NCP - Risk For Injury
NCP - Risk For Injury
NCP - Risk For Injury
Rationale Predisposing Factors: Unknown/ unidentified foreign object entered the eye causing irritation Precipitating Factors: Lifestyle Attitude Parental Guidance Age=12 (tend to be active) Gender- Male
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client was able to: 1. Goal partially met. The patient, since he was a child, nods and listens while being taught on how to compensate to changes in ADLs due to impaired vision with the help of the SO in communicating and emphasizing important information.
1. Verbalize
Definition: Unable to see Risk for injury as a result of environmental conditions interacting with the Facial maskgrimacing and crying individuals adaptive and defensive resources. Trauma to the eye leading to alteration on the protective barrier
Perform thorough regarding understanding of assessments safety issues when planning individual factors for client care. that contribute to possibility injury. of Note clients age, gender, developmental stage, decision-making ability, level of competence.
-Failure to accurately assess or intervene or refer these issues can place the client at needless risk and creates negligence issues for healthcare practitioner. -Affects clients ability to protect self and influences choice of interventions and teaching.
Source: Doenges, M.E, et. Al. Nurses Pocket Guide Edition 11. F.A. Company. Philadelphia, Davis
Discuss importance of self monitoring of condition or emotion that can contribute to injury.
-Understanding about condition and self monitoring of emotion can prevent contribution to injury
Encourage use stress -This will help the patient management techniques relax and avoid injury Marked inflammation and altered appearance of the eye
Pennsylvania. 2008. Presence of cloudy to streak appearance of the cornea 2. Show Impairing vision
Maintain bed or chair in lowest position, side rails attentiveness in up and with wheels locked. behaviors for lifestyle changes Ensure that pathway to bathroom is unobstructed to reduce risk and properly lighted. factors and protect self from injury. Monitor environment for potential unsafe conditions and modify as needed.
-to prevent falls due to 2. Goal partially restlessness of the client met. Patient listened to the directions of the SO since he has -To have easy access while limited movement being assisted and avoid due to his condition. injury
-To note for potential barriers that cause harm to the patient
Evaluate environment for potential safety hazards as based on age of child and to degree of impairment.
-School age children tends to be active and sometimes due to it may precipitate them to danger. Monitoring their surroundings can be a preventive tool -To promote patient safety
3.Goal partially met. Patient avoids rooming around the area and frequently asks SO to accompany/ assist him in bathing, to toileting etc.