My Stamp Order Form

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Order Number : (For Office Use Only Customer : 01.Corporate Customer (Minimum Order 500 Sheets 02. Non Corporate Customer (Please Strikethrough whichever is not applicable)
First Name Middle Name Surname

Name (In Block Letters) Address (Block Letters)

District Phone Number Email Address ID Proof Date My Stamp Sheet Indian Flowers-ILLY Indian Flowers-DAHELIA Mobile Your e-Mail Name of the ID Proof DD MM YYYY Tick Sheets Number of Sheets

State Home

Pin Code Office Alternative e-Mail Number of ID Proof

Per Stamp Sheets My Stamp Sheet Indian Flowers-PANSY Indian Flowers-CINERANIA Tick Sheets Number of Sheets

TOTAL Grand Total Sheet Amount Speed Post / Registered Post Charges Grand Total Amount


(Signature of Customer)
CUT FROM HERE ACKNOWLEDGMENT SLIP Date Order Date Delivery Date (To be fill at the time of delivery) Name Order Number Amount Paid (both in words & figures) Please Collect Your 'My Stamp Sheet' (In case of exhibition ever and counter shifted) Name of the Post Office & Counter First Name Middle Name Surname DD MM YYYY

(Please produce this acknowledgment slip at the time of delivery) Initial of Operator Office Name & Date Seal P.T.O.

Terms & Conditions

01. 02. 03. 04. The customer will have to produce any ID proof issued by Govt. Authority The photograph can be clicked or accept in soft/hard copy of only physically present customer Camera of appropriate specifications is being used by Department of Posts, but no responsibility of Photo quality lies with the Department. Customer will be fully responsible for his/her softcopy/hardcopy photograph quality. The customer will also be responsible for any issues of propriety of the image brought by him for printing on 'My Stamp' sheets, including copy right issues. The customer is required to collect his/her stamp sheetlets within 7 days. No responsibility will rest on the Department of Posts for loss of stamp after this period. If customer is unable to collect his/her stamps personally, he has the option of appointing a r e c e i v e r w i t h a n authority letter with attested signature of receiver and the acknowledgment form. The receiver should carry photo ID Proof issued by any Govt. Organisation. The customer may request for 'My Stamp' to be delivered by post. It may be delivered by Registered Post or Speed Post. The delivery charges will be borne by the customer. Delay of delivery will be not a legal matter. Department of Posts will not be liable for any wrong information produced by Customer. Order received will not be change and amount will not be refund in any circumstances. Printed sheet once given to customer will not be taken back. Department of Post will not be responsible for delay in delivery, if technical fault found in hardware or software. India Post reserves the right not to print a image submitted if in its opinion such image is unacceptable, without giving reasons, in such instances, India Post will refund the payment. Customer shall not submit any image which may contravene the law or erode any moral values of society or which are against the interest of any third party, country or India Post. In particular, the image shall not contain or imply or suggest any of the following :l Anything illegal, offensive, insulting or immoral l Anything dishonest, deceptive or unpatriotic l Any religious or political content 14. 15. 16. Customer shall ensure that the My Stamp must not be used for resale or for donation, or publicity purpose, whether it is commercial or political without any prior written consent by India Post. Stamp designs are subject to change without notice. The customer must agree and accept India Post's terms and conditions for My Stamp before submitting the order. India Post reserves the right to amend, vary, delete or add to any of these terms and conditions from time to time without notice or liability to you. I have read an agreed with terms & conditions of Department of Posts.

05. 06.

07. 08. 09. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Signature of Customer


I have received the ordered 'My Stamp' sheets on ___________________________________________ at ___________________________________________________________________________________


Signature of Customer

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