Cancer Cure That Worked

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At last you can read ___ THE RIFE REPORT

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Written by
Special section on the AI OS connection
Copyright C Barry Lynes 1987
All rights reserved. The usc or any pan or this publication repro-
duced. transmitted in any ronn or by any mean .... electronic. mechan-
ical. photocopying. recording or otherwise. or stored in a retrieval
system. without the prior consenl or the publisher, is an inrringemenl
or the copyri ght law.
First priming March 1987
Second printing January 1989
Third printing August 1989
Fourth printing April 1992
Published in Canada by Marcus Books.
P.O. Box 327, Queensville. Ontario.
Canada LOG IRO. (416) 478-2201
Cover designed by Doris Diehl
ISBN 0-91995 1-30-9
The health of the people is really the foundation upon which
all their happiness and all their powers as a State depend.
Benjamin Disraeli
Truth will come to light; murder cannot be hid.
The People Who Made This Book I
Foreword 3
Chapter 1: The Cure for Cancer 13
Chapter 2: Bacteria and Virus 17
Chapter 3: Medicine in America 27
Chapter 4: The Man Who Found the Cure for Cancer 33
Chapter 5: The 19205 37
Chapter 6: The Early 19305
Chapter 7: "BX"-The Virus of Cancer
Chapter 8: Forward Motion: 1933-1934 53
Chapter 9: The Cancer Cure Works! 59
Chapter 10: 1935: Climbing A Mountain 67
Chapter 11: 1936: "Astounding" Clinic Results 75
Chapter 12: 1937: Money Woes and Delays 81
Chapter 13: 1938: Beam Ray 87
Chapter 14: 1939: The Storm Breaks 91
Chapter 15: The Microscope and the Frequency
Instrument 101
Chapter 16: 1946-1986: Rife's Theory Gains
Acceptance 109
Chapter 17: The Victims 121
Chapter 18: Cancer and AIDS 123
Chapler 19: How the Legal System Was Corrupted to
Suppress Rife's Cancer Cure 127
Selected Bibliography 137
Appendices 141
The People Who Made This Book
Royal R. Rife, born in 1888, was one of the greatest scien-
tific geniuses of the 20th century. He began researching a cure
for cancer in 1920, and by 1932 he had isolated the cancer
virus. He learned how to destroy it in laboratory cultures and
wenl on 10 cure cancer in animals. Lo 1934, he opened a clinic
which successfully cured 16 of 16 cases withi n three months
time. Working with some of the most respected researchers in
America along with leading doctors from Southern California,
he electroni cally destroyed the cancer virus in patients, allow-
ing their own immune systems to restore health . A Special
Research Committee of the University of Southern California
oversaw the labQratory research and the experimental treat-
ments until the end of the 1930s. Follow-up clinics conducted
in 1935, 1936 and 1937 by the head of the U.S.c. Medical
Comminee verified the resuhs of the 1934 clinic. Independent
physicians utilizing the equipment successfully treated as
many as 40 people per day during these years. In addi ti on to
curing cancer and other deadly diseases, degenerative condi-
tions such as cataracts were reversed. Rife had been able to
determine the precise electrical frequency which destroyed
individual micro-organisms responsible for cancer, herpes.
tuberculosis, and other illnesses. His work was described in
Science magazine, medical journals. and later the Smithsonian
Institution's annual repor1.
Unfortunately, Rife's scientific theories and melhoo of
treatment conflicted with orthooox views. Hi s work was
stopped and both the research and the treatments were forced
underground. Doctors secretly continued curing cancer
patients for 22 years after the original success of the 1934
clinic, but always with opposItIon from medical and gov-
ernmental authorities. However, from 1950 to the mid-1980s,
a number of researCh scientists, working independently, have
slowly been verifying the scientific principles upon which
Rife' s clinical cures of the 1930s were based. A body of
recognized scientific evidence now overwhelmingly supports
the original cancer theories articulated and demonstrated by
Rife 50 years ago. This includes modern AIDS researchers.
In the 1950s, John Cralle-engineer, machinist, laboratory
analyst, health researcher and inventor-became Rife's part-
ner. Crane, born in 1915. worked at Rife's side from 1950
until Rife's death in 1971. During this time, he learned all the
secrets of Rife's cancer cure ... and all the details of its
suppression. Together, the two men designed and constructed
new and better equipment. and managed to interest a new
generation of doctors in the possibilities of a genuine, lasting
and painless cancer cure. And again the authorities struck .
Crane was jailed, equipment was smashed, records were
destroyed. Again the motives driving on the forces of suppres-
sion were the same. By sharing the long hidden facts, as well
as thousands of documents preserved from the 19305, Crane
has enabled the full story to be told.
Author Barry Lynes, born in 1942. is an investigative re-
porter who lives in California. His areas of research, articles
and books include economic theory. climate changes, history,
U.S.-Soviet relations and alternative health treatments. In
early 1986, he became acquainted with John Crane and heard
the 'entire Rife story first-hand. Initially skeptical , Lynes
changed his mind after examining the wealth of documents in
Crane's possession. Outraged by the injustices that had de-
stroyed Rife's work, Lynes decided to reveal in book form
what had happened.
You hold the result in your hands.
QuanlUm theory has shown the imIXlssibility of separating
the observer from the observed. Proponents of the classical
scientific method find thi s a biuer pill, and little or nothing
has been done in a practical way to apply this phenomenon in
the everyday practice of science.
This Slate of affairs is perhaps not surprising. The practice
of science continues to be plagued by an oversimplified model
of human sight-perception. Much scientific controversy, as
well as ongoing prejudice against new discoveries, can be
traced to the false assumption that sight follows some uniform
law of nature. In fact . diversity is the natural law of human
sight, an example of diversity within species. This law cannot
be changed. However, it can be understood, and its properties
defined with sufficient clarity and emphasis to vaslly improve
both the interpretation of perceptions and the e1tercise of ethi
cal practices in scientific research.
From individual to individual all of the five senses are quan
lilalively unequal. For example, some of us cannot see without
eye glasses, or hear without a hearing aid, taste subtle flavors ,
smell a rose or feel fine te1ttures . Further, the quality of the
senses varies with the nature of acquired knowledge or experi -
ence of the individual. Relatively, sight contributes more than
any of the other senses to our awareness of the world, our
being, our consciousness. The eye-mind circuit is itself a vari
able. A psychologist. studyi ng brain-damaged individuals
found a man who thought his wife .was a hat. Are there sub-
clinical cases of this phenomenon among us, even scientists?
Strangely, this capricious sense is so much a part of most of
us we pay it little heed. Who among us can say with certainty
they have not played the role of the native in the following
script from Magellan's logbook.
"When Magellan's expeditions first landed at Terra del
Fuego, the Fuegans, who for centuries had been isolated with
their canoe culture, were unable to see the ships anchored in
the bay. The big ships were so far beyond their experience
that, despite their bulk, the horizon continued unbroken: The
ships were invisible. This was learned on later expeditions to
the area when the Fuegans described how. according to one
account, the shaman had first brought to the villagers' atten-
tion that the strangers had arrived in something which although
preposterous beyond belief, could actually be seen if one
looked carefully. We ask how could they not see the
ships ... they were so obvious, so real . .. yet others would
ask how we cannot see things just as obvious."
Nowhere is the frailty of sight-perception so troublesome
as in microscopy. Recently, a medical writer stated that 100
years ago the microscope was a mysterious instrument. No
doubt it was at that time, but today it is an even more mysteri-
ous instrument. Tools and techniques of essentially infinite
variety have evolved to extend human vision enonnously, but
with inherent complexities. The microscope itself contains the
variables of lens configuration. magnification, resolution and
lighting. Thousands of stains and staining techniques, evolved
over many years, have contributed heavily to complexifying
the art of microscopy. While microscopists acknowledge these
inherent variables, in uncharted waters they remain extremely
But the microscope does more than simply magnify small
objects to visible size, it transports the mind's eye into a world
of incredible complexity of form, flux and process, especially
when the specimen is alive or was once alive. The space
traveler has access to better means of orientation than does the
Thus, the microscope is at once a marvelous tool and a
reservoir of seemingly endless confusion even without intro-
ducing the factor of variations in human sight-perception. No
doubt, we should stand in awe of progress made. But we
cannot longer thus stand. Old health problems have become
more serious, and new ones appear almost daily. Royal
Raymond Rife's story contains crucial infonnation to be
brought into focus through correlations with both old and new
A number of events in the history of microscopy and micro-
biology lend credence to Rife's discoveries and insights into
the nature of his travails.
Circa 1870, Antoine 8echamp saw tiny motile bodies with
his microscope which he named "microzymas." In the first
third of the 20th century Gunther Enderlein saw these bodies
and called them "endobionts:' Wilhelm Reich, in the late
1930s, saw a similar if not identical body which he named
'bion." There were others during this era. Today in Sweden
and in Canada the properties of these same living particles are
being explored by researchers who have assigned names from
their own imaginations. The various theories advanced by
members of this group of researchers remain rejected or
largely forgotten. Remarkably, they all used dark-field con-
densers, a known but uncommon practice. In microbiology it
is particularly difficult to convince others of the truth and
value of discoveries made with uncommon methods of obser-
Rife employed a system of lighting as unknown to micro-
scopy today as it was in the 1 930s. It was not simply uncom-
mon, it was unknown. This was the first and most fundamental
technical strike against understanding Rife's microscope and
biological discoveries. Fear of the unknown is greater than
fear of the unfamiliar. Even scientists are not immune to this
human instinct.
There were a few who were not distracted by Rife's
unknown method of lighting. Having a look at his work, they
jumped to the next problem, that of their own dogma, which
said it is simply impossible to realize such high magnifications
and resolutions with a light microscope, and therefore we do
not believe what we see. You, Mr. Rife, are dishonest. and
for trying to pull the wool over our eyes we will put trouble-
some clouds in your skies to the end of your days. Dogma is
necessary, but it often lives too long, and is too often exercised
Only recently have discoveries been confimlcd in
biophysics to make it possible to understand the principle by
which Rife's microscopes produced magnifications and resol-
utions so far beyond the limits of conventional light micro-
scopes. Remarkably, the basic phenomena behind these "new"
discoveries were described by Gustav Lc Bon, psychologist
turned physicist, just before the tum of the Century. Then as
now, gifted individuals who cross disciplinary boundaries are
not heard.
Biophysicists have now shown that there exists a crucial
natural interaction between living matter and photons. This
process is measurable at the cellular (bacterium) level. Other
research has demonstrated that Jiving systems are extraordinar-
ily sensitive to extremely low-energy electromagnetic waves.
This is to say, each kind of cell or microorganism has a spe-
cific frequency of interaction with the electromagnetic spec-
trum. By various means, Rife's system allowed adjusting the
frequency of light impinging on the specimen. By some insight
he learned that the light frequency could be "tuned" into the
natural frequency of the microorganism being examined to
cause a resonance or feed-back loop. In effect, under this
condition, it can be said the microorganism illuminated itself.
Is it possible the newly discovered electromagnetic proper-
ties of living matter were visible to certain highly skilled
microscopists with nothing more special than a gifted sense of
sight? In self defense, Wilhelm Reich, who could see with his
microscope what others could not. said a good microscopist
must learn to resonate with the specimen. Barbara McClin-
tock, Nobel Prize winning com geneticist , who experienced
years of travail because she could see the un-seeable,
explained that she "had a feeling for the organism". Perhaps
Rife had such a gift of sight or insight as these two, but he
applied it to building a device he hoped would make it possible
for all to see further into the mysteries of living things. His
device worked, but the world remained blind to these mys-
Rife extrapolated from his lighting technique, which we
may be certain he understood, that specific electromagnetic
frequencies would have a negative effect on specific bacterial
foons. There can remain no doubt that Rife demonstrated the
correctness of his hypothesis to himself and those few who
had the courage to look and the perceptual acuity to seet The
same new discoveries in biophysics not only explain Rife's
principle of illumination, they also explain his process for
selective destruction of bacteria. The latter phenomenon is
similar to ultra-sonic cleaning, differing in delicate selectivity
of wave fonn and frequency. Recently. researchers whose
findings have been suppressed, have caused and cured cancer
in the same group of mice by subjecting them to certain elec-
tromagnetic fields. Rife's work was far more sophisticated.
He selected specific microscopic targets. and actually saw the
targets explode.
Rife's works demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt that
bacteria are pleomorphic rather than monomorphic. This
demonstration did more to bring down upon him the wrath of
the worst kind of politics of science than any other facet of
his work. It violated the strongest of established biological
dogmas, that of the genn theory of disease ... specific etiol-
ogy. Everyone knew this-that-and-the-other disease was
caused by a characteristic genn. This had been absolutely
proven by Koch's postulates and the success of vaccinations.
No one remembered Antoine Bechamp's microzyma theory
which said that various conditions of disease evoke the appear-
ance of characteristic bacterial fonns from tiny living pre-
bacterial particles which he found in all living systems, and
in inert organic matter which had once been alive. This
required that bacteria be pleomorphic, a fact he extensively
demonstrated, but not to the satisfaction of those who ran the
politics of science during the late 1800s. In Bechamp's theory.
bacteria are a symptom rather than the final cause of disease.
Today's biologists find these concepts incomprehensible even
though both bacterial pleomorphism and endogenous sources
of bacteria have been demonstrated repeatedly since
8echamp's time. Perhaps the continuing failure to control both
old and new diseases will pressure medical science into realiz-
ing that the traditional genn theory dogma is at best incom-
During the late 1800s the future course of medical bacteriol-
ogy was set largely by expediency. The scientists had some
answers concerning infectious diseases. and it made good
political and commercial sense to put these answers into prac-
tice. 8echamp's ideas were not only strange and distasteful,
they were complicated. In fact, 8echamp's theory probably
relates more to degenerative diseases than to infectious dis-
eases, the laller being of greater concern in that era.
Vaccinations worked, though their real efficacy and long-
tenn effects are now being questioned. The germ theory itself
was relatively obvious, and it was easy to convince the public
that the cause of their ills was a thing, which though invisible,
came from outside the body. This gave the individual a dis-
tance from the "cause". Though small, this distance was com-
forting in an era when the nature of disease was so mysterious.
The germ theory was embraced with a great sigh of relief; it
was ever so much bener than nothing. Try as they might, Rife
and his highly competent affiliates could not change the color
of this dogma.
Today, the fact of bacterial pleomorphism is recognized
quietly by small groups of microbiologists who acknowledge
not knowing for certain what to do about it. The fact stands
without theory, together with other self-evident biological
phenomena such as evolution and symbiosis. The processes
of pleomorphism appear complex beyond comprehension. It
is a process rather than a thing. Understanding this process
has been hampered by the fact that microbiologists have rarely
looked at living specimens. Preoccupied with stains and stain-
ing techniques. and entranced by the electron microscope, they
have continued to look at killed specimens. There is little
doubt that Rife's live-specimen microscopy confused his cri-
tics. adding strength to their antagonism, and to their convic-
tion they had not witnessed bacterial pleomorphism.
Understanding bacterial pleomorphism in a practical way is
necessary to unraveling the mysteries of the immune system
and degenerative diseases. If one steps outside traditional
microbiology, and can somehow insulate oneself from all the
controversy and tragic-ridden hindsight, perhaps new light can
be brought to the subject. Pleomorphism means simply, "the
assumption of various distinct forms by a single organism or
species; also the property of crystallizing in two or more
forms". (Dorland's l11ustrated Medical Dictionary.): or: "I.
Bot. the occurrence of two or more forms in one life cycle.
2. Zool. same as polymorphism" (Webster).
In both the long run and the short run, life is pleomorphic.
What do we mean by the long run? There is now convincing
evidence that life existed on Earth at least 3,400 million years
ago. If life itself on Earth were extinguished today, it would
have experienced an enormously long life cycle during which
it changed from isolated single cells into an infinite variety of
complex living fonDS. In this sense of the infinity of life, life
is pleomorphic. We experience the shon. run, the periodic
forms of living things which collectively perpetuate the infin
ity of the whole of life itself. The periodic forms we commonly
perceive-plants, animals, birds, bees-are obviously pleo--
morphic. . in the short run, i.e., minutes, hours, days,
weeks, months. years, decades, centuries.
All sexually reproducing life forms begin as a group of
identical cells which differentiate into specialized cells which
by symbiotic associations create complex living forms such as
the human animal. Between fertile egg and birth, the embryo
has many forms. The mature animal is a "form of forms."
Even the human intellect may be said to be pleomorphic.
Education and experience change its "foml," if you will allow
this concept. In the English language there is the word tautol-
ogy. meaning: "needless repetition of an idea in a different
word, phrase or sentence, redundancy; pleonasm." In the
meaning of this word is there not evidence of an instinctive
need to somehow change form?
Pleomorphism is a self-evidentfacts-withouHheory prop-
erty of living systems of the same class as, for example, sym-
biosis and evolution. Bacteria arc living things. They cannot
be other than pleomorphic, symbiotic and evolutionary.
Only during the past few years has an interest in live-speci-
men microscopy emerged together with an assortment of
improved light microscopes. These new scopes employ
innovative light-paths alone or together with ultraviolet or
near-ultraviolet light sources. Ultraviolet light has a strong
negative effect on practically all bacteria. In desperation, this
compromise is perhaps being too eagerly accepted. Many of
the new scopes employ image-enhancement by computer. a
technique which mayor may not encourage agreement in
microbiological perceptions. It may introduce greater com-
plexities than has staining. The bottom line. of course, is that
microbiologists must create a whole living-specimen-paradigm
within which (hey can get their heads together. An enonnous
learning period looms ahead, complicated by tools of ever
increasing intricacy.
In retrospect, Rife's microscope appears relatively simple
and straightforward, ideally suited for observing living speci-
mens. None of the new light scopes can begin to approach the
magnification and resolution achieved by Rife. Only one, a
little-known instrument developed in France during the 19605,
approximates that of Rife. Today, this microscope is being
operated at 4500 magnifications with an unbelievable 150
angstrom resolution. It appears to be an ordinary high-quality
research instrument fitted with a dark-field condenser and a
light source comprised of a mix of near-ultraviolet and laser.
both being of an undisclosed frequency. Its principle of oper-
ation may approximate Rife's in a limited way.
A personal note; With my own eyes and with my own
research-grade microscope, fitted with a dark-field condenser,
I have seen a bacterial pleomorphic process in fresh untreated
specimens of human blood. I could not have "seen" this if I
had not "known" wbat to look for. I knew what to look for
because I had studied Bechamp, Rife, Reich and others, and
because of the personal tutorage of a gifted microscopist who
had studied the phenomenon for over twenty-five years.
Barry Lynes makes a strong case for replicating Rife' s
works, his microscope, and especially the electromagnetic fre-
quency generator that Rife's associates used successfully in
the clinical treatment of cancer. This would be highly desira-
ble. Rife's works should, by all means, be reexamined/airly
in light of "new" knowledge. This "new" knowledge has
defined, but not answered, many questions. The products of
Rife's gentle genius were premature, and they may well con-
tain crucial clues or whole answers.
John W. Mattingly
Colorado State University
Chapter I
The Cure For Cancer
In the summer of 1934 in California, under the auspices of
the University of Southern California, a group of leading
American bacteriologists and doctors conducted the first suc-
cessful cancer clinic. The results showed that cancer was
caused by a micro-organism, that the micro-organism could
be painlessly destroyed in ternlinally ill cancer patients, and
that the effects of the disease could be reversed.
The technical discovery leading to the cancer cure had been
described in Sciellce magazine in 1931. In the decade follow-
ing the 1934 clinical success, the technology and the sub-
sequent. successful treatment of cancer patients was discussed
at medical conferences, disseminated in a medical journal,
cautiously but professionally reported in a major newspaper.
and technically explained in an annual report published by the
Smithsonian lnstitution.
However. the cancer cure threatened a number of scientists,
physicians, and financial interests. A cover-up was initiated.
Physicians using the new technology were coerced imo aban-
doning it. The author of the Smithsonian article was followed
and then was shot at while driving his car. He never wrote
about the subject again. All reports describing the cure were
censored by the head of the AMA (American Medical Associ-
ation) from the major medical journals. Objective scicntific
evaluation by government laboratories was prevented. And
renowned researchers who supported the technology and its
new scientific principles in bacteriology were scorned.
ridiculed, and called liars to their face. Eventually, a long,
dark silence lasting decades fell over the cancer cure. In time,
the cure was labeled a "myth"-it never happened. However,
documents now available prove that the cure did exist, was
tested successfully in clinical trials, and in fact was used se-
cretly for years afterwards- continuing to cure cancer as well
as other diseases.
Yet, despite the blackout which prevented doctors and
researchers from knowing about and improving the cure, other
scientific investigators continued to verify the basic principles.
In the late 1940s and early 1950s, cooperating researchers at
a hospital laboratory in New Jersey and a research insti tute in
Pennsylvania made similar discoveries which unknowingly
aligned them with the Cali fornia group of a decade earlier. In
1950, these researchers prepared to make a presentation before
the New York Academy of Sciences. But again, political
forces intervened and the symposium was cancelled.
Then, in 1953. the basic science which validated the
theories of the California group was explained by the New
Jersey group at an international microbiology conference in
Rome, Ital y. The New York Times and the Washington Post
reported the discovery.
However. upon the group's return to America, they dis-
covered that the same powerful forces which had prevented
an American announcement in 1950 had secretl y managed to
termi nate the financing of the New Jersey laboratory. The
leading researcher was forced to move to California and stan
In December of that same year, the leader of the California
group and the man most responsible for the successful healing
of cancer in the 1930s- after years of silence- published a
description of the methods and resul ts of the cancer cure . The
authorities at the government's National Cancer Institute in
Washington, D.C. received a copy at the National Library of
Medicine outside Washington, D.C. in Bethesda. Maryland.
Bm they ignored it. The library staff responsible for filing and
circulating such reports to the officials determining cancer
research policy either failed to do their jobs or they met with
opposition from those in charge of the war on cancer.
Still. new researchers continued to appear on the scene.
The process of rediscovering what the California group had
found continued. In the late 1950s, an international conference
was held in Europe. The topic was the same topic which the
California group had championed in the 1930s and whkh
played a critical part in their successful cancer cure.
In 1959, another cancer researcher tested the cancer micro-
organism on herself! And developed cancer. But again. the
event had little impact in the scientific hierarchy which man-
aged the cancer program.
Finally, in 1967, the work of the Pennsylvania group was
reported in the Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences.
Then, in 1969, the New Jersey group presented its findings
to the New York Academy of Sciences and requests for
reprints poured in from around the country. Yet the cancer
authorities-detennining how public and private research (and
treatment) would be funded-again ignored the discoveries
which now were scientific, laboratory-replicable facts.
In 1974, a major work in the bacteriology field was pub-
lished. it showed how the claims of the bacteriologists
involved in the 1930s California clinic had been validated in
the ensuing decades. Laboratory proof after laboratory proof
convincingly demonstrated that the orthodox theories of the
cancer authorities who dominated virus and bacteria research
as well as cancer treatment in the 1930s, I 940s. 1950s and
1960s were fundamentall y wrong.
In 1976, the first article in 30 years describing the Califor-
nia group's technology and clinical results was published in a
popular magazine. The article appeared in New Age Journal
from Boston, Massachusetts. It outlined 40 years of inattention
and suppression by the cancer authorities. At that time, the
magazine had a small circulation although it is now nationally
distributed monthly. But again, nothing happened. Neither the
public nor the medical professionals pursued the medical story
of the 20th century-a tested, verified, painless cure for
In 1980, two French researchers published a book which
showed the original ideas of the California group were now
international scientific facts. Although orthodox medical
authorities continued to believe theories which were directly
contradicted by laboratory demonstrations, the basis for an
entirely new approach to cancer research and treatment was a
scientifically established reality.
In 1986, an authority in the field summarized the current
situation as follows: "Only in the past 24 years have micro
biologists developed the slightest interest in living micro--
organisms. When they start truly looking at living micro--
organisms, the process of change taking place before their
eyes will confound the problem. We are going to have to teach
them what they are seeing. It' s a totally different world than
what they think they know."
In the past year, a leading scientist from Europe has
reexamined the work and the claims of the California group
which cured cancer in the 19305. He concluded, 'The princi
pie is sound."
What follows is a complex tale of scientific brilliance and
determination by a number of researchers. Sadly, it is also a
tale of scientific ignorance, deception, abuse of power, and
criminal acts. Congress, the media, and the scientific commu
oily should begin public investigations of these matters if the
public trust is not to be further eroded.
More than 1,200 Americans will die from cancer in the
next 24 hours-nearly one death every minute.
Surely it is time for the suffering to stop.
Chapter 2
Bacteria and Virus
In 19th century France, two giants of science collided. One
of them is now world-renowned-Louis Pasteur. The other,
from whom Pasteur stole many of his best ideas, is now essen-
tially forgonen- Pierre Bechamp. However, it is possible that
as medical knowledge advances and the relationships between
health, the immune system. and food patterns are better under-
stood, Bechamp may come to be recognized as the more sig-
nificant of the two men.
E. Douglas Hume, author of 8echamp or Pasteur, asserts
that it was Pasteur's faulty science, combined with his public
standing, which set the direction of 20th century medicine-
chemicals, injections, and experimental transfers of disease
cultures from one species to another. According to HUme,
medicine could have proceeded in a very different direction if
Bechamp's research had received the public attention it
deserved. It is now widely recognized that Pasteur was wrong
on a number of basic issues.
One of the many areas in which Pasteur and Bechamp
argued concerned what is today known as pleomorphism-the
occurrence of more than one distinct form of an organism in
a single life cycle. Bechamp contended that bacteria could
change fonns. A rod-shaped bacteria could become a
spheroid, etc. Pasteur disagreed. In 1914, Madame Victor
Henri of the Pasteur Institute confirmed that Bechamp was
correct and Pasteur wrong.
But Bechamp went much further in his argument for
pleomorphism. He contended that bacteria could "devolve"
into smaller, unseen fonns, what he called "microzymia.' In
other words, Bechamp developed-on the basis of a lifetime
of research-a theory that micro-organisms could change their
essential size as well as their shape, depending on the state of
health of the organism in which the microorganism lived.
This directly contradicted what on.hodox medical authorities
have believed for most of the 20th century. Laboratory
research in recent years has provided confirmation for
Bechamp's notion. An entire century of medicine and scien
tific research might have been different if Pasteur' s public
authority and the commercial gains to be realized from his
fauhy ideas had not predominated.
In 1980, French bacteriologists Sorin Sonea and Maurice
Panisset published A New Bacreriology. The central theme of
their book was that bacterial pleomorphism was now a seien
tific fact. They stated that "different types of bacteria were
only different manifestations of a unified bacteria world."
This seemingly esoteric scientific squabble had ramifica-
tions far beyond academic institutions. The denial of
pleomorphism was one of the cornerstones of 20th century
medical research and cancer treatment. An early 20th century
acceptance of pleomorphism might have prevented millions of
Americans from suffering and dying of cancer.
In the early third of this century, a heated debate took place
over filtrable bacteria versus non filtrable bacteria. The
on.hodox view was that bacteria could not be filtered to a
smaller form. What passed through "bacteriaproof' filters
was something else: not bacteria, but viruses. Standard
textbooks today continue to make this same basic distinction
between bacteria and viruses.
A "typical" bacteria is about I micron in size. or 1125,000
of an inch. Viruses range in size from 10 millimicrons (10
thousandths of a micron) to 300 millimicrons (300 thousandths
of a micron). Thus, the largest virus, according to the on.hodox
view. is a quarter to a third the size of the average bacteria.
This measurement is impon.ant because 300 millimicrons
also is the limit of resolution of the light microscope. Viruses
require an electron microscope to be seen and electron micro-
scopes kill the specimens. Only the very large smallpox virus
can be seen with a light microscope.
Since viruses passed through pores in a filler which held
back anything larger than 300 millimicrons, viruses were
lenned "filtrable viruses" at one time. But eventually the temlS
"filtrable" and "viruses" became synonymous. A virus was
filtrable. But bacteria, according to the orthodox view. could
not be filtered to a smaller, earlier stage. Here loomed a major
battle in the war over pleomorphism.
Another criterion for a virus is that it requires a living cell
as a host in order to reproduce. This fundamental distinction
between bacteria and viruses was announced by Dr. Thomas
Rivers of the Rockefeller Institute to the Society of American
Bacteriologists in December 1926. It helped to establish the
foundation for his career as well as to distinguish virology as
a separate specialty within the broader field of microbiology.
In time, Rivers-because of his scientific reputation, his quar-
relsome personality, and the immense financial resources at
his dis]Xlsal through the Rockefeller Institute-became one of
the most formidable men in American microbiology. As
Director of the Rockefeller Hospital from 1937 to 1955, and
as Vice-President of the Rockefeller Institute from 1953 until
illness and death removed him from a power role in American
medicine, not only did his ideas influence the leading virus
researchers of the next generation, but his personal training of
a dozen or more of them had a profound impact on research
priorities well into the 1970s and 1980s. Unfortunately, Dr.
Thomas Rivers was wrong about filtrable bacteria.
A quotation from an article by Dr. Richard Shope which
appeared in The Journal of Baclerioiogy in 1962 after the
death of Rivers provides some insight into what anyone dis-
agreeing with Rivers would face: "Many of those who have
known Dr. Rivers best have felt the sting that he could so
picturesquely deliver in an argument. Few of us have had the
nerve openly to side with his opposition in one of these 'knock
down' and 'drag out' discussions."
But one man who did challenge Rivers was Dr. Arthur
Kendall (1877-1959), a noted bacteriologist of his time. Ken-
dall was thoroughly defeated by Rivers as far as public acclaim
and orthodox peer recognition was concerned, but just as with
Bechamp in the earlier battle with Pasteur , the science of later
generations appears to be reassessing where the true honors
should be assigned.
Dr. Arthur Kendall was Director of the Hygienic Labora-
tory of the Panama Canal Commission in 1904. The Hygienic
Laboratory was the forerunner of the National Institute of
Health. In 1906, Kendall became a bacteriologist at the
RockefeUer Institute. This was followed by 3 years as an
instructor at Harvard University Medical School (1909-1912).
In 1912, Kendall became head of the first wholly independent
Department of Bacteriology in America. at Northwestern Uni-
versity. In 1916, he was appointed Dean of the Medical
School. In 1924, Kendall became Professor of Bacteriology
and public health at Washington University in SI. Louis, Mis-
souri. Then in 1928, he returned to Northwestern and shortly
afterwards began working with the California group which
conducted the first successful cancer clinic in 1934. In 1942
he retired from Northwestern. More than 100 of his papers
were published.
On December II , 1931, Science magazine reported in its
Science News section that Dr. Kendall had filtered bacteria to
a smaller fonn and that these micro-organisms had remained
alive on a medium of his creation. His 'X Medium" had bro-
ken down the typhoid bacillus into a filtrable form. Moreover,
using a special microscope, he was able to see: ( I) the full
sized bacillus still unchanged, (2) other bacilli in an inter-
mediate stage between the filtrable and the non-filtrable
phases, and (3) still other , very small turquoise-blue bodies
which were the final bacillus fornl . This final fornl was the
size of a virus, and yet il was still a bacteria! The basis for
Dr. Rivers' authority had been challenged.
When the official publication of the California Medical
Association, California and Western Medicine. published the
incredible news in December 1931, and Dr. Kendall was
invited to address the Association of American Physicians,
Rivers reacted. First he tried to have Kendall' s talk cancelled.
When that was refused by the sponsors, he insisted that he and
Dr. Hans Zinsser of Harvard be allowed to speak also. After
Kendall made his presentation before the Association in May
1932, Zinsser and Rivers publicly ripped Kendall apart, stating
that since they could not replicate Kendall's results, Kendall
was lying. The opposition mounted by Rivers and Zinsser was
such that few scientists and doctors of the time dared to sup-
port Kendall. KendaH could not convince the orthodox "non-
filrration" school that experiments done according to his
techniques would validate his discovery. The opposition group
did not want to learn.
In 1974, Uda H. Mattman of the Department of Biology,
Wayne State University, published Cell-Wall Deficiem Forms.
By then, pleomorphism was a proven phenomenon although
the orthodox school continued to ignore it. Matlman wrote,
"Current bacteriology holds the belief that each species of
bacteria has only a certain very simple fonn .... In contrast,
this writer, using carefully prepared pure cultures, found that
bacteria pass through stages with markedly different morphol -
Citing studies that went back more than 30 years, Matlman
opened the door to a modem field of research which the exist-
ing cancer authorities had not only ignored, but dismissed or
suppressed because it conflicted with their own beliefs and
their own self-imerest.
Mattman, writing with scholarly conservatism, recognized
Kendall's contribution and obliquely the erroneous attack on
him in the early 1930s: "In the I 920s an important 'school of
filtration' was established by Kendall .... Although William
H. Welch regarded Kendall 's work as a distinct advance. great
skepticism was expressed on the whole. Unfortunately, this
was just prior to the demonstration by Kleineberger and by
Dienes that filtrable organisms could be grown on solid
medium and their sequential reversion steps followcd."
Both Kleineberger and Dienes published their initial find-
ings in the mid-1930s. Kendall was only a few years ahead of
them. But Kleineberger and Dienes had no effect either.
Something more fundamental was operating, as time would
demonstrate. Kendall had not only challenged the experience
of Rivers and other established authorities, but had unknow-
ingly threatened medical and financial imerests.
By 1982, when Gerald J. Donigue of Tulane University
...... . - " '
School of Medicine published Cell-Wall Deficient Bacteria,
(he suppression of Kendall's work for 50 years had obvious
results. Domingue writes:
"There is a considerable body of experimental and clinical
evidence- much of which has never been published- support-
ing the concept that cell wall deficiem bacteria may be agents
of disease .. . . There are no current books whose primary
focus is on the clinical significance of these unusual
bodies. . The most neglected research area has been on the
role of these organisms in disease."
Thus, 50 years after Kendall's discovery, even with sub-
stantial evidence. the erroneous orthodox view continued to
dominate medical theory, cancer research, and cancer treat +
One of Kendall's renowned supporters was Dr. Edward
Rosenow of the Mayo Clinic. Rosenow was viciously attacked
by Thomas Rivers of the rival Rockefeller Institute. As
reported in the 1976 article in New Age Journal, Rosenow's
son, Dr. Edward C. Rosenow, Jr., Chief Administrative
Officer of the American College of Physicians, "asserts that
his father was all but accused by Rockefeller Institute research
moguls of experimental dishonesty."
Rosenow told his son, "They simply won't listen."
(Rosenow's son later told how, while a student of Zinsser' s
at Harvard, Zinsser had admitted to Rosenow Jr. that he, Zins-
ser, had not even used Rosenow Sr:s medium in failing to
duplicate and then condemning Rosenow' s test results.)
The medical moguls apparently wouldn't listen even to one
of their own. In 1911, Peyton Rous of the Rockefeller Institute
provided the first evidence that a virus could cause a cancer.
Yet for decades the orthodox view was that cancer resulted
from "somatic mutation"- a gene develops a flaw and disor-
ganizes cellular function.
David Locke. author of a book on viruses published in
1974, recalled meeting Peyton Rous in the corridors of the
Rockefeller Institute during the mid-century and being
shocked to learn that a micro-organism could be the cause of
cancer. Locke wrote, "The 1940s and 1950s were the heyday
of the somatic mutation theory. At the time, it was scientific
dogma that cancer was a peculiar transfonnation of cells
caused not by an infectious agent, but by a mutation of the
cells ...
Peyton Rous was finally honored for his discovery in 1966
when he received the Nobel Prize. He was 86 years old and
his discovery 55 years past.
Because the Rous virus has been around for so long, it has
been carefully categorized. However, as described in Lida
Mauman's 1974 book. the Rous "virus" has been found to be
a classical bacterium. Citing Dr. Eleanor Alexander-Jackson's
work, Mauman explained that the Rous virus produces DNA
as well as RNA. Viruses supposedly contain only DNA or
RNA, not both.
The orthodox virus school undoubtedly has difficulty with
the fact that one of the "classical" viruses-if not the most
famous-is in truth a "filtrable bacterium."
In a paper presented to the New York Academy of Sciences
in 1969, Dr. Virginia Livingston and Dr. Eleanor Alexander-
Jackson declared that a single cancer micro-organism exists.
They said that the reason the anny of cancer researchers
couldn't find it was because it changed fonn. Livingston and
Alexander-Jackson asserted:
1'he organism has remained an unclassified mystery, due
in part to its remarkable pleomorphism and its stimulation of
other micro-organisms. Its various phases may resemble vir-
uses, micrococci, diptheroids, bacilli, and fungi"
Aorence Seibert, Professor Emeritus of BiOChemistry. Uni-
versity of Pennsylvania and Dr. Irene Diller from the Institute
for Cancer Research in Philadelphia made essentially the same
argument to the New York Academy of Sciences in 1967.
Seibert's book Pebbles on the Hill of a Scielllist (1968)
includes the following: "We found that we were able to isolate
bacteria from every piece of tumor and every acute leukemic
blood specimen that we had. This was published in the Annals
of the New York Academy of Sciences."
Seibert also clearly recognized pleomorphism as the under-
lying scientific reality which must be appreciated if cancer is
to be cured:
"One of the most interesting propenies of these bacteria is
their great pleomorphism. For example, they readily change
their shape from round cocci. to elongated rods, and even to
long thread-like filaments depending upon what medium they
grow on and how long they grow. And even more interesting
than this is the fact that these bacteria have a filterable form
in their life cycle; that is, that they can become so small that
they pass through bacterial filters which hold back bacteria.
This is what vi ruses do, and is one of the main criteria of a
virus, separating them from bacteria. BUI the viruses also will
not live on artificial media like these bacteria do . . .. Our
filterable form, however, can be recovered again on ordinary
artificial bacterial media and will grow on these."
The Mayo Cl inic's Dr. Edward Rosenow. who worked wi th
Kendall in the preparatory slage of the successful cancer
clinic, had written as early as 191 4 in the Journal of Infectious
Diseases that, "It would seem that focal infections are no
longer to be looked upon merely as a place of entrance of
bacteria, but as a place where condifio1lJ are favorable for
them 10 acquire the properties which give them a wide range
of affinities for various structures.'
This was also 8echamp's conclusion back in the 19th cen-
tury- that the body's environment produced a place for micro-
organisms to become diseased bacteria and that improving the
body' s internal environment could alter bacteria inlo harmless,
even useful "microzymia." E. Douglas Hume has wrillen,
"Sechamp ... had demonstrated the connection between a
disturbed state of body and the disturbed state of its indwelling
particles, which, upon an unfortunate alteration in their sur-
roundings, are hampered in their normal multiplication as
healthy microzymas and are consequently prone to develop
into organisms of vari ed shape, known as bacteria. Upon an
improvement in their environment, the bacteria. according to
Bechamp's view, by a fonn of devolution may return to their
microzymian state, bUI much smaller and more numerous than
they were originally."
At the end of 1971, Congress passed the National Cancer
Act. As Robin and David Nicholas later wrote (Virology, WI
Information Profile) in 1983, "In the I970s research iRl o the
role of viruses in cancer was virt ually given a blank check,
particularly in the USA, the powerhouse of virus research."
Bacteria and its various forms were ignored. Even in 1986,
when researchers mention bacteria as a possible cause of
cancer, they are dismissed by the "experts:' One high univer-
sity official stopped reading a report on thc 1934 cancer cure
when he came across the word bactcria, so brainwashed was
he to the certainty that viruses were the cause of cancer while
bacteria were of no importance in cancer.
And yet, by 1986, despite the massive fundings of virus
research, more people than ever continued to die of cancer.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, the world's largest
non-profit cancer research center, and still the leading institu-
tional opponent of pleomorphism research and related cancer
treatment in America, stated in a 1986 fund-raising appeal that
over 460,000 Americans died of cancer in 1985. (Sloan-Ket-
tering's own 1975 tests had indicated pleomorphic bacteria-
virus in all cancer blood tests, but they had buried the labora-
tory results.)
In 1974, Rockefeller University's Dr. Norman Zinder
admitted, "We don't know how to attack cancer, much less
conquer it, because we don't understand enough about how it
Yet the answer existed then and now in scientific journals,
Academy of Sciences' reports. books. old newspapers, and
other forms. U money wasn't being invested into careful
research and cross-referencing of all the relevant literature.
then why wasn't it?
The cancer authorities- in the 1980s as in earlier decades-
had censored ideas and researchers who argued the unorthodox
pleomorphism cause and cure for cancer. The money and clin-
ical trials went to orthodox virus monomorphism supporters
and chemical treatmcnts aimed at killing cancerous cells. not
micro-organisms in the bloodstream attacking the entire body.
The funding procedure was essentially stacked against those
who. even though top scientists, didn't parrot the conventional
(and wrong) beliefs.
Ralph W. Moss. former Assistant Director of Public Affairs
at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center explained the
roadblock in his 1980 book The Cancer Syndrome: "A new
grant request must therefore be approved by a wide variety of
scientists, bureaucrats and businessmen. It must be the result
of a consensus of opinion among these many individuals.
Almost by definition, however, such an application must be
well within the bounds of conventional science. These 'cum-
bersome constraints' make it difficult, if not impossible for
radically new ideas to be approved by the NC!." (NCI = the
National Cancer Institute)
The "radicall y new ideas" might include the onc that cured
cancer in the California clinic in 1934. The 460,000 Amer-
icans scheduled to needlessly die in the next year might like
some of their lax money to fund a new clinic using those long
covered-up ideas and technologies. As Frank J. Rauscher, Jr. ,
Director of the National Cancer Institute, rhetorically asked in
1975, "What are we doing with the taxpayer's money'!"
It is a question which no one in authority wants to answer
honestly-the horrible results of the cancer cure cover-up are
too well-known. The death toll from 1970 to the present
(1986) is more than 6 million, matching the Nazi holocaust.
When the death count includes those who died from 1934 to
1970. the number of victims is staggering. The cancer cure
cover-up is America's holocaust.
A political firestorm could erupt if a large sector of the
American public learned the lnlth.
Chapter 3
Medicine in America
The suppression of the successful cancer cure first used in
1934 took place because of a unique sct of factors. Among
these factors were: the virtual one-man rule within the Amer-
ican Medical Association, scientific rivalries, institutional
pride and arrogance, a power-hungry head at Memorial Sloan-
Kettering determined to find his own cure for cancer even jf
it required squashing those with different views, pharmaceu-
tical companies with vested interests which slowly took con-
trol of the direction of America's cancer program, and politi-
cal-media timidity in the area of medical oversight. There
were a number of junctures during the years since 1934 when,
if one person in a critical position had acted courageously, the
entire history of medicine in this century could have been
altered. But it didn't happen. The resulting cost in lives and
resources has been incalculable. It is not an exaggerati on to
say that the cover-up, suppression, and failure to evaluate the
1934 cancer cure has been an American catastrophe exceeding
anything in our history. Even if the 1934 cure can be
implemented in the late 1980s, nothing can disguise the waste
and horror of what has happened.
The American Medical Association was formed in 1846,
but it wasn' l until 190 I that a reorganization enabled it to gain
power over how medici ne was practiced throughout Ameri ca.
By becoming a confederation of state medical associations
and forcing doctors who wanted to belong to their county
medical society to join the state association. the AMA soon
increased its membership to include a majority of physicians.
Then, by accrediting medical schools, it began determi ning
the standards and practices of doctors. Those who refused to
confonn lost their license to practice medicine.
In 1912 the AMA established its "cooperative" advertising
bureau, Soon the AMA's Chicago headquarters determined
not only who could advertise in the state medical journals but
how much advertisers were expected to pay if their products
were to be "approved," Morris Fishbein was the virtual dic-
tator of the AMA from the mid-1920s until he was ousted on
June 6, 1949 at the AMA convention in Atlantic City. But
even after he was forced from his position of power because
of a revolt from several state delegations of doctors, the
policies he had set in motion continued on for many years. He
died in the early 19705.
The Illinois Medical Society had warned as early as 1922
about what was happening, but few paid altention or dared to
oppose the [tend: "The AMA is a one-man organization. The
entire medica1 profession of the United States is at the mercy
of one man .... The Journal controls all the funds,"
One eltample demonstrates how the AMA advertising and
approval "racket" worked. According to Morris A. Beale ,
author of two books, The Super Drug Story and Medical Mus-
solini, C. Gildner of Los Angeles contracted with King's
Laboratories to distribute a product called Maelum. King's
Laboratories requested approval by the AMA for its product.
On October 27, 1931, AMA director Fishbein wrote that it
was approved. On November 10, 1931, Gildner was
approached by Fishbein to purchase advertising in the national
AMA Journal or any of the 42 state medical journals. Gildner
refused. On November 16, 1931, one week later, through the
AMA' s Committee on Foods, Fishbein revoked the AMA's
seal of approval,
According to Beale, this procedure was common practice.
Products weren't tested for their effects on health. Onlyadver-
tising revenues were considered. In short , the AMA for many
years was abusing its position of power to shake down poten-
tial advertisers. Even worse, it was selling its product approval
seal to advertisers whose products were unsafe and unhealthy.
Products virtually the same would be found on the AMA's
"approved" and "disapproved" lists-the only distinction being
whether their manufacturers advertised in the Journal of the
The man responsible for this state of affairs was, in the
words of Associated Press Science Writer Howard Blakeslee,
"Morris Fishbein, the Kingpin of American Medicine." Fish-
bein operated out of the AMA's Chicago headquarters.
A few years after the successful cancer clinic of 1934, Dr.
R. T. Hamer, who did not participate in the clinic, began to
use the procedure in Southern California. According to Benja-
min Cullen, who observed the entire development of the
cancer cure from idea to implementation, Fishbein found out
and tried to "buy in." When he was turned down, Fishbein
unleashed the AMA to destroy the cancer cure.
Cullen recalled: "Dr. Hamer ran an average of forty cases
a day through his place. He had to hire two operators. He
trained them and watched them very closely. The case his-
tories were mounting up very fast. Among them was this old
man from Chicago. He had a malignancy all around his face
and neck. It was a gory mass. Just terrible. Just a red gory
mass. It had taken over all around his face. It had taken off
one eyelid at the bottom of the eye. It had taken off the bottom
of the lower lobe of the ear and had also gone into the cheek
area, nose and chin. He was a sight to behold."
"But in six months all that was left was a liule black spot
on the side of his face and the condition of that was such that
it was about to fall off. Now that man was 82 years of age. I
never saw anything like it. The delight of having a lovely
clean skin again, just like a baby's skin."
"Well he went back to Chicago. Naturally he couldn' t keep
still and Fishbein heard about it. Fishbein called him in and
the old man was kind of reticent about telling him. So Fishbein
wined and dined him and finally learned about his cancer
treatment by Dr. Hamer in the San Diego clinic."
"Well soon a man from Los Angeles came down. He had
several meetings with us. Finally he took us out to dinner and
broached the subject about buying it. Well we wouldn't do it.
The renown was spreading and we weren't even advertising.
But of course what did it was the case histories of Dr. Hamer.
He said that this was the most marvelous development of the
age. His case histories were absolutely wonderful."
"Fishbein bribed a partner in the company. With the result
we were kicked into court-operating without a license. 1 was
broke after a year."
In 1939. under pressure from the local medical society, Dr.
R. T. Hamer abandoned the cure. He is not one of the heroes
of this story.
Thus, within the few, short years from 1934 to 1939, the
cure for cancer was clinically demonstrated and expanded into
curing other diseases on a daily basis by other doctors, and
then tenninated when Morris Fishbein of the AMA was not
allowed to "buy in." It was a practice he had developed into
a cold art, but never again would such a single mercenary
deed doom millions of Americans to premature. ugly deaths.
h was the AMA's most shameful hour. In years 10 come, it
may be the event which triggers lawsuits against the AMA for
damages exceeding anything in American legal history.
Where was the federal government at this time (1938-
1939)1 Just gelling organized. The Hygienic Laboratory was
reorganized into the National Institutes of Health in 1930, but
in 1938 it was in the process of moving iuto its permanent
location outside Washington, D.C. in Bethesda. Maryland.
The National Institutes of Health were a small operation then.
The National Cancer Institute had been created only in 1937.
Government grants to cure cancer were only beginning. And
in 1938. Fishbein was in Washington, D.C. lobbying to stop
Roosevelt's first effort to establish a national health program.
Keeping the government out of the health business as well as
keeping outsiders with a lasting cure for cancer "out in the
cold" were the objectives of those who then had a monopoly
on medicine.
The insiders included two other groups-the private
research centers and the pharmaceutical companies. Paul Starr
explained the situation in his 1984 Pulitzer Prize book, The
Social Transformation of Medicine:
"Between 1900 and 1940, the primary sources of financing
(or medical research were private. Private foundations and
universities were the principal sponsors and hosts of basic
research. The most richly endowed research center, the Roc-
kefeller Institute for Medical Research. was established in
1902 and by 1928 had received from John D. Rockefeller $65
million in endowment funds."
''The other major private sponsors of research were phar-
maceutical companies, which grew rapidly after the
1920s. .. An estimate in 1945 put the research expenditures
of the drug companies at $40 million, compared to $25 million
for the foundations. universities, and research insti tutes."
Another major institut ion which "staked its claim" in the
virgin territory of cancer research in the 1930-1950 period was
Memorial Sioan- Kenering Cancer Cenler in New York . Estab-
lished in 1884 as the first cancer hospital in America, Memo-
rial Sloan-Kettering from 1940 to the mid-1950s was the
center of drug testing for the largest pharmaceutical com-
panies. Cornelius P. Rhoads, who had spent the 1930s at the
Rockefeller institute. became the director at Memorial Sioan-
Kettering in 1939. He remained in that position until his dealh
in 1959. Rhoads was Ihe head of the chemical warfare service
from 1943- 1945. and afterwards became the nat ion's premier
advocate of chemotherapy. According to Dr. Virginia
Li vi ngston-Wheeler, " Dr. Rhoads was determined to dictale
the cancer policies of the entire country."
It was Dr. Rhoads who prevented Dr. Irene Diller from
announci ng the discovery of Ihe cancer micro-organism to the
New York Academy of Sciences in 1950. It also was Dr .
Rhoads who arranged for the funds for Dr. Caspe's New Jer-
sey laboratory 10 be cancelled after she announced the same
discovery in Rome in 1953. And an I.R.S. investigation, insti-
gated by an unident ified, powerful New York cancer aUlhor-
it y, added 10 her misery. The laboratory was closed.
Memorial Sloan-Kettering is closely tied to the American
Cancer Society. The Ameri can Cancer Society was founded
in 1913 by John D. Rockefeller, Jr. and his business
associates. Reorganized after the war, the power positions on
its board were taken by pharmaceutical execut ives, advert ising
people, Sloan-Kettering trustees, and other ort hodox treatment
proponents. The American Cancer Society has enormous
inOuence in the cancer world because its public appeals gener-
ate large amounts of money for research. As Ralph W. Moss,
fonner Assistant Director of Public Affairs at Memorial Sloan-
Kettering Cancer Center, made explicit , "The Society now
has tens of millions of dollars 10 distribute to those who favor
its growing power, and many powerful connections to discon-
cert those who oppose it:'
Yet with aU this weahh at its disposal for so many years,
and its purpose the eradication of cancer, the American Cancer
Society has not been able to find those scienti sts who have
scientifically isolated the cancer micro-organism or those
pioneer researchers and doctors who cured it in 1934 and after-
wards. Bad luck, incompetence, or something else?
Thus the major players on the cancer field are the doctors,
the private research institutions. the pharmaceutical com-
panies, the American Cancer Society, and also the U.S. gov-
ernment through the National Cancer Institute (organizing
research) and the Food and Drug Administration (the dreaded
FDA which keeps the outsiders on the defensive through raids,
legal harassment, and expensive testing procedures).
The people in these institutions, and especially their politi-
cal management, all proclaim their professionalism, dedica-
tion, and expertise. The results tell a very different story .
Ralph Moss exposes the chink in the cancer establishment's
annor with a single quotation in The Cancer Syndrome. It is
by the late Sloan-Kettering chemotherapist David Kamofsky:
"The relevant matter in examining any form of treatment is
not the reputation of its proponent, the persuasiveness of his
theory, the eminence of its lay supporters, the testimony of
patients, or the existence of public controversy, but simply-
does the treatment work?"'
If only Rivers, Fishbein, Rhoads and the army of current
skeptical research-oriented scientists, bureaucrats, phar-
maceutical spokesmen, philanthropists and other credentialed
professionals had honored the scientific and moral ri ghtness
of Kamofsky's thought. the cure for cancer might not have
been suppressed for decades and might have a chance for a
swift testing and implementation today.
David M. Locke emphasized the same point as Kamofsky
in the book Viruses:
"One of the dicta of the University of Chicago's great cancer
researcher and Nobel Laureate, Charles B. Huggins. is: 'The
thing about cancer is to cure it. '"
Chapter 4
The Man Who Found
The Cure For Cancer
10 1913, a man with a love for machines and a scientific
curiosity arrived in San Diego after driving across the country
from New York. He had been born in Elkhorn, Nebraska, was
25 years old, and very happily married. He was about to start
a new life and open the way to a science of health which will
be honored far into the future. His name was Royal Raymond
Rife. Close friends, who loved his gentleness and humility
while being awed by his genius, called him Roy.
Royal R. Rife was fascinated by bacteriology, microscopes
and electronics. For the next 7 years (including a mysterious
period in the Navy during World War I in which he traveled
to Europe to investigate foreign laboratories for the U.S. gov-
ernment) , he thought about and experimented in a variety of
fields as well as mastered the mechanical skills necessary to
build instruments such as the world had never imagined.
So it was that, in 1920 when the great idea of his life came
to him, Royal Rife was ready. Journalist Newall Jones
described the bistoric moment in the May 6, 1938 E,'ening
Tribwle of San Diego:
''The Diego man, who is hailed by many as a veritable
genius, has experimented with important studies, invemions
and discoveries in an unbelievably wide and varied array of
subjects. These fields of pursuit r.mge from ballistics and mc-
ing auto construction to optics and many equally profound
sciences. And in 1920 he was investigating the possibilities of
electri cal treatment of diseases.
"It was then thai he noticed these individualistic differences
in the chemical constituents of disease organisms and saw the
indication of electrical char-d.cteristics. observed electrical
polarities in the organisms.
"Random spi!<:ulalion on the observation suddenly stirred in
his mind a stanling, astonishing thought.
"'What would happen if I subjected these organisms to dif-
ferent electrical frequencies?' he wondered."
So he began to gather the tools necessary to do so: micro-
scopes, electronic equipment, lubes, bacteriological equip-
ment, cages for guinea pigs, cameras, and machinery to build
his own designs. Two San Diego industrialisls-Timken,
owner of the Timken Roller Bearing Company and Bridges,
owner of the Bridges Carriage Company-provided funds to
establish a laboratory and finance Rife's research.
By the late 1920s, the first phase of his work was com-
pleted. He had built his first microscope, one Ihat broke the
existing principles, and he had constructed instruments which
enabled him to electronically destroy specific pathological
In the years that followed, he would improve and perfect
these early models, identify and classify disease-causing
micro-organisms in a totally unique way, including their exact
M.O.R. or Monal Oscillatory Rate (the precise frequency
which "blew them up") and then, in cooperation with leading
bacteriologislS such as Rosenow and Kendall, along with lead-
ing doctors. cure cancer and other diseases in people.
Every step w a . ~ controversial. original, difficult and time-
consuming. The opposition was powerful. They evemually
did break him and many of those who collaborated with him,
but not before Rife left records, microscopes, electronic fre-
quency instruments, and methods which will enable later gen-
erations to establish an entirely new fonn of painless, non-drug
As one of Rife's co-workers recalled in 1958, fony-five
years after he met the genius of San Diego:
"He finally got to a point where from years of isolation and
clarification and purification of these filterable forms, he could
produce cancer in the guinea pigs in two weeks . He tried it on
rats. guinea pigs and rabbits, but he found finally that he could
confine his efforts to guinea pigs and white rats because every
doggone one was his pet. And he perfonned the operat ions on
them in the most meticulous operati ons you ever want to see
in all your born days. No doctor could ever come near to it.
He had to wear a big powerful magnifying glass. He performed
the most wonderful operations you ever saw. Completely
eradicating every tenlacle out from the intestines, and sewed
the thing up and it got well and didn't know anything about it
at all. Did it not once but hundreds of times. This is a thing
that again and again I wish was published. I wish with all my
heart that all the detailed infonnalion that he developed could
be published because the man deserves it.
"He finally got these cultures on the slide. He could look
through this thing and you could see them swimming around
absolutely motile and active. Then he'd say. 'Watch that. '
He' d go tum on the frequency lamps. When it got to a certain
frequency, he'd release the whole doggone nood of power
inlo the room. The doggone lillie things would die instantly.
"He built the microscopes himself. He built the micro-man-
ipulator himself. And the micro-dissector and a lot of other
''I've seen Roy sit in that doggone scat withoUi moving,
watching the changes in the frequency, watching when the
time would come when the virus in the slide would be
destroyed. Twenly-four hours was nothing for him. Forty-
eight hours . He had done it many times. Sit there without
moving. He wouldn't touch anything except a little water. His
nerves were just like cold steel. He never moved. His hands
never quivered.
"Of course he would train beforehand and go through a very
careful workout afterward to build himself up again. But that
is what I would call one of the most magnificent sights of
human control and endurance I'd ever seen.
"I've seen the cancer virus. I have seen the polio virus. I' ve
scen the TB virus. Here was a man showing people, showing
doctors, these viruses of many different kinds of diseases,
especially those three deadly oncs-TB. polio and cancer.
"Time and time again since that time some of these medical
men have made the proud discovery that they had isolated we
will say one of the viruses of cancer. had isolated one of the
viruses of polio. Why that was one of the most ridiculous
things in the world. Thirty-five years ago Roy Rife showed
them these things.
"These machines demonstrate that you could cure cancer-
all crazy notions of usurping the rights of the AMA not -
withstanding. They definitely could take a leaf out of Roy
Rife' s book and do an awful 101 of good to this world for
sickness and disease. As a consequence, we have lost millions
of people that could have been healed by Rife's machines.
'1 like Roy Rife. I'll always remember Roy as my Ideal.
He has a tremendous capacity for knowledge and a tremendous
capacity for remembering what he has learned. He definitely
was my Ideal. Outside of old Teddy Roosevelt , I don', know
of any man any smaner than him and I'll bank him up against
a hundred doctors because he did know his stuff with his
scientific knowledge in so mlmy lines. He had so many wrink-
les thai he could have cashed in and made millions out of it if
he had wanted 10 and I do mean millions of dollars. Which
would have benefited the human race, irrespective of this tre-
mendous thing that he built which we call the Rife ray
"In my estimation Roy was one of the most gentle, genteel.
self-effacing, moral men I ever met. Not once in all the years
1 was going over there to the lab, and Ihat was approximately
30 years, did I ever hear him say one word OUi of place.
"All the doctors used to beat a path to Rife' s lab door and
that was a beautiful lab at one time. It was beautifully arranged
inside. The equipment was just exactly right; his study was
just wonderful. It was a place of relics and the atmosphere
could not be duplicated anywhere."
Chapter 5
The 1920s
Rife began in 1920 by searching for an electronic means to
destroy the micro-organism which caused ruberculosis. It was
in that first year that the original radio frequency instrument
was built. Since the frequency which would kill the micro-
organism was unknown , Rife had to proceed by trial and error.
Rife and his associates conducted test after test.
Finally he achieved success, but the success produced more
problems. The micro-organism had been killed, but in several
cases the guinea pigs di ed of toxic poisoning. Three years
were spent in finding an answer. He suspected that a virus
from the bacteria was responsible. He would have to devise a
way to obtain the virus in pure form in order to determine its
frequency and thus kill it without injuring the pigs.
Rife's first microscope also was completed in 1920
although he began building it in 19 17. From 1920 to 1925,
some 20,000 pathological ti ssues were sectioned and stai ned.
However, they failed to show any unknown bacteria or foreign
material under the highest power. Rife continued 10 improve
it, searching for a way to see the viruses.
He knew about the 19th century work of Voghn and later
Robert Cook who were able to destroy the rod form of the
tuberculosis bacteri a with vaccine and anti-toxins , but still
were left wi th experimental animals which died. Rife theori zed
that they had released the virus by kill ing the bacteria-just as
he had done when he destroyed the Bacillus of Tuberculosis
with his radio frequency instrument. Unless he could see the
vi rus and detennine its frequency, he couldn't cure TB wi th
his method. But if he could see in his microscope both the
bacterial and the viral forms of TB, he could determine their
separate frequencies and kill them both at the same time.
Rife believed that the minuteness of the viruses made it
impossible to stain them with the existing ac id or aniline dye
stains. He'd have to find another way. Somewhere along the
way, he made an intuitive leap often associated with the great-
est scientific discoveries. He conceived first the idea and then
the method of staining the virus with light. He began building
a microscope which would enable a frequency of light to coor-
dinate with the chemical consti tuents of the particle or micro-
organism under observation.
Rife later explained to a reporter how he was able to make
this leap. In a front page article of the San Diego Union on
November 3, 1929, Rife is quoted. "If one man is a bac-
teriologist and knows what is needed and another is a
mechanic who tries to build it , they may get somewhere, but
they will do it slowly and imperfectly. But if both these men
are the same man he will know the set-up from both angles;
then if you add delicacy, accuracy, mechanical skill , the will-
ingness to keep proper records, ingenuity and the patience to
learn from failures, you will be well along toward the sol ution
of your problem and the perfection of the necessary apparatus,
whatever it is."
Rife's second microscope was finished in 1929. In an article
which appeared in the Los Angeles Times Magazine on
December 27, 1931, the existence of the light staini ng method
was reported to the public:
"Bacilli may thus be studi ed by their light . exactly as
astronomers study moons, suns, and stars by the light which
comes from them through telescopes. The bacilli st udied are
living ones, not corpses killed by stains."
Throughout most of this period. Rife also had been seeking
a way to identify and then destroy the micro-organism which
caused cancer. His cancer research began in 1922. It would
take him until 1932 to isolate the responsible micro-organism
which he later named simply the "BX virus."
The 1920s were the years of pure isolated research for Rife.
There were no famous microbiologists coming to his door. no
doctors seeking to use his frequency instrument on their
patiems, no requests from microscope experts to be allowed
to learn about his invention, no medical committees estab-
lished to coordinate the laboratory and clinical results, no
renowned cancer experts negotiating to work with him in his
lab, no cancer foundations trying to fit his discoveries into
their gmnt procedures. But all the scientific isolation was to
end soon after the microscope's existence was reported in
Rife would have to make time for experimental demonstra
tions , letters, and meetings. He' d have to deal wi th more
people, and still preserve time for the exhausting research
which only he could do because only he knew how to do it.
Others could help, and they did. but they also got in the way.
Then there would be the businessmen promoters and doctors
who would try to steal his work. There would be the opposi
tion from scientists whose own authority, prest ige, and posi
tion would be challenged by Rife's discoveries. And there
would be the powerful attempt by Morris Fishbein and the
AMA to destroy the man whose miraculous treatment they
could not "buy into".
So in retrospect the 1920s seem to be some of Rife's most
frusl mting years as he struggled to find answers. But in
another sense, they were his golden years of what he called
"pure science".
On November 3,1929, the San Diego Union carried a fronl
page article titled "Local Man Bares Wonders of Germ Life :'
The article described the wonders Rife could accomplish with
his new microscope. It announced that Rife's "light staining"
method was nearing perfection. The article explained:
"He holds a theory that the harsh acid stains used to bring
out features of the tissue, as well as the complicated treatment
now necessary to prepare it for the slides. conspire to defeat
their own objective.
"He believes that the chemical baths themselves deSifoy the
very genn that science is trying to pin under the microscope.
"So he is evolving a new method that will do away with
chemicals. Instead of five days' hard work being necessary
before a pickled and probably worthless section of tissue can
be put under the lens, he expects within three minutes to place
a perfectly nonnal , undoped slice of the diseased substance in
position for examination.
''The possibilities of this process once it is perfected, he
believes are boundless. Medical men who for all time have
been destroying the very thing they were looking for. while
they were getting ready to look at it , may in this one step find
an end to much of human suffering."
The roaring 205 were over. Two weeks before the first
newspaper article, the stock market had crashed. A decade of
depression lay ahead for America. And Rife's fabulous dis-
coveries, inventions, and health miracles would have to con-
tend not only with professional scientific skepti cism and a
powerful medical union detennined to control the health
business, but also with the national economic crisis which
made financing research a difficult and complicated challenge.
Yet his primary goal would be accomplished. The cancer
micro-organism would be isolated and destroyed. Tenninally
ill cancer patients would be treated. And they would be healed.
Rife would do what he had set out to do. It would be decades
before his work would be recognizcd. But thc "pure science"
he accomplished meant the deadly BX cancer micro-organism
someday would be "blown up" in those suffering from its
Chapter 6
The Early 1930s
In 1931. the two men who provided the greatest profes-
sional support to Royal R. Rife came into his life. Dr. Arthur
I. Kendall was Director of Medical Research at Northwestern
University Medical School in TIIinois. Dr. Milbank Johnson
was a member of the board of directors at Pasadena Hospital
in California and an influential power in Los Angeles medical
circles. Together, Rife, Kendall and Johnson slowly and care-
fully began an assault on the scientific and medical
orthodoxies of their ti me.
Probably because of the November 3, 1929 news article in
the San Diego Union, Dr. Kendall had learned about Rife's
wonder microscope. He asked his friend Dr. Johnson of Los
Angeles if such a microscope truly existed. Dr. Johnson and
Dr. Alvin G. Foord, the pathologist at Pasadena Hospital (and
later President of the American Association of Pathologists) ,
journeyed to San Diego along with two other doctors. Foord's
presence from the beginning is important because later he lied
about his participation in the great scientific endeavor which
followed. By me 1950s the AMA and the California State
Board of Public Health were committed to squelching the Rife
cancer cure. By then many millions of people had died because
the cancer cure had been suppressed, doctors who had used
the instrument successfully were being persecuted, and those
with reputations to preserve were literally "lying through their
teeth" as documents and personal testimony show.
But in 1931 when Johnson and Foord first met Rife, the
future seemed to hold only endless medical advances because
of Rife's wonderful microscope. The four doctors were im-
pressed. Johnson returned to Los Angeles and wired a report
to Kendall in Chicago. Kendall sent a telegram back, "Expect
to start for California Saturday night."
Dr. Kendall had invented a protein culture medium (called
" K Medium" after its inventor) which enabled the "filtrable
virus" ponions of a bacteria to be isolated and to continue
reproducing. This claim directly contradicted the RockefeUer
Institute' s Dr. Thomas Rivers who in 1926 had authoritatively
stated that a virus needed a living tissue for reproduction.
Rife, Kendall and others were to prove within a year that it
was possible to cultivate viruses artificially . Rivers , in his
ignorance and obstinacy, was responsible for suppressing one
of the greatest advances ever made in medical knowledge.
Of course, when Rivers opposed Kendall in 1932 and called
him a liar at the meeting of the Association of American Physi-
cians in Baltimore, Rivers had not had the opponunity to see
the viruses on the "K Medium" under Rife's microscope. But
Rivers wasn't interestcd in learning about the microscope,
even after other top bactcriologists saw the same results. Riv-
ers' mistaken notion is still "law" in onhodox circles of the
Kendall arrived in California in mid-November 1931 and
Johnson introduced him to Rife. Kendall brought his UK
Medium" to Rife and Rife brought his microscope to Kendall.
A meeting of historic importance took place.
A typhoid germ was put in the "K Medium," triple-filtered
through the finest filter available, and the results examined
under Rife's microscope. Tiny, distinct bodies stained in a
turquoise-blue light were visible. Kendall could "see" the
proof of what he had demonstrated by other means. Two his-
toric breakthroughs in science had happened. The virus cul-
tures grew in the UK Medium" and were visible. The viruses
could be "light" stained and then classified according to their
own colors under Rife's unique microscope.
A later repon which appeared in the Smithsonian's annual
publication gives a hint of the totally original microscopic
technology which enabled man to see a deadly virus-size
micro-organism in its live state for the first time (the electron
microscope of later years kills its specimens):
"Then they were examined under the Rife microscope where
the filterable virus form of typhoid bacillus, emitting a blue
spectrum color, caused the plane of polarization to be deviated
4.8 degrees plus. When the opposite angle of refraction was
obtained by means of adjusting the polarizing prisms to minus
4.8 degrees and the cultures of viruses were illuminated by the
monochromatic beams coordinated with the chemical con-
stimenls of the typhoid bacillus, small, oval. actively motile,
bright mrquoise-blue bodies were observed at 5000 x magnifi-
cation, in high contrast to the colorless and motionles." debris
of the medium. 11lese tests were repeated 18 times to verify
the results."
Following the success, Dr. Milbank Johnson quickly
arranged a dinner in honor of the two men in order that the
discovery could be announced and discussed. More than 30
of the most prominent medical doctors, pathologists, and bac-
teriologists in Los Angeles attended this historic event on
November 20, 1931. Among those in attendance were Dr.
Alvin G. Foord who 20 years later would indicate he knew
little about Rife's discoveries and Dr. George Dock who
would serve on the University of Southern California's Special
Research Committee overseeing the clinical work until he.
too, would "go over" to the opposition.
On November 22, 1931 , the Los Angeles Times reported
this important medical gathering and its scientific Significance:
"Scientific discoveries of the greatest magnitude, including
a discussion of the world's most powerful microscope recently
perfe<:ted after 14 years effort by Dr. Ro)al R. Rife of San
Diego, were described Friday evening to members of the med-
ical profession, bacteriologists and pathologists at a dinner
given by Dr. Milbank Johnson in honor of Dr. Rife and Dr.
A. I. Kendall.
"Before the gathering of distinguished men, Dr. Kendall
told of his researches in cultivating the typhoid bacillus on his
new 'K Medium.' The typhoid bacillus is nonfilterable and is
large enough to be seen easily with microscopes in general
use. Through the use of 'medium K,' Dr. Kendall said, the
organism is so altered that it cannot be secn with ordinary
microscopes and it becomes small enough to be ultra-micro-
~ o p i c or filterable. It then can be changed back to the micro-
scopic or non-filterable form.
"Through the use of Dr. Rife's powerful microscope, said
to have a visual power of magnification to 17.000 times, com-
pared wilh 2000 times of which the ordinary microscope is
capable, Dr. Kendall said he could see the typhoid bacilli in
the filterable or fonnerly invisible stage. II is probably the first
time the minute filterable (virus) organisms ever have been
'1"he strongest microscope now in use can magnify between
2000 and 2500 times. Dr. Rife, by an ingenious arrangement
of lenses applying an entirely new optical principle and by
introducing double quartz prisms and powerful illuminating
lights, has devised a microscope with a lowest magnification
of 5,000 limes and a maximum working magnification of
17,000 times.
'The new microscope, scientists predict, also will prove a
development of the first magnitude. Frankly dubious about the
perfection of a microscope which appears to transcend the
limits sel by optic science. Dr. Johnson's guests expressed
themselves as delighted with the visual demonstration and
heanily accorded both Dr. Rife and Dr. Kendall a foremost
place in the world's rank of scientists."
Five days later, the Los Angeles Times published a photo
of Rife and Kendall with the microscope. It was the first time
a picture of the super microscope had appeared in public. The
headline read, "The World's Most Powerful Microscope."
Meanwhile, Rife and Kendall had prepared an article for
the December 1931 issue of California and Westem Medicine.
"Observations on Bacillus Typhosus in its Filtrable State"
described what Rife and Kendall had done and seen. The jour-
nal was the official publication of the slate medical associa-
tions of California, Nevada and Utah.
lbe prestigious Science magazine then carried an article
which alerted the scientific community of the entire nation.
lbe December 11, 1931 Science News supplement included a
section titled, "Filtrable Bodies Seen With The Rife Micro-
scope." The article described Kendall's filtrable medium cul-
ture, the turquoise blue bodies which were the filtered fonn
of the typhoid bacillus, and Rife's microscope. It included the
following description:
''The light used with Dr. Rife's microscope is polarized, that
i ~ , it is passing through crystals that stop atl mys except those
vibrating in one particular plane. By means of a double reflect-
ing prism built into the instrumenl , it is possible to turn this
plane of vibration in any desired direction, controlling the
illumination of the minute objects in the field very ellactly."
On December 27 , 1931 , thc Los Angeles Times reported
that Rife had demonstrated the microscope at a meeting of 250
scienti sts. The article explained, "This is a new kind of mag-
nifier, and the laws governing microscopes may not apply to
it. ... Dr. Rife has developed an instrument that may
revolutionize laboratory methods and enable bacteriologists,
like Dr . Kendall , to identify the germs that produce about 50
diseases whose causes are unknown . then to find ways
and means of immunizing mankind against them."
Soon Kendall was invited to speak before the Association
of American Phys icians. The presentation occurred May 3 and
4, 1932 at Johns Hopki ns University in Baltimore. And there
Dr. Thomas Ri vers and Hans Zinsser stopped the scientific
process. Their opposition meant that the development of Rife's
discoveries would be slowed. Professional microbiologists
would be cautious in even conccding the possibility that Rife
and Kendall might have broken new ground. The depression
was at its worst. The Rockefeller Institute was not only a
source of funding but powerful in the corridors of professional
recognition . A great crime resulted because of the uninformed ,
cruel and unscientific actions of Rivers and Zinsser.
The momentum was slowed at the moment when Rife's
di scoveries could have "broken out" and triggered a chain
reaction of research, clinical treatment and the beginnings of
an entirely new health system. By the end of 1932, Rife could
destroy the typhus bacteria, the polio virus, the herpes virus,
the cancer virus and other viruses in a culture and in experi-
mental animals. Human treatment was only a step away.
The opposition of Rivers and Zinsser in 1932 had a devas-
tating impact on the history of 20th century medicine. (Zins-
ser's Bacteriology in an updated version is still a standard
textbook.) Unfortunately, there were few esteemed bac-
teriologists who were not frightened or awed by Rivers.
But there were two exceptions to this generally unheroic
crowd. Christopher Bird' s article "What Has Become Of The
Rife Microscope?" which appeared in the March 1976 New
Age Journal, reports:
"In the midst of the venom and acerbity the only colleague
to come to Kendall' s aid was the grand old man of bacteriol -
ogy. and first teacher of the subject in the United States. Dr.
William H. 'Popsy' Welch, who evidently looked upon Ken-
dall's work with some regard."
Welch was the foremost pathologist in America at one time.
The medical library at Johns Hopkins University is named
after him. He rose and said, "Kendall's observation marks a
distinct advance in medicine." It did little good. By then Ri v-
ers and Zinsser were the powers in the field.
Kendall's other supporter was Dr. Edward C. Rosenow of
the Mayo Clinic's Division of Experimental Bacteriology.
(The Mayo Clinic was then and is today one of the outstanding
research and treatment clinics in the world. The Washington
Post of January 6, 1987 wrote, "To many in the medical com-
munity, the Mayo Clinic is 'the standard' against which other
medical centers are judged.") On July 5-7, 1932, just two
months after Kendall' s public humiliation , the Mayo Clinic's
Rosenow met with Kendall and Rife at Kendall 's Laboratory
at Northwestern University Medical School in Chicago.
' The oval, motile, turquoise-blue virus were demonstrated
and shown unmistakably, " Rosenow declared in the "Proceed-
ings of the Staff Meetings of the Mayo Clinic, July 13, 1932,
Rochester, Minnesota." The virus for herpes was also: seen,
On August 26, 1932, Science magazine published Rosenow's
report, "Observations with the Rife Microscope of Filler Pass-
ing Fonns of Micro-organisms ."
In the article, Rosenow stated:
'There can be no question of the filtrable turquoise blue
bodies described by Kendall. They are not visible by the ordi
nary methods of illumination and magnification .. , . Exami-
nation under the Rife microscope of specimens, containing
objects visible with the ordinary microscope, leaves no doubt
of the accurate visuali zation of objects or particulate matter by
direct observalion at the extremely high magnification (calcu-
lated to be 8,000 diameters) obtained with this instrument."

Three days after departing from Rife in Chicago, Rosenow
wrote to Rife from the Mayo Clinic:
"After seeing what your wonderful microscope will do. and
after pondering over the signifi cance of what you revealed
with its use during those three strenuous and memorable days
spent in Dr. Kendall' s laboratory. I hope you will take the
necessary lime 10 describe how you obtain what physicists
consider the impossible . ... As I visualize the mauer, your
ingenious method of illumination with the intense mon(}-
chromatic beam of light is of even greater importance than the
cnonnously high magnification. .. .,
Rosenow was right. The unique "color frequency" staining
method was the great breakthrough. Years later, after the arri-
val of television, an associate of the then deceased Rife would
explain. "The viruses were stained with the frequency of light
just like colors are tuned in on television sets:' It was the best
non-technical description ever conceived.
But in 1932, Rife was not interested in writing a scientific
paper explaining the physics of his microscope, as Rosenow
had hoped. Rife' s meeting with Kendall had provided Rife
with the "K Medium. " And Rife knew what he wanted to do
with it. He wanted to find the cancer virus. And that is exactly
what he did in 1932 .
Chaplcr 7
"BX"-The Virus of Cancer
Rife began using Kendalrs uK Medium" in 1931 in his
search for the cancer virus. In 1932. he oblaincd an unulcer-
ated breasl mass Ihat was checked for malignancy from the
Paradise Valley Sanitarium of National City, California. But
the initial cancer cultures failed to produce the virus he was
seeki ng.
Then a fortuitous accident occurred. The May II , 1938
Evening Tribune of ~ n Diego later described what happened:
"But neither the medium nor the microscope were sufficient
alone [0 reveal [he filter-passing organi sm Rife found in can-
cers, he recounted. II was an added treatment which he found
virtually by chance that finally made this possible, he related.
He happened to test a lube of cancer culture within the circle
of a tubular ring filled with argon gas activated by an electrical
current, which he had been using in experimenting with elec-
tronic bombardment of organisms of disease. His cancer cul-
ture happened to rest there about 24 hours (with the current
on the argon gas filled rube), and then he noticed (under the
microscope) that its appearance seemed to have changed. He
studied and tested this phenomenon repeatedly, and thus disco-
vered (cancer virus) filter-pas!'.ing. red-purple granules in the
Later hc perfected this procedure-cancer culture in "K
Medium" followed by the argon treatment with the gas-filled
tube lighted for 24 hours by a 5000 volt electric current. Then
it was placed in a water bath with 2 inches of vacuum and
incubated for 24 hours at 37.5 degrces Centigrade. Rife
believed the gas-filled tube ionized the cancer culture and this
was counteracted by the oxidation in the water vacuum. Some
chemical constituents of the organism were so changed that it
was brought within the visible spectrum, as seen through
Rife's microscope.
The BX cancer virus was a distinct purplish red color. Rife
had succeeded in isolating the filtrable virus of carcinoma.
Rife's laboratory notes for November 20, 1932 comain the
flfSt written description of the cancer virus characteristics.
Among them are two uni que to his method of classification
using the Rife microscope:
angle of refraction 12-3/ 10 degrees
color by chemical refraction purple-red
When Rife copyrighted his discovery in 1953, the angle
had changed to 12-3/16 degrees. Perhaps that was his intent
all along and the notes were hastily written.
The size of the cancer virus was indeed small. The length
was 1/ 15 of a micron. The breadth was 1/ 20 of a micron. No
ordinary light microscope, even in the 1980s, would be able
to make the cancer virus visible.
Rife and his laboratory assistant E. S. Free proceeded to
confinn his discovery. They repeated the method 104 consecu-
tive times with identical results.
In time, Rife was able to prove that the cancer micro-
organism had 4 forms:
I) BX (carcinoma)
2) BY (sarcoma- larger than BX)
3) Monococcoid fonn in the monocytes of the blocx1 of
over 90% of cancer patients. When properly stained,
this fonn can be readily seen with a standard research
4) Crytomyces pleomorphia fungi - idemical morphologi-
ca1Jy to that of the orchid and of the mushroom
Rife wrote in his 1953 book: "Any of these fonns can be
changed back to 'BX' within a period of 36 hours and will
produce in the experimental animal a typical tumor with all
the pathology of true neopla .. tic tissue, from which we can
again recover the 'BX' micro-organism. This complete proc-
ess has been duplicated over 300 times with identical and
positive results."
Rife continued: "After one year, we take this same stock
culture of dormant crytomyces pJeomorphis fungi and plant it
back on its own asparagus base media; there is no longer a
crytomyccs plcomorphia, no longer a monococcoid organism
such as is found in the monocytes of blood, there is no longer
a 'BX' or 'BY' form. but there is, from the initial virus iso-
lated directly from an unulcerated human breast mass, a bacil-
lus coli. that will pass any known laboratory methods of
analysis ...
Rife had proved pleomorphism. He had shown how the
cancer virus changes form. depending on its environment. He
had confirmed the work of Bechamp, of Kendall, of Rosenow,
of Welch and an army of pleomorphist bacteriologists who
would come after him and have to battle the erroneous
orthodox law!'> of Rivers and hi!'> legion!'> of followers.
Rife said, "In reality, it is not the themselves that
produce the disease, but the chemical constituents of these
mlcro-orgamsms enacting upon the unbalanced cell
metabolism of the human body that in actuality produce the
disease. We also believe if the metabolism of the human body
is perfectly balanced or poised, it is susceptible to no disease."
But Rife did not have time to argue theory. He would leave
that for others. After isolating the cancer virus, his next step
was to destroy it. He did this with his frequency instruments-
over and over again. And then he did it with experimental
animals, inoculating them, watching the tumors grow, and
then killing the virus in their bodies with the same frequency
instruments tuned to the same "BX" frequency.
Rife declared in 1953:
'These successful tests were conducted over 400 times with
experimental animals before any attempt was made to use this
frequency on human cases of carcinoma and sarcoma."
By 1934, Rife was ready to use his frequency instrument
on humans. He was ready to cure cancer.
Note: Kendall's "K Medium" was used 10 grow cancer virus by
scientists after Ihe discovery that the virus would grow on it and that
ionizing radiation would make the virus more virulent, growing the
tumors in weeks instead of months in a spirally wound "argon gas
loop" in which the test tubes of the culture would fit for 24 hours
at a time. It was made from pig intestine finely desiccated to which
a little salt (tyrode solution) was added. Rife discovered that pig
meat and mushrooms were a natural cause of cancer in which the
cancer virus liked to grow. Rife also discovered the cancer virus in
Chapter 8
Forward Motion: 19331934
Rife had isolated the cancer virus, but a mountain faced
him. The filtration versus non-filtration argument prevented
those in the field of bacteriology from charging in the direction
that Rife, Kendall and Rosenow had shown. Instead, the bac-
teriologists were squabbling, being skeptical and waiting to
see which way the wind blew. The microscope experts also
were standing on the sidelines. They had heard or read about
the new Rife microscope, but only Rife and Kendall had one,
and few knew a second microscope existed in Kendall's
Chicago laboratory. Rife wasn't providing the professionals
much information. He had his cancer virus to test and test and
test. And he had a new, more powerful microscope that he
wanted to build. Johnson and others were seeking meetings,
writing letters and asking for demonstr.uions. Rife was polite
and helpful at times, but often just never answered his mail.
The scientific problem of curing cancer demanded his full
And despite all the outside pressure in 1933, Rife did
accomplish three major feats. He wrote a paper which pro-
vided a clear direction for future bacteriologists. He continued
his cancer research on cultures and guinea pigs-hundreds of
them. And he built his new, super microscope.
Rife's brief 1933 paper was titled, "Viruses and Rickettsia
of Certain Diseases." A few significant passages are quoted:
The existing theories regarding the viruses arc entirely
unsatisfactory and sadly wanting of further elucidation. There-
fore, we shall expound our theories at the outset with the hope
that other workers may find them suffi ciemly basic to serve as
an incentive for checking our observati ons.
''The writer has long entertained the assumption that it is
possible to cultivate viruses on artificial media .... The suc-
cessful results obtained in our initial experiments are on record
in a joint publication by Dr. Kendall and myself. ... The
imponance of that work was indicated in a later report ... by
E. C, Rosenow, M. D .... In this report were recorded the
more important observations made during three days, July 5.
6 and 7, 1932 in Dr. Kendall' s laboratory at Northwestern
University Medical School in Chicago. Assembled there to
carry out me experiments were Dr. Kendall. Dr. Rosenow and
myself. Owing to the novel and important character of the
work, each of us verified at every step the results obtained.
''The above mentioned reports serve to establish two impor-
tant facts. First that it is possible to culture viruses artificially.
and second, mat viruses are defmitely visible under the Rife
Universal Microscope."
The microscope he built in 1933 was the largest and most
powerful of the five he built. One was built in 1920, another
in 1929. the "Universal" officially completed in 1933 although
it may have been used in an uncompleted foml in 1932 as the
above report suggests, another microscope in 1934. and one
in 1937 which was finally finished in 1952. Some parts from
pre-existing ones were used for later ones. While the 1929
microscope was a "super" microscope compared to all other
commercial microscopes, with a working magnification
between 5,000 and 17,000 times , the "Universal" Microscope
of 1933 possessed a resolution of 31,000 times and a magnifi-
cation of 60,000 times (as described in the tenns of the time).
An example of the power and clarity of Rife's microscopes
compared to other light microscopes is provided by the Smith-
sonian report of 1944:
"In a recent demonstration of another or the smaller Rire
scopes (May 16. 1942) before a group or doctors ... a Zeiss
ruled grating was examined first under an ordinary commercial
microscope equipped with a 1.8 high dry lens and X 10 ocu-
lar, and then under the Rife microscope. Whereas 50 lines
were revealed with the commercial instrument and considerd-
ble aberration, both chromatic and spherical noted. only 5
lines were seen with the Rife scope, these 5 lines being so
highly magnified that they occupied the entire field, without
any aberration whatsoever being apparent .... Following the
examination of the grating, an ordinary unstained blood film
was observed under the same two microscopes. In this
instance, 100 cells were seen to spread throughout the field of
the commercial instrument while but to celis filled the field
of the Rife scope."
While Rife was working, so was Dr. Milbank Johnson. Up
to this point in time, he seemed to have a minor role-simply
putting Rife and Kendall together, sponsori ng a dinner, etc.
But beginning in 1933, Johnson began to work and organize.
He wrote letlers. He informed important doctors of what was
happening. And he started to plan for the treatment of people
who had cancer.
Rife was the pure scienti st and undoubtedly a genius of the
first order. Milbank Johnson was the JXllitical doctor in the
best sense of the term. He was a man of the world and an
unstoppable executive force. When the scientific honors are
finally bestowed on the men who found the cure for cancer
and brought il to the world, Dr. Milbank Johnson will be in
the first row.
Johnson in the next few years would send Rife numerous
lencrs-informing him, advising him, telling him he was com-
ing to visit and bringing so and so, prodding and subtly push-
ing Rife. Even if Rife had wanted to avoid Johnson (which he
did not), it probably would have been impossible. Johnson
was an enormous force of natufC- a social energy who. in his
own way, was moving mountains.
Johnson's letters indicate that Alvin Foord, the pathologist
who later claimed he had little contact with or knowledge of
what happened in the 1930s, was in fact deeply and personally
In July 1933, Johnson met Dr. Karl Meyer, the Director of
the Hooper Foundation for Medical Research of the Universit y
of California in San Francisco. Meyer would later serve on
the Special Medical Research Committee of the University of
Southern California which sponsored the cancer clinic in 1934
and the other clinics which followed. Years later Meyer would
try to claim he had only vis ited Rife once and looked into his
microscopes, not being sure of what he saw. The record
clearly indicates a very different situation. In February 1934,
Johnson brought Meyer to San Diego to meet Rife. Johnson
later wrote to Rife and Kendall about Meyer's reaction:
To Kendall: "Dr. Meyer was most outspoken in his opinion.
using sueh words as 'concl usive', 'most convi nci ng, 'he is a
wizard'. and 'he is a genius"'
To Rife: "You made quite a tremendous impression on Dr.
Meyer and I think the whole subject of filtrable bacteria and
the microscope were advanced."
In March 1934, Meyer wrote to Rife. "I am Slill 'dreaming'
about the many things you were ki nd enough to show me last
Saturday. As soon as I can tear myself loose I will accept the
privilege of comi ng back and bringing with me some of the
agents which produce disease."
In the years to come, the Hooper Foundation would be
given a Rife microscope of its own, cancer cultures would be
obtained from San Francisco surgeons, and motile colored
bodies, "presumably your BX," would be reported to Johnson
by Dr. E. L. Walker of the Hooper Foundation, working under
Dr. Meyer. Meyer was another non-hero when the AMA and
government pressure was imposed. He later served on national
medical committees with Dr. Rivers of the Rockefeller Insti-
tute and Morris Fishbein of the AMA. But by then he was
very silent about the cancer research in which he participated
in the 1930s.
In 1933 and 1934, Meyer was one of the growi ng circle of
influential doctors whom Johnson was cultivating as he pre-
pared to organize his credentialed committee to oversee a
cancer cure and then bring it to the worl d.
Johnson was also vigorously defending the filtration theory.
When Dr. William J. Robbins of the Uni versity of Missouri
reported in a Science News letter that ';one as yet unsettled
question about viruses is whether or not they actually are living
organisms," Johnson wrote to him and referred him to the
articles by Kendall . Rife and Rosenow. He also put himself
on record:
." have seen with Dr. Karl Meyer of the University of
California Ihe filter passi ng forms of such diseases as hog
cholera, psittacosis, and a very infectious di sease of chickens
affecting their throm .... It seems strange to me that others
are havi ng difficult y first - in producing the fi lter passi ng
organisms; and second-that there shoul d be the least doubt
about their existence. fonn, characteristics, or size when they
are so easy to obtain and so easy to detennine .... 1 feci quite
sure that Dr. Kendall in Chicago who has the Rife microscope
nearest to you will verify what I have said and show you these
fOf" yourself."
But while Johnson was willing to serve as a frontline soldier
in the filtration war. his true role was as a general in the cancer
war. In the Spri ng of 1934, he rented the "ranch" ofa member
of the famous Scripps family of the Scripps Oceanographic
institute. The ranch in La Jolla outside San Diego was to be
used as a clinic for the first treatment of cancer victims using
the Rife Frequency Instrument.
Johnson was moving, pushing and manipulating. He wrote
(0 Kendall on April 2, 1934, "i hope you and Gertrude will
be able to spend your vacation in La Joll a this year. .. It is
going to take all the ingenuity of a Rife and Kendall plus the
little help that a poor M.D. like myself can give before we are
going 10 be able to crack this nut. But we are going to crack
it if we have to drop it from a height of ten miles."
Then Johnson exposed hi s own driving mot ive:
"You don't know how hard it is for me to keep my shin on
in this whole proposition because I can't help but !>CC in my
mind's eye the tens of thousands of discouraged, hopeless,
suffering individuals dying by inches with cancer who might
be saved. Of coun.e I know that you and Rife are imereSled
in thbthing from a pure science standpoint , but unfortunately,
my training has been largely mixed with the humanities and it
is real sickening to see the suffering and hopelessness of lhe
victims of this terrible di sease."
At the same time, Johnson began "preppjng" Rife for the
upcoming clinic. On the second page of a letter to Rife in
early April 1934, just a few months before the cancer clinic
was to get underway, Johnson wrote what may become an
immortal scientific paragraph:
" Incidentally. I am thinking about taking a hou:.c in La Jolla
from June 15 to September 15. If by thai time you get fa r
enough along in your work, 1 would like to try your method
on a human being or so."
On April 30, 1934, Johnson again wrote to Rife:
"Can't you meet me about II :30 in La Jolla oeltt Salllrday.
I want 10 show you the Library Building and get your opinion
of it before I say anything to the people at the Scripps Clinic
about it as a place for our Clinic thi s Summer. "
Chapter 9
The Cancer Cure Works!
The full story of the cancer cl inic of 1934 may never be
known. Rife's records were lost when he foolishly loaned
them to Dr. Arthur Yale a few years later. Yale had started
his own clinic and apparently wanted to compare notes. After
Rife learned that Dr. Yale was altering the Frequency Instru-
ment and thus failing to get results, Rife and Yale had an
argument which marked a pcnnanent separati on. More dis-
turbing is that after AMA pressure forced a law suit agai nst
the production company making the Frequency Instruments,
many of the doctors who were involved became exceedi ngly
cautious. And after Milbank Johnson's death, the records at
the Uni versity of Southern California " mysteriously disap-
But pieces of evidence do exist and while the clinical
records are gone, there is sufficient documentation to know
that astounding results did take place and that the Special
Medical Research Committee did continue to exist. The list-
ings under the name of Milbank Johnson in Who's Who for
1944-45 (Johnson died October 3, 1944) include:
"Professor physiology and clinical medicine, Universi ty of
Southern California 1897-1901. now Chainnan special medi-
cal research committee of the university."
Until Johnson's death in 1944, he was st ill actively the
head of the commiuee. For 10 years from its creation in 1934,
Johnson's University of Southern California Medical Research
Commiuee was in existence. Given the fact that testimonials
exist describing what occurred and that Johnson ran his own
clinic from 1935 to 1938, there is no reason to believe-as
later was implied by the AMA and the California State Public
Health agency-that the existence of a successful cancer cure
in 1934 using the Frequency Instrument was a myth. Docu-
ments show the clinic existed and succeeded in curing cancer.
And doctors who continued treating seriously ill people with
success because of what the Frequency Instrument
accomplished in 1934 tell the real story, as do the signed
reports from cured cancer patients in later years.
Johnson eventually handed his authority over to Dr. James
Couche of San Diego. Couche was not a heavyweight in
California medical circles as was Johnson. It was a poor choice
if the goal was to move the medical profession toward ac-
ceptance and widespread use of Rife' s new healing technol-
ogy. The result was total failure . But Couche was the right
choice if the standard was to choose a man who would not
quit or knuckle under to the AMA. Couche used the Frequency
Instrument for 22 years and reported for the record- if only
briefly- on his continued success with a Frequency Instrument
that stayed calibrated as Rife insisted it had to be if it was to
destroy the pathologic micro-organisms in people.
But all that lay ahead. In the summer of 1934, 16 terminally
ill people with cancer and other diseases were brought to the
Scripps "ranch." There, as Rife and the doctors worked on
human beings for the first time. they learned much. The early
patients were exposed to the frequency for only 3 minutes, but
Rife soon learned that if a treatment was given every day,
the toxins from the dead micro-organisms accumulated faster
than the body could dispose of them. When he switched to a
treatment of3 minutes every 3rd day, the patients began heal-
ing swiftly.
In 1953 when Rife copyrighted his book, he made the real
report of what happened in 1934. Anyone who has examined
his life, his patience, his scientific commitment, and the cor-
rectness of his filtration studies (which are now being verified
by bacteriologists who never heard his name) must consider
that his own scientific report of the 1934 cancer clinic carries
some weight. He wrote:
"With the frequency instrument treatment, no tissue is
destroyed, no pain is felt, no noise is audible, and no sensation
is noticed. A tube lights up and 3 minules later the treatment
is completed. The virus or bacteria is destroyed and the body
then recovers itself naturally from the tOltic effect of the virus
or bacteria. Several diseases may be treated simultaneously.
"The first dinical work on cancer was completed under the
supervision of Milbank Johnson, M.D. which was set up under
a Special Medical Research Commiltee of the University of
Southern California. 16 cases were treated at the dinic for
many types of malignancy. After 3 months, 14 of these so-
called hopeless cases were signed off as dinically cured by
the staff of five medical doctors and Dr. Alvin G. Foord,
M.D. Pathologist for the group. The treatments consisted of 3
minutes duration using the frequency instrument which was
set on the mortal oscillatory rate for 'SX' or cancer (at 3 day
intervals). II was found that the elapsed time between treat-
ments attains better results than the cases treated daily. This
gives the lymphatic system an opportunity to absorb and cast
off the toxic condition which is produced by the devilalized
dead particles of the 'BX' virus. No rise of body temperature
was perceptible in any of these cases above normal during or
after the frequency instrument treatment. No special diets were
used in any of this clinical work, but we sincerely believe that
a proper diet compiled for the individual would be of benefit ...
Date: December I, 1953
WriUen by R. R. Rife
Other members of the clinic were Whalen Morrison, Chief
Surgeon of the Santa Fe Railway, George C. Dock, M.D ..
intcrnationally famous, George C. Fischer, M.D., Children's
Hospital in New York, Anhur I. Kendall , Dr. Zitc, M.D.,
professor of pathology aI Chicago University, Rufus B. Von
Klein Schmidt, President of the UniversilY of Southern
Dr. Couche and Dr. Carl Meyer. Ph.D. , head oflhe Depan-
ment of Bacteriological Research al the Hooper Foundation in
San Francisco were also present. Dr. Kopps of the Metabolic
Clinic in La Jolla signed all 14 reports and knew of all the
tests from his personal observation.
A week arrer the clinic ended, Kendall wrote to Mrs.
Bridges, wife of Rife's original sponsor:
"This afternoon (September 20, 1934) I have a meeting
with Mr. Hardin, President of the Board of Trustees of the
University; he is much interested in Roy and his splendid
work, and I shall be asked to tell what I saw during my very
brief visit to California. Mr. Hardin. unlike many persons, is
very friendly. and will take the proper view of the work: that
it is experimental so far, done with no rules of the game to go
by, and with a machine thai is designed for small output. and
therefore. not capable of showing ilS full worth. I understand
there is to be a new machine. embodying lhe facls learned
from the old one, and built along more lusty lines so its output
will be more nearly equal 10 the demands which should be put
upon it. I have written to Dr. Johnson telling him about the
one case I can talk intelligently about: Tom Knight. Roy will
tell you about Tom: he seems to me to be the most important
case of the entire series because hi s tumor was on the cheek,
where il could be seen, watched and measured from the start
to the finish. This I have done, reciting the actual measure+
menlS, and details of treatment and of pathological examina+
One year later on September 18, 1935, Milbank Johnson
wrote 10 Dr. Thomas Burger and Dr. C. Ray Launsberry of
San Diego:
"This will introduce to you Mr. Thomas Knight. He was
the man who had the carcinoma over the malar bone of his
left cheek Ihat we treated al the clinic in La Jolla last year."
In 1956, Dr. James Couche made the following declaration:
"I would like to make this historical record of the amazing
scientific wonders regarding the efficacy of the frequencies of
the RoyaJ R. Rife Frequency Instrument. . . .
"When I was told about Dr. Rife and his frequency instru-
ment at the Ellen Scripps home near the Scripps Institute
Annex some twenty-two years ago, I went out to see about it
and became very interested in the cases which he had there.
And the thing that brought me into it more quickly than any-
thing was a man who had a cancer of the stomach. Rife was
a.ssociated at that time with Dr. Milbank Johnson, M.D . who
was then president of the Medical Association of Los Angeles,
a very wealthy man and a very big man in the medical world-
the biggest in Los Angeles and he had hired thi s annex for this
demonslration over a summer of time.
"In that period of time I saw many things and the one thai
impressed me the most was a man who staggered onto a table.
just on the last end of cancer; he was a bag of bones. As he
lay on the table, Dr. Rife and Dr. Johnson said, 'Just feci that
man's stomach.' So I put my hand on the cavity where his
stomach was underneath and it was just a cavity almost,
because he was so thin; his backbone and his belly were just
about touching each other.
"I put my hand on his stomach which was just one solid
mass, just about what I could cover with my hand, somewhat
like the shape of a hcart. It was absolutely solid! And I thought
to myself, well, nothing can be done for thaI. However. they
gave him a treatment with the Rife frequencies and in the
course of time over a period of six weeks to two months, to
my a<;tonishment, he completely recovered. He got so well
that he asked pennission to go to EI Centro as he had a fann
there and he wanted to see about his stock. Dr. Rife said.
'Now you haven't the strength to drive to EI Centro.'
'''Oh, yes' said he. 'I have, but I'll have a man 10 drive me
there.' As a matter of fact, the patient drove his own car there
and when he got down to EI Centro he had a sick cow and he
slayed up all night with it. The next day he drove back withom
any rest whatsoever-so you can imagine how he had recov-
"I saw other cases that were vcry intcresting. Then I wanled
a copy of the frequency instrumenl. 1 finally bought one of
these frequency instruments and established il in my office.
"I saw some very remarkable things resulting from it in the
course of over twenly years.
'" had a Mex.ican boy, nine years of age. who had
osteomyelilis of the leg. He was treated at the Mercy Hospital
by his attending doctors. They scraped the bone every week.
I! was agonizing to the child because they never gave him
anything; they just poked in there and cleaned him out and the
terror of that boy was awful. He wore a splint and was on
crutches. His family brought him to the office. He was terrified
that I would poke him as the other doctors had done. I reas-
sured him and demonstrated the instrument on my own hand
to show him that it would nOI hurt. With the bandage and
splint still on he was given a treatmenl. In less than two weeks
of treatment the wound was completely healed and he took off
his splints and threw them away. He is a greal big powerful
man now and has never had any comeback. of his
osteomyelitis. He was completely cured. There were many
cases such as this."
In December 1935, Dr. Johnson wrote a confidential letter
to Dr. Mildred Schram, Secretary of the International Cancer
Research Foundation in Philadelphia. In that leuer, Johnson
explained why the records of the 1934 cancer clinic were
''The clinic was opened and run by me to sati sfy me person-
ally whether the Rife Ray would destroy pathogenic organisms
in vivo as well as in vitro. The latter we had repeatedly
demonstrated in the laboratory. I had to have this information
conclusively positive before J could recommend to my friends
10 get in behind the work to carry it to a logical conclusion.
Having no nurses or secretarics in La Jolla, the records, while
lruthful. are more or less fragmentary and nOI kept for careful
scrutiny by brother sciemists. As I told you, when 1 started
this work I intended 10 finance it through to the end. The only
assistance that I expected to get was such cooperation as I
might receive from other physicians in working with the
Microscope and the Ray.
"Now thai we have to convince a whole lot of other mcn
from cold turkey. we shall have to tum over a new leaf and
do our work subject to inspection by others."
So the success story of 1934, while true as attested by
Rife's written record, Couche's story of the incredible recov-
ery by the farmer, and Kendall-Johnson's correspondence on
the man with the neck tumor, also was unsatisfactory in terms
of providing documented medical reports for other scientists.
The 1934 clinic was a first, tentative, experimental step. They
learned that treatment was best given every third day. They
realized that they would have to keep bener records. They
recognized that the Frequency Instrument would have to be
But they did cure cancer. And when it is realized how
quickly radiation therapy was financed and the machines put
into hospitals (with such meager results), the tragedy of nO(
being able to finance mass production of Rife's Frequency
Instrument can be appreciated in its full horror.
If Milbank Johnson was wracked by the thought of tens of
thousands suffering in the 1930$, he' d be staggered by the
460,000 Americans now dying every year and the 900,000
Americans every year who learn that they have cancer. And
he'd be broken by the sight of "treatment" with chemotherapy.
radiation and surgery. As Rife had shown, the cancer BX
changed form. If all its forms weren't destroyed, the cancer
micro-organism could find another environment in a weakened
body and stan anew. The tragic legacy of the 8echamp failure
with Pasteur and the Rife-Kendall failure with Rivers would
come back to hauni humanity with a grim vengeance.
Chapter 10
1935: Climbing A Mountain
In a letter dated October 15. 1935. Dr. Milbank Johnson
explained to a cancer foundalion why Rife and he couldn't
stop their work and do special tests which the foundation
"From what I have said I don't want you to jump to the
conclusion that we are not interested in your side of the prob-
lem because we are, but with the limited means at our disposal
we don't like to break into our planned procedure at this most
interesting juncture of the work. You know in mountain climb-
ing better progress is made to keep going up and up all the
time. If you stop and go back every once in awhile. you are
very apt 10 wear yourse lf OUI and w a ~ t e your energies and
never reach the lOp. This is about all I can say until I have
discussed the matter fully with Mr. Rife."
Indeed 1935 was a year of mountain climbing. Rife built
new. more accurate frequency instruments. He began planning
a new laboratory. He built a smaller microscope which could
be mass produced. Research continued. The second clinic was
opened. Visitors came-a well-known cancer expert. a repre-
sentative from the cancer foundation, an associate of Dr.
Meyer at the Hooper Foundation in San Francisco who had to
be trained so that the Rife experiments could be independently
And always there was pressure to announce the findings.
Newall Jones of the San Diego Evening Tribune had written
Rife a letter in September 1934 and talked to him on the
telephone after Jones discovered what was going on at the
1934 cancer clinic. He promised to handle the story carefully
and, with Rife, 10 plan the story in advance. Jones fully under-
stood the significance of what Rife was doing. Jones:
"If your research comes to a successful conclusion, it would
not only constitute a remarkable contribution to medicine and
science-that goes without saying-but, because of it s impor-
tance to all humanity, would quite naturally be a great news
story. Naturally. we would like to get that story."
Jones would have to wait three and a half years, but in May
1938 he would write the clearest explanations of the Rife dis-
coveries which would ever appear in a newspaper .
In early March 1935, Johnson received a letter from the
International Cancer Research Foundation in Philadelphia.
There were many questions they wanted answered, plus photo-
graphs of the laboratory. and photographs of the microscope.
From this communication began a series of exchanges, propos-
als and visits which ultimately produced nothing. In retros-
pect , part of the failure can be seen as simple human misun-
derstanding, but the time wasted over the next year and a half
can also be judged as the fault of peuiness, arrogance and
narrow-minded obstinacy on the part of the International
Cancer Research Foundation, particularly its rigid Secretary,
Dr. Mildred Schram. The Foundation was in a position to
fund Rife in such a way that major advances could have
quickly resulted . Instead, they argued for tests which were not
relevant. They wasted Rife's time by having him make a
demonstration in Philadelphia the next year, and then they
failed to keep their agreement on the techniques he showed
them, instead insisting on their own-which ruined the proce-
dure. In their example also lies one of the dilemmas of modem
research. The experts have their own way of doing things. The
great scientist who is an outsider is looked down upon by the
"authorities"- those with the "credentials." The goal of curing
cancer becomes secondary. The existing procedures take
In the exchanges between Johnson and the International
Cancer Research Foundation can be seen the institutional strait
jaCkets which also bind modem scientists. With 460,000
Americans dying of cancer every year, the widest variety of
cancer treatments should be encouraged. Unfortunately, such
a program would encroach on the territory and the financial
income of the established "experts."
By June 1935 the International Cancer Foundation reported
to Johnson that four insurance companies were interested in
financing Rife if the foundation gave its approval. The foun-
dation asked to send its representative to visit Rife's labora-
Dr. Mildred Schram, Secretary of the Foundation, arrived
at the end of July 1935, but it was a hurried visit because of
her other West Coast commitments. Johnson wrote back to
her in September: ''The next time you come I hope you will
not be loaded down with any other duties so that you can give
your undivided attention to our work. Dr. Walker, who is an
expert in his line, spent three weeks familiarizing himself with
our technique and the microscope, so, in the short time you
had it was impossible for you to get more than a smattering
idea of what we are driving at. 0'
Schram replied that she expected Rife to cultivate and iden-
tify the causes of the disease in mice she had shipped to Rife.
It was as if they were to pass an examination! Johnson wrote
back that they were completing the new frequency instru-
ments. had focused for years on the cancer virus in humans
and couldn't be expected to undertake the kind of work the
foundation expected-identifying the cancer micro-organisms
in different mice. Johnson declared:
"Trying 10 cultivate strange germs and identify them in
malignant tissue is just about as difficult and tedious a job as
one can undertake and does not want interruption if a worth-
while job is to be done. We could not at that particular time
have followed out your instructions and desires even if we had
understood them:'
But William H. Donner, President of the International
Cancer Research Foundation, had become "deeply interested"
in Rife and his discoveries. So Schram stayed in contact.
Nevertheless, she insisted on the test she had designed.
In mid-October 1935, Johnson tried again to explain:
"I don', think you can really appreciate what il means to
culture three unknown organisms. if there arc that many,
ascertain the M.O.R. (Mortal Oscillatory Rate) for each of
them, and later on to take a series of animals and attempt to
destroy thaI organism. As you know, our work thus far has
been devoted exclusively 10 human cancer, and a single
organism which we have found up 10 this time always present
in human caocer has taken a tremendous lot of time already
to study the life history and the life cycle of that one. I am nO(
sure that Mr. Rife or our Comminee would wish to drop that
work and undertake this much larger problem of studying the
different hyperplasias and tumors that might occur in different
strains of mice which mayor may not have a relation to human
Johnson suggested that the foundation President William
Donner take his winter vacation in San Diego instead of
Bermuda or Aorida. But Donner was neither a doctor nor a
bacteriologist. He was a steel executive, bank trustee and cor-
porate mogul. Schram was the professional power at the
foundation. She wrote back immediately stating her tests were
necessary if the foundation was to put up any money. She
insisted that they do the tests as she specified.
In December 1935, Schram informed Johnson that action
had been deferred on his grant request. But she relented on
her test. The possibilitjes of Rife's cure were too important to
dismiss on her personal whim, especially whcn so many
experts-bacteriologists, doctors and microscopists-were
talking about Rife's work. So, instead of her lest, she asked
for detailed information on the cancer clinic of 1934, insisting
that the well-known Dr. Dock of Johnson's Special Research
Committee provide it. If the material provided was sufficient,
she indicated, a grant might be forthcoming. She then also
admitted that her tests really weren't necessary once the
research grant was bestowed. They had been required previ-
ously only to get the grant! Exactly 9 months had passed, most
of that time wasted because of Schram's narrow-minded in-
sistence on a procedure of her design.
Johnson's exasperation showed in his reply. He explained
the kind of clinical records that did exist and pushed for a
simpler solution-a foundati on representative in Rife's labora-
tory for a few weeks. Johnson:
"You are right in protecting your funds from waste. But , I
stilt thmk that a properly qualified scientist or clinician could
learn more in two week.s by actually trying the things himself
than he can learn by correspondence in a year."
Nevertheless, Johnson did manage to get Rife to describe
the Frequency Instrument and he did call a meeting of the
Special Medical Research Committee of the University of
Southern California. Dr. Dock would be leaving a week Imer
for a trip around the world, so it is assumed that some state-
ment of the full committee, including Dock, was Johnson's
goal-in order that the foundation could have a basis for a
grant. However, after another year of correspondence and
meetings. nothing would come of the effort.
The interaction with the International Cancer Research
Institute was only one element of Johnson's and Rife's "moun-
tain climb" in 1935. Far more important was the visit from O.
Cameron Gruner, a well-known cancer researcher from
Montreal. Gruner would bring his own discovery just as Ken-
dall had done in 1931, and Rife would take Gruner's discovery
and join it with Kendall's and his own. The result would be
another breakthrough.
Gruner had taken blood from his cancer patients and from
it, on an Asparagus Medium. had grown a fungus. Rife put
Dr. Gruner's fungus in the "K Medium" and then filtered from
it Rife's own "BX" virus. He then put some of his earlier BX
on Gruner's Asparagus Medium and brought forth Gruner's
fungus. Another fonn of the cancer micro-organism had been
isolated-a fungus!
Rife now had a solid base for pleomorphism. Not only
could the BX virus live on an artificial medium. but the BX
could change into another fonn in the blood (the monococcoid
fonn in the monocytes of the blood of over 90% of cancer
patients) and then into still another fonn-a crytomyces
pleomorphia fungus.
Rife conclusively stated in his 1953 report: ''This BX virus
can be readily changed into different fonns of its life cycle by
the media upon which it is grown."
In 1937, Milbank Johnson wrote a letter describing what
Dr. Gruner and Royal Rife had discovered in May-June 1935:
"Dr. Gruner was present al all the eltperiments and we
agrced-I think beyond a doubt-that our ax and the organism
which he obtained from the blood. although in a different fonn
from our BX, are one and the same organism. It looks. there-
fore. as if we know how to produce at will. by means of the
appropriate culture. anyone of the three forms desired."
Dr. Schram at the International Cancer Research Institute
was infonned of this discovery. Part of the proposed grant was
to be used to bring Dr. Gruner to San Diego for a year to work
alongside Rife. Schram referred in one letter to the "Gruner-
Johnson-Rife organism:' In light of Dr. Gruner's reputalion
in cancer research and the discovery resulting from his exper-
iments with Rife, Schram's prolonged insistence on a test of
her design , which she later admitted was not central to the
grant, demonstrates how the "system" then and today often
operates: on the basis of personal priorities disguised as profes-
sional requirements.
In May 1935, Johnson also began looking for a location in
Los Angeles for a new clinic. It presented a bit of a problem
because the electric current had to be 60 cycles for the new
Frequency Instrument. Finally the Santa Fe Hospital at 610
South Saint Louis Street on a comer with East Sixth Street in
Los Angeles was chosen. The clinic opened the first week of
November 1935 with Johnson in charge. Treatments were
given two days a week, and this time Johnson was keeping
careful clinical records.
The new Frequency Instrument was finished in September
1935. Rife, his new assistant Philip Hoyland, his earlier as-
sistant Jack Free, and Milbank Johnson then put the new
machine into operation. Johnson explained the process:
'The new Rife Ray Machine had arrived at its point of
construction when elaborate tests had to be made in order to
synchronize the M.O. R. produced by it with the M.O. R. pro-
duced by the old machine. Now, we are in the throes ofaccu-
ralely charting the 14,000 possible settings on the new
machine. Our next process, beginning next week, is to test its
penetration, the time required in the different exposures, the
different depths of lesions. So, take it altogether we are just
about as busy a. .. a bear in benytime."
Later that year. Rife provided a brief description of the
Frequency Instrument, presumably because of the Founda-
lion's request:
"The basic principle of this device is the COOlrol of a desired
frequency. These frequencies varying upon the organism being
'"The frequency is set which controls the initial oscillator,
which in tum is run through six stages of amplification, the
last stage driving a 50 walt output tube.
"The frequency with its carrier wave is transmitted into an
output tube similar to the standard X ray tube. but filled with
a different inen gas. This tube acts as a directional antenna.
''The imponance in the variable control of these frequencies
is that each pathogenic organism being treated is of a different
chemical constituency. the consequence being they carry a
different molecular vibratory rate. Each one in tum under these
conditions requires a different frequency or vibratory rate to
The new instrument was light-socket powered and had an
output of 500 watts. Furthermore, it was equipped to deliver
two distinct frequencies simultaneously and both variable.
This apparatus proved to be more efficient with decidedly
fewer factors of error.
Rife also-amazing as it seems given everythi ng else occur-
ring in his life-built anew, smaller microscope. While the
"Universal" microscope of 1933 cost between $30,000-
$35,000 to construct, according to Johnson, the 1935 micro-
scope was theoretically priced to be sold at $1,000 or less.
The purpose was to make many of the smaller microscopes
available to research laboratories. The new microscope sti ll
had a magnification range of 10,000 times to 15 ,000 times-
far beyond what the "best" light microscopes available could
Then there was Dr. Walker' s visit of three week.s. This
occurred in August after his boss, Dr. Karl Meyer. had estab-
lished the rraining session when Meyer visited Rife on June
28. 1935. Walker learned about the laboratory procedures,
about the "BX" virus (carcinoma), about the "BY" virus (sar-
coma), and about the Rife microscope. He then returned to
San Francisco to work with Dr. Karl Meyer at the Hooper
Foundation. Later, he was provided a Rife microscope of hi s
In October 1935, Dr. Walker wrote:
""The copy of the results of your test of the Rife rayon
typhoid organisms would appear to establish conclusively the
efficiency of it to kill these organisms in the tissues. If the ray
should prove equally efficient in killing olher pathogenic
micro-organisms. it would be the greatest discovery in the
history of thempculic medicine."
Walker soon found that his work would be far more difficult
than he originally envisioned. He eventually would isolate a
BX on his own with old antiquated equipment provided by
Rife, but not before he experienced shock at the lack of sup-
port he received from his colleagues. One of his letters in late
1935 referred to his being held up by a mercenary person.
Another letter tells how the surgeons in San Francisco
wouldn-t cooperate-they wouldn-t provide any cancer lis-
And throughout 1935. johnson was keeping an eye on some
of the patients from the 1934 cancer clinic. In May he wrote
Rife and asked him to visit Tom Knight, the patient whose
healing had so impressed Arthur Kendall and whose tumor
Kendall had measured so carefully. johnson 10 Rife: "You
will find Tom's address on your copy of his case record. I
want you to have a look at old Tom yourself and see whether
there is any recurrence of the cancer, either on the face or in
the glands, also. look at his lip."
In October, johnson wrote Rife's assistant to look up the
M.O.R. for the disease they treated in another 1934 patient.
Wayne Grayson. johnson explained he had the man's clinical
record, but he had failed to record the M.O.R. at the time of
As the year ended, the Special Medical Research Commit-
tee of the University of Southern California met to analyze the
progress. The meeting was held on December 26 in Los
And indeed the progress of ) 936 was phenomenal-a new
Frequency Instrument, a new microscope, a second clinic
underway, the histone discovery with Dr. Gruner of Montreal,
the truining of Dr. Walker of San Francisco. Only the fiasco
with the International Cancer Research Foundation marred the
"going up and up all the time" as Rife. johnson and their
gathering band attacked the mountain.
Chapter II
1936: "Astounding" Clinic Results
Sometime in early 1936 William Donner, the President of
the International Cancer Research Foundation, visited Rife and
Johnson. He was impressed by what he saw and wanted his
colleagues in Philadelphia to witness a demonstration. Rife
agreed to travel east in the spring and show them how to filter
a BX cancer virus.
Also in early 1936, Johnson and Henry Timken, Rife's
original sponsor, completed agreements to build the wonderful
laboratory Rife had so long envisioned. The ground was bro-
ken in April and Rife moved in during the latter part of July.
Rife and Philip Hoyland began revising the Frequency
Instrument in the early months of 1936, eliminating parts
which had been made obsolete by recent advances in elec-
tronics. During that summer they produced an entirely new
method of generating the desired frequencies. Among the new
test appliances they created was a nine inch Cathode-Ray
oscillograph of high sensitivity, built for the purpose of photo-
graphing the different frequencies on motion picture film. This
enabled them to study and classify the numerous waves in an
entirely new way.
In April Rife traveled to San Francisco to help Dr. Walker
get his test procedures refined. On May I, he left for Chicago
where he auended an electronics convention. From there he
traveled to Louisville where an eye doctor examined him and
restricted his daily use of the microscope to two hours. On
May 9, 1936, he arrived in Philadelphia forthe fateful meeting
with the International Cancer Research Foundation. What fol -
lowed belongs in the category of tragic fiascos.
In February of the next year, Johnson wrote to Dr. Edward
Archibald, Canada's most renowned cancer specialist and an
associate of Dr. Gruner who had collaborated with Rife in the
Spring of 1935. Johnson descrifled 10 Dr. Archibald whal Rife
encountered in Philadelphia during his May 1936 demonstra-
"Rife reponed that they provided him with six or seven
tumors withoUi any pathological report whatsoever on any of
them. He examined them microscopically and found that all
but three had been heavily rayed with X-ray or had been
treated with radium. The three which had not been treated. he
planted and irradiated in the argon tube in accordance with our
technique. In each case, he obtained the characteristic BX.
They insisted upon keeping some of the material so obtained
and said they were going to try 10 produce cancers in animals
of their own. We have never been notifi ed whether or nOllhey
did so. The atmosphere in which Mr. Rife found himself was
one of extreme skepticism. They were urged not to try to
reproduce these experi ments without first learning our
techniques by actual experience, but were determined to go
ahead, and if they did so, they probably failed."
On May 22, 1936, William Donner wrote 10 Johnson and
lold him no gram would be forthcoming for al least 100 days
or so, thereby breaking the promise he had given Johnson and
Rife at the beginning of the year. Johnson's reply on May 27
is an anguished plea for the Foundation to finance Dr. Gruner
for a period of time at Rife 's side in San Diego instead of
paying an inexperienced clinician in Philadelphia to Iry
replicating Rife's procedures. The plea fell on deaf ears, but
is worth quoting at some length. It exemplifies how one man's
clear thinking (in this case Johnson's) may be more importam
in accomplishing a research goal than all the prestige, careful
procedures and credentialed expertise that an important foun-
dation can organize. Johnson wrote:
"Your letter came as a great disappointment 10 me. 1 had
thought from whal you told me in the winter, that we mighl
hope for an immediate grant if Mr. Rife was able to show to
your man the BX taken from human carcinoma and the method
by which the organism was grown.
"I understood you to say that you felt so strongly about it
that if Mr. Rife were successful, you yourself would be willing
to give Dr. Gruner's services for a year if your Board, which
did nO( believe in the bacterial origin of cancer, was unwilling
to make the grant.
"You secured Dr. Dodge who, I agree, is one of the finest
mycologists in America. He worked every minute, step by
step, with Mr. Rife. NOles were laken of every detail of each
day's work, and these notes were signed daily by both Dr.
Dodge and Mr. Rife. This shows how entirely frank Mr. Rife
was in showing every minute step of the process to Dr. Dodge.
"As this .ume organism has been repeatedly found by us
and also by Dr. Arthur I. Kendall in Chicago, and now in
Philadelphia, you and your board can surely assume that if not
the sole cause of cancer. it is at least constantly present in that
disease. So far as we know, no other research group has gone
so far.
"A delay until October is almost Imgic at this stage of the
work. Dr. Gruner has had invitations to go ehewhere, but has
waited 10 see if we could secure the grant to carry on the work,
as he believes we are further along than any other research
"In delaying until October. are you not demanding from us
more than from a research organization? We cannot prove
these points without further research and we have always
understood that the organizations to which you have already
given grants are merely research organizations.
"You say that you are selecting a man in Philadelphia to
carry on the inoculating and the growing of the organisms
from human cancer during Dr. Dodge's absence. Perhaps you
do not realize that il is impossible to handle filter-passing
fonns of bacteria without a microscope which shows them.
Only by Ihis means can the work be properly checked from
day to day.
"As you undoubtedly must pay the man whom you select
in Philadelphia to do this work, would you not be willing to
employ Dr. Gruner yourself to work out here with Mr. Rife
and his microscope? He would have every facility and every
probability of success.
"May I remind you that over three years ago. Dr. Arthur I.
Kendall of Northwestern Medical School published his ep-
ochal work on filtcr-passing organisms, and that since that
time, many, rna!1y sciemists have tried in vain to repeat his
experiments. Such men as Park. of New York. and Zinsser of
Harvard. having failed in their attempts, have vociferously
denied the existence of these liller-passing organisms. You
yourself know how mi l>laken Ihat is.
"We have found no way 10 grow these organi sms except in
the Kendall medium. and even when Kendall medium htl!,
been supplied 10 these other scientists, they have not been able
to sterilize the medi um without ruining it.
' It would seem 10 me , in view of these facts and the peculiar
situation in which this maHer seems 10 be invol ved . that it
would be wise to select someone in whom you have every
confidence and send him to the Rife Laboratory to work t h i ~
problem out. Do you not feel that it should be someone who
has actually grown filter-passing organisms and can see and
recognize them? If you are unwilling to give us Dr. Gruner,
will you not send a man whom you have selected here to us?
"I cannot believe that any man lacking experience in han-
dling filter-passing organisms and without a Rife microscope
can succeed in many times the 100 days which you cile as a
"You and we are seeking to conquer this horrible human
curse. I realize that the general acceptance of our views witl
completely revolutionize present concepts concerning the
causes of many diseases besides cancer. Therefore, the great -
est care must be taken in each step if we are to avoid at least
some of the tremendous antagonisms which always greet new
ideas. For that reason. we are willing to go to extremes in
checking our findings and having them checked, but we do
not want to be checked by inexperienced men in a matter
involving so highly technical and so specialised a knowledge.
Hoping you will bear with me and will consider patiently
each point which this letter has tri ed to bring before you, I am
Very seriously yours,
Milbank Johnson"
On June 2, 1936, William Donner turned down Milbank
Johnson's plea. The International Cancer Research Institute
would do their own tests . At the end of September, Mildred
Schram wrote to Ri fe, asking for his advice as they completed
their experiments. In October, Donner wrote to Rife. Rife
refused to answer them. In November, Donner telegraphed
Johnson. Then wrote him again. But Rife had wasted enough
ti me wi th them. He was curing cancer while the foundation
broke their agreements, insisted on procedures with inexperi-
enced people which were doomed from the outset, and ignored
the larger goal which Rife was achieving-the cure of cancer
in human beings.
Sometime in the spring of 1936, Johnson closed his clinic
at the Santa Fe Hospital. The results had been impressive, but
he wanted to pause because of the improvements being made
in the Frequency Instrument and then open the third clinic in
the fall of 1936.
On April 28, 1936. Dr. Harry Goodman. an eye special ist.
wrote to Johnson describing the effect of the Frequency InsO u-
men! on Mrs. Julia M. Gowdy. She had been examined previ-
ously on March 23. A little more than a month later, her
vision had improved 29% in one eye and 10% in the other.
"It had been difficult for her to read the telephone book but
now she gets the numbers rather quickly," Goodman reported.
In September, Dr. James Couche of San Diego, who had
witnessed the first cancer clinic at the Scripps Ranch in 1934,
began conducting a clinic with the help of Jack Free. Rife's
assistant. They treated cancer and senilc cataracts. While the
records are incomplete. the first three were cancer patients and
according to Couche's notes. all completely recovered.
Also in September, Dr. Milbank Johnson opened his third
clinic in the Pasadena Home for the Aged. The clinic lasted
until May 1937. Johnson' s description of his success and the
incredible medical events he was witnessing were preserved
in copies of letters he sent to Dr . Gruner in Canada and to Dr.
Meyer in San Francisco just before the year ended.
To Gruner. Johnson wrote. "The clinic is held three morn-
ings a week. Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday. Yesterday I
had eighteen patients. Among them were two cases of pulmo-
nary tuberculosis, three cases of carcinoma, two cases of
chronic varicose ulcers of the leg, and sundry other cases of
more or less definite infection origin. .. I certainly wish
you were here 10 work with me because I am afraid that even
you, who know what we are trying to do, will not believe
some of the yams that I would have to tell you as to what is
occurring in that clinic without actually seeing them yourself."
To Dr. Meyer. Johnson reported:
'"At limes the results of the Ray are absolutely astounding.
causing an instanlaneous sterilization of the wounds. whether
imerior or exterior."
The Special Medical Research Committee was still in
charge however and they were keeping a tight clamp on any
announcement until the procedures were certain. In April
1936, prior to Rife's Philadelphi a visit , Johnson had specifi-
call y instructed Donner that everything the foundation wit-
nessed was to be held in stri ct confidence. Johnson insisted
that "there should be no publicati on nor any kind of publicity
attending this demonstration without the consent of the Special
Medical Research Committee of the University of Southern
California. We are doing this to prevent any premature publi-
cati on and the raising of fal se hopes before things have been
thoroughly proven."
In early December, Johnson wrote to Meyers asking when
he could be in Los Angeles in order that Johnson could
schedule a meeting of the Committee. There was much to
report .
And then, ten days before Christmas, Johnson and Rife got
a Christmas present from San Francisco. Dr. E. L. Walker,
Meyer' s coworker at the Hooper Foundation, had (on his own,
independent of Rife) isolated in June 1936 the fungus fonn of
cancer-crytomyces pleomorphia. In December. he
announced he had isolated from a cancer breast the virus
form-"motile colored bodies under the Rife microscope. pre-
sumably your BX."
Chapter 12
1937: Money Woes and Delays
1937 was a year of frustration. Johnson and Rife were try-
ing to get Dr. Gruner from Montreal to join Rife in his labo-
ratory. The Special Research Committee of the University of
Southern California was hoping to make an announcement by
the end of the year concerning the "etiology of cancer. " It was
decided that they would announce only how cancer
the virus changed form. They were not going
to tell the public about the treatment. They knew that there
would be tremendous scientific opposilion when they
described how cancer developed and why other researchers
hadn', been able 10 isolate the "germ." So they reasoned that
they had 10 establish cancer's etiology before announcing Ihe
unique Frequency Instrument cure.
Yet, given what they knew, the clinical records that they
had. and the microscope's capacity to disprove the claims of
the opposition, their caution was undoubtedly one of the worst
decisions they ever made. They were na"ive about the finan-
cial, scientific. and medical opposition as well as how the Rife
discoveries would threaten these powerful interests. Within a
few years, they would discover 10 what lengths the men at the
top of these three professions would go to crush them and
suppress the cure for cancer. But in 1937, they thought that
they could be conservative. They believed that conservatism
would advance their goal. It was a deadly error, for almost 50
years would pass before the American public finally learned
about Rife's scientific miracle.
Dr. George Dock, the internationally famous member of
the Special Research Committee, was now working actively
with Johnson to interest other prominent men in the Commit-
tee's work. He would later side with the AMA, keeping quiet
about the suppression and accepting the AMA's highest
award, but in 1937 he joined Johnson in the front lines.
In late December 1936 and early 1937, Dr. Johnson and
Dr. Dock had long converstions with Dr. Charles Martin,
former Dean of McGiJl University in MOnlreal. Their purpose
was to convince rum that Dr. Gruner had to join Rife. Martin
returned to Canada after his talks with Johnson and Dock.
There Martin attempted to have McGill University pay for
Gruner to work for several months in the Rife Laboratory. But
Martin failed. The Depression went into a frightening second
stage in 1937-38. Money was limited. And those in Montreal
who were opposed to Gruner' s findings were not willing to
support financially a project which could result in even more
findings to their dislike. Gruner later was assigned two labora-
tory associates who were convinced "monomorphisls." Thus,
his work in proving pleomorphism and particularly the cancer
etiology was obstructed, if not actually sabotaged.
It is important to recognize that many of the men involved
in the Rife work were doctors and researchers. They were not
men who fought political battles and in many ways they crum-
bled when they were challenged by determined political
power. They believed in scientific procedures. Even today in
the mid- I98Os, men and women of similar good will and na-
Ivete conduct the research procedures. In discussing the Rife
cancer cure with such people, it is common to hear top men
in physics, microscopy and cancer research state. "Suppres-
sion of a cancer cure in the 19305 is impossible. Scienlists
would have known about it. It couldn't be covered up." The
truth is that the cure for cancer was covered up. And the
naivete of cancer researchers as well as scientists in related
fields persists to modem times.
The question now is, what will they do when they learn the
facts in this report? A related question is. how courageous will
the American free press be? Only time will tell .
In February i937, while still anempting to arrange Dr.
Gruner's transfer to San Diego, Johnson wrote to Canada' s
most esteemed cancer researcher, Dr. Edward Archibald. In
the course of the lengthy leiter , Johnson explained the Com-
mittce's reasons for not making a public announcemcnl at that
time. Archibald had earlier asked Johnson about the Commit-
tee's silence and also passed on the concerns of McGill's Dr.
Martin about the same failure to announce. Johnson replied:
"We realize that while there has been a dislinctly apparem
change in the attitude of the medical profession toward the
etiology of cancer during the last few years, any announcement
we make will be mel with tremendous scepticism. and we
must make assurance doubly sure before wc publish.
"We hope that you will not feel that we are asking 100 much
in urging that Dr. Gruner come to the Rife LaboralOry and
collaborate with us in the final repon. If you and Dr. Gruner
agree 10 this, perhaps we can give the world a real contribution
on the etiology of cancer before the end of 1937.
"Our Committee has decided that the etiology of cancer
must first be established before we publish anything concern-
ing the possible treatment. We arc, therefore, going to let the
Rife Ray rest until this most important work is donc."
So that was it. A committee chose to be si lent about a
treatment which already had cured cancer. The cautious doc-
tors preferred to carefully develop the etiology of cancer to
the point where it was incontestable. People would die while
the group mind of the committee played it super safe. It was
a senseless and probably immoral deci sion, especially when
they failed to get Dr. Gruner anyway, thus losing any
immediate chance to prove the etiology in a way that could
not be challenged. It would have been better to go ahead and
make the announcement about the treatment , bring in the exist-
ing skeptics and let them see the clinical, day-by-day miracles.
But they didn' t do it.
Funny, how men often think they have forever. It is a fault
which is passed down from generation to generation. Even
today there are those making the S< mistake. They want 10
test the Rife treatment again and again, and Ihey say that after
a year or so of careful sciemific work which will be "incontest-
able," an announcement will be made. Shakespeare could
write a modern tragedy about such men' s folly.
On March 31, 1937, C. I. Martin , Faculty of Medicine,
Office of the Dean, McGill University. Montreal , infonned
Johnson that "you will nor be able to get him (Gruner) for the
present." Martin then wrote that he and his wife were leaving
on a vacation 10 Italy. The cure for cancer could wail.
Unfonunately, Gruner never was able to go 10 San Diego.
Rife continued a correspondence with him, and Johnson later
sent Gruner his own Frequency Instrument-onc of the finest
then in ex.istence. But Ihis was afler the AMA had closed
down mosl of the treatments. Gruner became (00 frightened
10 use it. He gave the Frequency Instrument to a priest who
was a ham operator, and one of the greatest technologies of
the 20th century ended up being used as spare pans for a
shon-wave radio!
Meanwhile. the difficulties were mounting. Rife had to visit
Louisville, Kentucky again in May 1937 because of continued
problems with his eyes. In April. Dr. Walker of the Hooper
Foundation had to quit the work because of illness. Another
doctor was assigned, but he accomplished nothing. The San
Francisco research was essentially finished by mid-1937.
Johnson reponed thai the San Francisco surgeons had proved
totally uncooperative. In the year and a half that Walker
worked, he was able to get only "5 or 6 tumors" from his
surgical colleagues.
On May 28, 1937, Dr. Milbank Johnson closed the third
clinic. On June I , he wrote to his friend Dr. Joseph D. Heitger
in Louisville, Kentucky. Ihe eye specialist to whom he had
sent Rife:
"I closed my clinic on May 28, having been running it for
eight months. Our special effort this past winter has been
working on cataracts. and while we have treated a number of
other infectious conditions (if cataract is an infeclion). still our
principal work has been on the eye.
''The application of the Rife Ray as we have used it, docs,
in the great majority of cases. restore the fuJI visual function
of the eye; that is, the portion of visual disturbance due to
opacities in the lens. How il does il and why it does it, I do
not know, bUlthe above statement is an actual fael. supported
now by many cases.
"How I wish we could get together and go over this work.
I believe it will result in epochal changes in the profession's
handling of cataract cases."
Johnson spent the summer of 1937 in La Jolla outside San
Diego. There he worked with Dr. Couche who continued to
use the Frequency Instrument in treatment.
In the fall of 1937. Phil Hoyland, the engineer whom
Johnson had introduced to Rife, moved to San Diego to begin
with three others the commercial manufacturing of the Fre
quency Instrument. The company was named "Beam Ray." It
would playa crucial part in the AMA's destruction of Rife's
cancer cure. Hoyland would become the agent of the AMA
and would sue Beam Ray with an expensive Los Angeles
attorney representing him while the AMA pressured the doc
tors behindthescenes to stop using the Frequency Instruments
or lose their license to practice medicine.
The trial would start Rife on a long road of deterioration,
alcoholism and depression ... as the deaths from cancer
mounted year after year.
Johnson's introduction of Philip Hoyland into the Rife
research and treatment program was undoubtedly one of his
most serious miscalculations. Hoyland was a capable electrical
engineer and Johnson saw the talent ... but not the man's
character. This error of Johnson's may have contributed to his
own suspicious death in 1944 and the end of the Special
Research Committee which came so close to telling the world
that a cure for cancer and other infectious diseases had been
But that disaster was still in the years ahead. Johnson
returned to Los Angeles in the fall of 1937 and began treating
patients again with the Frequency Instrument. Despite the oj)..
stacles and setbacks of 1937, progress continued with the
development of the machines. Scientists in various locations
were interested. The future seemed hopeful. But any optimi sm
was a mirage. A stonn was building and soon would break
over San Diego.
Chapter 13
1938: Beam Ray
Beam Ray began in 1937 after Philip Hoyland moved to
San Diego from Los Angeles. He was an electrical engineer,
had worked with Rife, and had contributed to the improvement
of the Frequency Instrument. Rife brought him to the Rife
Laboratory in Point Lorna on Alcott Street, San Diego.
Hoyland met a promoter named Hutcheson who originated
the idea of commercially manufacturing the Frequency Instru-
ment. James Couche, the San Diego doctor who had been
treating patients with the Frequency Instrument for some time,
was another partner in Beam Ray, along with Ben Cullen,
Rife's old friend from the time he arrived in San Diego in
They approached Rife with the idea and he considered it
for some time. Then he gave his approval on two conditions:
.'1. That they would adhere decidedly to the original basic
principles of the Frequency Instrument.
2. That each Frequency Instrument would be thoroughly
tested before delivery to determine its true devitalizing
power and effect on pathogenic bacteria.'
Fourteen Frequency Instruments were built by Beam Ray.
Two went to England, a third to Dr. Hamer, and a fourth to
Dr. Arthur Yale. Two more went to Arizona doctors and the
remaining eight went to Southern California doctors.
In May 1938. Dr. B. Winter Gonin, W. V. Blewett, and
an associate named Parsons arrived from England. They
agreed to purchase a microscope from Rife and they discussed
selling the microscopes to the world from London. They also
met the Beam Ray people and purchased the first two Fre-
quency Instruments (prior to their manufacture).
However , when the two instruments were sent in Jul y and
August. they were unwired . Hoyland apparently was seeking
a trip to England. The three Englishmen were outraged. Rife
had been out of San Diego when the machines were sent.
Thus, they had not been tested by him as Beam Ray had
After an exchange of letters wit h the Englishmen, Rife
agreed to send his assistant Henry Siner to England at the end
of the year. Siner would bring a microscope and help the
Englishmen establish a laboratory. Rife would follow in mid-
1939 and bring the microscope the Englishmen had ordered .
Meanwhile, Dr. Couche had cured a man that most of the
San Diego doctors had failed to help. Word of the instrument's
healing power was spreading. Dr . Richard Hamer of the
Paradise Valley Sanitarium rented the third Beam Ray Fre-
quency Instrument and installed it in the Sanitarium. However,
as soon as the other doctors began losing patients, Hamer was
forced to remove the Frequency Instrument. So he and an
assistant opened an office in National City.
Ben Cuilen, the President of Beam Ray, later recalled what
happened once Dr. Hamer had his own office:
"Hamer ran an average of forty cases a day through his
place. He had to hire two operators. He trained them and
watched them very closely ... Hamer was very well known
on the Pacific Coast. His case hi slOries were absolutely won-
"We would go in there and see rectal cancers and stuff of
that son. He cleaned them up completely. absol utel y clean.
People would come in there wilh syphilis-not for that pur-
pose-but those that had developed cancers. he ' d find they
had syphilis or gonorrhea. By golly he'd clean those up com-
pletely. Not a doggone taint of it in the blood stream at al l.
Clinicall y cured.
", would go down to Dr. Hamer and he would painstakingly
pull OUI those c a . ~ histories showing improvement day by day
of everyone of them."
It was the treatment of the 82 year old man from Chicago
by Dr. Hamer that resulted in Morris Fi shbein, the AMA head
in Chicago, learning about the Frequency Instrument. He then
tried to "buy in" through representat ives of hi s from Los
Angeles. When the offer was refused, expensive legal assist-
ance from Los Angeles suddenly was made available to Philip
Hoyland felt he wasn't getting his fair share. Having
worked with Rife in building the instruments, he began seeing
Cullen. Dr. Couche and the promoter Hutcheson as less impor-
tant than he. Cullen had used his money to form the corpora-
tion. Each member had received 6,000 shares. But Hoyland
had the information on the frequencies and tried to use it to
gain more shares. Dissatisfied and in disagreement with his
partners. he joined forces with the AMA to destroy or lake
over Beam Ray. His law suit was a naked maneuver to gain
control of Beam Ray. By owning Beam Ray, he'd have been
in a position to negotiate with Fishbein or any other outsider
trying to "buy in."
The trial in 1939 destroyed Rife, led to the disintegration
of Beam Ray. stopped the Special Research Committee's care-
fully developed program and ended most of the clinical work
which was healing cancer and other diseases.
Chapter 14
1939: The Storm Breaks
While Rife and his associates were crealing a science of the
future, they were living in a scientific world of the past-vastly
different from the one in which the medical research goliaths
were taking shape and which would dominate postwar sociery.
These were vast enterprises linked 10 powerful financial
interests. A breakthrough of the kind Rife was engineering
would threaten not only massive investments but even the
political empi res behind them. Thus, it was not only the doc-
tors but leading scientific authorities of the "monomorphism
church" who were ready to oppose Rife and those whose
research supported his discoveries. Two examples provide a
valuable historic picture of the difference between Rife's
smaller world and that which he unknowingly was challeng-
ing- a world linking the doctor's union, the health megacities,
and the huge financial investments behind them- as well as
the government's politicized involvement in medical research.
Henry Siner. Rife's assistant. passed through New York in
January 1939 on his way to England where he would
demonstrate the microscope and assist in the establishment of
a Rife-l ike English laboratory. While in New York, he visited
a Dr. Carscarden and was shown "the medical center." Siner
was awe-struck, but he also opened the eyes of those still in
the stone age of bacteriology, A letter of Siner's to Rife:
"I just returned from the medical center after having seen
Dr. Carscardcn and delivered to him the filter, and also
instructed him as to its capabilities and u.')c. Dr. Carscardcn is
one of the finest men I have evcr mct and I am sure that you
and he would gct along famously as his line of thought runs
so much similar to yours. Since Dr. Carscarden is a surgeon
he made me acquainted with the department of research bac-
teriology and I had a very interesting discussion with those
who are trying to unveil the mystery of filter-passing.
pathogenic micro-organisms .
"At this point I was impressed wi th a very unusual and
inconsistent spectacle. At least 10 tremendous buildings that
have their upper extremities somewhere in the clouds make up
the series of institutions known as the medical center. I was
awe-struck by the gigantic proportions of the struclUres. the
nurses, patients. and what not that milled and pushed through
the halls-Great God-what a mad-house ... and on the fifth
floor. in a little room, out of the way. I beheld the department
of bacteriology (research). I swear. Dr. Rife. that the whole
laboratory would fit nicely in our dark room, and still leave
sufficient space in which to do our developing. It brought to
my mind what you ha\'e said many times about how badly the
important work is neglected.
"The people at work in the lab were engaged in the process
of inoculating something into fertile chickcn cggs, but were
good enough to take the time to explain that they were working
on the virus of the cold and the 'flu.' Dr. Carscarden, at this
point, announced that I was taking a microscope to England
that would reveal these virus forms. He was promptly
informed by one of the chief technicians that such a thing was
a myth. or words to that effect.
"In the meantime I noticed a copy of Kendall' s Bacteriology
lying on the desk. I picked it up and asked if those assembled
thought the author of that book knew anything about the sub-
ject. and in the same breath. spread out a reprint of Kendall's
(and your) article in the California and Westem Medicine, and
also a copy of Rosenow's publication in the Mayo Bulletin .
. After this was read aloud by one of the group, the atmos-
phere was changed quite a little and I noticed that they all
stopped working to see what else I had to say-which was
plenty. When I got through, anyone of them were ready 10
give a right eye or at least a left eye to see the microscope. I
explained that it was impossible at prescnt, but perhaps upon
our retum from England it might be arranged,"
Later that same year, Dr. Gruner of Canada wrote to Mil-
bank Johnson, explaining his frustrdtions and the reality of the
scienlific o r t ~ o x y dominating Canada. the Rockefeller lnsti-
tute in New York, and the Washington research laboratories:
"The crux of the whole problem is the identification of the
'virus.' otherwise 'BX' not only in itsclf. but also when
admixed with other mailer. BX now goes by the name of
'elementary txxIies.' The center of controversy is now in the
question of j ust what those txxIies arc. I myself consider them
to be the same BX. Well , the came up some time
ago when Or. Archibald and myself called upon Rous at the
Rockefeller to see the work on the Shope virus and the tenn
'elementary txxIies' came up, when I showed my photographs
of 'my' e-b. He seemed much surprised that I should have
found any."
(Note: Rous found the first cancer-causing "virus" in 1911 but
wasn't awarded the Nobel Prize until 1966 when he was 86
ycars old.)
HAfier that, the subject of the Glover organism came up,
and we went to Washington to see the work there on that
organism. .. After long drdwn-out consi deration I decided
for my pan that Glover's ultramicroscopic phase was the samc
as BX and 'e-b', but of course the question (whether this
ultramicroscopic phase can develop into cocci and then bacilli)
was a very different one. The Depanment of Public
Health at Washington had undergone change of manage-
men! . . as they had just about decided to close down the
Glover work as useless.
"About the same time, but earlier by about three weeks, an
immunologist was appointed here by Dr. Archibald. and a
bacteriologist as well, both trained and approved by the Prof.
of Bacteriology, to check up my work, with a strong bias
agai nst the existence of any cancer genn at all . From thatt;me
to this, a period of nearly nine months, progress has vinuall y
" 11 was a loss that I could not 'get' your careful expositions
of that subject in relation to the act ion of BX. Since that
memorable occasion of being in your company, so much has
flown on in regard to the 'phages: and yet so lillie is the
subject a topic of study in the Universities (1 think). However,
the conception of ' mutation,' 'pleomorphism,' 'developmental
cyeles of bacteria' has been uppennost in our thoughts (Dr.
Archibald and myself). The bailie is between the 'monomorph-
iSIS' and the ' pleomorphists.' To me, bacteriology is an effete
product or dead thing under the current academic view,
whereas the other concept not only e1(plains so much that we
see in nature, but is actually demonstrated in the microphoto-
graphs in the textbooks themselves. It is clear that the authors
have never unraveled their own photographs, or else they
would see that cocci become bacilli all the time!
"Or. Rife has, of course, the indispensable tool to effect the
proofs. To this day the opticians say that what he did cannot
be done. The people in London, whom I interviewed last year
about it, were very scomful, and brought out the ageold argu
ment about wave lengths (I think Dr. Archibald quietly is
amused at them, too; it is so like the Galileo busi
ness) ... The BX may not be 'ultramicroscopic.' it is just not
seen because the light used does nOI show it up. as Dr. Rife
demonstrated in his laboratory that lime.
"All this goes to show that I myself support Rife's findings
as much as ever. I slill think his instrument is of supreme
value. But even if it were available in many more places, few
there are who will trouble to scrutinise the things they work
with. We established that with few exceptions the people who
work with viruses never look at their material microscopically;
they never look at their tumors except with routine haematox
ylin sections; they certainly never examine the living tissues.
Even the wonderful cinematograph pictures of the Lewi5es
contain the particles we consider etiological. and they never
notice these objects al all-dancing about all over the place,
much like BX-bul the dance does not interest them!"
This inability 10 "see" what is right in front of them is one
of the reasons cancer researchers have failed to find the causc
of cancer (the other reason is the politics involved). In 1983,
the Nobel Prize was awarded to Barbara McClintock for her
work in gene research. A biography of McClintock by Evelyn
Fox Keller titled A Feeling For the Organism describes how
McClintock learned to see in a special way. It is essentially
what Gruner was writing about in 1939. He not only had seen
Rife's work validated but witnessed a myriad of researchers
who could have seen something similar without Rife's aid-if
they had looked. Keller describes how Nobel Prize winner
McClintock and other first class scientists looked and "saw"
in a special way:
'"For all of us, our concepts of the world build on what we
sec, as what we see builds on what we think. Where we know
more, we see more ...
"What is it in an indi vi dual scientisf s relation to nature that
facilitates the kind of seeing that eventually leads to productive
discourse? What enabled McClintock to sec further and deeper
into the mysteries of genetics than her colleagues?
"Her answer is simple, Over and over again, she tells us
one must have the time to look, the patience to 'hear what the
material has to say to you,' the openness to ' let it come to
you,' Above all. one must have a 'feeli ng for the organism.'
''This intimate knowledge, made possible by years of close
association with the organism she studies, is a prerequisite for
her extraordinary perspicacity. 'I have learned so much about
the com plant that when I see things, I can interpret (them)
right away. ' Both literally and figuratively, her 'feeling for the
organism' has extended her vision."
Rife sitting in his chair with the microscope for as long as
48 hours without moving demonstrates the extent to which he
was devoted to thi s process of "seeing. " And compared to the
anny of microbiologists who couldn't sec even the obvious
(as Gruner noted) these opponents of Rife-defending their
turf and using their powerful positions at the Rockefeller Insti-
tutc and Harvard to attack Kendall or Rife-now can be recog-
nized for what they were: inferior scientists.
Rosenow's son told this writer that his father evemually
became philosophical about such inferi or scientists as Rivers
and Zinsser. Rosenow Sr. said to his son, "Edward, no matter
how hard I try to convince others, nothing happens unless an
occasional person opens his mind and is willing to listen" (or
in the case of Rife, opens his eyes in order to see).
This little preamble prepares the stage for the trial of 1939.
It was really two men facing off-one was a scienti st who
could see (Rife), the other was a pol itical power addict whose
scientific credentials were mediocre at best and whose com-
mercial ethics were, to say the least, suspect (Fishbein).
Morris Fishbein graduated from Rush Medical School. He
interned for only six months and never practiced medicine a
day in his life. His mentor, a man named Simpson, also was
a product of Rush Medical School. Simpson, as head of the
AMA Journal , had developed thc lucrative structure which
enabled the AMA to be dominated by dictatorial whims. In
1922, Simpson was forced to resign after a court case in which
it was shown he had falsely tried to have his wife committed
to an insane asylum. She showed in court that Simpson had
made her a drug addict. Such was the background of the early
AMA founders--essential1y second-rate doctors in their own
time who used the organization to gain power and make
money. The public welfare was a secondary consideration.
The New York Times obituary for Fishbein in the 1970s
reported that he had entered medicine because as a young man
he had perceived the "power" which a doctor had. Power was
his driving personal motive, not healing. His autobiography is
little more than an egotistic memoir of all the famous people
he met in his life.
Yet Fishbein controlled the AMA and also intimidated the
press and other institutions to such an extent that his actions,
no matter how heinous, could go virtually unchallenged.
Unfortunately, the situation has nOI changed very much today.
When a group of cancer patients from around the country
protested the inaccuracies in a Journal of the AMA article
about a cancer clinic in the Bahamas, a number of media
people apologized to the patient's group because the media
could not print the true facts. (This is 1985!) The reason? ;'The
rebuttal would cut them off from their primary source and
render them impotent journalists. " The head of the patient's
group, Jack Link of Kalamazoo, Michigan concluded that the
journalists "are already impotent."
Such was the organization Rife faced during the 1939 trial -
a powerful medical union which played by its own rules,
ignored the law, promoted products which were unhealthy,
intimidated the press, politicians and medical researchers, and
unfortunately perverted basic principles of the American
Rife was about to leave for England in May 1939 when he
was subpoenaed. The trial opened on June 12, 1939 with
Judge Edward Kelly presiding. On one side was Philip Hoy-
land backed by his high-priced legal talent. Alone against them
stood local San Diego attorney Bert Comperet. The opposing
lawyer tore into Rife in a way he had never experienced. His
nerves gave. A doctor recommended that he take a drink to
calm himself. Rife's alcoholism began.
Ben Cullen's remembrance of this period includes the fol -
"Well Rife was called in 10 testify two or Ihree limes. Judge
Kelly was a wonderful man, bUI Rife had never been in court
and he just became a nervous jibbering idiot, in that he
couldn' t sland it and he did his best to keep calm. his hands
shaking like a leaf of course, He had started smoking pretty
heavily and inhaling it which he didn't use to do before. Any-
way he lOOk. 10 drinking because the doctor couldn'l find any-
thing 10 SlOp his nervousness without forcing him into a drug
addict. Finally he got so he had to crave it .
"Afterwards, during his clear moments when he wasn' t
under the influence of liquor, he would endeavor to progress
but every doggone day at a cenain time he would go and get
one liltle nip OUI of hi s car and thaI was the end of it."
While the court case was taking place (and afterwards), the
AMA visited all the doctors involved. Those who didn't stop
using the Frequency Instrument would lose their medical
license. Dr. Hamer quickly returned his instrument. Other
kinds of pressure were put on the Special Research Committee
members. Milbank Johnson apparently didn't budge. He sent
his own Frequency Instrument to Dr. Gruner in 1942, still
hoping for the international confi rmation which would enable
him to proclaim the cure for cancer in a way that was incon-
testable. But Gruner was to disappoint him by not using it out
of fear. Johnson's Who's Who biogro:l.phical information for
1944 emphasized that "now" (in 1944) he was sti ll head of the
committee, still fighting for a way to bring Rife's discoveries
to the world. But most of the others beat hasty retreats.
After Johnson's death in 1944, the records of the committee
were destroyed. Cu!Jen remembered:
"It was so controversial . They (the University of Southern
California) were scared to dealh."
Mystery shrouds Johnson's death. One rumor is that he was
preparing to announce the cure for cancer just before he was
hospitalized. The suspicion exists that he was silenced , but the
evidence is circumstantial. However, two federal inspectors
did examine his hospital record in the late J950searly 1960s.
They concluded it was likely that he was poisoned.
Sometime in the 1944-46 period, a new technician in Rife's
laboratory stole one of the valuable quartz prisms from the
Universal Microscope, rendering it inoperable. Just prior to
the theft, Dr. Raymond Seidel had published a description of
the microscope in the Smithsonian annual report . The report
described how the cancer virus "may be observed to succumb
when exposed to certain lethal frequencies ." This was the
news which the 0plX>nents of Rife were determined to have
suppressed. Publication in the Smithsonian report was a
dangerous breach of their wall of censorship. Following the
publication, Seidel soon became aware that he was being fol-
lowed. Then a bullet crashed through his car windshield while
he was driving.
Dr. Couche continued using the Frequency Instrument
(until the mid-1950s). He defied the AMA and had his mem-
bership revoked.
Dr. Royal Lee of the Lee Foundation for Nutritional
Research in Milwaukee, Wisconsin spent many weekends with
Royal Rife. He later published a small report on the Fishbein-
Rife tragedy. It includes the following:
"No medical journal was ever permitted to report on Rife's
work. This onc by the Franklin lnstitute slipped by the censors,
since this organization is not medical but supports general
scientific activities. But that mislake was soon rectified, it
appears, as there is still no general knowledge of Rife's epoch-
making discoveries. Again, the iron curtain of Fishbein is
effective .... We can give a list of various subjects on which
this censorship is rigorously applied. Only the treatmenl of
disease with synthetic drugs is carefull y reported. Botanicals
are played down. foods as remedies are almost as taboo as
Rife's work ... the official definition of a medical remedy
for disease ... excludes automatically any vitamin, nUlri-
tional mineral or enzyme . ..
Beam Ray won the case agai nst Philip Hoyland. Judge
Kelly stated at the end of the trial, ''The coun is not called
upon to pass on the merits of this machine. But the people
here before the coun have great confidence in its powers, both
curative and money making." As for Hoyland, Kelly had
judged his character accurately. Kelly: "I am not convinced
of his blameless chracter in these transactions as to find that
he is in coun wit h that degree of manly cleanliness that the
court insists upon. He stands alone and opposed to the direc-
tors of the corporation. The coun has confidence in their hon-
esty and integrity .... I am denying the plaintiff (Hoyland)
has clean hands. I am denying him the relief he demands
because I don't believe he was above trying to get an advan-
tage for himself in every transaction. I am holding that
the man who asked relief here is not in equi ty with clean
hands. and I say again I'll not give him relief:'
While the AMA's role behind-the-scene did not come up
in court-, Judge Kelly must have learned about it. When the
trial was over, Kelly offered to represent Beam Ray in a new
suit against the AMA. But Ben Cullen was broke. He had
even lost his house. He gOI a job and left the cure for cancer
to others. Rife kept his laboratory intact until 1946. but his
drinking eventually forced him to sell it piece by piece.
So. although the AMA lost its court case against Beam
Ray. it won the war. But millions of Americans suffering
from cancer decade after decade would lose. Fishbein's action
in 1939 makes him, in this writer's opinion, the worst mass
murderer in American history.
Note: Just prior to the attack on Rife in the spring of 1939,
the only other quality "electronic medicine research lab" in
America was mysteriously destroyed by fire. For 15 years,
J. C. Burnett's lab in New Jersey had conducted research and
kept records on "electronic energy in its relationship to the
human body." The $250,000 lab (1924 dollars) on a 400 acre
estate, and more than $500,000 invested in research, were
financed by Burnett's wife, the fanner Cora B. Timken of the
Timken Roller Bearing family. It was her relative on the west
coast who had first financed Rife. The lab was burned to the
ground while Burnett and his wife were visiting Rife in
Califomia- a strange coincidence in that dark, pivotal year of
Chapter 15
The Microscope and the
Frequency Instrument
From the perspective of the mid-1980s. the greate!>t mistake
in the long ordeal of the 1930s probably happened on May
3-4, 1932 when Kendall addressed the Association of Amer-
ican Physicians in Baltimore. Sitting in the audience waiting
to pounce were Dr. Rivers and Dr. Zinsser. Neither had been
able to reproduce the effects which Kendall showed were pos-
sible using his "K Medium". But potential allies also were in
that audience such as the great William Welch.
Kendall had a right to be proud of his achievement. but it
was a catastrophic error in judgment ror him to ignore the Rife
microscope in his talk and especially in his defense after Riv-
ers and Zinsser had essentially called him a liar. Kendall had
already published with Rife a description of their combined
achievement. All he had to do was simply state that a great
new microscope made the filter-passing forms visible to the
eye. Without access to the microscope. Rivers and Zinsser
had no argument.
But Kendall did not mention Rife. If he had, all the re-
searchers who would later read the description of the meeting
(in the Journal of the AMA for the summer of 1932) would
have focused on the microscope instead of the monomorphism
versus pleomorphism feud. Publishing the discovery in the
Journal of the AMA in 1 932- long before Ri fe became a threat
to the AMA-might have changed the history of later years.
If nothing else the microscope's abilities would have been
more widel y known and Rife's authority would have been
harder to attack seven years later when it was his cancer curing
instruments which were the subject of litigation.
But Kendall [fied 10 gain too much glory for himself. He
became the object of brutal attack when he had at his disposal
a weapon which could have quickly silenced his opponents'
Kendall himself later came under the heavier guns which
were employed in the 1940s to wipe out the memory of the
cancer cure. He was an authority whose " K Medium" was
crucial to Rife' s discoveries. Ben Cullen's memories include
this sad conclusion to KendaJrs brilliant career:
"1 think Kendall was paid off about 5200,000. He went
down deep into Mexico and he bought a ranch 10 Ihal tune,
and Ihe Melticans cleaned him out of that. So he is living off
his son-in-law in La Jolla." ( 1958)
Kendall died the following year in the town where the 1934
clinic had cured cancer. There was something odd-even mys-
tical-about the way in which people associated with the
cancer cure found their way to La Jolla, as will be seen when
the later story of Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler is sum-
But even with Kendall' s silence in Baltimore, the opportu-
nity for American microbiologists to put aside the silly
monomorphism versus pleomorphism debate and focus on
what the microscope showed, was st ill there. Yet few chose
to do so.
Rosenow's two reports in the summer of 1932- one in the
Mayo Clinic's publication and the other in Science magazine-
clearly provided the crucial facts to the scientific community.
From Rosenow's Science article of August 26, 1932:
"Enmination under the Rife microscope of specimens. con-
taining objects visible with the ordinary microscope. leaves no
doubt of the accurate visualization of objects or particulate
mailer by direct observation at the elttremely high magnifica-
tion (calculated to 8.000 diameters) obtained with Ihis instru-
Other scientists simply wouldn't look. As Dr. Gruner's
1939 leiter made clear, the microscope authorities did not wan!
to believe such a microscope existed. The old "light fre-
quency" argument came up and still can be heard when micro-
scopists and physicists are told about the Rife microscope in
the mid1980s. Rife's microscope contradicted the most
cherished beliefs of the experts- then and now.
When the electron microscope began to be introduced in
1940-41, Rife made a trip to Germany. He recognized
immediately that it was inferior to what he had built in 1929.
His microscope could see living organisms. The eleclTOn
microscope killed its specimens, As one expert in 1986 noted
in discussing this "live" micro-organism versus "dead" micro
organism matter, the existing authorities will have to learn to
"see" all over again. A generation of scientists have grown up
on the electron microscope. The world of living micro-
organisms is totally alien to them.
It need not have been if Rife's microscope and Rifc's Fre
quency Instrument weren't suppressed by ignorant men in
control of power and resources beyond any kind of public
accountability. One can only imagine what could have evolved
from Rife's two great discoveries if a generation of scientists
had been allowed to develop and improve thcm while gaining
new knowledge of deadly microorganisms and how their
painless destruction extended human well-being.
In 1938, Rife made his most public announcement. In a
two part article written by Newall Jones of the San Diego
Evening Tribune (May 6 and May II), Rife said, "We do not
wish at this time to claim that we have 'curcd' cancer, or any
other disease, for that matter. But we can say that these waves,
or this ray, as the frequencies might be called, have been
shown to possess the power of devitalizing discase organisms,
of 'killing' them, when tuned to an exact wave length, or
frequency. for each different organism. This applies to the
organisms both in their free state and, with certain exceptions,
when they arc in living tissues."
In 1953, Rife was not so conservative. In his copyrighted
explanation of his work and discoveries, he states 14 of 16
cases of cancer and other diseases were cured in 1934 when
the BX cancer frcquency was turned on them for three minutes
every third day. (The other two were pronounced cured one
mOnlh after the clinic closed.)
In 1942, four years after the San Diego news report, Dr.
Raymond E. Seidel began investigating the microscope for an
article. At one point , he spent 3 weeks in Rife's Laboratory.
In February 1944. the article appeared in the Journal of the
Franklin Institute. It was reprinted later that year in the Annual
Report of the Smithsonian Instituti on. Because Seidel was
a medical doctor and not a microscope expert , hi s descrip-
tion was not in the technical tenninology to which narrow-
minded microscope authorities were accustomed. Microscope
experts in the 1980s have sneered at his lack of technical
vocabulary. Nevertheless, morc open-minded experts then and
now were excited by his rcport. Leners from laboratories came
to Rife as much as 4 years after the publication, pleadi ng for
infonnation. Unfortunately, by then Rife's laboratory was
closed and Rife was slowly selling it off piece-by-piece in
order to eat. Dr. Seidel ment ioned the 5,682 parts of the Uni-
versal Microscope and then described how it differed from
ordinary microscopes:
"Between the source of light and the specimen are subt ended
two circular. wedge-shaped, block crystal quartz prisms for
the purpose of polarizing the light passing through the speci-
men. polariLafion being the prdctical application of the theory
that light waves vibrate in all planes perpendicular to the direc-
tion in which they are propagated. Therefore , when light
comes into contact with a polarizing prism_ it is di vided or
split into two beams. one of which is refracted to such an
extent that it is reflected to the side of the prism without, of
course, passing through the prism while the second ray, bent
considerably less , is thus enabled to pass through the prism to
illuminate the specimen. .. Now. when the portion of the
spectrum is reached in which both the organism and [he color
band vibrate in exact accord, one with the other, a definite
characteristic spectrum is emitted by the organism . ...
"Now, instead of the light rays starting up the [ube in a
pal".illel fashion, [ending to converge as they rise higher and
finally crossing each other. arriving at the ocular separated by
considerable distance a<i would be the case with an ordinary
microscope, in the uni versal tube the rays also start their rise
parallel to each other but . just as they are about to cross. a
specially designed quartz prism is inserted which serves to
pull thcm out parallel again. another prism being insened each
time the rays are about to cross .... Thus, the greatest di s-
tance that the image in the universal is projected through any
one media. either quartz or air. is 30 millimeters instead of
the 160. 180, or 190 millimeters as in the empty or air-filled
tube of an ordinary microscope ...
"Under the universaJ microscope disease organisms such as
those of tuberculosis. cancer, sarcoma. streptococcus,
typhoid, staphylococcus. leprosy, hoof and mouth disea<;e, and
others may be observed to succumb when exposed to certain
lethal frequencies peculiar to each individual organism. and
directed upon them by rays covering a wide range of waves.
By means of a camera attachment and a motion-picture camera
not buill into the instrument, many 'still' micrographs as well
as hundreds of feet of motion-picture film bear witness to the
complete life cycles of numerous organisms. It should be
emphasized. perhaps, that invariably the same organisms
refract the same colors when stained by means of the mono-
chromatic beam of illumination on the universal microscope,
regardless of the media upon which they are grown. The virus
of the Bacillus t}phOSU5 is always a turquoise blue, the Bacil-
lus coli always mahogany colored, the Mycobacterium leprae
always a ruby shade, the filter-passing form or virus of tuber-
culosis is always an emerald green, the virus of cancer always
a purplish red, and so on."
Rife's copyrighted explanation of 1953 describes the Uni-
versal Microscope's unique design as follows:
'The prime reason that viruses have never been observed in
their true form of their association with a disease is because
the best standard research microscopes will not show them;
first. on account of the lack of great enough magnification and
second. owing to the minuteness of these panicles. it is impos-
sible to stain them with any known method or technique using
acid or aniline dye stains hence a substitute stain was found .
The viruses were stained with a frequency of light that coordi-
nates with the chemical constituents of the panicle or micro-
organism under observation.
'The variation of the light frequency is accomplished by use
of a variable monochromatic beam of light that is tuned to
coordinate with the chemical constituents of panicle, virus, or
micro-organism. Visibility of the particle, virus, or micro-
organism is observed by use of the core beams [rom the
patented Rife Microscope Lamps. which provide illumination
through a series of rotating quartz prisms in the univen;al
microscope and thence through the slide containing the sped-
mens and on to the eyepiece. Rotation of the light beams in
the quartz prisms controls the increase or decrease of the light
frequency. With complete control of the illuminating unit , a
frequency is created that is in coordination with the chemical
constit uents of the virus under observation and thus il is possi-
ble to observe the virus in its true chemical refractive index.
The control of Ihe illumination (in the universal microscope)
is a most imponant factor in visualizing the virus of any
pathogenic micro-organism. This cannot be accomplished by
any conventional source of illumination. This points OUI why
other research groups have fai led to find cancer virus."
The Frequency Instruments were steadily improved from
the early version of 1920 to the clinical versions of 1934-38
and then, in the 19505, improved again to the point where Rife
could assert, "they are infallible and simple to operate .. "
The May 6 , 1928 Evening Tribune of San Diego described
what the Frequency Instrument did:
"Just what this Ray does to the organisms to devitalize them
is nOl yet known. Because each organism requires a different
wave length, it may be that whatever befalls these tiny slayers
of man is something similar to the phenomenon occurring
when the musical tuning fork is set in vibration by sound
waves emanating from another fork struck nearby ....
"Rife thinks that the lethal frequencies for various disease
organisms are, as in the sound waves, coordinates of frequen-
cies existing in the organism themselves. If this is the explana-
tion, it means that the Rife Ray probably causes the disease
organisms to disintegrate or panially disintegmte, just as the
vase and the glass. Several bits of evidence indicate that this
is exact ly what happens .
"When the ray is directed upon them, they are seen to
behave very curiously; some kinds do literally disintegrate,
and others writhe as if in agony and finally gather together in
deathly unmoving clusters.
"Brief exposure to the tuned frequencies, Rife commented,
brings the fatal reactions. In some organisms, it happens in
After the organisms have been bombarded. the laboratory
repons show, they are dead. They have become devitalized-
no longer exhibit life, do not propagate their kind and produce
no disease when introduced into the bodies of experimental
"Now. he reported, the mortal oscillatory rales for many.
many organisms have been found and recorded and the my can
be tuned to a genn's recorded frequency and turned upon that
organism with the assurance that the organism will be killed,"
In 1950, after an absence of four years, including two years
in an alcohol rehabilitation hprison" from which he finally
escaped, Rife returned to his great work. In 1953, his cancer
report was published-History of the Development of a Suc-
cessful Treatment for Cancer and Other Virus, Bacteria alld
Three years later, in 1956, he wrote a ICller describing the
safety of the Frequency Instrument and also its advanced
"I have operated the 'Frequency Instrument' since 1921. I
have watched it advance in style and perfonnance with the
advancemem of electronics.
"'n the many years I used this equipment in my research. I
have never suffered an injury or any ill effects whatsoever. I
found it reliable in perfonnance and effidem in results. The
most recent model is infallible and simple to operate."
Chapter 16
1946-1986: Rife's Theory
Gains Acceptance
Rife was never published or mentioned in any scientific
report after the midl940s. Those who knew what he had done
also knew what had been done (0 him. Even much later, those
whose own work confirmed Rife's discoveries and who per
sonally knew Rife avoided mentioning his name. Scientists
frequently talk about a "courageous search for truth," but in
practice they more often exhibit a cautious silence when their
own career and credibility are on the line. Rife was the invis
ible man of cancer research right up to his death in 1971 . Yet
his Frequency Instrument continues to be used secretly by a
few brave doctors. And still the occasional heroic physician
provides a statement about its miraculous effects.
Nevertheless, the development of Rife's treatment for
cancer effectively ended in the late 1930s and early 1940s
because the essential crossreferencing of experience by a
number of doctors was stopped. The Frequency Instrument
was improved and perfected by Rife and his new associates in
the I 950s, but the open, clinical, enthusiastic testing of the
Rife Ray by a committee of top doctors, scientists and
pathologists was never repeated. Political interests disguised
as public health protectors prevented any objective evaluation.
Instead, the confirmation of Rife's work came from another
direction-bacteria studies and gradual verification of the fiI
terpassing form. The next generation did not have the micro--
scope or the Frequency Instrument , but they proved that the
cancer virus exists, that it can change fonns, and that it can
be destroyed. The approach was through vaccine and diet. It
was certai nl y more complicated (and much more expensive
than Rife's easy 3 minute frequency treatment), but the goal
was the same-a genuine cure for cancer in place of the failed
"approved treatments" of surgery, radiation and chemo-
The key person in the succeeding generation's discovery of
the cancer micro-organism was Dr. Virginia Wuerthele-Caspe
(Wuerthe was her maiden name and Caspe the name of her
first husband). With her second marriage to Dr. Livingston.
she changed her name to Dr. Virginia Wuerthele-Caspe-
Livingston. After her third marriage, she was known as Dr.
Virginia Livingston-Wheeler. To avoid confusion, the name
Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler will be used here even if the
period cited is prior to her taking that name.
In the sununer of 1947, the year following the closing
of Rife's laboratory, while living on the East Coast. Dr.
Livingston-Wheeler began studying tumors and found the
same organism in all of them. In 1948, she came across the
work of Dr. Eleanor Alexander-Jackson who, according to
Livingston-Wheeler, had demonstrated that the tubercle bacil-
lus went through many changes. (This was the same discovery
Kendall, Rosenow and Rife had shown in the early 1930s, but
it had been forgotten.)
Dr. Livingston-Wheeler was fascinated by a bacterium that
"could be so wildly pleomorphic." She began seeking the same
changes in her cancer organism.
In March 1948, at a symposium with Dr. Roy M. Allen, a
microscopist, Dr. Livingston-Wheeler announced her find-
ings. In August 1948, the New York Microscopical Society
Bulletin published the paper. It included the following:
"In conclusion, it may be stated that a definite mycobac-
terium is observed in many kinds of tumors. lis presence
within the tumor cells as well as within the blood or the
patients suffering with the can be demonstrated."
By the end of 1948, Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler and
Dr. EleanOr AlexanderJackson had proof that the Rous cancer
virus was in actuality a pleomorphic bacterium.
In 1949, following the announcement in New York by two
doctors of a virus associated with cancer, Dr. James Couche
traveled to Montreal where he visited Dr. Gruner. The San

Diego Union of July 31, 1949 reported Gruner's opinion of
the latest discovery:
"Gruner !Old Dr. COliche he was satisfied thai Dr. Rife 's
large microscope ... had revealed a virus. He said further
thtlt the work he did with Rife at his Point Lorna laboratory
and follow-up researches al McGill University. had confinned
that tumorous growths positively could be produced by the
virus discovered in San Diego.
"Gruner disclosed that he had bee.n WOrking with Dr. J. E.
Hett of Windsor, another cancer specialist, who has been
studying malignant growths for 50 years and had found that
Hen was having remarkable success with a serum he had
developed from a virus.
" In San Diego yesterday Dr. Rife admiltcd the possibility
that the cancer virus reported in New York and the virus
developed by Dr. Heu are the same virus he isolated in San
Diego. Dr. Rife said .... " discovered that the virus
organism gets in the blood of the victim at one stage of the
"Dr. Couche said ... that if cancer is a blood disease it is
carried to all parts of the body in the blood stream and surgery
would be of liule use. . It will surely be a great honor for
that patient San Diego investigator, Dr. Rife. if his virus turns
out to be the entity chiefly for causing this dread
By June 1949, Dr. Livingston-Wheeler had become head
of the New Rutgers-Presbyterian Laboratory in Newark, New
In 1950, Dr. Irene Corey Dillcr of the Institute for Cancer
Research in Philadelphia had isolated fungus agents from can-
cerous growths in animals. h was Dr. Gruner's fungus from
the blood of cancer victims which Rife had taken, transformed
to his BX, and then, reversing the process, changed his BX
to Gruner's fungus. Diller independently and unknowingly had
confirmed a basic area of Rife and Gruner's work.
Also in 1950, Dr. Diller attempted to set up a symposium
in New York in order to announce her discovery. It was killed
by Dr. Cornelius P. Rhoads, the powerful head of Memorial
Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center. Rhoads was determined to
prove that cancer could be cured by killing the cancerous cells.
Anything suggesting a micro-organism caused cancer and that
the entire body had to be immunized directly threatened his
presti ge and his entire cancer program, not to mention the
pharmaceutical industry which developed thousands of
chemotherapy treatments against cancer cells. Until 1955,
most of these new drugs were tested at Memorial Sloan-Ketter-
ing Cancer Institute.
The same year brought confinnation of Dr. Livingston-
Wheeler's cancer microbe's "pleomorphi sm" by Dr. James
Hillman of RCA Labs in Princeton, N. J. Using an electron
microscope, he saw the cancer microbe's "filtered" or smaller
In December 1950, the American Journal of Medical Sci-
ences published Dr. Livingston-Wheelcr's article describing
how the cancer culture taken from both humans and animals
had produccd similar disease in experimental animals. Then
new cultures were isolated. They matched. The basic princi-
ples of bacteriology-known as Koch's postulates-had been
fulfilled. Cancer could result from a bacterium! The di smissal
of this claim by Ri vers and an anny of virologists had been
shown to be wrong.
Unfortunately, Dr. Livingston-Wheeler's discovery would
have little impact. The cancer hierarchy had its own program
and America would march to it for the next 35 years whi le
millions suffered and died for nothing because greed, arro-
gance and ignorance dominated the medical power centers
instead of scientific objectivity.
Later Dr. Diller confinned that Dr. Livingston-Wheeler's
microbe converted normal cell s to abnonnal cells. In 1953,
Dr. Diller finally published her fungus discovery. titled
"SlUdies of Fungoid Fonns Found in Malignancy."
Also in 1953, Dr. Livingston-Wheeler and her team pre-
sented their discoveries at the 6th International Congress of
Microbiology in Rome. Among her group was Dr. George
Clark who had labored for 8 years in Washington, D.C. on
the Glover virus but had not been pennined to publish his
results. Dr. Gruner of Montreal had traveled to Washington
in the late 1 930s to assess the Glover virus and had concluded
it was BX. The health bureaucracy in Washington had man-
aged 10 cover up and eventually ignore this research-as their
successors have continued to do until today with other
pleomorphic micro-organisms.
The Washington Post of September 10, 1953 reported the
group's findings:
"Rome Sep 9-An American research group today piclUred
canccr as an infcctious disease, like tuberculosis or syphilis.
caused by a tiny organism. .. lis members said they have
obtained an antiserum from bodies of animals infected with
the disease and that the antiserum weakens and sometimes
destroys the cancer-causing organism. Drs Virginia Wuer-
thele-Caspe. Eleanor Alexander-Jackson. W. L. Smith and G.
A. Clark of the Presbyterian Hospital, Newark, N.J., said
their study of cancer induced in white mice and guinea pigs
'has led to the concept that cancer does not consist of a
localized tumor alone.' Instead they pictured it as a genemlized
disease caused by an organism in the human blood stream.""
The report received great attention but the New York
Academy of Medicine immediately discounted the announce-
ment. The Washington Post, which later would unearth and
finally break Watergate in one of the best journalistic efforts
of the 20th century, in 1953 meekly accepted the orthodox
view and walked away from the greatest medical story of the
modem age. It was a pattern that seemed to repeat again and
again. Those controlling the cancer program of America con-
tinued to demonstrate virtual censorship over what the Amer-
ican public could read in the press about cancer.
When the group rcturned to America. they discovered that
Dr. Rhoads of Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center had
managed to stop the funds for the Rutgers-Presbyterian Hospi-
tal Laboratory. The Laboratory was closed. Dr . Livingslon-
Wheeler was OUI of work and nowhere on the East Coast was
there any research organization that would take her in. She
had becomc, like Rife, "invisible." The micro-organism that
caused cancer and the hopeful vaccine which would prevent
cancer were unwanted. Surgery, radiation and chemotherapy
were the "approved" research areas-as they remain in 1987.
So Virginia Livingston-Wheeler moved to Los Angeles
where she worked at the Los Angeles County Hospital. She
sought a position with the University of Southern California
Medical School-as the threads in this tale begin to cross-but
was turned down .
Her father, Dr. Wuerthele, however. had retired and moved
to San Diego. In 1955. his daughterfollowed him. Soon after,
her husband Dr Caspe died. She was almost 50, a widow and
had a daughter to support. She took a job in a San Diego
clinic. Within a year she met Dr. Livingston and married him
in 1957.
In 1958, she reemerged on the international cancer scene.
On July 14. 1958, the 1st International Congre)'s for Micro-
biology of Cancer and Leukemia opened in Antwerp. Dr.
Livingston-Wheeler was a Vice-President and was given the
honor of being the first speaker. She also discovered that the
pleomorphism theory of cancer was widely accepted in Europe
even though ignored in Americ.a. A detennined effort to find
an immunological treatment was also well-advanced in
Europe .
In her 1983 book The Conqllest of Cancer, Dr. Virginia
Livingston-Wheeler wrote:
.. All these distinguished scientists. back in 1958. had been
carrying on significant research in the biological and
immunological treatment of cancer for years. [t is still only
now that the United States orthodoxy is beginning to catch up.
Because of the suppressive actions of the American Cancer
Society. the American Medical Association and the Food and
Drug Administmtion, our people have not had the advantage
of the European research.
''This work has been ignored because certain powerful indi-
viduals backed by large monetary grants can become the dic-
tators of research and suppress all work that does not promote
their interesls or that may prescnt a threat 10 their prestige."
In 1959. Dr. Clara Fonti of Milan inoculated herself with
a bacterilJI culture of cancer. She grew a tumor. II was surgi-
cally removed. The human lest had shown whal all the labora-
tory transfers from human blood to human cancer tissue to
fungus had shown in cultures or in animals.
And in 1959- 1960. Dr. Livingston-Wheeler met a neighbor
in San Diego-Royal R. Rife. She had come across a country
and connected the years to meet the "invisible man" of cancer
research. Some strange quirk of destiny had brought her to the
place- La Jolla outside San Diego-where the first clinic
which successfully treated cancer was held.
Dr. Livingston-Wheeler often visited Rife's new laboratory
in 1959-60. She arranged for the Institute for Cancer Research
in Philadelphia to provide mice for Rife and his new
associates. This was another strange link because of Rife's
earlier unsuccessful association with the International Cancer
Research Foundation in Philadelphia. Rife's ideas on
pleomorphism closely paralleled those held by Dr. Livingston-
Wheeler. The only difference was that Dr. Livingston-
Wheeler intended to develop a serum while Rife knew the BX
would disintegrate under his Rife Ray.
So they went their separate ways-Livingston-Wheeler to
present papers before audiences of elite scientists despite the
opposition from the cancer power structure, and Rife to watch
his associates be harassed by FDA break-ins, court trials, and
continuing AMA pronouncements that the cancer clinic of
1934 was "a myth."
In 1962, Dr. Livingston-Wheeler had a heart attack and
was essentially inactive until 1965. But in 1965 she co-
authored a paper with her old colleague Dr. Eleanor Alexan-
der-Jackson. In 1966, the two of them appeared at the
American Cancer Seminar for Science Writers in Arizona.
However, the powers behind the scene still didn't like what
the two women were saying. When Dr. Alexander-Jackson
returned to Columbia University, she found that her work had
been tenninated.
In May 1966, Rife and his associates tried to interest the
lnstitute for Cancer Research in Philadelphia in the Frequency
Instrument. The Institute backed away. Rife was slillihe "in-
visible man" with the cure that never happened.
In 1966, Peyton Rous was awarded the Nobel Prize for his
virus discovered in 1911. By that time, it was 18 years since
Dr. Virginia Livingston-Wheeler and Dr. Eleanor Alexandcr-
Jackson had proven it was a classic filtered fonn of a bacterium.
Sometime in the 1960s, Dr. Livingston-Wheeler began tak-
ing her own cancer vaccine-once a year.
In 1967. Dr. Irene Diller and Dr. Florence Seibert published
a report in the AnfUl/s of the New York Academy of Science
that they had isolated bacteria from every tumor they obtained.
In 1968. Dr. LivingstonWheeler and her second husband
Dr. Livingston opened a cancer clinic in San Diego-where
the University of Southern California Special Research Com
minee had conducted the first cancer clinic using the early
Frequency Instrument. curing 14 of 16 patients in 70 days,
and the other 2 within 90 days.
From 1968 to 1983, over 10.000 cancer patients were
treated at the Dew clinic. Dr. Livingston-Wheeler reported
that they had an 80% success rate.
On November 58, 1969, the New York Academy of Sci
ences welcomed Dr. LivingstonWheeler and Dr. Eleanor Ale
xander Jackson, both representing the University of California
at San Diego, Dr. Irene Diller from the Institute of Cancer
Research in Philadelphia, and Dr. Florence Seiben from the
Veterans Administration Research Laboratory in Bay Pines,
Florida. Their topic was "Microorganisms Associated With
Diagnosis News reponed that the researchers from three
separate institutions had "found a highly pleomorphic
organism in a1l types of human and anima1 tumors, in the
blood of advanced cancer patients ....
On October 30, 1970. the Academy published their repon.
It could have been written by Rife, Johnson, Kendall ,
Rosenow and Gruner. Like echoes from the 1930s. it stated
the truth about cancer with certain(y. It also defiantly chal -
lenged the cancer establishment'S orthodox views:
"Microorganisms of various sorts have been observed and
isolated from animal and human tumors. including viruses,
bacteria, and fungi. There is, however. one specific type of
highly pleomorphic microorganism that has been observed and
isolated consistently by us from human and animal malignan
des of every obtainable variety for the past 20 yeaB .... The
organism has remained an unclassified mystery, due in pan to
its remarkable pleomorphism and its stimulalion of other
microorganisms. Its various phases may resemble viruses.
micrococci, diptheroids , bacilli, and fungi."
In 1971, Royal R. Rife died.
On December 23,1971, President Richard Nixon signed a
$1.6 billion law to open the "war on cancer." And everyone
lined up for the feast: the greed merchants at the American
Cancer Society, the AMA, research scientists at various
favored institutes and universiti es, the health bureaucrats at
the National Cancer Institute, and the politicians. By 1985,
the National Cancer Institute was spending SI.2 billion
yearl y ... and had precious lillie to show for it.
In 1972, Dr. Livingston-Wheeler published her first book,
Cancer: A New Breakthrough. In her 1948 presentati on before
the New York Microscopic Society, she had said, " 170,000
deaths" per year were caused by cancer. By 1972, the figures
were much worse: "350,000 deaths a year." By t 986, there
would be 460,000 deaths every year-all unnecessary. And
with the rapid spread of AIDS, a disease which Dr.
Livi ngston-Wheeler and associates of Rife claimed could be
cured, the National Academy of Sciences in late 1986 called
for $2 billion a year to avert "a national health crisis." 60,000
deaths a year from AIDS were predicted by the I 990s.
Dr. Livingston-Wheeler in her 1972 book condemned the
National Cancer Institute for its misuse of money, the corrupt
handling of its public health responsibilities, and its use of
people as guinea pigs for a "surgery-radiation-chemotherapy"
program dictated by special interests. Her denunciation of the
past would correctly describe the worseni ng "cancer war" of
the future from 1972 to 1986:
" in thineen years the NCI has spent five hundred million
dollars and_ has tested 170,000 poisonous drugs for possible
use in the fight against cancer. The results have been zero
except in a few rare types of cancer. Over 100,000 cancer
patients have been used as guinea pigs without their full
knowledge and informed consent ."
In 1974, Lida Mattman published Cell-Wall Deficient
Forms, decisively showing the existence of pleomorphic bac-
teria and relating its early examination to a "school of filtra-
tion" established by Kendall. A disguised hint of recognition
for Royal R. Rife finally had appeared in the serious scientific
in October of 1974, doctors and scientists from around the
world gathered at the New York Academy of Sciences to dis-
cuss "the interaction of electricity and living systems." One
doctor predicted that , by 1994, "electrotherapy" would be used
as much as chemothempy. He bemoaned the fact that current
medical students. who would be doctors for the next 40 years,
were not being instructed in electrical engineering. Not one of
the eminent professionals in "electronic medicine" was aware
of Rife's clinical results 30 years earlier.
In 1975, Dr. Livingston died and Dr. Livingston-Wheeler
was a widow for the second time.
In 1976. two events occurred which seemed to draw
together the closing ends of a great circle. Chri stopher Bird
authored the first article to appear on Rife since the I 940s.
"What Has Become of the Rife Microscope?" appeared in
New Age Journal for March 1976. And that same year, Dr .
Virginia Li vingston-Wheeler married Dr. Owen Wheeler. one
of the founders of Doctors Hospital in San Diego. The
Livingston Clinic became the Livingston-Wheeler Clinic. A
circle of 42 years was complete because Dr. Wheeler. as a
young man, had known Royal R. Rife and had been at his
side in the Rife Laboratory.
in 1980, the two French scientists Sarin Sonea and Maurice
Panisset published A New Bacreriology. Bacterial pleomorph-
ism was the key to this "new" bacteriology.
[n 1984. Dr. Virginia Livi ngston-Wheeler published The
Conquesl ojCollcer. She warned her readers not to cat chicken
or eggs:
"After years of research. I consider the potential for cancer
in chicken to be almost one hundred percent. Most of the
chickens on the dining tables of America havc the pathogenic
form of the microbe. which I contend is to
human beings."
She called for vaccinating cattle and chicken with the anti-
cancer serum. Rife had long envisioned using the Rife Ray to
kill the ax in chickens and meal. He also had specifically
warned that BX (cancer) virus thrived on pig and mushrooms.
The wheel kept turning and turning.
When it is realized thai the disease-causing micro-
organisms in food can be devitalized, and that the blood in
hospital blood banks may need to be simi larly purified, the
loss of Rife's discovery can be seen in its true tragic dimen-
Dr. Livingston-Wheeler also called for cancer immuniza-
tion soon after the birth of every child (the serum can be made
from a urine sample). She knew the signs of a cancer epidemic
were everywhere if anyone bothered to look. She also declared
that cancer could be permanently wiped out in a decade. Rife
had known how to do it also ... but in a country where 60
billion dollars are spent annually on cancer, where one tiny
hospital in the Berkshires of Massachusens can spend 2V2
million dollars for "state-of-the-art" radiation equipment. it is
clear that an entire economy of satisfied cancer ;' profess ionals"
exists, determined to keep their gruesome racket in place.
Dr. Li vi ngston-Wheeler' s book was completed on July 23,
1983 in La Jolla. Forty-nine years earlier at the Scripps Ranch
in La Jolla, a man staggered onto a table with cancer so bad
thai when doctors felt his stomach they could almost touch hi s
backbone. In a few mOnlhs time, he was driving his car and
slaying up all night with a sick cow. Cancer could be cured.
Cancer had been cured.
Chapter 17
The Victims
Perhaps a word here about the human victims is nceded.
Statistics don't tell the true story of what individual human
beings suffered because Roy Rife's discoveries were suppres-
sed, because the AMA was guarding its pocket book, because
the pharmaceutical companies had "chemotherapy" to push
for profit, because the American Cancer Society was a big
money public relations fraud, because the fDA was owned by
the cancer monopolies, because the media was silent, silent ,
Two accounts tell the talc. These stories can be multiplied
by millions and millions.
Dorothy Lynch of Dorchester, Massachusetts died of
cancer. She tried so hard to learn about alternative therapies.
But the cancer establishment pushed her into all the traditional
methods. Dorothy wrote a book about her long, terrible voy-
age through the cancer wards. Her husband Eugene Richards
took pictures of her during the ordeal and also pictures of
others on the same hellish path. Exploding Imo Life is a visual
and word portrait showing how Fi shbein, Ri vers, Rhoads,
the bosses of the American Cancer Society-and all the cow-
ards who might have stood up but didn' t- have murdered and
The other cancer book which is a testament to America's
holocaust is The Great Planet Swap and Other Stories. It was
wrillen by 9 year old Mark Johnson of La Crosse, Wisconsin.
It includes stories of a boy with cancer and his hospital experi-
ences until he finall y went home. Only Mark didn' t go home.
He died of leukemia after "battling" it and the chemotherapy
for 4 years. The tale of the I. V. "toobs," shots and radiation
is perhaps America's sequel to The Diary of Anne Frank.
These deaths did not have to happen. Dorothy and Mark
could have led normal, happy lives. In 1953, a naval officer
who had known Roy Rife when the officer was a young man
growing up in San Diego wrote Rife a letter. He explained
how in his military career he commanded a unit of doctors and
bacteriologists. The letter is a fining epitaph to the Rife
.. , have been very privileged in having known you and hav-
ing heard from your own lips the story of your work. You
gave me a glimpse of science of the year 20CX}. But often I'm
a little sad when ' realize that men must st ruggle so hard to
get what you tried to give them, and I am even more sad when
I see so many problems for which you alone have the answers.
When I see pictures taken with the electron microscope. I havc
to laugh. because I remember better pictures showing more
detail which were hung in the hallway in your laboratory.
When [ read 'research' reports on genetics. evolution. or any
of the fields of microbiology I have to laugh. because years
ago the 'scientists' were offered the answers and they refused
the gift! The combination of your mind, your will. and your
energy is so rare a ~ to skip entire generations. The world has
great need for your work.
"Perhaps the world will someday rediscover one of the
greatest gifts on which it has ever turned its back. Someday
we may develop equipment simi lar to the Rife Ray machine.
If and when thai happens. our problems will be solved. Man
will have more food and structural materials than he needs.
For the first time the economic reasons for wars will cease to
exisl. By then. the AMA will be forced to accept its usc for
the elimination of disease organisms. Man will li ve a heallhier.
happier and longer life.
'"If we reach that millenium in my life. I will have one
unhappy memory- that the man most deserving to have hi s
name linked for all time with human happiness will have been
all but forgolten bcrause his life's work was lost in a struggle
with the AMA and InC 'accepted' scientists of nis day rather
than made available through a new approach; and because
wnen it is rediscovered, the Rife Ray will be given a new
Chapter 18
Cancer and AIDS
O. C. Gruner was the Canadian cancer reseracher who
worked with Rife. As he wrote to Dr. Mi lbank Johnson in the
lale 19305, his contemporaries simply wouldn't look at what
was before their eyes. In the 194Os, Gruner argued in essays
and books (An Interpretation of Cancer and Study of Blood in
Cancer) that pleomorphism was a known phenomenon in other
diseases. Why, he asked, were experts so reluctant to examine
a similar biological process when it came to cancer? Gruner:
"Viruses in the striet sense are mostly discredited where
cancer is in question. However, the newer pleomorphists stand
in marked contrast. 1be virus form, to them. is one phase in
[he life-history of many, if not all bacteria. The bacterial fonns
do not produce cancer, but the virus fonn does . The existance
of virus fonns of typhoid bacillus, colon bacillus, tubercle
bacillus cannot seriously be disputed."
Gruner's specialty was blood. Rife had discovered that pork
caused the cancer micro-organism to grow very rapidly. In
fact, Kendall's K Medium had a pork base. Gruner took this
notion a step further, producing a startling and frightening fact
for people who ate pork. Gruner wrote that the blood of a
person who ate pork was the same as a cancer patient for 8 or
9 hours after eating. Gruner:
'a meal which features pork will produce a blood picture
indistinguishable from thal of cancer, though of course nor-
mality reappears after eight or nine hours."'
Unfortunately, the orthodox medical authorities and public
health officials have ignored this finding just as they have
thoroughl y ignored pleomorphism.
But Virginia livingston-Wheeler's confirmation of the
cancer micro-organism's ability to change form from a bac-
teria to a virus depending on whm it has been fed recently has
been endorsed by Dr. Alan Cantwell. an AIDS researcher.
Cantwell claims that cancer and AIDS are caused by the same
micro-organjsm. Cantwell has found that micro-organism in
both cancer and Kaposi's sarcoma (associated with AIDS)
while also noting that some AIDS patients don't have the
famous AIDS virus antibodies in their blood.
Of course Robert Gallo of the National Cancer Institute,
who discovered the AIDS virus. has adamantly declared his
opposition to the Livingston-Wheeler (and Rife) position.
The result is that millions of dollars continue to go into AIDS
rcsearch and treatment sanctioned by Gallo and his supporters
while the alternative AIDS research and treatment is ignored.
Equally significant is that the Sloan Kcttcring Cancer
Center in New York found the Rife-Livingston-Wheeler-
Cantwell organism in all the blood cultures of cancer patients.
The year? 1975. What did they do? They concluded that the
organism came from "outside contamination" and buried the
study. (Details will be found in Dr. Raymond Brown's AIDS,
Cancer and the Medical Eswblishmem.)
Such is the state of modem "political" medicine. The
authorities protect their prestige and huge research grants
while almost a half-million Americans die of cancer every
year and the number of AIDS victims continues to grow. Pub-
lic health officials warn of an impending health epidemic.
Political leaders legislate more money for research. But the
money goes directly into the hands of those who refuse to
consider that a pleomorphic bacteria/ virus is the cause of
cancer and AIDS. New chemotherapy treatments are devised
for new, desperate, human guinea pigs. But Rife's break-
through discovery is ignored and suppressed. A monstrous
crime is perpetrated every day. The cost is at least 1 ,200
American lives every 24 hours-almost one per minute.
As 1987 began, the AIDS "virus" was estimated to be
already in the bloodstream of betwecn l lh and 4 million Amer-
icans. The number of diagnosed AIDS patients was doubling
every 13 months. The potential for a greater and greater health
catastrophe continued to grow with every passing day that the
medical orthodoxy of AiDS and cancer "experts" was not chal-
lenged. The cure for cancer (and probably AIDS) already
existed. The experts simply refused to use it in treating des-
perately ill people. Someday there will be an accounting.
Dr. Alan Cantwell's book is titled Aids: The Mystery and
the Solution. It is available from Aries Rising Press, Box
29532, Los Angeles, CA. 90029. (Hard cover $ 14.95, soft
cover $9.95.) The following is a sample from Cantwell's
important book (still ignored by medical orthodoxy):
"the cancer 'parasite' is the long-sought -after microbe which
causes, not only cancer and Kaposi's sarconw, but AlDS as
"Bacteria ... have never been seriously considered as prj.
nwry causative agents in AIDS. Scientists simply do not
believe that bacteria cause chronic diseases, such as AIDS and
"the denial of bacteria in AIDS was due to the century-old
assumption that bacteria could never be implicated in any fonn
of cancer. The idea of a canccr bacterial microbe was still
'There is little doubt that AIDS is a pre-cancerous disease,
greatl y predisposing high risk people ... to various forms of
cancer, panicularly Kaposi's sarcoma.
"My belief. based on research studies, is that AIDS is
cancer, and that cancer is AIDS .
"One possible reason for the emergence of the new epidemic
of AIDS, is that medical scientists may have unwittingly pro-
duced more virulent and more contagious cancer bacteria (or
cancer viruses), by the widespread use of chemotherapy, anti-
biotic therapy, and radiation therapy. in the modem treatment
of cancer."
Gallo's reaction to the pleomorphic microbe theory? "This
is insanity." (L.A. Times, April 6, 1984) Time alone will tell
whether Gallo's orthodoxy is correct or whether he has con-
tributed to the on-going tragedy through hi s rigid thinking and
powerful position. Gallo may be seen by future generations as
the one who was "insane" while Rife, Livingston-Wheeler,
and Cantwell are recognized for advocating medical truth in
the face of so much organized opposition.
Chapter 19
How The Legal System Was
Corrupted To Suppress Rife's
Cancer Cure
In this book we have seen (I) how Roy Rife invented a
super microscope which enabled scientists to see viruses in
their live state and "stain" the viruses with color instead of
chemicals; (2) how Roy Rife invented Frequency Instruments
(FJ) which, using electronic frequencies set on the unique rate
of each virus, destroyed them in slides, in animals, and in
humans; (3) how medical, pharmaceutical, cancer and political
authorities combined to suppress the discovery and its various
What has not yet been covered in this book is that in 1950
Rife became panners with John Crane, with the result that the
microscope and Frequency Instruments were nol only
improved and further developed through a cooperative effort,
but re-invented according to a new design of John Crane's.
What happened to John Crane provides a sad footnote to the
Rife story. The reader is warned. It will shock those who
believe that the American legal system prevents abuse of the
little man by the "powers that be." If ever there were grounds
for the American Bar Association, the American Congress,
and the media to investigate a miscarriage of justice, it is here,
in the story of John Crane.
In 1950, John Crane met Roy Rife. After learning how Rife
had cured cancer in the 19305 but had seen his cure suppressed
by the AMA, Crane decided to commit his energy, will and
electronic and mechanical knowledge to bringing the cure for
cancer to the public. Dr. Gruner of Canada, who worked with
Rife in the '30s, provided Crane with one of the original circuit
designs for the Rife Ray Tube. Crane also hired Verne Thom-
son, an electronics expert with the San Diego police force, to
help construct the new Frequency Instruments.
In April 1953, the first copyrighted material on the cancer
virus was published. In December 1953, Rife's description of
the cancer cure was completed under Crane's urging and insis-
tence. It was copyrighted in 1954.
In 1954, Crane began corresponding with the National
Cancer Institute and other government agencies concerning
the Ri fe diagnostic and therapeutic instruments. In 1954, the
Comminee on Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy of the National
Research Council "evaluated" the Rife discoveries. They con-
cluded it couldn't work. No effort was made to contact Rife,
Gruner, Couche or others who had witnessed actual cures
(Couche was still curing cancer patients at that time). No phys-
ical inspection of the instruments was 3nempted. Electronic
healing was bureaucratically determined to be impossible. (In
1972, Carl G. Baker, M.D., Director of the National Cancer
Institute, used this superficial 1954 evaluation to dismiss
Crane's and Rife's work when asked for information by Con-
gressman Bob Wilson of San Diego. MiUions died and con-
tinue to die because government and medical authorities were
opposed to a fair. objecti ve evaluati on of the evidence.)
While working on the Frequency Instrument from 1954 to
1957, Crane slowly began to get results. Each improvement
brought him closer to his goal: curing cancer. Rife continued
to aid him, but in essence the two men were now working
toget her and discovering together. Because neither had the
resources which were available to Rife in the 19305. building
a high powered Ray Tube was impossible. But Crane thought
he could do just as well with a much smaller Frequency Instru-
ment which anached to the body during treatment. This is
exactly what evolved.
In 1957, Crane made contact with Dr. Robert Stafford of
Dayton, Ohio. Stafford was interested in using the Frequency
Instrument both in clinical treatment and in new laboratory
tests on mice. By November 1957, Stafford had 6 months of
testing behi nd him. His initial evaluation was positive. Of 4
person with cancer, one made "remarkable and unexpected
improvement. " The other three were treated while in a termi-
nal stage. All died, but all obtained relief once the treatment
was initiated. Two were autopsied. The results showed they
had died from other causes. There was a "surprising paucity
of cancer cells." Stafford also noted that of 33 patients treated
for a variety of ailments, nOlle experienced any detrimental
effects from the treatmenL'i.
Then, in 1958, Crane made his great breakthrough. He
made anOlher in 1960, enabling hundreds of times more
energy to be concentrated on the deadly virus. These methods
have never been published and are the heart of Cr.mes legiti-
mate paten! claims.
By February 1958, Dr. Stafford in Dayton, Ohio had pre-
sented his findings to the Executive Committee of the General
Practice Section of the Montgomery Count y Medical Society
of the A.M.A. The 8 doctors were impressed. Stafford began
setting up a Research Committee with Dayton's most influen-
tial doctors. if the anti-Rife forces hadn't crushed Crane a few
years later, much might have been accomplished in Dayton
where objective evaluation was being offered.
In early 1958, doctors in Salt Lake City, Utah also began
using the Frequency Instrument. But in May 1958, the Salt
Lake County Medical Board forced them to stop using the
electronic treatment. One of the cancer patients broke down
and "wept bitterly when the doctor had to tell him he could
not continue the treatments." The same doctor later told an
associate in Salt Lake City that "if his own family had cancer-
he would immediately purchase a machi ne and use it on his
own family. This would indicate how sold he must be." The
writer of the letter concluded, ;'Too many people have been
saying things that have aroused the ire of the medical profes-
sion here." It was an old story-a re-run of California in the
late '305 when the medical profession suddenl y saw their
authority and incomes threatened.
1958 also brought a hearing before the state of California
Public Health Department. A Frequency Instrument was pro-
vided and tested by the Palo Alto Detection Lab, the Kalbfeld
Lab, the UCLA Medical Lab, and the San Diego Testing Lab.
All reported it was safe to use. Nevertheless, the AMA board
under the Director of Public Health Dr. Malcolm Merrill
declared it unsafe and banned it from the market.
Still, despite the setback. Crane continued toward his and
Rife's goal. By February, Dr . Stafford in Dayton suggested
that he, Stafford, manufacture and distribute the Frequency
Instruments in the Eastern United States. He contacted a qual
ified electrical engineer, obtained a patent attomey,and began
canvassing for venture capital. Obviously, the results he was
seeing in his hospital and with experimental mice were con
Crane decided to license the machines in order to prevent
doctors from changing the instrumen! and thus failing to get
results-Rife's experience with Dr. Yale and Hoyland being
the example. Since Crane already had completed a preliminary
patent application with a California patent anomey. he sent it
to Dr. Stafford for the Ohio patent attorney to examine. The
two paten! attorneys agreed "all was in order."
However, they couldn't submit it to the government patent
office until the "usefulness" of the invention could be shown.
Thus, they held back work until enough doctors and others
experimenting with the different frequencies could provide
substantial evidence. With no organized medical, scientific
and laboratory involvement in the research- as had existed in
the '30s-Crane and Rife were forced to establish "usefulness"
under a terribly difficult handicap. Opposition from the
California Public Health Department and the experience in
Salt Lake City, not to mention the AMA assault in 1939,
meant they were in a "Catch 22" situation regarding patenting.
So Crane leased the Frequency Instrument in order to build
his experimental base and thus prove the "usefulness" of his
invention. The numbers of people who were being healed
began to mount. He slowly gathered reports, testimonials and
evidence. He refined his procedures for training new
operators. As in 1938, the breakout point was nearing.
By 1960, Crane had written and copyrighted a manual
which explained how the Frequency Instrument was to be used
in the experimental treatment of various diseases and on differ
ent parts of the body. By that year, 90 instruments were dis
tributed for research and verification on notarized contracts.
And then the medical authorities struck.
They raided Crane's office, took over $40,000 in machines.
frequency instruments, and one large Rife ray tube instrument,
along with engineering data, research records and repon.s, pic-
lUres off the wall, private letters. invoices, tape recordings.
and electronic PaIlS- ali without a search warrant.
They smashed all the research which had been put together
over to laborious years. As in 1939. they visited the doctors
who were experimenting with thc machines and forced them
to abandon them. They also pressured ordinary citizens who
had begun experimenting on a personal basis.
These visits were made by teams of investigators. "Onc
woman was scared so bad that she has been in a sanitarium
driven entirely out of her mind. Her husband cursed them out
and told them to get off his property and has threatened to
exterminate them should they return. His wife has undergone
shock treatments and two months of hospitalization."
The records and materials :!)'eized were 1101 allowed 10 be
used by Cmlle in his OW" defense during his Irial.
Roy Rife, almost 73 and incapable of suffering the abuse
of another trial at his age, went into hiding in Mexico. HiJ
deposition was not permitted to be introduced at the trial.
Neither were the medical and scientific reports from the 1930s
and 1940s. Nor were medical reports from Dr . Stafford in
Ohio. Dr. Couche's letters were also declared inadmissable.
No medical or scientific report which indicated the Frequency
Instrument worked as represented was permittcd to be intro-
duced at the trial. Crane was left naked with only the paticnts
who had been cured or helped.
The trial was held in early I % I. After 24 days, and despitc
thc testimony of 14 patients who told how the Frequency
Instrument cured ailments and diseases which orthodox
medicine could not alleviate, Crane was found guilty. The
only medical opinion offered by the State of California came
from Dr. Paul Shea who had been given a Frequency Instru-
mcnt by the Public Hea1th Department for 2 months before the
trial. Shea admitted he never tried the Frequency Instrument
on anything or made any tests to evaluate it. He simply
examined it and decided that it had no curati ve powers and
didn't lend itself to investigative use.
Also, and most disturbing, the foreman of the jury was an
AMA doctor. Everyone else was carefully screened to see that
they had no medical knowledge, no electronic knowledge,
and didn't read any newspapers supporting a1ternalive healing.
The verdict was a foregone conclusion. Crane was sentenced
to 10 years in jail. Following appeals. two of the three counts
against Crane were reversed in the California Supreme Court
because no specific criminal intent had been proven. But
Crane still spent 3 years and 1 month in jail. The cure for
cancer had been effectively suppressed again.
During the trial , James Hannibal , age 76, testified. Blind
in one eye, he'd been treated by the Frequency Instrument.
After several applications, his cataract disappeared-just as
cataracts had dissolved in many of Dr. Milbank Johnson' s
patients during the 1935-37 clinics. Other witnesses at Crane's
trial testified to the curing of chronic bladder irritation, and
the elimination of a throat lump one-half of the size of an egg.
Also cured were fungus growths on hands, fi ssures in the
anus, pyorrhea, arthritis, ulcerated colon, varicose veins, pros-
trate troubles, tumorous growth over eyes, colitis, pains in the
back, and heart attacks. One man testified that for 17 years
he had a growth the size of an egg on his spine. After treat-
ment, it had disappeared.
After Crane was imprisoned, so much pressure was put on
Dr. Stafford in Ohio that he gave up medicine and became a
salesman. Another doctor in Salt Lake City had his Frequency
Instrument sabotaged and then was hounded by the orthodox
medical authorities to such an extent that he committed
suicide. Such were the lengths to which the anti-Rife forces
were willing to go in order to prevent the testing and use of
this breakthrough technology.
When Crane was released from prison, the cure for cancer
was in shambles. A weaker man might have thrown in the
towel. But Crane didn' t waiver. He started to fight all over
agai n. With little money and no legal help, he began a seem-
ingly hopeless campaign to keep alive the discoveries which
had been persecuted and denied to the public since the 1930s.
In October 1965, Crane submitted an appl ication to the
California Board of Public Health, seeking approval of the
Frequency Instrument. Rife was back from Mexico but hang-
ing in the background. The application was made in the name
of Rife Virus Microscope Institute of which John Crane was
the owner. On November 17, 1965, the Department of Public
Health replied that Crane had not shown that the device was
safe or "effective in use." Again, Crane could not prove to the
authorities that the Frequency Instrument's "usefulness" was
a fact. Although the reports from the 1930s and the limited
research in the late 1950s clearly demonstrated that extraordi-
nary healing results had occurred, nonetheless without living
authorities willing to put their expertise and medical licenses
on the line, the state officials wouldn' t approve it. But every
time doctors, researchers and ordinary citizens got to the point
where the validation of "usefulness" seemed near, the medical
authorities quashed further research. Crane and Rife could not
patent their great medical discovery without proving "useful-
ness." They couldn't interest financial men and researchers
without "usefulness." And the medical authorities and public
officials' deadly game had a parallel death count for innocent
citizens- hundreds of thousands per year as the paper went
back and forth.
Crane attempted to respond to the Department of Health's
request for proof of "usefulness." Dr. Charles W. Bunner, a
Chiropractor, was one of the men who agreed to provide a
statement about the Frequency Instrument' s effectiveness. As
soon as he did, the same Department of Heallh which
requested such "proof' from Crane paid a visit to Dr. Bunner.
They forbade him from using his Frequency [nstrument and
then a court ordered it "destroyed." Such was justice in mid-
1960s California. Such was objective medical evaluation.
The second man to provide a statement to the California
Department of Health was Dr. Les Drown, also a Chiroprac-
tor. An employee of the American Cancer Society was soon
sent to Dr. Drown's office to entrap him. He was forced to
"sign over" his Frequency Instrument or go to jail.
Rife and Crane were intending to patent their joint micro-
scope in the latc 1950s along with the Frequency Instrument.
A microscope diagram for patenting purposes was draftcd with
both names listed as inventors. Rife also was intending to
patent his Universal Microscope. The assault on the cancer
cure in 1960 disrupted their plans. Without being able to show
"usefulness," Rife and Crane could not patent their dis-
coveries. The actions by the defenders of medical orthodoxy
stymied every attempt Rife and Crane made to bring the cure
for cancer to the general public.
Rife had obtained a patent on a microscope lamp in 1929.
but that was before the threat he represented to the orthodox
medical (and scientific) establishment was recognized. By the
middle and late '60s, Rife had witnessed or learned about: (I)
the spectacle of the AMA crushing his discoveries in 1939 and
forcing doctors to abandon them even when numerous cancer
cures were on record; (2) the mysterious death of Dr. Milbank
Johnson in 1944, apparently just when he was preparing to
make an announcement about cancer being curable; (3) the
strange theft of the prism from the Universal Microscope just
after the article on the microscope and curing cancer appeared
in the Smithsonian Institution report ; (4) the hopeful revitaliza-
tion of the 1950s under Crane's direction-crushed in the 1960
travesty of justice when all research was confi scated and scien-
tific reports were forbidden to be introduced at the trial ; and
(5) the mid-1960s attempt at legitimization and the way the
medical authorities again had pressured researchers and health
practitioners to quit.
Rife would be 80 years in May 1968. He had fought his
last war. He knew he was unlikely to see his Frequency Instru-
ments or his microscopes used to heal virus-caused diseases.
And he was uncertain about the protracted exchanges with the
Patent Office which lay ahead, especially when the issue of
" usefulness" was a Catch-22 situati on for which there was no
obvious solution. Medical treatment had to be approved by
medical and scientific authorities. Every time such men
appeared and offered Rife and Crane help, the medical powers
crushed them or forced them to give up Rife-associated
research or treatment.
So on March 4, 1968, Royal R. Rife signed ownership of
his microscope over to John F. Crane, indicating that he
intended to patent it and that John Crane would own all rights.
Rife considered the Frequency Instruments to be joint inven-
tions because of all the original work that both Rife and Crane
had done on them.
It is im(Xlrtant that John Crane's contribution in keeping
alive Rife's work be recognized. Crane preserved the records
and never quit when the going got tough, as many others did.
But it is also im(Xlrtant to acknowledge that Crane was in
many ways inadequate to the task he assumed. He did not
have the management or political skills which Dr. Milbank
Johnson had demonstrated, and was not able to "bring aboard"
the qua1ified scientists, businessmen, financiers and attorneys
who could have altered the course of medical history.
Unfortunately, Crane managed to anlagonize many of the
professionals who offered help, and his effons to legitimize
the Rife instruments in the 1950s were not as professional as
they might have been.
Crane bore the brunt of the medical, political and legal
opposition to the Rife legacy, and he became bitter. He wasted
years filing ill-advised lawsuits against the State of California,
Vice President Nelson Rockefeller and some fifty-two other
persons and organizations. Acting as his own lawyer, Crane
launched attacks that were a mishmash of accusations and
citations. While the cases dragged on, hundreds of thousands
continued to die every year.
In 1959, a year before the authorities struck, Crane was
demanding $150 million from interested investors-an unusu-
ally high amount for the time. Interested investors apparently
existed, but they evidently did not view Crane as a person to
whom serious seed money should be advanced, no matter how
brilliant or profitable Rife's scientific genius.
Following Rife' s death in 1971, Crane continued to attract
interested investors, but no agreements were concluded.
From 1984 to 1988, Rife's Universal Microscope passed
through the hands of several groups and individuals who un-
dertook to restore it, but no progress was made toward this
goal. A federal legal action had to be initiated in order to have
it returned, finally, to its legitimate owners-Rife Labs, a
company formed to revitalize Rife's work in accordance with
modem scientific methods.
Rife Labs is proceeding cautiously to evaluate and test a
number of electronic instruments, including Rife's, to deter-
mine the best available for curing cancer and AIDS. It is
certain that energy medicine is the wave of the future.
Perhaps you, the reader, will do your part as well. Sending
a few letters to your own government representatives is a smail
step, but one which, multiplied by thousands, could help
create a current that smashes the health monopoly which is
now killing people. A similar leiter to your local newspaper
or television station may be the decisive act that breaks the
wall of silence. Robert Kennedy once declared in a famous
.. It is from numberless diverse acts of courage and belief
that human history is shaped. Each time a man stands up for
an ideal, or aCU to improve the lot of others. or strikes out
against injustice, he sends a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing
each other from a million different centers of energy and dar-
ing, these ripples build a current which can sweep down the
mightiest walls of oppression and resistance."
-' -
Those who have a genuine need to contact Barry Lynes may write
to him at:
27758 Santa Margarita Parkway. Suite 228.
Mission Viejo, California,
USA 92691
Selected Bibliography
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. Vol. 174,
October 30, 1970.
Beale, Morris: Super Drug Story. Columbia Pub. ,
Washington. D.C., 1949.
--: Medical Musso/inf, Columbia Pub., Washington,
D.C., 1939.
Benison, Tom: Tom Rivers: Reflection on a Life ill Medicine
and Science. MIT Press, Cambridge, Ma., 1967.
Bird, Christopher: "What Has Become of the Rife Micro-
scope?" New Age Journal. Boston, March 1976.
Brown, Raymond K.: AIDS, Cancer and the Medical Estab-
lishment. Aries Rising Press, Los Angeles , 1986.
Cantwell , Alan, Jr.: AlDS: The Mystery and 'he Solution.
Aries Rising Press, Los Angeles, 1983.
Comer, George: History of Rockefeller Institute /901-1953.
Rockefeller Institute Press, New York, 1964.
Crane, John: A Study of Electron Therapy. John F. Crane
Corp., San Diego, 1978.
Cullen, Ben, transcript of interview, October 15, 1959.
Oominigue, Gerald J.: Cell Wall Deficient Bacteria. Addison-
Wesley, Reading, Ma., 1982.
"Fi ltrable Bodies Seen With The Rife Microscope," Science-
Supplement, Science. December II , 1931.
"Giant Microscope May Yield Secrets of Bacteria World,"
Los Angeles Times, June 26, 1940.
Gruner, D.C.: Study of Blood in Cancer. Renouf, Montreal ,
"Here Is Most Powerful Microscope:' Los Angeles Times,
November 27, 1931.
HoyLand vs. Beam Ray Corp .. June 12, 1939, Judge Edward
Kelly presiding, transcript , San Diego.
Hume, E. Douglas: Bechamp or Pasteur. C. W. Daniel Co.,
Ltd., Essex, 1947.
Jones, Newell, "Dread Disease Geons Destroyed by Rays
Claim of S. D. Scientist:' San Diego Tribune. May 6,
Jones, Newell , "Rife Bares Start ling New Conceptions of Dis-
ease Genns," San Diego Tribune, May J I , 1938.
Kellcr, Evelyn F.: A Feeling For The Organism. W. H.
Freeman & Co. , San Francisco, 1983.
Kcndall, Art hur & Rife, Royal. "Obscrvations on Bacillus
Typhosus in its Filtrable State." California and Western
Medicine. December 193 1.
Kendall , Arthur, "The Filtration of Bacteria," Science, March
18, 1932.
Livingston-Wheeler, Virginia and Addeo, Edmund G.: The
Conquest of Cancer. Franklin WailS, 1984.
"Local Man Bares Wonders ofGeon Life," Scm Diego Union.
November 3, 1929.
Locke, David: Viruses-The Smallest Enemy. Crown Pub.,
New York, 1974.
Mauman, Lida H. : Cell Wall Deficielll Forms. CRC Press,
Cleveland, Ohio. 1974.
Moss, Ralph: The Cancer Syndrome. Grove Press, New York,
Natcnberg, Maurice: The Cancer BLackout. Regent House,
Chicago, 1959.
National Cyclopedia of American Biography. Vol. 49 (Ken-
dall). James T. White and Co., New York, 1966.
Nicholas, Robin and Nicholas, David: Virology. An 'nforma-
tion Profile. Mansell Pub., London. 1983.
Ransome, , "What' s New In Science-The Wonder-
work of 1931," Los Angeles Times Sunday Magazine.
December 27, 1931.
Rife Microscope or Facts and their Fate. Reprint #47, The
Lee Foundation for Nutritional Research, Milwaukee, Wi.
Rife, Royal R.: History of the Del:elopmenr of a Successful
Treatmentfor Cancer and Other Virus, Bacteria and Fungi.
Rife Virus Microscope Institute, San Diego, Ca., 1953.
--, Documents and Correspondence, 1920-71.
Rosenow, E. C., "Transmutations Within the Streptococcus-
Pneumococcus Group," JourntJl of Infectious Diseases,
Vol. 14. 1914.
--, "Observations on FIlter-Passing Forms of Streptococ-
cus from Poliomelitis," Proceedings of the Staff Meetings
of the Mayo Clinic, 13 July 1932.
--, "Observations with the Rife Microscope of Filler-Pass-
ing Forms of Microorganisms, " Science. August 26, 1932.
"Science's Latest Strides in War on lIls Disclosed, Develop-
ment by San Diegan Hailed as Boon to Medical Research,"
Los Angeles Times , November 22, 1931.
Seibert, florence B.: Pebbles on the Hill of a Scientist. St.
Petersburg, Fl ., 1968.
Seidel, R. E. and Winter, M. Elizabeth, "The New Micro-
scopes,"' Journal of the Franklin Institute, February 1944.
Sanea, Sorin & Panisset, Maurice: A New Bacteriology. Jones
& Bartlett , Boston, 1983.
Starr, Paul: The Social Transformation of American Medicine.
Basic Books, New York, 1982.
"Virus Found 15 Years Ago-San Diegan's Cancer Cure Work
May Make Cure Possible,"' San Diego Union, July 31,
Wuerthele-Caspe, Virginia and Allen, Roy, New York Micro-
scopical Society Bulletin, August 1948.
Wuerthele-Caspe, Virginia, American JourntJl of Medical Sci-
ences, December 1950.
Wuerthele-Caspe-Livingston, Virginia: Cancer, A New Break-
through. Nash Pub., Los Angeles, 1972.
Yale, Arthur W., "Cancer," Pacific Coast Journal of Home-
opathy, July 1940.
List of Appendices
A. Johnson 10 Rife, November 193 1
8 . Photo of the doctors' gathering. November 1931
C. News clipping photo of Rife, December 1931
D. Rife' s cancer notes, November 1932
E. Johnson to Rife. September 1933 (Foord)
F. Rife's 1933 article
G. Photograph of the Universal Microscope, built in 1933
H. Rife's notes, February 1934 (Foord)
I. Johnson to R i f e ~ April 1934 (cl inic plans)
J. Rife's description of the 1934 clinic
K. Cancer virus characteristics
L. Kendall Letter, September 1934 (Tom Knight)
M. Johnson to Rife, March 1935 (Cancer Foundation)
N. Johnson to Rife, May 1935 (Mrs. Young's TB)
O. Johnson to Rife, September 1935 (Foord and Dock)
P. Johnson to Rife, October 1935 (Comminee's legal
Q. Johnson to Rife. December 1935 (Committee meeting)
R. Johnson to Rife, January 1937 (Dock & Martin)
S. Rife and his microscope, October 1940
T. Dr. Tully's statement, June 1954
U. Rife in his laboratory (picture) 1960
V. Dr. Chromiak's statement , January 1965
W. Affidavit of cured cancer vict im, January 1968
X. Research summary of bacterial virus characteristics
--- "" d ".".,.
Appendix A
.. ' L ......... 01 .... 0 .. . " . 0 .
_", ... " .......... _ urc . ..... .
LOO .... . L e " ..... r O .. ... ...
1I0,.-.ber 9, 1931
I,. dear II' . Rlre:
In the _ ot the other
three ,entie_n and. l:I7,.lt I ..... nt to
tr.ank you. tor :r0Ul' iDOst court,oua
r eeepUoD and tor ,11'11'1 u. an
oppor tunity to !laTe & ,lanee or your
wonder ful I .ant to "Y
to thet .e all Ipent one or the
most instruet1"e and inter'. tine
, r ternooM of our 11,. 1n your
laborator y .
Upon return!r" to San Dieco
that ,"'eniIll I r.l r l'd to Dr. Arthur I.
'en<a.ll of Chiee,o an!! ,."e hi ..... bri.t
descri ption ot 'llihat had ann and our
opi n1on or It, and upon lIlY return to
Pas,daM thi. lIIornll11 I nt.hed the
t o110-.:1I:1& td.,ra .. frOG Dr . ItendaU -
"Expect to .tart tor California
nilhe. Letter roll08," .
It he COM. ,tr& throuIh.
al'.1ch I think ha will, ha 8111 arr1., 11'1
Pasadena on tuesday, "o"e.ber 17 so be lure
and baTe ,.our In perr'Ct
tor the BI, Chlef -.hln he arr1TII. 1 ... :111
br 1D& hill! "C1rrl to San Dh,o 1n .,. car at whieh
tu.e you and Or. "endLll e.n -.ll;e ,ueh
arrancesents a, ,.QU "eslr,.
Thank1r.a: ,.ou .,Iln tor )'our
ecurtl.)' . I ..
Itr. Ro)' RUe
2500 Chat.wor th Bl,,- .
San 01elo, Cal:!.!'.
Appendix B
The Doctor's Gathering-Nov 1931
Appendix C
Royal Raymond Rife has perfected a microscope said
by Pasadena scientists to be the mosl powerful in the
world. It magnifies to 17,000 diameters.
Appendix 0
X. ...... - ...
/1- .. ,- ......
Fi Ifuo"J, VirUS .' If!: K
Appendix E
" H .... NN "OI""OM, M. D.
_ 0 ' .. ' ''' .. UT U ..... ,",n . .. " .
'-01 ..... "' ... ... .. 0 .... ' ..
.... dMl' Dr. RUe ,
I ull.t :rou t h.1. .:lro.inI f ro..
P ... d_ In.t,o,r JUlt .. ""ind (roo,
Dr. ah1eh 11 .. It-u;>l ...... t<o.,. .
I t. 11 "l"7 DOl tbo.t. t.h1.
el .. p1.Dc 11ek>oe .. which ba, boo,,, ..,
P""tlnt 1 St. Louh bu ill
Dr. Ie!ldall ..,.. 1:1 thi. lhr
thAt M _bile, that be could l. .. 1 7"" aJ>d
your aiCrtllCOpe -itll lob to --.e en.inationl
or,IU .... . . pillal nu1d, ,!II!. blood. wit h.
Ti t.o bolat,1n& t llb , .... tor which
. ... "'body 11 "'lW1r.
fov t.o Wl>Ille: _ I c\ll!.erf\>l
eoabl.JlaUoa. &Z>d .... ,. Ifl'I:I that. "U",I 7<:JUr
.. ,h .,.. would "artaJ..Dl,. boo ...u <>l1li.
I .. Hn<iu.c ,."" tbh letter M"I"" :rou ....,
bMr hoa hia d1r-,ct. aDI! you _111 know wht.t
1t. it all abcnrt.
Dr. R.:>ra1 RU,
2500 Cbo.tnorth Bhd.
s...n D1I,e . CaUf.
Appendix F
Viruses and Rickettsia of Certain DisellSlls (1'1])
Appendix G

The Universal Microscope (1933)
Appendix H
---.- .... .............
-... .. "
Appendix I
.. ,I. ..... u .oOHH.OH, 1'1. 0.
-':,,.,c .. UTU .... un . ..... .
Lb .............. , '""""" ........ , ...
d ..... Dorlar.
1 .. -.J..l.J.Ac J'OII rlth tid,
, ""PT of u.. RHI1ert D1f: t" tor...,. 11M.
there 1f; .... art,ich .1It.1t,l.s "YOWIC Doctor
Heat." .hl.cll I ...... ry NIltbll, to ba"a 7011
r ead euet\t1l;1. t ba ... ,ott ... a rul 1d ..
out. of tid lde" t .lftt. to 411C11 .. rltll 70lJ,
lien Saw..s..y.
1 woM.r 11' 7aur Ra7 COlJ,ld be the
lhorl . ..... rahlTtd to iZI
tMs artiel. . Ot e,.... .. tI ......... pl ha"1Di
= _1 to obIt"' tbe att..:t OQ .dual \acilli.
IIOt tno. t hl u.ct. . .... lel!&tll or
oac111 .. tlol> Oil or"m ... .
TI>1. artIcle ..... to .x;olaiZl a I" ... t. to "'" t..ut I did not lmo. befor. atld h ..
li l ........ a ",eat 1d .. _!I1ch ..,. be no 100<1
bJt. I do ..... t. to 41JCIIII 1t . 11.11 7<'u t'I.Ill1 .
CaD't 70\1 'Mt .. about u , eo I.n J oU
.... rt Saturday . I .... '1. to ,bo. 1au tl\a Libu..,.
Bull.!1,,& .!..IIol. ,at yaur OpL!l1oI1 ot 11. bafor a 1 "7
anytt.iJll h tile pIOpla at tile CUGle about it
u ;>lac. for SVE>e..!..
blo;>17 _ tM, ltd I
&1.., bop" to br1ll& do .... Ub =- I"IIetnt1oa I:'"
. Mel> I t.!>.I..nk I told 7"" sb7ut. 1A IV 1. .. t lettar.
PI.". .. try to .at "'" at tile C.u d. l=aii'a
.. h.:>\n. ill:\-) .Dd dll hi ... l.....,h tor_tiler.
In bait
Dr. 11.01&1 R. lUI.
2.f>OO Cbahl1Or.1I 1Il'ld.
s..... D11all:o , CaUfl>Mlia
Yours ... ..,.
Appendi x J
'.1.n.. TtdWc of ''UX" l!!oc!!lrtl09
o..r metllo>d d loocu1at101o at ...,. ... 01&.,110 '1lJt", Ihe 'ftNO all
...... r. tl"
The ODlmoll. n ... 1 unod ond IterlUud wlUl aJ,oolool Mel to,"'" ooLIIlI",,", .
\lie pollll 01 llIOCU!oll_ on:! pl....t ladl" ,,_01 __ I... TW ....... 1Ib 1o*J)eeUOC
!he anI_ to.1ooek.. Aa """'. 10 .... , yo,..,. .moll...ul II ueo!. 1'be 0IHdl. I,
fL1I8I! wltIl oU.I .. pel.ol.,.... )ell)' _ ..... c I. u.... nuOl<! willi u..
""" tIoo .-dI. pllOOed .... 1M n.o _I. II , ... ..w .. I ... tIt.oa SO_
from u.. pol .... of -...:Ie. tM ",lde .. l.. 'l1Ie poillt dl_,.JatI.1 t. 11:1
_I eu. Ihe "' .... ""',..,. ,hnd lor Ihe _ til. tb<t " aX" ,,,,,,,Lv",,, w_ ,"-yo
1m .. OIl ""ulu.llled ........ l>n_1 "' ....
, .. S to .. dOlT' leJIoJI _ .... I" tile uea, ".. ...... of 1bI. L*D, bvt Ihe let;l .... rOd ... _ oyer Old 'U",O I. tile .. _,..,.
,10Id of the uperimul>I. 0Dl .... 1. n.... ,...- \I' l>III>0 h .. , uceeded Ib _
_ Ipl or III. exp .. lmnn, aalmolla "''''"1 cuea. no. ,"""'. I, re_ed
ODd Ib, ''5X'' LI 011:019 recovcud III. 011 .UU,
,.. 1_ .. 10Dl 1"",lor aa:I cbooek II 10 moll. M I .. " 10 I ..... 'ro ... m.
LIIlU&! lool&U.." 01. "8X". n ll" .... p)""U arc mode "' U """. Inw ... I, Jllto
or1il"ol "K" ",oodiL TIlll loe.u ... !lie ,'1 .... 1 ..... &lid IPHdllho , .0 ... 11> of
'U"",'. WIlli tben up.rlmeDt. llIot hi b .... rllpnt.ed Oil 100 '>;HIrlou",oI
"",,,,oil .......... convl""ed l.bolWI metllo>d delll.lle\J' III. and
potholoi>l' of "OX" vinas.
U llI .. e ...... ""J ," ... 'our ted II IoU""",,,, WI "",!Wo . ....... I\llu",,"b doom
.. !tll 1II.lorMula of "K """'10 &lid In of \.b<! b .. 1e ,rl""lpl'. 1 _eve,. It I.
boyo<d th _ 01 the ltree mlcr ... _ 10 vlluoll.' til ... mI .... , 1"".
I. t. n. It"'t ... "", of OX or C!!!!5'er
1"1>0 """,01 " ..... 01. "...,.,. II _r_tol 01\1 ... 01. ee .......... 11lI doo .... _ 0 ....
I'--""J tUlnl1nftl . To olto1o _ ... \oIaadiac ...... nl. 110", ud '--'10111 ,roc ...
1I1t.ned to dete.mI .. lH ,reelM M1:U .. ollH fr"",DC)' 1>01.,._ .01 U.I. II lH
_rtol _u...,..,. .l1li. of 11>11 ............... tile .ecu", t. foWld . It II npellWd 10
00""",,,11',, 11m .. titer tile treqaeDOJ W"""",*,,, b .. b""k to tbo 1_'
lett!", before. ope<:If'" 1.---,. II ....... rded. n... r .. vJ. ...... "'e .. od .....:lor
1M hi", power of tbo 1&IIl ..... oImI"l'OIoope MId _ tbo _nol ooc:!Uato..,. rull
..-. u... "BXH _ar to "8\0>01 \/pH o. d111.1IIeft1te III u.. fl.kI. 1"1>0
1-"'04ed ""'mol. ..... tho" to 1M ""- f .....". to d",.1IDla. If tbo oi'f""t
1. IM. __ u.. YI"", 1.0. u.. tlII_ of 1M nptttml\d.oIlIIJ. ... oI.. no
u.ul .. ore p.K'"\J' Idftlllcol _rl....ul IIIIlIUlo .. "'IU. u.. pu,r. CIIlwrl
11ldeo: _ ..,.. ... .,<11 _Ill _ .. ooodJO:Md ....... 400 II_I -.1111 _r_1I.
""' ... m boCeto IQJ" _-' ..... mod. 10 <II" IiIl.lnq ... IICJ 04 _ ... " .. n of
" .... 1"" .....
n.. [itlt clllll,,01 wort Q;II e_r"'U oomplcttd.....:ltt III _ ... IaW of
Dr. I4Ilbllll< Jolomaa M. D .... MeI> '1'01 I," lIP "'1<10 lpedal ....:lieol R
Call1.tOJuelof 1M UIOl... ""]", 01. C",hfor"U. 18 eu .. weto ..
\he "Ullle for ", __ !)'pel 01 "'olJp....".. After l 1DCNIIba. It 01 tbo ..... -c:oIlod
Ioope\e .... nl were lipod oU .. "lIl11"oUJ o .... bJ 1M lulf of tho ....&011.
<lacto ... IZId Or. A\vI.o. G. Fcord. K. D. PlIlIoloclot tor u.o ,......,. TIle tn"""".1a
""U!lttd at 3 mllutu d .... o1Io .. 1111"41 the tr_.DC)' I .. t.nunollt .. hleb. w .... t ""
the ""'rto1 olelU_1")" tlloO {er ''BX'' or elllCer (.01 3 dq lAter.m). It ..... {"WId
lIoot lIIe cl_ed 11",. be .... _ treolme .... oltol ... .uulla tII. ... \he ... ..
.. iliaci doily. lbJllI.e tII.'lJ'mpalle Ir'''''' ... opportWII.,. \.0 oboorb ....:l lui
aU I to:llo oo.adiUoo ... II prod""ed bJ III. d dlld p ... UclH _Ibe
''llX" '1ruo. No . toe <>I. body laIIpor.a1u;r .... IUI)I of rII ....
tboc .... ",.a! d"'-!"C or of"'r u.. frll'qlXl>C)' ! ... tl" ..... 1Il.. No apec:Ja!
d.&... .... n _ [D uq of thI. cliolul _.It. bvt we .1"" ... 1,J 1>911,,. 11101. P";Il>u
<ilft ""q>1Ie:1 fer tIoe lod'yldtlol .. ...u of bGIIril l .
w. """ deUraw.. iA,.. .. "" of tIoe " .... of pe ....... h,1", "atc! ....... by
u.. a:amllt..Ollca of blcocl 1_" ronl!!. tIoc Lr<:lIDle lit ..."., .. _IOI.DOd) ID SO
Il0l ............. u,. aIM ,_ III. !. "'aq In>" of op!II>ooUO .... I!!. D. oan:tacm.
1.1.. "" o"rl .. Ill> eo,,,b.ctlyll)' wilt!. pe chl. .... ,oh"O ... ..,,,.or wbJcb nobl.e. ... 10
"<d1iDo &.Ild d".umtA. the Ioc.w.- 01. 1I1lD<>... 1 \hood .... of J(.It'IJ pIoo .......... .
Ie alae be<. dete.mlDOd I.bal ... y e ... of ",aU1UDC1 uuUd w!1lI "eM, X It"
0' .0.:11"", or other ndlo-cU lIlo .erlm abc>w. dtc!de:l ",d.&o-cUvlly &.Ild Iou",-
fill Ua.oUl! dI.,.ta fo. muq "",1Ith.o ... te. III. lnall".",U hye ben ,! ..... o.tttoyed
u ...... or 1I .. "" ... .tII b .. be ... b.r1lMd !a DAWfa! p""llia I ... l. w. loa ...
101III<I til. 11.1"",,.. truted .. Ith Ihl. lIlelllol1 pood 1 ... re.dll,J lO"'e tn.", .... 1 "'-
OW" >.tnzmecta.
Appendix K
(AI DI_u"tkn" ...... "1"',
I. 8.- (BeaJ._ C, iIU
11_1 ... C, C, IICIIJ
3. AMbr",,_ - C
HI,' :set lit. - '" willa. lOUd JI7dro-
.. od 110 ptep ... _ ""ladl,.. _ aI.l aU' I
I. Not <lHtroyod b)r X-R'J. ultra or lal .. red 'OJ'.
I. n.erm&l dealll 1Iour. II 41 d ... C o. I07,'IIeC. r.
3, Spore'I""" ....
. Nom U<tulfyi".. (_la).
5. !<loa l>DIl ..", roble.
I. - (ClIhode) polar l.,l1on.
1. Wldllo cI. ornLd or mlc .......... W .... II
S. l.ftIC\lI of ovoid m1crO-o'lianl .... I.
'0 _ """ puulUc.
10. motll. &ad plutlc'.
11. HIPIJ' p.alllolmlc.
II. SeeD ot U l / I .... ""IL. of .of.actlo ..... 1OIIt ..... &l .... n< .. oop4I.
IS. Color cI. chemical nf .... _ II J>W1I'II '., .. r .. fro ...
the ooonliAotl .. _11_ r ..,ullC _0 .. 01 Upl
l.eqIIIOIOCJ _Uod.


; II I
It ' r. I' II i

'r" I'" .11' ji
.3 ..... .. t '1 I
, I I 1.--1 "" I" ,"-' j" 111'.-
a 11::
, 'I'
I'" j'" jl!.I'>' '1'l.,-.I'i'l ! !
I: d .. .: .d -: t"?.': ... .';_.'!,;: -J" ... ,:
,ft :: 7 t-
" - 1-.... J '
no, I'll 11-!1 "," ,,,--.J,,,,;,, 1 ,
u'" Jlj.l II t
-', l' " 1'- f ' , ,0' ""j , .
'!-:' .
... d!1..1 .. .. " I
-:' J ::- , '11 ,_ P ;: ... -. t
l, 'I:!=h.,,!' 1'1 Ii
C a .!I I .. , .. . t ., .
It !1:li11J.,lfl" 1- '
','I J" -I j,l"
-., '-I"' " 'I -j ,1
li ';"! I' "U!l'-[ '.' 'lilli, I' , .. ,
i ". J =11
I "! I' -;l1.,,.t.j!ll. II. ;
l .. ! 111' !" .", -J' , 'J' -
: , " n ! J. "'-a'\l:"li-!"!!l' -
.,... ," lj ".- l 0',' IJ to"
,-,'- JI"; 1 l.-.J'j"' 11, 11 '" l
, luri' ... -llih Ej"'" Jri . ...
::I t"l .... l 11' ,8,"- .. . ... Ko
" .&a.
".'. ,;, ifl
.",;! , i!'-'l'l'o]'!:'" -'I'
i 1'1,1,,[1 !'l'''' l;'1 ll;i! ;,
:7 .8_ ..... t ..... ..
1 H,1 ,;J.",!H;"lh ,lhlfllU,il ;.1

, ............. ..

Appendix M
.. ,I. ......... 0 ..... 0 ..... D.
.. V1'u ........
...0 ....... ..... .... ,A
II;r du.r Dr. lUte.
lacIo.t"'- )'0\1 ori11 t1D4
let"r whicb I __ r....
the ItttenltUoW Cane ... Re.-...cb
r OllDdtUCD.
lD ord ... Ulat I .ay "'t
.tt..,tl_lJ' COIIPlJ' orit.b t.hoolr r wq\lut.
or1ll 7"'" ...0 _ .... pictwe. or
u.. 1D-ttrlor .,t yCl'ltr Ltloo ... t<:ory. -.111<> ot the 1>1, aiC .... KOpe. li ... .
rlll you &a.""r ...... ,. ot tbalr q .... Ucno
.. :rou ... fit u..,. .... ".turallI 1l1ter-
ut.ecl 1D- bIorlllg .. _!l .. ;>Clllbl. about
1'1_n do t!:.1. aa .""'" a. 70U
e&lI 1>40<:&\1" I .... t to ,.t thea. j)IOpl.
beck there .urttd .. II<>OD &a p" .. lbh.
nll 7= r.turn htter tor ff:J CU ...
Dr. lIe7.1 II. W.
2500 ChLtnortb Ill...!.
s.n DieIO. Call!.
1 t

Appendix N
.. 0 ..... 0 ... ... 1>.
-.:I''''C " ....,. ... u ", ..-
U L ... .......... _ .... , ..
' . lNi
loT 4eoor Doc\Ol',
U ..... 1"""- ODd. 1 ..... -..c
don 1.0 "" Dloop SaI:lD-d&t. I -U Ub,
wtUo 7'- pera1 .. J ..... . 1.0 .... Cbarl ..
..... '<MIl al.oGc nUl u. ... u..t .......
bo. ....... \hoIr ..., ", .. _t.
IIItoo 1" nq . .I.U
of -u ... ,a.d. 1a '001.10 _101 ot !Mdt .,. 41 .. ..,...._. N. IIOnL1I!C
wbc I .....w..4 loR' u. ...... 0&l:7 _
.. t.IIt qll.t aldol, u..
.1. ... 1 .. loo, ..... 11 -U.r u... _
lo .. on. palp&llle ,l..aa4 ...
10M lett "lei ....... ..u.r t..II&A ......
.... J.prU I/iI MOl 110\ po.1.atul.. 1
th\.DIr., -......... to -. .............. ""ul>l:J
....... \h&1; _ ri.ll (1 ........ &DOtUr 1liio'
bttOl'e _ it 1\ 11 .pMAbloo to
7""'. U DDt, pl. .... win .. .-I 1 rlU ... t
1:1:'1 ... __
Appendix 0
Dr. 111ft 12. Sejlte-ber 12,
It it would not be ask1u& too aucb, !d,bt 1OW' petrographic and that sUae or the
onion akin which woul4 pye the\ll ,oae Id". ot
Uw ICUOD ot the 'Q.I"ie.ble b ....
.& few day, ago I received a r,,?Ort trOll
Dr. Foord of the poatltorte. ot lUinea piC .hicb
be llIoculated tl'OCl scae of the ,landa t.U:en in the
laat operat.!oD fro= lira. Young, Charles' 'Idle. It
,bowed. distinct, but not bad, tubercular 1nt.etlon
in the glanda ot the guiDee. pig, tn
tubercul&r bacilli. Be aaid they .ere rather lone:
aDd few at th_ were beaded. Be prooounced the
diaenoell poatlYel1 tuberculosi"
Bow, it bas occurred to me, that 1 he
round DO living bacilli, or anythinc that
look. 11ke theil, in the !Sections of tb.e 'r"-r
thems"l ... ", or in stained elld. mad. troll a caseous
... t.erial ta.ll:e.a therefroll, I _ 1Dcl1D.ed to helie.'
thri.t 1lI .. these old tuhercul&r leaicma thCi- probably
1ftIre aD "Uch- grWlulea whicb, &, ." mow, 11111 aot
dl1'lllop in artlt1c1a.l culture, Dor do they .how 1.n
eo1d yery but, still , it injected
iDto guinea pigs produee -tuberele bacilli: _ybe
t.bBse lluch glands are anothsr ton ot the same ..... 7:11.
corresponding to aur til tar pusin&: tOni. aM w. will
hayS to get aD. II. O. R. tor thea 1 0 all to dsstrOT
tileD at t.hs slIJIle time tt.;;.t lie do the rod tor:. ot
tuberculolia .
I .. quite IWltiatied. that we will run no
danger in rsdieting wi th the Rite Ray moderate caUl
or tuberculo.i. . In diseullin&: the =-tter with
Dr. Doek, be adYisea b", all means to taks a etw:1ea
a.Dd Bl11' resetion that we a1gbt ean ;:.robt.blJ be
hAndled IIJlII?Wmaticall]". It will raquirl a great dad
ot work to tiDd an M. O. R. tor these lIuch grGnul.a.
lou wi ll t1Dd thea deserlbad Qn page 224 ot randall' e
et.riolol1, 2Dd Edition. They are da6eribad
iD all ot his editions but _""'a not OD tbe 6U1. pag

Appendix N
............... 0 ..... 0 00. .. "-
_, ... " .. .... un . .......
A"."""., ...... , ..
"" .... l_...:tl ..... -a,
_ to 5ut. 01. s.turoIq. I -U Ub,
nUl 70UZ __ hli .. , "" ...... ClI&rl "IIII"1:rc
In. 1_ u".., n Ul Ida ... 1.1,0\ oM ....
110.... _u.r ..., __ to
_ 1" -rr .... . .lll
of u....u _ 1D \Iou. I!dO. ot
\boo uek .n U .. ;>peU_.
... OGl.l .....
l&gd _ !lot qliot 01<1., Jut .bo.... u..
llanOle, .do ... tIIaD ..
1. .. p&iat\al. floe po.lf*bh rl&lldl ..
\boo .1d. nr ..un 1.Ir.u. __
u:aa1aed OCI Jprtl It _ .. t po.1AtvJ.. I
th1AI<, __ ...... to -. .............. 401>b.lT
...... u.u .. orUl ,t ... """' .bo\
""tori _ 11 it h ."...uL. to
7"'" U DOt, pl .... ..u-. ..... I w1U lOOt
brt", bft 4 .....
Appendix P
.. , .. . ..... '" ... 0 .. .... 0 .... " .D
.... c,..,c ..... .UI ...
UI ....... . ........... .. , ...
Oc:tobe.r 8. 19!i!i
!117 dar Cr. W.,
w. ar bout. .... <17 to b.,u OW' c:ll.D.1c&1
work .. lth the Q" JUt. 1t&7 II&c:b.1.II. whicb ._ to be
(r .. t wc:c.... It t.. 1lUCb. cr .. t.r po..r &Dd p<m_
.tr,U04 thaD. orl,1z>&l. ",hic:b ...... .,. u.t
Iller. er. -..:lJ' in t.h1 ... clW1.
which er. poulbll t.hrou.(b tb (r .. t
!.I1.....u.o tGcmlqu.. ther. 10 DOt.' part.
tor 11> OW' ll" ...ehi::.. UId t.Dc ... upKt
1t to to.. ..... IlUCb .. lit. nUl hard ..."
;II. beU .... 1 t rl .. to protect tile .be ...
ot tbe eo..1ttH IIIId till plI;TalcllG. troa lIliu to ..
daM,... IINl' ClII!rMII. tlle ... to .... b .. h&d p'rlp&l'1KI
by .XpOrt....:.,. 11..,. .... two t<>rlll ot ... 11 whicb I
.. wlait.t.1:>c to 7U tor 7ou:' WUeeUoa.. or .ppro-t.
l1Ddl;r rMd t.b.- 0 ...... ......,. cautlll..l;r. COMUlt IrIJ'
attorD.,. 70IJ pl .... it 70ll 10 d..aire. &lid l1ttIIrD u...
to .... .. pouibl ..... '" about to
w. t. .... tuta! tboo ...,b.1.II. out. ....,. thor<NIl>.lJ
both 00. .ru.-ll aDd 011 ..w.turto &lid 10 tlr .. . . CUI
.... 1 t 11...... IlOthill( to be d..air.,..
IIDp1.o.( Wt 700 will uaa1.J:r., &lid "'turD w
... 1 ..... to .. nUl 7ou:' c_u .. .. poa-
.tbll. I ..
._ ... . n " .. 0.'.
0 _ _ _ -
d .
Appendix Q
M IL .... N ..... OWNI ON, M. D
.... CI ... C .. VTU .... .. rll . ......
1..0 .......... "' . , " ... u r O "MI " 111. 19!5
117 01.... Dr. AU.,
J. _etUlf; of the S.,...,1al ..uc.l Ile ...... ch
eo-ittee of the l!II.1 ... ult)" of Southern CelUorn1.
will be I>el.d Tburade,..>er 26 U 12:Ui 1'. ' . 1.11
Roc. l! of C.Ufon>l.. Chh
..... Dr. Cleo",. Doel<, ..-ber of our
eo.:.1tte. , 11 1 .... iAI 00 JII.II\lel')' 1/ for .. t.l"lp .. round
tJ>. l or ld ..-.d _111 !lOt r.turn for .... tr .. l eo"tllI . I
.. 1lDld ...... to 1>1.,," WI 2 .. ti", btfore he 1 ...... at
tber l u. u.Q thil\f:. of ur>art.&ccI to bt eond4ered.
I I bo. ... .,., h to re!'Ort ancI Ir. "'l')' o.rud.O\a t.o
... your ..:in". on ..... QIIUt10al of -.11.&1 1.Jopor-
tanc. to the wo r t,
I trun :rou rill M.ltl pecW .rfort to
. tt.Dd. I 1>1.... tr1td to trOllbh tile _!>HI or the
Co.:la1tte ... l1ttl .... polilbl, . 1th ."Une-, bllt
I t ",b.olllttl,. " ...,UMr7 IlOO' ttat houl.<1
.... t 0IlJd. 4.,,141 10_ Ttt.o.l pol"U.
u.o .

1011 d,ht ull Dr. 111:-' .... t.nCI Ie. lr 7011
urar:a:. 1.0 toc.U:er .. 70U 614 bit
J..l1O, It. . Ul kl., b.1a f .... for,ntl", 1t <.Dd
M. beiAI heu if 7011 brlll& lIU.
Pb .... let _ ","r rro. yo.. lUI t.o _hetber
or !lOt ,.0\1 C6..!I bt prelellt at tt:1 etta,:.
11Ib.1.tI.i 7011 UId 11:- 1, lUre e ilerl')'
Chrl..t..o.. 0IlJd. .... leu, I ..
Dr. R. B. Rife
l!roo ChooU. or"l.h 81td.
s.... Dle,o, Cel1foru!e
' Ubant J "". Cho.l.--...
Spe<ltel .edlcal Re..:-clt C<> ...
IId'O"erdQ" of Sout.benl Cal.ifonde
Appendix R
.. ' .... MK .. OH".OI(, ... . 10.
JI.!NU'7 ., 1131
Je:y a .... R..,.,
I ...... u JOII ..-tu. that I hd tIw JI'!' _Gilt ....
,..... ..... dl it ... .01. __ h .......... or tr ..... port.Uoll
to :;,. ... D1.",. I .bo "'""' the t'1111 lut"""U,," book tlw.t I""
w1th 110. I had blot ...... thh til., ... _14 be Goal", 4 .......
bolt .. baT ."..4. ha1'1J:I& d1lpo''''' or klbv.l: , hIP"". h_"
_ ...... !Ill. to pt .... y. O\U' ...... dd ...... h 110 'i""b"....t Orin.
' .... d.""'. "'&1' thl BII"tt.,.t.ollllowl.
I han ho.d .......... 1 .... " .. u U ...... with Dr. ChaTl
V&rth. , to .... ,. 0 ..... of Ulli",rdty 111 Ko .. t .... d ....... 10...
b .... alit IMr. tor .. t.., day.. I tried rq belt to pt hl. d ......
to Sa .. 011.;0. tNt 1M 11IIply ooul4 11010 pt tim to "". 11__
en ... I had .. nul l"u:rr1_ .t til hi 114 U .. Mollh",. Alll-..
001 Dr . 0",,1<. k-' .. 1>1, ... IlIoou4e<! iD. nlU", 11111 tilt. 14 ..
tII.t 1t wo,,14 boo ,004 tilt", tor Dr . Gn ..... ,. to boI .... t <Nt h .....
b7 ""'G11l. Dr. x.rtia 10 lUll 0"" th Board of GoT.TII""" of tba
Un.1 ...... ity &nd "'" h.,. ,,!l\!utllkell to do hit T8TY but to ,.t \leG111
to uD4 ,,. Dr. GnI. ... ,.. !.!eOill poop", Dr . OruMr' . uluy and u_
pe"'.' . Dr. l.!I.Ttl,. will arri ... b.aJ[ 111l!ollt ..... l by 'tlHo fl.l"It of
hb""",,.,. ." ... , 1M lay _ .. y upeot to 4,tlllh. d .... lal'-
_t. 0"' tIIi' I lIbjtct . Sir !tollh",. t .. lo pr.tty certaill thAt
Dr. G ....... r .. 111 be .. ..t.
The ... 10 ...", tblAf,1 thAt I ltu to diu ....
with ,..,11. and Iho 1 -..t ,..,.. to pt til. p.! . ... 0111 ... d".,. to
tIIa 10 I wi.t\ ,..,,, oou14 0::' "p 1Ia ... ION ,0011.
lAt ... t- betor. ,..,.. pt h ..... 0 _ 0 ... Hut the _ ,. ....
pl111111 toptllar tor OW" O'"='<>Il coal. CIa::IIl,., .... a ....
)!rl. JobuOIl jcl1u ... 111 .. 10111111 ,..,.. .0<1 u.-I. Ufo a
happy atod p""",rOllI ._ T ..... .
P. S. PI ...... lit ... h\ooo .-!I,"
_ ... __ -..
........ ",h"
Appendix S
Giant Microscope Explores New Worlds
to II< ., powerfullbal It ,.YUlJI
_ ...,0'tT _ botore, u..
flul m\eroK<lp< pktund .",," '- Ju-I.
_II oompJeted t.,. RaJ&! R. RIfe. 3aD.
calli" __ .. "Ut ... .uume .. t.o
ba lone _ n.nI<ed ..... 061 Uu, t.DHt In

U>e world. Tu .llmlD&te diftortloa. Uot lao
.... prod""*' by lbe .. _ two-faot1A1I .p_
I"'nlt .. doa __ 1hl'<>u.c1l u.. --.I
alr i\I\ed I Ubo. but ..... optical ""til at
qllArt1 bloc ... and. p'""'...... WriCblq" 209
po<IIIda. tl>I ",I<;..,..... ,.... D,W p"rW.
Appendix T
--_ ...... -
CH"",-" 1". D. 0 .
...... -.........-...
....1, liN
It 1& wtth difficult," that I to rupoad to,.,..r for
dau. DB 1M PrequBIC1 ID8tnI:mU:t treatm_ .1lIe, I UD. IDOYlIiI aDd ...... .,.
lI;y !mowl ..... of tIM lMtrumeat at.-dII over
IIIl1l1bu of yean, Ill, pereollAl .... ot u.. lMtndD_u.
be_ ill the lut few )"i'aJ'1I. lI;y tlnt deflmte .... .,MtiIIl.1oI1 w .. Ia u.. of D11 OW!>
"aM aI. proatd11l, I A qaaUfic III'OJDcI.8t ,avl.' IUIU1ItlA,
pnlcilllIr.. _1II;Jd.D. , olI1ol'OlIITClltLD. ter'l'UQ)'eb., with vulcu bvt thtt
dnCII did die Job. no. l:IIatNra_ (IIlHCI D11 cue quickly. I
tII_ .. eel tile oa hi_ 01 ma. wbo ... bab'I" rubed to
tIM boiIp!U.I for opVlUOIL, BI II poIrftcUy .,11 uxt.J w1.tiIout IIlO'
oper&tioa or further ....sical &d.
I W ........ <II. batterfly IIIIPU _ to _ by II ctoowr In..!, aad
IbooIch It had be-. tNlI$8I tad by .-oi.u.te, tIM ... iarp
-'. 1D AItv dlrM _alboo b'e_ W1t1i1U PI"IqIOeDC)'
the AD<>dIer c_ 0 .......... mitt.:!
to _ for with tile t.tra=_ by aall.D. !rlnd of ....... .
1:1. aad _ tJIIpoII.IWe ooJditl_ but doe cl.tttd It 'CIlD..u: .......
I y."loomr1 tile IutnuMat 'I,,,, lId.ech', lifter t
.... It alOM I.-..:l ot _ .... ... bid II cue of. I haY, eured.
extr...el7 bad. cI. tr-=b lII01IiI:la P1<'n"U 1a. few tn_eora wtth the

1Il_I.aloa J ...... nate dII: I tMI tbat tIM
1& -r1:b:J ot furtIaer ... an:b .,. tMt ...... q_ lavwl1p&ioll"'" _ will be
ot beMat to
Appendix U
Rife in 1960

To Who. It ConcenH
Appendix V
617 S. Bur11l\&toll .....
LOI Anaehl, c.l1t 90057
Jan,... .. ,. 7, 1965.
In the Iprlll6 or 1960 1 contacted. ,Upb. Allre"l
int,etlon an lntlpnl It St. AI'xl' Ho'pital 1n Cl e?lland,
Ohio. Til". "" 111; tbh lI, .. 11 .Ull prnalfll\
In aott U. S. bOlplt&ll dlttlcult to control.
The 11l!lct.1on tUrtle! "lUi. thr.t. wbleb
" I' luppr..,ed ,,1th antlbl ot.1cl. Soon with Ibout 6
otb.r 1'let1. ot tlll1 anti -blotto re.llt.ant In/lctlon
"bleh blealll 1,.lt...,1" and chroanlc.
It tllree of ."tterins untIl I caOI ICro
thl Frlqll1nc1 In.tru.lnt wbleh &aY' lie rlll,r Ind con-
trol 10 that 1"" thIn on t.h. road tor ,wCURr."J "lad thl Hodel
Serial ltD. 20, R'o'Jo! 12 .... nlltlcture4 bl thl Rih ViNI IUcro
ICOP. ot san D1-so. CalIfornia.
1b1a .,.It .. 10 tat,etlon ,tt'T d'I'
ot tra-t .. nt. 1t w,' ITa&t rall,t S.t Tid
or callu11tl1 tor the l'nsth ot tb. 10weT 1. S
w1tb .-1_ ot tbe I nltll wltb d1acolo,..Uon and .u1t1pl.
boll, Ind carbuncl a. r'lppa'rlng whlch two hOlpltallsatlon.
and cont1nvov' tra.t=.nt tor thra. ,.arl. In4,.d 1 JVlt abovt
LoS1c'11, no ra,,'l'Ch OT 1ntar t 1n Inl nn U.l<l
a,p,c1alll In the bailins .rt. Ind hould b. ,uppra' a, d.
Jt hli b.,n Itlt.d, I8Il n and Is'ln, that On. I, I =art,T to hi,
prot ion. SVeh 1 tind tru. in Inl ,..I .. rch It tak
I lot ot COIU'IS'. u ... sonar aDd hard work to t1n4 I1IW _thad, .
I I. ot tb. oplD1on Ind bll1.t that 1t I hIld DOt b.Ad tb.
t,.... ... nt 011 tb. F'rIq1.l.nCl Inatl"W!Int abon that 1 would not be Ihl.
to S.t rId ot t.hl1 IncW!IIbh IVra1.l1 wh1ch InU-hlotlcl
covld not .vppr
It 1.ft II, with II. ... 1CI r1.ght hand .no:! wrllt .lont;
wIth th' I ra In whicb tha dl,tll ot tb. I'Id111 ,bow. di,tort.d dl =-6' on .tudl and Obl'T.atlon wh1ch
ri<lve.-1 th ttiel.nCl ot th. VI. or thl, hand Ind 'TE lbout
I"lttl p'T-"e.nt .
I &.III SI'Iutlll t.o hau hid th. ot thl VII or
th1. which Ipp .. rl " ,pacltlc tor clrtl1n
1 1.11 tOT .",. Ind III trai<loll ot "''''l'Cb whir' 11t.,
h .. lth and ... Clll hi
. .-.. .. , .. _ ... -1 ....
Appendix W
I. BI.ntht H. Jones, IS In Per,
do hereby certify thlt In April 1956 ! wu dllg"oud u hn!n9
c.ncer Ind was operated on by five M.D.s It tht Sa" 01190 County
Hosplt.l Ind on l brust wl5 reaoyed Ina it was reported that tht
Clncer wlS still In ay body Ind pus drlln'91 WIS seVer t . In HIY 1956
I wu Slv,n t reata ents by the lift Frtquttncy InHruu nt by Dr. JUH
8. Couche,M.D. which stoPP l d the flow of pus Ind cured . y S, TCODI
I' dl.gnOSld by Or . Worthyl.kl .H.D. Ind otheri by biopsy.
Tht Frequency Instrument WI. s uch I wonderful
Gods l nd. It sived .y lIfe! It hi' bl,n twelve yelr. nOw li"c, it .
cured lIy uncer .nd ! give thl. stlttllent under pt n.1tt oHp"erjury
IS true ,nd correct .
( "
Subscribed , nd Sworn to
be for. II. this 16th day
of hnulrt. !968
ATTEST lit day of
Janulrt. 1968

Appendix X
'rm--t ':
;: 1 tl ' i-! !,' r , ,I
I ' ! t " .
j . 1 !
''-i ! .1 ., ,I ii, .. .. I i
. fl . -illill I., II
1- I I' 1 i' r i
m" I-W

J., i I I I
" I I
'1 .. ' -t
f; I '
I 04 'I i
!f' ffi
I " I
, ,
! ij

, I
II! i "
I-I _'
I ,fl ill
Publisher's Note
The evidence set out in this book suggests thai ccnain indi-
viduals misused the power of the American Medical Associa-
tion several decades ago to help suppress the work of Royal
Rife. This is not to imply, however, that the AMA today would
allow itself to be similarly abused. The vast majority of doctors
and surgeons who make up this body are dcdicaled individuals
of the highest integrity, who have commilted themselves and
their energies 10 the saving of lives and the relief of pain. We
honor them, and we are confident that the AMA will reflect
that same dedication by endorsing author Lynes' call to re-
examine Rife's cancer cure in an unbiased light.

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