Fce For Schools Use of English Part 2

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The passage provides information about the Young Enterprise program which helps students gain business skills.

Young Enterprise aims to help students gain business skills that will help them succeed in their careers.

Students can gain skills through workshops or by starting and running their own real company.

First for Schools Use of English Paper: Part 2 teachers notes

Description This activity aims to give students an overview of Part 2 of the Use of English Paper (Paper 3). Students predict the content of the text from the title, and discuss and practise a strategy for approaching this task. Time required: Materials required: 40 - 50 minutes Aims: Students Worksheet 1 (one copy for each student) Students Worksheet 2 (copied and cut up into slips) Students Worksheet 3 (one copy for each student) to familiarise students with the First for Schools Use of English Paper Part 2 to introduce them to the strategies needed to tackle this kind of task

Procedure 1. Before the class, copy Students Worksheet 2 and cut the words up into slips, so that there are enough for at least one slip of paper for each pair of students. Copy Students Worksheets 1 and 3 so there is on copy for each student. 2. Write the title of the text on the board (Young Enterprise) and elicit what students think they are going to read about. 3. Give each student a copy of Students Worksheet 1. Ask them to read it quickly, ignoring the gaps (allow about 3 minutes for this). 4. Ask the students if any of their predictions from Step 2 regarding the content were correct. Establish what the text is about (an organisation which helps young people to learn business skills). 5. Tell the students they have to try to fill each gap in the text with one word only. Ask them to look at the text in pairs. Tell them that they MUST put one word in each gap. None of the gaps can be left blank. Allow about ten minutes for students to fill the gaps with their partners. 6. Give each pair a slip of paper from Students Worksheet 2. If there are fewer than 28 students, give pairs who finish first another slip of paper. Students decide which gap is filled by their word. 7. Whole class feedback (see Key below). Write the correct answers on the board. 8. Draw the students attention to questions 14 and 16, where there are two possible answers. Point out that they only have to provide one of these answers in the exam, and that either answer is correct. 9. Discuss with students: How did you decide which word could fill the gap?
UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at http://www.teachers.cambridgeESOL.org/ts/legalinfo

First for Schools Use of English Paper: Part 2 teachers notes

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Did you read the word before the gap? Did you read the word after the gap? Did you read the whole sentence or paragraph to check if the answer made sense? Elicit that candidates need to read the whole sentence, and that they will get clues about how to fill the gap from the word(s) before and after it, and from the text as a whole. (See Key below for examples.) 10. Focus students attention on the words on the board. Elicit what these words have in common (they are all examples of grammar words). Point out the focus of this task is mostly grammatical, e.g. prepositions, articles, auxiliaries, pronouns, although there may sometimes be an element of vocabulary as well, e.g. phrasal verbs, linkers, and words within fixed phrases. 11. Give each student a copy of the Students Worksheet 3. Students decide in pairs whether each sentence on the worksheet is true or false. 12. Feed back with the whole class (see Key below). Discuss any queries the students have about the task. Ask them if they found it easy or difficult, and reassure them that you will practise this type of activity more if necessary before the exam.

Additional information On the answer sheet, students have to write the word in CAPITAL letters. If there are two possible words which can fill a gap, students must only give one answer. If they give two answers and one of them is incorrect, they will not be given a mark. Students should not record the example (0) on the exam answer sheet.

Suggested follow-up activities To improve their performance in this task, groups of students can be given short texts and asked to create open cloze tests for other groups. One group could only prepositions, another articles, etc, or they could gap a mixture of auxiliary verbs, determiners, prepositions, articles, etc.

UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at http://www.teachers.cambridgeESOL.org/ts/legalinfo

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First for Schools Use of English Paper: Part 2 answer keys

Key to Procedure Step 9 question 18: candidates have to look at the whole sentence. Several words before the gap there is a clue from the word either, which suggests the idea of alternatives. They have to understand the structure and meaning of the sentence to supply the word or in the gap. question 15: the word set just before the gap provides a clue, but candidates also have to understand the overall meaning of the text. They know the text is about enterprise, and the word set can be followed by up to form a phrasal verb meaning to start something, in this case a business. So this answer fits with the general meaning of the text. Key to Students Worksheet 1 13 ABOUT 14 THAT / WHICH 15 UP 16 EACH / EVERY 17 IN 18 OR 19 BE 20 WHY 21 TO 22 NOT 23 ONE 24 HAS (preposition fixed phrase: what about) (relative pronoun) (set up phrasal verb) (determiner) (preposition fixed phrase: take part in) (conjunction) (verb) (adverb) (infinitive marker infinitive of purpose) (adverb: gives the next words a negative meaning) (determiner) (auxiliary verb)

Key to Students Worksheet 3 1. False Candidates should look at the title and read through the text before filling in any gaps, so that they have an idea of what the text is about.) 2. False There are 12 gaps, plus one example. 3. True 4. False See Additional information. 5. True It is never a good idea to leave a gap unfilled. Candidates dont lose marks for wrong answers, but they cant get a mark if they do not give any answer at all. 6. False Throughout the Use of English Paper, all answers must be spelt correctly.

UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at http://www.teachers.cambridgeESOL.org/ts/legalinfo

First for Schools Use of English Paper: Part 2 answer keys

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First for Schools Use of English Paper: Part 2 Students Worksheet 1 Part 2
For questions 13 24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each gap. There is an example at the beginning (0). Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS on the separate answer sheet. Example: 0



Young enterprise
How prepared are you for (0) .......... future? You are studying to obtain qualifications for your chosen career, but what (13) .......... getting the business skills necessary to make your career a success? How do you gain the advantage (14) .......... will get you your dream job? Perhaps you even have an ambition to set (15) .......... a business yourself? (16) .......... year since it started, hundreds of thousands of young people have got themselves a head start while they are still at school by taking part (17) .......... a Young Enterprise programme. There, they have gained key business skills and knowledge, either through a series of workshops (18) .......... through starting and running their own real company. At Young Enterprise we believe that it is important for learning to (19) .......... fun, exciting and hands-on, which is (20) .......... our programmes are run on the principle of learning by doing. (21) .......... participate in a programme, your first step is to consult your school. If it has (22) .......... already done so, your school will need to become a centre. It can register as (23) .......... of these by contacting the nearest Young Enterprise office. Once it (24) .......... done this, you can get started!

UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at http://www.teachers.cambridgeESOL.org/ts/legalinfo

First for Schools Use of English Paper: Part 2 Students Worksheet 1

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First for Schools Use of English Paper: Part 2 Students Worksheet 2














UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at http://www.teachers.cambridgeESOL.org/ts/legalinfo

First for Schools Use of English Paper: Part 2 Students Worksheet 2

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First for Schools Use of English Paper: Part 2 Students Worksheet 3

Look at the following sentences and decide whether the information is true or false.

1. You should start filling in the gaps immediately. 2. There are 10 gaps for you to fill. 3. On the answer sheet, you have to write the missing word in CAPITAL letters. If there are two possible answers, you have to write down both words on the answer sheet.

True / False True / False True / False


True / False True / False True / False

5. You must always put a word in the gap. 6. You do not have to spell the answer correctly.

UCLES 2009. This material may be photocopied (without alteration) and distributed for classroom use provided no charge is made. For further information see our Terms of Use at http://www.teachers.cambridgeESOL.org/ts/legalinfo

First for Schools Use of English Paper: Part 2 Students Worksheet 3

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