The Daily Tar Heel For October 1, 2013

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By Lucinda Shen

Assistant State & National Editor

The U.S. Department of Justice
filed a lawsuit against North
Carolina on Monday challenging the
states voting law on the basis of dis-
criminatory intent and joining state
lawsuits by the N.C. NAACP and the
American Civil Liberties Union of
North Carolina.
The department filed the lawsuit
Monday, saying that provisions in
the law like shortening the early
voting period by a week, eliminating
same-day registration, requiring a
government-issued photo ID and
making it so that ballots cast in the
wrong precinct wont be counted
discriminate against minorities.
By restricting access and ease
of voter participation, this new law
would shrink, rather than expand,
access to the franchise, said U.S.
Attorney General Eric Holder in a
news conference. Allowing limits
on voting rights that disproportion-
ately exclude minority voters would
be inconsistent with our ideals as a
According to an April State Board
of Elections study, more than 318,000
North Carolinian voters do not hold a
valid ID from the N.C. DMV.
Holder said the department will
present evidence of the laws racially
discriminatory effect. The case also
calls for a preclearance regime in the
state, which would require that the
federal government reviews changes
to voting law before implementation.
Intentional discrimination is dif-
ficult to prove, but not impossible
and the case has plenty of evidence,
said Bob Hall, executive director of
Democracy N.C., a left-leaning advo-
cacy organization.
The facts in the case and the law
Health care options for the uninsured
The Aordable Care Act (ACA) oers a diverse set of coverage options for uninsured people depending on their economic situation.
Above the poverty
line or self-employed
Buy insurance on your own
Qualify to participate in the health
insurance marketplace to compare plans
and determine eligibility for tax credits and
subsidies to pay for health insurance. North
Carolina has two providers in its exchange:
Blue Cross Blue Shield and Coventry.
Lowered premium rates, yet higher
deductibles mean paying a couple
thousand dollars per year. Costs for
essential health care benets over that
price are covered by insurance. Three
primary care visits are covered per year.
Medicaid did not expand to increase
coverage under the ACA. Coverage has
changed on a state by state basis.
Eligibility changes per person depending
on a series of factors including income,
disability and family status.
Catastrophic health care plan
Under 30 or
hardship exemption
Eligible for Medicaid
Below poverty level
have health insurance at any point last year
ranking North Carolina among the bottom 15
states with the most uninsured.
Jonathan Oberlander, a UNC professor of
social medicine, said many of the uninsured in
the state are from working familes.
Providers will have plans categorized depend-
ing on the amount of medical expenses they cover.
Bronze plans will cover 60 percent of expenses,
with silver plans covering 70 percent, gold plans
Serving UNC students and the University community since 1893
Americas health care system is neither healthy, caring, nor a system.
wAlter cronkite
Tuesday, October 1, 2013 Volume 121, Issue 83
obamacare has arrived
ID laws
The U.S. Justice
Department filed against
North Carolina Monday.
dth/shae allison
Chiffon Jenkins, patients account manager at Carrboros Piedmont Health Services location, finishes up some last minute paperwork Monday afternoon.
By Eric Garcia
Senior Writer
As the Affordable Care Acts health care mar-
ketplaces open for enrollment today, Piedmont
Health Services, a community health center with
a branch in Carrboro, is working to inform regu-
lar patients about their new insurance options.
Weve sent out letters to over 9,000 patients
who are uninsured, said Chiffon Jenkins,
patient account manager at the center.
She said the letters gave patients information
about their health insurance options.
As part of the federal law, which passed in
2010, North Carolina will have a federally-
run online marketplace where people without
insurance can shop for health care plans and
learn their options for subsidies and tax credits.
Uninsured North Carolinians above the pov-
erty level can shop for plans through Coventry
Health Care of the Carolinas, which will par-
ticipate in exchanges in 39 counties, or through
Blue Cross Blue Shield North Carolina, which
will participate in all 100 counties. Coverage
will go into effect Jan. 1.
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 17.2
percent of North Carolinas population did not
By Aaron Dodson
Assistant Sports Editor
Following the North Carolina
football teams 55-31 loss to East
Carolina Saturday, senior defensive
linemen Tim Jackson and Kareem
Martin each referenced the same
common football saying.
Its never as bad as you think and
its never as good as you think, each
player said Saturday, adding they
werent able to pinpoint the Tar Heels
defensive struggles against the Pirates
before watching the game film.
At his press conference Monday,
coach Larry Fedora also mentioned
the saying, giving his own diagnosis of
whats hurting the team everything.
Well, it was as bad as I thought it
was so I proved that wrong, Fedora
said. The film didnt show us any-
thing to make us feel any better
about it, I can tell you that. It was,
By Kelsey Weekman
Staff Writer
Soon, local cheesy bread lovers
will no longer have to mourn the
loss of Gumbys Pizza.
Toppers Pizza will be moving
into Gumbys old location at 306
W. Franklin St., said Tom Caruso, a
renovations specialist from Bobbitt
Design Build, the contracting com-
pany working with the restaurant.
Caruso said the restaurant will move
in the second week of December.
The franchise offers pizza,
quesadillas, grinders, wings and
Topperstix a pull-apart pizza
with dipping sauce very similar to
the popular Pokey Stix that made
Gumbys a local phenomenon.
Gumbys closed before my time,
said sophomore Maura Hartzman.I
always wanted to try Pokey Stix.
Hartzman said she works at
Artisan Pizza Kitchen, another
pizza restaurant on Franklin Street.
I probably wont eat at Toppers,
Hartzman said. I would rather
support somewhere locally owned.
The building will not be anything
like how it was when Gumbys was
there, Caruso said. He said demoli-
tion started last week.
We are getting new plumbing
and equipment for the building,
Caruso said. It has been gutted
down to nothing and we are start-
ing from scratch.
Workers from Precision
Plumbing worked to redo the
plumbing of the building Monday.
Construction worker Shannon
Burlingame said they were redoing
plumbing and tearing up concrete.
Toppers will be one of many
pizza restaurants on Franklin
Street, including Artisan Pizza
Kitchen, I Love NY Pizza, Italian
Pizzeria III and Mellow Mushroom.
I live within one block of five
pizza places, said Tim Gillis, a
sophomore.I probably wont go to
the new one.
Toppers Pizza will have delivery
Toppers Pizza to ll
former Gumbys spot
The restaurant will move
in to the building
by early December.
UNC football turns to lm
of ECU loss for answers
like I said after the game, we played
poorly in all three phases. We got
out-coached in all three phases.
Weve got to do a much better
job each and every person thats
associated with the program, includ-
ing myself.
On Saturday, senior quarterback
Bryn Renner said the first thing on his
agenda after leaving Kenan Stadium
Coach Larry Fedora said
his team was outplayed in
all three phases Saturday.
dth file/chloe stephenson
UNC quarterback Bryn Renner was sacked three times against ECU. He had a
boot on his left foot Monday but expects to play against Virginia Tech.
see LawSUiT, page 5
see Care aCT, page 5
see TopperS, page 5 see FooTbaLL, page 5
The Aordable Care Act goes into eect today across the nation
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Sor Juana: Hispanic Heritage
Month Lecture: Learn about the
literary and publishing career of
Mexican poet Sor Juana.
Time: 5 p.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Location: Wilson Library, Pleas-
ants Family Assembly Room
South Asia Film Fest: Rang-e
Khuda: The South Asia Film Fest
continues with Rang-e Khuda.
Time: 7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
Location: FedEx Global Educa-
tion Center
Art for Lunch: Sahmats
Theatrical Origins: Experts will
discuss the exhibition The Sah-
mat Collective in the context of
Someone committed van-
dalism at Fitzgeralds Irish
Pub at 206 W. Franklin St. at
2 a.m. Saturday, according to
Chapel Hill police reports.
The person punched a
glass shadow box used for dis-
play and fled, causing damage
estimated at $100 reports
Someone committed
breaking and entering and
larceny at 1187 Martin Luther
King Jr. Blvd. between 9:30
a.m. Saturday and 9 a.m.
Sunday, according to Chapel
Hill police reports.
The person removed items
valued at $950 from a garage
area, including two backpack
blowers and a handheld blow-
er, reports state.
Someone defrauded an
innkeeper at Baileys Pub &
Grill at 1722 Fordham Blvd.
between 12:04 p.m. and 11:40
p.m. Saturday, according to
Chapel Hill police reports.
The person failed to pay
for food valued at $19.99,
including alcoholic beverages
and consumable foodstuffs,
reports state.
Someone reported a dog
on a short leash left on an
apartment balcony unattend-
ed at 113 Pinegate Circle at 4
p.m. Saturday, according to
Chapel Hill police reports.
Someone committed lar-
ceny and trespassing at 108
E. Franklin St. at 6:04 p.m.
Saturday, according to Chapel
Hill police reports.
The person attempted to
steal beer and was trespassed
from Walgreens, reports state.
Someone committed
larceny at 100 E. Franklin St.
between 8 p.m. Saturday and
12:30 a.m. Sunday, according
to Chapel Hill police reports.
The person took two cell
phones from a restaurant,
reports state.
To make a calendar submission,
email calendar@dailytarheel.
com. Please include the date of
the event in the subject line, and
attach a photo if you wish. Events
will be published in the newspaper
on either the day or the day before
they take place.
CoMMUnIty CaLendaR
theater. RSVP at
Time: Noon - 1 p.m.
Location: Ackland Art Museum
News Tuesday, October 1, 2013 The Daily Tar Heel 2
Due to a reporting error, a photo caption in Mondays page 5 story, Beat Making Lab opens on
Franklin incorrectly stated the nature of a class taught by Pierce Freelon and James Livingston.
Freelon and Livingston teach the emcee lab class at UNC, which did not inspire the new community
beat-making lab.
The Daily Tar Heel apologizes for the error.
The Daily Tar Heel reports any inaccurate information published as soon as the error is discovered.
Editorial corrections will be printed below. Errors committed on the Opinion Page have corrections printed
on that page. Corrections also are noted in the online versions of our stories.
Contact Managing Editor Cammie Bellamy at with issues about this policy.
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KATie SweeNey
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NOTed. A government
shutdown brings lots of
consequences but the big-
gest one: The baby panda
webcam is at stake.
The National Zoo
announced that all animal
cams would go dark during
a shutdown.
QuOTed. Both share a
baby daddy. They locked
horns like bulls on the
stairs to the Aquarius.
William Heine, a
Myrtle Beach, S.C., police
officer, in a report after he
arrested two women at The
Aquarius, a family hotel.
merica, we got problems. No, not
talks of government shut down.
Theres a much bigger issue: people
are waiting in the drive-thru line
much longer than they have in the past.
A new study found that McDonalds reported
its slowest-ever drive-thru time in the 15-year
history of the study 189.5 seconds. Chick-fl-
A reported a wait more than 200 seconds long.
But doesnt anyone get the heebie-jeebies
that we want to eat food thats made to order in
under three minutes?
Drive-thru waits
From staf and wire reports
Assistant editors: Samantha
Sabin, arts; McKenzie Coey, Paige
Ladisic, Holly west, city; Austin
Powell, Martha Upton, Maddison
Wood, copy; Mary Burke, Danielle
Herman, Cece Pascual, design &
graphics; Chris Powers, diversions;
Mary Stevens, multimedia; Michael
Dickson, opinion; Kevin Hu, Kaki
Pope, Halle Sinnott, photography;
aaron Dodson, grace Raynor,
Daniel wilco, sports; Sarah Brown,
Lucinda Shen, state & national;
Caroline Leland, Daniel Schere,
Andy Willard, university
Arts: Sarah ang, Elizabeth Baker,
Melissa Bendixen, Tatyana Berdan,
Juanita Chavarro, Gabriella Cirelli,
Edmond Harrison, Katherine
Hjerpe, Jaleesa Jones, Breanna
Kerr, Ally Levine, Rebecca Pollack,
Rupali Srivastava, Elizabeth Tew,
city: Katie Reilly, senior writer;
Marissa Bane, Elizabeth Bartholf,
andy Bradshaw, Tyler Clay, aaron
Cranford, Sam Fletcher, Graves
ganzert, Oliver Hamilton, Caroline
Hudson, Corinne Jurney, Paul
Kushner, anna Long, Mary Helen
Moore, Jonathan Moyer, Jordan
nash, Claire Ogburn, will Parker,
Olivia Page-Pollard, Patrick Ronan,
Jasmin Singh, Claire Smith, Morgan
Swift, Jeremy Vernon, Caleb Waters,
Kelsey Weekman, Steven Wright
copy: Abigail Armstrong, Chandler
Carpenter, Sarah Chaney, Catherine
Cheney, Andrew Craig, Claire Ebbitt,
Sofia Leiva Enamorado, Madeline
Erdossy, Amanda Gollehon, Kerris
Gordon, Alison Krug, Katharine
Mcanarney, Kealia Reynolds, Liz
Tablazon, Lauren Thomas, Caleigh
Toppins, McKenzie Vass
design & graphics: Heather
Caudill, Olivia frere, Kelsie gibson,
alex grimm, Emily Helton, Hailey
Johns, Kaitlyn Kelly, Isabella
Kinkelaar, Sarah Lambert, Daniel
Lockwood, Paola Perdomo, Allie
Polk, Cassie Schutzer, Bruna Silva,
Caroline Stewart, Zach Walker
diversions: Tess Boyle, James
Butler, John Butler, Olivia farley,
Lizzie goodell, Mac gushanas,
amanda Hayes, Bo McMillan, Mballa
Mendouga, Elizabeth Mendoza,
Kylie Piper, Charlie Shelton, James
Stramm, Jeremy Wile
Multimedia: September Brown,
Lily fagan, Candace Howze, Karla
Jimenez, alexis Jordan, amanda
Lalezarian, Diane Li
Opinion: Trey Bright, Dylan
Cunningham, gabriella Kostrzewa,
Alexandra Willcox, Kern Williams,
Sierra wingate-Bey, editorial
board; Holly Beilin, Megan Cassella,
Michael Dickson, alex Karsten,
Alex Keith, Glenn Lippig, Trey
Mangum, Graham Palmer,
Katherine Proctor, Memet Walker,
columnists; Guilly Contreras,
Michael Hardison, Matthew Leming,
ginny niver, Matt Pressley, Daniel
Pshock, cartoonists
photo: Spencer Herlong, Melissa
Key, senior photographers; Shae
Allison, Aisha Anwar, Miriam
Bahrami, Isabella Bartolucci, Louise
Mann Clement, Claire Collins,
Brennan Cumalander, Bernadine
Dembosky, Kathleen Doyle,
Kearney Ferguson, Ani Garrigo,
Aramide Gbadamosi, Chris Griffin,
Rachel Hare, Kathleen Harrington,
Sydney Hanes, Catherine Hemmer,
natalie Hoberman, arianna
Holder, LaMon Johnson, Phoebe
Jollay-Castelblanco, Elise Karsten,
Kasha Mammone, Mary Meade
McMullan, Callaghan OHare, Matt
Renn, Brookelyn Riley, Cameron
Robert, Logan Savage, Sarah Shaw,
Chloe Stephenson, Taylor Sweet,
Benjamin welsh, Katie williams,
Jason Wolonick
Sports: Robbie Harms, Jonathan
LaMantia, Michael Lananna, senior
writers; Brandon Chase, Carlos
Collazo, Kate Eastman, Dylan
Howlett, Hannah Lebowitz, wesley
Lima, Lindsay Masi, Max Miceli,
Kevin Phinney, Haley Rhyne, Ben
Salkeld, Edgar Walker, Madison Way
State & National: Meredith Burns,
Eric garcia, John Howell, senior writ-
ers; Kelly anderson, Claire Bennett,
Blair Burnett, Kate Caison, Lindsay
Carbonell, Taylor Carrere, Ashley
Cocciadiferro, Zachery Eanes,
Katherine ferguson, Hayley fowler,
Jr., Brian freskos, Olivia Lanier, Mary
Tyler March, nick niedzwiadek,
Sharon nunn, Benji Schwartz,
Kathryn Trogdon, Amy Tsai, Kali
Whitaker, Marshall Winchester,
Melody Yoshizawa
university: Jordan Bailey, Caitlin
McCabe, Sam Schaefer, Hailey Vest
senior writer; Kate Albers, Jake
Barach, naomi Baumann-Carbrey,
Mary frances Buoyer, Emily Byrd,
Trevor Casey, Kristen Chung, Tyler
Confoy, Carolyn Coons, Resita Cox,
Marisa Dinovis, Carolyn Ebeling,
Brooke Eller, Lillian Evans, Kate
Fedder, Maddie Flager, Zachary
Freshwater, Lauren Gil, Keaton
green, Sarah Headley, Jordan
Jackson, Kelly Jasiura, Elizabeth
Kemp, Jackson Knapp, Farhan
Lakhany, Mia Madduri, Katharine
McAnarney, Colleen Moir, Sarah
Moseley, Sarah Niss, Catherine
Oneill, Samantha Reid, Taryn
Rothstein, Sara Salinas, Sam
Schaefer, Rachel Schmitt, Randy
Short, Kristen Skill, Janell Smith,
Langston Taylor, Hunter Toro, Hailey
Vest, amy watson, Haley waxman,
Lynsay williams, Eden Ye
production assistant: Katie Quine
Newsroomadviser: Erica Perel
editorial production: Stacy Wynn,
printing: Triangle Web Printing Co.
distribution: Stacy Wynn, manager;
nick and Sarah Hammonds.
The Daily Tar Heel is published by the DTH Media Corp., a nonprofit north Carolina corporation,
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customer Service: Chessa DeCain,
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display Advertising: Dana
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assistant account executives.
digital Advertising: Margrethe
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Advertising production: Beth
OBrien, creative manager; Ashley
anderson, Hunter Lewis and Chelsea
Mayse, assistants.
ISN #10709436
The Daily Tar Heel
18 to 60 years of age
History of Asthma
Must be on inhaled steroids
Must provide your own transportation
Description of Research Study:
First visit requires a physical exam and pulmonary function test
performed at the National Institute of Environmental Health
Sciences Clinical Research Unit (CRU). Second visit will take
place at either the CRU or the Environmental Protection
Agency facility at the University of North Carolina at Chapel
Hill for a bronchoscopy procedure.
Qualified participants
may be compensated up to $500.
For More Information about This Research Study:
Please call (919)541-9899
Principal Investigator:
Stavros Garantziotis, MD (919)541-9859
Laboratory of Respiratory Biology, Clinical Research Program,
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences,
National Institutes of Health,
Department of Health and Human Sciences
National Institutes of Health
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Must be a Non-Smoker
News Tuesday, October 1, 2013 The Daily Tar Heel 3
SportS brief
UNC baseball player Skye Bolt
cited for underage possession
Starting centerfielder Skye Bolt
was cited for underage possession
at 600 Church St. at 12:13 a.m.
Saturday, according to Chapel Hill
police reports.
The second team All-ACC player
was also cited for violating town
open container laws, reports state.
City brief
Chapel Hill library brings in
materials on Muslim heritage
This month, the Chapel Hill
Public Library will host the Bridging
Cultures Bookshelf: Muslim Journeys.
The bookshelf will add 25 books and
other resources to the librarys col-
lection. The special bookshelf was
funded by a grant from the National
Endowment for the Humanities.
The library will host discussions
and film screenings about Muslim
culture over the next two months.
From staff and wire reports
Guns allowed on campus as of today
By Nick Niedzwiadek
Staff Writer
Concealed carry permit owners
will now legally be allowed to bring
handguns onto UNC-CHs and
other public universities campuses,
as a new state law goes into effect
But private colleges and universi-
ties in the state can still enforce their
own campus gun policies and
Duke University, Elon University
and Meredith College have all indi-
cated that they will continue to ban
The law allows concealed carry
permit holders to bring a gun onto
a campus as long as the weapon is
stored in a closed compartment or
container within a locked car. The
car must be in a public parking area.
The law had been opposed by
UNC-system officials and campus
police chiefs across the state prior
to being passed by the N.C. General
Assembly this summer.
Advocates of the law have said
it will allow legal gun owners to
exercise an already-permitted right
and will lead to increased safety on
But Randy Young, spokesman for
UNC-CHs Department of Public
Safety, said law enforcement officers
already tasked with protecting the
campus community could poten-
tially do it better than a citizen with
a firearm on campus.
Law enforcement officers have
training and equipment for alter-
natives to using firearms, such
as tasers, Young said. Not every
firearm owner has those alterna-
tives to diffuse a situation available
to them.
Still, Young said the law will be
enforced on campus, and it impacts
a limited number of people in spe-
cific circumstances.
We have some major concerns
about weapons on campus, Young
said. But it needs to be clarified that
this applies to a very small number
of situations.
Meanwhile, several private uni-
versity officials say they will not
change campus gun policy to mirror
the law.
Smith Jackson, vice president for
student life and dean of students
at Elon, said existing policies have
worked well on campus, and said
he wonders why there needs to be a
For years, we have had a policy
banning guns. We post signs around
parking lots letting students know
that guns are not allowed on cam-
pus, Jackson said.
Why would we need guns on a
college campus other than the law
enforcement that is trained to do
Kyle Cavanaugh, vice president
of administration at Duke, said he
agrees that there does not need to
be a change in gun policy at his
Guns are not allowed on cam-
pus, he said. This has been our
practice for many years, and will
continue to be.
Young said while the less restric-
tive gun rules will be enforced at
UNC-CH, he is unsure that the
new policy will make for a safer
We do not believe that bringing
guns closer to an academic environ-
ment is helpful, and it can lead to
more issues than it solves.
carrboros lens
dth/Natalie hobermaN
New York based photographer Jesse Kalisher works in his studio in Carrboro on Monday. He specializes in black and white photography.
Photographer tells stories from world in carrboro
By Megan Caron
Staff Writer
There are four black and white pictures
hanging in the corner of Jesse Kalishers
office at his photography gallery in down-
town Carrboro.
I think black and white forces us to get
right down to the story, he said. Theres
no place to hide in a black and white pho-
Kalisher is a photographer from New
York City, whose journey to Carrboro
involves circling the globe, waiting for the
right photographs and a lot of storytelling.
I thought I was going to be a storyteller
through writing, he said. I had bought a
little snapshot camera for my travels, and
when I started taking pictures, I thought I
was capturing memories, and I realized I
was really trying to tell stories.
Though his works have been displayed in
the Smithsonian and the Louvre, Kalisher
did not always want to be a photographer,
especially after his father, also a photogra-
pher, tried to turn him away from it.
I grew up with a healthy disrespect for
what it takes to succeed as a photographer,
Kalisher said. My father did everything in
his power to dissuade me from becoming a
Kalisher graduated from Northwestern
University in 1984 and began working in
During his time in advertising, Kalisher
said he made TV commercials and traveled
every week, until he realized he wasnt happy.
So he moved on to his next job as a con-
tributor for multiple NPR radio programs,
such as Marketplace, Savvy Traveler and
Day to Day.
Kalisher relates his work as a contribu-
tor to his work as a photographer.
I would do exactly what I ended up
doing with my camera, but I was doing
with words I was telling stories, he said.
Kalisher admits the start of his career as
a photographer was not glamorous. Early
in his career, he took on a few consign-
ment jobs, taking prints to the shop where
the store would price them for $30 and
Kalisher would receive half of the sales.
The first month in that shop I sold three
prints, and I was ecstatic that three people
thought to pay $30 a piece for my prints,
and I got to take home 45 bucks, he said.
Eventually, Kalisher was able to expand
from a few prints a month to working at his
offices in Carrboro, which provide prints for
clients nationwide mostly hotels and busi-
nesses interested in displaying his works.
David Winton, who works in the creative
department at Kalishers gallery, was ini-
tially hired to run print and production for
Visit the gallery
Hours: 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to
Wednesday, 9:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday
and Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday,
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday
Location: 209 E. Main St., Carrboro
the gallery.
We mostly sold to gift shops, and it was
mostly Jesses photography, Winton said.
That was five years ago.
Its grown quickly by leaps and bounds,
Winston said.
Helen Kalisher, Jesses wife, is the cre-
ative director for the gallery. She said the
gallerys client base has grown from zero
hotels to about 30 hotels a month.
And it keeps on growing we keep hir-
ing people to keep up with the work load. Its
amazing how much it has grown, she said.
Jesse Kalisher said he slowly built up a
successful, expansive business by constant-
ly working hard and by setting goals.
Never be afraid of failing, Jesse
Kalisher said. Very few people get to go
from zero to the finish line in a heartbeat.
Most of us have to work a long time, and
take a lot of small steps to get there.
Tarheel Takeout sees signicant revenue boost
By Oliver Hamilton
Staff Writer
Its name might suggest other-
wise, but Tarheel Takeout doesnt
make much of its money from stu-
Instead, the company, which
delivers food from local restau-
rants that typically only offer
dine-in or carry-out, makes its
money off large group orders and
its growing geographic presence in
North Carolina.
About 70 percent of 33 UNC
students that were surveyed by the
Daily Tar Heel said they have not
used Tarheel Takeout.
But during the last three years,
co-owner Charles Douthitt said
Tarheel Takeouts revenues have
grown 27 percent. And after
delivering food for 16 years, the
company is finally starting to earn
a profit.
Revenue grew tremendously
from 2011 to 2012, and this year it
has been looking pretty good, said
Wes Garrison, the other co-owner
of Tarheel Takeout.
Despite the turnaround, the duo
said its service is not cheap and can
present problems to people on a
budget, like students.
The service requires a minimum
of $10 worth of food at checkout
before tax and has a $5 delivery fee.
We want people to understand
that we are not the cheapest, but we
offer food from great local places
that you cant get otherwise, which
allows for more healthier choices,
Garrison said.
Were working on a group order-
ing service, which will allow stu-
dents to cut some costs from their
The service still maintains strong
ties to the University by delivering
large orders to different depart-
ments and hiring UNC students,
Douthitt said.
Douthitt added that the business
has considered having a receipt
printer to expedite the process that
often takes time to transfer receipts
from the restaurant to Tarheel
Garrison started a similar take-
out service to Tarheel Takeout in
Raleigh and Durham, but bought
Tarheel Takeout in 2006.
His idea of delivering restau-
rant food to homes and businesses
stemmed from similar services
offered in other parts of the coun-
These takeout businesses are
something we dont really have in
the Southeast, but exist mostly in
the Northeast, especially in Boston,
he said.
Garrison said a lot has changed
since 2006 and he has had to make
several adjustments to the original
A lot of money came in, but a lot
went out to restaurants and drivers
so there was not much left over to
support ourselves and our families,
he said.
In order to cut costs, Garrison
said he has refocused his idea and
shifted the business to Chapel
Hill. The duo closed the companys
Raleigh office and cut its spending
on advertising.
Douthitt said he has helped by
creating a new system to expand
the business.
dth/KathleeN harriNgtoN
Tarheel Takeout driver Dominic
Ciampa delivers food on his first day
at work. Tarheel Takeout revenues
have increased in the last three years.
Recently, we have created
Takeout Central, which allows the
business to expand to new areas,
such as Greensboro, and not add
new business names.
Owners emphasize the
companys convenient
service, despite cost.
Unc studies
nerve gas
By Brian Freskos
Staff Writer
A federal defense agency has given UNC sci-
entists a $4.47 million grant to develop a stream-
lined method for treating people to exposed
chemical nerve agent.
The five-year project was conceived late last
year, but it comes amid Western efforts to dis-
mantle Syrias chemical weapons stockpiles in
response to Augusts poison gas attack that killed
hundreds of civilians.
The research team, headed by UNC chemis-
try professor Joseph DeSimone, is working to
incorporate microscopic needles into a patch that
can deliver a life-saving antidote. The concept is
similar to nicotine patches, except the technique
would breach the skin.
DeSimone said compared to hypodermic nee-
dles, the patches are painless and easier to ship,
distribute and administer.
Now we have a really easy-to-apply, anybody-
can-do-it kind of technology that still affords very
fast absorption into the circulation system, he said.
The Defense Threat Reduction Agency, an arm
of the U.S. Department of Defense, requested
ideas late last year to better administer such anti-
dotes, DeSimone said.
His team had been exploring potential appli-
cations for microneedle technology for some
time and applied for the agencys grant. UNC
announced the award in mid-September.
While DeSimones team pioneers a solution to
save lives in potential chemical attacks, a separate
yet related project is unfolding in Winston-Salem.
Dr. Anthony Atala, director of the Wake Forest
Institute for Regenerative Medicine, heads a group
trying to build a body on a chip a miniaturized
system of human organs that mimics the bodys
response to harmful chemical and biological agents.
Atala said in an email the chip will be more
accurate than animal testing because it uses
human cells.
Dr. Clint Florence, acting branch chief of vac-
cines within the Translational Medical Division
at the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, said
in a statement the program could decrease the
time and costs associated with testing potential
(That) would have a direct and positive effect
on the ability of the United States government to
respond to a chemical or biological attack, he said.
The $24 million federally-funded effort plans
to create tiny organ-like structures that mimic the
function of the heart, liver, lung and blood ves-
sels, Atala said.
While the UNC and Wake Forest projects have
similar intent, they are not collaborating.
The products are not connected beyond the
fact that they are both efforts to improve response
to biological and chemical agents, Atala said.
researchers received a $4.47
million grant from defense agency.
some gun owners will
be able to keep weapons
locked in cars on campus.
News Tuesday, October 1, 2013 The Daily Tar Heel 4
mct/Olivier DOuliery
Speaker of the House John Boehner, R-OH, flanked by Reps.
Cathy McMorris Rodgers, R-WA, and Kevin McCarthy, R-CA,
speaks at a press conference at the U.S. Capitol on Monday.
On the wire: national and world news
Government on brink
of shutdown
(MCT) A broad swath of
the public might not even
notice if the federal govern-
ment partially shut downs
Tuesday, but many federal
employees, government con-
tractors and users of govern-
ment services are likely to feel
some degree of pain.
The wallets of at least
800,000 federal workers fur-
loughed in a shutdown would
be thinner, at least temporar-
ily. They would not be paid
until theres an agreement to
fund the government anew.
Some of the government
services immediately affected
are largely invisible, but impor-
tant. The State Department,
for example, would have to halt
some processing of passport
applications in federal offices
not run by the agency but that
are shut down, potentially
threatening business or vaca-
tion travel of unsuspecting
A shutdown would bring
a mixed bag for the military
and its contractors. Soldiers
at home and abroad would
get paid, but they might face
delays in receiving that pay if a
shutdown proves protracted.
The Defense Department
is also allowed to maintain
emergency police, fire and
medical services during a gov-
ernment closure. But about
half of the Pentagons 718,000
civilian employees would
be barred from working. All
travel and training of both
military and civilian personnel
would stop, as well, except for
activities needed to support
exempt military operations
and emergency services.
Museums and national
parks nationwide would close
or operate on the thinnest of
Its a shame because the
teachers at their school put
an enormous amount of effort
into planning and organizing
this and, I mean, way above
and beyond, said Cindy
Hunter, a parent, and I feel
so sorry for them because
they are in a scramble right
now wondering, What are we
going to do?
All up in your business
Part of a periodic update
on local businesses.
Compiled by staff writer Zoe Schaver.
Photos by Cameron Robert.
Gigis Cupcakes opens in Chapel Hill Syds Hair Shop leaves Chapel Hill Camerons leaves University Mall
After a two-year wait, Gigis Cupcakes has finally
brought its 300 cupcake recipes to 140 West Franklin.
Regional owners Jude Crowell and Rick Setaro hosted
the grand opening Friday, which brought in about 500
The whole concept is that you have one chance to
make a great impression with this cupcake, Setaro said.
Setaro said the team decided to open up on Franklin
in the spring of 2011, but permits were a roadblock.
We knew itd be worth the wait, he said.
Crowell and Setaro became business partners after a
20-year friendship. Operating near a college campus will
be a new challenge for the duo, who have two other loca-
tions in Cary and Raleigh.
Ive got this amazing list of the different cupcake
varieties, Setaro said. You can mix and match almost
anything take the bourbon cream cheese, put it on a
chocolate cupcake and dip it in chocolate.
Syds Hair Shop will close its Rosemary location after
a problem with the original stores lease.
Store manager Jenny Chrispley said the owners origi-
nal plan was to keep the Rosemary store open, but they
were unable to renew the lease.
For the most part, everyones excited and supportive
of the move, Chrispley said. We are pretty much burst-
ing at the seams at the Rosemary location.
Joseph Polcaro, who owns the Rosemary Street build-
ing, said he was only able to offer Syds a two-year lease,
though they asked for five years.
Syds co-owner Bradford Scott said he was disappoint-
ed not to keep both locations, but the shop will still add
two chairs and a stylist at its store on Graham Street.
There are no hard feelings, he said. Investing in
renovations for just two years doesnt make sense for the
Chrispley said shell miss having a parking lot for clients.
Camerons gift shop and jewelry store will move to 300
East Main after 32 years in University Mall.
The store will have a soft opening on Oct. 15, followed
by a ribbon cutting on Nov. 18 from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.
There are some people who are nostalgic for the
old store, and I totally understand that, said co-owner
Wendy Smith. But once we tell them our plans and our
vision for the future, they come to the new side.
Smith, who owns Camerons with her sister Bridget
Pemberton-Smith, said the pair looked at several differ-
ent shopping centers before settling on 300 East Main.
We got in on the ground level and had some good
talks with the leasing department, Smith said. We per-
sonally thought it was a really good fit.
Smith said the stores mission is simple.
We try to sell things that are environmentally friendly,
that give back to the community, that have a purpose,
she said.
st F
st R


st C

I Love NewYork Pizza
Toppers Pizza
Mellow Mushroom
Italian Pizzeria III
Papa Johns Pizza
Pizza restaurants on West Franklin Street
Toppers Pizza will join a saturated pizza market in downtown Chapel Hill.
News Tuesday, October 1, 2013 The Daily Tar Heel 5
By Jackson Knapp
Staff Writer
The Student Congress
Ethics Committee hopes to
meet rarely this semester.
But if a conflict within the
legislative body arises that
demands their attention,
leaders of the group say they
will come together to address
The Ethics Committee is
one of four standing commit-
tees within Student Congress.
It is primarily in charge of
ensuring that representatives
arent violating any of the
provisions in the Universitys
Student Code, which sets forth
the responsibilities and regu-
lations of student government.
Brittany Clark, chair-
woman of the committee, said
common ethics violations
include members of Student
Congress repeatedly missing
meetings without notifica-
tion and instances when a
complaint is lodged against a
specific representative.
She said meetings are
called when a violation arises,
and there have been fewer
complaints this year than the
previous session.
In the past, people would
get heated and make per-
sonal attacks on each other,
but people have been good
about not doing that this year,
which surprised me but its
been nice, Clark said.
If Student Congress votes
that a violation was commit-
ted, the punishment ranges
from censure to impeach-
The committee is made up
of five voting members who
are all also members of other
Laura Tollini, a member of
the Ethics Committee, said
she feels members of congress
have been professional.
As long as people con-
tinue down that path there
shouldnt be any further vio-
lations, but you cant predict
what people will do, she said.
Last semester, the Ethics
Committee censured two
members of Congress
including current Speaker
of Student Congress Connor
Brady for distributing e-mails
regarding other congress
members stances on fund-
ing for the Tar Heel Rifle
and Pistol Club, and former
speaker Paige Comparato for
an unrelated matter.
Brady is now a non-voting
member of the committee.
He said being censured
didnt make him regret
releasing the e-mail, but did
make him reassess relation-
ships he built with members
of Congress who intended to
target individual organiza-
Peter McClelland, a
member of the ethics com-
mittee and president of the
College Republicans, accused
Congress of having a liberal
bias earlier this year when his
groups budget request was
cut by $5,090.
Clark, however, said the
accusations of bias are ill-
founded. She said the College
Republicans didnt get their
request cut by more than any
other organization.
I honestly think it was
more of a perception issue
than a reality, she said.
Brady said the College
Republicans have since raised
enough money to pay for their
speakers through fundraising.
He said he doesnt think the
ethics committee will need
to take up accusations of bias
against the group.
I dont think that was
an issue of ethics, I think
that Student Congress has a
budget just like anyone else
does student organization
funding is cut all the time,
he said.
Clark and Brady both said
McClellands seat on the eth-
ics committee in light of his
accusation of bias is not an
Clark said the committee is
in charge of maintaining a list
of the political organizations
representatives are involved
with outside of Student
Government so that they can
abstain from voting if their
club is involved.
Brady said he does not
think the Ethics Committee
needs any set goals because it
should only plan to investigate
if circumstances warrant it.
If the committee ensures
that members of Student
Congress are behaving them-
selves as well as advocating
for students the way theyre
supposed to, their goals are
set for the year.
covering 80 percent and plati-
num plans covering 90 percent
of all medical expenses.
Catastrophic plans, which
require people to cover their
own expenses up to a point to
help keep costs low for essen-
tial health benefits, will also be
offered for those younger than
30 or who receive a hardship
Theres going to be enough
choices so it could be confus-
ing, Oberlander said.
Four N.C. organizations
have received about $3 mil-
lion in federal money to
serve as navigators to teach
people their options. Kirsti
Clifford, spokeswoman for the
N.C. Department of Health
and Human Services, said
in an email that the depart-
ment will ask County Social
Services Agencies to work
with navigators.
Given much of the confu-
sion and lack of information
surrounding the federal
governments exchange, the
administration felt it was the
right thing to do, she said.
As insurance coverage
increases and large numbers
of people enter the system for
the first time, many experts
are still wondering how health
care might change in the state.
Jenkins said the changes
could lead to more people get-
ting care outside the clinic if
they have medical emergencies.
Still, there are some who will
still not have access to afford-
able care, said Pam Silberman,
president of the N.C. Institute
of Medicine. In 2012, the U.S.
Supreme Court ruled the feder-
al government could not force
states to expand their Medicaid
programs. In February, the
N.C. General Assembly passed
a bill rejecting Medicaid
Silberman said many people
who are below the poverty level
will not qualify for tax credits
or subsidies or for Medicaid.
If they are childless, not
disabled and not elderly then
they will not qualify, she said.
Despite these changes,
Piedmont Health said it will
continue to provide health
care, regardless of whether its
patients have insurance.
If theyve been getting
CAre ACt
from page 1
are very strong in our favor,
Hall said.
But Gov. Pat McCrory criti-
cized the lawsuit in remarks
on Monday, saying it was an
overreach and without merit.
This is really about North
Carolina politics and politi-
cians deciding that North
Carolina cannot have the
same common sense laws to
protect the integrity of the
ballot box, he said.
Advocates of the law said
that it is meant to fight voter
fraud. But Holder said in
the news conference that he
didnt see any proof of fraud.
McCrory said the state has
hired an outside law firm to
work with the legal counsel
from the state attorney gen-
N.C. Senate President
Pro Tempore Phil Berger,
R-Rockingham, and N.C.
House Speaker Thom Tillis,
R-Mecklenburg, condemned
the lawsuit in a joint statement.
The Obama Justice
Departments baseless claims
about North Carolinas elec-
tion reform law are nothing
more than an obvious attempt
to quash the will of the voters
and hinder a hugely popular
voter ID requirement, it read.
Hall said lawsuits of the N.C.
chapter of the ACLU and the
N.C. NAACP might be com-
bined with the Departments
lawsuit in a single hearing.
Rob Schofield, policy direc-
tor at N.C. Policy Watch,
said the federal government
has also taken legal action
in defense of voting rights in
Texas and South Carolina.
from page 1
from page 1
was to go over the game film
from the loss. And after hob-
bling into Kenan with a boot
on his left foot Monday, it was
the first thing he addressed.
Going back and looking at
the tape, we just didnt perform
where were capable of, he
said. I think it was just every-
thing. We couldnt run the ball
effectively, passing game wasnt
there in the first half.
We rallied and put some
drives together and got back
within 14, which is positive.
But we never could just find
a way back in the ball game
which is frustrating.
Renner would not disclose
why hes wearing a boot, but
said he plans to play against
Virginia Tech Saturday. The
quarterback likely sustained
the injury in the fourth quar-
ter against the Pirates, when
he was knocked down and
left of the ground clenching
his foot. But he played the
remainder of the game.
After watching the defense
on film, senior cornerback
Jabari Price said he was
embarrassed, especially when
seeing the Tar Heels had only
nine not 11 players when
the ECU offense ran a play in
the second quarter.
But the main problem for
the UNC defense continues to
be missed assignments.
Price said while watch-
that will be open until 3 a.m.,
according to the restaurants
website. Representatives from
Toppers Pizza could not be
reached for comment.
The franchise has several
locations across the United
States, and the Chapel Hill
addition will be the third in the
state, including one located on
UNC-Charlottes campus.
I would dance on the
grave of the Chapel Hill
Gumbys, said Eric Geiger,
a junior at UNC.It was too
small, cramped and slow.
Geiger said he will prob-
ably not eat at the new
restaurant but still misses
Clearly, we are among a
growing list of states where
the U.S. government has been
challenging voter suppression
from page 1
Peppers Pizza, a restaurant
that vacated its downtown
location in March.
I want to see if they will
fill the hole that Peppers left
in my heart, he said.
Senior Jared Dix said he will
most likely eat at Toppers.
I ll probably go there at
least once, said Dix. Im sure
that next year people will be
drunkenly eating Topperstix.
ing film, the team counted
37 missed assignments dur-
ing the record-breaking 101
offensive plays run by ECU.
Coming from the nine
seniors on that defense with
me, Tre (Boston) and a few
other guys that cant hap-
pen, Price said. We cant
have 37 missed assignments
and expect to win a football
game, regardless of what our
offense did or regardless of
how fast they went. Thirty-
seven missed assignments
and you ll lose every game.
But what wasnt featured
on film was the lack of focus
senior tailback A.J. Blue said
his teammates had head-
ing into the game. Many Tar
Heels took the Pirates too
lightly, Blue said Saturday.
On Monday, redshirt soph-
omore T.J. Thorpe echoed the
seniors disappointment.
There were a lot of guys
in the locker room who were
jumping around and shout-
ing, saying that we were ready
to make plays and blow this
team out, Thorpe said. For
some of those guys, they had a
lot of us fooled. Im not saying
they were scared or anything
but they werent as ready as
they thought they were.
For the Tar Heels, perhaps
the deeper problem of a lack of
focus and passion is something
that cant be fixed through a
post-game film study.
care with us all this time,
theyre already familiar with
the doctors, theyre familiar
with the staff, Jenkins said.
I think theyre just going to
continue to come back.
Congress committee
keeps eye on ethics
This is the first installment
of a series profiling the
four committees of UNCs
Student Congress.
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Sports Tuesday, October 1, 2013 The Daily Tar Heel 6
By Michael Lananna
Senior Writer
Spring exhibition matches
are nothing new. When coach
Mike Fox was a player himself
in the late 70s, the North
Carolina baseball team hosted
the New York Yankees for
a matchup every other pre-
But playing games in the
fall? Fox had never done that
before his squad took on the
Ontario Blue Jays on Monday.
That was weird, Fox said
after UNC topped the Blue
Jays 11-4. That was really
weird seeing another team
coming down the steps over
there in September.
It was also a valuable
change of pace.
The Tar Heels are four
weeks into a six-week fall
practice season, which nor-
mally consists of intrasquad
scrimmages followed by an
intrasquad Fall World Series.
By bringing in the Blue Jays,
who were overmatched as an
18-under amateur league team,
Fox thought he provided his
players a fall adrenaline boost.
Its always fun to have
another team come in here
and try to beat them, sopho-
more catcher Korey Dunbar
said. It just kind of amps up
It wasnt a conventional
game by any stretch UNC
was leading 9-4 after nine
innings and continued to play
until the top of the 14th in
order to give more pitchers
work. Some players came into
dth/dAniel Wilco
Freshman A.J. Bogucki was one of six pitchers who saw action on
Monday. UNC beat the Ontario Blue Jays in an exhibition match.
most of last season, played at
third base Monday. Its the
same position No. 6-overall
draft pick Colin Moran held
for the past three seasons.
Ive never played there
much in my life, Lassiter
said. But Im practicing as
hard as I can and just learn-
ing the little things.
Fox said Lassiter is his
likely opening-day starter at
third, but he wouldnt commit
to any decisions just yet. The
action may have come earlier,
but the evaluation process is
nowhere near complete.
Theres always competi-
tion, Fox said. Im never
going to tip my hand in
the game, were removed and
came back in; others batted
out of order, and the rules, as
a whole, were abandoned.
But Fox was able to evalu-
ate his players in game action
earlier than usual and that
was the goal. The coach said
he was impressed by what he
saw from freshmen Adam Pate
and Wood Myers who batted
first and second, respectively,
and showcased some of their
agility on the basepaths. He
also had the opportunity to
see six pitchers five fresh-
men, one sophomore take
the hill, and they combined to
allow just one earned run.
With the Tar Heels losing six
players to the MLB draft, those
freshmen could potentially play
pivotal roles this season.
UNC might also need vet-
erans to fill new roles.
Sophomore Landon
Lassiter, a shortstop by trade
and a designated hitter for
UNC baseball team
takes down Blue Jays
By Edgar Walker
Staff Writer
Just hours after witness-
ing his teams last place
finish at the Jack Nicklaus
Invitational, North Carolina
mens golf coach Andrew
Sapp struggled to find a way
to explain the performance.
Were there any bright
spots? No, not really, Sapp
It was shocking that
everybody could play this
badly at one time.
The Tar Heels final tally of
66 strokes-over-par was the
worst mark in the 12-team
event, hosted by Ohio State.
UNC finished 76 strokes
behind No. 16 California,
whose 10-under-par mark
earned them the tournament
After a fifth place finish at
Carpet Capital Collegiate in
Georgia and a fourth place at
the Tar Heel Intercollegiate in
September, Sapp said he cer-
tainly did not expect his squad
to be returning to Chapel Hill
with a last-place finish.
We felt like we could
compete with any of the other
teams there, the third-year
coach said.
You want to go out there
and compete with everybody,
including some of the best
teams in the country.
No. 4 Oklahoma and No.
25 Oklahoma State rounded
out the tournaments top
three, finishing at 9-over and
11-over, respectively. Ohio State
finished eighth on its home
course with a mark of 47-over.
Every year youre going to
have one or two horrendous
tournaments, Sapp said.
We just hope this was the
only one.
Sophomore Keagan
Cummings shared his coachs
displeasure for the outcome
of the tournament.
Once things start going
poorly, its easy for them to
snowball, Cummings said.
A native of Ireland,
Cummings led the Tar Heels
with a score of 12-over-par. He
finished at even par in his first
round and ended up tied for
31st overall out of 60 golfers on
the individual leaderboard.
The lack of a Tar Heel near
the top of the leaderboard
was one of the main reasons
for the teams struggles in
Ohio, according to Sapp.
When we played well at
Carpet Capital, we had a guy
winning the tournament,
Sapp said. When we played
well at Tar Heel, we had a
guy finish fourth. When you
have guys competing to win
the individual title, as a team
you ll play well.
This week, we didnt have
anyone finish in the top half
of the field.
Despite the disappointing
performance, Cummings said
the team is eager to get back
on the course in two weeks at
the Rod Myers Intercollegiate,
which will be played at Duke.
We know were a really
good team and good teams
have bad performances,
Cummings said.
Next we have Duke. If
our five guys are playing well,
theres no reason we cant win
that tournament.
Until then, however, the
Tar Heels will have to live
with their performance at the
Nicklaus Invitational.
When you have multiple
guys playing poorly, some-
times they all join in and play
poorly together, Sapp said.
Unfortunately, sometimes
golf is contagious, whether its
good or bad. And this time it
was bad.
to to
read about pitcher Zac
Gallens strong game.
dth file/Kevin hu
Junior Bailey Patrick shot 24
over as the Tar Heels finished
last out of twelve teams in the
Jack Nicklaus Invitational.
Tar Heels not up to par
in invite tournament
Mens golf: 12th place
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an equal opportunity basis in accordance with
the law. To complain of discrimination, call
the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban
Development housing discrimination hotline:
June 1, 3,000 square feet, walk to Greensboro
Street, bus, Weaver Street, etc. 6BRs up plus
1 or 2 down, sunroom, pool room with table
and bar room. Hardwoods, carpet, dishwasher,
W/D, carport. No dogs. $2,800/mo. Call
919-636-2822 or email
2BR/3BA (with extra room with built in bunks)
is located in Hideaway Estates. A large shady
lot perfect for pets, enjoy the private deck.
Wonderful great room with freplace, lovely
kitchen, hardwood foors thru out, 2 car
garage, mud room. $1,300/mo. Fran Holland
Properties: or call
FURNISHED OAKS 2BR/2.5BA condo close to
Friday Center. Bring suitcase and move in. 3+
month term available. One check $1,250/mo.
all utilities and internet included. Fran
Holland Properties:,
Greensboro Street. Large yard, hardwood foors,
carport, pets negotiable with fee. $1,200/
mo. Fran Holland Properties: fhollandprop@ or text 919-630-3229.
SPACIOUS 3BR/2.5BA DUPLEX offers open
foor plan with hardwood foor and
freplace in great room, kitchen, large
master suite and bath, 2 car garage.
On busline, pets negotiable with fee.
$1,395/mo. Fran Holland Properties.
Email for pics
or text 919-630-3229.
quiet Glen Lennox neighborhood. Large
yard, carport, hardwood foors, bus nearby.
East Chapel Hill High, Culbreth, Glenwood.
Rent reduced $1,290/mo.. Fran Holland
Properties, or call
Heights. 3BR/1BA house is complete with
hardwood foors, W/D and a great location
for students. $890/mo. Email Fran Holland
Street (off of MLK Blvd). Lovely hardwood foors,
great room, 1 car garage and large. $1,295/
mo. Fran Holland Properties, fhollandprop@ or text 919-630-3229.
$950/MO. 2BR TOWNHOME. Quiet, beautiful
neighborhood just minutes from downtown
Chapel Hill. Has a balcony, community tennis
court, pool, great walking trails and bus
transportation. 731-394-6063.
2BR/2.5BA OAKS CONDO: Backs up to golf
course, Living room with freplace, dining
room. Walk, bike or bus to Meadowmont
and Friday Center. $890/mo. Fran Holland
Properties, or text
For Sale
dreams, collapsing societies, lost identities,
lost souls, engineered life, our world trans-
formed. Read Remembering the Future,
science fction stories by Alan Kovski. Available
FUN, VERY part-time, high energy event
photography position for reliable, approach-
able and outgoing students. Equipment and
training provided. Most events are Friday and
Saturday evenings 11pm-1am. Call Tonya at
part-time. Must have social science research
experience, be highly organized and detail
oriented. TeleSage is on Rosemary Street, 150
feet from campus. We develop and validate
mental health assessments for NIMH. Wages
BOE. Send resume with GPA and cover letter to
DELIVERY DRIVER: Tarheel Takeout needs
delivery drivers. Your car, your music and none
of the headaches of being a waiter. Up to
$1,000/wk Email
HELP WANTED. Marketing major, with
excellent computer and social media skills,
to teach and assist local insurance agent
in marketing and computer related tasks.
$13/hr. 703-915-2890.
HELP WITH YARD WORK. Raking leaves,
general yard clean up and fence painting.
10 minutes from campus. $13/hr. Contact:
YARD WORKER NEEDED: Must be strong (able
to lift 60 pounds), experienced and have own
transportation. $13/hr. 919-929-4220.
WALK TO WORK. Part-time, offce marketing
position. Flexible hours, located on Franklin
Street. Research, customer service and
marketing skills. Must have a laptop to do
emails and research. $7.25/hr. +sales incentive
available. 239-770-8108.
Recreation and Parks Department. Part-time
temporary. 18 hrs/wk. Occasional weekend
and evening hours required. Assists in
planning and coordinating programs and
events to include organizing supplies and
equipment, marketing and promotions
of events and maintaining administrative
records, reports and statistical information.
Requires bachelors degree with preferred
major course work in recreation or related feld
or equivalent combination of education and
experience in a recreation setting. Working
knowledge of MS Offce programs required.
Valid NCDL. Pay rate: $15.06/hr. Open until
flled. For an application visit our website at EOE.
5+ hrs/wk ($15/hr) to help with scheduling
and manuscript writing and editing. Experi-
ence with writing and editing preferred.
Forward resume and letter of interest to, 919-360-7599.
PAID INTERNSHIP: Gain valuable sales expe-
rience with University Directories, a Chapel
Hill collegiate marketing company. Flexible
schedule. Average $13/hr. Email resume to, 919-240-6107.
ophomore. Mill Creek townhouse. 2BR/2BA,
full kitchen, W/D, carpeting, half mile to
campus. Rent share: $620/mo. includes water,
parking. 336-339-2551.
SHORT TERM RENTAL with private bath.
Ground foor of private home. Near major
bus park and ride and Chapel Hill tennis club.
Seeking a visiting professor, student or work-
ing professional. 919-225-7687.
FURNISHED ROOM in apartment in home
near Eastgate. Separate entrance, utilities,
basic cable, internet, phone included. No
smoking, pets, deposit and lease required.
$550/mo. Photos available. 919-616-5431 or
$189 for 5 DAYS. All prices include: Round trip
luxury party cruise, accommodations on the
island at your choice of 13 resorts. Appalachia
Travel., 800-867-5018.
Tutoring Wanted
ALGEBRA 2 TUTOR for high school student.
Math education major or math major pre-
ferred. Salary negotiable. Transportation to
Southern Village necessary. 1 day/wk. Send
contact information to north_carolina_999@
BE AN ESL VOLUNTEERS! Help school age
ESL students from various countries, Chapel
Hill-Carrboro Schools. Training 9/24 or 10/2,
5:30-9pm. Email or
call 919-967-8211 ext. 28339.
readers practice reading skills, 1-2 hrs/wk,
Chapel Hill-Carrboro Schools. Training
9/25 or 9/26, 5:30-9pm or 10/2, 9am-
12:30pm. Email or call
919-967-8211 ext. 28336.
Announcements Help Wanted Internships For Rent

* All Immigration Matters *
Brenman Law Firm, PLLC
Llsu 8renmun NC 8ourd CerLlfled SeclullsL
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Drug, Alcohol, and Traffic Offenses
Law Office of Daniel A. Hatley
Best Wishes to the Tar Heels in 2013-2014!
151 E. Rosemary St., Ste. 205
at Winmore Studio in
Chapel Hill starting NOW! 919-525-1240
UNC Community
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Today is a 7 -- For the next two days,
fulfill promises youve made. Chores
need attention. New information
threatens complacency. Communicate
with teammates. Caring for others is
your motivation. Minimize risks. Catch
your dreams in writing.
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Today is a 6 -- Youll soon have time to
pause and relax. Invest in success. Take
a new angle. Keep a dream alive with
simple actions. Avoid a controversy. Its a
good time to ask for money ... be creative
with your budget.
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Today is a 7 -- Allow yourself to dream,
but dont buy treats, yet. Accept the
support thats offered. Stay close to
home as much as you can the next
few days. Passions get aroused. Make a
delicious promise.
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Today is a 9 -- Its easier to find family
time. Youre extra brilliant today. A
solution to an old problem is becoming
obvious. Costs are high. Arguments
about money inhibit love. Keep a secret.
Recount your blessings.
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Today is a 9 -- Moneys rolling in over
the next few days. Costs are higher
than expected, too. Avoid reckless
spending. Make sure others know their
assignments. Feel the magnetism.
Your greatest asset is your own
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Today is a 6 -- Give loved ones more
attention. They want your time, not
money. An invitation says to dress up. Let
another person take over, and defer to
authority. Accept encouragement. Share
your dreams ... the audience is receptive.
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Today is a 7 -- Get yourself moving! Make
sure you have the facts. Get serious about
your strategy, but dont get stuck. Youre
very persuasive. Youll think of something.
Its easier to finish projects.
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Today is a 7 -- Work quickly but carefully.
Obligations get in your way. Being polite
is a virtue. Talk over plans with family. Try
not to provoke jealousy. Dont waste your
money. Friends offer comfort and advice.
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Today is an 8 -- Begin a new project.
Take time out for love. Include a female
in your plans. Youll have to report on
your activities. Assume responsibility.
Exceptional patience could be required.
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Today is a 7 -- Let yourself be drawn
outside your safety zone. The possibility
for hurt feelings is high now. Dont get
stuck. Write down long-range goals today.
Goodness comes your way. Act quickly to
gain your objective. Balance is essential.
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Today is an 8 -- Its time to get started.
Theres a temporary clash between
love and money. Review your current
budget. Note all the considerations.
Passion grows now that the stress is
reduced. Travel boosts your self-esteem.
Follow your fascination.
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
Today is a 7 -- Have faith. Negotiate
your way through minor adjustments.
Temporary confusion could befuddle.
Get family to help. Let another take
the lead. Invest in your future without
gambling. Respect your partner.
To get the advantage, check the day's rating: 10 is the easiest day, 0 the most challenging.
If October 1st is Your Birthday...
Building a profitable career, thriving partnerships and
improvement at home all take priority this year. Satisfy
the urge to explore and learn. Get involved with a
passionate cause. Weed out time sucks and prioritize
projects for balance. Cultivate friendships and magic
moments with loved ones. Simple joys delight.
BR = Bedroom BA = Bath mo = month hr = hour wk = week W/D = washer/dryer OBO = or best offer AC = air conditioning w/ = with LR = living room

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Sloppy Roommate?
News Tuesday, October 1, 2013 The Daily Tar Heel 7
All Up In Your Business
Gigis Cupcakes opens on
West Franklin Street, and
Syds closes original location.
See pg. 4 for story.
Lets get ethical
Student Congresss
Ethics Committee deals
with claims of representa-
tive bias. See pg. 5 for story.
Takeout taking off
After 16 years of deliver-
ing food, Tarheel Takeout is
turning a profit. See pg. 3
for story.
Employment skills
Despite push for science
degrees, some stress impor-
tance of humanties. See dai- for story.
Solution to
Mondays puzzle
Complete the grid
so each row, column
and 3-by-3 box (in
bold borders) contains
every digit 1 to 9.
2013 The Mepham Group. All rights reserved.
Level: 1 2 3 4
(C)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
All rights reserved. Los Angeles Times Daily Crossword Puzzle
1 2012 Ben Affleck
political thriller
5 Organizes by date, say
10 Is able to
13 Former Defense
secretary Panetta
14 Came into play
15 Mission: Impossible
theme composer Schifrin
16 Novelist Tyler
17 Most populous city in
South Dakota
19 Second-in-command in
the kitchen
21 Demean
22 Baby goat
23 Legged it
24 Mercedes rival
26 Bus. get-together
27 Sharp ridge
29 Admans connection
31 Digital camera battery,
32 Legal thing
34 Hoops gp.
35 Superficially cultured
36 Michigan or
Ontario city on the
same border river
40 Unit of cotton
41 Carry a balance
42 Yeats land: Abbr.
43 Land parcel
44 Continental border
46 Last Supper query
50 Unbarred, to a bard
51 Fall mo.
52 Marlins div.
54 ISP option
55 Indian dresses
57 Canal passage
connecting Lake
Superior and the lower
Great Lakes
59 W is for Wasted
mystery author
62 Margin jotting
63 Gymnast Korbut
64 Part of BYOB
65 Price
66 Low in the lea
67 Betsy Ross, famously
68 Lodge group
1 North to the Future
2 Pierre-Auguste of
3 Take it all off
4 Small bills
5 Baracks younger
6 Murder on the __
7 Ski rack site
8 Lone Star State sch.
9 Gender
10 Ristorante squid
11 Good Hands company
12 Bouquet of flowers
15 Chem class requirement
18 Baby deer
20 Fishing basket
24 Neuwirth of Cheers
25 Home of baseballs
28 Youre right
30 Very big maker of very
little chips
33 Mall unit
35 Iliad war god
36 Home to millions of
37 Half a superheros
38 Switch
39 Animated mermaid
40 Open, as a bud
44 KGB country
45 Take a nap
47 No worries, man
48 Shame, shame!
49 Detailed map windows
53 Recluse
56 Franchised supermarket
57 Put away
58 Almost never
60 Sit-up targets
61 Opponent
Q&A with Grammy-winning musician Jim Mills
to really see what those two
mediums can do together. I
think the words music video
have a negative connotation
due to whats happened on
MTV and whats taken place
over the last two decades,
maybe three almost.
What do people think of
Jim Mills, a six Grammy-
winning banjo player, will
be talking about the history
of the banjo today as a part
of the Southern Journey
series, hosted by the Southern
Folklife Collection.
Mills spoke with staff
writer Katie Hjerpe about his
career and interest in banjos.
you first start playing the
JIM MILLS: My father
played, and my grandfather
played not profession-
ally but there was always
a banjo around my house.
Hearing Earl Scruggs play for
the first time was my inspira-
tion to start playing and still
is to this day. I kind of picked
it up by myself by listening
and watching other people
play. Ive never had any for-
mal lessons very few blue-
grass musicians have.
DTH: How did your career
really start to take off?
JM: I started off playing
with local bands and traveling
around playing bluegrass. I
was lucky to be seen by Doyle
Lawson and Quicksilver
they are considered one of the
top five bands in bluegrass
music. When I was 20 years
old, he called me and offered
me a job playing banjo in his
band. That really propelled
me into the national spotlight
as a bluegrass banjo player.
DTH: Where did your career
go from there?
JM: Ive never looked for a
job in my life every employer
has contacted me. I worked for
Doyle Lawson for about five
years and recorded about eight
records, which put me in front
of everybody who is everybody
in the industry. I was then
offered a job with Dolly Parton
she was going through her
bluegrass phase. While I was
working for her, Ricky Skaggs
offered me a full-time posi-
tion in his band. I worked
with him for 14 years, won the
International Bluegrass Music
Association banjo player of
the year award six times
more than anybody has, as
far as I know and I won six
Grammy awards.
DTH: How does it feel to
win a Grammy?
JM: Its awesome, it really
is. Its your highest peers, its
music industry folks, and its a
Time: Today, noon
Location: Wilson Library,
Pleasants Family Assembly
Courtesy of Jim mills
Award winner Jim Mills discusses his career playing banjo and his event in the Southern Journey Series.
wonderful feeling that they like
what you do. When you record
something you hope everybody
likes it, you like what youre
doing, and you hope everyone
else likes it, and its nice to get
that confirmation.
DTH: What will your event
in the Southern Journey
Series discuss?
JM: Ive been a road musi-
cian for the past 25 years,
Ive never done any teaching
or speaking. I decided to do
some of these things because
Im a big historian of the pio-
neers of the three-finger style.
Scruggs style originated in
North Carolina, and being
born and raised in Raleigh, I
was interested in the history
of that and the lesser-known
pioneers of the style who
came along in the 1930s who
never made music a career
but were a big influence on
the people that did. Students
By Sharon Nunn
Staff Writer
Recently appointed Sen.
Valerie Foushee, D-Orange,
spoke to the UNC Young
Democrats Monday about her
new position and some of what
the N.C. General Assemblys
covered this summer.
Foushee, a former state
House of Representatives
member, was appointed
earlier this month to replace
former Sen. Ellie Kinnaird in
the District 23 seat, serving
Orange and Chatham counties.
Foushee outlined her con-
cerns with the legislature.
You hear the leadership
say that theyre putting more
money into education than
ever before, Foushee told stu-
dents. But when you consider
that there are more students
than ever before, and that
the needs are greater, youve
not raised the amount that is
going to cover the needs.
She also touched on the
Affordable Care Acts stipula-
tions and how state health
officials should handle the
new law. People can start
enrolling in the health insur-
ance marketplace today.
We need to make sure that
people have the access and
knowledge of the act that
people understand that (it) is
not a job killer and is not some-
thing that is going to depress
our economy, she said.
She said her priorities in
the state Senate will include
advocating for a reconsidera-
tion of Medicaid expansion
and ensuring every eligible
voter has access to the polls.
UNC Young Democrats
President Peter Vogel said he
was glad Foushee could share
her knowledge on political
matters with students par-
ticularly the voter identifica-
tion law, which is the subject
of a U.S. Department of
Justice lawsuit filed Monday.
Her thoughts on being a
woman involved in legislation,
and her being an African-
American speaking to voter
fraud related to the recent
voter I.D. bill are important,
Vogel said. Shes a strong,
confident Democrat that
would offer different perspec-
tives on many things involved
with North Carolina politics.
Wilson Parker, the groups
political action co-chairman,
said their chapter will help
make people aware of the new
voting requirements.
Were also committed to
doing what we can to help the
state party elect Democrats
because we do think that the
one-party rule in Raleigh has
been absolutely disastrous for
our state, Parker said.
Foushee said in an interview
that she plans to work with the
Young Democrats as they iden-
tify student concerns.
Being here tonight shows
that theyre engaged. They
need to remain engaged
because thats the only way
change happens.
can ask questions concern-
ing the earliest things of the
three-finger style, as well as
the particular banjo that all
those guys chose: the Gibson
Mastertone. I study and deal
with those on a daily basis.
DTH: In what ways do you
deal with banjos outside of
JM: I collect, play and
record, and also buy, sell
and trade pre-World War II
banjos. Folks come from all
over the world its really
a niche business. As far as
I know Im the only guy in
America who deals with pre-
WWII Gibson banjos, which
are considered the Stradivari
banjos of bluegrass. Ive
been all over America, across
Canada and I even went to
Johannesburg, South Africa,
and bought banjos. Theyre
everywhere, but the major-
ity is in the South in North
Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee
and South Carolina. It seems
a lot of them migrated here,
and a lot ended up in the
hands of amateurs trying
to imitate their heroes
thats expected because this
is where the music took off
Foushee talks to Young Democrats
OCT. 21
were here for you.
all day. every day
Opinion Tuesday, October 1, 2013 The Daily Tar Heel 8
Established 1893, 120 years of editorial freedom
Sexual assault policy
empowers students
We want to clarify the
Sept. 25 article about stu-
dents seeking help after
sexual violence. The article
describes a system in which
RAs must report sexual
assault disclosures to the
deputy Title IX coordina-
tor, incorrectly characteriz-
ing the system and spirit of
the universitys response.
Instead of mandatory
reporting, we are building
a system which enables us
to consistently offer help
and assistance to any and
all students who disclose
their experiences of victim-
ization. All forms of sexual
violence can have signifi-
cant effects on students,
staff and faculty, including
physical and emotional
trauma, ongoing health
problems and challenges
related to academic success.
We take sexual violence
seriously and are working
to continue to improve
UNCs response systems
and adjudication efforts.
As a university commu-
nity, we have a responsibil-
ity to our students to con-
nect them to resources that
can help them heal, such as
Counseling & Psychological
Services. We have a
responsibility to accom-
modate students and help
them fulfill their academic
commitments. We have a
responsibility to prevent
future acts of harassment,
discrimination and violence
from occurring within our
To that end, certain peo-
ple on campus including
employees who are charged
with a significant respon-
sibility for student welfare
and are representing the
institution have a respon-
sibility to connect students
to a place where they can
hear all of their options.
When students are
fully informed of all their
options, they can decide for
themselves if they want to
make a report about what
happened to them or seek
other support. Students
remain in the drivers seat
and can choose what they
want to do next. Our whole
campus can work together
to prevent all forms of vio-
lence and discrimination,
and we can create a safe
community for everyone.
Christi Hurt
Interim Title IX

Ew Quimbaya-Winship
Deputy Title IX
Fight to put an end to
sweatshop labor
In April, the Rana Plaza
factory in Bangladesh col-
lapsed, leaving over 1,000
people dead and 2,500
injured. The Rana Plaza
facility was sponsored
by corporations that sell
their products in the U.S.,
including over 40 collegiate
apparel brands.
Worst of all, this type of
The athletic department has shown it is a
big business that just so happens to be in a
tiresius, on why they dont deserve an increase to the athletics fee
Ill probably go there at least once. Im sure
that next year people will be drunkenly
eating Topperstix.
Jared Dix, on Toppers Pizza taking the place of Gumbys in Chapel Hill
EDiTOriAl cArTOOn By Guile Contreras,
Get your
green x
at music
ince Woodstock, music
festivals have been huge
crowd pleasers, allowing
fans to condense the experience
of a dozen concerts, along with
the chance to meet artists and
maybe enjoy some adult (occas-
sionally illegal) activities, into a
few exhilarating days.
But while the music festi-
vals purpose is the same, much
has changed since Woodstock.
First of all, the frequency
of festivals has multiplied.
Though Woodstock attracted
half a million at its peak, it only
lasted a few days in one place.
Nowadays there are several
mega festivals, plus dozens of
smaller ones across the country.
These events seem to be
eco-disasters: they guzzle huge
amounts of energy to power
instruments, speakers and light
displays, generate heaps of
waste and create tons of emis-
sions from fans traveling from
far and wide.
However, festival organizers
are wising up to their impact
and trying to please the planet
along with music fanatics.
Many festivals now use
sustainable energy sources
like wind, solar or bio-
diesel. Outside Lands in San
Francisco featured the larg-
est solar-powered stage in
the country in 2013. Over the
three-day event, the stage
avoided the CO2 emissions
equivalent to the carbon
released in burning 216 gallons
of gasoline. Bonnaroo became
the first festival with a per-
manent solar array, which can
generate the equivalent of 20
percent of Bonnaroos power
consumption each year.
Festivals are minimizing
waste through the old three Rs
mantra: reduce, reuse, recycle.
Several have added compost
and recycling bins next to
trashcans. At Outside Lands,
all of the food containers and
utensils are compostable and
biodegradable. In 2012 the
festival reported a 75 percent
diversion rate with 87 tons of
compost and recycling.
A major benefit of pairing
environmentalism with music
is making the movement more
fun. One of the most innova-
tive projects is Outside Lands
Clean Vibes Trading Post. It
rewards concertgoers for col-
lecting cans, bottles and other
material with prizes such as
organic clothing, band mer-
chandise and food vouchers.
Festivals, always a great
marketing opportunity for
big brands, are now a market
for green causes. One dollar
from every 2013 Bonnaroo
ticket went to a solar-powered
sustainable farm and Outside
Lands hosts a Beach Clean Up.
And although these super-
sized festivals draw the largest
crowds, green efforts are not
limited to national events.
Carrboro Music Festival, a
free event held this past week-
end, got into the eco-spirit by
offering a bio-diesel shuttle bus
to cut down on travel emis-
sions. Children used recycled
materials to create art, and the
provided compost and recycling
bins were overflowing.
One of the great things
about music is a capacity to
inspire. The green movement
can take advantage of this by
turning festivals into forums
for education and motivation.
After all, if we want to keep
enjoying our outdoor music fes-
tivals, we cant just pave para-
dise and put up a parking lot
Columnist Trey Mangumon the
lowenrollment of black males.
Holly Beilin
Lean and Green
Senior global studies major from
Fort Lauderdale, Fla.
Writing guidelineS
Please type: Handwritten letters will not be accepted.
Sign and date: No more than two people should sign letters.
Students: Include your year, major and phone number.
Faculty/staff: Include your department and phone number.
Edit: The DTH edits for space, clarity, accuracy and vulgarity. Limit
letters to 250 words.
Drop-off or mail to our office at 151 E. Rosemary Street, Chapel
Hill, N.C. 27514
tragedy is not uncommon
in Bangladesh, where much
of the economy is based on
producing items for export
around the world. As con-
sumers in the global econ-
omy, we have the ability to
influence the way in which
the world market operates,
and as students we should
mobilize to ensure that
UNC is a leader in demand-
ing that corporations treat
their workers fairly.
On Sept. 13, the End
Deathtraps Campaign at
Chapel Hill delivered a peti-
tion to Chancellor Folt call-
ing on her to strengthen the
Universitys Labor Code of
Conduct by signing on to the
Accord on Fire and Building
Safety in Bangladesh, with
the explicit goal of greater
accountability of university
licensees for the safety of
the workers who make their
clothing. With 9 out of 10
garment factories considered
structurally deficient by the
Bangladesh University of
Engineering and Technology,
this is an issue that requires
urgent action. To support the
End Deathtraps Campaign
at Chapel Hill, sign our peti-
tion at
traps and attend our meet-
ings on Tuesdays at 7 p.m. in
Murphey 112.
Shannon Brien 16
United Students
Against Sweatshops
Apply for eve Carson
Scholarship now
In her time at UNC, Eve
Carson constantly demon-
strated her passion for the
Carolina Way the leader-
ship, spirit and compassion
embodied by her fellow stu-
dents every day. As student
body president, she envi-
sioned a junior-year scholar-
ship to honor students who
best live the Carolina Way.
The Eve Carson
Scholarship, established in
her memory, has recognized
nine outstanding students
since 2008, enabling them
to follow their passions
and further their role in
the Carolina community.
Scholars are awarded a
stipend to pursue their pas-
sions during the summer
before their senior year and
a scholarship covering half
the cost of attendance dur-
ing their senior year.
The Eve Carson
Scholarship committee
encourages all juniors to
apply. We are seeking appli-
cants that demonstrate
passion, service, leadership,
transformative growth
and, most importantly, the
Carolina Way. Application
details can be found at
edu/apply. Applications and
recommendations are due
by Oct. 9 at 5 p.m. Email
with any questions.
As Eve Carson said,
Study hard and work hard,
play hard, keep an open
mind, take pride in yourself,
in your school, in what you
produce and the way you
help others; if you make mis-
takes, make sure you learn
from them and never give
up, stay strong to the finish.
Mary Liz Entwistle 15
Eve Carson Scholarship
ncreasing bicycle park-
ing downtown should
not come at the cost
of limiting availability of
motorist parking spots.
A bike corral, which is
able to park 12 bikes, was
recently constructed in the
place of a metered park-
ing spot on West Franklin
This stretch of the road
is home to numerous
popular businesses such as
Mediterranean Deli and
McDonalds, yet it didnt
have any bike parking
until now.
However, the town
should be wary of creating
too many more corrals if it
Parking for all
means the loss of parking
Cycling advocates argue
that the addition of bike
corrals will decrease car
traffic by encouraging
drivers to bike instead.
However, most drivers
will not suddenly turn to
cycling just because bike
parking is now available
The number of cars
searching for open spots on
Franklin Street will likely
remain as high as ever.
Bike corrals are very
popular in cities such
as Portland and San
Francisco, where a large
percentage of the popu-
lation uses bikes to get
around. While biking is
more common in Chapel
Hill and Carrboro than in
the rest of the state, its not
prevalent enough to justify
the replacement of parking
spots with corrals.
Building more corrals
will not result in a cultural
shift toward bike-friendli-
ness, and it will not signifi-
cantly increase the number
of people willing to bike on
Franklin Street. Rather, it
will simply anger motorists
who already face frustra-
tion when trying to park
The new corral on West
Franklin Street was the
first to be constructed on
a state-owned roadway.
This is a historic moment
for increasing bike-friend-
liness, but the state should
not create more corrals
until the time comes when
demand for bike parking
outweighs the need for car
Bike corrals should
not replace car
he decision to
return almost
$600,000 worth
of grant money intended
for water studies back to
the U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency is bewil-
dering and could directly
impact the wetlands and
streams of North Carolina
should fracking occur.
The EPA awarded
the N.C. Department of
Environment and Natural
Resources two grants total-
ing almost $600,000 in
June. One of the grants
specifically allocated
$222,595 to test the water
from wetlands and streams
where hydraulic fracturing
What the frack?
will probably take place.
By giving the money
back, the DENR has
ostensibly decided that
these tests are not in the
best interest of the states
wetlands a notion that
must be considered care-
fully and with a shrewd
Tom Reeder, the direc-
tor of the Division of
Water Resources, has
said that the money was
returned because the
funded studies would have
been completed too far
in advance of the drilling
to be useful. He also said
that the scope of the stud-
ies would have covered too
wide of an area.
Neither of these reasons
seems to hold water. The
grant was awarded to the
state, and the state has
the ability to modify the
parameters on the study
as it sees fit, in order to
ensure its effectiveness.
Neither reason provides
enough of a basis to explain
sending hundreds of thou-
sands of dollars back to the
federal government. This
move is all the more ques-
tionable since the DENR
has seen its funding cut
significantly since McCrory
has been in office.
Reeder has said that the
study will still get done.
But without this injec-
tion of funds, the study
could suffer, lessening
our understanding of the
impacts fracking will have
on the environment.
Fracking has not been
in practice long enough
to deserve a pass on using
studies funded by the EPA.
The state shouldnt
pass on funds for
fracking studies.
wners of the
Rathskeller prop-
erty should make
an effort to reach out to
students for their input and
take into account the sug-
gestions of town develop-
ment officers before leasing
the new spaces.
Students make up a
majority of the downtown
market, and involving
the student voice in this
leasing decision would be
beneficial not only for the
students who may use the
new businesses there, but
also for the owners of the
Leasing to a business
owner who is more likely
Pack the Rat right
to succeed would help
ensure the businesss
longevity, which would
benefit the owner of the
property in the form of
an incoming rent check
month by month they can
depend on.
The quick business
turnover on Franklin
Street and the repetitive-
ness of the businesses
downtown not only makes
it tough for business own-
ers to compete, but also it
makes students less inter-
ested in going downtown
to shop because there is
little variety.
The towns ideas of turn-
ing the space into retail or
an art studio and/or gallery
could be something new
for downtown-goers.
There are boutiques
and other clothing stores
on Franklin Street, but an
alternative from the pricey
shops and UNC-focused
sportswear could be suc-
Not only would a differ-
ent style of clothing store be
a new and unique place for
students and residents to
shop, but also it could bring
a new kind of shopper to
downtown Chapel Hill,
which would benefit all
Franklin Street businesses.
An art gallery and/or stu-
dio would also be beneficial
because the Chapel Hill and
Carrboro area has a history
of supporting the arts.
Making a smart leasing
decision based on the opin-
ions of the people that will
be using this space most at
the front end would pay off
for months and, hopefully,
years to come.
Property owners
need to seek input
from community.
editOrS nOte: Columns, cartoons and letters do not necessarily
represent the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel or its staff. Editorials reflect
the opinions of The Daily Tar Heel editorial board, which is made up of
nine board members, the opinion co-editors and the editor.
EDITorIal BoarD mEmBErs
AlexAndrA willCox
AliZA ConwAY
dYlAn CunninGHAM
GAbriellA kosTrZewA
kAreeM rAMAdAn
kern williAMs
MAHMoud sAAd
TreY briGHT

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