CM G. Oliver Koppell
CM G. Oliver Koppell
CM G. Oliver Koppell
Oliver Koppell Name and Title of Person Completing Questionnaire: Drew Gabriel, Legislative Director
3. Int. 0218-2010, Idle reduction technology in ambulances 4. Please list your top three budget priorities of 2013. 1. The Children Under 5 Mental Health Initiative 2. The Geriatric Mental Health Initiative 3. Civil Legal Services 5. Have you used participatory budgeting to allocate your discretionary funds? Why or why not? I do not use participatory budgeting to allocate discretionary funds. We live in a representative democracy and, therefore, I believe that constituents place trust in their elected officials to make decisions, such as where to target resources in their communities, in an appropriate manner. That being said, I meet with many different constituencies during the budget process to ensure my discretionary funds will be utilized for the greatest good of my Council District. I am also concerned that in the participatory budgeting process the neediest organizations may not necessarily have the loudest of voices or have the most engaged advocates. This could lead to a situation where larger, more institutional non-profits can overwhelm and ultimately deny access to funding for smaller groups. 6. Please list recent legislation in Council that you believe promotes human rights. Int. 0251-2010 - The Fair Wages for New Yorkers Act, Int. 0018-2010 - Establishing a prevailing wage requirement for building service employees, Int. 0056-2010 - Posting of notices of provisions of the Citys Human Rights Law that relate to housing discrimination, Int. 0656-2011 - In relation to persons not to be detained, Res. 1260-2012, Calling on the United States Congress to pass and the President to sign the States' Medical Marijuana Patient Protection Act, which seeks to reclassify marijuana as other than a Schedule I or Schedule II substance 7. Legislation is only one of many ways in which Council Members can work to advance human rights. What ways other than through legislation have you advanced the human rights of New Yorkers as a City Council Member? In my budget advocacy I have fought for the reinstatement of programs which are targeted toward individuals living with mental illness and other disabilities as well as programs directed toward other vulnerable populations. I have held hearings in the Committee on Mental Health, Mental Retardation, Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and Disability Services, which I chair, on issues including, access to New York City businesses for people with disabilities, medical marijuana and the DOEs overreliance on EMS and NYPD in dealing with children with behavioral issues . I have marched with and spoke on behalf of unions in support of fair contracts. 8. Some advocates contend that the position of the Council Speaker has too much power over the progression of legislation. Please use this space to respond to that critique. I think the Speaker has exercised too much control over the movement of legislation. In practice, bills not favored by the Speaker have not been promptly drafted. More importantly, rarely do bills move through committee without the Speakers support. The committee system must operate independent of control by the Speaker. The Speaker is not the CEO of the Council. The Speaker has acted as though she is. For more information, please visit