Soe f2013 Syllabus
Soe f2013 Syllabus
Soe f2013 Syllabus
A course to develop English communication skills through the instruction and application of English, as it is spoken. The primary objective is to improve students' abilities to communicate effectively in spoken English. The instruction and practice of communicative strategies, functional skills, vocabulary and pronunciation within the context of describing common experiences in ones daily life will give students many opportunities to use and improve their spoken English for the purpose of meaningful communication. This course will build on skills developed in Freshman Oral English.
2. General Curriculum Objectives:
Students will a. Improve their ability to successfully communicate in English through the development of greater communicative competence in spoken English. b. Develop critical thinking and speaking skills to be able to express creative and independent thought. c. Develop motivation and confidence to use spoken English through the exploration of topics relevant to their personal lives and experiences. d. Gain an increased awareness, understanding and appreciation of cultural systems that will enable them to communicate in a more sociolinguistically appropriate manner.
3. Specific Objectives:
Students will also... a. Develop strategic competence by using circumlocution, clarification requests and confirmation checks to avoid and repair breakdowns in communication. b. Become aware of aspects of their pronunciation that may cause a breakdown in communication and improve their control of those aspects in order to avoid breakdowns in communication. c. Be able to describe their common experiences with people, objects and places in the world. d. Be able to tell stories from their personal experiences and cultural history. e. Be able to use spoken English appropriately with respect to important contextual and sociocultural factors.
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4. Requirements: a. Attendance: Attendance is required for all class periods. Every week, all students
should be in the classroom on time and prepared. An unexcused absence will result in a deduction of 2 points from the final grade; an excused absence will result in a deduction of 1 point from the final grade (an official excuse note must be provided). Any student missing 1/3 or more of the class hours, with or without an excuse, will be disqualified according to university policy.
Classroom behavior: No electronic devices (phones, mp3s, electronic dictionaries, etc.) are allowed during class time. Disruptive behavior such as speaking at inappropriate times, spitting in class, making fun of peers, and/or regularly arriving late or leaving early will not be tolerated. Students are expected to be attentive during instruction and engaged during group, pair and class activities. Sleeping in class is not allowed. Homework: Students are expected to complete homework on time, as it assigned by the teacher. Homework will supplement and reinforce what is taught in class, as well as help students prepare for the next class. Students will receive at least five homework grades per term. Classwork: Throughout the semester, students will be graded on 4 separate activities that will be completed during class time. Some activities may require preparation outside of class. For those activities, the teacher will provide descriptions and expectations for the activities in the classes before those activities. Grading: Normal Score Attendance Homework Classwork Midterm Examination Final Examination Total 50% 10% 5% 35% 25% 25% 100%
5. Methods/Materials a. Methods of Instruction i. Brief Lecture-style Instruction ii. Interactive Communicative Activities and Tasks (pair and group work) b. Materials: i.Speaking Beautiful English (Book 2), notebook, pen ii. Supplemental materials as provided by the teacher (such as class handouts)
*Students must bring these materials to class at the times designated by the teacher.
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6. Class Schedule
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
Class Topics/Assessments
Introductions, Getting Started Describing Objects Describing People Describing Places Supplemental Lesson (October Holiday) Practice and Assessment #2 Exam Review Midterm Exam Describing Events - Present Describing Events Reporting speech Describing Events - Past Topical Practice Describing Events- Future Topical Practice Exam Review Final Exam Supplemental Lesson (Christmas week)
Sep 2 - Sep 6 Sep 9 - Sep 13 Sep 16 - Sep 18* Sep 23 - Sep 27 Sep 28** Oct 7 - Oct 11 Oct 14 - Oct 18 Oct 21 - Oct 25 Oct 28 - Nov 1 Nov 4 - Nov 8 Nov 11 - Nov 15 Nov 18 - Nov 22 Nov 25 - Nov 29*** Dec 2 - Dec 6 Dec 9 - Dec 13 Dec 16 - Dec 20 Dec 23 - Dec 27****
*Week 3: (Mid-autumn festival) No Thursday Classes **Week 5: (October Holiday) Monday Sept 30 classes held Saturday Sept 28 ***Week 13: (Thanksgiving Holiday) Thursday classes optional for foreign faculty ****Week 17: Dec 24-25 classes are cancelled for foreign faculty
7.Other information b. Other policies: All students are expected to do all of their own work.
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