Manual IOL Master EN PDF
Manual IOL Master EN PDF
Manual IOL Master EN PDF
Settings - IOL
Fig. 9
x Lens manager For creating physician-related data sets. Further information can be found in section Lens manager on page 21. x Formula selection by axial length Activation of the Automatic preselection of calculation formula check box opens the tab in the calculation window with the pre-selected calculation method. If the box is not activated, the tab of the last-used calculation method will be opened. x Clinic/practice Enter the name of your clinic or practice as it should appear on the printout of the IOL calculation. A semicolon ";" induces line return and the text can be written on two lines. x Print Choose whether the calculated IOLs of both eyes are to be printed on a single page or only one eye per page. Alternatively, you can select Print emmetropic IOL. x IOL calculation If the Print automatically and/or Send automatically options are selected, the IOL results and measurement values will be automatically printed or sent.
Lens manager
Since the instrument may be used for the preparation of eye surgery by a number of different surgeons at a group practice or clinic, surgeon-specific records must be created. This task is assumed by the Lens manager. x Click on the Lens manager button. The dialog box for entering userspecific data will appear.
Fig. 10
Upon delivery of the instrument, only the administrator exists in the Lens manager. No password has been determined. Only the administrator is entitled to add or delete users. The administrator may edit the databases of all users. If no password protection was set, the databases will be accessible to all users! If password protection is activated, each user may edit only his own data records.
x If Change password is checked, the user may assign himself a password in this dialog box. Enter the new password in Password and Confirmation. Confirm with OK. x To create a new Lens manager database the administrator must open his or her own database in the Lens manager by selecting Administrator in the Name line. A dialog box will appear, in which new users may be added.
Fig. 11
Type in the name of the new user. You may choose to assign passwords if the instrument is used by several staff members. If you do assign a password, confirm the password in the text box. You can Add the new user you have thus entered. In the case of existing users, you can Set any changes in the name or password. The new or modified user is now registered in the database. If you wish to delete user data from the database, select the name of the Surgeons in the left window and click the Delete button. Click on the Close button to close the window. For entering lens data see section IOL database management (page 23 and following).
Should a user forget his or her password, the administrator may assign a new password. To do this, the logged-on administrator highlights the user in the left box and assigns a new password with the Set command button.
CAUTION - PROPERTY DAMAGE A forgotten administrator password can only be recovered by Carl Zeiss Meditec Service!
Introduction Constants must be pre-determined for calculation of lens power by IOLMaster measurement. Only lens constants which have been optimized for the IOLMaster should be used. The IOL constants of the lens manufacturer can be used, but these are usually less suitable. You can enter your own constants on the basis of experience or access third party data. The User Group for Laser Interference Biometry (ULIB) regularly publishes optimized constants for the calculation of intraocular lenses with the IOLMaster. These lens constants are provided as benchmarks for IOLMaster users free of charge by the ULIB from a steadily growing surgical database. They are not determined, validated, verified or otherwise confirmed and checked by Carl Zeiss Meditec for correctness and suitability for use for IOL, but are based solely on statistical data from users. A USB flash drive with the current database at the time of manufacture is included with your instrument. This database can be installed as required. If you wish to use this data, please follow the installation steps described in section ULIB Constants. If you wish to enter your own constants, please read section Entering your own constants on page 27.
CAUTION - RISK OF OPERATING ERRORS Independently of the selection of constants, the customer assumes unlimited liability for the use of imported constants including use by other surgeons and clinical personnel. Carl Zeiss Meditec AG does not accept any liability for the correctness and suitability of constants. Certain IOL models are not approved in some countries.
ULIB Constants a) First-time installation A USB flash drive with the current database at the time of manufacture is included with your instrument. This database can be installed as required. By opening the envelope you accept the exclusion of liability specified in this section. x Connect the flash drive supplied with the USB port of the IOLMaster. x Log in to the Lens manager as administrator. x Click on the Import button. x Confirm with OK.
Fig. 12
x Select the desired lens (select several lenses with <Ctrl> + cursor + click). The selected lenses will appear highlighted in blue. x Select the desired surgeon (select several surgeons with <Ctrl> + cursor + click). The selected surgeons will appear highlighted in blue. If not already existent, the surgeons must be created beforehand. x Accept the data with the arrow key. The progress bar will show the status of the copying process. The selected lens data will be added to the selected surgeons. x Exit the menu by clicking on OK. b) Update installation The constants should be checked at regular intervals to ensure that they are consistent with the data on the ULIB website. Address: CAUTION - RISK OF OPERATING ERRORS Download the IOL data only from the address specified and using a separate PC connected to the Internet and a USB flash drive. Transfer the data from the PC to the IOLMaster using a USB flash drive. CAUTION - PROPERTY DAMAGE Do not use a network-connected IOLMaster for the download! An update installation is possible as follows: x Go to the website x Select More information Optimized lens constants. x Follow the prompts now appearing on the screen. x Save the file (do not select Open!) on the desired storage medium. x Do not extract the ZIP file!
CAUTION - RISK OF OPERATING ERRORS The ULIB constants file is made available without an explicit or implicit warranty. The suitability of the file for an intended purpose or error-free functioning of the data included in this file cannot be guaranteed. These IOL constants are provided without a legal liability by Carl Zeiss Meditec (CZM). Upon installation, the user acknowledges that Carl Zeiss Meditec has not defined, validated or verified these IOL constants, nor confirms in any way that they are correct or suitable for use with IOL. It is the user's responsibility to verify the validity of imported constants. x Plug the USB flash drive into the IOLMaster. x Log in to the Lens manager as administrator. x Click on the Import button. x Confirm with OK. x Select the desired lens (select several lenses with <Ctrl> + cursor + click). The selected lenses will appear highlighted in blue. x Select the desired surgeon (select several surgeons with <Ctrl> + cursor + click). The selected surgeons will appear highlighted in blue. If not already existent, the surgeons must be created beforehand. x Accept the data with the arrow key. The progress bar will show the status of the copying process. The selected lens data will be added to the selected surgeons. x Exit the menu by clicking on OK.
Entering your own constants x Log into the Lens manager under the desired name and password (see section Lens manager, page 21). The database window for entering the specific lens data will open.
Fig. 13
x In the lines Name and A constant Manufacturer enter the respective data from the manufacturer or from catalogues or package inserts. x Enter/change your IOL constants which have been optimized for various calculation formulas or for optical biometry or personally calculated constants in the A constant SRK II, A constant SRK/T, a0, a1, a2, pACD and SF boxes. x If you use lenses graded in 0.25 D intervals (in future), activate the Power stages 0.25 D radio button. x To add data to the database, click the Add button. x To delete the data of the lens type selected in the Lenses box, click the Delete button. x When the Set button is clicked, the existing lens data will be overwritten by the edited data. x To enter the data of the next lens, overwrite the name of the lens. Close the Lens manager by clicking on Close.