WORD MASTER - Improve Your Vocabulary
WORD MASTER - Improve Your Vocabulary
WORD MASTER - Improve Your Vocabulary
Do you know about the many advantages of having an improved vocabulary? Are you a student looking for a way to get the best grades on a college entrance examination? Do you want to get ahead in your career and increase your chances for promotion and advancement? Whether you're a parent concerned about your children's grades or a college student concerned about your own, a professional intent on developing your career potential to the fullest or an aspiring writer, you will benefit from improving your vocabulary. The ten free lessons on this short course will get you started and help you find out how to incorporate vocabulary study into every part of your life in fun and interesting ways, and help you discover what software tools can best help you reach your goals. Get started with these free lessons now and enjoy the benefits of an improved vocabulary today!
Understand what you hear and read better. Every day, you come across new words that may be very unfamiliar to you. If you're in a group of people who understand this word and start using it in conversation, you may have no idea what they are talking about. Avoid the embarrassment of not knowing certain words by improving your vocabulary. Knowing what you are reading and comprehending what you hear will definitely help you understand everything better. Be able to experience more out of life. Language is a major part of our lives. Knowing as much as you can about it will help you get around better. If you improve your vocabulary, you can go around with confidence knowing that there is nothing that will escape your understanding. In an age of electronic communication, you need to improve your vocabulary so you can keep up with your connections. You can improve your vocabulary through very simple everyday tasks. In as little as an hour invested in building your vocabulary, you get all the benefits of knowing words that are otherwise unfamiliar to you. You can also enjoy leaving positive first impressions with other people, as well as gaining the confidence of knowing how to express yourself and understanding what others are saying. Improve your vocabulary and avoid being embarrassed in the future by your lack of words.
A good way to start if you want to improve your vocabulary by reading is by making a list of books that you want to read. This reading list cannot simply be something that you picked out from a list of the most popular books of the week, either. To get the most out of your reading program, include books that you normally would not read. You can check for new reading material online, or even join a book club! Book clubs are groups of people who dedicate themselves to reading certain books for certain periods of time. If you want to improve your vocabulary and keep yourself on track while doing so, then joining an online book club might be just the trick to encourage yourself to invest your time in reading. Another way of keeping yourself on track to improve your vocabulary is by setting a schedule for reading. If you dedicate a certain time of the day to reading, your brain gets primed for learning at a certain period in the day. You'll no doubt find that what you read is better retained if you start getting used to reading at a certain time and pace. Once you've got your list sorted, start reading. Make a note of each unfamiliar word you come across; a paper notepad or a computer spreadsheet program is the perfect tool for this task. You can also use colored highlighters if you don't mind marking your books. A pen and paper that you carry around every day will also be effective for reviewing your new words while you sit idly in the bus or at lunch time. This will effectively aid you in learning new words that you might encounter in the future. Better yet, these are words that you can use yourself in your daily conversation, once you understand them. Reading (and indeed, working with language in general) is a bit of a chicken-and-egg problem. You need a large vocabulary to read effectively, but to get a large vocabulary, you need to read a lot. Take this challenge with your chin up and this guide in hand and you'll be well on your way to vivacious verbosity!
Make no mistake watching TV alone will not improve your vocabulary. You still need to take certain steps to make sure that the TV is only a tool that will help you build your vocabulary. Watching TV will not increase the words you know or improve your vocabulary all by itself. You need to take very careful note of words that you hear and how they are said. Don't worry, you don't need to take note of all the words you need only take note of new words that you have never heard before, or words that you actually have heard before but are not necessarily familiar with. You will find the latter more effective in adding to your list of words to use, since you have already heard that word and simply heard it again. This time, however, you will be paying more attention to words for the sake of building your vocabulary. You will also find that paying more attention to words and how they are used is the key to improving your vocabulary. Simply listening to the words you hear on TV will not necessarily improve your vocabulary there are certain measures you have to take to effectively improve your vocabulary. First, you need a pen and a paper in hand while you watch TV. Use this to take note of the words you hear while watching television shows, movies, and even the news. Second, repeat the word so you can take better note of how this word is used and pronounced. Since you heard it on the television, you know exactly how to say it without the need for looking up the pronunciation. Third, you need to look these words up in the dictionary to find out exactly what the words that you jotted down mean. By knowing what these words mean, you can effectively use these words yourself in the future. The down side of learning new words from the television is that you might not necessarily know how these words are spelled. Knowing how words are spelled is also part of the lesson when you aim to improve your vocabulary. Thankfully, you can now use the Internet to look up certain words that you do not necessarily know how to spell. In addition, the Internet is full of suggestions for words that you might not have heard. Simply type in how you think certain words are spelled, and let the internet suggest words that might mean the word that you were looking for. This, together with reading and using the dictionary, will greatly improve your vocabulary and make you enjoy all the benefits of an expanded vocabulary.
4. Talk to smart people. This is the most obvious option for people trying to learn more words, but, sadly, this is still often missed. If you want to improve your vocabulary, make sure that you include smart people in your circle. Every time you get a chance, try to engage an intelligent friend into a conversation. Here's a trick: smart people are easily impressed when the "less refined individuals" like us try to draw them to an educated conversation. You could really have fun with this, and learn a lot in the process. Talking is by far the simplest way to improve your vocabulary. It's free, it comes naturally to you, and it's very easy to do. All you need is a person to talk to, and this could be anybody you know from work, class or the neighborhood.
It's been proven through research that the best ways to build your vocabulary are to have a strategy for learning new words in context and to spend more time reading. And not just from today's paper, a copy of GQ, or the latest Harry Potter either - your reading needs to cover a wide variety of subjects, genres, and styles. The best way to create your reading list is to write down the topics you enjoy the most, and then choose a few titles for each topic. Always start with material that you know you will enjoy; with the vast selection currently available learning need never be a chore. Don't forget that today's reading list is no longer confined to books the rise of video and the Internet has put media in many formats literally at our fingertips. Feel free to throw a few audiobooks, movies, and websites into the mix. When you're done reading, pick up your dictionary and look up each word you noted down as you read. Do this at a relaxed pace without thinking too hard or pretending it's exam night. Next, look up the same words in the thesaurus and try to learn a few similar words you can use in case you've already used the first one. Do this as often as you can; try to make it a habit or at least an alternative to asking others for the meanings of difficult words. Remember that this works for movies, speeches, and presentations too! If you improve your vocabulary, you will slowly come to realize that there are very few things that you do not understand. Thanks to the dictionary, you will never get caught without anything to say again.
Write it down. If you pay close enough attention, you will notice there are some words that you do not completely understand. Carry a small notebook or a piece of paper and a pen with you at all times. Write down words that you are not completely familiar with. This allows you to look up those words later on. Always have a dictionary. Get a small pocket dictionary that you will not have a hard time carrying around. Better yet, make your mobile phone help you improve your vocabulary by downloading a dictionary that you find easy and fun to use. This will encourage you to look up words that you are not familiar with immediately. Watch television. Even the simplest activities such as watching television will help improve your vocabulary in a similar fashion as books do. Even movies and series that you regularly watch have words in their script that you may not be familiar with. With your trusty pen and paper, write down words you hear from the television that you are not familiar with. You can look up these words later after the show. Make learning a habit. Learning is a process, as most already know. For you to improve your vocabulary, your brain has to be in tune with learning new words for it to retain information. The words you look up might not go immediately into your vocabulary. But with persistence and patience, your brain will get accustomed to your learning habits and retain more information than before.
Repeat new words. Learning new words to improve your vocabulary will not help if you do not know how to say them. Run a search on the internet for the words that you just heard and look for audio clips that will let you hear how these words are used. Repeat them to yourself so you know how to use them in the future. Steps to improve your vocabulary will pay off immensely in the long run. Always remember to bring your pocket dictionary with you or use your mobile phone's dictionary to look up new words you have heard. Regardless of whether you already searched for the word's meaning, write that new word down for future reference. You need to write your new words down so that you can review them later on as well.
TextTwist In TextTwist, you form words using up to seven jumbled letters. It's played in arcade or timed mode, and the rules are fairly simple. In order to score, you need to type the words from the jumbled letters until you fill in all the empty boxes (for all the possible combinations that can be formed using the assortment of letters). Each TextTwist game has a "best word," which is the longest possible word that can be formed in the jumble of letters. It's easy, simple and, best of all, fun to play. Hangman Nothing beats the classic hangman when it comes to boosting your vocabulary. Due to the age of this game, there are tons of variations in the rules, as well as the methods on how the game is played. In the original hangman, the player tries to guess a word or group of words letter by letter. The meaning of the word is usually supplied. As the player progresses with correct answers, it becomes easier to guess the word. In the original hangman, a player can only guess wrong four times. Quizlet Quizlet is great for memorizing a vocabulary list. It's rather straightforward as it uses digital flashcards. The game itself is interactive and fun, and perfectly suited for younger children trying to learn English. However, this game works just as well to improve your vocabulary. Crossword puzzles You would normally think that crossword puzzles are just for bored people with nothing better to do with their spare time. Quite the contrary! A crossword is a very educational game that can improve your vocabulary. You would be surprised at how smart the people addicted to crossword puzzles are. The basic idea is to guess the word through their meanings, and get clues from the letters that are already on the puzzle.
Keep in mind that no matter how important education is, most children always to play and to have fun. A lot of children will neglect their studies just to have more play time. As a fact, most children think that they spend too much time in school as it is; at home, they should at least get some time to play. That limits the time they spend in homework, reviews and advance studies. Through having a strong vocabulary, children can understand lessons more easily and make the most of their class hours. If you find fun and enjoyable ways to teach vocabulary, such as vocabulary and word games, your children will be more likely to spend time on their vocabulary studies.
Vocabulary software reviews are reliable sources to find top products in the market right now to improve your vocabulary. One way to ensure that is to look at the number of words that are contained in the software's vocabulary database. Accuracy is very important for vocabulary software applications. Speaking of which, this requires a very high level of understanding of the English language from the developer's end. Look for software that follows the standard word meanings, as given by the most credible sources such as the Merriam-Webster Dictionary. Analyze the teaching tools being used in the vocabulary software critically. This is very important if you want to assess the capacity of the software to improve your vocabulary. Consider the instruction quality, the subjects that are covered, and the help and support features of the software. An online customer service in form of instant messaging and email is always nice to have. When deciding on the quality of the vocabulary software, make sure you pay attention to these essential components: synonyms, antonyms, pronunciations, parts of speech, spelling and meaning. Look for vocabulary teaching software that gives you contextual examples of how the words should be used. Keep in mind, teaching tools that use literary examples are the best.
This way, you can get the meaning in the context of how the words are used, rather than going through the questions two or three times in order to understand them. With a good vocabulary, you cut the time rereading the questions and get to spend more time in thinking about the right answers. Another advantage is that you are able to get ahead of the clock. Typically, standardized tests like these are only given during a predetermined time frame. For example, if a test is given for one hour, you have to finish answering all the questions in an hour. Thinking each answer through might not be an option when you have very little time because you're rereading every question. In that case, you might be able to answer only half of the questions. Even if you get all of them right, the other half (the ones you left blank) will be counted as wrong answers. Needless to say, it's very important to improve your vocabulary before taking a standardized test. For a quick recap, the advantage of having a strong vocabulary in taking standardized test lies in time and efficiency. You will be able to understand the questions the first time you read them, so you will have more time to answer the questions. You will also be able to complete the test more quickly and avoid passing leaving answers blank. In essence, this will help greatly in boosting your chances at passing a standardized examination. Further, the questions for these exams are often written very formally. There's a good chance you'll encounter words that are unfamiliar, and get confused. In fact, the test makers oftentimes do this on purpose in order to really measure the test takers' ability to comprehend in-depth questions. This is undeniably important when taking English tests, although every type of test requires your ability to understand the questions, no matter the topic. Grammar tests typically include whole paragraphs which the test taker must read through and understand as quickly as possible. Following that is a series of questions about the paragraph. In addition, choosing grammatically incorrect sentences among correct ones require good comprehension skills.
1. Why you Need to Improve Your Vocabulary http://www.vocabulary.co.il/increase-vocabulary-html/ A website for vocabulary games http://www.write-better-english.com/How-to-Improve-Your-Vocabulary.aspx A free resource for wordsmiths, word lovers, and word novices 2. Improve Vocabulary by Reading http://www.write-better-english.com/ A vocabulary improvement website http://www.exforsys.com/career-center/english-vocabulary/quickly-improveyour-vocabulary.html Quickly improve your vocabulary at this website 3. Improve Vocabulary by Watching TV http://englishharmony.com/improve-spoken-english-watching-tv/ Articles about TV and improving your vocabulary http://esl.about.com/od/engilshvocabulary/ht/ht_usedvds.htm How to improve your vocabulary by watching DVDs 4. Improve Vocabulary by Talking to Others http://www.vocabulary.co.il/improve-my-english-vocabulary/ Find more ways to improve your vocabulary http://www.bbc.co.uk/worldservice/learningenglish/webcast/tae_betterspeaking_ archive.shtml An archived guide to better speaking and improved conversation by BBC http://www.wisegeek.com/what-are-some-good-ways-to-improve-myvocabulary.htm Learn different ways to improve your vocabulary 5. Use the Dictionary to Improve Your Vocabulary http://www.write-better-english.com/expanding-your-vocabulary.aspx How to use a dictionary 6. Top Tips for Building Vocabulary http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/vocabulary_tips.htm A learning software developer site http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/vocabulary.htm A web page for building a better vocabulary http://learninglanguages.lifetips.com/cat/62992/building-vocabulary/index.html A good content site for learning materials
7. Top Games for Building Vocabulary http://www.vocabulary.co.il/best-way-to-increase-vocabulary/ Useful vocabulary enhancing tips, ESL tutorial website and a great place to find vocabulary games for both children and adults http://www.learninggamesforkids.com/vocabulary_games.html Educational games and more for your kids 8. Improving Children's Vocabulary http://www.ehow.com/how_4700921_increase-childs-vocabulary.html More information on how to increase your child's vocabulary http://www.webenglishteacher.com/ Educational website for ESL learners and students who want to improve their vocabulary http://www.superkids.com/aweb/tools/words/ Perfect for kids and students learning English for the first time http://grammar.ccc.commnet.edu/grammar/vocabulary.htm A guide from Commnet.edu that helps teach the English language to both parents and children 9. Buying Vocabulary Building Software http://vocabulary-vocabulary.com/Vocabulary-Builder-Software.php Gives an in-depth analysis of what vocabulary software is and what it should be http://vocabulary-software-review.toptenreviews.com/ A guide for buyers that teaches what they need to know about vocabulary software in general 10. Advantages of a Strong Vocabulary for Standardized Tests http://www.k12academics.com/standardized-testing Educational website that aims to help students perform better in their academics http://www.scholastic.com/resources/article/standardized-tests/ Provides useful and relevant materials for general studies