The present study deals with the importance of using storytelling as a new technique in language teaching . English language learners faced many problems in learning vocabulary since they have to memorize a large number of vocabulary day by day . So , this study aims at helping students to improve their vocabulary learning and retention skills .Besides ,it has an important role in increasing the student's level of motivation , interest , enjoyment and pleasure towards vocabulary learning by offering meaningful and rich input . Thus, a test has been given to thirty Iraqi EFL students and their responses have been analyzed .Test validity and test reliability are the main procedures of the test .Their responses have shown that the using of the storytelling has an important role in developing and retrieving the vocabulary .However,it is hoped that this new technique can reduce the problems of the EFL in learning vocabulary.
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Section One
1.1 The problem of the study : Vocabulary is central to language and very important in language learning. It is unacceptable to understand a written text without knowing the vocabularies it consists. Therefore , Schmitt (1997:203) says that vocabulary learning strategies are the processes by which information is obtained, stored, retrieved and used . The problem of this study is that many learners of English as a foreign language (EFL) have difficulties in retrieving the vocabulary and the vocabulary learning through rote memorization results in poor performance in the communicative use of previously learned vocabulary. 1.2 Aims of the study : It aims at : 1.discovering young learners' attitudes towards vocabulary learning through storytelling activities. 2.showing the role of storytelling activity as a way for students to learn and develop an understanding of themselves and others through their life stories. So, stories are the most valuable resources that teachers have and they propose students a world of supported meaning that they can relate to. 1.3 Hypotheses: It is hypothesized that: 1- Using storytelling technique as a means for acquiring vocabulary can help students to enhance their vocabulary knowledge and help to memorize it when needed. 2- Using storytelling by teachers in classroom brings out significant difference in language learning (i.e. vocabulary learning) as compared to a situation where no storytelling is used. So ,there is significant difference between the control
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group and the experimental group in acquiring vocabulary correctly by using storytelling as a means of learning . 1.4 Limits of the study: 1- The study is limited to the first year students of English department, at College of Education for Women University of Tikrit for the academic year (2009 2010) . 2- It is concerned specifically with the effect of using storytelling on the acquisition of vocabulary by Students of English . 1.5 Value of the study : For a teacher , storytelling is important because of its effectiveness in fostering a relaxed and intimate atmosphere in the classroom. So, teachers can hold the attention of their classroom and teach not only the art of storytelling, but also the information of core subjects using stories. This teaching method brings fun into learning for today's video generation. For students , they can increase their skills in both speaking and listening, as well as writing , and they can more easily retain the information found in the contents of a story especially vocabulary.
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Section Two Theoretical Background 2.1 The Technique of Storytelling It is very difficult to determine the exact time of starting the storytelling , since , there is no specific time of its beginning . It is used primarily as paintings , pictures for tales which describe the events and things of that time and gradually these stories will be used to create tales and to make sense of the world . However , stories are an inherent part of communication which are used as a way of sharing and explaining ourselves to other people as well as educate others who have less experience . Hence , It is a skill that can be developed and used in improving the language teaching . Records of storytelling have been found in many ancient cultures and languages. For example , the Celtic bards of old used storytelling as a way of making sense of their origins , a way to build a common history . They would chronicle events through poetic narration , epic tales that are presented in folklore and legend till this day . (Davies , 2007 :3 ) In addition , Pellowski (1991:15) illustrates the major points of the importance of storytelling as follows : 1. It grows from the playful elements of human nature and satisfies a need for self - entertainment . 2. It can be used to clarify the environments around us since , we are humans, we need to make sense of things in order to find the reason behind evolution . 3. It is used as a means to explain the supernatural forces which are believed to be found in the world at that time in order to satisfy religious beliefs . 4. It can achieve an aesthetic need for beauty , form and regularity through expressive music and language .
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Furthermore , the following reasons can stand for regarding storytelling as an important strategy for any curriculum : 1. It helps in the development of students ability to interpret and understand actions beyond their immediate experience . 2. It is a medium of shared experiences , social and interpersonal development . 3. It is the natural way to introduce students to the wonderful world of books and reading . This reading will enable them to create his/her own stories and learn how to communicate his /her thoughts individually and groups . (Davies , 2007 : 5-7) 2.2 The Concept of Storytelling Storytelling is as old as the history of human being and has been used since the early ages of education starting by mothers and by all kinds of educators . Delette (1997: 10 ) defines it as the oral interpretation of a story , during which the storyteller invites the listeners to create meaning through conversation and imagination " .In addition ,Mcdrury and Alterio (2002 : 31) define storytelling as a uniquely human experience that enable us to convey , through the language of words , aspects of ourselves and others , and the world real or imagined , that we inhabit ". In this regard , parkin (1998 : 1) emphasizes that there are some characteristics can be used as methods for communication and teaching . For example , as stories , metaphors , myths , legends , similes and analogies . etc . Thus , storytelling can be used as a teaching process and practiced in the class . One can summarize all these definitions in the following words :storytelling is the sharing of ideas and experiences through words and actions to communicate and make meaning about our lives and the lives of others .
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2.3 why are Stories told ? The reason behind telling a story is to give information about characters experiencing a particular series of facts and working towards an agreeable end.In this respect ,Pagano (1991 :197 ) states that when we teach we tell stories about the world . Some stories are scientific , historical , philosophical and so on so , from this opinion , teachers should encourage their students to tell stories about events they have experienced and to make interaction between stories of the world and their own stories . Storytelling is an ideal learning tool for expressing cultural realities . In general , many educators make storytelling as a narrative approach to curriculum development . This approach depends on a set of guiding principles . These are context , construction , collaboration and conversation . Context relates to the physical , Cultural , social and Political aspects involved in stories . The construction of knowledge is the result of their active participation in a storytelling process . While collaboration includes the relationships that are developed between tellers and listeners . Conversation is the means by which tellers engage in reflective dialogue . (Mcdrury and Alterio ,2002:35) Besides , stories play a significant roles in teaching and learning . Teachers tell stories to students for many reasons : to present new material in interesting ways , to share practice experiences and to reveal aspects of themselves . They should also encourage students to tell stories about their special events . (Ibid . :37) 2.4 How are Stories told ? Educators help students to tell practice- related stories and they discover how students tell and process their stories . So , there are three characteristics contribute to the storytelling process as follows :25
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2.4.1 Setting There are two settings . Happening settings where events take place, and telling setting where stories are told about these events . Telling settings may be informal or formal . Informal storytelling happens when there is a story to tell , a willing listener (s) and a suitable physical place . In this setting , responses want to be variable and frequently result in listeners sharing their own stories . While formal storytelling is a conducive one to promoting dialogue , valuing affective responses and providing opportunities to practice . Listeners play a key role in these processes . Hence , in order to increase learning from stories , it is necessary to emphasize particularly on the learning process by placing storytelling in formal setting . (Mcdrury and Alterio ,2002:50-51) 2.4.2 Listeners : Listeners can form the storytelling process and influence outcomes by listening to stories and engaging tellers in reflective dialogue . They play a notable role during dialogue by influencing , through reflective questioning and other aspects are taken place . Dialogue includes two ways : response discourse and response story . Listeners engage in response discourse , which helps the tellers discovers there experience in depth .This case happens when listeners stay focused on the original story ; dialogue deals with elements of the practice experience being related . While , the response story discovers a theme from the original story by exploring a similar event . (Ibid . : 52 ) 2.4.3 Story Stories occur primarily because tellers want to share particular events or situations that lend themselves to such telling . For instance , spontaneous storytelling , closely link in time to practice settings , usually has a strong affective motivating force .
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Another example is predetermined storytelling , where the teller has considered the event in a pre story reflective form and tends to discover it further . In contrast , there are stories depend on curiosity that leads to a telling , may be un answered questions relating to knowledge and skills , or involving interpersonal dynamics . Some stories are re-told many times to different listeners for a variety of reasons - with each re-telling , new learning can occur . This is particularly likely when tellers make conscious choices about how they tell their stories . (Ibid . : 55) 2.5 Vocabulary There are some definition of vocabulary . According to Webster Dictionary ( 1935 :1073) ,vocabulary is : " A list or collection of words usually alphabetically arranged and explained or lexicon , stock of words use in language or by class , individual , etc " . Also , Hatch and Brown (1995 : 1) define vocabulary as a list or set of words for a particular language which can be used by individual speakers of language . Gradullay, Vocabulary plays an important role because it appears in every language skills . Vocabulary building is really important in any language learning . Pyles and Algeo (1997 :159 ) state that "vocabulary is the focus of language . It is in words that sound and meaning interlock to allow us to communicate with one another , and it is a word that we arrange together to make sentence ,conversations , and discourse of all kinds" . The mastery of vocabulary is particularly important for people who study English as a foreign language . Thus ,the students should master the fundamental grammatical patterns of a language, then they should master the vocabulary that they need . Nobody ever learns all the words in any language . We know and use the words that fit our particular purposes and learn new words as long as we live .
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So, everybody who learns a language as a foreign language is liked to know and master the Vocabulary to improve the language skills . 2.5.1 Types of Vocabulary Vocabulary can be classified into the following types :a) Receptive vocabulary : it means that a learner can know and recognize the word when it is heard , and of what grammatical pattern the word will occur . In this type , they can distinguish the word from another word with a similar form . b) Productive vocabulary : it means that how the learner can pronounce the word , how to write and spell it , and how to use it in grammatical pattern a long with the word which usually collocates with it . (Nation , 1990 :29 ) Also, Aeborsold and Field (1977:139 ) divide vocabulary into two terms as follows: 1. Active vocabulary : in this type , the learner can use the words in speaking or writing and it is also called productive vocabulary . In fact , it is more difficult to put into practice . It means that the students should know how to pronounce the words well, they should use the grammar of the target language, they should also understand the connotation meaning of the words . 2. Passive vocabulary : in this type , the students are able to recognize the word but they are not able to produce it . It can be understood in the context of reading or listening and also called receptive vocabulary . At beginner and elementary levels most words are active . while , at more advance levels some words are active and some words will belong to the students passive vocabulary . From above explanation, every expert in every book is different in classifying the types of vocabulary , because every
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person has different ideas and opinions . One can say that vocabulary is of two kinds function and content words. 2.5.2 Storytelling and Vocabulary Learning : Learning and recalling vocabulary items have always been problematic especially for learners in teaching and learning process . For that reason the teacher can use storytelling activities in classroom settings in order to foster the success of vocabulary learning and retrieving . Cameron (2001 : 84 ) classifies vocabulary learning into five steps as below : Having sources for encountering new words , Getting a clear image where visual or auditory or both , for the forms of new words , Learning the meaning of the words, Making a strong memory connection between the forms and meaning of the words , Using the words. By this way new word is learnt or remembered .So storytelling activities have a regular repetition style while presentation of the story , retelling the story , and in all kinds of storytelling activities . Storytelling gives an opportunity for students to expand their vocabulary as they decode the meaning of words , focused on the context of the story they hear or read . Also listening to stories improves students understanding of grammar and literary devices as they see them within a story .(wojciechowicz ,2003 :6) Nation (1990:51) has listed basic techniques by which teachers can explain the meanings of new words , all of which can be used in classrooms by demonstration or pictures Using an object Using a cut of figure Using gesture Performing an action
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Photographs Drawing or diagrams on the board Pictures from books The list above seems to tell storyteller actions during a presentation . New word is put in a meaningful context by the storytelling activities . According to that , storytelling activities is useful for learning and retrieving the vocabulary items , and it is definitely an enjoyable teaching tool . In this case the students will have a sense of achievement which will develop motivation for further learning . So, this study implements storytelling activities and expect valuable contributions to vocabulary learning process and retention of young learners in EFL classes . 2.6 Introducing the storytellers to the Class 2.6.1 The Path of the Storyteller : We can see the benefits of using storytelling in the classroom , we can know what its about and how it can be used . There are many ways that the storyteller can follow in order to make this process easy and enjoyable : 1) Choosing a tale : The storyteller may prefer the option of finding a tale . Some storytellers prefer to adapt other peoples stories . The same story can be told by ten storytellers and it will be different at each time . Storytellers should choose the right tale , it can take time to find what they are looking for . It must connect with the storyteller . The best advice for any storyteller is to enjoy the tale . Moreover , storytellers should know their audience , their interests , attention span , likes , dislikes , previous experience with stories , level of literacy etc . They also should interest in the kind of story such as , fairy tales . These tales embrace light and darkness , they touch universal fears , hopes and aspirations . people enjoy the tradition and romance of fairy tales ; they
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(especially children ) enjoy hearing kings and queens , dragons and witches . Storytellers should also pick stories that make sense and have a satisfying ending . They should search for interesting characters that students can identify with and plots that are exciting . Every storyteller has a different voice . Their audience sometimes need to listen to audio tapes of stories . (Davies, 2007:9-12) 2) Creating a tale : There are many characteristics in creating storytellers own tale to tell . At the beginning , that tale is original , it may have elements of other stories , and it has never been heard or read before . Storyteller is the master of the tale who provides confidence and control . He / She can be flexible with the plot and characters . When he /she writes his / her own tale , he /she can tailor it to suit his /her requirements ; rather than spending time searching for the perfect tale to do what he/she wants to fulfill his /her needs . Storyteller uses three types of language description , action and emotion . Description sets the scene action gets the story moving and emotion adds color and depth. Storyteller also works in pictures , so putting a story together based on pictures , paintings or photographs is a good way of thinking visually . (Ibid . :13-15) 2.6.2 The Teacher as A Storyteller in the Classroom Storytelling is considered as a means of communication between the teller and the listener . Also , it has the potential to become a valuable educational tool for students when taught in an effective manner . A storyteller need not be a "performer" ,but rather a person who has good memory and listening skills , who likes the story chosen for telling , and who knows the story so well(Scott ,1985 : 3). For a teacher who wants to become a storyteller , it is best to being by choosing a simple story with only a few characters and an un complicated plot . The story should have action , the
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plot must understandable to the listeners and the events of the story should have a climax that leads to a conclusion . Beside, in a classroom environment the teacher as a storyteller relies on students background knowledge to practice and comprehend . They can ask students to imagine the setting , events , or the meanings of the words used in the story . They will create their personal images in their mind related to their experiences and relied to their background information . (Roney,1996:4) The first thing that the teller does in the class is to ask his / her students what they think storytelling is . Most students believe that storytelling has something to do with reading or writing stories . Some others think its all about acting , but its a combination of using the right words and movements to create the desired effect . From my point of view , I prefer to think of storytelling as a form of engagement . Its how to use words to deliver a message and connect with your audience . Making it real for them is the most important thing . (Ibid.) In addition ,telling stories requires great skills for the storytellers . So , there are advantages and disadvantages of both reading a story a loud and telling a story . In reading a story , everything is provider . There is no trouble with the plot or the sentences . The storyteller uses the written form as a guide . While telling story will bring better relation with the listeners . It will provide a good interaction between the teacher and students and let the process to be in a natural way . According to Wright (1995 : 32) , it is often easier to understand the story when it is told instead of read . The teacher can respond to students lack of comprehension , their enjoyment . While telling the story the teacher can use the body language more effectively to foster the meaning .
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Brewster , Ellis and Girard (2002: 22) describe the techniques which could be used by the teachers when using storytelling in classroom as follows: Start with short stories which do not challenge the students concentration. Make sure that everyone in the class can see you and hear your voice easily. Read or tell slowly and clearly . Give enough time to understand , ask questions and make comments . Encourage the students to participate , by repeating the key vocabulary items and phrases . Using the gestures , mine ,and facial Expressions to help convey the meaning . Vary the tone and volume of your voice in order to give the meaning you intended to tell . According to the information above , using storytelling activities with learners offers many opportunities for teaching and learning in ELT classes. Also , the teller begins by clarifying that in storytelling we make up stories in our heads . We see these stories and watch them develop like we would watch a film at the cinema . Then , the teller asks the class what kind of stories they like to make up . For example , he/she starts to tell a story about a queen by asking them questions , what does a queen do ? where does she live ? what does she wear ?these are prompts to his/her story which encourage the class to build up a picture of the main character . (Pellowksi , 1991:48) Besides , the best introduction to storytelling is the story . Thus , being by setting the scene , asking questions to get the class thinking visually and then present the tale . Watch the audience . Make a mental note of any areas where expressions and eye contact vary . As a storyteller you have to learn to release
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the control on your story , and the outcomes you expect to achieve . Storytelling is about personal experience , its about making it real for the individual and each person young or old bring different things to the tale . (Ibid.) Accordingly , storyteller can use stories to engage , educate and entertain . Most of stories should be used to open the doors of creativity and add colour and texture to the life .
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Section Three Procedures of the Study 3.1 Introduction : This section attempts to test the hypotheses which concerned with how the teacher (as a storyteller) can use the storytelling technique in helping the students to acquire and enhance their vocabulary knowledge and retrieve when needed. For this reason, the researcher uses different stories which are related to real life situations in order to achieve the aim of a acquiring new vocabulary by the learners. However, this section deals with the practical procedure of the current study which includes: the sample selection procedure,the scoring scheme, test validity, test reliability, test administration and statistical methods. 3.2 The sample selection procedure: To achieve the aims of this study, the sample is the first year students of English department at College of Education for Women in the academic year 2009-2010. The sample consists of (30) students. The class is an already existing group of students so no random selection is occurred. All of the students have participated in the study, they are 20-21 years old. So, an experiment has been designed to achieve the aims of the study and to verify its hypotheses . The researcher has used two groups of 15 students and divided them into a control group and an experimental group. Both groups are in the same age and their mother tongue language is Arabic language. Thus, they are considered as foreigners because they learn English as a foreign . The control group has given a lecture in brief about the storytelling, its uses and how the teacher can use it in the class as a new technique to communicate with the students. And then the researcher has applied the test on them directly. But the experimental group has given a lecture about this subject in
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detail and become aware of it. After that ,the same test is applied on the students and followed the same procedures in writing the short story. 3.3 Procedures In order to achieve the aims of the study, the researcher emphasizes on how the teacher (as a storyteller) can use the storytelling activity to make the students acquire new vocabulary from stories related to real life situation and they are familiar for them. The test has been applied on the control and experimental groups of the first year College students for two hours in the second week and the period of applying storytelling lasts two weeks. In the first week , two lectures are given to the students ( control group ) to teach them briefly the subject of storytelling . While, four lectures are given to the students (experimental group ) to teach them in detail the importance of storytelling, what is meant by storytelling and how they can use stories in class as a device for their learning. Firstly, the selected material of the study has taken from a book which is entitled "storytelling in the classroom" in which one of the narrative stories has chosen which is called "The king's cloak". It is chosen because of its simplicity and familiarity for the students at the first time of reading, but when the story reaches to its end ,it becomes difficult since it contains many difficult and new vocabulary which are not heard previously in their studying . So, they feel very pleasure and get benefit from this story. When the story is told and acted to the students by the researcher , the words and phrases are selected and specified according to their simplicity and difficulty as well as they are chosen from different paragraphs of the story: its beginning, plot, the end . The participants (as foreigners) are still influenced by their native language. Thus, this problem affects their understanding and analyzing the main features of the story. For this reason, the target vocabulary items are reinforced
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by conducting the students such activities like: retelling the story, asking comprehension question, total physical response activities, role playing and picture reading. It is important to mention that before reading the story, the teller (the researcher herself) shows some pictures of the story to the class and asks them to guess what may be the story is about, who are the main characters. Using the pictures in the book, the story is read and told to the students by using mimes, gestures and facial expression . The students are asked to participate to the actions during the presentation of the story by making some movements which related to the subject of the story. Moreover, the story is retold by the teller (researcher) with the students together. She shows pictures of some scenes of the story and the students are asked to retell it. They have asked some questions about the story such as "Who is the king ? " What is the character of the king ? . After telling the action of the story ,phrases and expressions which are used in the studying of the story are written on the blackboard in order to measure how the students can learn and acquire these vocabularies. Sometimes, the students are asked about their meanings and some strange vocabulary are given their meanings. Then, each group of the students in the class are divided into two groups and asks them to retell the story from their own style and explain their ideas about the characters of the story. After that, they have discussed their opinions together.Here ,the repetition process is very important in telling the story to help the students who miss some different parts of the story. Also, there is a variety of the tone and the volume of teller's voice for each character in order to give the intended meaning and make the story interesting and enjoyable for the students. At the end of the lesson, the students are asked to role play and act some scenes from the story using the masks of the characters, their clothes, their styles, ...etc .
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Throughout this application ,the participants are given a test at the end of second week to assess their learning and recall the vocabulary items presented. This test consists of the same vocabulary items that the students have been taken during the learning period. The test consists of one question which included 45 vocabulary items (words and phrases) which are chosen from the same story "The king's cloak. The researcher asks the student as storyteller to write a short story having the same title "The king's cloak by using the same vocabulary items which are taken in the period of learning . The time which is given to the students of each group to answer this question is about two hours. The students are asked to write their answers on paper sheets . After that , the students' papers are collected and checked according to their style and understanding of the actions of the story . So, the purpose of this test is to measure and assess the students ability as tellers to retell the story in another time and to measure their mastery of acquiring and learning variety of vocabularies in the target language by using storytelling as a new technique in the class . 3.4 The Scoring Scheme : The students responses are corrected by the researcher herself , they are either correct or incorrect . When the testee has used the word or phrase in its right order according to the actions of the story , this word or phrase has scored one mark (i.e. correct response) . But , when the response is incorrect , the word has scored zero (i.e. wrong use of the word ) . There are no biased scores . When a word or phrase is left (i.e. the testee has not used it in the test or in her writing the story ) , it is counted incorrect and it is scored zero . So , the total marks of the test are (45) . 3.5 Test Validity There are three important characteristics of a good test which are : validity , reliability and practicality .The present study is concerned with validity and reliability for her importance
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in this study.Content validity of the test has been submitted to the note and correction of the jury members . Harrison (1983 : 11) defines the validity of the test as the extent to which the test measures what it is intended to measure . There are different types of validity , the most prominent of them are face validity and content validity . Face validity is emphasized on what teachers and students think of the test . The best way to discover face validity is to expose the test to a jury of specialists . While content validity is based on the objective of the course taught . Also , Heaton (1975:154) says that content validity deals with an important analysis of the language being test and of the particular course objectives . The test should include samples of the course , the relationship between the test items and the course objectives always being apparent . In order to achieve the test validity , it is given to the jury of experts in English department . They are asked to study the test to add , modify , or change anything they consider necessary . However, certain suggestions and modifications have been made by the jury on the test , which are taken into consideration . All the members have agreed that the test is suitable for assessing the storytelling as a technique and it can be used in the class by the teacher to acquire different vocabulary . The jury of experts are as follows : 1.Dr. Madeha S. Salah Assist . prof .College of Education /University of Tikrit 2.M.A Shrooq A. Ali Instructor College of Arts /University of Baghdad 3.M.A Zaineb A. Ali Instructor College of Arts /University of Tikrit 4. M.A Hadeel K. Ali Assist. Instr . College of Education /University of Tikrit
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5.M.A Abdalmonaam K. Ali Assist. Instr . College of Education for Women / University of Tikrit 6.M.A Hanan K. Omer Assist. Instr . College of Education for Women / University of Tikrit 7.M.A Yasser M. Salah Assist. Instr . College of Education for Women / University of Tikrit 8. M.A Hadeel K. Ali Assist. Instr . College of Education / University of Tikrit 3.6 Test Reliability Harrison (1983 : 11) defines reliability as the consistency with which a test measures the same thing all the time . Therefore , reliability consists of three aspects : the place in which the test is produced , the way in which it is marked and the unity of the assessment it makes . Lado (1961 : 31) admits that reliability is general rather specific . When the scores of a test are stable or steady , that is, reliable, they remain the same scores regardless of what we test . The researcher has used split- half method to compute the reliability of the test. So, Anastasi (1976: 114) says that split half reliability provides a measure of consistency with regard to content sampling . This type of reliability required a single administration of a single form . The test was divided into two halves by putting the odd - numbered items in one half , and the even -numbered ones in the other . The Pearson correction coefficient formula has been used to compute the correlation coefficient of the two half - length tests (Glass and Stanley , 1970 :114) . It is then corrected by Spearman formula in order to get the reliability coefficient of the test item .
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Spearman Brown formula has been used to correct the reliability coefficient . 2rhh Rxx=
1+rhh (Ferguson , 1966 : 378 ) The results of applying the split- half method are presented in Table (3) . Table(3) Reliability Coefficient of Split - half method and its correction by Spearman Brown Formula
N. of Sample of students 30 Split - half Correlation Coefficient 65.22 Spearman Brown Coefficient 79.53
The results above indicate that the test is highly reliable . 3.7 Test Administration : The objectives of the test are explained initially to the students by the researcher herself . The sheets of the test are distributed to the testees , and they are given some instructions to help the students to know how they can use these words and phrases in a short story . Besides , the test has been administrated on (30) students in English department , college of Education for Women , at University of Tikrit . The test is given to two groups (control and experimental ) at the end of the second course of the academic year 2009-2010 . After that , the researcher has collected the test papers by herself . The answer sheets of ( 30 )students on (45) words and
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phrases have been checked . And the students responses have been corrected and analyzed by the researcher .
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3.8 Statistical Methods : The researcher has used different statistical methods in order to achieve the purposes of the test : 1. The mean score is used . Heaton (1975: 169) defines the mean score is the arithmetical average : i.e. the sum of the separate scores divided by the total number of testees . The mean is the most efficient measure of central tendency . 2. Standard Deviation (SD) is used . Heaton (1975: 170) indicates that standard deviation is another way of showing the spread of scores . It measures the degree to which the group of scores deviates from the mean . One method is used to calculate SD is shown in the formula below : d2 SD= N N is the number of scores and d the deviation of each score from the mean . 3. Variance : It is one of the statistical methods which is widely used to measure the variability of scores It can be expressed statistically as follows : [x- ]2 Variance = N (Butler , 1985:37 ) 4. T. test is a method used to measure and count the important difference between the results of the two groups of students (Glass and Stanly , 1970: 295 ). So, T. test method for independent samples is used in this study . It can be estimated by the following formula :
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T =
1 n1 +
1 n2
3.9 Summary about the Story of The Kings Cloak . The story is used by the researcher in the classroom in order to achieve the aim of this study . It is suitable with different ages in every time . This is because not only it is an excellent tale that allows the class to get involved in the telling , it is the perfect introduction to explain what storytelling is . The kings Tailor is the central character . The story follows events as the Tailor continues to make items of clothing for the king from the same piece of material ( a smelly old kitchen rag ) . The king is very precious about his clothes and in credibly vain (this is what makes the tale amusing ) . Each time the Tailor makes something he convinces the king that it is something special , So the king wears it over and over , until he wears it out . The Tailor then has to make something new. As the story goes on the items of clothing get smaller and smaller until eventually the tailor is left with a couple of ragged threads .He takes the threads and weaves them into his hair , and from spends his life wandering from kingdom to kingdom . He makes a living not by weaving clothes , but by weaving tale , wonderful , colourful yarns that people remember , and his favourite tale is that of the kings cloak . This illustrates the concept of handing down tales , of using them to pass on information and to record history .
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Section four Analysis of Results 4.1 Introduction This section aims at analyzing the results of the test which have been carried out by college students in using storytelling . So , in order to clarify whether there is a significant difference between the experimental and the control groups in the test scores , the researcher has used difference statistical tools such as: means , standard deviation , variance and t test for independent samples which was mentioned in section three . 4.2 Comparison of the Experimental and Control Groups in the Test Scores : Determining whether there is significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental and the control groups in the total scores of the test , the researcher compared the mean scores of the two groups : the mean of the control group is (6) , and the mean of the experimental group is (7.2 ) . The t test is calculated in order to discover if there is significant difference between the mean scores of the two groups . The formula used was that of independent samples . The t value is (1.1) , it is compared with the t critical value which is (2.000) . This comparison indicated that there is no significant difference at . 05 level between the two groups . So, the second hypothesis which is adopted initially is rejected . See Table (1) . Table (1) Mean ,Standard Deviation and t Value of the Test Scores
Group Experimen tal Control N.of students 15 15 Mean 7,2 6 Standard Deviation S .D 4,263 3,13 Degree of freedom 28 t value 1,1
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4.3 Discussion of Results : By using the statistical analysis of results , the researcher explains that there is no obvious significant difference between the experimental group and the control group of students in using storytelling technique as a means of learning. But the mean of the experimental group is (7,2) which is more than the mean of the control group is (6). This indicates that , though there is no more variance in grades between the means of the two groups , but the students of the experimental group have got more benefit in acquiring more vocabulary and in using storytelling as a new technique in learning like how to tell stories , how to communicate between each others in using their thoughts , styles , language experiences . etc. While the students of the control group have got less benefit in learning storytelling and in acquiring different vocabularies . This is because that this group of students have not been taught more about storytelling as a mean of learning . They are just given some lessons about how to tell stories and how to use them in classroom as a new technique . The researcher has applied the test on them directly and asked them to write a story which is untitled The kings cloak from their own style, thoughts, experiences and how they can arrange their thoughts according to the events of the story . So , they face more difficulty in writing and in arranging the events of the story chronologically. In spite of facing this problem , they can acquire some new vocabularies from this story. They have written the story by using their own words which they have studied previously . So , they memorize more vocabulary . Finally , from the result of the present study , it has been shown that though there is no great variance in the grades of the two groups, in other words , there is no great difference between the two groups in acquiring new vocabulary from using storytelling in the class . But , the researcher thinks that storytelling is very important for the students to learn English
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vocabulary easily . She believes that the situation in which the students are taught by using this technique , has a significant role in developing the student's skills in acquiring vocabulary more than the situation in which the students are taught briefly about storytelling as a means of learning and they just have written a story from their own words . But the results of the test indicate the opposite of this thinking. Moreover , storytelling is considered as a new technique for the teachers of English , which is not used previously in the classroom . They usually use the traditional technique in teaching English vocabulary . So, the teacher as a (storyteller) likes this method in teaching and the teachers believe it's very important for the students to learn and use it widely in class situation because it enables them to write perfectly and to acquire more vocabulary from telling, reading and writing stories as well as learning them how to write perfectly. 4.4 Demonstration and Analysis Table (2) the Results of the Test in percentage %
N The items 1. Cloak 2. Valleys 3. Strut up 4. Word robes 5. Outfit 6. Incredibly vain 7. Arrogance 8. Tailor 9. His collar with pride 10. Bowed 11. Sticking out 12. Gruesome 47 Incorrect responses 23,3 30 43,3 6,6 26,6 26,6 23,3 10 26,6 46,6 20 6,6 Correct responses 86,6 56,6 33,3 45,3 56,6 46,6 26,6 23,3 3,33 20 13,3 13,3
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13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
Smelly old kitchen It was magical The story to be real ridiculous Royal dustbin Grab the stinky Tears of fairies Hung Get ride of reams Convince Waistcoat Put on Admired his reflection Paraded up Sewing and weaving Take it off Strands of cotton Picked up Hold on Wonderful magical Enchanting tales Threads in the tailor hair Lad A travelling storyteller A tiny fabric button Medal Throwing that a way Pinching 48
30 10 93,3 43,3 46,6 10 6.6 90,3 95,6 25,5 10 3,3 85,9 95,6 13,3 6,6 23,3 80,5 90,5 10 3,3 75,6 3,3 6,6 87,6 74,3 75,4 3,3
26.6 6,6 6,6 20 10 3,3 10 10 6,6 10 3,3 6,6 30 10 10 6,6 6,6 10 6,6 10 23,3 3,3 40 3,3 6,6 6,6 6,6 3,3
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/ 3,3 / / /
3,3 / 3,3 / /
After looking at the percentages of the correct and incorrect responses ,the results can be summarized as follows: 1)It is noticed that the student's correct responses in the following items are higher than the incorrect responses .This means that the students can easily use these items in their place in the story.Sometimes, this due to hat some words are repeated many times and the students can retrieve them easily like the word (cloak) that can be found in the title of the story"The King's Cloak" and the word (Tailor) in which all the events of the story built upon this character.The following items are given their percentages of the correct and incorrect answers . Incorrect The items Correct responses responses 1.cloak 23,3 86,6 2.valleys 30 56,6 3.word robes 6,6 45,3 4.outfit 26,6 56,6 5.Incredible 26,6 46,6 6.Arrogance 23,3 26,6 7.Tailor 10 23,3 8.Gruesome 6,6 13,3 9.Tears of fears 6,6 10 10.put on 3,3 6,6 11.Enchanting tales 3,3 23,3 12.Lad 3,3 40
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2)It is recognized that the student's correct responses of the following items are lower than the incorrect responses .This shows that the students have a difficulties in retrieving or using these items in their right place and this may belong to the a fact that some of the words are new and they heard them for the first time .Besides, some of these words are not used or repeated many times in telling the story.Sometimes, the students can not know how to use or put the word in the story in its right place like the words (storytellers ,the story to be real).Furthermore, some of the words are used by the teller as a metaphor for something in his mind and this results that some of the students could not understand their meanings clearly like the phrases (grab the stinky ,tears of fairies).The following items are given with their percentages of the correct and incorrect responses. Correct The items Incorrect Responses responses 1.strut up 43,3 33,3 2.His collar with pride 3.Bowed 4.sticking out 5.smelly old kitchen 6.It was magical 7.The story to be real 8.ridiculous 9.royal dustbin 10.Grab the stinky 11.Hung 26,6 46,6 20 30 10 93,3 43,3 46,6 10 90,3
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12.get rid of reams 13.convince 14.waistcoat 15.Admired his reflection 16.paraded up 17.sewing and weaving 18.strands of cotton 19.picked up
20.Hold on 90,5 6,6 21.Threads in the tailor 75,6 3,3 hair 22.Atravelling 6,6 3,3 storyteller 23.Atiny fabric button 87,6 6,6 24.Medal 74,3 6,6 25.Throwing that a day 75,4 6,6 3)Some of the items have the same percentages of the correct and incorrect responses.This indicates that the students have equal difficulty in using these words and make the same errors in using them in their writing the story.The following items are mentioned with their percentages of the correct and incorrect responses. Incorrect The items Correct responses responses 1.take it off 6,6 6,6 2.wonderful magical 3.pinching 10 3,3
10 3,3
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4)The students have also the same difficulty in using the two words (packed his bags ) and (veil) in which only the percentages of the correct responses are mentioned and there is no mistaken responses .This means that there are no students can write this phrase correctly in the story just only few of them and it seems that they have a difficulty in memorizing them . While the word (whisked ) has the reverse percentages of the previous two words because the perce . of incorrect responses is 3,3 and there is no perce . of correct responses mentioned in table (2) . This indicates that there are no students could write or use this word in its right position in the story.The following three items are mentioned with their percentages of the correct and incorrect responses. The items Incorrect responses Correct responses 1.packed his bags / 3,3
2.veil / 3,3 3.wisked 3,3 / 5)Only two items have zero percentages of the correct and incorrect responses because these two words are not used by the students in their writing the story . This may belong to that students could not understand how or where they should be used them in the story . Besides, they may not know their accurate meaning .Two items are mentioned with their percentages of the correct and incorrect responses. The items Incorrect Correct responses responses 1.wove tales / / 2.captivated / /
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5 . Conclusions : In the light of the previous discussion of the results , the researcher has concluded the following : Stories are everywhere . As we have said previously we hear , read ,write and tell them . By telling stories , we can convey different ideas and share many experiences of other people .Throughout our study,we can see that the students have difficulties in memorizing or retrieving the vocabulary especially the new ones that are not heard previously or those which have metaphorical meanings . Thus , storytelling can be considered as a powerful learning tool , at different levels , in different ways for different purpose ; and especially in teaching field . Educators use storytelling to stimulate students thinking skills , and convey practice realities . Therefore , teachers of English use storytelling as a technique or an activity in the class to help their students learn different vocabulary , rules of grammar , oral discussion with variety of questions which has been raised from the audience (students ) to the teller (teacher ) . The teller also must have interested in the type of stories being told especially those which are taken from real life situations of the students .As a result , they can make them engage in the story with their feelings and emotions . The more we use storytelling with students , the more we realized its application to lifelong learning . Therefore , teachers should encourage students to articulate and process experience through storytelling ; they provide them with opportunities to clarify and question their assumptions . Educators and students should work and learn together in this way , the results learning experiences that are more challenging , interesting and stimulating to students . Thus , storytelling can also be viewed as a theory of learning . Practically , from the researcher point of view that the English teachers and learners should engage in course of training
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about using storytelling as a new technique in language teaching . The results of the test indicate the importance of storytelling in classroom which helps the students to acquire and learn different and strange vocabularies . And helps them to write perfect story from their own words, style , thoughts , emotions , and experiences . Although , this technique is new for students , but they found pleasure in using it in the classroom . But sometimes, they have failed in using some words and phrases in their right position , in their writing the story . Finally, vocabulary is one of the important factors in all language teaching learning . And the students must continually learn new words as they learn structure and as they practice sound system , but most of the students are not interested and motivated at all . Therefore , the researcher uses storytelling as one of the strategies in teaching that benefits the students in many ways .
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The Test Q /As a storyteller ,use the following vocabulary items in writing a short story entitled "The King's Cloak"? 1.valleys 2.wardrobes 3.incredibly vain 4.outfit 5.strut up 6.sticking out 7.gruesome 8.arrogance 9.lad 10.tailor 11.ridiculous 12.smelly old kitchen rags 13.royal dustbin 14.pinching 15. Grab the stinky 16.whisked 17.cloak 18.the tears of fairies 19.bowed 20.hung 21.veil 22.get rid of reams 23.convince was magical 25.waistcoat 26.put on 27.admired his reflection 28.paraded up 29.take it off 30.sewing and weaving 31.a tiny fabric button 32.medal 33.his collar with pride 34.a couple of strands of cotton 35.throwing that a way 36.picked up 37.hold on 38.packed his bags 39.wove tales 40.wonderful magical tales 41.a travelling storyteller 42.captivated 43.enchanting tales 44.the story to be real 45.threads in the tailor's hair (best wishes)