Chief Justice Above LAW ?

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S e - Clarion Of Dalit - Weekly Newspaper On Web Working For The Rights & Survival Of The Oppressed Editor: NAGARAJA.M.R VOL.7 issue.42 .16/10/2013


Name : ...........................NAGARAJA.M.R. Address : ...................LIG-2 / 761 , HUDCO FIRST STAGE , OPP WATER WORKS OFFICE , LAKSHMIKANTANAGAR , HEBBAL , MYSORE - 570017 INDIA Professional / Trade Title : S.O.S - e Clarion Of Dalit Periodicity : WEEKLY Circulation : FOR FREE DISTRIBUTION ON WEB Donations : NOT ACCEPTED. Self financing . Never accepted any donations , subscriptions either for ourselves or on behalf of other organizations / individuals . Monetary Gains : nil , never made any monetary gain by way of advertisements on my websites or web news paper or otherwise. Owner/Editor/Printer/Publisher : NAGARAJA.M.R. Nationality : INDIAN Body Donation : Physical Body of Nagaraja M R , Editor , S.O.S- e clarion of Dalit & S.O.S-e-Voice for Justice is donated to JSS Medical College , Mysore ( Donation No. 167 dated 22 / 10 / 2003 ) , In case of either Unnatural death or Natural Death at the hands of criminal nexus , my body must be handed over to JSS Medical College , Mysore for the study purposes of medical students. Eye Donation : Both EYES of Nagaraja M R , Editor , S.O.S- e clarion of Dalit & S.O.S-e-Voice for Justice are donated to Mysore Eye Bank , Mysore , In case of either Unnatural death or Natural Death at the hands of criminal nexus , my eyes must be handed over to Mysore Eye Bank , Mysore WITHIN 6 Hours for immediate eye transplantation to the needy.Home page : , , ,

Contact : , UID Aadhaar No : 5703 5339 3479 Cell : 0 9341820313

I ,NAGARAJA.M.R. hereby do declare that information given above are true to the best of my knowledge & belief. If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , death due to improper medical care , etc , the jurisdictional police , Jurisdictional District Magistrate , Chief Justice of India together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective. If I or my family members or my dependents are denied our fundamental rights , human rights , denied proper medical care for ourselves , If anything untoward happens to me or to my dependents or to my family members In such case Chief Justice of India together with the jurisdictional revenue & police officials will be responsible for it , in such case the government of india is liable to pay Rs. TWO crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. Afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , Judges , public servants & Constitutional fuctionaries. date : 07.10.2013..Your's sincerely, place : India...Nagaraja.M.R.

Chief Justice of India ( CJI ) a Criminal ? - PIL Appeal To Honorable Supreme court of India For Writ of Mandamus

To , Honourable Registrar , Supreme Court of India , New Delhi.

Subject : PIL appeal for WRIT OF MANDAMUS & Disciplinary action , criminal proceedings against Chief Justice of India

The chief justice of india is not replying to my repeated show-cause notices , damage payment notices nor taking appropriate legal actions , in time. However the public servants take their thousands of rupees salary & perks well in time without fail on 1 st of every month. As a result of continued negligence of constitutional duties since years we public are suffering injustices , crimes which could have been prevented are taking place. There by CJI is aiding the criminals in committing crimes & cover up of crimes , in the

course becoming a criminal himself.

We salute our freedom fighters , military personnel & martyrs for all the sacrifices made by them. Let us build a strong , Secular , Democratic India by getting rid off few corrupt elements , anti nationals , traitors among public servants , among judiciary & among police who are greater threat to Indias unity & integrity than Pakistani terrorists or chinese military.

Information input forms part of process of ones expression. Ones expression in any forms written , oral , etc becomes information input to the opposite person , in turn he expresses his reply. Information & Expression are inseparable parts & form lifeline of a democracy. That is the reason , Right to Expression is the basic fundamental right as well as human right of every Indian citizen. When a persons right to expression is violated , his other rights to equality , justice , etc also are violated. Suppression of Information amounts to curbing of Expression.

In a democracy , people have a right to know how the public servants are functioning. However till date public servants are hiding behind the veil of Officials Secrets Act (which is of british vintage created by british to suppress native indians). By this cover-up public servants are hiding their own corruption , crimes , mismanagement , failures , etc. even RTI Act is not being followed intoto by public servants. However the recent delhi high court ruling affirming that CJI is under RTI purview & bound to answer RTI request , is noteworthy.

Our previous RTI request to CJI , union home secretary of GOI, President of India , DG & IGP of GOK and others were not honored. The information I sought were answers to the following questions mentioned in the below mentioned websites . the questions concerned the past , present continuing injustices meted out to millions of Indian citizens , due to wrong / illegal work practices of Indian judges , police & public servants . The information we sought would expose the traitors , anti-nationals , criminals in public service. The information we are seeking are no defense secrets , no national secrets. The truthful information exposes the anti-nationals , traitors in the public service & strengthens our national security , national unity & integrity.

Hereby , i do request the honourable supreme court of india , for a Supreme Court monitored CBI Enquiry into this whole issue as karnataka police are helpless , they don't have legal powers to prosecute high & mighty , constitutional functionaries. They have not even enquired the guilty VVIPs even once however Under pressure from higher-ups they repeatedly called me the complainant to police station took statements from me all for closing the files.

Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : writ of Mandamus and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties & to answer the questions.

As the trial court Judges cross verify the antecedents , history of the parties in a case to ascertain partys honesty , integrity , as the investigating police officers cross check the antecedents , history of a complainant / accussed / witnesses to ascertain their honesty , integrity of the accussed / complainant , in the same way the parties in a case , as complainant / accussed / witnesses have a right to ascertain the integrity , honesty of the trial court judge & investigating police officers to ensure they are not biased and provide a fair , level ground. JAI HIND. VANDE MATARAM.

Date : 06.10.2013 sincerely , Place : Mysore



From, NAGARAJA.M.R. LIG-2 / 761, HUDCO FIRST STAGE, LAXMIKANTANGAR, HEBBAL, MYSORE - 570017. Through, Honourable DG & IG of Police , State Police H.Q , Bangalore. To, Honourable Circle Inspector of Police, Vijayanagar Police Station, Mysore. Honourable Sir, Subject : Violation of FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & HUMAN RIGHTS by Honourable Chief Jusice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India & other public servants Karnataka Police are NOT registering & acting on my complaint to them dated 04.07.2009 , 10.12.2004 ,. ETC. A person committing a criminal offense is a CRIMINAL. The Person who aids a criminal in his criminal act , in hiding the criminal act , in destroying the evidences of criminal act is also a CRIMINAL. The person whose duty is to prevent criminal acts from happening , who intentionally fails in his preventive duties and thereby facilitating the criminal in committing crime is also a CRIMINAL. Information given by government authorities are EVIDENCES , denial of information amounts to hiding of evidence , improper , half truth information given amounts to MANIPULATION & DESTRUCTION OF EVIDENCES. In this way many of our public servants including judges & police themselves are criminals , but are not prosecuted by the authorities , why ? Due to delay in giving appropriate information , many crimes have taken place which could have been prevented. As the delay in taking action , giving information / evidence is on the part of government authorities , the issue of TIME BARRED FOR ADMISSABILITY doesnt arise. At the outset , we express our whole hearted respects to the honest few public servants in public service including judiciary. However, the corrupt in public service dont deserve respect as individuals as they are parasites in our legal system. Still we respect the chairs they occupy but not the corrupt individuals. All the following articles / issues , whole articles published in the weblinks mentioned below forms part of this appeal. The term JUDGE mentioned throught includes all public servants discharging judicial functions right from taluk magistrates , quasi-judicial officers to Chief Justice of India. Indian Legal / Judicial System is manipulated at various stages & is for sale. It is a SHAME. The persons who raise their voice seeking justice are silenced in many ways. The criminal nexus has already attempted to silence me in many ways . If anything untoward happens to me or to my family members , my dependents , Honourable Chief Justice of India together with jurisdictional police officer will be responsible for it. The Vijayanagar police in mysore stated that they dont have legal jurisdiction to book the criminals I have mentioned in the complaint & by taking a statement from me to that effect closed the case temporarily on 11.09.2010 after sitting over the complaint for years together. Is it not the duty of DG&IGP to seek the permission from home ministry to legally prosecute the alleged criminal VVIPs ? Why he was silent ? Ofcourse the lower rung police officers practically dont have power to prosecute high & mighty ? Hereby , I do request the DG & IG OF Police , Government of Karnataka to seek the legal sanction from union home ministry & Karnataka state home ministry ,

for the prosecution of below mentioned criminal VVIPs & to reopen my complaint here with. In India , as per constitution of india all citizens are equal , have right to equal oppurtunity & equitable justice irrespective of caste , creed , religion , etc. the constitution has guaranteed these to every Indian citizen by way of CONSTITUTIONAL FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS. Also , every humanbeing on earth has got HUMAN RIGHTS, by virtue of his / her birth. However in india , CONSTITUTIONAL FUNCTIONARIES / PUBLIC SERVANTS have forgotten this & are acting as lords , autocrats - unquestionable public masters. CONSTITUTIONAL FUNCTIONARIES are PUBLIC SERVANTS appointed to serve the public, public are the kings of democracy , they are the taxpayers & paymasters of this very same public servants. In India , corruption has spread its tentacles far & wide , it has not even spared the judiciary. The last resort of commonman for seeking justice is judiciary , even there corruption has spread .In present day India , if one is rich , he can committ any type of crime & get away clean from courts of law. there are corrupt police officials who modify FIR , suppress evidences ,manipulate evidences , takes up different line of investigation , fix innocents , coughs-up false confessions from innocents by 3 rd degree torture , file B report closing the case , decides not to appeal in higher court of law , etc , ALL FOR A PRICE. Just see the list of millionnaire police officials who are caught by karnataka lokayukta. Next step , the prosecutor & defense advocate strikes a deal , manipulates evidences , manipulates way of presentation of case & way of argument favouring the rich crooks for a price , as observed in high profile BMW case involving public prosecutor IU KHAN & defense counsel RK ANAND. In this way , if corrupt police & advocates , together manipulate the due process of law , the presiding judge is left high & dry even though the judge is honest, he is left helpless. to add to this , when the judge himself is corrupt , peoples last hope , democracy is dead. Nowadays we are hearing too many reports of irregularities in judiciary. our publication has filed many appeals as PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION before honble supreme court of India but the vested interests there are not accepting it as PILs. WHAT DOES PUBLIC INTEREST LITIGATION MEANS ? ISSUES WHICH ARE OF PUBLIC CONCERN AFFECTING MANY NUMBER OF PUBLICS. The issues raised by us for sample : 1. sale of fake medicines & adulterated food products , beverages , colas affecting the health of millions of Indians & public of importing nations who are importing the same dangerous products from india . 2. demolition , eviction of houses , lands belonging to poor dalits , tribals , backward castes by government authorities whereas regularising illegal land encroachments , illegal buildings by high & mighty people in total disregard to law. in some cases government has even made contempt of court , by defying court orders & enacting special laws all to favour rich land grabbers. 3. take the cases corporate frauds, violation of labour laws , pollution board laws , tax laws , etc by companies. 4. The reports in media about certain highly placed public servants leaking indias defense secrets to foreign countries & some politicians , film stars attending parties hosted by anti nationals DAWOOD IBRAHIM & underworld dons in gulf countries & elsewhere. these type of appeals are for public good , national security , as public are affected by them. still supreme court of india is not considering our repeated PIL Appeals.the courts have the authority to consider even a post card , e-mail as a PIL Appeal , the courts even have the right to initiate suo-motto action for public good , inspite of absence of any appeals / complaints. over & above this at the time of my very first appeal my income was very low & i was a retrenched factory employee who was eligible for free legal aid, even free legal aid was not given to me. Now , even to my repeated RTI Appeals the Honourable chief justice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India are not giving the requested information . these action of CJI & PRESIDENT OF INDIA is aiding high & mighty criminals , anti nationals , amounts to suppression of information , truth , evidences , which is a cognizable offence. SOS Appeal to SUPREME COURT of INDIA DEALS IN COURTS & POLICE STATIONS READ : , , ACCUSED Chief Justice of India ,

CROSS EXAM OF HONOURABLE CHIEF JUSTICE OF INDIA , SUPREME COURT OF INDIA , , , , , CROSS EXAM OF UNION HOME SECRETARY , GOI , NEW DELHI , , , , , CROSS EXAM OF DG&IG OF POLICE , GOK , BANGALORE , , , , , CROSS EXAM OF GOVERNOR , RESERVE BANK OF INDIA , , CROSS EXAM OF MUDA COMMISSIONER , MUDA , MYSORE , , , CROSS EXAM OF BDA COMMISSIONER , BDA , BANGALORE , , CORPORATE CRIMES RPG CABLES LIMITED , , MEGA FRAUD BY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA , , are you ready to catch tax thieves ? , , MOBILE PHONES , CURRENCY SCANDALS , , reliance industry where is accountability ? , , crimes at infosys campus , , crimes by B.D.A against a poor woman , , crimes of land mafia in India , , currency thefts in RBI Press , , killer colas & killer medicines of India , , We do have highest respect for all constitutional bodies , public servants , but it is an appeal to the honest few in public service ,to bring to book their corrupt colleagues.The Honourable Chief Justice of India & H.E.Honourable President of India have violated their oaths of office , failed in their constitutional duties , suppressed material truths / informations & thereby repeatedly violated my Constitutionally guaranteed FUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS & BASIC HUMAN RIGHTS & Obstructing me from performing constitutionally prescribed FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES AS A CITIZEN OF INDIA. Hereby , i do request you to legally prosecute the below mentioned public servants ACCUSED CRIMINALS viz 1.H.E.Honourable President of India 2. Honourable Chief Justice Of India 3. Union Home Secretary , GOI 4. Governor , Reserve Bank Of India 5. Director-General & Inspector General Of Police , government of karnataka 6. Commissioner , Bangalore Development Authority 7. Commissioner , Mysore Urban Development Authority 8. Commissioner , Mysore City Corporation 9. Labour Commissioner , government of karnataka 10. Central Information Commission Members and 11. all public servants belonging to tax dept , pollution control board , etc mentioned in the above cases with web links, on the above mentioned charges.

the whole issue of this news paper & the related materials at the weblinks provided, forms part of this complaint. If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective. if anything untoward happens to me or my dependents , the government of india is liable to pay Rs. one crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty police officials , public servants & Constitutional functionaries. Thanking you. Jai Hind , Vande Mataram. Date : 20.08.2012Yours sincerely, Place : Mysore..Nagaraja.M.R.


I dont know whether secretariat staff of CJI office & DARPG / DPG officials are forwarding my appeals for justice , e-mails to you or not. They will be held accountable for their lapses if any. This notice is against the repeated failure of constitutional duties & indirect collusion with criminals by previous CHIEF JUSTICEs OF INDIA. Notice is served against them , to the office of CJI , NOT personally against you. At the individual level I do whole heartedly respect honourable justice Sathasivam. Please refer my appeal for justice through DARPG ; DLGLA/E/2013/00292 DEPOJ/E/2013/00679

In india democracy is a farce , freedom a mirage. the most basic freedom RIGHT TO INFORMATION & EXPRESSION , is not honoured by the government,as the information opens up the crimes of V.V.I.Ps & leads to their ill-gotten wealth. The public servants are least bothered about the lives of people or justice to them. these type of fat cats , parasites are a drain on the public exchequer . these people want ,wish me to see dead , wish to see HUMAN RIGHTS WATCH closed . so that, a voice against injustices is silenced forever , the crimes of V.V.I.Ps closed , buried forever. To my numerous appeals , HRWs appeals to you ,you have not yet replied. It clearly shows that you are least bothered about the lives of people or justice to them .it proves that you are hell bent to protect the criminals at any cost. you are just pressurising the police to enquire me ,to take my statement, to repeatedly call me to police station all with a view to silence me.all of you enjoy legal immunity privileges ,why dont you have given powers to the police / investigating officer to summon all of you for enquiry ?or else why dont all of you are not appearing before the police voluntarily for enquiry ?at the least why dont all of you are not sending your statement about the case to the police either through legal counsel or through post? you are aiding criminals ,by denying me job oppurtunities in R.B.I CURRENCY NOTE PRESS mysore , city civil court ,bangalore , distict court , mysore ,etc & by illegally closing my newspaper. there is a gross, total mismatch between your actions and your oath of office. this amounts to public cheating & moral turpitude on your part. are making contempt of the very august office you hold. are making contempt of the constitution of india. are making contempt of citizens of india. are sponsoring & aiding terorrism & organized crime. are violating the fundamental & human rights of the citizens of india and of neighbouring countries. are violating & making contempt of the U.N HUMAN RIGHTS CHARTER to which india is a signatory. are obstructing me from performing my fundamental duties as a citizen of india. 8. As a result of your gross negligence of constitutional duties you have caused me damages / losses to the tune of RUPEES TWO CRORE ONLY. you are hereby called upon to Pay damages to me and SHOW-CAUSE within 30 days , why you cannt be legally prosecuted for the above mentioned crimes .

If i am repeatedly called to police station or else where for the sake of investigations , the losses i do incurr as a result like loss of wages , transportation , job , etc must be borne by the government. prevoiusly the police / IB personnel repeatedly called me the complainant (sufferer of injustices) to police station for questioning , but never called the guilty culprits even once to police station for questioning , as the culprits are high & mighty . this type of one sided questioning must not be done by police or investigating agencies . if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members like loss of job , meeting with hit & run accidents , loss of lives , etc , the jurisdictional police together with above mentioned accussed public servants will be responsible for it. Even if criminal nexus levels fake charges , police file fake cases against me or my dependents to silence me , this complaint is & will be effective. if anything untoward happens to me or my dependents , the government of india is liable to pay Rs. TWO crore as compensation to survivors of my family. if my whole family is eliminated by the criminal nexus ,then that compensation

money must be donated to Indian Army Welfare Fund. afterwards , the money must be recovered by GOI as land arrears from the salary , pension , property , etc of guilty judges , police officials , public servants & Constitutional fuctionaries. Thanking you. Jai Hind , Vande Mataram.

Date : 13.08.2013..yours sincerely, Place : Mysore , India.Nagaraja M R

To, Honourable Chief Justice of India , c/o Registrar, Supreme Court of India, New Delhi.

Honourable sir , Subject : - PIL Appeal To Honorable Supreme court of India For Writ of Mandamus LITMUS TEST for HONESTY of SUPREME COURT OF INDIA


Rich builders , crooks in their greed for more money ( knowing fully well the illegalities ) have constructed buildings on public land , constructed buildings violating the building bye-laws. Now , those crooks are earning lakhs of rupees rental income . The government law enforcement agencies were mum , didnt demolish such buildings in time , allowing time for crooks to benefit from anticipated regularisation. However the same government agencies have not shown kind consideration to poor people who have constructed temporary hutments on public land . Those hutments were immediately demolished & people evicted.

These building bye-law violators , Land grabbers are not poor people living below poverty line earning only rupees 32 per day as per planning commission of india. These rich crooks dont deserve sympathy , kind consideration as they have committed the crime knowing fully well the illegalities and they can bear the loss due to the demolition of their illegal buildings. The government must also recover rent & other monetary gains made out of those illegal buildings by the builder.

The recent move of Government of Karnataka to regularize building bye-law violations & Public Land Grabbers amounts to : 1. 2. 3. 4. Rewards for illegalities , crimes if one is rich. Punishes , demotivates honest law abiding citizens. Double standards in law one set for rich & one set for the poor. Total disregard to safety of people in those illegal buildings .

5. Total disregard to safety of people in the neighbourhood and people using roads passing by those illegal buildings.

Judicial Layout Site Allotment BRIBE TO JUDGES ?

Is the allotment of residential plots to Judges @ yelahanka Judicial Layout , a mode of paying bribe to judges by the biggest litigant government itself & the corrupt public servants in the government. So that the government can pass illegal laws like Regularization of Illegal Buildings , Illegal Appointments to Medical colleges in Hassan , Mysore ,etc & ministers , IAS officers can indulge in illegal unconstitutional acts , but the courts will not take any appropriate action suo motto or based on any petition. IT IS MUTUAL HELP , NEXUS OF TWO CRIMINALS JUDICIARY & GOVERNMENT. Ofcourse , there are honest few exceptions in judiciary & government. We Respect those honest few.

Just months back , we have witnessed the collapse of a multi storied building in bellary ,Karnataka & we have witnessed a fire tragedy in a multi-storey building in Bangalore, months ago there was collapse of a huge building under construction in Bangalore , all resulting in loss of human lives. Recently we have seen de-notification scam involving VVIPs . All these are the result of violations of Urban Town Planning Laws , Building bye-laws which are observed more in breach by the criminals & conniving public servants . The authorities are behaving like real estate agents of criminals , by-passing norms , framing laws to the tune of criminals . Authorities are not honoring RTI requests & even high ranking IAS officer repeatedly threatens a commoner seeking information under RTI ACT .

Before embarking on land acquisition for any projects government authorities must plan & assess what are the actual requirement of land for that particular project. After finding out the actual requirement of land , they must assess the loss of forest area , cost of compensation pay-out , cost of rehabilitation of people , environmental damages & resultant health damages to people in surrounding areas ,its resultant losses when the project gets running , if at all the benefits , profits from that project far outweighs the losses ,then only project should be put before the public for their consent. Ministers & IAS officers must not take these decisions all by themselves in a hush hush manner.

Even when a project is downsized , from the previously approved size , the land left over , surplus land must be given back to the original owner on first priority . The project managers must not sell those surplus lands to third parties for a premium . Even when KIADB ,BDA ,MUDA & other authorities acquire lands from farmers ,for constructing industrial parks or residential layouts , etc , has framed comprehensive development plans (CDP) for their respective cities , clearly demarcating land usage pattern . However after acquisition of land , the KIADB , BDA , MUDA , etc are selling those very lands to private third parties for different land usage purposes ,completely violating CDP. Are these KIADB , BDA , BBMP , MUDA ,MCC real estate agents of Rich people ?

Now , consider NICE BMIC SCANDAL or MINING Scandals , public servants in responsible positions are accusing each other , there by proving that almost all of them are criminals. In democracy , ministers & IAS officers are public servants , MLAs , MPs are not leaders just public servants - representative of people. They must represent peoples wishes & must order the IAS & other officers to fulfil the wishes of people as per legal provisions. Information input forms part of process of one's expression. One's expression in any forms written , oral , etc becomes information input to the opposite person , in turn he expresses his reply. Information & Expression are inseparable parts & form lifeline of a democracy. That is the reason , Right to Expression is the basic fundamental right as well as human right of every Indian citizen. When a person's right to expression is violated , his other rights to equality , justice , etc also are violated. Suppression of Information amounts to curbing of Expression.

In a democracy , people have a right to know how the public servants are functioning. However till date public servants are hiding behind the veil of Officials Secrets Act (which is of british vintage created by british to suppress

native indians). By this cover-up public servants are hiding their own corruption , crimes , mismanagement , failures , etc. even RTI Act is not being followed intoto by public servants. However the recent delhi high court ruling affirming that CJI is under RTI purview & bound to answer RTI request , is noteworthy.

Our previous RTI request to CJI , union home secretary of GOI, President of India , DG & IGP of GOK and others were not honored. The information I sought were answers to the following questions mentioned in the below mentioned websites . the questions concerned the past , present continuing injustices meted out to millions of Indian citizens , due to wrong / illegal work practices of Indian judges , police & public servants . The information we sought would expose the traitors , anti-nationals , criminals in public service. The information we are seeking are no defense secrets , no national secrets. The truthful information exposes the anti-nationals , traitors in the public service & strengthens our national security , national unity & integrity.

Hereby , I do request the honorable supreme court of India to consider this as a PIL for : "writ of Mandamus" and to issue instructions to the concerned public servants in the following cases to perform their duties & to answer the following Cross - Examination / RTI questions. Jai Hind. Vande Mataram. Date : 06.09.2013 Place : Mysore Yours sincerely, Nagaraja .M.R.

Judicial Layout Site Allotment BRIBE TO JUDGES ?

Is the allotment of residential plots to Judges @ yelahanka Judicial Layout , a mode of paying bribe to judges by the biggest litigant government itself & the corrupt public servants in the government. So that the government can pass illegal laws like Regularization of Illegal Buildings , Illegal Appointments to Medical colleges in Hassan , Mysore ,etc & ministers , IAS officers can indulge in illegal unconstitutional acts , but the courts will not take any appropriate action suo motto or based on any petition. IT IS MUTUAL HELP , NEXUS OF TWO CRIMINALS JUDICIARY & GOVERNMENT. Ofcourse , there are honest few exceptions in judiciary & government. We Respect those honest few.

Bylaw deviations to be regularised

The Governors green signal to the Akrama Sakrama Bill may bring cheer to thousands of property owners in the city. The property owners may now be able to regularise their building byelaw deviations, specifically deviations in setback and floor area ratio. As per the Karnataka Town and Country Planning (KTCP) And Certain Other Laws (Amendment) Act, 2009, and the amended Karnataka Municipal Corporations Act, 1976, residential property owners will be able to regularise deviations up to a maximum of 50 per cent and for the commercial buildings, the maximum deviations allowed is up to 25 per cent. This will apply to buildings constructed before December 3, 2009. Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) M. Lakshminarayan told The Hindu that around 80 per cent of the 16 lakh properties in the city have one or the other form of deviation. He said that the building byelaw violations are common and most citizens deviate from the sanctioned plan. This could be for a variety of reasons, including vaastu. The BBMP only allows five per cent violations. He said that the largest beneficiaries of this scheme will be large apartment complexes and big commercial buildings, who have accrued the violations. Individual, small property owners may not be in large numbers, neither will the

deviations be huge. Mr. Laskhminarayan said the BBMP had not yet assessed the revenue that it will get from this one-time payment to regularise their deviations. However, the BBMP will not compromise on safety aspects. Regularisation of deviations will be done only if there is a full compliance of safety norms.

Regularisation of unauthorised buildings in government land on cards

BANGALORE: Karnataka government has planned to introduce an amendment to the Karnataka Land Revenue Act 1964, to regularise unauthorised constructions of dwelling houses in government lands in urban areas, official sources said. The amendment Bill would seek to insert a new section 94 CC in the Act, providing for grant of land in the case of unauthorised construction of dwelling houses in government land in urban areas. Governor H R Bhardwaj had returned the Karnataka Land Revenue (Second Amendment) Bill, 2012, passed in both the Houses of the Legislature during the previous BJP government on the ground that "the amendment does not serve any public good or social cause. On the other hand, it may lead to illegal grabbing of government land." A team of advocates is studying the points raised by the Governor. Keeping in mind public interest, the government would draft the Bill again and introduce it in the Assembly. Regularisation of constructions on government/revenue lands would benefit lakhs of households in Bangalore. The proposed legislation is aimed at regularising unauthorised occupation of revenue land belonging to government in urban areas with dwelling houses constructed, by granting the land to unauthorised occupants, the sources said.

Akrama-Sakrama sees a comeback

It has been almost a decade since different political parties promised regularisation of unauthorised development and constructions in urban areas, including Bangalore city which has the maximum number of such structures, through a scheme popularly known as Akrama-Sakrama. And in 2007, the then Janata Dal(S)-Bharatiya Janata Party government made a little progress on this promise by enacting the Karnataka Town and Country Planning (KTCP) and certain others (Amendment) Act, 2004 in giving 90 days for regularisation of four types of irregularities. Following this, the Akrama-Sakrama scheme was launched in September 2007 after rules, fixing fees for regularisation, depending upon type of violation, were framed. Then, the Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP), with much fanfare, issued a booklet with application forms for regularising four types of irregularities plot in unauthorised layout/sub-divided land; building with land use violation; set back violation (up to 50 per cent for residential and 25 per cent for commercial); and floor area violation between September 15 and December 14, 2007. However, the scheme was put on hold after the owners of unauthorised structures/sites rose in protest, terming the regularisation fee as exorbitant, and the government agreed to revise the fee. At the same time, the Karnataka High Court was moved by some citizens questioning the legality of the scheme, while a few property owners questioned the high fee. Meanwhile, the BBMP refunded about Rs. 28 crore collected from about 4,000 applicants. Later, the BJP government during 2008-10, approved an Ordinance initially and later passed an amended Bill to facilitate re-launching of Akrama-Sakrama scheme while reducing the regularisation fee by about 50 per cent. But, both the attempts were shot down by Governor H.R. Bhardwaj who said that the challenge to the 2007 amendment was pending before the High Court. It is election time again and some political parties have revived their promise on the issue. While the Janata Dal(S) has made a categorical promise to implement the scheme in its manifesto, the BJP has given an assurance to issue khatas for revenue site owners, besides legalising illegal occupancy of buildings in towns and cities. However, the Congress manifesto is silent on this issue.

But a cross section of residents and legal experts say that the aim of such schemes should be to prevent recurrence of such illegality in future while regularising the existing violations as a one-time measure. But unfortunately, the sole objective of the scheme is to make it a revenue generator for taking up development works as promised by the parties in their manifestos. In the process, the property owners are painted as law-breakers, though the politically well-connected developers are responsible as they are on the ones who formed these unauthorised layouts and sold the sites to the gullible buyers. Why should only the purchasers of land pay penalties? Why is no penalty levied on developers who actually violated the law while forming layouts, and the officials who did not stop illegal formation of layouts and failed to protect the interest of the purchasers of sites, said Ramesh K, a resident of Sai Layout. He also said that even banks had failed to protect the interest of borrowers as many people had purchased sites only after banks approved loan following a perusal of land documents. Col. (Retd.) Mathew Thomas, a citizen activist, says that Supreme Courts 2006 guideline on preventing illegal land use in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi area would be the best example to implement in Bangalore as it does not allow use of illegally built commercial structure in a residential area. As far as formation of unauthorised layouts are concerned, it is the developers of these layouts and the officials who deserve more penalty, though buyers too have to legally own up responsibility, says Col. Mathew. As many politicians themselves are into land development business, will the political parties that promise regularisation show courage to make these developers pay up for the illegality, asks C. Sudhakar, a legal consultant. He stressed the need for a transparent mechanism where citizens can buy sites or apartment without fearing of getting branded as a resident of unauthorised layout/apartment.

Bangalore Rural DC Aiyappa, three revenue officials held BANGALORE: Lokayukta police have arrested Bangalore Rural district deputy commissioner MK Aiyappa, a special tahsildar, a revenue inspector and a subregistrar for allegedly changing records pertaining to 32 acres of land in Survey No. 62 of Madappanahalli, near Yelahanka. Lokayukta additional director general of police HNS Rao said they registered a case against 15 persons, including IAS officer Aiyappa (then Bangalore Urban deputy commissioner), special tahsildar (Bangalore North) K Gopalaswamy, revenue inspector N Balakrishnamurthy of Arakere circle, Hesaraghatta, and sub-registrar (Hesaraghatta) KV Ravi Kumar. The arrested officials were produced in the Lokayukta court, which remanded them to a day in police custody. The Lokayukta court had on November 5 last year ordered that a case be filed under Sections 13 (1)( c), (d), (e) and 13(2) read with Section 12 of the Prevention of Corruption Act as well as criminal Sections 406, 409, 420, 426, 463, 468, 471, 474 read with Section 120-B (criminal conspiracy). The Lokayukta court order followed a private complaint by P Anil Kumar, a resident of Hesaraghatta. Preliminary investigation revealed the land was gomala land (common property resource used for livestock grazing), but a person named Narasimhaiah claimed ownership of all the 32 acres. Records were created and the land restored to him, but the then revenue inspector restored the title to the government. Even as the legal dispute was pending, the land was purchased by private individuals. The Hesaraghatta sub-registrar registered the land in their names in 2009. "The present rate for the land is about Rs 60 crore. Bigwigs named in the complaint will be questioned, including the purchasers. Everything is on record, and nobody can deny their responsibility in taking away government land and restoring it to private individuals," a Lokayukta police official privy to the investigation told TOI. There will be some more arrests, he added, as there's ample documentary evidence and other witness accounts available.

Save Hebbal Lake Save BEML Quarters Lake in Mysore An Appeal to Honourable Supreme Court of India

In the past , Mysore Maharaja & other philanthropists have donated their personal lands , properties , built many lakes & ponds in mysore , bangalore and other places with public concern , public wellbeing in their mind . They built these lakes & ponds in addition to preserving the natural lakes & ponds. They knew about the importance of ecological balance & environment. The present rulers , IAS & KAS babus have even failed to preserve the lakes & ponds built decades ago , let alone build one. These Public servants have extended their tacit support to building mafia , to kill these lakes & ponds , to fill those lakes with industrial effluents , sewage & building mud wastes. After killing those lakes & ponds , the building mafia encroaches on it & usurps that public property in turn selling it for crores of rupees.

In this way , Hootagalli lake was killed & encroached by Kaynes Hotel ( now silent shores hotel) , Hebbal Lake is being killed & encroached from all sides by industries and the lake infront of BEML Quarters is being killed & land demarcation for selling those land has already begun.

The public servants were totally indifferent towards public outcry against this . The IAS & KAS babus who are also magistrates with judicial authority have failed in preserving these lakes & ponds inspite of appeals to them. These death of lakes resulting in their encroachments could have been prevented earlier by DC , Tahsildar , MUDA Commissioner & KIADB Officers. Even I have appealed to them through my web news paper , they didnt take action at all. I have made RTI request to those authorities to give me information regarding status of those lakes years ago , fearing truth will come out they didnt anwer my questions in full , they only gave half truths. When I persisited with my RTI request the Mysore District Magistrate at that time Mr. P.Manivannan repeatedly called me over phone , abused me & threatened me . Even threats were made by some policemen in mufti . Finally that lake land was allotted to a person supposed to be close to the Industries minister at that time. The courts are dispassionate & inhuman , while passing eviction orders against poor people , the police are full of guts & show their full bravery , valour against these poor land encroachers. Fine , let us appreciate their duty consciousness . However rich & well connected criminals have illegally encroached upon public lands , the same courts and police are not taking appropriate action inspite of repeated appeals , why ? Even the Supreme Court of India & Police are Weak & Meak before Land Mafia. Dont the same Judges & Police have Guts , Bravery , Duty Conciousness & Integrity to take action against such rich land grabbers ? The answer lies in the following articles. Once again we offer our conditional services to Supreme Court of India , to legally apprehend criminals while the respective public servants have failed to do the same.

Hereby , we request the honourable Supreme Court of India , 1. To initiate criminal prosecution against Mysore district magistrate , Mysore taluk magistrate , MUDA Commissioner , Jurisdictional Police Officers & KIADB Officer , for making contempt of Supreme Court of India Order applying throught india to preserve lakes & ponds. 2. To evict all encroachers forth with .

3. To immediately stop all flow of industrial effluents & sewage to these lakes & ponds. 4. To initiate criminal prosecution against encroachers of these lakes & pollters , killers of these lakes. 5. To preserve the said lakes & ponds , by recovering cost from encroachers , polluting industries and the co-conspirators Mysore DC , Mysore Tahsildar , MUDA Commissioner , KIADB Officer & Jurisdictional Police Officers. 6. To protect me , my family members & dependents from land mafia & coconspirators of the crime. 7. To order , to issue Writ of Mandamus to Mysore District Magistrate , MUDA Commissioner & KIADB Officer to disclose all the information sought by me in my RTI request publicly. The copy of my RTI request is reproduced below.

Date : 17.11.2012 Place : Mysore

Yours Sincerely, Nagaraja.M.R.

Sign to Save Hebbal Lake & BEML Quarters Lake in Mysore



1. how many times since 1987 , MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT has revised / modified the mysore city's comprehensive city development plan ? 2. how many cases of CDP violations were registered by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT since 1987 till date ? 3. how many cases of CDP violations were legalized in the CDP revision / modification by the authorities ? 4. when an application for alienation of land is made to you , say from civic amenity site to commercial , what norms are followed by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT ? 5. how do you provide alternate civic amenity site in the locality , if the area is already full ? do you deprive people of civic amenities ? 6. during such alenation , is the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT collecting market rate difference between civic amenity site & commercial site ? if not why ? 7. in mysore city , many building complexes , buildings have been built fully violating building bye-laws no set off , no parking space , no emergency fire exit , no earthquake tolerant . what action by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT ? 8. how many cases of building bye-laws violations has been registered by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT since 1987 ? what is the action status report yearwise ? 9. how much of MUDA's / MCC's / GOVERNMENT's lands , sites , buildings & houses have been illegally occupied by criminal tresspassers since 1987 ? 10. has the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT registered criminal cases against each such illegal occupation ? if not why ? provide status report yearwise ? 11. in how many cases of such illegal occupation MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT has legalized , regularized such illegal occupation just through MUDA's / MCC's resolution instead of of reallotting the same through public notification to the next senior most in the waiting list , after giving notice of allotment cancellation to original allottee ? if not done so why ? 12. has the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT followed all legal norms in reallotment of lands , sites , houses , etc to the illegal occupiers ? what is the procedure followed ? 13. in mysore city , numerous housing societies & real estate Developers have mushroomed , Land allotments of how many housing societies , real estate firms among them are legally authorized by MUDA , MCC , GOVERNMENT & how many not ? since 1987 till date ? 14. has the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT filed criminal complaints against such illegal housing societies & illegal real estate firms ? if not why ?

15. what action MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT has initiated against real estate firms & housing societies who have violated MUDA norms , layout plans , etc ? if not why ? 16. the government has framed building bye-laws like width of road , space for civic amenities , parking space , emergency fire exit , etc keeping high in the mind safety of people first. MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT is in the practice of levying a pittance as penalty on the building byelaw violators , layout Development plan violators & legalizing those violations. Safety of public & amenities of public are totally neglected by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT . When public people die , suffer injuries / accidents say during a fire tragedy in a complex due to lack of fire exit , when people park vehicles on pavement in front of a business complex as the complex doesn't have a parking space of it's own , the pedestrians going that way are forced to come down on road resulting in accidents , injuries & deaths . is not the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT responsible for those accidents , injuries & deaths ? 17. what is the criteria adopted by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT for out of Turn allotment of Lands , sites , houses to renowned sports persons , judges , journalists , politicians , artists , etc ? 18. how many judges , artists , politicians , journalists , sports persons , etc have benefited from these out of turn allotments by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT ? specific figures yearwise since 1987 ? 19. what action has been taken against developers , housing societies , who have violated MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT norms ? 20. when poor scheduled caste , scheduled tribe people , minority people illegally live On MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT sites building temporary huts , MUDA / AUTHORITIES with the help of police razes down those huts & evicts the poor by brute force. Whereas , when cronies of political bigwigs illegally occupy MUDA , MCC / GOVERNMENT lands worth crores of rupees & build big complexes earning thousands of rupees monthly rent , MUDA or authorities not even files police complaint against them instead regularizes the illegal occupation by levying a pittance as fine. Why this double standard by MUDA / MCC GOVERNMENT ? 21. HOW MANY CASES OF ILLEGAL OCCUPATIONS are regularized by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT since 1987 till date ? yearwise figures ? 22. how much of MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT lands , sites , houses are under illegal occupation ? status report yearwise since 1987 ? 23. how much of those has been recovered ? has the MUDA ,AUTHORITIES recovered the rents earned by illegal occupation ? 24. have you filed police complaints against those criminals tresspassers ? if not why ? 25. is the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT giving wide publicity & sufficient time to bidders about it's auction schedules ? 26. is the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT giving market value to land loosers ? 27. is the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT exactly using the acquired lands , for the same purpose mentioned in the project plan ? 28. is the MUDA / AUTHORITIES acquiring lands at lower rates from farmers & selling it at a premium , by way making profits just like a real estate agency ? 29. in villages , there are cattle grazing grounds meant for the usage of whole villagers, forest for the usage of whole village , lands belonging to village temples. Some villagers have donated their personal lands to village temples , cattle grazing for the benefit of whole villagers. All the villagers are stake holders , owners of such lands. When MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT acquires such lands to whom does it pay compensation ? what about welfare objectives of those lands ? 30. till date , how many lakes , ponds , how many feeder canals have been closed , filled with mud , developed , sold as sites , etc by MUDA MCC or other land developers ? 31. has the MUDA , MCC taken alternate steps to create new lakes , ponds ? how many are created till date ?

32. in & around mysore city , high tension electric lines are there in busy residential areas . as per Indian electricity act , no permanent structures should be under the HT lines. However there are buildings under it. In some places , HT lines runs in the middle of the road. The authorities Have developed those areas beneath HT lines as parks , rented out advertisement spaces & built permanent fencing of those areas spending lakhs of taxpayer's money. This fencing obstructs the movement of service personnel of electricity board , to service HT line. Are all these structures under & surrounding HT lines legal ? 33. till date how many burial grounds are acquired & sold as sites by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT or other developers ? specific figures yearwise since 1987 castewise , religionwise ? 34. in & around mysore city , in how many areas developed by MUDA & private developers , the sewage water generated in those areas is directly let into lake , ponds ? 35. how many tributaries , lakes , ponds are killed in this fashion by MUDA , MCC & other developers , housing societies ? 36. how many business complexes , flats , residential layouts developed by private real estate developers , housing societies are dumping the sewage , / waste generated in their buildings , into unauthorized dumping grounds , lakes , etc . thus disturbing the environment & creating public health hazard ? how the MUDA / MCC is monitoring sewage / waste disposal ? status report yearwise since 1987 till date . 37. how many unauthorized housing layouts are there in & around mysore city ? what action by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT against them ? action taken report yearwise since 1987 till date . 38. around mysore city , vast areas of village farm lands , agricultural lands are acquired by private real estate developers for non agricultural purposes by a single firm or single owner. Are these actions legal ? some of these real estate agents have sold those lands to private industries , multinational companies for crores of rupees. Has the MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT given alienation of land ie conversion from agricultural to industrial usage. Has KIADB given consent to it ? 39. can a single individual / firm can purchase such vast tracts of agricultural lands , is it legal ? is it within the KIADB's comprehensive industrial area development plan ? 40. has the MUDA / MCC , KIADB given wide publicity , public notice calling for objections before alienation of such lands ? 41. are all those alienations , strictly in conformance to MUDA's / MCC's CDP & KIADB's industrial area development plan ? violations how many ? 42. is the MUDA & KIADB revising / modifying CDP & INDUSTRIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN , to suit those real estate developers & Private companies ? on what legal grounds ? 43.what action has been taken based on mysore district magistrate mr.T.M.Vijaya Bhaskar's report on land grabbings in mysore ? mysore city , hebbal-hootagalli industrial area , a lake has been destroyed while building kaynes hotel , hinkal lake is shrinking , lake in front of BEML Quarters has been alloted to M/S THRILLER CLOTHING CO, are all these actions legal & in conformance to MUDA's CDP ? if not why ? what action ? 45. while auctioning off the lands of sick industrial unit M/S IDEAL JAWA LTD , was there any pre-qualification to bidders that after purchase of lands only it must be used for industrial use or only industries can participate in the bidding process ? 46.why not it has been clearly mentioned in the tender document that , said land is open for alienation ? 47. about this issue , our publication has even raised it's objections , in it's newspaper . no action , why ? as a result , the government , banks , employees were cheated off their dues & the private firm made huge profits. is this auction & alienation legal ? 48.numerous NGO's , trusts promoted by religious bodies , mutts are allotted prime lands at preferrential rates , for the reason that they will use it for public /

prime lands at preferrential rates , for the reason that they will use it for public / social welfare. however many of the trusts are using the whole or part of the land for commercial purposes other than the stated public / social welfare purpose. what action has been taken by MUDA , MCC or government in such cases ? many trusts have violated government norms in this way since 1987 till date? what action taken by MUDA , MCC & government action taken report yearwise since 1987 till date ? many such illegalities / violations by trusts are regularized by MUDA , MCC or authorities , on what legal grounds ? ATR since 1987 till date ? 51.before regularizing such violations have you sought public objections & given media publicity ? if not why ? you are monitoring the net wealth growth of some MUDA / MCC / REVENUE officials & their family members , who have land acquisition / denotifying , land usage conversion authorities ? many trusts , NGOs are allotted prime residential / commercial lands by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT on lease basis , in turn the said trusts , NGOs have sulet it either partly or wholly to others ? many such lease allotments are sold by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT before the expiry of lease period , without public auction ? 55. what are the norms followed by MUDA / MCC / GOVERNMENT for the sale of leased lands to the lessee before the expiry of lease period ?



1. how many times since 1987 , BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT has revised / modified the Bangalore city's comprehensive city development plan ? 2. how many cases of CDP violations were registered by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT since 1987 till date ? 3. how many cases of CDP violations were legalized in the CDP revision / modification by the authorities ? 4. when an application for alienation of land is made to you , say from civic amenity site to commercial , what norms are followed by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT? 5. how do you provide alternate civic amenity site in the locality , if the area is already full ? do you deprive people of civic amenities ? 6. during such alenation , is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT collecting market rate difference between civic amenity site & commercial site ? if not why ? 7. in bangalore city , many building complexes , buildings have been built fully violating building bye-laws no set off , no parking space , no emergency fire exit , no earthquake tolerant . what action by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT? 8. how many cases of building bye-laws violations has been registered by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT since 1987 ? what is the action status report yearwise ? 9. how much of BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT lands , sites , buildings & houses have been illegally occupied by criminal tresspassers since 1987 ? 10. has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT registered criminal cases against each such illegal occupation ? if not why ? provide status report yearwise ?

11. in how many cases of such illegal occupation BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT has legalized , regularized such illegal occupation just through BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT ` s resolution instead of of re-allotting the same through public notification to the next senior most in the waiting list , after giving notice of allotment cancellation to original allottee ? if not done so why ? 12. has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT followed all legal norms in reallotment of lands , sites , houses , etc to the illegal occupiers ? what is the procedure followed ? 13. in bangalore city , numerous housing societies & real estate Developers have mushroomed , Land allotments of how many housing societies , real estate firms among them are legally authorized by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT & how many not ? since 1987 till date ? 14. has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT filed criminal complaints against such illegal housing societies & illegal real estate firms ? if not why ? 15. what action BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT has initiated against real estate firms & housing societies who have violated BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT norms , layout plans , etc ? if not why ? 16. the government has framed building bye-laws like width of road , space for civic amenities , parking space , emergency fire exit , etc keeping high in the mind safety of people first. BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT is in the practice of levying a pittance as penalty on the building byelaw violators , layout Development plan violators & legalizing those violations. Safety of public & amenities of public are totally neglected by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT. When public people die , suffer injuries / accidents say during a fire tragedy in a complex due to lack of fire exit , when people park vehicles on pavement in front of a business complex as the complex doesn't have a parking space of it's own , the pedestrians going that way are forced to come down on road resulting in accidents , injuries & deaths . is not the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT responsible for those accidents , injuries & deaths ? 17. what is the criteria adopted by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT for out of Turn allotment of Lands , sites , houses to renowned sports persons , judges , journalists , politicians , artists , etc ? 18. how many judges , artists , politicians , journalists , sports persons , etc have benefited from these out of turn allotments by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT? specific figures yearwise since 1987 ? 19. what action has been taken against developers , housing societies , who have violated BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT norms ? 20. when poor scheduled caste , scheduled tribe people , minority people illegally live On BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT sites building temporary huts , BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT with the help of police razes down those huts & evicts the poor by brute force. Whereas , when cronies of political bigwigs illegally occupy BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT lands worth crores of rupees & build big complexes earning thousands of rupees monthly rent , BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT or authorities not even files police complaint against them instead regularizes the illegal occupation by levying a pittance as fine. Why this double standard by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT? 21. HOW MANY CASES OF ILLEGAL OCCUPATIONS are regularized by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT since 1987 till date ? yearwise figures ? 22. how much of BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT lands , sites , houses are under illegal occupation ? status report yearwise since 1987 ? 23. how much of those has been recovered ? has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT arecovered the rents earned by illegal occupation ? 24. have you filed police complaints against those criminals tresspassers ? if not why ? 25. is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT giving wide publicity & sufficient time to bidders about it's auction schedules ? 26. is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT giving market value to land loosers ? 27. is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT exactly using the acquired lands , for the same purpose mentioned in the project plan ? 28. is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT acquiring lands at lower rates from farmers & selling it at a premium , by way making profits just like a real estate agency ? 29. in villages , there are cattle grazing grounds meant for the usage of whole

29. in villages , there are cattle grazing grounds meant for the usage of whole villagers, forest for the usage of whole village , lands belonging to village temples. Some villagers have donated their personal lands to village temples , cattle grazing for the benefit of whole villagers. All the villagers are stake holders , owners of such lands. When BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT acquires such lands to whom does it pay compensation ? what about welfare objectives of those lands ? 30. till date , how many lakes , ponds , how many feeder canals have been closed , filled with mud , developed , sold as sites , etc by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT or other land developers ? 31. has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT taken alternate steps to create new lakes , ponds ? how many are created till date ? 32. in & around bangalore city , high tension electric lines are there in busy residential areas . as per Indian electricity act , no permanent structures should be under the HT lines. However there are buildings under it. In some places , HT lines runs in the middle of the road. The authorities Have developed those areas beneath HT lines as parks , rented out advertisement spaces & built permanent fencing of those areas spending lakhs of taxpayer's money. This fencing obstructs the movement of service personnel of electricity board , to service HT line. Are all these structures under & surrounding HT lines legal ? 33. till date how many burial grounds are acquired & sold as sites by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT or other developers ? specific figures yearwise since 1987 castewise , religionwise ? 34. in & around bangalore city , in how many areas developed by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT & private developers , the sewage water generated in those areas is directly let into lake , ponds ? 35. how many tributaries , lakes , ponds are killed in this fashion by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT & other developers , housing societies ? 36. how many business complexes , flats , residential layouts developed by private real estate developers , housing societies are dumping the sewage , / waste generated in their buildings , into unauthorized dumping grounds , lakes , etc . thus disturbing the environment & creating public health hazard ? how the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT is monitoring sewage / waste disposal ? status report yearwise since 1987 till date . 37. how many unauthorized housing layouts are there in & around bangalore city ? what action by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT against them ? action taken report yearwise since 1987 till date . 38. around bangalore city , vast areas of village farm lands , agricultural lands are acquired by private real estate developers for non agricultural purposes by a single firm or single owner. Are these actions legal ? some of these real estate agents have sold those lands to private industries , multinational companies for crores of rupees. Has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT given alienation of land ie conversion from agricultural to industrial usage. Has KIADB given consent to it ? 39. can a single individual / firm can purchase such vast tracts of agricultural lands , is it legal ? is it within the KIADB's comprehensive industrial area development plan ? 40. has the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT given wide publicity , public notice calling for objections before alienation of such lands ? 41. are all those alienations , strictly in conformance to BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT's industrial area development plan ? violations how many ? 42. is the BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT revising / modifying CDP & INDUSTRIAL AREA DEVELOPMENT PLAN , to suit those real estate developers & Private companies ? on what legal grounds ? 43.what action has been taken based on mysore district magistrate mr.T.M.Vijaya Bhaskar's report on land grabbings in mysore ? mysore city , hebbal-hootagalli industrial area , a lake has been destroyed while building kaynes hotel , hinkal lake is shrinking , lake in front of BEML Quarters has been alloted to M/S THRILLER CLOTHING CO, are all these actions legal & in conformance to MUDA's CDP ? if not why ? what action ? 45. while auctioning off the lands of sick industrial unit M/S IDEAL JAWA LTD , was there any pre-qualification to bidders that after purchase of lands only it must be used for industrial use or only industries can participate in the bidding process ? 46.why not it has been clearly mentioned in the tender document that , said land is open for alienation ?

is open for alienation ? 47. about this issue , our publication has even raised it's objections , in it's newspaper . no action , why ? as a result , the government , banks , employees were cheated off their dues & the private firm made huge profits. is this auction & alienation legal ? 48.numerous NGO's , trusts promoted by religious bodies , mutts are allotted prime lands at preferrential rates , for the reason that they will use it for public / social welfare. however many of the trusts are using the whole or part of the land for commercial purposes other than the stated public / social welfare purpose. what action has been taken by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT in such cases ? many trusts have violated government norms in this way since 1987 till date? what action taken by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT action taken report yearwise since 1987 till date ? many such illegalities / violations by trusts are regularized by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT, on what legal grounds ? ATR since 1987 till date ? 51.before regularizing such violations have you sought public objections & given media publicity ? if not why ? you are monitoring the net wealth growth of some BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT officials & their family members , who have land acquisition / denotifying , land usage conversion authorities ? many trusts , NGOs are allotted prime residential / commercial lands by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT on lease basis , in turn the said trusts , NGOs have sulet it either partly or wholly to others ? many such lease allotments are sold by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT before the expiry of lease period , without public auction ? 55. what are the norms followed by BDA / BBMNP / KIADB / GOVERNMENT for the sale of leased lands to the lessee before the expiry of lease period ? 56. what is the status of house allotted to sri.chandrashekariah vide BDA allotment letter no: 310/267/BDA/ADM/KMRSL(H)/78-79 dt 11/08/1978. 57. why BDA didn't file police complaint to evict encroachers? 58. why BDA didn't inform the descendents of original allottee about the cancellation of their allotment ? 59.what happened to the money deposited by original allottee? the action of BDA allotting the said house to an illegal encroacher just by the resolution of BDA committee legal ? 61. in case the BDA wished to re-allot the said house , first it must have informed the original allottee about cancellation of allotment allowing them sufficient time to reply with public notice in news papers , then they should have allotted the said house to the senior most in the waiting list. But BDA has just allotted the house to an illegal encroacher by the resolution of BDA committee. Is it legal ? 62. BDA officials gave half truths to my RTI request & stated that the said file concerning this issue cann't be found ie lost . is it legal ? 63. has the BDA filed police complaint regarding theft of file from the record room ? HONOURABLE COMMISSIONER OF BDA PLEASE REFER THE FOLLOWING ARTICLE.

NICE Corridor Questions to CHIEF MINISTER .Mr.Yediyurappa Read full questionnaire\ f-minister

Illogical land laws fostering mafia, says High Court judge

Acting Chief Justice of High Court of Karnataka, Justice K Sreedhar Rao on Saturday said lack of logic in several laws, including land reforms and acquisition laws, is encouraging land mafia, especially in urban centres.

The existing Land Acquisition Act is the greatest enemy of the common man. We have only encouraged land mafia through legislation, he said, while addressing the National Consultation on Urban Poor and the Law, organised by National Law School of India University (NLSIU) here. Justice Rao said laws related to land need an overhaul, to ensure owners of the land get a share of development. The growth of real estate mafias and skyrocketing property prices hindered average income earners from purchasing property. By creating mega cities, we have done a great damage to the country, he added. Justice Rao said various governments have failed to develop district and taluk head quarters as a result of which we are not able to prevent migration to cities. Bangalore has developed as a cancerous slum. The urban areas are not having the infrastructure or facilities to deal with this massive population inflow, he said. The judge also pointed out that the zoning laws often allow arbitrary classifications without taking into account the real situations on ground. P K Mohanty, Additional Secretary, Union Ministry of Housing and Poverty Alleviation, said the proposed law for property rights for urban poor, to ensure spaces for street vendors, was under consideration and it would be soon placed before the Parliament. A major issue that needs to be addressed is residency rights of urban poor in the context of vulnerabilities that they face. Though several governmental programmes, specially JNNURM were designed for this purpose, there was a lack of sufficient response from the States to avail the funds and use them in time, he said. BMTF proposes, government disposes Siddaiah was brought back to BBMP despite request for his suspension for his role in DLF case Senior IAS officer H. Siddaiah, who returned as Bruhat Bangalore Mahanagara Palike (BBMP) Commissioner for a second stint, has come under the scanner of the Bangalore Metropolitan Task Force (BMTF) as a suspect officer for his alleged role in the DLF case. The BMTF, probing the DLF scam that involved illegal widening of a road to facilitate an increase in the floor area ratio (FAR) of an apartment complex, had named Mr. Siddaiah, his predecessor Bharat Lal Meena, besides the former Bangalore Development Authority (BDA) Commissioner Pradeep Singh Kharola among the three IAS officers whose role had surfaced during its investigation based on oral and documentary evidence. BMTF letter In a letter to Chief Secretary S.V. Ranganath, dated November 29, 2012, the BMTF had sought to place under suspension these three officials, besides 23 others of the BDA and BBMP, to facilitate fair probe. However, the government chose to ignore the BMTFs recommendation and brought Mr. Siddaiah back to the BBMP from the Higher Education Department where he was serving as Principal Secretary, thus replacing Commissioner Rajneesh Goel. The report also names several senior officials of the BBMP and the BDA as suspect officials for having allegedly colluded to allow the DLF to up the FAR for its projects, violating BBMP bylaws and BDAs master plan. Charge against Shettar Meanwhile, RTI activist Dinesh Kallahalli accused Chief Minister Jagadish Shettar of trying to hush up the matter by bringing back the same suspect officials. He plans to seekGovernor H.R. Bhardwajs intervention in the matter as the Chief Minister was involved. Speaking at a press conference here on Saturday, Mr. Kallahalli said Tirakana Goudar, Town Planning Member (TPM) in the BDA, who was reinstated to his post while he was out on bail, was also being favoured by the Chief Minister. DLF violations The BMTF has arrested Mr. Goudar, who was charged with helping DLF Southern Homes legalise construction beyond what was permitted on a civic amenity (CA) site. He was accused of approving the widening of the Hulimavu-Begur Road to legalise DLF Southern Homes illegal construction. DLF constructed 1,962 flats instead of the 440 for which they had taken permission.

We are not even able to get documents under the Right to Information Act. We want the Governor to intervene, Mr. Kallahalli said. LAND SCAM IN TAMILNADU One for my officer, one for my boy

Land and property are coveted assets. So why are chief ministers allowed to give these away as favours? JEEMON JACOB tracks how Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi has been using his quotas IN NOVEMBER, Chief Minister of Karnataka BS Yeddyurappa almost lost his job, due to the uproar ILLUSTRATION: ANAND NAOREM over preferential allotment of land and property to his sons and close associates. He has since cancelled the allotments, asked his children to move out of his official residence, and retained his seat through some deft political manoeuvring and muscle-flexing. At the height of the campaign against him, as political opponents paraded on apparent moral high ground, TEHELKA published details of plots similarly allotted by previous Karnataka chief ministers, both of the Congress and the JD(S), to relatives, servants, drivers, maids and partymen (LAND SCAM 2.0, 4 December). The purpose was not to make Yeddyurappas wrongdoings look less shocking, but to show that the problem was endemic and needed rooting out. The right given to chief ministers to hand out public land to a favoured few relatives, bureaucrats, judges, police officers and others smacks of nepotism and arbitrary feudal power structures that should have no place in a modern democracy. (Though there is no immediate proof of this, some of these allotments could also be benamitransactions, in which the ultimate ownership remains with the distributor of the largesse, camouflaged by a stack of fake documents.) This power euphemistically called discretionary quota has even been used to favour allegedly corrupt army officers like General Deepak Kapoor (AT EASE WITH GREASE, TEHELKA, 20 November), who was given a large 500 sq yd plot in Haryana by the Hooda government, which then faced the embarrassment of refusing him permission to sell it off before five years had elapsed, as per rules. The plot was given to him by the government as preferential allotment in recognition for his outstanding achievement. This week, continuing its campaign against out-of-turn allotments of land and property, TEHELKA has an expos on Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M Karunanidhi. The Tamil Nadu Housing Board (TNHB) which commands a large land bank, has a government discretionary quota (GDQ) under which 15 percent of all allotments can be recommended by the CM. Eligibility for allotment under GDQ is as follows: single/deserted women; widows; social workers; physically handicapped persons; defence personnel; ex-servicemen; eminent persons in the field of science, arts, literature, economics, public administration and sports; freedom fighters; government servants with unblemished service records; employees of PSUs, central government undertakings and nationalised banks; PF institutions; journalists; university staff; and employees of local bodies and municipalities. While some of these categories sound kosher, most of them raise a fundamental question: why should the government have the power to give coveted land to select employees and journalists over others? The only rationale could be proximity which is an untenable reason for being the beneficiary of political favours, often worth several crores. Setting this aside, even within the legal ambit of the GDQ, TEHELKAs investigation shows that many of the allotments in Karunanidhis tenure have violated the rule book. Many bureaucrats and their relatives have been given plots or flats under the category of social worker. Some of these last did social work when they were in college; many of them claim to be volunteers in such routine activity as helping in blood donation or eye camps. Many have issued certificates to themselves; some have acquired letters from the Lions and Rotary Clubs with vague endorsements. In other violations, the rules say that no one who has any other land or property in Tamil Nadu or any other capital city, in either their own or spouse or minor childrens name, can apply for GDQ allotments. TEHELKA found this is routinely violated. Many of the allottees issued certificates to themselves, while some got letters from Lions and Rotary Clubs The other brazen violation lies in the claim of unblemished service records as a qualification for allotment. When RTI activist V Gopalakrishnan sought a list of such bureaucrats, Additional Secretary S Solomon Raj said, As no unblemished government servant certificates are issued, the question of furnishing a list of names does not arise. The additional secretary also clarified that the home department didnt have such a list. This is the phantom category under which many public servants like Jaffar Sait, 1986 batch IPS officer, now Inspector General of Police Intelligence, got large allotments of land in prime locations. Why them more than

hundreds of others? Thats a democratic question the chief minister will have to answer. Legal Largesse R Bhanumathi Serving Judge, Madras High Court FLAT NOS: MIG 249-250, SHOLINGANALLUR PHASE III, CHENNAI DATE: 30 MARCH 2008 SIZE: 120 SQ M & 139 SQ M PRICE: Rs. 27.55 LAKH & Rs. 30.05 LAKH CURRENT MARKET PRICE: NA VIOLATIONS The judge was allotted two adjoining plots on the same day (30 March 2008). According to her Disclosure of Assets statement of 2009, the judge already had a house in her name, and another plot in her husband, advocate K Ganesans name. The house, in the Uthangarai area of Krishnagiri district, was constructed in 1985 on a plot purchased in 1982. The plot of land is located in Saidapet and was purchased in 1993. She however admits in her declaration that she owns two plots, which she purchased from the TN Housing Board in 2008. But this allocation was made under the General Category. Since judges do not come under any of the quota categories, the governments way of allotting land to them differs from the rest. Judges are informed about the availability of land. And when they apply for the same, the government facilitates the allotment. K Raviraja Pandian Retired Justice, Madras High Court PLOT NO: B2/5, THIRUVANMIYUR EXTENSION DATE: 11 NOVEMBER 2009 SIZE: 3,117 SQ FT PRICE: Rs. 68.54 LAKH CURRENT MARKET PRICE: Rs. 3.2 CRORE VIOLATIONS Close relative of DMK supremo Karunanidhi and the Chairman of the School Fee Determination Committee. Little wonder then he was also the recipient of special favours while he was still a serving judge. At the time of the allotment, the judge owned a 50 percent share in an ancestral house at Thiruveezhimizhalai village. The judge had also sold a property he owned at Pazhavatthankattali village near Kumbakonam. The land was purchased in 1991, a house was constructed on it in 1992 and sold in 2009. He had also sold the landed property of his wife in 2009. V Ambika Advocate PLOT NO: A8, KADAPERY, MADHURANTHAGAM DATE: 16 FEBRUARY 2008 SIZE: 2,285 SQ FT PRICE: Rs. 4.54 LAKH CURRENT MARKET PRICE: Rs. 15 LAKH VIOLATIONS The advocate owned landed property in more than one location when she was allotted the plot one vacant house site in Karanai Puducheri village and another in Katrampakkam village, in Kancheepuram district. Her husband, Justice M Satyanarayanan of the Madras High Court, in his Disclosure of Assets, stated that he owns a repurchased MIG flat constructed in 1969 at Indra Nagar in Chennai. Ambika was allotted land under the GDQ. Bureaucratic Bonanza Jaffar Sait IGP-Intelligence FLAT NOS: 540, THIRUVANMIYUR, KAMARAJ NAGAR DATE: 23 APRIL 2008 SIZE: 4,756 SQ FT PRICE: Rs. 1.26 CRORE CURRENT MARKET PRICE: Rs. 6 CRORE VIOLATIONS Allotted under unblemished government servant category. On 6

Allotted under unblemished government servant category. On 6 June 2008, the government transferred the ownership of the plot to his daughter Jennifer Jaffar, then a student. Jennifer made two payments of Rs. 46.03 lakh and Rs.1.73 lakh towards cost of the plot. In February 2009, she paid another Rs.60 lakh. After having paid Rs.1.07 crore, the ownership of plot was transferred to her mother Parvin Jaffar. Interestingly, Parvin also made the payment all over again. In October 2009, she paid Rs. 50.64 lakh and then again in November 2009, another Rs. 25 lakh was deposited. A further payment of Rs. 51.5 lakh in the same month was made. Income tax officials feel the Sait family made the double payment to avoid an IT investigation on Jennifer, who would not have been able to show any source of income. The Tamil Nadu Housing Board then returned the original amount paid by Jennifer. Now, Parvin in collaboration with Durga Sankar, son of an IAS officer, has commissioned a builder to construct a multi-storey complex in which 12 flats have already been built. Each flat is expected to fetch an estimated 1 crore. So, by paying Rs. 1.26 crore in 2009, the IGPs family made a profit of more than Rs. 5.7 crore. G Prakash Joint Secretary, Industries PLOT NO: S6, THIRUVANMIYUR EXTENSION DATE: 6 MAY 2008 SIZE: 3,829 SQ FT PRICE: Rs. 76.58 LAKH CURRENT MARKET PRICE: Rs. 4 CRORE VIOLATIONS The former district collector of Tirunelveli issued himself a certificate for unblemished government service. CK Gariyali Retired IAS, Secretary to Governor at the time of allotment FLAT NOS: S4, THIRUVANMIYUR EXTENSION DATE: 7 MAY 2008 SIZE: 6,023 SQ FT PRICE: Rs. 1.20 CRORE. PAYMENT WAS MADE IN 33 INSTALMENTS FROM 18 JULY 2008 TO 6 MARCH 2009 CURRENT MARKET PRICE: Rs. 6.8 CRORE (APPROX) VIOLATIONS Her husband Dr S Rajakumar has a house in Chennai. Sumathi Ravichandran Former Regional Passport Officer, Chennai, and close relative of DMK minister K Anbazhagan PLOT NO: 1050 HIG, MOGAPPAIR DATE: 28 MARCH 2008 SIZE: NA PRICE: Rs. 59.15 LAKH CURRENT MARKET PRICE: Rs. 1 CRORE VIOLATIONS Her husband Dr S Ravichandran owns a plot. Following an RTI probe, the TNHB issued a show-cause notice and placed the allotment under suspension. Political Perks L Ganeshan Former MP, who left Vaiko to join DMK FLAT NOS: 1052 HIG, MOGAPPAIR DATE: 27 MARCH 2008 SIZE: NA PRICE: Rs. 79.86 LAKH CURRENT MARKET PRICE: NA VIOLATIONS Ganeshan is a trade union leader with the DMK and is close to Karunanidhi. He owns property in his as well as his wifes name. Brinda Nedunchezhiyan Wife of late Chezhiyan and daughter-in-law of Agriculture Minister Veerapandi Arumugam PLOT NO: HIG B 3/14, MOGAPPAIR DATE: 13 MARCH 2008 SIZE: NA

PRICE: Rs. 9.82 LAKH CURRENT MARKET PRICE: Rs. 45-50 LAKH VIOLATIONS Allotted flat under Social worker category. The tehsildar of Salem issued her a certificate though he is not empowered to. The certificate says she is a well-known social worker involved in social welfare activities such as president of Poolavari village panchayat, head of parent-teachers association, participating in educational programmes of many schools. S Rajalakshmi Wife of R Sakkarapani, MLA and DMK chief whip PLOT NO: 1047, MOGAPPAIR DATE: 9 MARCH 2008 SIZE: NA PRICE: Rs. 79.86 LAKH CURRENT MARKET PRICE: Rs. 3.5 CRORE VIOLATIONS She was allotted the flat under the Social Worker category. The supporting document was a letter from a Rotary Club. The letter from PNK Venkatachalapathy, president of the Rotary Club of Oddachatram, dated 31 March 2008, states that she is known to me as a social worker who is participating in social service activities of our Rotary Club at blood donation camps, free health checkup camps and other welfare activities. She has also been helping in providing several other basic amenities for the people surrounding the slum area for the past several years. I wish her every success to do more services to needy people in and around the area. D Yasodha Congress MLA, Kancheepuram Congress MLA, Kancheepuram FLAT NOS: A5, HIG, MOGAPPAIR DATE: 19 DECEMBER 2008 SIZE: NA PRICE: Rs. 59.56 LAKH CURRENT MARKET PRICE: Rs. 3 CRORE VIOLATIONS A certificate from the Chennai Municipal Councillor stating she has been an active social worker for the past 40 years actively involved in helping the poor in the area. Poochi Murugan Member of a DMK trade union PLOT NO: A 11, THIRUVANMIYUR EXTENSION DATE: 6 JUNE 2008 SIZE: 2,422 SQ FT PRICE: Rs. 58.61 LAKH CURRENT MARKET PRICE: Rs. 2.75 CRORE VIOLATIONS Though a member of a DMK trade union, he was allotted land under the Social Worker category. Has three plots in his name and one in his spouses name. He has not produced any supporting document about the social work he has done. Bharati Thennarasu Widow of Sivagangai politician Thennarasu FLAT NOS: S7, THIRUVANMIYUR EXTN DATE: 26 AUGUST 2008 SIZE: 3,879 SQ FT PRICE: Rs. 79.13 LAKH CURRENT MARKET PRICE: Rs. 3.75 CRORE VIOLATIONS She was allotted the plot under the Social Worker category. An RTI application revealed that she had not been engaged in any kind of social work that would make her eligible for this category. P Moorthy Madurai MLA FLAT NOS: E2/6, MIG, MOGAPPAIR DATE: 5 DECEMBER 2008 SIZE: NA

PRICE: Rs. 72.5 LAKH CURRENT MARKET PRICE: Rs. 4 CRORE VIOLATIONS Allotted under the Social Worker category on a certificate issued by the Lions Club. Owns several plots in his and his wifes name. N Soorya Daughter of Brinda Chezhiyan and grand-daughter of Agriculture Minister Veerapandi Arumugam FLAT NOS: B3/13, HIG, MOGAPPAIR DATE: 3 JUNE 2008 SIZE: NA PRICE: Rs. 8.99 LAKH CURRENT MARKET PRICE: Rs. 45-50 LAKH VIOLATIONS Like her mother, the 20-year-old was given a certificate of social work and domicile by the tehsildar of Salem, stating that she is a wellknown social worker who is involved in many social welfare activities, such as national social service, participating in eye camp, blood donation and giving education to poor students. The certificate was issued on 27 February 2008, the same day her mother got one. Both got adjoining flats. Kith and Kin Deepa Daughter of Devaraj M, Private Secretary to the Chief Minister FLAT NOS: 543, THIRUVANMIYUR, KAMARAJ NAGAR (PLOT ADJOINING SAITS AND SHANKARS) DATE: 23 MAY 2008 SIZE: 4,466 SQ FT PRICE: Rs. 1.08 CRORE CURRENT MARKET PRICE: NA VIOLATIONS Allotted plot under the Social Worker category but theres no evidence to back it. Constructing a three-storey building involving a cost beyond the familys known sources of income. Her husband owns another property in his name. Her plot is adjacent to the plots of IGP-Intelligence Jaffar Sait and Durga Shankar, son of the CMs secretary. Naveenkumar Son of P Muthuveeran, IAS, who was District Collector, Theni, and close to the Chief Minister FLAT NOS: 541, HIG, THIRUVANMIYUR, KAMARAJ NAGAR DATE: 27 JULY 2008 SIZE: NA PRICE: Rs. 1.06 CRORE CURRENT MARKET PRICE: NA VIOLATIONS Allotted flat under the Social Worker category. He works in a software company in Chennai and submitted a salary slip of Rs. 20,000 per month at the time of allotment. Now, he is constructing a fourstorey structure on the plot. J Naveen Ibrahim Son of SI Jaffar Ali, IPS (retd) FLAT NOS: AI HIG MOGAPPAIR DATE: 31 MARCH 2009 SIZE: NA PRICE: Rs. 64.95 LAKH CURRENT MARKET PRICE: Rs. 3.25 CRORE VIOLATIONS Allotted flat under the Social Worker category. Certificate issued relates to 1983, when he was a student. The college principal says he actively participated in many social activities conducted by us. He continues to evince interest in social service activities. Curiously, the EMI of Rs. 74,000 is almost double his monthly salary. Durga Sankar Son of Rajamanikkam, IAS, Secretary to Chief Minister FLAT NOS: 538, THIRUVANMIYUR, KAMARAJ NAGAR (PLOT ADJOINING

SAITS AND SHANKARS) DATE: 28 MARCH 2008 SIZE: 2,450 SQ FT PRICE: Rs. 1.12 CRORE CURRENT MARKET PRICE: NA VIOLATIONS He is a businessman, but allotted the plot under the Social Worker category. He also submitted an affidavit that the plot would be used for residential purposes. But he violated the conditions and developed the property for commercial purposes. The Others M Ilamukil IT Manager, DMK HQ, Chennai VIOLATIONS Allotted flat under the Social Worker category on a certificate issued by the Lions Club. The certificate states that he is participating in social service activities of Lions Club at blood donation camp, free health camps for the past several years. Ilanthendral Ilamukils sister VIOLATIONS Allotted HIG flat under the Social Worker category on the basis of a certificate issued by a panchayat, which is not valid. N Kannabiran Junior attendant at the Supreme Court VIOLATIONS Allotted flat under the Social Worker category. Kannabiran, a Delhi resident, was issued a salary certificate by the SC registrar for purchasing land in Tamil Nadu. He was allotted on the recommendation of his superior, who has close links with the DMK. C Ganeshan and C Vinothan PSOs, CMs Security VIOLATIONS Allotted flats under the unblemished government servants category. Documents reveal the Superintendent of Police, Security Branch, Chennai, issued vague conduct certificates after the duo were allotted the flats provisionally. P Meena W/O P Pandian, PSO, CMs Security VIOLATIONS Allotted flat under the Social Worker category. She produced a letter from MS Velu of the Lions Club, who liberally issued certificates for sons and daughters of bureaucrats to help them avail of prime plots allotted by the TN Housing Board out of the government discretionary quota. PHOTOS: THE HINDU, JEEMON JACOB Reactions to Land Scam 3.0 D Yashoda, Congress MLA, Kancheepuram I have done a lot of work for Dalits throughout Tamil Nadu, especially in Sriperumbudur and Chennai. I have helped them in getting pattas for their land, recommending their names for loans from banks, distributing cycles to Dalits on the birthdays of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi. Jaffar Sait, IPS, IG-Intelligence Government agencies have already probed the matter. I am being governed by the conduct rules, so I should not talk to you about the issue. It is advisable that you seek a response from the Tamil Nadu government. I would like to add that if any defamation or liability arises out of your article, necessary legal action would be taken. P Moorthy, Madurai MLA I dont know much about the certificate, I think I got the plot because Im an MLA. I have done a lot of work in uplifting the people in villages of my constituency. That amounts to social work. I dont need a social work certificate from the Lions Club but my friends,

partners and I took the certificate anyway.

GDQ is a way of making you part of the syndicate BY JEEMON JACOB A1990 batch IAS officer, C Umashanker shot to fame during the AIADMK regime when he exposed a scam in the construction of C Umashanker sheds in a cremation ground under the Jawahar Rozgar Yojana PHOTO: JEEMON when he was additional collector in Madurai. His brush with JACOB AIADMK supremo J Jayalalithaas partymen resulted in his transfer out of the district. Later, when the DMK came to power, he was appointed managing director of the state-run Electronic Corporation of Tamil Nadu and put in charge of procuring colour television sets for free distribution to the poor in the state, in keeping with an election promise of the DMK. He was transferred with immediate effect after he exposed corporate fraud committed by the joint venture promoter ELNET Technologies Ltd. Later, he was posted as managing director of the state-run Arasu Cable TV Corporation. In this capacity, he opposed the monopoly of Sumangali Corporation run by Kalanidhi Maran. He also took steps to nationalise Sumangali Cable Vision. By that time, Maran had a patch-up with the Karunanidhi family and Umashanker was transferred with immediate effect. Later, the anti-corruption and vigilance department registered a case against him for disproportionate assets. The government suspended him for claiming fake caste certificate as a Dalit when he is a practising Christian. He lodged a complaint with the National Backward Commission Plots are allotted even without any against his suspension and got a favourable order from the High Court. At present, he is managing director of Tamil Nadu formal applications. There Small Industries Corporation. is no transparency at all Umashanker was allotted a plot (under government order 2D 325) on 3 April 2008 at Thiruvanmiyur Extension when he was in charge of the free colour television for the poor programme. For this, he would have had to pay 55.12 lakh. He wrote to the chief minister that he could not afford to pay such a huge amount. Later, his allotment was cancelled without stating any reason. Umashanker revealed he had an MIG flat in his name when the plot was allotted and he was not aware about the rule of Tamil Nadu Housing Board (TNHB) that he cant claim a plot when he has another flat in his name. It certainly seems commendable that Umashanker turned down a chance to own a plot in Thiruvanmiyur Extension, one of the poshest areas of the city. The plot is just 300 metres from the beach. Though the entire colony has been parcelled out to those close to the ruling establishment, it is the nouveau riche and the industrialists who dream of owning a house in Thiruvanmiyur, where they can rub shoulders with former judges, bureaucrats and political power brokers. If and when the allottees decide to sell their plots, they can demand extremely high prices. In a frank chat, Umashanker talks about how the government discretionary quota has been misused. Excerpts: Why are bureaucrats, judges, former judges and politicians given housing plots in posh localities under government discretionary quota? Who can refuse a good piece of land in Chennai city? Its a way of rewarding people for good work done. No inquiry has been conducted in this matter so far. Discretionary quota is the prerogative of the government. After RTI came into existence, several activists are taking up the matter in court. Basically, there is no control mechanism or checks and balances. There is little transparency while awarding the GDQ the plots are allotted without formal applications. You were also allotted a plot in 2008 under the unblemished government servant category. What happened to the allotment? Yes, I was allotted a plot in Thiruvanmiyur Extension. Initial payment for the plot was Rs. 25 lakh. I never had that much money. So I requested the government to reduce the price. But there was no response. I did not want a house to compromise my integrity. So I never took possession. Later, in 2009, the government ordered a vigilance inquiry against me and cancelled the allotment. Frankly, I was not aware about the TNHB rules that bars a person having a plot, a flat or a house from

claiming another plot. Do you think the GDQ quota is a way of silencing people, buying them out? Yes, it is a way of making you a part of the syndicate. Plots or flats are given to those civil servants, judges or relatives of the bureaucrats or politicians for complying with certain requirements. There is no procedure for IAS or IPS officers to get a land or plot or flat in a transparent manner. So everybody uses short cuts.

Ministers DQ proves judges are more corrupt than civil servant

NEW DELHI/BHUBANESWAR: An investigation by Cobra post and IBN Network has revealed how former and sitting judges of Orissa, police officers and bureaucrats have received flats from the DiscretionaryQuota (DQ) of ministers. As a matter of fact, successive Urban Development Ministers in the Naveen Patnaik government have misused the discretionary housing quota. According to the revelation, the judges have got the minister quota flats out of turn and at cheaper rates. The IBN Network accessed letters of judges written to the government asking for prime property in Cuttack and Bhubaneswar. Prime properties were acquired in Cuttack at concession rates, bypassing the Cuttack Development Authority. In fact, Sectors 10, 11 and 13 of Cuttacks Abhinav Bidanasi project has practically become a judges residential colony. Former Chief Justice G B. Patnaik is a resident of flat 1B/22 in Sector 11 while former Orissa High CourtJudge Radhakrishna Patra has flat 1B/23 in the same sector, given out on lease. Supreme Court judge Deba Priya Mohapatra, Orissa High Court judges Sanju Panda, Madan Mohan Das, Nityanand Prastuti also own flats in Sector 10 and 11.Papers for the flats were prepared quickly and some judges even got preferred plots. Most of the allotments took place between 2000 and 2007, under the BJP cadre Urban and Housing Development Minister Sameer De who was State Development Minister from 2000-2004 and then Kanak Vardhan Singh Deo who called the shots from 2004 to 2007. All that the judges had to do was written to the Minister. The CNN-IBN has a letter written by Justice Madan Mohan Das to the CDA Chairman and to Minister Kanak Vardhan Singhdeo, asking for a B-Category Flat in Sector 10, saying he would ensure a third party transfer of a C-Category Flat already owned by his wife.Justice Das was allotted the flat in just six days.

When asked why the discretionary quota was used to make the allotments, Sameer Dey, former Orissa urban development minister, said, The Orissa act does not have any such rule. There is 5 per cent and 10 per cent allocation in discretionary quota. Apart from that we dont have any rule. Kanak Vardhan Singh Deo, former Orissa urban development minister, said, The rule is that only those who apply for the project can be allotted land via Discretionary Quota. So if any such person does not apply what can we do? CNN-IBN has also found that many of the judges who were allotted land through the discretionary quota already own ancestral property in Cuttack. Yet the ministers were allotted the land they asked for.

Mysore DC indicted for illegally delisting Rs 6k crore land

BANGALORE: A major land scam worth nearly Rs 6,000 crore, involving about 2,000 acres at the foothills of Chamundi Hills in Mysore, has been unearthed. Mysore deputy commissioner P S Vastrad is in the spotlight for illegally delisting in June nearly 2,000 acres of prime government land in favour of the Mysore royal family. The land in question is 1,541 acres in Kurubaralli, 259 acres in Chowdahalli and 173 acres in Alanahalli. The market value of an acre in these areas is between Rs 1 crore and Rs 3 crore. Some top state BJP leaders and influential religious leaders are said be behind the illegal conversion of the land from 'B' kharab to 'A' kharab. According to the Karnataka Land Revenue Act, 1964, 'B' kharab land is property reserved for a public purpose. Any conversion of this to 'A' kharab - making it private property -

needs government authorization. But Vastrad passed the order without bringing it to the notice of the government. "This happened when DV Sadananda Gowda as chief minister held more than 20 portfolios, including revenue. Lack of monitoring in the revenue department enabled the deputy commissioner to change the format," government sources said. Following complaints against the change in land use, deputy chief minister in charge of revenue K S Eshwarappa ordered a probe by chief secretary S V Ranganath, who has given a report indicting Vastrad of being "guilty of misconduct". The land was mentioned as kharab in survey records dating back to 1861. Later, during a resurvey between 1920 and 1930, the same land was shown as 'B' kharab. "It appears the DC executed the order in undue haste. Any decision with respect to such land can only be taken by the government under Section of 86 of the Karnataka Land Revenue Act. The delisting of land from 'B' kharab to 'A' kharab without considering the original survey records of 1861 is illegal," the chief secretary said in his report. Sources in the government said the Mysore royal family had been claiming right over the land after the death of the Mysore Maharaja in 1974, but several orders of the department of personal and administrative reforms clearly state the land belongs to the government. "The heir of the last Maharaja had been raising disputes. Due to this and multiple litigation, unscrupulous elements are trying to falsify records to gain control over this precious land," they added. Interestingly, the DC withdrew his June order on August 18 on being indicted. Meanwhile, the Karnataka High Court ordered the status quo. Chief minister Jagadish Shettar, who wanted to suspend Vastrad, is said to have dropped the idea following pressure from top BJP leaders. The government feels that shunting him out at a time when Dasara preparations are under way would mar the festivities. "I will urge the CM to convene a meeting and take action against the DC," Eshwarappa told TOI.

DC Vastrad yielded to real estate lobby: MLC

Mysore: BJP MLC G Madhusudan on Friday accused Mysore DC P S Vastrad of succumbing to the real estate lobby in a case related to some 2,000-acre land at the foothills of Chamundi Hills. He has complained to CM Jagadish Shettar in this regard. The BJP leader has also asked for a stay on the proceedings following the order by Vastrad. In his complaint to Shettar, the MLC said: "The land at the foothills is quite precious and costs several thousand crores as per the present market... You are requested to go through the documents and take up investigation into the matter." In the strongly-worded letter, he has told the CM that "people are alleging that the DC has succumbed to the real estate lobby." Releasing the copies of his petition, and that of related documents to the media on Friday, Madhusudan asked the CM to intervene. According to him, the court of the deputy commissioner has declared it as B-kharab land and has directed the authorities concerned to issue khathas in the name of Srikantadatta Narasimharaaja Wadiyar, the scion of Mysore royal family and other respondents. In 1935 -- when Maharaja was ruling the state -- the said land was declared as B-kharab, which remained the same all these years. In fact, Maharajas Nalwadi Krishnaraja Wadiyar and Jayachamaraja Wadiyar wanted that to be maintained as a green belt to guard the sanctity of the sacred site. "To ensure this, maharaja Jayachamaraja Wadiyar did not make any attempt to register the property in his name till his death," he contended, adding that he didn't even go in for partition of the land in Kurburhalli. Claiming that it is a public property, the MLC accused the DC of taking arbitrary decisions. "First of all, he can't review any decisions made in the district magistrate court. Secondly, he has to call public objections or have to seek opinion of public prosecutor before conversion of land from B-kharab (unusable land) to A-kharab, which he has not done." "There real estate lobby is behind it to usurp the property which needs to be probed," the BJP leader said. He, however, was evasive when asked to name those involved. When asked whether district minister S A Ramdas is aware of it, he accused him of being negligent on the issue. Meanwhile, deputy CM K S Eshwarappa, who also holds the revenue portfolio, said that he has convened a high-level meeting, and directed both the DC and the MLC to attend the same.

BMIC by NICE & land scams in Karnataka an appeal to honourable supreme court of India & H.E.Honourable Governor Of Karnataka

When a crime is noticed , it is the duty of the government to investigate who did it ? and to legally prosecute them in court & provide justice . if thousands of criminals , lakhs of criminals got together & did the same type of crimes , all of them must be legally prosecuted. Just for the overwhelming numbers of criminals law of the land cann't be changed. However in the Karnataka state , many political bigwigs , rich crooks have done the same crime , LAND GRABBING illegal possession of government land & illegal constructions over it. Important land records of those government lands , lands belonging to poor are lost in record rooms of civic bodies ( cunningly destroyed by corrupt officials ) Now, their political masters are legalizing the crimes . what a shame to the government of Karnataka ?

The shri.A.T. RAMA SWAMY , (M.L.A) standing committee in the Previous legislative assembly probed the land grabbings in Karnataka & gave it's report to the government . However the government in a hurry , is auctioning off those government lands without proper publicity to the auction process , sufficient time for bidder's expression of interest. In some cases , a pittance is levied as penalty for the illegal occupation to get it legalized. The government is not bothered about legally prosecuting the illegal occupier of those lands. In many civic bodies , important property documents belonging to the government & poor are missing from the record rooms. All these point towards the government intention , to legalise the crimes of illegal land occupiers who are nothing but their own political cronies.

The recent ordinance by government of Karnataka to regularize land deals is envisaging to legalize the crimes of rich. The illegal land conversions , land encroachments , encroachment of civic amenities made by the rich are being legalized with levying a pittance as penalty in the name of public welfare . Whereas the land worth at today's market prices are 10's of thousands of crore it is only wefare of the rich & mighty . IT IS GOING TO BE MOTHER OF ALL SCAMS. The authorities evict poor tribal people from their ancestral forest area in the name of conservation , evict tribal people from villages in the name of development without proper rehabilitation measures. The government is not giving land rights to slum dwellers , poor , dalits over the land they are dwelling , the government is deaf to appeals of dalits for land rights. However the same government is sympathetic to rich who have encroached land & built huge commercial complexes worth crores violating all norms with total disregard to civic amenity or safety.

Questions Bangalore DC , BBMP Commissioner , BDA Commissioner & KIADB Chairman are not answering & HIDING TRUTH , COVERING-UP CRIMES, , , Questions Mysore DC , MCC Commissioner & MUDA Commissioner are not answering & HIDING TRUTH , COVERING-UP CRIMES , , ,

Hereby , e-voice urges the concerned authorities , to answer the following questionnaire about BMIC project by NICE Artname=20100214a_009101001&ileft=50&itop=56&zoomRatio=130&AN=20100214a_009101001

Hereby ,e-voice appeals to honourable supreme court of India , to annul the bid process of government of Karnataka with respect to illegally occupied government lands & to annul this ordinance of government of Karnataka which seeks to legalize land crimes. Jai hind . vande mataram.

Your's sincerely, Nagaraj.M.R.

THE CLOUT OF LAND MAFIA IN INDIA -the governments daring to by-pass judiciary An appeal ( PIL ) to the honourable supreme court of India

The recent attempts by government of India & other state governments to legalise land grabbings by enacting new land laws in the name of public welfare is farce . while crores of people are without shelter & are living on streets , people in slums , tribal lands are struggling for land rights since decades the governments were mum & deaf. Now , as the rulers themselves & their cronies have built illegal constructions running into crores they are shedding crocodile tears in the name of public welfare. In india, various state governments have enacted " town municipal / city corporation laws & building laws" , to ensure orderly growth of cities & towns , to ensure the safety of buildings & it's occupants , to ensure the safety of pedestrians & road users.

Numerous educated people , ruling elite ministers , police , government officials , M.Ps , M.L.As , etc knowing fully well about the laws have illegally built bungalows , commercial complexes , throwing to wind all laws. In their greed they have shown utter contempt towards law. They have encroached dried up lakes , rivulets , rain flow paths , drainages , foot paths , civic amenity sites. In their building there are violations of- lack of fire safety exits , lack of parking space , encroachment of foot paths , conservancy line , drainages , etc.

There is wide spread corruption in the corporation / municipal authorities. For a price officials have converted CA sites to commercial purposes , authorised deviations / encroachments of public lands like foot paths , drainages , parking space , set-off , etc. The corporation officials themselves are violating city master plans. Even before authorising the conversions & encroachments of lands , the corporation officials are not making alternate arrangements. By all these corrupt deeds many of the corporation officilas have become millionaires . however more & more road accidents are taking place , building collapses & fire tragedies are occurring , during heavy rainfalls water is getting clogged ALL THESE RESULTING IN LOSS OF HUMAN LIVE & PROPERTIES. In recent days numerous murders have taken place over the real estate issues . THE CRIMINAL LAND GRABBERS MADE DEATH THREATS & FORCED THE PIL APPLICANT IN THE KARNATAKA HIGH COURT ABOUT LAND GRABBINGS IN KORAMANGALA LAYOUT BANGALORE. The government of karnataka instead of protecting the PIL applicant & upholding the law has taken sides with the land grabbers.

The state governments of karnataka & delhi has got M.L.As & officials who have themselves violated building laws & grabbed govt lands. Now , the two govts are contemplating to bring in laws regularising these land grabbing crimes for a pittance as penalty. All to by-pass judiciary. The governments are least bothered about the lives of poor & only too caring towards the land grabbing criminals. The same governments have not yet given land rights to poor slum dwellers / dalits , land rights to tribals living in forest since centuries , land rights to poor agricultural labourers, where as it is full of concern towards rich & mighty land grabbers criminals. Bottom line whatever be the magnitude of crime if you are rich & mighty law will be bended to suit you , by bad luck if you are a poor folk you are bound to suffer being on the right side of law also. Hereby , e-voice urges requests the honourable supreme court of india , to register this as a PIL , to provide protection to the PIL applicant in bangalore & to take appropriate actions against the GOK & GOD nipping at bud their illegal motives to regularise land grabbings.


During the auction of above sick industry the land usage was for industrial purpose only. so, people with other commercial objectives were not allowed to participate in the auction. Thereby, the final auctioned amount was very much less than the market value. This has a direct bearing on employees of that industry , lending banks , govt dept , etc who have all put forward their claims for dues from that industry. noW, all of them are getting very much less than what is due from the closed company. A loss of crores of rupees to banks , government , employees has been made by the cunningness of civic bodies. Now in a backdoor move the M.U.D.A , K.I.A.D.B , M.C.C are moving to give land usage conversion to the new occupier, who is building posh villas & resorts here. Is it right & justified ? should not they conduct auction once again or charge market value to the new owner.


The land mafia which has links with political leadership & top govt servants in the state, is running business widely in & around bangalore,mysore & other major towns. The authorities like city corporation , B.D.A, M.U.D.A , K.I.A.D.B , etc are denotifying the lands meant for public welfare in favour of land mafia. The authorities have earmarked these lands for public welfare ie parks , schools , hospitals at the planning stage itself for current & future needs of the people. In most cases the land mafia has illegally occupied the lands , built commercial complexes & sold it for crores of rupees.

1. the authorities are not demolishing these illegal structures & prosecuting the occupiers.

2. In some cases the authorities are denotifying , regularizing those illegal occupations by levying a pittance as penalty which is very much less than the market value.

3. In some cases for example a notified site for school is alloted to an educational trust. They build 2 rooms in 25% of the site & state that this is free school meant for weaker sections. After a year or two , they state before the authority that to run this school they need funds. So they are planning to build commercial complexes around the school site & by the rent collected from shops they will run the school. In this manner sites meant for schools , hospitals , temples & other social organisations apply for conversion of land usage & use major portion of the land for commercial purposes.

Hereby , e-voice urges the govt of karnataka & other authorities ,

1. to clearly demarcate the govt lands & announce it boldly to the public.

2. To clearly demarcate lands meant for public amenities both for current & future usage.

3. To clearly demarcate lands required for town planning say 20 years down the line.

4. To clearly mention in such plans the purpose it is reserved for ie parks , hospitals , schools , etc.

5. To impartially act against illegal occupiers rich or poor.

6. Say while denotifying a land meant for school an alternate land for school must be incorporated in the original plan.

7. Before denotification public objections must be called for & considered responsibly.

8. After denotification the land must be sold at the market rate not the govt rate.

9. In case of land usage conversion also the objections from the public must be called for & considered responsibly.

10. After land usage conversion an alternate land must be incorporated in the plan for the original use.

11. In case of land usage conversion also the occupier must be charged at the market value.

12. To declare annually the property details of all officials with denotifying / land usage conversion authorities together with details of their family member's properties with provision for public scrutiny, cross checking.

13. To ruthlessly prosecute the corrupt officials & ministers.

14. To make public the report of past district magistrate mysore mr. T.M. VIJAYA BHASKAR about illegal land dealings in & around mysore. Also the action taken report.


Different political parties are trading charges against each other about illegalities in the mysore-bangalore expressway project. Grave mistakes have been committed by the previous state governments. The saving grace is judiciary has taken note of it. The fundamental principle behind land acquisitions by the governments is to use that acquired lands for public welfare. As the govt acquires the land with this noble intentions even the land looser contents himself with compensation at govt rate. Always the govt rate is much below market value. If at all the govt wants to give out that acquired land to a private party for private use or for the use of a selected few, the govt must give prevailing market rate to the land looser. In such cases the govt does not have authority to force the land owner to sell his property.

In this mysore-bangalore 4 lane expressway project, following inconsistencies are there,

1. this road is not for free public use, but only for those who pays the toll fees.

2. The luxurious resorts , townships , etc which are to be built alongside this road are not open for free public usage but only for the rich who can afford it.

3. The govt has concluded this deal in a hush-hush manner.

4. Any disputes raised by this project should be addressed to international arbiter at london which a poor land owner or general public can ill-afford.

5. The govt has not paid the prevailing market value to the land loosers.

6. The govt has not given the option to land owners not to sell their property.

7. This whole project is for rich , built by the rich for the rich & not meant for public welfare.

The govt must give back the lands to the owners who wants it back & must pay the market value to those willing to sell. As this project is built by wealthy people for wealthy people why cann't they cough- up market value?


The B.D.A flouts it's own rules & spreads red carpet for big land developers & land grabbers. B.D.A posting is a huge money spinner for corrupt officials. The corrupt B.D.A officials work hand in glove with criminal elements & rowdies. They illegally evict genuine allottees who are poor & without any connections from allotted prime lands & sell-off those prime land to the highest bidder of bribe. The poor fellow is re-alloted lands in backward areas & in some cases left in the lurch.

Now , take the following case. Mr. S.D. chandrashekaraiah a poor old man aged around 80 years was allotted with house no.185, kumaraswamy lay-out, first block, bangalore in 1978 vide letter no. 310/267/BDA/ADM/KMRSL(H)/78-79 dt 11/08/1978.

The chairman of B.D.A has allotted the built house on lease cum sale basis. The poor old man mr. S.D.chandrashekaraiah complied with all the rules & in accordance with it even deposited 25% of the house cost in B.D.A'S account. However when he went over to his allotted house for residing in it, he found out some rowdy elements were already residing there. He complained about this matter to the legal owner of the house ie B.D.A . the B.D.A officials didn't take steps to evict the illegal encroachers nor did they make any complaint to the police. His appeals to B.D.A, chief minister of karnataka , etc fell on deaf ears. Hurt by this gross injustice & mounting financial burdens the poor old man died.

Subsequently, the poor man's daughter smt. Nagalakshmi who was also very poor , appealed to the B.D.A authorities once again , to evict illegal encroachers from her father's allotted house. This time the corrupt B.D.A officials played a different game. They showed her a vacant house, gave her oral instructions to live in that vacant house & told her that they will regularise it in due course. The hapless poor woman took huge loans & repaired the house fit for occupation. Just before she was to occupy that house , corrupt B.D.A officials once again planted rowdy elements in that house. Once again the poor woman was cheated. She lost her house, on top of it her loan burden mounted.

Till date, that poor woman is suffering from these gross injustices of B.D.A . SHAMELESS B.D.A OFFICIALS who take thousands of rupees salary & perks every

month, all at the expense of tax-payer has not even cared to rectify the injustice. Thereby, they are violating the poor woman's fundamental & human rights.

Hereby, e-voice urges the honourable chief minister of karnataka, honourable lokayuktha for karnataka , honourable chairman national human rights commission , honourable chairman national commission for women & honourable chairman state commission for women karnataka, to take the appropriate action & to speedily provide justice to this poor woman.

FIRST APPEAL UNDER SEC 19 (1) OF RTI ACT 2005 OF GOVERNMENT OF INDIA & GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA APPLICATION FOR INFORMATION AS PER RTI ACT 2005 ( SEE RULE 22 OF RTI ACT 2005 ) CPIO , DG& IGP , BANGALORE dated 13.09.2012 CPIO , CMO , BANGALORE 07.09.2012 Reference No : 1053/RTI/SP(PRO)/2012/RPAD Reference No : CM/622/RTI/2012 dated Reference No : GS 165 RTI 2012 dated


CPIO , UNION HOME MINISTRY , GOI , NEW DELHI Reference No : Dy.No.121805/DS/CS/2012-CSR.III dated 12.09.2012 CPIO , RAJYASABHA , NEW DELHI 17.09.2012 Reference No.RS/2(458)/2012-RTI dated


Hereby , we do request PIO O/O Honourable Chief Justice of India , PIO , O/O H.E.Honorable President of India , PIO O/O Honorable Speaker of Lok Sabha , PIO O/O Dy Chairman of Rajya Sabha , PIOs of Karnataka Raj Bhawan , Karnataka CMO , Union Home Ministry GOI and DG & IG of Police of Government of Karnataka to answer the following questions in public interest , for safeguarding national security , National unity & integrity & to legally apprehend antinationals , criminals within the judiciary & police. Main A : You have not taken appropriate action to my previous RTI requests , Numerous appeals for justice & police complaints. You have not replied to show-cause notice also. Your inaction has helped the criminals in manipulating & destroying evidences. Your inaction / delay in performing your duties not only amounts to denial of information , but amounts to violation of our fundamental & human rights , cover-up of crimes , aiding & abetting criminals . The criminal nexus tried to silence me in many ways. Is not these acts of yours a crime in itself ? If your acts of crime cover-ups , information / evidence cover-ups , aiding & abetting criminals , silencing a crusader is just & legal. The same type of acts of crimes performed by other citizens will also be legal ? Main B : At the outset , we express our whole hearted respects to all constitutional institutions & to the honest few in public service. Contempt of constitutional institutions , citizens of India is being made by the corrupt persons in constitutional positions themselves. This is an appeal to the honest few in public service , constitutional positions , to bring their corrupt colleagues to book. 1. does the action of MPs , MLAs taking money / receiving favors from vested interests , to formulate policy decisions , to raise questions in parliament / legislative bodies or to abstain from voting legal ? 2. why transparent , fair investigation is not done in such cases ? 3. just remember , the vulgar acts of Mr.Bora Babu Singh in state legislature & how some MLAs vulgarly behaved with Ms.Jayalalita in state legislature , years ago. Are these type of vulgar actions by MPs & MLAs legal ? does not these constitute contempt of the house by MPs & MLAs themselves ? 4. all the peoples representatives from panchayath member to president of India must read ABCD Of Democracy provide along with.since independence of India till date , MPs & MLAs are forcing projects on people against the wishes of people , formulating policies against the wishes of people. Are not such projects , government policies & Laws , undemocratic & illegal ? 5. is the election commission of India verifying the authenticity of affidavits submitted by electoral candidates ? 6. how many candidates have been caught so far for giving false affidavits ? are all the violators prosecuted? 7. are the MPs , MLAs submitting their wealth details on affidavits yearly to vigilance authorities ? defaulters , violators how many ? 8. what legal action taken against violators , defaulters , for giving false affidavits ? 9. who is checking the authenticity of those affidavits submitted by MPs , MLAs ? 10. the agricultural incomes of some MPs , MLAs , their kih & kin raises even during the time of severe drought , floods , fall in prices of agricultural products , their companies register increase in turnover / profits even during recession , the trusts / NGOs set up by them receive huge donations. Are all these income legal ? Main C : 1. we do once again offer our conditional services to the government of india , all state governments & supreme court of india , in apprehending tax evaders , land grabbers , corrupt police , corrupt judges , corrupt public servants , labor law violators , etc. whom the the government officials , vigilance authorities have failed to apprehend. Why the authorities , courts , supreme court of India , are not ready to utilize our service ? are they afraid of being caught ? 2. the public servants , courts theselves are delaying giving information / records to us in many cases. So in the issues / cases raised by us , the clause of time bar doe not apply. Are these delaying tactics of public servants , courts legal ? 3. why no proper , timely action was not taken based on numerous police complaints made by us ? 4. why DG & IGP , Government of Karnataka , has not made any efforts to seek legal sanction for prosecution of VVIPs ( mentioned in our complaint ) , from union & state home ministries ? 5. the criminal nexus is trying to silence me in many ways , but the supreme court of India & national human rights commission has failed to undo the injustices , why ? is it because it is not a high profile case ? is it because it is

the injustices , why ? is it because it is not a high profile case ? is it because it is not hi-fi , does not get image ratings , TRPs ? 6. the public servants are aiding underworld , naxalites & terrorists , by their delaying tactics & denial of information , records. What action has been taken against such anti-national elements in public service ? 7. how many complaints are made by Nagaraj .M.R. , Human Rights Activist , Mysore (editor of SOS e-clarion of dalit & SOS e-voice for justice) to Karnataka police , to national human rights commission to supreme court of India till date ? what action taken with respect to each complaint ? 8. the delay in taking action by public servants with respect to following cases has resulted in more crimes , destruction / manipulation of evidences , records and more injustices to commonman. Why the authorities did not take timely action against criminals in following cases ? SOS Appeal to SUPREME COURT of INDIA DEALS IN COURTS & POLICE STATIONS READ : , , ACCUSED Chief Justice of India , CROSS EXAM OF HONOURABLE CHIEF JUSTICE OF INDIA , SUPREME COURT OF INDIA , , , , , CROSS EXAM OF UNION HOME SECRETARY , GOI , NEW DELHI , , , , , CROSS EXAM OF DG&IG OF POLICE , GOK , BANGALORE , , , , , CROSS EXAM OF GOVERNOR , RESERVE BANK OF INDIA , , CROSS EXAM OF MUDA COMMISSIONER , MUDA , MYSORE , , , CROSS EXAM OF BDA COMMISSIONER , BDA , BANGALORE , , CORPORATE CRIMES RPG CABLES LIMITED , , MEGA FRAUD BY GOVERNMENT OF INDIA , , are you ready to catch tax thieves ? , , MOBILE PHONES , CURRENCY SCANDALS , , reliance industry where is accountability ? , , crimes at infosys campus , , crimes by B.D.A against a poor woman , , crimes of land mafia in India , , currency thefts in RBI Press , , killer colas & killer medicines of India , , HONOR OF INDIAN PALIAMENT FOR SALE Persecuted IROM SHARMILA of Puttaparthi AP pushpa kolasani on hunger strike in anantapur district jail Andhra Pradesh

9. how many judges are caught by authorities for doing improper , immoral & illegal acts , since independence till date ? what action taken in each case ? 10. what action taken against copy cat judges caught red handed while copying in public examination in Andhra Pradesh ? 11. have you reviewed all the previous judicial decisions taken by such judges of doubtful integrity & honesty ? 12. is it not the duty of government & supreme court of India , to protect the fundamental rights & human rights of all Indian citizens ? 13. why the government & supreme court of India has failed to protect the fundamental rights & human rights of me & those mentioned in my complaint ? 14. how many former CJIs , supreme court & high court judges have disproportionate wealth ? 15. Your denial of information to my previous RTI requests amounts to suppression of evidence , hiding crimes , what action against erring public servants ? 16. why my previous RTI requests or part there of was not transferred to appropriate authorities and information given to me in a consolidated form ? Main D : Q1. Why not death sentence to corrupt police who murder people in in lock-up / fake encounters ? Q2. Why not death sentence to corrupt police who apply 3 rd degree torture on prisoners ? Q3. Why not death sentence to corrupt police , who connive with criminals & backstabs our motherland , its national security ? Q4. Dont the police have suo-motto powers to take action in the interest of public welfare , law & order ? Q5. Daily we see numerous reports of misdeeds by police , public servants , industrialists , etc in the media . Then why not police taking any action with respect to them ? Q6. nowadays we see numerous reports of scams , scandals by constitutional functionaries , public servants in the media. Instead of wasting money , killing time by prolonging formation of parliamentary committees , judicial commissions , why not subject those accussed public servants to narco analysis , lie deector test , etc to ascertain truth & provide timely justice ? Q7. If a commonman files a complaint , police / courts wants evidences , witnesses to take action against the rich & mighty crooks. Where as if a rich person just gives a complaint against a poor chap , he is arrested , tortured eventhough there are no evidences , witnesses. Why this double standard ? Q8. If a poor chap tries to collect evidences as per his fundamental rights or as per RTI ACT , the public servants dont give full , truthfull information. Still , police / courts dont take action against those public servants hiding crimes. Why ? Q9.why I was not permitted to appear as an amicus curie before jain commission of enquiry or supreme court of india probing late prime minister rajiv Gandhi assassination case ? Q10. The criminal nexus tried to silence me , by closing my news paper , by snatching away my job oppurtunities in government service, by physically assaulting me , by threatening me of false fix-ups in cases & by attempts to murder me. But no action against culprits , why ? Q11. Whereas , I was enquired number of times by police & intelligence personnel about this case , but the culprits were not enquired even once , why ? Q12.who compensates the losses I have suffered due to these injustices ? are not police responsible for it ? Q13. Is it not the duty of police to protect the lives , livelihood of witnesses & all parties involved , both during case & afterwards ? Q14. How do you monitor & check corrupt police personnel & increase in their familys wealth year after year ? Q15. While getting appointed into government service from the rank of peon to IAS officer , police verification is mandatory. While appointing to sensitive defense establishments , research institutes in addition to police verification , central intelligence agencies cross-check candidates background. However is there no background checks of constitutional functionaries , MPs , MLAs , , who are privy to national secrets ? why ? Q16. Recently , the opposition parties have made allegations during presidential allegations that close relative of one of the front running candidates have swindled public money by their bank , misused public money through one of their NGO. Is it true ? Q17.has GOI funded any terrorist outfits in india or abroad ? Q18.india preaches non-violence , panchasheel principles to the world. In india , more than half the population are poor , people are starving to death. Inspite these background , GOI funded & aided terrorist outfits in former east Pakistan ensuring the creation of Bangladesh , GOI has funded & aided terrorist outfits like LTTE , TULF , ETC in srilanka , MQM in Pakistan. In turn these terrorist outfits have murdered thousands of innocents in those countries. Are these acts of GOI just & legal ? Is not GOI responsible for all those murders of innocents ? has GOI paid any compensation to those victims or their family mebers ? why not ? Q19.within india , to reduce the influence of certain terrorist groups , GOI has funded & aided couter terrorist groups , is it right & legal ? Q20. In Jharkhand , chattisgarh , etc , the government has armed , trained & funded salwa judum to counter naxalites. Salwa judum cadres are terrorizing innocents just like naxalites. Is this action of government just & legal ?

innocents just like naxalites. Is this action of government just & legal ? india, TADA , POTA is being rampantly misused by police. Even where there are no problems of terrorism , TADA / POTA is being slapped against innocents , even children. In M.M.Hills of Karnataka state , STF personnel charged tribal people with TADA on frivolous charges of taking lunch to veerappan , stiching dress for the forest brigand, etc. where as the prominent political, film , sports personalities who have links with underworld , anti national elements & attended parties hosted by dawood Ibrahim , other dons in gulf countries , else where. But these hi-fi people are not charged with TADA / POTA ? why ? Q22. Film actor sanjay dutt had contacts with underworld & fully knowing well the criminal objectives of criminals , hid the dangerous arms & ammunition in his home , which were intended for terrorizing public. However mr.dutt is not charged with TADA / POTA instead he is charged with illegal possession of arms act ( which is normally applied to farmers who use illegal home made guns to scare away animals , birds in their farms ). Why this favourable treatment of mr.dutt by police ? prosecution ? is this because dutt is politically mighty & rich ? Q23. Law is one & same for all , the public servants, police interpretes , enforces it differentially between rich & poor ? why this differentiation ? Q24.recently in Bangalore police nabbed criminals belonging to international criminal syndicate selling duplicate nokia mobiles. Every nokia mobile comes with 15 digit IMEI number , this number is also used by police for tracking criminals. In consumer dispute at consumer disputes redressal forum Mysore CD 49/05 , nokia company stated that all its products come with IMEI number only & stated that the product in dispute sold by tata indicom dealer M/S INTOTO COMMUNICATIONS , Mysore are not theirs as it doesnt have IMEI numbers. Further nokia stated they dont have any business relationship with either tata indicom or its dealer. However the tata indicom dealer stated that indeed his products are genuine , first hand products , but doesnt have IMEI numbers . this proves the dealer in collusion with tata company is selling illegal nokia mobile hand sets & cheating the public. These mobiles are evading taxes , as well as these are without IMEI numbers best buy for criminal elements who want to evade police tracking. What police are doing Q25. Who , of which rank among police personnel takes the decision to close a case ie to file B report , when after certain time limit no leads are found in investigation ? Q26. How do you monitor corrupt police personnel , who purposefully fail to investigate case properly , so that either the case can be closed with B report or the prosecution fails to prove the case in court ? Q27. Who among police takes the decision to appeal against the verdict of a lower court , when the prosecution fails ? Q28. Who took the decision , not to appeal against the argentina court order acquitting mr.quatrochi accussed in bofors scandal ? Q29. Do you treat all the prison convicts same in the prison or does the notorious big time rich criminals get spacious barracks with tv, news paper , adequate food , medical care , etc while small time criminals , poor are crammed into pig sty like rooms with 60-70 inmates without any basic requirements ? Q30. What is the status of my complaint made to the DG & IG of police , government of Karnataka on 10/12/2004 ? the copies of complaint was released at press meet at patrakartara bhavan Mysore on same day, even copies were given to police & intelligence personnel ? Q31. Why no action , reply regarding the complaint till date ? Q32. Our constitutional frame workers gave legal immunity privileges to certain constitutional functionaries , so that they are not burdened with frivolous court cases & can concentrate on their constitutional duties. But these privileges doesnt cover the individual actions of those public servants like rape , murder , dowry harassment , tax evasion , misuse of office , etc. but still law enforcement / police department is bound to send request to home ministry seeking permission & home ministry sits over files for months. This gives the accussed ample time to destroy evidences. Is it right & legal ? Q33. Does legal immunity privileges cover their official actions alone ? if not what does it cover ? Q34. What is the time limit for home ministry to give sanction for the prosecution of tainted constitutional functionaries ? Q35. How many present MPs , MLAs , MUNICIAPAL CORPORATORS , other peoples representatives are facing criminal charges ? Q36. In the past , how many MPs , MLAs , corporators were facing criminal charges , yearwise since 1987 ? how many of them were eventually convicted ? Q37. How many MPs , MLAs , prominent film , sports personalities have have contacts with underworld , foreign intelligence agencies ? Q38. How many of them have attended frequent parties hosted by underworld dons in gulf countries , else where ? Q39. How many MP , MLA , other peoples representatives are wanted by police in various cases . but shown in the police records as absconding but in reality are attending the proceedings of the house as usual ? Q40. When did smt. Sonia Gandhi became a citizen of india ? did she occupy any public office before naturalization ? Q41. In india , how many MPs , MLAs , MLCs are of foreign origin or have a spouse of foreign origin ? Q42. Does smt. Sonia Gandhi have citizenship of any other country ? Q43. Did she occupy any public office while enjoying dual citizenship ? Q44. How do you monitor public servants who have spouses of foreign origin & while they are on foreign tour , from national security perspective ? Q45. Is mr. M.S SUBBA member of parliament a citizen of india ? Q46. What is the status of complaint made by former union minister mr.subramanya swamy alleging that late P.M rajiv gandhis family received money from foreign intelligence agencies ? Q47. In many cases like mass riots involving certain political parties , when that culprit party comes to power all the cases involving its partymen are withdrawn by the government orelse prosecution fails to prove its case & prefers not to appeal. Just remember Bombay riot case involving shiv sainiks & others , when shiv sena BJP came to power in Maharashtra , all the cases against its partymen were withdrawn. Are these type of decisions by government just & legal ? Q48.what damages has been done to indias national security due to mole in the PMO, as alleged by former union minister mr.natwar singh ? Q49. What action by the government ? Q50. How many Indians are in the custody of police / military in various foreign countries ? Q51. How many foreigners are there in Indian prisons ? Q52. How GOI is protecting the human rights of these prisoners ? Q53. Is the government paying any compensation to victims of police failures , fix-ups , , who suffer in jail for years & acquitted by courts upon finding them as not guilty ? Q54. Do you register murder charges / attempt to murder charges against guilty

Q54. Do you register murder charges / attempt to murder charges against guilty police officers who are responsible for lock-up deaths , fake encounters & 3 rd degree torture ? Q55. How many cases has been filed since 1987 till date ? Q56. What action has been taken against guilty police officers , STF personnel who were responsible for gross human rights violations , 3 rddegree torture , lock-up deaths of innocents in forest brigand veerappans territory , based on justice A.J.Sadashiva commission findings ? if not why ? Q57. I , as a citizen of india as my fundamental duty hereby do offer my conditional services to GOI & GOK to apprehend corrupt public servants. Are you ready to utilize my services ? Q58. Police personnel are always in the forefront of containing crimes , mass fury , riots , etc. they suffer more & even their family members suffer threats from the criminal elements. Do the government provide insurance coverage to police & their family members on the lines of defense forces ? Q59. What is the amount of coverage to a police constable & his family ? Q60. Who makes the premium contributions ? Q61. Do the government provide overtime allowance , food allowance to police who daily work beyond 8 hours of duty ? Q62. Is the government giving any training to police personnel in public interaction , human rights ? Q63. Is it right to post professionally trained police to sentry , orderly duties of ministers ? Q64. What is the ratio of police personnel to total population in india since 1987 ? Q65. IS THE GOVERNMENT GIVING ADEQUATE FOOD, MEDICAL CARE , CLOTHING , LIVING SPACE TO PRISON INMATES , AS REQUIRED BY A NORMAL HUMAN EING ACCORDING TO W.H.O NORMS ? Q66. Is the forensic science department which conducts narcfo-analysis , liedetector test , etc under the control of police department ? Q67. Is it not right to put it under impartial control of NHRC or like bodies ? Q68. Is the action of some police officers arranging compromise meetings & subtly insisting the poor to tow the line of rich or else face the consequences , is it right & legal ? this happens mostly in real estate matters. Q69. Did government make any ransom payments to forest brigand veerappan during his various kidnappings ? Q70. What action has been taken based on revealations by karim telgi during narco analysis about public servants involvement ? Q71. How many cases of allegations against judges were made in the media about misuse of office , criminal acts by judges from munsiff court to supreme court of India ? since 1947 till date Q72. are the enquiry report findings, action taken reports of such cases accessible to public ? if not why ? Q73. what action has been taken against guilty judges ? Q74. are the guilty judges legally prosecuted in all such cases ? or has it just ended with their resignation from services or his superior judge not allotting him any judicial work ? Q75. why some high ranking judges are not legally prosecuted for their wrong doings ? Q76. are judges above law ? are not everybody equal before law ? Q77. do the judiciary subject , all the cases handled by accussed / tainted , guilty judges to review , to undo past unjust judgements ? Q78. how ? if not why ? Q79. how do the judiciary monitor the net wealth growth of some judges including the wealth in the name of judges family members ? Q80. do all the judges file their annual income , wealth statements on sworn affidavits to the higher judiciary ? defaulters how many ? Q81. how does the judiciary verifies those statements ? Q82. is such statements made public , on web ? Q83. when the judgement of a lower court is turned down by the higher court , what action is initiated against lower court judge for making unjust judgement & meating out injustice ? Q84. when allegations of corruption , misuse of office , etc against judges are made , why the accussed judges are not subjected to tests like poly graph , lie detector , brain mapping , etc , in the interest of justice & truth ? Q85. judges are not employees of government , so they are ineligible to be the members of Karnataka state government judicial department house building cooperative society. Then how come , many judges including supreme court judges are admitted as members of this society & allotted prime residential site worth crores of rupees for a few thousands by the said society at said societys judicial layout , yelahanka , Bangalore ? while the ordinary members like peons , clerks in judicial department are waiting for a site since years , is not the whole thing grossly illegal ? Q86. in more than 70% of cases before all courts in India , central government or state government or government agency is one of the parties. How many judges or their family members , have received out of turn , favourable allotments of sites , gas agency , petrol pumps , etc by the government ? is not such allotments illegal ? what action ? Q87. when a person under police custody or judicial custody suffer 3 rd degree torture by police , is not the judge of the respective court which is handling that tortured persons case responsible for it ? Q88. has the higher judiciary legally prosecuted respective judges & the police officers for committing 3 rd degree torture , on charges of attempt to murder & murder ? if not why ? Q89. registrar , Mysore district & sessions court , has called for the candidatures to various vacancies in that court from the public vide notification no : ADMN/A/10825/2003 dated 19/11/2003. Please furnish me the merit ranking list of selected candidates along with my merit ranking for the post of peon. Q90. registrar , Bangalore city civil court , has called for the candidatures to various vacancies in that court from the public vide notification no : ADMI(A)422/03 dated 19/05/2003. Please furnish me merit ranking list of selected candidates for the post of peon. Q91. when a person doesnt get adequate food , medical care while under police custody or judicial custody , is not the respective judge dealing that persons case responsible for it ? what action ? Q92. how judiciary is monitoring food & medical care to prisoners ? Q93. numerous accussed persons are suffering in jail under judicial custody , for periods far exceeding the legally stipulated sentence periods. For example : a pick-pocketer is in jail for one year , the judge finds him guilty of offence & gives him 3 months sentence. What about the excess punishment of 9 months. Is not the judge responsible for the illegal , excess punishment of the convict ? what action against the judge in such cases ? Q94. numerous innocents suffer in jail for years & finally the judge finds them as innocents & acquits them of the charges. What about the prison sentence ,

as innocents & acquits them of the charges. What about the prison sentence , the innocent has already served ? is not the judge responsible for this illegal , unjust punishment to an innocent ? remedy ? what action against the judge ? Q95. does the privileges of judges cover both their official actions & the actions arising out of misuse of office ? Q96. does the privileges of judges cover both their official actions as judges & their personal actions as individuals ? Q97. are the fundamental rights of citizens supreme or the privileges of judges , constitutional functionaries supreme ? Q98. what is the criteria adopted for promotion of judges ? Q99. what is the criteria adopted for appointment of advocates from bar , as the judges ? Q100. what is the criteria adopted for appointment of retired judges , as governors of states , members or as chairman of commissions , etc ? Q101. how many judges belonging to oppressed classes scheduled caste , scheduled tribe , other backward classes , minorities & women are their in supreme court , state high courts & subordinate courts ? kindly provide specific figures . Q102. what are the legal measures enforced by judiciary , to enforce the accountability of judges & to check corruption in judiciary ? Q103. are not these measures a failure , looking at present state of affairs of judiciary ? Q104. does the judges arrange for distribution of alchoholic drinks at the official meetings , parties , at the tax payers expense ? Q105. does any judges have included their consumption of alchoholic drinks , in their hotel bill & claimed traveling allowance ? Q106. what action has been taken against selectors ie Karnataka high court judges & newly selected women judges involved in roost resort scandal in Mysore , Karnataka ? Q107. when common people / tax payers & even government employees are not getting proper health care from government at government hospitals. Is it right & just to provide premium health care to judges , constitutional functionaries at 5star private hospitals in India , abroad , all at tax payers expense ? Q108. are the judges subjected to periodical health check-ups to ascertain their health , mental faculties & mental balance in the midst of all work pressures , emotional tensions ? Q109. what is the criteria adopted by judiciary for accepting applications seeking public interest litigations ? Q110. why numerous appeals for PIL by me , were not considered ? Q111. what is the criteria adopted by judiciary , for appointing amicus curie in a case ? Q112. why my appeal to honourable supreme court , to make me as an amicus curie in late P.M Rajiv Gandhis assassination case , was not considered by the court ? Q113. what is the criteria adopted by judiciary , for initiating suo-motto action ? Q114. numerous cases of injustices are reported in the media daily , with supporting evidences . why not the judiciary take suo-motto action in all such cases ? Q115. legal aid boards pre-judge the cases in the name of taking legal opinion , before providing legal aid to the needy ? is it not needy persons rights violation ? Q116. is not the safety of witnesses , parties in cases responsibility of the court , both during hearing of the case & afterwards ? Q117. is the use of 3 rd degree torture by police on prisoners , during the police custody / judicial custody / prison sentence right ? what action ? Q118. when the corrupt police officer & government prosecution advocate together cover-up evidences , conducts improper investigation intentionally to fail the case to cover-up rich crooks , high & mighty people , what action judge takes in such cases ? Q119. how does the judiciary monitor the wealth growth of police , government advoctes , tax officials , officials of licensing authorities , to ensure proper & fair prosecution of cases against rich & mighty ? Q120. what are the status of appeals made by human rights activist NAGARAJ.M.R. to the honourable supreme court of India ? Q121. corruption is rampant for selection of officers to quasi-judicial positions like district / taluk magistrates , tax officers , revenue officers , land acquisition officers , etc. how the judiciary monitors over their quasi-judicial actions ? Q122. subject to conditions , I , NAGARAJ.M.R. , editor , e-voice of human rights watch , do offer my free services to honourable supreme court of India , to apprehend corrupt judges , are you the honourable court ready to utilize it ? Q123. what are the status of my appeals , sent to the honourable supreme court of India , through government of indias on-line grievance system ( DPG & DARPG ): DPG/M/2006/80008 , DARPG/E/2006/00057, DARPG/E/2006/00225 , DPG/M/2006/80021 , DARPG/E/2006/00253 , DPG/M/2006/80032 , DARPG/E/2006/01149 , DPG/M/2006/80047 , DARPG/E/2006/01164 , DPG/M/2006/80043 , DPG/M/2006/80085 , DARPG/E/2006/06704 , DARPG/E/2006/07017 , DARPG/E/2006/07018 , DPG/M/2006/80159 , DPG/M/2006/80162 , DARPG/E/2006/07864 , DPG/M/2006/80165 , DARPG/E/2006/07877 , DPG/M/2006/80167 , DARPG/E/2006/08028 , DARPG/E/2006/08029 , DARPG/E/2006/08032 , DARPG/E/2006/08043 , DARPG/E/2006/08044 , DPG/M/2006/80174 , DPG/M/2006/80193 , DARPG/E/2007/00044 , DPG/M/2007/80003 , DPG/M/2007/80010 , DARPG/E/2007/00164 , DARPG/E/2007/00165 , DPG/M/2007/80014 , DPG/M/2007/80025 , DPG/M/2007/80049 , DPG/M/2007/80055 , DPG/M/2007/80056 , DPG/M/2007/80078 , DPG/M/2007/80082 , DARPG/E/2007/02618 Q124. the appeals made to the honourable supreme court of India , copies of which are available at following web pages , , , , , what are the status of those appeals ? Q125. in the media , we have seen reports about judges committing crimes rape , attempt to murder , swindling government money , untouchability practice , the disrespect to national flag , sale of judicial orders , bail , receipt of monetary gains by way of royalty for books , prime real estate purchase at discounted rate , taking round about long foreign tours along with family in the name of official work , etc. by this way , judges themselves are making contempt of court , constitution of India & citizens of India. How you are protecting the honour of the judiciary , constitution of India & citizens of India ? please answer. Q126. Is the government giving any facilities / affirmative actions to policemens family as being given to defense personnel , ex-servicemen & their families , like

family as being given to defense personnel , ex-servicemen & their families , like preferential site allotment , lpg agency , ration depot , reservation in college admission , soft bank loans , etc ? Q126. if not , why ? after all , the contribution of police to national security is on par with defense forces. Q127. is not some high police officials addressing their subordinates in singular term , abusing them with vulgar words wrong ? Q128. is not some police personnel calling public with singular term, abusing public with vulgar words wrong ? Q129. is it not the duty of prison authorities to protect the health, lives of prison in-mates ? Q130.what action is taken against police personnel who wrongly charged an innocent person of criminal acts , resulting in his confinement in jail , finally acquitted by court as found to be innocent ? Q131. is it not right to with hold salary , gratuity , pension to such guilty police personnel & pay it as compensation to victims of police failures & atrocities ? Q132. does our Indian constitution legally permit a citizen of foreign origin naturalized by marriage to an Indian or naturalized by option , to occupy any constitutional office ? Q133. during british rule in india & various other british colonies , criminal cases were foisted against our freedom fighters in India & other british colonies. After indias independence what happened to those cases ? did our Indian government close all such cases or did it continue with the prosecution ? Q134. in how many cases GOI & other state government continued with the prosecution AGAINST OUR FREEDOM FIGHTERS ? why ? Q135. what about the status of cases against shri.netaji subash Chandra bose ? Q136. has GOI deported any freedom fighters to Britain or its colonies , to face prosecution after India gained independence ? HAS GOI RECEIVED ANY REQUEST FROM BRITAIN TO THAT EFFECT ? if yes , why , whom ? Q.137. the honourable supreme court of India failed provide information to me as per my RTI request appeal no : 91 / 2007 in response to your letter no : F1 / RTI / A.91 / 2007 dt 13.12.07 , why ? Q138 . the honourable union home secretary failed to give me information as per my rti request , he transferred my application to others , in turn they transferred the application to some others. Finally , complete truthful information was not given , why ? as the union home secretary has got copies of all those replies in response to transferred RTI application , will he send me a consolidated reply to my present RTI request ? Q139. in a high profile case before the honourable delhi high court , we have seen how defense advocate mr. R.S.ANAND & prosecution advocate mr. I.U.KHAN made a secret pact to win the case in favour of rich criminal , totally manipulating prosecution witnesses , evidences & prosecution stand , totally making mockery of justice system . how you are ensuring the delivery of justice , there being numerous such advocates in practice ? Q140. Smt. Sonia Gandhi is person of foreign origin , she wields enormous clout more than the Prime Minister himself over the government of India being the chair person of UPA. Is she legally permitted to summon confidential official records , minutes of the cabinet , to hold the cabinet meeting of union ministers ? Q141. As per law , is she permitted to hold constitutional offices like prime minister of India or president of India , etc ? Q.142. What are the fundamental rights of a citizen guaranteed under the constitution (Article 21) ? Q143. What are the privileges conferred on legislators & parliamentarians by the constitution of India? a) Inside the House b) Outside the House Q144. What are privileges conferred on constitutional functionaries, like a) President of India b) Prime Minister of India c) Chief Justice of India d) Chairman of NHRC e) Central Vigilance Commissioners. Q145. Are the privileges legal immunity conferred on above mentioned constitutional functionaries ? a) Cover all their official actions irrespective of merit. b) Cover both their official & personal actions. Q146. Are the privileges defined & codified ? Q147. Are these privileges above freedom of the press ? Q148. Are the liberty & fundamental rights of the citizens guaranteed by the constitution, above the privileges of the constitutional functionaries or equal or below ? Q149. Can the Indian legislatures & parliament be equated to the House of commons in England which is considered to be a superior court and court of records ? Q150. Can the division of powers, namely the legislature, the executive and the Judiciary, be equated to the functioning of the House of commons and House of Lords in England ? Q151. Can a citizen be said to have committed breach of privilege of the House or court and causing contempt of the house or court by raising the issues of accountability of constitutional functionaries ? Q152. Can a Legislature or Parliament enact a new law, to circumvent or to nullify the Judicial orders with respect to wrongdoings by peoples representatives & executive ? does not it amount to infringement of Judicial powers & contempt of the court by the House. Q153. Are the FUNDAMENTAL DUTIES of a citizen more important than constitutional duties of a constitutional functionary or equal in importance to it ? Q154. Can a constitutional functionary commit crimes, anti-national activities in the name of constitutional duties, behind the legal veil of officials secret act & go unaccountable for his actions and go unpunished by his legal immunity privileges Q155. Are the Legislators members of parliament, High court & Supreme court

Q155. Are the Legislators members of parliament, High court & Supreme court Judges and other constitutional functionaries not willing to codify their privileges for the reason that if codified their privileges would be curtailed and their action would be subjected to legal scrutiny. ? Q156. By votes of citizens Legislators and parliamentarians get seats in the legislature and Parliament out of tax payers money, they get their pay, perks & lead 5-Star luxurious lifestyles. Hence whether a vote of a citizen is above (More valid) or a seat of legislator or parliamentarian is above or more valid in a democracy ? Q157. Judges & Constitutional functionaries are indirectly appointed by voters / tax payers. Out of tax payers money, they get their pay, perks & lead 5-star luxurious lifestyles. Hence, whether the vote of a citizen, fundamental duties of a tax payer is above (more valid) or a seat of judge / constitutional functionary is above (more valid) in a democracy ? Q158. If there is a vacuum in the Legislature or parliament, who is to fill up that vacuum till such time that the legislature or parliament acts provide a solution by performing its role by enacting proper legislation to cover the field (vacuum) ? Q159. While it is an unhealthy practice for a Judge to claim to be a Judge in his own cause, is it not worse for the members of the legislature and parliament to be judges in their own cause ? Q160. Are the Technicalities of the case more important to a judge or Justice to a citizen, protection of fundamental rights of citizen.? Q161. Why not the constitutional functionaries initiate suo moto action with respect to numerous cases of injustices reported in Media ? Q162. Why not the Judges admit various cases of Injustices affecting public, as the Public Interest Litigation ? In some cases, the Public or the person representing them is unable to afford the high cost of the case. Why not free legal aid is given ?. Q163. What is the criteria for admitting a P.I.L. & giving free legal aid ? Q164. Communication free flow of information is the lifeline of a democracy. Why the constitutional functionaries are not honouring the Right to Information of Citizens ? Q165. Recently , while assuming office as honourable chief justice of Karnataka , justice. P.D.DINAKAR , gave a blanket withdrawal of all internal departmental enquiries against approximately 200 judges , is it just & legal ? give me the names of accused judges & description of charges against them ? Q166. does it not show that judges are more equal than others ? Q167. who are involved in PF scam ? what action against guilty judges ? Q168. Why you did not give information to me as per RTI Act inspite of appeal ? refer. F1/RTI/A91/2007. Q169. Almost a year ago , in the Karnataka state new chief justice of Karnataka high court honble Mr.Dinakar (now elevated to supreme court of India) just on assuming offices within hours scrapped disciplinary inquiry proceedings against 200+ erring judges. In such a short time no human being can study all the cases in detail , then how come he arrived at this vital decision in such short time? Who are those 200+ judges facing enquiry ? Q170 .Recently in the Karnataka state , high court found out that a district judge without conducting hearings properly , entering fictious dates of hearings (which happens to be government holidays ) facilitated in exonerating a top politician . has the court enquired into the previous judgements of the accussed judge ? did it find any wrongdoings? Q171. As per law , while on duty a person should not be drunk , under the influence of alchohol , as it limits the functioning of his senses & brain. That is why the acts & sayings of drunkards , committed / said when they are drunk are not taken seriously. However most of the police officers after evening hours are drunk , in that state only they apprehend many suspects & produce those suspects at the residences of magistrates before magistrate during wee hours / night. Some of of the judges are also drunk during that time. Does the senses of drunken police & judges work properly to do their respective duties in identifying criminals , apprehending them & to issue judicial orders. Are these actions of police & judges in drunken state legal ? Q 172 . What action has been taken in bhopal gas leak case against the guilty police officials who changed the charge sheet against union carbide officials ? Q 173 . What action has been taken against guilty police officials , district magistrate , state ministers & central ministers who fully aided the criminals Union Carbide official Mr. Anderson to escape law , to jump bail & flee the country without courts permission ? Q 174 . What action has been taken against the above said guilty with respect to their contempt of court & for aiding a criminal to escape ? Q 175. What action has been taken against the chief justice of India , who changed the legal clause under which the guilty should be tried ? what action has been taken against the CJI who became an official of the trust belonging to the criminal ? Q 176 . What action has been taken against the Indian Public servant who decided to withdraw cases from US Courts with respect to Bhopal gas tragedy ? Q 177 . What action has been taken against the state labour department & pollution control board officials who have failed in their duties , inspite of earlier warnings by journalists ? Q 178 . What action has been taken against state cabinet ministers who decided the quantum of compensation money to favour the criminal although they dont have right to do so ? Q 179 . What action has been taken against Presiding Judge of the trial court , Chief Justice of India , state police officials , public prosecutors & Central Bureau of Investigation officials who kept quite all along and didnt press for the extradition of the criminal Mr.Anderson , for producing the criminal accussed no.1 before the trial court ? Q 180 . Is it not SHAMEFUL for the judiciary , police , government officials & peoples representatives who became part of Operation Crime Hush Up & aided criminals responsible for ghastly murders of thousands & maiming of lakhs of

criminals responsible for ghastly murders of thousands & maiming of lakhs of hapless public in Bhopal Gas Leak Tragedy? Q 181 . Are these Corrupt Police , corrupt judges , corrupt ministers , corrupt labour / pollution control board officials HUMAN BEINGS ? Q 182 Why police are not registering my complaint against CJI & other VVIPS ,Even after years ? Q 183 dont the police of vijayanagar police station mysore have legal jurisdiction to register the case against these VVIPs ? or just because the criminals happens to be VVIPs ,they are not booked by police? If the said police dont have legal jurisdiction to book these VVIPs , they should have transferred the complaint to those authorities who have jurisdiction & authority to book & prosecute these VVIPs , but not done so , why ? Q 184 are not all these actions , of VVIPs & police amounting to cover up of crimes & criminals ? are not these cover ups itself is a crime ? Q 185. Even an appeal for justice by post card must be treated as PIL by courts of justice . however my appeals for justice concerning public welfare , national security sent through post , e-mail to supreme court of india are not admitted as Public interest litigation , why ? does not these acts of Supreme court amount to aiding criminals , anti nationals? Q 186 Are not the honourable chief justice of india together with the jurisdictional police & Revenue district magistrate responsible to protect the fundamental & human rights of people ? why the CJI , Mysore DC & Jurisdictional Police have failed to protect the fundamental & human rights of people including mine ? For all the previous injustices I have suffered at the hands of the criminal nexus Honourable CJI , Mysore revenue district magistrate & jurisdictional police are together responsible , if anything untoward happens to me or to my family members or to my dependents the quartet Honourable Chief Justice of India , Honourable District Magistrate , Mysore , Honourable Police Commissioner of Mysore city & Circle Inspector of police , vijayanagar police station , mysore will be responsible . These corrupt parasites will feel , understand the pain only when they also suffer in the same manner. Let us pray to almighty In whose Court of justice MATCH FIXING is not there & every body is equal , let us pray to that god to give these corrupt parasites ghastly deaths nothing less nothing more.

YEAR TO WHICH ABOVE PERTAINS : MAJORITY OF DOCUMENTS PERTAINS TO YEAR 1991-2012 . SOME OF THE DOCUMENTS ARE DATED BACK TO 1947. PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICERs who failed to provide information and shielding criminals , anti nationals : 1. PIO , O/O Honorable Chief Justice of India , Supreme Court of India , New Delhi. 2. PIO , O/O H.E.Honorable President of India , Rashtrapathi Bhawan , New Delhi. 3. PIO O/O Honorable Speaker of Lok Sabha , GOI , New Delhi. 4. PIO O/O Dy Chairman of Rajya Sabha , GOI , New Delhi. 5. PIO , O/O Union Home Minister ,GOI , New Delhi. 6. PIO , O/O H.E.Honorable Governor of Karnataka , Raj Bhawan , Bangalore. 7. PIO , O/O Honorable Chief Minister of Karnataka , CMO , Bangalore. 8. PIO , O/O DG & IG of Police , Government of Karnataka ,Police HQ , Bangalore. Fees Paid : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Enclosed : 1. 2. 3. Police Complaint dated 20.08.2012 Show Cause Notice Dated 20.08.2012 ABCD Lesson of Democracy. IPO 08F 429306 for rupees ten only. IPO 08F 429307 for rupees ten only. IPO 08F 429308 for rupees ten only. IPO 08F 429309 for rupees ten only. IPO 08F 429310 for rupees ten only. IPO 08F 430701 for rupees ten only . IPO 08F 430702 for rupees ten only . IPO 08F 430703 for rupees ten only.




Complete case details also available at As per allegations of RBI management Bangalore in 1977-79 , criminal nexus of RBI employees stole Rs. 220000 from RBI Bangalore. All the banks , government treasuries in Karnataka , submit defaced / soiled currency notes to RBI Bangalore in exchange for good notes. RBI after collecting such defaced currency notes , sorts out fairly good notes which can be reissued & burns off the remaining totally defaced currency notes. All these process is done in a systematic manner. As per allegations of the management , the crime took place in the period of 1977-79 at RBI Bangalore. A nexus of employees, took away the currency bundles meant for destruction & substituted it in the place of bundles of reissuables. Charge sheet issued by RBI Bangalore office to mr.G.Hariram Staff no.3698/156/84-85 dt 1 april 1985 Amended charge sheet staff no 3798/156-84/85 dt 8 april 1985 CBI has charge sheeted 17 employees in connection with this case , case olde no. cc34/1989 new no. sc 436/1991 . the honourable 21 city additional city civil & sessions court Bangalore in it's order dated 24.01.1992 discharged 03 charge sheeted employees , as the prosecution failed to prove the charges against them. They came out clean , as they were innocents saddled with the crime done by others. One of the charge sheeted employee who turned approver for the prosecution, has given detailed account of the crime. Nowhere he has mentioned the involvement of accussed no.15 mr.G.Hariram in the crime. Even after coming out clean, mr.G.Hariram was not reinstated into service by RBI. They gave the ruse of domestic enquiry & showed contempt to the court order. On appeal, the honourable high court of Karnataka ordered RBI to review it's order with respect to mr.G.Hariram , still RBI failed to reinstate mr.G.Hariram into service , once gain showing contempt to the court of law. In India as per law , the decisions of court of law are binding on all , orders of court over rides the organisation's internal rules , service rules , etc. inspite of lack of evidences, in a whimsical manner the higher authorities of RBI , fixed some innocents as the scape goats heaped all charges against them ( against whom they had personal grudge , dislikes ). RBI repeatedly showed contempt to the court orders , dismissed the scape goat - ailing old man mr.G.Hariram from service. RBI snatched away his PF money towards the alleged loss

to the bank , didn't pay his gratuity amount , salary arrears and finally he was even deprived of the pension. As a result , the old man has even lost his social prestige, dignity , his family suffered a lot & he is a mental wreck today. Why RBI authoroties are hell bent upon to send away the innocents / scape goats away from service ? why CBI didn't conduct polygraph tests of all the accussed , specifically higher officers of RBI , managers of RBI office Bangalore ? probably the scape goats were aware of the crimes master minded by higher ups & didn't co-operate with the higher ups in their crimes. So, the criminals were afraid that the scape goats will blurt out truth to the world , fixed non co-operating innocents themselves as criminals. Who will give justice to innocents like old man mr.G.Hariram & who will bell the corrupt , criminals , fat cats of RBI ?







1. Why didn't you notice the alleged crimes of 1977 , 78 & 79 till the mid of 1979 ? 2. This crime came to light only due to anonymous phone calls of good Samaritans to authorities , but not due to your inspection . is your inspection division working properly ? 3. why there is no security check up of officers during entry & exit out of premises ? 4. why there is no individual weighment , individual statement of value of bags of reissuable notes & bags of note meant for destruction , after sorting is done, why they are not tallied with total weight , value of notes issued for sorting ? 5. Immediately after noticing the crime, why did not you transfer all the employees of those sections ? 6. why did not you take steps to preserve3 & protect respective documents relating to such high profile crime ? 7. why didn't you immediately issue charge sheet to all the accussed & waited till 1983 ? 8. Why RBI has left out , so many officers ( who worked in the same sections for more period than accused officers ) from domestic enquiry ? 9. why CBI also failed to put those people in the charge sheet before the court ? 10. is it because they were in favorable terms with the vested interests ? 11. did the CBI dance to the tune of vested interests in RBI while preparing charge sheet & during investigation , instead of independent investigation ? 12. those left out probables from the charge sheet might have caused the destruction of evidences / records. During the course of domestic enquiry / court proceedings , it has been recorded that some records have been destroyed. Are not CBI & RBI responsible for destruction of evidences , aiding true criminals get away ? 13. in normal times , what is the period specified in RBI regulations for preserving old documents / records ? 14. after noticing such a high profile crime the RBI must have taken utmost care to preserve such old records for indefinite time , for producing before courts of law as & when demanded. But it didn't , why ?

15. does not this point to connivance of higher authorities of RBI , with the criminals ? 16. RBI authorities have conducted domestic mass enquiries , instead of individual enquiries , is it not detrimental to the rights of defense ? 17. RBI authorities have stated that court proceedings & domestic enquiry are independent of each other & are not binding on one another. However RBI authorities straight away took on record of domestic enquiry the court statements , evidences , but didn't honour the order of same court of law ? why this double standard by RBI ? 18. The alleged crime was committed in 1977-79, but charge sheet was framed in mid 1985 , why this long delay ? 19. didn't this facilitate the masterminds of crime to destroy , manipulate evidences ? 20. as stated before court , indeed some records , 22nd currency note packet were missing , who is responsible for it ? 21. has the CBI conducted enquiry , polygraph test of RBI higher officers - S.N.RAZDAN , W.S.SARAF , J.P.AWASTHI , J.MITRA & others , if not why ? 22. is it not due to inefficiency , negligence of duty by such high ranking managers , that such a crime occurred in RBI Bangalore ? 23. what disciplinary action RBI has taken against the inefficient , negligent higher officials ? 24. whatever internal rules an organization makes must be within the line of law. If such internal laws of the organization are violative of law , fundamental rights of employees , such internal rules become illegal. Are not the way of RBI disciplinary proceedings illegal ? 25. as per RBI pension regulations 1990 , RBI has the right to deduct any loss caused to the bank , from the pension of RBI employee if the misconduct of employee is proved in judicial proceedings . even though mr.G.Hariram came out clean from the court , why RBI has denied his pension ? 26. judicial courts of law are appellate authorities over & above , domestic enquiry committees & judicial orders supersedes the domestic enquiry proceedings. Still RBI showed contempt of court & didn't reinstate mr..G.Hariram into service , why ? 27. even if an employee's misconduct causing loss to the bank is proved , before denying him pension (towards making up loss to the

bank) , previous sanction of the central board of RBI must be taken. But in mr.G.Hariram's case , pension was denied in full without taking previous sanction of the central board of RBI , is it not illegal ? 28. RBI alleged that mr..G.Hariram caused loss to the tune of Rs.14000 to the bank & recovered it from his provident fund dues. There was nothing left over to recover , still RBI completely denied pension to mr.G.Hariram , why ? 29. ideally, domestic enquiry findings / disciplinary actions should be completed first , then the employee can appeal to appropriate court of law. In mr.G.Hariram's case , CBI & RBI failed to prove the charges in court of law , as a result court discharged him from the charges. To cover-up it's failures RBI management dragged domestic enquiry much beyond court orders date & gave findings indicting mr..G.Hariram. does the enquiry officer of domestic enquiry think that he is over & above the court of law ? is it not illegal & contempt of court ? 30. ideally , RBI authorities should have appealed to higher court against lower court order discharging mr.G.Hariram from charges. But it was not done , why ? 31. did the RBI pay interim relief to mr.G.Hariram , during suspension period ? 32. the undue delay in filing charge sheet , consequent destruction of key evidences , dishonour / contempt of court orders , undue haste in giving findings , dismissal , denial of of pension without central board's sanction , all point towards criminals within RBI higher management. What disciplinary action has been taken against J.P.AWASTHI, S.N.RAZDAN,J.MITRA, W.SARAF & others ? if not why ? 33. why charge sheet was amended? Is it legal ? 34. did the charge sheet was amended to falsely implicate mr..G.Hariram , by including cancelled note vault in the charge sheet ? 35. does not this itself show that it is not statement of actual happenings / facts , but a cunning ploy to mislead investigation towards fixed innocents from actual criminals ? 36. is it true that that only 5% of sample inspection is done out of bundled verified defective note packets ? 37. is not the conduct of joint / mass enquiries of all charge sheeted officers illegal ? 38. how come such an important evidence 22nd note packet went missing ? 39. is it because it may point towards real criminals ? 40. as per the statement of management witness / inspection head / expert

40. as per the statement of management witness / inspection head / expert mr.vijendra rao , the notes of earlier dates have been removed from packets made into new bundles , right ? 41. as per his statement , entire certificates , seals of some asst treasurers are there , who didn't work at all on that day is not it ? 42. does not it show that some body else was misusing the seals , putting some innocents seals over the notes ? 43. does it not show that , crime has taken place at verification section ? 44. does it not show involvement of some asst treasurers ? 45. why asst treasurers have not been charge sheeted ? 46. why inspection of RBI Bangalore office was not done between 1975 & 1979 ? 47. is it not true that you failed to produce all records showing internal inspection / audits , during domestic enquiry & court proceedings ? 48. your expert mr.vijendra rao has stated that some seal marks are smudged , he has stated some seal marks appears to be so & so. He has clearly nowhere stated that this seal mark is exactly this , so he himself is not 100% sure ? 49. your expert nowhere said that 100% sure this seal mark is this , on that day this seal was issued to mr.G.Hariram , isn't it ? 50. your expert says during 1975 , he didn't notice3 any fraud. However approver says fraud was there before mid 1977 also. Why no action has been taken ? 51. why you didn't produce all records of all persons , who have specifically worked in alleged sections , the registers of those departments with daily activity report containing seal nos , packet nos , bag nos , etc ? 52. are not their chances of some criminals putting the seal marks of innocent officers over the notes , bundles , bags , etc ? 53. your expert is not 100% sure of seal mark , your records are not there to prove the presence of charge sheeted officers in the alleged sections , neither your expert nor your records are 100% sure on what date , at what stage , by whom crime was committed , isn't it ? 54. is not the charge sheet amounting to higher ups picking up officers they dislike & falsely implicating them ? 55. is it not cunning ploy of higher ups to divert attention from original criminals ? 56. why no action was taken against currency officer of 1977-79 mr.J.Mitra ? why his pension , super annuation benefits were not withheld ? 57. what is your justification , supporting evidence , records for picking up only three officers including mr.G.Hariram for legal prosecution and leaving the majority of probables ? 58. why you have dropped charges against five asst treasurers ? why you didn't even conduct domestic enquiry against them , let alone legal prosecution ? 59. Is it RBI's & CBI's way of fair play & justice ?

60. as inly 5% sampling of verified note bundles are done , there are more possibilities of rebundled packets getting unnoticed in relaxed 95% lot , isn't it ? 61. you have left out so many officers who worked in those sections, some of whom even became management witnesses , instead of being charge sheeted by the management, is it fair play & legal ?

62. who are the bank employees , from whom you have recovered the alleged bank loss of Rs.220000 ? 63. were all of them charge sheeted , enquired , legally prosecuted , dismissed & their pension , gratuity withheld ? 64. you don't have any internal statuotary records to prove that mr.G.Hariram worked in those departments , except a currency officer's office note dated just on the eve of charge sheet years after the alleged crime ? does it not prove that this note has been concocted just to fix mr.G.Hariram ? 65. where as you have records of other officials attendance in those departments , but not charge sheeted them why ? 66. three officers of staff grade A daily work in three sections out of 40 officers , why you have picked up only mr.G.Hariram , out of 1095 working days , he has worked for only 223 days in those sections , still those officers who worked for more days in those sections are not charge sheeted why ? the approver , the management expert witness , shift registers , V2 registers , Destruction certificates , Form CD 55 , etc , nobody , no records were able to say on what date , at what stage , by whom crime took place , also they were unable to say on what date at what stage crime was committed by mr.G.Hariram ? is it not futile imagination , cunning ploy of RBI higher authorities to fix innocent Mr.G.Hariram ? 67. the management expert witnesses said , the most probable place of crime is punching / Cancelled Note Vault , incinerator , where asst treasurers were joint custodians . they were not enquired & let off why ? 68. the charge sheet alleges extraction / substitution of defaced note packets. Where as the management expert witness say substitution of defaced notes only ? is not there difference between loss of one number of note & 100 number of notes ?

69. as per the normal course of duty , staff officers does not count notes in each bundles , but they just count the number of bundles only. Is not there chances of inserted note bundles or bundles containing less number of notes going unnoticed ? is it not the failure of statuotary system of work practices ? 70. does not all these prove higher authorities of RBI & CBI were hell bent to fix mr.G.Hariram & to shield the original criminals ? Questions with respect to other cases : 71. how do you monitor the work of bank officials nominated as directors of companies which have availed bank loans ? 72. how do you monitor the work of companies , in which banks have invested ? 73. how do you monitor the rapid wealth growth of certain bank officials , who work in shares investment / equity funds section , etc ? 74. inspite of project reports by bank officials , over assessment of collateral securites / value of debtor companies by bank officials , the loans become NPAs & full value cann't be realized in the market by selling off the assets of debtor companies also. In such cases , what action is taken against erring bank officials who collude with criminal industrialists for availing higher amount of loan than permissible ? 75. give bankwise specific figures of NPAs. 76. give names of industrial groups / promoters whose companies have become NPAs , so that public can be aware of them , before investing in new companies promoted by them. 77. is not collection of loan from debtors of bank through rowdies / recovery agents

77. is not collection of loan from debtors of bank through rowdies / recovery agents , illegal ? 78. why not criminal complaints filed against bank mangers for aiding , abetting rowdism , murdering people ? 79. if your method of employing rowdies to collect loans of Rs.10000 from commoners is right , what would you do to a promoter of a debtor company to recover loans of crores of rupees , supari killing ? but debtors of crores of rupees is let off coolly by banks , why ? 80. what is the exact amount of loss caused to the exchequer by karim lala telgi who printed fake stamp papers ? 81. what action has been taken against those involved ? 82. have you taken action against all those mentioned by telgi during narco analysis test , if not why ? is it because they are powerful & bigwigs ? 83. how you are controlling the illegal finance activities , money lending by individuals , pawn brokers & chit fund companies ? 84. how you are monitoring the receipt of public donations , foreign donations by many NGOs ? 85. how many erring NGOs , chit fund companies , pawn brokers , individuals you have booked for illegal finance activities ? Questions relating to RBI CURRENCY NOTE PRESS MYSORE 86. who were responsible for selling the good printing machine at security press nasik to scamster karim lala telgi as scrap ? 87. who recruited the candidates below merit rankings in R.B.I for what criminal roles ? 88. how many irregularities have taken place in R.B.I till date ? 89. who is responsible for installing, operating & supervising the security set-up in R.B.I ? 90. how the raw materials ie number of paper sheets, ink, etc are accounted for in inward stores & while issuing for printing ? 91. how wastages, scrap of ink , papers , etc in the printing process are accounted for? 92. How the finished goods ie currency notes are accounted for ? 93. Who keeps physical figures & possession of goods, inventory of all the above? 94. How the scrap paper is disposed off ? 95. From security angle who keeps track from start till dispatch ? 96. Give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the post of stores assistant in BRBNMPL in the year 1995-96 ? 97. give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the post of process assistant at BRBNMPL in the year 1996 ? 98. give me the merit ranking list of all candidates for the post of process assistants & maintenance assistants at BRBNMPL in the year 1996-1998 ? 99. is not RBI & BRBNMPL authorities created by statuotary laws , fully funded by public money ie from government exchequer ? 100. still why BRBNMPL & RBI refused to answer my previous information request as per RTI Act ? are you afraid that skeletons will come out of cubboard ? 101. what action initiated against the SBI branch Bangalore & SBI Overseas branch for loss of cheque / draft amounting to crores of rupees ? if not why ? 102. give me specific figures bank wise with respect to loss caused to the bank by loss of cheques or demand drafts , etc ? 103. how RBI is containing crimes of loss of cheques / DDs causing huge losses to the banks to the tune of crores of rupees ? YEAR TO WHICH ABOVE PERTAINS : MAJORITY OF DOCUMENTS PERTAINS TO YEAR 1988 onwards . SOME OF THE DOCUMENTS ARE DATED BACK TO 1947. FEES PAID : IPO NO 63E 318935 FOR RUPEES TEN ONLY Favouring CPIO RBI HQ MUMBAI PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER FROM WHOM THE INFORMATION IS REQUIRED : V.S.DAS , CENTRAL PUBLIC INFORMATION OFFICER , O/O HONOURABLE GOVERNOR, RBI HQ , CENTRAL OFFICE , AMAR BUILDING , P.M.MARG ,MUMBAI-400001.

Date : 01.11.2008. Yours sincerely, Place : Mysore.. Nagaraj.M.R.

edited , printed , published & owned by NAGARAJA.M.R. @ : LIG-2 / 761 , HUDCO FIRST STAGE , OPP WATER WORKS OFFICE , LAKSHMIKANTANAGAR ,HEBBAL ,MYSORE -570017 INDIA cell : 91 9341820313 home page: , , , , 1367938674 , A Member of Amnesty International

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