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$EVWUDFW--The development of a GSM Automatic Power

Meter Reading (GAPMR) System is presented in this

paper. The GAPMR System is consists of GSM Digital
Power Meters installed in every consumer unit and an
Electricity eBilling System at the energy provider side. The
GSM Digital Power Meter (GPM) is a single phase
IEC61036 standard compliance digital kWh power meter
with embedded GSM modem which utilize the GSM
network to send its power usage reading using Short
Messaging System (SMS) back to the energy provider
wirelessly. At the power provider side an eBilling system is
used to manage all received SMS meter reading, compute
the billing cost, update the database, and to publish billing
notification to its respective consumer through SMS,
email, Web Portal and Printed postage mailing. A working
prototype of the GAPMR system was build to demonstrate
the effectiveness and efficiency of automatic meter
reading, billing and notification through the use of GSM

,QGH[ 7HUPV-Automatic Meter Reading, Digital Power
Meter, GAPMR, Global System Mobile, Modem, Short
Messaging System.
raditional meter reading Ior electricity consumption and
billing is done by human operator Irom houses to houses
and building to building. This requires huge number oI labor
operators and long working hour to achieve complete area data
reading and billing. Human operator billing are prone to
reading error as sometime the houses electric power meter is
place in a location where it is not easily accessible. Labor
billing job is sometime also restricted and slowed down by
bad weather condition. Printed billing has the tendency oI
losing in the mail box. The increase development oI
residential housing and commercial building in the developing
country such as Ior example, Malaysia require more human

The publication oI this paper was supported and Iinanced by University
College Sedaya International, Malaysia
H. G. Rodney Tan is with Center Ior R&D Commercialization, University
College Sedaya International, No:1, Jalan Menara Gading, UCSI Heights,
56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (e-mail: rodneytucsi.edu.my).
C. H. Lee is with the Department oI Communication and Electronics
Engineering, University College Sedaya International, No:1, Jalan Menara
Gading, UCSI Heights, 56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (e-mail:
V. H. Mok is with Center Ior R&D Commercialization, University
College Sedaya International, No:1, Jalan Menara Gading, UCSI Heights,
56000 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (jimmymokucsi.edu.my)
operators and longer working hours to complete the meter
reading task. This increases the energy provider operation
costs Ior meter reading. In order to achieve eIIicient meter
reading, reduce billing error and operation costs, Automatic
Meter Reading (AMR) system play an important role to
address the above mentioned problems. AMR is an eIIective
mean oI data collection that allow substantial saving through
the reduction oI meter re-read, greater data accuracy, allow
Irequent reading, improved billing and customer service, more
timely energy proIiles and consumption trends updates, and
better deployment oI human resource |1|. With the advent oI
digital technology, analogue electro-mechanical meter is
continuously replaced by digital electronic meter. Digital
energy meter oIIer greater convenience to implement and
establish automatic meter reading system electronically.
EIIiciency and reliability oI retrieving meter reading in the
AMR system was a major challenge. Various AMR methods
and technologies using Power Line Carrier (PLC)
communications, Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
(SCADA), telephone modem, Internet, Ethernet, Embedded
RF Module, WiFi, Bluetooth and ZigBee were established and
developed |2||3||4||5||6||7| to provide and demonstrate the
solution oI eIIiciency, reliability and eIIectiveness oI AMR.
The above mention methods are either too expensive to
implement and operate, require complex setup oI
inIrastructure, short operating distant and still require Iield
intervention oI human operators or prone to error and
reliability issue due to noise in the transmission line or
weather condition. With the rapid development oI Global
System Mobile (GSM) |8| inIrastructure and InIormation
Communication Technology (ICT) in the past Iew decades has
made wireless automatic meter reading system more reliable
and possible. The GSM Automatic Power Meter Reading
System (GAPMR) presented in this paper takes advantage oI
the available GSM inIrastructure nationwide coverage in the
country and the Short Messaging System (SMS) |9| cell
broadcasting Ieature to request and retrieve individual houses
and building power consumption meter reading back to the
energy provider wirelessly. The Store and Iorwarding Ieatures
oI SMS |10||11| allow reliable meter reading delivery when
GSM signal is aIIected by poor weather condition. The stored
SMS is archive in the mobile operator and can be later retrieve
Ior billing veriIication purpose.
Automatic Power Meter Reading System Using
GSM Network
H. G. Rodney Tan, IEEE, C. H. Lee and V. H. Mok, IEEE
978-981-05-9423-7 c 2007 RPS

The complete system overview Ior GAPMR system is
shown in Fig. 1. The complete system is made up oI GSM
Power Meters (GPM) installed in every individual consumer
unit and SMS Gateway, Application Terminal, Database
Server, Email Server, Printer Server, Web server, and E-
Commerce Server install at the energy provider side. The
system is working in conjunction with the GSM network to
retrieve power meter reading using SMS. The GPM is a single
phase digital kWh power meter which utilizes the GSM
network to send the power usage reading back to the energy
provider wirelessly upon request Irom the energy provider
SMS gateway. The GPM is the integration oI a single phase
Class 1, IEC61036 standard compliance digital kWh power
meter and a GSM modem. A SIM card with a unique special
service number is require Ior the GPM to receive and reply its
meter reading to the energy provider using SMS. The special
service number SIM card is work similar with mobile phone
number except it is not mean Ior voice service. The SIM card
service number is also use to identiIy and retrieve the owner or
customer details Irom the database server Ior billing purposes.

Fig. 1. Overview oI GAPMR System

An automatic power meter reading took place upon request
by the power provider using SMS at monthly interval. Upon
meter reading execution the SMS gateway perIorms cell
broadcasting oI request through SMS to all GPM to request
Ior meter reading. Once each individual GSM power meter
received the requesting SMS, it will immediately response by
composing its consumption reading in six digits kWh with one
decimal point unit in SMS Iormat and revert it to the energy
provider SMS gateway. The SMS gateway starts to receive the
reply meter reading Irom all the individual GPMs and will
store the meters reading inIormation accordingly. The retrieval
oI all individual meter through SMS Ior the whole country
may take sometime depend on the GSM network traIIic and
weather condition Ior the particular GSM cell area. AIter
completion oI the meter reading request, the application
terminal will starts to retrieve the meter reading Irom the SMS
gateway to store and update to the database server. So aIter
that the application terminal eBilling system will starts to
calculate the billing amount Ior an individual meter based on
the tariII rate Irom the energy provider. The billing
notiIications are later sent to all the owners through email by
the Email Server, SMS to the owner through SMS Gateway
and hard copy printing through the Print Server Ior postal mail
Ior owner who preIer hard copy printing. A Web portal has
also been setup at the Web server to provide easy check and
payment service. Once the owner received the billing
notiIication Irom SMS, email or hard copy printing bill, then
the owner can access the web portal and able to logon to check
their billing detail since the web server is linked to the
database server. The owner can choose to pay their bill online
using credit as the web server is connected to the e-commerce
server that is handling online banking transaction. The owner
can also choose to pay their bill by cash at any oI the energy
provide outlet that have access to the application terminal. The
owner can also use their mobile phone to retrieve their power
meter reading to veriIy the billing reading. This can be
achieved by just sending a SMS to the owner GPM service
number. Once the GPM receive the SMS it will compose the
current meter reading and reply to the owner mobile phone
through SMS. With this Ieature the consumer can monitor
their power usage anytime and anywhere.
The design oI the GPM is an integration oI a single phase
Class 1, IEC61036 standard compliance digital kWh power
meter, Power to Communication (P2C) InterIace board and a
GSM modem as shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2. Block Diagram oI the GSM Power Meter

466 The 8
International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC 2007)

The GSM digital power meter is used to measure the power
consumption drawn Irom the energy provider sub station to
the consumer unit in kWh unit. A Static Single Phase Watt
Hour Meter ATec12 Irom ATec is chosen Ior GPM
implementation. The digital power meter was set to display six
digits with one decimal point reading in kWh unit and a meter
constant oI 800 impulse per kWh. The digital power meter has
an optocouple meant to couple the impulse count to any
external electronic circuitry without direct contact to the
digital power meter circuitry. The Power to Communication
(P2C) interIace board was implemented by two RISC
microcontrollers, on the power side the power microcontroller
to is used to interIace the impulse and synchronize count Irom
the power meter optocouple circuit and store the meter reading
into its internal non-volatile EEPROM memory at every single
impulse count interval. In the event oI power Iailure the last
meter reading inIormation is stored in the EEPROM. Upon
power restoration the power microcontroller will be able
retrieve the last meter reading and continue to synchronize
with the digital power meter. On the communication side the
communication microcontroller is used to communicate with
the GSM modem using RS232 UART serial communication
protocol and the AT command. The serial communication
protocol operate at the baud rate oI 9600bps, one start bit,
eight data bit, one parity bit and one stop bit. GSM modem
SIM-T03 Irom SIMCOM was chosen to be used in the
prototype implementation. During normal operation the P2C
interIace board synchronizes the impulse count and wait Ior
any SMS request Irom either the energy provider or the
consumer. Once a SMS request is receive Irom the GSM
modem, the communication microcontroller will send a
request signal to the power microcontroller to retrieve the last
meter reading Irom the EEPROM memory. AIter obtaining the
meter reading then the communication microcontroller will
compose the meter reading in standard short message Iormat
and revert it back to the sender. The message is consists oI six
digits with one decimal point kWh unit as shown in Fig. 3.
The same message is sent to the energy provider iI the request
SMS is sent by the energy provider.

Fig. 3. SMS message shown on a mobile phone

The GPM prototype is shown in Fig. 4. The P2C interIace
board is embedded inside the power meter with RS232 serial
interIace linked to the GSM modem mounted on the right
hand side oI the power meter. The P2C interIace board and the
GSM modem drawn additional power consumption oI 0.5W.
A socket outlet is used to power the load to run the power

Fig. 4. GSM Power Meter working Prototype
For demonstration purposes the GPM and the SMS gateway
GSM modem uses an ordinary SIM card phone number. The
GPM is power up Irom a socket outlet and 1000W light bulbs
are used to simulate the consumer power consumption load
and the meter capture the reading as shown in Fig. 5.

Fig. 5. GSM Power Meter and 1000W Load Ior Demonstration

At the energy provider side the eBilling system include the
database, email, printer and web server soItware on a single
computer together with a GSM modem as a SMS gateway Ior
this demonstration. All the owner details are pre-entry into the
database upon registration oI the use oI GPM shown in Fig. 6
is the eBilling application soItware Graphic User InterIace that
displayed the customer inIormation and total bill aIter
requesting, retrieving, and calculating the meter reading into
the system.

The 8
International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC 2007) 467

Fig. 6. eBilling System SoItware Graphic User InterIace

The signal status bar on the right hand corner indicates the
signal strength Irom the GSM modem. It helps to determine
the perIect time to perIorm SMS broadcast Ior the meter
reading request. The request reading button is used to
broadcast SMS Ior meter reading request. The retrieve reading
button is used to retrieve and to list down the entire customers
GPM special service contact numbers Irom the SMS gateway
and to displayed in the GSM Meter Number list box on the leIt
hand corner oI the GUI. Click on any oI the GPM special
service contact number in the list box will display the
customer details Irom the database including the latest meter
reading Irom the customer GSM power meter. The Calculate
button is used to calculate the total bill based on the meter
reading usage and to display on the GUI. The tariII Ior billing
calculation is based Tenaga National Berhad (TNB) Malaysia.
The Send SMS button is used to send the billing notiIication to
the customer via SMS. The Email button is used to send the
billing notiIication to customer through email. Bill Print
button is used to print out the bill in hard copy Iorm Ior postal
mail to the customer. The Update button is used to update the
customer detail into the database. The Clear button is to clear
the display. The billing notiIication to customer can be sent by
SMS, Email and hardcopy as shown in Fig. 7. All the
notiIication is generated by the eBilling system on the
computer and the customer inIormation is retrieved Irom the

Fig. 7. Printed Hardcopy Bill, SMS and Email NotiIication

The web portal allows the customer to check and print their
billing inIormation and detail through the use oI internet. The
web portal also allowed the customer to pay the bill online
using credit card as the web portal is link to the bank E-
commerce server Ior online transaction. The web portal also
allows the customer to request and read their home power
meter reading to veriIy with the billing charges. Once the
customer received the billing notiIication the customer can
check and made payment online through the web portal or the
energy provider outlet. Fig. 8 shows the customer detail and
billing inIormation aIter login to the web portal. The customer
can click on the pay online button to pay the bill by credit

Fig. 8. The GPM Web Portal eBilling System

468 The 8
International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC 2007)

The test shows the complete Ilow oI GAPMR system
operation Irom meter reading, billing, and notiIication to
demonstrate the eIIectiveness, reliability and eIIiciency oI
AMR using GSM network. For demonstration purpose the real
E-Commerce server Ior cash and online payment, real banking
credit card transaction is not implemented.
A complete working prototype oI the GAPMR system was
built to demonstrate an automatic power meter reading using
GSM network. The GAPMR system takes the advantage oI
existing GSM inIrastructure that have virtually Iull coverage
oI all housing and building area across the country which lead
to low inIrastructure implementation cost, simple and easy
installation oI GSM Power Meter at consumer side as GSM
Power meter is no diIIerence Irom existing ordinary analogue
or digital meter installation. The complete eBilling System
required an ICT expertise personnel to setup, run and maintain
all the servers. The GAPMR system proven to provides
eIIective, reliable and eIIicient wireless automatic power
meter reading, billing, and notiIication through the use oI
GSM network, thus reduce human operator meter reading
operation cost.
The authors grateIully acknowledge the contributions oI C.
S. Kean, T. K. Low, P. Y. Khong and Sugendran Ior their
eIIort, time and work on this project which made this
publication possible.
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Rodney Tan Hean Gay received his BSc degree in
Electronic and Electrical Engineering Irom the
Robert Gordan University, UK in 1994, MSc degree
in Microelectronic and InIormation System Irom
Liverpool John Moores University, UK in 1996 and
MPhil in Image Processing Irom Liverpool John
Moores University, UK in 1999.
He is currently a Senior Lecturer in the
Department oI Electrical & Electronics Engineering
cum Deputy Head oI Center Ior R&D
Commerialization at University College Sedaya
International, Malaysia. His research interest includes Video and Image
Processing, Biomedical Signal Processing, ArtiIicial Intelligent, Robotic,
Consumer Electronic and Embedded System Design.

Lee Chong Haw received his BEng (Hons) in
Communication & Electronics Engineering Irom
University College Sedaya International, Malaysia
in 2007.
He joined Center Ior R&D Commercialization
in UCSI as research student since late 2006 and
involved in many projects development. His
research interest included SoItware Engineering,
Embedded System Design and Mobile

Mok Vee Hoong graduated with a PhD in
Microwave Engineering Irom University oI
Manchester and a B.Eng. in Electrical and Electronic
Engineering Irom the same university in 2003 and
2000 under the British Government Scholarship. He
is currently the Head oI Center Ior R&D
Commercialization and a senior lecturer at the
Department oI Communication & Electronics
Engineering, University College Sedaya
International, Malaysia. His research areas include
multilayer waveguiding structure at terahertz region,
metameterials, consumer electronics, electromagnetic interIerence, and mobile

The 8
International Power Engineering Conference (IPEC 2007) 469

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