Monologues Student

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Two Shakespearean Actors Richard Nelson Act i, scene 7. MACREADY. It's hard to explain really. Where shall I begin?

(Beat.) You see - as Descartes has said inside us all are these - . He called them animal spirits. (Beat.) Which are really, what other people call - passions. (Short pause. FORREST nods.) And they're all - these spirits - they're bordered, they're all sort of fenced in. (Suddenly remembering.) You could also call them emotions. (Beat.) Anyway, they're fenced in. But when one of them escapes from the others - . And is not quickly caught by - . I don't know, spirits who do the catching, like sheep-dogs catch - . (Beat.) [FORREST. Sheep.] That's right. Like sheep-dogs catch sheep. Anyway, when one escapes and is not caught, then it becomes a very deep, a very - . A very passionate - . (Beat.) What?! (Beat. Remembers.) Feeling! Feeling. (Shortpause.) So what an actor does -I believe - is this: philosophically speaking - . I haven't studied enough philosophy - . I'd like to study much much more, but - . Well - . People like us who are busy doing - ! But, as I was saying, the art of the actor - . (Beat.) What was I going to say? I was about to say something that was very clear. I remember. The art of the actor is like ripping down the fences. (Beat.) And tying up the sheep-dogs. (Beat.) And letting the spirits loose. A few at a time. Or more! Depending on the part. Letting them roam for a while. (Short pause.) So, that's what I love about acting. (Pause).) I don't know how clear I've been.

The Colored Museum George C. Wolfe (Lights up on NORMAL JEAN REYNOLDS. She is very southern/country and very young. She wears a simple faded print dress and her hair, slightly mussed, is in plaits. Between her legs is a very large white egg.) NORMAL My mama used to say, God made the exceptional, then God made the special, and when God got bored, he made me. Course she don't say too much of nuthin no more, not since I lay me this egg. Ya see it all got started when I had me relations with the garbage man. Ooowee did he smell. Not, not bad. No! He smelled of all the good things folks never shoulda thrown away. His sweat was like cantaloupe juice. His neck was like a ripe-red strawberry. And the water that fell from his eyes was like a deep, dark, juicy-juicy grape. I tell ya, it was like fuckin a fruit salad. And three days later, my belly commence to swell, real big like. Well my mama locked me off in some dark room. At first I cried a lot, but then I grew used to livin my days in the dark, and my nights in the dark. . . . And then it wasn't but a week or so later, I got this feelin. Worse than anything I'd ever known. I tell ya, I was yellin so loud. Noooooooo! Noooooo! And the next thing I remember . . . is me coming to and there's this big white egg layin 'tween my legs. First I thought somebody musta put it there as some kind of joke. And then I heard it. It was kinda like layin back in the bathtub, ya know, the water just coverin your ears . . . and if you lay real still and listen real close, you can hear the sound of your heart movin the water. You ever done that? Well that's what it

sounded like. A heart movin water. And it was happenin inside here. Oh! I don't believe it! I thought I heard . . . yes! teleia Can you hear it? Instead of one heart, there's two. Two little hearts just pattering away. Boom-boom-boom. Boom-boom-boom. And they're all alive, beatin out life inside my egg. Yes any day now, this shell's gonna crack and my babies are gonna fly. Fly! Fly! Fly.

Night Luster Laura Harrington ROMA I don't think people see me. I get this feeling sometimes like I'm invisible or something. I can be standing there in a room and I'm talking and everything, and it's like my words aren't getting anywhere and I look down at myself and jesus, sometimes my body isn't getting anywhere either. It's like I'm standing behind a one-way mirror and I can see the guys and I can hear the guys, but they can't see me and they can't hear me. And I start to wonder if maybe I'm ugly or something, like maybe I'm some alien species from another planet and I don't speak the language and I look totally weird. But I don't know this, you see, because on this other planet I had this really nice mother who told me I was beautiful and that I had a voice to die for because she loved me so much, not because it was true. And I arrive here on earth and I'm so filled with her love and her belief in me that I walk around like I'm beautiful and I sing like I have a voice to die for. And because I'm so convinced and so strange and so deluded, people pretend to listen to me . . . because they're being polite or somethingor maybe they're afraid of me. And at first I don't notice because I sing with my eyes closed. But then one day I open my eyes and I find out I'm living in this world where nobody sees me and nobody hears me. (Beat.) I'm just lookin' for that one guy who's gonna hear me, see me . . . really take a chance. I mean, I hear them. I'm listening so hard I hear promises when somebody's just sayin' hello. Jesus, if anybody ever heard what I've got locked up inside of me . . . I'd be a star.

Sarita Maria Irene Fornes SARITA If one has one love in one's lifetime, only one, and one has been true to that love, does one go straight to heaven? for being true? (Short pause.) I hope so. Because here it's hell. (Short pause.) I just want to know if you know about this? (Short pause.) Is this your idea?Or is the devil doing it? (Short pause.) Give me a sign. (Short pause.) Say something. (Short pause.) Go on. (Short pause.) Do something. (She palms her hand as if there were a small person in it. She lowers her voice.) Good Lord, child, somebody made a mistake. I put you in for an easy life. You're my favorite kid. Don't worry about a thing, honey. I'll take care of things. (Using her own voice.) Oh, God! Thank you God.God. I am serious. I cannot breathe. I'm burning. I'm turned inside myself. Do you know what I'm saying?I feel my life's leaving me. I feel I'm dying. God, I want to love Mark and no one else.

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