Integrated MBA (IMBA) Programme - V Semester Syllabus
Integrated MBA (IMBA) Programme - V Semester Syllabus
Integrated MBA (IMBA) Programme - V Semester Syllabus
Semester V
Subject Code
IMA 5001
Course Name Commercial Law Introduction to Financial Markets Project Management Materials Management Management Information System Introduction to Programming Language Programming Lab Total Credits:
Credit 3 3 3 2 2 3 2 18
IMA 5003 IMA 5005 IMA 5007 IMA 5009 IMA 5011 IMA 5012
Course Description- The course aims a providing an insight into different laws concerning modern business world. The course presents a comprehensive, systematic and coherent study of the laws governing the modern business. 1: Indian Contract Act.1872- Definition an essential of a Valid contract, Performance of contracts, Discharge of contract, Remedies for Breach of Contract, Definition of Indemnity, Guarantee, Bailment, Pledge & Agency. 2: Sale of Good Act, 1930- Definition and essential of a contract of sale, Sale distinguished from agreement to sell, Definition of Condition and Warranty, Performance of contract of sale. 3: Indian Partnership Act, 1932- Definition and test of Partnership, Distinction between Partnership an Company, Formation of Partnership, Dissolution of Partnership Firm. 4: Negotiable Instruments Act, 1881- Definition and characteristic of a Negotiable Instrument, Type of Negotiable Instrument, Negotiation of Negotiable Instruments, Dishonour and Discharge of Negotiable Instruments. 5: Comprise Act, 1956- Definition and nature of Companies, Kind of Companies, Formation of Company, Winding up and Dissolution of Companies. 6: Consumer Protection Act, 1986- Objective & Scope, Definition of Consumer, Consumer Protection Councils, Consumer Disputes Redressal Agencies. 7: Information Technology Act, 2000- Introduction and Rationale, Applicability, Electronic Commerce, Internet, Electronic Governance. Books: 1. Kuchhal M.C.; Mercantile Law; Vikas Publishing House (P) Ltd. 2. Pathak Akhileshwar; Legal Aspects of Business; Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Company Ltd. 3. Sheth Tejpal; Business Law; Pearson Education. 4. Kapoor N.D.; Elements of Mercantile Law; Sultan Chand & Sons.
Course Description: This course aim is to provide the understanding of financial markets. The financial system is the life line of the economy. A well developed financial system greatly facilities economic development of a country. The financial system consists of financial institutions, markets, instruments and financial services. Mobilization of savings is done by financial institutions in financial markets through financial instruments. This course is designed for the students to understand the concept of financial system, financial markets, and various financial assets used in financial markets. Describe major financial markets such as money market and capital market, and various sub markets of these two markets. 1. Financial System: Concept of Financial Assets & Financial Markets, Functions of Financial systems & Financial Intermediation, Structure of Financial markets & types of financial markets. 2. Money Market: Meaning, Importance of Money Market, Introduction to Instruments of money markets, Introduction to participants and players of Money Markets. 3. Central banking System: Introduction, Functions of Apex Bank of the Country, Instruments of Credit Control and Qualitative Credit Control 4. Commercial Banking System: Evolution and products of commercial banks, Functions of Commercial Banks 5. Capital Markets: Concept, Functions & types of capital markets, Introduction to different players of capital market 6. Primary Markets: Concept, methods of raising funds (Public & Rights Issue, Private placements) 7. Secondary Market: Introduction, evolution and functions of the country stock exchanges, Regulatory body for the capital market of the country and its recent guidelines.
Text Books: a) Khan, M.Y, Financial System(2005) ,Tata McGraw Hill Book Co.4th ed.(Topics 1,2,5,6,7) b) Gordon and Natarjan Financial Markets and Services (2009), Himalaya publishing House.(Topics 1,2,5,6,7) Reference Books: a) Anthony Saunders, Marica Million Cornettt Financial Markets and Instaurations (2009) a modern perspective, Tata McGraw Hill Book Co,2nd ed.
Course Description: Project management is one of the important aspects of modern management practices. The basic objective of the subject is to develop the student with the idea of project plan, which includes defining and confirming the project goals and objectives, identifying tasks and how goals will be achieved. The subject introduces the student to network techniques, project review and administrative aspects for project management. 1. Introduction: Meaning, Importance, Project Life Cycle, Phases of project management, Integrative approach to project management. 2. Generation and screening of project Ideas Generation of project ideas, Monitoring the environment, corporate appraisal, Profit potential of Industries: Porter Model, Scouting for Project Ideas, Preliminary Screening, Project Rating Index, 3. Feasibility Study of Project: Market Analysis, Technical Analysis and Financial Analysis 4. Project Cash Flows: Separation principle, Incremental Principle, Post-tax principle, Consistency principle 5. Project Appraisal Criteria: NPV (Net Present Value), IRR (Internal Rate of Return) and Pay Back Period (PBP) ` 6. Network Techniques for Project Management: Development of project Work, PERT and CPM Model and Network Cost System 7. Project Review and Administration Aspects; Control of in-progress projects, post-completion audits, Abandonment analysis, Administrative aspects of capital budgeting Text Books: a) Chandra, P. (2002). Projects Planning,Analysis,Selection,Financing,Implementation and Review. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill. b) Gray F.Clifford, L. W. (2008). Project Management Th e Managerial Process. McGraw Hill Reference Books: a) Desai, V., Project Management
Course Description: The course intends to equip students with conceptual knowledge of modern materials and production management and aims to develop their basic expertise in the function of store management, purchase management, production planning & controlling , decision making in facility location & layout and maintenance management area. It covers all the essentials of modern materials management. This subject aims to explain the concepts and principles behind material & production management decision making. It intends to make the students understand the basics of materials management and production management so that they can face the challenges arising out of present scenario of competitiveness due to globalization of economy and to meet the specific requirement of industry. 1. Introduction: Nature, Scope and Importance of Materials Management in the Business World, Integrated Approach to Materials Management and its Advantages and Limitations 2. Purchase Management : Purchasing Functions, Purchase procedure 3. Inventory Management: Inventory Control, Concept of EOQ and ROP, ABC Analysis 4. Stores Management: Stores Management, Location and Layout of Stores, Stores System and Procedures 5. Production Management : Functions of production management, design of production Systems, production planning & control 6. Plant Location & Layout: Deciding Location and Layout of Production Facilities for Plants, Types of Layout 7. Maintenance of Plants and Production Facilities, Types of Maintenance Text Books: a) Gopalakrishna, P. and Sunderasan, M., Materials Management: An Integrated Approach (PHI: New Delhi) b) Bhat, K.S. (2009). Productions and Materials Management , Mumbai, Himalaya Publishing House , 4th ed. c) Khanna, O.P., Industrial Engineering and Management (Dhanpat Rai: New Delhi) Reference Books: a) Chary, S.N., Production and Operations Management ( TMH: New Delhi)
Course Description The objective of this course is to understand the history, state-of-the-art and future of Management Information System, its applications, Use and evaluate Management Information Systems to facilitate individual and group work, to develop a thorough review of Management application type, both historical and speculative, learnt about the physical components needed for information system and also to learnt to organize files and databases. 1.Introduction to Management Information System Organisation and Information Systems,Changing Environment and its impact on Business - The IT/IS and its influence - The Organisation: Structure, Managers and activities - Data, information and its attributes - The level of people and their information needs - Types of Decisions and information - Information System, categorisation of information on the basis of nature and characteristics. 2.Kinds of Information Systems Transaction Processing System (TPS) - Office Automation System (OAS) -Management Information System (MIS) - Decision Support System (DSS) and Group Decision Support System (GDSS) - Expert System (ES) -Executive Support System (EIS or ESS). 3. Computer Fundamentals Telecommunication and Networks Computer System Introduction - Generation of Computers Classification of Computers - Input and output devices - Software System s/w and Application s/w - O/S Functions and Features. Communication, Media, Modems & Channels - LAN, MAN & WAN -Network Topologies, Internet, Intranet and Extranet. Wireless technologies like Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and Wi-Max. 4 . System Analysis and Development and Models, Need for System Analysis - Stages in System Analysis Structured SAD and tools like DFD, Context Diagram Decision Table and Structured Diagram. System Development Models: Water Flow, Prototype, Spiral, RAD Roles and responsibilities of System Analyst, Database Administrator and Database Designer. 5 . Manufacturing and Service Systems Information systems for Accounting, Finance, Production and Manufacturing, Marketing and HRM functions - IS in hospital, hotel, bank 6. Enterprise System Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP): Features, selection criteria, merits, issues and challenges in Implementation - Supply Chain Management (SCM): Features, s in SCM - Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Phases. Knowledge Management and e-governance 7. Choice of IT Nature of IT decision - Strategic decision - Configuration design and evaluation Information technology implementation plan. Security and Ethical Challenges-Ethical responsibilities of Business Professionals Business, technology. Computer crime Hacking, cyber theft, unauthorized use at work. Piracy software and
intellectual property. Privacy Issues and the Internet Privacy. Challenges working condition, individuals. Health and Social Issues,Ergonomics and cyber terrorism. Suggested Readings 1. Management Information Systems, Kenneth J Laudon, Jane P. Laudon, Pearson/PHI 2. Management Information Systems, W. S. Jawadekar, Tata McGraw Hill Edition. 3.Introduction to Information System, James A. O Brien, Tata McGraw Hill. 4. Management Information Systems, S.Sadagopan, PHI, 1/e, 2005 5. Management Information Systems, Effy Oz, Thomson Course Technology 7. Corporate Information Strategy and Management, Lynda M AppleGate, Robert D Austin et al, Tata McGraw Hill
Course Description The focus is on developing high quality, working software that solves real problems. The course is designed for students to learn the essentials of the Programming language, and how to learn about other parts of the computer language.The key objective of this course is to learn modular design of software and documenting the design. 1. Introduction to Computers Hardware - Software - Systems Software, Application Software and Packages. Introduction to Embedded Software. Fundamentals of operating system- windows, Unix/Linux. Introduction to World Wide-Internet operations. Data and Information-meaning & concept levels of data processing. 2. System & Software concept Definitions, Integrated Systems, Sub-systems, s , Software concept & Process, Software life cycles, Software process models, Activities in each phase, Control and life-cycle management of correct, reliable, maintainable and cost effective software, Software Costs, quality costs and economics, Software documentation 3. Introduction to Programming Concepts & flow charting Models of computer data processing, flow charting technique-principles of flow charting, symbols used in flow charts, Benefits & limitations of flow chart ,examples. 4. Introduction to 'c', Basic Program construction, Elements of C Programming: Constants, variables, data types, operators, Functions-Simple Functions,Passing argument to Function Returning values, Decision-making and branching- goto, if-else, switch statements. Decision Making and Looping- while, do - while and for loop. 5. C++ Programming Basics Basic Program construction, operators in C++ ,Functions-Simple Functions, Passing argument to Function Returning values, Reference arguments, overloaded, Functions, inline functions, storage classes, Object and Classes-class and objects, Constructors, Destructors, Objects as Function arguments, Returning object from Functions, Static class data, Operator Overloading, Inheritance
6.Overview of Java language Introduction to OOPL, Java program format, compiling and running ,methods, classes and inheritance ,conditionals, loop recursion , boolean return values ,working with threads and distributed computing ,abstract methods and interfaces introdu wise refinement and problem decomposition ,object-oriented programming ,software engineering basics . 7.Algorithms & Data Structures Fundamental data structures and their associated algorithms, Stacks and queues, trees, tables, lists, arrays, strings, sets; files and access methods, B-trees, multi-key organizations. Searching, Sorting, Algorithm design techniques Suggested 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Foundation of computing, Sinha, P.K., Priti Sinha, BPB Publications. Introduction to information technology, Turban, Rainer and Potter, John Wiley and sons. Programming in C, E.Balaguruswamy, Tata McGraw Hill. Let us C Solutions: Y.P. Kanetkar, BPB Publication. Object Oriented Programming in Turbo C++ - Robert Lafore, Galgotia Publication Readings
6. 7. 8. 9.
Object Oriented Programming with C++ - E. Balagurusamy, Tata McGraw-Hill Head First Java, Kathy Sierra, Bert Bates ,O'Reilly Media Java How to Program, Harvey ,M. Dietel, Prentice Hall. Thinking in Java, Bruce Eckel ,Prentice Hall