CG Facilitator's Guide

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Community Group Facilitators Guide week of October 13-19th This week our understanding of the Ultimate Journey takes

a turn outward. There is a growth and maturity that can only come to our lives through shifting our hearts outward to serve others in such a way that we show them Christ. This outward focus moves us forward in our own Ultimate Journey while at the same time influences others toward the Ultimate Journey of being changed by Christ and used by Christ. This is so relevant to your group life. We need the attitude of Christ prevailing in our group life. Having a group dynamic where everyone is there not just to focus on their own spiritual growth, but to the serve the growth of one another (wash each other's feet) provides the ongoing practice of what Jesus is inviting us to be and do through this powerful story. This guide is designed to help you facilitate your group to understand what it means to practice "foot washing within the group as well as outside the group. Connecting Question Have everyone in the group answer the following: If you were planning a big dinner with great friends, what would that look like? I.e. who would they want around the table, what would the setting be, what would the food be, etc.

For Every-Other Week Groups Last weeks sermon titled Through It All was about the three critical companions of grace that God has given all Christians in their pursuit of the Ultimate Journey. Briefly remind the group of the three companions of grace that are available to us: Assurance the joy of knowing beyond doubt that you belong to God and He to you because of Jesus Motivation Christs sacrifice was so significant it motivates us to stay at the Ultimate Journey, Resources The gifts of mercy and grace, the Holy Spirit, one another that we can turn to

Which of these three gifts of grace are most relevant to you right now in your ultimate journey? And why?

Outward Bound John 13:1-17 In this past Sundays sermon, we looked at a really significant meal that Jesus hosted where he shared with his disciples about his looming death, and he modeled for them the others-focused life He was calling them to pursue with each other and those around them. Re-hearse the Bible Story (John 13:1-17) by asking the following questions: Whats the setting/whos involved, what happens first, whats the response of the room to Jesus, how does it end?

Re-read verse 3: What can we learn from Jesus identity that leads him to this act of foot washing with the disciples? How does the issue of identity relate to us having an outward focus in our lives? In what ways do you identify with Peter in this story? Ask everyone to picture Jesus washing your feet. What goes through your mind? How does it feel? What do you want to say? What are the different ways we can practice foot washing with each other as a group? Leaders note: There may be a lot of conversation around meeting each others physical needs, make sure to get the group talking about meeting spiritual needs - helping each other to be changed by Christ and used by Christ

Beyond the members of this group, who else is God putting in your life for you to serve in the ultimate journey of being changed by Christ and used by Christ? This story has been about believers helping fellow believers along in the Ultimate Journey. Who has God placed in your life that needs to discover what it means to be on the Ultimate Journey? Prayer Time Wrap-up your group time with having group members break off into groups of 3-4 to pray for one another to boldly yet humbly share their faith with the person(s) they mentioned.

Possible Application In light of the opening connecting question, your group may want to plan a group dinner before the end of the sermon series as a great way to get to know each other around a table.

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