USAF Dyna Soar X-20A Pressure Suit 1964
USAF Dyna Soar X-20A Pressure Suit 1964
USAF Dyna Soar X-20A Pressure Suit 1964
MAY 1964
Soo3o9o 41o8&
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This report covers the work accomplished in testing the X-20 Dyna-Soar first proto-
type High Altitude Full Pressure Assembly under Project 6301, "Aerospace Systems
Personnel Protection," Task 630104, "Space Protective Garments," as requested by
the Aeronautical Systems Division project office. The testing was accomplished
during the period beginning 27 September 1962 and continuing through 3 January
1963. On 30 April 1963 a C02 accumulation test was accomplished. The protective
assembly was fabricated by the David Clark Company under Contract AF 33(657)-7897.
Testing of the assembly was accomplished in the various specialized facilities of
the 6570th Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories. In this area much valuable
assistance was received from Mr. Milton Alexander, Anthropology Branch, Mr. Fritz
Klemm., Biothermal Branch, Dr. Cletus J. Muick, Environmental Stress Branch, and
Dr. Charles R. Nixon, Biological Acoustics Branch. In addition, Mr. Kent Gillespie
and Mr. Jim Kramer from the Personal Equipment Branch of the Aeronautical Systems
Division, Directorate of Operational Support Engineering, assisted throughout the
test series. TSgt Eugene Fritz scheduled the tests and accumulated the test data.
Test subjects were TSgt Eugene Fritz, Mr. Michael Colgan, and Mr. Joseph Vetrick.
Motion pictures of the parachute harness drop test and the second run of the flo-
tation test are recorded on film, catalog no. USAF 35541, maintained by the 1350th
Motion Picture Squadron, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio.
The X-20 Dyna-Soar Prototype Model Full Pressure Assembly was subjected to a
series of tests to determine the performance parameters of the suit. These tests
include those considered by Aerospace Medical Research Laboratories to be the
basic standard performance tests for anthropomorphous protective assemblies in
addition to those particularly requested by the Dyna-Soar Project Office. This
report presents all the data obtained from the various tests and is presented as
indicative of performance parameters only. No attempt has been made to equate
the assembly performance with the X-20 Dyna-Soar mission and vehicle performance
or with the performance of any other anthropomorphqus protective assembly.
Technical Director
Biomedical Laboratory
Figure Page
Figure Page
Table Page
Dy-na-Soar Prototype Pressure Suit
The helmet (fig. 1) is identified as Dyna-Soar Dome No. 1, P/N ACS-362, Serial
No. 169, manufactured by David Clark Co., Inc. It is constructed of molded fiber-
glass, is generally spherical in shape, and has a diameter of approximately 14
inches. The visor operates mechanically and recesses into the shell when open.
Internal suit pressure seals the visor. An inflatable positive sealing bladder
(fig. 2) is laced to the inner periphery of the shell visor opening. The acrylic
plastic visor has reinforced edges of fiberglass and metal and includes a rubber
edging for sealing. The helmet attaches to the torso by a neck ring of approxi-
mately 9-3/4 inches average diameter.
The buffet helmet (fig. 3) is composed of four separate parts of firm foam rubber
covered with nylon mesh. These four parts are connected to each other with
Velcro tabs at the top and to four places around the periphary. The ear defenders
have an inner padding of soft foam with removable smooth plastic covers. The
communication equipment, including cord and U-174/U plug-in microphone element,
M lO1/AIC, are incorporated into the two side sections. An interphone connection,
U-179/U and a U-173/U, is located at the top where the two parts separate.
Included also is a chamois lined, twill-backed, adjustable chin strap. The quar-
terly spacing of padding down to the ear-circumference area allows aiir circulation
and cooling in addition to size adjustment.
The gloves have a neoprene bladderz restrained by leather palms and fingers with
link net covered by Helanca fabric over the back of the knuckles for ease in flex-
ure, see figure 4. Aluminized fabric covers the remaining parts of the glove to
wrist ring. There is a diagonal metal palm restraint with an adjustable strap
over the back of the hand. A 4-inch cuff, which extends from the wrist point to
the "0" ring sealed wrist rings, attaches to the torso arm section.
b. Between the outer nylon layer and the link net restraint layer, a 1/4-inch
layer of foam rubber is added for thermal insulation.
c. The assembly vent system differs from the A/P 22S-2 system in that the
breathing air is carried through the tubes to the open helmet and the return air
washes over the body to the helmet and is released through tubes from the helmet
to the waist outlet port (fig. 9)..
d. The only marquisette in the X-20 Dyna-Soar pressure suit torso construc-
tion is around the relief pressure-sealing zipper and the ventilating system
Footlets of nylon cloth attach to the torso by zipper and cover the neoprene
rubber feet, which are a part of the torso assembly. Figure 10 shows the neoprene
foot, the nylon footlet, and the cord adjustment for sizing.
The shoes are Hyde athletic shoes, approximately ll-1/2 inches high with 12 inches
of lacings in the inner leather part (fig. 11). The lacings are backed by a
leather tongue padded with foam. The sole is formed of hard sponge rubber with
a 1/2-inch rise for the heel. The aluminized reflective cover is attached at the
edge of the sole and has a heavy-duty zipper from the end of the toe to the top of
the boot, just over the lacings of the inner leather boot. The reflective thermal
cover is a composite of three layers, an inner nylon lining; a layer of foam
rubber, approximately 1/4-inch thick; and an outer layer of aluminized cloth.
The coverall for the torso section is aluminum-coated orlon fabric with a para-
chute harness and a flotation vest as integral parts. The flotation vest is
actuated by small 28-gram cartridge-type C02 bottle. The coverall attaches to the
torso section with zippers at the wrists and ankles. Figure 12 shows the C02
actuating device with the trigger in the fired position. Figures 13 and 14 show
the parachute harness and flotation vest.
The suit assembly is worn over two-piece long underwear and heavy socks. The
subject next dons the torso assembly with the back neck zipper open and the half
yoke removed. He puts each foot into the appropriate leg section through the
opening made by the pressure sealing zipper. He gradually works the assembly up
to just above his knees while seated. With the waist side zippers open, he stands
and eases the suit up past his hips. He then seats himself, pulls the nylon
footlets on over the neoprene foot bladder, and zips them in place. He inserts
his arms in the sleeves of the torso, while bending forward with his head down,
then raises his head up through the top of the torso and through the neck ring.
This maneuver requires an assistant for execution and utilizes the opening pro-
vided in the back neck gusset by removing the back neck yoke. The vent is now
attached to prevent the subject from overheating. All necessary torso sizing
adjustments are made at this point. The back neck yoke is installed and all
zippers closed. The coverall is donned next. Care must be exercised to assure
proper positioning of the inner parachute harness. The subject closes the zippers
at the wrists and ankles, which attach the coverall to the torso assembly, and
closes the front zipper. He puts on the shoes, laces, and zips them. He then
dons the helmet, and the neck rings are mated and locked. The buffet helmet is
put on through the visor opening and the chin strap snapped. He eases the gloves
over his fingers, from which all rings have been removed. The wrist rings are
mated and locked. This procedure is reversed for removal of the assembly.
Figure 5. The Torso Section (Front) Figure 6. The Torso Section (Back)
h I"
Figure 12. The Flotation Triggering Mechanism
The actual order in which the suit tests were performed is indicated below in
table 1. However, the tests are discussed in the text in the manner the author
considered most logical for presentation of the results.
Flotation 1.5
Inspection and Weight N/A
Functional Arm Reach 4.0
Work Space 1.0
Leak Test 6.0
Inflation Increment 2.0
Biothermal 1.5
Biothermal 1.5
Biothermal 3.0
Back Pressure 1.0
Inflation Increment 1.0
Inflation Increment 1.0
Biothermal 3.0
Biothermal 3.0
Biothermal 1.5
Biothermal 2.5
Biothermal 1.5
Biothermal 1.5
Biothermal 1.25
Biothermal 1.50
Biothermal 1.50
Biothermal 1.50
Biothermal 2.75
Biothermal 4.00
Biothermal 4.50
Vision 3.00
Biothermal 4.50
Acoustical 4.00
Biothermal 4.50
Flotation 2.00
Biothermal 1.50
Parachute Drop 3.00
Altitude Chamber Flight 0.50
Back Pressure Test 2.00
Back Pressure Test 1.00
C02 Accumulation 1.00
Three subjects were selected and measured in accordance with the Eight-Size
Height-Weight standard. The measurements are shown in table 2. Although the
protective assemblies will be tailored to the individuals who will wear them, for
evaluation purposes the X-20 (Dyna-Soar) model was built to the medium-regular
size of the Eight-Size Height-Weight Standard.*
* Emanuel, Irvin, and Milton Alexander, Wright Air Development Center TR 56-365
"A Height-Weight Sizing System for Flight Clothing," April 1959.
0Hc00@ H2R!ý090RO
C~~~H~~~r4iH0-C~ ~rr{ 0C'0
U?~ H 0 o m
E-4 0 0W \ 0 r\u-\-' uN uN
C'\ 'J0 0 C&
C~uN w 0 Lr\ uN 0 u-\ 0n
-\ al
'.0 \ N M'.OrHCr-
HH k\ 00
H HO u-4
Lr H
,- O
C, H0
- C\Z100C~
0 0r-A
l%-,, 0 C
0 0 .P ' v )-P.o
-'-'N4.,pq sU) I A 410 -
ttt~a00) -H ~ o r- C)
J -t)C) u1.p+ H CCCd -a -P
, DI
Measured Elbow-Elbow Breadth Pressed: With elbows fixed to 90' and the
upper arms at the side, the arms are pressed to the side with the subject
using maximum capability. The maximum diameter of the elbow to elbow
area is measured.
Posterior Body Plane-Anterior Knee Area: Subject sits against a board
which is perpendicular to the floor. The horizontal distance between
the board and the most protruding point of the knee is measured.
Thigh Clearance From The Floor: Subject sits upright. The distance
from the floor (thigh and lower leg at 900) to uppermost point of the
right thigh is measured.
The above measurements taken on this pressure suit are shown in table 3. Figure
15 shows the growth of the glove beyond the subject's fingers when the assembly
was inflated.
Two attempts were made to determine the dexterity deterioration in the performance
of the individual wearing the full assembly. The test in a standard cockpit work
space apparatus was not possible for two reasons. The helmet viewing area elimi-
nated 10 of the simulation controls from the subject's field of vision and the
subject lost finger tactile sense when the suit was pressurized. A run could have
been made using the visible controls and a modified program had the subject been
able to feel the controls with his fingers. The gloves on both subjects grew away
from the ends of the fingers approximately 1-3/4 inches when inflated to 5 psig.
Therefore, no data can be presented which might represent the loss of dexterity due
to the effects of the full pressure suit.
Through the use of the arm-reach measuring device (fig. 16), the radii of the max-
imum functional arm-reach envelope could be measured at 150 intervals in each of
12 vertical planes. This permits description of shoulder-arm mobility through
3600 in the three right-angle planes. Data was obtained on the volume of the
grasping reach envelope in shirt sleeves, suited and unpressurized, and suited and
pressurized to 5 psig. From this volume the radius of a sphere of equal volume
was computed. The normal comparisons to date have been of the grasping reach
envelope volume. However, for some uses the radius of the sphere of equal volume
is more descriptive. This data is set forth in table 4.
00 0 0 0 0 U-\ It' LC\ U
0' 0 H C 0 \.0 '.o - C' H CZ0
o a 00 0 0 (3 ' p-' U 0 UN
ItH0 0- 0- 0 0' HN ) 0 0.
It ~ H H C\? H- CVl CV H C C
0 00 0 0 0 0 0C U IA
0- at' '0 U'\ HN
\ ( \0CV
t -t H~ H V C C V\A Hcý cv* CV
P,0 0 0 U 0 U "0
0 t
CV0 0 0 0 0r E- c U'N0
N~~~U y- 0'. t 0 0 H- ICO Cc\ Ct'
ctP 0' '0 0' U' ' ,6 C4' -4 U'ý 0' U' 0' \.0
--t -4- H NV H- ol 02 H- CV CVI
u0 '0 0 CV P'
'0 CV -4- '0 ' e"' ' 0 '
$4 V H CV 4.' H V C
U) - a- 04
0 10 m I tI P
*N~U C) 5.a . 0 -
C)q rId tC *d 15-. I-a d 0' cii 5- C
a) F4a 0 C) ( (D -) 0 -0
~ ~ C 4't tO N
C0C d C d d 0 -
a) a) 0 0 a 0)
Hd 0 2 0
Figure 15. Glove Grow-th
U) H)4
04 E-ir-
P, 0 U) mm
P.O4,~ o )
Visor optical characteristics were determined using the visor: s inherent refrac-
tive power, calculated from radius curvature supplied by the David Clark Company.
The inherent power of the visor is -187 D. Critical and noncritical areas of the
visor were checked on the Focometer in the eight areas according to MIL-V-27446
(USAF). Point C for the right side is plano -0.04 x 110, left side +0.02-0.06 x
95. Vertical and horizontal prismatic deviations were investigated and found to
be within the limits of the specification. Visual inspection under bright illum-
ination revealed a few striations and irregularities due to fabrication of the
visor. As a prototype item it was satisfactory for testing purposes. The subject
was tested for unaided visual acuity using a Clason Acuity Meter with the screen
set for 6 m letter size--right eye 20/20+, left eye 20/20+, both eyes 20/20+.
Unaided visual acuity through the visor was right 20/20, left eye 20/20, and both
eyes 20/20.
Field of vision studies were conducted with the subject in the suit unpressurized
with the visor up and pressurized, visor closed. In the pressurized condition,
the position of the dome relative to the eyes differs significantly from the
unpressurized condition. Measurements were made temporally, nasally, and super-
iorily. The inferior motion field had to be estimated. These measurements are
shown in table 5. Figures 17 and 18 show the suited subject in the field of
vision test area.
Vertical Superior 45 47 50 50 47 44 55 83
Vertical Inferior 50 50 70 50 50 - 70
Figure 17 (Left)
Field of Vision (Front View)
Figure 18 (right)
Field of Vision (Back View) p
The parachute harness drop test was performed by having the subject, dressed in
the complete full pressure suit assembly, step from a platform. The first plat-
form level was one foot above the hang position. The hang level was lowered in
0.5-foot increments. The data obtained is set forth in table 6. During the test
the parachute harness risers interfered with the visor opening mechanism so that
the visor could not be opened in the hang position. After the first drop the
visor was difficult to close. It was necessary to start the visor travel by hand
since the visor did not close when the release mechanism was actuated.
On completion of the test the helmet assembly was examined and the closure latch
released. The visor closed properly. The test subject was removed from the
assembly and examined by a physician. The subject's chin showed slight swelling
on the right lower surface with several superficial abrasions. The longest abra-
sion was 1/2 inch long.
The protective assembly was put together without the aluminized coverallcontain-
ing the parachute harness and the flotation vest, and without the leather boots
with their outer cover. The units assembled were the suit torso, the fabric boot;
the gloves, the neck yoke, and the helmet. The ventilating outlet on the suit
torso was blocked and the assembly was then connected to the leak test instrumen-
tation. The leak test instrumentation included a mercury manometer to measure the
pressure in the assembly, a flowmeter to measure the air entering the suit, and a
mercury manometer to measure the pressure at the flowmeter.
Upon initial inflation there was an extremely high leak rate from the visor
attaching mechanism and around the visor itself. The usual procedures would have
been to measure the leak rate without attempting any adjustment. However, since
this helmet and suit had been used extensively at the Aviation Medical Accelera-
tion Laboratory, Johnsville, Pennsylvania, for various tests in the centrifuge,
adjustments to reduce the leak were considered mandatory. The helmet leaks were
reduced to one leak of a lower magnitude at the helmet's lower left side visor
seal. The leak test results are graphically presented in figure 19. When the
assembly was used for a later test, tightening of the visor for the leak test
caused the subject great difficulty in raising the visor, or was impossible, with-
out considerable assistance. The standard air used in presenting this data is dry
air at 70°F and 14.7 psia.
The assembly was put together using the same parts used in the Leak Test. The
assembly was then connected to the back pressure instrumentation. The instrumen-
tation consisted of mercury manometers at each of the pressure taps shown in
figure 21 with a flowmeter immediately upstream from the suit's air inlet Opening.
The air enters the suit and is distributed through tubes to the wrists, ankles,
and helmet. The air washes over the body from the dumping point on the arms and
legs to the helmet. The air then enters the return tubing to be exhausted through
a port adjacent to the inlet port. Figure 20 depicts the ventilating air flow.
The back pressures found in the suit at the various pressure levels are given in
figures 21 and 22. This data represents the performance of the prototype suit with
a large leak in the helmet. If this leak could have been eliminated, the back pres-
sure would have tended to increase. The standard air referenced in presenting the
back pressure test data is dry air at 70'F and 14.7 psia.
S "\1
The 002 content was determined using a Bendix "time-of-flight" mass spectrometer
and a recording oscillograph. Calibration of the instrumentation was accomplished
using room air as "zero" and a certified sample of 5.46 % C02 (equivalent to 40.3
mm Hg partial pressure of C02 at a barometric pressure of 737 mm Hg).
The assembly was ventilated with air. Each ventilation condition was continued
for 3 minutes before recording the C02 level for 1 minute. The C02 sampling line
was located immediately in front of the mouth and the subject accomplished mouth
breathing during the recording period.
p, P2 P3
P1 - P3 P
P1 - P2 : AP2
P2 - P3 : P
Subject In Suit
Unpressurized 1/4 psig
iI P1 Inches H20
3.18 2.0
20 -5.30 4.9
'20 7.42 7.8
1o.6o 15.4
S13.78 24.5
3.9RUNII2 2.
~10 7k -
13.83 22.2
5 10 15 20
.,20 _
Subject In Suit
Unpressurized 1I
STD CFM AP2Inches lP3
3.19 1,2 1,3
1 A5 - 7.45
5.32 3.8
3-1 5.7
10 9.58 5.9 10.4•
0 5 10 15 20
Subject In Suit
0 Pressurized 5 psig
Inches H 0
T CFM A•P2 p3
4•.63 0.8 1.0
.20 7025
9.42 1.7
2..5 ____________
4.1 -4
12.56 4.8 9.1
13.98 5.9 12.1
17.30 9.2 21.3 &16 3
0 5 10 1.5 20
Changes in partial pressure of carbon dioxide with ventilation were obtained with
the subject sitting at rest.
Average Inspired C02
Liters/min Pounds/min Partial Pressure - mm Hg
75 0.19 5.6
50 0.14 6.5
25 O.064 8.0
10 0.025 15.5
Ventilation was then reduced to zero and the carbon dioxide partial pressure rose
6.5 mm Hg per minute until the run was terminated at 28 mm Hg.
Following a 10-minute rest period with visor open and adequate ventilation the
subject mounted an exercise bicycle and pumped at a moderate work rate about
equivalent to walking rapidly. During this period ventilation was maintained at
50 liters/minute. After 6 minutes the partial pressure was 16.8 mm Hg, after 12
minutes it was 22.4 mm Hg and appeared to have stopped rising. The subject
stated he was slightly lightheaded, and quite hot. He was breathing deeply and
rapidly. Graphic presentations of the above data are set forth in figure 23.
The full pressure assembly was subjected to two separate flotation test runs. In
the first run the subject, dressed in the full assembly without the buffet helmet
and with the visor closed, entered the water from a platform. The visor was
opened in a face-up position and after a short flotation period, the subject
boarded a one-man liferaft without difficulty. Some water entered through the
open visor during this maneuver. The measured weight gain of the assembly was
approximately 20 pounds. This increase in weight included water trapped between
the layers and moisture absorbed in the material of the assembly.
The life preserver (Mae West) was inflated by actuating the C02 bottle release
mechanism, figure 12. The subject returned to the water from a platform and
assumed a face-down attitude. A small amount of water entered the helmet around
the visor seal. This leakage was attributed to the fact that the assembly had not
been pressurized or vented, thereby positioning the bladder-type seal prior to
entry into the water, see figure 2. After a short time in the face-down attitude,
a face-up position was assumed, the subject opened the visor to replenish the air,
closed it and boarded the one-man liferaft. Boarding the liferaft was easier
when the life preserver was inflated than in the unflated state. This was attrib-
uted to the fact that the subject in the assembly floated in a higher position
relative to the water level with the life preserver inflated. However, in neither
condition was it difficult to climb onto the raft. After leaving the water, the
suited subject was weighed. The absorbed and entrapped water weighed approximately
20 pounds.
N Subject At Beat
Unpress vized
01_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
0 20 40 60 80
AIR VENTILLTION - Liters Per Minute
Sub ject 0 Fast
No Ventill tion
N Subject Performing
Wr- r Ventilation
Rate- 5 ItersAMino
0 510 1.5 20
TIME - Minutes
In the second run the subject, dressed in the complete assembly without the buffet
helmet and with the visor closed, entered the water from the edge of the pool.
The visor was opened and water was allowed to enter the helmet so as to fill the
bladder. When the suit was filled it was necessary for the subject to tread water
rather vigorously to keep his head out of water. Boarding a one-man liferaft
was executed without difficulty. The flotation vest was inflated by triggering
the C02 bottle. The vest appeared to be soft, indicating that a full charge of
C02 had not entered the vest. The location of the inflated sections of the vest
tended to throw the subject forward into the water when he assumed a limp (dead
man) attitude. With the visor open for air, the subject t s face was near the
water surface or under it. When removed from the water the suited subject was
weighed. The weight gain, including water to fill the bladder, water trapped in
the layers of material, and water absorbed by the material, was approximately 30
The prototype suit did not contain an aneroid control, therefore, the only
feature to be tested at altitude was the effect of reduced pressure on the mater-
ials in the assembly. During the ascent to altitude the buffet helmet began to
expand and continued to expand to approximately 25,000 feet. The expansion caused
the buffet helmet to become very tight around the subject's head in line with his
forehead. He also experienced some discomfort in the area about his ears. Upon
descent to ground level the helmet again felt comfortable. The other parts of the
assembly did not exhibit any particular reaction to the reduced pressure of
Tests of sound attenuation at threshold of the Dyna-Soar full pressure helmet and
suit assembly were run first on two subjects, two repeat measurements each.
Additional runs were made in an effort to determine the degree to which the atten-
uation results were affected by masking noise emanating from the blower system.
This constitutes a very limited survey and is not sufficient information from
which to draw conclusions as to the exact amount of noise exclusion to be afforded
the average wearer of the suit. However, the data are sufficient to indicate the
need for more extensive tests at such time as the suit and helmet can be made
Figure 24 presents the data for one individual when corrected for blower noise.
Attenuation for the visor-open condition is similar to that afforded by the same
headset assembly without the helmet and is more than adequate to provide reduction
of the noise anticipated for conditions when the visor would be open. Closing the
visor considerably increases the attenuation throughout the frequency range. If
these figures prove to be representative, there should be no difficulty in either
maintaining communications or from hearing loss during any phase of the missions.
The data plotted for 2000 cps (2kc) under each condition indicate a slight rise
in the curve with visor open and may or may not be significant. It possibly is a
function of the Clark earcups only, as similar data are found with this cup when
not mounted in a helmet. However, the pronounced peak (29 db rise) with visor
closed suggests strongly that a resonance condition exists in this frequency
range. The data obtained by Armour Research in a subcontract to Western Electro-
Acoustic Laboratory, and reported as Appendix 6 of the final report under Contract
AF 33(616)-3710, February 1959, showed very clearly the tendency for a spherical
helmet shell of similar dimensions to resonate in the 1200-2400 cps octave band.
The insertion of absorbing material helped, but did not completely damp the res-
0z40-~--- NO
70 - 8 Ok 00 ISO CLOE
For thermal evaluation of the Dyna-Soar Full Pressure Suit Assembly, three groups
of experiments were conducted as shown in table 7. The first group consisted of
19 tests of 1-hour duration when the subject was exposed to three different ambient
air temperatures, 1600, 140°, and 1200F, and two different ventilating air condi-
tions, 13 cfm of 751F and 5 mm Hg water vapor pressure and 8 cfm of 85°F and 5
mm Hg water vapor pressure. These ambient air temperatures and ventilating air
conditions were selected to compare physiological responses with those previously
obtained with other types of full pressure suits. The tests are listed in table
7. In figures 26, 27 and 28 the experimental results are graphed. The second
test group consisted of two tests of 1-hour duration when the subjects were exposed
to cold (-25°F) and were ventilated with 13 cfm air of 144 F. The results of
these two tests are presented in Figure 29. The third group of tests consisted of
six tests from 2-1/2 to 4 hours duration, simulating expected prelaunch conditions.
These results are shown in table 8.
Ventilating Air
No.of Test Hours Chamber Temp. Flow Temp. Vap.Pr.
Tests Group Duration (Air-Wall) °F cfm OF mm Hg Comments
All experiments were conducted in the All-Weather Room of the Biothermal Section
with two young healthy subjects experienced in thermal test procedures. Steady-
state environmental conditions at ground level were maintained and subjects were
sitting-resting, figure 25. Total sweat loss was obtained by weighing the nude
subject before and after the test. Sweat evaporated during the test was detected
by weighing the clothed subject before and after testing. Figure 26 shows the
relationship between sweat produced and sweat evaporated at different ambient air
temperatures and ventilation conditions. Skin temperature (taken at 17 points),
rectal temperature, and heart rate were measured and recorded continuously
throughout the tests. The index of strain was calculated from the above measured
parameters, and its relationship to ambient air temperature and two ventilating
air flows of different temperatures is shown in figure 27. The actual body heat
storage (Qs) was computed from the equation
weight in kg
Comparison of body heat storage rates obtained with this equation is most valid
when initial body temperatures are equivalent. Therefore, for valid comparison
the body temperature had to be adjusted at the beginning of each test to a level
equivalent for all tests. This was done in the evaluation of the test results
by shifting the beginning of each test to that point where a mean comfort body
temperature of 94.2°F was obtained. Difference between this temperature and those
obtained after an hour test duration were used for computing body heat storage
rates. These adjusted body heat storage rates were then used for comparative pur-
poses. The body heat storage rates measured at different chamber temperatures and
ventilation conditions are shown in figure 28. Line of "unimpaired performance"
has been added in figure 28 to allow prediction of exposure time for unimpaired
The heat exposure tests (first group) indicate superiority with respect to protec-
tion against heat. This superiority is primarily due to the added insulation of
the suit, which reduces conducive-convective heat transfer from the suited man to
the environment.
110 _
0 100 200 300 400
SWEAT LOSS - Grams / M / Hour
4t a~
40 H
0 p0
CY r 0
f-i r4
-- MU TEST On laws
t d50 1.OD
Ir asur fo ~prdprmmnc
550 A .8
130 20
The cold exposure tests show that, even at the high ventilating
air temperature
(1440F) and flow of 13 cfm, fingers and hands cool very rapidly.
By movement of
finger, hands, and arms some ventilation of the gloves could
be obtained. The
subjects felt pain in their fingers and hands after 1/2 hour
exposure. Fog inside
the visor was observed after 7 minutes of exposure. After 30 minutes ice formed
inside the helmet visor.
90o - =- - --.--
Mean Body
80 . .de.Finger
A - Ti'p
.4! Feet
Subject seated resting
I70 70 non-pressurized I hour
ambient temperature -24 F I _
air movement 75 fpm, ventilationA
13 eft air,, 14°F
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The first failure was a leak in the helmet. The leak was attributed to weakening
of the visor spring, which is a part of the closing mechanism. The loss of power
in the spring permitted the visor to ride against the sealing bladder around the
periphery of the visor opening as shown in figure 2. With continued usage the
bladder ruptured, the release mechanism failed to initiate release and as a result
the helmet was not usable. The helmet was repaired and tests were continued.
The second failure was the deterioration or rotting of the neoprene rubber bladder
in the glove. During one of the biothermal runs the subject felt excessive cool-
ing on ventilation of the left hand. At the end of the run a rupture was found in
the glove bladder. As the subject removed his hand, the tear became more pro-
nounced as shown in figure 30. After the initial break the bladder seemed to be
extremely fragile and continued tearing without appreciable force being applied.
The glove was repaired by installing a new bladder and the tests were continued.
All other limitations or failures in the performance of the assembly are attrib-
uted to design limitations rather than the failure of a part to continuously
perform the same function.