Turning: Chapter Objectives
Turning: Chapter Objectives
Turning: Chapter Objectives
Chapter Objectives
After studying this chapter, the student should have knowledge of the following:
Programming for turning operations Linear and circular interpolation programming Tool nose radius compensation Word address commands for the NC Lathe Use of Multiple repetitive cycles
chapter 6 Turning
When working through this chapter, have the software running on your computer and enter the programs by using the Simulate/Edit or (MDI) options. Follow these steps when simulating programming codes or creating new programs: 1. Select New from File menu. Enter a file name. 2. Change the tool library if required. 3. Select the Workpiece menu. Specify or load a new workpiece. 4. Select the Simulate menu. Use the Simulate/Edit mode if you want to create a program or run it or the Simulate/MDI mode simply to test a code. Note: The completed sample programs are in the Demoturn folder.
chapter 6 Turning
A U Tool angle X stock Used in a threading cycle to specify the tool angle. Used in multiple repetitive cycles (see G70, G71, and G72) to specify the amount of stock to be left on the face for finishing. Used in multiple repetitive cycles (see G70, G71, and G72) to specify the amount of stock to be left on the face for finishing. Designates a coordinate along the X axis. Designates a coordinate along the Z axis. Used to skip blocks of CNC code. If the Block Skip switch is ON and a / is encountered at the start of a CNC block line, the whole block line will be ignored. This will be described in more detail in the following sections. Any code or text inside the ( and ) brackets is treated as a comment. This is useful for operator instruction prompts.
Z stock
X Z /
G-codes are preparatory functions, which involve actual tool moves (for example, control of the machine). These include rapid moves, feed moves, radial feed moves, dwells, and roughing and profiling cycles. Most G-codes described here are modal, meaning that they remain active until canceled by another G-code. The following codes are described in detail in the following sections: G00 G01 G02 G03 G04 G20 G21 G28 G29 G32 G40 G41 G42 G50 G54-G59 G70 G71 G72 G74 Positioning in rapid Linear interpolation Circular interpolation (CW) Circular interpolation (CCW) Dwell Inch units Metric units Automatic zero return Return from zero return position Simple or constant thread Tool nose radius compensation cancel Tool nose radius compensation left Tool nose radius compensation right Coordinate system setting Workpiece coordinate systems Finishing cycle Turning cycle Facing cycle Peck drilling cycle Modal Modal Modal Modal Modal Modal
G75 G76 G90 G91 G96 G97 G98 G99 Grooving cycle Threading cycle Absolute programming Incremental programming Constant surface speed setting Constant spindle speed setting Linear feedrate per time Feedrate per revolution
The G00 command is used primarily to move the tool to and from a noncutting position. It is used most often before and after a G01, G02, and G03 command. It can also be used to position the tool for a tool change. This command causes the tool to move at its fastest possible rate. This rate may vary among machines, but it will be the fastest possible. On some machines each axis can run independently to exhaust the move as soon as possible. With G00, you can control one or two axes on one block of code. When programming two axes on one line, keep in mind that some controllers will move the tool in a straight line to the endpoint, whereas others will move each motor at its fastest possible rate and thereby cause the motion to be at a 45 angle and then straight. Care must also be taken when you are machining shafts on the outside of the part or performing internal operations. Hence it is advisable to perform single axis rapid moves to avoid collisions between the tool and the workpiece.
Figure 6.1
The G00 causes the tool to move to the endpoint in rapid mode. For safety reasons the G00 should not be used to approach a workpiece. Startpoint Endpoint
chapter 6 Turning
Sample Program G00EX0: Workpiece Size: Tool: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #2, Right-hand Facing Tool
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1000 N5 G20 G40 N10 T0101 N15 M03 N20 G00 X1.9 N25 Z0.1 M08 (Program Start Flag) (Program number 1000) (INCH UNITS, TNR cancel) (TOOL CHANGE, Tool #1, Register #1) (Spindle on CW) (Rapid to X1.9) (Rapid to Z0.1)
N30 G01 Z-1.25 F0.012 (Feed to Z-1.25 at 0.12 IN./rev) N35 G00 X4.0 Z3.0 M09 (Rapid to X4 and Z3) N40 T0100 M05 N45 M30 (Tool cancel Register #1) (Program end)
Note: For safety and good programming practice reasons, you should never let the tool be moved rapidly to the workpiece.
The G01 command executes all movement along a straight line at a particular feedrate. These straight-line feed moves may cut in one or two axes simultaneously. This command can be used for turning, facing, and tapering. It is specified by the G01 command, followed by the endpoint of the move, and then a specified feedrate.
Figure 6.2
Normal cutting is performed by using controlled feed moves such as the G01 command.
Sample Program G01EX1: Workpiece Size: Tool: Length 4", Diameter 2.5" Tool #1, Right-hand Facing Tool
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1001 N5 G20 G40 N10 T0101 N15 M03 N20 G00 X2.375 M08 N22 Z0.1 N25 G01 Z-2.0 F0.015 N30 G00 X2.5 N35 Z0.1 N40 X2.25 N45 G01 Z-1.75 N50 G00 X2.375 N55 Z0.1 N60 X2.125 N65 G01 Z-1.5 N70 G00 X2.25 N75 Z0.1 N80 X1.875 N85 G01 Z0 N90 X2.125 Z-0.125 N95 G00 X4 M09 N100 Z3 N105 T0100 M05 N110 M30
The G02 command executes all circular or radial cuts in a clockwise motion. It is specified by the G02 command, followed by the endpoint for the move, the radius (the distance from startpoint to the centerpoint), and a feedrate. Therefore the three requirements for cutting arcs are: 1. The endpoint. 2. The radius R or I for X and K for Z values that represent the incremental distance from the startpoint to the centerpoint. The R value is limited to a maximum of 90. 3. The feedrate.
The I and K values represent the relative, or incremental, distance from the starting point to the arc center.
chapter 6 Turning
Figure 6.3
Example of the G02 command. The Startpoint, Centerpoint, and Endpoint are shown. Startpoint
2 1
The radius is specified by defining the incremental distance from the arcs startpoint to the centerpoint, in both the X and Z directions. These values are identified by I and K variables, respectively. The R word, the value of the radius of the arc, can also be used. However, the maximum arc is limited to 90 when you use the R word.
In this example, the tool cuts a clockwise arc from its present location (X2, Z-1) at a feedrate of 0.012 ipr (see Fig. 6.3). The tool cuts an arc from (X2, Z1) to the specified endpoint at (X0, Z0). There is a change of 1 in. in the X direction from the arcs startpoint to its centerpoint, so the I value is 1. There is no change in the Z direction from the startpoint to the centerpoint, so the K value is 0. Sample Program G02EX2: Workpiece Size: Tool: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #2, Right-hand Facing Tool
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1002 N5 G20 G40 N10 T0202 N15 M03 N20 G00 X1.7 N22 Z0.1 M08 N25 G01 Z-0.5 F0.012 N30 G00 X2 N35 Z0.1 N40 X1.4 N45 G01 Z-0.25 N50 G00 X2.1 N55 Z-1 N60 G01 X2.0 N65 G02 X0 Z0 I-1.0 K0 N70 G00 X2.1
N75 Z-1.0 N80 G01 X2.0 N85 G02 X2.0 Z-2 I0.5 K-0.5 (Partial CW arc feed move) N90 G00 X4.0 Z3.0 M09 N95 T0200 M05 N100 M30
The G03 command executes all radial cuts in a counterclockwise motion. It is specified by the G03 command, followed by the endpoint for the move, the radius (the distance from the startpoint to the centerpoint), and a feedrate. The radius is specified by defining the incremental distance from the arcs startpoint to its centerpoint in both the X and Z directions. These values are identified by I and K variables, respectively. The R word, the value of the radius of the arc, can also be used.
The I and K values define the incremental distance from the arc startpoint to the arc centerpoint in X and Z, respectively.
Figure 6.4
The tool cuts an arc from (X0, Z0) to the diametrical point (X2, Z-1). Endpoint (X1, Z1) X 0 1 1 Center (X0, Z1) Z 1 0
Sample Program G03EX3: Workpiece Size: Tool: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #2, Right-hand Facing Tool
chapter 6 Turning
N10 N15 N20 N22 N25 N30 N35 N40 N45 N50 N55 N60 N65 N70 N75 N80 N85 N90 N95
T0202 M03 G00 X1.7 Z0.1 M08 G01 Z-0.5 F0.012 G00 X2.0 Z0.1 X1.4 G01 Z-0.25 G00 X1.5 Z0.1 X0 G01 Z0 G03 X2.0 Z-1.0 I0 K-1.0 (90 CCW arc feed move) G01 Z-2.0 G03 X2.0 Z-1.0 I0.5 K0.5 (Partial CCW arc feed move) G00 X4.0 Z3.0 M09 T0200 M05 M30
Format: N_ G04 P_
The G04 command designates a period of time that the tool is to wait in a particular position. It is used most frequently in drilling operations. It is specified by the G04 command, followed by the letter address P, which defines the period of time in seconds. Upon encountering a G04 command, the MCU halts all axes movement. The spindle, coolant, and other auxiliaries will continue to operate.
Figure 6.5
As only the tool motion is affected by the dwell, the spindle will continue to rotate.
Sample Program G04EX4: Workpiece Size: Tool: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #8, 1" Diameter Drill
Tool Start Position: X2,Z3 % :1004 N5 G20 G40 N10 T0808 N15 M03 N20 G00 X0 N25 Z0.125 N30 G01 Z-2.0 F0.015 N35 G04 P0.5 N40 G00 Z3.0 N45 X4.0 N50 T0800 M05 N55 M30
The G20 command sets the system to accept all data in inch units.
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1020 N5 G90 N10 G20 N15 T0101 N20 M03 N25 G00 Z0.1 N30 X0.5 N35 G01 Z0 F0.015
chapter 6 Turning
G03 X1.0 Z-0.25 I0 K-0.25 G00 X4.0 Z3.0 T0100 M05 M30
Block N10 will switch the system to accept all data as inch units. As a result, block N40 will cut a 0.25-in. arc in the workpiece.
N_ G21
The G21 command sets the system to accept all data in metric units, with the millimeter as the standard unit of measure.
Tool Start Position: X50, Z75 % :1013 N5 G90 G21 G40 N15 T0303 N17 M03 N20 G00 Z20 M08 N25 X45 N30 G01 Z-50 F1 N35 X40 N40 Z2 N45 X35 N50 Z-25 N55 X30 N60 Z-10 N65 G00 X100 M09 N70 Z100 N75 T0300 M05 N80 M30
The G28 command is used for automatic tool changing. Basically, it allows the existing tool to be positioned automatically to the predefined zero return position via an intermediate position. All axes are positioned to the intermediate point at the rapid traverse rate and then from the intermediate point to the zero return position (Fig. 6.6).
Figure 6.6
Cutter moves from the startpoint to the intermediate point and then to the zero return position.
Sample Program G28EX28: Workpiece Size: Tool: Tool Start Position: Length 4", Diameter 2.5" Tool #1, Right-hand Tool X2", Z3"
Zero Return Position: X2", Z3" % :1028 N5 G20 G40 N10 T0101 N12 M03 M08 N15 G00 X2.25 N20 Z0.1 N25 G01 Z-2.0 F0.012 N30 G28 X4.0 Z0.5 M09 (Rapid move to zero return position) N35 T0100 M05 N40 M30
chapter 6 Turning
Figure 6.7
Cutter moves from the zero reference point to the intermediate point, and then to the endpoint.
The G29 command is used immediately after a G28 command to return the tool to a specified point via the intermediate point specified by the previous G28 command (Fig. 6.7). This command is usually used after a tool change command. Sample Program G29EX29: Workpiece Size: Tools: Length 4", Diameter 2.5" Tool #1, Right-hand Tool Tool #2, Finishing Tool Tool Start Position: X2", Z3"
Zero Return Position: X2", Z3" % :1029 N5 G20 N10 T0101 N12 M03 M08 N15 G00 X2.25 N20 Z0.1 N25 G01 Z-2.0 F0.012 N30 G28 X4.0 Z0.5 M09 N35 T0100 M05 N40 T0202 N45 M03 M08 N50 G29 X2.25 Z0.1 N55 G01 Z-2.0 N60 G28 X4 Z0.5 M09 N65 T0100 M05 N70 M30 (Return from zero return position)
The G32 command is used to program a simple or basic thread cycle. The X and Z specify the endpoint, F the thread pitch. Sample Program G32EX32: Workpiece Size: Tool: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #4, Neutral Tool / Threading Tool
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1040 N5 G20 G40 N10 T0101 N15 M03 M08 N20 G00 Z0.1 N25 X2.1 N30 G01 X1.0 F0.012 N35 G32 Z-2.0 F.05 N40 G00 X4.0 N45 T0100 M05 N50 M30 (Machine a single-pass thread) (Set TNR cancel at beginning)
The G40 command cancels any compensation that was applied to the tool during a program. It also acts as a safeguard to cancel any cutter compensation applied previously. TNR compensation is used to compensate for the small radius on singlepoint turning and boring tools. Normally, CNC programs are written so that the tool tip follows the toolpath. This would be fine if all tools were perfect and had sharp points. However, most turning tools have a small radius on the cutting edge that makes the tools deviate slightly from the programmed path. In this case, the tool must be offset either left or right. However, tool nose radius compensation is modal, so the compensation must be canceled once it is no longer required. The G40 command does this. Sample Program G40EX40: Workpiece Size: Tool: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #1, Right-hand Facing Tool
chapter 6 Turning
% :1040 N5 G20 G40 N10 T0101 N15 M03 M08 N17 G41 N20 G00 Z-0.1 N25 X2.1 N30 G01 X1 F0.012 N35 G40 G00 Z3 M09 N40 X4 N45 T0100 M05 N50 M30
The G41 command applies a tool nose radius compensation left of the programmed tool path. This allows you to program turning and boring tools by using actual coordinates and not having to allow for the radius of the tool. The offset register value will compensate for the difference caused by the small radius on the tool (Fig. 6.8). TNR compensation is used to compensate for the small radius on single-point turning and boring tools. The actual offset value on most turning centers comes from the Tool Offset Register Table, which is referenced to the tool currently being used. For example, T0202 would mean that Tool #2 is being used with the offset register #2 loaded. Hence TNR compensation is the value of offset register #2. Once compensation has been invoked, it remains in effect until canceled by a G40 command or another offset reference. You must remember to cancel tool nose radius compensation when you return a tool to the tool change position, usually after a G28 command.
Figure 6.8
The tool follows the programmed tool path by automatically compensating the TNR distance on the left side.
Sample Program G41EX41: Workpiece Size: Tools: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #8, Left-hand Facing Tool Tool #10, 1" Drill Tool #12, Center Drill Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1041 N5 G20 G40 N10 T1212 M08 N15 G98 M03 S2000 N20 G00 X0 N25 Z0.1 N30 G01 Z-0.2 F2 N35 G00 Z3 N40 X4 T1200 N45 T1010 N50 G00 X0 N55 Z0.1 N60 G74 Z-2 F0.5 D0 K0.25 N65 G00 Z3 N70 T1000 X4 N75 G99 T0808 N80 G41 G00 X0.8 (TNR compensation left) N85 Z0.2 N90 G01 Z-1.75 F0.012 N95 X0.9 N100 Z-0.25 N105 G03 X2 Z0 R0.5 N110 G40 G00 X4 Z3 M09 N115 T0800 M05 N120 M30
The G42 command applies tool nose radius compensation right to allow you to program turning and boring tools by using actual coordinates and not having to allow for the radius of the tool. The offset register value will compensate for the difference caused by the small radius on the tool (Fig. 6.9).
chapter 6 Turning
Figure 6.9
TNR compensation is used to compensate for the small radius on single-point turning and boring tools. The actual offset value on most turning centers comes from the Tool Offset Register Table, which is referenced to the tool currently being used. For example, T0404 would mean that Tool #4 is being used with the offset register #4 loaded. Hence TNR compensation is the value of offset register #4. Once compensation has been invoked, it remains in effect until canceled by a G40 command. You must remember to cancel tool nose radius compensation when you return a tool to the tool change position. Sample Program G42EX42: Workpiece Size: Tools: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #1, Right-hand Facing Tool Tool #2, Right-hand Finishing Tool Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1042 N5 G20 G40 N10 T0101 N15 M03 N20 G00 Z0.1 M08 N25 X1.75 N30 G01 Z-2 F0.012 N35 G00 X2 Z0.1 N40 X1.5 N45 G01 Z-1.5 N50 G00 X1.75 Z0.1 N55 X1 N60 G01 Z0 N65 G03 X1.5 Z-0.25 I0 K-0.25 N70 G00 X4 Z3 T0100 N75 G00 T0202 N80 G42 G00 X0 N85 Z0.1 N90 G01 Z0
N95 X1 N100 G03 X1.5 Z-0.25 R0.25 N105 G01 Z-1.5 N110 X1.75 N115 Z-2 N120 X2.1 N125 G40 G00 X4 Z3 M09 N130 T0200 M05 N135 M30
The G50 command is used to specify the coordinate system setting for the current program. It specifically determines the coordinate distances in both the X and Z directions from the current tool location to the workpiece origin point. This origin point is also referred to as the program absolute zero and can be specified in several ways. Normally, you would touch-off the workpiece manually by jogging the tool to the edge of the workpiece. At this point you would determine where the origin will be. Usually, the simplest method is to make the right-hand centerpoint of the workpiece to be (X0, Z0). In other cases the chuck face or the machine spindle plate will be used as the absolute program zero. The G50 command also has an optional maximum spindle setting for the current operation, which can be programmed by specifying the S address word. Sample Program G50EX50: Workpiece Size: Tool: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #1, Right-hand Facing Tool
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1040 N5 G20 G40 N10 G50 X2 Z6 N15 T0101 N16 M03 M08 N18 G41 N20 G00 Z-0.1 N25 X2.1 N30 G01 X1 F0.012 N35 G40 G00 Z3 M09 N40 X4 N45 T0100 M05 N50 M30
The G54G59 commands are used to establish one of six preprogrammed work coordinate systems. These settings reside in special parameter registers in the controller or MCU. Each register has separate X and Z coordinate settings. The use of these commands can be thought of as special G92 commands for specific work areas. They are frequently used when multiple part fixtures are used in a job, where each register can refer to a specific work area.
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 Coordinate System Register #1: X0.0 Z-2.0
% :1054 N5 G90 G20 N10 T0101 N15 M03 N20 G00 X2 Z0.1 M08 N25 G54 N80 G00 X4.0 Z3.0 M09 N85 T0200 M05 N90 M30
The G70 command calculates the finished part profile and then executes a finishing (or profile) pass on the workpiece. You specify it by entering G70, followed by the letter address P (start block) and the letter address Q (end block), which specify the desired finished profile. Thus you define the finish contour of the part. This command is generally used to finish the part after a G71 or G72 command, which have left allowance for the finishing cycle. When the G70 command is executed, it reads all program blocks and then formulates a profiling cycle. The finishing pass cut follows the finish contour of the part. At the end of the finishing pass the tool is positioned back to the startpoint and the next block is read and executed.
Figure 6.10
The tool follows the profile of the part specified by the G70 command. All data between the start and end blocks is considered.
This command is mostly used to profile a part once all material removing operations have been completed.
chapter 6 Turning
W D F Amount of stock to be left for finishing in Z Depth of cut for each pass in thousandths Feedrate for finish pass
The G71 command automatically turns a workpiece to a specified diameter at a specified depth of cut. It reads a program segment and determines the number of passes, the depth of cut for each pass, and the number of repeat passes for the cycle. The G71 command can cut four types of patterns. Each must be programmed as a separate group of blocks. Cutting is done by parallel moves of the tool in the Z direction. The U and W signs are shown in Fig. 6.11. The G71 command must either be inserted into the program after the program segment has been completed or be written in the File Editor. If the command is written in the Simulate/Edit mode, the program will look for the start and end blocks, which do not yet exist, thereby creating errors.
Figure 6.11
Positive and negative U and W signs instruct the MCU on how to execute the rough turning cycle. This type of cycle is known as a Type A roughing cycle on most Fanuc controllers.
B U+W+ U+W
Figure 6.12
The G71 command turns the part to the diameter specified in the program segment. The cutting moves are parallel to the Z axis. The upper half of the profile shows the G71 command and how it steps down to size. The lower half of the profile shows how the G70 command cleans up with a finishing pass.
In the following sample program use the Simulate/Edit option. Sample Program G71EX71: Workpiece Size: Tools: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #1, Right-hand Facing Tool Tool #2, Right-hand Finishing Tool Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1071 N5 G90 G20 N10 T0101 N15 M03 N20 G00 X2 Z0.1 M08 N35 G71 P40 Q55 U0.05 W0.05 D625 F0.012 (Rough turning) N40 G01 X0 Z0 N45 G03 X1 Z-0.5 I0 K-0.5 N50 G01 Z-1.0 N55 X2.1 Z-1.5 N60 T0100 G00 X4 Z3 N65 T0202 N70 G00 X2 Z0.1 N75 G70 P40 Q55 F0.006 N80 G00 X4 Z3 M09 N85 T0200 M05 N90 M30
The G72 command automatically faces off a part to a predefined depth of cut, with preset offsets and feedrates.
chapter 6 Turning
Figure 6.13
The G72 command roughs out the profile as specified in the program segment. The cutting moves are parallel to the X axis. Then the G70 command cleans it up with a finish pass.
command is written in the Simulate/Edit mode, the program will look for the start and end blocks, which do not yet exist, thereby creating errors. Sample Program G72EX72: Workpiece Size: Tools: Length 4", Diameter 1" Tool #1, Right-hand Facing Tool Tool #2, Right-hand Finishing Tool Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1072 N5 G90 G20 N10 T0101 N15 M03 N20 G00 X1 Z0.1 M08 N25 G72 P30 Q50 U0.05 W0.05 D500 F0.012 (Rough facing) N30 G01 X0 Z0.1 N35 X0.25 N40 Z-0.125 N45 X0.5 Z-0.25 N50 G02 X1 Z-0.5 I0.25 K0 N55 G00 X4 Z3 T0100 N60 T0202 N65 G00 X1 Z0.1 N70 G70 P30 Q50 F0.006 N75 G00 X4 N80 Z3 M09 N85 T0200 M05 N90 M30
The G74 command executes a peck drilling cycle with automatic retracts and incremental depths of cut. The G74 command is specified by several letter addresses: X0 Z K F X always 0 Total depth Peck depth Feed rate
(Drilling cycle)
Figure 6.14
The G74 command relies on the command variables to execute properly. Z is the desired total depth, and K is how far the tool will drill in on each peck before retracting.
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1075 N5 G90 G20 N10 T0505 F0.015 N15 M03 N20 G00 Z-0.5 M08 N25 X1.2 N30 G75 X0.5 Z-0.75 F0.125 D0 I0.125 K0.125 (Grooving cycle) N35 G00 X4 N40 Z3 M09 N45 T0500 M05 N50 M30
Figure 6.15
A grooving example.
The G76 command performs all threading operations in a cycle, with automatic depth change and toolpath calculation. The G76 command is specified by several letter addresses: X Z D K F A Minor diameter of thread Position at end of thread Depth of first pass in thousandths (the control uses the first depth of cut to determine the number of passes) Depth of thread Pitch of thread (thread pitch = 1/thread/in.) Tool angle (If the tool angle is given, the tool will continue to cut on the leading edge of the tool; if no tool angle is given, the tool will cut on both sides.)
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1076 N5 G90 G20 N10 T0606 M08 N15 M03 N20 G00 X1 N25 Z0.1
Figure 6.16
Startpoint and endpoint of thread cycle. XZ Endpoint ATool Angle XZ Startpoint
KDepth of Thread
chapter 6 Turning
G76 X0.96 Z-2 D625 K0.125 A55 F0.1 (Threading cycle) G00 X4 Z3 M09 T0600 M05 M30
The G90 command sets the system to accept all coordinates as absolute data and can be switched only with the G91 command.
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1090 N5 G90 N10 G20 N15 T0101 N20 M03 N25 G00 X1.75 M08 N30 Z0.1 N35 G01 Z-2 F0.015 N40 G00 X2 Z0.1 N45 X1.5 N50 G01 Z-1.75 N55 G00 X1.75 Z0.1 N60 X1.25 N65 G01 Z-1.5 N70 G00 X1.5 Z0.1 N75 X1 N80 G01 Z-1.25 N85 X2 Z-2.25 N90 G00 X4 Z3 M09 N95 T0100 M09 N100 M30
The G91 command sets the system to accept all coordinates as incremental data and can be switched with the G90 command within a program.
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1091 N5 G90 G20 N10 T0101 N15 M03 N25 G00 X1.75 N30 Z0.1 N35 G91 G01 Z-1.85 F0.015 N40 G00 X0.25 Z1.85 N45 X-0.5 N50 G01 Z-1.6 N55 G00 X0.25 Z1.6 N60 X-0.5 N65 G01 Z-1.35 N70 G00 X0.25 Z1.35 N75 X-0.5 N80 G01 Z-1.1 N85 X1 Z-1 N90 G90 G00 X4 Z3 M09 N95 T0100 M05 N100 M30 (Incremental data input)
When constant surface speed (CSS) is set, the spindle speed will vary according to the tool position in the X direction. To maintain CSS the MCU automatically calculates the appropriate spindle speed to maintain proper relative speed between the tool and the workpiece. As the tool approaches the center of the rotating workpiece, the spindle speed will increase. The surface speed depends on the input units setting. If it is in metric units, the surface speed is set to meters per minute; if it is in inches, the surface speed is set to feet per minute. Note that the CSS is inversely proportional to the radius.
chapter 6 Turning
Sample Program G96EX96: Workpiece Size: Tools: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #10, 1" Drill Tool #12, Center Drill Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1096 N5 G20 G40 G99 N10 T1212 M08 N12 G96 S600 (Set CSS at 600 feet per minute) N15 G98 M03 S2000 N20 G00 X0 N25 Z0.1 N30 G01 Z-0.2 F2 N35 G00 Z3 N40 X4 T1200 N45 T1010 N50 G00 X0 N55 Z0.1 N60 G74 Z-1 F0.5 D0 K0.25 N65 G99 G00 Z3 N70 T1000 X4 N75 M05 N80 M30
The G97 command is used to cancel the G96 setting and set the spindle speed in revolutions per minute. The tool position does not affect the spindle speed. Sample Program G97EX97: Workpiece Size: Tools: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #10, 1" Drill Tool #12, Center Drill Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1097 N5 G20 G40 G99 N10 T1212 M08 N12 G97 S800 (Set the spindle speed at 800 rev. per minute) N15 G98 M03 S2000 N20 G00 X0
N25 N30 N35 N40 N45 N50 N55 N60 N65 N70 N75 N80 Z0.1 G01 Z-0.2 F2 G00 Z3 X4 T1200 T1010 G00 X0 Z0.1 G74 Z-1 F0.5 D0 K0.25 G99 G00 Z3 T1000 X4 M05 M30
The G98 command sets the linear feedrate to units (inch or millimeter) per time (minutes). The setting depends on which type of unit is currently active. It causes all feedmoves (G01, G02, and G03, as well as the canned cycles) to accept units per minute as the defining rate. It sets the feedrate only to units per minute; it does not set the actual feedrate for the feedmoves. Sample Program G98EX98: Workpiece Size: Tools: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #10, 1" Drill Tool #12, Center Drill Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1041 N5 G20 G40 G99 N10 T1212 M08 N15 G98 M03 S2000 (Set feed in inches per minute) N20 G00 X0 N25 Z0.1 N30 G01 Z-0.2 F2 N35 G00 Z3 N40 X4 T1200 N45 T1010 N50 G00 X0 N55 Z0.1 N60 G74 Z-1 F0.5 D0 K0.25 N65 G99 G00 Z3 (Set feed in inches per revolution) N70 T1000 X4 N75 M05 N80 M30
The G99 command sets the feedrate to units (inch or millimeter) per revolution. The setting depends on which type of unit is currently active. It causes all feedmoves (G01, G02, and G03, as well as the canned cycles) to accept units per revolution as the defining rate. It is the default setting on most CNC turning centers. It also is used to synchronize axes moves with the spindle, especially in programming threads. Sample Program G99EX99: Workpiece Size: Tools: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #8, Left-hand Facing Tool Tool #10, 1" Drill Tool #12, Center Drill Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1041 N5 G20 G40 G99 N10 T1212 M08 N15 G98 M03 S2000 N20 G00 X0 N25 Z0.1 N30 G01 Z-0.2 F2.0 N35 G00 Z3 N40 X4 T1200 N45 T1010 N50 G00 X0 N55 Z0.1 N60 G74 Z-1 F0.5 D0 K0.25 N65 G99 G00 Z3 N70 T1000 X4 N75 T0101 N80 G00 X0.75 N85 Z0.1 N90 G01 Z0 F0.015 N95 X1.5 N100 G03 X2 Z-0.25 I0 K-0.25 N105 G01 X1.75 Z-1.5 N110 X2 Z-3 N115 G00 X4 Z3 M09 N120 T0100 M05 N125 M30 (Reset to inches per revolution) (Set to inches per minute) (Set to inches per revolution)
M-codes are miscellaneous functions that include actions necessary for machining but not those that are actual tool movements (for example, auxiliary functions). They include spindle on and off, tool changes, coolant on and off, program stops, and similar, related functions. The following codes are described in detail in the following sections. M00 M01 M02 M03 M04 M05 M07 M08 M09 M98 M99 M30 Block Skip Comments Program stop Optional program stop Program end Spindle on clockwise Spindle on counterclockwise Spindle stop Coolant 1 on Coolant 2 on Coolant off Subprogram call Return from subprogram End of program, reset to start / used to bypass CNC blocks ( and ) used to help operator comments
The M00 command is a temporary program stop function. All functions are temporarily suspended and remain so until reactivated by user input. When the MCU encounters an M00 command, it shuts down all machine controls (spindle, coolant, all axes, and any auxiliaries). The MCU then waits for user input to continue the program. The screen prompt Program Stop, Enter to Continue is displayed on screen. The MCU will reinstate all functions only after Enter is pressed. The MCU retains all program blocks and coordinate data until after the machine control has been returned to its normal state. (The computer remembers all points and tool position information so that there is no chance of losing the program zero.)
chapter 6 Turning
Sample Program M00EX0: Workpiece Size: Tool: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #1, Right-hand Tool
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1000 N5 T0101 N10 M03 N15 G00 X2.1 M08 N20 Z-0.1 N25 G01 X0 F0.015 N30 G00 X4 Z0 N35 M00 N40 X2.1 Z-0.3 N45 G01 X1.4 Z-0.2 N50 X1 N55 Z0.1 N60 G00 Z3 N65 X4 M09 N70 T0100 M05 N75 M30
The M01 command is an optional program stop that stops the program only if the M01 switch is selected or set to ON. In the Options menu there is an Optional Stop item. Its default mode is OFF, or unchecked . To turn it on, simply click on it to make the check mark appear next to the option text. The switch will then be set to ON. With the M01 switch on, the MCU halts all machine functions temporarily. The monitor displays the screen prompt Optional Stop, Enter to Continue. After you press Enter, the lathe will carry on as before, without any loss of position.
% :1000 N5 T0101 N10 M03 N15 G00 X2.1 M08 N20 Z-0.1 N25 G01 X0 F0.015 N30 G00 X4 Z0 N35 M01 N40 X2.1 Z-0.3 N45 G01 X1.4 Z-0.2 N50 X1 N55 Z0.1 N60 G00 Z3 N65 X4 M09 N70 T0100 M05 N75 M30
The M02 command indicates the end of the main program cycle operation. Upon encountering this command, the MCU switches off all machine operations (spindle, coolant, all axes, and any auxiliaries) and terminates the program. The M02 command is always by itself on the last line of the program. Sample Program M02EX2: Workpiece Size: Tools: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #1, Right-hand Tool Tool #2, Right-hand Finishing Tool Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1070 N5 G90 G20 N10 T0101 N15 M03 N20 G00 X2 Z0.1 M08 N35 G71 P40 Q60 U0.05 W0.05 D625 F0.012 N40 G01 X0 Z0 N45 G03 X0.5 Z-0.25 I0 K-0.25 N50 G01 X1.5 Z-0.75 N55 Z-1.25 N60 X2.1
chapter 6 Turning
N65 T0100 G00 X4 Z3 N70 T0202 N75 G00 X2 Z0.1 N80 G70 P40 Q60 F0.006 N85 G00 X2.125 Z-1.5 N90 G01 X2 F0.012 N95 G02 Z-3 R2 N100 G00 X4 Z3 M09 N90 T0200 M05 N95 M02
(Program end)
The M03 command switches the spindle on so that it rotates clockwise. The spindle will rotate clockwise at the specified speed (rpm) until instructed by the MCU to stop. You can set the rpm by entering an S code followed by the desired value (for example, S2000). Otherwise, the MCU will determine the rpm based on the desired feedrate per revolution.
Tool Start Position: X50, Z75 % :1021 N5 G90 G99 G21 G40 N15 T0303 N17 M03 N20 G00 Z2 M08 N25 X45 N30 G01 Z-60 F0.015 N35 X40 N40 Z-10 N45 X35 N50 Z-25 N55 X30 N60 Z-10 N65 G00 X100 M09 N70 Z100 N75 T0300 M05 N80 M30
(Spindle on clockwise)
(Spindle off)
The M04 command switches the spindle on so that it rotates counterclockwise. The M04 command is specified by the letter address S and the required rpm. The spindle will rotate counterclockwise at the specified speed (rpm) until instructed by the MCU to stop. You can change the spindle speed at any point during the program by redefining the S value.
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1002 N5 G20 G99 G40 N10 T0202 N15 M04 N20 G00 X1.7 N22 Z0.1 M08 N25 G01 Z-0.5 F0.012 N30 G00 X2 N35 Z0.1 N40 X1.4 N45 G01 Z-0.25 N50 G00 X1.5 Z0.1 N55 X1 N60 G01 Z-0.1 N65 G00 X1.1 Z0.1 N70 X0 N75 G01 Z0 N80 G03 X2 Z-1 I0 K-1 N85 G00 X4 Z3 M09 N90 T0200 M05 N95 M30
(Spindle on counterclockwise)
(Spindle off)
The M05 command stops the spindle rotation. Although the M00, M01, and M02 commands switch the spindle off temporarily, only the M05 command switches the spindle off directly.
chapter 6 Turning
In this example, the machine spindle stops at N350. Sample Program M05EX5: Workpiece Size: Tool: Length 4", Diameter 2.5" Tool #1, Right-hand Tool
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1001 N5 G20 G40 N10 T0101 N15 M03 N20 G00 X2.375 M08 N22 Z0.1 N25 G01 Z-2.0 F0.015 N30 G00 X2.5 N35 Z0.1 N40 X2.25 N45 G01 Z-2 N50 G00 X2.375 N55 Z0.1 N60 X2.125 N65 G01 Z-2 N70 G00 X2.25 N75 Z0.1 N80 X1.875 N85 G01 Z0 N90 X2.125 Z-0.125 N95 G00 X4 M09 N100 Z3 N105 T0100 M05 N110 M30
Format: N_ M07
The M07 command switches on the first coolant flow. Coolant is required when you are turning materials such as mild steel. It provides lubrication, cools the tool, and carries away some of the chips. When you are machining lighter materials such as aluminum or wax, coolant is not always required.
Sample Program M07EX7: Workpiece Size: Tool: Length 4", Diameter 2" Tool #3, Neutral Tool
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1021 N5 G90 G20 G40 N15 T0303 N17 M03 N20 G00 X2.1 M07 N25 Z-1.25 N30 G01 X1.75 F0.015 N35 Z-2.75 N40 X1.5 N45 Z-1.25 N50 G02 Z0 R1 F0.006 N55 G00 X4 Z3 M09 N60 T0300 M05 N65 M30
(Coolant off)
Format: N_ M08
The M08 command switches on the second coolant flow. Coolant is required when you are turning materials such as mild steel. It provides lubrication, cools the tool, and carries away some of the chips. When you are machining lighter materials such as aluminum or wax, coolant is not always required.
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1008 N5 G90 G20 G40 N15 T0303 N17 M03 N20 G00 X2.1 M08 N25 Z-1.25 N30 G01 X1.75 F0.015 N35 Z-2.75 N40 Z-2.5
chapter 6 Turning
N45 N50 N55 N60 N65 N70 N75 N80 N85 N90
X1.5 Z-1.5 G00 X2.1 Z-1 G01 X1.75 Z-0.25 G00 X4 Z3 M09 T0300 M05 M30
(Coolant off)
The M09 command switches off all coolant flow. The coolant is switched off automatically when a tool change, a program end, or a program stop is encountered. You are responsible for switching the coolant off when required. Refer to the status window to verify whether coolant is on or off.
% :1009 N5 G90 G20 G40 N15 T0303 N17 M03 N20 G00 X2.1 M08 N25 Z-2.75 N30 G01 X1.75 F0.015 N35 Z-0.25 N40 X1.5 N45 Z-1.5 N50 X1.25 N55 X1.5 Z-0.25 N60 G00 X4 N65 Z3 M09 N70 T0300 M05 N75 M30
(Coolant on)
The M30 command stops program execution and awaits user input before continuing the program. It then rewinds the program memory to the beginning. On older CNC or NC machines that use paper tape, this command will rewind the tape to the beginning of the program. The prompt Program End, Enter to Continue is displayed on the screen (as a safety measure to prevent accidental program end).
Tool Start Position: X2,Z3 % :1002 N5 G20 G40 N10 T0101 N15 M03 N20 G00 Z0.05 X1.75 M08 N25 G01 Z-2.5 F0.015 N30 X2 Z-2.75 N35 G00 X2.1 Z0.05 N40 X1.25 N45 G01 Z0 N50 G03 X1.75 Z-0.25 I0 K-0.25 N55 G00 X4 Z3 M09 N60 T0100 M05 N65 M30 (End of Program)
Format: / N_
The use of Block Skip is extremely helpful in family of parts programming. This functionality is directly controlled by the Block Skip switch on most CNC Controllers. With the CNCez simulators this option is found in the Options menu. A check mark next to this option item indicates that Block Skip is selected, or turned on. If turned on, upon execution of a CNC program and a / is encountered, the program will ignore any CNC code on that block. An example of using Block Skip would be when two customers want a similar part machined with minor differences. The part for customer A may require several different machining operations or hole patterns, but the part for customer B may not require a particular pattern. The machine operator would simply edit the CNC program and insert Block Skips in front of the CNC blocks that are not required for customer B. He can then
chapter 6 Turning
run both jobs anytime simply by selecting the Block Skip switch on the MCU front panel. When running the following sample, first try it with Block Skip on, then repeat the program with Block Skip off. Sample Program SKIPEX2: Workpiece Size: Tool: X2.5, Z3 Tool #1, Center Drill Tool #2, 3/8" Drill Tool #3, 1/2" Drill Tool #4, Inside Turning Tool Tool #5, R. H. Turning Tool Tool #6, Grooving/Parting Tool Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1001 N5 G90 G98 G20 G40 N10 G00 X0 Z.25 N15 T0101 N20 M03 S850 N25 G74 Z-.25 K0.125 F2 N30 T0100 N35 T0202 N40 G00 X0 Z.25 N45 G74 Z-1 K0.125 F2 N50 T0200 N55 T0303 N60 G00 X0 Z.25 N65 G74 Z-1.5 K0.125 F2 N70 T0300 /N75 T0404 /N80 G00 X.675 Z.2 /N85 G01 Z-1.125 F2 /N90 X.75 /N95 Z-1 /N100 X1.25 Z-.75 /N105 Z-.5 /N110 X1.25 Z-.3 /N115 Z.1 /N120 G00 Z.5 /N125 T0400 N130 T0505 N135 G00 X2.55 N140 Z.2 N145 X2.25
Format: N_ (Comment statement)
Comments are useful to the CNC machine operator when setting up and running a job. Comments are defined by the use of round brackets. Anything between them is ignored by the program. Throughout the examples, comments are used to help you understand the CNC codes. Remember that comments are just aids in reading and understanding a program; the text is totally ignored even if it contains valid CNC code.
This program introduces you to the basic G- and M-codes. When executed, it turns the workpiece from an original diameter of 1.0 in. The completed part is shown in Fig. 6.17. Figure 6.17
The completed part.
chapter 6 Turning
N5 G20 G40 N10 T0101 M03 N15 G00 X1 Z0.25 M08 N20 G01 Z-0.75 F0.015 N25 G00 X1.1 N30 Z0.05 N35 X0.9375 N40 G01 Z-0.75 F0.012 N45 G00 X1 N50 Z0.05 N55 X0.8745 N60 G01 Z-0.75 N65 G00 X0.5 N70 Z0.05 N75 X0.8125 N80 G01 Z-0.375 N85 G00 X1 N90 Z0.05 N95 X0.75 N100 G01 Z-0.375 N105 G00 X2 M09 N110 Z2 N115 T0100 M05 N120 M30
Run the CNCez Turning Simulator either from the Windows taskbar or Desktop icon, or from the CNC Workshop CBT. (Fig. 6.18)
Figure 6.18
Initial opening screen for the CNCez Turning simulator.
The CNCez graphic user interface for Turning is displayed (Fig. 6.19).
Figure 6.19
The graphic user interface for turning.
Create a new file called I-turn1. Move the pointer to the menu bar and select File. Select New... (Fig. 6.20).
Figure 6.20
Selecting New... from the File menu.
chapter 6 Turning
Enter the file name: I-turn1. Click on OK or [Enter] (Fig. 6.21).
Figure 6.21
Dialog to enter the filename.
Set up the workpiece (stock material) for this program. From the menu bar, select Workpiece. Select New... (Fig. 6.22).
Enter the length (in.): 2. Enter the diameter (in.): 1. Click on OK (Fig. 6.23).
Figure 6.23
Entering the workpiece dimensions in the Workpiece Definition dialog.
STEP 5: This CNC program will use the default Tool Library that is shipped with the software. The program uses Tool #1 which is defaulted in the turret to be a right-hand tool. Look in the Tool Library at Tool #1. From the menu bar, select Setup. Select Tools (Fig. 6.24). The Tool Setup dialog will appear.
Figure 6.24
Selecting Tools... from the Setup menu.
Move the pointer over Tool #1 of the Tool Library on the left; clicking on it will change the green box to red. This indicates that the tool has been selected (Fig. 6.25).
chapter 6 Turning
Figure 6.25
Selecting Tool #1 from the Tool Library.
Click on Tool Turret Location #1 to make this the right-hand tool (Fig. 6.26). Click on OK to accept these changes to the Tool Turret.
Figure 6.26
Selecting the Tool Turret location #1.
STEP 6: Begin entering the program and simulate the cutter path. If you are not in the Simulate/Edit mode, use the Simulate/Edit option. From the menu bar, select Simulate. Select Edit (Fig. 6.27) STEP 7: Program setup phase. You must enter all the setup parameters before you can enter actual cutting moves (Figs. 6.28, 6.29, and 6.30). >% [Enter] >:1001 [Enter] Program start flag Program number 1001 (Fig. 6.28)
Figure 6.27
Selecting Edit from the Simulate menu.
Figure 6.28
Entering the program number 1001.
Inch input and TNR cancel Tool #1, spindle on clockwise (Fig. 6.29)
STEP 8: Material removal phase. Begin cutting the workpiece, using G00 and G01. >N15 G00 X1 Z0.25 M08 [Enter] Rapiding to (X1, Z0.25) (Fig. 6.30)
chapter 6 Turning
Figure 6.29
Result from entering T0101 M03.
Figure 6.30
Rapiding to X0.5 Z0.25.
>N20 G01 Z-0.75 F0.015 [Enter] >N25 >N30 >N35 >N40 G00 X1.1 [Enter] Z0.05 [Enter] X0.9375 [Enter] G01 Z-0.75 F0.012 [Enter]
G01 feed move to Z-0.75 at 0.015 IPR (Fig. 6.31) G00 up to X1.1 G00 to Z0.05 G00 down to X0.9375 G01 feed move to Z-0.75 at 0.012 ipr (Fig. 6.32) G00 up to X1 G00 right to Z0.05 G00 down to X0.8745
Figure 6.31
Performing a G01 to Z-0.75.
Figure 6.32
Performing another G01 to Z-0.75 on N40.
>N60 G01 Z-0.75 [Enter] >N65 >N70 >N75 >N80 G00 X1 [Enter] Z0.05 [Enter] X0.8125 [Enter] G01 Z-0.375 [Enter]
G01 feed move to Z-0.75 at 0.012 ipr (Fig. 6.33) G00 up to X1 G00 right to Z0.05 G00 down to X0.8125 G01 feed move to Z-0.375 at 0.012 ipr (Fig. 6.34) G00 rapid to X1 G00 rapid to Z0.05 G00 rapid to X0.75
chapter 6 Turning
Figure 6.33
Performing another G01 to Z-0.75 on N60.
Figure 6.34
Performing another G01 to Z-0.75 on N80.
>N100 G01 Z-0.375 [Enter] >N105 G00 X2 M09 [Enter] >N110 Z2 [Enter]
G01 feed move to Z-0.375 G00 rapid to X1 and coolant off G00 rapid to Z2
Program shutdown phase. Turn off the spindle and program end (Fig. 6.35). M05 spindle off End of program (Fig. 6.35)
Figure 6.35
End of program dialog prompt.
>N65 Press F3
STEP 10: The program is complete. Rerun it, using the Simulate/Cycle
option. From the menu bar, select Simulate. Select Cycle Start (Fig. 6.36).
Figure 6.36
Selecting Cycle Start from the Simulate menu.
chapter 6 Turning
Figure 6.37
End of program.
STEP 11: End of program (Fig. 6.37) STEP 12: View the completed solid.
From the menu bar, select View. Select Solid (Fig. 6.38)
Figure 6.38
Selecting the View Solid option.
A Solid View dialog will be displayed. Here you can rotate the workpiece and obtain a hard copy printout as well (Fig. 6.39).
Figure 6.39
The solid view representation of the completed part.
STEP 13: You can optionally save this program to a working folder, say,
This program introduces you to the basic circular interpolation routines. The completed part is shown in Fig. 6.40.
Figure 6.40
The completed part.
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1002 N5 G20 G40 N10 T0101 N15 M03 N20 G00 X1.8 Z0.05 N25 M08 N30 G01 Z-2.5 F0.015 N35 G00 X2 N40 Z0.05 N45 X1.6
chapter 6 Turning
N50 G01 Z-2 N55 G00 X1.8 N60 Z0.05 N65 X1.4 N70 G01 Z-1.5 N75 X2 Z-3 N80 G00 Z0.05 N85 X1.2 N90 G01 Z-0.5 N95 G00 X1.4 N100 Z0.05 N105 X1 N110 G01 Z-0.5 N115 G03 X1.4 Z-0.7 I0 K-0.2 N120 G00 Z-0.1 N125 X1 N135 G02 X0.8 Z0 I-0.1 K0 N140 G00 X2 Z2 N145 M09 N150 T0100 M05 N155 M30
Create a new file called I-turn2. Move the pointer to the menu bar and select File. Select New... Enter the file name: I-turn2 Click on OK or [Enter]. Set up the workpiece (stock material) for this program. From the menu bar, select Workpiece. Select New... Enter the length (in.): 4. Enter the diameter (in.): 2. Click on OK. Begin entering the program and simulate the cutter path. Use the Simulate/Edit option. If not in the Simulate/Edit mode, from the menu bar, select Simulate. Select Edit. Program setup phase. You must enter all the setup parameters before you can enter actual cutting moves. Program start flag Program number 1002 Inch programming and TNR cancel Tool change to Tool #1 (Fig. 6.41)
>% [Enter] >:1002 [Enter] >:N05 G20 G40 [Enter] >:N10 T0101 [Enter] >N15 M03 [Enter]
Figure 6.41
Spindle on.
Material removal phase. Begin cutting the workpiece. Rapiding to (X1.8, Z0.05) Coolant on (Fig. 6.42)
Figure 6.42
Tool in position to begin cutting with coolant on.
>N30 G01 Z-2.5 F0.015 [Enter] >N35 G00 X2 [Enter] >N40 Z0.05 [Enter]
G01 feed move to Z-2.5 at 0.015 ipr (Fig. 6.43) G00 rapid to X2 G00 rapid to Z0.05
chapter 6 Turning
Figure 6.43
The first cut.
X1.6 [Enter] G01 Z-2 [Enter] G00 X1.8 [Enter] Z0.05 [Enter] X1.4 [Enter] G01 Z-1.5 [Enter] X2 Z-3 [Enter]
G00 rapid to X1.6 G01 feed move to Z-1 G00 rapid to X1.8 G00 rapid to Z0.05 G00 rapid to X1.4 G01 feed move to Z-1.5 G01 diagonal feed move to (X2, Z-3) (Fig. 6.44) G00 rapid to Z0.05
Figure 6.44
Tool turning the tapered portion.
Figure 6.45
Result of G01 feed move.
Figure 6.46
G03 arc counterclockwise.
chapter 6 Turning
>N120 G00 Z-0.1 [Enter] >N125 X1.1 [Enter] >N130 G01 X1 [Enter] >N135 G02 X0.8 Z0 I-0.1 K0 [Enter] Rapid move to Z0.1 Rapid move to X1 Feed move to X1 G02 arc clockwise (Fig. 6.47)
Figure 6.47
Result of G02 arc move.
Rapid to (X2, Z2) Coolant off Spindle off End of program (Fig. 6.48)
You can optionally save your part program to your working folder.
This program introduces you to the G71 turning cycle and G70 finishing cycle commands. The completed part is shown in Fig. 6.49.
Figure 6.49
The completed part.
Tool Start Position: X2, Z3 % :1003 N5 G90 G20 G40 N10 T0101 N15 M03 N20 G00 X2.1 Z0.05 N25 G71 P30 Q50 U0.025 W0.005 D625 F0.012 N30 G01 X1 Z0 N35 G03 X1.5 Z-0.25 I0 K-0.25 N40 G01 X1.75 Z-2 N45 G03 X2 Z-2.125 I0 K-0.125 N50 G01 X2.2 N55 G70 P30 Q50 F0.006 N60 G00 X2 Z2 N65 T0100 M05 N70 M30
Create a new file called I-turn3. Move the pointer to the menu bar and select File. Select New... Enter the file name: I-turn3 [Enter] or Click on OK. Set up the workpiece (stock material) for this program. From the menu bar, select Workpiece. Select New... Enter the length (in.): 4. Enter the diameter (in.): 2. Begin entering the program and simulate the cutter path. Use the Simulate/Edit option.
chapter 6 Turning
Program setup phase. You must enter all the setup parameters before you can enter actual cutting moves. Program start flag Program number 1003 Absolute, inch, and TNR off Tool change to Tool #1 Spindle on clockwise
>% [Enter] >:1003 [Enter] >N5 G90 G20 G40 [Enter] >N10 T0101 [Enter] >N15 M03 [Enter]
Before entering the G71 and G70 commands, you must first create the profile. The profile will begin on N30 and end on N50. (This is just a simulation, so don't worry about the depth of cut right now. It will be taken care of by the G71 command.) >N25 G00 X1 Z0 [Enter] A temporary line that will later be replaced by the G71 command Feed move to (X1, Z0) Arc feed move Fig. 6.51 Arc feed move Fig. 6.52 A temporary line that will be replaced by the G70 command Rapid move to (X2, Z2)
>N30 G01 X1 Z0 [Enter] >N35 G03 X1.5 Z-0.25 I0 K-0.25 [Enter] >N40 G01 X1.75 Z-2 [Enter] >N45 G03 X2 Z-2.125 I0 K-0.125 [Enter] >N50 G01 X2.2 [Enter] >N55 G00 X1 Z0 [Enter]
Figure 6.51
Result after N40.
Figure 6.52
Result after N50.
Use the File/Edit option to insert the G71 and G70 commands. (Because of how the Simulate/Edit option works, it is much easier and faster to go to the File/Edit option to insert the commands.) To exit the current mode, press F3. From the menu bar, select File. From the File menu, select Edit (Fig. 6.54 and Fig. 6.56).
chapter 6 Turning
Figure 6.53
The completed profile.
Figure 6.54
Selecting Edit from the File menu.
As shown in Figs. 6.55 and 6.56, the editor can be displayed in two ways. The partial view is the way the editor first looks on the screen. When you press F1, the full screen appears. To select the full-screen editor, press F1, (Fig. 6.56). Here you must replace N25 and N55 with the following, also shown in Fig. 6.56: >N25 G71 P30 Q50 U0.025 W0.005 D625 F0.012 >N55 G70 P30 Q50 F0.006 >To exit from the editor mode, Press F3. Turning cycle Finishing cycle
Figure 6.55
Interactive Partial Line Editor.
Figure 6.56
The full-screen editor.
Go to the Simulate menu and run the complete program, using the Cycle Start option. From the menu bar, select Simulate. From the Simulate menu, select Cycle Start. You will now be able to observe the program simulation and how the G71 and G70 commands take care of many lines of programming (Fig. 6.57). End of program (Fig. 6.58) You can optionally save the part program to your working folder.
chapter 6 Turning
Figure 6.57
G71 command being executed.
Figure 6.58
The completed part.
This example demonstrates the G72 facing cycle and the G74 drilling cycle commands. The completed part is shown in Fig. 6.59. Workpiece Size: Tool: 2" Diameter by 3" Length Tool #2, Right-hand Turning Tool Tool #3, 3/8" Drill Tool Start Position: X2, Z3
Figure 6.59
The completed part.
% :1004 N5 G90 G20 G40 N10 T0202 N15 M03 N20 M08 N25 G00 X2 Z0.05 N30 G72 P35 Q50 U0.05 W0.005 D500 F0.012 N35 G01 X1 Z0.05 N40 Z-1 N45 X2 Z-1.5 N50 X2.2 N55 G70 P35 Q50 F0.006 N60 T0200 G00 X4 Z3 N65 T0303 N70 G00 X0 Z0.1 N75 G74 Z-1 F0.05 D0 K0.125 N80 G00 X4 Z3 M09 N85 T0300 M05 N90 M30 STEP 1: Create a new file called I-turn4. Move the pointer to the menu bar and select File. Select New... Enter the file name: I-turn4 [Enter] or Click on OK. STEP 2: Set up the workpiece (stock material) for this program. From the menu bar, select Workpiece. Select New... Enter the length (in.): 3. Enter the diameter (in.): 2. Click on OK or [Enter]. STEP 3: Begin entering the program and simulate the cutter path. Use the Simulate/Edit option. STEP 4: Program setup phase. You must enter all the setup parameters before you can enter actual cutting moves.
chapter 6 Turning
>% [Enter] >:1004 [Enter] >N5 G90 G20 G40 [Enter] >N10 T0202 [Enter] >N15 M03 [Enter] >N20 M08 [Enter]
Program start flag Program number 1004 Absolute and inch programming Tool change to Tool #2 Spindle on clockwise Coolant pump 1 on
Figure 6.60
Home position for G72.
G00 X1 Z0.05 [Enter] G01 X1 Z0.05 [Enter] Z-1 [Enter] X2 Z-1.5 [Enter] X2.2 [Enter] G00 Z0.05 [Enter] T0200 G00 X4 Z2 [Enter]
To be replaced later with G72 Beginning of profile Feed in to Z-1 Diagonal feed to (X2, Z-1.5) End of profile (Fig. 6.61) To be replaced by G70 Fig. 6.62
Use the File/Edit option to insert the G72 and G70 commands. To exit the current mode, press F3. From the menu bar, select File. From the File menu, select Edit.
Figure 6.61
Shows profile.
Figure 6.62
In tool change position.
Here you must replace N30 and N55 with the following, also shown in Fig. 6.63. >N30 G72 P35 Q50 U0.05 W0.005 D500 F0.012 >N55 G70 P35 Q50 F0.006
Go to Simulate/Edit to complete the program. To exit from the editor mode, press F3.
chapter 6 Turning
Figure 6.63
Replacing N30 and N55 with G72 and G70.
From the menu bar, select Simulate. From the Simulate menu, select Edit. You will now be able to observe the program simulation and how the G72 and G70 commands take care of many lines of programming (Figs. 6.64 and 6.65). Enter the drill cycle command.
Figure 6.64
The program running the G72 command.
Figure 6.65
The program running the G70 command.
Figure 6.66
Calling for a tool change to a 3/8 in. drill.
>N65 T0303 [Enter] >N70 G00 X0 Z0.1 [Enter] >N75 G74 Z-1 F0.05 D0 K0.125 [Enter]
Program shutdown phase Rapid move to (X4, Z3) and coolant off
chapter 6 Turning
Figure 6.67
After the G74 command.
>N85 T0300 M05 [Enter] Spindle off >N90 M30 [Enter] Fig. 6.68 STEP 10: End of program STEP 11: You can optionally save the part program to your working folder. Figure 6.68
Program end.
Workpiece Size: Tool:
I-turn5.trn 2" Diameter by 4" Length Tool #1, Right-hand Turning Tool Tool #2, Right-hand Finishing Tool Tool #3, Grooving Tool Tool #5, Neutral Tool
Create a new file called I-turn5. Move the pointer to the menu bar and select File. Select New... Enter the file name: I-turn5 [Enter] or Click on OK. Set up the workpiece (stock material) for this program. From the menu bar, select Workpiece. Select New... Enter the length (in): 4. Enter the diameter (in): 2. Click on OK or [Enter]. Begin entering the program and simulate the cutter path. Use the Simulate/Edit option.
chapter 6 Turning
From the menu bar, select Simulate. Select Edit. Program setup phase. You must enter all the setup parameters before you can enter actual cutting moves. Program start flag Program number 1005 Absolute and inch programming Tool change to Tool #1 Spindle on clockwise
>% [Enter] >:1005 [Enter] >:N05 G90 G20 G40 [Enter] >:N10 T0101 [Enter] >N15 M03 [Enter]
Material removal phase Rapid move to (X2.05, Z0.05) To be replaced with G71 Feed move to (X1.5, Z0.05) Feed move to Z-3 Feed move to X2.05 Rapid to (X4, Z3) and Tool #1 cancel Tool change to Tool #2 Rapid to (X2.05, Z0.05)
G00 X2.05 Z0.05 M07 [Enter] G00 X2.05 Z0.05 [Enter] G01 X1.5 Z0.05 [Enter] Z-3 [Enter] X2.05 [Enter] T0100 G00 X4 Z3 [Enter]
Insert the G71 and G70 commands. Here you must replace lines N25 and N60. Use the arrow keys to move the cursor to line N25 and replace it with the following: Turning cycle (Fig. 6.70)
Figure 6.70
Executing the G71 command.
T0200 G00 X4 Z3 [Enter] Rapid to tool change position T0505 [Enter] Tool change to Tool #5 G00 X2.25 Z-3 Rapid to (X2.25, Z-3) G75 X1.5 Z-0.25 F0.25 D0 I0.125 K0.125 [Enter] Grooving cycle
STEP 8: Enter the G76 command (Fig. 6.72). >N85 T0500 G00 X4 Z3 [Enter] Rapid to X4,Z3 and Tool #5 cancel >N90 T0303 [Enter] Tool change to Tool #3 >N95 G00 X1.5 Z0.05 [Enter] Rapid to (X1.5, Z0.05) >N100 G01 Z0 F0.012 [Enter] Feed move to Z0 >N105 G76 X1.5 Z-2.75 D625 K0.125 A55 F0.1 [Enter] Threading cycle (Fig. 6.72) >N110 G00 X4 Z3 M09 [Enter] Rapid to (X4, Z3) and coolant off
Figure 6.71
Grooving cycle.
STEP 9: Program shutdown phase >N115 T0300 M05 [Enter] >N120 M02 [Enter] Spindle off and cancel tool End of program (Fig. 6.73)
STEP 10: End of program STEP 11: You can optionally save your part program to your working folder.
chapter 6 Turning
Figure 6.72
Threading cycle in progress.
Figure 6.73
End of program dialog prompt.
lab exercises
1. What does the preparatory function G00 command do?
4. What does the address U stand for when a G71 command is programmed?
6. Which G-code and additional letter address are used to call up a dwell cycle?