Contacting Your Spirit Guides 101: From The Author of Shift Your Spirits & Automatic Intuition

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Contacting Your Spirit Guides 101
! Introduction Yes, You Are a Little Bit Psychic
! Who [What] are Spirit Guides?
! Basic Process for Contacting Your Guides
! Primary & Specialist Spirit Guides
! Identifying Your Guides
! Advice for Working with Your Guides
! The Best Time to Get a Reading
! Audio Downloads & Links
! About the Author
! Copyright, Legal Disclaimers & Image Credits Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
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You Are (at least) a Little Bit Psychic.
Your exploration of the topic of spirit guides, your discovering Shift
Your Spirits, and the fact that you are reading this report confirms
that you are indeed receiving information from your spirit guides.
They want to communicate with you the virtual on-line world is
deeply powered by the collective energy of souls web sites are one
of the ways that your guides can lead you toward more of the
information you are seeking.

You are here because you are already aware on some level that
there's more going on here in this experience you call your life. The
purpose of this report is not to convince you that spirit guides exist
you already sense the presence of your spirit guides, guardian
angels, and ascended master teachers. You want to investigate,
explore, or develop your understanding of these powerful

Skepticism is fine; curiosity is wonderful. I'm working here to speak
to the inklings of what you already believe to be true. Finding faith is
your job I can only offer you my personal experiences and a place
to read about and share similar experiences with others.

Some skepticism is probably healthy, but your motivation is to affirm
your intuition about spirit guides, not to disprove it. Your faith is
required; doubt and skepticism will hinder your psychic development.
The role of a professional intuitive, a psychic, or a medium is not to
invent faith for you; we can only affirm your experience. The best
readings will contain truth that you recognize youll nod your head,
or realize "So thats what that is So thats what this is called So
thats why this is happening to me"

The posts on Shift Your Spirits tend to be intermediate level or even
advanced conversations about intuition and psychic experience.
Most of the people who approach me for readings are already deeply
invested in their personal spiritual development and familiar with what
Communicating with Spirit Guides is all about

Our intentions are certainly not to leave anyone behind. I receive tons
of email every week from people who are new to this subject and
have no idea where to start.

This report is by no means comprehensive the scope of this subject
is enormous Im two years into an on-going blog, with no shortage
of topics to write about. I'm chasing after this subject learning as
much as I'm teaching, while Im teaching, with literally no end in

You are a spiritual being having a human experience. You know, deep
down, in your heart, at a soul level, that you are never alone.
Who [What] are Spirit Guides?
The population of disincarnate souls and spirit entities is
disproportionately enormous compared to the numbers of living
incarnate human beings. Your personal team of guides and
guardians, collectively, is actually made up of a variety of types or
species of entities. The word angel means messenger; to some
degree all your guides and guardians are divine messengers but
they are not all angels.
You may have any number of positive and/or negative spiritual
entities attached to your energy some (usually, most) are helpful;
some are not. Some are more communicative than others, although
not all of them are worth communicating with.
3 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
Ghosts, earthbound spirits, poltergeists, shadow people, etc may
manifest in some material way. You may be able to see, hear, or feel
their presence, but these types of entities dont really qualify as spirit
guides and are not reliable sources for the kind of conscious, wise,
supportive, divine information you are seeking.
Ancestor spirits (loved ones whove recently crossed over) and animal
familiars (deceased pets that were intensely bonded to you) may visit
you from time to time, watch over you, or even deliver messages, but
they are not technically spirit guides, either, in the context we are
discussing here.
Ascended Masters, named angels and archangels do play a role and
often function within our teams of spirit guides through Emissaries
representatives of special agendas, mystery schools, and courses of
spiritual learning but these entities and their surrogates manage
enormous populations of souls and are generally concerned with the
evolution of humanity on a greater scale. These presences are shared
by and accessible to all of us, to varying degrees and in different
combinations, but we do not technically communicate with them as
individuals with any regularity.
Your Personal Guides & Guardians
Each and every one of us has a team of benevolent spirit entities who
attend us on our life's mission. These entities, as separate
individuals, are unique to you and you alone. Before you chose to
incarnate in this life time, in this physical body, you contracted an
entire network or crew of beings to assist you. I refer to this group
collectively as your God Posse or your Chorus.

Who's Who in Your God Posse?
Depending on a lot of factors and circumstances, you have a
personal panel of guides and guardians working for you. You may call
them a god posse, spiritual chorus, guide team, guardian council
any conceptual name that works for you.
When you communicate with this group yourself or when a
professional intuitive does a spirit guide reading for you we are
connecting generally looking at a profile that consists of:
4 to 10 spirit guides most of the people I conduct readings for have
an average of 5 or 6 spirit guides in this category; 6 angelics these
include your personal guardian angels as well as other higher
dimensional beings. Generally, this group is not very communicative;
they are not likely to present with gender, humanoid appearances,
individual names, or use human language.
4 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
Spirit Guides are
Spirit guides are human souls who, although not incarnate at the
present time, have chosen to assist those who have as part of their
own continuing spiritual development.

! Guides have previously incarnated as human beings
! Guides have lived and learned in the earthly experience,
just as you are, right now
! Guides have worn physical bodies
! Guides have human gender
! Guides have decidedly human personalities

As all human beings, they have known free will the ultimate
complicated power in the Universe.

Angels are...
! Angels have never officially incarnated or lived as human
beings (in some circumstances, they may physically
manifest, assume a temporary, humanoid form, or take
illusory bodies)
! Angels technically have no gender (human history and lore
surrounding angels often gives them predominantly male
names and characteristics; many works of art and
contemporary illustrations depict angels as decidedly
female or male)
! Angels do not have the free will tested in a human context
and experience
! Angels exist at a different spiritual frequency, on a higher
dimension of reality, closer to the Source energy of the

Ascended Masters are...
Human beings who have ascended or transcendedthe human
experience. These souls have "graduated" (for lack of a better word)
but have chosen to continue working for the ascension of the entire
human race.

Ascended Masters are sometimes called Master Teachers. Many, if
not all, of history's most well-known prophets, martyrs, and saints are
among this group.

A simplification of the basic ways these entities affect our lives:
! Spirit guides counsel, advise, and retrieve information
! Angels physically guard, protect, deliver prayers, and
perform interventions and miracles
! Ascended Masters are human souls who manage
campaigns; they organize the Bigger Pictures; they direct
larger groups of spirit guides, guardian angels, and living
human beings within the context of their special agendas
! Archangels hold similar positions of influence and power
as Ascended Masters, but they are not, nor have they ever
been human

Human souls may ascend to the role of spirit guides or master
teachers, but they do not become angels.

5 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
Spirit Guides are Not
! They are not angels
! They are not ghosts or earthbound spirits
! They are not anyone you have known in this lifetime who
has recently crossed over

Spirit guides are the least likely type of spirit entity to manifest
physically. Phenomena such as full-body apparitions or orbsballs of
light or energy that are visible to the eye and sometimes able to be
captured with photography and other sensitive equipmentare
probably manifested by either ghosts or angels, depending on the
context or circumstances.

Miracles or other Physical Interventions
Angels have the power to manifest physically to intervene, to heal, or
to protect you in extreme scenarios like life-threatening situations or

Consider the example of avoiding a potentially fatal car crash:
A spirit guide may be the source of the intuition, gut instinct, or vibe
that tells you to change lanes, to slow down, or to take a different
route entirely; a guardian angel may physically move a car out of the
way, shove you onto the sidewalk out of danger, wrap you in
protective energy, cushion an impact, or orchestrate miraculous close
calls or other last minute feats of timing.

Consider the example of healing:

A spirit guide may be responsible for arranging for you to meet a
specific doctor, discover a book, web site, course of therapy, or other
resource that will aid in your knowledge; an angel may speed the
healing of body tissue or cause remissions of disease.

Please hear thisspiritual assistance is not a substitute for
medical or other professional treatment. One of the most
overlooked and most powerful ways in which our spirit guides and
guardian angels assist us is through other people.
Living, breathing, wise, and helpful human beingsother people are
your #1 spiritual resource.

If you require medical treatment, here in the material, physical plane,
you require physical solutions. The most likely way that your prayers
for physical miracles will be answered is in the form of physical
opportunities, created and offered by medical professionals.

Now that you have a general idea of what spirit guides are, what they
arent, and some idea of how and why they may interact with you,
lets dive in to the basics of contacting and communicating with
6 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
Summary of the Basic Process for
Communicating with Spirit(s)
Do you want to contact your spirit guides, develop your intuitive
connection to divine resources but consider yourself a beginner?
Where do you start?
! Open your channel
! Ground your energy
! Cloak your energy
! Invoke your guides
! Tune your channel
! Set the agenda
! Identify your guides
! Ask the right kinds of questions
! Receive, process, and interpret the responses
! Log off with gratitude
! Keep an on-going record of sessions
I know this is a greatly simplified and generalized breakdown of a
very complex topic. I wouldnt call it in-depth or comprehensive.
What I hope to accomplish with this report is provide you with some
understanding of the basic process of communicating with spirit
guides. Some of it is popular, mainstream consensus from a variety
of research sources on the topic; much of it is spiced with my
personal experience and observations gleaned from performing
hundreds of spirit guide readings as a professional intuitive.
By providing you with some general understanding, my hope and
highest intentions are that you will get it, experiment and practice on
your own I fully expect that you will take this process, adapt it,
customize it to suit your own belief system and unique spiritual
experience, and run with it!
There is no Absolute | Correct | Right | Perfect way to communicate
with your spirit guides feel free to adopt whatever resonates with
you, throw out what doesnt, and customize to your hearts content.
Get creative your creativity is your link to divinity.
Open Your Channel | Ground Your Energy
Choose a special place where you can practice without interruption
or distraction. Some people have a special room, corner, or altar
space set up in their home just for spiritual practice.

I have special magical spots both indoors and outdoors. I encourage
you, weather permitting, to find both.

7 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
In my house, I have a special chair I sit in. I don't watch TV in that
chair I reserve it only for meditating, spiritual study, and performing
intuitive readings for my clients. I've moved around a lot, but my chair
goes with me. Even in a new home, the familiarity of the chair is

The most important component of any effective ritual practice is
repetitionprogramming your body, mind, and spirit with the
associations of what you do when you're "in your spot." Over time,
the familiarity and the repetition will take root on a deep
subconscious level -- this is called charging.

You can chargeor programobjects and physical places with
specific intentions and energy. This is why psychics and mediums are
able to read the energy of personal objects (psychometry) and the
residual spiritual energy associated with buildings and locations.

Create Safe Space
Rituals, Spells, Prayers, Meditations, Visualization Techniques
Please adapt any form of personal ritual or existing systems of faith
that work for you to the process of communicating with your guides.
The overall goal is to center your energy, concentrate your thought
processes, access your intuition or Higher Self, and ultimately log on
to or connect with that Deeper, timeless, infinite aspect of your Soul-
level awareness.

! If you are familiar with Wicca, or any other neo-pagan
belief system or practice, I recommend you cast a
protective circle, employ Grounding and Centering
exercises, or Call the Corners.
! If you already practice a specific meditation technique,
contact your guides in the context of one of these
! If you regularly pray in a traditional sense, incorporate
contacting your guides as a part of your prayers.
! If you are unfamiliar or uncomfortable with any specific
technique, then do a little research on the above to find a
practice that feels right to you.

There is no "right way" to pray. There are better ways to pray and
numerous meditation techniques out there which are outside the
scope of this report.

The important thing is that you find a way to access a prayerful or
meditative state that feels right to you and supports your existing
faith. Communicating with spirit guides and guardian angels and
ascended masters is a universal spiritual concept it is not exclusive
to any one particular belief system or religion.

Undertake your spiritual development with the Highest Intentions for
all involved. Do what you will, so long as it harms no one. Believe in
everything a little bit. Don't be afraid to borrow what works from
multiple faiths, keep what works for you, and throw out the parts that

If you still aren't sure where to begin, deep, cleansing "yoga breaths"
are always a good basic exercise anyone can use to calm the mind
and connect to a clearer conscious awareness.

8 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
Basic Deep Breathing
I call these "yoga breaths" - I don't know that this is the "official"
name for the technique, but it's one that you may encounter any
number of places. Even medical doctors and clinical psychologists
recommend a form of deep, cleansing breath as a way to manage
anxiety, panic attacks, or overwhelming episodes of fear, anger, etc.

It's really simple:
Breathe in to the count of four; hold for the count of four; breathe out
to the count of eight. (For me, personally, it works better with counts
of 5/5/10.)

Repeat this breath at least three full times:
In: 4; Hold: 4; Out 8
In: 4; Hold: 4; Out 8...
In: 4; Hold: 4; Out 8...

Ground Your Energy
Grounding your energy basically amounts to visualizing the column of
energy points in the body (chakras) linking up and extending into the
earth beneath you. You will find many meditation techniques that
walk you through this in greater detail, but essentially imagine your
spine growing a tail, a silver cord or golden cable of energy, that
grows beneath you and "plugs in" to the center of the earth.

Imagine yourself to be a tree, with roots growing down into the
ground from the base of your spine.
You can also extend this energy into an antenna-like structure that
reaches high above youvisualize a cord or cable of light/energy that
starts at the heart and follows your spine up through your throat and
brain and sprouts out of the top of your head.

Cloak Your Energy
Visualize yourself wrapped in white light. After your breathing pattern
is established, you may wish to close your eyes and picture yourself
wrapped in a dome or bubble of white, protective light. You may hear
this called "Wrapped in the White Light of the Holy Spirit."

I've found that doing this outside, in the sunshine is a great way to
visualize and feel this light protection in a very real, physical way.
With your eyes closed, facing into the sun, the sensations of bright
light and color coming from above, combined with the warmth on
your skin, is a powerful way to access this visualization. Once you've
"logged" that experience, you can recall it with creative visualization
(your imagination)simply remember what that feels likeeven when
it's nighttime or you're indoors.

Visualizing yourself wrapped, cloaked, drenched, or enclosed with
light is the most effective and general form of spiritual or psychic

Hail (invoke) Your Guides
Call your guides to attention. Ask your spirit guides and guardian
angels to gather around you.

I recommend physically speaking out loud. You ideally want to
perform this type of spiritual communication and prayer in private,
anyway. Even if you must speak quietly so that your roommate
doesn't think you're nuts, use your vocal chords.

9 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
You want to employ or turn on energy points (chakras) that
correspond with organs in the physical body. Again, chakras are a
subject you may wish to research elsewhere because it's an
enormous topic, beyond the scope of this document.

Speaking out loud affects clairaudiencepsychic hearingmuch like
a kind of human sonar or pinging capability. This is not unlike the way
dolphins and bats use echo locationseeing with soundthrowing
your voice and reading the sound waves that return or bounce back
to your mind on multiple, other levels.

Invocations are invitations to spirit, often in the form of prayers,
verses, mantras, or incantations. Invocations abound in all faiths,
belief systems, and traditionsthe variety of exact wordingthe
optionsapproach infinity.

Just like vows in a wedding ceremony, you may use "canned,"
traditional vows (existing lines written by someone else and used by a
lot of people) or you may opt to write your own. Many people struggle
with "finding the right words," and the prescription is generally the
same as the bottom-line goalto speak from the heart.

Invocations can range from the formal, theatrical, or grandiose, to
simple conversational language. How do you pray? What is your
name for God? You see right away how many options there may be
Some people find great power in using traditional invocations, other
people may find vocalizing the same words "a bit hokey."

I don't want to prescribe a specific invocation, incantation, prayer, or
spell and tell you that you absolutely must "say" the right "magic
words" or it won't work.
Can I be totally blunt here for a minute?
In the past two decades, I've attended countless ritual gatherings,
services, and circles in a variety of traditions where I've found the
words spoken original, creative, beautiful, reverent, sacred But, in
some circumstances, the words did not resonate with me at allthey
were distracting, silly, corny, and over-the-top (like I'd just landed on
the set of a badly written or badly-acted fantasy movie). You know
what I'm saying?

The only thing that will "screw up" your invocation is the way you feel
about it. Be open-minded, be creative, be adaptivetry different
ways of calling on your guides. You may wish to research
affirmations, prayers, mantras, and invocations to find the style and
substance that suits you.

If you "feel stupid" saying a certain set of words, then try another
mantra, prayer, or verse. Don't get hung up on wordsspeak from
the heart, say what you mean, and mean what you say.

What are doing when you invoke your guides? You're calling them to
attention; you're requesting that they gather around you for a group
meeting, with a high level of respect, reverence, gratitude, and the
best possible intentions.

"God (Goddess | Divine Creator | Source of All that Is), Ascended
Masters, Archangels, my Spirit Guides, my Guardian Angels, my
Higher Self

This my will to be:

I ask that you help me to manifest, to communicate, and to
access Divine Wisdom and Divine Guidance on all levels of
10 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
consciousness. I require the absolute highest level of integrity,
intention, clarity, and accuracy, at all times.

I need you to exceed my best intentions, to always provide me
with information that aligns with my highest purpose and with my
true path.

I intend that my will be carried out for the highest good of all
involved. Thank you."

Another possible formal invocation that you might try reads more like
a letter:
"I ask that all communication with my spirit guides, teachers, and
guardians be specific and accurate, and that messages and
answers to my questions be delivered in the forms* I am most
likely to understand.
Please help me to remain aligned with my Higher Self and to
receive Divine Wisdom in accordance with the best intentions,
not only for myself, but for the good of all involved. Assist me to
understand, trust, and take positive action on the information I
receive. Thank you."

*Here, you may specify a certain form you prefer, such as more
clairvoyant imagery, or clairaudient language. BUT, beware that you
do not place limits on the ways in which your guides may
communicate with you. If you're just beginning to engage them in this
way, you may not realize that you have an aptitude for a particular
form of psychic perceptionyou may not know yet what your natural
intuitive talents may be. Wait until you see what kind of information
tends to come through for you strongest, and then choose to expand
that ability, or to develop another, weaker meta-sensory faculty.
You may encounter many authors who suggest that when you call on
spirit guides and angels, you should repeat their names three times.
This seems to be particularly common in angelic literature.

"Spirit guides, spirit guides, spirit guides ascended masters,
ascended masters, ascended masters"

This may feel more comfortable when invoking a specific entity by
"Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Gabriel, I ask
that you"

What's up with this "say everything three times"?
My understanding is that the musical qualities of rhythm and
repetition augment the multi-dimensional vibration of spoken words,
elevating plain language. There may also be elements that
correspond to hypnotic suggestion, neurolinguistic programming, or
the simple ecstatic mental states achieved through rhythmic dance,
drumming, or chanting.

I'm not going to pass any absolute judgment on employing this
technique or not employing it, since it seems to be so popular and
wide-spread among the prevailing literature on the subject. I would
suggest that if you employ repetition, really go for itif you're going
11 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
to say everything in three's, make a lengthier mantra out of it. Invoke
the name over and over and over again through a full breath, or until
the name seems to expand and reverberate in the mind.

I feel the key component in repetition and mantra chanting is to
increase the power of the word or name with each utterance. Say it
stronger, louder, with greater focus:
"michael, Michael, MICHAEL!" from a whisper to a full-throated

You know how little kids recite the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag,
entirely by rote and mimicry, without really seeming to understand
what the words mean? Or how many times have you heard someone
at the head of the dinner table say Grace over a meal that's
mumbled, spoken so quickly, without enunciation, to the point that
the words would be completely incoherent to someone who was
hearing a meal blessing for the first time? That's exactly what you
want to avoid.

Begin with a strong element of formality and theatrics, but customize
any ritual, invocation, prayer, or meditation to one that makes you feel
more powerful or more comfortable.

If you feel "silly, just go with it at first; give it a chance. Push past the
shyness, hesitation, or doubt, and proceed with faith. If you just cant
shake the silly-factor of any particular word, mantra, prayer, or
invocation Well, ditch it silly is not what you're going for (but
know that youre going to have to get creative).

Your spirit guides and angels are listening to the energy and
intentions behind your words. The magic is in your emotional
investment, dedication, and faith.

When in doubt, speak with your true, authentic voice.

Tune the Channel
You are a little bit psychic, but meta-sensory information may take a
variety of forms. You potentially have the ability to perceive
information in multiple extra-sensory modes, but (depending on a lot
of factors) you will find that you are more skilled in one or two meta-
senses or ESP faculties.

Extra Senses
Emotionalthe most common form of intuitive information. More
people describe emotional experiences as a result of communicating
with their spirit guides than any other. Gut instincts and vibes fall in
this category.

Visualclairvoyance. You perceive intuitive information in some form
of imagery. These may be dreams (during both deep sleep cycles or
waking, day-dreams). Miniature "movie" sequences that play out on
the inner screen of the mind's eye.

Auditoryclairaudience. You perceive voices, whispers, keywords
and phrases, snatches of music, or "shining sentenceslike verses
of poetry, mantras, or dense philosophical statements. Clairaudient
information is perhaps some of the most difficult to perceive as
separate from your own thoughts.

12 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
Just Knowingclaircognizance. You discover that you simply "know"
things, as if the wisdom was beamed straight into your mind, or you
"downloaded" it. This is a more powerful form of a hunchcomplete
with details that you can't explain.

Other Physical Sensesextensions of the senses of touch, taste, or
smell. The most well-known form of this is the sense of being
watched, or the hairs standing up from your skin Ghosts and
earthbound spirits tend to manifest these as well as guidesodors of
perfume or flowers or tobacco smoke. But don't discount scent as an
impulse used by Guides, Angels, or Ascended Masters. Many Marian
visionaries report the accompanying smell of roses.

This is a complex topic with many determining factorsmedical,
physical, psychological, as well as spiritual. For now, just know that
the intuitive impulses you receive as a result of communicating with
your guides may take any form or combination of forms. Most people
will have two dominant meta-sensory tendenciesone that is
impossible to missa primary form of psychic impulseswith a
close secondary sense that complements or fills in the gaps.

If this is your first time contacting your guides, or if you are still
relatively new to working with your psychic senses, you may not
know what form of information to expect.

This is an intermediate step you may wish to practice with recurring

Again, while you may certainly feel shy or a little silly doing this, I
recommend physically speaking out loud. Without going into a lot of
detail here about the mechanics of extra-sensory perception, psychic
ability, and how the meta-senses interface with the body chakras and
the mind, just know that your voice physically activates energy points
(chakras) in the bodythe throat chakra acts as the center of the
"satellite dish" of the body and turns on everything you need to
enhance intuitive reception from the heart chakra up through to the
third eye, the brain, and the divine crown.

Set the Agenda
You're the boss and you called this meeting to order for a reason. Tell
your guides why you've called on themwhat's the overall goal of
this session? What are your intentions for talking to them at this
moment? If this is your first time communicating with your guides,
your agenda is to establish a new mode of contact. You'd like to meet
them. You want your guides to introduce themselves to you or simply
affirm for you that they are present.

13 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
Your Primary Spirit Guide
Your intuition and what we call "psychic" abilities are greatly
augmented by this entity. Your primary spirit guide is with you from
birth and never leaves you. Your primary spirit guide acts as a kind of
spokesperson for all the others, and is the one with whom you are
most likely able to communicate.

You should prioritize contacting your primary spirit guide, as this
entity will be the most likely to respond to you on a regular, on-going
basis. You may find it much more challenging to receive direct,
individual responses from other guides without your primary spirit
guide speaking for them, on behalf of the entire group by consensus,
or acting as a kind of translator or interpreter for entities that don't
communicate so well.

But, there are some reasons why your Primary Spirit Guide can also
be the most difficult for you to contact:

! Because this guide has been with you since birth, you're
so familiar with his/her presence that you mistake the
guide's energy as part of your own.
! You may mistake your primary spirit guide's voice for your
own thoughts.

Transit and Specialist Guides
When you first begin communicating with your guides, it is highly
probable that you will get the most noticeable response from a transit
or specialist guide.
A transit guide is an entity contracted to assist you through a
particular series of events, intense transition, period of learning, or
some other temporary circumstance. Temporary can define any linear
time frame that is briefer than your entire life timefrom a few
months to many years. (Technically, nearly all your personal spirit
guides other than your primary guide are transit guides.)
A specialist guide is contracted to help you with a specific issue or
learning experienceit may be a recurring pattern of behavior or on-
going area of personal and spiritual development.

You may typically call on your guides during times of crisis or major
transformation. Your guides may also work harder to break through to
you under these circumstances.

If you're working to communicate with your guides under stressful
conditionsif you are consciously or unconsciously broadcasting a
cry for help regarding a specific area of your lifeit is highly likely the
"loudest" voice in the chorus of your spirit guides at a given time will
14 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
be the entity assigned to assist you with that issue or area of your

Because these specialists come in and out in association with
obvious events, circumstances, challenges, problems, or
opportunities for change and growth, you will perceive their presence
as somehow different from the norm. Your reality feels like it has
shifted. Significant Changegood or bad, happy or sadis hard to

*A word about asking
We are trained socially as children to "ask politely" when we order
someone to do something for us. When working with your spirit
guides, this is unnecessary, and can even subconsciously lead to
being too passive or indirect.
If I advise you to "Ask your guides to this" or "Ask your guides to
that" assume that what is really meant by "ask" is really "tell." You are
the authority; they work for you. They can't assist you or help you
without your orders. Your free will is critical.

Tell your primary spirit guide to acknowledge you, to presentto step
forward, and to confirm his or her presence. Request that your guides
give you a sign of their presence, one which you may use to identify

What you can expect as a confirmation that they are there,
listening and responding to you?
The overwhelming majority of people I do readings for report an
emotional experience of some kindthis is a strong "rush" of feeling
that may be accompanied by physical sensations. Many describe this
as a sudden wave of joy or a sense of well-being and comfort.

This varies slightly from one person to the next, but it is generally
more of a feeling than any thing elseundoubtedly positive. It may
be a little thrilling or spooky to some people at first, like the sudden
undeniable feeling that you're being watched or that someone else is
in the room with you. It is very hard to describe in a general way its
one of those experiences you will immediately recognize when it
happens to you.

In the beginning, release your expectations of how your guides may
respond to you until you have multiple experiences to evaluate.

How can you sense their presence or know when they're
Call on them by name, ask questions, and pay attention to the way
you feel immediately or soon after. The form that the messages and
answers may take can vary so greatly, and can "look" like a
coincidence. The best way to tell the difference is ask yourself about
the feeling it gives you and the timing. Does it feel like you just
received an answer to your question?

Release your attachment to expectations
Try to put what you think is supposed to happen to the side. I use
"try" because this is not easy to do. It's hard to walk the line between
making suggestions of what you can expect, while telling you to let
go of these associations. A lot of people do report similar
experiencesthere are some general patternsbut don't start with
these. Start with a clean slate and approach communicating with your
guides as a kind of delicious mystery you're going to solveyou
know there will be clues, but you don't know what those clues may

15 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
The most important thing to keep in mind is that this is an intensely
personal, individual, dynamic relationshipalways unfolding or
developing in a creative collaboration. The only way to get to know
someone is to start talking to her and grow to know her over time.
Relationships are defined as much by the quirks each soul brings to
the table as they are by expected, socially-recognized labels.

Identifying Your Guides
Until you become very comfortable with identifying your guides and
recognizing the patterns that confirm their identity or presence, use
the prime directive for communicating with spirit entities.

I sometimes think of this as "checking their ID" or "the secret
handshake"it's a truth that is used across many cultures and in
every spiritualist tradition I've ever encountered:

Any entity that is in alignment with the white light of the divine, of
perfect truth, of love, of the highest intentions must affirm this for you
when directly asked.
"Are you a spirit of light, love, and truth?"
Benevolent spirits will immediately acknowledge this as true. They
will say yes.

Remember that the form of the answer may not be a voice or
recognizable languageit may be an emotion or a sensationbut it
will be undeniably positive and affirmative.
Although my intuition is overwhelmingly of the clairaudient variety,
rather than hearing a "yes" I've noted that my guides affirm for me
with a clairvoyant flash of them nodding their heads in the
unmistakable body language of yes. This is a quick, brief image in my
mind's eyea sense of someone nodding yes.

No if's, and's, but's or maybe's
If you experience silenceor a lack of response to the prime
interrogationthis is a No. An entity that is just messing with you, or
not one of your benevolent guides, will not necessarily tell you "No."
Like a little kid that just got busted, they will turn red and avert their
eyes, look down at the floor, or grow uncomfortably silent.

Listendon't overdo it on the psychic security. If you believe in the
presence of spirit entities and your ability to communicate with them,
then by default you believe in the good as well as the shady. If you
feel that dark entities are present, then be reassured that the light
entities are with you as welland they are stronger. They have more
energy and power, because their source is divine love, light, and
truth. They are sustained by a direct connection to the Creator or
Source. Dark entities, by contrast, have no direct source to sustain
themthey require attention in order to operatespecifically the
attention that comes from fear.

You deny them attention by not fearing them. Dismiss them and rely
on your guardians and guides to handle them for you. The more you
engage and communicate with your guides, the greater your
protection. Regular positive attention grows like a bubble of spiritual
armor around you.

16 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
Ask the Right Kinds of Questions
Who's Who? Which is What?
How can you tell if you're speaking with your Primary Spirit Guide or
a Transit/Specialist? Ask them!
Let's say you ask for a name and you receive one. Assuming that the
entity has passed the Prime Interrogation and you feel comfortable
that this is a benevolent member of your personal group of spirit
guides, proceed in faith. Address this entity by name and ask for
confirmation of his/her specific role or relationship to you:

! Are you my primary spirit guide?
! Can you show me what area of my life you're here to help
me with?
! What do you most wish to help me with?

Simple affirmations are perhaps the easiest messages to receive and
to interpret. Format your communication with "close-ended"
questionsquestions that can be answered with a yes or no.

For example, play a "Hotter/Colder/Twenty Questions" game with
theminstead of asking open-ended questions, present your
questions in such a way that they can be answered with yes or no:

Instead of asking:
! "Who are you?" ask "Are you my primary spirit guide?"
! "What's your name?" If you have some idea of what a
guide's name may be from a previous communication, a
meditation exercise, or as the result of a reading with a
psychic, try to get confirmation of a specific name "Is your
name Mary?" or "Should I call you Michael?"
! "What issue are you here to help me with?" Try "Are you
here to help me find a new career?"

Yes/ No is a Universal component of languageeven people who
don't speak the same language understand a smile, a nodding head,
or a thumb's up. We generally have no problem interpreting Yes/No
from any entity that communicates with usthink about the body
language of our pets, or how easy it is to understand an excited,
happy bark and a tail-wag when you ask a dog if it wants to go

Spirit guides often use a limited or overly-expansive general
vocabulary very different from our own. They may communicate the
energy of a circumstance, regardless of how the details manifest here
on the physical plane.

Receive, process, interpret and observe incoming responses.
The vast majority of responses you receive from your guides will
come in the form of synchronicities, serendipities, epiphanies,
opportunitiesthings that are seemingly random but so timely and
meaningful as to be downright spooky.

Other people are also the most overlooked source of divine guidance
we have. We act as one another's guides more than you may realize.
By paying more attention, with this consciously held in mind, youll
begin to see evidence of the phenomena everywhere. You'll begin to
find people you knoweven strangersrelaying information to you
that would seem to be directly in response to something you've
asked your guides to assist you with

17 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
The most important things to look for are patterns of responses. The
possibilities are endless. Look at your everyday reality with a new set
of eyes, as if you are wandering through an enormous "video game,"
manifesting everything you need. Approach your life with a magical
world viewthis is somewhat like an Easter Egg Huntwhere gems
of valuable information and spiritual treasures are hidden in plain
sight, if you just know where to look.

Repetition is an important cue. Examples include sequences or
seeing certain numbers, graphic letters, shapes, and symbols on a
regular basis. You know when this is happening because it's like
"There's that number again!" Hard to miss and not wonder about

Suggestions made to you multiple times in quick succession should
get your attention:
"You're the third person this week to tell me I should read that

While many meaningful forms of guidance are quite common to a lot
of people, again, release your expectations based on what another
person claims to have experienced.

Follow your intuitive hunches, impulses, serendipitous information
like clues in a Mystery Noveltake action and see where those
actions lead you. What unfolds as a result of following an impulse?
There's no such thing as a wrong turnyou may discover a priceless
piece of information on a detour.
Say Thank You
Be sure to thank your guides after each question and response, even
if youre not entirely sure (yet) what the answer means, or the full
context of its meaning. By saying Thank You, you signal to your
guides that you received or noted their response.
This is especially important if youre asking multiple questions or
changing topic. Saying Thank You is kind of like saying Over
when youre communicating via walkie-talkieit lets your guides
know that you can all move on. Sometimes, they may keep sending
you additional responses to your initial question, not realizing that
youve moved on to another question entirely.
Something else Ive noticed is that I may not be consciously aware of
the deep underlying connections between my questions. What feels
to me like completely different questions or topics may indeed be tied
energetically to the same issue.
If you feel that your guides are answering different questions with
strikingly similar responses, explore the possible connection between
your issues. For example, how might your struggles with co-workers
or your boss manifest from the same source issue as an argument
with your spouse? How might your financial struggles and problems
in your personal relationships be different manifestations of the same
energetic weakness or spiritual block?

How many questions should you ask? How long involved should a
single session be? I personally dedicate each daily conversation with
my spirit guides to three (3) major topics or questions. Do vary the
way you present your requests and questions a bit, but avoid asking
the same question over and over and over in a single session.
18 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
Ask and move on; save recurring issues for recurring communication
sessions. Its most likely that your challenges will continue to be
challenges; your spiritual development is on-going; your issues will
keep re-presenting themselves in new forms.
Dont expect to have miraculous, single sessions communicating with
your guides resulting in grand, life-changing epiphanies that change
your life from that moment forward, forever. This does happen, but its
rare. Spiritual development, intuitive development, and your
relationship with divine guidance are much, much more subtle than
Release yourself from dramatic expectations.
Log off with Gratitude
Always be sure to end your communication sessions with your guides
with a formal ending. Thank them. Say a little prayer of closure.
Dismiss or release them from your immediate, conscious presence.
Failing to close a session is like leaving programs running in the
background on your computer when youre not using them it drains
your energy resources. Its also like leaving your back door wide open
when you go to sleep at night.
Let your guides know that youve finished talking to them at the
moment. Ask them to continue to gather information, opportunities,
and arrange for you to discover the resources you require, throughout
your day.
Keep a Journal
Record information about your dreams or any details that result from
prayer and meditation sessions. Make a point to journal about
possible scenarios and possible solutions, as well as just whining
about whats wrong.
Journaling and automatic writing are, in themselves, magical
practices; they grow and develop with repetitive action. Patterns
emerge over time.
Patterns & Repetition
(Im repeating this repetition thing for a reason):
All spiritual practice requires an on-going, repetitive approach. Your
ultimate goal is to incorporate spiritual communication and personal
growth into your daily life.
Miracles, milestones, and epiphanies may be few or far between. Or
the puzzle pieces may be gathered over time, a little piece one day,
another piece the next. Collect these fragments and keep looking for
the big pictures that emerge.
19 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
The Best Time for a Spirit Guide Reading
The best time for you to request a reading is whenever you feel the
impulse. These things have a way of working out according to their
own perfect time.
You may benefit from having a reading as an introduction to your
guides a beginning to your on-going working relationships with
You may benefit most from trying some of what Ive suggested
listen to the lectures and the guided meditation of the workshops I
teach on intuitive development. The classes are modestly priced and
can give us a great jumping off point when we work together one-on-
There is no clear authority in these matters the experience is
ultimately personal and, above all, these types of spiritual matters are
Mysteries they are intended to be questioned, explored,
experiencednot absolute answers handed over to you as rules on a
stone tablet.
If and when you seek a spirit guide reading (from myself, or another
professional intuitive) dont hesitate to share what youve tried. The
more pieces of the puzzle you can give me, the more the reading can
be focused to your unique situation. If youve tried but experienced
blocks or difficulties, we can address those as part of your reading. If
you have particular successes or receive information that youre not
sure of, please share it with me so that I can confirm it for you and
help reinforce your confidence.
The goal of providing private spirit guide readings is not to make you
dependent on my assistance Im more like a personal trainer or
fitness coach, helping to encourage and inspire you and make sure
you do the right exercises, with the right mindset, with energy and
focus. But its about you about your working with your guides and
incorporating conscious spiritual practice into your daily life. Even if I
wanted to, I cant do a reading for you everyday. I aspire to give you
the tools, fill in the gaps, help you identify how and where you can
improve and keep moving forward.
This is a big topic I could go on for pages and pages and still feel
that Im only scratching the surface. Indeed, I do hope youll stay
tuned for more advanced learning resources, lessons, and coaching
In the meantime, scheduling a private spirit guide reading will allow
me to tailor this practice to your personal experience. Wherever you
are on your journey, I can meet you and your guides at that place and
work from there.
And please know that I am always incredibly honored to be invited
into your life in this way.
Seek Wisdom Practice Love
Slade Roberson
Intuitive Counselor
20 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
Personal Audio Classes, Meditations &
Guided Visualizations:
! Messages from Your Spirit Guides
! Talking to Your Spirit Guides
! Automatic Writing Lessons
Professional Intuitive Training:
! Automatic Intuition Professional Training &
Mentoring Program
Free Downloads:
! Attunement - Talking to Your Spirit Guides
! Meet a Guide - Jeff Lilly
21 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
I hear Voices
In the context of psychic mediumship, the technical term is
clairaudient intuition.
On a daily basis, I receive messages, warnings, directives and
generally carry on conversations with an attending pit crew of
entities which are best described as my Spirit Guides and Guardians
Angels. I call them my Chorus or my God Posse.
Ive had these experiences my entire life, but until very recently I
remained in The Psychic Closet, telling virtually no one about what I
see and hear.
In 2001, my physical life began to unravel on many levels
increasing poverty, stress, anxiety, isolation, and deteriorating health.
In 2002, at the age of 33, I suffered a minor stroke and woke up
partially paralyzed. In desperation, I turned to my lifelong faith in the
Mother Goddess and asked the spirit entities who have patiently
surrounded me to heal me. I was presented with a clear, obvious,
direct, and simple directive to answer my spiritual calling, to
become the uniquely powerful person I have always been, to
embrace the labels my ego had most feared, and to publicly share
the Me that I had always kept hidden behind the curtain.
In 2006 I launched Shift Your Spirits to not only write about my
personal intuitive experiences, but to teach other people how to
communicate with their guides and to develop their own psychic
I believe each and every one of us has a team of benevolent spirits
assisting us, and that we can benefit from engaging and
communicating with them.
If youd like to read/ listen to some personal interviews with me,
check out the Interviews Archive page:
We can talk to your spirit guides and find out what messages they
have for you and only you. If youd like to work with me privately,
one-on-one, please schedule a reading:
22 Copyright 2006-2010 Slade Roberson | Shift Your Spirits. All Rights Reserved.
2006-2010, Eric Slade Roberson | All Rights
Reserved. No portion of this material may be reproduced, distributed,
or sold without permission from the Author.

Legal Notice and Disclaimer
Short Version
Spirit Guide Readings by Slade Roberson and articles on the
corresponding web site provide educational
information on personal and spiritual development.
You are 100% responsible for what you do (or don't do) with this
Long Version
All material, information products such as tutorials and intuitive
email readings articles, documents, web site content, and
syndicated feeds are intended to provide educational information on
topics related to personal and spiritual development. The publisher is
not engaged in rendering legal, medical, financial, or other
professional services. If expert assistance is required, please seek the
services of a competent professional.
The publisher has endeavored to make the material on this site
accurate. The information should be used only as general guide,
however, as the publisher cannot guarantee that this information is
free of typographical or content errors. Furthermore, each piece of
content contains educational information only up to its original
publication date.
If you don't wish to be bound by the above, instead of scheduling a
reading, you should contact the author prior to receiving your reading
for a refund.
Image Credits
Photos via Creative Commons on (links listed in order of
appearance in the text)
Behind the Drapes by welcome, ghosts
In the Dark 4 by Gabriela Camerotti
Walkers at Tennyson Down by Auntie P
Night Lights by Bob.Fornal
Silhouette in the Tunnel by gnackgnackgnack
Music by flyzipper
Slade Roberson Author Photo by Andrea Waters

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