Intelligent Cubes
Intelligent Cubes
Intelligent Cubes
MicroStrategy Intelligent Cube Technology enables you to create Intelligent Cubes, which operates within MicroStrategy Intelligence Server. Intelligent Cubes are multi-dimensional cubes(sets of data) that can be shared as a single in-memory copy, among many different reports created by multiple users. Rather than returning the data from the data warehouse for a single report, you can return sets of data from your data warehouse and save them directly to intelligence server memory. You can then build multiple reports that gather data from the intelligent cubes instead of querying the data warehouse. The reports accessing Intelligent Cubes can use all of the OLAP services features for analysis and reporting purposes.
execute an intelligent cube. However, executing an intelligent cube publishes the intelligent cube, which can then be accessed as a set of data for multiple reports.
The following list of objects and features cannot be included in the definition of Intelligent Cubes as they can be for reports: 1. Consolidation and Custom Groups cannot be included in Intelligent Cubes or in reports that access Intelligent Cubes. 2. OLAP Services features such as view filters, derived metrics, and derived elements cannot be included in Intelligent Cubes, but these features are the main analysis tools for reports that access Intelligent Cubes. 3. Prompts cannot be included in Intelligent Cubes. However, reports that access Intelligent Cubes can use prompts that access only data included in the Intelligent Cube.
Once the schedule is triggered the Intelligent Cube is re-executed against the data warehouse and published to the Intelligent Cube Monitor.
Should the ROLAP drilling option be enabled? Enabling drilling outside of a relatively small Intelligent Cubes can give the benefit of ROLAP analysis through drilling. Enabling this analysis on relatively large Intelligent Cubes has the potential to cause increased load on the data warehouse and Intelligence Server. Example: An Intelligent Cube includes Year but not Quarter. A report accessing the Intelligent Cube includes Year and drilling outside of the Intelligent Cube is enabled. On the report, you drill down from year to quarter. This causes a new report to be created and executed against the data warehouse. The benefit of enabling this extra analysis can come with a performance cost. Steps to Enable/Disable drilling outside of an Intelligent Cube 1. Intelligent CubeRight ClickEdit
2. Data Configure Intelligent Cube 3. Intelligent Cube Options WindowOptionsGeneralDrillingUncheck Use default settings checkbox. 4. Select Allow reports to drill outside the Intelligent Cube.
5. Click Ok 6. Click Save and Close 7. You must publish the intelligent cube again, to make your changes available for reports accessing the Intelligent Cube. Steps to enable/disable drilling outside of an Intelligent Cube for reports accessing any Intelligent Cubes in a project: 1. In MSTR desktop, log into a project with a user account with administrative privileges. 2. Right click the project and select Project Configuration. 3. Project Configuration EditorExpand Intelligent CubesGeneralCheck Allow reports to drill outside the Intelligent Cube. 4. Click OK 5. You must republish the intelligent cubes, to make your changes available for reports accessing the Intelligent Cubes.