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Getting Started Guide

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Getting Started

A short guide that explains how to create a base station, calculate EMF noncompliance zones and automatically generate compliance documentation using IXUS.

How IXUS Manager and Modeller works

New base stations are created and managed in the Manager.

Finally reports are generated using the Manager.



IXUS Modeller is used for the 3D modelling of base stations, and calculating EMF exclusion zones.

Follow these easy steps to complete a simple example site...

Let us start by creating a new base station


Click the Manager icon to launch it in your browser. Log in using admin as both the user name and the password.

Click the New Base Station link.

Enter a Base Station Code for example B001. Enter any Name for example Test station 1 for
the base station and click

Additional information can be entered for example the operational status and address if necessary. Save the newly created base station by clicking
Save changes

Adding an antenna to a base station

Click on the Antennas tab.
Base station details


3D Model & Pictures

Click on the + Add new Antenna link. Specify antenna details and orientation. You can use the antenna selected by default for this example. Enter antenna tilt and azimuth for example 0 and 90 degrees respectively. Add the GSM900 frequency band by selecting it in the dropdown box and clicking on Add this frequency. Enter frequency band power and electrical tilt. Use power of 40 Watt on both ports for typical results. Select a tilt of 0 degrees for this example and click on Update. Click

Save changes

to save the new antenna.

Adding a 3D model to a base station


Base Station Details


3D Model & Pictures

Click on the 3D Model & Pictures tab. Make sure you have the Modeller installed. If not, download and install it by clicking on Download IXUS Modeller . Click the + Add 3D Model link. This link will open a download page that prompts you to download the base station antenna information. Click on Start the download and select the Open option in your browser download dialog.

IXUS Modeller will start up with the selected base station and antenna.

Creating objects in the Modeller 1 Modeller

The Modeller starts up with a Tutorial. You can close the tutorial for now and view it later by clicking on Help > Tutorial. The Toolbar is located just below the File menu and the 3D view is just below the Toolbar on the right.


3D View

Creating objects in the Modeller 2 Modeller

Lets add a basic shape like the cuboid
Click on the cuboid button or choose Shapes > Basic shapes > Cuboid.

Click anywhere on the 3D view to position the base corner of the cuboid. Enter the cuboid dimensions for example: Width = 10 Depth = 10 and Height = 20. Click the to complete the cuboid.

Changing your view of the 3D model

To move around your model you can use the following mouse actions.

Rotate: Hold down the left button and drag your mouse to rotate around the model.

Zoom: Scroll the mouse wheel to move closer to the model or further from it.
Pan: Hold down the scroll wheel button and drag your mouse to slide your view up, down, left or right.

Place the antenna on the cuboid

The antenna that was added in the Manager will be shown in the 3D View. Let us move the antenna to the top of the cuboid...
Double click on the antenna and click on the Set bracket Start button. Click on the top corner of the cuboid to place the antenna bracket. Then click anywhere on the green plane to place the antenna. Change the Azimuth to 90 degrees by clicking in the text field next to it and typing 90. Click the to complete the move.

Creating pictures of the 3D Model for the reports

1 Modeller
Now that you have a 3D model you can create pictures that will be used in the reports.
Click the Picture properties button on the Toolbar or choose Picture > Show/Hide picture properties.

Picture properties Panel and list box

The picture properties panel appears on the right containing a list box. To add a new picture to the picture list, click the New picture button, below the list box. Add two or more pictures. To select a picture, click on it in the list box. Change the view until you are happy with the view that you would like to include in the report.

Creating pictures of the 3D Model for the reports

2 Modeller
You also need an environmental slice to create the environmental report.
Select a picture in the list (not Default view) and click on the Environmental Slice button below the list box.

1 2

Click to position the middle point of the plane then type 50 in the Width field and 50 in the Depth field to specify the size of the plane as 50m x 50m. Specify the height as 1.5 meter by typing 1.5 into the height field and then click the

Calculating the EMF Zones

Now you are ready to calculate the EMF Zones for that antenna and save the base station back to the Manager.
Click the Calculate EMF Zones button on the Toolbar or choose Model > Simulate EMF Zones... IXUS Modeller will ask you to select a speed/quality setting. Select Medium for this example.

The yellow and red zones in front of the antenna indicate the public and occupational exclusion zones respectively whereas the Environmental slice indicates the percentage of the public EMF value at any point on the specified plane.

Now return your edited model and pictures to IXUS Manager by clicking File > Save to manager or click the Save to manager icon.

Creating IXUS Reports in the Manager 1 Manager

Close the Modeller and go back to the IXUS Manager and click on the IXUS Reports tab. Click on Create New Report.

The report wizard will open in a new window. Reports are generated in four steps. Step 1: Compliance certificate Add or check the compliance certificate comment that you want to appear on the certificate. Specify Compliant as a proposed compliance status. Click Next: Compliance Report >>.

Creating IXUS Reports in the Manager 2 Manager

Step 2:

Compliance report

Drag pictures into the box on the right if you want to exclude them from the report. You must have at least one picture on the left to create a report.
If you want to you can add access control, signage and antenna comments that will appear on the compliance report or else click Next: Environmental Report >>.

Creating IXUS Reports in the Manager 3 Manager

Step 3:

Environmental report Sort environmental pictures by dragging them into the correct order. Drag pictures into the box on the right to exclude them from the report. You must have at least one picture to create a report. Click Next: Generate and Save All >>.

Creating IXUS Reports in the Manager 4 Manager

Step 4:

Generate Add a comment about the report that will get saved in the report history for example First draft. You can also preview the PDF reports and certificate if you like.

Click Generate and Save All.

Reports await approval from a user with approval rights. Click on Approve to save the reports as current valid versions.

Creating IXUS Reports in the Manager 5 Manager

Click on any of the reports to view them and click the browser back button to go back.

Thats it!
Well done! Youve created a base station , calculated EMF non-compliance zones and automatically generated compliance documentation.

For more information on the use of IXUS please view the help documentation. On your Windows desktop click: Start > Programs > IXUS > Help or contact us on support@emssixus.com

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