Manual de Extracción de Registros Italianos
Manual de Extracción de Registros Italianos
Manual de Extracción de Registros Italianos
INTRODUCTION CHAPTER 1: Brief Overview of Italian Records CHAPTER 2: Civil Birth Entries CHAPTER 3: Parish Christening Records CHAPTER 4: Civil Maniage Records CHAPTER 5: Parish Maniage Records
A Call to Extract Italian Records
You have been called to extract names from vital recdrds written in Italian. This may become one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences of your life. Through the Records Extraction Program, you will provide thousands with the opportunity to receive the saving ordinances of the gospel-something they could not do for themselves.
As you might imagine, reading old Italian records is more challenging than reading modem documents. Besides having to become familiar with foreign words, you will be confronted by unfamiliar abbreviations and poor handwriting. Despite these difficultils, you will soon be able to extract faniily history from old Italian records with ease and accuracy and, undoubtedly, you will feel the Spirit guide you in your work. Objectives of the Manual
This manual will help you learn to extract family history data from records vtrlitten in Italian. Specifically, it will help you identify the following kinds of information:
Birth Records Child Father Mother Other individuals Dates Places
Marriage Records Bride Groom Parents Other individuals Dates Places Other Entries (such as death records, etc.) Names Dates Places
Chapter One
The earliest records available to us date back to a 1563, when the Romah Catholic Church established rules governing the creation and maintenance of parish registers, The decree included instructions for recording the date, place, and: type of ceremony performed. The names of the principals and witnesses or godparents were also yecorqed - and each entry was closed with the signature of the officiating priest. Most of the parish records were written in Latin. Although other recording systems were eventually introduced in Xtdy, Catholic parishes continued to maintain records.
Lzf 1803. civil registers were created. Because Caiholicism was +e official state religion until 1984, civil registers contain both the civil registrations and-h e Catholic sacraments. These Italian registers (called Regisb-o Civile) kept by d l municipalities-were written in Italian.
Most Italian civil registers and the more recent parish registers contain indexs. These indexes, made yeariy or every 10 years, nomafly consist of the date of the ordinance, the names of the pricipals, and the names sf the parents. Extraction indexes are used mainly to venfy spelling of names and conectness of dates. When an index is the onB-j record extant of a certain locality it can be extracted.
A n extract (esttrato) is a certificate for birth, marriage or death. Extracts were written by a town registrar or parish priest. (at the registrar's request) to verify a bk@, marriage, or death. These are not extracted, but they can provide additional infarmation such as a groom's or bride's birthplace or marriage date.
As an extractor you will be using microfilm copies of the Italian Registro Civile and parish registers. You will work most frequently with christening and mamage records. Occasionally you may also work with death records, indexes, and extracts. Foreuaately, the Italian Regkstro Civile is recorded on a pre-prin3:ed form. Although some differences in layout and bozdbuldrk exist Itom one locality to another, each f m a t contains key words or phases which easily identify a particular part of the record. Those words that do change are mostly extractable information, such as names anb dVates. ,,By being able to iden* , / r peach part of the format, you will be able to locate the iYf6hation 'to be ~i;nacted.'~ ~ccasibhally, handvirlittkn enh?es h k e been inserted into the register at random. These are more cga.edg&g because they contain many handwriting styles, unfamiliar words, md abbreviations. I.nQlots, bleed through, torn or worm-eaten pages, misspellings, woi& ~~&'~o~the1-~'m&sing gamlLrs'a~ia1 marks, md saange sentence construction a l l combine to m&e these more difficult to read, but you will eveamally be blessed with the ability to exb-act these records.
&@-=aqt@g is not copying everytbmg from a record but recording the information that ?"I. :>L. IS YeaPkq rnede&'f& or&~itlpces to be pkrfonned. Most records contain a great ded go~e~%~E&&atian S Zwe ~ need. Yow job is to s S through. that information to & c t ~ ~ what ~im is essential r a . dwhatcan be ignored.
8ek ,4.e~6%5&a ifkiq: ~ f i l k ?hclpcysi~~e@crc1d~t1 ia birth date) Q;I$dg$~v9p.j.~ Tsiidh a birth. c h r i s t e ~ marriage) ~. Place of .&knt Parefits' names
The English version of an Italian Registro Civile-below suggests the iahfomatisn. phrasing, and punctuation you will typically encounter in old Italian recoids.
Underline the ESSENTIAL information i n the,record below. , lgqore.eyqr-g qihe.
Order Number 23. The year one thousand eight hundred twenty seven, the 29th day of May at 10 o'clock, before us Giuseppe Gambale, assessor delegated functionary of the mayor and official of the civil state of Perano, province of Abnizho' G*a, Ba8'-appekfkd-! Sebastian Giordanoi, son of deceased Sebastian and h a , of years twenty seven,, of profession, workman, residing in Perano, whom to us has presented a fem5IeIe child accordkg to what we have visually recognized and declared Bat,wzj$TjQ~m of Teresa Odorisio of years twenty and of the declarant of yeas twenty -sevm*a profession workman, domiciled in Perano on the day twenty eight of the above noted month at 1I' o'clock hthe home ot Beii o w x i 'Cii BiWi33'S&Ebtt T B ~ " - s ~ - & ~ moreover, has declared to give the infant the name sf Maria. The mesentation and declaration aforesaid was made in the presence of Francesco dall'Aga~~.+f profession chronicler, native resicbgiiin sEeranoland of ~u@a&?bsema~<of profession goldsmith7 residing in Berano, wimesgs :to :the~prtrsera c r i - f d epresent act was read to the declarent and to the witnesses, and afterWktls it -drasJ si@ed by us and the witnesses. The declarent has assented to not $he. . (Signatures) Giuseppe Gambale Francesco dal19Agata Matteo Cosenza [When you have completed this activity, compare thz words you underlined with the key on page 221 .],
Beca~se-~:iso many civil records on printed forms are available on film,they are the most ,logic. soaxcesto study first. Generally these records include the following parts: Page, , .. and Document Numbers
Signatures The fo~owing page c&%t&s aecopyfiam :mkdian Civil Birth Register. The part completed by thd registrar appears @-the left of the vertical line. That's the part you will extract. To the right of the l i q '.i s%I?" a marginal . note containing christening information. You wXSee an Edglish transf-atibn of this record later. However, before you look at the BZnklation, s ~ ~ , ~ ~ , d . . d ; r e c o and r d r see e r if you can h d any Italian _. words that are similar to English words.
L 7 a n n o ~ e ~ n o c e n t o s e s s a n t a t il r edi ~
alle ore
di noi
A&,o crlYe
f i V
f l .
d ij *
di anni
di pmfessione
1 secondo
quale ci B presentat m a
abbiam ocularmente liconosciuto, ed.B dickimo ;he I*
k naq
di anni$
ar=7ue. JlrRtin,
il corae
d i profcszone p l ~ ~ $ p / r :
di professione
i , ,P e-0
GYtp 2 ,
dG P 9 .
si t b a r n da noi , e
n o . ,
8,: &&&,&!!&~;p&=ik
9 L-&?*ao
I%e 'left part of thd record contains the information that you will extract. Because
the handwriting style islprobably new to you, a transcription of the record from the previous page is shown below. The handwritten part is shown in italics. You will notice that some parts of Italian script are quite different from English script. Compare the italicized words in this transcription with the handwritten record on the . , previous *page.
di Febbraio
alle ore sedici avanti di Noi Stefano Carbonetta Assessore &legato funzionato Ba SintIaco ed Uffiziale dello Stato Civile di Perano ~rovincik h ~bnizzod ' a , 6 comparasd Giuseppe de Lucia figlio del fu Michelangelo di anni quarantacinque di professione' contadino domiciliata in Perano, il secondo che quale ci 2 presentato una fernminu abbiam ocularmente riconosciuto, ed i l dichiarato che lae stessa 5 nata cia Carminu t3i~rhapoa cli anni k e n ~ c i n q u e domiciliata in Peraaao , e da esso dichiarante di anni quarantacinque di professione contam din0 domiciliato - in Perano nel giorno quattordici del suddetto mese aUe ore dieciotto nella casa p r o p d sita calle del,piranello, il nome Lo stesso inoltre B dichiarato di dare alla nesnata rli Antonib La presentazione e dichiarazioge. anzidetta se b fatta alla presenza di Sebastiano di Nardo ~e~pJcolo domiciliato in Perano di profe~sione t., .2 ,,grqpe(ario, e di Matte* ~ & e l u c ~ i a proressione falegname regnicslo domicialato in Perano testimoni intervenuti al presente atto b da esso Signor Giuseppe & Luck prodotti. I l presente atto 6 stato letto a1 dichimte ed a'testimoni, ed in& si b fiPIlnato da noi , e h i tesihoni, il dichiarante ha asse ntar di non saper scrivere Sebasliano di Nardo Matteo Angelucci Stefano Casrbonetto assessore Nicobangelo Ferrante Segretario
Although you don't have to know every word in the record to extract the essential information, you may find it helpful to see a sanslation of the record and compare the vocabulary, spelling, and word order of the two languages. Order number 12 The year One Thousand Eight Hundred Sixty Three, the 15th day of February+ at lf o'clock before Stephuno Carbonetta Assessor delegated functionary of Mayor and Official of tlie Civil State of Perano Province of Abruzzo Citra, has appeared Guiseppe de Lucia son of the deceased Michelangelo of years fouriy five of profession farmer domiciled in Perano, whom to us has presented a female child acordirng to what we have visually recognized, and1 declared that the same was born of Camina Giordanoi of years thirty five domiciled in Perano and of the deckasant of years fourty j-lve. of profession farmer domiciled in Perano on the day fourn the teen of the above noted month at eighteen o'clock i home of their own on Piranello street The same, moreover, has declared to give Me newborn child the name of Antonia The presentation and declaration aforesaid was xnde i n t ! ~ epresence of Sehasiian di Nardo of profession shop owner native domiciled E ' n Perario and of Matteo Angelucd of profession carpenter native domiciled in Persano witnesses to the present act and of Giuseppe de Lucia produced. The present act was read to the aeelkent and to the wimeheg and ' afterwards it was signed by us , and the witnesses, the de61ar&i has assented lo
not knowing (how) to write Sebastiano di Nardo Matteo Angelucci Stefano Carbonetto assessor Nicolangelo Ferrante Clerk
HANDWRITING As an extractor, you will need to leam to read the handwriting styles of various scribes. The handwriting on page 7 may at first appear quite strange, but as you examine it carefully, you will find many letters that are similar to your own handwriting. Sane letters (most noticeably D, 6, P, R, and S) are formed n older Italian documents, the hifferently . . fro& ~ h ~ l i kanfitten sh letters. Also, i letter i is often represented as j. When a word had two I's together, Italian printers would use the letter j instead. For exmple, the plural of the word testimoni (witness) is testimonii, but an Italian printer would usually print it testimonj.
You will find that handwriting in Italian is just as varied as writing is i~ English. Common foms of the letters in the alphabet are shown below. (An entire section on handwriting helps appears on pages 4 through 12 in the Italian Handwriting section.)
One way to become aquainted with handwriting quickly is to transcribe some actual handwritten text. Below is'a blank form much like the completed one on page 7. Copy the Italian words from that page into the blanks below, but form the letters in your normal handwriting. Use pencil so that you will have the freedom and confidence to experiment. Copy as much as you can from the original record on page 7 without looking at a n y k g else.
avanti di noi
ed Uffiiale dello Stato civile di ~rovindia di Abruzzo Citra, B cohparaso figli de di anni di professione domiciliat quale ci presentato un second0 che 5 nat abbiam ocularmente riconosci~to~ ed B dichiarato che 1 stess da diani . dorniciliata e da di professione di anmi domiciliato nel giorno nella del suddetto mese alle ore casa L stess in]oltre B dichiarato di dare a1 il nome di La presentazione e dichiarazione anzidetta se 6 fatta alla pr~,senZh di di professione regnicolo domiciliato e di di professione regnicoio domicialato Signor testimoni intervenuti a1 presente atto B da ess prodotti: I l presente atto B stato letto a1 dichiarante ed a'testirnoni, ed indi si & firmato da noi
[When you are finished, you may compare your transcribed page with the transcription on page 8, or page 222 in the ZCey.]*'
Nwn. d'ordine 12
You can usually locate an entry in recent Italian civil registers quickly because entries and pages are usually numbered with symbols (1, 2, 3) rather than with words (one, two, three). The box to the left is the document number or, more accurately, the "number of the document order." No page number is shown on the example on page 8, but, when page numbers are included, they usually appear to the right of the dycument number as in the example to the right, above. Page numbers are written only on the front of pages, however, because the kont and back of a sheet of paper were considered to be one page. Document and page numbers are used only to help you track your position in a microfib they are not ex~acted.
Key Words
- folio
Num. nurnera . numeas d'ardine nadrnero di folw 'numeso di gagina ordine PW pagina
page abbreviation of numero abbreviation of mumero number number of order . number of page number of page order abbreviation of pagina Page-
Find the example above in the record on page 7. Most entries begin with the date. It is usually listed in one of two ways: Year Day Month (1759 1 July) or Day Month Year (1 July 1759). In civil registers, however, dates are usually written out. The example above says L'anno (The year) mille (one thousand) ottocento (eight hundred) sessanta (sixty) tre (three), it di quindici (on the day fifteen) di Pebbraio (of February). The date on which the birth was registered and the actual date of birth are the dates you will record. The baptismal date is not extracted when you are working from the Civil Register. If you cannot detemhe the day, record only the month and year; but do not record the day without the month. (You may be able to discover the identity ofjan illegible birch month or year by comparing it with the date i n the baptismal statement.)
The hour of the day at which the child was born or when the entq was completed can also be given. Italy uses the 24 hour clock. This means that on some records their ore 4 would correspond to am 4 a.m. and their ore Id would correspond to our 4 pm. When they do break their time into morning and afternoon their version of a.m. is anti. (antimeridkno) and p.m. is porn. (porneridiano). It is helpful to know the system used for recording clock times, even though you don't extract that information, because it usually appears w i t h the date infomation.
Key Words
anni years anno Yea d i . day giorno day ieri yesterday mese month naque il giorno born the day of oggi today ore how scorso last stress0 same
Italian numbers. Arabic numerals look and mean the same in Italian and. English, but they have different names in Italian. It is necessary to become well aquainted with the Italian terms because numbers are often recorded as words rather than as symbols in the records. Cardinal Numbers (dates and hours) Ordinal Numbers (order)
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th 10th 1lth 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 17th 18th 19th 20th 21th 22nd 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th 28th 29th 30th
uno due tae quattro cinque sei sette otto nove dieci undici dodici tredici quattordici quindici sedici diciasette dichtto diciannsve venti ventuno ventidue ventitre ventiquath-o venticingue venlisei ventkette ventolto ventinove trenta trentuno quarsnta cinquanta sessanta settanta ottana novanta cento
p?-i?no secondo ten0 quarto quint0 sesto siettimo ottavo nono decimo undicesirno dodicesimo tredicesims quattordicisimo quindicesimo sedicesimo diciasettesimo dicwttesimo diciannovesimo ventesimo ventunesimo ventiduesimo ventitresirno ventiquattresimo venticinquesimo ventiseiesimo ventisettesimo ventottesimo ventinovesimo trentesimo
Names of months:
Gennaw Febbraio Marzo Agra'le Maggio Giugno
Terms relating to clock time: l a una le due le tae le quattro le cinque Ee sei b sette b otto le nove le dieci l e undici b docici
one o'clock two o'clock three o'clock four o'clock five o'clock six o'clock seven o'clock A@t o'clock nine o'clock ten o'clock eleven o 'clock twelve o'clock
-le tredici le quattordici b quindiei le sedici b diciassette b diciotto b diciannove b venti le venhacno b ventqraatbo b ventitre le venliquattro
thirteen o'clock . fourteen o'clock fifteen o' clock sixteen o'clock seventeen o'clock eighteen o'clock nineteen o'clock twenty o'clock twenty-one o'clock twenty-two o'clock twenty-three o'clock twenty-four o 'clock
[A more extensive list of the names for Italian date and time phrases are provided on pages 14 through 19 in the Numbers and Times section.]
12 May .1863.
q e t i / d9eAii.f.
% a
Key Words
funzionato da Sindaco nella casa nella cita di Provincia di segretario uffmeale dello Stato Civik
functionary of the Mayor in the house (home) En the city of province of secretary official of the civil state
[A more extensive list of teams relating to oficiating agents can be fbund on page 112 and and of surnames can be found on pages 33 through 77 in the REFERENCE SECTIONS.]
LoeAurY Sometimes the exact place where the child was born is also described.
at ~ p:mdo
The printed form reminds the recorder to write the location of the child's birth. In this example the name of the street is given: nella casa propriii sita calle del piranello (in the home of their own on Piranello Street). Sometimes the house number is also given. The clue to where this street is located comes from the statement that the mother Carmina Giodano is residing in Perano: domiciliata in Perano. At the beginning of each film and at each glace on a film, where new records begin, you will find a list of the various levels ih a locality.
Geographic. Ahead of each section of records on the film you will find a i l l list such statement about where the civil record's were photographed. It w
information as this: Comuni Stato bovinci Country Polomboro Chieti Abruzzo Italy
Ecclesiastical. If the film contains a parish record, the film heading will list tke
parish: Parish Coaune Provinci Country
S. G i o v d Battista Cqenedolo Brescia [Ofien the country is not listed.] Italy
As an extractor you would write the location S. Giovanni Battista, Carpenedolo, Brescia, Italia.
La many of the records, when the officiating agent is identified, the name of the state and province is recorded. When you are exeracting you will find the location information at the beginning of each section, but it is also important to check each record to be cCrtain where the birth took place.
Key Words
comune parrochia paovisrcia
[Additional t e r m relating to locations can be found on page 104 of the Glossary of Italian Terms. A list of provinces and states can be found on pages 97 through 100 in the Italian Localities section.]
ACTIVITY 5. FINDING LOCALITY STATEMENTS The computer will automatically assign locations to each records on the basis of the statements at the beginning of a film. (See Geographic and Ecclesiastic examples on the preceding page.) The only location statements you will extract are those which differ from the infomation at the beginning of the film. This activity, n finding the locality statements in records. however, will give you practice I From pages 143 through 147 in the Sample Records section, copy the locality statements relating to the place of birth.
Find the example above iq the record on page 7. The declarant is the person who requested that the record be -made. This could be just about anyone, but normally it was the father or another close relative of the child. Sometimes it was the midwife. Don't automatically extract the declarant as the father of the chin& carefully check the rest of the record to be certain who the father is.
I n the example, 'e cornparso introduces the declarmt as Giuseppe de Lucia, son of the deceased Michelangelo. He is 15 old, a farmer and a resident of Perano. Keg Words 3e c~mparso je apparso
[More extensive lists of surnames and of the t e r m relating to declarants appear on pages 33 through 77 and page 108 in the REFERENCE SECTIONS.]
c m maL nA
Find the example above in the record on page 7. The sex and legitimacy phrase precisely identifies the sex and legitimacy of the child. In the above example, una femrnina (a female) was presented.
Identifying sex of principal. In English, gender only relates to the male or female of a species. In Italian, all nouns have gender. For example, the word occhio (eye) is masculine; the word orechhia (ear) is feminine. Gender is indicated by the last letter of the noun and, usually, the article. (Articles are words like the or a). To indicate the sex of a person in Italian you end these words with the letter a (una femmina) for females and o (un maschio) for males. Adjectives used with the noun will also have this ending: adoptiva figlia (adopted daughter) adoptivo figlio (adopted son). Likewise, an individual whose name ends with a (Angela) is usually a female. An individual whose name ends with o is usually male. You must rely heavily upon word endings to determine the sex of a child or parent. Legitimacy statement. Often a statement of legitimacy accompanies identification of the child's sex (example: sua kgitima figlia (her ligitimate daughter), but in the example above no statement of legitimacy appears in the sex phrase.
TecltsBically, children are not illegitimate-parents are. Therefore, legitimacy is not extracted. It is important to recognize the statement, however, because there are times when the statement of. legitimacy is the only statement you can read that indicates the child's sex.
Key Words
b~rnbina bambino figlia figlio il giorno dopo ilkegiffimo (a) legi#irno (a) naiurale di spurio (a) una femmina una infanta un infante un maschw
baby girl baby boy daughter son illigitimate illegitimate legitimate illigitimate of spurious, not legitimate a female a female infant a male infant a male
[Additional information regarding gender of Italian words can be found on pages 24 t h r o ~ g h 32 in the Glossary of Italian Terms section.]
Turn to pages 143 through 147 in the Sample Records section. h the spaces below, write the sex of the child and copy phrases that you find helpful for determining the child's sex.
The parental phrase names the child's mother and father. It can also include such information as family names, surnames, ages of parents, professions, and places of residence. 'Ibis phrase might also identify the declarant. The example above refers to esso dichiarante (this declarant) as the father of the child and gives his age, profession, and residence. The key words e nata da (was born of) clarifies who gave birth to the child. The name of the mother is then given as Cannina Giordano. Her age and residence follow. You must pay .close attention to legitimacy statements because, when the parents were illegitimate parents, fie recorder may have omitted the names of both or one of them. In some instances, it may not be clear whether the entry contains the names of the legal or the natural parents.
Key Words
e naio da madm e nQfs H a padre ignsto il rnoglie il suddetto il suo compagna il summenzionato madre padre padre anonimo padre sconosciuto sema nome
was born of mother was born of father unknown his wife the above said, aforesaid his companion the below mentioned mother father father anonymous father udaown without name
[Additional information regarding parental phrases can be found on pages 109-111 in the Glossary of Italian Terms.]
Turn to pages 143 through 147 of the Sample Records section. In the spaces below, copy the names of the child's parents.
nel giomo
c, '
del suddetto mese alle err
2 '
f -
Find the example above in the record on page 7. The civil register does not officially establish the child's birthdate. Therefore, the birthdate is not'used for processing. You should extract it, however, because it provides additional infomation for genealogical research.
The example above gives the child's birthdate as the 14th (quattordici) of the above given month (del slsiletto mese)-which, you remember, was February-at 18 o'clock (a& ore dicwtto).
Key Words
a mdazanotte di un parto 'e nato el di il suo gwrno naque il natale natalizw nato e meazodi nato a notte (a sera) nato oggi
at midnight of one birth was born the day his day born the nativity birthday born at noon born at night (at night) born today
[Additional information regarding dates can be found on page 14; through 19 in the Glossary of Italian Terms.]
Turn to pages 143 through 147 of the Sample Records section. In the spaces below write the child's birthdate and copy phrases that helped you determine the date. Write the birth date as day, month, year: 17 Mar 1884.
il nome
f l R + d e ,
Find the example above in the record on page 7. The child is the "principal." Extract the child's name whenever it is given. In the example, the child's name is introduced by the phrase di dare a h neonata il nome di (to give to the neonate the name of). If the child had more than one given name, the phrase would end i nomi di (the names of). The chief clue for identifying the child's name is a combination of the verb dare (to give) and the noun nome (name).
Key Words
chiamare cognome di recordare il nome di battesimo indicare . nome proprio nomignolo nominare sopranome
,to call name of to record the name of baptism to indicate name proper given name to name nick name
[AaUtional informtion regarding surnames can be found on page 33 through 77 in the Glossary of Italian Terns.]
regnicolo domiciliato , i
regnicolo domicialaro
2,, ,
; , 2-0
Italian records reflect an ancient custom of having two witnesses venfy an ordinance. Your main purpose for identifying the witnesses is to eliminate any confusion between them md the parents.
i l l follow is La The phrase that alerts you that the names of witnesses w presentazwne e dicfaiarazl*oneanzidetta si t? f c r t t a d l a presenza di (the presentation and declaration aforesaid was made in the presence of). The two witnesses i n the exmp1e above are Sebastinao di Nardo and Matteo Amgelucci.
Key Words
alla gresenza Hi comare compare eomparino de' mardn'na pdrino testimsne"
in the presence of godaslother/ddwife godfather godchild of godmother godfather witnesses .
Find the example above in the record on page 4. The law required that the entry be signed by the officiating-agent, the witnesses, and the father of the child. Signatures can be used to clarify the spelling of parent's names. Many times (as in this example: dichiarante ha assenta di non super scrivere) the father did not know how to write. The officiating agent noted the fact and signed for him.,
In some records there is a place for the grandparents' names to be written. In others the recorder wrote this information even though the printed form didn't ask for it. In the example above we are told that h cornparso (the declarant) Giuseppe de Lucia is figlio del fu (the son of the deceased) Michelangelo.
In some cases t& name of another relative, such as an uncle (21o) or aunt (zia), may be named. These names are not used for processing, but you will indicate that additional relatives are named, because they provide additional information for genealogical research.
[A mare complete reference to family relationships can be found on pages 109 and 111 i n the Glossary of Italian Terms.]
The baptismal notation is the column to the right of the vertical line on the record shown on page 7. The notation supplies additional information which can sometimes help you decipher the information in the main part of the form. For example, the date and month of the baptism may help you decipher the date of the entry; spelling of names and places can also be compared. The baptismal date can be used for the event date when no registration date is found in the record.
Il parroc0 m
1 1 parroco di Perano
The priest of Perano has returned on the hvenq eighth of February cubhent year the notarion thar he had submitted on the
flfieenoth of February
anno suddento in pit5 del quale 5 indicato che il Sacramento del battesimo e stato amministrato
above year at. the foot of which he had indicated that the S m e n t of baptism had been administered
mo B stato amminismto
0 h9rn 9-b
to Antonio de
dea qude si & accusato
la ricenooe. L'Ujiziale dello
& & n o
nel giorno guindici Febbraio del quale si d accusato la ricezione. L'ufiiale dello s m civile [Signatures]
If you compare the baptismal note above with the complete record on page 7, you n the main section the child's name was recorded as Antonia, will discover that i but i n the baptismal note it was recorded as Plntsnia de Lacia. You extract information from the notation i f the child's surname is different from the father's or additional given names c l a w the child's sex.
Key Words
battesimale battesimo crisma t? administrate l'acua battesimale k amministrato k battezato il sagramento di battesimo olio consacrato
baptismal baptism christening have administered the baptismal water have administered have baptised the sacrament of baptism consecrated oil
w h e n you have completed activity 12, compare your answers with the key on page 226.1
L anno milleottocentosessanta~e,il d
alle ore avanti di Noi
ed Uffiziale dello Stato civile di hovincia di Absuzzo Citra, 5 cornparaso (Beclarant--at times a parent) figli d (Parent of declarant-at times a grandparent) di professione di aMi (Declarant9sage) domiciliat quale ci a presentato m SEX OF CHILD secondo che stess - e nat abbiam ocularmente: riconosciuto, ed i dichiarato che 1 da MOTHER di aasj, (Her age) domiciliata (Residence of mother) e da FATHER di anni (His age) di professione nel giomo CHILD'S domiciliato (Residence of father) nella BIRTHDATE del suddetto mese alle ore casa CHILD'S BIRTHPLACE %, stess i~oltre k dichiarato di dare d CHILD'% SEX i% nome di CHILD'S NAME ] ; a presentazione e dichiarazione anzidetta se b fatta alla presenza di di professione regnicolo domiciliato e di di professiome repic010 domicialato Signor testimoni intervenuti ib% presente atto e da ess prodotti. I1 presente atto b stato letto al dichiarante ed a9tesdmoni, ed indi si 6 firmato da noi
When you begin extracting records for temple ordinances, you w i l l copy the information onto cards much like these examples below. The top card is used for extracting birrh and christening records and the bottom card is used for extracting marriage records.
Records Extraction
2 RinapaPs mire
1 Entry Number
3 Sex
4 Birth date
5 Event date
8 Death age
9 Birthpiam
11 FatheA name 12 Patarnal grandfather's name 13 Paternal grandmotheh name 14 Motheh name 15 M a t e d g r d a t h e h name
18 bat of secruena,
19 D
20 Add. rel.
21 Eval
Example on page xx
Records Extraction
2 Prindpah ram
4 Birth date
1 Entry Number
3 Sex
5 Event date
8 Death age
11 Father's name
14 Mother's name
XI Add. mi.
21 Eval
Records Extraction
2 Pinapah n a m
4 Birth date 9 Elirthplace
1 Entry Number
3 Sex
5 Even! da!e
iSEMap I ~ ~ ~ ~ 10
8 Death age
20 Add. d
2? Eva1
Records Extraction
2 Pnnapal's name
4 Ikrth date 9 Birthplace 11 Father's name
5 Event date
4 E&y Number
3 Sex
6 Event age
7 bath dare
8 Death age
14 Motheh name
15 M a t e d grandfather's name
19 D
20 Add. mL
21 Evd
w h e n you have completed part I , compare your answers with the Key on page 227.1
Part 2. For parts 2 and 3, use the actual cards being us'ed in your stake extraction program. These should be provided by the stake trainer or stake extraction specialist.
From pages 145 through 147 in the Sample Records section extract the appropriate information onto extraction cards used in your stake.
[Compare your extracted cards with the Key on page 228.1 Part 3. This activity gives you. ten new records to extract. Some of them. have different formats from what you have seen before. Extract as many records from pages 148 through 157 as you find helpful. Use the extraction cards provided by your stake. [Compare your extracted cards with the Key on page 228.1
Frequently you will come across birth records which were not written on the preprinted form. Handwritten records contain the same information, but it is necessary for you to descipher all the words in order to know what to extract. This example below represents a handwritten civil birth record.
From the sample civil birth register on the previous page, copy the information called for below. Date of event: Birthdate:
Name of child:
Place of birth: Father: Mother: Any other relatives mentioned?
[I yes [I no
w h e n you have finished Activity 14, compare your answers with the Key on page 227.1
From pages 158 through 162 af the Sample Records section, exteact the information called for in the spaces below.
'Write dates in the following order: day month year (example: 12 Oct 1892). If you need to review date information, refer to pages 14 through 16in this chapter.
.Print " M for male and "F" for "female." Information about determining sex of infants was presented on page 21 in this chapter.
A glossary of common surnames can be found in the Italian Surnames section on yellow pages 33 through 78.
161 162
A glossary of common surnames can be found in the Italian Surnames section on yellow pages 33 through 78.
161 162
A glossary of common surnames can be found in the Italian Surnames section on yellow pages 33 through 78.
. -
there additional relatives (aunts, uncles, cousins, etc.) mentioned in this record? Information on finding additional relatives can be found on pages 9 through 11 in the Family Relationships section. I
A k
[When you have finished Activity 14, compare your answers with the Key on page 231 .]
[When you have finished Activity 16, compare your answers with the Key on page 233.1
Chapter Three
Names of parents
Below is a copy of a Parish Christening Record from the town of Carpenedolo, Italy. Watch for the same key words in handwritten records that you looked for i n the preprinted records.
w h e n you have transcribed all you can, refer to the transcribed copy in the Key on page 234.1
Most parish entries begin with dates. Although this example gives the year, day, and month, some records kclude o d y the day or the /day and month. When part of the date is misshg, you must look at the top of the page or t u n back to the page where the lase complete date is found.
The child's name is usually found near the beginazing of the entry. When the name is introduced later, it might also follow a f o m of the word baltezzare (to baptize).
Key Words
battezzato a battezzato da me il nome di battesimo lZaquabattesimale a
baptized baptized by me (then introduces the officiating agent) the name of baptism (the name given at the time of baptism) baptism of water to
Generally a word such as figlia (daughter) serves as a connector between the name of the child and the names of the parents.
Key Words
figlia flgfio nata nuto
daughter son born (feminine reference) born (masculine reference)
The names of the parents usually follow the name of the child and are $often introduced by a phrase like the one in this example: jigh dei Legitimi Conjiugi (daughter of the legitimately married couple).
Key Words
con legitimi coniugi
and (frequently used between names of parents) with (occasionally used between names of parents) legitimately married couple. This phrase will often be abbreviated. Sample abbreviations: Ib c. keg. csni. legidi" coniugi legiff. esniugi
[See page 23 for additional terms referring to parents a d 21 regarding legitimacy statements.]
In some parish entries the n m e or other designation of the officiating priest is given. It is important that you identify the priest so that you don't confuse him with the child's father. The phrase in this example is bu baite-a da me Cmsa Curato (was baptized by me the house priest). Frequently the priest will state his name rather than. Casa Curato at that point. Other phrases used to introduce parish priests are listed below.
Key Words
Because of the prominent role of parents in a child's christening, their names were usually mentioned in the record. In this example, only a godmother is named: La madrina fu Bontadi Dominica di Francesco rnaritata Rode& di questa Parrochial (The Godmother was Bontadi Domenica of Francesco married Rodella of this parish.) The names of godparents are not extracted. You learn to recognize them i n order to avoid recording their names as parents of the child.
Key Words
noadrim padrino padrini
godmother godfather godparents
I1 di I . Gennajo Madalena Maria Cassa Jiglia dei Leg. Coni. Giuseppe fu Tommaso e Rose Visani, naque il giorno 30 dello scroso Dicembre alle ore 11. porn. in Via Borgo di sotto N. presentata oggi allu chiesa fu battezzata da me Cassa Curato. La madrina fu Bontadi Domenica di Francesco maritata Rodella di questa Parrochia
m e stamp p ~ t e d at the top of the record says: "Matrirnoniurn contraxif in Par~cia Carpinetuli. Anno 23-11-12."I
r h e stamp printed at the top of the record explains, in Latin, that on the 23rd of November 1912, this same Madelena Maria Cassa entered into a "marriage contract in the town Caspinetuli." The name of the Parish was Giovanni Battista (John the Baptist) and the name of the town is Carpenedolo. The person using the stamp substituted a personal spelling of the town in the space where the parish name would ordinarily be written. This doesn't affect the information being extracted, but it does serve to remind extractors to be alert for inconsistencies in these records.] [Notice that there is no number in the space following the letter N (which is an abbreGiation of numero); for some reason the house number (address) was never recorded.]
w h e n you have completed this activity, compare the words .you underlined with the Key on page 234.1
ACTIVITY 18. EXTRACTING FROM HAND WRITTEN P m S H CHRISTENING RECORDS Take the Sample Records section out of the notebook. On pages 163 and 164 you will find handwritten copies of an Italian Parish Christening Record. Extract as much i l l soon of the following information as you can find from those records. (You w discover that many of the records will not have all of the information mentioned in this chapter.)
Write dates in the order day month year (example: 12 Oct 1892).
In tasks b through g, extract the information called for as you did in task a. In most of the spaces you are asked to write out names, places, or dates, but in task b you can abbreviate, using "M" or "F" for "male" or "female."
5 6
[When you have finished Activity 18, compare your answers with the Key on page 235.1
Part 1 .
Take the Sample Records section from the notebook. From page 163 extract appropriate information from entries 2 and 3 of the handwritten parish christening records onto the "cards" below.
- -
Records Extraction
2 Prinapafs name
4 Birth date
4 Entry Number
3 Sex
5 Event date
8 Death age
9 Birthplace 11 Father's name 12 Paternal granafdher's name 13 Paternal grandmother's name 14 Mother's name 15 Maternal gradather's name
16 Maternal grandmother's name
17 Miscailaneous
19 D
21 Evd
Bidhichristening .
1 Entry Number
3 Sex
5 Event date
6 Evem age
7 Death dare
8 Death age
9 Birthplaca
11 Father's name
12 Paternal grandfather's name
13 Paternal grandmother's name 14 Mothsr's name 15 Maternal grandfather's name 16 Maternal grandmother's name
17 Miscellaneous
19 D
20 Add ml.
21 Evd
w h e n you have completed part I , compare your answers with the Key on page 237.1
Part 2.
From the records on pages 163 and 164 in the Sample Records section, extract enfxies number 4 through 6 onto extraction cards used in your stake.
[When you have completed part 2 of this activity, compare your cards with the Key on page 238.1
Part 3.
This activity gives you ten new records to extract. They are very much like the ones you have already extracted, but the handwriting and organization of the Werent priests may vary slightly. From the records on pages 164 and 165 in the Sample Records section, extract as many of the entries (numbers 7 'through 16) as you find helpful onto extraction cards used in your stake.
[When you have completed part 3 of this activity, compare your cards with the Key on page 238.1
Place of marriage Information about groom Name Birth place Birthdate Age Previous marriages Name of groom's father Name of groom's mother h.fomation about bride Name Birth place Birthdate Age Previous marriages Name of bride's father Name of bride's mother Other relatives
A sample civil marriage record appears on the following two pages. As you can see, civil marriage records contain considerably more information than do birth and christening records. Much of this information can be extracted, but you will find it necessary to sift through even more nonessential information in order to find what you need to extract. For example, you may find information about the engagement, the ceremony, postponements or cancellations, names of witnesses and unrelated participants, or even a description of the bride's dowery. Most of the time, all the information that should be extracted will appear on the first page of the marriage record.
i\iern. B ordine
dei me-
n e b cxa se di M a J 8 &comunate avant1 di noi ed uilzide dello stat0 civile del c o m e di provincia di Xbruzzo citeriore , e cornparsox &Lea, ai Cnnnure P~cca di profmione m * i c mni va& domiciliato figlio
p C Z r p B m -
& &
QuaIi ci hanno richiesm di procedere aUa ceiebrazione dei matrimonio trattato fra essi di mi l e pubblicazion; seguite avanti h porta della nostra casa comunaIe, =&
~ Q W L ~ N ,
a 0
~ d=
20J o d
seconando le lorn domande, dopo $aver letto tutti i documenti, ed il capitol0 sesto del codice civile sotto i l titolo del matrimonio, abbriamo domandato a' funxi spsi, se vogliono prendersi per &to e rnogIi; ciascuno di essi avendo risposto separatamente, ed affermativamente. noi dichiariamo e nome d e a legge, che 9~ sono miti in mauimonio,
p 3 & p cYBA l -
J Y & &
xw ,
Di tuttocib ne abbiamo formato il presente ano in presenza c anni ai '& ,ai pmfessione domiciliato -r;%
A $ &
di professione J ~ j i f ~ b p e
e di CG professione
~domiciliato y -& ~
- d' anni f l
suddetto atto b stato letto canto a' testimoni, che a' contraenti; s'k indi firmato ria noi
Num. 8 ordine 5
Pag. 5
L ' m o milleottecento dodici a di quattro del .mead ore docici nella case se di Maggio commde avmti di noi Adama Giangiulio Sinduco ed ufizide dello' stato civile del comune di Polomano provhcia di Abruzzo citeriore 5 compam9so.Natab di Carmine di Rocco di professione Contadiazo d9 armni venti domiciliato figlio Maggiore del fu Carmine di Vocco, e di Maria Giam= beaadino di anni Sessanta, contadina abitante in que= sta Comune, paesente all'atto, e dando U suo consenso e cornparaso egualmente Giuditta Casciato dl anni die(2) cinova, contadina nativa di Pisfemato, abitante in questa Comune, figlia Be1 fii Giacomo Andrea Casciato, e di Donata Maria Casciato di detta Comune di Pizzoferrato, dando il suo cansenso come risulta dalla procura fattu nel Comune di Pizzofemto a ventisei dek caduto mese di Aprib9 ed anno current, avanii del Sindaeo Sige. Nieola Pmquarelli, e del Parroco Sige. Miceehngelo MelocPtia di detta Come di Pkoferaato, ed in man eanza di Notato, si B fonnato dal Sindaco, e Parroco di detta Come, oltre .della psovisa da il consenso Agato Casciato Sute zia, presentu allyalto, e da E i Suo Consenso
The year one thousand eight hundred twelve on day four of the month at the hour twelve in the town of May hall before us AdQmo Giangiulio Mayor and official of the civil state of the town of Palomano provice of Abmzzo on the other side appeared Natale di Carmine m' Rocco of years twenty of profession farmer residing in this above said town son
Elder of the deceased Carmine dr' Rocco and of Ma& Giarnbernudino of years sixty, farmer residing in this town present at the act, and giving her consent (2) and appeared likewise Giudiffn Casciato of years nineteen, farmer native of Pizzofemto, resident of this town, daughter of the deceased Giacomo Andrea Casciato, and of Donata Maria Casciato of said town of Piuoferrato, giving her consent as a result of the proxy made in the town of Pizzoferrato on the twentysixth of the past month of April, and current year, before the Mayor Mr. Nichola Pasquarelti, and by the parish priest Mr. Miccelangeto Melocchi of said town of Pizzo ferrato, and in absence of a notary, it was made by the Mayor, and the parish priest of said town, another of the proviso to give consent Agato Casciato her aunt, present at the act, and giving her consent
Extract the information from the translation above onto the following marriage record extraction "card" - Records Extraction zz Mamage dam
24 Grmm's name
25 Mamage place
1 Entry Number
26 Grwrn's krthpb
30 Gmamt fathers name 31 Grmrn's motheh name
28 Age
32 Bnde's name
35 Bnde's b~rrhdate
35 Age
39 Bnde's m o h h name
17 M~scallaneous I 18 Out of sequence
P h e n you have completed this task, compare your card with the Key on page 239.1
Il suddetto atto b stato letto tanto a' testimoni, che a' contraenti; s9& i n & firmato dai noi
aSe$mo H i Croce di W a l e di Rocca Sposat Segno di Crose di Giuditta Casciato Sposa Fbrindo Pizzi Testimorzio presente l o Gabriek di Felici Testimonio presente l o Armidoro di Felici Testimonio presente Is Antonio di Be110 sono testimonio Adamo Giangiulw Sinhco = Giovanni Spinelli Cancelliere
[In the example above, the a' is an abbreviation fir ai, meaning to the or to thew.]
TRANSLATION OF THE SECOND PAGE Whom they had requested to proceed with the celebration of marriage contracted between them, of whom the following publications before the door of the town hall, that was the first on day twelve, day of Sunday of the month of April, at hour twelve c u m n t year, and the second at nineteen day of Sunday at hour .twelve of the same month of the above said year= Not being opposition whatever to said marriage seconding their request, after having read all the documents, and the chapter seven of the civil code about the title of marriage, we hve required the future couple if they desire to take each other as husband and wife; each one of them having replied separately, and affirmatively, we declare . in the name of the law, that Natale di Rocco, e are united in marriage. Giuditta Casciato ---From all of the above we have made the present act i n the presence of years thirty eight of Florintino Pizzi----of profession Tailor residing in this town of years thirty three of Gabriele di Felice' of profession FQbricator residing in said town of Annindoro di Feliceof years twenty one of profession Tailor residing in said town of years sixty five of Antonio di Bello of profession Shoemaker residing in this above said town The above said act was read as much to the witnesses, as it was to the contractuals; and was afterwards signed by us
+Sign of the Cross of Natale di Rocca Husband +Sign of the Cross of Giuditta Casciato Wife I Florindo Pizzi Witness present 1 Gabriele di Felici Witness present I Annidoro di Felici Witness present I Antonio di Bello am witness Adamo Giangiulio Mayoro = Giovanni Spinelli Chancellor
[Although you will not uslkally use page two for extracting, is is helpful for comparing the spelling names of the husband and wife-and sometimes witnesses who are family members--with the spelling on the first page. Other information, such as verification of the completed marriage, can also be useful.]
ORGANIZATION OF CIVIL MARRIAGE RECORDS Because civil marriage records are preprinted, much of the information you will be seeking will be in the same part of each record. Still, a large part of the record is Wtten by hand. Because most of the data you are seeking appears in approximately the same place each t h e , you will soon be able to extract these records with confidence.
Remove the .civil marriage record porn pages 56 and 57 and compare it with the parts being discussed on the following pages.
Pages and documents are numbered in civil registers, but these numbers are not extracted. You will find them useful, however, to help you keep track of which pages have been &acted or skipped. Both sides of pages are considered to be one page. For that. reason, pages are numbered on o d y one side and a two-sided document is considered to be a single page. Because the example above is the "front side" of the page; it is the only place w h e the page a m b e r and document number of the marriage record w i l l appear. Because birth registrations, marriages, and deaths will be included in the same record book far each yea, page numbers for particular types- of records on the film may not be in sequence. As m extractor, therefore, you can't count on page nwnbers entirely to help you locate the position of pages in a filrrm.
Key Words
firn. di'ordins (nurnero di'ordine) number of order Pug. (pagin4 Page
se di
del me-
+ & a d B
Most entries begin with the date of the event. I f you c m o t deterine the day, record only the month and year; but do not record the day without the month. (You may be able to t h fkom a previous entry. determine the &
ad ore
%& &.
You will not extract "clock times," but you need to be able to distinguish them from dates so that there is no confusion.
Key Words
More information concerning the use of Italian numbers and terms for dates and time are presented on pages 14 through 16 in chapter 2 and on pages 14 through 19 in the Numbers and Times section.
cornuhale aviinti di noi ed ufiziale
&kin@ 9~~ L
neaa casa
For a marriage to be recognized by the civil state or pqsh, it ,must be performed by a person authorized to do so. In this example the officiating agent /s Adamo Giangiulio who is the Sindaco (mayor) and, therefore, ufiziab dello stcrto civile (official of the civil state). This officiator's name is not extracted, but you need to be able to iden* him so that you don't confuse him with the groom.
The comune W (tom of) Palomano is located in the procinch di (province of) Abnezzo.
e comparso-/rkf&
di Car-
The name of the groom follows the introductory statement t? . cornparso (appeared). Sometimes the name of the bride or groom will contain the name of the father. Natak di Carmine di Rocco literally means "Natale the son of Carmine of Rocco." You would extract it as Natalejdi Rocco.
The groom's age usually follows directly after his name and is introduced by d'mnni (of years or-as we state it in English-"age").
Following the printed word BgUo (son) will be the name of the father. This is often prefaced by such terms as rnaggiore del (eldesi of) or minore del (youngest of); sometimes the tern fii (the deceased) is also added. You would extract father's name thus: Caanine/di Rocco. You will not extract his age, even though it may be given. There may also appear a statement concerning a deceased wife. Watch for phrases such (widower) or di-rn~rte (the death) to help you recognize when a reference is as v e d o v ~ to a deceased wife rather than a parent.
The name of the groom's mother will usually follow rather closely after the name of the groom's father. It will typically be introduced by e di (and of). You will not extract her age, even though it may be given.
Quite often, just before the name of the bride, you will see a (2), meaning "the second part." The name may also be introduced by a phrase like B cornparso egualmente (and appeared likewise). Sometimes a large E or t? will be used instead of the traditional 2 to begin the phrase. Occasionally you will encounter phrases like d'alfra parte (the other part or from the other side) or de seconda parte (the second part) or simply con (with).
After the bride's name, the phrase di anni will usually de used to introdLce the bride's age. This may be accompanied by a term like concaio (potter) to describe her professione. Because the exact sequence of each statement was not stipulated, officials sometimes scrambled dates i n ways that may not seem logical to you, such as in this example: the name of the bride's father was inserted ahead of the statement about the bride's age.
Typically the name of the bride's father will follow a statement of the bride's age. There are occasions, however, when the mother's name will be listed first. After a 'word like figlia (daughter) you might have a term like rnadre (mother) or padre (father) accompanying the name of the parent. There may also appear a statement concerning a deceased husband. Watch for phrases such as vedova (widow) or di mode (the death) to help you recognize when a statement refers to a deceased husband rather than to a parent.
After the name, profession, and age of the bride's father, watch for the small phrase e di (and of) to introduce the name of the mother.
Take the Sample Records section out of the notebook. On pages 166 through 175 you will find copies of marriage records from an Italian civil register. Extract as much of the following information as you can find from the fist five records.
Write dates in the order day month year (example: 12 Oct 1892).
166 168
170 172
142 Father:
168 170
[When you have completed activity 23, compare your answers with the Key on page 233.1
Please extract all that you can without looking at the key. Then compare your answers with the Key Icon page 235 and go on to part 2.
Records Extraction
22 Mamap date
23 Mamap phm
1 Entry Number
24 G ! o o m ' s
26 Groom's tnrthplace
18 Age
35 Bnw's ~ r t h data
36 Age
37 Prev.rnd
&a d yxpern
19 D
20 Add. rel.
21 Eval
Example on page xx
P a r t 2. From the records on pages 170 through 175 in the Sample Records section, extract
the next three entries onto the cards used in your stake.
[When you have completed part 2 of this activity, compare your cards with Key on page 236.1
Park 3. This part of the activity gives you new records to extract. From the records on
pages 176 through 195 in the Sample Records section, extract entries onto extraction cards used in your stake. Please do this without looking at the key. W h A a you feel that you have had enough practice, check your work against the Key and turn to page 70 i n the manual.
Civil registers rarely contain marginal notations, but when they do you should be particularly watchful for words which may indicate that the marriage never took place. A marginal note may annul, cancel, invalidate, or postpone the marriage.
Establishing the correct date. Although the opening phrase includes the date of marriage in most civil records, this is not always the case with parish records. Whenever the dates of both the civil ceremony and the ecclesiastical ceremony are listed, extract the civil marriage date.
Postponed or impeded marriages. Recording marriage information became more complicated when a couple came to be married but had the marrige postponed due to sickness, military commitment, change of heart, or even because the bride and groom were first cousins. In such cases the actual marriage date may be found in the handwritten documentation added to the register at the end of the year. Some civil registers at the end of the year included a special section called Matrimont' Diversi to explain unusual marriage situations. Suck impeded marriage explanations continue over several pages. In such instances you may have to work b o u g h the entire entry to arrive at the actual marriage or the phrase that specifically prohibits the marriage. Marriage announcement. Italian law r e q h e d a publication of intentions prior to a civil marriage ceremony. The date of this announcement was usually recorded on the second page of the record. In the second line of the example on page 57 you will find the term publicazioni. 7 3 s key word informs you that the following dates are for the "publications" and not for the actual marriage. The next few lines stipulate that the i l l be the 12th of April, a Sunday at noon of the current year, and publication dates w the 1913, also a Sunday. These publications informed the populace of the impending marriage and allowed individuals time to notify authorities when there were reasons to nullify or prohibit the marriage.
SECTION A: Italian Handwriting SECTION B: Numbers and Times SECTION C: Italian Names PART I:
PART TI: General Glossary of Terms SECTION G: Sample Records SECTION H: Key
Section A
Table of Contents
ITALIAN LETTERS ELEMENTS OF HANDWRITING STYLE Minims Linking strokes Capitalization Ending letters Alternating vowel and consonant sounds Diacritical marks Sample given names ABBREVIATIONS Raised letters Contractions Period Flourish Mark above letter Elisions (') Months s f the ear The character Double letters
Whenever you are faced with difficult handwriting styles, it is a good idea to copy new examples of letters beside the examples above.
You may wish to add blank pages to your notebook so that you can copy entire words for further reference. These will be helpful for later comparisons when you find similar words that you can't read. The following is an example of this technique. Compare the A and a in Angela with the letters in the second name.
Perhaps you can make out the letters ngle in the second name, but can't make out the rest of the word. By comparing the two you will discover that the second name is Archangelo. The letters J, K, W, X, and Y appear in the Italian alphabet, but are used mainly in foreign words adopted into the Italian vocabulary. Examples: jazz, kilogramme, waterpolo, xilofono, yacht. The letter j, as used in older texts, had an "in sound and was often used in place of a double i. ELEMENTS OF HANDWRITING STYLE
Minims. The up and down strokes of letters cre called "minims." The letters e, i, m, n, u, v, and w are composed mostly of minims. When a word has two or more of these letters in a row, the letters can be hard to identify, as is the case in this word:
You can decipher many words from the context or format of the record, but you may have to count the strokes in personal names and compare the letters with other words written by the same person. You might also have to compare the name with other names within the same or other records before you can determine the correct spelling.
Linking strokes. The small U-shaped strokes which connect minims in letters and connect the letters within the word are called "linking strokes." Many Italian scribes, however did not link their letters as we do today with the bottom U-shaped . This stroke at the foot of the letters. Instead they used an overhead stroke: stroke is frequently encountered in the older records. A scribe may have linked Ls at the top or crossed Ds or Ts and continued into the next letter from the crossbar as shown in the examples below.
Capitalization. Standardized capitalization was not applied until the 1900s. Even today many differences remain. For example, the names of the month are not usually capitalized as they are in English. In the older records, capitalization could be used anywhere in a sentence or word, as in the name Migelangelo, below.
Don't depend on capitalization as a clue in establishing the first word in a sentence or a proper name.
Ending letters. Vowels at the end of words can be very helpful to the extractor. An i , for example, is used to indicate that a noun is plural. A noun ending with a is feminine; one ending with o is masculine. (You will find more information about determing the gender of individuals in the reference section, "Name identification and Gender" beginning on page xx.) Alternating vowel and consonant sounds. The musical quality of Italian is caused
by a regular vowel-consonant interchange. You will sometimes be able to predict what a letter will be because vowel sounds and consonant sounds are normally alternated--as in the name Domeizico. Even when there are double consonants as in R o s a , blends as in A a e l o , and diphthongs as in rtlnrig, you will still find it helpful to observe the regular way consonant and vowel sounds are alternated in Italian.
Diacritical marks. In Italiah the only diacritical mark used is the "grave accent" (') which is placed over vowels to indicate stress in the pronunciation, as with the word Cnritc'l (charity). Diacritical marks from the very early records will clearly reflect a Latin influence. (To review Latin diacritical marks, please refer to the Latin Extraction Manual.)
Sample given names. Here are some of the more common given names and their transcriptions.
0 Carolina
e -
eugenio Saverio
d ~ ( n;7 O
Nunzia Domenico
Angioh Raffaele
m~Yd Carmela
o Innocenzio
Gesuele Nicola
'& J &
ABBREVIATIONS In the 1800s, parish and civil reBsters were written with quill pens which were very difficult to use, even on the preprinted pages of civil registers. Also, because, paper was expensive, scribes charged for each sheet used in completing a document. Abbreviations, therefore, were quite common. Although it-was not until the 1900s that abbreviations were standardized, you will soon learn to anticipate the words that are abbreviated as you become familiar with the forms.
Raised letters. One common form of abbreviation was to indicate that letters w i t h a word or name were omitted by placing one or more raised letters at the end of a word, sometimes with a period beneath or slightly to the right of the raised letters.
= Giuseppi
= Curato
You need to be aware, however, that you will occasionally come across raised letters when no abbreviation is intended.
Contractions. The most common method of abbreviating words was to omit letters from a word that was frequently used or easily reco,~zed.
qta .
= questa
= Numero
Flourish. A contraction may also be indicated by a flourish or an unusual short upward stroke at the end of the abbreviation or in the area of omitted letters.
= Giovanni
Mark above letter. A short stoke was sometimes placed above an m or ii to indicate that a second m or n had been omitted.
One of the oldest and most frequently used marks indicating contractions was a crescent with a dot above the word: rn .
Elisions. An Elision is the use of an apostrophe (') between two words when the first ends and the second begins with a vowel. The most frequent omissions are the litter i from di and the letter a from. la before words beginning with a vowel. Examples:
di Amore becomes d'Amore di A lbergo becomes d'Albergo dalla Oca becomes clnll'Qca le Alpi becomes Z'Alpi la Agricola becomes I'Agricola
Some scribes failed to include the apostrophe and wrote the contractions as a single word.
klonths of the year. The last four months of the year are fequently abbreviated using the numbers 7 (sette), 8 (otto), 9 (izove), and 10 (dieci). This was a carry over from the Julian calendar. Because the sound of the numbers corresponded with the names of the months, scribes often abbreviated the months by using the numbers:
7bre Sbre 9bre IObre
4 for0
= Christoforo
/Y tina
= Christina
Double letters. Double letters were sometimes employed for godparents or grandparents.
PP = padriizos godparents AP = avi paterni paternal grandparents AM = avi innternimaternal grandparents
In the earlier records you may encounter unusual letters and symbols in the text. Many of the officiating agents and scribes had originally been trained in Latin and used a form of symbols called brevigraphs in their writing. This was a unique shorthand system which allowed scribes to speed up the writing process. For example, a horizontal bar through an otherwise uncrossed letter meant that it was an abbreviation: 23.
There were other symbols that, when combined with the first letter of a word, became its abbreviation. The following are Latin words which frequently appear in Italian records.
ag 9 cl'rem
?? &
5q $i
- et
6 C O I Z , czlnr, czrrz
La Domerzicn
L unae
1Martis Mercurii
Jovi Verleris
Symbols were also used to describe the conditions and events of an individual's life:
Married Man
+ + /h Death
0 1 0Divorced
The brevigraphs shown above are the symbols you will encounter most frequently in Italian records. Additional symbols which were occasionally used are presented in the Latin Extraction Manual.
Variations in spelling. Because some letters have similar sounds they were
frequently interchanged:
GLI c--> LL
TH <--> T
PH <--> F
<--> S <--> G
<--> fillio Catherina <--> Caterina Phelipe <--> Felipe Roza <--> Rosa <-->
If you cannot recopize a word, try sounding it out or exchanging similar-sounding letters to identify the word.
Double consonants. Sometimes one of the double letters in a word was omitted.
Since words with double consonants have a slightly different meaning from words with single consonants, the meaning can only be established through contextual clues when one of these letters are omitted.
Italian numbers are usually recorded with the same Arabic numerals you are accustomed to in English, but the names they call those numbers are different. In addition, there are occasions when records will include Roman numerals. The purpose of this reference section is to provide you with the basics of Italian number and time statements.
Cardinal numbers are used for simple counting and statements of "how many."
uno due tre quattro cinque sei sette otto nove dieci
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten
undici dsdici tredici quattordici quindici sedici diciasette diciotto diciannove venti
eleven twelve thirteen fourteen fifteen sixteen seventeen eighteen nineteen twenty
The rule for combining venti (twenty), trenta (thirty), quaranta (forty), and so on with UPZO, due, he, etc.: Drop the last letter of the first word before adding unto and otto. Add due, trey quattro, cinque, sei, sette, and nove without changing the first word. Examples:
Comting by tens:
Counting by hundreds:
cento centi duecenti trecenti quattrocenti cinquecenti seicenti settecenti ottocenti novecenti mille, mil
hundred hundreds two hundred three hundred four hundred five hundred six hundred seven hundred eight hundred nine hundred one thousand
Ordinal numbers are used to indicate a position in a sequence (first, second, etc.). Ordinal numbers are frequently preceded by the .article il as h il quarto. (An article is a word like a or the.) When the first letter of a number begins with a vowel, as do uno, ottavo, and otto, the il will be changed to 1': l'unto, l'ottavo, l'otto. when referring to dates: Italian ordinal numbers are usually the same as the cardinal numbers when they refer to the day of the month, but you will more often see il primo than l'uno as in il primo gennaio (first day of January). Regular use In dates
primo secondo terzo quarto quinto sesto settimo ottavo nono decimo
uno due tre quattro cinque sei sette otto nove dieci
first second third fourth fifth sixth seventh eighth nineth tenth
Regular use
In dates
undicesimo dodicesimo tredicesimo quattordicesimo quindicesimo sedicesimo diciassettesimo diciottesimo diciannovesimo ventesimo
uncici dodici tredici quattordici quincici sedici diciassette diciotto diciannove venti
eleventh twelfth thirteenth fourteenth fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth eighteenth nineteenth twentieth
Regular use
In dates
decimo ventesimo ventunesimo ventiduesimo ventitr2esimo ventiquathesimo venticinquesimo ventiseiesimo ventisettesimo ventiottesimo ventinovesimo trentesimo quarantesimo cinquantesimo sessantesimo settantesimo ottantesimo novantesimo centesimo duecentesimo trecentesimo quattrocentesimo cinquecentestimo seicentesimo settecentesimo ottocentessimo novecentessimo millesimo
dieci venti ventuno ventidue ventitre ventiquattro venticinque ventisei ventisette ventotto ventinove trenta
tenth twentieth twenty first twenty second twenty third twenty fourth twenty fifth twenty sixth twenty seventh twenty eighth twenty ninth thirtieth fortieth fiftieth sixtieth seventieth eightieth ninetieth hundredth two hundredth three hundredth four hundredth five hundredth six hundredth seven hundredth eight hundredth nine hundredth thousandth
Clock time often appears next to the date. Sometimes you will see Italian numbers followed by anti. for "a.m." or pom. for "p.m."; however, because Italy began using the 24-hour clock in 1803, you will more often see clock times written as ore cique or ore 5 for 5:00 a.m. and ore le diciassette or ore 17 for 5:00 p.m.
It is important to be able to recognize clock times so that you don't extract them as dates. thirteen o'clock fourteen o'clock la una one o'clock le tredici fifteen oLclock le due two o'clock le quattordici sixteen o'clock le tre three o'clock l e quindici seventeen o'clock le quattro four o'clock le sedici eighteen o'clock l e cinque five o'clock b diciassette nineteen o'clock le sei six o'clock le diciotto twenty o'clock le sette seven o'clock le diciannove twenty-one o'clock le otto eight o'clock le venti twenty-two o'clock le nove nine o'clock le ventuno twenty-three o'clock le dieci ten o'clock l e ventidue twenty-four o'clock le undici eleven o'clock le docici twelve o'clock NAMES OF MONTHS
gennan'o febbraio mam apra'le maggio guigno luglio agosto settem bre ottobre novembre decembre
January February March April May June July August September October November December
a1 principio [di i a r z o ] il secondo [di Marzo] il terzo [di Marzo] l'ultimo [di i a r z o ]
first [of March] second [of March] third [of March] last day [of March]
addi' anno anni data di gid giorno ieri mese nascere oggi ora stesso scorso tempo ultimo (a)
Time and date phrases:
on the day Year years date day already, formerly, once, previous day yesterday month to be born today hour same last time last
alla data odierna all'ora di anno corrente anno presente anno della nascita di anno presente anno prossimo anti. antimeridiano (a) del anno referito dell'anrzo del mese di dopo domani dopo pranzo detto giorno e mese fine del mese e minuti giorno dalla celebrazione del rnatrimonio il capo d'anno il primo d'anno il giorno dopo
on today's date at the time of current year present year year of birth of present month next month a.m. before noon of the year referred to of the year of the month of day after tomorrow af temoon said day and month end of the month and minutes (time of birth) date of the celebration of marriage (marriage celebration) New Year's Day New Year's Day the day after
il medesimo anno il medesimo giorno il medesimo mese meridian0 (a) mese corrente mese presente mese prossimo mese prossimo passato mese scorso mezzanotte mezzogiorno naque il giorno natale natalizio nato a mezzanotte nato a mezzodi nato a notte nato a sera nato il nato oggi nel citato anno nel citato giorno nel citato mese nel ospresso giorno nel ospresso mese nello stesso anno nello stesso giorno nello stesso mese per l'anno piu' tarde pom. pomeridiano (a) pomeriggio stammaitina stasera ultimo giorno del mese
Typical date phrase
the same year the same day the same month noon current month present month next month just last month last month midnight midday, noontime was born the day of birthday, Christmas birthday (an adjective) born at midnight born at noon born at night born at night born the (date) born today on the cited year on the cited day on the cited month on the expressed day on the expressed month on the same year on the same day on the same month for the year later p.m. afternoon (p.m.) afternoon this morning this evening last day of the month Typical date phrase
The year 1863 the day of (of the month) at the hour
In many of the older records Roman numerals are used to indicate the day and year. The following examples are given as a review of the mechanics of Roman numerals.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
= I =11 = nI = 1111 or
41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
= VI = VII
= VIIII or IX = X
= LV
91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000
= C = CC = CCC
= CD =D
= = = = = = = = = =
1100 = 1200 = 1300 = 1400 = 1500 = 1600 1700 1800 1900 1857
= = = = =
= XXXX or XL
In some records you may find part or all of the date missing. Scribes would occasionally substitute a written statement instead of writing a date. For example, a statement net stesso giorno e mese (on the same day and month) lets you know that this entry was made the same day and month as the previous entry.
Common Variations to Entry Dates
anno corrente anno presente del anno referido detto giorno e mese fine del mese il capo d'anno it primo d'anno il medesimo anno il medesimo giorno il medesimo mese mese corente mese presente mese prosimo mese prossirno passato mese scorso net citado anno nel citado giorno nel citado mese nel espresado anno net espresado giorno net espresado mese nel stesso anno nel stesso giosno nel stesso mese ultimo giorno del mese
current year present year of the year referred to said day and month end of the month New Year's Day New Year's Day the same year the same day the same month current month present month next month just last month last month on the cited year on the cited day on the cited month on the expressed year on the expressed day on the expressed month on the same year on the same day on the same month last day of the month
FEAST DATES The Catholic Church established certain days to celebrate Christian events. Some of the dates are "fixed," occuring on the same date each year; others are "movable," chan,.ing each year. In addition, each day of the year is assigned one or more saints; a record may therefore refer to a saint's day and a year but not include the month. FIXED FEAST DATES
Circumcision of the Lord Epiphany Ephiphany
1 Jan
Circumcisio Domeni Epiphanias Trium Regnum Purificato B. V. Marie Ecarias Annunciato Dominica Assumptio B. Mariae Nativitas B. V . laaariae Sct. Michailis Archangelus Festum Ornnium Sanctorum Nativitas Domini Stephan us Protomartyr
6 Jan
6 Jan
2 Feb
Purificazione di Maria Festa dell' E ucaristia Giorno dell' Annunziata Giorno dell' Assunzione Nativita di Maria Giorno di San Michele Giorno dell' Ognissanti I1 Natale Festa di San Stefano Martire
Purification of the Virgin Mary Eucharist Annunciation or Lady Day Assumption of Mary
Birth of the Vir,oin Mary
20 Feb
25 Mar
15 Aug
8 Sep
St. Michael the Archangel All Saints Christmas Day St. Stphens Martyr
29 Sep
1 Nov
25 Dec
26 Dec
Common nouns. All nouns in Italian are classified as feminine or masculine, even though the English equivalents may seem no more masculine than feminine. For example, the Italian word libro (book) is masculine and the word casa (house) is feminine. The Rule: Most nouns ending with o are masculine. Most nouns ending in a are feminine.
Proper names. The rule applies with given names as well. The names Adriano, Agostino, Bartolomeo, Eugenio, and Eugenio are clearly masculine because they end with o. If parents wanted to give these names to a daughter they would change the ending letter to a: Adriana, Agostina, Bartolomea, Eugenia. Similarly, a name does not end with either a or o can be used for a child of the opposite sex by - . substituting the letter a or o at the end of the word: Giovanni-4iovanna.
Greek names. Occasionally you will find a word that doesn't fit the a-o rule. Thee Greek masculine names Nicola, Andrea, for example, end with the letter a. For this reason, you should look for other words to help you determine gender so that you will not be misled when you come across names that do not correspond with the regular pattern.
Nouns ending in "E." A noun which ends with e may be either masculine or feminine. The name Natale is feminine but the name EmanueZe is masculine. Because there are no clues in the name itself, each time you determine the sex of an individual whose name ends with e, you want to add the name to a list of "exceptions to the rule" and begin to commit it to memory.
Name origin. One method of determining the gender of a name is to ascertain its origin. DanieZe, (Daniel) was an old testament prophet. This name is therefore masculine. Iside is derived fiom Isis, the Egyptian goddess. It is feminine. Other examples include Matilde (feminine) and Cesare (masculine). Nouns ending in "I" or "T." Names which end with i or t are usually masculine. Examples: Giovanni, Luigi, Tancredi, Giosafat, Iafet. Female names with accented vowel endings. A few feminine nouns in Italian end with an accented vowel. Examples: Virtu (virtue), Castith (chastity), and Verita. Male names ending in "10." Another small group of masculine Italian names end with the letters io. Examples: Mario, Aurelio, Ambrosio, Apollonio, Gervasw.
Names referring to Mary. Adoration of the Virgin Mary influenced many to name their children after her or after one of her qualities. Feminine name such as Concetta, Assunta, Annunziata, Addolorata, Immacolata, Incarnata, and Purificata are diminutives of the following popular names for female infants:
Concezione Assunzione Annunziazione Addoloaazione Imrnacolazione bncarnazione PurZficazione
conception ascension annunciation pain immaculate incarnation purification
Maria (Mary) is frequently used as a second given name for males. Examples: Mateo Maria Boiardo, Galeazzo Maria Sforza, Francesco Maria della Rovere, Giovan Maria Cecchi.
Biblical names. In addition to Maria, there are many popular Italian names taken from the Bible, especially from the new Testament. Examples:
E lizabetta Gesu Giovanni Giuseppi Mateo Paulo Pie fro
Elizabeth Jesus John Joseph Matthew Paul Peter
Names of saints. The Catholic Church has honored many individuals from the Bible and from among outstanding church members by cannonization (a procedure by which a person is declared to be a "saint.") Many parents named their children after saints. Often the saint's name chosen for a child coincides with the name of the patron saint of a town, city, parish, or section of a city. In Genoa, for example, the name Battista is popular. Bernardo is a popular name in Teramo. Other popular given names honoring saints:
Females Males
Names of famous Italians. Italian history is also full of notable characters whose names have been given to male children through the years. Examples: Antonio, Adriano, Agostino, Vittorio, Emanuele, Amadeo, Umberto, Elena, Margherita, Yolanda, Mafalda, Garibaldi, Dante, Michelangel. Popular Roman names. Many old Roman names have been given to Italian boys: Faustus, Severus, Calvus, Paulus, Taurinus, Probus, Victor. But the -us ending is changed to -0 in modem Italian. Roman numerals are also used as given names: Primo, Secondo, Quinto, Sesto, Settimo, Otfavio, Decio. Latin names. I n the provinces of Lazio and Umbria, many old Latin names are popular. Examples: Ascanio, Catullo, Cesare, Livio, Tarquinio, Virgilio. Geographic variations. Because of the cultural differences between Northern and Southern Italy, many names have a different form. Examples:
South North
il i un
20 gli
gli un
Ea le una
1' le un'
* **
DEMONSTRATIVE PRONOUNS The Italian words in the above chart are much like their English equivalents. They can be used like articles to describe nouns ("These babies were christened") or the words can stand alone as pronouns ("These were not christened"). When used as demonstrative pronouns these words continue to help you establish the gender of an individual.
quegli questi
* **
F E M I ~
F E M ~
gil (to him) le (to her) Eoro (to them) lor0 (to them)
ARTICLES IN COMBINATION WITH PREPOSITIONS Often articles (words like the) are combined with other words such as prepositions (words like from). These combinations also show gender. LIST OF PRONOUNS
il i
Eo gli
I' gli
I' le
In some cases, because of unclear handwriting, unusual names, or missing information, you may not be able to determine the gender of an individual. If an adjective (a word like beautiful) was used in the record, it will usually follow the noun which it describes. You might, for example, come across the adjective illigitimo in an expression like this: il bambino illigitimo (the illigitimate baby boy). If you could read the article il or the noun bambino clearly, you would already know that the individual was male. But if you could not read those words clearly, the letter o at the end of the adjective illigitimo would confirm the child's sex. In the case of twins you might find an entry like this: L'una si chiama Felice e l'altro si chaima Andrea (the first is called Felice and the other is called Andrea). Because Felice does not end in a or o, you have to rely on the final a in l'una to determine that the child is a female. In the name of the second twin Andrea, the final a might lead you to suppose that the name is feminine, but the masculine term l'altro makes it clear that Andrea is a boy.
In Italian, even the verbs (words like go) can establish gender. For example, the common phrase B cornparso (was presented) is obviously refening to the presentation of a male because the verb ends with the letter o. Common phrases containing verbs that show gender:
lo stesso e nato la stessa e nata
.n,c,to ~ e l ccso b
B comparso B comparsa
TRANSCRIPTION PROBLEMS Occasionally a scribe carelessly wrote something like figlio kgitirna, figlio being masculine and legitima being feminine. If you can't determine the child's sex by the first given name, this phrase won't help you. You will have to rely upon the clues suggested above.
abiatico ava materna ava patema avo materno avo paterno baccelliere bambina bambino bambolo bastarda basfardo bimba bimbo binata binato bisarcavala bisarcavalo bisava bisavo bisavala bisavolo biscugina b iscugino bisnonna bisnonno celibe cognato cognata comparina comparino defunta def unto esposata esposato fanciulla
fantolino femina
fidanzata fidanzato figlia figio figlioccia figlioccio fratello fratello di late fratello gemano fratello maggiore fratello minore fratellustro fiatello uterino gemella gemello genero germano madre madrigna madrina maritata maritato marito nonna padre patrigno padrino pimogenito prozia prozio Pupa PUP0 santola santolo secondogenito sirocchia scapolo sorella sorellastra sorella di late sorella maggiore sorrela minore sorrelu uterina sposa
sposo suocera suocero terzavo la terzavolo ultimogen ito vedova vedovo zia zio
GENERIC MASCULINE DEFAULT In Romance languages such as Italian, the masculine gender is "dominant." When a group is composed of a l l males, the words referring to group will be masculine. Words referring to a group of females will reflect feminine gender. But words referring to a mixed group of males and females will be masculine. An example of this is the term i sposi, a masculine plural meaning "the married couples."
Adding theiname of the father plus the name of the family or tribe to the given name. Adding the name of the family clan to the given name. Attaching an ancestor's name with a similar beginning sound to the given name: Pompeo Pomponio, Alberto d9Alberto, and Garibald FaroaM or Garibald Romuald.
One of the oldest and most wide-spread expressions of paternity used in Italy is characterized by the preposition di (of), entered between two given names; for example, Pietro di Giovanni (Peter the son of John). With each new generation, the combination of names increased; hence Pietro's .son Leonardo would be known as Leonardo di Fietro di Giovanni. Eventually a hereditary name was standardized, but the Italian records from which you will be extracting data continues a variation of this practice that can be confusing.
A large segment of Italian names today contain the preposition di between the given name and surname: di Paolu, d7Albe&o. Sometimes the records also contain individuals' names the names of the father and even the grandfather inserted between the given name and surname: Francesco di Giovanni d9Angelo is actually Francesco (the son of Giovanni) d'Angelo. There is a general rule for extracting Italian names that holds true in most instances: Omit given names beDgiming with di. To be certain, it is a wise practice to compare the apparent inserted name with the name of the father and grandfather if they are gven elsewhere in the record. (Check the general extraction instructions for further information on this rule.)
Italian Surnames
You will encounter a relatively small proportion of matronymic surnames (names which are derived from the name of the mother or a matriarchal ancestor). Children occasionally took the surname of a mother who was not married to the father, a mother with whom they identified more comfortably because of long absences of the father in military service or employment, or a mother who was widowed. Sometimes they took the surname of the mother to avoid confusion with someone in the community who had an identical name. Surnames that reflect a mother' s situation: La Cattiva (bad); Della Vedova (widow). In rare instances, when a woman's personality was dominant over her husband's or when she belonged to a higher social class, the husband and children assumed her surname.
Before 1928 foundlings (abandoned children) were often given surnames by the record keepers or, in some cases, wealthy families or the godparents who assumed responsibility for n these instances a phrase such as esposito (a) nella casa di (abandoned at the the child. J home of) might appear in the record. A child abandoned at the parish church was described . .church). as figlio (a) della chiesa (child of the The following list contains surnames which were frequently given foundlings; however, these names do not always indicate that the child was a foundling.
Arfanetti Armandonada B ardotti Bast ardo Colombini Dati de Alteriis della Donna della Femmina della Fortuna
della Gioia della Stella Dell 'Amore dell'orfano del Gaudio Diodata D'Amore D' Ignoto Esposto Esposito
Esposuto Fortuna Ignotis Incerto Incognito Innocenti Innocentini Mu10 Naturale Nocenti
Nocentini Proietti Ritrovato Sposito SpLlrio Stellato Trovatello Trovato Ventura Venturini
In your extracting you will often encounter names of foundling children wglio (a) exposito (a)] or whole lists of innocents (innocenti) with no parents. These names should be extracted.
Italian Surnames
Another group of surnames end with "diminutive" or "augmentative" endings. Today these endings are added to given names to express endearment, but originally they were used to to indicate size, age, physical and moral qualities, affection, or pity. They now comprise one of the largest groups of Italian surnames.
Diminuative Endings
Adamollo Adamolo Andreozzo Antonicello Beltramello Carluccio Cesarotto Iann itto Leoncillo Leonillo Lorenzetto Luigino Marcarello Marcarino Marchrerllo Martoccio Mattiusso Mattimo Simoncino Vitullo Vitulo Lupicino
Augmentative Endings
Bernardone Bertacco Bertocco Bertucco Donataccio Giacomaso Giacornasso Perico Perisio Perisso Perizzo R obertazzo Ugoccione
Compound Endings
Albeatinello Albertonino Antognazzino Guglielminetto Marconcino Marcuccillo Martinazollo Pertuccello Petroccello Petpuzzello Petruzziello
- Aitadonna
Italian Surnames
The following list contains many common Italian surnames. The list can be enlarged by adding the prefixes di, de, de', del, della, La, Lo, and Li to many of the names or by adding a diminutive or augmentative described on page 35. Surnames which are also commonly used as given names are followed by an asterisk (:k): Carlo *. When names have an altemative ending, they are followed by a hyphen: G t ~ i i o -i. Lf surnames are have alternative endings and are used as given names, the endings are added and an asterisk follows: Igrzasio -i*.
Abate Abatecola abatemarco abateminnici Abatescianni Abba Abbadessa Abbado Abbate -i Abruscato Abele Abello Abetti Abisso Abrami Abruzzese Abruzzi Abruzzini Accattino Accavalo Accetta Accieri Accoramboni Accorimboni Accorinti Accoroni Acerbi Aceto Achillini Acicaferro Aciemo Acinello Acione Acqua
Acquafredda Acquaro Acquaruolo Acquistapace Acuto Adami Adam01 Adirnari Adorato Adomo Affatato Affitto Affrant i Afiicano Agabiti . Agarnenone Agelli Aggardati Ag ilufo Agli Aglietti Aglie Aglione Agnello-i Agnese Agnis io Agno Agnolillo Agnusdei Ago Agolante Agoli Agosti Agostini
Agozzino Agramante Agresti Agricola Agrig Agrignola Agrillo Agro Aguglia Agugliaro Aimone Aiutamicristo Ajolo Alamanno Alampi Alano Alaro Alba Albanace Albanase Albaneese Albanese Albanise Albarella Alberghini Alberico Albertanti Alberto-i* Alberts Albicocchi Albizi Alcide Alcionis Aldana
Aldobrandini Alegrette Alessandri Alessich Alessie Alessio Alfieri Algerino Algieri Alia Alicante Alice Alicino Alifante Alini Aliperti Allabastro Allegranti Allegranza Allegri Allevi Alliegro Allocchi Allodi Alloggio Allori Almagro Almirante Aloisantoni Alosa Alpe Alpiggiano Alpino
Italian Surnames Altrocchi Alunno Aluzzo Amabile , Amaccapane Amandola Amandonada Amante Amaridio Amato Amatore Amazzalone Ambrogini Ameche Amendola Amenta Amerighi Amicagnoli Amici Amico Arnidei Arninta Ammirato Ammogliati . Amodei Amore Amorevole Amoribelli Amorini Amoruso Amoruso Ampolla Anacreonti Anatra-i Ancolemmo Andrioni Andrioni Anelli Anemone Anfora Angelica* Angelo* Angelosanto* Angelotto Angioini Angiolotto Anglesio Angoria Aniello Annalora Annarino Annibaldeschi Annichini Annidaldi Annunziati Annunzio Anguilla* Ansaldi Antinori Antiquario Antonibon Antonio-i* Anziani Anzovino Apicciafuoco Apice Apicella Apio Apione Appitito Aprilante Aprile Apuglese Aquila Aquilante Arabia Arado Aragona Aragonesi Araldi Arancio Arangio Arata Arato Aratori Arazello Arcabano Arcadipane Arcari Arcario Arceri Archieri Architetto Arcide Arcidiacono Arciepiscopo Arcieri Arcimboldi Arciprete Arconati Arcudi Arcuri Ardenti Ardito Arditty Arena Arese Arfanetti Argalia Argentaro Argentier Argentina Argento Argogliosi Ariet(t(e-i Arimondi Arina-i Ariola Arione Arizzo Arlotti Armato Armatore Armelli Armellini Armenante Armeni Armeni Armenia Armenia Armieri Arnieri
- Avenale
Arobaldi Aromatarii Arondello Arpaia-o Arrighi Arrivabene Arrosto Artaro Artery Artieri Artiglieri Arturi Artusi Arvanise Asciutto Ascolese Ascoli Aseri Asinari Asini Aspettati Assennato Assioli Asta Astrologo Astuto Atanasio* Atemo Atraente Attenise Attivissimo Attontito Audaci Auditore Augello-i Augusta Auricchio Aurigemma Ausiello Avarello Avellone Avema Avena Avenale
- Barrruccheri
Avignoni Avila Avino Avogadro Avoli Avolio Avveduti Awenturato Avvocati Azara
Italian Surnames
Azzali Azzano Azzarelli-o Azzolini Azzurri
Babano Babini Babione Bac Bac(c)hi Baccala Baccalare Baccani Baccara Baccaredda Baccari Baccelli Baccellieri Bacchetti Bacci Baccieri Bacich Bacigaup Baciocchi Bacula Badalone Badia Badiale Badile Badini Baffa Baff i Baffato Baffuto Bagarelli Bagarozzo Bagatella Bagatti Baggetta Baggiani
Baggio B agliore B aglivo Bagni-o Baidovino Baio Baiocchi Baioni Balascio Balassi Balbo Balboa B aldakini Baldante Baldeschi Baldo Balestari Balestra Balestrari B alice Balisterio Ballarino B allatore B allaudi Ballerini Ballesterio Ballesteros Ballota Balma Balossi Balzano Balzaretti Balzaro Bambino B anchieri
Banderola Bandettini Bandiera Banditi Baracca Baraggia Baraggioli Barasa Barassi Baratta Baravalle Barazzoli Barazzotti Barba-i Barbabianca Barbadoro Barbagelata Barbalarga Barbaliscia Barbanegra Barbanera Barbano Barbantini Barbapiccola Barbariccia Barbarigo Barbaro Barbarone Barbarossa Barbarotta Barbaruto Barbato Barbatosta Barbensi Barber
Barberio Barbi Barbieri Barbisio Barbizzoli Barbolla Barbone Barca Barcai Barcaro Barcaroli Barcelli Barcellona Barchetti Bardari Bardella Bardo-i Bardotti Baresi Baretti Bargelli Bargo Bargone Barile Barillari Barinetti Bama Bamaba Baroja Baroni Barozzi Barracca Banashano Barriera Barmccheri
Italian Surnames
B w Bartolo-i Bartolomasi Basacomadri Basadona Basani Basco Basetti Basilicata Basilico Basilio* Basilisco Basso-i Bast arilo Rast~rn Bastone Batacchi Batesta Battaglia Battaglieri Battelli - Battezzati Battiati Battiferri Battifolle Battifuoco Battilana Battiloro Battipede Battista-i Battistrada Battistuta Baudi Bavaria Baviera Bavoso Bavuso Bazani Bazza-i Bazzanelli B azzani Bazzo-i Beati Bec(c)hi Becafigo . Beccadelli Beccafava Beccafigo Beccaio Beccalosso Beccaluva Beccamorto Beccaria Beccaro Becceroni Beccheri Beccherini Becchetti Becci Becco Bechelli Bedolla Befani Beghk Beghini Belcavello Belfante Belfiglio Belfiore Belgio Belgiovine Belgrado Belini Bellabocca Bellachioma Bellacrea Belladonna Bellafiori Bellagambi Bellagrande Bellamore Bellanca Bellanima Bellantonio Bellardi Bellario Bellarosa Bellatreccia Bellei Bellelli Bellenetto Belli Belliboni Belligeranti Bellipanni Bellissirno Bellocchio Bellofatto Bellome Bellomo Belloni Bellusci Bel!uto Belpanno Belviso Belvisotti Belzoppi Benamato Benci Bencivenga Bencivenni Bencrisciuto Benedicenti Benemerito Benessere Benevoli Beniamino Benigni Beninato Benivoglio Bentivenga Bentrovati Benveduto Benvenuto Benvogliente Beolco Berardi Bergamasco Bergantini Berico Berini Berino
- Bicchierai
Berlingieri Berlini Bermanno Bemasconi Bemocchi Berretta Berrettari Berrini Benuto Bertagnin Bertanza Bertell-i Bertinaglia Bertinari Bertini Berto-i Bertoni Berzolari Besazza Besesti Bessi Betassi Betocchi Betti-o Bettola-i Bettonica Betussi Betuzzi Bevilacqua Bevivino Bezazza Bezza-i Biadaroli Biancamano Bianco-i Biancorosso Biasutti Biava Biavaschi Biavati Bibattini Biccheri Bicchetto Bicchierai
- Bonvito
B istorti Bixio B izzarri B izzizero Bizzoccheri sbari Boarini Boasso Bocca Boccabella Boccabianca Boccadif erro Boccadifuoco Boccadoro Boccafumi Boccafusco Boccalari Boccali Boccaliero Boccalini Boccalupi Boccanera Boccapecori Boccardi Boccarossa Boccatorta Bocci-a Bocciarelli Bocciarelli Boccieri Boccini Boccioni Boccuto Bodoni Boemi Boetti Boggia Boi Boia Boiardo Bolino Bolla Bollati Bolletti Bollettino Bollini Bologna Bolognesi Bolognini Bolzon Bombarda Bombardieri Bornbardo-i Bombast Bombastiano Bombici Bommarito Bommartini Bommicino Bomparola Bomvissuto Bonaccolti Bonaccorso Bonadoma Bonafede Bonagamba Bonagente Bonaiuti Bonalumi Bonamano Bonanno Bonapace Bonarigo Bonasi Bonaspetti Bonaspina Bonatesta Bonauguro Bonavecchia Bonaventura Bonavita Bonavoglia Bonavolonta Bonbissuto Boncardo Bonciani Bonclerico Boncompagni
Italian S~irnames
Bonconsiglio Bonconti Boncore Bondi Bondioli Bonerba Bonfield Bonfigli Bonfante-i Bonfatto Bonferaro Bonfichi Bonfioli Bonfratelli Bongarzoni Bongerolomi Bongioanni Bongiordano Bongiomo Bongiovanni Boni Bonicalzi Bonifazio Boninsegna Bonmarito Bonoguido Bonometti Bonomi Bonomini Bonsaver Bonsenbiante Bonservizi B onsignore Bonsus tegni Bontade Bontempo-i Bontura Bonuccelli Bonvalori Bonvassallo Bonvecchiata Bonventre Bonviso Bonvito
Bico Bicocchi Bidetto Bidoni Bifano Bifolco Bifulco Bigatti Bighetti B ighini Bigi Bigongiari Bigordi Bigotti Bilancia Bilenchi Billa B illi Bimbi-o Binaschi Binazzi Binda Binelli Bk1i Biocca Biolchini Biondo Bioni Biroccini Birri Bisaccia-i Bisanti Bisanzio B iscaro Bisceglia Biscia Biscomini Biscotti Biscuiti Bisesti Bisi Bissa Bissanti Bistolfi
Italian Surnames
Bonzani Boragni Borasa Borchia Bordo B ordonaro Bordone-i Borgese Borgna Borgogno Borgognone Borio Boriosi Borrasa Borrasca Borrell(i) Borromei Borsari Borsi Borsieri Borzacchini Borzellieri Bosa-i Boscaroli Boscia Bosco Bosi Bossetti Bossi Bosti Botta-i Bottacci Bottai Bottari Bottegari Botteghi Botteri Botticelli Bottighieri Bottiglieri Bottiglioni Bottini Bottola Bottolo Bottoni Bovaro Bove-i Boveri Bovio Bovo-i Bovoli Bovolini Bozzarelli Bozzelli Bozzi-o Bozzone Brabanti Bracalone Bracaro Braccesi Bracci Braccialetti Bracciali Braccialini Braccianti Braccioforte Bracciolargo Bracco Braida Braidotta Iiramante Bramini Bramo Branca Brancato Brandimarte Braschi Brasile Bravo-i Bredoli Brelli Brenta Brentano B retti Brettoni Briachi Bricchetti Bricchi Brienna-o Brigante Briglia Brigliadoro B+gnoli Brillante Britanico Broccato Brocchetti Brocchi Brocchieri Broccoli Brogni . Brolati Bronzetti Bronzini Brotzu Brown Brucale Brucani Brucato Bruccoliri Brugari Brugna Brugnoli Brugnone Brunamonti Brunati Brunelleschi Brunengo Brunich Bruno* Brunori Brusafem Brusaorci Brusaporci Bruscato Bruschi Brusi Brusomini Brutto Buasso Bubola Bucalossi
Bonzani Buscemi
Buccellati Bucceri Buccieri Buffa Bufalini Buffone Bulgaro-i Buommatei Buonadonna Buonamela Buonandrei Buonanotte Buonarroti Buonasera Buonavolta Buoncristiano Buondelmonte Buondenari Buonfidanza Buonguadagni Buonincontro Buoninsegna Buono Buonopera Buonpane Buonpastore Buonpensiere Buonricovero Buonristoro Buonsaro Buonscontro Buonsenso Buonsignore Buonsnague Buonsolazzi Buontalento Buontempo Buontemponi Buonvalori Buonviaggio Buonvino Burchi Burgisi Buscerni
- Camuso
Bussi Bussola Bussolari Bussone Busto Buto-i Buttacavoli Buttafava Buttafuoco Buttini Buttipaglia Buzzacarini
Italian Surnames
Buzzacch Buzzelli Buzzetta Buzzi-o
Cabei Cabella Cabema Cabianca Caboni Cabotto Cabrusa Cac(c)ume-i Caccavella Cacchione Cacci Caccia Cacciabue Cacciaguerra Caccialanza Caccialupi Cacciamali Caccianemici Cacciaru Cacciato Cacciatore Caccini Caccio Caccioffo Caccione Cacciotti Cacciune Caccome Cadamosto Cadavero Cadoni Cafone Caggiani Caggiola
Caglia Cagni Caino Caio Caiola Cairoli Cajazzo Calabro Calabraise Calabrase Calabreese Calabrese Calabria Calafate Calafiore Calafiure Calamai Calamandrea Calamida Calamita Calandra-i Calaraco Calato Calcagnadoro Calcagno Caldaro Calderai Calderari Calderone Caldronello Caldroney Caldroni Calebre Calendario
Calenzuolo Calero Calgari Caligaio Calirnari Callari Callegari Callero Callini Calogero Calterone Calvario Calvello Calvo Calza Calzanera Calzelunghe Calzibigi Calzini Calzlari Calzolaio Calzoni Camara Cambiatore Cameli Camelio Camelli-o Camera Camerari Camerieri Camerini Camerlengo Camerlingo Camesecchi
Cametti Camicia Caminetti Caminit(t)i Camino Camisola Carnmelli Cammeo Cammisa Cammisari Camola Camoletto Camolli Camoscio Camosso Camozzi Campagna Campagnaro Campagnuolo Campana Campanaro Campanato Campanella-i-o Campanile Campanini Campari Campbell Camp ione Campolongo Campon Camugnaro Camulo Camuscio Camuso
Italian Surnames
- Capuzucca
Camusso Camuzzi Canadeo Canale Canalis Canarino Canario Canava Cancellieri Cancello Cancro Candela Candelari Candelieri Candelora Candia Candido Candilaro Candioto Candiotti Candori Cane Canello Caneparo Canerossi Canestra Canestrini Caneva Canevari Canevazzi Canevello Canevino Cangelosie Canistraro Canna Cannarozzi Cannaruto Cannata Cannataro Cannatelli Cannavacchiolo Cannavino Cannelli Cannestra-i
Canneti Cannevari Cannizzaro Cannone Cannonica Cannonieri Can0 Canolino Canonico Canoscenti Canova Canovaro Cantabene Cantagallina Cantagallo Cantalmessa Cantarano Cantarella Cantatore Cantavespri Cantieri Cantilena Cantori Cantrella Canuto Canzone Canzoniere Caosi Cap(p>i Capaccio Capaccio Capaccioli Capadanno Capaduro Capalbo Capanna Caparello Caparotta Caparra Capasso Capei Capella Capelli Capelluto
Capestro Capettini Capialbo Capiccioli Capilupo Capinera Capini Capitani Capitanio Capitegalli Capitelli-o Capitolo Capitono Capitorto Capiturnmino Capo d'Asino Capo-i Capobianco Capoccia Capocefalo Capocelli Capodanno Capodicasa Capodiferro Capodigallo Capodivacca Capodocia Capofusco Capogallo Capograsso Capogrosso Capoinsacco Capolungo Capomagro Capone-i Caponera Caponigro Capopiccoli Caporale Caporaso . Caporello Caporizzo Caporossi Caporusso
Capotondi Capotosto Capoverde Capozucca Capozzo Cappa Cappabiacna Cappadocia Cappadoro Cappapianca Capparell Capparelli Capparo Cappellani Cappellari Cappelleri Cappelletti Cappelli-o Cappelliri Cappiello Cappinera Cappini Cappisanti Capponi Cappucci Cappucciaro Cappuccini Cappuzzo Capra Capracotta Capraro Capriccio Caprile Caprio Capriola Capritti Capua Capuano Capuccino Capurso Capusotto Caputagno Caputo Capuzucca
- Cattani
Carnavali Camazza Came Carnelli Camera Carnesale Carnesecchi Camevale Camovalle-i Carocci Carofiglio Carogna Caronia Caroselli Carosi Carossini Carotenuto Caroti Carotti Carovello Carozza-i Carozzari Carpani Carpenteri Carpenteri Carpino carp0 Carradore Carramusa Carrante Carreta Carrera Carri Carrieri Carrieri Carrino Carroccio Carrozzieri Carsella-o Carsey Carta Cartagena Cartaro Cartolari Cartuario Carubba Carugno Carusatti Caruso Carusoe Camelli Canolio Casa Casabassi Casabianca Casabona Casaburi Casaccio Casadidio Casadio Casagrandi Casalaina Casale Casalegno Casalino Casamassimo Casamatta Casamento Casamicciola Casanova Casapera Casapie tra Casapieri Casaro Casarossi Casasanto Casassa Casato Casavecchia Casciaro Casconi Cascucci Casella Caserma Casiere Caso Casolari Casoli
Italian Surnames
Cassarelli Cassaro-i Cassazza Cassettari Cassola Cassoni Castagna-o Castagnaro Castagnetti Castagnoli Castaldi-o Castelfranco Castellano Castellense Castelli Castellottieri Castelnuovo Castelvecchio Casti Castiglia Castino Castoldi Castore Castracani Castrati Castri Casu Casupola Catalano Cataldo Catallo Catani Catania Catanzarito Catapano Catazaro Catellini Catena Catenacci Catinelli Cativo Cattabianchi Cattaneo Cattani
Capuzzi Caramadre Caramelli Caramusa Carassai Caravana Caravello Caravita Carazzo Carbonaro Carbone Carboneri Carbonesi Carcagno Carcara Carcassona Carcerari Carcerini Carcioffo Cardaccio Cardamone Cardarelli Cardaro Cardei Cardellino Cardello Cardillo Cardinale-i Cardone Carelli Carestia Cargasacchi Caridda Carideo Cariola Carita Carlo* Carlomagno Carlomano Carluccio Carmano Carmelenghi Carmelinghi Camaroli
Italian Surnames
Cattapani Cattivelli Cauro Cavaccini Cavadore Cavaglieri Cavagna Cavagnaro Cavagnini Cavalcante Cavalensi Cavaliere Cavallaro Cavallero Cavalletti Cavallino Cavallo-i Cavallotti Cavaretta Cavasini Cavatorta Cavazza Cavazzali Cavazzoni Cavedoni Cave110 Caverna Cavicchioni Caviello Caviglia Cavina Cavobianco Cavolaia Cavolino Cavolo Cavone Cavoto Cavretta Cazza Cazzaro Cazzato Cazzola Cec(c)a Cecala Cecatelli Cecati Cecchi Ceccopieri Cece Cecere Cecora Cecurioni Cedali-o Cedarelia Cedrangolo Cedraro Cedro Cedroni Cefaro Ceffi Cefone Celada Celanza Celesti Celestiri Celestri Celidonii Celli Celloni Celona Celosia Cenario Cenatiempo Cenciarini Cenni Cennini Centanne Centanni Cento Centoducati Centofanti Centolanze Centolire Centolivre Centomani Centomiglia Centzatti Cepolla Cera Cerabona Cerabottani Ceramella Ceramiraro Ceraro Cerasaro Ceraso-i Cerasoli Cerchieri Cerebella Cerebottani Ceresini Ceri Ceriello Cerini Cerioli Cerletti Cerlini Cerloni Cemc Cemi Cemigliaro Cemitori Ceroni Cerrato Cenetano Cerreto Cerro Cermto Certa Ceruti Cervellari Cervelli Cervellini Cervera Cervesato Cervone Cerza Cerzale Cesa Cesare-i-o Cesares Cesco-i
Cattapani - Chiccorino
Cesenati Cespuglio CestarieUo Cestaro Cesti Cestoni Cetrangolo Cetroni Cetrulo Ceva Change Checa-o Checchi Checko Cheleni Chella Chello-i Cheminelli Chercu Cherry - Cherubini Chester Chiabra Chiacchini Chiametti Chiancone Chiano Chiappa-i Chiapparelli Chiapperi Chiapusso Chiaramonte Chiarchiari Chiaromonte Chiattellini Chiatto-i Chiattone Chiavarini Chiave Chiazza Chicarelli Chicca Chicchi Chiccorino
- Cocciolone
Cianciosi Cianferone Cianfrone Ciannelli Ciaparelli Ciapelli Ciappa-i Ciappini Ciapponi Ciapusso Ciaputo Ciaramella Ciarla Ciarlante Ciarnatori Ciasco Ciaula Ciavola Ciba Cibrario -Cicaglione Cicala Cicatella Ciccio Cicco-i Ciccocioppi Ciccodicola Ciccodicorato Cicconardi Ciccostosto Cicerale Cic iari Cicogna-i Cicoria Ciffarello Ciffariello Ciferri Cigalini Ciglio Ciglione Cigliuto Cigludo Cigna Cignale Cignaro Cigno-i Cignoni Ciliegi Cilona Cima Cimadomo C irnadoro Cimarosa Cimatore Cimbali Cimera Cimic ini Cimicioni Ciminaro Cimini Cinabro Cincanelli Cinciarello Cincinnati Cinefra Cingale Cini Cinino Cino Cinque Cinquegrana Cinquemani Cinquepalmi Cinquesoldi Cinquevie Cinti Ciocchetti Ciocchi Cioci Ciofoletti Ciola Cioppo Ciot(t)o Cipolla-i Cipollaro Cipollone Ciprelli Cipresso
Italian Surnames
Cipro Cipully Cipulo Ciraci Ciraolo Cirasole Cirenaica Cirincio Cirlingione Cirocchi Cironi Cistemi Citelli Citroli Citmlo Citti Ciuc Ciuffi Ciuffia Ciuffelli Ciufetti Ciurla Civalieri Civenni Civetta Civ inini Civitelli Clark Clementi Clemenza Clemenzia Clerici Clivio Coardi Cobello Cobetto Cobianchi Cobioni Cobo-i Coccari-o Cocchiaro Cocci Coccimiglio Cocciolone
Chidarolo Chieco Chiesa Chimenti Chiminelli Chinazzi Chines Chini Chioccia Chiocciola Chiodo-i Chioppio Chiostrelli Chiovenda Chiozza Chiozzi Chirco Chirico Chirieleison Chirillo Chiruco Chitarrin Chiuppo Chiurlo Chiusi Chizzola-i Christian0 Christofaro Chritello Church Ciabattini Ciabbateri Ciabrone Ciaffone Ciambecchini Ciambellani Ciambellotti Ciamberlini Ciambriello Ciampi Ciampoli Cian Cian(n)i Ciancio
Italian Surnames
Coccola Corsaro
Coccola Coccoloni Cocconi Cocilovo Cocozza-i Cocuzza-i Coda Codagnello Coddazza Codebo Codebone Codepoti Codiferro Codilunghi Coelli Coetti Coffa Coffaro Cogliandro Cognato Cogomo Col(1)azzo Col(1)esi Col(1)etti Cola-i Colabattista Colabelli Colacicchi Coladangelo Colafate Colagiacomo Colagrosso Colajanni Colamonico Colandrea Colanero Colangeli Colantoni Colarussi Colasanti Colascione Colasurdo Colavecchio Colavolpe
Coliandro Collaci Collalto Collarini Colli Collina Collitorto Colombara Colomberi Colombini Colombo Colona Colonelli Colonna Colosa Colosimo Colossi Coltellacci Coltellini Coltorto Coltraro Colummella Colunga Colurso Comara Comarelli Comari Comazzi Comba Combattente Comel Comel Cometta-i Cometti Cominari Cominazzi Comincioli Comino-i Compagni Comparetti Comparini Compositore Conardi Conca
Concadori Concaro Conchetta* Conciatore Conciglieri Concilieri Concini Conelli Conestabile Configliacci Confalone Confalonieri Confesore Coni .Conigliaro Coniglio Coniglio Conocchi Conopa consadore Consiglieri Consiglio Consolatore Consoli Consorte-i Contadini Contalberti Contatore Conte-i Conteduca Contegiacomo Conteguidi Contessa Contey Contri Contughi convertit0 Copertini Copo-i Coppa-o Coppadoro Copperi Coppola Corallo
Coratella Corazza Corazzieri corazzini Corbari Corbelli CorbeUini Corbino Corbizzi Corbo-i Corbucci Corcioni Cordaro Cordif err0 Cordileone Cordova Cordovani Core Corforati Corinti Corirossi Corleo Corleone Corleto Comacchia Comacchiari Comaggia Comaghi Comale Comaro Comioli Como-i Corobi Corona Coronaro Coronedi Coropi Conao Correggiari Conenti Corridori Corsale Corsaletti Corsaro
Corso da Schio
Corso Corsonello Cortaldo Corte Corte Corteggiani Cortelassi Cortelazzo Cortellieri Cortes Cortesani Cortese Corti Cortina Cortopasso Corvaia Corvi Corviero Cos(s)azza Cosa-i - Coscia Coscino Coselli Cosenza Cosetino Cosetti Cosi Cosimo Cosini Cositori Cosmati Cossa Cossali Cossu Costa-i Costabile Costetti Coticone Cotta-i Cottone Cottonero Cotugno Cousins Covazzi Covello Coverelli Coviello Covino Covolini Covone Covotti Cozza-i-o Cozzone Craig Craiotto Crapulli Cravatta Creatura Crecchia Credi Credico Credidio Creonti Crescimbeni Crescioli Crescioni Crespi Cresta Crestano Creta Cretaro Cretinelli
Italian Surnames
Crevelloni Crisanti Crispi Cristiano Crivellari Crivelli Croatti Crobu Croce Crocetta Crociato Crocioni Crollalanza Cross Crotti Crovaia Crovelli Croveri Crow Crudeli Crud0 Crugnale Csare Cuaresima Cuba-i Cubito Cuccagni Cucceta Cucchetti Cucchi Cucchiari Cucchiarone Cucci(0) Cucciardo Cucciari Cuccioli Cuccoli Cuccovillo Cucuzza Cuffia Cugino Cugurra Culicchia Cultellaio Cumella Cumo Cuneo Cuniberti Cuoco Cuoio Cuonsolo Cuorvo Cupparo Curato Curatolo Curci(0) -Curcione Curiale Curl Currao Curreri Curti Cusman(n)o Custodi Custuliere Cuttone-i Cuttunaro Cuzza Cuzzale Cuzzi Cuzzone Cuzzubbo
da da da da
Italian Surnames
Dadario Dagomari Dagostine dal Buffalo dal Verme dal Ponte dal Foco dal Medico dall' Agata dall' Alpi dall 'Argine dall' Oca dall'oglio dall' Ongaro dall' Orlogio dalla Volta dalla Giacoma dalla Cola dalla Vedova dalla Casa dalle Carceri Damato Damerini Dametti Dami Danaro Dando Danese Danielli Daniello* Danini Danza Dardi Dato-i Dattero Dattilo Dattino Dattoli Davids Davite Davitti De Stefono de Pretoro del de Malta de Orchis de Zingo De Arena De Mark De talis de Piccollelis De Larocca De Luca De Larosa De taro De Lorto De Peters de Francisci de Maggio de Salvio de Silvestris De Voto de Lionibus de Paolis d'Epino De Gustanz de Magistris de Michele de Crerico de John de Altems de Horatiis de Gennaro de Clemente de Gustanzi De Clements de Albertis de Felice de Comitibus de Franchis De Bias De Giovannie de Genova de Nomo de Biasi De Larco De Christine de Caprio de Candia De Chesaro de 'Porcellani . de 'Scacchi Debolini Decani Decembre Decembrio Decimo Decio Dedo degli Occhi degli Elmi degli Organi dei Capua deiagovo deIoanna del Pero del Rio del Frate del Nero del Beccaro del Carcere del Bene del Vitellesi del Checcolo del Zio del Dellorto del Balzo del Cerro del Giudice del Bagno del Piano del Scolari del Gaudio del Verne del Poggetto del Regibus Del Tufo del Corso del Monte Del Judd del Dotto del Duca del Vicario del Garbo Delapietra
Dadario della Leonessa Delaquila Delegato Delfini Delgenio Delizia Dell dell' Acqua dell' Amore del17Api dell' Argine dell' Armaiolo dell' Oca dell'olio dell' Orfano dell'Uva della Quercia della Barba della Barca della C3 della Case della-Corte dells Doma della Femmina della Giovanna della Margarita della Sonaglia della Tornba della Tone della Vedova della Calce della Piastra della Barba della Greccia della Calce della Stella della Terza della Sega della Barca della Neve della Piana della Fonte della Ratta della Valentina della Leonessa
della Ragione
- Faccione
di Quattro di Marzo Di Mag(g)io di Rienzi Di Caesar Diacono Diagonetto Diamante Diaz Diche le Dido Diechidue Dieci Dietro Digitale Diligenti Dilluvio d71ndia Dimatteo Dindo Diodati, Diomedi Dionsioli Diorato Diotajuti Diotallevi Diotif eci di Plaza Diotigurdi di Diotisalvi Direnz Discacciati Discepoli Dispenzieri d'Oca Distinti Dito Dodici Dodone Doganieri Dolce Dolceamore Dolcey Domenico Domenico-i Domestic0 Domicelli - Domico Domini Dominici Dorninico
Italian Surnames
della Ragione delle Chiavi delle Colonne delle Chiae dello Strologo Delsanto Delvintisette de Densi Dentale Dente-i Dentici Dentono Denzi Desaria Deschino Desiderato Desiderio Despoto Destrieri di di Fresco dYIgnoto Di Votti-o di Domizio di Giacomettino
Dompieri Donadio Donato Donatuti Dondolini Dondon Donizzetti Domamaria Domange lo Donnantuoni Donnola Donvito Donzorzi Dorini Doro-i Dottore Drago-i Dragomani Drappieri Drocchi Duca Ducati Durazzo Duti
Italian Surnames Facciuta Facello Faceto Facilla Faciponti Faconti Faggi Faggiani Faggioli Faginoe Fago Fagotto Failla Faina Falaguerra Falaschi Falce-i Falceri Falcheri Falciai Palciglia Falciglione Falcine lli Falco Falconaro Falcone Falconetti Falconieri Falconio Faldetta Falecalza Falena Falimmagini Faloppa Falotico Falsaperla Falsetti Falso Faltera Falzacappa Falzon Famighetti Famoso Fancelli Fancillotti Fanciulli Fanelli Fanfalone Fanfani Fanfarra Fangarezzi Fantappi& Fantasia Fantastici Fante-i Fantino Fapane Fapanni . Faperti Fapoco Faraone Farella Faretra Farfalla Farinacci Farinaro Farinata Farinelli Farinetti Farisei Farnetti Faro Farrelia Farruggia Farsetti Fasanaro Fasanelli Fas ani Fascetta Fascia Fascinato Fascio Fasolara Fasolis Fassa Fassoldati Fasulo Fateinanzi Faticati Fattore-i Faustini Fava-i Favagrossa Favale Favaloro Favari Favarulo Favero Favilla Favina Favorito Favularo Fazi Fazione Fazzolari Fea Febraro . Feci Fedele Fedi Feleti Feliciacchia Felish Femmina Fenaroli Fenice Fenoglio Fenoli Fenu Ferdinando* Feroci Ferone Ferracane Ferragalli Ferraguti Ferrai Ferraioli Ferrandy Ferrara Ferrarese Ferrario Ferraris
Facciuta - Filippella
Ferraro-i Ferreri Femgno Ferro Ferrovia Festa-i Festivolo Fezzi Fiamma Fiammingo Fianchino Fianco Fiancobono Fiastri Fibbia Fibbraio Fibonacci Ficalbi Ficarelli Ficedola - Fichi Ficomaturo Ficosecchi Fidanza Fiduccia Fierabraccio Fieramonte Fieri Fieschi Fifanti Figarola Fighinaldi Figiovanni Figlio-i Figliomarini Figoni Figurelli Filadoro Filangieri Fileccia Filicetti Filiciaia Filipietri Filippella
- Frontini
Focolino Focosi Fodera Foderaro Foderazzi Foffano Fogaccia Fogaroli Fogazzaro Folegatti Folladore Fongaroli Fontana-i Fontanabuona Fontanaro Fonte FOP pa Foraboschi Forbicini Forca Forcella-i Forc hione Forcina Forcone Forese Foresti Forestiere Forgiarini Formaggio Formentin Formento-i Formica-i Fomacciari Fornaci Fomar(i)o Fomasari Fornello Fomero Fomo Forte Fortebraccio Forteguerra Fortezza Fortinguerra Fortunato Fortune Fossa-o Fossarelli Fossetti Frabasile Frabotta Fracacreta Fracalossi Fracapane Fraccaroli Fraccassi Fracchia Fradelletti Fradistefano Fragala Fragapane Fraggiorgi Fragola Fraguele Frajoli Frallonardo Francello Francesco-i Francescuti Francese Franci Francia Francisco-i Franco-i Francolino Francomagaro Francone Frangili Frangipane Frangipietra Franguele Franscella Franschini Franscioni Franseco Franso Fransoni Frantonio
Italian Surnames
Franzelini Franzero Franzese Franzi Frappoli Frascarelli Fraschella Fraschetta Fraschini Frascino Frascone Frasso-i Frat(t)ini Fratangelo Fratarcangelo Frate-i Fratepietro Fraterrigo Fratinardo Freccia Fregapnae Fregni Fregona French Freschi Frescura Fresiella Frezza-i Fricano Fricillo Frigia Fringe110 . Fringuello Friscune Frisella Frisia Frisone-i Frittelli Frola Froncillo Frontali Fronte-i Frontealta Frontini
Filippio* Fimognari Finardi Fincchini Finfino Fingello Finiguerra Fino Finocchi Finocchiaro Finto Fiocco Fiorante Fioravanti Fiorda Fiordaliso Fiordimalva Fiordisphi Fiore-i Fiorelli Fiorentino Fiorie Fiorini Fiorita-i Fioroni Firande Firari Firerize Firidolfi Firincillo Firoffini Fimncielo Fimngielle Fistulario Fittaiolo Fittante Fittipoldi Fiumefreddo Fiurni Flauto Flavio Flechia Flori Focacci
Italian Surnames
Frosone Frugello Frugillo Frugoli Frugoni Fmmento Frusolone Frusolono Frusone Fucetola Fucile Fucinari Fugassi Fuggiti Fulgenti Fulgenzio* Fulvio* Fumagalli Fumoso Funaioli Funaro Fungaroli Funicello Furia Furibondo Furiero Furiosi Furlanetti Fumaro Fusaio
Frosone - Gemito
Fusari Fusco Fuscoe Fusella Fuseri Fusillo Fusinieri
Gab(b)iani Gabba Gabbano Gabbato Gabbia Gabotti Gabriele* Gabrio Gaggia Gaggini Gaggiotti Gagliardo Gaglio Gaglione Gagliuf fi Galana Galano Galante Galassi Galdoz Galea Galeotto Galerano Galeri Galiero Galizia Galiziani Gallarate Gallego Gallenga
Galletti Galliego Gallina Gallinaro Gallo-i Gallodoro Gallorosso Gallotta Galuppo Galvagno Galvano Galvez Gamba-i Gambacorta Gambadoro Gambalarga Gambale Gambalonga Gambaretti Gambari Gambarini Gambarossa Gambarotta Gambassi Gambatesa Gambello Gambetti ~Gassa Ganassini Gandi
Gandolfo Ganga Gangale Gangarotta Garavani Garay Garbasso Garbino Garb0 Garcea Gardella Gardellini Gardo Garelli Garganella Garibaldi Garigliano Garimberti Garini Garofale Garofalo Garofani Garofolo Garofolow Garrone Ganoti Garmbba Garucci Gaxzi Garzoli
Garzoni Gastaldi Gastoldi Gattamorta Gattarella Gattari Gattinari Gatto-i Gattoma Gattorosso Gaudio* Gaudiossl Gaula Gavazza Gavini Gavoni Gavotta Gavozzi Gayangos Gazza Gazzelli Gazzera Gazzola-i Gelosi Gelosia Gelsi Gelsomino Gemelli Gemini Gemito
Gemma - Gnudi Gemma Gemmato Genario GencareLli Generale Generini Genero Generosi Gemari Genocchi Genova Genovese Gentil(u)omo Gentilcore Gentile Gera Gerani Gerbi Geri Gerloni German0 Gerosi Gervasio Gessaroli Gessi Gesumaria Ggabo Ghedini Ghelli Gherardi Ghetti Ghezzi Ghiberti Ghignoni Ghini Ghiotti Ghiozzi Ghirlanda Ghiron Ghiselli Ghisleri Gi(1i)berti Giac Giac(c)hi Giacalone Giacinti Giackino Giaco d' Ilario Giacobbo* Giacoletti Giacolla Giacomo Giacomo-i* Giacoppo* Giacovelli Giacovetti Giagante Giallo Giallongo Gialombardo Giambarbieri Giamberardini Giambianco Giametti Giamitti Giammanco Giammaria Giammarinaro Giammaruchi Giammateo Giammeili Giammona Giamo Giampiceoli Giampieri Giamporcari Giampuzzi Giamusso Giamuzzi Gian(n)i Gianbarese Giancamilli Giancarli Giancipoli Giancola Giandinoto Giandrea Gianfigliazzi Gianformaggio Giangobbi Giangrande Giangrasso Giangreco Giann itrapani Gianrossi Giansiracusa Gianturco Giapasso Giapessi Giappichelli Giapponi Giaraci Giaraffa Giardino Giarizzo Giarraputo Giarrosi Giarusso Giassoldati Giavarini Gibilterra Gigante Gigliello Gizlio Gigludo Gilestro Giliadori Ginestra Ginevri Ginnocchi Ginocchietti Gioanetti Giobbe* Giochetti Giocondo Gioia Gioielli Gioiuso Giordano Giorgi Giorgianni Giomo
Italian Surnames
Giosso Giostrelli Giotto-i Giovane Giovane Giovanelli Giovanitti Giovanni* Giovarelli Giovenco Giovetto Giovino Gipa Girafl Girandola Girardi Girasoli Girelli Girifalco Girola Girolamo* Giron Gironda Gironi Girundini Gismondi Giubba-i Giubboni Giudiceandrea Giudicepietro Giudici Giugni Giuliante Giulinati Giullari Giumento Giuniperi Giunti Giuntoli Giuntotardi Gizillorenzi Glorioso Gnocchi Gnudi
Italian Surnames
Gobbato Gobbo-i Gofreda Goggio Gogolo Goidoni Gola Golini Gon(n)ella Gondola Gonetta Gonfalone Gonzaghi Gonzales Gorga Gorgo Gorgoglioni Gorgolini Gorgoni Gori Gorra Gosellini Gosetti Gottardi Gotti Govella Govemale Governatore Govini Govoni Gozzi Gozzini Gozzoli Gracalone Gracchi Gradenigo Gramegna Gramigna Gramola Granara Granaro Granata Granato Grancagnolo Grancelli Grancini Grande Grandis Grandolfo Graneri Grasselli Grasso-i Grastaro Grattacaso Grattapettini Grattini Gratto Graziadei Grazioso Greco Grecol Grego Grelli Greppi Gribaudi Griera Griffoni Griffi Gnfalcon Grifo Grig(g)i Grilletti Grill0 Grirnaldi Grinzato Grinzuto Grion Grisanti Grisetti Grisi Grisoni Grivetta Groppi Grossatesta Grosso Grotta Grppetti Grupposo Gruppuso Guadagni Guadagnoli Guadalupa Gualano Gualberti Gualenghi Gualperti Gualtieri Guanci Guanciali Guangi Guanti Guantieri Guarbascio Guardabasso Guardalabene
- Hawkwood
Guardi Guardiano Guardidei Guarnaccia Guarnieri Guasco Guascone Guastadisegni Guastaferro Guastalegname Guastapaglia Guatteri Guazzo Gucci Gucciardo Gucciarelli Guccioni Guercini Guercio Guerino Guerr(i)eri-o Guena Gueny Guenoni Gugino Guglielminetti Guiccio Guidantoni Guidazzio Guidoboni Gullo Gustino Gusumanno Guzzino Guzzo-i Guzzoni
lacabacci Konopa
Italian Surnames
Iacabacci Iacabella Iacabucci Iacacci Iacapraro Iacavone Iacchino Iacobbo-i* Iacobuzio Iacofi Iacoli Iacomo-i* Iacone-i Iaconianni Iaconissa Iacono-i Iacopo-i . . Iacotti Iacovo-i Iacovolo Iacucci Iaculli Iacuzzi-o Iadicicco
Iamitti Iammonico Ian(n)i Ianacchino Ianara-i Iannacca Iannantonio Iannaro Iannicola Iapelli Iappelli Iarussi Iavanucci Iavazzo Ielosi Ieraci Ignasio-i* Ignotis Illuminate Imazio Imbergamo Imbiso Imbriaco Imburgia
Impallomeni Impavido Imperatore Imperatrice Imperiali Impicciati Impollonia Imprevidito Impronto Incalcaterra Incandela Incani Incardona Incatasciato Incendio Incerto Inchiostri Incognito Incontrera Incontri Infelise Infangati Infortunio Ingannamorte
Ingargiola Ingegneri Ingegno Inghilese Inghilleri Inghilterra Ingigneri Inglese Ingrassia Innamorato Innocenti Inquisitore Insalata Insana Insegna Invemio Inzalata Inzinga Iodice Ioppi Iovino Isoldi Isotti Iusillo Ivani Izzo
Jomelli Jurkoxic
Kennedy Konopa
Italian Surnames
L'Occaso Li Sferi
L' Occaso La Licata La Fiandra La Mesta La Monaca La Morsa La Liberta La Guardia La Grua La Scola La Morte La Motta La Magna La Rotella La Vorgna La Brasca La Liberty La Cognata La Cattiva La Preta La Bocetta La Vecchia La Quaglia La Rocca La Testa La Morticella La Russa La Loggia La Francia La Lumia La Mattina La Mark La Via La Capruccia La Forgia La Calendola La Pira La Grega Labadessa Labadini LaBombarda
laccarino Lacchini Lacci Lacerda lacobellis Laghi Lagomarsino Laguna Lajolo Lalli Lambertehghi Lambruschi Lambruschini Lamieri Lamma Lamo Lampredi Lana Lanari Lanciai Lanciani Lancieri Lancillotto Landi Landini Landolfi Landozzi Landri Landucci Langello Lanti Lanuto Lanza-i Lanzanova Lanzari Lanzavecchia Lanzerotto Lanzoni Laorca Laparelli Lapi
lapicchino Lapini Laponi Lappoli Larciprete Lardelli Lardieri Laretti Larice Larini Larivey Larocca Lasagna Lascialfare Lastrucci Lattari Lattarulo .Latte Lattieri Lattieri Lattuca Laudadio Laudato Lauretti Lauri Laurini Laurora Lautero Lav Vanga Lava Lavacapi Lavaggetto Lavagna Lavagnoli Lavandoli Lavazzola Lavezzari Lavezzi Lavezzola Lavini Lavorante
Lavoratore Lazzaro* Leale Leandro* Leardi Leccardo Lecci Leggiadro Leggitore Legnaiuolo Legnazzi Lelmo Lembi Lena Lencio Lenticchia Lentini Lento Lenzuolo Leofante Leonardi Leoncavallo Leone-i Leonette Leopanto Leopardi Leopore Leoporini Lepri Lerda Lero Lessi Lett0 Levante Levantini Levati Leveroni Lezzi Li Castri Li Sferi
Li Gotti
- Maggioncalda
Lo Franco Lo Cigno Lo Duca Lo Basso Lo Bello Lo Destro Lo Bue Lo Frasso Lo Vascio Lo Sasso Lo Surdo Lo Verde Lo Bianco Lo Sacco Lo Curto Lo Grasso Lo Rubbio . Lo Guercio Lo Magro Lo Brutto Lo Manto Lo Presto Lo Muto Lo Casto Lo Gatto Lo Papa Lo Bracco Lo Parco Lo Prelato Lo Parrocco Lobetti Locarno Locashio Locchi Lococo Locusto Lodato Lodeserto Lodolini Loffaro Loforese Logiurato Loiaconio Lorn bardie Lorn bardo-i Lornuscio Lonato Longo Loperfido Lopez Lorenzo-i* Losana Losanese Loschi Losito Lotierzo Lotosco Lotteringhi Lotto Lovatelli Lozio Lozzi Lucabello Lucarell
Italian Surnames Lucarini Lucciola Lucenteforte Lucenti Lucernari Lucherini Luciferi Luckino Luffi Lugaro Lugli Lui Luigino Lulio Lumachi Lumini Luna Lunarino Lunedei Lunetta Lunghetti . Luotto Lupinacci Lupino Lupo-i Luppi Luridi Lusciutto Lusco Lusignani Lusitano Lustro
Li Gotti Li Pani Li Rochi Li Sacchi Liberate Liborio Licenziato Lico Licudi Lieto Ligabue Lignaroli Ligoretti Limoncelli Limoni Limosini Linari Lincio Line Linfante . Lingua Linguadivacca Linsalata Lionello Lioni Lira Lisignoli Lissario Lissi Little Livrieri Lizzi
Italian Surnames Maggione Maggiore Maghin Magistro-i Maglia Magliari Magliero Magnabecchi Magnacervi Magnafico Magnano Magnate Magni Magnini Magro-i Maiale Maidenti Mainardi Mainetto Mainieri Maio Maiorana Maiorca Maiorello Maioribus de Maiuri Majeilaro Malabarba Malabocca Malabranca Malacame Malafarina Malafonte Malafronte Malagese Malaguerra Malalingua Malanc Malandra Malandrino Malanima Malanotta Malanotte Malantuono Malanzi Malaspina Malatesta Malato Malavita Malconsigli Malenconico Malepede Malerba Maletti Malfante Malfatto Maligns Malinvemo Malipedi Malizia Mallardi Malmusi Malnati Malnipote Malo Malocchi Malomo Malone Malorespectu Malorzo Malossi Malpasso Malpede Malpeli Malpezzo Malpighi Malquore Maltagliati Maltase Maltempo Maltese Maltise Maluccelli Malveduto Malvestito Malvezzi Malvicini Malvisto Malvizzo Mamb~o Mammacci Mammana Mammanello Mammarello Mammola Mammone Mancinelli Mancinforte Mancini Manco-i Mancuso Mandalari Mandarella Mandell Mandolini . Mandrea Mandriale Mandriano Mandrill0 Mangalvite Mang anaro Manganelli Mangano Mangia Mangiacapra Mangiacavallo Mangiacervi Mangiadori Mangiafico Mangialardo Mangialomin Mangiameli Mangiapane Mangiaracina Mangiarapa Mangiaregina Mangiaspesso Mangiaspicca Mangiaterra Mangiatordi Mangiatroie Mangiben
Maggione - Marazzi
Mangigalli Mangino Mangione Mango Mangoldo Mangone Manili Manini Maniscalchi Mann Mannajuolo Mannara Mannarini Mannaro Mannerino Manning Man0 Mansueto Mantegari Mantegna Mantellaro Mantellini Mantello Mantiero Mantone Manussi Manzionna Manzo Manzoli Marabotto Maradeo Maraldi Maramotti Marangi Marangiani Marangoni Marano Maranzano Maraschi Marasci Marasconi Marasso Maraviglia Marazzi
- Meco-i
Marra Marrabello Marrangone Marrano Marraro Marrazzi Marro Marroncelli Marmca Marsala Marshall Marsiglia Marsili-o Marsino Martellaro Martelli Marti Martinati Martinazzolo Martire Martora Martorelli Maruca Maruccelli Marucchi Maruffiino Maruzza Marvasi Marvizzo Marzo-i Marzocchi Marzolino Marzolo Masandrea Mascagni Mascari Mascaro Mascarone Mascelli Mascheroni Mascherpa Masciadri Mascioli Masciotta Mascolo Masera Maso-i Masolesso Massa-i Massaba Massacane Massai Massante Massara-o Massaria Massera Masseri Massidda Massilla Massimbeni Masso-i Massoglia Mastandrea Mastantuono Mastellari Masterbert Masterjulius Masterpaul Mastinelli Mastrangelo Mastremarini Mastro Mastrogiulio Mastrogiuseppe Mastroippolito Mastrominico Mastronardi Mastropaolo Mastropasqui Mastroroberti Mastrosimone Mastrototaro Mastrovalerio Matarazzo Matassa Materassi Materdomine
Italian Surnames
Matesi Matisi Matrangol Matre Matrone Matta Mattarella Matthew Mattiusso Mattiuzzo . Matto-i Matzolo Maurice Mauro Mazza Mazzabue Mazzacane Mazzagalli Mazzagatti Mazzalorso Mazzamici Mazzamuto Mazzante Mazzapica Mazzare lli Mazzaro Mazzato Mazzeo Mazzerella Mazzi Mazzieri Mazzinghi Mazzini Mazzo-i Mazzocchi Mazzocchio Mazzola Mazzolari Mazzoldi Mazzollo Mazzone Mazzucca Mazzucchelli Meco-i
Marcabruno Marcantonio* Marcarello Marcarino Marcatante Marcellesi Marcelli Marcheggiani Marcherelli Marchese Marcoaldi Marcolenghi Marconcino Marcotulio Marcotulli Marcucillo Mardenello Marena M arenga Marescalco Marescotto Marfisi Marinaro Marine Marinella Marinpietro Mariola Maritato Maritello Marito Markassi Marketti Marmi Marmitta Marmocchi Marmora Marmotta Marni Marobio Marobio Marocco Maroncelli Marotta Marozza
Italian Surnames Meda Medaglia Medal Medello Medici Medolla Medoro Medulla Mei Melaragno Melari Melato Melazzo Mele-i Melegari Melegatti Meliconi Melillo Melissa Mello Mellone Melograno Melone Memmo-i Memola Menaloi Menapace Menco-i Mendico Mendozzi Menego-i Mengo-i Mengrino Menico-i Meninno Menis Menna-o Memella M~MOM~ Menoni Menotti Menotti Menozzi .Mentastro Mentesano Mento-i Mentone Menzieri Meo Meomartini Mercanti Mercatante Mercati Merchant Merciaio Mercolino Mercorino Mercuri Meriggi Merisi Merlino Merlo Merluzzo Merula Merulla Meschieri Meschinelli .Meschino Messeri Messina Mestica Mestola Metino Mettefogo Metti Mettifuoco Meucci Mezzabarba Mezzabotta Mezzacapo Mezzacappa Mezzacasa Mezzaconti Mezzadonna Mezzadrelli Mezzadroli Mezzafanti. Mezzalama Mezzaluna Mezzamici Mezzanini Mezzanotte Mezzari Mezzasalma Mezzatesta Mezzavacca Mezzoprete Micchini Micci Michaels Michalich Michetti Mico-i Micola Midolla Mierula Mietitori Migliaccio Migliardi Migliari Miglierini Miglierini Miglio Mignatto Mignoni Milanest Milani Militare Milite Millanni Millanto Mille Millefiiorini Millelire Miller Milletari Millioni Millomini Milza Minchetto Minchi Minciotti
Meda Modglia
Minelli Minestra Minestrina Minetti Mingo-i Mini Miniatori Minico Minimi Miniscalchi Minna Minneci Minnella Mino Minocchi Minoletti Minori Minucci Minunni Minutelli Miola Mirabile Mirallegro Mirangiuso Mirisoli Mirra Mirritelli Mirto Mistorigo Mistrali Misurelli Mitraglia Mittino Mivanto Mizzi Moccafighe Moccia Mocenigo Mocerelli Mocerini Modena Modesti Modestini Modglia
Mogliera Muzzone
Mogliera Mogni Mola Molaioli Molari Moleta Moleti Molinario Molinaro Molinio . Molino Molise Mollettiere Molossi Momo-i Momolito Monacelli Monaco Monaldeschi Monaldi Monari Monasteri Moncada Monco Moncuso Mondadori Mondo-i Mondolfi Mondolfi Moneghin Monelli Moneta Monini Monini Monopoli Monsanti Montagna Montalbano Montalbano Montale Montalto Montanelli Montani Montani Monte-i Montebuoni Montecatini Montefiore Montefiore Monteforte Monteleone Montenergo Montenero Montenero Montesanto Montoro Montrssori Montone Montoro Moore Mora Morabito Morari Morari Morati Mordaci Morello Moreno Moreno Morgana Moriconi Moriconi Morigi Mori Moriacchi Morini Morittu Morlacchi Morlacchi Moro Morra Mortillaro Mortola Mosca Moscardi ~Moscardino Moscardino Moscarelli Moscaroli Moscatello ~Moscati-o Moscati-o Moscheni Moschetti Moschino Mosconi Mosconi Mossini Mosso Mossolin Mostacchio Mostacchio Mostacci Mostardi Mostellone Motto-i Mottola ~Mozzachiodi Mozzapiede Mozzarelli Mozzarelli Mozzo-i LMucciaccia Muccio Mucerina Mucerina Mugnaio Mugnoz Mugnoz Mula
Italian Surnames
Mulari Mulas Mulattiero Mulazzo Muletti Mulettieri Mulo Munisteri Mura Murari Muratori Murena Murra Musaragni Muscarelli-o Muscarelli-o Muscari Musciarelli Muscini Muscio Musco Musica Musicante Musico Musico Muso Musone Mussigrosso Musso-i Musso-i Mussolini Mustacchio Musulillo Mutaccio Mutaccio Muto Muzzarelli Muzzicato Muzzo-i Muzzone
Italian Surnames
Naccarato Occhiuto
Naccarato Naccari Nacci Nadalini Naldini . Naldoni Nallini Nando Nannarelli Nannariello Nannipieri Nanno-i Nantista Napioni Naples Napoleone Napoli Napolitano Narangi Narcisi Nard0 Narelli Nari Nascarella Nascimbene Nascimpace Nascone Naselli Naso-i Nassi Nassini Nastri Nasuto
Natale-i Naturale Nauta Navarrini Navarro Nave Navigato. Navilio Navone Nazzareno Nebbia Neglia Negoda Negro-i Negronida Nencio Nepote Neri Nescio Nesi Nespo Nespoli Nesporo Nestorio Nevi Nezzino Nezzo Nibbio Nicchia Niccolante Nickels Nicolaio Nicolosa
Nicotera Nico Nicola Nidobeato Nieddu Nievo Nigliazzo Nigro Nirmo-i Niscemi Nita Nitti Nitti Neve Nobile Nocchi Nocci Noccioli Noce Nocelli Nocenti Nodari Noli Nolii Nonani Nono Nontigiova Nora Norante Norelli Norma Nomandi Normanni
Nosari Noselli Nosera Notar Notarangelo Notardonado Notardonato Notaristefano Notarnicola Notaro Not0 Notte-i Nottola-i Nottomo Nottumo Novarro Nove Novello Novembre Novespade Nozza-o Nozzoli Nubile Nuccio Nudo Nunziante* Nunziati Nunzio* Nussi Nuvoli Nuvolini Nuzzo-i
- Panebianco
Oneesti Onetti Ongaro Onola Onorato . Opello Opessi Opezzi Opizzo Orbuti Ordo Orecchio Orecchione Orecchiuto Orefici Orengo Orgogliosi Orientale Oriente Orio Orioli Orlando* Ormanni Omato Omo Oro Orologi Orsini Orso-i Ortaggio Ortale Orticoni Orto Orvieto Orzelli Orziere Orzo Osberghieri Oselladore Oselletti
Italian S~irnames
Oselli Ost(e)rello Ostaggi Ostarello Ostarello Ostellari Ostinato Otta~iano'~ Ottavio* Ottieri Ottobello Ottoboni Ottobre Ottobrino Ottolonino Ottomanelli Ottomano 0ttonaio 0ttonieri
Occi Occidentale Occioni Ocio Offamilio Ognisanti Olandese Oliari Olivanto Olivari Olivastro OLivetti 0livieri Olivo-i Olmedo Olmo Ombrello Omini 0mo.deo Ondidei
Paccasassi Paccecco Pacc hi Pacchierotti Pacc hioni Pacciaudi Pacc iotti Pace Pacera Pacienza Pacif ico Pacilio Pacinotti Pacioni Padella Padellaro Padelletti Paderi Padoa Padovano
Padrone Padula Pagano-i Paggi Paggio del Ponte Paglia Pagliacci Pagliai Paglialunga Pagliarini Pagliaro Pagliaruolo Pagliasso Pagliazzo Pagni Pagnone Pagnotta Pajella Palaccio Palace
Paladino Palag(g) i Palamidessi Palatini Palazzi Palazzini Palazzoli Palco Palermini Palermo Palestine Palia Palieri Palimbo Palla Pallacano Palladino Pallaro Palleschi Pallone
Palma Palmiero Palminteri Palmucci Palomaro Palombari Palombi Palozzi Paltrinieri Palummo Pampaloni Pananti Panaro Panaroni Pancaldi Pancia Pancini Pancotto Pane Panebianco
Italian Surnames
Panegrosso Pedro Pappadia Pappafico Pappagallo Pappalallo Pappalardo Papucci Papuzza-i Paradiso Paranza Parapatta Parasoli Paratore Parazzoli Parco Pardi Parelli Parenti Paretto Parigi. Parigini Parini - Parisi Parlagreco Parlapiano Parlatore Parma Parmiero Parodi Parola Paroli Parpagliolo Parra Parrella Parrillo Parrinelli Parrini Parmli parry Particappa Parusolin Parussa Parussolo Parvupasso Pascale-i* Pascolati Pascoli Pascotti Pascottini Paselli + Pashotte Pasini Pasolini Pasqua Pasqualangelo* Pasquale* Pasquarosa Passacantando Passafaro Passafiume Passaggiero Passalacque Passamonti Passananti Passaro-i Passature Passavalli Passavanti Passeoni Passero-i Passetti Passo-i Passone Passotti Pasta Pastacalda Pastasciutta Pasticceri Pastore Pastorella Pastoressa Patacca Patani Patano Patari Patatta Patenostro Pateri Paternoster Patini Patrasso Patrasso Patri Patriarca Patriglia Patrigno Patrini Patrizzi Patrone Patrone Patronelli Pattarello Pattoni Pattoni Patuto Patuzzi Pau Paura Pavana Pavarini Paventa Pavese Pavesio Pavia Paviro Pavonae Pazient Pazienza Pazzo-i Pe tralia Peccia-e Peccino Pecorae Pecoraro Pecorelli Pedalino Pedi ~ediferro Pedigallo Pedilepore Pedocca Pedone Pedro*
Panegrosso Panella Panerari Panetti Panettiere Panevino Panicale Panichetti Panico Panicola Panicucci Panierai Panigarola Panizza Pannelli Pannilunghi Pansa Pansuti Pantaloni Pantana Pantanelli Pantano Pantera Panza-i Panzacchi Paolanto Paone Paonessa Paonissa Papa Papagno Papaianni Papaleo Papandrea Papanio Papapietro Papara Papararo Paparella Paparini Papatodero Papavero Papi Papini
- Piccioni
Pera Peranto Perantoni Perassich Perbellini Percella Perciabosco Percivalle Percoco Percossi Perduto Peresio Peretti Perf idi Pergiovanni Pergolesi Pergrossi Pericolosi Perini Perisi Perito Perla Perlato Perlini Perna Pemice Pemiciaro Perodi Perolari Peropato Perpignani Perrez Perrone Penupato Persa Persegati Persia Persiani Persichetti Persico Persighetti Persutto Pertempo Pertica Perticari Perticone Perucca Perucchini Perugia Perugini Perullo Perverse Pesante Pescara Pescarese Pescatore Pesce Pescetti Peschi Peschieri Pescia Pestalozzi Pestelli Petasso Petazzo Peteroti Peteruzziello Petitti Peto Petosa Petraccone Petrai Petranto Petrario Petricola Petro-i Petrobelli Petroglio Petrongelli Petroni Petroselli Petrosino Petroso Petrusini Pettigrosso Pettinaro Pettine Pettinero
Italian Surnames
Peduto Peeri Pegolari Pegolotti Pei Peiroli Pelagallo Pelagatti Pelanda Pelinero Pelirizzio Peliroccia Pellabruno Pelle Pellegrino Pelletieri Pellicano Pellicci Pelliccioni Pellinegro Pellini Pellizzari Pellizzone Pelosi Peluso Penco Pennacchio Pemimpede Pensabene Pensieri Penta .Pentola Pentore Penzabene Peonati Peoni Peori Peparetti Pepe Pepirato Pepitone Peponari Peptone Per(r)igo
Pettinigro Pettirosso Petto-i Pettoello Pettoruto Petuzzo Peveraro Peverelli Peyretti Peyron Peyronel . Peziali Pezzaroli Pezzente Pezzi Pezzotti Phillips Piacente Piacquadio Piaggia Pialorsi Piampiano Pianavia Pianciani Pianesi Pianforte Pianigiani Piano Piantone Piatti Piazza Pic(c)ione Pica Picarello Piccapietra Piccardi Piccarelli Picchi Picchoti Piccialli Piccifuoco Piccinotti Picciolpasso Piccioni
Italian Surnames
Piccirilli Piccitto Picco-i Piccoli Piccolpasso Picigotti Picinnini Pico Picogna Picone Picozzi Pietrobono Piecora Piedi Piediscazo Piegora Piemontese Pierangeli Pierfederico Pierleoni Piermei Piero-i Pierro-i Pietoso Pietrangeli Pietro-i Pietrogrande Pietromarchi Pietromonaco Pietropaolo Piffari Pighi Pigialovo Piglione Pignataro Pignatelli Pignatta Pignero pignolone Pignone Pigo-i Pigoncelli Pigorini Pigosso Pigotto Pilastri Pilate Pilotto Piludu Pinamonti Pinari Pincetti Pinedo Pinelli Pingitore Pino-i Pintamura Pinto Pinza Pinzoccheri Pinzone Pioli Piolli Piomaria Piombanti Piombo Pionati Pioni Pioppi Piovana Piovani Piozzi Piparata Piparo Pipiemo Pipino Pipitone Pipituni Piraino Piraro Piro-i Piromalli Piroscafo Pirro Pirro-i Pinoti Pisacane Pisacreta Pisasale Pisaturo Piscianieri Pisciello Pisciotto Piscitello Piscopo Piselli Pisellini Pisillo Pispoli Pissotti Pistarniglio Pistelli Pistone-i Pistorino Pistorio Pita Pitaro Pitarro Pitini Pitocchelli Pitocco Pitocco Pitoni Pitro-i Pitt Pitta Pittarelli Pitt arini Pittaro Pittoli Pitucco Pitzaferro Piula Piumati Piumetti Piva Pivani Pivaro Pivotto Pizabeccari Pizza Pizzagrossa
Piccirilli - Polera
Pizzaioli Pizzardo Pizzetti Pizzicagnolo Pizzichini Pizzigallo Pizzingrilli Pizzo Pizzoferrato Pizzolato Pizzolorusso Pizzoni Pizzorusso Pizzufeno Pizzicaro Placids Platania Plebani Pocatena Pochini Pochintest Poueroso Poci Pocobelli Pocorroba Poderoso Podesti Podesti Podragosi Podragosi Poeta Poeta Poggi Poggi Poggiolo Poidomani Poja n i Polacco Polanca Polci Poledrelli Polenta Poleo Polera
Polfranceschi Quirini
Italian Surnames Positero Possenti Possumato Postiglione Potoni Pottini Potuto Povero Poveromo Povolo Pozzetti Pozzo-i Pozzoli Praino Pram Premonte Primio Prusso Ptccini Puccianti Puccio Puddu Puglia Pugliese Pugnali Pugnatore Pugni-o Pulci Pulcino Pulega Puliccichio Pulice Pulido Puligheddu Pulio Pulise Pulito Pumice Pumo Pungibuoi Pungileone Pungitore Punta Puntaloro Puntoni Purcelli Purgatorio Purificato Purpura Pusateri Pussini Pusterla Puzio Puzzinelli hzzo Puzzone Puzzoso
Polfranceschi Pollacci Pollari Pollastro-i Polledro Pollice Pollic in0 Pollinari Pollini Poll0 Polonia Poltrone Polverari Pomari Pomati Pometti Pomice Porno Pomodoro Pompeati Ponelli Pontarelli Pontari Pontecorvo Pont ieri Pontiroli Ponzini Ponzone
Popoleschi Pop010 Poppi Porcacchi Porcaro Porci Porcile Porco Porcu Poreni Poretti Porpora Porporati Porqueddu Porretti Porn Porta Portafoglio Portalepi Portelli Portico. Portiero Portinari Portincasa Portogallo Portoghese Pornlano Posada
Italian Surnames
- Romagnuolo
Rabajoli Rabbeno Rabbiosi Rabbizzani Rabuffati Racana-o Racanelli Racca Racchiuso Raccio Racheli Radicci Rafanelli Ragana-o Raganelli Ragazzi Ragazzini Ragghianti Raggia Ragionieri Ragnini Ragno Ragonesi Ragosta Raguse Raguseo Raia Raimondi Raina Rainucci Raiola Rajna Ralli Ramallo Rambaldi Ramo~i Rampichini Rampinelli Ramponi Rana Ranallo Ranconi
Ranghetti Rango Rangone Ranioli Ranocchio Ranzetti Ranzi Ranzoli Rapaccioli Raposa Rapuzzi Raschi Rasetti Raso Rastelli Ratti Ravaglia Ravanello Ravaschieri Ravenna Ravera Ravi Raviglia Raviolo Ravizza Ravizzoni Razza Razzara Razzetta-o Razzolini Re Reali Reechi Recchini Redi Regattieri Regazzi Regazzini Reggio Regina Reg010 Reina
Rematore Rena Repulo Resegotti Rettore Revere Rezzo Rezzuto Rrbaldo Ribera Ric(c)iuto Ricardo Ricasoli Ricca Riccardi Ricchetti Ricchiuto Ric ciardi Riccieri Riccio Riccioni Riccitelli Riccobelli Riccobono Riccomami Richards Rico Ric ordati Ricotti Ridarelli Riddell Ridolfi Rifici Rig ani Rigante Rigillo Rigo-i Rigobon Rigogolo Rigoli Rimondini Rinaldi
Rinaldi Rinaudi Rini-o Rinlli Ripa Ripari Riposati Risanato Risi Risoli Rissalvat Ristori Ritrovato Ritzo Riva Rizzardi Rizzieri Rizzini Rizzio Rizzitello Rizzo Rizzuto Robertis Roberto* Roberts Robini Robustiano Robusto Roc(c)hetti Rocca Roccella-i Roccia Rodante Rodi Rodino Rogadeo Rogna Rognetti Rognone Roini Rolando* Romagnuolo
- Sampognaro
Ronzini Ronzone Rosa Rosamarina Rosari Rosasco Rosati-o Rosconi Rosconi Roselli Rosellini Roseto Rosignuoli Rospi Rosponi Ross Rossetti Rossi Rosso Rota Rotari Rotari Rotellini Rotiroti Rotondo Rotrlla Rotti Rotunda Rotumo Rovano Rovati Rovere Rovetta Rovini Rozzi Rua Rubbio Ru bino Rucco Rucellai
Italian Surnames
Ruderini Rudilosso Ruffalo Ruff010 Ruff inati Ruga Rugari Rugatti Ruju Ruota Rupi Ruschi Russell Russetto Russo Russomanno Rustici Ruzzini
Romano Rombello Rombone Romeo Romero Romiti Romizi Rompiferro Ronca Roncaglia Roncari Ronchetti Roncioni Rondani Rondanina Rondello Rondone Ronga Rongetti Ronsivalle
Sabadino Sabatino Sabato Sabbia Sabbioni Saccardo Saccarelli Saccaro Saccenti Sacchetti Sacchiero Sacco Saccomani Sacconi Sacerdoti Sacripante Sacristan0 Sagari Sagginario Saggini
Saggio Sagrati Sagrestano Saia Saiabianca Sainati Saitta Sala Salaghi Salamandra Salami Salamita Salamoni Salandra Salani Salanitro Salari Salaroli Salassa Salata
Salazar Salce Salemi Salemo Salgari Salice Salimbene Salina Salinaro Salinas Sallusti Salnitro Salornoni Salone Salpietro Salsa Salsini Salsizza Saltalmacchia Saltarelli
Saltarini Salterio . Salvaggio Salvagno Salvalanima Salvato Salvi Salvidio Salvioni Salzizza Samazzaro Sambuccetti Sambuco Sambuga Sammarco Sammartino Samorani Samori S ampogna Sampogniro
Italian Surnames
San Giovanni San Angelo San Antonio San Giuliano San Vitale San Thomas San Romano Sanatore Sanchez Sanctis Sandicchi Sandonato Sanesi Sanfilippo Sanguedolce Sangui Sanguinacci Sannicandro Sannuto Sansale Sansalone Sanseverinati Sansoldi Sansoni Sant 'Angelo Sant 'Antonio Santa Caterina Santa Rosa Santalucy Santangelo Santarella Santaro Santelli Santesano Santigliana Santo Santochirico Santoli Sanudo Saponaro Sapori Saporito Saputi Saraca Saracchi Saraceno-i Saracino Sarasino Sarchi Sardelli Sardo Sardonelli Sardoni Sargenti S argentilli Sarica Saricone Sarpi Sartalamacchia Sartini Sarto Sartori Sartorio Sarzetti Sassaiuoli Sassetti Sassi-o Sassoni Satti Saulle Sauro Savio Savioa Savoiardo Sbarbaro Sbarbato Scaccialossi Scaccianoce Scacciato Scaduto Scafa Scafetti Scaffa Scala Scalabrini Scalamandri Scalangelo Scalco Scaldaf eni Scali Scalici Scalogna Scaltrito Scalzitti Scalzo Scamapieco Scamberti Scampato Scannabecchi Scannagatti Scannatopi Scapati Scapecchi Scapigliati Scapocchio Scarabelli Scaramouche Scaramuccia Scarangelo Scarbini Scardapane Scardovelli Scarfoni Scari Scaricaciottoli Scarlati Scar10 Scarmato Scarnati Scarnavack scar0 Scarola Scarpa-e Scarpari Scarpazza Scarpelli Scarpellini Scarpetta Scarrone Scarselli scars0 Scartazzini
Sclavo Sinistri
Italian Surnames
Scutieri Scuto Scuzzari Sebastiani Secafico Secale Secatore Secchi Secchieri Secco Secondini Secondo Seegar Segafeni Segali Seganti Segantini Segati Segatore Seggiaro Seghetti Seghezzi Seghi Segreti Seguenza Sei Sella Sellaio Sellaro Sellaroli Selva Selvaggi Selvatico Sembrini Seminatore Semmoli Semola Semperboni Semplici Senatore Seneca Senise Senno Sensale Sensi Senzamalizia Senzamici Senzanome Senzarasone Senzatimore Sepolcri Sera Serandei Serantoni Serbia Serfilippo Sergianni Sergiovanni Sergiusti Serinella Serio Serlunardi Sermartelli Sernicola Serone Serpe Serpente Serpino Serra Serrao Serraro Serratore Serristori Serritelle Servadei Servente Servidio Servindio Servo Sessa-e Sesto Sestro Seta Setajoli Setaro Settanni Settano Settecase
Sclavo Scodellaro Scoglietti Scoglio Scolari Scolli Sconavacco Sconciagioco Scontri Scopa Scopacasa Scorcia Scorcialupi Scordato Scordini Scordo Scorpati Scorpio Scorpione Scorsone Scorticati Scorza Scotellaro Scottini Scott0 Scotton(e) Scovetti Scozzafava Scozzari Scribante Scrignaro Scrittore Scrivano Scrofa della Staffa Scudella Scudellati Scudi Scully Scultore Scupari Scuri Scutari Scutellari
Setteducati Settegrani Settembre Settembrini Settepani Settesoldi Setti Setticelli Settimio Settino Settoni Sezzi Sforza Sgambati Sgarioto Sgobbo Sgrii Sgroi Shortino S iacovelli S ibilano Sibilia S icari S icco S ichirollo S icilia Siciliano S iderini Siena Siesto Sighieri Signa Signore S ignorelli S ignorile Silvagno Simbeni S imboli S imili S indici S inibaldi S iniscalchi Sinistri
Italian Szrrnames
Sioli Straccali
Sorrento Somso Sortino Soru Sostegni Sotti Sottili Sozzi Sozzinfante Spaccamela Spaccanasi Spada-e Spadafma Spadafora Spadaro Spadavecchia Spadoni Spagna Spagnolo-i Spagnoloe Spain Spalatino Spalla-e Spampinato span0 Sparacino Sparacio Sparagna SpaRino Sparraccio Sparracino Sparviere Spataro Spatola Spatoni Spatula Spatuzza Spaventa Specchio Special Speciale Spedale Spedalieri Spedalotti Spedracci Spedroni Spellacy Spelti Spenzieri Sperandeo Speranza Spetroni Speziale Spezzacatena Spezzaf erro Spezzamolin Spiaggia Spierto Spigaroli Spinabelli Spinaci Spinazzoli Spinello Spini Spinnato Spinola Spinosi Spirito Spiritoso Spirsi Spitali Spitalieri Spitaro Spitero Spizio Spolidoro Spolverini Sportelli Sposa Sposini Sposito Spot0 Spotti Sproviere Spurio Squarciapino Squillante Squrcialupi -Ssorelli St. Marie St. Peter St.John Stabile Stacca Stacchetti Stacchini Staf fieri Staffa Staffetta Stagnaro Stagnetti Stagnp Stalla Stallone Stampalia Stancati Stanco Stangarone Stanza Starace Starni Steccati Stefani Stella Stellato Stendardo Sterlini Stemi Stemini Stivala Stivaletti Stoccatore Stocco Stoico Storace Storino Stomajoli Stomello Storno Storti Stortiglione Straccali
Sirimarco Sisca Sismondi Sissini Siviglia Smargiassi Smeraldi Smith Snelli Snideric Soave Soffietti Sogliuzzo Sognatori Solari Solazzi Soldano Soldati Soldatini Soldi Sole Soler Sollazzi Sollecito Solone Sommeri Sonaccorso Soprani Sopranis Sorachi Sorbelli Sorbi Sorcio Sordi Sorentino Sorgentee Sorica Soricelli Sorini Sorrentino
- Tempobuono
Strazza S trazzabosco Strazzacappa Strazzari Strazzeri Streghi S trinati Strizzi Strozzi Strummolo Struzzo Studente Stupidetti Stuppiello Suarez Sucato Sufoletta Sugamele Sugana Suino
Italian Sz~rnames Sulli Summonti Superbe Susini Svampa Svanetti Svanini Svegliato
Stracciabende Stracciati Straccioni Strada Stradali Stradella Strambi Straneo Straniero Straparola
Tabacchini Tabacco Tabarrelli Tabarri Tabamno Taccagni Taccarello Taccari Taccarillo Tacchini Tacco-i Taccola Taccone Tacullo Tad(d)ei Tafani Tagliabo Tagliabrazzi Tagliabue Tagliacame Tagliaferro Tagliafico Tagliagam be Taglialate la Taglialavoro Taglialegamme Tagliamonte Taglianetti Tag liapietra Tagliarini
Tagliasacchi Tagliatore Tagliavacche Tagliazucchi Tagliere Tagliola Talacco Talenti Tallo Tallone Talluto Talpone Tamaraglio Tamari Tamarro Tambelloni Tamborra Tamborrini Tamburi Tambumni Tamburro Tamisari Tampina Tan Tancredi* Tangheroni Tangora Tanidorio Tantillo Tappari
Tarallo Tarangeli Tarangioli Tarantola Tarasconi Tarbi Tardone Targhi Targhini Targione Tar li Tarocchi Tarpini Tarrago Tartaglia Tartaglione Tartarini Tartaro Tartaruga Tartini Tartuferi Tasca Tassinari Tasso Tassoni Tasssini Tata Tat afiore Tatananno Tatangelo
Tataranno Tatarello Tatarone Tatasciore Tatti Tauro Tavahelli Tavano Tavema Tavemari Tavemini Tavola Tavolacci Tavolieri Tavollaro Tecchi Tedesco Tedesco Tei Tela Telegramma Telescopio Tellarini Temerario Tempesta Tempestini Tempietto Tempio Templare Tempobuono
Italian Surnames
Tenace Tridente Thomas Tiani Tianic Tiano Tiboldi Tieri Tiglio Tignosini Tignuso Tigri Tigrini Timpanaro Timpanelli Timpano Timpone Tinca Tinello Tinivelli Tinto Tintori Tirab6 - Tiranetto Tiranno Tirondola Tironi Timnnanzi Titomanlio Titone Tittoni Tizzone to to Todeschini Toeschi Tofano Togno Toledo Tolliver Toloni Tolosani Tomati Tomba Tombari Tominello Ton(n)i Tondo-i Tonso Topazio Topazzini Topino Topo Torchi Torcicollo Tordella Tordo Torello Toro Toro-i Torquati Torre Torregrossa Torrente Torres Torrieri Tonone Torselli Torta Tortelli Torti Tortora Tortorella Tortoreto Tosa Tosabecchi Tosato Toscanini Toscano Tosco Toselli Tosinghi Toso-i Tosto Totaro Totera Totto Tozzo-i Trabucco Tracia Tracy Traditi Traficante Traini Trambusti Tramontani Tramonti Tranquilli Trapone Trappi Trasirneni Traversa Traversari Travia Trazzi Trebbi Trecapelli Trecase Trecroci Tredente Treggiari Tremarelli Tremari Tremoli Trenda Trenta Trentacapilli Trentacinque Trentacoste Trentadue Trentanni Trentanove Trentanove Trepiccione Trepiedi Tresoldi Triatria Tribastuni Tribolati Triboli Tribunale Tribuno Tricase Tridente
Tenace Tenaglia Tenca Tencajoli Tencaro Tenda Tenebrini Tenebruso Tenore Tentoni Teobaldi Teodori Terni Temullo Terracini . Terracotti Terranova Terrazzo Terremoti Tembile Tembilini Terzetti Terzo Tescaro Tesei Tesoriere Tessaro Tessori Testa Testagrossa Testanera Testarossa Testasecca Testaverde Testena Testera Testolini Testoni Testore Tetesco Tetti Tettoni Teutonic0 Teza
Italian Surnames Venticinque Ventinove Ventiquattro Vento Ventoliere Ventre Ventresca Ventrone Ventura Venturini Verasaluce Verdaro Verdelli Verdeschi Verdes t Verdi Verdone Verdone Verdura Vergari Verginel-li Verini Veriti Verme Vermicelli Vermigli Verrniglioli Vernale Vemi Veroli Verona Veronesi Verri Verzolini Verzone Vesci Vescovo Vespi Vespoli Vespri Vespucci Veterani Vetrani Vetrari Vetrioli Vetturale Vezza Vezzalli Vezzola Vezzosa Via Viafora Viale Viano Viapiana Viazzi Vicari Vicario Viccari Viceconte Vicedomini Vicer& Vicini Vidari Videmari Vidi Vidoni Vidracco Vienna Vieri Vigenti Vigilante Vigliano Viglione Vigna Vignaro Villanelli Villani Vinaj Vinattieri Vinciguerra Vinciprova Vincitore Vino Viola Violante Violetti Violini Viperi Virgilio Virili virtuoso Visaggi Viscardi Visco Viscome Visconti Visdomini Visibelli Viso-i Vissicome Vitari
Venticinque - Woodhouse
Vitellaro Vitelleschi Vitellesi Vitelli Vitellini Viterbo Vitti Vittorangeli Vittorini Vitullo Vitulo Vivian0 Vivimpace Vizzari Vizzicaro Vocatura Vodopivec Volari Volcano Volgicapo Vollaro Volpe-i Volta Voltatoma Voltena Vomero Vommaro Vozza Vozzella Vozzo Vucciarello Vullo Vulpetti
- Zuzzi
Italian Surnames
Zaballi Zaballone Zacca Zaccante Zaccherini Zaccheroni Zacchetti Zacchinelli Zacchini Zacchino Zacco Zaccone Zaffarano Zaf firi Zagaglia Zagara Zago Zagoma Zagone Zagrin Zaino Zalli Zambeccari Zambelli Zambra Zammarchi Zampa Zampaglione Zampetti Zampieri Zampogna Zan(n)i Zanca Zandigiacomo
Zandonati Zangaro Zangrandi Zangrilli Zannoni Zannovello Zannuto Zantedeschi Zanudo Zanussi Zanzara Zappa Zappalorti Zappata Zappavigna Z ~ P P ~ Zarcone Zarlenga Zarlinga Zavatta Zavattini Zazzara Zazzaretti Zazzarone Zazzera Zei Zendrini Zenerini Zemari Zeoli Zerbi Zerbino Zeri Zetto
Zibetto Zicarelli Zicaro Ziella Ziganto Zignoli Zignoni Zigoli Zinga Zingarelli Zingari Zini Zirafi Ziroli Zitella Zito Zizza Zoca Zocchi Zocco Zoccoli Zoccolillo Zoja Zola Zolfanella Zolini Zolla Zona Zonari Zonchi Zondadori Zoppo-i Zotti Zottoli
Zuanazzi Zucarelli Zucca-e Zuccala Zuccarelli Zuccarini Zuccaro Zuppetti Zuricini Zurlo Zuz Zuzzi .
abadessa abate abbachista abbierzte abbracciatzitto accalappiacaili accattoize accedernico accerzdifoco accordatore cicc zcsatore acqziirerzte addonzesticatore uddottrinato adzilto uffnrista agrimensore albergatore apicoltore azrtore (artore) bachicoltore bacologo badessa bagagliere bagascia bagnilto (a) baldracca baleniere balestraio balestriere bali
abbess abbot accountant proprietor, owner jack-of-all trades dog catcher beggar academician lamp lighter piano tuner prosecutor buyer tamer, trainer well informed, learned adult speculator, profiteer innkeeper bee keeper author silkworm breeder silkworm abbess baggage clerk whore, harlot bathing attendant whore, harlot whaler maker or seller of crossbows cross bowman Knight Commander
balia balio ballatore ballerina banchiere bnndieraio bandito banditore barbaresco barbiere bnrcaiolo barcaiztolo barelliere barilaio barista bar~zabita bastaio battilaiza beccaio beccainorti becchino benedettino beone berretaio besagliere bestiaio bettoliere bevitore
wet nurse wet nurse husband dancer professional dancer banker flag seller or maker bandit town crier, auctioneer stableman barber boatman, waterrnan boatman, waterman stretcher bearer cooper barman, barmaid Barnabite monk maker or seller of pack saddles wool carder butcher grave digger grave digger benedictine monk drunkard cap maker or seller elite soldier herdsman tavern keeper drunkard
Glossary of Pi-ofessiorzs
bevitrice bevone biadaiolo bibliotecaro bidello bifolco bigattiere biglieitaio bilart ciaio biografo biologo birraio birro biscaizrolo biscarziere bisogiz atnrio bisogrzoso boia borgornastro borsaizerista boscaiolo boscairiolo bottaio(ro) bottegaio bottegante bottirzaio bovaro bozolaio bracciale bracciarzte bracirzo branchieraio brigadiere brigadinaio brigante brzirtitore b zicataia
drunkard drunkard fodder merchant librarian janitor ploughman silkworm breeder booking clerk maker or seller of scales biographer biologist brewer police agent gambler gambling house keekr referee pauper executioner burgomaster black market merchant woodsman forester cooper shopkeeper shopkeeper sewer man ox driver vendor of silk worm cocoons work hand workman, laborer charcoal seller truss maker brigadier maker or seller of brigadini brigand burnisher washwoman
bucataio bz~llettaio bzillettirt aio b zirattirzaio b zirraio cabalists cacastecchi cacciadiavoli cacciatore cacciatrice caciaio cadetto cafaggiaio caffettiere cafone cal(fato calafatore calciatore calderaio calialio culzolnio cainarlirzga canzarlirzgo carnbista canzbz~siei-e carneriera carneriere camerleizgo camerotto carniciaio camrnelliere carnrnirzartte campagnaolo carnpanaio campeggiatore carzapino cancelliere carldelaio caizestraio
laundryman nail maker ticket seller puppet showman dairyman diviner miser exorcist hunter huntress cheese maker cadet head forester coffee house keeper rustic, peasant caulker (ships) caulker (ships) football player coppersmith deals in gold shoemaker Nun acting as bursar of her convent steward, bursar money changer steward (nautical) waitress waiter treasurer of Holy See steward (nautical) shirt maker camel driver wayfarer framer, peasant hemp dresser camper hemp dresser chancellor candle maker basket maker
Glossary of Professions
dog breeder gunner oarsman, rower store keeper wine seller, innkeeper singer ballad singer butler, vintner . roadman, signalman chaplain founder captain ocean liner naval captain lieutenant commander . naval commander harbour master mercenary captain captain of industry master bricklayer foreman in a factoiy chief, leader foreman department head bandmaster chief police chief head of guardpost corporal station master founder of a school head of a government section squadron leader rail station master
caizettiere carzizoniere canottiere carzovaio carroviere cai~tatore canterino caiztiiziere carztoniere cnpellaito capistipiti capitano capitaizo di lzrngo corso capitaizo di vaselh capitano di corvetta capitano di fregata capitano di porto capitano di veiztrira cnpitano d'irzdustria capo nzaestro capo fabbrica capo capo d'officina capo d'ufficio cnpobanda capocuoco capoguardia cnpoposto caporale caposcalo caposcuola caposezione caposquadra capostazione
capostipite capotamb uro capotreno cappzlciiza cappuciizo carabiniere caramellaio caratista carbonaio carcerato carceriere carciofaio cardatore cardiizale caricatore cariolaizte carinelita carizefice carotaio carovarziere carpera tiere carradore carraio carrettiere car~ozzaio cartaio cartografo cartolaio cusaro cascinaio casellante casiere cassiere (a) castalda castaldo castella~za castellano cattedran te cazisidico
family head drum major rail guard capucin nun capucin friar Italian gendarme camel vendor part owner coalman, charcoal dealer prisoner jailer artichoke grower wool carder cardinal loader, coal heaver wheel barrow pusher carmelite friar hangman carrot seller caravan guide carpenter cartwright wheelwright wagoner carriage builder paper maker cartographer stationer cheesemaker farmer, dairyman rail linesman care taker cashier, treasurer bursar in a nunery steward, balifF lady of the manor . lord of the manor professor legal advisor, lawyer
cavailolo cavaliere cavallaio cavallaro cavallata cavnlleggiero cavallerirzo cavapietre cavatore cavolaio ce~zciairlolo cettobiurca cerzobita ceizsore cerirtaio certosirzo cerusico cesellatore cestaio clzelleriiza clziattaiuolo chiercrrto chlericale chierichetto chierico clzintco chirzcagliere chiocclolnio clziodaiolo clzirrirgo chitartisfa ciabbtiiz ciuinbellaio ciambellano cicerone cieca cieco ciitedo cioccolataio ciompo
quarryman knight, horseman horse dealer horse keeper horseman, cavalry trooper rider, riding master stone quarrier miner, digger market gamer, cabbage grower rag picker abbot monastic censor match seller carthusian monk surgeon sculptor, engraver basket maker barmaid, waitress lighterman monk, priest, tonsured clerical choir boy cleric chemist nick nack seller snail vendor nail maker or vendor surgeon guitarist cobbler pastrey cook chamberlain town guide blind woman blind man male prostitute maker or chocolate wool carder
collegiabe collettore coLligiarzo colonir~atore coloizo coltellirlaio coltivntore corst bntterlte coin ic o conzinciatoi-e cornrnaizdaizte contnzercinrzte cornrnesso cominissariaio compatroite compositore coinprttista concaifore corzcaio
Glossary of Professions concertatore concertista concessioizario conciaio concialurza corzdirettore condottiero conduceizte coizdz~ttore coizfereizziere coizfessore coizfettiere corzfettziriere corzsacrnnte coizsersatore coizszrltore coiztabile cotztndiizu coiztcrdiizella coiztrrdiizeIlo coiztadiizo coizte coiztessa coiztessirzc~ coiztrc~bbnizdiere corztraffattore copintore copista coppiere
conductor professional performer concessionaire tanner mattress maker co-editor soldier of fortune conductor conductor, driver, guard, manager lecturer confessor confectioner maker of seller of sweets officiating priest guardian, curator consultor, advisor accountant farmer's wife farmer's daughter farmer's son f q n e r , peasant count, earl countess count's daughter smuggler forger copier, forger copyist, typist cup bearer, wine waiter maker or seller of baskets rope maker fanciscan friar chorister picture frame maker maker of seller of rosaries corporal
corriere corsaro cotoniere cottimista c o ~ne ~o cravattaio credenziere cristallaio cronista cronologista cronom&-ista cz~citrice crlltore czloca
courier, messenger pirate cotton mill owner piece worker horse breaker, dealer seller of ties butler glass blower chronicler, reporter chronologist time keeper seamstress cultivator erudite person female cook cook leather seller parish priest guardian lawyer messenger keeper, guard lady, noblewoman young woman, maid of honor squire, young nobleman dancer bursar of the Vatican typist customs officer Mother Superior Dean senior, doyen house decorator spy, informer criminal dentist retailer or dealer pointsman, shunter
daizzatore datario duttilogrr$o (a) duziere decana decaizato decarzo decoratore delatore delittrroso dentista dettngliante deviatore
Glossary of professions
deacon painter, artist owner of an estate director, manager pupil, scholar disciple, pupil designer steward, butler distributor clerk who works by the day diviner teacher confectioner Dominican monk maid servant man servant maid servant housewife charwoman house wife gilder doctor doctor dragon dramatist ,gocer duke duchess fencing master cabinet maker Hebrew scholar economist bursar, steward publisher, editor teacher, educator electrician wine expert entomologist green grocer botanist, herbalist
diacono dipirztore direttario direttore disceizte discepolo disegn ntore dispensiere distribrttore dirrrizista divirzatore docerzte do lciere domenicaizo domestics domestic0 doiziza di servizio doizizn a mezzo dorzna in giorrtatn doizizn di cnsa dorutore do f tore dottoressa drugone drcrirrrnntr~rgo droglziere drrca drlchessn drrellistu ebriizista ebraista ecoizornistu ecoizomo editore edrrcatore elettricista enologo eir fornologo erbivendolo erborista
eremita eremitarro errrdito esattore escavatore esecutore eserceilte esorcista esposto esule etimologo evangelistn evaso fabbricaizte f(lbbricnrrtore fabbriciere fabbro fnbbroferraio frlcclz iilo fucidcririzo fflcifore falcintore ffdconiere frtlegrr aine f(~L10fora f crlsurio f(rlsijicatore fcrmrrlo fnrznlnio f(~lznlista fnldesca fair tacciizo fan fiiro farmacista fuscettuia fusciizrrio futebene frutelli
hermit Augustinian friar scholar tax collector excavator executor, performer shop keeper exorcist foundling child exile, refugee etymologist evangelist fugitive, escapee manufacturer builder vestryman smith, artificer blacksmith porter, carrier thief, badman maker, doer, agent mower, harvester falconer carpenter whore, harlot forger counterfeiter manservant, valet light house keeper lamp lighter maidservant, maid infantryman jockey pharmacist corset maker firewood dealer religious order which cares for sick invoice clerk field marshal blacksmith
Glossary of Professions
ferravecchio-gari baldino
dealer in old iron ironworker railwayman cabman, cabby flask maker potter ballet dancer designer, illustrator peddler of statuettes portrain painter gold wire drawer si& spinner silk manufacturer philanthropist stamp collector spinner financier customs officer of guard harpooner flower girl florist floriculturist maker or vendor of artificial flowers tenant farmer tenant blood letter, barber, surgeon stoker, fireman, fireworks maker metal founder, smith plumber countryman, peasant cheese maker maker of shoe lasts modeller, maker, educator brick maker
ferravecchio f errazzolo ferroviere fiaccheraio fiascaio figrr lo f igzrrante f igzrrtctore figzrrirlaio f igzcrista
f ilnIoro
fornaia fornaio forizarina fornarilzo fornitore f orzato forzntore fossniriolo fotografo fr~~ncescurto fraiztoiarro
fillndaia filmdiere filarltropo f ilatelista filatore f illailziatore fintrizziere fiociiziere fioraia fiornio fioriczr Itore f ioristn fittcibile fittzicrrio Jebotoino
baker's wife baker baker's daughter baker's son purveyor, tradesman convice, galley slave strongman (circus) hedger and ditcher photographer Franciscan monk olive press, labourer friar, monk, brother novice in religious order brakesman fried food vendor slingman fruit dealer rifleman fugitive rope maker , rope walker stoker spindle maker saddle maker fruit grower birdcage maker look out customs officer galley slave convice vendor of cocks maker or vendor of lace errand boy concubine, mistress Garibaldi's men
freizatore friggitore froinboliere frzlttaiziolo fzsciliere f ziggiasco f zirraio fzri~antbolo fzrochistc~ f z~saio f zrstaio f zrtticzl ltore gabbiaio gnbbiere gabelliere gnleotto galera galliinaio gallonaio galoppirl o ganza garibaldino
Glossary of Professions grandrica grandr~chessa gregario gridatore gualcheratore griardabarriere gunrdaboschi guardacaccia gziardncasa gzcardacoste grinrdafreizi gzcardalirzee grcardnmarzdrie griardamccriiza gziardnportorze grrarhrobiera g unrdc~snla grinrdnsigilli gzinrdia grtnrdiclrzn grtardiaizo grtcrritore grinttero (a) guerriere grierrigliere guida idror7zclrz te igieilista illzrstrntore imballatore irnbalsamntore iitzbiancatora iinbiarr catore iitzb innclz ino
grand duke grand duchess private soldier town crier fuller gate keeper forester, woodsman game keeper housekeeper, custodian coastguard brakesman linesman herdsman midshipman door keeper (man) clock room attendant ticket collector Keeper of the Seals guard, policeman herdswoman guard, keeper healer scullion, kitchen boy (girl) warrior bush fighter, partisan guide, leader water diviner hygienist illustrator packer embalmer laundress , laundryman white washer, house painter immigrant packer
garzona gassista gatzettaizte gatzettiere gelaliere gerzealogista gerzerale gerzeralissiino geografo geologo gerente gerosolimitarri gessaio gessirznio gestore gesziita gettutore glzirlairdaio giurdiiziera giardiiz iere giocoliere giorz aliere giorizalaio gioriznlista giranzondo girrrisperito girrstiziere glossatore gondoliere gorlfnloniere goizfia goverrzante goverrzatore gradrrato grarzuiolo grarrataio
dairy maid gas man journalist reporter ice cream maker or vendor genealogist general commander-in-chief geographer geologist manager Knights Hopitaller
plasterer plasterer, figure maker manager, director Jesuit priest founder of metals wreath maker gardener's wife gardener jeweller day labourer news xgent (boy) joumalis t wanderer, vagrant jurist, lawyer executioner annotator gondoliere standard bearer glass blower governess, house keeper governor non-commissioned officer, graduate grain dealer brook maker or seller grenadier
Glossary of Professions impagliatore impiccatore importatore imprenditore inzpressore iilcarzrzatore ilz cisore itzdagatore irldoratore indoviiro iilfenn iera ingaggiatore irzgegnere irzqzrisitore iizse~izarzte irzservieizte irzstitore irltaglintore intendeizte itztenditore intenditrice interrzato iiltruprenditore inve~ztore in verrz iciatore i~zvestigatore irzvolatore ispettore istitzrtore istruttore lacche luclro (a) ladrorre lcrdruncolo laglzigintzo lcrico
taxidermist hangman importer contractor, manager press man bobbin winder engraver investigator gilder sooth sayer, fortune teller nurse recruiting sergeant civil engineer inquisitor teacher attendant, servant administrator, agent sculptor, engraver connoisseur superintendent manager internee, boader contractor inventor varnisher investigator thief inspector, surveyor tutor instructor, teacher
lampionaio lanciere larz iere laizzo lardc~iuolo latifondista lattaia lattaio lattivendolo lazrreaildo lazlrento lavandaia lavapic~tti lavorarrte lavoratore Iegale legntore legislatore Iegnaiolo lerzone letterato levatrice liberto librciio lilnorzaio limonsirziere Eiq zlorista lizltclio
livellnrio locatore logic0 Iottatore lz~cidutore lzrmaio lr~rzarista macchic~iz~olo nzacchinista mndanri~za
lacky, valet thief, robber robber petty thief lake dweller layman
lamp trimmer lancer wool manufacturer pikeman pork butcher, bacon seller great land owner milkmaid milkman milkman (vendor) undergraduate graduate washerwoman dishwasher worker workman lawyer book binder legislator carpenter, joiner procurer, panderer . man of letters midwife free slave book seller lemon seller almoner, beggar spirit merchant maker of stringed instruments leaseholder lessor, landlord logician prize fighter polisher lamplighter almanac maker weather prophet impressionist painter machinist young shop girl
maestra-monatto schoolrnistress teacher young schoolmistress master, teacher, chief witch, sorceress warehouseman butler, steward major magistrate, judge locksmith wizard, sorcerer foreman in iron foundry sickman, patient embezzler criminal herdsman, shepherd wealthy land owner ferrier . manufacturer workman hod carrier, day labourer kept mistress diver, joiner marshal marquess wireless operator marshal sailor, seaman puppeteer marble worker or polisher masseur housewife freemason master master carpenter mattress maker freshman slaughterhouse
. )
Glossary of Professions maffoizaio mauiere meccarzico inednglistu mediutore medico melodista melodrummatista mendicaizte menestrello mercaizte tnercatino merceizario merciaiolo meretrice t?tescitore messagero metallr~rgo inietitore inigrrotta 172 igratore militare inilite mitt atore min iatore m inisfratore minisfro miir rrtiere
brick maker mace bearer mechanic collector of medals or coins mediator physician, doctor composer writer of melodramas beggar minstrel merchant market stall holder mercenary peddler, hawker harlot bar tender, barmaid messenger, envoy metallurgist mower, reaper harlot migrant soldier militiaman miner, collier miniature painter administrator minister, priest dealer in small jewelry priest on a mission machine gunner model milliner, dressmaker nun novice nun monk, friar bearer, attendent
mnestriiza maestro innga irrnga*?ziit iere innggiordonzo innggiore inngistrnto mngtr aizo inngo tnngoiziere innlato ~nnlversntore inalvivetrte innndriaizo maizetzte innizescnlco - innizif(~ttore ntnir ifattrrriere ~?rnnovale lnnrto vratore innittetl rrta irznraitgoize innrcellnio innrchese innrcotlista mnrescinllo innrirznio mnrioir ettista mnrtnistn innrmoraio inassaggintore innssnin tnnssoire inastro innstro d'nscia mnterassaio inntricolino mnttnzioize
Glossary of Professions mondnrisi mo rr etiere monitore nzonizn nzorzsignore montczizaro morztn~zista montatore nzorsaio mosaicista moschettiere motorisfa mo.zzo
m rrccnio in rigizaio m rsluttiere in rrngitore in un izioniere in rlrntore in rrsicnirte m ritz~nizte m ritzintnrio
rice field worker minter, coiner teacher, adviser mistress, lady prelate mountaineer, highlander mining engineer machine fitter maker or horse's bits mosaic worker musketeer motorist stable boy, cabin boy cow keeper miller mule driver milker ammunition officer bricklayer musician lender, mortgage borrower, mortgager ribbon seller or maker naturalist naturist navigator boatman, ferryman ship's captain seaman, sailor navigator merchant, trader slave dealer sorcerer nobleman pilot, steersman freighter, charterer pork butcher
notary night nurse innovator story writer novelist novelist wet nurse, foster mother lay brother (sister) optician occupant spectacle maker eye specialist Homeopathist workwoman workman operator composer day labourer, journeyman maker or vendor of pitchers oracle, prophet goldsmith potter bishop, confessor gold jeweller organ builder organ grinder watchmaker seamstress ornithologist horticulturist green grocer, market gardner Knights Hopitallier of Malta inn keeper, landlord
. )
oblato (a) occhialnio occzip(znte oczrlnristn ocziIista omeopntistn opernin opernio operutore operettista oprante
nastrnio itatzirnlistn rzatr [rista izazitn itnvalestro rzavarca rzavigaizte iznvigntore it egozinnte izegriere rzegromcrnte it obile ilocchiere izoleggintore i~orciizo
orncolo ornfo orciolnio ordirznrio orefice organ nio organettistn orioluio orlntrice ornito logo orticrlltore ortolnno ospitnliere oste ostetrica
Glossary of Professions ostetrico ostiario ostricario (aro) ottico ottotzaio ovnio pncoruio pndrorza pndrone paesnrzo paesista pnggio pnlcrdirto palufreniere pc~leografo pulkuio pallorrnio palonzbe~ro pnltoniere patlettiere partiel-crio
p nrz\tctiolo
obstetrician door keeper oyster seller optician brass worker egg dealer sheep herder mistress, landlady master, owner, chief, landlord peasant, rustic landscape painter page, valet knight errant groom, footman palaeographer billiard maker ball maker diver beggar . - .: baker basket maker or vendor draper Pope, Pontiff envoy matrimonial agent priest hair dresser, barber ferryman macaroni maker pastry cook shepherdess shepherd, minister potato merchant toll taker, turnpike keeper educationalist tanner, currier woman pilgrim pilgrim
pelliccinio pe~zalista peiznorziere pensiotzario peiztoaio percettore perlaio perticntore pescntore pesciuiolo pescivetzdolo pettinntore piniz ista pin ntoizaio picchiere
furrier criminologist standard bearer pensioner potter vendor of earthen ware tax collector worker in pearls, pearl dealer surveyor fisherman fish monger fish hawker hair dresser pianist nurseryman pikeman, halbardier parish priest wine presser, crusher pilor, airman steersman pirate painter mayor vendor of polenta politician policeman, detective poulterer fireman stern rower in a gondola carrier, porter standard barer stretcher bearer postman messenger door keeper hall porter, janitor dock worker
pilotn pirnta pittore podester polerttnio politico poliziotto polkniolo ponlpiere poppiere
P(rPn parnk(rm entnrio pcrrntzirtfo pnrroco pnrrrtcchiere pcrsstrtore pas tcr io pasticcere pastoru pcrstore pcrtcrtuio pedcrggiere pedngogista pellaio pellegrinn pellegrirt o
Glossary of Professions possessore possidente posteggiatore postillatore povero predatore predicatore prelato preparatore preposto preside presideizte prestiizaio prete pretore prim ate prirzcipale priizcipe priizcipessa priore privato procaccia procacciatore procoizsoZe procuratore prodz~ttore profnno professore profeta profetessa profunziere proposto proprietario prostituta proto protoizotcm'o provveditore psiclt iatra (0) psiclzico pz~bblicarzo
owner proprietor stall holder in a street market annotator poor man, pauper robber, pillager preacher prelate; bishop teacher, coach provost, rector headmaster, dean president baker (Lombard) priest, clergyman police magistrate primate (Ecce.) pri;icipal, master prince princess prior citizen postman, odd jobman profiteer proconsul procurator, attorney producer unskilled worker professor prophet prophetess perfumer piiest, curate owner, proprietor prostitute printing oversees protonotary purveyor, steward psychiatrist psychic tax collector
pubblicista pugilatore puntatore puttarza quadraio quartiermastro qztestzlante questurino
publicist boxer gunner harlot picture seller quarter master beggar police agent, detective rabbi chief rabbi water diviner gleaner, picker radio commentator radiologist wireless operator repairman, mender refiner accountant, book keeper, coppersmith army mess cook frog vendor robber, bandit recluse, prisoner newspaper editor ex-service man, vetran king ruler, govenor queen registrar reporter nun monk, friar rower, oarsman convict, accused vice chancellor headmistress priest, reverend auditor
rabbi rabbino rabdornaizte racimolaizte radiocroizista radiologo radiotelegrafista raffazorzatore raffinatore ragioiz iere ranzaio raitciere raizocchiaio rapiizatore reclzrso redattore redz~ce rege reggitore regitla registratore relatore religiosa religioso rematore reo rettore rettrice revereitdo revisore
ricantatrice ricercatore ricettaotre riparatore riveitditore
embroiderer investigator, researcher fence for stolen goods repairman, mender retailer, shopkeeper huckster, second hand dealer specialist in Roman Law novelist hermit proprietor of a rotisserie or ,gill robber, thief procurer, pimp priest prestess archer archer assayer, tester archer sacristan, sexton sacristan, sexton solderer, welder salesian monk salt seller psalm singer sausage maker tumbler, acrobat pork butcher lifeguard healer scholar soap maker weeder seamstress apprentice, tailoress tailor
Glossary of Professions sartore scalcatore scalpellirzo scanzbista scanrpaforca scandagliatore scanrzatore scatolaio scavapozzi scavatore scertografo schennitore schiava scJ~iavo scolara scolaro scopritore scriba scrittore
tailor carver stone mason swithrnan criminal leadsman cut throat burglar box maker well digger miner scene painter fencer female slave slave school girl school boy inventor, discoverer horse breaker trainer scribe writer, author clerk, book keeper clerk writer scrutineer investigator shield maker sculptor sawyer mower, reaper signalman female secretary secretary saddler sower senator broker, middleman sentry brakeman silk manufacturer snake charmer maidservant
romanista rornalzziere rornita (0) rosticcere rubatore rz$fiano sacerdote sacerdotessa saettatore snettiere saggiatore sagittaio sagrestano sagrista saldatore salesialzo saliera salmeggiatore salsicciaio saltinz barzco salumaio salvagz~ardia sarzatore sap ierz te saponaio sarchiatore sarta sartilza sarto
segre faria segretario sellaio sernirtatore serzatore serafreno sericz~ltore serparo serva
Glossary of Professions
servant, gunner waiting maid servant manservant, valet strong servant, girl
servente servetta servitore servo servot fa setaiolo setnirlolo sgozzino sgrinldrirln sgzinltern sgr~nltero sicario sicofaizte sigarnia ( 0 ) sign ifero silerzziario s ilografo silvicoltore sirldaco s~naltista srnergo so ldnto so litnrio soinnr iizistrcrtore sorzcttore sorzettistc~ soprnstarzte soprirzteizderlte sorbettiere sortilego sonjegliante sottiizteildeilte sottotnii~istro sottoprefetto sottopriore sovrnizu so vrcril o spnccnlegna spaccirrtore
silk merchant weaver usurer whore, harlot scullery maid sculleryboy assassin spy, informer cigar maker standard bearer trappist wood engraver forester mayor enameller cormorant, -diver soldier hermit provider player, performer sonneteer overseer, supervisor superintendent ice cream seller sorcerer caretaker, watchman assistant manager under secretary sub-prefect sub-prior sovereign, queen sovereign wood cutter seller, distributor
spadaccino spadaio spallone spnratore spargitore di notizie spazzino spazzolnio specinlista speculatore spedaliere spedizioniere spezia le speziale de rnediciiza spiatore spigolatore spillaio spilorcio spiom batore spiorle sprorznio stncciaio stnccinio strudirzo stnffetta staffiere stcegrzaio stnlliere stc~rnpatore statale sterrntore stipettnio stirntora stivntore s toriografo stoviglinio strorziiro stuccatore strideizte stzrdentessa
swordsman sword maker smuggler shooter news vendor garbage collector brush maker specialist speculator Knight Hopitaller make nurse forwarding agent carrier, shipper chemist, druggist medical doctor scout gleaner pin maker miser railway thief spy master spur maker sieve maker sieve maker road worker messenger, courier groom, footman tinsmith stable man (boy) printer civil servant cnal digger cabinet maker laundress stevedore historian potter usurer plasterer student female student
su bappaltatore--vescovo
Glossary of Professions trappista trasportatore truttore trecca treggiatore tribuno trinaia trippaio troinbaio trctore lcbriacoile rcccellatore lcccisore riditore r$ficiale refficiuletto r$f ciatore rl fficio rr01710 di inure rcsciere rrsrerpntore vcrccccro ~~agcrborldo valigiaio valzgatore vasst~llo vote veggente vegliatore vegliatrice velais velettiere veilatore vendemmiatore veizditore vergaro vergiile verificatore veriziciutore vescovo
trappist monk carrier innkeeper market woman sledge driver tribune, magistrate lace maker vendor tripe seller plumber guardian drunkard fowler killer hearer, listener officer young officer officiating priest office seaman usher; door man usurper cow keeper vagrant trunk maker digger vassal, slave poet, prophet seer, prophet watchman night nurse . sail maker look out man hunter grape gatherer vendor herdsman, shepherd virgin verifier, examiner house painter Bishop
sribappaltatore tabaccaia tagliaboschi tag liapietre tagliatore turnb riraio tappazziere tussatore trrssista tata taverlziere teclzico terzeitte tenete colorli~ello
sub-contractor tabacconist wood cutter stone cutter cutter, tailor drum maker upholsterer Tax assessor taxi driver nanny, nurse publican, innkeeper technician lieutenant lieutenant colonel naval lieutenant
terrazzaizo terrcrzziere tesoriere tin1oit iere tipogrufo tiraglii~tore tirapie& tirtrtore tirch io titolare titolato toil ilarotto toilszlrato torcoliere torriere tortellaio tradzcttore trMficnnte traghettatore transf z~ga trail viere
peasant digger, miner . treasurer helmsman, pilot typographer sharp shooter hangman's assistant
marksman miser office holder titled person tunny fisher priest, monk presser, machine minder tower keeper maker or vendor of tortelli translator dealer, trader ferry man desener tram driver
Glossary of Professions vessillario vestiarista veteruno veteriiznri~ vetturiizo viaticale vicario vice ammiraglio vicecancelliere vicecoizsole vicegereirte vicemndre vicepresiderite vicert? viceregitla viciizo vigile zlrbaizo vigile vigile del fzcoco vigizaiolo vignettists villaizaccio villcrizello villnizo villico virzaio vincrttiere viizolento violiizaio violiizista violor~cellista viscoizte viscoiztessa viticoltore vogatore
standard bearer costumier veteran veterinary coachman, driver provisioner vicar vice admiral vice chancellor vice consul vicegerent guardian, matron Vicepresident viceroy vicereine neighbour civic police watchman, policeman wine dresser cartoonist ill bred peasant boy peasant country man, villager wine merchant wine seller winebibber violin maker violinist cellist viscount viscountess grape grower rower, oarsman wood engraver
gypsy woman msY . clog maker Frenciscan friar sulfur miner animal dealer zoologist lame person
Argrigento Alessandria Ancona Aosta Arezzo Ascoll Piceno Asti Avellino Ban Belluno Benevento Bergamo Bologua Bolzano Brescia Brindisi Cagliari Caltanissetta Campobasso Caserta Catania Catanzaro Chieti Como Cosenza Cremona Cuneo Enna Ferrara Firenze Foggia Forli * Frosinone Genova Gorizia
Sicilia Piedmonte Marche Valle d' Aosta Toscana Marche Piemonte Campania Pugile Veneto Campania Lombardia Emilia-Romagna Trentino-Alto Aldige Lombardia Puglie Sardegna Sicilin Abruzzi e Molise Campania Sicilio Calabria Abruzzi e Molise Lombardia Calabria Lombardia Plemonte Sicilia Emilia-Romagna Toscana Pugile Emilia-Romagna Lazio Liguria Friuli-Venezia
Grosseto Imperia Ionio L' Aquila La Spezia Latina Lecce Livomo Lucca Macerata Mmtova Massa Matera Messina Milano Modena Napoli Novara Nuoro Padova Palermo Parma Pavia Perugia Pesaro Pescara Placenza Pisa Pistoia Potenza Ragusa Ravenna Reggio Calabria Reggio Ernilia Rieti
Toscana Linguria vedi Taranto Abruzzi e Molise Liguria Lazio Puglie Toscana Toscana Marche Lombardia Toscana Basilicata S icilla Lombardia Emilia-Romagna Campania Piemonte S ardegna Veneto Sicilla Emilia-Romagna Lombardia Umbria Marc he Abruzzi e Molise Emilia-Romagna Toscana Toscana Basilicata Sicilia Emilia-Romagna Calabria Emilia-Romagna . Lazio
Roma Rovigo Salerno Sassari Savona Siena Siracusa Sondrio Taranto Teramo Terni Torino Trapani Trento Treviso Udine Varese Venezia Vercelli Verona Vicenza Viterbo Lazio Veneto Campania Sardepa Liguria Toscana Sicilia Lombardia Puglie Abruzzi e Molise Umbria Piemonte Sicilla Trentino-Alto Adige Veneto Friuli-Venezia Giulia Lombardia Veneto Piemonte Veueto Veneto Lazio
Campobasso Chieti L' Acquila Pescara Terarno
Frosinone Latina Rieti Roma Viterbo
Matera Potenza
Genova Imperia La Spezia Savona
Catanzaro Cosenza Reggio Calabria
Bergarno Brescia Como Cremona Mantova Milano Pavia Sondrio Varese
Avellino Benevento C asertaNapoli Sdemo
Bologna Ferrara Foril Modena Parma Placenza Ravema Reggio Emilia
Anacona Ascoli Picenoi Macerata Pesaro-Urbino
Alessandria Asti Cuneo Novara Torino Vercelli
Udine Gorigia
B ari B rindisi Foggia Lecce Taranto
B olzano Trento Trieste
Perugia Terni
Cagliari Nuoro Sassari
Agrigento Caltanissetta Catania Enna Messina Palerrno Ragusa Siracusa Trapani
B eiluno Padova Rovigo Treviso Venezia Verona Vicenza
Massa Carrara Arezzo Firenze Grosseto Livomo Lucca Pisa Pistoia Siena
add; alla data odiema all'ora di anni anno anno corrente anno presente anno della nascita di anno presente anno prossimo ante'lucano (a) antimeridiano (a) data del anno refedto dell'anno del mese di di dopo domani dopo pranzo detto giorno e mese e minuti fine del mese gid giorno giorno dalla cekbrazione del matrimonio ieri il capo d'anno il priano d'anno il gwrno dopo il medesimo anno il medesimo giorno il medesimo mese meridian0 (a) mese mese corrente mese presente mese prossimo mese prossimo passato mese scorso mezzanotte
on the day on today's date at the time of years Year current year present year year of birth of present month next month predawn (poetic) before noon (a.m.) date of the year referred to of the year of the month of day day after tomorrow afternoon said day and month and minutes (time of birth) end of the month already, formerly, once, previous day date of the celebration of marriage yesterday New Year's Day New Year's Day the day after the same year the same day the same month noon month current month present month next month just last month last month midnight
mezzogiorno ndscere naque il giorno natale natalizw nato a mezzanotte nato a mezzodi nato a notte nato a sera nato il nato oggi nel citato anno nel citato giorno nel citato mese nel ospresso giorno nel ospresso mess nello stesso anno nello stesso giorno nello stesso mese osgi ora per i'anno pizi tarde psmeridiano pomeriggio prim0 scorso stammattina stasera stesso tempo ultimo(a) ultimo giorno del mese
midday, noontime to be born was born the day of birthday, Christmas birthday (adjective) born at midnight born at noon born at night born at night born the (date) born today on the cited year on the cited day on the cited month on the expressed day on the expressed month on the same year on the same day on the same month today hour for the year later afternoon (p.m.) afternoon first last this morning this evening same time last last day of the month
Vocabulary Relating to Locations
alla chiesa alla presenza di avanti di noi campo santo capella chiesa cit& comune di cornmunita alla quale appartiene distress0 di di questa parrochia di questo comune diocesi dornicilianto (a) innanzi alla chiesa in questo cornune interior luogo' natio natale nativo di nato in nel comune di nella chiesa di nella cita di nella casa di nella parroclzia di patria provincia di residente a regnicolo sepolcreto sepolcro sepoltura stati della chiesa stat0 civile di
at or in the church in the presence of in front of us (before us) graveyard, burial grounds chapel church, chapel city town of community to which he or she belongs district of of this parish of this town diocese (contains several parishes) living at (in) in front of the church [marriage] in this town interior birthplace nativity native of born in in the town of in the church of in the city of in the home of in the parish of native town or country province of resident at inhabitant, native of kingdom cemetary, graveyard sepulchre, tomb, grave grave the Papal states civil state of
abiatico bambina bambino bambolo bastarda(o) bimba(o) binata binato chiamare cognome di comparaso comparino(a) coniugale coniu&zti coniugi coniugis consorte colpo cuius parentes ignorantur Latin] dama damigella dei legittimi coniugi deI sptrso della sposa di un parto don donna donzella b comparaso b comparaso egualmente k nato(a) eguale egualmente esposto(a) fanciulla fanciullo fernminile, fimmina fZdQnzare fidanzato(a) j?glia di figlio di figlioccia figlioccio
grandson baby girl baby boy little boy bastard baby female twin male twin to call family name of appeared, presented self godchild married man married couple husband and wife marriage spouse body whose parents were unknown madam, dame damsel of the legitimate manied couple of the h~sband of the wife (bride) of one birth mister madam, dame damsel has appeared has appeared likewise was born of equal status likewise foundling child maiden young boy female betroth betrothed daughter of son of goddaughter godson, godchild
gemella gemello gemelli gernelle giovane, giovine giovanettcr, giovinetta giovanotta giovanotto gli sposi i sposi non sono parenti tra lor0 i promessi sposi rnaritata marito mascile, maschio, mascolino moglie mori moribondo morente morficino(a) morfo(a) mostricino(a) mutuo consentimento nascita nato natomorto naturale neorzato nome nome proprio nornignolo nominare nuziale parto parvula(o) passato prirnogenito principale promessa di matrimonio promessi sposi postomo puerperio Pupa
twin (female) twin (male) twins (male or one male and one female) twins (both female) youth, young person Young girl young woman young man, bachelor the married couple the married couple are not related to each other the betrothed married woman husband masculine wife he or she died a dying person dying person dead child dead deformed child mutual consent birthday, Christmas born stillborn natural, illegitimate new-born infant name proper name given name to name nuptial birth child passed, expired first-born son principal promise in marriage betrothed posthumous child birth baby girl baby boy deceased, the late maiden bachelor
secondogenito sesso signorina sopronome sposa sposalizio sposarsi sposato sposetta, sposina sposi sposini sposino sposo spurio(a) tpovatello(a) ultimogenito vedov~ vedovo virgine
second-born son sex maiden nick name bride, wife, souse wedding, marriage to get married married young bride married couple newly married couple young bridegroom bridegroom illegitimate foundling child last born son widow widower virgin maiden
comare compare comparino di da lui dichiarante essendo padrina essendo padrino essendo madrina levatrice madrina padrina padrino richiedente ricorrente teskimoni
godmother; midwife godfather godchild of of him (the) informant being (acting) as godmother being (acting) as godfather being (acting) as godmother midwife godmother godmother godfather petitioner, applicant petitioner witnesses
Terms that are often used in connection with the declarant and other participants:
annunzio announcement anzidetto aforesaid apparso appeared attestazione testimony autentico(a) authentic, legitimate in front of us (before us) avanti di noi avviso announcement certifies that the family certifica che le famiglia comparaso appeared don mister donna madam, dame ha dichiarato has declared who have declared [marriage] i quali han dichiarato mutuo consentimento mutual consent [marriage] doesn't know how to write non sapere scrivere no opposition was produced there non vi sono prodotta opposizidne opposition pateracchio agreement presentazione e dichiarazione above said presentation and declaration [marriage] inhabitant, native of kingdom regnicolo it is requested on paper si richiesta in carta presented themselves [for marriage] sono comparsi to give .permission to become engaged sposare sposarsi to give in marriage
Family relationships or status:
abadavo abiatico antenati antenato attribuire la paternita autentico(a) ava. materna ava paterna avo rnaterno avo paterno bisarcavala bisarcavalo bisava, bisnonna, bisavala bisavo, bisnonno, bisavalo biscugina biscugino bisnipote celibe coniugati, coniugi consorte cuius parentes ignorantur [Latin] dei ligittimi conjugi del siposo della sposa d nato da madre d nato da padre jiglia di figlio di figlioccia jiglioccio fratello fratello di late fratello gemzarzo fratello maggiore fratello menore fratellastro fratello uterino genero genitore genitori germano gli sposi
ancestor grandson ancestors ancestor establish paternity authentic, legitimate maternal grandmother paterna grandmother maternal grandfather paternal grandfather great great grandmother great great grandfather great grandmother great grandf ather second cousin (female) second cousin (male) great nephew, great niece, great grandchild celibate, unmarried man inarried couple spouse whose parents were unknown of the legtimate married couple of the husband of the wife (bride) was born of mother was born of father daughter of ' son of goddaughter godson, godchild brother foster brother full brother elder brother younger brother half brother half brother son in law parent, father parents brother the married couple
unknown his companion his wife the betrothed the married couple are not related to each other the betrothed licit, legitimate legitimate ancestors, elder brothers and sisters husband step mother wife illegitimate of grandchild, niece, nephew grandmother grandfather daughter in law father father anonomous father unknown godmother godfather godparents first born son progenitor betrothed grand nephew, grand niece great aunt great uncle remarry godmother godfather second-born son without name they were married yesterday they were married sister sister by marriage foster sister
sorella maggiori sorella menore sorella uterina sorellastta sposa sposao sposetta, sposina sposi sposini sposino sposo sp urio(a) stato di farniglia suocera suocero terzavola terzavolo trovate lko(a) ultimogenito zia zio
elder sister younger sister half sister step sister bride, wife, spouse married young bride married couple newly married couple young bridegroom bridegroom illigitimate status of family mother in law father in law great great grandmother great great grandfather foundling child last-born son aunt uncle
Civil Agent
amministrare amministratore assessore avanti di Noi badessa cancelliere consegnante (consegnatore) consigliere console da me delegato funzionate da [sindaco] dirretore disponente facente funzione funzionario funzionato guidice il sottoscritto secondando le lore domande segretario si 4 fatta alla presenza di sindaco superiore testimoni ufficio ufficio dello estato civile uf~iale uffiziale dello stato civile
to administer, perform administrator councilman, alderman, assessor before us abbess chancellor, registrar cosigner counselor consul by me delegated functionary of the [mayor] director testator acting official, deputy functionary, civil servant functionary judge, magistrate, justice the undersigned complying with their demands secretary it is done in the presence of mayor superior witness office, position state official official official of the state civil
administrare andar sposa a annullare annullato battesimale battesimo battesare (battezzare) benediziorze cancellato cassato cassatura chiamare col consent come risulta dall'atto di coniugio connubio
csntraddote contralto contratto di matrimonio crisma di dare alle neonata(o) il nome di disposare k amministrato k amministrato l'aqua battesimale & battezzato k stata(o) amministrato a f unzione
to administer, perform to be married to to annul annulled baptismal baptism to baptize blessing cancelled annulled annulment to call with consent as results of the act of marriage marriage, union consecrated marriage senlement contract, agreement marriage contract christening to give the newborn chld the name of to many have administered have administered the baptismal water have baptized was administered to function
Ceremony or Ordinance
funzione religiosa il nome di battesimo il sagramento di battesimo indicare l'oilio santo lecito(a) legale bgalizzato(a) norninare non k valido olio' consacrato revocato riammogliarsi riconoschiuto(a) sagramento di battesimo, il sacro sanzione secondo il rito sepoltura si sposarono ieri sono stai congiugati sponsali sposalizio valid0
religious service the name of baptism the sacrament of baptism to indicate extreme unction lawful, permissable legal legalized to name, to give a name is not valid chrism, holy oil revoke remarry recognized, legalized the sacrament of baptism sacred, holy, consecrated sanction, ratification, approval according to the rite(s) burial, interment they were married yesterday they were married nuptials, marriage wedding, marriage valid
Terms related to documents:
annotazioni marginali annunzio annunzio di matromonio avviso avviso di matrimonio atto di contraddote contratto contratto di matrimonio dell'estratto dispensa di matrimonio estmtto dell'atto di nascita estratto di nascita estratto di matrimonio estratto di morte estratto di procura il estratto k conforme all'originak in fede di che si rilascia il presente i trei giorni obituario publicazione
marginal notes announcement announcement of marriage announcement announcement of marriage certificate of marriage settlement contract marriage contract from the extract marriage license birth certificate birth extract marriage extract death extract extract of procurement (???) the extract agrees with the original
in faith in which the present (document) is released the three days (in which to object) death register publication
Titles of Participants
Titles of participants:
abate abbadessa archiduchessa archivista arcidiacono arciduca arciprete arcivescovo avvocato bacdessa barone baronessa cancelliere cardinale consigliere .console conte contessa diacono di professiolze o condizione dirrettore duca duchessa eletore facente funzione funzionario funzionato granduca granduchessa rninistro Papa parroco prete presidente principessa re regina ricorrente sacerdote segretario superiore ufiziab uficio dello estato civile vescovo
. abbot
abbes archdeacon archivist archdeacon archduke archpriest archbishop attorney abbess baron baroness chancellor, registrar cardinal counselor consul count countess deacon of occupation of status director duke duchess elector acting official, deputy functionary, civil servant functionary grand duke grand duchess minister Pope parish priest priest president princess king queen petitioner priest secretary superior official state official bishop
A list of commonly used prepositions:
a (ad. a bordo di a casa di a lato di accanto a ad eccenzione d a1 di l & di a1 disotto di a l h fine di attraverso avanti avanti di come ? con contro da davanti a dentro dentro a dentro di di di e di di sotto di M da dietro dietro a dietro di dinanzi a dopo dopo di durante duranti 4 di eccetto entro entro di fino fino a 9-a
to, at aboard (sea vessel) at alongside near except for beyond, past off through through, across preceding, in front of before like with against, versus, at, into (?) from, by, off, at, on, through, between, since, with before, in front of (place) inside of inside, within within of, in, off, from, by, about of and of below beyond behind, beyond, after, upon abaft, behind, beyond, after, according to behind before (place), in front of after, past after, past through by, during, throughout from except, excepting, but (meaning, "except") within within, inside of through until, down to, up to, as far as between, among, in between, without should commit it to memory.
fuori in in mezzo a intorno a lontano da malgrado oltere a oltre oltre a per per mezzo di per quanto prima di piu tardi di riguardo a rispetto a senza sopra sopra a sotto sotto a sotto di su tra &amite tranne verso vicino a
beyond, out of, out, outside, off, without in, at, upon, within, into, on, through, during among around, about off, away from for beside, beyond past, beyond beside, besides, beyond by, out, through, throughout, because of, considering, in favor of, for (meaning "in favor of") through concerning, regarding before (time) beyond concerning respecting without, beyond above, over, up, on, upon, on top of, beyond, versus above, onto below, under under below, beneath on, up, over, onto, upon, above, toward among, between, in between through, by means of except, except for, save toward, into, near, around, about, for, toward, upon in return for, as compared with near, up, by, alongside, next to, near to
to, at as was asked for administrative use ancestor abbot abbes we have r e c o m e d grandson to live, inhabit home, residence beside on the day to administer, perform at or in the church on today's date at the time of on today's date it (the family) was as shown in the presence of at 16 o'clock (4 p.m.) at the time of to administer, perform administrator married man to be married to years years current year year of birth of present year next month
a a richiesta di parte per uso aminisirativo abadavo abate abbadessa abbiamo riconosciuto abiatico abitare abitcmzione accanto (a) ad& d minisaare alla chiesa alla data odierna all'ora di altu data oriema se compone cornme indicato alla presenza di alle ore sedice all'ora di amministrare amministratore ammogliato andar sposa a anni anno anno corrente anno della nascita di anno presente anno prossimo
annotazioni battesirno
Glossary, Part II, General Glossary of Terms marginal notes to annul annulled announcement announcement of marriage anonymous predawn (poetic) ancestors ancestor before noon (a.m.) aforesaid appeared archduchess archivist archdeacon archduke archpriest archbishop councilman, alderman, assessor testimony te act of ( ~ e ~ c aof) around establish paternity authentic, legitimate maternal grandmother paternal grandmother in front of us (before us) maternal grandfather paternal grandfather announcement announcement of marriage attorney abbess baby girl baby boy little boy baron baroness bastard baptismal baptism
annotaziort i rnarginali art nrtllare annrrllato art n zt nzio arzrtzrrzzio di inatrornonio anonimo(a) antilrrcarzo (a) nn teizati arzteizato niztimeridiaizo (a) anzidetto nppnrso archidrrclzessa arclzivista arcidiacorzo nrcidzlca arciprete nrcivescovo assessore nttestazio ize atto d i attorizo (a) attribzrire la paterrziti nz~teiztico(a) nva rnuterna nva pnter~za avarrti di noi avo rnnterrzo avo pnterrzo avviso nvviso di matrimortio nvvocato badessa bambiiza bambiito barnbolo barone barorressa bastarda(0) battesiinale battesimo
Glossary,Part II, General Glossary of Terms battesare(battezare) benedizione bimbn(o) binata binato bisarcavala bisarcnvalo bisava, bistzotrtra, bisavaln bisavo, bistzontzo, bisavalo bisczrgitra biscrlgirzo bistripote cadaver campo satrto cattcellnto caizcelliere capo cappe la cardirzale cnssnto cassatrcra cattivo (a) celibe certifica che la fccnziglia cke che cosa chi clziamrrrcr chiesa citu cittadino cogr1ato cognnta cogttome del tlnto cogrtome di col cosenso col nzarito comnre (corn'?.) come risrrlta dall'ntto di come sopra conre
battesare come
to baptize blessing baby female twin male twin great great grandmother great great grandfather great grandmother great grandfather second cousin (female) second cousin (male) great nephew, niece, great grandchild cadaver, deceased graveyard, burial grounds cancelled chancellor, registrar head, chief, leader chaple cardinal annulled annulment bad celibate, unmarried man certifies that the family what what who to call, to be called, names church, chapel city citizen brother-in-law sister-in-law family name of the born (baby boy) family name of with consent with the husband godmother as results of the act of as above how, as
compagna - del anno referito compagrza comprcrre (cornp'.) comparirzo(a) comparso commrrne di cornmrrizitii nlla qrr ale nppartiene CO rz corrdiziorze conirsgale corliugare (si) corrirsgati corr iugi corz irrgio conizzrbio cortsacrato consegrzarzte(conse,onntore) corzsigliere corrsole consorte coirte corztessa corztruddote corrtrutto contrcrtto di ir~atrimoirio corrtrnrre corpo crisnrn czsirrs pnrerztes igizorarrtrrr (Latin) czrrn crirc~to du da lrri dich iarnrr te duma da me damigell~ dare nlla luce data decreto defzinto(n) dei legittimi coniugi del airno referito
Glossary, Part 11,General Glossary of Terms delegato fzrnzioncrte da (sindnco) dell'e~nrzo dell'estratto del mese di del sposo d'eta di deila sposa della stnto civile detto giorno e mese di di dincorr o di urlrzi di dare alln izeonnta il nome di difrinto(cr) diritto civile dirrettore di poi, dipoi di professiorre o coitdizione diritto distretto di dispeizsn dispeilscr di rnatriinoiz io clispoize~lte disposerre clisposnrsi disposto disotto, di softo cli qrlesta parrockin di questo cornzrile diocesi di r~rtpnrto domutzi dom icilierto(c~) dorr dorrrra dorrzella dopo doinani dopo pranzo doppio(u) drrcn dzrchessa
- duchessa
delegated functionary of the (mayor) of the year from the extract of the month of of the husband of (the) age of of the wife (bride) of the civil state said day and month of day deacon of years (years of age) to give the newbom(baby girl) the name of deceased, dead civil law director afterwards of occupation or status right, law, claim, title district of ruling, grant, privilege marriage licence testator to many to get married disposed, willing under, below of this parish of this town diocese (contains several parishes) of one birth tomorrow living at (in) mister madam, dame damsel day after tomorrow afternoon (after lunch) twin duke duchess
e - figlioccia
e B antnt inistrato 2 m?zrniizistruto l'nqrra battesimale B battezzato B coinparso B coitrparaso egualnzente e di egrrale egzralineirte eletore e nriizzcti B rnorto nelln casn B rtato B irato da inadre B itcrto da padre eir trainbi esposto(a) B stilt0 airzi~liitistrntoa B stnto celebrnto 2 stclto presert tato essendo pcrdrirso esserrdo inaclriircr esterrlo estrrrtto dell'atto di nascitu estrictto di rzascitn estratto di mutrinzorz io estratto di i~zorte estratto di procrrra fnceitte frlrrzioire farrcinlla fanciz~llo fnrrtoliizo(a) fato fede femmiir ile, feininiira f idanzure f idanzato(n) figlia di figlio di figlioccia
Glossary, Partll, General Glossary of Terms figlioccio fine del mese firma di folio fra fratello frcltello di late fratello germuno fratello maggiore, rnenore fratellastro fratello zcterino frc
figlioccio - ha dichiarato
godson, godchild end of the month signature of Page among, between brother foster brother full brother elder, younger brother half- brother half-brother he or she .was the late, the deceased was baptized functionary, civil servant functionary function, operation religious service
f n bnttezznto
fr~nzionereligiosa gernella gemello gernelli genzelle geit ero gert itore gertitori germarzo g ici giorrzo gionzo dalla celebruzione del matrirnonio giovnrre, giovirre giovnrzetta, viovinetta giovarr 0th giovnnotto giudice gli sposi grcrrzdzrca graftdzrchessa Iza coiztmtto mutrimonio ha dichiarnto
(female) twin (male) twin twins (males or one female and one male.) twins (both females) son-in-law parent, father parents brother already, formerly, once, previous day day of the marriage celebration youth, young person young girl young woman young man, bachelor judge, magistrate, justice the married couple grand duke grand duchess has contracted marriage has declared
han date i l
- legalizzato
lzan dato il loro consenzo ieri igizoto il cndavere 6 stato sepolto nel il capo d'aizrro il priino d'anrzo i1 estrtctto 2 coitforme all'originale il giorrzo dopo illegittiino(a) il medesiino mzrto il nzedesimo gioriro il nzedesimo mese il rlorne di buttesirno il pndrino fir il sagramento di battesimo il silo coinpcrgrza il srro rnoglie il sottoscritto il pcrrroco di il quale ci ha preserztato in indicare in fede di che si rilnscia il preserlte in ritclrdo irrrzurzzi alla chiesa inoltre in quest0 cornurze irlterno i qlsali han dichiurrrto i sposi rzon sotlo parenti tra loro i promessi sposi i trei giorrri ivi la mndrirza fir lecito(a) legale legule legalizzato
Glossary, Part II, General Glossary of Terms legge leggittimo(n) lor0 Zettera levatrice lo stesso b izato l'olio saizto lzri lzrogo e data di nnscita lziogo nntio inndre mcrdrina innestro innggiori mnrit(lta m nritato lncrrito nznrclzese lnnrckessa inaschile, incrschio, rnascolir~o mntrigizn medesimo in eglio ineizo ineizsuuie meridiailo (a) n z ese tnese correrzte inese presefzte prossi~no inese prossimo pcrssato lnese scorso mezzanotte ~nezzodi, mezzogiorizo m ezzniz otte tn irr istro miizorenize moglie m olti(e) mori inoriboizdo
legge moribondo
law legitimate their's letter midwife the same is (was) born Holy Oil - Extreme Unction him, he place and date of birth birthplace mother Godmother master, teacher ancestors, elder brothers and sisters married woman married man husband marquess marchioness masculine step-mother same, him self, her self better less, minus monthly noon month current month present month next month just last month last month midnight noon midnight minister minor (under age) wife many he or she died a dying person
- nome proprio
moreitte morticino(n) morto(cc) morto in questo coinrlrze nzostricirro (a) rnrrtrio conserttimento rznqrre il giorizo rlnscerzza, nascita, iruscimento rzriscere nntule ncr tcr lizio rzntivo di ilnto n nre?zaizotte iznto a mezodi rznto n notte iznto a sera ilnto(a) du rznto il ilnto inrlnto??zorto nuto oggi iznturule itel cituto aizrzo ilel citccto giorrro ire1 citcrto inese rlel conrrlrze di rlel giorilo izellu cnsn di rzelln clziesn di izella citn di rlelln pnrrocchin di rlel ospresso giorilo rzel ospresso inese nello stesso nizi~o rlello stesso giorrro izello stesso inese rleonato rripote ilome nonze clel padre (inndre) rlome proprio
Glossary, Part II, General Glossary of Terms nominare nomigrzolo rzorz B valido non snpere scrivere nor2 vi sono prodotta opposizione rzoiznn
nominare piu
to name, to give a name given name is not valid doesn't know how to write no opposition was produced there grandmother grandfather night number number of order daughter-in-law nupital death register visually today every, all chrism - holy oil opposition hour order father father anonymous father unlmown godmother godfather godparents Page Pope parish priest birth child passed, expired native town or country agreement worse for, by for the year for use why more
notte 11 Ltinero rz zlinero d'ordine 11ztora n riziale obitriurio oczilnrinerzte oggi ogrz i olio coizsacrnto opposizione ora ortlirle pudre pctdre aizorzinzo padre scorloscizito pudrirln padriizo, putrigno padrirli prrgii!a PaPa parroco purto parvzi ln(o) passuto patria pater(1cclzio Per per l'unno per rtso perchi piil
piu re
piil tnrde poco pochi ponzeridiarzo pomeriggio potere prete preserzzu de testimorri preserztaziorr e e dichiarazioire arzzicletto presideir te pri~rlo prirnogert ito priinogeit itore principcr L e prirtcipe prirzcipessn procura pror?zessa di r?zatrinzortio pror?tessi sposi prort ipote pros.sii?zo proviilcicr cli pro.zirr prozio postrrrno prossimo prrbliccizione pzierpera prrerperio pzrpn
qzrerltti qriei, gzregli qziel, qnello, qzrel' quella, quell' quelle quorrdnrn rag n z u re
Glossary, Part 11,General Glossary of Terms rector regina referido residente a registro regrz icolo revocato riccmmogliarsi richiedente ricortoschiuto(a) ricorrente rilevatario sncerdote sacramerzto (di battesimo) sacro samtissimo sail tola sarltolo sarizioile scapolo scorzoscizrto
se secorzdaildo le loro dornande second0 il rito secondogerl ito segretario senrpre serzza sepolcreto sepolcro sepoltzrra sepolto sera sesso si 2 f(~ttaalla presenta di Signore signorina sindaco si sposaroizo ieri si richiesta in curta
si rilascia a
- suocero
si rilascia a si richiesta in cnrta solcli soiro stnti cotzgiugati soiro compnrsi sopra sopra iirdicati soprtutoine sorella sorella nqrristnta sorella di lnte sorella tnnggiore, tneizore sorella ziteriira sorellastrn sotto sottoscritto stnti della chiesa stumnttirzn stasera stato civile .di_ stcrto di junziglic~ stesso spira vn Spirito Sccirto spoirsnli sposa sposnlizio sposare sposnrsi spostlto sposetta, sposiiza sposi sposiizi sposiizo sposo sprrrio(n)
S 21
S I L , S L L ~szro , i
Glossary, Part N,General Glossary of Terms sztperiore tnvolcl alfnbeticn teinpo terzuvola terznvolo testilnorze testiinone oczdare testiinoni testiinonio tra trcrinite trovntello (a) trttto
zr Wmo(a) ~rltit?zogeitito rlltinzo giorrto del inese 11n, llil (1 zrffiz iclle 11fficio rlfficio dello estato civile
index time great-great-grandmother great-great-grandfather witness eye-witness witness bridesman among, between through foundling child all last, ultimate last born son last day of the month a, one official office, position state official valid widower widow to veil veiled virgin maiden true truth bishop life aunt uncle
superiore zio
vcr lido vedovo vedovu velare veluto vergirl e vero veritti vescovo vita zia tio