Analog Electronics Lab Manual
Analog Electronics Lab Manual
Analog Electronics Lab Manual
Aim: Wiring of a RC coupled single stage BJT amplifier and determination of the gainfrequency response, input and output impedances.
Apparatus required: Transistor BC107, power supply, capacitors 0.22F, 47F, resistors, connecting board, signal generator, digital multimeter and CRO.
This is the most popular type of coupling because it is cheap and provides excellent audio fidelity over a wide range of frequency. It is usually employed for voltage amplification. Fig.3.1 shows the single stage of an RC coupled amplifier. The coupling does not affect the Q point of the next stage since the C2 blocks the dc voltage of the first stage from reaching the base of the second stage or output. The function of C1 is to couple the signal source vi to the base of the transistor. At the same time it prevents the dc current of Vcc from reaching the signal source vi and also prevents any dc component present in vi from reaching of base. The bypass capacitor Ce is used to prevent the loss of gain due to negative feedback across the resistor Re. Resistors R1, R2, and Re are used to bias the transistor so that the operating point lie on the middle of the dc load line. The resistor Rc acts as ac load for the amplifier. The RC network is broadband in nature. Therefore, it gives a wideband frequency response and hence used to cover AF range of amplifier.
1) Before wiring the circuit, check all the components using multimeter. Connect the circuit as shown in the figure. Set Vcc for the designed value, and check the DC biasing conditions such as VBE, VCE. VCEVCC/2. 2) If the DC biasing conditions satisfy then set the signal generator (input-voltage) amplitude (peak-to-peak sine wave) so that the output remains sinusoidal. Note the maximum signal handling capacity (MSHC) of the amplifier. It is the input signal to the amplifier at which output remains just sinusoidal. This means that if the input increased beyond this value, output no longer remains sinusoidal. 3) Keep the input signal less than MSHC (do not change the input further) and vary the frequency of the input from lower range to higher range. Observe both input and output simultaneously on the CRO. Note the input value (peak to peak) and outputs across RL corresponding to the variation in frequencies of the input signal at different intervals. The output voltage remains constant at mid frequency range. 4) Plot the graph with frequency along X-axis and gain dB along Y-axis. 5) From graph determine bandwidth. VBE0.6V (for Silicon transistor),
1) Connect the circuit as shown in Fig 3.2. 2) Connect a resistance RS in series with the input signal and amplifier as shown in the figure 3.2. 3) Set the signal generator (input voltage) amplitude (peak to peak sine wave) less than MSHC at a mid frequency band. 4) Measure and note down the input voltage Vi before RS and voltage Vi after RS. 5) Calculate the input impedance.
1) Connect the circuit as shown in Fig 3.3. 2) Connect a resistance RL across the output terminals of the amplifier as shown in the figure 3.3. 3) Set the signal generator (input voltage) amplitude (peak to peak sine wave) less than MSHC at a mid frequency band. 4) Measure and note down the output voltage Vo across output terminals when RL is open circuited and output voltage Vo when RL connected across the output terminals. 5) Calculate the output impedance.
Figure 3.1
Vcc=20V Ic=10mA ;VcE=Vcc/2=10V ;Pd=VcEQICEQ=10*10*1e-3=100mw VEVcc/10=20/10=2V ;IEIc ;RE=VE/IE=2/10*1e-3=200 select standard value RE=220 VE=2*10*1e-3=2.2V Rc=(Vcc-VcE-VE)/Ic =(20-10-2)/10*1e-3=780 select standard value Rc=820 R2RE/10 =GFE=125(min) 2750 select R2=2.7K VB=0.7+2.2=2.9V 2.9=(2.7*1e3*20)/(R1+2.7*1e3) = 15920 select standard value of 18K Lower cut off frequency f1=100Hz C20.22F C1=C2=0.22F CF=1/(2f1Xc2) Xc2=hie/(1+hfe) hie=1.5K, hfe=60 =24.6
By: Mr.L.Kumaraswamy M.E. (IISc), Associate Professor, MCE, HASSAN
CF=64.69F Select standard value of 47F or 100F Circuit Diagram to Measure Input Impedance:
Tabulation: Maximum Signal Handling Capacity =___________mV Input Voltage Vi = _________mV Sl. No. Frequency f in Hz Output voltage V0 in mV Gain in dB= 20log(V0/Vi)
Zi = Vi`*RS/(Vi-Vi`)
Apparatus required: Transistor (SL100), Resistor, DC regulated power supply, voltmeter, Ammeter, signal Generator, CRO and capacitors.
Theory: A very popular connection of two BJTs for operation as one super beta transistor is the Darlington connection. The main feature of Darlington connection is that the composite transistor acts, as a single unit with a current gain is equal to product of individual current gains. i.e. D=1x2 if 1= 2= Then D= 2
To make the two transistors Darlington pair, the emitter terminal of the first transistor is connected to the base of the second transistor and the collector terminals of the two transistors are connected together. The result is that emitter current of the first transistor is the base current of the second transistor. The biasing analysis is similar to that for single transistor except that two VBE drops are to be considered. In a circuit if the output voltage is approximately equal to the input voltage, such a circuit is known as emitter follower. In the transistor emitter follower circuit the output is taken from the emitter terminal. The voltage gain is approximately equal to unity and output voltage is in phase with the input voltage. The emitter follower configuration is frequently used for impedance matching and to increase the current gain. Sometimes the current gain and input impedance of emitter followers are insufficient to meet the requirement. In order to increase the overall values of circuit current gain (Ai) and input impedance, two transistors are connected in series in emitter follower configuration to obtain Darlington connection.
1) Before wiring the circuit, all the components using multimeter. 2) Make the connection as shown in circuit diagram. 3) Set VCC, measure the DC biasing voltages using multimeter atVC2 (collector voltage), VE2 (emitter voltage) with respect to ground then verify VCE2=VC2-VE2 IC2=IE2=VE2/RE Q point= (VCE2, IC2) 3) Set the signal generator (input voltage) amplitude to such that the output remains sinusoidal and observe the input and output signals simultaneously on CRO. 4) By varying the frequency of the input from low value to high value note down peak-to-peak values of output and corresponding frequency. The output voltage Vo remains constant in mid frequency range. Tabulate the readings in tabular column. 5) Calculate the gain in dB and Plot the variation of gain in dB as a function of frequency in semi log sheet. 6) From graph determine the bandwidth.
Procedure to find input impedance: 1) Connect the circuit as shown in Fig 3.2. 2) Connect a resistance RS in series with the input signal and amplifier as shown in the figure 3.2. 3) Set the signal generator (input voltage) amplitude (peak to peak sine wave) less than MSHC at a mid frequency band. 4) Measure and note down the input voltage Vi before RS and voltage Vi after RS. 5) Calculate the input impedance.
Procedure to find output impedance: 1) Connect the circuit as shown in Fig 3.3. 2) Connect a resistance RL across the output terminals of the amplifier as shown in the figure 3.3. 3) Set the signal generator (input voltage) amplitude (peak to peak sine wave) less than MSHC at a mid frequency band. 4) Measure and note down the output voltage Vo across output terminals when RL is open circuited and output voltage Vo when RL connected across the output terminals. Calculate the output impedance.
Fig.10.1 VCC=10V R1=680 R2=1k R3=10k RE =2.2k C1=C2=0.1F CIRCUIT: with Bootstrapping
Fig.3.3 Tabulation: Input Voltage Vi = _________mV Sl. Frequency Output voltage No. f in Hz V0 in mV
Zi = Vi`*RS/(Vi-Vi`) Input Impedance Output Impedance ZO = (Vo-Vo`)RL/Vo` Current gain AI = -AV(Zi/RL) Voltage gain Av = Vo/Vi
Aim: Testing of a series voltage feedback amplifier to obtain frequency response with and with out feedback.
Apparatus required: BJTs, Resistors, Capacitors, Signal generators, DC power supply, connecting board and CRO.
Theory: Feedback plays an important role in almost all electronic circuits. It is almost invariably used in the amplifier to improve its performance and to make it more ideal. In the process of feedback, a part of output is sampled and feedback to the input of the amplifier. Therefore, at input we have two signals. Input signal and part of the output, which is feedback to the input. Feedback can be negative or positive and hence, depending on the sign of the feedback signal, feedback system can be classified as negative feedback system and positive feedback system. There are four basic ways of connecting the negative feedback signal. Both voltage and current can be fed back to the input either in series or parallel. Specifically, there can be. 1) Voltage series feedback 2) Voltage shunt feedback 3) Current series feedback 4) Current shunt feedback In the list above, voltage refers to connecting the output voltage as input to the feedback network; current refers to tapping off some output current through the feedback network; Series refers to connecting the feedback signal in series with the input signal voltage; shunt refers to connecting the feedback signal in shunt (parallel) with an input current source. Series feedback connections tend to increase the input resistance while shunt feedback connections tend to decrease the input resistance, voltage feedback tends to decrease 1
By: Mr.L.Kumaraswamy M.E. (IISc), Associate Professor, MCE, HASSAN
the output impedance while current feedback tends to increase the output impedance. Typically, higher input and lower output impedances are desired for most cascade amplifiers. Both of these are provided using the voltage-series feedback connection.
1) Before wiring the circuit, check the entire component using multimeter. 2) Make the connections as shown in the circuit diagram. 3) Check the DC biasing conditions. 4) If the DC biasing conditions are satisfactory, then apply the input ac signal (less than MSHC). 5) Vary the frequency of the input signal and note the corresponding frequency of signal and output voltage across the load resistor (RL) with respect to ground. 6) Vary frequency so that the output voltage Vo remains constant in mid-frequency range and output voltage is lesser than mid frequency range at lower and higher frequencies. 7) Plot the graph of gain in dB Vs frequency. 8) From graph determine bandwidth.
By: Mr.L.Kumaraswamy M.E. (IISc), Associate Professor, MCE, HASSAN
Q1=Q2=BC107 VCC=12V R1=47k R2=42k Rc=780 RE=4.7k R3=22k R4=27k Rc2=330 RE2=2,7k Rf1=330 C1=0.25F C2=10F C3=10F CB2=CB=47F
By: Mr.L.Kumaraswamy M.E. (IISc), Associate Professor, MCE, HASSAN
Q1=Q2=BC107 VCC=12V R1=47k R2=42k Rc=780 RE=4.7k R3=22k R4=27k Rc2=330 RE2=2,7k Rf1=330 Rf2=10k Cf=10F C1=0.25F C2=10F C3=10F CB2=CB=47F
By: Mr.L.Kumaraswamy M.E. (IISc), Associate Professor, MCE, HASSAN
Circuit Diagram to Measure Output Impedance:
Fig.3.3 Tabulation: Input Voltage Vi = _________mV Sl. Frequency Output voltage No. f in Hz V0 in mV
By: Mr.L.Kumaraswamy M.E. (IISc), Associate Professor, MCE, HASSAN
Input Impedance Zi = Vi`*RS/(Vi-Vi`) Output Impedance ZO = (Vo-Vo`)RL/Vo` Current gain AI = -AV(Zi/RL) Voltage gain Av = Vo/Vi
By: Mr.L.Kumaraswamy M.E. (IISc), Associate Professor, MCE, HASSAN
Aim: Wiring and testing of RC phase shift oscillator. Apparatus required: Power supply (0-30V), Transistor-BC107, Resistors: 1k, 82k, 15k, 4.7k, pot.:0-5k, Capacitors: 47F, 0.01F, Signal generator, CRO and multimeters.. Theory: Oscillator is a circuit used to generate different wave forms. The use of positive feedback which results in a feedback amplifier having closed loop gain greater than 1 and satisfies phase condition will result in operation as an oscillator. The RC phase-shift oscillator consists of a conventional CE amplifier and RC phase-shift network as a feedback system. The voltage shunt feedback is provided using three sections of RC. At some particular frequency for the phase shift in each RC section is 60o, so that total phase shift produced by the RC network is 180o. The frequency of oscillation is given by fo=1/(2RC6+4k) Where, k=RC/R1 Procedure: 1) Select pot of 0-10k resistor in the last section of phase shifting network to get a overall phase shift of 180o at the frequency of oscillation. 2) Connect the circuit as shown in the figure and set VCC= 10V. 3) Then verify the DC biasing conditions: VCE=VCC/2 and VBE=0.7 V 4) The 10K pot is adjusted to get a stable sinusoidal output wave. 5) Measure the frequency of oscillation of the output wave using the CRO. 6) Note the phase shift between 3 sections of RC network with respect to the output wave. 7) Sketch the output wave and waveforms at 3 sections of RC network.
VCC=10v Re=1k Rc=4.7k R1=82k R2=15k Ce=47F R=4.7k (k=1) For f=10kHz Pot.: R=0-5k
Apparatus required: BJT, Resistors, Capacitors, Inductors, DC power supply and CRO. Theory: Hartley and Colpitts oscillators are the tuned circuit oscillators.
Hartley oscillator If the oscillator consists of two inductors, and one capacitor in the feedback network that is tank circuit then it is called Hartley oscillator. Hartley oscillator consists of a BJT CE amplifier with tank circuit (feedback network). The resistances R1, R2, RC and RE bias the BJT. The CE amplifier provides a phase shift of 180 and tank circuit provides phase shift of another 180, this satisfies the required oscillating condition of total phase shift of 360o. Frequency of oscillations in the output wave is: fo=1/[2(CLeq), Colpitts oscillator: If the oscillator uses two capacitors and one inductor in the feedback network then it is called a Colpitts oscillator. Colpitts oscillator consists of a BJT CE amplifier with tank circuit (feedback network). The resistances R1, R2, RC and RE bias the BJT. The CE amplifier provides a phase shift of 180 and tank circuit provides phase shift of another 180, this satisfies the required oscillating condition of total phase shift of 360o. Frequency of oscillations in the output wave is: fo=1/[2(LCeq) where Ceq=C1C2/(C1+C2) where Leq=L1+L2
By: Mr.L.Kumaraswamy M.E. (IISc), Associate Professor, MCE, HASSAN
Procedure: 1) Before wiring the circuit, check all the component using multimeter. 2) Make the connections as shown in circuit diagram. 3) Design the tank circuit where fo = 100 KHz. 4) Set the values of inductor and capacitor so as to get the required frequency of oscillation. 6) Compare the values of theoretical and practical values of frequency.
By: Mr.L.Kumaraswamy M.E. (IISc), Associate Professor, MCE, HASSAN
Frequency of oscillation f=1/2(LeqC) Where, Leq=L1+L2 Frequency of oscillation required: f=100 kHz Let L1=L2=0.1mH C= 0.127 nF (Select standard value of 0.1 nF) VCC=10v Re=1k Rc=4.7k R1=82k R2=15k Ce=47F L1=L2=0.1mH C=0.1nF
By: Mr.L.Kumaraswamy M.E. (IISc), Associate Professor, MCE, HASSAN
Frequency of oscillation f=1/2(LCeq) Where, Ceq=C1C2/(C1+C2) Frequency of oscillation required: f=100 kHz Let C1=C2=2.2nF L= 2.3 mH (Select standard value of 2 mH) VCC=10v Re=1k Rc=4.7k R1=82k R2=15k Ce=47F C1=C2=2.2 nF L=2 mH
By: Mr.L.Kumaraswamy M.E. (IISc), Associate Professor, MCE, HASSAN
Apparatus required: Diode (1N4007/BY127), Resistor, DC regulated power supply, signal generator and CRO.
Theory: The circuit with which the waveform is shaped by removing (or clipping) a portion of the applied wave is known as a clipping circuit. Clippers find extensive use in radar, digital and other electronic systems, although several clipping circuit have been developed to change the wave shape, we shall confine our attention to diode clippers. These clippers can remove signal voltages above or below a specified level. The important diode clippers are: 1. Parallel clipper circuits 2. Series clipper circuits Further it can also be classified into: 1. Positive clippers 2. Biased clippers. 3. Combinational clippers. A clipping circuit comprises of linear elements like resistors and non-linear elements like junction diodes or transistor, but it does not contain energy storage elements like capacitors. Clipping circuits are used to select, for purposes of transmission, that part of a signal wave from which lies above or below a certain reference voltage level. There are generally two categories of clippers: series and parallel. The series configuration is defined as one where diode is in series with the load while the parallel variety has the diode in a branch parallel to the load. The analysis of any clipping circuit involves the following stages. 1) A study of the working of the diode. 2) Formulation of the transfer characteristic equations and
By: Mr.L.Kumaraswamy M.E. (IISc), Associate Professor, MCE, HASSAN 1
3) Plotting the output waveform V0 by transfer characteristics. Transfer characteristics is the plot of output voltage Vo vs Vi that depends upon whether a diode is ON or OFF. By the switching action of nonlinear element definite relationship can be obtained between Vo and Vi, in practical clipper circuits. The equation connecting Vo and Vi is termed as transfer characteristic equation.
Procedure: 1) Before wiring the circuit, check all the components using multimeter. 2) Make the connection as shown in circuit diagrams. 3) Apply input wave using function generator (Sine/triangular/square wave at 1 KHz and amplitude of 8V P-P) to the clipping circuit and observe the clipped output waveform on CRO. 4) Note output waveform corresponding to the input wave from the CRO. 5) Verify the practical results with theoretical calculations. 6) Apply Vi and Vo to the X and Y channel of CRO and observe the transfer Characteristic waveform and verify it.
Figure 1.1 R = (Rf x Rr) Rf Forward resistance of the diode. Rr Reverse resistance of the diode. VT Threshold voltage of the diode. VR Reference voltage. (i) For Vi VR+VT, Diode is OFF
Figure 1.2
Figure1.4 (i) Vi VR-VT, Diode is OFF Vo = VR (ii) Vi < VR-VT, Diode is ON Vo Vi CIRCUIT 3
Figure 1.5
For Vi (VR-VT), Diode is ON Vo = VR-VT For Vi> (VR-VT), Diode is OFF Vo = Vi CIRCUIT 4
Figure 1.7
VR2>VR1 For ViVR1, Diode D1 is ON, diode D2 is OFF Vo = VR1 For ViVR2, Diode D1is OFF, diode D2 is ON Vo = VR2
For VR <Vi<VR2, Diode D1 is OFF, diode D2 is OFF
Vo = Vi
Apparatus required: Diode IN4007, Resistors, capacitor, signal generator and CRO.
Theory: A circuit that places either the +ve or ve peak of a signal at a desired d.c. level is known as a clamping circuit positive clamper. A clamping circuit (or a clamper) essentially adds dc component to the signal. The network must have a capacitor, a diode and a resistive element, but it can also employ an independent dc supply to introduce an additional shift. The clamping circuit does not make the shape of the original signal to change; but makes a vertical shift in the signal. The magnitude of R and C must be chosen such that the time constant is large enough to ensure that the voltage across the capacitor does not discharge significantly during the interval the diode is non-conducting. The clamping circuit which shifts the signal vertically upwards is called a positive clamper. The negative clamper does the reverse that is it pushes the signal downwards so that the positive peak falls on the zero level.
The input signal is assumed to be a square wave with time period T. The clamped output is obtained across RL. The circuit design incorporates two main features. Firstly, the values of C and RL are so selected that time constant T=CRL is very large. The clamped output is taken across RL.
1) Before wiring the circuit, check all the components using multimeter. 2) Make the connection as shown in circuit diagrams. 3) Apply input wave, usually a square wave (or sinusoidal wave/triangular wave) to the circuit and observe the output wave using CRO. 4) Note down the input wave and corresponding output wave.
Design 5 (time constant) =5RC>>T/2 Let R = 1K Then C1F (For a frequency of 50 Hz to 500 Hz)
Figure 2.1
Figure 2.2
Figure 1.3
Aim: Testing of a complementary symmetry Class B power amplifier (Transformer less Push Pull power amplifier.
Apparatus required: Power Transistors (SL100 and SK100), Resistors, load resistor, Capacitors, function generator, DC power supply and CRO. Theory: Class B amplifier is one which gives half (180) cycle as output signal for one complete cycle (360) of input signal. Complementary symmetry class B power amplifier needs two power transistors, among that one is npn and other is pnp power transistor. The main advantage of this amplifier is that the absence of the transformer which is more expensive, bulky and heavy. This type of transformer has maximum efficiency equal to 78.5%. A single input signal is applied to the base of both transistors, the transistors, being opposite type, will conduct on opposite half cycles of the input. Both the transistors are biased at cut off regions of their output characteristics, so that one of the transistors conducts during each half cycle. During a complete cycle of the input a complete cycle of output signal is developed across the load. One disadvantage of the circuit is the need for two separate voltage supplies.
Procedure: 1. Make the connections as shown in the Fig. and take proper care while giving biasing voltage. 2. Apply the input signal at a frequency of 1 kHz-10 kHz. 3. Adjust the input voltage (peak) equal to DC supply i.e. Vm=VCC. If the output voltage is sine wave then note the magnitude of output voltage, otherwise decrease the input till the output remain sinusoidal and then note the magnitude of output voltage. 4. Calculate Power input, output and efficiency.
Circuit Diagram:
TESTING OF HALF WAVE, FULL WAVE AND BRIDGE RECTIFIERS WITH AND WITHOUT CAPACITOR Aim: To determine the ripple factor, efficiency and regulation of the half wave, full wave and bridge rectifier circuits with and without capacitor.
Apparatus: Diode-1N4007, load resistor -1k & 1/2W, capacitor 100F, transformer 15V-0-15V, ammeter 0-25mA (MI) and 0-25mA (MC), voltmeter 0-25V.
Theory: Rectification is the process of converting the alternating quantity (AC) to the unidirectional quantity (DC with pulsation). The transformer is used to step down the voltage from 230V to the desired level. Then, the diode is responsible for the conversion of ac available at the secondary of the transformer into DC with pulsation. Hence, the diode used for this application is also referred as rectifier. The capacitor connected across the load (resistor) is behaving as a filter. Filter is responsible to smooth the pulsating DC into pure DC. Half wave rectifier is one which converts the ac into pulsating dc during one half of the cycle. It has poor ripple factor, conversion efficiency and voltage regulation. Full wave rectifier is one which converts the ac into pulsating dc during both cycles. For this process two diodes and centre tapped transformer are required. It has better ripple factor, conversion efficiency and voltage regulation compare to the half wave rectifier. The centre tapped transformer is costly compare to without centre tap. This can be overcome by using 4 diodes in a bridge. The bridge rectifier has same ripple factor and conversion efficiency as that of full wave rectifier, but better utilization factor.
Procedure: Without Capacitor: 1. Connections are made as shown in the figure for half wave rectifier circuit. 2. Measure the voltage across the terminals when the resistor is open circuited (No load). 3. Connect the load resistor across the output terminals and note, the voltmeter reading and ammeter readings (Irms and IDC). 4. Repeat the above procedure for full wave rectifier and bridge rectifier.
With Capacitor: 1. Connections are made as shown in the figure for half wave rectifier circuit with capacitor. 2. Measure the voltage across the terminals when the resistor is open circuited (No load) but capacitor is connected. 3. Connect the load resistor across the output terminals and note, the voltmeter reading and ammeter readings (Irms and IDC). 4. Repeat the above procedure for full wave rectifier and bridge rectifier with capacitor.
Fig. 3
Calculations: Without Capacitor: = [(IRMS/IDC)2-1]2 % = (PDC/PAC)x100 %VR = (VNL-VL/VL)x100 With capacitors: = 1/(2(3)1/2RLfC) % = (PDC/PAC)x100 %VR = IDC/2fC PDC=IDC2RL PAC=IRMS2RL PDC=IDC2RL PAC=IRMS2RL
Apparatus required: Resistors, DC supply, ammeter and multimeter. Theory: Thevinins Theorem states that Any linear, bilateral, two terminal network can be replaced by a voltage source in series with a resistance, where value of voltage source is equal to open circuited voltage between the load terminals and the resistance is equal to the resistance looking from the open circuited terminals replacing all the source by their internal resistances if any. Let VOC be the open circuited voltage across the load resistance, RTH be the Thevenins resistance of the circuit. Then, current through the load resistance is given by, IL=VOC/(RTH+RL)
Maximum Power Transfer Theorem states that In any linear, bilateral network the maximum power will be transferred from the circuit to the load if and only if load impedance is complex conjugate of the internal impedance OR For DC circuit it states that .In any linear, bilateral network the maximum power will be transferred from the circuit to the load if and only if load resistance is equal to the internal resistance Let VOC be the open circuited voltage across the load resistance, RI be the internal resistance of the circuit. Then, maximum power will be delivered to the load resistance is given by, Pmax=VOC2/4RI
By: Mr.L.Kumaraswamy M.E. (IISc), Associate Professor, MCE, HASSAN
Procedure: Thevinins Theorem 1. Make the connections as shown in the Fig.1 2. Adjust the DC supply voltage using multimeter. 3. Note the current flowing through the load resistor. 4. Switch off the DC source; remove the load resistor from the terminals (open circuit). 5. Switch on DC source and note VOC across the open circuited terminals (Fig. 2). 6. Make connections as shown in the Fig. 3 and find RTH. 7. Make connections as shown in the Fig. 4 to obtain Thevenins equivalent circuit and adjust VOC and RTH as obtained in steps 5 and 6. 8. Note the current flowing through the load resistor. 9. Verify the current obtained in step 3 and 8.
Maximum Power Transfer Theorem 1. Make the connections as shown in the Fig.1 2. Adjust the DC supply voltage using multimeter. 3. Vary the load resistance from 100 ohm to 1kohms. 4. Note the current corresponding to each value of load resistance. 5. Calculate the power and verify the load resistance at which the power will be maximum.
By: Mr.L.Kumaraswamy M.E. (IISc), Associate Professor, MCE, HASSAN
To find Voc:
By: Mr.L.Kumaraswamy M.E. (IISc), Associate Professor, MCE, HASSAN
Pmax=Voc2/4RL To find internal resistance Rin at which power transfer to the load RL is maximum:
IL in mA
PL in mW
By: Mr.L.Kumaraswamy M.E. (IISc), Associate Professor, MCE, HASSAN
We can see then that at resonance, the two reactances cancel each other out thereby making a series LC combination act as a short circuit with the only opposition to current flow in a series resonance circuit being the resistance, R. In complex form, the resonant frequency is the frequency at which the total impedance of a series RLC circuit is purely "real" as no imaginary impedances exist, they are cancelled out, so the total impedance of the series circuit becomes just the value of the resistance and: Z = R. Therefore, at resonance the impedance of the circuit is at its minimum value and equal to the resistance of the circuit.
The frequency response curve of a series resonance circuit shows that the magnitude of the current is a function of frequency and plotting this onto a graph shows us that the response starts at near to zero, reaches maximum value at the resonance frequency when IMAX = IR and then drops again to nearly zero as becomes infinite. These -3dB points give us a current value that is 70.7% of its maximum resonant value as: 0.5( I2 R ) = (0.707 x I)2 R. Then the point corresponding to the lower frequency at half the power is called the "lower cut-off frequency", labelled L with the point corresponding to the upper frequency at half power being called the "upper cut-off frequency", labelled H. The distance between these two points, i.e. ( H - L ) is called the Bandwidth, (BW) and is the range of frequencies over which at least half of the maximum power and current is provided.
Varying Inductance
Varying Capacitance