How To Build A Simple Top Bar Hive
How To Build A Simple Top Bar Hive
How To Build A Simple Top Bar Hive
Philip Chandler
author of
raditionally, beehives are made from +estern ,ed Cedar, which will weather pretty well without treatment. -owever, it is not always easy to find and it is often .uite e/pensive when you do, so 0ouglas 1ir or pretty much any straight2grained, well2 seasoned timber can be substituted if cost is important. (n wetter climates, the hive can be weather2proofed on the outside using linseed oil, ung oil or 0anish oil. his is optional3 as long as the roof is sound and the legs rot2proofed, the rest of the hive will look after itself. ,ecycled4reclaimed timber may be used throughout, but ensure it has not had any insecticidal treatment 5 and watch out for old nails if you use a table saw. (f you cannot find $"6 wide boards locally, you can glue up "/76 or % /86 boards. imber dimensions are shown below9 all sawn to si&e rather than planed, and none is treated e/cept for the legs.
( have shown dimensions in metric and imperial measurements3 you should choose the system you are most familiar with and work with that throughout, as there are small differences that will cause you trouble if you try to translate from one to the other.
Cutting list
sides 2 " off 5 886 / $"6 / $6 or $$##mm / %##mm / ":mm ends 2 " off 5 $;6 / $"6 / $6 or 8:#mm / %##mm / ":mm legs 5 8 off 5 %"6 / 86 / $<6 or ;##mm / $##mm / %;mm =anti2rot treatment advisable> winter floor 5 $ off 5 876 / ?6 / $6 or $$?#mm / $;#mm / ":mm roof frame 5 " off 2 8?6 / %6 / $6 or $$;#mm / ?:mm / ":mm =check on your hive before cutting to length> roof frame 5 " off 2 "$6 / 76 / $6 or :%#mm / $:#mm / ":mm =check on your hive before cutting to length> roof covering 5 " off 2 8;6 / $"6 / %4;6 or $":#mm / %##mm / $#mm e/ternal or marine grade plywood or other sheet material, or thin offcuts from a sawmill top bars 5 ": off 5 $?6 / $ $4"6 / ?4;6 or 8%#mm / %;mm / ""mm shims 5 $# off 5 $?6 / @6 / ?4;6 or 8%#mm / ""mm / 7mm =see te/t> comb guides 5 ": off 5 $"6 / <6 or %##mm / $"mm half2round dowel =see te/t> followers 5 $ off 5 %76 / $"6 / %486 or $###mm / %##mm / "#mm =see te/t>
Aou will also need at least "#/ "<6 wood screws =preferably brass or stainless steel, but good .uality galvani&ed screws will do> and ;/ %6 coach bolts with washers and nuts to attach the legs. 0epending on how you choose to build your roof, you will need some galvani&ed roofing nails or similar to attach the sheet material to the frame. 1or the mesh floor, you will need some plastic or wire mesh with holes of ".: 5 %.:mm. !uitable plastic mesh can be found in many craft shops, intended for cross2stitch work.
Aou will need a flat, level bench somewhat longer and wider than the dimensions of the hive, along with some basic tools3 a carpenter's saw9 plane9 screwdriver9 drill9 s.uare9 cramps. A hand2held or bench2mounted circular saw and a power drill are handy if you have them. Bse a strong, waterproof, e/ternal grade glue for all )oints. (f in doubt, ask in your local hardware shop for advice. he hive is built 'inside out and upside down' 2 starting with the follower boards. he reason for this is the relative ease of making the sides fit the followers compared with making the followers fit retrospectively to the sides. ( would suggest that you spend some time studying the se.uence of photographs and get a feel for how the hive looks and how it works.
You don't need a fully-equipped workshop: a flat surface and basic tools are the essentials. You can build the hive using only hand tools, but a circular saw is helpful, whether hand-held or table mounted.
( use $?6 =8%#mm> long top bars, corresponding to the length of the Dritish National hive frame. his results from my early e/periments with vertical2sided bo/es as transitional hives, bridging the gap between frames and top bars. American beekeepers often use $E6 bars for similar reasons, based on the Fangstroth dimensions. (f you decide to use anything other than $?6 bars, you will need to modify other parts of this design, so ( suggest you stick with this measurement unless you have a really good reason to do otherwise. Aou will get more even and predictable results if you provide the bees with a comb2 building guide of some kind. here are a number of ways to do this, perhaps the simplest being a saw kerf down the centre of the lower face of the bar, made with a circular saw. his does not have to e/tend to the ends, but it may be easier to cut longer lengths like this. he groove should be about $4;6 deep and the width of your saw blade. 1ill it with molten beeswa/ and allow to cool. (f you do not have access to a circular saw, or you place a high value on keeping all the fingers you were born with, you can pin thin strips of wood conforming to one of the profiles suggested by the diagram on the ne/t page. Cake them about ";#mm long and fi/ them centrally onto the bars using thin pins =often called gimp pins>. ,ubbing the lower edge with beeswa/ is generally thought to be a good idea.
Comb guides
!hown here are two comb guide profiles that ( have successfully used in top bar hives. Aou could rout these shapes from a solid bar, or you can cut strips of suitable moulding and pin and4or glue them centrally on the bars. Nothing guarantees straight combs, but once you have some good ones, place an empty bar in between two of them during the build2up period and they will make another straight comb in between. Another trick is to place a top bar between two frames in a conventional hive for a few days in spring or summer. he height of the top bars =e/cluding the comb guides> should be around ""mm, to help provide temperature stability. Additional insulation should always be used between the bars and the roof.
Aou can use a single board, a made2up board or cut followers from plywood, which is more dimensionally stable. Cark $:G =%;#mm> across the top edge and half way at ? <G =$E#mm>. 0raw a vertical line accurately as shown. ND 5 this board is shown $$6 wide =top to bottom> but you can make it a little deeper =$"6 or %##mm>, especially if you use the *co21loor =see How to Build a Modern Top Bar Hive for details of the *co21loor.>
+se a s,uare to make an accurate right angle* -raw the centre line*
From where the centre line meets the lower edge) measure # %.#/ or 0(mm either way*
1!tend the geometry to make an identical shape upside down) and then another to make three altogether*
2lue) pin 3or screw4 a top bar centred on the top edge of each follower board* 5ramp and leave to set overnight* The e!tra pieces of wood are there to prevent distortion through 6springing6 under pressure*
Body building
he hive is built upside down and inside out. he follower boards represent the 'inside' and now you are about to add the outer skin. (n How To Build 7 Modern Top Bar Hive you will find details of a )ig that will make building multiple hives easy and consistent, but if you will only be building one, you can manage without )igs. Hust be sure that your side boards are in close contact with the edges of the followers before you drill holes for screws. A assistant to hold things steady is a great benefit at this stage.
Make up the two sides using a single %#/ ! %/ 3&$$mm ! #8mm4 board) or glue two 0/ boards or three (/ boards edge to edge* Being able to use whatever timber you have lying around) or can salvage) is one of the many practical aspects of the top bar hive*
%n the ben'h
!tart by s.uaring up the followers on a flat and level bench. Position two of the follower boards so they are parallel and a couple of feet apart3 the e/act distance does not matter, but should be less than the overall length of the hive. Iffer up a side panel, resting one edge on the protruding ends of the top bars. his will give the correct offset when the ends are added later, flush to the bench. Pay attention to making the sides true, s.uared2up and parallel along their top edges. his will allow the followers to slide smoothly and avoid )amming or a sloppy fit.
Begin the main assembly by inverting the follower boards and s,uaring them up on your bench about %9/:#(/ apart* They should be parallel) of course*
o make the ne/t stage easier, it helps to tap a nail into each top bar so the side panel cannot move outwards =see inset>. As ( mentioned 2 (f you are planning on building several identical hives, it is worth making a pair of u2shaped )igs to hold the sides at the correct distance apart. -aving hives with the same core dimensions means that you will be able to move combs between them, which can be a great advantage at times. A drilling template for the end boards is another worthwhile item, for similar reasons 2 see How To Build 7 Modern Top Bar Hive for details*
lace the other side in position and s,uare up the structure) ready for the ends*
osition one of the end pieces centrally against one end* ;ts bottom edge rests on the bench) giving clearance for top bars* 3The plane is not strictly necessary: ; used it as a prop as ; was photographing single:handed*4
Make a line where the end touches the sides) inside and out* 37 friendly ghost helped me with this one<4
=emove the end and mark three points each side for drilling clearance holes for screws* 7ctual positions are not as important as making them on the centre line and away from the edges*
+se a drill bit very slightly bigger than the shank of the screw) which should be brass or stainless steel and at least # %.#> 308mm4 long* -rill both ends together) using the marked end as a pattern* 3The nails are dropped into two drilled holes to ensure perfect alignment*4 ;t is a good idea to apply a spot of 6bee:grease6 3% part beeswa! to 0 parts vegetable oil4 to the thread to help drive it home*
?hile you are drilling) you may as well make bolt holes through the legs and end boards* Mark a point 8> in from the top corner of one of the ends and draw a line to the bottom corner) as shown* The outer edge of the leg will lie on this line* -rill the top hole at least &> from the top edge) as the tops of the legs will be trimmed to accommodate the lid 3see below4* 1nsure that the lower hole falls comfortably outside the line of the side wall*
The roof frame will rest on the tops of the legs) so they need to be trimmed parallel to the top edge* Lining up the holes you already drilled) mark a straight line across the width of one end) #> 38$mm4 from the top edge* -on6t fit the legs yet*
2lue and pin strips of thin wood inside at the ends) to ensure there are no gaps* 5ut them to the shape of the lower ends of the follower boards*
lastic) galvani@ed or stainless steel mesh may be used to cover the base of the hive* This is heavy duty plastic garden mesh) which has the advantage of forming a fle!ible) conve! curve inside the hive) enabling the follower boards to form a bee:proof and moth:proof seal* ;t must be cut carefully to fit the ends and held in place with flat: headed pins or tacks* 7 nylon. A5 mesh made fro cross:stitch work may also be used* ;f your area has badgers) or other clawed predators) you will need something much stronger< Bee How to Build a Modern Top Bar Hive for details of alternatives) including the 1co:Floor*
This is what your hive should look like now* The follower boards are a good) sliding fit and the whole thing looks sturdy and almost ready for bees<
Aou have a number of options when arranging the entrance holes3 ( have illustrated the simplest and most fle/ible arrangement. Putting three entrance holes in the middle, plus one at each end on the opposite side, gives you the ability to e/pand the colony in either direction, while leaving room to make splits or artificial swarms if desired. Commercially2made top bar hives usually have an end entrance slot and a single follower board, or none at all. his means that if you want to inspect the brood area for any reason, you will have to move all the bars away from it first. (f you use my system, with two followers, you can open the colony very easily for checking from both ends. Bsing no followers at all is an open invitation for the bees to build comb in any direction they please, which will make it very difficult to move any of the bars. Ince you have allowed them to cross2comb, managing the hive becomes virtually impossible, and you may as well have put them in a simple bo/ hive to start with. !ome of the states of the B!A re.uire combs to be movable for inspection, and if you manage your hori&ontal top bar hive well from the start, it will comply with this law. Jertical top bar hives, such as the +arrK, are generally designed to be used as 'fi/ed comb' hives, and therefore may not be compliant in those states. (t would be as well to check for any regulations in your area that may stipulate the types of hives that are allowed.
The entrances in this design comprise three ##mm holes on 8$mm centres in the middle of one of the side) with a single hole near each end in the opposite side* This gives great fle!ibility in managing the hive) using standard wine bottle corks to plug entrances not in use* 5orks are also used to plug the holes in the followers in normal use*
The entrance holes on the 6back6 of the hive are useful if you ever need to split a colony C for e!ample) as part of a swarm: preventing strategy C or if you need to house a small colony in the same hive for any reason* The combination of followers and multiple entrances makes this hive e!ceptionally versatile and avoids heavy lifting*
!he roo&
Adding gables makes a more elegant roof that will shed water .uickly and be hard even for strong winds to lift, but easy for the beekeeper. Aou could use a number of materials here, including thatch, but make sure you keep it reasonably light in weight. +heelchair users and people with disabilities involving bad backs would do well to consider a hinged roof3 a relatively easy modification. Aou can get creative with the roof, but bear in mind that you will want to be able to lift it 5 so choose your materials accordingly.
he purpose of the roof is to keep out rain, snow, hail and e/cessive heat. Dear this in mind when choosing materials. Avoid roofing felt, which may cause high internal temperatures on hot days.
The roof frame is a loose fit: a simple) rectangular frame of &> ! D.9> 3D8mm ! ##mm4 timber) glued and screwed at the corners* Be sure to leave about %.(> slack in both directions to allow movement in the wood* 'amming roofs are a nuisance* 2able ends are fitted to this frame) and the roof covering material completes the structure* 1!terior ply or sawmill offcuts are both suitable) as long as they keep the weather out* EB C TH;B F=7M1 ;B 7=T "F TH1 =""F: -" E"T F;F ;T T" TH1 H;A1 B"-G<
7 simple roof using corrugated plastic) available from -;G stores* ;f you use this material) be sure to put plenty of insulating material under it) especially if you live in a hot climate*
Aou need four legs =obviously>, each about %6 / $ <6 =?: / %;mm> and a length to suit your height. 1or e/ample, a man of average height will need the top of the hive to be around %#2 %"6 for comfortable working, so the legs will need to be about %%2%86 long. (f you are a wheelchair user, you may want the top of the hive to be about "86 from the ground, so make the legs "76. he rule of thumb3 decide a working height for the top of the hive and add "6 to arrive at the length of the legs. hey will be trimmed a little to accommodate the roof. Aou do not have to use legs 5 you could put these hives on various types of stand as used by conventional hives 5 but this is a cheap and convenient way of achieving a stable, level, rodent2 and badger2proof hive at the right working height. he legs will be bolted to the end pieces, using galvanised or stainless steel nuts and " $4"6 =7:mm> bolts. ( advise you to put washers under the head of the bolts and the nuts to prevent them cutting into the wood. 0o not be tempted to use wood screws to attach the legs3 disaster will inevitably follow and you will regret not spending a little e/tra for proper bolts. he lower ends of the legs can be left cut s.uare for ma/imum stability on a grassed site, or cut level if you intend to keep your hives on hard standing.
A top bar hive in use, with the nearer follower moved aside ans some bees sunning themselves on the tops of the bars. !ee Balanced Beekeeping: Managing a Modern Top Bar Hive for your ne/t moveL
A 'periscope entrance' fitted to a top bar hive, which also has an *co21loor. !ee How to Built a Modern Top Bar Hive for details of these modifications.
A hive made from +estern ,ed Cedar with an observation window 5 a useful addition.
*nspe'tion stand
his device is easy to build and a very useful 'third hand' for e/amining comb. (t is especially useful if you want to take photographs and you don't have a handy assistant. ( dreamed it up one !unday morning and built it before lunch out of odd bits and pieces lying around in my workshop. he base is the same width as a top bar 5 $?6 2 and about 76 =$:#mm> wide. he wire is about the same gauge used for coat hangers, bent to accommodate the width of a top bar. A slight inward 'spring' is an advantage, as this grips the comb and helps to keep the bar in position. A useful feature of this design is that it folds flat for transport.
sub)ect to parasites and viruses that had never troubled them in the past. Ceanwhile, we forgot how to grow food in the way that we once had done because we were no longer inclined to labour in the fields, and instead devised clever ways to make the soil support more crops. +e poured fertili&ers onto our fields and killed off inconvenient creatures with 'pesticides' 5 defining a whole class of living organisms as our enemies and therefore dispensable. his was never sustainable, and never can be3 in the bank that is our living soil, we are withdrawing more than we deposit. And that is where we find ourselves today, and this is the problem we face3 bees that have become weakened through e/ploitation and a to/ic agricultural system, allied to the impossible e/pectation of continuous economic growth. As 'natural beekeepers', our most pressing work is to restore bees to their original, healthy state. +e need to think of ourselves as 'keepers' in the sense of 'nurturing and supporting' rather than 'enslaving', which is the old way. +e must seek to protect and conserve the honeybee by working within their natural capacity, and not constantly urge them towards ever greater production. +e must challenge the whole agricultural and economic system that has caused us to arrive at this point, because without change at that level, the future for both us and the bees is bleak. +e can make a start by establishing new and more natural ways of working with bees3 neither we nor they have any need of unnatural 'treatments' with synthetic antibiotics, fungicides or miticides. +e don't need to operate 'honey factories 5 we can content
ourselves with providing accommodation for bees in return for whatever they can afford to give us. (n some years, this may be nothing at all, while in others there may be an abundant harvest. !uch is nature3 bees depend on honey for their survival9 we do not. (f the price of returning bees to a state of natural, robust health is a little less honey on our toast, is it not a worthwhile sacrificeN
+urther -eading
The Barefoot Beekeeper
Cy first book 5 really a manifestorather than a 'how2to' guide 5 but this is the one that kick2started the 'natural beekeeping' movement, so you will want to read it for that reason aloneL
The atural Beekeeping etwork is an informal, worldwide network of beekeepers who are working in the same general direction 2 Friends of the Bees is a B'2based charity that aims to promote natural beekeeping, taking into account the welfare of other pollinators 5