Questionnaire (1) Ritika

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QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Sir/Madam, I am doing a research on topic A study on Perception of Employees towards Training and Development Programmes Conducted

by Rites Ltd.I would request you to kindly spare some time to fill up this questionnaire. Thank you very much for your cooperation Name -----------------------------------------------Designation-----------------------------------------Department------------------------------------------

Section I
1) Please mention your age 20-25 25-30 Above 30 2) Gender Male Female 3) . Marital Status Single Married Divorced 4) No. of years of experience in Rites Ltd. Less than 1 year 1-5 years 5-10 years More than 15 years

5) Is this your first organization? Yes No

Section II

6) Has your company organizes a training programme? Yes No

7) What types of training programme is undergone here? On- the job training Off- the job training Case study Class room training

8) Does your organization identify the training needs for the employees? Yes No 9) On an average, how much time did it used to take for training programme? One week One month More than that

10) How much training programs has been made in the past one year? One Two Three 11) Whether training and developmental practices support business goals of the organization? Yes No

12) Whether the management uses new technologies for training the employees? Yes No

13) Do the training practices help the employees in improving their career? Yes No

14) Are you actively involved in learning during training process? Yes No

15) Does training course facilitate you in improving personal competency? Yes No

16) Does training and developmental practices facilitate the employees to get information about the job opportunities within the company? Yes No

17) Does training practices help you to know about your interests as well as your strengths and weaknesses? Yes No

18) Changes adopted by the management in training practices are useful or not? Yes No

19) Whether training programs help you to acquire new skills and knowledge, and apply them on the job? Yes No

20) Whether the training and developmental programs are helpful for you in identifying the actions needed to take to achieve the goal?

Yes No

21) Does the training and developmental programs help you to take responsibility and authority to make decisions? Yes No

22) Does the management conduct formative evaluation to improve the training process? Yes No

23) Rate the quality of training that you received from the training session? Very beneficial Beneficial Not beneficial Un- importance

Any suggestions

Thank you

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