Educ-2012 Thesis Guidelines PDF

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Thesis Proposal Review Guidelines

The primary purpose of preparing a thesis proposal is to enable candidates to focus and define their research plans in a formal way. The research proposal enables candidates to demonstrate their capacity to engage in genuine enquiry. The public presentation provides candidates with one of their first opportunities to communicate their research ideas to others. It forms a component of Higher Degree Research (HDR) commencement activities and is a formal requirement for confirmation of candidature. All PhD and MPhil candidates are required to give a public presentation of their research proposals. This presentation is required within the first SIX months for full time candidates and TWELVE months for part time candidates. This policy applies to all School of Education HDR candidates. The public presentation is regarded as an important milestone in their research preparation. It is designed to provide a supportive forum to receive constructive feedback from an audience of postgraduate peers and experienced researchers. The timing has been set in the first year of the candidature to enable candidates to refine and/or redirect their investigations as well as to promote the development of appropriate research skills to strengthen the overall quality of the research thesis.

Formal Requirements
Candidates are required to deliver a seminar on-campus for about an hour, including time for questions and comments from the participants. Another 30 minutes will be set aside to discuss privately and receive specific feedback from the Review Panel. Candidates will be required to submit a research proposal, including; A literature review which provides an overview of the aims and scope of the thesis, with clear research question(s) or hypotheses stated A clear explanation of the theoretical framework or, conceptual orientation The, types of data and research methods, and data analysis strategies to be used A detailed budget that shows understanding of expected costs of procedures, measures, apparatus, travel, transcription and other costs.

This material will be between 3000 5000 words and must be circulated to the Review Panel at least two weeks before the presentation. Candidates must also supply a short 150 word abstract to be used for the purposes of publicising this presentation.

Review Panel
Based on discussions between the candidate and her/his supervisors, and in consultation with the Departmental Director of Higher Degree Research, an appropriate Review Panel will be established. This Panel will include at least four members consisting of the Principal Supervisor, the second supervisor and two other academics with relevant expertise. The Review Panels may contain academics from within the Faculty and/or other areas of the University or other individuals deemed appropriate by the supervisors. The Departmental Director of HDR will also attend the review meeting and review proposals wherever possible and offer comments for consideration. The two reviewers, who will read the full proposal prior to the public presentation, will prepare written feedback for the candidate using the following questions: Are the research aims sufficient in scope to constitute a PhD or MPhil thesis?

Is the theoretical orientation and methodology appropriate to address the aims of the proposed research study? Is the project feasible within the time frame available for this candidature? Has the candidate demonstrated a capacity to provide a critical review of the literature? Is the proposal written in formal academic English, and a recognised referencing and style guide? Are there any other issues that need to be addressed? At the time of the presentation, the reviewers may add further feedback and handover these documents to the candidate with copies to the principal supervisor and Departmental Director of HDR. The basic role of this Review Panel is to provide general feedback and advice on the material presented at the seminar. The Principal Supervisor will chair the Panel. The Panel is expected to complete the Research Proposal Confirmation Report that specifies the overall recommendation from the Review Panel and indicating briefly, required revisions to be undertaken by the candidate within a specified time-line. If the Review Panel believes that the candidate can be further supported with a substantive follow up report, the Principal supervisor will undertake to prepare this documentation and circulated to the Review Panel, the Departmental Director of HDR and the candidate within one week after the public presentation. If the candidate is required to make any substantive changes to the research proposal as presented, it is his/her responsibility to ensure that the stipulated deadlines on the confirmation report are achieved within the set deadlines. Immediately after the presentation, copies of all of the reporting documentation must be sent to Alex Loveday to be included in the candidates commencement report. Failure to achieve a satisfactory outcome at that stage will result in a show cause letter being issued through the Dean of the Faculty to the candidate.

Format of the thesis proposal

The thesis proposal will contain the essential elements of a thesis including the following: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Statement of the topic and research question(s) Aims of research Critical review of literature & research questions Theoretical orientation Research Design and Methods Time line and budget Tentative chapter outline References

Candidates should discuss the content to be covered under each of these elements with their supervisors. This discussion may include possible sources of resources that could assist in developing and strengthening the candidates ability to articulate his/her research plans. This includes practical guides and information briefs prepared by our library on undertaking data base searches and preparing critical reviews of literature. A variety of books have also been published on the doctoral research experience as well as designing and formatting your research. Attendance at thesis proposal presentations by other candidates is also strongly encouraged as a way of supporting peers and learning from others experiences.

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