PSC-5 Army Handout
PSC-5 Army Handout
PSC-5 Army Handout
Ground Combat Center Box 788251 Twenty nine Palms California 92278-8251 HO 9.3 ANNEX J STUDENT HANDOUT
Learning Objectives: a. Terminal Learning Objectives: Provided with an AN/PSC-5, cut sheet, concept of operations and references, set up, program and operate the AN/PSC-5.In accordance with the TM-115820-1130-12&p. b. Enabling Learning Objectives: With the aid of and in accordance with the references, the AN/PSC-5, AN/CYZ-10,interoperatible devices and a cut sheet the student when asked will, 1. Identify chapters of the technical manual. 2. Identify the components of the AN/PSC-5. 3. State the capabilities of the AN/PSC-5. 4. State the characteristics of the AN/PSC-5. 5. State the interoperability of the AN/PSC-5. 6. Identify the controls and indicators. 7. Perform basic set up, power up and testing procedures. 8. State the types of crypto keys required. 9. Load the comsec and order wire keys. 10. Perform comsec key updates. 11. State the different types of embedded comsec. 12. Load line of sight preset information. 13. Perform scanning and beacon operations. 14. Communicate in los mode. 15. Load voice/data satcom preset information. 16. Erect/connect satellite antenna. 17. Communicate in satcom mode.
18. Connect the KL-43c. 19. Connect the AN/PSC-2a. 20. Send data with the above mentioned equipment. 21. Explain dama as it relates to the AN/PSC-5. 22. Explain dasa as it relates to the AN/PSC-5. 23. Load voice/data dama preset information. 24. Log into the net. 25. Set up service. 26. Communicate using voice and data. 27. Tear down the service. 28. Log out of the net. 29. Set up and operate the AN/PSC-5 in the retransmission mode AN/PSC-5 to AN/PSC-5. 30. Explain retransmission SINCGARS to AN/PSC-5. 31. Identify what information is transferred in the cloning process. 1. The first things that we will cover on the AN/PSC-5 radio set are the SL-3 components and some of the ancillary devices. a. RT -1672/U(C) b. LOS Antenna c. Battery Box d. H-250 Handset e. W-1 (AN/PSC-5 TO KL-43) f. W-2 (AN/PSC-5 TO AN/PSC-2) g. W-3 (AN/PSC-5 TO DMDG) h h. W-4 (AN/PSC-5 TO AN/PSC-5 RETRANSMISSION) i. W-5 (AN/PSC-5 TO SINCGARS RETRANSMISSION) j. W-6 (AN/PSC-5 TO SATELLITE ANTENNA) k. W-7 (AN/PSC-5 TO AN/PSC-5 CLONING) using unit resposibility. 2.The antenna AS-4326/P is using unit responsibility, but most radio sets are coming with this antenna. When using this antenna the two extensions are not needed unless your signal is weak. The antenna will come with the following components. a. base element (provides 6 dB gain) b. extension kit 2 each (each extension provides 2.5 dB gain) NOTE: Total antenna gain is 11db. 3. Controls and Indicators (Front panel) a. Antenna Connector (J3) (Connection of Los or satellite antenna.) b. Display (LCD back lit, auto shut off) c. Keypad (Push button numerical and function keys) d. Aux. Connector (J1) (Connection of external devices) e. Audio Connector (J2) (Connection of handset) 2
f. Volume Control (Controls received volume) g. Dim Control (Control of the light in the display field) h. Squelch Control (Control the rushing noise) i. Fill Connector (For connection of fill device) j. Mode Switch (J6) (8 position switch controlling certain function) 1. RMT- used for remote operations. i 2. OFF- turns the power off but no entered memory is lost. j 3. PT- plain text operation. k 4. CT- cipher text operation. l 5. F-1-fill position for TEK/KEK. m 6. F-2-fill position for order wire keys. n 7. UPD- up date position for up dating TEK up to 255 times. o 8. Z- deletes all cryptographic keys. k. Rear Connectors-The connectors on the rear panel are for connection of the two batteries. 4. Capabilities and Features a. Menu-Driven Operation-TM has complete menu tree. (1) Menus shown on the Display (2) Display shows 4 line with 20 characters per line (3) Menus scroll b. Internal Diagnosis (BIT)- Performs its own self-test and if there is a problem it will tell you where and what. c. Embedded COMSEC-Simulates the KG-84, VINSON, ANDVT. d. Interoperability Features- can be used with numerous external devices and compatible with all man pack SATCOM radios. e. Preset Mode: - The RT will store up to 19 presets. f. Memory: (1) Radio will retain necessary information in Non Volatile Memory (NVM). (2) The Radio will retain COMSEC and Order wire keys for a minimum of 2.5 minutes after primary power batteries are removed provided the internal HoldUp-Batteries (HUB) are sufficiently charged. NOTE: The radio set must have be connected to a power source for a minimum of 24 hours to ensure the Hub battery gets fully charged. The Mode switch should be in the OFF position before removing the primary batteries to prevent damage to the RT. g. Remote Control: NOTE: The radio is capable of being remotely controlled by the MXF-239 Remote Control Unit, However, it was not purchased by the Marine Corps.
a. Scanning which is limited to plain text and 2 channels. (2) Beacon-used for signaling only used when needed, it will drain the batteries quickly (3) SATCOM (a) 5 kHz Narrow band (b) 25 kHz Wide band (4) DAMA (a) 5 kHz Narrow band (b) 25 kHz Wide band 5. Spitfire Characteristics a. Power Requirements (1) Input (a) 21 to 32 VDC (b) Two BA-5590/BB-590/BB-390 (2) Power Consumption (a) 0.3 to 0.6 Amps Receive (b) 1.9 to 4.25 Amps Transmit (c) Dependent on mode of operation certain modes use more power (3) Warm-up Time - 30 seconds (10 seconds when BIT aborted) you should always run bit test. b. Frequency Range (1) Overall Frequency Range - 30.000 to 399.995 MHz. Even though the range is 30 to 399.975 the radio wont let you put in the frequencies assigned to the civilian populace. Below are the frequencies that the radio will let you assign. (2) LOS (a) 30.000 to 87.975 MHz - FM (b) 116.000 to 129.975 MHz - AM (c) 130.000 to 148.975 MHz - AM/FM (d) 149.000 to 173.975 MHz - FM/FSK (e) 225.000 to 399.975 MHz - AM/FM/FSK (3) SATCOM (a) 225.000 to 399.995 MHz (b) 239 predefined channels (As listed in the TM appendix I) (4) DAMA (a) 225.000 to 399.995 MHz
(b) 239 predefined channels (As listed in TM appendix I) c. Channel Spacing (1) LOS 25 kHz (2) SATCOM - 5 kHz and 25 kHz (3) DAMA - 5 kHz and 25 kHz d. Channel Presets (1) Six for LOS (2) Six for SATCOM (3) Six for DAMA (4) One for BEACON e. Transmitter Power Output (1) SATCOM and DAMA (a) 0.18 TO 18 Watts adjustable in 1DB steps (b) 18 Watts minimum between 290.000 and 320.000 MHz (2) LOS AM - 0.25 to 5.0 Watts adjustable in 1DB steps (3) LOS FM - 0.18 to 9.0 Watts adjustable in 1DB steps f. Types of Modulation: (1) Amplitude Modulation (AM) (2) Frequency Modulation (FM) (3) Selectable (LOS Mode) (a) 130.000 to 148.975 [1] AM/FM [2] PT/CT (b) 225 to 399.975 [1] AM - PT/CT [2] FM - PT (4) NON-Selectable a. FM-Frequency shift keying b. Shaped binary shift keying c. Shaped offset quadrature phase shift keying d. Binary phase shift keying e. Differentially encoded quadrature phase shift keying Total of 19 Presets
Spitfire Modulation Chart shows NON selectable modulation types that spitfire uses. The operator can not manually select them Modulation
FM-Frequency Shift Keying Shaped Binary Phase Shift Keying Shaped Offset Quadrature Phase Shift Keying Binary Phase Shift Keying Differentially Encoding Quadrature Phase Shift Keying
Data Rates
16 k 1200,2400,9600 600,1200,2400 9600 32 Ksps
g. Temperature Ranges (1) Operating- -22 degrees to 131 degrees F (2) Storage- -49 degrees to 167 degrees F h. Weight (1) RT-1672/U(C) - 10. 64Lbs. (2) Battery Box -1.3Lbs. (3) LOS Antenna - .7Lbs. i. Satellite Antenna, AS-4326/P (1) (2) (3) Foldable 6dB (240 to 400 MHz) 6db gain. Two, antenna extension arrays, with each providing approximately 2.5 dB gain. Weight- 2.5 Lbs.
6. SET UP PROCEDURES battery installation. 1. Ensure radio is of 2. Place radio face down. 3. With the battery box removed insert the batteries onto the connectors. 4. Place the battery box over the batteries and latch the draw hooks. 5. Turn radio right side up. 6. Connect H-250 handset ensure the connection indicators are aligned NOTE: Noise levels may vary from handset to handset. 7. Power Up, BIT, and Menu Options: Turn the radio on and run the power up bit test this should take around 30 seconds. When done the display will show the last active mode used before power was removed. a. Set mode switch to PT position b. Radio set will initiate power-up BIT. This test should run with out the antenna attached 6
c. BIT (1) If passes, Display will show the last active Current Mode. (2) If fails, refer to TM11-5820-1130-12&P table 5-2. 8. Install LOS Antenna a. LOS Antenna is for 116.000 to 399.975 MHz b. RF received through antenna can cause false BIT faults 9. Battery Status Messages. This message will let you know if your batteries are low .The radio will not operate below 20 volts DC. 10. Battery Pre-Conditioning This is basically a battery warm up. 11. Power Consumption Works on an 8:1 receive/ transmit ratio. 12. Keyboard basic Navigation a. ESC Key takes you back to previous mode screen. b. ENT Key used to record parameters and proceed to next field. c. PREV Key used to go back to previous field. d. Next Key used to go forward to the next field. e. Arrow Keys used to cursor to different modes in a specific field. f. Hot Keys keys 1 through 9 used to go directly to a mode or to enter numbers. 13. System Menu Options: - Main Menu a. Main Menu Options (1) Current Mode (discussed later) (2) Data Base. Options (discussed later) (3) Set Presets (discussed later) (4) BIT Options (discussed next) (5) Maintenance (discussed after BIT Options) b. Press the ESC key until the Main Menu appears. c. Access the BIT OPTIONS Menu (1) Press the NEXT/PREV key until BIT OPTIONS is highlighted then press the ENT key or (2) Press key. 4 (Hot Key) (3) Display will show BIT Options Menu 14. BIT Options a. Terminal BIT This is the internal test of the radio set and is the first thing you will see when you turn your radio on, you can run a bit test any time that you feel there is a need. (1) Select by using (a) The NEXT/PREV keys to highlight Terminal BIT then press the ENT key or 7
(b) Hot Key 1 (2) Terminal BIT initiated. NOTE: COMSEC must be in PT mode to run BIT. (a) Display will show alternating checkerboard test pattern and status message with latest software version loaded (b) Automatically terminated after approximately 30 seconds. (3) If successful - returns to BIT Options Menu (4) If unsuccessful - shows BIT Fault screen (5) BIT Fault Codes-These codes are in the TM and will let you know how to trouble shoot the radio. Page 3-121. b. Satellite Loop back- This test is used to verify the satellite link quality. NOTE: The modulation used for the Satellite Loop back Test must be PSK. The easiest way to select PSK modulation is to select the ANDVT as your COMSEC device. The Satellite Loop back Test cannot be conducted on a DAMA Channel. (1) Accessed from the BIT Options Menu by pressing Hot key #2. (2) Enter the satellite channel number (3) Activate by selecting SEND {SEND highlighted}, and press the ENT key. (4) If the test passes, the Relative Signal Strength (RSS) will be between 100 and 255. (5) If the test fails, refer to TM Table 5-2 item 14. TM page 5-4 (6) Press ESC key to return to BIT Options Menu. NOTE: The Data Loop back test can only be performed using a full duplex data device. c. Data Loop back used to run test to/from a data device. (1) From the BIT Options Menu, press Hot Key #3 - Data Loop back test is enabled (2) Key input data on data device while observing for correct response on the data device. (a) Unsuccessful refer to TM table 5-2 item 21. TM page 5-6. (b) Successful press ESC key to return to BIT Options Menu. NOTE: The operator must manually stop the Display Test. d. Display Test used to test the LCD display. (1) Press Hot Key #4, - Display Test is enabled (2) Observe display for (a) BIT in Progress message with alternating checkerboard pattern (b) If all or a portion of the pattern is missing, contact UL/DS Maintainer. (3) Press ESC key to terminate display test, display returns to BIT Options Menu NOTE: The operator must press the ESC key last as the ESC key ends the Keypad Test.
e. Keypad Test (1) Press Hot Key # 5 Display shows keypad test screen. (2) Enter all keys from keypad. (a) Observe correct indication at Last Key field on display. (b) If any key selected is not displayed correctly, contact UL/DS Maintainer. (3) Press ESC key to exit test and return to BIT Options Menu. (4) Keypad Test Results f. Battery Level Check Allows you to check the voltage of your batteries. (1) Press Hot Key #6 - display shows Battery voltage. (2) Minimum operating level is 20 volts. (a) If batteries are new Lithium Batteries and display shows low voltage, refer to TM-11-5812-1130-12&P, paragraph 3.22. (b) If low level is still displayed with rechargeable batteries or an old Lithium battery, replace batteries. (3) Battery level should be between 21 to 27.5 volts. (4) Press the ESC key to return to the BIT Options Menu. 15. Maintenance Menu a. To access the Maintenance Menu (1) Press the ESC key until the Main Menu Appears (2) Press NEXT/PREV keys until Maintenance is highlighted (3) Press the ENT key or press Hot Key #5 (4) Display shows the Maintenance Menu NOTE: The Maintenance Menu is used primarily for DS Maintenance. The exceptions are Menu items 1 (Review BIT Results), 4 (I/O Device Setup), and 5 (Erase Presets). b. Review BIT Results (1) Press Hot key #1 (2) The stored BIT results are displayed. (a) Shows the last 10 fault codes detected and the number of consecutive times that fault code has occurred. (b) Oldest fault code result will scroll off when there are more than 10 fault codes detected (c) Displays the percent of NVM used (3) Press the ESC key to return to the Maintenance Menu.
Erases the BIT results viewed on the Review BIT Results screen. Erase BIT Results function is used by DS Maintenance Personnel ONLY. c. Erase BIT Results (1) Press Hot key #2 - The Erase BIT Results screen is displayed. (2) Press the ENT key (a) BIT results are erased (b) Display returns to the Maintenance Menu. (3) Press the ESC key to return to the Maintenance Menu without erasing the BIT results. NOTE: Filter Tuning is to be used by DS Maintenance Personnel ONLY. Dont do. d. Filter Tuning (1) Press Hot key # 3 The display will show the filter-tuning screen. (2) Press the ENT key to begin Filter Tuning (a) Display shows Filter Tuning In Progress. (b) After tuning is completed, the display will show Filter tuning Completed. (3) Press the ESC key to return to the Maintenance Menu. NOTE: Inform the students to change the default settings only when nothing else works and you are directed to do so. The default settings are POSITIVE. e. I/O Device Setup (1) Press Hot key #4 (2) The current polarity settings are displayed (3) With the Data Field highlighted press the arrow keys to switch between NEGATIVE OR POSITIVE. (4) Using the NEXT/PREV keys to switch between the DATA and CLOCK fields (5) Pressing the ENT key (a) Updated the DATA and CLOCK fields (b) The screen return to the Maintenance Menu NOTE: Inform the students that ALL presets will be reset to their default values. This process CAN NOT be undone. f. Erase Presets Sets all frequencies to default 225.000 (1) Press Hot Key #5 - The Erase Presets screen appears. (2) To Erase the Presets (a) Highlight ERASE (b) Press the ENT key (c) The display will return to the Maintenance Menu (d) Presets are erased
(3) To exit the Erase Presets screen without erasing the presets, press the ESC key. g. Display Versions (1) Press Hot Key #6 (2) The display will show the software versions for the following modules: (a) The Controller (CTLR) (b) Modem (MDM) (c) COMSEC (BP Base band Processor) (3) Press the ESC key to return to the Maintenance Menu. Step by step application: 1. Install batteries 2. Connect Handset 3. Turn on RT and run Power-Up BIT 4. Install LOS Antenna 5. Access the BIT Options Menu 6. Perform Terminal BIT NOTE: BIT may fail due to LOS antenna being connected. 7. Access the SATCOM Loop back Menu 8. Access the Data Loop back Menu 9. Perform the Display Test 10. Perform the Keypad Test 11. Check the Battery Level 12. Access the Maintenance Menu 13. Review BIT Results 14. Erase BIT Results NOTE: Filter Tuning and I/O Device Setup will not be accessed or practiced. Filter Tuning will be covered during DS Maintenance Training. I/O Device Setup is not used at this time. 15. Erase Presets 16. Check the software versions 17. Turn off the RT 18. Remove the LOS Antenna 19. Remove the Handset 20. Remove the batteries COMSEC 1. Embedded COMSEC devices
a. KY-57/58 b. KG-84 mode 4 c. KY-99 (ANDVT) or KY-99A d. KGV-11 2. COMSEC Fill Devices a. KYK-13 b. KOI-18 c. KYK-15 d. AN/CYZ-10 3. AN/CYZ-10 Set-Up Procedures Has to use the fill application for loading and the radio will look for a null signal, meaning you will have to disconnect the fill cable 4. COMSEC Positions a. F1 Position used for loading TEK and KEK fills. b. F2 Position used for loading order wire keys. c. Update used to up date TEK fills up to 255 times. d. Zeroize clears all keys. NOTE: If display shows the message COMSEC Alarm, press the ENT key and proceed. If the message persists, press the PTT switch on handset and proceed. 5. F1 fill Procedures a. F1 is used to load Communication Security Keys (Voice and Data). (1) Positions 1 through 5 are for TEK keys (2) Position 6 is for the KEK key b. Loading Procedures If using the KYK-13, refer the students to paragraph 3.7.1F. If using the KOI-18, refer the students to paragraph 3.7.1G. If using the KYX-15, refer the students to paragraph 3.7.1H If using the AN/CYZ-10, refer the student to the Interoperability Handout 6. Checking Key States Allows you to check your current key status and types. 7. COMSEC Key Update: NOTE: If an operator updates a key past the number required (example: required is 4), the original key must be reloaded and the update procedure redone. All terminals must be on the same update count to communicate. All COMSEC TEKs (KY-99, KY-57/58, and KG-84A) can be updated. The operator cant update order wire keys.
c. TEK may not be updated more than 255 times. d. COMSEC Key State Update number increases with each update 8. OTAR The AN/PSC-5 can receive an OTAR but can not generate one. NOTE: There are procedures available on how to send an OTAR from the Spitfire using an external COMSEC device.
a. An OTAR is a message to replace a TEK b. The active TEK for the terminal is the one that will be rekeyed. c. OTARs are automatic and requires no operator action. d. Follow-up procedures after receiving an OTAR will be IAW unit SOP. e. Keys for the KG-84A cannot be OTARd at this time. f. Order wire Keys cannot be OTARd at this time. NOTE: The Mode switch must be in CT for the COMSEC Keys (loaded into F1) to be used. 9. F2 fill procedures used to load order wire keys, up to 8 different keys. 10. Zeroize procedures - used to clear all keys. LOS OPERATIONS: 1. LOS Cut Sheet This cut sheet will give you the information that you will need to load all preset information such as frequency, modulation, type of encryption, voice or data and power. NOTE: The radio set will default to the last active mode. Press the ESC key until the Main Menu is displayed.
2. Pre-mission LOS Presets a. Press ESC key until Main Menu is displayed. b. Press key number three to access the Set Preset Menu. c. Select LOS. Then enter d. Select operational preset number. What channel you are setting than enter e. Select Encryption type. Then enter f. Select Voice or Data. Then enter g. Select Data Rate. Than enter (1) The Data rate is selectable only in CT mode. (2) Normal voice / data operations in LOS uses 16 KBPS. h. Select Normal or Scan Mode. Normal then enter i. Set the Transmit power (Tpwr). Then enter j. Enter receive frequency. In line of sight once you enter the receive frequency, the transmit frequency will be set automatically. Then enter k. Enter transmit frequency. Load Preset Practical Exercise step by step. NOTE: COMSEC Keys do not have to be loaded to be able to load presets. 13
1. Install Batteries 2. Place the RT-1672/U(C) Mode switch to the PT position and wait until Power-Up BIT is completed. 3. Access the Set Preset Menu 4. Load INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED data from LOS Cut Sheet 5. ESC to Main Menu 6. Select Current Mode 7. Place the Mode switch to the OFF position 3. LOS Operation a. Set Mode switch to PT or CT as required. (1) Display will show the last active Current Mode Menu. (2) Verify LOS is selected on Current Mode Menu. b. Connect handset c. Connect LOS Antenna d. With cursor resting on preset number field (P#), select desired operating preset (1) Select preset number even if number is already displayed. (2) Press the ENT key. e. If in CT, (1) Move the cursor to the TEK# field (2) Select desired key (1-5) with number key. (3) Press ENT key. f. Adjust Tpwr to designated power level (1) Tpwr may have to be increased to establish acceptable communications. (2) Maximum Tpwr levels should not be used. g. Adjust Squelch and Volume controls as desired. h. Voice operation: (1) To transmit, press and hold the Handset PTT switch THEN talk into the Handset mouthpiece. (2) To receive, release the handset PTT switch and listen to the handset earpiece. i. Data operation: (1) To send a message by keying the attached data device (refer to the data device operating manual). (2) Reception of a message on the attached data device is automatic (refer to the data device operating manual). 4. Communications Indicators 14
a. Rx = Receive (1) Number is a signal strength indicator (a) If high, you are close to transmitter (b) If low, you are far away from the transmitter (2) In PT indication may be noise interference (3) In CT indication of a received signal b. TX = Transmit with the number indicating power output NOTE: The preset number field (P#) indicates the parameters displayed are stored as a preset. The P will change to an M (Modified) if parameters are changed on the Current Mode Menu. Modified parameters will be valid with the active Current Mode Menu and will not change the Preset parameters. NOTE: Modifying the Current Mode Menu is a temporary measure. If another Preset is selected, the changes to the old Current Mode Menu will be lost. If the Radio Set is turned off, the modified parameters will be displayed at the next turn on. 5. Modifying Current LOS Mode a. Press NEXT/PREV keys to move cursor to desired data field on Current Mode Menu. b. Press the Arrow keys or number keys (as applicable) for desired change. c. Press the ENT key. LOS Operations Practical Exercise 1. Install Batteries. 2. Place the RT-1672/U(C) Mode switch to the PT position and wait until Power-Up BIT is completed. 3. Connect the LOS antenna. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Connect the Handset. Set the VOLUME control to a comfortable volume level. (Adjust Squelch fully counter clockwise to hear noise.) Set the SQUELCH control to quiet the receiver. Access the Set Preset Menu. Verify the INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED Presets are still loaded. ESC to Main Menu Select Current Mode Load COMSEC keys (if required) If operating in the data mode, connect the data device At the Current Mode Menu, select the INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED Preset Communicate in Plain Text (PT). The Preset number will change from P# to M# if any other TEK number is selected. Number 1 is the default TEK.
Select the TEK to be used. Communicate in Cipher Text (CT). Place the Mode switch to the OFF position.
6. Loading scanning presets The radio will allow you to scan two channels in plain text only. a. Ensure mode switch is set to PT. b. From Main Menu, press key # 3. c. Select LOS (then enter) d. Select preset number (then enter) e. Select Scan (then enter) f. Select power level (then enter) g. Select first receive preset (then enter) h. Select second receive preset (then enter) i. Select transmit preset (then enter) 7. Scanning Operation NOTE: The Scan preset is normally entered at PRE-MISSION LOS Setup. a. Ensure the RT Mode switch is set to the PT position. b. On the Current Mode menu, use the NEXT/PREV keys to move the cursor to the Preset Field (P#). c. Select the preset number for Scan mode. d. Monitor the receive frequencies being scanned. e. To transmit, hold the PTT switch on the handset then talk into mouthpiece. f. Release the Handset PTT switch to resume scanning. g. To exit the Scan mode, (1) Use the NEXT/PREV keys to move cursor to the Preset Field (P#) (2) Select a non-Scan preset h. To change the Scan preset to a normal LOS preset (1) Move the cursor to the Variant field (2) Select Normal with the Arrow keys (3) Press the ENT key. Scanning Operations Practical Exercise 1. Install Batteries. 2. Place the RT-1672/U(C) Mode switch to the PT position and wait until Power-Up BIT is completed. 3. Connect the LOS antenna. 4. Connect the Handset. 16
5. Set the VOLUME control to a comfortable volume level. (Adjust Squelch fully counter clockwise to hear noise.) 6. Set the SQUELCH control to quiet the receiver. 7. Access the Set Preset Menu. 8. Enter the INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED Scanning Preset. 9. ESC to Main Menu 10. Select Current Mode 11. At the Current Mode Menu, select the INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED Preset 12. Communicate in Plain Text (PT). 13.Place the Mode switch to the OFF position. 8. Beacon Presets a. Press the ESC key as necessary until the Main Menu is displayed. b. Press the 3 key. NOTE: The Set Preset Menu shows the last Current Mode Preset used. c. With cursor resting on Mode field (1) Press the Arrow keys until Beacon is shown (2) Press the ENT key. d. With the cursor resting on the T###. ### Field, use the keypad to enter the transmit frequency (30.000-399.975). NOTE: The type of modulation is selectable only when both AM and FM are valid for the selected frequency. e. With the cursor resting on the Modulation field (1) Press the Arrow keys to select FM or AM (2) Press the ENT key NOTE: The transmit power is not selectable in Beacon mode. f. Press the ESC key to return to the Main Menu g. Select the Current Mode Menu h. At the Mode field, (1) Use the Arrow keys to select BEACON (2) Press the ENT key. i. You are now transmitting in BEACON Mode j. To exit BEACON Mode (1) Select LOS Mode on the Current Mode Menu and press the ENT key or (2) Turn the RT Mode switch to OFF.
(a) When the RT is turned back on, the Current Mode Menu will show BEACON Mode. (b) BEACON will not be activated. (c) Turning the RT off to exit BEACON is not recommended. BEACON Practical Exercise 1. Install Batteries. 2. Place the RT-1672/U(C) Mode switch to the PT position and wait until Power-Up BIT is completed. 3. Connect the LOS antenna. 4. Connect the Handset. 5. Set the VOLUME control to a comfortable volume level. (Adjust Squelch fully counter clockwise to hear noise.) 6. Set the SQUELCH control to quiet the receiver. 7. Access the Set Preset Menu. 8. Enter the INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED BEACON Preset. 9. ESC to Main Menu 10. Select Current Mode 11. At the Current Mode Menu, select the BEACON Mode and press the ENT key. 12. At the Current Mode Menu, select LOS Mode and press the ENT key. 13. Place the Mode switch to the OFF position. SATCOM COMMUNICATIONS: There are two types of satellite communication modes available through the AN/PSC-5 Radio Set: SATCOM (Satellite Communication) and DAMA (Demand Assigned Multiple Access). SATCOM is used when a dedicated satellite channel is available for use by a network. The DAMA mode will be discussed in a later lesson. NOTE: After each Preset field selection, the operator MUST press the enter key for the information to be entered into memory before moving the cursor to the next field. 1. Load SATCOM Presets This is done basically the same as LOS but with more information. a. From the Main Menu, select the Set Preset Menu (Hot key 3) b. Select SATCOM in the Mode field. c. Select the preset number (1-6) for the preset to be entered. d. Select encryption type in the Encryption field. NOTE: Selecting Voice or Data and Data Rate are dependent on the type of encryption. The KG-84 cannot operate in Voice; the Vinson always has a data rate of 16k. e. Select Voice/Data. f. Select data rate. g. Select TPWR out. h. Select channel number. 18
(1) Channels 1 through 8 cannot be used by the AN/PSC-5 radio Set SHF up links. (2) Channels 9 through 239 are divided into Narrow band and Wide band functions As defined in TM appendix I. (3) If the channel number is 999, (a) The transmit and receive frequencies must be entered manually i. Select transmitting preamble field. Not required if modulation is FSK. This is used to match the type of radio being simulated. j. Select encoding field. (If required) k. Repeat steps a through j to load additional presets. 2. SATCOM Cut Sheet Load Preset Practical Exercise 1. Install Batteries 2. Place the RT-1672/U(C) Mode switch to the PT position and wait until Power-Up BIT is completed. 3. Access the Set Preset Menu 4. Load INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED data from the SATCOM Cut Sheet 5. ESC to Main Menu 6. Select Current Mode 7. Place the Mode switch to the OFF position 3. Satellite Antenna Installation a. Open antenna carrying case and remove antenna. b. Release leg strap. c. Pull out and swing tripod legs to receptacles and set on ground. d. Press down on the locking ring and release the four-dipole elements. e. Open the eight telescoping ground plane arms. f. Adjust the antenna for the desired elevation. g. Position the antenna elements over the tripod leg. h. Position the antenna for the desired azimuth. i. Connect the W6 cable between the antenna and the ANT connector on the RT. 4. SATCOM Operation a. Set mode switch to CT. (1) SATCOM communications should be encrypted (2) COMSEC (F1) keys must be loaded b. Display will show last active Current Mode Menu.
c. Adjust DIM control. d. Select SATCOM in the Operating Mode field. e. Select the desired Preset number (P#). NOTE: If changes are made to the CURRENT MODE menu, the menu title may alternate with the message CONFIGURING WAIT while the new parameters are being processed. When this occurs, wait until the CONFIGURING WAIT message is no longer displayed before proceeding with operation. f. Select the desired TEK. g. Adjust the VOLUME control. h. Setup and attach the Satellite Antenna i. Observe the field strength indication on the RT (1) Adjust the Satellite Antenna for the maximum field strength. (2) To adjust, move the antenna up/down and right/left j. Satellite Loop back Test k. If you are using voice operation. (1) Transmit by pressing the handset PTT switch and talk into the mouth piece. (2) To receive, release the handset PTT switch and listen to the earpiece. L. If set up for data operation. (1) Attach the data device to the RT (2) Send a message by keying the attached data device. (3) Receiving a message on the data device is automatic. 5. Modifying Current Mode a. Move the cursor to the desired data field using the NEXT/PREV keys. b. Make the desired change using the arrow keys. c. Press the ENT key. d. Modifying is now complete. 6. When operation are completed, perform the Power-Down Procedures. SATCOM PRACTICAL EXCERCISE 1. Install Batteries. 2. Place the RT-1672/U(C) Mode switch to the PT position and wait until Power-Up BIT is completed. 3. Set up and connect the Satellite antenna. 4. Connect the Handset. 5. Set the VOLUME control to a comfortable volume level. 6. Set the SQUELCH control to quiet the receiver. 20
7.Access the Set Preset Menu. 8. Verify the INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED Presets are still loaded. 9. ESC to Main Menu 10.Select Current Mode 11.Load COMSEC keys 12.Place the RT Mode switch to the CT position 13.If operating in the data mode, connect the data device 14.At the Current Mode Menu, select the INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED Preset NOTE: The Preset number will change from P# to M# if any other TEK number is selected. Number 1 is the default TEK. 15.Select the TEK to be used. 16.Communicate in Cipher Text (CT). 17.Place the Mode switch to the OFF position. I/O DATA DEVICE OPERATION: The AN/PSC-5 radio set has the ability to interface with number of different data devices among them are the KL-43, AN/PSC-2, the ARMY DMDG and also a PC. 1. KL-43 Setup procedures. a. Turn on the KL-43, by pushing the SRCH (ON) button located on the upper right side of the keypad. (1) Confirm you want to turn on the KL-43 by pushing the Y key. (2) Type 01 for the encryption type and press the Enter key. (3) You are now at the Main Menu. b. Compose Message: (1) At the Main Menu, select W for Word processor. (2) Select A to store your message at message location A. (3) Type P to compose a plain text message. (4) Type U for unclassified message then press the Enter key. (5) Type the message using the keypad (a) Delete a character with the D CH key (b) Delete a word with the D WD key (c) The <or> keys will move the cursor left or right respectively on the display. (6) Push the XIT key (a) Saves the message
(b) Exits back to the Main Menu (7) Select E to encrypt the message. (a) Select A to specify message A for encryption. (b) Select Y indicating it is the correct message to encrypt. (c) Select Y to begin the encryption process. c. Transmit: (1) From the Main Menu select C to begin Communication. NOTE: Depending on whether this is the 1st time this device is used or which model you have (KL-43C or KL-43F), the following steps might not be in the following sequence. (a) Select D for digital data. (b) Answer Y on whether to Use Current Default [1] If the second line display Digital, 1.2k Baud. use default [2] Otherwise change it to this value. (c) Select T for Transmit. (d) Select A to transmit message A. (e) Press the Enter key to transmit the message. (2) Press the XIT key to return to main menu AFTER MESSAGE RECEIPT CONFIRMATION (a) Do not press XIT until receive confirmation from the receiving party (b) By not exiting, you will be able to retransmit messages as necessary. d. Receive: (1) From main menu select C to begin Communication. NOTE: Depending on whether this is the 1st time this device is used or which model you have (KL-43C or KL-43F), the following steps might not be in the following sequence. (a) Select D for digital data. (b) Answer Y on whether to Use Current Default [1] If the second line display Digital, 1.2k Baud, use the default [2] Otherwise change it to this value. (c) Select R for Receive and press the Enter key (d) Goes to the Waiting for DATA Mode screen [1] If message space is filled it will ask whether to clear [2] If this comes up type Y for yes [3] Select B to clear message B. 22
(e) View Received Message: (2) Press the XIT key to return to the Main Menu. (3) Press the D key at the Main Menu to decrypt the message. (4) Press the B key to decrypt message B. (5) Press the Y key to indicate that it is the correct message to decrypt. (6) Press the Y key to begin Decryption of message B. e. To Review messages, press the R key with the Main Menu displayed. (1) Press the B key to review message B (the received message). (2) Use the up or down arrow keys to scroll through and read the message. (3) Press the XIT key to return to the Main Menu. 2. AN/PSC-2A Setup procedures. a. Turn the PSC-2A on with the switch located at the corner on the lower left side. b. Select Run from the menu. c. From the Select Function Menu, select Create MSG d. Select Free Text. NOTE: Without the subject being filled out, the message cannot be sent. e. Select Subj. and type the subject. f. Select Subj. on top left of the display to go back to the previous screen. g. Select Text h. Select the first open bracket by pressing it. (1) There could be up to 6 pages of text (2) To change the page, press the page number on the top right of the display. i. Type the text message (1) There is a limited amount of space for each line (2) If the last word does not fit on a line, type it on the next line. (a) Press Text at the top of display (b) Press the next empty bracket and continue with the next line. j. Once the message is complete, press Text to bring you back out of the text editor. (1) The complete message with subject will be displayed. (2) If it is a multiple page message, press the page number to review the other pages. k. To save the message (1) Press Text two times (2) Press Free text
(3) Press Save l. Press Return. m. Transmit: (1) Select Recall/Delete Message (2) Select Free text (3) Classify the message (a) Select CL: and then select UNCLASS (b) Select DECL: (c) Select ENDEX (4) Select TO: and then select XXXXX (AAAAA, BBBBB, etc.) (a) Address of receiving party (b) You cannot send a message to yourself. (5) Press XMIT to transmit the message. (a) Press XXXXX to send. (b) Display now shows Transmitted message information. (6) Press On Function Select key to return to the Function Select Menu. n. Receive and Recall Message: (1) The PSC-2A beeps to notify you that you have received a message. (2) Press the On Function Select button. (3) From the Select Function Menu press the Recall/Delete option on the display. (4) Select the message that you receive (a) The message will have RCVD under it. (b) Use the bracket on the left on the message. (5) To view the text (a) Select Free text (b) Select Text (6) Press the On Function Select button to return to the Select Function Menu. o. To delete a message (1) Select Recall/Delete MSG (2) To delete the message (a) Use the bracket under the DELETE column (b) Pressing the bracket for the message p. Press the On Function Select button to return to the Select Function Menu.
3. DMDG - this apiece of gear that the Army uses so we wont be going over its operations. USE OF DAMA IN SATCOM: (1) Non-DAMA SATCOM, TDMA, DAMA (2) Satellites (a) FLTSAT (b) UFO (3) Footprints and Controllers (a) Satellite footprint coverage and general locations (b) Overview of controller types and locations a. DAMA Implementation (4) Demand assigned example (5) DAMA types (6) Capabilities of DAMA (5kHz and 25 kHz) b. c. DAMA Terms (1) Definitions of common DAMA terms DAMA Concepts (1) Advantages/Disadvantages (2) 5 kHz/25 kHz Comparisons 2. DAMA Evolution (1) Dedicated channels where it all began (2) TDMA Pre-DAMA TDMA which was user access controlled (3) DAMA More resource efficient and cost effective solution to growing user pop. (4) Satellites Introduces satellites used for DAMA System (5) Footprints and Controllers Defines satellite coverage and controller locations (6) Dedicated Channels- this is your channel and no one else can use it. a. Time Bar represents a single channel allocated for a period of time to one user. (7) Time Bar displays an idle channel a. Assigned to a user by a PERSON after coordination - SAR (8) Full time use of channel until told by until told by system manager (a) Initial SATCOM had no control (b) Transmit anytime (c) Usage demands continuously increasing (d) Difficult to get message through
(e) Many RF collisions (9) Communications opportunities (a) Channel is idle when users are not communicating (b) Single user averages 15% traffic, 85% idle (c) .Idle time is wasted resources a. TDMA- Time Division Multiple Access (10) Assigned to several users by a PERSON after coordination (11) Synchronized frame format provided by machine (12) Full use of channel bandwidth (a) Short intervals (slots) (b) Set periodic basis (frames) (13) Full use of slot until told by system manager TDMA allows additional users to fill idle time (14) Since a person assigns; idle time still exists when users are not active (15) New users are unable to be assigned to idle time b. DAMA- Demand Assigned Multiple Access. (1) Assigned to several users by a MACHINE (2) Synchronized frame format provided by MACHINE (3) Must ask machine to communicate (4) Demand assignment available to reduce idle time (5) Full use of channel bandwidth for short intervals on periodic basis (6) Communications are pre-emptive. (a) Provides instant access to higher priority messages or users (b) Ensures access during high usage times for higher precedence Additional users on the same channel (c) Demand Access (d) Machine control of users (moving from channel to channel) (e) Resources used in a more efficient manner (f) More cost effective because of efficiency (g) Helps to support the growing number of users c. Demand Assigned Single Access (DASA) (1) DAMA system Gives users with higher demands (requirements for access) an alternative in the
(2) Assigned to several users by a machine (3) Must be operating on DAMA channel prior to request (4) Must ask machine to communicate (5) Assigned FULL time use of different channel for specified time period (6) No DAMA commands/requests (7) Returned to DAMA channel automatically after time period expires (8) Communications are not pre-emptive. d. DAMA Concepts (1) What does DAMA bring to the table? (2) Increased satellite access with existing bandwidth (a) Total resource is available to all authorized users (b) Supports higher user demand through the use of multiple access (3) Improves usage efficiency (a) Resources are allocated based on real-time demand instead of ownership (b) Ownership is available through DASA (c) Allocation is based on need, instead of pure time (wasted allocations) (4) Supports higher user demand (a) Multiple accesses (more users sharing a single channel) (5) Automates channel control (a) User does not have to coordinate; then wait to gain access [1] User's terminal transmits a request (demand) [2] Resources are allocated based upon current availability (b) Most functions are handled without user intervention e. Fleet Satellite (FLTSAT) (c) Replaced by the UHF Follow-On (UFO) satellites (d) Constellation of four operational satellites (e) Non-processing transponders (bent pipe) (f) Each satellite has 23 communications channels (g) Development began in 1972 (h) Launched between 1978 and 1989 f. UHF Follow-On (UFO) satellite (i) Fully deployed 1999 (j) Replaces the FLTSAT communications system
(k) Geo-synchronous orbit 22,300 miles above the equator [1] Nine UFO satellites [2] Two at each location (four locations) [3] One (1) spare (l) Channels [1] 21 5 kHz each satellite [2] 17 25 kHz each satellite [3] World wide total of 304 channels (168 - 5 kHz and 136 - 25 kHz) [a] 70% increase over FLTSAT g. Footprints and Controllers (1) Footprints (a) 2 UFO satellites per orbital station plus one spare (b) Footprints are 120 degrees in width (c) Satellite locations [1] CONUS U6, U-7 [2] LANT U-3, U-9 [3] IO U-5, U-2 [4] PAC U-4, U-8 (2) Controllers (a) Machines responsible for DAMA access and control (b) Operates in 2 satellite footprints. (c) Located in, Hawaii, Guam, Naples and Norfolk. h. DAMA Implementation (1) General look at communication scenario in DAMA (a) Four step process after proper satellite access authorization and login [1] Access Request- SAR [2] Controller Verification [3] Slot/Frequency Assignment- SAA [4] User Communication (b) User A will set up the communication "circuit" (c) User B logged in and idle awaiting communications (d) User A and B are in a coverage area (footprint) of the DAMA-tized satellite (e) Capital C with a box is the channel controller
(2) Step One Access request (a) User A's terminal sends an "access request" to the controller [1] Sent over a DAMA-tized satellite channel [2] Access request includes destination address (user B) (3) Step Two Controller verification (a) Controller verifies [1] User access authorization [2] Resource availability [3] Destination user availability (4) Step Three Slot/Frequency assignment (a) Resources assigned [1] Controller establishes communication "circuit" [2] Controller assigns terminal (user) A and B to circuit (5) Step Four User Communication (a) Users A and B are free to communicate on the allocated circuit (b) Automated process [1] Other than initiating the call, no operator actions required [2] Takes only a few seconds for 4 step process [3] No actions by user B were required [4] User B could be one or many terminals (users) b. DAMA Types (1) 5 kHz DAMA (2) 25 kHz DAMA (a) Automatic Control (AC) (b) Distributed Control (DC) [1] Not commonly used [2] Backup for 25 kHz AC [3] Not demand assigned c. 5 kHz Capabilities (1) Packetized message services (2) Waveform designed for short data messages (a) Processes up to 900 messages per hour (b) Average message 3 Kbytes
(3) Circuit service (a) Voice (b) Data (c) Unlimited duration (4) Waveform consideration (a) Long frame length- Around 8 seconds (b) Long set-up times (c) Long turnaround delays for voice d. 25 kHz Capabilities (1) Waveform designed for voice and data users (a) Single channel supports 5 NBSV (Narrow Band Secure Voice) (ANDVT) and 13 data circuits (b) Short TDMA frame length (compared to 5 kHz DAMA)- Around 2 seconds (c) Quick voice turnaround time (2) Provides two-party calls (a) Point to Point (b) Point to Group (Netted) (3) Provides conference calls (4) Allows for NBSV (ANDVT) and VINSON. (a) NBSV is supported on 2400 BPS circuits (b) VINSON is supported on one 16 KBPS circuit (5) 75 16 KBPS (a) 16 KBPS circuit [1] occupies the complete space allocated for both the B and C segments [2] Leaves only the A segment for other circuits to operate simultaneously (6) Information requests/reports (a) Coded Messages between terminals and controllers (7) Zeroize terminal Controller directed (a) May zeroize selected terminals which erases the order wire keys and disconnects from circuit (8) Frame format changes Controller directed (a) Allows terminals on one channel to communicate with another on a different channel (b) Affects only one of the three user communications segments
[1] Allows terminal to continue comms with terminals on it's normal channel [2] Does not require the terminal to contain multiple ports (9) Frequency switching (a) Controller directed (10) Channel control hand over (a) Orderly hand over of channel control duties to an alternate [1] Allows the primary controller to be taken off-line [2] Hand over is transparent to user terminals e. DAMA Access (1) Items required to gain authorization for DAMA access (a) Written authorization [1] Satellite access request (SAR) [2] Satellite access authorization (SAA) (b) Preset data (c) Encryption keys [1] COMSEC [2] Order wire (d) Terminal data [1] Address [2] Guard addresses (if needed) (2) Items are loaded into controller when access is authorized i. DAMA Terms a. Network Timing b. DAMA network uses strict timing (1) Proper timing reduces contention (2) Terminal must obtain network timing from the controller (a) Acquire 2 sequential master frames (b) Ranging is performed- May use passive or active ranging to stay in sync. (c) Once range lock is achieved, terminal is free to continue services b. Ranging (1) Contention transmit collision (a) Should only be possible during contention frames [1] Non-scheduled transmissions
[a] Log-in [b] Log-out [c] Access request [d] Contention ranging (b) DAMA has built in measures to help prevent contention [1] Multiple contention time slots [2] Back off procedures are used by terminals after first failed attempt (2) Ranging terminal determines distance (time) to satellite (a) Prevents terminal from interfering with adjacent time slots (b) Active ranging [1] Terminal will automatically range as required [2] Manual contention ranging (5 kHz silent mode) [a] Maintains correct timing during silent mode [b] Initiated by terminal operator (c) Passive ranging [1] Terminal ascertains range using its internal ranging algorithm [2] Uses terminal data (location) and satellite ephemeris (d) Range is always changing due to motion of satellite and possibly terminal c. Addresses (1) All DAMA users have a unique DAMA address (a) Address is user address NOT terminal address (b) If equipment changed, address is transferred to new equipment (2) Networks (a) Composed of 2 or more users (b) Assigned DAMA addresses [1] Lower numbers are terminal addresses [2] Higher numbers are net/subnet addresses [3] Demarcation Point [a] Dividing point between terminal and net/subnet addresses (c) Guard lists [1] Used to monitor communications [2] Terminal may contain up to 15 addresses in guard list [3] Terminal may contain user or network addresses
(3) DAMA system supports 65,535 addresses d. 5 kHz Order wires (1) Order wires are automatically sent by the controller and terminal (2) Forward order wire (FOW) (a) Controller to terminal communications (b) Describes the following frame (c) Variable in size (all 5 kHz frames) (d) Communications slot assignments (e) Every participating terminal must receive and decode the FOW in every frame [1] Provides frame synchronization information [2] Defines the frame-to-frame, frame format (3) Return order wire (ROW) (a) Terminal to controller communications (b) Ranging (c) Responses to controller requests (d) Terminal contention transmissions (e) Four types of time slots in a ROW slot [1] Ranging [2] Response [3] Request [4] Acquisition e. 25 kHz Order wires (1) Provides communications between the controller and terminal (2) Channel Control Order wire (CCOW) (a) Controller to terminal communications (b) Fixed frame size (c) Identifies beginning of frame and frame format (3) Return Channel Control Order wire (RCCOW) (a) Fixed frame size (b) One terminal to controller transmission per frame (c) Ranging segment is not part of the RCCOW frame f. 5 kHz DAMA Frame (1) Divided into 3 main segments
(a) FOW segment [1] Frame sync [2] Frame format [3] ROW assignments [4] User assignments [5] Service protocols (b) ROW segment [1] Login [2] User requests [3] Ranging (timing) [4] Service protocols (c) User communication segment [1] User data time slots [2] User voice time slots g. 25 kHz DAMA Frame (1) CCOW (a) Frame sync (b) Frame format (c) User assignments (2) User segment A (a) Allow for transmission of user base band data (b) Varying Forward Error Correction (FEC) rates (c) Data rates from 75 to 4800 BPS (3) Link test (a) BER test (link quality) (4) Range (a) Transmit timing offset measurement (5) RCCOW (a) Login (b) User requests (6) User segment B (7) User segment C h. Encryption
DAMA system utilizes 2 types of keys (a) DAMA order wire key [1] Must have key to gain access to system. At least 2 are required. [2] Use of key directed by controller [3] Has no effect on base band communications (b) User communication key [1] Under operational control [2] Use of non-encrypted data communications is possible (not normal operational protocol) [3] Base band encryption is conducted separately from order wire encryption [4] Dependent on the base band subsystems employed on the network i. Order wire Communication Modes (1) Normal (a) Active or passive ranging possible (b) Responds automatically to controller (2) Silent-. (a) Operator controls responses/requests to controller (b) Does not send ROWs in response to FOWs (c) User controlled transmissions for covert ops (3) EMCON (a) 5 kHz only (b) Does not range (c) Does not transmit at all j. Codes (1) Configuration Codes (a) Identifies to the controller the base band equipment which is attached to the terminal I/O port (b) Currently the same for 5 kHz and 25 kHz (c) 5 kHz is 3 digits in length [1] zero inserted as the first digit (2) Information Request Codes (a) Communicates a predefined message from the controller (b) Usually indicating the reason for a canceled call request (c) Only a few are defined 35
(3) Information Report Codes (a) Information request code response from the terminal/user (b) Are not defined k. Demand Assigned Single Access (DASA) (1) Must operate on DAMA channel prior to request (2) Assigned full time use of different channel for specified period (3) Terminal(s) revert to DAMA channel automatically at end of specified period (4) Dedicated channels not under DAMA control (a) No order wire communications (5) 5 kHz or 25 kHz channels (6) Similar to a non-DAMA dedicated channel (a) Supports only a single communications requirement at a time (b) Access to DASA channel is provided by controller for finite time period (7) Next queued stations automatically gain access to DASA channel when free j. DAMA Concepts a. b. c. d. 5 kHz DAMA requires reception of each FOW 25 kHz DAMA does not require reception of each CCOW DAMA only provides the "physical" connection Efficient DAMA operations require operators to: (1) Request service when needed (2) Use the assigned service (3) Tear down (give up) service when finished e. DAMA requires a wait for circuit services based on the priority of the comms (1) Assigned base on priority and availability (2) User may have to wait (queued) for circuit access f. g. 5 kHz message services the "email of SATCOM" Use of DAMA requires planning and coordination (1) Between the comm planner and the terminal operations (2) Between the comm planner and the DAMA controller stations h. DAMA Advantages (1) Increases satellite access with existing bandwidth (a) Makes available the total resource to all authorized users (2) Supports higher user demand
(a) Multiple access (b) Not a pre-defined, fixed number of accesses per channel (c) Varies as demand changes (3) Improves usage efficiency (a) Demand assignment (b) Resources are allocated based on real-time demand (when needed) instead of ownership (if available) (c) NBSV with ANDVT (4) Automates channel control (a) User transmits a request (demand assignment) and is allocated resources based on current availability (5) DAMA brings many advantages and is here to stay i. DAMA Disadvantages (1) Patience is required (2) Pre-planning is a must (3) Slightly higher learning curve for operations (4) Some turn around delays (a) 5 kHz DAMA especially j. 5 kHz 25 kHz Comparison (1) 5 kHz DAMA (a) optimized for data (b) delays are noticeable in voice transmissions (c) DASA channels may relieve some delays (d) Multiple hop capability [1] 5 kHz DAMA [2] Controller to controller hopping [3] Circuit service data to one address only (e) Mickey Mouse voice not fault of DAMA [1] Caused by KY-99 vocoder (f) Requires less power to close link than 25 kHz (g) Automatic acknowledgment of point-to-point message transmissions DAMA OPERATION NOTE: While in the DAMA mode, the SQUELCH control is not operable. 1. 5 kHz DAMA Cut Sheet 37
a. Encryption b. Data Rates c. Channel Variant d. Tpwr e. Channel Number f. Configuration Code g. Order Wire Encryption h. Mode of operation i. Ranging j. Satellite ID-This will be required if you are doing passive ranging. k. Satellite Ephemeris- This information will be required for passive ranging. l. I/O Rates m. Guard List n. Terminal Data- This information will be required for passive ranging. 2. Programming Presets a. Start from the Main menu. b. Press HOT key number 3 (Set Presets). The ENT key must be pressed after every selection to ensure it will be entered into the Preset. c. Use the arrow keys to select DAMA. d. Enter the desired Preset number. e. Enter the encryption type. f. Select Voice or Data mode. g. Select the Data rate. h. Select channel variant. i. Select the desired power level (23to43 DBMS). j. Enter the designated Channel Number (009-239). k. Enter the configuration code. (1) 5 kHz mode, configuration code (01-99) (2) 25 kHz mode, configuration code (000-511) l. Enter Order wire encryption field. m. Select the desired Operational Mode field. Usually normal. n. Select the desired type of Ranging. (1) Active ranging
(2) Passive ranging o. Enter the satellite ID number (1) Needed for Passive Ranging only (2) Must have the Ephemeris Data entered for Passive Ranging. p. Repeat steps d through o to load additional presets. 3. Database Menu a. From the main menu use HOT key number 2. b. There are eight options of which five will be discussed below. 4. Guard List: a. From the Database Menu, select the Guard List (HOT key 2). NOTE: The Guard List has 15 locations available for entering addresses. If all 15 locations are used, ADD will not be an available function. b. Select the mode of operation (View, Modify, Delete, or Add). (1) If VIEW is selected, you may scroll through the address list. (2) If MODIFY is selected, you can modify the currently selected address. (3) If DELETE is selected, you will delete the currently selected address. (4) If ADD is selected, you can add an address. c. After all addresses are entered press the ESC key to return to the Database Menu. NOTE: The Terminal Address cannot be entered in DAMA Mode. You must change the Current Mode Menu operational mode to LOS and then return to the Terminal Data Menu to enter the Terminal Address. To enter data for DAMA operations, to include Presets, the Current Mode Menu may be left in LOS mode. 5. Terminal Data: a. To enter Terminal Data (1) Go to the Current Mode Menu (a) ESC to the Main Menu (b) Select Current Mode (Hot key 1) (2) Change the operational mode to LOS (press the ENT key). (3) ESC to the Main Menu (4) Select the DATABASE OPTIONS (Hot key 2) b. From the DATABASE MENU select Terminal Data (Hot key 3). c. Enter the latitude (LAT) of your location. d. Enter the longitude (LON) of your location.
e. Enter the ZULU time (in hours and minutes). f. Enter your terminal address. g. Select STATIONARY or MOBILE. (1) Mobile is used for aircraft (2) If you move more than 50 miles, you should re-enter LAT/LON h. Select Message Release: MANUAL or AUTO. i. Press the ESC key to return to the Database Menu. NOTE: Ephemeris data is required only if you are using PASSIVE Ranging. 6. Satellite Ephemeris data a. From the Database Menu, select SAT EPHEMERIS (Hot key 5). b. Enter Satellite ID number (1 through 8). c. Enter the Satellites EASTING longitude (LON: E). d. LON values in degrees (001-179), minutes (00-59), and seconds (00-59). e. Enter Satellite ascension time (ASCEN TIME:) in Zulu hours (00-23) and minutes (0059). f. Enter Satellite Inclination. In degrees (00.0 to 10.0). g. Press ESC key return to Database Menu. NOTE: Information Codes and Response Codes are used for 25 kHz DAMA only. This menu builds a database for the Information/Response codes. 7. Information Codes: a. Consult your Call Directory for a listing of information codes. b. From the Database menu, select INFO CODES (Hot key 6). c. Select AC or DC. d. Select Information Request Code (00-99). e. Enter Response Code (1) For 25 kHz AC (00000 to 16383) (2) For 25 kHz DC (000 to 255). f. Press ESC key to return to Database menu. 8. 5 kHz I/O Data Rate a. From the Database Menu, select 5 kHz I/O RATES (Hot key 4). b. Use the arrow keys to select an I/O Rate c. Press the ENT key (1) If no check mark (), the item is not selected (2) Pressing the ENT key will select that I/O rate and add the check mark ( ) 40
(3) If check mark () present, Pressing the ENT key will deselect the I/O Rate and remove the check mark (). d. Select/Deselect I/O rates as necessary e. Press ESC key to return to Database menu. f. Synchronous and Asynchronous I/O Rates DAMA Database Data loading Exercise. 1. Install Batteries 2.Place the RT-1672/U(C) Mode switch to the PT position and wait until Power-Up BIT is completed. 3. Access the CURRENT MODE Menu 4. Set the Operational Mode to LOS 5. ESC to the Main Menu 6. Select the Database Options Menu 7. Load INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED data from the 5 kHz DAMA Cut Sheet. ESC back to the Database Menu after each item has been loaded. a. Guard Addresses on the Guard List b. Terminal Data c. 5 kHz I/O Rates d. Satellite Ephemeris e. Information Codes 8. ESC to Main Menu 9. Select Set Presets 10. Set the Preset Mode to DAMA 11. Enter the Preset Data from the 5 kHz DAMA Cut Sheet 12. ESC to the Main Menu 13. Place the Mode switch to the OFF position 5 kHz DAMA operations. In the 5 kHz DAMA mode, you will find the operations are a little different. Although you load the 5 kHz DAMA data in a similar fashion, communications are slower. This is due to the controls imposed on 5 kHz DAMA. 1. 5 kHz DAMA Pre-Mission Cut Sheet 2. Entering DAMA Network a. Access the CURRENT MODE Menu b. Select DAMA c. Select Preset
d. Select TEK e. Select NETWORK... 3. Acquisition and Ranging a. Net - Acquiring b. Net - Ranging c. Net - Login 4. Login a. How to Login (1) Line 2 shows Net-Login (2) Cursor on Login on the bottom-line (3) Press the ENT key. b. Select Over-the-Air and press the ENT key (1) Over-The-Air Login- First time log in (2) Pre-assigned Login- second time log in if you have already done so. c. With the cursor over SEND, press the ENT key. d. A request to Login is being sent to the DAMA Controller. e. When DAMA Controller answers your request (1) The display will show Net - Connected (2) The radio is now ready to receive/initiate services. 5. 5kHz DAMA Menu a. Service Setup- Point to point or point to group. b. Tear down- you are still registered with the controller but are passive. c. Service State- Status of your services. d. Network State- Status between terminal and controller. e. Status Messages f. Logout g. Contention Ranging- In the silent mode should be done about every 4 hours. h. Message Queue 6. Circuit Service a. With Net-Connected showing on line 2, (1) Use the DOWN arrow key to access Service Setup and press the ENT key OR (2) Press Hot key 1 (3) Display will show the Service Setup menu.
b. Service Setup Menu (1) Enter the type of Circuit Service (a) CIR for normal circuit services (b) DED for Dedicated/DASA service (2) Enter ENCRYPTION (a) Select EN for Encrypted (b) Select UN for Unencrypted (3) Define the Data Device by Selecting (a) SYN for Synchronous or (b) ASYN for Asynchronous (c) The radio will make the recommendation for you (4) Select (V) for Voice or (D) for Data. (5) Enter the Data Rate desired. (6) Enter the Precedence of Service. (7) Enter the Destination Address (a) Terminal Address (b) Network Address (8) Enter the Configuration Code (000-511) for requested service (9) With the Cursor on SEND, press the ENT key (10) Service Request sent to DAMA Controller c. Terminal returns to NETWORK 5 kHz menu. 7. Service Assignment a. Verify/Enter the desired TEK #. (1) Your radio automatically selects the TEK# from the one shown on the Current Mode Menu. (2) The COMSEC Key used must match at both ends of the communications link. b. Select the desired Encryption Device. (1) The encryption device is selected from the one used in the Current Mode Menu. (2) The encryption device used must match at both ends of the communications link. c. Accept or Reject the service. (1) To Accept, (a) Move the Cursor to Accept (b) Press the ENT key
(2) To Reject, (a) Move the Cursor to Accept (b) Use the Arrow keys to change to Reject (c) Press the ENT key d. The display returns to the NETWORK 5 kHz Menu. 8. Communicating a. Conn. - Rx/TX b. Current Mode Menu (1) Rx (2) TX c. Voice operation (1) To transmit, press and hold the handset PTT switch then talk into the handset mouthpiece. (2) To receive, release the handset PTT switch and listen to the handset earpiece. d. Data operation (1) Send a message by keying the data device. (Refer to the manual for the data device). (2) Receive a message on the data device is automatic. (Refer to the manual for the data device). 9. Modifying the Current Menu while DAMA is active. The following fields can be changed with out disconnecting the service. a. TEK Number b. Encryption Device c. I/O Rate d. Tpwr e. Information Code 10. Demand Assigned Single Access (DASA) service (Dedicated Service) a. To send the request for service (1) From the NETWORK 5 kHz Menu: go to Service Setup. (2) Use the arrow keys to select DED (3) Select EN for Encrypted or UN for Unencrypted (4) Select SYN or ASYN (5) Select (V) for Voice or (D) for Data (6) Select Data Rate field (7) Select Precedence 44
(8) Enter Destination Address (9) Enter Configuration Code (10) Enter time of Service (a) If time service is requested, enter hours and minutes (b) Indefinite can also be entered (85 hours and 15 minutes) (11) Send the request to the DAMA Controller (12) Screen returns to the NETWORK 5 kHz Menu b. Service Assignment Acceptance/Rejection (1) SrvcAsgnd screen appears (2) Accept or reject c. DAMA Controller (1) Changed your Current Mode Menu to the DASA channel parameters (2) When mission completed (a) Timed connection expires (b) Operator Terminates Service (3) Returns to original DAMA 5 kHz channel 11. Service Tear down a. From the NETWORK 5 kHz menu, select Tear down (Hot Key #2). b. If a single active Service (1) Cursor on SEND (2) Press the ENT key c. If multiple active services (1) Select 1 or 2 (1/2) (2) Selected Service parameters displayed (3) Move Cursor to SEND and press the ENT key. d. Display returns to the Network 5 kHz Menu e. Status Message from DAMA Controller (1) Circuit Ended (2) ESC to the Network 5 kHz Menu f. Net condition Connected but idle 12. Service State a. Access (1) From the NETWORK 5 kHz menu, select Service State (Hot Key #3)
(2) Service State display appears b. Displays (1) Destination (or Source) address (DESTIN ADD #####) (2) Type of Service (CIR or DED) (3) Voice or Data (V or D) (4) COMSEC State (PT or CT) (5) Precedence (R to FO) (6) Satellite Usage (a) LOCAL = using 1 satellite (b) M-HOP = using multiple satellites (7) Connection State (a) ACTIVE (b) PEND (Pending) (c) QUEUED c. If no active Service, display states 13. Network State a. Select (1) From the NETWORK 5 kHz menu, select Network State (Hot Key #4). (2) Network State display appears b. Displays (1) PCC Address (PCC: #####) (2) Satellite Usage (LOCAL or MHOP) (3) FOWs missed (FOW MISS ###) (4) Link Quality (LQ: ##. #) (5) Minimum and maximum precedence allowed (PREC MIN/MAX: R/I) c. If no active Service, display states d. Limited Input/ Output (LIO) 14. Status Messages a. Receiving a Status Message (1) An N will appear on the NETWORK 5 kHz menu (2) The N indicates a New Status Message has been received (3) Only one N will appear no matter how many NEW status Messages you receive
(4) Once the Status Messages are read the N vanishes until a New Status Message is received b. Select (1) From the NETWORK 5 kHz menu, select Status Messages (Hot Key #5). (2) Status Message display appears c. Displays (1) Status Message number (maximum of 10) (2) The Status Message (3) A check mark will be placed by Status Messages already read (4) If multiple copies of the same Status Message are received consecutively, a counter will be displayed d. ESC back to the NETWORK 5 kHz menu 15. Logout of a DAMA Network a. Select (1) From the NETWORK 5 kHz menu, select Logout (Hot Key #6). (2) Logout Menu appears b. Select OVER THE AIR log out and press the ENT key. (1) Move the cursor to SEND and press the ENT key. (2) Display returns to the NETWORK 5 kHz menu c. The DAMA Controller will (1) Send you an Acknowledgement Status Message (2) Log you off of the Satellite d. NETWORK 5 kHz menu returns to the Net - Login; Idle state e. Force Locally Logout 16.Contention Ranging In the silent mode you will contention range every 4 hours. a. Select (1) From the NETWORK 5 kHz menu, select Contention Ranging (Hot Key #7). (2) Contention Ranging Menu appears b. Send to DAMA Controller c. Display returns to the NETWORK 5 kHz menu d. When Ranging completed, Status Message Received 17. Message Service (Sending) a. Select (1) From the NETWORK 5 kHz menu, select Message Queue (Hot Key #8). 47
(2) Message Queue Menu appears (a) If no received message is queued, the XMIT Message Queue appears (b) If a received message is queued, the RCV Message Queue Menu appears (c) To change queues [1] Use the arrow keys to select [2] Press the ENT key (3) Message Service is for DATA MESSAGES only b. Transmit Queue (1) Select TEK#. (2) Select Encryption field, KG-84 or ANDVT. (3) Select Precedence. (4) Select Encryption field EN or UN. (5) Enter Destination Address. (6) With cursor resting on SEND, press the ENT key (7) The display remains at the Transmit Message Queue screen c. Sending a message (1) Message received to Enter Message Now! (2) Send message by keying data device. (3) Data message in the RT, a Status Message Appears. (5) (4) ESC from Status message returns to the Network 5Khz Menu. (1) Conn. - Pending - Waiting for DAMA Control to transmit your message. (2) Conn. - Rx/TX) - Message is being transmitted d. Receiving terminal (1) Status Message appears identifying the transmitting station (2) ESC to the NETWORK 5 kHz menu (3) Read message at earliest convenience e. Transmitting Terminal (1) Status Message appears indicating the Receiving Terminal received the message (2) Status Message appears indicating the Receiving Terminal released the message to the data device (3) If the message transmission is not competed, (a) Status Message indicating this Message Service is terminated (b) Multiple reasons for termination
(c) ESC to the NETWORK 5 kHz menu g. Message Complete (1) NETWORK 5 kHz menu shows Net Connected; Idle (2) DAMA Control tears down the Message Service 18. Message Service (Receiving) a. A single received message does not have to be read immediately Briefly explain Manual Release. b. Select (1) Status Message informs you that you have received a message (Reading a Message - Manual release). (2) From the NETWORK 5 kHz menu, select Message Queue (Hot Key #8). (3) Received (RCV) Message Queue Menu appears c. With cursor resting on RCV, press the ENT key d. Received Message data displayed (1) TEK (2) Encryption Device (3) Data Rate (4) Precedence (5) Encryption (EN/UN) (6) Your address (D: #####) e. Select Release or Delete (1) Release with the ENT key (2) Delete by selecting DELETE with the arrow keys then pressing the ENT key. f. RELEASE sends the message to the Data Device 19. Message Auto Release a. NETWORK 5 kHz menu status changes to Net - Connected; Rx/TX b. NETWORK 5 kHz menu status returns to Net - Connected; Idle c. Message at Data Device d. No Status Messages e. All acknowledge messages sent automatically 20. Deleting a Message a. Select DELETE at the Message Queue Menu b. Press the ENT key - Message deleted from the RT
c. Deleted messages are never read or transmitted 5 kHz DAMA Operations Practical Exercise 1. Install Batteries. 2. Place the RT-1672/U(C) Mode switch to the PT position and wait until Power-Up BIT is completed. 3. Setup and connect the Satellite antenna. 4. Connect the Handset. 5. Set the VOLUME control to a comfortable volume level. (Adjust Squelch fully counter clockwise to hear noise.) 6. Set the SQUELCH control to quiet the receiver. 7. Access the Set Preset Menu. 8. Verify the INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED Presets are still loaded. 9. ESC to the Main Menu 10. Select the Current Mode 11. Set the operational mode to LOS. 12. Load the COMSEC keys 13. Load the Order wire keys 14. Place the RT Mode switch to the CT position 15. If operating in the data mode, connect the data device 16. Go to the DATABASE OPTIONS Menu and review/set the following: a. Terminals Data b. Guard List c. 5 kHz I/O rates 17. Go to the Current Mode Menu and select the operational mode as DAMA 18. At the Current Mode Menu, select the INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED Preset 19. Select the TEK to be used. 20. Log in with the DAMA Controller through the satellite. 21. Establish a Circuit Service for VOICE communications. 22. Communicate in Cipher Text (CT) VOICE. 23. Tear down the VOICE communications Circuit Service. 24. Establish a Circuit Service for DATA communications. 25. Send a DATA message (if data devices are available). 26. Review the Service State. 27. Tear down the DATA communications Circuit Service.
28. Establish a VOICE DASA Service (if possible). 29. Establish VOICE communications in Cipher Text (CT) on the DASA Service (if possible). 30. Review the Network State. 31. Tear down the DASA Service (if established). 32. Perform Contention Ranging. 33. Send a DATA message using Message Service. 34. Read the message received through the Message Service. 35. Log out from the DAMA Controller through the Satellite. 36. Place the Mode switch to the OFF position. 25 kHz DAMA The AN/PSC-5 Radio Set has two different types of DAMA communications. You will find that the 25 kHz AC DAMA is different but similar to 5 kHz DAMA. 1. 25 kHz AC DAMA Cut Sheet 2. Current Mode a. Select Operational Mode (DAMA) b. Select Preset c. Network 3. Acquisition a. Acquiring - RT is acquiring the downlink from the satellite b. Ranging - Automatic after the downlink is received c. Connected d. Select Send Status B 4. Notification and Acknowledgement a. Sending the Status B message b. Status Messages 5. Information Codes a. Code Number (6) c. Send 6. 25kHz AC DAMA Menu a. Service Setup b. Tear down c. Service State b. Expected.
d. Network State e. Status Messages f. Data Transfer g. Link Test h. Paging i. Out Service 7. Service Setup a. Screen Symbols (1) N (2) M (3) Up Arrow (4) Down Arrow (5) Arrows both ways b. With Net-Connected showing on line 2, (1) Use the DOWN arrow key to access Service Setup and press the ENT key OR (2) Press Hot key 1 (3) Display will show the Service Setup menu. c. Enter the precedence of the message and press the ENT key. d. Enter the address (Es) of the terminal (or terminals) to be called. e. Enter the circuit connection time (1) Numeric values are 00 to 59 (2) Time duration is Seconds, Minutes, Hours, Days or Indefinite (Indf) f. Send g. Processing of the Service Request (1) Request transmitted () (2) Assignment being received () (3) Status Message 8. Communications Indicators a. Rx/TX on the NETWORK 25 kHz AC Menu indicates the link is established. (1) TX displayed on the Current Mode Menu indicates you are transmitting. (2) Rx displayed on the Current Mode Menu indicates you are receiving. b. Voice operation
(1) To transmit, press and hold the handset PTT switch then talk into the handset mouthpiece. (2) To receive, release the handset PTT switch and listen to the handset earpiece. c. Data operation (1) Send a message by keying the data device. (Refer to the manual for the data device). (2) Receive a message on the data device is automatic. (Refer to the manual for the data device). 9. Modifying Current Mode a. Switching between Voice and Data b. Changing the Transmitter Power Output c. TEK d. Encryption type e. Data Rate f. Configuration Code g. Sending a new Status B message 10. Dedicated (DASA) Operations a. Required Parameters b. Optional Parameters c. Send a Status B message d. Service Setup (1) Precedence (2) Address (Es) (3) Time (4) SEND e. Timed Connections (1) Time periods (2) Time Expired (3) Tear down 11. Tear down a. Access from the NETWORK 25 kHz AC DAMA menu, select Tear down (Hot Key #2). b. Tear down when communications are completed and the circuit is no longer needed c. With the cursor on SEND, press the ENT key. d. Terminal will now log you out of the net. 53
e. Display will return to the NETWORK 25 kHz Menu 12. Service State a. Access (1) From the NETWORK 25 kHz AC menu, select Service State (Hot Key #3) (2) Service State display appears b. Displays (1) Conn. - Rx/TX (2) Addresses (3) ESC back to the NETWORK 25 kHz AC Menu 13. Network State a. Select (1) From the NETWORK 25 kHz AC menu, select Network State (Hot Key #4). (2) Network State display appears b. Displays (1) Mode of Control (CTRL: AUTO) (2) CCOWs missed (CCOW MISS ###) (3) Minimum Precedence for the network (Prec Min: R) (4) ESC back to the NETWORK 25 kHz AC Menu 14. Status Messages a. Receiving a Status Message (1) An N will appear on the NETWORK 25 kHz AC menu (2) The N indicates a New Status Message has been received (3) Only one N will appear no matter how many NEW status Messages you receive (4) Once the Status Messages are read the N vanishes until a New Status Message is received b. Select (1) From the NETWORK 25 kHz AC menu, select Status Messages (Hot Key #5). (2) Status Message display appears c. Displays (1) Status Message number (maximum of 10) (2) The Status Message (3) A check mark will be placed by Status Messages already read
(4) If multiple copies of the same Status Message are received consecutively, a counter will be displayed d. ESC back to the NETWORK 25 kHz AC menu 15. Data transfer a. Select (1) From the NETWORK 25 kHz AC menu, select Data Transfer (Hot Key #6). (2) Data Transfer Menu appears b. Entries (1) Precedence of the Network (2) Party to send the message to (3) Enter up to four three-digit numbers (a) Each number represents a word or phrase (b) Must be pre-arranged before use (4) SEND (a) Sends the message to DAMA Control (b) DAMA Control sends the message to the addressee (c) Display returns to the NETWORK 25 kHz AC Menu c. Receiving a Data Transfer Message (1) Status Message that pops up on the screen (2) Identifies (a) Who sent the message (Data From: #####) (b) Message (### ### ### ###) (c) Precedence (3) ESC back to the NETWORK 25 kHz AC Menu 16. Link Test a. Select (1) From the NETWORK 25 kHz AC menu, select Link Test (Hot Key #7). (2) Link Test Menu appears b. Entries (1) Select the data rate for the Link Test. (2) SEND (a) Starts the Link Test (b) Display returns to the NETWORK 25 kHz AC Menu.
c. M blinks while test in progress d. Patience is required e. Link Test results (1) Appears in a Status Message (2) Show Data Rate at which test done (3) Shows Symbol Errors (4) Shows Missed Acquisitions f. ESC to the NETWORK 25 kHz AC Menu 17. Paging a. Select (1) From the NETWORK 25 kHz AC menu, select Paging (Hot Key #8). (2) Paging Menu appears b. Entries (1) Addresses to be paged (2) SEND (a) Paging request sent to DAMA Control (b) Display returns to the NETWORK 25 kHz Menu c. Paging request acknowledged by DAMA Control (Status Message) d. Receiving a Paging Message (1) Call Waiting message received as a Status Message (2) Identifies party calling (Address) (3) Displays Precedence of the page (Prec.: Routine) e. Receiving station sets up a service to the address of the person paging 18. Out-Of-Service a. Select (1) From the NETWORK 25 kHz AC menu, select Out Serv (Hot Key #9). (2) Out-Of-Service Menu appears b. Entries (1) Precedence of your terminal (2) Reason to go out of service (a) A two digit numeric code (b) Must be pre-coordinated with other NET members (3) Time Out-of-Service 56
(4) SEND (a) Sends the Out-Of-Service message to DAMA Control (b) Display returns to the NETWORK 25 kHz AC Menu c. Out-Of-Service operation (1) Out-Of-Service message stored at DAMA Control (2) A Terminal calls you; DAMA Control sends the Out-Of-Service message to the caller (3) Out-Of-Service deleted from DAMA Control (a) Time expires (b) Receipt of a new Status B message d. Time expires; you are back active on your net. When 25 kHz AC DAMA operations are completed; leave the 25kHz DAMA AC Network. There is no Logout requirement. Change to another service or turn off the radio. 19. DAMA Service requests a. Comparison of DAMA modes b. 5 kHz DAMA Service requests c. 25 kHz AC DAMA Service requests d. Dedicated (DASA) Service requests 25Khz DC. 1. Install Batteries. 2. Place the RT-1672/U(C) Mode switch to the PT position and wait until Power-Up BIT is completed. 3. Setup and connect the Satellite antenna. 4. Connect handset 5. Set the VOLUME control to a comfortable volume level. (Adjust Squelch fully counter clockwise to hear noise.) 6. Set the SQUELCH control to quiet the receiver. 7. Access the Set Preset Menu. 8. Verify the INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED Presets are still loaded. 9. ESC to the Main Menu 10. Select the Current Mode 11. Set the operational mode to LOS. 12. Load the COMSEC keys 13. Load the Order wire keys 14. Place the RT Mode switch to the CT position 15. If operating in the data mode, connect the data device 57
16. Go to the DATABASE OPTIONS Menu and review/set the following: a. Terminals Data b. Guard List c. Information Codes 17. Go to the Current Mode Menu and select the operational mode as DAMA 18. At the Current Mode Menu, select the INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED Preset 19. Select the TEK to be used. 20. Send the Status B message to the DAMA Controller through the satellite. 21. Establish a Service for VOICE communications. 22. Communicate in Cipher Text (CT) VOICE. 23. Tear down the VOICE communications Service. 24. Establish a Service for DATA communications. 25. Send a DATA message (if data devices are available). 26. Review the Service State. 27. Review the Network State. 28. Tear down the DATA Service. 29. Perform a Data Transfer. 30. Perform a Link Test (if possible). 31. Send a Paging Message. 32. The recipient of the page is to establish a Service for VOICE communications to the pager. 33. Communicate in Cipher Text (CT) VOICE. 34. Tear down the VOICE communications Service. 35. Send an Out-Of-Service message (5 minutes). 36. Place the Mode switch to the OFF position. 25kHz DC DAMA mode. 1. All word processing systems have added programs that come with them like spreadsheets and drawing programs. The 25 kHz DAMA system also has its added program, called 25 kHz DC DAMA. 2. Acquisition a. Acquiring - RT is acquiring the Down link from the satellite b. Ranging - Automatic after the Downlink is received c. Connected 3. 25kHz DC DAMA Menu a. Service Setup 58
b. Tear down c. Service State d. Network State e. Status Messages f. Data Transfer g. Link Test 4. Service Setup a. Access when Net-Connected is showing on line 2, (1) Use the DOWN arrow key to access Service Setup and press the ENT key OR (2) Press Hot key 1 (3) Display will show the Service Setup menu. b. Enter Circuit Number assigned. (1) The Circuit Number is a pre-defined circuit through DAMA Control (2) This circuit may be voice or data (3) Each individual terminal must request use of this circuit c. SEND (1) Your terminal joins the Circuit requested (2) Communications begin after at least one other terminal joins that circuit (3) Display goes to the NETWORK 25 kHz DC Menu d. Voice operation (1) To transmit, press and hold the handset PTT switch then talk into the handset mouthpiece. (2) To receive, release the handset PTT switch and listen to the handset earpiece. e. Data operation (1) Send a message by keying the data device. (Refer to the manual for the data device). (2) Receive a message on the data device is automatic. (Refer to the manual for the data device). 5. Tear down a. Access from the NETWORK 25 kHz DC DAMA menu, select Tear down (Hot Key #2). b. Tear down when communications are completed and the circuit is no longer needed c. With the cursor on SEND, press the ENT key. d. Terminal will remove you from that circuit. e. Display will return to the NETWORK 25 kHz DC DAMA Menu 59
f. The exited circuit is still available 6. Modifying the Current Mode - Same as for 25 kHz AC DAMA 7. Service State a. Access (1) From the NETWORK 25 kHz DC menu, select Service State (Hot Key #3) (2) Service State display appears b. Displays (1) The connected service (Connect Circuit: ###) (2) ESC back to the NETWORK 25 kHz AC Menu 8. Network State a. Select (1) From the NETWORK 25 kHz DC menu, select Network State (Hot Key #4). (2) Network State display appears b. Displays (1) Mode of Control (CTRL: DISTRIBUTED) (2) CCOWs missed (CCOW MISS ###) (3) ESC back to the NETWORK 25 kHz AC Menu 9. Status Messages - Same as 5 kHz and 25 kHz AC DAMA modes. 10. Data transfer - Same as 25 kHz AC DAMA mode. 11. Link test - Same as 25 kHz AC DAMA mode. 12. There are no Paging or Out-Of-Service capabilities 25 kHz DC DAMA is only operational in a backup mode for the DAMA system. 1. Satellite or LOS communications may be used for retransmission operations. Retransmission is used to extend our communications over an obstacle or increase our distance. We will be setting up and operating in a retransmission environment. 2. The AN/PSC-5 Radio Set has the ability to clone its communication program, less COMSEC, to another AN/PSC-5. NOTES: In the retransmit mode, the AN/PSC-5 Radio Set and the SINCGARS Radio Set antennas must to be a minimum of 25 feet apart. The operating frequencies must be at least 40 MHz apart. This prevents the transmitter of one radio set from blanking the receiver of the other radio set. The SINCGARS Radio Set can be used in a retransmit mode with either plain text (PT) or cipher-text (CT) (voice or data) for LOS communications or, in CT (voice or data) when used in a SATCOM relay. The CT information is not decrypted at the SINCGARS relay station. Retransmissions are simply passed through the retransmitting SINCGARS Radio Set. The AN/PSC-5 Radio Set
in retransmit mode must be in PT. A network using SINCGARS in CT and the AN/PSC-5 in PT is CT. When retransmitting, three frequencies are required; one from a network Radio set to one of the retransmitting radio sets; one shared by two retransmitting radio sets; and one from a retransmitting radio set to another network radio set. Although the AN/PSC-5 Radio Set can be used in a LOS retransmit station, it is not preferred - use SINCGARS Radio Sets. When a retransmission involves a satellite, use the AN/PSC-5 Radio Set. Acceptable configurations (1) Spitfire (LOS) to Spitfire (SATCOM) Provides LOS users, such as aircraft, the extended range of the satellite. (2) Spitfire (SATCOM) to Spitfire (SATCOM) Provides range extension to a Spitfire network(s) from one satellite footprint to another. (3) SINCGARS (in a net) to Spitfire (SATCOM) Provides LOS range extension to a SINCGARS net. The distant end for the Spitfire can be either a Spitfire operator talking to the SINCGARS net or another Spitfire/SINGARS retransmission site. The latter is the optimal doctrinal employment of the Spitfire! SINCGARS net to SINCGARS net range extension! 1. Retransmission operations: (AN/PSC-5 to AN/PSC-5) a. Connect the radio sets for LOS or SATCOM relay operations (1) Connect P1 of retransmit cable W4 to AUX connector on radio set no. 1. (2) Connect P2 of retransmit cable W4 to AUX connector on radio set no. 2. b. Antennas (1) For LOS operations, install LOS antennas on radio sets ANT connectors. (2) For LOS operations, the antennas must be a minimum of 25 feet apart. (3) For satellite operations, install the satellite antennas. NOTE: Since all networks are encrypted, monitoring the network at the relay site is not possible due to the fact that only the continuous non-secure warning beep will be heard. c. AN/PSC-5 Radio Set Settings (1) Set the RT Mode switch on both radio sets to PT. (2) On both Radio Sets, Set the operational mode on the Current Menu to LOS or SATCOM (a) Both Radio Sets could be LOS (b) Both Radio Sets could be SATCOM (c) One could be LOS and the other SATCOM (3) Select the desired Preset for each radio set.
(4) Each Radio Set must have a different frequency. (5) Frequencies must be at least 40 MHz apart. d. The radio sets are now ready for retransmit operations. NOTE: If the network is in CT, the relay operator cannot monitor the CT traffic. Operating a net work in PT is not usually done. An operator at a retransmission site can monitor PT voice signals through the handset. The operator may not join the PT Net because the microphone is not connected in the AN/PSC-5 Radio Set retransmit mode. 2. Retransmit Operations: (AN/PSC-5 to SINCGARS) a. Connect the AN/PSC-5 RT to the SINCGARS RT (1) Connect P1 of cable W5 to the AUX connector of the AN/PSC-5 RT. (2) Connect P2 of cable W5 to the RXMT connector on the SINCGARS RT. b. Connect the satellite antenna to the AN/PSC-5 ANT connector. c. Connect the VHF antenna to the ANT connector on the SINCGARS RT. d. Setup the AN/PSC-5 Radio Set (1) Set the Mode switch to PT. NOTE: The Satellite channel assigned must be a Wide Band channel for retransmissions to work properly. (2) Select the desired Preset. (3) The data rate must be 16Kbps (4) Encryption type must be VINSON. e. Setup the SINCGARS Radio Set (1) Set the FCTN switch to RXMT. (2) Set the COMSEC switch to PT. (3) Select the desired channel number for the SINCGARS RT. f. The radios are now ready for retransmit operations. RETRANSMISSION OPERATIONS. NOTE: The retransmit circuit we are setting up requires four SINCGARS Radio Sets and two AN/PSC-5 Radio Sets. One SINCGARS (CT) will transmit to a second SINCGARS (PT/RXMT). The signal will be passed to one AN/PSC-5 Radio Set, sent through a satellite to the second AN/PSC-5 Radio Set. The signal will be passed to the third SINCGARS (PT/RXMT) and transmitted to the fourth SINCGARS (CT). 1. Install Batteries in both radio sets. 2. Connect the following: a. Cable W5 between the SINCGARS Radio Set and the AN/PSC-5 Radio Set. b. Connect the satellite antenna to the AN/PSC-5 Radio Set. 62
c. Connect the VHF antenna to the SINCGARS Radio Set. 3. Setup the AN/PSC-5 Radio Set as follows: a. Mode switch to PT b. Current Mode operational mode to SATCOM c. Select INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED Preset d. Verify or change (1) Encryption Type is VINSN (2) Voice (3) Data rate in 16K 4. Setup the retransmitting SINCGARS Radio Set as follows: a. Set the FCTN switch to RXMT. b. Set the COMSEC switch to PT. c. Tune the SINCGARS RT to the INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED frequency. 5. Setup the communicating SINCGARS as follows: a. Set the FCTN switch to SQ ON. b. Load COMSEC. c. Set the COMSEC switch to CT. d. Tune the SINCGARS RT to the INSTRUCTOR DESIGNATED frequency. 6. Connect a Handset to the audio connectors on all radio sets. NOTE: Squelch cannot be adjusted on the AN/PSC-5 Radio Sets in SATCOM mode. 7. Set the VOLUME control (if possible) on all radio sets to a comfortable volume level. (Adjust Squelch fully counter clockwise to hear noise.) 8. Set the SQUELCH control to quiet the receiver (if possible). 9. Communicate from one SINCGARS (CT) to the other SINCGARS (CT). 10. Turn all radio sets off. CLONING OPERATION NOTE: The Terminal Data menu entries are cloned to the destination radio set. The destination radio set will have to update the Terminal Data menu with data pertinent to their location and address (i.e., terminal latitude, longitude, and address). 3. Cloning Procedure: a. Connect the cloning cable between the AUX connectors on both the source and the destination AN/PSC-5 Radio Sets. b. Set mode switch, on both radio sets to the PT position.
c. On both radio sets, (1) ESC to the Main Menu. (2) Select the DATABASE OPTIONS Menu on both radios. (3) Select Clone Mode on both radios. (4) SOURCE RADIO SET - With the cursor on (SEND) press the ENT key. NOTE: After approximately 10 seconds, observe the display on the SOURCE radio for the message Transfer in Progress. The DESTINATION radio should display Receive in Progress. d. If cloning was unsuccessful, (1) A Link Failure message will be shown on the SOURCE display. (2) Repeat the cloning procedure. e. If cloning was successful, (1) Both radio sets will display a Successful message (2) Press the ENT key to continue operations (3) Press the ESC key (a) Once to access the Database Options Menu (b) Twice to access the Main Menu (3) Disconnect the cloning cable f. Repeat steps a through g for radio sets to be cloned. Cloning practical application. 1. Install Batteries in both radio sets. 2. Connect the Cloning cable between the AN/PSC-5 Radio Sets. 3. Place the both RT Mode switches to the PT position. 4. Both radio sets, ESC to the Main Menu 5. Both radio sets select the Database Options Menu. 6. Both radio sets select the Clone Mode (Hot key 8) 7. SOURCE Radio set, Select SEND and press the ENT key. 8. Observe the display: a. If Cloning fails, notify your instructor and start all over. If Cloning fails a second time, notify your instructor and wait for the instructor to check the equipment/procedures. b. If Cloning is successful, press the ENT key and proceed to step 9. 9. ESC to the Main Menu 10. Turn all radio sets off.
INTEROPERABILITY FEATURES To be backwards compatible, the AN/PSC-5 Radio Set has the capability to communicate in SATCOM or LOS (voice or data) with the AN/PSC-10 (LST-5B/C) Radio Set, the AN/PSC-7 (MST-20) Radio Set, and the AN/PSC-3 Radio Set with external COMSEC. 1. Required by Specification a. Line of Sight (LOS) b. SATCOM c. DAMA 2. Line of Sight a. Required - SINCGARS b. Not required (1) SABRE RT (2) AN/PRC-117D (VINSON Mode) 3. SATCOM KY-57/58 a. AN/PSC-10 b. AN/PSC-7 c. AN/PSC-3 d. Settings (1) KY-57/58 (2) AN/PSC-10 (3) AN/PSC-7 (4) AN/PSC-3 (5) AN/PSC-5 4. SATCOM KY-99 a. AN/PSC-10 b. AN/PSC-7 c. AN/PSC-3 d. AN/PRC-177 d. KY-99 Settings e. Radio Settings (1) AN/PSC-10 (2) AN/PSC-7 (3) AN/PSC-3
(4) AN/PSC-5 5. SATCOM KY-99A (NB) a. AN/PSC-10 b. AN/PSC-7 c. AN/PSC-3 d. AN/PRC-177 d. KY-99 Settings e. Radio Settings (1) AN/PSC-10 (2) AN/PSC-7 (3) AN/PSC-3 (4) AN/PSC-5 6. SATCOM KY-99A (WB) a. AN/PSC-10 b. AN/PSC-7 c. AN/PSC-3 d. AN/PRC-177 d. KY-99 Settings e. Radio Settings (1) AN/PSC-10 (2) AN/PSC-7 (3) AN/PSC-3 (4) AN/PSC-5 7. SATCOM KG-84 a. AN/PSC-10 b. AN/PSC-7 c. AN/PSC-3 d. AN/PRC-177 d. Settings (1) KG-84 (2) AN/PSC-10 (3) AN/PSC-7 (4) AN/PSC-3
(5) AN/PSC-5 8. SATCOM Sunburst Processor a. AN/PSC-10 b. AN/PSC-7 c. AN/PSC-3 d. AN/PRC-177 e. Sunburst Processor Settings f. Radio Settings (1) AN/PSC-10 (2) AN/PSC-7 (3) AN/PSC-3 (4) AN/PSC-5 9. Interoperability Standards 10. Advanced Data Controller (ADC) 11. Computer Data Controller (CDC) 12.Personal Data Controller (PDC) 13.PDC DTS/WIN Configuration 14. PDC VIA Sat E - Mail Configuration 15. AN/PSC-5 Interoperability PDC DTS/Win Configuration INTEROPERABILITY PRACTICAL APPLICATION EXERCISE. 1. Install Batteries 2. Place the RT-1672/U(C) Mode switch to the PT position and wait until Power-Up BIT is completed. 3. Check the BIT Fault Codes 4. Apply power to and test the ancillary Radio Set. 5. Connect and load COMSEC device. 6. Communicate with another similarly configured station. 7. Turn off and disconnect all equipment. 6. References: a. TM-11-5820-1130-12&p. b. TM-11-5820-1130-30&p. c. CJSM 6231.4 Joint Transmission Systems.