Industrisl Report ON Advertising OF Hindustan Lever LTD

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This is to certify that MISS. PURVI V. BHALGAMA, a student of T.Y.B.B.A. has under one a trainin re*orts on ad)ertisin this trainin and !ar,etin durin fro! "# st $ct. %& to 'th (o). %& in our unit. She has *re*ared a++ her trainin under our su*er)ision and her o-n contri.ution for !a,in a success durin the acade!ic year "%%& / "%%0 is a**reciated. She -as )ery sincere and hi h+y disci*+ine and -e -ish her a++ the .est for a .ri ht career in future.

1or, PRIM2 MAR32TI(G Partner

S4 56#%, 7ity Arcade, (r. 8. S. P. Bun +o-, 9a!na er / :&# %%#. Phone ; <%"==> <$.> "': :% ': 6 "'? "' 5% A+-ays use @ua+ity *roducts of Hindustan +i)er +i!ited

This is to infor! you that you ha)e .een *er!ission for re ardin ettin trainin ad)ertise!ent and !ar,etin ranted

in our fir! for fifteen days of *roducts as -e

are authoriAed distri.utors for Hindustan Le)er +i!ited. Be ho*e that detai+s and infor!ation re ardin and -ou+d not .e considered for any other *ur*ose. You can trainin in our fir! for "%th $, "%%& *ro9ect

re*ort -ou+d .e used for your educationa+ *ur*ose on+y

on-ards for #' days. Re ard. Your faithfu++y, For, PRIME MARKETING

S4 56#%, 7ity Arcade, (r. 8. S. P. Bun +o-, 9a!na er / :&# %%#. Phone ; <%"==> <$.> "': :% ': 6 "'? "' 5% A+-ays use @ua+ity *roducts of Hindustan +i)er +i!ited

I, the under si hed, PAT2L 3RUPA. V, a student of T.Y.B.B.A here.y dec+are that the *ro9ect -or, *resent here in this re*ort is !y o-n and has .een carried out under the su*er)ision and Uni)ersity, Ra9,ot. The unit that I ha)e )isited is a +ar e / sca+e *ri)ate +i!ited co!*any. Its na!e is Hindustan Le)er Ltd. And its !ar,etin office is situated at 9a!ana a. I, the undersi ned here.y a+so dec+are that this *ro9ect re*ort has not .een su.!itted *re)ious+y to any other uni)ersity for any other eDa!ination. uidance of Prof. B. M. Purohit and Prof. 3unda+iya co++e e, Saurashtra Hitesh Shu,+a of M. C.

P+ace;4 8ate;4

Si nature;4

Industria+ acti)ities *+ay a )ery crucia+ ro+e for the econo!ic ro-th of de)e+o*in countries +i,e India. industria+ and 2cono!ic refor!s are radica++y a+terin .usiness en)iron!ent of India. The o*enin u* of the !ar,ets of India has ushered in an era of hi h co!*etition in the country. The +o.a+iAation *rocess, the rush of !u+ti4nationa+ in to the India !ar,et, the o*en4door to i!*orts and the i!!inent s-itch o)er to a tota+ .uyerEs !ar,et ha)e thro-n tota++y, ne- de!ands on the !ar,etin !en of the country. Mar,etin !ana e!ent in India is no- assu!in an a+to ether a nesi nificance. The co++e e has *ro)ided !e -ith the reat o**ortunity to ,no- -hat is the actua+ .usiness scenario of any *articu+ar co!*any. The chief o.9ecti)e of *articu+ar trainin is to et an out +oo, of -hat -e theoretica++y study inside the c+assroo!. It a+so assists in de)e+o*in )arious .usiness strate ies i!*+e!ented there. The re*ort has .een underta,en at Hindustan +e)er Ltd. Ca!ana er s*ecia+iAin in !ar,etin for the *eriod of #' days. The !ain concentration is on the to*ic of ad)ertisin in the fie+d of !ar,etin . I ha)e tried !y .est to inc+ude !aDi!u! detai+s a)ai+a.+e fro! the co!*any. I ho*e the re*ort ser)es the *ur*ose as re@uired. the a-areness a.out the rea+ .usiness en)iron!ent and

The re*ort .ein

a *art of *ractica+ student of B.B.A

Pro ra!!ed, is *re*ared .y Miss Pur)i. V. Bha+ a!a. The )isit -as under one at Hindustan Le)er +i!ited at Ca!ana er. My )isit -as a successfu+ one and I ta,e this o**ortunity to than, the co!*any for sharin co!*any for eDtendin *ro)idin co!*any. Last+y I -ou+d e)en +i,e to than, !y *rofessors Ruchir Pandya and B. M. *urohit for their constant uidance. their )a+ua.+e infor!ation and eD*eriences -ith !e. I a! o.+i ed to the racious su**ort to !e in ratitude to-ards the infor!ation. I eD*ress !y

#. Genera+ infor!ation ". History and 8e)e+o*!ent :. Introduction ?. 7or*orate Pur*ose of the co!*any '. Business (ature &. 1eatures 0. Board of 8irectors =. $r aniAation 7hart 5. Introduction to !ar,etin and !ar,etin !ana e!ent #%. Pro!otion as an i!*ortant co!*onent of co!!unication ##. Meanin of ad)ertisin #". 2cono!ic as*ects of ad)ertisin #= #:. Socia+ as*ects of ad)ertisin #?. Ho- does ad)ertisin *ersuade the .uyer #'. $.9ecti)e of ad)ertisin #&. Ad)ertisin !edia #0. Ad)ertisin the!es6a**ea+s #=. Ad)ertisin +ayout #5. Ad)ertisin co*y "5 "%. Ad)ertisin a ency "#. 1unction of ad)ertisin a ency "". Product ad)ertisin

P%&# No.
# : ? ' & 0 5 ## #: #' #0

#5 "% "# "" "? "0

:% :# ::

":. Re+ation of *roduct ad)ertisin to *roduct +ife cyc+e :? "?. Gra*h "'. Ran of *roducts offered .y HLL :' "&. Fua+ity *o+icy "0. Ad)ertisin .ud et "=. Achie)e!ent of HLL "5. 3ey hi h+i hts :%. 1uture $ut+oo, :#. Su 0% :". 7onc+usion ::. Bi.+io ra*hy 0" 0: estion &? &' &0 &= &5 :?

NAME OF THE UNIT SIG2 $1 TH2 U(IT Y2AR $1 2STABLISHM2(T 1$RM $1 $RGA(IGATI$( (AM2 $1 TH2 BA(3 ; HI(8USTA( L2V2R LT8. ; LARG2 S7AL2 ; #5'& <I(7R$P$RAT28> ; 7$MPA(Y 1$RM ; #> STAT2 BA(3 $1 I(8IA ">STA(8AR8 7HART2R28 :> 7ITY BA(3 (. A ?>H$(G 3$(G H SHA(GHHI '> BA(3 $1 AM2RI7A &> 82UITSH28 BA(3 0> A.B.( / AMR$ BA(3 => PU(CAB (A(TI$(AL 5> 7$RP$RATI$( BA(3 #%> I(8IA( BA(3 ##> I7I7I BA(3 PR$M$T$2RS A77$U(TI(G Y2AR ; L2V2R BR$TH2RS ; :%TH APRIL / :#ST MAR7H 7$MPA(Y S27R2TARY AU8IT$RS ; $. P. AGARBAL ; #> A. 1. 1R2GUR$(

H 7$. "> L$V2L$73 H L2B2S


; 7RAB1$R8 BAYL2Y H 7$.

R2GIST2R2 $11I72

; HI(8USTA( L2V2R H$US2, #&'6#&&, BA73BAY, R27LAIMATI$(, MUMBAI / ?%%%"%



Uni)ersity o*erations started in India to-ards the end of the #5th century. 2ar+ier the soa*, )anas*ati and a fe- toi+etry ite!s. Le)er Brother are o-ner of Uni+e)er. They ha)e stated that -hen HLL -ou+d reach #0I of tota+ inco!e, then on+y +e)er Brother -ou+d )isit India. HLL -as for!ed in #5'& -ith the !er er of HUM7, +e)er Brother India and united traders, -ith the !ar er of .roo,e .ond, *onds India and +a,!e. HLL has e!er ed as the +arfest 1.M.G.7. Mu+tinationa+ co!*any in India. It is de)e+o*ed in "= countries around -or+d. $)er the +ast fe- decades, HLL has .een su**+yin to its rura+ custo!ers direct+y as -e++ as indirect+y a +ar e ran e of *roducts. 1or the +ast fe- years, it has .een identified as the !ost *roducti)e co!*any, -hich to*s on different *ara!eters as for e . oods traded -ere

1. P)o"*ct+ %)# "#+,&!#" to -##t th# !##"+. 2. P)o"*ct+ %)# -%).#t /#%"#)+. 0. P)o"*ct+ %)# ,!!o1%t,1#. 2. P)o"*ct+ o33#) 1%/*# 3o) -o!#4. 5. P)o"*ct+ %)# +*6#),o) to co-6#t,to)+. 6. A"1#)t,+,!& ,+ +*6#),o). 7. S*cc#++3*/ 6)o"*ct /%*!ch#)+.

8. M%).#t,!& 6#)+o!!#/ %)# o3 h,&h c%/,9#). :. K##6+ ,! to*ch ;,th th# -%).#t. 10. Goo" )#/%t,o! ;,th )#t%,/#)+.

HLL has consistent success in ne- *roduct +aunchin +istin a!on


+ast fi)e years. It is the on+y co!*any, -hich had .een the to* '%% co!*anies of the -or+d in #55= .y !ar,et ca*ita+iAation.

Hindustan +e)er +i!ited <HLL> is IndiaEs +ar est fast !o)in consu!er oods co!*any, -ith +eadershi* in Ho!e H Personne+ care Products and 1oods Be)era es. The +eadin .usiness !a aAine< FOR=ES GLO=AL

has rated Hindustan +e)er as the .est consu!er househo+d *roducts co!*any -or+d-ide. F%) E%+t#)! Eco!o-,c R#1,#; has rated HLL as IndiaEs !ost res*ected co!*any. A+,%-o!#4 has rated HLL as one of IndiaEs .est / !ana ed co!*anies. Leadin nationa+ *u.+ication, +i,e Th# Eco!o-,c t,-#+< ha)e a+so rated HLL as one of IndiaEs !ost res*ected co!*anies. HLL has recei)ed the Mot,/%/ O+;%/ L%)&#+t *eriod #55& / "%%#. The )ision that ins*ires HLLEs :",?%% e!*+oyees <?#,?%% inc+udin !ana ers, is to rou* co!*anies>, inc+udin a.out #,?=% J!eet e)eryday needs of *eo*+e #%/th C)#%to) A;%)" for the

e)ery-here / to antici*ate the as*iration of our consu!ers and custo!ers and to res*ond creati)e+y and co!*etiti)e+y -ith .randed *roducts and ser)ices -hich raise the @ua+ity of +ife.K This o.9ecti)e is achie)ed throu h the .rands that the co!*any !ar,et. Uni+e)er ho+ds '#.'0I e@uity in the co!*any. The rest is distri.uted a!on financia+ institution. indi)idua+ shareho+ders and

$ur *ur*ose in HLL is to !eet e)eryday needs of the *eo*+e. 2)ery-here to antici*ate of our consu!ers and custo!ers and to res*onds creati)ity and co!*etiti)e+y -ith .randed *roducts and ser)ices, -hich raise the @ua+ity of +ife. $ur dee* roots in +oca+ cu+tures around the -or+d are our *ara++e+ed inheritance and the foundation for our future ro-th. Be -i++ .rin a tru+y !u+tinationa+. $ur +on to -or,in / ter! success re@uires a tota+ co!!it!ent to ether effecti)e+y and to a -i++in ness to our -ea+th of ,no-+ed e and internationa+ eD*ertise to the ser)ice of +oca+ consu!ers /

to eDce*tiona+ standards of *erfor!ance and *roducti)ity e!.race ne- idea and +earn continuous+y. Be .e+ie)e that to succeed re@uires the hi hest standards of cor*orate .eha)iour to -ards our e!*+oyed , custo!ers and the societies and -or+d in -hich -e +i)e. This is Hindustan +e)erEs road to sustaina.+e for our .usiness and +on shareho+ders and e!*+oyees. ro-th

ter! )a+ue creation for our

HLL is IndiaEs +ar est !ar,et of soa*, deter ent and Ho!e 7are *roducts. It has the countryEs +ar est *ersona+ *roduct .usiness, +eadin in sha!*oos, s,in care *roducts, co+or cos!etic, 8eodorants and 1ra rances. HLL is a+so the !ar,et +eader in tea, *rocess coffee, .randed -heat f+our, .randed iodiAed sa+t, To!ato, Products, Ice crea!, Sou*s, Ca!s and s@uashes. HLL is a+so one of the countryEs .i est eD*orters and

has .een reco niAed as a Go+den su*er star Trainin House .y the Go)ern!ent of IndiaL it is a net forei n eDchan e earner.

1. N%t,o!;,"# -%!*3%ct*),!& 3%c,/,t,#+ >?
This di)erse *roduct ran is !anufacturin in c+ose to #%% factories, +ocated across the +en th and .reath of India. The o*eration in)o+)es ",%%% su**+iers and associates. A.out "= factories are situated in .ac,-ard areas. In fact, a++ !a9or in)est!ent if HLL, in recent years, ha)e .een either in A / o)er sic, enter*rises, in res*onse to re@uest fro! o)ern!ent authorities, and con)ertin the! in to )aria.+e o*eration.


C*tt,!& @ #"&# ",+t),9*t,o! !#t;o).>?

HLLEs net-or, is reco niAed as one of its ,ey

stren ths that -hich he+*s reach out its *roducts across the +en th and .readth of this )ast country. The need for a stron distri.ution net-or, is i!*erati)e, since HLLEs cor*orate *ur*ose is J to !eet the e)eryday needs to *eo*+e e)ery-here.K HLLEs *roducts, !anufactured across the country are distri.uted throu h a net-or, of a.out 0,'%% redistri.ution stoc,ists. The o.9ecti)e is to cata+yse HLLEs ensurin ro-th .y that the ri ht *roduct is a)ai+a.+e at the ri ht

*+ace in ri ht @uantities in the !ost cost4effecti)e !anner.


St%t#?o3 @th#?%)t )#+#%)ch 3%c,/,t4>?

HLL has traditiona++y .een a co!*any, -hich

incor*orates +atest techno+o y in a++ its o*eration. The Hindustan +e)er Research center <HLR7>, -ith faci+ities in Mu!.ai and Ban a+ore has o)er #%% hi h+y @ua+ified scientists and techno+o y !any -ith *ost doctora+ eD*erience ac@uired in the US and 2uro*e. Uni+e)er has set u* an internationa+ Research +a.oratory in Ban a+ore. It focuses on tea science and s,in research to !eet .oth +o.a+ and re iona+ re@uire!ent in these t-o4 core *roduct cate ories.


P)o"*ct %!" 6)oc#++ ,!!o1%t,o! >?

Ma9or inno)ations ha)e ta,en *+ace in

deter ent !anufacturin . So*histicated techno+o y has .een de)e+o*!ent to !anufacturin enAy!e *o-ders -ith has .een *ro*erties +i,e stain and tou h dirt re!o)a+. A++ the !oney sa)ed in ener y conser)ation and *rocessin *roducts. rein)ested in .etter for!u+ation and *erfor!ance of

5. Att)%ct,!&< 9#+t t%/#!t >?




Bhi+e these co!*etencies ha)e *+ayed a se!ina+ ro+e in HLLEs ro-th and *ro ress, the co!*anyEs

,ey stren th is its *eo*+e. HLLEs :",?%% e!*+oyees, inc+udin a.out #,?=% !ana ers , are a++ shar*+y focused oa+ , -hich is to J!eet the e)eryday on the co!!on

needs of *eo*+e e)ery-here.K HLL has e@ua++y *+ayed a se!ina+ ro+e in IndiaEs o)era++ e!*+oy!ent eneration, creatin o)er ",%%,%%% Indirect 9o.s I those sectors of the econo!y connected -ith the co!*anyEs o*erations.

Board of 8irectors ;4
M. S. Ban a <chair!an> M. 3. Shar!a <)ice4chair!an> H. R. 3husno,han M V. (arayan M 8. S. Pare,hM 7. 3. Praha+adM G. Sin h 8. Sundara! A. Be+.un

< M N inde*endent, non4eDecuti)e directors>

Mana in co!!ittee ;4
M. S. Ban a <7hair!an> M. 3. Shar!a <Vice4chair!an> A. Adhi,ari <Persona+, *roduction> V. Ba+ara! <2D*orts> S. 3. 8ha++ <Pantation> G. 3u*er <1oods> A. 3. Mathur <7he!ica+ and a ricu+ture> C. H. Mehta <ice4crea!> 7. V. (atra9<research> C. Ra)indranath <Be)era es> 8. She a+ <ne- )entures of !ar,etin ser)ices> G. Sin h <Hu!an resources> 8. Sundara! <finance> A.Bei h.ur <deter ent>



Mar,etin is indeed an ancient artL it has .een

*racticed in one for! or the other since the days of Ada! and 2)e. Its e!er ence as a !ana e!ent disci*+ine ho-e)er is of re+ati)e+y recent ori in. And -ithin re+ati)e+y short *eriod, it has ained a reat dea+ of i!*ortant and as *ractioners the -or+d the -or+d o)er, re ard !ar,etin .usiness. The !ar,etin conce*t -as .orn out of the a-areness that !ar,etin starts -ith deter!ination of consu!er -ants and ends -ith the satisfaction of those -ants. It *roc+ai!s that Jthe entire .usiness has to .e seen fro! the *oint of )ie- of the custo!er.K In a co!*any *racticin this conce*t, a++ de*art!ent -i++ reco niAe that their action ha)e a *rofound i!*act on the co!*any a.i+ity to create and retain a custo!er. 2)ery de*art!ent and e)ery -or,er and !ana er -i++ Othin, custo!ersE and Oact custo!ersE. Thus !ar,etin and accordin to *hi++i* ,ot+er is defined

the !ost i!*ortant of a++ !ana e!ent function in any

as JA socia+ and !ana e!ent *rocess .y -hich indi)idua+ rou* o.tain -hat they need and-ant throu h and eDchan e of *roducts of )a+ue -ith creditin , offerin others.K

Mar,etin !ar,etin

se !ent


!ana e!ent or aniAationa+

of oa+

*ro ra!s for acco!*+ishin

and o.9ecti)es. The ,no-n as *+annin , i!*+e!entation, and contro+ of *ro ra!s to achi)e *re / deter!ined o.9ecti)e. A!erican !ar,etin JMar,etin association defines it as ana+ysis,

!ana e!ent is a *rocess in)o+)in

*+annin , ser)ices and ideas and that it rests on notion of eDchan e and that *arties in)o+)ed.K Mar,etin Manufacturin de*ends hea)i+y on an effecti)e oa+ is to *roduce satisfaction for the

co!!unication f+o- .et-een the co!*any and consu!ers. a *roduct and !a,in it a)ai+a.+e on the !ar,et is on+y a*art of the co!*any 9o.. It is e@ua++y i!*ortant to !a,e it ,no-n to the consu!ers that the *roducts a)ai+a.+e in the !ar,et. The fir! atte!*ts to co!!unicate -ith

consu!ers throu h e@ua++y *roducts, co+orfu+ *ac,a es, -ritten !essa es, *icture and sy!.o+s, attracti)e shoroo!s and efficient sa+es!an. Bhen these )arious sti!u+i are recei)ed and inter*reted .y consu!er, !ar,etin co!!unication ta,es *+ace. The co!!unication a+so in)o+)es, fro! consu!er to the co!*any.


It is a for! of co!!unication -ith an e+e!ent of *ersuasion. Hence this third e+e!ent of !ar,etin !a,es *ersuasi)e co!!unication is a as the of heart *ro!otion. Pro!otion *rocess !iD of


co!!unication to infor!, *ersuade, re!ind and inf+uence consu!er or users in fa)our of G.S. *roduct or ser)ice. Accordin to A++derson, Bruce and Pau+ *ro!otion is efforts -hose function is to referred to as Jany !ar,etin the !erits of a introducin *urchasin *rice.K The ? PEs of the *ro!otion !iD are ;4 #. Ad)ertisin ". *u.+icity :. *ersona+ se++in ?. Sa+es *ro!otion 1. A"1#)t,+,!&> ? It is any *aid for! of ,no- *ersona+ *resentation and *ro!otion of ideas, co!!unication. oods and ser)ice .y an identify s*onsor. It is a !eans of !ass a

infor!, or *ersuade actua+ or *otentia+ consu!ers a.out i)en *roduct or ser)ice for the *ur*ose of consu!er either to continue or start i)en

the fir!Es *roducts or ser)ice at so!e

". P#)+*%+,o!





sti!u+ation of de!and of for a *roduct, ser)ice or .usiness unit .y *+acin a.out it in a co!!ercia+ si nificant neo.tainin fa)oura.+e *u.+ication

*resentation of it u*on radio, te+e)ision or sta e. It is not *aid for .y the s*onsor. :. P#)+o!%/ S#//,!&; 4 It is the .est !eans of ora+ and face to face co!!unication and *resentation -ith the *ros*ects for the *ur*ose !a,in sa+es. ?. S%/#+ P)o-ot,o!; 4 It co)ers a++ !ar,etin sti!u+ate consu!er *urchasin and acti)ities dea+ers other than ad)ertisin , *u.+icity and *ersona+ se++in effecti)eness.

The ter! ad)ertisin ori inates for! the +atin thus has Oad)ertsE -hich !eans to turn round. Ad)ertisin o.9ect or *ur*ose. In !ar,etin conteDt, ad)ertisin

denotes the !ean e!*+oyed to dra- attention to any .een defined as Jany *aid for! of non / *ersona+ *resentation and *ro!otion of ideas, oods or ser)ice .y an identify s*onsor.K Ad)ertise!ent is a +o o +an ua e. Ad)ertisin to a the is the !ost )isi.+e !ar,etin too+s, -hich

see,s to trans!it an effecti)e !essa e fro! the !ar,etin rou* of indi)idua+s. Ad)ertisin eDistence of ad)ertisin ai!s at dra-in It *asses on attention to *roduct. It see,s to create an a-areness a.out *roduct. infor!ation in such a -ay that interest is created in the !ind of the *ros*ecti)e consu!er a.out the *roduct. Than there is a ro-in desire to *osses the *roduct. A++ this +eads to a .uyin inc+ination. It has .een said that ad)ertisin co!*onent of the !ar,etin decide a.out the !ar,etin !ar,etin *ro ra!s. is an i!*ortant eDecuters

!iD. Mar,etin

!iD e+e!ent to .e used, and a++ consu!er oods

the *roduction in -hich they are to .e .+ended in to their A+!ost !anufacturin and !any industria+ *roduct !ar,et inc+ude ad)ertisin in their !ar,etin !iD. Mar,etin a**+ied to conce*ts and techni@ues can .e -e++ non / co!!ercia+ socia+ )enture, and

ad)ertisin *ro!otes such non / co!!ercia+ )entures such as fa!i+y *+annin , adu+t +iteracy, etc. e)en *o+itica+ candidate use .anners, outdoor sin s and other for!s of ad)ertisin to et.


1. E33#ct O3 A"1#)t,+,!& O! D,+t),9*t,o! Co+t >?
The tota+ cost for any *roduct is !ade u* of the cost of *roduction and the cost se++in and distri.ution. Production cost increases at a +o-er rat than the increase in distri.ution cost. This is nature in )ieof the i!*ro)ed techno+o y, -hich has strea!+ined *roduction. Ad)ertisin freedo! of choice. cost is a cost of

co!*etition. It is the *roce -e *ay to ha)e the

2. E33#ct O3 A"1#)t,+,!& O! Co!+*-#) P),c# >?

Ad)ertisin !ay resu+t in hi her *rices if it is

ineffecti)e or if it does not resu+t in an increased sa+es )o+u!e, e)en thou ht !ar,et saturation has not yet de)e+o*ed.


1.A"1#)t,+,!& A!" C*/t*)%/ V%/*#+ >?
7u+ture is the !ost funda!enta+ deter!inant of a *erson -ants and .eha)ior. The chi+d *references and .eha)iors thou ht ro-in a u* in a of society, +earns a .asic set of )a+ues, *erce*tions, *rocess socia+iAation, in)o+)in the *roducts. In India, -e eD*ect ad)ertisin s!o,in , fa!i+y *+annin , to *ro!ote socia++y fitness, the

oriented o.9ecti)es such as the discontinuance of *hysica+ e+i!ination of a+coho+L -e de!and that ad)ertisin shou+d res*ond to our cu+tura+ )a+ue.

2.A"1#)t,+,!& A!" O3 St%!"%)" O3 L,1,!& >?

The standard of +i)in consu!*tion *attern of is an indeD of the *roduct the *eo*+e ref+ectin the

used .y *eo*+e in their day4to4day +ife. It refers to the condition of +i)in in a country.


1. Th# A"1#)t,+,!& Sho*/" =# O3 I!t#)#+t To Th# A*",#!c# >?
The first re@uire!ent is that the ad)ertise!ent shou+d ca*ture the attention of its audience. To achie)e this, the ad)ertise!ent has to *ro)ide the audience the infor!ation that is of interest to the!.

2. Th# %*",#!c# +ho*/" ,!t#)6)#t th# -#++%&# ,! th# -%!!#) ,!t#!"#".

It is essentia+ that an ad)ertisin shou+d *ro)ide

infor!ation that is of interest to the audience. $n+y then the audience -ou+d +isten to it. It is a+so essentia+ that the audience see the ad)ertisin -ay fa)oura.+e to the ad)ertiser. and inter*ret it in a

0. Th# %"1#)t,+,!& +ho*/" ,!3/*#!c# th# %*",#!c#>?

It is not enou h if the audience +isten to the ad)ertise!ent and inter*rets in the -ay the ad)ertisin or co!!unication eD*ects it to .e inter*reted. It shou+d .e a**ea+in to the! and inf+uence their attitude, thou ht *rocess and *urchase .eha)ior in fa)our of the ad)ertisin .rand.

Pin*ointin !a,es oneEs oa+s the ad)ertisin rea+, +eadin o.9ecti)es he+* to effecti)e

de)e+o*!ent of ad)ertisin enu!erated as .e+o-;4

*ro ra!!ers for !eetin o.9ecti)es are

the o.9ecti)e. So!e of the ad)ertisin

Introduction of ne- *roducts in the !ar,et. 2D*ansion of the !ar,et for the eDistin *roducts6.rands. 7ounterin co!*etition Re!indin custo!ers Reassurin the custo!ers .y re!o)in *ost *urchase dissonance. Bui+din u* .rand i!a e and co!*any i!a e. Aidin the tota+ se++in function .y ta,in the

custo!er throu h a++ the ste*4fro! a-areness to *urchase. Su**ortin other sa+es *ro!otion acti)ities.

Sti!u+atin Ji!*u+se .uyin K.

Bhat is !ediaP Media consists of channe+s for carryin the intended

ad)ertisin !essa e to a se+ected audience. Media that are co!!on+y used in ad)ertisin . The !a9or !edia co!!on+y used for ad)ertisin re@uire!ent are ;4 a> Print Media (e-s*a*ers Ma aAines Trade 9ourna+s 8irect !ai+

.> Audio6Visua+6audio4)isua+ Media Radio Te+e)ision 7ine!a $utdoor

In the !odern ti!es, T.V. and cine!as ha)e .eco!e !ass !edia for ad)ertisin the *roduct of a co!*any. T.V. and cine!as ha)e an added ad)anta e o)er radio,

.ecause the !essa es are Oseen and heard and they a**ear O+i)eE to the audience.

=%I of ad)ertise!ent sho-n on T.V are of HLL HLL sho-n the ad)ertise!ent re ardin its *roducts in : !a9or channe+ na!e+y Gee T.V. star *+us, and 8oordarshan. It is a o)ern!ent nor! that !ini!u! Rs. #=,%%% for #% second to .e chan es for once to i)e ad)ertisin in any channe+. There are )arious ad)ertisin of ad)ance throu h the

!edia of te+e)ision. They are +isted as under ;4 a) The reach and exposure are countryw de !) It s !e" e#ed !y ad#ert s n$ to !e a cost e%% c ent &ed a s nce o#er a hundred & "" on can !e reached w th e#ery t &e an ad#ert s n$ s shown. c) The aud o'# sua" &pact o% te"e# s on co&&erc a" s thou$ht to !e h $her than %or any other &ed u&. d) (ponsorsh p o% $oods pro$ra&&es !r n$s the ad#ert ser a "ot p% pu!" c ty. e) Te"e# s on ad#ert s n$ $ #es a !rand a nat ona" &a$e. %) The costs are exor! tant"y h $h, a "a)hs rupees %or a 1* second spot at pr &e t &e. Th s s !es de the cost o% product on. $) The ad#ert ser has " tt"e or no contro" o#er the &anner n wh ch the co&&erc a" s pro+ected.


The ad)ertise!ent is .ui+t around a core idea, for instance Liri+ soa* ad)ertise!ent is .ui+t around freshness conce*t. This centra+ or core idea runs throu h the -ho+e co*y. The sa!e idea are sustained in the entire ca!*ai n consistin of a series ad)ertise!ent. The +ate (arendra Mohan of IIM / A studied the the!es of Indian ad)ertise!ent co*y and identify the fo++o-in the!es ;4


Here, the !a9or e!*hasis -as on the usefu+ness of the *roduct. Rin and -hiteness is a uti+itarian the!e.


This the!e is directed to a s*ecific se !ent of the !ar,et. Cohnson direct a++ the !essa e of its .a.y *roducts to !other -ho +o)e and care for their .a.ies.


The the!e .asica++y infor!s a.out the *roduct. A++ of us !ust ha)e seen the infor!ati)e the!es of ad)ertise!ent co*ies and no / frost friend and !icro-a)e o)en these days.


This the!e is )a ue and diffused. An

ad)ertise!ent of rayon states; Practica+ *eo*+e -ear it, .usy *eo*+e ride on it, industries de*end on it and s!art *eo*+e .ac, on it.


Here, the ad)ertise!ent announces the

achie)e!ent to its credit +i,e earnin s, eD*ort a-ards, a-ards for eDce++ence, a-ards for *roducti)ity, for! of acc+ai!s. Phi+i*s recent+y announced that is the co!*any that a)e the -or+d the *icture tu.e.


It is an a!a+ a! or co!.+ination of infor!ation and achie)e!ent the!es. The !essa e is .ui+t around the ad)ertise !o)e!ent. *roduct6ser)ice of and *ro9ect it thus an a i!a e6achie)e!ent ad)ertiser. T2L7$

7. NE


The ne- *roduct +aunches, eD*+oit these the!es,

e. . +aunch of an anti4u+cer *roduct +i,e Rantiedene or credit.


Use of hu!our has .eco!e )ery co!!on in ad)ertisin these days. An audience !ay *ause -hen they co!e across a !essa e couched in hu!our.


1ear a**ea+s of so!e ,ind or the other are -ide+y used in ad)ertise!ent. In so!e cases, the the ad)ertiser tries to e)o,e fee+in s of fear or anDiety in the !inds of the recei)er sayin that the fai+ure to use ad)ertised *roduct !i ht resu+t on reat +oss6da!a es to

the recei)er in ter!s of !oney, *resti e, etc. Ban,s and insurance co!*any often use fear a**ea+. 1or instance, the united India assurance co!*any e)o,es fear in the readers !ind ;4

Th#)# %)# t;o 6%)t+ o3 %! %"1#)t,+,!& co64 >?

,1)Ad#ert s n$ the&e or appea"s that attract custo&ers ,-) Ad#ert s n$ "ayout Ad)ertisin +ayout dea+s -ith *ro*er and attracti)e

*hysica++y arran e!ent for the .est *resentation of the !essa e or sa+es co!!unication e+e!ents;4 1. .ead" nes -. ""ustrat on and co"ors /. text 0. ad#ert s n$ or sponsor 1. !"ac) or wh te space and the !order to create d st nct #eness.

1. H#%"/,!#>?
Head+ines !ust *ut forth the !ain the!e or a**ea+ in a fe- -ords. It shou+d .e c+ear, si!*+e, short and attracti)e to ho+d attention of the *ros*ect.

2. I//*+t)%t,o!+>?
They *ro)ide +ine dra-in s, cartoons, attention, *icture, sy!.o+s *hoto ra*hs for attractin creatin interest and arousin desirene.

0. Co/o)>?
It is an i!*ortant in redient of an ad)ertise!ent. Cudicious .+endin e!otiona+ reaction. of co+or can e)o,e

2. T#$t>?
It is ca++ed the heart of ad)ertisin the head+ine. co*y. The .ody eD*+ains and de)e+o*!ent the ideas *resented in

5. S/o&%!>?
A s+o an shou+d funda!enta+ sa+es ar u!ent for *roduct or ser)ice, eD*ressed in fe- -ords. It shou+d contain the .rand na!e and the na!e of the co!*any.

So-# &oo" +/o&%!+ %)#>?

DI3 ,t ,+ Ph,/,6+< 4o* c%! 9# +*)#.E DK#/1,!%to) R#3),&#)%to). It ,+ coo/#+t o!#.E DBoh!+o!F+ =%94 /ot,o! @ Th# +o3t< +o3t &/o;.E

The ter! Oco*yE inc+udes e)ery sin +e feature that a**ears in the .ody of the ad)ertise!ent. In ear+ier days, Oco*yE -as used to refer on+y to the -ritten !atter in ad)ertisin . In the *resent ti!es co*y is a++ e!.racin ter! co)erin a++ that a**ear in an ad)ertise!ent / the -ritten !atter, *ictures, +a.e+s, +o o and desi ned. 7o*y de)e+o*!ent has .eco!e the tas, of *rofessiona+ ad)ertisin a encies. Ho-e)er, is co*y de)e+o*!ent .eco!es successfu+ on+y -hen there is c+ose interaction .et-een the ad)ertiser and the a ency. The a encyEs 9o. .eco!e c+earer.

Today, the ad)ertisin 9o. has .eco!e so co!*+eD and +ar e that nor!a++y no .usiness fir! chooses to hand+e the function direct+y. They e!*+oy ad)ertisin a ency. The ad)ertisin a ency has .eco!e a !a9or institution in the fie+d of ad)ertisin and !ar,etin . An ad)ertisin a ency is an inde*endent concern actin as a s*ecia++y in *+annin , creatin and *+acin of ad)ertise!et.


1. =%+,c F*!ct,o! >?
%) C)#%t,!& A! A"1#)t,+#-#!t >? The creati)e de*art!ent is res*onsi.+e for creatin an

ad)ertise!ent, the ad)ertiser su**+ies the infor!ation a.out the nature of the *roduct, the re+ati)e stren th of the *roduct )is4Q4)is other co!*etin *roduct, the tar et rou* of audience, @ua+ity to hi h+i ht, etc.

9) P)o"*c,!& A! A"1#)t,+#-#!t >? *roduction de*art!ent i)es the concrete sha*e to the necessary

ideas of creati)e de*art!ent .y *rocurin

*hoto ra*hs, dra-in s, charts, etc fro! different sources. c) P/%c,!& A! A"1#)t,+#-#!t >? The neDt *rocess in this direction is to .rin )arieties of !edia for this *ur*ose. the

ad)ertise!ent in the notice of the *u.+ic. There are -ide

2. A"",t,o!%/ 3*!ct,o! >?

%) M%).#t >? In ad)anced countries !any +ar e ad)ertisin !ar,et a ency ha)e de)e+o*!ent their o-n de*art!ent, -hich conducts research

sur)eys to study the chan es in consu!er tastes and *reference etc. for e. .:% to :'I of *eo*+e in the society *refer to use ayur)edic and natura+ *roducts and dis+i,e che!ica+ .ased oods. Hence HLL has introduction a ne- *roduct .rand na!ed JAYUSHK. If offers a -ide ran e of *roducts inc+udin eDa!*+e. 9) A"1,c# o! -%).#t,!& ",+t),9*t,o! 6o/,c,#+ >? !any ad)ertisin a encies render ad)ice to ad)ertiser on enera+ !ar,etin issues, se+ection of a**ro*riate distri.ution channe+s,etc. HLL uses the eD*ect ser)ices rendered .y t-o fa!ous ad)ertisin a encies na!e+y LI(TAS at Mu!.ai and MU8RA at Ah! soa*, sha!*oos and hair oi+s. JHIMALAYA 7$(72PTSK can .e cited another AYURV28I7

Product ad)ertisin *roduct. It is of three ty*es. con)eys infor!ation a.out a *roduct. 2)ery !onth HLL introduction a ne-


P,o!##),!& %"1#)t,+,!&>?

Here an atte!*t is !ade to sti!u+ation the *ri!ary de!and of the *roduct cate ory rather than a s*ecific .rand. The initia+ ad)ertisin of !icro-a)e o)ens, e+ectronic !os@uito re*e++ants and *roduct cate ory is first introduced. It is educati)e in intent.


co-6#t,t,1# %"1#)t,+,!& >?

Here, se+ection de!and of a s*ecific *roduct .rand is sti!u+ated. By no-, the *roduct is esta.+ished in the !ar,et and has reached the ro-th in the !ar,et and has reached the !anufacturin +ife cyc+e. sta e of *roduct

c))#t#!t,1# %"1#)t,+,!&>?
The *roduct is no- ha)in a fir! footin in the

!ar,et. Its sa+es !ay start dec+inin +oya+ty.

+ater. The .uyer

!ust .e re!inded a.out the *roduct to sustain the



.ui+d u* an initia+ de!and for the *roduct at the introductory sta e. Most+y a++ ne- *roducts are *ro!oted in this -ay.


ai!s at .ui+din sta e. u* the de!and for the s*ecific ro-th and !aturity .rand6*roduct. It is used in




ai!s at stren thenin the *re)ious *ro!otiona+ acti)ity .y ,ee*in the .rand na!e .efore the eye of the *u.+ic. It is used at the !aturity sta e as -e++ as dec+inin *hase of *roduct +ife cyc+e.






H&'( ) *(+,&-./ 0.+(

P#)+o!%/ P)o"*ct+
S,in care fair and +o)e+y *ondEs $ra+ care Pe*sodent 7+ose4u* Hair care Sunsi+, 7+inic 8eodrants ADe 7os!etics +a,!e S&.* .-1 D(2(+3(-2, 1a.ric -ash Surf Rin Bhee+

Persona+ -ash Life.uoy LuD BreeAe Househo+d care )i!

F&&1 .-1 B(4(+.3(,

3-a+ity -a++Es cornetto 3-a+ity -a++Es feast 3-a+ity -a++Es !aD 3-a+ity -a++Es cornetto soft 3-a+ity -a++Es .+ac, currant sundae

Po6*/%) 3oo"+


Broo,e .ond : Roses Broo,e .ond red +a.e+ Broo,e .ond A# Broo,e .ond Ta9 !aha+ Broo,e .ond .ru Li*ton taAAa Li*ton ye++o- +a.e+ Li*ton reen +a.e+

O,/+ %!" F%t+


1air H Lo)e+y / the !irac+e -or,r Based on a re)o+utionary .rea,throu h in s,in +i htenin since #50=. 1air H Lo)e+y for!u+ation contains a uni@ue fairness syste! that contain a co!.ination of acti)e a ents and sunscreens. techno+o y, 1air H Lo)e+y -as test !ar,eted in #50' and has .een nationa++y !ar,eted

PondEs / the .eauty eD*ert PondEs co+d crea! -as +aunched in India in #5?0 and -as fo++o-ed .y the +aunch of *ondEs 8rea!f+o-er Ta+c in #5'&. PondEs is a.out .eauty that reffects the ti!es. PondEs .rin s su*erior and inno)ati)e so+ution to !eet a++ s,in care needs .y de+i)erin outstandin *ersona+ .eauty so+ution / throu h scientific s,in eD*ertise, eDtensi)e research and strin ent *roduct testin .

7+ose / U* Cee 3e 8e,ho yar 7+ose / u*, the youth .rand, -as the first e+

tooth*est to .e +aunched in India in#50' and has re!ained the cate ory +eader e)er since. The .rand arose out of a uni)ersa+ need for confidence in a socia+ situation, startin -ith fresh .reath. In "%%", c+ose / u* -as re+aunched in t-o )ariants / c+ose / u* tin +y red and c+ose / u* euca+y*tus -a)es.

Sunsi+, / The hair eD*ort Lauched in #5&?, Sunsi+, is the +ar est .eauty sha!*oo .rand in the country. Positioned as the OHair 2D*ort,E Sunsi+, has identified different hair needs and offers the consu!er a sha!*oo that desired resu+ts. The .enefit are !ore co!*e++in and re+ati)e i)es her the

since the )ariant are har!oniAed in ter! of the *roduct !iD / fra rance, co+or and in redients are a++ -e++ +in,ed to cue the o)era++ syner y. The ran e co!es in *re!iu! *ac,a in and desi n. The accent is on fe!inity, as ca*tured in the ta +ine / JBaa+on !ein dhad,an, di+ !ein shararat.K

7+inic / for hea+thy hair 7+inic *+us sha!*oo -as +aunched in India in the year #5=0 and is *ositioned as the sha!*oo that !a,es your fa!i+yEs hair hea+thy and their se+f / estee! throu h +o-in . Oc+inic chi+drenEs *+us is tar eted at !others. 2ducated yet !easurin their achie)e!ents.E

ADe / the !a net ADe, the deodorant that is considered coo+, fashiona.+e and sty+ish .y youn !en -as +aunched in India in#555. A)ai+a.+e in !ore than &% countries around the -or+d +eader in !a+e toi+etries.

Fua+ity -a++Es 7ornetto / .ite .ite !ein *yar Launched in the year #55'45&, 7ornetto is undou.ted+y one of the !ost *o*u+ar ice crea! in India. Positioned as the icon of ro!ance and s*ecia+ !o!ents / it is tar eted at youn adu+ts.

Fua+ity Ba++Es 1east / feastin on Othe .i fE Launched in #55'45&, the @ua+ity -a++Es feast ran e of ice crea!s and froAen desserts has .een *ositioned as a Oyoun attitude.E $)er the years, the feast has eD*anded its Ochoco+ate on+yE *ortfo+io to a !o)e di)erse one .y inc+udin refresh!ent *roducts +i,e !an o Aa*, 7a+y*so *unch and Ca+9eera .+ast. This -as in ,ee*in in +ine -ith the )aried need4states of todayEs youth. ice crea! .rand -ith an

Fua+ity -a++Es MAR / the O!astiE ice crea! MaD, +aunched in the year #555 as the O!astiE ice crea!, is tar eted so+e+y at chi+dren. A++ !aD *roduct are fortified -ith eDtra )ita!ins, !aD cu*s and !aD #": ha)e )ita!ins A, !aD oran e and !aD 9oos ha)e rea+ fruit 9icies and )ita!ins 7 < a sin +e !aD oran e candy offers a chi+d #'I of his dai+y re@uire!ent of )ita!in 7>

Anna*urna / f+o-in of a f+our Hindustan +e)erEs Anna*urna fortified Atta,

de)e+o*ed throu h usin

a raria! and *rocessin

techno+o es, is eDtracted fro! *re!iu! @ua+ity food rains. Its richness of nitrification. The iron in it, in *articu+ar, address a deficiency that & out of #% Indian suffer fro!.

GM#h!%t .*-< 6h,) 9h, "h/%, No.1.F

Bhee+ / !a,es -ashin easy Bhee+ is a deter ent .rand that caters to the +aundry needs of the !ass !ar,et. It -as first +aunched in the year #5=0. -hee+ India .y )a+ue. reen is the sin +e +ar est <(o # .y !ar,et share> deter ent .rand in

Surf / Mu!!yEs .est friend Launched in #5'5, surf -as the first in the India deter ent *o-der !ar,et. $)er the years, surf has antici*ated the chan in -ashin needs of the Indian ho!e!a,er and constant+y u* raded itse+f. (o- you donEt ha)e to -orry a.out tac,in anyone. OSurf 2Dce+ Hai (a SE the

rea+y tou h stains, es*ecia++y on your co+ored c+othes

Life.uoy / J1a!i+y hea+th *rotection for !y fa!i+y and !eK. J-or+dEs +ar est se++in soa* offers a stron er

hea+th .enefit to the entire fa!i+y. Launched in the year #=5', +ife.uoy, for o)er a #%% years, has .een synony!ous -ith hea+th and )a+ue. The .ric, red soa*, -ith its *erfu!e and *o*u+ar +ife.uoy 9in +e ha)e carried the +ife.uoy !essa e of hea+th across the +en th and .readth of the country, !a,in +ar est se++in soa* .rand in the -or+d. In "%%", +ife.uoy -as re+aunched, !ar,etin ne- turnin a ne- for!u+ation and a re*ositionin consu!er. a it

*oint in its history. The ne- !iD inc+udes of the .rand to

!a,e it !ore re+e)ant to .oth ne- and eDistin

LuD / the fi+! starEs choice 2ndorsed .y *o*u+ar fi+! star. LuD is one of the .i est .rand in soa* cate ory. Bas +aunched in Indian in the year #5%'. LuD co!es in : attracti)e / +uD *in, is a fra rant ense!.+e of a+!ond oi+. LuD -hite a rich creation of !i+, crea! and +uD .+ac, <in a *aste+ shade of +e!on ye++o-> o)erf+o- -ith the oodness of honey, and is a+so the first of its ,ind in the !ar,et.

La,!e / on to* of the -or+d Ha+f a century a o, as India too, her ste*s into freedo!, La,!e, IndiaEs first .eauty .rand -as .orn. At a ti!e -hen the .eauty industry in India -as at a nascent sta e, La,!e ta**ed into -hat -ou+d ro- to .e a!on st the +eadin , hi h consu!er interest se !ent in Indian industry / that of s,incare and cos!etic *roducts. Ar!ed -ith *otent co!.ination of foresi ht, research and constant inno)ation, La,!e has ro-n to .e the !ar,et +eader in the cos!etic industry. La,!e today has ro-n to ha)e a

-ide )ariety of *roducts and ser)ice that a++ facet of .eauty care, and ar! the consu!er -ith *roducts to *a!*er herse+f fro! head to toe, This is ref+ected in the ad)ertisin +ine for +a,!e, J$n To* $f the Bor+dK

Vi! 4 ,har ,har ,a !oh tod 9a-a.

In #55:Vi! Bar -as +aunched. This *roduct had !any .enefits inc+ude .etter c+ean, ease of hand+in and easy stora e. Vi! Bar -as re4+aunched in #550 -ith an i!*ro)ed -hich for!u+ation tac,+ed and neand co!!unication, *erfor!ance. econo!y

Broo,e Bond Red La.e+ / nationEs cu* of tea Broo,e Bond Red La.e+ Tea -as +aunched in year #5%:,-hich !a,es it one of the o+dest .rand of tea in the country.

The ne- ca!*ai n hi h+i hts the irresisti.+e taste of the ne- Red La.e+ Tea throu h eDecutions that re)o+)e around a )ery catchy .ase +ine J8onEt Mind / 2, 7u* AurK / Ready for another cu*S

Li*ton TaaAa / the fresh cu* of tea Li*ton TaaAa -as +aunched in #5==. The strate y for the +aunch -as to con)ert +oose tea users into *ac,et tea. The na!e TaaAa si nified O 1resh TeaE The core .enifts -as refresh!ent.

Broo,e .ond ta9 !aha+ / O-ah ta9 SE Ta9 !aha+ tea -as +aunched in #5&& as a *re!iu! 7T7 +ead .rand. The tea is carefu++y chosen fro! a thousand teas fro! the .est ardens of Assa! to i)e it an eD@uisite aro!a and taste. It is endorsed .y ustaad Aa9ir hussain -ho *ersonifies the .rand in a++ res*ects.

3issan / the taste to ro- u* -ith Ac@uired .y Hindustan +e)er +i!ited in#55?, the ,issan cate ory consists of de+icious+y -ho+eso!e *roduct for ,ids to ro- u*. The ,issan ran e consists of ,etchu* and other sauces, *uree, 9a!s, s@uashes and ready / to / drin,*roducts.

8a+da / for hea+thy coo,in Launche in #5:0, da+da )anas*ati has .een the Indian house-ifeEs trusted co!*anies for tasty, hea+thy coo,in . 7onsidered as an associated -ith *urity, @ua+ity and trust-orthiness.

Hindustan +e)er +i!ited considers @ua+ity as one of its *rinci*a+ strate ic o.9ecti)es to uarantee its ro-th and +eadershi* in the !ar,et in -hich it o*erates. The co!*any is co!!itted to res*ond creati)e+y and co!*etiti)e+y to the chan in needs and as*iration of our consu!er throu h re+ent+ess *ursuit of techno+o y eDce++ent, inno)ation and @ua+ity !ana e!ent across our that are a**ro*riate to the )arious *rice *oints in the !ar,et as -e++ as to out co!!it!ent to .ui+din shareho+der )a+ue. The co!*any reco niAes that itEs e!*+oyees are the *ri!ary source of success in its o*eration and is co!!itted to trainin and *ro)idin the! the necessary the! to too+s and techno+o y as -e++ as e!*o-erin or aniAation at a++ +e)e+s.

ensure .road .ase co!*+iance of this *o+icy to the

1or !any co!*anies, ad)ertisin is an eDtre!e+y )itua+ force in the success of their !ar,etin Ad)ertisin is a *o-erfu+ !ar,etin endea)ours. too+s, .ut it is hi h+y runs in to a fe-

eD*ensi)e too. In India, there are !ore than a doAen such co!*anies -hose ad)ertisin !i++ion. eD*endin

Because the ad)ertisin contri.ution eD*endin to a *rofita.+e .ud et is a *+an for the o*eration. Ad)ertisin

co!*anyEs future ad)ertisin , it can !a,e a usefu+ is no +on er an eD*endin , it is no- -ide+y

considered to .e an in)est!ent. HLL s*ends a+!ost ?%I of its tota+ .ud et in ad)ertisin . 2)ery year HLL adds '%I of their net *rofit in their ad)ertisin .ud et. 1or e. ."%% crore is the net *rofit '%I of net *rofit N#%% crores Therefore, =%% crores is the ad)ertisin .ud et T#%% crores is added UUUUUUU 5%% crores

=*"&#t 6)oc#++
The *re*aration of an ad)ertisin .ud et

.enera++y deter!ines the siAe of ad)ertisin Ho- !uch shou+d .e s*ent on ad)ertisin this is the *ur*ose of the ad)ertisin


P to deter!ine

.ud et. Ad)ertisin

.ud et is the trans+ation of an ad)ertisin *+an into ru*ees. Ad)ertisin ad)ertisin any ad)ertisin arri)in .ud et is *re*ared .y the

!ana er of the co!*any. The startin

*oint of

.ud et *rocess is the deter!ination of the a**ro*riation. The neDt ste* after

siAe of ad)ertisin

at tota+ eD*enditure is a**ortion!ent of this fund.

This fund a++ocation has to ta,e into account the !ar,et *otentia+ -ithin )arious se !ents, the ti!e *eriod and the eo ra*hica+ areas o)er -hich ad)ertisin -i++ .e s*read in accordance -ith the o)era++ ad)ertisin strate y. 8urin ad)ertisin !anner. the eDecution of the .ud et, the

!ana er has to eDerices contro+ so the funds

that ha)e .een a++ocated !ay .e s*ent in !ost econo!ica+


H,!"*+t%! /#1#) /,-,t#" h%+ )#c#,1#" th# -ot,/%/ o+;%/ G/%)&#+t ;#%/th c)#%to)F %;%)" 3o) th# 6#),o" 1::6?2001
HLLEs finance director, Mr. 8. Sundara!,

recei)ed the a-ard on .eha+f of the co!*any. This is the 'th ti!e that HLL has .een conferred -ith this distinction. HLL has i!*ro)ed its R$S2 fro! ':I in#55& to &'I in "%%%, achie)ed throu h ro-th, !ar ini!*ro)e!ent and ca*ita+ *roducti)ity. 1or the 5 !onth *eriod ended :%th Se*te!.er "%%#, HLLEs net sa+es -ere Rs. #%:%.50 crore <T#=."I>, -hi+e net *rofit -as Rs.#"%?.5: crore <T:&.=I>.

HLLF+ !#t 6)o3,t 3o) th# 4#%) 2001,+ %t R+ 1621 c)o)#+ &)#; 94 25.0I o1#) 2000
(et sa+es for the year at Rs #%50" crores .y :.'I +ed .y a &.'I re-

ro-th in *o-er .rand .efore taD

<PBT> at Rs.#5?: crores increased .y #&.0I -hi+e *rofit after taD <PAT> -as Rs. #'?# crores a ro-th in #0.&I. Ho!e and *ersona+ care re- .y 0I +ed .y a 5I

ro-th in its *o-er .randc+inic and +uD +ed a#%I ro-th in the hair cate ory -hi+e *e*sodent and c+ose4u* too, tooth*aste ro-th to &I des*ite

ressi)e co!*etition. 1air H +o)e+y and *onds


the s,in .usiness .y "#I. Bhee+ re- .y #=I !a,in it the nu!.er one .randed in +aundry and +eadin tota+ fa.ric -ash ro-th .y 0I.

a> The co!*anyEs sa+es ha)e sho-n a !ar ina+ increase of #.%=I in the F#1Y%# as co!*ared to the corres*ondin @uarter of the +ast fisca+. The co!*any has *osted a net *rofit of Rs ::5.': crore for the @uarter ended !arch :#. .> As *er financia+ re*ort of HLL / 9une @uarter o*eratin #'.'I.
F5-.-05./ F&+ T6( 78.+2(+

*rofit is u* .y ":.0I and PAT rises .y

Rs <crore> Sa+es $ther 2D*enditure Interest 8e*reciation PAT (et *rofit

F#1Y%# "&?".'# #%"." ":%?.%5 #.# ::.'0 ::5.': #".='I

F#1Y%% "&#?.%0 5%.%# ":":.=# :.?0 ::.'0 "&".&# #%.%#I

7han e #.%=I #:.'?I <.=?I> <&=."5I> <#.#:I> <"5.:#.I>

The 1M7G sector is runnin in its !aturity sta e. Bith the s+o-do-n in the econo!y, the de!and is shiftin to*+ine The co!*any has .een -itnessin Hindustan +e)er is oin radua++y to-ards chea*er !ore )a+ue4for4!oney *roduct. a sudden fa++ in its of its ro-th in the fast fe- years. To, counter this, for a !a9or restructurin

.usiness. It has decided to rationa+iAe its *ortfo+io fro! ##% .rands to :& !e a .rands.the co!*any is a+so enterin into ser)ices +i,e +a,!e .auty sa+oon and surf +aundry ser)ices to ca*ture reater !ar ins. In an initiati)e to e4 co!!erce, the co!*any is )enturin e4tai+in . Its rocery e4tai+in )enture tar ets !onth+y re*+enish!ent sho**er -ith the +ure of eDotic ite!s not a)ai+a.+e +oca++y.

#. Since HLL is usin T.V. as a !eans of ad)ertisin its *roducts, it can a+so start ad)ertisin in +oca+ ne-s*a*ers

in )ernacu+ar +an ua es, -hich are circ+tation in far off )i++a e -here e)en today T.V. has not reached *eo*+eEs houses. This -i++ a+so he+* the rura+ !ass to ha)e e@ua+ a-areness and ,no-+ed e a.out the eDistence of the different *roducts. ". (o- a days *eo*+e ha)e .eco!e !ore hea+th conscious hence they *refer !ore natura+ and her.a+ *roducts. Hence, the fir! shou+d consu!er on *roducts !ore and !ore her.a+ *roducts to consu!er rather than che!ica+ .ased *roducts. :. In order to attract the custo!er attention the fir! can a+so use )arious other outdoor ad)ertisin !ediaEs +i,e .i hoardin , *aintin s, .anner, neon si n.oard and transit ad)ertisin . This -i++ he+* catch the attention of the *roduct in the !ar,et. ?. The fir! shou+d desi n different se!inars and discussion and in)ite the *otentia+ custo!er and eDited .uyers to *artici*ate in it. This -i++ reat+y he+* the fir! to *roducer )a+ua.+e infor!ation a.out the tastes, *reference and ha.its and !oti)es of consu!ers. This -i++ a+so ena.+e the fir! to trace out an a*t so+ution a.out the !ar,etin *ro.+e! confronted in this re+ation.

'. The do!estic *ac,et tea industry -as affected tea industry .y the discri!ination +e)y of eDcise duty of =I on .randed *ac,et tea hence co!*any shou+d di)ert its attention to this industry and .rin ca*ture the !a9or !ar,et share. &. The ora+ care sa+es dec+ined .y 0.=I hence the fir! needs to create such strate ies, -hich -ou+d faci+itate *ro!otion of ora+ care ite!s in .est !anner +eadin )i.rant ro-th. to its so!e inno)ation in *ac,a in , taste, arora, etc of tea in order to !aintain and

1irst+y, I -ou+d +i,e to con)ey !y ratitude to the !ar,etin *er!ittin de*art!ent of Hindustan +e)er at Ca!na ar, for !e to )isit there and sho-in their hos*ita+ity

to-ards !e. The *ro9ect -or, conducted is a *art of our B.B.A sy++a.s. It has he+*ed !e a +ot to de)e+o* a fee+ of industria+ en)iron!ent and the actua+ .usiness *ractice. HLL is the IndiaEs +ar est 1M7GEs co!*any and is continuous+y stri)in to ca*ture the !a9or !ar,et share. As *er 9uneEs financia+ re*ort, *rofit after taD rose .y Rs ??0.:? crore. This indicates that it is re+ent+ess+y its *art. A++ in a++ HLL has .een successfu+ in creatin !aintainin a and oin to ai! for ro-th .y concentratin on inno)ation. This is one of the re!ar,a.+e achie)e!ent on

ood !ar,et re*utation. It a+so *ossesses

)ery -e++ *+anned and de)e+o*ed de*art!ents !ar,etin de*art!ent .ein one of the!. 1uture *ros*ects of HLL are )ery .ri ht.

1. %"1#)t,+,!& @ th#o)4 %!" 6)%ct,c# 2. -%).#t,!& -%!%&#-#!t 0. -%).#t,!& -%!%&#-#!t 2. -%).#t,!& -%!%&#-#!t 5. F*!"%-#!t%/ o3 -%).#t,!&

Ch*!%;%//%< .*-%)< S#th,%< S*9)%-%!,%!< S*ch%. R%-%+;%-4< N%-%.*-%), Ph,/,6 .ot/#) S. A. +h#/#.%) ,//,%-. B. St%!to! A!" -#ch%#/. B. #tJ#/.

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