Ogunnaike Ray 1979
Ogunnaike Ray 1979
Ogunnaike Ray 1979
constants defined by Equation (33) constants defined by Equation (37) criticalvalue bulk value heat transfer mass transfer n-th term in series lower bifurcation value upper bifurcation value
= =
m n
Abramowitz, M. and I. A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Functions, Dover, New York (1965). Aris, R., On Shape Factors for Irregular Particles-I. The Steady State Problem-Diffusion and. Reaction, Chem. Eng. Sci., 6, 262 ( 1957). Aris, R., The Mathematical Theory of Diffusion and Reaction in Permeable Catalysts, 1701, 1, Clarendon Press, Oxford ( 1975). Bellman, R., Perturbation Techniques in itfathematics, Engineering and Physics, Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York (1966). Butt, J. B., D. M. Downing and J. W. Lee, Inter-Intraphase Temperature Gradients in Fresh and Deactivated Catalyst Particles, Ind. Eng. Chern. Fundam., 16, 270 ( 1977). Carberry, J. J., On the Relative Importance of Euternal-Internal Temperature Gradients in Heterogeneous Catalysis, Ind. Eng. Chem. Fundam., 14,129 (1975).
Cole, J. D., Perturbation Methods I n Applied Mathemntfcs, Blaisdell, WaItham, Mass. ( 1968). Cresswell, D. L., On the Uniqueness of the Steady State of a Catalyst Pellet Involving Both Intraphase and Interphase Transport, Chem. Eng. Sci., 25, 267 (1970). Hatfield, B. and R. Aris, Communications on the Theory of Diffusion and Reaction-IV. Combined Effects of Internal and External Diffusion in the Non-isothermal Case, Chem. Eng. Sci., 24, 1213 (1969). Jackson, R., Some Uni ueness Conditions for the Symmetric Steady State of a Cata yst Particle with Surface Resistance, Chern. Eng. Sci., 27,2205 ( 1972). Kehoe, J. P. G. and J. B. Butt, Interactions of Inter-and Intra-phase Gradients in Diffusion Limited Catalytic Reaction, AIChE ]., 18, 347 ( 1972). Luss, D., Uniqueness Criteria for Lumped and Distributed Parameter Chemically Reacting Systems, Chem. Eng. Sci., 26,1713 ( 1971 ) . Luss, D., Steady State and Dynamic Behavior of a Single Catalytic Pellet, Chapter 4 in Chemical Reactor TheoyA Reuiew, L. Lapidus and N. R. Amundson (Editors), Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N.J. ( 1977). McGinnis, P. H., Jr., Numerical Solutions of Boundary Value Nonlinear Ordinary Differential Equations, Chem. Eng. Prog., Symp. Series, 61 (55), 2 (1965). Pereira, C. 1. and A. Varma, Effectiveness Factors for the Case of Mildly Concentration-dependent Diffusion Coefficients, Chern. Eng. Sci., 33, 396 (1978). Pereira, C. J. and A. Varma, Uniqueness Criteria of the Steady State in Automotive Catalysis, Chem. Eng. Sd., 33, 1645 (1978). Pereira. C. T., 1. 1. Carberry and A. Varma, Uniqueness Criteria for First Order Catalytic Rpactions with External Transport Limitations, Chem. Eng. Sci., 34, 249 (1979).
Manuscript received December 4, 1978; revision received Julv 3. and accepted July 10, 1979.
Multivariable Controller Design for Linear Systems Having Multiple Time Delays
A multivariable, multidelay compensator, capable of handling general, linear time delay problems is derived in a form applicable both in continuous and discrete time. The controller developed is shown to have the same structure as the linear-quadratic optimal feedback controller for input delays and reduces to the Smith predictor (and the analytical predictor) for the special case of a single time delay. Some examples representative of engineering practice are used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the controller.
Deportment of Chemical Enqineering University of Wiseonsin Madison, Wisconsin 53706
Time delays in feedback control loops often are a seriobstacle to good process operation. such delays prevent high gains from being used, leading to offset and sluggish system response. Smith (1957, 59) suggested a compensator design which effectively removes
B. A. Ogunnaike is on leave from the Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria. 0001-1541-79-3136-1043-$01.65. 0 The American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 1979.
a single delay from the f e e d b a d loop. This result has been extended to discrete time operation and multivariable systems having a single delay (e.g., Moore et al. 1970, Alevisakis and Seborg 1973, 1974), but the common situation of muItiple time delays has remained a problem. the present work, a new multivariable, multidelay pensator is developed to allow mitigation of the effects of multiple delays in multivariable control problems.
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Page 1043
1972) developed earlier. Simulation testing of the multidelay compenyator on chemical reactor and distillation COIumn examples shows definite improvements over the performance of other controller designs. The on-line implementation requirements would appear to be quite modest.
There is a great variety of processes whose dynamics can be adequately represented by multivariable transfer functions having time delays. Some of the more important processes in this category are 1) distillation columns, (cf Moczek et al. (1965), Kim and Freidly (1974), Wood and Berry (1973) ) ; 2) extraction and adsorption processes (e.g., Bierv and Boylan (1962) and Horner and Schiesser ( 1965) ) ; and 3 ) heat exchangers, (e.g., Stewart et al. (1961)). The general form of the transfer function matrix between outputs, y and controls, u, is
; I (fijqs + 1) q=l
y ( s ) = G ( s ) Td
where y is an 1 vector of outputs and u is an m vector of controls. Similarly, the transfer function between the outputs and disturbances, d is y(s) = G d ( S f X ( S ) (2) where d is a k vector of disturbances. The transfer function matrices, G ( s), Gd (s) are of the form
n = number of zeroes ( n < r ) - (hij,) -l = zeroes of the transfer function gij - ( fijq) -1 = poles of the transfer function gtj kij = rteady state gain of gi5 aij = time delay associated with gij
However, more complex transfer functions sometimes arise, as illustrated in the next section. A block diagram for the system under conventional feedback control may be seen in Figure 1, where G, represents the feedback controller, H the output measurement device, and y d the output set-point, The closed loop response for the conventional controller then may be given by
y ( s ) = (I + GG,H)-'
g 1 1
g 1 2
* *
. . . glk
d g 2 . 1
In the absence of time delays, there are many multivariable control design procedures available (cf. Ray, in press) for choosing the elements G , in order to achieve good control system performance. In addition, for multivariable systems having only one time delay, useful design methods are also available (Alevisakis and Seborg 1973, 1974). However, when there are multiple delays in the transfer function as in Equation ( 4 ) , the choice of design algorithms is more limited. For example, optimal b) feedback control methods (cf. Soliman and Ray 1972~, and Inverse Nyquist Array Techniques (Rosenbrock 1974) have been used. While these procedures are straightforward and have been shown to work well, the presence
. . . . . . . . . gE',
Figure 1. Block diagram for conventional feedback control of a multivariable system.
In many practical applications where the transfer functions are fitted to experimental data, gij(s) or g d i j ( s ) have the rather simple form
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November, 1979
of time delays requires rather extensive computational effort to determine the controller structure for G,. Thus it would be advantageous to have simpler design procedures for multivariable systems having multiple time delays. The purpose of this article is to present new time delay compensation techniques which largely eliminate the effects of time delays and allow conventional muhivariable controller design procedures to be used for systems with multiple time delays. The design procedure is formulated so that it may be applied in either a continuous time or a discrete time mode. In the next section, we discuss the various forms time delay models may take and show how all of these can be handled by our design procedure. Then we discuss earlier single variable and single delay formulations and indicate how they become special cases of our more general approach. Finally, we present some examples to illustrate the controller design procedure and the resulting control system performance.
~ ( n 1) = 2 *ix(n
- pi)
+SAju(n-&) +X@kd(n-&)
y ( n ) = ZCix(n - ri)
+ PEj.(n
- el)
where mi, A,, @k, Ci, Ej are constant matrices of appropriate dimensions. Taking the z transforms of (11) and (12) and using the notation x ( z ) to denote the z-transform of x(n) we have
( 2 ) = P aPiz-pt i
x (z)
+ 2 Ajz-01 U (2) + P E ) k Z - G k
y ( Z ) = PC~Z-YSx ( z )
+ fEjZ-'j 1
There are many different forms that linear systems with time delays may take. The most general formulation in the time domain is
= P Aix(t - pi)
+P Bju(t - pj) 1
P Dkd(t - 8,)
d ( z ) . However, because of the generality of these equations, we find it more beneficial at this stage to introduce
the matrices Q ( z ), Qd ( z ), as matrix "transfer functions" between the z-transform variables y ( z ) , u ( z ) and
y = SCix(t - yi)
+ PEju(t 5
~ j )
where x is an n vector of state variables and the pi, pi, &, c j are time delays. By taking Laplace transforms of (6) and ( 7 ) , transfer function matrices of the form
y ( z ), d ( z ) respectively. Observe that this definition i m plies that Q ( z ) and Qd ( z ) are 'discrete' versions of G ( 8 ) , G d ( 8 ) of Equation (8). Hence we have
y ( s ) = G ( s ) X (8)
+ Gd(~)a(s)
G ( s ) = PEje-c'S
acz, (2) Bd(z)a(z, where, from (13) and (14) we note that
(2) =
Q ( Z ) = P Ej2-Q
+ { [P C~Z-YL][zI - P *iZ-"]"}
[S Ajz-flJ]
Note that G ( s ) , and Gd(s) in Equations ( 9 ) and (10) are very much more general than the more commonly encountered forms of G ( s ) and Gd(S) given by Equation (4).However in normal engineering practice, the usual modelling procedure is to carry out step, pulse, or frequency response measurements on the actual process to obtain an approximate transfer function model in the form of Equations (3, 4 ) . The more complex forms (9, 10) usually arise when the model is formulated as differential equations and transformed to the Laplace domain. Through the modification of classical realization theory (cf. Ogunnaike, in press) it is possible to convert any transfer function with time delays to a time domain representation in the form (6, 7 ) . As in the case of systems without delays there can be many such realizations corresponding to a given transfer function pair G (s), G d ( s ) .However, it is usually best to choose a minimal, cannonical form. Examples given below illustrate this point.
Discrete Formulations
In the late 1950s, Smith (1957, 1959) developed a time delay compensator for a single delay in a single control loop which eliminated the delay from the feedback loop, allowing higher controller gains. This compensator, termed the Smith Predictor, is shown in the block diagram in Figure 2. Moore et al. (1970), working with a scalar state-space model, used the analytic solu-
The most general stationary state-space model for discrete-time systems with multiple time delays is
Figure 2. Single loop control system including a Smith predictor for a system having a single delay.
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Page 1045
R =I
+ G, (HOG* - HG)
Now it is easy to show that if G is square' and nonsingular then the following identity holds.
+ GR-I G,H)-l
+ GcHG) = I + G,H*G*
tion of the modelling equation to predict the value of the state one delay time ahead. This analytical predictor was developed primarily for sampled data systems and hence included in its structure corrections for the effect of sampling and the zero-order hold. Alevisakis and Seborg (1973, 1974) have expanded both the discrete time and continuous time results to multivariable systems having a single delay in either the output or control variables. In each of these earlier algorithms involving only a single time delay, the predictor estimates the output variable a "time delay" in the future, or equivalently eliminates the delay from the output variable signal sent to the controller. For the more general case of multivariable systems with multiple delays in the transfer function matrices, G, Gd, H, it is possible to design a compensator which eliminates the time delays in the output variables sent to the controller. This is not equiualent to predicting the output variable at some single time in the future. hiit corresponds to the prediction of certain state variables at various specific times in the future, Before proceeding further with this interpretation, let us derive the multivariable, multiple delay analog of the Smith predictor. By analogy with the philosophy of the original Smith predictor, the corresponding multivariable mnltidelav compensator would have the structure shown in Figure 3 where the compensator GK could have many forms, We demonstrate below that with the particular choice
As shown in the Appendix A, the stability of the closed loop system including the compensator (Figure 3) is determined by the characteristic equation
+ G,H"G"] = 0
Thus the compensator has, indeed, removed the time delays from the characteristic equation and the delays do not influence the closed loop stability, if the model matches the plant exactly. In practice, modelling errors usually allow some delays to remain in the system so that one should be conservative in controller tuning. Even with very conservative gains chosen for the compensated system, the control system will be much better than with no compensation. It is useful to note that if the compensator is chosen in the form of Equation (18), then the Smith predictor, the analytical predictor, and the Alevisakis and Seborg predictors all become special cases of our general multidelay compensator. In addition, as shown in Appendix B, the analytical predictor is equivalent to a discrete time formulation of the original Smith predictor for a first order plus delay system. It is important to realize that any type of delay can be dealt with through the use of this compensator, even the very complex types shown in Equations (9, 10). Some examples will follow. Physical interpretation of the effective action of this compensator is useful and can be illustrated by the following 2 x 2 example system with H = H' = I and
GK = H" G" - HG
By definition
= ( I + G c G ~ ) G,
y = (I + GGc"H)
+ Gda 1
and the characteristic equation is 1 1
One of the principal goals of time delay compensation is to eliminate the time delay from the characteristic equation of the closed loop transfer function so that hieher controller gains and standard multivariable controller design algorithms may be used. The multidelay compensator noted above achieves this goal. Substituting Equations (18,20) into (21) yields
( 1 1 2 4
= 0,
y = ( I + GR-'
[GR-' Gcyd
+ Gda ]
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November, 1979
Further, because of the compensator (cf., Figure 3), the error signal fed to the controller is Here
is the output variable without delays in G.It is interesting to note that does not correspond to the actual value of F a t any specific time, but is a totally fictitious value composed of certain predictedkate variables. To illustrate let us define variables xij by
= uij(s)e-acis G ( s )
Y (s) = G 3,)
Geois given by
GK = HoQo - H Q
By analogy with the definition of Go in the Laplace By adding the compensator to the loop, the controller receives (s) defined by Equation (32) which may be written as domain, Q is the matrix Q with the delayed arguments (e.g. z - P ~ ) eliminated. The overall transfer function for the discrete control system then follows as
= e(Y11Gl1(s) + e - G 1 2 ( s )
Equation (42) has a form analogous to (21),with G ( s ) and Gd (s) replaced by their respective discrete analogues Q ( z ) and Qd (2). Thus, following precisely the same argument as in (21)-(26),we arrive at
where & ( s )
and the compensated output yo(t) is composed of predictions of the state variables xij. Because the time delays in all the state variables are different, y o ( t ) is a totally fictitious output never attained in reality. However, if the control system is stable, then yo + y as t + 00 and the fictitious value yo is a good aiming point for the controller. The actual performance of the compensator shall be illustrated in the examples to follow. It is interesting to note (cf., Appendix C) that the feedback law resulting from using the multidelay compensator has exactly the same structure as that obtained from the optimal feedback controller (Soliman and Ray 1972), and therefore, can be made an optimal controller with proper tuning.
1 1
+ GcHoQoI = 0
A / \
To illustrate the performance of the multidelay compensator we shall consider some problems representative of engineering practice.
Example 1. Chemical Reactor Train With Recvcle
Following from the definition of Q ( z ) and Q ~ ( z in ) Equations (15, 16, 17) the discrete system can be represented in terms of the z-transforms equation
To illustrate the case of state variable delays combined with output delays, we consider the two stage chemical reactor with recycle, shown in Figure 4. The irreversible reaction A + B with negligible heat effect is carried out in the two stage reactor system. Reactor temperature is maintained constant so that only the composition of product streams from the two reactors cl,c2 need be controlled. There is, however, substantial analysis delay. The manipulated variables are the feed compositions to the two reactors elf, czf and the process disturbance is an extra feed stream, Fd, whose composition c d varies because it comes
November, 1979
Page 1047
from another processing unit. The flow rates to the reactor system are fixed and only the compositions vary. The state delay arises due to the transportation lag in the recycle stream. A material balance on the reactor train yields
v 1 -
= FlClf
+ RCZ(t - a) + FdCd
- (Fi + fi + F d ) C i - Vikici
h 2
= (Fi
+ R + Fa FPZ
= F1
+ Fd - Fpl+ FB.
Here rl, r2 are the delays in analyzing c1 and c2 respectively. Taking Laplace transforms, one obtains a transfer function model of the form
(where clfs, C2fs, cis, cZs, cds denote steady-state values) allows one to use vector-matrix notation so that (45, 46) become
and if we let
dx dt = Aox(t) + A1x(t -
+ Bu(t) + Dd
(Vol. 25,
No. 6)
3 and recalling the definitions of HO, Go, H' now becomes I and
or in terms of GO,Gdo,
and by choosing two single loop proportional controllers for G, i.e., Gc=
y m = [I
O k22c I
y = G ( I + GcH*Go)-'Gcyd
where R = I
+ G (I + 'GcH0Go)
RG-' Gdd
ym = GO (1
shown to be
+ GcGo") -'GcYd + Go(1 + GcGo')RG-' Gdd ( 6 2 ) A minimal realization for 7 (s) = GO' (s) u (s) is easily
; l " ( t ) = - 2.5xl0(t) &'(t)
+ 2) (s + 2.5) ( s + 1.5)
0.25 2.5) ( s
+ 1.5)
0.2 2.5) ( s
+ 1.5)
o.i(s 2)
0.5 ( s
+ 2.5) ( s + 1.5)
+ 2)
Gd(S) =
+ 21e-3~
- 0.25e-'
+ 2)2 - 0.25e-a
1 0
1 5
TIME (mins)
Figure 5. Chemical reactor response to set-point changes. Dotted line shows proportional control without compensator, solid line shows proportional control with compensator.
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Page 1049
The column, shown in Figure 7, was used for methanolwater separation and was well modelled by the transfer function model
1 0
= G ( s ) I (8) 4-G d ( S ) q s ) (67) where, in terms of deviation variables, yl = overhead mole fraction methanol, y2 = bottoms mole fraction methanol, u1 = overhead reflux flow rate, uz = bottoms
I 1 + + 1
12.8 eeS 16.7s 1 -18.9e-38 1 21.0s 1
G(s) =
steam flow rate, d = column feed flow rate. After pulse testing the column, the transfer function matrices determined from the data were (Wood and Berry 1973)
1 0 TIME (rnins)
1 5
Figure 6. Chemical reactor response to a step change disturbance. Dotted line shows proportional control without compensator, solid line shows proportional control with compensator.
4.9 e-3.4s
Figure 7. Schematic diagram of the methanol distillation column with conventional two point column control system (Wood & Berry 1973).
The control system performance for set point changes = 0.5, y2d = 1.0 are shown in Figure 5. The dashed lines represent the performance without the compensator for controller gains kllc = 3.0, k22c = 3.5. In the neighborhood of K, = 5.0, serious instabilities set in. The application of the multidelay compensator permits the use of higher controller gains k,,, = k z c = 20.0, and as seen in Figure 5 (solid lines), performance is greatly improved. In Figure 6, we see the response to a step input in disturbance d = 5.0. The dashed lines show the response without the compensator. Again, controller gains k l l c = 3.0, k z c = 3.5 are used, these being the largest before the onset o f serious instabilities. The continuous lines show performance using the compensator with gains ki,, = 45.0, k,,, = 20.0, Observe, from the modelling Equations (47, 48) that the influence of the disturbance on XI is direct, while x2 is affected only as a result of its COUpling with rl. Hence with k22c = 20.0, x2 has essentially attained steady state (with negligible offset), while higher values had to be used for kllc to considerably reduce the offset in xl. Serious instabilities set in for kllc values in the neighborhood of 55.0, This example serves to illustrate the improvements in control with the multidelay compensator for a problem having both state and measurement delays.
where x i ( t ) is a member of the vector of state variables ( i = 1, . . . . 4 ) and x L i ( t ) is a member of the load disturbance state vector; yi(t) is the output. The steady state values for the overhead and bottoms compositions are taken to be 96.25% and 0.5% methanol respectively (cf., Wood and Berry 1973) for this simulation. With the tuned conventional controller settings originally used experimentally by Wood and Berry (1973) and reported in their Table l, Overhead
To illustrate the effects of multiple delays in the control and output variables, let us consider the binary distillation column studied by Wood and Berry (1973), Shah and Fisher ( 1978), and Meyer et al. (1978, 1979).
KI 0.045
0 Privnte communications with R. K. Wood confirmed that the signs of the controller gains reported in the original publication should be
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November, 1979
12.8 ,16.7s 1
18.9 21.0s 1
6.8 10.9s 1
-19.4 14.4s 1
96 00
I'd', 2 0
TIME (mins)
I 1
+ GcGol = 55045 C + (14698 + 39553 gel - 74117 + (1219 + 8259 - 14769 g , -23290 gcigc,) 9 + (62 + 555 gc1 - 942 gc,
- 3546 gc&)s
1 1
+ ( 1 - 108 &g,)
I I 1 40 60 TIME (mins)
Figure 8. Comparison of column performance with and without the multidelay compensator (positive feed rate disturbance). Dotted line shows performance without compensator, solid line shows performance with compensator.
9 2;
> 96.00
2 0
1 (mins)
1 0 0
and contains no time delays. The improved response obtained with the compensator is shown as continuous lines in Figures 8 and 9 for precisely the same controller settings used with the PI controller alone. Apart from noting that there are no serious oscillations, observe that the bottoms composition benefits more from the use of the multidelay compensator. That this should indeed be so is readily seen by merely inspecting the transfer function matrix G ( s ) and noting that the time delays associated with the bottoms are substantially larger than those associated with the overhead. One interesting feature of this distillation column is the appreciable amount of interactions existing between the system variables. This is due to the presence of offdiagonal elements in G(s) with the result that yl is affected by uz and y, by ul. The system performance is most affected by this coupling when set-point changes are made. For example, when a set-point change from 96.25 to 97.0 is made in the overhead composition, the multidelay compensated system responds as shown in dashed lines in Figure 10. (The controller gains used here are
TIME (mins)
P 4
Figure 9. Comparison of column performance with and without the multidelay compensator (negative feed rate disturbance). Dotted line shows performance without compensator, solid line, with compensator.
x "
w 96.5 >
the control system response is shown as dashed lines in Figures 8 and 9. Figure 8 is the response to the same positive disturbance 0.34 lb/min in feed flow rate as that used in the experimental study. Figure 9 is the response to the negative disturbance (-0.36 lb/min) in feed flow rate. This simulated response is essentially identical to the experimental response reported by Wood and Berry ( 1973) for conventional control. Larger controller gains cannot be taken because the characteristic equation
1 1
96.0k 0
TIME 40 (mins) 60
0.2 1 0
+ GGcI = 55045s4 + 146989 + 1 2 1 9 ~ +~62s + 1 + (228.99 + 31.9s 4- 1 ) [gel(12 + 1 7 2 . 8 8 ) ~ ' - g,, (19.4 + 3 2 3 . 8 ~ ) e ~232.8gclgc, ~ e-481 f124.7 (240.5s2 + 31.1s + l)gc1gc,e-loS = 0
40 60 T I M E (mins)
1 00
1 0 0
Figure 10. Column response to a positive set-point change in overhead composition using the multidelay compensator. Dotted line, without steady-state decoupling; solid line, with steady-state decoupling.
contains time delays which cause stability problems. Here we have taken
with g,, = lypi &,/s in keeping with the notation of Wood and Berry. When the multidelay compensator is applied to the control loop as in Figure 3 with
Figure 11.
November, 1979
Page 1051
; :
TIME (mins)
T I M E (minsl
X Io -
TIME (mins)
1 0 0
m Ixl0
1 1 .
Figure 12. Column response to a negative set-point change in overhead composition using the multidelay compensator. Dotted line, without steady-state decoupling; solid line, with steady-state decoupling.
Kr 0 . 1
O 96.00
TIME (mins)
60 T I M E (mins)
Figure 14. Column response to a negative set-point change in bottoms composition using the multidelay compensator. Dotted line, without steady-state decoupling; solid line, with steady-state decoupling.
the same as those reported earlier.) The interesting point to note is the resulting effect on the bottoms composition. Were there no coupling between the overhead and bottoms compositions, such a set-point change would not have perturbed the bottoms composition. The simplest first step in dealing with such interaction is to attempt to eliminate the steady state effects through the use of steadystate decoupling, along with the multidelay compensator. The philosophy of the steady-state decoupler (cf., Ray, in press) is to introduce a compensator block GI (see Figure 11) such that GIG = I at steady state and hence the interactions between the system variables are eliminated. GI in this case is the steady state inverse of G and is usually combined with G , resulting in a controller given
G, = G1Gc
0.157 [ 0.053
the response using both the multidelay compensator and the steady-state decoupler is shown as continuous lines in Figure 10. There is now no need to use negative controller gains for the bottoms since the effective result of including GIis that GIG combine to yield I at steady state. Negative gains were originally used because of the negative steady state gains in column 2 of G. Note the faster return of the bottoms composition to steady state. For a similar overhead set-point change in the opposite direction (from 96.25 to 95.5) the system response (using the same controller settings noted above) is shown in Figure 12 where the continuous lines show the response when the multidelay compensator is used along with the steady-state decoupler. When set-point changes are made in the bottoms composition, the responses are shown in Figures 13 and 14, where the set-points have been changed from 0.5 to 0.3, and from 0.5 to 0.1, respectively. Here the controller settings are the same as before. In this case, the overhead composition is restored to its desired value somewhat faster with steady state decoupling. It was found that the use of steady state decoupling had very little effect on the control system response to disturbances in the feed rate. This might be expected since the steady state effect of feed rate disturbances on both overhead and bottoms composition is approximately the same (cf,,, Equation (69) ) . As noted above, the simulated responses using the multidelay compensator are much better than those reported by Wood and Berry (1973) using conventional, ratio, and non-interacting control schemes on the same column. This comparison may be somewhat unfair because Wood and Berry report experimental controller responses and our results are based on simulations using their model. Nevertheless, this example problem aptly illustrates the potential value of the multidelay compensator in distillation column control problems,
-0.153 -0.1036
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November, 1979
control vector matrix coefficients (in statespace model) C, Ci = output matrix coefficients (in state-space model) cl, c2 = reacting fluid concentrations D, D k = disturbance matrix coefficient Dal, Daz = Damkohler numbers d = disturbance vector Ej = matrix coefficient (in state-space model) F1,F,, F p I , Fpz, F d = flow rates of reactor streams fijq = transfer function pole G, Go, G' = transfer function matrices G,, Gc* = controller transfer functions Gd, GdO= load disturbance transfer function Gr = interaction compensator GK = multidelay compensator transfer function gij = elements of arbitrary transfer function H, H* = measurement transfer function hijp = transfer function zero I = identity matrix hj = steady state gain Kp = proportional (controller) gain KI = integral "gain" ( K I = K p / T I ) L = matrix coefficient P = matrix coefficient
A h
B, B, =
multiple delay compensator matrices without their delays z transformed variables Laplace transformed variables
It is well known that for single input, single output systems, stability is determined from the nature of the roots of the characteristic equation
l+GH=O (A-1) where G is the transfer function in the forward path. However, in forming the transfer function G, pole-zero cancellations can occur and hence (A-1) does not give information about the location of the cancelled poles which may be stable or unstable. A similar cancellation can occur in multivariable system (see Rosenbrock 1970, J 974 for examples) and stability may then be inferred only with additional assumptions. Consider the system (with no time delays) in Figure 1. Under conventional control,
Q, Qd
= = =
a x ,
xd, XB A
= = =
= = = =
z-transform transfer function combination of transfer function matrices Laplace operator sampling time z-transform of u(s) control vector z-transform of x(s) state-vector overheads and bottoms compositions z-transform of y(s) output vector output from multidelay compensator measured output z-transform operator
y ($1 = (1
+ GGcH)-l
[GGcyd(s) f
if we define
+ GGcH)I = 0
( A-4 1
all lie in the left half plane (see Rosenbrock 1970, 1974, 1975 for various other alternative statements]. Now, it is clear from the Equation (A-3) that
= =
Greek Letters
= = = = = =
dl, O2
T 1 ,
time delay in reactor state variable time delay in transfer function elements time delay in control path time delay in output closed loop transfer function matrix coefficient in discrete time state-space model time delay in input disturbance error signal time delay in control associated with output matrix coefficient in discrete time state-space model dimensionless flow ratios dimensionless flow ratio matrix coefficient in discrete time state-space model dummy time argument reactor space times time delay in state variable time constant time delays in measurement
However, we note that both in the formation of I' and (GG,), cancellations can occur. Extra conditions are therefore needed to ensure that the cancelled poles are not unstable. Following Rosenbrock (1970) a sufficient condition to ensure this is that the open loop system be asymptotically stable. (Although this condition is usually satisfied in process control problems, more detailed analysis is necessary if open loop stability does not exist. ) If this additional condition holds, closed loop stability can be inferred from the nature of the roots of
/r-il= o
For the multidelay compensated system (Equation 26) whence requires that IGc-l[ 1 1
r = G ( E+ G~H*G* -1
+ GcH*G'l
( A-9 1
= =
which is sufficient for stability, if there is no pole-zero cancellation or if the open loop system is stable.
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Page 1053
are identical. Thus if both are implemented in the discrete time domain, they should also be identical (Equation B-6).
It is clear that in the case of a single variable with a single delay, the multidelay compensator presented here reduces to the Smith Predictor. Let us now show that the Smith Predictor and the analytical predictor of Moore et al. (1970) are equivalent for a first order plus time delay system. Consider the system given by h( s) = 1 and
= g(s)e-aSu(s)
g l l ( s)e-uus
g12(s ) e - y u s
By applying the Smith Predictor (Figure 2 ) , the minor loop introduces a signal - g(s) [ I - e-as] u ( s ) which combines with that from the system, resulting in some - ye (s) given by
- g(s)e-Usu(s)
(B-2) being sent to the controller. It is clear from (B-2) and (B-1) that ye(s) = eaSy(s)
s )
= g(s) 4
= y(t
+ a)
( 3-3
The so-called analytical predictor of Moore et al. (1970) was designed for first order processes having models of the form where
y (s) = LZ ( 5 )
(s), and L are given by
The philosophy of the multidelay compensator is to cause control action to be taken based on According to Moore et al., the discrete-time analytical predictor algorithm must calculate a control action at time t based on an output zje, predicted for time t a in the future where u is the actual dead time. Thus
y " ( t ) = Y ( t a) (B-51 However, the analytical predictor has been used in the discrete form with a zero order hold element requiring an additional time prediction of 0.5T, where T, is the sampling interval. Thus as formulated by Moore et al. and in practice (Meyer et al. 1979) the analytical predictor takes the form
= Y ( t k -k a + 0.5Ts)
(B-6 1
or where
= x ev*jsZj(s)
where tk = NT, is the current time. Comparing Equations (B-3) and (B-5) demonstrates that in the continuous tune domain, the Smith and Moore predictors
= LZ"(S)
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November, 1979
=8 - ak
preserves all the features contained in (C-11). For simplicity, then we will use (C-13) in (C-8) for gk(S), recognizing that (C-11) would only result in an expanded state vector, all of which are first order. Transforming (C-8) to the time domain, then, on using (C-13) we obtain
= a k r k ( t ) -k bk(*m(t - a k )
I f there are n of the Xk variables, r inputs u, (C-14) can bc rewritten in vector-matrix form as
= Ax(:)
Biu(t - ac)
We now find it useful, for clarity of presentation, to rank the delays U k = 7ij in ascending order i.e.
( (2-7 1
where A is a square n x n matrix with diagond elements 01, .a , , . B , is an n x r matrix containing a single non-zero element bi in the appropriate position (dictated by (C-14) ), all other elements being zero. It is essential to keep this structure of i matrix in mind. the B Transforming ((2-10)back to the time domain yields
Hence any particular. delay ylm from the Zth row and mth column of the original transfer function is now represented as CXk, ranking kth in magnitude in accordance with (C-7). an is the largest delay time, a1 is the smallest. If t h e x h ( s ) associated with the delay term ylm (now cast as U k ) is represented as y k ( S ) then ( C - l ) , ( c - 5 ) and ( C-6) become, respectively
x'*(s) =
The matrix C' results from an appropriate rearrangement in L consequential to the ranking of the z a column to yield ?;a. We aim to show that the application of the multidelay compensator results in a feedback law which is essentially of the same structure as that of the optimal feedback controller for linear systems with multiple delays (Soliman and Ray 1972). The most general form g k ( s ) takes is
kk p=1
As previously noted, it is apparent that xQ( t ) does not represent any actual value of the vector x( t ) but a "collection" of individual predictions of each member of x ( t ) over V ~ ~ ~ O delay times. However, we note that the time evolution of while ((2-15) governs that each Xk is governed by ((2-14). for the vector x ( t ) . The solution to (C-15) is readily shown to be
~ ( t= ) eAtxO
+ Jot
-d d e
given xo the vector of initial conditions for t eral, for an arbitrary starting time t
or in gen-
where the fact that, for a dynamical system, g k ( S ) should be a proper rational function requires that m < r. We note that a partial fraction expansion of ((2-11) yields the forma
Expanding out the inner summation over 1 and recalling the structure of the Bi matrices, a term by term evaluation for each member of the vector x shows that, in particular
a summation of first order functions. As such, a the simple first order form
= e k U k * k ( t )+
eA(ttaa-@) BkU(
a When some poles are repeated, some simple approximations are required to obtain the form in (C-12) (see Ogunnaike, i n press).
(C-20) where B k is the only contributor to %kr for all k through its single non-zero element b k . If we then proceed to define a diagonal matrix
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detail in Soliman and Ray (1972). The important detail to note are the discontinuities in Eq given as
E4(t, -&+,
where pj; i = 1, 2, . . . . b are the time delays and p b = maximum delay. By inspecting (C-25) with (C-23), and (C-26) with (C-27), it is easy to see that, apart from the optimal choice of parameters, (C-25) and (C-26) have the same structure. The: quantity Coccurs in (C-25) because we here consider the con., trol of y = Cx, while Soliman and Ray considered the control of x.
= Px(t) + j - a l e A ( - @ ) B l u (+ t e)de
+ JIa;A(-@)Bm(t + 0)
Recognizing written as
de +
e * ( - @ ) B , u ( t+ e) . de
= Px(t) + J-amE(p,
= e*(-@)B , = E( u;, e )
+ e)
de (C-22)
where E ( p , e ) is defined by
E( u,,
E( a j f ,
From (C-22)
( C-23 )
= CX = CPx(t)
+ C s-
E(p, e ) u ( t
+ 0)
(C-24 )
where G, is the appropriately chosen matrix of controller gains. y d is the desired set-point. From (C-24) then u ( t ) = Gcyd - G,{CPxjt!
- Gcy
G c ( y d- y o )
+ CJ
Eb, e ) d t
W }
(C-25 )
where, for load disturbances, yd = 0. The optimal control law derived by Soliman and Ray (1972) for such linear systems represented by (C-15) is
u(t) =
- w-1
G T ( t ,O)x(t)
where the parameters are determined from the solution of the ordinary and partial differential Ricatti equations shown in
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The overall heat transfer rates to stationary spheres of highly-polished molybdenum (2 to 5.6 mm in diameter) in a confined argon plaema jet were experimentally measured. The effects of large temperature differences and large variations of the fluid property on the heat transfer process are investigated. The sphere Reynolds number range between 10 and 80, and the sphere temperature between 1,200 K and 2,400 K, with temperature differences between the gas and the sphere in excess of 2,000K. These conditions are within the range commonly encountered in industrial plasma processing. The experimental values of the heat transfer coefficients are in reasonably good agreement with the predictions of a theoretical analysis of variable-property flow and heat transfer previously reported by the authors.
Department of Chemical Engineering McGill University Montreal, Quebec, Canada
This study is part of a continuing program of investigation by the Plasma Technology Group to develop applications of plasmas to chemical and metallurgical processes of industrial interest. The availability of reliable plasma generating devices of industrial size (up to 10 MW) with a great deal of design flexibility is currently prompting a very active search to take advantage of some unique features that can lead to truly novel processes. Plasma systems offer continuous operation, ease of control, good energy utilization, and not the least important, an enormous concentration of energy in a very small volume, resulting in very high temperature levels and rates of throughput at or near atmospheric pressure. Heterogeneous solids-gas reactions involving the contacting of fine particles with an entraining plasma gas appear to be particularly promising in this regard. The separation of refractory metals of high unit value (molybdenum, zirconium, tungsten, titanium, etc.) from concentrates of their ores; the production of valuable oxides (zirconia, TiO,, ultra-pure silica); the production of ferroalloys (ferromolybdenum, ferrocolumbium, ferrovanadium); and the production of acetylene from coal are all examples of processes now under active investigation. However, due to the extremely short residence time of the particles in the high enthalpy plasma stream (typically,
Sayegh is now at the Pulp and Paper Research Institute of Canada, Pointe Claire, Quebec. Gauvin is at the Noranda Research Centre, Pointe Claire, Quebec.
a few millisec), the design of a plasma reactor largely depends upon an accurate knowledge of the fluid mechanics and heat transfer characteristics of the system. The latter, in turn, enables the proper control of the thermal histories of the particles and consequently, of their degree of conversion. Comprehensive models to predict the temperature history of particles entrained in a plasma were presented by Boulos and Gauvin (1974) for a one-dimensional system, and by Bhattacharyya and Gauvin (1975) for a three-dimensional jet, using the thermal decomposition of MoSz into metallic molybdenum particles and elemental sulphur as an example in these simulations. Both studies emphasized the importance of heat transfer considerations in effecting the desired conversion. Heat transfer to particles entrained by a plasma exhibits some unusual characteristics. First of all, the particle Reynolds number is remarkably low, typically less than 50, owing to the unusually high value of the plasmas kinematic viscosity. More important still, is the fact that in most heterogeneous plasma systems, the temperature of the particle may range from 1,500 to 2,50OK, while that of the surrounding plasma extends from 5,000K upward. Under these conditions of very large temperature differences, it is no longer permissible to assume that the fluid immediately surrounding the particle exhibits constant properties, as is commonly done in more conventional situations at lower temperatures. A theoretical study was recently published (Sayegh and Gauvin 1979) in which the effects of large temperature differences on the rate of pure heat transfer to a stationary
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