Documentary Genres and Their Codes and Conventions
Documentary Genres and Their Codes and Conventions
Documentary Genres and Their Codes and Conventions
Documentary Genres
Direct Cinema: this is a style of documentary that was produced in 1960's as a result of availability of lightweight portable cameras and lightweight audio recording equipment. Also hand held lights and improved film stock which meant lights didnt need to be used at all. Film crews became more flexible and efficient, this made small independent groups able to make documentaries. There is several rules of direct cinema documentaries, these are: Documentaries are not to include interviews There were to be no rehearsals prior to the filming of the documentary No staged events or commentary No film lights No dissolve edits to be used Direct cinema leads to observational (fly on the wall) documentary which has remained a popular genre on the wall approach has had a significant influence on modern documentary production. Cinema- Verite: This is used to describe type of European film making in the early 1960s documentary techniques, hand held camera, interview techniques to convey life in a realistic way. This is very similar to direct cinema but Cinema Verite believed that the film makers opinions should be expressed. Cinema Verite also uses interviews whereas Direct Cinema didnt. Both Direct cinema and Cinema Verite are linked to movements in narrative cinema. They have had a massive effect on the contemporary television in areas such as Docusoaps, reality TV, video diaries. Institutional documentaries This kind of documentary uses direct cinema techniques to give a fly-on-the-wall insight to the day-to-day workings of hospitals, airports etc. Its a popular genre which is often informative, humorous and sometimes critical in the way in which these places of work are represented. Institutional documentaries have given way to popular docusoap genre in recent years. Docusoaps Docusoaps take ordinary, common experience and look at it through the eyes of the public. These types of documentaries are called docusoap's because they are similar to soap operas in terms of: Fast editing Multi-strand narratives Part of a series and often end on a cliff-hanger They are very popular types of documentaries, there common characteristics are: Emphasis on entertainment rather than instruction People get based around personalities who often 'play up' to the camera and talk directly to the camera. These characters often become celebrities themselves. Prominent guiding voice over often by an established actor. This documentary style also focus's on everyday lives and problems rather then underlining certain social issues. Selective editing within the documentary and some scenes are known to be set up a little Public Affairs Documentaries