Application Form For Volunteers - Doc 1
Application Form For Volunteers - Doc 1
Application Form For Volunteers - Doc 1
Email: ……………………………………….
Employment/Educational Status:
Transport: Health:
Do you hold a current UK driving licence? YES / NO Are you currently in good health? YES / NO
Do you have your own car? YES / NO Are you registered disabled? YES / NO
Would you be prepared to use your car to transport Do you have special requirements to enable you
patients/visitors/equipment as part of your voluntary to carry out voluntary work?
YES / NO / POSSIBLY ……………………………………………………
Candidates who declare a disability or health
problem will be given equal consideration.
Medical Examination:
It may be necessary for you to undergo a medical examination prior to commencing your volunteering.
Are you in agreement with this?
From the information leaflet, have you identified any particular tasks/placement areas, for which you
would like to be considered?
Are there any particular tasks/placements for which you would NOT wish to be considered?
Please give the name and contact information of two people, not relatives, who have agreed to act as
referees for you and have known you at least 3 years: (PLEASE USE BLOCK CAPITALS)
…………………………………………….. …………………………………………………
…………………………………………….. .…………………………………………………
Do you have any previous or pending convictions? YES / NO (If yes, please give details)
Signature………………………………………….. Date……………………………………………….
Please note that by signing this application you give permission for these details to be kept on computer
database. Personal details will not be disclosed to any other body without your prior permission.
I confirm that the information provided by me on this form is true and correct.
Please return your application form to:The Voluntary Services Manager, Arthur Rank House,
Brookfields Hospital, 351 Mill Road, Cambridge, CB1 3DF