AppsAdmin PDF
AppsAdmin PDF
AppsAdmin PDF
Copyright 2005, 2012 Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. This software and related documentation are provided under a license agreement containing restrictions on use and disclosure and are protected by intellectual property laws. Except as expressly permitted in your license agreement or allowed by law, you may not use, copy, reproduce, translate, broadcast, modify, license, transmit, distribute, exhibit, perform, publish, or display any part, in any form, or by any means. Reverse engineering, disassembly, or decompilation of this software, unless required by law for interoperability, is prohibited. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice and is not warranted to be errorfree. If you find any errors, please report them to us in writing. If this is software or related documentation that is delivered to the U.S. Government or anyone licensing it on behalf of the U.S. Government, the following notice is applicable: U.S. GOVERNMENT END USERS: Oracle programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, delivered to U.S. Government end users are commercial computer software pursuant to the applicable Federal Acquisition Regulation and agency-specific supplemental regulations. As such, use, duplication, disclosure, modification, and adaptation of the programs, including any operating system, integrated software, any programs installed on the hardware, and/or documentation, shall be subject to license terms and license restrictions applicable to the programs. No other rights are granted to the U.S. Government. This software or hardware is developed for general use in a variety of information management applications. It is not developed or intended for use in any inherently dangerous applications, including applications that may create a risk of personal injury. If you use this software or hardware in dangerous applications, then you shall be responsible to take all appropriate fail-safe, backup, redundancy, and other measures to ensure its safe use. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates disclaim any liability for any damages caused by use of this software or hardware in dangerous applications. Oracle and Java are registered trademarks of Oracle and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Intel and Intel Xeon are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation. All SPARC trademarks are used under license and are trademarks or registered trademarks of SPARC International, Inc. AMD, Opteron, the AMD logo, and the AMD Opteron logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Advanced Micro Devices. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. This software or hardware and documentation may provide access to or information on content, products, and services from third parties. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates are not responsible for and expressly disclaim all warranties of any kind with respect to third-party content, products, and services. Oracle Corporation and its affiliates will not be responsible for any loss, costs, or damages incurred due to your access to or use of third-party content, products, or services.
Chapter 1: Chapter 2:
Requirements for Getting Started Entering License Keys Selecting a Data Source About Seed Data 30 25 29
Chapter 3:
Initial Setup
33 33 34
Process of Implementing Initial Setup Adding Views to the Siebel Application Completing Employee Setup Assigning Skills 36 36 Setting Up Locales 34
Chapter 4:
About Setting Defaults in a Siebel Application Setting System Preferences Setting Up Predefined Queries Enabling Cancel Query Setting Up Currencies 48 49 51 54 54
Setting Up Periods
55 56 61
Working with Telephone Formats Setting Up Pager Companies About Date Formats Setting Up ZIP Codes 61 61
62 64
About Case-Insensitive and Accent-Insensitive Queries and Searches Adding Web Browser Capabilities Adding Additional Web Browsers Administering Quick Fill Templates 67 68 70 71
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Audit Scope 84 Siebel Audit Trail Content 84 Siebel Audit Trail Constraints 85 Siebel Audit Trail for Siebel Remote and Siebel Replication Users
Process of Configuring and Using Siebel Audit Trail Enabling and Disabling Siebel Audit Trail 86
86 87
88 89 90 91 94 99
Specifying ParentChild Associations for Audit Specifying Siebel Audit Trail Restrictions Verifying Siebel Audit Trail Configuration Viewing Audit Trail Records Decoding the Audit Log File Customizing Siebel Audit Trail 91 94 99
Chapter 7:
About iHelp
Scenario for Administering iHelp Process of Administering iHelp Creating iHelp Item Records Designing iHelp 106 Clearing the iHelp List Cache Translating iHelp Items 110
Activating, Revising, and Deactivating iHelp Items Importing and Exporting iHelp Items 111
Chapter 8:
About Alerts Creating Alerts
113 113 114
Chapter 9:
Message Broadcasting
117 118 119 119
Scenario for Administrating Message Broadcasting Process of Administering Message Broadcasting Enabling and Disabling Message Broadcasting Creating a Message Broadcast Updating a Message Broadcast 122 124
About Automatically Updating Message Broadcasting Text Configuring Message Broadcast Caching Changing ToolTip Text for Arrow Icons 127 127
Setting Expiration Dates and Due Dates for Inbox Items Changing the Destination View for an Inbox Type Changing Inbox Downloading to Remote Databases Adding Inbox Translations Process of Using the Inbox Reviewing Completed Items Reviewing Submitted Items 135 136 136 136 137
Configuring the Inbox for Use with Remote Databases Setting Up Inbox Approval Translations Configuring the Toggle Applets for Inbox Views Configuring the Category Icon for the Inbox Configuring Action Buttons for Inbox Views Setting the Log File for Troubleshooting 151
- Service Demo Creation Workflow 173 - Service Action Workflow 174 - Service Detail Action Workflow 175 Trigger Used in ESS 176 Trigger Using Server Script 178
Process of Setting Up and Using Messages Creating a New Message (End User) Viewing Messages (End User) 185
Setting Up Single and Recurring Alerts (End User) Sorting Messages by Intervals (End User) Sending a Message Using Email (End User) 186 186
Working with Others Activities (End User) Delegating an Activity (End User)
Viewing Activities Associated with Another Record Type (End User) About Configuring Owner and Employee Fields for Activities
Scenario for Managing Activity Plans Defining a Sales Methodology Creating an Activity Template Deleting an Activity Template 200 202
Creating TAS Customer Milestone Templates in a Localized Application 205 205 205 Setting a Default Sales Methodology (End User) Using an Activity Plan (End User)
Process of Administering the Calendar Setting Up Resources 216 Adding and Modifying Calendar Access Deleting Calendar Access 218 219 Configuring the Calendar Alarm
216 217
Displaying Start and End Times for Calendar 220 Displaying Fields, Colors, Drilldowns, and ToolTips 220 Specifying Day Summary ToolTip 222 Showing and Hiding User Interface Components 224 Changing User Interface Strings 225 Changing Date Display Format 226 Changing the First Day of the Week 227 Overriding User Preferences 228 Enabling and Disabling Calendar Editing 228 Using Special Date Markers 229 Specifying Extra Business Components 230 Dragging-and-Dropping Records from Other Applets into the Calendar Changing Controls in the Calendar Detail View 233 Showing or Hiding Side Applets on the Life Sciences Calendar 233
Configuring Business Components for State Models Creating State Models and State Transitions Activating State Models 240 242 Configuring All Operations for Child Records About Criteria for State Transitions
Example of Simple Criteria 242
Creating and Modifying Literature Files Creating Literature Records Creating Translation Records Creating Literature Item Kits 247 250 250
Sharing Literature Through the Decision Issues Screen Sharing Literature Through the Correspondence Screen Sharing Literature Through eBriefings 254 Sharing Literature Through Literature or Infocenter
Creating Target Lists By Combining Lists (End User) Creating Activities from Target Lists (End User)
Setting Up Data Map Object Activity Templates for Target Lists 262 About Workflows for Global Target List Management 263 Configuring Global Target List Management to Create Activities Asynchronously Enabling Application of Target Lists on an Applet 264 Enabling Saving of Target Lists in an Applet 265
Loading D&B Data 273 Loading D&B Data Using Sample Scripts 274 About Siebel Update Server Components 276 Running the Siebel Update Server Components
Setting Up the Symbolic URL for Access to the D&B Database Configuring D&B Integration 285 288 Field Mappings for Configuration of D&B Integration
Promoting a Personal Contact to a Contact Creating a Profile for a Contact Assessing a Contact 305 Adding a Contact to a Synchronization List
Process of Setting Up Adobe Forms Integration Preparing for Adobe Forms Integration Setup
Enabling Forms Integration for Additional Applets Using Siebel Tools Creating an Integration Object for Adobe Forms Integration Generating an XML Schema for Forms Integration Creating the Form Record Referencing the PDF File Generating a Form from a Record (End User) 316 313 312
Mapping the XML Schema to the PDF Form Using Adobe Designer 314
Seed Data for Excel and Word Web Services Process of Configuring Excel Web Service
Requirements for Connecting Templates to Siebel EAI 325 326 Downloading the Template for the Excel Web Service Connecting the Excel Template to Siebel EAI Using the Excel Web Service 327 328 Process of Configuring Word Web Service
Downloading the Template for the Word Web Service Connecting the Word Template to Siebel EAI 328
Process of Using Word Web Service to Perform a Mail Merge Getting the Data for a Mail Merge from the Siebel Database Refining Recipients for a Mail Merge Refining the Message for a Mail Merge Previewing Messages for a Mail Merge Logging Messages as a Siebel Activity 330 331 331 332 332
Scenario for Managing Accounts in Siebel Call Center Associating a Contact with an Account Associating an Activity with an Account Assessing an Account 340 341
Synchronizing Account Information with External Applications Viewing Account Credit Profiles
Updating a Custom Hierarchy by Processing Deleted Records Configuring Error Log Files for Hierarchy Changes Viewing Global Accounts (End User) 354 Adding Business Objects to the Global Accounts Hierarchy View
About Lead Qualification, Sales Methods, and Stages Process of Managing Opportunities Creating an Opportunity 368
Monitoring Significant Opportunity Transactions Viewing Decision Issues for an Opportunity Associating a Contact with an Opportunity Associating a Product with an Opportunity Creating a Quote from an Opportunity Creating an Organization Analysis Viewing Opportunity Charts 378 381 375 374 372 373
Process of Managing Accounts and References Designating an Account as a Reference Associating an Activity with a Reference Associating a Contact with a Reference 392 393 393
Associating an Attachment with a Reference Adding a Reference Activity to the Calendar Adding a Note to a Reference Searching for References 395 394 Adding Profile Information to a Reference Viewing Reference Asset and Profile Charts
Roadmap for Implementing Signature Capture Registering the OCX File 403
Extending the Siebel Database for a Signature Capture Control Creating the Object and Class for Signature Capture Process of Creating an Applet for Signature Capture
Creating a Form Applet 405 Creating a Control on the Applet 406 Creating a Hidden Control on the Applet 406 Creating Buttons for Saving and Clearing Signatures Adding Server Script to the Applet 408
404 405
Adding Browser Script to the Applet 408 Adding the Applet to an Object 412
Associating Decision Issues with an Opportunity (End User) Adding Decision Issues Details (End User)
Assessing an Opportunity
Developing Strategy with TAS Competitive Analysis Conducting a TAS Organizational Analysis Developing a Relationship Strategy Adding Customer Milestones Viewing PRIME Activities 447 448 Adding Notes to Opportunities 446 445 Mapping the Organizations Reporting Structure
Assessing Current Revenues 453 Assessing the Future Potential of Accounts 454 Viewing the Portfolio Segmentation Map 455
455 456
Entering Details of the Account 456 Assessing Business Units and Service Units 457 Analyzing Selected Units 458 Reviewing Opportunities 458 Reviewing Organizational Analysis 459 Reviewing Marketing Events 460 Reviewing Partners 461 Reviewing Objectives and Action Plans 462
Performing a Manager Review of a Portfolio Plan Adding Solutions to Portfolio Plans 463
Table 1. Topic
New Product Features in Siebel Applications Administration Guide, Version 8.1, Rev. C Description Modified topic. It includes information about how messages appear in Siebel Open UI and about message order in the Notification Summary pane. Modified topic. It includes information about the following fields: Abstract, Allow Dismiss, Message, and Severity. New topic. It includes information about updating a sent message. Modified topic. It includes an example for displaying the field color. Modified topic. It includes information about the Calendar Team Primary system preference.
About Message Broadcasting on page 117 Creating a Message Broadcast on page 122 Updating a Message Broadcast on page 124 Displaying Fields, Colors, Drilldowns, and ToolTips on page 220 System Preferences for Siebel Business Applications on page 465
Table 2. Topic
Whats New in Siebel Applications Administration Guide, Version 8.1, Rev. B Description Removed the chapter from the guide.
Chapter for Intelligent Offer Generation Using Oracle Real-Time Decisions for Call Center
Table 3. Topic
Whats New in Siebel Applications Administration Guide, Version 8.1, Rev. A Description Added a reference to the Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network for supported Microsoft versions. Add more information about how to decode and audit log file. Adding information about importing audit trail data with Enterprise Integration Manager. Added information about customizing audit trail.
About Web Services for Microsoft Applications on page 323 Decoding the Audit Log File on page 94 Importing Siebel Audit Trail with Enterprise Integration Manager on page 99 Customizing Siebel Audit Trail on page 99
Configuring Error Log Files for Hierarchy Changes on page 351 Adding Business Objects to the Global Accounts Hierarchy View on page 351 Viewing Global Accounts (End User) on page 354 Removed lists of report names and report topics
Getting Started
This chapter includes information about getting started with Siebel Business Applications. It includes the following topics: Requirements for Getting Started on page 23 Starting the Siebel Application for the First Time on page 24 Entering License Keys on page 25 Selecting a Data Source on page 29 About Seed Data on page 30 Summary of Application Administration Tasks on page 30
Table 5. Software
Required Software More Information Siebel Installation Guide for the operating system you are using
Siebel Gateway Name Server Siebel Server Siebel Database Server Siebel Tools or Siebel Developer Web Client Siebel Business Applications
After these Siebel servers and applications are successfully installed, you can proceed to enter license keys for each specific Siebel application.
Getting Started Starting the Siebel Application for the First Time
To start a Siebel application from the Siebel Developer Web Client for the first time 1 2 3
From the Start menu, choose Programs and then choose your Siebel application. Enter SADMIN in the User ID field and the appropriate password in the Password field. In the Connect to field, choose the server database from the drop-down list and click OK. For information about the other databases available in the Connect to drop-down list, see Selecting a Data Source on page 29.
4 5
If a message tells you that there is no valid license key, click OK. In the License Key dialog box, enter the license key for the Siebel CRM base application, and click OK. For more information about license keys, see Entering License Keys on page 25.
To start a Siebel application from the Siebel Web Client for the first time 1
Open your Web browser.
Go to the URL for your Siebel Web Client. The login screen appears.
Enter SADMIN in the User ID field and the appropriate password in the Password field, and click OK.
NOTE: If a message tells you that you have not been licensed for this feature, you must enter a valid license key, using either Siebel Tools or the Siebel Developer Web Client, before you can access the Siebel application. For more information, see Entering License Keys on page 25.
However, if you do not see views that you expected, or if you see views that you did not expect, and feel that it impacts the functionality you have purchased, create a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support. Alternatively, you can phone Global Customer Support directly to create a service request or get a status update on your current SR. Support phone numbers remain the same and are listed on My Oracle Support. If your license key has expired, create a service request on My Oracle Support.
Log in as the system administrator and connect to the server database. Use SADMIN as the login name and the appropriate password as the password, and choose Server in the Connect to drop-down list. NOTE: If you are the first to log in to Siebel Developer Web Client after a new Siebel installation, you get the error message There is no valid license key in the database. If you are the first to log in to Siebel Tools after a new Siebel installation, you get the error message No valid license keys were found in the database.
3 4
If you are logged in to Siebel Developer Web Client, click OK. If you are logged in to Siebel Tools, click Add Key. In the License Key dialog box, enter the license key for the Siebel CRM base application or for Siebel Tools, and then click OK. CAUTION: Enter only a Siebel CRM base application license key or the Siebel Tools license key. If you enter an optional-module license key without having a Siebel CRM base application license key already entered, an error message appears. The error occurs because the Home Page view is required to start Siebel CRM base applications, and Home Page views are not included in optional module license keys.
5 6
Close Siebel Developer Web Client or Siebel Tools that you started in Step 1. Restart the Siebel Server System Service. For more information, see Siebel System Administration Guide.
Start the Siebel application associated with the license key that you entered. For example, if your license key is for Siebel Sales, start Siebel Sales; if your license key is for Siebel Tools, start Siebel Tools.
NOTE: After entering the initial license key, if you discover that you made an error when entering the license key, you can correct the license key in the Key Value field in the License Key view of the Administration - Application screen.
3 4
Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the License Keys view. Add the new license key by completing the following steps:
a b c 5 6
In the License Keys list, create a new record. In the new record, enter one license key in the Key Value field. Repeat Step a and Step b for each license key to be entered.
Close the Siebel application. Restart the Siebel Server System Service. For more information, see Siebel System Administration Guide.
Start any Siebel application or module associated with a license key you have entered. Complete the following procedure to enter an additional license key using Siebel Tools.
Log in as the system administrator and connect to the server database. Use SADMIN as the login name and the appropriate password as the password, and choose Server in the Connect to drop-down list. If the system administrators password has been changed, use the current password.
3 4 5
Choose Help, then Technical Support from the menu bar. In the Technical Support Information dialog box, click License Key. Add a license key by completing the following steps:
a b c 6 7
In the License Keys dialog box, click Add Key. In the new record, type in one license key and then click OK. Repeat Steps a and b for each license key to be entered.
Close Siebel Tools. Restart the Siebel Server System Service. For more information, see Siebel System Administration Guide.
Start any Siebel application or module associated with a license key you have entered.
Fields in the License Key Record Description Displays the license key from your Welcome Package. Create a new record for each license key. Displays the status of the license key. OK means the license key has not expired. Expired means the license key has expired.
MaxUsers Expires
Displays the maximum number of concurrent users allowed in your license agreement with Oracle. Displays the expiration date for the license key in your license agreement with Oracle.
Within a Siebel Application. You might want to hide the License Keys view in the Administration - Application screen to discourage unauthorized users from attempting to change license keys. To hide the License Keys view, remove it from the responsibility associated with the users who do not need access to it. Responsibilities control the views to which users have access. For more information about creating and modifying responsibilities, see Siebel Security Guide. Within Siebel Tools. You might want to disable the License Key button, found in the Technical Support Information dialog box (available from the Siebel Tools Help menu), to discourage unauthorized users from attempting to change license keys. You can disable the License Key button by selecting the Siebel Administrator responsibility and deleting the Edit License Key view.
Always perform system administration tasks against the server database. Although you can perform these tasks against your local database and synchronize, doing so has the potential to cause errors, including data conflicts. In addition, performance problems can result from a large local database, and from routing large numbers of transactions.
The sample database that ships with the Siebel application has a built-in license key that includes access to all views and modules for a period of a year from the initial ship date of the product.
Table 7.
Application Administration Tasks You Might Have to Perform Initial Setup tasks. Ongoing administration tasks. More Information Chapter 3, Initial Setup Chapter 4, Ongoing Application Administration Tasks Siebel Security Guide
If You Want to Use any Siebel CRM base application (for example, Siebel Sales or Siebel Call Center) Control access to views or data
Tasks to establish a strategy for controlling access to views and data. These tasks include: Establish the business environment (such as organizations, divisions, territories). Add employees. Assign responsibilities to employees.
Setting Up Locales on page 36 Setting Up Languages on page 65 Siebel Global Deployment Guide
Table 7.
Application Administration Tasks You Might Have to Perform Account administration tasks to set up global account hierarchies. Tasks to set up Web services and activate workflows for the ASIs. More Information Chapter 27, Global Accounts Chapter 24, Integration Using ASIs
If You Want to Manage global accounts Use Application Services Interfaces (ASIs) for accounts, contacts, or households Create catalogs for data, including products Use Correspondence, Presentations, and Proposals functionality Use the calendar to set up resources, such as conference rooms, equipment, and projectors Use Assignment Manager to automatically assign tasks to appropriate users Use Siebel Marketing Manage lists of prospects, contacts, accounts, positions, and employees Use Competency Management
Tasks to create catalogs for products, literature, solutions and auctions. Tasks to set up the Siebel Document Server, and create templates.
Siebel Order Management Guide Siebel Correspondence, Proposals, and Presentations Guide Chapter 16, Calendar
Siebel Marketing Installation and Administration Guide Siebel Marketing User Guide and Chapter 19, Global Target List Management Siebel Project and Resource Management Administration Guide
Skills and competencies administration tasks. NOTE: These skills are different skills than those used by Assignment Manager.
Tasks for Time Sheet and Expense Report setup, such as creating work types.
Table 7.
Application Administration Tasks You Might Have to Perform Service administration tasks. More Information Siebel Field Service Guide
If You Want to Manage Service schedules, Service Assets, Warranties Manage orders and the order process
Initial Setup
This chapter includes information about initial setup tasks. It includes the following topics: About Initial Setup on page 33 Process of Implementing Initial Setup on page 33 Adding Views to the Siebel Application on page 34 Completing Employee Setup on page 34 Assigning Skills on page 36 Setting Up Locales on page 36 Setting Up Satmetrix Survey Reports on page 42
Add any custom views. Custom views are created in Siebel Tools and must be added to your Siebel application. Add custom views to the Views view before you define responsibilities. For information about adding views, see Adding Views to the Siebel Application on page 34.
Determine access control strategy and define business environment structure. You can set up your Siebel Business Applications to support many strategies for your company to control access to views and data. These strategies include methods such as defining your business environment structure (organizations, internal and external divisions, and so on), defining employee positions, and creating access groups so that specific groups of people have access to specific views and data. Make these decisions early in the deployment process, so that you can implement the strategy during the initial setup. For more information about controlling access to views and data, and the procedures for implementing access control, see Siebel Security Guide.
Enter employee records into the Siebel application and determine employee access to views and data. Enter employee records after you have defined your business environment structure. You must assign at least one responsibility to each employee, and you can also assign organizations, positions, or other access control parameters. For more information about entering or deactivating employee records, see Siebel Security Guide.
4 5 6
Complete employee setup. For information about associating additional information to an employee record, see Completing Employee Setup on page 34. Assign employee skills. For more information, see Assigning Skills on page 36. Set up locales. Locale Codes and parameters are necessary for a global deployment. For more information, see Setting Up Locales on page 36.
You generally do not need to modify or delete views that are already listed. You must modify a view only if its name was changed in Siebel Tools. You must delete a view only if it no longer exists in the data model schema, or if you do not want anyone to have access to it. Instead of deleting views, administrators remove the views from responsibilities and keep them in the Siebel database. NOTE: Only visibility-level views can be configured to appear in the Site Map.
This setup can include the following: Assignment Rules. Allows you to see and administer the assignment rules for an employee. For more information about assignment rules, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide. NOTE: You must be logged on to a server database to use the Employee Assignment Rules view. Availability. Lists the projects for which an employee is on staff, or for which an employee has been requested. For more information, see Siebel Project and Resource Management Administration Guide. NOTE: Employees can also change their availability in the Availability view on the User Preferences screen. Exception Hours. Specifies what days and hours an employee is not available. Utilization. Displays a chart with the monthly and quarterly utilization of the currently selected employee. Managers use this chart for monitoring professional services projects and employees. For more information about professional services, see Siebel Project and Resource Management Administration Guide. Tools. Defines the tools that field service engineers carry with them or have access to. It allows a call center person to check whether the engineers have the correct tools for the jobs they are assigned to. Job Information. Specifies the job profile, salary, compensation ratio, pay currency, and location of employee. Calendar administration. Defines the calendar properties and access for an employee. For more information about Calendar administration, see Chapter 16, Calendar. Assignment Skills. Defines an employees skills and skill items, along with their level of expertise. Skills can be used as assignment criteria in Siebel Assignment Manager. For more information about how the Siebel application uses skills, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide. Skills can also be used in the Project and Resource Management product for managing resources. For information about these types of skills, see Siebel Project and Resource Management Administration Guide. Employee Query. Allows queries to identify employees with particular skills and expertise. Service Details. Provides details about the shift start and end locations, hourly costs, overtime availability and other details for a service employee. Competency. Provides a list of areas in which the employee has some demonstrated level of knowledge or accomplishment. Education. Provides details of an employees education history. Past Work Experience. Provides details of an employees work history. Honor/Award. Provides list of honors and awards earned by an employee. Membership. Provides details of an employees memberships in various organizations. Certification. Provides details of an employees certification.
Available Until
5 6 7
Click any other appropriate view tab. Create a new record, if needed. Enter the appropriate information.
Assigning Skills
At the levels of organizations, positions, and employees, you can add skills. Skills are used for assigning employees to certain projects, service requests, and so on. Skills added to an organization apply to all employees assigned to that organization. Skills assigned to a position apply only to the employee assigned to that position. You create skills with Siebel Tools. Employees can track and update their own skill profiles in the User Preferences Profile view. For more information about how your Siebel application uses skills, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide. This task is a step in Process of Implementing Initial Setup on page 33.
Setting Up Locales
A locale is a set of rules guiding how common data appears to the user or is received from the user. These rules are used to format data from a Siebel database before displaying the resulting information in output fields on the user interface. Siebel Business Applications use local settings to support language and geographical conventions for the display language of drop-down lists, and formatting of data such as dates, times, numbers, and currencies.
The Locale information is stored in the Locale Table (S_LOCALE). The data in this table is maintained by the administrator using the Locale Administration view. For more information about languages and locales, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide. For more information about configuring the formatting for dates and currency, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications . The locale with which a Siebel Application Object Manager component is initialized is determined by the value of the parameter Locale Code. Although the locale is set during initial installation and configuration, it can be changed to any locale that is preconfigured with the Siebel application or that has been added by the administrator. The Locale Code parameter can be set at the Enterprise, Server, or Component level. Several locale definitions come with the standard Siebel application. You can also revise these existing locales, or create new locales, using the Locale Administration view. NOTE: Create a new locale only if a locale is not already defined that can meet your requirements. After a locale and its settings are defined, you can create translations for locale names that appear in the locale pick applet, rather than the three-letter acronym locale code. For example, instead of showing ENU as the locale name, the administrator provides EnglishUnited States as a translation for English speakers, IngleseStati Uniti dAmerica for Italian speakers, and so on. Only translated locale names appear to users on locale pick applets. NOTE: While the Siebel Web Clients use the locale settings specified in the Locale Administration view, the Siebel Mobile Web Client and the Siebel Developer Web Client use the locale settings defined in the Regional and Language Options settings on the client computer. Setting up a Siebel Application Object Manager component includes assigning it a locale. Because the locale directs how locale-sensitive information such as dates, times, and numbers differs between countries, customers can configure a Siebel Application Object Manager for each country or other geographical setting in which they have users, and provide these users with data that appears correctly for their locale. This task is a step in Process of Implementing Initial Setup on page 33.
To create a locale 1 2
Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the Locale view. In the Locale list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field 24-hour clock Currency Decimal Separator Currency Grouping Separator Comments Select the check box to indicate use of the 24-hour clock. Clear the check box to indicate use of the 12-hour clock. Type the symbol to indicate the decimal place in currency. Type the symbol to group numbers in currency. Use \B to designate a space.
Comments Type the symbol to use in a date format to separate the components of the date. It must be a single non-numeric character that is not one of the elements representing day, month, or year. Type optional text describing the locale. Select the country code to appear in phone numbers. This field suppresses the country code for phone numbers that are in the users locale. For example, the phone numbers for two accounts are the following: +33 1-23 42 34 56, for an account based in France (+33 is the country code for France) +1 6502955000, for an account based in the U.S. (+1 is the country code for the U.S.)
To a user based in the U.S. (locale ENU), the International Dialing Code value is USA and Canada (1), and the above phone numbers appear as follows: List Separator +33 1-23 42 34 56 (650) 295-5000
Type the symbol to separate consecutive numbers in a list. In the U.S., consecutive numbers are separated by a comma (for example, 1.23,3.57,4.01), In France, consecutive numbers are separated by a semi-colon (for example, 1,23;3,57;4,01).
Locale Code
Type the locale code. Siebel Business Applications use the threeletter acronym conventions of Microsoft for the locale codes. In most cases, the acronym is created by taking the two-letter language abbreviation from ISO Standard 639 and adding a third letter to form a unique identifier. For example, ENU (EnglishUnited States), ENG (EnglishUnited Kingdom), or FRA (FrenchFrance) For information about Microsoft codes, see your Microsoft documentation.
Locale Name
Type the locale name. The naming convention for locales is generally Language NameTerritory (for example, EnglishUnited States, EnglishUnited Kingdom, or FrenchFrance).
Comments Type the appropriate long date format, which typically contains day and month names. For example, the dddd, dd mmm, yyyy format yields a date such as Friday, 07 Jun, 2004. Date formats can also include literal delimiter characters, such as a space, comma, period, hyphen, or forward slash (/). The Date Separator character is usually one of these characters. A delimiter can be any non-numeric character that is not one of the options below. The following date format options represent the day of the month. (Examples are in English.) d specifies the day of the month, with no leading 0 for singledigit days (1, 2, 3, ...). dd specifies the day of the month, with a leading 0 for singledigit days (01, 02, 03, ...). ddd specifies the abbreviated name of the day of the week (Mon, Tue, Wed, and so on). dddd specifies the full name of the day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and so on).
The following date format options represent the month: m specifies the month, with no leading 0 for single-digit months (1, 2, 3, ... 12). mm specifies the month, with a leading 0 for single-digit months (01, 02, 03, ... 12). mmm specifies the abbreviated month name (Jan, Feb, Mar, and so on). mmmm specifies the full month name (January, February, March, and so on).
The following date format options represent the year: yy specifies the last two digits of the year (00, 01, 02, ... 99). yyyy specifies the full four digits of the year (1999, 2000, 2001, ... 2099, ...).
NOTE: Long dates are supported only for the calendar, the Gantt chart, salutation text on the home page, and balloon text in some charts.
Comments Select a value for the location of the negative sign (-) with respect to the currency symbols and digits (100). Examples follow: For U.S. format, ($32.45), select (s100). For British format, -32.40, select -s100.
Type the symbol to indicate the decimal place in numbers. Examples follow: For French format, 1 234,34 (comma as decimal symbol) For U.S. format, 1,234.34 (period as decimal symbol)
Type the number of digits after the decimal separator. For example, the number 12.340 has a number fractional of 3. This field applies to data fields of type DTYPE_NUMBER.
Type the symbol to group numbers. Examples follow: For French format, 1 234 (space as number grouping separator). Use \B to designate a space. For German format, 1.234 (period as number grouping separator) For U.S. format, 1,234 (comma as number grouping separator)
Select the check box to display a leading zero in numbers less than one (for example, 0.7, not .7). Select a value for the location of the currency symbols with respect to the digits (100). For example, for U.S. format, $32.45, select s100.
Comments Type the appropriate shortened date format. Examples follow: yymmdd (081104 or 080321) m/dd/yyyy (11/04/2008 or 3/21/2008), the default U.S. format (04.11.2008 or 21.03.2008), the default German format
Date formats can also include literal delimiter characters, such as a space, comma, period, hyphen, or forward slash (/). The Date Separator character is usually one of these characters. A delimiter can be any non-numeric character that is not one of the options below. For information about other elements used in date formats, see the description for Long Date Format. NOTE: If you enter a month number greater than 12, it defaults to 12. If you enter a day number greater than the number of days in the month, it defaults to the last day of the month. For example, if you enter 42/99/03 (U.S. format), the date defaults to 12/31/03. Time A.M. Designator Time Leading Zero Type the symbol for designating time between 00:00 and 12:00 (for example, AM, a.m., or am). Select the check box to display a leading zero in time fields. Examples follow: Time P.M. Designator Time Separator UI Directionality 01:03 AM, 01:03 PM, 12-hour clock with leading zero 1:03 AM, 1:03 PM, 12-hour clock without leading zero 01:03, 13:03, 24-hour clock with leading zero 1:03, 13:03, 24-hour clock without leading zero
Type the symbol for designating time between 12:00 and 24:00 (for example, PM, p.m., or pm). Type the symbol to separate hours from minutes in a time format. Select a value for the direction of the text that appears in the user interface. Values are: Right To Left (Arabic and Hebrew) Left To Right (all other predefined locales)
To have the edits take effect, restart the Siebel Application Object Manager component. For information about shutting down and starting Siebel Server components such as a Siebel Application Object Manager, see Siebel System Administration Guide.
Extend the List of Values for WI_ARG_TYPE. This LOV defines the arguments for integrating with other portal and internet applications. For more information about creating records for Lists of Values, see Chapter 5, Working with Lists of Values.
Next, set up the symbolic URL for access to the Satmetrix reports server. For more information about symbolic URLs, see Siebel Portal Framework Guide.
Argument Value FALSE Obtain from Satmetrix WebControl width=1000 height=500 border=1 acct
Sequence 1 2 3 4
Name acctid acctname contactid contactname user domain model created token
Required Argument Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No
Argument Type Field Field Constant Constant Profile Attribute Constant Constant Field Satmetrix
Argument Value Id Name * * Login Name Obtain from Satmetrix Obtain from Satmetrix Timestamp Satmetrix Surveys, CalculateToken
Append as Argument Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Sequence 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
This chapter describes how to set up defaults that are used throughout your Siebel application. It includes the following topics: About Setting Defaults in a Siebel Application on page 46 Setting System Preferences on page 46 Setting Up Predefined Queries on page 46 Enabling Cancel Query on page 48 Setting Up Currencies on page 49 Setting Up Currency Conversion on page 51 Setting Up Expense Types on page 54 Setting Up Payment Terms on page 54 Setting Up Periods on page 55 Working with Telephone Formats on page 56 Setting Up Pager Companies on page 61 About Date Formats on page 61 Setting Up ZIP Codes on page 61 Administering Global Time Zone Support on page 62 Setting Up Email, Fax, and Mail Accounts (Contact Us) on page 64 Setting Up Industries on page 64 Setting Up Languages on page 65 About Case-Insensitive and Accent-Insensitive Queries and Searches on page 65 Adding Web Browser Capabilities on page 67 Adding Additional Web Browsers on page 68 Administering Quick Fill Templates on page 70 Setting Up Default View Links for Screen Home Pages on page 71
a b
Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the Predefined Queries view. In the Predefined Queries list, deselect the Private field in the record for the query you just created.
The following procedure describes how to set up a query in the Predefined Query view.
In the Predefined Queries list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Name Object Private Comments Type the name that appears in the predefined query drop-down list. Select the object on which the query is performed. Select the check box to indicate the query is available only to the person who created it. When you clear the check box y to make a query public, the other users must first exit the Siebel application and reenter before they can see the newly public query. Query Type the SQL code for the query. When you create a query for a field that is a multi-value group, you can use the EXISTS operator to query nonprimary child records. For more information about the syntax, see information about operators, expressions, and conditions in Siebel Developers Reference. NOTE: You cannot use SQL functions in the query for a predefined query. Cache Result Select the check box to indicate the query returns all rows up to the value of the DSMaxFetchArraySize parameter set for the data source. For information about setting DSMaxFetchArraySize, see information about modifying Named Subsystems in Siebel System Administration Guide. NOTE: Setting DSMaxFetchArraySize to -1 and Cache Result to Y can cause memory problems for queries returning many rows.
CancelQueryTimeOut = timeout where: timeout is any integer of zero or greater. For example, if CancelQueryTimeOut is 3, the cancel query dialog box appears if records are not returned within 3 seconds. NOTE: A timeout value of less than zero, for example, -1, disables the feature.
Setting Up Currencies
You specify the currencies your company uses by: Making Currencies Active. If the Siebel application includes the currency definitions you need, you make these currencies active. Defining Currencies. If you need additional currencies that have definitions the Siebel application does not include, you must also define these currencies.
NOTE: If you use multiple currencies, you must also set up exchange rates before you import data that contains foreign currencies and before you use any of the Siebel currency features.
Defining Currencies
If your company uses any currencies that the Siebel application does not include, you must define them and mark them as active. If you modify the definition of currencies, you must clear the cache or log out and back in to the Siebel application before the modification becomes visible. For more information about clearing the cache, see Clearing the Cache on page 75. You cannot delete a currency after you have defined it. If you no longer use it, you can mark it as inactive.
To define a currency 1 2
Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the Currencies view. Create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Code Name Issuing Country Symbol Scale Comments Type the three-letter code for the currency. Type the name of the currency. Select the country that issues the currency. Type the symbol for the currency, such as $. Type the number of places after the decimal for displaying currency in the interface. For example, U.S. Dollars has a scale of 2 to accommodate the cents, so an amount appears as $10.50. If the scale were 1, this same amount appears as $10.5. Type the smallest unit of currency available. For instance, the smallest unit of currency for the U.S. Dollar is one cent, or .01 dollars. If there were no cents, the scale would still be 2, but the smallest denomination would be $0.05. Select the check box to indicate that this currency must be converted to other checked currencies using the EMU Triangulation method. Select the check box to indicates the currency can be chosen by the user. Select the date when the currency becomes active. Select the date when the currency is no longer active. Type the number of places after the decimal for storing currency data in the Siebel database. The following values must be the same: The number of decimal places that the value in the Extended Scale field designates The number of decimal places that the value in the Scale field designates The number of decimal places after the decimal in the value in the Exchange Rate field (in the Exchange Rate view in the Currencies view of the Administration - Data screen)
Smallest Denomination
If these values are different, results of currency calculations (for example, conversions or discounts) might be different than expected. Unexpected calculations result because the currency values that are stored in the Siebel database, and not the displayed values, are used for the calculations.
Comments Type the conversion rate. If the number of places to the right of the decimal in this field does not match the value in the Extended Scale field and Scale field in the Currencies list, the results of currency calculations might be different than expected. Select the date of this conversion rate. When converting currencies, Siebel Business Applications use the exchange rate date is closest to, but not past, the date of the transaction. Depending on the accuracy that you need and on how much currency values are fluctuating, you might want to enter a new exchange rate every week, month, quarter, or year. Siebel Business Applications use the Exchange Date only to convert currencies in transactions in which money is received. For example, Quote Item Price has an Exchange Date field, because it represents money that your company will receive, and your sales representatives enter the date when the money will be received.
Exchange Date
You must restart the Siebel client or use the clear cache command before any changes to exchange rates can be seen in your Siebel application. For more information about clearing the cache, see Clearing the Cache on page 75.
1 2 3 4
Converting the monetary amount from the national currency unit into the Euro. Rounding the result to not less than three decimal places. Converting the result to the target national currency. Rounding the result to the lowest subunit of the target national currency, such as pfennig for the German mark or centime for the French franc.
NOTE: The EMU Triangulation field is checked only for currencies that are subdivisions of the Euro.
Opportunity Pipeline Report by Rep. Opportunity revenues created in different currencies are converted in the Total and Subtotal fields to the users default currency. Euro Expense Report. If expenses have been created in an EMU currency, all expenses appear in dual currencies. Project Limit Summary Report. Forecasting Reports. Current Quotes Report.
Opportunity Current Opportunity Analysis. Opportunity revenue is converted to the users default currency if both the opportunity currency and the revenue currency are different from the users default currency.
Forecast Analysis.
Create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Payment Term Net Days Description Discount Discount Days Due Integration ID Comments Type a name for the payment term, such as Net 30. Type the number of days if the payment term requires payment in a specific number of days after the order date. Type a description of the payment term. Select a value for the amount of the discount if there is a discount for early payment. Type the number of days within which a customer must pay to qualify for the discount if there is a discount for early payment. Select the due date if there is a specific due date for payment. Displays a cross-reference that links the Siebel application to corresponding payment term information in the back-office application. Do not modify this field.
Setting Up Periods
Periods are time periods that are used in your business, such as Q1 2002 or Jan. 2001. Periods are used extensively in the Siebel application, such as in forecasting, time sheets, and expense reports. Be sure to set up periods far enough into the future to accommodate forecasting. For example, the default forecast is for seven months ahead. Therefore, if you keep this default, you must create periods defined for at least seven months from the current date for forecasting to work correctly.
To set up periods 1 2
Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the Periods view. In the Period Definition list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Period Closed Start End Type Description Comments Type a name for the period, such as Q1 2001. Select the check box to indicate that the period has already closed. Select the start date for the period. Select the end date for the period. Select a value for the type of period, such as month, quarter, or year. Type a description of the period.
After setting up a period, you can associate Period Units with it. Period Units allow you to define one time unit in terms of another time unit. For example, day periods can be associated with week periods for use in Timesheets. When a new timesheet is created for a week period, each day in that week is also added to the timesheet. This functionality requires the day periods to be associated as Period Units with the week period.
If a user enters a phone number from a country for which the format has not yet been specified, the phone number might be formatted incorrectly. NOTE: If you define any new phone formats, coordinate with communications administrators who specify CTI functionality and define dialing filters. For more information, see Siebel Communications Server Administration Guide. CAUTION: If you modify the phone formats that are provided with your Siebel application, make sure that you thoroughly test the changes.
If the user begins the phone number with a zero (0), an error message appears.
This formatting logic is followed even when the default locale is not North America.
Table 8.
Formatting Logic Formatting Details Formatted as specified. First digits are formatted as specified. The rest of the digits are formatted as an extension number. Entry is accepted without an error message to accommodate phone numbers of different lengths.
Number of Digits Same as in format More than in format Fewer than in format
If there is no phone format for the indicated country, the number remains formatted in the same way that the user enters the number. No error message appears.
Table 9.
Maximum Length for International Phone Numbers Then, the safe maximum length for international phone number is C + 2N + E + 2 40 2C + 2N + E + 2 40
Is there a phone format for the country? Yes No In the formulae in this table:
C is the length of the country code. N is the length of the city code and the subscriber number, including any formatting, such as spaces or hyphens. E is the length of the extension number.
Figure 1.
Field Order
Comments Type the country code of the new format. When adding new codes, make sure that no country code is a prefix of any other. For example, because Indias country code is 91, do not add a country code of 9 or of 910 (or any other number beginning with 91). Select a value of PHONE_FORMAT.
NOTE: When you change or add a phone format, the existing phone numbers are not automatically updated. CAUTION: When a user enters phone numbers, the user can enter letters in place of digits, but computer telephony integration (CTI) features, such as outbound dialing, do not work for these numbers. Queries for such numbers must include the letters, not the numeric equivalents. Siebel Business Applications do not detect or warn users if they enter Q or Z (letters that do not appear on all phones).
Table 10.
Examples of Phone Number Formatting Number Is Formatted As (123) 456-7890 (123) 456-7890 x123 The following error message: Invalid data has been entered. +9112-345-6789 +9112-345-6789 x10 +9112345 +2512345 ?0+9112345678 (you see the ? and the 0) ?0HelloWorld (you see the ? and the 0)
User Enters 1234567890 1234567890123 123456 +91123456789 +9112345678910 +9112345 +2512345 ?0+9112345678 ?0HelloWorld
Table 11.
Phone Number Queries Query Criteria 1234567890 +611234567890 (if 61 is defined as a country code) +61* +1* not like +* 415* is null 415* or is null 800SKY*
Query Result (123) 456-7890 +61(123) 45.67.89 x0 Country code 61 phone numbers All phone numbers All North American phone numbers 415 area code numbers (North America only) Null phone numbers 415 area code or null (North America only) (800) SKY-PAGE
NOTE: The pager companies you use to send pages must support Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP), which is an industry standard for sending alphanumeric pages.
Tasks for administering time zones include: Modifying Time Zones on page 62 Maintaining Translations of Time Zones on page 63
Field Start Date UTC Offset DST Bias DST Start Ordinal
Comments Select the date on which the offset rule becomes effective. Type the number of minutes for the offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) when DST is not in effect. Type the number of minutes for the incremental DST offset from UTC when DST is not in effect. Select a value for the DST start ordinal. This field is part of the rule that determines when DST starts. For example, if the rule is the first Sunday in April, First is defined in this field. Select a value for the DST start day. This field is part of the rule that determines when DST starts. For example, if the rule is the first Sunday in April, Sunday is defined in this field. Select a value for the DST start month. This field is part of the rule that determines when DST starts. For example, if the rule is the first Sunday in April, April is defined in this field. Type the number of minutes after midnight that DST starts. For example, if DST starts at 2:00 A.M., set the start time to 120.
Ongoing Application Administration Tasks Setting Up Email, Fax, and Mail Accounts (Contact Us)
Setting Up Industries
You can set up and maintain industry information used throughout the Siebel application. The information in the Industries view populates the Industries drop-down list, which is found in a variety of screens and views, such as in the Accounts and References screens. The Industry list can also be used by Siebel Assignment Manager to assign new leads or service requests to Siebel users. For example, a sales representative who covers the pharmaceutical industry can be automatically assigned to new accounts using a Pharmaceutical Industry value.
To add an industry 1 2
Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the Industries view. In the Industries list, create a new record.
Complete the Industry, SIC Code, and Type fields. NOTE: The Industry and SIC Code values must be unique. If you add a value that already exists, you receive an error message.
Setting Up Languages
You can set up and maintain language information used throughout the Siebel application. The information in the Languages view populates the Language drop-down list, which is found in a variety of screens and views, such as in the References and SmartScripts screens. The Language field can also be used by Siebel Assignment Manager to give assignments to call center agents who work for international companies and speak a variety of languages with customers. For example, a sales representative for a German chemical manufacturing company could use a Danish SmartScript to make a sales call to a prospective customer in Copenhagen, and then make the same sales call using an Italian SmartScript when speaking to a prospective customer in Rome. In these cases, the Language field is used to identify the language into which each SmartScript has been translated.
To add a language 1 2 3
Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the Languages view. In the Languages list, create a new record. Complete the Name and Code fields. NOTE: The Name and Code values must be unique. If you add a value that already exists, you receive an error message. NOTE: Languages cannot be deleted because deleting languages can cause problems with Mobile Web Client synchronization. Although the delete language command can be restored using Siebel Tools, this action is strongly discouraged. For help with modifying language code, create a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support. Alternatively, you can phone Global Customer Support directly to create a service request or get a status update on your current SR. Support phone numbers are listed on My Oracle Support.
Ongoing Application Administration Tasks About Case-Insensitive and AccentInsensitive Queries and Searches
If you do not want queries and searches to be case sensitive and accent sensitive, you can enable case-insensitive and accent-insensitive (CIAI) queries and searches on particular columns and fields in Siebel Tools. If you enable CIAI queries on a column, when you enter the query in the Siebel application, the field for the CIAI column is empty. When you enter the queries for fields that are not CIAI-enabled, <Case Required> text appears in the field. Not all types of databases support both case-insensitive and accent-insensitive queries and searches on CIAI-enabled columns. Table 12 lists the CIAI features that are supported in each type of database.
Table 12.
Database Support for CIAI Queries Case Insensitive Yes Yes Yes Accent Insensitive No Yes No
NOTE: Determine your requirements for case-insensitive queries and searches, and set the appropriate parameters for the fields before users enter any data. NOTE: Search strings against the DB2 database must not be longer than the size of the column being searched.
Table 13.
Operators to Force Case-Sensitive or CIAI Queries or Searches Operator = followed by the criterion in single quotation marks ~ followed by other operators if required, and the criterion Examples =Computer returns only records that have Computer spelled with a capital C. ~LIKE computer returns all records that have computer in the field, regardless of capitalization. ~LIKE francais returns all records that have francais in the field, regardless of capitalization or accent.
In searches with complex criteria, the user must also use the tilde (~) operator to force the CIAI feature, regardless of the setting for case-sensitive and accent-sensitive queries and searches.
You can also add other capabilities that are not included in the standard Siebel application. For example, you could add a capability named SupportsWingDingFont. New capabilities then become available for use in any browser definition.
To add a capability 1 2 3
Navigate to the Administration - Web Browser screen, then the Capabilities view. In the Capabilities list, create a new record. Complete a name and description for the new capability.
These capabilities are part of HTTP standard information and appear in HTTP request headers sent from a browser. For example, a request from a Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 browser sent to a Web application might include the following lines: Accept: image/gif, image/x-xbitmap, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, application/vnd.mspowerpoint, application/, application/msword, */* User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0) In this example, the value for the User-Agent capability is Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.5; Windows NT 4.0). The operating system part of this value (Windows NT 4.0) is not required. For information about supported browsers and operating systems, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network.
Both the User-Agent and Accept capabilities must be included because at run time the User-Agent is checked to identify the browser. If the User-Agent is not recognized, the values for the Accept parameter in the header are compared to the Accept parameters of the browsers listed in the Web Browser Administration screen to find the browser with the most closely matching Accept parameters. In addition to the User-Agent and Accept capabilities, if a browser is based on an existing parent browser, it must include the Parent capability. NOTE: Parent browsers frequently do not have the User-Agent and Accept capabilities because parent browsers are intended to serve as containers of other capabilities that can be inherited. If a browser does not have its own User Agent and Accept capabilities, then it is acting as a parent of another browser that has these capabilities.
In the Capabilities list, create records for each of the capabilities for this browser.
NOTE: If there is an existing browser that contains most of the appropriate capabilities, you can copy it and then make changes. To do so, in Step 2, click the menu button and choose Copy Record instead of New Record. Complete the following procedure to add a child Web browser.
Parent. Set the capability value to the parent browser you identified in Step 2. User-Agent. Enter the appropriate User-Agent. Accept. Enter the types of documents that can be opened by the browser.
Add any additional capabilities that are not included in the parent browser or that differ from those inherited from the parent browser.
Administrators can also delete any quick fill template and make simple changes to the template record (such as name, sequence, and public flag).
Ongoing Application Administration Tasks Setting Up Default View Links for Screen Home Pages
In the Details form, edit the fields as necessary. The Sequence Number determines the order in which the fields are filled in.
Ongoing Application Administration Tasks Setting Up Default View Links for Screen Home Pages
This chapter provides guidelines to administrators for working with lists of values within Siebel Business Applications. It includes the following topics: About Lists of Values on page 73 Adding a New Value to an Existing List of Values on page 74 Clearing the Cache on page 75 List-of-Values Fields Modifying a List of Values on page 78 Deactivating a Value in a List of Values Constrained Lists of Values on page 80
Working with Lists of Values Adding a New Value to an Existing List of Values
The values in these two views are the same. Only the format in which the information is presented is different. The procedures in this chapter give instructions that specify using the list view. You can also use the explorer view. Your Siebel Business Applications come with numerous lists of values that support the static dropdown lists used in Siebel screens. You can use these lists of values as they are, or you can modify them to support your organizations requirements.
3 4 5
Navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the List of Values view. In the list-of-values list, perform a query in the Display Value field, using the value you noted in Step 2. In the list of records that is returned, identify the appropriate record by reviewing the entries in the Type field. List-of-values types usually have names that relate to the field labels in the screens where they are used. In this example, you would look for a type labeled something like ACCOUNT_STATUS. When you create a new value for this list, you use this type.
Complete the following procedure to add a new value to an existing list of values.
2 3
Click New to create a new record, and then enter the list-of-values type in the Type field. Enter a new value in the Display Value field. For example, if Bronze is the status that your organization gives to customers who have a reliable account rating, and you want to make Bronze available as in the Account Status drop-down, you would create a new record with ACCOUNT_STATUS as the type and Bronze as the display value. Make sure that the length of the Display Value you enter does not exceed the allowed length of the destination column.
Enter a value in the Language Independent Code field. This value is usually the same as the Display Value. Make sure that the length of the Language Independent Code you enter does not exceed the allowed length of the destination column. NOTE: The Display Name and Language Independent Code must both be unique within a list-ofvalues type, except when configuring a multilingual list of values. If you add a value that already exists, you get an error message. For example, there cannot be two ACCOUNT_STATUS records that have a display value of Bronze. For information about multilingual lists of values, see the definition of the Language Independent Code field in Table 14 on page 76.
If applicable, in the Order field, you can enter a number to indicate the numerical order in which the value appears in a drop-down list. For example, if the order numbers for Gold and Silver are 1 and 2, respectively, the order number for Bronze would be 3.
If appropriate, complete the remaining fields in the record. For a description of these fields, see List-of-Values Fields on page 76.
After you have cleared the cache, you can navigate to a screen and select the new value in the related drop-down list. For example, you can navigate to the Accounts screen, select a record from the Accounts list, and then choose Bronze in the records Account Status drop-down list.
List-of-Values Fields
Some list-of-values fields, such as High, Low, and Weighting Factor, are for use by specialized Siebel C++ code to store additional information about the selected list-of-values record. In addition, pick maps can use list-of-value fields such as High, Low, and Weighting Factor. Pick maps normally use the Display Value field, which causes the list item selected by the user to be stored in the Siebel database exactly as it appears in the list. These fields can be used to populate other fields of the business component in which the pick map is defined. If you must use the High or Low fields, or other extra fields, use Siebel Tools to extend the PickList Generic BusComp by adding fields mapped to the corresponding columns on the S_LST_OF_VAL table. For example, you could use the High and Low fields to automatically populate the high and low temperatures when a user picks a Month value in a Date drop-down list. To do so, you would add two pick maps to the Month field by adding the High and Low list-of-value fields to the Pick List field of Pick Map. For more information about the PickList Generic BusComp, and about configuring static drop-down lists and pick maps, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications. NOTE: The Target High and Target Low fields are used exclusively with Smart Reports. For more information, see Siebel Reports Guide. Table 14 shows the fields for List-of-Values records. Not all fields for list-of-values records appear in the standard user interface. You can use the Columns Displayed menu option to see a field that does not appear.
List-of-Values Fields Description The type of list of values (the field name). The value appears in the drop-down list. A check box that, when checked, indicates that internationalization is needed. (No client or server functionality ia associated with this field.)
List-of-Values Fields Description A check box that, when checked, indicates that the list of values is part of a multilingual list of values (MLOV). (No client or server functionality is associated with this field.) A value that, along with the Display Value, uniquely identifies a value for a particular LOV type. In most cases the Language Independent Code is the same as the Display Value. However, the Language Independent Code and Display Value are different for multilingual lists of values (MLOVs). MLOVs allow a single logical list item to support multiple display values for users who are accessing the Siebel application in different languages. For example if the MR_MS (Personal Title) list of values were multilingual, there might be three list-of-values items with a Language Independent Code of Mr. These lists of values might have a display value and language of Mr. (English-American), Senor (Spanish Modern), and Herr (German), respectively. German users would see Herr in the Personal Title drop-down list, Spanish users would see Senor and English users would see Mr. Although the display values vary across language instances, the value stored in the Siebel database when a user selects any one of these values is always Mr. because that is the Language Independent Code associated with Herr, Senor, and Mr. Values entered in the Language Independent Code field are sometimes referred to as LIVs (language independent values).
The Language Independent Code of a parent list of values. This field is used in hierarchical lists of values, where the values that appear in a drop-down list are constrained by the value selected in the parent drop-down list of values. For more information, see Constrained Lists of Values on page 80. There are only parents and children in this hierarchy. Grandchildren are not allowed. This hierarchy is enforced by limiting the values in the Pick Parent dialog box to those values which do not themselves have parent display values.
A value that specifies whether the translation is intended for use at all levels in the translation hierarchy or only at the regional level. An extra field available for use by pick maps or for customization. An extra field available for use by pick maps or for customization. The numerical order in which a value appears within a drop-down list. A check box that, when checked, indicates that the value appears to the user, and that when unchecked, indicates that the value does not appear to the user. The language used for the Display Value field in the list of values.
Language Name
List-of-Values Fields Description An extra field used in Smart Reports. An extra field used in Smart Reports. An extra field available for use by pick maps or for customization. The bitmap file that appears. A description of a specific value.
NOTE: Modifying a Display Value field does not automatically update records that have been populated with the old value. For example, if you change Ms. to Miz in the Display Value field, Miz show up in the drop-down list, but all contact records that were previously entered with Ms. in the Personal Title field still have Ms. in the Personal Title field. To modify a value in a drop-down list, you must know its display value and type. You can find out the type by querying the list-of-values list for a specific display value. For example, if you must make a change to the value 1-ASAP in the Priority drop-down list in the Activities screen, you could do so using the following steps. For more information about multilingual lists of values (MLOVs), see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.
Click the menu button, and then choose Run Query. A list of records appears that includes the display value that you entered. More than one record can appear, and the records can have different types.
5 6
In the list of records, select the record that you want to modify, and make the change. To see the list-of-values modification in the Siebel application, click Clear Cache. For instructions about how to clear the cache, see Clearing the Cache on page 75.
Figure 2.
Constrained drop-down lists (or lists of values) must first be set up through Siebel Tools. After they are configured through Siebel Tools, specific values in lists can be made hierarchically dependent through the List of Values view. You use the Parent LIC attribute in the list-of-values record to specify the values that appear when a value is selected in the parent drop-down list.
For example, the LOV Type SR_AREA is used by both the Area and Subarea drop-down lists in a Service Request. The values that show up in the Area drop-down list are constrained to those that have a Parent LIC value of External. Figure 3 shows how the records for these values appear in the list-of-values list, including the Parent LIC value of External.
Figure 3.
The values that show up in the Subarea drop-down list are constrained to those that have a Parent LIC value that matches the users selection for the Area. For example, if the user selects Network in the Area drop-down, only those values that have the Parent LIC set to Network show up in the Subarea drop-down list, while if the user selects Upgrade in the Area drop-down, only those values that have the Parent LIC set to Upgrade show in the Subarea drop-down list. Figure 4 shows the records for the values that are available for both the Network and Upgrade parent values.
Figure 4.
If you want to change the parent Area of a Subarea list item, you must modify the Parent LIC code of the Subarea list item. Similarly, to add a new Subarea list item, you must create a new record, setting the list-of-values type to SR_AREA and the Display Value, Language Independent Code, and Language as described in Adding a New Value to an Existing List of Values on page 74.
Then you would set the Parent LIC code to the appropriate parent area. By contrast, to add a new item to the Area drop-down list, you would follow the same steps, but specify that the Parent LIC code have the value External. NOTE: The usage of the value External to identify items in the parent drop-down list is specific to this example. To determine this value for any given pair of constrained drop-down lists, reference the underlying configuration in the Tools Repository. SR_AREA LOV is used by the SR_TYPE, Area, and Sub Area LOVs in a Parent-Child-Grandchild hierarchy. SR_AREA LOV configuration is different when compared with other LOVs. While creating SR_AREA LOV values make sure that: SR Type value has no Parent LIC Code and the order number is 1000 or more. SR Area LOV values Parent LIC code is the LIC of the parent SR Type. Sub Areas Parent LIC code is a combination of the SR TYPE and SR Area LIC Values. The SR Type and SR Area LIC values are concatenated to create a new record that appears in the Parent LIC list.
NOTE: In the example using the Area and Subarea drop-down lists, both parent and child lists of values have the same list-of-values type. This condition is not required, but it has the advantage of avoiding EIM unique key violation errors. These errors can occur when constraining drop-down lists using Siebel Tools, when the parent and child lists of values contain different list-of-values types. If you plan to use Siebel EIM to exchange list-of-values data, consider constraining drop-down lists by configuring them so that the parent and child lists of values have the same list-of-values type.
This chapter includes information about Siebel Audit Trail. It includes the following topics: About Siebel Audit Trail on page 83 Process of Configuring and Using Siebel Audit Trail on page 86 Enabling and Disabling Siebel Audit Trail on page 86 Specifying Business Components and Business Component Fields for Audit on page 87 Setting Up Read Auditing on page 88 Specifying ParentChild Associations for Audit on page 89 Specifying Siebel Audit Trail Restrictions on page 90 Verifying Siebel Audit Trail Configuration on page 91 Viewing Audit Trail Records on page 91 Linking Siebel Audit Trail to a Business Component on page 94 Decoding the Audit Log File on page 94 Importing Siebel Audit Trail with Enterprise Integration Manager on page 99 Customizing Siebel Audit Trail on page 99
Siebel Audit Trail can also be used to track the viewing and export of data. For example, financial services organizations can use Siebel Audit Trail to monitor who has read or exported an account holders information. Siebel Audit Trail can be implemented for the Siebel Audit Trail functionality itself to help you track any changes made to the Siebel Audit Trail settings. NOTE: For any Siebel Audit Trail deployment, the combination of the number of fields audited and the number of audit records created by a given business process has performance implications. If you audit a large number of fields on a business component, or audit fields in a large number of business components, unacceptable performance might result. Because read operations are common, if you audit a large number of these operations, unacceptable performance might result.
Audit Scope
System administrators can specify the audit scope by the following means: Operations (such as read, update, new, delete, and export) performed on business components Operations performed in a specific time period Only those operations performed by certain responsibilities, positions, or employees Fields, for audits of read operations
Table 15 lists some of the information that is stored for particular operations.
Table 15.
Information Stored for Auditable Operations Information Stored Name of the field on which the operation is performed Value of the field Name of the field on which the operation is performed Old value of the field New value of the field Value of the field Name of the field on which the operation is performed Value of the field when the user deleted the record Parent business component Child business component Link information Name of the field that the user reads Value of the field at the time of the read operation, if the Read Field Value option is selected on the Administration - Audit Trail screen Business component from which records are exported Row IDs of the exported records Number of records exported
Merging duplicate records can result in delete operations for the source records that are deleted and a modify operation for the surviving record that is updated with information from the deleted records. Variations of the delete operation for merged records include the Delete (Merge Record) operation for deleted merge records and the Delete Duplicate Assoc (Merge) operation for deleted records that are associated with deleted merge records. For more information about merging duplicate records, see Siebel Fundamentals.
Siebel Audit Trail Process of Configuring and Using Siebel Audit Trail
Export of data through the use of methods other than the following:
Record inserts, updates, and deletes that are performed through Assignment Manager or workflow policy actions. These actions do not use the Siebel Application Object Managers. Business components that are based on external data sources.
Siebel Audit Trail for Siebel Remote and Siebel Replication Users
The following information applies to remote and replication users: Audit trails are generated only when the user synchronizes data with the server. Audit trails are regenerated when the user synchronizes other data. If the transaction is rejected during the conflict resolution, an audit trail record is not generated.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Enabling and Disabling Siebel Audit Trail on page 86 Specifying Business Components and Business Component Fields for Audit on page 87 Setting Up Read Auditing on page 88 Specifying ParentChild Associations for Audit on page 89 Specifying Siebel Audit Trail Restrictions on page 90 Verifying Siebel Audit Trail Configuration on page 91 Viewing Audit Trail Records on page 91
Siebel Audit Trail Specifying Business Components and Business Component Fields for Audit
To enable Siebel Audit Trail for EIM, set the value of the EnablEimAuditing system preference to TRUE. To disable Siebel Audit Trail for EIM, set the value to FALSE.
Comments Select the check box if you want to audit the Update operation. Select the check box if you want to audit the Export operation.
In the Field list, create a new record for the field you want to audit. NOTE: If you do not create at least one new record for a field on the business component, nothing is audited. Some of the fields are described in the following table. Field Column Name Field Join Comments Displays the column name of the selected field. Select the field name you want to audit. The details of the selected field appear in the Table Name, Column Name, and Join columns. Displays the join name associated with the column. You can audit only fields that are standard joins. Standard joins apply to existing fields in existing business components. You cannot audit customized implicit joins. Customized implicit joins are not visible in Siebel Tools in the Joins list for the business component. For more information about implicit joins, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications. Select the check box if you want to store the field value during the audits of read operations. Select the check box if you want to audit the read operations. Displays the table to which the column belongs.
Repeat Step 3 until the Field list shows all the fields in that business component that you want to audit.
In the Audit Trail Buscomp list, enter an end date prior to todays date in the End Date field. In the Audit Trail Buscomp list, delete the record for the business component.
This task is a step in Process of Configuring and Using Siebel Audit Trail on page 86.
a b c 4
Create a new record to represent the field on which you want read-auditing. Use the Field column to select the name of the field. Select the Reading option for the record.
Siebel Audit Trail can keep track of changes in parentchild associations. For example, you can audit the association (and dissociation) of contacts with accounts. This task is a step in Process of Configuring and Using Siebel Audit Trail on page 86.
Select an existing record for the parent business component. Create a new record for the parent business component and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in table in Step 2 on page 87.
4 5
Make sure that the Assoc field is checked. Click the Child Buscomp view tab.
In the Child Buscomp list, create a new record for the child business component that has an association with the parent business component you want to audit. NOTE: If the Deep Delete user property is configured for the child business component, create a new record for the child business component in the Audit Trail Buscomp list in the same way that you create a new record for a parent business component. In this case, do not create a new record for the child business component in the Child Buscomp list. Some of the fields are described in the following table. Field Child Buscomp Inter Child Column Link Name M/M Parent Field Table Name Comments Displays the child business component for the link. Displays the name of the child column. Select the link between the parent and child business components that you want to audit. Displays whether the link is a many-to-many link. Displays the parent field of the child business component. Displays the name of the table on which the link is based.
Field Child Table Name Column Date Employee ID Employee Login Field Group ID Link
Comments Displays the name of the child table for the record where the database change occurred, if any. Displays the name of the column in which the change occurred. Displays the timestamp of the change. Displays the unique identifier of the user who changed the record. Displays the username of the user who changed the record. Displays the name of the field where the change occurred. Displays the unique identifier of the group to which the user who changed the record belonged. Displays the name of the link that describes the relationship between the child business component and the parent business component. This link is configured in Siebel Tools. Displays the value in the field after the database change occurred. Displays the value in the field before the database change occurred. Displays the type of operation that was performed, for example, New Record, Delete, and so on. Displays the unique identifier of the record that was changed. Displays the unique identifier of the row in which the change occurred. Displays the name of table to which the selected field belongs in the Siebel database.
Select the Audit Trail Item required. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Business Component Date Employee ID Employee Login Record Count Record IDs Comments Displays the business component on which the export operation was performed. Displays the timestamp of the export activity. Displays the unique identifier for the user who initiated the export. Displays the username of the user who initiated the export. Displays the number of records that were exported. Displays the unique identifier for each record that was exported.
NOTE: To audit record field values, you must select Read Field Value in the Field view of the Administration - Audit Trail screen. For more information, see Specifying Business Components and Business Component Fields for Audit on page 87.
NOTE: Because Audit Trail Item records are not routed to mobile Web clients, data in these linked views can appear only in Siebel Web Client and the Siebel Developer Web Client. Make sure that mobile clients do not have access to views displaying audit trail data.
Create a link between the Audit Trail Item 2 business component and the business component to which you are linking Siebel Audit Trail. Set the parent business component property of the link to the name of the audited business component. For example, if you are configuring the view to show the audit trail records for the Product Defect business component, the parent business component is Product Defect. The Child Business Component for the link is Audit Trail Item List 2. The Source and Destination Fields for the link are Id and Record ID respectively.
Modify the business object for the business component to which you are linking Siebel Audit Trail. You must create Audit Trail Item 2 as one of the business object components, and specify the Link property as the link you created in Step a. Create a view that has an applet that is based on the selected business component as a parent, and the Audit Trail Item List 2 applet as a child. Add this view to a screen.
c d 3 4 5
Launch one of the Siebel employee applications. Navigate to the Administration - Application screen, then the Views view. In the Responsibilities, and add the responsibilities that are applicable to the new view.
1 2 3 4
Start the Audit Trail Item 2 virtual business component. In a search time window, run a query for Audit Trail Item 2. Run an query for Audit Trail Item - Data, where the date and time match the previous record. Write out the decoded record ID: New Val, Old Val. This step is entirely dependant on your specific requirements and can range from writing to a custom table in the Siebel database to sending the decoded data to an external data source using one of the EAI Transports.
You can modify this flow to restrict the data returned by business component, user, position, and so on. However, the flow must always include the fundamental aspect of querying both the Audit Trail Item 2 virtual business component and the Audit Trail Item Data business component to construct a record consistent with format of a previous version of a Siebel Audit Trail record. Use this flow to make sure that duplicate records are not included in the export of audit trail data to a data warehouse. In this flow, row IDs are not obtained from the Audit Trail Item - Data business component to create records with unique row IDs but to identify already-exported records. This identification occurs in the data warehouse. (Due to the encoded format of the Audit Trail Item - Data business component, a virtual record in the Audit Trail Item 2 virtual business component does not always map one-to-one to a physical database record in the Audit Trail Item - Data business component. Consequently, a record for the Audit Trail Item 2 virtual business component does not always have a unique row ID.)
Next, you must create a trigger for the workflow you are using to decode audit data. You could use a reactive trigger through runtime events or workflow policies. If you need real-time or near-realtime onward transmission of the audit trail data, then consider using a reactive trigger. However, consider that the volume of transactions occurring on the audit tables is high, so any per-record solution might cause unwanted performance effects on the entire Siebel application. Any deployment using a reactive trigger on audit data requires extensive performance profiling. For any situation that does not require real-time data transmission, consider an asynchronous batch approach using a mechanism such as repeating component requests. You can tune and adjust these requests so that the frequency of the job matches the data and performance requirements of the Siebel application. In many cases, you can time these requests to run during periods of reduced activity in the Siebel application. It is recommended that you use this approach for the majority of use cases. You can use either a custom business service in conjunction with a workflow process, or you can use a workflow process on its own to implement your solution to decode audit trail data. Leveraging only a workflow process might assist in the long term maintenance of the solution if you think that it might require modification over time; however this approach also adds complexity to the solution due to the requirements of stepping through data sets and restricting records.
// using time differential. SetSearchSpec("Date", ">= " + strTimediff); ExecuteQuery(ForwardOnly); var bRecord = FirstRecord(); while(bRecord) { //Retrieve field values var strRecordId = GetFieldValue("Record Id"); var strBC = GetFieldValue("Business Component"); var strFieldName = GetFieldValue("Field"); var strOldVal = GetFieldValue("Old Value"); var strNewVal = GetFieldValue("New Value"); var strDate = GetFieldValue("Date"); //Query for underlying Row Id /**************************************************************************/ /* function: getAuditRowId */ /* /* Retrieves the physical row ID associated with the decoded audit record to */ /* provide a defined cutoff for the audit export operation. In cases where */ /* more than one record is retrieved, an error is thrown because the defined */ /* cutoff is not unique, and the operation is retried with new parameters. */ /**************************************************************************/ var strAuditId = getAuditRowId(strRecordId, strDate); //Placeholder for function to write out values writeAuditValues(strAuditId, strBC, strFieldName, strRecordId, strOldVal, strNewVal, strDate); bRecord = NextRecord(); } } } catch(e) { throw(e); }
} function getAuditRowId(strAuditRecordId, strAuditRecordDate) { var strReturn = ""; try { // Create objects var boAudit = TheApplication().GetBusObject("Audit Trail"); var bcAuditData = boAudit.GetBusComp("Audit Trail Item - Data"); with(bcAuditData) { SetViewMode(AllView); ClearToQuery(); // Set the search specification for the combination of // record Id and date SetSearchSpec("Date", strAuditRecordDate); SetSearchSpec("Record Id", strAuditRecordId); ExecuteQuery(ForwardOnly); var bRecord = FirstRecord(); if(bRecord) { strReturn = GetFieldValue("Id"); // Check to see that we only have one record bRecord = NextRecord(); if(bRecord) { throw("Error: Multiple Record Id and Date records identified"); } } else strReturn = ""; }
Siebel Audit Trail Importing Siebel Audit Trail with Enterprise Integration Manager
This chapter includes information about administering iHelp. It includes the following topics: About iHelp on page 101 Scenario for Administering iHelp on page 101 Process of Administering iHelp on page 102 Creating iHelp Item Records on page 103 Designing iHelp on page 106 Clearing the iHelp List Cache on page 108 Activating, Revising, and Deactivating iHelp Items on page 108 Translating iHelp Items on page 110 Importing and Exporting iHelp Items on page 111
About iHelp
iHelp is real-time step-by-step instruction that helps users complete tasks within the Siebel application. iHelp is best used to provide instruction to first time or occasional users. For information about how to use iHelp, see Siebel Fundamentals. For information about Application Deployment Manager (ADM) and iHelp, see Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide. NOTE: iHelp might not be appropriate for enforcing standards, because users are free to follow or not follow any given step. For information about how to standardize user behavior, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Task UI Guide.
10 1
The North American administrator creates an iHelp item to appear in the iHelp pane of the Activities and Accounts screens (screens frequently used by the agents). Because these instructions pertain only to call center agents, this iHelp item is set to be visible only to those users with the Call Center responsibility. The North American administrator and the call center managers are the only people who modify this iHelp item; the call center managers provide the content of the iHelp steps, and the administrator restricts edit access by associating the Call Center access group with the iHelp item. Various employees test the iHelp item. When the tests are complete, the administrator activates the iHelp item. At the end of the month, a policy change occurs that effects some steps in the iHelp item. This policy change is handled by creating two versions of the iHelp item. One item is set to expire at the end of the month and the second item (with steps corrected for the new policy) is set to become active at the beginning of the next month. In North America, the call centers operate in both English and French. The manager of the francophone call center revises the iHelp item, translating the text into French. The European call centers use a different database, but they also want their call center agents to see this iHelp item. The North American administrator exports the iHelp item to a file and sends it to the European administrator. Then, the European administrator imports the item into the European database, adds responsibilities and access groups, and activates the iHelp item.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Creating iHelp Item Records on page 103 Designing iHelp on page 106 Clearing the iHelp List Cache on page 108 Activating, Revising, and Deactivating iHelp Items on page 108 Translating iHelp Items on page 110 Importing and Exporting iHelp Items on page 111
You can create iHelp items in several ways. You can import and export the items, or you can manually create the items. If you manually create the items, make sure that you test your iHelp items in either of the following ways: Create and test your iHelp item in the intended production environment. While you test, restrict the responsibilities associated with the iHelp item to restrict visibility of the item. For more information, about how to restrict responsibilities, see the following task about how to create an iHelp item record. Create and test your iHelp item in your development environment, then use ADM to deploy the item to production. For information about ADM and iHelp, see Siebel Application Deployment Manager Guide.
You can determine the database tables that store the data that you create in iHelp views. On the Administration - iHelp screen, navigate to a view, select Help, then About View from the application menu, and note the business components for the view. In Siebel Tools, the database table name appears in the Table column for a business component. If you use the Applet Wizard to create an applet, the HTML Type field for the controls and list columns is automatically set to Text. If you are using iHelp, change the HTML Type field to Field. This task is a step in Process of Administering iHelp on page 102.
10 3
Create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Name Comments Type the name that appears in the iHelp pane. Make sure that the name clearly identifies the iHelp item. Do not include any special characters such as colons or quotation marks in the Name. Remote Support Select a value to determine if items are downloaded. iHelp items can be downloaded to regional and local databases. Value include: Application All. Items are downloaded to both regional and local databases. Regional. Items are downloaded to regional databases only. None. Items are not downloaded to any databases.
Select the Siebel Business Applications in which you want the iHelp item to appear. For example, if you want the iHelp item to be used in Siebel Call Center, set this field to Siebel Universal Agent (the internal name for the Call Center application). Make sure that all these Siebel Business Applications contain the screens and views needed for the iHelp item that you create.
Related Task
Select a task to which you want to link from the iHelp item. If you select a value in this field, colored text appears in the iHelp item to indicate that you can use the task-based UI for this task. You cannot pass the current UI context to a related task. For example, if the user has selected a contact, then selects an add activity task from iHelp, you cannot pass the selected contact to the Activities form.
Show Me Location
Type the location of a file or a URL to open when a user clicks the Show me more link at the end of the iHelp item. If you type the location of a file in this field, you must specify a relative path. If you type a URL, you must use the HTTP protocol. You must also specify the protocol in the URL ( If you do not type a value in this field, a Show me more link does not appear in the iHelp item.
Clear the check box to indicate any user with access to the Administration iHelp screen can modify the iHelp item. If you want to restrict edit access for this iHelp item, see Step 5 on page 105. (Optional) Select the date when the iHelp item first appears in the iHelp pane. (Optional) Select the date after which the iHelp item no longer appears in the iHelp pane. Displays the status of the iHelp item. The status changes when the Activate, Revise, and Deactivate buttons on the All Help Items view are clicked.
Comments Displays the version of the iHelp item. This field is automatically updated when an item of the same name is created or imported. (Optional) Type a description of the iHelp item. This description is for only the administrator. The text does not appear in the iHelp pane.
Set which users can see the iHelp items (in the iHelp pane or Map) by completing the following steps:
a b c
Click the Responsibilities view tab. Associate the responsibilities of those users who you want to see the iHelp item. Make sure the Active flag is selected for each responsibility.
NOTE: Users also must have the Task Assistant Player View associated with at least one of their responsibilities. For more information about how to associate views and responsibilities with users, see Siebel Security Guide.
Specify the locations in the Siebel application where you want the iHelp item to appear. When you specify a location, you specify a combination of screens, business objects, and view tabs. iHelp items are mapped to business objects. Business objects are often uniquely associated with a particular screen, but there are some exceptions. For example, business object home pages do not have this unique relationship. If you want an iHelp item to appear on both the Activities Home Page and other views under the Activities screen, you must associate both of the following business objects with the iHelp item:
To specify the locations in the UI where you want the iHelp item to appear, perform the following steps:
a b
Click the Screens view tab. Click New, then select a combination of screens, business objects, and view tabs where you want the iHelp item to appear. You can select only a combination of screens, business objects, and view tabs, which is common to all the Siebel Business Applications specified in the Application field.
If you want to restrict edit access for the item, set the access groups to determine who can modify the iHelp item by completing the following steps:
a b c
Click the Access Groups view tab. Associate access groups with the iHelp item. Make sure that you belong to one of the access groups. Click the More Info view tab and select the Private check box in the form view. For more information about access groups, see Siebel Security Guide.
Complete the following procedure to add additional help topics to an iHelp item.
10 5
Designing iHelp
Assemble step-by-step iHelp instructions in the iHelp Designer by creating steps and connecting them with branches. This task is a step in Process of Administering iHelp on page 102.
In the Step form, complete the fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Name View Comments Type the name that appears on the steps icon in the iHelp Designer. The user does not see this name. Select a view name if you want the step to: Provide a hyperlink to a view. Highlight buttons or fields on the view.
NOTE: If you provide a hyperlink to a screen which is different from the main screen for the iHelp, you might lose record context as you navigate to the other screen. For example, a user in the Contact Activities view of the Contacts screen, highlights an activity record and clicks an iHelp link to the Activities screen. In going to the Activities screen, the record context is broken. The highlighted activity is no longer selected, and the user must query for it again. If you remain in the same screen, context is generally maintained. Only views that are common to all the Siebel Business Applications specified in the Application field are available for selection. Caption Type the text that appears in the step. Use the following tags to format step captions: <b> and </b> for bold. <i> and </i> for italics. <u> and </u> for underline. <v> and </v> for view navigation links. If you add these tags to text, the text appears in bold and blue, and has an underline when you point to the text. <a> and </a> for external hypertext links. For example, <a href=http:// target=_blank>Oracle</a>. If you add these tags to text, the text appears in bold and blue, and has an underline when you point to the text.
(Optional) Type the section label that appears above the step text in bold, underlined text. (Optional) Type information for only the administrators use. This description is not visible in the iHelp pane.
a b 4
Click the Field and Button Highlights folder. In the Field and Button Highlights list, create new records and complete the fields.
10 7
a b
Click the SubSteps folder. In the SubSteps list, create new records, and complete the Caption field.
If you add substeps to a step, an arrow appears at the end of the step caption. Click this arrow to show the substeps. Click the arrow again to hide the substeps. NOTE: You cannot add view navigation links to substeps. Complete the following procedure to connect steps with branches.
a b
Click the Branches folder for the step. In the Branches list, complete the fields. No Condition Expression is required for the last branch in the sequence. For information about the Branch Condition Expression Designer, see Developing and Deploying Siebel Business Applications.
Creating and Administering iHelp Activating, Revising, and Deactivating iHelp Items
Table 16.
About the Activate, Revise, and Deactivate Buttons Changes Status From... In Progress
Button Activate
When to Use The iHelp item is complete and ready for general use.
Effect The iHelp item cannot be modified (although it can be deleted). The status and version no longer appear with the item name in the iHelp pane. After the status changes to Active, any active version of the item becomes Outdated.
To... Active
The iHelp item is copied to a new record that can be edited. For the new record, deselects Active flag on Responsibilities view.
Active Inactive
In Progress
The iHelp item no longer appears in the iHelp pane or the iHelp Map.
10 9
Click Revise.
TIP: Reset the responsibilities for the in-progress iHelp item so that you can see and test the item that you are revising. Complete the following procedure to deactivate an iHelp item.
If translation is not defined for a language, the text from the base record appears. This task is a step in Process of Administering iHelp on page 102.
4 5
Click the Designer view tab. For each step, complete the following steps:
a b 6
Open the Translations folder. Create a record to the Translations list and complete the fields.
a b
Open the Translations folder for the substep. In the Translations list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields.
You cannot move iHelp items between different types of Siebel repositories. For example, you cannot export from a Siebel Call Center application to a Siebel Automotive application. In general, make sure that all the Siebel Business Applications, screens, and views referenced in the exported item are available in the repository where the item is imported. This task is a step in Process of Administering iHelp on page 102.
11 1
This chapter explains the procedures necessary to create alerts for Siebel Business Applications. It includes the following topics: About Alerts on page 113 Scenario for Using Alerts on page 113 Creating Alerts on page 114
About Alerts
Alerts provide a way for administrators and other users with access to the Alert Administration view to send long, complex, and customized messages directly to selected groups of recipients. Typically, these messages are time-critical, but also must have associations with data in the company database (for instance, literature or products) and to be customized for the recipient. For example, to communicate product pricing changes to a sales team with members around the world, a sales manager would want to be able to distribute new pricing structures and product information when they are approved. Traditionally, this distribution would be done with email messages, phone calls, or mailed literature. This approach presents the following challenges: To provide the necessary details, you might need to distribute a large quantity of information, with file attachments or links provided by the manager. Different team members might require different price list or product information, depending on their organization, division, or position. Distributing information to remote team members might produce a communication lag time.
Features of alerts include the following: The abstract of alert messages appear in an applet on the recipients home page, listed in order of the priority specified by the sender. Recipients can click the abstract to read the entire message. Literature items and products can be associated with alerts. Access to price list and product information available to different team members might be controlled by organization, division, or position.
11 3
A multinational software development corporation uses the Siebel Sales application to automate their sales workforce. The company is organized geographically by division for the purpose of access control, and alerts are enabled. An international sales manager has just been given the go-ahead for a new set of software product bundles, which include one new product. He must communicate these price changes to his companys sales force as soon as possible. Because pricing varies by geography, each of the four major geographical regions represented by his companys four sales divisions must receive a customized message about the new product bundles. He tells the Siebel administrator the details of the alert message that must be sent. The Siebel administrator creates the alert message, and associates a price list and the new product with the message. She creates keywords that users are able to search on to find the message at a later date, if necessary. When the Siebel administrator sends the alert, a customized message is sent to all international sales representatives, with the appropriate price list for their division associated. The sales representatives see the alert message on their home pages when they log in to the Web client or download alerts during synchronization. These users can navigate through the home page or Site Map to read the text and any associated literature items or products. After sending the alert to the sales force, the Siebel administrator continues with other work. The Human Resources director has requested that employees be sent a weekly alert for the next month, reminding them to attend a benefits information session. The Siebel administrator creates this Human Resources alert, using the same process she used to create the sales force alert, but, instead of sending it as a single-message alert, she designates it to recur at weekly intervals.
Creating Alerts
When you create an alert, all designated connected users receive the alert at the date and time the alert is activated. Mobile users, such as sales field representatives, receive an activated alert after synchronization.
To create an alert 1 2
Navigate to the Administration - Alert screen, then the Alerts view. In the Alerts list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Priority Comments Select the priority of the message. The priority of the message determines where the message appears in the list of alerts on the users home pages. Messages with the highest priority are at the top of the list. Type the keywords that the user searches on to find this message.
Field Type
Comments Select a value to determine who receives the alert, as follows: Employee Home Page Alert. Displays the alert on all employees home pages. Partner Alert. Displays alerts to employees of registered partner companies. Program Information. Displays the alert to self-registered, individual partners. Public Information. Displays the alert to unregistered, anonymous users.
Type a brief abstract that summarizes the message. This field appears as a hyperlink on the appropriate users home pages. Select the date when the message first appears to users. Select the date when the message no longer appears to users. Select the check box to indicate that the alert is seen by users in partner companies. Select the check box to indicate that the alert is seen by employee users. Select this check box to indicate the alert is seen by all users, as indicated by the Employee Alert or Partner Alert check boxes. For example, if the Employee Alert check box is checked, and the All Users check box is checked, all employees see the alert.
Message Body
Type in the text of the message, including HTML formatting code if needed. Alerts can be enhanced by using the following HTML formatting codes: <b>text</b> for bold <u>text</u> for underline <i>text</i> for italics <h4>text</h4> for font size <a>href=http:text</a> for a hyperlink to Web page or site
3 4
Drill down on the Abstract field in the new record. If you want to add literature as an attachment, complete the following steps:
a b
Click the Literature view tab. In the Literature list, create a new record for the literature item. NOTE: Only literature of type Sales Tool can be added.
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Click the Product view tab. In the Product list, create a new record for the product.
If you want to specify the recipients, complete the following steps: Click the Recipients view tab. In the lower link bar, click Recipient Divisions or Recipient Positions. Create new records to the Recipient List.
Remember, if you selected the All Users check box in Step 2, the message is automatically sent to all recipients.
Message Broadcasting
This chapter explains the procedures necessary to administer message broadcasting for Siebel Business Applications. It includes the following topics: About Message Broadcasting on page 117 Scenario for Administrating Message Broadcasting on page 118 Process of Administering Message Broadcasting on page 119 Enabling and Disabling Message Broadcasting on page 119 Creating a Message Broadcast on page 122 Updating a Message Broadcast on page 124 About Automatically Updating Message Broadcasting Text on page 125 Configuring Message Broadcast Caching on page 127 Changing ToolTip Text for Arrow Icons on page 127
Messages have severity levels (indicated by color) and activation and expiration dates. You create message broadcasts in the Message Broadcasts view of the Administration Communications screen. Also, message broadcasts can be created automatically from Siebel Business Process Designer or remotely from a third-party application through Siebel EAI.
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About Message Broadcast Caching Versus Directly Polling the Siebel Database
The Siebel application obtains the display messages by using the following methods: The default behavior is read the messages from the Siebel database each time the message bar or notification pane is refreshed. This method can adversely affect performance if the bar or panes are set to refresh frequently. Message broadcast caching stores messages in each Siebel Application Object Manager. The messages are then broadcast through the Service Request Broker (SRBroker).
In addition to providing his customer-care representatives with this real-time status information, the contact center administrator also wants to send informative messages to individuals and teams in real time. Throughout the shifts and work day, he sends these messages to individuals and teams using the Message Broadcasts view within the Siebel application. The contact center administrator can send a message to an individual employee, a set of employees with the same responsibility, a division of employees, or to all employees. The customer-care representatives service customers using multiple communications channels with the Siebel application. The customer-care representative receives contact center statistics calculated for an individual, a group, or in summary on the message bar or notification pane within the Siebel application. This real-time information updates the customer-care representatives about whether they and the call center are meeting their service objectives.
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Enabling and Disabling Message Broadcasting on page 119 Creating a Message Broadcast on page 122 Updating a Message Broadcast on page 124
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In the Component Parameters subview, select the Application Message Bar Flag parameter, and type the appropriate value in the Value field. For details on how to configure the server component, or Siebel Application Object Manager, parameters, see Siebel System Administration Guide. The parameter values are described in the following table. Parameter Value TRUE
Comments Specify this value if you want to always enable message broadcasting. For a value of TRUE, users cannot disable message broadcasting. For a Siebel Web Client deployment, the Siebel Application Server pushes messages to users. For Mobile Web Client users, messages are synchronized. For a value of TRUE, you can use the Application Message Bar Update parameter to specify the refresh rate for the message bar or notification pane. Modify the Value field of the Application Message Bar Update parameter. The default value is 120 seconds. If the update interval is less than the SessionTimeout set in the CFG file of the Siebel application, then sessions never time out.
Specify this value if you want to always disable message broadcasting. For a value of FALSE, the message bar or the Notification icon and notification panes do not appear on the screens of users. For a Siebel Web Client deployment, the Siebel Application Server does not push messages to users. For Mobile Web Client users, messages are not synchronized.
User Enabled
Specify this value if you want users to enable or disable message broadcasting in their user preferences. If a Web client user disables message broadcasting, the Siebel Application Server does not push messages to the user. If a Mobile Web Client user disables message broadcasting, messages are not synchronized. For a value of User Enable, the update interval is a user preference. For more information about this user preference, see Siebel Fundamentals. If the update interval is less than the SessionTimeout set in the CFG file of the Siebel application, then sessions never time out.
You can also enable or disable message broadcasting in Siebel Mobile and Developer Web Clients.
To enable or disable message broadcasting on Siebel Mobile and Developer Web Clients 1
Use a text editor to open the CFG file for your Siebel application.
Find the ShowMessageBar parameter in the CFG file. An example follows: ShowMessageBar=TRUE
3 4
Set the parameter value to TRUE, FALSE, or User Enabled. For descriptions of each parameter value, see Step 4 on page 120. If you set the ShowMessageBar parameter to TRUE, specify the refresh rate for the message bar or notification pane by adding the following line to the CFG file: MessageBarUpdateInterval = seconds where: seconds is the interval in seconds between refreshes to the message bar or notification pane. The default value is 120 seconds.
The message bar is also supported for standard-interactivity application clients, and you can display the message bar in standard-interactivity client applications.
Locate each line that contains a htmlAttr attribute in the .swt file. The following sample line contains a htmlAttr attribute: <swe:frameset htmlAttr="rows='number,number,number,*' border='0' frameborder='No'">
In each htmlAttr attribute, enter 15 as the height of the message bar after the asterisk (*). The following sample htmlAttr attribute has the height specified: <swe:frameset htmlAttr="rows='44,24,25,*,15' border='0' frameborder='No'">
5 6
Save the changes to the .swt file. Restart your standard-interactivity client application.
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For example, if your message has a severity of normal, but you want to highlight specific text, you can tag parts of the text with the code for High or Urgent. An example follows: The trunk line from [H]Chicago, Illinois [N]is [U]DOWN! The beginning of the message appears in the color for the severity of the message, Normal; the words Chicago, Illinois appear in the color for High; and the word DOWN! appears in the color for Urgent. This task is a step in Process of Administering Message Broadcasting on page 119.
In the Message Broadcasts list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Abstract Comments Type a brief description of the message. When users click the Notification icon to access broadcast messages, this text appears in the Notification Summary pane. Select the date and time at which you want to start broadcasting the message. If the Activation field is blank, the message is broadcast immediately. However, broadcasts are controlled by the application message interval and login. NOTE: The date and time are taken from the Siebel Server (not from the computer where the client browser runs). Make sure that the date and time are set correctly on the Siebel Server. All Allow Dismiss Select the check box to broadcast the message to all users. Select the check box to allow users to dismiss (or delete) the message in the Notification Summary pane. When you select this check box, a Dismiss icon appears next to the message in the Notification Summary pane, and users click this icon to dismiss a message. Select the check box to distribute the message as a bulletin on the My Briefing page. For more information, see Siebel Briefings Administration Guide. Select the check box to display the message in the message bar or the notification panes. Clear the check box to not display the message in the message bar or the notification panes. Select the date and time at which you want to stop broadcasting the message. If the Expiration field is blank, the message is broadcast continually NOTE: The date and time are taken from the Siebel Server (not from the computer where the client browser runs). Make sure that the date and time are set correctly on the Siebel Server. Message Type the text you want to include in the message broadcast. This field accepts up to 2,000 characters. This text appears in the message bar or the Notification Details pane. You can use severity levels within the message text. Select the divisions associated with the users to whom to send the broadcast message. You can use this field in combination with the Recipient Position field.
Briefing Bulletin
Recipient Division
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Comments Select the positions associated with the users to whom to send the broadcast message. You can use this field in combination with the Recipient Division field. An employee name appears in the Recipients dialog box if the employee has a defined position and is marked active for that position. If multiple employees occupy the same position, the message is sent to all of them, although you see only the active employee on the list. Employees with multiple positions see messages sent to any of their positions, regardless of the position associated with their login ID.
Select the severity level to indicate the importance and appearance of the message. If you select a severity of Urgent with Alert, the message appears in one of the following ways: If you use Siebel Open UI, the user sees a blinking Notification icon, and clicks this icon to view the message. If you do not use Siebel Open UI, the user sees an alert dialog box containing the message text in the middle of the screen. The user sees this same text in the message bar.
Field Names for the Broadcast Message Business Component Description A short summary for identifying the purpose of a message, such as Calls In Queue The beginning of the message broadcasting The designation to broadcast the message to all employees with positions defined The text of the message The designation to set recipients using division The internal identification value for Division The end of the message broadcasting The designation to set recipients using position The internal identification value for Position The designation to set recipients using employee The internal identification value for Recipient The severity of the message as defined in the type BRDCST_MSG_TYPE in the List of Values The designation to send the message using message broadcasting The designation to send the message using Siebel eBriefings
Activation Date/Time All Body Division Division Id Expiration Date/Time Position Position Id Recipient Recipient Id Type Via Broadcasting Via Interactive
A sample Visual Basic (VB) script follows, which demonstrates how to create and update a broadcast message with information, using the call center queue as an example. The sample Visual Basic script is generic; your CTI middlewares API determines the structure of syntax like the Msg command.
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Enable message broadcast caching for Developer Web Clients (if any). Add or edit the EnableMsgbroadcastCache parameter in the [Siebel] section in your Siebel applications CFG file as follows: EnableMsgbroadcastCache = TRUE
If you use any workflow policy that contains a workflow policy program with the Send Broadcast Message type, then activate the Check New Broadcasted Message workflow policy, which belongs to the Siebel Messaging policy group. The Check New Broadcasted Message policy monitors the S_BRDCST_MSG table and invokes the Notify Broadcasted Message workflow process to broadcast any new message added to the table. For information about how to activate workflow policies, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.
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MSGBAR_SCROLL_LEFT, which has a symbolic string of SBL_FORWARD_MESSAGE MSGBAR_SCROLL_RIGHT, which has a symbolic string of SBL_PREVIOUS_MESSAGE
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Recompile the Symbolic Strings project and the HTML Control Icons bitmap category. Clear the browser cache.
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Inbox Terminology Definition Requests for approval and notification that are delivered to in Inboxes of users. Inbox items refer to other records, or to feature objects in the Siebel database, which require review or approval. The term Inbox item is shortened to item in some text in this guide.
Inbox item
An Inbox item that has been processed or has expired. The item no longer appears in the Inbox Items List view. A screen in which users can perform the following tasks: Take action on their current Inbox items. View their completed items. View their submitted items.
Inbox Items List Submitted Items List Completed Items List Inbox action Inbox type
A view that displays Inbox items on which the user must act. A view that displays deactivated Inbox items that have been submitted by the user. A view that displays deactivated Inbox items. Typically, the approval process is complete for these items. The action that the user takes on the Inbox item. Typically, this action is approval, rejection, or acknowledgement. A value that determines some characteristics of the Inbox item, such as the actions that can be taken on the item, and the expiration date for the item. A view that displays data from the feature object and that you access by drilling down on the Name field. The underlying entity that the Inbox record points to; for example, a service request record or, for ESS, a row in the SmartScript session table. When you drill down on the Name field of an item in the Inbox, you see the feature object. The Siebel Employee Self-Service application. The Inbox is an important feature for this application. When this guide provides ESSspecific information, the information is noted as ESS-specific. A term that is an alternative name for the Inbox.
Universal Inbox
Administering and Using Inbox Scenarios for Administering and Using the Inbox
Feature objects interact with Inbox items through the methods of the Universal Inbox business service. These methods can be invoked using various mechanisms, for example, run-time events can monitor the business component operations of the feature object. The Inbox interacts with feature objects through Inbox actions, which are defined as part of the Inbox type. Integration business service methods are invoked when the users take action on Inbox items. Figure 5 illustrates interaction between feature objects and the Inbox.
Figure 5.
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A HR representative for the department in which the employee works The immediate supervisor of the employee The departmental vice president
This new policy is assigned to a Siebel administrator for implementation. After using the Employee Self-Service feature to set up and activate the integrated Personnel Action Form (PAF), the administrator designs the approval flows for the business object using Siebel Business Process (Workflow) Administration. Using the Inbox, the administrator creates the required approval type. When a user submits this particular item, the approval type created by the administrator invokes the approval workflow process. A manager at the company submits a PAF. The form is routed to the human resources representative, then the manager, and finally the vice president. Each approver can reject the form and send it back to the requestor. If approved, the process flow results in an update of data fields.
Setting Expiration Dates and Due Dates for Inbox Items on page 134 Changing the Destination View for an Inbox Type on page 134 Changing Inbox Downloading to Remote Databases on page 135 Adding Inbox Translations on page 135
This topic includes some of the straightforward changes that the administrator can make to the Inbox types that have already been configured. For detailed information about how to set up and configure Inbox, see Chapter 11, Configuring the Inbox.
All Inbox Items. All items that are in users Inbox Items Lists. The administrator sees one record for each owner. All Completed Items. All items that are in users Completed Items Lists. The administrator sees one record for each owner. All Submitted Items view. All items that are in users Submitted Items Lists. The administrator sees one record for each originator.
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Click the Detail view tab to see information about the feature object. Click the History view tab to see who owns the item and which owners have taken action on the item.
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Administering and Using Inbox Setting Expiration Dates and Due Dates for Inbox Items
To change how item expiration and due dates are set for Inbox items of a given type 1 2
Navigate to the Administration - Inbox screen, then the All Inbox Types view. In the Inbox Types list, select a record and edit the fields in the following table. Field Default Queue Duration (Days) Comments Type a value that represents the number of days for the default queue duration. This field determines the due date for the item. When the item has been in the Inbox of the owner for more than this number of days, the Past Due check box appears selected. Type a value that represents the number of days for the item time expiration. This field determines the expiration date for the item. This field appears in the Submitted Items List view. By default, no action is taken when an item expires.
All. Downloads the Inbox items to the regional and local databases. Regional. Downloads the Inbox items to the regional databases only. None. Does not download items to the remote databases. CAUTION: If the Replication Level is currently set to None, before you change the Replication Level, see Configuring the Inbox for Use with Remote Databases on page 146.
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When the record is saved, the business service and method defined in the Inbox type for the action are triggered.
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Planning for Inbox Configuration on page 140 Creating Inbox Items on page 140 Creating Inbox Types on page 141 Setting Up Inbox Links to Views and SmartScripts on page 142 Setting Up Inbox Actions on page 143 Configuring the Inbox for Use with Remote Databases on page 146 Setting Up Inbox Approval Translations on page 147
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Is the object accessed from the UI or from workflow processes? Is the object accessed from one place or many places? How is the object related to other objects? Are other objects dependent on the object? What operations do users perform on the object?
Determine the integration mechanism by considering what must happen to the object after it enters the Inbox. The types of integration with the Inbox include:
Inbound. It is typically triggered through workflows, eScripts, run-time events, or Workflow Monitor agents. Outbound. It is typically triggered through workflows and eScripts.
For example, if users access the feature object in other ways besides using the Inbox, synchronize (inbound) the Inbox with the objects current data. (See also Figure 5 on page 131.)
Interact with the Inbox only through the methods in the Universal Inbox business service. Do not edit the Inbox fields directly. Do not customize the fields in the Inbox. You cannot reactivate an Inbox item after the item has been deactivated for the owner. Instead, you must create a new Inbox item for that owner.
The procedure in this topic shows how to configure the Siebel application to have Inbox items created in a certain screen or for a business component. This task is a step in Process of Setting Up and Configuring Inbox on page 139.
This task is a step in Process of Setting Up and Configuring Inbox on page 139.
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Sequence # SmartScript
This task is a step in Process of Setting Up and Configuring Inbox on page 139.
About Actions
There are several circumstances where a business service method can be invoked to act on an Inbox item. A different action type is used for each. Table 19 summarizes these actions.
Actions for Inbox Types Invokes the Specified Business Service Method When... The user takes action (edits the Action field on the Inbox item). The user drills down on the Name field of the item. You can also use the Views view to configure this hyperlink. For more information about how to use the Views view to configure this hyperlink, see Setting Up Inbox Links to Views and SmartScripts on page 142. The user, in a remote database, drills down on the Name field of the item. For more information, see Configuring the Inbox for Use with Remote Databases on page 146.
Local Validation
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Actions for Inbox Types Invokes the Specified Business Service Method When... Do not use this action unless you are upgrading. This action is provided for backward compatibility. For more information, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide. This action invokes the Initialize method of the Universal Business Service. It creates an Inbox item and starts the defined method.
The user transfers the Inbox item to another user. The user transfers the Inbox item to another user, and the Transferable field for the Inbox Type is selected. In the preconfigured Siebel application, the Transfer action and Transfer Validation action are implemented only for task inbox items (the Task business object). These actions invoke the Transfer method of the Task Administration business service. If you want to implement these actions for another inbox item, you must create for the appropriate business object a custom method in a business service or a custom workflow process to perform the action, and then set up the action to invoke this custom method or workflow.
About Deactivate Item Upon Finish and Deactivate Owners Upon Finish Fields
An Inbox item can be deactivated in the following ways: Deactivation can be done through one of the Universal Inbox Business Service methods. The Inbox type can be set up so that if the business method in the Actions record finishes without error, the item is deactivated. For an example of an Inbox action setup, see Examples of Inbox Triggers on page 171. The item can be deactivated for all the owners or only for owner who takes the action, as follows:
If Deactivate Item Upon Finish is set, when one owner takes action on the item, the item is deactivated for all owners, and all owners see the item in their Completed Items List. If Deactivate Owners Upon Finish is set, when one owner takes action, the item is deactivated (and moved to the Submitted Items List) for that owner alone. The item remains in the other owners Inbox List.
In the Actions list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Action Business Service Business Service Method Business Service Method Arguments Comments Select a value for the action. For more information, see Table 19 on page 143. Select the business service to use, for example, Workflow Process Manager. Select the method to invoke for the selected business service. Type the arguments required to invoke the business service method. For example, if you use the Workflow Process Manager business service, your workflow must contain the properties with the same argument names. Select the check box to deactivate the Inbox item for all owners, after the method has successfully completed. Select the check box to deactivate the Inbox item for one owner, after the method has successfully completed.
In addition to the arguments passed in the Business Service Method Arguments field, the arguments in the following table are always passed to your custom business service or workflow. Argument ActionLIC Comments The value the user selected from the Action field. For example, if the Inbox Type has an Action Type of UINBOX_STATUS_TYPE, the value of this argument is one of the following: Accepted, Received, or Rejected. The value of the business object name field for the Inbox type. The login ID of the user who uses the Inbox type. The row ID of the Inbox item. This argument refers to the UInbox Item business component, which is used by the Submitted Items List view. The row ID of the Inbox type. The name of the Inbox type. The value of the integration about name for the Inbox type. If the Inbox type has an integration object name, the value of this field is passed in this argument.
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Configuring the Inbox Configuring the Inbox for Use with Remote Databases
Argument ObjectId
Comments The row ID of the business object name that is managed by the Inbox type. NOTE: This row ID is not the standard Object ID property that is available on every workflow.
The row ID of the Inbox Item Task. This argument refers to the UInbox Item Task business component, which is used by the Inbox Items List and Completed Items List view.
NOTE: The Inbox Action passes the row ID of the feature object in ObjectId. Within a workflow process, the ID of the primary business component on which the process is based must be stored in the process properties Object ID. Note the space character in the Object ID process property name. Therefore, the workflow process first copies the content of ObjectId to Object ID, if necessary.
b 2 3 4
Looks for the feature object, and, if the feature object is found, sets the output argument LocalValidationError to N.
Navigate to the Administration - Inbox screen, then the All Inbox Types view. In the Inbox Types list, select the type record. In the More Info form, set the Replication Level. Values include:
All. Set this value to download Inbox items to regional and local databases. Regional. Set this value to download Inbox items to regional databases only.
Click the Actions view tab. In the Actions list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Action Business Service Business Service Method Business Service Method Arguments Comments Select Local Validation. Select the business service that you defined in Step 1. Select the business service method that you defined in Step 1. Type the arguments for the business service method.
14 7
Configuring the Inbox Configuring the Toggle Applets for Inbox Views
In the Translations list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Display Name Comments Type the display name for translation of the Inbox type Name.
Views Supporting Dynamic Toggle Applet Inbox items detail views Completed items detail views Submitted items detail views
UInbox Item
When you set up a dynamic toggle applet, you determine which type of form applet appears in the lower portion of the Inbox Detail views. Typically, the applet that is based on the business object of the underlying feature object is the most suitable applet. For example, if you want to set up the Inbox for service request approvals, you can create a dynamic toggle applet that displays the Service Request Detail Applet form applet when the business object for the Inbox type is Service Requests. Then you can create a link between the Inbox business components and the Service Request business component, so that the service request information can appear in the Inbox detail views.
a b c
Create a form applet. Make sure that an Applet Web Template is defined for the Edit mode of this applet. Set the value of the Auto Toggle Field to Item Type BusObj Name. Set the value of the Auto Toggle Value field to the business object of the Inbox type. For example, set the value to Service Request.
For information about which toggle applet to create a child object for, see Table 20. For more information about how to configure toggle applets, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.
Configuring the Inbox Configuring the Category Icon for the Inbox
Create links between the business component of the feature object and the UInbox Item and UInbox Item Task business components by completing the following steps:
a b
Create a link record. Complete the fields in the following table. Field Name Parent Business Component Child Business Component Source Field Destination Field Comments Displays the link name after the Parent Business Component and Child Business Component fields are completed. Select UInbox Item Task or UInbox Item. Select the business component for the dynamic toggle applet, for example, Service Request. Type the Item Object ID. Type the ID of the feature object to appear in the dynamic toggle applet; usually this field is ID.
For more information about creating links, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.
Associate the business component for the dynamic toggle applet with the two Inbox business objects UInbox ItemTask and UInbox Item History. For each link, perform the following steps:
a b
Create a business object component record. Complete the fields in the following table. Field Name Link Comments Type the name of the business component for the dynamic toggle applet, for example, Service Request. Type the name of the link from Step 2.
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In Siebel Tools, create a bitmap record for the Bitmap Category object called Inbox Category and complete the fields in the following table. Field Name Bitmap Comments Type the language-independent code for the value, from the UINBOX_INBOX_TYPE LOV, for example, CAMPAIGNS. Type the name of the file from Step 1.
Complete the following procedure to configure action buttons for high interactivity.
The Inbox item. The record that appears in the Submitted Items views. The Inbox item owner. The record that appears in Inbox Items and Completed Items views. Owner information is contained in this record. Typically there are one or more Inbox item owner records associated with one Inbox item record.
Name-value pairs. In addition to the predefined fields that belong to the Inbox item records (such as, type name, expiration date), there is provision to store additional data with the Inbox item in the form of name-value pairs. The name-value pairs are typically used to record data specific to the underlying feature object. The name-value pairs are stored in the Inbox Parameters table associated with the Inbox item.
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Figure 6 shows the relationship between Inbox items and Inbox item owners.
These records appear in the Inbox Items and Completed Items views.
Figure 6.
Table 21 lists the methods for the Universal Inbox business service.
Table 21.
Universal Inbox Business Service Methods Description Creates an Inbox item and an Inbox item owner. Creates multiple Inbox items and multiple Inbox item owners. Creates multiple Inbox items. Creates multiple Inbox item owners for an Inbox item. Checks if an Inbox item exists. Returns field values from an Inbox item and, if GetParams is true, returns the name-value pairs for the Inbox item. Returns the name-value pairs for an Inbox item. Returns field values for an Inbox item owner. Returns field values for multiple Inbox item owners for a given Inbox item, and returns information about the action status of the items. Inputs name-value pairs for an Inbox item. Updates field values for an Inbox item. Deactivates all Inbox item owners for an Inbox item and updates field values for that Inbox item. Deactivates an Inbox item owner, and updates the field values for that Inbox item owner. Updates field values for an Inbox item owner. Deletes an Inbox item and all associated Inbox item owners.
Method Name CreateInboxEx CreateInbox CreateInboxItem CreateInboxOwner IsInboxItemExisted GetInboxItemInfo GetInboxParamInfo GetInboxOwnerInfoEx GetInboxOwnerInfo SetInboxParamInfo UpdateInboxItemInfo DeactivateInboxItem DeactivateInboxOwner UpdateInboxOwnerInfo DeleteInboxItem
Table 21.
Universal Inbox Business Service Methods Description Creates an Inbox item and starts the business service method defined in the Initialize action. This method is intended for use only by those upgrading from the 7.5.3 version of the Siebel application. Deactivates existing Inbox item owners and creates new Inbox item owners for an Inbox item. This method is intended for use only by those upgrading from the 7.5.3 version of the Siebel application. For more information about this method, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.
CreateInboxEx Method
This method creates an Inbox item and an Inbox item owner. The name-value pairs are put into the Inbox Parameters table.
Input Arguments Table 22 lists the input arguments for this method.
Table 22.
CreateInboxEx Method, Property Set, Type of InboxInfo Required Yes Yes Yes No Yes No No No Comments This property is the name for the Inbox. This property is the name of Inbox type. This property is the party ID of the Inbox owner. None. This property is the object ID of the Inbox item. The duration is expressed in seconds. This property is the UTC timestamp. This property indicates whether this Inbox item must be routed when using remote databases. Choose one of the following options: All. Indicates HQ, Regional, Local. Regional. Indicates HQ, Regional. None. Indicates HQ.
Property Name InboxName InboxTypeName InboxPartyId Comments ObjectId InboxExpirationDuration InboxUTCExpirationTS ReplicationLevel
Yes No No
This property is the party ID of the Inbox owner. None. The duration is expressed in seconds.
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Table 22.
CreateInboxEx Method, Property Set, Type of InboxInfo Required No No No Comments This property is the UTC timestamp. This property is the language-independent code. This property is the UTC timestamp.
Output Arguments Table 23 lists the output arguments for this method.
Table 23.
CreateInboxEx Method, Property Set Comments This property is the row ID of the newly-created Inbox item. This property is the information ID for the Inbox owner.
CreateInbox Method
This method creates multiple Inbox items and multiple Inbox item owners. The name-value pairs are put into the Inbox Parameters table.
Input Arguments Table 24 lists the input arguments for this method for the property set.
Table 24.
CreateInbox Method, Property Set, Type of InboxInfo Required No Comments Multiple children are allowed. See Table 25.
Table 25 lists the input arguments for this method for the child property set.
Table 25.
CreateInbox Method, Child Property Set, Type of InboxItemInfo Required Yes Yes Yes No No Comments This property is the name for the Inbox. This property is the name of Inbox type. This property is the party ID of the Inbox owner. This property is the object ID of the inbox item. The duration is expressed in seconds.
Table 25.
CreateInbox Method, Child Property Set, Type of InboxItemInfo Required No No No Comments This property is the UTC timestamp. None. Multiple children are allowed. See Table 26.
Table 26 lists the input arguments for this method for the grandchild property set.
Table 26.
CreateInbox Method, Grandchild Property Set, Type of InboxOwnerInfo Required Yes No No No No No Comments This property is the party ID of the Inbox owner. None. The duration is expressed in seconds. This property is the UTC timestamp. This property is the UTC timestamp. This property is the language-independent code.
Output Arguments Table 27 lists the output arguments for this method for the property set.
Table 27.
CreateInbox Method, Property Set Comments Multiple children can be returned. See Table 28.
Table 28 lists the output arguments for this method for the child property set.
Table 28.
CreateInbox Method, Child Property Set, Type of ItemOutput Comments This property is the row ID of the newly-created Inbox item. Multiple children can be returned. See Table 29.
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Table 29 lists the output arguments for this method for the grandchild property set.
Table 29.
CreateInbox Method, Grandchild Property Set, Type of OwnerInfoOutput Comments This property is the party ID of the Inbox owner. This property is the information ID of the Inbox owner.
CreateInboxItem Method
This method creates multiple Inbox items. The name-value pairs are put into the Inbox Parameters table.
Input Arguments Table 30 lists the input arguments for this method.
Table 30.
CreateInboxItem Method, Property Set, Type of InboxItemInfo Required Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No No Comments This property is the name for the Inbox. This property is the name of Inbox type. This property is the party ID of the Inbox owner. This property is the object ID of the inbox item. The duration is expressed in seconds. This property is the UTC timestamp. None. This property indicates whether this Inbox item must be routed when using remote databases. Choose one of the following options: All. Indicates HQ, Regional, Local. Regional. Indicates HQ, Regional. None. Indicates HQ.
Property Name InboxName InboxTypeName InboxPartyId ObjectId InboxExpirationDuration InboxUTCExpirationTS Comments ReplicationLevel
Output Arguments Table 31 lists the output arguments for this method.
Table 31.
CreateInboxItem Method, Property Set, Type of ItemOutput Comments This property is the row ID of the newly-created Inbox item.
CreateInboxOwner Method
This method creates multiple Inbox item owners for an Inbox item. If DeactivateOthers is true, the method deactivates the current active Inbox item owners before creating new owners. The method searches as follows:
1 2
Input Arguments Table 32 lists the input arguments for this method for the property set.
Table 32.
CreateInboxOwner Method, Property Set Required No No No No Comments This property is the row ID of the newly-created Inbox item. This property is the object ID of the inbox item. This property is the name of Inbox type. This property deactivates the current active Inbox item owners before creating new owners when the value is Yes (the default). Multiple children are allowed. See Table 33.
Child properties
Table 33 lists the input arguments for this method for the child property set.
Table 33.
CreateInboxOwner Method, Child Property Set, Type of InboxOwnerInfo Required Yes No No No Comments This property is the party ID of the Inbox owner. None. The duration is expressed in seconds. This property is the UTC timestamp.
15 7
Table 33.
CreateInboxOwner Method, Child Property Set, Type of InboxOwnerInfo Required No No Comments This property is the UTC timestamp. This property is the language-independent code.
Output Arguments Table 34 lists the output arguments for this method for the property set.
Table 34.
CreateInboxOwner Method, Property Set, Type of ItemOutput Comments This property is the row ID of the newly-created Inbox item. This property indicates whether or not the other owners have been deactivated. Multiple children can be returned. See Table 35.
Table 35 lists the output arguments for this method for the child property set.
Table 35.
CreateInboxOwner Method, Child Property Set, Type of OwnerInfoOutput Comments This property is the party ID of the Inbox owner. This property is the information ID of the Inbox owner.
IsInboxItemExisted Method
This method checks if an Inbox item exists. The method searches as follows:
1 2
Input Arguments Table 36 lists the input arguments for this method.
Table 36.
IsInboxItemExisted Method, Property Set Required No No No Comments This property is the row ID of the Inbox item. This property is the object ID of the Inbox item. This property is the name of Inbox type.
Output Arguments Table 37 lists the output arguments for this method.
Table 37.
IsInboxItemExisted Method, Property Set Comments A 1 indicates the Inbox item exists, and a 0 indicates it does not exist. This property is the row ID of the Inbox item. A 1 indicates the Inbox item has active owners, and a 0 indicates it does not have active owners.
GetInboxItemInfo Method
This method returns field values from an Inbox item and, if GetParams is true, returns the namevalue pairs for the Inbox item. The method searches as follows:
1 2
15 9
Input Arguments Table 38 lists the input arguments for this method.
Table 38.
GetInboxItemInfo Method, Property Set Required No No No No Comments This property is the row ID of the Inbox item. The ID is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the object ID of the Inbox item. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the name of Inbox type. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property returns all name-value pairs if the value is Y.
Output Arguments Table 39 lists the output arguments for this method.
Table 39.
GetInboxItemInfo Method, Property Set Comments This property is the object ID of the Inbox item. This property is the ID for the Inbox type. This property is the name of Inbox type. This property is the name for the Inbox. This property is the party ID of the Inbox owner. None. This property is the UTC timestamp. None.
Property Name ObjectId InboxTypeId InboxTypeName InboxName InboxPartyId Comments InboxUTCExpirationTS Name - value pairs
GetInboxParamInfo Method
This method returns the name-value pairs for an Inbox item. The method searches as follows:
1 2
Input Arguments Table 40 lists the input arguments for this method.
Table 40.
GetInboxParamInfo Method, Property Set Required No No No Comments This property is the row ID of the Inbox item. The ID is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the object ID of the Inbox item. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the name of Inbox type. It is not updated, but is used for searching.
Output Arguments Table 41 lists the output arguments for this method.
Table 41.
GetInboxOwnerInfoEx Method
This method returns field values for an Inbox item owner. If the Inbox item owner is in the screenactive business component record, the method returns the values from the screen-active business component. The method searches as follows:
1 2 3
16 1
Input Arguments Table 42 lists the input arguments for this method.
Table 42.
GetInboxOwnerInfoEx Method, Property Set Required No No No No No Comments This property is the object ID of the Inbox item. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the name of Inbox type. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the party ID for the Inbox owner. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the row ID of the Inbox item. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the information ID for Inbox owner. It is not updated, but is used for searching.
Output Arguments Table 43 lists the output arguments for this method.
Table 43.
GetInboxOwnerInfoEx Method, Property Set Comments This property is the information ID for Inbox owner. This property is the owner priority for the Inbox item task. This property is the language-independent code. This property is the UTC timestamp. None. This property is the owner start working time for the Inbox item task. This property is the owner end working time for the Inbox item task.
GetInboxOwnerInfo Method
This method returns field values for multiple Inbox item owners for a given Inbox item, and returns information about the action status of the items. The method searches as follows:
ObjectId + InboxTypeName
Input Arguments Table 44 lists the input arguments for this method.
Table 44.
GetInboxOwnerInfo Method, Property Set Required No No No No No Comments This property is the row ID of the Inbox item. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the object ID of the Inbox item. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the name of Inbox type. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property indicates that information is returned only for active owners. The default is TRUE. This property evaluates the OR condition on all owners actions using the Action that is passed in from the caller. This property evaluates the AND condition on all owners actions using the Action that is passed in from the caller.
Output Arguments Table 45 lists the output arguments for this method for the property set.
Table 45.
GetInboxOwnerInfo Method, Property Set Comments This property is 1 if one or more owner's inbox tasks have OwnerAction equal to the input parameter EvaluateOr. Otherwise it is 0. This property is 1 if all the owner's inbox tasks have OwnerAction equal to the input parameter EvaluateAnd. Otherwise it is 0. Multiple children can be returned. See Table 46.
16 3
Table 46 lists the output arguments for this method for the child property set.
Table 46.
GetInboxOwnerInfo Method, Child Property Set, Type of InboxOwnerInfo Comments This property is the information ID for the Inbox owner. None. This property is the language-independent code. This property is the UTC timestamp. None. This property is the UTC timestamp. This property is the UTC timestamp.
SetInboxParamInfo Method
This method inputs name-value pairs for an Inbox item. The name-value pairs are put into the Inbox Parameters table. The method searches as follows:
1 2
Input Arguments Table 47 lists the input arguments for this method.
Table 47.
SetInboxParamInfo Method, Property Set Required No No No Comments This property is the row ID of the Inbox item. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the object ID of the Inbox item. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the name of Inbox type. It is not updated, but is used for searching.
UpdateInboxItemInfo Method
This method updates field values for an Inbox item. The name-value pairs are put into the Inbox Parameters table.
1 2
Input Arguments Table 48 lists the input arguments for this method.
Table 48.
UpdateInboxItemInfo Method, Property Set Required No No No No No No Comments This property is the row ID of the Inbox item. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the object ID of the Inbox item. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the name of Inbox type. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the name of the Inbox. The value passed cannot be empty. This property is the party ID of the Inbox owner. The value passed cannot be empty. This property indicates whether this Inbox item must be routed when using remote mobile client. Choose one of the following options: All. Indicates HQ, Regional, Local. Regional. Indicates HQ, Regional. None. Indicates HQ.
No No No
None. The duration is expressed in seconds. The value passed cannot be empty. This property is the UTC timestamp. The value passed cannot be empty.
DeactivateInboxItem Method
This method deactivates all Inbox item owners for an Inbox item and updates field values for that Inbox item. The name-value pairs are put into the Inbox Parameters table. The method searches as follows:
16 5
ObjectId + InboxTypeName
Input Arguments Table 49 lists the input arguments for this method for the property set.
Table 49.
DeactivateInboxItem Method, Property Set Required No No No No No No Comments This property is the row ID of the Inbox item. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the object ID of the Inbox item. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the name of Inbox type. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the name of the Inbox. The value passed cannot be empty. This property is the party ID of the Inbox owner. The value passed cannot be empty. This property indicates whether this Inbox item must be routed when using remote mobile client. Choose from one of the following options: All. Indicates HQ, Regional, Local. Regional. Indicates HQ, Regional. None. Indicates HQ.
No No No No
None. The duration is expressed in seconds. The value passed cannot be empty. This property is the UTC timestamp. The value passed cannot be empty. Multiple children are allowed. See Table 50.
Table 50 lists the input arguments for this method for the child property set.
Table 50.
DeactivateInboxItem Method, Child Property Set, Type of InboxOwnerInfo Required No No No No No No No Comments This property is the party ID for the Inbox owner. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the information ID for the Inbox owner. It is not updated, but is used for searching. None. This property is the language-independent code. None. This property is the UTC timestamp. To set to the current time, enter a value of Y, T, or TRUE. This property is the UTC timestamp. To set to the current time, enter a value of Y, T, or TRUE.
DeactivateInboxOwner Method
This method deactivates an Inbox item owner and updates field values for that Inbox item owner. The method searches as follows:
1 2 3
If there is SSASqlErrWriteConflict conflict, clear the error message to show the error message on UI.
Input Arguments Table 51 lists the input arguments for this method.
Table 51.
DeactivateInboxOwner Method, Property Set Required No No No Comments This property is the object ID of the Inbox item. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the name of Inbox type. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the party ID for the Inbox owner. The ID is not updated, but is used for searching.
16 7
Table 51.
DeactivateInboxOwner Method, Property Set Required No No Comments This property is the row ID of the Inbox item. The ID is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the information ID for the Inbox owner. The ID is not updated, but is used for searching. None. This property is the language-independent code. None. This property is the UTC timestamp. To set to the current time, enter a value of Y, T, or TRUE. This property is the UTC timestamp. To set to the current time, enter a value of Y, T, or TRUE.
No No No No No
UpdateInboxOwnerInfo Method
This method updates field values for an Inbox item owner. The method searches as follows:
1 2 3
Input Arguments Table 52 lists the input arguments for this method.
Table 52.
UpdateInboxOwnerInfo Method, Property Set Required No No No No Comments This property is the object ID of the Inbox item. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the name for the type of Inbox. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the party ID for the Inbox owner. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the row ID of the Inbox item. The ID is not updated, but is used for searching.
Table 52.
UpdateInboxOwnerInfo Method, Property Set Required No No No No No No No No Comments This property is the information ID for the Inbox owner. It is not updated, but is used for searching. None. This property is the language-independent code. The duration is expressed in seconds. This property is the UTC timestamp. None. This property is the UTC timestamp. To set to the current time, enter a value of Y, T, or TRUE. This property is the UTC timestamp. To set to the current time, enter a value of Y, T, or TRUE.
Property Name OwnerInfoId OwnerPriority OwnerActionLIC OwnerQueueDuration OwnerUTCDueTS OwnerComments OwnerStartWorkingTime OwnerEndWorkingTime
DeleteInboxItem Method
This method deletes an Inbox item and all associated Inbox item owners. The method searches as follows:
1 2
Usage Example Call this method when the underlying feature object for the Inbox item has been deleted.
Input Arguments Table 53 lists the input arguments for this method.
Table 53.
DeleteInboxItem Method, Property Set Required No No No Comments This property is the row ID of the Inbox item. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the object ID of the Inbox item. It is not updated, but is used for searching. This property is the name of Inbox type. It is not updated, but is used for searching.
16 9
Initialize Method
This method creates an Inbox item and starts the business service method defined in the Initialize action. This method is intended for use only by those upgrading from the 7.5.3 version of the Siebel application.
Input Arguments Table 54 lists the input arguments for this method.
Table 54.
Initialize Method, Property Set Required Yes Yes Yes Yes No No No Comments None. None. None. None. Not supported in version 7.7 of the Siebel application. None. None.
RouteInboxItem Method
This method deactivates existing Inbox item owners and creates new Inbox item owners for an Inbox item. This method is intended for use only by those upgrading from the 7.5.3 version of the Siebel application. For more information about this method, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide.
Input Arguments Table 55 lists the input arguments for this method for the property set.
Table 55.
RouteInboxItem Method, Property Set Required Yes Yes Comments None. Multiple children are allowed. See Table 56.
Table 56 lists the input arguments for this method for the child property set.
Table 56.
RouteInboxItem Method, Child Property Set, Type of TaskOwnerInfo Required Yes No No Comments This property is the ID for the task owner. This property is the status for the task. This property is the priority for the task.
Output Arguments Table 57 lists the output arguments for this method for property set.
Table 57.
RouteInboxItem Method, Property Set, Type of ItemOutput Comments This property is the row ID of the newly-created Inbox item. Multiple children can be returned. See Table 58.
Table 58 lists the output arguments for this method for the child property set.
Table 58.
RouteInboxItem Method, Child Property Set, Type of OwnerInfoOutput Comments This property is the party ID of the Inbox owner. This property is the information ID of the Inbox owner.
17 1
To create two Inbox types for use with the sample workflows 1
Create two Inbox types that use the field values in the following table. Value for First Inbox Type SROwner Service Request APPROVALS 0 0 SR_STATUS Value for Second Inbox Type SRManager Service Request APPROVALS 0 0 None
Field Name Name Business Object Name Category Default Queue Duration (Days) Item Expiration Duration (Days) Action Type
Set up a link to the Service Request Detail View for the SROwner and the SRManager Inbox types. For more information, see Setting Up Inbox Links to Views and SmartScripts on page 142.
Create an Inbox Actions record for the SROwner Inbox type that uses the field values in the following table. Field Name Action Business Service Business Service Method Business Service Method Arguments Value Action Field Dropdown Workflow Process Manager RunProcess "ProcessName", "Inbox - Service Action"
Figure 7.
Retrieve SRInfo. This step retrieves data about the service request, for example, its area, status, and service request number.
17 3
SRArea, isSR Assigned, HR Policies SR Type, and Default. If the service request is unassigned and value of the Area field is Network, these steps assign the service request to APARKER. Query Inbox Existence and Is Object Item existed in Inbox. These steps check if an Inbox item for this service request already exists. CreateInbox For Owner. If an Inbox item does not already exist, this step calls the CreateInboxEx method which creates an Inbox item of Inbox type SROwner, and an Inbox item owner. For more information, see CreateInboxEx Method on page 153. Get SREmployee Info. This step retrieves the email address of the service requests owner. Manager Exist. This step determines if the owner of the service request has a manager. Get Manager Info, Create InboxMngr, IsEmailAddrExisted, and Send Email to Manager and to Owner. If the owner of the service request has a manager:
3 4
5 6 7
These steps retrieve information about the manager. These steps call the CreateInboxEx method to create an Inbox item of Inbox type SRManager, and an Inbox item owner. These steps send email to both the manager and the owner of the service request.
IsSROwnerEmail and Send Email to SR Owner. If the owner does not have a manager, these steps send email to the owner of the service request.
The workflow starts when: The user takes action on a service request Inbox item. The run-time event attached to the WriteRecordUpdate event on the Service Request business component is triggered.
Figure 8.
GetInboxInfo. This step retrieves a set of parameters about the Inbox item. One of the parameters is ObjectId, which is the ServiceRequestId. This step positions the Service Request business component on the ObjectId that has been passed in. GetSRUIStatus. This step retrieves the action taken by the user on the service request Inbox item. Set SR Status. This step updates the Status of the service request according to the action taken by the user on the Inbox item. GetSRStatus. This step retrieves the status and area information about the service request. Network Area? This step determines if the value of the Area field is Network. If not, the workflow ends. Is SR Closed?, Deactivate Inbox Owners and Deactivate SRManagers. If the service request is closed, these steps call the DeactivateInboxItem method to deactivate Inbox item owners for the owner of the service request and their manager. For more information, see DeactivateInboxItem Method on page 165.
2 3 4 5 6
17 5
This workflow starts when the run-time event attached to the WriteRecordUpdate event on the Service Request business component of the UInbox Item Task business object is triggered. Figure 9 shows the diagram for this workflow.
Figure 9.
1 2 3 4
GetSRId. This step gets the service request row ID and the Inbox item ID. GetSRInfo. This step gets the updated information from the service request record. UpdateInboxOwnerActionInfo. This step calls the UpdateInboxOwnerInfo method to update the Inbox item owner. For more information, see UpdateInboxOwnerInfo Method on page 168. IsSRClosed, DeactivateInboxOwner, and DeactivateInboxOwnerManager. If the service request is closed, these steps call the DeactivateInboxItem method to deactivate Inbox item owners for the owner of the service request and their manager. For more information, see DeactivateInboxItem Method on page 165.
ssPage = GetPage("PAF Which Change"); ssQuestion = ssPage.GetQuestion("Display Employee Last Name"); EmployeeLastName = ssQuestion.GetCurrentValue(); ssQuestion = ssPage.GetQuestion("Display Employee First Name"); EmployeeFirstName = ssQuestion.GetCurrentValue(); ssQuestion = ssPage.GetQuestion("PAF Change Requested"); RequestedChange = ssQuestion.GetCurrentValue(); ssQuestion = ssPage.GetQuestion("PAF Comments"); PAFComments = ssQuestion.GetCurrentValue(); ssQuestion = ssPage.GetQuestion("PAF Priority"); PAFPriority = ssQuestion.GetCurrentValue(); // Cancel saving everything to the database Cancel (); indata =TheApplication ().NewPropertySet (); outdata = TheApplication ().NewPropertySet (); // Get the login name of the user szRequester = TheApplication ().LoginName (); // Get SmartScript Save Session table ID. szScriptSessionId = GetSessionId (); szSSLanguageCode = GetParameter("Language"); szSSCurrencyCode = GetParameter("Currency"); indata.SetProperty ("SmartScriptLanguageCode", szSSLanguageCode); // ItemObjectId, ItemType, ItemSubmittedBy, and ItemDescription are the // required input arguments for the "Universal Inbox.Initialize" indata.SetProperty ("ItemObjectId", szScriptSessionId); // Item Type is the Approvals Inbox type defined in the // Approvals Inbox Administration screen indata.SetProperty ("ItemType", "Personnel Action Form"); // Short Description of the inbox item indata.SetProperty ("ItemDescription", RequestedChange + " PAF" + " for " + EmployeeFirstName + " " + EmployeeLastName); indata.SetProperty ("ItemSubmittedBy", szRequester); // ItemQueueDuration, ItemPriority, and ItemComments are the // optional input arguments for the "Universal Inbox.Initialize" indata.SetProperty ("ItemQueueDuration", "129600"); indata.SetProperty ("ItemPriority", PAFPriority); indata.SetProperty ("ItemComments", PAFComments);
17 7
return (ContinueOperation); }
17 9
12 Messages
This chapter describes the administrative setup tasks to perform before the Messages screen and views are used, and explains how users create, view, sort, and send messages. It includes the following topics: Scenario for Setting Up Messages on page 181 About Using Messages on page 182 About Email and Screen Alerts on page 182 Process of Setting Up and Using Messages on page 183 Setting Up Messages on page 183 Creating a New Message (End User) on page 183 Setting Up Single and Recurring Alerts (End User) on page 185 Viewing Messages (End User) on page 185 Sorting Messages by Intervals (End User) on page 186 Sending a Message Using Email (End User) on page 186
18 1
By default, a message is marked private, and only the administrative assistant and sales representative can review the message. The administrative assistant can alternatively choose not to mark the message private, and then any individual with access to the account, activity, contact, opportunity, or service request associated with the message can view it.
Screen Alerts. A message generates a screen alert when the following events occur: A message is created and the Alert Type field of the Messages form has a value of Screen Alert or Email and Screen Alert. A message is assigned to you, and you have set up an alert to receive a screen alert when messages or activities are assigned to you by a contact or employee.
An activity is assigned to you, and you have set up an alert to receive a screen alert when messages or activities are assigned to you.
Setting Up Messages
Administrators must set up workflows for the Messages screen and views before a new employee can have email access. For detailed information about how to set up workflows, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide. NOTE: Make sure that users have the Message User responsibility so that they can access Messages views. For more information about setting responsibilities for users, see Siebel Security Guide. This task is a step in Process of Setting Up and Using Messages on page 183.
18 3
You also can assign an alert to a single message to notify the recipient of a message. You can assign this alert either while you are creating the message or after you have saved the message.
You can view messages created by you using your Siebel application.
18 5
2 3 4 5
In the All Messages list, select Columns Displayed from the Menu drop-down list. In the Columns Displayed dialog box, move Created By from the Available Columns list to the Selected Columns list, and then click Save. In the All Messages list, click Query, complete the Created By field, and then click Go. In the All Messages list, sort the messages by the Date/Time field.
3 4 5
Click Today to reset the date to the current date. Click the Weekly Messages view tab to view messages you received in the previous seven-day interval. Click the Monthly Messages view tab to view messages you received in the last 30 days.
2 3 4 5
In the Messaging list, select the message to send as an email message. From File menu, select Send Email. In the Send Email dialog box, complete the fields for the email. In the email form, click To to display the Address Book dialog box. Click Send.
18 7
13 Activities
This chapter contains information about activities. It includes the following topics: About Activities on page 189 Creating Activities (End User) on page 191 Working with Others Activities (End User) on page 193 Delegating an Activity (End User) on page 194 Viewing Activities Associated with Another Record Type (End User) on page 195 About Configuring Owner and Employee Fields for Activities on page 195
About Activities
Siebel Business Applications use activities to organize, track, and resolve a variety of tasks, from finding and pursuing opportunities to closing service requests. If a task requires multiple steps that one or more people might complete, activities greatly simplify the job. Activities can help: Define and assign the task. Provide information to complete the task. Track the progress of the task. Track costs and bill for the task.
The major advantages of breaking down a task into one or more activities include: The ownership of the problem can remain at the management level, when required. The employee looking at assigned activities can identify only the required information. Reporting is simplified. Activities can be assigned to more than one person.
Activities are used to represent tasks in many situations such as scheduling and recording meetings, appointments, and interactions with customers and prospects. If one task leads to follow-up tasks, you can associate follow-up activity records with a parent activity record. Activities can be viewed in several different locations, including the following: My To Do List in the Activities screen. This list shows all the users activities, regardless of status. Access this list by navigating to the Activities screen and choosing My To Do List from the visibility filter. My To Dos in the Calendar screen. This list displays a subset of the data that appears in the My To Do List in the Activities screen, activities that have not been completed. For general information about using the Calendar screen, see Siebel Fundamentals.
18 9
Assignment Methods
Activities are assigned to employees. Activity assignment can occur in the following ways: Manual assignment. Automatic assignment to the creator of the activity (by populating the Owner field with the user ID of the activitys creator). Automatic assignment using Assignment Manager. For more information, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide.
Table 59.
Association of Activity Object with Other Siebel Objects Business Object Account Service Agreement Asset Management Campaign Contact Messaging Opportunity Order Entry FS PM Plan Item Program (DBM) Project Product Defect FS Repair Reference Service Request Stand-Alone Activities Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Activities from Templates Yes Yes No No Yes No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes No Yes
Screen Name Accounts Agreements Assets Campaigns Contacts Messages Opportunities Orders (Order Line Items view) Preventive Maintenance Programs Projects Quality Repairs References Service
To create an activity 1 2 3
Navigate to the Activities screen, then the Activity List view. In the Activity List, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Drill down on the type field of the record, and click the view tabs to complete more fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Account Activity # Alarm Comments Select the account associated with the activity. Displays the account number associated with the selected account. Select the check box to set the activity reminder. A reminder dialog box appears when the activity is due. You can either set an alarm for an individual activity, or you can set a default alarm for all your activities. For more information, see Siebel Fundamentals. Select the check box to indicate attachments are associated with this activity. This field does not appear by default in the Service Activities view, but can appear through the use of the Columns Displayed command. Select a value to specify the audience that can view the activity. Examples of values are employees, partners, and customers. Select the check box to indicate the activity is a revenuegenerating event.
Audience Billable
19 1
Field Category
Comments Select a value to specify a category for the activity. Service related activities are often created by one individual (such as a call center agent) and completed by another individual (such as a service repair representative). Consequently, when a service related category value is selected (such as Diagnostic, Field Engineer Activity, Preventative Maintenance or Other), the owner of the activity is deleted so that the activity is unassigned. The user can then reassign the activity by adding a new value to the owner field. If you are using Siebel Assignment Manager, the activity is automatically reassigned.
Type text for activity notes and information to share with the team. Displays the date and time the activity was created. Displays the user ID of the activity creator. Type text for additional information about the activity. Select a value that determines where an activity appears. The field has the following values: Calendar and Activities, To Do and Activities, Activities Only, Communication and Activities. If, for example, you want an activity to appear in your calendar, you must set the Display In field to Calendar and Activities and make sure that the activity has a start time. If you set the Type field to To Do, the Display In field automatically changes to To Do and Activities. On the home page, To Do activities appear in the My Activities list and do not appear in the My Calendar list. If you select Communication and Activities and Email - Inbound type, the activity appears in the Comm Inbound Item List Applet in the Inbound Item List view of the Communications screen.
Select the date and time by which the activity must be completed. Select a value for the duration of the activity. Default values are in minute segments, for example 5, 10, 15, and 20. Select the user ID of the activity creator. You can select multiple employees for an activity, but only one employee can be designated as primary. Select the proposed date and time for the activity completion. Type the monetary value associated with the activity. Select the employee who is responsible for the activity. Type the location information to share with the sales team. Examples of meeting locations are Conference Room B and Main Campus Facility.
Field New
Comments Displays an asterisk when ownership is changed from the activity creator to another user. This field is automatically cleared when the new owner views activity details by drilling down on the Type field. Select an opportunity for the activity. Select the primary employee associated with the activity. The default value is the user ID for the creator of the activity. The new Owner value that you select replaces the primary employee that appears in the Employee field. Conversely, if you add a new primary to the Employee field, this new primary appears in the Owner field. Select the price list that is associated with a billable activity. Select a value for the priority for the activity. Default values include 1-ASAP, 2-High, 3-Medium, and 4-Low. Select the check box to indicate the activity is visible only to the users listed in the Employees field and the Siebel administrator. Select the project for the activity. Select the rate list associated with a billable activity. Select a value for the interval at which the activity repeats. Default values include daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly. Select the date and time for the last interval of the final meeting in the series. Displays the site associated with the selected account. Select the date and time for the activity creation. Select a status for the activity. Default values include Acknowledged, Cancelled, Declined, Scheduled, and Completed. Select the activity type. Default values include Call, Correspondence, and Email.
Opportunity Owner
Price List Priority Private Project Rate List Repeat Frequency Repeat Until Site Start Status Type
19 3
In the drop-down list in the header, select the user whose activities you want to work with, and click Go. If you have add-and-modify access to the records, the New button in the Activities list is available, and you can work with these records as your own. If you have not been granted permission to make changes, the New button is inactive.
To delegate an activity 1 2 3
Navigate to the Activities screen, then the Activity List view. Select the activity that you want to delegate. Edit the Owner field, selecting the individual to whom you want the activity assigned.
Complete the following procedure to reassign or remove ownership of an activity using the Employee field.
NOTE: If the delegator uses Siebel Assignment Manager to reassign an activity, the delegator is automatically removed from the employee list.
Activities Viewing Activities Associated with Another Record Type (End User)
4 5
(Optional) Create a new activity and complete the fields. To see more information about an activity, drill down on the Type field of the activity record.
19 5
19 7
This set of tasks, when defined as a template and applied to create the activity plan, helps sales team members follow the steps your company recommends to prepare for a corporate visit. The list drives critical tasks and defines the recommended lead time for each activity within the template. Each activity template is associated (through its Type value) with a certain business object. See Table 59 on page 190 for a list of business object and screens that use activity templates. In activity plans views, only activity templates that have been associated with the active business object can be invoked. For example, on the Opportunity screen, only templates for opportunity activities are visible. Selecting a template creates all the activities defined by that template.
Activity Plans and Sales Methods Scenario for Managing Activity Plans
Table 60 shows how the values in the Employee and Category fields of the activity record in the Activity Template Details list determine the assignment.
Table 60.
Employee and Category Values for Activity Assignment and the Category Is... Any value (NULL or NOT NULL) Field Engineer Activity Repair Activity, Preventive Maintenance, or Other Not Field Engineer Activity, Repair Activity, Preventive Maintenance, or Other Then the Activity Is... Assigned to the employee who is specified in the Employee field of the template. Not assigned. The Employee and Owner fields are blank in the created activity. Assigned to the employee who creates the activity (by applying the activity template).
Activities created directly in the Activities screen are similarly affected by the Category value. If the Category value is changed to Field Engineer Activity, Repair Activity, Preventive Maintenance, or Other, the values of Owner and Category fields are deleted and set to NULL when the record is saved.
Stage 3, Closing the deal and entering the order. (Status = Won)
> Activity 1, Prepare the quote within 2 days > Activity 2, Email the quote to manager for approval within 3 days > Activity 3, Create the contract within 1 week > Stage 4, Lost deal. (Status = Lost) The administrator creates a new sales method record (New Sales Method) and four associated sales stage records (Prospecting, Qualification, Closing, and Lost).
19 9
Activity Plans and Sales Methods Process of Administering and Using Activity Plans
Next, she creates four new activity templates, one template for each stage. The activity template describes the activities and milestones that the salespeople perform at that stage. Because the salespeople enter their own opportunity records, the administrator sets up the activity template details so that the salesperson who enters the opportunity is automatically assigned ownership of the activities. Salespeople set their user preferences to specify that their default sales methodology is the New Sales Method, so that this methodology is automatically filled in when they create their opportunities. When salespeople enter their opportunity records and specify a sales stage, the activity template for that stage automatically generates and assigns the activities appropriate for the stage. Because lead times were set up in the activity template details, the due dates for the activities are automatically calculated using the date for the opportunity sales stage.
NOTE: Sales methods and stages are associated with activity templates and assessment templates of type Opportunity. If you are not intending to create a template of this type, you do not need to define a sales methodology. You use the Sales Methods view of the Administration - Data screen to define sales methods and to create and associate sales stages with each of those methods. This task is a step in Process of Administering and Using Activity Plans on page 200.
Select a status value. The choices in this drop-down list are configured by using the SALES_STAGE_STATUS type in the List of Values. The default choices are Open, Won, and Lost. For more information, see Chapter 5, Working with Lists of Values.
Quota Factor
Type the amount by which a sales representatives quota is multiplied for that sales stage. As you move deals from one stage to another stage, some deals fall out of the pipeline. To eventually close $1,000,000 in revenues, you might need $10,000,000 worth of stage 01 deals, or $5,000,000 worth of stage 04 deals, or $1,500,000 of stage 08 deals. Your quota factors in this case are 10 for stage 01, 5 for stage 04, and 1.5 for stage 08. In your Siebel application, a sales representatives quota is the sum total of the revenue quota objectives on all of the representatives active quota plans. The default value is 1.
Type a number for the sales stages position in the list of values in the Opportunities screen.
20 1
Comments Type a number for the probability or likelihood (out of 100) that, after successfully completing this stage, the deal is eventually won. In theory, the later the stage, the higher the win probability is, because each stage brings the salesperson closer to winning the deal. Type the number of days in a particular stage required for an average deal under average circumstances. Type the number of days that an opportunity can be in a particular sales stage. If the opportunity exceeds this limit, you can consider the deal to be stalled. There is no effect on the sales stage or any other aspect of the opportunity.
Before the Sales Method and Sales Stage can be used, the cache might need refreshing. For more information, see Clearing the Cache on page 75.
Comments Displays a value when the sales stage is selected. Ignore this field. There is no logic associated with it. You might choose to use it in conjunction with workflows and search specifications. If you are creating a template of type Opportunity, select the check box to have the activity plan automatically generated for opportunities with this sales stage.
3 4
Click the Activity Template Details view tab. In the Activity Templates Details list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Type Comments Select a value for the type of activity template. The choices in this dropdown list are configured by using the TODO_TYPE type in the List of Values. For more information, see Chapter 5, Working with Lists of Values. Select the time needed to complete the activity. This field determines the end time for the activity. Type the lead time for the activity. Select the units of time to measure the lead time of the activity. Select the user names of the people who are to perform the activity. For more information, see About Activity Assignment on page 198. Select the check box to indicate an alarm sounds when it is time for the activity. Select the category for the activity. For more information, see About Activity Assignment on page 198. Select the check box to indicate the Employees field is locked so that assignment cannot be changed by Assignment Manager. (Assignment can still be manually changed, for example, by the administrator.) Select the check box to indicate that the activity must be completed. This field is for information only; there is no associated code. Select a value to display the activity in the Calendar screen, the Activity screen, or in both screens. Select the check box to indicate breaks are permitted during the activity. This field is an input parameter to Siebel Scheduler. For more information, see Siebel Field Service Guide.
Duration Lead Time Lead Units Employees Alarm Category Lock Assignment
20 3
Activity Plans and Sales Methods Creating TAS Customer Milestone Templates in a Localized Application
Comments Select the check box to lock the schedule for the activity. This field is used for service activity templates. For more information, see Siebel Field Service Guide. Type the work time for the activity. This field is used for service activity templates. For more information, see Siebel Field Service Guide.
Work Time
Create a new activity template detail record for each activity associated with the activity template.
1-Request Offering(s) 2-Evaluate Offering(s) 3-Approve / Select 4-Legal / Purchasing 5-Implement 6-Measure
b c 4
Make sure that for each detail record, the Type is Recommended Activity where Recommended Activity is the translation of the English phrase in the localized language. (See note in Step 2.) (Optional) Translate the Description of each detail record into the localized language.
Add a milestone, and make sure that the six Activity Templates appear in the Event field dropdown list. For more information, see Adding Customer Milestones on page 446.
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Activity Plans and Sales Methods Using an Activity Plan (End User)
Activity plans use activity templates that establish the list of activities to be completed. Activity templates, created by administrators, can have various levels of details pertinent to each member of a team, such as requisitioning parts and tools, steps involved in the service activities, or special directions or instructions. After an agent chooses an activity plan, the steps are in place to help diagnose and resolve the customers issues, and the agent can move to the next customer call. Either Assignment Manager or an administrator can assign the activities to the appropriate users. This task is a step in Process of Administering and Using Activity Plans on page 200.
15 Assessments
This chapter contains information about assessments. It includes the following topics: About Assessment Templates on page 207 Scenario for Using and Administering Assessments on page 207 Process of Administering and Using Assessments on page 208 Creating an Assessment Template on page 208 Performing an Assessment (End User) on page 210 Assessing an Opportunity for Target Account Selling (End User) on page 211
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Because the salespeople have too many opportunities to deal with at once, they prioritize their opportunities. To help them prioritize, the business analyst has created a standardized assessment document that he recommends all salespeople use to rank their opportunities. The outline of assessment document looks as follows: Assessing a Lead at the Qualification Stage > Attribute 1: Adaptability to New Technology, weight = 5
In the Assessment Attributes list, create a new record for each attribute you want to assess. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Order Name Weight Max Child Weight Times Score Comments Type a number for the attributes position in the Assessment Attributes list. Type the name of the attribute. Type a number for the relative importance of the attribute. Displays the maximum score from the Attribute Values list. Displays the product of the Weight and the Max Child values.
20 9
For each assessment attribute, create a record for each possible value of the attribute in the Attribute Values list. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Order Value Score Description Comments Type a number for the values position in the Attribute Values list. Type the name of the value, for example, Excellent, Good, or Average. Type the number of points that the value represents. Type additional information about the value to help the assessor.
These values appear in the Pick Attribute Value dialog box when the user applies the template. For information about using an assessment template, see Assessing an Opportunity on page 372.
where: n is the number of assessment attributes in the template. The score is also calculated as a percentage of the maximum score possible as shown in the following equation:
where: Max_Scorei is the largest score for any value in the Attribute Values list for the ith attribute. This value is the Max Child value shown in the Assessment Attributes applet. For example, the largest score for Attribute 2 is 6 and the largest score for Attribute 3 is 10 in the assessment example in the Scenario for Using and Administering Assessments on page 207.
You can use account assessments to compare accounts, to compare accounts with a model, or to determine what information is present or not for an account. You complete the assessment by selecting the appropriate values for the different accounts. The following procedure shows how to assess an opportunity, but the procedure is essentially the same for any screen where assessments can be performed. An opportunity assessment helps you qualify opportunities and verify resource allocation. Using an assessment template, you can select values and attributes to assign a composite value to the opportunity. NOTE: In some companies, your Siebel application automatically generates assessments, but if this process has not been automated, you can manually create assessments. This task is a step in Process of Administering and Using Assessments on page 208.
To perform an assessment 1 2 3
Navigate to the appropriate Assessments view. For example, to assess an opportunity, navigate to Opportunities, List, and then Assessments. Query for the first item that you want to assess, then click the Assessments view tab. In the Assessments list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields:
In the Template Name field, click the select button. The Select Assessment Template dialog box appears.
b 4 5
Alternatively, select a record from the list of assessment templates. Click the Assessment Attributes subview tab. For each assessment attribute, select the appropriate value for the attribute from the drop-down list in the Value field. A composite assessment value for the item appears as a percentage value in the Percent field in the Assessments view. This percentage compares the value you entered with the maximum possible value for the item.
1 2 3
21 1
Is it worth winning?
Sales professionals assess their organizations position and the position of their top competitors against these criteria. As the sales campaign progresses, sales professionals repeat this assessment and then compare the results to past assessments to evaluate and monitor their position at each sales stage. The first few times an assessment is performed, use the TAS Coach to help evaluate and answer each set of assessment questions. After some assessments are performed and you are familiar with the criteria and methodology, use the Assessments form to rate the criteria. This task is a step in Process of Administering and Using Assessments on page 208.
To begin an assessment 1 2 3 4
Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view. In the Opportunities list, drill down on the Opportunity Name field for the opportunity that you want to assess. Click the Target Account Selling view tab. In the lower link bar, click Assessments. The Assessments list includes all the assessments you and your sales team have performed to date. Use the Assessments list to compare opportunity assessments for your company and your competitors.
5 6 7
In the Assessments form, click New. In the new record, the Assessment For field defaults to Our Company for self assessments. If you are assessing a competitors position, enter the competitor in this field. In the Assessments form, click TAS Coach, and then complete the assessment criteria questions. For more information, see Using the TAS Coach on page 212.
Click Previous to return to criteria you have already assessed. Click Cancel to return to the Assessments view without saving the assessment.
If you want to pause in the middle of a TAS Coach assessment, and then return to the assessment at a later time, click Finish Later. The assessment does not appear in the Assessments list until it is completed.
Your assessment is saved in the SmartScripts screens My Saved Session view. Use Site Map to navigate to the SmartScripts screen. If you do not have enough information to answer the question, select the question mark (?).
When you have rated all criteria, click Finish to return to the Assessments list. You must click Finish to save the criteria ratings.
21 3
16 Calendar
This chapter describes the resource and calendar access tasks performed by the administrator. It includes the following topics: About Calendar Resources on page 215 About Calendar Access on page 215 Scenarios for Administering Calendars on page 215 Process of Administering the Calendar on page 216 Setting Up Resources on page 216 Adding and Modifying Calendar Access on page 217 Deleting Calendar Access on page 218 Configuring the Calendar Alarm on page 219 Configuring the Calendar on page 219
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Administering Resources
This topic includes the following scenarios requiring resource administration: Before the Siebel application is rolled out to users, the administrator creates resource records. He creates resource records for all the conference rooms for the various floors and buildings of the companys sites. He also creates resource records for the audio-visual equipment that employees might want to reserve for use at their meetings. For more information, see Setting Up Resources on page 216. After the Siebel application is rolled out, the company grows and more sites and conferences rooms are added. Old audio-visual equipment is discarded and new equipment is purchased. The administrator continues to maintain the list of resources, keeping it up-to-date. For more information, see Setting Up Resources on page 216.
1 2 3
Setting Up Resources on page 216 Adding and Modifying Calendar Access on page 217 Deleting Calendar Access on page 218
Setting up of resources is completed before the users begin to set up meetings. Other tasks are completed according to the companys business needs.
Setting Up Resources
The following procedure describes how to administer resources for calendar activities.
21 7
In the Employees list, select the employee. The Calendar Administration list shows calendars to which the employee has access. NOTE: Records can be added, modified, and deleted from this view.
To remove all employees from an employees Owner drop-down list in Calendar view 1 2 3 4
Navigate to the Administration - User screen, Employees, Calendar Administration, and then Access Received view. In the Employees list, select the employee. Make sure that you have selected the employee whose Owner drop-down list you want to clear. From the menu button in the Access Received list, select Delete All. This command deletes all records in the list. The employee selected in the Employees list no longer has access to any calendars other than the employees own. NOTE: Alternatively, you can use the Delete Record command to remove just one selected employee from the employees calendar owner drop-down list. Complete the following procedure to remove an employee from all employees Calendar Access List view.
21 9
Changing Controls in the Calendar Detail View on page 233 Showing or Hiding Side Applets on the Life Sciences Calendar on page 233
Table 61.
Calendar Applet User Property for Calendar Activity Start and End Times Description The name of the field that indicates the start date and time that appear in the calendar applet. The name of the field that indicates the end date and time that appear in the calendar applet.
Event Type Color1 has the following calculated field value: IIF ([Event Type LIC] = "Seminar","#3366CC",IIF ([Event Type LIC] = "Restricted", "#FF6633",IIF ([Event Type LIC] = "Fundraiser","#339933",IIF ([Event Type LIC]="Trade Show","#9900CC",IIF ([Event Type LIC]="Benefit","#7AB8F6","")))))
Event Type Color2 has the following calculated field value: IIF ([Event Type LIC] = "Auction","#B2E5B2",IIF ([Event Type LIC] = "Conference", "#CC66FF",IIF ([Event Type LIC] = "Cultural","#FF0066",IIF ([Event Type LIC]="Presentation","#9999FF",IIF ([Event Type LIC]="Recreation","#FF6633","#CC9933")))))
You can create different types of events (for example, conference events and cultural events) in the Events view of the Events screen, and then navigate to the Calendar view of the Events screen to see the events in the appropriate colors in the eEvents Event Calendar Applet.
22 1
Table 62.
Calendar Applet User Property for Day Summary ToolTip Description A template for the day summary ToolTip. ToolTip appears when you position the mouse pointer over the tile header (7 day weekly or monthly) or the day slot (5 day weekly). [Planned] [Planned Completion] [Type]: [Description] It is rendered as follows: 12:00PM 1:00PM Appointment: Test eBiz 1:00PM 2:00PM Training: Take course 2:00PM 4:00PM Appointment: Design review
Applet User Property [Buscomp Name.]Day Summary Tooltip Template Action.Day Summary Tooltip Template
ToolTip text
Figure 10. Calendar Activity Hyperlink and ToolTip Text in the Activity HI Calendar Applet Example
Table 63.
Calendar Applet User Property for Calendar Fields, Colors, Drilldowns, and ToolTips Description A list of comma-delimited business component fields that you want to appear for each record in the calendar. For the Activity Calendar, the default value is Description, which is the description of the activity that appears in the calendar.
Comma-delimited color strings or field names in the format of #RRGGBB. If the value is a color string, and the format is #RRGGBB, then it is interpreted as a color string. If the format is not #RRGGBB, then it is interpreted as a field name.
Comma-delimited drilldown object names. For example, the Quote. Display Field Drilldown Object Name Applet User Property Name could drilldown to the Quote Detail - Id, Quote Detail - Name User Property Value.
22 3
Table 63.
Calendar Applet User Property for Calendar Fields, Colors, Drilldowns, and ToolTips Description Comma-delimited business component field names. A list of comma-delimited field names. Replace ["Display Field Name".] with the actual display field name. ToolTip appears when you position the mouse pointer over the records display field. For example, the Description.Tooltip Fields user property has the value of Type, Description, Planned, Planned Completion. The following is an example of the ToolTip that might appear: Type: Appointment Description: Test Start: 2/2/2004 12:30PM End: 2/2/2004 13:00PM
Applet User Property Display Field Drilldown Source Fields [Display Field Name.]Tooltip Fields
Table 64.
Calendar Applet User Property for User Interface Components Description Set the Daily button to N to hide the button, and set to Y to show the button. Set the Weekly button to N to hide the button, and set to Y to show the button. Set the Monthly button to N to hide the button, and set to Y to show the button. Set the New button to N to hide the button, and set to Y to show the button. Set the Today button to N to hide the button, and set to Y to show the button. Set the Print button to N to hide the button, and set to Y to show the button.
UI Component Enable Daily Enable Weekly Enable Monthly Enable New Button Enable Today Button Enable Print Button
Table 64.
Calendar Applet User Property for User Interface Components Description Set the Date Picker button to N to hide the button, and set to Y to show the button. Set the Owner Picker button to N to hide the button, and set to Y to show the button. Set the Timezone Picker button to N to hide the button, and set to Y to show the button.
UI Component Enable Date Picker Enable Owner Picker Enable Timezone Picker
Table 65.
HI Calendar Base Applet Controls Caption Daily Weekly Monthly New Today Print Delete 5 Day Week 7 Day Week New Account Call New Contact Call New Meeting Owner Time Zone (private)
Control Name Daily Tab Weekly Tab Monthly Tab New Button Today Button Print Button Delete Button 5 Day Week Button 7 Day Week Button New Account Call Button New Contact Call Button New Meeting Button Owner Label Timezone Label Private Label
22 5
Table 65.
HI Calendar Base Applet Controls Caption (no description) All Employees Click to create a new record Click to go to this day Description Meeting Location Comment: Planned Planned Completion Type Edit Repeating Activities This appointment is part of a repeating series Please choose one of the following: Modify this instance Modify this and all future instances OK Cancel
Control Name No Description Label All Employee View Label Time Slot Label Tooltip Tile Header Day Label Tooltip Tooltip Field Label:Description Tooltip Field Label:Meeting Location Tooltip Field Label:Comment Tooltip Field Label:Planned Tooltip Field Label:Planned Completion Tooltip Field Label:Type Repeating Dialog Title Repeating Dialog Label 1 Repeating Dialog Label 2 Repeating Dialog This Instance Repeating Dialog All Future Instances Repeating Dialog OK Button Repeating Dialog Cancel Button
Table 66.
Date Display LOVs Use... LOV type IDS_SSA_LOVTYPE_DAY_NAME with names from Monday to Sunday. LOV type IDS_SSA_LOVTYPE_MONTH_NAME with names from January to December.
To change... Labels for the days of the week. Labels for the months.
Table 66.
Date Display LOVs Use... LOV type CAL_PRINTHEADER_FORMAT with the following names: Daily, Weekly, Monthly, WeeklyFromTo. LOV type CAL_DATEDISPLAY_FORMAT with the following names: Daily. Controls the format of the date string that appears on the button row in the Daily calendar. Weekly. Controls the format of the date string that appears on the button row in the Weekly calendar. Monthly. Controls the format of the date string that appears on the button row in the Monthly calendar. WeeklyFromTo. Controls the from and to format for the Weekly calendar. HI - 5 Day Weekly Header. Controls the date format in 5 day weekly calendar header. SI - Weekly Header. Controls the date format in weekly calendar header for SI calendars.
Table 67.
First Day of Week Applet User Property For.... Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
22 7
Table 68.
Applet User Property Description Language independent calendar mode (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly). Weekly mode (5 Day Week or 7 Day Week). Timeslot interval in slot views. End time of a business day. Start time of a business day. Appointment duration when creating new appointments.
User Property Name Default Calendar Mode Preferred Weekly Mode Preferred Timeslot Interval Preferred Business Day Start Time Preferred Business Day End Time Preferred Appointment Duration
Table 69.
Special Date Markers Description The name of the business component to get special date info from. The start date field. The end date field. A field that is used to generate the special date marker. By default, it is a piece of HTML that is inserted into an <A> element and put in the header of the day tile.
User Property Name Special Date Buscomp Name Special Date Buscomp Start Date Field Special Date Buscomp End Date Field Special Date Buscomp Marker Field
22 9
Table 70.
Calendar Applet User Property to Display Data from Multiple Business Components Description The extra business components. You can specify user properties for each extra source business component using the [Buscomp Name]. notation. For example, to specify the Start Date Field for Quote business component, you use Quote.Start Date Field user property. For each extra source business component, Start Date Field user property is required. There are two user properties that are specifically for extra source business components. Visibility Mode Search Specification
For example, to specify the visibility mode and search specification for Quote business component, you use Quote.Visibility Mode and Quote.Search Specification user properties.
Example of Configurable Drag-and-Drop Behavior Dragging... A record from the Activities list to the daily calendar applet updates the Planned Start date for the activity according to where it is dropped on the calendar. Records from the Activities list to the calendar applet creates a new record of type In Store Visit for the account, and associates appropriate activity records to the new In Store Visit record. If multiple records are dragged, the account for the new record is based on the account of the last record in the dragged group.
Pharma application
Table 72.
Applet User Property for Calendar Drag-and-Drop Description Set this user property to Y or N. The default is N. Set this user property to: NewRecord to create a new calendar activity record when a record is dragged from the list applet to the calendar applet. (This behavior is also the default behavior, unless the Calendar Drag Method user property is set.) UpdateTime to change the time field in the source (dragged) record according where the record is dropped in the calendar applet. (No new record is created.) This behavior is seen in the Pharma application.
Applet User Property Enable Drag And Drop Calendar Default Action
If Calendar Default Action is UpdateTime, set this user property to the time field in the source applet that you want to have updated by the drag-anddrop action. For example, in the Pharma application (Pharma Calendar Activity List Applet), this user property is set to Planned.
23 1
Table 72.
Applet User Property for Calendar Drag-and-Drop Description If Calendar Default Action is NewRecord, set these user properties to copy data from the source record to the new calendar activity (target) record. The format for these user properties follows: Source_field_name,Target_field_name For example, to copy content from a field named Summary in the source record to the Description field in the calendar activity record, the Calendar Drag Field is Summary,Description. If Calendar Default Action is NewRecord, set this user property to Y if you want to have the source records associated with the new (target) record. The dragged records become child records of the new calendar activity record. If Calendar Drag Associate is Y, set this user property to the name of the field in the dragged (source) records that is to associate them with the new calendar activity record. The field specified gets populated with the row ID of the new calendar activity record. If the default calendar action does not meet your needs, set this user property to your own method name to control the drag-and-drop action. If this user property is set, the preceding user properties are ignored. For example, in the Consumer Sector application, this user property is set to the Drag And Drop Handler method.
Applet User Property Calendar Drag Field, Calendar Drag Field1, Calendar Drag Field2, Calendar Drag Field3 ... Calendar Drag Fieldn
If a method is supplied in the Calendar Drag Method user property, set this user property to the name of the business component on which you want to invoke the method. If this user property is not specified, the method is invoked on the current business component. For example, in the Consumer Sector application, this user property is set to the In Store Visit business component.
If a business component is supplied in the Calendar Drag BusComp user property, set this user property to the name of the business object to use when retrieving the Calendar Drag BusComp business component. If this user property is not specified, the current business object is used. However, it is better to specify a value for this business object, even if it is the same as the current business object. This setting makes sure that instantiating the Calendar Drag BusComp business component does not affect other business components within the current view. For example, in the Consumer Sector application, this user property is set to the In Store Visit business object.
Table 73.
Participant Availability Buttons Popup Applet Invoked HI Gantt Chart Employee Pick Applet HI Gantt Chart Resource Pick Applet HI Gantt Chart Contact Pick Applet
Figure 11. LS Pharma HI Activity Calendar View with Daily Calendar Applet and Side List Applet
23 3
To hide or show the side list applet on the LS Pharma HI Activity Calendar View
For the LS Pharma Activity HI Calendar Applet, edit the Suppress Side Applets Calendar Types applet user property to include the calendars for which you want to hide the list applet. For example, set the value to Daily, Weekly5, Weekly7, Monthly to hide the side list applet on all the calendars.
17 State Models
This chapter is about how state models work and how to set up state models. It includes the following topics: About State Models on page 235 Scenario for Managing State Models on page 236 Process of Setting Up State Models on page 237 Configuring Business Components for State Models on page 237 Creating State Models and State Transitions on page 238 Activating State Models on page 240 Configuring All Operations for Child Records on page 241 About Criteria for State Transitions on page 242
23 5
State Transitions. State transitions define the allowed changes from one value to another value for a field in a record. For example, a record with a Status field value of Closed must be reopened. The Status field can transition from the Closed value to an Open value and from the Open value to a Pending value, but cannot transition directly from the Closed value to a Pending value. Administrators can set up criteria for state transitions. For example, they can specify that only certain users can initiate state transitions or that all users can initiate state transitions only if certain criteria are met.
This state model contains the following allowed transitions between the state values: From New to Assigned. Managers assign enhancement suggestions to the most suitable employees for investigation. Therefore, she specifies that only managers can change the Status field value from New to Assigned. From Assigned to Accepted. Employees must write an assessment of each enhancement suggestion before accepting it. Therefore, she creates simple criteria indicating that users cannot change the Status field value for a record to Accepted if the Assessment field for the record is blank. From Assigned to Rejected. Employees must write an assessment of each enhancement suggestion before rejecting it. Therefore, she creates simple criteria indicating that users cannot change the Status field value for a record to Rejected if the Assessment field for the record is blank.
1 2 3
Configuring Business Components for State Models on page 237 This task is required only if the business component is not enabled for state models. Creating State Models and State Transitions on page 238 Activating State Models on page 240
If the business component is listed in the Business Components dialog box, the business component is enabled. You can create a state model for the business component. For more information, see Creating State Models and State Transitions on page 238. If the business component is not listed in the Business Components dialog box, the business component is not enabled. You can enable the business component. For more information, see the other procedure in this topic.
In Siebel Tools, administrators can enable a business component for state model functionality.
23 7
Create a new business component user property with the following properties:
For the Name column, enter a value of State Model. For the Value column, enter a value of Y.
Field Activation
Click the States view tab, in the States list create a new record for each state value for the field in the state model, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field State Name Default Comments Select the state value for the field in the state model. Select this check box to indicate that the State Name field is the default state value. The default state value specifies the value that is automatically populated in the state model field when a new record is created. NOTE: If the field in the state model is populated from Siebel Tools, then you cannot override this default in the state model. No Delete No Update Select this check box to indicate that a record with a field in this state is readonly and cannot be deleted. Select this check box to indicate that a record with a field in this state is readonly and cannot be modified. NOTE: Even if you select the No Delete and No Update fields for a state in the state model, a record with MVG (multi-value group) fields that do not have a direct parent-child link between the parent field and the MVG applet is not read-only when the state for the record has the No Update or No Delete fields selected. To avoid confusion for users, you can remove MVG fields from the child applet. Restrict Transition Select this check box to indicate that only the transitions that you define for the state value are allowed. If you select this check box and do not define transitions, the state value is an end state, and the state value cannot change to another state value. Clear this check box to indicate that the state value can transition to any other defined state value.
Click the Transitions view tab, and complete the following steps:
In the Transitions list, create a new record for each state transition that you want to restrict, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field From State Comments Select a source state value in the state transition of the state model field. NOTE: If you do not define a state transition for the State Name field that is the default value, the field in the state model cannot change. To State Select a destination state value in the state transition of the state model field.
23 9
Field Public
Comments Select this check box to indicate that all users are allowed to perform this state transition. If you select this check box, the records in the Authorized Positions list are not in effect. For more information, see Step b. Select a field that controls the state transition. This field is frequently not the field in the state model, but another field in the business component for the state model. Select an operator for the field in the Rule Field. Type the state value for the field in the Rule Field. The Rule Field, Rule Operator, and Rule Value fields allow you to specify simple criteria that must be met for the state transition to occur. For more information about creating simple criteria, see About Criteria for State Transitions on page 242.
Rule Field
Rule Expression
Type complex criteria that must be met for the state transition to occur.
To restrict a state transition to a group of users (or positions), create records in the Authorized Positions list, and clear the check box in the Public field for the transition record. NOTE: If the check box in the Public field is cleared, and if you do not create positions in the Authorized Positions list, no users are allowed to perform the state transition.
24 1
Set the State Model Enable Child Modification user property for the business component associated with specific child records to Y. Users can now delete child records associated with the business component, even when the No Delete field is selected for the state value of parent record. Also, users can now add and modify child records associated with the business component, even when the No Update field is selected for the state value of parent record.
Field Values of State Transition Record Containing Simple Criteria Value Open Closed
Field Values of State Transition Record Containing Simple Criteria Value Sub-Status = Resolved
24 3
18 Literature
This chapter is about administering and using literature in the Siebel application. It includes the following topics: About Literature on page 245 About Setting Up Literature Files on page 246 Creating and Modifying Literature Files on page 246 Creating Literature Records on page 247 Creating Translation Records on page 250 Creating Literature Item Kits on page 250 About Making Literature Visible to Users on page 251 Sharing Literature Through the Products Screen on page 252 Sharing Literature Through the Competitors Screen on page 252 Sharing Literature Through the Decision Issues Screen on page 253 Sharing Literature Through the Correspondence Screen on page 254 Sharing Literature Through eBriefings on page 254 Sharing Literature Through Literature or Infocenter on page 255
About Literature
Siebel Literature allows you to give your users access to sales and marketing literature, such as product brochures, white papers, data sheets, and other types of literature items. Users view these documents using the application that created them, for example, Microsoft Word, Lotus Word Pro, or Adobe Acrobat. Literature items can also be grouped into literature kits. Literature kits can include items not normally thought of as literature, such as promotional hats, coffee mugs, or T-Shirts. These kits can then be made available for distribution through fulfillment centers. Literature kits are covered later in this chapter. For information about fulfillment, see Siebel Correspondence, Proposals, and Presentations Guide. After you create literature records and associate documents with them, your employees can use literature in the following ways: Employees can use the Literature or Infocenter screen to search through all the literature that is available to them.
24 5
You can associate literature with business objects such as products or decision issues. Then users can display the literature when they are looking at the record for the associated business object. For example, the user can navigate to the Product screen, select a product, and click the Product Literature view tab to find all literature items associated with that product. When your employees use the Correspondence screen to create correspondence, they can include literature as enclosures. The user or fulfillment center can print out this literature document, or it can use preprinted copies of literature such as glossy brochures. It can also enclose promotional items that are parts of literature kits. Employees can track literature associated with products, industries, accounts and competitors so that they appear on your Briefing pages.
NOTE: You might want to create a literature record without associating a document with it. For example, if the record represents an item such as a hat or cup, which is part of a literature kit, you need not associate a document with it.
Select the literature file that you want to modify. Information about the file appears in the More Info form. You can use this form to change existing comments or characteristics; for example, Distribution Method.
Drill down on the File Name field for the literature file that you want to modify. The actual literature file opens in the type of tool that was used to create it; for example, Word.
4 5
Modify the file, and save it locally. Upload the modified file to the existing Literature record.
Enter the rest of the information required in the Literature list blank row and the More Info form of the new record. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Name Description Comments Type a name for the literature record. Type a description of the document. Because literature items can be in any language, you might want to indicate the language of the item in this field (or in the Name field). Select the type of the literature. You can create new literature types in the List of Values view of the Administration - Data screen. Because the Literature Type field is used to filter literature items in various applets (by setting the Search Specification property for the applet in Siebel Tools), be careful when editing the Literature Type field. Size Displays the size of the literature file. The size of the file that you select determines the information that appears. There is no restriction for file size except from your network and memory availability.
Literature Type
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Comments Displays the file type of the literature file, for example DOC or PDF. The type of the file that you select determines the information that appears. Displays the date that the literature file was last modified. Select the check box to indicate that users copies of the literature are automatically updated each time the original file is updated. Select the document file. You can also manually enter the file name. Type a synopsis of the documents content. Select the date when the document first appears in My Briefings. For more information about eBriefings, see Siebel Briefings Administration Guide. Select the date when the document no longer appears in My Briefings. For more information about eBriefings, see Siebel Briefings Administration Guide. Select the documents author. Select the accounts with which the literature is associated. The literature appears in the Account Briefing if the account is tracked by the user. For more information, see Siebel Briefings Administration Guide. Select the competitors with which the literature is associated. Use this field to allow the user to display the literature using the Competitors screen. If you also select the Internal field, the literature appears in the Comparative Literature view of the Competitors screen. If you do not select the Internal field, the literature appears in the Competitors Literature view of the Competitors screen. The literature also appears in a Competitor Briefing, if the competitor is tracked by the user. For more information, see Siebel Briefings Administration Guide.
Expiration Date
Author Accounts
Select the check box to indicate the document is internally sensitive and not intended for public distribution. If Internal is selected, the literature is not available as an enclosure in the Correspondence screen, and it appears in the Comparative Literature list of the Competitors screen. If Internal is not selected, the literature is available as an enclosure in the Correspondence screen, and it appears in the Competitive Literature list of the Competitors screen.
Field Local
Comments Select the check box to indicate the document is available on the local file application for users of the Remote Client. If a document is not available locally, the user can request it by selecting the Request field. Select the check box to indicate the literature is downloaded during each synchronization session for users of the Remote Client. Select a value to specify whether or not the file is automatically downloaded to users of the Remote Client. Publish. During each synchronization session, if your user does nothing, the file is automatically downloaded. If your user explicitly skips the file, the file is not downloaded in that synchronization session. By Request. During synchronization, the user receives the record, but not the actual file. To receive the file, the user must select the Request field.
Industries Products
Select the industries associated with the literature. The literature appears in My Briefing if the user tracks the industry. Select the products associated with the literature. Use this field to allow the user to display the literature using the Products screen. The literature appears in My Briefing if the user tracks the product. Select the organizations that have visibility to this data. Select a value to determine how to display the page if you are linking to a Web page. Frame. Displays a link to the Web page. When the user clicks the link, the page appears in the current frame. Window. Displays a link to the Web page. When the user clicks the link, the page appears in an expanded window. The user must use the Web browsers Back button to return to Siebel ERM. New Window. Displays a link to the Web page. When the user clicks the link, the page appears in a new browser window, allowing the user to switch between Siebel ERM and the Web page. In-Line. Displays the entire Web page in the selected section of the portal page. Displaying Web pages in-line works best with simple Web pages. Large or complex pages, such as those that use JavaScript, can slow down the Siebel application and cause unexpected results. Be sure to test in-line pages before distributing them to users.
24 9
Make the Literature record a bill of materials. You can include a document in the Literature record that describes all the Literature Items in the kit, or use the Literature records Description or Synopsis field to list all the Literature Items in the kit. For example, if the kit consists of a sales brochure and a hat, you would create a Literature record that represents the entire kit, you would attach two Literature Item records to it that represent the brochure and the hat, and you might also use the description field of the Literature record to say the kit includes a brochure and a hat. Then the fulfillment center would read the description field and mail out the items listed.
Click the Literature Items view tab. The fields that previously appeared in More Info are shown under the Literature list at the top. The fields in the Literature Items list, in the middle of the view, display specific item information. The Component Items list appears at the bottom of the view.
In the Literature Items list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Primary Physical Form # of Pages In Stock? Part # Comments Select the check box to indicate this item is the primary item in the kit. Type a description of the items physical form. This field supports multiple values to allow for multiple physical forms. For a document, you might choose 8 1/2 x 11 and Microfiche. Type the number of pages in the document, if applicable. Select the check box to specify the item is in stock, if applicable. Type the items part number, if applicable.
5 6 7
In the Component Items list, create a new record. Select the record to be added and click Add. In the Component Items list, create any other new records that are needed to create the kit.
25 1
The Competitors Screen. You can associate literature with a competitor, and the user can display it using the Competitors screen. The Decision Issues Screen. You can associate literature with a decision issue, and the user can display it using the Decision Issues screen. The Correspondence Screen. You can deselect the Internal field of a literature record and the user can select it as an enclosure in correspondence. eBriefings. You can associate literature with an account competitor, product, or industry. Literature appears in the Account Briefing, Competitor Briefing, or My Briefing page as a hyperlink. The Literature Screen or Infocenter. You can make literature visible to users, so it is included in the list of literature that they see in the Literature or Infocenter screen.
If you select the Internal flag, the literature appears in the Comparative Literature list, and it is not available as an enclosure in the Correspondence screen. If you do not select the Internal flag, the literature appears in the Competitive Literature list, and it is available as an enclosure in the Correspondence screen.
Whether you select Internal depends on the type of literature: Competitors literature. Your salespeople might want to use literature produced by competitors, such as sales brochures, to help them compare your products with what the competition is offering. However, you would not want to distribute this literature outside your company. Select Internal, so the literature is not available in the Enclosures list of the Correspondence screen, but it appears in the Comparative Literature in the Competitors screen. Comparative literature for internal use. You might develop comparative literature internally, such as competitive intelligence, that is meant for use by your salespeople and that you do not want to distribute outside your company. Select Internal, so the literature is not available in the Enclosures list of the Correspondence screen, but it appears in Comparative Literature in the Competitors screen. Comparative literature for external use. You might develop comparative literature internally that is aimed at your customers, or you might have third party comparative reports that you want to distribute to your customers. Do not select Internal, so the literature is available in the Enclosures list of the Correspondence screen, and it also appears in Competitive Literature in the Competitors screen.
25 3
In the Decision Issues list, select the decision issue that you want to associate the literature with. The More Info list shows information about the issue. Existing literature records are listed under the Literature tab.
3 4
In the Literature list, create a new record. Select the literature item that you want to associate with the decision issue, and click OK. The Literature list shows the selected literature item.
If you want to display the literature in Competitor Briefings, in the More Info forms Accounts field, select the competitors with which the literature is associated. Users must track that competitor for it to appear in Competitor Briefing. In the Release Date field, enter the first date when the literature appears in briefings. Literature associated with products or industries appears in My Briefing if the user tracks those products and industries. In the Expiration Date field, enter the last date that you want the literature to appear in briefings.
A business manager who administers literature makes it visible to users by associating it with the appropriate category in either the Literature Administration screen or the Catalog Administration screen. After it is assigned in either of these ways, users in access groups associated with this category are able to display it in the Literature screen.
25 5
In the Catalogs list, drill down on the Name field of the catalog to associate with the literature. A Categories list appears.
3 4 5 6
Click the Literature link bar. In the Literature list, create a new record. In the dialog box, enter identifying information about the literature (for example, the document Name), and then click Go. When the dialog box reappears listing the needed literature, select the literature item and click OK. The literature is associated with the category.
25 7
Global Target List Management Scenario for Managing Global Target Lists
Target lists differ from PDQs (saved queries) in that target lists are static; the saved list contains a specific set of records. The records returned by a PDQ can vary over time as edits are made to the Siebel database. Global Target List Management builds on the general List Management features that are available for both Siebel Industry Applications and non-Siebel Industry Applications. Tasks you can perform with Global Target List Management that you cannot perform with general List Management are: Create lists in many views (not just in the List Management view). Apply lists in many views. Create lists of accounts and positions. Generate activities for records in a list.
Next, she queries for company contacts who have birthdays in March and saves these records to a private list, which she calls March-birthdays. Then, she combines her March-birthdays list and the companies top-client list. The list resulting from this intersection contains the companys top clients who have birthdays in March. The last step is to create an activity for each client in the final list. Each activity can be marked completed when the clients gift has been sent.
25 9
Complete the fields in the Save to List dialog box. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Based On Comments Select a value from the drop-down list. The choices available depend on the view. You can save the records themselves, for example contacts or accounts. Or, you can save the contacts or positions (team) associated with the records. If multiple contacts or positions can be associated with the records, you can choose to save all or only the primary. Private Select the check box to indicate only you can view and apply this list. Clear the check box to indicate all users can view and apply this list.
2 3
Drill down on the List Name field for a target list record. Click the appropriate view tab as described in the following table. If the Target List Contains... Accounts Team members Contacts Use This View to Add or Delete from the List... Accounts Positions All Contacts, My Contacts, or List Contacts and Prospects NOTE: The My Contacts view filters the list to show only your contacts. Employees Employees
Global Target List Management Creating Target Lists By Combining Lists (End User)
a b c
Select one or more lists. Select the Respect Existing Query check box to preserve the current query. (Records appear only if they are in both the list and the current query.) Click OK, Union, or Intersection to apply the lists.
26 1
This task is a step in Process of Managing Global Target Lists on page 259.
NOTE: These activity templates are data map objects created through the Data Transfer Utilities. They are not the same as the activity templates used to create activity plans.
Table 75.
Workflows for Global Target List Management Description This workflow can be used to create activities asynchronously. For more information, see Configuring Global Target List Management to Create Activities Asynchronously on page 263. This workflow is triggered by the Save and Edit button on the Save to List dialog box. This workflow takes the user to the List Mgmt Lists View of the List Management screen. This workflow is triggered when the Create Union and Create Intersection buttons are clicked. Modification of this workflow is not recommended.
Workflow SLM Create Activity From List SLM Edit Call List Workflow SLM List Operation Generic
This workflow is triggered when a new member (such as a contact or an account) is added to a list. The workflow checks the content type of the new member and updates the Content field for the list if necessary. For example, if an account is added to a list of contacts, the Content field is changed to Hybrid. Modification of this workflow is not recommended.
26 3
To configure list and association list applets so that target lists can be applied 1
Create a multi-value link between the applets business component and the List Mgmt Lists business component where:
Destination Business Component is List Mgmt Lists. Destination Link is one of the following (as appropriate for the list category that is applied in the applet):
SLM Account/List Mgmt Lists Contact/List Mgmt Lists Employee/List Mgmt Lists Position/List Mgmt Lists Prospects/List Mgmt Lists
For example, the SIS Account List Applet is based on the Account business component; it contains a multi-value link called List Mgmt Lists, where Destination Link is SLM Account/List Mgmt Lists.
For the applets business component, create a user property called TargetProp (or TargetProp 1, TargetProp 2, and so on), and enter a value for the user property in the following form: Entity Display Name, Multi-Value Field Name, List Category where:
Entity Display Name is a name for the user property. Multi-Value Field Name is the name of the field created in Step 2. List Category is one of the display values defined for the SLM_LST_CATEGORY LOV: Accounts, Contacts, Employees, Positions, or Prospects.
4 5
Repeat Step 1 to Step 3 for each category of list that you want to apply to the applet. (If you are configuring a list applet, skip to Step 6.) If you are configuring an association list applet, create an Apply List button for the applet by completing the following steps:
Create the ButtonApplyList control for the applet. The values for the new control are described in the following table. Field Name Caption HTML Type Method Invoked Value ButtonApplyList Apply List MiniButton ShowPopup
Create two control user properties for the new ButtonApplyList control. The values for the two control user properties are described in the following table. Field Name Value Value for 1st User Property Mode Edit List Value for 2nd User Property Popup SIA Apply Target List Applet - Simple
c 6
Edit the Applet Web Template for the association applet to add the new ButtonApplyList control to the applets layout.
a b
Create an Applet Menu Method Item for the applet. If the applets business component contains:
Only one TargetProp user property, set Command to Apply List Popup-Simple. Multiple TargetProp user properties for the applet, set the command property to Apply List Popup.
NOTE: If you do not complete this step, target list can still be applied using the Apply Target List button in the toolbar or using the application-level menu Edit, then Apply List.
26 5
Find or create the list column for the party entity that you want to save:
a b 3
On the applets business component, locate the ID field of the party entity. If the applet does not have a list column that maps to that ID field, create the list column.
Enter a value for the user property of the following form: List Column, Saved Entity Name, PrimaryOnly, Extra Src Field 1, Extra Dst Field 1, Extra Src Field 2, Extra Dst Field 2 where:
List Column is the name of a list column identified in Step 2. The Field value for this list column is the source business component field for the target list. This field must be an ID field. The Display Name value for this list column is used in the Based On drop-down list in the Save to List dialog box. See Figure 12 on page 267. (Required)
Saved Entity Name is the content of target list that you are saving (for example, Contact, Employee, Account, Position, or Prospect). (Required) PrimaryOnly saves only the primary record of the multi-value group to the target list when the list column corresponds to a multi-value ID field. If this term is not specified or empty, then all records in the multi-value group are saved to the target list. This term is required only if the list column or the additional source field corresponds to a multi-value field. Extra Src Field 1 is the name of an additional source field to save to the target list.(Optional) Extra Dst Field 1 is the destination field name for Extra Src Field 1. This field must exist in the list members applet and corresponding business component so that it can be seen in the List Management screen. This term is required only if Extra Src Field 1 is specified. Extra Src Field 2 is the name of an additional source field to save to the target list.(Optional) Extra Dst Field 2 is the destination field name for Extra Src Field 2. This term is required only if Extra Src Field 2 is specified.
For example, these properties applied to the SIS Account List Applet:
Save Target List Source 1 = SLM Position - Primary, Position, PrimaryOnly Saves the primary team member on the accounts.
Save Target List Source 2 = SLM Contact, Contact, , Main Phone Number, Acct Phone Number Saves all contacts and the main phone number of the account with each contact. NOTE: For this example, the destination list member business component (SLM List Member - Contact) must have a field that can store the account phone number.
Repeat Step 1 and Step 3 to create a user property for each type of list that you want users to be able to create in that applet.
Figure 12 shows the Save to List Dialog Box for the SIS Account List Applet.
The Display Name value for the SLM Contact - Primary list column
Figure 12. Save to List Dialog Box for the SIS Account List Applet
26 7
20 D&B Integration
This chapter describes the integration of D&B data with your Siebel application. It includes the following topics: About D&B Data on page 269 Scenarios for Using D&B on page 270 About the D&B D-U-N-S Number on page 271 Integrating D&B Data on page 271 Setting Up the Symbolic URL for Access to the D&B Database on page 283 Configuring D&B Integration on page 285 Field Mappings for Configuration of D&B Integration on page 288
You can use this D&B data to support the following: New Business or Customer Acquisition. By querying on company size, line of business, and other criteria provided by D&B, you can generate lists of prospects to add to the sales pipeline or to support outbound marketing programs. By using the D&B corporate family linkage information, you can identify new prospects and opportunities within a companys extended family. Customer Segmentation and Penetration. You can profile specific market segments such as geography, industry, size, and other criteria to identify untapped opportunities or better align sales territories. Customer Qualification. Use your access to D&B business and credit reports to obtain detailed background and risk information about a company to focus sales efforts on higher-probability accounts and shorten the sales cycle.
26 9
These numbers allow D&B to establish the relationships between different companies.
1 2 3
Obtaining D&B Data on page 272 Loading D&B Data on page 273 Running the Siebel Update Server Components on page 280
27 1
Administrators can integrate D&B data with Siebel UCM (Universal Customer Master) using the same process they use to integrate D&B data with the Siebel database. For real time integration, they insert the D&B record into the Source Data History (SDH) table in UCM (instead of promoting the D&B record directly into the base table). The UCM batch workflow processes the record from the SDH table. Alternatively, the real time connector workflow can process the record. For batch integration, administrators can create a D&B source file and import the records as they would from any external application. For information about the ERD for UCM, see the applicable Siebel Data Model Reference for Industry Applications on My Oracle Support.
Request these files in Siebel format, also referred to as 2202 or GDMDI data file format. D&B is able to provide files in this format without difficulty. To obtain MRC and SIC files, send email to the following address: In addition to these files, you can request D&B data layout documentation from D&B. The Marketing Data File. This file contains detailed company information, such as the companys legal name, address, contact information, and so on. The MRC and SIC Files. These files are reference files that the Siebel D&B modules require. Both files contain information referenced by the demographic company data provided by D&B. MRC stands for Management Responsibility Code. The MRC file contains a list of lookup values for the contacts and their positions such as CEO, Vice President of Marketing, and so on. Each contact has an associated numerical code that is referenced by the D&B marketing data to determine the title or position of a company contact. SIC stands for Standard Industrial Classification and is a code developed by the Federal government to describe the type of activity performed by the business at this location. The SIC file contains a list of SIC codes assigned and maintained by D&B along with their definitions. D&Bs Primary SIC code indicates the line of business that provides the largest revenue contribution to the business. D&B also maintains and assigns six levels of subsidiary SIC codes to describe in greater detail additional lines of business activity for a given company. By default, the SIC code provided in the SIC file and the Marketing Data file is the 4-digit SIC code.
Staging Tables for Uploading D&B Data Upload Location S_DNB_UPDATE table This table is used as a staging area for the un-normalized D&B Marketing data.
Because SIC and MRC files change rarely, updating D&B data usually requires deleting and reloading the D&B marketing data in the S_DNB_UPDATE table alone. If you must load new versions of the SIC and MRC files, you must delete the previously used staging tables. Table 77 lists the D&B data to delete and to load.
Table 77.
D&B Data to Delete and Load Then... Load the following D&B data files: Marketing Data file, SIC file, and MRC file.
27 3
Table 77.
D&B Data to Delete and Load Then... Delete data from the S_DNB_UPDATE table. Load the Marketing file. Delete data from the S_DNB_UPDATE, the S_DNB_SIC, and the S_DNB_MRC tables. Load the following D&B data files: Marketing Data file, SIC file, and MRC file.
If You Are... Updating D&B data with a new Marketing Data file, but the SIC and MRC files have not changed Updating D&B data with new Marketing Data, SIC, and MRC files
After loading files, you must run the D&B Update Manager (D&B) and the D&B Update Manager (Siebel). For more information, see About Siebel Update Server Components on page 276.
The sample scripts are not provided as part of the Siebel application, but can be obtained by logging a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support. CAUTION: Before running scripts, check them against the D&B data layout documentation and against the S_DNB_UPDATE table columns. Then, modify the scripts as required. For information about the S_DNB_UPDATE table columns, see the applicable Siebel Data Model Reference on My Oracle Support.
NOTE: This procedure assumes that you understand how to run SQLLOADER. SQLLOADER is described in the Oracle documentation.
Truncate the appropriate staging tables. For more information, see Table 77 on page 273. To optimize loading performance, drop all indexes on the S_DNB_UPDATE table and re-create them after the scripts have completed by using Siebel utilities ddlexp (to back up the indexes before dropping) and ddlimp (to re-create them).
The name of your database The D&B filename and directory location The database table owner The user ID and password (with loading privileges) that you are using to load the data
NOTE: This procedure assumes that you understand how to run DB2 IMPORT. DB2 IMPORT is described in the DB2 documentation.
The name of your database The D&B filenames and directory location The database table owner The user ID and password (with loading privileges) that you are using to load the data
4 5
Run DB2 IMPORT. (Optional) After running the import scripts, update the DB2 catalog statistics by executing RUNSTATS on the three tables that received the D&B data (S_DNB_MRC, S_DNB_SIC, S_DNB_UPDATE).
27 5
S_DNB_UPDATE.fmt. A format file to load the data into the tempS_DNB_UPDATE table S_DNB_UPDATE.sql. An SQL script that loads the data into S_DNB_UPDATE table
S_DNB_SIC.fmt. A format file to load the data into the tempS_DNB_SIC table S_DNB_SIC.sql. An SQL script that loads the data into the S_DNB_SIC table
S_DNB_MRC.fmt. A format file to load the data into the tempS_DNB_MRC table S_DNB_MRC.sql. An SQL script that loads the data into the S_DNB_MRC table
NOTE: This procedure assumes that you understand how to run bcp (bulk copy process) or similar data-loading utility. The bcp utility is described in the Microsoft SQL Server documentation.
The name of your database The D&B filename and directory location The database table owner The user ID and password (with loading privileges) that you are using to load the data
D&B Update Manager (Siebel). Updates the records in the Siebel Account tables for accounts with matching D-U-N-S numbers. For more information, see Figure 14 on page 278. A third component, D&B Update Manager MultiTask, is also provided. This component can be used in place of D&B Update Manager (D&B) or D&B Update Manager (Siebel) to run the update using multiple, parallel processes. For more information, see Multiple Task Siebel Update Server Component on page 279.
1 2
Make sure you have loaded the D&B data into the staging tables. For more information, see Loading D&B Data on page 273 and Loading D&B Data Using Sample Scripts on page 274. Update the D&B Account tables with data from the staging tables:
For first time data loading when there are no D&B records in the Siebel database, drop the indexes on the following D&B Account tables: S_DNB_ORG, S_DNB_ORG_SIC, S_DNB_CON_MRC, and S_PRSP_CONTACT. For subsequent updates, drop the indexes on the S_DNB_ORG table only, all except for the indexes S_DNB_ORG_U1 (DUNS_NUM), S_DNB_ORG_P1 (ROW_ID), and S_DNB_ORG_M01 (the clustered index) on this table.
Create a search specification on the D-U-N-S number to set up your preferred batch sizes and determine the corresponding D-U-N-S number ranges for each batch for loading the data from the staging tables to the D&B Account tables. Execute concurrent D&B Update Manager (D&B) server tasks by running the D&B Update Manager MultiTask server component. For more information, see Multiple Task Siebel Update Server Component on page 279 and Running the Siebel Update Server Components on page 280. Continue to execute the concurrent D&B Update Manager (D&B) server tasks until all data is loaded into the D&B Account tables. If you dropped indexes on the D&B Account tables, re-create them by using Siebel utilities ddlexp (to back up the indexes before dropping) and ddlimp (to re-create them).
d e 3
Update the Siebel Account tables from the D&B Account tables for accounts with matching D-U-N-S numbers by executing concurrent D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server tasks using the D&B Update Manager MultiTask server component. For more information, see Multiple D&B Update Manager (Siebel) Processes on page 280 and Running the Siebel Update Server Components on page 280.
27 7
Figure 13. D&B Update Manager (D&B) Table Names Figure 14 shows how the D&B Account tables are mapped to the Siebel Account tables.
Default table mapping exists from the D&B Account tables to the Siebel Account tables that are used by the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component. For more information, see Field Mapping for the D&B Update Manager Process on page 288.
Edit the file to change the number of parallel processes created or the range of D-U-N-S numbers updated. CAUTION: If you use DNBUpMgrMultiTask to run multiple UpdateMgr processes, you must make sure that processes running at the same time have mutually exclusive ranges. Unpredictable results occur if multiple processes collide.
Multiple D&B Update Manager (D&B) Processes with First Time Data Loading
The first time you load D&B data when there are no D&B records in the Siebel database, you can use a special SQL file (dnbinitial.sql) which is optimized to load only inserts. Consequently, data is loaded faster than when you use the dnbmaps.tsq file. To use the dnbinitial.sql file, set the server component parameter DNBConfigFile to dnbinitial.sql. For examples, see Running the Siebel Update Server Components on page 280.
27 9
For subsequent updates, the DNBConfigFile is set to dnbmaps.tsq. NOTE: The dnbinitial.sql file assumes that you dropped the indexes on the D&B Account tables when loading data. For more information, see Loading D&B Data Using Sample Scripts on page 274.
NOTE: If you have just installed the Siebel Server or if you have made changes to the Siebel Name Server, you must synchronize before running the Siebel update server component. For more information about synchronizing server components, see Siebel System Administration Guide. TIP: If you are going to run the D&B Update Mgr (Multi-task) component, make sure that the maximum number of tasks (MaxTasks parameter) is set correctly to accommodate the number of tasks that you specified in the dnbtask.cfg file. For information about MaxTasks, see Siebel System Administration Guide.
Make sure that the D&B Update Manager (D&B) process is complete before you start the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) process. For general information about using Siebel Server Manager, see Siebel System Administration Guide. Complete the following procedure to run the D&B Update Manager (D&B) server component from within your Siebel application (single task process). For information about running server components, see Siebel System Administration Guide.
To run the D&B Update Manager (D&B) server component from within your Siebel application (single task process) 1 2 3
Check that the Dun and Bradstreet component group is enabled. Submit a component job for D&B Update Mgr (D&B); make sure to set the Mode to Asynchronous. When the D&B Update Mgr (D&B) is done, open the log directory. If there have been problems with the process, there is a log file that you can review. The log file is named DNBUpMgrDNB_TaskNumber.log.
Complete the following procedure to run the D&B Update Manager (D&B) server component from within your Siebel application (multiple task process).
To run the D&B Update Manager (D&B) server component from within your Siebel application (multiple task process) 1 2
Check that the Dun and Bradstreet component group is enabled. Prepare a component job for D&B Update Mgr (Multi-task):
Make sure to set the Mode to Asynchronous. Create a job parameter where Name is Task Code (Abbreviation is DNBTaskCode) and Value is DNB. If the data is being loaded for the first time, create a job parameter where Name is Configuration File Name (Abbreviation is DNBConfigFile) and Value is dnbinitial.sql.
3 4
Submit the component job. When the process is done, open the log directory. If there have been problems with the process, there is a log file that you can review.
Complete the following procedure to run the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component from within your Siebel application (single task process).
To run the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component from within your Siebel application (single task process) 1 2
Check that the Dun and Bradstreet component group is enabled. Submit a component job for D&B Update Mgr (Siebel); make sure to set the Mode to Asynchronous.
28 1
When the D&B Update Mgr (Siebel) is done, open the log directory. If there have been problems with the process, there is a log file that you can review. The log file is named DNBUpMgrDNB_TaskNumber.log.
Complete the following procedure to run the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component from within your Siebel application (multiple task process).
To run the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component from within your Siebel application (multiple task process) 1 2
Check that the Dun and Bradstreet component group is enabled. Prepare a component job for D&B Update Mgr (Multi-task):
Make sure to set the Mode to Asynchronous. Create a job parameter where Name is Task Code (Abbreviation is DNBTaskCode) and Value is Siebel.
3 4
Submit the component job. When the process is done, open the log directory. If there have been problems with the process, there is a log file that you can review.
Complete the following procedure to run the D&B Update Manager (D&B) server component from a command line (single or multiple task process).
To run the D&B Update Manager (D&B) server component from a command line (single or multiple task process) 1
Log in to the server using Server Manager. Use a command with the following format:
start task for comp DNBUpMgrDNB (for single task process) start task for comp DNBUpMgrMultiTask with DNBTaskCode=DNB (for multitask process) start task for comp DNBUpMgrMultiTask with DNBTaskCode=DNB, DNBConfigFile=dnbinitial.sql For initial data loading, see Multiple D&B Update Manager (D&B) Processes with First Time Data Loading on page 279.
During the DNBUpMgrDNB or DNBUpMgrMultiTask server process, monitor the status by entering the following list task command: list task for comp DNB%
D&B Integration Setting Up the Symbolic URL for Access to the D&B Database
When the D&B Update Mgr (D&B) or D&B Update Mgr (Multi-task) server process is finished, open the log directory. If there have been problems with the process, there is a log file that you can review. The log files are named DNBUpMgrDNB_TaskNumber.log or DNBUpMgrMultiTask_TaskNumber.log.
Complete the following procedure to run the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component from a command line (single or multiple task process).
To run the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component from a command line (single or multiple task process) 1
Log in to the server using Server Manager. Use a command with the following format:
start task for comp DNBUpMgrSIEB (for single task process) start task for comp DNBUpMgrMultiTask with DNBTaskCode=Siebel (for multitask process)
During the DNBUpMgrDNB or DNBUpMgrMultiTask server process, monitor the status by entering the following list task command: list task for comp DNB%
When the D&B Update Mgr (D&B) or D&B Update Mgr (Multi-task) server process is finished, open the log directory. If there have been problems with the process, there is a log file that you can review. The log files are named DNBUpMgrDNB_TaskNumber.log or DNBUpMgrMultiTask_TaskNumber.log.
To access D&B data live from your Siebel application through the D&B Web site, you must first contact D&B for a user ID, password, and payment options. Then you can set up your Siebel application to access the D&B database. For more information about D&B reports and about searching D&B for new accounts, see Accessing Company Data and Reports with D&B on page 295.
28 3
D&B Integration Setting Up the Symbolic URL for Access to the D&B Database
To set up the symbolic URL for D&B real-time search and update 1 2 3 4
Navigate to the Administration - Integration screen, then the WI Symbolic URL List. From the visibility filter, choose Symbolic URL Administration. In the Symbolic URL list, select DNBGlobalAccess. Make sure the URL is as follows:
Select the USERID record, and enter the user ID provided by D&B in the Argument Value field. NOTE: This field is not case-sensitive.
Select the USERPASS record, and enter the password provided by D&B in the Argument Value field.
Complete the following procedure to set up the symbolic URL for D&B report ordering. If you are using Siebel eBriefings and want to enable a link from briefing documents to the D&B report ordering site, see Siebel Briefings Administration Guide.
Select the USERID record, and enter the user ID provided by D&B in the Argument Value field. NOTE: This field is not case-sensitive.
b 6 7
Select the USERPSWD record, and enter the password provided by D&B in the Argument Value field.
From the visibility filter, select Host Administration. In the list of HTTP hosts, make sure that there is a record where Name is and Virtual Name is reportserver.
If You Must Customize the Single task server processes for D&B Update Manager (D&B) or D&B Update Manager (Siebel) Multiple task server processes for D&B Update Manager (D&B) or D&B Update Manager (Siebel) Account promotion
Specific configuration topics include: Update Server Process Configuration on page 285 Account Promotion and Prospect List Creation Configuration on page 286 Running the D&B Update Manager (D&B) Process Without Updating or Deleting Existing Data on page 286 Running the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) Process Without Updating Account Name or Account Location on page 287
TIP: When debugging in your test environment, increase the event log level to 4 to see more details in the log file. However, it is strongly recommended that you set the level to 1 (the default) when you run in a production environment to prevent the log file from overflowing. For information about event logging, see Siebel System Monitoring and Diagnostics Guide.
28 5
UPDATE_SOME_TABLE.MOD1DELETE = [TRUE/FALSE] UPDATE_SOME_TABLE.MOD1SQL = [A Valid SQL Query] The RTI configuration files are located in the \siebelserver\SQLTEMPL directory. For the default mapping for the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component, see Field Mapping for the D&B Update Manager Process on page 288. Use caution when making changes to these RTI configuration files. It is recommended that you engage a qualified professional for your customization process. CAUTION: Do not change the default DELETE setting in the existing UPDATE* sections. Do not set DELETE to TRUE. If your business need necessitates deleting rows in the target table as part of the D&B Update Manager process, you can request help by creating a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support.
Running the D&B Update Manager (D&B) Process Without Updating or Deleting Existing Data
Depending on your business process, you might want to run the D&B Update Manager (D&B) server component without updating or deleting any existing data in the S_DNB_ORG table. You edit the RTI configuration file to perform this task.
To edit the RTI configuration file so that existing data in the S_DNB_ORG table is not updated or deleted 1 2 3
Open the RTI configuration file (dnbmaps.sql for single task or dnbmaps.tsq for multiple task) in a text editor. Search for the UPDATE_DNB_ACCOUNT section under [Common] heading. Modify the section to look like the following: UPDATE_DNB_ACCOUNT.Function = NONE UPDATE_DNB_ACCOUNT.MOD1TABLE = S_DNB_ORG UPDATE_DNB_ACCOUNT.MOD1WHERE = WHERE 1 = 1 UPDATE_DNB_ACCOUNT.MOD1INSERT = TRUE UPDATE_DNB_ACCOUNT.MOD1UPDATE = FALSE UPDATE_DNB_ACCOUNT.MOD1DELETE = FALSE UPDATE_DNB_ACCOUNT.MOD1TXNLOG = FALSE (If you are using the default file, only change UPDATE_DNB_ACCOUNT.MOD1UPDATE from TRUE to FALSE.)
Running the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) Process Without Updating Account Name or Account Location
Depending on your business process, you might want to run the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component without updating the existing account names and account locations. You edit the RTI configuration file to perform this task.
To edit the RTI configuration file so that account names are not updated 1 2 3 4
Open the RTI configuration file (dnbmaps.sql for single task or dnbmaps.tsq for multiple task) in a text editor. Search for UPDATE_SIEBEL_ACCOUNT.MOD1SQL under the Oracle, Oracle 8, Microsoft SQL Server, or DB2 statements. Search for dnb.BUSINESS_NAME within the UPDATE_SIEBEL_ACCOUNT.MOD1SQL SELECT statement. Comment out the line that begins dnb.BUSINESS_NAME as shown. UPDATE_SIEBEL_ACCOUNT.MOD1SQL = SELECT acct.ROW_ID ;dnb.BUSINESS_NAME ROW_ID, NAME,
28 7
Complete the following procedure to edit the RTI configuration file so that account locations are not updated (single task).
To edit the RTI configuration file so that account locations are not updated (single task) 1 2
Open the dnbmaps.sql file in a text editor. Search for the UPDATE_SIEBEL = UPDATE_SIEBEL_ADDR_PHY statement. This statement specifies the Siebel Table Groups to be updated when D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component is run. Within this statement, remove COMMIT, UPDATE_SIEBEL_LOC1, COMMIT, UPDATE_SIEBEL_LOC2, COMMIT, UPDATE_SIEBEL_LOC3. Save and close the file.
3 4
Complete the following procedure to edit the RTI configuration file so that account locations are not updated (multiple task).
To edit the RTI configuration file so that account locations are not updated (multiple task) 1 2
Open the dnbtask.cfg file in a text editor. Under the [Siebel] section, comment out the line that begins Task5 as shown. ;;Task5 = UPDATE_SIEBEL_LOC1, COMMIT, UPDATE_SIEBEL_LOC2, COMMIT, UPDATE_SIEBEL_LOC3
D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component. Table 79 on page 289, Table 80 on page 290, and Table 81 on page 290 list the fields that are mapped when the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) server component is run. For more information, see Figure 14 on page 278. The field mappings can also be determined by examining the UPDATE_SIEBEL* sections of the RTI configuration file. For information about changing these default mappings, see Update Server Process Configuration on page 285. Table 79 shows the S_DNB_ORG table mapping for D&B Update Manager (Siebel).
Table 79.
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Table 79.
Table 80 shows the S_PRSP_CONTACT table mapping for D&B Update Manager (Siebel). The S_PRSP_CONTACT table contains information about the D&B contacts such as the name of the CEO and various company executives. D&B provides up to four contacts for each D&B account.
Table 80.
Table 81 shows the S_DNB_ORG_SIC table mapping for D&B Update Manager (Siebel). The S_DNB_ORG_SIC table contains the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code developed by the US Government. The code is assigned to businesses and other organizations by classifying and subdividing the activity performed by that establishment at that location. D&B provides up to six SICs for each D&B account. In the D&B Update Manager process, the primary SIC code is mapped to the S_INDUST table and all SIC codes are mapped to the S_ORG_INDUST table.
Table 81.
S_DNB_ORG_SIC Table Mapping for D&B Update Manager (Siebel) To Table S_INDUST S_ORG_INDUST To Column PR_INDUST_ID INDUST_ID
Table 82 describes how address and contact information is updated by the D&B Update Manager (Siebel) process.
Table 82.
Update Rules for Addresses and Contacts Then... A new address record is added to the Address table.
If This D&B Information Changes... Street address City (Abbreviated) state Address information other than street address, city, or state Phone number Fax number Contact first name or Contact last name Contact information other than first or last name
The address record is updated in the Address table. The address record is updated in the Address table. A new contact record is added to the Contact table. The contact record is updated in the Contact table.
Table 83.
Fields Populated by D&B Real-Time Search and Update Siebel Business Component Name.Field Name DNB Account.Location Type DNB Account.Domestic Ultimate Business Name DNB Account.Global Ultimate Business Name DNB Account.Parent HQ Name DNB Account.State Name DNB Account.Business Name DNB Account.Trade Style
D&B WorldBase Marketing Plus with Linkage Business Structure Code (Location Type) Domestic Ultimate Name Global Ultimate Name Parent/HQ Business Name Physical State Business Name Trade Style
29 1
Table 83.
Fields Populated by D&B Real-Time Search and Update Siebel Business Component Name.Field Name DNB Account.Physical Address DNB Account.Mail Address DNB Account.Physical City DNB Account.Mail City DNB Account.Physical State DNB Account.Mail State DNB Account.Physical Zip DNB Account.Mail Zip DNB Account.Country Name DNB Account.DUNS Number DNB Account.Main Phone 2 DNB Account.Cable Telex Number DNB Account.Main Fax 2 DNB Account.National Identification Number 2 DNB Account.SIC Code DNB Account.Primary Local Activity Code DNB Account.Year Started 1 DNB Account.Employee Here DNB Account.Employee Total DNB Account.Sales Volume DNB Account.Annual Sales Local Currency DNB Account.Legal Status DNB Account.Subsidiary Indicator DNB Account.Import Export Code DNB Account.Global Ultimate DUNS DNB Account.Global Ultimate Indicator DNB Account.Global Ultimate Country Code DNB Account.Domestic Ultimate DUNS DNB Account.Parent HQ DUNS DNB Account.Parent/HQ Country Code
D&B WorldBase Marketing Plus with Linkage Street Address Mail Address City Name Mail City Name Physical State/Province Abbreviation Mailing State/Province Abbreviation ZIP/Postal Code Mail Postal/ZIP Code Country Name D&B D-U-N-S Number Telephone Number Cable/Telex Code Facsimile Number National ID SIC Code Primary Local Activity Code Year Started Employees Here Employees Total Annual Sales US Dollars Annual Sales Local Legal Status Subsidiary Code Import / Export / Agent Ind. Global Ultimate D&B D-U-N-S Number Global Ultimate Indicator Global Ultimate WorldBase Country Code Domestic Ultimate D&B D-U-N-S Number Headquarter/Parent D&B D-U-N-S Number HQ/Parent WorldBase Country Code
Table 84.
Maps of D&B to Siebel Fields for Promotion and List Creation D&B Source Business Component DNB Account Siebel Destination Business Component Account
Process and Description Promotion. Specifies the fields in DNB Account that is copied to Account business component.
Contact Map
DNB Contact
Promotion. Specifies the fields in DNB Contact that is copied to Contact business component.
DNB Account
Business Address
Promotion. Specifies the mailing address fields in DNB Account that is copied to Business Address. Promotion. Specifies the physical address fields in DNB Account that is copied to Business Address. Create Prospect List. Specifies the biological information (such as last name, first name, and so on). Create Prospect List. Specifies the contact information (such as company, address, phone number, and so on) fields in the DNB Account that is copied into the List Mgmt Prospective Contact.
DNB Account
Business Address
DNB Contact
DNB Account
29 3
29 5
To select a sequence of account records, hold down the SHIFT key and click the account records. To select multiple accounts that are not in sequence, hold down the CTRL key and click the account records.
In the D&B Accounts list, click Promote Account. A check mark appears in the Promoted field and the company is added to your Siebel application. Drill down on the Business Name field to view the account profile and related contacts.
NOTE: The Data Validation Manager uses a set of user defined rules to validate business component data. When you promote one or more accounts, each account is created individually without consideration for parent and child relationships. The Duns number is checked, and the account name to check whether the account already exists in the account name is checked. Therefore, it is recommended that you exclude promoted accounts from the data validation business processing.
Select the company or companies that you want to include in your list, and then click Create D&B List. The contacts associated with the company or companies are added to a prospect list.
3 4
To view the prospect list, select D&B Lists from the link bar. In the D&B Lists list, select the list and drill down on the List Name field to view accounts on the list.
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D&B Integration (End User) Using Global Integration to Add New D&B Accounts
2 3
Click Search D&B for New Account. In the Search D&B dialog box, complete the fields for the query. You must enter sufficient data to initiate a query in the United States. For example, in the Search D&B form you can enter the business name, state or province, and country name, the D-U-N-S number and country name, the local business ID and country name, or the phone number and country name. If you enter only the business name, the search fails because the data is insufficient. The Search D&B query fields are described in the following table. Field Business Name Street Address City State/Province Country Name ZIP Code Comments Type the business name and type or select the address information. The business name and address search is the most commonly used search method. At a minimum, the business name and country must be included. For Canadian businesses, the province must also be included. When you are searching for a business by name, do not use wildcard characters (*) for unknown characters in the name. Additional information such as town, street address, and postal code, can be included to increase the chances of finding an exact match. Type a known D&B D-U-N-S number to verify the identity of a business. The D&B D-U-N-S number must contain only nine numeric characters (no spaces, dashes, and so on). If you type a value in this field, you must also select a value in the Country Name field.
D&B Integration (End User) Using Global Integration to Add New D&B Accounts
Comments Type a value for the local business identifier. Many countries have their own numbering schemes to identify local businesses. Normally, this scheme is a government-sponsored schema for the purpose of business registration and tax filing. The local business ID submitted in a search must contain only numeric characters (no spaces, dashes, and so on). If you type a value in this field, you must also select a value in the Country Name field. D&B Global Integration supports searching by the following local business identifiers. Australia-CAN Belgium-BTW/TVA France-SIREN Germany-Hr. Number Ireland-Company House Italy-CCIAA Netherlands-KvK Nr Portugal-Fiscal Spain-CIF/NIF Sweden-Company House United Kingdom-Company House
Phone #
Type the telephone number as dialed from within the country, including the area code or city code if required. Do not include the international long distance code (country code). For example 9086655000 for a search in New Jersey, US; 9055686000 for a search in Ontario, Canada; 01494422000 for a search in High Wycombe, England; 0104009400 for a search in Rotterdam, Netherlands. The telephone number must contain only numeric characters (no spaces, dashes, and so on).
4 5
After you have entered the criteria, click Search D&B. In the Search D&B list of results, select an account, and then click Purchase. Click Refine Query to modify the query criteria. Click Cancel to return to the D&B Accounts list without purchasing. The purchased account is highlighted in the D&B Accounts list.
29 9
D&B Integration (End User) Using Global Integration to Add New D&B Accounts
22 Contacts
This chapter includes information about administering and using contacts. It includes the following topics: About Contacts on page 301 Scenario for Managing Contacts on page 301 Adding a Contact on page 302 Promoting a Personal Contact to a Contact on page 304 Creating a Profile for a Contact on page 304 Adding a Contact to a Synchronization List on page 304 Assessing a Contact on page 305 Synchronizing Contact Information with External Applications on page 305
About Contacts
Contacts are individuals with whom your company conducts business or expects to conduct business in the future. These individuals can be employees of other companies, independent consultants, vendors, or personal acquaintances. Contacts can be associated with several accounts, but a contact is the primary on only one account. Contacts can also be associated with numerous opportunities. If your organization serves mostly individual consumers, or if you are answering inbound calls related to a marketing campaign, the Contacts screen is a better screen to use when answering inbound calls. If your organization serves mostly businesses, the Accounts screen is a good screen to use when answering general inbound phone calls. This chapter describes how sales professionals can use the Contacts screen to record information about individuals who interact with their company.
30 1
If the possibility of doing business (an opportunity) arises, the sales representative creates the opportunity and associates activities and contacts with the opportunity to help her track important milestones for obtaining and closing deals.
Adding a Contact
When a sales representative identifies an individual as a possible source for leads, that individuals information is added to Siebel Sales as a contact. Team members can access this contact information while they are working on potential business opportunities. A contact team is a group of employees or partners who can view the contact information in the My Contacts view. If you work in a Mobile Web Client environment and are a member of the contact team, the contact information is downloaded to your local database the next time you synchronize. Use the following procedure to create a contact record.
To add a contact 1 2
Navigate to the Contacts screen, then the Contacts List view. In the Contacts List, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. A contact record appears on the My Contacts view only if you are on the contact team for the contact.
Drill down on the Last Name field of the record, and click the view tabs to complete more fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Account Name Account Status Account Address Comments Contact Method Contact Team Comments Displays the account with which the contact is associated. Displays the status of the account with which the contact is associated. Displays the primary address for the account associated with the contact. You cannot add address information in this field. Type any additional information associated with the contact. Select the contacts preferred method of interaction. Default values include Email, Fax, Pager, and Phone. Select the employees for the contact team. This field displays a default value that is based on your user ID. After you create a contact, you are automatically listed as the primary team member. You can add individuals to the contact team by selecting them from the employee list. Only a manager or administrator can change the primary contact team member, or can delete the primary contact team member. Select the check box to not permit data cleansing.
Disable Cleansing
Comments Displays a check to indicate that the contact is an employee of your company. Displays the contacts first name. Select the name of the team member who is the global account owner. In cases of multinational or global companies, this field designates one main account team member to oversee the account. Select the households with which the contact is affiliated. Households allow you to track and target contact affiliations, and often these contacts share an address. For more information about households, see Chapter 30, Households. Displays the status of the household to which the contact is affiliated. Displays the contacts professional title. Displays the contacts last name. Select the check box to lock the contact team assignment from reassignment by Siebel Assignment Manager. Select the managers last name. This field must have a value before you can perform an organizational analysis. Displays the contacts middle initial. Select the check box to indicate to not telephone the contact. Select the check box to indicate to not send email to the contact. Select the check box to indicate to not send mail to the contact. Select the organizations for the contact. You can associate multiple organizations with a contact, but your organization is the default organization. Your system administrator sets up organizations in your Siebel application. Select the check box to indicate that the contact is willing to receive email updates about products and services. Select the status of the contact. Examples are Active, Qualified, Marked for Deletion. Displays a check to indicate the user has included the contact record in the users Sync List. This field requires Siebel Server Sync. Displays the user IDs of users who synchronize the contact with a personal information manager (PIM) such as Lotus Notes or Microsoft Outlook. This field requires Siebel Server Sync. Select the time zone in which the contact works or lives.
Household Status Job Title Last Name Lock Assignment Manager Last Name Middle Initial Do Not Call Do Not Mail Do Not Mail Organization
Time Zone
30 3
Comments Displays a value for how the contact was registered. For example, the contact might have been registered at a particular marketing event. Select the price list associated with the contact.
To create a profile 1 2 3
Navigate to the Contacts screen, Contacts List, then the Profile view. Query for the contact. In the Profile form, complete the fields.
2 3
In the Contacts list, select the contact to be added to the Sync List. Click the menu button, and then select Add to Sync List. A check mark appears in the Sync check box in the Contact form. A contact can also be added to a different Sync List by clicking the select button in the Sync List field in the contact form.
Complete the following procedure to remove a contact from the sync list.
Assessing a Contact
You can use assessments to compare contacts with each other, compare them with a model, or to determine what information is present for a contact. To perform the assessment, you enter values for the assessment attributes, and a composite assessment value for the contact is calculated. For information about how to perform an assessment, see Performing an Assessment (End User) on page 210.
30 5
In the Contacts list, click the menu button, and then choose Update External System.
30 7
Users can also generate multiple populated PDF forms at one time. The user selects multiple records, then generates the forms. A PDF form is generated for each record, and is added to each record as an attachment. You can then use Adobe Acrobat Reader to open, print, edit, email, and save the document. Administrators can use drag-and-drop functionality in Adobe Designer to map the data from Siebel Business Applications to fields in an Adobe PDF form. Administrators can also specify the text style (font), size, justification, and word wrapping for each field in the form, or choose to use the default style settings. In Siebel Business Applications, the Forms Administration view provides a list of forms available in the Siebel application. The available date and expiration date of each form determines the availability of the form to users, and provides version control. NOTE: In outbound forms integration, form fields are populated from the data in Siebel Business Applications. In inbound forms integration, the data in Siebel Business Applications is populated from form fields.
1 2 3 4
Install the required Adobe software. For more information, see Preparing for Adobe Forms Integration Setup on page 310. Use Siebel Tools to create the Adobe Web service. For more information, see Creating the Web Service for Adobe Forms Integration on page 310. Configure the Adobe Web service. For more information, see Configuring the Web Service for Adobe Forms Integration on page 311. (Optional) If forms integration functionality is required for business objects other than those that are preconfigured for Siebel Public Sector, use Siebel Tools to add Adobe forms integration functionality. For more information, see Enabling Forms Integration for Additional Applets Using Siebel Tools on page 311. During the design process, use Siebel Tools to create an integration object for the selected business component. For more information, see Creating an Integration Object for Adobe Forms Integration on page 312. In Siebel Public Sector, a preconfigured integration object named PUB Immigration Contact is provided. For Siebel Business Applications, a Sample Contact integration object is provided. Verify that both objects are active; make sure that the Inactive check box is not selected. Generate the XML schema document. For more information, see Generating an XML Schema for Forms Integration on page 313. NOTE: Administrators can generate a schema, import the XML schema, and then map the schema to fields on a PDF using either XSD or XML data. In this process, XML is used in the procedures.
In Adobe Designer, import the XML schema, and then map the schema to fields on the PDF form. For more information, see Mapping the XML Schema to the PDF Form Using Adobe Designer on page 314. In a Siebel application, create a form record that points to the PDF file. For more information, see Creating the Form Record Referencing the PDF File on page 314.
30 9
Install Adobe Form Server. This server deploys high-volume, secure, XML-based forms as Adobe PDF files to any platform. For installation instructions, see the documentation provided with the server. You must install Java 2 SDK, SE, and IBM WebSphere before you install Adobe Forms Server.
Install Adobe Designer. This form design tool allows you to create forms that are based on XML. Adobe provides the installation instructions for this application.
Make sure that your computer can read Adobe documents. Users view and interact with Adobe forms and other PDF documents in Adobe Acrobat Reader. Siebel Business Applications use Adobe Acrobat Reader to display PDF documents. You might need to install Adobe Acrobat Reader. For more information about how to install Adobe Acrobat Reader, and how to configure your computer to display PDF documents, see the Adobe Web site.
Adobe Forms Integration Configuring the Web Service for Adobe Forms Integration
Specify the WSDL document file from which to import. The WSDL document file is provided by Adobe. After you specify the WSDL document file, the following field values are automatically populated: Run-time data file: path\SiebelIntegration.xml Log file: path\SiebelIntegration.log Do not change the default values.
c 4
31 1
Adobe Forms Integration Creating an Integration Object for Adobe Forms Integration
PUB Immigration Contact List PUB Immigration Credentials List PUB Immigration Identity List PUB Immigration Identity Form PUB Immigration Contact Identity Form
You can also generate forms that are based on other business objects, such as opportunities. Administrators can use Siebel Tools to add Adobe forms integration functionality to other applets in Siebel Business Applications. For more information, see Siebel Tools Online Help and Using Siebel Tools. This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Adobe Forms Integration on page 309.
Specify the source application of the new Integration Object (business service), and then click Next. For example, select EAI Siebel Wizard.
4 5
Select the source object for the new Integration Object from the list. For example, select Contact. Enter a name for the Integration Object. For example, name the object Contact_Form_Integration. The name must be unique among all of the Integration Objects in Projects.
Select the appropriate check boxes to activate the components for the Integration Object. For example, expand the Contacts object hierarchy, and select the check box for the appropriate item to choose Contact_Personal Address and Contact_Opportunity. NOTE: Developers might want to include multiple integration components when the integration object is built, so that the integration object can be reused for many different forms and so that the required maintenance for integration objects is reduced.
7 8
Click Next, and then click Finish. Select the integration object, right-click, and choose Validate.
3 4
In the Select an envelope type from the list field, select No Envelope. In the Choose the file name to save the schema object field, click Browse, select the file to which you want to save, and then click Finish. You must save the file in a network location that the Siebel application can access at run time. The XML Schema file, for example Contact_schema.xml, is generated from user inputs.
31 3
Adobe Forms Integration Mapping the XML Schema to the PDF Form Using Adobe Designer
Mapping the XML Schema to the PDF Form Using Adobe Designer
Administrators can map the data schema from a Siebel application to an Adobe PDF template using the drag-and-drop functionality provided with Adobe Designer software. For more information about using Adobe Designer, see the documentation provided with the Adobe application. This task is a step in Process of Setting Up Adobe Forms Integration on page 309.
2 3 4 5
Choose File, then New Data Connection. Select the XML Schema option, and click Next. Use the XML Schema File field to select the XML schema file. Select the Embed XML Schema option, then click Finish. Click the Data View tab, and expand the node. For example, expand the Contact node. The schema columns appear under Contact. The columns include child components, which might be selected during mapping.
6 7
In the PDF form, select the target field. Drag the data column from the Data View, and drop the column on the placeholder field in the PDF file. For example, drag and drop Last Name, First Name, Cellular Phone, Home Phone, and so on.
Save the file. NOTE: You must save the PDF file in a network location that the Siebel application can access at run time.
Adobe Forms Integration Creating the Form Record Referencing the PDF File
Complete the fields, and select the appropriate integration object. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Version Inactive Integration Object Request Comments Type the version number of the form. Select this check box to make the form inactive. Select the source object for the integration object. Select this check box to retrieve the document from the server during the next synchronization session. (Siebel Remote only) Select this check box to automatically update your copy of the file when the original file is updated. Displays the business object associated with the integration object you selected. Select the filename of the PDF form. Displays the file type of the PDF form. Select PDF as the file type in which the form is generated. Select the business component with an Attachments view to which you want to attach the generated form. Select Forms Integration PDF Adapter Service. Use the Debug Forms Integration PDF Adapter to troubleshoot issues with the Adobe integration. Example 1 None Contact None
Business Object
File Name File Type Type Attachment Business Component Forms Adapter
31 5
Comments Select Forms Integration File Adapter Service. Select the view to appear after the form is generated. Type a search specification to select particular information from the child business component of the integration object. To include information from a Contact account only if the account is active, enter the example value in the Search Specification field, where Contact_Account represents the Integration Component Name.
Example Forms Integration File Adapter Service Contact Attachment view "[Contact_Account.Acco unt Status] = 'Active' "
From the Contacts list menu, select Generate Form. The dialog box provides a list of forms associated with the parent business object.
From the Select Forms dialog box, click the caret symbol on the left side of the list to choose the appropriate form. Click OK. You are automatically navigated to the Attachments view of the record where the PDF file is stored for archival purposes. You can then drill down on the Attachment Name field to open the document in Acrobat Reader.
When you generate multiple forms, consider the complexity of the form and the number to be generated. If the form is relatively simple, you can typically generate 200 forms at one time without an impact to performance. If the form is complex, generate the forms in batches of no more than 100 forms. For example, for a Citizenship Ceremony, assess the complexity of the form before you decide whether to generate forms in one procedure or in batches.
31 7
About ASIs
ASIs allow you to integrate Siebel Business Applications with other applications in real time. For general information about ASIs, see Siebel Application Services Interface Reference. The Accounts, Contacts, or Households screens use ASIs to exchange data with any external application such as a back-office application. Table 85 lists these ASIs. You must set up these ASIs shipped with your Siebel application before they can be used. This chapter provides the procedures that you must perform to set up these ASIs. Depending on your business needs, you might choose to set up ASIs and activate workflows for some or all of the GUI commands listed in Table 85.
ASIs for Accounts, Contacts, and Households GUI Command Update External System Refresh Update External System Workflow Synchronize Account ASI Get Account ASI Synchronize Contact ASI Outbound and Inbound ASI Pairs External Account Siebel Account External Contact Siebel Contact
1 2
Setting Up Web Services for Account, Contact, and Household ASIs on page 320 Activating Workflows for Account, Contact, and Household ASIs on page 321
31 9
Other tasks you might want to perform include: Extending ASIs. For more information, see Siebel Application Services Interface Reference. Deactivating fields in the ASIs. For more information, see Siebel Application Services Interface Reference. Customizing ASI workflows. For more information, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.
In the Service Ports list, click New, and for the new record, complete the fields described in the following table. Field Name Service Display Name Transport Address Binding Comments Type a name for the port. Select External Account, External Contact, or External Household. Select a value from the drop-down list. Displays a template address when you select a transport. Edit the address to which to send the data. Select SOAP_RPC if a SOAP header is expected by the receiving application.
4 5
In the Service Ports list, review the information in the fields for the service port and make any changes required for your Siebel application. In the Operations list, review the information shown and make any changes required for your Siebel application.
You must activate these workflows. For information about activating workflows used by Account, Contact, and Household ASIs, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide. For a description of these workflows, see ASI Workflow Descriptions on page 321.
32 1
Query For Account By ID. Queries for the account on the current application using the object ID. Returns an account property set containing the account information. External Account Proxy. Calls the Synchronize method on the outside application, passing in the account property set. This step returns an account property set, which contains any changes the outside application made to the account. Synchronize Account. Takes the account property set returned by the previous step and synchronizes it with the account in the current application.
25 Web Services
This chapter includes information about the Web services that enable you to access the Siebel database from Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word. It includes the following topics: About Web Services for Microsoft Applications on page 323 About the Excel Web Service on page 324 About the Word Web Service on page 324 Seed Data for Excel and Word Web Services on page 325 Requirements for Connecting Templates to Siebel EAI on page 325 Process of Configuring Excel Web Service on page 325 Downloading the Template for the Excel Web Service on page 326 Connecting the Excel Template to Siebel EAI on page 326 Using the Excel Web Service on page 327 Process of Configuring Word Web Service on page 328 Downloading the Template for the Word Web Service on page 328 Connecting the Word Template to Siebel EAI on page 328 Process of Using Word Web Service to Perform a Mail Merge on page 329 Getting the Data for a Mail Merge from the Siebel Database on page 329 Refining Recipients for a Mail Merge on page 330 Refining the Message for a Mail Merge on page 331 Previewing Messages for a Mail Merge on page 331 Printing or Sending Mail Merge Messages on page 332 Logging Messages as a Siebel Activity on page 332
32 3
By default, the following record types are supported: Accounts Contacts Opportunities Service Requests
By default, the following record types are supported: Accounts Activities Contacts Opportunities Service Requests
Web Services Seed Data for Excel and Word Web Services
To enable users to open Web services templates from the Literature view
Copy the *.SAF files from $SIEBEL_ROOT/temp/SFA into the $FILESYSTEM directory. Complete the following procedure to download the Excel or Word template.
32 5
Web Services Downloading the Template for the Excel Web Service
1 2
Downloading the Template for the Excel Web Service on page 326 Connecting the Excel Template to Siebel EAI on page 326
SFAProtocol SFAPort
When you run the report, the report output is inserted into the workbook as a new worksheet. You can add multiple Siebel reports to your Excel workbook. After you create your Siebel reports, you can run all of the reports again. When you re-run the reports, you refresh the content of each of the worksheets in your workbook. NOTE: After you log in to the Siebel database in this process, your session might time out. If this timeout occurs, you must log in again.
a b c d e f
Click the New Report button. Specify any filters that you want to apply to the data on the Filters tab of the Define Report dialog box. Click the Fields tab, then use the dialog to specify the fields that you want to include in the report. Click OK. Type a name for the report on the Save Report As dialog, then click Save. Select the new report on the Configure Reports dialog box, then click the Run Report button.
The report data is inserted into the workbook as a new worksheet with the name of the report. Complete the following procedure to update Siebel reports in Excel.
32 7
1 2
Downloading the Template for the Word Web Service on page 328 Connecting the Word Template to Siebel EAI on page 328
Web Services Process of Using Word Web Service to Perform a Mail Merge
Create custom properties with values in the following table. Custom Property SFAServer Value ServerName/eai_language, where ServerName is the name of your server, and language is the language of the Siebel Application Object Manager. Include the DNS name of the server. For example, if your server name is abcdef, and your domain name is, type in this field. SFAProtocol SFAPort http or https port_number, where port_number is the number of the port you want to use. Typically, this number is 80.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Getting the Data for a Mail Merge from the Siebel Database on page 329 Refining Recipients for a Mail Merge on page 330 Refining the Message for a Mail Merge on page 331 Previewing Messages for a Mail Merge on page 331 Printing or Sending Mail Merge Messages on page 332 Logging Messages as a Siebel Activity on page 332
NOTE: After you log in to the Siebel database in this process, your session might time out. If this timeout occurs, you must log in again.
Getting the Data for a Mail Merge from the Siebel Database
You can use the Word Web service to get contact information for a mail merge from your Siebel database. You perform the following actions to create the query to run: Select the business component from which you want contact information.
32 9
Specify conditions to apply to the contact records. You can specify up to six conditions. Select the fields you require from the contact records. You can specify up to 40 fields.
When you run the query, the output is saved in a local area as the data source for your mail merge. This task is a step in Process of Using Word Web Service to Perform a Mail Merge on page 329.
Alternatively, if you have saved contact data previously, choose Use Saved List and select the list you require.
3 4 5 6
Enter your Siebel username and password, then click Login. Specify any conditions that you want to apply to the data on the Filters tab of the Define List dialog box. Click the Fields tab, then use the dialog to specify the fields that you want to include in the report. Click OK.
To modify recipients 1 2 3 4
Open the Word document to which you added a data source in Getting the Data for a Mail Merge from the Siebel Database on page 329. Click the Refine Recipients button. Use the Mail Merge Recipients dialog to make modifications to the list of mail merge recipients. Click OK. The changes to the list of contacts are saved in the data source.
a b c
Position the cursor where you want the data field to appear in the message. Click the Refine Message button, then select Insert Siebel Field from the menu. Select the field that you want to insert from the submenu.
The data fields are added to the message as fields, and are not populated with data from the data source yet.
To insert text from the Word AutoText feature, perform the following steps:
a b c 4
Position the cursor where you want the AutoText item to appear in the message. Click the Refine Message button, then select AutoText from the menu. Select the AutoText item that you want to insert from the submenu.
To preview messages 1 2 3
Open the Word document to which you added a data source in Getting the Data for a Mail Merge from the Siebel Database on page 329. Click the Preview button. Use the First Record, Last Record, Previous Record, and Next Record buttons to preview your mail merge messages.
33 1
Click Save. An activity record for the communication event is created in the Siebel database for each recipient or contact. The record contains the message to the recipient or contact, with the merged fields relevant to the recipient or contact.
33 3
26 Accounts
This chapter covers how to work with accounts in Siebel Business Applications. It includes the following topics: About Accounts on page 335 Scenario for Managing Accounts in Siebel Sales on page 335 Scenario for Managing Accounts in Siebel Call Center on page 336 Creating an Account on page 336 Associating a Contact with an Account on page 339 Associating an Activity with an Account on page 340 Associating an Opportunity with an Account on page 340 Assessing an Account on page 340 Synchronizing Account Information with External Applications on page 341 Viewing Account Credit Profiles on page 341
About Accounts
An account is a business external to your company. An account represents a current or potential client, a business partner, or a competitor. In Siebel Business Applications, you work with accounts through the Accounts screen. Sales representatives use the Accounts screen and the associated views as the primary navigation tool for customer interactions. Call center agents use the Accounts screen to record information about companies and other organizations that interact with your company. If your organization serves mostly businesses, the Accounts screen is a good screen to use when answering general inbound phone calls. If your organization serves mostly individual consumers, or if you are answering inbound calls related to a marketing campaign, the Contacts screen is a better screen to use when answering inbound calls.
33 5
At a vendor site, a sales representative meets a prospect. After a brief discussion, the sales representative determines that the prospect is interested in learning more about the products and services that the sales representatives company sells. The sales representative sets up a sales call with the prospect. During the sales call, the sales representative asks numerous questions to determine the account structure of the prospects business and to decide how best to meet the prospects needs. The sales representative learns that the prospects business has four locations, and that each service is billed through the main office, and each location receives a billing statement. After the meeting, the sales representative returns to the office and begins creating the account structure for the prospects business.
Creating an Account
After you identify a business relationship, you add an account to your Siebel application. As the business relationship develops, you can update the account to track important details, such as individual contacts, opportunities, and service requests.
Before you add a new account, search the accounts list to make sure that the account does not already exist. NOTE: When a company changes names or merges with another company, you must transfer account names and contacts to the new account name. Contact your implementation team for more information about how to rename an account. For help renaming an account, create a service request (SR) on My Oracle Support.
To create an account 1 2 3
Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view. In the Accounts List, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Drill down on the Name field of the record and click the view tabs to complete more fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Account Name Account Team Comments Type a name that identifies the account. Select the employees assigned to work with this account. If a call center user is not a member of the Account Team, that user does not receive information about this account during the Mobile Web Client synchronization. Select the type of account. Default values include Commercial, Competitor, Consultant, and Customer. Displays the first line of account address. This value appears in some Contacts screen views and Account screen views for contacts that are associated with this account. Displays the second line of account address. This value appears in some Contacts screen views and Account screen views for contacts that are associated with this account. Type an area code for the account. This code indicates that a sales representative from the same area code can be assigned to the account. Type a country code for the account. This code indicates that a sales representative from the same country code can be assigned to the account. Select the check box to indicate the account is a competitor. Type a monetary amount that represents the accounts current sales volume. Select the check box to not permit data cleansing. Displays the D-U-N-S number for the domestic ultimate, which is the highest member in the hierarchy for the same business entity within the same country. A case can be its own domestic ultimate.
Address Line 2
Assignment Country Code Competitor Current Volume Disable Cleansing Domestic Ultimate DUNS
33 7
Field DUNS#
Comments Displays the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S) numeric serial number for a company. The D-U-N-S number is unique for each company. Select the area of expertise for the account. Default values include Technology, Quality Control, and Client Management. Displays the user ID of the team member who is the global account owner. In cases of multi-national or global companies, this field designates one main account team member to oversee the account. Displays the D-U-N-S number for the global ultimate, which is the highest member in the hierarchy for the same business entity worldwide. Select the types of business engaged in by the account. Displays the physical location of the inventory. Select the type of facility operated by the account at the specified site. Select the check box to lock the sales team assignment from reassignment by Siebel Assignment Manager. Displays the name of the organization with which the account is associated. Displays a parent account if the account is a subsidiary of a larger company. Displays the D-U-N-S number for the account's parent account. Displays the location of the company of which the account is a subsidiary. Select the check box to indicate the account is a business partner. Select the check box to indicate the Purchase Order (PO) has been approved. Type the amount for which a Purchase Order can be automatically approved. Type a monetary amount that represents the accounts potential sales volume. Select a price list associated with the account. Your application administrator uses criteria your company defines to establish price lists. Select the check box to indicate the account offers a reference for your companys products or services. Displays the date that the account first became a reference. Type text for additional shipping details.
Industries Inventory Location Location Type Lock Assignment Organization Parent Parent/HQ DUNS Parent Site Partner PO Approved PO Auto-Approval Limit Potential Volume Price List
Comments Select a value for the terms of shipping. Default values include Due, FOB, TBD, and No Charge. Type the location of the account. Select a value for the account stage according to your sales or other methodology. Default values include Project Planning and Strategy, Analysis and Design, Testing and Production Pilot, Rollout, and On Hold. Select the account status. Default values include Active, Contract Pending, Gold, and Inactive. Select a synonym for the account. Use this field for alternate names for the account. For example, an account record for International Business Machines might have IBM as an entry in the Synonym field. This field assists in querying or in using Siebel Data Quality.
Status Synonyms
Territory URL
Select a sales territory associated with the account. Type the Universal Resource Locator (URL) for the account Web site.
33 9
Assessing an Account
You can use assessments to compare accounts with each other, compare them with a model, or to determine what information is present or not for an account. To perform the assessment, you enter values for the assessment attributes. The Siebel application calculates a composite assessment value for the account. For information about how to perform an assessment, see Performing an Assessment (End User) on page 210.
34 1
Query the Account Name field for the account with the credit profile that you want to view, and then click the Credit Profile view tab. The Credit Profile form appears and includes information about credit status, risk category, credit limit, and so on. Fields in this form are read-only, except for Skip Credit Check and Credit Auto Approval Limit. For more information about how to use these fields, see Siebel Order Management Guide.
27 Global Accounts
This chapter describes the administration and management tasks associated with Siebel Global Accounts. It includes the following topics: About Global Accounts on page 343 Scenario for Using and Administering Global Accounts on page 344 Process of Using and Administering Global Accounts on page 345 Generating a Default Hierarchy on page 345 Creating a Custom Hierarchy on page 347 Assigning a Custom Hierarchy to an Organization on page 348 Updating a Custom Hierarchy on page 348 Updating a Custom Hierarchy by Processing Deleted Records on page 350 Configuring Error Log Files for Hierarchy Changes on page 351 Adding Business Objects to the Global Accounts Hierarchy View on page 351 Viewing Global Accounts (End User) on page 354
34 3
Figure 15. Examples of Account Hierarchies The default hierarchy used by the sales organization automatically updates when new accounts are added or Parent fields are changed. However, the accounts administrator updates the finance hierarchy on a weekly basis as new accounts are added and the structure of existing accounts changes. The global accounts manager wants to review all opportunities at Corp 123. The global accounts manager navigates to the Accounts screen, and selects the Global Accounts view tab. In this view, the manager can see the opportunities for Corp 123. The global accounts manager can use the Enterprise Selling process (ESP) module to develop global account strategies. For information about how to use ESP with global accounts, see Chapter 36, Enterprise Selling Process.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Generating a Default Hierarchy on page 345 Creating a Custom Hierarchy on page 347 Assigning a Custom Hierarchy to an Organization on page 348 Updating a Custom Hierarchy on page 348 Updating a Custom Hierarchy by Processing Deleted Records on page 350 Configuring Error Log Files for Hierarchy Changes on page 351 Adding Business Objects to the Global Accounts Hierarchy View on page 351 Viewing Global Accounts (End User) on page 354
34 5
In the Account Hierarchy list, click Generate Hierarchy. TIP: If the generated hierarchy does not appear in the Account Relationships lists, refresh the view by navigating to a different view and then returning to the Global Accounts view. A new account hierarchy is created. You can see error log data after you click Generate Hierarchy if an administrator configures this error log file. For more information, see Configuring Error Log Files for Hierarchy Changes on page 351. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Name Default Comments Displays the default name from your user ID and the date. Select the check box to indicate that the account hierarchy is the default. The default hierarchy is assigned to all organizations without an account hierarchy and is updated when new Parent fields on the account records are added or modified.
In the Account Relationships list, review the hierarchy records. NOTE: If users are using the Siebel application when you generate the account hierarchy, they must log off and log on again to see the default account hierarchy in the rollup views.
Complete the following procedure to add the Generate Hierarchy business service to a batch workflow policy.
Execute the workflow policy as a batch component in the Siebel application, as follows:
a b
Navigate to the Administration - Server Management screen, then the Jobs view. In the Jobs view, create a new job with a Component/Job value of Workflow Process Manager.
In the Job Parameters form, add a parameter for the new job with the details in the following table. Field Hierarchy Name Value Comments Select a value of Workflow Process Name. Type the name of the workflow policy you created in Step 1.
d e
In the Job Detail form, enter the time and date when you want the job to start in the Scheduled Start field. In the Jobs view, click Submit Job. The job automatically starts at the scheduled time, and a Task ID is generated for the job.
To track the execution of the task, in the Jobs view, select the job with the Task ID that you want to track, then click Tasks in the link bar. You can view the details of the task in the Tasks view and subviews.
To enable users to add accounts with no parent account to the default hierarchy 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Start Siebel Tools. Select the Dynamic Hierarchy Direct Relationship business component. Set the value of the DynHierarchy LoadAllAccounts user property to Y. Select the Account business component, then select the Parent Account Id field. Set the value of the ForceActive property for the Parent Account Id field to TRUE. Compile the Siebel repository file. Copy the Siebel repository file to your Siebel installation.
34 7
a b
Create new records for each of the top level parent accounts. Leave the Parent Account field blank for each of these records. Create new records for the child accounts, entering the Parent Account for each.
Complete the following procedure to create a custom hierarchy that is based on the default hierarchy.
2 3
Select the account hierarchy record and make sure that the Default field is not selected. In the Account Relationships list, edit the Parent Account field for existing accounts and create new relationship records as required. Accounts without Parent Accounts are at the top of the hierarchy and must be entered before their child records can be completed.
Update the hierarchy to the default (parent account) hierarchy, and then edit the account relationships in the hierarchy.
This task is a step in Process of Using and Administering Global Accounts on page 345.
In the Account Relationships list, edit the Parent Account fields for existing accounts and create new relationship records as required. In the Account Hierarchy list, click Update Hierarchy to return the hierarchy to the default. Then, in the Account Relationships list, edit the Parent Account fields for existing accounts, and create new relationship records as required. You can see error log data after you click Update Hierarchy if an administrator configures this error log file. For more information, see Configuring Error Log Files for Hierarchy Changes on page 351.
Complete the following procedure to add the Hierarchy Update business service to a batch workflow policy.
Execute the workflow policy as a batch component in the Siebel application, as follows:
a b c
Navigate to the Administration - Server Management screen, then the Jobs view. In the Jobs view, create a new job with a Component/Job value of Workflow Process Manager. In the Job Parameters list, add a parameter for the new job with the details in the following table. Field Name Value Comments Select the value Workflow Process Name. Type the name of the workflow policy you created in Step 1.
34 9
d e
In the Job Detail form, enter the time and date when you want the job to start in the Scheduled Start field. In the Jobs view, click Submit Job. The job automatically starts at the scheduled time, and a Task ID is generated for the job.
To track the execution of the task, in the Jobs view, select the job with the Task ID that you want to track, then click Tasks in the link bar. You can view the details of the task in the Tasks view and subviews.
You can see error log data after you click Update Hierarchy with Deletion if an administrator configures this error log file. For more information, see Configuring Error Log Files for Hierarchy Changes on page 351
Generate Hierarchy Event Logging Update Hierarchy Event Logging Update Hierarchy With Deletion Event Logging
NOTE: You can verify that you correctly added the new node by navigating to the User Preferences screen, then Global Accounts view. The new node must appear in the list of global account tree objects.
35 1
Global Accounts Adding Business Objects to the Global Accounts Hierarchy View
Configure the join, field, and user properties records for the new business component by completing the following steps:
Add a join record with an Alias field of DynHierarchy Visibility Position and a Table field of S_ACCNT_POSTN. Select the Outer Join Flag for the new record. Add a join record with an Alias field of DynHierarchy Visibility Organization and a Table field of S_ORG_BU. Select the Outer Join Flag field the new record.
Add a field record with a Name field of Dynamic Hierarchy ID, a Join field of S_DYNHR_RPT_REL, and a Column field of DYN_HRCHY_ID. Add a field record with a Name field of DynHierarchy Visibility Position ID, a Join field of DynHierarchy Visibility Position, and a Column field of POSITION_ID. Add a field record with a Name field of DynHierarchy Visibility Organization ID, a Join field of DynHierarchy Visibility Organization, and a Column field of BU_ID.
Add a user property record with a Name field of DynHierarchy Hierarchy ID Field and a Value field of DynHierarchy Hierarchy ID. Add a user property record with a Name field of DynHierarchy Visibility Position ID Field and a Value field of DynHierarchy Visibility Position ID. Add a user property record with a Name field of DynHierarchy Visibility Organization ID Field and a Value field of DynHierarchy Visibility Organization ID.
NOTE: You can model the join, field, and user properties records of the new business component after comparable records in the Global Account Opportunity business component.
Navigate to Link, select the Global Account/Opportunity link, lock the project for that link, and then copy and rename that link 3 times as follows:
For the first copy, change the Name field to Global Account/name of the business component that you copied in Step 1, and select this business component name in the Child Business Component field. For example, change the Name field to Global Account/Service Request, and select Service Request in the Child Business Component field.
Global Accounts Adding Business Objects to the Global Accounts Hierarchy View
For the second copy, change the Name field to Global Account/the name of the business component that you created in Step 1 (Hierarchy Denorm), and select this business component in the Child Business Component field. For example, change the Name field to Global Account/Global Account Service Request (Hierarch Denorm), and select Global Account Service Request in the Child Business Component field.
For the third copy, change the Name field to Global Account/the name of the business component that you created in Step 1, and select this business component name in the Child Business Component field. For example, change the Name field to Global Account/Global Account Service Request, and select Global Account Service Request in the Child Business Component field.
Navigate to Business Object, select the Global Account Hierarchy business object, navigate to Business Object, then Business Object Component:
Add a business object component record with a Bus Comp field of the name of the business component that you copied in Step 1 and a Link field of the link that you created in Step 3 part a. For example, add a business component record with a Bus Comp field of Service Request and a Link field of Global Account/Service Request.
Add a business object component record with a Bus Comp field of the name of the business component that you created in Step 1 and a Link field of the link that you created in Step 3 part b. For example, add a business component record with a Bus Comp field of Global Account Service Request and a Link field of Global Account/Global Account Service Request (Hierarchy Denorm).
Create in UI objects, such as applets, views, and screen views, and then add those objects to the Siebel application. For more information, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.
Navigate to Applet, select the Global Accounts Hierarchy Tree Applet, navigate to Applet, Tree, and then Tree Node, select the Opportunity Node, and then copy and rename that node. For example, rename the copied node Service Requests Node.
a b c
In the Applet field, select the list applet for the name of the business component that you created in Step 1. In the Business Component field, select the name of the business component that you created in Step 1. In the Display Name field, change the display name for the node. NOTE: The display name must be the same as the LOV name for the node.
d e f
In the HTML Closed Bitmap field and the HTML Open Bitmap field, select the appropriate values. In the Label Field field, select a label for the node. In the Position field, enter the next available position for the node.
35 3
8 9
Compile the objects for your changes into the Siebel Repository File (SRF). Unlock the objects.
Global Accounts are created and maintained by the administrator. If an account has no child account or the administrator has not defined a hierarchy for an account, then a message appears advising you that the selected record is not included as part of your defined hierarchy. For more information about how global-account hierarchies are created, see Creating a Custom Hierarchy on page 347. This task is a step in Process of Using and Administering Global Accounts on page 345.
35 5
28 Opportunity Workflows
This chapter covers setting up and managing opportunity workflows. It includes the following topics: About Opportunity Workflows on page 357 Setting Up Opportunity Notification Workflows on page 358 Activating the Opportunity Notification Workflow Processes and Policies on page 359 Rerouting an Opportunity Using Workflows on page 360 Modifying Opportunity Workflows on page 361 Setting Up the Get Manager Email on page 362
35 7
You can use Siebel Audit Trail to track the changes that have been made to the opportunity records. For information about configuring, implementing, testing, and monitoring workflows, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide. For more information about how to audit opportunities, see Chapter 6, Siebel Audit Trail.
Activate the opportunity workflow processes. For more information, see Activating the Opportunity Notification Workflow Processes and Policies on page 359. Modify Opportunity workflows, as necessary. For more information, see Modifying Opportunity Workflows on page 361. Set up the Create Reroute Oppty Activity. For more information, see Rerouting an Opportunity Using Workflows on page 360. Set up the Get Manager Email. For more information, see Setting Up the Get Manager Email on page 362.
Load the run-time events for the emails. For more information about run-time events, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide. Generate the triggers. For more information about how to generate triggers, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide. Run the workflow monitoring agent. For more information about the workflow monitoring agent, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.
Opportunity Workflows Activating the Opportunity Notification Workflow Processes and Policies
The following procedure sets up this automatic notification process. For general instructions on how to set up workflows, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.
Revise the workflow. Set the Communication Profile to Opportunity Notification Profile. Activate the workflow. Clear the Expiration field.
35 9
To modify the time lapse between lead assignment and email delivery 1 2 3 4 5
Navigate to the Administration - Business Process screen, then the Policies view. Select Email Notification of Pending Oppty. Verify that the policy is activated. Select the policy and modify the Duration and Units fields. Activate the workflow and run the Workflow Monitor Agent. For more information, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide.
NOTE: The opportunity workflows are shipped as seed data. To modify a workflow, make a copy of the original workflow, and then modify the copy.
Email Notification of Assigned Oppty Email Notification of Inactive Oppty Email Notification of Lost Oppty Email Notification of Pending Oppty Email Notification of Won Oppty
3 4
In the Conditions applet, select a condition, or create a new condition. Use the Operation and Value fields to modify the condition. For example, to send email notifications for leads that have a high lead quality, create the following condition:
36 1
Complete the following procedure to stop sending email notifications to a sales representatives manager.
About Opportunities
An opportunity is defined as a potential revenue-generating event. Opportunity-related information is recorded and tracked in the views associated with the Opportunities screen. This chapter describes how sales professionals can use the Opportunities screen to perform the following tasks: Receive and respond to new leads that are assigned to you. Create new opportunities and enter related information such as accounts, contacts, activities, and products. View, qualify, and update opportunities assigned to you and your sales team (if you are a manager). Track the status of an opportunity through the sales cycle from creation to closure.
36 3
Share information about the opportunity with sales team members. Generate quotes, presentations, and other types of information needed to close the deal.
Tracking Opportunities
At a trade show, a sales representative meets a prospective customer who could be a lead for a new business opportunity. When the sales representative returns to the office, he discovers the company is listed in Siebel Sales as an account, but the person he met is not listed as a contact.
The sales representative proceeds to add the prospective customer as a contact, and then creates the opportunity. He then schedules meetings and creates associated activities, and enters other potential contacts associated with the opportunity. As the sales process continues, the sales representative gathers and updates information about the account, its contacts, and the opportunity that he is pursuing. As the relationship grows, the sales representative can add, view, and share stored information and key knowledge with other members of the sales team.
In each of these cases, you are able to view the lead or opportunity because you have been added to the sales team, either as the primary on the sales team or as a sales team member. If you are receiving a lead for the first time and you are the primary on the sales team, the Status field in the More Info view is set to Pending by default. You can accept, reject, or reroute the lead by changing the value in the Status field. If the administrator has activated the email notifications, and has enabled predefined processes, these processes can send email messages to you, to alert you of the following events: You have received a new lead and must accept, reject, or reroute the lead within seven days. You received a new lead five days ago and must accept, reject, or reroute the lead within two days.
36 5
You have accepted a lead but have not worked on the lead in 30 days. You have won the sales opportunity and can enter the reason in the Siebel application. You have lost the sales opportunity and can enter the reason in the Siebel application.
The wording of the emails and the wait periods can be modified. Opportunity Workflows sends email only if the opportunity has revenue greater than $50,000. For more information, see Chapter 28, Opportunity Workflows.
Your application administrator creates and implements the sales stages that your company uses. For more information about creating or implementing sales methods, see Defining a Sales Methodology on page 200. Table 86 shows sales methodologies (Accelerated, Default, Standard), and the associated sales stage for each methodology (for example, 01 - Prospecting). The table also shows if the record is a lead or is an opportunity at each sales stage.
Table 86.
Sales Methods and Sales Stages Default and Standard 01 - Prospecting 02 - Potential Lead Lead or Opportunity Lead Lead Opportunity Opportunity Opportunity Opportunity Opportunity Opportunity Opportunity Opportunity
Accelerated 01 - Prospecting
02 - Qualification
03 - Closing
04 - Lost
09 - Closed or Lost
NOTE: The Portfolio Management Process sales methodology does not focus on opportunities and so is not present in Table 86.
36 7
Add activities. For more information, see Managing Activities Associated with an Opportunity on page 373. Associate products. For more information, see Associating a Product with an Opportunity on page 373. Create quotes. For more information, see Creating a Quote from an Opportunity on page 374. Performing an organization analysis. For more information, see Creating an Organization Analysis on page 375. Adding attachments and notes. For more information, see Siebel Fundamentals. Generate and viewing charts and reports. For more information, see Viewing Opportunity Charts on page 378. While you are in a view, click Reports to see a list of the available preconfigured reports for the data in that view. From the list you can access individual reports. For more information about reports, see Siebel Reports Guide.
Set up lead sources. For more information, see Setting Up Lead Sources for Opportunities on page 381.
Creating an Opportunity
Create a new record each time you identify an opportunity. NOTE: Each time a new opportunity record is created, a primary Revenue record is automatically created for the opportunity. This task is a step in Process of Managing Opportunities on page 367.
To create an opportunity 1 2 3
Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view. In the Opportunities List, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Drill down on the Opportunity Name field of the record, and click the view tabs to complete more fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Best Case Channel Close Date Comments Type the amount the deal might generate in the best-case scenario. This amount is higher than the value in the Revenue field. Select the sales channel from which the opportunity comes. Select the expected date on which the opportunity closes. The default date is the same as the Created Date. It is important to modify the date, if the opportunity closes on a different date, because this date is used in revenue forecasting.
Comments Select the check box to indicate a high probability that the deal will close, and that the deal will be included in your revenue forecast. Type the amount of expense associated with the opportunity. Displays the Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S) numeric serial number for a company. The D-U-N-S number is unique for each company. Select the check box to indicate a significant opportunity. Sales executives can query for high-priority opportunities for tracking purposes. Displays a currency value that is calculated using the potential revenue field multiplied by the value in the probability field. A lower percentage in the probability field reduces the expected value that is included in your revenue forecast. Select the lead partner. This field is automatically populated when the source of the opportunity is a campaign with a lead partner. If you create an opportunity from a response, and the response had a campaign associated with it, the opportunity inherits the lead partner from the campaign. If you create a new opportunity and select a campaign as the source, the opportunity inherits the campaigns lead partner, if it has a lead partner.
Executive Priority
Expected Value
Lead Partner
Displays the revenue amount minus the cost amount. Select the currency type associated with the opportunity. The selected value does not affect forecasting. Select the organizations associated with the opportunity. The default value is the organization name associated with the person creating the opportunity. Your system administrator sets up organizations in your Siebel application. You can associate multiple organizations with an opportunity. Select the approval status of the lead partner for the opportunity. Displays the user ID of the primary sales team member. This value defaults to your user ID if you are creating a new opportunity. Select a percentage for the confidence you have that the deal will close with the specified revenue on the specified close date. The sales stage of the opportunity determines an automatic adjustment of the probability. You can manually override the probability value. Select a value for the reason that the opportunity was accepted, rejected, rerouted, won, or lost.
36 9
Field Revenue
Comments Type the currency amount of the opportunity. If you are using the Products, Quotes or Revenue view tabs, you can make sure your summary revenues are calculated and are in sync. This amount affects forecasting. Select a value for the quality of the expected revenue. For more information, see About Revenue Class and Revenue Type on page 370. Select a value for the kind and source of the expected revenue. For more information, see About Revenue Class and Revenue Type on page 370. Select the sales methodology. Select the sales stage associated with the selected sales method. Select the employees in the sales team for the opportunity. Only the manager of the primary sales team member, or an administrator, can change or delete the sales team member identified in the Primary field. You can set a Priority flag for individual members of the sales team. If an opportunity is a priority for all team members, the Priority Flag is set in the Opportunity List and Explorer views.
Select the source of the sales lead for the opportunity. Typical source values include specific events, campaigns, or conferences. Displays the category of the primary source. For example, a specific seminar that is the source of the opportunity is identified with a value of Seminar in this field. Displays a check to indicate that the revenue for the opportunity is split in the Revenues tab. For more information, see About Split Revenue on page 371. Displays the territory for the opportunity. The default value is based on the territories that your company defines. Your system administrator controls the territory assignment function set up by your sales manager. Type the currency amount the deal could generate in the worst-case scenario. This amount is lower than the value in the Revenue field.
Split Revenue
Worst Case
The Revenue Class and Revenue Type lists of values are based on the internal business process for each company. The standard values can be adapted to your business, or the lists of values changed by your application administrator to reflect the stages of your companys sales process and the manner in which your company recognizes revenue. Revenue Class Field. Your company can define the quality of the revenue at a given time by setting the list of values in the Revenue Class field to reflect the sales stages you use. Sample values are Pipeline, Upside, Expected, Committed, and Closed. For more information about the Revenue Class field, see Siebel Forecasting Guide. Revenue Type Field. Your company might want to differentiate between kinds of revenues and their sources. For instance, your company might classify revenue by Software, Consulting, and Hardware categories, or by Booked versus Billed revenue, which are defined in the list of values. Defining revenue types allows you to query revenues or view charts sorted by the category of the revenue. For more information about the Revenue Type field, see Siebel Forecasting Guide.
NOTE: If you have access to the Data Administration screen, you can change a primary team member assignment there.
37 1
In the opportunity record, click the check box in the Executive Priority field.
Assessing an Opportunity
You can use assessments to compare opportunities with each other, compare them with a model, or to determine what information is present or not for an opportunity. To perform the assessment, you enter values for the assessment attributes. The Siebel application calculates a composite assessment value for the opportunity. For information about how to perform an assessment, see Performing an Assessment (End User) on page 210. This task is a step in Process of Managing Opportunities on page 367.
NOTE: To select a sequence of contact records, hold down the SHIFT key and click the contact records. To select multiple contacts that are not in sequence, hold down the CTRL key and click the contact records.
37 3
a b
In the Quantity field, type the number of product units the customer wants to purchase. In the Auto Quote field, select the check box to display a check mark.
For more information, see Associating a Product with an Opportunity on page 373.
Click the Quotes view tab, and then in the Quotes list, click Auto Quote. A quote record is automatically created, with some fields completed and a status of In Progress.
If no price list is associated with the account, in the Price List field click the select button, and select a price list. If a price list is associated with the account, the Price List field is automatically populated. For more information about price lists, see Siebel Pricing Administration Guide.
Drill down on the Name field. You can change the automatically generated name for a name that is more meaningful in the quote details form.
In the quotes Line Items list, add line items, and then click the menu button and choose Reprice. The Reprice function makes sure that the quote total reflects the prices from the price list, and multiplies those prices by the quantities that you enter in the products view.
In the Quote form, click the menu button, and choose Update Opportunity, and then return to the Opportunity form. The Update Opportunity function verifies that the opportunity's revenue line items are in sync with the quote line items. TIP: Use the History icon or the thread bar to navigate back to the Opportunity form.
37 5
Siebel Sales automatically generates organization charts using the contacts associated with each opportunity. When you update contact information, your changes are reflected in the organization chart. You can update contact information from either the Opportunities screen or from the Contacts screen. This task is a step in Process of Managing Opportunities on page 367.
Select one or more contacts to add, and then click OK. NOTE: To select a sequence of contact records, hold down the SHIFT key, and click the contact records. To select multiple contacts that are not in sequence, hold down the CTRL key, and click the contact records.
Complete the following procedure to create new contacts for the organization analysis.
Select the contact node and drag it beneath the contact node that depicts the contacts manager. When you drop the contact node on its manager node, a formal line between the nodes appears, reflecting the reporting relationship.
Repeat Step 5 for each contact until you have completed the organization chart. NOTE: The reporting relationships are also stored in the Contacts list (toggle view). Information about the manager of the contact appears in the Manage Last Name field and Manager First Name field. To display this information in the contacts list, click the menu button, and then choose Columns Displayed.
37 7
4 5
From the drop-down list, choose Organization Chart. Right-click in the Organization Analysis chart workspace, and choose Print from the menu. (If the chart does not print, select Alt-Ctrl before you right-click.) You can adjust the zoom level at which you want to print the organization chart. Large charts print across multiple pages.
Opportunities Charts Description Displays the number of activity types for the selected record. Displays a scatter diagram of the selected opportunity by revenue and probability. The bottom chart displays sales stage. Displays the number of opportunities or revenue by organization or primary sales representative. The data is segmented by lead quality. Displays the number of opportunities, revenue, or average revenue by time period. The data is segmented by lead source. Displays the number of opportunities by sales stage and lead source. Displays the number of opportunities, revenue, or average revenue over a time period. Displays the number of opportunities by product, source, territory, and competitor. Displays the number of opportunities or revenue by sales stage, organization, revenue size, or sales method. Displays a scatter diagram of your opportunities by revenue and probability. Displays the number of opportunities, revenue, or average revenue by sales representative. The data can be segmented by sales stage and win probability. Displays the number of opportunities and revenue by sales representative. Displays the number of opportunity products or revenue by sales method. The data is segmented by sales stage. Displays the percentage of revenue quota and percentage of count quota. Displays sales pipeline phases and the percentage of revenue quota or count quota achieved for each phase.
Activity Analysis Current Opportunity Analysis Lead Analysis Lead Source Analysis Lead Source Pipeline Analysis New Business Analysis Opportunity Analysis Pipeline Analysis Probability Cluster Analysis Rep Analysis
Revenue Analysis by Rep Sales Method Bar Sales Pipeline Analysis Sales Pipeline Phases Analysis
37 9
3 4 5 6 7
In the Opportunities list, click Query In the Opportunities form, query for a Sales Method, and then click Go. Click the Charts view tab. In the Charts list, select Sales Pipeline Analysis from the drop-down list. From the secondary drop-down list, choose either % of Count Quota, or % of Revenue Quota, and then click Go. NOTE: Pipeline charts cannot be copied by dragging (as pie and bar charts can).
38 1
30 Households
This chapter describes how call center agents can use the Households screen to record information about groups of individual consumers who interact with the agents company. It includes the following topics: Household Contact Tracking on page 383 Scenario for Managing Households on page 384 Process of Managing Households on page 384 Adding a Household Record on page 384 Adding Contacts to a Household on page 385 Adding Activities to Household Records on page 387 Storing and Viewing Information About Households on page 388 Synchronizing Household Information with External Applications on page 389
The Household views summarize information that relates to all the individual contacts who are members of the household. For example, you might want to view a list of all the service requests from a particular household, regardless of which household member made the request.
38 3
The Household More Info view tab and the Household Contacts view tab allow editing, but other Household views are read-only. If you want to add activities, service requests, notes, attachments, assets, opportunities, and agreements, you must navigate to the Household Contact list and drill down on the appropriate field to reach a view where you can enter the necessary information. Household information is closely related to information about contacts, and is similar to information about accounts. Other chapters in this guide provide more detailed information about how to use the Contacts and Accounts screens.
To add a household 1 2
Navigate to the Households screen, then the List view. In the list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Fields Address Category City Head of Household Household # Income Name Organization Revenue Segment Comments Displays the address of the primary household contact. Select the value of the household to your organization. Available values are Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Standard. Displays the name of the city where the primary household contact resides. Select the name of the main decision-maker for the household. Available values are all the contacts for the household. Displays a unique identifier for the household. Type the total income from all members of the household. Type a name that identifies the household. Typically this name is the last name of one or more contacts who are members of the household. Select the organization that interacts with the household. Type the amount of revenue your organization obtains from this household. Select the general economic class of the household, or home-ownership status. Typical values are White Collar, Blue Collar, Rural, Own Residence, and Renter. Type the total number of people in the household. Displays the name of the state where the primary household contact resides. Select the current stage in the customer interaction life cycle. Defaults to Active for a new household record. Select the employees assigned to work with this household. If a call center user is not a member of the household team, that user does not receive information about this household during Mobile Web Client synchronization. Select the type of people that make up the household. Typical values include Family - Children, Family - No children, Family - Senior Citizen, and Single. Select the estimated total wealth of the household. Displays the zip code of the primary household contact.
38 5
To add an existing contact to the household, click Add, select the contact from the Add Contacts dialog box, and click OK. To add a new contact to the household, click New.
Complete the fields for the record. Some of the fields are described in the following table. Field Alias Employee Flag Income Households Primary Relationship Comments Type the contacts nickname if you add a new contact to the household. Displays a check box that indicates the contact is an employee of your company. Type the contacts income. Select one or more households in which the contact is a member. Select the check box to designate the current contact as the main decisionmaker for the household. Select the role of the contact within the household.
Complete the following procedure to specify an address for the household contact.
Click the select button in the Address field to display the Contact Addresses dialog box.
b c
In the Contact Addresses dialog box, select the row and the Primary check box for the contacts main address, and then click OK. In the Contact form, complete additional fields. Some of the fields are described in the following table. Field Account Address Comments Select the business or organization associated with the contact. Select the contacts address or addresses. The procedure for entering the addresses to appear in this field is described in Step 4. Type the contacts email address. Displays the site of the account associated with the contact.
Email Site
NOTE: In the Households screen, a contacts address is the residential or personal address. In the Contacts screen, the address in the Contact form is the address of the account associated with the contact. In the Addresses List view of the Contacts screen, you can specify a contacts other addresses. You can select household addresses only from these individual contact addresses.
In the Activities list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. The fields are described in Chapter 13, Activities.
38 7
The Household screens views that correspond to these types of information are read-only. The information must be stored and modified using Contact screen views. This task is a step in Process of Managing Households on page 384.
In the view tab list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields.
If the contact who is associated with Attachments, Notes, Opportunities, Service Requests, Agreements, or Assets leaves the household, the information stays accessible through the Household screen if Siebel Call Center users register the contacts departure by adding an exit date to the Household Contact record. If a user deletes the Household Contact record for the departing contact, the information associated with that contact is no longer associated with the contacts former household.
In the Household list, click the menu button, and then choose Update External System.
38 9
31 References
This chapter describes how sales professionals can use the References screen to access accounts that can be designated as references, and to associate contacts, activities, profiles, and notes with each reference. It includes the following topics: Scenario for Managing References on page 391 Process of Managing Accounts and References on page 392 Designating an Account as a Reference on page 392 Associating an Activity with a Reference on page 393 Associating a Contact with a Reference on page 393 Associating an Attachment with a Reference on page 393 Adding a Reference Activity to the Calendar on page 394 Adding a Note to a Reference on page 394 Adding Profile Information to a Reference on page 395 Searching for References on page 395 Viewing Reference Asset and Profile Charts on page 396
39 1
a b
Click Add Contact to open the Add Contacts dialog box, and then select the contact from the list. Click New to add a new row to the Contacts list, and then complete the necessary fields for the contact.
39 3
This task is a step in Process of Managing Accounts and References on page 392.
4 5
In the Calendar view, click New. In the Calendar Detail form, complete the necessary fields, and then click Save This One.
4 5
In the Profile list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. In the Service Profile list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields.
39 5
In the chart, select the type (3D, 2D) from the drop-down list, and then click Go.
32 Categories
This chapter describes how to use predefined categories to sort and search for specific criteria, and enter information that defines a personal sales approach and style. It includes the following topics: Scenario for Managing Categories on page 397 Adding a Category on page 397 Searching by Category on page 398
Adding a Category
You can add categories to accounts, contacts, and opportunities. The procedure that follows explains how to add a category for accounts. You can add a category for contacts or opportunities by navigating to the appropriate screen. Category information can be shared with other members of the sales team or kept private.
39 7
Searching by Category
You can use the categories you and your team have defined to search for specific accounts, opportunities, and contacts. Sales professionals can track information about accounts, opportunities, and contacts using the Categories screen and associated views.
To search by category 1
Navigate to the Category screen, then select the view that relates to the information that you require from the link bar. For example, if you want to find the accounts associated with a particular category, select the Account Categories view.
2 3
Use the categories list to select the category on which you want to search. In the categories list, click Go. The accounts, opportunities, or contacts associated with the category are listed in the categories list.
33 Competitors
This chapter describes how to use the Competitors screen to examine comparisons of your company and competitors, view comparative literature of your products and those of your competitors, and associate a competitor with an opportunity. It includes the following topics: Scenario for Managing Competitors on page 399 Associating a Competitor with an Opportunity on page 399 Viewing Competitor Comparisons on page 400
39 9
In the Competitors list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. TIP: Drill down on the Name field to navigate to the Competitors screen to obtain more information. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Comments Name Primary Status Comments Type additional information about the competitor. Select the competitors company name. Select this check box to indicate that the competitor is the primary rival for the deal. Select a value established by your company to specify the prospects interest level in the competitors offerings. Default values include Some Interest, Evaluation in Progress, Existing Relationship, and Not Satisfied. Select a value established by your company to specify the value of the competitors threat. Default values include 1-Low, 2-Medium, 3-High, 4-Very High.
4 5
In the Competitors Literature list, select the literature item you want to view, and then drill down on the Name field. In the Comparative Literature list, select the literature item you want to view, and then drill down on the Name field.
34 Signature Capture
This chapter includes information about the Siebel Signature Capture control feature. It includes the following topics: About Siebel Signature Capture Controls on page 401 Scenario for Managing Signature Capture on page 402 Roadmap for Implementing Signature Capture on page 402 Extending the Siebel Database for a Signature Capture Control on page 403 Registering the OCX File on page 403 Creating the Object and Class for Signature Capture on page 404 Process of Creating an Applet for Signature Capture on page 405 Compiling the SRF on page 413 Testing the Signature Capture Applet on page 413 Generating Reports That Contain Signatures on page 414
This chapter provides guidelines and illustrated examples of how to use the Signature Capture control object in Siebel Business Applications. The example configuration and scripts provided in this chapter are examples only. Do not consider the examples to be complete code, or an implementation strategy. For more information about how to configure and develop Siebel Business Applications, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications and Siebel Developers Reference. Siebel Life Sciences includes a prebuilt Signature Capture for Samples Management feature. No configuration is required for this feature. For more information about this feature, see Siebel Life Sciences Guide.
40 1
The Siebel administrator contacts the Siebel application representative to make the appropriate license arrangements to use Siebel Signature Capture control. The Siebel administrator also makes sure that the appropriate hardware to capture signatures is available, for example, touch screens. The Siebel administrator decides to create applets that can save and display signatures, and to implement a function that allows users to clear a signature from the signature capture control. The Siebel administrator then develops the applets and integrates them with views in the Siebel application. The customers for the business can now use touch screens to sign for an order when they make the order.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Extending the Siebel Database for a Signature Capture Control on page 403 Registering the OCX File on page 403 Creating the Object and Class for Signature Capture on page 404 Process of Creating an Applet for Signature Capture on page 405 Compiling the SRF on page 413 Testing the Signature Capture Applet on page 413
Signature Capture Extending the Siebel Database for a Signature Capture Control
4 5
To apply the new column, click the Apply/DDL button in the Object List Editor. To activate the new column, click the Activate button. For more information about how to apply and activate database extensions, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.
Create a new field in the business component that is supported by the table that you selected in Step 2. For example, create a field called AA Signature.
40 3
Signature Capture Creating the Object and Class for Signature Capture
3 4 5
Decompress the file, then extract the cicink.ocx file from the file. In a Windows command prompt, change directory to the directory where the cicink.ocx file is located. To register the file, run the following command: regsvr32 cicink.ocx
4 5
In Siebel Tools, create a new DLL object. Enter the Code or Class Id property value for the DLL object using the Class ID from the iToolsMFC.inf file. Use the following syntax to enter the class ID string as the Code or Class Id property value: clsid:number_from_clsid_section A sample Code or Class Id property value follows:
clsid:EFB7D763-97A3-11CF-AE19-00608CEADE00 NOTE: Omit the curly braces ({ }) that are present in the clsid entry in the iToolsMFC.inf file from the string that you enter as the Code or Class Id property value.
Enter the File Name property for the DLL object using the filename and version number from the iToolsMFC.inf file. Use the following syntax to enter the filename and version number string as the File Name property value as follows: A sample File Name property value follows:,60,0,1331
Create a new class with the properties in the following table. Property DLL Object Type Comments Enter the name of the DLL that you created in Step 4. Select ActiveX Control.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Creating a Form Applet on page 405 Creating a Control on the Applet on page 406 Creating a Hidden Control on the Applet on page 406 Creating Buttons for Saving and Clearing Signatures on page 407 Adding Server Script to the Applet on page 408 Adding Browser Script to the Applet on page 408 Adding the Applet to an Object on page 412
This process is a step in Roadmap for Implementing Signature Capture on page 402.
40 5
2 3 4 5
In the wizard, select the project, name, and business component for the applet. Select the Use Grid Layout check box. Select Edit Mode for the applet. Choose the fields and controls that you want on the applet. NOTE: Do not select the AASignature control at this point.
Enter a value in the Name property of the control. For example, enter the name CICInk.
6 7
Set the Class property of the control to the class that you created in Creating the Object and Class for Signature Capture on page 404. Choose File, then Save.
Set the Method Invoked property of the control. Set this property to the custom method that you implement in the browser script to save the signature to the business component. For example, set the Method Invoked property to StoreSignature. For more information about how to implement browser script for signature capture, see Adding Browser Script to the Applet on page 408.
4 5 6
Drag the Button control from the Palettes window to the applet canvas. Enter a value in the Caption - String Override property of the control. For example, set the property to Clear Signature. Set the Method Invoked property of the control. Set this property to the custom method that you implement in the browser script to delete the signature from the business component. For example, set the Method Invoked property to ClearInk.
40 7
Populate the signature capture control with the data already stored in the business component. Enable the custom methods that are called from the buttons that you create for saving and clearing signatures.
For examples of scripts for events to perform these functions, see the following topics:
Example Applet_Load Event on page 409 Example Applet_ChangeRecord Event on page 410 Example Applet_PreInvokeMethod Event on page 410
40 9
//code to store signature value var myOcx; //get the signature aX control try { myOcx = this.FindActiveXControl("CICInk"); } catch (e) { alert ("the error is "+ e.toString()); alert ("the message is "+e.message); } //code to get the value in the control //and then write it in the BC field var lnInk; var objBC; lnInk = myOcx.Ink(); objBC = this.BusComp(); objBC.SetFieldValue("AA Signature", lnInk.toString()); objBC.WriteRecord(); return ("CancelOperation"); } else if (name == "ClearInk") { //code to clear the signature control value var axCntl; axCntl = this.FindActiveXControl("CICInk"); axCntl.ClearInk(); return ("CancelOperation"); } else
41 1
if (name == "SetInk") { //code to set the signature control value //InkVal comes from applet_load and applet_changerecord var strInk; var axCntl2; strInk = inputPropSet.GetProperty("InkVal"); axCntl2 = this.FindActiveXControl("CICInk"); try{ axCntl2.Ink(strInk); } catch (e) { alert ("the error is "+ e.toString()); alert ("the message is "+e.message); } return ("CancelOperation"); } else { return ("ContinueOperation"); } }
This task is a step in Process of Creating an Applet for Signature Capture on page 405.
6 7
Choose File, then Save. Select the view Web layout window, then choose File, then Close.
41 3
b c
Click Store Signature to save the signature in the appropriate record. Click Clear Signature to clear the signature in the control.
Check that the server has the correct version of Java Runtime. For more information about which is the correct version, see Siebel System Requirements and Supported Platforms on Oracle Technology Network. Copy the files InkToolsLib.jar and iSignBmp.jar to drive_letter:\Program Files\Java\version_number\lib\ext. For example, if the report server uses Java Runtime 1.4.2, you might copy the files to C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_04. Add both of the files InkToolsLib.jar and iSignBmp.jar to the CLASSPATH environment variable. Include the full path to both files, for example, C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.2_04\InkToolsLib.jar.
2 3
Restart the report server. Locate the source files for the Siebel Life Sciences Signature Capture Audit Report, which is supplied with your Siebel application. The names of the source files are:
The report references a Java object to convert the signature into an image file. This image file is saved into a temporary file path that the report creates, and then the image is added to the report at run time. This Java object is supported by a Java class which is supplied with your Siebel application. The file that contains the class is iSignBmp.jar. You can find this file in the same location as the file LS_SIGNAD.rox.
Review the techniques used in the Siebel Life Sciences Signature Capture Audit Report, and apply the techniques to your signature report.
35 Decision Issues
This chapter describes how to use the Decision Issues view to associate customer questions and concerns with an opportunity. It includes the following topics: About Decision Issues on page 415 Scenario for Managing Decision Issues on page 415 Creating Decision Issues on page 415 Associating Decision Issues with an Opportunity (End User) on page 416 Adding Decision Issues Details (End User)
41 5
NOTE: Your application administrator enters decision issue data that has been defined in your company. For more information, see your application administrator.
In the Decision Issues list, drill down on the Decision Issue field. The selected decision issue read-only form appears with subview tabs, Related Issues, Literature, and Attachments, as shown in Figure 16.
Complete the following procedure to associate literature with the decision issue.
41 7
41 9
Then, the account manager enters information about the potential, current, and installed base opportunities by offering for each unit. This information helps the team understand where they have coverage and penetration in each unit and with which offerings. After the account's units and opportunities are mapped, the account manager analyzes the organizational structure within the account. The account manager defines both the formal and informal organizational structures and determines who is important within the account and whom the team must spend more time with to close the identified opportunities. The account manager continues by analyzing the partners involved with this account so she can identify and use partnership capabilities within the key business and service units. The manager uses her analysis to enter her value proposition, goal, critical success factors and objectives for the account. She then enters activities that are necessary to meet each objective, and assigns objectives to the appropriate team member. Consequently, the account manager can coordinate with her team in a goal-oriented fashion. When the account manager is ready to share her Account Plan, she runs the report and emails it to her team and manager. Her manager can also review the report online and enter her comments in the Manager's Review form.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Adding ESP Business Unit and Service Unit Information on page 422 Adding ESP Business and Service Unit Offerings on page 423 Conducting an ESP Organizational Analysis on page 424 and Charting the Organizations Reporting Structure on page 426 Adding Partners for ESP Analysis on page 428 Viewing the BU/SU Offering Summary on page 429 Adding ESP Objectives on page 429 Adding ESP Account Plan Highlights on page 430 Viewing an ESP Managers Review on page 431
While you are in a view, click Reports to see a list of the available preconfigured reports for the data in that view. From the list you can access individual reports. For more information about reports, see Siebel Reports Guide.
42 1
Enterprise Selling Process Adding ESP Business Unit and Service Unit Information
Strategy Type
Field values are discussed during methodology training, and are available as part of the methodology documentation.
Enterprise Selling Process Adding ESP Business and Service Unit Offerings
NOTE: If you are using ESP to analyze an account that has associated child accounts, the child accounts automatically appear in the BU/SU Overview list.
To add offerings 1 2 3 4 5
Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view. Drill down on Name field of an account record. Click the Enterprise Selling Process view tab. In the lower link bar, click BU/SU Overview. Drill down on the Business/Service Unit field of the unit record to which you want to add offerings. The name of the unit you drilled down on appears in the Account form at the top of the screen. The Offerings view appears. To add offerings, the Account Type must be ESP BSU. When the Account Type is set to ESP BSU, the New button is inactive in the BU/SU Offering Summary view and in the Objectives view. This behavior is controlled by the business component user property Parent Read Only Field.
In the Offerings list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Potential Oppty Name Comments Select an existing opportunity, or click the select button to create a new opportunity. A Potential Opportunity has long-term revenue implications and ties to the customer's business initiative. The opportunity can occur and can be classified as unqualified. Type the revenue classified as Potential that is associated with the opportunity. NOTE: You can enter the revenue associated with potential opportunities without creating a new opportunity in the Siebel database.
42 3
Comments Select an existing opportunity, or click the select button to create a new opportunity. A Current Opportunity is in the sales cycle and has a significant associated revenue or market value. The opportunity can be the result of a new or installed business. Type the revenue classified as Current that is associated with the opportunity. Select an existing opportunity, or click the select button to create a new opportunity. An Installed Base opportunity can be categorized in one or more of the following groups: Servicing and maintaining Upgrades, add-ons Contract extensions Non-competitive
Type the revenue classified as Install Base that is associated with the opportunity. Select a numeric value to indicate your assessment of how critical the initiative is to the enterprise's overall strategy. Select a numeric value after evaluating the following factors: Short-term revenue potential Future revenue potential Profitability Degree of risk Strategic value
When you have finished identifying opportunities in the unit for your offerings, navigate back to the BU/SU Overview view, select a new unit, and repeat Step 5 and Step 6.
2 3
Drill down on the Name field of an account record. Click the Enterprise Selling Process view tab. You can conduct an organizational analysis for an account or for a business or service unit.
If you want to conduct an organizational analysis for an account, perform the following steps:
In the lower link bar, click Organizational Analysis. The Organization Chart view appears showing any contacts associated with the account.
b 5
If you want to conduct an organizational analysis for a business or service unit, perform the following steps:
a b
In the lower link bar, click BU/SU Overview. Drill down on the Business/Service Unit field of unit record for which you are conducting an organizational analysis. The name of the unit appears in the Account form at the top of the screen, and the Offerings view automatically appears.
In the lower link bar, click Organizational Analysis. The Organization Chart view appears showing any contacts associated with the unit.
d 6
From the drop-down list in the Organizational Analysis view, select Contacts to see the contacts for the account or unit, and complete the following steps:
(Optional) In the Contacts list, add a contact. To create a new contact record, you can click New in the Add Contacts dialog box. NOTE: You can also add a contact or create a new contact record by clicking New on the Organization Chart view. If you create a new contact record by clicking New on the Organization Chart view, you must click Save to return to the Organization Chart view.
In the Contacts list, review and change the field values for each contact using the criteria in the ESP methodology training program. The following table shows the shading that appears in the contact node in the organization chart for each value in the Level of Influence field. Field Value Low Political Structure (Medium) Inner Circle (High) Shading None Light gray Dark gray
42 5
Figure 17. Contact Node This task is a step in Process of Managing Enterprise Selling Process on page 421.
Repeat the preceding step for each contact until you complete the organization chart. NOTE: The reporting relationships are also stored in the Contacts list (toggle view). Information about the manager of the contact appears in the Manager Last Name field and Manager First Name field. To display this information in the list, click the menu button, and then select Columns Displayed.
Complete the following procedure to delete contacts from the organization chart. Contacts that you delete from the organization chart are no longer associated with the account or unit. However, the contact record still exists in the list in the Contacts screen.
2 3
In the organization chart, select the contact node. Right-click, select Edit, and select Delete. The contact is removed from the Contacts list and the organization chart.
2 3 4
In the organization chart, press the CTRL key and simultaneously select the contact node. Drag the contact node, drop it on another contact node, and release the CTRL key. After you release the CTRL key, a line that reflects the influence between the nodes appears. Repeat the preceding step for each contact until you draw all lines of influence.
Complete the following procedure to delete lines of influence on the organization chart.
2 3
In the organization chart, select the line of influence. Right-click, select Edit, and select Delete.
42 7
2 3
In the organization chart, right-click, select Zoom, and select the zoom level at which you want to print the chart. Right-click the organization chart again and select Print. The organization chart prints at the selected zoom level. Large charts print across multiple pages.
To add a partner 1 2 3 4 5
Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view. Drill down on the Name field of an account record. Click the Enterprise Selling Process view tab. In the lower link bar, click BU/SU Overview. Drill down on the Business/Service Unit field of the unit record to which to add partners. The name of the unit appears in the Account form at the top of the screen. The Account Type must be ESP BSU to add partners to the unit. The Offerings list appears below the Account form.
6 7
In the lower link bar, click Partners. In the Partners view, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. NOTE: Partners are stored as Accounts in the Siebel database. The Partner flag is checked in the Add Accounts dialog box.
To add a contact 1 2
In the Partners list, select the partner, and drill down on the Name field. The Accounts screen, Contacts view appears. In the Contacts list, click Add to select an existing contact. Click New to add and enter information about a new contact.
In the Add Contacts dialog box, select a contact, and then click OK.
NOTE: You can select multiple contacts by holding down the SHIFT key and selecting multiple contacts. Complete the following procedure to add activities.
To add activities 1
In the Contacts list, drill down on the Last Name field. The Contacts detail form and Activities view appears.
In the Activities list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. If you select Calendar and Activities in the Display In field, you must specify a Start date and time for the record to appear in the Calendar. To delegate the activity, click the select button in the Owner field, and from the Pick Assigned To dialog box, select the owner of the activity. For more information, see Chapter 13, Activities.
42 9
The defined objectives link to an Action Plan form that sales professionals can use to develop action plans to achieve each objective they set. Moreover, the sales professional can verify that the action plan is implemented, because the activities assigned in the Action Plan form automatically appear in the assignees activities list. This task is a step in Process of Managing Enterprise Selling Process on page 421.
To add objectives 1 2 3 4 5
Navigate to the Accounts screen, then the Accounts List view. Drill down on the Name field of an account record. Click the Enterprise Selling Process view tab. In the lower link bar, click Objectives. In the list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Unit or Resource Comments Type the unit or resource for which you are creating the objective. Units can be a business or service unit, opportunities, offerings, or groups of units. Examples of resource names are Marketing, Customer Satisfaction, or Partners. Select the type of objective. Select from the Cross Account, Revenue, and Business Development objective types. Type the objective for the unit or resource. Type a statement explaining how to achieve the objective.
Drill down on the Unit or Resource field. The Objective details form appears with the Action Plan list.
In the Action Plan list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. The Actions you create in the Action Plan list appear in your Activities, Calendar, and To Do List. The Display In value that you select determines the actions that appear. To appear in the Calendar, the start date for the action must be entered.
Value Proposition. The value proposition is a statement that describes your value to the customer. The value proposition is written from the perspective of the customer. Critical Success Factor. Specific to the ESP Account Plan, critical success factors are the events or resources necessary to the success of your plan.
This task is a step in Process of Managing Enterprise Selling Process on page 421.
43 1
The Siebel Target Account Selling software module provides the following features: Full support for the Target Account Selling methodology A TAS Coach to help sales professionals assess their opportunities, including Tips to reinforce key concepts in the TAS methodology
43 3
A TAS Coach that recommends what competitive strategy to take, and identifies the pros and cons of the recommended strategy Automatic creation of the organization map that allows you to view both the formal hierarchy and lines of influence in the customer organization and that helps sales professionals develop relationship strategy. Support in identifying and ranking the decision criteria of each contact Team planning to make sure that key Customer Milestones are addressed Automatic creation of the TAS Opportunity Plan. The report can be configured to print selected sections. Automatic creation of the TAS Initial Plan The TAS Opportunity Plan template that generates an editable Microsoft Word file (available to customers who have the separately licensed Proposal Generator)
Assessing Opportunities
A sales representative meets with a customer and discovers a new opportunity. The sales representative plans to use the Target Account Selling (TAS) methodology from Siebel MultiChannel Services (MCS) to develop a sales strategy for this new deal. TAS is supported by her Siebel Sales application, allowing the sales representative to analyze the opportunity and its multiple decision makers. The sales representative selects the opportunity within Siebel Sales, and navigates to the Target Account Selling views to begin the process. She sees several views that she can use to profile and assess the opportunity, develop her value proposition and competitive strategy, and create a detailed action plan to achieve her goals.
She begins by developing an overview of the opportunity. She enters some high-level information, including a profile of the account and the opportunity. This information provides strategic insight that her sales team can use and helps her to connect the project to the customers business drivers. The sales representative also enters details about her goal for the opportunity, the solution she is offering, and the business value this solution provides. She continues by entering a description of the compelling event that is causing the customer to act to help her determine the customers sense of urgency to close the deal. She concludes by summarizing her high-level strengths and weaknesses for the deal. Now that she has a general overview of the opportunity, she begins to assess her position using the TAS criteria that Siebel MCS has developed from analyzing the best practices of top sales professionals. She also rates the position of her key competitors using these criteria. She uses the TAS Coach on the Assessments screen to help her complete the assessment. The assessment helps her qualify the opportunity and understand her companys position in the deal.
Executing Strategies
The sales representative is now prepared to develop her action plan to win the opportunity. First, she navigates to the Customer Milestones view to document key events or milestones in the customers buying process. This view helps her plan the activities that she and her sales team will take to address the customers requirements at each milestone. Then, she enters key action steps and resources needed and assigns the actions to members of her sales team. She can choose to have the activities appear in her calendar, activities, or To Do list, or in those of another assignee. She navigates to the PRIME Activities view where she can see all the activities she created to meet customer milestones, and add action items required to win the deal. She also makes some additional notes about the opportunity and makes the notes available for the entire team to view. The sales representatives manager requests a copy of the TAS Opportunity Plan. The sales representative configures the report to display relevant sections of the Opportunity Plan, generates the report, and then emails it to her manager.
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Completing a TAS Overview on page 436 Assessing an Opportunity on page 438 Developing Strategy with TAS Competitive Analysis on page 440 Conducting a TAS Organizational Analysis on page 442 Mapping the Organizations Reporting Structure on page 443 Developing a Relationship Strategy on page 445 Adding Customer Milestones on page 446 Viewing PRIME Activities on page 447 Adding Notes to Opportunities on page 448
While you are in a view, click Reports to see a list of the available preconfigured reports for the data in that view. From the list you can access individual reports. For more information about reports, see Siebel Reports Guide.
In the first form, complete the necessary fields. You can position the pointer on the information icon to see information about the view. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Customers Business Profile Comments Type a description of the customer's business conditions. Identify the customer's major lines of business, affiliations, products, and markets. Include information about recent mergers and acquisitions. NOTE: If this opportunity is a new opportunity, you must create a new record and associate it with an account before you can enter text in the Customers Business Profile field. For more information, see Chapter 28, Opportunity Workflows. Customers Revenue Fiscal Year End Customers Profit Type the customer's annual revenues or sales. Select the month and day in which the customer's 12-month accounting period ends. Type the customer's annual profit.
In the Overview form, complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Opportunity Profile Comments Type a description of the customer's project or application. Identify the customer's business objectives for the project, the total cost and budget for the project, and how the project affects the customer's overall business. Type a description of what is driving the customer to make a decision or change the current situation. Identify the payback if the customer makes a change, or the consequences if the customer does not act. Note the specific date associated with the consequences or payback. Type the actions you, the competition, and your customer must complete for you to win this opportunity. Type the business, organizational, and political issues that give your sales team an advantage in the deal. Type a description of your projected, long-term position with the customer. Identify how a closer relationship with you advances the attainment of their business goals. Include the long-term gain for your business such as future or strategic value.
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Comments Type a description of the solution you plan to offer to the customer. Address how the solution works in the customer's environment and how it meets their compelling event. Include any alliances or business partner solutions required to make it operational for the customer. Type the business, organizational, and political issues that could put your sales team at risk in the deal. Type a description of your value proposition. Make sure it is specific to this customer, defines a measurable business result, and creates credibility by proving your ability to deliver. The value proposition differentiates you from your competitors. Confirm the value proposition with the customer.
Assessing an Opportunity
Sales professionals can use the Assessments view to evaluate the opportunity using criteria developed by Siebel MultiChannel Services. Assessments must be completed before determining the best strategy. An assessment focuses on the following four key questions: Is there an opportunity? Can we compete? Can we win? Is it worth winning?
Sales professionals assess their organizations position and the position of their top competitors against these criteria. As the sales campaign progresses, sales professionals repeat this assessment and then compare the results to past assessments to evaluate and monitor their position at each sales stage. The first few times an assessment is performed, use the TAS Coach to help evaluate and answer each set of assessment questions. After some assessments are performed and you are familiar with the criteria and methodology, use the Assessments form to rate the criteria. This task is a step in Process of Managing Target Account Selling on page 436.
To begin an assessment 1 2 3
Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view. Drill down on the Opportunity Name field of an opportunity record. Click the Target Account Selling view tab.
In the lower link bar, click Assessments. The Assessments list includes all the assessments you and your sales team have performed to date. Use the Assessments list to compare opportunity assessments for your company and your competitors.
5 6 7
In the Assessments form, create a new record. In the new record, the Assessment For field defaults to Our Company for self assessments. If you are assessing a competitors position, specify the competitor. In the Assessments form, click TAS Coach and complete the assessment criteria questions.
Click Previous to return to criteria you have already assessed. Click Cancel to return to the Assessments view without saving the assessment.
43 9
If you want to pause in the middle of a TAS Coach assessment, and then return to the assessment at a later time, click Finish Later. The assessment does not appear in the Assessments list until it is completed.
Your assessment is saved in the SmartScripts screens My Saved Session view. Use Site Map to navigate to the SmartScripts screen. If you do not have enough information to answer the question, select the question mark (?).
When you have rated all criteria, click Finish to return to the Assessments list. NOTE: You must click Finish to save the criteria ratings.
Answer each question presented, and then click Continue to proceed to the next question. An interim evaluation of each answer is provided, outlining the relevant issues that you must consider. Click the Back to return to a previous question. At the conclusion of the session, TAS Coach recommends the type of strategy to take.
At the TAS Coach Recommends screen, drill down on the Click here for variations hyperlink for additional strategy options.
44 1
After you complete the TAS Coach session and review the TAS Coach recommendation, complete the following steps:
a b
Click the Back arrow to return to the Competitive Analysis view. Enter your strategy in the Our Competitive Strategy field.
5 6
From the drop-down list in the Organizational Analysis view, choose Contacts. The contacts for the opportunity appear. (Optional) In the Contacts list, add a contact. To create a new contact record, you can click New in the Add Contacts dialog box. NOTE: You can also add a contact or create a new contact record by clicking New on the Organization Map view. If you create a new contact record by clicking New on the Organization Map view, you must click Save to return to the Organization Map view.
In the Contacts list, review and change the field values for each contact using the criteria in the TAS methodology training program. The following table shows the shading that appears in the contact node in the organization map for each value in the Type of Influence field. Field Value Low Political Structure (Medium) Inner Circle (High) Shading None Light gray Dark gray
Figure 20. Contact Node This task is a step in Process of Managing Target Account Selling on page 436.
In the organization map, select the contact node, drag it, and drop it on the contact node that represents the manager of the contact. After you drop the contact node on the manager node, a line that reflects the reporting relationship between the nodes appears.
Repeat the preceding step for each contact until you complete the organization map. NOTE: The reporting relationships are also stored in the Contacts list (toggle view). Information about the manager of the contact appears in the Manager Last Name field and Manager First Name field. To display this information in the contacts list, click the menu button, and then select Columns Displayed.
Complete the following procedure to delete contacts from the organization map. Contacts that you delete from the organization map are no longer associated with the opportunity. However, the contact record still exists in the list in the Contacts screen.
44 3
2 3
In the organization map, select the contact node. Right-click, select Edit, and select Delete. The contact is removed from the Contacts list and the organization map.
2 3 4
In the organization map, press the CTRL key and simultaneously select the contact node. Drag the contact node, drop it on another contact node, and release the CTRL key. After you release the CTRL key, a line that reflects the influence between the nodes appears. Repeat the preceding step for each contact until you draw all lines of influence.
Complete the following procedure to delete lines of influence on the organization map.
2 3
In the organization map, select the line of influence. Right-click, select Edit, and select Delete.
2 3
In the organization map, right-click, select Zoom, and select the zoom level at which you want to print the map. Right-click the organization map again and select Print. The organization map prints at the selected zoom level. Large maps print across multiple pages.
From the Add Contacts dialog box, select the contact or contacts you want to add, and then click OK. NOTE: All contacts added in the organization map automatically appear in the Contacts list, and all contacts added in the Contacts list appear in the organization map.
In the Relationship Strategy list, complete the Business Agenda, Personal Agenda and Relationship Strategy fields for each contact. You complete this information only for key players in the organization. Role, level of influence, and rank determines key players in the organization.
a b
In the Relationship Strategy list, select a contact. In the Decision Criteria list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields.
NOTE: The administrator might want to create a record called Custom that users can select from the list of decision criteria. This record can be used to track issues that are unique to the contact and do not already exist in the Siebel database.
44 5
Figure 21. Customer Milestones View with Associated Activities Milestones are similar to Activity Plan templates that are created with predefined activities. For example, the initial milestone, Request Offering, is associated with recommended activities to be performed by you and your sales team. These activities might include understanding the problem or opportunity, defining the customers Compelling Event and confirming the budget, completing an opportunity assessment, and developing an organization map for the customers business. A sample of customer milestone types is included with the Siebel Sales application. Your administrator can change the milestones to suit your business needs. You and your sales team can create, edit and delete activities associated with the milestones that address the opportunity. This task is a step in Process of Managing Target Account Selling on page 436.
To add a milestone 1 2 3 4
Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view. Drill down on the Opportunity Name field of an opportunity record. Click the Target Account Selling view tab. In the lower link bar, click Customer Milestones.
In the Customer Milestones list, create a new record, and complete the following steps:
In the Event field, select the type of event from the list. A set of suggested activities appears in the Our Activities list. You must save the type of event for the activities to appear.
b c
In the Description field, enter a description of the milestone event. In the Customer Responsibility field, select the customer contact who is the key contact and owner of the milestone event.
Repeat the procedure until you have entered all key milestone events. Review the recommended activities for each milestone before adding new milestones. Complete the following procedure to add associated activities to each milestone.
a b
In the Type field, choose the activity type from the list. In the Display In field, choose where you want the activity to appear. If you choose Calendar and Activity as the display method, you must enter a start date for the activity for it to appear in the calendar.
c d
In the Resources text field, describe the resources required to support the activity. If the activity is delegated, for example, from a manager to a member of the sales team, drill down on the Owner field, and query for the new owner in the Employees list. The default owner is the User ID of the activity creator.
These activities can be assigned with due dates to members of the sales team and automatically appear in individual calendars and activity lists. Use this view to update the entire sales team, and to measure progress while implementing the sales strategy.
44 7
All the activities created in the PRIME Activities view automatically appear in the Activities view associated with the opportunity. Your sales organization might want to standardize on one of these views. Activities created in the Our Activities list in the Milestones view also appear in the PRIME Activities list, providing a method for tracking. (In the Customer Milestones list, you must select the milestone to see the associated activities.) Using this view, you can create activities that are not specific to milestones, such as follow-up actions associated with assessments and the organizational analysis. This task is a step in Process of Managing Target Account Selling on page 436.
To add a note 1 2 3 4 5
Navigate to the Opportunities screen, then the Opportunities List view. Drill down on the Opportunity Name field of an opportunity record. Click the Notes view tab. Select Public Notes or Private Notes from the link bar in the Notes view. In the Notes view, create a new record. The Created field is automatically completed.
38 Managing Portfolios
This chapter describes how a portfolio manager can use the Portfolio Management Process (PMP) methodology in Siebel Business Applications to manage accounts and complex relationships with customers and partners. It includes the following topics: About the Portfolio Management Process on page 449 Scenario for Managing a Portfolio on page 450 Roadmap for Managing Portfolios on page 451 Creating a Portfolio Plan on page 451 Process of Segmenting Accounts on page 453 Process of Analyzing the A Accounts on page 455 Process of Analyzing B, C, and D Accounts on page 456 Performing a Manager Review of a Portfolio Plan on page 463 Adding Solutions to Portfolio Plans on page 463
PMP separates a group of accounts into four segments. Table 88 shows these segmentation groups.
Segmentation Groups in Portfolio Management Process Comments Accounts that offer significant sales potential and deserve significant sales effort. Accounts that make a significant current revenue contribution and are meeting targets.
44 9
Segmentation Groups in Portfolio Management Process Comments Accounts that are valued, but do not make a significant contribution and offer limited future potential. Accounts that have little or no revenue potential today. Insufficient data exists to accurately assess potential.
PMP plots the accounts in each group on a segmentation map. Each quadrant corresponds to an A, B, or C segment. PMP plots the D segment separately. The PMP methodology is integrated with Siebel Business Applications. The PMP methodology integrated in Siebel Business Applications is licensed from, and is the intellectual property of, The TAS Group.
Assesses current revenue. The portfolio manager enters the period for which she wants to assess the revenue for the account. The revenue for this period appears in the Siebel application, separated into closed and committed revenue. The portfolio manager then selects a current revenue breakpoint. This breakpoint determines which accounts are considered to be more significant from a revenue point of view. This breakpoint also determines which accounts appear in the left and right halves of the segmentation map.
Assesses future potential. For each account, the portfolio manager enters a score against a set of criteria. The Siebel application then uses the scores that portfolio manager enters to calculate a future potential score for each account. The portfolio manager then selects a future potential breakpoint. This breakpoint determines which accounts are considered to be more significant from a future potential point of view. This breakpoint also determines which accounts appear in the top and bottom halves of the segmentation map.
For each account, the Siebel application takes the current revenue value and the future potential score and plots the account on the portfolio segmentation map. The breakpoints segment the accounts into A, B, C, and D accounts.
Next, the portfolio managers analyze each of the A accounts. They review the business units and service units (BU/SU) for each account to make sure that all of the units are included. They then segment the units. To segment the units, they assign each unit scores to reflect the importance of the unit to the portfolio managers, and to the customers. The Siebel application uses these scores to plot a BU/SU segmentation map. The portfolio managers then review the BU/SU segmentation map and select the units where they want to identify the potential opportunities. For each selected unit, they analyze the business drivers, related initiatives, and critical success factors. Next, the portfolio managers review and update more information to complete the A account analysis. They also review and update the equivalent information for the B, C, and D accounts to complete the analysis of the B, C, and D accounts. The information that the portfolio managers review and update for all the account groups includes: Current and installed base opportunities Organizational structure Marketing plan information Partner information Objective strategy and action plan information
The portfolio manager can view the portfolio segmentation map and print the BU/SU segmentation map. The manager of the portfolio manager can now review the portfolio plan and approve the plan.
1 2 3 4 5 6
Creating a Portfolio Plan on page 451 Process of Segmenting Accounts on page 453 Process of Analyzing the A Accounts on page 455 Process of Analyzing B, C, and D Accounts on page 456 Performing a Manager Review of a Portfolio Plan on page 463 Adding Solutions to Portfolio Plans on page 463
45 1
2 3
In the portfolio plan list, create a new record, and complete the necessary fields. Drill down on the Portfolio Name field of a portfolio plan record to see more fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field A Account Breakpoint Comments Select the future potential score. This score determines which accounts are considered to be more significant and less significant. It also determines which accounts appear on the top half of the segmentation map and the bottom half of the segmentation map. Select the date by which the portfolio plan is due to be completed. Type the factors that are important for the success of the portfolio plan. Select the currency to use for revenue amounts for the portfolio plan. Displays the date of the most recent revenue calculation. Select the date of the next management review between the portfolio manager and the portfolio managers manager. Select the owner of the portfolio plan. Select the start date of the period for which the plan is active. Select the end date of the period for which the plan is active. Type a unique name for the portfolio plan. Type the goals for the portfolio plan. Select the start date of the period for which you want to analyze revenue. Select the end date of the period for which you want to analyze revenue. Select the amount of the total current revenue. This value determines which accounts are considered to be more significant and less significant. It also determines which accounts appear on the left side of the segmentation map and the right side of the segmentation map. Select the status of the portfolio plan from the drop-down list.
Completion Date Critical Success Factor Currency Code Last Revenue Calculation Next Review Date Owner Period From Period To Portfolio Name Portfolio Plan Goal Revenue Assessment From Revenue Assessment To Revenue Benchmark
a b c
Click the Segmentation view tab. Click Revenue Assessment in the lower link bar. Click New, then click the select button in the Account field to select accounts. The other fields are automatically populated.
While you are in a view, click Reports to see a list of the available preconfigured reports for the data in that view. From the list you can access individual reports. For more information about reports, see Siebel Reports Guide.
1 2 3
Assessing Current Revenues on page 453 Assessing the Future Potential of Accounts on page 454 Viewing the Portfolio Segmentation Map on page 455
45 3
Click Calculate Revenues. The revenues for each account appear in the Segmentation subview. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Closed Revenue Comments Displays the aggregate revenue from opportunities with a Sales Stage value of 09 - Closed/Won, for the time period specified in Step 3. Displays the revenue from the opportunities where the Sales Stage value is not 09 - Closed/Won or 09 - Closed/Lost, and where the PMP Revenue Type is set to Installed Base or Current, for the period specified in Step 3. Displays the sum of the Closed Revenue and Committed Revenue fields.
Committed Revenue
You can add more accounts to the portfolio. For information about how to add accounts to a portfolio, see Creating a Portfolio Plan on page 451.
Select a current revenue value that separates the high-revenue accounts from the low-revenue accounts in the Revenue Benchmark field.
In the Criteria subview, use the drop-down lists to assign a value to each of the criteria. The values are described in the following table. Value 1 0 ? Description High Low Unknown
The future potential score for the account is automatically calculated and appears in the list of accounts.
6 7
Repeat Step 4 and Step 5 for all the other accounts that have future potential you want to assess. In the Account Breakpoint field, select a score that separates the accounts with a high-future potential score from the accounts with a low-future potential score.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Entering Details of the Account on page 456 Assessing Business Units and Service Units on page 457 Analyzing Selected Units on page 458 Reviewing Opportunities on page 458 Reviewing Organizational Analysis on page 459 Reviewing Marketing Events on page 460 Reviewing Partners on page 461
45 5
1 2 3 4 5 6
Entering Details of the Account on page 456 Reviewing Opportunities on page 458 Reviewing Organizational Analysis on page 459 Reviewing Marketing Events on page 460 Reviewing Partners on page 461 Reviewing Objectives and Action Plans on page 462
Comments (A Account only) Displays the value that distinguishes the accounts on the left side of the segmentation map and the right side of the segmentation map. (A Account only) Displays the value that distinguishes the accounts on the top side of the segmentation map and the bottom side of the segmentation map.
Complete the necessary fields in the BU/SU Segmentation subview. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Business/Service Unit Importance To Customer Importance To You Pursue? Comments Select a subaccount of the selected account. Alternatively, to create a new business unit or service unit, type the name of the unit. Select the value that indicates the importance of the unit to the customer. Select the value that indicates the importance of the unit to you. Select this option if you want to include the business unit or service unit in your analysis. If you select this option, the unit is included in the Selected Unit Analysis subview. For more information about how to analyze units, see Analyzing Selected Units on page 458. Select whether the unit is a business unit or a service unit.
Unit Type
Complete the following procedure to view the segmentation map of business units and service units.
45 7
4 5
To add information about the business drivers for the BU/SU, click New in the Drivers subview. Type the driver information in the Driver field. To add information about the business initiatives for a driver, select the driver, then click New in the Business Initiatives subview. Complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Business Initiatives Critical Success Factor Comments Type the business initiative associated with the business unit or service unit. Type the critical success factor associated with the business initiative.
Reviewing Opportunities
You can review the opportunities associated with your accounts, and new opportunities if required. This task is a step in Process of Analyzing the A Accounts on page 455 and Process of Analyzing B, C, and D Accounts on page 456.
To add an opportunity, click New and complete the necessary fields. For information about the fields, see Opportunities (End User) on page 363.
45 9
Comments Select the strategy to follow for the contact. Select the value that best describes your relationship with the contact.
To view or draw an organization chart of the business unit or service unit, select Organization Chart from the drop-down list at the top of the Organizational Analysis subview. For more information about how to create an organization analysis, see Creating an Organization Analysis on page 375.
To add a marketing event, click New, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Created Date Comments Displays the date on which you created the marketing event record. The date distinguishes the marketing event from other marketing events. Select the type of event. Type information about the expected results. Type information about the target audience.
Complete the following procedure to view marketing events for a portfolio plan.
2 3
Drill down on the Portfolio Name field of the portfolio plan record. Click the All Marketing Events view tab. All marketing events that are associated with accounts in the portfolio plan appear. For information about the fields in this screen, see Reviewing Partners on page 461.
Reviewing Partners
You can review and update the partners associated with an account or unit. You can view the partners for a particular account or unit, or you can view partners for all units. This task is a step in Process of Analyzing the A Accounts on page 455 and Process of Analyzing B, C, and D Accounts on page 456.
To add a partner, click New, and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Competitors Partner Partner Alignment with Competitors Partner Relationship with Account Partner Type Relationship Owner Relationship with Partner Comments Select your competitors for the customer account. Select a partner. Click the select button to display a list of all accounts that have the Partner field selected. Select the value that best describes the relationship of the partner with your competitors. Select the value that best describes the relationship of the partner to the customer. Select the partner type. Displays the owner of the customer account. Select the value that best describes your relationship with the partner.
46 1
2 3
Drill down on the Portfolio Name field of the portfolio plan record. Click the All Partners view tab. All partners that are associated with accounts in the portfolio plan appear. For information about the fields in this screen, see Reviewing Partners on page 461.
To add objective strategy information, use the fields at the top of the OSA subview. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Objective Strategy Unit or Resource Comments Type the objective of the action plan. Type information about how to achieve the objective. Type the unit or resource to which the objective applies. For example, the objective might be for business units, service units, opportunities, offerings, or groups of units. Alternatively, the objective might be for resources such as marketing, customer satisfaction, or partners.
To add an action plan, click New and complete the necessary fields. Some fields are described in the following table. Field Action Activity Type Comments Type details of the action. Select the type of activity which is planned.
Field Due Owner Planned Outcome Resources Start Status Strategy Component
Comments Select a date by which the action plan is due to be completed. Select the owner of the action plan from the list of employees. Type details of the expected outcome of the action. Type details of the resources required to implement the action plan. Select the date when the action plan starts. Select the status of the action plan. Select the strategy element of which the action plan is a part.
46 3
System Preferences
This appendix lists some system preferences in your Siebel Business Applications. It includes the following topic: System Preferences for Siebel Business Applications on page 465.
Table 89.
System Preferences Description Set this preference to the Configuration ID for the load splitter configuration that you want to use for activating territory alignments. For use with the Assignment Managers load splitter. For more information about load splitter, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide. For more information about activating territory alignments, see Siebel Territory Management Guide. Specifies the maximum number of levels for the Activity Hierarchy. Specifies the number of minutes the Siebel application waits before rechecking for alarms. The default value is 60.
Preference ActivationLoadBalancerConfig
If this preference is set to TRUE, the received quantity can be greater than the shipped quantity. Also, for an internal order, when the Process Receipt command is invoked, the pick ticket can be closed only when the received quantity is equal to or greater than the shipped quantity. For more information about shipping and receiving, see Siebel Field Service Guide. Obsolete. If this preference is set to TRUE, the organization candidates on an assignment rule can be copied to rules that inherit from the assignment rule. After the rule is inherited, any change to the organization candidate of the original rule has no effect on the inherited rule.
46 5
Table 89.
System Preferences Description Permits the employees manager access to the employees calendar, even if the employee does not explicitly give the manager access. The default value is True.
Determines the employee calendars that an employee manager can access. This preference applies only if you set the Auto Mgr Calendar Access preference to True. A value of True indicates the manager can access the calendars of only the employees who are primary employees in the position hierarchy of the manager. A value of False indicates the manager can access the calendars of all employees in the position hierarchy of the manager.
CSM Logging
Enables logging of merge transactions. Merge transactions are created when connected users combine or merge two or more business components, such as accounts or opportunities, into one business component. Information from this log can be used to relink orphaned records created when the merge process is crossed with an update process during a synchronization. This preference is applicable only if the installation uses Siebel Remote or Replication Manager. The default value is False.
Specifies the default optimization level which defines the optimizing algorithm that DB2 uses to execute SQL statements. Specifies the number of visibility or routing rules checked for each SQL statement processed by the Database Extract component for the first SQL statement with header information. Specifies the number of visibility or routing rules checked for each SQL statement processed by the Database Extract component for other SQL statements. Specifies the default campaign for Web offers used in Siebel Marketing. All offers that are a part of the default campaign appear in the Featured Offers applet in Siebel Marketing. Obsolete. Specifies the code to track the click path of a customer on the Marketing Web site who does not select a specific offer. Obsolete.
Table 89.
System Preferences Description Specifies the default time zone for all users of the Siebel database. When a user logs in, the Time Zone field of the User business component is checked. If it is empty, the Default Time Zone system preference is checked. The default value is UTC.
If this preference is set to False or NULL, date verification is skipped when entitlement pricing terms are checked in the Verify Entitlement process. (This preference is similar to the Entitlement: Verify Dates system preference except that this preference applies to entitlement pricing terms and the other preference applies to entitlement service terms.) Set this preference to TRUE to enable the Strong Typing (ST) eScript engine. Siebel eScript is a scripting language that application developers use to write simple scripts to extend Siebel Business Applications. The Strong Typing eScript engine provides improved performance, scalability, and enhanced functionality when running scripts. For more information about the ST eScript engine, see Using Siebel Tools. For more information, see Chapter 6, Siebel Audit Trail. For more information, see Chapter 6, Siebel Audit Trail. For more information, see Siebel Field Service Guide. For more information, see Siebel Field Service Guide. For more information, see Siebel Field Service Guide. ETL Date format specifies the way dates are interpreted. The other two preferences specify the date range for which the Exchange Rates are adjusted. This range does not indicate that only the data created within this range is extracted. Select the earliest date for the Analysis Start Date (when the transactions might have begun). In addition to considering the created and modified dates, consider other relevant dates such as order date. Setting this date to an early value such as 19700101 (January 1, 1970) does not affect the processing time. A similar logic applies for choosing Analysis End Date. Enter the values in the format defined by ETL Date Format. The default Analysis End value is 20101231. The default Analysis Start value is 19940101. The default Date Format value is YYYYMMDD.
EnableAuditing EnableEimAuditing Entitlement: Verify Consumer Entitlement: Verify Dates Entitlement: Verify Product ETL Analysis End ETL Analysis Start ETL Date Format
46 7
Table 89.
System Preferences Description Specifies the currency in which all the financial data is converted. While the OLTP supports transactions in many different currencies, the data in the OLAP is converted to a single currency for analysis purposes. The Exchange rates are derived from the Exchange Rates table in the OLTP. The default value is USD.
Specifies the value for any address that does not have Continent defined. Set this preference to a value, which is used if the value of Continent is not defined in the OLTP. The default value is North America.
Specifies the value for any address that does not have the Country defined. Set this preference to a value, which is used if the value of Country is not defined in the OLTP. The default value is USA.
Specifies the value for currency code that is used if the currency code for a specific financial transaction is not set. The default value is USA.
Specifies the language code used when language translation occurs when looking up the List of Values table. The default value is ENU.
Set these preferences to the maximum and minimum values for bucketing of fields. Instead of indicating the number of employees at an account is 45, 96, the values can be bucketed to 0-50, 50-100 and so on. In the List of Values, if the minimum and maximum values are not specified, the values of these preferences are used. The default values are 9999999999 and 0.
Specifies the value used when an exchange rate for a currency to the Datamart Default Currency is undefined in the OLTP. The default value is 1.
Creates subordinates forecasts to be used in a rollup forecast, if the subordinates have not created forecasts themselves. Sends forecast processing requests to the Siebel Server for batch processing. If the value is False, requests are processed locally.
Table 89.
System Preferences Description If this preference is set to TRUE, the subcomponent assets of the source asset are shifted to the target asset when an activity part tracker transaction is committed. Specifies the maximum monetary value accepted in Auction Item, Bid, and Fee currency fields. Specifies your companys DUNS number. Set this preference to 20 for implementation that use any database other than Oracle. The default value is 50.
FSDB:Override Service Region Internal DUNS Number LOGMGR:Vis Rules per Statement
MRG:Docking Timestamp Source MRG:Inter Table Conflict Res MRG:Inter Table Merge Rule MRG:System Conflict Resolution MRG:Txns per Commit MRG:User Friendly Notification PSP Pricing Var Map - Context PSP Pricing Var Map - Row Set PSP Pricing Var Map - XA ProposalReportSleepTime
For more information, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide. For more information, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide. For more information, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide. For more information, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide. For more information, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide. For more information, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide. For more information, see Siebel Pricing Administration Guide. For more information, see Siebel Pricing Administration Guide. For more information, see Siebel Pricing Administration Guide. Set this preference to lengthen the time to write the records so that all of the records are included in the report. If a report in a section of a proposal contains a large number of records, the document server can stop the srviewer before all of the records are written to the resulting HTML file. Determines which application is used by quick print. Allowed values are HTML and EXCEL. This preference can be overridden by the Quick Print Application user preference. Set this preference to HTML, CSV, or Tab, as appropriate for the quick print application that you are using.
46 9
Table 89.
System Preferences Description Set this preference to the Configuration ID for the load splitter configuration that you want to use for running territory alignments. For use with the Assignment Managers load splitter. For more information about load splitter, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide. For more information about running territory alignments, see Siebel Territory Management Guide. If this preference is set to TRUE, the Sales Hierarchy operation runs as a server task. Specifies a string provided by Satmetrix to customers of Siebel Satmetrix Surveys. Required for generating encrypted tokens that are part of URLs for displaying survey reports. Specifies the Row ID of the work type to be used when calculating the schedule cost where activities contain breaks. The default value is -1. To find the Row ID, navigate to the Administration - Data screen, then the Work Type view, select the record, choose About Record from the Help menu, and note the value for the row number.
Sch:Break Time Id
Specifies the Row ID of the constraint set to be used where no constraint set is associated with the service region loaded. The default value is -1. To find the Row ID, navigate to the Scheduling Administration screen, then the Constraint Sets view, select the record, select About Record from the Help menu and note the value for the row number.
Specifies the Row ID of the cost function to be used where no cost function is associated with the service region loaded. The default value is -1. To find the Row ID, navigate to the Scheduling Administration screen, then the Cost Functions view, select the record, select About Record from the Help menu and note the value for the row number.
Specifies the Row ID of the parameter set to be used where no cost function is associated with the service region loaded. The default value is -1. To find the Row ID, navigate to the Scheduling Administration screen, then the Parameter Sets view, select the record, select About Record from the Help menu and note the value for the row number.
Table 89.
System Preferences Description Specifies the Row ID of the time window to be used where no cost function is associated with the service region loaded. The default value is -1. To find the Row ID, navigate to the Scheduling Administration screen, then the Time Window view, select the record, select About Record from the Help menu and note the value for the row number.
For more information, see Siebel Security Guide. Specifies the URL that points to the Web Intelligence server that serves up reports for Oracle Business Intelligence. Specifies the SQL statements to use with this implementation (Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Informix, or Sybase). Casesensitive. Specifies the message that appears to the user when there are more rows than can be returned. For more information, see Implementing Siebel Business Applications on DB2 for z/OS. Set this preference to the date format that you require to implement a strict date format. For example, to implement DD/ MMM/YYYY date format, enter DD/MMM/YYYY. When you implement a strict date format, users can enter dates only in a format you specify, and all dates appear in this format. Specifies an SQLStyle that falls within a family of similar database products. Specifies the telephone numbers to appear in the Siebel Technical Support dialog box. Update this number to match your internal help desk number. The alternate numbers (Alt. 1 and Alt. 2) provide expansion for pager numbers and email addresses. Set the value to None to leave it blank in the dialog box.
Specifies the telephone numbers to appear in the Siebel Technical Support dialog box. Update this number to match your internal help desk number. The alternate numbers (Alt. 1 and Alt. 2) provide expansion for pager numbers and email addresses. Set the value to None to leave it blank in the dialog box.
Specifies the fax number to appear in the Siebel Technical Support dialog box. Update this number to match your internal help desk fax number. Set the value to None to leave it blank in the dialog box.
47 1
Table 89.
System Preferences Description Specifies the support URL to appear in the Siebel Technical Support dialog box. Update this URL to match your internal help desk Web address. Set the value to None to leave it blank in the dialog box.
Specifies the voice number to appear in the Siebel Technical Support dialog box. Update this number to match your internal help desk number. Set the value to None to leave it blank in the dialog box.
For more information, see Siebel Product Administration Guide. Enables global time zone support for the entire Siebel application. Set this preference to TRUE to enable global time zone support. The default setting is TRUE. NOTE: This setting is a one-time setting. After you enable global time zone support in a production environment, do not disable it. If you intend to operate your deployment with the Global Time Zone feature enabled, you must also set the operating system of your database servers to UTC time, or its equivalent. Although enabling this feature is optional, it is strongly recommended that you operate your production environment with Global Time Zone enabled. For more information about enabling Global Time Zone, see Siebel Global Deployment Guide.
User Group
Specifies the User Group grantee for database access privileges. This preference is used in the DDL Sync step in Oracles Siebel Tools where the schema for the Siebel application is defined.
account assessments, performing 340 account category adding 397 searching by category 398 account credit profiles, viewing 341 account plan highlights, adding 430 accounts designating as reference 392 manager approval, viewing 431 offerings, adding to Business and Service Units 423 partners, adding for Enterprise Selling Process 428 accounts, global custom hierarchy, assigning to an organization 348 custom hierarchy, creating 347 custom hierarchy, updating 348 custom hierarchy, updating with deletion 350 default hierarchy, adding accounts with no parent 347 default hierarchy, generating 345 hierarchies, types of 343 hierarchy view 351 process flow for using and administering accounts 345 scenario 344 viewing global accounts 354 accounts, managing in Siebel Sales scenario for 335 accounts, using account information, synchronizing with external applications 341 accounts, using in Siebel Sales about 335 account assessments, performing 340 account credit profiles, viewing 341 account, associating with an activity 340 account, associating with an opportunity 340 contact, associating with a new account 339 contact, associating with an existing account 339 creating an account 336 action buttons
background colors, configuring 151 high interactivity, configuring 150 Inbox views, configuring for 150 standard interactivity, configuring 150 ActivationLoadBalancerConfig system preference 465 ActiveX, browser support of 67 activities about 189 account, associating with 340 activity plans, creating 205 activity, delegating 194 another users activities, working with 193 assigning using Assignment Manager 194 assignment methods 190 business objects, associated with 190 create activities asynchronously, configuring 263 Enterprise Selling Process, adding 429 households, adding activity to 387 managing for opportunities 373 new activity, creating 191 note, about changing Category value 199 opportunity reroute activity, setting up 360 Owner and Employee fields, configuring 195 ownership of an activity, reassigning or removing 194 references, adding to activities 393 service requests, viewing existing activities for 195 target lists, creating from 261 activity assignment, about 198 Activity Hierarchy: Max Levels system preference 465 activity plans about and activity templates 197 activities, creating associated with activity plan 205 activity assignment, about 198 activity template, creating without grandchild records 202 activity template, deleting 205 process for administering and using 200 sales methodology, defining 200 sales methods, about 198 scenario for managing 199 TAS Customer Milestone template, creating in
47 3
Index A
a localized application 204 activity templates about and activity plans 197 activity assignment, about using to create 198 activity plans, using to create 205 creating without grandchild records 202 target lists, setting up for 262 addresses displaying Households and Contacts screen 387 administration tasks browser, adding additional Web Browsers 68 cancel query, enabling 48 case sensitivity, about and Siebel Business Applications 65 Contact Us account, adding 64 currencies, setting up 49 currency conversions, setting up 51 date formats, about 61 email address and subjects, about adding 64 expense types, setting up 54 global time zone support, administering 62 industry, adding 64 language, adding 65 language, deleting and Mobile Web client synchronization 65 pager companies, setting up 61 payment terms, setting up 54 periods, setting up 55 phone formats, working with 56 predefined queries, creating by saving a query 47 Predefined Query view, setting up predefined query in 47 predefined query, about setting up 46 quick fill template, editing 70 quick fill template, making public 70 screen home pages, setting up default view links 71 system preferences, setting 46 Web browser capabilities, adding 67 ZIP Codes, adding 61 Adobe Designer Adobe forms integration 307 XML schema, mapping to 314 Adobe Forms Integration applets, enabling using Siebel Tools 311 form for multiple records, generating 316 form, generating 316 forms integration, about 307 integration object, creating an 312 PDF file, referencing 314 preconfigured on applets 310
process of setting up 309 scenarios for 308 schema, generating 313 schema, mapping to a PDF form 314 software requirements 310 Adobe plug-in software 310 Adobe Reader forms 310 Adobe Web service Adobe Designer, and 310 configuring 311 creating 310 Alarm Manager Load Frequency system preference 465 alarms Alarm Manager Load Frequency, about 219 retroactive alarms, about and changing displayed days 219 alerts about and example 113 creating and sending 114 email and screen alerts, about 182 recurring message alert, setting up 185 scenario, using alerts 113 single message alert, sending 185 AllowOverReceipts system preference 465 Always Show Message Bar Alerts system preference 465 applets list applets, enabling target lists on 264 list applets, saving of target lists in 265 ASIs, integrating using accounts, contacts, and household, using for 319, 323 accounts, contacts, and households ASIs, setting up 319 Get Account ASI 322 Synchronize Account ASI 321 Synchronize Contact ASI 322 Synchronize Household ASI 322 Web service, setting up an inbound service 321 Web service, setting up an outbound service 320 workflow, activating 321 assessment templates about 207 creating 208 assessments assessment scores, about calculating 210 assessment templates, about 207 assessment templates, creating 208 opportunity, assessing 210 process of administering and using 208 scenario 207
Index B
Target Account Selling, assessing an opportunity for 211 TAS coach, using to perform assessment 212 assessments, performing for contacts 305 Assignment Manager using to assign activities 194 attachments decision issue, associating with 418 reference attachments, viewing 393 audit log file decoding 94 audit scope, about 84 Auto Mgr Calendar Access system preference 466
Universal Inbox, about 131 UpdateInboxItemInfo method 164 UpdateInboxOwnerInfo method 168 Web Engine User Agent 67
cache clearing 75 calendar Alarm Manager Load Frequency, about system preference 219 calendar access, about 215 calendar activities, administering resources 216 calendar activity display, starting and end times 220 Calendar Detail view, changing controls 233 calendar records, displaying fields for 220 calendars to which an employee has access, viewing 217 data display format, changing 226 Day Summary ToolTip 222 display field drilldown 221 drag-and-drop, about and user properties 230 editing, enabling and disabling 228 employees Calendar Owner drop-down list, removing all employees from 218 employees calendar, giving another employee access to 217 employees Calendar Access List views, removing an employee from 218 field color, displaying 221 first day of the week, changing 227 Life Sciences calendar, hiding side applet 233 process of administering 216 reference activity, adding to 394 resources, about 215 retroactive alarms, about and changing displayed days 219 scenarios for administering calendar access 215 scenarios for administering resources 215 special date markers 229 specifying multiple business components 230 ToolTip text, displaying 221 user interface components, showing and hiding 224 user interface strings, changing 225 user preferences, overriding 228 Calendar Access List views
bcp utility about loading D&B data on Microsoft SQL server 276 Broadcast Message business component fields 125 BU/SU offering summary, viewing 429 bulk copy process (bcp) utility 276 Business and Service Unit, adding 422 business components audited, configuring for 87 calendar, specifying multiple business components 230 Siebel Audit Trail, disabling for individual business component 88 Siebel Audit Trail, linking to 94 state models, about configuring for 237 state models, enabling in Siebel Tools 237 business objects global accounts hierarchy view adding 351 business service CreateInbox method 154 CreateInboxEx method 153 CreateInboxItem method 156 CreateInboxOwner method 157 DeactivateInboxItem method 165 DeactivateInboxOwner method 167 DeleteInboxItem method 169 GetInboxItemInfo method 159 GetInboxOwnerInfo method 162 GetInboxOwnerInfoEx method 161 GetInboxParamInfo method 160 Initialize method 170 IsInboxItemExisted method 158 RouteInboxItem method 170 SetInboxParamInfo method 164 Universal Inbox definitions 151
47 5
Index C
removing an employee from 218 Calendar Detail view changing controls 233 Calendar Owner drop-down list removing all employees from 218 case sensitivity about and Siebel Business Applications 65 Catalog Administration screen associating literature with a category 255 categories about 397 account category, adding 397 scenario for managing 397 searching for a category 398 Category icon, configuring 149 charts currency conversion, supporting 53 sales pipeline analysis chart, viewing 380 sales pipeline phases analysis chart, viewing 380 viewing opportunity charts 378 child records operations, enabling 241 state models, configuring all operations for 241 child Web browser, adding 70 Clear Cache button using to clear cache 76 color displaying calendar field color 221 competitive analysis company comparisons, viewing 400 competitive analysis information, adding 440 TAS coach, using for 441 competitors competitor comparisons, viewing 400 opportunity, associating with 399 scenario for managing 399 Competitors screen sharing literature through 252 constrained list of values See list of values, constrained contact category searching by category 398 Contact Us account, adding 64 contacts adding a contact 302 assessments, performing 305 associating with opportunities 373 defined 301 deleting from organization chart 427 deleting from organization map 444 existing account used in Siebel Sales,
associating with 339 household address, specifying for a household contact 386 household contact, storing information related to 388 household, adding contacts to 385 new account used in Siebel Sales, associating with 339 organization analysis. adding existing contacts to 375 organization analysis. creating new contacts for 376 partners, adding for Enterprise Selling Process 428 personal contact, promoting to a contact 304 profile, creating for a contact 304 reference, associating with 393 scenario for managing 301 synchronization list, adding a contact to 304 synchronization list, removing a contact from 305 contacts, using contact information, synchronizing with external applications 305 CookiesAllowed additional browser capabilities 67 Correspondence screen sharing literature through 254 Create Activities for List command using 263 Create Rerouted Oppty Activity workflow setting up 360 CreateInbox method 154 CreateInboxEx method 153 CreateInboxItem method 156 CreateInboxOwner method 157 CSM Logging system preference 466 currencies, setting up active, making 49 active, making currencies active 49 currencies, defining 49 currency conversion, setting up Euro Triangulation method, about 52 exchange rates, setting up 51 Siebel application, conversion occurs in 53 triangulation conversion, process of 52 current locale editing 42 custom hierarchy about 343 creating 347 default hierarchy, creating based on 348 organization, assigning to 348 updating 348
Index D
updating with deletion 350 customer milestones about 446 adding a milestone 446 associated activities, adding to milestones 447 customized views, adding 34
D&B Global Integration search See global integration D&B integration account promotion and prospect list creation configuration 286 account promotion and prospect lists, field mappings for 293 aggregate data. viewing 295 company data and report, accessing 295 configuration guidelines 285 D&B account, promoting 296 D&B real-time search and update, setting up symbolic URL for 284 D&B real-time updates, field mapping for 291 D&B report ordering, setting up symbolic URL for 284 D&B report, viewing 297 data, about 269 DB2, loading D&B data on 275 D-U-N-S number, understanding 271 files and format, required 272 global integration, using to add new accounts 297 loading D&B data 273 loading or reloading data 273 Microsoft SQL Server, loading D&B data on 276 multiple D&B update manager processes 280 multiple D&B update manager processes, with first time data loading 279 multiple processes and D-U-N-S number processing 279 Oracle, loading D&B data on 274 process of integrating data 271 prospect list, creating from D&B data 296 sample scripts, caution before running 274 scenarios for using 270 server components, about updating 276 server components, multiple D&B update manager processes 279 server components, multiple task Siebel update 279
server components, single task Siebel update 278 server components, updating process 277 Siebel update server component, running 280 symbolic URL, setting up 283 update server process configuration 285 D&B Update Manager account promotion and prospect lists, field mappings for 293 D&B real-time updates, field mapping for 291 D&B server component field mappings 288 D&B server component, running as multiple task process 281 D&B server component, running as single task process 281 D&B server component, running from a command line 282 D&B Siebel server component, running from a command line 283 D&B, running without updating or deleting data 286 Siebel server component field mappings 288 Siebel server component, running as multiple task process 282 Siebel server component, running as single task process 281 Siebel, running without updating account name or location 287 tip, about running 280 data import, list of values, considerations 82 seed data, about 30 Data Universal Numbering System number See D-U-N-S number databases sample database, about 29 selecting 29 date and timestamps, about 63 calendar date display format, changing 226 formats, about 61 special date markers 229 Day Summary ToolTip 222 DB2, loading D&B data on 275 DB2: Default Opt Level system preference 466 DBX: Vis Rules per Statement 1 system preference 466 DBX: Vis Rules per Statement N system preference 466 DeactivateInboxItem method 165 DeactivateInboxOwner method 167
47 7
Index E
decision issues about 415 attachments, associating with decision issue 418 decision issue record, creating 415 decision issues details, adding 417 literature, associating with the decision issue 418 opportunity, associating with 416 opportunity, viewing for 372 related issues, adding 417 scenario for managing 415 Decision Issues screen sharing literature through 253 Default Campaign Source Code system preference 466 Default EC Procedure system preference 466 default hierarchy about 343 adding accounts with no parent 347 generating 345 Default Offer Code system preference 466 Default Pricing Procedure system preference 466 Default Time Zone system preference 467 DeleteInboxItem method 169 demo user logging on 29 Designer See Adobe Designer developer Web clients databases, selecting 29 error message, first time logging in 26 license key, entering 26 message broadcasting, enabling or disabling 120 Siebel application, starting from 24 dnbinitial.sql file using to load D&B data 279 drilldown display field 221 D-U-N-S number about 271 warning about multiple processes 279 dynamic lists constraining, about 82 using, about 73
EAI Adapter updating phone formats with eBriefings 61
sharing literature through 254 EIM (Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager) importing phone information 61 email address, about adding 64 alerts, about 182 message, using to send 186 opportunity assigned notification process 359 Employee field configuring for activities 195 employee setup completing 36 information, additional 34 employees about activity assignment methods 190 Enterprise Selling Process account plan highlights, adding 430 activities, adding 429 BU/SU offering summary, viewing 429 Business and Service Unit, adding 422 charting organizations reporting structure 426 contact, adding 428 deleting contacts from organization chart 427 deleting lines of influence in organization chart 427 drawing lines of influence in organization chart 427 manager approval, viewing 431 objectives, adding 429 offerings, adding to Business and Service Units 423 organizational analysis 424 overview 420 partners, adding 428 printing organization chart 427 process of managing 421 scenario for managing 420 Entitlement: Pricing Dates system preference 467 Entitlement: Verify Consumer system preference 467 Entitlement: Verify Dates system preference 467 Entitlement: Verify Product system preference 467 ESP See Enterprise Selling Process ETL Analysis End system preference 467 ETL Analysis Start system preference 467 ETL Base Exchange Currency system preference 468
Index F
ETL Date Format system preference 467 ETL Default Continent system preference 468 ETL Default Country system preference 468 ETL Default Currency system preference 468 ETL Default Language system preference 468 ETL LOV Maximum Value system preference 468 ETL LOV Minimum Value system preference 468 ETL Unknown Exchange Rate system preference 468 Euro Triangulation method about 52 triangulation conversion, process of 52 Excel Web service about 324 configuring 325 connecting template to Siebel EAI 326 downloading template 326 seed data 325 using 327 exchange rates multiple currencies, about setting up for 49 setting up 51 expense reports about currency conversion 53 expense types, setting up about and pretasks 54
Forecast: Auto-Forecast system preference 468 Forecast: Use Server Task system preference 468 Forms Integration See Adobe Forms Integration FrameSupport additional browser capabilities 67 FSAssetSwap SubComponents system preference 469 FSDB:Override Service Region system preference 469
GetInboxParamInfo method 160 global accounts account hierarchies, types of 343 adding accounts with no parent 347 custom hierarchy with deletion 350 custom hierarchy, assigning to an organization 348 custom hierarchy, creating 347 custom hierarchy, creating based on default hierarchy 348 custom hierarchy, updating 348 default hierarchy, generating 345 global accounts, viewing 354 hierarchy view 351 process flow for using and administering accounts 345 scenario 344 global integration search, initiating 297 using to add D&B accounts 297 Global Target List Management about 257 activity templates, setting up for target lists 262 create activities asynchronously, configuring 263 example process workflow 259 information, for additional 258 list applets, enabling target lists on 264 lists, kinds of 258 scenario for 258 target lists, applying 261 target lists, creating activities from 261 target lists, creating by combining lists 261 target lists, creating by querying 259 target lists, editing 260 target lists, saving for a list applet 265 workflows, about 263
help See iHelp hierarchy custom hierarchy, assigning to an organization 348 custom hierarchy, creating 347 custom hierarchy, creating based on the default hierarchy 348 custom hierarchy, updating 348, 350 default hierarchy, adding accounts with no parent 347 default hierarchy, generating 345 [H] high message, severity level 122
Get Account ASI 322 Get Manager Email process setting up 362 GetInboxItemInfo method 159 GetInboxOwnerInfo method 162 GetInboxOwnerInfoEx method 161
47 9
Index I
HighInteract additional browser capabilities 67 home pages setting up default view links 71 households activity, adding to 387 adding a household 384 address, specifying for a household contact 386 contact, storing information related to 388 contacts, adding to a household 385 defined 383 information, types that can be related to household 388 information, viewing additional information related to 389 note, displaying addresses in Households and Contacts screens 387 scenario for managing 384 households, using household information, synchronizing with external applications 389 HTML exporting iHelp item as 111 importing iHelp item as 111
iHelp about 101 active iHelp item, revising 109 administering iHelp scenario 101 buttons, about activating, revising, and deactivating 108 designing iHelp 106 example process workflow 102 iHelp Designer, accessing 106 iHelp item records, creating 103 iHelp item, activating 109 iHelp item, deactivating 110 iHelp items, exporting as HTML file 111 iHelp items, importing as HTML file 111 iHelp items, translating 110 iHelp list cache, clearing 108 iHelp step, creating 106 steps, connecting with branches 108 terminology 101 Inbox deleting Inbox items 133 destination view, changing for Inbox type 134 expiration dates and due dates, setting 134 feature objects, interaction with 130 Inbox item, approving or rejecting 136
Inbox items, reviewing all 133 interaction between feature objects figure 130 previously approved items, reviewing 136 process of administering 132 process of using 136 remote database, changing downloading to 135 scenario for approving personnel action forms 132 scenario for managing service requests 132 submitted items, reviewing 137 terminology 129 translations, adding 135 Universal Inbox business service, about 131 Inbox approval translations setting up 147 Inbox type about 141 action type 141 category 141 creating 142 Inbox views action buttons for high interactivity, configuring 150 action buttons for standard interactivity, configuring 150 action buttons, configuring background colors 151 action buttons, configuring for 150 toggle applets, configuring 148 toggle applets, types supported 148 Inbox, configuring action buttons for high interactivity, configuring 150 action buttons for standard interactivity, configuring 150 action buttons, configuring background colors 151 action buttons, configuring for Inbox views 150 actions, about 143 actions, setting up 144 Category icon, configuring 149 Inbox action type 141 Inbox approval translations, setting up 147 Inbox category 141 Inbox item, deactivating 144 Inbox items, configuring the Siebel application to create 140 Inbox trigger used in ESS 176 Inbox trigger used in Server Script 178 Inbox type, creating 142 Inbox types 141
Index J
planning an Inbox configuration 140 process of setting up and configuring 139 remote databases, configuring using 146 setting level for troubleshooting 151 toggle applets, configuring for Inbox views 148 Universal Inbox business service methods 151 views and SmartScripts, setting up Inbox links 142 industries adding an industry 64 Infocenter screen sharing literature through 255 Initialize method 170 integration object creating for Forms Integration 312 Internal DUNS Number system preference 469 international phone formats, about entering and format logic 57 numbers, calculating maximum length 57 Internet Explorer 5.0 adding JumpTab capability 69 intervals sorting messages by 186 IsInboxItemExisted method 158
JumpTab capability adding for Internet Explorer 5.0 69
Language Independent Code list of values, about changing 78 list-of-values type, about within the 75 language independent values (LIV) about changing list of values 78 languages adding 65 deleting, about and mobile Web client synchronization 65 lead sources setting up for opportunities 381 leads, rerouting 360 license keys about 25 additional license key, entering using a Siebel application 27 additional license key, entering using Siebel Tools 27 caution, about entering option-module license key 26
correcting errors 27 fields, table of 28 first license key, entering 26 hiding access to 28 option module license key 26 lines of influence deleting in organization chart 427 deleting in organization map 444 drawing in organization chart 427 drawing in organization map 444 list applets target list, saving in an applet 265 target lists, enabling on an applet 264 list of values (LOV) about 73 cache, clearing 75 caution, modifying seed data 78 deactivating a value, about and procedure 79 items, modifying 78 Language Independent Code values (LIC) 78 list-of-values type, identifying for a display value 74 LOV data, viewing 73 LOV record, fields in 76 new value, adding to an existing list 74 WI_ARG_TYPE, extending for 43 list of values, constrained about 80 Parent LIC attribute, about changing parent Area 81 Parent LIC attribute, about making values hierarchically dependent 80 Siebel EIM considerations 82 literature See Siebel Literature Literature Administration screen associating literature with a category 255 literature files See Siebel Literature literature item kits creating 250 literature records creating 247 local database, about 29 locales creating 37 editing current locale 42 setting up, about 36 translation, creating for 42 log files setting level for troubleshooting 151 LOGMGR:Vis Rules per Statement system preference 469
48 1
Index M
Management Responsibility Code about 272 manager approval, viewing 431 Marketing Data file, about 272 marketing resources, balancing tool 422 message broadcasting Broadcast Message business component fields, table of 125 caching, configuring 127 message broadcast script, sample of 126 message text, about automatically updating 125 messages, creating and sending 122 mobile and developer Web clients, enabling or disabling 120 overview 117 process flow example 119 scenario 118 server level, enabling and disabling message broadcasting 119 severity levels 122 standard-interactivity application clients, enabling or disabling 121 messages email and screen alerts, about 182 email, using to send a message 186 messages created by you, viewing 185 new message, creating 183 recurring message alert, setting up 185 setting up and using, process of 183 setting up scenario 181 single interval, sorting messages by 186 single message alert, sending 185 using, about 182 workflows for Messages screen and views, setting up 183 your messages, viewing 185 Microsoft SQL Server loading D&B data on 276 milestones adding a milestone 446 associated activities, adding to milestones 447 customer milestones, about 446 mobile users about activating state models 240 mobile Web clients enabling or disabling message broadcasting 120
MRC file, about 272 MRG:Docking Timestamp Source system preference 469 MRG:Inter Table Conflict Res system preference 469 MRG:Inter Table Merge Rule system preference 469 MRG:System Conflict Resolution system preference 469 MRG:Txns per Commit system preference 469 MRG:User Friendly Notification system preference 469 multiple currencies about setting up exchange rates for 49 multiple processes and D-U-N-S number processing 279 My To Do filter using to view activity 191
non-North American phone formats specifying 58 [N] normal message severity level 122 North American phone formats default format for 56 notes reference, adding a note to 394 target account selling, adding notes 448 notification workflows delivery of emails, restricting conditions for 361 email notifications, stop sending 362 Get Manager Email process, setting up 362 opportunities lost notification process, about 360 opportunity assigned notification process, about 359 opportunity inactive notification process 359 opportunity won notification process 360 opportunity workflow email, modifying the language of 361 opportunity workflows, setting up 359 setup steps 358 time lapse between lead assignment and email delivery, modifying 360
objectives adding Enterprise Selling Process objective 429 offerings
Index O
BU/SU offering summary, viewing 429 Business and Service Units, adding to 423 opportunities about and predefined opportunities, list of 357 account, associating with 340 assessing an opportunity 372 assessment, beginning 438 associating a contact with 373 competitors, associating with 399 creating an opportunity 368 decision issue, associating with an opportunity 416 decision issues, viewing for an opportunity 372 defined and examples 363 delivery of emails, restricting conditions for 361 depicting organization hierarchy, using drag and drop 377 email notifications, stop sending 362 Get Manager Email process, setting up 362 lead qualification, sales methods. and stages 366 lead response, about 366 lead sources, setting up for opportunities 381 lines of influence, deleting 377 lines of influence, drawing 377 managing activities associated with 373 notification workflows, setup steps 358 opportunities lead assignment, about 365 opportunity assigned notification process, about 359 opportunity inactive notification process, about 359 opportunity lost notification process, about 360 opportunity reroute activity, setting up 360 opportunity revenues, updating 375 opportunity won notification process, about 360 opportunity workflow email, modifying the language of 361 opportunity workflows, setting up 359 organization analysis, adding existing contact 375 organization analysis, creating new contacts 376 organization analysis, viewing and printing 378 primary team member, changing 371 process of managing 367
products, associating to an opportunity 373 quote, creating from an opportunity 374 revenue class and revenue type, about 370 sales pipeline analysis chart, viewing 380 sales pipeline phases analysis chart, viewing 380 scenarios for managing 364 significant opportunity transactions, monitoring 372 split revenue, about 371 Target Account Selling, assessing an opportunity for 211 Target Account Selling, sales professionals accessing an opportunity 438 TAS Coach, using 439 TAS coach, using to perform assessment 212 TAS, assessing an opportunity 210 time lapse between lead assignment and email delivery, modifying 360 viewing opportunity charts 378 opportunity category searching by category 398 Oracle loading data D&B data 274 organization charting reporting structure 426 custom hierarchy, assigning to 348 mapping reporting structure 443 organization analysis conducting for ESP 424 conducting for TAS 442 contacts. adding existing to 375 contacts. creating new 376 depicting organization hierarchy, using drag and drop 377 lines of influence, deleting 377 lines of influence, drawing 377 printing and viewing 378 organization chart deleting contacts from 427 deleting lines of influence in 427 drawing lines of influence in 427 printing 427 organization hierarchy using drag and drop to depict 377 organization map deleting contacts from 444 deleting lines of influence in 444 drawing lines of influence in 444 printing 444 Owner field configuring for activities 195
48 3
Index P
pager company setting up 61 Parent LIC attribute list of values, about making values hierarchically dependent 80 parent Area, about changing 81 parent Web browser adding 69 parent-child business associations for audit specifying 89 partners adding for Enterprise Selling Process 428 password and default user ID 24 payment terms setting up 54 PDF form record, referencing the PDF 314 XML schema, mapping to using Adobe Designer 314 periods period units, associating with a period 56 setting up 55 personal contact promoting to a contact 304 phone formats about 56 calculating maximum length of international phone numbers 57 EAI Adapter 61 EIM, about importing information with 61 entering letters in place of digits 59 format examples (table) 59 international, about entering and format logic 57 querying for phone numbers 60 sorting phone numbers 59 specifying
entering account details 456 managing portfolios 451 performing a manager review 463 reviewing marketing events 460 reviewing objectives and action plans 462 reviewing opportunities 458 reviewing organizational analysis 459 reviewing partners 461 scenario 450 segmenting accounts 453 viewing segmentation map 455 Portfolio Management Process See PMP predefined queries, setting up about 46 creating by saving a query 47 Predefined Query view, setting up predefined query in 47 preferences overriding user preferences 228 system 465 price lists currency conversion 53 primary team member changing 371 PRIME activities adding 448 viewing 447 Priority input argument, about 170 products opportunity, associating to 373 profile contact, creating for 304 profile information, adding to a reference 395 profiles charts, viewing 396 projects, currency conversion 53 ProposalReportSleepTime system preference 469 prospects creating list from D&B data 296
queries audit trail information 91 canceling 48 phone number, examples 60 predefined query, about setting up 46 predefined query, creating by saving a query 47 predefined query, setting up in Predefined Query view 47 target list, creating by querying 259
Index R
quick fill template editing 70 making public 70 Quick Print Application system preference 469 Quick Print Output Format system preference 469 quotes currency code, about changing 53 opportunity revenues, updating 375 opportunity, creating from 374
employee access to 217 Resources list applet tip, adding fields 216 retroactive alarms about and changing displayed days 219 revenues updating opportunity revenues 375 RouteInboxItem method 170 RTI configuration file account locations, edit so not updated 287 caution if modified 280
rate lists about currency conversion 53 records form, generating using a record 316 multiple records, generating forms for 316 recurring message alert setting up 185 reference assets viewing 396 references accounts, designating as reference 392 accounts, process of managing and references 392 activities, adding 393 attachments, viewing 393 calendar, adding reference activity to 394 contact, associating with 393 note, adding to 394 profile information, adding to a reference 395 reference assets and profiles charts, viewing 396 scenario for managing 391 searching for references 395 relationship strategy developing 445 remote databases configuring Inboxes for use with 146 replication (Siebel Replication) about using Siebel Audit Trail 86 reports currency conversion supported in 53 Satmetrix survey reports, setting up 42 resources about 215 calendar activities, administering resources 216 calendars to which an employee has access, viewing 217 employees calendar, giving another
SADMIN ID about modifying responsibility 24 sales methods about 198 sales methodology, defining 200 sales pipeline analysis chart viewing 380 sales pipeline phases analysis chart viewing 380 SalesHierarchy:UseServerTask system preference 470 sample database about and logging in 29 Satmetrix Key Value system preference 470 Satmetrix survey reports setting up, about 42 symbolic URL, setting up for access 43 WI_ARG_TYPE, extending list of values for 43 Sch:Break Time Id system preference 470 Sch:Default Constraint Set system preference 470 Sch:Default Cost Function system preference 470 Sch:Default Parameter Set system preference 470 Sch:Default Time Window system preference 471 screen alerts about 182 screen home pages setting up default view links 71 script sample message broadcasting script 126 SecThickClientExtAuthent system preference 471 seed data about 30 list of values, modifying 78 server database, about 29
48 5
Index S
service requests viewing activities associated with 195 SetInboxParamInfo method 164 setup tasks summary of application administration tasks 30 setup, initial about 33 employee setup, additional information 34 employee setup, completing 36 locale name, creating translation for 42 locale, editing current locale 42 locales, about setting up 36 locales, creating 37 process of implementing 33 Satmetrix survey reports, setting up 42 skills, assigning 36 views, adding to the Siebel application 34 severity levels about using for message broadcasting 122 SIC (Standard Industrial Classification code) file about and D&B data 272 Siebel application about setting defaults in 46 license keys, hiding access to 28 Siebel Developer Web Client, starting from 24 Siebel Web Client, starting from 24 Siebel Audit Trail about 83 audit scope, about 84 audit trail records and record details, viewing 91 business component and fields, configuring to be audited 87 business component, disabling 88 business component, linking to 94 content of 84 customizing 99 decoding audit log file 94 decoding example business service 96 disabling 86 enabling 86 parent-child business components, configuring to be audited 89 process flow diagram 86 querying audit trail information 91 records, verifying 91 restrictions, list of 85 Siebel Remote and Siebel Replication users, about using 86 user, restricting by 90 Siebel eBriefings
about ordering D&B reports 284 sharing literature through 254 Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager importing phone information 61 Siebel Enterprise Selling Process (ESP) See Enterprise Selling Process Siebel Industry Applications See Global Target List Management Siebel Literature Competitors screen, sharing literature through 252 Correspondence screen, sharing literature through 254 Decision screen, sharing literature through 253 eBriefings, sharing literature through 254 literature files, about setting up 246 literature files, creating 246 literature files, modifying 246 literature item kits, creating 250 literature kits, about 245 literature or Infocenter, sharing literature through 255 literature records, creating 247 literature, associating with the decision issue 418 literature, making visible to users 251 Products screen, sharing literature through 252 software supported 246 translation records, associating with a literature record 250 Siebel objects association with activity objects 190 Siebel Remote Siebel Audit Trail, about using 86 Siebel Replication about using Siebel Audit Trail 86 Siebel Sales account, associating a contact 339 account, associating with an activity 340 account, associating with an opportunity 340 accounts assessments, performing 340 accounts credit profiles, viewing 341 accounts, about using 335 accounts, associating contact with 339 accounts, creating 336 scenario for managing accounts 335 Siebel Tools business component, enabling for state models 237 enabling Forms Integration for applets 311 license keys, entering additional using Tools 27
Index T
license keys, hiding access to 28 Siebel Web Client Siebel application, starting from 24 signature capture controls about 401 adding applet to an object 412 adding browser script to an applet 408 adding server script to an applet 408 compiling the SRF 413 creating applet control for 406 creating buttons for saving and clearing 407 creating form applet for 405 creating hidden control for 406 creating object and class for 404 extending Siebel database for 403 generating reports with signatures 414 implementing 402 registering OCX file 403 scenario for managing 402 testing applets 413 skills, assigning 36 SM WebIntelligence Server system preference 471 SmartScripts setting up Inbox links 142 software required, table 23 SQL (dnbinitial.sql) using to load D&B data 279 SqlStyle system preference 471 SSASqlErrRsltsDiscarded system preference 471 Standard Industrial Classification code about and D&B data 272 standard-interactivity application clients enabling or disabling message broadcasting 121 State Machine, defined 235 state models activating 240 business component, about configuring 237 business component, enabling in Siebel Tools 237 business component, is it already enabled? 237 child operations, enabling 241 child records, configuring all operations for 241 enforcing state models, about 240 functionality 235 mobile users, about activating 240 new state model, creating 238 scenario for managing 236 setting up state model, process of 237 state model objects, about reading 240
state transitions about criteria for 242 defined 235 new state model, creating 238 static drop-down lists about 73 constraining, about 80 Strict Date Format system preference 471 SubSqlStyle system preference 471 Suppress Side Applets Calendar Types user property 233 symbolic URL setting up for access to D&B database 283 setting up for Satmetrix reports 43 synchronization list adding a contact to 304 removing a contact from 305 Synchronize Account ASI 321 Synchronize Contact ASI 322 Synchronize Household ASI 322 system preferences for Siebel Business Applications 465 setting 46
Target Account Selling assessment, beginning 438 associated activities, adding to milestones 447 competitive analysis information, adding 440 competitive analysis, using TAS coach for 441 customer milestones, about 446 customer milestones, adding a milestone 446 deleting contacts from organization map 444 deleting lines of influence in organization map 444 drawing lines of influence in organization map 444 mapping organizations reporting structure 443 notes, adding 448 opportunities, using to manage 433 opportunity, assessing 211 opportunity, sales professionals assessing 438 organizational analysis 442 PRIME activities, adding 448 PRIME activities, viewing 447 printing organization map 444 process of managing 436
48 7
Index U
relationship strategy, developing 445 scenarios for managing 434 TAS Coach, using 439 TAS coach, using to perform assessment 212 TAS overview, completing 436 target lists activities, creating asynchronously 263 activities, creating from 261 activity templates, setting up 262 applying 261 creating by combining lists 261 creating by querying 259 editing 260 list applets, enabling on an applet 264 list applets, saving target lists in an applet 265 TAS Coach competitive analysis, using for 441 using 439 TAS Customer Milestone template creating in a localized application 204 Technical Support (Alt. 1) system preference 471 Technical Support (Alt. 2) system preference 471 Technical Support (FAX) system preference 471 Technical Support (URL) system preference 472 Technical Support (Voice) system preference 472 Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP) pager support of 61 templates activities, creating target lists from 261 activity template, deleting 205 activity templates, about activities created using 198 activity templates, about and activity plans 197 activity templates, creating without grandchild records 202 activity templates, using to create activity plans 205 assessment templates, about 207 assessment templates, creating 208 quick fill template, editing 70 quick fill template, making public 70 TAS Customer Milestone template, creating 204 time zone support, administering about 62 date and timestamps, about 63 time zone settings, modifying 62
translations of time zones, maintaining 63 timestamps about and dates 63 toggle applets Inbox view, types of views supported 148 Inbox views, configuring 148 Tools enabling Forms Integration for applets 311 ToolTip arrows, changing text 127 Day Summary ToolTip 222 text, displaying 221 translation records associating with a literature record 250 triggers Inbox trigger used in ESS 176 Inbox trigger used in Server Script 178
unformatted phone numbers 59 Universal Inbox business service about 131 CreateInbox method 154 CreateInboxEx method 153 CreateInboxItem method 156 CreateInboxOwner method 157 DeactivateInboxItem method 165 DeactivateInboxOwner method 167 definitions 151 DeleteInboxItem method 169 GetInboxItemInfo method 159 GetInboxOwnerInfo method 162 GetInboxOwnerInfoEx method 161 GetInboxParamInfo method 160 Initialize method 170 IsInboxItemExisted method 158 RouteInboxItem method 170 SetInboxParamInfo method 164 UpdateInboxItemInfo method 164 UpdateInboxOwnerInfo method 168 Universal Time Coordinated system preference 472 UpdateInboxItemInfo method 164 UpdateInboxOwnerInfo method 168 [U] urgent message severity level 122 user restricting Siebel Audit Trail by user 90 User Group system preference 472 user ID and password, default 24 user interface components showing and hiding 224 user interface strings
Index V
views customized views, adding 34 Inbox links, setting up 142
Web browser additional, adding Web browsers 68 capabilities, adding 67 capability, adding JumpTab 69 child Web browser, adding 70 extended capabilities, list of 67 parent Web browser, adding 69 required browser capabilities 68 Web Engine User Agent business service 67 Web services See Adobe Web service See Excel Web service See Word Web service WI_ARG_TYPE extending list of values for 43 Word Web service about 324 configuring 328 connecting template to Siebel EAI 328 downloading template 328 mail merge, getting Siebel data 329 mail merge, log as Siebel activity 332 mail merge, previewing message 331 mail merge, printing and sending messages 332 mail merge, process of 329
mail merge, refining message 331 mail merge, refining recipients 330 seed data 325 workflows Create Rerouted Oppty Activity, setting up 360 delivery of emails, restricting conditions for 361 email notifications, stop sending 362 Get Manager Email process, setting up 362 Global Target List Management workflows 263 opportunity assigned notification process, about 359 opportunity inactive notification process, about 359 opportunity lost notification process, about 360 opportunity notification workflow, setup steps 358 opportunity won notification process 360 opportunity workflow email, modifying the language of 361 opportunity workflows, setting up 359 time lapse between lead assignment and email delivery, modifying 360
XML schema generating for Form Integration mapping to the PDF 314 313
ZIP Codes, adding 61
48 9
Index Z