On physical grounds, we know that there must have been an increase (positive change) in the heat energy in her hands and in the agpole. Here are some questions and answers about the interpretation of the equation P Egrav = F y for gravitational potential energy. Question: In a nutshell, why is there a minus sign in the equation? Answer: It is because we increase the PE by moving the object in the opposite direction compared to the gravitational force. Question: Why do we only get an equation for the change in potential energy? Dont I really want an equation for the potential energy itself? Answer: No, you really dont. This relates to a basic fact about potential energy, which is that it is not a well dened quantity in the absolute sense. Only changes in potential energy are unambiguously dened. If you and I both observe a rock falling, and agree that it deposits 10 J of energy in the dirt when it hits, then we will be forced to agree that the 10 J of KE must have come from a loss of 10 joules of PE. But I might claim that it started with 37 J of PE and ended with 27, while you might swear just as truthfully that it had 109 J initially and 99 at the end. It is possible to pick some specic height as a reference level and say that the PE is zero there, but its easier and safer just to work with changes in PE and avoid absolute PE altogether. Question: You referred to potential energy as the energy that two objects have because of their distance from each other. If a rock falls, the object is the rock. Wheres the other object? Answer: Newtons third law guarantees that there will always be two objects. The other object is the planet earth. Question: If the other object is the earth, are we talking about the distance from the rock to the center of the earth or the distance from the rock to the surface of the earth? Answer: It doesnt matter. All that matters is the change in distance, y , not y . Measuring from the earths center or its surface are just two equally valid choices of a reference point for dening absolute PE. Question: Which object contains the PE, the rock or the earth? Answer: We may refer casually to the PE of the rock, but technically the PE is a relationship between the earth and the rock, and we should refer to the earth and the rock together as possessing the PE. Question: How would this be any dierent for a force other than gravity?
Section 12.2
Answer: It wouldnt. The result was derived under the assumption of constant force, but the result would be valid for any other situation where two objects interacted through a constant force. Gravity is unusual, however, in that the gravitational force on an object is so nearly constant under ordinary conditions. The magnetic force between a magnet and a refrigerator, on the other hand, changes drastically with distance. The math is a little more complex for a varying force, but the concepts are the same. Question: Suppose a pencil is balanced on its tip and then falls over. The pencil is simultaneously changing its height and rotating, so the height change is dierent for dierent parts of the object. The bottom of the pencil doesnt lose any height at all. What do you do in this situation? Answer: The general philosophy of energy is that an objects energy is found by adding up the energy of every little part of it. You could thus add up the changes in potential energy of all the little parts of the pencil to nd the total change in potential energy. Luckily theres an easier way! The derivation of the equation for gravitational potential energy used Newtons second law, which deals with the acceleration of the objects center of mass (i.e., its balance point). If you just dene y as the height change of the center of mass, everything works out. A huge Ferris wheel can be rotated without putting in or taking out any PE, because its center of mass is staying at the same height.
self-check A A ball thrown straight up will have the same speed on impact with the ground as a ball thrown straight down at the same speed. How can this be explained using potential energy? Answer, p. 537
Discussion question
A You throw a steel ball up in the air. How can you prove based on conservation of energy that it has the same speed when it falls back into your hand? What if you throw a feather up is energy not conserved in this case?
e / All these energy transformations turn out at the atomic level to be changes in potential energy resulting from changes in the distances between atoms.
Chapter 12
boiling point: the power being pumped into the water by your stove begins going into potential energy rather than kinetic energy. As shown in gure e, every stored form of energy that we encounter in everyday life turns out to be a form of potential energy at the atomic level. The forces between atoms are electrical and magnetic in nature, so these are actually electrical and magnetic potential energies. Although light is a topic of the second half of this course, it is useful to have a preview of how it ts in here. Light is a wave composed of oscillating electric and magnetic elds, so we can include it under the category of electrical and magnetic potential energy. Even if we wish to include nuclear reactions in the picture, there still turn out to be only four fundamental types of energy: kinetic energy (including heat) gravitational potential energy electrical and magnetic potential energy nuclear potential energy Discussion question
A Referring back to the pictures at the beginning of the chapter, how do all these forms of energy t into the shortened list of categories given above? f / This gure looks similar to the previous ones, but the scale is a million times smaller. The little balls are the neutrons and protons that make up the tiny nucleus at the center of the uranium atom. When the nucleus splits (ssions), the potential energy change is partly electrical and partly a change in the potential energy derived from the force that holds atomic nuclei together (known as the strong nuclear force).
g / A pellet of plutonium-238 glows with its own heat. Its nuclear potential energy is being converted into heat, a form of kinetic energy. Pellets of this type are used as power supplies on some space probes.
Section 12.3
Selected vocabulary potential energy the energy having to do with the distance between two objects that interact via a noncontact force Notation PE . . . . . . . . . potential energy
Other terminology and notation U or V . . . . . . symbols used for potential energy in the scientic literature and in most advanced textbooks Summary Historically, the energy concept was only invented to include a few phenomena, but it was later generalized more and more to apply to new situations, for example nuclear reactions. This generalizing process resulted in an undesirably long list of types of energy, each of which apparently behaved according to its own rules. The rst step in simplifying the picture came with the realization that heat was a form of random motion on the atomic level, i.e., heat was nothing more than the kinetic energy of atoms. A second and even greater simplication was achieved with the realization that all the other apparently mysterious forms of energy actually had to do with changing the distances between atoms (or similar processes in nuclei). This type of energy, which relates to the distance between objects that interact via a force, is therefore of great importance. We call it potential energy. Most of the important ideas about potential energy can be understood by studying the example of gravitational potential energy. The change in an objects gravitational potential energy is given by P Egrav = Fgrav y , [if Fgrav is constant, i.e., the
The most important thing to understand about potential energy is that there is no unambiguous way to dene it in an absolute sense. The only thing that everyone can agree on is how much the potential energy has changed from one moment in time to some later moment in time.
Chapter 12
Key A computerized answer check is available online. A problem that requires calculus. A dicult problem.
1 Can gravitational potential energy ever be negative? Note that the question refers to P E , not P E , so that you must think about how the choice of a reference level comes into play. [Based on a problem by Serway and Faughn.]
2 A ball rolls up a ramp, turns around, and comes back down. When does it have the greatest gravitational potential energy? The greatest kinetic energy? [Based on a problem by Serway and Faughn.] 3 (a) You release a magnet on a tabletop near a big piece of iron, and the magnet leaps across the table to the iron. Does the magnetic potential energy increase, or decrease? Explain. (b) Suppose instead that you have two repelling magnets. You give them an initial push towards each other, so they decelerate while approaching each other. Does the magnetic potential energy increase, or decrease? Explain. 4 Let Eb be the energy required to boil one kg of water. (a) Find an equation for the minimum height from which a bucket of water must be dropped if the energy released on impact is to vaporize it. Assume that all the heat goes into the water, not into the dirt it strikes, and ignore the relatively small amount of energy required to heat the water from room temperature to 100 C. [Numerical check, not for credit: Plugging in Eb = 2.3 MJ/kg should give a result of 230 km.] (b) Show that the units of your answer in part a come out right based on the units given for Eb . 5 A grasshopper with a mass of 110 mg falls from rest from a height of 310 cm. On the way down, it dissipates 1.1 mJ of heat due to air resistance. At what speed, in m/s, does it hit the ground? Solution, p. 531 6 A person on a bicycle is to coast down a ramp of height h and then pass through a circular loop of radius r. What is the smallest value of h for which the cyclist will complete the loop without falling? (Ignore the kinetic energy of the spinning wheels.)
7 A skateboarder starts at rest nearly at the top of a giant cylinder, and begins rolling down its side. (If he started exactly at rest and exactly at the top, he would never get going!) Show that his board loses contact with the pipe after he has dropped by a height equal to one third the radius of the pipe. Solution, p. 531 8 (a) A circular hoop of mass m and radius r spins like a wheel while its center remains at rest. Its period (time required for one revolution) is T . Show that its kinetic energy equals 2 2 mr2 /T 2 . (b) If such a hoop rolls with its center moving at velocity v , its kinetic energy equals (1/2)mv 2 , plus the amount of kinetic energy found in the rst part of this problem. Show that a hoop rolls down an inclined plane with half the acceleration that a frictionless sliding block would have. 9 Students are often tempted to think of potential energy and kinetic energy as if they were always related to each other, like yin and yang. To show this is incorrect, give examples of physical situations in which (a) PE is converted to another form of PE, and (b) KE is converted to another form of KE. Solution, p. 532 10 Lord Kelvin, a physicist, told the story of how he encountered James Joule when Joule was on his honeymoon. As he traveled, Joule would stop with his wife at various waterfalls, and measure the dierence in temperature between the top of the waterfall and the still water at the bottom. (a) It would surprise most people to learn that the temperature increased. Why should there be any such eect, and why would Joule care? How would this relate to the energy concept, of which he was the principal inventor? (b) How much of a gain in temperature should there be between the top and bottom of a 50-meter waterfall? (c) What assumptions did you have to make in order to calculate your answer to part b? In reality, would the temperature change be more than or less than what you calculated? [Based on a problem by Arnold Arons.] 11 Make an order-of-magnitude estimate of the power represented by the loss of gravitational energy of the water going over Niagara Falls. If the hydroelectric plant at the bottom of the falls could convert 100% of this to electrical power, roughly how many households could be powered? Solution, p. 532 12 When you buy a helium-lled balloon, the seller has to inate it from a large metal cylinder of the compressed gas. The helium inside the cylinder has energy, as can be demonstrated for example by releasing a little of it into the air: you hear a hissing sound, and that sound energy must have come from somewhere. The total amount of energy in the cylinder is very large, and if the valve is inadvertently damaged or broken o, the cylinder can behave like bomb or a rocket. Suppose the company that puts the gas in the cylinders prepares
Problem 7.
Chapter 12
cylinder A with half the normal amount of pure helium, and cylinder B with the normal amount. Cylinder B has twice as much energy, and yet the temperatures of both cylinders are the same. Explain, at the atomic level, what form of energy is involved, and why cylinder B has twice as much. 13 At a given temperature, the average kinetic energy per molecule is a xed value, so for instance in air, the more massive oxygen molecules are moving more slowly on the average than the nitrogen molecules. The ratio of the masses of oxygen and nitrogen molecules is 16.00 to 14.01. Now suppose a vessel containing some air is surrounded by a vacuum, and the vessel has a tiny hole in it, which allows the air to slowly leak out. The molecules are bouncing around randomly, so a given molecule will have to try many times before it gets lucky enough to head out through the hole. Find the rate at which oxygen leaks divided by the rate at which nitrogen leaks. (Dene this rate according to the fraction of the gas that leaks out in a given time, not the mass or number of molecules leaked per unit time.) 14 Explain in terms of conservation of energy why sweating cools your body, even though the sweat is at the same temperature as your body. Describe the forms of energy involved in this energy transformation. Why dont you get the same cooling eect if you wipe the sweat o with a towel? Hint: The sweat is evaporating. 15 Anya and Ivan lean over a balcony side by side. Anya throws a penny downward with an initial speed of 5 m/s. Ivan throws a penny upward with the same speed. Both pennies end up on the ground below. Compare their kinetic energies and velocities on impact. 16 (a) A circular hoop of mass m and radius r spins like a wheel while its center remains at rest. Let (Greek letter omega) be the number of radians it covers per unit time, i.e., = 2/T , where the period, T , is the time for one revolution. Show that its kinetic energy equals (1/2)m 2 r2 . (b) Show that the answer to part a has the right units. (Note that radians arent really units, since the denition of a radian is a unitless ratio of two lengths.) (c) If such a hoop rolls with its center moving at velocity v , its kinetic energy equals (1/2)mv 2 , plus the amount of kinetic energy found in part a. Show that a hoop rolls down an inclined plane with half the acceleration that a frictionless sliding block would have.
17 The gure shows two unequal masses, M and m, connected by a string running over a pulley. This system was analyzed previously in problem 10 on p. 172, using Newtons laws. (a) Analyze the system using conservation of energy instead. Find the speed the weights gain after being released from rest and trav eling a distance h. (b) Use your result from part a to nd the acceleration, reproducing the result of the earlier problem.
Problem 17.
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
ical energy in the gasoline will reappear in some form, but not necessarily in a form that is useful for doing farm work. Tractors, like cars, are extremely inecient, and typically 90% of the energy they consume is converted directly into heat, which is carried away by the exhaust and the air owing over the radiator. We wish to distinguish the energy that comes out directly as heat from the energy that serves to accelerate a trailer or to plow a eld, so we dene a technical meaning of the ordinary word work to express the distinction: denition of work Work is the amount of energy transferred into or out of a system, not counting energy transferred by heat conduction.
a / Work is a transfer of energy. self-check A Based on this denition, is work a vector, or a scalar? What are its units? Answer, p. 537
The conduction of heat is to be distinguished from heating by friction. When a hot potato heats up your hands by conduction, the energy transfer occurs without any force, but when friction heats your cars brake shoes, there is a force involved. The transfer of energy with and without a force are measured by completely dierent methods, so we wish to include heat transfer by frictional heating under the denition of work, but not heat transfer by conduction. The denition of work could thus be restated as the amount of energy transferred by forces.
b / The tractor raises the weight over the pulley, increasing its gravitational potential energy.
Calculating work as force multiplied by distance The examples in gures b-d show that there are many dierent ways in which energy can be transferred. Even so, all these examples have two things in common: 1. A force is involved.
2. The tractor travels some distance as it does the work. In b, the increase in the height of the weight, y , is the same as the distance the tractor travels, which well call d. For simplicity, we discuss the case where the tractor raises the weight at constant speed, so that there is no change in the kinetic energy of the weight, and we assume that there is negligible friction in the pulley, so that the force the tractor applies to the rope is the same as the ropes upward force on the weight. By Newtons rst law, these forces are also of the same magnitude as the earths gravitational force on the weight. The increase in the weights potential energy is given by F y , so the work done by the tractor on the weight equals F d, the product of the force and the distance moved: W = Fd .
d / The tractor pulls a plow. Energy is expended in frictional heating of the plow and the dirt, and in breaking dirt clods and lifting dirt up to the sides of the furrow.
Chapter 13
In example c, the tractors force on the trailer accelerates it, increasing its kinetic energy. If frictional forces on the trailer are negligible, then the increase in the trailers kinetic energy can be found using the same algebra that was used on page 299 to nd the potential energy due to gravity. Just as in example b, we have W = Fd .
Does this equation always give the right answer? Well, sort of. In example d, there are two quantities of work you might want to calculate: the work done by the tractor on the plow and the work done by the plow on the dirt. These two quantities cant both equal F d. Most of the energy transmitted through the cable goes into frictional heating of the plow and the dirt. The work done by the plow on the dirt is less than the work done by the tractor on the plow, by an amount equal to the heat absorbed by the plow. It turns out that the equation W = F d gives the work done by the tractor, not the work done by the plow. How are you supposed to know when the equation will work and when it wont? The somewhat complex answer is postponed until section 13.6. Until then, we will restrict ourselves to examples in which W = F d gives the right answer; essentially the reason the ambiguities come up is that when one surface is slipping past another, d may be hard to dene, because the two surfaces move dierent distances.
e / The baseball pitcher put kinetic energy into the ball, so he did work on it. To do the greatest possible amount of work, he applied the greatest possible force over the greatest possible distance.
We have also been using examples in which the force is in the same direction as the motion, and the force is constant. (If the force was not constant, we would have to represent it with a function, not a symbol that stands for a number.) To summarize, we have: rule for calculating work (simplest version) The work done by a force can be calculated as W = Fd ,
if the force is constant and in the same direction as the motion. Some ambiguities are encountered in cases such as kinetic friction.
Section 13.1
f / Example 1.
Mechanical work done in an earthquake example 1 In 1998, geologists discovered evidence for a big prehistoric earthquake in Pasadena, between 10,000 and 15,000 years ago. They found that the two sides of the fault moved 6.7 m relative to one another, and estimated that the force between them was 1.3 1017 N. How much energy was released? Multiplying the force by the distance gives 9 1017 J. For comparison, the Northridge earthquake of 1994, which killed 57 people and did 40 billion dollars of damage, released 22 times less energy. The fall factor example 2 Counterintuitively, the rock climber may be in more danger in gure g/1 than later when she gets up to position g/2. Along her route, the climber has placed removable rock anchors (not shown) and carabiners attached to the anchors. She clips the rope into each carabiner so that it can travel but cant pop out. In both 1 and 2, she has ascended a certain distance above her last anchor, so that if she falls, she will drop through a height h that is about twice this distance, and this fall height is about the same in both cases. In fact, h is somewhat larger than twice her height above the last anchor, because the rope is intentionally designed to stretch under the big force of a falling climber who suddenly brings it taut. To see why we want a stretchy rope, consider the equation F = W /d in the case where d is zero; F would theoretically become innite. In a fall, the climber loses a xed amount of gravitational energy mgh. This is transformed into an equal amount of kinetic energy as she falls, and eventually this kinetic energy has to be transferred out of her body when the rope comes up taut. If the rope was not stretchy, then the distance traveled at the point where the rope attaches to her harness would be zero, and the force exerted would theoretically be innite. Before the rope reached the theoretically innite tension F it would break (or her back would break, or her anchors would be pulled out of the rock). We want the rope to be stretchy enough to make d fairly big, so that dividing W by d gives a small force.1 In g/1 and g/2, the fall h is about the same. What is different is the length L of rope that has been paid out. A longer rope can stretch more, so the distance d traveled after the catch is proportional to L. Combining F = W /d , W h, and d L, we have F h/L. For these reasons, rock climbers dene a fall factor f = h/L. The larger fall factor in g/1 is more dangerous.
g / Example 2. Surprisingly, the climber is in more danger at 1 than at 2. The distance d is the amount by which the rope will stretch while work is done to transfer the kinetic energy of a fall out of her body.
Actually F isnt constant, because the tension in the rope increases steadily as it stretches, but this is irrelevant to the present analysis.
Chapter 13
Machines can increase force, but not work. Figure h shows a pulley arrangement for doubling the force supplied by the tractor (book 1, section 5.6). The tension in the lefthand rope is equal throughout, assuming negligible friction, so there are two forces pulling the pulley to the left, each equal to the original force exerted by the tractor on the rope. This doubled force is transmitted through the right-hand rope to the stump.
h / The pulley doubles the force the tractor can exert on the stump.
It might seem as though this arrangement would also double the work done by the tractor, but look again. As the tractor moves forward 2 meters, 1 meter of rope comes around the pulley, and the pulley moves 1 m to the left. Although the pulley exerts double the force on the stump, the pulley and stump only move half as far, so the work done on the stump is no greater that it would have been without the pulley. The same is true for any mechanical arrangement that increases or decreases force, such as the gears on a ten-speed bike. You cant get out more work than you put in, because that would violate conservation of energy. If you shift gears so that your force on the pedals is amplied, the result is that you just have to spin the pedals more times. No work is done without motion. It strikes most students as nonsensical when they are told that if they stand still and hold a heavy bag of cement, they are doing no work on the bag. Even if it makes sense mathematically that W = F d gives zero when d is zero, it seems to violate common sense. You would certainly become tired! The solution is simple. Physicists have taken over the common word work and given it a new technical meaning, which is the transfer of energy. The energy of the bag of cement is not changing, and that is what the physicist means by saying no work is done on the bag. There is a transformation of energy, but it is taking place entirely within your own muscles, which are converting chemical energy into heat. Physiologically, a human muscle is not like a tree limb, which can support a weight indenitely without the expenditure of energy. Each muscle cells contraction is generated by zillions of little molecular machines, which take turns supporting the tension. When a
Section 13.1
particular molecule goes on or o duty, it moves, and since it moves while exerting a force, it is doing work. There is work, but it is work done by one molecule in a muscle cell on another. Positive and negative work When object A transfers energy to object B, we say that A does positive work on B. B is said to do negative work on A. In other words, a machine like a tractor is dened as doing positive work. This use of the plus and minus signs relates in a logical and consistent way to their use in indicating the directions of force and motion in one dimension. In gure i, suppose we choose a coordinate system with the x axis pointing to the right. Then the force the spring exerts on the ball is always a positive number. The balls motion, however, changes directions. The symbol d is really just a shorter way of writing the familiar quantity x, whose positive and negative signs indicate direction. While the ball is moving to the left, we use d < 0 to represent its direction of motion, and the work done by the spring, F d, comes out negative. This indicates that the spring is taking kinetic energy out of the ball, and accepting it in the form of its own potential energy. As the ball is reaccelerated to the right, it has d > 0, F d is positive, and the spring does positive work on the ball. Potential energy is transferred out of the spring and deposited in the ball as kinetic energy. In summary: rule for calculating work (including cases of negative work) The work done by a force can be calculated as W = Fd ,
i / Whenever energy is transferred out of the spring, the same amount has to be transferred into the ball, and vice versa. As the spring compresses, the ball is doing positive work on the spring (giving up its KE and transferring energy into the spring as PE), and as it decompresses the ball is doing negative work (extracting energy).
if the force is constant and along the same line as the motion. The quantity d is to be interpreted as a synonym for x, i.e., positive and negative signs are used to indicate the direction of motion. Some ambiguities are encountered in cases such as kinetic friction.
self-check B In gure i, what about the work done by the ball on the spring? Answer, p. 537
There are many examples where the transfer of energy out of an object cancels out the transfer of energy in. When the tractor pulls the plow with a rope, the rope does negative work on the tractor and positive work on the plow. The total work done by the rope is zero, which makes sense, since it is not changing its energy. It may seem that when your arms do negative work by lowering
Chapter 13
a bag of cement, the cement is not really transferring energy into your body. If your body was storing potential energy like a compressed spring, you would be able to raise and lower a weight all day, recycling the same energy. The bag of cement does transfer energy into your body, but your body accepts it as heat, not as potential energy. The tension in the muscles that control the speed of the motion also results in the conversion of chemical energy to heat, for the same physiological reasons discussed previously in the case where you just hold the bag still. One of the advantages of electric cars over gasoline-powered cars is that it is just as easy to put energy back in a battery as it is to take energy out. When you step on the brakes in a gas car, the brake shoes do negative work on the rest of the car. The kinetic energy of the car is transmitted through the brakes and accepted by the brake shoes in the form of heat. The energy cannot be recovered. Electric cars, however, are designed to use regenerative braking. The brakes dont use friction at all. They are electrical, and when you step on the brake, the negative work done by the brakes means they accept the energy and put it in the battery for later use. This is one of the reasons why an electric car is far better for the environment than a gas car, even if the ultimate source of the electrical energy happens to be the burning of oil in the electric companys plant. The electric car recycles the same energy over and over, and only dissipates heat due to air friction and rolling resistance, not braking. (The electric companys power plant can also be tted with expensive pollutionreduction equipment that would be prohibitively expensive or bulky for a passenger car.)
j / Left: No mechanical work occurs in the mans body while he holds himself motionless. There is a transformation of chemical energy into heat, but this happens at the microscopic level inside the tensed muscles. Right: When the woman lifts herself, her arms do positive work on her body, transforming chemical energy into gravitational potential energy and heat. On the way back down, the arms work is negative; gravitational potential energy is transformed into heat. (In exercise physiology, the man is said to be doing isometric exercise, while the womans is concentric and then eccentric.)
k / Because the force is in the opposite direction compared to the motion, the brake shoe does negative work on the drum, i.e., accepts energy from it in the form of heat.
Section 13.1
Discussion questions
A Besides the presence of a force, what other things differentiate the processes of frictional heating and heat conduction? B Criticize the following incorrect statement: A force doesnt do any work unless its causing the object to move. C To stop your car, you must rst have time to react, and then it takes some time for the car to slow down. Both of these times contribute to the distance you will travel before you can stop. The gure shows how the average stopping distance increases with speed. Because the stopping distance increases more and more rapidly as you go faster, the rule of one car length per 10 m.p.h. of speed is not conservative enough at high speeds. In terms of work and kinetic energy, what is the reason for the more rapid increase at high speeds?
Discussion question C.
m / A force can do positive, negative, or zero work, depending on its direction relative to the direction of the motion.
Chapter 13
Forces at other angles Suppose the force is at some other angle with respect to the motion, say = 45 . Such a force could be broken down into two components, one along the direction of the motion and the other perpendicular to it. The force vector equals the vector sum of its two components, and the principle of vector addition of forces thus tells us that the work done by the total force cannot be any dierent than the sum of the works that would be done by the two forces by themselves. Since the component perpendicular to the motion does no work, the work done by the force must be W = F |d| , [work done by a constant force]
where the vector d is simply a less cumbersome version of the notation r. This result can be rewritten via trigonometry as W = |F||d| cos . [work done by a constant force]
n / Work is only done by the component of the force parallel to the motion.
Even though this equation has vectors in it, it depends only on their magnitudes, and the magnitude of a vector is a scalar. Work is therefore still a scalar quantity, which only makes sense if it is dened as the transfer of energy. Ten gallons of gasoline have the ability to do a certain amount of mechanical work, and when you pull in to a full-service gas station you dont have to say Fill er up with 10 gallons of south-going gas. Students often wonder why this equation involves a cosine rather than a sine, or ask if it would ever be a sine. In vector addition, the treatment of sines and cosines seemed more equal and democratic, so why is the cosine so special now? The answer is that if we are going to describe, say, a velocity vector, we must give both the component parallel to the x axis and the component perpendicular to the x axis (i.e., the y component). In calculating work, however, the force component perpendicular to the motion is irrelevant it changes the direction of motion without increasing or decreasing the energy of the object on which it acts. In this context, it is only the parallel force component that matters, so only the cosine occurs.
self-check C (a) Work is the transfer of energy. According to this denition, is the horse in the picture doing work on the pack? (b) If you calculate work by the method described in this section, is the horse in gure o doing work on the pack? Answer, p. 538
Pushing a broom example 3 If you exert a force of 21 N on a push broom, at an angle 35 degrees below horizontal, and walk for 5.0 m, how much work do you do? What is the physical signicance of this quantity of work? Using the second equation above, the work done equals (21 N)(5.0 m)(cos 35 ) = 86 J .
Section 13.2
The form of energy being transferred is heat in the oor and the brooms bristles. This comes from the chemical energy stored in your body. (The majority of the calories you burn are dissipated directly as heat inside your body rather than doing any work on the broom. The 86 J is only the amount of energy transferred through the brooms handle.) A violin example 4 As a violinist draws the bow across a string, the bow hairs exert both a normal force and a kinetic frictional force on the string. The normal force is perpendicular to the direction of motion, and does no work. However, the frictional force is in the same direction as the motion of the bow, so it does work: energy is transferred to the string, causing it to vibrate. One way of playing a violin more loudly is to use longer strokes. Since W = F d , the greater distance results in more work. A second way of getting a louder sound is to press the bow more rmly against the strings. This increases the normal force, and although the normal force itself does no work, an increase in the normal force has the side effect of increasing the frictional force, thereby increasing W = F d . The violinist moves the bow back and forth, and sound is produced on both the up-bow (the stroke toward the players left) and the down-bow (to the right). One may, for example, play a series of notes in alternation between up-bows and down-bows. However, if the notes are of unequal length, the up and down motions tend to be unequal, and if the player is not careful, she can run out of bow in the middle of a note! To keep this from happening, one can move the bow more quickly on the shorter notes, but the resulting increase in d will make the shorter notes louder than they should be. A skilled player compensates by reducing the force. Up until now, we have not found any physically useful way to dene the multiplication of two vectors. It would be possible, for instance, to multiply two vectors component by component to form a third vector, but there are no physical situations where such a multiplication would be useful. The equation W = |F||d| cos is an example of a sort of multiplication of vectors that is useful. The result is a scalar, not a vector, and this is therefore often referred to as the scalar product of the vectors F and d. There is a standard shorthand notation for this operation, A B = |A||B| cos , [denition of the notation A B;
is the angle between vectors A and B] and because of this notation, a more common term for this operation
Chapter 13
is the dot product. In dot product notation, the equation for work is simply W =Fd . The dot product has the following geometric interpretation: A B = |A|(component of B parallel to A) = |B|(component of A parallel to B) The dot product has some of the properties possessed by ordinary multiplication of numbers, AB=BA A (B + C) = A B + A C (cA) B = c (A B) ,
but it lacks one other: the ability to undo multiplication by dividing. If you know the components of two vectors, you can easily calculate their dot product as follows: A B = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz .
(This can be proved by rst analyzing the special case where each vector has only an x component, and the similar cases for y and z . We can then use the rule A (B + C) = A B + A C to make a generalization by writing each vector as the sum of its x, y , and z components. See homework problem 17.) Magnitude expressed with a dot product example 5 If we take the dot product of any vector b with itself, we nd + by y + bz z bx x + by y + bz z b b = bx x
2 2 2 = bx + by + bz
We will often write b2 to mean b b, when the context makes it clear what is intended. For example, we could express kinetic energy as (1/2)m|v|2 , (1/2)mv v, or (1/2)mv 2 . In the third version, nothing but context tells us that v really stands for the magnitude of some vector v. Towing a barge example 6 + (400 N)y , and A mule pulls a barge with a force F=(1100 N)x . How much work does it the total distance it travels is (1000 m)x do? The dot product is 1.1 106 N m = 1.1 106 J.
Section 13.2
An important and straightforward example is the calculation of the work done by a spring that obeys Hookes law, F k (x xo ) .
The minus sign is because this is the force being exerted by the spring, not the force that would have to act on the spring to keep it at this position. That is, if the position of the cart in gure p is to the right of equilibrium, the spring pulls back to the left, and vice-versa. We calculate the work done when the spring is initially at equilibrium and then decelerates the car as the car moves to the right. The work done by the spring on the cart equals the minus area of the shaded triangle, because the triangle hangs below the x axis. The area of a triangle is half its base multiplied by its height, so 1 W = k (x xo )2 2 .
q / The area of the shaded triangle gives the work done by the spring as the cart moves from the equilibrium position to position x .
This is the amount of kinetic energy lost by the cart as the spring decelerates it. It was straightforward to calculate the work done by the spring in this case because the graph of F versus x was a straight line, giving
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a triangular area. But if the curve had not been so geometrically simple, it might not have been possible to nd a simple equation for the work done, or an equation might have been derivable only using calculus. Optional section 13.4 gives an important example of such an application of calculus.
r / Example 7.
Energy production in the sun example 7 The sun produces energy through nuclear reactions in which nuclei collide and stick together. The gure depicts one such reaction, in which a single proton (hydrogen nucleus) collides with a carbon nucleus, consisting of six protons and six neutrons. Neutrons and protons attract other neutrons and protons via the strong nuclear force, so as the proton approaches the carbon nucleus it is accelerated. In the language of energy, we say that it loses nuclear potential energy and gains kinetic energy. Together, the seven protons and six neutrons make a nitrogen nucleus. Within the newly put-together nucleus, the neutrons and
Section 13.3
Varying force
protons are continually colliding, and the new protons extra kinetic energy is rapidly shared out among all the neutrons and protons. Soon afterward, the nucleus calms down by releasing some energy in the form of a gamma ray, which helps to heat the sun. The graph shows the force between the carbon nucleus and the proton as the proton is on its way in, with the distance in units of femtometers (1 fm=1015 m). Amusingly, the force turns out to be a few newtons: on the same order of magnitude as the forces we encounter ordinarily on the human scale. Keep in mind, however, that a force this big exerted on a single subatomic particle such as a proton will produce a truly fantastic acceleration (on the order of 1027 m/s2 !). Why does the force have a peak around x = 3 fm, and become smaller once the proton has actually merged with the nucleus? At x = 3 fm, the proton is at the edge of the crowd of protons and neutrons. It feels many attractive forces from the left, and none from the right. The forces add up to a large value. However if it later nds itself at the center of the nucleus, x = 0, there are forces pulling it from all directions, and these force vectors cancel out. We can now calculate the energy released in this reaction by using the area under the graph to determine the amount of mechanical work done by the carbon nucleus on the proton. (For simplicity, we assume that the proton came in aimed at the center of the nucleus, and we ignore the fact that it has to shove some neutrons and protons out of the way in order to get there.) The area under the curve is about 17 squares, and the work represented by each square is (1 N)(1015 m) = 1015 J so the total energy released is about (1015 J/square)(17 squares) = 1.7 1014 J . ,
This may not seem like much, but remember that this is only a reaction between the nuclei of two out of the zillions of atoms in the sun. For comparison, a typical chemical reaction between two atoms might transform on the order of 1019 J of electrical potential energy into heat 100,000 times less energy! As a nal note, you may wonder why reactions such as these only occur in the sun. The reason is that there is a repulsive electrical force between nuclei. When two nuclei are close together, the electrical forces are typically about a million times weaker than the nuclear forces, but the nuclear forces fall off much more quickly with distance than the electrical forces, so the electrical force is the dominant one at longer ranges. The sun is a very hot gas, so
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the random motion of its atoms is extremely rapid, and a collision between two atoms is sometimes violent enough to overcome this initial electrical repulsion.
Applications of calculus
The student who has studied integral calculus will recognize that the graphical rule given in the previous section can be reexpressed as an integral,
W =
F dx
We can then immediately nd by the fundamental theorem of calculus that force is the derivative of work with respect to position, F = dW dx .
For example, a crane raising a one-ton block on the moon would be transferring potential energy into the block at only one sixth the rate that would be required on Earth, and this corresponds to one sixth the force. Although the work done by the spring could be calculated without calculus using the area of a triangle, there are many cases where the methods of calculus are needed in order to nd an answer in closed form. The most important example is the work done by gravity when the change in height is not small enough to assume a constant force. Newtons law of gravity is F = GM m r2 ,
W =
GM m dr r2 r1 1 1 = GM m r2 r1
Section 13.4
Applications of calculus
The minus sign occurs because positive work indicates that the potential energy is being expended and converted to some other form. It is sometimes convenient to pick some arbitrary position as a reference position, and derive an equation for once and for all that gives the potential energy relative to this position P Ex = Wrefx . [potential energy at a point x]
To nd the energy transferred into or out of potential energy, one then subtracts two dierent values of this equation. These equations might almost make it look as though work and energy were the same thing, but they are not. First, potential energy measures the energy that a system has stored in it, while work measures how much energy is transferred in or out. Second, the techniques for calculating work can be used to nd the amount of energy transferred in many situations where there is no potential energy involved, as when we calculate the amount of kinetic energy transformed into heat by a cars brake shoes. A toy gun example 8 A toy gun uses a spring with a spring constant of 10 N/m to shoot a ping-pong ball of mass 5 g. The spring is compressed to 10 cm shorter than its equilibrium length when the gun is loaded. At what speed is the ball released? The equilibrium point is the natural choice for a reference point. Using the equation found previously for the work, we have PEx = 1 k (x x o )2 2 .
The spring loses contact with the ball at the equilibrium point, so the nal potential energy is PEf = 0 The initial potential energy is PEi = 1 (10 N/m)(0.10 m)2 2 = 0.05 J. . .
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The loss in potential energy of 0.05 J means an increase in kinetic energy of the same amount. The velocity of the ball is found by solving the equation K E = (1/2)mv 2 for v , v= = 2K E m (2)(0.05 J) 0.005 kg .
= 4 m/s
Gravitational potential energy example 9 We have already found the equation PE = F y for the gravitational potential energy when the change in height is not enough to cause a signicant change in the gravitational force F . What if the change in height is enough so that this assumption is no longer valid? Use the equation W = GMm(1/r2 1/r1 ) derived in section 13.4 to nd the potential energy, using r = as a reference point. The potential energy equals minus the work that would have to be done to bring the object from r1 = to r = r2 , which is PE = GMm r .
This is simpler than the equation for the work, which is an example of why it is advantageous to record an equation for potential energy relative to some reference point, rather than an equation for work. Although the equations derived in the previous two examples may seem arcane and not particularly useful except for toy designers and rocket scientists, their usefulness is actually greater than it appears. The equation for the potential energy of a spring can be adapted to any other case in which an object is compressed, stretched, twisted, or bent. While you are not likely to use the equation for gravitational potential energy for anything practical, it is directly analogous to an equation that is extremely useful in chemistry, which is the equation for the potential energy of an electron at a distance r from the nucleus of its atom. As discussed in more detail later in the course, the electrical force between the electron and the nucleus is proportional to 1/r2 , just like the gravitational force between two masses. Since the equation for the force is of the same form, so is the equation for the potential energy.
Section 13.5
s / The twin Voyager space probes were perhaps the greatest scientic successes of the space program. Over a period of decades, they ew by all the planets of the outer solar system, probably accomplishing more of scientic interest than the entire space shuttle program at a tiny fraction of the cost. Both Voyager probes completed their nal planetary ybys with speeds greater than the escape velocity at that distance from the sun, and so headed on out of the solar system on hyperbolic orbits, never to return. Radio contact has been lost, and they are now likely to travel interstellar space for billions of years without colliding with anything or being detected by any intelligent species.
Discussion questions
A What does the graph of PE = (1/2)k (x xo )2 look like as a function of x ? Discuss the physical signicance of its features. B What does the graph of PE = GMm/r look like as a function of r ? Discuss the physical signicance of its features. How would the equation and graph change if some other reference point was chosen rather than r = ? C Starting at a distance r from a planet of mass M , how fast must an object be moving in order to have a hyperbolic orbit, i.e., one that never comes back to the planet? This velocity is called the escape velocity. Interpreting the result, does it matter in what direction the velocity is? Does it matter what mass the object has? Does the object escape because it is moving too fast for gravity to act on it? D Does a spring have an escape velocity?
E Calculus-based question: If the form of energy being transferred is potential energy, then the equations F = dW /dx and W = F dx become F = dPE /dx and PE = F dx . How would you then apply the following calculus concepts: zero derivative at minima and maxima, and the second derivative test for concavity up or down.
In the example of the tractor pulling the plow discussed on page 311, the work did not equal F d. The purpose of this section is to explain more fully how the quantity F d can and cannot be used. To simplify things, I write F d throughout this section, but more generally everything said here would be true for the area under the
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graph of F versus d. The following two theorems allow most of the ambiguity to be cleared up. the work-kinetic-energy theorem The change in kinetic energy associated with the motion of an objects center of mass is related to the total force acting on it and to the distance traveled by its center of mass according to the equation KEcm = Ftotal dcm . This can be proved based on Newtons second law and the equation KE = (1/2)mv 2 . Note that despite the traditional name, it does not necessarily tell the amount of work done, since the forces acting on the object could be changing other types of energy besides the KE associated with its center of mass motion. The second theorem does relate directly to work: When a contact force acts between two objects and the two surfaces do not slip past each other, the work done equals F d, where d is the distance traveled by the point of contact. This one has no generally accepted name, so we refer to it simply as the second theorem. A great number of physical situations can be analyzed with these two theorems, and often it is advantageous to apply both of them to the same situation. An ice skater pushing off from a wall example 10 The work-kinetic energy theorem tells us how to calculate the skaters kinetic energy if we know the amount of force and the distance her center of mass travels while she is pushing off. The second theorem tells us that the wall does no work on the skater. This makes sense, since the wall does not have any source of energy. Absorbing an impact without recoiling? example 11 Is it possible to absorb an impact without recoiling? For instance, would a brick wall give at all if hit by a ping-pong ball? There will always be a recoil. In the example proposed, the wall will surely have some energy transferred to it in the form of heat and vibration. The second theorem tells us that we can only have nonzero work if the distance traveled by the point of contact is nonzero.
Section 13.6
Dragging a refrigerator at constant velocity example 12 Newtons rst law tells us that the total force on the refrigerator must be zero: your force is canceling the oors kinetic frictional force. The work-kinetic energy theorem is therefore true but useless. It tells us that there is zero total force on the refrigerator, and that the refrigerators kinetic energy doesnt change. The second theorem tells us that the work you do equals your hands force on the refrigerator multiplied by the distance traveled. Since we know the oor has no source of energy, the only way for the oor and refrigerator to gain energy is from the work you do. We can thus calculate the total heat dissipated by friction in the refrigerator and the oor. Note that there is no way to nd how much of the heat is dissipated in the oor and how much in the refrigerator. Accelerating a cart example 13 If you push on a cart and accelerate it, there are two forces acting on the cart: your hands force, and the static frictional force of the ground pushing on the wheels in the opposite direction. Applying the second theorem to your force tells us how to calculate the work you do. Applying the second theorem to the oors force tells us that the oor does no work on the cart. There is no motion at the point of contact, because the atoms in the oor are not moving. (The atoms in the surface of the wheel are also momentarily at rest when they touch the oor.) This makes sense, since the oor does not have any source of energy. The work-kinetic energy theorem refers to the total force, and because the oors backward force cancels part of your force, the total force is less than your force. This tells us that only part of your work goes into the kinetic energy associated with the forward motion of the carts center of mass. The rest goes into rotation of the wheels.
Up until now, we have not found any physically useful way to dene the multiplication of two vectors. It would be possible, for instance, to multiply two vectors component by component to form a third vector, but there are no physical situations where such a multiplication would be useful. The equation W = |F||d| cos is an example of a sort of multiplication of vectors that is useful. The result is a scalar, not a vector, and this is therefore often referred to as the scalar product of the vectors F and d. There is a standard shorthand notation for
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is the angle between vectors A and B] and because of this notation, a more common term for this operation is the dot product. In dot product notation, the equation for work is simply W =Fd . The dot product has the following geometric interpretation: A B = |A|(component of B parallel to A) = |B|(component of A parallel to B) The dot product has some of the properties possessed by ordinary multiplication of numbers, AB=BA A (B + C) = A B + A C (cA) B = c (A B) , but it lacks one other: the ability to undo multiplication by dividing. If you know the components of two vectors, you can easily calculate their dot product as follows: A B = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz . (This can be proved by rst analyzing the special case where each vector has only an x component, and the similar cases for y and z . We can then use the rule A (B + C) = A B + A C to make a generalization by writing each vector as the sum of its x, y , and z components. See homework problem 17.) Magnitude expressed with a dot product example 14 If we take the dot product of any vector b with itself, we nd + by y + bz z bx x + by y + bz z b b = bx x
2 2 2 = bx + by + bz
so its magnitude can be expressed as |b| = b b . We will often write b2 to mean b b, when the context makes it clear what is intended. For example, we could express kinetic energy as (1/2)m|v|2 , (1/2)mv v, or (1/2)mv 2 . In the third version, nothing but context tells us that v really stands for the magnitude of some vector v. Towing a barge example 15 , and A mule pulls a barge with a force F=(1100 N)x + (400 N)y . How much work does it the total distance it travels is (1000 m)x do? The dot product is 1.1 106 N m = 1.1 106 J.
Section 13.7
Selected vocabulary work . . . . . . . . the amount of energy transferred into or out of a system, excluding energy transferred by heat conduction Notation W . . . . . . . . . Summary Work is a measure of the transfer of mechanical energy, i.e., the transfer of energy by a force rather than by heat conduction. When the force is constant, work can usually be calculated as W = F |d| , [only if the force is constant] work
where d is simply a less cumbersome notation for r, the vector from the initial position to the nal position. Thus, A force in the same direction as the motion does positive work, i.e., transfers energy into the object on which it acts. A force in the opposite direction compared to the motion does negative work, i.e., transfers energy out of the object on which it acts. When there is no motion, no mechanical work is done. The human body burns calories when it exerts a force without moving, but this is an internal energy transfer of energy within the body, and thus does not fall within the scientic denition of work. A force perpendicular to the motion does no work. When the force is not constant, the above equation should be generalized as the area under the graph of F versus d. Machines such as pulleys, levers, and gears may increase or decrease a force, but they can never increase or decrease the amount of work done. That would violate conservation of energy unless the machine had some source of stored energy or some way to accept and store up energy. There are some situations in which the equation W = F |d| is ambiguous or not true, and these issues are discussed rigorously in section 13.6. However, problems can usually be avoided by analyzing the types of energy being transferred before plunging into the math. In any case there is no substitute for a physical understanding of the processes involved. The techniques developed for calculating work can also be applied to the calculation of potential energy. We x some position
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as a reference position, and calculate the potential energy for some other position, x, as P Ex = Wrefx .
The following two equations for potential energy have broader signicance than might be suspected based on the limited situations in which they were derived: 1 P E = k (x xo )2 2 .
[potential energy of a spring having spring constant k , when stretched or compressed from the equilibrium position xo ; analogous equations apply for the twisting, bending, compression, or stretching of any object.] GM m r [gravitational potential energy of objects of masses M and m, separated by a distance r; an analogous equation applies to the electrical potential energy of an electron in an atom.] PE =
Key A computerized answer check is available online. A problem that requires calculus. A dicult problem.
1 Two speedboats are identical, but one has more people aboard than the other. Although the total masses of the two boats are unequal, suppose that they happen to have the same kinetic energy. In a boat, as in a car, its important to be able to stop in time to avoid hitting things. (a) If the frictional force from the water is the same in both cases, how will the boats stopping distances compare? Explain. (b) Compare the times required for the boats to stop. 2 In each of the following situations, is the work being done positive, negative, or zero? (a) a bull paws the ground; (b) a shing boat pulls a net through the water behind it; (c) the water resists the motion of the net through it; (d) you stand behind a pickup truck and lower a bale of hay from the trucks bed to the ground. Explain. [Based on a problem by Serway and Faughn.] 3 In the earths atmosphere, the molecules are constantly moving around. Because temperature is a measure of kinetic energy per molecule, the average kinetic energy of each type of molecule is the same, e.g., the average KE of the O2 molecules is the same as the average KE of the N2 molecules. (a) If the mass of an O2 molecule is eight times greater than that of a He atom, what is the ratio of their average speeds? Which way is the ratio, i.e., which is typically moving faster? (b) Use your result from part a to explain why any helium occurring naturally in the atmosphere has long since escaped into outer space, never to return. (Helium is obtained commercially by extracting it from rocks.) You may want to do problem 21 rst, for insight. 4 Weiping lifts a rock with a weight of 1.0 N through a height of 1.0 m, and then lowers it back down to the starting point. Bubba pushes a table 1.0 m across the oor at constant speed, requiring a force of 1.0 N, and then pushes it back to where it started. (a) Compare the total work done by Weiping and Bubba. (b) Check that your answers to part a make sense, using the denition of work: work is the transfer of energy. In your answer, youll need to discuss what specic type of energy is involved in each case. 5 In one of his more amboyant moments, Galileo wrote Who does not know that a horse falling from a height of three or four cubits will break his bones, while a dog falling from the same height or a cat from a height of eight or ten cubits will suer no injury? Equally harmless would be the fall of a grasshopper from a tower or the fall of an ant from the distance of the moon. Find the speed of an ant that falls to earth from the distance of the moon at the
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moment when it is about to enter the atmosphere. Assume it is released from a point that is not actually near the moon, so the moons gravity is negligible. You will need the result of example 9 on p. 325. 6 [Problem 6 has been deleted.]
7 (a) The crew of an 18th century warship is raising the anchor. The anchor has a mass of 5000 kg. The water is 30 m deep. The chain to which the anchor is attached has a mass per unit length of 150 kg/m. Before they start raising the anchor, what is the total weight of the anchor plus the portion of the chain hanging out of the ship? (Assume that the buoyancy of the anchor and is negligible.) (b) After they have raised the anchor by 1 m, what is the weight they are raising? (c) Dene y = 0 when the anchor is resting on the bottom, and y = +30 m when it has been raised up to the ship. Draw a graph of the force the crew has to exert to raise the anchor and chain, as a function of y . (Assume that they are raising it slowly, so water resistance is negligible.) It will not be a constant! Now nd the area under the graph, and determine the work done by the crew in raising the anchor, in joules. (d) Convert your answer from (c) into units of kcal. 8 In the power stroke of a cars gasoline engine, the fuel-air mixture is ignited by the spark plug, explodes, and pushes the piston out. The exploding mixtures force on the piston head is greatest at the beginning of the explosion, and decreases as the mixture expands. It can be approximated by F = a/x, where x is the distance from the cylinder to the piston head, and a is a constant with units of N m. (Actually a/x1.4 would be more accurate, but the problem works out more nicely with a/x!) The piston begins its stroke at x = x1 , and ends at x = x2 . The 1965 Rambler had six cylinders, each with a = 220 N m, x1 = 1.2 cm, and x2 = 10.2 cm. (a) Draw a neat, accurate graph of F vs x, on graph paper. (b) From the area under the curve, derive the amount of work done in one stroke by one cylinder. (c) Assume the engine is running at 4800 r.p.m., so that during one minute, each of the six cylinders performs 2400 power strokes. (Power strokes only happen every other revolution.) Find the en gines power, in units of horsepower (1 hp=746 W). (d) The compression ratio of an engine is dened as x2 /x1 . Explain in words why the cars power would be exactly the same if x1 and x2 were, say, halved or tripled, maintaining the same compression ratio of 8.5. Explain why this would not quite be true with the more realistic force equation F = a/x1.4 . 9 The magnitude of the force between two magnets separated by a distance r can be approximated as kr3 for large values of r. The constant k depends on the strengths of the magnets and the
Problem 8: A cylinder from the 1965 Ramblers engine. The piston is shown in its pushed out position. The two bulges at the top are for the valves that let fresh air-gas mixture in. Based on a gure from Motor Services Automotive Encyclopedia, Toboldt and Purvis.
relative orientations of their north and south poles. Two magnets are released on a slippery surface at an initial distance ri , and begin sliding towards each other. What will be the total kinetic energy of the two magnets when they reach a nal distance rf ?(Ignore friction.) 10 A car starts from rest at t = 0, and starts speeding up with constant acceleration. (a) Find the cars kinetic energy in terms of its mass, m, acceleration, a, and the time, t. (b) Your answer in the previous part also equals the amount of work, W , done from t = 0 until time t. Take the derivative of the previous expression to nd the power expended by the car at time t. (c) Suppose two cars with the same mass both start from rest at the same time, but one has twice as much acceleration as the other. At any moment, how many times more power is being dissipated by the more quickly accelerating car? (The answer is not 2.) 11 A space probe of mass m is dropped into a previously unexplored spherical cloud of gas and dust, and accelerates toward the center of the cloud under the inuence of the clouds gravity. Measurements of its velocity allow its potential energy, P E , to be determined as a function of the distance r from the clouds center. The mass in the cloud is distributed in a spherically symmetric way, so its density, (r), depends only on r and not on the angular coordinates. Show that by nding P E , one can infer (r) as follows: (r) = 1 d 4Gmr2 dr r2 dP E dr .
12 A rail gun is a device like a train on a track, with the train propelled by a powerful electrical pulse. Very high speeds have been demonstrated in test models, and rail guns have been proposed as an alternative to rockets for sending into outer space any object that would be strong enough to survive the extreme accelerations. Suppose that the rail gun capsule is launched straight up, and that the force of air friction acting on it is given by F = becx , where x is the altitude, b and c are constants, and e is the base of natural logarithms. The exponential decay occurs because the atmosphere gets thinner with increasing altitude. (In reality, the force would probably drop o even faster than an exponential, because the capsule would be slowing down somewhat.) Find the amount of kinetic energy lost by the capsule due to air friction between when it is launched and when it is completely beyond the atmosphere. (Gravity is negligible, since the air friction force is much greater than the gravitational force.) 13 A certain binary star system consists of two stars with masses m1 and m2 , separated by a distance b. A comet, originally nearly at rest in deep space, drops into the system and at a certain point
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in time arrives at the midpoint between the two stars. For that moment in time, nd its velocity, v , symbolically in terms of b,m1 , m2 , and fundamental constants. 14 An airplane ies in the positive direction along the x axis, through crosswinds that exert a force F = (a + bx) x + (c + dx) y. Find the work done by the wind on the plane, and by the plane on the wind, in traveling from the origin to position x. 15 In 1935, Yukawa proposed an early theory of the force that held the neutrons and protons together in the nucleus. His equation for the potential energy of two such particles, at a center-tocenter distance r, was P E (r) = gr1 er/a , where g parametrizes the strength of the interaction, e is the base of natural logarithms, and a is about 1015 m. Find the force between two nucleons that would be consistent with this equation for the potential energy. 16 Prove that the dot product dened in section 13.7 is rotationally invariant in the sense of section 7.5. 17 Fill in the details of the proof of A B = Ax Bx + Ay By + Az Bz on page 329. 18 Does it make sense to say that work is conserved? Solution, p. 532
19 (a) Suppose work is done in one-dimensional motion. What happens to the work if you reverse the direction of the positive coordinate axis? Base your answer directly on the denition of work. (b) Now answer the question based on the W = F d rule. 20 A microwave oven works by twisting molecules one way and then the other, counterclockwise and then clockwise about their own centers, millions of times a second. If you put an ice cube or a stick of butter in a microwave, youll observe that the oven doesnt heat the solid very quickly, although eventually melting begins in one small spot. Once a melted spot forms, it grows rapidly, while the rest of the solid remains solid. In other words, it appears based on this experiment that a microwave oven heats a liquid much more rapidly than a solid. Explain why this should happen, based on the atomic-level description of heat, solids, and liquids. (See, e.g., gure b on page 297.) Please dont repeat the following common mistakes in your explanation: In a solid, the atoms are packed more tightly and have less space between them. Not true. Ice oats because its less dense than water. In a liquid, the atoms are moving much faster. No, the dierence in average speed between ice at 1 C and water at 1 C is only 0.4%.
21 Starting at a distance r from a planet of mass M , how fast must an object be moving in order to have a hyperbolic orbit, i.e., one that never comes back to the planet? This velocity is called the escape velocity. Interpreting the result, does it matter in what direction the velocity is? Does it matter what mass the object has? Does the object escape because it is moving too fast for gravity to act on it? 22 The gure, redrawn from Grays Anatomy, shows the tension of which a muscle is capable. The variable x is dened as the contraction of the muscle from its maximum length L, so that at x = 0 the muscle has length L, and at x = L the muscle would theoretically have zero length. In reality, the muscle can only contract to x = cL, where c is less than 1. When the muscle is extended to its maximum length, at x = 0, it is capable of the greatest tension, To . As the muscle contracts, however, it becomes weaker. Gray suggests approximating this function as a linear decrease, which would theoretically extrapolate to zero at x = L. (a) Find the maximum work the muscle can do in one contraction, in terms of c, L, and To . (b) Show that your answer to part a has the right units. (c) Show that your answer to part a has the right behavior when c = 0 and when c = 1. (d) Gray also states that the absolute maximum tension To has been found to be approximately proportional to the muscles crosssectional area A (which is presumably measured at x = 0), with proportionality constant k . Approximating the muscle as a cylinder, show that your answer from part a can be reexpressed in terms of the volume, V , eliminating L and A. (e) Evaluate your result numerically for a biceps muscle with a volume of 200 cm3 , with c = 0.8 and k = 100 N/cm2 as estimated by Gray. 23 A car accelerates from rest. At low speeds, its acceleration is limited by static friction, so that if we press too hard on the gas, we will burn rubber (or, for many newer cars, a computerized traction-control system will override the gas pedal). At higher speeds, the limit on acceleration comes from the power of the engine, which puts a limit on how fast kinetic energy can be developed. (a) Show that if a force F is applied to an object moving at speed v , the power required is given by P = vF . (b) Find the speed v at which we cross over from the rst regime described above to the second. At speeds higher than this, the engine does not have enough power to burn rubber. Express your result in terms of the cars power P , its mass m, the coecient of static friction s , and g . (c) Show that your answer to part b has units that make sense.
Problem 22.
Chapter 13
(d) Show that the dependence of your answer on each of the four variables makes sense physically. (e) The 2010 Maserati Gran Turismo Convertible has a maximum power of 3.23 105 W (433 horsepower) and a mass (including a 50kg driver) of 2.03 103 kg. (This power is the maximum the engine can supply at its optimum frequency of 7600 r.p.m. Presumably the automatic transmission is designed so a gear is available in which the engine will be running at very nearly this frequency when the car is at moving at v .) Rubber on asphalt has s 0.9. Find v for this car. Answer: 18 m/s, or about 40 miles per hour. (f) Our analysis has neglected air friction, which can probably be approximated as a force proportional to v 2 . The existence of this force is the reason that the car has a maximum speed, which is 176 miles per hour. To get a feeling for how good an approximation it is to ignore air friction, nd what fraction of the engines maximum power is being used to overcome air resistance when the car is moving at the speed v found in part e. Answer: 1% 24 Most modern bow hunters in the U.S. use a fancy mechanical bow called a compound bow, which looks nothing like what most people imagine when they think of a bow and arrow. It has a system of pulleys designed to produce the force curve shown in the gure, where F is the force required to pull the string back, and x is the distance between the string and the center of the bows body. It is not a linear Hookes-law graph, as it would be for an old-fashioned bow. The big advantage of the design is that relatively little force is required to hold the bow stretched to point B on the graph. This is the force required from the hunter in order to hold the bow ready while waiting for a shot. Since it may be necessary to wait a long time, this force cant be too big. An old-fashioned bow, designed to require the same amount of force when fully drawn, would shoot arrows at much lower speeds, since its graph would be a straight line from A to B. For the graph shown in the gure (taken from realistic data), nd the speed at which a 26 g arrow is released, assuming that 70% of the mechanical work done by the hand is actually transmitted to the arrow. (The other 30% is lost to frictional heating inside the bow and kinetic energy of the recoiling and vibrating bow.)
Problem 24.
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Conservation of momentum
In many subelds of physics these days, it is possible to read an entire issue of a journal without ever encountering an equation involving force or a reference to Newtons laws of motion. In the last hundred and fty years, an entirely dierent framework has been developed for physics, based on conservation laws. The new approach is not just preferred because it is in fashion. It applies inside an atom or near a black hole, where Newtons laws do not. Even in everyday situations the new approach can be superior. We have already seen how perpetual motion machines could be designed that were too complex to be easily debunked by Newtons laws. The beauty of conservation laws is that they tell us something must remain the same, regardless of the complexity of the process. So far we have discussed only two conservation laws, the laws of conservation of mass and energy. Is there any reason to believe that further conservation laws are needed in order to replace Newtons laws as a complete description of nature? Yes. Conservation of mass and energy do not relate in any way to the three dimensions of space, because both are scalars. Conservation of energy, for instance, does not prevent the planet earth from abruptly making a 90-degree turn and heading straight into the sun, because kinetic energy does not depend on direction. In this chapter, we develop a new conserved quantity, called momentum, which is a vector.
14.1 Momentum
A conserved quantity of motion Your rst encounter with conservation of momentum may have come as a small child unjustly conned to a shopping cart. You spot something interesting to play with, like the display case of imported wine down at the end of the aisle, and decide to push the cart over there. But being imprisoned by Dad in the cart was not the only injustice that day. There was a far greater conspiracy to thwart your young id, one that originated in the laws of nature. Pushing forward did nudge the cart forward, but it pushed you backward. If the wheels of the cart were well lubricated, it wouldnt matter how you jerked, yanked, or kicked o from the back of the cart. You could not cause any overall forward motion of the entire system consisting of the cart with you inside. In the Newtonian framework, we describe this as arising from Newtons third law. The cart made a force on you that was equal and opposite to your force on it. In the framework of conservation laws, we cannot attribute your frustration to conservation of energy. It would have been perfectly possible for you to transform some of the internal chemical energy stored in your body to kinetic energy of the cart and your body. The following characteristics of the situation suggest that there may be a new conservation law involved: A closed system is involved. All conservation laws deal with closed systems. You and the cart are a closed system, since the well-oiled wheels prevent the oor from making any forward force on you. Something remains unchanged. The overall velocity of the system started out being zero, and you cannot change it. This vague reference to overall velocity can be made more precise: it is the velocity of the systems center of mass that cannot be changed. Something can be transferred back and forth without changing the total amount. If we dene forward as positive and backward as negative, then one part of the system can gain positive motion if another part acquires negative motion. If we dont want to worry about positive and negative signs, we can imagine that the whole cart was initially gliding forward on its well-oiled wheels. By kicking o from the back of the cart, you could increase your own velocity, but this inevitably causes the cart to slow down.
Chapter 14
Conservation of momentum
It thus appears that there is some numerical measure of an objects quantity of motion that is conserved when you add up all the objects within a system. Momentum Although velocity has been referred to, it is not the total velocity of a closed system that remains constant. If it was, then ring a gun would cause the gun to recoil at the same velocity as the bullet! The gun does recoil, but at a much lower velocity than the bullet. Newtons third law tells us Fgun
on bullet
= Fbullet
on gun
and assuming a constant force for simplicity, Newtons second law allows us to change this to mbullet vgun vbullet = mgun t t .
Thus if the gun has 100 times more mass than the bullet, it will recoil at a velocity that is 100 times smaller and in the opposite direction, represented by the opposite sign. The quantity mv is therefore apparently a useful measure of motion, and we give it a name, momentum, and a symbol, p. (As far as I know, the letter p was just chosen at random, since m was already being used for mass.) The situations discussed so far have been one-dimensional, but in three-dimensional situations it is treated as a vector. denition of momentum for material objects The momentum of a material object, i.e., a piece of matter, is dened as p = mv , the product of the objects mass and its velocity vector. The units of momentum are kg m/s, and there is unfortunately no abbreviation for this clumsy combination of units. The reasoning leading up to the denition of momentum was all based on the search for a conservation law, and the only reason why we bother to dene such a quantity is that experiments show it is conserved: the law of conservation of momentum In any closed system, the vector sum of all the momenta remains constant, p1i + p2i + . . . = p1f + p2f + . . . , where i labels the initial and f the nal momenta. (A closed system is one on which no external forces act.)
Section 14.1
This chapter rst addresses the one-dimensional case, in which the direction of the momentum can be taken into account by using plus and minus signs. We then pass to three dimensions, necessitating the use of vector addition. A subtle point about conservation laws is that they all refer to closed systems, but closed means dierent things in dierent cases. When discussing conservation of mass, closed means a system that doesnt have matter moving in or out of it. With energy, we mean that there is no work or heat transfer occurring across the boundary of the system. For momentum conservation, closed means there are no external forces reaching into the system. A cannon example 1 A cannon of mass 1000 kg res a 10-kg shell at a velocity of 200 m/s. At what speed does the cannon recoil? The law of conservation of momentum tells us that pcannon,i + pshell ,i = pcannon,f + pshell ,f .
Choosing a coordinate system in which the cannon points in the positive direction, the given information is pcannon,i = 0 pshell ,i = 0 pshell ,f = 2000 kg m/s . We must have pcannon,f = 2000 kg m/s, so the recoil velocity of the cannon is 2 m/s.
Ion drive for propelling spacecraft example 2 The experimental solar-powered ion drive of the Deep Space 1 space probe expels its xenon gas exhaust at a speed of 30,000 m/s, ten times faster than the exhaust velocity for a typical chemical-fuel rocket engine. Roughly how many times greater is the maximum speed this spacecraft can reach, compared with a chemical-fueled probe with the same mass of fuel (reaction mass) available for pushing out the back as exhaust? Momentum equals mass multiplied by velocity. Both spacecraft are assumed to have the same amount of reaction mass, and the ion drives exhaust has a velocity ten times greater, so the momentum of its exhaust is ten times greater. Before the engine starts ring, neither the probe nor the exhaust has any momentum, so the total momentum of the system is zero. By conservation of momentum, the total momentum must also be zero after
Chapter 14
Conservation of momentum
a / The ion drive engine of the NASA Deep Space 1 probe, shown under construction (left) and being tested in a vacuum chamber (right) prior to its October 1998 launch. Intended mainly as a test vehicle for new technologies, the craft nevertheless carried out a successful scientic program that included a yby of a comet.
all the exhaust has been expelled. If we dene the positive direction as the direction the spacecraft is going, then the negative momentum of the exhaust is canceled by the positive momentum of the spacecraft. The ion drive allows a nal speed that is ten times greater. (This simplied analysis ignores the fact that the reaction mass expelled later in the burn is not moving backward as fast, because of the forward speed of the already-moving spacecraft.) Generalization of the momentum concept As with all the conservation laws, the law of conservation of momentum has evolved over time. In the 1800s it was found that a beam of light striking an object would give it some momentum, even though light has no mass, and would therefore have no momentum
Section 14.1
according to the above denition. Rather than discarding the principle of conservation of momentum, the physicists of the time decided to see if the denition of momentum could be extended to include momentum carried by light. The process is analogous to the process outlined on page 281 for identifying new forms of energy. The rst step was the discovery that light could impart momentum to matter, and the second step was to show that the momentum possessed by light could be related in a denite way to observable properties of the light. They found that conservation of momentum could be successfully generalized by attributing to a beam of light a momentum vector in the direction of the lights motion and having a magnitude proportional to the amount of energy the light possessed. The momentum of light is negligible under ordinary circumstances, e.g., a ashlight left on for an hour would only absorb about 105 kg m/s of momentum as it recoiled. The tail of a comet example 3 Momentum is not always equal to mv . Like many comets, Halleys comet has a very elongated elliptical orbit. About once per century, its orbit brings it close to the sun. The comets head, or nucleus, is composed of dirty ice, so the energy deposited by the intense sunlight boils off steam and dust, b. The sunlight does not just carry energy, however it also carries momentum. The momentum of the sunlight impacting on the smaller dust particles pushes them away from the sun, forming a tail, c. By analogy with matter, for which momentum equals mv , you would expect that massless light would have zero momentum, but the equation p = mv is not the correct one for light, and light does have momentum. (The gases typically form a second, distinct tail whose motion is controlled by the suns magnetic eld.) The reason for bringing this up is not so that you can plug numbers into a formulas in these exotic situations. The point is that the conservation laws have proven so sturdy exactly because they can easily be amended to t new circumstances. Newtons laws are no longer at the center of the stage of physics because they did not have the same adaptability. More generally, the moral of this story is the provisional nature of scientic truth. It should also be noted that conservation of momentum is not a consequence of Newtons laws, as is often asserted in textbooks. Newtons laws do not apply to light, and therefore could not possibly be used to prove anything about a concept as general as the conservation of momentum in its modern form. Momentum compared to kinetic energy
c / Halleys comet, in a much less magnied view from a ground-based telescope.
b / Steam and other gases boiling off of the nucleus of Halleys comet. This close-up photo was taken by the European Giotto space probe, which passed within 596 km of the nucleus on March 13, 1986.
Momentum and kinetic energy are both measures of the quantity of motion, and a sideshow in the Newton-Leibnitz controversy over who invented calculus was an argument over whether mv (i.e., momentum) or mv 2 (i.e., kinetic energy without the 1/2 in front)
Chapter 14
Conservation of momentum
was the true measure of motion. The modern student can certainly be excused for wondering why we need both quantities, when their complementary nature was not evident to the greatest minds of the 1700s. The following table highlights their dierences. kinetic energy . . . is a scalar. is not changed by a force perpendicular to the motion, which changes only the direction of the velocity vector. momentum . . . is a vector is changed by any force, since a change in either the magnitude or the direction of the velocity vector will result in a change in the momentum vector. is always positive, and cannot cancel cancels with momentum in the opout. posite direction. can be traded for other forms of en- is always conserved in a closed sysergy that do not involve motion. KE tem. is not a conserved quantity by itself. is quadrupled if the velocity is dou- is doubled if the velocity is doubled. bled. A spinning top example 4 A spinning top has zero total momentum, because for every moving point, there is another point on the opposite side that cancels its momentum. It does, however, have kinetic energy. Momentum and kinetic energy in ring a rie example 5 The rie and bullet have zero momentum and zero kinetic energy to start with. When the trigger is pulled, the bullet gains some momentum in the forward direction, but this is canceled by the ries backward momentum, so the total momentum is still zero. The kinetic energies of the gun and bullet are both positive scalars, however, and do not cancel. The total kinetic energy is allowed to increase, because kinetic energy is being traded for other forms of energy. Initially there is chemical energy in the gunpowder. This chemical energy is converted into heat, sound, and kinetic energy. The guns backward kinetic energy does not refrigerate the shooters shoulder! The wobbly earth example 6 As the moon completes half a circle around the earth, its motion reverses direction. This does not involve any change in kinetic energy, and the earths gravitational force does not do any work on the moon. The reversed velocity vector does, however, imply a reversed momentum vector, so conservation of momentum in the closed earth-moon system tells us that the earth must also change its momentum. In fact, the earth wobbles in a little orbit about a point below its surface on the line connecting it and the moon. The two bodies momentum vectors always point in opposite directions and cancel each other out.
Section 14.1
The earth and moon get a divorce example 7 Why cant the moon suddenly decide to y off one way and the earth the other way? It is not forbidden by conservation of momentum, because the moons newly acquired momentum in one direction could be canceled out by the change in the momentum of the earth, supposing the earth headed the opposite direction at the appropriate, slower speed. The catastrophe is forbidden by conservation of energy, because both their energies would have to increase greatly. Momentum and kinetic energy of a glacier example 8 A cubic-kilometer glacier would have a mass of about 1012 kg. If it moves at a speed of 105 m/s, then its momentum is 107 kg m/s. This is the kind of heroic-scale result we expect, perhaps the equivalent of the space shuttle taking off, or all the cars in LA driving in the same direction at freeway speed. Its kinetic energy, however, is only 50 J, the equivalent of the calories contained in a poppy seed or the energy in a drop of gasoline too small to be seen without a microscope. The surprisingly small kinetic energy is because kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the velocity, and the square of a small number is an even smaller number. Discussion questions
A If all the air molecules in the room settled down in a thin lm on the oor, would that violate conservation of momentum as well as conservation of energy? B A refrigerator has coils in back that get hot, and heat is molecular motion. These moving molecules have both energy and momentum. Why doesnt the refrigerator need to be tied to the wall to keep it from recoiling from the momentum it loses out the back?
Physicists employ the term collision in a broader sense than ordinary usage, applying it to any situation where objects interact for a certain period of time. A bat hitting a baseball, a radioactively emitted particle damaging DNA, and a gun and a bullet going their separate ways are all examples of collisions in this sense. Physical contact is not even required. A comet swinging past the sun on a hyperbolic orbit is considered to undergo a collision, even though it never touches the sun. All that matters is that the comet and the sun exerted gravitational forces on each other. The reason for broadening the term collision in this way is that all of these situations can be attacked mathematically using the same conservation laws in similar ways. In the rst example, conservation of momentum is all that is required.
Chapter 14
Conservation of momentum
Getting rear-ended example 9 Ms. Chang is rear-ended at a stop light by Mr. Nelson, and sues to make him pay her medical bills. He testies that he was only going 35 miles per hour when he hit Ms. Chang. She thinks he was going much faster than that. The cars skidded together after the impact, and measurements of the length of the skid marks and the coefcient of friction show that their joint velocity immediately after the impact was 19 miles per hour. Mr. Nelsons Nissan weighs 3100 pounds, and Ms. Chang s Cadillac weighs 5200 pounds. Is Mr. Nelson telling the truth? Since the cars skidded together, we can write down the equation for conservation of momentum using only two velocities, v for Mr. Nelsons velocity before the crash, and v for their joint velocity afterward: mN v = mN v + mC v . Solving for the unknown, v , we nd v= 1+ mC mN v .
Although we are given the weights in pounds, a unit of force, the ratio of the masses is the same as the ratio of the weights, and we nd v = 51 miles per hour. He is lying. The above example was simple because both cars had the same velocity afterward. In many one-dimensional collisions, however, the two objects do not stick. If we wish to predict the result of such a collision, conservation of momentum does not suce, because both velocities after the collision are unknown, so we have one equation in two unknowns. Conservation of energy can provide a second equation, but its application is not as straightforward, because kinetic energy is only the particular form of energy that has to do with motion. In many collisions, part of the kinetic energy that was present before the collision is used to create heat or sound, or to break the objects or permanently bend them. Cars, in fact, are carefully designed to crumple in a collision. Crumpling the car uses up energy, and thats good because the goal is to get rid of all that kinetic energy in a relatively safe and controlled way. At the opposite extreme, a superball is super because it emerges from a collision with almost all its original kinetic energy, having only stored it briey as potential energy while it was being squashed by the impact. Collisions of the superball type, in which almost no kinetic energy is converted to other forms of energy, can thus be analyzed more thoroughly, because they have KEf = KEi , as opposed to the less useful inequality KEf < KEi for a case like a tennis ball bouncing on grass.
Section 14.2
Pool balls colliding head-on example 10 Two pool balls collide head-on, so that the collision is restricted to one dimension. Pool balls are constructed so as to lose as little kinetic energy as possible in a collision, so under the assumption that no kinetic energy is converted to any other form of energy, what can we predict about the results of such a collision? Pool balls have identical masses, so we use the same symbol m for both. Conservation of momentum and no loss of kinetic energy give us the two equations mv1i + mv2i = mv1f + mv2f 1 1 1 1 mv 2 + mv 2 = mv 2 + mv 2 2 1i 2 2i 2 1f 2 2f The masses and the factors of 1/2 can be divided out, and we eliminate the cumbersome subscripts by replacing the symbols v1i ,... with the symbols A, B , C , and D : A+B =C+D A + B2 = C 2 + D2
Gory Details of the Proof in Example 10 The equation A + B = C + D says that the change in one balls velocity is equal and opposite to the change in the others. We invent a symbol x = C A for the change in ball 1s velocity. The second equation can then be rewritten as A2 + B 2 = (A + x )2 +(B x )2 . Squaring out the quantities in parentheses and then simplifying, we get 0 = Ax Bx + x 2 . The equation has the trivial solution x = 0, i.e., neither balls velocity is changed, but this is physically impossible because the balls cant travel through each other like ghosts. Assuming x = 0, we can divide by x and solve for x = B A. This means that ball 1 has gained an amount of velocity exactly right to match ball 2s initial velocity, and viceversa. The balls must have swapped velocities.
A little experimentation with numbers shows that given values of A and B , it is impossible to nd C and D that satisfy these equations unless C and D equal A and B , or C and D are the same as A and B but swapped around. A formal proof of this fact is given in the sidebar. In the special case where ball 2 is initially at rest, this tells us that ball 1 is stopped dead by the collision, and ball 2 heads off at the velocity originally possessed by ball 1. This behavior will be familiar to players of pool. Often, as in the example above, the details of the algebra are the least interesting part of the problem, and considerable physical insight can be gained simply by counting the number of unknowns and comparing to the number of equations. Suppose a beginner at pool notices a case where her cue ball hits an initially stationary ball and stops dead. Wow, what a good trick, she thinks. I bet I could never do that again in a million years. But she tries again, and nds that she cant help doing it even if she doesnt want to. Luckily she has just learned about collisions in her physics course. Once she has written down the equations for conservation of energy and no loss of kinetic energy, she really doesnt have to complete the algebra. She knows that she has two equations in two unknowns, so there must be a well-dened solution. Once she has seen the result of one such collision, she knows that the same thing must happen every time. The same thing would happen with colliding marbles or croquet balls. It doesnt matter if the masses or velocities are dierent, because that just multiplies both equations by some constant factor.
Chapter 14
Conservation of momentum
The discovery of the neutron This was the type of reasoning employed by James Chadwick in his 1932 discovery of the neutron. At the time, the atom was imagined to be made out of two types of fundamental particles, protons and electrons. The protons were far more massive, and clustered together in the atoms core, or nucleus. Attractive electrical forces caused the electrons to orbit the nucleus in circles, in much the same way that gravitational forces kept the planets from cruising out of the solar system. Experiments showed that the helium nucleus, for instance, exerted exactly twice as much electrical force on an electron as a nucleus of hydrogen, the smallest atom, and this was explained by saying that helium had two protons to hydrogens one. The trouble was that according to this model, helium would have two electrons and two protons, giving it precisely twice the mass of a hydrogen atom with one of each. In fact, helium has about four times the mass of hydrogen. Chadwick suspected that the helium nucleus possessed two additional particles of a new type, which did not participate in electrical forces at all, i.e., were electrically neutral. If these particles had very nearly the same mass as protons, then the four-to-one mass ratio of helium and hydrogen could be explained. In 1930, a new type of radiation was discovered that seemed to t this description. It was electrically neutral, and seemed to be coming from the nuclei of light elements that had been exposed to other types of radiation. At this time, however, reports of new types of particles were a dime a dozen, and most of them turned out to be either clusters made of previously known particles or else previously known particles with higher energies. Many physicists believed that the new particle that had attracted Chadwicks interest was really a previously known particle called a gamma ray, which was electrically neutral. Since gamma rays have no mass, Chadwick decided to try to determine the new particles mass and see if it was nonzero and approximately equal to the mass of a proton. Unfortunately a subatomic particle is not something you can just put on a scale and weigh. Chadwick came up with an ingenious solution. The masses of the nuclei of the various chemical elements were already known, and techniques had already been developed for measuring the speed of a rapidly moving nucleus. He therefore set out to bombard samples of selected elements with the mysterious new particles. When a direct, head-on collision occurred between a mystery particle and the nucleus of one of the target atoms, the nucleus would be knocked out of the atom, and he would measure its velocity. Suppose, for instance, that we bombard a sample of hydrogen atoms with the mystery particles. Since the participants in the collision are fundamental particles, there is no way for kinetic energy
Section 14.2
e / Chadwicks subatomic pool table. A disk of the naturally occurring metal polonium provides a source of radiation capable of kicking neutrons out of the beryllium nuclei. The type of radiation emitted by the polonium is easily absorbed by a few mm of air, so the air has to be pumped out of the left-hand chamber. The neutrons, Chadwicks mystery particles, penetrate matter far more readily, and y out through the wall and into the chamber on the right, which is lled with nitrogen or hydrogen gas. When a neutron collides with a nitrogen or hydrogen nucleus, it kicks it out of its atom at high speed, and this recoiling nucleus then rips apart thousands of other atoms of the gas. The result is an electrical pulse that can be detected in the wire on the right. Physicists had already calibrated this type of apparatus so that they could translate the strength of the electrical pulse into the velocity of the recoiling nucleus. The whole apparatus shown in the gure would t in the palm of your hand, in dramatic contrast to todays giant particle accelerators.
to be converted into heat or any other form of energy, and Chadwick thus had two equations in three unknowns: equation #1: conservation of momentum equation #2: no loss of kinetic energy unknown #1: mass of the mystery particle unknown #2: initial velocity of the mystery particle unknown #3: nal velocity of the mystery particle The number of unknowns is greater than the number of equations, so there is no unique solution. But by creating collisions with nuclei of another element, nitrogen, he gained two more equations at the expense of only one more unknown: equation #3: conservation of momentum in the new collision equation #4: no loss of kinetic energy in the new collision unknown #4: nal velocity of the mystery particle in the new collision
Chapter 14
Conservation of momentum