New Microsoft Word Document
New Microsoft Word Document
New Microsoft Word Document
Shashank Mahajan
BE EXTC A, Roll no: 64 Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, St. Francis Institute Of Technology,Mumbai-103
Manish Singh
BE EXTC A, Roll no72 Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering City, St. Francis Institute Of Technology, Mumbai-103
Abstract HCI stands for Human-Computer Interaction:This paper contains the basic definitions and terminology, a survey of existing technologies and recent advances in the field, common architectures used in the design of HCI systems which includes unimodal and multimodal configurations, and finally the applications of HCI. This paper also offers a comprehensive number of references for each concept, method, and application in the HCI. Keywords: Human-Computer Interaction, Multimodal HCI, Ubiquitous Computing
technology that more or less is available to and used by public is presented. In the second part, an outlook of the direction to which HCI research is heading has been drawn.
EXISTING HCI TECHNOLOGIES HCI design should consider many aspects of human behaviours and needs to be useful. The complexity of the degree of the involvement of a human in interaction with a machine is sometimes invisible compared to the simplicity of the interaction method itself. The existing interfaces differ in the degree of complexity both because of degree of functionality/usability and the financial and economical aspect of the machine in market. For instance, an electrical kettle need not to be sophisticated in interface since its only functionality is to heat the water and it would not be costeffective to have an interface more than a thermostatic on and off switch. On the other hand, a simple website that may be limited in functionality should be complex enough in usability to attract and keep customers [1]. The existing physical technologies for HCI basically can be categorized by the relative human sense that the device is designed for. These devices are basically relying on three human senses: vision, audition, and touch Input devices that rely on vision are the most used kind and are commonly either switch-based or pointing devices [8] [9]. The switch-based devices are any kind of interface that uses buttons and switches like a keyboard [10]. The pointing devices examples are mice, joysticks, touch screen panels, graphic tablets, trackballs, and pen-based input [11]. Joysticks are the ones that have both switches and pointing abilities. The output devices can be any kind of visual display or printing device [3]. HCI SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE Most important factor of a HCI design is its configuration. In fact, any given interface is generally defined by the number and diversity of inputs and outputs it provides. Architecture of
INTRODUCTION Utilizing computers had always begged the question of interfacing. The methods by which human has been interacting with computers has travelled a long way. The journey still continues and new designs of technologies and systems appear more and more every day and the research in this area has been growing very fast in the last few decades. The growth in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) field has not only been in quality of interaction, it has also experienced different branching in its history. Instead of designing regular interfaces, the different research branches have had different focus on the concepts of multimodality rather than unimodality, intelligent adaptive interfaces rather than command/action based ones, and finally active rather than passive interfaces. This paper intends to provide an overview on the state of the art of HCI systems and cover most important branches as mentioned above. In the next section, basic definitions and terminology of HCI are given. Then an overview of existing technologies and also recent advances in the field is provided. This is followed up by a description on the different architectures of HCI designs. The final sections pertain to description on some of the applications of HCI and future directions in the field OVERVIEW ON HCI The advances made in last decade in HCI have almost made it impossible to realize which concept is fiction and which is and can be real. The thrust in research and the constant twists in marketing cause the new technology to become available to everyone in no time. However, not all existing technologies are accessible and/or affordable by public. In the first part of this section, an overview of the
a HCI system shows what these inputs and outputs are and how they work together A system that is based on only one modality is called unimodal. Based on the nature of different modalities, they can be divided into three categories: 1. Visual-Based 2. Audio-Based 3. Sensor-Based Visual-Based HCI The visual based human computer interaction is probably the most widespread area in HCI research. Considering the extent of applications and variety of open problems and approaches,researchers tried to tackle different aspects of human responses which can be recognized as a visual signal. Some of the main research areas in this section are as follow: Facial Expression Analysis Body Movement Tracking (Large-scale) Gesture Recognition Gaze Detection (Eyes Movement Tracking) While the goal of each area differs due to applications, a general conception of each area can be concluded. Facial expression analysis generally deals with recognition of emotions visually.Body movement tracking and gesture recognition are usually the main focus of this area and can have different purposes but they are mostly used for direct interaction of human and computer in a command and action scenario. Gaze detection is mostly an indirect form of interaction between user and machine which is mostly used for better understanding of users attention, intent or focus in context-sensitive situations.The exception is eye tracking systems for helping disabilities in which eye tracking plays a main role in command and action scenario, e.g. pointer movement, blinking for clicking.It is notable that some researchers tried to assist or even replace other types of interactions (audio-, sensor-based) with visual approaches. For example, lip reading or lip movement tracking is known to be used as an influential aid for speech recognition error correction Audio-Based HCI The audio based interaction between a computer and a human is another important area of HCI systems. This area deals with information acquired by different audio signals. While the nature of audio signals may not be as variable as visual signals but the information gathered from audio signals can be more trustable, helpful, and is some cases unique providers of information. Research areas in this section can be divided to the following parts: Speech Recognition Speaker Recognition Auditory Emotion Analysis Human-Made Noise/Sign Detections Musical Interaction Historically, speech recognition and speaker recognition have been the main focus
of researchers. Recent endeavors to integrate human emotions in intelligent human computer interaction initiated the efforts in analysis of emotions in audio signals [48] [49]. Other than the tone and pitch of speech data, typical human auditory signs such as sigh, gasp, and etc helped emotion analysis for designing more intelligent HCI system [50]. Music generation and interaction is a very new area in HCI with applications in art industry which is studied in both audio- and visual-based HCI systems Sensor-Based HCI This section is a combination of variety of areas with a wide range of applications. The commonality of these different areas is that at least one physical sensor is used between user and machine to provide the interaction. These sensors as shown below can be very primitive or very sophisticated. 1. Pen-Based Interaction 2. Mouse & Keyboard 3. Joysticks 4. Motion Tracking Sensors and Digitizers 5. Haptic Sensors 6. Pressure Sensors 7. Taste/Smell Sensors Some of these sensors have been around for a while and some of them are very new technologies. Pen-Based sensors are specifically of interest in mobile devices and are related to pen gesture [2] and handwriting recognition areas. Keyboards, mice and joysticks. Motion tracking sensors/digitizers are stateof-the-art technology which revolutionized movie,animation, art, and video-game industry. They come in the form of wearable cloth or joint sensors and made computers much more able to interact with reality and human able to create their world virtually. Haptic and pressure sensors are of special interest for applications in robotics and virtual reality.New humanoid robots include hundreds of haptic sensors that make the robots sensitive and aware to touch . These types of sensors are also used in medical surgery application. A few research works are also done on area of taste and smell sensors; however they are not as popular as other areas.
to convert T.30 data into T.38 data for transmission and then convert T.38 data back into T.30 data for reception. This translation happens at the fax server/gateway. Transmission time through the various nodes of an Internet network is not nearly as standardized as timing on phone lines. If the timing is off in a fax session, the machines might not be able to understand each other, and the transmission of information can end up corrupted or just fail entirely. In IP faxing, there are delays caused by:
Processing - It takes time for the fax gateway to perform T.30/T.38 conversions and gather the fax data into IP packets for transmission. Network hold-ups - If any particular leg of a network is experiencing abnormally high traffic, a packet can arrive later than expected. Jitter buffers - The fax gateway may delay packets on the receiving end for a period of time to compensate for variable timing in packet arrival. It wants to send everything to the receiving fax machine in the right order and at the right intervals. T.38 cannot avoid the basic problem that it needs to deal with old FAX machines made before the idea of FoIP was ever considered. These machines expect certain timing constraints to be met. For these machines T.38 eliminates some problems, and reduces the scale of others. However, it is nothing like an FTP or HTTP transfer of an image in its ability to deal with poor network performance. I. CONCLUSION Human-Computer Interaction is an important part of systems design. Quality of system depends on how it is represented and used by users. Therefore, enormous amount of attention has been paid to better designs of HCI. The new direction of research is to replace common regular methods of interaction with intelligent, adaptive, multimodal, natural methods. Ambient intelligence or
ubiquitous computing which is called the Third Wave is trying to embed the technology into the environment so to make it more natural and invisible at the same time. Virtual reality is also an advancing field of HCI which can be the common interface of the future. This paper attempted to give an overview on these issues and provide a survey of existing research through a comprehensive reference list. REFERENCES
[1] D. Teeni, J. Carey and P. Zhang, Human Computer
Interaction:Developing EffectiveOrganizational Information Systems, John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken (2007).
[2] S.L. Oviatt, P. Cohen, L. Wu, J. Vergo, L. Duncan, B. Suhm, J. Bers, T. Holzman, T. Winograd, J. Landay, J. Larson and D. Ferro, Designing the user interface for multimodal speech and pen-based gesture applications: state-of-the-art systems and future research directions, Human-Computer Interaction, 15, pp 263-322 (2000) [3] [3] J. Nielsen, Usability Engineering, Morgan Kaufman, San Francisco (1994).