Reinventing Fire
Reinventing Fire
Reinventing Fire
a bout th e author
Energy visionary Amory Lovins is the author of hundreds of scientific papers and 31 books, the latest of which is
the 2011 grand synthesis Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy Era. He cofounded and chairs
Rocky Mountain Institute, an independent, nonpartisan, nonprofit think-and-do tank that collaborates with the
private sector to drive the efficient and restorative use of resources.
Amory Lovins adapted his essay Reinventing Fire from Reinventing Fire: Bold Business Solutions for the New Energy
Era (Chelsea Green Publishing), produced by Lovins and his Rocky Mountain Institute colleagues; 2011 by
Rocky Mountain Institute.
This publication is an excerpted chapter from The Energy Reader: Overdevelopment and
the Delusion of Endless Growth, Tom Butler, Daniel Lerch, and George Wuerthner,
eds. (Healdsburg, CA: Watershed Media, 2012). The Energy Reader is copyright
2012 by the Foundation for Deep Ecology, and published in collaboration with
Watershed Media and Post Carbon Institute.
For other excerpts, permission to reprint, and purchasing visit or
contact Post Carbon Institute.
Photo: EcoFlight. The old fire: The San Juan Generating Station, a coal-burning power
plant in New Mexico, typifies the old energy economy.
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less (directly used) natural gas, 20percent less electricity, and 50percent less total energy. Oil is becoming uncompetitive even at low prices before it becomes
unavailable even at high prices: Peak oil has emerged
in demand before supply. Oil use in the industrialized
nations represented by the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) peaked in
2005, U.S. gasoline use in 2007. In 2009, Deutsche
Bank said world oil use could peak around 2016.
With todays technologies, it is possible to build uncompromised, safe, roomy, peppy, electric autos. Redesigning
the entire U.S. automobile fleet to be superefficient
and electrified by 2050 could achieve automotive fuel
economy equivalent to 125250miles per U.S. gallon
(1.01.9 L/100 km) and would save oil at an average cost
below $18per saved barreljust one-fifth of todays
world oil price. Buying that efficiency and electrification instead of burning oil to provide the same services
from todays and officially forecast autos would save
$4trillion. Such drilling under Detroit can win the
equivalent of 1.5 Saudi Arabias or half an OPEC, and
those negabarrels are all domestic, secure, clean, safe,
and inexhaustible. The investments required for these
four- to eightfold more efficient and oil-free autos and
for tripled-efficiency trucks and airplanes could yield a
17percent internal rate of return (IRR) while greatly
reducing risks to the oil and automotive sectors and
to the whole economy. The trucks and planes could
Lov ins
Lov ins
Lov ins
An even more striking example comes from pumpingthe main use of motors, which use three-fifths of
the worlds electricity. Using fat, short, straight pipes
rather than narrow, long, crooked pipes saves typically
8090percent of the friction in the pipes. Shrinking the
pumps, motors, inverters, and electrical systems more
than pays for the fatter pipes, decreasing total capital
cost. In my own house, this tactic cut friction by about
97percent. Fans and ducts, the second biggest use of
motors, offer similar opportunities. And every unit of
friction saved in pipes or ducts saves about ten times
more fuel, cost, and what Hunter Lovins calls global
weirding back at the power station.
Industry is already ripe in opportunities for better motor
systems and pumps, fans and controls, heat recovery and
insulation. Dow Chemical has already saved $19billion
on $1billion of efficiency investments. But integrative
design can make savings bigger yet cheaper, turning
diminishing returns into expanding returns. Rocky
Mountain Institutes latest $30odd billion worth of
integrative redesign of equipment and processes across
diverse industriesfrom refineries to mines and data
centers to chip fabshas typically reduced expected
energy use by about 3060 percent with a few years
payback on retrofits, or by about 4090+ percent with
generally lower capital cost in new factories. Integrative
design isnt yet included in official studies of energysaving potential, but smart firms are realizing how it
can drive competitive advantage. RMIs Factor Ten
Engineering (10xE) initiative aims to use it to transform how design is done and taught.
Combining modern ways to wring more work out of
each kilowatt-hour could power a 2.6fold bigger U.S.
economy with one-fourth less electricity than now,
eliminating not just coal-fired but also nuclear power
production. Thats good, because as those old plants
retire (virtually all by 2050), replacing them with more
of the same would be so costly and risky that no business
case can be made for it. All 34 new proposed nuclear
plants in the United States cant raise any private capital
despite 100+ percent construction subsidies: At most
a few units may be built, entirely financed by mandatory payments from customers and taxpayers. All
Lov ins
are successfully implementing aggressive efficiencyand-renewables strategies. California shrank greenhouse gas emissions per dollar of GDP by 30percent in
19902006, and has held per capita use of electricity flat
for three decades while real income per capita grew by
four-fifths. Denmarks GDP grew by two-thirds during
19802009 while energy use fell back to its 1980 level
and carbon emissions fell 21percent. In an average wind
year, Denmark in 2010 could produce 36percent of its
electricity renewably and 53percent from combinedheat-and-power. The average Dane, releasing half the
carbon of the average American, enjoyed a good life,
the most reliable electricity in Europe, and some of its
lowest pretax prices. Denmark is even reorganizing its
grid in cellular fashion (as Cuba successfully did) to
make power supply highly resilientand plans to be
entirely off fossil fuels by 2050.
Developing countries are buying the majority of the
worlds new renewable generating capacity, often in distributed forms like solar cells that bring efficient lighting and other vital services to the 1.6billion humans
who have no electricityleapfrogging over the power
line phase just as cell phones leapt past landline phones.
If developing countries buy efficiency whenever its
cheaper than new electricity supply, they can turn the
power sector, which now devours a fourth of global
development capital, into a net exporter of capital to
fund other development needs. Why? Because making
super-efficient lamps, windows, and the like takes about
a thousand times less capital, and repays it about ten
times faster, than investing instead in supplying more
electricity. Investing in cheap negawatts instead of
costly megawatts is the most powerful, though invisible,
financial lever available to speed global development.
The international Super-eff icient Equipment and
Appliance Deployment project (SEAD), supported
by 23countries, targets the four applianceslights,
refrigerators, air conditioners, and televisionsthat use
three-fifths of household electricity in China, India,
the United States, and the European Union. Most of
those appliances havent yet been built or bought, and
three-fourths are made by just 15firms. SEAD aims to
build them right, saving up to $1trillion and avoiding
Lov ins