The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - July & August 2006
The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - July & August 2006
The 'X' Chronicles Newspaper - July & August 2006
Vol 11, No 6 ISSN - 1499-8599 (Online) / ISSN - 1499-8602 (CD-ROM) July - August 2006 $4.95 (US)
Lady Elaine
The health claim most often made for
ear candling is that the flame creates warmth
and suction, which draws ear wax out of the ear
canal. Some promoters also say that ear
candling can cure a wide range of medical
problems, including ear aches, sinus infections, "Knowing the future is an ability that is held by
sinus pain and pressure, and vertigo.
one and all. I am the interpreter of the road map to
No Medical Benefits - but Lots of
There is no scientific proof to support
your life as you travel throughout your destiny."
claims that ear candling provides medical
benefits. In fact, Health Canada conducted It was as a youth that Lady Elaine first realized that
laboratory tests that showed that ear candling she was a very gifted sensitive, clairvoyant, empathic
produces no significant heating or suction in the and spirit communicator. Her gift has served her well
ear canal. and those who have listened to the messages that
However, there is plenty of proof that have been passed on to them through Lady Elaine
ear candling is dangerous. Ear candling poses a from a realm that the established sciences and
risk of fire. It can also cause serious burns and theology refuses to acknowledge - The Other Side.
other injuries if hot wax drips into your ear, or
onto your skin or hair. There have been reports Whether Lady Elaine does a psychic reading or uses
of several cases of ear injury in Canada. her intuitive empathic abilities to connect and receive
In 1996, a report published in the
messages from those who have "graduated" to the
medical journal Laryngoscope concluded that
Other Side who are preparing the way for those still
"ear candles have no benefit in the management
on this plain of existence.
of cerumen (ear wax) and may result in serious
injury." Health Canada agrees.
The authors of the report, all of whom were For more information on how you can have a personal spiritual guidance session
medical doctors, conducted a survey of 122 ear with Lady Elaine, please contact her today by e-mail at
specialists. They found 21 cases of serious
injury caused by ear candling. In six of these Lady Elaine Sessions are available throughout the United States and Canada via
cases, patients temporarily lost their hearing. Telephone and outside the United States and Canada by E-mail. Lady Elaine Gift
Other problems reported among the Certificates are excellent for Corporate Gifts & Employee Exchange Gifts. For the
group included: best Booking Dates, Buy Your Lady Elaine Gift Certificate Now! Know your future
- 13 cases of burns today! Contact Lady Elaine,
- 7 cases where the wax from the candle
had blocked the ear canal
- 1 case of a punctured ear drum
by Clif f Mickelson
People in Kelowna,
British Columbia, Canada
listen to
Dr. Steve Haltiwanger, The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show
Dr. Len Horowitz and with Rob McConnell on
Rob McConnell
Laura Rogers,
Senior Producer of
The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show
For more information on the
call (416) 924-9800 or visit their Rob McConnell, Host &
webiste at Executive Producer of Rob McConnell & Dr. Frank Stranges
www, The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show
Living Dimension of the Universe 17
This Living Dimension that we are part of something very, very, big.
Ask yourself the following:
of the Universe
- Purpose of life for a human being?
- Purpose of other life forms on our planet?
- Where your emotions come from?
- Your intuition and inner feelings of guidance?
- What makes your hair stand up on your neck
or arms?
- Why do we dream?
- What's the interpretation of your dreams?
- Why all human beings look different and act
- We do we all have different goals and
- What is the déjà vu experience and why does
it happen?
- Why do people keep talking about past lives
and reincarnation?
- Why do be people believe in angels and
by Sandy Andrew
Andrew spiritual guides?
UFOS, THE MILITARY - Current owner, Ed Shiflett, has been
AND INTELLIGENCE the owner of WPGS since December of 1992
making WPGS the longest running individual
ownership for a commercial radio station.
An exposé of the greatest secret on earth
– the military and intelligence reports - Established a news and talk format in
that prove UFOs exist. August of 1992
UFOs remain a key military and intelligence - The 1500 sq. ft. studio is located at
problem – one demanding unprecedented security 805 N. Dixie Ave. Titusville, FL 32796
and deception. Access to information is on a strictly
‘need to know’ basis. In 1960, former CIA director - The studio has direct access to DSL
Admiral Hillenkoetter confirmed that, ‘Behind the and fiber optics on location
scenes, highranking Air Force officers are soberly
concerned about the UFOs. But through official secrecy and ridicule, many citizens are - WPGS 840 AM operates at a power of
led to believe the unknown flying objects are nonsense.’ The same is still true today. 1,000 watts nondirectional from Mims, FL
Timothy Good, bestselling author and one of the world’s most respected authorities on - The station has a great coverage area
alien phenomena, has drawn together years of in-depth worldwide research to put extending North to Daytona, South to
forward a case that is impossible to dismiss. Need to Know is a compelling exposé of Melbourne, and East to Orlando
top-secret documents, interviews with key witnesses and discussions with military and
intelligence specialists, pilots, politicians and scientists. It is full of revelations, - WPGS broadcasts during daytime
including the alarmingly high number of aircraft crashes following military attacks on hours
UFOs; the disappearance of hundreds of military and civilian aircraft during UFO
encounters; and the amazing information provided by a surgeon who operated on an - WPGS prides itself on a history of
alien captured by the Brazilian army in 1996. Complete with a foreword from Bill having a good reputation with no negative
Gunston OBE, a fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society and one of the world’s stigmas attached to its image
foremost aviation historians, Need to Know proves that UFOs are a real and current
problem facing governments worldwide. The evidence presented is clear, balanced – - WPGS has long term relations with
and irrefutable. Titusville and provides community
programming on a weekly basis
SECRET, SO THE VAST MAJORITY OF U.S. OFFICIALS AND Hymns'and 'Polka Party' with Jim and Nancy
WERE NEVER IN THE LOOP . . . THE TIME HAS COME TO LIFT THE Knight and TalkStarKim and 'Titusville Stories'
IMPORTANT PROBLEMS - National Programs: 'The X Zone'
FACING OUR PLANET TODAY' with Rob McConnell, 'Your Health Comes
First' with Linda Garrison and Ed Shiflett,
Paul Hellyer, former Canadian Minister of Chuck Harder's 'For The People', 'Galaxy of
Defence (1963–7) in a speech at the University Science' with David E Jones, 'Health Law and
of Toronto, 25 September 2005 Politics' with Jonathan Emord, 'The Big Mo
Show' with Mo Stansfield and 'Radio Legends'
with Victor Ives
For More Information on Timothy Good or to order
NEED TO KNOW: UFOs, the Military and Intelligence..... - Studio Phone 321-383-1000 National
Call In 877-528-8255
22 The Myster y Of Sleep
It wasn’t until 1954 that science made a
big breakthrough and recognized that REM
(rapid eye movement) during sleep was caused
by dreaming. Since then, the science of sleep
has expanded rapidly, with over 100 distinct
sleeping disorders now classified and many
doctors devoting their careers exclusively to
sleep problems.
For generations, ranchers have found livestock But in angel eyes love grows complete
While strong hands tremble in defeat
disembodied under mysterious circumstances and The truth of God is soon revealed
bizarre evidence. But the remote settings, surgical It's through our hearts that we are healed
precision, lack of tracks or footprints, no claim of Though late, we find that in the end
Matters not if we break or bend
responsibility, and a huge geographic area covered It wasn't God we were meant to see
over decades leads some to consider extraterrestrials For only love can set us free
as the killers. In this, the latest of Jim Hickman’s If it's proof you seek, there's no denying
thorough uncovering of the UFO phenomenon, Jim The truth is only found in dying
But in search of God, and where to begin
explores cattle mutilations and their ongoing impact You need look no further than within.
By Sandy Andr ew
28 Dismissing Da Vinci
Dismissing Da Vinci years, a considerable proportion of the Church’s
hierarchy were proponents of the Gnostic
teachings, which emphasized personal
By Jean-Claude Gerard Koven experience over dogmatic faith. The Church
libraries of the time contained many such
gospels, which were read aloud by the monks
Dan Brown’s runaway best-seller, The Da for inspiration. These texts so bothered
Vinci Code is shaking the foundations of Athanasius, archbishop of Alexandria, that in
Christendom. The battle lines are clearly 367 he sent out an Easter letter to the clergy all
drawn and the stakes are uncommonly high. over Egypt in which he condemned all texts not
The outcome has yet to be determined. specifically included on his approved list as
“the invention of heretics.” The meaning was
With each week that Dan Brown’s unambiguous: all non-approved writings were
blockbuster, The Da Vinci Code, remains one of to be immediately destroyed.
the most talked-about books in the world, one Apparently some of the monks defied
can almost sense the growing apprehension of the bishop’s orders and secreted some thirteen
the Vatican. The innumerable editions of the papyrus codices in a heavy jar buried under a
book and more than 40 million copies already in cliff, where they remained for over one and a
print surely must seem like a bad dream to those half millennia. These texts, known as the Nag
who feel targeted by Brown’s allegations of Hammadi Library, were discovered in 1945 and
chicanery and skullduggery within the inner are believed to be some of the early Christian
sanctums of the Holy See. Gnostic texts condemned by Athanasius. It turns
Many critics slammed the book even as out that their authors were not heretics as
it consolidated its position atop the New York Athanasius claimed but disciples of Christ,
Times reports list and’s sales including some of the original twelve apostles,
charts. Peter Millar, writing in the Times of or perhaps the followers of those disciples.
London, considered The Da Vinci Code as What they reveal, if true, indeed shakes the very
“without doubt, the silliest, most inaccurate, ill- foundations of Christendom.
informed, stereotype-driven, cloth-eared, Creed, which upheld the position championed By popularizing some of the ideas in
cardboard-cutout-populated piece of pulp by St. Alexander of Alexandria – that Jesus was these texts, as well as highlighting the Church’s
fiction I have read.” indeed of the same substance as God the Father. banning of gospels other than those presently in
Archbishop Angelo Amato, a high-level That having been decided, along with several the New Testament, Brown’s Da Vinci Code (its
Vatican official, dismissed Brown’s best-seller other issues (such as the dating of Easter), possible literary and historical failings aside)
as a work “full of calumnies, offenses, and Constantine requested that the synod produce a seems to have set a fox loose in the henhouse.
historical theological errors.” On the Catholic cohesive sacred text as the agreed basis of Much to the Vatican’s chagrin, the new
Answers website (, the Christianity. This was a formidable task, as movie based on Brown’s already successful
question was posed: “Should other Christians be many of the gospels in circulation at the time book is a smash hit. To quote the Deadline
concerned about the book?” The answer was were deemed blasphemous and a threat to the Hollywood Daily (DHD) website: “Da Vinci
clear and unequivocal: “Definitely. Only some newly agreed-upon doctrines. It was seven Code Is 2nd Biggest Opening Weekend of All
of the offensive claims of The Da Vinci Code years before Emperor Constantine received fifty Time Worldwide with $224 Million; No. 1
pertain directly to the Catholic Church. The copies of the final version of the sacred International Opening Weekend with $147 Mil;
remainder strike at the Christian faith itself. If scriptures, handwritten by practiced scribes on $77 Mil U.S. Opening Weekend; Sony Execs
the book’s claims were true, then all forms of specially prepared parchment. These were Attribute Huge Success to Teen Moviegoers
Christianity would be false (except perhaps for distributed throughout the Empire to Globally.” Now the blasphemous word is being
Gnostic/feminist versions focusing on Mary standardize Christianity, and the text, the Bible spread worldwide to nonreaders,
Magdalene instead of Jesus).” as we know it, has remained until today the impressionable teenagers, and God knows who
Dan Brown refused to back down. In the basis of Christian teachings. else. Apparently there is no lid large enough or
face of threats and denunciation he responded It is true that despite Brown’s claim to strong enough to contain what Dan Brown has
by telling the Philadelphia Inquirer, “When you have researched the matter thoroughly, he unleashed on the bastions of Christianity. DHD
finish the book, you’ve learned a ton. I had to do seems to have been casual about some finer further disclosed that the Vatican’s attempts to
an enormous amount of research.” He has also points. For instance, he writes that the censure the film fell woefully short. The Da
said his book is “meticulously researched and establishment of Jesus as the Son of God “was Vinci Code “was #1 in predominantly Catholic
very accurate.” officially proposed and voted on by the Council countries Italy and Spain, and #1 or #2 in every
History may well be in Brown’s corner of Nicaea” and that it was “a relatively close South American territory.”
on certain matters. The Bible is a carefully vote at that.” Yet there is no record of a vote Now we have the predictable onslaught
selected compendium of writings that were being taken on any matter during the Council. on the Internet – the ultimate weapon of
debated by the bishops attending the First In other words, while decisions were made, we anarchists, modern-day Gnostics, and other
Council of Nicaea convoked in 325 by the do not know definitively what method the radical freethinkers. A few weeks ago I received
Roman emperor Constantine. Unfortunately, bishops used to arrive at them. a sixteen-page email that, judging by the
there is no definitive account of what actually However, by basing his book on number of arrow brackets preceding each line of
occurred during this historic conclave. The apocryphal material and giving the fallout from text, must have traveled around the world
writings of those in attendance don’t even agree the Council of Nicaea a key role in the book, several times before finding its way to my
as to the number of bishops present, with Brown has brought to the table a set of much inbox. The title alone piqued my curiosity: “The
reports ranging from a low of 250 (Eusebius of larger issues for all the world to contemplate: Gospel of Judas, Barbelo, & Long-Kept
Caesarea) to 318 (Athanasius of Alexandra). What did the discarded gospels say? Why did Secrets.” Since it would take multiple clones to
The main purpose of the synod, however, seems the content of these gospels so deeply concern keep up with the email traffic that penetrates my
relatively certain. Constantine needed a the bishops attending the synod that they were spam filters, I generally skim just the first few
reconciled church to create stability within the not included in the Bible? And what happened paragraphs of such a long message before
Empire. The major rift that needed to those gospels? These questions may be far deleting it. Not so with this one.
reconciliation centered on the question of more worth probing than the theory of a
Jesus’s divinity: was he the son of God or the Merovingian bloodline stemming from the (Continued on Page 29)
son of man? union of Jesus and Mary Magdalene that lies at
The bishops (however many were the heart of Brown’s book.
present) overwhelmingly ratified the Nicaean During Christianity’s early, formative
Dismissing Da Vinci 29
Dismissing Da Vinci Peter said to Mary, “Sister, we know that the Thoughts on the End
Savior loved you more than the rest of women.
Tell us the words of the Savior which you T imes
Continued fromPage remember – which you know (but) we do not,
fromPage 28
nor have we heard them.” Mary answered and
said, “What is hidden from you I will proclaim
Two weeks later, I find myself still
to you.” After delivering the teachings that were
referring back to that email. I visited the website
given to her in a vision, she was rebuked by
of the author, Mary Sparrowdancer
some of the disciples, whereupon Mary wept
(, then called
and said to Peter, “My brother Peter, what do
her to learn more. She’s as real as you get:
you think? Do you think that I thought this up
knowledgeable, impassioned, intelligent, and
myself in my heart, or that I am lying about the
articulate. I’ll pass on a few of her insights that
bear directly on the growing debate between
Levi answered and said to Peter, “Peter,
Dan Brown and the Catholic Church:
you have always been hot-tempered. Now I see
you contending against the woman like the
In the “forbidden” Gnostic gospels that
adversaries. But if the Savior made her worthy,
have begun to emerge from antiquity, we find
we have actually been divinely invited to seek
who are you indeed to reject her? Surely the By Shelley Kaehr, Ph.D.
Savior knows her very well. That is why He
the truth and ask questions, because the truth is
loved her more than us. Rather let us be Because of all the tensions in the Middle
never marred or harmed by questions. Asking
ashamed and put on the perfect man and acquire East these days, I have been increasingly
questions only serves to make the truth shine
him for ourselves as He commanded us, and bombarded by folks talking to me about the end
brighter. One might wonder into which
preach the gospel, not laying down any other times, the book of Revelation and the total
direction we should begin a search for the truth
rule or other law beyond what the Savior said” . destruction of the world as we know it.
at this hour when the truth about anything is
. . and they began to go forth [to] proclaim and I am a believer that we are creating
very hard to come by. According to the Gnostic
to preach. reality with our thoughts and I think that when
gospels, the answer from above seems to have
been, “go within,” because there is something people watch the news and begin crediting
The Secret Book of John offers current events as evidence that the Book of
within that awaits discovery.
additional insight into Jesus’s view of the divine Revelation is playing out right before our eyes,
In the Gnostic scriptures, we learn that
feminine. In it John recalls seeing a brilliant we are creating exactly what we don't want!
blind faith has never been demanded of us.
flash of light following the crucifixion from Prophecy is meant as a warning - a
Instead, the one we now refer to as “Jesus” (the
which he heard the voice of his Master: “John, signpost to help us along the way to take the
J is relatively new – it is Iesous in transliterated
John, why do you weep? Don’t you recognize higher ground and do the right thing. We have
Greek) urged people to go within and seek the
who I am? I am the Father; I am the Mother; and the free will to change anything if we so choose
truth and not stop seeking until they found the
I am the Son.” The meaning, to John, was so what can we do today to change the world for
truth. Only a portion of this appears in the New
crystal clear: the Holy Trinity includes the Holy the better?
Testament, but a more complete version can be
Spirit/Divine Mother as the feminine Each of us needs to hold our higher
read in the Gnostic Gospel of Thomas. It
manifestation of God. vision for the world in our hearts and minds.
includes a curious caveat of wisdom after the
All of these words, apparently, were Imagine peace within yourself and you will
invitation to come seek and find all that awaits
ones the male-dominated clergy did not want begin to emanate it to the world around you.
us. The caveat warns that when we discover the
their faithful to hear. For the past two thousand What I am talking about here is simple
truth, we will at first be disturbed as well as
years, the clergy has had its way. Now, in large to do, and yet it is not easy. It is far easier to get
astonished. In the end, however, it is the truth
measure because of a book and a movie, there is caught up in all the 'excitement' of the world on
that will set us free.
room for expanded debate. Dismissing The Da the brink of extinction and when we get
Vinci Code as meaningless pulp fiction may be ourselves all worked up over this stuff, it feeds
Indeed, I followed Mary’s lead and took
like trying to brush off a tsunami with a on itself.
a look at some of the writings in The Gospel of
flyswatter. Throughout recorded history, everyone
Thomas. It says: “If you bring forth what is
within you, what you bring forth will save you.” from the ancient Romans to Europeans
About The Author: consumed by the Black Plague has feared the
The bishops like Athanasius (and Irenaeus
before him) who advocated the destruction of end of the world, and so far, it hasn't happened.
offensive writings apparently preferred that the Don't get me wrong - I see the turmoil in
faithful believe the Church was the only route, the world and I find it both disturbing and
“outside of which there is no salvation.” The disheartening. Regardless of how devastating
Gospel of Thomas also quotes Jesus as saying, recent circumstances seem, I do believe we
“I am the light that is before all things; I am all have the power to turn this boat around.
things; all things come forth from me; all things Scientists now purport theories on many
return to me. Split a piece of wood, and I am worlds and parallel universes. In the world I
there; lift up a rock, and you will find me there.” live in, we all hold peace as a mental construct
This mystical statement may have been regardless of current external forces, and within
considered dangerously close to a pantheistic no time at all, things turn around beautifully and
view suggesting that people are encouraged to we learn to live in peace.
discover their own divinity. Come, won't you, and join me in my
Along similar lines, The Gospel of world!
Philip quotes Jesus: “Do not seek to become a Jean-Claude Gerard Koven is a writer and
Christian, but a Christ.” The text has been speaker based in Rancho Mirage, CA. He is a
deemed “an abyss of madness, and blasphemy featured weekly columnist for the UPI (United For Information On
against Christ” because of this. But perhaps the Press International) Religion and Spirituality Dr Shelley Kaehr, Ph.D.
most remarkable revelation in the Nag Forum and the author of Going Deeper: How to (469)556-HEAL(4325)
Hammadi scrolls is the manner in which Christ Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life
viewed women. The following has been Makes No Sense, selected by both Allbooks Shop for gems, books & more online at:
translated from The Gospel of Mary Reviews and as the best
(Magdalene): metaphysical book of the year. For more to send an e-mailto Dr. Kaehr
information, please visit:
30 T im The Yowie Man
Who Ya Gonna Call? "If it's an amazing natural wonder or
some inexplicable occurrence, such as fish
T im The Yowie Man! falling from the sky, I'm into it."
In his recently published book "The
Adventures of Tim The Yowie Man," presents
by Martha the results of just a few of his explorations. He
Martha Jette
also portrays Tim the man, as a roguish, girl
happy adventurer who more than once, has
gotten into trouble. On the more serious, he has
Cr yptozoology conducted a number of amazing investigations.
For example, he hunted the Yowie in Australia
with vigor and eventually found one. Yowies, as
they are called in that country, are known by
different names around the world. In Canada
and the U.S. they are called Bigfoot or
Sasquatch, in Africa, Wild men, in the
Himalayas, Yeti, the Snow Man in Tibet and
Mongolia, in China, the Yeren, and the
Doolagari in Australia. Of course, many of the
reports are hoaxes, but there are some that defy
Vain believe that we were abducted by UFOs not * The average flash of lightning contains 125
caught away to be with the Lord? million volts of electricity - enough to light a
This is why I called my first novel, "The 1200-watt lightbulb for more than three
By Stephen
Stephen Yulish Great Harpazo Deception: the real story of months.
UFOs". This will be the greatest deception of all
I went last week to see the movie, "War time. Satan has been preparing us weak and * The chances of being hit by lightning in your
of the Worlds" knowing full well that I was gullible humans for this event for sixty years. lifetime are 1 in 600,000. Still, anywhere from
going to be disturbed by its overall message and More people can better relate to UFOs and 500 - 1,000 people are struck every year in the
unfortunately I was not disappointed. Once aliens than they can to a personal loving God. U.S..
again the naive unsuspecting American Just as people disappeared in the movie "War of
populace was subjected to the most the Worlds" and were kept in cages on the alien * The temperature of a lightning stroke can
sophisticated brainwashing that the Devil can ships, so will it be at the rapture. Afterwards, as reach 50,000 degrees F - hotter than the
administer. As I have said many times before, I explained in my novel "Invasion: Israel" the surface of the sun.
military aviation historian, Trevor James world will be turned upside down by the
Constable said it best when he wrote that 'the disappearance of millions of people, especially * Lightning bolts actually flicker - a flash is a
battle with UFOs is not for the planet of man but here in Christian America. series of strokes that follow the exact same
for the soul of man.' Spielberg ends the movie with the trite path as the first one. The record number of
Underneath Director Steven Spielberg's saying. "Man does not live or die in vain." The strokes ever recorded in a single flash is 47.
excellent remake of H.G.Wells classic sci-fi tale Bible is full of examples of vain people who
is the laying of the groundwork for a deception reap what they sow and live miserable lives * When you see a lightning flash, count the
so vast and so mind-boggling that it actually Man is destined to live and die in vain(Romans seconds until you hear the bang of thunder.
dwarfs the horrifying yet often maudlin 9/11 1:21) unless he turns his life over to Jesus Christ Divide by 5 - sound travels about one mile
images that Spielberg tries to inject into the who came and died for all of our sins. every 5 seconds - and this will give you an
film. Truth is really stranger than fiction in this Beware, people, Satan is using the approximation of the storm’s distance to you.
case. What the public is being prepared for and concepts of aliens and UFOs to deceive you
being deceived about is the greatest event in when one the greatest events in human history, * About one-quarter of all lightning strikes
human history. An event when millions of the rapture of the saints, occurs. It is better to occur in open fields; 30 percent happen in
people will suddenly disappear from the face of put your faith and trust in Jesus than in a bunch July; 22 percent in August.
the earth in a twinkling of an eye. An event that of aliens and UFOs that are nothing more than
I believe will be accompanied by a sky full of agents of the Devil himself. [] * You can get struck by lightning when you
UFOs. are on the phone. It happens to about 23.5
Over the last sixty years or so, we have percent of all lightning-strike victims.
been increasingly conditioned by movies such
as "Close Encounters of the Third Kind", "ET" * Trees are lightning bolts’ favorite targets -
and now evermore sinister movies like lightning is the largest cause of forest fires in
"Independence Day" and "War of the Worlds" to the Western U.S..
accept the concept of extraterrestrials. No
matter that no evidence exists on that account *The estimated diameter of a lightning
and that it goes against the religious beliefs of channel is 0.5 to 1 inch.
many Jews and Christians, where man was
created in the image of God and there can * A charge of 100 million to 1 billion volts of
therefore be no more evolved species than man. electricity needs to be generated in a cloud to
What am I trying to say, you are start a cloud-to-ground lightning strike.
probably asking yourselves? What if the New
Testament is correct and the day will come * For the last decade, an average of 20 million
when Believers will be suddenly taken into the cloud -to-ground flashes have been counted
air to be with Jesus (IThess.4:16-17, ICor. over the continental U.S. each year. []
15:52) in what Paul called the harpazo(Gr.), the
catching away. The English term we use is
34 Discover y of the Planets
THE DISCOVERY OF affecting Mercury.
Leverrier never found Vulcan, but
THE PLANETS people believed it was there until 1916, when
Einstein’s general theory of relativity was
published. Einstein gave a satisfactory
As early as kindergarten, we’re taught explanation for the discrepancies in Mercury’s
that there are nine planets in the solar orbit, so scientists no longer needed Vulcan. It
system. But 200years ago, even thereby ceased to exist... until decades later,
scholars were sure there were only six when Gene Roddenberry creator of Star Trek,
planets. Here’s how we got the new appropriated the planet and made it home of
ones. Spock.
conference will include representatives from
many different paranormal investigative groups,
members of the media, and some of the leading
names in the field of supernatural research
Ghost World 2007 to Open in Gettysburg
including: Charles J. Adams III, Jeff Belanger,
Event promises to be the most THE
Rosemary Ellen Guiley, L'Aura Hladik, Mark
comprehensive conference, trade show, and ANGEL LADY
Nesbitt, Troy Taylor, Kelly Weaver, Vince
symposium on ghosts ever held. Wilson, and John Zaffis. Workshops will also be
offered. Join Sue Storm for Angel Readings
GETTYSBURG, PENNSYLVANIA - July 24, for all who call the ‘X’ Zone Radio
2006 - Ghost World, LLC announced today that "The Ghost World workshops will be the place Show between 12 am - 2 am on the
its Ghost World Conference 2007 for people to learn the basics of paranormal
( will be held following dates (All dates and times
research, and to help those already doing this
July 20-22, 2007 at the Wyndham Hotel and work to take their work and organizations to a
are Eastern):Sat, July 29, 2006; Sat
Conference Center in Gettysburg. The objective higher level," said L'Aura Hladik, founding Sept 1, 2006; Sat Oct 6, 2006; Sat
of the supernatural summit is to bring together partner of Ghost World, LLC. Nov 11, 2006 and Sat Dec 16, 2006.
members of the paranormal community to
discuss the issues facing ghost research today, Ghost World, LLC also announced today that
to listen to lectures from some of the leading the internationally-syndicated 'X' Zone Radio
names in the field, and to establish standardized Show ( is the official
investigation protocols during an open media sponsor of the 2007 Gettysburg
symposium at the conference. On Sunday, July conference. Host Rob McConnell will be
22, the conference will conclude with a broadcasting live from Ghost World, providing People in Titusville, Orlando and
paranormal awards ceremony which will the international community a taste of the Mims, Florida
recognize excellence in individuals and supernatural happenings. Listen to
organizations for their contributions to the field
The ‘X’ Zone Radio Show
of paranormal research. About the Ghost World Conference: Ghost
with Rob McConnell
World, LLC is a joint venture between
"This is going to be the big one," said Vince, the New Jersey Ghost on
Wilson, author and one of the founding partners
of Ghost World, LLC. "It's time to get
Hunters Society, and The Maryland Paranormal TalkStar 840 AM
Investigators Coalition. The Ghost World
paranormal investigators everywhere on the Conference is an annual event designed to
same page so we can move this field of science promote the work being done in the field of
further into the mainstream. The Ghost World paranormal research. More information and
Conference will create an open dialogue registration information can be found on the
between many different experts and groups so official Ghost World Conference Web site at:
we can work to solve some of the mysteries of
paranormal phenomena."
36 Diabetes and Depleted Uranium
Italian Embassy Cover
up Continues
by Bob Nichols
Project Censored
Censored Award W inner
Will says he knows a few other farmers “Animals, which move, have limbs and
who can witch, but they don’t make a big deal muscles; the Earth has no limbs and muscles,
of it. He even knows a well driller who uses the hence it does not move.”
technique, though he’d never admit it in public, - Scipio Chiaramonti, professor of
Will says, since most well drillers think it’s mathematics
baloney. University of Pisa, 1633
Gary Burner of Burner Well Drilling in
McGaheysville says his company is happy to “I must confess that my imagination refuses to
drill wherever the customer wants, witched or see any sort of submarine doing anything except
not, so long as it’s all right with the health suffocating its crew and floundering at sea.”
department. - H. G. Wells, 1902
"We neither are opposed to it or promote
it," he said. “”You ain’t goin’ nowhere, son. You ought to go
Burner said as many as 25 percent of the back to drivin’ a truck.”
customers his company works with have their - Jim Denny, manager of the Grand Ole
wells witched. People who believe in water Opry, to Elvis Presley, 1954
witching are sincere, Burner said, but "I
wouldn’t do it, personally." “If excessive smoking actually plays a role in
J.R. Perry III is on a mission to help find the production of lung cancer, it seems to be a
Either way, witching can’t hurt, says
a cure for sickle cell anemia. J.R. has a major minor one.”
Will. He uses a geological map, so he’s starting
motivation for his mission for a cure. J.R. has a - The National Cancer Institute, 1954
in the same area any expert would. If you really
6 year old son who was born with this disease
can find water anywhere if you dig deep
and he has educated himself with years of “The horse is here to stay, but the automobile is
enough, what’s the harm with witching?
research, networking with the medical only a novelty - a fad.”
Nickell, the paranormal investigator,
community and also he has personally - Marshall Ferdinand Foch, French military
says it’s usually not a problem. "Nevertheless,
witnessed the multiple symptoms that this strategist, 1911
any ignorance and superstition begets other
disease produces in his son by the many hospital
ignorance and superstition," he said.
visits. J.R. has a goal to raise awareness in the “With 50 foreign cars already on sale here, the
Will doesn’t see it that way. He’s seen
United States and in Canada for those that suffer Japanese auto industry isn’t likely to carve out a
too many informal tests where witchers have
with this disease by being involved in big slice of the U.S. market for itself.”
found the same spot to think there’s nothing
fundraisers for hospitals, support groups, sickle - Business Week, 1968
behind the phenomenon.
cell centers and blood banks in the fall of 2006.
Besides, "It doesn’t hurt to get the map
J.R. Perry will launch the sickle cell “We don’t believe Jackie Robinson, colored
and have someone witch it. What do you have to
anemia music tour entitled "Cure Every Cell" college star signed by the Dodgers for one of
lose?" []
with local and national music acts. J.R. Perry their farm teams, will ever play in the big
feels that sickle cell anemia disease deserves the leagues.”
same amount of attention and effort put into - Jimmy Powers, New York Daily News
VEGETABLE NAMES research and finding a cure just as much as the sports columnist, 1945.
many other diseases receive. J.R. Perry's cure
every cell tour is seeking sponsors, donations
and the support of many people to help make a FACT OIDS
Originated in Asia and introduced to Europe by
difference in the lives of people who suffer with
Alexander the Great, about 325 B.C. The name
sickle cell anemia. - Chameleon rule of thumb: If it loses a fight it
comes from the Latin caput, meaning “head.”
J.R. has also released a very powerful turns grey. If it wins, it turns green.
It’s high in vitamin C, but contain sulphurous
song entitled "Put The Guns Down" to promote
compounds that, when cooked, give off odors
peace in the inner cities from gun violence. - Most common plastic surgery performed on
similar to rotten eggs.
Each year, more people are dying from gun American men: breast reduction.
violence. Portions of the proceeds for the
JERUSALEM ARTICHOKES record sales will go to an organization for - Five percent of Americans say they never
These sweet, starchy roots did not grow in victims of violent crimes. make their beds.
Jerusalem and they are not artichokes. Native J.R. Perry's motto's are " Let's Cure
Americans used them as bread. The mix-up Every Cell For Sickle Cell Anemia" and "Just - President McKinley’s pet parrot was named
came when a Spanish explorer thought they Put The Guns Down For The Life Of Human Washington Post.
were some kind of sunflower. Girasol(turn to Beings" and "Let's Preserve The Quality of
the sun) is a “sunflower” in Spanish. An Life". - Oregon has the most number of ghost towns of
American heard it as “Jerusalem.” No one any state.
knows why he also added “artichoke.”
If you would like to contact J.R. Perry you can - First U.S.coin to have a president on it: the
CANTALOUPE visit his website at 1909 Lincoln penny.
A type of muskmelon brought to Italy from or email him at or
Armenia in the first century A.D., and grown in or -London police photographed the eyes of Jack
the town of Cantalupo, which is where it gets its the Ripper’s victims theorizing that his image
name. might be recorded on their retinas.
40 Mor e Star Tr ek Trivia
MORE STAR TREK sickbay area, a swimming pool, a garden, and a
six-lane bowling alley. This last item, no doubt
Leonard Nimoy and Majel Barrett are the only
actors to appear in both the first ("The Cage")
TRIVIA! included in the blueprints as a joke, is the and last ("Turnabout Intruder") episodes of the
earliest known case of humor creeping into the series.
Both pilots for "Star Trek" (1966) - "The Cage" background of the show's designs; this would
and "Where No Man Has Gone Before" - were become commonplace in the other "Star Trek" The uniforms were color coded to show what
the only episodes not filmed at the current-day TV series of the '80s and '90s. division of the ship that the crew member was
Paramount Studio lot in Hollywood. They were assigned to. The colors were: gold - command,
filmed at the present-day Sony Pictures Culver According to the Hollywood Entertainment navigation, and weaponry; red - engineering,
Studios in Culver City, California. Museum, as of fall 2003 only a few pieces of security, and ship's services; and blue - science
the original 1960s bridge survive. The museum, and medicine. In practice, the gold uniforms
Jerry Goldsmith was Gene Roddenberry's first on Hollywood Blvd., incorporates two original often appeared apple green, which some have
choice to write the theme for this series. Years turboshaft doors into its Star Trek display, while attributed to local interference with television
later, Goldsmith wrote the theme to Star Trek: a Los Angeles bookstore reportedly owns the signals. However, what actually occurred was
The Motion Picture (1979), which later was original captain's chair. that the peculiar green tunic was green, but
used for "Star Trek: The Next Generation" under the lights on the set it appeared gold in
(1987). After viewing the popularity of characters such most lighting conditions. However, the true
as Robin on the _"Batman" (1966/II)_ series color can be seen in Kirk's special "wrap-
Victor Lundin appeared in the show "Errand of and shows like "The Monkees" (1966), the around" tunic and to some extent in the special
Mercy". Although he did not have a speaking producers decided to introduce Ensign Pavel occasion "dress" uniforms, both of which were
part, he was the first Klingon to appear in the Chekov in the second season in order to attract made out of different materials which reflected
original series. more teenage viewers, especially girls, to the the light differently. The uniforms were dry-
show. 'Walter Koenig' was selected due to his cleaned, but the velour tended to shrink, so they
In the hallways of the Enterprise there are tubes resemblance to Davy Jones. had to constantly be altered which is why they
marked "GNDN", these initials stand for "goes often looked short on the actors.
nowhere does nothing". A bowling alley aboard the USS Enterprise, as
shown in the 1975 blueprints, was actually Each starship and starbase had its own insignia,
The series' opening credits has lyrics that were mentioned in the episode "The Naked Time. " which was worn on the left breast of the
never used (although they were published in the In that episode, Lt. Riley declares that "a formal uniform. The Enterprise's insignia was the now
book "The Making of Star Trek", by Stephen J. dance will be held in the bowling alley at 1900 well known boomerang-shaped device.
Whitfield). They were written by Gene hours tonight." However, he was also quite
Roddenberry so that he would receive a residual delusional, so it's not certain that the bowling Gene Roddenberry originally conceived
for the theme's use alongside the theme's alley he spoke of actually existed. Spock's skin color to be red, which would have
composer, Alexander Courage. meant extra hours in make-up for Leonard
Mr. Spock was played as much more emotional Nimoy. Fortunately for him, an early make-up
Actor Mark Lenard, best known for his role as and "human" in the original rejected pilot, "The test showed that the red color merely appeared
Sarek, Spock's father, was the first actor to play Cage". This is very noticeable during the as black on black-and-white televisions. Since
a member of all three of the major alien races: flashback sequences of the two-part episode, most televisions in the '60s were still black-and-
Romulan, Vulcan, and Klingon (he is the "The Menagerie". The flashbacks were simply white, the idea was dropped.
commander of the Klingon attack group at the scenes from the original pilot, re-edited into the
beginning of Star Trek: The Motion Picture new episodes. According to William Shatner's Star Trek TV
(1979). memoirs, DeForest Kelley was the first one
Ranked #1 in TV Guide's list of the "25 Top considered for the role of Spock.
The slanting crawlway that leads up to the Cult Shows Ever!" (30 May 2004 issue).
warp-drive nacelles is referred to as a "Jefferies Two models of the Enterprise were used on the
tube." This is a reference to art director Walter The Star Trek Crews from all the "Star Trek" show. One is 3 feet long and the other is 11 feet
M. Jefferies. series were ranked #2 in TV Guide's list of the long.
"25 Greatest Sci-Fi Legends" (1 August 2004
When NBC was promoting "Star Trek" (1966) issue). The creature called the Mugato got its name
in magazines, all shots of Spock's pointed because DeForest Kelley kept mispronouncing
eyebrows and ears where airbrushed out of the Spock's farewell remark "Live long and its real name, Gumato.
pictures because NBC thought that no one prosper" was ranked #5 in TV Guide's list of
would watch the show due to Spock's "TV's 20 Top Catchphrases" (21-27 August Leonard Nimoy modeled Spock after George
resemblance to the Devil. 2005 issue). Burns and his cigar. George's amused and
unflustered acceptances of Gracie Allen's
On at least two occasions ("Miri" & "City on the Scotty's full name is Montgomery Scott. The ramblings influenced Spock's interactions with
Edge of Forever") the exterior Mayberry set name was improvised on the spot by James Dr. McCoy.
from "The Andy Griffith Show" (1960) was Doohan and Gene Roddenberry: 'Scott' because
used. In "City," as Kirk walks Edith home, they Roddenberry liked Doohan's Scottish brogue, Leonard Nimoy's makeup had a faint greenish
pass by the easily recognizable courthouse, and 'Montgomery' because it's Doohan's middle hue to it, because of his green Vulcan blood.
Floyd's barbershop, Emmett's repair shop, and name. Because the makeup was hand-mixed, the
the grocery. amount of green varied slightly, and in many
The legend that Gene Roddenberry was holding shots (even close-ups) it's not really visible.
In several episodes, prop beverage bottles were the sketch of the Enterprise he approved upside-
modified from existing alcohol bottles. down is untrue - he was far too involved in the Many "guest" voices were actually supplied by
Aldeberan Whiskey bottles were Cuervo Gold design process to make such a mistake. This James Doohan, including those of Sargon
1800 Tequila bottles. Bottles used for Saurian legend likely came to be because on the first run (Return to Tomorrow), the M-5 and
Brandy were George Dickel Tennessee Sour of the first TV Guide cover to feature this show, Commodore Enwright (The Ultimate
Mash Whiskey carafes. the Enterprise was pictured upside down Computer), Providers 2 and 3 (The Gamesters
because of a confused cover editor. of Triskelion), a NASA technician (Assignment:
According to official blueprints of the Earth) and a radio announcer (A Piece of the
Enterprise, published in 1975, among features Leonard Nimoy (Spock) is the only actor to Action).
on the ship that were never mentioned on the appear in every episode of the series.
TV series were two auxiliary bridges, a second More StarTrek Trivia in tne next ‘X’ Chronicles
Pr oposal After Abduction 41
Pr oposal follows alien closet," this is the place to be. More than 300 He believes the 360ft-wide creation is
far too intricate to be man-made, saying: "There
people registered to attend the symposium,
abduction which has become an annual fixture in Denver. is something very strange and mysterious about
The only conference attendee who might it.
offend is Bob Girard, a conference vendor and "Lots of people think crop circles are
owner of Arcturus Books, which specializes in man-made, but the jury's still out for me.
unexplained phenomena. Girard described "At this time of year when there are so
many of the people at the conference as few hours of darkness and with a design so
"fanatics." intricate it can hardly be people doing it on their
"There's no captured spacecraft, no way home from the pub."
alien, nothing to show for the last 50 years," Mr Alexander has had more than his fair
Girard said, as he sought to sell books to these share of weird crop circle experiences.
same people. He said: "I have had some strange experiences
Still, it's clear Girard is enamored with a at crop circle sites and even in daylight hours
leather-bound book dated 1557 that explores have seen some weird and wonderful things,
Roswell, New Mexico: Ross Savedra fought bizarre happenings. such as balls of light flashing across fields.
aliens to rescue his girlfriend, then popped the He's trying to sell the book for $10,000. "I've also heard of other people having camera
question in an out-of-this-world proposal. Those attending the conference are quite failures and mobile phone failures at crop circle
Savedra, 32, staged his elaborate serious about their chosen passion. locations.
proposal Sunday afternoon for Ariana Ash, 23, John Greenewald is producing a show "It's a really complex subject.
with the help of family members and Roswell's on physical traces allegedly left by UFOs for "Everyone seems to be getting very
UFO Museum. The History Channel scheduled to air this fall. excited about this one."
Savedra and Ash were touring the His Web site, The Black Vault, features Mr Alexander found out about
museum when a silver-suited, masked alien 441,000 government documents he has attained Oxfordshire's latest crop circle after receiving a
from an exhibit called "alien autopsy" suddenly by filing open-records requests. A good number call from an experts' website, which had been
abducted Ash from in front of a group of of them deal with UFOs. informed about the pattern by a microlite pilot.
tourists. Savedra dashed through the crowd, Greenewald started the site a decade He then hired a helicopter to take him up
fought two aliens and rescued her. ago, when he was 15. into the Oxfordshire skies - and was amazed by
Then he dropped to his knees, presented "They publicly say (UFOs) don't exist, what he saw.
a ring and asked her to marry him. but the documents say something different," "It's a very striking image," he said. "It
They embraced in a cloud of shiny Greenewald said. "Obviously, there's a cover- really is impressive.
colored confetti tossed by onlookers and were up." "I've never seen anything like it before,
applauded by tourists who had been tipped off Still, Greenewald says he can't it is extremely powerful. It almost looks like
by the aliens -- Ash's brother-in-law and conclusively say there are extraterrestrials. skyscrapers coming out of the field at you."
stepfather. "I'm 99.9 percent sure there is life out Having taken a look at it from the air,
"By the way, everyone, she said yes," there, and they're visiting us," he said. Mr Alexander is now going to investigate it
announced Julie Shuster, the museum's director, "But I'm never sure until something from the ground.
over the sound system. smacks me on the head." He is planning a trip to Oxfordshire
Savedra, a Roswell native, chose the Aurora police officer and UFO hunter from his home on the South Coast over the next
museum for his proposal because of its Ken Storch planned to speak about the role few days.
uniqueness. police play in UFO reports. UFOs became his He said: "It's a groundbreaking
Shuster said it was a first for the raison d'etre in 1974 when he claims to have formation.
museum."She's always calling me her alien gleaned firsthand knowledge of five UFOs "Normally the crops just lie flat but in
man," Savedra said of his fiancee. flying in formation that nearly triggered World this case the crop is weaved, so it will be
War III. interesting to take a closer look."
Storch, now 55, was working in Oxford crop circle expert Michael
Rocky Mountain News communications at the Offutt Air Force Base at Soper, who works for UFO research group
the time. He says he was required not to speak Contact International, said: "This is an
By Julie Poppen, Rocky of the incident for 30 years. He and fellow UFO intriguing and interesting picture.
Mountain News hunter L.J. Dalicandro, wearing the teeth of an "Certainly some crop circles are a hoax,
July 15, 2006 alligator and great white shark around his neck, but they usually tend to be ones with less
shared a disturbing array of mutilated cattle features, whereas this one has lots of features.
photos. "It could have many meanings." []
Ted Phillips has devoted 38 years to the
study of 3,162 reported UFO landing sites in 91 "I know we're not alone," Storch said.
countries. Storch said he's comforted but also
As such, the chatty 64-year-old retired bothered by his belief in aliens.
engineer from Missouri is a hot speaker pick for "I don't have a clue what the agenda is,"
the 37th Mutual UFO Network International Storch said. []
Symposium, which kicked off Friday at the
Denver Marriott Tech Center. The symposium Top of the cr ops
wraps up Sunday.
By Emma-Kate Lidbury
Even now, Phillips says to himself,
'This can't be,' when he approaches a UFO
When it comes to patterns etched into
landing site. He doesn't believe aliens are
farmers' fields, these are the cream of the crop.
behind crop circles (too Disney-esque), and he's
This crop circle - discovered in an
on the fence about the role of aliens in animal
Oxfordshire field - is believed to be the world's
mutilations. But he most certainly believes the
first three-dimensional one, and has already left
world is being visited by alien beings in
experts reeling with wonder at who, or what,
impressive spacecraft.
could have created it.
"I believe what we're dealing with is a
Freelance photographer and crop circle
device under intelligent control that generates
expert Steve Alexander caught it on camera a
physical effects," he said.
few days ago in fields near Wayland's Smithy
For UFOlogists who are "out of the
Farm in Ashbury, near Uffington.
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Myth-Conceptions 43
MYTH: The captain of a ship at sea can
perform weddings.
FACT: U.S. Navy regulations - and those of
navies of many other nations - actually prohibit
ships’ commanders from joining couples in
Alfred Hitchcock: The cameo appearance he
made in each film he directed was for good