a photo of the person to be helped on the altar, or any object
which is closely linked to this person. If nothing else is available, write the name on a piece of
paper which is to be set on the altar. Project UR onto this object.
16. Participants who feel they would like some energizing, or balancing, may receive energies
as outlined above.
17. Experience the Rune THORN with hand- and body positions.
18. To end the practice, we ground the energies. Grounding after practice is essential,
because it sends back any surplus energies. To ground. we stand in position of IS, and we
visualize all energies drain through our bodies into the ground, in a similar way as water goes
down the drain. With this visualization in mind, we chant IS three times.
May the power of the Runes
Bring you in contact with the realms of spirit
And energize, heal, and balance
body, mind, and aura.
Rune Yoga Lesson 3
Welcome to the third letter of instructions of Rune Yoga. While I focused on specific practices
in the previous two letters of instruction, I give you a more detailed information about the
ceremonial set up in this lesson. The ceremonial set up is very helpful. This is so, because it
enables you to set up a plenum of energies within which work is made easier. The Knight of
Runes, or Rune Master, refers to the physical set up of the ceremonial.
One of the most important sources of "raw energy" needed for the practice of energy transfer
and triggering is emotional-astral energy. This type energy is in general produced within the
context of a good ceremonial setting. A little known alternative is to produce this emotional-
astral energy technically.
As I mentioned before, ceremonial utensils are focal points (structural links) for more subtle,
higher order energy components. Such higher order energies are essential for the success of
the ceremonial. When I speak of the "symbolic meaning" of a utensil, then I refer generally to
the structures of the Higher Order Energy components that are connected with the specific
utensil. Another important characteristic of utensils is the following: As the utensil is used on
a regular basis, the transcendental energies (HOEC's or Higher Order Energy Complexes)
attached to it increase (and modify to some degree) more and more. Eventually the utensil is
capable of "functioning" without the practitioner needing to be consciously aware of any of
the utensil's inherent characteristics and functions. Thus, a dagger is no longer just a knife,
but it is the instrument that gives the practitionner dominion over astral -emotional energy
The basic arrangement of all utensils will set your "machinery" or "central switch board"
ready to function smoothly: it allows you to define energies of a higher order, to make them
work for you, and to send them wherever you want to send them.
An important factor, then, is to follow exactly all istructions given in order to have the Runic
energies and HOEC's (which will be created and/or modified by Runic energies) perform as
you intended. This is crucial for manifestation of the desired results on whatever level(s) you
projected them.
In the following, I discuss the various utensils that are used in the ceremonial set up of Rune
The temple is your "workshop", or, better yet, your place from which you are triggering the
HOEC's for specific purposes. It is the space within which you arrange all your tools, or
machinery. It is your specific outer realm (outer Rune Realm) from which you reach every
point of your universe.
You may, in fact, see the temple as a symbol of your universe. As is the case with any
Rune Yoga Lesson 3
workplace, cleanliness enhances proper functioning. Since you are working with HOEC's, or
"psychic energies", be aware that the temple needs also to be free from any kind of psychic
debris or pollution, otherwise the results of your practices may be negatively influenced.
Many banishing rituals are designed to clean the temple from energies that are not desired. If
you follow this runem, you can project psychic energies without undesirable interference. In
Rune Yoga, you may use the Runes AR, IS and MAN to cleanse.
Many of our students do not have a special room or space available for their temple. Even
though a specific assigned space for a temple has great advantages, it is not absolutely
essential. You may practice Rune Yoga anywhere. You establish your temple by determining
what space will serve as your temple, and by cleansing it from any undesirable psychic
energy with AR, MAN, and IS every time before you begin to practice. You may define the
boarder of the temple mentally or with a wand or dagger. Depending on the situation, you
may chant mentally (yes, you CAN perform a fully valid ceremonial in the midst of a crowd,
without anybody noticing what you are doing!), or you may chant aloud while in the body
positions of IS (grounding position), MAN, and UR.
The protective circle within your temple is a space within which you are working,
unencumbrered by any energy that may be attracted by your work. The circle makes sure that
no energies will be present except for those that you desire to be present. It is a barrier
against negative energies and other energies that may interfere with the HOEC's that you are
going to trigger. This way the circle serves not only to your personal protection from hostile
HOEC's, but it also insures a clean functionning of your Yoga practice. An ideal circle is
formed by laying out all 18 Runes, which will then be in tune with your Inner Rune Realm.
Have the sixteen Runes arranged on the periphery of your circle, starting with FA in the
North, counterclockwise to YR, which will then be on the right side of FA. Have EH and GIBOR
inside the circle, since those Runes symbolize the marriage of opposites and the universe of
the symbolism.
The diameter of the circle is dependent on the amount of people participating and, of course,
considerations of space.
The altar is the actual workplace, or your control panel. In more advanced practice it can also
serve as a point of manifestation for specific HOEC's. In this case specific measures of
protection or insulating methods have to be obseved.
Being your control panel the altar will contain utensils that connect with the specific
structures of the universe and HOEC's with which you are going to work in your ceremonial.
Therefore the arrangement of utensils on the altar and the symbols used will vary according
to the purpose(s) of your ceremonial. You will, however, notice some CFP (common
functionning principle) on all arrangements of your altar.
The size of the altar depends on the number of people attending, size of your temple, amount
of utensils, etc. For most individual purposes and for small groups, an altar the size of 24 x 30
inches will be adequate.
Rune Yoga Lesson 3
Since you will use Runic energies, a set of triggers to those energies is of utmost importance.
Those Rune staves will be arranged in a circle, as shown in the the diagram. More than the
staves around yourself and the altar, the staves on the altar are triggers which conncet with
your inner Rune realm and the Runic Realms of Creation. Practical experience has established
that this circle alone can give a clean temple and the protective circle as outlined above.
However, I still recommend that you practice the banishing and cleansing as well as the
establishing of the protective circle wherever possible.
You may use Runes made of cardboard and charged accordingly, or you may use Runes made
of wood. Crystal Runes are excellent and superior even to the traditional wooden Runes for
several reasons. One of the reasons is that the crystalline structure of quartz is the
"hexagonal system" which is also one of the bases of the Runic symbolism (the hexagon with
the three inscribed diameters). Pnother reason for the incredible strength of crystal Runes
lies in the fact that crystal energies can be modified and directed: modified by Runic energies
which are very kin to the crystalline energies, and directed by means of gridding.
Again, I have to refer to the Basic Rune Course. Practitioners who used crystal Runes (and
coparecl them to wooden staves) noticed the difference in power immediately!
Candles symbolize the fire element, your will powers, or the world of emanataion.
Furthermore, there is much more symbolic meaning to Candles: There is hardly any
ceremonial where Light would not play an important role. Light is neutral. Depending on the
action to be performed it assumes some color. Since Light is so important, many ceremonials
contain and include something that symbolizes Light. Candles are the preferred utensil to
symbolize Light. Of course, there are deeper symbolic meanings connected with candles than
that of giving Light. The more you become familiar with various methods involving candles,
the more you will become aware of the many symbolic meanings of candles, and the more you
will be able to use candles.
Candles, as we know, are made of various materials, mostly paraffin, more seldom true bees'
wax. Candles may be scented and colored, tailored to special lenghts and shapes, etc.
Candles are a excellent tool to help the powers of visualization, or imagination.
In our work, we have one or two altar candles and, ideally, 18 candles, one for every Rune.
These candles should have the Rune inscribed which they symbolize.
While the candles connect with the will and the worlds of emanation, the wand is the tool
which expresses the will of the practitionner. It is your tool to dominate the HOEC's that have
characteristics belonging to the mental spheres. The symbolic of the powerrod or wand will
become familiar to you as you advance in Rune Yoga.
The Incense burner connects you with the mental worlds, with HOEC's that are part of the
mental spheres, and with the air element in general.
Rune Yoga Lesson 3
The dagger (or sword) represents your mind which controls the emotions and HOEC's that
belong to the astral spheres. Again, while the incense tunes into the mental worlds, the
dagger uses mental energies.
The Powerrod is an ideal combination of wand and dagger. It is very suited for work with
Runes, because of the use of a quartz crystal as a tip of the powerrod.
The cup connects with the astral worlds and with the emotions. It provides the energy
necessary to bring results in your ceremonies. It symbolizes the emotional power of the
practitionner. Drinking the water or wine aligns the astral-emotional energies with the goal of
the ceremonial. Water accumulates odic energies (life energies) that are 'programmed" with
the goals of the ceremonial.
It represents your consciousness that can connect with any point in space-time. In other
words, the Hammer of Thor can be projected to any interval in the space-time continuum of
your universe. It can be developed into being your specific tool to break the self-imposed
limitations of space-time. It symbolizes conscious action that is charged and energized by the
other elements (wand, sword, and cup). Once energized, the Hammer of Thor will perform for
you. Aain, with repeated practice you will learn more and more about this most powerful tool
of Runic ceremonials. Thor's Hammer is perhaps the best symbol of your conscious
projection. It collects within itself the three elements of the will, mental, and astral-emotional
spheres. Once you have charged Thor's Hammer, you have aligned all elements toward your
specific purpose: your will, mind, emotions, and consciousness. All you need to do now, is to
throw Thor's Hammer (its higher plane components) toward your goal, which is embedded in
an interval of your conscious space-time continuum. Thor's Hammer is your tool on the
material planes that reaches beyond the confines of space and time. It is your instrument of
power, your connection to your universe, your power of projecting into your universe
whatever energy you charge the hammer with, and to whatever interval of space and time
you desire to send the hammer. Thor's Hammer, therefore, is the most powerful Runic
talisman, symbolizing the element earth on your altar, which you could imagine. You need to
learn to use Thor's Hammer properly. Tune into the Nordic mythology of the god Thor and his
hammer, and you will gain additional information about this powerful tool of Rune Practice.
The material hammer of Thor remains on your altar, of course, but its spiritual parts, or
components, you project them to the desired goal. You do this directing with the powers of
your imagination. Be aware that the more you practice using Thor's Hammer, the more skillful
you will become in its use. In fact, RUNE YOGA TEACHES YOU THE SKILL OF PROJECTING AND
USING THE HAMMER OF THOR! Ideally, your Hammer of THOR should be a true talisman,
which you can wear as a pendant. You may use a piece of paper with Thor's Hammer drawn
on it.
Repeated use of a ceremonial utensil connects you with specific energies without you needing
to tie up your own forces. Your own forces can then be more effectively directed towards the
Rune Yoga Lesson 3
purpose of your practice. In this respect, a utensil takes on the function of a GENERATOR OF
ENERGIES that belong to the higher levels.
Utensils seen under this aspect, you must realize the importance of proper preparation of
your utensils, including yourself, since you will be an integral part of the ceremonial
machinery which you are about to se up. Ideally, all utensils should be bought new, and only
you should use your utensils. Also, you should charge and bless your own utensils. Never lend
your utensils to anybody else. An exception may be candles and incense, as well as some of
the accessories of an altar, such as the incense burner, which may be used by anybody who
attends the ceremonial. A set of Rune Staves and Hammer of THOR may be shared, and
belongs to the altar of a Rune Castle, or lodge. This set may be used by everybody who is
member or guest of the group. Your personal Rune Staves, on the other hand, should NEVER
be used by anybody else than yourself. This counts as well for group ceremonials. The same
holds with your Thor's Hammer, Rune dagger, and other utensils that are your own.
Now, to the preparation and blessing of your utensils.
The simplest preparation of a utensil is by charging it with your energies. Bring yourself in a
meditative state, preferably establish your Rune Realms. Then put the utensil in front of
yourself and hold your hands above it. While inhaling, visualize your body drawing energy
from the universe. When exhaling, you visualize that energy stream through your hands into
the utensil.
The charging, of course, has many variations. As you progress with your knowledge of Rune
Yoga, your insights will increase, and so will your means available.
Prepare all your utensils by charging them. With all utensils prepared, you are well prepared
for any ceremony with Runes.
1. While this was not absolutely necessary to mention this in the first lessons, I need now to
stress the great importance of your personal preparation. This includes leaving all those
things behind which trouble you. It is also essential that you DETACH YOURSELF from any
goal that you intend to achieve with your practice of Rune Yoga. It is very advisable for you to
take a bath before practicing. It symbolically cleanses you from your worries and anything
else which may contaminate the course of your magical operation. It purifies your spiritual
centers, when you take your bath with this attitude. Wear clean clothes for the practice. You
may have some special clothes for ceremonials, or a special robe. Followers of the old religion
prefer to practice nude, for this symbolizes freedom and direct contact with the living
2. Setting of the outer Realm. The outer realm is the space within which you are working. It is
your temple. The set up of your outer realm symbolizes the universe upon which you intend
to operate. Be sure that you will not be disturbed in your work. Be sure the room where you
are working is clean. You need an altar. A table will do. Arrange your ceremonial utensils as
shown in the picture. Leave enough space for the candles and Rune staves which you use for
the ceremonial. You may set a circle of Rune Staves around the table, large enough so you
can move in this circle. Have the Runes EH and GIBOR on the left and right sides of the table,
or altar. Have the Runes which you need for your ceremonial removed from the circle, and set
it on the table in the space where you have the center of operations. Set the cup with water
or wine on the table, the incense burner, one altar candle, Thor's Hammer, and the Rune
Rune Yoga Lesson 3
Now, you are ready to set up the space within which you are going to work: your inner and
outer Rune Realms. First, tune into each Rune in the circle, singing the stanza of the magical
poem for each Rune. You may, instead, listen to the tape which establishes your inner Rune
Realm, and connect each Rune of your inner Rune Realm with the corresponding Rune Stave
in your outer Rune Realm.
3. Protective circle: Next, you take the Rune dagger or power rod. First you trace the circle of
Rune Staves around the table, then you draw the HAGAL Rune in all four directions, beginning
with North (the position of the FA Rune), next West (position of RIT), South (position of IS),
then East, position of BAR. Each time you draw the Hagal Rune in the air, do so with the
strongest possible imagination of protection and Oneness with the universe.
Next, all participants stand up, with the imagination of cleansing, they position first MAN
three times, then AR. Put the dagger back to the side of the incense burner.
4. Light Altar Candle and say:
"Forces of the Light
Eternal in the universe,
Penetrate darkness
Sacred Flame, shine!
Bring Light to the night!
All around darkness
All around night
I amidst the Light
Darkness had merge
With the Light!
Original fire of FA
Burning since the beginning
Of times
Light Force of AR
Born in the Sun
At the beginning of the worlds
Give Light to the seeker!"
5. Light Incense and say:
"May the power of the Runes
Lead us to a greater understanding
Of the Universe and Ourselves!"
6. Hold both hands over cup with water (or wine which is thinned with water). Be aware of
the purpose of your ceremonial. Project the visualization of the result in the wine or water, if
the purpose of the ceremonial is related to you personally. Otherwise know that the water
element symbolizes emotional strength. Project energy into the water or wine. Then drink
part of it.
7. Look at Thor's Hammer. Be aware that this is the symbol for your capability to draw,
harness, and project Rune energies. Hold both hands over it, knowing of its power.
Rune Yoga Lesson 3
Now, you finished all preparation and you are ready for your group practice of Rune Yoga.
8. Practice FA through KA, first body positions, then hand positions, and share experiences.
9. Practice Healing transfer with UR. First body position of UR and chant UR three times, in
order to make this energy predominant within the circle. Next pair up and practice transfer.
10. You are ready to end the ceremony. You say
"Powers of the Runes
Thank you for your energy
Flow back to the Realms of Creation!
11. Imagine, or visualize, the Rune energies grounding, flowing into the ground, like water
flows down a drain, or seeps into sandy soil.
12. Extinguish the flame of the Altar candle and extinguish the incense burner.
13. Chant IS three times, again with the imagination of grounding.
14. Remove all utensils.
It will be good to practice the above exercises two to four times before you begin with the
fourth lesson and send your progress report to receive your fifth lesson. You may practice
other body positions.
May the power of the Runes
Bring you in contact with the realms of spirit
And energize, heal, and balance
Body, mind, and aura.
Rune Yoga Lesson 8
Welcome to your forth lesson in Rune Yoga. In the previous lessons you learned to draw
Runic energies, and to direct them for healing and energizing. You have experienced that
simple body positions, combined with other shape related practices, can generate and
harness powerful energies. You also experienced the strength of group practices, where the
group, too, adds to the overall shape energies. Some of you will have become aware of
specific group energies, apart from and in conjunction with individual energies. Furthermore,
you experienced the values of a ceremonial setting.
In this lesson you will gain experiences of working with the spiritual centres of your body, the
chakras. Let's go right into
1. Setting of the outer Realm. The outer realm is the space within which you are working. It is
your temple. The set up of your outer realm symbolizes the universe upon which you intend
to operate. Be sure that you will not be disturbed in your work. Be sure the room in which you
are working is clean. You need an altar. A table will do. Arrange your ceremonial utensils as
shown in the picture. Leave enough space for the candles and Rune staves which you use for
the ceremonial. You may set a circle of Rune Staves around the table, large enough so you
can move in this circle. Have the Runes EH and GIBOR on the left and right sides of the table,
or altar. Have the Runes which you need for your ceremonial removed from the circle, and set
it on the table in the space where you have the center of operations. Set the cup with water
or wine on the table, the incense burner, one altar candle, Thor's Hammer, and the Rune
Now, you are ready to set up the space within which you are going to work: your inner and
outer Rune Realms. First, tune into each Rune in the circle, singing the stanza of the magical
poem for each Rune. You may, instead, listen to the tape which establishes your inner Rune
Realm and connect each Rune of your inner Rune Realm with the corresponding Rune Stave in
your outer Rune Realm.
2. Protective circle: Next, you take the Rune dagger or power rod. First you trace the circle of
Rune Staves around the table, then you draw the HAGAL Rune in all four directions, beginning
with North (the position of the FA Rune), next West (position of RIT), South (position of IS),
then East, position of BAR. Each time you draw the Hagal Rune in the air, do so with the
strongest possible imagination of protection and Oneness with the universe.
Next, all participants stand up, with the imagination of cleansing, they position first MAN
three times, then AR. Put the dagger back to the side of the incense burner.
3. Light Altar Candle and say:
"Forces of the Light
Eternal in the universe,
Penetrate darkness!
Sacred Flame, shine!
Bring Light to the night'
Rune Yoga Lesson 8
All around darkness
All around night
I amidst the Light
Darkness had merged
With the Light!
Original fire of FA
Burning since the beginning
Of times
Light Force of AR
Born in the Sun
At the beginning of the worlds
Give Light to the seeker!"
4. Light Incense and say:
"May the power of the Runes
Lead us to a greater understanding
Of the Universe and Ourselves!"
5. Hold both hands over cup with water (or wine which is thinned with water). Be aware of
the purpose of your ceremonial. Project the visualization of the result in the wine or water, if
the purpose of the ceremonial is related to you personally. Otherwise know that the water
element symbolizes emotional strength. Project energy into the water or wine. Then drink
part of it.
6. Look at Thor's Hammer. Be aware that this is the symbol for your capability to draw,
harness, and project Rune energies. Hold both hands over it, knowing of its power. Now, you
finished all preparation and you are ready for your group practice of Rune Yoga.
7. Participants in circle. Focus on your crown chakra. Body Position of HAGAL. Chant HAGAL
three times. Hand Position of HAGAL. While inhaling, chant HAGAL. At the same time, feel
energy come into your crown chakra.
8. Focus on your eye chakra. Body Position of HAGAL. Chant HAGAL three times. Hand
Position of HAGAL. While inhaling, chant HAGAL. At the same time, feel energy come into your
eye chakra.
9. Focus on your throat chakra. Body Position of HAGAL. Chant HAGAL three times. Hand
Position of HAGAL. While inhaling, chant HAGAL. At the same time, feel energy come into your
throat chakra.
10 Focus on your heart chakra. Body Position of HAGAL. Chant HAGAL three times. Hand
Position of HAGAL. While inhaling, chant HAGAL. At the same time, feel energy come into your
heart chakra.
11. Focus on your solar plexus. Body Position of HAGAL. Chant HAGAL three times. Hand
Position of HAGAL. While inhaling, chant HAGAL. At the same time, feel energy come into your
solar plexus.
12. Focus on your spleen chakra. Body Position of HAGAL. Chant HAGAL three times. Hand
Position of HAGAL. While inhaling, chant HAGAL. At the same time, feel energy come into your
Rune Yoga Lesson 8
spleen chakra.
13. Focus on your root chakra. Body Position of HAGAL. Chant HAGAL three times. Hand
Position of HAGAL. While inhaling, chant HAGAL. At the same time, feel energy come into your
root chakra. Go into a brief meditation, then share experiences. It will be good to repeat this
practice two to four times in the following days.
14. Everybody in a circle. Better, forming the HAGAL Rune. Whoever wants special attention
to one or more of his/her chakras sits in the middle. Hand Position of UR. Chant UR three
times. Then, breathing technique (correlate breathing) and while inhaling, chant mentally UR
while you visualize energies of UR coming through your hand into your solar plexus. Point
palm or fingers of other hand to chakra of the person in the middle, while exhaling, imagine
the energies of UR projected through yout other arm into the chakra of person in the middle.
15. Same exercise, this time energize chakra (for the beginning, I recommend the eye chakra
or the root chakra) Give everybody a chance of receiving Runic energies. The person in the
middle may either draw the energies consciously, i.e. Inhale and draw while others exhale
and project, or remain in meditative, receptive position.
16. You are ready to end the ceremony.
You say
"Powers of the Runes
Thank you for your energy Flow back to the Realms of Creation!"
17. Imagine, or visualize, the Rune energies grounding, flowing into the ground, like water
flows down a drain, or seeps into sandy soil.
18. Extinguish the flame of the Altar candle.
19. Extinguish the incense burner.
20. Chant IS three times, again with the imagination of grounding.
21. Remove all utensils.
It will be good to practice the above exercises two to four times before you begin with the
fifth lesson and send your progress report to receive your sixth lesson.
May the power of the Runes
Bring you in contact
with the realms of creation
And energize, heal,
and balance your chakras.
Rune Yoga Lesson 5
Welcome to the fifth letter of instructions of Rune Yoga. While in letter #4 we focussed on
ourselves by balancing our chakras, this fifth letter introduces us to energies that we perceive
as external.
In many metaphysical systems, there is mention of life energy. Life energy is explained as the
kind of force that is at the basis of life, or, at least, is found in conjunction with living
organisms. Like energies belonging to the electromagnetic spectrum, life energies are
considered to be everywhere in the living universe.
Hindoo philosophy refers to life energies as Prana. The Eastern Yoga developed specific
methods of directing and using Prana. In the pacific, it is refered to as "Mana", carrier of
psychic energies and life. There, too, specific methods were developed to direct and use Mana.
In Western metaphysical and scientific systems, life force is described with many different
labels. Scientists studied these energies under many various aspects. (see www.magitech.
com for updated info)
For your practice you will develop a model of life energies that will prove to be very useful.
For an in depth understanding of these energies, it is helpful that you look at a few historic
developments in the scientific understanding and use of life energies.
One of the early pioneers of a scientific understanding of those energies was Franz Anton
Mesmer, a medical doctor from Stuttgart, Germany, who lived 200 years ago. He discovered
an energy that he thought to be emanating from the hands. He labeled this force "animal
magnetism." Mesmer developed methods of healing with passes of the hands along the body,
at a distance of 1 to 3 inches. In our days his methods are still practiced by thousands of
professional healers, or "magnetiseurs" in France.
People pair up. One person sits in a comfortable position in a chair, or lies down. Preferably
relaxed. However, relaxing is not necessary because the application of life energies will relax.
Next, the other person makes magnetic passes along the body of the first. The palm of the
right hand is facing the body of the person to be magnetized. Always make the magnetic
strokes coming from the extremities toward the center of the body. When the center of the
body is reached, then withdraw the hand in an upward movement, and lower it again at the
end from where you begin again the pass toward the center. Move slowly. Allow ae to 40
seconds for each pass.
You may apply "animal magnetism" to any part of the body. Proceed slowly. Feel the flow of
energies when receiving energy and when projecting it.
As a next practice, consciously PROJECT energies from your right hand toward the body of the
person whom you magnetize. Also, begin to draw energy through your left hand and then
project it out through your right hand, palm open and facing the body of the receiving person.
Rune Yoga Lesson 5
Next, you practice a Runic hand position with your left hand. First FA to energize, then UR to
strengthen, etc.
Again push through your right hand which makes the passes.
Both partners feel the specific energetic feeling for each Rune they practice.
At the end of the practice, both persons ground with Is.
Vicious attacks from his less capable and less successful colleagues of the medical profession
led Mesmer to leave Vienna and to move to Paris. He went on to research animal magnetism
and soon developed another useful device: a barrel filled with iron filings from which iron
rods protruded. People who wanted to be energized with life energies (animal magnetism)
held on to those iron rods to draw life energies. The effects of this energetic charge were
quite dramatic. Miraculous cures were observed which, again, drew the envy of Mesmers
medical colleagues who were less fortunate with their rather limited skills.
Today we know that those barrels were Orgone accumulators (accumulators of life energies)
and that Mesmers animal magnetism was the same thing as Orgone, the life energy
discovered and put to practical use by Wilhelm Reich. Mesmer was the first person we know
of who invented and built a functioning orgone accumulator.
Movement of the hand over the surface of the body is actually intensifying the energetic fields
of life energies in the body.
Use of life energies is a very important facet in your practice of Rune Yoga. In order to make a
very effective use of those energies, we have to develop a picture, or mapping, of those
energies which will prove useful to our practice.
First, we have to establish how those life energies fit our universe as we experience it. A
metaphysical model of the universe incorporating life energies will be most useful for our
work with life energies in combination with Runic energies from the realms of creation.
Perhaps you are familiar with the metaphysical mapping of the universe which accepts four
planes, each of which relates to one of the elements: to the fire element the highest plane,
the world of emanation, or the sphere of will. Next the mental sphere, world of creation,
relating to the air element. Next the astral sphere, world that relates to emotions and the
water element. Last the sphere of consciousness-matter, which relates to the earth element.
The material world is subdivided into two parts: the dense-material plane and the etheric
plane. Again, I have to point out that in this case we deal with mappings of the
consciousness, the sole purpose of which is usefulness for our methods of working with life
energies Whether this mapping is accepted by "academia" or not is irrelevant when
considering this purpose.
On the dense-material plane we arrange that which we experience as "tangible", while the
etheric plane contains the most primal energies: electric and magnetic. What we call
"electric" belongs to the electromagnetic spectrum: heat, light, radiation, etc. What we call
"magnetic" is what we experience as raw life energy: orgone, chi, prana, mana, odic force,
animal magnetism, Solar ether, whatever the name.
As we go to higher planes, we find again many energies of a higher order, astral energies,
mental energies, and will related energies. Planetary energies, for instance, are complex
Rune Yoga Lesson 5
energies which relate to all planes: mostly astral and mental, but also components that reach
into the etheric planes.
Orgone energy, or animal magnetism, are raw life energies belonging to the etheric plane.
Odic energy, on the other hand (discovered by Baron von Reichenbach) has some direction:
Besides being the raw life energy of the etheric plane, it has also relation to the astral and
mental worlds. As such, Odic energy gives direction to the raw life energy.
In our practice exercise, we first drew and projected simply life energy. Both, Franz Anton
Mesmer and Wilhelm Reich devised machines to accumulate this energy from where living
beings can draw it. We may have a barrel with iron filings and draw with our left hand from
the protruding iron rod, or we may draw from the opening of a Reichian Orgone accumulator,
or we may just draw from our surroundings (which draw would be not as intense, of course),
and then project this energy upon ourselves or someone else.
The second part of our exercise consisted of programming the Orgone and actually developing
Odic energy. We programmed Runes into the Orgone (life energy) and thus made this life
energy charged and modified with energies from the realms of creation for very specific
action: Fa to initiate, to activate; UR to strengthen, etc., depending on the Runic correlations
with body functions and life functions (see letter * 1).
I mentioned that life energies can be accumulated (even generated) with some specific
devices. We can go one step further and generate specific Odic energies with devices. An
ideal device to generate Odic energies is a Runic circle which is made up of crystals. The
advantage of devices, of course, is to maximize the effects and intensity of Odic energy at the
same time as the personal effort is minimized. Like every technical device, it is designed to
save time and effort for riumans. Crystals, pyramids of various, Rune Crystal grids, and other
arrangements can allow you to be more and more specific with the energies you want to
ENERGIES FROM THE REALMS OF CREATION AT ANY TIME. The ceremonial setting which you
use when practicing Rune Yoga, as well as group arrangements, are useful additions, not
found in other major Yoga systems.
Set Your Rune circle, ideally with a set of crystal Runes. At least, take a center crystal.
Put the Rune UR (strengthening and healing) on the center crystal.
Everybody stands up, chant UR three times (or nine tines) while making the handposition of
UR with the left hand and projecting the energies in the center of the Runic circle to energize
the UR on the center crystal. This way, the "atmosphere" in the practice room is charged with
the Odic energy of UR.
Now practice energy transfer as metnionned in the first practice of this lesson: magnetizing
passes over the body of another person.
As an alternative, draw UR with the left, project UR with the right upon another person. First
one to one, then several people project upon one person.
As with all other practice, always share experiences afterwards. Sharing and exchanging
Rune Yoga Lesson 5
ideas is very important, because it helps establishing familiarity with the energies you are
working with.
End the practice by grounding with IS
Rune Yoga Lesson 6
Welcome to the sixth letter of instructions of Rune Yoga. While in letter #4 you focused on
yourself by balancing your chakras, this sixth letter introduces you to practices of awakening
and developing your chakras.
If you want to know more about the chakras, or spiritual centres, in your body, I suggest that
you read "Theories of the chakras" by Hiroshi Motoyama, Ledbetters classic book on the
chakras, or others.
While the typical exercises to awaken chakras are are rather lengthy processes, Runic
practice allows us to get results at a rather rapid rate, especially when the work is done
within the framework and structure of group practices. Considering the amazing results that
have been achieved in group practices, it is truly amazing that so little group dynamics are
used in traditional chakra work.
The use of energies from the realms of creation, the Runes, in awakening and developing your
chakras is of great benefit. Not only are those spiritualpsychic processes speeded up, but
Runes also provide the chakras with an added sensitivity which is in line with the general
charactreristics of the Rune.
In principle every Rune can be used for every chakra. However, some Runes may show more
affinity with some specific chakras:
FA is great for the root chakra at the base of the spine, or for the crown chakra. FA may also
be used for the eye chakra, especially in those instances where the eye chakra is used to
"draw" Kundalini.
UR works well with the spleen chakra and with the eye chakra. Of course, UR may be used
anywhere where strengthening or calming are indicated.
THORN is kin to the solar plexus and the the throat chakra. It is good to project energies of
any chakra.
OS, on the other hand is good to receive energies into the chakras, and it is kin to the heart
RIT works well with the throat chakra and solar plexus. It it kin to the "rotating energies" of
the chakras. It is
ceremonial projection
KA relates to the eye chakra and to the spleen chakra (magical capabilities that are attributed
to the spleen).
HAGAL relates to all chakras, to the chakras as a group of seven, it has also a balancing effect
on the chakras. HAGPL, projected on the crown chakra, awakens the whole system, while
balancing the chakras from the crown down, one after the other. The effect of techniques
connected with this practice is very powerful, capable of eliminating many blockages which
Rune Yoga Lesson 6
individuals are subjected to. Once connected with the crown chakra, it develops pulsating
streams between crown and root chakras, encompassing all other chakras.
NOD relates to the eye and spleen chakras. It can be used to release karmic structures which
are locked up in the chakras, and therefore can be a powerful catalyst in the development of
any chakra. For those initiates (Rune Masters) who are more advanced in Runic practice, NOD
is a key to reworking karmic structures.
IS, again, is very universal. It aligns the spine, and can function as an "axis" that connect all
chakras, as well as it can serve as an "axis" that connects all chakras of a group. Is has
affinities with the throat chakra and solar plexus.
AR relates to the heart chakra, a "stable heat" and the "Solar fires" within.
SIG works with the throat chakra and solar plexus.
TYR is related to the eye and spleen chakras. It adds spirit of selfsacrifice for a purpose.
BAR has an overall calming effect, it is ideal to put chakras to rest, to bring them to an
absolute calm which, in itself, gives the purity of an environment from which new action may
develop: action which is unencumbered by things taken over from happenings before. BAR
relates to the crown chakra and the root chakra, from both of which BARs absolute calm can
spread best.
LAF is the power of law of life, natural spiritual law, as expressed by the recognizing third eye
(eye chakra) and the magically active spleen chakra.
MAN is spiritual power: projected through the solar plexus and throat chakra. MAN draws
spiritual power "from the crowns of the world tree" through the spine, down through the
crown chakra, empowering all chakras all the way down to the root chakra.
YR, on the other hand, draws the energy of the roots of the world tree through the root
chakra all the way into manifestation in the realms of spirit. Needless to say, YR has a strong
affinity with the heart chakra, where all the forces come to a rest, ready to radiate outward in
rays of energy which is not confined by spacetime or any other dimensional limitations.
EH relates to the solar plexus and throat chakra. It unifies opposites into one whole which is
essentially more than the sum total of its components. The crown is the roots, and in this
union, crown and roots are a new, essentially more evolved, being, with its gravitational
center in the heart chakra. EH and NOD unify into HAGAL which, in turn, is the "mother" of all
GIBOR is all in to the eye chakra and to the spleen chakra. It is the world crystal in motion,
which encompasses all chakras and all Runes.
The above are but a few hints which can be the basis for years of practice and spiritual
experience. It shows one of the many strata of a Runic symbolism which transcends the
typical structures of symbolisms as we know it. It shows how the world crystal, expressed by
the hexagon with the three inscribed diameters, relates to the chakras. Once you understand
those relations, then you know why Runes are such a powerful help in developing your
Rune Yoga Lesson 6
Now, lets continue with
This practice is set up for a group. You may practice by yourself, of course, but you will learn
of the importance of group work: perhaps an incentive to either join a group or to create a
group by giving classes of Rune Yoga. In general, the better the setting, the stronger will be
the group energies or personally generated energies. Therefore, it is advisable to follow
accurately the instructions given.
1. Setting of the outer Realm. The outer realm is the space within which you are working. It is
your temple. The set up of your outer realm symbolizes the universe upon which you intend
to operate. Be sure that you will not be disturbed in your work. Be sure the room in which you
are working is clean. You need an altar. A table may do. Arrange your ceremonial utensils as
shown in the picture. Leave enough space for the candles and Rune staves which you use for
the ceremonial. You may set a circle of Rune Staves around the table, large enough so you
can move in this circle. For this type energy work, crystal staves are much better than
wooden staves. Have the Runes EH and GIBOR on the left and right sides of the table, or altar.
Have the Runes which you need for your ceremonial removed from the circle, and set it on the
table in the space where you have the center of operations. Set the cup with water or wine on
the table, the incense burner, one altar candle, Thors Hammer, and the Rune dagger.
Now, you are ready to set up the space within which you are going to work: your inner and
outer Rune Realms. First, tune into each Rune in the circle, singing the stanza of the magical
poem for each Rune. You may, instead, listen to the tape which establishes your inner Rune
Realm, and connect each Rune of your inner Rune Realm with the corresponding Rune Stave
in your outer Rune Realm.
2. Protective circle: Next, you take the Rune dagger or power rod. First you trace the circle of
Rune Staves around the table, then you draw the HAGAL Rune in all four directions, beginning
with North (the position of the FA Rune), next West (position of RIT), South (position of IS),
then East, position of BAR. Each time you draw the Hagal Rune in the air, do so with the
strongest possible imagination of protection and Oneness with the universe.
Next, all participants stand up, with the imagination of cleansing, they position first MAN
three times, then AR. Put the dagger back to the side of the incense burner.
3. Light Altar Candle and say:
"Powers of the Light
Eternal in the universe,
Penetrate darkness!
Sacred Flame, shine!
Bring Light to the night!
All around darkness
All around night
I amidst the Light
Darkness had merged
With the Light!
Rune Yoga Lesson 6
Original fire of FA
Burning since the beginning
Of times
Light Force of AR
Born in the Sun
At the beginning of the worlds
Give Light to the seeker!"
4. Light Incense and say:
"May the power of the Runes
Lead us to a greater understanding
Of the Universe and Ourselves!"
5. Hold both hands over cup with water (or wine which is thinned with water). Be aware of
the purpose of your ceremonial. Project the visualization of the result wine or water, if the
purpose of the ceremonial is to you personally. Otherwise know that the water symbolizes
emotional strength. Project energy water or wine. Then drink part of it.
6. Look at Thors Hammer and be aware of your capability to draw and project energies.
Now you finished all preparation and you are ready for your chakra practice.
7. Participants in circle. Focus on your crown chakra.
Body Position of HAGAL.
Chant HAGAL three times.
Hand Position of HAGAL.
While inhaling, chant HAGAL. At the same time, feel energy come into your crown chakra.
8. Now, focus on your eye chakra. Body Position of FA. Chant FA three times. Hand Position of
FA. While inhaling, chant FA mentally. At the same time, feel energy come into your eye
chakra. Repeat nine times. Meditate briefly (two to three minutes) and share experiences.
9. Pair up. One person proceeds as outlined above (8). The other person draws FA with the
left hand and, with the right hand, projects the energies of FA into the eye chakra of the
partner (see practices of projecting in lesson #2).
10. Practice the same with other Runes and with other chakras.
11. Two or more persons project one (or more) Runes into one chakras of a person. This
should only be done only under supervision of a initiated Rune Master who may ground the
energies when need arises.
12. (only under supervision of a initiated Rune Master who may ground the energies when
need arises) Participants of the group form a Rune. Person who receives is outside the
structure of the group Rune (or may be part of it). Energies are projected on receiving
person. Meditate and share experiences. Give all participants a chance to receive Runic
Note: If you are a group, you may set up a calendar and a plan to work with all chakras.
13. Whenever you are ready to end the ceremony, you say:
Rune Yoga Lesson 6
"Powers of the Runes
Thank you for your energy
Flow back to the
Realms of Creation!"
14. Imagine, or visualize, the Rune energies grounding, flowing into the ground, like water
flows down a drain, or seeps into sandy soil.
15. Extinguish the flame of the Altar candle.
16. Extinguish the incense burner.
17. Chant IS three times, again with the imagination of grounding.
18. Remove all utensils.
It will be good to practice the above exercises two to four times before you begin with the
seventh lesson and send your progress report to receive your eighth lesson.
May the power of the Runes
Bring you in contact with the realms of creation
And energize, awaken, and develop your chakras.
Rune Yoga Lesson 7
Welcome to the seventh letter of instructions of Rune Yoga. In this letter, I will focus on the
side of Rune Yoga which brings about spiritual experiences and insights. You are going to use
meditational triggers for this purpose. Again, the group can project Runic energies on one (or
more) persons who are the center of focus and who transform those energies into spiritual or
mystical experiences. This same method may be used for readings. This would be a direct
Runic reading without necessarily using staves. Now, lets begin with the
Spiritual Experience of the Crown of the Worldtree
1. Arrange your altar: cup, candle, incense burner, dagger or powerrod. Circle of Runes
around yourself or on altar (the latter projects a protective circle around the group). Candle
in the center of the circle.
2. Personal preparation: clean yourself, wear your robe, or clean clothes, or practice nude,
according to your background. In any case, be in tune with the living universe.
3. Tune into your inner Rune Realm. Align the inner Rune Realms of the group by leading a
meditative focus of the inner Rune Realm.
4. Establish the outer Rune Realm. Take Rune dagger, or power rod, trace Rune circle around
you, then draw the NASAL Rune in all four directions, beginning with North (position of FA
Rune), next West, South, and East. Each time you draw the NASAL Rune, do so with the
strongest possible imagination of protection and Oneness with the Universe.
5. Light the altar candle and say:
"Forces of the Light
Eternal in the universe,
Penetrate darkness!
Sacred flame, shine!
Bring light to the night!
All around darkness
All around night
I amidst the Light
Darkness is penetrated
By the light.
Light candle in center and say:
Original fire of FA
Burning from the roots
Of times
Light force of AR
Born in the Sun
Rune Yoga Lesson 7
At the roots of the worlds,
Give Light to the seeker(s)!"
6. Light incense and say:
"May the power of the Runes
Lead me (us) to a greater understanding
Of the universe and myself (ourselves) "
7. Hold both hands over the cup with water (or wine which is thinned with water). Project the
energies of MAN into the cup. Drink part of the water (or wine).
8. Look at Thors Hamuer. Be aware that this brings your consciousness in tune with the Rune
MAN. Hold both hands over it, knowing of its power.
9. Body position of MAN
Look at the stave of MAN
Visualize MAN
Rune of MAN
Unfold within me (us)
The powers of the Divine Insights.
Sacred MAN, inspire me (us)
Sacred MAN, make me (us) spiritual
Awaken in me (us)
Universal Wisdom,
Universal Love.
Sacred Man,
Rune of spirit
In original Light
Man is One.
10. Sit down, keep eyes closed, remain in meditation for several minutes. From time to time,
mentally chant MAN, while drawing its energies into yourself.
If you lead a group, have the group do the following:
Body position of MAN
Look at the stave of MAN
Visualize MAN
Symbol of ascent
Rune Yoga Lesson 7
Crown of the world tree
Symbol of mankind
I am open
To the influxus
Of spiritual power
And Odic energies
Which pulsate
In the universe.
Many other meditations are possible here.
11. After your meditation, conclude the ritual by grounding the energies:
Position of IS (grounding)
Look at stave of IS
Visualize IS
Powers of MAN
Thank you for your energies
Flow back to the
Realms of Creation"
12. Imagine, or visualize, the energies grounding, flowing into the ground, through your
body, like water flows down a drain, or seeps into sandy soil.
13. Extinguish the candles and incense burner.
14. Remove all utensils.
Similar to MAN, you may meditate on other Runes. The ceremonial with other Runes is similar
to the ceremonial described above. For extra strength, you may expand the ceremonial, and
energize your inner Rune Realm as well as your outer Rune Realm. The formulas that follow
may be used to substitute in steps (9) and (10) above. Be CREATIVE in setting up the specific
meditations. The student of the Basic Rune Course can also use some of the materials which
are contained in the Rune Songs.
Here a few formulas for meditation connected with specific Runes and which may help you set
up specific formulas for spiritual or mystic experiences:
"Create your good luck in FA, and you will have it."
"The original fire, this high universal force, creates a higher selfconsciouness within myself."
Rune Yoga Lesson 7
"Original Creative Force of Nature streams through me. Pure love acts and creates within."
"Knowing UR within Knowing myself I have access to knowing everything."
"Know thyself then you know the worlds."
"Knowing my true Self I know the origin of my fate and destiny."
"No life without death, no death without life."
"Sacred power of THORN, free me from the wheel of eternal ret urns.
"The power of my spirit frees me.
"Receiving I am tuning into the influxus of beneficial energies.
"Knowing of OS, I am receiver of high spiritual energies."
"I am my right, this right is invulnerable. Therefore I am invulnerable, because I am my right.
"One with original law, I am above human legalisms.
"I am capable to do what I want to do."
"Cosmic knowledge and wisdom are revealed to me through the powers of KA."
"Care for the universe within yourself and you rule over the universe.
"Spirit and matter create the crystal the all encompassing structure of the architect of the
"Use your destiny, dont fight it."
Rune Yoga Lesson 7
"Become a true healer."
"I am center and axis of the world."
"With IS, I am One with the Divine in eternity.
"Be aware of the original fire."
"ARAHARI, Solar spirit, lead me to you."
"Creative spirit will be victorious."
"The Divine spark within me is victorious.
"Power of spirit rules matter. Eternal being triumphs over perishable illusions.
"TiuZiu, Hammer of Thor, Creative drive of Creative original force, always active, Will to
create, within myself.
"Protected by BAR, I enjoy the fruits of my wishes."
"A new life sprouts with the power of BAR."
"Learn to steer, then travel the seas.
"LAF, Rune of initiation, give ruse the blessing of illumination."
"Sacred MAN, Rune of spirit, united with original Light, man is ONE."
"MA, original word or plenty, increase that which is mine."
Rune Yoga Lesson 7
"Be aware of consciousness, be aware of matter, Be aware of the tree roots of the world tree."
"The sacred powers of EH unites me with my YOU."
"Cosmic Universal Love unites to ONE.
"Be ONE."
"Descending from the Origin, GIBOR leads me back to YOU."
In the following, you practice a spiritual reading in which the energies are triggered by the
group. The set up is similar as above, but I consider it helpful to give you again the full step
by step instructions.
1. Arrange your altar: cup, candle, incense burner, dagger of powerrod. Circle of Runes
around yourself or on altar (the latter projects a protective circle around the group). Candle
in the center of the circle.
2. Personal preparation: clean yourself, wear your robe, or clean clothes, or practice nude,
according to your background. In any case, be in tune with the living universe.
3. Tune into your inner Rune Realm. Align the inner Rune Realms of the group by leading a
meditative focus of the inner Rune Realm.
4. Establish the outer Rune Realm. Take Rune dagger, or power rod, trace Rune circle around
you, then draw the HAGAL Rune in all four directions, beginning with North (position of FA
Rune), next West, South, and East. Each time you draw the HAGAL Rune, do so with the
strongest possible imagination of protection and Oneness with the Universe.
5. Light the altar candle and everybody says:
"Forces of the Light
Eternal in the universe,
Penetrate darkness!
Sacred flame, shine!
Bring light to the night!
All around darkness
All around night
I amidst the Light
Darkness is penetrated
By the light.
Rune Yoga Lesson 7
Light candle in center and say:
Original fire of FA
Burning from the roots
Of times
Light force of AR
Born in the Sun
At the roots of the worlds,
Give Light to the seeker!"
6. Light incense and everybody says:
"May the power of the Runes
Lead me us to a greater understanding
Of the universe and ourselves!
7. Hold both hands over the cup with water (or wine which is thinned with water). Project the
energies of MAN into the cup. Drink part of the water (or wine).
8. Look at Thors Hammer. Be aware that this brings your consciousness in tune with the
Rune MAN. Hold both hands over it, knowing of its power.
9. Body position of MAN
Look at the stave of MAN
Visualize MAN
Rune of MAN
Unfold within us
The powers of Divine Insights.
Sacred MAN, inspire us
Sacred MAN, make us spiritual beings
Awaken in us
Universal Wisdom,
Universal Love.
Sacred Man,
Rune of spirit
In original Light
Man is One.
10. Determine the person(s) for whom should be read.
Rune Yoga Lesson 7
11. One person (the main reader) stands in the center. Others around in a circle. As an
alternative, there may be two or more persons in the center as main readers.
Those around:
Hand position of MAN
The free right hands point at the person(s) in the center.
Visualize MAN
Sing 3 times:
Each time, project energies of MAN on the person(s) in the middle of the circle.
At the same time, the reader(s) are aware of receiving the Runic energies, thei attention
focussed on the person for whom the reading is done.
12. Everybody meditates for several minutes, waiting for insights and experiences.
13. Share experiences and discuss the situation(s) for which the reading was made.
14. Conclude the ritual by grounding the energies:
Position of IS (grounding)
Look at stave of IS
Visualize IS
"iii iii iii i iiisssssssssss
Powers of the Runes
Thank you for your energies
Flow back to the
Realms of Creation!
13. Imagine, or visualize, the energies grounding, flowing into the ground, through your
body, like water flows down a drain, or seeps into sandy soil.
16. Extinguish the candles and incense burner.
17. Remove all utensils.
Untitled Document
Welcome to the eighth letter of instructions of Rune Yoga. In the previous letter, I focused on
the side of Rune Yoga that causes spiritual experiences and insights and you learned about
readings where Runic energies are used in a direct manner without the usual casting of
Runes. In this letter of instructions I will teach you to expand this latter procedure. You will
learn how to tune into karmic structures, how to give karmic readings, and how to bring
positive change to the structuring of karma.
The ceremonial setting is similar to what has been done in the previous lesson. The focus,
however, will be on other Runes. The following is a typical group exercise which requires
group energies. If a group is not available, you may still do the works with "invisible
participants," similar to "invisible playmates" of children. Call upon some spiritual guides,
masters, angels, or other entities which you know halpful for the purpose. For Knights of
Runes connecting with the time-less brotherhood of Rune Masters is helpful.
In the following you practice a karmic reading and karmic adjustment in which the energies
are triggered by the group.
1. Arrange your altar: cup, candle, incense burner, dagger or powerrod. Circle of Runes
around yourself or on altar (the latter projects a protective circle around the group).
2. Personal preparation: clean yourself, wear your robe, or clean clothes, or practice nude,
depending on your background. In any case, be in tune Mith tne living uni verse.
3. Tune into your inner Rune Realm. Align the inner Rune Realms of the group by leading a
meditative focus of the inner Rune Realm.
4. Establish the outer Rune Realm. Take Rune dagger, or power rod, trace Rune circle around
you, then draw the HPGPL Rune in all four directions, beginning with North (position of Ffl
Rune), next West. South, and East. Each time you draw the HPGPL Rune, do so with the
strongest possible imagination of protection and Oneness with the Universe.
5. Light the altar candle and everybody says:
"Forces of the Light
Eternal in the universe,
Penetrate darkness
Sacred flame, shine!
Bring light to the night!
All around darkness
All around night
I amidst the Light
Darkness is penetrated
By the light.
Light candle in center and say:
Untitled Document
Original fire of FA
Burning from the roots
Of times
Light force of AR
Born in the Sun
At the roots of the worlds
Give Light to the seeker"
6. Light incense and everybody says:
"May the power cf the Runes
Lead me us to a greater understanding
Of the universe and ourselves"
7. Hold both hands over the cup with water (or wine which is thinned with water). Project the
energies cf MPN into the cup. Drink part of the water (or wine).
8. Look at Thors Hammer. Be aware that this orings your consciousness in tune with the
Rune MPN~ Hold both hands over it, knowing of its power.
9. Body position of MAN
Look at the stave of MAN
Visualize MAN
S i ng: "mmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaannnnnn
Rune of MAN
Unfold within us
The powers of Divine Insights.
Sacred MAN, inspire us
Sacred MAN, make us spiritual beings
Awaken in us
Universal Wisdom,
Universal Love.
Sacred MAN,
Rune of spirit
In original Light
Man is One.
10. Body position of NOD
Look at the stave of NOD
Visualize NOD
Sing "nnnnnoooooodddd" three times
Untitled Document
"Rune of the Norn
Give us insight
in the workings of destiny
Give us insight
In the eternal cycles of karma
11. Determine the person(s) for whom should be read.
11. One person (the main reader) stands in the center. Others around in a circle. Ps an
alternative, there may be two or more persons in the center as main readers.
Those around:
Hand position of MAN
The free right hands point at the person(s) in the center.
Visualize MAN
S i ng three times: "mmmmmmmmmmaaaaaaaannnnnn"
Each time, project energies of MAN to the person (s) in the middle of the circle.
At the same time, the reader(s) are aware of receiving the Runic energies. their attention
focused on the person for whom the reading is done.
13. Body Position of NOD.
Sing NOD three times, while visualizing NOD and projecting it to the reader. Focus on the
karma (e.g. past lives, other karmic energies) of the person(s) for whom the reading is done.
14. Everybody meditates for several minutes, waiting for insights and experiences.
15. Share experiences and discuss the situation(s) for which the reading was made.
Determine the Rune(s) which can take care of the situation, and how this may happen. If a
conclusive answer cannot be found, then repeat from step (13) on, also include YR (same as
with NOD).
16. When the Rune(s) which is to take care of the situation is (are) established, bring the
oerson for whom the reading was done in the center, others in a circle around go into body
position of the Rune and project the energies onto the person in the center.
17. Conclude the ritual by grounding the energies:
Position of IS (grounding)
Look at stave of IS
Visualize IS
Untitled Document
Powers of the Runes
Thank you for your energies
Flow back to the
Realms of Creation!"
18. Imagine, or visualize, the energies grounding, flowing into the grouno, through your
body, like water flows down a drain, or seeps into sandy soil.
It is advisable to practice, with this lesson, healing methods and energy transfers as outlined
in previous lessons. The act of healing itself can be a beneficial connection with work with
karma, and it can bring additional insights.
Rune Yoga Lesson 9
Welcome to the ninth and final letter of instructions of Rune Yoga. By now, you know that
Rune Yoga not only helps you to develoo individually in many ways, but it also helps develop
a group spirit which, in turn, adds to your personal and individual development. This
interaction, enhanced by ceremonial settings, develops a consciousness of being connected
with the universe. mentioned earlier the main difference between cabbalisticastrological
systems which ~re based on structures of our Solar system and the Runic symbolisms which
are more universal. While cabbalistic-based symbolisms are well defined and belonging to the
realms of that which is created, Runic and related symbolisms are defining and coming from
the realms of that which creates. Both symbolisms have their specific values and uses within
the framework of our Solar system. To actually exactly determine a specific trend, or
situation, some kind of astrological or cabbalistic structure is needed, whether it is used
consciously or whether it simply there by implication. On the other hand, a shaoerelated
symbolism from the realms of creation, such as the symbolism of the Eighteen Sacred Futhork
Runes, is an excellent basis to modify planetary trends when need arises. Here I touch upon
technologies which are taught in the intermediate course of Runic practice.
Being aware of this universality of Runic energies, or energies from the realms of creation, it
should become obvious to you that Runes are an excellent help to modify the trends of
destiny of our planet as a whole. fl demon in the planetary spheres can only manifest on this
planet if it has, as a counterpart or focal point of action a demon within human beings
individuals, groups, nations, or the planet as a whole. The same counts for the beneficial
energies of the zodiac. You should never forget that the HOECs (Higher Order Energy
Complexes) which make up the structure of the astrological zodiac are NEUTRPL in their
value. Ethical considerations of good and evil are a human outlook which is USEFUL for human
advancement, spiritual and otherwise. Humans decide tradividually and collectively what
energy fields of HOECs they relate to and how they relate to those trends. In other words, the
effects of the zodiacal HOECs as determined by astrologers are a product of collective kar~c
Now, it should be obvious to you why it takes energies from the realms of creation to change
the perceived nature and impact of specific HOECs on mankind. As an example:
Many effects of the outer planets are perceived and experienced negatively by most humans
of our times. flstrologers say that is so because most humans are "not evolved to the degree
which is necessary to tune into the finer vibrations of those planets. Even though those good
people emphasize the outer planets for the individual human being, we need to take a closer
look at flLL planets when deciding about impact on the planet as a whole. Much of the
individual "good" delivered by Jupiter and Venus may be detrimental to the planet. The use of
energies from the realms of creation allows us to modify the interaction between zodiacal
HOECs and mankind. Changing the EFFECT of planetary trends is a means of changing the
destiny of the planet. Energies from the realms of creation allow to develop an OVERPLL
BENEFICIPL ENERGYFIELD which smoothly adjusts this interaction between the planet and
the constantly changing HOECs that permeate the planet. Such adjustment can make this
planet a more spiritual place and a better place to live. Such adjustment is more efective than
tackling each one of the myriads of problems individually without changing the basic
structure, which would be a task reminding us of the efforts of Sisyphos in a Greek myth who,
as a punishment, pushes a heavy rock up a mountain which slips and falls back down every
time he thinks he is close to the top. Every human being has a responsibility to clean up the
mess he or she helped create. To modify HOECs means to modify karma: individual karma and
collective karma. The more people qet involved in this process of creation, the stronger the
results. Pgain, your practice of Rune Yoga makes you aware of the importance of group work.
Rune Yoga Lesson 9
This time, however, the group work is on a global scale, within a planetary framework.
Projecting healing energies on the planet as a whole will energize the global energies of the
planet and the return to the individual will be very strong and at a essentially higher level. It
compares to a multidimensional vortex of energy developed as a result of inteaction of a
group of groups of groups...( HOECs)
The following Runes are especially well suited for this work and at this level of action: the
group of MAN, YR, and HAGAL, the group of NOD, EH, and HAGAL, the group of AR, KA, and
HAGAL, and the group of FA, OS, and GIBOR. Use the ceremonial outlines shown in the
previous lessons and practice a Rune Yoga ceremony with your group (or by yourself). Be
aware of the Rune realms joined in the group and the group realm joined into the planetary
realms. Ps you practice as a group, you will more and more develop your participation into a
yoga on a planetary level.
With a large enough group, you will position the Runes as a mroup, and direct the energies
which are generated toward the planetary destiny. You will be amazed of how positive
projection of this kind reverts to you, since you helped create a better environment of HOECs
for the planet. The benefits of such actions are often felt immediately.
In the following you practice a ceremony of achieving ONENESS with the realm of creation.
Such Oneness, or identification, enhances your consciousness of being a significant part of
the universe and it increases your capabilities of working with the energies of creation and
creatively act upon your universe and the planet.
1. Arrange your altar: cup, candle, incense burner, dagger or powerrod. Circle of Runes
around yourself or on altar (the latter projects a protective circle around the group). Candle
in the center of the circle.
2. Personal preparation: clean yourself, wear your robe, or clean clothes, or practice nude,
according to your background. In any case, be in tune with the living universe.
3. Tune into your inner Rune Realm. Align the inner Rune Realms of the group by leading a
meditative focus of the inner Rune Realm. Plign the group realm with the Realms of Creat ion.
4. Establish the outer Rune Realm. Take Rune dagger, or power rod, trace Rune circle around
you, then draw the HAGAL Rune in all four directions, beginning with North (position of FA
Rune), next West, South, and East. Each time you draw the HAGAL Rune, do so with the
strongest possible imagination of protection and Oneness with the Universe.
5. Light the altar candle and everybody says:
"Forces of the Light
Eternal in the universe,
Penetrate darkness
Sacred flame, shine!
Bring light to the night!
All around darkness
All around night
Rune Yoga Lesson 9
I amidst the Light
Darkness is penetrated
By tne light.
Light candle in center and say:
Original fire of FA
Burning from the roots
Of times
Light force of AR
Born in the Sun
At the roots of the worlds,
Give Light to the seeker!"
6. Light incense and everybody say:
"May the power of the Runes
Lead us to a greater understanding
Of the universe and ourselves!
May the power of the Runes
Further our path to Oneness
With the Universe.
We stride the direct path to Oneness
With our Creator
We tear down the fences
Which separate individuals,
Groups and nations.
Fences that have been erected
By blindness.
We are wanderers to higher realms.
Unified with all people
Of good will and power
We are working to achieve
A unified homeland of all mankind
On the throne of which
Divine Spirit, Divine Wisdom,
And Divine Love
Are ruling.
7. Hold both hands over the cup with water (or wine which i.s thinned with water). Project
Runic energies into the cup. Drink part of the water (or wine).
8. Look at Thors Hammer. Be aware that this brings your consciousness in tune with the
Runes. Hold both hands over it, knowing of its power.
9. Body position of KA
Look at the stave of KA
Visualize KA
Cosmic wisdom, Cosmic knowledge
Rune Yoga Lesson 9
Are mine.
I am capable to practice Runes.
I am capable to do what I want to do.
10. Body Position of GIBOR
Look at the stave of GIBOR
Visualize GIBOR
" Coming from the origin, GIBOR leads me back.
11. Body Position of IS
Look at the stave of IS
Visualize IS
Sing: "iiiiiiiiissss"
"SelfConscious I tune into
The realm of original cosmic will.
Vibrating in the energy field
Of the will of the universe
I am ONE with its will
15. Body Position of FA
Look at the stave of FA
Visualize FA
"The original fire
The hidden, highest force of the universe
Ignites in me the Divine spark
he Creative force of Divine work
Penetrates me.
My consciousness grows into the vast realms of the universe
It is always within me.
I came from it and I return to it.
It illuminates me.
13. Body Position of HAGAL
Look at the stave of HAGAL
Visualize HAGAL
"Creative forces of the universe stream to me
Rune Yoga Lesson 9
Creative forces of the universe act inside me
Creative forces of the universe act through me."
14. Body position of GIBOR
Look at the stave of GIBOR
Visualize GIBOR
Divine Oneness
Permeating the universe
I and the universe
15. Go into meditation for several minutes.
16. Share experiences
17. Conclude the ritual by grounding the energies:
Position of IS (grounding)
Look at stave of IS
Visualize IS
"iii iii iii iii isssssssssss
Powers of the Runes
Thank you for your energies
Flow back to the
Realms of Creation!"
15. Imagine, or visualize, the energies grounding, flowing into the ground, through your
body, like water flows down a drain, or seeps into sandy soil.
I hope you enjoyed this course. After completion, you may receive your certificate of Rune
Yoga teacher after you completed also the Basic Rune Course. I strongly suggest that you
study the Basic Rune Course (if you have not done so yet) and to work toward your initiation
as a Rune Master. I wish you the best for your path!
Karl Hans Welz
Grand Rune Master
The Knights of Runes
rune magick positions
Appendix: Rune Postures
Copyright 1985-1998 by Karl Hans Welz
All rights reserved. This course may not be reproduced as a whole or in part, transmitted, or
utilized in any form by any means, electronic, photographic, or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without prior
permission in writing by the author.
Published by Magitech Press P.O. Box 1298, Woodstock, GA 30188
By Karl Hans Welz
Grand Rune Master, The Knights of Runes
Inventor of the Chi Generator, a generator of Od (life force), Orgonite, etc.,,
As you know by now, Runes can be viewed as shape-vibrations. In other words, specific
shapes can trigger their energies.
Shapes, in this respect, are to be understood in a very general way. The first thing which
comes into the mind when we talk about shapes, is no doubt the graphic outline of a Rune.
Another shape is the mantra, which is a shape of sound. As you will learn soon, Mantras can
be sung in many variations, which helps you experience the various shades of Runic energies.
Similarly, you can add the shapes of "color" to the Runic symbol, or environments.
In the above, we showed you two extremes of shapes: first the graphic outline, then the
sound. Those shapes may be combined, of course, which adds to the potentials of your Runic
One realm of shapes, which is closely connected with, often derived from, the graphic outline
of Runes, are hand-and body positions of Runes. When posing those, something from the
purely graphic outline is lost, no doubt. However, if you consider the conductivity of energy of
the human body, then much is gained. Hand and body positions add extremely valuable
dimensions to your Runic practice. Especially when those positions are practiced in a
ceremonial set-up, by several persons, each person perhaps representing one specific Rune,
or several persons forming one single Rune.
On this web site I am showing you the basic hand and body positions of Runes.
rune magick positions
BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, feet together, both arms pointing upward in an angle of
approximately 30 degrees from horizontal line. Left arm slightly higher than right arm. Both
palms point forward, drawing energy.
HANDPOSITION: Left arm straight up. Thumb and ring finger to form "FA", leaning forward.
Other fingers point upward
BODYPOSITION: Bending over, arms and tips of fingers pointing to the ground.
HANDPOSITION: Left hand (practice with the right as well) 1. Form a U-shape with your
fingers, open end of "U" pointing downward. Hand approx. 8 inches from eyes. 2. Thumb and
index finger shape UR downward. Other fingers point in same direction as index finger.
rune magick positions
BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, feet together, left arm angled, hand on hip, palm touches
hipbone. HANDPOSITION: The tips of thumb and ring finger of the left hand touch each other.
Other fingers pointing upward.
BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, left leg lifted, pointing forward, tips of toes pointing
downward, left arm parallel with left leg.
HANDPOSITION: Thumb and index fingers of the lift hand form circle.
rune magick positions
THE RUNE OTHIL (Variation of OS)
BODYPOSITION: Hands above head, palms touching each other, legs apart.
HANDPOSITION: Thumbs and index fingers form the shape of OTHIL, other fingers touch.
Practice on solar plexus.
BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, left arm at angle (like THORN), left leg lifted.
HANDPOSITION: Left arm upright, left index finger and thumb touch on the tips, other fingers
point downward, parallel to palm.
rune magick positions
BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, both arms point upward, palms point downward. Hands
touch each other.
HANDPOSITION: Left hand: all fingers point upward, thumb in right angle to palm, pointing
BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, arms crossed in front of chest.
HANDPOSITION: Both hands forming the letter "H", palms parallel, thumbs touching each
rune magick positions
BODYPOSITION: Right arm in angle upward, left arm downward. Variation: Right arm
upward, left leg to the side. Variation 2: Cross-position, after speaking "Aepandi nam" bring
hands to hips.
HANDPOSITION: Right hand, fingers point upward, thumb to the side, a bit more than with
KA. Variation: With both hands above head, index fingers form shape of the Rune NOD.
HANDPOSITION: Hand to fist, index finger pointing upward.
rune magick positions
BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, right leg to the side, arms on side of body. Variation:
Standing upright, right arm to the side, point downward. Variation 2: Standing upright, arms
upward, palms facing each other, right leg to the side.
HANDPOSITION: Fingers of right hand point upward, thumb stretched outward, in right angle
to palm.
BODYPOSITION: In sitting position, body shape IS.
HANDPOSITION: Left hand up, thumb pointing outward, right index finger to touch thumb,
thumb and all fingers of right hand pointing upward.
rune magick positions
BODYPOSITION: Arms to the side, pointing downward, palms point to the ground. Variation
for SIG-TYR: Arms in angle to side, palms pointing toward head, or outward.
HANDPOSITION: Right arm thumb, index finger and middle finger to form the shape of TYR,
approx. 8 inches from solar plexus.
BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, left arm at angle, as in THORN or RIT, left leg at an angle.
HANDPOSITION: Both arms above head, Thumb and index finger of right hand to form circle,
other fingers of right hand in same direction as index finger. Index finger of left hand to touch
lower knuckle of thumb, thumb of left hand to touch end of hand.
rune magick positions
BODYPOSITION: Standing upright, both arms downward, fingertips pointing to ground. As a
variation, point palms upward.
HANDPOSITION: Left arm upright, the upper parts of the fingers to form the shape of LAF.
BODYPOSITION: Both arms to the side and upward, feel influx of energy on both sides, feel
both streams join in the body. Direct energy to the ground. Variation: kneeling, sitting on
heels, same position of arms.
rune magick positions
BODYPOSITION: Arms point to side and downward (as TYR). Variation: Upper arms on body,
lower arms to point to the side and downwards.
HANDPOSITION: Left hand to form "YR" with thumb, index and middle fingers.
BODYPOSITION: Left arm pointing upward, right arm downward (as NOD, both other arms).
Variation: Left arm to side upward, right leg to side downward.
HANDPOSITION: Fingers of left hand pointing upward, thumb pointing outward, more then
KA. Variation: With arms above head, index fingers of both hands to form shape of EH.
rune magick positions
BODYPOSITION: Body to form shape of GIBOR. Variation: Both arms upward to side, both
legs to side: X - shape of body results.
HANDPOSITION: Arms above head, fingers cross each other.
The SYMBOLISM of the 18 Sacred Futhork Runes gives you ACCESS TO THE REALMS OF
If you are a PRACTICING PSYCHIC who uses psychic capabilities to help others, Runic
practice will add an invaluable new dimension to your profession.
If you are an ASTROLOGER, READER, or COUNSELOR, Runic practice can bring you beyond the
status of a mere bystander. No loner are you limited to just telling your clients what trends
are in store for them and, perhaps, how they may adjust. Now you can actively work on your
clients' destinies and help straighten out their lives. This added capability ensures repeat
business and better reward.
If you are a LECTURER or TEACHER of metaphysics or if you study to become one, knowledge
of Runic practice will add to your classes. Especially the teaching of Rune Yoga is very
rewarding, since its effects will be felt immediately by the majority of your students.
If you are involved in the HEALTH RELATED PROFESSIONS, Rune Yoga and Runic energy
treatment (using the energies of the world crystal) will increase the scope of your methods
rune magick positions
If you are SEEKING ENLIGHTENMENT, Runes are one of the fastest and safest ways to deep
mystical experiences, to insights in the workings of the universe and to experience on
If you want to achieve your FULLEST POTENTIAL AS A HUMAN BEING, Runic practice gives
you access to the realms of creation. Runic practice is your gateway to your chakras and to
your inherent psychic powers.
Chances are, you may find a few more reasons why.
I am looking forward to hearing from you
Karl Hans Welz
Grand Rune Master
The Knights of Runes