CZO Arts Cultural Overlay District
CZO Arts Cultural Overlay District
CZO Arts Cultural Overlay District
The purpose of the Arts & Cultural Overlay District is to sustain established and to promote new arts and cultural uses including a limited number of small-scale (up to 4,000 square feet) live entertainment venues in neighborhood business or mixed use areas that are compatible with the character of nearby residential neighborhoods. The Arts & Cultural Overlay District seeks to maintain and reinforce small-scale uses, a balance of daytime and night-time uses, and a ratio of approximately twenty (20) percent cocktail lounges and eighty (80) percent other uses. (Ord. 21,813 1 (part), adopted 12/16/04)
This district is intended for application to a commercially-zoned, minimum two (2) contiguous block area, when initiated by City Council motion, and when the area proposed for application is designated as an Arts & Cultural Corridor in the Arts & Culture Element of the Citys Master Plan. (Ord. 21,813 1 (part), adopted 12/16/04)
Unless otherwise noted in the Arts & Cultural Overlay District regulations, the regulations of the underlying zoning district shall apply. (Ord. 21,813 1 (part), adopted 12/16/04)
The following uses of land are authorized as permitted uses in the Arts & Cultural Overlay District, subject to the standards of Section 10.13.7. 1. Any use authorized as a permitted use in the base district(s), except that t-shirt shops, novelty shops, gift shops and souvenir that specialize in t-shirts, novelties, gifts and souvenirs shall be prohibited. 2. Art galleries without limitation as to size. 3. Coffee shops. 4. Museums. 5. Theaters up to 6,000 square feet in floor area.
The following uses of land are authorized as conditional uses in the Arts & Cultural Overlay District upon approval of a conditional use permit under the standards and procedures contained in Section 16.6 of these zoning regulations: 1. Any use authorized as a conditional use in the base district(s). 2. Theaters over 6,000 square feet in floor area. (Ord. 21,813 1 (part), adopted 12/16/04)
Live entertainment is authorized as an accessory use to the following main uses within an Arts & Cultural Overlay District, subject to the standards in Section 10.13.7: 1. Cocktail lounges. 2. Standard restaurants. 3. Theaters. (Ord. 21,813 1 (part), adopted 12/16/04)
10.13.7. General and Special Standards for Uses Authorized to Provide Live Entertainment.
The standards set forth in this section apply to the designated uses whether such uses are authorized as permitted, conditional, or accessory uses in the underlying zoning district or AC Arts & Cultural Overlay District. For Conditional uses, the City Council may impose standards on a particular use in addition to standards contained in this article as conditions to approval of a conditional use permit under the procedures of Section 16.6 of these zoning regulations. The City Council may also vary the standards contained in this section for a particular use according to such procedures, unless expressly prohibited by Article 16. When considering a conditional use application, the City Council shall consider the factors listed in Section 16.6.5, including consistency with the Master Plan, general purpose statement of the Arts & Cultural District, and any Supplemental Regulations. 1. General Standards for All Uses Providing Live Entertainment: a. All establishments providing live entertainment shall hold the appropriate Live Entertainment Permit (Mayoralty Permit). b. All establishments providing live entertainment shall be subject to a closed doors/windows policy during any performance. c. All establishments providing live entertainment shall be subject to the applicable noise, litter, and other laws of the City, including the Comprehensive Zoning Ordinance, Building Code, City Code, and Life Safety Code. 2. Special Standards for Cocktail Lounges:
10.13.8. Procedures for Establishment of an AC Arts & Cultural Overlay District. 1. Establishment of an Arts & Cultural Overlay District shall be considered a zoning amendment subject to the general procedures in Section 16.2. 2. Proposals for new Arts & Cultural Overlay Districts shall meet the following conditions: a. An Arts & Cultural Overlay District shall be considered only when initiated by the City Council. b. The proposed Arts & Cultural Overlay District shall be designated as an Arts & Cultural Corridor or District in the Arts & Culture Element of the Citys Master P lan. c. The proposed Arts & Cultural Overlay District shall be no smaller than two (2) contiguous block faces. (Ord. 21,813 1 (part), adopted 12/16/04)