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I hope you’ll find this new and updated index to ShopNotes magazine a useful
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projects, techniques, and general woodworking information that has appeared in
the past fifteen years of ShopNotes.

To make it easy to use this index, I’ve included some information below to help
you get around.

Terry Strohman
Editor, ShopNotes

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 ShopNotes Index 2006

Abrasive Pads Brass
A Arcs
drawing, 24:15
pattern cutting, 24:8
resawing, 18:12, 51:24,
Bending Panel, 25:31
Bent lamination
basics, 65:32
tips, 7:8
Abrasive pads
basics, 8:30 router trammel, 3:8 83:30 basic technique, 34:20 tool review, 32:12
on finish sander, 30:29 Arm-R-Seal, 78:34 tenons, 20:10, 87:20 fishing net, 34:24 tune-up, 36:8
mounted on push Aspen, 26:26 Band saws soaking tube, 51:4 Veritas low-angle,
blocks, 13:29 Assembly boxes, adjust- blade drift, 18:13 tray handles, 34:6 71:32
Abrasives for rubbing able, stackable, 78:31 set-up, 13:10 Bessey tools Blotch prevention, 2:29
out finish, 25:30 assembly jigs for small shop, 21:15 Maxis Vario-Pivot Board jacks, 70:12
Accu-Miter miter gauge, for bins, 2:19 tool review, 24:22 clamp, 87:47 Bolts
42:12 edge clamps, 42:29 tune-up, 76:12 parallel jaw clamps, 73:32 carriage, 68:24
Acrylics frame and panel, 11:28, Banding, storing, 43:5 Betterley Tru-Cut Blade thread-sizing gauge,
basics, 43:13, 86:10 35:28, 51:10 Bandsaw mills, 38:25 Insert System, 85:47 64:5
for jigs, 68:22 pipe clamp glue-up, Bar clamps Bevel gauges, sliding, Book reviews
Adhesives See Glues 80:5 shop-made, 6:10 8:22, 27 The Workshop Book,
Air compressors Assembly tables storage, 19:27, 46:25 Bevels 1:30
caddy, 60:6 adjustable-height, 30:4, as third hand, 56:5 bench grinder for cut- Bookcase, dovetailed,
caps, 54:5, 85:7 60:14 Batteries, cordless tool, ting, 82:26 18:26
drain valve extension, clamping station, 3:22 33:15, 56:14 in cove molding, 83:44 Bookmatching, resawing
63:5 portable, 85:4 Beading, turned, 23:7, cutting safely, 85:45 for, 18:12
hoses, 78:5, 81:38, solid-core door, 8:28 44:12 grinding jigs, 3:6 Bosch tools
84:46 Auger files, 8:15 Beam compasses, 17:12, scraper sharpening belt sanders, 29:8
maintenance, 60:13 Auriou rasps, 80:40 77:4 technique, 2:14 cordless driver/drills,
piping system upgrade, Avenger Products laser Belt sander jigs Biesemeyer T-square rip 26:20
90:38 guides, 81:47 bench-top conversion, fence, 50:30 plunge routers, 30:10
purchasing, 60:10 Awls, scratch, 44:28 14:29 Bins sabre saws, 36:13
roll-around base, 58:5 drill press, 72:6 cabinet, 57:6 Bottom-cleaning bits,
timer for, 82:6 B edge sanding, 53:6 carrier, 2:20 21:17
Air filters Back saw depth gauge, Belt sander techniques hardware, 18:10, 39:24 Box joints See Finger
box fan conversion, 26:28 to flatten surfaces, lumber, 23:24 joints
65:4 Backrouting, 36:28, 7:10, 85:32 modular, 48:16 Boxes
in sanding table, 24:4 62:33, 82:8 no-rounding edges, motor oil containers See also Lids
shop-made, 20:29 Bahco carbide scraper, 11:29 as, 59:4 for assembly, 78:31
in small shop, 24:13 90:50 Belt sanders rack, 77:11 clamping, 62:13
Alignment gauge for rip Ball-peen hammers, dust collection, 8:28, revolving, 29:4 clipboard, 32:4
fence, 7:29 51:13 74:4 tool, 46:27 metal-cornered gear,
Alignment jigs, 38:30 Band clamps maintenance, 15:8 wall-mounted, remov- 70:16
Allen wrenches corner blocks, 20:29 platform, 25:28 able, 2:16 sharpening supplies,
color-coded, 50:4 shop-made, 17:26 tool review, 29:8 yardstick on for quick 75:6
as driver bits, 61:5 Band saw accessories Belts for noise reduc- measure, 35:4 socket storage, 45:6
organizer, 12:29 See also Band saw tion, 16:26 Birch, 26:26, 73:34 squaring, 62:5
Aluminum fences Bench clamp, shop- Biscuits tool, 43:6, 62:14
cutting notches in, blade storage, 83:7 made, 7:28 design of, 3:17 turned ring, 38:12
68:13 blades, 13:11, 51:25, Bench Dog tools as drawer pulls, 45:5 Brackets
for jigs, 68:23 86:12 Blade-Loc, 56:30 in miter joints, 36:27 castor, 22:29
shining, 82:36 dust collector, 19:28 Pro-Lift, 87:39 in panels, 62:22 lamp, 25:23
T-track, 68:24 guide blocks, 33:14 Bench dogs router jig, 19:28 Brad nailers, 61:14
working with, 48:29, hook-tooth blades, plywood, 72:4 Bits Brad point bits
70:21 51:25 shop-made, 70:13 See also Countersinks; correct speed, 14:27
American Quick-Grip roller bearings, 48:30 using, 60:19 Drill bits; Router bits sharpening, 8:14
clamps, 27:26 shelf, 30:28 Veritas, 20:27, 60:31 driver, 51:4, 61:5 storage, 16:15
AMT tools tables, 20:28, 51:14, versatility of, 84:40 organizer, 2:28 tool review, 85:14
miter gauges, 21:25 76:16 Bench grinders pegboard holder, 62:4 brads
table saws, 21:22 tire cleaner, 84:7 get more out of, 76:22, screwdriver, 17:29 as drill bits, 27:28
Angle jigs Band saw fences 82:26 storage, 10:10, 13:4, setting, 38:5
drilling, 17:19, 69:18 adjustable, 51:22, sharpening system, 76:24 16:12, 67:26, 69:4 Brass
miter saw, 67:25 76:16 Bench planes Black & Decker tools body hand plane, 79:32
table saw, 48:18 built-in clamp, 8:16 basics, 65:32 circular saws, 19:8 finishing, 8:27
Angles, foolproof, 83:43 L-shaped rip, 10:29 restoring, 47:10 cordless driver/drills, fitting to wood, 5:27,
AngleWright miter magnetic resaw, 31:4 tune-up, 47:14 26:20 8:23
gauge, 20:27 tenon cutting, 20:11 Bench vises See Vises random-orbit sanders, inserts, 71:11
Aniline dyes, 17:30, toggle clamp, anti-drift, Benches See Work- 23:12 keys, 90:36
54:11 16:28 benches Blackboards for quick knobs, 84:31
Apron, hardware orga- Band saw jigs Bending notes, 13:29 pulls, 29:22
nizer for, 57:5 circle-cutting, 15:4, See also Kerf Blades See Saw blades riveting, 8:24
Arched-topped clock, 37:14 jigs, 34:6, 69:22 Blast gates, 13:25, 55:22 screws, 70:4
24:10 band saw techniques plastics, 43:15 Block planes shaping, 8:25
cutting plastic, 86:11 press, 69:26 accessories, 71:33 slotting, 8:26

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Brazing band saw blades Corner clamp for miter joints
and wood spokeshave, plywood, 71:31 Center lines and crosscut, 54:22, 56:17 fold-away, 3:25
84:28 rolling, 29:16, 84:48 centering plywood, 54:22, 71:24 pipe clamp glue-up
working with, 54:7, router bit, 13:4 center marker, 24:14 ripping, 54:22 rack, 80:5
79:37, 90:17 router table, 1:16 dadoes, 21:28 specialty, 54:22 wall-mounted, 62:24
Brazing band saw saw blade, 23:4 drill press tip, 86:15 Circular saw jigs Clamps
blades, 86:12 sliding-door, 59:22, shop-built center crosscut, 54:23 See also C-clamps;
Bridge City Tool Works 77:6 finder, 86:24 cut-off, 6:29, 16:4, Hold-downs; Pipe
try square, 20:27 for small parts, 37:4 table tops, 24:29 54:23 clamps
universal square, 64:34 table saw, 1:14, 25:16, techniques, 10:24 cutting guide, 19:16 band, 17:26, 20:29
Bridgewood tools 50:16 Chamfer bits, 67:13 edge guide, 54:24 bar, 6:10
band saws, 24:22 tool, 39:20 Chamfers miter, 56:16 bench, 7:28
benchtop drill presses, wall-mounted, 82:24 dowel, 75:5 panel-cutting, 48:6, bicycle tube, 34:10
44:24 Cable ties as clamps, hand plane cut, 88:7 54:25, 55:24 buying guide, 82:42
lathes, 39:10 18:29 router cut, 31:30 story stick, 54:25 cable ties, 18:29
Bridle joinery, 84:44 Caddies cherry saw handle, Circular saw techniques corner, 51:11
Brushes air compressors, 60:6 52:24 clean plywood cuts, drill press as, 3:26
basics, 47:26 fence tools, 89:4 chests 85:41 edge, 42:6, 29
glue, 7:29, 21:20 hardware, 42:4 benchtop tool, 79:24 crosscutting wide holdfast, 82:5
Manila rope, 28:29 Lazy Susan tool, 70:4 tool, 29:23, 49:16 panel, 20:8 hose quick-change,
techniques, 47:28 note, 80:6 /workbench, 87:26 Circular saws 53:5
v-notch for dowels, pegboard, 85:43 Chicago Pneumatic belt custom storage, 39:26 parallel jaw, 73:32
37:5 pivoting drill press, 2:4 sanders, 29:8 essential tool, 23:10 pull-type, 3:30
Buffing kit, 82:37 power cord, 54:26 Chipout, backrouting to laser guide, 81:47 quick, 27:26
Bullfrog rust blocker, Calculator, fractional, prevent, 36:28 tool review, 19:8 for round stock, 69:4
53:30 23:27 Chisel plane, shop- Clamp blocks, U- shop-made, 6:10, 41:5,
Bullnose shoulder plane, Calipers made, 14:8 shaped, 40:4 76:5
66:32 dial, 69:34 Chisels Clamp pads small, 76:5
burn marks, avoiding, fractional, 89:41 blade protectors, C-clamps, 5:29 small parts, 86:6
47:5 General digital, 90:49 28:15, 44:5 leather, 89:7 as spreaders, 6:14
Burnishers and Cam levers, quick-re- correct angles for, magnetic, 36:4 string and wood, 31:5
burnishing lease, 83:10 82:50 pipe, 12:29, 19:20, toggle, 3:28
handles for, 2:13 Car Stop, 81:49 guides, 18:28, 53:5, 79:6 Claw hammers, 51:12,
jigs, 2:14, 38:11 Carcasses, clamping, 76:30 Clamp storage 13
scrapers, 2:13 64:30 holders, 14:29, 30:27, See also pipe clamp Clifton plane irons, 57:17
wood shavings, 5:29 Carpet tape, 22:29, 42:5, 37:6, 40:5, 59:29, racks Clipboard box, 32:4
Butt joints, 23:23 87:50 63:6 looped cord, 89:7 Clock, arched-top, 24:10
Byrd Tools Shelix cut- Carts Japanese, 69:12 modular system, 19:24 CMT tools
terhead, 89:13 clamp, 46:24 mortise, 2:26 overhead, 78:5 anti-kickback bits, 14:7
lumber storage, 45:12 must-have, 23:11, PVC holders, 75:4 combination blades,
C pegboard panels, 73:26 roll-around cart, 46:24 25:24
C-clamps pullout trays, 5:16 sharpening, 26:8 “tree”, 26:29 Collet wrenches, 23:29,
handles, 51:5 roll-around tool base, skew, 44:10 two-sided, 23:28 81:9
pads, 5:29 22:24 techniques, 15:24 wall racks, 58:15, Collets
pegboard holder, 59:29 tool storage, 5:16, Chuck keys 73:28, 76:5 all about, 81:8
rack, 15:28 54:16, 79:18, 87:4 holders, 57:5 Clamping Jacobs PowerCollet,
storage, 19:26, 46:27 two-drawer, open stor- retractable, 32:28, 89:6 box joints, 75:15 47:30
Cabinets age, 68:26 chucks boxes, 62:13 Compasses
See also Wall-mounted work, 83:22, 90:18 jam, 38:29, 53:15 carcasses, 64:30 beam, 17:12, 77:4
cabinets Carving, chip, 52:28 keyless, 7:14, 60:5 cauls, 81:50 marking gauge combi-
-based workbench, Cast iron, 69:32 removing, 7:15 edge banding, 11:29 nation, 17:12
84:16 Casters Circle cutters, 81:30 irregular shapes, 4:29, Plexiglas protection for
casters, 77:25 all about, 81:10 Circle-cutting jigs 18:29, 21:29 surface, 37:5
convertible shop stor- brackets, 22:29 See also router circle- panels, 19:21 Compound miter saws
age, 66:10 for cabinets, 77:25 cutting jigs squares, 17:29, 51:11 tool review, 31:24
cordless tool, 58:6 color-coded, 52:4 band saw, 15:4, 37:14 tapered pieces, 65:5 Compression bits, 71:24
doubles as outfeed heavy-duty, 90:23 Circle-sanding jigs, vacuum system, 40:16, Contact cement
support, 66:24 locking, 38:19 49:11 43:4 releasing plastic lami-
drawer, 84:20 locking swivel, 60:18 Circles Clamping blocks nate from, 23:29
drill bit, 16:12 table saw, 50:22 See also Arcs angled, 79:17 working with, 16:9,
drill press accessory, Catches, magnetic, adjustable, 8:16 corner, 82:6 21:21, 33:28
84:34 25:14, 87:15 centers, 10:24 clamping jigs Contour jig for drill
finish storage, 26:16 Caulking cutter gauge, 18:28 panel door, 61:4 press, 14:27
hardware, 64:22, 74:12 clean sand drums with cutting, 46:29 picture frame, 36:6 Corner blocks for clamp-
heirloom tool, 80:16 dried, 57:5 measuring, 10:25 sabre saw, 40:14 ing, 20:29, 36:6, 82:6
lathe tool, 73:6 tube storage, 46:5 sanding, 46:29 for small pieces, 1:4 Corner clamp for miter
modular, 59:6 wax cap, 55:5 circular saw blades Clamping stations joints, 51:11
for parts bins, 57:6 cauls, 81:50 combination, 54:22 assembly table, 3:22

ShopNotes Index 2006

Corner jig for drill press Drill presses
Corner jig for drill press, 76:6 lathe-mounted, 49:6 Drawer gauges, tele- cabinet for, 84:34
14:27 dado joints shop-made, 12:16 scoping, 81:6 dial indicator, 68:33
Corner joints, biscuited, custom fit, 45:10, 49:5 stand for, 12:17, 25 Drawer guides drilling shield, 34:5
3:18 tongue and dado stop system, 17:28 attaching short cut, dust collection, 4:10
Corner radius, 84:5 joinery, 79:22, 80:21, dispensers 90:16 fences, 14:24, 18:16,
Countersinks 84:35, 85:26 sandpaper, 32:26, 48:5 full-extension, 10:30 38:22, 57:10
hand-held, 41:5 Dadoes saw blade, 34:4 installing, 79:23 foot pedal, 12:8, 14:28
organizer, 2:28 avoiding tearout, 80:44 tape, 2:21 plastic corner bumpers, hold-downs, 22:4,
single vs. multiple cut- centering, 21:28 dolly for moving 35:4 70:10, 11
ting edge, 27:23 custom-fit, 86:9 plywood, 23:25 positioning, 83:18 mobile stand, 38:16
washers, 70:14 matching, 82:14 Doors Drawers set-up gauges, 69:30
Weldon, 62:34, 90:50 router cut, 45:11, 86:8 frame and panel, 81:23 See also Pulls tool storage, 1:29, 2:4,
cove bits, 19:13, 67:13, shoulder plane for, full over-lay, 31:4 cabinet, 84:20 77:5
83:8 88:39 inset, 80:26 construction tip, 30:29 vacuum hose bracket,
Coves stopped, 20:7 for noise reduction, dividers, 64:29 40:4
sanding block for, table saw cut, 12:13, 17:23 drop-in organizers, wall-mounted shelf,
82:41, 83:42 18:29, 45:10, 49:5 panel clamping jig, 56:26 64:6
turning, 23:7 transferring locations, 61:4 grain matching, 79:26 Drill press jigs
Craftsman-style tool 14:19 raised panel, 35:12 joinery, 84:23, 90:25 adjustable spindle
chest, 29:23 Danish oil, 19:31 sliding, 77:10 joinery jig, 18:4 sander, 81:32
Craftsman tools Delta tools Douglas fir, 84:50 labeling parts, 89:42 alignment, 14:25
molding heads, 58:25 band saws, 24:22 Dovetail bits, 67:13 lining, 14:25, 29:27 angled hole, 69:18
tape measures, 22:22 combination blades, Dovetail jigs stops, 74:5 contour, 14:27
Cranks, shop-made, 25:24 Katie, 45:30 tongue and dado join- corner, 14:27
26:12 compound miter saws, Leigh, 45:30, 79:12 ery, 80:21, 85:26 drilling guide, 26:28
Crimping tool, shop- 31:24 router, 37:13, 43:16 Dremel XPR multi-tool, I-beam for small
made, 13:25 jointers, 48:14 Dovetails 79:40 pieces, 21:29
Crosscutting lathes, 39:10 filing, 88:34 Dri-Dek indexing, 14:27
panels, 4:14, 20:8 miter gauges, 21:25 fitting, 45:5 floor mats, 44:31 for round stock, 5:28,
sled, 63:16 mobile tool bases, half-blind, 79:15 tiles, 83:49 23:9, 87:5
sliding table, 15:16 36:30, 77:25 hand tooled, 18:22 Drill bit storage sanding, 4:8, 72:6
on table saw, 1:12, molding heads, 58:24 keyed, 37:12 cabinet, 16:12 sharpening wheel,
63:21 table saws, 21:22 sliding, 79:15 case, 10:10 61:18
Crotchwood, 28:30 thickness planers, Dowelmax Doweling custom holder, 38:21 table position, 85:7
Cupping, 29:11, 60:24 28:22 System, 80:12 magnetic holders, turning, 5:14
Curves depth gauges Dowels 70:15 V-block, 14:25
arcs, 3:8, 24:15 back saw, 26:28 center holes, 41:14 organizer, 2:28 vertical drilling, 86:14
layout, 20:8 dial indicator, 72:4 chamfering, 75:5 storing with screws, wood plug, 78:5
raised panels, 7:7 router, 6:28, 9:28 clamp for, 69:4 30:29 Drill press tables
routing multiple, 20:15 Depth stops cutting jigs, 7:28, 42:5, wall-mounted, 53:24 adjustable, 18:16,
sanding, 82:41 dowel, 54:5 81:5, 90:46 Drill bits 38:22, 30, 57:10
Curves (tool), 10:25, radial arm saw, 2:29 Dowelmax Doweling See also Brad point clip-on, 14:24
24:15 Design See Plans System, 80:12 bits; Countersinks; counterweight, 11:4
Cut-off jigs for circular Desk, lap, 21:11 drilling jigs, 5:28, Forstner bits with extensions, 74:26
saw, 6:29, 16:4 DeWalt tools 14:25, 87:5, 88:15 brads/nails as, 27:28 tilting, 6:4
Cutoff table, sliding, belt sanders, 29:9 end-drilling, 80:50 combination, 27:23 w/insert and fence,
27:16 compound miter saws, in finger joints, 32:31 correct speed, 14:27 87:6
Cutting guides 31:24 finish brush modifica- expansion, 56:24 Drill press techniques
panel, 90:6 cordless driver/drills, tion, 37:5 quick-change, 20:20 angled holes, 46:28
straight-edge, 12:4 26:20 grooving jig, 84:6 sawtooth, 56:23 clamping, 3:26
cutting tips, 14:13, 15 plate joiners, 33:26 joinery, 23:22 self-centering, 25:15 correct speed, 14:27
plunge routers, 30:10 locating jig, 80:14 sharpening, 55:30 dowel centers, 41:14
D random-orbit sanders, selecting, 46:13 spade, 35:27, 56:22, for dowels, 14:25
Dado blades 23:12 shop-made, 20:15, 63:30 enlarging holes, 14:26
adjustable, 12:10, 11 sabre saws, 36:12 51:7 straight, 70:14 finding centerpoint,
Freud Dial-A-Width, Dial indicators storage, 38:5, 44:6, tapered, 70:14 86:15
75:34 basics, 68:32 83:5 twist, 81:12 guiding tap, 12:29
gauge, 29:28 depth gauge, 72:4 tenoned, 28:11, 32:30 Vix, 67:34, 90:50 mortises, 84:18
magnetic shims, 33:29 router table gauge, threading, 46:12 wing cutter, 56:24 plastics, 43:14
set-up jig, 23:28 76:4 Dozuki, 59:16 Drill Doctor, 55:30 vertical drilling, 14:26
stack, 12:10 squaring jig, 70:5 Drafting Drill-N-Drive quick- Drill presses
storage case, 47:6, diamond needle files, fold-away board, 77:21 change bits, 20:20 conversion to oscil-
79:30 8:15 fold-down table, 41:16 Drill press accessories lating drum sander,
using, 12:12 diamond paste, 63:9 quick-change board, See also drill press 32:16
Dado jigs disk sanders 80:4 tables noise level, 16:24
angled, 25:12 jigs, 41:14, 49:11 tool holder, 41:23 adjustable v-block for small shop, 21:15
router, 20:4, 56:13, lathe as, 73:25 tools, 41:12 system, 65:6 tool review, 44:24

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Drilling jigs Forstner bits
Drilling jigs exhaust port screen, planing, 7:8 miter saw, 67:6, 23, gel stain, 14:30
angled, 17:19, 28:9 59:4 routing, 50:14 82:20 “hammered”, 64:12
edge guide, 85:17 hoods, 22:28, 86:36 End matching, 54:4 molding head, 58:28 marble, 24:31
edgewise on disks, lathe, 46:5 End vises, twin-screw, multi-purpose sled, oil, 19:31, 27:31, 83:26
86:15 multi-stage, 55:16, 65:26 73:4 oil stain, 22:31
guides, 63:5, 80:22, 78:6 Epoxy radial arm saw, 2:7, 9 outdoor, 27:31
83:29, 90:14 quick-change hose mixing, 17:29, 38:5 replaceable insert, 55:4 paint, 27:31
hinge, 44:31 clamp, 53:5, 66:5 using fillers with, 15:14 resaw, 18:14, 31:4 Press & Seal for stor-
indexing, 28:16 radial arm saw, 13:26 working with, 15:14, router, 49:30, 61:12 ing, 80:7
pegboard as guide, remote controls, 13:21, 80:10 slip-on, 3:4 protecting, 53:5
85:42 78:9 Expansion bits, 56:24 support for auxiliary, rain gutter trays for,
round stock, 88:15 router table, 1:27, EZpark, 81:48 68:4 62:5
shelf pin, 82:12 13:27, 85:10 T-square style, 50:30, rubbing out, 25:30
vertical, 8:10 sanders, 8:28, 13:27, F 60:30 shellac, 31:27
Drilling techniques 74:4, 86:36 Face frame hinges, table saw, 17:29, spray, 30:31
angles, 70:15 seal, 48:4 European, 81:14 21:26, 25:9, 60:26, stone, 24:31
countersinks, 70:14 shop-made system, Face-frame joints, 73:4 storage cabinet, 26:16
dowel ends, 80:50 13:14, 16:29 biscuited, 3:18 tape on for fine mea- varnish, 11:29, 23:26,
holes for screws, 27:22 for small shop, 21:14, Fan conversion to air suring, 81:7 27:31
large holes, 56:22 24:12 filter, 65:4 tool caddy, 89:4 water-based, 21:31,
plastics, 86:11 Dust helmets, 24:13 Fasteners zero-clearance, 67:23 57:28
screw removal, 70:15 Dust masks See also Screws Fenner power twist belt, Finishing
using circle cutters, Dust Bee Gone, 65:34 figure-8, 29:20 90:49 See also Brushes
81:30 Dustfoe, 44:31 for MDF, 64:32 Ferrules, 5:10, 13, 83:26 abrasive pads for, 8:30
vertical, 14:26 with replaceable filters, for picture frames, Files (tool) drying rack, 63:5
Drills, cordless 24:13 36:27 basics, 40:12 easel for, 27:29
batteries, 33:15 Dyes strengthen with epoxy, handles, 4:29, 5:11 on lathe, 38:28
holster, 52:4 aniline, 54:11 80:11 preventing clogs, 36:4 mortise plugs for pre-
removing chuck, 7:15 tinting, 57:29 thread-sizing gauge, for sharpening brad finishing, 11:29
storage, 39:27, 71:5 64:5 point bit, 8:15 painting MDF, 86:23
tool review, 26:20 E Featherboards types of, 88:43 surface prep, 20:30
drills, portable electric Eagle American router adjustable, 26:27 Filing scrapers, 2:13 turntables for, 55:14,
essential tool, 23:10 table mounting plates, extension, 79:4 Fillers 85:42, 90:43
pegboard holster, 38:4 45:29 indexing jig, 21:7 adhesive, 80:11 veneer, 16:11
removing chuck, 7:15 Earmuffs, 88:48, 90:49 magnetic, 50:4 basics, 18:30 work supports, 2:29,
storage cases, 67:26, Easels quick-release, 45:4 pore, 26:30 16:29, 60:5, 66:5
69:4 drying long stock, 56:4 resaw, 18:15 using with epoxy, 15:14 Finishing sander “hold-
Driver bits finishing, 27:29 router table, 1:27, 21:6, Filters ing pen”, 57:5
Allen wrenches as, 61:5 Ece block planes, 32:14 69:21, 85:10 CleanStream Filter, Fir, Douglas, 84:50
repairing, 51:4 Edge banding table saw, 21:6, 60:25, 29:30 Fire extinguishers, 84:42
Drivers, cordless clamping, 11:29 29 for dust collection Fire safety, 2:10, 74:32,
tool review, 26:20 plywood, 9:12 Fein tools system, 13:22 84:42
Drum sanders solid wood, 22:26 MultiMaster sander, shop vacuums, 83:13 Fishing net, 34:24
cleaning, 57:5 storage, 88:7 63:34 finger joints Flatsawn lumber, 19:30,
drill press conversion, Edge clamps, 42:6, 29, Turbo Vac, 74:34 checking fit, 62:11 66:34
32:16 87:7 Felt lining, 29:27 clamping, 75:15 Floor mats
sanding box, 20:28 Edge gluing, 39:4, 45:4, Fences drawer construction Dri-Dek, 44:31
shop-made, 4:11 62:20 See also band saw tip, 30:29 tool review, 83:48
three grits at once, 42:4 Edge jointing fences; router table hiding groove, 13:6 Flooring
vacuum hose bracket, on jointer, 4:28, 89:43 fences pinned, 71:17 shop, 79:48
40:4 on router table, 87:8 accessories, 1:26, 2:9 router cut, 32:31 tile, 87:48
Dry-erase boards, 51:5, Edge joints, 23:23, 62:21, adjustable, 90:32 router table cut, 22:12 Flush-cut saws, 59:17,
75:5 89:43 alignment gauge, 7:29 step-by-step, 8:12 90:50
Drying racks Edge sander, 37:16 attaching to miter table saw cut, 62:10, Flush trim bits, 56:12,
2x4, 66:5 Edge sanding block, sleds, 85:17 71:12, 75:12 67:12
easel, 27:29 65:30 changeable inserts, table saw jigs, 8:6, flush trim sanders, 24:9
folding, 82:7 Edge trimmers and 79:7 62:6, 79:16 Flutes
golf tee, 63:5 trimming conversion for jointing, Finish cans router jig, 89:36
oily rags, 69:5 plywood, 27:15, 79:21 1:8 rim cover, 62:5 tapered, 89:39
Drywall, moving, 16:29 router jig, 34:16, 56:12, drill press, 14:24, wipe wire, 77:5 Foot pedals
Dust collection 61:5, 9 18:16, 38:22, 57:10 Finishes drill press, 12:8, 14:28
See also Shop vacu- tools for, 16:11 extension, 36:4 aniline dyes, 17:30, plate joiner, 33:24
ums; Table saw dust utility knife, 9:15 flush trim, 22:27 54:11 Forrest table saw damp-
collection Electrolysis, 72:14 jointing, 90:32 Arm-R-Seal, 78:34 ener kit, 77:17
band saw, 19:28 Elu plunge router, 1:10 micro-adjuster, 20:14 coloring, 29:31 Forstner bits
drill press, 4:10 End grain miter gauge, 8:29, fixing with permanent about, 6:9
gluing, 87:7 14:4, 53:16 marker, 52:5 correct speed, 14:27

 ShopNotes Index 2006

Frame and panel construction Holes
for drilling large holes, storage, 21:20, 89:7 router cut, 86:8 ferrules, 5:10, 13 magnetic, 82:6
56:23 Gluing shoulder plane for, file, 4:29, 5:11 modular system,
lining up, 19:29 See also brushes 88:39 hoops, 5:13 48:16, 69:6
storage, 16:15 alignment jig, 38:30 stopped, 36:29 Japanese saw, 81:28 organizer, 85:28
Frame and panel con- blotching, 2:29 table saw cut, 12:13 metal, 69:28, 29 rack for bins, 77:11
struction edge, 39:4, 45:4 Gross Stabil tools palm, 5:11 small parts, 87:42
assembly jigs, 11:28, end grain, 87:7 parallel jaw clamps, recessed, 34:31, 59:5 stacking totes, 15:10,
35:28, 51:10 miters, 33:11, 28 73:32 rope and liquid rubber, 88:28
doors, 81:23 moat, 21:29 Quick-Star, 27:26 67:4 Hardwoods, 26:26
solid-wood, 80:18 panels, 15:29, 28:4, 12, rounded, 83:25 Hearing protection,
stub tenon and groove, 54:19, 62:20, 90:26 H shop-made, 40:15 88:49, 90:49
5:22, 89:8 plastics, 43:15 hacksaws shop vacuum, 30:29 Heaters, shop, 89:48
Frames squeeze out, 21:21 blades as custom scrap- traditional, 5:12 Hinge mortises
See also picture frames station, 28:4 ers, 89:15 Handscrews drilling jig, 44:31
gluing mitered, 33:11 Gouges tool review, 83:38 adjusting, 29:29 exact depth cut, 6:29
joinery, 23:22 bowl, 53:10 half lap joinery, 59:30, extenders, 30:29 hand-tooled, 15:26
Framing squares, 2:28, must-have, 73:26 81:26 storage, 46:25 router cut, 25:14, 70:29
78:10, 89:41 spindle, 23:6 Hammers router jig, 4:4, 74:6
Freud tools Grain magnets in handle, Handwheels, 26:12, shims, 67:5
anti-kickback bits, 14:7 matching, 54:4, 79:26, 64:5 60:21 Hinges
combination blades, 84:50 mallet conversion, Hangers, keyhole, 25:15, See also Hinge mor-
25:24 “reading”, 88:50 21:29, 78:5 29 tises
cordless driver/drills, vocabulary, 19:30 “must-have”, 51:12 Hardboard butt, 40:5
26:21 Grinder accessories rack for, 86:7 basics, 20:26 on cutoff bins for quick
Dial-a-Width Dado, chisel sled, 76:30 tool review, 86:46 for jigs, 68:22 measure, 35:4
75:34 plane iron sled, 76:31 veneer, 16:10 workbench top, 72:25 European, 24:21,
plate joiners, 3:20, set-up gauges, 76:31 Warrington, 90:50 Hardware 81:14, 88:10
33:26 station, 44:16 Hand planes See also Hinges; flush, 75:29
plunge routers, 30:10 tool rest, 76:31 See also Names of Knobs; Pulls; Screws; inset, 73:11
Friction fitting, 86:14 Grinders specific kinds of hand Threaded inserts installing, 52:5, 67:34,
Front vises, 65:24 get more out of, 76:22 planes apron organizer, 57:5 85:31
Furniture pads, 29:29 mounting pad, 46:23 basics, 65:32 bolts, 68:24 no-mortise pin, 83:18
sharpening system, blade protectors, brads, 38:5 Soss, 2:30
G 76:24 28:15, 33:5 catches, 13:29, 25:14 Hitachi tools
Garage storage system, slow-speed, 61:18 brass-body, 79:32 countersink washers, belt sanders, 29:9
85:48 Tormek SuperGrind, chamfer, 88:7 70:14 cordless driver/drills,
Garden projects 72:32 essential tool, 23:11 fasteners, 29:20, 36:27 26:20
picnic table, 27:10 Grinding jigs Hock plane iron, 90:48 for jigs, 68:24 plunge routers, 30:10
Gel stain, 14:30 bevel, 3:6 jigs, 65:16 keyhole hangers, sabre saws, 36:12
General Finishes low-speed, 31:16 metal jeweling, 88:30 25:15, 29 Hock plane irons, 57:17,
Arm-R-Seal, 78:34 pointing bolt/rod, 5:14 scraper, 27:4 knock-down, 6:30 90:48
General tools grinding wheels scraper insert, 36:30 labeling, 72:5 Hold-downs
dial calipers, 69:34 tool review, 44:14 shooting boards, lathe centers, 73:23 bench, 70:6
digital caliper, 90:49 truing, 44:15 65:12, 16 MDF fasteners, 64:32 combination stop
jointers, 48:15 Grip-A-Disc Shear Sand- shop-made, 11:10, nuts, 46:5, 50:4, 68:24 block, 2:17
mobile tool bases, ing Tool, 53:29 61:26 pop rivets, 13:17 cut-off sled, 79:6
77:24 Grips squaring, 11:25 Reid Tool Supply rug- drill press, 22:4, 70:10,
spring-loaded punch, door pull, 48:5 storage rack, 84:4 ged, 70:23 11
33:29 keyless chucks, 60:5 Hand saws shelf pins, 82:10 for jigs, 70:8
Glass, cutting, 35:4 Grizzly tools cherry handled, 52:24 T-nuts, 12:30, 33:28 radial arm saw, 2:9
Gloves band saws, 24:22 guards, 8:29 T-track, 60:27, 68:24, roller, 76:4
dispenser, 86:7 benchtop drill presses, jointing, 4:13 74:5 spring-loaded, 20:15,
easy plastic bag, 41:5 44:24 sharpening, 4:12 thread protectors, 82:7 27:28
Glues lathes, 39:10 Hand tools thread-sizing gauge, table saw, 9:23, 70:9
See also Contact ce- table saws, 21:22 See also Names of 64:5 for thin stock, 66:6
ment; Epoxy thickness planers, specific hand tools threaded rod, 33:4 toggle, 3:29, 62:4,
bottle holders, 59:4, 28:22 essential, 23:11 trim washers, 79:11 84:12
61:5 Grooved joinery holders, 30:27 Hardware storage Hole saws, 15:28, 56:25
gap-filling, 49:12 hidden, 3:12 rust prevention, 80:46 bins, 18:10, 29:4, Holes
nozzle extension, 85:6 stub tenon, 5:22, 89:8 handles 39:24, 48:16 angled, 17:19, 46:28
polyurethane, 58:10 tongue, 50:24 barrel, 5:12 cabinets, 37:4, 59:22, drilling for screws,
polyvinyl acetate, 86:38 grooves benchtop vise, 71:16 64:22, 74:12 27:22
Quick Tite Gel Matic, extra-wide, 90:17 burnisher, 2:13 caddy, 42:4 drilling large, 56:22
29:30 hand-tooled, 15:27 for C-clamps, 51:5 carousel, 90:4 enlarging with drill
removing dried, 62:23 hiding in box joint, 13:6 cherry for hand saw, drop-in drawer organiz- press, 14:26
resin, 14:29 jig for dowels, 84:6 52:24 ers, 56:26 router template, 56:25
shelf-life, 71:34 in round corners, 36:28 custom, 5:10 film canisters, 44:5 routing square, 84:15

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Honing Lumber
spacing tip, 8:29 Jam chucks, 38:29, 53:15 feed direction, 22:8 Knock-down furniture scrapers, 38:10
wing cutter, 90:16 Jamestown Distributors, plywood, 22:9 cutting grid, 65:4 scratch awls, 44:28
Honing, 28:14, 84:33 75:32 rough-sawn lumber, hardware, 6:30 skew chisels, 44:10
Honing guides Japanese tools 22:8 outfeed table, 87:37 spindle gouge, 23:6
for consistent angle, chisels, 69:12 tapering, 22:9 sawhorses, 12:28, storage, 10:21, 39:6,
11:26 saws, 23:11, 59:16, veneer edge, 32:9 17:4, 52:4, 65:4 73:6, 77:4
sandwiched between 81:28, 90:50 visual aid for, 22:8 wall shelf, 80:28 three-point, 48:30
wood blocks, 48:22 JessEm Rout-R-Lift, Jointers workbenches, 7:16, lathes, mini benchtop,
Veritas, 63:10, 90:50 87:38 changing knives, 12:14 52:16, 54:4 73:16
hose reels, 41:6, 84:46 Jet tools hand plane, 19:4 workstation, 87:32 Layout
HTC Products Inc. mo- band saws, 24:22 multi-tool, 90:28 worktables, 35:4, 47:5, arcs, 3:8, 24:15
bile tool bases, 77:23 benchtop drill presses, spiral cutterhead, 89:12 90:42 butt hinge as square,
44:24 tool review, 48:12 Knots for tying down 40:5
I jointers, 48:14 tune-up, 48:20, 78:14 lumber load, 77:32 center marker, 24:14
I-beam clamps, 46:26 lathes, 39:11 Jointing Kreg Tool Rocket Pocket combination tool,
In-Line Industries table mobile tool bases, edge, 4:28, 87:8, 89:43 Hole Jig, 36:30 17:12
saw tune-up tools, 77:23 with hand saw, 4:13 Kugihiki, 59:17, 90:50 curves, 20:8
77:17 table saws, 21:22 on router table, 50:15 dovetails, 18:23
Inca miter gauges, 42:13 thickness planers, stock prep, 14:13 L mortises, 20:13
Incra precision T-rule, 28:22 on table saw, 1:8 Lacquer scribing, 24:14
33:29 XACTA Lift, 87:38 Jointing jigs collecting thinner when shop, 5:8, 28:21,
Index pin, 14:25 Jeweling, 88:30 router, 8:4, 80:32 cleaning spray gun, 54:29, 58:12, 79:42
Indexing jigs Jig-It hinge drilling jig, router table, 69:21 41:4 techniques, 10:22
drill press, 14:27 44:31 Jorgenson tools Ladders tools, 10:25, 90:34
featherboard, 21:7 Jig saws E-Z Hold, 27:26 outfeed supports, 79:5 ultimate square, 78:12
router table, 10:4 blades, 68:10 parallel jaw clamps, tool tray, 43:5 Leather
shelf pin holes, 28:16 flawless cuts with, 73:32 utility folding, 25:10 faces for vise, 65:29,
table saw, 40:15, 60:29 86:26 Laminates 84:7
Inlay no tearout, 86:27 K for jigs, 68:23 strop, 12:29, 40:5
shop-made cutter, 35:5 spring clamp support, Katie Jig System, 45:30 metal, 70:31 Lee Valley tools
spalted maple, 38:14 66:5 Kerf plastic, 33:5, 43:12, bench dogs, 84:40
Inserts Jigs bending plywood, 88:46 70:30, 89:10 Cabinetmaker’s Mallet,
fence, 55:4 See also Names of table saw jigs, 12:21, Lamination 86:47
installation jig, 83:14 specific applications 34:31 benchtop construction, cam levers, 83:11
installing brass, 71:11 and tools “wobble” blade for 72:20 pocket hammer, 86:47
miter saw, 67:22 dowel locating, 80:14 increasing, 69:7 blanks, 80:35 Leecraft insert, 85:47
molding head, 58:27 hardware, 68:24 Keyhole hangers, 25:15, legs, 87:14 Legs, laminated, 87:14
replaceable, 16:23 hold-downs for, 70:8 29 spacers for, 72:5 Leichtung anti-kickback
router table, 28:28 insert installation, Keyless chucks, 7:14, Lamps bits, 14:7
spindle sander, 81:15 83:14 60:5 bracket, 25:23 Leigh dovetail jig, 45:30,
Inserts, splitter knobs for, 26:11 Keys clip-on holder, 77:5 79:12
hardwood, 21:4 materials for building, brass, 90:36 Lap desk, 21:11 Levelers, 31:5, 84:10
hardboard, 60:25 34:13, 68:22 chuck, 57:5 Lap joinery, half, 59:30, Levels, 35:6, 27
MDF, 83:15 runners, 16:28, 52:5 dovetail, 37:12 81:26 Lids
Merlin, 76:34 springs for, 15:30 Kickback lapping plates, Shapton, cutting from box,
Micro-Jig, 90:48 stick-on rules for, 56:4 anti-kickback bits, 14:6 70:33 16:13, 30:24, 70:19
table saw, 9:23 storage, 34:5, 51:6, avoiding, 21:4 Laser guides, 81:46 flip-open, 73:10
inserts, zero-clearance 59:5 featherboard extension Laser Park Set, 81:48 storage in, 70:23
Masonite, 28:29 wing nut, 71:4 to prevent, 79:4 Lathe accessories Lie-Nielsen tools
miter saw, 67:22 John Sterling Corp. Klingspor’s Woodwork- bed extension, 73:19 block planes, 32:12
scroll saw, 49:5 Fast-Mount shelving ing Shop, 75:33 belt guard, 73:24 cabinet scrapers, 90:49
shop-made, 6:28 system, 86:48 Knives drive and cup centers, plane irons, 57:17
table saw, 34:12, Joiner’s mallet, 2:22 jointer, 12:14, 78:16 73:23 Lift systems, 82:48
85:46, 90:44 Joinery See Names of marking, 39:14, 83:24 dust collection, 46:5 Lights and lighting
Insty-Bit quick-change specific kinds of joinery utility, 13:28, 16:11 faceplates, 38:4, 73:25 ballast, 83:41
bits, 20:20 Jointech Smart Lift Digi- Knobs jam chuck, 38:29, for sanding, 82:39
Insulation for noise tal Router Lift, 87:40 See also Pulls 53:15 shop, 25:22, 83:40
reduction, 17:24 Jointer accessories brass, 84:31 sanding disk, 49:6, Lining, drawer, 29:27,
Insurance, 74:32 bed extensions, 22:9, customized, 23:27 73:25 57:25
Iron, cast, 69:32 48:24 for jigs, 68:24 sanding table, 73:25 Locking rabbet joinery,
Irwin Quick-Grip Clamp, dial indicator, 68:33 mounting, 25:15 stand for mini, 67:14 18:4, 29:14, 82:31
87:46 fences, 90:32 plastic, 32:29, 43:5 tool rests, 43:26, Locks, full-mortise,
Magna-Set, 48:23 shop-made, 26:10, 73:24, 79:7 49:14
J push blocks, 9:4 82:35 Lathe tools Lufkin tape measures,
Jacobs tools stand, 48:26 studded, 75:4 bowl gouges, 53:10 22:22
keyless chuck, 7:14 Jointer techniques turning, 47:13 must-have, 73:26 Lumber
PowerCollet, 47:30 cutting tapers, 17:8 for vises, 65:29 review, 39:10 See also Plywood

 ShopNotes Index 2006

Lumber scales Nuts
air-drying, 38:26 Mail-order techniques for suc- tightening fit with metal Molding
board footage, 7:30 lumber, 86:50 cess, 86:22 foil tape, 82:7 See also Coves
bundling with cling sources for, 75:32 Medium-density overlay tool review, 21:25, built-up, 19:12
wrap, 46:5 Makita tools (MDO), 25:31 42:12 crown, 67:25
buying, 23:30 battery charger, 56:15 Merlin splitters, 76:34 Tru-Fit Miter Bar Sys- cutters for table saw,
cost of, 7:30, 70:34 belt sanders, 29:9 Metal tem, 26:27 58:24, 89:46
crotchwood, 28:30 cordless driver/drills, See also Aluminum; tune-up, 25:9 drying easel, 56:4
flatsawn vs riftsawn, 26:20 Brass Miter jigs router cut slots, 80:20
66:34 keyless chuck, 7:14 bending press, 69:26 circular saw, 56:16 scratch stock for mak-
grades, 9:30, 21:30 plate joiners, 33:26 cast iron, 69:32 radial arm saw, 52:6 ing, 41:24
grain, 19:30, 88:50 plunge routers, 30:11 crimping tool, 13:25 router, 78:18 T-, 9:14, 79:28, 89:15
hardwood, 70:34 quick-change bits, cutting, 31:30, 41:15 table saw, 10:15, Mortise and tenon
labeling, 26:29 20:20 handles, 69:28, 29 42:28, 90:45 joinery
from logs to, 38:24 random-orbit sanders, hooks, 69:25 Miter joints floating tenons, 88:26
mail-order, 86:50 23:12 for jigs, 68:23 biscuited, 3:19 wedged, 80:30
moisture content, sabre saws, 36:12 sandpaper, 10:27 corner clamp, 51:11 Mortisers
30:30 thickness planers, scroll bending jig, dovetail keys, 37:12 multi-tool, 90:28
pressure-treated, 67:32 28:22 69:22 gluing, 33:28 Mortises
softwood, 21:30 Mallets shelf supports, 69:29 splined, 27:8, 36:26, See also Hinge mor-
stock prep, 14:12 dead-blow, 90:50 slots in, 41:15 45:7, 75:9, 84:9, tises
thickness designations, essential tool, 23:11 soldering corners, 86:44 drill press cut, 84:18
5:30 hammer conversion to, 46:22 strengthening, 36:26 hand-tooled, 2:26,
transporting, 70:5, 21:29, 78:5 steel rod, 37:14 miter saw accessories 15:25
77:32 joiner’s, 2:22 tool steel, 90:12 crosscut blade, 67:23 layout, 20:13
Lumber scales, 23:31 shop-made, 23:8 working with, 88:40 cut-off gauge, 15:29 locks, 49:14
Lumber storage tool review, 86:47 Metal detectors (tool extension table, 31:6, plug for pre-finishing,
basics, 80:42 manuals, shop, 3:27 review), 87:12 11 11:29
bins, 23:24, 71:29 Maple Metal jeweling, 88:30 fence, 82:20 router cut, 25:14
cart, 45:12 bird’s-eye, 41:28, 30 Micro tools ladder station, 73:5 router table cut, 90:33
dowels, 38:5, 44:6, soft, 26:26 -Fence, 49:30 laser guide, 81:46 square, 80:19
83:5 spalted, 38:14 Jig MJ, 83:47 stand, 54:5 mortising jigs
measuring tape on Markers and marking -Jig splitter, 90:48 stop blocks, 31:6, 12 chisel guide, 18:28
bins, 58:5 See also Compasses Mill files, 8:15 table and fence system, hinge, 4:4
overhead, 20:22, 37:5 accurate, 22:28 Milwaukee tools 67:6 router, 56:10, 61:8,
plywood, 23:25 center, 24:14 cordless driver/drills, work stations, 11:16, 64:14, 74:6, 90:11
racks, 17:16, 23:24, 29 for dark-colored wood, 26:21 31:6, 58:16, 75:24, Mortising machines,
roll-around, 55:24 69:5 sabre saws, 36:13 82:16, 87:36 47:16, 68:12
scrap wood organizer, knives, 39:14, 83:24 Mirror, wall, 19:14 zero-clearance insert, Motor vibration, 4:26,
90:5 plywood scoring tool, Miter bars, 85:12 67:22 16:27
short stock, 19:29 68:4 Miter boxes Miter saw jigs
under-stair, 77:26 soapstone, 39:5 pull saw, 59:18 crown molding, 67:25 N
workbench with, 60:4 tips for, 89:40 for small pieces, 5:4 oblique angle, 67:25 Nailers
Marking gauges Miter gauge accessories workstation, 67:25 brad, 61:14
M combination layout extension, 49:4 Miter saw techniques stapler combo, 61:16
Magazine rack, fold-out, tool, 17:12 fences, 8:29, 14:4, cutting multiples, 67:24 Nails as drill bits, 27:28
51:28 maple and brass, 54:6 53:16 mitered returns, 67:24 Nailsets, Stanley, 90:49
Magic Molder, 58:25 precision, 82:32, 86:7 flip-up stop block, Miter saws Needle files, 8:15
Magna-Set, 48:23 shop made, 28:29 26:15 compound, 31:24 Noise
Magnetic catches, 13:29, Masking tape as tape handles, 26:10 for small shop, 21:15 containing shop, 17:22
25:14 measure, 34:30 holder, 1:15 tune-up, 31:14 reducing tool, 16:24
Magnets Mats MiterMatic setup Miter sleds shop vac muffler, 47:4
clamp pads, 36:4 floor (tool review), square, 26:27 fences on, 85:17 Noisebuster earmuffs,
featherboards, 50:4 83:48 set-up board, 26:15 table saw, 85:34 88:49
in hammer handle, heated, 89:49 threaded inserts, 26:15 MiterMatic, 26:27 Norton sanding belts,
64:5 tool, 79:27 Miter gauges Miters 10:26
pocket holder, 79:6 McFeely’s, 75:33 adjusting for 45 degree perfect, 10:12 notches, sanding long,
for reminder notes, Measuring techniques, cut, 36:29 on small pieces, 1:5 49:4
77:5 10:23, 89:40 alignment mark, 84:7 squaring, 6:29, 51:10 Note caddy, 80:6
for removing steel wool Medium-density fiber- AngleWright, 20:27 trimmer, 36:16 Nuts
particles, 49:5 board (MDF) modifying runner, modular outfeed sup- “lock” with hot glue,
retrieval tool, 36:4 avoid splitting, 18:18, 26:14 port, 72:16 50:4
shims, 33:29 23:18 router cut slots, 71:5 T-, 12:30, 33:28, 68:24
tool holders, 1:29, basics, 16:30 setup, 51:4 Modular storage thread-sizing gauge,
24:28, 37:5, 63:6, fasteners, 30:7, 64:32 for small pieces, 21:28 bins, 48:16 64:5
70:15 for jigs, 68:22 smooth riding, 44:5 cabinets, 59:6 threading tip, 46:5
vise pads, 20:29 mounting pad, 46:23 squaring, 5:29, 26:14, wall-mounted, 39:16 wing, 71:4
wrist strap, 24:29 54:5

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Ogee bits Power cords
O mouse pad replace- for jigs, 68:23 thin stock, 29:11 edge drilling guide,
Ogee bits, 67:13 ment for pad, 26:29, Picnic table, 27:10 Planers 85:17
Oil finishes 76:5 Picture frames chip collection, 44:5 flush trimming, 27:15,
Danish, 19:31 Panasonic tools accent strip, 36:23 Dremel XPR, 79:40 79:21
outdoor, 27:31 cordless driver/drills, clamping jig, 36:6 for small shop, 21:15 grades, 11:30
recipes for color, 83:26 26:20 desktop, 36:22 tool review, 28:22 for jigs, 68:22
Oily rag drying rack, 69:5 keyless chuck, 7:14 fluted, 36:24 Plans joining to solid wood,
Oily steel wool, 77:5 Panel jigs for circular mechanical fasteners, drafting board, 77:21 50:24
Oldham tools saw, 54:25, 55:24 36:27 drafting tools, 41:12 jointing, 22:9
anti-kickback bits, 14:7 Panel saws, 4:14, 88:16 string and wood clamp, dry-erase boards, 51:5, kerf bending, 88:46
combination blades, Panels 31:5 75:5 mixed core, 22:30
25:24 See also Raised panels Pigments hanger for, 41:5, 55:5 moving, 16:29, 71:22
Organizers Bending Panel, 25:31 coloring finishes, 29:31 Plastic laminate phenolic-faced, 87:11
Allen wrench, 12:29 clamping, 19:21 dyes, 54:11, 57:29 cutting, 33:5 projects, 71:26
benchtop tool, 68:6 crosscutting, 20:8 for pore filler, 26:31 releasing from contact reducing chipout,
drop-in drawers, 56:26 cutting guide, 90:6 Pilot-guided bits, 19:23 cement, 23:29 25:26, 27:15
hardware, 85:28 diagonal, 59:15, 83:21 Pinch blocks, 15:29 working with, 70:30, ripping, 60:24
modular router bit, flattening, 82:40, 85:32 Pine, buying, 43:30 89:10 softwood, 24:30
75:5 glue-up station for, Pipe clamp racks Plastics specialty, 25:31
sanding disk, 47:5 28:4 broom clip, 1:29, 46:26 edge treatment, 86:11 storage, 23:25, 29,
sandpaper, 67:5, 89:7 gluing up, 15:29, ladder hook, 78:5 flooring, 87:48 55:24, 71:23
scrap wood, 90:5 28:12, 45:4, 54:19, modular system, 19:24 jig runners, 52:5 tool for scoring, 68:4
scroll saw blades, 5:28 62:20, 90:26 notched, wall-mounted, for jigs, 68:22 totes, 71:23, 72:5
shop manuals, 3:27 squaring, 9:29, 21:13 11:6, 90:7 types of, 43:12 transporting, 23:25,
shop vac accessory, squaring large, 9:29, under-bench rack, 48:4 UHMW, 34:13 71:22
53:5 82:14, 84:14 Pipe clamps working with, 43:14, types of, 87:10
Osborne miter gauges, tilt-out cutting guide, See also Pipe clamp 86:10 veneer, 13:30
42:13 48:6 racks Plate joiners Pocket holes
Outfeed supports veneering small, 49:12 broom clips for, 3:25 basics, 3:17 drilling, 32:29
adjustable, 29:29, Park-Zone, 81:49 caddy, 14:28 detail, 33:27 jigs, 36:30, 42:16
40:26, 66:4 Parking, precision, 81:48 end vise, 10:28 table, 33:16 Pockets, panel saw cut,
adjustable roller, 81:6 Parquetry, 32:8 extenders, 19:21, 23:29 tool review, 33:26 88:15
doubles as cabinet, Particleboard, 22:30 glue-up rack, 80:5 Plate joinery Polish and polishing
66:24 Patents, 72:33 pads, 12:29, 19:20, corner, 3:18 after honing, 28:14
folding, 20:16, 50:26 Pattern cutting 79:6 edge, 33:25 kit, 82:37
hitch pin quick set for band saw, 24:8 plywood cutting sup- end grain, 33:25 rubbing out finish,
rollers, 68:5 router, 23:5 port, 10:28 face, 33:25 25:30
knock-down table, table saw, 81:44 rack, 1:29, 11:6 face-frame, 3:18 Polycarbonate, 43:13,
87:37 Patternmaker’s bits, spreader, 19:21 miter, 3:19 68:22, 86:10
ladder/rolling pin, 79:5 67:13 stain proofing, 2:29, router jig, 19:28 Polyurethane glues,
marking, 62:5 Patterns 19:20, 39:5 T-, 3:19 58:10
modular system, 72:16 hand plane, 11:13 as table legs, 90:43 three-step, 3:16 Pop rivets, 13:17
portable table, 78:4 transferring, 24:15, 33:28, tool review, 87:46 pliers, “spring-loaded” Poplar, 26:26
retractable, 33:4 52:28 Plane irons handles for, 42:5 Porter Cable tools
roller on sawhorse, Peening, 88:36 deep-freeze, 57:16 plugs belt sanders, 29:9
22:29 Pegboard sled for grinder, 76:31 corral for, 46:5 cordless driver/drills,
rolling, 40:26 bit holder, 62:4 squaring, 11:25 drill press jig, 78:5 26:21
shop-made, 19:29 buying, 77:9 tool review, 57:16 in miter joints, 36:26 plate joiners, 3:20,
with storage, 89:45 drill holster, 38:4 two-piece cap, 57:17 removal, 61:5 33:27
table saw, 25:21, mounting, 88:7 Planer accessories securing, 81:7 plunge routers, 30:11
86:40, 89:26 shelf add-on, 85:43 adjustable jig, 38:6 shop-made, 37:30 random-orbit sanders,
outrigger for table saw, table saw accessory adjustable table, 82:4 trim saw, 47:4 23:12
9:23 storage, 78:5, 89:44 dust hood, 22:28 routers, 68:34
Talon pegboard hooks, stands, 9:16, 46:4 Plunge routers, 1:10, sabre saws, 36:13
P 29:30, 77:34 thickness gauges, 63:5 90:8 Power cords
Paint cans tool storage, 27:24, tool station, 75:24 Plywood caddy, 54:26
rim cover, 62:5 59:28, 87:7 workstation, 87:36 See also Saw blades cleats, 38:5, 90:22
wipe wire, 77:5 uses for, 85:42 Planer techniques Baltic birch, 73:34 extension, 46:30
Paints and painting wall storage, 39:24 edges, 29:10 buying, 11:30 eyebolt holder under
exterior, 27:31 Peltor earmuffs, 90:49 end grain, 7:8 clean cuts, 85:40 bench, 68:5
hammered-finish, Pencils grain direction, 29:10 cutting guides, 27:14, floor protector, 19:29
64:12 “cushion”, 32:29 planing facets, 83:27 71:24 overhead hangers,
MDF, 86:23 tray, 52:4 short stock, 29:11, cutting supports, 10:28 15:29, 64:5
Palm sanders Velcro holder, 62:5 83:50 cutting tips, 42:10, preventing unplugging,
concave profile, 75:5 Perma-sand, 10:27 small pieces, 7:9 71:24 50:5
custom storage, 39:29 Phenolic plastic snipe solutions, 79:50 edge banding, 9:12 reels, 44:4, 82:46, 89:6
basics, 43:12 stock prep, 14:15 right angle plugs, 90:7

10 ShopNotes Index 2006

Power-Lock sanding system Router table accessories
rubber bands for, 90:7 with replaceable Radial arm saws on table saw, 9:22, reversible, 35:25
ties, 10:29 parts, 1:6 crosscutting, 55:5 60:22, 85:44 round-over, 67:13
wraps, 25:29, 56:5 router table, 20:14, depth stop, 2:29 table saw jig, 14:14 slot-cutting, 67:13
Power-Lock sanding 55:6, 85:11 dowel cutting jig, 7:28 thin strips, 34:15, spiral downcut, 56:13
system, 53:28 table saw, 9:23, 60:25, dust hood, 13:26 49:19, 79:25, 90:47 spiral end mill bits,
Power strips, 46:23 28, 90:45 fences, 2:7 Riser block, 14:25 18:5
Power tools two-handled, 55:6 hold-downs, 2:9 Rivet cleaning disk for spiral upcut, 42:30,
See also Names of using, 1:7 miter jig, 52:6 rust removal, 7:13 56:10
specific power tools Putty shield, 16:29 return, 11:7 Rivets, pop, 13:17 stile and rail, 35:24
amperages, 46:30 stand, 16:16 Rockler tools storage, 13:4, 63:24,
bases, 22:24, 30:28, Q stop blocks, 2:9 cam levers, 83:11 75:5, 77:30, 86:16
36:30, 56:5, 77:22 Quantum circular saws, table alignment, 55:5 Flip Top stand, 86:43 straight, 56:8, 67:12,
batteries, 56:14 19:8 tune-up, 52:12 /JessEm Router Lift FX, 79:8
essential, 23:10 Quartersawn lumber, Rags 87:39 Router circle-cutting jigs
Fenner power twist 19:30 oily, 69:5 mobile tool bases, 3” to 18” in diameter,
belt, 90:49 Quick-release clamps, proper disposal, 2:11 77:25 61:11
maintenance, 54:15 46:25 wall-mounted dis- Router table mounting large circles, 35:27,
mobile bases, 73:5, penser, 71:4 plates, 45:29 56:8, 64:4, 73:12
81:4 R Raised panels Roman ogee bits, 19:13 up to 4” in diameter,
motor vibration, 4:26, Rabbet joints, locking, curved, 7:7 Rottenstone, 25:30 83:32
16:27 18:4, 29:14, 82:31 doors, 35:12 Round-over bits, 19:13, Router jigs
multipurpose, 21:15 Rabbeting bits, 67:13 router jigs, 7:4, 9:6 67:13 See also Router circle-cut-
noise level, 16:24, 25 Rabbets step-by-step, 7:6 Round stock See Dowels ting jigs
rust prevention, 80:46 router cut, 20:7, 82:9 table saw cut, 57:4, Rousseau router table biscuit, 19:28
for small shop, 21:14 router guide, 46:28 87:44 mounting plates, 45:28 cutting guide, 19:16
springs for, 15:30 shallow, 88:14 vertical jig, 9:6 Rout-R-Lift, 56:7 dado, 20:4, 56:13, 76:6
station, 35:16 shoulder plane for, Rali block planes, 32:15 Router accessories dovetail, 43:16
storage, 39:26 88:39 Random-orbit sanders 5-in-1 base plate edge guide, 56:11,
tune-up, 54:12 table saw cut, 12:13, basics, 11:8 system, 61:6 61:10
Powermatic tools 20:24, 29:14, 79:44 essential tool, 23:10 adjustable set-up flush trim, 34:16,
band saws, 24:22 Racking prevention, tool review, 23:12 gauge, 5:24 56:12, 61:5, 9
benchtop drill presses, 84:39 Rasps base installation, 66:30 fluting, 89:36
44:24 Racks Auriou, 80:40 collet wrenches, 81:9 hinge mortising, 4:4
table saws, 21:22 See also Pipe clamp basics, 40:12 depth gauges, 6:28, jointing, 8:4, 80:32
Pressure-treated lum- racks fingertip protection, 9:28 miter trimmer, 78:18
ber, 67:32 C-clamp, 15:28 45:5 fences, 61:12 mortising, 56:10, 61:8,
Problem Solvers Inc. chisel, 37:6, 63:6 Microplane, 80:38 guide bushing, 24:11 64:14, 74:6, 90:11
Perma-sand, 10:27 conduit strap, 56:5 techniques, 80:40 hand crank, 65:5 pin routing, 57:18
protractor, Starrett Pro- dowel, 44:6 recesses, finger, 34:31, hole template, 56:25 rabbetting, 46:28
Site, 90:48 drill press tool, 77:5, 59:5 Jacobs PowerCollet, raised panels, 7:4
Pull saws 84:36 Record block planes, 47:30 recess cutting, 35:26
basics, 59:16 drying, 63:5, 66:5, 69:5 32:13 micro-fence, 49:30 tenoning, 40:6
miter box, 59:18 fold-out magazine, redwood, 27:30 mortising machine, thicknessing, 21:16
pegboard holder, 59:29 51:28 Reid, George (wood- 47:16, 68:12 Router Raizer, 56:6
Pulleys for noise reduc- garden hose quick, worker), 54:28 no-slip wrenches, 85:7 Router table accessories
tion, 16:26 40:5 Reid Tool Supply Com- rub arms, 34:30 See also router table
Pulls glue-up, 80:5 pany, 70:23, 75:32 trammels, 3:8 fences
See also Knobs hammer, 86:7 Remote controls Router bits adjustable stop blocks,
biscuits as, 45:5 hand plane, 84:5 dust collection, 13:21, anti-kickback, 14:6 6:8, 69:20
brass, 29:22 hardware bin, 77:11 78:9 bottom-cleaning, 21:17 auxiliary jointing face,
double as label holders, jig storage, 51:6 washer over on button, chamfer, 67:13 69:21
36:5 lathe tool, 10:21, 39:6, 73:5 cleaning, 70:5 auxiliary switch, 85:9
drawer, 74:17 77:4 Repair, crack, 39:5 combination, 35:25 for benchtop, 45:27
grips, 48:5 light fixture diffuser as, Resawing compression, 71:24 bit guards, 1:26, 69:20,
hole drilling guide, 64:5 on band saw, 18:12, cove, 67:13, 83:8 85:11
90:14 lumber storage, 17:16, 51:24, 83:30 decorative, 56:11 dust collection, 1:27,
mounting, 25:15 20:22, 23:24, 29 magnetic fence for, dovetail, 67:13 13:27, 85:10
shop-made, 89:28 overhead, 20:22 31:4 downcut, 42:30 extension, 50:8
Punches, spring-loaded, sanding belt, 11:28 on table saw, 83:15 fit in collet, 71:5 featherboards, 1:27,
33:29, 90:50 saw blade storage, Resin glue, 14:29 flush trim, 56:12, 67:12 21:6, 69:21, 85:10
Push blocks 4:28, 89:45 Respirators, 81:42 molding, 19:13 freehand routing guard,
abrasive pads on, table saw accessories, Reviews See Book multi-profile, 80:8 1:26
13:29 89:44 reviews; Tool reviews ogee, 67:13 gauge for dial indicator,
heavy-duty, 80:4 wall-mounted tool, Riftsawn lumber, 19:30, pattern, 4:4, 67:13 76:4
increasing grip, 27:29 68:5, 72:28 66:34 pilot-guided, 19:23 hold-down, 20:15
jointer, 9:4 wrench, 34:4 Ripping rabbeting, 67:13 inserts, 28:28, 85:8,
panels, 4:14, 25 raised panel, 9:7, 35:15 89:25

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Router table fences Saws
mounting plates, for small shop, 21:14 magnetic storage, 37:5 fingertip protection, dado blades, 47:6,
85:16, 23 stand, 85:24 precision T-, 33:29 29:29 79:30
push blocks, 20:14, stow-away, 71:6 steel, 78:32 long notches, 49:4 dispenser, 34:4
55:6, 85:11 table top, 1:18 Rust power systems, 53:28 holders, 63:5
Rout-R-Lift, 56:7 Router techniques Bullfrog rust blocker, product overview, organizers, 5:28
Router lifts, 87:38 backrouting, 36:28, 53:30 10:26 racks, 4:28
Router Raizer, 56:6 62:33, 82:8 inhibitors, 80:47 surface flat, 7:10 sabre saw, 42:5
set-up gauges, 69:30, chamfers, 31:30 prevention, 69:33, techniques, 11:9, 20:30 spacers for, 54:5
85:11 curved slots, 76:27 80:46, 83:7 in tight corners, 22:29 Saw blades
sleds, 87:16, 89:9 cutting outside threads, removal, 7:12, 10:29, tips for success, 82:38 band saw, 13:11,
speed control unit, 85:9 46:15 47:11, 72:14 veneer to fit, 32:9 51:25, 86:12
starting pin, 50:14 dadoes, 86:8 Ryobi tools Sanding belts binder clip hangers,
T-track/miter track, dowel making, 20:15 belt sanders, 29:8 3M, 10:26 83:7
85:9 finger recesses, 34:31 circular saws, 19:8 bi-directional, 10:26 Blade-Loc, 56:30
vacuum attachment, grooves, 86:8 cordless driver/drills, cleaning, 60:5 circular saw, 54:22,
1:27 mortises, 4:7, 70:29 26:21 rack for, 11:28 56:17, 71:24
work center, 89:24 multiple curves, 20:15 detail joiners, 33:27 Sanding blocks cleaning, 24:29, 70:5
Router table fences perfect opening, 81:14 jointers, 48:13 cork-bottom, 9:29 combination, 25:24,
flush trim, 22:27 preventing tearout, plate joiner, 3:20 cove, 82:41, 83:45 76:32
micro-adjuster, 20:14, 83:9 plunge routers, 30:11 custom, 87:22 crosscut, 63:23, 67:23
88:6 profiles, 19:22 random-orbit sanders, edge-, 65:30 as custom scrapers,
precision, 85:22 rabbets, 20:7, 82:9 23:12 quick foam, 43:5 89:15
router bit guard, 1:26 small pieces, 39:30 thickness planers, spring-loaded, 1:28 general purpose, 25:25
tape for width adjust- smooth panels with 28:22 wedged, 32:28 hacksaw, 83:39
ment, 81:7 splines, 84:8 Sanding box for drum jig saw, 68:6
w/adjustable stop square holes, 84:15 S sander, 20:28 miter saw, 67:23
block, aux. jointing square opening, 32:30 Sabre saws Sanding disks, 27:29, molding heads, 58:24
face, 69:16 template, 40:14, 69:9 blade storage, 42:5 47:5 plywood, 27:15, 54:22,
w/T-slot, sliding faces, tenoning dowels, 28:11 clamping jig, 40:14 Sanding drums, layered, 71:24
clamping system, trouble-free, 62:32 essential tool, 23:11 81:36 to reduce noise level,
1:22 turning, 37:15 speed control, 31:5 Sanding jigs 16:27
Router table jigs veneer trimming, 16:11 table, 23:16 circle, 49:11 resawing, 18:12
box joint, 22:13 Router Technologies tool review, 36:12 disk sander, 41:14 right vs. left tilt, 61:32
dovetail key sliding Router Raizer, 87:41 Safety edge, 53:6 rip, 60:23, 76:33
cradle, 37:13 Router wrenches, no- collecting thinner when thickness, 4:8 sabre saw, 42:5
indexing, 10:4 slip, 85:7 cleaning spray gun, sanding pads Saw Jaw, 90:48
vertical raised panel, Routers 41:4 folding paper, 82:39 scroll saw, 13:8
9:6 bearing fix, 33:14 combustibles, 2:10 Sanding tables stabilizers, 46:30
Router table techniques collets, 81:8 fire, 84:42 benchtop, 22:10, 24:29 table saw, 76:32
avoiding kickback, 21:4 custom storage, 39:28 hearing protection, lathe, 73:25 “wobble”, 69:7
box joints, 22:12 Dremel XPR, 79:41 88:48, 90:49 pegboard, 85:42 Saw mills, 38:24
centering bit, 88:27 essential tool, 23:10 and metalwork, 88:42 w/air filter system, 24:4 Sawdust, removing
edge jointing, 87:8 noise level, 16:24 oily steel wool, 77:5 Sandpaper caked, 29:29
end grain, 50:14 plunge, 1:10, 90:8 respirators, 81:42 carpet tape on, 22:29 Sawhorses
jointing, 50:15 Porter-Cable 690, Safeguarding shop, dispenser, 48:5 adjustable, 17:4, 29:29
molding, 80:20 68:34 74:32 folding into pad, 39:5 cutting grid on, 65:4
mortises, 90:33 ratchet lever replace- Safety glasses metal, 10:27 essential tool, 23:11
parallel miter gauge ment for thumb- wall clip, 67:5 for random-orbit folding, 58:4, 71:28
slots, 71:5 screw, 26:29 Woodshop Specs, sander, 11:9 knock-down, 12:28,
pattern routing, 23:5, spindle adjustment 65:34 rubbing out finish, 52:4, 65:4
40:21 knob, 25:28 Samurai plane irons, 25:30 outfeed support, 22:29,
round tenons, 83:27 storage case, 67:26 57:17 for sharpening, 11:24 29:29
routing small pieces, tape roll support, 80:7 Sanders touch-up paddle, 11:27 replaceable insert top,
50:14 tool reviews, 30:10 See also Names of Sandpaper storage 13:29
slot cutting, 82:15 trim, 70:26 specific kinds of 3-ring binder, 86:7 shop-made, 41:4
stopped grooves, 36:29 tune-up, 9:10, 88:8 sanders CD case, 70:5 stacking, 42:24
stub tenon and groove variable speed, 33:14 battery-powered for disks, 47:5, 89:7 tool tote in, 82:28
joints, 89:8 wall-mounted storage toothbrush conver- dispenser, 32:24 tray for, 1:29
using templates, 50:15 system, 63:24 sion, 68:5 hanging folders in file Sawmill, Johnson, 28:31
Router tables rub arms, router, 34:30 dust collection, 13:27 box, 67:5 Saws
benchtop, 45:16, 61:12 Rubbermaid FastTrack, Fein MultiMaster , press, 32:24 See also names of spe-
fold-up, 88:5 85:48 63:34 Sandplate, 10:27 cific kinds of saws
mounting plates, 45:28 Rules (tool) flexible, 82:41 Sandvik tools Dremel XPR, 79:41
multi-tool, 90:28 easy-read shop-made, thickness, 86:28 sandplate, 10:27 holders, 30:27
quick and easy, 85:18 33:5 sanding scrapers, 61:34 simple utility, 44:4
shop-made, 1:16 guide, 55:4 circles, 46:29 Saw blade storage wood plug trim, 47:4
simple plywood, 78:28 holders, 30:27 cabinets, 23:4 sawtooth bits, 56:23

12 ShopNotes Index 2006

Scraper plane Starrett tools
scoring tool for ply- compound miter saws, Shellac, 31:27 “no-stick” vacuum- Splitters
wood, 68:4 31:25 Shelves ing, 58:5 See also Inserts,
Scraper plane, 27:4 cordless driver/drills, adjustable tool storage, noise level, 16:24 splitter
Scrapers and scraping 26:21 9:24, 14:21 in small shop, 24:12 Micro Jig MJ, 83:47
Bahco carbide, 90:50 keyless chuck, 7:14 customizing for power wall-mounted exten- snap-in, 83:46
bevel edge, 2:14 miter gauges, 21:25 tools, 9:27 sion as dust pan, Spokeshave, wood and
essential tool, 23:11, plunge routers, 30:11 garage system, 86:48 84:7 brass, 84:28
73:26 quick-change bits, knock-down wall, weighting, 55:5 Spray equipment
holders, 3:26, 30:27 20:20 80:28 Shoulder planes 5-minute booth, 63:4
lathe, 38:10 random-orbit sanders, for pegboard, 85:43 bullnose, 66:32 high-volume, low-pres-
Lie-Nielsen cabinet, 23:12 slip-proof, 82:11 dovetailed, 88:32 sure, 55:10
90:49 table saws, 21:22 Stud Buddy, 79:46 Silica gel for rust pre- plastic bottles as ap-
maintaining, 2:12 tape measures, 22:22 table saw accessory, vention, 83:7 plicators, 72:5
plane inserts, 36:30 thickness planers, 63:12 Skew chisels, 44:10 Spray finishes, 30:31,
Sandvik, 61:34 28:22 tool storage, 36:5 Skil tools 55:12
from screwdriver, 5:15 Serving tray, 34:6 wall-mounted drill circular saws, 19:8 Spreader, pipe clamp,
sharpening, 38:10 Set-up blocks, Veritas, press, 64:6 compound miter saws, 19:21
shopmade custom, 90:49 Shims 31:25 Spring clamps, 19:26,
89:15 Set-up gauges dado blade, 12:12 cordless driver/drills, 46:27
technique, 2:15, 20:30, adjustable, 5:24 hinge mortises, 67:5 26:21 Springs, shop uses of,
87:24 digital, 87:7 leather, 89:7 plate joiner, 3:20 15:30
Scratch awls, 44:28 router table, 69:30, magnetic, 33:29 Slat-wall systems, 80:48 Squares
Scratch stock, 41:24 85:11 miter saw, 67:24 Sleds Bridge City Tools
Screw gap, preventing, shop-made, 80:7 Shooting boards, 65:12, router table, 87:16, universal, 64:34
1:28 Shapton tools 16 89:9 butt hinge as, 40:5
Screwdrivers lapping plate, 70:33 Shop carts See Carts table saw, 88:4 clamping, 17:29, 51:11
bit extender, 17:29 Sharpening stones, Shop flooring, 87:48 tapering, 42:28, 55:25, collapsible, 23:27
conversion to scraper, 70:32 Shop Fox tools 80:15 essential tool, 23:11
5:15 Sharpeners and sharp- cam levers, 83:11 Slots framing, 2:28, 78:10
holders, 40:5, 59:29 ening mobile tool base, 77:24 -cutting bits, 67:13 holders, 30:27, 59:29
labeling handles, 51:5 bowl gouges, 53:10 Shop heaters, 89:48 router table cut, 82:15 T-, 41:15
plastic tubing holder box for supplies, 75:6 Shop layout routing curved, 76:27 ultimate layout, 78:12
for screws, 73:5 brad point bits, 8:14 Daryl Sullivan’s country Small Parts, Inc., 75:32 Veritas saddle, 90:49
restoring, 72:5 carving knife, 52:30 shop, 58:12 Snipe, preventing, 79:50 Squaring
Screws chisels, 26:8, 44:11 George Reid’s base- Software boxes, 62:5
brass, 70:4 diamond paste for, 63:9 ment, 54:29 Woodworker’s Guide, checking diagonals,
combination, 4:30 Dremel XPR, 79:41 placement of work- 56:30 25:29
Confirmat, 30:7, 79:11 drill bits, 55:30 bench, 88:44 Softwood edges, 7:9, 62:21
drawer slide, 79:11 edge squaring, 28:14 small, 28:21 grades, 21:30 framing squares, 2:28,
hold on screwdriver, hand planes, 36:8, space-saving, 5:8 plywood, 24:30 78:11, 89:41
73:5 47:14 table saw placement, Soldering, corners, miter gauges, 5:29,
lubricating, 27:29, 60:5 hand saws, 4:12 79:42 46:22 26:14, 54:5
for MDF, 86:23 leather strops, 12:29, Shop manual organizer, Soss hinges, 2:30 miters, 6:29, 51:10
pocket hole, 42:22 40:5 3:27 Spade bits panels, 9:29, 21:13,
removing, 70:15 with sandpaper, 11:24 Shop stools correct speed, 14:27 82:14, 84:14
sheet metal, 79:11 scrapers, 2:12, 38:10 adjustable, 46:6 for large holes, 56:22 plane irons, 11:25
Spax, 79:10 spokeshaves, 84:33 with foot rest, 28:8 modifying, 35:27 plywood inserts for,
storing bit with, 30:29 station, 26:6, 81:16 hand rail, 76:5 storage, 16:15 51:11
woodscrews, 37:5 stropping, 89:50 step, 20:8 totes, 63:30 saw blade, 10:12
Scribing, 24:14, 29:11 system for bench Shop vacuums Spindle gouges, 23:6 scroll saw blade, 48:5
Scroll saws grinders, 76:24 See also Dust collec- Spindle sanders Squaring gauges, 35:5
auxiliary table, 74:5 tips for, 28:14 tion drill press jig, 81:32 Squaring jigs
blade organizer, 5:28, Sharpening jigs accessories, 83:12 inserts, 81:15 with dial indicator, 70:5
63:5 chisel guide, 53:5 accessory organizer, Spindle storage, 83:4 shop-made, 85:6
blades, 13:8 drill press wheel, 61:18 53:5 Spiral downcut bit, 56:13 Starrett double, 90:49
checking square, 48:5 honing guides, 26:9 CleanStream Filter, Spiral end mill bits, 18:5 Squeezeout, 21:21
noise level, 16:24 platform, 11:24 29:30 Spiral upcut bit, 56:10 Stains and staining,
preventing burn, 47:5 Sharpening stones cord storage, 38:5 Splines 14:30, 22:31
vibration reduction, holders, 26:7, 81:24 exhaust port diverter, crossgrain, 86:45, Stands
45:5 Shapton, 70:32 50:4 90:47 See also Tool stands
zero-clearance insert, waterstones, 26:4, Fein Turbo Vac, 74:34 in miter joints, 27:8, finishing, 2:29, 60:5
49:5 28:15 filters, 66:5 36:26, 45:7, 75:9, Stanley tools
Sears tools Shelf pins, 28:16, 82:10, handle, 30:29 84:9, 86:44 nailsets, 90:49
band saws, 24:22 90:15 hose bracket for drill in panels, 62:22 tape measures, 22:22
circular saws, 19:8 Shelf supports press, 40:4 for smoother panels, Starrett tools
combination blades, drywall corners, 83:7 muffler, 47:4 84:8 center punch, 90:50
25:24 metal, 69:29 double square, 90:49

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Steel rods Tongue and dado joinery
Pro-Site protractor, router table, 85:9 work stations, 50:6, small pieces, 90:45, 46 tapers
90:48 table saw, 25:4 66:20 tapers, 82:44 4-sided, 82:45
tape measures, 22:22 SystiMatic tools zero-clearance inserts, tenoning, 80:29 clamping, 65:5
Steel rods, 37:14 combination blades, 34:12, 85:46, 90:44 tongue and groove jointer cut, 17:8, 22:9
Steel, tool, 90:12 25:24 Table saw dust collec- joinery, 66:18 table saw cut, 82:44
Steel wool magnetic dado shims, tion veneer trimming, 16:11 taps, guiding with drill
magnets for removing 33:29 adhesive foam sheet, Table saws press, 12:29
particles of, 49:5 86:5 benchtop, 63:32 Templates
oily, 77:5 T all about, 49:28 cabinet saw, 63:33 for layout, 10:25
Stools T-joints, biscuited, 3:19 blade guard, 43:4 cleaning, 25:6 making, 57:22
adjustable shop, 46:6 T-molding, 9:14, 79:28, enclosure, 28:28 contractor’s, 63:33 pin routing, 57:18
with foot rest, 28:8 89:15 hoods, 13:26, 63:15 cover as work surface, router for large holes,
hand rail, 76:5 T-nuts, 12:30, 33:28, hook-up, 25:20 90:43 56:25
step, 20:8 68:24 system, 50:18 dust collectors, 13:26 routing with, 40:14,
Stop blocks T-rules, 33:29 Table saw jigs lubrication, 25:8 50:15, 69:9
adjustable, 6:8, 69:20 T-squares, 41:15 See also table saw motor ratings, 33:15 transparent, 85:5
combination hold- T-track, 60:27, 68:24, tapering jigs noise level, 16:24 Tenon and groove join-
down, 2:17 74:5 angle-cutting, 48:18 placement in shop, ery, stub, 5:22, 89:8
miter saw, 31:6, 12 Table saw accessories angled dadoes, 25:12 79:42 Tenons
radial arm saw, 2:9 See also Feather- box joint, 8:6, 62:6, for small shop, 21:14 band saw cut, 20:10,
router table, 69:20 boards; Fences; 79:16 squaring blade, 10:12 87:20
table saw, 60:30 Hold-downs; Inserts; crosscut sleds, 63:16, stop adjustment, 25:8 basic technique, 6:24
toggle clamps, 13:28 Miter gauges; Outfeed 88:4 tilting motor, 89:15 floating, 88:26
Storage supports cut-off sled, 74:18 tool review, 21:22 hand-tooled, 15:25
See also Hardware accessory shelf, 63:12 dowel pin cutting, 81:5, trunnion alignment, haunched, 84:14
storage; Lumber alignment gauge, 7:29 90:46 25:7 repairing, 45:5
storage; Sandpaper auxiliary fence support, indexing, 40:15, 60:29 tune-up, 25:6, 77:12 round, 32:30, 83:27
storage; Tool storage 68:4 kerfing, 12:21, 34:31 table tops router cut, 28:11
banding, 43:5 Blade-Loc, 56:30 miter, 10:15, 42:28, centering, 24:29 router jig, 40:6
caulking tubes, 46:5 blade stabilizers, 46:30 90:45 replaceable, 90:23 shoulder plane for,
finishes, 26:16 blade storage, 89:45 miter sleds, 85:34 router table, 1:18 88:39
garage system, 85:48 blades, 76:32 ripping, 14:14 Tables square vs. round, 6:25
jigs, 51:6, 59:5 cabinets, 25:16, 50:16 tenoning, 6:16, 74:24 assembly, 3:22, 30:4, table saw cut, 80:29
lift systems, 82:48 dial indicator, 68:32 table saw tapering jigs 60:14 table saw jigs, 6:16,
modular wall, 39:16 dust collection, 86:5 adjustable, 33:6, 82:44, drafting, 41:16 74:24
overhead, 34:5 fence tool caddy, 89:4 83:6 drill press, 18:16, thickness gauges, 63:5
pull-out case, 81:7 flip-top extension wing, fixed angle, 82:45 38:22, 30 Thickness sander, shop-
small parts storage, 89:44 sled, 42:28, 55:25, extension, 31:6, 11, made, 86:28
87:42 knee switch, 25:4 80:15 48:24 Threaded inserts
under-stair, 77:26 molding heads, 58:24, Table saw techniques fold-away, 3:25, 20:16, drill press installed,
watchmaker’s cases, 89:46 avoiding kickback, 21:4 33:10, 41:16 1:23, 4:29, 9:29
87:43 multi-purpose fence blind-cut setup, 88:14 knock-down, 35:4, installation tool, 74:23
wax touch-up sticks, sled, 73:4 box joints, 62:10, 47:5, 87:35 installing, 34:5, 66:27,
51:5 outriggers, 9:23, 60:25 71:12, 75:12 miter saw, 67:6 74:9, 85:50
Story stick, 54:25 pegboard rack, 89:44 clean plywood cuts, multi-level work, 67:4 for miter gauges, 26:15
Straight bits, 67:12 push blocks, 9:23, 85:40 picnic, 27:10 for pull mounts, 89:29
Straightedges (tool), 60:25, 28, 80:4, crosscut splines, 90:47 plate joiner, 33:16 strengthen with epoxy,
78:32, 89:42 90:45 crosscutting, 1:12, portable assembly, 80:11
Strops rack for, 83:28 63:21 85:4 Threaded rod, cutting,
leather, 12:29, 40:5 rolling stand, 78:24 cutting multiples, sliding, 15:16 40:5, 44:5
techniques for, 89:50 set-up gauges, 5:24, 39:30, 64:4 tilting drill press, 6:4 Threads
Stub tenon and groove 69:30 cutting plastic, 86:11 wall-mounted, 83:20 cleaning, 82:26
joinery, 5:22, 89:8 side cabinet, 1:14 dadoes, 18:29, 80:44 Tack hammers, 51:13 cutting in wood, 46:12
Stud Buddy shelves, sliding cutoff table, grooves in round Talon pegboard hooks, inside, 46:13
79:46 27:16 corners, 36:28 29:30, 77:34 outside, 46:14
Suede-Tex, 57:25 sliding table, 15:16 half laps, 81:26 Tape recutting, 33:4
Sullivan, Daniel (wood- splitters, 83:46 pattern cutting, 81:44 carpet, 22:29, 42:5, Tapping, 26:13, 28:29,
worker), 58:12 stand-off block, 90:47 rabbets, 12:13, 20:24, 87:50 31:31, 53:22, 61:25
Sunhill spiral cutter- stop blocks, 2:17, 29:14, 79:44 dispenser, 2:21 Three-point turning tool,
head, 89:12 60:30 raised panels, 57:4, masking, 2:29, 34:30 48:30
Surform tools, 80:39 storage drawer, 70:24 87:44 tape measures Tile flooring, 87:48
Switches tool board, 78:5 resawing, 83:15 belt clip, 64:5 Timber to lumber, 38:24
guards, 69:5 tune-up tools, 77:17 right vs. left tilt, 61:32 changing blade, 22:23 Toggle clamps, 3:28,
mechanical vs. mag- under-cabinet shelf, ripping, 9:22, 60:22 tips for, 89:40 62:4, 84:12
netic, 33:15 89:45 ripping thin strips, tool review, 22:22 Tongue and dado joinery
in outlets, 71:11 work center, 89:16 34:15, 49:19, 79:25, tapering jigs see table for cabinets, 84:35
push-bottom, 25:5 90:47 saw tapering jigs

14 ShopNotes Index 2006

Tongue and groove joinery Wing cutters
for drawers, 79:22, Tool stands stacking totes, 88:28 55:14, 85:42, 90:43 benchtop, 71:14
80:21, 85:26 benchtop, 26:24 swing-out bar, 50:5 Twist bits board jacks, 70:12
Tongue and groove disk sander, 12:17, 25 tool boards, 14:20 all about, 81:12 cam-lever quick-
joinery drill press, 38:16 toolboxes, 43:6, 62:14, correct speed for, release, 71:21
basic technique, 21:8 flip-up planer, 46:4 70:16 14:27 edge, 10:28, 12:28
plywood to solid wood, fold-away, 77:18 under-stair, 77:26 Twist, checking for, 78:33 end, 7:27, 65:26
50:24 jointer, 48:26 vertical hangers, 85:43 face, 84:27, 38
Table saw cut, 66:18 lathe, 10:16 wall-mounted, remov- U front, 7:23, 65:24
Tool bases, mobile, mini-lathe, 67:14 able bins, 2:16 Ultra-high molecu- on lathe stand, 58:5
73:5, 81:4 miter saw, 54:5 wall stud, 79:46 lar weight plastic leather faces, 65:29, 84:7
Tool mats, 79:27 mobile, 24:28 under workbench, 66:17 (UHMW), 43:13, 68:23 machinist’s, 75:22
Tool reviews multi-tool, 78:30 Toolboxes Ultra scroll saw blades, magnetic pads, 20:29
band saws, 24:22 for noise reduction, 16:26 aluminum reinforced, 13:9 mounting, 29:28,
belt sanders, 29:8 portable planer, 9:16 70:16 Utility knife 46:23, 89:35
benchtop drill presses, radial arm saw, 16:16 carpenter’s classic, 62:14 for edge trimming, patternmaker’s, 88:12
44:24 rolling table saw, 78:24 dovetailed, 43:6 16:11 shop-made, 3:27,
block planes, 32:12 router table, 85:24 Tormek SuperGrind shop-made, 13:28 18:29, 72:27
brad nailers, 61:14 Tool stations tool review, 72:32 shop-made saw, 4:13
brad point bits, 85:14 corner, 59:11 Torpedo level, V support for long pieces,
cam levers, 83:10 grinding, 44:16 shop-made, 35:6 Vacuum clamping sys- 67:5, 69:5
circular saws, 19:8 miter saw, 11:16, Totes tem, 40:16, 43:4 tail, 84:26, 40
combination blades, 58:16, 67:25, 73:5, glue bottle, 59:4 Vacuum press, veneer, 40:24 Vix bits, 67:34, 90:50
25:24 82:16 hardware, 15:10, 88:28 Varnish
compound miter saws, miter saw/planer, 75:24 for sheet goods, 23:25, application before W
31:24 modular workstations, 71:23, 72:5 veneer, 11:29 Wall mirror, 19:14
cordless driver/drills, 83:16 spade bit, 63:30 basics, 23:26 Wall-mounted cabinets
26:20 sharpening, 26:6, 81:16 stacking, 15:10, 88:28 outdoor finish, 27:31 for miter saw station,
Elu plunge router, 1:10 table saw, 50:6, 66:20 tool, 3:10, 15:10, Vega miter gauges, 42:12 82:24
Fein Turbo Vac, 74:34 table saw/router table 71:26, 88:28 Veneer shallow, 71:31
Freud Dial-a-Width combo, 89:16 tool in sawhorse, 82:28 on curves, 40:25 shallow, sliding door,
Dado, 75:34 Tool storage Trammels, router, 3:8 cutting, 32:8, 34:5 77:6
grinding wheels, 44:14 See also Cabinets; Trays flexible, 16:8 w/adjustable shelves,
hacksaws, 83:38 Carts; Clamp storage; adjustable, 82:30 plywood, 13:30 72:30
hearing protection, 88:48 Drill bit storage; drop-down tool, 30:24 pre-application w/sliding doors, chalk-
jointer cutterheads, 89:12 Names of specific ladder, 43:5 varnish, 11:29 board and bulletin
jointers, 48:12 tools; Organizers; pencil, 52:4 repairing, 49:13 board, 59:22
keyless chucks, 7:14 Pegboards; Racks; pull-out, 5:21 shop-made, 9:13 w/tool-holders, drawer
lathes, 39:10 Sandpaper storage; rain gutters as, 62:5 on small panels, 49:12 and shelves, 22:16
mallets and hammers, Sandpaper storage; sawhorse, 1:29 types of, 9:12 Wall mounting systems
86:46 Saw blade storage; serving, 34:6 Vacuum press, 40:24 keyhole hangers,
metal detectors, 87:12 Trays tool, 3:13 Veneer hammer, 25:15, 29
miter gauges, 21:25, bin carrier, 2:20 Trim routers, 70:26, 74:6 shop-made, 16:10 Rubbermaid FastTrack,
42:12 bin labels, 89:5 Tru-Fit Miter Bar Sys- Veneer saw for edge 85:48
mobile tool bases, 77:22 caddies, 85:43, 89:4 tem, 26:27 trimming, 16:11 Warping, 29:11
molding heads, 58:25 chests, 29:23, 49:16, Trunnion alignment Veritas tools Warrington hammers,
outfeed supports, 86:40 79:24 check, 25:7 bench dogs, 20:27 51:12, 90:50
parallel jaw clamps, clamps, 89:7, 90:7 Try squares Bench Pup, 60:31 Washers, trim, 79:11
73:32 custom-fit case, 57:24 Bridge City Tool Works, burnishing jig, 38:11 Waterstones
pipe clamps, 87:46 drafting, 41:23 20:27 honing guides, 63:10, basics, 26:4
plane irons, 57:16 fold-down work center, essential tool, 23:11 90:50 nagura, 26:5
plate joiners, 3:20, 33:26 14:16 Turning low-angle block plane, no-slip, 11:29
plunge routers, 30:10 holders, 22:20, 30:27 bowls, 53:12 71:32 storing, 8:28, 28:15
Porter-Cable 690, 68:34 holsters, 38:4, 52:4 drill press jig, 5:14 saddle square, 90:49 using, 28:15
precision parking, 81:48 knock-down wall shelf, knobs, 47:13 scraping plane insert, Wax touch-up sticks, 51:5
quick-change bits, 20:20 80:28 power sanding sys- 36:30 Wedges
quick clamps, 27:26 Lazy Susan caddy, 70:4 tems, 53:28 set-up blocks, 90:49 mortise and tenon, 80:31
router lifts, 87:38 magnets for, 1:29, ring boxes, 38:12 truing disk, 77:17 for separating taped
router table mounting 24:28, 37:5 router jig, 37:15 Ultimate Roller Stand, pieces, 39:5
plates, 45:28 overhead, 78:5 Turning techniques 86:43 Weldon countersinks,
sabre saws, 36:12 rolling cabinets, 29:16, beading, 44:12 Wonder Pup, 60:31, 84:40 62:34, 90:50
table saws, 21:22, 63:32 84:48 burnishing with wood Vibration Wen random-orbit
tape measures, 22:22 rolling under-bench, 17:28 shavings, 5:29 dampeners, 74:4, 77:17 sanders, 23:12
thickness planers, 28:22 router bits, 86:16 facing cut, 44:12 motor, 4:26, 16:27 White ash, 26:26
Tormek SuperGrind, shelves, 9:24, 36:5, planing cut, 44:11 Virutex plate joiners, 33:27 Winding sticks, 78:33
72:32 64:6 Turning tools See lathe Vises Windows for noise
zero-clearance throat slat-wall systems, 80:48 tools auxiliary, 39:4 reduction, 17:23
inserts, 85:46 stacking tote, 15:10 Turntables for finishing, bench, 84:38 Wing cutters, 56:24,

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Wing nuts Wrenches
81:30, 90:16 mail-order supply, Workbenches metal top utility, 46:16 multi-level, 67:4
Wing nuts, 6:11, 26:11, 75:33 classic cabinet-base, placement, 88:44 pipe clamp-leg, 90:43
71:4 router table mounting 84:16 plank-top, 75:16 roll-around, 90:18
Wizard Industries, Inc. plates, 45:28 essential tool, 23:11 plywood, 71:30, 78:26 table saw cover, 90:43
metal detector, 87:13 Woodpecker Unilift, 87:38 fold-down, 14:16, portable, 53:4, 57:5 wall-mounted, 83:20
Wizard Woodshop Woodscrews 72:22 roller attachment, 86:4 Wrenches
Specs, 65:34 birch, 73:34 hardboard top, 72:25 small, 30:16 Allen, 12:29, 50:4, 61:5
Wonder Pup, 70:7 preventing screw gap, heavy-duty, 24:16, storage under, 66:17 collet, 23:29, 81:9
Wonderbar for rust 1:28 65:18, 89:30 wheels on, 88:44 rack for, 34:4
removal, 7:13 tip for edge screwing, hide-away, 83:7 workstations rope and liquid rubber
Wood See names of 37:5 /hobby chest, 87:26 knock-down, 87:32 handles, 67:4
specific kinds of wood Woodtek jointer cut- knock-down, 7:16, miter saw, 87:36 Saw Jaw, 90:48
Woodhaven tools terhead, 89:13 52:16, 54:4 modular, 83:16 socket storage, 45:6
cam levers, 83:11 Woodworker’s Supply laminated top, 72:20 Worktables for wing nuts, 88:7
EZ Lift, 87:39 router table mounting large top, 89:14 knock-down, 35:4,
insert, 85:47 plates, 45:29 with lumber storage, 60:4 47:5, 90:42

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