This document provides an overview of e-business infrastructure. It discusses the hardware and software requirements, management issues, and defines intranets and extranets. Key points include:
- E-business infrastructure includes hardware, software, content and data used to deliver services to employees, customers and partners.
- Managing infrastructure decisions like what is located internally vs externally.
- Intranets share information internally, while extranets extend access externally but restricted to certain users.
- Common problems users may experience include slow site speeds, bugs, and security/privacy issues.
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Chapter 3 E Business Infrastructure E Business Infrastructure
This document provides an overview of e-business infrastructure. It discusses the hardware and software requirements, management issues, and defines intranets and extranets. Key points include:
- E-business infrastructure includes hardware, software, content and data used to deliver services to employees, customers and partners.
- Managing infrastructure decisions like what is located internally vs externally.
- Intranets share information internally, while extranets extend access externally but restricted to certain users.
- Common problems users may experience include slow site speeds, bugs, and security/privacy issues.
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e-commerce e business infrastructure challenges chapter 3 .not my proprietary
This document provides an overview of e-business infrastructure. It discusses the hardware and software requirements, management issues, and defines intranets and extranets. Key points include:
- E-business infrastructure includes hardware, software, content and data used to deliver services to employees, customers and partners.
- Managing infrastructure decisions like what is located internally vs externally.
- Intranets share information internally, while extranets extend access externally but restricted to certain users.
- Common problems users may experience include slow site speeds, bugs, and security/privacy issues.
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Chapter 3 E Business Infrastructure E Business Infrastructure
This document provides an overview of e-business infrastructure. It discusses the hardware and software requirements, management issues, and defines intranets and extranets. Key points include:
- E-business infrastructure includes hardware, software, content and data used to deliver services to employees, customers and partners.
- Managing infrastructure decisions like what is located internally vs externally.
- Intranets share information internally, while extranets extend access externally but restricted to certain users.
- Common problems users may experience include slow site speeds, bugs, and security/privacy issues.
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E business Infrastructure EbusinessInfrastructure
1 Learning outcomes Learningoutcomes Outline the hardware and software Outlinethehardwareandsoftware technologiesusedtobuildanebusiness i f t t ithi i ti d ith infrastructurewithinanorganisationandwith itspartners Outlinethehardwareandsoftware requirements necessary to enable employee requirementsnecessarytoenableemployee accesstotheInternetandhostingof e commerce services ecommerceservices. 2 Management issues Managementissues What are the practical risks to the organization Whatarethepracticalriskstotheorganization offailuretomanageecommerceinfrastructure d t l ? adequately? HowshouldstaffaccesstotheInternet bemanaged? 3 E business infrastructure Ebusinessinfrastructure Ebusiness infrastructure is the architecture of hardware, software, content and data used to deliver ebusiness services to employees, customers and partners. Defining an adequate Ebusiness infrastructure is vital to all companies adopting ebusiness as it affects directly the quality of service experienced by users of the system in terms of speed and responsiveness. 4 E business infrastructure Ebusinessinfrastructure k d i i i h i hi A key decision with managing this infrastructure is which elements are located within the company and which are managed externally as thirdparty managed applications, data servers, and networks. It is also important to be flexible enough to p g consider new technologies to support changes required by the business to compete required by the business to compete effectively. 5 Why the jargon? Whythejargon? Why do business managers need to know about the jargon and Whydobusinessmanagersneedtoknowaboutthejargonand technology? Whileitisimportanttobeabletounderstandsomeofthe technicaljargonandconceptswhentalkingtothirdparty suppliersofhardware,softwareandservices,whatisofcrucial importanceistobeawareofsomeofthelimitationsofthe i f t t infrastructure. Th h b i f th bl ith Throughbeingawareoftheseproblems,managerscanwith workingwiththerepartnerstoensuregoodlevelofservice delivered to everyone internal and external deliveredtoeveryone,internalandexternal. 6 Activity 3 1 Infrastructure issues Activity3.1Infrastructureissues Make a list of the potential problems for users Makealistofthepotentialproblemsforusers ofebusinessservicesdevelopedbyTheB2C Company Company. Youshouldconsiderproblemsfacedbyusersof b i li ti h b th i t l ebusinessapplicationswhoarebothinternal andexternaltotheorganization. Baseyouransweronproblemsyouhave experiencedonawebsitethatcanberelated p tonetwork,hardwareandsoftwarefailuresor problemswithdataquality. p q y 7 Typical problems Typicalproblems Web site communications too slow Websitecommunicationstooslow. Websitenotavailable. Bugs on site through pages being unavailable Bugsonsitethroughpagesbeingunavailable orinformationtypedinformsnotbeing executed executed. Orderedproductsnotdeliveredontime. E il t li d t Emailsnotrepliedto. Customersprivacyortrustisbrokenthrough it bl h dit d b i securityproblemssuchascreditcardsbeing stolenoraddressessoldtoothercompanies. 8 A five layer model of e business infrastructure Figure 3.1 A five-layer model of e-business infrastructure 9 Key management issues of e business infrastructure Table 3.1 Key management issues of e-business infrastructure 10 Key management issues of e business infrastructure (Continued) Table 3.1 Key management issues of e-business infrastructure (Continued) 11 Activity Internetinfrastructure components Write down all the different types of hardware Writedownallthedifferenttypesofhardware andsoftwareinvolvedfromwhenausertypes i b dd h l to thewebsitebeingloaded. 12 Physical and network infrastructure components of the Internet Figure 3.2 Physical and network infrastructure components of the Internet (Levels IV and III in Figure 3.1) 13 Six stages of advances in the dissemination of information Table 3.2 Six stages of advances in the dissemination of information 14 A five layer model of e business infrastructure Figure 3.3 A five-layer model of e-business infrastructure 15 Fi 3 4 The Netcraft index of number of servers Figure 3.4 The Netcraft index of number of servers Source: Netcraft Web Server Survey. server survey.html. Netcraft, 16 The relationship between intranets extranets and the Internet Figure 3.5 The relationship between intranets, extranets and the Internet 17 Intranets and extranets Intranetsandextranets Intranet isaprivatenetworkwithinasinglecompany usingInternetstandardstoenableemployeesto shareinformationusingemailandwebpublishing =>Informationislimitedinsidetheorganisation Extranet is formed by extending an intranet beyond Extranet isformedbyextendinganintranetbeyond acompanytocustomers,suppliersandcollaborators. => Information access is extended to some others, but not >Informationaccessisextendedtosomeothers,butnot everyonebeyondtheorganisation. 18 Intranet Intranet Intranetsareusedextensivelyforsupportingsellside ecommercefromwithinthemarketingfunction. Therearealsousedtosupportsupplychain managementactivities. Amarketingintranethasthefollowingadvantages: Reducedproductlifecycles wecangetproductsfaster d d h h h h d d h d Reducedcostthroughhigherproductivity,andsavingonhardcopy Bettercustomerservice responsiveandpersonalizedsupport withstaffaccessingcustomersovertheweb. g Distributionofinformationthroughremoteofficesnationallyand globally. 19 Intranet Intranet Intranetsareusefulforinternalmarketing communications sincetheincludethefollowing typesofinformation: Staffphonedirectories S ff d li l Staffproceduresorqualitymanuals Informationforagentssuchasproductspecifications,currentlist anddiscountprices,factoryschedule,andstockinglevels.These p , y , g informationhavetobeupdatedfrequentlyandcanbecostly. Staffnewsletters T i i Trainingcourses 20 Intranet Intranet Withintranetsandthroughwebbrowserswecan accessbusinessapplicationswhichtraditionally accessedusingseparatesoftwareprograms. =>Thiscanhelptoreducethetotalcostofownership Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) is the sum of all cost TotalCostofOwnership(TCO)isthesumofallcost elementsofmanaginginformationsystemsforend users including purchase support and maintenance users,includingpurchase,supportandmaintenance. 21 Intranet Intranet Withintranetadirectcostreductioncanbeachievedthrough reducedcostofprintingandindirectlythroughreducedstaff time needed to access information timeneededtoaccessinformation. Itisrequiredtoenablestafftomanagetheirowncontent.For large sites it is not practical to update the contents through a largesitesitisnotpracticaltoupdatethecontentsthrougha webmaster.Apracticalmethodistoprovidethestaffwith accesstoasystemallowthemtoaddandeditwebpages. y p g Suchsystemisknownascontentmanagementsystem. contentmanagementsystem(CMS)isasoftwareusedto managecreation,editing,andreviewofwebbasedcontent. 22 Extranet Extranet Extranet isformedbyextendinganintranetbeyond acompanytocustomers,suppliersandcollaborators. =>Informationaccessisextendedtosomeothers,butnot everyonebeyondtheorganisation. Extranetsareusedtoprovideonlineserviceswhich are restricted to business customers. arerestrictedtobusinesscustomers. E.g.Buyingabookonlineusinganaccountwithloginand password. p 23 Extranet Extranet Businessbenefitsofanextranet: 1. Informationsharinginsecureenvironment information issharedwithsuppliersthroughalogintoadatabase 2. Costreduction e g Through reducing the number of people involved in placing orders e.g.Throughreducingthenumberofpeopleinvolvedinplacingorders 3. Orderprocessinganddistribution e.g.Lesslostsalesbecauseofoutofstockitemsandlowerinventoryholdingisneeded 4. Customerservice e.g.Distributorsoragentsofcompaniescanfindinformationsuchascustomizedpricing or advertising material oradvertisingmaterial 24 Extranet Extranet Manyofthemanagementissuesinvolvedwithmanaging extranetsaresimilartothoseoftheintranet.Thesearefive questions need to be asked when reviewing an existing or questionsneedtobeaskedwhenreviewinganexistingor newextranet: 1 A h l l f ffi i ? 1. Arethelevelsofusagesufficient? 2. Isiteffectiveandefficient? 3. Whohasownershipoftheextranet? 4. Whatarethelevelsofservicequality? 5. Isthequalityofinformationadequate? 25 Activity acommonproblemwith intranetsandextranets The B2B Company has found that after an initial surge of TheB2BCompanyhasfoundthatafteraninitialsurgeof interestinitsintranetandextranet,usagehasdeclined dramatically.Manyofthewarningsignsmentionedinthe KM (2002) article listed above are evident The e business KM(2002)articlelistedaboveareevident.Theebusiness managerwantstoachievetheseaims: 1.Increaseusage. g 2.Producemoredynamiccontent. 3.Encouragingmoreclientstoorder(extranet). Whatwouldyousuggest? 26 Suggested answer Suggestedanswer Identify benefits Identifybenefits Involvestaffwithdevelopment Findsystemsponsors,ownersandadvocates Train on benefits Trainonbenefits Keepcontentfresh,relevantandwhere possible,fun Use email to encourage usage Useemailtoencourageusage. 27 Firewall isasoftwareapplication pp mountedonaserveratthepoint whereacompanyisconnectedto theInternet.Itspurposeisto preventunauthorizedaccessinto thecompanyfromoutsiders Demilitarizedzone(DMZ) InaDMZconfiguration,most computersontheLANrunbehind afirewallconnectedtoapublic k lik h I O networkliketheInternet.Oneor morecomputersalsorunoutside thefirewall,intheDMZ. Firewall positions within the e business infrastructure of the Figure 3.6 Firewall positions within the e-business infrastructure of the B2B company 28 Information exchange between a web browser and web server Figure 3.7 Information exchange between a web browser and web server 29 Web browsers and servers Webbrowsersandservers Webservers storeandpresentwebpagesaccessedbyweb browsers. StaticwebpageApageonthewebserverthatisinvariant. DynamicwebpageApagethatiscreatedintherealtime, oftenwithreferencetoadatabasequery,inresponsetoa userrequest. TransactionlogfileAwebserverfilethatrecordsallpage requests. 30 Web 2 0 Web2.0 Web2.0conceptbecamepopularin2004.Itreferstoa collectionofwebserviceswhichfacilitatecertainbehaviours online such as community participation and user generated onlinesuchascommunityparticipationandusergenerated content,ratingandtagging. Characteristics: Characteristics: Interactiveapplications:Flicker,Googlemaps,bloggingservices. Encouragingcreationofusergeneratedcontents:Wikis Enablingratingofcontentandonlineservices Adfundingofneutralsites:GMAIL,GoogleAdsense h b h h b d d d d DataexchangebetweensitesthroughXMLbaseddatastandards RSSis basedonXML RapidapplicationdevelopmentusingAJAX Googlemap p pp p g g p 31 32 The TCP/IP protocol Figure 3.8 The TCP/IP protocol 33 URLS and domain names URLSanddomainnames Web addresses are structured in a standard way as follows: Webaddressesarestructuredinastandardwayasfollows: http://www.domainname.extension/filename.html Whatdothefollowingextensionsorglobaltopleveldomainsstandfor? .com, .org or .gov .edu, .int .net .biz .info 34 Webpresentationanddata exchangestandards HTML(HypertextMarkupLanguage) A standard format used to define the text and Astandardformatusedtodefinethetextand layoutofwebpages.HTMLfilesusuallyhave the extension HTML or HTM theextension.HTMLor.HTM. XMLoreXtensibleMarkupLanguage A t d d f t f i t t d d t Astandardfortransferringstructureddata, unlikeHTMLwhichispurelypresentational. 35 Home page index html for The B2B Company in a web browser showing Figure 3.9 Home page index.html for The B2B Company in a web browser showing HTML source in text editor 36 XML example XMLexample Product> Product <ActionValue5Delete/> <ProductID>118003008</ProductID> </Product> <ProductType5GoodSchemaCategoryRef5C43171801> <ProductID>140141002</ProductID> <ProductID>140141 002</ProductID> <UOM><UOMCoded>EA</UOMCoded></UOM> <Manufacturer>Compaq</Manufacturer> <LeadTime>2</LeadTime> <CountryOfOrigin> <Country><CountryCoded>US</CountryCoded></Country> <Country><CountryCoded>US</CountryCoded></Country> </CountryOfOrigin> 37 Media standards Mediastandards GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) A graphics format and GIF(GraphicsInterchangeFormat) Agraphicsformatand compressionalgorithmbestusedforsimplegraphics JPEG(JointPhotographicsExpertsGroup) Agraphics ( g p p p) g p formatandcompressionalgorithmbestusedfor photographs Streamingmedia.Soundandvideothatcanbe experiencedwithinawebbrowserbeforethewholeclipis downloaded e g Real Networks rm format downloadede.g.RealNetworks.rmformat VideostandardsincludeMPEGand.AVI Sound standards include MP3 and WMA SoundstandardsincludeMP3andWMA 38 Managing infrastructure Managinginfrastructure Managinghardwareandsystemsoftware infrastructure M i h li i i f Managingtheapplicationsinfrastructure. 39 Managinghardwareandsystem softwareinfrastructure Systemssoftware layerII Thekeymanagementdecisionisstandardization throughouttheorganization. >thisleadstoreducednumbersofcontactsforsupportand maintenance maintenance >reducethepurchasepricesthroughmultiuserlicenses Systems software choices occur for client server and Systemssoftwarechoicesoccurforclient,serverand network Client:whichbrowsertostandardizeon,standardizepluginsand systemsoftware Server:standardizethewebserver;eg.Apache,thiscanhelp maintenance maintenance Network:networkingsoftwareshouldbedecidedon;eg.Novell 40 Managinghardwareandsystem softwareinfrastructure Transportornetwork layerIII Decisionsonthenetworkwillbebasedontheinternal companynetwork. >whichebusinesswillbeintranet >forexternalnetworkwhichwillbeextranetorVPN,orlinkstothe publicInternet The main management decision is whether internal or Themainmanagementdecisioniswhetherinternalor externalnetworkmanagementwillbeperformedbythe companyoroutsourcedtoathirdparty. Standardizationofhardware 41 Managinghardwareandsystem softwareinfrastructure Storage layerIV Storagecanbemanagedinternallyorexternally e.g.intranetandextranetarecommonlymanaged internally, whileInternetstoragesuchascorporatewebsiteis commonlymanagedexternallyorattheapplication i id serviceprovider 42 Managingtheapplications infrastructure Ebusinessapplicationsinfrastructure: Applicationsthatprovideaccesstoservicesand pp p informationinsideandbeyondorganization EnterpriseresourceplanningERPapplications: Softwareprovidingintegratedfunctionsformajor businessfunctionssuchasproduction,distribution, p sales,finance,andhumanresourcesmanagement. 43 Figure 3.10 (a) Fragmented applications infrastructure, (b) integrated applications g ( ) g pp , ( ) g pp infrastructure Source: Adapted from Hasselbring (2000) 44 Differing use of applications at levels of management within companies Figure 3.11 Differing use of applications at levels of management within companies 45 Elements of e business infrastructure that require management Figure 3.12 Elements of e-business infrastructure that require management 46 Activity how would you respond Activity howwouldyourespond You are ecommerce manager for the BBC YouareecommercemanagerfortheBBC. Howwouldyouevaluateyourresponsetothe launchofthe3Gphone. That is which sources would you use to base Thatiswhichsourceswouldyouusetobase yourresponseon? 47 Mobile access technologies Figure 3.13 Mobile access technologies 48 Components of an interactive digital TV system Figure 3.14 Components of an interactive digital TV system 49