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At Wilnecote High School we see our role in terms of securing high academic achievement and also in terms of supporting students to be successful in a much broader sense. This is achieved by providing opportunities for students to take part in a wide range of extracurricular and enrichment activities so that they can discover and nurture their skills and talents, improve their self esteem and self confidence and broaden their horizons.

The Arts
We have specialised in the Performing Arts for many years and were awarded Artsmark Silver in 2010 by the Arts Council of England for the breadth of our Arts provision. All students are encouraged to participate in art, drama, dance and music and we have built a high reputation for the quality of our work. The annual school production is always a high quality performance involving a large number of students. This show is taken to our partner school in Bad Laasphe, Germany every two years. Music is a popular subject with students and extra curricular groups include Voce our school choir as well as a number of small instrumental ensembles. Dance has developed considerably over the past few years and we now have Girls and Boys Dance groups who regularly perform in School and out in the community. Art, drama, dance and music continue to be celebrated through the Annual Arts Festival with very high standards. Events continue to be extremely well supported by parents and the community. The curriculum is supported very well by a substantial range of extra-curricular and enrichment activities, with a very good uptake by the students. Ofsted 2011

The school has attained Sportsmark and FA Charter status in recent years. These national awards reflect the high level of provision and range of activities we offer. We were also very involved in the 2012 Olympics and Paralympics Get Set Network. We have a wide range of sports teams in Football, Rugby, Netball, Swimming, Athletics and Badminton to name but a few. Many of these teams have been successful at district and county level. The school has an extensive fixture list with other schools as well as hosting many inter-house competitions which give all students the opportunity to participate and an annual Sports Day hosted at Tamworth Athletics Club. Extra curricular sports clubs are organised before school, during lunchtime and after school. A range of activities combining traditional sports with new and innovative activities are available to any student wishing to participate. Many of our older students also gain a Sports Leaders Aware This teaches students how to be sports leaders and helps individuals to gain confidence and develop leadership qualities.

International Links
We have a longstanding link of over 30 years with our twin school in Bad Laasphe, Germany. There is an annual exchange visit open to all in which students spend a week with a German family and then host their German partner for a week later in the year. The popularity of this link is increasing each year and many lifelong friendships have developed as a result of it. In addition we encourage and support other international links. Our developing partnership with IVOLO (an International Volunteering Organisation) has seen older students visit Latvia, Turkey, Estonia, Finland and Poland in the last 12 months and be involved in a range of projects alongside students from other European Countries.

We would like to express how eloquent and well informed WHS students were and their involvement at the workshops provided invaluable strength to the key messages. Staffs County Council Member.

Clubs and Activities

A range of clubs and activities are available at lunchtime and after school. These include Science Club, a Homework Club for those who appreciate study help or access to school facilities like computers and a number of different Dance, Drama and Music clubs.

Trips and Visits

Many subject areas offer trips to places of interest. In recent years these have involved a Geography trip to Iceland, a History trip to Poland and Auschwitz and many other curriculumbased day trips in England.

Community and Charities

The school is also involved and fully committed to working with our local community. Students undertake a range of activities such as involvement in primary schools and within our work experience programme. Any suggestions as to how we can do more for our community are always welcome. We are proud of the way in which students at the school respond to charities and a lot of good work in this direction is done each year.

It has been a genuine pleasure to accommodate such a polite and enthusiastic student. He is a credit to Wilnecote High School. Another fantastic fortnight! An outstanding Wilnecote High School student demonstrating the quality of a born leader. Local Employers

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