2013-2014 School Directory

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2013-2014 Southlands School Directory

Please return this form (for every student) by Friday, September 13, 2013. You may use 1 form for multiple children.
Southlands PAC collates contact information for each child on a voluntary basis and makes the information available in a directory for school and parent use. The information is organized by class. It is not used for solicitation or any other purpose. The directory is distributed to anyone at Southlands who wishes to purchase it.

Childs Name: First:________________________________Last:_________________________________

Childs Grade: _______

Childs Teacher or Division:______________________________________

. I would like to order _______ Directory/ies ($3 +$2 for additional ones). Please securely attach payment.

I DO want my child's contact information to appear in the Directory My childs information is the same as last year -ORPlease print clearly and provide any of the following information as you would like it to appear in the directory (any field may be left blank). Street Address:________________________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian #1: Parent/Guardian #2: First Name:____________________________ First Name:_________________________________ Last Name: ___________________________ Last: ______________________________________ Email: _______________________________ Email: ____________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Phone: ____________________________________ Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________ Date:______________________


I DO NOT want ANY of my child's contact information to appear in the Directory Parent/Guardian Name_________________________________________________________________ Any questions please email andreabishop@shaw.ca Parent/Guardian Signature___________________________________ Date:______________________

PAC News and Updates

The PAC Executive tries its best to keep Southlands parents informed of not only upcoming fundraisers and activities, but also to keep parents abreast of latest developments and happenings with the school in terms of the International Baccalaureate Primary Years Program, Vancouver School Board news and decisions, and other items that may affect our children and our families at Southlands. If you would like to be kept informed of the developments and activities at your childs school, please fill out the following form allowing us to include you in email updates. Your email address will only be shared with school administration with your approval (see below) and will not be given to anyone other than the PAC only to contact you about PAC school-related information or events. I agree to share my email address with Southlands School administration. Please return the form below by Friday September 13 to your childs teacher or to the PAC mailbox in the school office. Please include me in the PAC Email Updates Childs name_______________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name________________________________________________________ Email Address_______________________________________________________________ Parent/Guardian Name________________________________________________________ Email Address_______________________________________________________________

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