Bi Phobia Intro
Bi Phobia Intro
Bi Phobia Intro
The fear, hatred or intolerance of bisexual men and women by heterosexuals, gay men,
and lesbians, or by bisexuals themselves (internalized biphobia).
Bisexual Relationships
Bisexuals, like all people, have a wide variety of relationship styles. Contrary to common
myth, a bisexual person does not need to be sexually involved with both a man and a
woman simultaneously. In fact, some people who identify as bisexual never engage in
sexual activity with one or the other (or either) gender. As is the case for heterosexuals
and gay men and lesbians, attraction does not involve acting on every desire. Like many
heterosexuals and gay people, many bisexuals choose to be sexually active with one
partner only and have long-tem, monogamous relationships. It is important to have the
freedom to choose the type of sexual and emotional relationships that are right for the
people involved whatever their sexual orientation.
Examples of Biphobia:
• Assuming that everyone you meet is either heterosexual or lesbian/gay .
• Assuming that bisexuals are confused or indecisive about their sexuality.
• Assuming that bisexuals are promiscuous or cannot live monogamously.
• Assuming that bisexuals are attracted to everyone. Assuming that people who
identify as bisexual are "really" lesbian or gay, but are in denial.
• Assuming that bisexuals, if given the choice, would prefer to be with someone of
a different gender than themselves to gain some of the privileges of being
perceived as heterosexual.
• Believing that people who are bisexual spread HIV/AIDS.
• Automatically assuming that two women together are lesbians, that two men
together axe gay, or that a man and a woman together are heterosexual.
• Not wanting to date someone who is bisexual because you assume that the pelson
will eventually leave you for someone of another gender.
• Thinking of people who are bisexual only in terms of their sexuality, rather than
as whole, complex persons.