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Industrial and Organisational Psychology

(offered by the Department of Industrial and Organisational Psychology) Telephone number 012 429 8003


Industrial and Organisational Psychology is the study of how people function in the world of work, in dierent types of organisations and as consumers. In this context, functioning implies issues such as behaviour, perceptions, feelings and cognitions. The most important aims of this discipline are to improve the eectiveness of both individuals and organisations, and thus to improve the quality of life and level of mental health of individuals and organisations. Industrial and Organisational Psychology is especially suitable for those interested in careers in the management of human resources. It also contributes to broader understanding of the complexities of individuals and organisation behaviour for those striving towards a career in the business environment. Training in Industrial and Organisational Psychology allows entrance to professional registration at the Professional Board for Psychology of the Health Professions Council of South Africa, initially as psychometrist or counsellor and eventually as industrial psychologist, but depending upon specic rules of the Council. Entrance to registration as personnel practitioner at the South African Board for Personnel Practice (SABPP) is also granted.

Computer-aided instruction is used as supplementary study material with IOP201. Credit for a degree is granted for: (i) either IOP101 and IOP102 or IPS100 (or PSY100) (ii) either IPS200 or PSY200 (iii) either IPS300 or PSY300 (iv) either IOP204 or MND204.

General Information


BA students must choose between Industrial and Organisational Psychology and Psychology.

Professional Registration

To qualify as psychometrist or counsellor with the Professional Board for Psychology students should complete the BCom with specialisation in Industrial and Organisational Psychology and the honours degree in Industrial and Organisational Psychology. These qualications are equivalent to the BPsych degree. Students will also have to complete 6 months of practical training in a work situation (in one of the following practice elds: psychometrics, human resources, employee relations, career counselling, mental health (employee wellness)). For registration purposes the Board examination must be passed with 70%. Students may register in a maximum of two of the abovementioned practice elds. The execution of the supervised practical training (6 months) in the work situation will be planned individually. The practical training can be completed as part of the honours degree or after completion of the honours in Industrial and Organisational Psychology. Applications from students who completed a BA, BCom or BAdmin degree with Industrial and Organisational Psychology as a major will be evaluated on merit.

Academic Requirements for Selection

Only a limited number of students will be admitted to the professional programme annually. Applications should be submitted to the Department of Industrial and Organisational Psychology no later than 30 September. To be considered for selection students will have to meet the following criteria: A completed honours in Industrial and Organisational Psychology from Unisa A completed BA, BCom or BAdmin degree majoring in Industrial and Organisational Psychology and who intends registering for the honours in Industrial and Organisational Psychology at Unisa. A completed BA, BCom or BAdmin majoring in Industrial Psychology who completed the additional modules in Industrial and Organisational Psychology (or Psychology) and who intends registering for the honours in Industrial and Organisational Psychology.

Transitional Arrangements
Students who wish to continue with postgraduate studies must have completed their major subject, in which postgraduate studies will be followed, within ten years prior to registration for their postgraduate qualication. To complete the third level of a major subject in Industrial Psychology you must obtain credit for ve modules on third-year level.


Industrial and Organisational Psychology as Major Subject

Compulsory modules for a major subject combination (excluding the BCom (with specialisation in Industrial and Organisational Psychology)):

First level: IOP101, 102 Second level: IOP201, 202 Third level: IOP301, 302, 303, 308 and ONE of 304, 305, 306, 307, 309

NB Students may not write the examinations in both modules on rst level at the same examination unless one of the modules is being repeated.


IOP101M Psychological processes in work context (S1 and S2)* Purpose: to introduce students to theoretical perspectives, methodology and the biological basis of behaviour. The study includes various processes such as development; learning; perception; cognition; motivation; attitudes; attraction and aliation; aggression and conict, and groups. IOP102N Personality in work context (S1 and S2)* Prerequisite: IOP101 Purpose: to introduce students to the foundations of personality with regard to the psychodynamic, behaviouristic, dimensional, humanistic/ phenomenological and cognitive perspectives; psycho-pathology; work adjustment, and the assessment of personality. IOP103P Customer service in tourism (S1 and S2) Purpose: to introduce students to customer behaviour and characteristics; interpersonal skills and communication; developing a customer care culture and strategy; customer recovery strategies and customer satisfaction and loyalty.

IOP201Q Industrial psychological research (S1 and S2)* Prerequisite: IOP101, 102 Purpose: to gain background to scientic research with regard to the following: the displaying of data; descriptive statistics: central tendency, variability, correlation, regression; the normal distribution; inferential statistics: sampling distributions and hypothesis testing, t-tests, F-test, chi-square, and the practical application of this information. IOP202R Organisational psychology (S1 and S2)* Prerequisite: IOP101, 102 Purpose: to introduce students to organisational psychology and important aspects such as the individual: foundations of individual behaviour and the role of perceptions; values, attitudes and job satisfaction; basic motivational concepts; the group: Foundations of group behaviour; understanding work teams; communication; leadership; power and politics; conict, negotiation and intergroup behaviour; the organisational system: foundations of organisational structure; work design; organisational culture; organisational change and stress management. IOP203S Forensic industrial psychology (S1 and S2)* Advice: The aim of this module is to reach the industrial and organisational psychology student whose aim it is to qualify himself/herself to practise in the forensic context. Purpose: to introduce students to the basic principles, processes and elds in psychology and industrial and organisational psychology of importance for the legal profession with regard to the history and the development of law; dierent forms of law, with and the emphasis on civil procedural law, the hierarchy of courts, the jurisdiction of the courts and court rules; procedures that are important for concluding legal processes, and report writing in order to enable students to practice in the forensic context. IOP205U Environmental psychology (S1 and S2)* Prerequisite: IOP101, 102 Purpose: to enable students to understand the need for and the importance of theories and research methods in environmental psychology and includes aspects such as environmental perception, cognition and attitudes; the eects of environmental stressors and the relevance of territoriality, privacy and personal space to environmental behaviour and to apply this understanding in practical situations. IOP206V Ergonomics (S1 and S2)* Prerequisite: IOP101, 102 Purpose: to gain insight into what ergonomics is and why it is necessary by studying models and approaches; human-technology interaction; the application of ergonomics: designing to t body posture, the oce/work environment, designing for special populations and the practical application of the models by means of the ergonomics checklist. IOP207W Learning theories and principles (S1 and S2)* Prerequisite: IOP101, 102 Purpose: to gain insight into what learning is by studying the following: the approaches in learning; functionalistic (eg Thorndike, Skinner), associative (eg Pavlov), cognitive (eg Gestalt, Piaget, Bandura) and neurophysiological theories; and the implications for training and development. IOP208X Psychological adjustment in the work context (S1 and S2) Prerequisite: IOP101, 102 Purpose: to gain insight into the connection between work and psychological wellbeing by studying aspects such as psychological adjustment; determinants and causes of work maladjustment; the assessment of work adjustment; types of work disfunctions and other work-related and organisational adjustment


problems; organisational strategies and methods to manage and promote organisational and employee wellbeing; individual methods to promote the psychological health in the workplace, and the future of work and psychological health. IOP209Y Workforce diversity (S1 and S2)* Prerequisite: IOP101, 102 Purpose: to introduce students to the diversity mosaic by dening concepts and examining diversity in the South African workforce; the following aspects are studied: the inuence of national culture on organisations; the role of the individual in diversity; Prerequisite for the eective functioning of a diverse workforce; a model for managing diversity; gaining diversity through processes such as recruitment, selection, induction, appraisals, development and training models.

NB Students who passed IPS200 may register for third-level modules.

IOP301T Industrial psychological testing and assessment (S1 and S2)* Prerequisite: IOP201, 202 Purpose: to introduce students to the origins and functions of psychological testing by studying aspects such as technical and methodological principles: norms and the meaning of test scores, reliability, validity, item analysis; ability testing: individual tests, tests for special populations, group testing; personality testing: self-report personality inventories, measuring interests and attitudes, projective techniques; applications of testing: major contexts of current test use, ethical and social considerations in testing, and the practical application of tests. IOP302U Personnel psychology 3A (S1 and S2)* Prerequisite: IOP201, 202 Purpose: to introduce students to the foundations, historical background and research methods in personnel psychology. The following aspects are covered: criteria: standards for decision making, job analysis, job evaluation; predictors: psychological tests and inventories, interviews, assessment centre evaluations, biographical information, new and controversial selection methods; personnel decisions: a model of personnel decisions, recruitment, selection, placement and classication; and training and development. IOP303V Career psychology (S1 and S2)* Prerequisite: IOP202 Purpose: to gain insight into aspects such as the meaning of work; career concepts and a career management model; theories of career choice; life and career stages; organisational choice; career management in a changing environment; organisational support; and career issues. IOP304W Labour conflict and negotiations (S1 and S2)* Prerequisite: IOP201, 202 Purpose: to gain insight into the industrial psychological approach to labour relations by studying aspects such as the nature of labour relations; perspectives on labour relations: an open-system framework; labour relations context: environmental factors, international and South African development; parties to the relationship; conict: recognition, manifestation and identication; dealing with conict; negotiations: the nature of negotiation, the role of power, characteristics of the negotiator; preparing for negotiations; conducting negotiations; approaches to facilitate negotiation: interpersonal skills, persuasion and attitude change, cross-cultural communication, negotiation tactics; third-party intervention: conciliation, mediation, arbitration; stages of group development; process interventions; content interventions and the implications for industrial and organisational psychology. IOP305X Organisational development (S1 and S2)* Prerequisite: IOP201, 202 Purpose: to introduce students to the nature of organisational development and change by studying aspects such as helping the organisation to cope with change by identifying real causes of problems; diagnostic methods including action research and survey feedback methods; the role of the industrial psychologist as consultant or facilitator: establishing a positive relationship with the client, contracting with the client, intervention methods or solutions to address real needs; individual group and systems approaches to organisational development; the impact of organisational development on enterprises, and evaluating change eorts. IOP306Y Individual differences and work performance (S1 and S2)* Prerequisite: IOP202 Purpose: to gain insight into individual dierences by studying the following aspects: personality, cultural and demographic dimensions; perspectives on individual dierences in the work context; individual dierences in cognitive behaviours, personality traits, personal orientations (interests and values) and emotional (aective) states; individual dierences in goal-striving, motivation and job satisfaction; individual dierences and decisionmaking behaviours; individual dierences and work relationships; individual dierences and organisational culture/climate; individual dierences and entrepreneurship; individual dierences and organisational withdrawal, and the implications for practice and assessment. IOP3073 Human capacity development (S1 and S2) Purpose: to gain insight into the following concepts: learning in a new era: young children and the potential to participate; basic education: a critical participation opportunity, participation for livelihood, enhancing participation across the lifespan; human capacity development in the world of work: training and development, management development, human capacity development; the role of outcomes based education: the emphasis on competence, developing managerial competence; the competent manager: competence models, making the most of competences, the competence controversy; open learning for managers in the learning organisation. IOP3084 Personnel psychology 3B (S1 and S2)* Prerequisite: IOP201, 202 Purpose: to gain insight into the following concepts: performance development: the organisational context; individual performance: results, behaviour and competencies, determinants; performance appraisal and supporting of performance; rewarding performance; implementing performance management; fairness in personnel decisions: test bias, culture-fair tests, legal framework, models; human resource planning; compensation; career management, and the changing nature of work. IOP3095 Work group dynamics and diversity (S1 and S2)* Prerequisite: IOP201, 202


Purpose: to introduce students to individual, group and organisational dynamics by studying aspects such as intra personal behaviour and the evaluation and development of interpersonal styles; interpersonal styles in relationships; developing the interpersonal eectiveness of employees; group relations: psychodynamic approach and the Tavistock model of group dynamics, unconscious behaviour and dynamics in groups, underlying anxieties in relationships between leaders and followers and between subgroups; diversity: the role of employees in diversity and relationship building, diversity initiatives, management of the diversity paradigm, a model for managing diversity. IOP310U Performance development (S1 and S2)* Prerequisite: MNH202, IOP202 Purpose: to introduce students to performance development by dening the concepts and studying aspects such as the organisational context: vision, mission, performance; individual performance: outputs and results, behaviour and competencies, determinants; reviewing and supporting performance; rewarding performance; and developing and implementing performance management. IOP 311V Investor psychology (S1 and S2) Purpose: to introduce students to the recently developed eld of investor psychology. Students will be exposed to the cognitive and emotional weaknesses of the ecient market hypothesis. Students will discuss and explain established key psychological terms, principles, concepts and theories that aect investment decisions taken by individual investors, analysts, strategists, brokers, portfolio managers, options traders, currency traders, futures traders and commentators. This unit is related to behavioural nance and deals with prospect theory, ecient market theory from a psychological perspective, heuristics and framing.


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