Measurement Functions: Fluke Timer Counters and Frequency Counters PM 6680B, PM6681, PM6685

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Fluke Timer Counters and Frequency Counters PM 6680B, PM6681, PM6685 Measurement Functions

Measurement Functions Frequency Time Interval, Pulse Width, Rise/Fall Time, Frequency, Burst Frequency, Period, Ratio f1/f2, Phase, Duty Factor, Totalize Input A: (PM6681): 10-10 Hz to 300 MHz (PM6680B): 10-10 Hz to 225 MHz Input B: 10-10 Hz to 100 MHz Input C: (Optional Input Pre-Scaler) (PM9621): 70 MHz to 1.3 GHz (PM9624): 100 MHz to 2.7 GHz (PM9625B): 150 MHz to 4.2 GHz Resolution: (PM6681): 11 digits/s measurement time (PM6680B): 10 digits/s measurement time Frequency Range Input A: (PM6681): Up to 300 MHz (PM6680B): Up to 160 MHz Frequency Range Input B: Up to 100 MHz Frequency Range Input C: (PM6681) Up to 3.0 GHz with options Start Delay Range: (PM6681): 200 ns to 1s, 100 ns resolution Range: (PM6681): 3.3 ns to 1010 s (PM6680B): 6 ns to 1010 s Resolution: (PM6681): 11 digits/s measurement time (PM6680B): 10 digits/s measurement time Range: 10-9 to 1015 Frequency Range: Input A,B: 10-10 Hz to 160 MHz Input C: See input C frequency range. Range: 0 ns to 1010 s Resolution: (PM 6681): single shot 50 ps (1 ps average) (PM 6680B): 250 ps Frequency Range: Up to 160 MHz Range: 3 ns to 1010 s Frequency Range: Up to 160 MHz Range: 3 ns to 1010 s Frequency Range: Up to 160 MHz Input Amplitude: (PM6681) > 250 mV p-p (PM6680B) > 500 mV p-p

Burst Frequency Input A,B,C

Period A

Ratio A/B, C/B

Time Interval A to B

Pulse Width A Rise and Fall Time

Phase A Relative B Range: -180 to +360 Resolution: 0.01

Frequency Range: 0.03 Hz to 160 MHz Duty Factor A Totalize A,B Range: 0 to 1 Frequency Range: 0.11 Hz to 160 MHz Range: 0 to 1017, 0 to 1010 in A-B modes Frequency Range: 0 to 160 MHz A Gated by B: Event counting on input A during the presence of a pulse on input B. Single or cumulative event counting during set measuring time. A start/stop by B: Event counting on input A between two consecutive pulses on B. Manual A-B: Input A minus input B event counting with manual start/stop. Manual/Timed A-B: Input A minus input B event counting with manual start/stop. Stop after set measuring time. Time counted from first trigger event on A.

AC/DC Voltage A,B Range: -50V to +50 V Frequency Range: (PM6681) DC, 1 Hz to 100 MHz (PM6680B) DC, 100 Hz to 100 MHz Mode: V max, V min, V p-p Resolution: (PM6681) 1.25 mV (PM6680B) 20 mV Gated Volt: External masking of unwanted signal components such as overshoot

Optional TimeBase
Standard: PM668/-1(Non -Retrofit) Calibration adjustment tolerance*** at +23C 3C: < 1 x 10-6 Uncertainty due to: Aging /24 hr: N/A* Aging /month: < 5 x 10-7 Aging /year: < 5 x 10-6 Temperature Stability (reference temp at +23C): 0-50C: < 1 x 10-5 20C -26C: 3 x 10-6 Line Voltage variation of 10%: < 1 x 10-8 Power On Stability: Not Specified Total Uncertainty**** at 2 (95%) confidence interval and at 23C 3C: After 1 Year Cal interval < 7 x 10-6 After 2 Year Cal interval < 1.2 x 10-5 Total Uncertainty**** at 2 (95%) confidence interval and at 0-50C: After 1 Year Cal interval < 1.2 x 10-5 After 2 Year Cal interval < 1.5 x 10-5

TCXO: PM668-/-2- Calibration adjustment tolerance*** at +23C 3C: < 2 x 10-7 (PM9678B/021) Uncertainty due to: Aging /24 hr: N/A* Aging /month: < 1 x 10-7 Aging /year: < 5 x 10-7 Temperature Stability (reference temp at +23C): 0-50C: < 1 x 10-6 20C -26C: < 2 x 10-7 (typical values)

Line Voltage variation of 10%: <1 x 10-9 Power On Stability: Not Specified Total Uncertainty**** at 2 (95%) confidence interval and at 23C 3C: After 1 Year Cal interval: < 7 x 10-7 After 2 Year Cal interval: < 1.2 x 10-6 Total Uncertainty**** at 2 (95%) confidence interval and at 0-50C: After 1 Year Cal interval: < 1.3 x 10-6 After 2 Year Cal interval: < 1.5 x 10-6 OCXO: PM668-/-5- Calibration adjustment tolerance*** at +23C 3C: < 2 x 10-8 (PM9691) Uncertainty due to: Aging /24 hr: < 5 x 10-10** Aging /month: < 1 x 10-8 Aging /year: < 7.5 x 10-8 Temperature Stability (reference temp at +23C): 0-50C: < 5 x 10-9 20C -26C < 6 x 10-10 (typical values) Line Voltage variation of 10%: < 5 x 10-10 Power-on stability: 1 x 10-7 Deviation versus final value after 24 hr on time, after a warm-up time of: 15 min Total Uncertainty**** at 2 (95%) confidence interval and at 23C 3C: After 1 Year Cal interval: < 9 x 10-8 After 2 Year Cal interval: < 1.5 x 10-7 Total Uncertainty**** at 2 (95%) confidence interval and at 0-50C: After 1 Year Cal interval: < 1 x 10-8 After 2 Year Cal interval: < 2 x 10-7 OCXO: PM668-/-6- Calibration adjustment tolerance*** at +23C 3C: < 5 x 10-9 (PM9692) Uncertainty due to: Aging /24 hr: < 3 x 10-10** Aging /month: < 3 x 10-9 Aging /year: < 2 x 10-8 Temperature Stability (reference temp at +23C): 0-50C: < 2.5 x 10-9 20C -26C: < 4 x 10-10 (typical values) Line Voltage variation of 10%: < 5 x 10-10 Short term stability: (root Allan Variance) T = 1 s: 1 x 10-11 T = 10 s: 3 x 10-12 T = 100 s: 1 x 10-12 Power-on stability: 5 x 10-9 Deviation versus final value after 24 hr on time, after a warm-up time of: 10 min Total Uncertainty**** at 2 (95%) confidence interval and at 23C 3C: After 1 Year Cal interval: < 2.5 x 10-8 After 2 Year Cal interval: < 5 x 10-8 Total Uncertainty**** at 2 (95%) confidence interval and at 0-50C: After 1 Year Cal interval: < 2.5 x 10-8 After 2 Year Cal interval: < 5 x 10-8

N/A: Not discernible, neglectable versus 1C temperature variation.

After 48 hours continuous operation Calibration Adjustment Tolerance: Is the maximal tolerated deviation from the true 10MHz frequency after a calibration. When the reference frequency does not exceed the tolerance limits at the moment of calibration, an adjustment is not needed. **** Total uncertainty: Is the total possible deviation from the true 10MHz value under influence of frequency drift due to aging and ambient temperature variations versus the reference temperature. The operating temperature range and the calibration interval are part of this specification.


Input and Output Specifications

Input A & B (PM6681) Frequency Range: AC coupled: 10 Hz to 300 MHz DC coupled: DC to 300 MHz Coupling: AC or DC Rise time: Approximately 1.1 ns Impedance: 1 M //15 pf or 50 , VSWR< 2:1 1 M//65 pF or 50 with PM 9611/80 rear panel inputs Trigger Slope: Positive or negative Channel Inputs: Separate, Common A or Swapped Max. channel timing difference: 500 ps Sensitivity (SineWave): 20 mV, up to 100 MHz 30 mV, 100 MHz to 200 MHz 40 mV, 200 MHz to 250 MHz 60 mV, > 250 MHz Pulse Width: > 5 ns at 60 mV p-p, > 3 ns at 90 mV p-p Attenuation: X1 or X10 Hysteresis Window (x1): 20 mV p-p Variable Hysteresis A (x1): 30 mV p-p to 10 V p-p up to 120 MHz Dynamic Range: 60 mV p-p to 10 V p-p Trigger Level: Read out on display Range: (x1): -5V to + 5V (x10): -50V to + 50V Resolution: (X1): 1.25 mV Uncertainty: (x1): (4 mV + 1% of trigger level)


Auto Trigger Level Trigger level is automatically set to 50% of input signal. Frequency: > 1Hz Low Pass Filter A Digital Low Pass Filter Trigger Indicator Trigger Slope Damage Level 100 kHz fixed. > 40 dB attenuation at 1 MHz 1 Hz to 5 MHz using trigger hold off Tri-State LED indicator Positive or Negative 1 M Impedance: 350V (DC + AC peak) at DC to 440 Hz, falling to 12 Vrms (x1) and 120 V rms (x10) at 1 MHz 50 Impedance: 12V rms Frequency Range: AC coupled: 10 Hz to 225 MHz DC coupled: DC to 225 MHz

Input A & B (PM6680B)

Coupling: AC or DC Rise time: Approximately 1.5 ns Impedance: 1 M//30pf or 50, VSWR < 2:1 1 M//80pf or 50 (with PM 9611 /80 rear panel inputs Channel Inputs: Separate, Common A or Swapped Max. channel timing difference: 1 ns Sensitivity: 20 mV, up to 100 MHz 30 mV, 100 MHz to 200 MHz 40 mV, > 200 Pulse Width: > 5 ns at 60 mV p-p, > 3 ns at 90 mV p-p Attenuation: X1 or X10 Hysteresis Window (x1): 30 mV p-p Variable Hysteresis A (x1): 60 mV p-p to 10 V p-p up to 120 MHz Dynamic Range: 60 mV p-p to 10 V p-p Trigger Trigger Level: Read out on display Range: (x1): -5.1V to + 5.1V (x10): -51V to + 51V Resolution: (X1): 20 mV Uncertainty: (x1): (20 mV + 1% of trigger level)

Auto Trigger Level Trigger level is automatically set to 50% of input signal. (10% and 90% for Rise/Fall Time, 75% and 25% for variable hysteresis A) Frequency: > 100 Hz, > 150 mV p-p Low Pass Filter A Digital Low Pass Filter Trigger indicator Trigger Slope Max. Voltage without Damage 100 kHz fixed. > 40 dB attenuation at 1 MHz 1 Hz to 5 MHz using trigger hold off Tri-State LED indicator Positive or Negative 1 M Impedance: 350V (DC + AC peak) at DC to 440 Hz, falling to 12 Vrms (x1) and 120 V rms (x10) at 1 MHz. 50 Impedance: 12V rms

Optional Pre-Scalers
Input C (PM 9621) Frequency Range: 70 MHz to 1.3 GHz Pre-Scaler Factor: 256 (PM6680B), 512 (PM6681) Sensitivity: 10 mV rms to 12V rms, 70 to 900 MHz 15 mV rms to 12V rms, 900 to 1100 MHz 40 mV rms to 12V rms, 1100 to 1300 MHz Amplitude Modulation: DC to 0.1 MH: Up to 94% depth 0.1 to 6 MHz: Up to 85% depth Minimum signal must exceed Input Sensitivity Impedance: 50 nominal, AC coupled, VSWR < 2:1 Max. Voltage without Damage: 12V rms pin diode protected

Connector: BNC Input C (PM 9624) Frequency Range: 100 MHz to 2.7 GHz Pre-Scaler Factor: 16 (PM6680B), 32 (PM6681) Sensitivity: 20 mV rms to 12V rms, 100 to 300 MHz 10 mV rms to 12V rms, 0.3 GHz to 2.5 GHz 20 mV rms to 12V rms, 2.5 GHz to 2.7 GHz Amplitude Modulation: DC to 0.1 MHz: Up to 94% depth 0.1 to 6 MHz: Up to 85% depth Minimum signal must exceed Input Sensitivity Impedance: 50 nominal, ac coupled, VSWR < 2.5:1 Max. Voltage without Damage: 12V rms pin diode protected Connector: Type N Female Input C (PM 9625B) Frequency Range: 150 MHz to 4.2 GHz Pre-Scaler Factor: 32 (PM6680B), 64 (PM6681) Sensitivity: 20 mV rms to 1V rms, 150 to 300 MHz 10 mV rms to 1V rms, 0.3 GHz to 2.2 GHz 15 mV rms to 1V rms, 2.2 GHz to 3.5 GHz 25 mV rms to 1V rms, 3.5 GHz to 4.2 GHz 50 mV rms to 1V rms, 4.2 GHz to 4.5 GHz Amplitude Modulation: DC to 0.1 MHz: Up to 94% depth 0.1 to 6 MHz Up to 85% depth Minimum signal must exceed Input Sensitivity Impedance: 50 nominal, AC coupled, VSWR < 2.5:1 Damage Level: 12V rms pin diode protected Connector: Type N Female

Rear Panel Inputs And Outputs

Range: External Reference Input D (PM6681): 1,2,5 or 10 MHz, > 200 mV signal. (PM6680B): 10 MHz, > 500 mV signal. Arming Input E Most measurement functions can be performed via arming input. Range: (PM 6681): DC to 100 MHz (PM 6680B): DC to 50 MHz Slew Rate: > 2V/s Trigger Level: TTL, 1.4V nominal Trigger Slope: Positive or Negative Damage Level: 25V peak Frequency: 10 MHz, Sine Wave Output: > 0.5 V rms into 50 load, > 0.7 V rms into hi impedance load. AC coupled Ouput Level: Closed: < 0.4 V Open: > 1.4 V into 50 Internal Delay: 20 ns

Reference Output G Gate Open Output H

Trigger Level Outputs

Output Level: (PM6681): Trigger Level/Attn Setting (PM6680B): Trigger Level/(10 * Attn Setting) Impedance: (PM6681) 100 (PM6680B) 3 k Buffered outputs for input A & B signals. Best used for adjustment of probes to best pulse response for the combination of probe and counter input. (Included with GPIB option only) 0 to 4.98 V in 20 mV steps, derived from three consecutive digits selected from the measurement result.

Probe Compensation Output Analog output

Auxiliary Functions
Trigger Hold-Off Time Delay Range: (PM 6681): 60 ns to 1.34s, 10 ns resolution (PM 6680B): 200 ns to 1.6s, 100 ns resolution Event Delay Range B: (PM 6681): 2 to 224-1, max. 100 MHz (PM 6680B): 2 to 224-1, max. 20 MHz External Arming Arming Delay External signal on input E can be used to inhibit start and/or stop triggering. Arming can be delayed with respect to the external arming trigger event until either the preset arming time has elapsed or the preset number of trigger events on B has occurred. Time Delay Range B & E: 200 ns to 1.6 s, 100 ns resolution Event Delay Range B: 2 to 224-1, negative slope (up to 20 MHz) Min, Max, Mean and Standard Deviation. Statistics may be applied to all measurement functions with the exception of Manual Totalize. Sample Size: (PM 6681): 1 to 2 x 10-9 samples (PM 6680B): 1 to 65535 samples Mathematics Mathematics may be applied to all measuring functions. Functions: (K*X+L)/M or (K/X+l)/M where: X is the current reading and K,L, and M are selectable constants.


Other Functions
Measuring time (PM 6681): Single cycle, 80, 160, 320, 640, 1280 ns and 20 s to 20s (or to 400s for some functions) (PM 6680B): Single cycle, 0.8, 1.6, 3.2, 6.4, 12.8 s and 50 s to 20s (or to 400s for some functions) Display Hold Settings Freezes measuring result, until a new measurement is initiated via Restart 20 instrument settings can be saved and recalled from internal non-volatile memory. 10 can be user protected.

Auxiliary Menu Display GPIB Interface

Gives access to additional functions 10-digit LCD with high-luminance backlight Programmable Functions: All front panel accessible Interface Functions: SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, RL1, DC1, DT1, E2 Time Stamping (PM 6681): 125 ns resolution Via GPIB: (PM6681): 250 readings/s (PM6680B): 125 readings/s To Internal Memory: (PM6681): 8k readings/s (PM6680B): 2k readings/s Internal Memory Size: (PM 6681):* Up to 6100 readings (PM 6680B):* Up to 2600 readings Data Output: ASCII, IEEE double precision floating point TimeView runs on an IBM PC/AT or compatible with VGA/EGA monitor.

Measurement Rate*

Software: TimeViewTM Time & Frequency Analysis Software

Data Capture Free Running Measurement: Modes and (PM6681) 8k readings/s Measurement Rate (PM6680B) 2k readings/s Repetitive Sampling: Up to 10 MHz Continuous Single-Period: PM 6681: Up to 40k readings/s (200 ns resolution) PM 6680B: N/A Waveform Capture: Available with PM6681 Data Analysis Features: Measurement data vs. time, FFT Graph, Root Allan Variance, Smoothing function, Zoom function, Cursor measurements, Distribution Histogram, Setup and Measurement, Data Archive and Printing

Depending on measurement function and internal data format

General Specifications
Environmental Data Operating Temp: (PM 6681): 0C to +50C (PM 6680B): 0C to +55C Fan option is required when: 1.Ambient temp. >50C 2. Internal rack temp. >45; while mounted with no free air convection space and oven oscillator PM 9690 or PM 9691 is installed Storage Temperature: -40C to +70C Vibration: 3G at 55 Hz per MIL-T-28800D Shock: Half-sine 40G per MIL-T-28800D. Bench handling. Shipping container. Reliability: MTBF 30 000 h (calculated) Safety: According to CE-regulation 73/23 EN61010-1 CAT II, Pollution Degree 2 EMC: According to CE regulation 89/336: Emission according to EN 50081-1, EN 55011 Immunity according to EN 50082-1, inclusive IEC 801-2, -3, -4

Power Requirements Mechanical Data

90V rms to 265V rms, 45 Hz to 440 Hz, 35W Width: 315 mm (12.4 in) Height: 86 mm (3.4 in) Depth: 395 mm (15.6 in) Weight: Net 4 kg (8.5 lb), Shipping 7 kg (15 lb)

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